#it's all art babey! always has been!
figminxr · 1 year
Feb 14 2023
The new graphic design has been FINALIZED (thank you again to everyone who voted unanimously for the blue title backdrop), and now all the various image sizes are ready and waiting for upload.
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It took a lot of work to reposition all individual elements for each image, but the end results are veeerryyy satisfying to look at. Pretty soon, all our banners across Meta, HTC, Steam, and Twitter will be updated with these!!
I’ve been busy lately with organizing meetings/events/proposals etc., but once I have the time I really wanna make a “behind the scenes” video of this new graphic design - since all the 3D elements in it were created in-app, the art process is just as magical as the art itself.
Also, for reference, here’s the previous banner design:
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It was an honor being able to create the new one, but I still wanted to capture some of the spirit of the original... so I made sure to include the little spaceman and his ship in every image!
I did, however, make one addition to our spaceman’s design.......
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Heart glasses. :) Just in time for Valentine’s Day. 💖
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griffinsmith · 2 years
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messing around with the lasso tool with hound. pointy ass bitch
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ruescott · 1 year
can feel my star wars divorce slowly but surely beginning. I can’t do this anymore besties
#rebels will always have a place in my heart and i will still watch andor s2 lol but#yesterday's mando ep broke something in me a switch has been flipped#and after the '??? lmao' wore off I realized I'm not having fun here anymore#and like. life is fleeting and beautiful and surely there are more worthwhile things I can spend my time on#things that are real you know? art with soul etc etc#things that will give me what corporate art can't give me!#like I do feel like I am just disappointed by star wars over and over but for some reason I feel like I have to grin and bear it#star wars will be difficult because there are always these flashes of brilliance even in the worst things#like this season of mando bo-katan's crisis of faith in reverse is so interesting to me#or last season. the believer. lots of good stuff in that ep but importantly also a promise of even better stuff#and then the follow-through is just. almost never there#i'm in this cycle of seeing something promising and feeling like I have to stick around to see the thing that will Finally Be Good#but that thing isn't coming!!#in part because it cannot be with corporate art!! because corporate art is about profit above all else!!#and I don't have to stay! real winners quit babey!! I can just leave!!!!!#writing an essay in the tags was really cathartic actually. if you read all of this. hello and thank you <3#beloved followers I'm sure the divorce will be gradual but if you want to unfollow I will never ever take that personally#char posts#sw#<- don't really want this in the main tags but for my own blog organization
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duskymrel · 9 months
TWST characters as different people i've seen at school
yes most of this is slander
Riddle: The kid who treated being line leader as though he had just been elected President of the United States of America
Ace: Would stand up in class and shout "FOR KOBE" and throw a piece of paper at the trash bin. Would completely miss.
Cater: Filming a fucking TikTok dance in the middle of the school hallway during class transitions. Fucking MOVE, i got places to be. (I walk directly though their tiktok and ruin it)
Trey: That kid who's birthday you know by heart and eagerly await every year because he brings in the BEST desserts. The good kush.
Deuce: Says the stupidest shit in class unironically. Other guys are confused as to how this makes him more endearing but girls fawn all over him.
Azul: Passes by his crush (Jamil) in the hallway and thinks blud will stop and fall madly in love with him at first sight and will declare his love to Azul and it'll be something straight out of a teen girl movie. It ends up playing out exactly like this video: https://www.tiktok.com/@irljigsaw/video/7232906141385215274?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
Floyd: Kid who only likes Chemistry because he's crazy excited about mixing chemicals and setting things on fire. Anything he makes in a lab he loudly comments on how badly he want's to take a bit fat slurp/bite out of it. (it's me i do this)
Jade: One of the mushroom core girlies. Wears mushroom jewelry, has mushrooms patterns on his clothes, draws them for art class, draws them on his notebooks and binders. It's almost obnoxious but he's forgiven by everyone because he's hot.
Leona: Literally doesn't give a shit about school. Shows up in pajama bottom's and takes the fattest nap right in the middle of Geometry.
Jack: The only nice guy on the football team, girls LUST for him ❤
Ruggie: The only class this kid liked was free and reduced lunch (real)
Kalim: Guy who refuses to eat school food. He's probably got the right idea, that nacho cheese sauce probably causes cancer. Brings the most banger lunches and makes people jealous. (Lunchables, the GOOD fruit gummies, chips, a cookie, and a Caprisun.)
Jamil: In classes where you're not allowed to eat, he's the kid who sits in the back and makes a 9 course Gordan Ramsay approved gourmet meal.
Idia: This was so easy this guy was the anime weebo who wore anime merch every day and sometimes even wore anime wigs to school. He won't admit it but he would Naruto run through the halls in middle school.
Ortho: The cute little innocent babey schnookums who the girls all doted on. Hurt him and you'll get jumped by every girl in the student body. Fuck around and find out type shit.
Vil: Bozo who would literally paint their nails in class and would be doing their eyeliner while the teacher was trying to explain mRNA.
Epel: YEEHAW REDNECK KID. you know who i mean. the one who wears a hat with the American flag on it every day and whenever the teacher tells them to take it off they go on a rant about how unpatriotic the teacher is.
Rook: The only kid who actually liked French class. Tries to rizz people up in the hallway and asks for their Snap but always fails. Maidenless behavior.
Malleus: The tall quiet emo kid who slumps in his chair on his phone, with the bottom resting on his belly. He looks like he's listening to edgy emo music but it's actually tooth rotting cheesy pop music
Lilia: The manic pixie dream girl who will spew the most wise sage advice when asked.
Sebek: Literally one of those girls who's attached to her boyfriend like a parasite. You cannot separate her. Overly loyal and won't stfu. Is like a mix between a golden retriever and a chihuahua.
Silver: I swear on my life he's one of the kids who's been adopted by his entire friendgroup. People love him he's just a likeable person. He makes a new friend and BOOM they've adopted him. You're my son now, boy.
@heartscrypt i thought specifically of you while writing Azuls
anyways all of these are people i've known i've got irl sources for this. no i won't apologize for all the slander because it's funny.
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swallowtailed · 3 months
palisade 42 (!) part 2/2: the character arcs of it all. also, rule of three.
at a certain point in this episode, i paused it and made the following voice to text note: "it does kind of feel like the third beat here is for brnine to die". (except voice to text rendered "brnine" as "brian".) then i put the episode back on and one second later ali said she had a move that let brnine put themself in peril to protect someone else. at this point i got off the highway and got taco bell because the only alternative was to scream forever and also i thought it would feel right to listen to brnine's death scene in a taco bell parking lot.
anyway, the rule of three. brnine has borne witness to a lot of self-sacrifice—or, well, almost. they weren't there when valence died. they were there with phrygian, until the very end. and then they're in the cockpit with jesset as he tries to throw his life away. there were two outcomes, as i see it, to resolve this arc. brnine could sacrifice themself to save jesset (die to break the cycle of their friends' deaths and essentially pass their torch to jesset), or they could stop jesset from sacrificing himself and survive as well (outright break the cycle of self-sacrifice among millennium break). i would've supported the first option! it's resonant and tragic! but i do think that, once brnine didn't bite it while stopping jesset, it felt more right for them to survive. because that arc is then an arc toward survival, toward staying alive to fight on.
(if brnine were to die in the finale, i would sort of hope that thisbe would also die, because it would be incredible for cori to be the last survivor of the original blue channel crew. not that i want thisbe to die (at all, even a little bit). but just imagine.)
also it was just a very good scene in general. jesset stopping as soon as he felt brnine touch his hand. squished together in the cockpit debating self-sacrifice. also, the little affirmation of thisbe not leaving this time (not like with valence); brnine not leaving without thisbe (not like with valence).
lastly: brnine getting an extra risk slot aboard the blue channel was suddenly heartwrenching. that's the ship valence gave them to escape... and it's not even that they're any safer or stronger on board, they can just survive a little longer. one more breath. i think the only way would be for brnine and the blue channel to go down together.
cori this episode: (deep breath) FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHH. three sets of black wings babey!!! we love to see it. sylvi's line about it—"not content are they with chaining our wings down, they are chaining the wings of the god we're supposed to be worshipping"—absolute banger. i don't think we knew (or maybe i just forgot) that original devotion had wings, but it's a beautiful touch alongside cori's wings. a chained angel under the eye of a dark sun. i'm so excited to see where she goes next. with, now, another grief to bear. (also, hey—is she older than any of her siblings now? since she's been outside the mirage?)
thisbe this episode: nonstop slay. it is so great to see thisbe unleashed. illusion strats as compelling as always. her faith in figure at the very end, her steadiness while brnine and jesset balance on a knife's edge—thisbe is so important. janine remarked that she's underutilizing integrity, but i think this episode really showed that new confidence thisbe has gained with it. i'm really interested to see where that relationship goes. it seems like thisbe is treating integrity like a seedling to nurture. ultimately, i think thisbe might still need to confront her conflation of personhood and use; it works for her, but it's not gonna fly with every divine. also: shrieked with laughter at the return of the concrete hamburger seatbelt. everything that has happened before will happen again, we're going back to the mirage, etc etc. attached to that, though—ebullience being turned into corporate art genuinely feels like a fate worse than death.
i don't know where this leaves us with figure's death, frankly. perennial's grief felt like it paid off their last roll, and we got a brief scene with the crew finding out, but it still doesn't feel resolved to me. i think i'm looking for wherever cori and brnine, in particular, go with this. we'll see. (would be neat if cori went over to perennial.)
now, with all that said, imo the last 90 minutes of this episode were maybe some of the best palisade has been. the weight of the whole divine cycle came to bear on those moments. (it might just be that i'm listening to counterweight right now, but i'm feeling counterweight, too.) i think i'm at a point with this season where i'm genuinely open to whatever ending comes, because there's so much material that it'll resonate forward either way.
and they’re going into the mirage.
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pinkanonwrites · 4 months
Pretty much after he no longer is a decepticon and is working with the military he becomes obsessed with this show called nurse whitney (it's p much just like Grey's anatomy or smthn ig) and he becomes so inlove with this show he watches it and bases scripts of it and his dream is to become a screenwriter. After the war whenever he comms other decepticons they usually answer with "no I haven't read ur screenplay yet" 😭 which I think thats super cute bc almost everybody he's met he is obsessed with showing his writing and having ppl review them for him (also also, in some panels he's wearing reading glasses which is chefs kiss)) also important to note that even tho both starscream and skywarp betrayed him (fucking shot him after finding out he was no longer a decepticon on multiple occasions)) he was willing to just forgive them and let them all be buddies again. He also talks abt movies alot and when he gets reunited with them he tells them how he's always seen them as the three amigos and asks them if they've seen that movie 😭
Do you know marissa faireborn? She's the leader of the group he works for. Some speculate he has a crush on her (which I also agree with) bc the main character of his story and her lover are lowkey hinted at to be him and her (her name has been scribbled out in his script and replaced with his oc's name, and her bf in the story is apparently as handsome as an f22 jet and can travel at mach 10)) but he's very sweet to her and helpful even tho she's lowkey kinda rude to him ahehwhwv she was the one to gift him his dog tho. She reads his scripts even tho she dreads it and he said he'd only work with that military group if they offered marissa a job. They also go on vacation alot together. I'll think of more things but those are just some of the reasons he's so fuckin sweet.
- from number 1 idw thundercracker fan
I had heard about Marissa before but I didn't know TOO much about her other than the fact that she was a bit abrasive, they were friends and coworkers, and she would read his work even if she wasn't super interested.
He seems so SWEET and like such a lovable DORK I really love that he's an aspiring writer and he's always showing off his work. That's confidence in your art, babey! And I'm glad he's still buddies with Skywarp and Starscream cause I love trine dynamics SO MUCH. Thank you so much for the crash course on this sweet boy! To be honest I have been working on a little pet project starring TC based on what I thought his personality was like and this makes me a lot more confident in my read of him, so that may be something to expect in the future!
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 8 months
reading updates: september 2023
AHOY EVERYBODY!!! the end of the month has really crept up on me and lo, I have no finished as many books as I thought I would by this point! but so it goes.
also I'm fighting for my life trying to get through all of the library books I have checked out, which is a bummer because there are a bunch of creepy books I want to start reading for Spooky Month! but time is an illusion and I've already made my peace with Spooky Month extending into November, so whatever happens happens, babey! but that's the future, right now we need to talk about what I've been reading for the past month.
A View from the Bottom: Asian American Masculinity and Sexual Representation (Nguyen Tan Hoang, 2014) - Nguyen's dissertation is a really fascinating piece of queer scholarship, which gets deep (pun somewhat intended) into forms of media often overlooked by academia - gay porn, softcore art films, gay indie documentaries - in search of a new understanding of Asian masculinity and bottomhood. I really like Nguyen's thoughtful study of bottoming, effeminacy, and sexual abjection, all of which he's pretty in favor of, balanced with analyses of the factors of race, class, nationality, and citizenship that complicate how gay Asian men are perceived. it's wide-ranging, it's meticulous, it's kind of hot? I love you, queers in academia.
"You Just Need to Lose Weight" and 19 Other Myths About Fat People (Aubrey Gordon, 2023) - god, okay, listen: this book was a little dry TO ME but ONLY BECAUSE I have already spent years listening to Aubrey Gordon discuss all 19 of these myths and a bunch of other shit on her excellent podcast, Maintenance Phase. if you don't listen to Maintenance Phase either start doing that or read this book! which is extremely well-researched and great for debunking pretty much every "justification" a person might off to try and make their fatphobia sound reasonable. frankly if I could load up copies of YJNTLW into, like, a t-shirt gun to just have on standby to fire at people, I would do that.
Sorry, Bro (Taleen Voskuni, 2023) - yeah you all already know about this book, which is the one in which a 27 year old brings the narrative to a screeching halt to assure the readers that it's okay for her to hook up with a 31 year old woman because despite the so-called age gap both of their brains are fully-cooked. that's not actually the worst part of this book; the worst part is that the prose is unpolished in the extreme and the main character is kind of a dumb asshole. cannot say I recommend it, no matter how desperate you may be for bisexual Armenian representation.
Brown and Gay in LA: The Lives of Immigrant Sons (Anthony Christian Ocampo, 2022) - I really like the way Ocampo writes his nonfiction, which is very chatty and extremely accessible (if a little prone to editorializing). I love seeing sociologists writing from the community the community they live in, and these interviews come from second generation queer Latino and Filipino men frequenting the same LA clubs and coffee shops as the gay second gen Filipino author. it kills the presumed spectator that a lot of writing on marginalized communities can fall victim to; here, it's not that brown gay men need to be explained, but rather outsiders who need to make the effort to keep up with their lives. I especially appreciated Ocampo's highlighting the disparity between Latino and Filipino men's experiences in education, where very different sets of racial stereotypes impact their ability to succeed in white-dominated school systems; if you're curious about why Latino and Filipino men are categorized together at all in this study I strongly recommend Ocampo's other book, the Latinos of Asia.
The Vanishing Half (Brit Bennett, 2020) - it's always kind of astonishing when something that was extremely hyped-up and buzzy turns out to actually be as good as all that, and the Vanishing Half really was that good. the premise of two light-skinned Black twins separating so that one can "pass over" and live her life as a white woman is compelling all on its own, but Bennett is so committed to every possible angle of this premise: what does it mean to live more than one life? what other ways are people more than one person? it shows up everywhere through this novel: in losing your twin, in transing your gender, in drag performances, in actors, in people moving to new towns where no one knows them and becoming someone else. the moment it really hit me that Bennet Got It was a completely innocuous sentence that identified a Korean restaurant owner in California as a man who had attended medical school in Korea - even this background character, who we'll hardly hear from again, has been a different person in a different life! everyone has these layers and layers and different sides of themselves and it's just beautifully executed. mwah. chef's kiss.
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chaosandthe-deadblog · 6 months
Sunny's unnofficial rendering tutorial because idk why but people say they like how I color
Hey kid. So you got your drawing, right? And you have your flat colors, now you gotta render 'em, right? Then you find that BAM, you have no idea how to make it look cool? Neither do I! But here's what I do (I've been told that my coloring is cool)
1. Place your flat colors
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Imagine these are your flats. A few things: you want your base colors to be all around the same hue, that way they look better together. See how all the blacks, greys and whites are purple/blue-ish? That's on purpose babey! But how do you acheive this? idfk. jk, you have to stay on one (or two) areas of a hue wheel.
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This way, all the colors look like, nicer around each other. You're not FORBIDDEN from going outside an area you picked, but you should still try to make sure everything is in the same hue so you have to do less overlay layers later.
(FYI: I do this because it saves me time on rendering. I don't think it's mandatory, there's no rules to art. Go crazy!)
2. Shading
I think shading makes or breaks a drawing. Personally I don't have a lot of rules about it, but there are still tips I can give.
So here's what you gonna do. You're gonna pick a color that's somewhere on the opposite of your main hue, alright? Here, my hue is mostly cold colors, so I'm going to pick a warm tone. You're gonna make sure it's dark enough so it's like, a shade, but not enough so it becomes black when you set the shading layer to multiply.
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(Note: I never get this right on the first try)
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(Another note: as you can see, I have the entire drawing, including the lines, inside a group. Don't worry! I'll explain this later)
Personally I like to use a paintbrush-esque brush because I like the look of it being hand-painted that it gives my art. Mine is the default paint tool sai brush, but I'll leave the settings down here just in case.
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I don't. Really know how to explain the way I shade, I mostly follow the lines I already placed in the lineart phase, and give them depth. I guess my biggest tip would be to FOLLOW THE CLOTHING FOLDS!!!
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Idk how to explain this. But people always tell me that they like how I shade the clothes, it's because I follow the fold lines I place on the lineart phase! Not only does this give the clothes depth, it also makes shading a lot easier. Follow your lineart, idk what else to tell ya.
Now you're gonna set the layer to multiply...
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And lower the opacity as much as you want until it looks good. No real rules to this, it's kind of depending on the vibe you want your piece to have.
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Now, and stay with me here, grab a blending tool, okay? This is the one I use, I have a textured version for when I'm feeling brave, and a regular, flat version (the one I use the most) Here I'll use the flat version.
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And. Stay with me here. I want you to blend the FUCK out of this. Just absolutely destroy those borders. Okay? Trust me. If it looks messy you're doing it right. You're gonna want to follow the shape of the shadows tho, this way you don't lose the shape of the objects you're shading.
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Woah! Suddenly everything has depth! Let me go back to the clothing folds, because holy shit, the clothing folds.
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See how I'm adding depth to the shadows I placed by kinda. Following the line I drew and blending the outside? Idk how to explain this. You blend whatever isn't touching the line, okay? Trust me.
3. Lighting
Ok. I'm holding your hand gently. You have to do lighting on your art, okay? You have to. It adds depth to the shapes and also is sososoososo easy. Here's how. It's so easy.
Grab your airbrush tool. Yes, that one. Hear me out okay?
Pick a light, warm color between yellow and orange.
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Stay with me. Make a new layer, set it to whatever lighting mode you prefer. I use luminosity because I live dangerously.
Airbrush everything that the shadows aren't touching. Yes. I'm serious.
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It's gonna look ugly as shit. DON'T BE ALARMED. This is part of the process. I want you to take the blur tool. And blur the ever loving fuck out of this. Just go fucking ham.
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Good. You're doing so well. You're being so brave. Now lower the opacity as much as you want, until you like the way it looks.
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Like so. I also like to add a few brush strokes and blend them on an up-and-down motion for the hair and certain details, but this is optional. Same as before, you're gonna take a (slightly warmer, but still bright color) and make a new layer on luminosity mode.
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Take the blending tool and make it small, only slightly bigger than the brush strokes, and blend these lines until they look nice. Adjust the opacity, and voila!
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Now, I could stop here. But I'm extra so I keep going.
4. The pizzazz
AKA, "Ah fuck the colors don't look the way I wanted them to!"
Do not worry! I have a solution that's almost never failed me.
Overlays. Just a whole fuckton of them. I don't really have a method to this, I just kinda try colors and layer modes until something looks good.
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For this one, I felt like I wanted the colors to be warmer, so I picked a warm color and overlayed it on multiply. Then, I noticed that the darker colors came out darker than planned, and you couldn't really tell them apart, so I picked a light warm color and overlayed it on screen.
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Voila! We're not done! There's one more thing I like to do, and here's where the layer folder comes in!
Remember how I said I keep everything, including the lines in a folder? This is why!
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Make a layer that's on top of everything, like this. Pick whatever color you want, make sure it's bright. (Personally I like using pink). Take the airbrush tool again and airbrush whatever edges you want to give a little more pizzazz to.
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Blur it as much as you'd like...
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And adjust the opacity and layer mode however you like!
5. And done!
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Sometimes I add white highlights. Sometimes I add more shading, or more lighting. It depends! But this is the method I use in a nutshell.
Hope you enjoyed it, or at the very least realized idk what the fuck I'm doing!
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tangledinink · 1 year
ghghhh srry to clog up your askbox i just have a couple reference questions for swn (little tidbits i'd like for scotch gambit):
how often does each of the boys' extracurriculars meet? or just like a general idea of their schedules. how many commitments per day, how often they get actual Days Off, etcetera; u can be as vague or as detailed as u want here
this one's just for funsies: do mikey and donnie's therapists have canonical names
thank you :] im sososo glad u liked my silly chess fic
Oh, just the vague idea is that they're BUSY. Most of them have multiple commitments per day, depending on the season (ie swim and basketball season during winter VS no school in the summer.) It varies depending on which boy you're lookin' at, but most of them have things to do most, if not all, days of the week, and they like it that way. They've also just kinda been doing this their whole lives (due to always having so much gd energy and always wanting to do every thin g,) so it feels normal to them. Doing multiple things in a day and being busy from, like, 7AM to 9PM (with some breaks in between!) would typically feel reasonable and manageable to all of them. There are certainly days that are LESS busy but they tend to live chaotic lives overall.
Please note that all of them are free to quit any extracurriculars at any time, which their Dad has always been vocal abt because he DOES worry about them getting burnt out, and they have dropped things in the past (Leo used to take piano lessons! Donnie did debate team for a while!) but they all really like all the activities they currently do and luckily they all have stupid mutant super soldier genes behind them to take it all on. Donnie probably attends to least, like, practices and meetings and engages in the least structured/social activities, but he arguably does the MOST when you take into account how much solo time he puts into all his various hobbies, be it engineering or coding or dance or gymnastics. Mikey is probably also slightly more on that side of the spectrum, just due to the nature of a lot of his hobbies (ie art, cooking, skateboard, etc.) Leo and Raph are both a lot more inclined towards things like team sports or social activities, with Raph arguably being the most 'social' of the bunch in this regard since he not only teaches children, not only engages in multiple team sports, but also LEADS multiple team sports (captain of the football team, babey, AND the basketball team, AND the swim team--) but Leo is the one who craves "being busy" the most, I think. Other kids and parents watch on in awe and horror.
Also, they sure do!!! Mikey's therapist is named Catherine Neopolitan. Donnie's therapist is named Mossy, but I haven't given her a last name yet;;;
THANK YOU I LOVE YOUR CHESS FIC <;3 friendly reminder to everyone who hasn't already to go read this Sorry What Now side-fic that Letter wrote!!!
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midnightmagicks · 2 months
Thank you for the tag @avampyone !! <3
Tagging: Anyone who is interested! <3 If you see this, do it :point:
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Name: E'mal Khama (Birth name: (that he doesn't know) Kari Brotiðgrein/Brotinngrein Nicknames: One(1) single nickname that only @shadesofblades Baatu is allowed to call him: Mally/Molly Age: 55-60 (Give or take. Being adopted at a young age makes this Difficult) Nameday: 25th Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon (Starlight baby <3) Race: Rava Viera Gender: Trans male Orientation: Gay gay homosexual gay Profession: Travelling entertainer, dancer, and duelist
—𝒑𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒔
Hair: Black. Very shiny and well taken care of. Eyes: Violet colored right eye and a blinded left eye. Skin: A warm tan-ish tone. Tattoos/scars: A tattoo on his forehead that often hides behind his hair. Two scars on either side of his chest (fantasy top surgery babey)
Parents: E'dona Khama: Adoptive Mother (Alive) E'wyn Khama: Adoptive Father (Alive) Siege Einar/Vísyr Djt-Rok: Biological Father (Alive! E'mal has no idea though) Sunna Brotiðgrein/Brotinngrein: Biological Mother (Deceased) Siblings: Several. All assumed deceased. Grandparents: Unknown biologically and adoptive. In-laws and Other: Unknown Pets: Wisteria, his darling chocobo and Eclair, his white whittret.
Abilities: Always one to give his all to a performance, E'mal has mastered the arts of Dancer and Red Mage in combo. He has learned to weave the magicks together to make shows surely able to capture the attention of passing crowds. But more than just street dancing, he is a capable fighter should he need to protect himself. Just....a little more flamboyantly than most. Hobbies: E'mal enjoys baking! He loves making sweets for his friends. He also enjoys fishing though he would NEVER admit that out loud. Another thing he enjoys is singing. That surprisingly doesn't come up as often as one would think in his performances as those are usually focused on the dancing and magic aspects.
Most Positive Trait(s): Adventurous and Social Most Negative Trait(s): Self-neglectful and Emotionally Suppressed
Colors: Red, purple, gold, green Smells: Lavender, sugary-sweet scents, spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, etc etc), leather
Textures: Velvet, Silk, Jewels. Rose Petals, Tree Bark, Fur Drinks: Spiced Teas, Fruity Alcohols, Hot Cocoa
—𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔
Smokes: No. Drinks: Occasionally. Socially. Drugs: No. Mount Issuance: His loyal and excitable adventuring companion, Wisteria. The light purple chocobo with an equally dramatic personality to E'mal. Been Arrested: No, but he almost was his first time in Ishgard lmao. Thanks Ezie for preventing that one.
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taco-night-frenzy · 9 months
Paper Mario TTYD AND Mario RPG getting remakes!? Hoo, babey!!
Paper Mario Thousand Year Door and Mario RPG are some of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE GAMES EVER! I'm so excited to see them get a remake! I've been shilling this a lot thanks to the news, but I want to shill again as a reminder! I have a massive AU starring Luigi that revolves around ALL the Mario games, but most notably, focuses on Mario RPG and TTYD the most! Goombella plays an absolutely huge role throughout the ENTIRE series! Vivian is the main sidekick in Hotel Wario! (With a solo mystery STARRING her as the main character coming up!) X-Nauts + Lord Crump play a large role! Luigi actually saves TEC and gets him as a personal computer! TTYD has always played a MASSIVE role in this series more than any other. If you're a TTYD or a Mario RPG fan, I'd love to have you as a reader, and I think these novel length stories (AND short stories) will keep you engaged!
Link to the series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1330814 Anyway, here's some art of them for the billionth time. There will be MORE art under the cut!
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Art by @frayed-symphony
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art by @jrpgdog
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art by @mintkupocream
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art by @barefootfriar
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art by @alyossan
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art by @ahammz
And last but not least! I know what you're thinking! Gee, Sky, I missed that link! Can you link it again down here so I can read your stories you've worked SO very hard on over the past 5+ years? AO3 Link: Yes, here's a link to my over 200k+ series!! Click it!! Read it! Thank you so much, I love you!!
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sloaaaa · 1 year
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MY POKEMON BRAINCELLS HAVE BEEN REACTIVATED!!!!!! i kinda wanna open trainersona + pokemon team comms but i still gotta finish my current queue shjkdfg n i would be posting this on my art acc but i made the draft in my main so :((
also watch me ramble about my dream team under the cut
alRIGHT YOU CLICKED THE READ MORE AND YOU’RE IN FOR A WORLD OF WORDS BABEY!!! let’s start w my trainer sona yeah? :]
enterr Sploo from Petalburg city! :D he/they. our trainer starts out in petalburg city of hoenn where his pokemon adventure begins! since the professor’s lab is just a few town away it doesn’t take much for them to get his hands on his starter pokemon treecko! the babey boy ;; he catches lotsa pokemon to fill out the dex, sometimes keeping them on his team, and other times letting them go. he doesn’t like having the pokemon all crammed in the pc boxes :( some pokemon stay for a few battles and others maybe a few days, but things change after defeating his first gym. he meets an electrike at route 110 under the seaside cycling road, she’s just a lil puppyyy a lil babeeeyyy ;;;; super fun playful lil guys sticks around the team! -w- after his fourth gym badge his parents give him a gift pokemon for making it halfway through the gym challenge! a klefki! :3 a tame n helpful lil guys who just enjoys holding keys -w- sploo then continues on to complete two more gyms before his family moves to alola.
now on the boat to alola with grovyle, manectric and klefki sploo kinda just stays by the side of the boat watching the waves go by -w- also trying not to get too seasick shjkdfgl a lone shiny fletchling perches by them and he tries real hard to keep the excitement in and offers the fletchling some sunflower seeds! and asks if the fletchling would like the join their team! i mean who wouldn’t wanna pass up the opportunity of having a shiny pokemon on their team? after docking at akala island sploo travels around and catches some more pokemon to register to the dex, releasing them after as usual. then upon exploring diglett’s tunnel he finds a cover fossil! after cleaning up the rocks and dirt off the fossil spectrobes origins wii style he brings it to the fossil restoration center just along the route and meets the fifth member of his team :] and finally the sixth member of the team! a jangmo-o found in poni canyon, sploo came across the jangmo-o with its head scale stuck in the branches of a fallen tree. he freed the jangmo-o and excpected it to run back to its herd but it kept challenging them for a battle. after a long fight the jangmo-o is worn out, and sploo helps it back up on its feet with some potions and a plate of oran berries. sploo sets up a little picnic in the canyon! :3 helping nurse the jangmo-o back to health -w- the lil dragon sneaks into sploo’s bag and brings out a pokeball in its maw, determination in its eyes. and that’s how the team get together! :D but if u think i am done u are soo wrong sjhkjdfgd now i’m gonna go more in depth with each team member >:]
let’s start with mister! the sceptile -w- he is a grass/dragon type even without the mega evolution bc we were robbed and it’s not fair that swampert and blaziken get double typings while sceptile stays just grass >:[ chill and laid back, my baby boy ;; starter pokemon! he has a sceptilite in the friendship bracelet sploo made for him! :3 when walking through forests and jungles and very tree dense areas he’s always out of his pokeball darting around through the trees while sploo walks through -w- sometimes sploo stops for a lil break so sceptile can take care of sick trees in the forets! when having picnics out in the wild he can be found sitting and photosynthesizing when not playing around the trees. and since sceptiles are cold blooded mister stays in his pokeball when travelling through colder icy areas and he also enjoys having flynt resting atop his head or nesting in his tail leaves -w-
next up is storm! the manectric! a playful steadfast and loyal companion -w- she likes being out of her pokeball a lot and walks with sploo through towns n stuff. she has the manectite embeded in her collar :3 and also sploo charges his phone, pokedex and pokenav+ by just stuffing the charger cable in her mane jshkdfg sploo keeps a pair of sturdy rubber gloves in his bag bc of her :P
steele! the klefki. a very mild mannered pokemon -w- the one who’s always out of its pokeball! other than holding sploo’s house keys it also holds his multitools! since they’re also made of metal and has more mass than keys it has more metal ions for klefki to feed on -w- sometimes sploo will punch holes in bottlecaps of drinks so steele can have more metal to feed on and to enhance its threatening jingle :] steele enjoys playing around with flynt a lot! flynt n steele ;-; they fly around a lot but don’t stray too far from sploo -w- steele does not participate in battles unless it’s to use fairy lock on a wild pokemon that sploo wants to catch
then there’s flynt! :D my shiny!!! >< flynt perches on sploo’s shoulder when travelling through frigid area to keep him warm ;-; also flynt uses fly to deliver handwritten letters to sploo’s friends! :D it lets flynt fly free and enjoy the wind when the pokeball starts feeling cramped -w- flynt finds an everstone as a fletchinder and starts sitting on it like an egg and gets really attached (like that eagle that’s sitting on a rock jshkdfg) so she just holds the everstone now :P
koopa! the tirtouga -w- a bit hard headed, koopa needs a while to warm up to new trainers. he was a bit hard headed to train but after a while things went more smoothly :] koopa loooves the beachside! :D he knows dive and surff and helps sploo travel through water terrain! it’s a lot like how koopa shells worked in super mario galaxy where you hold on to a shell and it propels you through the water :3 stays in his pokeball most of the time unless it’s by the beachside or lake or any body of water
and last but not least rookie! the jangmo-o, a trusty and honorable battler! >:D much like ash's riolu from pokemon journeys! it takes a bit for the rookie to get used to the feeling of the chip in his head scale. but sooner or later rookie gets the hang of it -w- rookie loves getting to battle, but since sploo is a casual trainer and more focused on completing the dex and dragon types need more battling than usual to evolve dragon types rookie just stays as a jangmo-o :c not that he minds but yeagh
mister, storm, and rookie are the ones usually out for battles, flynt and koopa sometimes come out for battle too either when they get the urge or when they’re needed for certain type matchups! okay thank you for reading about my silly little guys they mean a lot to me and means a lot that you’d wanna read about them ;-;
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hershelchocolate · 20 days
How about one OC for each month of the year 😏 If that's too many, just the months with major holidays!
Oh I'm doing all of em babey
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(Art+design by hotchocolategalaxy on toyhouse)
Glace! The prince of the Winter Kingdom, constantly using the kingdom's resources to search for his parents, who had been lost in a blizzard. He keeps his head up though, and is a beacon for others who are also grieving the loss of their rulers
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(Art+designs by @arcaneyouth !)
Cabriel (blue) and Darciel (pink)! You get two for this one because You Cannot Separate Them. Not only were they from a valentine's themed adoptable set but they are also the gods of love who gained the title through how pure and wonderful their love for each other is. They would literally tear apart the universe to protect each other
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March makes me think of plants, and plants make me think of Raven! The leader of the mind control monsters, who uses vines/seeds/plants as their method of control. Very stoic and hardly ever shows emotion, but actions speak louder than words and sometimes they fuck with people for fun and it's awesome. In some sort of genderqueer toxic relationship that's lasted centuries that even I don't know all the details of and will refuse any knowledge of it if asked
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(Art+design by minuhime on toyhouse!)
April! Yes yes it's her name but she's also a cute bunny! She went with all her friends on a school field trip and had such a wonderful time until monsters started attacking and she was one of the first to be transformed into a creature representing her deepest fears. She was simply too sweet and soft and absolutely refused to believe she was in a horrored game
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(Art+design by @arcaneyouth !)
SURPRISEEE ITS EYUMIE AGAIN! She makes me think of May because that was one of the months where I was making my Junior Film starring her! Springtime always makes me think of her because of this tbh alshfgskg
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Daniel and Jade Hillston! Daniel is the main character of the murder mystery story that doesn't have a name yet, working hard to find the killer so he can free Jade, his daughter, who has been arrested for the crime. He knows she wouldn't do it. She would never. It HAD to be someone else. But he's always worried that person might be himself. I did a lot of the development for this story in summer and that's the time of year it takes place in so it always makes me think of it c:
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(Art+design by @arcaneyouth !)
Jubilee! They teleport using fireworks and are a minor deity in the Locked Love universe! Not sure what they do yet but they're definitely besties with Mirri and Ulrick. Treats checking in with them like a trip to their grandparents house
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(Art+design by @arcaneyouth !)
Aurelius! The final boss of a metroidvania-type game I started developing after playing Hollow Knight in the summer. They have taken on the role of antagonist simply because they didn't think the previous main antagonist was doing a good enough job to earn the role. They are dedicated to the theatrics, but always holds back when actually fighting. What kind of story would it be if the hero dies?
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This guy needs a name if anyone has any suggestions! One of the few humans in The Hallowed who is dedicating his time to trying to figure out what the FUCK is going on in this town. Makes me think of early fall where things are cold and chilly and just a little rainy but the trees still have leaves and there's a mist in the air. Thats his gender tbh
I'm gonna continue this in a reblog in hopes of being able to add the last two images give me just a moment
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theangrypomeranian · 5 months
I was gonna go on anon to ask this bc fear lol but do what scares you until it doesn't scare you ufeelme lmao ANYWAY
Do you have any guidance or advice to someone that has /never/ read fanfic but wants to start? I'm not really a shipper (outside of canon, anyway, like I love boblin but avoid the kids ships even if canon bc of the internet drama I've read. Obviously no judgment on my end, I just don't wanna be involved in it - that anxiety/ chronic stress life babey)
But I've been feeling like having scenes or stories to draw will be the next step in improving my art. I can draw the characters reasonably legible now so wanna draw them interacting with each other more! To encapsulate their dynamics and relationships with one another, any fanfic seems ideal for that! Otherwise I'd just be redrawing scenes and that's fine as is, but it's not necessarily enough? If that makes sense?
With all this in mind, I'm overwhelmed with the prospect of diving in without any knowledge on the fanfic/writing world whatsoever. As I only follow a small handful of writes, and you seem to be one of the most consistent/frequent, I would absolutely love and appreciate your help!
I understand this may either be an unnecessary amount of info, or just a lot/ an intense amount in general lmao, so you don't have to answer this! But I had to try somewhere 👉😎👉 I hope you understand! I'm sure you'll understand 😆🤭
Hello! Sorry for responding so late, work has been taking all of my spoons this weekend and I wanted to be sure I could answer this with the gusto you deserve. (Also I HELLA feel the "do what scares you until it doesn't", I need to start living by that more. Good on you, mate!) For what to read, my number one rule is if I don't think I'll enjoy the story I stay away. AO3's tagging systems is a freaking lifesaver for that imo as you can filter away a lot of stuff you don't want to see, like certain ships or genre tropes or even physical acts of affection/intimacy. Sometimes the summary of a story can also help you decide if it's something you would be interested in. And if there are certain things you DO want to see or certain characters or ships, you can exclusively look for stories that have them (like how I hang out almost exclusively in the Zeke x Tina tag on AO3 lol). Knowing what you do and don't like is crucial for this, though. If nothing else, you can just go onto the Bob's Burgers AO3 tag and scroll through the fics until you see something you want to try reading. And always remember that fanfic is supposed to be FUN, so if you start something and start to not like it there is no shame in clicking out. You are not obligated to keep reading something you don't like, not even if it's posted by someone you DO like. This is supposed to be a fun hobby, after all. I hope this helps you a little bit! And thank you so much for asking me about this, I feel honored. <3 Happy reading!
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vulturereyy · 1 year
Hi! If it isn't much of a bother...could you share some Mettah HCs? <3
I'm so sorry it took me so long to answer this! The short answer is... I'm really bad at open ended questions ahah and the things I say don't always feel like they're ?? satisfying to someone who asked a question?? But I've put this off long enough, so I'm just gonna go off the top of my head:
Mettah's childhood nickname(s) from Hegemol were often food related, including but not limited to: Honeydrop (which his also his surname, so she was Honeydrop Honeydrop for a time), Nectar, Honeydew, and his favorite was a mix of these words to call her his little dollop of ____. Most of these names focused on her orange color.
Lurien, on the other hand, stuck for calling her his sunshine. Both because she was orange, and because she is the light of his life.
Mettah is just barely taller than Lurien, and she lauds that single inch over him like a throne.
Mettah is not a fighter, and doesn't take up true combat training from either of her fathers, but she does learn self defense.
Her weapon of choice is a crossbow, when she has to use it.
Mettah is well-versed in the arts by Lurien, and is a painter almost as skilled as he is. However, she eventually grows into her own style of outsider-esque art, and moves toward making art with a message or purpose.
Mettah puts her art skills to use to paint and graffiti pro-union propaganda for the menderbugs as the kingdom starts back up, and becomes a big advocate for worker's rights.
Lurien offers the side of the spire for her various murals, and he cannot be more proud.
Mettah loves the city just as much as her fathers do and did, and follow in their footsteps to take care of it in her own way.
Mettah is a disaster sapphic who is down bad for anyone who is niceys to her tbh and also anyone who is gruff and stoic. and also anyone inbetween.
Mettah loves her favorite (family friend) uncle, @grollow's Grimm, and definitely doesn't have the eyes for his daughter. Don't worry about it.
"Your head looks like a pastry!" Is the very first thing she ever said to Grimm once she could speak. She's been holding that in since she was a water-bound nymph.
Originally, Mettah was not going to be biologically Hegemol's. My Lurien is trans and has the facilities to carry an egg, and thus, Hegemol was worried for Lurien's health if he were to be the sire, just given their size difference. However, I settled on the fact that she would be both of theirs, as the two of them could seek out assistance from the White Lady in peering into Lurien's clutch in the early stages and culling all but the one that would be best for his health to carry. They did not specify any traits except for Lurien's and the egg's health. (Lurien wouldn't have been able to safely carry more than one egg at a time anyway so a cull would have happened no matter what)
I decided that she was Hegemol's after I drew all these images, so I think I'm going to give her two little horn nubs like her beetle father to match this :) But a mostly-damselfly egg would have also been the safest for Lurien to carry, hence why she looks so much more like him than Hegemol.
They don't know where she got her orange. Recessive gene magic babey. She is for sure theirs though.
Mettah loves arson. Like, a lot.
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berylshores · 6 months
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“On the coast of a small island known as Beryl Shores, sleepy ‘town’ Sandborn Moores serves as home for a dedicated few. Yet it can hardly be considered a village with less than 50 residents. Mysteries lurk in the waters, there has to be a reason approaching ships keep sinking and outside danger never seems to befall the coast. Yet none have truly seen the creatures in the depths, for dead men tell no tales.”
// > Hi!! I’m Dex AKA @eternallyoctober, and this blog is dedicated to an ongoing worldbuilding project I’ve been working on, a mer-AU of the FNAF DCA’s. However, I consider this to be kinda separate, sorry if you came here for fnaf-centric content :’)  // > This is sort of a mix of an rp-blog, ask-blog, and art-blog so… do whatever! Asks to and about characters are always open, so please don’t be shy. I’ll also be posting random art and tidbits as this serves as a sort of archive of anything I want to dump. Maybe even some writing tidbits? Open to suggestions and requests, too! 
                                                 ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ Character Introductions - // Moondrop + Sunrise // [More to come.]                                                 ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
// > Please read the below things before interacting ⤵
🌊 ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ - BE AWARE - There is a lot focused on the relationships between the two sirens and Joel, the protagonist, which can be interpreted as romantic, s3xual or platonic. While many acts are traditionally romantic and can even be interpreted as risqué, it is platonic centered. Please refrain from overly sexual asks or comments! 
🌊 ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ - TRIGGER WARNINGS - Violence/mentioned violence and death, possessive behavior, unwanted physical intimacy/touch, emotional abuse and manipulation, etc. this ain’t a relationship guide, so don’t treat it as such, y'all. 
🌊 ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ - DNI - Homophobic/Transphobic, Pedo/“Map”/“No-map”, Zoos, TERFs, Neo-Nazis, NSFW, or anything of the sorts. Also please avoid unconstructive criticism or rude comments, I'm cringe and that's based yada yada
🌊 ˑ༄ؘ ۪۫۫ - OVERALL - Mystery, horror, angst, fluff, it’s all here babey  . also gay fish
thank you <3
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