#is there not horror in the damage a parent can cause to their family?
fiendishartist2 · 1 year
"petscop isnt horror" guys when webhorror doesn't have distorted faces:
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DP×DC prompt. Pre-Dead on main. Soulmate Au.
Do clones have soulmates? And evil (depressed) future versions of yourself? Only phamily is allowed to know.
Jason wasn’t particularly thrilled to have a soulmate. Of course, it was a rare phenomenon many wanted. But the presence of the tattoo did not guarantee a meeting with the fate promised man. The tattoo was more a clue than a commitment, according to Jason. Meeting a street rat like him would be a good way to form a brotherhood, but that doesn’t mean he could trust a stranger completely just because fate says so.
After he became Robin, owning a soulmate became undesirable. Jason once again made sure that it was best that they never meet. It would be safer for his human. Or rather, so Jason thought, until his inscription suddenly darkened and disappeared. Died. His solmate died, and there was nothing he could do. He knew it could happen, but somehow it hurt anyway. One person has only one soulmate for life. And he wasted his chance by not even trying to find his one.
He didn’t even have time to meet someone for whom fate has chosen this line:
Hoc est vivere bis, vita posse priore frui.
(It is to live twice, when you can enjoy recalling your former life)
And Now it didn’t matter. Would they be lovers, best friends, family? What kind of person was the one whom the universe associated with this quote?Jason is not meant to know.
Todd was suffering from nightmares. No, to be more specific, he was experiencing a completely different life in a dream. A few days earlier, he had hallucinations in which his surroundings seemed to change the appearance of different eras for a few seconds. Strange glitch. Jason blamed the sleep deprivation that Red Robin must have given him through bite. But Robin didn’t know who the hell Red Robin was.
The search for a biological mother, death and resurrection. His work as a crime lord. His madness and envy to the red robin. It was so strange. Life in Gotham never allowed him to be a naive child like the idiots of Metropolis but those dream memories made him grow up to fast again. In an attempt to wash away this nightmare and this blood, Jason stands under a cold shower at five o'clock in the morning. And then he notices that his mark has changed. It looks like a tree crown now.
On top of the old grey line a neon-green quotes lit up in latin, but now Jason can read them without a dictionary:
1)Death pursues the man even as he flees from it.
2) Hail, Emperor, those who are about to die salute you.
3) There is no easy way from the earth to the stars.
When B tries to pat him on the shoulder after the patrol, Robin dodges. Too much has happened, or rather, too much should happen. These dreams are too real to be the result of fear toxin damage or something else. The feeling of betrayal and fear that comes when he just thinks about the damn clown is too intense. And now he's too weak to fight him. He doesn't have his gang or a more mature body, or even the confidence in Batman that allowed Robin to fly without a doubt.
~You can't love anyone, 'cause that would mean you had a heart~
If you were loved by a man when he was alive, then the love of a ghost will be for you either a blessing or a curse. And if the spirit is not at rest because of his hatred for man, then there is no special sense to put up with the dead. They can hardly change their attitude. They don’t think critically. Maddie and Jack expound this theory on career day for Danny’s classmates. And they don’t understand why their boy looks at the presentation with horror.
Danny was fond of the quote on his wrist. It gave him hope many times even in the darkest of times.
~Fortis est ut mors dilectio / Love is strong as death~
Danny never listened to his parents' theories before. But what if they’re right? What if the ghosts of nature are just good liars and his ghost half convinced his human half that he’s still capable of emotion? Were these just residual memories of affection about family and friends that forced him to stay in Amity Park? Was it just his ghost obsession that told him a man behind his mark was important?
For the first time, when Jazz summons all the Phantoms to a weekly meeting, Danny does not seek excuses, but brings the matter up for a discussion.
Truly, it's no surprise to him that Dan’s tattoo is invariable. But it’s a bit of a surprise that Dani shares special human with them. Well, as ghosts, they have zero chance of actually spending their "lives" with the person behind words, so there’s no reason to be jealous of each other.
A lot of soulmates live their lives without each other, and it's not a tragedy. Or so Danny and Dani thought. Until Dan sarcastically notes during a family therapy session in Jazz’s room that their soulmate will not live to be fifteen either.
Their feelings or their absence will wait. Their soul mate is now in real danger, and this is far more important than the existential crisis of a few pieces of ectoplasm. This is the main problem. Jazz doesn’t agree, but honestly, the older sister has always been a bore. Danny panics and Dani also bursts into tears when Dan just shrugs his shoulders.
Danny: So you know who is our soulmate is, right? Dan: Of course I do. And I know the grave won’t hold him forever. Dani: So how is he..going to die? Dan: Murdered. By the Joker. I studied the case. Asked Vlad to still it for me. That was the beginning of the end, I think. So many broken bones and so much blood, and then the explosion. Not the best way to die. The only thing I regret is that I didn't stop playing the hero and kill that damn clown before it happened. It would solve so many problems. And why didn't I throw a temper tantrum a couple of days earlier instead of trying to get rid of my emotions first?
Danny: True. That shit didn't work anyway. Dan: Shut up. Dani: I was hoping that our soulmate would be happy even without us. Does this really have to happen? Isn't there anything we can do? Dan: Ask your time freak. But in my experience, anything connected to Phantom just doesn’t get a happy ending.
~~~~~~They say that time's supposed to heal ya, but I ain't done much healing~~~~~~
Jazz is not surprised when after breakfast with her siblings she's asked to leave so they can talk to themselves alone. Dan: Well, shoot. What else do you want to know? Danny: Like you didn’t figure it out. All right. When you asked Vlad to separate your human half from ghost half, whether you really wanted to get rid of human emotions or.. Dan: Or did I try to kill myself? You are me. You must know the answer. Nobody's left. Could you live with the shame of not being able to save them? Dani: Um, that vile monster who made all this happen with out soulmate, it was still exist in your timeline? Dan: Yes. And Batman too. Even after Jason's death he didn’t get rid of the damn clown.
Danny: You were supposed to be there for him. Dan: I know. Dani: Did you at least avenge him? Dan: I tried. But his paranoid furry dad, with his backup plans for backup plans, was always getting in my way. Dani: Batman? Our soulmate is Robin? Danny: Come on, you terrorized the entire Amity Park, don’t tell me you’re scared of a man in a bat suit. You couldn't get rid of one person under bat's nose? Seriously? We're such a disgrace, man. Dan: Oh please, don’t be ridiculous. Danny: So why not? Dan: Because Batman is his father, like I said. You know how I work. Even if I had only come for Joker, there would be no guarantee that I wouldn't end up getting into a fight with this vigilante as well. Even if the bastard deserved a good beating, it would still be awkward if our soulmate returned to the world of the living and it turned out that this was not what he wanted, right? Danny: How thOughTfuL.
Dan:...I think I told you to shut up.
Danny: Yeah, yeah. So, what’s the plan? Dan: You do realize that if I go to Gotham, I won’t spare Joker or anyone who will try to hurt our bird? Danny: Well, if Сlockwork has a problem with it he should say it to my face. I’m not asking you to hold back. Not this time. Joker is not just a random guy or a ghost who can be talked out of his ideas. Better nip the problem in the bud. Dani: Yeah. We are ghost, so it's our nature to protect what belongs to us. And we are selfish because we are humans. We can’t hide it, well, from ourself, right? Danny: Um, right, but we think you should stay. It's too dangerous. Dani: But he's my soulmate too! Even if he doesn't get to know either of us, I also want to do something to help him. Someone has to serve as a distraction or be ready to help. I'm coming too. It's not up for discussion.
Dan: Just let her. She's just as stubborn as we are. We'll spend more time on pointless arguments than on the mission itself.
Danny: I hate it when you're right.
Dani: Now, should we tell Jazz about our weekend or? Danny: Good question.
~~~~~~ Jazz: Where are you guys going? Danny: To commit murder. Nothing brings families together faster, you know? Want to come with us? Jazz: Haha, very funny. Take me a burger on the way home. Dani: Okay. Dan: Oh, she's gonna kill us.
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Danny totally kills the Joker
I have a very specific Eldritch!Danny in my head that, even though I've tried drawing before, I can't really get out of my head if you get what I mean
And as a dead on main shipper and a lover of angst I have him do shit that causes problems
Like kill the Joker in a blind rage after an Arkham break out
So it's like this, after a breakout that obviously requires all hands on deck, everyone is eventually re-cuffed and put back in their cells (including the Joker).
Red Hood and Phantom are doing some clean up in the Narrows and it's hard on them. Seeing some kids whose parents died cuz of the clown nearly broke Hood.
Phantom, now well known as Hood's right hand, picks up some of the burden. Helping more then he normally does with some displaced kids and families cuz he can feel Hood breaking down.
It hurts..
After the night/day/whatever is over, they head back home to their appartment and Jason just breaks. Danny's been helping with the pit rage so without all the extra anger crowding him it just sort of crumbles into pain and hurt.
Danny can't stand it
He can't stand to see Jason like this
Jason was his rock, his shoulder to cry on, his partner in crime. He had always been there for Danny when he had panic attacks and couldn't breathe cuz he saw some guy walking down the street in a white suit. Was always telling him it was going to be okay. Had told him things were gonna be alright. And now the roles had switched. Danny comforted Jason for who knows how long. Held him tight till he calmed down and was able to fall asleep. Once Danny was sure Jason would be okay he slipped out of the appartment...
Phantom would not stand for this.
Phantom flew over to Arkham with the intent to "have a little chat" with the Joker. Just ruf him up a bit. Scare him shitless so he'd rethink ever braking out again.
He didn't mean to bash the guys skull in.
He didn't even realize he'd been beating a flattened pound of meat and skull till Batman showed up and pulled him from his mind.
He looked over to where he'd heard his name and saw Batman and Nightwing standing by the door of the cell. Both were wrapped in bandages, some obviously stained in blood from the damage they endured during the breakout.
Dick covered his mouth and stared in horror at the sight of Danny, who he'd been lovingly calling his future brother-in-law for the past 2 months, covered in the Jokers blood. He looked like a staticky, distorted shadow. Three(3) sets of arm all ending with white clawed hands; one pair around the Jokers barely intact neck, another clutching the inmate uniforms chest, the last frozen mid punch. Bruce, having just the slightest ecto-connection from the pit, fought off the screaming in his chest to run and leave the King be.
Bruce slowly approached Phantom. Phantom on the other hand, slowly realized what he'd just done and was starting to panic.
He'd just killed a man
Sure he fucking deserved it but he just....let himself go. Let himself indulge in his rage, be consumed by it. And now the Batman was here to stop him. Would he send him back to the Realms? Would he lock him up, away from anyone he could hurt? Away from Jason?
Phantom flinches when Bruce touches his shoulder. And continues to try and back away when Bruce calls for someone to get a hold of Jason on the coms. What's he doing? Isn't he going to be thrown into a cell? He's dangerous! He could do this again if he wasn't dealt with! Why is Bruce calling for Jason? Does he want to show him the monster he let into his life? Does he want Jason to be the one to do it?
Bruce is talking.
Not Batman, but Bruce, is saying something to him, his name.
Not Phantom
"Danny? Danny!?"
Phantom disappears and isn't seen for two(2) days
Nightwing is the one to find him. In some warehouse, slamming his head into a support beam, yelling at himself that he can't become Dan.
I don't know how to continue this. It was supposed to have a nice hurt/comfort ending but I'm not a fic writer and I don't know how to do that. So feel free to use this as a prompt or something 👻👉🏾👈🏾
Edit: figured I'd add one of the Danny doodles I did a while back cuz it fits. I already posted it a while ago but it feels appropriate here too.
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creature-wizard · 2 years
If you're interested in hypnosis in any way, I think it's important to understand the role it played in the Satanic Panic, and the damage it caused.
I'm not saying you can't practice hypnosis. I'm saying that you need to be aware of what can happen when people practice hypnosis in a misinformed way.
To really oversimplify things, in the 1970s and 1980s, your Evangelical types were really buttmad over stuff like civil rights, women having jobs, and also legal abortion.
Evangelicals believe everything is a war between ultimate good and ultimate evil. Everything they disapprove of is therefore the work of Satan.
Everything they disapprove of, of course, is whatever they feel doesn't serve their Christofascist politics. Also, convincing believers that evil was lurking everywhere in the outside world was a damn good way to keep them in the fold, where they felt safe.
Hence you had Evangelicals claiming that rap and rock and roll were Satanic and loaded with subliminal messages encouraging the youth to commit sin. They claimed that Halloween was a Satanic holiday and trick-or-treating was some kind of Satanic rite, which meant that kids who went trick-or-treating were secretly worshiping Satan without knowing it!
Then you had scam artists like Mike Warnke come along and claim that there were actual Satanic cults plotting the downfall of good Christian society.
And then there was Michelle Remembers, a book that supposedly describes the totally real and not at all confabulated memories of a woman who would fall into trance states in her therapist's office and recount the most theatrically ghastly tales of things a Satanic cult supposedly did in Victoria, British Columbia.
And this is where hypnosis comes in.
See, there was this whole idea that hypnosis was a foolproof method for recovering lost memories, and all kinds of everyday mental issues were chalked up to repressed memories. Supposedly, people could be cured of their ills by uncovering the repressed memories.
People would undergo hypnosis and "remember" Satanic abuse, often from family members. The way these "memories" often contained elements from popular horror films, antisemitic conspiracy theories, and witch hunt propaganda raised fewer eyebrows than it should have.
Best case scenario, families were torn apart as children became convinced their parents were Satanic abusers. Worst case scenario, innocent people were put on trial and put in prison for crimes they never committed.
The lack of forensic evidence didn't stop people. They simply declared that the Satanists must have hidden or destroyed all of the evidence. Never mind the amount of work it would have required. Never mind the utter impossibility of hiding the evidence in some cases.
Also, the people who'd undergone therapy were often traumatized by their confabulated memories. Far from curing them, the hypnotherapy only made things worse, because they believed it was all real.
Anyone who has any interest in hypnosis, hypnotherapy, or even any sort of trance work should keep all of this in mind. Not everything you experience is going to be "real." And just as stress can make you more likely to have nightmares, it can also make you more likely to see scary things while in a trance.
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gunpowderdtim · 6 months
could i possibly please hear your marius backstory hc? no pressure ofc
boy am i glad you asked.
Byron, as per "canon", grew up on a planet with poor nutrition, poor everything really, with his sister, Dorothea, and his parent. (menntioned by kofi once)
Dorothea and Byron spent their time, when not experiencing the horrors, poking around ruins, trying not to die, and to scavenge what they can from the relics left behind by the long-crumbled ancient society of some sort.
(Very memory of water, if any of you have read that book)
One day, Byron and Dorothea stumble across an entrance to some sort of old science facility, or warehouse, or perhaps hangar is the best word.
And together, they discover Kismet, Fate, (or, more pertinently within my mechs canon, fate in the matter that a story has its written ending.) - and Byron begins piloting it.
A sword in a stone, one might say.
When Arthur got his railgun, that started his destiny.
Byron did not have a military grade gun.
Byron had Kismet.
Now what is Kismet?
A gundam, a mecha, a giant fucking humanoid robot vehicle that Byron then pilots to do plot things.
What sort of plot things? Exactly what doesn't particularly matter, only that Byron did not stop.
He just kept on fucking going. Until he couldn't. That sounds sort of familiar, huh?
Like Hercules.
[Zeus's] favourite trick is to offer [his bastard children] a place in the family, contingent on the completion of a suicide mission or two. Most barely last a week, but Heracles? Heracles is too mean, too tough, and too stupid to stop. So he just keeps going. 
Now, Kismet eventually will crash, with Byron inside, but thats to discuss later, for now, lets ask another question:
How does Kismet operate?
To me, Kismet is made of a very familiar metal - the sort, that we may know, "hums like a far off chant"
(the sort of metal i think all Mechanisms are made of, a far off chant, you say? like a song?)
And how, i may offer, do machines of metal like that operate?
His name is Kvasir, a low level member of the Midgardian resistance, but that doesn't matter. What matters is the dozen tubes and feed lines plugged into his veins, pumping blood through the arcane glyphs and blood channels and gears and sigils that line the chamber. The metal is the same as that which makes the track, and it hums like a far off chant.​
Blood. Blood that runs through channels, the life force of the user, hoooking them into the heart of the machine to feed it, to regulate it.
(We know the mechanisms are likely powered off void. They shimmer rainbow when damaged.)
Byron is Kismet's pilot, and, i would imagine, there has to me a mechanism of sort to pilot it, pilot fate, to me, i envision a cuff around his arm, with veins of metal snaking up his veins, sapping his blood, drop by drop, to power the machine.
Byron is the heart, in the center of machine, who needs hearts blood when you act as it? He controls Kismet with a cuff around his arm He is its pilot.
He steers fate.
Thor begins pulling levers and throwing switches seemingly at random, causing the glyphs and channels to move and warp their constellations.
Byron, most likely, pulls the wrong lever.
Kismet crashes.
And Byron becomes it.
Or it becomes Marius.
The cuff stops being around his arm, starts being his arm, fusing into his body, his bones, becoming it, becoming him, and Byron becomes something else altogether.
Byron Von Raum once piloted Kismet.
Kismet is now piloting Marius.
What is the relationship between parasite and host? What is the relationship between pilot and ship? What is the relationship between Mechanism, and the body a mechanism 'enhances'?
What is the relationship between a story, and its ending?
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Episode 52 - Goodbye. [FINALE]
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Kerubim is so scandalized that he forgot about being sad for a second, while Joris is just... too lost in the sauce.
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In the end, what made Kerubim take Simone's advice to heart, is Joris's sad face.
He loves him a lot.
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He really doesn't want Joris to go through The Horrors.
It must be so awful, being a parent, — knowing you can't protect someone forever, knowing that you've probably hurt that someone yourself.
...I'm insane about them. I should be put down like a rabid dog.
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I think a lot about the two years they probably spent travelling the world, before settling down in Bonta. Perhaps, before what happened with Julith, living there was supposed to be a temporary thing too.
Kerubim is so giddy about teaching Joris the family business. He has been the whole series, but it never gets old, y'know?
They love each other a lot.
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Crazy? I was crazy once. I watched this show. And this show makes me crazy.
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He hasn't allowed himself to think of this being possible since settling down. He really tried not to.
But if they're moving on from this bubble of safety, where everything is always familiar, then anything is possible, isn't it?
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They took the time to draw Julie's hair salon being closed down...
Even if I will rewatch it yet again, many times in the future, I will miss liveblogging this show a lot.
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Yet again, I am thinking about the fact that they were connected to the canalization and water systems of the city. I wonder how much damage they caused by leaving like this. dfjgsfhgsfd.
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This is going to be true for their whole lives, y'know?
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No matter the distance or time, they have enough love for their friends to last for centuries.
And when their friends are long gone, they'll live on through their stories, — that's a type of immortality, too.
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And what a long, fantastic adventure it will be.
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It's time to stop pretending like Kerubim's adventures ever really ended, and start moving forward again, — towards the future.
Even if it is a future their friends can follow them into, — even if they'll outlive them, because life is just a bit cruel, — it will be worth it.
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Fly safe, Kerubim and Joris!
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mari-lair · 1 year
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lord and lady of hell, from the demon killua au.
a bit of info on the Zoldycks below.
The Zoldycks rule the underworld, even their children are feared among demons.
Only the Zoldyck family have amulets that allow them to visit the human world, unless a calamity happens, or humans actively try rituals to bring demons to their home, demons remain 'obediently' in hell.
Kikyo hides her tail but she does not have wings. As a demon of darkness, she gets weakened by the sun, and avoids the living world, finding her husband a much much better personal sun, the only light worth the pain. She lost her wings and sight with him.
Kikyo shadows are so thick they become a physical thing that instills fear in mortals. Her face can only be seen when Silva kisses her and his flames get close, but that hasn't happened in a while. None of their children knows what she looks like.
Silva's fire can seriously hurt if he doesn't control it, out of his children, only killua and Illumi have ever seen him with white flames, usually blue flames are enough to blind beings of shadow.
Rumors have it Kikyo and Silva were in love once upon a time, or at least, as close to 'in love' as they can be.
They have consumed plenty of souls, and caused enough damage in the living world to be feared and gain titles. Whenever there is a dark starless night, or a scorching sun that overstates its welcome, people fear they are walking in the living world.
Silva was nerfed a lot after a 'end of the world' scenario where people were forced to work together to kick him out, and couldn't use most of his powers in the living world.
Killua can be hurt by flames but it's very very hard, no fireplace can hurt him. In fact, he would love to sleep in a fireplace.
Illumi can erase people's memories and with time he learns to drive them insane. He loves his family and nothing else. Though some humans intrigue him slightly (he is unaware of said fact)
Souls are needed to gain power, but they don't feed a demon: they cannot gain fat from eating souls, they need to chew on a body. Most of the Zoldycks got their mother's appetite and eat on rare occasions, only when they find an appetitizing human, but Milluki likes the taste of people and goes overboard at times.
Milluki finds some human entertainment (such as games, movies, inaccurate demoniac things, etc) nice. And he bring toys with him on his rare trips. The family does not approve of his hobby but since he brings them soul, they let him be.
Alluka is the only child whose powers are a blend of her parents: She creates a fire that produces a lot of smoke and steals other sources of near by light to exist. Usually, killua is the one making fires for her to steal.
Kalluto loves his mom and usually does what she wants. He hasn't been outside yet.
Everyone still have their training/torture.
Nanika grants wishes, similar to canon, at first they throw her into the living world to see what will happen, using mortals as tests. They got wary at the result, noticing it happened with demons that asked her for wishes too, and decided to lock her up instead.
Illumi erases Killua's memory of her so Killua feels oddly more empty. He chalks it as a result of living in this gloomy underworld and craving to have a friend in the nice living world, full of fun things to see.
Killua never had the urge to eat any humans, only doing to survive and not relating to how much Miluki likes doing it. He will eventually have a mini crisis wondering if he wants to kiss Gon or eat him when he first get a crush, much to his own horror.
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theremina · 2 years
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Adoption causes way more intergenerational trauma and collective health crises than I think many "kept" people realize.
If you bother to read it, the science is clear: adoption is violently traumatic, causing devastating, irreversible health issues for millions of human beings. Yet I'd have more luck conveying the severity and longevity of my own trauma to most non-adoptees with "I was dropped on my head as a baby."
Heck, I didn't begin to contend with the horrors of my own situation until my mid forties. Being yeeted directly after birth into foster care and eventually adopted by lovely, well-intentioned folks who were not prepared *at all* to help me deal with the lifelong neurodevelopmental disorders and physical health problems directly caused by my abandonment at birth has permanently damaged me. I'm saying so as one of the "lucky ones".
I adore my adoptive family. They're incredible parents. We love each other dearly. This doesn't change the fact, not for one second, that I wouldn't wish adoption on ANYBODY. Thankfully, my folks understand this. I wish more adoptive parents did.
The modern adoption industry* is, by design, deeply misogynistic, racist, transactional, ableist, imperialist, colonial. Ignorance and hate and apathy and coercion and subjugation and dehumanization and capitalism keep the machine running.
We're already seeing the beginning of Baby Scoop Too: Electric Boogaloo on Facebook. On Twitter. On Instagram. On other social media platforms owned and controlled by obscenely wealthy white men who don't consider private adoptions to be unethical.
You may *think* that legalized human trafficking doesn't really effect you, but soon, if the Christofascists continue their cultural blitzkrieg, the amount of infants and children who end up in the foster care system, adopted by unqualified people, in devastating private "rehoming" situations like the one shared above, or worse, is gonna SKYROCKET.
So...I'm barely on Facebook anymore for a few different reasons. One of them is that I couldn't handle watching a whole bunch of ignorant self-proclaimed feminists making shitty adoption jokes after Roe was overturned.
Another reason is that Facebook is LITERALLY A BABY MARKET.
Nearly 100 million American families are in the adoption triad, with a majority of adoptees' needs and voices being considered last instead of first. It's so backwards.
Non-kinship adoption is a systemic violence that cannot help but touch the lives of billions. That is so very, very bad for ALL of us, not just abandoned infants and children or their struggling parents.
Some straightforward response questions for every person who has ever asked me about about my adoption:
Are you a feminist? Are you antiracist? Are you a humanitarian? Anti-ableist? Do you consider yourself lefty, liberal, or otherwise progressive? Do you respect science? Then please reevaluate your perceptions of adoption.
For every adoptive or bio parent you listen to, listen to three or more adoptees. For every shitty adoption "joke" you've ever told, check in with an adoptee (or first mom) in a kind and caring way. For every ignorant question you've ever asked an adoptee about our "real parents", crack a book!
Please. Do some research. Learn. Please. Center transracial adoptees, international adoptees, disabled adoptees, queer adoptees. Please. This stuff impacts all of us just as surely as countless other aspects of systemic rape culture do. Try to understand. Please.
I'm more certain than ever that we must abolish before we can rebuild.
Please give a shit. Please.
*The fact that adoption is an industry at all should shock and horrify us all, and yet... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[image description: a screenshot of a Facebook post with a black border and caption reading, “Welcome to America, where people try to regime adopted children on Facebook Marketplace.” The Facebook post itself reads, “So basically they either want him to come back home, or have CPS place him in a foster home. Or I can find someone willing to take him in, and ‘under the table’ pay them the stipend, we get. If CPS places him they will have to have an open case against me. In doing that I will lose my job. I cannot work at a daycare, school, group home etc. if I have an open active CPS case against me. How the hell do I go about ‘re-homing’ my child? Should I create a post in market place? Through no fault of our own, we are being forced to re-home our thirteen year old son. He can be the most loving, helpful young man. He does suffer some learning difficulties. He comes with a complete wardrobe and a monthly allotment. Only serious inquiries please.” End id]
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richincolor · 2 days
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New Releases - Week of September 17, 2024
It's almost like the releases in September are preparing us for the scary time of the year. Three out of four of these releases are nightmarish, thriller types. They look like they will give folks a few chills. We have fear and magic to look forward to this week. 
Ruin Road by Lamar Giles Scholastic Press
Sometimes a little fear is a good thing…
Cade Webster lives between worlds. He’s a standout football star at the right school but lives in the wrong neighborhood–if you let his classmates tell it. Everywhere but home, people are afraid of him for one reason or another. Afraid he’s too big, too fast, too ambitious, too Black.
Then one fateful night, to avoid a dangerous encounter with the police, he ducks into a pawn shop. An impulse purchase and misspoken desire change everything when Cade tells the shopkeeper he wishes people would stop acting so scared around him, and the wish is granted…
At first, it feels like things have taken a turn for the better. But it’s not just Cade that people no longer fear–it’s everything. With Cade spreading this newfound “courage” wherever he goes, anything can happen. Fearless acts of violence begin to escalate in both his neighborhood and at school. Something monstrous is clearly at work and it’s up to Cade to stop it. But just what did he buy and what’s the price to undo the damage? After all, the devil’s in the details.
Such Lovely Skin by Tatiana Schlote-Bonne Page Street YA
An evil video game A lying Twitch streamer A demon hungry for her secrets
After spending the summer wracked with guilt about causing the accident that killed her little sister, ambitious gamer and chronic liar Viv returns to Twitch streaming. She never told her parents the truth about the accident, but she hopes that maybe making it big in streaming and giving the money to them is penance enough for her mistakes.
The weekend before school starts, Viv finds the perfect horror game to make her Twitch comeback, and during an offline practice run, an NPC asks Viv for a secret. She decides to tell them the truth about her sister’s death since a game could never share her secret―in doing so, she accidentally welcomes a demonic mimic into her life.
No one believes Viv when she tells them about her evil doppelganger. Viv has lied to get her best friend’s sympathy and has spread rumors for attention, so why should anyone trust her now? The only person who believes her is Ash, a cute social outcast whom Viv once bullied. In trying to clear her name and kill the mimic, Viv discovers that her lies have hurt people who never deserved it, herself included.
We Are Hunted by Tomi Oyemakinde Feiwel & Friends
A boy, his family, and other resort guests must fight for their lives after the island’s unusual animals turn feral, in this horrifying fast-paced survival story!
Experience paradise, reimagined.
When 17-year-old Femi Fatona and his older brother are forced to accompany their dad to an island resort, Femi is not looking forward to it. After all, he hasn’t exactly been getting along with either of them lately. At least the resort promises to be full of all the extravagant luxuries they’re used to. Yet not much is actually known about it, as it’s on a recently-discovered island and shrouded in nondisclosure agreements.
Once they arrive, Femi is thrilled to find that the island is bursting with new and spectacular species of plants and animals. But he soon realizes that sometimes pretty exteriors hide ugly truths—truths that are begging to come to light.
When the animals suddenly become feral and the island is thrown into chaos , what was meant to be a peaceful bonding experience quickly becomes the stuff of nightmares. Femi will have to put aside tension with his family and work with other guests in order to escape the animals, the island. . .and his own guilt at the part he may have played in all of it.
Spells to Forget Us by Aislinn Brophy G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers
Fate brought them together. Magic made them strangers.
Luna is a powerful witch. Known for her skills and feared for her temper, she’s set to preserve her family’s legacy by becoming the head of Boston’s Witch Council—a job she does not want.
Aoife is a non-magical girl. Raised under the lens of her influencer family, she’s grown up in the public eye. Now she yearns for privacy—but knows her parents won’t oblige.
Just when they are at their lowest, Aoife and Luna find each other and start dating. As decreed by magic law, Luna casts a spell that will erase Aoife’s memories of their history together if they ever break up. But when Aoife and Luna end things, it’s both of them who forget . . . that is, until they meet again, fall for each other, and recover all the memories of their last attempt at dating.
So begins the story of two star-crossed lovers who keep finding their way into each other’s orbits, even as the universe pulls them apart. When they set out to break the cycle, will they be strangers forever or together at last?
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haberdashing · 16 days
It's been a while since I've posted any of my dreams on here, but I feel like tumblr would like this one.
I had a dream about a group of teenagers, or perhaps college kids in their early 20s, getting trapped in an upper-middle-class, three-story suburban house. The house was haunted and slowly drove several of the teenagers insane, to the point where only the ground floor could be used because the second and third floors were now occupied by fellow young adults turned into violent murderers who would now kill anyone who intruded on "their space".
You couldn't see the outside world out the windows, just pure darkness, and the first group to leave through the front door never returned from their scouting mission, left to an unknown but presumably horrible fate.
Fairly typical horror stuff, really.
But somewhere around where dreams meet half-awake thoughts, I realized that there wasn't one Final Girl to this story, there were three. (Although for one, Final Girl's a bit of a misnomer.)
The first was Luna, long-haired and pretty, who started out as the token group mystic pointing out that it was the night of the full moon. Turns out she knows a lot about nature and spiritualism in general. Also she was a trans woman; there was a throwaway line about how she was such a jerk back when she was (deadname). But she's a sweetheart now, if in need of some grounding now and then.
The second... I don't think ever got a name, but I have her mental image clear in my head. Scruffy short brown hair, glasses, fairly nondescript clothes. Started off as the quiet one. Then as things played out, she revealed that she had a history of depression and suicidal thoughts, which as it turns out is quite helpful for dealing with the whole haunted house thing. This wasn't her first time dealing with part of her mind turning against her and trying to cause her harm, after all. She dealt with that on an everyday basis.
The third was Piper, nonbinary, the one who actually lives in the house in question and invited everybody else over. Started off kind of keeping in the background, playing the good host while also trying not to answer too many questions. We learned that Piper grew up in a rich family, in keeping with the big fancy house... but was largely neglected by their parents, pawned off on various nannies and babysitters before having to make their peace with spending time alone more often than not.
Piper realized that the source of the haunting was their parents' jobs--the exact jobs weren't clear, but they were things like "engineer at Lockheed Martin" and "CEO of a health insurance company pushing claim rejections". Unethical jobs, albeit commonplace and lucrative ones. The house was bought with blood money, that's what the problem was.
And Piper figured that the house needed their blood, blood from the family that purchased the home with those dirty funds, their blood used to atone for the blood spilled in the name of owning the home... but after some discussion the three determined that it didn't need to be all of Piper's blood sacrificed to fix the curse. And hey, depressed girl has some experience here too, she can provide guidance on how to make a cut that will bleed plenty but won't cause any permanent damage...
It ended with the three hand in hand, leaving out the front door and walking down the seemingly-endless sidewalk with nothing but pristine lawn on both sides, unsure of what lay ahead of them but ready to find out together.
(And yes, they're all dating.)
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gayometer · 2 years
Don't know if I sent this or not but here you go again.
So we got the babies in the original timeline now how about Lost readers themselves?
The gods are bound to be so put off by a human who talks to them not like they are highly powered beings, not as their enemy either but as people they know, friends and family.
The humans are not much better of course since the reader has a romantic relationship with a God or two yet they are trying to destroy humanity. And it's pretty crazy how they and Qin are instantly just seem like best friends who haven't seen each other for a long time even though they are from a different dimensions.
And if one of the gods or humans (possibly Zeus) challenges them to a dual for fun or to put a mortal in their place and suddenly they all see them completely demolishing the God/Human in question then they will absolutely understand that they are not someone to be messed with, especially when the reader says “oops I guess I wasn't holding back as much as I thought I should, sorry!”
Even if their sense of direction is atrocious.
Oh how the turn tables
Ancient ask, was seriously debating how to make this, either everyone or just the Olympic brothers + Qin
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ZEUS who challenged you to a fight and was surprised when you flipped him over and then apologized.
POSEIDON who was borderline disturbed by how familiar you were acting with him, he tried to stab you but you caught the trident......what do you mean where are the twins?
HADES who is in disbelief that such a human exists in another universe. And what's this about a child?
ADAMAS who tries to find humor in the inter dimensional travel thing that's been happening lately, but is still mad that a human can put his dear brothers Hades and Zeus on their asses in seconds.
APHRODITE who finds you so cute, no matter how strong you are you're just an adorable person who gets lost.
HERACLES who is optimistic as always, yes he knows you're strong but at the same time your ability to get lost makes him concerned. Wherever he is, that's where you are.
ARES who is also in disbelief that a human can be so strong in another universe, although he isn't complaining about the sweets you make him.
HERMES who appreciates you helping him with cooking, he even finds it funny how you flip anyone over for trying to eat before it's ready or trying to have sweets before dinner.
THOR who will try to fight you but instead you threw him into a chair and started braiding his hair cause "you can damage your hair if you fight with it loose honey"
ODIN who lowkey uses you as a babysitter for both Loki and Thor since you just throw them into chairs and passive aggressively treat them like children, he also likes having conversations with you, if he manages to find where you are that is.
LOKI who finds you both funny and infuriating, he can't play jokes on you cause you just disappear at the blink of an eye and can end up anywhere and when you do appear you treat him like a child who can't do anything on their own.
SHIVA who is constantly looking for you, when he does manage to find you, you two have conversations about the horrors of parenting. You two also have sparing matches and he makes sure to get all flame dance on you, you may be strong but you're not fire proof.
BUDDHA who enjoys seeing how carefree you are and how you let anyone have a slap across the face if they tell you about how you should do a certain thing.
ZERO who likes receiving piggyback rides from you, he's like a lost puppy always following you around.
BEELZEBUB who avoids you cause of his curse, although you just ignore him and help him around his lab, if it wasn't for your ability to get lost in the blink of an eye you would be a human version of the little robot that popped up one time, he does miss them.
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QIN who instantly clicked with you, you both act like best friends who just saw each other in the supermarket, even if you're in a completely different dimension.
SASAKI who enjoys doing anything with you, you're both social butterflies who can't stay still, get lost? Well then, time for an adventure!
RAIDEN who also enjoys going on "adventures" with you to see where you, Sasaki, Qin and himself end up.
JACK who would like it if you sit still for more then 5 minuets, and if that miracle happens, you two have plenty of tea and talks about anything.
TESLA who after the events of a certain robot child coming into the dimension is even more curious about what other dimensions exist. You two tend to have conversations about your dimension. He also seems to always know where you are, without a GPS on you, he just knows.
ADAM who also tends to know exactly where you are, he takes joy in how you can beat a god with ease, he doesn't hate them, but they need to be taught a lesson or two.
LU BU who judged you cause you didn't look all that strong but was pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong, you two have sparing matches, he always loses but you two just go again.
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lavenderr-mistletoe · 2 months
🦋Misteln Lavenia’s Bio🦋
••Full Name••
•Misteln Lavinia 
• “Mother” (by Winter)
 •Probably more to come
•Foresight Oracle: Allows the user to glimpse into the future through visions or dreams. They can foresee events and make decisions based on these predictions. She is also very persuasive, weather this is a part of her ability is unknown.
•Downside: The visions are often fragmented and cryptic, making interpretation challenging. Overuse or prolonged exposure to future visions can cause severe migraines or temporary blindness, leaving the user vulnerable.
June 15
Good question!
A high ranking government officer in charge of advising the government officials, well known doctor
••Current Residence
A clinic in Yokohama, Japan
Misteln is a very soft-spoken woman. She somehow manages to stay that way even when she is upset. Despite her calm demeanor, she is someone who shouldn't be messed with. As a strong ability user, she can easily "convince" others to do her bidding. For the most part, she seems to want the best for everyone — but her definition of "the best" is skewed due to her powers.
Misteln can see the future.
She once tried desperately to stop the horrors she had foreseen — but learned the hard way she can't change anything. Every attempt to fix the future usually caused further disaster. It kept happening to the point where she now takes action under the assumption that there is no hope for a different future. Resigned to it, sometimes she actively tries to make things happen as she intends.
Ironically, the power of Foresight Oracle is one of control. It only works on people, though.
Misteln tries to reduce the damage of the inevitable, and in doing so often makes people do things against their will.
Misteln also acts like a mother or an older sister figure to those younger than her.
Reading, conducting research and experiments to find the full extent of her ability, visiting nearby orphanages, shopping, making floral arrangements, drawing and other art forms
Having to watch as something bad that she knew would happen play out while being unable to stop it, overly expensive items, when flowers die too quickly, when the butterfly wing drapes on her outfit get damaged, corrupt officials
Creating stained glass windows or art pieces, arranging flower arrangements, going shopping
Forcefully trying to create a outcome that she personally wishes for, manipulating people into making a choice that she wants herself 
Prolonged exposure to her own ability, letting her emotions overcome smart decisions
•••Family & Relations
•Unnamed mother
•Unnamed father
•Vashe Lavinia (older brother)
-to be entered-
(to be added)
••Extra facts••
•Misteln is originally from Germany before she left home after certain events took place and she moved to Yokohama and started a clinic
•To those she is close to, she is very kind and generous 
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draconicsparkle · 2 years
Hello and welcome! Name is Kira! You can call me that or Draconic or Sparkle or whatever you want really. Been having a swell time creating fics. Mostly Danganronpa and Rain Code. Also a huge fan of Pokémon and several other franchises. Feel free to send asks or messages! I am happy to chat with people!
Here is a masterpost of all my works. Cause I realized that it’s a bit cluttered here without it. This should make things easy to navigate.
I do hope this helps!
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Pic by @noodleartz
Danganronpa Fics
The Peak of Hope : God au where Hajime gets possessed by a god Izuru. Complete
Wings and Scales : Dragon au where Nagito is a dragon and Hajime is his caretaker. Complete
Hajime’s Cats : A fluffy episodic fic of Hajime and his cats Izuru and kitten Nagito. Complete
Differing Heights and Rationalities : Borrower au with borrower Nagito and human Hajime and Izuru. Complete
Sunshine and Shadows : Spirit au with human Hajime rescuing light spirit Nagito. Complete
Childhood : Prequel to Sunshine and Shadows. Would highly recommend reading SAS first as this contains heavy spoilers to the ending of it. Complete
Sweets From Alice’s : Size changing gt fic. Episodic in nature. Complete
Naga Nagito Drabbles : Au created by @tortadecereji; Another series of episodic chapters with Hajime interacting with Naga Nagito. Big or small, but mostly big. Complete.
Nagizuru Au : Au created by @karugoround; Where Nagito became Izuru and Hajime serves as his caretaker. Complete
Lost Souls : A Pokémon/Danganronpa crossover fic where Hajime and Nagito need to work together to help a lost Pokémon return home. Complete
Children of the Cosmic God : Eldritch horror Izuru adopts orphaned Hajime and Nagito. The two must make a difficult choice when they come of age. Complete
One Shots
Parenting in the Apocalypse
Eternal Happiness? I Found It!
Octopath Traveler Fics
Little Thief : Octopath Traveler g/t fic. Complete
Short Stories : Octopath Traveler 2 gt one shots. Complete
The Hound and His Little Lamb : Octopath Traveler 2 knightlight fic. Complete
Rain Code Fics
The Masks I Wear : Rain Code sibling fic. Complete
Family’s Friends : Sequel to the The Masks I Wear. Complete
The Offer of a Lifetime : Part 3 of the Twin Detectives series. Complete
Our Differences : Part 4 and finale of the Twin Detectives Series. Complete
Take Care : Part 5 extra bit to the Twin Detectives Series. Sickfic. Complete
He Who Defies Death : Post canon au where Makoto receives the Book of Death. Complete
Transparent : Viviakou fic where Vivia is a ghost haunting the house that Yakou and Yuma move into. Complete
Safe In The Nocturne : Yakou Fathero adopts Yuma fic. Complete
The Dragons and Their Detective : An au where the Master Detectives are dragons. Complete
One of the Flock : Sequel to The Dragons and Their Detective. Complete
Which On Is It? : Kokolight vampire au oneshot. Complete
Feed : Prequel to Which One Is It? Complete
Blood Bond : Kokolight vampire au where Yakou learns a fun fact about vampire bats. Complete
There’s a Bat in the Agency! : Vampire Au where bat Yuma is discovered by the NDA. Complete
His Shield : Vampire Au where Vivia gets angy and causes some damage cause someone hurt the smol bean vampire. Complete
Beverage of Choice: Vampire Au after the explosion at the agency. Yuma meets someone who seems… oddly knowledgeable. Complete
A Nightmare Under the Full Moon : Kokomare werewolf au where Yuma is extra floofy. Complete
Artificial Mind, Artificial Heart : Rain Code au where Makoto is an artificial intelligence program learning to be human. Still ongoing
Going For The Throat : One shot where Yomi does something to make Makoto angry. He suffers the consequences. Complete.
Cat Yomi: Makoto finds cat Yomi in a rainstorm and brings him inside. Complete
Double Life: A what if scenario where Yakou survives the Blank Week with his clone. Complete
The Two Chiefs: Sequel to Double life. The two Yakous spill the beans on the Blank Week Mystery to the NDA. Complete
Web of Truth: Au where Makoto is a monster and gets curious about the human that shares his face. Still ongoing
Rain Code Ship Week 2024 fics
Different Body But Same Soul: Domestic Kokobolt. Complete
The Damsel Who Isn’t In Distress: Prince Vivia and his dragon guardian Yakou. Complete
Captive Heart: Dark makoyuma fic with a possessive Makoto. Complete
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sticksbatnix · 9 months
I know its super late, but on your Batman Beyond thoughts, I always wonder where all these powerful and weird looking misfit teenagers become Jokerz?
Or like does Bonk have parents, if so did they care about his death?
You make a very good point here, anon.
The show, as great as it is, fails to elaborate much on The Jokerz's past as a whole. Sure, there are tidbits here and there but more should have been added to properly explain how and why they joined The Jokerz in the first place.
Sure, make the point they were dumb teens who didn't know better, but there's more than that, there always is.
So let's explain it further by the five W’s.
Who, What, Where, When, and Why.
Who are the characters presented to us?
Ghoul, DeeDee, Chucko, Wolf, and Bonk.
And whoever other teenager dressing up is similar to either The Joker or Harley Quinn herself.
What is happening to these characters and the people around them?
Simple, a group of misfit teenagers go out of their way to cause chaos and mischief wherever they go. Of course, lacking general empathy, causing property damage, and directly or indirectly murdering people whether they were innocent or not. And to be stopped by either law enforcement or by The Batman.
Gotham City, more specifically Neo-Gotham City.
The various old and decrepit buildings of what Gotham City was like before were long forgotten. Likely, used for the citizens of Gotham who couldn't afford the luxurious apartments and homes near and within Neo-Gotham.
The future.
A time beyond Batman’s prime in time for a new Batman to take place. Just in time to handle the new and chaotic criminals that run or fly freely across the city. New technology, new law enforcement, new drugs, and new opportunities to cause havoc upon the citizens of the futuristic city.
Many reasons, few predictable, others reasonable, and the rest unexplainable.
Throughout the show, it's shown that various teenagers who go into a life of crime have rough backgrounds. Abusive or neglectful parents, low income, bullying, or even the corruption of authorities.
Bonk’s death, while brief, shows the cruel reality that many of these young criminal teenagers would face. Yes, they may be having fun, but over time they’ll be able to face life-threatening situations that may end their life. It could be painful, it could be painless, or it could have long-lasting effects if they survived. In Bonk’s case, he made the fatal mistake of going up against The Joker, paying dearly for it, and dying with a permanent smile on his face.
His body might as well be disposed of near or in a trashcan. I doubt DeeDee would go the extra mile to deliver his body to his parents, but if they did I can't imagine the horror his parents would have finding his corpse laid out on their front porch. Now, whether or not they cared for Bonk is unknown, but judging his brutish personality I could only speculate he cared for himself and likely hated being seen as lesser than everyone else. Especially his parents.
The other Jokerz can be speculated as well.
Ghoul came from a rich family, likely running off to live a life without rules and regulations. I've written a few scenarios about this on this blog about this. His family likely disowned him because of his involvement with The Jokerz as I never see them visit him when he's captured.
DeeDee are related to Harley Quinn, now whether they know about that is up in the air. But it's obvious they were inspired despite how much their ‘Nana Harley’ despised them for it. They seem to enjoy the limelight of joining forces to cause havoc and chaos all at once despite everyone telling them not to.
Chucko is a bully who loves inflicting misery on others. Likely joined The Jokerz to bully others without consequences and cause mass amounts of destruction. Whether or not he came from a bad family, it's clear that Chucko enjoys bullying others he sees as lesser than him.
Wolf was human before being spliced with hyena DNA and became the rabid creature we all know. It's possible that he felt a clear connection with animals, specifically dogs, rather than with his own family. Maybe he felt like being a dog/hyena made him feel more complete rather than living his life out like a human.
And we already talked about Bonk.
God knows about the other Jokerz members.
Sometimes I wonder what would happen in the next ten years for these characters and where they’ll be then.
Would they be dead? Would they get proper help and move on? Would they still be in jail? Would they change their whole gimmick and become like the villains from the past?
This reminds me, I found an artist on Devianart who specifically drew The Jokerz gang if they took part in the inspirations of past villains. Ghoul as Scarecrow, Wolf as Killer Croc, and Bonk as Bane. It's very creative and I feel like it should get more attention for how creative they all were.
Nonetheless, The Jokerz gang should be talked more about not only for their missed potential but for their capability to do so much more.
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the-gateway-to-madness · 11 months
why i did not enjoy rise of the titans, personally
In writing, there's this idea that in order for a story to be meaningful, sacrifice needs to carry weight with it. This can be because of the lead-up making it hit harder. This can be because of the irreversability. But losses of any kind should be treated with dignity, with consideration, with pause where it can be afforded- and if not, pause should be taken later.
Tales of Arcadia traditionally does this either Really Well or just Well.
In Trollhunters:
-Draal sacrifices himself as a culmination of his arc of becoming Jim's friend, equal, protector, and confidante. It's incredibly well planned out. You can feel Gunmar's control looming over Draal's head when they're in Merlin's tomb, can feel the uncertainty of the moment, and Draal's death is simultaneously heart-wrenching and, for him, a release- a parallel to his father's death, accepting his fate and plunging in almost the exact same way.
-Vendel's death is shortly preceded by his clear acceptance of Jim as the Trollhunter and his determination to fight for him. It's a moment that makes it immensely obvious how much Vendel has been changed by Jim's genuinely good nature. And in death, he warns them and stands up for them one last time, making the moment even more bittersweet, as tinged as it is by the horror of Usurna.
-Angor Rot has the classic death-redemption, but he's not treated as weak. It's a genuine, earned, heroic moment. And the bitter sting of Morgana not going down with him turns the audience on her even more.
In 3Below:
-Krel connecting with Buster in Season 2 only for Buster to be ruthlessly felled by Morando adds a depth of hatred for him immensely effectively. It's a Kill the Dog moment done horribly, painfully right.
-The second loss of the parents cements Aja and Krel's sacrifice. The parents surviving would be a death for the sake of family, for the sake of Aja and Krel being able to cling to their childhoods another moment, even as they lay down their lives for everyone else. The parents dying is the more intelligent move monarchy-wise- preserving the heirs, and story-wise it forces both Aja and Krel to face the reality that they were never kids, but royals. That is the sacrifice they make- not dying, but living the way their planet needs them to.
In Wizards:
-They had us connecting to Douxie so hard in the span of like 9 episodes that all of us cried over Merlin for a second just because of how it affected Douxie. This is probably the best written death in the series, just because of the fact that the mourning is the most indirect and just as effective.
-Morgana sacrificing herself to stop the Green Knight after realizing she's irreparably damaged her own cause just. yeah
But in Rise of the Titans, the deaths feel rushed. Obligatory. Instead of cutting your soul they're just sucker-punching you. They're trying to force the stakes up, but they do so very poorly.
And worst of all, the ending takes away the significance of every sacrifice in the entire series. The writers threw in so many unnecessary stakes-raiser deaths that they couldn't fix their own timeline and had to go and try to ruin the weight of the trilogy.
And that's just not okay. That's mocking the emotional investment the audience put into the trilogy.
So anyway. What movie? There's not a Tales of Arcadia movie. It doesn't exist thanks.
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sonicasura · 8 days
Oh they would go buckwild alright. Too bad for them that they won't be able to ask him to show how it is done. The second son is not one easy to trust anyone outside of family.
Mina is the excpetion since she is like the niece none of them got. Though even she would have a hard time asking a favor like that.
The third brother is the guarded but sweet type of guy. And a bit of a himbo like his nephew. He caused the least of issues for Hina and Proto, as even the second oldest would sometimes get into fights he should not. Or even use his ablities to make someones day worse should he learn that someone hurt his family.
He is a bit of a nerd and is the second one that becomes a doctor in the family. He also likes to read and watch horror movies much to his siblings and Kafka's dread.
He also the leader of the four, a reluctant one and the most resposible as well. He can get all of his brothers to focus on whatever task they have to do, wether it be a bothersome chore, going through a boring lecture or in middle of battle. He also the one the three goes to seek advice from when there have been a fight between one of the brothers. Epecially when none of them wants to talk to their parents about it.
Abilities and skills? Another close quarter combat, but has inherited Proto's wind ability which gives him quite the ranged skills too and can sometimes make hurricanes and tornados if given enough time. He also the only one who can fly as well, and often then not uses special metal like feathers found on his body as swords when fighting someone up close.
When he those make either a hurricane or tornado, he is most often found at the center to maintain it and control the damn thing. Which not only protects him form other attacks but also leave him vulnerable as well since it takes all his got to not let the damn thing get out of control. And is the second largest of the four in size.
The fourth and youngest brother is the most oblivious one. But is also the joker and sunshine of them all. He is the easiest to get along with and a sosical butterfly to a fault. He always knows how to turn a frown into a smile.
Of course, much like the first and second, caused quite a bit of trouble too. But often by mistake or accidents. He was however the only son to not accidently transform and destroy the school that all four boys went to. Not much into academics, but has decent grades all around much like the third brother.
Ability and skill wise? The fastest and most acrobatic of the lot. Is also able to wield both fire and earth, and is know to use them to make any terrain difficult to anyone whos become his target. If not rightout burry them in both earth and fire.
He relyes mostly on his speed and elemental abilites to give devastating damage, with some ranged moves that involves flamming bloders being thrown when needed. But like his father is born with three pairs of arms, which all have blade like fingers that does quite a bit of damage on their own. He also has the strongest kicks out of all the borthers.
That school story sounds very interesting as I can imagine how embarrassed the three siblings were once they're safe. I imagine someone comparing the fourth sibling to an older Kafka from the sunshine personality alone. Again, Hina and Proto had their hands full when most of their kids are rambunctious.
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