#it adds to their ship dynamic 4 me. smiles
rubysparx · 5 months
Looking into it it’s apparently clarified which criminals are under the command of which wardens. Pattadol has Otta and Fleki while Mithrun has Cithis and Lycion. What’s interesting about that is Fleki and Lycion not being a package deal for one- but also was Lycion, as a werewolf, assigned to Mithrun due to that rarity and strength? and is Pattadol in charge of simpler strengths (terraforming and familiars respectively) since this is her first mission, since she’s so new? Cithis and Lycion were both arrested and became part of the canaries due to the magics they were involved with beforehand. So they just continued to specialize in their respective areas. Where Otta and Fleki were arrested for non magic reasons (human trafficking and other illegal sales) It’s likely Otta and Fleki were ordered to specialize in particular magic fields for the benefit of the canaries
Fleki on magic types (in daydream hour 5);
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im just imagining Flamela like "here captain mithrun, I've assigned you some of our most gifted convicts. This is cithis, she will be taking care of you during missions by use of charm spells. This is lycion, he is one of our werewolves who will act as your guard dog if need be." and then "oh, pattadol, right. Uh. Here's a terraformer we arrested last week, and here's Fleki. They're just one of our many familiar mages, they tend to be stoned while off duty too though so keep an eye on them"
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“Yeah. Uh-huh. That’s why your ideas are stupid and we’re all gonna die.”
Keith fumes. Like, actually fumes, making the noise and everything, face bright red and scowl twisting his face so tightly that there’s a genuine concern he’s in pain. Lance, on the other hand, looks completely unbothered, flexing his fingers and checking his nails like he has no stake at all in the conversation.
Hunk exchanges a glance with Pidge. He’s at least glad they know better, if not poor Keith — Lance’s leg is bouncing up a storm underneath the table. He’s just as affected as Keith is, he’s just being a dick for brains because he’s emotionally stunted.
“If there’s something wrong with the plan,” Keith says, carefully enunciating every word through gritted teeth, “then please point it out to me and suggest an alternative.” The ‘otherwise shut the fuck up’ goes unsaid, but Hunk feels the sentiment is pretty clear regardless.
Lance upheaves a big, dramatic sigh, flopping backwards in his chair and covering his eyes with his hand like merely voicing his thoughts is such a struggle.
Keith’s eye twitches.
“You’re going to get a knife thrown at your head,” Hunk warns pleasantly, fully aware that it will do nothing.
He’s right. Lance ignores him.
“Look here,” he says, flicking a hand — with a more than reasonable amount of fanfare, Hunk will add, in fact he’s relatively certain that Lance has painted his fingernails gold entirely so they shine and catch everyone’s attention when he waves his hands around — at the holo blueprints Keith has pulled up of the Empire warship. “I mean, you have a plan that would work well for an EXC-76E-5 ship. Enter through the west hatch, sneak through the side hallways, ambush the gathered crew on the bridge. Except —” he swipes the image to the side, pulling up a file and displaying a photo sent by the Blades of the ship they’re currently planning to infiltrate — “the ship we’re infiltrating is an EXC-76E-4, dumbass. The hallways available to the west hatch opening don’t lead to the bridge, they lead to the armoury. If we mosey our way to the one place on the ship loaded with bombs and trigger happy Empire soldiers, it’s bye-bye Voltron.” He raises an eyebrow, smirking slightly, before parting his hands in faux surrender. “Of course, you’re the leader, though. If you say it’s time to go boom, I say sayonara, cruel word. Your wish is my firm command, Oh Fearless Leader.”
There’s a moment of tense, shocked silence. Hunk hurriedly pulls out his own file, noticing peripherally that everyone else does, as well, and hurriedly scans the report — the Blades have mistakenly noted in the write-up that the ship model is the EXC-76E-5, but the photos show, very clearly, an EXC-76E-4. Lance is right, and is the only one to notice — he must have all the models memorized. It’s a very Lance thing to do.
So is being a smug little shit about it, Hunk knows that for certain.
Beside him, Allura is biting her lip hard to keep from laughing. Over the past few months, her and Lance have gotten much closer, and while that has done wonders for team dynamics, it has also done wonders for Lance’s ego, which is.
It just is.
Pidge is also notably hiding her face with her hands. Hunk himself has several years of practice keeping his face in check when Lance is right, as is his duty as the number one Lance humbler (and as Lance’s duty with him — Hunk will admit that he can be a cocky shithead when he wants to be), so he’s looking straight at Keith.
Keith’s face has dropped to a deadpan stare. He grinds his teeth, glancing at the file and then back up at Lance, who smiles sunnily as if he’s not the absolute king of being as irritating as possible as often as possible.
“You know what your problem is?” Keith mutters, angrily swiping his hand through his battle plans to delete them and pulling up new blueprints.
Lance grins smugly, placing his hands under his chin and his elbows on the table. He blinks slowly, then opens half-lidded eyes towards Keith.
“Enlighten me,” he says.
“You,” Keith continues, as if Lance had not spoken, “are really cute, so no one ever told you to shut your fucking pie-hole.”
For the second time in the last ten minutes, the briefing room rings with shocked silence. Keith doesn’t seem to have noticed that he said it, or even that he said it to Lance’s face — he’s muttering grumpily to himself, crossing out every other thing he writes. He’s not even looking at Lance.
Lance, on the other hand, looks completely shocked. Shocked does not begin to cover it, honestly. Startled, maybe? His hands have dropped from under his chin, and his brown eyes are wide, looking at Keith in disbelief. His mouth is open slightly, gaped, at a total and complete loss for what to say.
Allura loses her battle. She clamps her hand over her mouth, trying her damnedest to muffle her laughter, eyes tearing with the effort. Pidge’s shoulders have started to shake, too. Hunk, for his part, can��t decide who to stare at, flicking wide eyes between Dumbass #1 and Dumbass #2.
Suddenly Lance’s expression shifts — the shock evaporates from his face, and in its place is something smug, something unbelievably satisfied, like a cat that knows it has its prey exactly where it wants it.
Hunk is generally a mature person, but drama is his weakness. He is straining every part of him so as not to miss a word.
Lance allows Keith a couple more moments of frustration, then starts tapping a nail on the table, a sound that is well known to annoy Keith quickly and reliably. When he, as expected, whips his head towards the sound and glares, Lance smirks, eyes honestly a little salacious between fluttering eyelashes.
“You think I’m cute?” he purrs.
It takes Keith maybe half a second to clock what the hell Lance is talking about, and then he goes so red that Hunk is sure he can feel the heat of his face, from exactly where he’s sitting, ten feet away.
Seriously, he’s glowing.
“Shut your pie-hole!” he snaps. “God!”
Rapidly, he turns back to the holoscreen, enlarging the proper blueprints with his new plans so everyone can see.
Lance cackles, continuing to snigger as Keith tries valiantly to outline his new plan and not die of self-induced heat exhaustion.
When Hunk peeks over Lance’s shoulder to look at his notes, though, he sees that he’s been dotting his i’s with hearts.
comic this fic is based on
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thenerdyindividual · 2 months
Merlin ship: Elyan/Percival
I vastly prefer this ship over many of the side character ships. I like the dynamic they have, I think it’s goofy and cute. They really seem to like each other and there’s a rapport there that neither of them have as strongly with anyone else.
That moment when Elyan jumps in the save Percival from the Dorocha? So boyfriend coded of him. Then they exchange those cute little smiles!
Percival comes to Elyan first during the rescue from the dungeon in season 4, and they have a little laugh together at Gwaine’s expense? I love that! I think they are a highly underrated pairing. I don’t have any writers ideas that grip me for them, but I also think they add a level of fun as a background ship in any fic you write. Plus you know I’m a sucker for smol and tol pairings, and these two have that in spades. Elyan comes up to what? Percival’s shoulder? It’s a comical height difference, and I love thinking about how different their fighting styles would be and how they would work together on the battlefield.
I rank this as a solid:
Send me a Merlin Ship and I’ll rank it on a tier list. Note: This is a subjective ranking and a low ranking in no way means that I am shaming you for your taste in ships.
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thegreatcaptainusopp · 4 months
The Seer
Ao3 link
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Faces Turned to the Sunset
Brook is standing at the crow’s nest, playing his violin.
This is not unusual, nor is it noteworthy. Brook spends more time playing than not. It’s his job, it’s his life (and death! Yohohohoho). It helps him worth through whatever is going through his mind.
He has quite a lot going through his mind at the moment.
Brook knows he’s new to the crew. He knows there’s a lot here (crew dynamics, histories, relationships) that he’s simply not aware of yet. And that’s fine, that’s just life at sea. He’ll learn, eventually.
But this current situation that poor Usopp has found himself in? It’s quite heavy for someone so young, someone who has only just started out his pirate career. But this is something Brook can actually help with.
He’s so, so grateful to these people for giving him the second chance he’s always needed. Maybe now, he can actually begin to repay them.
Startled out of his thoughts, he stops playing. Below him stands the very subject of his ruminations, looking up in his general direction. He has one hand on the straw hat on his head. Robin is next to him, holding his arm. She gifts Brook a small smile.
“Usopp-San! Robin-San!” Brook lifts his hat in greeting. “How wonderful to run into you on such a fine day!”
“Sorry for startling you,” Usopp responds. “But I was walking around with Robin when we heard you play. I had to come hear some more.”
“Well, young Usopp,” Brook says, making his way down from the crow’s nest. “That’s very kind of you! It’s enough to make even these old bones blush.”
Usopp cocks his head, seemingly listening to Brook’s approach. “I’ve always liked music,” He says. “But now…I don’t know. After what happened, it feels different for me now. Like, it’s the only thing that hasn’t changed for me, as an experience, but that’s what makes it feel different now. Does that make sense?”
Brook hits the deck with a small thump. He sees Usopp turn towards the sound. “It does indeed,” He says, gathering himself. “Often, one relies on the senses one has available. Your connection to music is through a sense that you still have access to, and so allows you to appreciate it even more.”
Usopp nods. “Exactly! You’re so good, too. You were doing a sea shanty? That’s my favorite type of music!”
Brook deliberately taps his cane as he walks towards Robin and Usopp, making his approach clear. Robin, still silent, gives him an approving nod. “Ah, you appreciate the classics,” He says. “Very appropriate for the setting. Do let me know your favorites, and I’ll add them to the repertoire.”
Usopp’s face breaks into a smile, lifting at the bandages around his eyes. “Wow! Thanks, Brook!”
Robin leans in. “Usopp,” She says. “I’ll leave you with Brook now, alright? You can let him know to direct you back to Chopper’s office when you’re ready.”
“Thanks Robin,” Usopp says, and she leans out to grasp at Brook’s bony hand. She leads it to Usopp’s arm, and then gives them another smile.
Brook curls his fingers around Usopp’s upper arm. “Well then,” He says. “Where are we heading?”
Usopp taps on his chin. “Hm,” He says. “Let’s go around the side. I’m trying to get a sense of how wide everything is.”
“Sounds reasonable,” Brook says, starting to lead Usopp in the circuit around the ship. “You know,” He begins. “I haven’t been here very long. But I do know a thing or two about waking up in a different body that doesn’t feel like yours. And I know how difficult an adjustment that is.”
He feels Usopp’s arm tense under his hand. “Yeah,” He says, sounding a little shaky. “I guess you would understand what that feels like.”
“Indeed,” Brook says, gently adjusting Usopp’s path. “And I know how it feels to suddenly not be able to do things that you used to do. But with some time, and practice, and work, I was able to adjust. And with your help, all of you, I’m able to have the life that I wanted to have. Or death, as it turns out. Yohohohoho!”
He feels Usopp’s arm shake in an answering laugh. “You’re right,” He says. “Yeah. It’s just time, I guess. And figuring out what to do now. One step at a time, right?”
Brook makes his step steo forward deliberately heavy. “Correct!” He says. “That’s an excellent outlook to have. And we can remind you if you ever need that.”
“Thanks Brook,” Usopp says. He stops walking, Brook also coming to an abrupt halt. “Can I ask you something?”
“You already have, yohohohoho,” Brook jokes. “But go ahead!”
“What’s your favorite music?” Usopp says. “What do you like to play the most?”
Brook feels a warm fondness in his bones. “It’s kind of you to ask,” He says. “I love everything I play, don’t you worry! Music is a gift I treasure every day.”
Usopp nods, and Brook gently tugs on his arm to start walking again. They reach the side of the ship and Brook leads him into another turn. They’ve reached the side that opens up to the island, and Brook takes a moment to appreciate the view.
Usopp whips his head to the side. “Oh!” He says, sounding excited. “We’re at the side near Sabaody, right? I can smell and hear it! And I can feel the wind from it!”
“Correct!” Brook says, patting Usopp on the shoulder.
Usopp stops, leaning on the side of the ship. He moves the hand on the hat lower, til it clutches at the rim. “Brook,” He says. “Can you tell me what it looks like?”
Brook stands next to him. “Of course,” He says. He looks out onto the land. “It’s green…very green! Lots of forest, spreading out into the distance. There seems to be bubbles emerging from the island, and there’s quite a lot of them floating around us.”
Usopp sighs. “Sounds beautiful,” He says.
Brook lays a hand on Usopp’s head, gently minding the hat. “The actual town looks quite busy,” He says. “There’s lots of buildings, shops, and people. There’s also-”
Brook cuts himself off. “Oh!” He says. “It looks like our Captain, swordsman, and cook are on their way back! Seems a little quick…”
Usopp cocks his head. “Do they look alright?”
Brook leans closer. “They look a little grim,” He reports. “There seems to be someone with them. I don’t recognize him. He’s older, long white hair, glasses-”
At that moment, Nami thunders out onto the deck, followed closely by Franky. “Guys! Luffy and the others are coming back with-”
She spots Brook and Usopp and literally skids to a stop. “Usopp,” She breathes.
Usopp turns in her general direction. “Nami?”
“Oh,” She says, tears forming in her eyes, “Oh, Usopp…”
In the next breath she’s running forward, so fast she almost stumbles over her own feet. “USOPP!”
She jumps at him, flinging her arms around him and hugging him tight. Brook and Franky share a look. Franky looks like he’s seconds away from crying himself.
Usopp stumbles back, clutching onto the straw hat for dear life. Brook reaches out to steady him. “Hey Nami,” He says softly. “Long time no…see.”
Nami buries her head in Usopp’s shoulder. “Idiot!” She says, then instantly bursts into tears.
Usopp looks panicked. “Oh hey, Nami, come on, it’s okay, please don’t…”
“I’m sorry,” Nami wails into Usopp’s shoulder. “I’m sorry Usopp, I’m sorry…”
Usopp reaches a hand to clumsily pat her on the back. “Hey,” He says again. “It’s alright, really, I’ll be okay, yeah? I’ll…I’ll manage. Right? Hey, Nami, everyone’s coming back, we should talk to them…”
Nami stiffens, then lets Usopp go. “You’re right,” She sniffs, trying to get a hold of herself. “I was gonna say, they look serious. We’ll talk later, okay? After we find out what’s going on?”
“Of course,” Usopp says, and Brook turns his attention back to the approaching group. To his surprise, in that time, they’ve managed to make it back to the ship, and are slowly making their way up to the deck.
“Oi,” Sanji says, first one to arrive. “Which if you assholes made Nami-San cry? Is Robin-Chan alright?”
He eyes tick around the group, landing on Usopp. Understanding fills his gaze. “Whatever,” He says, losing in their direction. “Don’t let me catch anyone doing that again.”
He makes his way next to Brook and Usopp. He nods at Brook, then taps Usopp on the elbow. “Hey,” He says. “Out and about now?”
“Chopper cleared me,” Usopp responds, and Brook sees Zoro make his way to the ship. “I’ve missed walking around up here.”
Brook keeps an eye on Zoro, and knows instantly once he’s caught sight of Usopp. His jaw visibly clenches, like he’s desperately holding something back. He makes an aborted motion forward before stepping back, fists clenched. He stiffly backs up to join Franky, but his eyes don’t leave Usopp.
Luffy gets in next, definitely more subdued by usual, closely followed by this new stranger. Brook eyes (well. Eye sockets) him wearily.
“Okay,” Luffy says, hands on his hips. “You’re here now. What was it that you wanted to tell us?”
Brook sees Robin approaching from within the ship, Chopper trotting out next to her. Ah, we’ve all arrived. He thinks to himself.
The man looks around. “Impressive ship you have here,” He comments. “I could coat her for you, soon.”
Franky’s chest puffs up with pride. “She’s a beauty, isn’t she?”
“Yeah,” Luffy says, impatient. “But what about Ace? How can you help us?”
“Ace needs our help?” Nami asks.
Usopp leans over to Brook, whispering “That’s Luffy’s brother.”
Brook nods. He hadn’t known Luffy had a brother.
The man looks at them all. Brook catches him eying the hat on Usopp’s head. “Hatchan told me you were here. My name is Rayleigh,” He says. “And I’ve been looking to meet you for a while, Straw Hat Luffy. I have some information that you may find useful.”
Usopp listens with growing amazement and fear as Rayleigh begins to speak.
He tells them about the growing tensions amongst the pirates, the threat of war, the gathering of a group known as the supernova. He tells them about Whitebeard, and about Ace, and about how the situation was a powder keg that was likely to explode. He tells them about Sabaody, the Celestial Dragons, and everything that goes with them. “If you’d arrived a little earlier, you might have run into some chaos,” He had mused, and Usopp had felt ice run through his back, like a bullet at only just missed his spine.
All that talk of war had sounded much too close to Vance’s explanations for comfort. The idea that he had been right about this, had been right about something, does not sit well in his stomach. It makes him want to plug his ears and sink back into the dark.
He knows he can’t do that, though.
Rayleigh concludes his tale with explaining where Ace was, and where he was going to be taken afterwards. “So,” He says. “You’re either going to Impel Down, which is the most dangerous prison I the world, to stage a breakout. Or, you’re headed to Marineford, facing the strongest members of the Navy from one end and Whitebeard on the other. Are you sure you’re still up to the task.”
Luffy, silent up until that point, speaks up right away. “Yes,” He says firmly. “Can you give us the way to get there?”
Usopp can feel his knees knock together. It all sounds like too much. Maybe he can legitimately claim can’t-go-on-this-certain-death-mission disease now.
“Sure,” Rayleigh’s voice echoes, amused. “But you should know, you’re walking into the middle of some of the most powerful players on the grand line. And you’re taking your crew with you. Are you prepared for what you’re about to face?”
Usopp prepares for Luffy to respond. He’s surprised to hear nothing.
“Captain?” Robin says, sounding concerned.
Usopp runs the comment back in his head. The crew…he knows Luffy is more than willing to jump into certain death. But the idea that he may be leading them to it too…it must be killing him.
“Don’t worry about us Captain,” Zoro says. “Where you go, we follow. And if you’re going to save your brother, well. We’ll do that too.”
“If what he says is true,” Luffy says. “I need you all to think about this. I can’t ask you to do this if I don’t know I can make sure you all get out.”
His voice is so pained, conflicted.
It’s up to Usopp to fix this, to bring his mood back up.
He feels the familiar itch in his head, and, without thinking, submits. “Of course we can help!” He says. “Did I ever tell you about the time I made the most impossible shot in the world?”
The ship goes silent. Even the ambient noise of the sea is muted. “No,” Luffy says. “What happened?”
“Well,” Usopp says, warming up to the performance. “It was me and my slingshot against the world. I had to make a shot into a large fortress, an impossible amount of meters away. But nobody had accounted for me. I was able to throw my senses out, and see the targets I was about to hit even without seeing them. In the middle of being attached myself, I aimed and fired into the distance. Even though I couldn’t see the impact, I knew that I had made it and that…”
Usopp trails off, mind catching up to the story.
Had he just…was that…
“Wow,” Luffy says. “I didn’t know about that.”
“See, Luffy?” Sanji says. “We’re all capable. Look at what Usopp just said. If that’s going to happen, you know we’re ready, don’t you?”
Usopp’s head is spinning. It’s the first time he has really noticed what’s going on, how the story spills out of him. And everyone had known it was all true. Everyone but him.
But…the impossible shot. How is going to-
“Hey,” Rayleigh says, interrupting his thoughts. “If I may ask. What the hell just happened there?”
“Usopp tells stories,” Luffy says proudly, like he’s used to it. “And they come true!”
“He’s a seer,” Brook rushes to explain. “He has powers, he can see events before they happen. He’s only just realized it recently.”
“Well,” Rayleigh says. “I don’t know who told you that, but that’s not quite true. The future telling is, but being a ‘seer’? Not exactly.”
There’s a short pause. “What do you mean by that?” Nami asks.
The blood is thundering in Usopp’s ears. He doesn’t know if he wants to hear this but at the same time, he really needs to.
“I mean,” Rayleigh says. “Usopp over there has some of the most advanced observation Haki I’ve ever witnessed, and that’s saying something. I could feel it while he was talking. I know of some who can predict future events with Haki but never as advanced as this seems to be. And without training? Without even knowing about it? That is truly impressive.”
“What the hell is Haki?” And that’s Zoro.
“Vance said,” Usopp trips in. “Vance said that…that we had powers to balance out the darkness of the devil fruits into the world. Me with my prophecies. Him with his intimidation. Lark with his body armor. Was that…was that a lie?”
“Well if it wasn’t,” Rayleigh says. “Vance, whoever he is, is an idiot. Those aren’t ‘powers’ to balance out devil fruit. It’s Haki. And, to answer your question,” He must direct this at Zoro. “Usopp here has given us a succinct summary of the different types. Observation, which he himself has at a quite advanced level. Armament, which makes you turn your body into living armor, which this Lark person apparently has. And Conqueror’s: very rare, very powerful, which it seems from your description that this Vance person has. Is he able to knock out people with his energy?”
“Yes,” Sanji says slowly. “He…he stopped us in our tracks. I couldn’t move, there was this feeling of fear and despair that came over me. Was that..this Haki, or whatever it’s called?”
“Looks like it,” Rayleigh says. “Technically, anyone can be a Haki user. Observation and Armament, at least. Conqueror’s is a bit more rare, the only individuals that can use it are particularly-” He cuts himself off. “Never mind, we’ll get into all that later. What’s important now is that it seems these people have developed different types of Haki without, apparently, knowing what it is. And thinking it’s to combat devil fruits? That’s funny. Many devil fruit users are also very proficient at Haki.”
“So…” Usopp thinks he’s feeling dizzy. But how could he, in the dark. “Wait. Vance also said that I’d be able to control my Second Sight better when he blinded me…”
Rayleigh interrupts him immediately. “That’s bullshit,” He says. “That man is definitely an idiot. I’m sorry you got caught up in that idiocy, but that is not true. Your sight has nothing to do with your Haki. As long as you’ve been telling those stories, you’ve been using it. To gain mastery, you would simply need to train. That’s all.”
“So it was for nothing?” Usopp says. He thinks he’s yelling. “All that…everything. It was for nothing? I’m like this now for nothing?”
He feels a hand push at the hat on his head. “Usopp,” Brook says quietly.
Usopp takes a deep breath. “Sorry,” He says. “This is just…”
“That’s fair,” Rayleigh says. “I’d be mad too, if I were you. But, you know, observation Haki will help you too, with that. I know someone like you, who uses his Haki to-” He interrupts himself again. “Getting ahead of myself there again.”
“Wait,” Usopp says. “He also said that there was this…serum that would get rid of devil fruits. Was that a lie too?”
Rayleigh is silent for a few seconds. “I haven’t heard of that,” He says. “But there’s a lot of experimentation going on at the moment in devil fruits. Certain individuals have been working on…understanding them, I suppose? Replicating them? I haven’t heard of anything about destroying them, as of now. But I couldn’t say for certain that it doesn’t exist.”
Usopp feels minute shakes run throughout his body. What the hell. He thinks hysterically. What the hell. What the hell.
His panicked thoughts grind to a halt when he hears Luffy’s voice. “This is important,” He says. “And we have to come back to it later. But first…everyone. You know the risks. Are you all willing to come with me to get Ace? Knowing what we’re going into?”
Usopp shakes himself back into awareness. “Of course!” He answers.
He hears various versions of yes echo throughout the crew, and he knows already that everyone had declared themselves ready. For Luffy, they always will.
“I’ll do whatever I can to protect you all,” Luffy says, and Usopp knows he means it. “I promise. Old guy! Can you go with Nami and explain to her how to get to Ace?”
Nami speaks up. “Follow me,” She says. “I just want to run this by you..”
“Fine,” Rayleigh says. “And, Straw Hat?”
He must wait for Luffy to turn to him, the says “After you’ve finished your mission? Come back here, to Sabaody. I’ll coat your ship. And there’s more you all need to know.”
“We will,” Luffy says. “It’s a deal.”
Haki. Haki. Haki.
Usopp screws his face up, trying to concentrate.
He’s back in the medical bay, because of course he is…Chopper would only also do much action, especially after all the revelations that had come down on them one by one. You still need to heal, he’d said firmly, and that was that.
Chopper had given him a quick exam before telling him he needed some more rest. Before he’d headed back out, Usopp had reached out a hand and grasped a horn. You know you’re the best doctor ever, right? He’d said. He’d felt Chopper wiggle in delight (and relief) before leaving the room.
Chopper is the best doctor ever, but Usopp is kind of a bad patient. In that he has no intention of listening to Chopper and getting some rest.
No, instead, he’s going to experiment.
Usopp had always been a big believer in experimentation: if you’re an artist, or an engineer, you need to be willing to try everything and use what works. And Usopp really needs to make this work, and fast.
Old man Rayleigh had said a lot of things. Almost all were important and valuable, but Usopp was focusing on the story he almost let slip. The one about the friend, the one supposedly like Usopp, who could use Observation Haki to help him out.
Well. He could certainly try, right? Maybe this way, he could do what Vance tried to make him do, and use his visions to-
No. No need to go down that path.
Back to concentration. Usopp slowly takes off the straw hat, holding it in front of him. Help me, Hat. He thinks. Help me get this.
He reaches out to that corner of his mind, the one that itches whenever he has a story to tell. You’ve gotta be there. Come on come on come on.
Something shimmers in the corner of the darkness. It vibrates, spins, crisscrosses into lines…
The abrupt opening of the door disrupts his concentration. He jumps, nearly dropping the hat in the process.
Heavy steps stomp into the room, which is pretty much the only data point Usopp needs. “Zoro?” He asks.
There’s silence for a second, then: “How’d you know?” Zoro says, baffled. “What, you already discovered how to sense me with your ‘haki’?”
Soon. Hopefully. “Nah,” Usopp says, putting the hat back on his head. “Nobody else but you stomps like that.”
There’s a moment where Zoro is clearly trying to figure out if he’s being insulted. He lands on “Fine,” and Usopp hears the familiar scrape of Chopper’s stool echo across the room.
Zoro is sitting with him, here? Zoro?
Usopp knows Zoro by now, and he knows that Zoro is someone who chooses his moments very carefully. He’s not one for chatting, for the most part. But he’s more than willing to speak his mind when he thinks the safety and place of the crew is at risk.
And this is what Usopp has been afraid of most. Luffy was difficult to face after this, but Zoro, in a way, is even harder to return to after his time with Vance. He can’t be the one that Zoro sees as a liability to the rest of them, and be the one needing to make the hard choice and deal with the liability.
Disappointing him again is a difficult pill to swallow.
Before Usopp can work himself up into a further state of nerves, Zoro clears his throat.
“Usopp,” He says, steady, determined. “I’m sorry.”
Usopp feels the words like a shock to his system. Why does everyone on this damn crew always apologize to me? He thinks wildly.
But what he ends up croaking out is “For what?”
“For one,” Zoro says. “Not coming by to speak to you sooner. You know Chopper didn’t want us to, but still. I could’ve come anyway. I wanted to. But at the same time…I’ll be honest. It was kind of difficult to do.”
Usopp’s mouth goes dry. “Why?”
“Because I was ashamed,” Zoro says. “I still am. You know you guys are my responsibility, right? Luffy’s captain, but his job is to lead us. Mine is to make sure you guys can follow. And I failed that. I failed you. Which brings me to my second reason…I’m sorry I let you down. You got taken on my watch, and you permanently injured because of it. I’ll take responsibility for that. I’m sorry.”
Usopp…Usopp is stunned into silence. He’s not familiar with the feeling.
Zoro seems content to wait, though. Of course he is. Zoro faces everything head on until he’s done. That just who he is.
Which is why Usopp needs to be crystal clear when he speaks. “That’s stupid,” He says.
“What?” Zoro says. “What do you mean?”
“You guys keep apologizing to me,” Usopp says. “And I guess I get it, in a way. If I was in your position, and this happened to someone else, I’d feel bad too. But you should know, I’m only still alive because of you guys. I only still have hope because of you guys. Because losing my sight almost destroyed me. It still might, I don’t know. But you’re all still here. You still want me here. And, well, that means I have to keep trying until I can find a way to be helpful still.”
Zoro doesn’t seem to have an answer, so Usopp continues.
“When you came in,” Usopp says. “I was worried you were going to tell me it might be better if I left. Because I know you always put the crew first, always. The fact that you didn’t means so much. And I’ll keep on proving that to you guys.”
“Usopp,” Zoro says, and he actually sounds a little choked. “Of course I wouldn’t. You’re…you’re part of the crew. I don’t think…I don’t think you’re getting this. I’m responsible for you too, you know. Even though you’re a big idiot who can’t tell when he’s part of something.”
Usopp laughs. “You’re the idiot,” He says. “Aren’t you, like, still half dead from Thriller Bark? How exactly were you going to put all of our safety on our shoulders? Idiot. You know you’re also part of the crew, right? Doesn’t that mean you have to look after yourself too?”
“It doesn’t work that way,” Zoro says. “That’s the job. The crew before me. And, look. I know where this is coming from. Water 7, right?”
Usopp gently pulls at the straw hat so that it hits the tip of his nose, hiding the upper half of his face. He can’t do this.
“Hey,” He feels the hat being tugged back up. “Stop that. Yeah, it happened. Yeah, it sucked. Yeah, I was upset. And so were you. But it happened and that’s that. You said sorry and we took you back. The fact that you think that I would…I would kick you out as a result still shows that you needed to hear an apology too. So, there you go. You did it and we accepted. Now I did it. You gotta accept it too.”
Usopp is not going to cry here. “Okay, fine,” He sniffs. “I accept. But you know that still doesn’t mean that I blame you or anyone else for this. So long as you’re patient with me while I figure this thing out, right?”
“What, are you kidding?” Zoro says. “I’m always patient.”
Usopp raises his eyebrows. They probably don’t show under the bandages. “If you say so,” He says.
Zoro grumbles, but he clearly doesn’t mean it. “I saw that,” He says. “Nice try. You need to work on your stealth.”
He feels a heavy hand go back up to the hat, and press it down further into his head. “By the way,” Zoro says. “I got you something.”
Usopp feels something press into his hand. Something very, very familiar.
He swallows, clutching the Kabuto tight. “You know I can’t use this, right?” He croaks.
Zoro shrugs. “Maybe not in the way you used to,” He says. “But it’s yours. It always will be.”
Usopp smiles, allowing all his fondness and affection to take over. “Thank you for this. And thanks for coming and talking,” He says. “And, you know. There’s something I’m working on. Maybe you can help me with-”
He’s interrupted by Brook’s voice outside, booming with all his might:
“Impel Down, dead ahead! Like me!”
Of course, it can never be that easy.
Brook has a million questions as they speed closer towards the towering, ominous building on the horizon. Mainly, they center on what the hell are they going to do next.
Impel Down is without a doubt one of the scariest places he’s ever heard of. Going in, staging a breakout? That’s a Herculean task. How will they even get in? And how will they get out again?
Luffy does not seem to have these same concerns. He stands at the front of the ship, arms crossed, his hair blowing around in the strong winds. He’s less chipper than normal, more serious. It’s extremely sobering.
The crew has all scattered out at Brook’s shout, crowding around Luffy. Even Usopp has emerged, assisted by Zoro and carrying his large slingshot, even though he can’t see the approaching prison. Chopper sidles up to him, clearly wanting to scold but thinking this wasn’t the time nor the place to do so.
Luffy says nothing, though. Just keeps looking into the distance. Staring so hard Brook thinks he’s trying to burrow through the walls of the prison to find his brother.
Brook hopes he can meet this brother someday.
“There!” Nami points at the distance. “Those are ships, right? Exiting the prison? Do you think…”
Luffy steps forward, arms still crossed, staring hard. “Nami,” He says. “Can you check with the binoculars and see?”
Brook hands over the binoculars to Nami, who puts them over her eyes. “Okay,” She says. “There’s people on the ships, I don’t really recognize them. Lots of marines. Um, that one doesn’t have anyone. Let me try…oh.”
Luffy’s voice tightens. “Nami?”
“Yeah,” Nami says, voice subdued. “That’s him. That’s Ace. We’re too late, they’re already taking him out. He’s being taken to Marineford.”
Luffy’s eyes harden. “Let’s go,” He says. “We’ll follow. We go after them.”
“Right!” Nami goes forward. “Franky, let’s get a couple coup-de-bursts going so that we can-”
Brook turns in surprise. That’s Usopp, and he’s frowning under his bandages.
Luffy turns to Usopp. “Yes?”
“We still need to go to Impel Down,” Usopp says. We need to let the prisoners out.”
Luffy blinks in confusion. “What?” He says. “Why?”
The rest of the crew seems just as surprise. Even Nami has paused, right in the middle of her run towards the helm.
“It…” Usopp pauses, frown deepening. “We just have to. Trust me.”
Luffy still doesn’t look convinced. “But we need to save Ace,” He says. “How will that help us save Ace?”
Usopp’s back straightens. “Luffy,” He says, voice calm. “Have I ever told you about the time I staged a prison break?”
This gets everyone’s attention. All eyes go to Usopp, waiting.
Luffy seems to get it right away. His eyes widen. “No,” He says. “You haven’t told me.”
“Well,” Usopp says. “That’s the thing about prison breaks. They’re difficult to do, but sometimes they’re worth it. I knew that they would make a good distraction. Especially if something big is happening close by. I also knew that there would be prisoners there that would help me, because I’m just that likeable. But I didn’t do it from inside. Instead, I made sure to use what I had to break the walls from the outside. Maybe even, I don’t know. Aim for the cells on the upper floors for a specific, important ally. All the prisoners were grateful, and they helped me when I needed it most.”
“Oh,” Luffy says. “Wow! Okay, Usopp. That’s so cool. I get it now. Thank you!”
Usopp just nods.
Luffy turns to the crew. “New plan!” He says. “We’re going to break into Impel Down and try to save Ace. At the same time!”
Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
8 notes · View notes
moinsbienquekaworu · 11 months
And now, by popular demand, the latest post in the series of me listing fics I have enjoyed reading: Kylux edition! (dedicated to @romanticvampire and @zeawesomebirdie <3)
Usual disclaimers apply, that is to say I have my own personal tastes & biases, I prefer longer works, I read a lot of smut + people write a lot of smut for this ship, there are very few kinks I won't read, I love omegaverse, and there's lots of fucked up dynamics for these two, so read the tags carefully before reading!
Obviously I'm not saying those are the only good fics ever or the best, just that I had them downloaded to my phone/in my AO3 bookmarks and thought they were at least a fun read. You're free to think I have bad or weird tastes, but keep that to yourself.
All the links work as of late june 2023, so if you can't see one of the fics, it's probably archive locked. Sometimes I add comments but sometimes I don't, and obviously I have stronger opinions about certains works than others, but it also can just be that my memories are vague or that the summary just sells the fic better than any comment I could add. The fics are sorted from longest to shortest.
Onto the list!
First, here are authors whose names I Remember, most likely because I dug through their entire AO3 to find more cool fics back when I was really into Kylux, but also maybe because I realised while making this list that they'd written a few works I like but hadn't connected to them before. It doesn't mean those are the only authors worth reading, they really really aren't, they're just authors whose names I recognise and who wrote multiple fics I liked! They're listed in alphabetic order.
– callmelyss/(a)roseofgalaxies
• From the Last Whelming Sea (42k, 10 chapters)
By now, Kylo might have recited the story himself, how it had been before, how there was once a mighty republic—or an empire—or both?—between the many planets. How it had fallen into war and chaos. How, in insolation, their world had changed, the oceans rising, the cities tumbling. How the people had changed afterward, taken to the life still possible under the waves. – Generations after the Republic, the Empire, the Force, and terrestrial civilization have fallen from memory, Kylo is a prince on the cusp of fulfilling his destiny as leader of his people, who live among the sunken remnants of the world before. That is, until he meets Hux, a cantankerous tinkerer with an affinity for technology and the old relics, who challenges his understanding of everything he thought he knew about the oceans, the galaxy, his family—and himself.
• And All That Road Going (38k, 4 chapters)
Kylo regards the pair of them. Phasma’s pale hair haloes her paler face; Hux’s eyes are dark, unfathomable in the shadows. The city’s lights glitter behind them, beckoning them all back, but neither spares a glance that way, at that luminous oasis. They’re both looking at him, expectant, and at the road ahead. And it would be much easier to do this alone; he didn’t want to involve other people, least of all two strangers he’s just met. – Kylo Ren, AKA Ben Solo, the son of a prominent California Senator and a mechanic, flees his past and the authorities, trying to leave both behind in the Nevada desert. Along the way, he picks up a cynical waitress and a sharp-tongued con artist in need of their own new beginnings. Together, in his father's '77 Plymouth Voyager, they find more than the road between the edge lines.
• My Baby's a Devil in the Bedroom (20k, 6 chapters)
“Oh, obviously.” Kylo let out a shaky laugh and ran both hands through his hair. “Wait, no, you’re serious. You’re a fucking demon.” “Well, yes, not to put too fine a point on it.” Hux smiled, clearly pleased with himself at the joke. “Or more accurately, I’m a succubus. A sex demon.” – Kylo has an unusual squatter. He's pretty fine with it.
• Monster, Lovely (8.9k, 2 chapters)
“Wait, what?” The redhead—previously with his tongue halfway down Kylo's throat and his hand jammed into the front of his jeans—takes a halting step backward. He raises his fingers into the grimy light from the bathroom window. No mistake: they’re glistening with secretion and glowing a faint violet as he turns them this way and that, studying them. “Huh.” – It was supposed to be a casual party hookup. That was before Armitage knew about the tentacles.
• Hesitation Change (8.2k)
“I—" Kylo says. Meaning to explain. Except he doesn’t know that he can. Account for the impulse just now, to go against this precisely coordinated spectacle, to answer an unposed question, what it would feel like to kiss him in front of the entire expanse of known civilization, and, perhaps most pressingly, whether his lips are as soft as they look (softer). – The Supreme Leader marries his Grand Marshal.
-> absolutely insane about this author. Monster, Lovely is always lurking in my brain. From the Last Whelming Sea and And All That Road Going altered my brain chemistry. The author made all the works private while I was finishing up the list and I waited until they made them publicly available again because I could not post a Kylux reclist that didn't link to them. Lyss (if that's still what you go by?) if you're reading this you changed my life a little and I don't know you but I love you.
– Camellia Cook
• Catch and Release, in collaboration with armoredsuperheavy (19k, 4 chapters)
Six months after the death of Supreme Leader Snoke, Hux feels like he’s all that’s holding the First Order together, but he’s barely managing to keep himself together. He’s stressed out and exhausted, unable to step away from his work long enough to truly relax. Kylo Ren is intimately acquainted with the feeling of being overwhelmed by one’s responsibilities. Looking at Hux, he remembers a long-ago encounter that helped him escape that feeling once, for a little while. He’s certain he could do the same thing for Hux, if only Hux would let him.
• Decadence; Or, Five Times Hux Tempted Kylo Ren and One Time Ren Tempted Him (17k, 4/7 chapters)
Hux is horrified to learn the depths of the new Supreme Leader's asceticism, and so he personally sets out to convince him that there's nothing wrong with enjoying yourself from time to time--for the greater good of the First Order, of course. A little pleasure might go some way towards decreasing Ren's famous volatility, after all. Not that kind of pleasure, though. This isn't a seduction. (Yes, it is, but Hux is the one being seduced.)
• Moonlighting (11k)
When Hux decides to visit a famous red-light district in search of a little stress relief, he’s disappointed in the selection until a tall, broad stranger in a skirt and heels catches his eye. When he gets closer, he finds that the stranger isn’t a stranger at all--it’s Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader of the First Order, selling himself on a street corner. It must be some sort of undercover work to track down a resistance operative--surely that’s the only possible explanation. There’s no way Ren could be doing this just because he gets off on it… right?
• masters of the fucking universe (5.8k)
Kylo Ren, CEO of First Order Peacekeeping Solutions, plucks his top engineer, Armitage Hux, out of his lab and brings him along to a high-class fundraiser to help sell their newest innovation. Hux is just trying to keep up, and not give away the enormous crush he has on his boss--which is made much more difficult when Kylo decides he wants some company after the event.
-> I keep thinking about Moonlighting, I would safely put it in the top 10 of the hottest fics I have ever read (hottest to me personally of course). I will forever mourn that Decadence didn't get finished, but the 4 chapters we have are already incredible.
– flyting
• In A Crowd of Thousands (1.2k)
Hux recalls the time he met Ben Solo, unaware that Kylo remembers it too. “It was Endor Day,” Kylo realizes. He remembers those parades, distantly, through the veil of another life. A hot, cloudless summer day and a cheering crowd. “Yes,” Hux says. “I didn’t realize it at the time or I wouldn’t have-” he stops, shutting his mouth. “Wouldn’t what?” “I suppose I got rather into the spirit of things. I was twelve. It was warm and there was music, and everyone was so excited. Someone gave me a free iced chocolate. It was the best thing I’d ever tasted.”
• Breaking Down Like Fractions (6.9k, 2 chapters)
For the TFA-kink prompt: AU where Ben Solo never became Kylo Ren, but he's still the same man who *could* have become Kylo Ren. He's prone to fits of temper, he's very strong in the Force, and... he's a Jedi. He's developed a soft touch on people's minds (because Uncle Luke is so disappointed when he's mean to prisoners, although Uncle Luke is disappointed in him anyway) and he's the Resistance's interrogator of last resort. And then the Resistance captures a prize: General Hux of the First Order. He's building a base somewhere that can destroy an entire star system at once. And Ben is the only one who can find out where it is.
• Reputation (15k, 9 chapters)
Kylo finds out Hux is an omega. Functionally it makes no difference -- everybody in the FO takes hormone control -- but every so often medical deems fit to have someone go through a rut/heat. Alpha/omegas are uncommon enough that it doesn't present real disruptions. Kylo is excited. He's an alpha, and has never experienced being around an available omega. Omegas are supposed submissive, needy things -- according to Han's old romance novels and Snoke's gender essentialism 101, at least. And the glut of porn. Subjugating the general sounds appealing. It turns out heat makes Hux mean. He's aggressive, hostile, and doesn't seem to give a fuck about Kylo or his fancy dick.
-> Reputation has been on my wall list of fanfics I like since July 2021 and the author writes great (that's the end of the sentence, their writing is great)
– imperialhuxness
• Brighter Visions (14k)
Then: Free-wheeling arms runner Kylo Ren sells illicit kyber to a disgraced general with nothing left to lose. Now: The Emperor doesn't cope well with lateness from his best clandestine operative. – "Kylo’s chest clenches, and he pulls Hux closer. The Force is glowing again at the margin of his consciousness, something warm and golden and alive threatening to burst out of it. Thirty years of life, and he’s been three different people: the failed padawan, the misfit criminal, and the Emperor’s one-man death squad. Only the lattermost has been happy."
• Love, Your Crooked Neighbor (11k)
When Snoke assigned Hux to bring in his newest asset, Hux was expecting some everyday Coruscanti underworlder on a low-profile Core World. Predictable. Routine. What he gets is a burning compound on a nameless hunk of rock, a confused young pseudo-Sith, and oh, yeah. Feelings.
• Super Fade (8k)
After Ben returns to his hometown from a disastrous first semester of college, his dad attempts to revive one of their oldest father-son bonding activities: picking out New Year's fireworks. His going-places high school ex is the last person he expects to find on the other side of the counter. – Over a gray v-neck—not a button-down, what the hell— that bares his pale throat and prominent collar bones, the guy’s wearing a leather jacket. An enamel pride flag pin shines on his lapel. “Oh, my god,” Ben breathes. “Armitage?” What has to be Armitage fucking Hux looks him up and down. “How‘s Yale?” he says, and adds belatedly, “You may set your items on the table.”
-> Once again, Super Fade changed my life, it is so very memorable to me for personal reasons. Love, Your Crooked Neighbor is an extremely fun read also, not like funny but very enjoyable to me
– Kyluxtrashpit @kyluxtrashpit (who is still posting about them even though it's been years, thank you for your service, I haven't read for these two in a while but I'll swing by for your last fic)
• Floss Me (2k)
Hux, Kylo's boyfriend, is aghast to find out how rarely Kylo flosses (i.e. never) and he can't take it anymore, so he decides to take matters into his own hands. Kylo's mind, however, takes things in a different direction, and it turns out both of them enjoy the rather unexpected results.
• Aural (2.7k)
Hux fucks Kylo's ear. (Yeah you read that right)
• Monthly Reports (3.1k)
Kylo Ren's tantrums are expensive, and those extra expenses always complicate Hux's paperwork. Rebalancing the budget takes time, time that could be better spent doing something useful. So, of course, he devises a punishment for Ren.
-> Now those may sound a little... strange. Especially Aural. And it would be reasonable of you to think "ew I'm not reading that" but what is life if you never read fics that sound insane and are actually also very good? Huh? You can check out the rest of their works because they're also good, this is just the few I had downloaded on my phone. Floss Me is more normal and I am still a little obsessed with it <3
– notlikelybutpossible (all archive restricted!)
• the Fall Out Kylux series (148k, 3 works of about 50k each)
Inexperienced alpha Kylo Ren gets stranded on Hoth with reluctant omega Armitage Hux. Guess who’s going into heat. Guess who has to help him…
• My lonely heart calls (37k, 3 chapters)
Irreverent werewolf Kylo Ren meets repressed furry Armitage Hux. They're perfect for each other.
• the Dick in a box series (8.7k, 3 works)
In which Kylo Ren presents Hux with his dick. In a box.
• Once A-Pawn A Time (7.2k)
Hux has seen the mysterious man around a fair bit over recent months – he's hard to miss, with his height and build, not to mention the scar that runs all the way down one cheek. Hux is reasonably sure he’s living out of the battered Ford that he often leaves in the Walmart parking lot. But he's never come into the pawn shop before…
• Yours, desperately (6.7k)
Ren discovers Hux has a secret kink. And, being an emotionally fluent, boundary-respecting adult, decides his new purpose in life is to convince Hux to share…
• Holding out for a Hero (3.6k)
When Kylo Ren emerges from the waves before him, Armitage Hux is far more interested in his cock than, y'know, the fact that he's a centaur...
• Tie me down and use me up (2.1k)
"I just think that Kylo's massive cock deserves to be edged or used as a dildo for someone else's pleasure. Preferably with little to no regard for the pleasure or satisfaction of the man it belongs to." (@ProteanKylux, 28 July 2021, Twitter)
• Oil and fire (2k)
Kylo, a friendly liquid blob monster, encounters a human hiking through the forest who entrances him like a flame entrances a moth. He wants to touch.
• Soggy Biscuits (2k)
Kylo Ren was not prepared to deal with a very drunk, very uninhibited Hux bragging about how fast he can masturbate. But... he also wasn't prepared to just let him win.
-> I'm insane about all of those but especially the Fall Out Kylux series, Alpha Dog and Omegalomaniac lives in my brain still. I also remember clicking on the AO3 email for Soggy Biscuits <3 Once A-Pawn A Time is weird to read once Anakin becomes your blorbo as well but the concept charms me so much
– sigo
• Homecoming (13k)
“Ren, it’s midnight,” Hux sighed at his infuriating coworker. “Get to it.” “I may have informed my entire family previously that we were dating.”
• Whitecap Violence (5.2k)
When Kylo had first wanted to bring Hux along, Hux had protested. Bad enough that the Supreme Leader was always off galivanting planetside somewhere. The Chancellor should stay on Coruscant. Kylo would hear none of it, and here Hux was.
• The One with the Eggs (4.9k)
Hux turned on his heel, but hardly made it two steps before running straight into Kylo Ren. He knew his face betrayed his dismay. He didn’t have time for this.
-> Eggs are not everyone's thing but when they're yours it's really hard to find good fics, thankfully this fic exists. Homecoming was a kinda strange but fascinating read, by which I mean I read it once years ago and I still remember it pretty well, and Whitecap Violence is easily one of my fave titles I've ever seen
– solohux
• Screaming Colour (38k)
For as long as Hux can remember, he's been able to see everything in brilliant, vivid colour. His mother tells him that it means that he's got a soulmate somewhere in the galaxy who's waiting for him and little Hux is excited to think that his soulmate can see things in the amazing colours that he can. But one day, the colour begins to drain from Hux's world. (Soulmate AU where you see everything in perfect colour until your soulmate dies)
• What We're Made Of (13k, 3 chapters)
On the morning of your 5th birthday, you'll wake up with a new toy beside you, one that is made in the image of your destined soulmate. Young Ben has a little wooden General with orange hair and a woolly greatcoat that matches his little cap, whilst young Armitage has a soft plush of a Jedi, one with soft dark hair and two brown buttons for eyes. The two boys are happy with their new toys. Their families, however, are not. It shapes them.
• Emergency Consort (7.2k)
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren is close to sealing a deal with a highly influential council that’ll help sway the war in their favour. The only issue is that the council only deal with alphas who are mated as they believe that they’re much tamer and more level-headed this way. All Kylo needs to do is pretend to be mated whilst visiting the planet to sign the agreement. He seizes the opportunity to offer Hux a promotion in return for pretending to be his mate. Hux agrees, and their courting begins.
• Pander To The Prince (4.7)
Armitage Hux is a pillow prince, leaving it up to his Sugar Daddy, Kylo Ren, to do all of the work for him in the bedroom.
• The Sixth Drink Instinct (2.2k)
Drunk student Hux spots his hot professor in a bar and goes over to him.
-> What We're Made Of and Emergency Consort were some of my first Kylux fics I think and I have such a deep fondness for them! Also just the concept of What We're Made Of is incredible.
– sternfleck
• the Arcana Imperii series (56k, 9 works)
Based on the “Duel of the Fates” leaked alternate script for Episode 9.
• Nestful (5.5k)
Out of everyone in the First Order, only Kylo Ren knows the truth about Hux: the General is half alien...and entirely appealing. Or: Hux builds a nest out of pillows and clothes when it’s time for him to lay his eggs. Kylo wins his trust to enter the nest and give Hux the reward he deserves. For Kylux Positivity Week 2.0, Day 8. Prompt: “Wild Card."
• salt & he was still hungry (2.7k)
“I don’t see why it’s so crucial that I share this childhood experience of yours,” Armitage grumbles, cuddling Millicent closer even as he leans back into Ben’s arms. “We’re adults. We’re old enough to have children of our own, if we were so inclined. Surely there are better ways to spend our time than in surrendering to nostalgia.” Ben only hugs him tighter, one big arm around Armitage’s waist, while, with the other hand, he pulls a pillow into Armitage’s lap and rests the open picture book across it. Then, with a last kiss to Armitage’s temple, he begins to read. In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf. - Soft grown-up boyfriends Ben and Armitage cuddle in a blanket nest and enjoy Ben's favourite picture book together. At least, Ben enjoys it. Armie, on the other hand, has many thoughts about caterpillars, child development, and their romantic future.
-> The whole "salt-verse" thing is fascinating to me tbh. Remember what I said about egg fics being rare? Yeah, this is My Egg Fic™ for Kylux (and one of my egg fics of forever across everything I've ever read). Is it weird that I have one, yes, is the fic deserving of the spot it's been occupying rent-free in my brain for years, also yes. I hate to say this but Arcana Imperii is the vibes I wanted for the end of another Kylux fic lol.
And now, the actual list of fics! Some of those authors also wrote other fics (cough cough hollycomb) but if they're not on the list it's that I just never read them/found it easy to pick a favourite, not that I think they're bad!
• Dollars to Donuts by ktula (183k, 24 chapters)
Kylo just wants to ask Hux out on a date. That's all he wants. Sure, he's been closeted since he figured out he was gay, and he's never gone on a date with anybody before, and also Hux intimidates the hell out of him--but how bad could it possibly be? (It could be 'proposing a celibate fake marriage to the guy you've been in love with for two years so he can get his inheritance' bad, Kylo. That's how bad it could be.
-> Classic, I can't not include it but it's probably super popular and you might have seen it somewhere (I don't know I don't look at stats or talk to people). Personally not only did I like the fake dating (love that stuff) I also appreciated the author including a commentary at the end of chapters, it helped me Get the fic and it was cool.
• Ad Augustana per Sciencia by Star_flaming (157k, 12 chapters)
Hux prided himself on being a man who managed to have interests outside of the military. His newest interest; history so old that many thought it useless in the modern age. And he could have been quite content, reading articles and books on ancient cultures if it wasn't for Kylo Ren, who seemed to have made it his goal to inject himself into Hux's academic pursuits when he wasn't destroying the ship through his apparent self-destructive tendencies. Or: Academia brings two idiots together and builds a new regime
-> I never finished this fic but the worldbuilding is absolutely insane and I say that with all the love in my heart. The concept of space children makes me foam at the mouth it's so cool and I want to see that energy in canon SW so bad. Incredible. Also love when there's Ancient History <3
• In The Days Still Left by carefulben (154k, 23 chapters)
The instructions are clear, but following them will take more strength of nerves and willpower than either General Hux or Kylo Ren could have anticipated. With Starkiller Base destroyed, they are sent on a mission that will test their loyalties and bring things to light that may have been better off kept in the dark.
-> Add it to the pile of never finished fics I should really really finish. I remember it vaguely but I know it was cool and good.
• Reach Out and Touch Faith by for_autumn_i_am and ktula (146k, 10 chapters)
New Contacts (1): General A. Hux [Finalizer] - Kylo blinks. Sits up, and carefully presses the button. It’s—fuck, it’s a professional holo of him. Full colour, instead of the wavering blue of the hologram unit embedded in Snoke’s throne, and General Hux has—General Hux has red hair, and green-grey eyes, and he’s so focused, so settled. Like he knows what he wants. Like he knows how to get it.
-> Okay I'm going to be honest I read that one because of the title haha. It might even have introduced me to the song, but I'm not certain. Almost no memories of it but it absolutely cannot be bad, look at that summary, look at those authors, I just know it's good.
• The structural fabrications series by kyluxtrashcompactor (133k & 3 works, 40-50k per work)
Six months ago, Armitage Hux fabricated a fiancé, never expecting to have to drag him to a funeral in Georgia, pretending to be something they weren't. The problem was, Ben Solo was everything Hux had ever wanted. Ben Solo had hidden his love for his roommate for years, thinking that someone as perfect as Hux would never want a broken soldier like him. But he was wrong. Sometimes you have to tell a lie to find the truth.
-> This series was so.... yeah. If you don't want to Feel Things inside your heart right now you should keep it for later but it's great. I read the first fic, knew I couldn't handle the two others right then, and unfortunately didn't come back, but that first work was insane and incredible and a ride.
• Beauty Beneath (Beyond) by dallystrings (104k, 11 chapters)
“You know Ben, he’s a disaster when it comes to planning in advance,” Hux laughed lightly, dropping his hand to entwine his fingers in Ben’s. “I’m Hux, his boyfriend.” or, the one where Ben really doesn't want to go home, and Hux is just trying to be a better friend. or, or, the 2020 newly edited version of Beauty Beneath (2016)
-> I like fake/pretend relationships okay!! It might not be the single best I've ever read but it does the job and it does it well.
• Suit Porn by for_autumn_i_am (77k, 9 chapters)
Armitage Hux has worked tirelessly to become CEO of First Order Corp's UK office, however his counterpart in the States, Kylo Ren, is the most infuriating man with whom to exchange emails. When Hux is called to New York to meet with Ren, he encounters a delicious man in a suit, who wants to do unspeakable things to him. But when Hux walks into his meeting the next morning, he's in for a surprise and the beginning of a relationship that is far more than just business.
-> I had no memories of this one so I went to read it and I don't think it's present-me's jam anymore, but it sure delivers upon its premise if that sounds interesting to you!
• Sweet Home Arkanis by Gefionne and minzimpression (68k, 8 chapters)
Hux is engaged to the man of his dreams. There’s just one catch: he’s already married to his high school sweetheart, Ben Solo. Now he needs a divorce, and he needs it fast.
-> Do you think those cliché hallmark movies are entertaining if not very good? Well. Fanfic version, ie automatically more enjoyable because at least there's no weird sexism. I'm selling it all wrong, don't listen to me, it's just really good, I have great memories of that one.
• There's no escape from my authority by The_Marron (67k, 20 chapters)
Hux refuses to go to Snoke like a schoolboy waiting for punishment he did not deserve. Now he has two weeks until they reach the Supreme Leader's quarters to stage a coup and take Snoke out of the equation. To do that he will not only need his crew, but also the loyalty of his rival. Nobody said becoming an Emperor was easy and pleasant.
-> I only remember the title but it is a really cool title. I think it was good? That summary is certainly making me want to take another look at it
• All Hearts Come Home For Christmas by aaelandair (66k, 8 chapters)
"Do you want to come home with me and pretend to be my boyfriend for a week?" Hux stares at him incredulously. "What the actual fuck, Ren? No." - Kylo desperately needs a fake boyfriend for Christmas, so his family won't be disappointed in him once again. Hux would be the perfect candidate for the job, except for the part where he doesn't want to do it. Convincing him that this is actually a good idea should be easy, though. Right?
-> Aand some more fake/pretend relationship! This one is really good at that trope and a very fun read <3
• Status: It's Complicated by PangolinPirate and sunnywritesstuff (61k, 8 chapters)
Armitage Hux is a graduate student working hard to make ends meet. To ease the financial strain he offers tutoring lessons. Enter one Kylo Ren, an apparently spoiled rich kid whose struggling to pass his law classes and is in danger of loosing his considerable inheritance if he can't improve. Kylo has everything Hux wishes he had when he was an undergraduate: Money, connections, parents who gave a shit about his education. Kylo asks Hux to be his tutor and what started as a side gig for cash turns into feelings. At first, Hux is unimpressed with the spoiled man-child student, but slowly realizes he can’t hide from it anymore— Kylo Ren does something to him that no other person ever has before, and to hell if he won’t indulge in that.
-> Didn't finish that one either, I'm a fanfic magpie and AO3 is full of very shiny jewels, but the beginning was fun
• the Kylux Animal Welfare AU (Madame, That's Not A Hedgehog & co) by GenerallyHuxurious (57k & 11 works for the whole series, 21k & 7 chapters for the main fic)
Armitage Hux is an animal welfare officer with First Order Animal Rescue, one of the biggest animal charities in the world, he spends his days saving animals and his nights home alone with his three-legged rescue cat Millicent. Kylo Ren's mother helped him open a private wildlife clinic in the hope that he'd stop causing international incidents in the name of animal rights. Hux hasn't had a date in six years and Kylo's been trying to work out how to ask him out for the last four. Now he might have spotted his chance…
-> ASPEC HUX!!! This is not a drill!!!!! He's aspec!!!!! He's demi!!!! The plot is also immaculate obviously but aspec Hux!!!! It touches on animal abuse so be careful, I know the last chapter really shook me, but it stands out in my memory and I love it a whole lot. Aspec Hux also once again.
• Dire Oversight by ezlebe (54k, 7 chapters)
“Thvala has a long tradition of binding political alliances with marriage,” Captain Pforn says, looking up from the heretofore agreed contract and folding his hands over the data pad. He has a smile like what he said isn’t absolutely senseless, “It is the will of Sovereign Andeles that you and Prince Gheralt fulfill this aspect of the contract.”
-> Fake marriages my beloveds. I keep reccing fics with that trope but they're all fun!!
• On Bended Knee by rudbeckia (47k, 10 chapters)
Armitage Hux, just out of an unhealthy long term relationship with an older man, is on vacation. On his first night, the complete stranger from the next room proposes. The handsome complete stranger with shoulders that look like he could wrestle a ram and hair that would make a poet weep. Armitage says yes. That’s no basis for a lasting relationship. Is it?
-> Ohoho I am insane about that one. The start of their relationship. The development. Hux's ex. I won't spoil but there is Something in their relationship that is different from what you usually see in romance and it's great.
• Young Couple Arguing in IKEA, 2016 (Mixed Media) & First Love, Late Spring by hollycomb (7k, 38k & 3 chapters)
Ren drags Hux to IKEA and asks him what he thinks about cacti. Hux does his best to avoid a full nervous breakdown.
"Hux felt like he had nothing left to lose and ended up back at the apartment Ren shared with his cousin and her husband, indulging in what he assumed would be a reckless one night stand. It was reckless indeed, but Hux was still there three days and approximately nineteen fucks later." Ren's POV on bringing a lonely ginger criminal home and never wanting to let him go.
-> ALSO obsessed with that one. Obsessed obsessed. It hit me right in the feels and it was absolutely insane and I am in genuine love with it. You can read them in whichever order, I think I read First Love, Late Spring first? It comes first in in-universe chronological order but that doesn't really matter. BTW, if you have not, listen to First Love, Late Spring by Mitski, it is also an insane song that makes me feel shrimp emotions.
• Hotline Bling by minzimpression (37k, 4 chapters)
Hux wants a dick pic from his recent hook-up. Unfortunately, he texts the wrong number.
-> If I was serious-insane about the others I'm silly-insane about that one. It's very very fun to read, at least in my eyes.
• What we want by mssdare (37k, 7 chapters)
Kylo is doing Community Service in a state-run assisted living facility outside NYC. He hates his job, his life, and mostly--himself. One of the patients in the facility is old Colonel Hux. His son, Armitage, is the most infuriating, stuck up man Kylo has ever met in his life.
-> And back to more serious-insane. I think if you read all the fics that Resonate with me you can tell what's wrong with me. ALSO! ASPEC HUX!! Yeah I have to shout it from the rooftops because I love it. More aspec characters everywhere. I love his relationship to sexuality there.
• On the Waves by OneWhoSitsWithTurtles (34k, 7 chapters)
Armitage Hux is forced to join his father and step-mother on a 14 day cruise hosted for high society families to network and debut their children to the world. Now that Armitage is 25 years old he is expected to marry someone whose family will strengthen the Hux business and if by the end of the cruise Armitage isn’t engaged, he’s in trouble. Worse still is the fact that Armitage is gay and his father would disown him if he knew. Resigned to a miserable two weeks, Armitage is caught off guard when he catches the eye of Ben Solo, who is on the cruise with his own family. It doesn’t help that Ben is exactly his type and although Armitage tries, he can’t resist temptation as he and Ben become close. For two weeks their affection grows in secret with one question remaining: what happens when the cruise ends and their time together runs out?
-> The plot is straightforward, the fic is fun, there's some Rey and Phasma in there too if you like them!
• Something About Volcanoes by betts (28k, 5 chapters)
“Think about it.” Hux makes a grandiose, sweeping motion with his arm. “The drama. The chaos. The rumors. The only thing better than a destination wedding is a heartwarming coming-out story to take the spotlight away from your selfish loved ones and their horrid pursuit of emotional fulfillment. Then you wait a few months, and announce it was all just a phase and you’re in fact happily engaged to…I don’t know, one of those body pillow things.”
-> Yet more fake dating. I just love fake dating. They're assholes in this one and I love assholes.
• fingerprints smudging the stars by TheSpaceCoyote (21k, 2 chapters)
For years Hux has carried himself with the poise and power of an alpha, his true endotype hidden with the help of fake scents and powerful suppressants. But on the cusp of Starkiller's completion, something slips through the general's carefully crafted failsafes and threatens to undo everything he's built up over the years. Hux has never been one to accept help, but with an unexpected problem mounting—not to mention the interference of unpredictable alpha Kylo Ren—he might have to.
-> Dope title and I have very few memories of this one but it sounds like a neat omegaverse. I also trust the author to do words good
• The Wildflower Prince by PangolinPirate and solohux (21k, 4 chapters)
Armitage Hux is an omega, locked away in a tower until his alpha father can find use for him. His tower is deep in the enchanted forests and surrounded by an impenetrable circle of magic, so Hux lives a very lonely and quiet life. That is, until gifts begin appearing upon his balcony.
-> I really like omegaverse too! Sue me! This one is neat and simple and a great read, it has Rapunzel vibes and it's fun.
• Caim by Eiramma (20k)
Hux is stolen from his academy bunk late one night and is dumped on the frozen waste land that is Ilum along with a small handful of his other classmates. Despite never having dreamed a night of his life, on his first night on this frozen planet, Hux finds himself in the body of an angry padawan, Ben Solo. As his stay on Ilum continues, it becomes apparent that pair of them share some sort of deep connection forged through mysticism of the Force, that permits them spend their dreams in one another's waking lives, and Hux has no idea why. But with danger lurking around every snow covered tree, Hux begins to wonder if he will be able to live long enough to understand the mystery of their bond, never mind deal with the growing fondness for the other boy that has begun to bloom in his heart.
-> not on AO3 anymore but I have an epub file if someone's interested, just hit me up in private! I love love love this kind of dyad thing, and I have a fondness for teen!Kylux.
• the Galactic La Leche League series by gundamoocow (17k, 2 works)
Kylo Ren’s jaw hangs loosely and his eyes are steadfastly fixed on Hux’s chest. He hasn’t moved an inch since Hux unclasped his tunic hook by hook to reveal a tight, flattening undershirt that leaves little to the imagination. Hux shirks the tunic off and drapes it over a chair before pulling the undershirt over his head. Removing it is always a struggle, but he manages with enough grace for Ren not to notice. He is topless now, wearing only his boots and jodhpurs, standing awkwardly in his room while Ren appears frozen in time with his eyes glued to Hux’s torso, surprise plain on his face. Hux frowns. “Surely you were aware?” Ren shakes his head. “No,” he utters, his voice weak as if winded. “I had no idea.”
-> Now I know what you're thinking, what is this, why are you reccing this, etc. Well the fic is fun to read, and it's hard to find male lactation without mpreg or children in the picture but the idea has potential to be really hot, so. There. Cringe culture is dead, live a little and try a good lactation fic
• Family Values by SpookMouse (16k, 8 chapters)
“Alone on Thanksgiving? Mad at your dad? I am a 28 year old felon with no high school degree, and a dirty old van one year younger than me painted like Eddie Van Halen’s guitar. I can play anywhere between the ages of 20 and 29 depending on if I shave. I’m a line cook and work late nights at a bar. If you’d like to have me as your strictly platonic date for Thanksgiving, but have me pretend to be in a very long or serious relationship with you, to torment your family, I’m game.” Or, Hux brings Kylo home for the holidays.
-> I think the summary just sells that one on its own. Look at this. Incredible Kylo energy.
• Unknown Pleasures by gundamoocow and hexgoldyloins (16k, 7 chapters)
Kylo Ren and Armitage Hux are rival employees at First Order Engineering, a multi-disciplinary engineering company headed by the elusive CEO Snoke. For years, Kylo and Hux have been at each other's throats, vying for power and advancement within the aerospace division. An opportunity to have an audience with Snoke presents itself, but it involves forming an unlikely alliance and going undercover…to a BDSM sex club.
-> Also reread that one for the list and hmmm yeah it's good. The BDSM etiquette could be better but if you compare it to canon they're doing so well <3
• Nothing but a Flickering Flame by leviathanofthesky (14k, 7 chapters)
General Hux’s father visits the Finalizer after Snoke’s death to pay tribute to the newly crowned supreme leader. Unfortunately for Armitage, Kylo’s sudden interest in him and the fact that his shipment of suppressants seems to be lost in stars-know-where doesn’t help the situation at all.
-> Hmm, good old Brendol bashing <3
• Reptile Husbandry by koi_boi (13k)
Hux is an accomplished researcher who's having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad time in the field. He stumbles into a cave filled with secrets and one very large, very curious snake. Hux gets fucked in more ways than one.
• There's a Desert in My Blood and a Storm in Your Eyes by frapandfurious (12k, 5 chapters)
Hux and Kylo have been on the road together for over a year. They're free and they're in love. Until a ghost from Hux's past finally catches up with them.
• Give Me a Shot to Remember by decotex (11k, 6 chapters)
Everyone on the Finalizer has at some point had to listen to the General and their resident Dark Lord's flirting. They are not subtle. Someone points out Kylo Ren's soft spot for a certain First Order general. Hux contemplates this over vodka. Feat. heavy drinking, a ship full of gossipers, and no subtlety whatsoever.
-> I found a fave song of mine in this fic. The last chapter was an Experience and I re-live it every time I listen to Goodbye to a World.
• Lapdog by Antique_Mango (11k)
“I’m willing to listen to what the Supreme Council has to say,” Ren continues like they are having a reasonable conversation, and not like Hux is half a moment away from losing every last bit of his hard-earned decorum, “as soon as you sit down.” “On your lap.” – After his fall from grace Hux is barely keeping it together, convinced that everyone wants him dead (himself included.) Kylo tries to change his mind.
-> Oh yeah baby, amplify those emotions! Make them feel things! More!!! I left a loonng comment on that one because it fascinated me so much.
• A Whisper In My Ear by Ellstra (10k)
A minute reaction of Hux’s inspires Ren to suggest adding some spice into their sex life. Hux isn’t entirely certain what to expect but he’s definitely on board.
• Young Men at the End of Everything by partialresonance (9k)
Kylo thinks he can get used to life in exile, so long as Hux is there to live it with him. But a random stroke of fate suddenly throws Hux's life into jeopardy, and Kylo has to turn to an unlikely source for help.
-> The title is great the old lady character is great it's a good read and pretty memorable for a 9k fic
• an insult to basic geometry by brawlite (7.4k)
It's not that Kylo wasn't trying to summon a demon; it's just that he didn't think it would actually work. He also didn't prepare himself for the hypothetical demon that he probably wasn't going to summon to be so damn hot. And now the demon is asking him what he wants -- and the only thing Kylo really seems to want is the demon himself. That's within the terms and conditions, right?
-> Dope title, check, demons, check, I follow the author on here and am slowly getting into other fandoms they've also written for, check. (no but for real when I saw their name looking for Venom fic it felt like seeing an old friend, great surprise)
• Pheromones by EmberSH (6.2k)
After a blind date gone wrong all Hux wants is to have a drink and find a distraction for the evening; Best case scenario someone who'll treat him a little rough. Kylo Ren is so much more than that.
-> This was the hottest fic I'd ever read for a looong time years ago. Genuinely, it completely blew my mind when I was like 14. The follow up was less fun because I am Not a noncon person and I really really wasn't back then but it's also good. The fic has vampires, go read it if you like vampires.
• silk & heat by surrenderer (5.2k)
When Ben gets home, Armitage has some exciting plans for the rest of their day together. For Year of Kylux's "Omegaverse" week!
• A Decent Proposal by PaperPrince (5k, 5 chapters)
Hux is very happy not being in a relationship with his roommate and best friend Kylo Ren. But when Kylo faces deportation, they find themselves re-evaluating their co-dependent lifestyle. What is marriage really? Two people who is on the cruise the rest of their lives together. So what difference does it make if you take sex away from the equation?
-> ASPEC KYLO!!!! Not the best writing in the entire world, but the concept and aspec Kylo got me.
• Botanical Exercises by need_more_meta (3.9k)
Hux finds a flower on his bed. Then another one. And another one. For Kylux Positivity Week 3.0, Prompt: “Flower Language” with a dash of “Oh No He’s Hot.”
-> It reminds me of Dites-le avec des fleurs <3
• When Christmas Comes by Pizzzazlut (3.6k)
"Kylo bit his lip as he tried not to show Hux how much that simple touch was already affecting him. Because an Alpha shouldn’t want this. An Alpha should never crave for his sweet albeit feisty Omega to fuck him into submission like this, to make him beg for more with each delicious thrust." Or the one where Alpha Kylo bottoms for his lovely Omega.
-> People who do fun stuff with A/B/O dynamics are galaxy brained and so very right and I love them.
• What Couples Do by Mesmeret (3.4k)
Kylo likes matching with Hux. At first it’s socks but they gradually figure out ways to share things together that keep them company when the other is away. My contribution for the Soft Issue of the Kylux Zine Project.
• How Not To Train Your Not-Sith Enemy by humane (3.1k)
"Forgive me, master." Hux murmured, head bowed in shame, "I feel it again. The pull from the dark. It tempts me more each time." Luke arched a single bushy eyebrow. You? Tempted? it seemed to say. "It's Kylo Ren." Hux admitted. Sympathy and profound understanding blossomed on Luke's face, the likes of which could only be observed in individuals that had personally experienced the unique brand of disaster that was Kylo Ren. "Are you tempted by his chaos?" he prompted. "His unbridled power? His seeming freedom? None of those are the way of the force." Hux frowned, puzzled. "No." he said, "I'm just tempted to decapitate him." Or: In which Hux is an EXTREMELY uptight jedi knight and Kylo is the not-sith that gives Hux aneurisms with the sheer blazing power of his incompetence.
-> I don't know how well this meshes with prequels lore, I read it back when I didn't care about anything beyond the sequels, but the premise is great
• Blood, Bitemarks, and Stupid, Stupid Love by TheSilentUnderworld (3k)
Being roomates with an annoying Alpha Werewolf was fine. Until he started messing with Hux's mail.
-> Werewolf x vampire <3 <3 <3
• I'll Be the Sun, You Be the Moon by need_more_meta (2.1k)
Chancellor Hux is preparing for a ball. He enlists Ren’s help. For Kylux Positivity Week 3.0, Prompt: “Put It on Hux | Put It on Kylo.” For Year of Kylux, Prompt: “Duel of the Fates Timeline.”
• Sweet Redolence by Jakathine (2k)
What happens when the desire to best your opponent turns into a desire to bed them instead…and then fate pushes you together rather Forcefully.
• Rabid Curs by Potboy (1.9k)
In which Kylo, all alone in the First Order with a master who mistreats him, goes to the wrong man for comfort. Unfortunately Armitage Hux is all he's got, and he's not a very comforting person. They do their best - it's all they can do.
• Dirty White Boots by BlackHellKitty (1.6k)
A Kylux-story based on the song "Dirty White Boots" from Lenny Kravitz. Kylo and Hux do some roleplay sometimes. Just pure PWP without any kind of big story. :3
-> The reasond Dirty White Boots is a Kylux song to me
• Come Morning by elfriniol (1.5k)
True, Kylo liked Hux. A lot. He couldn't imagine his life without talking to him about Star Wars trivia and offering judgmental commentary for shows they occasionally skimmed through on Netflix. Or going out for drinks. But if Hux wanted something else – that proverbial, dreaded more – Kylo wasn't sure of himself.
-> ASPEC KYLO!!! Oh how I love it when they're aspec.
• After by Davechicken (1.1k)
Aftercare, and emotions.
• Living in Close Proximity in Case of Sudden Yet Inevitable Betrayal by 5ofSpades (874 words, 9 chapters, drawings)
In which the Supreme Leader gets himself two ginger roommates.
-> This. Is not a fic. It's drawings and I cried at the end like a BABY. The artist's art style is impeccable, it inspired me a whole lot back when I 'read' it.
And this is IT folks! I didn't @ anyone (except Kyluxtrashpit) because I only know a few authors' tumblrs and I didn't want to discriminate, plus the fandom is pretty old and I would assume most of them have moved on or are inactive. If you know that someone on the list would like to be tagged don't hesitate to do it/tell me though, those fics all mean(t) a lot to me!
Hope the list is good & you, the reader, find something new and interesting to read! I really don't know which fics are considered popular or good or whatever, I don't talk to people usually. Okay bye bye thank you for reading <3
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asanjou · 5 months
Top 5 sentai ships
OOH okay okay
1. giramie. you guys are familiar with my game you're not surprised by this. narrative parallel bug love forever
2. kurojin. i was literally writing my 5000 page kurojin manifesto out to io rey the other day. their tragic middle aged man romance compels me
3. ikkouyosuke my ogs of course.... very classic toku dynamic of guy who doesn't think he's good for anything but hurting people rediscovering their humanity thanks to the dumbest sweetest guy alive throwing themselves into traffic for them
4. i was going to keep this one per series or it would all be ko but im too himeritapilled not to add it here. what if we both found comfort in the same media after having massive responsibility thrust on our shoulders at a young age due to tragic circumstances. and what if we were both bug s
5. THIS IS HARD... im going to say takegen because they've been on my mind lately. i think they are so sweet i think genta is so good for takerus character. genta met takeru and he was like okay my life's mission now is to make this sad kid smile
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homestuck-iconz · 1 year
can both mods rate a few ~ships~ i have???? smile -jadenep -arajade -arasol -jadekat -vriskan -daverezi idk theyre random ones i thought up on the spot except arasol for obvious reasons & jadenep -moon anon
Hihi!!! Mod rose starting off here.
Jadenep - 9/10, what kind of crack did hussie put in WLW ships in homestuck? Like actually I don't think I super hate most of them which is super weird????? ANYWAY JADENEP THEYRE BOTH SUPER SILLY I THINK THEYD DRAW FURSONAS TOGETHER
Arajade - 9/10, they could have a VERY funny dynamic [but when doesnt aradia have a funny dynamic w someone in a ship? Never]
Arasol - I've rated it before, heres what I said then with a few addons to be more on topic: 7/10, it cute and i can appreciate the angst, but they kinda have 'dated in middle school for awhile' vibes? and the fanbase [spesifically, fic writers] really soured it for me?? its cute though. Also I think Aradia either works better shipped with other characters or just straight up on her own.
Jadekat - 7/10, There's some cannon precident for this iirc??? It's plenty cute, but if I was going to ship them it'd be pitch. I think that could be the funnest. Nothing wrong with it, nothing to particularly write home about either.
Vriskan - 4/10, Can be cute but I feel like people ignore the fact that they broke up for SUPER valid reasons and that Kanaya doesn't have to be boiled down to Liking Vriska or Liking Rose. Pesterquest is SUPER guilty of this for example. Not the worst ship out there but It's not my favorite by a long shot either.
Daverezi - 8/10, anyone who says they never shipped them at all is a damn lier. Though I do perfer terezi in wlw ships, they have a special place in my heart as THE middle school couple who broke up but are still besties
and mod dave finishing it with my opinions
jadenep: 9/10, haven't got much to add, had the exact same 'fursona maker' thought as rose and just cat x dog is very funny to me (possibly pitch to reference the cat and dog thing... could b cool...)
arajade: 7/10, they both have that kinda whimsical vibe and i think they would enjoy hanging out together. i dont think i could see them in a relationship though because they both have abandonment issues in opposite directions
arasol: 1/10, i know i've rated this before and i might've been nicer then but i hate this, specifically pale. i don't even enjoy the angst. the one point is for the fact that the scene after aradia explodes with sollux taking his glasses off and crying is my alltime favourite homestuck panel
jadekat: 5/10, i prefer them more as friends because i can't see jade getting into a relationship with someone who she literally had to auspice with himself. i do think they're besties though, she pulls him out of his own ass when he gets in too deep.
vriskan: 2/10 yeahh like rose said, they broke up for really valid reasons and as much development vriska could go through i dont think she could reach a point where she would make a good partner to literally anyone other than egbert and terezi
daverezi: 8/10, i'm a damn liar guys. as high as i'm rating them, i don't ship them and i would never go out of my way to search for content or read fics. that being said their dynamic is fucking hilarious and i love them as best friends in fics who dated and never acknowledge it except to make fun of each other for how low their standards are.
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sylviesnrmts · 3 months
My favourite things about Ace Attorney :>
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~ Part 1 ~ Relationships
Narumitsu. // >:) It's my favourite ship ever atm, they bring me so much joy ahhh (I have thought about them non stop for 4 months omg)
Mia Fey x Lana Skye // In college they dated and or explored each others bodies so to speak. (not actual but that's my hc) (Also there's rlly good fanfics on ao3 that take place in a timeline where Mia didn't get conked and Lana didn't get Ganted which r rlly wholesome.)
The sheer intensity of Godot's love for Mia. // That is true passion.
Ron and Desirée DeLite // THE STRAIGHT COUPLE EVER. This is real love! At points you wonder if Dessie is just with him because he’s rich but no! She just really loves him. 🧡
Franmaya // Very swaggy. Wholesome and I LIVE FOR THE FANDOM INTERPRETATIONS OF THEM!! 🫶🫶
Klapollo // I haven't played Apollo Justice but I eat minor spoilers for breakfast. Klavier just decides from first sight. That is the one. "I've never felt this way about a man" And he just flirts with the short king while Apollo is oblivious but also is madly in love IDK AGAIN I HAVENT PLAYED THE GAME YET BUT I AM IN LOVE WITH THEM. (THE SHIP)
Faraskye // So cute, idk much about Kay Faraday but their designs together r rlly cute and I've seen a few edits of them which r rlly wholesome. 🫶
Doug Swallow.. x Feenie. // I read a fanfic about them and da bunch of objection.lols and I'm ngl they grew on me.
Maggey x Gumshoe // The age gap is iffy to me but they are extremely wholesome. (Weenie lunchboxes, anyone? :3)
Adrian x Franziska // They are similar, that's for sure. I can't help but feel the perverse power dynamic though that would likely be their undoing. Or maybe, They could change each other for the better. Adrian lets Franzy get more acquainted with her softer side, and Franzy teaches Adrian to be stronger and more confident! Ok now I have to write a fic about that. Feel free to use that idea, my treat.
April May x Ini Miney // I saw some fanart of them on Pinterest 😼 They both got a bit of an act goin, but they r very cute.
Dahlia Hawthorne/ Melissa Foster x April May // April and Ini's acts, dialled up to 11. I read a really good fic of them. I drew them too and I would do it again :)
Franziska x Ema Skye // (As adults) Pretty wholesome ngl.
Mia x Lana x Godot. // I dub them the hottest polycule in anime. This is assuming that Lana isn't lesbian (likely story.) and we would have to do some timeline gymnastics to give these three a happy ending but I think they would make a very good poly ship :)
Lana x Angel x Mia // Kinda popular on Tumblr, actually. (I just remembered I am ON TUMBLR right now...) Very cute. I want to draw them.
(I had a rainbow sherbet mother energy drink today 🤤 It tastes like nerds, would recommend.)
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Edgeworth and Franziska siblings // They are bouncing in my head like a screensaver constantly. I love Sound the turnabout melody because it shows us how much love Franzy has for Miles.
“Why’d you go and dress him (Miles’ dog) up?”
“I thought it would make you smile..” IMSOBBING
And when Miles becomes Manfred’s disciple, Franziska is off to the side, literally in the shadows. But what does she do? The sweet girl who wants nothing more than to follow in her beloved papa’s footsteps and become a great prosecutor, watching as her papa gives his attention to the boy he took in as his own? She gives that boy the biggest smile she can muster. Her little head is filled with nothing but love and admiration.
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Even as an adult, Franziska admires Miles. Her main motivation for even BEING in the second game revolves around him. It is made clear that she isn’t going after Phoenix because of her father, but because of Miles. She believed that Phoenix was the reason for Miles choosing death, and she was NOT going to let him get away with it. (I will add more later, I could go on about them for hours.)
Ema and Lana Skye // I think about them at least once a day, let Lana go see her sister PLEASE she's done her time ok let my girls be happy and investigate together... 🙏 anyway Lana risked and lost so so much to protect Ema..
Dahlia and Iris Hawthorne // Iris loves her sister so very much. Dahlia sees her as dirt. Been thinking abt them alot today. Iris was willing to help with Dahlia’s schemes despite not being evil herself.
Phoenix and Maya sibling relationship // They will forever be siblings to me lel.
By extension I feel like Mia and Phoenix were like family cuz they were like 🥲 all they had
Signal samurai trio // Especially as kids they r so fcking CUUUUTETETTEEE give me lifeee
Also narumitsu art where they are kids makes me so happyyyy cuz they r so!! adorable!! <3
Phoenix and Trucy being father and daughter // 🥲 Phoenix, can.. Will u be my father too? 🙏 (father issues) They are the adhd dad & adhd daughter representation we need but ya'll aren't ready for that information. (Direct quote from a post I made on my main 💀💀)
Gumshoe and Edgeworth friendship. // Trust. They have their own ways of showing their respect for each other 😭 but they work very well together and r close even if they don't act like it! (Or if Gumshoe's salary reflects it. 😭)
MIA AND MILES’ DYNAMIC. // I love how many interpretations there are of these two’s relationship. For one we got them being besties. I love this and yes I have drawn art of it. Then theres them hating each other’s very guts. This is reasonable! Also interesting. I wish we were able to see Mia’s reaction to the reason Phoenix became a lawyer. That would be very interesting. Anyway they live in my mind. Novice bimbos forever <3
Phoenix and Franziska friendship // When they manage to tolerate each other they r very cute and fun!
Trucy and Franzy auntie and niece relationship // This one is specifically because of the "How to court a fool in three months" fanfic. But they work so well together and I rlly want to see more ppl to utilize them :)
Miles and Gregory Edgeworth // All the art and posts about them are so very wholesome and Gregory seemed like a great dad. (I can't wait to learn more about him in AAI :3)
Manfred VK and Miles Edgeworth //
Drops this and runs but I run into a pole and get knocked unconscious 😵‍💫 I posted this btw 😵‍💫
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Will be adding more cuz VK fam r the only thoughts in my brain rn.
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Larry Butz.. and Maya Fey.. but their relationship is that of a fun uncle and silly niece. // This one may need some explaining. This is very much projection cuz these two remind me of me and my uncle (literally the funniest dude I know) Well not actually my uncle but a family friend. But yk.
Then I played... 😡 trials and tribulations 😡 And this bitch ass Butz was flirting with Maya! WTF?! Was that necessary?? Did anyone laugh at that? No! I could write a whole essay on how Larry's character got obliterated throughout the trilogy. He went from one of my favourite characters, to me actually cheering a little when he had something bad happen. (I still love him tho and choose to pretend that he doesn't become a shell of himself after the first game.)
(“Not exactly a friend… but yes, I know him” Cracked me tf up. Deserved lmao.)
---Not plot relevant spoilers for bridge to the turnabout ---
Going off from that I want to touch on Larry and Pearls friendship. // This had potential! Just kidding! It was ruined from before they even saw each other. Larry hears Pearl over the phone and goes "oH wHaT a CuTiEeE!" in a weird way. My c*nt that is a whole 8 year old child. But if we IGNORE THAT GRRRRRRRRRRRR.
I like in the anime adaptation of farewell my turnabout, Larry is rlly nice to Pearl :) And in bridge to the turnabout, this could be a hot take but I think the whole 'loser shack' thing was hilarious. Larry was so enthusiastic and boisterous and Pearl was just like yeah guess I'm here.. and as soon as Phoenix comes around she turns her full attention to him. Idk I just thought that whole exchange was charming.
--- Spoilerz over ---
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-- Hints at sexual shit ahead if you don't want to read that then all g — I removed some cuz idk 😭
These ones are just for shits and gigs.
Phoenix and Larry college situationship. // Had to throw a bit of a curveball at ya. I don't fucking know why this is in the back of my head but it is.
Ema and Franziska // This was from like one person on twitter or Tumblr but I like it. Bitter exes, get it. 💅
If by some miracle Edgeworth isn't a virgin (and also isn't asexual of course!) by the time he actually gets with Wright then I think he would do it with Gumshoe or agent Lang. Trust. I refuse to believe he would ever think about a woman that way 😭 And also the man's just married to his work he don't got time for that.
But why Lang gotta go around telling him to be a good little pretty boy or whatever the fuck gay stuff he says to him. (I have only seen a few screenshots, I have yet to meet Lang in the game 💀💀)
Anyway I just had to get that out there lmao. Don't take this too seriously 🤣
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That's all for now! I was typing this for about 2 hours longer than I expected. Anyway please share your thoughts in the comments or tags!
Have a great day or night and if it is night then... please go to sleep. (5:22am 😻) Goodnight
Stfu tryna give people advice on when to sleep when I pulled an all nighter this week and got very disoriented the next night or maybe the night after (last night?!) because the last 48 hours had merged together to form a blur 😭
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chronicparagon · 2 years
𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐐’𝐒:  
1. When are you usually online?
. Usually at night and weekends, especially when I am working at the hospital and not at home. I work full-time and I also take classes on Monday evenings for this semester. Lately, my activity has been a bit rough. Hoping that will change, though. I try to be here when I can.
2. What verses are you involved in?
 Other than my main verse, I have a Yugioh verse, police verse, Free verse, FF7 verse, FF7 Turk verse, Angel/guardian verse, fantasy verse, Rock star verse,FF15 verse, and I’m working on a Vampire Knight verse, Sailor Moon verse, and started on the Berserk verse. I would like to work on an Elden Ring verse too, but that’s been in construction for some time.
3. What is your biggest RP pet peeve? 
 Generally, it’s godmodding, force-shipping, and not reading rules. I usually don’t participate in call-outs either. The only exception is if someone is in immediate danger in real life. I’m not a fan of excessive and very graphic smut either. Some intimacy is okay, but I draw the line with extreme levels of it.
I also don’t like replies that don’t offer much. I am not against short replies, but something like “she smiles and giggles,” doesn’t give me much to work with. I rarely write one-liners or I would try to encourage more input in some cases like add more details.  You don’t have to write four or five paragraphs. I just want something to work with.
4. Are you drawn to specific types of muses?
Harmony is attracted to other muses who are rough around the edges or are downright deadly. She's quiet, kind, and gentle, but also has the urge to help and love others. It’s in her nature to seek out people who may not have received love and kindness out of the belief that she can heal them. The thing is, that doesn’t always happen. Harmony wants to save other people when that can put her at risk of making the problem worse or putting herself in danger. Other than her chronic heroism, Harmony also falls for the unpredictable dynamics of a relationship with the other muse.
5. Are there reoccurring themes in your writing that people might not notice?
 I try to make the replies immersive and be in Harmony’s perspective. I want to work more on writing environments and I hope I’m getting better with it. However, I tend to focus on thoughts and emotions. I want people to see how she feels, what she thinks, and how it influences her actions. I don’t know how well I portray her in some situations like when she’s excited, upset, or scared. I need to practice more on things like that. 
6. What are your favourite RP trends?
 I love the banners people have on their blog’s and also banners for answered asks and things. I hope to get things like that some day. 
7. What is your process for starting a new story with someone?
I am pretty shy but would reblog different memes to encourage others to send something to start interactions. I also will reach out to people to plot things out or like permanant starter calls and plotting calls to show that I am interested. 
8. How do you feel about duplicates?
 I worked hard on Harmony and she’s an OC. I have allowed people to have her in their works like fanfics before, but it’s after they asked me. Other than that, I hope people don’t copy Harmony, which is different from being asked on whether she’s included as a character or npc in other works. 
9. How long have you been involved in roleplaying?
For many years. I did this since I was 13.
10. Is there a muse or verse you could write in, but haven’t?
muse  wise: I thought of writing as Casca from Berserk a few times, but I was never sure if I would do her justice. I worry about that a lot when I consider canon muses. 
verse  wise:   I’m working on a few verses, but the Berserk one is one I really thought about working on. It’s very bare bones right now though and trying to come up with how to make Harmony fit into it. 
tagged  by: @s-talking [Thank you!!]
tagging: @b-erserk @spectralhunter @whispers-in-daydreams @rubbarband @carnivorarium @phantasmaw @tosubvert @xxvernalagniaxx @gearlessjunkdogjoe @theironphoenyx  @martyrtsm @knightshonour @veiliisms @thehouseofivo @riftofthestars @strawberrycolaaa @seleneserenade @strykingback @synshubblog @hriobzagelthewanderer @skullboysfinale @beloved-death  
and everyone who wants to do this!​
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caixxa · 2 years
massive ask incoming: 7, 25, 33, 35, 38, 49, 56, 58, 68, and 70 for the fanfic asks >:)
(also i hope you've been doing well! <3)
Hi! Thank you for the massive ask, and I hope you've been doing well too!
I started answering this and believe me, got to question 58 when my Tumblr decided it would have none of it and crashed.
I'll start over but I'll start slowly and edit only after I see that something sticks.
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
This is a very no plot vibes only thing with coach/player daddy kink, dldr ;) It does have a working title thought, Windsor Knot.
André is on Jared's bed when he gets in the room. He's lounging over the bedspread like a pin-up boy, one knee bent up, the other to the side, crotch strategically towards the entrance as if to be on display for whoever comes through the door.
He looks at Jared from under his brows, his usual luminous smile on his lips.
"You made us champions, daddy," he says. "Gabe got the cup for the night but I got you and you got me."
Jared shakes his head, pulling out his tie. 
"What will I do with you?"
André bites his lip, slowly stretching the elastic waist of his underwear.
"Fuck me?"
"Well, since you've found your way to daddy's bed already, I might as well."
André grins and shimmes his briefs off, kicking his legs wildly to fling them on the floor.
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
Brainstorming/outlining, everything is still possible.
33. Is there a specific word count that you hold yourself to/enjoy writing the most?
Not really, whatever comes naturally. I have often been the most pleased with the writing process when I keep on the shorter side, though: 1K for a simple one-idea, one-scene thing, 2K for a little more setting the scene, 3 to 5 K for some actual build-up and story arc. That’s about the length that I see as comfortable reading in one sitting, be it a chapter or a one-shot.
38. What is your most self-indulgent posted story?
Most of my stories are self-indulgent, even the ones written for a fic exchange. But if I were to pick one, I’d say Still of the Night. I wanted more Aho/Williams so I wrote it, I didn’t ask anyone’s permission to write adultery and family members and other messy stuff. And oops, I hinted at another ship in it and the triangle snowballed into a whole 6-part series, King and Prince of Carolina (Parts 1 and 2: Sebastian Aho and Justin "Daddy" Williams, Carolina Hurricanes. Canon setting daddy kink porn with plot and feelings. Part 3 and onward: same but add coach Roddy in the mix for spice and drama.)
49. What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
Kesäranta. (wjc 16 team Finland, sepe/hine) As a 1500-word slice-of-life thing it’s a short easy read that shows my writing style and introduces some of my favorite characters.
If something longer is OK, one of my newest works  Summer Kisses (Pekka, Juuse, Sepe) is also very much Me As A writer. 1: it blew out during writing, I planned it to be 3 chapters and it’s 5. 2: There are open and undefined relationships and a lot of sex, 3. it’s set in Finland and nature description is present and 4. there are slightly kinky elements.
56. Are there any fics that you would change or rewrite if given the chance?
I have the chance, the edit button is right there on Ao3. I have revised one of my fics, Jussi at Jussi’s, I added a couple of scenes to make the plot more dynamic. 
I have thought about doing something to my newest fic  Dog Days of Summer but I don’t think I will. I might want to see if it would work better in one piece than in 5 chapters, and maybe try some more foreshadowing to highlight the endgame ship better but I just feel that I don’t love the story enough to spend much more time with it. I’m not sure if the current title works the best either, but I also think that I might ditch the Taylor Swift song lyrics so changing it to  cruel summer wouldn’t make much sense either. Ugh. It’s not a bad fic at all but it bothers me a little, it got such a mixed reception that... idk. Maybe it would have needed some primer type content in the author’s notes to convince more readers to care about the different ships it presents? Maybe it’s because there are too many different ships that the kind of representation of casual hookups and polyamory throws people off? FUCK I JUST NEED TO LET IT GO.
35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
These are so old it’s embarrassing but it’s either  Jussi at Jussi’s (in the brightness of my night) / Jussi Jussilla (sepe/teuvo friends to lovers) or  camera ready (porn AU, sepe/multi). Both were an enjoyable adventure as a writing process and I love getting back to reread some specific scenes or chapters.
58. Do you have a favorite piece of figurative language you’ve written?
Yes, descriptions of Veli-Matti Savinainen in my two fics that I wrote originally in Finnish (and I like the original wording even better.) He’s a very rare character, there are only 5 works in his tag, all mine, and it’s actually only 2 stories in two languages; one work is just short dialogue cuts of one of them.
There are days when Veli-Matti is sure that these youngsters are a lot closer to being a total package when it comes to hockey. Their generation has been programmed and built to be pro athletes ever since they got out of their diapers: trained, coached, fed and maintained right to the detail, like delicate machines. They have been given every chance to grow into their profession on a direct paved path.
He, on the other hand, has got to the same point through winding detours and side steps, pushed around by the forces of trial and error, like a steel ball in a pinball machine.
Well, no matter what, steel is steel.
( Midnight in Paris)
Veli-Matin käsivarret ovat kireät ja kovat, kädet painavat hänen lapaluittensa väliin kahtena tiukkana nyrkkinä. Halaus on luja, samalla tavalla jämerä kuin se tapa jolla Vellu painoi hänet hissin seinää vasten. Se tuntuu niin luvattoman hyvältä, kuin olisi täysikasvuisen urospantterin sylissä, uhkalta ja turvalta.
(Tappiolla tappiin)
68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
It's a love story, baby just say yes. by SweetestLamb1711 (football rpf, ronaldo/bale) got me into writing fanfic. It was (is!) very smutty which probably gave me the idea that sex scenes are Very Welcome, and that switching between POV’s is okay. After that, probably a ton more, every fic has taught me something.
70. Are you subscribed to any writers on AO3?
Yes, 9 writers plus some works and series. I should probably edit the list.
I did it! I made it to the end! Hooray Tumblr! Yay me!
Thank you for letting me ramble so much about my writing!
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gingericywolf · 1 year
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I posted 1,687 times in 2022
112 posts created (7%)
1,575 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,595 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#kai hiwatari - 332 posts
#takao kinomiya - 219 posts
#yuriy ivanov - 212 posts
#warden ingo - 196 posts
#subway master ingo - 196 posts
#subway master emmet - 156 posts
#submas - 156 posts
#beyblade - 153 posts
#max mizuhara - 147 posts
#rei kon - 141 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#time is weird so maybe it was actually dialga that copied ingo and emmet's look but then used it's powers to make it look like the opposite
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Heyooo doodle dump time. Beyblade + Submas on the same page? More likely than you think - Featuring me not knowing how to draw the other eye, hands, sneasels or Smiles (sorry emm). Queueing this so I have no clue when it will be posted but I made it during my away weekend.
As you have probably noticed i have been captured back into pokemon thanks to legends and mainly I was thrown on the submas train. i love the twins pls just let me kiss both of them. Sneasel and weavile have alwasy been my fav pokemons. Giving them a new form just.. sneasler my beloved.
Weaviles also alwasy gave me Yuriy vibes so all started with some school doodling with a Trainer Yuriy with a weavile and it all went down from there.
Later in the night added Emmet and borya to fill the page and also add some more Feral™️ energy (as if yuriy isn't enough)
Close ups under the cut
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72 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
So like, I was scrolling instagram reels and saw this one (hope it works)
In short: In japan there is a cat cafe, that rescues stray cats, and it's Train themed.
And I just couldn't not think about the twins. Train themed sneaslets/pokemon rescue cafe. Maybe they had the idea or helped in making it? funded it (like donated to a kickstarter or something when they saw the idea??) so like stray pokemon or pokemon that can't be cared for anymore don't end up in danger or abandoned, and instead get to have fun playing with trains and the lucky ones adopted by trainers or other people visiting. It's a cute idea right?
There is also a room for battles, of course, on emmet's request, both for challenges between customers and so that pokemon and their possible new human can try to battle together to see if they are a good fit for each other while having fun.
Occasionally you can find the subway masters chilling in there during breaks, it soon becomes their go-to-cafe, Elesa joins there and this just helps the pokemon to find good homes. They post on social medias the cutest photos when one of the pokemons is a new entry/ ready for adoption/just got adopted. The drinks and pastries are also verrry good, only helping in the popularity increase of the place.
91 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Hisuian Snow last episode spoilers:
I'm gonna do better screenshots later but just. Captain cyllene.
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Just look at her damn. She clearly isn't captain yet which bring us to have to think how earlier this is to the legends arceus events.
There is also zisu. I'm. Speechless.
See the full post
97 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
I have no real question to ask but I’m giving you the chance to talk about Ingo and Melli! Maybe what about them you like?
It’s weird you know, like I don’t know, I am not sure, there is something about their dynamics that just hits all the right spots. I started shipping as a joke, mainly because of all those funny posts of melli treating him like an old man and him going “I am younger than you” (let’s not think now this is probably not the case anymore with the new informations), and the “ingo’s training in customer service is what makes him so good at dealing with melli” to the “melli is down bad for Ingo and tries to get his attention in the worst way possible (taking out the torches), Ingo is absolutely oblivious to it all”. I see all the hate towards Melli and all the love towards Ingo and be like wouldn’t it be funny if they kissed. I learned to love Melli. And I love him so much now. Then I actually started thinking of it seriously and to look better at their interaction in game, and think what they could be out of it, and and their dynamic. Just YES, OH I realized  IT COULD ACTUALLY WORK.
So for what I like, first is, the height difference, even if most of it is given by Ingo’s bad posture and slouching, when he straightens up the difference isn’t that much anymore, but still Melli would be taller I think, and I just want Ingo to have to look up to someone, which boasts up Melli’s ego. In the game Melli and Volo feel like the tallest characters and Volo is confirmed to be 190cm, I don’t think Melli is much shorter than him but I will need to check that. So yeah, the height difference first. Melli in exchange would boast up Ingo in every occasion he can. He doesn’t let people talk shit of him, or his being an outsider. Ingo is Ingo first, Pearl clan warden after, an outsider even more after. Melli will for once put his ego towards someone else, and not only himself.
Then I like the idea of  Melli being completely mesmerized by Ingo’s weird glowy eyes, like moonshine, and isn’t it fitting that Lord Electrode Arena is called Moonview arena and you find Cresselia in there, the Lunar pokemon. And doesn’t Lord Electrode (better say, hisuian electrodes in general) have a frown on his face? just like Ingo. And Melli deeply cares for his noble. Oh don’t get him started on that little smile the man does to, the slightly turn upwards of his lips, just like one of the baby sneasels. Am I projecting on Melli? Maybe a bit. Melli feels all of this warm and fuzziness and yet they try not to think about him, but OH Adaman had to hear a whole lot of “Ingo this, Ingo that”, Melli doesn’t realize that his rantings just clue Adaman on what is going on, even more when Melli does slip quite a few compliments towards the warden of Pearl Clan, while absolutely claiming that he “can’t stand him”.
I feel like there would be quite a lot of misunderstandings at the start? Melli giving many mixed signals but again Ingo is kinda oblivious to all of it, I mean he has bigger problems you know, amnesia and all, and if Melli just stopped for once to tinker with the torches.. maybe maybe they could have a conversation. They eventually talk that out, Melli being internally a whole mess the whole time keeping up that bratty, assholeish full of himself  facade. I just like melli being an absolute gay disaster sir.
Then is just that their characters kind of compliment each other. Ingo has patience,the patience to listen, and that is what Melli needs, someone that listens to him. In turn Melli listens to Ingo, even if he may not understand all he talks about. Spending time with each other while crossing paths in the highlands they see both the ugly and the good of each other, they learn about each other and to appreciate the other company, they may have had to help the other in different occasions, specifically thinking about all the times Ingo must have been accidentally poisoned specially at the start and Melli being the poison expert. In fact I am surprised by Melli being a “trainer” of all poison types taking care of an electric/grass, while he would have been The Guy for pokemon like h.sneasel and sneasler. At the same time Ingo has a lot of experience with electric pokemons, even if he doesn’t remember why (Emmet coff coff). It’s just natural for him and ends up spending a lot of time near Moonview arena.
And like at the end of it all, Melli's character is kind of just an act for himself and the others if you really look into it. It is all a mask, and Ingo is someone he can let that mask fall out, and being around Melli could actually help Ingo in some way with his memories, he can’t quite pinpoint it, but there is something familiar and he does quite like the pretty, and petty, Diamond clan warden despite it all.
Now as I said one of the things that drew me in the ship where the “Ingo is younger than melli” jokes, well it is clearly not true. But no problem, I will just be projecting more on Melli by giving him my same problem of liking older characters and everyone making fun of me for that. What throws my calculations off is the knowledge that supposedly Adaman is older than Melli, as the website and the concept arts say Melli looks at Adaman as an “older brother”. Now this being literal as in, older in age, or just because he took the older brother role we can’t really know. What we know is that Melli was a shy kid,(thus the now absolute insufferable facade) and Adaman was the one to protect him. I still like the Idea of Melli being actually older than Adaman, but given the circumstances and Adaman being now clan leader it just stuck with Melli to consider him the oldest. Like looking at them I just feel Melli is older but acts like a brat, he has more mature definitions compared to Adaman. Adaman has a pointy younger face, he is overall smaller except chest coff coff, Melli has a defined square jaw and it’s more evenly built up. He probably has the best legs in all of the game.
Still, the ship for me still stands for now. 
And it hurts, because it is a ship with inevitable heartbreak, one way or the other. A happy ending is still a bittersweet ending. Be it with Ingo going back to the future or him staying in the past, making him forever divided in half somehow. If he comes back to his time he would regain his brother, but lose the love of his life, the one meant for him, never to see him again, centuries back in the past of a different region. If he stays in the past he can be happy with Melli, but in the event of him regaining his memories he would realize, remember, of his twin brother. Well, This Man can never be happy it seems. The pokeGods really hate him.
Now In my Ideal situation Sometime Somehow Melli finds a way to future Unima, this is why there are no clear descendants of him, though one may point to a few characters that could be related (James and Harley even if anime only could be some, they have the same "gender what" vibe and james makes it funny with the whole subway team rocket incident in the anime, Lucian is probably one of the most probable descendatns out there as I have recently seen theorized around, but I subscribe to the all x color shade haired characters are related distantly to melli), this because after a while of Ingo going back, Melli did try other relationship but they just did not work as they felt too much as a distraction.
I have a whole thing concepted out for Melli in the future that only one person knows about and that I did not talk about as other people already made their Melli in Unova Aus, and mine is a mess in a mixture of languages as I was writing it and forgetting words in one while remembering in another. Plus it would be long and out of the ask. A few things are Melli and Emmet would be great friends, and Elesa would help Melli maybe in modeling, he has the looks for it. Or since we now know he is good at singing he could be a pop star/singer like I have seen someone else suggest (Emmet calling Piers so they can get him set up). But I think Melli would be ok with something more chill too. Skuntank is just happy for his human happiness and Ingo could not have desired anything better. He is Home, both in place and hearth.
127 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'm having a blast watching pokemon scarlet and violet, the games are so bad, so many bugs and glitches, so many pokemon are ugly, so many DOG pokemon, too many dogs, the characters are giving me so many gay vibes, you can take selfies with your mons and character, you can actually real time play with your friends in your world. It is ACTUALLY open world.
Mixed feelings man mixed feelings.
167 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sqtzworld · 8 days
its that time of the night again.
its 4 am, the eepiness is calling me but the voices are louder so ive come on here to rant abt shuake instead of doing smth productive like drawing❤️ i waste away ranting abt shuake on tumblr to drown out my sadness and overwhelming nostalgia at random times of the day, how wonderful!
i did one of those song association annotation thingies to capable of love by pinkpantheress (she’s so queen may i add) and it got me thinking so much about shuake and just as of late ive been thinking of them bc schl is ending so i finally have time to replay and play the games like p3 or tactica and q1/2 and be able to focus my time on them and also bc im seeing a psychiatrist very soon from now! which makes me think abt shuake a lot bc they are like. HUGE projection dolls for me and i think on that.. quite often especially akechi since he’s the main one for me, the one more personal to me. i think abt his bpd and mentally unwell brain quite often (lol) and i think the way their love is is just very fascinating to me.
i guess its nice or interesting i guess, to see the way i feel and view love be shown in a character so out of the blue. the way akechi’s love is for akira can be viewed this way and again, i think it’s all very interesting. i love shuake so much for this reason and what i wanted to talk about mostly today is how much they truly mean to each other. This is one thing i hate ppl in fandom spaces for bc they always manage to find SOMEWAY to ruin any nuances anything COULDVE had (ik atlus did not try past queerbaiting lmfao) and i hate how to anyone else not apart of these spaces but aware of them just sees anyone talking abt a ship and specifically any popular gay ship and is so quick to assume like wait i actually care lol 😭 and i bring this up bc i really love to view their characters like akira and akechi’s characters individually through the shuake lenses and perspective. tbh i dont really care for persona outside of them and obviously a few other things of course but shuake is the real reason why im even fixated on that game still in the first place so of course, naturally i will focus on this.
i love to think on how akechi subconsciously views akira in his head. i like to interpret akechi as just a nerd girlboy who has a little crush and all the fun cutesy things abt being a teen or whatever 😆 i think that’s all so cute and fun for him and i believe its so him and i love to view him as the teen he is, the child inside of him that’s ridiculous and goes off for hours ranting about his favorite things repeating himself over and over until he tires himself out or the lovey dovey part of him that thinks about akira in random parts of his day and cant stop giggling and smiling at a simple text yk like all the cutie things ☹️ it doesn’t remove nuance and it doesn’t remove character bc thats how teens act, obviously not as stereotypical as i described but that’s how ridiculous we are sometimes! and i love to think on how he views all these big horrible issues in a simple lenses.
doing the song associations with so many taylor songs and then a pink one really reminded me of this bc of the fact that taylor’s (OLD) lyrics are just so serious and more “mature” and i mostly mean folklore and evermore bc im talking abt cardigan specifically rn (that song is just so akechi im sorry) to now doing capable of love bc pink’s lyrics are simple! not bad just obviously more simple so i get to really view akechi in these lenses. I get to have that minute of writer relief even if he isnt my character but yk wtv ig😞 anywhoanywho, again, i love to view akechi in a simple lenses as the simple teen girl he is, its fun and why particularly? bc i personally feel it adds so much more depth to their dynamic. akechi has. ALL these problems going on, akira does too but they still make time for each other and ik i dont focus on akira much (im so fake lmao) but he plays into this just as much! although the council of the world has decided for him he must save it not them, he still makes friends with the enemy and enjoys their time together as if none of that wouldve mattered. he still loves unconditionally like if nobody was going to take that all away from him someday and i think thats so beautiful.
akechi still loves akira so much as if they really were together and akira loves him just the same. akechi is going through all these problems mentally and on the outside but still that child part of that craved love and connection/affection seeps through and overtakes him and his emotions, allowing his crow persona to like be free ig? and of course, that was not the only reason i like to think that it couldve been a part, even a teensy part bc again, they are just kids in love lmfao (so cringe) and yes, it is going to be cringe and a bit ridiculous BUT ITS SO SERIOUS YALL DONT UNDERSTAND
the way im not even done unpacking 25 PERCENT OF THEM YET there���s just so much depth that can be added to their connection, i love them they are so cringe-friendly i hate atlus but god bless shuake frfr 🙏🙏 but i just wanted to highlight this a bit bc i felt like i didnt enough in the insta story and tbh still but yk, to get some of it off my chest. i love gay people i can project on always a great flavor im off to my cave of inner thoughts now hopefully i knock tf out ❤️
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ritzcuit · 2 months
i always ask you about Datz so how about Daryan for that meme
favorite thing about them
The he.,.,the all of it..the.. The pouty litttle face...the little mean baby face...his little cutie punk face he's like grrr im so scary my little frown...his latent delinquent energies even though they couldnt fully commit bc they had to at least pretend like he wasn't entirely a villain...but it's still there at the core of his character...the being a rhythm guitarist specifically it's like the ego of a guitarist but also an implied reliability he keeps the rhythm of the band he backs up klavier and helps him perform at his best (this is entirely a hallucination on my part)
least favorite thing about them
WHY IS HE A COP STOP BEING A COP!!!STOP BEING IN A POP BAND these are eqwually bad to me. quit your job join a cooler band
favorite line
unlike datz i guess i don't rly have a "favorite line" of daryans Even tho hes sooooo funny. but probably his "geeter's like a missing person, not lost 'n found, man." that line is SO cute to me. his geeter :( and the man. it has the same pouty vibe. HE'S SO CUTE!!!! oh wait but then there's "say 'hi' for me, ok? oh, and 'screw you'. and tell him i want into that crime scene!" i love his feisty little angry...it's so cute..im pinching his cheeks
probably objectively klavdar goes here ... i just love Their Dynamic so much. they were friends objectively scientifically i shant let anyone forget it. klavier trusted that daryan...they were PARTNERS!!! OBJECTIVELY!!! even klavier is like.."its times like this when i start to miss daryan" when he's dealing with an Obstinate Detective like god i really wish we got to see them work together seriously besides the beginning of 4-3. like even when theyre bitching at each other they still work well together. Bc they r PARTNERS
if it's not klavdar then it has to be claydar ...my beloved pair the spares ship...i think it can be soooo cutie and add depth to both of their stories (insofar as clay has a story bc i know he's Literally Nothing) i just like them ok! i get embarrassed talking abt it specifically bc it's so Literally barely connected to canon in the slightest but that's why it's so fun...
i saw daryan and kristoph the other day. Um
random headcanon
(coping)i think even if daryan wasn't able to get the cocoon to the chief justice (last i saw anyway) that all the news about the case caused a conversation + strings were pulled + the kid ended up getting his medication after all anyway...bc otherwise it would all have been in vain and the kid would LIKE DIE. Smiles. um other headcanon is him solo project under a new stage name after he gets out of jail...i just like to think about it......he could never quit music ok? and it has a more serious gothy heavy sound to it bc i hate pop music. I mean bc it fits emotionally or whatever.
unpopular opinion
song i associate with them
i have a whole playlist (linked in case anyone's curious smileys) but mostly it's twilight zone by golden earring, good good things by descendants, and kryptonite by 3 doors down ... none of those three are like, TOTALLY 100% daryan or anything it's just "i like this song and i think about him when i hear them" lmfao
favorite picture of them
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CUTIE POUTIE FROWNIE SCOWLY FACE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lavendersartistry · 3 months
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Matron in the Playhouse
↳ The Prequel
↳ Added AUs: Silly AU | Enter the 2000s - Sweetheart | Bearhug Survivor AU - Savior | Angels and Gods AU
↳ Extras: Official connections of Matron in the Playhouse & Playcare Awareness
"You've fallen down to a hell you can't escape." - Eve Ewe.
Matron in the Playhouse is a AU that balances my creativity as a storyteller and character designer with the horror theming of Poppy Playtime. This AU is not fully lighthearted, as it delves into the storyline of Playtime Co. and the Bigger Bodies Initiative. Meaning the AU will be diving into the dark topics the story has, specifically the abuse and manipulation of the work employees and the children by the Initiative. It is technically confirmed that Matron in the Playhouse is a "fix-it" Poppy Playtime AU, delving into all 3 chapters and reimagining how Playtime Co. worked and possible interactions with all BBI experiments. By its universe, it adds context to theories of certain parts of the original story (Ollie's identity for example). The AU has two "angels": Rich Avery and a fan design of the Player. Stories provided will be in either POV, not both at the same time. To explain the age range situation and the shipping: Someone on Twitter has reached out to the creator of the Smiling Critters on Discord about the ages of the critters and the creator has said that the Smiling Critters have no established age and prefer their ages as left anonymous. In my cartoon counterpart for Matron in the Playhouse, as well for both cartoon and BBI for Playcare Awareness and Enter the 2000s, I have the Smiling Critters as preteens-teens. However, I will be working on explaining how the Smiling Critters (BBI) work regards to organs and mind. It may help clear up any confusion for the AUs and the storyline. In regards to this, I only see the ships within the fandom as QPRs and will be shipping them platonically. I do not see them in a romantic sense. Anything before this analysis is strictly outdated and will be reworked. Please do not ask me questions about past storyline lore, I will be telling you that it is outdated and not canon to the AU. I tell you this now as a warning: Your mental health matters. Please speak up to me if you feel uncomfortable and wish to not be in contact with the AU. I will do everything I possibly can to make sure that you are comfortable. (ask for role removed - Discord) (block the AU tag - Tumblr/Instagram) (Block my account - Any platform) Please do not engage if you feel like you are required to, you are not. You are free to make your own choices based upon what you want to look at. Thank you.
𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐂𝐨
Ask Bar: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Relationship Status Hierarchy | Ages & Heights | Sanity Level Survivors | The Exiled | Passed On Eve's Form Theo's "Redemption" Idea + Info Post Holidays The "Spares" + Dynamics with OGs
Dynamics Family Trees ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) Miss Delight Analysis + Idea of her Sisters Ollie Theory Toy Sanity Theory Playcare Analysis Mini Huggies Analysis Experimentations Headcanons + Theory Concepts + Other Toys being part of AU
Below are OCs!
𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐙𝐨𝐨
Eve Ewe | KoiRite | PrettyPanda Ginger K. | Bolt | Zuri
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐬
Lovely Lady | Danny Doberman Clara Cowbell
Pup | Little Delight | Twirly Twyla Madame Spiderlily | Medusa
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🐺 Being Poly with MSBY 🐺
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MSBY Black Jackals x Female reader
Warnings: mentions of polyship, I kept it clean 🙌🏻
AN: This is an Anon request!
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
YN you Bit-
Nope I'm not going to say it 😊
Seriously the fact that you simply exist is a gift
But the fact that you took four extremely good looking men off the market 😐
Honestly I'm really impressed
Seriously, this was not how you planned this
Honestly, the only ones who seemed even remotely excited about you was Hinata and Bokuto
They are the two most open of the group
And they will always let you know how they feel
Atsumu is more of man who will let you know he likes you by teasing you 😏
While Bokuto and Hinata literally want to take up all your free time, Atsumu will take any time to get a dig in
He will tease you about everything from your height to your hair
But like it's cute teasing
And if anyone else teases you, Atsumu is not having it 😒
"Stop teasing my girl" 👉🏻 Atsumu 😑
You 👉🏻 what did he say 😃
If that isn't weird enough, throw in Sakusa and it's like a whole circus up on here
Sakusa doesn't let many people in
It's actually not until he sees you using sanitizer wipes to wipe down your door handles that he starts to open up
Sakusa definitely has a crush on you but won't make it as blatant as the rest of them
Now, hear me out here ✋️
You have a slight clue Bokuto and Hinata have a crush on you
Atsumu is a bit more hit and miss
Sakusa, well good luck reading thay man 😅
Things come to a head when Atsumu not so casually brings up wanting to ask you out
Bokuto and Hinata's necks literally snap to him
Serious whiplash happening here
"What makes you think she wants to go out with you?" - Hinata
"Yeah I was going to ask her out"- Bokuto
Soon there is squabbling happening between the three
Sakusa will be observing and planning his move
He figures while the other three are arguing, he can just swoop right in
Which he does 😳
He asks you for your number and on a date
Hinata, Bokuto, and Atsumu all see this exchange and we are graced with a generous Sakusa smile 😁
But that doesn't deter the other three, oh no no no
Now it's become a competition
Needless to say YN, you life just got a heck of a lot busier
You end up going on 4 seperate dates with these men
But here's the kicker
You can't pick 😭
So you decide to tell them you can't date any of them
I meam, you don't want to ruin their friendship and team dynamics
Honestly you are so selfless YN 🤗
But these boys are not willing to give you up just like that
Oh no no no
In fact, it's Atsumu who brings up you dating all of them
Sakusa 👉🏻😐😳
Bokuto 👉🏻 🤸‍♂️🙌🏻
Hinata 👉🏻😐😃
You 👉🏻🤨😳🥴💀
Seriously he's off his rocker
Probably from the beatings he took from Osamu 😅
This is how your poly-ship starts
Now it's slow going at first
You hang out with one or all of them
Honestly any combo inbetween
Seriously they are alot of work YN
Bokuto himself is a full time job so add in the other 3 and 😅
Things progress slowly because you are dealing with alot of personalities here
You spend time getting to know each of them
And I definitely think you are going to have to take turns sleeping at each of their places
It's a rotation YN
Each one needs their own special time
But eventually that special time morphes into a special joint time
Like soon Hinata and Bokuto are hanging out with you and Sakusa joins you and Atsumu's date nights
Eventually you can merge them all under on roof 😅
Seriously these boys are rich volleyball stars they have enough money
Please you literally have a full time job being their SO
You still have to divide up personal time
Lile you and Atsumu go on morning runs together
You and Bokuto go to the movies
Sakusa and you cook nightly dinners together
Hinata and you totally do crafts together ✋️
You make it work YN
Seriously you are simultaneously the luckiest and most exhausted person in the whole wide world 🤣
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writer-monster · 3 years
11 reasons why cap 4 should reintroduce Bucky Barnes as the love interest, an essay
to start this off, i am not writing this essay from a shipping place nor do i believe that this would have any influence at all over the upcoming movie. i expect nothing. this is simply something that i would personally like to see. (of course no hate to anybody who thinks differently)
here are 11 reasons why i think making Bucky into Sam Wilson's love interest in Cap 4 would be a good move for Disney.
1. on the Chinese film market - and why it's an irrelevant argument against the inclusion of homosexual themes in Cap 4
the Chinese film market is something that has been blamed for a lack of diversity in Hollywood films a lot lately. many people claim that this market with a lot of buying power has been responsible for the lack of gay and black representation in particular within Hollywood films.
and we have certainly seen Hollywood treating it as such, going so far as to cut gay scenes from movies for their Chinese releases, and vastly minimising John Boyega's (a black actor's) presence in the Chinese poster of Star Wars The Force Awakens.
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[image ID: on the left is an image of the American poster for Star Wars The Force Awakens, featuring John Boyega prominently on the right-hand side. And on the right is the Chinese poster for the same movie, in which John Boyega is barely visible.]
so we know at the very least that Disney believes this through their own actions and efforts to self-censor for the different markets.
but Captain America 4 is a black-led movie, don't you forget. and Disney can't minimise Sam Wilson/Anthony Mackie in the movie or the poster because it's his movie and his poster. and no amount of creativity in the editing room can change that (thank God!).
so if by their own argument the film is already going to be either banned, panned or slammed in China... then what do they have to fear from making it a gay movie too?
2. oh, the queerbaiting
queerbaiting is an unusual cultural idea. and sometimes i find myself thinking that the term is far too easily used, but then all of a sudden i will stumble upon a movie or show that is so quintessentially cruel and overt in it's... well... queerbaiting that i will start to wonder what the hell kind of a bizarre relationship all these straight people seem to have with their friends. take Troy and Abed from Community or John and Sherlock from Sherlock as the perfect examples of this. (in which my reaction to the show's creators saying the show wasn't gay was to ask so then why did you make it so gay?!)
i felt that Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes in tfatws were getting quite close to this level of queerbaiting.
there was the field scene, the couple's counselling scene, the boat scene, the couple's counselling scene, Bucky going with Sam to face Karli when she told Sam to come alone, the couple's counselling scene, ALL the staring scenes, Sam checking out Bucky's ass here as they said goodbye, the "i would move in with him but" hidden scene, "Uncle Bucky" showing up at the cookout scene, the romantic walking off together into the sunset together ending scene, and the couple's counselling scene. did i forget anything? but i mean seriously, the couple's counselling scene!!! that thing they did with their legs and their crotches while staring deep into each other's eyes, would any straight guy willingly do that? do straight guys crotch-snuggle now?
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[image ID: an image of Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes during the therapy scene with the quote, "Isn't anybody going to drag me into impromptu couple's therapy and slot my legs firmly between theirs before staring deeply into my eyes?"]
(yeah i stole this image from a buzzfeed article on the fan reactions to the couple's therapy scene. but given that they stole 80% of the content of that article from fandom tumblr, i think it's pretty even-steven.)
there's also the fact that people started talking about bisexual Bucky Barnes a lot after the tiger pictures line, and the lead writer Malcom Spellman responded to the talk of Bucky's bisexuality with "just keep watching". well we watched, Malcolm. but it's beginning to feel like you were just jerking us around.
3. the writing
seriously though, what else is Bucky Barnes doing right now in the MCU? his only remaining connection to anything going on right now is through Sam. there is literally nothing else established that's left for him to do that doesn't involve Sam. he moved to Louisiana to be closer to Sam (canonically), he hangs out with Sam's family (canonically), and Steve is presumably gone and is definitely not coming back for more adventures.
he has no villains or loose ends left. he has no other superheroes that he appears to be in contact with. he has no girlfriend or potential love interest, or even other friends or family. he is living in a tent that he has secretly set up in Sam's backyard and is mysteriously appearing from the bushes when it's time for dinner like a stray cat.
in my opinion there is no other meaningful and pre-established progression for Bucky's character that wouldn't just feel cheap.
plus, i don't think the general audience would be all that surprised if they kissed. i think a LOT of people picked up on all that tension. i think a lot of straight people picked up on all that tension too.
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4. the chemistry between the actors & the chemistry between the characters
the original pitch for tfatws was essentially just this, it was the chemistry between Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie and their respective MCU characters of Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson.
now obviously Anthony and Sebastian are simply friends, and i wouldn't mean to imply anything more. but they are also not their characters.
Sam and Bucky's scenes together before tfatws were both limited and short, and yet audiences still fell in love with the dynamic between the two characters.
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in interviews, these two actors are constantly slipping into character and flirting with each other and frankly it's adorable. plus it's really entertaining. i'd love to see that dynamic, unfiltered, in a movie.
because believe it or not the flirting is actually even more open in their interviews than it was in tfatws. and i'm leaving some links as proof.
this here is known as the "married" compilation
and here's a "lucky dip" selection of interviews - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
and here's Anthony trying to get Seb to take his jacket off.
i'm just saying, why not let their chemistry shine? these two are so talented and so entertaining, especially when you put them in a room together. and can you imagine how absolutely hilarious and brilliant it would be to watch them navigate being a couple?
(and for those who bring up the "friends would be uncomfortable pretending to be dating" argument, i'm not here asking for a sex scene or anything. i don't think anyone would expect them to show any more intimacy (physical or emotional) while playing a couple than what they've already shown together in say... tfatws or in their own interviews. not that i actually expect anything regardless.)
5. if they were a man and a woman they would've gotten together in tfatws
i have no more to add here. just that... yeah, they would've.
6. and i'm not talking about the comics here, i'm talking about the MCU.
i understand fully that none of what i'm saying here falls in line with these characters from the comics. but the mcu itself doesn't fall much in line with the comics either, and these two characters especially are very different from their comics counterparts.
i'm not asking for these two to get together in the comics. tbh i don't think that it would work.
but the mcu Sam and Bucky are different and closer than their comics counterparts. they've got different histories, different backstories, and a very different dynamic. please rest assured that i am only talking about them in the mcu.
7. Bucky Barnes is believably bisexual. and Sam Wilson has never been proven to be straight in the mcu, nor has he had a love interest.
(now please continue to keep in mind that these points only stand for the mcu versions of Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson, and not at all for their comics counterparts.)
Sam Wilson has never had a love interest, which is crazy because have you seen that man! he has had two blink and you'll miss it moments of verbal expression of attraction to women, both in TWS. and that's the extent of it, through his entire history in the mcu.
Bucky Barnes has had a number of surface-level female love interests, but none of them even came close to the level of connection and chemistry that Bucky shares with Sam.
and i'm sorry SarahBucky fans, but i just don't think there's very much to their relationship either. i love Sarah, i really do. but it's Sam who shares all the meaningful moments and history and chemistry with Bucky. and i don't see what making her into a love interest would do for Sarah's character either, what would that add to her story?
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[Picture ID: Bucky at the cookout with Sam, Sarah, Cass and AJ. Bucky and Sam are looking at each other and smiling.]
and also there is the whole tiger pictures thing... again. which does strongly suggest that Bucky is bisexual whether this was intentional on behalf of the writers or not.
8. it's representation... AND it feels natural
marvel hasn't had a lot of queer representation that's been noticeably present in the MCU at the time of writing this.
there have been a lot of failures so far, from the bisexual erasure of Valkyrie in Thor Ragnarok to the wlw erasure in Black Panther.
there was queerbaiting almost identical to the bisexual Bucky baiting for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. when asked if he had considered featuring a gay hero in gotg2, director James Gunn stated that "We might have already done that. I say, watch the movie." after the movie's release audiences were understandably confused about the lack of queer representation. To which the director followed up his comments with, "But we don't really know who's gay and who's not. It could be any of them."
there is also Loki, considered by most fans after the airing of his six episode series on Disney+ to be both a poor attempt at both genderfluid representation and bisexual representation. with both attempts being summed up fairly well by the term "blink-and-you'll-miss-it". (also it's just terribly written and Loki doesn't wear any interesting clothes! fanficcers are a Goddamn blessing in this hard time!)
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and let us not forget that Andrew Garfield was apparently FIRED for pushing for a bisexual spiderman. a bisexual spiderman within an interracial mlm relationship no less.
so for all these failures, marvel, why not allow us queer fans this? two brilliant and heroic men in a loving interracial relationship. two heroes that we can look up to.
now, one of the biggest detractions from the argument for representation is the idea of "forced diversity". and some poorly written characters certainly do end up feeling forced into the narrative. take Iceman in the comics for example, with Jean Grey just straight up suddenly telling him he's gay. like, marvel, sweetie, that's not how this works! and i don't know a lot of queer people who thought much of that "representation".
but the crux of the "forced diversity" argument is almost always that it feels unnatural within the story, right? and i don't think that anyone could say that about MCU Sam and Bucky ending up together, given these characters' existing chemistry and their history. they've both played characters in gay relationships before so we know that it's not outside of either actor's wheelhouse. and y'all know that Anthony and Seb can act, people. if it's in the script i believe that they'll make it seem like the most natural thing on earth.
9. it'd be a nice change
there's been an ongoing meme lately about "Disney's first gay character", the joke being that they continually announce gay characters without really ever including gay characters in their films.
this is to the point where Disney has formed a reputation amongst queer audiences of being homophobic.
if Sam and Bucky were to become a couple, then Disney could have its first actual gay character within a gay relationship. AND have him be in the lead of his own movie, no less.
it's also worth keeping in mind that there's likely an overlap between the people who were outraged by a Sam Wilson Captain America, and the people who'd be outraged by a gay Captain America. and if they were already not seeing the film, then i don't think much is gonna change that.
queer audiences would definitely love it, and the media attention would be guaranteed to be huge. i mean, simply look at the amount of media attention mere rumours of a character's queerness gets you and multiply that by a canon confirmation of said rumours.
but i'm pretty sure that Disney already knows this.
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10. and yet, in truth, it's not about the representation
in truth i've never felt that i had any trouble relating to characters of any sexual orientation, race, gender, sex, body type, etc. (although that is not to throw any shade at all on people who do wish to see themselves represented) but for me, i think it's more about the story than the packaging.
and yet, a love story is still just a story. straight or queer, monoethnic or interracial. when two characters have chemistry and history and have sacrificed for each other time and time again, and they also can't keep their hands or their eyes off each other, then i'm pretty sure that that's a love story.
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straight or queer, monoethnic or interracial, it shouldn't be about these simple labels. it should be about how well written the relationship is. it should be about chemistry, and history, and sacrifice.
because i'm fucking sick of all the hollow, forced romances in media no matter the genders of the participants. i'm sick of lazily written, shallow relationships where any two people sharing the same space for any extended period of time will simply fall in love. it's boring, it's repetitive, and as a writer myself it drives me up the wall!
romance stories suck! and everyone knows that romance stories suck. between twilight, and most of the entire YA genre, and love triangles (so boring), and romance used as poorly-written throwaway subplots in Hollywood movies, the world is in agreement that the romance in western media is simply dreadful. and yet we still want love stories. it's an entire genre that sits at the heart of the human experience (<3), and yet one which so few of today's best known writers seem truly able to capture.
i don't think that i'm the only one who feels this way, either. i suspect it's actually a large part of why fandom is so romance-centred in the first place, that we're all just starving for a good love story.
(btw i think fandom has a reputation for being something that as a whole that it is not. it has this reputation for straight up demanding things and harassing people until they get their way. while unfortunately there are a few people who do this, they're fucking annoying and i swear that they're far from the majority.
in my experience fandom is mostly about writing a five thousand word story at three am while drunk off your ass because it might make someone whom you've never met smile, editing it in the cold light of day, and then posting it. expecting nothing. sometimes getting nothing. and sometimes getting someone send you kudos or a comment so heartbreakingly wonderful that it makes you smile in return.)
11. so once again, it is all about the writing.
i want to see Sam and Bucky get together in the mcu, not because they would be a gay couple but because i genuinely believe that their story has potential to be an amazing love story.
and i know the mcu isn't about the romance. it's why in my personal opinion we haven't gotten a lot of good canon romances besides Peter Quill and Gamora. and i don't think that the mcu should be all about the romance either. i fucking love the action and the fighting scenes. i love the comedy. Captain America: The Winter Soldier had no romance and it was a fucking treasure, it was an amazing spy-action-thriller and it made my little gay heart dance. Thor Ragnarok had no romance, and it was an utterly brilliant comedic spectacle action film. not every movie needs romance.
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but mcu Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes were doing couple's therapy and fixing a boat and walking off into the sunset together in tfatws. they were inseparable on the battlefield. they've got a dynamic. it's beautiful, it's romantic, and it's gold.
a budding relationship between them in the next movie would be a good way to explore both characters more without the narrative feeling too stilted and separate. at the end of tfatws, both Sam and Bucky fans found that their respective fave felt somewhat underutilised and that their characters were underexplored.
now, that problem would be even more difficult to remedy in a movie, because the plotline of a movie needs to be really tight to work (giggity). and we know that the central conflict of the movie is gonna be action-based (which is good), but we still need each character's personal journey and growth to tie into the main conflict. (which is another issue that some fans found with tfatws, that these characters didn't really feel connected to the action-based plot on a more personal level.)
if Sam and Bucky are already in a relationship, however, this whole dynamic changes. first, their relationship has already been set up for nicely since TWS and through tfatws and they would officially be the best-fleshed-out couple in the mcu. but most importantly, a relationship gives them a perfect vehicle to explore both of their pasts comparatively and connect them personally to the action-based plot.
do you want to establish that Sam is a little too trusting and naïve? then establish this through his relationship with Bucky, and through showing his placing his trust in Bucky. (rather than through having him sympathise with a villain who threatened to murder his sister and his nephews).
perhaps you want to show Bucky recovering from his trauma? show us how comfortable he is with Sam. they get along, they're enjoying each other's presence, we see more of Sam's life and of his family, and then let Bucky tell Sam something that's raw and dark and honest about his life as The Winter Soldier. something about a memory, one that he only just recalled. he's opening up. and maybe what he tells Sam is even something that sets up the future action-based conflict, to ground that in something real.
you want to explore that Sam has trauma too? do this through Bucky. he tells Bucky a story about his time in the military. in the form of a flashback, he shares his own story of loss to evoke before the audience the shared theme of feeling at fault even when you're simply a helpless bystander to an act of pure destruction.
then, action sequence! and it's directly connected to Bucky's time as the Winter Soldier. explore the grief of someone whose life the Winter Soldier tore apart manifesting into a villain perpetuating the cycle of pain. establish your villain.
Later, Sam is dragged into battle against this villain for protecting Bucky. But Bucky doesn't want Sam to protect him. He feels guilt for what he can't control and he doesn't want Sam getting hurt because of him. Bucky reminds Sam that he has a family, one who needs him and who loves him. He tells him to go home.
Sam reminds Bucky that he's a part of that family. And that sure Sam's a hero and his job is to protect anyone and everyone, but that he's doing it because he wants to. It's not simply to prove that he can, or to prove that he's not a bystander (this connects to Sam's trauma here), but that he's doing it to help people.
and this gets Bucky thinking about who he is and what he's doing here. is he a hero who stands by Sam's side? or is he an ordinary man who stands aside? or perhaps, does he stand alone? what does he stand for? Maybe Sam knows. But does Bucky?
Sam and Bucky fight off the villain again, and for the first time Bucky meets this adversary face to face. And Bucky recognises this villain, and has a flashback to the genuine pain that he inflicted upon them in the form of the Winter Soldier. Bucky freezes mid-fight, he almost dies, and Sam has to save him.
Sam chews Bucky out for almost getting killed because he was afraid for him. but Bucky takes this the wrong way and goes off to fight the villain alone, or perhaps to die alone, he's not quite sure.
He puts up a half-hearted fight. He apologises for what the Winter Soldier has done, and he waits for the killing blow, when Sam swoops down and he saves him. He asks Sam why he saved him and Sam calls him a moron. And then, Sam asks him what sacrificing himself would solve. He tells him that you can't choose your past but you can choose your future (connecting to his own experience of loss and guilt and grief). And that no matter what Bucky Barnes still has a future, whether that's as the Winter Soldier or the White Wolf or just some dork with a day job. And that he has a future as a part of Sam's family too.
Sam fights the villain, and it's toe to toe. He delivers a few good blows, but receives a fair few himself. And then the villain tears off his wings, first one and then the other, in a manner reminiscent of what the Winter Soldier did to him in TWS. Through Bucky's eyes there's a flashback to highlight the parallels. Sam gets back on his feet and he fights his best fight, but is now losing.
And then the heavily injured Bucky steps up and fights by Sam's side, and only together do they take down the villain.
"So... I inspired you, huh?" Sam teases with a smile, utterly exhausted. "With my heroism and-"
"You inspired me." Bucky said, equally exhausted. "Let's leave it at that."
Together, Sam and Bucky go back to the safety and warmth of their family. Sam fixes his wings. Sam goes back to being Captain America. And Bucky... he's around, but it's unclear what he's doing.
That is, until the very end. When Sam is in a fight, and suddenly Bucky shows up and helps him out.
"What are you doing here?" Sam asks.
"I've made up my mind." Bucky says. "I'm the Winter Soldier. But now I'll save lives, Sam. Now, like you, I'll be a hero."
Sam smirks. "So does this make you my sidekick, then?"
Bucky smiles. "C'mon, at least make me a partner." He says.
"How about co-workers." Sam says (in flashback, he remembers back to the death of his last on-the-job partner).
"How about friends." Bucky says, with a wry look.
"Bucky... I don't want to see you put your dumbass self in danger." Sam says.
"Oh, and it's ok for you to go running off into danger on your own all the time?" Bucky asks.
"Yes." Sam says stubbornly. "Absolutely it is."
"Because I'm not a dumbass?!"
"Sam, if you think I'm not gonna be watching your back for the rest of time... then you're the biggest dumbass I know. And I don't care if you need me or not, I will be there for you."
"Because Sam, you're more than Captain America. You're more than a good soldier. You're a good man. And I think sometimes, the world forgets what the difference is."
...or something like that.
(i only spent like 15 minutes on that. you know if i were actually writing this movie i would come up with something much better. and if anyone from marvel is seeing this, yes i can come work for you. i will make the time, let's do this thing right!)
at the end of the day, whether or not the mcu chooses to make Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes a couple, it's their decision. and they don't owe me anything.
i'm just some random person on the internet. who thinks that Captain America 4 should #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend
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