#it's a sailor moon-type wind! ;)
coff33andb00ks · 2 months
33 with Oscar please? It is August but I am READY for autumn and spooky season already!
"Are you a witch?"
driver + number = drabble <3
ahh autumn and spooky season how I adore thee!! i hope you enjoy ❤️
warnings/themes: not proofread, reader and/or oscar might actually be a witch, hints of dark!oscar, vague historical au of some type idk
suggested listening: Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac ('97 live)
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When you met him, you were intrigued. Most men were intimidated by you, but not him. He was unflappable, his energy stoic, and in a sea of chaotic boys, it was nice to meet a man.
He didn't engage, he observed. Sometimes others would interact with him but his quiet nature tended to put them off, not that he seemed to mind. From what you noticed, he appeared to prefer being left alone.
You became enthralled.
You saw him - Oscar of Australia - everywhere, an ever present shadow in town, lingering like the mist in the mornings then disappearing when you actively looked for him. The season was changing and the mist grew deeper each night, the air crisper each time you took your nightly trek through the forest.
Hunter's moon. Withering plants. Trees shedding their brightly colored leaves.
The woods smelled of dirt and damp and you felt serene there, away from everyone and everything. There was an energy among the trees that you couldn't find anywhere else and so you were drawn to them every night, like all the luckless sailors lured by the siren's calls in the tales told by the fireside.
But unlike the unfortunate sailors, you were aware of the dangers.
Animals. Fearsome beasts that were docile when treated with respect. Unlike the so-called men in town, you much preferred the company of the bears and wolves roaming the forests, for they didn't attack unprovoked.
You were able to be free, untethered by the constraints of expectations while in town, where you were meant to behave as a lady.
The moonlight was dappled on the leaves scattered across the forest floor and you breathed in the mist that swirled around you. Owls in the distance called and the wind whispered through the branches, nature's music adding a bounce to your step. You were almost to the clearing when you heard it.
Your heart went still and your steps ceased. Listening closely, you realized it wasn't an animal. At least, not the four legged kind. You strained to listen, and then you heard the whisper of a breath. You spun, searching the shadows, hand reaching for the dagger you kept on you.
Oscar stepped out into the moonlight, one corner of his mouth lifted into a slight smirk.
"Not going to stab me, are you?" he asked softly.
It was the first time he'd ever spoken to you directly. If you hadn't been so wary of his being in the woods - your woods, your safe place - you would have been shocked. Instead you relaxed a little, lowering your hand to your side. "No."
He looked at you, his smirk disappearing as his gaze slid over you, so blatant you could feel the heat of his eyes. "What brings you out at night?" he asked, moving closer, like a cat stalking its prey.
You refused to be scared. He was just a man. "I like the night."
"But you come out every night." He tilted his head, the moonlight glittering in his eyes.
Brown as the pine needles beneath your feet, strains of black like the dirt on your fingers when you gathered mushrooms.
"Are you a witch?" he whispered.
A small ripple of fear ran down your spine. You were well aware of what would happen if you said yes. So you turned the question on him. "Are you?"
Oscar hummed. "I'm many things at many times."
"You didn't answer the question," you whispered.
He leaned close, his cheek brushing yours as he brought his lips to yours. "Neither did you."
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astra-ravana · 21 days
A Selection of Weather Magick
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Whistling Up a Wind
Whistling up a wind is one of the most common forms of weather magick and has been practiced for hundreds of years. Depending on the pitch and tone of whistle, a witch can create a gentle breeze or a sharp gust of wind. You can physically whistle with your lips, use a wind whistle or even a glass bottle. The tone, pitch, and length of the whistle you make determines the type of wind you will get. For example, a low pitched whistle will form a light breeze and a short, sharp, piercing whistle will form a huge gust of wind
A Storm is Likely to Come When
• Deciduous trees flip their leaves due to wind direction
• Birds fly low in the sky and go quiet
• There's a Southerly wind
• There's red dawn in the East
• Layers of nimbus clouds move in opposite directions
• The morning grass is dry of dew
• An earthy scent rises from the soil and flowers
• Pine cones remain closed
• A halo rings the moon at night
• Nights are warm in Winter (cloud cover insulation)
• Smoke swirls and descends instead of rising steadily.
Storm Casting
Storm casting is the art of creating storms through magick. There are many different methods for casting storms ans bringing rain. One method is to fill a jug with water and while sitting outside (or facing an open window) pour the water into a basin or bowl. Dip the tip of your finger in the water (you can also use a pendulum/necklace) and make five slow, clockwise circles in the water. As you are making the circles call the wind to bring in a storm by blowing or whistling a continuous low note, like wind over the mouth of a glass bottle, over the basin.
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Untie the Wind
Sailors used to buy knotted cords from witches. When the knots were untied the wind would pick up. The more knots untied the more wind there would be. This can still be applied today using one's breath or the wind itself. On a windy day take yourself to a high place where the wind blows strongly. Take a red cord with you, to be knotted in three places. Focus on the wind and when you feel connected to it, begin tying it into knots. Left side first, then right, and the last knot center. Accompany your actions with a charm such as,
"Each knot I make, and then untie,
Will stir the wind, to fill the sky".
Keep the cord in a high place and when you want to summon a wind, simply untie the knots in reverse order. Chant:
"This knot is untied, so the cord is free,
As the cord is freed, the winds shall be".
For a strong gale untie all three knots.
Stopping a Storm
Dispersing: This method involves spreading the storm out over a large area, there by minimizing its effects. You can disperse a storm by calling winds to blow it away (or in a certain direction).
Binding: This method is called 'storm catching' and involves catching a storm and binding it with an object (usually a bottle) so it can be released gradually at a later date.
Storm Water
One of the easiest forms of weather magick is to collect storm water (also called thunder water). Set a bowl or vessel outside during a thunderstorm. You're not just collecting water, you're also collecting the potent energy in the atmosphere. The thunder, lightning, and pressure all charge the water with extra energy. When the storm is over bottle and keep for spellwork, anointing, and more.
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Ancient Latin Wind Invocation
Stand outside and say the following:
"Venire ventus venire, sinere solus sentire relaxari, venire nunc nunc venire venire venire venire"
Ancient Latin Rain Spell
Look up to the sky and say:
"Elementum recolligo huie commodo locus mini vestri vox Elementum ego unda dico vos Permissum pluit es est meus nos sic vadum is existo"
Meteorological Symbols
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• Can be used as sigils
• Use for weather summoning
• Can substitute a certain weather condition required as a spell component
Herbs, Trees, and Plants used in Weather Magick
Alder: Raises winds, commonly turned into wind whistles
Broom: Thrown into fire to calm winds, thrown in the air to raise winds
Cotton: Thrown into fire to bring rain
Ferns: Thrown into fire to bring rain
Garlic: Warn to ward off bad weather
Heather: Thrown into fire to bring rain
Henbane: Thrown into water to bring rain
Oak/Acorn: Protects against lightning strikes and bad weather
Pansy: Brings rain and storms, if picked on a sunny day brings storms but if picked early in the morning while covered with dew brings rain
Rice/Grain/Wheat: Thrown into the air to bring rain
Saffron: Raises winds, assists with control of the weather
Thistle: Thrown into fire to redirect lighting
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"There are some things you can only learn in a storm."
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Sea witchcraft
Sea witchcraft, also known as sea magic or ocean witchcraft, is a type of witchcraft that is centered around the sea and its energies. It is a form of nature-based spirituality that draws upon the elements of water, air, and earth, and the rhythms of the tides and the moon. Sea witches may focus on healing, divination, or protection, as well as working with sea creatures and the spirits of the ocean.
Here are some key practices and beliefs associated with sea witchcraft:
Connection to the Sea: Sea witches believe in the power of the ocean and its ability to heal and transform. They may feel a deep connection to the sea, and incorporate its energies into their daily practice.
Working with Water: Water is a central element in sea witchcraft, and sea witches may work with it in a variety of ways, such as using sea water in rituals, collecting rainwater for use in spells, or working with water crystals or gemstones.
Moon Magic: The phases of the moon and its connection to the tides is an important aspect of sea witchcraft. Sea witches may perform rituals or spells during specific moon phases, and use lunar correspondences in their practice.
Sea Creatures: Sea witches may work with the spirits of sea creatures, such as dolphins, whales, and sea turtles. They may also use shells, coral, or other oceanic items in their spellwork.
Protection Magic: Because the ocean can be dangerous and unpredictable, sea witches may focus on protection magic, using spells or charms to ward off negative energies or to protect sailors and fishermen.
Divination: Sea witches may use various forms of divination to gain insights and guidance, such as tarot, runes, or sea shell readings.
Weather Magic: The sea and the weather are closely connected, and sea witches may work with the energies of storms, wind, and rain. They may perform rituals to calm storms or to bring rain during droughts.
Sea witchcraft can be practiced both on land and at sea. Some sea witches may work by the ocean, incorporating natural items like shells, driftwood, and seaweed into their practice, while others may incorporate the essence of the sea into their practice by using items like sea salt, seashells, or sea-themed decor in their homes.
Sea witchcraft is a beautiful and powerful way to connect with the energies of the ocean and nature, and to deepen your spiritual practice.
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Version 3.4 Event Notices Compilation (1)
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"The Exquisite Night Chimes" Event: Invite a 4-Star Character From Liyue of Your Choice
〓Event Gameplay Duration〓
2023/01/19 10:00:00 – 2023/02/06 03:59:59
〓Event Rewards〓
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Adventure Rank 28 or above
Complete Archon Quest "A New Star Approaches"
※ Complete Archon Quest "The Crane Returns on the Wind" and Yelan's Story Quest "Umbrabilis Orchis Chapter: Act I" first to get the best experience from this event.
※ If you have not completed Archon Quest "The Crane Returns on the Wind" and Yelan's Story Quest "Umbrabilis Orchis Chapter: Act I" during the event, you can enter the event through "Quick Start" in the event page.
〓Event Phase Details〓
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〓Event Details〓
● During the event, four types of gameplay will unlock in sequence: Radiant Sparks, Paper Theater, Vigilance at Sea, and Behind the Scenes.
● In the "Radiant Sparks" gameplay, Travelers will have to complete this special time trial challenge. When the moon is suspended high, race with blossoming flames as your companions.
● In the "Paper Theater" gameplay, Travelers will have to dive into the Paper Theatre and learn the true narratives behind the scenes at play while assisting the artisans in the completion of the performance.
● In the "Vigilance at Sea" gameplay, Travelers will have to captain the Waverider and complete time trial challenges designed by a navigator of the Alcor to help her find the most optimal sea routes and train the sailors of Liyue Harbor.
● In the "Behind the Scenes" gameplay, Travelers will have to assist the Ministry of Civil Affairs in an operation to clear enemies out from the wilderness to ensure the safety of the Liyue Harbor region.
● Complete these phases to gain Festive Fever and reach a certain amount of Festive Fever to invite a 4-star character from Liyue of your choice.
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"Second Blooming" Event: Take Part to Obtain Lisa's Outfit, A Sobriquet Under Shade
〓Event Gameplay Duration〓
2023/01/31 10:00:00 – 2023/02/13 03:59:59
〓Event Rewards〓
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Adventure Rank 20 or above
Complete the Archon Quest "Song of the Dragon and Freedom"
And complete Lisa's Story Quest "Tempus Fugit Chapter: Act I"
〓Event Phase Details〓
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〓Event Details〓
● From the first day of the event, a new challenge will unlock every day. A total of five challenges will be unlocked.
● During each challenge, you can use characters provided by the event or your own to complete 3 consecutive combat rounds. Characters who are set as "Linked" can appear during multiple rounds for their party.
● You must defeat all opponents within the time limit during the challenge. Complete the challenge with more time left on the counter to earn bonus points and receive medals based on your final score.
● Complete all challenge stages and achieve an accumulative score of 10,000 points to obtain Lisa's outfit "A Sobriquet Under Shade."
※ Lisa's outfit "A Sobriquet Under Shade" will be available for purchase in the Character Outfit Shop after the end of Version 3.4, which will be priced at 1,680 Genesis Crystals.
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"Warrior's Spirit" Event: Sword Duel Challenge
〓Event Duration〓
2023/02/09 10:00:00 – 2023/02/20 03:59:59
〓Event Rewards〓
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Adventure Rank 30 or above
And complete the Archon Quest "Ritou Escape Plan"
※ Complete Raiden Shogun's Story Quest: "Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II" first to get the best experience from this event.
※ If you have not completed Raiden Shogun's Story Quest: "Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II" during the event, you can enter the event through "Quick Start" in the event page.
〓Event Details〓
● From the first day of the event, a new duel will unlock every day. A total of six duels will be unlocked.
● There are 3 levels of difficulty in each duel: Normal, Hard, and Pro. Pro mode can only be unlocked after successfully challenging Hard mode.
● You will be unable to use Elemental Skills or Bursts during these duels, but you will obtain new abilities: a Parry and Honed Techniques.
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"Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl" Event: Complete the Beetle Battle Challenge and Win Primogems
〓Event Duration〓
2023/02/16 10:00:00 – 2023/02/27 03:59:59
〓Event Rewards〓
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Adventure Rank 30 or above
And complete the Archon Quest "Ritou Escape Plan"
※ Complete Archon Quest "Perilous Trail" first to get the best experience from this event.
※ If you have not completed the Archon Quest "Perilous Trail" during the event, you can enter the event through "Quick Start" in the event page.
〓Event Details〓
● From the first day of the event, a new beetle battle challenge will unlock every day. A total of five challenges will be unlocked.
● There are 3 levels of difficulty in each beetle battle challenge: Friendly Spar, Honed Will, and Fanatic Passion. After the challenge begins, Friendly Spar and Honed Will difficulties will be unlocked. Fanatic Passion can only be unlocked after successfully challenging Honed Will.
● Take on your opponents and achieve corresponding criteria to claim rewards in the event page. By completing challenges on a higher difficulty setting, you can directly claim rewards at lower difficulties as well.
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dawniestar · 5 months
Do you have any information on Addy? What inspired them? I love their design so much.
( sorry for some reason tumblr didn’t send my initial response 🌀 )
Some tidbits on Addy! 🧡
- Addy is a starspawn! A starspawn in my lore is any demon born from the creation of a star and sent down to earth.
- As far as what kind of demon they are, they are a serpentine demon. Its mainly an aquatic species of demon similar to mermaids and nagas, they are not required to be reptilian just that they have a “long winding body”.
- Addy is Lettie’s childhood friend! Much like how she is part of the reincarnation line of Laluna, Addy is part of the reincarnation cycle of Lasolis, the sun spirit. They are known as the red star incarnate.
- They have ustrina type ichor, meaning that their four heart chambers include fire, sun, light, and constellation powers.
- Addy’s story is mainly focused on in MS part 2 and acts as their redemption arc for their past actions in a falling out they had with Lettie. There are themes of identity (esp transgender identity and autism) and learning to take accountability while also recognizing you were hurt yourself.
- They have a special interest in snakes, they have a ball python named Nico.
- Addy is an artist, they dabble in various media. They personally painted the murals and made the sculptures present in the sanctuary they host alongside Lettie.
- Their star stone is the star sun stone and their classic transformation is Red Star Renaissance! Their weapon is a black mirror shield the reflects magic. 🪄
As for their inspirations, I would say the biggest ones are princess zelda botw, jeanne from bayonetta, and seiya from sailor moon stars!
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as-i-watch · 2 years
Game time: what type of gods would you assign all the Straw Hats as (plus any bonus characters you feel like).
I mean, the roles gods play: sun god, hearth god, psychopomp, etc - not specific gods in myths.
Oh im a mythology bitch so im down!!
Luffy: Sun God ☀️
In most mythologies (ignore greek/roman/viking) the sun is the main deity. Also he's literal sunshine boy
Zoro: Wariors' God ⚔️
Not god of wars but wariors, they pray to him that they may be victorious and come home safe. For many cultures, being a warior was a high honor and a big responsability to the whole comunity. Zoro is all about protecring his people and his honor as a swordman
Nami: Goddess of Tides and Wind 🌬️
Basicaly a nautical goddess, not goddess of the sea, that usually is percieved as its own entity, but rather of those thing the sailors can rely on. Basically the sea is cruel but the tides can get you home. Nami not only is their navigator but also there's that 'you want to be on her good side' aspect that i think fits well
[Alt: Wealth Godess]
Usopp: God of artisans and craftsmen ⚒️
Who is more crafty that him? He lit made all his weapons and Nami's one too. He can draw, sculpt, built, etc. He is bit of a jake of all trades in that aspect so i think this god is perfect for him. Also the god of the normal dude, what is Usopp if not the normal dude
Sanji: God of Love ❣️
Yeah you heard me. Not in a cupid way tho, in a Aphrodite way. God is kind love but also burning passion. He would be a simpy aphrodite but you get the gist of it
[Alt: Fire God]
Chopper: Nature God 🌿
Not only bc he is an animal and camt talk to animals, but nature was central in healing too. There are of course healing gods, but bc of Chopper's background and liked this better. Also he can go from human to full animal, so also fitting.
[Alt: Healing God]
Robin: Goddess of knowledge🔮
Not only knowledge bc she is the smartest straw hat and dedicated her life to learning, but also hidden knowledge, specially for her wish to know about the lost century. I think she could also fuction a bit a prophetic goddess in that sense
[Alt: Moon Godess just bc i like her vibe]
Franky: God of Crafsting ⚙️
Yes its different than Usopp, hear me out. Usopp is more artsy side of craft, Feanky is more ingeneer side. Basicaly extrovert and party type Hephaestus. He will biuld anything, weald, blacksmith, shipwright, he can do it all
[Alt: Party God hell yeah]
Brook: God of Arts 🎼
Make him death god would be too on the nose (and he doesnt even have a nose yo-ho) and he was a musician way before he was dead. Its only fair
[Alt: yes, God of the Dead]
Jinbe: Ocean God 🌊
Ok this one really was on the nose but come on, he's literally a fishman, he attacks with water, he can speak with sea animals. My hands are tied
Law: Death God 💀
I know he lit isna doctor, he saves lives...but he is also called the sorgeon of death, so... Either way, i mean death god in a sense of kinda of a ripper, were he can take you to your grave or give you another day to live
[Alt: Heart God but bc of Cora-san]
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docholligay · 7 months
I'm curious, you've said what you would like to be different about Sailor Moon's narrative, but, what would you change about their aesthetics? It could be color palette, uniform design, acessories, transformation even their power and element if you would like to go there
This is so hard for me because by and large I am such a story person over aesthetics. I would have watched Crystal with all the production values of Detective Pony if the story had been good. I would have loved it. I'm also not at all artistic, so thinking of these things is really hard for me. But I'll try!
Really, first and foremost desperately wish the girls didn't have the same outfit palette-swapped. I get that it makes producing merch insanely easy* but it really wants for something when it comes to representing each of the girls as her own person. I would probably go with something deeply different a la Madoka, instead of a Revue Starlight thing (Though I think Revue Starlight did an exceptional job of having outfits that were similar but different.)
When I was noodling about how you'd adapt Sailor Moon in America, one of the main fun things about the idea was that America has an insane level of diversity, and so the girls could be insanely diverse. My general idea was that when Serenity fucked them all over sent them to Earth, the shard of what made a girl a soldier waiting to awaken went everywhere, and not just Japan. So, in their uniform you'd have a reflection of where that shard fell. You could draw from potentially anywhere, Melting Pot Ahoy.
EVen in the universe I DO write, and not some spec one, I like to give them Actual Practical Weapons. I think it makes more sense and it makes fighting more interesting I thought pretty in depth about how I wanted it to work both as a question of fighting style and of whatever we might be able to glean from canon. So Mina has a big old sword**, because Mina has a big old sword, and I think it's fun that both she and Haruka have a sword. Specifically I like to give Mina a Montante because it's extremely showy in battle, it relies a lot on quickness and momentum the way many large swords do not, which I think she'd be used to from the chain, and also giving Haruka a roman-style short sword then is very very funny. Mako a giant motherfucking military spear--she was probably the most fun because we have somewhere between very little and no suggestion in canon otherwise so I just got to fuck around, and I love the idea of a weapon that draws so much on power and "strikes" in the same way as the storm element.
Oh speaking of which! Big element change, in that I want us all to stop lying to ourselves! HARUKA'S ELEMENT IS EARTH. Her fucking attack is World Shaking. She is very much an earth element type. Her element is earth. It is not wind. Stop that.***
I don't have a problem with the palette in general per se, thought if I were making Doc Holligay's Sailor Moon: An HBO Original Series, I would probably tone it down some. I guess if it were like, "There HAAAAVVVVEEEEE to be skirts", I guess we could go with some sort of Roman military flavored thing.
*And yet, still, so many of them do not come in Neptune. What. How. Are you allergic to teal and/or my money.
**technically I give her a chain, Go Go style, until after the Talismans Incident, and then she gets her sword, but that is more detail about my long ass and scattered universe than anyone really wants.
**Putting a pin in this as I've just had the thought, but being as Ami's element is actually ice *Eyeroll* imagine her and Michiru fighting and Michiru smiling, and saying, "Oh my, but did not you not realize? The sea doesn't freeze."
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arminsumi · 2 years
Hello, can I request headcanons where reader is watching anime with Eren, Armin and Mika (separately)? What kind of anime would they like and how they would generally react to anime.
Sure thing sweetie!
Cws; fluff, pre-est relationships (dating)
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H x H, One Punch Man
Boy is he loud!
Eren yells when the episodes come to an end, and refuses to go to bed until successfully binging all the content with you. A bit of a madman. Gets really invested and doesn't talk when watching, but cuddles close. You can see his brows furrow in thought while watching characters talk.
He loves any anime with lots of action, and tends towards the shonen genre.
In the beginning he described himself as an 'anime hater', but he quickly fell in love with your favorite shows.
He also loves debating the plot with you while cozying up after literally binging 4 seasons in a row.
Also, a lot of his anime knowledge comes from Armin. Well, I mean, of course, since Armin is his best friend! They grew up watching anime together.
Sailor Moon, FLCL, Nichijou, any Ghibli movies!
Absolutely spent 90% of his high school days cooped up in his room watching anime, so he has a lengthy list of "things to watch with Y/n".
Armin is very reactive and talkative! Might distract you while watching just by doing goofy annoying things, but it's just because he's excited and likes you a lot.
Armin has a soft spot for shoujo anime, because he really loved Sailor Moon growing up. But he keeps Ghibli movies closest to his heart! In general he likes shows that require him to think deeply about the plot and characters, the more complex the better. He'll have his brows furrowed in contemplation days after watching a big plot twist with you.
But some nights he just wants to wind down with a relaxing, unproblematic Ghibli movie. He's watched Howl's Moving Castle about a dozen times, and Kiki's Delivery service double that, and let's not even talk about his watchcount on Spirited Away.
Literally anything you like, she likes too
Before you started watching anime with her, she was never very interested in it. She just doesn't invest time in TV shows in general.
Mika gets a little distracted when watching with you. She might end up falling asleep on you, especially during winter. She blames your fuzzy warmth. She doesn't really show emotion when dramatic things happen in an anime, but when something really intense happens, she might let her mouth hang or gasp.
Her genre preferences are really diverse, honestly she just loves anything you love. When you mention an anime show or movie that you love, she'll watch it in her spare time just so she can talk about it with you next time you two meet up.
Absolutely the type to overprepare just for casual anime-watching. She brings out the pillows and blankets and snacks. She also ends up resting her chin on your shoulder, usually without realizing, when she's fully absorbed into an episode.
You're actually the one who keeps her awake with the whole one more episode thing! She whines about being tired, but ends up watching more because she's also too invested to stop.
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moonlightbeamu · 1 month
I've been working on a personal project that I wanted to yap about a little bit. This will be a bit long-winded, but it's my damn blog and I don't really care if anyone reads, to be honest.
Anyway, a few years back I bought a Sailor Moon season 1 DVD set from a Japanese-owned rental shop that was liquidating its stock. I was hoping it'd be a copy of the JP DVD set, but it turned out to be an exact copy of Viz's monstrosity from 2014. For anyone who doesn't know, that set is infamously terrible. The picture is ROUGH. Here's an example frame to show just how bad it is:
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Like... what's even going on here? First of all, the aspect ratio is wrong. It's got what you might call "pillar boxing." Basically, they've embedded the 4:3 frame into a 16:9 canvas. In this case, it's an obvious sign that this set is a downscale of their blu-ray version (Which is its own nightmare). On blu-ray, this is correct practice since the BD standard only supports 16:9. On DVD, this results in the picture losing ~30% of the horizontal resolution, as well as rendering it unplayable on a traditional 4:3 display- ya know, the type of display this content was literally created to be played on.
The luma and chroma (lighting and colors) are also terrible. But not terrible in the usual "DVD copy of a broadcast VHS from 1992" way- that would be a significant upgrade from this- but in a, "how did you manage to include several types of degradation from various different types of sources?!" way. Here's an example of what it should look like:
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This frame is from Viz's Pokemon DVD box set that was released around the same time. It's literally just a digital copy of a VHS from 1998. It's dull, blurry, and beautiful. There is very slight pillar boxing as an artifact of the telecine process (The tape was made by literally shooting a projector screen with a 90s TV camera). Note the significantly higher resolution compared to the Sailor Moon shot, as well as the more accurate colors. THIS is how you'd expect Sailor Moon to look on DVD. But... it doesn't?
Somehow the SM shot shows significant red shift (Colors are SIGNIFICANTLY redder than they're supposed to be), which you'd expect from film assets that had been stored improperly over long periods of time. Yet we know from Viz's statements at the time that they weren't allowed to use the film assets... Which is why it looks so shit, according to them... But then they'd be giving us a scan of, presumably, a betamax tape from 1992 (Japan was big on beta). But that would look significantly better than what they released? So how does a beta tape end up with film degradation? Unless Viz is saying that Toei literally created a brand new telecine of aged, badly-stored film to give them in 2014?
For comparison, here's my attempt to "fix" the SM footage for my own personal use:
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It's not perfect, but it's significantly better. I was able to do this using free software in my spare time. How did Viz fuck up so badly? Is it really Toei's fault like they said? It's truly one of the great mysteries of anime fandom.
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chaoscheebs · 1 year
... dangit, that Sailor Moon/Yu-Gi-Oh crossover picture made me start thinking about what the other senshi would think of Yugi and went, "Makoto absolutely goes *eyes emoji* at Yugi once his growth spurt hits, because he's gonna get pretty but also still gonna be way shorter than her and that's hilarious."
(Yugi also goes *eyes emoji* back because he has. A Type.)
Jou immediately befriends Makoto, hell yeah tough peeps with hearts of gold crew represent.
Also the idea of Honda meeting the girls too and immediately getting a crush on Rei "Ace/Gay/Gayce" Hino is also the funniest fucking thing, he will get absolutely nowhere with her and Anzu just sighs, then looks longingly at Haruka, why are all the hot ones either taken or clueless.
Meanwhile, Ami fully plans on working for KaibaCorp eventually, they have a shockingly high rating when it comes to being respectful for women in tech and the solid light technology is endlessly fascinating; is a similar principle to that how their magical girl transformations work? She simply must find out.
(Seto "Magic Is Just Science I Personally Haven't Figured Out Yet" Kaiba somehow catches wind of this and desperately wants to work with Ami, hell yeah cool Blue-Eyes White Dragon armor knight transformation sequence go.)
Also, may heaven help us and never let Chibi Usa and Mokuba Kaiba meet, the world may not survive that level of horrible gremlin (affectionate).
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moonymoonart · 6 months
About me
( fandoms )
Here is my list of fandoms I like !!
( I am the type to get a new one almost every week ‘ sweats’ )
But I like liking a lot of things
Here it is ! ( they aren’t in any order)
Demon slayer
Legend of Zelda
Sailor moon
One piece
Love and deepspace
My hero academia
Genshin impact
League of legends
Batman ( or just superhero in general, I like both marvel and DC)
Twisted wonderland
Sanrio + ( sanrio fragaria memories)
Harry Potter ( wizarding world )
Lord of the rings
Ghibli studio ( favorite movies are ‘ the winds rises’ and ‘ howl’s moving castle’ and ‘ spirited away’ )
Yuri on ice
Disney ( favorite movies are ‘ mulan’ and ‘ princess and the frog ‘ and ‘ Pocahontas 2’ )
Stardew valley
Monster high
( also into anime idols groups like ‘ idollish 7’ and ‘ A3’ ) ( I am still starting out with this, there a lot of groups out there )
JoJo bizarre adventure
If I enter anymore fandoms I will update my list
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legitimatesatanspawn · 7 months
My warped understanding of random anime series I've never watched:
Jujutsu Kaisen: some teenager/young adult eats mummified fingers for power and has to fight other people for the remaining nineteen that somehow still exist.
Kill la Kill: Clothing is made of blood and highschoolers are wearing it because the MC's mother wants them to be fashionable warriors of death.
PsychoPass 3: ... since when was there a 2?! Surely the Sybil System has been taken down by now? Right??? Oh god please let the Sybil System be dead and the third series be about rebuilding Japan in the aftermath.
Aggretsuko: A sweet little red panda girl works in an office and snaps. Probably a slice of life comedy though so she likely straddles the line between sweet and overstressed.
Scarlet Nexus: Post-Apoc Japanese City barely hangs on to a semblance of normalcy when mind-demons emerge into the world and have to be executed by children/teenagers because... uh... reasons involving the psyche magitek.
Digimon Ghost Game: Remember that one scene from Serial Experiments Lain where elementary/pre-school kids playing hide-and-seek get their VRMMO server mixed up into a young adults' horror-fps? That but its Digimon.
Chainsaw Man: Random Man sells his soul and fuses with a magical dog to become a ultragore killer of other devil-men.
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun: I'm like... 30% sure there was a shoujo version of this about ten years back where a girl got yeeted into a magical world academy where actual Solomon Demons taught. Except I think the demons there knew she was human. I think Iruma is mistaken for an uber-powerful demon scion because comedy reasons, but whether Iruma is aware of the misunderstandings or not I don't got a clue.
Bungo Stray Dogs: Italian Mafia in Japan has magical powers. ... wait I thought that was Katekyou Hitman Reborn. Then Bungo is... the one where a orphan gets treated like garbage only to be rescued by an Anime Pretty Boy and wind up living on a romance novel plot?
Bonus Round: DNAngel. Why bonus? Because I thought it died years ago.
I never saw another volume in the book store after 1. Basically it's a magical girl anime plot (think Sailor Moon but without the Warrior aspect) but as a Magical Thief who heals the cursed items before letting them be found again. The MC is a boy with a magical alternate personality and the girl he has a crush on as himself hates him while her sister has a crush on his normal identity, and the girl he has a crush on has a crush on his magical identity. I have no idea how the plot progressed with the magical mystery items but I know deep in my heart that the MC would have to fight himself over which girl to woo and which girl he'd wind up with in the end. Assuming it's not a Ranma 1/2 type thing where while he does go with one and seem to find joy together, the best choice would've been to walk away because everything else still messes with their lives.
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hasaniwalker · 11 months
Hey Mr. Walker! I've been a huge fan of your Doris Doodle webcomic for a long time! As you might remember or not lol, I've been making fanarts and fan animatics and am still in the process of creating my OCs to coexist in your little "Doodleverse" (as I've liked to call it 😂) but I hit a bump in the road while working on fleshing out the world-building on my OC Daisy's interactions with other Toons (that's why my fan content has been on writers block/artists block hell for a few months). She would've interacted a lot with Betty Boop (Mentor figure/VIP member of FxF) and Jessica Rabbit (Mom figure/FxFManager) but I've realized I can't further develop the story accurately and up-to-date with ur posts if I can't use these characters because of your whole copyright issue you went through and the fact that you're rewriting the whole story with your own characters for the Doodleverse. So basically my question is, should I continue writing the story with Lana Lamb and your other original characters in Doris' universe or stay true to the source material and still feature Betty or perhaps cameo Betty and Lana in the same scenes kinda like a visual language cinematographic type way to show the viewer they're one and the same character or something? Idk if I'm explaining that correctly lmfao?? Sorry if this is long-winded 😅 I just wanted to mention all of this before I lose the courage to aaaannnnddd because you seem to be actively posting more Doris &Dawn content once more 😁😊
Thank you for your message! The Doodleverse, I like that! I do wish I could've at least kept Betty Boop in the story as a main friend, but yeah, my attempts at talking to the rights holders never went anywhere. Once the book comes out, that's going to become the Canon story. However, other cartoons will still exist in the world (I can't have them as side characters or really have their image, but characters will still mention them now and then). So Dawn still has her Mononoke poster and sailor moon merch. Doris will still know nearly everything about the looney tunes. And well-known characters will still show up in the short comics I post online. They just can't appear in a published book. So when you make stories for your characters, you can still include Betty Boop and others. In the end, just have fun with it! Thank you so much for being a fan of these characters!!! I really appreciate and love your fanart!
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radix-outpost · 2 years
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The Outer Shitennou of the Solar-Lunar AU. Normally, I stick to UraNep or OuterStars, but as part of this AU’s mission statement is to do better than its inspiration, I wanted to fix the rage-inducing mess it made of the Outers.
Aventurine, Kyanite, Obsidian, and Spinel were the foremost generals of the outer planets; they entered stasis shortly before Sailor Saturn swung down her Glaive, and sought out their other halves in the present day (barring Obsidian, whom Pluto watched over the entire time).
* Aventurine: the “Lady of the Winds”; she was working on forging closer alliances between the gas giants when the Dark Kingdom invaded. Very prim, proper, and capable of calling down hurricane-force winds.
* Kyanite: a semi-aquatic Sardaukar, more or less. Kyanite is a native of Neptune’s “lowest moon” who fought tirelessly to have her people’s citizenship acknowledged. She’s an unstoppable machine of bladed death and very protective of Michiru.
* Obsidian: hippie shaman-type who mostly became a general to help legitimize Pluto-the-planet’s place in the alliance. She has the ability to see into the past of certain areas, if nothing breaks her concentration.
* Spinel: the youngest of the generals, who actually wasn’t officially serving yet (that was her mother, who perished in the fight against the Dark Kingdom); Spinel fiercely defended Hotaru back in the day and acts as the light to her dark.
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turbobyakuren · 2 years
explain how your ocs’ powers work and what limitations they have 🔪
(please i find reading about how other people developed their magic systems really interesting)
Sorry for the late reply! Let me do this RIGHT AWAY!
A little Recap for those who don't know what MagiMonsters are is due (and i know it's a lot because god knows i've not talked about this thing regularly in YEARS):
MagiMonsters are "Magical Monster Girls". It's the FunnyTerm for a human person who has gained the ability to turn into a half-human half-monster hybrid with special power to "protect humans from monsters and monsters from humans". Ever since the Magical Girl genre circa Sailor Moon has been popularized, it is generally agreed amongst MagiMonsters that MagiMonsters are a type of Magical Girls given the characteristics they share with the tropes of that genre.
MagiMonsters characteristics are as following:
Assigned monster (tanuki, dullahan, serpopard, griffon, polybius... be it monster, legendary creature, urban legend, youkai; as long as it is a monster, it works)
MagiMonster form (a form where they can become a half-human, half-monster hybrid guardian with full powers), which they can activate through a CATALYST
Powers (i'll explain those in the post!)
Now the subject of that post is POWERS and i shall talk about POWERS! (and oh boy is it a mess i hope i don't disappoint you)
Now powers vary from character to character, from monster to monster. MM's Powers, their characteristics and limitations are entirely dependent on the MM's assigned Monster. But a MM's powers are usually as follow:
Passive Power (need a better term for that): This is a single power out of the MM's arsenal that can be used outside of her MagiMonster form, in human form. It can be either her signature ability (like Akira's illusion power) or one of her powers that just happens to be convenient (like Aoife's ability to run through a distance without any obstacle). They can come in handy when the MagiMonster cannot be in her MagiMonster form but needs to get herself out of a pinch. Main Limitation is that, usually, the power is better exploited in MagiMonster form.
Powers: THOSE ARE POWERS! These powers vary from character to character but can only be used in their MagiMonster forms. These come in two flavours: "inate" powers that are just how the MagiMonster can be in her MM form (usually something like "enhanced agility", "enhanced smell", "enhanced vision"...); and active powers that require a magic system called Flux (detailed below) to be used and must be cast by the MM. MagiMonsters powers rarely come with a Manual so it's up to the MagiMonster to understand what her powers are by herself and how she can exploit them the best she can (which is the case of Yuzuki!).
Elemental Magic: Each MagiMonster is assigned to an element (Fire, Water, Earth, Thunder, Wind, Wood and Shadows). Through that element, they can cast magic that affect this element and mainly this element. The mastery depends on the MagiMonster's willingness to commit to the bit! For example Akira is a Fire type MagiMonster and has mastered pyrokinesis, meanwhile Moriko is a Earth type MagiMonster who uses some earth manipulation techniques, whiles Aoife is a Thunder type MagiMonster who barely uses any thunder techniques.
The main fuel for the magic system of the world is something i name "Flux". The name of that magical energy varies from region to region, but it is standardized as "Flux Magical Energy". Depending on someone's aptitude with magic (whether they're a physical damage kind of MM or a caster), the amount of Flux within the body varies. Flux can be used to cast magic and use powers, and comes at the expense of one's physical energy. It's like sports! The more you use your muscles, the more tired your body feels. Magic is the same.
It's a bit hard for me to define "powers" and "limitations", as they all vary from case to case. I hope this is clear enough!! Don't hesitate to ask if you have any question!
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mahoutoons · 2 years
A Guardian's Love
Fandom: Sailor Moon
Relationship: Minako/Usagi
Words: 918
Summary: I made a promise a long time ago. That I would protect the Princess of the Moon. Me and the three other Sailor Guardians - Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter - we dedicated our lives to Princess Serenity.
I always knew being a Sailor Guardian would be tough. I knew it would come with hurdles and challenges. I knew we would have to fight eventually. But what I didn’t expect was to fall in love with the Princess.
i've been thinking about usamina lately. i love the idea of the leader of the sailor senshi falling in love with the princess, and having this tragic unrequited love because serenity and endymion are destined to be together. the potential for ANGST!!!
anyways hope you enjoy this!!
AO3 link
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I made a promise a long time ago. That I would protect the Princess of the Moon. Me and the three other Sailor Guardians - Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter - we dedicated our lives to Princess Serenity.
I always knew being a Sailor Guardian would be tough. I knew it would come with hurdles and challenges. I knew we would have to fight eventually. But what I didn’t expect was to fall in love with the Princess.
Princess Serenity - a name that flows softly on my tongue, much like a flower petal dancing in the wind. It is a name that is dear to me. As her Sailor Guardian, I have to protect her. I was not supposed to fall in love with her. But at the same time, how could I have not? That luscious golden hair of hers, those eyes blue as the distant earth, the way she smiles from ear to ear, how contagious it is. Her laughter, the most wonderful sound. Her gown, which perfectly complements her and sways wherever she goes. The way she says my name. The way she excitedly pushes me to come with her whenever she discovers something exciting. The way she dances in balls. Her curiosity. Her radiance. I should have seen this coming. After all, I am Venus, descended from the goddess of love. And yet even I could not have predicted this. The way my heart beats whenever she’s around. The way I can feel my face burning up.
What will Queen Serenity think if she finds out? What will my fellow Sailor Guardians think? What will she think?
All these feelings boiled up inside me. Until they threatened to overflow.
I couldn’t take it anymore. If I didn’t at least tell her, I wouldn’t be able to put my heart at ease. So I made up my mind.
I would tell her.
I don’t know what will happen. But she needed to know just how precious she was to me.
I decided to write to her a poem that eloquently states all of my feelings. Yes, it was the best way. I stayed up, day and night, writing it. Finding the right words to describe her. But all the words in every language of the universe could not accurately describe how I felt about her. After all, I am descended from the goddess of love. This is the type of thing she would do.
The day came at last. I had finished my poem. I neatly placed it in an envelope. I then heard her familiar, beautiful voice. She seemed excited about something. I took a deep breath. You can do this, Venus!
I went to the courtyard where the others were. The Princess saw me. She waved at me. “Venus,” she said, waving at me. “I have got to tell you what happened today!” She was beaming. Maybe she had found something interesting. I decided to listen and then tell her. She told us about her visit to Earth, the planet we see in our sky. She met the Prince of Earth. She talked with him. She danced with him. She had a radiant glow around her as she spoke of him. She was blushing. I knew what that was.
Those were the signs of a girl in love.
“Ooh, so you love him!” Jupiter teased. “What? No! I don’t- well, uh. Yeah, maybe he was a bit handsome. And kind. And his hands felt so warm-” The way she described him made it undeniable.
Princess Serenity was in love with someone. And it is not me.
I felt my world shatter around me. The chatter of the girls slowly faded away. The ground seemed to swallow me up. No, it couldn’t be, please don’t let it be this.
And yet, I couldn’t deny it. Princess Serenity was in love with Prince Endymion.
“Venus, what’s wrong?” the Princess asked, concerned. “Are you not feeling well?” “Well, uh, yeah,” I said. “I have a bit of a headache. I’m going to my room. But….” I thought of what to say next. The words were out before I knew it. “P-Prince Endymion must be a great guy for someone like you to fall in love with him. I’m happy for you.” I rushed to my room before anyone could stop me. I hoped they didn’t see my tears.
I spent the entire day crying in my room. The love poem was still in place, in the envelope. I thought of tearing it up. But then I decided against it. I didn’t want all my hard work to go to waste.
I calmed down after a while. I loved Princess Serenity, that was true. That is why I want to see her happy. And if Prince Endymion was the one that made her happy, then so be it. I will be their guardian. I will protect their happiness.
No one knew of my strong feelings for the Princess. No one had to know. It is my burden to bear.
I heard a knock on the door. “Come in,” I said. Princess Serenity, along with Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter entered. “Venus, I wanted to make sure you’re okay,” the Princess said. She was concerned for me. I just smiled. “I’m feeling better now,” she said. “I’m so glad,” Serenity said. “Do you want to sit in the garden?” “Yes, I’d love that,” I replied. And from that day I, Sailor Venus, resolved to protect Serenity’s happiness. Even if it hurt me.
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