#it doesn't really matter in the end cuz i won't fucking do it will i
lucyvaleheart · 1 month
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shotmrmiller · 5 months
How do you think pet owner would react to pet being depressed, not eating much, in her room avoiding him, after he betrayed her?
this is tough because I think it would depend on the owner? I'm not much good on bottling up emotions cuz the fucking world is gonna feel my wrath as a scorned woman, but i gave it a go. Forgive if it's not exactly what you were looking for.
John's noticed the distance, the self-neglect and while he'll respect that you don't want to talk to him yet, (cuz he's tried and you've turned your face away from him) he leaves cooked food for you outside of your door with a knock and a "Please eat. That doesn't require you speaking to me." And when he comes back later and only sees a bit missing, he still consideres that a success. He'll make your favorite next time, maybe you'll eat more.
Simon knew something was different from the get-go. He's keenly observant. When he sees that you won't take care of yourself, he'll get right outside your door and say, "Hate me, not yourself. Eat some food, do some of the self-care you've always liked." And after a long silence, he'll hear you very slowly shuffling inside the room, and Simon will let out a shaky breath. Good.
Kyle will give as much space as he can until he notices that you aren't eating much, or showering and this is where he, as much as he hates to do it, ignores the line you've drawn in the sand. He'll quietly whisper to you while you're wrapped under your blanket. "You can't keep on like this. We don't have to be playing for me to continue taking care of you. You don't have to speak to me, but let's maybe eat a fruit or take a quick bath." And when your head pops from under your safe haven, he'll quickly hand you a bottle of water. "Drink. Please."
Johnny gives you the space you want, but he won't really leave you alone? He sits outside the door all the time. Speaks only in apologies and that he'll do whatever he must to let you at least look at him. And he leaves care baskets of maybe a dry shampoo and a brush, or small bits of fruit every day he before he leaves for work with a knock at your door. "I'm leaving now, bo-" and he cuts himself off, cuz now is not the time for pet names (ha). "I've left ye a little something here." Maybe he'll talk about how he misses seeing you, that hopefully soon, you'll let him grovel and make up for his mistake. He'll come home to an apple missing and a bottle of water gone. At least it's something.
in the end, all pride goes out the window. It's begging for forgiveness, it's a fair bit of shed tears on their part, it's about making things right by you, whatever it takes. However long it takes. But they won't let your health deteriorate over it, no matter how much you avoid them.
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szollibisz · 2 months
Do you have any hcs abt how Curt and Owen "came out" to one another? (Using the term loosely cuz obviously they can't just be like "IM GAY") And also how they got together (who fell first etc etc)
Ok, so to preface this, my favourite thing about curtwen is just how many ways you can interpret their pre-canon relationship.
I try to keep their story relatively loose in my head, save for a few headcanons I very strongly believe in, because it's more fun this way.
For me, the #1 headcanon that's in all the iterations I think of, is that they hated each other at first. I think their personalities clash way too much for them to be all buddy-buddy on the first day. (Physical attraction? maybe. Was it minuscule compared to their irritation with each other? yes.)
I just think it's interesting how the two of them gradually (and begrudgingly) start to care about each other.
I think their "friendship stage" is one of my favourite parts about the whole thing. Now I refuse to believe either of those men have friends. Maybe coworkers and acquaintances, but not friends. Which is why this stage lasts so little.
As their work their way up to care for and respect each other, both of them go a little crazy about it.
It's the first time in years or even decades they felt genuine affection and maybe even trust, and both of them are extremely starved for it. So it really doesn't take much for them to fall for each other. (especially since the aforementioned physical attraction was always there and only getting stronger as they learned to tolerate each other)
I imagine, because of this, Owen was the one who fell first, and he employed his usual tactic for dealing with unwanted feelings: Being an ass and depriving himself of good things. He got more intense about his work, trying to immerse himself in it, so he'll stop thinking about Curt. He stayed up late, didn't even try to take it easy when he had a migraine, drank shit coffee and other great things.
It technically worked. He looked like shit, which in turn made Curt worried, and if Owen completely invalidated his worries the two of them would get into a fight, be mad at each other and not interact so much. Owen thought this would make him not yearn for Curt so bad (he still did, in fact, yearn for him that bad)
When Curt realized he was in love with Owen he was pretty horrified. Like listen. If someone has commitment issues it's Curt. Maybe he had a boyfriend or two during his teenage years/twenties, but they didn't end well, and since then he's been trying to keep everybody at arms length. He convinced himself Owen wasn't so bad because hey. They were just buddies (and Curt desperately needed a buddy.)
He tried to shove down and ignore his feelings, but moaning your friend's name while banging another guy may just be a little more than what you can avoid.
He never understood why Owen turned so cold suddenly, and he was terrified Owen just didn't like or trust him anymore. In turn he was also mad at him for trying to shut him out.
Their little hate renaissance could only last so long though. They were still each other's only friends and no matter what they did they kept being drawn back to each other.
This was a super long preface but. I am not normal about those two.
So. different scenarios and headcanons and whatnot
1. Either one of them somehow discovers the other is gay. This would probably mean Owen finding out about Curt, because, I wholeheartedly believe that man would leave during a mission sometimes just to get a quick fuck in. Maybe Owen finds out with evidence (fast & easy method) or he just starts strongly suspecting with his great spying and deduction skills (slow & torturous method, he'd try to convince himself he's just seeing what he wants to see) either way, the confrontation would be very uncomfortable for both of them. Curt would deny it ofc, and Owen would go through the internal battle of "tell him it's fine, you won't rat him out, but be a little homophobic about it, so maybe you can keep the only friend you have, but also be ok with the fact that he'll always be with other men and never you" or "tell him you're gay too, maybe he likes you, maybe not, and potentially risk losing your job and livelihood and everything you've ever worked for" He'd most likely end up doing the latter, surprising both Curt and himself. (He's already way more into Curt than he admits to himself) And things escalate from there.
2. Dramatic post mission (maybe a "I thought I'd never see you again" moment) This is where their friendship gets really interesting to me. For a scenario like this the months long yearning is a given, maybe even a lot of unresolved tension between the two (which would probably be resolved with violence anyways) They care very deeply about each other by now. They know each other better than anyone, and their idyllic relationship is only made into a living hell by all the pining. At this point I mean, they'd buy each other birthday gifts, go over to the other's house when they were in the same country and share way too much info over drinks. Their job is always dangerous, but even they can get scared. Maybe we're talking being crazy outnumbered, or a torture/hostage situations, or hell even a collapsing building. Point is, id either one of them thought the other (or both of them) may die, at this point they'd be impulsive enough to just say I love you or kiss the other. In the moment neither of them would care, and later on, when you'd normally talk about things like near death makeout sessions, they'd just. not. do that, because communication is for guys with better life prospects. This one has absolutely no coming-out talk in it, simply because they don't need it
3. Possibly drunk hookup Now clearly, we are talking about two of the most down bad men ever. This is one scenario, I think could also work really well when they still really hated each other. Maybe throughout their first few mission they both gathered enough evidence and sussed each other out, and after (yet another) explosive fight they might just. Alleviate the tension by not beating each other up but by. other means. They don't end up talking much about it, but it keeps happening, and wait maybe they don't even hate each other all that much. (This is the more sober option) The other one is where the "possibly drunk" comes in. If they've been friends for a while, they probably got used to working around each other and finding comfort in the other's presence. This includes little habits, inside jokes, and even (very small) physical touches. This probably wouldn't go down during a mission, it's more likely to happen at either Curt's or Owen's house, maybe during some holiday. Both of them realizing it's a pretty bad idea early on, because, without all the stress of the missions and navigating a foreign country all that's left is them and the feelings they have for each other. Owen would probably say no to drinks for the first few times, just to avoid a potentially dangerous situation, but Curt would wear him down eventually. Now, with both of them drunk and comfortable, it wouldn't take much for things to escalate. Maybe Curt forgets to take his hand off of Owen after patting him on the back, or Owen holds Curt gaze for a little too long. Either way, those two end up fucking. The next day both of them are a little horrified, but they manage to come clean about their feelings (even if it's in the most backwards and convoluted way possible)
Happy ending (or not) There's many more ways it could've happened, but I already wrote wayyyy too much I think.
In the end I don't think they'd ever have a proper conversation about homosexuality, even way into their relationship. It's something they slowly pick up on from each other. How ashamed are they, what makes them tick, what you shouldn't say etc. And then of course, since they don't communicate properly and sometimes purposefully hurt each other, they'd throw it all back in the other's face.
I'm not sure this is what you meant when you asked for hcs, but I got carried away.
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sorencd · 9 months
could you write something about reader being scared of wilson cheating on her but then he conforts her? cuz with the history of cheating that he has i would be scared lmao
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a/n : thank u sm for the req! i love me some good old comfort w wilson. i don't know how this turned into 1.4k i told myself i would keep it short lol. reader is a doctor btw! and charlotte is the name i gave ur friend :)
w.c. : 1.4k
"dude, are you okay?"
your friend's sudden voice that came out of nowhere brought you back from your mindless gazing, you didn't even notice that you were absent-mindedly staring off into space. a few patients got scared because they thought you were judging them with your stare, and after a few complaints, your friend finally approached you to ask if you were okay.
"you're definitely not okay."
"i'm- yeah! i'm totally fine. you were saying?"
she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, not believing a single word that came out of your lips. you knew your actions were giving away too much, but even if you tried hiding the fact that something was bothering you, she'd probe and pry more relentlessly.
"what's wrong? there's something wrong. are you okay?"
you sighed defeatedly, there's no more escaping her. figuring that there isn't much to do aside from telling her what's on your mind, you pulled your friend into an empty room and shut the door. resting your back against the surface and in a hushed whisper, ushered her to come closer.
"are you pregnant?"
"what- no! charlotte what on earth- say that again and i'm no longer telling you."
"ok ok! i'm shutting the fuck up. you may continue."
a brief pause encapsulated the unoccupied room before you opened your lips hesistantly. opening up to people was something you always found hard to do, whether they be a family member or a close friend, you could never easily voice out your thoughts. but you couldn't really hold this in any longer, you needed to tell someone.
"i've been feeling... an awful lot insecure lately. not the kind that involves my appearance! that's saved for tuesdays."
"then what kind?"
"it.. it's about wilson.."
"what did he do? do you need me to chop off his-"
"no no! none of that! it's just... i'm scared i'll just end up as another ex-this or ex-that or someone that house would mention to him and james would gag whenever he hears my name. i don't know maybe i'm just being over-dramatic."
"have you tried telling wilson about how you’re feeling?"
"i've tried starting the conversation.. but i'd always end up chickening out. so now i'm stuck with these self-deprecating thoughts and i don't like it one bit." you ended with a huff, hiding your face behind your hands and tiredly letting your shoulders slouch down. "it's hard talking to patients when every single one of them would ask me if 'everything's alright', i should be the one asking them that!"
"you know, you shouldn't be bottling your feelings. a relationship goes two ways, don't be scared to tell any of this to wilson! asking for reassurance is never a bad thing, and it doesn't make you needy or demanding or whatever, it's your right as his partner! i'm sure wilson would understand, he loves you very much, how could he not?"
"you're right.. i'll talk to him when he have lunch together."
"you won't chicken out?"
"i won't. i swear."
"you better. i'll be watching you."
you quickly opened the door to avoid staying in the room for too long, you didn't want someone to catch you too talking about personal matters. charlotte waved you off before returning back to her department, leaving you alone. you decided that for the remainder of your vacant and spare time you were going to rehearse what you plan on telling wilson, you didn't want to embarrass yourself and stutter the entire time. so you scurried away into your office, determined to go through with your plan.
if anyone were to press their ear against the door, they would have heard your incessant muttering and would've thought you were insane. you had your feet propped up on the table as you recited word for word how you were going to tell all of this to wilson, despite knowing that when the time comes, all of it would be useless and you'd go completely off script. but it gets your mind off of things so you carried on. a familiar knocking pattern resounded over your hushed whispering, it was wilson. he had this specific knocking style that you grew accustomed too. you felt a shiver run down and a dreaded feeling dripped in each step you took on your way to open the door for james, since you kept it locked, not wanting anyone to see you panicking in your office. you twisted the door knob slowly, and behind it was wilson. standing happily and his usual dorky smile making an appearance when he saw your face.
"hi. you ready to grab lunch?"
you turned your head to the side before answering, a habit that always showed whenever you were nervous and you never seemed to be able to get rid of it. to try and avoid him from gaining any suspicion that something's wrong and notice how tense and sweaty your palms were, you tried making small talk. 'i'm not myself at all.'
the entire short walk to the canteen you listened to wilson ramble about some case house had, and how they're having a hard time diagnosing the patient. and no matter how hard you tried focusing on wilson's voice the gnawing feeling won't stop buzzing and crawling at the back of your mind, you felt sick.
wilson, from the moment you opened the door to your office, knew something was up. you didn't have that bright favorite smile of his, nor did you have any snarky remarks to say while he was storytelling. you didn't contribute to the conversation at all, and it wasn't like you. it carried on even until you two came back from the canteen and retreated to his office. he wanted to ask you what's wrong, but he didn't want to pressure you into saying anything you aren’t ready to tell him. so instead he waited until you were the one to approach him. he was also half-nervous that if he ever asked, you'd just suddenly blurt out that you two should break up. and he'd rather not have that happen.
"james.. i'm..." now it was wilson's turn to be nervous. "you love me, right?"
you had this.. sad look on your face that wilson wasn't used to, he couldn’t describe it. you looked defeated, tired even. he began to replay the last few days, you were fine! you were your usual, loving, witty, happy self!
"yes, of course i do." he replied with all seriousness, dropping the files he picked up to reorganize them. "why do you ask?"
"it's nothing, really. and i don't know why i did."
he gently approached you, careful not to seem condescending when he gently took a hold of both your wrists.
"i'm pretty sure you going quiet is never a good idea and is 'nothing'. come on sweetheart, you can tell me anything."
when you looked up into his eyes and found nothing but sincerity, you cracked and gave in. you told him everything that was on your mind.
"i'm- i was.. i was scared, james. i was scared that you'd leave me for some... better girl or something i don't even know myself, and that i'd just end up as another one of your exes. i don't want that! i don't want any of this to end and i'm so so scared that it eventually would and i can't do anything about it and i couldn't tell you earlier because i was scare you'd get mad or somethi-"
the soft mention of your name stopped you from rambling on any further. and now you were in his embrace, his arms wrapped around you perfectly and tightly. when wilson pulled away, youhad tears threatening to fall from your eyelids.
"i'd never leave you for anyone else, (y/n). why would i when i already found the one? i already found you. you just- complete me. i can't put into words how much you make me feel content or- or happy, loved, it's like you were always here. i would have to be an idiot to let you go. besides, you know too much about me. you're stuck with me forever."
he still managed to make you laugh despite the tears running down your cheeks. you probably looked insane, laughing and crying at the same time.
"you're- i love you, james."
"i love you too, (y/n). don't ever be afraid to talk about anything, okay?"
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© sorencd . 2023 ─ do not copy, repost, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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ineedtherapist · 2 years
Ca we have the crusaders with a touch starved Fem!s/o? She is like and at the same time loves to give affection back!
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Eyyyoooo I have some free time today so LET'S FCKING GOOO
This idea is so fcking cute AHAHJAJ
13/12 =I'm sorry cuz I kinda lost idea on polnareff and avdol💀
Crusaders with a touch starved fem!s/o hcs
"...yare yare daze. C'mere"
Jotaro is crazily good with physical touches. Like bro is Holly son and Joseph grandson. One way or another he definitely carry that genes in him.
This guy is stupidly observant, prob already notice about it but never says a thing.
He's a mysterious typa guy so yes he wouldn't reciprocate that much when in public but I guaranteed you when both him and his s/o are alone he'll initiate the first move.
Doesn't mind his s/o touch him as long as they understand his boundaries.
Actually loves,enjoy N appreciate it especially after having a rough day.
and on waist too as a matter of fact.
while laying down.
forehead kissing.
their s/o rambling bout their day
and him listening with occasional 'mmhmm and then?"
yeah. feel a bit too personal ifykyk
When he actually knows how much his s/o love physical contact he'll try to do it subtly but as much as possible and won't say a thing if they do it to him in public. cue to Holly kissing his cheek every morning
Sometimes most of the time Polnareff gonna tease him and his s/o and it kinda went like this :
"Hey joot! ya mind if I borrow ur sweetheart for a sec? I'm having a severe withdrawal symptoms from being single as heck. Now c'mere lov- AAughHhhGhh????!! GODDAMN IT JOTAR- FUCK! I'M GONNA DIE! JOTARO!!!!"
Everytime he did that, Jotaro gonna summon star platinum to hug him instead and well- all of the crew get to see a fcking 20+ yr old scream in absolute agonize and by the end of the "cuddling" sessions his face covered with snot and tears.
Due from that absolutely horrifying scene oldseph keep his words to himself though there are still times where we can actually see quite the scene.
Kakyoin would be a bit embarrassed, not in a bad way just kinda surprised with what's happening in front of him though when he get used to it, he's silently cheering for both of his friends.
Avdol takes pictures of all the little cute scenes and put it in a collection.
Marriage present he will say with a small smile.
"...yes... I'm free.. r u sure? 'kay then. here- OMPF"
This guy is def as touch starved as his s/o. Worse, unlike his s/o, man doesn't even notice it.
Kakyoin sees physical contacts as an act of professionalism and rarely initiate one unless necessary.
He does it with his parents ofc but again very rarely and mostly on special occasions.
Think about it a lot actually but never voice it out especially if his s/o barely try to show they wants it.
When they did, oh boy it's one hell of a ride.
He'll get awkward at first but gradually warm up and well- get ready cuz you're prob will be in contact with him all the time no matter how big or small.
hand holding? yes. hand on waist while being side by side? yes. resting heads on each other laps? yes. shoulder touching while sitting? yes.
He'll be and look really dejected if his s/o says no w/o a proper reason.
Though he is an introvert and will understand if you needed some space. Just give him a heads-up kay? poor boy think his s/o losing interest in him.
WILL search up in books or online on "how to hug a person" or "101 absolute ways on how to not be a creep when initiating physical contact"
He's embarrassed with pda mainly cuz he's not used to it but he tried to make it up later in private .
He also will try to actually be comfortable and open, letting himself to relish and return the affection.
Is absolutely overjoyed with the fact that his s/o love physical contacts cuz honestly deep down he really wanted to bond and be comfortable with the person he loves and the area he really lacks in are well- human contact.
He's glad his s/o is there to teach him.
Another one that'll summon his stand to make a- *ehem* two adult cry because they're as joot always say "being a pain in the ass"
"c'mere babe! it's cuddly wuggly time."
Bro the best and warmest teddy bear ever been alive.
#1 physical contact lover.
Hug and kiss his s/o all the time.
Small simple contacts like hand holding while walking through the streets traveling.
Hands on ur laps.
No I will not elaborate.
That can go two ways and again no I will not elaborate.
Though he would absolutely loves it if his s/o sit on his laps while both him and his s/o relaxing.
A normal sunny day on a porch. Him reading a newspaper with his s/o on his laps snuggling doing whatever they're doing.
Absolutely hyped when he knows how much his s/o wanted to be in physical contact cuz again that's his forte.
Tickle his s/o while him and his s/o in bed, just woke up from sleep.
And when his s/o return his gestures?
He definitely make a right choice.
It always a contest between who can give more affection and surprise the others. the hell this is too cute Bye-
Flex in front of the crew all the time and no he doesn't get embarrassed. why would he? his s/o is the happiest things ever happened to him. he'll be damned to give two shits.
"Mon Amour~! can I rest on ur lap? pretty pleaseee"
#2 physical contact lovers.
Also hyped cuz his s/o wanted to be pampered and loves to pamper him back? HELL YEAH
He's extreme. that's for sure.
Zero conscience.
Hug? Kiss? Snuggle? Cuddle? Princess style carry? Name it and he'll be doing just that in a heartbeat.
Once him and his s/o in each other arms, it will took a lot of effort for him to actually let go
The type that surprisingly jealous and won't let his s/o do it to anyone else unless under circumstances.
Get tease a lot but never done anything. Bro confident in his abilities and charm as a man.
"yes, I'm free. Of course! Here."
Ok look like I have every right to fangirl cuz bro so sweet with his s/o.
Avdol is reserved so he doesn't show much of a need or want to be in any literal human contact so it gonna make his s/o a bit nervous.
He adores it. He thinks it cute and a symbol of deep trust between two ppl especially coming from someone as special as his s/o.
He reciprocate it whether public or private.
Hand holding. cuz it's sexy u can't change my mind
Very open and accepting in general.
Encourage you and also love to be pamper.
Honestly one of the most loving and normal guy in jjba fr and the crew itself fr.
ahhhh idk what to write but this man is an absolute cutie.
Doesn't get jealous since he trust his s/o.
Actually talk to his s/o about coming to him whenever they're in dire need of human contacts.
Doesn't get teased that bad by the crew. They're just genuinely happy to see avdol and his s/o relationship cuz it have calming and very comforting vibe.
Joseph tease him once in a while but nothing severe.
A bit possessive depending on the circumstances.
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pupyuj · 10 months
wait why was the soft yujin ask actually so cute i neeeeeed to hear about soft dom ive always taking care of their gf in bed
this is a bit long cuz i included aftercare along w the sex so 😚😚 i went through several breakdowns writing this i love my girls.. my scrunklies.. my sillies...
gaeul is a service top IDCCCC 😤😩 maybe it's the unnie in her that just makes her want to prioritize your pleasure over her own,, esp if she gets way too busy to be with you :(( going from weeks to sometimes months without her bcs her schedule gets so packed, she feels so guilty about it as if it was her fault 😔 even when you reassure her that neither of you can do anything about it bcs she loves her job and you support her no matter what! and bcs of your never-ending support for her, she repays you by fucking you nice and well,,, she's kissing you everywhere, whispering how much she loves you, hits all of the spots that she knows feel good, and makes you come a lot but not too much so that you're not overstimulated and exhausted 🥺
aftercare consists of romcom movies, lots of forehead kisses, and cuddles! gaeul is small, yes but she insists on being the big spoon cuz it makes her feel like she's keeping you safe n protected, and that's really all she wants! 🥺
yujin knows alllll about love and care ofc! sure, most of the time, she's energetic and literally fucks you like she won't get to do it ever again but other times, she can be super gentle 🥺🥺 the pup showers you with praises while she's fingering you, says things like: "my baby's so pretty" and "doing so well for me, good girl" like she just wants to make you feel appreciated and special 😩 sometimes she fears that you think she's only with you for the sex, bcs the two of you do fuck a lot and it's very intense too but she wants you to know that she's with you bcs she loves you, so yeah she talks a lot during these times 😭 but her voice, her praises, and her kisses keep you from getting lost in pleasure bcs even when she's all soft and sentimental she still fucks you so good like holy shit this girl just knows you so well 🫠🫠
aftercare is yujinnie wrapping all of her limbs around you and keeping you close 😭😭 but ofc she's careful not to like, crush you or suffocate you sjdbfjosf she's threading your hair with her fingers, patting your back softly as a means to lull you to sleep.. she makes jokes too?? 😭 like maybe the two of you have gone silent but not asleep so she'll just say something funny and you'll burst out laughing,,, yujin loves your smile sm, she wants you to be happy foreverrrr 🥲
rei is always soft with you, she's a love maker dammit 😔 takes care of you like you're made of glass but that doesn't mean she's vanilla or anything . she knows how to fuck you, she just doesn't like to overwhelm you with it!! she's always asking if you're doing okay, if anything hurts, if you want her to stop or keep going . and tbh she's giving service top too, she's always aiming to make you feel good cuz ur her baby!! like, she also asks if you want her to go faster if it was what you wanted 🥺 and she warns you if she decides to fuck you harder.. saying it like: "it's going to hurt a little bit, baby... is that okay?" i cannot stress this enough SHE SO FUCKING CARESSS 😭😭😭😭 if you're feeling particularly needy on a certain day, you will literally have to assure rei several times that you won't complain if she just fucks you out of your mind bcs you want it, but she's so afraid of breaking you :((( but when you do give her the go... she can have you seeing the stars 😵‍💫
aftercare is reibear cuddling you from behind while holding hands 🥺 and she kisses your shoulder a lot, as well as the hand that's holding hers ☺️☺️ trust that the aftercare will last until the next morning sjfbfkf like rei's giving you breakfast in bed, combing your messy hair, and offering to help you in the bathroom SHE'S JUST.. SHE'S VERY GIRLFRIEND OKAY 🥹💔
wonyoung is very sub top to me, shes baby 🥺🥺 like she can fuck! she can fuck real good, but she's so in love with you that she just... she folds no matter what 😩 holding both of your hands while she's fucking you with a strap, leaning down and kissing you, and she talks a lot too!! always asking for permission and like, approval ... "does it feel good, unnie?", "am i doing good, unnie?", "are you gonna come yet, unnie? yes?", "can i go faster, please? i want to hear you" omggg kfkjnfdjdsjdfj 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 baby definitely comes with you because seeing you fall apart and hearing the noises she brought out of you is really enough for her 🫠 but she keeps going . she continues on fucking you bcs she so wants to satisfy you, and in a way, she's satisfying herself too bcs if you're feeling great, she'll feel amazing 😩🫣
aftercare is just,, being held close to wony's heart 🥺 she has you laying on top of her, your head resting on her chest, falling asleep to her heartbeat and the random shapes she traces on your back with her fingers... says 'i love you' even when you're sleeping, kissing the top of your head, and getting lost in her head thinking about how much she really appreciates and loves you like my girl is LOVESICKKKK GET UP!!! 😩
unpopular opinion but liz is just as eager as a certain puppy when fucking you i will not be told otherwise!! she just loves feeling your warm cunt around her fingers and even better on her tongue!!! but lizzy understands that sometimes you get tired and just want to go about things slower... and she gets soooo emotional???? like she's fucking you and suddenly, she has a whole speech about how beautiful you are to her and it's just :((( SHE LOVES YOU OKAY . SHE WANTS YOU TO FEEL PRETTY BCS UR HER PRETTY GIRL!! <///3 liz loves to spoil you with compliments, she really does 😔 she tells you that every single part of you is so ethereal to her :( from your eyes, to your nose, your lips, every little scar, and even the parts of you that you think aren't worth acknowledging or complimenting but they are to liz bcs you're genuinely so perfect in her eyes 🥲🥲💓
aftercare is lizzy humming a lullaby to help you fall asleep 😩😩 she likes staring at you too, but ofc not in a creepy edward cullen way but in an oh-my-god-she's-so-down-bad way she needs help getting up too‼️‼️
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onmyyan · 4 months
hello, i LOVE your writing and style and i took a social media break and came back and HOLY SHIT what a time to be alive
i got to thinking about your guys and i do love a reluctant darling, so ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable, so sorry if it does. but the guys doing the absolute m o s t to get this girl to like them. someone who maybe got a couple of rough exes and either knows what to look for and isn't looking for love. and the boys are just like :) oh :) to bad 💐 for you. they get her heart racing and she's a little nervous about it. shes got a mouth on her and aren't afraid to pop off on a rant about how she knows what they are (she doesn't)
Marcos? psh you'll cheat and laugh about it with your friends at some party. you think you can get away with it just cuz you're good looking? go find another person to piss off. and he's all like ☺️you think i'm hot😊😚 love the idea of her being a snarky bar tender at his favorite bar and they have a will they won't they sitcommy type relationship
manny? just buy the book and leave, girlies on the clock, no she doesn't care how good he looks on the motor cycle. totally not. definitely, definitely not. she doesn't worry when he goes really fast on it, it doesn't make her scared. girls just trying to get paid and get peace.
ricky? oh big strong man trying to boss her around? she doesn't need all that. she sees through that tough exterior and her rbf is worse than his. but it ain't resting. she's just loving life with her friends (who aren't as available anymore?? i wonder why??) and she doesn't care when he runs his fingers through his hair. she doesn't want to do that. she'll get her car fixed there- sure- but she won't like it.
gabe? sure he seems fun but ultimately she views him like a movie sequel, seems fun until about halfway through when you see it's the same plot as last time. no way is she falling for that old trick again. yeah he's nice, and and he helps her with groceries when he sees her walking with all those bags. bare minimum raise it, gabriel.
caspian? when's that other shoe drop? when does the sweet charming teddy bear end? (never)and yeah his pastries are delicious. and he's nice. and smells like cookies. and- oh fuck she's in love, better avoid him but SOMEHOW the man is everywhere. doesn't matter. she needs a night in, and yeah she misses him when she's in her place alone. little does she know how close he is. she won't be lonely anymore ☺️
ashley? she can fix up her own house, thank you very much. she's not interested in some old fashion cowboy and his old fashion values. or his arms. or the way he checks in on her, making sure she's settled in ok, finding her way around town, if she's eating alright and if she needs anything and woah- what's wrong with this door? he'll fix it and no. he doesn't want money. she doesn't owe him anything but, if she wants to grab a drink she's always welcome to join him. she won't be thinking about what would've happened if she took him up on that late that night. or how she made fun of his accent.
diego? WHY is there chickens on her door, and WHY is it w o r k i n g? and where is the shirt she was wearing yesterday? it's laundry day. feral fella makes sure everything's going alright and she's got everything she needs. she doesn't want some man following her around like an over grown puppy. or does she?
imagine them giving her they're number and getting a drunk text like
"you don't suck anymore ❤️" and they go feral
anyways hope you like that and are having a good day/night. i do wonder if any of them kidnap darling like in sharing is caring (my guess is ricky, ash, and manny in no particular order) and how they'd deal with a darling like this. have a wonderful day/night.
This is amazing and made me smile like a fool the whole time I read it!! Like wowiewowie you totally nailed the characterization of the guys and I love how sweet and nervous the reader is about this seemingly perfect dude ugh thank you for sending this baby in I adore it
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miyaur · 1 year
Hello. This is my first time using an askbox(?) So please forgive any mistakes
How would you see Jing Yuan react with a tired/stressed out female s/o who just started to let go of self care and has been too critical with herself (Physically and Mentally). And also been more recluse even with him?
Can I ask both sfw/nsfw head canon (if this is the right term hehe)
And umm I don't know if I saw correctly in hour masterlist that you have indications of anons. If so can I be ☕Anon?
Thank you so much!
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synopsis. taking care of his stressed female s/o!
warnings. uhh smut at the end i guess cuz nsfw hcs are included!!
author's note. YEAH OFC U CAN BE ☕ ANON!!! oh my god no more writers' block guys guess whos ready to rumblewrite!?!?!?!
pairings: jing yuan x fem!reader
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sfw hcs first whipeee!!!
he won't let that shit slide tbh, like he always tells you to give the best, you should be at your best, and that isn't what you're going through rn.
and if it's srsly to the point you even stop coming to bed, which is usually the case very sadly, he will take matters into his own hands. even if it means he has to take work away from you
like he knows you work hard, and you love your job and stuff, but when you start to prioritize work over yourself? that crosses the line.
and whenever he sees or hears you continuously critiquing yourself, he will tell you you're doing great in 50 different ways.
and while yes, he likes to laze around more rather than working cuz he probably gives all the paperwork to his assistants, he would help you out with your job if you really won't budge
is especially mad when the deadline is weeks away too, like damn calm down its deadline is in 2 weeks
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nsfw hcs AAAA
ok so ive mentioned before he'd be a lowkey bully in bed BUT. but. he would be all about your pleasure if it means you'll stop stressing out, or stop with doing work thats in 2 weeks cuz cmon.. 2 weeks is alot.
or atleast he tries to be somewhat 'gentle', can't help being so big that your tight pussy can't handle yk? just loses himself when he's inside
like whenever he's like fucking you to make you feel good he has to remind himself that he shouldn't be like just doing for his pleasure and sake alone
ANYWAYS. likes to eat you out the most honestly, and especially when you are stressed cuz he KNOWS you love it when he eats you out
and knows you like it when he praises the HELLL out of you
oh and any position where he can see your pretty face reacting to how deep he's inside is just fine w him, just as long as he gets the chance to see you and your cute pussy sure
probably would sit you on his cock while he does your work for you :D!!
probably grunts and groans more than whine and moan, like he's just that kind of man when you stressed as hell yk?!?!!?
just wants to focus on you the entire time of having sex, and always asks if you want more rounds cuz like he doesn't wanna break you like he'd usually do haha
no but srsly he'll try his best to be gentle, every little sound you make counts!!
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quick post again to keep up with my upload sched on here!!!
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evilcatgirlwizard · 10 months
man I wanna write an au of warriors where the prophesy about kin of your kin rival the stars etc etc and people just fucking freak out. Thunderclan has to fight off all the other clans just to *survive*. They all interpreted it as firestar's kin are gonna be so strong they're gonna destroy Starclan. So they have to destroy every Firestar relative Now or Else.
In one of these Many Many Battles, Leafpool is tending to Crowfeather in secret cuz he got hurt Extremely Bad and was gonna die if she didn't do anything because Windclan had left him behind. He's like wow women do love me huh. Leafpool ends up bringing him to Thunderclan and they Hesitantly accept this guy cuz well Leafpool said he was cool and was kicked out for being pro-Thunderclan and they REALLY REALLY need the warriors.
Leafpool and Squirrelflight still eventually have to leave, and the clan is genuinely fucking devestated. They all assume Crowfeather lured them into a trap, so he gets Executed. They can't spare the time to feed him, man. They just can't. They have to train the apprentices and hunt and patrol borders... He's a liability.
Though, of course, Leafpool and Squirrelflight come back with kits. Four, four kits. Lionkit, Jaykit, Hollykit, and Breezekit. Breezekit looks suspiciously like a certain suddenly dead tomcat, but no one thinks too hard because thank Starclan these two are alive. Squirrelflight says theyre hers, she just left and had them in secret with Leafpool at her side just in case clan camp was attacked. So sorry for the worry. No One Cares they're just so glad a capable warrior and Leafpool are *back*.
Leaf asks where Crowfeather is. Everyone else looks at each other weirdly. Firestar, haggard and losing a life every other moon, is the one who tells her. Leafpool is *appalled*. They... they would just ***kill him***? Without even waiting? She knows times aren't good, but he was an innocent cat. He was her... friend. She saved his life and her father took it away. Leafpool is so utterly destroyed by this, two days later she takes Breezekit and Hollykit and runs off to Windclan. Sure, Windclan may be rallying against her father, but she's a medicine cat. And these kits look like Crowfeather. She can pass them off as Crowfeather's kits with a loner. Or something. Her excuses don't matter because Windclan accepts her. Not... not easily, but Onestar isn't so far gone down the Thunderclan hate train that he won't allow a medicine cat (notably celibate) return two Windclan kits to Windclan. And stay, to heal more Windclan cats. This is fine.
Proper all-clan gatherings stopped happening the moon the war on Thunderclan began. The clans are so caught up in destroying Thunderclan that they can't even leave their territory without being viciously attacked. The three other clans do meet, though, just while keeping Thunderclan in their place, stagnating and hopefully dying. Leafpool ends up being asked to join one of these gatherings, and ends up getting pestered by everyone. What happened to Crowfeather, what did Thunderclan do to him and you that even you, their medicine cat, left? How far have they fallen?
Leafpool, still upset, doesn't help her kin. She speaks clearly and openly, and lies out of her teeth to protect her young. Crowfeather was captured at the end of a battle between Thunder and Wind, and Leafpool was tasked with healing him. Eventually she broke him out however, and helped him flee Thunderclan. In the wilderness, he met and befriended... Pond, an orange she-cat who kept him safe and happy. He and her had... four kits. She says his other two kits, Jay and Lion, are still in Thunderclan. Because they tracked Crowfeather down, killed him and Pond, and took his kits, intending to train them to destroy their father's clan. Leafpool hated this, and hated patching up murderers, so she took as many kits as she could carry--only two, sadly--and fled. She now stands as a medicine cat, who took a vow of chastity by the way she may be Firestar's kin but she doesn't have any powers and she's never had kits because she's a medicine cat ahhahahaha, rebelling against Thunderclan. And the other three clans are like oh hell yeah we're justified. And Leafpool is like wait. I don't want my dad and family destroyed. Oh fuck and shit I made a mistake in my post-Crowfeather Being Murdered Anger. Oh No.
it'd be this harrowing story of Lion and Jay having to come into their powers much sooner to even keep Thunderclan *alive*, and of Holly and Breeze (I just like him), *also* developing powers and being like hm. What does this say about me as a cat. maybe someone is lying. While Leafpool is subtly sabotaging the effort to kill her family and trying to keep secrets and mourning the life she could have had if she hadn't been so stupid and reckless.
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melonteee · 5 months
you say you have a "hope that sanji dies" cuz you love tragedy - do you have any specifc thoughts or plot hopes to expand on that?
disclaimer: i mean this in just all good fun speculation or wishes cuz honestly we aint oda so who knows bruh 🤷‍♀️
like, the way i see it, him dying wouldnt just make wci 1000 times worse in retrospect, but i cant see it not utterly devestating luffy considering... well, luffys everything.he literally says he cant become pirate king without sanji! i mean, i guess oda could play it off as a honorable battle death or 'dying as yourself' but it could also go the 'you cant save everyone' route? kinda like ace, but a little to the left?
and if you bring in the possible discord amongst the crew of the death pack with zoro, it just creates even more problems beyond 'oh fuck whos gunna feed luffy'. we're talking water seven usopp leaves levels of discord
(....also why do sanji girlies like hurting him so? pudding, i have more in common with u than i thought)
My biggest thing with it is... Sanji's thing is worth, right? He thinks if he mutates and loses his emotions, Luffy won't want him, so he may as well die.
But, with the death pact he made with Zoro, what about ZORO.
Zoro hasn't said it out loud, but one of his biggest fears is obviously losing a crewmate - it's losing a loved one. He never wants to lose someone like he lost Kuina again. This feels very obvious to me, and it's why he fights to the extent he does.
So? I want Sanji to mutate, and I want the death pact to happen, because I want Zoro to hit a wall.
To never lose again, to be the greatest swordsman, WHAT must he sacrifice? To carry out a promise to his friends, to both Kuina AND Sanji, is this really worth it? Is this the right thing to do to reach his goals, and to go through with a promise?
Is it worth taking out a crewmate?
And then of course, for Sanji, if Zoro says he can't do it, he just can't kill Sanji, imagine how much that will make Sanji realise...he IS valuable, he HAS worth, no matter HOW he ends up. So what if he turns into a cold, unfeeling soldier? That's still Sanji, he's still somewhere in there, and Zoro dropping his sword would truly make Sanji realise that.
OR it can go the other way, and the death pact will go through - where Sanji can die happy, and Zoro can fulfill his friend's promise.
This is why it's so interesting that the death pact is SPECIFICALLY between those two. Because I'm not saying Zoro values Sanji over any other Strawhat - of course he doesn't. What I'm saying is, Sanji's situation is so specific to his being and emotions, and he KNOWS Zoro takes promises to heart.
I'm so so so SO interested to see if this death pact will EVER go through. There's so much that could happen with it, so even if Sanji dies or not? Fingers crossed!
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bistaxx · 6 months
An annoyance I specifically have about qsmp tntduo fics is that they don’t even (usually) try to be like the qsmp versions of the characters. They have them act like dsmp, rivals that have a weird homoerotic tension. While in the qsmp, we’ve had Quackity being obsessed with Wilbur and Tallulah < and being convinced that Wilbur was the dad and tallulah was his kid. This is just the early stuff but it’s annoying how they pretend it’s qsmp when it’s clearly not.
(Also none of this is my griping over what people are allowed to write or draw lol- i'm just bitching for my own sake LOL)
Yeah that's definitely a major part of my annoyance too, not helped by the fact that I also dislike /r c!tnt LOL- And I was actually interested in what q!Tnt as dynamic could've been but canon doesn't offer a whole lot to work with these days and fanon like you said either just makes them a poor man's rehash of c!tnt despite their q! counterparts being VERY different form those men or, like a mutual of mine brought up in their post, reduce q!Quack into this poor sad little wet cloth of a man that ONLY qWilbur could ever understand or fix because he's the ONLY man who actually cares about q!Quackity... just ignore Roier, and Etoiles, and Forever, and Baghera, and Cellbit, and Bagi, and- You get the point lol.
I think my last straw personally was seeing everything that Quack goes through be made to be about Wil- getting Tilin? Him and Wilbur can raise them together despite us knowing Luzu was the other parent! He loses his child? Dw he can raise Tallulah with Wilbur! Quackity's been kidnapped and replaced with Elq? Oh no! Onyl Wilbur will ever care or notice :( Just ignore that Jaiden witnessed this happen- Quackity is back, but his memories are gone and his mind severely messed with? Oh Wilbur will fix him- he'll teach him how to read and write and take care of him and they can be a family alongside Phil Tallulah and Chay! Quackity's been kidnapped again? Oh no only Wilbur will care Part 2 even though everyone quickly noticed Elq isn't Q! Quackity (and Phil) have weird tickets? This must be related to WILBUR somehow?! Quackity's DEAD?!? OH NO- WILBUR WILL BE SO SAD AND DEVASTATED! Quackity's back but extremely traumatized and broken after everything he's been though? He needs Wilbur to hug him and heal him :((((((((((((((-
And I wanna take a brief aside to complain about how people treat them and the eggs too- See I really like Quack and Pepito's dynamic, so I give into temptation and look on Twitter to find fanart of them... only to see them paired with Wilbur and Tallulah... with Quackity's OTHER CHILD Richas nowhere in sight! Because he just... doesn't matter I guess even though the two still care about each other a lot and still call each other father and son! Also the god damned disservice this stuff does for Talsy's character too- yeah she'd so be running over to hug Wil with her current growing resentment of him- but to know that'd require people to acknowledge her as more then just Wilbur's cute little daughter who exists only as an extension of him- SOMETHING SHE'S COMPLAINED ABOUT TO PHIL. But back to Quack...
Would you believe me if I told you people also did this shit during KARMALAND too- A SERIES THAT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE WILBUR PLAYING IN IT! That during the early days people were CONVINCED that k!Quackity was secretly an amnesiac c!Quackity and he was only drawn to k!Luzu because he reminds him c!Wilbur... yes people really fucking said that and god it made me so mad I won't lie 😭 People can headcanon whatever they want that's fine even if I don't gel with, the thing is it was just everywhere during the early Karmaland V days and people were doing to most to push it 'canon' cuz God forbid Q exist outside of Wil or c!tntduo in this Spanish server.
Listen- I never wanna be That Guy who DEMANDS people stop doing this or that- people can do whatever they want- I get missing a ship, I still miss Karmaland Luckity- I just wished people cared about q!Quack for q!Quack and not just tntduo. q!Quackity is a very flawed screw-up of a man with a big heart whose been through Hell and even though he wants to give up still chooses to keep on going for the sake of his new child- not to mention his mysterious connection to Elq and being forced to be a pawn to Oscurucho! He has a lot going for him outside of his celebrity crush! He has a lot of really good and complex bonds with other characters- he has a strong friendship with Etoiles, Forever tried to look out for him after Quackity lost his memories and Quackity in turn was visibly distressed when Forever went missing, HIS WHOLE THING WITH ROIER- LIKE- Quackity being a major part of the betrayal at the start of the server and Roier in turn ruining Quackity's reputation on the server in revenge but Quackity still tries to help Cellbit fix things with Roier during Festa Junina, Quackity admires the strength of Spiderbit's love to the point that it makes it reconsider his own view of what love is after his fake wedding with Wilbur's cardboard cutout, Roier still tried to help Quackity regain his memories when Quackity found Tilin's old diary, Roier is listed as one of the most important people to Quackity, during his hell coma in the maze portion there are photos of him and Roier everywhere, they even share custody of a child now- but no, Wilbur is the only one who gets or cares about Quackity, okay sure.
Anyway rant over- sorry anon I pretty much just used your ask as an excuse to vent about all my grievances I'm sorry 😭 People can send more anons about this if they want but I prolly won't answer- I don't like to bitch too much on this blog- this is the exception to that LOL I don't hate qWilbur either- I just don't care for q!tnt.
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occasionalrpmemes · 9 months
Amigo the Devil: Volume 1 Starters
sentences taken from the 2015 album. edit as desired. warning: this one does NOT pass the Hayes Code lmao. content includes, but is not limited to: sex, violence (both domestic and otherwise), alcohol, strong language, religion, general moral degeneracy, et cetera
It's all for you.
I'd rot in hell with you, if you'd just ask me to.
Come on, believe me, follow me home, there's no judgement here.
Take the shot.
This night is going to end horribly for someone.
I'm not so much afraid of letting go as much as scared of giving up.
Open up to me.
The Devil came and sold his fucking soul to me!
If I've hurt you, please forgive me. Love makes you do funny things.
This fire feels so real.
Don't say a word, my darling. I know how you feel.
On rainy days, we'll drink until the gray is left in nothing but our hair.
I know you want it, too.
I'll lay by your side 'til everything is rotten through.
Tonight, we'll celebrate life! Eat the best food and drink the best wine.
I hope your husband dies.
Are you feeling upside down or even empty inside?
Meet me down by the bar. We'll go and take this drink out to the stars.
Death is just one moment.
Some people follow rules, some people go around.
As an elephant, I'm only really relevant when I'm standing in the room.
I am the son of an asshole.
No one deserves my world quite like you do.
I'm not so much afraid of being alone, just kind of feel I've had enough.
God knows I'll do what I need.
These hands are stronger than you're led to believe.
We'll never have a house to decorate, a place that we can call our home.
If I can't have you, nobody will.
There's only one thing in this life that makes us living.
I want to be where all the stupid shit I say sounds so romantic and true.
Live with me in this sin forever.
There's nothing left to lose, 'cuz I've already lost it all.
Tonight, I'll follow you home and start up a fire that'll keep us both warm.
Hang around, let down your hair.
So you should start to undress and just… try a little less.
Now you're with this asshole- you expect me to believe it's gonna last?
Let me have this dance with you.
Your eyes look like diamonds still stuck inside the mines.
When your tongue is putrid and your skin is sagging down, I'll stick around.
It's true, I hate everything but you.
We'll laugh a little, drink a little, see what you're made of.
All the bridges in the world won't lead you back to fix what couldn't be erased.
This fairytale just ain't coming true.
I'll drive my car like I stole it, drink at the bar like I own it.
These wrinkles are the maps of all the places we went no one else would dare.
I'd rather have a reason I should stay.
There's always gonna be a better high, and a lower down.
We take things a little far, but you couldn't name a place I wouldn't go with you.
I'm capable of making you disappear.
I have a couple different faces if you need a place to hide.
The time we spent together when the light was out became my thought of you.
I am the agent that decides your fate.
There's only one kind of people in the world: people who die!
It doesn't matter what you've heard or if you're good or bad and everything between.
I love the shitty things we do together.
It's been a while since I've held anything as close as I have you.
I'd like to live my life just like a dog. Humble as can be and unconditional in everything I love.
I'll make you famous one way or another.
Home is the last place that I'd stand to be with anyone but you.
I'd crawl in bed with you. Even in someone else's blood, on top of someone else's love, in the worst motel we find.
This life is a maze with only one way out.
Every dime spent is worth looking good- and that's Hollywood!
They'll write about our story here for years to come and maybe even more, cuz there's never been a love like this before.
I'll cut to the chase, just don't try to leave.
Trust me, I'm not jealous, I'm just hoping that he really messes up.
When I had you near me I just couldn't think of anything to say, but now that I'm alone, I got the perfect things to tell you everyday.
We'll leave the world the way dreamers do.
All the parties we can throw - we'll dress like anything we please!
All the distance that we've spent apart will never have to mean a thing. Every mile I traveled was to find the perfect stone to fit your ring.
Living in the moment's hard when everything I want is in the past.
When the night falls, out comes the terror.
Your heart will always have a place to live with nothing left to be.
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minalblood · 6 months
I'm back and I'm so sorry! I won't make any promises for the last 2 ep of the Winchesters, but I will be reviewing/rewatching them anyways just ... who knows when, I dont!
But let's get started on You've got a Friend 1x11.
I hopefully will be a bit less rambly since O have a draft of my thoughts already written for this and its less... as Im watching (i can post that too if yall wanna but dunno if ull understand my handwriting)
We begin where we left off and I love that we have this scene of them needing to clean up, adds realism, adds dimension to the world. Love also that we begin with Lata being the Lata we all love - dejected in this case about her chimera paw was ruined. Queue Carlos with the teasing. The 2 of em banter a bit before Mary redirects us all to the matter at hand.
And Mary has come a long way in these episodes, because she may not join the banter (still closed off somewhat as opposed to Carlos and Lata's easy repartee) but she is going off of it and adding them into her area of interest.
But all stops when John come in blood soaked and in shock - Mary instantly worried he might be hurt, but nope, not this time.
I am so happy to see them portray the actual shock and numbness John is feeling, then the guilt and sadness, just all the reaction to Kyle's death really. And considering the survivor's guilt John is lugging around, it makes it even more heartbreaking. I also love seeing that Mary is the level headed one here - she,.imo, is clearly pushing down the grief to focus on John's issues here, hell we see very little of her grieving in this episode and everytime we do, she's quick to redirect that feeling into action - sometimes into violence point blank. She does it here, asking what the Akrida could want, she does it even moreso with Millie, where she does open up a bit since Millie is offering comfort, but then it turns into Millie coming with a plan which directly leads to Mary wanting to storm the police station guns blazing and the ep ends with Mary and John discussing Kyle (also god Mary looks absolutely exhausted here, fuck) but Mary derails it by saying they need to find Dean instead. She's def not allowing herself the moment to deal with Kyle's death which may prove relevant when discussing next episode.
I'd forgotten this ep was the Lata episode. Like ep 8 was Carlos', this one is Lata's. And god does it hurt.
1st, move the feather boa, Carlos!
2nd, I do genuinely believe Lata and Maggie were together. Everything in this episode points that way to me (but especialy the sweetpea nickname) We'll round back to this though.
The other thing we note in the sequence in Maggie's room is how close Carlos and Lata are to each other. Which we knew, but I always love seeing it again in action.
Before we continue with the emotional core of this ep, we have to get back to plot with Betty! I love Betty..I also can't blame her for being ....hesitant to say the least. Like imagine what she's seen so far: the guy who, before leaving to the marines illegally, proposed to her, is suddently interacting with, apparently, imfamous Mary Campbell, who is seen at several murder/investigation scenes suddenly appears ro have killed someone? And she already knows John had anger issues before hand. Like i get her here. And still shes trying to be nice while doing her job.
Which leads me to the next part, her job. So the detective... he's wording (even with him being really Akrida) echoes a lot of corrupt cop rethoric which only gets further emphasized when he later threatens to have John... killed 'accidently'. And, on top of them, speaking pf policw corruption even a 'good cop' like Betty becomes complicit simply because of the power the Akrida gained via the detective role cuz she was unwittingly helping them throughout.
But god, was John a bit too cocky here. (My notes have this marked as "this is why you let villains monologue, John!"). Especially since he actually doesn't have any info on Dean. (Love that we see the pic of Dean, missed him) l.
Meanwhile Lata and Carlos have found the bracelet and it's fucked them over. Also, I fucking hate the shadows thing, very creepy. Also also it reminds me of the daeva that Meg uses in s1 of SPN. I'm also reminded of SPN with the story the detective tells John about how they'll get rid of him - SPN's own crooked cop ep featured exactly this sorta plan too, but in killing Dean.
Really though, the main thing I found interesting upon rewatch is just how much Lata is our Dean mirror in this one. Specifically, in getting targeted by the bracelet she's forced to relive a trauma (Sania's death) via Carlos acting as substitute, only this time she succeeds where prior she thought she failed (which lemme make clear, no, Lata was at no point and in no way at fault, but she did internalize that guilt - much like Dean tends to internalize guilt) . Which Dean, much like Lata ends up doing when getting involved with this universe, ends up reliving a trauma (his parents death - Mary especially) of something he failed, in his mind, to prevent/save via rescuing this universe's Mary. And much like Lata, who can't undo what happened to Sania, but can "begin to make it better" (the Hey Jude line just hit me so I had to use it), so too can Dean. It won't change what happened in his life, wont save his mom, but it will help him heal nonetheless.
Adding to this Maggie? Who opperates as a Cas parallel here - she was Lata's person, who shared everything with Lata but Lata couldn't in turn for fear of judgement/shame, who notably is dead and thus Lata can't ever reveal her secret to. Well, it hurts is what it does.
But watching this I noticed another interesting thing though, for all that the bracelet seems to work like Osiris (pulling on the guilt the person feels is most agregious), the bracelet actually seems to want the wearer to get out. Carlos is taken just as Lata begins wondering which secret it's trying to make her face and is sent to Sania's room - direct answer. Then later,.even more blatant, using Maggie's face, tries to get Lata to disclose the secret, but Lata talks around it instead til the creature takes her too.
It seems like Erebus had a test for his warriors, one he wanted them to win.
Throughout all of Lata's story, I was seething. I truly hate her family and Carlos was 100% saying exactly what I was thinking.
Another thing I appreciated though, about Carlos, is the emotional maturity. Yes they were dying and yes it was urgent that Lata disclose her secret but Carlos made certain to reassure her throughout. Tried to give her as much space as possible.
In other thoughts, Lata's mom making that "vs family" distinction, uuuh it rattled sth in me only to them have Lata say "my parents would never look at m the same way"? In the Dean Winchester show? God, the echoes of John's shitty parenting were deafening. Bur yes to eveything Carlos said. It truly wasnt Lata's fault.
And I adore also the ending conversation between Lata and Carlos (both wearing blue and god I want Carlos' coat) because yes, this kind of stuff shouldn't be forced out on anither persons whim. Lata doesn't have to tell John and Mary anything, it is her story to tell, but also yes, Carlos is right to reassure her that if she wants to share it with them, they'll likely react well like he did. And yes the reason this particular scene hit so hard is partially personal, but because of that it drove me insane in SPN where there was a tendency for people to push other to open up at their own whim (and yes, Sam did it often to mutiple people, hounding them until they cracked and spilled whatever trauma they were trying to deal with but then have nothing to give in return, no comfort or even really reaction, and yes he most of all did it to Dean a lot and it did puss me off) So yea, love this episode for the Lata and Carlos of it all!
Also I have a few questions, when Millie was trying to convince Betty about the supernatural, at one point she said "it's not like-" and cut off. She was trying to defend against the accusation of 'playing make believe). Also, Betty says sth like "Mary, I expected.this from" with relation once more to her not believing in monsters soooo.... has Mary ever been taken in under suspicion of being delusional? Was Millie? Or John?! I've questions ok i need y'alls opinions on this one.
Also, I would've soo cracked if the Akrida asked about Dean, cuz I def miss him a lot and id fucking gush about him at that point.
Anyways, that's it for this one. See you guys next time where we'll be clowning (have I mentioned I hate clowns?)
@noybusiness thanks for push earlier this month, i needed that a lot and thanks for the support for this rewatch ❤
@shallowseeker thanks the new posts, been inspiring me to get back to writing this ❤
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jaynovz · 1 year
for the fanfic ask game: what work of yours do you feel is the most underappreciated/do you wish got more attention? could we have a small sample of a bit you like?
Okay I thought about this for a long time, cuz I WANTED to say the FlintMadi series or maybe hanahaki or petplay ot4. honorable mentions lol.
But I think the True answer is the John Silver backstory aka a stained glass variation of the truth.
I knew when writing it that like maybe a handful of ppl were EVER gonna engage with this for multiple stacking reasons: the dark subject matter, the underage archive warning, the huge amount of OCs, the Silver/OMC. Lotta death knells for readership lol
but guys I'm SO fucking proud of it and I've read basically every other Silver backstory and mine sort of stands alone in being the most extensive and focused example, by which I mean it doesn't venture into canon events, it tells its own story and is a true prequel (perhaps another death knell lmao) but yeah I'm just really proudddddddddddddd of that okay, I did SO MUCH historical research and historical WRITING isn't my strong suit but I killed it
oh also just to like, clarify, I subscribe to the "all and none" Silver backstory mindset. Meaning that, anything we can dream up could be correct and also there's no answer, these facts exist in my mind simultaneously. What they did in the show, leaving it up to the viewer, leaving it implicit? Yeah that was some fucking MASTERCRAFT and I don't mean to say that one *needs* a Silver backstory per se.
So yeah me writing it wasn't some be-all-end-all statement, but it Was an intensive character study exercise for why I thought he might turn out the way he did.
Anyway, I do not expect this answer to get literally anyone who hasn't already read it to check it out but there it is! thank you for asking <3
and yes here's your excerpt--
The voice John knew well raged inside--venomous, accusing.
Weak. He had to rescue you because you are weak. And now he’s dead. Just like everyone else.
Belatedly, John realized Solomon had been his friend. He had cared about John beyond his usefulness or their alliance. For as skilled as he was at reading people, sussing out their wants, their needs, their tells like the hidden flesh in a mollusc… John had utterly misread Solomon. In the moment, it had seemed so clear-cut, but in retrospect...
He remembered months spent joking warmly, sharing the toil, taking meals together, playing cards, privately mocking the worst of the crew, and telling lie after extravagant lie to one-up each other. They’d been set apart from the other boys, both too clever by half, opportunists who understood each other almost too well. Solomon was always teaching John--how to scale the rigging, the nautical knots, the best hiding places on a ship. He remembered the easy affection the older boy had expressed and the wedge it had driven between them, that John had put there. The recollection pained him and he slapped the side of the ship in anger. As usual, John was too late to recognize and appreciate anything good.
No. A rational voice pushed back. Solomon was a fool.
A mistake. It was a mistake to care about him, it was a mistake to care about anyone but yourself. Solomon had cared about John and what had been his reward? To die, to be forgotten, to be filled up with water and subsumed into the abyss.
In the end, boys like John, like Solomon, mattered to no one. Not to the crew of this ship, nor to the ferocious, unknowable sea, nor to the machinations and fates of the larger world. Boys like them had to make their own safety--carve a spot for themselves by whatever means necessary, be it force or duplicity. He'd learned, many times over, that caring too much for the well-being of other people was wholly incompatible with this goal.
I won't make their mistakes.
The next day it was business as usual for the crew of the Bridgewater; the storm had calmed and they weighed anchor. The drunken man who'd attacked John went unpunished. Indeed the entire event went unremarked upon, as none of the other crew asked after the missing cabin boy.
John had a surreal sense of deja vu; again, it was as if it hadn’t happened at all.
And isn’t that easier? To let it fade into irrelevance?
The other boys eyed the empty spot next to John, but said nothing. They were meek shadows, poor beaten things, colorless compared to all that had been his friend. Numbly, he completed his daily chores, all too aware of the heaviness of the workload. That which used to be split, yoked over two sets of shoulders to lessen the burden, was now his responsibility alone.
Tom. Scrap. Ollie. Lizzie. Mary.
Despite his best efforts, it was yet another name he would try and fail to forget.
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pearldog30 · 1 year
The guys reacting to stolen valor
Soap, Alejandro, ghost.
Credit for this idea goes to the amazing @simonsdoll. And let me just say when I heard it, I absolutely loved it. so we're going to give it a shot. how the guys would react to a fake veteran/soldier.
Other works 👉Master list
Warnings| Stone valor as you can tell.
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can I just say look at how cute our 3 big dumb boys look. (I do not take credit for the picture I stole it from Google)
Staring. that's all I got to say. This man will stare whoever it is down faking to be a veteran/active soldier.
Until he makes them uncomfortable enough to leave or ditch the ACT, ditch the uniform. All of it
he knows when someone's faking it from just the way they stand, he's been in the military all his life. worked with tons of different military units all around the world, So of course he's going to know.
Now if they don't leave, or ditch the ACT. (Or if they're just straight up dumb and don't notice the 6'4 man staring them down in the corner.) Now he's not one to step in, we all know this man does not like confrontation. so for sure he's not going to get involved, he'll just leave the situation so he doesn't get too bothered by it.
BUT! If somehow he walked past them (he would totally walk past them on purpose when he's leaving) he would give them the most cold killing stare known to man, Stop and stand them up for a few seconds before continuing on, His little journey.
What can I say his eyes say a lot even to the most dumbest of men/women 🤷🏻‍♀️
Charm, and it's dangerous when he does it.
I see soap, being one of those guys that gets really excited when he sees another veteran/soldier so of course he'll go running up to them.
But he won't realize they're faking it, until like a few minutes into the conversation.
Like this man will slowly charm, whoever it is faking to be a veteran/soldier and then slowly humiliate them by asking them top questions that only military people know.
And when they try walking away from him, or ditching the conversation, he'll just keep on finding ways to drag it on until they admit to it. or until you, or one of the guys, pull him away cuz it can last for hours with him.
1000% into public humiliation in those situations.
Moral of the story, unless you feel like being in a public place for hours, then let him keep rambling on. if not, DRAG HIS ASS OUT OF THERE.
Alejandro 🔥
For the love of God hold him back! Unless of course, you feel like bailing him out of jail. (Like have you seen those videos of vets going off losing their shit yeah that's him but a 1000 times worse)
Quite literally the definition of fuck around and find out, in those situations.
This man, DOES NOT PLAY AROUND WITH STOLEN VALOR! Like if he sees someone faking to be a veteran/soldier. May their soul rest in peace.
Now if he sees a veteran he always goes up to them to thank them/start conversation with them (because you know he likes talking to other vets/soldiers. especially the world war II vets, totally the kind of guy that could sit and talk with one for hours.) but he'll know something's off as soon as he walks up to them. so he'll start asking basic questions, and the second he realizes. He'll straight up puff his chest out, standing tall, going full Latino, to that person. Spanish and everything in their face you better be holding his hand to drag him away before it gets worse. doesn't matter if they don't understand Spanish, they definitely understand it now.
Now if it's someone pretending to be a soldier with the full uniform. YOU BETTER HOPE TO WHATEVER GOD THERE IS, you have one of the 141 with you, or somehow have the strength to pull him away. because he will bash their face in. no hesitation, no questions asked. (Last time he saw someone like that he was at a bar with the guys ghost/price had to put him in a chokehold so they all wouldn't end up in jail that night)
Safe to say you better notice it, before he can so you guys don't end up on the news.
And that's going to be the end for this. I know this one was kind of short, but this one was all for fun. (And for the people that read it this far I have a little announcement for you for my lil ghosty simps out there. stay tuned cuz there is going to be a spicy, and I mean SPICY! ghost fic coming out real soon, so keep an eye out for that.) anyways I hope you are having a good day/night wherever you are reblogs and comments are always appreciated. 🖤 Also as of I'm currently posting this I'm sick so that ghost thing is going to take a lot longer!
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queenmoonking · 3 months
Yandere kratos x y/n
Y/n is a she/her, also there are episodes to this, blue is you red is him, violence, bad word,
Y/n is a shy female, and is not know for he to speak to people or god's, kratos have all was wish to be her...but never really had the heart to say it, he love the fact you and his son is getting along,
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"y/n" *he say in a deep voice* "...be my wife" *he slowly put up his blooded hands hoping you take it*
"w-with what?!" *you take a step back, is processing of what just happened trying to take everything in*
*a sinister smirk crosses his face as he steps closer* "y/n. You heard me perfectly" *his voice filled with menace* "I will do whatever it takes to have you by my side" *he reaches out, grabbing her wrist gently* "Join me in matrimony... and we'll see the world through different eyes"
*you try to push him away, but he'll his to stronger*
*laughs deep in his throat* "You can't fight against your destiny, y/n. We are meant to be together" *he pulls her closer* "And together we shall create a legacy. I'll raise Atreus as my own son... and our family will rule over this world!"
"your at your fuck up mind...will this if you have one" *you say in a sarcasm tone*
*ignores her sarcasm* "I have a plan, y/n. Your father has an influence in politics... it'll serve us well" *he runs his fingers down her cheek* "Be mine and I will make your life a blissful paradise. You shall want for nothing. Nothing!"
*you hit him, and cuz him to bleed*
*raises an eyebrow, surprised* "You dare strike me?" *a look of fury in his eyes* "y/n... this will not end well for you" *he clenches his fist, ready to retaliate but reins himself back* "Fine. Have it your way" *stepping away from her slowly, smirking maliciously as he sheds some blood from the corner of his mouth*
*you look at the door behind him, thanking if you can run out*
*notices her intention and swiftly grabs her arm, pulling her back* "Nowhere to run, y/n. We both know this is destiny... embrace it"
"dick head" *you whispered*
*raises an eyebrow* "Interesting." *smirk deepening* "Let's get you ready for your new life, my future queen" *his grip on her arm tightens as he leads her toward his hidden chamber*
*you try to fight him off*
*effortlessly overpowers her, dragging her down a long dimly lit hallway* "You're making this harder for yourself. Come with me and everything will be perfect"
"you can suck a tree"
*grins* "You're just bitter about losing your freedom. But don't worry, you'll soon adapt to our life together." *as they reach his hidden chamber he shoves her towards an empty chair* "Sit down, y/n."
*she sit down, knowing she doesn't have a choice*
*looking at her thoughtfully* "Tell me, y/n... Do you really dislike me? Is it my past deeds or am I not charming enough?" *his gaze flickers over her features as he waits for an answer*
"one you kill, two you hurt people, you don't carol your wage, I know more if you wish to hear it" *you never really understood why that knowledge was in your mouth, you was just moving your mouth give him a reason to not marry you*
*smirks* "Yes, those deeds were a part of my past. But they don't define me anymore" *a predatory light in his eyes as he looks at her* "And now... I have you. You're mine. And that is all that matters."
"you lie to everyone I ever care for" *you say I'm tear*
*leans closer to her* "You... Care for someone else?" *his voice low and dangerous, threatening her* "Are you trying to hide something from me, y/n~"
"I was all ready in love with a aather man"
*pulls away, anger flickering in his eyes* "And now... He'll pay."
*you daily brace into running for the door to exit*
*grabs her by the arm again, preventing her escape* "y/n, listen to me. This isn't some whimsical crush you had for someone else... They'll never compare to me." *he pulls her close, staring into her eyes fiercely* "I swear on my life... You won't regret choosing me."
*you look down* "I hate you"
*gazes at her tenderly* "That's fine, y/n. Eventually... You'll grow to love me." *he captures her chin in his hand, tilting her face up to look at him* "But first... Let's start with acceptance"
The end, of part one
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