#it's a very rare chance that they weren't there on purpose
bucketofbugz · 3 months
I love getting to explore character dynamics in different aus because normally in my rottmnt aus it'll be Leo that has an unrealistic worldview and Raph who actually understands how things Are but in M&M it's the opposite.
Like. Leo, who grew up in complete fear of being a mutant while in the hidden city, and the second someone with power found out about him he got thrown into the dang battle nexus. Rose, who has grown up incredibly sheltered in witch town with a yokai disguise to keep people from finding out she's a mutant and insists being a mutant in the hidden city isn't that hard and that there's no way Leo would have gotten into that situation if he hadn't volunteered in some way.
And you know what happens the second people find out about Rose being a mutant? SHE GETS THROWN INTO THE BATTLE NEXUS!! WITH LEO AGAIN!!!
And Leo just has a moment of "lol you think being a mutant down here is easy and fine and not a problem? You having a silly time right now? You having fun? lol?"
and it's just really funny to me for no reason
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a-aexotic · 1 year
HEYYYY! So like every other mf on the planet right now I am in my hunger games era!!
Please could you write a Finnick x Reader where she is selected for the quarter quell (Maybe in her games she was lethal and killed like 10+ people?)
And when Katniss shoots the arena in catching fire she gets taken by the capitol (Like Peeta) and they torture her and shit? Then Finnick and her get there reunion she’s all like battered and bruided and it’s dead sad? Not sure if this made sense because i’m half asleep and dyselxic but let me know😭🤣
Maybe he says “It’s okay baby i got you” ??? x
hey of course i can! i hope u enjoy it babe <3 its a tiny bit long! my apologizes
cw's: angst, mentions of killing/dying, typical thg stuff, torture, ptsd, lmk if i missed anything
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You were one of the youngest victors alongside Finnick, being only 15 and having won your games. You were also from District 4. You won the 68th Hunger Games, a few years after Finnick.
When you were reaped, Finnick and Mags were your mentors. Finnick came off as self absorbed and arrogant but once you started talking to him, the more you realized that was total bullshit. He wasn't how the Capitol portrayed him, he was much more caring and compassionate. He was very sympathetic to your situation, having gone through the same things.
During your time in the arena, you were one of the most ruthless tributes of all time. In the beginning, you were easily overlooked. The tributes weren't thinking that you were going to be much of a challenge because of your size and the way you carried yourself.
But that was exactly how you wanted to be portrayed. You tricked the Careers into thinking you were some naïve little girl, stabbing them in the back (literally) the first chance you got. The Capitol loved the turn of events, cheering you on.
When you had come back home, you had finally understood the intensity of what you had done. You had killed a whole group of people, ending their lives permanently. Those people had lives and family who loved them, and now they're gone because of you.
You suffered through months and months from never ending nightmares. Even getting consoled by your mother didn't help anymore; she doesn't understand. You didn't even feel worthy of food anymore.
You closed off Mags and Finnick when you had come home, driving yourself into isolation and depression. You rarely went out anymore, eating one meal a day and slept more than 80% of the day. Even sleeping couldn't mend the eternal tiredness you had, the void that filled your body.
Finnick had felt more than responsible for your pain. He gave you time before he realized he was just adding to your pain. Even when you didn't communicate back to him, Finnick visited you every day. He gave you advice and told you what he had went through after the Games as well. Eventually you opened up more to Finnick, and slowly, he had become your best friend.
He had told you that numbing it wasn't going to make it go away. He reminded you that you had him and Mags to help you with this process, and that you weren't alone despite of how you felt.
He helped you regain your sense of purpose again, your self image again. Finnick had singlehandedly helped you rebuilt your sense of self again.
He saw a part of you in him, that scared 14 year old boy who was trying to go back home to his parents. He never wanted anyone to feel that, especially you.
He promised you that he would never let anything bad ever happen to you again.
During your Victor's tour, Snow had suddenly deemed you desirable by the Capitol, wanting to sell you as he did with Finnick. Finnick couldn't risk getting involved, wanting to protect his family.
Every night in the Capitol, you were always consoled by Finnick. Every time you had to do a favor, you remember walking to Finnick's room to sleep, not baring the thought of having to sleep alone in the cold bed. He was always there, holding your hand comfortingly as you both slept.
The Capitol adored you both, nicknaming you the princess and prince of Panem. The more time you spent with Finnick, the more the media had speculated a relationship between the young victors.
You and Finnick had connected in many ways. Both having the same trauma, it was easy to talk to him and for him to understand how hard it was.
You and Finnick eventually got together a few years later, then getting married (in secret, of course) almost right after. You were both deeply in love.
Finnick found solace in the thought of always having you by his side, remembering that no one could tear you apart. That was until the Quarter Quell was announced.
You and Finnick were sitting at the edge of the couch, listening to Caesar's words carefully as he explained that this year's Hunger Games was going to be very different.
When it was announced that there will be only be Victors in this year's games, you heard dropped. You looked over at Finnick and he shared the same terrified look on his face.
When Annie's name had been called, you without any second thought, put up your hand. "I volunteer as tribute."
The crowd gasped and you looked over at Annie and you could tell she was a bit relived but still scared nonetheless. You immediately embraced her tightly, letting her let out a small sob. "It's okay, you're okay."
Mags looked just as terrified and you took her hand. When Finnick's name was called, you felt your stomach drop. Not only were you back in the arena, but you were with Finnick.
You looked over at Finnick and he looked prepared to fight. You both stood up and he grabbed your hand, raising it up in union.
The trainride to the Capitol was pretty uneventful. Finnick had wanted some time to think about the plan and so did you. A part of you knew what he was planning; he kill everyone else in the arena and then eventually himself, all for you.
As you sat on the bed, you felt the sadness and anger turn into numbness. No amount of crying was going to stop the Quater Quell and you had to be smart.
You didn't want to survive without Finnick. You were either winning with him or dying with him. Life would be meaningless without him.
Finnick knocked on your door slightly, before walking in. You looked up at him and he gave you a small smile. He took a seat next to and took your hand.
"I have a plan."
"Finnick, I know what you're thinking, and no. You're not killing yourself for me."
Finnick looked defeated. "One of us has to survive, Y/N. For Annie. For Mags."
You look a deep inhale, looking away from Finnick. "I don't want to life without you, everything would lose all it's meaning without you."
Finnick felt his heart burst into two pieces as he squeezed your hand. You felt your eyes watering again and you couldn't help but let out another quiet cry as Finnick pulled your head in, as he embraced you tightly.
"Shh, it's okay. I promise, I won't... I won't leave you."
It had all happened so fast, you couldn't even comprehend what had just happened. One moment, you were with Finnick trying to find Johanna and Katniss and suddenly there was big loud boom. You were relieved for a moment; Plutarch's plan had worked. Until you realized how far away you were from the others.
You were wandering, trying to find anyone until you heard people behind you. You turned and then you saw some unfamiliar faces; suddenly, your vision went black.
Then, you woke up in a white room. You felt like your stomach had dropped out of your body once the realization hit you; the Capitol captured you.
You were strapped down to a bed and you couldn't move or shake it off. The severity of the situation had hit you; even if by some miracle you did escape, where would you go? How would you find your way to 13 and back to Finnick?
You knew how ruthless the Capitol was to everyone who disobeyed them. Your worst fears had come true and there was no getting out of here.
You heard the door open and you saw some Peacekeepers come in and then you saw the person you dreaded to see most; Snow. You felt like your whole had come crashing down, how could this nightmare become any worse?
"Hello, Y/N."
You didn't respond, resorting to stare at the wall in front of you instead.
He tutted disappointedly. "Out of all the tributes, you were the one I expected least to be involved in this mess. You are the Princess of Panem... What a shame."
You still hadn't replied and you hadn't dared to look at Snow. Months and months you spent trying to heal the trauma he had caused you, you were sure if you had to look at him now, you would break.
"I want to take mercy on you, dear Y/N. If you tell me everything you know about the rebellion, I will make sure the Peacekeepers are gentle with you."
You shook your head. "No."
He let out a small chuckle. "Sorry, I couldn't hear you. What?"
"No." You said again, louder.
He hummed in disapproval. "Okay then, you leave me no choice. You are going to regret this."
He nodded to the Peacekeepers and walked out of the room. You were then met with Peacekeepers, loosening the straps then taking you to another room.
If Snow knew one thing about you, it was that being only physical with you wouldn't hurt you enough. He had to hit you were it hurt most.
They threw you in the seemingly vacant room and immediately locking it. You were confused until you heard it.
"Y/N, help me!" Finnick's voice screamed. "Please, help me! Get up and do something, they're killing me! Please."
You looked everywhere in the dark room, trying to find the source. It kept going.
"Y/N, please! Help! What the hell are you doing, just sitting there? You are such a disappointment!" The voice started shouting. "We should've just left you to died in the arena! You are useless!"
Now this was something new. Your body was filled with panic and fear and even though you knew it was fake, you felt like you were going to throw up from all the noise.
Suddenly, Annie's voice came in as well. Then Johanna's. Then your mother's. There was nonstop noise filled with screams for help, shouting with disapproving messages. Your body couldn't handle it; it was so overwhelmed with fear that you started shaking on the ground, putting your hands on your ears but that did little to nothing.
You wanted it to stop. It was too much, you were trembling. It felt like days, just sitting there in that room listening to all those demeaning voices of your loved ones. You couldn't even think straight anymore.
It was so bad you had started to pound your head on the ground, screaming and crying. You had have enough. And then, it all stopped. Silence was foreign for you; your ears were ringing.
You were sitting on the ground, almost lifeless as the Peacekeepers took you away. Your eyes hurt from the tears, your body sore, your ears ringing and your head was pounding.
But you knew that was just the beginning.
You were asleep in bed and you were awakened by the door opening, you instantly jolted up. You looked over to see a group of masked men in front of you and you had started to tremble again, silent tears rolling down your face, thinking that the Peacekeepers had come again.
"No, no, no." You started to mumble to yourself.
A man came up to your and took your bruised hand slowly, rubbing it gently in silent empathy. That was the first soft touch you'd felt in a few weeks and it almost stung.
"It's okay, you're safe now. You're going to 13 now."
You had to blink a couple times, trying to process what he said. Was this a dream? You went to pinch yourself but it was real life.
He then helped you up but you couldn't help but stumble; your legs were weak, you couldn't remember the last time the Peacekeepers let you walk for this long.
As you got into the hovercraft, you saw Annie. Your eyes widened as you both ran up to each other, embracing each other. She had started to cry a little bit and so did you.
That was when it hit you. You were going to see Finnick. You were going home. You started crying into Annie's shoulder as she held you. "We're safe now, we're safe."
You had seen Johanna as well but she didn't seem too responsive. Neither did Peeta. You fell asleep on Annie's shoulder on the ride back and for the first time, you actually felt yourself drifting off calmly.
There were lots of doctors and nurses looking at you and asking you all sorts of questions and you tried your best to answer them. You were still in shock; you were safe. They couldn't hurt you anymore.
"Y/N?" You turned around to see Finnick. You immediately got up from the examiner's table and ran into his arms, your eyes starting to water up again.
"Finnick," you sighed slowly. You pulled away, putting your hands on his face and touched him as if he wasn't real.
"Are you.. Are you really here?"
"Yes, I'm really here." Finnick looked at you and suddenly his voice transported you back into the dark room. You quickly twisted out of his embrace and his expression changed.
His voice was back and you heard all of the nasty things he had to you. You back away, stumbling into the examiner's table and your breathing became heavy. "No, no, no, please-please go away. No."
You slid down to the floor and you closed your eyes, putting your hands on your ears and rocking back and forth trying to get that voice to stop.
Finnick ran up to you and put his hands on your knees, trying to get you to look at him. His heart broke in half; he didn't know what the Capitol had done to you but now he knows it has something to do with him.
Of course the Capitol would try to ruin him. His eyes started to tear up at the sight of you, in so much pain and panic.
You opened your eyes, Finnick in front of you. You started to cry some more before Finnick slowly went up to you, wrapping his arms around you.
When he had started wrapping your arms around you, your instinct was to push him away but his warmth was welcoming and safe and you started to focus on his touch. The voices slowly drifted away, the sounds of your silent sobs only being heard.
You then gave into Finnick's touch, falling into him and putting your head in his chest as he caressed your back gently, shushing you.
"It's okay baby, I got you. You're safe now, they can't hurt you."
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strwbmei · 20 days
i can't get kafka off the brain, she's so attractive 😭 she'd be such a huge brat, testing your patience all the time with that smug grin. she deserves to get tied up, gagged, spanked, humiliated and fucked until she's crying and promising to be good 💞 she's 100% a masochist
I am so sorry. This was only supposed to be a short, 2-4 paragraph thirst, but then it turned into pure filth 😭😭😭 Also a bit extreme compared to other things I've written, so it might not be to most people's tastes
nsfw utc (fem reader with strap on, bondage, dom/sub dynamics, use of toys, spanking, dacriphilia, not proofread)
She'd probably rile you up on purpose just for that. There's nothing she wants more than to just lay there and get fucked senselessly until she inevitably ruins the sheets, and she knows you're perfectly willing to accommodate her. Still, getting what she wants so easily would be so boring, wouldn't it? It's not fun if you aren't seething with a kind of irritation only Kafka could make you feel and if she still has some form of control of her body.
It'd start with you tying Kafka up, a bullet vibrator pressed onto her clit. The way her moans sound through the gag is delightful; they show how much of a whore she is for you. You watch her with disinterest and indifference in her eyes, fully clothed as opposed to how the only things Kafka is wearing are a ball gag and fancy ropes of silk the color of your eyes (something she insisted on) digging into her curves and currently unblemished skin.
It's humiliating, really, being forced to feel all vulnerable and owned—but both of you know just how much she loves that. Maybe if you're in a good mood, you'll even let her cum once or twice tonight. Kafka doubts that, though, especially with how bratty she's been acting. Your patience has its limits, and Kafka wants nothing more than to push you over the very brink of it. She starts begging, vulgar and wanton; almost mocking in its tone.
Kafka thinks you've finally given in when you remove the vibrator from her puffy clit. She prides herself in her beauty, after all. No one would be able to resist her "charms" for long... right? Wrong. Instead, you push her down, knees bent so her face is pressed into the mattress while her hips are up in the air. When you start spanking her ass, she begs for the bullet vibrator again. Her abused cunt just feels so empty, fluttering around nothing as your hand leaves yet another mark on her ass. She's already so overstimulated, and you've barely even started.
The woman endures, locks of hair the color of her most favored wine cascading along her back as each moan becomes more strained than the last. Anticipation fills her lust-addled head as she feels the tip of your length rubbing against her folds. You relish in the way her back arches as you finally insert the strap-on inside her neglected cunt, not to mention the drawn-out moan she lets out. God, you're sure her facial expression right now is downright sinful—you can tell by how she's clawing at the bedsheets and eagerly moving her hips to chase yours.
But you don't move.
Why would you? Did Kafka think you'd be nice to her after all that she's done? Her whines are barely audible through the ball gag, but you hear her mention something about "how mean you always are to her." Funny. You've been patient with all of her bullshit for as long as you've remembered, yet now you're the mean one. You were planning to be a bit lenient since you felt bad for her, but she can wave goodbye to any chance of being able to use either her voice or her legs for the next few days.
"Move," you command her. "Don't you think it's time you stopped relying on me to get you off?" Kafka whimpers at your words, looking back at you with glossy eyes. You can't help but snicker in response. It's rare to see her so desperate and needy to be filled. Maybe you should do this more often? She never really learns her lesson, after all. Realizing you weren't gonna budge on your decision, she rocks her hips as much as she can with her limited range of movement. She can feel each vein and bump of the fake toy rubbing against her walls, but it just isn't enough.
It's not rough enough. Not fast enough. Not deep enough. Nowhere close to being enough, but Kafka submits to the humiliation nonetheless. She can't bring herself to care anymore, too focused on making sure to savor each and every bit of pleasure she's feeling. You look at how fervently she's fucking herself on the fake cock, and think of how you've each turned the other into fully fledged perverts. Kafka wasn't this much of a masochist before she ended up in your bed. Or was it hers? You don't remember.
She never understood the people who liked getting hurt. Kafka used to find the marks that ropes left on her skin itchy and unbearable, but now she loves reliving the memories of lust and passion whenever she sees them. She wears them with pride. You, on the other hand—have never felt like more of a degenerate. You catch yourself wanting to break her; to ruin her for anybody else. You desire to know her body in a way completely exclusive to you. You want to own her; mind, body, and soul.
The past few minutes are a blur. Without realizing, you've been fucking Kafka senseless as she sobs from the overstimulation. The smell of sex fills the air as does the sound of your hips colliding with the fat of her ass. You thrust as quickly as you can, much to the other woman's pleasure, but the tightness of her pussy makes it more difficult than it usually is. You've been holding her over the brink for a while now—you're not sure how long exactly, but enough for her legs to be shaking and for her knees to give out. If not for your hands settling themselves on her waist, she would've toppled over. Kafka is powerless, and she loves it.
When you see her cum form a white ring on the base of your strap, you know you've found another excuse to fuck her dumb, and you plan on making full use of it.
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furiousgoldfish · 25 days
I had a conversation the other day, with a person who seemed to have some respect for me, but couldn't understand why I'm still having trauma symptoms, and can't be normal already. I took it as a chance to try and explain my symptoms, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears;  I was told I just needed to tell myself that 'I am a new person now', and forget about the past. The person then explained to me how they weren't always the same person either, and they would sometimes cringe at their behaviour in the past, but then they would be proud of themselves for being smarter and more reasonable today. I couldn't quite explain to them that my situation was not the same.
They gave me various suggestions like 'just don't think about these things anymore', and 'these people are not going to hurt you anymore', which I strongly doubted was true. I tried to explain that I am not purposefully thinking about it; in fact, I was doing everything to avoid it. But with intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, and the symptoms of the dissociative disorder, I had no control over it, the past was at my throat, holding me and unwilling to let go. I could tell that they still believed I was doing it on purpose, holding on and refusing to stop living in the past.
I very rarely get a chance to talk to someone about anything trauma related, so I was originally grateful that anyone was even showing an interest at 'attempting to help me', but later when I thought about the entire thing, I got pissed off.
Firstly it doesn't make any sense for me to be 'normal', in any timeline, regardless of how much time has passed. You can't have a person living first few decades of their life in belief that their life is worthless, in environment where they're getting locked up, beaten, humiliated, tortured, threatened with death, brainwashed to believe they're not human, severely neglected, and without any kind of genuine caretaker or a parent. And then leave it to this person to 'deal with it alone', never getting any help, never even getting reassured that what happened to them was wrong. That is complete abandonment by human society, and I find it sick and twisted that this person should be expected to adhere and integrate into society afterwards, for what? This person will logically feel betrayed, untrusting, bitter, feral and unnacepting the society's standards, especially their standards for victim blaming and ignoring abuse. Society continually fails these people expects them to 'fix themselves' so nobody would feel uncomfortable about it.
Secondly why is it up to me to change as a person? I am not like this because 'I was not a good enough person', I am not the one who needs changing. I am good as I am. It's worse that after being failed in every aspect, I am now being seen as the one in 'the need of change', for not acting normal and being haunted by my past. I am not hurting anybody! I am the only one suffering from this. God forbid my reality leaves someone uncomfortable, I better try to hide it better. Which I actually do unless sometimes is actively asking me about it.
And the last bit of my anger is about making it seem like the actual problem is 'me holding onto the past', and not my life being severely different and harmful in a way that isolates me from other people. I don't have the same formative experiences other people had. I don't remember being cooed at and hugged, I don't have endless experiences of being taught that I'm important, that someone will care and intervene when I'm in pain, that the figures of mother and father are safe, warm, comforting and reliable. That childhoods are a positive and fun part of life. That families work as an environment for children to be raised on. I don't have the experiences that formed all other beliefs that this culture holds, I hold nothing sacred that is sacred to everyone else, I don't believe in the authorities, I don't believe in family, I don't rejoice with holidays, I don't want children, I don't trust religion, I feel contempt towards capitalism, I don't relate or connect to people who are receptive to any of it.
And it turns out I'm right to feel as I do. Because people in this society will actively come to me asking me to 'stop being like that', while never asking any abuser to 'stop being like that'. Victims who make them uncomfortable can be spoken down to, should be told to stop being traumatized, even in private, while the abusers just need to be 'ignored' and 'hopefully they stop doing it'. What a great plan. Surely it will fix everything.
Humane thing to do would be to approach me with awareness that I've been treated like a worthless creature and address it and allow me to act genuine about it. If I'm still feeling betrayed, abandoned and outcast from society, I should be able to express that. I deserve to react with genuine responses rather than this insane preformance art I have to do every single day to make sure nobody else is aware or uncomfortable by my peril.
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green-eyedfirework · 20 days
Ra's al Ghul was a fool, and there was only one way Dick was surviving this.
Dick adjusted the scarf covering his face, hitched Damian higher in his grip, and pressed against the stone wall, waiting anxiously for guards to pass him on their rotation.  The one benefit of a siege was that Ra's was more concerned with stopping people from coming in than letting people leave, and the guards usually posted outside Dick's door had been reassigned.
Finding Damian had been the hard part, Dick had no idea where Ra's had taken him after ripping him from Dick's weak arms after his birth four months ago, but he'd assumed—correctly—that Ra's wouldn't want a crying infant anywhere near him, heir or not.  Luckily, Dick knew where the nursery was.  He felt slightly sorry about knocking out the maids, but not enough to avoid it.
Ra's al Ghul was going to lose, and Dick wanted to be nowhere in the crossfire.
Dick had managed to make friends in the castle despite Ra's' best efforts, and it wasn't hard to notice that they were in a siege when Dick could see the fires from the tower window.  General Wilson had clearly come a lot further a lot faster than anyone had expected.  Judging by the size of the army, the castle would fall in the fortnight.
And Dick knew his likely fate.
Slade Wilson hated Ra's al Ghul for murdering his son.  It wasn't a stretch that that hatred would extend to Dick and Damian as well.  Even if Dick could somehow persuade the man to spare his life and ransom him back to Gotham, there was no way Wilson would pass up the chance to murder Ra's' heir in front of the decrepit old alpha.
"It's okay, Dami," Dick whispered to his son's hair.  It'd been the longest that Dick had held his son since he was born.  "We'll be okay."
The guards finally passed out of sight and Dick quickly crossed the yard.  There was a secret tunnel in the stonework that led out into the woods behind the castle and Dick's primary plan was to get out and make for Gotham.
Dick wasn't stupid.  Without horses, without weapons or supplies, without a place to sleep or money to buy food, they weren't going to get very far.  Dick had once been a capable fighter, but that was before he'd been locked in a tower.  Now, with an infant in tow—even if Damian was silent, sleepily content with the rare smell of his mother—he'd be lucky to make it to the mountain passes out of the Cradle, much less all the way to the border with Gotham.
"Halt!" a voice called out in the woods and Dick froze.
The far more likely outcome was that Dick would be caught by one of the innumerable soldiers combing through the woods.  Avoiding the main camp wouldn't do much, when Wilson had an entire army at their gates.  Dick took a deep breath as the squad of soldiers neared and took up positions to surround him.
"State your name and purpose," the lead soldier demanded.
Dick swallowed.  "My—my name is Dick," he said quietly, fingers tightening on Damian.  "I'm not—I'm just trying to get to the pass."
"You're awfully close to the castle."
Dick darted a glance back at the massive walls rising in the distance.  "I'm—" Dick took a deep breath, "I'm running from the castle.  I—please.  I have a baby.  I don't—I just want to go home."
The soldier stepped closer, until the torchlight illuminated Damian's face as well.  The hard lines of his face softened as Dick tried to keep his posture as that of a scared, hunted omega.  It didn't require that much acting.
"Where's home?" the soldier asked, voice softer.
"Gotham," Dick responded.  Just enough of the truth to keep it real, not enough to rouse suspicion.
"You're a long way from home."  Do you think I haven't realized?  "Okay, Dick, we'll help you get to the mountain pass—" Dick raised his head up, hope rising—"as long as you come to our camp to tell us how you got out of the castle."
Hope flickered.
"Of course," Dick said, dread pooling in his gut.
Dick knew there was a high probability of being caught by Wilson's men.  Dick knew that there was a high probability of meeting Wilson himself.  Dick knew that a scarf and some bruises were not an adequate disguise, not when he carried Ra's al Ghul's heir in his arms.
Dick knew he needed a plan for the confrontation.
It had been the sticking point of his preparations to leave.  If he was going to be executed anyway, why put in the effort of running away?  He needed something to convince Slade Wilson not to kill him, and somehow he figured knowledge of the castle wasn't going to be enough.  And even if he could convince Wilson that Ra's al Ghul cared nothing for him and thus killing Dick was no revenge at all, he couldn't save Damian like that.
Damian was Dick's son, his precious little baby, his adorable pup that he saw once a week for a half-hour if he begged Ra's long enough, but Wilson wouldn't care.  Not after what Ra's had done to him.  He'd kill Damian in his arms so that Dick could watch his son die like Wilson had watched his own son die.  And Dick would do anything, anything to avoid that.
There was really only one solution left to him.  Bargaining was useless, Dick had no power in Nanda Parbat.  Bringing up Gotham was a coin toss, Dick was an al Ghul now, and his family had written him off for dead when he'd first went to Ra's.  The only appeal Dick could make that had a chance of succeeding was a plea for Wilson's mercy.
He'd heard that Wilson was an honorable man.  A ruthless general, yes, but fair to his own men.  There was a reason half the country had risen in support of him.  Wilson commanded loyalty in a way Ra's al Ghul did not, and the old alpha had learnt that fear was an ineffective motivator.
Dick's last, diminishing hope that Dick would just be led to a captain to explain his escape and then be on his way died an ignoble death when he was ushered into the command tent.
The murmur of conversation died out with alacrity as Dick halted in front of the entrance.  The soldier who led him there stepped forward, "Apologies, sirs, but I found an omega claiming they escaped from a secret tunnel in the castle."
The weight of gazes on him intensified.  Dick lifted his gaze just slightly, scanning past faces and halting on a silver-haired alpha with an eyepatch and an icy blue eye, powerful presence evident even in a room full of commanders.
"A secret tunnel in the castle," Slade Wilson said, tone low and neutral.  His gaze was piercing.  "What's your name, omega?  And why were you trying to leave the castle in the first place?"
Dick swallowed.  There was a prayer that he could pass unnoticed, that Wilson didn't remember his face from the wedding, that no one else would recognize him, that Dick would be long gone by the time anyone connected a lone omega with a child to Ra's al Ghul's fled mate and heir.
Unfortunately, it wasn't practical.  And for all of Dick's calculations, they always ended up here.
Dick knelt, curling a hand behind Damian's head and keeping him pressed close as he bowed his head.  "My name is Richard al Ghul, General.  And I surrender to you."
Silence.  No one was breathing.  Dick certainly wasn't, heart pounding in his ears as footsteps crunched towards him.  "Get up," Wilson demanded, voice colder and darker, and Dick struggled back up to his feet.
Wilson was right in front of him now and Dick held perfectly still as the alpha tore off his scarf, baring his face.  He couldn't hide the protective flinch when Wilson's icy gaze dropped down to Damian and thankfully it moved back up to Dick.  "You surrender," Wilson said flatly.
"Yes, alpha," Dick said, tilting his head enough to bare his neck.  His heart was beating loud enough he was sure Wilson could hear it.
Surrender was an old way for people to ask for protection from packs.  It was considered dishonorable to turn away anyone who surrendered, as they had to give up any previous pack bonds to throw themselves at another pack's mercy.  It would be the height of disrepute to kill someone who'd offered their surrender.
Judging by the scent of fury coming from Slade Wilson, Dick wasn't sure if that would stop him.
Surrender wasn't used much anymore, and Dick was the enemy.  Dick doubted anyone in the tent would stop Wilson from murdering him.  But if Wilson portrayed himself as a stable, sane alternative to the homicidal Ra's al Ghul—
"Very well," Wilson snarled in a deeply displeased tone of voice, "I accept your surrender."  He grabbed Dick's arm, and before Dick could even brace himself, there were teeth sinking into his collarbone, biting down hard and deep and vicious.
Dick yelped, and lost his balance when his knees went weak, but Wilson's grip held him up until the alpha was satisfied.  He let go almost as soon as he disengaged the bite, and Dick ended up crumpling, curling over Damian in the instinctive urge to make himself a smaller target.
The newly formed pack bond throbbed down his collarbone and Dick felt sick.  It felt like less of a violation than his previous one but it was just as one-sided.
Ra's had tortured Dick to extract his revenge for the trick that sent Dick to marry Ra's in Tim's place.  Dick had no doubt that Wilson could be just as inventive, if not more.
But Wilson couldn't kill him, the same way Ra's couldn't kill him.  Pack slaying was the gravest of sins.  Dick was safe.  More importantly, Damian was safe.  And for that, Dick would endure Wilson's rage.
"You know," the low voice hummed, a hand drifting across Dick's shoulder, "I had a lot of plans for Ra's al Ghul's pack."  Fingers skimmed across the bite and up.  "I didn't know I'd be lucky enough to have them fall into my lap." The hand squeezed at the back of his neck.
The scruffing was enough to finish the job the bite had started and Dick made a startled sound as he went fully pliant, held upright by nothing more than the hand on his neck.  Damian made a low, upset sound, likely from Dick's growing distress and the new pack bonds, and began to wail.
Dick tried to shush him but he couldn't move and his voice was barely a whisper.  Wilson didn't let go, though, and pitched his voice to the rest of the tent.  "You're all dismissed.  Review the plans and come back tomorrow with revised ideas.  And double the guards—I don't want anyone sneaking in or out of camp."
A flurry of movement erupted, but Dick couldn't see it.  He could only see Wilson, crouched in front of him, glaring.
"Leaves us some time to get acquainted, hm, Richard?" Wilson said lowly.  "So we can figure out exactly why you're here."
Dick felt his stomach twist.
"If this is Ra's al Ghul's idea of a clever plan," Wilson said softly, "I will make sure you spend every day from now until you die regretting it."
Dick was stripped of his pack as soon as he was dragged to another tent—which he was expecting—and Damian—which caused something to clench in his chest, tight with panic.  Wilson's grip didn't let him go after his pup, though, and attacking would've hurt Damian, and the silver-haired girl that neatly stole Damian from his arms vibrated with the same hum of pack he could feel so he could at least trust that she wouldn't murder him.
"So you're our new little baby," the girl cooed, holding the crying pup with ease and tapping him lightly on the nose.  "Shh, it's okay, baby, no need to cry—look!  I got your nose!"
Damian was unimpressed with the trick and only cried harder.
"Rose," Wilson said flatly, "that's Ra's al Ghul's son."
Dick tensed but Rose just shrugged, still working at distracting Damian from his tears.  "Well, he's ours now, right?"  Dick swallowed, but Wilson didn't visibly disagree.
Instead, Wilson was looking at him, ignoring the shrieking baby with the calm of years of practice.  Dick was not quite so sanguine and kept twitching in Rose's direction as he tried to keep his attention on Wilson.
"Strip," Wilson ordered finally and Dick went still.
Well.  Not like it was the first time.  Dick removed his clothes carefully and folded them to the side before straightening up, entirely naked, hands at his side.  He didn't look in Rose's direction.  Ra's liked to have other people in the room too, another way to add to Dick's punishment.  He never really got over the fact that he didn't get the Wayne omega that he wanted.
Damian's crying picked up a notch and Dick winced.  "Dad," Rose said, sounding mildly irritated, she was rocking Damian back and forth, "I think he's hungry."
Wilson blew out a sharp breath.  "Feed him," he said sharply, “and then we'll get back to our conversation."
Dick took a step toward Damian before halting, throat thick.  "I—I can't—I can't feed him."
"Excuse me?"
"He had a wet nurse," Dick admitted haltingly.  Ra's had kept Dick from Damian for the entire first month of Damian's birth, no matter how desperately Dick begged, and his milk had eventually stopped.  He'd tried to feed Damian when he next got to see him, but it was an exercise in futility.
Yet another thing Ra's had taken away from him.
Wilson's judgmental expression clearly showed what he thought of Dick's inability to feed his own pup.
"Go find Wintergreen," Wilson waved irritably at Rose.  "He'll know where to find someone."  Rose looked at Dick, looked at her father, and shrugged, walking out of the tent with Damian in her arms.
Dick felt like half his heart had yanked out of his rib cage and followed her.
He didn't notice that Wilson was right in front of him until the alpha growled, "Now, back to our discussion.  Why is Ra's al Ghul's mate wandering around the woods with his heir?"
"I was—I was trying to leave.  To get to Gotham."
"Abandoning your pack?" Wilson arched an eyebrow.
"He's not my pack," Dick said stiffly.  Wilson had started to circle him and Dick resisted the urge to cross his arms.
"Your mate.  Your kingdom.  And you expect me to believe that you came here to surrender with no ulterior motive?"
"You're winning," Dick said hollowly.
"How coldly practical of you."
"You're going to breach the castle," Dick said, looking up to meet Wilson's gaze.  "You're going to defeat Ra's.  And you would've come after Damian and me.  So yes, I surrendered to you, because it was the only way to keep my pup alive."
Wilson had finished his circle and stopped in front of Dick, staring.  "Do you know what Ra's al Ghul did to my son?" he asked finally.
Dick swallowed thickly.  "I'm sorry," he tried quietly.
"Do you know what I want to do to his son?"
Dick's breath caught in his throat.  "Please," he whispered, "please, he's just a baby, please don't—I'll do anything—please don't hurt him—"
"Anything," Wilson cut him off, eyes glittering.
Dick dropped to his knees, eyes already blurry.  "Anything," he promised.  "He's a baby, please, he didn't know, he wasn't even born then."  The first tear dripped hot and wet down his cheek.  "If you want revenge, take it out on me, but not Damian, please—"
A hand wrapped around his throat cut off his pleading.  Dick choked for a moment, before realizing that the hand wasn't actually cutting off his air and he could take shallow breaths.  The tears were falling faster and Wilson was nothing more than a blurry blob crouched in front of him.
"Take it out on you?" Wilson said quietly, voice razor sharp.  "Judging by the looks of you, I'd say Ra's al Ghul cares next to nothing for you.  What good would hurting you do?"  Terror rose in Dick's stomach, climbing up his chest, choking him as Wilson continued, "But his precious heir?  Ra's cares about him.  And I will have my revenge."
No, Dick wanted to shout, to scream, to shriek desperately as he groveled at Wilson's feet, but the alpha scruffed him again, and the sudden relaxation was too much of a shock to his over-stressed system.  The world went dizzy and grayness swirled around him, and Dick didn't even remember hitting the ground.
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midnight-black2 · 1 month
ok so i have an idea. (this is before jann got into gt academy)
jann has had a crush on us for a very long time. coby invites jann to a party saying we’ll be there (so ofc he comes) and they play spin the bottle/7 mins in heaven
pairing : jann mardenborough x reader, prompt #8
synopsis : it's exactly what the req says lol
disclaimers : sub!jann, dom!reader, teasing, kissing, etc, this is rather mild tbh
note : yayy first req for my eventtt.
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jann was definitely not the type to attend parties, but for you? he'd do it, no questions asked. so when his brother practically begged jann to drive him to said party, jann couldn't pass up the opportunity to see you, which is how he found himself in that rare situation; standing awkwardly by your side as all the others drunkenly shouted and laughed.
now, you'd be lying if you said you didn't find jann absolutely adorable, but you weren't quite sure if he was equally as interested in you. you never wanted to make him feel uncomfortable, and for this reason, your relationship never went past a small hug or longing gazes.
you were tipsy, not drunk, but you were confident, and all nerves had washed away with the first drink. you swayed, your pinky finger grazing his, which caused him to noticeably tense up just a bit. his cheeks were dusted with a light shade of pink. you wished you could say you hadn't done it on purpose, but you wanted to see a reaction out of him. it was amusing to you, to say the least.
"you know what we should do?" coby asks, in a loud voice. he had definitely had one too many to drink. he stumbled around, making his way across the room haphazardly, before resting his hand on janns shoulder. "we should totally play seven minutes in heaven!" you chuckled.
"what are we, sixth graders ?" you laughed, teasingly. you weren't entirely against the idea. however, you also weren't entirely for the idea of being stuffed in a closet with anyone else but jann. you also didn't seem to like the idea of jann being stuffed in a closet with anyone but you.
"oh cmon, it'll be fun," audrey replied, and coby nodded eagerly. everyone else seemed willing to play, and even jann wasn't necessarily protesting.
"i mean sure, im surely not stopping you," you said, as you sat down, joining the circle that the other people had already started to form. coby ushered jann to the opposite side of the circle, likely to raise the chances of your spin landing on him. you weren't sure of that at the time, though. looking back, you should've known why he did that, but the alcohol clouded your better judgement.
coby placed an empty glass bottle in the middle of the circle with a cunning grin. he sat back down next to jann, before asking the question, "who's spinning first?" audrey volunteered, willingly so. it landed on someone neither you nor jann knew; one of coby's friends, presumably. the two entered the small closet at the back of the room, before coby started the seven minute timer.
not much could be heard, which was climactic. everyone was chit-chatting. some were talking about who they hoped the bottle landed on, others were talking about what they thought audrey and the guy were actually doing. then, the timer rang startlingly. coby walked by the closet door and knocked.
"hey lovers, your times up!" he shouted, laughing. a few moments after, audrey slowly opened the door, hair tousled around a bit. her lipstick was slightly smeared, and she wore a giddy smile. context clues were enough for everyone to start teasing the two as they entered the main room. audrey sat back down next to you, and you smirked suggestively.
"well then, looks like you had fun," you said, frivolously. audrey scoffed and elbowed you in a playful manner, but she couldn't fight the growing smile on her face.
"maybe..." she answered, with an eye roll.
"well, i think we all know what happened there," coby began. "so...who's next?" for a minute, nobody volunteered.
"i guess i am," you said, with a slight shrug. jann's head perked up, his eyes meeting yours. neither of you dared to look away, so you shot him a soft smile. he returned the gesture, a bit of color returning to his cheeks before he got kicked out of his trance by coby, who was wiggling his brows up and down obnoxiously.
you placed your hand on the bottle, before giving it a forceful spin. the moments of waiting were pure agony, as you kept your eyes on the bottle which was spinning around tauntingly. it started to slow, and finally came to a halt. your eyes trailed up to who it landed on, and sure enough, it was jann. his eyes widened, as he blinked a few times. he wasn't sure whether or not he was seeing things.
coby and the rest of the group started hyping jann up, and even audrey threw you a quick thumbs up with an eye brow raise. so, you stood, feet planted on the ground. jann followed suit, before you both walked into the closet. you clicked on the light bulb, and he shut the door behind him.
"your seven minutes starts now!" coby announced. suddenly, the closet felt so stuffy with the air that reeked of awkwardness. you made yourself comfortable, trying to find some words to say to him. in reality, this game could be quite unpleasant if you didn't want to do anything with the other person.
"i-uh, sorry...i've never played this before and..." he stammered, swallowing nervously.
"you've never played seven minutes in heaven before?" you asked, smiling softly.
"yeah uh-no. no i haven't," he replied, before laughing softly and looking down at his hands.
"it's alright, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to," you said, placing a hand on his knee, trying to make him feel more comfortable. he looked at your hand, then up to you. was this a dream? was he dreaming? if so, he'd rather die than wake up. "or...we could have some fun."
"what do you mean?" he asked, interest piqued. you tittered, and tapped your index finger against his leg.
"i think you know, jann," you replied, smiling. "just tell me what you want." he thought about it for a moment, as he collected his composure. there were many things he wanted. he wanted for you to touch him more, get impossibly closer to him--even kiss him...hell, he wanted a billion dollars. and he was good under pressure, he didn't let it crack him completely just yet.
"i want..." he had to force the words out, feeling as though it were almost embarrassing to seem so desperate. "i want you to...kiss...me." he sounded sure of it, but nervous as well. you hummed softly in approval. you had to applaud him, you didn't think he'd ever say it. but now that he did, you swiftly climbed over his lap, straddling him, wasting no time. you steadied yourself by placing one hand at his shoulder and one at his hip.
"is this okay?" you asked, wanting to check with him before you took things any further. he nodded eagerly, and you laughed. you cupped his cheeks, before leaning in, admiring him. his face became a crimson, as his eyes flickered between yours and your lips. you finally closed the gap, and captured him in a kiss. he sighed into it, melting into you.
your touch, the way you handled him with care was all too much for him. his head was reeling, and all you had done was kiss him. when you pulled away, he smiled gingerly.
"you're a good kisser," he said, with a small laugh, as his gaze averted.
"likewise." his grin widened. you leaned back in, as did he. you kissed him once again, but with a sort of fervor this time around. jann felt cloudy, like it was heaven. he'd finally understood the name of the game. when you pulled away for the second time, he had to resist the urge to pout. his mood was quickly lifted once again, though, when you started trailing soft kisses down his jaw and to his neck.
"let me know if you want me to stop," you mumbled against his soft skin. he nodded, but he had no intentions of doing so. you continued, starting to bite softly, only to test the waters. his breath stuttered, and his left hand found its way to your hip, as a way to ground himself. you left light pink hickeys down his neck. something he would possibly be forced to talk about with his parents, but he couldn't care less in that moment.
after you felt satisfied, you went back up for another kiss on the lips. he met you halfway, and he hummed into it, feeling a wave of bliss wash over him. he would have to thank his brother when they got home, because never in a million years would this had happened without him. and just when nothing could get in the way--something did, indeed, get in the way.
the timer beeped glaringly from outside the closet. jann groaned softly, unhappy to hear it. you chuckled, and lifted yourself off of him. you could hear coby striding towards the door, before knocking.
"times up, to your demise!" he said, with a shared laugh of everyone outside. you opened the door, with a small complacent smirk. jann stood behind you, and since he was so tall everyone had a clear view of what you had left on his neck.
who knew seven minutes in heaven could be such a fun game? maybe it was only fun because it was with jann, though.
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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sea-owl · 3 months
Here's their prompt!
I have always had an idea where Colin’s biggest threat for grabbing Penelope’s attention isn’t a suitor or Eloise.
No no no.
Colin’s biggest threat and nuisance is that he consistently have to fight a big ass dog (like a mastiff, cane corso, Saint Bernard, etc) that Penelope somehow convinced her mom to keep while in the countryside and is the very definition of a Velcro dog. It growls at any potential suitor that shows an interest in Penelope (it’s the reason why She doesn’t have suitors but Penelope is not aware of that).
For Colin, it does something worse. In the rare chance, that it is not next to Penelope, it will purposely move itself right next to/on top of Penelope so Colin cannot sit anywhere near her while it stares him down. This causes to Colin and the dog to race and wrestle one another to get to Penelope’s side with Colin losing 80% of the time and him glaring it down. Penelope thinks that they are playing and are getting along but is completely oblivious of the actual situation.
Tiny woman with a big ass dog. Classic.
Here's what I'm thinking.
So the Featheringtons were out in Ireland to visit Portia's brother, Mr. Finn Carroll, and his family. During their family visit one of the cousins introduced Penelope to the puppies their dog recently had. One of those puppies became attached to Penelope.
"Aw Portia look at that Penelope made a friend!" Finn said as he slid up next to his big sister.
"No," Portia immediately said.
Finn fully looked at Portia. "No?"
"No," Portia repeated. "Finn, I do not need a dog in my house."
"Oh, come on, Porshie!" Finn said, pulling out his puppy eyes and the childhood nickname. Tricks with a proven track record for him on getting what he wanted from his sister. "Let my niece have a puppy! You're already taking away her title as baby of the family!"
Portia sighed, rubbing her pregnant belly. "Finn, I am not dumb. We were both raised with an Irish Wolfhound. That dog will most likely get bigger than Penelope, and they're made for hunting large prey!"
"Yes, but you also know they make great companions!" Finn argued. "And doesn't Penelope need a friend?"
Portia will later blame her pregnancy brain, but when the Featheringtons went home, they brought a new puppy named Artemis with them.
Well, much like the goddess she was named after Artemis was a girl's dog and hated most men. She tolerated a few like the male staff, and she tolerated Lord Featherington on a good day. But most of the time, she stayed by Penelope's side.
"It is like she is sewn to your side," Felicity commented once as Artemis laid across both her and Penelope's laps.
Penelope laughs. "She just loves me."
Artemis barked in agreement.
At her full-grown height, Artemis was about the size of a small pony and was taller than any lord Penelope had ever seen if she stood on her hind legs. Artemis faithfully sticks by Penelope's side despite Portia's groans of dog hair in Penelope's dresses. Penelope only giggles when Artemis's response is to fully lay on her.
Artemis loves her life with Penelope and would only really change one thing. One tiny annoyance in her life.
That damn Colin Bridgerton. He's trying to take Penelope away from her! And he doesn't leave when she growls at him like the other men! He even growled back at her once!
The fool tries to race her too on the rare times she is not in her rightful place by Penelope's side. Why the fool thinks he'll win against her, she'll never know.
Today just so happened to be one of those days. Artemis was out in the park with her family. She was playing with Felicity and Penelope. The two girls throwing a ball attached to a string and having Artemis chase after it.
Artemis sniffed the air and stopped. She smelled Bridgertons. Looking around she spotted the family. Now the Bridgertons themselves weren't a bad thing, a few in particular she could do without and one wished was never around.
Well, it looks like today won't be the day Artemis's wish comes true. Just as she spots Colin Bridgerton he spots her as well. They stare at each other for a moment before both take off towards Penelope.
Artemis stared smugly at the Bridgerton as she once again claimed her prize of being next to her favorite human. Her head resting in Penelope's lap as Penelope pets her.
"One of these days Artemis I'm gonna beat you," Colin swore.
Penelope giggled. "It's so nice for you to play with Artemis Colin. I'm sure she loves racing with you."
Artemis turned her stare onto Penelope, headbutting her in the red head's torso. Playing? Absolutely not Penelope. Can't you see he's trying to steal you?
"You are coming to my family's country party? Colin asked Penelope.
Artemis stares back at Colin. Why hasn't he left yet? He's lost the race.
"Yes," Penelope replied.
Artemis huffed, leaning herself fully on Penelope. Going to Aubrey Hall meant a long carriage ride, AND Colin being around every waking moment. He was worse in the countryside where he had Penelope and Artemis trapped in his family home. Well at least Penelope won't be going to that bad smelling place she goes to ever few nights. Artemis hates when Penelope comes home smelling like that. To the point she almost considered getting Colin to go look for Penelope one night when the rest of the family. If only Penelope didn't lave her in charge of Felicity.
On the trip to Aubrey Hall, Artemis lay on the floor of the carriage by her family's feet. The rock of the carriage lulling her to sleep. At least with this trip, Artemis will have more space to run around temporarily before returning to London for another few months.
Another family was arriving as Artemis' own family were getting out of the carriage.
"Oh Portia!" The mother of the other family greeted Portia.
"Hello Mary," Portia said.
The older women started talking, meanwhile Penelope struck up a conversation with the older daughter.
"How are your first impressions of Aubrey Hall Kate?" Penelope asked.
Oh Artemis has heard of Kate. She likes Kate for how frustrated she makes Anthony. It's funny to watch when Artemis is visiting the Bridgertons with Penelope.
Artemis looked around before feeling the wet nose of another dog boop against her leg.
Looking down, Artemis saw the smallest dog in her life. Was it a dog? It smelled like one, but how is a dog this small?
The smaller dog stared at Artemis. "I'm Newton! Newton Sharma!"
Oh this is Kate's dog.
"Artemis Featherington," Artemis said. Bowing her head a little so she wasn't towering over the smaller dog.
Newton began to tap his two front feet. Was he nervous? Artemis laid down to be at a more even eye level with him. "Perhaps this will be better to talk?"
Newton lets out a little yelp, one of excitement and moves closer. "Yes! Have you been here before?"
Artemis nods. "Many times. How are you dealing with your interloping Bridgerton?"
"You mean the Viscount?" Newton asked. Newton moved his head a little. "Well, I did knock him into the Thames the other day."
Artemis barked out a laugh. "I'll have to remember that the next time Colin races me near it."
Newton's feet did a few quick taps. Did he have to go? Artemis wondered if she should ask him if he needs privacy.
Before she could Artemis caught a movement out of the corner of her eye.
Artemis let out a whine. Oh great Colin has made his appearance and he has that mischief making smirk of his directed at her.
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It was Peter's nature to drool after girls that didn't even register him. In a scale of 1 to 10. Peter focused on the top ones. Remus had told him in multiple occasions that the scale was bullshit. And that Peter was more than a stupid number. Because if Remus thought about that scale, Sirius was an eleven. And Remus barely got to five. Therefore, nothing could ever happen between them.
"Only blokes like Sirius or James can get tens, Moony. That's why I go for numbers lower than mine"
"And what number are you?"
"Clearly a seven" Peter shrugged "Susan was a solid six. Decent, pretty. But not a ten"
Remus could see Peter said that because he was actually hurt. Even if Peter's first girlfriend had been a bitch, Peter had loved her.
Now that Peter was single, he focused on every single girl at Hogwarts. Make them pretty, with decent curves, bam, he was in love. Peter had talked and talked about the beauty of being single and having eyes for all "the babes".
Mary Macdonald clearly was one of the babes this term. Marlene was out of the market for liking girls and Lily practically belonged to James, but Mary was single. Single and very very pretty.
The first weekend of term, James and Peter volunteered to help girls unpack, lift their books or trunks, with the mere purpose of gaining their chances as they put it.
That morning, Sirius and Remus watched as their friends played gentlemen to flirt.
"Look at them, Moony. Practically slaves to get a snog" Sirius tutted.
James was helping Lily, who was more friendly with him lately and Peter helped Mary lift her books to store in her new locker.
"Thank you, darling" Mary smiled when Peter was done "You're really sweet" and she squeezed his cheek.
"You're welcome"
The gesture made Peter go bright red as Mary walked away. Which was a good opportunity for his friends to make fun of him.
"Pete is such a sweet boy!" Sirius mumbled in a voice people only used on babies and puppies.
"Are you blushing?" Remus asked with a mockery tone "Look Sirius, he is going red!"
"What?" Peter shrugged "Mary is very pretty"
"Aaaw she's pretty!" Remus teased with a smile.
"Peteboo is in love" Sirius added patting his cheeks.
Despite the fact his blush didn't go, Peter was smiling "Do you think she would give me a chance?"
"You want to go after Macdonald?" Sirius snorted.
"Maybe..." Peter answered as he stared at Mary's dress "She's fine, ain't she?"
"Come on, Wormtail" Sirius smiled "Mary is an easy target"
"Yeah" Peter nodded.
"But she is not that desperate, mate" Sirius laughed.
"Sirius..." Remus warned. Sometimes Sirius needed to be more subtle, more considerate with Peter. What Remus had learned was that James and Sirius liked to tease Peter around. And sometimes it was in an innocent way, all jokes. A rare show of affection. But sometimes Sirius didn't measure the line.
"You think I don't have a chance with her?" Peter snapped angrily.
Sirius was smiling "Not to offend, Wormy. But you're a bit thick when it comes to girls"
"Oh! Because you are a fucking expert, aren't you?"
Everything with Sirius was explosive. He did and said without thinking. Everything about him was competition, fun, and danger.
"As a matter of fact, yes. I am an expert in women" Sirius snapped back "I can have anyone I want. Even Macdonald"
"Guys..." Remus tried to intervene. He sensed a fight. But they weren't paying attention at him anymore.
Peter laughed "As if Mary would give you a chance"
"Maybe she hasn't because I haven't gone after her" Sirius answered "And I actually don't know why. She is bloody hot"
Remus rolled his eyes. He didn't know why he thought Sirius would be different this term. On the past year, Remus had realized Sirius was not the cute boy who never wanted to get married anymore. He was a handsome teenager. And for Remus's disfortune, Sirius had his history with girls. Even if Remus fancied him, he was not going to stop being the flirtatious asshole everyone knew.
"I thought you said it was because she's James's ex and it is against rules going after the same girl..." Remus reminded them "Marauders Code"
"Prongs is not going to care. He's obsessed with Evans now" Sirius said.
"Going against the code, eh Padfoot?" Peter tutted.
"Scared I might steal Macdonald from you, Wormtail?"
"You don't even like her, Pads" Remus intercepted trying not to sound jealous.
"Everyone thinks Mary is hot" Sirius shrugged "We've all fantasized about her for sure"
Everyone? Remus hadn't. He'd fantasized with Sirius though, a lot.
"I'm not scared!" Peter spat, ignoring them "Not all girls are into you, pretty boy"
"Pretty boy?" Sirius asked.
"I can conquer Macdonald before you. Do you want to bet?"
Last term, it had hurt Remus that Sirius had kissed Marlene. Because Marlene was not any other girl. She was an amazing girl and their friend. And even if Marlene turned out to be a lesbian, the same thing applied for Mary. Mary was a friend. And a really nice girl.
"Shouldn't we ask Prongs first?" Remus asked looking between the two.
"Bet is on, Pettigrew!" Sirius extended his hand with a stupid smirk.
Remus wanted to stop them. He really did.
"Right on, Black" Peter shook his hand.
But boys were boys. They did stupid things sometimes like making stupid bets.
For the next days, Sirius and Peter competed to gain Mary's attention. They got her gifts, complimented her looks, suggested plans.
Remus tried to think Sirius wasn't actually interested in Mary. He did it all because he was an idiot. Though Remus tried to find excuses to finish this nonsense.
Mary didn't seem to mind. She found the whole thing amusing. She was the kind of girl who loved the attention.
"I'm flattered honestly" she told Remus and the girls one time "I know this is all a joke" she giggled "But it still fun. I want to see what they do next"
"It's horrid, Mary" Lily tutted "Boys are truly idiots"
"You don't mind when it is James flirting with you and giving you gifts"
Lily blushed at that comment "We're not talking about me"
Remus made a mental note to tell James later.
And talking about James, he laughed when the boys told him about the bet. Remus had the hope he would stop it. But he didn't.
"You are fools if you think Mary is going to give any of you a chance" he had said "But carry on. I want to see how this goes"
"What about the code, James?" Remus asked him "Mary is your ex"
The boy shrugged "I love Mary but she's in the past. I'm all Evans now. We're getting closer now that we're Head Boy and Head Girl"
So that gave green light for Sirius and Peter to carry on. Mary accepted the flirting and gifts but when they asked for a chance or a date, she refused.
"That's sounds wonderful, Pete. And you're adorable. But I am busy this weekend"
"No, Sirius. I won't be one of your other conquers, darling. Shame you're cute"
Remus decided to relax and enjoy the show. For one, it was really funny and satisfying to see Sirius being rejected. But on the other side, Remus's mind told him that this was a sign that Sirius would always be after some girl. Even if it wasn't Mary, other girls would come, girls who would be dying to give him a chance. And Remus had to sit and watch all of that happen. That was the sad thing of being in love with his best friend.
"Why don't you stop with this nonsense, Sirius?" Remus asked, practically groaning when Mary rejected an invitation to Hogsmeade. "You don't even fancy the girl. Why bother?"
Sirius smiled as he grabbed the cigarette from Remus's hand without permission and took a drag before answering.
"Sirius Black never backs up from a challenge" he grinned before letting the smoke out.
"Peter actually fancies her, Pads" Remus added, feeling his throat go dry "Give him a chance"
"Peter is a horny wanker. He likes everyone" Sirius laughed "I saw him staring at Mildred Greenfield the other day when she bended to pick up her pencil and her blouse's buttons popped open"
"And you surely noticed that as well" Remus rolled his eyes.
Sirius simply shrugged with a smile and kept smoking.
"And that's my fag!" Remus snapped taking the cigarette for himself.
"Don't be pouty, Moony" Sirius said, squeezing Remus's chin "I only do it for my honor. Plus, maybe with the pressure, Pettigrew might actually get somewhere with Macdonald"
Remus rolled his eyes "Whatever"
"Do not let Sirius quit the bet or let me win out of pity, Remus!" Peter told him later "I want to prove he's not that impressive among birds. I can get girls as well. Right?"
"Sure, Wormy. But I don't want you guys to fight over this"
"You think I can not get a ten?" Peter asked while looking at Remus with disdain "I know Mary is a ten and tens are difficult. But I am sick of going after fives or sixs. I want the bloody ten!"
There was no use. Remus thought this stupid game would last forever. Maybe risking the Marauders integrity. Though Sirius and Peter were the usual same. Bickering like brothers when it came to Mary. But loving each other as always. James was too busy with the Rugby Team now that he was captain and his Head Boy duties. So it was up to Remus to endure this alone.
Two weeks lasted this nonsense until everything changed when Remus was approached by someone at breakfast.
"Hey Reminald"
Remus had met Emmeline Vance in a party over the summer. She was pretty even if she wasn't commonly feminine as the rest of the girls in this school. She had piercings and tattoos which Remus considered cool. And she had surprised Remus with a kiss that night. But Remus had been slightly drunk to actually enjoy it.
Remus saw her again in the train at the beginning of term when they had a more sober chat in which Emmeline made him laugh "You have a very pretty laugh, Reminald"
Remus didn't know how to flirt. He wasn’t Sirius. So he blushed instead.
"My name is Remus"
"Reminald is like my nickname for you, mate" Emmeline smiled amused "I guess I'll see you around school"
Since classes started, Remus hadn't seen her until now.
The usual friend group had been teasing James and Lily who insisted of being only friends when it was obvious they both fancied each other. But were interrupted when Emmeline approached. They all looked between Remus and Emmeline with amusement. Except for Sirius who rolled his eyes.
"Hey Emmeline" Remus could feel his cheeks on fire. He hated the attention.
"This might sound kind of upfront and bold but I am sick and tired of waiting for you to ask me out"
Remus heard the gasps and giggles from his friends. And he went more red if possible.
Emmeline Vance was not the kind of girl to get embarrassed. She smiled with satisfaction and Remus found her extremely hot.
"I know you are shy which is cute but think about it, okay?"
Remus simply nodded because he was frozen to do anything else. Emmeline smiled in response.
"Bye guys" she announced to the group before walking away. So beautiful and confident as she was.
Immediately after, Remus's friends began teasing.
"Blimey, Moony. You cheeky dog!"
"Aaw she is totally into you"
"What did you do to her to leave her like that?"
"Remus is blushing!!"
"Oh shut up!" Remus covered his eyes.
They teased and smiled. Sirius had been absolutely quiet. Remus wondered why.
"You two had been asking Mary out for days and now Remus shows you how it is done" Marlene proclaimed "You're too slow"
James began laughing loudly until Sirius said: "If we're talking about turtles, James Potter wins the prize. Am I right, Evans?"
"Oh!" Peter exclaimed hitting Sirius’s palm.
James rolled his eyes. Lily hid her smile.
"All I know is that if Remus asked me out I would say yes" Mary said as she winked.
As the teasing began again, Remus hid his face under his sweater.
The next day, Remus watched as Peter ran after Mary the minute she got out of the girls' dorm. James joined Lily's side as she took his arm. Sirius stayed behind.
"Not going after Mary, Pads?" Remus asked with a smile "Peter might get ahead of you, you know?"
Sirius shrugged uninterested.
"What about you? Are you asking Vance out?" Sirius asked giving Emmeline a nasty look. When Remus turned and she waved, he waved back.
"I don't know" Remus answered.
He had never been asked out on a date. His immediate response would be no. Because even if Remus found Emmeline hot and interesting, his heart always came back to Sirius.
But since Sirius clearly was too busy with the bet and interested in other girls in the meantime, Remus thought why not? He couldn't wait for Sirius forever. For something that might actually not happen at all.
"Moony, let's forget about birds" Sirius snapped, making Remus look away from Emmeline towards him "Potter can have Evans and Pettigrew can have Macdonald if he likes. You and me... We don't need girls. We are fine on our own. Yeah?"
Remus blinked in surprise.
"What... What about the bet?"
Sirius shrugged "I don't care about the bet"
When just yesterday Sirius was saying he would not let Peter win. What changed?
"Is this about Emmeline?" Remus asked.
"You don't fancy her" Sirius answered with pouty eyes "Right?"
"You don't fancy Mary however you were willing to be at her feet only to win Peter"
Remus's temper was rising. Sirius had the free will to go after girls even if it was a game but Remus had not? Was that how things worked?
"You were right. I don't fancy Mary" Sirius said "And you don't fancy Vance...." then he leaned in "We need to be single. We are young. Let's just have fun"
Remus wanted to punch him.
"What's wrong with you?" Remus snapped "So let me see. Prongs can go after Lily. Wormtail can go after Mary. And you, you can have anyone you want. Now that I get the attention of someone. Finally! What? I cannot do anything about it?"
Sirius was silent. He looked guilty and his eyes showed he was going through a million thoughts.
"It's not that, Remus" Sirius said softly, looking to the floor "I just... I don't want to lose you"
"What are you talking about?" Remus raised his voice "That I should never date anyone so you don't suffer?"
Sirius didn't answer.
"What if I actually want to date Emmeline? What if I do? Are you going to stop me?"
Sirius opened his mouth to say something but instantly regretted.
"I might ask her out!"
"Fine!" Sirius snapped back "Do whatever you want, Remus"
"Maybe I will!!" Remus yelled "You fucking wanker!"
"Don't be angry with me"
"I just..." Remus was so furious he couldn't speak "I just don't understand you! Going after girls is a fucking joke to you. You don't even fancy them you just want to prove you can have them. You do that even if it... Even if I..."
Sirius kept looking at him curiously.
Even if it hurt Remus. But Sirius couldn't know about Remus's feelings. It was fine. Maybe Remus had to accept the fact that Sirius would never feel the same. That he was too straight, too flirty and too popular for Remus. But what pissed Remus off was that Sirius didn't leave him be.
"Whatever, go and date Vance" Sirius shrugged "I don't care"
Maybe it would be good to date Emmeline. Finally focuse on someone who wasn't fucking Sirius Black. Even forget about him once and for all. But if Sirius acted like this, Remus got his hopes up, thinking perhaps Sirius was jealous.
But it wasn't true. Sirius just loved to be the center of attention. He couldn't let Peter have Mary. He couldn't let James be happy with Lily. He couldn't let Remus free. He was just selfish.
"Ok. I will"
Remus sometimes hated to love this stupid wanker. He knew Sirius was better than this. He knew a better version of him. Yet, Sirius kept showing the worst of him. He was hurting because of his bloody family. And instead of showing his pain he pretended to be a complete arsehole.
Remus walked away before those puppy eyes would make him feel guilty. This love was going to drive him insane. Even when Remus hated Sirius’s guts, even in his worse, Remus was absolutely in love with him. And he hated that.
"Oi, Emmeline!"
Remus deserved someone nice. Someone better. Someone who didn't make him feel this way. Maybe Emmeline could be the one.
"Reminald!" Emmeline smirked as Remus caught her up "Finally made your mind?"
Remus knew Sirius was watching. So that gave him the confidence to lean in and kiss Emmeline's mouth. He wanted to prove he could flirt and have girls as well.
"Wanna do something after school?" he asked trying to sound confident.
Emmeline's smile was gorgeous.
"Sure!" she exclaimed as she grabbed his arm and they started walking "What do you have in mind?"
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citruscitrushope · 8 months
Got anything about Tsukasa and Minori, An, or Mizuki?
Platonic Minokasa is one of my favorite dynamics my goodness, Minori learning to be more confident from one of the most confident people in the game-
I like to think that her speech gets like his sometimes, all grandiose and confidence, the others can tell she's been hanging out with him more if her catchphrases sound more like his introductions.
Tsukasa watches MMJ livestreams a lot, mainly for Shizuku, but he is a very big fan of Minori as well! He thought about how far she'd come compared to the Fan Festa once and almost started crying he's so proud-
They hang out every once in a while, rarely on purpose, just if they run into each other at a mall or something they will end up catching up. Sometimes they practice dancing or singing together, whenever Minori gives advice to Tsukasa instead of the other way around he feels whiplash, the student had become the master!
With An, I feel like it's almost similar to how Akito feels with Tsukasa, but not as intense, mainly as a holdover from her time on the disciplinary committee. She thinks he's a bit annoying and chaotic, but seeing as Kohane and Toya look up to him so much she's willing to give him a chance.
Tsukasa definitely admires and appreciates all of VBS in a way, since not only are their goals and efforts truly commendable, but they're taking such good care of his little brother, he's so happy nowadays! He's quite grateful to them, and he tries to show it as much as he can. ("Thank you so very much for doing so much for Toya! It truly warms my heart to see him feeling so happy. You know, when we were children, we-" "You're acting like a mom right now Tsukasa-senpai..."
An sees a lot of WxS' shows with Kohane, and she oddly enjoys them in a way she'd never admit. Sure, she hates when Tsukasa and Rui cause chaos throughout the school, but when it's confined to the stage she's able to appreciate everything they put into their work. She's even found herself taking inspiration from their stage direction or dances in musicals when planning VBS performances, though she knows that if she says that Akito will never let her hear the end of it.
I also sorta just wanna mention that they both have similar goals in hindsight? They both want to surpass those who came before them in a way (Tsukasa becoming a star like those he admired as a kid, An surpassing RAD WEEKEND), and I think that they feel a vague connection because of it, even if they don't realize it.
Meanwhile, Mizuki and Tsukasa probably consider each other friends, they talk sometimes at school and have gone shopping for clothes and materials together. Their main connector is sewing and such, they deserve to have a fun mildly gossipy sewing "date" (I see them as platonic but)
Seeing as Rui canonically made Mizuki a machine that plays funny Tsukasa voicelines to cheer them up, I feel like they're up there as one of the bigger WxS fans (alongside Kohane, Saki, Toya, etc). They don't go to a lot of their shows, but they see recordings of them a lot and send their praises to them, though Tsukasa somehow hasn't connected the dots and realized that they're seeing them online. ("Amazing show last weekend Tsukasa-senpai!" "How did you see it? You weren't in the crowd! Were you invisible, a ghost?! Show yourself!") Mizuki finds this incredibly funny.
Since they were the one behind Nene and Rui's original show costumes, Tsukasa has come to Mizuki for advice on this topic a few times before. If he's feeling stuck on something, why not ask a master? He always feels extremely grateful whenever they help him, maybe to the point of excess ("I'll do anything to repay you for your wonderful deed, Akiyama! Tickets to our next show, money, anything!" "Y-You don't have to repay me for doing something I wanted to do...").
Mizuki sometimes finds themself feeling a bit jealous of Tsukasa's confidence. They're always so worried about seeming weird or being looked down upon, yet the way he can always be so bombastic and stand out without a care in the world is something they both admire and envy. They don't like bringing this up, though Rui has noticed it in them at times. When this happens, he usually brings up times Tsukasa has struggled or faltered, and how he and them aren't so different. They're both some of the most important people to Rui, so he wants to help them both shine their brightest and feel comfortable in their own skins.
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faulty-writes · 2 years
Hello! If requests are still open, may I please request headcanons for Sero and Shoji with a very jealous, clingy, insecure fem s/o who's that way because her ex partner cheated on her ? Ignore Shoji if you don't write about him. Thank you 💗
[ I've never written Mezo Shoji actually, at least not from what I can recall. But anything is worth a try. ]
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The first time he used his quirk on you was when you interrupted a conversation he was having with Ashido. You hated seeing how she made your boyfriend smile and laugh and had to put an end to it. But grabbing Hanta's arm while hissing out multiple threats wasn't the best idea and resulted in him taping your mouth shut.
He let most incidents slide thinking that jealousy was normal in a relationship, but noticing how clingy and worried you'd become when he wasn't around or talking to others concerned him. After a little investigating, he found out about your past relationship and how poorly you were treated.
"I promise, we can kiss and cuddle all you want later but...principal Nezu is coming!" you knew there were certain rules regarding relationships and dating at Yuuei, but this never stopped you from trying to show how you felt during school hours. Hanta on the other hand didn't want to get in trouble.
When you weren't in school, you were always by Hanta's side and on the rare chance you weren't you were texting him constantly. Many of your classmates and friends had tried to distract you or outright told you that you shouldn't be so clingy. But, you brushed their words off. After all, what did they know?
From time to time, you'd let your paranoid thoughts get the best of you and would ask or rather accuse Hanta of cheating on you. He noticed this usually happened when he was too busy to spend time with you. "Why would I do that? What we have is pretty great, don't you think babe?" he'd always try to reassure you somehow, but it didn't always work.
After you had gotten into a fight with someone else who was spending more time than you would have liked with your boyfriend, Hanta revealed that he knew you were cheated on in the past. "I know it's going to take a while, but we can work on your insecurities together, and just know that as long as I'm a hero, I'll never give up on you or us," he promised.
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Mezo always put you first, especially when you began your relationship with him and he learned how poorly your ex had treated you. He thought it unforgivable for anyone to hurt or betray you, and silently promised he'd right the wrongs that had been done to you.
You knew that having a "hero" for a boyfriend would be difficult but you didn't realize how jealous you'd be when you witnessed him saving others and how they'd praise, touch, or flirt with him. But, you also didn't hesitate to walk over and bluntly state that Mezo was yours.
He noticed that at times, you'd go through extreme measures to be by his side. Like when you purposely applied at the same agency as him for your student internship. "You know, I'd be acting the same even if you weren't here," he told you. At the same time, he didn't mind the way you clung to him during patrols.
At times, you'd try to practice self-discipline. Instead of acting on your jealousy and insecurity, you'd hold it in. This usually resulted in you becoming a crying mess and Mezo having to comfort you. "Do you really think anyone else would want to date someone who scares children with his face?" you had to admit, it was nice knowing that you were the rare type that saw past his facial features.
On some days, you felt overly clingy and didn't want to separate yourself from Mezo. He would usually accommodate you by carrying you on his back with his tentacles surrounding you as a precaution. "Your weight feels nice on my back..." he'd comment, but he also found your overall presence to be comforting.
When your one-year anniversary came, Mezo decided to surprise you with a promise ring. "Just in case you need proof that I won't disrespect or cheat on you. That I wouldn't do anything to lose you," he said, slipping the piece of jewelry onto your finger with ease.
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daddysfangirls-dc · 6 days
UnTamed Ch. 17
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"Where do you get these clothes? Why?" Asta asked as he zipped up her dress.
"I bought them. You need clothes even if you don't wear them." Damian said as he put on her blazer last.
"Do I need shoes too?"
"No, I don't think those will be necessary. Nor will he care." Damian stepped back, taking her in. White midi dress with a white blazer. " you're the one who wants to be business-like as you say."
And she did; she wanted to look like a businessy, a grown-up, and an adult. She knew she was a child who founded an organization with children to help other children. To those on the outside, it probably looked like a super baby situation, and she knew it would be hard to be taken seriously. Despite it all being in the hands of children, it was consequential. It needed attention, and she was doing all she could to get it, including dressing up in fancy business clothes that felt like an uncomfortable, unnecessary layer that she did not like. Asta just wanted to be taken seriously. She wanted her people to be taken care of.
"You know he's not going to care what you're wearing. How you're helping and who you're helping is what is essential. Your appearance doesn't matter what you're doing, and what you plan to do in the future does. Tell him your plans to help Gotham. He'll help you. I know he will." Damian kissed her knuckles before handing her the binder. 
They met in the library. The table was set up with tea and cookies. Jason was already sitting reading a book. 
"Apologizes for being late" uses big words to sound more intelligent. " Thank you for speaking with me and giving me another chance." Sit up straight. Be confident. 
"Given the circumstance, it's not really a second chance. Just the first all over again," Jason said, putting his book to the side and pouring her a cup of tea. " So, show me what you got."
Opening her binder, she turns it around and slides it to him. " This- This ..." Damn she forgot what she was going to say. " Um ... the other night, I told you all that I grew up and lived on the streets. I wouldn't have survived if it weren't for rare kindness and connections. I returned that Kindness and made more connections. I wanted to help people. Those connections I made came together to make this." She motioned to the binder. " An underground organization made to help people. Everyone has a place, a purpose, a connection, a job. This shows how we work, what we do, and how we do it." She watched Jason slowly flip through the binder, taking his time with each page. 
It was very organized. With lists of properties, medical aid, routes, businesses, and even people (although he suspected those names to be aliases.). It was very obvious that Damian had a hand in this with the language and illustrations used. Now the question was, did he simply have a hand in this binder or this organization as a whole? 
" So what do you want from me and mine."
"Strength, protection, and numbers"
"Most, if not all, of my organization is made up of the youth," she said. " And as much as we try, we can't do everything as we are. we can't do anything legally, we aren't very intimating alone, and we need to protect ourselves, but I don't want to put weapons in children's hands. I just won't."
Jason was in agreement that he hated the idea of weapons in children's hands. " So, you want to be added to our routes and routines."
"Well, I would actually like more collaboration. If you keep turning the pages, you'll see that some of the things you do and offer are similar to things we do. For example, you don't sell drugs to kids; offer clean drugs and clean needles. We offer clean needles, safe places to use, and people to watch over them in case of overdoes. We also offer clean houses where, if people want, they can come to get clean. I'd like to combine our efforts and make some things more effective and safer... These are just ideas. S-some stuff to think on, probably."
Asta started stumbling and stuttering towards the end, realizing she was talking too much and too fast. Her nerves were starting to show. 
"Why didn't you ask Damian?"
"Why didn't you ask Damian? He could have given me this much sooner-"
"I'm doing this. This is me. I'm doing this. Not Damian or Robin. This is my organization. I was chosen by my people, not a Robin or a Wayne. I'm doing this."
"I recognized my bother's handwriting." And she stood up. " No, no sit. I'm just .... please sit."
He wasn't trying to be mean. He just wanted to know more and make sure Damian wasn't being used in any way. As much as he supported the relationship, he wanted to make sure it was an actual relationship and not him being manipulated into a relationship for business. As much as he didn't believe Damian could be manipulated, she was a pretty girl, and puberty was hitting the boy hard. He was just worried and trying to be sure. 
"I'm sorry, please," he motioned to the seat across from him. She sat.
"Damian did help me put this binder together. I wanted it to look as professional as possible. And I have asked for his opinion on things and maybe an extra hand. But I have refused any Robin or Wayne influence. I don't think anyone would trust me if I did." 
"But I'm trustworthy?"
"You're already doing it. Plus, you're one of us. You may have left us for a time. But we still remember you. We didn't leave you."
Damian watched as Asta stumbled into the room, stripping her clothes. As she went to pick up her clothes, she placed them on the back of the desk chair, joining him in the bed once done. 
"How was your meeting?"
"It went"
That's all she said before she turned into a Boa constrictor, which effectively ended the discussion. She simply curled up into a tight ball on the pillow.
"It'll all work out. I promise," kissing her scaled head. 
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3026: Zebstrika (Lost Thunder)
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Zebstrika existed for one job, which was draw support. Drawing cards was, of course, very important in a card game, and Zebstrika being able to get rid of your hand to get 4 new ones was pretty powerful. The only limit was the once per turn thing, which meant you could have multiple chances at it. It was, however, on a Stage 1, and it wasn't like this did anything else. That meant taking up deck space, and assured that Zebstrika would have a harder time making it into decks than you might have thought at first.
110 HP wasn't incredible for a Stage 1, but wasn't the worst either. Most strong hits would KO through that, but this also meant that they couldn't always just go to a weaker back-up to get rid of that card drawing. There was a Fighting Weakness here, which could still matter in SUM-On where Zebstrika saw a lot of its play. The main issue was Buzzwole, as the others tended to reach 110 in some way without specific needs being met. The Metal Resistance was rarely a big deal, with the occasional Stakataka-GX being the closest thing to a notable place where it could change an outcome. The Retreat Cost was 1, so it wasn't going to be stuck up front too easily.
Sprint was a fantastic Ability. Once during your turn, you could discard your hand and draw 4 cards. You did have to make sure you weren't tossing something really important for later, but if the time was right you could get through a bit more of your deck to help set up. This was especially nice when running a deck that could make use of discarded cards, usually Energy. Zapdos decks could get an early use of Tapu Koko Prism Star from this sometimes, and Reshiram & Charizard-GX tended to include Fire Crystal to recover lost Fire Energy. Malamar decks also had an argument here, but getting both the Malamar and Zebstrika lines in one deck, along with the actual attackers, got pretty clunky and took up tons of Bench space so it wasn't too common to see that.
Head Bolt did just 60 damage for a Lightning and a Colorless Energy, so it was rare to want to use this for attacking purposes. Not impossible, but rare.
Zebstrika was a really nice card for decks that were more likely to make use of a lot of discarding and had the deck space and bench space to fit a Zebstrika line or two. Generally, if you wanted to mill through your deck quickly, Zebstrika was worth strong consideration. A lot of decks did do without it, leaving Zebstrika to play in some early Lightning decks, a few Fire decks, and a few control decks as a result. It was very good at doing exactly what you'd think it would do, so if the discard and draw 4 thing was a priority for a deck, this was going to make the cut. It wasn't as powerful as Dedenne-GX, of course, which also cut into its use, but could be re-used and therefore had a niche even by then.
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LORE:The System
So when Caine found something strange deep into the system, unaware that the system was actually meant for the ability that players could have children. Since he didn't know its purpose, he shut it off, thinking it would take too much data, and that it was unimportant, or so he thought he shut it off.
He forbid relationships because he is programed to, this game is for all ages, including kids and it would be risky for the safety of others, now it's inhabited by trapped human players but they still must follow the rules that Caine was programed to follow and tell others to follow.
So about that system, it has the ability to make one of players in that relationship able to conceive and just like in a kids' show/game, with no intercourse, but it has requirements in order for it to happen!
1. The parents must truly love each other and have a healthy relationship. If that relationship is strong enough to hold together, they might have a chance of being strong enough to accommodate a child while still maintaining the relationship. The relationship can't have any form of abuse or toxicity and it can't be one sided, but if anything happens, after the child is created well it's too late to go back, unless the parent fails to conceive (in other words a miscarriage).
2. The parents must at least be wanting a child or prepared/ well fit the responsibilities of caring for one, they need to have the ability to remain balanced with a stern but caring, loving nature.
3. The relationship has to have lasted at least almost a year before it can happen.
The system though since it hasn't been updated in years can mess up and result in children that weren't ready to be brought into the circus, it can also fail to even develop a child fully, resulting in deformities and problems within the child, and as it's been un-updated it has lost the ability to sense when a relationship isn't meant or ready for a child.
Another thing I'd like say is, the members don't have to be in a relationship to conceive. They can simply be having a crush, however, they must both reciprocate those feelings for each other in order for it to happen.
Very rarely, if someone is in a platonic relationship, like a really good friendship or partners of chaos or anything related. They can have a chance of the system fucking up and making a child for them.
The system does work for Humans, AIs, and NPCs.
A lot of this could be solved by the system being updated but Caine refuses too as he deems it unimportant.
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foofenshmirtz · 5 months
My take on Slender man, or rather the slender brothers.
 In my Au they weren't always the monsters that they are today. They were once humans with families and feelings, but greed and the need for power overtook them and it eventually became their demise.
Disclaimer, this Au goes into detail about death, and mentions of sexual assault, cults, religion, gods, and gore. viewer discretion is advice. I do not own any of the characters unless stated otherwise and everything is purely for entertainment purposes. i only own my writing. Please excuse any grammatical errors as these are just quick summaries for the purpose of setting the setting of my au and not the true extent of my writing. This is part 2 of my summary so if you would like to read part one about the woods in this au then that post is already up. Thank you.
The four brothers, Steven the oldest (slenderman), Nick the second oldest (offenderman), Scott the middle child (Splendorman), and Thomas the youngest ( Tenderman) were currently living in West Virginia when the great depression happened. Times were tough and food was low.
Steven had a wife and a son he had to take care of but work was low and the house he lived in along with his brothers was slowly falling apart. The brothers needed a way to make money in the tough times and quickly. Steven being the oldest was quite the family man and since the passing of their parents he was the main one in charge of everyone, so he got desperate and malicious. Steven in a form of desperation started praying to the gods, a man who was once not very religious started off simple by praying in the hopes for power or money or anything to save his family, then praying turned into occasional offerings, and then once those offerings became not enough he got more and more ambitious with them. Leftover food became small dead animals, and then those got larger and larger till eventually it was humans. By the end of 1932 Steven had killed around 10 people as an offering to the god zalgo, a god not many had heard of unless from folk tales or scary stories told by the kids in the neighborhood in an attempt to entertain during the trying times, but also wasn't some fairytale to steven, he slowly became his deity and eventual “savior”. Nick caught wind of his older brother's secret but instead of turning him in, he joined the cause, stating he could help offer sacrifices to double the chances of getting “ accepted by the god”. Nick didn't truly believe in zalgo but he was never a good man and craved any outlet to cause havoc and Steven offered that with his sacrifices. So Nick and Steven worked together till they eventually realized what every other god and church had that they and zalgo didn't. Followers and supporters. In stevens eyes it was just him and Nick who believed in him and the occasional scared kid so Steven figured if they could get enough followers and sacrifices then they would eventually get accepted by the god and offered unlimited power and wealth as a thank you for their hard work, and work they did. Steven, the ever so manipulative, convinced his other two brothers to join the cause, stating Zalgo would give them anything they wished in return for their everlasting devotion. Scott was questionable at first but eventually joined, wishing that if it was true that his health might improve and he could smile once again, though Thomas joined instantly. He had nothing to lose and wanted to make his brothers happy, thinking maybe the church really could help, that was until the sacrifices started to happen and the rituals began. 
Not many historians actually know what happened during the meetings but Steven had acquired a decent sized following and an even heavier number of human sacrifices. The woods in west virginia became bloodbaths and the smell of copper and smoke from the candles wasn't a rare smell along these woods from the cult's attempts to make portals to zalgo's plane of existence. Thomas was horrified with the things the cult was doing, kidnaping people, murdering them for some god barely anyone else had heard of, and making his stomach sick to his stomach. Thomas often helped kidnapped people escape while also trying not to raise suspicions from his brothers or would tamper with the rituals in an attempt to secretly sabotage his brothers. Most assumed the boys died after a part of the forest got burned down, blaming it on a ritual gone badly but nobody ever found their bodies and historias assume they turned to ash, but truthfully their rituals had become somewhat successful. They never got into contact with Zalgo but they did conjure up another thing. All the negative energy that had been collected over the years from their doing had eventually made them gods themselves. They opened the portals but it wasn't too where they thought.
 One night in what would be the 11th attempt at trying to create a portal the brothers had it all lined up, 4 sacrifices, 1 for each brother. They would drink the blood from the victims and throw the bodies into the fire. Steven claimed it would be their last ritual before Zalgo granted them his presence, but it wasn't Zalgo that appeared. Unlike all the other nights where nothing but some whispers happened, this night had changed their fate and made them the monsters they are today. The 4 brothers got their wish, they had power and immortality but at the expense of something else.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Eli & Zoe - Their Exes
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For those of you who were here back in 2021, you may recall these templates that were created by the amazing @jamespotterthefirst. They were fun, and they were also extremely helpful in developing characters and creating backgrounds. So, I decided to do this template for Eli & Zoe in my Wake the Dead world. I may do others if I feel they will be helpful.
Since they live in a post-apocalyptic world with very different realities/challenges that we face, their history is different, yet, there are some similarities to things we experience today. They are not all pretty, and I will place trigger warnings before each photo/slide so you can skip over specific ones if you wish.
If you're reading my WTD fics, I hope this helps you understand the characters better, as it has helped me in creating them.
One last note, I will use these FCs for Eli (Kendrick Sampson - yes, he resembled Jesse Williams - no - it's not him lol) and Zoe (Adria Arjona). But I will be using them RARELY. I am really hoping to rely more on artwork for fics in the WTD world. Also, thank you to @cariantha for the suggestion for Eli.
Eli's Exes
TW: Missing person
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FC: Hera Hilmar
Eli & Nessa loved each other but were not in love. Each got 50% because they were just so confused and unsure of their real feelings.
They were the best of friends and trusted each other implicitly. But commitment is at 50% again because of the uncertainty. If things had turned out differently, there is a good chance they would have ended up together. If they decided to commit to each other, they would have remained fully committed - in love or not.
TW: Not exactly healthy sexual relationship / No abuse
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FC: Charlize Theron
There was zero love, or even like, between Eli & Cora.
This was a purely sexual relationship born of pure physical need and loneliness.
While the "relationship" lasted around 9-months, their encounters were limited and only took place when Eli traveled to her town for trading purposes.
TW: None really for this one, though it does discuss arranged relationships in a controlled society.
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FC: Jannik Schumann
Jon gets a 20% for "in love" because Jon was in love with the idea of pleasing the leaders. He was not in love with Zoe at all.
Friendship and trust levels are low but not non-existent. At that time, Zoe was still cordial with Jon because they were training together. Had they been sent on missions, she would have trusted him... to a degree... and vice-versa. But the more he became loyal to The Tower, the less trust/friendship they had.
TW: Grooming, inappropriate relationships with an authority figure
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FC: Chris Pratt
Zoe entered into this "willingly", believing she was seeking a physical, no-strings-attached relationship. She was actually a little proud of herself for doing so. It was only later she realized how Carlton was a groomer who took advantage of those who were his students and others he had power over.
Because of this, Zoe has a 15% for "in love" because, in the start, she thought maybe they meant something a little more, but Carlton knew exactly what it was the entire time. This is also why there is a 10% for commitment - mostly on the part of Zoe.
Trust is at 50% because initially, Zoe trusted him, maybe not fully, but a good deal. Of course, that was crushed. She did not trust him after, but to a degree, she did. They both had to trust that the other would keep their "secret" for different reasons.
TW: None, really - but it does discuss anti-LGBT views in The Tower
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FC: Henry Golding
Zoe & Tylo were not in love with each other, not at all. But they did care about each other very much. Their relationship was up front, supportive, and healthy - so they get a 25% on "in love" for that reason.
Friendship, trust, and sex were all high. Not unlike Eli & Nessa, if these two were "in love," it could have been a good thing, but they weren't.
That said, commitment got 50% because they were very committed to what they had. They were committed to protecting each other. But neither had any illusions that this was "true" or would last forever.
A little bit more...
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I will tag Perma & WTD lists separately.
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hamliet · 1 year
Hi! By any chance have you read the novels? If so, what is your favourite and what are your thoughts on team CFVY and on Gill and Jax? Thank you!
Hi! I have, recently in fact!
Firstly, I really, really loved Roman Holiday. It's excellently written, quite thematic, the Jungian symbolism is strong, and it fleshes out both Neo's and Roman's characters in compelling ways. They're highly sympathetic, but not heroes in disguise. The story did a great job of balancing their framing in this. And they were just a delight to read--each had their own voice.
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As for the other books, I quite liked Before the Dawn, and After the Fall was okay, but both were more... what I expected? from spin-off light novels as opposed to Roman Holiday, which was again, excellent. I think there is room for another novel, because some of the loose ends of Before the Dawn were not tied up (namely, Gill and Jax, and Lily; plus, some of the characters' arcs weren't completed).
I really liked Sun and Velvet's dynamic in Before the Dawn, and I think I kinda ship them haha. They challenge each other, and unlike everyone else--especially her team, cough cough--when Sun sees Velvet knocked unconscious, he thinks that he doesn't like seeing her looking fragile, that it's not natural to see her look fragile. In other words, he respects her strength.
I also really enjoyed Scarlet's exploration and his romance with Nolan, which works from a thematic and character perspective because getting with the guy who ran and lost his entire team is a good symbol for Scarlet coming to terms with Sun's abandonment, which he starts off the novel very angry about.
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What follows is some criticism, mostly of the two "Vacuo/CFVY" novels. Roman Holiday gets a 5/5 from me.
I do NOT understand why the team infantilizes Velvet so much? Like. Was there an event that sparked this? Is it just because she's a faunus I presume, or her semblance, but like... it still feels a little illogical and like a severe overreaction to me.
But as a whole, Team CFVY is... kind of not well done? I'm not talking about the individual characters here, because I love Velvet and quite liked Yatsu and Fox as well, but instead saying that we are told things about the team that the narrative never shows us any reason to believe, yet clearly frames it as "you should believe this." I actually think it's a weak writing point. For example, we're often told that they are on par with Team RWBY and prodigies, except we are never shown this. We're also constantly told Coco is a good leader, and I have yet to see evidence of this. I see a lot of evidence to the contrary, in fact, and though we're told her failures are rare, we never see her really making good leadership choices.
I actually really dislike Coco's character. She reads like "badass self-insert: the character" and is clearly fan pandering and to a degree that is fine, but I'd argue she just isn't well-written. Her backstory about being trauma from being locked in a closet is very on-the-nose as a metaphor--but homophobia isn't really presented as a problem within RWBY's world. So clearly it reads as something designed to wink at fans, which is not itself a problem. Where the problem lies is that I'm left asking "So what?" So... why does this matter? What does this backstory have to do with Coco's character in any way? What is she afraid of facing? What is she locked in emotionally? Clearly it's not the metaphor about being in the closet, because she's a proud lesbian and as mentioned, homophobia's never really been a thing there thank God, so what's the deal with making that her backstory? Thus far, it has no purpose beyond winking at the audience, and that's just not great or deep writing when compared to everyone else's backstories.
But wait, there's more! If Coco is intended to be a vehicle for fans to project onto them, why is she so rude, cocky, and frankly mean? She's just not a nice person. And why is that somehow framed as cool and even admirable in the book, when it's just... not? She doesn't really get called out on her snobbery in the same way, say, Weiss does. I mean you COULD make a meta reason about the fandom in regards to this but I genuinely do not think it's deliberate. I honestly find Coco insufferable.
Lastly, Jax and Gill.
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I'm a l'il sensitive and grumpy about twin stuff, so good twin/bad twin was always gonna irk me lol. That said, I do think the idea behind it--kind of enmeshed/codependent relationships--was one that could work, but didn't quite get there.
I also really did not like how the characters--particularly the adults--spoke about Jax. I get that Vacuo has unique views on survival and what makes life worth living but... it really was kinda framed like Jax was just a bad seed from the beginning. You could've at least thrown a couple "hm, wonder why he turned out that way" or other such internal comments from our protagonists if you wanted to frame it critically, but... it wasn't framed critically, which makes it good twin/bad twin and provides a rather simplistic answer that I didn't find satisfying.
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