#it looks beautiful and I'm excited to see how it's different to the manga and clearly a lot of love has gone into it
Netflix ads for One Piece on Tumblr trying to be even more embarrassing than the 4Kids dub
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Hear me out peh yah meets gothic reader and at first peh assumes that the reader is a vampire and peh just does everything in his way to protect his “vampire” crush. I mean him always holding an umbrella for the reader, make sure there is no garlic near him (can just imagine pah offering the reader garlic bread only for peh to slap it out of pah hand), crosses and stakes are thrown far away from the reader and whenever the reader says “I’m kinda hungry” peh immediately shows his neck and replies with “make it quick”
If that’s alright with you
So sorry for the late reply. A lots been going on and as excited as I was to write this I had no idea how to go by it to be honest. But here you go! Also I hope you guys like my new theme!
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When Peh-yan met (Name) he was surprised. Very surprised. He had never seen anyone like him. He looked....different.
He had extremely pale skin. He had a pitch black parasol covering him from the sun. Clothes as dark as his umbrella. But it was the Rosari stood out the most.
So he immediately knew this guy was a Vampire. Cause what human would be like that?! (Literally me if I could man) But he was confused on why he was so nice to him.
Vampires in books and Manga were said to be beauitful but rude and uncaring. (Name) was different though, while yes he was beautiful. He was kind and caring.
Peh-yan watched carefully from behind the corner, as (Name) was playing with a small black cat. The soft smile on the male's face made Peh-yan's heart skip a beat.
He looked so sweet and gentle. Peh-yan had leaned a bit too far and fell. Startling not only the cat but the "undead" male.
(Name) looked at the fallen male then turned to where the cat was. He was a bit sad he couldn't play with the animal for longer but he needed to get home anyways. He turned and slowly made his way home. Completely forgetting about the fallen male he left behind.
Peh-yan looked around noticing the dark male disappeared. So it was true! He even had the speed of a Vampire! (No hun you were just stuck in a gay day dream) No matter though he will keep the male's real identity a secret! He will protect (Name) with his life!
It's been about a month since (Name) met Peh. The taller male had been acting extremely weird in his opinion. Like how on their walk home Peh steered him away from the church. While also scared away the kids that were playing outside of it. Yelling about keep him safe from being hurt.
(Name) didn't know how a church or a group of kids with sticks can hurt him. He sighed petting another cat as the tall male held his parasol. Keeping him protected from the sun.
That was another thing. Whenever they see each other, Peh immediately takes his parasol away and always covers him. While (Name) found this sweet, he just didn't know why the male was so keen on keeping him "safe". He knows Peh doesn't mean any harm its just.....he's acting weird wen "protecting" him.
Like how at school earlier, Peh literally slapped a piece of garlic bread out of his best friends hand! Going on and on about how garlic can harm him. (Name) had tried explaining to Peh that while he didn't like garlic, it doesn't harm him. But he wasn't able to since he had scared off a few girls. Who had been praying for their food.
(Name) picked up the cat. Smiling softly. He loved animals. Cat were his biggest weakness. After giving the cat some more scratches, (Name) let the cat go before looking over at his "protector". "Hey Peh I'm getting kind of hungry."
Now what (Name) expected was for the male to led them to a restaurant. Not for him to pull (Name) into an alley and tell (Name) to be quick.
(Name) was stooped. Peh leaned close and showed his neck. His face serious and ears red. (Name) had never been so confused in his whole life. What was he doing?
"Go ahead (Name). Just please be gentle. This is my first time."
Okay what the hell is going on?
"First time for what?!"
Peh stuck his neck out more, pulling his shirt slightly down. "Go ahead. I made sure to wash my neck in case this happens."
"Peh why would you need to wash your neck?" (Name) tilted his head confused. He didn't understand what was going on here anymore.
Peh pulled away and shyly looked to the side. "S-So if you needed blood I could give you some of mine." (Name) choked on air. Even more confused. What is going on?
"Why would I need blood?" Peh looked confused. "Do you not need blood to live?" "Doesn't everyone?" "Well not everyone is a Vampire though!"
Vampire? Who the hell was a vampire?Vampire?! "I'm not a Vampire though." Peh stared at him. "You're not?" (Name) shook his head. Quietly laughing. "No Peh. Is that what this has been about?"
The taller male wouldn't meet his eyes. (Name) gave a soft laugh. Peh looked confused at the (hair color) male's reaction. (Name) smiled brightly and wiped away the tears that had came to his eyes.
"Peh, I'm not a vampire. What made you think that?" The taller male the began explaining how (Name) acted like a vampire. Which (Name) expained how he wasn't one.
"You always use an umbrella to stay out of the sun!" -Peh
"I get sunburned easil." -(Name)
"Your extremely pale!" -Peh
"I got my pale skin color from my grandmother." -(Name)
"You're always wearing dark clothes!" -Peh
"The color black is my happy color. I'm also goth Peh." -(Name)
"Then what about that cross thing you're always wearing?!" -Peh
"It's a family heirloom. Its also a Rosari." -(Name)
Peh looked stooped. He had to admit. Those were good reasons...or maybe (Name) really WAS a vampire but he had to keep it a secret. But he wouldn't take his blood though....maybe he didn't like people blood?
Peh nodded looking determined. "Don't worry (Name)! Your secret is safe with me!"
(Name) groaned and face-palmed.
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ayyy-pee · 2 years
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Chapter 7 - 50-50 Grind
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Discord 18+ - Twitter - Kofi
Previous Chapter - Masterlist - Taglist
Pairing:Suguru Geto x Female Reader, Choso Kamo x Female Reader
Summary: We get into the mind of Choso and find that his cool, calm demeanor may be nothing more than an illusion when it comes to reader.
Warning: Smut, Oral Sex (reader receiving), Oral Sex (reader giving), Choso being super sweet, Choso being super nasty, Cumshot, Oral Cumshot, Cum Swallowing, Very Slight Cumplay (Choso), Jealousy, Jealous Behavior, Vaginal Fingering, Handjob
Suguru Art: YuOekk
Choso Art: @DmD_0_03
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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! I hope everyone had an amazing (and safe) new year! In 2023, I'm going to try not to lie so much about when I'll be updating so instead, I just won't say anything! DLFKJSDKF
Enjoy the new year and this new chapter!
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The sounds of cash registers beeping and patrons conversing amongst themselves fills the air. It’s busy this afternoon in the supermarket. It’s a good thing. Choso enjoys company, enjoys the normalcy of simply shopping for groceries. He doesn’t get the opportunity to do it much during competition season and he doesn’t particularly mind the hustle and bustle. Even though he draws attention to himself with his face tattoos and tired eyes, he finds comfort in being around people.
Choso glances down at his phone, the way too long shopping list nearly making his eyes cross as he reads through. You’re coming over for dinner with Choso and his brothers tomorrow night and apparently everything on this list is absolutely essential (according to Yuji). He grabs a few carrots as listed from the vegetable display, tucking them away into a bag before placing them in the basket hanging from his arm. He moves on to look at the herbs noted on his phone. He’s not exactly sure what all of these ingredients will become. He’s not the one cooking dinner– Yuji is. 
He’d volunteered out of sheer excitement. 
“Choso’s bringing someone home?! That never happens,” Yuji teases. He’s stretched out on the floor in the living room as he reads through a manga.
“Will you ever just call me big brother?” Choso sulks on the couch. “It hurts my feelings when you just call me by my name.”
Yuji ignores him. “What’s she like?!”
“Really sweet. Pretty too. Like, really pretty. She photographs for a skate magazine. That’s how we met.”
“Wow! She seems so cool.”
“She is.”
“I’m so excited! Oh! I’m gonna cook! I’ve been wanting to try this new recipe out.”
Choso smiles, thinking about you. He thinks you’re beautiful, smart, funny and talented. Your photos surprise him whenever you let him get a peek. How can you make a simple trick he’s seen done hundreds of times look different and better every time? You’re passionate. He likes that about you. A lot.
The only thing about you that Choso dislikes is the dead weight attached to you named Suguru Geto. He tries really hard not to let it bother him, but he doesn’t get it. At first, he didn’t mind so much. When you’d told him about your little “situationship” with Suguru, that didn’t matter to him. He’s never been the jealous type anyway. But the more Choso got to know you, the more Suguru’s presence in your life began to irk him. 
How was he to know he’d end up feeling this way? He had no idea of knowing how serious he’d become about you. Or how quickly he’d become serious about you. He figured you’d come to your senses sooner or later, see who the better choice was. But Suguru was still sticking around like an annoying rash you couldn’t get rid of. 
But he won’t get into that with Yuji right now.
“She’s great. I’m excited for you all to meet her. Hopefully everyone is on their best behavior,” Choso murmurs, face serious.
The slight warning in Choso’s tone makes Yuji sit up. “Hey! Eso’s the asshole. Worry about him. Me and Kechizu will be sooooo nice.”
Choso nods, a small smile playing on his lips. “Okay, good. I’m really nervous so that’s good to hear.”
Choso was glad Yuji volunteered to cook since he loves doing it so much. Otherwise, he’d be ordering takeout. Kechizu talks too much and spits when he speaks, so he was banned from cooking a long time ago. Eso sweats so much, Choso fears he’s eaten the strange smelly goop that forms on his back at some point in time. He was banned, too. Choso can’t cook to save his life, so he sticks to making money, ordering food and keeping a roof over everyone’s head. It’s only when Yuji came to live with them, that the brothers had experienced a real home cooked meal.
It was delicious. And while Choso doesn’t insist Yuji makes dinner often, Yuji enjoys doing so. Choso appreciates that his baby brother uses his cooking skills as a way to bring the family together when time permits.
He sighs as his eyes scan over the items in the shopping basket. He’s almost finished, which is a relief to him. He wants to get back home to clean up for tomorrow. He hopes the dinner goes well, that you like his brothers and that his brothers like you.
After grabbing the last ingredient on the list, Choso waits in the checkout line to pay. He wonders what you’re doing. You’ve been busy since the last time he saw you. Today, you had plans so he would actually have to wait until tomorrow to see you. 
Didn’t mean he couldn’t call you, though.
He pulls his phone from his pants, dials your number and lets it ring. You answer on the fourth.
“Hey,” you answer sweetly. He can hear the familiar sound of wheels skidding and slamming against the pavement. You must be out shooting.
“Hey, babe. I was just calling to talk for a minute. I’m at the store right now getting stuff for tomorrow. Wanted to see what you’re up to.”
There’s some rustling on your end and then it’s quiet for a bit. Choso waits patiently. You’re probably trying to get away from the ruckus.
“Sorry, it was a little loud,” you tell him. “I just finished up a shoot at one of the parks. Packing up and then I’m going to grab lunch with Suguru.”
Choso ignores the tightness in his chest from hearing his name. “Oh. Sounds fun.”
“Yeah, but I’m so tired. I’ve been out all morning so I won’t be out too long. I’ll probably go straight home after.”
“With him?” Choso blurts out before he can stop himself. He closes his eyes, pinches the bridge of his nose because he probably sounds so fucking pathetic now. Worrying about you going home with a man you were seeing long before you’d met him; a man who you were open and honest about still having feelings for, still seeing. A man Choso said it was okay for you to continue seeing while you got to know each other. 
Even so, he can’t help the nagging feeling of jealousy.
“No? Just me…” You’re quiet for a moment before you ask, “Are you okay?” He can hear you zipping your bags. You’ll be leaving the park soon...with Suguru. He doesn’t want to ruin your time out with friends and…him. Well, he does want to ruin your time out with friends and him, but Choso likes to think he’s a little more mature than that. So he does what any mature jealous person does – He lies.
“I’m fine. Why do you ask?”
The cashier waves Choso forward and he sets his basket on to the checkout belt.
“You just never really ask about Suguru…I was just wondering if you’re alright.”
Choso hardly asks about Suguru because he doesn’t want to hear about Suguru. Although at some point in time he told you he was willing to wait for you to come to your senses, he sometimes wonders if you ever will.
Choso enjoys going with the flow. He’s chill, avoids drama the best he can. He’s laid back. But that doesn’t make him an idiot. He knows your history with Suguru. And he gets it…sort of. A year is a long time to have your feelings toyed with. To be dragged along for the ride, constantly pulled close only to be pushed away. 
From what Choso knows, it was less about building a relationship with you and all about the sex for Suguru. But for you…you wanted so much more from him and he didn’t want to give that to you. At least, not until Choso entered the picture. It seemed suddenly the asshole had finally opened his eyes and realized how good you were. That, or he was trying to keep you from realizing you deserved better than him. Choso would bet on the latter.
Because how could Suguru have not seen it in the first place? How could he have not chosen to give you more when you’d asked the first time?
Choso thinks Suguru’s a fucking idiot, an actual monkey.
Actually, Choso’s pretty sure a monkey is smarter than Suguru at this point. Of course, he doesn’t voice this to you. You’ve got history with Suguru, no matter how shitty. He’s still the new guy in your life and he likes you a lot. He doesn’t want to ruin anything.
But fuck, he wishes you’d open your eyes to how much of a piece of shit Suguru is.
It’s easy enough for Choso to give Suguru zero energy when they’re in the same area together. It’s not like they had much communication with each other before, if any. Now it seemed Choso couldn’t escape him.
The cashier’s voice and yours pull him back to the present at the same time. The cashier points to the screen, the total waiting to be paid.
“I’m sorry,” he says quickly to both you and the cashier. “Um, I have to go, baby. Text me later?”
“Sure. I’ll text you when I get home.”
“Cool, uh…have fun.”
He ends the call, pocketing his phone and taking his wallet out so he can pay and get out of the way. He takes his receipt from the cashier before grabbing the bag of groceries and exiting the store.
The next evening finds Choso frantically setting up the table for dinner. You’d be here at any moment and he wants the place to look perfect. Unfortunately, Eso and Kechizu got called into work so it would only be you, Choso and Yuji for dinner. Probably for the best. He loves his brothers, but they can be a bit much all at once. Better not to get Eso worked up anyway. The entire house would smell.
Choso’s got a bouquet of roses in a new vase in the center of the table. Yuji’s idea. He’s not sure when or how his little brother became such a romantic, but he’s grateful for any tips.
Choso doesn’t date much, doesn’t have time for it. It’s not that he’s not interested in finding someone, but his lifestyle keeps him so busy, it’s hard to find someone understanding enough to tolerate it. And then he met you. You work in his field (sort of) and you’re just as busy if not more. You understand that travel is a part of his job and there will be times when he’s unavailable. You’re patient when he’s unavailable for long periods of time. You’re what he wants in a partner in all honesty.
Yuji brings the food over and begins plating the two plates sitting next to each other. He’s so fancy in his little apron; like a real chef. Choso wonders if he gets his love and talent for cooking from his side of the family. Probably, since Choso and all of his brothers can’t cook.
The doorbell rings indicating your arrival.
“Oh, she’s here!” He exclaims, rushing back to the kitchen to put the pans away as Choso heads to the door. He swings the door open, unable to stop the wide smile that spreads across his face when he sees you. 
Damn, he missed you. 
You’re standing there, all smiles too, in a cute little dress that hugs you in all the right places. You look incredible. It gets the usual reaction from Choso that he has to go above and beyond to hide any time he’s around you – a subtle, persistent throbbing between his legs. It takes a lot for him not to blatantly stare.
Instead, he leans down and presses a quick kiss to your cheek.
“Hey babe,” he greets you, lacing his fingers through yours and pulling you inside.
“Hey,” you say back, gifting Choso with a shy smile.
“You look great.”
“Thank you.”
Choso’s lips are on yours as soon as the door shuts, arms looping around your waist to pull you closer. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him forward to deepen the kiss. You open your mouth to him and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue past your teeth and press the soft muscle against yours. You both stand in the entryway, lips slotting against each other, Choso’s hands gliding up and down your back as he holds you close. When you moan softly into his mouth, that throbbing between his legs grows and he reluctantly breaks the kiss.
You peer up at him through your lashes, so fucking pretty it only makes the throbbing grow almost painful. So he turns away from you if only to calm himself down. It’s always like this with you. It feels like someone is playing a cruel and twisted joke on him, because he told you he had no issue waiting for sex. And he doesn’t. But fuck, you always look so good, smell so sweet. It’s hard for him to not want to break his little rule.
Choso takes a deep breath before his hand finds yours again, leading you into the apartment.
“It smells great in here,” you comment. “I’m so excited to meet your brothers.”
“Just brother. Eso and Kechizu had to work unfortunately, but Yuji is here,” Choso explains. “He actually cooked tonight.”
“Really?! Can’t wait to try it!”
When you get to the dining area, Choso pulls your seat out for you so you can sit down. It’s only as Yuji emerges from the kitchen that Choso notices the third placemat and dining set is now missing. Yuji beams when he sees you, coming to sit in the seat across from you.
“Hi! I’m Yuji.”
You introduce yourself to Yuji as well, smiling when Yuji proceeds to tell you how much Choso talks about you and how happy he looks lately. He showers you with compliments on your looks and Choso wonders where the hell all this charm came from. Certainly not from Choso’s side of the family. 
“Thank you, Yuji. You’re so sweet. It’s nice to finally put a face to the name. Your brother talks about you all the time.”
Yuji rolls his eyes, feigning annoyance. “He’s just a little obsessed.”
You laugh, because you’d agree. Choso loves his brothers more than anything in this world. It’s obvious. But it’s adorable. Something you really like about him.
“He just really cares about you. That’s all.”
“You’re not eating with us?” Choso asks suddenly, probably sounding a lot more disappointed about it than he intended.
Yuji smiles sadly. “Sorry, big bro. Nobara and Fushiguro invited me out while I was cooking. I didn’t want to say anything before but…” he looks between you and Choso. “If I had to choose between third wheeling with my friends or you two, I’m gonna choose them.”
Choso doesn’t miss how Yuji just so happens to use the nickname he’s always begging his little brother to call him. It’s his weak spot and Yuji knows it, knows he’ll get away with anything as long as he calls Choso his big bro. 
Choso nods. “Have fun. Don’t stay out too late or I’ll send Eso to get you.”
Yuji scowls, muttering about how embarrassing Eso is before he stands. His expression shifts into a grin and he claps his hands together. “I really put my all into this dinner so I hope you both enjoy! Eat it while it’s hot! It was nice meeting you.”
“You, too, Yuji. Have fun with your friends.”
The front door closes shortly after. Choso sighs, taking your hand in his.
“I’m sorry,” he frowns. “I said you’d meet my brothers and all plans fell through.”
You reach a hand forward and cup Choso’s face, your thumb gently caressing over the tattooed line on that side. “Choso, it’s okay. As long as I get to spend time with you, I don’t mind.”
Choso beams, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to your lips. “You’re too good to me.”
You shake your head. “You’re too good to me.”
Dinner goes well. The food is spectacular. Choso can’t wait to tell Yuji how much you enjoyed the food. You and Choso in deep discussion while washing dishes together about the third Cheetah Girls movie and why it’s your least favorite, save for a few songs. It’s oddly domestic. He has many opinions on the breakup of the group, but promises to save that discussion for later. 
Choso talks about his competitions, you congratulating him on how well he’s been doing. It makes his cheeks burn red with embarrassment and happiness all at the same time. He offers to show you his trophies once you’re finished cleaning up and you happily accept the invitation. 
After drying the last dish, Choso leads you to his bedroom to show you some of his favorite competition wins. They line the built-in wall shelves. Choso grabs the trophy he’d won at the televised event where he’d essentially confessed to you on live tv from the shelf. 
You take a seat on the edge of Choso’s bed, as he wanders over with it. He watches as you bring your arms above your head, stretching your back and Choso has to turn his gaze away from you briefly. You make the most mundane actions look so enticing and it drives him crazy how much he wants you. He wants more than just kisses, more than just holding hands.
Choso clears his throat before he turns his gaze back to you and holds the trophy up. “I think this one’s my favorite,” he tells you. “For obvious reasons.”
You smile bashfully. “I think that’s my favorite, too.”
He places the trophy back in its spot before he crosses the room again and sits next to you on his bed, leaning back to prop himself up on his elbows. You place your hand on Choso’s thigh, patting lightly and his bodily response is immediate, the earlier throbbing now making its presence known again. Choso sits up quickly, clearing his throat.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks and you nod, closing the distance with an “of course” before your lips are on his. The hand on his thigh runs gently along the length of his quad, making his breaths come a little more rapidly with each kiss. Choso’s large hand comes up to grip the back of your neck, deepening the kiss. It’s hungry, all tongue and soft sighs into each other's mouths as your lips caress.
When you finally pull away, Choso finds himself chasing your lips with a quiet whimper. 
“Thank you so much for dinner, Choso. Everything was great and I had a really good time,” you tell him.
Choso leans forward, presses his forehead to yours. “You sound like you’re about to head out.”
“I don’t want to overstay my welcome,” you whisper and there’s a hint of sadness in your voice.
“Baby,” he mutters softly. “You could never.” He ghosts his lips over yours, placing soft pecks to the corners of your mouth. “Stay as long as you want. I like having you here.”
“Choso…” you breathe against him, the hand on his thigh squeezing gently. “If I stay…” 
He trails kisses along your jaw, featherlight, so soft you can barely feel it. And yet, your chest rises and falls rapidly with each breath. “If you stay?”
You sigh, pulling back. You’re no doubt trying to change the subject with some excuse to run out of here. “I’m just really tired. Prepping for this shoot has been draining the shit out of me. Tonight has been amazing. I just don’t want to bring the mood down with how stressed I am.”
Choso hums, nodding, eyes now fixed on the spot where your hand rests. “Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”
The pause is long as he awaits your answer, the heat of your hand radiating through the fabric of Choso’s pants and making the throbbing between his legs even worse, if possible. You watch Choso closely, eyes following where his dark orbs are focused on.
“I don’t know…” you mutter softly, fingers lightly squeezing Choso’s thigh. He bites back the low groan threatening to escape. His gaze drifts up to your glossed lips. 
“Well, how do you usually relieve stress?” Choso asks, the heat quickly pooling in his center as your hand coasts along his thigh.
You give him a knowing look, biting down on your bottom lip. He understands.
“I have an idea,” He responds quietly, shifting on the bed.
“What’s your idea?”
He wants to kiss you again, feel your mouth against his. He always wants to kiss you. Ever since he met you, it’s been all he’s done. Of course Choso wants to do more with you. He fantasizes about it. But he told you he’d wait for you to make a choice first. He didn’t want to make you feel like he only wanted sex from you, the way he made you feel.
But, while sex isn’t the only thing he wants, he does want it. When he sees the tip of your pink tongue dart out to swipe across your bottom lip, he can only hope you’re both thinking the same thing.
“I want you,” he blurts out, unable to hold back his honesty.
“Choso…” you sigh his name and it only makes him want you more. “ I want you, too.”
“I know I said there’s no rush for sex, but it doesn’t mean we can’t do other things.”
You bite your lip again, eyes searching Choso’s. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, but for purely selfish reasons if I’m being honest.”
You cock your head to the side in confusion.
“Making you feel good will make me feel good,” he explains.
You nod, giving Choso the green light. “Okay.” 
He scoots back to lay on his bed, pulling you along with him. “Come here, baby,” he coaxes as he lays down on his back. His hands find your hips, positioning you so that you’re straddling his chest.
“Closer,” Choso says, his thumbs tracing circles on your hips.
“Okay,” you murmur, scooting forward until your plush thighs are on either side of his head. His hands slide down your hips, to the hem of your dress that’s already ridden up enough that Choso can catch a peek of your panties.
“Can I?” He asks, pinching the hem of the fabric between his fingers.
“Yes, Choso,” you pant in anticipation.
He peels your dress up, getting a full view of your core. Your panties hug your pussy so nicely, a small wet spot from your arousal forming right in the center. Choso wants nothing more than to bury his face between your legs, have you crying out his name over and over, give you everything you want and more. But instead he turns his head to the side and presses a tender kiss to the inside of one of your thighs, then turns his head to do the same to the other. The sound of your breath hitching in your throat makes Choso pause.
“Is this okay?”
You nod, your hand coming down to comb your fingers through his hair. It makes him shiver, makes his cock stiffen further. “It’s fine. I’m fine, Choso. Make me feel good.”
Fuck, the reassurance only makes him harder, lets him know he doesn’t need to hold back anymore. But he still nods, wraps his arms around your lush thighs, squeezing softly. 
He kisses your thighs again, trailing soft touches all the way up to your center, leaving a soft peck directly to that dark little wet spot. He chuckles when you roll your hips forward at the contact, then he trails soft kisses back down your other thigh. 
“You’re so pretty like this, baby,” he kisses your center again. “All for me,” he mutters against your undergarments.
Choso pulls back, eyes locked to that sweet spot spreading along the fabric of your panties when he whispers a soft, “Let me take care of you,” and then he’s pulling you down by your thighs, meeting you halfway to latch his hot mouth directly onto your clothed pussy. 
A mixture of your moans and Choso’s fill the room, the vibrations shooting straight to your clit. You gasp, rolling your hips forward to grind yourself against Choso’s face, a soft moan rushing past your lips. He lets you ride his tongue, his saliva soaking through the fabric. You taste incredible and he hasn’t even truly experienced you yet. 
“Oh my god,” you whine before Choso halts your movements with his hands. He runs his tongue over your panties, long and slow, his hips bucking into the air when the fingers in his hair tighten into a fist, your other hand finding purchase on his headboard. He presses his nose into the center of your panties and inhales deeply, eyes rolling to the back of his head when your sweet aroma fills his senses.
“Fuck, I bet this pussy tastes so good without this in the way.”
You whimper above Choso as he hooks a finger into your panties and pulls them to the side, groaning softly when he finally gets a good look at your cunt, glistening with the mixture of your slick and his saliva. It’s prettier than he could’ve ever imagined. He wants a taste.
His free hand squeezes your thigh lightly just as Choso pushes his tongue between your folds and runs a hot, languid lick up your core. He feels your body shudder above him, his own body following when he finally gets a full taste of you. He gives your clit a small lick before pulling it into his mouth, sucking lightly, unable to keep his hips from thrusting up again when you gasp above him. He moans, the vibration leaving you panting.
“Shit! So good, Choso, that’s so good.”
“Yeah, baby?” He asks, voice muffled as he buries his face in your cunt again, licking and sucking your clit until you’re grinding your own hips down on him.
“Yes, yes, yes! Don’t stop.”
He groans, hands squeezing your thighs to spread them further open for him. His tongue grazes your clit, swirling around the sensitive bud over and over until you’re a whimpering mess above him. You taste better than he could’ve ever imagined – saccharinely sweet. He pulls you forward, your hips bucking when his tongue slips into your entrance. He can feel your walls clench in response, groaning when your knees tighten on each side of his head. 
The grip in his hair loosens, your other arm shooting up to grab hold of the headboard with both hands to keep from falling over. Choso thrusts his tongue into your hole, moaning when he feels you moving your hips on your own, fucking yourself on his mouth. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you cry out.
Choso pulls out of your hole, moving his mouth to wrap his soft lips around your clit again, sucking hard. 
"Oh, Choso," you mewl, the new sensation making your grip on the headboard loosen, falling forward onto your hands. The new position gives Choso much better access, his hands letting go of your thighs to cup your ass. With one hand, he spreads one of your cheeks. With the other, he easily slips two fingers into your sopping hole.
“Fuuuuuck,” Choso moans into your cunt when he feels your tight pussy clench down on his fingers. He loves making you feel good, having you moaning and whining but, goddamn, he’s so hard, he’s thrusting into the air, trying and failing to find any sort of friction. It’s torturous. He can feel his erection, painful and sticky in his pants. He’ll definitely have to take care of himself after you’re gone.
Choso curls his fingers, smirking when he feels your thighs immediately begin to quiver around his head.
“You close?” He asks before pressing the flat of his tongue against your clit just as he curls his digits inside you again. 
You don’t even get a chance to answer him, your hands tugging his sheets as they ball into fists. The only sounds that can be heard are your hushed moans that grow gradually louder as you grind your hips down against Choso’s face along with the lewd slurping of Choso’s mouth as he laps up your release. You’re coming undone, walls clenching around his fingers, as your body spasms with your orgasm.
And Choso waits, pumping his fingers into you and gently licking through your folds until he finally feels you relax above him. He pulls his digits out of you, placing a soft kiss to your swollen cunt before he pulls your panties back into place and helps you scoot down his torso until you’re seated on his groin. 
You’re watching him close, chest rising and falling as you try to catch your breath, pupils blown with desire. Choso brings his fingers up to his face, spreading and closing them like a pair of scissors, watching the sticky strings of your slick spread between them. His eyes stay locked with yours as he opens his mouth and slides his fingers in, wrapping his lips around them and sucking them clean. He lets them go with a loud pop.
“You taste fucking amazing,” he groans, his hips coming up to grind against your ass.
Your head cocks to the side when you feel his hardness against you. “Looks like you need someone to make you feel good, too.” You suggest, leaning forward to place sweet kisses down Choso’s cheek, his neck and chest. You kiss all the way down his abs and the fire in Choso’s belly grows as you get closer to your destination. 
He watches as you slip your hands into the waistband of his pants and pull them off. He moans when you lean forward and press those pretty fucking lips to his throbbing, clothed cock and it’s involuntary, the way his hips come up on reflex. 
He groans quietly, watching your lips curl up in a small smirk. You already know the effect you have on him without doing much at all. Minx.
Your eyes lock with Choso’s, hands finding the waistband of his boxers right before you press another hot and tender kiss to his core, Choso’s back arching at the contact.
Keep doing that and he’s going to cum in his pants. At this moment he wouldn’t mind. It would be a welcome relief. He’d just have to hope you’d understand if it came to that. You’re just so sexy; a seductress when you want to be. How could he not blow his load when he’s got the perfect view of you right now settled between his legs? Face down, ass up in the air, back arched so he can see those beautiful round cheeks of yours. He kind of regrets opting for not going all the way tonight because he’d love to feel that little pussy contract around his dick like it just did on his tongue not that long ago.
The thought makes his cock jump within the confines of his underwear.
Gaze still glued to Choso’s, you tug lightly at the waistband of his boxers before your soft voice asks, “Can I?”
He doesn’t think about it for a second.
“Do whatever you want,” he tilts his hips up, letting you slide his boxers off for him. “It’s yours, baby.”
His cock springs free with a loud smack against his lower belly. It’s long, thick, with a large vein running right up the underside until it reaches the angry red tip. The entire length is sticky, precum slathered over it. You settle yourself between his legs again as you take in the sight of him exposed to you.
“I want to make you feel good, too.”
You take his length into your mouth before he can argue, your lips closing around the head. “Ah– shit,” Choso grunts, bringing a hand up to the back of your head. From here, Choso thinks he has the perfect view of you. It turns him on beyond measure and he jerks his hips forward, shoving his cock further into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat. “Sorry, fuck. I’m sorry.” He moans, pulling out of your mouth.
You shake your head, waving off his concern. “It’s okay, Choso. I like it.”
You’re back on his dick, humming when Choso fills the cavern of your mouth, the vibrations making him shiver. His hand finds the back of your head again, Choso rolling his hips up so he can shove his cock down your throat again, over and over. And you take it so good, relaxing your throat for him so it’s easy. 
“Your mouth feels amazing,” Choso grunts, pumping into you. The sound of his balls slapping against your chin makes his eyes roll back, a pleasure shooting straight up his spine.
It feels so fucking good. Too fucking good.
Yeah, he’s not going to last very long here.
You release his dick, running your tongue along that vein on the underside of his cock, pulling a string of curses from Choso. You lick from the base of his length all the way to the tip, teasing the slit of his cock with your tongue, lapping up the bead of precum that sits there. 
You kiss down the length of his dick, bringing your attention to his balls, running your tongue right between the two orbs before bringing one into your mouth and sucking. Your hand wraps around Choso’s length, stroking him up and down.
A liquid heat pools in Choso’s core, the threat of his orgasm quickly approaching. He doesn’t want to cum yet. He’s been wanting this for a long time, to be intimate in more ways than just kissing and cuddling. It feels way too good. He wants to savor this. But damn, if you keep going like this–
You wrap your lips around Choso’s cock, taking his entire length in your mouth in one motion. The sudden tight warmth makes Choso’s back arch, has his hands flying to the back of your head to hold you in place.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Don’t move, baby,” he pants, holding your face to his groin so he can fuck your throat. And then you open your throat for him, relaxing for just a moment before you constrict around his cock and the sensation that shoots through Choso’s dick makes him pull you back. You let go with an obnoxious pop as Choso grabs the base of his dick.
He can’t stave it off, not when he sees your swollen lips, your tear stained cheeks, the line of drool dangling from your chin.
“Fuck, baby, I can’t. I’m–I’m gonna cum,” he warns.
You lean forward, opening your mouth, tongue hanging out in invitation. “Give it to me, Choso. I want your cum, baby. Gimme all of it.”
God, you’re so fucking sexy.
He feels his balls tighten, feels the rush in the palm of his hand as he pumps his cock, his free  hand coming to hold the back of your head in position before thick, hot spurts of his cum shoot from the tip and paint your tongue white with his seed.
“Oh god,” he groans through gritted teeth. He keeps pumping, watching as you quickly put your tongue back in your mouth and swallow before you stick it back out for him. It’s so much cum and you take it all, swallowing without him even asking you to. Even wrapping your lips around the tip and sucking so you don’t waste a drop. 
“You’re so good to me,” Choso whispers when he’s finally emptied his load on your tongue.  Breaths coming rapidly, he watches you climb along the length of his body until you’re face to face. He can smell his release on your breath, and then he’s tasting it when you press an open mouthed kiss to his lips, moaning when he tastes the mixture of his release and yours on his tongue.
“Thank you,” you say after breaking the kiss. “I feel a lot better now.”
Choso chuckles, running his hands along your spine. “Good. Me, too.”
You’re both sitting in the bath Choso has run for you, Choso positioned behind you as he gently lathers your shoulders. You’ll be heading home after this, but Choso wanted to treat you to more relaxation before you left. He also wanted an excuse to spend more time with you because the next time he’d see you would likely be the photoshoot. And as exciting as that was, he had a nagging feeling things would be tense.
“In all seriousness, how are you feeling now?” Choso asks, gently splashing water over your shoulders to rinse the soap off. Your hands swirl the bubbles around in the bath.
“Better. Still a little stressed, but that’s to be expected with everything that goes into prepping for these shoots. Then there’s you and Suguru…”
You cut yourself off.
“What about us?”
“I’m just worried how it’ll go with you both there.”
Choso nods in understanding. He quietly mulls over his thoughts. 
“You and Suguru haven’t really been around each other for long periods of time before. These shoots take hours and I just don’t want things to be weird between you two.”
“Did you have this talk with Suguru, too?” He questions, curiously. He should really be the one you're worried.
You nod, leaning back against Choso’s chest. “Of course. He’s the one I’m most worried about causing a scene…That was why we went to lunch together the other day –  to talk about this. He’s really not good with his emotions, but he promised to behave. Said he’s working on accepting that he’s not my only priority anymore.”
Choso chuckles, placing a light kiss to the back of your neck. “Oh? Who else has your attention? Should I be jealous?”
You laugh lightly. “Please. You don’t strike me as the jealous type.”
‘You don’t know me very well, then,’ Choso thinks.
The fact that Suguru gets even a crumb of your undeserved attention drives Choso insane. You’re a toy to him, something for him to keep in his back pocket when he’s bored and needs something to preoccupy his time. He’s not sure how you don’t see it. You’ve mistaken familiarity and comfort with love. It makes sense after suffering through Suguru’s antics for so long. 
All this time, Choso’s been passive, playing the long game while Suguru makes an ass of himself time and time again, hoping you’ll see him for the piece of shit he is. But nothing changes. Choso watches and waits, just going with the flow until you finally come to your senses and make the right choice – him. But nothing changes.
Choso leans down, burying his nose in your hair before he places a sweet kiss to your temple.
He won’t sit back anymore.
In this moment of relaxation before everything goes to shit, Choso wraps his arms around you and he decides it’s time to fight.
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Tags: @eiflawriting @mimiszworld @mighty-luna @re-dd0 @k4zuhasleaf @nekonanamiiii @Sacvh @suguju @watyousayin @nothisispatrick300 @sukunasseventhfinger @mykyoon @athenaholmesher @nobody289x @OUTTHEBASEMENTNAE @alpacapum @cherribxio @gloomiigloom @xocreedvo @ficti0nalslxt @getousbabymama @510hz
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bengiyo · 10 months
Cherry Magic TH Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
I'm excited to see Tay and New work together again, and glad they were selected as the ones to explore what GMMTV BL looks like between adults. I had some issues with the way the Japanese adaptation approached sex AND intimacy, so I'm hoping this one handles that differently.
I kinda like Newwie's hair, and I like the way they're contextualizing Achi's economic state.
Oh, good. We're keeping the bit where Adachi/Achibus bad at elevators.
Sing Harit!!
Tay is still just so beautiful.
Not surprised we're getting Japanese language and characters since this is a collaboration between GMMTV and TV Asahi.
I'm glad this show knows that Tay is a not-so-secret luxurious bitch.
Well, this gentleman from the Japanese office seems kind.
I like how much internal monologue we're getting from Achi before the magic starts.
GMMTV has asked me to believe that Newwie is a virgin twice within a year. This is a tall ask.
His first interaction with the power is being judged by a monk! Lol
Another scene on the Thai metro! What changed recently that we're finally filming there?
Elevator scene, my beloved, I'm glad they kept you.
Newwie has really improved over the years. He was really stiff in the beginning.
Hahah! They referenced the manga! I can draw comparison as much as I want now.
I like that Achi is hearing people think kind things about him as well, especially this senior.
Now why are they making Achi bring cake to Karan on Achi's own birthday? What do they know, and are they meddling?
Ah, Karan ordered it. They are facilitators!
I like Jinta. They ported the essence of Tsuge well with him.
That cat is so stressed. Cats are terrible actors.
Oh right! They cast Mark as the Thai version of Minato.
Okay, I like the way they're modulating the office dynamics for Thailand. The bit waiting for the boss to leave was good.
I kinda like the removal of Adachi's desk mats and having Achi stay late so Rock can meet his partner.
Oh wow we're getting to the overnight condo stay in the first episode.
Very glad Cherry Magic original means they're required to incorporate rain into the narrative. Also seems like they used the Sky train because Adachi had transportation struggles because of the schedule.
I lost it during the fantasy bit where Tay has to lower Newwie's big ass onto a bed.
Newwie looks great when he's wet and tired.
Oh my god they kept the pajamas moment!
Okay, I really loved this so far! This kept all of the things about the characters that I thought were really important while attuning them for the local taste. Really solid first episode. I'm having a lot of fun.
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psshaw · 7 months
You have been one of the most unapologetically yourself artists Ive come across and I dont mean that in the cliche way I mean like... your idiosyncrasies seem particularly unstifled. Your art is purely yourself and the mainstream isnt gonna go for it but the audience you do speak to gets to feel like an alien finding someone else from their homeland. AI image gen feels like a beautiful cake with flowery frosting and when you cut into it its actually frosting all the way down and has nothing of substance. I obviously can speak only in metaphors lol so I just wanted to say I appreciate reading your thoughts on AI and tho I feel strongly abt it I have a hard time putting exacting words to what about it is so worrying to me. As an artist it energizes me when I see artists who are wildly unique and expressing themselves without a care to their skill limitations or personal strangenesses (read: mainstream unmarketability). Manga artist ONE and his charming and funky style is a great example. Anyway I love your thoughts and wanted to say thanks and also throw words at you
FUCKIGN DAMN DUDE, ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME CRY? Why is the weather getting misty on my face specifically. Thank you. My most contentious trait is that I keep forgetting to care what people want from me.
It's really interesting following people who are very honest but more mathy than me, because the way they talk about art and AI lately has gotten... increasingly callous. Even bitter. It's partly justified, because artists tend to suck at defending themselves charismatically. ("AI art isn't real art"; the "AI can't do hands" thing was always destined to age badly) But also, I can't stand the sheer selfishness of people who claim to be rational but don't seem know how to investigate what art at its best is for and why they view it the way they do. When I read "AI is great for hobbyists" I'm like. 95% of the time, I'M A HOBBYIST... I would never generate a script, or music... javascript maybe, but I'd feel guilty about it... but the excitement? I think some guys are just looking to suckle on a feeding tube. Cos they were done a disservice by thinking they had to stop visual art after fingerpainting!
I don't think AI NEVER has substance, but the type of person who gets excited about AI doesn't tend to do interesting things with it. And what really bothers me is that I can never tell exactly WHAT they did, versus how much was a coin flip. This is useless for understanding your voice as an artist. I don't care to see more by you.
ONE is a perfect example. His style MAKES that story. The manga and the anime feel so different. That's why I hate when people say that hating AI is discriminating against people who can't draw, cos like... if you can't make something intentional and real without using what's functionally a search engine, why would I believe you're having ideas worth the cliche conceptartdotcom overrendered AI polish at all? Not to be a dick, but like. In terms of rate of return on my attention investment, so far I'd do better by sitting at a craps table.
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titanrpg · 2 years
how i learned ttrpg design, part 3
you can check out part 1 here and part 2 here
as always, this is about my personal experience learning ttrpg design, and i claim no particular expertise or authority on what constitutes "good" game design
so far, i've discussed the games i drew on for the start of my ttrpg education. now let's talk about how to improve (when you need to/if you want to). now, i'll say i don't think "improving" is a great way to think about it. i prefer to think about it as "how to be aware of the tools you need to accomplish your design goals"
for some people, the three games i've discussed are plenty for them to get started. these people tend to like experimenting for themselves and then doing more research when they need help. (i fall in this category.) other people may want to read more before starting in earnest. this is also a smart way to go. (obviously you can go overboard with researching so much that you never actually start, but we are far from that place here.) either way, at some point you'll need more information than you currently have.
how do you find the wisdom you seek? the best answer is simply asking for help from people you look up to/trust. but i've never been good at asking for help, so uhhh this post exists
quick story time. i recently visited maryland to go to my partner's sibling's wedding. in a local comic shop's manga section, i saw this book. i was like, oh fun, it's a manga about kids playing a goblin slayer ttrpg.
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but then, when i opened the book...
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it's a TTRPG!! i don't know anything about goblin slayer, but now i'm combing through this book for cool tech. of note so far: at the end of every round of combat, each player has to make an attrition check. fail that, and your fatigue score goes up. at 4 fatigue, you fall unconscious. at 5, you die. punishes long fights and incentivizes players to find alternate solutions. it uses only d6s. and there are sections of fiction illustrated with beautiful manga art. these choices feel old school to me, but it came out in 2019. now i'm really excited. i'll get to see what japanese osr is like!
to me, this pursuit of ttrpg tech feels like discovering an ancient library and searching through old tomes for the power i seek. and there's an online version of this that anyone can dig through for ttrpg tech: osr blogs
old school renaissance/revival, or "osr," as far as i understand it, is a ttrpg genre/design paradigm, typically along the lines of old school d&d. i'm not the best person to explain this, but the way i think about this school of design is it tends to prioritize player skill over character skill. it's the difference between solving a puzzle and rolling to solve a puzzle. because of this, they often make really cool mechanics for challenging players that don't just amount to "roll a 20, do the thing." they also tend to share their thoughts on traditional blogs.
here's an amazing, meticulously catalogued library of keystone OSR posts
by marcia b., @/traversefantasy on twitter, who has an OSR blog of her own using marxist and freudian frameworks for analysis
rise up comus
by josh mcCroo, who's working on a game called his majesty the worm. pretty sure i don't have to say anything else
permanent cranial damage
by ava islam, whose assertion that "Armour Class and Hit Points are the same thing" blew my mind when i was starting out
goblin's henchman
which is where I found the hex flower tech that i adapted for HEXFALL's main mechanic
and one non-OSR blog, that of jay dragon
yes i am a possum creek fangirl. this blog is bananas good. if you haven't read up on playground theory, oh boy you're in for a treat
final takeaway: you never know where you'll find new tools and ideas!
obviously credit people and don't use what's not yours. but have fun and share cool tech with others when you find it!
hope this was helpful <3
p.s. another place that apparently used to have a ton of ttrpg activity was google+. every so often i hear whispers of digital libraries filled with all sorts of salvaged g+ ttrpg treasures. never seen an invite link with my own eyes though. if you hear anything, let me know, will ya?
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creative-kny-fics · 1 year
We think the same! Their relationship is very cute! Although in the manga or in the anime they didn't have many moments, it doesn't mean that it's my favorite ship! So sure! (Thanks)
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Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Ler: Mitsuri Kanroji and kinda Kaburamaru
Lee: Iguro Obanai
'You look distressed, Obanai. Is there something that gives you a complex?', fuck, Iguro wanted to go unnoticed, but he couldn't do anything. He turned to meet the master, who was accompanied by Gyomei, but... Maybe...
'You promise... not to say anything...?', he whispered, Kagaya smiled and pointed to a place next to him to sit down.
Despite being embarrassed, he steeled himself, fuck that shame, the more time passed, the more opportunities he missed
Kagaya waited patiently, he wanted Iguro to gather his courage and comment that he was overwhelmed.
'I'm... In love...' 'Kanroji, right?', Iguro looked up, Gyomei knew?!. 'H-how did you know?'
'Sure, I may be blind, but I can sense and feel people's emotions. When you talk to her everything in you is different. Your tone of voice, your look, your aura, your behavior. Everything changes, it's evident and it's almost impossible not to notice it' 'That's very sweet Obanai, I couldn't expect less from a boy as good as you, but then tell me, if you're in love, why haven't you shown it to her?'
Iguro sighed, but when he looked away he saw Kaburamaru. Well, he guess what should he tell them about, he needed urgent advice and support
'It's because I don't feel like I'm enough for her. I know almost everything about her but she doesn't know anything about me, I haven't told her for fear that she'll panic and hate me or stop talking to me. I want Kanroji to be happy, I want to give her that happiness, but I don't think I can... I'm not enough'
Gyomei cried, reciting his verse and Kagaya's smile diminished a bit, it was not possible for one of her children to feel bad Unless I thought it was insufficient, I couldn't tolerate this.
'Iguro, I'll tell you this and I want you to think my words well. The past does not affect the present, from your words I can realize that your past was sad and complicated, but despite having the option to be cruel, you didn't. You decided to improve and I'm proud of you. I don't think Kanroji cares about that, she's a good-hearted girl and you're a boy who always strives to meet my expectations. And well, with what Gyomei has said, I'm sure that you and she are soul mates. Go ahead, don't be afraid of the answer, trust that you will find happiness', Kagaya gently caressed Obanai's head, he was completely sure that everything would be fine for the couple.
'Oyakata - Sama... Himejima - San... Arigato', Iguro thanked, so he got down to business.
He planned everything, the place, the time, the activities, the food, everything was perfect. Iguro was gaining confidence, those words made him think and reconsider, there was no time to waste, it was now or never
'Okay, today is the day. Finally I will tell her everything I think and feel for her' 'Iguro - San!', she arrived, Iguro kept him calm.
'Tell me, what was so important that you needed to tell me? Or well, show me' 'I was sent on a mission a few days ago, while I was walking I found a tree with beautiful flowers that reminded me of you. I wanted to invite you to have lunch under its fruits', Kanroji blushed and became extremely nervous.
'EH?! Iguro - San and me?! On a date?! I can't believe it!!', Kanroji was excited, it was too much for her, it was so much that Obanai had to move her to wake her up from her trance
The answer was obvious, that's how they both went to the place.
Iguro sometimes looked at Mitsuri out of the corner of his eyes, she smiled as she saw everything, admiring and thanking him for taking her to that place.
'This place is so pretty Iguro-San!' 'I knew you'd like it, now, close your eyes, we're about to arrive and I'd like it to be a surprise' 'E-eh! O-Ok-Okay!', Mitsuri closed her eyes, Iguro took her hands and I carefully led her to the picnic she had planned for so long.
'Are you ready?' 'Of course! Don't make me wait any longer!' 'Then open your eyes', Mitsuri opened her eyes slowly, beginning to water, everything was so beautiful.
It was a picnic under a tree that matched the color of her hair and from which beautiful flowers sprouted that fell on the blanket and the baskets with food, but something was missing, Obanai extended a bouquet of roses towards her, she couldn't take it anymore and began to cry
'Ka-Kanroji-! Why are you crying?! Didn't you like it?!' 'No, I didn't like it...', Iguro's eyes widened, expecting the worst.
'I LOVED!! THANKS A LOT!! IT'S THE BEST THING THEY'VE DONE FOR ME SO FAR!!', Mitsui hugged Obanai, who blushed and felt somewhat uncomfortable, he wasn't used to physical contact, but because it was her, he put up with it
'Kyaaa! This is delicious Iguro-San! Thank you very much again!' 'There's no problem, okay? Huh?', Mitsuri pushed some food to Iguro's mouth, but Iguro immediately shook his head and refused.
'Iguro - San, come on, open your mouth! Eat with me!' 'No thank you I am fine'
Kaburamaru hissed. Iguro hadn't even eaten at home, he must have been hungry, so if he didn't eat something Kanroji offered him, he himself would force it.
For a whole minute, Mitsuri was trying to get Obanai to eat something, but he wouldn't. He knew what was under his bandages would displease him. No matter what his stomach growled at, he wouldn't eat anything.
'Iguro - San...' 'Kanroji-!', Iguro covered his mouth, looked at Kaburamaru, he wasn't on his neck, where was he? A tingling in his back made him jump. 'Damn Kaburamaru, not now! Not in front of her!', Iguro thought, trying to shake his snake out like that, to no avail-
'Iguro - San, everything alright...? Are you getting a fever? Your cheeks are red' 'I-I'm fine-! D-don't w-worry!', Mitsuri put down her food and approached Iguro, noticing that his haori was acting strange, as if something was moving in it.
'Kaburamaru-Kun? Is it inside your uniform?' 'Ye-Yes! O-Okay!', Mitsuri got closer, she could see that under his bandages, Obanai was struggling to hide a smile, Kanroji then understood
'Iguro - San...YOU'RE TICKLISH!', she exclaimed excitedly.
Iguro shook his head, saying that he just felt weird because Kaburamaru was biting him. 'Oh yeah? Then it won't matter if I do this~', Iguro's eyes widened, seeing how Kanroji was coming closer moving his fingers, he tried to get away from her, he only managed to do it a few inches, before Kanroji caught him, hugging him so he wouldn't run away.
'Kanroji, let's talk about this...' 'It's not good to lie Iguro - San, do you know what liars get? Tickles!', Mitsuri squeezed his sides, there was no reaction, maybe he wasn't ticklish there? Wait a second...
Kaburamaru! Mitsuri took a closer look, Kaburamaru was... on his back? Mitsuri blushed and laughed, it was the first time she had seen someone with a ticklish back.
'How about here?', Mitsuri gently ran her fingers along him back, the reaction was immediate, Iguro arched his back and covered his mouth and face with him haori in embarrassment.
'Ka-Kanroji-! I swe-! Gah! I'm-!' 'Again lying Iguro-San? I think you need a little lesson. 'Kaburamaru, could you come out for a moment? I don't want him to hurt you', Kaburamaru came out almost immediately and wrapped himself around Kanroji's neck, well Iguro, it seems that there will be no reason for Kanroji to leave you anymore
Mitsuri gently slid her nails into Obanai's lower back, who in response fell onto her chest, trying as hard as he could not to laugh, it was humiliating. They were alone, but it did not take away humiliating
'Come on Iggy! Laugh for me!' Mitsuri didn't stop, she knew he wouldn't run away, he was trapped in her hug.
'Kahahahanroji-! Grr! MPHM!!!', Mitsuri whispered in his ear. 'Cute~...'
It was enough, Obanai was unable to hold on and began to laugh, trying not to hit Mitsuri with his kicks.
'KAHAHAHANROJI!! STAHAHAHAP!! NOT THE BAHAHACK!! GEAHAHAHA!!' 'Awww~ Iguro-San, you're so cute~! Listen to that giggle! It's the cutest I've ever heard! Not your back? For what reason? Is it too ticklish? Can't stand a few tickles? But everyone needs to be tickled sometimes, don't you think?', damn, Iguro felt his ears burning, the childish tone with which Mitsuri spoke, regardless of the way he tickled,
3 words: Obanai was screwed-
'Besides, today you did a lot for me. You bought me food, you brought me to this beautiful place, I'm sure you must be tired! Come on, relax a bit!' 'WAHAHIT!! I CAHAHAN'T!!' 'Why can't you~?' 'BECAHAHAUSE-...!! I WAHAHANT TO TEHEHEHLL YOU SOMEHEHETHIHIHING!!', Mitsuri stopped, looking at him curiously.
'You wanna tell me something? What's wrong?', Iguro caught his breath, it was only a few seconds but, hell, he didn't think that Kanroji would make him scream in such a short time.
'Iguro-San...?', Mitsuri placed her head on his shoulder, waiting for the answer.
Iguro sighed and took her hands, staring into her eyes...
'Kanroji, do you remember the first time we met?' 'Yes, I remember, it was at Oyakata-Sama's residence, I was lost... But, Iguro-San saved me'
'...I must confess, ever since I saw you, I was planning to ignore you or walk past you and leave you with that problem. But, as time progressed, I was able to get to know you better, you were able to touch my heart. Your charisma, your way of treating others, your kindness and heart really captivated me and I fell in love with you, but I was unable to tell you because I wanted to get to know you better first so I could know everything about you and start a nice relationship. Although it was also because I was afraid, afraid that you wouldn't reciprocate me and get away from me. I'll totally understand if you don't feel the same, I just wanted you to know'
Iguro opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Kanroji crying. I knew... She didn't...
'I love you too Iguro-San!!', Mitsuri came over and hugged him.
'Your words were the most beautiful that a man has ever said to me! I love you! I am so happy! Every day what happened with you, I forgot my insecurities because you saw me with those eyes of love, my days were brighter and my meals tasted sweeter when I ate with you! I love you so much!', Mitsuri tried to lower Obanai's bandages but he wouldn't let it.
'Perhaps your opinion will change... After seeing this...', Mitsuri didn't care and lowered his bandages, seeing Obanai's scar.
'I know, it's disgusting and disgusting... You don't have to...' 'You don't care about my strange hair color, why should I care about that?', Mitsuri leaned in and kissed him.
'Isn't love pretty?' 'Mhm! Yes it is!' 'Ara~ I thought he wouldn't dare' 'They are made for each other, that's final', commented the hashiras seeing Mitsuri and Obanai return happily holding hands
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acacia-may · 6 months
Hi again Acacia! Could I please get a request in for Ed x Winry before you close your shipping game asks? 💜
Hi there, friend! Thank you so much for the ask and for asking about one of my all time favorite pairings. 💕 Ed x Winry definitely makes sense and is beyond compelling to me, but I'm going to put my ramblings under the cut because I specifically mention some spoilers for the ending.
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood was actually the 3rd anime I ever saw, and it will always be particularly special to me because it got me into the anime genre and to this day, is still probably my favorite anime of all time (though I love so many at this point). Winry was my favorite character, and I adored her relationship with Ed. That bantering, slow-burn friends-to-lovers dynamic is probably my favorite kind of relationship trope, so I was really invested in them and in their relationship throughout the series.
I adored their platonic friendship as well. There was just something so endearing to me about how they'd bicker but really had so much respect and admiration for each other underneath it all, and I think they way that they encouraged, inspired, and supported each other was really beautiful. There was something so natural about the progression of their relationship over the course of the series too, and it really so wonderful getting to see them deepen their relationship, fall in love and realize their feelings for each other. I remember literally screaming (in a good way) when Winry had her "feelings realization" moment, and their final love confession scene on that train platform at the end of the series is just everything to me.
As soon as I started writing these ramblings I had to get my out my manga volumes and just read through the scene again because it's one of my favorites in the whole series. There is something so refreshingly different about it, and it perfectly summarizes their characters and their relationship to me. I love how they so clearly expressed their love without saying the words "I love you" and instead used that equivalent exchange metaphor. Confessing in that way is just perfectly, perfectly Ed, and I found it really endearing, but what really gets me, is how he only asks for "half of her life" at first and suggests that 50/50 split which leads to this just amazing reaction from Winry.
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That bantering is just so wonderful, especially when followed up by this sincere confession that she wants to give him her whole life and her whole heart. Her unwavering devotion to him is just beautiful, and I love that she finds the words to express that (when Ed, who loves her just as deeply and just as devotedly, struggles to find his words). I'm getting emotional just thinking about it. They are so in love!
When my friend brought over her dvd box set for us to watch the final 5 episodes together, I literally got up from my seat on the sofa, squealed, and danced around when there was this absolutely glorious flash forward photo of them with their kids at the end of the final credits. (Needless to say, it really shocked my friend because I do not get into shipping. She teases me about it to this day, but there is just something about these two, okay? They're too perfect together, and look they're married with babies!!! How else am I supposed to react to that?)
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At this point in my life, I have seen this anime too many times to count and have read through the manga series several times as well, and every time I reach this photo (or the similar one in the manga) and see Ed and Winry together with their family, I still, without fail, get so giddy and excited. I love them so much! And I still can't get over how canon they are. If only all my ships ended up married with kids...they do in my mind, but to see it actually happen for real is everything and it's everything that an amazing pairing like Ed x Winry deserves.
Thank you for asking about them! They probably rank on my ultimate OTP list from anything ever! Just perfect and meant to be 💖💖
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listening-to-thunder · 5 months
City Hunter 2024
Don't mind me I just watched a live action adaptation of the show I absolutely imprinted on as a little fan sprout in the late 80s/early 90s and I have feelings?! (Tl;dr - the adaptation is so faithful I am so happy.)
So yeah. I watched the (censored) French version of the City Hunter anime during summer vacations and then languished as Sweden did not have City Hunter (or anyone who had heard of City Hunter, other than my little brother). So I did stuff like...record it on VCR, pause the VCR, and trace character portraits off the prickly cathode-ray tube TV. (Screenshot technology has come a long way!)
Later on I read the entire un-censored manga (with the original names restored!) in French, and downloaded the Japanese songs from some pages I found on AltaVista (which took forever on modem), and brough the full set back in Japanese after I lived there for a while. And then I found out there is an official "megafan gets transmigrated into the story"-manga about City Hunter, and I read that, too.
Basically: I have had this story in my life forever, and watching the live action movie now gives me echoes of all those feelings I had as a lonely fannish kid. Which is a weird feeling, but not in a bad way, because the live action adaption (not the first, but the first Japanese one!) is...good? It's fun! And it's as faithful to the original story as it could possibly be while also being updated for the 21st century in the best ways?
Okay, I'm just gonna dive in!
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I love how prominent Shinjuku is in the live action. It's gorgeously shot, and you can really feel a sense of place. The characters always talk about "this city", and Shinjuku is that city.
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And right off the bat Suzuki Ryohei gets to shine in a fun, fast fight scene with a manga flair to it!
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Everyone in Shinjuku knows Ryo-chan! And here's where I will admit to my own ignorance, because reading in translation at a young age I honestly don't know if the manga touched on how Shinjuku as a place where the queer community meets? But here the owner of the bar Ryo rushes through is a glorious okama!
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Saeba Ryo and Makimura Hidekyuki and HI MY FEELS. (I will probably get back to how much I adore that Ryo is played by an actor who's hit 40 - but Andou Masanobu is nearly 50?! HOW.)
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YES GOOD the iconic coat from the manga (that I like a lot more than the silly little anime jacket) running down the streets of Shinjuku as the equally iconic red car (an old Mini Cooper?) races past the neon lights.
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Oh man I have cried about this scene so many times. And here I just love how they got the dramatic rain in, despite the circumstances and setting of Makimura's death being different. That's what a good adaptation does: keeps things recognizable to the existing fans, while transforming it to something new and exciting. (I almost didn't see it coming because I kept thinking "It's not raining"...!)
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Not to be shallow or anything but...HOT DAMN. Suzuki Ryohei!!!!
This was so delightful! Everyone was having such fun with the Mokkori Dance, and I am thrilled that they found a way of showing this side of Saeba Ryo without making him a sex pest. The mood whiplash from drama to the most frivolous silliness is extremely City Hunter, and the movie wouldn't have felt right if they hadn't nailed this. (With Ryo nudity. I am. Not complaining at all.)
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Kaori's stare. Ryo's confidence. Perfect. No notes.
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And then we get some T&A... and it's QUEER AS FUCK?! Instead of a strip club, in 2024 the Shinjuku nightlife scene is beautiful people voguing with a fabulous drag queen MC!
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Showing off Ryo's impossibly good aim by following the bullet through a crowded nightclub was fun but again: look at this Shinjuku!! It's queer and diverse and I love it.
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I could not believe how Suzuki Ryohei somehow manages to move like a manga character? He is so fast and so believable as a supernaturally good shot! I also liked how Ryo hid his gun as soon as he'd fired it - the enemy had already spotted him, so it wasn't that he was afraid of giving himself away? But he doesn't want to have a gun out at a queer nightclub, where it could start a very understandable panic.
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Again with the Shinjukuness of it all...! Ryo's car is parked outside the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building (it was my favorite place to go hang out if I had time to kill in Shinjuku) - I think they're up in the observation deck, too?? The layers of nostalgia for me... it hits hard...
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SPEAKING OF HITTING HARD I love that they gave Kaori her mallet!!! YES. (And they made up a cosplay event for it, where there was a tiny bit of T&A - but where the cosplayers themselves were making sure they looked as good as possible, showing off their assets!)
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This is art to me.
Saeba Ryo. Stallion of Shinjuku. Blocking creepy otaku and audience alike from getting panty shots while not peeking under her skirt and also the horse head is his penis and...
This will take some processing. (While I giggle.)
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THE most City Hunter shot of the entire movie. The crosshairs! Ryo shoving someone (Kaori) out of the way of a bullet! The bullet grazing his arm!! SHOOTING BACK AT THE SNIPER. Everything. Everything is perfect.
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I am looking...respectfully...?
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Their poses, the city... this whole scene felt like watching the manga come to life. Kaori needs a hug and Ryo hasn't gotten to the point where he can do "emotional support" in any other way than "revenge". Ahhhh the angst.
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The movie's fights are so much fun to watch, because they have Ryo being a superhero with a gun (or: several guns), and then Kaori running around terrified but also so determined to actually fight. She shoves things on people! She hits that one guy with a pipe!! I love her so much.
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(Ryo still doesn't do "hugging", but at least he's letting Kaori sob on him this time?)
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Yes shooting a guy with an upside down revolver pointing behind you is exactly what I want from City Hunter, thank you! (Also the intensity Suzuki Ryohei brings out for Ryo's protective streak... It's so good...)
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I just know that I am missing a ton of Easter eggs...! (I would be surprised if the framed drawing of a revolver isn't Hojo Tsukasa's art, though.)
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And here we go! Now they're roommates! Kaori has her mallet! And her 80s manga outfit...! Aaah!!!!
Though they both wear shoes indoors which... I suppose even though they live there, the building isn't..."home"-coded? (I mean having that much real estate in the center of Shinjuku actually requires more suspension of disbelief than the gun magic...).
Anyway: it's THEM!
Sequel when? I really, really want one. They did such a fabulous job with this story, I want to see them do more!!
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k-martins · 1 year
Seventh episode aired, jujutsu nation! This is where Shibuya really starts!
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_ To begin with, I really liked how they did the battle of Kokichi X Mahito. The movements and angles are much better than the first season. The neons from those laser beams were really cool too (reminds me of the shooting stars scene from Howl's Moving Castle).
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_ My favorite scene from this fight was seeing Mahito changing his form to that of different animals while running away from Mechamaru, how fluid and natural it looked. Seeing him as a rabbit reminded me of what we're about to see in the anime with regards to Yuji. A really fun scene :D (Also nice to know GG agrees with me lol)
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_ With this fight, I realized that there is a pattern in how GG conducts his fights. It builds a sense of assured victory over one side before a twist comes in and brutally destroys. In the first season we saw that special grade cursed spirit overcome Itadori before Sukuna appeared. We later saw a kindred spirit mistreat Megumi before he opened a Domain expansion. With Hanami it was the same. Now, in Shibuya, we will see Satoru very close to defeating the spirits before Kenjaku appears and defeats him. The same with Mahito X Itadori. Even the Yoruzo X Sukuna battle was like that from what I remember. Now, Kokichi thought he had beaten Mahito and was so confident that he could face Kenjaku, then die. This is just an observation, but given the current arc of the manga, I don't doubt that GG will follow the same pattern.
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_ One sentence: THIS IS NOT MY SUGURU!!!!!!
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_ Miwa is too adorable for this world! I feel like she is our Itadori in Kyoto. It's so sad to know that Kokichi just wanted to stay close to his friends and colleagues, live a normal life, and in the end end up dying. And her death was so brutal and sad… My throat choked when I saw that snippet of Miwa and Mechamaru and her so excited to visit him. The world did not deserve their love.
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_ AHHH, SHIBUYA HAS ARRIVED!!!!! I loved that we have a female narrator. I don't know if they're going to keep it in my language or if it's going to be Ijichi narrating again, so we'll see. But I quite liked it. The extended scenes are also excellent! _ An addendum: These extras that appeared are very beautiful, haha! I even found one dressed as Mahito and another as Ghostface. GG always inserting pop figures in his works, kskkskks (next week I want to see Gojo stomping on these people's heads like the idiot he is)
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_ The teams are finally formed. I particularly like Ino, Megumi and Nanamin's relationship. I felt high vibes from a parent with their two cubs, with Ino being older and showing off for Megumi. Oh, and Nanami saying that Megumi is talented was sweet (it reminded me of this fanfic here, which is an emotional weight more than the canon proposes).
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_ The Zenin + Nobara team is not bad either. I know Naobito is a little shit, but I can't hate him after knowing that his favorite pastime is watching anime. And he looks really good twirling his sharp mustache. I'm excited to see how they adapt his ability, as it's literally taking frames. (Ah, I devoured that scene Nobamaki, Mappa, I can even forgive them for what they will do)
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_ GOJO SATORU IS IN SHIBUYA!!!!!!! As far as I know the next episode will adapt his fight with the curses and Itadori X Grasshopper, so we'll probably have "Yo! Satoru" at the end as an impactful closing. I'm looking forward to seeing someone calling Yuji smart! He deserves it after an entire season of being declared "dumb."
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Well, next week we won't have a manga chapter, which makes me worried. If I'm right and chapter 8 ends with Kenjaku appearing, Gojo's sealing will be in chapter 9. By the evil mind of GG, he's probably up to something with this. Perhaps Sukuna delivering one last, fatal blow to Satoru? Maybe Kenjaku showing up? I can't say, but it worries me…
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Hi Ms Raven! I just wanted to ask what're your thoughts on the new twst manga chapter?? Personally, I'm not the biggest fan, but give credit where credit is due; the art is gorgeous and I love the Leona's characterization. I still have gripe with the MC change and I still feel it was unnecessary, I feel Yuuken would've been the same in the role if he wasn't replaced by Yuuka. I can't help but think that the MC change was for self insert purposes than anything else 💀
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I believe I went over my initial impression of the Episode of Savanaclaw’s first chapter in this post. To summarize: pretty art (especially the eyelashes) and nice visual storytelling that expands on what the visual novel format of the game laid out as groundwork. (However, if I had one minor qualm with the artwork, it’s that I don’t believe the mangaka’s style necessarily suits TWST in all scenarios; for example, sometimes the characters make expressions that, while beautiful, make them appear like completely different characters for like a single panel.) Overall, I thought the chapter was pretty good, if not a tad bit long due to all of the exposition and recap we had to go through again.
One element that I didn’t really discuss in that reaction post was our new Yuu, Yuuka Hirasaka. This is largely because I personally don’t have an vested interest in the Yuus 💦 and quite honestly, the introduction of another one (which replaces a previous one) made me equal parts excited and disappointed. I don’t have anything against a new character, but I’m disappointed that no manga!Yuu will ever receive a fully realized character arc; each one will (assumedly) be cut short to make way for a new Yuu, which means I can never see myself getting invested in one of them (since I know they’ll just go away at the end of the episode). It just doesn’t feel satisfying to me, and I’m moderately concerned about how reintroducing the Yuu and the episodes leading up to the current point in the plot will work for future episodes which get continuously lengthier, more complex, and build on the relationships established in previous episodes.
Yuuka is also just at a point where it’s too early for me to judge whether I like her or not (though I know many are excited at the prospect of a Yuu that is a “strong independent woman that takes no one’s shit”; this seems to be the popular fandom interpretation of her). I’ll reserve my judgment for now; I want to see more of how she interacts with the characters and the world first.
I understand that everyone may have their own reservations about Yuuka (and it’s totally fine if you find yourself not enjoying her), but let’s be careful not to point fingers about it 😅 For all we know, the changing of Yuus per episode could be a very deliberate and story-driven move (a la the popular “time loop” theory). We can’t make assumptions about the intent behind it, especially when we don’t yet have the context of the entire main story being completed.
Additionally, while it may be validating for the (largely) female fanbase that self inserts to have its representation in a female Yuu in official TWST media, I don’t think the change was just to appease a demographic. It may be such that it opens up interesting avenues for engagement with Leona (who, canonically, “respects women”). As I’ve stated in a previous post though, I don’t think the change will be that big, but it could expand more on Leona’s character by demonstrating how exactly he interacts with women whom he supposedly “respects”. We’ve only really had vague information and fandom speculation on this point, and I, for one, welcome any and all new lore 😌
Yuuka offers a slightly different perspective than Yuuken because of little details like this, and that is one advantage of changing the lenses through which we view the story every episode. Again, not everyone will be happy with the direction of the manga, but let’s try to look at the positives ^^ Lots of Yuus also means lots of possibilities, yeah?
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elvenxwarrior · 1 year
My Normie (Part One) - Leviathan
You can also find this posted on my AO3!
Part Two
Leviathan had only seen '[Name]' a few times over her stay in the Devildom. She never seemed to talk unless it was to Diavolo or Lucifer regarding important business and was very quiet in class but attentive.
But in the few times of seeing her, Leviathan thought she was beautiful.
"Probably a normie though..." He'd always think to himself.
Little did he know, that wasn't the case.
If he had ever stopped by to visit her room, he'd find a large Sucre Frenzy poster on her wall beside her desk and several Ruri-chan figures neatly littering the shelves where she kept her manga volumes and anime box sets. Assassination Classroom manga took up a whole shelf in her small bookcase whilst a second shelf was dedicated to her games and smaller, handheld consoles. As a centrepiece to the games shelf, a copy of Diabolik Lovers stood proud with a PlayStation Portable™ laid in front of it.
[Name] would usually be found in her room, either wearing her headphones to listen to anime openings and game soundtracks while reading or studying. Sometimes she'd be at her desk gaming; almost always in her oversized Ruri-chan hoodie.
Truth be told? [Name] felt the same way about the Envious Third-Born. As soon as she heard him talking about TSL and how he seemingly had an eidetic memory for it all, she was astounded.
She tapped her pen to her lips, deep in thought, "Would he want to meet me if anime was involved?"
[Name] Hey, Levi. Leviathan Hey [Name]. [Name] I got the new collectors edition of TSL, wanna come watch? Leviathan YOU WHAT? OMW NOW
No more than 15 minutes passed before there was a knock at your door.
"Come in!" You yelled, unable to tear yourself from writing your game's cheat-sheet and studying simultaneously.
"You said you had the New TSL Collector’s Editio-..."
Leviathan's words had gotten caught in his throat upon seeing your room.
'This is almost everything I like too...'
You saved and quit your game, sliding your cheat-sheet into a folder beside your monitor, "I do indeeeEEEEED."
You suddenly felt flustered, it only took you turning around and seeing who was in your room to lose your confidence. You hadn't seen his text saying he was coming!
"[N-Name], are you okay?" He asked at your sudden shock and the strange way you had given your response.
"I, uh... I didn't think you'd actually come..." Your voice trailed off quietly, a red hue taking over your face.
"You have the new Collector's Edition of TSL, of course I'm going to come! It's got deleted scenes and behind the scenes with animations, interviews with the English and Japanese voice actors, bloopers-"
Leviathan proceeded to rattle off all of the different features that this version had, evidently excited.
When he finally stopped, you gestured to your TV and games console, (gotta love how they double-up as DVD players!) "So... shall we?"
Levi nodded enthusiastically, following you to plonk down on the floor with all your pillows and blankets.
When you had turned around after putting the disc in, he saw your pastel pink hoodie was a Ruri-chan hoodie.
"WOAH- Where did you get that hoodie?!"
You looked down, pulling the oversized fabric out to look down at the design, "Uh... it was from an event-based prize draw; it was the 4th place prize, I think?"
"You made it into The Top 5?! Impressive! I was Number 1!"
It seemed the more you and the Envious Third Born would nerd out, the less shy you became and the less awkward the atmosphere was. You were both talking about TSL as each scene went along, discussing the plot, the characters alongside various other aspects.
You were sitting very close.
It wasn't until you were practically leaning your chest on his shoulder that you both realised how close you actually were. Clearing your throat you turned to sit normally.
"Uh... [Name]. You can... lean on me like that... if you want. It was... kinda comfy." Leviathan stuttered out, awkwardly pausing to think about his phrasing.
"Uh... sure!" You went back to lean on him and tried not to squeal. When he puts his arm around you, you let a small squeak slip out.
He hit the pause button on the controller, turning to you slightly, "Are... you okay?"
You nodded, unsure of what- no, unsure of how to say how you were feeling.
'Yeah Levi, I'm completely fine! Just trying not to die like a fangirl meeting her boyband crush at the fact you put your arm around and cuddled me. I'm in love with you!'
Leviathan leaned in slightly, staring intently into your eyes, "[Name]..."
"Le... Levi..."
You both felt like an anime protagonist reaching the peak of the plot where they finally confess to their love interest. Lord, how much more cliche can this night get?!
"[Name], can I..."
You tilted your head, "Can you...?"
You could feel your heart beating heavily against your chest; Levi could probably feel it. You moved forward, bringing your face closer to his, the brightness of the TV screen being your only light in the room.
"Kiss you?" / "Kiss me?"
A gasp escaped you both, before happily kissing him; the excitement of the situation caused you to knock him over, he was now leaning back on his forearms with a hand threaded into your hair and you on top of him.
You parted from the kiss, giggling sheepishly and pulled him back upright. "Sorry about that..."
"I-It's fine!" Levi was extremely flustered, "It was nice!"
There was an awkward silence...
"[Name]?" / "Levi?"
"You go first." / "You first."
You both laughed, "Count of three?" He nodded.
"I like you!" Was the simultaneous statement. You pressed your head to his chest, smiling ear to ear.
"But... I thought you thought I was a normie?"
"Yeah, but [Name]... you're my normie."
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gettatranslations · 10 months
S Cawaii!-san&Demon Slayer Love Yumigeta Ako (23.11.26)
Good evening🌝
I'm Yumigeta Ako🛑
Thank you very much for your comments yesterday!
Thank you very much for our Hokkaido Performanceー!!!
Lots of you came to watch us huh!🎶
I want to hear about your thoughts at our next individual event!!!
Also our new formation was announced yesterday!
Leader Ikuta Erina-san
Sub Leader Ishida Ayumi-san
Sub Leader Oda Sakura-san
Please continue to support Morning Musume。from here on too❤️
How amazing… all of their names contain 「田」。
Also today
I'll talk about S Cawaii!-sanー!!!
Today on S Cawaii!-san's official X(Twitter)
They posted some photosー!!!!
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Don't I look totally differentー!!!!
Seeing my fringe so thin made me so 「Ooh……!」
I was really excited!
There's another cute pink outfit of mine but I'll post that another timeー‼️
It was my first time doing this kind of hairstyle and just doing such a cool shoot📸
So、I was really excitable and kept telling the stylist-san 「This is my first time doing this hairstyle!」ー!
And、if you look closely at my eyes
Well not my eyes but the bit underneath my eyebrows。
Look closely
There's rhinestones!!!!!
I've always admired the way my senpai wear them during concertsー!!!!!!!
I also have large hair clips、and cool star earrings so I really enjoyed this shoot!!!!
I've also never worn such heavy eyeshadow so it felt really really really fresh。
And And And
On the flip side I'm wearing a really pale beige lipstick
And that surprised me too!
Like 「It's so pale but so beautiful!」!
I wore a cool outfit and a pink outfit、so you can see two opposing styles but they're both Yumigeta Ako(?) So please read it and pay attention to that contrast〜❤️‍🔥
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
Look at thisー!
Yesterday、when I looked out of the plane window at the airport I saw something!
A Demon Slayer planeー!!
It was so coolー!!!!!!!
I really love Demon Slayer〜!!!
Demon Slayer is what first got me obsessed with anime!!!
It was a huge hit when schools were closed which is when I was in 5th〜6th grade!(T/N School closures = covid lock down times)
I couldn't play with my friends while schools were closed so I spent my whoーle time at home and I was super bored、
But my best friend was talking about Demon Slayer、so I started watching it and I was like 「This is so interesting…!!!!」
So I asked Mama to buy me the Manga and then I started collecting goods…
I got super duper obsessed!!!!
I also made origami
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Creator・6th grade Yumigeta Ako / Cameraman・6th grade Yumigeta Ako
They're pretty good
I was super obsessed with making Demon Slayer origami☺️
I was so proud of them I took them to school and showed them to my homeroom teacher like 「Look what I made!」😂
There are so many wonderful words in Demon Slayer、and I really love that about it💕
And with the covers of the manga、
I love the illustrations of the characters and the authors foreword and the titles each and every volume‼️
Writing all this makes me want to read it again。
Once YokoAre is over I think I'll reread the whole series from volume 1 ❤️‍🔥
I Getted 「Feelings of Love」✨
Demon Slayer is part of my origin story…
I'll always love itー!!!!!
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
2 days
Until Yokohama Arena
(Today was the final day of rehearsals!)
I definitely can't catch a cold now!!
Getting ill now would be the worst timing ever!!!!!
Tomorrow I'll wear a mask and gargle and wash my hands and disinfect everythingー!
Well then I'll see you tomorrow!
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🐤🐤🐤
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boinin · 1 year
Blue Lock Manga
We've been blessed by Chp 218 🙌 It's had a mixed response but I enjoyed it a lot.
Thoughts under the cut.
Previous chapter analyses
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The art continues to blow me away. I didn't appreciate it as much when I was bingeing through the chapters, or when I watched the anime 🙃 but gosh it's so pretty. These are my personal favourite panels this week. The one with Barou and Isagi is so evocative. A clear visual explanation of the difference between Metavision and Predator Eye.
Isagi is data scientist AU anybody?
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He's SUCH a dork, and I mean that in the kindest sense. Bro's reeling off completely fabricated terms to Niko like he's teaching a class 🥹 I love that he's so keen to pass on what he's learned. He's shown himself to be a voracious learner, going to everyone from Barou to Rin to Kunigami for tips. I want to see someone ask him for instruction!
Also - how cute are Aiku and Niko in this chp?! They're like brothers. I have a draft outline in my writing vault for an Ubers found family fluff fic featuring these two, and this isn't helping me ignore it.
Not everyone has metavision, what a shocking reveal /s It felt heavy handed in delivery, but it shows who Isagi's rivals are in terms of playmaking and predictions. No, Raichi isn't coming for Himsagi's bag yet.
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Another amazing set of panels, love it any time they go nuts with the puzzle pieces. Isagi lists only four... but I think Kaneshiro's setting up Aiku to be the surprise fifth MV user. He might not consciously activate the ability as Isagi does, but he's definitely capable.
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I had sight of these panels from the leaks when I was writing up the chp 217 post, so I won't rehash the BM v Ubers point. But I like how this visualises their differences. The art is grotesque but really beautiful at the same time. Look at Isagi naming himself at the top alongside Kaiser! That's ego growth for you.
On that note: who's the Game Changer this chapter's talking about? Isagi seems to think it's going to be one of him or Kaiser, or out of Ubers, Lorenzo, Barou, Aiku or Niko. Naturally, it's not likely to be any of these, cos ✨suspense✨
The chapter itself ends with a suggestion that it'll be BM that supplies it...
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I'm biased towards my boy Rensuke, but I'll try to be objective here. On the subreddit, people are split 50:50 between being excited that he's getting a moment, or rolling their eyes at that edgy ball steal. I couldn't care less about whether this is an accurate depiction of soccer playing or not (it's a shounen battle manga as far as I'm concerned). But I do think Kunigami's solo run will get shut down next chapter. He hasn't had a lot to do in this match, but I think Kaneshiro will hold back on Kunigami's development for the PXG showdown.
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In the last panel, you can see Kunigami's barrelling towards the goal. There's two defenders up ahead. One is Niko, who's apparently well-suited to reacting to sudden threats (i.e. him tackling Isagi). The other is not so obvious... but odds are, it's Aiku. Who's also not done a lot so far and who doesn't have a grudge against Shidou Ryuusei to milk later
My prediction? Kunigami will outmuscle Niko, but get walled by a levelled-up Aiku, leaving a free ball for Kaiser or Isagi to claim.
As for who'll be the true game changer? Said it already, but if Hiori's not getting subbed on for our newly christened royal trash!Ness in the next five chapters, I'll eat my hat. 🐑
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No more commentary from me. Just signing off with a glorious narcissistic bastard entering flow 💅
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hamausagi · 3 months
omfggg jake your critique on the omori manga was SO GOOD i agree with everything. i read it on twt bc the platform it was officially released on isn't available in my country and i was like 😦❓️warning long ass yap ahead, you don't have to reply to this AKDKSKD i just wanted to say ur post hit all the points i was thinking of as well
i was sososo excited for the manga when it was announced, and now that i read it im kinda like. Hm. the art style is gorgeous, but 100% agreed on the way they depicted the characters in the real world because they look so young 😭 like wtf aubrey is supposed to look intimidating when the player first meets her [as a stark contrast to her headspace personality] but then she lirerally looks 12 (like you said) 💀 also this might just be a me thing but i always imagined that sunny would be very expressionless in the real world until the end of the game, like how he has the neutral sprite the entire time until he finally looks scared in the basil fight & cries in the hidden ending cutscene. but the sunny in the manga feels so grounded and human (which might sound like an insane thing to say but hear me out), which i feel kinda undermines the fact that he's disassociating like 99% of the time and also has not been outside + talked to ppl in literal years. it deadass looks like him and kel going out is a regular occurrence for him 🕴
AND THE PACING AUGHHSKWKKDA IT MAKES ME SO MAD 😭😭😭 the entire first chapter is so disorganised and clunky it makes zero sense unless you have alrdy played the entire game. i kept rereading bc it felt like everything was happening so fast and i was wondering if i missed panels 💀 it felt like they couldn't decide what approach the manga should take, like whether it should be a horror story or one abt friendship when the beauty of omori is that it blends both of those (in extremely nuanced ways) so seamlessly. there's like random ass jumpscare panels that don't even make sense and why the fuck is the headspace sequence at the end 😭😭😭???!(£&+(£&@(*£ that's supposed to be the prologue!!!!!!! before we meet everyone irl!!!
as for characterisation i genuinely dk wtf was going on 😭 aubrey whacking basil with the bat was so crazy i was like HUH??? and then sunny just fucking slashed her 😭⁉️ it makes them seem absolutely deranged bc there's zero context, and the whole point of sunny attacking aubrey is to show the player that it still hasn't clicked for him that he's in the real world now and he can't just use a fucking knife on people 💀 also the fact that in game it's depicted as a battle cutscene, once again showing how detached he is from reality. connecting back to my earlier point abt how he seems so grounded here, in the manga it looks like he just purposefully decided to stab aubrey when that isn't something he'd do at all?!?!?!
but okay ill shut up here, omfg im so sorry i yapped so much 💀 a Lot of thoughts abt this manga fr,,, honestly disappointed and definitely would not recommend it to fans or non-fans 😭
i also really like the artstyle, i think its very well drawn ESPECIALLY the horror elements but yeah, the style just doesn't super scream OMORI to me..... if yk what i mean 😭 AND I TOTALLY GET WHAT YOURE SAYING ABT SUNNY'S EXPRESSION. he has WAY too much emotion and i wish i thought to touch on that in my essay (lol) but seriously yeah. i'm SO glad they left him as a silent protag, but my god. to me in the game he's always been really emotionless since we literally NEVER see anything besides his sprite (unless in battle, but im not counting that rn bc its a lot different than the dialogue facecards we get for other characters) but that super duper bothered me as well IT REALLY DOES FEEL LIKE HE JUST GOES OUT WITH KEL ALL THE TIME LIKE DAWG THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THE SUN HAS TOUCHED U IN 4 YEARS. BSFR
the pacing is RIDICULOUSLY clunky and weird AND YEAH ME TOO I ALSO KEPT TRYING TO GO BACK AND SEE IF I MISSED STUFF ??? like there was just so much happening on each page and it was so goddamn fast that i was literally like "whoa" YKWIM ?? like specifically that one panel i put in my post where he randomly went up to the bathroom just to open the door, see Something, and then suddenly leave but also there is barely ANY context as to why he's suddenly up at the bathroom ?? like obvi WE know bc we played that but in game the screen got all wobbly when we needed to throw up the steak but in the manga its like wtf is going on ???
ANF UAGGHGGHSB I COULD GO ON AND ON AND ON ABT THE CHARACTERIZATION BRO. the whole last few pages were absolute DOGWATER bc it literally makes them look just weirdly violent with NO context bc its exactly like you said, SUNNY DOESNT KNOW. the whole point of that first battle was to show how detached sunny is from real life. he doesn't realize that slashing her with a knife is going to have real consequences. AND THE BEST PART ABT THE GAME IS THAT NEITHER DOES THE PLAYER !!!! we forget after hours and hours of headspace (AND using sunny's knife attack as a primary damage dealer, MIGHT I ADD) HAS REAL DANGERS AND CONSEQUENCES. like theres SOOO much cool storytelling there and it's all lost on the manga bc theres just no baseline for the reader to be like whoaaaa thats WEIRD. bc my first impression upon seeing aubrey, as was most likely yours and all the other players, was WHAT THE HELL. but the ruined her in the manga. i can literally go on and on about this forever and ever
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swallowerofdharma · 4 months
Hi! Your top 5 characters and top 5 ships?. I'm really curious.
Hello! This is difficult lol because it a very open question. I presume we are talking animanga, so let’s see, because I actually don’t necessarily have charts readily on my mind and I also don’t read that many titles anymore. Some of the most popular manga talked about recently are aimed at a younger audience than me or are very similar to things I have already read, so they don’t hold my interest. And if I think of characters that have meant a lot to me at different times in my life, I probably will end up talking about stories that are quite forgotten now or not exciting for anyone else, because more connected to my own circumstances and life experiences. So if you don’t mind I will give you only three, but I will give an explanation of my choices so that it is easy to see how I could have mentioned other very similar characters from different manga for very similar reasons. But these three I have a visceral and deep connection with, and maybe I also projected a lot, so they stand out to me and came organically to my mind after reading your ask:
Yashiro, from Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai. Obvious choice to begin with, but I genuinely like characters that can’t conform to other people’s expectations and can’t be “toned down” or “domesticated” because they can’t discard the wild side of their loneliness, rooted in childhood trauma or neglect and lack of basic social support and meaningful connections when it mattered most. And yet, Yashiro faces reality directly because of that. And disillusionment is another trait I like about a character. And I like stories that have darker themes and don’t glimpse over the horrors humanity is capable of, and I like realism too. And Yashiro is a real “queer” character, one that can’t escape “otherness” in a world that isn’t fantastical and where the monstrous isn’t metaphorical.
Griffith, from Berserk. Because he has quite no other choice but to become the monstrous, for the same reasons I indicated above, including queerness, otherness, loneliness and failure to connect or be recognized as human, he can’t exist without provoking a conflict in others, part his own choice of challenging the order seen as “natural”, part because he has to fail in order to set up Guts’s story and fulfill the “destiny of tragic beauty”. This time the world building is very different and the story that starts on the human and historical plane and with a certain amount of realism ends tangled in a bigger picture and bigger narrative threads. He is such an iconic figure, coming to look similar to a whole lot of mythical types and other characters with similar functions in manga and yet avoiding being a simple replacement or repetition and being his own authentically and unique character.
Kikyo, from Inuyasha. I was such an avid reader of Rumiko Takahashi’s stories. I think what I liked most was their settings, the glimpses into a Japanese reality, being the contemporary world of high schoolers involved in quirky adventures or the fantastic past of the Sengoku period full of creatures and specters from a mythical and horror tradition that I got to know this way. Kikyo’s long black hair, her outfit of shrine priestess, with the iconic red and white colors, her ability as an archer: she stands out in my memory, I was in love with her. She was a ghost of herself with only certainty emotions surviving: the fascination with the unresolved. She was angry and vengeful, and yet her love too survived, just darkened. And I like the conflict between her spiritual role and strength and her relationship and connection with Inuyasha, destined both to be outsiders, two loneliness that met, defying the rules. And I think that I quite liked that at the center of her story was learning to let go.
As for shipping… I don’t know if I am even capable of it. I failed repeatedly to commit to it. I see the potential, but sometimes it is more delicious when that potential isn’t fulfilled in the literal sense. Maybe I just enjoy more the tension, than the resolution, the angst more than any “happy ending”: a sense of love as something to bring along and not renounce, even when potentially destructive, but never quite the end goal or only purpose in living. But I like fan theories, fan art and some fanfics, the angsty ones of course. The only pairing I am irrationally committed to might surprise everyone after my little list. But these two characters I have seen together since the beginning and that hasn’t changed and I am still very attached to them as a couple, and my favorite childhood friends becoming lovers proper ship, they are so well suited for each other in my eyes, without being boring together: Kuroo and Kenma from Haikyuu! Surprised?
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Sorry for answering so vaguely, but I truly enjoy being open and flexible and I don’t commit truly to some fandom things like lists, ships, or being able to always have a strong opinions about everything. But thank you for asking!
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