#is it gay to share braincells?
ever-siince-new-york · 10 months
@gingerjolover and i’s wedding anniversary today 😍(we’ve been mutuals for one month) luv sharing the brain rot with u & putting our collective brain cell together to form full thoughts 🫶
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catsharky · 1 year
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Presenting: King Sidon, his wife Queen Yona and his boyfriend Link.
Yona is very supportive of everything except Sidon forgetting his ceremony cues.
(I had an atrocious week and TotK has been coming in clutch for keeping me sane.)
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beanghostprincess · 11 months
this is what a polyamorous relationship looks like
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Peter to Remus, who’s about to get married: Today, two families are becoming one. James, in an ominous voice: Two families enter, one family leaves. Marlene: That sounds so threatening… Lily: The Wedding Games… Sirius: May the bouquet toss be ever in your favor. Remus: Beautiful. Peter: Fuck all of you!
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yasyassie · 6 months
I just LOVE the evolution of the relationship between Elora and Kit. Their scenes in episode 7 were everything
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Yes enemies to lovers is great but enemies to friends is sooo underrated
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yardikins · 4 months
Ritzneer Tangled AU because yes
I’m literally insane about this AU not even joking
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sir-buddy · 1 year
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Back on the Jedtavius art grind.
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Forget about confessing undying love, do you even like him if you don't ask him to shoot you at least once?
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X-Men First Class (2011)
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Good Omens S2 (2023)
peak gay culture
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wtf-is-sleep-even · 2 months
(short thing i wanted to write cause you guys seem to like AU's more than i thought. Human AU, they play DND* *quick note i dont really know exactly how DND or TTRPG's work but i know theres a storyline mechanic and im using that to my advantage)
It really was an accident, truly. Jedediah didnt even know what DND was up until half a year ago, one of his best friends teenaged kid, Nicky, had picked up a kick for table top rpg's, Jed thought it was stupid at first but tagged along just to be sure there was enough players, he did care for the kid, he was like his nephew, he just didnt expect how much fun it would be. An hour and a half in and he was bored out of his mind, another hour in he was coughing up his lungs he was laughing so much! it was nice to spend time with his friends like this, and it made the kid happy, so he kept going.
it's just make-believe, a game of pretend, but the feelings he felt were real, anxious at the next battle, frustrated at the confusing (but clever) puzzles, the surprise and humor at a funny encounter, the second hand embarrassment for when one of his friend's characters made a fool of themself, and, the love. Jed knew that he felt something different for Octavius, at first he thought he hated the guy, but day after day it was made known that he actually loved him.
and of course, he had to be in the same DND group as him, classic, whats even funnier is that in-game, their characters are married, something about appeasing a court in the faewild, it didnt matter much because just a few weeks after that, Octavius asked him out on a date. They've been a couple ever since. But the group doesnt know that, they've made jokes here and there but it never crossed any lines, Jedediah didnt tell anyone out of fear first, Octavius didnt tell anyone because nobody asked much, he told people casually and it wasnt much of a problem after, so they never told the group.
Jed wasnt afraid anymore, so why not take a chance?
it was one of the calmer sessions in the games, still walking carefully in case of any curses that reside in the lands. "Its an awfully inviting clearing, the trees shift and stir, the birds chirp and sing, a foggy mist settles over the sides dimming the lights to reveal fireflies dancing in the air, but hiding any way of escape, what do you do?" Nicky narrates, hes gotten so much better at it, instead of the stumbly, stuttering sections of small text and strained, hidden voices of characters he was trying to play, he was bold and steady, the picture flowing seamlessly into the next "can i look to see if there are any traps or illusions?" Ahkmenrah asks, one of Jed and Larry's best friends from highschool, both of them were happy to see him again
"roll a perception check, add a disadvantage because of the fog" Ahk rolls his D-20 "uh, 17" Nicky nods, looking over to gloss over the page of his notebook "you spot a beartrap at the side of a fallen tree, its clapped around one of its branches, reaching out to touch the outside of the clearing, it seems that its real, but it doesnt feel like wood, it feels like a stone pillar, the area isnt an illusion, but not everything is right" they nod, one of them in the group, a guy named Lance that Ahk dragged along (who Jed totally didnt wanna punch because Octavius remarked on his eyes, no way) advanced forward and saw a shallow grave in the dirt, they all came to see it
"is there anything at the bottom?" Oct asked, Nicky smiled, bad sign "there is! a small wooden chest, there isnt any locks on it, it seems you can just open it like you would with any other box" Octavius hummed, Jed tried to ignore how the sound gave him butterflies "i take the box!" lance announced, Nicky describes how he takes it, opening it up to reveal a bottle with a note in it and a sharp dagger, obsidian blade with a willow wood handle, Octavius opted to inspect the dagger for any inscriptions or engravings
"you take the dagger in your hands, it feels heavier than any steel or even obsidian that you've ever held, in the handle it reads "with love, My dagger" everyone was confused, another puzzle, woo boy. Ahk tried to figure it out but just got nowhere, Octavius asked if there was anywhere you could put a dagger, "the stone alter shines slightly, there seemed to be a slot in it, but the air around it seemed that whoever did this, would pay a price" Octavius debated for a second before saying to insert the dagger, his character was met with a faewild curse
"you fall over, completely unconscious before you even hit the ground, a faewild curse passes over you, you shall be alseep for until you find a kiss of true and pure love, y'know like that one disney princess, sleeping beauty or snow white, i cant remember, but yeah" the group chuckles while Octavius states that this couldnt have ended worse, suddenly Lance pipes up "arent Gaius and Smith married? would Smith be able to wake him up or no?" Nicky passes Jed a D-20 "roll"
Jedediah rolled "12" Nicky laughed "alright yeah, Smith kneels down to check whats wrong, feeling the compelling urge to kiss Gaius, he gives him a kiss on the lips and suddenly Gaius's eyes flicker open, hes awake but has a disadvantage on all persuasion and strength rolls" the two others laugh, not thinking that would actually work when Jed smirked, the fun of DND was mostly that they got to act out what the characters do, right? he shrugged "alright"
Jedediah grabbed Octavius's face, pulling him in for a kiss, Octavius was shocked by the sudden affection but melted into it quickly, closing his eyes and pulling the other by the collar of his shirt. The table went into absolute chaos, they didnt expect THIS, Octavius pulled away with a smile, Jed chased his lips, connecting them again for another kiss "ALRIGHT BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP!!" Ahkmenrah and Nicky yelled.
yeah, Jedediah likes DND nights
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darkh-cristal-kh12 · 1 year
A normal day in the Deep Cut household
Frye: hey babes have you seen-
Shiver: *crawling on all fours on the ceiling like a spider, with a sandwich in their mouth*
Big man: *trying to pry them off of the ceiling with a broom stick to get his sandwich back*
Frye: hey! Eyes one me hunnies. Have you two seen my weighted blanket?
Big man: ay ayy (it's in your closet)
Shiver: it's on the lowest shelf
Fry: thanks *walks away*
Biggie: ay, ayy!!! (Now you, give me my sandwich!!!) *Gently hitting their side with the stick*
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knwtqm · 2 years
Losers (affectionately)
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che2rybomb · 2 years
In that scene in ep 4 where Louis Lestat and Claudia go to buy Claudia’s coffin and the store keeper clocks that something’s off, the way Louis just strides straight to the window to shut the curtain tight without anyone’s cue and almost before lestat even starts walking towards the poor man with his ominous Walk(TM) is so funny to me. Louis is literally like:
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ssour-apathyy · 2 years
i love when Gwendoline posts on The Gram™️ and suddenly everybody's posting the same pic on the dash. true poetry.
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Marlene and Barty hcs cause why not
(and because i think their friendship would be amazing and way too chaotic)
• they met because of Dorcas
• at first Marlene was a bit scared of Barty cause he loved to say the most unhinged shit ever and look at Marlene's horrified face
• they listen to maneskin together
• gay and lesbian besties
• they paint their nails together
• "OH MY FUCKING GOD BARTY DORCAS JUST SMILED LOOK" "Marls i'm literally next to you wtf"
• "I'm so gay bro" "same"
• "Oh my god look at Evan's hands I want him to fuck me so bad" "Kill yourself"
• "Barts looks the way they're looking at each other" "Yeah they definitely fucked"
• "you suck" "and swallow"
• they also have matching tattoos
• silver jewellery besties
• "Marls isn't that my t-shirt?" "yeah i thought it was cool so i stole it"
• they fight about quidditch (Barty loves to tease Marlene when Slytherin wins and she gets so worked up about it)
• they're unstoppable together and Dorcas regret her life decisions
• they dye each other hair
• they also do their piercings together
• Barty says something in italian and Marlene answers in polish
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yashley · 2 years
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imogen/fearne moments that make me feral: 4/?
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ceoofdestructix · 1 year
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Time to draw some sweetness of these two
Tumbjorn 💕✨️
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