#it’s kinda weird though that all of my grandparents are dead
angeltreasure · 3 months
I'm not even sure what to ask for... I suppose prayers for reconciliation or comfort. But I was around 19 when I was hospitalized on a ward, where I lived for 2 years after I completely broke down later in my youth. My brother died suddenly at 17 when I was 15, and he wasn't the only one to go, death just came and came and came it didn't stop. At school, teachers, grandparents, pets. I didn't know what I did wrong, I felt genuinely haunted and cursed but this is egotistical of me. People and my beloved cat dropped around me all of weird unexpected diseases. I got sexually abused a couple months after my brother's death, which my parents ignored, steeped deeply in grief and shame, and a year later they divorced. The perp was never charged, nvrmind punished and everyone just seemed not to hear me, or something. Like I was invisible. My whole family including my parents and their partners live in the same town which I can hardly stomach to visit, and it seems unless I call, nobody really comes for me expect my mom, whom I've reconciled with thank God. Dad only bothers when he wants to, or cusses me out. One or the other. I've grown colder to him than a dutiful daughter should, in my heart he's dead, I just keep the relationship going on automatic pilot mode but I wish he was gone somehow. Which goes against God's commandments of honouring thy parents. It all sounds so fake but this all happened, and everything I knew in life was gone, broken, or dead, before I was 18. I'm in my 20s now. Around my hospitalization I met my now fiance who sort of adopted me in his own family. I feel like an abandoned kid even though I am an adult. I go to Church but I feel pretty heartbroken sometimes. I have had so much therapy I'm kinda sick of it. Please pray for the repose of my heart and healing, I cannot go on in the sin of wrath. Thank you for listening, God bless
The Memorare
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.
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littlerosetrove · 4 months
My initial Spoiler Thoughts (as I was watching) for 7x10. 
What a breakneck pace. I think it was a bit too much because nothing was really allowed to breathe.
Ah, so Chris called his grandparents. Kinda expected that.
Ramon “even in death this woman is running your life.” I think that’s what he said and… he ain’t wrong. 
Athena in cop mode. *the longest sigh* This show has to play such a tight line, I know. They want to question cops, but when it’s Athena? She’s gotta be the hero and they let so much of what she does slide. She gets to be a serious hypocrite. 
Will Athena even face any consequences for all the law and rule breaking/bending that she did? Only time will tell, but canon so far says no. I think she’s been benched in any capacity once? In season one.  
Wow. I really didn’t expect much, but we literally got a 5 second acknowledgment of an off screen breakup between Marisol and Eddie. I mean there would have been zero weight to have it on screen because their relationship was such a nothing burger. But man. I’ve said it before, but there was no point to Marisol sticking around for the entire season. Good lord. 
“Being the living testament to a dead person is a lonely existence.” This applies to Athena, Amir, Bobby, and Eddie. And I feel like the only ones who learned something from this is everyone but Eddie. 
Damn, Jamal is an amazing actor. He was on par with Angela in that scene. I seriously hope we get to keep Amir because 1) he’s just a good guy, and 2) I want to keep this actor because he’s just awesome. 
I called it in 7x8 that the cartel, or the cartel adjacent apparently, would be the ones to hurt Bobby and I was right. This whole thing… happened so fast and felt. Idk, almost anticlimactic? 
Tommy lore! Sad though. He has a shitty dad that he doesn’t talk to because he’s comparable to Gerrard. Woof. 
There was nothing wrong with the date scene. I have a whole post about why there was nothing wrong with what Tommy said. Tommy was matching Bucks energy, and moved things into lighter territory that happened to include daddy kink (which as far as kinks go is mild).  
That felt a little weird? The scene with Bobby, Athena, Harry, and May. I know this show is trying to say they’ll be alright especially since this is the last episode of the season, but man. We didn’t get to see any, idk, concern from Harry and May over Bobby or sadness over their childhood house being burned down? 
Okay well I am definitely glad that Maddie and Chimney got to help out, that they’re going to foster Mara and thus bring the Wilson family back together in some capacity. I don’t know how they arranged that so fast, but I’ll take it. I think it really makes sense especially coming from Chimney whose dad basically abandoned him in the US, and so Chimney was taken in by the Lees, who were friends with Chimney’s mom.  
I’m, idk, there was so little communication overall amongst Eddie, Chris, Helena, Ramon, and even Buck? Like it was just simply “Chris is mad so he’s staying with his grandparents for an indefinite time.” Okay??? Like there was no conversation from anyone with Chris and what he’s even feeling beyond “I’m mad.” 
I know this is a drama show and we need to suspend our disbelief fairly often about things, but come on. Gerrard was kicked out, let go of being the captain at the 118 because of multiple misconduct reports. And you’re telling me that 1) he’s even still an active firefighter because truly how the hell has he not been fired before now, and 2) anyone would look into the records of the 118 and think putting Gerrard in charge - at the same firehouse he was booted from - is a good idea??? And thirdly, why is Hen not in charge? She’s interim captain, so why is she not stepping up until Bobby gets his place back, or literally anyone better than Gerrard comes in????? I know some of fandom sees this as juicy drama material, which I get, but right now all I see is a bigoted white man brought back who is going to make the lives of several non white people a living hell for drama. 
I’m… not 100% sure how I feel about this one. The pacing was too fast for me, and so nothing was really allowed to breathe. While not inherently a bad thing, but a lot of this was just predictable (thank you Elle for this word). I honestly didn’t get to feel much about Bobby’s story because it happened so fast in the story and just watching it. I felt more moved by Mara and Eddie and Chris’s story, but even that… I don’t know how to explain it.
Again I think it’s the pacing that lessened the impact of a lot of what happened. I’m also not particularly pleased with how, overall, Eddie has been handled this season as explained in this post. 
This wasn’t a bad episode, but I don’t think I’d call it great either.  As of right now, overall it felt weirdly anticlimactic I think.
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isdalinarhot · 1 year
Thoughs on gavilar then? We learned so much about him in the prologue it would be weird for it to not become relevant. Could he return in a vision tien style or is he destined to be the least relevant kholin? (as he deserves) sanderson has mentioned potential additional Dalinar flashbacks like getting gallant, it’s not gonna happen but I kinda wanna know what’s up with their grandparents
okay necessary disclaimer i am drunk as shit so do not expect anythign intelligent to come out of my mouth. but i do think gavilar will become relevant again, but not for another 20 years. i think he will play a BIG role in stormlight 10 when we get the jasnah flashbacks in which we will finally see the truth of gavilar. even though by that point literally nobody on planet earth will care about gavilar suddenly our 2042 minds will be FORCED to consider gavilar as the menace he is. and with the grandparents i think they will also be relevant in the back five like im thinking maybe during the jasnah book as well. and its driving me insane knowing i have to wait literally my entire life x2 to find out wtf is going on with dalinars immediate family and the grandparents but when im in my 40s if im not dead by then will i care? no i will not honestly. but i will think fondly to my 21 year old self like hehe he wanted to know this so bad <3 also i did not know there was the potential of additional dalinar falshbacks i would go INSANE if that happens i would go especially insane if sadeas happens to show up in any of them but thats not required by any means. i think im just going to go insane when kowt comes out and theres a lot of dalinar in it as brandon sanderson has said many many times and im going to be like DALINAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! and driving all my friends and family crazy. because once a blorbo always a blorbo. but yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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anxiousxdreamer · 1 year
a long rambly-bullshit middle-of-the-night thinking about myself thing
it's 1am this is not put together intelligently i am simply Typing Thoughts
there is a little girl in my past that was so vibrant and loud and who loved and laughed and played and was so DETERMINED to be proud of being weird. She wrestled with her dad, sang with her mom, and fought with her oldest sister every five minutes. She got FURIOUS whenever people were "rude" about her middle sister.
I think about her and see color and joy and confidence, and I wonder where the hell it all went. I mean, not ALL of it, I see some of the building blocks of how I am now, but it's like at some point I tripped into a hole and never really recovered.
I used to wrestle with my dad. Me and Oldest Sister both. It was fun, it was silly, it was innocent. Now I have to tamp down disgust just at like, his hand on my shoulder, let alone a hug. I thought for so long that I was just developing some weird back-specific aversion to touch. Turns out I just need to feel fucking safe about whoever is doing the touching. Not even my ex, who for the longest time I thought I trusted, could touch my back very much. Living with my partner now has me realizing maybe I really, really did not trust ex.
I used to sing with my mom. She used to sing a lot. To wake me up, to put me to sleep, just along with her CDs, in church, in a different choir-thing, anything. That... changed. Obviously at some point she stopped putting me to bed and waking me up of course, but like... that kinda disappeared for a while. Especially after my grandparents died. I know, she was depressed, that's why, and she's definitely doing better these days (still has depression but yknow) and I'm not around her nearly as much (adulthood lmao) but I still miss her singing. Not enough to step foot in a church tho XD
I used to fight with my oldest sister all the damn time. Over any damn thing. I thought she was "trying to be mom", she thought I was being annoying and obstinate on purpose just to ruin her day. I understand, these days, how a 12 year old might find a 6 year old UNBEARABLE to be around. I even worked up the courage to tell her as adults that I... feel like she hated me. She says she didn't, and I don't consider my sister a liar at all. I still don't believe her. I mean, I do, but I don't. I try to compartmentalize it. At 12 she may have SAID she hated me and meant it, while really not meaning it at all and really she just wants a moments fucking peace lmao. I don't remember her ever saying she hated me. And yet I feel it. I DEFINITELY remember her calling me annoying though, in a conversation with my grandma where grandma called me a brat. Thinking about that it's possible she didn't mean that in a nasty way, (sometimes people just call kids "brats" as if it's just a casual synonym), but I'll never know now. I doubt my sister remembers, and my grandma's dead.
I just kinda internalized that I am very hateable.
I've always been the "justice department" in my family. My father absolutely fucking hates it, as far as I'm concerned, given his need to comment on it every time I bring up something wrong about the world or like even just talking about a fact I know like "this thing has racist origins." All this is to say that when I was a kid I got VERY upset when people very obviously othered my middle sister. At the time I called it rude, nowadays I'd call it usually abelism with the occasional "that five year old has clearly never seen a wheelchair before but that's not their fault." Being also five just meant I didn't realize not every kid has been around a disabled person since they were born lmao
I don't really remember a lot of the space of my life between being maybe-six and high school. I remember discovering Bakugan, Phoenix Wright, and the Nancy Drew games on youtube and having something I loved that I could engage with all by myself. I was in cyber school in middle school, and only homeschooled before that. Somehow I had become a much angrier kid, but I was really happy to watch Yugioh (and have my first experiences with fanfiction because of that one in particular). I wrote a fanfic of Shugo Chara for a 7th grade short story assignment. The only critique I remember was the teacher pointed out "hey, why is the dad suddenly approving? maybe you could add something to show why he changed his mind." To me, it was obvious, Main Character I Don't Remember The Name Of proved she was GOOD at singing and he decided it wasn't stupid anymore. He decided her passion wasn't worthless because she proved she was good at it. I definitely see now how that was not obvious, and it could have easily been fixed by even just a line of dialogue from him (it was 7th grade I won't pretend like it would have made it GOOD).
I spent SO MUCH time in my room. At some point I stopped really having friends to just... isolate in my room and obsess over shows and anime and lets plays. I HAD friends before, I went to a homeschool co-op and had a best friend and was friendly with some other kids, but once I switched to cyber school and stopped going I just... stopped talking to them much. I started to get really annoyed by even my best friend and just kinda dropped her. I've been beating myself up since I was like 16 for being such an asshole for doing that, but now I'm starting to wonder if I was just fucking depressed. Every time I lose touch with a friend, I remember deciding not to talk to Liz anymore and think I'm just repeating an awful piece-of-shit cycle. Obviously I'm a horrible person who doesn't actually care about his friends because I out...grew someone who... was my best friend when we were kids. Huh yknow I think I just made a connection to something in a show I'm not going to name ajfhajsklgsdj
i'm tapped out on fuckignnnn thinking goodnight
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yandere-sins · 2 years
Mine Forever
This wasn’t my favorite prompt as I wasn’t aware of how broad the topic of eldritch horror was, so I hope I ended up coming up with something acceptable lol. Return of the slime monster (unfortunately, no the alien, but a slime demon is close enough, no?) and all of its... delicate doings.
Fandom: Original Work Pairings:  Yandere!Slime!Demon x GN!Darling!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Sexual Actions/Lemon (Mention of non-con, eggs and basically incubations of those, lowkey breeding mention?), Violence (Strangulations and restriction of the reader’s body), Demons (+ summoning demons), Mention of other occult/spiritual things and practices.
Prompt: @sintember Eldritch Horrors - Twisting minds, twisting depths, slithery limbs that shift and grasp and pull you deeper into the madness.
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
Your friend told you to be careful.
Actually, everyone tells you to be careful in life. Your parents, grandparents, friends, lovers, the fucking internet. It’s like everyone is so worried about what could happen that they sometimes forget to just do things. You never believed in the supernatural, so when anyone told you to be careful with things like the ouija board, tarot cards, and haunted bridges, you laughed it off light-heartedly. So far, everything has gone well.
Imagine your surprise when the magical book you got from your friend, who had it from her grandmother, who had it from her grandmother, turned out to be an actual relic. One that worked. One that could summon things beyond human comparison. A guidebook to summon demons and dead people. One that called on something so nightmarish it couldn’t be a dream of your own mind anymore.
Like a blob of what looked like snot.
Admittedly, throwing yourself to the ground laughing wasn’t the most respectful thing to do. It was a mix of relief and surprise that your summoning worked while at the same time bringing forth something so… pathetic. Now, had it been a giant, strong demon with horns and wings and fire going everywhere, you definitely would have pissed yourself. However, this… was barely enough to make your toes curl. Shaking your head, you told it, “Gosh, look at you. Kinda disgusting, sorry not sorry,” before picking it up and throwing it out of the fourth-floor window of your apartment and into the community garden.
It wasn’t even sticky or anything, just like a ball of glue slime. Still, you went to wash your hands anyway before returning to your one-room-for-everything-room, staring at the summoning circle you drew on the floor. Even though the slime appeared, it didn’t really work, did it? Must have been a coincidence. Maybe that thing had been a huge bug that had been sitting on your ceiling and fell off. Shrugging, you pushed your soft, white rug over it again, not bothering to wipe the circle off your floor before you moved your furniture over it again, deciding to just leave it in case you needed it again. Big mistake.
For once, you should have heeded the warning to be cautious.
Nothing especially exciting happened after that. You ate dinner, watched some sucky, old rom-com, and headed to bed after checking your emails and brushing your teeth. Just normal stuff. Despite your belief to know better, you left the window closed, just in case that weird bug was coming back, but really, there was a very different window you should have closed after opening it.
You were woken up by a cool feeling around your legs, sighing in your hazy mind as you opened them. The feeling kept creeping up further, caressing your skin in a mix of chilling air and pleasant touch. Even in your half-asleep state, you enjoyed it, not having been intimate with anyone for a long time and missing the caresses on your thighs. There was always the odd night out, and a bit of a dirty dream wasn’t going to stir you until the feeling crawled higher, wrapping around your wrists and lower torso. When you wanted to move them away, you were held back, restricted, and your eyes snapped open, staring at the door at the farthest end of the room.
The sensations began to crawl higher and higher until you felt something akin to a breath—rather, it was a vibration—next to your ear. You were too stunned to turn your head over and face what was waiting for you when it suddenly began to speak. “Human…” The eerie sound it made, between a purr and hiss, rumbling from the chest you expected hovering over you, made no sense in your ear. Instead, it merely formed a thought in your head, allowing you to understand it with its invading voice.
“You didn’t fulfill your promissse,” it snarled, drawing out the s-sound unnaturally.
Feeling your lips quiver, the only thought you could muster was: fuckfuckfuck, as you tried to calm yourself by staying rational. This was all just a dream, right? A joke? Was your friend pranking you? Was it an intruder? A real one or an… otherworldly one? Wetting your lips, you thought back to the ritual you did. How you thought it was funny to offer your body in exchange for all the knowledge in the world so you could pass your tests and get a good job.
Finally, after realizing you’d never know unless you looked at what you were facing, you turned your head over, your eyes widening as you stared into the monstrous visage of… something. Translucent and wobbly, a body hovered over you. Your fingers jerked, gripping the stuff holding them down, and feeling it give in to your touch but never tearing or jerking away. Just… enveloping. Forming around you. It had no eyes but was formed after a human face with lips and nose carved into it. It reminded you of a comic depiction of the devil with horns on its head but no wings from what you could see. And still, you recognized it as a demon.
Shivering at this point, you looked down, but its body seemed to spread out, coating yours in its mass. And all at once, you started to realize the mistake you had made, leaving a portal open to invite whatever you tempted with your offer. “My egg,” it breathed into your mind, the feeling so revolting you wanted to throw up. “It’s preciousss. I wanted to give it to you to carry, ssso you might gain the knowledge you ssseek. Where isss it?”
You didn’t dare to move a muscle, your body shaking. But your glance to the window gave it away. From one second to the other, the expression on the demon’s face fell into disbelief, and a hand appeared out of the dripping slime to wrap around your throat. “Unacceptable!” it bellowed, and you gasped for air as it pressed your windpipe down tightly. “It’s preciousss, and you threw it OUT?!”
All you could do was gurgle, eyes rolling back in your head and your body arching into the demon’s as you still couldn’t move the limbs it still held down. “Oh no,” it snarled angrily. “You’re not going to die. Not after I returned your pathetic call for knowledge.”
Pulling back its slime around your throat, you took a deep breath, coughing as the air began rapidly spreading inside your lungs. “P-Please…” you whimpered, coughing out the words while tears shot into your eyes instinctively. The demon merely huffed at your pathetic attempts to soothe its anger in a way only a human would. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think it was real! You have to believe me! I didn’t know what I was doing!”
“That is no excussse, Human,” it reprimanded you, and the pressure on your arms and legs grew hurtful, the demon letting out its anger on your weak limbs. There was nothing you could do, not even knowing where its body started and where it ended or how to pry its weird consistency off you. “I will give you one more chance. One more, or I will take from you what I want, and I will not be merciful as you have disssrespected me. Do you understand me?”
“Y-Yes,” you whimpered. “Anything you say, but please don’t kill me…”
Maybe dying would have been a much better option than this, the demon’s lips curling into a grin enough to ingrain fear into every cell inside your body. It mustered you for a silent moment, and you felt its gaze roam your body despite its lack of eyes. “I’ll treat you jussst like you have treated my gift. You’re mine to do as I please now, understand?”
Nodding was the only thing you could, tongue-tied by fear, while your body slowly became limb from the pressure crushing it and hindering the blood from going through it. Finally, the monster withdrew from you at least far enough, so your arms were freed.
“Then, letsss do this again. I’ll make sure my gift goes where it belongsss this time,” the demon announced, pulling back just enough you felt its body slip under your legs, lifting them and bending them at the knee, pressing them back and to the side, freeing the space to your sex and coating it in its slime again. The fabric around your legs began to dissolve, scraps of it being absorbed and floating around inside the demon as you jumped to action, pressing your hands into its body, only to get stuck inside.
“No!” you yelled, but it was already too late as you felt the slime press into you despite your desperately clenching your hole shut.
“You’ll accept my gift, Human,” it hissed, the pressure intensifying way beyond what you could stop with your tender muscles. “And you’ll give me your body as you promisssed. You belong to me now.”
A scream escaped your throat before it was muffled by the demon’s lips, the slime suddenly hot and sticky against your body, drawing you into it. Preparing you to be taken to the demon’s realm and do god-knows-what. If only you had been careful, this wouldn’t have happened! You should have left the book with your friend where it belonged. Now, the only thing echoing in your apartment was the sloppy sound of slime moving towards the summoning circle, your furniture everywhere but in its place as it dragged you back into the softly glowing portal. The last sound in your mind was the demon’s laugh as your vision turned to black.
But the next time you opened your eyes again, you were met with something even worse than what you had just experienced. Something that was using your body and making your toes curl from fear and pleasure. A shocked cry escaped you right after waking up, and the demon grinned as it emphasized its point, slime slipping in and out from between your legs and leaving a sticky mess where it pounded into you.
“Mine, forever.”
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celestetcetera · 2 years
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Blue butterfly? Hmm, like the caterpillar… plus the weird hearts on its wings. Clearly some alice in wonderland stuff going on here.
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Interesting to see one of Penny’s blades here… also the emphasis on friends that have been lost MAY just be like. Normal. But with this world being called the “Ever After” which sounds suspiciously like an afterlife name? I don’t wanna get my hopes up but gods…
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Okay. If this IS an afterlife thing, then I bet this knight is related to Jaune. I mean supposedly he inherited his original weapons from one of his great grandparents or something right?
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Hmmm… this kinda looks like a dragon. Interesting. Overall getting jabberwocky vibes.
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Oh… who’s this? Maybe one of the random citizens who fell onto the island?
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Mouse!!! There’s another clip the RWBY twitter posting showing them speaking more, which they captioned calling them “Little.” Anyways stan Little
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WHOA THAT CAT IS NOT IN THE SAME ART STYLE. Obviously this is giving me cheshire cat vibes
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Another funky creature… the colors in this shot are cool.
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And another knight? Hmm…
All the flashes of character designs combined with the narration (she heard one more question… what are you?) gives me SO much to think about.
One one hand, we see a few humanoid characters, or at least hints of them — and as I mentioned before, this might be connected to the afterlife — so will we see any familiar faces? Or voices… we don’t recognize the narrator but a few people were speculating it might be Summer. Dunno for sure though, if she’s not dead and I’m this afterlife (maybe) she’s currently Grimm goop so uhh, yeah.
But then again we have the question being asked here. What are you? Clearly humans/faunus are unfamiliar to this realm. Which makes me thing it’s probably not an afterlife — or it might just be that souls turn into mice when they die or something, like there’s a lot of room for possibilities here.
The description for the teaser also mentions that this unfamiliar realm might end up feeling more familiar to team RWBY than expected, which is either making me think it will call back to their fairytale origins or again, it might have something to do with the afterlife or maybe even like, the origins of the brother gods or something. OR!! the origins of the faunus — considering one of the creation myths heavily involves an island and we have a talking mouse, I wouldn’t be surprised if we explored this.
Overall, looks super exciting. I was NOT expecting a lot of this visual direction we’ve seen peeks of so far. I still really hope they don’t skip out on what’s happening in vacuo. Can’t wait for 2023!!
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schoolbusgraveyard · 2 years
Anon, I’m putting your message under a readmore! :D Season finale spoilers
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This has been one of my favorite things to think about because honestly? I just don’t know. I literally don’t know.
My main ideas are:
Tyler’s not really dead, but he is comatose. They load him up in the back of Emma/Mike’s jeep and go to the hospital either with or without Mariana. I can’t really see Taylor leaving her mom behind to go with them, but I also can’t see Mariana being willing to let ppl she Just Met leave without her to take her Very Much Not Okay Son to the ER.
She’s not going to be alright, either way, though. Like, let’s be real. She’s already struggling with accepting the loss of her husband and dealing with that grief--I can’t imagine what this would do to her. Either losing him entirely, or him being stuck in a coma.
I do think that, if anyone is going to explain it to their parents, it’s going to be Ashlyn, maybe with Aiden as support. A few episodes before, when she kinda blew up at everyone/apologized/said the whole “I’m getting that jeep, and we’re getting out of here” thing (which just makes this whole situation More painful), she did say that she was the one “best suited” to take responsibility for what’s happening (and that she needed to keep everyone safe).
A part of me thinks that they might just like. Try to lie, kind of. “Oh, I don’t know what happened, he just ~suddenly passed out~.”
I mean, they don’t know that their families are seeing Weird Shit at all, and after Ashlyn’s parents couldn’t see her shadow... Well. (Plus, Logan doesn’t seem to like worrying his grandparents in the slightest, y’know?)
Also think that Taylor might wake up yelling/shaking him to try to get him to wake up, but... He just. Won’t. ‘Cos. You know. I think getting her out of that panicked/desperate/heartbroken state would be kind of. Difficult.
What I’m definitely not expecting but silently hoping for is that, somehow, Logan’s distance theory can come into play. I’m just silently begging that they were maybe somehow just barely far enough away to where it... Doesn’t affect his irl body? I can’t imagine that would be the case at all. But I can wish, right?
Also, kind of really hoping but again, not expecting, for Thomas to be able to do something to help. Dunno what he could do, he seems generally freaked out by Ashlyn’s shadow, but there isn’t any evidence that he Doesn’t know shit.
Also if my response was super scattered, sorry!! I was writing while responding to half of this dgdfg
The only thing that I do know right now is that all of us who have read the season finale so far are sitting in a digital circle staring at each other like 👁️👄👁️ (and also that my heart hurts real bad because he taught Ben how to play the guitar, his and taylor’s family situation, “you’ve not been as much of a jerk lately”, and ashlyn and tyler’s argument Right Before they actually got the jeep).
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skullshoal · 2 years
Very long post about reading don’t burn me on a stake please also
i read gideon the ninth (and harrow the ninth) last year bc people i follow were drawing stuff about it that got me interested and they were such good books and i remembered how much i love reading and how i hadn’t read in like. 5 years lol. So i’ve been trying to read more. I’ve really struggled with finding new books though. I used to just walk into a library and find something on the shelf and enjoy it but that feels impossible in the adult fiction section. Like half the adult fiction is boring. And my local library is organized...like a nightmare. idk there are just like all different types of fiction mixed together and it feels impossible to like wander into a subsection of a genre bc next to one book that seems ok is 4 about being like prairie farmers or some shit you know. I tried to use like online suggestions for books similar to gideon in genre but 99% of them the library doesn’t have and after checking out like 2-3 books that seemed really interesting but then i just couldn’t get into and stay interested in i just kinda gave up.
so anyway. I decided recently bc i really like reading to reread my fav children’s series since i own all of them, fablehaven. I read the first one and still really enjoyed it! It’s not...free of problems. I have been trying very hard to be a lot more conscious with how I read. When I was a kid i didn’t even know racial stereotypes put on fantasy races was like. a thing. I was very sheltered from fantasy writing and movies (raised catholic) and while i’m only half white my white mom raised me mostly in a white school in white southern american culture so like. I just. Didn’t even know. I didn’t know gay people existed until middle school. I didn’t know trans people existed until highschool. But anyway my point is like. racially charged and transphobic and homophobic depictions completely went over my head this is not excusing them obviously i have learned but like. idk. anyway.
So i’ve been trying to pay attention to how the creatures and people are described and decide for myself if it’s bad and I think the hardest part is trying to decide if a normal racial description is like. Weird? Charged? The books are written by a white person and centered on two white kids and their family. Their are supporting poc characters. I don’t think they are handled incredibly well to be honest. The first book has their grandparents house keeper Lena who is Asian and mostly its fine besides the occasional hmmmm that’s really weird! Example she just like offhandedly says her dead husband was of the “Asian persuasion” ie fetishizing Asians. I’m probably a third of the way into the second book and their is a Samoan character. I think I struggle with knowing what crosses a line and what doesn’t. The character is a potion maker and is generally treated with respect i think??? The descriptions of goblins are probably racist. They aren’t “greedy” but they do have close to the stereotypical goblin physical description. Most of the other fantasy creatures when they are “evil” or something are described as bad for not racially ambiguous reasons like inhuman limbs and sores and smells. I feel like even though I’m reading a children’s book i am literally terrible at reading subtext. It’s hard to come to terms with that. I have dyslexia and autism but i was always told i was good at reading until i became an adult and realized I am actually just kind of OK at reading. I am good at literary analysis according to school but I don’t feel like I am. Idk where this is going mostly I just wanted to get my thoughts down because they have been mulling over in my mind while i read these books. i Am still enjoying the books. I bought and read them a long time ago and have basically forgotten most of the plot. I like fantasy and i LOVE fantasy that says magic exists hidden in our world like fablehaven and percy jackson. anyway. If you read this thanks i love you. please don’t be mean to me this blog is my personal diary
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ilovebeing-weird · 4 years
Have a Coffee
Chapter-1 Chapter-2
So, people who like angst. There won't be much angst here. I hate it! There would be hurt/comfort at best. This is going to be a fluffy story. And if I get anything wrong in the airport scenes, it's because idk how they work. Never been to an airport.
"Flight 204, to New York, from Air France will leave soon. Passengers please board the plane. Flight 204....." The voice was heard from the speakers
"Queenie, it's our flight. Let's go." Marinette called Chloe, who was busy fighting with a person, because he didn't recognise her and it's 'ridiculous, utterly ridiculous'
"Hmph, you better keep up with the celebrities. I am the Chloe Bourgeois. The only daughter of Style Queen, Audrey Bourgeois. The person who has her own amazing business. The best friend of cocci-"
"Chlo!" Mari put her hand to prevent her from speaking more than necessary. "Our flight, let's go."
"Je suis désolée Monsieur." (I am sorry sir)
"C'est bon." (It's okay)
"Let's go Chloe."
"I can't wait to go to New York! It's gonna be sooo much fun! I am so excited" Adrien squealed heading towards his seat
"When are you not excited?" Kagami asked rolling her eyes at her boyfriend's behavior
"Don't put your cloudy shade over my sunlight." Adrien said dramatically, in response Kagami again rolled her eyes.
"If you think I am such a rain cloud, why are you dating me?"
"Because I love you, Duh!"
Kagami's face went as red as a tomato.
"Aww, you're blushing!"
"No, I am not."
"Yes, you are."
"No, I am not."
"Guys as cute as you are, can we just please move." Luka said moving to his seat
"Sorry Lukes."
"Luka-bear, window seat is mine."
"I know Bee."
"Mari, you get the aisle seat. And Lu you'll have to sit in the middle." Chloe pointed to everyone's seat
"Yes Queenie!" Marinette saluted
"Perfect, now I will sleep for hours, I need my beauty sleep after all. If I will get dark circles it will be ridi-"
"Melody, your soul mark is in English, right. Maybe you'll find your soulmate here."
"Yeah, probably. My luck is not that good though."
"Don't lose hope yet Marinette, who knows maybe something good will happen."
"The flight is ready to take off, passengers please wear their seatbelts. The flight is ready to…"
"I think we should get seated." Kagami took her seat "And Mars, don't worry, you will find your soulmate soon. It's destiny."
"You're right. It's destiny."
They all got seated, and Marinette was dying from lack of her coffee.
"I need my coooooffeeeee."
"No, sleep."
"Mel, for the last time, Sleeeeep!! Please."
"But I don't wanna. I have work-"
"That can wait. I am sure your clients will understand. And even if they won't I am sure you're ahead of your schedule." Marinette opened her mouth to say something but closed it again, it happened for a good three minutes before she gave in.
"but you are working as my mannequin later."
"If it gets you to sleep."
"Why are you obsessed with making me sleep?"
"Because I care." Came his soft reply.
~After 5 hours~
"Marinette~ Where are you?~" A maniacal voice was heard
"Marinette! Answer me before I come there! Guess I will have to teach you another lesson!"
"Why don't you just die, you stupid piece of shit?" A punch
"Why are you even alive?" A kick
"You're nothing more than a waste of space." A push and marinette fell to the ground
"Nobody ever loved you, and nobody ever will! You don't even have a soulmate!" Marinette tried to say something, deny it, tell them that she had one, but she couldn't "And your "friends" they just hang out with you for pity!"
"I can't even believe I was friends with you!"
"You're nothing more than a jealous bully!"
She tried to do something, anything! But she wasn't able to, it was almost like she was bound by an invisible force.
"I hate you! I can't believe I was besties with you! You are just a liar and a bully!" Another kick, it didn't hurt. Not more than their betrayal.
"Waste of time!"
She sat there, listening to them. All of their insults, she didn't care. Not anymore.
"Guess I will have to put an end to it all, huh? I feel sad, you were a good playtoy." Her da-, no Mr.Dupain said, and the knife came down, she was screaming but no sound came out
"Marinette!" Huh? She didn't die?
"Marinette!" Adrien, she recognized the voice
"Marinette!" Marinette woke up with a shock
"What happened?"
"You were screaming and thrashing in your sleep."
"Oh, I had a nightmare." Adrien wiped her tears, she'd been crying? She didn't know.
"Wanna talk about it?" No she didn't, it will make it all real. It would bring flashbacks and she would have a panic attack.
"Not really." It was good that Adrien respected her wishes and didn't push it. "How long till we reach?"
"Uh, it's been five hours, so I am guessing three hours more. You wanna eat something?"
"N-" Adrien cut her off
"You know what? You do want to. You will obviously deny it, but I am not gonna let you starve."
"Why are you all like this?"
"Like what? So caring and such good friends? You deserve it."
"I hate you, each one of you."
"Aww, you know you love us! You looove us"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Mari rolled her eyes. She knew she loved them, they knew she loved them. They all loved each other, platonically obviously. But, there was a part of her which always wondered if they hung out with her just because they pitied her. They wouldn't do that, right?
Would they?
Finally almost eight hours passed, she had eaten and now she was working on some new designs while her friends slept peacefully.
"There has been a technical issue, the flight would land right here, in Gotham. Passengers are required to please wear their seatbelts and not panic."
WHAT!? The flight had to make an abrupt stop at Gotham at all of places, the fucking CRIME CAPITAL!! Oh no, oh no, OH HELL NO! This is a disaster, this is a disaster, a disaster. Wasn't luck supposed to be on her side? Did the miraculous mean nothing?
She quickly wore her seatbelt and checked all of her friends' too before waking them up.
"Umm, guys, there has been a technical issue, the flight's gonna land now, so you may wanna wake up." It didn't work, the formal and polite option didn't work "GUYS WAKE UP! THE FLIGHT'S GONNA LAND RIGHT NOW IN GOTHAM!" That worked! It jolted awake all of them.
"Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!!"
"You've got to be kidding me!"
"In the fucking crime capital?!"
"Maybe it is destiny." Marinette gave Luka a weird look that said 'are you crazy or something?'
"Maybe you will find your soulmate here."
"Of fucking course. In the crime capital. Maybe my soulmate is a criminal too, huh?"
"Don't be such a pessimist Mari, there are good people too in Gotham."
"So any idea what we wanna do?" Marinette asked once they were out of the plane.
"Let's order a cab to New York?"
"Yeah, let's do that. Let me check the cabs… There's no cab available for where you wanna go….. " Blood drained from Adrien's face as he read that.
"So, we are forced to stay in Gotham?"
"Well what should we do now?" Luka gained their attention
"Let's go shopping!!" Chloe, obviously, cheered "Before either of you deny, Kags, you need new clothes, no offense, but you really have a bad fashion sense. Luka-bae, I need you to carry my bags. Adri-kins, Kags need you. And Mari-bear, you have a good fashion choice." Luka and Adrien sighed, guess they have to carry their bags forever.
"I don't know Chlo, I really need some coffee and have to do some work. I guess I will go to a café instead." Marinette said sheepishly
"Hmm, if you say so." Marinette was genuinely surprised that she let her off the hook. Usually she would be dragged with them. "You can send us your location and we'll meet you there in two hours?"
"Sounds like a plan."
"Okay, bye, don't have a overdose~"
"Bye queenie!"
"Now let's find a café with an internet connection and quiet environment." She quickly searched all the café near her, fortunately the nearest café was within walking distance.
She walked for ten minutes before she reached the café "coffee and joy" apparently this café has amazing coffee and the batfam, mostly Red Robin, always comes here. The atmosphere was good, not too crowded but enough for it to be good.
She walked inside, it was good. As soon as she walked in she was greeted by the fragrance of coffee. The circular tables had plants on the side, couples were talking and chattering. There were families enjoying themselves, and a person who was typing away on his computer, huh, he almost looks dead. Well, who was she to judge, she was sure she looked the same while she was working.
She went to order. The workers there were happy and cheery. Weird, this is Gotham. Aren't people supposed to be gloomy and annoyed here? Well, Paris, the supposedly city of love, the people there are--the ones she knows the rest she is sure are good--are evil. She is not even exaggerating.
"Hi! How can I help you today?" The worker, she learnt the name was Sam, asked her.
"Hey can I get a black coffee with…..eight espresso shots? thank you!" The worker looked shocked, obviously anyone would be shocked if someone ordered this much caffeine. She muttered something that she couldn't quite make out but it sounded like 'there's three of them' . What did she mean by three of them? Eh, whatever.
"What name should I write on the cup?"
"Marinette." Marinette, the only reminder of her fam- the people she lived with. The name that was given to her by her grandma that she loves dearly. At Least her grandparents are good people.
"Okay, why don't you wait and I will call you?"
"Sure" She went to the table in the corner. So she would not grab any attention but will be able to go to the counter easily when called.
Tim was having a sucky day. Firstly, he was almost late to the meeting because Bruce thought it was good to let him sleep in. Fuck you Bruce! I don't need to sleep. Then Alfred banned coffee. Why? Because apparently he had a little too much coffee. Thirdly, his brothers were still obsessed with making him sleep, he already slept last night!
"Ughhh" Tim groaned, luckily his favourite café was just around the corner. He would go and grab some coffee there and work in peace.
Upon entering the café he was greeted by the sweet fragrance of coffee. Oh, how much he loved it. If he didn't find his soulmate he would marry coffee. Bruce wouldn't have a problem, right?
"Hey Sam!" Tim greeted the always cheerful barista
"Hey Mr. Drake. Your usual?"
"It will be ready soon!"
Thanking her Tim made his way to his usual table and took out his laptop to go over the meeting details. After a minute or so grabbing his coffee and feeling alive again Tim started working on the documents. He was so lost in his world that he didn't realise someone coming in. Only when her name was called did he realise that.
Out of curiosity, Tim looked at her, and what he saw was something he would remember forever. That woman was beautiful. He knew that it was wrong, he knew that he had a soulmate, he knew he should wait for them wherever they are, but he also knew that he felt a connection with her, he also knew that he had to take his chance. So that's what he'll do.
Waiting for a while to gather some courage and thinking about what to say. He started to make his way to her. Only to be stopped by her sad expression, she was angry, mostly sad looking at her laptop. Huh, looks like she's not having a great day. He decided that he will go to her with coffee, after all what was something that coffee couldn't solve. He ordered two coffees for them, he knew that her order was the same as his.
He took a deep breath and made his way across the café to her and offered her the beverage in his hand. "Having a rough day?"
Marinette was relieved that she got her coffee. She hasn't had any since morning. Why does the world have to be sooo unfair to her!? Opening her laptop she found some new commissions…..and some emails from her old class. Can they just suck it and move on? How childish can anyone be.
She knows that she shouldn't be but she was sad looking at it. She was just about to delete them when a voice startled her.
"Having a rough day? Have a coffee, It will make it better." Marinette being Marinette jumped at the voice.
"Ahh! You scared me! Wait a second….. You are my soulmate! Thanks for the coffee by the way." As soon as their hands touched there was a golden glow around them, a welcoming glow.
"Hey, soulmate. I am Timothy Drake-Wayne please call me Tim."
"Hey Tim, I am Marinette. Nice to meet you."
"The pleasure is all mine, Marinette." Tim kissed her knuckles to which she responded by blushing.
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Thoughts on, Invader Zim Quarterly: Holiday Special
Ahhhhh It’s out! I’m so excited!
But I always get excited when it has my man Membrane and my man Eric Trueheart involved with the comics. 
Also santa..   Tbh, I was excited and nervous about this quarterly. 
Excited because it has Membrane santa backstory...
But I was nervous because that it means they might bring back the santa-blob monster from the Holiday special on the TV... and The Christmas special is one of my least favorite IZ episodes...   I mean... I rewatch it occasionally, and it’s fun, but I’m just kinda used to IZ having more BITE in it’s satire if you know what I mean? The Christmas Special in the IZ universe doesn’t really say anything about the capitalism of Christmas... it’s not like IZ hasn’t made fun of capitalism before. (that’s the whole show)  The Christmas Special in the show just kinda fell flat of my expectations of what an Invader Zim episode should be....
The only thing I respect the Holiday Special for, is that it goes down the “Santa isn’t real” route in a kid’s show and sticks to it. (there’s no “real santa” that shows up and “solves everything”) All of the “Santa’s Helpers” confused the Santa mythos with the Christianity Jesus mythos. (”waiting one day for his return”) Which makes sense, since IZ is like dystopian future Suburbia Hell. I just kinda like that there’s no “real santa” that interfered to “fix everything” and that Zim himself ended up CREATING Santa when he didn’t exist previously. Like I find that kinda cool...
Other then that, I just kinda wanted something else from the Hoilday special then what I got. (It taking priority over scrapped episodes like “the trail” and “Ten minutes to doom” and “mopiness of doom” does not help it’s case in being one of my C-tier episodes...) 
So maybe this quarterly will fill the void of what I wanted out of a Holiday special? Well, let’s see. 
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Ways to get Dana off-board immediately: Monster Santa is canon. 
I always never liked to view the special as canon for ways that it fell flat before.
And I had the excuse of saying that the snowman was an unreliable narrator and I could adapt it down the line in my fic as a different story. 
I just didn’t like the idea of Monster-horror-blob santa...  Like... Cool design... but he just kinda represents everything I disliked about the special...  (including the major inconsistency of when Tak’s ship got fixed...)
But then again.. I need to remember IZ’s lore isn’t as consistent as I think it is sometimes... 
Okay, fine. Monster blob santa real... what else you got for me, Holiday special?
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Okay, kinda into it because this means that ZIM CREATED SANTA in this mythos... I am dying.... wait.. this takes place in the future then...soo...?
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It was all a dream?!  
my heart couldn’t take it if horror-santa was real... 
Also... that nightcap and bed... Does this mean we’re going to have an Invader Zim Christmas Carol?!?!?! I know that’s been adapted a schmillion times but I would be so into that.... 
Also... Flying... hamm...
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Good ol’ Zim... Repressing those memories...  
Also this being the THIRD ETF reference in a quarterly, It can be very safe to say the Quarterly issues take place after the events of ETF.
Clembrane exists in the Quarterly, Membrane has robot arms, Zim remembers this (kinda)  Yeah this is definately ETF verse and it’s here to stay. 
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Christmas Carol?! I’m down for this... and I can’t help but notice their claws look familiar
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Why are you here tho?
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I’m a bit lost on why these guys wanta take over the earth, but they’re hilarious so I’m just glad they’re here.
Also...   The Christmas Special is Schrodinger's Christmas... did it happen, or was it a dream, or the tales of a lunatic snowman... I guess I’ll never know. 
The issue goes on for an IZ Christmas Carol parody (heck yea) and the visions are all hilarious and I’m not gonna spoil them here... but...
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Eric.... this is terrifying..........thanks I hate it. 
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“Though I am Dib and sickly father”
I’m dying XDDDDD
Also... What the fuck is Zim’s reaction here... 
I find it funny that Zim has put Dib into simulated realities before... (in the show and comics) and in the show, Dib is all powerful and in the comics, Dib is just himself and Zim is his brother..
But seeing a simulated Dib all weak and pathetic and chronically ill BOTHERS ZIM?!?!
That’s... well that’s interesting. 
Thought he’d laugh at this honestly, but he seems greatly annoyed... 
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(those who know me know why I’m dying over this)
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(which confirms like a lot of my hcs and adds spicy kindling to my au much mad respect) 
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This I find interesting...  Zim complepative over his lonely/abandoned grave. It’s like he really doesn’t know how to feel. It’s more of a numbness then a sadness. Or he noticed how empty his life is... 
He feels lonely and empty about it...  which tracks considering how Zim’s greatest fear in the Trial was to be deleted and never be remembered by anyone. 
I don’t know... This panel makes me feel things...
Johnen: Haha. Zim’s not that deep a character.
Eric: Hey for the Christmas special, let’s have Zim parody a Christmas carol and feel lonely staring at his own empty grave when he realizes no one cares about him or misses him.
Johnen: Cool. Do it. 
What are you two assholes doing to me, man?! I have feelings! 
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Zim hates pity and people feeling bad and sorry for him. 
Man this makes me so sad...  And it really feels like this issue looked into my brain again, cause I have some plans relating to Zim not wanting sympathy or pity from anyone later down the line (okay I’ll shut up about my au. We’re talking Zim here)
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And of course, Zim breaks everything like he usually does. (this time on purpose)
Also nice callback that Zim remembered that Dib said he liked his boots one time in the Poop-wizard issue. 
Also, it ends? I guess this quarterly has a few shorter stories this time... which I’m fine with. 
Also, Zim should consider Green and Blue like D-list friends at this point and just invite them in for some fundip or something (come on, Zim, it’s Christmas.....) 
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Wait... so his Parents are scientists too? Is that why he always wanted to be a scientist?
But then wait.... If Membrane inherited Membrane Labs from his parents... Why is HIS FACE the brand of the Company?..... There’s so much Membrane-face brand merch in the show. (it decorates his home..) 
Like even if they were dead, if his parents founded Membrane labs, I feel they’d still be the face. of the company... (that’s how a lot of corporate faces are these days... they show some old dead guy who made the company as opposed to the son who inherited the Company.... Like everyone knows who Walt Disney/Mickey Mouse is, but unless you pay close attention to that kinda thing, not everyone knows who the current chairman or CEO is in the modern age....)
I just find that a bit odd. 
Anyways... I feel people can still do what they want with Membrane’s parents and get away with it. I’m not changing my “his parents were farmers” headcanon. Sorry comic..
I love how Membrane looks a lot like his mother, and his father is just BUFF GAZ with a pipe.... Truely legends. 
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The Membrane Men when they don’t shower or bathe in months.....
Someone help these two.
(thank god Membrane got better at personal hygiene.) 
Also Teenbrane STILL has his human arms and not his robo-arms.
This means he loses his arms later in life...  YUSH HORRAY FOR HEADCANNONS BEING VALIDATED!
He didn’t lose his arms in a shark accident when he was a KID! It happened WAY LATER!
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He is just... all sweat and hiding his work but also very passionate and spiteful. 
Like you can see who he grew up to become, and you can also see how a kid like Dib came out of a man like him...
But I love social anxiety awkward early twenties/late teens Membrane... He is a baby! 
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Basically, Membrane knows that Santa isn’t real, but he doesn’t want to be mad at his parents so he harbors a grudge on Santa instead... THAT’S SO SWEET I’M CRYING  TTmTT
(also I love how me and Ceph understand Membrane’s character too well that the gesture he does in the 2nd panel here are reminisant of our fic so many times... Like we have his mannerisms down and I love when the mask slips from Membrane and we get to see a real person... augh soo good) 
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Also probably guessing the parents are dead...   I’m just laughing at their designs... 
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Yes you are, Professor Membrane... Don’t let anyone tell you different. (actually, please do) Well, I mean,  At least you’re trying and get progressively better.
(also... this probably means everytime Dib has asked his Dad for a dangerous weapon to fight Zim with, Membrane just gives it to him no questions asked and I’m doing a MAJOR concern about this man’s parenting skills... get help please good sir!) 
Also, Dib really saved the day again here (like he did in Dib’s big day)
Dib called about destroying santa when Membrane was in one of his lowest points...  He hides it really well...   Especially from his children..
Ah..  I loved that one.
But I’m a huge Membrane Simp though.
I did find the stuff about Membrane’s parents a little weird... like I said regarding how Membrane’s face is the brand of Membrane labs...
Could be true that they were other scientists and that Membrane founded Membrane labs later... but that seems highly unlikely... 
Also... Why does the house look that hug when in the christmas special, it looked kinda like...well... just not that, and kinda more humble from the interior and not some big rocket lab...
So yeah... AMAZING character building for Membrane (which I eat up)
Hilarious Grandparent Designs. But I still prefer @esthyradler​ ‘s Grandparents. The superior Grandparents.
Anyways... The Quarterly was GREAT! 
I kinda find it funny the Zim story is the weaker one of the two again... But I honestly blame the Christmas Horror blob connection and the Christmas Carol parody. 
Or maybe my Membrane Bias is clouding my mind here.  I do have Zim bias but sometimes Zim can frustrate me. There’s just so many times Zim can do and say the same things you know? Zim is my baby, but sometimes his denial and annoyance with everyone can be very predictable at points. Zim was just way more fun in the last quarterly than this one. 
With Membrane it’s more of a blank slate what to do with him cause he ony started really mattering as a character since ETF. Yes, I do love show Membrane, but I admit he wasn’t exactly a character then. More of a presence and excuse for why Dib had access to lab equipment. With Dib’s Dilemma and this Hoilday special, the Quarterly folks seem determined to turn him into a fully realized character with the rest of the cast and I’m extremely excited to hear that!
(Computer issue/backstory WHEN?!) 
I don’t really have ratings or systems for these but hope you liked my thoughts.
Merry Christmas everyone.
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flashfuture · 4 years
Okay I squealed with joy reading Dick and Alfred in Nightwing 78. The letter? I might have cried who knows. And the coloring, god, it was amazing. The Ric joke stellar? The dog, I hope she stays. 
But a few things have been bothering me about this issue. 
DC is making a huge mistake with how they’re writing the batfam. Okay they’ve decided Bruce is an abusive father. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. But it’s what they’ve done. 
And now they’re saying that Alfred was super involved with raising the kids. That he saw Dick as a son (I love it so much). And that Alfred was a billionaire(kinda weird). So do they not see the issue? It means Alfred who had the resources to do something left Dick and all the other kids at the will of this abusive version of Bruce. 
Alfred cannot just call Dick his son and then turn a blind eye to Bruce beating him. That’s not how it fucking works. Bruce being abusive means Alfred is complicit in the abuse of the kids because he does nothing to stop it. He admonishes Bruce sure but Bruce goes to beat the shit out of Jason and just gets a disappointed sigh.  
And Alfred works for Bruce like full stop is his employee I’m not certain on New Jersey laws but in most places you are legally obligated to report child abuse. The fact that Alfred as Bruce’s guardian and the Butler wouldn’t put a stop to it is already breaking the suspension of disbelief and then to say he was just as involved in raising the kids and still allowed the physical/emotional abuse and neglect??? 
NO WAY was that happening. I mean clearly the solution is to stop writing Bruce Wayne OOC but still. They way it is being presented is really really upsetting. Okay I lived through abuse and my grandparents turned a blind eye. Why in the fuck would I want to read about superheroes doing that to their kids?
Oh and the billions Alfred left to Dick? Odd move because let’s look at some other people who deserved the money
I’m sorry DC what in the actually fucking fuck are you doing. Not to mention Dick has never needed the money once in his goddamn life. Also I wonder if they think Bruce being a millionaire makes him poor? Because like Dick could live a hundred lives without working a day on his dad’s pocket change. 
Okay and I love the bond Dick has with Alfred don’t get me wrong I do. But why only Dick? Like surely we’d know if the others were left inordinate amounts of money. 
I get Jason is legally dead and all but Alfred could have left suspiciously large bags of cash that one of the kids would have given to Jason. 
Tim probably most of all doesn’t need the money but still if Dick is gonna get some why not the others?
And Damian is a little boy so he wouldn’t have access to the funds or anything but like does Alfred actually think Bruce is gonna look after this one after everything he did to the other kids?
Not clear to me if Cass is officially Bruce’s daughter or not since Rebirth but still she exists. 
Okay and circling back to Julia Pennyworth- Alfred’s daughter. She doesn’t get any money? Okay like I know blood doesn’t make a family and found families are just as important. But Alfred’s daughter is right there you can’t tell me he wouldn’t have left her anything. 
I’m not saying Dick shouldn’t have gotten the money it makes sense for Alfred to leave him money. I’m just saying it’s weird he got all the money. 
Though I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a note from Alfred asking him to split it among the others. Or like Dick just decides to do that because what the hell is he gonna do with all that money? I really don’t think DC grasps just how much 1 billion dollars is let alone billions and billions of dollars. So we’ll just have to wait and see on this point. 
I don’t maybe I’m reading too much into it and I should just be vibing with the letter Alfred wrote Dick but it just I don’t know I can’t let it go. 
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My One Chicago Headcannons Part 1
Cornelius Rhodes either killed his wife or orchestrated it somehow, and Connor found out or saw and knows his dad covered it up and he can't do anything about it
Connor gives 90% ofhis income away to charity cause after he was exposed to the injustices of the world he felt like he really had to do something and is well aware that money actually does have a lot of effect on social justice and change
Helen Manning (Natalie's MIL) showed up to her son's wedding in a white dress and had some weird attachment to her son
Natalie is fluent in Italian and has been teaching Owen
Maggie was blocked from her family group chat after she sent her 1,000 meme and her aunts and uncles got tired of feeling old so her cousins and nieces and nephews created a group chat called Maggie’s memes cause they think she’s hilarious
Will Halstead violated people's DNRs because he wasn't there for his mother when she was sick/dying and he feels really guilty and needs therapy
Sharon loves heavy metal, she listen to one song like 30 years ago by accident and fell in love with the genre and when Maggie one day walks in and sees her bobbing along to Black Sabbath she looks really surprised but then Sharon shrugs, pauses the music, and asks whats up, and Maggie just kinda tucks the info away and is just happy that she knows Sharon even better now
Dr. Charles has a therapist, but isn't completely honest with her I don't think because he did some seriously bad shit to Reese that was obviously connected to his failures as a father to his daughters
Reese would have been better suited in literally any other practice of medicine but psychiatry but she made a rash decision after a bad day, encouraged by her manipulative bf, and just accepted psychiatry cause it was the best thing that came along after she dropped pathology
Joey was a POS who purposefully dated med students cause they were so naive
April Sexton wanted to be a doctor but was bullied into being a nurse by her family because they thought that her make brother deserved a better job than her because of their genders
April is so holier than thou because she found some power in social standing at her job and holds onto it for dear life to deal with the failure of her personal goals
Kevin gets invited to all of Kim's family functions (so did his siblings when they lived with him) and the entire family has basically adopted him as an older brother
Kim and Adam (separately) mail presents to Vinessa and Jordan for their bdays and holidays
Jay was totally a mommas boy and was taught to cook and bake by her (Will burns water somehow and it's shocking that he's a functional adult) he also knows how to sew and knit and made baby blankets for Owen Manning when he was born, Louie when Gabby started fostering him, Terrance Boden when he was born, and Makayla when Kim decided to foster her
Hailey can also cook and bake but it's almost strictly Greek food and the basics (she tried making bouef bourguignon once and it tasted like pigeon farts, don't ask) she;s also an amazing singer and Jay swears that she’s part siren
Platt has a vacation house in Southern France that she tells no one about, but it’s where she and Mouch went for their honeymoon, and she let’s the Hermann’s and Boden’s use it for vacations every once in a while but they’re sworn to secrecy
Voight is bi and secretly had a crush on Al almost the entire time they knew each other and he’s been taking care of Michelle since he died and Olivia (his DIL) got remarried and he hates her new husband but won’t say anything cause he knows it’s just because Justin’s dead
Voight likes some people in the world, like Platt and intelligence, but Daniel (his grandson) is the only person he actually loves and lives for at this point (if Olivia asked him to retire and move close to them for Daniel he would at the drop of a hat but he knows she wants space after what happened to Justin)
Severide’s favourite drinks are the fancy fruity ones but doesn’t drink them cause he doesn’t want to get teased about it (one of the only things Benny instilled in him, internalized toxic masculinity) so Sylvie orders them and gives them to him sometimes as a sign of friendship after he divorced the blonde he married in Vegas cause she didn’t go with him
Matt was in the foster system after his mom shot his dad not becasue he didn’t have any other family, but because no one in his family wanted him, so he actually has a massive family with lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins that he hasn’t seen since he was fifteen
Matt keeps in contact with Louie and his dad (Gabby just couldn’t and everyone understood) and gets invited over for Sunday dinner sometimes, and Louie’s grandma makes him call her ‘mom’ and treats him like a son and Matt is so grateful
Stella LOVES cars, she’s super into them and Top Gear is one of her all time favourite shows
Sylvie would be okay with getting pregnant and having a biological child but she really wants to foster and adopt kids cause even though she was six she remembers just how bad the foster system was
Sylvie has a green thumb and knows carpentry cause her grandparents taught her
Mackey loves country music and knows how to play guitar cause she likes to play along
Joe is really good at painting, some of Chloe’s favs are his acrylics but he prefers watercolours
Mouch actually became fluent in Japanese and does part-time work as a translator for the CPD
Hermann hates silence. He works in a firehouse and then goes home to a house filled with his wife and five kids, if he ever actually gets a moment of peace and quiet he blasts music, sometimes he dances too and it turns into dance parties whenever his kids catch him
Boden carves and paints wooden birds after his dad died and asked Casey to make a mobile for Terrance out of the ones he’d made and makes a special carving for everyone he loves on their birthday they’re Donna’s favourite gifts and she literally has a specific shelf for them
Gallo only likes cheese on pizza and quesadillas and the real reason he and Violet broke up was because cheese was her favourite food and she’d put it on everything (even though he gave an impromptu marriage proposal after the green eyed monster made an appearnce, she actually liked him and wanted to work on the relationship after she obviously said no, but cheese was a deal breaker for him)
Ritter is 100% a Dog Dad, Tuesday has five different beds, far too many toys to count, and he buys her gourmet dog food and treats, but it;s okay becasue Eric spoils her too
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anythingbutmar · 4 years
Diego Hargreeves x reader
Summary: After you turned 18, Diego and you pretty much distanced from the other members of the academy, so when you all meet for Reginald’s funeral you have some explaining to do.
A/N: I kinda love this concept but I changed a few details of this request so the reader is not raised as a sibling and her relationship with the others is in no way familial. I missed writing, specially for Diego, so thanks anon! This is quite long too, so sorry about that. I had a lot of fun too, so let me know if you’d like me to make this into a series, cause I might do it.
Warnings: cursing, mentions of homelessness, but overall just fluff and a bit of angst.
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You liked to say that the life you made by yourself happened because of a simple mistake, because you had come across the Umbrella Academy on a very particular way.
You could say you had a decent upbringing, your mother wasn’t abusive but she was pretty much the definition of overprotective, and as a child you were never told that it was because a man had literally tried to buy you on the day you were born, in fact, you didn’t know anything about him or the children he managed to adopt because your mother and grandparents wouldn’t let you get anywhere near any piece of information of whatever existed outside your little hometown.
They told you they were doing it because your father had left you when you were just a baby and they wanted to protect you from the dangers of foreign men, of course you thought that you were born from a normal pregnancy, and you believed everything, that and the fact that you could control any element to your will, which they said was wrong and kept hidden. You were homeschooled, and you could only socialize with the kids from your neighborhood which was good, but it wasn’t enough, and we all now overprotectiveness can really mess with someone’s mind.
And so, even though you went along with it for many years, when one of your only friends suggested you both snuck out for a party on the big city for your sixteenth birthday you couldn’t say no, and that was the mistake, if it is possible to call it like that.
On the best Rapunzel style you went out your bedroom window, got on a bus and drank so much alcohol you completely passed out on a strangers lap and woke up on an unknown bed with a beautiful woman smiling down at you. Well, maybe that wasn’t Rapunzel’s style, but it sure felt like it at first.
The next series of events happened so fast it almost felt like a dream. You met a handful of strange children, one of which you later remembered had brought you there while being just as drunk as you were, his name was Klaus, and he later became the best friend you ever had; then you had the most overwhelming conversation of your life, in which an incredibly mean old man explained how you were actually born and made you understand just how different and important you were, but not in the wholesome way.
About an hour later your mother stormed through the academy looking for you, but one of the girls whispered something in her ear on her dad’s command which changed your mom’s entire attitude, with her allowing you to stay as if it was a boarding school, or so she told you, but she only visited once every few months and she didn’t seem as caring as before. According to Allison, that was in no way her fault, and you believed her, because at the end of the day you trusted your newfound friends much more than the woman that lied to you your entire life.
And so, you learnt to control your ability like never before, while also enduring Reginald’s cruel treatment, but it didn’t matter at all, because in the midst of everything you found Diego, and with him came all the things you never experienced before. He brought you happiness, love, trust and overall, lust for life.
Two years later you were living your best teenage secret romance. You snuck out at nights to visit all the parts from the city that he wanted you to meet, and you shared tiny kisses whenever Reginald and the kids weren’t watching. But Diego left, just like he had planned since he was a kid, and you weren’t brave enough to follow him. It wasn’t until his other siblings started leaving too that you realized that no matter how hard it was to be outside on your own, holding on to life with him was better than anything else. It was actually thanks to Allison, the smart girl had noticed you two holding hands under the table and knew just how heartbroken you were without him. “Chase him, Y/N, you won’t have this opportunity ever again.” She said right before she left, and she was absolutely right.
It took you less than a week to find him on a motel, bruised as ever and with barely enough money to pay for another night, and in between hugs, kisses and forbidden touches you promised him that you’d both get out of there. He told you he had been on that place for three weeks and a half, but the first few days after leaving the academy he had to sleep on a park bench until he gathered enough money by playing with his knifes to amuse people on the street. It had been hard, but now that you were together everything was so much better.
After many years living in the back room of a rusty gym, both of you taking turns in wiping it’s floors while also trying to study and save people at nights, because the one thing you learned from Reginald was that you loved helping people, and Diego’s vigilantism was just as appealing to you as it was to him. Diego was accepted into the police force and you finished your studies on a cheap school, which allowed you both to get a job you liked, and when you were finally able to buy a house for yourselves Diego proposed.
“Y/N, before you arrived my life was a nightmare, and all I ever wanted was to stay as far away from that place as it was possible, and everything that reminded me of it I planned on cutting from my life, but you arrived with your sweet smile, your shy eyes and those damn legs, and you completely switched my view of the world because I knew right there that I would love you forever, and I do. I love to see you in your weird ass robe, making potions-”
“I’m a chemist babe, not a witch.” You corrected him laughing.
“Let me finish Y/N!” He laughed with you. “I love how you treated me and my siblings, and I love how you helped mom, and god! I love how you used to beat bad guys with fucking wind on our nights out! I love everything about you sweetheart, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” By then you were both crying, and of course you said yes, how could you not?
Cut to ten years later and the day you had silently both dreaded and hoped for came. Reginald Hargreeves was dead, and you couldn’t even tell if you were sad about it, after all, the man had saved you from Mother Gothel, as Diego and you started calling her after watching Tangled with your daughters, but he saved you at what cost? You now had quite a few burn scars in your body from his dangerous training, you loved each one of them because they reminded you just how powerful you were, but still, no teenager should have to go through that.
And you couldn’t even get started on Diego. You wondered how and when he would take the news. He was out on his monthly vigilante night, which was kind of a gift you gave to each other, you were allowed to leave for the night once every month on different days because now that you had kids you could no longer risk your life everyday like you used to before. The kids, oh boy, what were you gonna do with your beloved girls? You weren’t sure if taking them to the funeral with you was the right decision, you wanted to shelter them from death and all the evil things in the world, but then again, you weren’t your mother, and you had no one to leave them with.
Just as you were thinking about maybe even staying, your husband entered your home, and he looked destroyed. It was one in the morning and you had been waiting for him while thinking of Reginald, and clearly he had been thinking about the same thing. You quickly stood up and wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“He’s d-dead.” He stuttered on your shoulder. He didn’t even sound sad, he just seemed shocked.
“Shh, I know baby, I know.” You stood there for a while, just comforting each other in the middle of your kitchen before going to bed, you needed to rest for the next day because you knew it would be anything but ordinary.
And in the blink of an eye you were ringing the bell of the academy, each of your girls holding their father’s hand, the three of them standing behind you in your small, useless effort to protect them.
Grace opened up, and you couldn’t be happier to see her. You gave her a small hug and then gave Diego some space so he could properly say hi to his beloved mother. He introduced Luna and Amber and she was delighted to see Diego in a stable, loving family, she just seemed a bit off, but you’d talk to Diego about that later.
And then... Lord help you, you entered the livingroom and ran headfirst into Klaus who instantly hugged you, twirling you around and making you laugh as you both landed on the floor.
“Y/N, love! How have you been?” He sat up, looking at the doorframe, as he seemed to notice the two pair of eyes that stared in curiosity. “Oh I see you’ve gotten busy! Hello my little munchkins, I’m your uncle Klaus!”
“Wait Y/N/N, you’re with Diego now?” Luther asked from the other side of the room. Despite his rivalry with your now husband, you were quite close to him during your small time on the academy.
“Honestly Luther, I love you, but you can be quite oblivious sometimes.” You stood up with his help and hugged him tightly, getting a comforting feeling from his embrace.
“I’m here too, you know, your brother, Diego?” He finally entered, still holding your daughters’s hands and analizing the scene.
“It’s not our fault that you can’t say hi to anybody.” Allison came from behind him, scaring him, which made the girls laughing.
“Hi Allison.” He mumbled, rolling his eyes at his sister.
“I always knew you liked keeping your secrets but this two are way too big to hide” Se kneeled down to pinch Luna’s cheek, who smiled bashfully at her aunt.
Amber, your youngest, ran towards you and pulled your hand. You kneeled to her height as she whispered in your ear. “Mommy, I want to meet uncle Spaceboy.” You smiled softly at her sweetness, carrying her towards him. She instantly jumped in his arms, which took both Luther and you by surprise, she wasn’t the most sociable girl after all, but you kinda understood, his big frame and natural akwardness made him look quite huggable.
“Damn bro, you’ve gotten big.” Diego joined you, leaving Allison to play with Luna, who was now excited to know that she had a cousin her age, and you left before the two started bickering, but much to your surprise, the presence of your daughter seemed to retain them from fighting like they used to. Maybe bringing them was a good idea after all.
“Well, this is is quite the frame” Pogo entered the room with Vanya right behind him. You all waved at them, tired already of all the hugs already.
“Hi everyone.” Vanya entered uncomfortably, allowing Allison to hug her and having a small talk.
You turned to Diego and looked at him, a warning in your eyes. You knew your husband all to well, and you could see how much the book had hurted him, but you weren’t going to let him start a fight in the middle of a family meeting.
But of course, he wouldn’t listen to you.
“Why did you do it?” He started walking towards her as you mentally facepalmed. This wasn’t going to end well.
“Really, Diego? This isn’t the right time.” Allison scolded him, standing between him and her only sister.
“Then when is it, Allison? The next time we see each other? Should we wait another twelve years?” Allison just scoffed and stormed out of the room, Luther following after her, Vanya left silently, looking hurt, and Klaus snuck out in the heat of the moment, probably looking for money.
You sat on the biggest couch in the middle of your daughters, surrounding them with your arms. “That went well.” You stared at Diego, who pocked his tongue at you.
And it was about to get worse.
After having a tiny dance party, thanks to Luther’s incredibly loud turntable, you heard a thunderlike sound and watched as a bright blue light appeared outside. You looked at Diego, knowing what to do from all the years of practice that you had together. Each of you grabbed one of the kids, running outside to meet the others, who surrounded you in a protective manner, protecting their newly met nieces.
There was a portal in front of you, which Klaus tried to close with a fire extinguisher, but you could tell it wouldn’t work, because that wasn’t made of fire, or any other element that you were familiar with, for that matter, and you were an element bending chemist, for christ’s sake.
“What the hell is that babe?” Diego yelled, trying to understand.
“I have no idea, but there’s something coming out of it!” You yelled back, and everyone turned to look at what appeared to be an old man coming out of the portal. And in a flash of blue, a small boy landed at your feet, he looked incredibly similar to the portrait of the lost sibling that hung on top of the fireplace.
“Does anyone else see little number five?” They all nodded at Klaus, who clearly wasn’t sober enough for this, or maybe the poor thing thought that was the ghost of him, and you knew he already had enough with one dead brother following him around.
“What on earth is wrong with this family?” You said, looking at the odd teenager.
Minutes passed as you all stared at Five, who was preparing a goddamned sandwich, in the middle of one of the most confusing moments of your life.
“You’re new.” He simply stated, looking at you.
“Umm yeah, we haven’t had the chance to meet before, I’m Y/N.” You extended your hand, which he didn’t take, the tiny bastard.
“Oh we’ve met. You were the one with the girls, holding his hand.” He pointed at Diego, sandwich in hand.
“I don’t understand, you weren-”
“Look kid, I’m sorry, but I can’t trust you, you need to leave.” Diego was ready to jump at him, but Luther stopped him and you grabbed his arm softly.
“It’s ok honey, I get it.” You whispered and left to look for Grace who was taking care of the girls.
You let out a sigh as you walked by your old room. You had been wanting to scream ever since you got there, but this was your first alone moment in the whole day, and a sigh was just as effective as a scream, it helped.
Then came the funeral, and it was hard. Luther scattered the ashes and you manipulated the wind so they wouldn’t look like a pile of grey shit, which actually, was an accurate depiction of Reginald, but you did it for him and Pogo, it was the right thing to do.
And after a few out of place comments, Diego and Luther started fighting right in front of your daughters, so much for the agreement. Luna and Amber started crying, hiding behind Five, who, much to your surprise, covered them with his body as he slowly took them inside. It was infuriating to see the men fighting in front of you, but you couldn’t help but smile looking at Five.
It was that moment that truly made you feel home, like you really were in family, and it warmed your heart.
-End of maybe part one?-
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staticscreenwriting · 4 years
California Summer - B.H. Smut [two]
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Synopsis: Kings Cove California is Billy Hargrove’s hometown. It’s also a popular summer vacation destination for rich couples and their spoiled kids. (Y/N) is one of those rich girls. Proper, sweet, innocent. Only that all bores her to death and Billy is just the adventure she’s been looking for. It’s all fun and games. A summer fling. Not strings attached. Right?
Inspired by the song “Young & Dumb” by Cigarettes After Sex.
Part 1
A/N: There is smut in this, babes. Please if that is not for you, don’t read it. Also do not interact if you’re under 18, that’s just not cool. Kay, thanks ♥
[additional note: I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.]
The air is hot and sweltering on Tuesday. A blue sky filled with thick grey clouds. There’s a sizzling in the air. A promise of rain. A promise of a storm. 
Billy steps out of his car and onto the white gravel driveway of the (Y/L/N)’s holiday estate. It’s a grand house. These people are rich and they want you to know it. Nothing is subtle or modest. It wants to be seen, to be stared at, to be wanted. This house demands your attention. Thinking about it, Billy thinks it’s fitting that (Y/N) lives here. She too, demands people’s attention. Undivided. 
He steps up to the door, his black polo shirt proudly displaying the “ Franklin and Company cleaning and maintenance service” logo in his right chest. Mr Franklin said company uniforms are a good way to increase the team spirit. Billy suspects it’s just another way for those rich assholes to further distance themselves from peasants like him. 
The doorbell chimes up in some melodic little tune. Even the god damn doorbell is over the top. A deep disdain settles inside Billy’s bones, takes residence in his heart. He wonders if those people truly know what suffering means. He wonders if financial stability and a luxurious lifestyle can soften the blow of a heartache. Wonder if he’d still be this bitter, if his heart would still feel this heavy, if he was the one living in a house like this.
When the door swings open, Billy is greeted by Mr. (Y/L/N) and his smile that’s just too big. There’s a certain size a smile should have and his smile exceeds that size. It’s unsettling. With his bright white teeth and the moustache, he looks like some kind of cheesy 60s Batman villain. 
“ Hi, Billy. Good to see you. So here’s the thing — “ he then starts to proceed a dramatic monologue about the broken filter system of their pool. Billy only half listens, his mind wandering through the halls of this mansion. He wonders if she’s home. Wonders what her room looks like. Wonders if she can still feel his lips on hers. Taste him. Feel him inside her.
As they walk through the main living room, Billy’s eyes fall onto a picture on the mantlepiece of their elaborate fireplace. (Y/N) smiles brightly back at him from the photograph, draped in a long white dress and long opera gloves. It almost looks like a wedding gown only she looks way too young in this picture and there’s no husband to be seen. She smiles so big, so radiant but there’s something in her eyes. The same riddle he’s tried to figure out that day he picked her up in the rain. A kind of sadness that is both so familiar, and so foreign to him. 
“ Joan and I are gonna be out all day but if you need anything, my daughter (Y/N) should be around. She’s a nice girl, I’m sure she’ll be pleased to lend you a hand. “ 
Billy has to stop himself from choking on his own spit. If only this man knew what his girl gets up to when dad’s not looking.
“ Alright, that’s fine. “ 
“ Good. Good. Now if you’ll excuse me. “ 
“ Sure, yeah. Have a good day.” 
Mr. (Y/L/N) walks back towards the entrance hall, this house has a goddamn entrance hall. A second later his wife steps up next to him, big floppy hat on her head, fancy-looking silk scarf around her neck. That one probably cost more than Billy pays in rent every month. 
The way the interact makes him feel uneasy. There’s no affection there, no kindness. It all is very stoic and structured and empty. He wonders if rich people are all this hollow, if it comes with the territory. If maybe there are certain expectations put on you when you’re loaded and to fulfil those you have to lose part of yourself in the process. 
“ Bunny, we’re off “ (Y/N)’s father yells up the stairs to be met with her voice calling down a disgruntled “okay” a few seconds later. 
Bunny. They call her bunny. This day is getting better and better. With a smirk on his face, Billy grabs his tools and drags himself out towards the pool into the hot California sun. 
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The filter is fixed in a matter of minutes, then he cleans the pool, mows the lawn, scraps dirt out of the rain gutter. All while the hot sun is beating down on him, burning his skin and making him sweat. What he wouldn’t give for a bit of rain or a dip in the ocean. 
Just as he’s packing up his tools, a loud banging sound from the inside catches Billy’s attention, followed by a string of curses. There’s no doubt in his mind it’s her. Her voice still fresh on his mind as she whispers dirty words into his ears while he dreams.
Rounding the corner, he catches sight of her, sitting on the bottom step of the stairs, rubbing her knee and contorting her face in a display of pain.
“ Are you okay? “ 
“ Yeah, just tried taking two steps at once and uh — didn’t go so well, “ (Y/N) replies as she gets up and dusts herself off.
Whenever Billy thinks of her, his mind always wanders back to that first night he caught sight of her. Her flowy skirt, the flower in her hair, the too big denim jacket. Something about her then looked almost ethereal. Like she didn’t belong with anyone around her. Like she didn’t belong to this place. To this earth. 
Looking at her now, Billy almost can’t believe it’s the same person. She’s wearing cut off jeans shorts, socks with that frilly lace stuff stick out from her beat-up tennis shoes and the I ♥ New York shirt that’s draped over her body is at least two sizes too big and has no doubt seen a few years pass already.
“ Look at you, Mr. Polo shirt! “ 
“ Stop! “ 
“ It’s cute! “ 
“ It’s company policy.” 
“ Aw no, does it limit your freedom for self-expression? “
“ Why are you taking the piss? I saw the picture on the fireplace. Cute wedding dress. Prom? “ 
(Y/N) does that thing that’s neither a scoff nor a laugh and yet both at once. She walks up to the fireplace and takes the frame in her hands. There it is again, the sadness in her eyes. Even though she’s smirking there’s a fundamental sadness so deeply engrained in her beautiful eyes that Billy almost regrets having mentioned the photo.
“ Not prom, goof. My cotillion” 
“ Your what now? “ 
“ My debutante ball. It’s a formal presentation of young women to introduce them into society. “ 
“ Sounds like a cattle auction to me. “ 
This time she fully scoffs, no laughter or smirk anywhere in sight. “ You might have a point.” 
“ So what they like, offered you or — “ 
It’s such a strange concept, Billy isn’t even able to wrap his head around it. A formal presentation of young women already sounds wrong. Just thinking about her being paraded around leaves a sour taste on his tongue.
“ Kinda yeah. I mean it’s nothing sexual or anything but uh — well. There’s a bunch of girls in matching dresses who all get introduced individually. They put a real emphasis on who your parents are so people are immediately aware your family is loaded. Then the dad’s guide the girls across the stage and hand them over to the escort. Usually, an equally rich male around the same age who’d be a wonderful addition to the family. Then there’s this specific curtsy every debutante has to perform …” 
“ Are you fucking with me right now? “ 
“ Absolutely not. It’s a real big deal. They have a serious committee and everything.” 
“ Well you look miserable in that picture. “ 
“ Oh I was. I didn’t wanna do it in the first place and then my dad also told me that I couldn’t have my boyfriend at the time be my escort because apparently he wasn't good enough or his family wasn't prestigious enough. I really liked that boy too. I was so sad. “ 
“ Why’d you do it then? “ 
“ Well all my friends did it and then dad also pulled the mom card so — “ 
As those words fall from her lips, her eye glass over a little, as if she just started dreaming or let her mind wander someplace else. Billy always felt like it was weird, the way he observes people, the way he notices things. But when you grow up in a house that’s so loud and so angry, you start to notice the quiet things. It’s a survival instinct. Noticing the little things can save your life.
“ The mom card?” 
“ Yeah. Said my mom always wanted to see me as a debutante. Said I should do it to honor her memory. Even had her own cotillion dress shipped in from my grandparents place to use the fabric for mine. “ 
Dead mother. There it is. One little puzzle piece to slide into place. A step in the right direction in figuring out the riddle that’s her mind. Dead mother. It’s not a pain he knows but one he can imagine. His own mother was the best person he knew, an angel in his eyes. He loved her more than he ever loved another person. Then she left and ripped his heart straight from his chest. Maybe he doesn’t know what it’s like losing your mother to death but he does know what it feels like having a mother one day and then not having one the next and feeling so terribly alone in the world.
“ So Joan’s not — “
“ She’s my mother too. Mom died when I was 6, dad and Joan married when I was 10. She’s been in my life not longer than my mother was. I love her so much but I also miss my actual mom. “ 
He doesn’t know what make the words fall from his mouth so easily, as if they don’t weight a million tons on his heart. But something tells him that he can be honest with her. Maybe it’s a certain comfort that two people can only find in shared pain. 
“ My mom fucked off when I was 9. Just up and left, to be with some guy she’d met at her job as a waitress. A fucking dentist of all people. Haven’t seen her since. “
“ Fuck, that sucks. “ 
“ Yeah it’s whatever.” Billy shrugs. It’s not whatever and they both know it but it’s one thing to tell her about his mother, it’s another to open up his entire chest and let her see all the cracks in his heart. That’s a vulnerability he’s not willing to show her. 
“ Well this is turning into a gloom-fest, huh. Do you wanna get outta here and do something? “
He really does. The heaviness on his heart feels suffocating. Like someone is squeezing his chest, breaking ribs in the process.
“ Sure. What’s your plan?” 
“ No plan. How about the beach? “
Billy smiles at her suggestion. “ Sounds good. “ 
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“ Man, your car is clean. I didn’t even notice the first time. “ (Y/N) remarks as the drive along the sleepy town of Kings Cove. The windows are rolled down and a soft wind sweeps through them, making (Y/N) hair fly around her face. Her feet are kicked up on the dashboard and her red lips are pulled into a teasing smirk.
“ It’s my baby, I like it when she’s clean. “
“ She? “ 
“ Mmh.” 
“ Does she have a name? “
“ No. You wanna make a suggestion?” 
“ Hmmm how about — (Y/N) ?” 
“ That’s your name. “
“ It’s a good name !” 
“ Not naming my car after you.” Billy chuckles.
“ Okay. How about Lilly? “ 
Billy shrugs. Honestly, he has no interest in naming his car but if it makes her happy, he might as well entertain the thought. “Sure, fine with me.”
She’s quiet for a moment before she speaks up again. “ You wanna know what Lilly needs? “ 
“ No. “ 
“ Some decor. Some personality. Like some dice hanging from the mirror or — or a dashboard dancer. Like a hula girl. “ 
“ Absolutely not. “ 
(Y/N) gasps “ I know! A dancing Elvis. You know the ones! You need one of those. “ 
Billy has to wince at the thought of a cheap plastic figure vaguely resembling Elvis stuck to his front window so it can dance on the dashboard. 
“ Or I could not do that. I like my car the way it is. Thank you very much. “ 
(Y/N) just smiles and maybe that’s enough for right now. There are more secrets hidden in the corner of her lips, in the glint of her eyes, in the way the sun falls on her face. But those can stay there for right now. All that matter in that moment is the cheesy Don Henley song playing from the stereo and the red of her fingernails tapping along to the beat and the way life feels weightless then.
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“ This is so beautiful. “ (Y/N)’s words are hardly louder than a whisper. Her voice is overtaken by a peaceful sense of awe and admiration. Her bare feet are buried into the still warm sand as the sky around them shines in hues of pinks and oranges. 
“ I can’t believe you get to see this every day of your life. You can just decide you want to watch the sunset over the ocean and do it. “ 
Billy shrugs as if it’s nothing when in reality he knows exactly how much this really means. Living in Hawkins, away from the ocean and his home and his heart, it made him realise how much he really loves this place. How his heart will forever be bound to the sea and the waves and the freedom it gives him. 
“ I guess it’s pretty cool. “ 
“ You guess? Billy this is — this is spectacular. Sitting here and just taking it all in makes me feel fearless and invincible and brave. Like the world is so big and vast and there’s so much still for me to discover and experience and I can actually do it. “ 
“ What’s stopping you ? You got all the money in the world. “ 
He wonders if she can hear the spark of resentment that his voice carries. Billy doesn’t put it there on purpose, it’s just something so deeply edged into his genetics it’s hard to get rid off. Life’s hard for everyone, he knows that. The logical part of his brain does. But being financially stable surely helps soften the blow.
“ Not if you ask my parents. They’re just waiting for me to find a suitable husband whos family is at least as rich as mine if not richer. Then settle down in a nice big house, pop out a few kids — be miserable forever. “ 
He doesn’t know what to say to that. There’s a certain familiarity in her words. Billy knows exactly what it feels like being stuck in a situation that makes you miserable and to feel like you will never get out of it. Even though both their situations couldn’t be more different, there’s a shared sense of captivity. 
“ I’m sorry, I’m being a huge whiny bitch about this. Poor rich girl with her rich girl problems. “
Though her words are meant to sound airy and light, they are all but that. There’s a heaviness to them. A sincerity. 
“ Don’t be stupid. This is your future. Your life. You get to bitch about it. If not about that then what about? “ 
Billy succeeds in making her crack a smile. A small success in the grand scheme of things, but a success nonetheless.
“ What would you wanna do? If your parents had no say in it ? “ 
Her sight settles on the setting sun, her chest heaves with big breaths. As if she’s trying to catch the moment in her lungs and keep it there forever.
 “ Last year I started studying photography in New York. My parents thought I was working an internship at a family friend’s firm. I wasn’t. When they found out they made me drop out and come back home. That’s why I wasn’t around last year. That’s what I wanna do. But my parents they are — my dad grew up during a time when art wasn’t a career that could really put food on the table. He’s a businessman, a hard worker. He sees numbers before anything else. And I don’t think he’s doing this to be mean or anything. It’s just what he knows. Dreams were not something he could chase and survive it. It was eat or dream. I think he wants to spare me that life. I just wish he would take the time to even as much as look at my pictures. They’re good. “ 
“ You should show me some. “ 
To be quite honest, it’s not about the pictures. Billy has never been a particularly artsy person nor does he care for photography. But this is important to her, this is where her heart is. No one has ever believe in him, he knows the empty feeling that comes with that realisation. If he can be the one person to show her that her dreams and her talent matter, then it’s worth it.
“ Yeah? “
“ Sure, why not? “ 
“ Alright, I will. Think I can mix in some naughty ones. “ 
Billy raises his eyebrow. “Oh really? “ 
“ Mmmh.” 
Her lips don’t taste like slurpee this time. They taste like summer heat and salt and warmth. A little like cigarette smoke and mint chewing gum.
Her fingers tangle in his locks, tugging deliciously as her tongue curls around his. It’s softer than the kisses in his kitchen, not fueled by lust but by a shared comfort in each other. 
“ What was that for? “ he asks as they pull away, far enough to talk to each other but close enough to breath in each other’s air. 
“ For listening. And for — caring.” 
Billy’s lips decent back on hers, then her cheek, her neck. Her skin feels soft and warm underneath him. He can feel her pulse quickening as he softly sucks at the delicate spot where her neck meets her shoulder.
“ You can’t leave hickeys!” 
“ Why not? “ he murmures against her.
“ Got this thing at the country club in a few days. My dress doesn’t have a turtleneck. Dad’s gonna kill me if he sees it. “
Of course her family frequents the country club the town over, it’s so fitting. Billy’s been there a few times, tending to their greenery and fixing stuff. It brings good money and he got to eat their for free which was nice. But looking at all the rich people in their fancy clothes drinking champagne by the pool was — strange. Johnny works there as a waiter part time and always has the most ridiculous but funny stories to tell.
“ Aw, daddy’s little girl not allowed to kiss boys? “ Billy mocks, not making any attempt at moving his lips away from her neck until she nudges him off and pushes him down onto the warm sand.
“ Oh I do more than just kiss them. “ (Y/N)’s voice is laced with lust and passion and sultriness.
Soft warm kisses wander down his neck, as her hands leave trails up and down his stomach underneath his shirt. In a swift motion she pushes the fabric up, to pepper gentle kisses on his chest, his stomach, down to the edge of his pants. 
Billy can feel the blood rushing through him, can feel the adrenaline flowing through his veins. A tingling sensation builds up. Is there anything better than a girl sucking you off with the sun setting over the ocean in the background? Not really, he’s fairly sure about that.
(Y/N) hands fumble with the zipper of his jeans before she pulls them down just enough for his dick to pop out. 
The way she looks up at him, eyes filled with a mixture of mischief and innocence. The way she bites her lip in anticipation — it kills him. This is his day of reckoning. This is the end and god does he love it.
Billy is fully aware of what's happening as she swirls her tongue around the head of his dick but his mind is swimming, his heart is pounding. Maybe it’s her or maybe it’s the moment, he doesn’t know. All he does know is that sometimes life can be real fucking sweet. Especially when your cock’s soft and warm in a pretty girl’s mouth.
She hollows her cheeks, goes fast then slow, moves her hand along her lips in a perfect rhythm of pure lust. It’s wet and warm and tight and perfect.
An alternating pattern of kitten licks and deep strokes drive him crazy. She swallows around him like the goddamn patron saint of sucking cock, takes him so deep he’s fairly sure they should grant her some award for it.
When he feels the tidal wave of passion crash onto him and pull him under, drown him in ecstasy, he buries his fingers into her hair, pulls her closer, moves his hip faster — fucks her mouth. And she moans, every once in a while looking up at him with those eyes — those damn beautiful eyes. And there’s a smirk playing on her lips, around his dick, every once in a while. She enjoys this too and that’s what sends him over the edge.
Billy cums just as the sun sets behind the horizon, that one moment when the world is pure gold. He doesn’t see that though, doesn’t realise. All he sees is her eyes and her smile and the way she wipes her lips and all the riddles he wants to solve that live in her heart and all the things he wants to explore with her.
“ You’re welcome.” she says and giggle as she crawls back up to lay beside him, propped up on her elbows, eyes set on the horizon.
“ Uh-huh. “ Billy’s mind is still hazy, words can hardly form least of all make sense.
“ I can’t believe you get this view every day. “ 
He’s not sure whether she’s talking to him or to herself, maybe a little of both. What he’s sure of though, is that his view is much nice right now. Her, free and wild and — beautiful, sitting and watching as the world turns pink and orange and gold for one last time before nightfall. 
It’s quiet for a moment as they catch their breath, as she takes it all in and Billy tries to shake off the fogginess in his brain. It’s quiet and peaceful and safe and comfortable. 
And then she speaks up again.
“ You should come to the country club thing. “ 
And his heart sinks because — absolutely fucking not. 
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the-edge-of-great · 4 years
(i don’t have one favorite character, so i wrote something from different POVs of my main five :)) @jatp-week 
also i forgot ghosts don’t sleep. we’re pretending like they do today
“Flynn, no pressure, but I’m performing tonight,” Julie says while Flynn is dipping her brush into the black paint. “So, you know, make me look pretty.”
Flynn gasps, almost jerking her hand when she looks back at Julie. Julie catches her wrist before she can fling paint everywhere. “You didn’t tell me you were performing tonight!” She pauses, looking over her current progress. “Now I’m nervous.”
“I have total faith in you.” Julie’s eyes dart between the paint brush and Flynn. “But show me how it looks so far?”
Pursing her lips, Flynn shakes her head, grabs Julie’s shoulder, and aims the paintbrush at her cheek. “No way. You didn’t let me see until you were finished.”
“But—” Julie freezes when the brush touches the corner of her mouth, and her eyes quickly move to something behind Flynn. Her lips begin to twitch into a smile.
“Hey, hey!” Flynn cries. “No moving.”
“The guys are confused.”
“I’ll explain. You stay quiet.” Flynn gives her a second to stop laughing before continuing the delicate line she’s trying to curve across her cheek. She takes it slow—agonizingly, if Julie’s eyes are anything to go by. “So,” Flynn begins loudly to the dense air around her, “we’re getting ready for Day of the Dead, which is a holiday Julie’s family celebrates. I’m trying to draw a sugar skull design on her, like she did for me.”
Julie has always been the residential sugar skull designer in the house. She always drew Carlos’ face, her mom’s, and Flynn and Carrie’s. Usually, she does herself too, but this is their first Day of the Dead without her mom, so Flynn has decided to take the paintbrush into her own hands and surprise Julie with something beautiful—or try to, anyway.
Flynn’s face looks awesome. Julie painted only half in white with a fissured edge down the center of her face. From her eyebrow to her cheekbone, her eye is circled in green and lined with black. Half of Flynn’s mouth stretching to the middle of her cheek has been transformed into skeletal teeth with a vibrant green glow. Her dimple has layers upon layers of dark and light green paint, carefully blended to look like a real skull indentation. Small black circles line the top of her eyebrow, and thin black lines curve across the empty space of her cheek.
For Julie, Flynn is going for a more simplistic look—all of the drawing talent in the friendship seems to have been swallowed up by Julie. Right now, she’s focused on a curved black mouth stretching from one ear to another, adding extra detail to her lips to create a stitched effect, and then? She’ll figure it out from there.
“And I’m not taking any opinions from them,” Flynn declares. She holds her breath until the second line finally meets her ear and she’s finished with the mouth base. “They’re probably biased.”
Julie smiles as Flynn grabs her paint cup. “Actually, Alex says he likes what you’re doing so far.”
“… I’m only taking feedback from Alex.”
Julie laughs. Flynn can’t fight back her smile. “Reggie and Luke like it too,” she adds, smiling up at the space behind the couch. “They think I look scary.”
“How do I look?” Flynn asks, brushing her hair out of her face and looking up at the air, as if she can really see them. She wishes she could.
“They say you look amazing,” Julie translates. “I did that, by the way, so thank you.” She grins at them. Someone must reach for a fist bump, cause she moves her fist across the couch.
“Okay, if you’re going to stay, you can’t make her laugh.” Flynn leans forward, carefully painting over the tip of her nose. “She has a performance tonight, and if I mess up, you can’t fix it. I forbid it.”
“No—” Julie whines.
“You knew the risks when you agreed to let me do this!”
“You didn’t give me a choice!”
Flynn smacks her. “Stop smiling!” But she’s grinning too. It’s hard—how can you look at your best friend and not smile? Flynn waves a hand between them. “Okay, okay, we have to get this done. My hand is tired.”
Julie chuckles. “Okay.” She glances to her left. “No, I didn’t tell anyone I’m performing tonight. It was supposed to be a surprise.”
“Then why’d you tell me?” Flynn demands.
“To make sure you don’t make me look bad!”
Flynn scoffs. Her finger lifts Julie’s chin to make their eyes meet. “Girl, it’ll take a lot of paint to make you look bad.”
Julie grins.
“And Luke better not have said something equally as cute just then.”
“No—” Julie says it like the idea is overly ridiculous, and Flynn wants to roll her eyes. “Of course not.”
“Mmhm. Hold still.”
Julie and Luke are dating. Flynn isn’t sure how that works—him being a ghost and everything—but Julie makes it make sense. And what can Flynn say? As long as Julie’s happy…
Forty-five minutes later, she sits back with a sigh to admire her work. One of the guys poofed into Julie’s room to grab her makeup bag, so Julie’s eyes are shining with pink and purple eyeshadow to match the pink patch surrounding her right eye. Flynn finished Julie’s eye with a thin black ring and pink and purple circles curved halfway around the top and bottom of her eye. Her nose is black—Flynn’s sure she’ll add more detail in her room later. Then Flynn will complain that she messed with a masterpiece, even though she’ll love whatever additions Julie draws in.
“Wow, okay,” Julie says, looking at herself in her phone’s camera. “This looks so good. Way to pop off, Flynn.”
Flynn waves herself. “Thank you, thank you. It’s my hidden talent.”
Julie grins over her phone. They share a beat of silence before bursting into laughter. Julie leans forward, throwing an arm around Flynn’s shoulders and holding her phone above their heads. They take bursts of pictures, some serious, most silly. They play with Snapchat filters, film TikToks. It’s fun—Day of the Dead is always fun. Especially this year: the year Julie found her music again.
He knocks before entering her room. As he passes through the door, he can hear Flynn and Carlos arguing about what color icing should go on the cupcakes. Alex and Reggie are down there too; he hopes Alex doesn’t let Reggie do anything crazy tonight.
Julie’s sitting in front of her mirror, humming and painting over her eye. She glances at him as she walks in.
Luke chuckles. “Flynn’s not going to be happy you’re changing her design.” He pulls her desk chair over and takes a seat next to her.
“I’m not changing it.” Julie dips her brush into pink paint. “I’m just… adding some stuff. I had an idea.”
“Dahlias.” She side eyes him and smiles. “My mom loved dahlias.” She balances her palette on her knees, steadying it with one hand while leaning forward to paint a second flower at the corner of her eyebrow.
“Here,” Luke offers, reaching under her arm to grab the paint. He holds the palette next to her, and when she reaches over to dip her brush, she smiles in thanks. “So, what exactly is Day of the Dead?”
“First of all, it’s usually pronounced Día de los Muertos,” she begins. Oh God, he loves when she speaks Spanish. “It’s a three day festival where we celebrate the lives of those we’ve lost. My dad’s side is coming over—we always celebrate with the Molinas. My mom was Puerto Rican; they don’t really observe this holiday. But she celebrated with my dad when they first started dating, and she fell in love with the holiday.”
“What’s so great about it?”
Julie waves a hand at her face. “The makeup. The costumes. The music, dancing, food… Just having family around. Being completely immersed in our culture.” She shrugs at him. “We speak Spanish sometimes around the house, but it’s my grandparents’ first language. They had to learn English when they first came to America, but they prefer Spanish.”
“Where’d they come from?”
“Panama.” Julie pauses, carefully painting leaves around the base of her dahlia. “My grandparents have ofrendas set up at their house—ofrendas are altars where we leave offerings for those who have passed. Tonight, we’re going to the cemetery to visit Mom’s grave.”
He notices the way she falters when she mentions her mom. He hates when that happens; always wants to kiss away the sadness. When Julie puts down her paintbrush, he takes her hand in his.
“Hey,” he whispers, running his thumb over her knuckles.
Julie takes a deep breath. “We didn’t celebrate last year; it was too close to Mom passing away.” She shrugs. “We didn’t have it in us.”
“This is your first year without her,” Luke realizes quietly.
“We have an ofrenda downstairs for her. Dad and Carlos did most of it. I was supposed to find some stuff in the studio, but—” She shakes her head. “It’s just weird. This was her favorite holiday, and now she’s—” Julie rolls her eyes. “I know it’s been a year, but—”
“Hey,” Luke interrupts. He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. His fingers linger against her skin, cupping her cheek, mindful of the paint. “This is your first year without her. It’s okay to still be sad, Jules.”
Julie’s next breath is shaky; her eyes are glossy as she looks away. “Can’t cry,” she mumbles, shaking her head. “Flynn will kill me.”
Luke laughs. Behind him, he hears the whoosh of Alex and Reggie poofing in her room. Julie smiles weakly at them.
“Were we interrupting?” Reggie asks, raising his eyebrows knowingly.
Alex shakes his head. “Sorry. He kept stealing Flynn’s cupcakes to give to Carlos, and I knew he’d either scare your tía or Flynn would hit him with a spatula if we didn’t get out of there.”
“Carlos deserved to win—”
Julie laughs out loud. She wipes at her eyes carefully; Luke hopes she’s forgotten her grief for now. Luke grins at her. He loves her laugh. Have I mentioned he’s kinda just in love with her?
“We have a little bit before my family arrives,” Julie says, checking her phone. She tugs her lip between her teeth. “And I have extra paint…?”
Reggie bounces on his feet. “Yes!” he cries. “I want a face painting!”
As soon as Luke steps away from the chair, Reggie is there, knees bumping against Julie’s. “Make me look cool.”
Alex lays across her bed, resting his chin in his hands as he watches them. Luke hands the palette to Julie and steps out of her way. While she works on pouring more paint out, he dips his head and presses a soft kiss to her hair. Then he takes a seat next to Alex.
Luke grins. “I want next!”
He knows the party is really in full swing when the sugar skulls are beginning to set in and the children running around are almost as loud as Julie’s cousins playing music in the living room. Carlos’ real teeth are black; they match the set Julie painted on him. It looks a little creepy; his tía Victoria demands he go brush every time he grins at her in passing.
Reggie ducks past people as if they won’t pass through him; it’s still weird to him, and he knows they feel the same way. At some point, he was separated from his friends. He sees Luke and Julie every now and then—Julie’s making her rounds with her family, and Luke is by her side, always—but he hasn’t seen Alex in a while. He wonders, in the back of his mind, if Alex is even still around. Would he leave a party? He’s done it before. If there’s a chance he can hangout with Willie? No doubt. But would he leave Julie’s party to hangout with Willie? Hm… nah.
His favorite thing, he thinks as he walks through the house, is the atmosphere. There are so many people around—and most are Ray’s siblings! Julie mentioned in the middle of face painting that Latino families are often big, but he wasn’t expecting this! He loves it, though. Sometimes he lingers in a room before moving on, and he hears stories about Ray from his siblings: childhood mishaps and teenage antics.
And with so many siblings comes cousins. They range in age, from Carlos’ to Reggie’s. He overhears Carlos tell the other kids about the ghosts that haunt their house—Reggie leaves with a personal promise to prove him right later.
On his second walk through the living room, he finally spots his friends: Alex is sitting on the arm of the couch next to Flynn with Luke next to him. Julie stands beside an older man with a long beard and a guitar on his lap. Just as Reggie’s about to cross the room to them, something catches his eye.
It’s a shelf to his left, spotted with candles, photos, and flowers. He steps closer, curious. There’s a picture of Julie’s mom in a frame on top, he thinks. She looks… familiar. On the first shelf down is a pair of drumsticks and guitar picks. Reggie frowns. Why are there… drumsticks? He reaches for them. They couldn’t be Alex’s… could they? Why would his drumsticks be—
“I told you our house is haunted!” Carlos cries, and that’s when Reggie notices how quiet everything is suddenly. The drumsticks bounce against his fingers and roll back against the shelf wall.
“Reggie,” Alex hisses behind him.
“Dude, your drumsticks are up here!” Reggie cries.
Julie moves when no one else does. She’s not looking at Reggie, but he begins apologizing anyway, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare everyone.”
“It’s okay,” she says quietly, reaching for the sticks. “Whose are…?”
“I found them in a box of your mother’s things in the studio,” Ray explains, walking over.
Reggie throws a knowing look at Alex. Alex frowns and summons his drumsticks. They appear in his hand in a flash, and when Reggie turns back, there’s still a pair in Julie’s hand.
“Oh,” she says. “I didn’t know she played.”
Ray chuckles. “Your mother played every instrument she could. Now, there’s a difference in playing and actually sounding good… Drumming is not something she excelled at.”
This earns a round of laughter from their family. From Julie, who’s beaming under her makeup at the new information. From Alex, who adds a “If that isn’t a mood” under his breath.
“What—” Luke argues. “Dude, you’re literally a drummer.”
“I make it look easy.”
Luke rolls his eyes.
“The guitar picks are hers too,” Ray adds, pushing them into his hand. “Look, they have the logos from each of the bands she was in.”
Julie looks them over. “I’m sorry.” She shakes her head. “I should’ve grabbed these from the studio. You told me to find things for her ofrenda, but I—”
“Hey, it’s okay mija,” Ray interrupts. He squeezes her shoulder. “It was actually fun going through her old stuff again. I, personally, haven’t seen these in years.”
Reggie realizes he’s smiling long before Julie finds her strength again. He loves the father-daughter moments they have, even though he has a nagging feeling that he should be over by Luke and Alex and not intruding. Their relationship is addicting, though. He’s never had that with his father.
Maybe… that’s a can of worms to open on another day.
“Speaking of talent,” the man with the guitar says, “Julie? Cantar para nosotros?”
Reggie doesn’t know what he said, but Julie does. She nods. As they part ways—Ray moving past to fix the ofrenda, Reggie walking toward his friends, and Julie heading for the front of the room—Reggie squeezes Julie’s shoulder in passing. They share a quick smile.
“Good luck,” he says. She can’t respond, but he knows her smile is for him.
Alex has never experienced this type of music live. They have a whole band up there—two guitarists, a woman sitting on a cajón box, and Julie with vocals in the center.
“And now you see Julie’s other band,” Flynn whispers to them. “The Molinas.”
The song begins softly. Alex can’t understand anything Julie’s singing, but he doesn’t have to know the words to hear her voice. As the beat picks up, so does her volume. He can see the moment she loses herself completely to the music; it’s the same at their own concerts: her eyes squeezing shut, one hand pressed in front of her and the other at her side. She can’t stand still, either. Julie steps over her younger siblings sitting on the ground carefully, but she’s bouncing on the soles of her feet. The music’s contagious—by the time she’s danced around the room and made it back to where she started, the whole room is clapping on beat. They’re grinning at each other, some singing along, some cheering.
Alex can’t fight a smile. It’s impossible. He looks at Luke and Reggie—they mirror him. The energy Julie and her family has created is infectious, as music should be; even if he still doesn’t know what she’s saying.
Julie ends the song on her own with a stretched out note, instruments falling away with each beat she holds in a breath he can’t believe is possible. Everyone watches with bated breath, anticipation, building excitement for this girl. Julie Molina—Alex shakes his head in disbelief. What a damn star.
Flynn leaps to her feet when Julie finally takes a breath. “WOO!” she shouts. “Go off girl!”
Alex finds himself laughing when the room erupts into cheers. Luke is practically vibrating with excitement. Reggie shouts with Flynn.
Julie takes a bow, shoulders bouncing with quickened breath and eyes shining under the dark makeup.
Flynn yanks her into a tight hug. “Oh my gosh, that was incredible!” she cries.
“Seriously,” Alex agrees. “You killed it.” He fist bumps her, hidden from the rest of the room in front of Flynn.
“I have no idea what you said, but it was beautiful,” Reggie adds, starstruck.
Luke grins at her. “You never cease to amaze me, Jules.”
As the excitement dies down, so does the party. The family disperses in groups until Carlos and Julie are hugging tía Victoria goodbye, and Ray is closing the door to a finally quiet home.
“So,” Ray says, turning to his kids. “One last thing to do tonight.”
Carlos nods. “I’ll grab the candles.”
"And I'll get… everything else," Julie adds. She glances at Alex and the others on her way up the stairs.
They meet her in her room. Alex sits on her bed. "So, what's next?"
"We're going to the cemetery to visit Mom's grave," Julie explains, opening her closet. She grabs a bag and joins Alex on the bed. "You guys can come if you want. People light up the graves with candles and lights—it's beautiful."
Sounds beautiful, but—Alex looks over at Luke and Reggie. They meet his gaze with as much hesitation as he feels.
"I think we're going to hang back," Luke admits softly. "It's, um… I think it's kind of weird for us, you know? Since we're…"
Julie blinks. "Oh, right. Duh. Of course." She shakes her head. "That's okay."
Alex smiles. "But we'll be here when you get home."
She nods, returning his smile. Her eyes flicker to something behind him, and she hurries around the bed. Alex is just turning to her when Reggie gasps.
“The box," he whispers, eyes wide.
"Don't act like at least one of you hasn't been in here already," Julie mutters, opening the box on her bed.
Alex and Reggie throw a look at Luke, who's chewing his lip sheepishly.
"What're you doing?" Luke asks, moving to her side.
"I—" Julie quickly tucks a piece of paper into her pocket. "I'm just… It's an offering for her."
Luke frowns. "Okay. Sorry, I didn't mean to—"
"No, it's—"
"Julie!" Ray calls up the stairs. "You ready?"
Julie sighs. "Yeah, dad!" She shifts her weight, glancing between them. "I'll tell you guys later, okay?"
Reggie nods. "Yeah, of course."
She takes two steps toward the door before turning back to them. "Group hug?" she asks hopefully. "Real quick?"
Reggie immediately wraps his arms around her. "Like you even have to ask," he mutters. They chuckle. Alex rolls off the bed, and he and Luke join in. They've been doing this a lot more: hugging. Ever since they've been able to touch each other, this has become their thing. Not that Alex is complaining.
When Julie pulls away, she's smiling so wide. Alex smiles back, but he can't help thinking there's something behind that skeletal grin. He doesn't ask; none of them do. They let her go, despite the feeling gnawing at him. Later, he decides. Hopefully they can figure it out later.
The cemetery was always Julie’s mom’s favorite part of Día de los Muertos. There’s a chilling beauty in a sea of lights across acres of land, crowded with people who can all relate on some level.
Rose Molina’s grave is lined with white and blue candles—she always loved the ones that smelled like the ocean. There are guitar picks scattered across the stone, most of which didn’t come from them. Ray suggested previous bandmates; Julie has never met the previous bandmates. She wants to one day; hopes to.
They stay with her for a while. She doesn’t know how long they sit by her, telling her stories about what’s happening in the past year. They have a lot to catch up on—Julie’s sure this is Carlos’ first visit since she died. It’s definitely Julie’s. Her dad’s been here a few times, only once or twice. She wonders if there have been any recent visits.
There are tears in her eyes when they finally stand to leave. Her dad catches it somehow—she’s sure her dark makeup shadowed by the dim light would’ve covered her—and before she can blink, he’s wrapping his arms around her in a tight hold. She would’ve buried her face in his chest if she had washed her paint off. But she didn’t, so she doesn’t hug as tight as she wants, and she pulls away too soon.
As they’re leaving, Julie remembers the note in her pocket. “Wait,” she says, falling out of step with them. “I forgot something.” She lingers, shifting her weight. “Can I meet you in the car?”
Carlos frowns. Dad nods. “Of course,” he says softly.
Julie watches them go, disappearing in the crowd. In just a blink, she’s alone. The note is heavy in her chest. With a deep breath, she turns back to her mom.
“Hey,” she says, sinking to her knees. “I have something I want to show you.” She crosses her legs under her and unfolds the note in her hands. “Remember that song we started writing while you were in the hospital? Stand Tall? We never… got to finish it…” With trembling hands, Julie slips the note beneath a picture frame Carlos left at the base of the stone. It’s a moment captured after Julie’s performance at The Orpheum: her, Carlos, Dad, and tía Victoria, posing under the Julie and the Phantoms sign.
“Well, my friend Luke helped me write that second verse,” she continues. “He’s—He’s kind of more than my friend. You know who he is, and what he is.” She laughs. “Don’t judge me too hard for this relationship, okay? He’s really… a great guy. They all are: Alex, Luke, and Reggie. They’ve helped me in… more ways that I can put into words.” The next time she laughs, her voice is shaking. She sniffs; the black on her nose smears across her hand when she rubs her face. “Anyway, um, I just wanted to give you this. And I wanted to tell you thanks. Thanks for sending the guys to me. Thanks for giving me the courage to get back into music. Thanks for…”
Julie shakes her head. The tears are back—she tries swallowing them back. Maybe if she can just hold it in for a little bit longer, at least until she takes the paint off—
“I really miss you, Mom,” she says carefully, slowly, like every word takes all of her strength. “A lot. Every day. I miss you. I miss you. I love you.”
Someone stops behind her stone. Two people, actually. Julie sniffs. She wipes at her nose again; she doesn’t care what she looks like now.
That’s weird. Sounds almost like—
Julie brushes off her pants when she climbs to her feet. She sniffs again, eyeing the pair across from her: Carrie and Trevor Wilson. Trevor is holding a bouquet of flowers; it takes her breath away—dahlias.
“We were just coming out to pay our respects,” Trevor says. He separates a dahlia and hands it to her.
“Nice makeup,” Carrie says, not unkindly. She’s actually smiling, kind of like she used to when they were friends.
“Thanks, I—Flynn did it. Well, not…” Julie gestures to the smudged paint.
“Right.” Carrie reaches into her bag and offers a wad of tissues. Julie takes them with a smile. They share a nod, Julie thanks Trevor for the flower, and they go their separate ways. At least Julie doesn’t feel as heavy as usual when she walks away from Carrie.
At home, when her face is clean of any paint and she can see herself again, she steps into her animal slippers and makes her way down to the studio. The guys are waiting, just like they said they would. They smile when they see her, and she smiles back, but her gaze settles on the piano, and then she can’t look away from the piano.
Two years ago, she played a song while her mom strutted around the studio, pretending to sing terribly and still managing to sound like an angel. The year before that, Julie and her family sat on the floor surrounded by candles and told ghost stories because an earthquake knocked out their electricity (that’s where Carlos’ fascination comes from). The year before that, they—
Julie’s lip quivers. Her fingers curl around the arm of the couch, her vision blurs, and everything hurts. Someone’s in front of her in seconds—it’s Luke. He’s holding her close, tight against him, fingers in her hair, and she just breaks.
Her hands tighten into fists around his shirt. She buries her face in his shoulder; now that she’s started, she can’t stop. She tries to speak, to explain, but—
“Shh,” he whispers. He rubs circles into her back. “I know. I know, baby.” He kisses her hair. “It’s okay, Jules.”
She doesn’t try speaking again, and when Alex and Reggie join the hug, she just cries harder.
When she wakes the next morning, she’s on the couch. Luke’s behind her, an arm around her waist, legs tangled. Alex is in front of her, sitting against the couch with his cheek pressed against the cushion. She grimaces for him; that can’t be comfortable. On the floor, with his head in Alex’s lap is Reggie, curled in a ball against the couch. They never left her side last night.
With a heart swelling with warmth, Julie snuggles closer to Luke. Her movement causes him to hold tighter, which takes her breath away.
Julie smiles at something across from her before going back to sleep.
Laying on the coffee table in front of Alex, at the edge, as if it doesn’t want to leave her side either, is the dahlia.
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hiii! can i get some spooky halloween prompts? anything goes: supernatural, terror, costume party... thanks!
Sure thing! Normally I would have done these last since I do requests in order but since they’re Halloween themed I decided to do them first just in case I’m not done with the prompts in my inbox by the end of the month or something.
Dialogue Prompts
1) "Hey, I got us invited to a costume party but we've got to bring a live animal for some reason." "Were you invited by someone who sacrifices animals?" "You know, they mentioned something about a sacrifice but I just thought they misspoke and meant to say sack of ice." "Yeah, we're not going to that." 2) "Hey, I accidentally joined a cult again, can you come pick me up?" 3) "Were you making out with Person A?" "It was just heat of the moment!" "We thought we were going to die when you chased us around with that fake chainsaw!" "Does Person B know about this?" "DO NOT TELL THEM." "Oh...I'm gonna." 4) "Grab a shovel, idiot, we've got to raise another person from the dead." "Ugh, again? Didn't we just raise someone else?" "Yeah, and now another person is dead so we have to do it again." 5) "Great. I'm alone. I'm alone in the fucking woods dressed like this. I'm gonna get murdered. I am. I'm gonna get murdered because Person A doesn't know how to follow simple fucking directions. It's great. Perfect, just where I wanted to be." "Are you talking to yourself?" "Jesus fucking Christ! Don't sneak up on me like that. God! Should put a fucking bell on you!" "I've been behind you the whole time." 6) "Sun comes up in two hours, we have to go back home." "I don't want to be a creature of the night like you." "Yeah, well, no one asks to be but you are. And it's either hide or burn." 7) "Hey, my shithead relative's in town so we're taking their things and burying them in the woods, wanna come?" "Wont they notice things are gone?" "Yeah, but they think my house is haunted so it's fine." 8) "Person A?" "What? Did you hear another noise?" "There's someone watching us over there." "Get in the car. Quickly, quickly!" 9) "You absolutely cannot wear that costume." "Why? Cause I look fucking sexy as hell in it while you're dressed like some furry?" "First of all, I'm not dressed like some furry. I'm dressed like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. You know that. And Second of all, it's a Halloween themed birthday party for CHILDREN. No, you can't wear your sexy BDSM catsuit. We're going to celebrate a birthday not get hit on by single mothers/fathers." "Maybe you're going to celebrate a birthday. I'm looking to get some phone numbers." "Change." "God you're a buzzkill. Fine!" 10) "Oh my god, there's the killer!" "You know, they're looking kinda sexy in this lighting." "They've murdered six people." "Maybe I should ask if they're up for destroying my-" "Stop talking!" 11) "Oh no, I sure hope no murderers are out there looking for me, Person A, a sexy and single person who likes long walks on the beach and having a good time with fun, adventurous, sexy singles in my area!" "God. Can you just act like a normal person for five fucking minutes, please? Please? I am literally begging you." "What? I just want to let everyone know I'm not afraid of a little danger!" "People are dead, Person A." 12) "You're holding my hand." "I just don't want to get lost in the woods at night." "You keep squeezing it tighter when you hear a scary noise." "Okay, so I'm scared. What? You going to call me a chicken?" "No. I think it's cute when you hold onto me tighter." 13) "You look like you're going to vomit." "I am, I'm incredibly sick. I was gonna go home, but Person A showed up and they hate me so I swallowed a handful of blood capsules so when I throw up it looks like blood." "Why would you do that?" "Because I hate Person A and want to scare them." "But what if they don't care." "Then they look heartless in front of everyone. Basically a win for me." 14) "How'd swallowing blood capsules go?" "Turns out they're super toxic and I had to go to the hospital immediately. But I did find out that Person A doesn't hate me, they're actually in love with me but didn't know how to express that because they're bad at expressing feelings. So we're dating now." "Jesus Christ, I can't believe that's the story you're going to have to tell your future kids." 15) "Don't panic, but I have a knife in my chest." "You what?" "I fell when I was carving a pumpkin and ended up stabbing myself in the chest with a knife. I'm fine though." "You're not fine, you stabbed yourself." "I'm fine, I'm driving myself to the hospital right now." "You're driving?!?!" 16) "What are you going to be for Halloween, Person A?" "Myself." "That's a horrible costume, it'll never win the contest. Go as a dog." "Sound's like Person A already is!" "Fuck you, Person B!" 17) "Person A got hammered and threw up in a child's Halloween bucket." "That's okay, they said trick or treat. Not everyone can be lucky enough to get a treat. It's about time kids started receiving some tricks." "I'll go give them the rest of the candy bowl and apologize. You keep A here." 18) "HEY! DID YOU FUCKING BUY THESE WAX CUBES THAT SMELL LIKE CANDY CORN?!" "Yeah." "Don't you EVER buy these again. Person A just ate seven before I read the packaging." "Why didn't Person A read the package? They're a grown ass person and it fucking says wax cubes on the front of the package." "They're a dumbass, Person B! You know you can't leave inedible things that smell like foods around them. Remember what happened with the scented erasers?" "Yeah, that was a weird hospital visit." 19) "Why would you want to go on a hay ride when you can ride me right now?" "Never been disappointed on a fucking hay ride." 20) "Switch costumes with me. Person A and I accidentally ended up matching and if they notice and point it out to everyone and call us twins I might end up killing someone." "Person B, is that you?" "Oh fuck me..." "Person B!" "I have to go, distract them so I can get away!"
Regular Prompts
1) A and B are invited to a party thrown by someone they work with, Person C, but don't know them that well. They get there early and it's just them and Person C tells them to help themselves to food while they fix something outside. A opens the freezer and panics when they find a severed head. It looks real and A and B decide they need to leave. Just as they're about to leave the power goes out. 2) A's in an unhappy relationship with Person B. Instead of going to a party with their friends like A wants to do B insists they play with the new ouja board they got. A doesn't want to but B complains until A gives in. They accidentally summon a demon and while B leaves them behind, the demon, Person C, insists that B was a piece of shit anyway. A and C form an unlikely friendship and when A finds a way to bring C into their world permanentally the two decide to live together and C helps A get out of their relationship. The two then get together after getting to know each other and A discovers dating demons is way better than humans. 3) A and B are close friends who almost kiss but then it's interrupted when vampires show up and start terrorizing the town. The two begin a hunting spree with a few friends to take down all the vampires and the experience makes their friendship stronger and the two share a first kiss after they take down the last vampire together. 4) A and B are at C's house for a party, someone they've known their whole life. They realize halfway through the party that the locked basement they've never been in is unlocked. They decide to go down to see what's down there but immediately regret it when they turn the light on and find C surrounded by bodies and their hands and mouth covered in blood as they tell both of them they can explain everything. 5) A group of friends sneak into the park during Halloween even though it's closed and discover that the public bathroom has a body and the whole place is covered in blood. They decide to leave and call someone but they don't get a signal and now five people in dark cloaks are chasing them with knives. 6) A and B are known for being unscareable since nothing's ever made them scream out of fear. Their friends try to scare them throughout the whole day but they're unable to. The go to visit A's grandparents in the nursing home after A's parents insist. But when they go there they walk into the wrong room and find two old people doing it and A and B, along with the rest of their friends, scream in horror before closing the door. Unable to look at another old person they visit A's grandparents, but don't make eye contact and none of the friends make fun of them for it. They all just go trick-or-treating and agree to never speak of it again. They all forget about it until the next Halloween when they're sitting around watching TV and A's parents walk in telling A to go visit their grandparents. The group of friends simultaneously scream NO in horror and the story ends with them all shuddering at the memory. 7) A is unscareable so their friends hire someone to fake a news broadcast and pretend to be a murderer loose in their area. A isn't scared but when the fake murderer walks by and A sees them through the windows they all pretend not to believe A because A's a known prankster. A sees them more and more around the house with a knife but it isn't until A turns around and the pretend murderer is right behind them in the house that they scream. Everyone either records it or takes pictures before admitting to A it's just a prank. (Bonus if A already knew about the prank and hired the fake murderer to pretend to be murdered by someone A knows who actually just got out of prison. No one gets hurt but A definitely gets back at the others for trying to scare them.) 8) A group of friends find a giant pumpkin in the woods and when they find it has a door only Person A is brave enough to go inside. The door closes behind them and disappears and when someone comes towards the pumpkin they don't know they explain their friend is stuck inside. The person explains that the pumpkin is actually a carnivorous plant that digests the people who walk in on Halloween and that it can eat twenty people at a time. Before they can get worried or call someone Person A bursts out the side of the pumpkin carrying two kids and telling the others to come help the rest of the people inside. The others are still shaken from being inside but A tells the others they're going to need a chainsaw and a truck. A ends up saving more people and making sure it's empty before the friends help them make pumpkin pies for the entire town. A ends up getting a first place ribbon at a pie contest they didn't enter and the friends are hailed as town heroes. 9) A group of friends go camping and ask Person A and Person B to go find Person C, who's near the road and doesn't know where everyone else is. The two hate each other and end up getting into a heated argument where they end up wandering around and getting lost. Unable to get a signal on their phones or figure out how to use a compass they end up getting more lost and end up seeing someone watching them. The two are terrified and run away. The stranger chases after them and soon more people pop out of nowhere, terrifying them as they run around. When they finally see a light they run towards it and find out they walked all the way across town where the community had set up a haunted house in the woods for people to walk into. The two end up hating each other less but agree they're never going camping again. They end up getting a cab and just decide to get Person A's car and go to a restaurant for food. 10) Person A and B are dating when Person A gets their head stuck in a fake pumpkin and B has to call the fire department. A laughs at their situation and B just stands by, completely embarrassed by their significant other.
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