#it'd be even funnier if it's with the guy who is coming in to do an arc with bobby
mattzerella-sticks · 6 months
I think it'd be great if Eddie gets so unidentifiably jealous of Buck and Tommy that he goes out one night, get hammered, and hooks up with another man which sets him off on his journey to understand himself and his feelings.
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shit-talker · 6 months
The only way I can rationalise people accepting literal children going out and fighting crime as Robin is if they don't think Robin is a real child.
I think it would be fun to see how Bruce would use that to his advantage in protecting his kids. Like, if people think Robin isn't human, if they instead think he's a spirit or a ghost, they are less likely to shoot at him, less likely to try and physically attack Robin because they think it would be no use.
The fun part would be deciding HOW they would do this. I like to think that Robin's domino mask doesn't have a hole for his eyes but instead is glazed over so that he can see out of it, but you can't see in. Maybe they install small lights in it so it looks like his eyes glow in the dark, because can you image how fucking scary it would be to just see these two sentient light-like eyes and just know the Batman must be lurking somewhere close by?
Maybe Bruce installs super strong magnets in their gloves because on the chance that someone does pull a gun on his kid close range, it would be a lot easier for them to grab the gun away if they had the force of magnetism on their side. Also, grabbing onto poles and other metal materials would make all the scaling on tall buildings a little safer. Obviously, they'd need a way to turn it on and off, but still. Can you imagine, you're in a warehouse and there are steel frames fucking everywhere and you look up and suddenly there's a child gripping onto one effortlessly? Horrifying.
Maybe they have a voice box. Want to scare people? Play this really ominous recording of a child's laughter that echoes just a bit too loud to be normal. Play this ominous screaming that seems too silent to be real. Play this ticking that seems to never end that induces stress and increases the chance of them messing up.
What would be even funnier is keeping this act up with the Justice League and other teams.
Batman doesn't bring Robin to these meetings at the beginning because he sees no need to involve a preteen in such matters, but at some point the subject does come up and it's sort of like; So, Bats, what exactly is the kid? Like...is he yours?
And Bruce (paranoid as fuck) doesn't want to admit to these people that yes, Robin is my son because hello? That's gotta be his biggest weakness, he would do anything to keep that kid safe and fuck them if they ever tried to hurt him to get to Bruce.
So, he tells them that he's a spirit sent to haunt him and remind the city of it'd failures and the Justice League just... believe him?? Because this is Batman, and why would Batman ever lie about something so, frankly, strange? And it's not a huge deal, like they're a team comprised of metas and aliens and literal godesses, so what if the one normal human guy has a weird little ghost child? Who cares if he cares about it like it's a real boy? Maybe the baby spirit has rights, too!! They don't know!
So, when the JLA gets more popular and becomes an actual, legal part of the American government, they're required to list all of their members. And they class Batman as a human, because that's obvious but next to Robin, they don't really know what to say or how to ask Batman about it, ao they just put "Unknown Child Spirit - TBD"
And then just... never change it?
So, they don't question why a few years later Robin seems to look entirely different, or why after that he changes again, or why Robin is suddenly a girl for a while before going back to a little boy. That's obviously just some weird spirit thing they don't understand, and it's not like Batman is going to explain it!
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In the yandere justice league x assistant reader series, would the heroes ever snap and try to kidnap reader? I'm imagining if they did, it'd all be at the same time (maybe reader sent in her 2 week notice or got a new SO), and they all try to kidnap her on the same day, leading to their plans backfiring on each other. Reader comes in the next day having enjoyed their day off (the league was too busy with each other to bother them) and sees them bruised and panting and is like "what happened to you guys?" 🤨
I divided this answer in three bc I went too far and described each individual scenario lol:
1-Lmao, yes, I see them kidnapping Reader at some point, especially in a scenario were they think Reader's safety is at risk, or in a similar scenario to Love Pollen.
Hal's the only one who would accept fake love, but if Reader actually fell for one of them and the others went insane and tried to act on it, the one who got chosen would keep them locked on a secret location — in this scenario of Reader falling in love, maybe not all of them would go crazy (crazier) immediately, maybe it would be gradually, by everyday watching their beloved darling being happy and romantic with someone else — in front of them, bc of course, the chosen yandere would rub it in their face's —, and rejecting their advances (yes, they would keep trying, some more explicitly than others) —.
Also, if you're a woman, Diana would take you to Themyscira!
If, let's say, there is a world ending event, they would team up to take Reader to a safe place.
2-And if Reader tried to quit the job, they would keep offering them to raise their salary, to the point of Reader having a comically large paycheck for an assistant. If nothing worked, Reader's life would get worse bc they would simply reveal their secret identities and bother Reader even more in their personal life. Showing up at their home, at places Reader frequents, offering jobs, they can't take the possibility that without seeing each other almost everyday Reader will forget about them!
It would be even funnier if Reader got a job at LexCorp lol.
Especially if Lex hired them for the specific purpose of using Reader on some evil plan, for gathering info, or just to annoy the Justice League that he's got something they don't (in this case, he found out they're in love with them), and even worse, if he finds out that Reader's been stalked and obsessed over by the JL, he's gonna use that to fuck with their public image.
3-If Reader got a new S/O they would do the same thing they did to Bucky, search for every dirty secret and red flag, and if they were totally clean, they would just try to manipulate Reader's opinion by shit talking their S/O.
"Don't you think your S/O could be more polite? When they helped that old woman walk down the street on your last date, they seemed really cold towards her, poor woman must've felt bad..."
"... And you know that because you were following us and listening in on our conversation?!😐🤨🧐"
"... Of course not, I was just coincidentally close by when that happened"
"... The street was empty..."
"I just wanna make sure you're safe, okay?!"
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poppy-metal · 3 months
So we know love island!Patrick would be messy on purpose but I'm just thinking how love island!Art would be so fucking messy unintentionally.
Like going back to what you were saying about being a bombshell that seduces him. Acting loyal to his partner in front of everyone but letting you crawl into his bed in the mornings to cuddle when she leaves. Sneaking kisses in hidden corners and getting handsy with each other because he can't resist you. Telling the guys his head isn't turned just all over the place but when the next recoupling comes around he picks you and it's like he dropped a bomb in the villa because everyone truly thought he'd be the one loyal guy in the house. It'd be even funnier if he goes to the hideaway with you immediately even though he wanted to "take it slow and do it right" with his last partner lol
It'd make for some great fucking tv.
I love toxic!art ❤️ everyone is lowkey into him being a secret asshole because the whole cookie cutter wholesome boy thing was boring as hell and his relationship was bland and everyone was rolling their eyes at it - drama loving whores.
you're like a picture out of arts wettest dream. literally cherry picked for him - the type of woman he jerks off too secretly but never admits to wanting out loud. seductive and mean and flirty and no one thinks you'll turn his head but he's like wet paper. you straddle his lap during a challenge and kiss him and he can't help himself. he fucking moans into it and can't keep his hands from wandering too your ass - so fucking soft in his hands - he chases your lips when you pull back and everyone is shocked. his girl chews him out and he feels so terrible about it, promises it was just a challenge thing and he was just playing it up - avoids you like the plauge the next day - but a twist is thrown in - you get to choose a man to take to the hideaway - to spend a night with and you're like a tiger - honed in on your prey - art is like a fucking innocent little deer in your jaws. you pick him obviously and all the girls blow up. you don't care though. you only want art and you'll have him no matter how bad it makes you look or how much you're scorned for it. art swallows at the grin you give him.
he makes so many empty promises to his girl - tells her he's gonna sleep on the floor - he's not even gonna talk to her - you're obviously delusional and deranged and he doesn't even like who you are as a person - you digust him - she eventually calms down, and she's pretty sure she can trust him. all the girls are telling her so. telling her how steady art has been this whole time and that you're just a slut and a bitch and art wants a classy woman, of which you are not -
he lasts ten minutes. ten minutes in the hideaway alone with you before he's inside you - pillows knocked off the bed and your skimpy little thong pulled to the side as he slides his cock home - he hates himself, he really does - he can't even think about the consequences and how this will definitely come out and ruin everything he's built - he just can't - he can't resist you - it was hopeless from the start - and god - you're like heaven around his dick - his eyes roll back and his hips are snapping into yours immediately, fucking you how he'd never fuck his couple - fucking you like he's punishing you for making me do this - balls slapping wetly against your pussy and you're moaning into it - fingers dug into his back with your legs wrapped around his waist.
"fuck my pussy, yes, yes, yes -" you chant, licking the shell of his ear and driving him crazy. "fucking huge cock - oh my god - you need to cum in me - cum in me and fuck me all night, baby-"
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
Laying something new out for ya here... This is just a silly AU
But AU with a girl sanji who is very androgynous because 1. Those suits hide her curves very well and she isnt that big chested 2. She has short hair because she likes it better then that but also one time when she was like 10 Zeff accidentally fucked her hair up and she had to go short- and the style just kinda stuck. 3. She has a deeper voice that can pass as a higher guys voice because of the smokes And 4. Canon sanjis behavior is already a fine mix between masculine and feminine so its not that suprising
So when she joines the strawhats none of them fucking know she's not actually a guy and she also just... Doesnt bother mentioning it to them (i kinda love the idea that SANJI also doesnt realise that they dont know, theyre all idiots)
So when they give her a tour of the ship and point to a bed in the mens bunks saying thats her bed she doesnt even blink an eye, she's spend like 10 years around guys at the baratie and sleeping around them is something she's familiar with
And bathing, we all know besides nami robin and sanji the rest barely shower and when they do they just miss each other
Idk just seemed like a funny idea and wanted to hear your thoughts!! When do you think they would realise and how would if play out 🤔 also how longer it plays out how funnier 😭
That's...that would be her luck. That's so funny.
She let Zeff cut her hair once when she was younger and cried afterwards because he cut way too high and had to deal with the emotional fall out of that because it reminded Sanji of her mom's. It's easier to maintain so she just keeps it short. Zeff is surprised she still lets him cut it but he guesses it's already short so he can't fuck it up much more. She wears suits and as she grows up as one of the guys and while she has her own room it's not much and she still has to get used to waking up shitty men in their bunk room because they're running late to prep and shit.
Between, the hair, the suits, the smoker's voice, and the barely A cups she has she's so androgynous. The regulars know, Mihawk who's had her cook his food and serve his wine and Garp who is passing through. After Sanji joins the crew and they defeat Arlong and Sanji is being shown around she doesn't care and just flops in a bunk to sleep. Maybe Sanji doesn't notice at first because she's mostly called Black Leg but she's being referred to as a boy, is being sent to the boy's quarters, is being called mister. She just shrugs it off as it keeps happen.
When they get the Thousand Sunny Sanji still doesn't move into the women's room, there's just more room in the mens room so she's in there, doesn't question it still. When she's in Kamabakka and going through bridal training Ivankov calls her candy boy she is straight up frowning at them and asking what they mean. She's a girl. She gets like B cups after the TS and Ivankov has tried to convince her to stuff her bra or something. She grows her hair out to shoulder length. I think it'd still be hilarious if after the TS no one still knows until Zou/WCI/Wano.
Like on Zou Sanji doesn't confirm or deny anything just promises she'll come back. Everyone is confused about the Princess thing and so when they go get her. She's in dresses through out all of WCI and during the escape as Judge is shit talking her and Luffy is confused about Judge saying all the best things about her and calling her a girl? Sanji says she is a girl, has been since she was born. Chopper knew but didn't disclose it because he thought Sanji was trying to keep it a secret. In Wano it's Luffy running around to all his crew calling Sanji a princess and a girl and has been the whole time they've been sailing.
They're all staring at Sanji, dressed like the men in her yukata as she stares back and tries to get them to answer why none of them except for Chopper knew. She thought she was in the men's room because of her smoking, did she actually have to be in there? Nami and Robin assure her she can move to the women's room. Nami is very excited to play dress up.
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foone · 8 months
So if Threshold happens to different Trek crews, who gets who pregnant? Voyager is one of the few shows where it makes heterosexual sense, (for lack of a better word, "sense" not being the word anyone would use to describe threshold)
So for Voyager, it being Paris (pilot) and Janeway (captain) makes sense through that lens. Paris, sure, because he is a pilot. We could pick a Science Guy to do it, but then it might be B'Elanna who does the flying fast, and then who is she going to kidnap for Lizard Sex? Harry? ... Yeah it'd be Harry. Anyway once you've picked Paris, you've got to figure out which woman is funniest to have him abduct into Lizardry. B'Elanna? No, not funny enough. She'd be a Klingon lizard and beat him up instead of mating, even if they did get married later. Besides, what if she evolves into a super-advanced Klingon, not a lizard? *claps* PUT TUVOK ON THE SHUTTLE. Kes? No, they already did a Tom v Neelix episode. Seven of Nine isn't on the show yet, so Janeway it is.
Ok so for other shows, we gotta pick a pilot or science guy (who might be screwing around with transwarp, and thus get Lizarded) and someone they could turn into a lizard to have babies with. The show is assuming heterosexual pairings here, but we know about things so we are not so limited.
The original series: as much as I'd love to say Sulu and Uhura ("I'll save you, fair maiden!" "sorry, neither"), I think TOS was much less of an ensemble than later Treks, so it'd need to be Spock. Spock is doing some science stuff, he gets hyper-evolved, and he picks someone else to hyper-evolve and turn into his lizard bride. As much as I want to say "Kirk", I think it's more likely that he runs off with Uhura and then Kirk has to rescue them. Kirk was always about being the one who rescues people, having the Enterprise come rescue Lizard!Spock (is that antisemitic?) and Lizard!Kirk and it's called commanded by McCoy? Nah.
TNG: the direct analogy to VOY would mean we have Wesley and... Picard? No, no, and no. Sorry. Frankly, we already had this plot on TNG (Genesis), and canonically the answer is Worf and Troi. The problem with it being a pilot thing is that Wesley is a child and Data (the official science guy) is an android, so he can't really be hyper-evolving. We could go with Geordi, the other Science Guy, but then we've got the image of a black man kidnapping a white woman. Uhhhh no. We already did that episode and it is an example of Deep Shame for the show. So Worf and Troi it is.
DS9: so this is what inspired me to make this post. We all agree Sisko would be a damn good father to his lizard babies, but would it be him? If so, with who? You could have it be Dax, and she lizards first and kidnaps him, which makes some sense given that she's a Science Guy. But you also have to consider Weird Guys. Every Trek series needs a Weird Guy so that whenever an ancient alien artifact turns the whole crew into Muppets or whatever, they can be the one who isn't affected and can thus solve it. This is all to say, Odo/Kira could be done. We've had a few episodes where he's been shown to do very extreme things out of his pining for her, so it makes some sense. Odo/Quark would be funnier but given how the DS9 writers handled Profit and Lace, I really don't want to see them do a gay mpreg episode.
ENT: the series with canon mpreg! Direct translation of would be Mayweather/Archer. Mmm. Probably not. I think it's gonna be a rarepair: Trip/Hoshi. Trip/T'Pol is too canon to be funny. The next best option is Archer/T'Pol and that's just kinda bleh. It makes sense but it's just the kind of thing they'd do and it'd be bland. We can do better. Honorary mention: Trip and Reed.
I've not watched enough of the New Treks to have an opinion there. Maybe SNW: Ortegas and La'an. Don't ask why.
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fluffle-writes · 2 months
Okay. SO I like to think about Twisted Wonderland being a world of entities existing and a human stumbles upon it. But imagine it the other way around for a moment. An entity (either with or without powers) coming from some sort of liminal dream world, somehow stumbling into an all boys mage education institution. Just like
Entity!MC: "Ah.....where am I?"
𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑚 𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑤𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑢𝑝. 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑎 𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑤𝑑 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚, 𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑚 𝑡𝑜 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠.
Just....imagine that with me for a moment.
I can see this version of Yuu having a camera for a head maybe. Or an oddly obscured head that looks like one of those images where they overlay a ton of people's faces over each other to get the average appearance, except a lot of them are misaligned and constantly shifting - so it looks vaguely human-sghaped but it's twitching and turning but also staying in place and you can't recognise any features idk lol
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Yuu would be kinda in-between the height of Idia and Ortho but Grim would be like an actual kitty for them! They can still be magicless, but maybe they still warp reality around themself when they interact with the world around them. Ace breaks an egg when they're standing too close and the spiders thing happens to him. Yuu gets cheese like Weirdcore Trey did and baffles Trey severely.
Crowley can't threaten them into helping with Octavinelle because he doesn't want to be known as the guy who let Yuu loose in their world - but they get caught up in everything anyway because they're curious to a fault and also their kitty is being hurt by some bastards.
They think human hair looks edible at one point and tries to take a bite out of Riddle's ahoge. They get a long lecture about it lmao.
I wonder if it'd be better to have Weirdcore Yuu be slightly younger actually... That way they'd only be about 7 feet tall and they can act more childishly - which could be even funnier for the TWST cast to deal with. Like, what do you mean they're bigger than Malleus (HORNS INCLUDED) and they're only, like, 10 or something. They're still growing!? When do they stop growing!?
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SR Grim Ceremonial Robe Personal Story: Part 2
"Together like this forever."
(Part 1) Part 2
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[Ramshackle Dorm –  Anniversary Party]
Grim: Oh yeah, you remember that weird sound we all heard before the ceremony? Do you know whose voice that was?
Grim: …It was Trey, who got startled by Lilia! I don't think I've ever heard him shout so loud.
Grim: He was all, "Hey, c'mon, stop it," when we all started laughing at him.
Grim: And I thought that was even funnier, so I kept laughing…
Grim: But then Trey came up to me and whispered, "I won't make you any snacks for today's party."
Grim: How can I keep making fun of him if he says things like that!? That's cheating!
Grim: Lilia was just happy to be able to surprise Trey, though…
Grim: But then he realized right after that Tsunotaro wasn't there and jumped back in surprise himself.
Grim: "Oh no, I forgot to let Malleus know about the ceremony again!" he said, and just disappeared.
Grim: Man, that guy just appears and disappears whenever he wants.
Grim: Once, I asked Lilia what kind of magic that was…
Grim: And he just laughed and said it was a secret. Well now he's not just cheating, he's being stingy!
Grim: So then, Tsunotaro finally came to the ceremony as we were finishing up…
Grim: …But he was super angry, yanno.
Grim: I could feel my tail tucking between my legs. Lilia was laughing, but everyone else was scared stiff.
Grim: "Did you all forget about me?" he said in a real low voice… And the weather kinda was looking bad outside…
Grim: I bet we all woulda been in for it, if it wasn't for Cater's quick thinking. It's great that he was closer to the doors.
Grim: He just said, "Hey, the decoration we put out for Ramshackle'll get destroyed in the rain if you keep this up, you know?"
Grim: So then Tsunotaro just said, "Oh, you're right" so quickly, and the sky cleared, so whew~
Grim: Cater's a lifesaver, though. He's always kinda playing around, but he's definitely a smooth talker!
Grim: I should take a page from his book and learn how to quickly come up with better excuses.
It'd be great if you could learn something else other than that…
Grim: Something else? Bold words to say to the future greatest mage Grim-sama!
Grim: I'm a genius, so if I want to, I can basically do anything I want. Nyahahah!
1. Right! I'm counting on you, Grim-sama!
Grim: !!
Grim: Right, right? You can praise me some more, yanno!
Grim: Nyahaha! It's the greatest feeling when my henchie gives me compliments.
2. Then please do you homework tomorrow as well.
Grim: Eh! That's… That's a whole different topic!
Grim: I'm gonna have you give me the answers tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after too.
Grim: As the underling, you gotta do at least that much for your boss, right? Right? …...Right!?
Grim: Don't you think that we got a pretty good combo going on, the two of us?
Grim: Anything that you can do, you get it done.
Grim: And anything you can't do, I guess I gotta help you out.
Grim: See? We just gotta keep on working well together like this forever.
Of course. Thanks for everything.
Grim: Yeah! I'm here to help you, yanno.
[knock, knock]
Grim: Ah! Tsunotaro and the others are here! It's time for the party!!
Grim: I gotta make sure to eat all the good stuff. Don't just stand there, we gotta go, [Yuu]!
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(Part 1) Part 2
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October is almost here!! Any idea what the mercs would dress up as to celebrate halloween?
Love your writing :D
TF2 Mercs Halloween Costumes!
I'm gonna cry I love Halloween and I'm also really glad you like my writing 😭
Mutual appreciation comment: Thank you for such a fun request and thank you for being a mutual, ily 💖
I tried super hard to come up with originals ones and not like opt out into easy costumes, I sorted through many a costumes and my god some were so bad.
Demo dresses up as the Grim Reaper and doesn't hold back on making his costume as scary as he can. Like this man is going to make at least one kid piss themselves. His costume gives people (Scout) Nightmares. It's even scarier/funnier when he gets drunk and starts stumbling around and groaning, looks like he's about to actually harvest someone's soul. The other mercs end up having to carry him home, and apologizing to multiple angry parents, Demo is only allowed to wear less scary costumes or at least not get wasted while wearing a scary one.
Engie and Pyro have to go together, I'd be so wrong not to put them down as having a duos costume. Kronk and Yzma, please it's such a funny concept to have Engie as an evil (semi) mastermind and Pyro as a well meaning but slightly dumb sidekick. I just love this idea so much. Their so silly going trick or treating together, people are a little freaked out by them but it's all in good fun I'm sure. If anyone dares say anything about them being "to old." there will be hell to pay from Engie.
Heavy is Michaels Myers, I just think this fits so well? Like? I don't know how to elaborate on this one other than the fact that he'd play the part so well. Also, if we're talking about the fear factor like we did with Demo, and costume this man wears is terrifying everyone, it just so happens that dressing up as Michael Myers yielded the most terrifying reaction. Made kids cry, felt bad about it, probably went back to the base after that happened, or just took off the mask. Gets made fun of for this for at least a month afterwards.
I have rewrote this for Medic at least six times now. I want this man to dress up as a nurse so bad it's not even funny. I'm going feral over here guys, I'm using all my restraint to not go into graphic detail about Medic being a nurse for Halloween. But for this prompt I will attempt to be a normal and sane human being, and go with an almost cliché, I think he'd be a plague doctor for Halloween. He loves his job, what can I say, of course it'd transition over to his Halloween costume. I think he'd also just like the look of it, and it doesn't help that this man is a history nerd who was obsessed with the plague. Dresses up Archimedes as a tiny plague doctor so he can take him with, introduces Archimedes as his assistant. Also manages to get the bird head tilt thing on point and pull that move every so often to freak people out.
Scout is going as Beetlejuice. I think he'd be able to act as gross and silly as Beetlejuice. ALSO kind of obscure but not really, in an episode of The Amazing World of Gumball, Gumball dresses up as Beetlejuice while scamming the entire city of candy and I honestly saw that and though, oh yeah scout would do that. Like my man manages to get as much candy as he possibly can, he is ruthless. Accidently uses semipermanent hair dye instead of the washout stuff and has green hair for about six months after Halloween.
Sniper was planning to just go as he was, Scout begs him to dress up, it being traditional and all. Decides he's pretty much dressing like a cowboy at all times anyway, so why now just roll with it? Manages to beat the system with this one, and bearly puts on anything new for his costume. Makes a lasso buys a sheriff star and some boots and deems his outfit complete. Scout is mildly disappointed but still happy he could at least convince him to dress up.
Is it to much if I say Spy would be a princess for Halloween? Is it too much if I say a specific Disney princess? I mean it's not my fault that Cinderella is so iconic, and that Spy would slay so hard in that dress, like come on, I can't stop putting him in dresses now. If that's not what people wanted they wouldn't have made the art of Spy in a dress. And you know this man has the glass heels, takes dressing up very seriously. Maybe even makes a couple of stuffed mice to keep on his dress to make it look more accurate to the movie, who knows.
I think it would be so funny if Soldier dressed up like a revolutionary soldier, but I won't go for something so easy, I refuse. I'll say he'd dress up as a werewolf, but with a twist, he's a were-raccoon! He'd make the costume himself and be so proud. Shows it to his raccoon pals (I don't know if this was someone's headcanon or actual canon but either way, I agree he has pet raccoons), and they cheer.
Sorry it's not super long! I don't know why my headcanons have gotten less detailed, maybe the brain rot is that severe, but I still loved doing this one. and I'm glad I could at least get this one done!
I promise one of these days I'll get back into being able to do longer posts!
Love you guys 💖
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stuffedsand · 11 months
T3 cover thoughts,,, and psuedo guesses
Haruka : considering both of his songs were from the android girl album I feel like he's gonna get a third. Of which the only other song I know the lyrics to is relationship scramble.
I think it could work ("right now I want instant love", could be the whole any attention is good, negative inclusive, so long as it's attention) (bro idk)
Yuno : honestly not a clue haha, tho I think Rabbit Hole would work (+it's a popular prediction for her, I haven't listened to it but it could be a good choice?)
Fuuta : .....he got Salamander this trial I don't know what they're gonna give him anymore....I don't even know what the deal is with mosaik role,,,,,
Maybe Chimera? I've only listened to it once but it has the Vibes tm. I think it fits? I'm not very good at lyrical analysis but it'd be fun idk
(or volt tackle haha)
Muu : Theory of Negativity because idk it vibes. Similar to otome dissection kinda idk
Alternatively, Cinderella just cuz it....vibes like her I don't have a better explanation sorry
Shidou : I reeeally want to say cosmic rendezvous,,,, but it doesnt fit with his other covers. I hope dearly for cosmic rendezvous but let be realistic haha
My prediction. Ghost Rule or 118. Ghost Rule would be fun !!!! 118 would be, to me, if someone died in t3, cuz the lyrics can be twisted abit. It'd be so fun. Also "no law to pardon my crime" and "ethics are a delusion, but I'm still guilty when the morning comes" vibe the same. Also his va can do it I believe in him
The cover would also SLAP cuz from what I can tell shidous covers have a more...frantic? Energy to them and that works for a lot of the GHOST album songs. Anyways Ghost Rule milgram cover?? Please??
Mahiru : I had more but I forgot so here's the ones I remembered
U (unlikely, it's a English song... But hey it'd be fun) / Poison Apple (I'd say poison apple works for kazui but... There are funnier picks for him so)
I think her voice fits for these songs idk they just...vibe. really well. I believe in her va
Most fitting from what Ive seen is Zombies or Psuedo-Hope Syndrome which would work vocally and thematically I think! Idk tho haha mahirus is really vibe based
Kazui : ok wishful thinking : Ghost Rule. Fits with the liar theme. But I already gave it to shidou and it doesn't fit his other two covers (sad melancholy) so he gets the song I initially chose for shidou! Cosmic Rendezvous. A win for old man yaoi truthers (JOKE)
No seriously. The lyrics could be read as non romantic, and it continues his cover theme of Regret. It'd be fun, thematically relevant, fir the other covers, AND it'd hurt me. Perfect. If he does get cosmic rendezvous I will cry
Alternatively; we the hostages (?) Idk this pick was also solely vibes. I really want cosmic rendezvous though but that's cuz I want someone to say fuck
Amane : Angel Hair. I don't have a particular reason? Also this would be more in line with Positive Parade which was the trial one song.... And she got animal which I never would've expected so? Who knows. This is a fun list for vibes. Oh I think then all her songs would be Mannequin songs too
Mikoto : uhhhh (Not) a Devil. Cuz I'm not creative and it'd be funny. Uhh otherwise I'm not too sure.
Honourable mention that I think both Mikoto and Kotoko could get Addiction? By vibes alone lol cuz I can't read the captions...
Kotoko : imma be real I forgot. To kin assign her a song. But after having a short look at Anti - Beat I think she could get Dilemma? I think it works for kotoko. Idk
Tell me what songs you guys predict for any given character next trial I like seeing people's readings on what fits the character or the covers!!! Particularly kotoko, yuno and mikoto as much as I like their characters I don't have much of a read on them...
Also tell me what your favourite covers are!!!! I personally like both of shidous, kazui's, mahirus and fuuta's, and I really liked the monopoisoner one! (Haven't listened to reversible campaign enough to form opinion), as well as Harukas two breaths walking cover (haven't listened enough to the android girl one whoops)
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an-au-blog · 10 months
hello again!!
i'm quietly dying to know if u!buggy is present when robin translates the skypeian poneglyph & the note roger asked oden to leave on it. just. an amnesiac clown staring at this giant rock, too busy silently screaming what does it meeeean to hear robin explaining what it means. cracks me up.
(i also love the thought of there being a pattern of older locals recognizing buggy just a moment too late as 'one of the kids from back then'. i love a running gag that doubles as foreshadowing! though crocus would surely recognize buggy on sight, i bet he assumes buggy's being cryptic on purpose when he "pretends" not to know him, and goes along with it.)
i'd misremembered that conversation at shakky's bar as having only a handful of the strawhats present, and so was imagining that buggy had no idea they'd gotten a lead on his past, and rayleigh would only see buggy on the kizaru-kuma-strawhat battlefield for a minute before he gets kuma'd away… on one hand, i still love this idea bc i love pain. otoh that conversation happening with everyone but buggy present feels wrong. and a "don't tell me, i'll find out the truth for myself!" ending to rayleigh and buggy reuniting is so fitting, it's the same argument robin & luffy make to rayleigh in that scene!
i looove the thought of buggy losing track of luffy after marineford. what a situation he's in now!! surrounded by dozens of ex-prisoners who idolize him, maybe two he gets along with, a half-dozen he's terrified of, and shanks. he's heard stories from luffy, but that's luffy! you can't go to him for realism or accuracy!! but... this shanks guy does have a boat... and something about his face is kind of familiar...
how long does it take shanks to realize buggy acting like he doesn't know him isn't an act, i wonder? how many old grudges does shanks halfheartedly apologize for, trying to get buggy to give in and acknowledge him? is one of those apologies the thing that makes something click for buggy? does he freeze up, or immediately snap and shout at shanks bc he's misremembered why buggy was mad at him that time? :3c
xoxo, difan
Hello, Difan!
I thought about that like once when I was thinking about Robin in the u! universe, but then i forgot and never really thought about it again lol. In my mind he comes along somewhere between East Blue and Alabasta, though if anyone wants to adopt this au, I'm fine with whatever interpretation or spin they want to put on it.
Now that you said it, I agree, it would be really fun if the locals recognize him randomly like "yeah, yeah, that was the red-nosed kid! Aw, he was so cute, we gotta live him! Pity he's not with his friend though, hope nothing bad happened to the other one..." And Buggy just going"ifk what you're talking about, you're being weird af" and everyone just assumes the other kid (shanks) died and it's a painful memory so they're all like "Oh, yes of course... our bad... if there's anything we can do to help you tell us, it's been so hard for you, we're so sorry ". Which confuses Buggy even more, but hey, he's getting positive attention, even if it's pity, and he's not going to complain about it.
Buggy meeting Rayleigh in the bar is so dear to me. Idk if it'd be realistic but I feel like he'd be very defensive qt first but then Rayleigh would be "Buggy? Is that you? I barely recognized you, you've grown so much, and become such a strong young man" and then something snaps and he just falls into his arms absolutely sobbing. He doesn't know why, he can't remember him on a conscious level, but they still jave this father/son moment of comfort.
I don't remember if I said this in the last post or if I thought of it now, but him losing Luffy at Marine Ford and clinging to Shanks for protection would be funnier (to me) if he goes by the logic of "Okay, he's scary, the generals are even scared of him, Luffy likes him and he seems fond of Luffy. He looks a bit familiar so idk if he would have some grudge with me if I've wronged him in some way... so I'm just going to use my contact with Luffy as leverage!" So he just starts going "You know Luffy, right? Well I'm in his crew" (which breaks Shanks's heart because... why isn't he in his crew? What did Luffy offer him that Shanks can't?? And why is he jealous of his child protege? Buggy sees he's a little upset by it so he continues "So if- if you're his friend and care for him, you'll take me and my men to safety... and not kill me.......... please."
And he switches from being sad to being so confused like,
Shanks: wdym I'll do it because of Luffy. I'm not helping you because of Luffy,
Buggy absolutely terrified that his one strategy of manipulating his one ticket to freedom has expired:..... wh.. why?
Shanks: I'm gonna help you because we're friends! You're my best friend Buggy!
Buggy: We are? I mean uh, we are.
Shanks assuming he remembers him and being do happy: So you remember me?
Buggy afraid if he says no, Shanks will get mad and leave him: ... yes.
Once in the ship (because the prisoners are so many) everyone sleeps wherever they can. Except for Buggy. Shanks insists on giving him his bed or at least his a place in his room. "We were bunkmates after all" he says but Buggy just smiles and nods hoping he doesn't find out he doesn't actually recognize him. Shanks can feel Buggy is on edge the entire time and he tries asking but Buggy always goes "No, no it's fine, everything's great haha" so he starts testing the waters by asking "hey do you remember *insert thing that never happened* that was so crazy, right?" To which Buggy'll go all "yeaaaah, absolutely haha, very crazy that happened I remember!" And after the third or fourth time Shanks couldn't take it and confronts him about it. Buggy is furious but also devastated because that's it. He's going to kill him now. Maybe even worse. (Keep in mind Buggy has seen how cruel people can be and his time with the straw hats doesn't help him think better of people, because they also keep bumping into horrible people)
He starts scream crying at him, he's already a deadman, what else does he have to lose, might as well let it all out. Meanwhile, Shanks is so confused because he understands absolutely nothing.
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
I was a huge Mortal Kombat nerd in my teenage years. I ravenously consumed every scrap of information I could get about the characters - which wasn't easy because this was in the Sega Genesis days when all the games had to go off of were bios, endings, plus little snippets of lore in strategy guides and comics and stuff.
But a byproduct of being obsessive about Mortal Kombat lore is that it means I get to constantly be disappointed by modern Mortal Kombat lore. XD Because it's never as interesting to me as the story that those little teensy-tiny glimpses implied.
All of this is to say, I want to talk about Raiden. And why his treatment in adaptation and reboot materials always leaves me a little underwhelmed. Like. He's nice. I don't dislike him. I just. I long for the Raiden I grew up with.
Raiden is probably the character that has been most completely rewritten by modern and adaptive canon, pretty much from the very first adaptation: The 1995 film. As the Protector God of Earthrealm, Raiden is the Big Good heroic patron who blesses our heroes to act in his name.
This is not entirely divorced from original canon; It's something that was first introduced to the games in Mortal Kombat Trilogy in 1996, following on the heels of the 1995 film. And I do like it. It's just. I also like what came before.
Raiden is a character who's undergone a trajectory throughout his appearances. In his first appearance in Mortal Kombat, Raiden was unrecognizable from who he is today. He was an arrogant god who looked down and saw all these mortals competing, and thought, "Pfft. These fuckers think they're cool? I can do better."
Raiden entered the Mortal Kombat tournament for the specific purpose of rubbing everybody's nose in divine superiority. He had a chip on his shoulder and wanted to prove that mortals ain't got shit on gods.
And here's the kicker: Raiden lost. He entered the tournament and somebody kicked his shit. Probably Liu Kang but it'd be funnier if it was Johnny Cage.
This humbling experience clearly had an impact on Raiden because, by Mortal Kombat 2, he'd gone from "HAHAHA Fuck Mortals" to a full-blown tsundere relationship with them. He shows up to warn everyone about Shao Kahn's new evil plan, then refuses to go with them even though he's planning to go into Outworld on his own anyway.
MK2 Raiden is just like, "Look guys, because I respect you now, here's the details of everything I learned with my God Powers. BUT I'M NOT COMING TO HELP YOU. We're just going the same way that's all. IT'S NOT LIKE I LIKE YOU OR ANYTHING."
Which then brings us to MK3 - Well, the Trilogy expansion. By this point, Raiden has fully come around and is Team Earthrealm. So much so that when the Elder Gods forbid him from interfering - by this point, something that's well-established as a thing Raiden likes to do - Raiden screams, "FUCK YOU, Mortals are cool actually and if I can't fight Shao Kahn as a god then I'll fight him as a human!"
This is a fucking amazing character trajectory. Raiden the arrogant, meddlesome god learns the value of humanity and goes from mocking their foolishness to sacrificing his own godhood to stand against Outworld as one of them.
It also sells his later transformation into Dark Raiden better when he was kind of shit to begin with. Like. it's so much easier to buy a transformation of
1 - LOL Fuck mortals I'm so much cooler than they are and I'm gonna prove it. 2 - Mortals are cool actually and I love them and I collect them like Gandalf collects hobbits. 3 - NOBODY fucking better mess with my mortals. I will slaughter anyone who dares encroach on my realm! These people are mine.
than it is with a Raiden who was the embodiment of good incarnate from day 1.
I don't have a problem with the Good Incarnate interpretation of Raiden. He's fine, and serviceable in the roles he's typically given to play.
But I do miss my Raiden. There was a very interesting and engaging character in the margins of those early games, that I feel has been lost to time.
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duckapus · 9 months
Curtain Call
So the fight against Showtime at the top of the tower isn't exactly going well given how powerful she is, but thanks to the war down on the ground the tides are about to turn, because a stray barrage of Missile Megs from Bowser misses Metal Overlord and hits the tower about halfway up instead, doing enough damage to make everything above start to fall. Everybody realizes that their only chance of maybe surviving is to jump out the window, and, well, Kamek and Cubot are the only ones who can fly and they're obviously not strong enough to carry everyone else, so all they can really do is hope for a miracle (or at least for Meme Energy to decide it'd be funnier for them to survive the fall).
And with a roar and a call of "YYYYEEEHHHHHAAAWWW!" a miracle does arrive, as they all land on something mostly solid far higher up than they expected.
"Need a lift, piss-ants?"
"Anti-Shroomy!?" The 4 then looks down at what exactly their savior rode in on, "you tamed Draco Piranha!?"
"Yep! Turns out he's not so bad once you show him who's boss."
It's at that point that Showtime reminds us that she can just ignore gravity, and she starts throwing attacks at them, prompting a chase down towards the ground.
...okay, I'll level with you, I've got a few small scenes figured out for all this but not a coherent story to stitch them together, and at this point I just want this done so bear with me. Eventually the fight reaches the ground, the group is still on the back foot, the chaos of the battle raging around them is messing with both sides, at some point Ice Melony and Mecha Desmond show up while fighting each other and Showtime gets caught in their crossfire and blasted elsewhere on the battlefield and the main group (plus the rest of the converted crew members who've managed to come over to either help or attack depending on which conversion they have).
At this point Metal Overlord seemingly manages to overpower Castle Bowser and tries to merge with him to become even more powerful...but it takes a lot more willpower than Metal has to overwrite Bowser's, so instead we get Heavy Metal Bowser.
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(not my best work or even colored in but this is what you get. junior for scale)
The good new is that now the Robot converted characters are now under Bowser's control and helping the good guys. The bad news is that Showtime had a front row seat for this.
"Well now, there's an idea." she looks over the battlefield and spies a certain royal Siren fending off a frozen king and his army almost single-handedly, and in an outfit that's almost just her style to boot, "Jackpot."
She flies over, sending out a wave of energy that knocks away everyone besides Old King Winter and Sonata. Sonata levels her trident at the newcomer, "Your energy...you're the source of all this madness, aren't you."
She laughs haughtily, "Clever as always, kiddo. Now, both of you hold still." she raises her arms towards the two and they begin to feel something being torn out of them as painfully as possible.
Streams of colored energy pour out of them and into Showtime, gradually causing all three to glow. eventually it gets so bright that they can't be seen at all, and when it dies down only one titanic figure remains.
"Alright! Goodby Queen Cutie and he-llo Empress Sexy~!"
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"Two down, five to go. Now, where's the mushroom girl?" She flies off towards Toadstool Tangle.
Meanwhile, the Ice and Undersea converted people start to undergo some rather horrific transformations, with Creep growing out of them at all angles. 4 unfortunately gets a front-row seat when it happens to 3. This continues with the Mushroom conversions (so really just Draco Piranha and the Tangle itself), then the Muppets and soon after the ghosts, and finally everyone gets to witness the battle between Heavy Metal Bowser and an even more powerful version of Fusion Showtime with features added from the other three trigger characters (I unfortunately did not draw the later Fusion Showtime stages. I might in the future but for now you'll just have to use your imaginations). It's a close match, but eventually even Bowser falls, and Wonder Showtime is born while the Group stands alone once again.
It seems as though all hope is lost, especially since most of them quickly get pinned down by the horribly mutated versions of literally everyone, but 4 gets an idea, "Wait, we still have the seeds, right?"
Mario manages to yeet Luigi away and pulls out a few of their collected Wonder Seeds, "Yeah, but they don't exactly do anything besides sit in your inventory."
"Not on their own, but they're part of a meme, right? And they're a new enough one that they've got way more Meme Energy than most things at that scale. Maybe I can turn them into something we can actually use!"
Meggy looks over from where she's trying to get what might be Saiko and Tari off of Ferb, "Can you even get a meme to that kind of power on your own?"
"..." he looks to a particular section of the battlefield, eyes full of determination, "No, No I can't." he runs in the direction he was looking, tackling the mutated Admiral 3 to the ground and pulling a tentacle that used to be an arm into a death grip.
"SMG4, what are you doing!?"
"My...job!" he's assaulted by the all-too-familiar sensation of the Creep burrowing into his body, his brain, along with the horrible memories that come with it, but he holds firm, "3, if there's anything left in there that can hear me, I need you!"
There's a long few seconds where 4 can't help but think he's just thrown his life away for nothing before the seven Wonder Seeds rise up and start to morph into raw Meme Energy spheres, "work...fast...ba...ka"
The two work in tandem to merge the energy into a single sphere, which then transforms into...
A Wonder Flower. Because what else could it possibly be? This one has the strange grey-with-yellow-accents color scheme of the Special World wonder flowers.
"You've got-erhf-one shot! Make it...count!"
Whoever's left of the group nods in understanding and rushes towards the flower in the hopes of reaching it before one of the mutants, and two hands grab its petals at the same time, one gloved, the other not...and something unexpected happens.
A single figure sits on a rooftop, looking out at the sun setting over a city that no longer exists.
They are alone.
They are together.
A living monument to a bond forged in Ink and Fire.
An experience made flesh.
The moment seems to stretch on forever, as they revel in simply Being...
But when they open their eyes, not even a second has passed.
"Holy shit."
They look down at the awestruck face (or, well, eyes) of Marcy, discovering that they're now significantly taller than either of them were before.
"I knew something crazy would happen but this..."
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They grin, "I know, right? I...we?...Yeah, I feel amazing! Like I could do anything! Like-"
The earth shakes, and they look up to find that Showtime's definitely noticed the commotion, "-Liiike I'm wasting time. Let's-a go!"
They run towards the titanic villain, soon discovering that their fusion was only part of the Wonder Effect as an obstacle course of combined Super Mario and Splatoon elements springs up around them, forming a path up to their target. Obviously Showtime doesn't just sit and wait for them, attacking with everything she's got, but they tackle any challenge that comes their way with a combination of Meggy's athletics and skill and Mario's platforming prowess and Avatar powers, as well as some of the greatest reoccurring memes of both (of particular note is when they weaponize Meggy's poor cooking skills to turn an oven they found into a rocket to help them reach a higher level).
Soon enough, they reach the top of what's left of the Tower, nearly at eye level with Wonder Showtime. She leers down at them.
"And just what are you supposed to be, you little freak?"
"It's-a me, Marggy, and I'm not 'supposed' to be anything. But as long as we're both here, I guess I'll be the one to take you down."
She laughs at this, then gives them a sharklike grin, "Real cute, kids. But it's gonna take a lot more than two midgets in a trenchcoat to beat a goddess."
Marggy shrugs, "I dunno, eight on two seems like pretty good odds to me."
More laughter as she brings up her ice-covered arm, "Okay, okay. Now you die."
A blast of ice the width of an ocean liner barrels towards them, but rather than show any fear they simply activate a certain something they grabbed on their way up here: a Killer Wail Canned Special.
The beam of sound and ink cuts through the ice magic like it's nothing, badly cracking the ice arm and, after she moves it out of the way in pain, continuing on to blast a hole in the eye on her chest. They waste no time after that, continuing along the Wonder Effect's path towards the prone titan.
She can tell what they're doing, but at her size with her injuries doesn't have the speed or strength to get away in time. Instead, she directs every last one of her mutated minions, Creep tentacles, shadow arms, and whatever else she can muster at them, "JUST DIE ALREADY!!!"
Marggy continues to be able to outrun and outfight everything thrown at them, eventually diving into the hole they made and finding themselves in a massive chamber made of creep. And right in front of them is a face they've been hoping to see all day.
She's beat up, covered in Creep, her dress ripped to shreds and crown nowhere to be seen, and just barely conscious, but when she looks up at them her eyes are as bright as ever, and she doesn't look the least bit surprised to see them, "Hey honey. How was your trip?"
The bravado Marggy's been keeping up crumbles away, and they start to tear up, "Mom..." They run towards her, pulling her into a hug as best they can given her bindings.
They stay that way for a short while, then it's back to business, "Okay, Let's finish this." they look around the room, which seems to be slowly becoming active, for some kind of weak point, eventually spotting yet another massive eye directly above Emulator, "That looks about right."
They pull out Mario's Code Bow, which apparently merged with Meggy's Splattershot so become a futuristic Tri-Stringer, and aim it up at the eye. It's at this point that Showtime starts fighting back again, lashing out from the walls with more tendrils, but it's too late, and an inky, binary-covered arrow flies straight and true clean through the eye's pupil, and the entire room becomes enveloped in blinding blue light as Showtime screams in agony.
Back outside, Showtime's outer shell is glowing just as much as the rest of her, and a shockwave of Wonder Power blasts out from her, destroying any Creep it touches and transforming the Mushroom Kingdom and its people back into their original selves. Everyone present begins to celebrate the fact that it's finally, finally over.
In the meantime, the Crew and the airship group all do their best to get their bearings and start heading towards the now rapidly shrinking glow. Which, of course, leads them right back to the old castle grounds.
Before anyone gets there, a small shape falls out of the sky and lands with a comical squeaky toy sound in the grass, standing up to reveal that it's Old Man Hobo back to his usual self "Does anyone know where I li-"
Suddenly, Bowser crashes shell-first on top of him, clutching Lily to his chest. When the trigger characters had reformed up in the air, he'd made sure to grab onto her so he could break her fall. Giant superpowered turtles can handle falling from the sky, human children usually can't.
Next to land is Kermit, who hits the ground with a splat before immediately standing up, "Well. That was traumatic. Goodbye everyone, don't bother inviting me to the next arc." With that, he walks off with that G-Mod "Move doll up and down" walk that most characters use.
Peach, Floyd and Metal Sonic can all just float down, so they do so.
And finally, there's Marggy and Emulator, who use the last of the Wonder Flower's power to gently touch down right on the moat bridge, with her leaning on them once they're on solid ground and gravity takes effect.
After this there'd probably be an actual reunion scene and maybe an epilogue (plus the scene about Showtime's fate that I detailed in this post) but I am done with this arc. Duck is out, peace!
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erstwhilesparrow · 9 months
what's up it's time for me to have life series derangements again. you ever think about scott smajor? <- an entirely rhetorical question
a little while ago, i was like, "oh, it'd be fun to me if cleo in double life looks at martyn, looks at scott, realizes which of those two people is going to be more dedicated to helping them survive, and makes a decision that is both tactical and emotional, where even they can't be sure where the division between those two motivations is." and that IS fun, especially in light of martyn then teaming with scott in limited life, maybe because he's now seen what scott's like. however, actually, out of [cleo, scott], i think maybe i had the wrong guy! (relevant here: scott suggesting to cleo in secret life that the best thing to do once etho's on low enough health is to have him let her kill him to get extra hearts. cleo's pov saying, "i couldn't.")
the thing about scott that i think about sometimes is. at the double life finale. scott has the tnt that whole time. he's the one holding the flint and steel, he's the one who calls pearl to spawn, he's the one who gets his final word in and decides when and how they'll go out. "you deserve it more," he says to pearl, as if he doesn't know full well this will kill them both, as if he couldn't hand over the explosives to pearl and let her decide. there are ways to read this that are. deeply cruel. it's the same thing he did at the start, right? yanking the rug out from under pearl, making decisions about their relationship on his own and then forcing her to deal with it, knowing it's come down to just the two of them and snatching this last choice out of her hands too. there are, also, kinder ways to read this. by "you deserve this," he means pearl deserves the win, of course. she deserves to win the game, because it is a game and they are playing it, and after this much, she shouldn't have to figure out what to do about scott, too. he should just give it to her, make this as easy as possible.
i think... it's not even that scott loves throwing himself on other people's swords -- there are other people in the series for that type of thing. i think it's that scott has figured out that throwing himself on someone's sword is a useful thing to do, not just for his allies but for himself. oh, we can tell each other about his loyalty and trust and love and sacrifice, and he can tell that type of narrative too! but there's an element of business, or practicality, or calculation to a lot of it. i think the story that gets out and lingers IS more often about loyalty and trust and love and sacrifice and maybe that's there too, but telling someone, "oh, yeah, you can kill me for the time / hearts / victory, go for it," is also a way of shoring up alliances, of ensuring you stay in people's good books, of reminding people you can be trusted and relied upon. it's a death game, but it's also a social game! your reputation is a tool, and your life can be a bargaining chip. (relevant notes: he yells for martyn to kill him when he's the last yellow left in limited life. lets cleo knock him off the tower in limited life to get some time from him. in his secret life finale, once he gets down to fewer than ten hearts, he goes looking for gem, throws her all his good items and tells her she has to kill him. talks about deliberately saving / not saving the one gift heart per session for trade deals. he thinks this stuff through, when he can.)
this also, when you start putting focus on it, makes it really easy to read scott as just straightforwardly manipulative and cruel. i don't know how interested i am in that. i think it's important that watching scott, i find myself surprised a lot at how often he keeps promises, offers food, shares information. he is honest and generous when i think other people would not be. there are, as demonstrated by the other players, funnier or less complicated or more secretive ways to play the social side of the game. whether that just reinforces [scott is always on-purpose carving out a more positive reputation for himself] or adds more interesting dimensions in other ways, i don't really know either? but i feel like understanding him as purely sadistic flattens him somehow. he tells gem in his secret life finale he's going to stay loyal to his day-one alliance above all, no matter what, and even that is tied up in him trying to convince / remind gem that her loyalty should stay with scott and impulse, but i think it's often like this with scott.
it's cleo and martyn (and also scar, i'm pretty sure, but he's cleo's ally in limlife so.) specifically that he gives up time to -- he'd rather his allies get the time (in limlife) and health (in secret life) than anyone else. and it's not that it's not tactical -- even teaming up with cleo in double life, where he gives the justification to pearl that he and cleo already bonded: because they're not soulbound, they've got two health bars between them for pvp instead of one the way the other soulbound pairs do. but he also just. likes cleo! makes the choice over and over to stick with her. i think it's hard to separate out how much of any given choice scott makes is motivated by [this is a tactical / social advantage] from how much is motivated by [i like and care about this person] because those things blur together so often. certainly i can't separate those two, can't say, "oh, this time he was being calculating 100% and this time he was being much more emotions-first nice." i don't know that i want to be able to do that, and i don't know that scott can tell either? it's both of these things at once, and it works, so there's no real reason for him to try separating them.
my examples are from secret life because that's what i watched most recently, but scott loves to remind people how well he knows them and is startlingly good at knowing / guessing / pretending to know what other people are like. he gets a task where he has to get people to say 'i love you' back to him and at the end, he rattles off the list of people he knew would say it. he's halfway up a cliff and etho calls to him, asking him to come back down; after some back-and-forth, etho admits he was trying to stall so bdubs could get away, and scott replies, "i know you were." and like. i don't always believe him! he did fully climb back down the cliff to talk to etho. i'm sure some of the time when he says stuff like this it's true -- these are people he knows fairly well, of course you can predict some moves -- but i wonder how often he figures something out mid-conversation, goes, "oh, okay, this is what we're doing," and adjusts accordingly as if he knew all along. (relevant note: when boat boys start chasing pearl around after going red and scott gives up on trying to convince pearl to appease them, he switches to hurrying into the midcentury modern whateverthefuck and setting his spawn there so he's not running back from spawn to get his stuff when pearl dies.)
i wonder how much that contributes to the blurring motivations, the idea that scott himself doesn't necessarily go into these interactions really thinking about the tactical advantage all the time, but maybe he'll tell himself afterwards that that's what that was. i've been thinking about the limited life finale (when am i ever not thinking about the limited life finale) and the like million different ways i've thought about scott and martyn's motivations going into and coming out of that final betrayal ("betrayal"?), and how "i wouldn't have it any other way" is still something i like to come back to chew on sometimes. like, yeah, that's his closest ally, and he's already won before. that does in fact work out great for him. i think, maybe it's like that. oh, okay, this is what's happening, scott thinks. i knew it. this works out great for me, and i knew it all along.
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So I was reading the chapter where Heinly declares the western kingdom as empire and I just shook my head. I don't know whether to laugh at the stupidity or roll my eyes. So I did both.
Hah what's even funnier is that some readers thinking it's such a romantic move that he declared the kingdom as an empire for Navier as if that's how it works. 😵‍💫
I'm guessing those readers aren't older beyond 13/14. No wonder they think such way, birdface is 19 too. I know their main audience are them and thus these stories are written like this, which is a huge insult to teen readers, cause authors believe that teens don't have the capacity to grasp beyond the surface level. Which is true to some extent (judging by comments from the fandom) but there are also teen readers who criticise the story because of its plotholes.
Look I'm not making fun of the readers who enjoy it, look at my blog for goodness sake! But it annoys me when the plot just bends over backwards for the MC.
A kingdom is a one independent state. An empire is composed of multiple conquered countries that has a centralised sovereign ruler. Look at UK, it was British empire before cause it had multiple Asian and African countries under its belt. Now it's just United Kingdom, not an empire. Also the title of the ruler didn't change, they were still called queen or king of British empire cause a queen and king can rule an empire without changing their titles, if the states fulfil the criteria of an empire which western kingdom does not have.
Many will say "but western kingdom has lots of wealth." So? Many countries now a days have more wealth than UK, but they don't declare themselves as kingdom either cause that's not how it works.
Declaring themselves an empire/kingdom because they have enormous wealth does not make an empire/kingdom. Sure, empires have wealth but that’s a correlation, not causation.
Birdface declaring himself as an emperor is like some random baron/duke/count etc declaring himself king, because he has gathered a large amount of wealth. It doesn’t work that way. It’s also a good way to make a lot of enemies with severe consequences. And the fact that nobody including Sovieshu didn't do anything about it, shows how strong the plotforce is. Some will say, he didn't attack western kingdom cause of Navier. Umm so what Navier is there? According to the author, Sovieshu never abandoned his duty as an emperor. The dude literally collapsed because of overwork. This guy is a workaholic. It was obvious his empire comes before everything but all of a sudden he forgets about his duty because of a former empress? (Just like his character assassination after bringing Rashta in the palace). And conquering western kingdom would have given him Navier too. Yes it'd be forceful and ooc for Sovieshu to force himself on her but since when the author cares about character consistency when it comes to Sovieshu?
And other kingdoms just put fingers in their mouths like suckers and did nothing in response except for one and birdface had to run to Sovieshu for help. He didn't have the capacity to beat a smaller Kingdom without the help of Sovieshu yet he had the audacity to call himself emperor. How pathetic and shameless. Lol
An empire is a sovereign state made up of multiple countries : that’s the definition of an empire, so declaring oneself an emperor or declaring the desire to become an emperor is basically a declaration of war, unless you're a bland ml of a webnovel that's backed up by plot force stronger than thanos' snap. 🗿
The plotholes are so massive in this story that you could pass multiple eastern empires through it. 🫨
Reason why I still don't acknowledge western kingdom as an empire. Cause it's not an empire. 😂
At the end of the day TRE is a cheesy manhwa that helps us in our escapism. It's not meant to be taken so seriously but that doesn't mean we've have to close our eyes and accept the blatant hypocrisy and massive inconsistency for the sake of making the MCs look better. It just makes the MCs and author look foolish.
In the end, all we can do is shake our head and laugh at this stupidity and enjoy the clownery.
Or you can ignore the canon and make up your own fanon like me.
If the author is going to be beyond reasonable about the plot why should we not be beyond reasonable with our fanon? Go crazy.
In my canon Sovieshu actually had character consistency and helped Rashta but didn't make her concubine and lived happily ever after with Navier. Birdface who?
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mdhwrites · 10 months
How would you imagine Caleb and Evelyn personalities?
OOH! I like this one! Admittedly more for Caleb than for Evelyn because we don't even get relations for Evelyn. We are almost entirely in the dark for even actions on her part besides falling in love with a human and taking them home. For Caleb, falling in love and leaving his brother behind is pretty much all we know about him too action wise but we can at least extrapolate a little from this.
Let's start with Caleb because he is the more robust topic and the honestly funnier one. So we have an orphan who was then adopted by a community of witch hunters, looked after his brother, was taught to hate all witches... And then fucked off without telling his brother so he could go bang a witch.
There's two main ways to make that sequence of events function AT ALL. The first is that you make him tired and kind of an asshole. Losing his parents, caring for his brother, etc. like that makes him want an escape. Want to just say fuck it to everything, even if it means breaking his morals. When a witch tempts him with a chance to leave it all behind, he takes it, even if it traps him with her.
The main problem is that that's a really unattractive personality (even if one could argue it's Luz's personality eventually) so why in the world a witch would choose to fall in love with that is pretty questionable, especially when the guy comes from a society of people who want to murder her. It'd be really difficult to justify a meet cute between them so... I think Caleb was a himbo.
The dude was too dumb to realize that Evelyn was a witch until he'd already fallen in love, decided love mattered more than anything else, didn't remember to tell his brother because how to broach the subject made him worried and his brother probably showed up on one of his various trips to the Isles, not a permanent one. It also explains why he'd have his guard down still so Belos could murder him eventually. Just... kind and stupid and good for him for that.
And honestly, that fits what extremely little we know about Evelyn. We have to assume she left the Titan's Blood and she left a puzzle leading to it. So, bare minimum, she's smart. She also interacted with a culture that was actively hostile to her and that she had nothing to gain from due to it being at least technologically similar, if not worse, than the Isles. Something about them must have either benefited or amused her and honestly, I'd lean into witch culture for that. That she was a trickster and a manipulator, looking for people she could play with with her magic and riddles because she enjoyed it. Then comes a guy who falls for literally everything and still sees her as a friend in the end. That means a lot to her and she falls in love, wanting to play little pranks on him for the rest of her days.
Her personality traits are another reason why I can't stand by world weary Caleb either because she wouldn't find his bitterness or seriousness charming. He'd be a stick in the mud who wouldn't play along. That'd make him different but it would also make him boring. Also this one lacks the moral compass that apparently EVERY Golden Guard has and none of them really betray Belos maliciously, at least if you want to go off of Hunter, but because of a moral obligation.
At least from what the show wants Hunter's arc to be for rejecting Belos. -_-
Thank you though! I love shit like this because I get a real kick out of character and concept creation. As always, you guys want a story or something, or at least how I'd do it, go ahead and ask. I am a writer first, analyst second.
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