#it's just how instant that change is. and i don't think he'd even realized that he had only stopped because it would have endangered luke
satureja13 · 2 days
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While Vlad and Ji Ho and Sai and Jeb enjoy their couple time together, good mates Jack and Kiyoshi are having a picknick. Even though they are supposed to meet for dinner soon. Jack is always hungry. And Kiyoshi wonders why they are not having pizza again, Jack's favourite.
Kiyoshi doesn't realize he's walking on the water again. Or he forgot they are back in the Muggle World and he shouldn't reveal his divine nature here... Let's just hope no one notices him ö.Ö'
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And while Jack is happily riding around with a Jet Ski he rented, Kiyoshi is happily browsing his phone. He'd even been longer without reception than the others. 60+ years! A lot to keep up with.
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When Jack finally left the ocean and joined Kiyoshi on his blanket, it already got dark and they have to leave soon to meet the others. But Jack wanted to talk to Kiyoshi. He needs to make sure this mateship of theirs is not going to drag them back down to the hell they've been in during their relationship. Jack is not sure how to start and how Kiyoshi would take it so he waited until they were almost due to leave... Jack: "Kiyoshi..." Kiyoshi: "Hm?" Jack took a deep breath in and then he let it all out: "You know, after I - uhm... left you, I had to have a talk with Greg. And as much as I hate him, I think I have to admit that he was right - in some points at least. He said a relationship is hard work. And he didn't hesitate to point out that I also played my part in ruining - eh, us. So I want to make sure we talk about things that make us feel uncomfortable. And things we need - and want." Kiyoshi laughed: "Ah, he gave me that talk too. Even twice. To make sure it seeps through, I guess." Jack: "What? When?" Kiyoshi: "When we were here together, at Beltane. I was still a bit out but he managed to reach me, he is very powerful. And wise."
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Jack: "So, what do you think?" Kiyoshi: "I think we should follow his advice and work hard. I cherish ... our mateship too much to let it go to waste again. I promise you, I won't keep anything from you and talk to you if I feel uncomfortable. And about my wants and needs. I will share it all with you. No more hiding - no more secrets." He wanted to say '...you' instead of '...our mateship', but it's not the right time for this when Jack wants to discuss their mateship. And he's still so anxious and vulnerable. It's just the beginning. And they have all the time in the worlds to sort it out. And so they agreed to the new terms and conditions of their mateship.
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But Jack was so anxious of being hurt again, he couldn't help it and asked: "Do you think it will work?" Kiyoshi: "Let's just do our best, hm? We both changed, a lot." Jack pondered about it for a while and came to the conclusion Kiyoshi was right. Kiyoshi had spent 6 decades in that tree to reflect and Jack went through the hell of pain for leaving him, his Alpha. And the therapy game chased him through an almost relationship with Lou and even killed him so he could make a brandnew start. They now both know what they have lost. And what they have been missing. A chill wind blew over the ocean to the beach and Jack, who was still wet, shivered. Kiyoshi noticed it: "Don't tell me you are cold!" Jack: "What? No! I'm the Super Soldier, after all!" Kiyoshi laughed: "Hey, no more secrets! You promised!" Jack: "Fine! I'm cold. But it's just a reaction. Because my skin is still wet!" Kiyoshi: "Aouwww. Come here." And he pulled Jack close.
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And Jack leaned in. He felt warm in an instant. Kiyoshi smelled so good. Like sun and ocean and food - and Kiyoshi's very own, incomparable scent. Jack: "Do you think this is a weird thing to do for mates?" Kiyoshi: "It's only weird when we make it weird. If it feels good for both of us and we agree on something, nothing should be weird between us. Right?" Jack moved even closer to Kiyoshi's warm body: "Right. We can't compare our mateship with what others have and do, I guess. Not even our woohoo felt weird for me. It felt good, great even. Even though we didn't both agree beforehand. I only felt so bad because I thought it was - eh ... inapproprate, you know. Since you're a diety now." Kiyoshi: "And I was horrified because I knew what you went through and I - eh ... felt I kind of exploited the situation. Though, I had no choice, like you. But it felt good for me too." Jack sighed as he remembered: "So good." Kiyoshi pulled Jack a bit tighter and put a soft kiss on Jack's wet, sandy hair.
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They sat there, cuddling, until Jack's phone made weird zombie sounds (that's his ringtone for Sai...) Message from Sai: 'Where are you? We're waiting at the restaurant!' Seems it's really about time to leave. Kiyoshi was already dressed while Jack was still shaking the water - and sand - out of his hair. Kiyoshi endured it - and smiled. It might sound strange, but this quirky side of Jack played a big part helping Kiyoshi get out of the tree. And he wouldn't want to miss it.
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Eventually they put the blanket in Jack's inventory and ran over to the restaurant boat in the harbor of Porto Azzurro. Jack knew they would have pizza for dinner, so he was fine with eating something else at their picknick ;)
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Ah, it's been a long time since I've seen them so happy together. One of the best days I've ever had with them <3
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'It's merely human situations The moments between us both The distance, the passions Finding a reason. Today...Like always, I am thinking of you.
Yes, you see. It's merely human conditions Feeling well or not If it's by day, or if it's by night If it's nostalgia or post-love. Today...Like always, I am thinking of you
Like our time hasn't yet passed. Tell me, where are we? What could happen? Hearts bound by an arrow, but, To each other that's the barrier that must be demolished I am thinking of you. I am thinking of me' Cosas della Vida - Tina Turner & Eros Ramazotti
Ah, I so wanted them both on the Jet Ski, like on their date over a year ago here at Tartosa! But Kiyoshi refused to stay in the water because he developed thalassophobia (fear of water). Who knows when -.- And I only realized hours later: I should have given him that fear-be-gone potion or already turn off that stupid fear option (but it would also remove the wants, I guess?) but I don't use them anyway either. Little Goat: 'That's boring!' Little Goat: 'Let's go over and watch Ji Ho and Vlad again, then!'
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From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-28
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queenpiranhadon · 21 days
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𝙰/𝙽: This was actually really cute and really fun to write <33 This is apart of @pretty-sparkle-bomb 's Dynamight GZG event so go check out the other works once they're released!! Here's my masterlist!
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐(𝚜): Nothing really, Bakugou experiences a breakup (not with you) pining, coffee shop AU, I don't think reader's gender is specified but it's written with f!reader in mind <3
𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐(𝚜): CEO!Bakugou x Barista!Reader
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Katsuki Bakugou wasn't a man for sweet things.
That was the first thing you noticed about him when he first came into the coffee shop.
The CEO of the well known company known as Dynamight, he came in to the cafe where you worked regularly with a pretty woman you eventually came to realize was his girlfriend.
They were a nice pair, and though you felt a little guilty for it, you couldn't help but check out the CEO himself. He had gone viral on the internet only a year ago for becoming one of the youngest successful entrepreneurs of all time, launching his spicy food globally. With striking red eyes, spiky hair that looked like it would be soft to the touch (not that you would, even though you really wanted to), and his voice, god his voice, you could go on and on about how husky and gravelly his voice was, deep and commanding, one could immediately tell he was a businessman just from his authoritative tone.
However, he was kind. You could see it in the way he always opened the door for his girlfriend, treating her with the utmost care.
They were the perfect couple.
From what you could tell, he was a man of routine. Because every single day, without fail, he'd order the same exact thing. Two medium iced americanos, one with milk, and one without. It came to the point where you'd always start off your morning by making said two cups before anything else, knowing they'd come by to pick it up anyways.
Until one day, he came alone.
He didn't order anything this time, instead just quietly shuffling into the booth he normally took with such a hollow expression on his face it pained you as well.
You weren't close, you and Bakugou, but seeing his gentle demeanor gone in an instant, replaced with such a cold and hard shell made your heart clench.
It was strange, though you felt fleeting moments of attraction for the man (you'd never overstep boundaries though, respecting his relationship (?) ) and yet, you...cared.
It was strange, you thought, how you frowned and told your coworker to cover for you for a few minutes, and this time, stepping out of the routine you were used to.
It was strange, not making the americano you were used to, now trying something new.
Thinking about Bakugou, and what you noticed of him from the past few months of daily coffee visits, you decided that maybe, just maybe, he needed something new too.
Adding a few ice cubes to make the coffee relent its hot temperature, you put a lid on the cup and walk over to his booth, placing it on his table.
"Here." you say softly. "On the house."
Bakugou looks up at you and blinks, surprised, staring at you as if he was drinking you in for the first time ever.
You chuckle awkwardly, unsure of what to do, internally panicking that you overstepping your boundaries.
"You looked a little, uh...downcast? I figured getting something in your system might make you feel better." You smile gently. "I know it's not what you usually order, but I figured a change of pace might be nice."
Bakugou clears his throat and coughs out a thanks, under his breath. It's not much, but you feel your heart warm all the same.
You watch as he sips it gingerly, eyes widening as he tastes the sweet flavor.
"Is this...caramel?" He murmurs, surprised.
You swallow thickly, nervous. "Yeah, I made a caramel macchiato for you..! ...Do you like it?"
Bakugou smiles, a rare, genuine soft smile, as he clears his throat and takes another sip. "Yeah, s'good...m'not usually one for sweet things, but...I think yer right. Maybe I needed a change of pace."
You smile warmly and look back at your coworker, who's calling you over to help out in the kitchens.
You look back over at the blonde apologetically, his eyes still trained on you, nodding in understanding as you tell him that you're needed elsewhere, but to not hesitate to call you if he needed anything.
As you walk away, you don't notice the red eyes still trained on your retreating form.
Bakugou scolds himself. His girlfriend has dumped him only last night and now he can't get your damn smile out of his head.
When you return from the kitchen, you see Bakugou's booth empty, sans a $50 tip and a card that reads "Call me." with a number on it.
You can't help but feel the butterflies erupt in your stomach, trying to tame your flustered face as you quickly pocket the money and card and rush back to your counter, now replaying your interaction with the man over and over in your head.
Bakugou Katsuki wasn't a man for sweet things.
But you? You might be the exception.
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fairlyang · 9 months
Thigh riding 🕷️
you are peer pressured to somehow help Miguel from the hell of a week he's had
w/c: 5.5K
pairing: miguel o’hara x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut, no use of y/n, lil plot, angy Miguel, going in with no plan, pestering, lots of tension, giving in, making out, thigh riding, jerking him off, tasting each other, cum
notes: the beginning of this I reused for “prank” but that was an og idea I abandoned then did end up using 💀
Miguel had been stressed, annoyed, and overworked for the past week and a half. No one even dared to go into his office or bothered to start up a conversation if they saw him walk the hallways of HQ. Not even Jess.
But that didn't stop Gwen from plotting something, because "why not."
"He will literally kill anything that comes within a 100 feet radius of him-" Miles says making me scoff.
"1000." I mutter shaking my head.
"Okay but we need to help him out somehow-" Gwen starts to say and I widen my eyes.
"Gwen, he will literally kill someone on instant impact-"
"Don't exaggerate-" she starts to say and I cut her off grabbing the ends of my mask and take it off for dramatic effect.
"I saw a glimpse of both veins yesterday." I say and shiver in exaggerated horror. "From afar."
They both turn to look at me with widened eyes. "Neck and forehead?" Miles asks with his mouth agape.
I nod and scoff, "So if you want a death wish....."
"I just feel bad-" she says and sighs. "There must be some way we can distract or help him?"
"I mean I feel bad too, it's not a nice thing to see... but what can we do?" I say and sigh.
Helping him or even bothering up to talk to him would be like talking to a concrete wall. Impossible and won't do anything.
"Maybe take him to one of those rooms where you hit garbage with a bat." Miles says and shrugs.
"A rage room? You suggest we take our boss to a rage room?" I ask and laugh. "Then he'd just get offended we think he has anger issues."
"Think?" I hear a familiar British voice speak and look up seeing Hobie walk towards our table.
I snicker then bite my lip. I'll shut up, Miguel could appear out of thin air. "Tell Gwen that we shouldn't be messing with the devil reincarnate."
"She and Miles shouldn't. Hell I definitely shouldn't..... but....." he trails on as he sits next to me and I groan.
"Do not even-"
"Perfect so you know where I'm going with this. Have fun-"
"Absolutely fucking not-"
"But why-"
"I don't wanna die!!"
"No, you won't-"
"He doesn't even have spidey senses and he's somehow just gonna sense the air being different before I even walk in-"
"Calm down-"
"He's fucking built different Hobie I'd be a goner-"
"Calm the fuck down!"
"Do you want me dead?!?" I hiss and he chuckles shaking his head at me and sits across from me.
"What don't you get- listen... he might dislike the rest of us. A lot.. but you're different-"
"Don't say that-“
"It's true and you know it!" He exclaims laughing at my reaction and I bite my lip looking down. There's no way....
I sigh and take a deep breath. Oh god.
"How the fuck do I change his mood though? I can't be too chirpy or pester him. Both are things I'm an expert in but won't help- it'll make shit more fucked-" I whine and groan.
"You can figure it out. You of all people can figure something out...." Miles cuts in and I roll my eyes.
"Come on arañita-" he teases and i scoff. (little spider)
"Oh fuck off-"
"See you're the only one that is even worthy of a nickname by the devil." Hobie teases with a smirk and I scoff.
"I never-" I freeze, eye widened. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks.
All three turn to look at me and give me a look. I purse my lips and close my eyes. I’m the only one worthy of a nickname? Really? just me- Did it really have to be me? I mean he does tolerate me. My presence. On a regular basis.... barely...
I sigh and look back at them. "FINE." I mutter and stand up.
Gwen lets out a sigh and Miles covers his mouth not wanting to laugh. I glare at him and he lets out a snicker. "Miles Morales-"
"My bad!!" He says and covers his mouth again.
"If you don't hear from me within the next two hours, I'm as good as dead. Hobie you can keep my dog." I say semi jokingly and he nods giving me a thumbs up.
I roll my eyes at him and turn to Gwen, "You owe me one."
She waves me off letting out a laugh and I sigh. "Good luck." Miles says and fake salutes me.
I walk away from the table and instantly hear them snickering. Couldn't even wait for me to be gone-
What did I get myself into?
I let out a deep breath as I walk out of the cafeteria. I'm done for.
I walk the halls of HQ and head over to Miguel's office. i couldn't help but think. I guess it was kind of true? I bugged him but he never got like really mad? It's like he almost didn't mind my company? He's never kicked me out... what did that mean though?
Now the thing about Miguel is he's a very sarcastic, sometimes cold, very angry man. I somehow ended up kind of befriending him by calling him out on shit early on when I was recruited and he hates when I do it but somewhat respects I have the guts to do it at all. I play around with him a lot and at first it bugged him, a lot but then he started doing it back and that's the dynamic we have going.
Now this didn't make me an exception from when he gets pissed like he is now. At least that's what I was thinking..... but after seeing and hearing what Hobie was saying, I was conflicted. But why wouldn't he get mad at me? Because I was barely able to befriend him? I wasn't even close to the level of friendship he has with Jess and even she hasn't dared to talk to him.... or even Peter's friendship with him, and he's been with him through his ups and downs. So it wouldn't make any sense...
I shake off my thoughts and take a deep breath standing outside his door. I peep through one of the windows and he's looking at his screens. So he definitely hasn't heard me... yet.
I open the door as quietly and slowly as I can only to be met with his frustrated grunts at the screens in front of him. I quietly close the door and lean against the wall. He's swiping along muttering swears in English and Spanish making my eyes go wide.
I'm fucking done for. I didn't even come in with a fucking shed of an idea of how to distract him or cheer his ass up. I'm done. Me va gritar, me va chingar, y ni me va hacer caso- (he's gonna scream at me, beat my ass and he's not even gonna pay attention to me-)
Then he turns around to look me right in the eye, making me jump, and snarls, "You're breathing loud arañita, que quieres?" (what do you want?)
"You have some balls to come in here." He mutters before quickly turning back and mumbles, "Chingdada madre-" (mother fucker)
I cover my mouth to hide my nervous laughter and shake my head. I'm fucking breathing loud??? I knew this would happen-
"Be nice Miguelito, I just came to... check up on you.." I say and walk up to him slowly. I felt a bubble of nervousness form in my stomach and my hands were getting sweaty under my suit. This was gonna be bad...
He turns back around to me pressing a button on his watch making his mask disappear, showing me his distressed face and scoffs. "Check up on me? Oh so now I need hawk eyes all over me at all times?"
I gulp and stop just a few feet away from his platform. What the fuck do I even say???
"Do I look like I need checking up on?!?" He says and slams a hand on the desk making papers fly off and a pen roll off to the floor.
My eyes shift from his eyes to the floor to his neck. Oh god the veins... It's only the one on his neck- I'll try to keep it that way...
"Well...." I trail on and take a step up to his platform but still not within range to touch him or vice versa.
He completely turns to look at me and places a hand on his hip with a look on his face. What was it? Curiosity? Annoyance? Anger? I couldn't tell.
"Listen..." I start and put my hands up in defense, "we were starting to get worried-"
"Yes. We. A handful of us..." I say and take another step forward and now having to look up at him but still not within reach. Oh fuck.
"And I think you've been in here too long... necesitas relajarte o distraerte." I say softly and put my hands down slowly. (you need to relax or distract yourself)
"Quieres que me relaje? Distráeme?" He asked unamused with a cocked eyebrow. (you want me to relax? To distract myself)
I simply nod and hold my breath.
Fuck fuck fuck.
"And how do you propose I do that?" He asks raising an eyebrow at me and I bite my lip.
That's such a good question....
"hmm... well I actually didn't really have an idea....." I trail on, scratching the back of my neck and he scoffs.
"So you came in here-" he starts but I interrupt.
"Now listen-"
"No, you listen-"
"You came here-"
"With no idea-"
"Well Gwen was getting worri-"
"Well me too I guess but-"
"Oh so you were too-"
"Cállate-" (shut up)
"Escúchame arañita-" (listen to me little spider)
"And it's not that I didn't have a plan-"
"Really because it sure sounds-"
"I just didn't think-"
"You never do-"
"Cabron-" (asshole/bitch)
"Latosa." He snarls and I scoff. (annoying ass)
"Mendigo-" I blurt out and cross my arms against my chest. Then it hits me. (asshole but more aggressive maybe bastard fits)
He walks towards me giving me a glare and I freeze. This is it. I've lived a decent life- I got to enjoy my spider powers for as long as I could, helped a ton of people. But this is it-
He steps in front of me and I bite my lip looking at his chest too fucking petrified to look him in the eye. I bring my arms down to my sides and widen my eyes. Oh god why did he have to be so fucking intimidating.
He unfortunately gets rid of my thoughts and takes care of my lack of eye contact by lifting my chin up with two fingers. I gulp and stare into his eyes.
Amusement. Shock.
Then I look down at his lips. A smirk?
"Repeat what you said." He demands and I stifle a laugh.
He was enjoying this? Maybe all he needed was a little pestering? Shockingly enough- could he have missed me- nah.... that's a stretch.
I look directly into his eyes and cross my arms against my chest. "Men-di-go." I say slowly making sure to annunciate every syllable exaggeratedly. I purse my lips and widen my eyes slightly.
I'm playing with fire. No- worse- a fucking ticking time bomb.
He raises an eyebrow with a shocked expression and I have the urge to burst out laughing but I don't want to make this any worse. Then in a swift movement his hand is gripping my jaw and my breath hitches in my throat. He tilts his head and leans down so I can't look at anything besides his eyes.
Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't laugh.
He narrows his eyes down and I'm on the verge of breaking. I bite my lip, my heartbeat quickens, my cheeks grow red. His stare was intense. Neither of us looking away.
His grip was then softer, for a split second before he takes another step forward making me yelp as my lower back hit one of his desks.
His body towered over mine and his hands were then gripping the desk behind me, or on each side of my body so I had nowhere to go. I was trapped but it didn't feel intimidating. He didn't look like he was going to pounce. I let my hands stay on my sides and I couldn't move. I felt like I was frozen.
What the fuck was this?
My breathing was a bit unsteady and I couldn't do anything. Why'd I feel like I was in a trance?
My mind then took an unexpected turn from being nervous to intrigued. Excited. And I couldn't help but take a close notice of his features. His pretty crimson eyes. His high cheekbones. His thick eyebrows. His full lips. His big nose- we all know what they say about big noses-
I then feel an oh so familiar feeling appear in my stomach and I gulp. Oh fuck.
My eyes slowly made their way down and really took in everything. I've never been so close to this man... ever... I was able to see everything-
His chiseled jawline that genuinely looked like it was sculpted by gods. Then I realized how much bigger and taller he was than me. He was huge. His broad shoulders. His toned chest. Muscular arms. Those biceps the size of my head. Which were all shown absolutely perfectly by his skintight suit. 
Well every inch of him was shown to perfection, accentuating every curve, line, inch of his practically Greek god physique.
I then thought of escaping, my thoughts were going some place they've never been towards him, my breathing was unsteady, but then I felt his hands moving down to my waist making me take a deep breath in. What the fuck??? Que está tramando??? (what is he plotting???)
Suddenly as if a light switched in my brain I realized what I had to offer to relax or distract him.... I felt my cheeks get hot and I shift a tiny bit. Was I really going to-
I slowly looked back up at his eyes and he was already staring at me. He leans down a tiny bit, I could feel him breathing on my nose... I bite my lip and try to calm myself down. There's no way he's thinking the same I am.... Right?
His eyes had darkened and they looked glossy. The look in his eye- it was impossible to miss... oh my god-
I breathe out and slowly move my hand from my sides to go up to his chest. I prayed I wasn't reading shit incorrectly and leave my hands there gently. He didn't stop me. He didn't even flinch. Oh wow....
I didn't know where to go from here- I noticed his heartbeat going all over the place as well. Was he just as nervous as me? Just as excited?
Maybe he's had pent up arousal?
But do I help him?
He leans down a tiny bit more and our lips are now millimeters apart. His grip on my waist was firm and his body was against mine. I could now see the lust in his eyes and I have a feeling he sees it in mine. I was appalled. We've never, ever done anything like this. It didn't exactly feel wrong but it was odd? Different. Confusing. But felt right?
I slowly reach up to wrap my arms behind his neck and look into his eyes then down at his lips. They were right there.
He then clears his throat and I look back up into his eyes. "Creo que ya se como me puedo distraer." He whispers softly, his breath lightly hitting my lips, and I feel myself almost melt. (I think I know how I can distract myself)
So he was thinking the same as me.....
I nod in agreement, not trusting myself to speak and he takes that as his green light. I close my eyes and I feel the softness of his lips on mine. Instant sparks running through my body as I slowly kiss him back. I didn't think I would feel this way- hell I didn't think I'd ever kiss Miguel of all people... but it felt so good and natural...
I felt the flush of my cheeks grow warmer as I felt one of his hands going down to my hips and the other softly wrapped around my neck, and deepening the kiss at the same time.
I move my hands up to play with the ends of his curls and lightly tug on them making him let out a moan. I then slide my tongue into his mouth exploring every crevice as I feel his hands snake down and grope my ass, making a combination of a moan and groan leave my throat.
I feel him smirk before shoving his tongue in my mouth and I melt into his arms. He grabs the back of my thighs and lifts me onto the desk and stands in between my legs. I wrap them around his waist and bring him closer to me which makes him change the pace of the kiss, more passion, hunger, neediness.
I moan into his mouth and he pulls away making me whimper but his lips went down leaving wet kisses on my jaw, then moving down to my neck. I tilt my head to the side giving him more room as he licks a spot then sucking on it roughly making me gasp and grip onto his hair.
He groans against my skin and I feel my eyes fluttering as I feel heat go deep into my core. I was breathing heavily and the way I felt his hand go down to squeeze my thigh, definitely wasn't helping. His other hand was playing with my long hair as he left more love bites on my neck. By this time I felt like my neck was invaded with red marks, he would suck then lick it softly to ease the slight pain and repeat.
His hands were suddenly rougher on me, his hand on my thighs now nearing my inner thigh, trailing up and down, teasing me. He was now tugging on my hair making me head go back and he kissed up my throat sending shivers all throughout my body.
He pecks my lips softly then bites my bottom lip lightly. I cup his cheek and he suddenly picks me up so my legs are wrapped around his waist as he sits us down on the chair he has in his office.
I was sitting on his lap so I leaned down to kiss his neck making my way to his ear and nibble on it. I felt his breathing get harder and a groan leave his lips. I grind myself slowly onto him, I almost stopped when I felt him- he was so fucking hard...
I positioned myself properly and moved to grind directly on his bulge as I went down to kiss down his neck wanting to leave some marks on him. I found a spot and sucked on it harshly before licking it and moving my head towards his throat and kiss up it. I felt a groan against my mouth and I couldn't help but moan.
Why was that so hot?
I felt my wetness moving around between my thighs, I was possibly leaking through my suit- how the hell would that even be possible?
"Así- mm así mami-" he moans out and I move my hips a bit faster. I felt my eyes flutter and I felt like I could pass out already but I knew I had to stay in the moment. (Just like that)
I felt his hands grip on my hips helping me grind against him while my hands were behind his neck trying to steady myself. I moaned against his throat and I felt his hips buck up making his bulge directly rub against my clit. Fuck. "S-shit-" I murmur and feel my eyes closing.
"Would you get mad if I ripped your suit open?" He suddenly asks and I stop. I widen my eyes and I just look at him.
"A-Are you insane-"
"I could have Lyla make you a new one right now-"
"Don't call her now!!"
"I'm just saying-"
I then close my mouth and shake my head slowly. He motions for me to stand up and I get off his lap and stand in front of him with furrowed brows. He gets on his knees then in just a few seconds his hands go to my thighs as he rips the fabric of my suit, between my legs to be more specific. Now I just had a big hole between my thighs. "You owe me a new and improved suit by tomorrow." I mutter and he just chuckled and grabbed the back of my thighs.
He left small kisses on my inner thigh and I felt my legs shake. God how did he have this much of an affect on me-
I then suddenly feel cold and I look down and gasp at the sight. He used his fangs to rip my panties.
My mouth was wide open as he looks up at me with a smirk, my little blue thong between his fingertips. "Oh you sick f-" I start but then he spreads my legs apart and blows a small puff of air against my slit making me quiver.
I whine and he laughs. "Que decías nena?" He teases making me try to squeeze my thighs but he had a strong grip on them. That petname- (what were you saying baby girl?)
From his lips- madre mía- (oh my god-)
"S-sick fuck." I mutter and he smirks.
"Now I still want you riding my thigh... but I need to taste you." He growls and as soon as he finishes his sentence he licks a long strip on my already soaked pussy.
I moan and indistinctly move my hands down to his hair. He licks it softly at first until he went up to my swollen clit and kissed it, licked it then sucked on it harshly like a man that hasn't had dinner for weeks. He definitely was a starved man.
"M-Mig-" I moan out and buck my hips towards his face. He groans against my pussy and his hands grip the back of my thighs harder.
I move my hips back and forth and he continues eating out my pussy. His hands moved to smack my ass for a second and then up to my hips helping me grind against his mouth. "So good Miguel-" I murmur breathless.
He pulls away making me whimper until he brings a finger up to rub my swollen nub and I let out a moan. "Estas más deliciosa de lo que me imaginé arañita." He purrs looking right into my eyes. (you're more delicious than what I had imagined)
I whimper and close my eyes. This is really happening.... Miguel O'Hara is between my legs- I just felt his tongue on my pussy... he is on his fucking knees looking up at me- All it took to distract him was some pussy?
I come back to reality when I no longer feel his touch. I open my eyes to see he's stood back up. I look up at him as he back up to sit back up on the chair. Oh....
With one finger he motions for me to sit on his lap and I don't hesitate to walk back to him and place myself on his lap again. He shifts in the chair to have his left thigh directly on most of the chair then grabs my hips and make me lift one leg over his.
He brings my hips down my pussy now making contact with his suit. I gasp at the new texture and put my hands against his shoulders slowly moving. "Good girl." He purrs and his hands on my hips helping me move making it easier for me.
"I- but y-your suit-" I stammer and try to stop but his hands make me continue moving.
"It's fine." He whispers and presses on his watch and I watch as the lower half of his body is soon exposed as the pixels of his suit disintegrate.
My pussy was now directly on his toned thigh and it felt so good. My eyes begin fluttering again as I move my hips rubbing myself against his now soaked thigh. I then open them again and instantly take notice he's completely bare.
My breath hitched at my throat when I looked at his thick cock that was already throbbing and leaking with precum. I widen my eyes and gulp. There was no fucking way he'd fit... as if he read my mind he chuckles and lifts my chin up to look at him then holds my hands. "We don't have to go all the way- if anything I think seeing you cum will do it for me." He says and I feel my cheeks grow warm.
I subconsciously squeeze my thighs together and he groans. I bite my lip and roll my hips back and forth again, my hands going back to his shoulders to steady myself. He lets out a deep breath and his hands go back to my hips. "Look at you fucking dripping on me pretty girl." He purrs making me blush.
I look down at his cock and bring a hand down to gently grab it then spit on it. I start stroking him with my saliva dripping down a vein and I feel myself getting wetter. He groans, his grip on my hips now tighter as I grind myself faster on him. "M-Miguel-"
"You're doing so good arañita." He murmurs as I stroke him faster letting out moans of my name.
I whimper and feel my thighs starting to hurt but I was also slowly feeling my orgasm coming in. "Asi nena- se siente tan rico-" he praises breathlessly. (Just like that baby girl- it feels so good-)
He lays his head back and I let out bundles of moans and whines on top of him. He bucks his thigh up making me whimper in pure pleasure. My eyes were glossy, my body was growing tired but I was so close and he was too I could tell by the way his cock was twitching in my hand. I lean forward closer to him to have somewhat easier access to jerking him off.
One of his hands lets go of my hip and cups my cheek as he leans in to kiss me roughly. It was the sloppiest kiss I've ever endured in my life but I didn't mind and I kissed him back with just as much of his neediness. He moved his thigh up and down making my tremble and moan against his lips. "No pares-" he mumbles against my lips and I slide my tongue in his mouth stroking him even faster. (Don't stop-)
I feel him groan in my mouth and I melt into his shoulder almost giving out. Both his hands were back on my hips pushing them back and forth as he saw I was slowing down a bit. How kind.
I pull away and l lean my forehead against his, breathing heavily, legs trembling. My orgasm quickly took over making me shake more and let out shaky moans. I stop moving trying to calm my rapid heartbeat as I felt Miguel's grip dropped from my hips and to hold my other hand. Our fingers intertwined and my hand still didn't stop but that's when I looked down at his cock in my hands and realized he was cumming so I slowed down, letting him ride his high.
He let out so many grunts and moans bucking his hips into my hand. His streaks of cum shot up to my hands, his stomach, and my thighs. I chuckle looking down at the mess he made and bite my lip.
It's only fair I get to taste him too.
I bring my hand up to my mouth and lick off his cum that landed on my hand. I hear him gasp when I swallowed and I look up at him with a smirk. "I needed to taste you too." I say and bite my lip.
He snickers and shakes his head. I then notice the slight tug of a smile forming. Jesus.
Oh god- why the fuck did that give me butterflies.... Why did he look so good.
I looked at him, eyes hazed, hair pulled back, he was sweaty but he looked fine. So fucking good.
I can't believe we did that- us.
He was still holding my hand and I feel myself blush. Fuck- well now what?
I let out a sigh and try to stand up but instantly felt the pain in my thighs. "Fuck-" I groan and sit back down on him.
"Come here I got you." He says softly and moves my left leg over.
I lay my head against his shoulder and I feel him slowly lifting me up. I wrap my arms behind his neck and nuzzle between his chest. I felt fucking exhausted. "You did so good arañita." He whispers and I fight back a smile.
He walked up off deeper into his office, probably taking us to his room considering he completely fucked up my suit and my whole pussy was on display. I pull away and point at him. "New suit-"
"Yeah yeah yeah- para mañana. I got it." He retorts and I laugh. (For tomorrow)
He placed me down on his bed and I yawn. My body felt so sore and I look down at my thighs. Still had his cum on me... I bite my lip and shake my head in disbelief. How did this happen?
He walked over to his dresser and grabbed a shirt and some sweats. I scoff and shake my head. "Those won't fit."
He rolls his eyes at me and throws them at me, I catch them before they can whack me in the face. "Rude." I mutter and start talking off the remains of my suit.
I grab the ends from my neck and pull it down my body. Thank god I decided to wear a bra today.
"Where the fuck is my-?" I start to say then look up at him mouth agape.
I look at his hand and sure enough there it is. My thong. "Give it-"
"Ask nicely."
"I literally just helped distract you from your shitty ass week- dámelo!!!" I demand and stand up somehow gaining the strength to walk over to him. (give it to me!!!)
His eyes gaze down at my bra and I roll my eyes. "Want the matching bra?" I tease and he smirks.
"Well it is only fair I get bo-"
"Estas loco- now give it!!!" I whine and reach for it but unfortunately he was faster than me and lifts it high above my head. (You're crazy-)
Why did he have to be built like a giant at desperate times like this....
"I have an idea-" he starts but I interrupt.
"Dámelo latoso." I say sternly and he scrunches his nose. (Give it to me annoying fuck)
"You're not convincing me very well..." he trails on and I shake my head.
"Fine." I say walking back to his bed and putting on the clothes he gave me.
I slip on the big sweatpants and groan. I pull on the drawstrings to the tightest it can go and tie it. "It looks like I have no ass-" I whine and roll my eyes.
I quickly slip on the shirt and take off my bra. I slip the straps off my arms through the arm holes and then take the bra off from under. I throw it at him and with ease he caught it.
"Maybe this'll be how we can calm your ass down...." I say and give him a wink before walking out of his room.
"You're the perfect distraction arañita." He calls out and I bite my lip.
I take a few steps and I was back in his office before I quickly ran out. I open the door, slip out then close it. I lean against the door and can't help the smile the appeared on my face. Wow.
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bythepen98 · 1 year
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Doodles || Tomarry || Childhood friends/Growing Up Together au
(Ignore the not-so-time-period-accurate outfits)
Think of this as a timetravel au where Harry accidentally gets sent back to the past in Wool's orphanage at a young enough age where he barely notices the changes caused by the time displacement and thus grows up nonethewiser to his destiny as the Chosen One. Even when, objectively, his life at the orphanage could be considered worse considering the growing lack of food, his environment's state of decay and overall unrest happening outside the orphanage's walls, something about his situation felt right(?).
He'd always felt disconnected and out of place based on the few memories he still had from living with the Dursleys but now, it felt like he was home in a way. Like something finally clicked in his brain, his soul.
His instant connection to Tom helped cement that fact. It wasn't easy at first because the pull they felt when they first met was so strong that it scared Harry shtless and Tom, already half-full of resentment by this point, was horrified feeling anything to anyone that wasn't disgust. In the end, it didn't take long for them to meet halfway since they were still children and curiosity at the connection lured them in like candy; Harry wanted a special friend of his own and Tom convinced himself that Harry was worth his time because there was no way anyone ordinary could elicit such a soul deep response from him.
Tom has a mean streak and is more bloodthirsty than his charming facade would show but is honest about it with Harry. Although he doesn't have much to his name, Tom is serious about his self-imposed role as Harry's provider, giving him gifts (from the money he steals) during his birthdays and keeping him as warm and well fed as possible (by bullying the other kids into surrendering their share).
Sometimes, Tom....worries.....that his methods would eventually drive Harry - who has such an inherent goodness in him, so often kind to people who don't deserve it - away but what he fails to understand is that Harry's love and loyalty to the first friend he's ever made trumps any kindness he has for others. He'll never like needless violence and won't react if he was being targeted but all bets are off if he even a catches a whiff of plots against Tom. If he has to help hide a body or two in the future so that they won't be separated by something as inconvenient as jail or the law, then that's nobody's business but his own.
P.S. This Harry will probably go to Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin like in other fics. It just feels right. Probably should've drawn him wearing a yellow tie but only just got the idea as I'm typing this. Tom would rather eat slugs than go to the Hufflepuff common room but he's more than willing to entertain Harry at the Slytherin common room at every available chance. They have their own seat there and everything.
P.P.S. They also co adopt a tiny(??) baby snake when they realize they can both speak parseltongue and bring him along to hogwarts. Imagine being parents at the big old age of 10 to a possibly magical snake that may or may not grow past nagini-level size.
P.P.P.S. Future power couple in the making. Didn't think that far ahead whether I wanted Tom to go the political route or Dark Lord Voldemort style minus the horcruxes. Don't ask for me the details, just know that with Harry's help, Tom finds a way to prolong their lives without the consequences that come with using horcruxes. They may or may not discover that Harry is in fact a horcrux of Tom already but will never get the answer as to how it happened. Harry worries but Tom just chocks it up as the universe's way of paying him back for his shtty pre-Harry childhood. Ironically the type to believe in soulmates and destiny while Harry is a bit more skeptical on that front.
Alternatively, they could also decide not to do anything too significant -politically- at all and instead retire to the country side while doing research on as many branches of magic as they can. A bit laughable because of Tom's world altering ambitions and Harry's indulgent, enabling behavior but at the same time, anything's possible.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Omg hey I woul like to request something ! Ken x Reader (male, if possible) where the reader teaches Ken about the real world and they're also very in love. Thank you very much !
When Ken returned to the Real World again, he had a vision similar to Barbie's--realizing his owner was nearby.
Instead of a child....it's you, an adult who (like Gloria) inadvertently projected your own insecurities onto him while looking at an unboxed Beach Ken doll in your attic.
When you were younger, you really wanted to play with it unlike other boys who had action figures and nerf guns...but you were sorta shamed into keeping it boxed, as your parents said it would be more "valuable" one day.
Similarly..Ken had been stuck in a box all his life, trapped in the role of Barbie's accessory until recently.
So there's an instant connection when you two meet.
To make a long story short, you're like "ohhh hey I guess I kinda fucked up your mental stability, bro...you wanna come over and we can talk about it, man-to-man?"
He was very eager to go with you and learn more about your world beyond all the patriarchy and toxic masculinity.
You tell him about using your "male privilege" for good, and one defining example was when a random woman taps him on the shoulder, looking terrified and almost in tears.
"H-Hi, um..this is gonna sound really awkward but can you two pretend to be my friends for a second? This guy has been following me-"
"Of course." You reassure her, before looking to the confused Ken and telling him to go along with it.
The creepy guy comes along and backs off when he sees you two standing there protecting this lady, and once he's gone, she thanks you with hugs before leaving.
"I think I did a good job." Ken turns to you for validation, eyes shimmering. "Was that good, [y/n]? I mean playing pretend is all I've ever done so-"
"Yep. You did great." You chuckle, patting his shoulder. "I'm glad she thought you were a safe person to approach."
He nods and is giddy the whole way back home, especially when you get into your car and show him the different mechanisms, with him clinging to every detail.
These life lessons you're teaching him, however, made him think back to the "Kendom"...and he admits to trying to reinvent patriarchy there and feels ashamed of how he treated the Barbies.
He didn't think he'd open up this quickly to you, considering he never had any "manly" talks with other Kens (besides beach-offs).
But besides you being his owner, there's something about you that just made him feel...secure enough to do so. Like he could tell you anything.
You listen and reassure him that acknowledging his mistakes was a great first step to unlearning those toxic mindsets.
With all of that finally hashed out, you decide to show him the simple pleasures of the real world. Like cooking, watching TV, playing video games, etc.
Just mundane things you regularly do, with Ken picking up on some of your habits/routines as well as having some independence of his own.
You two grow closer as a result over the next few weeks, and you began falling for him and his humor and his charming smiles-
Yeah, you're 100% smitten for this doll who crossed worlds to meet you.
But you're not sure if he felt (or even could feel) the same way, since he was made to love Barbie and was...clearly still getting over his "breakup" with her. So you left it be.
That changes when you show him some emotional movie where the lead male characters showed vulnerability (ie Good Will Hunting or Brokeback Mountain) and he unconsciously holds your hand as he stares at the screen, tears staining his cheeks.
While the credits roll, your heart melts as he looks at you with those pretty blue eyes, his watery smile persistent.
"Th-Thanks for showing me this, [y/n].."
"Of course, Ken. Now you know that us guys don't always have to pretend to be tough. We're allowed to have feelings." You rub your thumb across his knuckles, a sweet gesture which makes him blush.
On the subject of feelings, he realizes that the ones he has for you are...leaning more into romance than "bromance" (yeah you taught him that term and it's part of his vocabulary now).
He becomes uncharacteristically quiet when you ask him what's on his mind, before he leans in to kiss you on the cheek. Purely on impulse.
You're both flustered at what happened, yet he panics internally when you don't say anything, trying to get up to leave so you didn't see him cry over the stupid decision he made-
"Ken, it's okay." You take his hands, convincing him to sit back down. "I had no idea you swung that way, but I'm...actually glad."
"Glad? Y-You're not...mad or anything?" He sniffles.
"Of course not. I....was planning to come out of the closet sooner or later. I just didn't know when or how to bring it up, but....I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore, thank god."
"So...does this makes us boyfriend and g....boyfriend?"
"If you want it to be, sure. I wouldn't mind a handsome doll being the love of my life." You wink.
Ken mirrors your smile, relieved to know you reciprocated his feelings.
Then he gets stumped on something and his eyebrows furrow.
"Wait...what closet were you talking about?"
Oh boy.
You just chuckle and give him a kiss on the lips.
Falling in love with a Ken doll from Barbieland certainly wasn't on your bucket list....
But you're perfectly content with that.
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callofdudes · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about how how TF141 + König would react to the reader having a period accident..
Idk it might be weird but some peoples reactions have my heart, like when they're nice about it and help you instead of being disgusted by you😭
That's not weird at all. Got instant inspiration for this one. It's also spawned some little headcanons in my head so I might post those separately as well. Here ya go, let me know if it's ok 😊
141 + König helping you after a period accident.
141+König x Female!reader
König 🐙
You and König were walking around the mall when you got the feeling in your gut. That feeling that kicked you right in the pelvis and almost made you stop walking. Shit... Not here.
König was currently looking at some new movies when you felt it again, clutching your pelvis to try and help it.
"König..." You whispered to him, tapping his hip.
He hummed, looking back at you and the awkward expression on your face. "What's wrong Schätzchen?"
"I think we need to wrap it up early. I'm not feeling good suddenly."
König was worried now. "Are you alright? Are you sick? Do you need medical treatment in this moment?"
You shake your head, walking slower and stiffer, hoping to get home before it was too late. König could see there was something going wrong but he followed.
He kept a close eye on you as you both made it back to the car, by that time König was helping you in the car and noticed. "Y/n... I think you are bleeding."
You groaned, immediately feeling more embarrassed about it. "Yeah..." You just wanted to rush home and change. And get your clothes in the wash before they stained.
König however, grabbed the car keys and rushed back inside. He had no idea what he was doing but he rushed to the drug store at the entrance of the mall and decided to ask a worker.
"Hey uh.. my um.. my friend, she is hurting and I want to help her. C-could I get some help with the feminine products..." He was a sweating mess asking about it. But he wanted to help you.
The clerk was also super nice and pointed him where he needed to go and gave him a quick suggestion on what to get. So without a second thought he purchased them and ran back to the car where you were still holding yourself.
"Here y/n... I-I got those for you. And you can do it in the car if you want- I don't mind, and I won't look!"
He immediately shut the door and turned around. He waited nervously outside. He hoped that was right, that he'd gotten everything. He did want to help even if he wasn't the most knowledgeable about this sort of thing.
You felt happy that he went through all the trouble. It would... Work for now.
So you put it on and got out, giving him a thumbs up while he nervously fiddled with his fingers. After, König got in the driver's seat and looked at you. "Are you doing better?"
"it'll work until we get home. Thank you König."
"Yeah.. yeah! Of course! Now let's get you home."
Price 🥃
The two of you were at a barbecue with 141 and some other soldiers, you hadn't even noticed or felt anything, probably too busy eating and talking. You'd felt weird and had cramps that morning, but after an hour and no actual blood, you'd assumed it was early cramping.
Price was sitting in a chair, talking to Ghost about one thing or another when he happened to look up and over to you, in your white pants, clear as day...
"Excuse me Ghost." Ghost nodded, letting Price leave for a moment. He came up behind you and set his hands on your shoulders. "Y/n..." He whispered. "You've got a stain on your pants."
You look up at at him. "I what- I do??" Your face turned red as you soon realized what it would be. Oh you were stupid to wear these pants...
Price gently pats your arm, you were so lucky you were over at Laswell's house. "Come on, come sit inside until we can help ok?"
You nod, following him closely as he opens the screen door and brings you inside. He could see the embarrassment on your face. "That's alright y/n, we'll help you out. Let me go find Laswell alright?"
You nod, staying behind and waiting as Price went to talk to Laswell about the situation.
"John, everything ok?" Laswell asked. While she'd let them use her expansive yard for the barbecue she wouldn't be in charge of supervision. So she was in her at home office room.
"Hey Kate. Y/n is having a little... Feminine emergency. She got her period and I was wondering if you would have anything to help?"
She nods, coming back down the stairs to see you still sitting there awkwardly. "We'll help you out kiddo." Price assured as Laswell brought back down a box of sanitary pads for you. "I might even have a spare pair of pants for you to wear?" She offers.
"If not, I can let you borrow my jacket." Price finishes.
"Thank you guys." You head to the bathroom and start to figure things out. While you were doing that Price went down to his car and got his big thick jacket.
Once you'd come out Price handed it to you and let you wrap it around your waist. "Thank you Price."
He nodded and patted your shoulder. "All good. We'll get you set up properly when we are home, alright?"
You nod, unable to help hugging him tightly. Price chuckled softly and hugged you back. "Alright, would you like to stay in here or go back out with everyone else?"
"I think I'll be ok to go back outside."
"Alright, you let me know if you need anything ok? And we'll get you all set up when we get home."
Soap 🧼
"Yes captain." You smile softly.
Price gave you the next two days of leave to let the cramps settle down and you were very, very grateful.
Growing up with all girls in his house he still didn't know everything about periods, but they didn't disgust him. So much that avoiding his sisters when they were acting like soulless floor crawlers was habit.
But when he noticed you in need, his brotherly instincts for you came into action.
You were in line for food, just standing there when you suddenly looked very troubled. "Soap... I think we should go home." You whispered.
"You want to go home y/n? But we just got here."
You nod a little, stance a little stiffer. He frowned, and you could tell he knew something was up. "What's wrong? Are you not feeling good?"
You shake your head softly, rolling your hand over your pelvis. "I think I just got my period..." You whispered, barely that. But John caught it.
He nods, ushering you from the line up. "Alright, we'll go home then. Do you want to pick up some pads at the drugstore while we're here or should we head back to base?"
"I think I'm almost out on base..."
John nods, that settles it then. "Alright, we'll stop at the drugstore and we'll get you what you need."
"You don't mind? I know we went out for food... No a sanitary trip..." You felt embarrassed. You really didn't want anything like this to happen with one of the guys. You just didn't think they'd understand.
You felt like maybe Soap of all people would make fun of you. But he brought you back to the car and drove you to the drugstore.
"Do you want to walk in or stay here??"
"Can I stay..?"
"Yep, no problem. Just tell me what you usually get yourself and I'll be right back." He smiled softly.
You were embarrassed. Telling him quietly before he shut the door and walked off with confidence. He wandered the aisle for a while, looking for the brand before spotting it and... Oh just grab one of everything you never know. So he came back with a bag full of product to last you a very long while.
"Alright, here ya go. I can wait outside if you want to put one on now?"
"You don't mind?"
"Nope, not at all. Go for it." He stands back faced to the window of the passenger seat. Guarding it while you did your thing. And you eventually you tapped on the window and he got back in the car.
"Alright, let's get you home and set you up."
You nodded. "Thanks Soap."
"No worries, I get it. Sometimes accidents like these happen."
He got you home and set you up, settling you down for a movie and got you your blankets and heating pad. And yes, he did go back and get that food so you both could enjoy it.
Ghost 💀
Man's panics. He knows a lot about periods surprisingly, but they are not in his wheelhouse. He does not have the expertise.
But he is definitely reliant and always a good person to go to for some help.
The two of you were at a very, very high end event. Like the higher ups of your higher ups were there. The both of you dressed up in suits with all your fancy pins on them and the little hats.
It was a big deal and you were nervous. You'd assumed the cramping you'd briefly felt earlier was just from the little amount of food you'd eaten before rushing out the door that morning and your anxiety.
Ghost was off in the corner, watching everything. He noticed somewhere along in the night you'd grown uncomfortable and oddly stiff. Almost as if you were self conscious of something.
He assumed it to be nothing until you walked over to him stiffly, blushing from embarrassment.
"What do you need sergeant?"
"Ghost..." You whispered, making him lean in a little more. "I think I just got my period..."
He's totally cool on the outside but inside he is panicking. He nods. "Do you have... A bag or something?"
You shake your head. "No... I left it all at home..."
Ghost sighed and nodded. "Alright, I'll head back home and get your stuff."
You nodded awkwardly. "Thank you."
He patted your arm. "Just sit tight, shouldn't be long."
And with that Ghost excused himself from the venue and got back in the car, driving all the way back home. He searched your bathroom, grabbing one... Two... Ok three if you need it. He can't be too careful. And a spare change of pants and underwear if you needed it.
He came back with the bag and pulled you to the side. "Everything you need should be in there. Bathroom is down the hall, call me if you need anything."
"Thank you so much Ghost. Thank you." You took the bag and rushed off, delighted to find a spare change of pants as well.
Once you'd changed you came back out and gave Ghost a thumbs up, to which he nodded in approval and the event continued without a hitch.
Gaz 🧢
I just know this man is the kind of guy to hook up the bubble bath and say F You to the world for a while. So afterwards you get full spa treatment from him.
Will do anything to help you.
You were training with some of the other soldiers. A slightly chilly day though you enjoyed it and hadn't worn a sweater. You already felt warm enough.
You'd already been out there for two hours and any burn or cramp was just played off as what would normally happen. You weren't really thinking into it much.
You'd taken a break to relax and you felt another cramp right in your pelvis, making you groan as you bent over a little to hold yourself.
Some of the sergeants noticed the stain forming in your grey jogging pants. "y/n, are your pants dirty or something?"
This caught Gaz's attention who looked over, noticing your discomfort. You looked embarrassed as you started to connect the dots between your horrible cramps and your accident.
He gently pushed past the sergeants and got himself between you and them. "Yeah, I think that last load of laundry didn't come out right. I noticed it on my clothes as well."
You looked up at Gaz with relief as he gently tugged off his sweater and wrapped it around your waist.
"Come on, let's go get you to your room."
You followed, your cramps bothering you the whole way. Gaz got you to your room and grabbed out a fresh pair of pants and let you change and such.
Once you were done he came back in and helped you into bed. "Thanks Gaz." You whispered.
He leaned down and plugged in your heating pad and wrapped you in all your blankets. "No problem y/n, it happens. I get it."
"Do you need any more supply? I have to head out for a bit later and I could pick up what you need?"
"You wouldn't mind?"
"Not at all. Just helping you out. I can even pick you up a snack or two. Does chocolate entice your palette?" You both chuckle softly.
"I'd like that, thank you." You smile, already feeling much better. Gaz made sure you didn't need anything else before leaving you to rest.
And yes, he came back with everything you needed and a giant bucket of ice cream all your own.
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bananayuyu · 3 months
Hopeless Desire - Part 2
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Pairing: Yunho x f reader
Genre: smut, fluff, angst
Word count: 9.6k
Summary: You were Mingi's younger sister by six years, and had a crush on his best friend Yunho since you were nine. You harbored this crush for years, never thinking it would go anywhere. Little did you know, Yunho had recently started to feel the same. But you're his best friend's little sister, so what can he do?
Chapter Summary: Mingi finally finds out, not in the way you intended.
Warnings: MDNI, smut, fingering, use of a vibrator, oral (both m and f receiving), some throat fucking, some pet names, more vague mentions of toxic family dynamics, more vague mentions of Mingi having mental health issues, pls lmk if I missed anything!
A/n: Thank you all so much for the feedback on part 1! It means the world to me. This is my first fic that I'm publishing publicly so I am so grateful. I hope you all enjoy <3
All three of you were frozen. Yunho fixed you with a sharp gaze, still clearly confused at your presence. But now you noticed it was changing, his eyes narrowing and head tilting every so slightly in an obvious sign of anger or frustration. You still sat in your chair unmoving; you couldn't help but notice the way his gaze was affecting your body, the way your arms were tingling and your lower stomach fluttering. Anxiety and excitement can feel shockingly similar, sometimes. You couldn't tell which you were feeling.
"Yunho, I-" you begin to explain yourself, but Mingi cuts you off in anger.
"No no, tell me what the hell is going on first," he says, shockingly stern and strong coming from him. The only time Mingi is ever stern is when he's protecting you, or thinks he is. You realize now what he thinks happened, that Yunho has upset or offended or hurt you in some way. He must think Yunho took a joke to far, or, or...
"Mingi, just-" but he cuts you off again, making you feel patronized.
"I thought when you started talking to me earlier that you were finally gonna admit that you two had been dating, but now-"
It's your turn to cut him off now. Yunho's as well.
"What?!" you both say in unison, Yunho's gaze now back to Mingi.
"Oh, so you aren't dating?" Mingi says with exasperation.
"Well, not really, not yet," Yunho stumbles. You put your head in your hands and curl up into a ball, seeing this whole conversation crumbling apart in front of you.
"Not yet? What does that mean? You've obviously upset her, what the hell did you do?!" Mingi's voice is rising in volume, unable to keep his anger under control. Mingi doesn't get angry often, but when he does it can consume him in an instant.
"Mingi, let me explain-"
"You probably told her you loved her just to sleep with her or something-"
"Mingi, I haven't slept with her! Calm down!" Yunho has raised his voice now too. At this admission you shoot him a hurt look, not understanding why he'd lie. Just because he hasn't put his dick in you doesn't mean you haven't had sex. You thought he was someone who understood that.
"You haven't?" Mingi asks, seeing the look you gave Yunho.
"Well, not technically-" but Yunho is cut off by Mingi lunging for him, slamming him against his front door and slamming the door shut in the process. The loud bang is awful and makes you jump, hands jumping to your ears a the painful sound. You start to feel panicked, your heart racing much faster now. Mingi has Yunho pinned to the door by his shoulders, but Yunho managed to get an arm up in time to have some leverage against Mingi's own chest. The two struggle against each other, Yunho at a disadvantage being stuck to the wall. Out of the corner of his eye he sees your eyes filling with tears, your hands stuck to the sides of your head. You aren't even looking at them, as if not looking will mean this isn't happening. He knows how much you hate when people fight. It was something that happened with your parents and other members of your family far too often when you were growing up.
"Don't do this shit in front of y/n!" Yunho yells at Mingi. "You're just upsetting her, you have no idea-"
"You just fucking lied to me!" Mingi screams back. "What the fuck does 'not technically' mean?!" He pushes harder into Yunho now, trying to push free the one bit of leverage Yunho has. Both of them are tall but Mingi has obvious strength on Yunho, and you see Yunho's eyes widen in fear and pain, Mingi's superior strength terrifying now that it's turned on him. You see his mind working quickly, trying to formulate a plan. His eyes meet yours and they've changed again, this time begging you for help. He looks away quickly but the message was unmistakeable.
"Mingi!" you call, the momentary distraction giving Yunho just enough time to duck below Mingi's arms and shove his torso away to allow him the space to escape. But Mingi doesn't stay distracted for long and jumps on Yunho again, tackling him to the ground this time. The two tussle and grapple and you look away again, unable to watch as they hurt themselves over this argument. You imagine tomorrow morning, the broken fingers or bruises or damaged furniture that has to be repaired. The explanation of the situation to managers, to the members. You want to yell at them to stop, to not hurt themselves, but you can't bring yourself to. You know it won't put a stop to anything.
"Mingi. Mingi just stop," you finally hear, the sounds of their brawl having died down. You glance over carefully, as if about to look at the scene of a bloody crime. But you're only met with Yunho on top of Mingi, pinning his arms to his chest and not letting him move. Neither one looks injured, at least from where you sit some feet away.
"I'm gonna fucking kill you if you hurt her," Mingi says, still struggling under Yunho, but only half-heartedly, clearly understanding he's stuck.
"Mingi, almost nothing has happened between me and y/n. If you had let us speak earlier you would have heard that."
"So you haven't been dating for like the past year?" Mingi asks, and it sounds genuine.
"No. Did you think we were? And we just hadn't said anything?" Yunho says this like he's hurt by the accusation, but you can also read a bit of guilt in his tone. Because some things have happened, and Mingi still doesn't know.
"We all did," Mingi replies.
"The members."
"And none of you ever asked me about it? You just talked about it behind our backs?"
"It's not like we talked about it at length or anything. It was just something we all collectively thought." Mingi pauses a moment and Yunho sighs, clearly upset by this revelation. "You guys are like all over each other all the time when she's over, what were we supposed to think?"
You watch their conversation from you chair still, your anxiety and frustration bubbling over. You decide you can't take it anymore. You get up and walk quickly to the front door, trying to hold in your tears and make no sound. As you open the door they both call your name, but you don't care to turn around now. Stepping into the hallway you let the tears run down your cheeks, slumping down to sit with your back against the wall. You don't sob, you barely make a sound. You just breathe deeply and let the tears flow, letting yourself check out for a bit.
The door opens a few minutes later and Yunho emerges, moving slowly. He closes the door and looks at you for a moment, wanting to hug and kiss you and make your tears go away. He breaths in to steady himself, about to say something. But you speak first.
"I need to talk to my brother," you say. He just nods and moves back inside, knowing you don't want to move. Mingi steps out a few moments later, coming to sit down next to you.
"Yunho told me what's happened," he starts. "Is that what you were going to tell me earlier?"
"Yes, yes it was," you sigh. "I wish I said it sooner, so all that shit didn't happen."
"I'm sorry, but I thought he had hurt you or something. I just..." Mingi is talking self consciously, back to his more normal self.
"You know how much I hate when people fight around me," you say.
"I know." Mingi's heart twinges with guilt. And shame too, because he knows to whom you are really referring when you say 'people.' It's one person in particular, a man that Mingi doesn't want to be like in any way. "You seemed upset though, you looked at him like you were so upset. Are you sure he didn't hurt you?"
"Mingi, the thing he was doing that was upsetting me was how hesitant he was being with me. We both finally figured out we like each other only like days ago. But he still was keeping his distance from me sometimes. When I finally talked to him he said it was because he was worried what you would think, and what the members would think. He said he had to talk to you first. But then I realized I should really be the one to talk to you first. So I came over here to do that. And then I waited, and I waited, cause I was so nervous. I'm sorry this is happening, but no Yunho has not hurt me." You look at him with frustration. "Do you really think he'd do that?" you ask.
"No, but you never know what people are capable of. I have to protect you if I can," he says.
"Mingi, I protect you," you say.
"Too much. You're my younger sister, I should be protecting you more." Tears were forming in Mingi's eyes and neither of you realized, so suddenly tears are streaming down his cheeks. You move over and give him a hug, tears forming in your eyes too. You sit like that for a moment, you both mumbling 'I'm sorry' to each other. The hug is cathartic for you both.
"Mingi, Yunho and I both like each other. Is it gonna be a problem if we date?" you ask. Mingi shakes his head, but you can sense trepidation.
"I just really hope you don't break up and then things are tense between you. I hope you're really considering that possibility."
"Of course we are," you say without hesitation. And then you sit and think for a moment, realizing maybe you haven't. You take the moment to do some reflecting, to just sit and think on it. It hits you suddenly. "I think I've loved him since I was nine," you admit.
Little did you know, Yunho over heard this last part. He was just coming to check on you two and had just put his hand on the door. He paused, warmth swelling in his chest, and turned back.
After you reconciled with Mingi the boys had their own talk, also making up. You could tell Mingi was still feeling on edge and you understood he would need time to process the news. But really, it was good news mostly. He thought you both had been hiding this from him for months. In reality, it had only been a few days.
You left the apartment after hugging them both, the emotional turmoil of the evening exhausting you. You still couldn't believe that they actually fought and you feel mad. But you also feel relieved that Mingi finally knew everything. You walked slowly down the hallway, standing patiently at the elevator door.
Then Yunho was jogging down the hall, seeing the elevator open and determining he could make it. At the last moment he snuck in surprising you, a little out of breath. Suddenly the two of you were in this small isolated space, and the air felt electric. You remembered now how he looked when he looked mad, how your insides churned when he stuck his glare on you. You look at him now, his face serene, like usual. You loved how sweet he was. But you also liked that angry side, too. You feel so embarrassed for feeling this way, knowing damn well how destructive and dysfunctional it can be for a man's only show of emotion to be anger. But you couldn't help loving how it looked on him. You wanted him to be angry again, angry at you.
"Are you busy tonight?" he asked, moving over to your side of the elevator to wrap his arms around you.
"Wow, so smooth," you say, rolling your eyes.
"Oh, you've heard that one before? Didn't realize you got around so much," he teased. You lightly hit him in the ribs, knowing how sensitive the area was. You look up at his grimacing face and you laugh, relieved to finally be joking around again. You realize the elevator is almost to ground floor so you pull on his shirt to kiss him, relishing the few moments of privacy you two still have left. As the elevator opens you both part and begin walking out the front doors, keeping a consistent and almost tangible amount of space between you. The tension in the air is severe; you think if someone walked between you they might get electrocuted.
"You never answered my question," you says as you exit the building.
"I have to study tonight," you say, turning to him. "I have important things to do." He rolls his eyes slightly, but you can tell he's a little disappointed. "I'm sorry, I really do have some reading I need to get done tonight. I can't."
"You don't think you'll have any trouble focusing?" he asks, smirking.
"Trouble focusing?" you ask, exaggerating your confusion. "I think I'll be just fine, thank you." You go to give him a quick hug goodbye but instead playfully smack him, earning yet another pinch on your waist. You squeal and turn away, determined not to change your mind. You really should spend some time studying, and you really do feel like you need some alone time. But mostly, you hope that if you wait a few days to see him again that Yunho might be pent up enough to get a little angry.
Three days passed.
Sometimes life gets really busy for a few days; sometimes responsibilities require your attention 24/7. These days were like that. You had forgotten you had to be at work more days than usual this week, due to the elementary and middle school kids you tutored having their standardized mid-semester exams. For three days after classes you spent nearly your entire evening with them, trying to calm their nerves and help them learn. You liked your job, for the most part. It was why you had stayed for several years. But those three days were a bit trying. Talking down young kids from bouts of anxiety took it out of you.
This all meant that to Yunho, it seemed like you were keeping your distance. He and Mingi had filming for a music video those three days, but whenever he tried to call you didn't answer, and your texts came back slower than usual. The last day he got to come home early but when he asked you to hang out you said you had work. He swore you didn't usually work that day. He thought you were the hesitant one now. He felt a little hurt but also not sure if he was even reading things correctly. He realized he really, really cared what you thought of him. It was a scary realization.
Finally your weekend came and you had a day entirely to yourself. Realistically you hadn't been wanting to keep your distance from him for three days, even if you had thought you'd give it a try. You longed to be spending the evenings with him when you were at work with the worried kids. You worried you were coming off poorly now, like you didn't really care. You kept saying sorry for missing a call or not texting back for hours on end. It was just one of those times. It just happens every once in a while. But finally it was over.
"Y/n," Yunho answers your call. His voice is bright but there's a layer of annoyance in his tone. You'd by lying if you said it didn't excite you a little.
"Hi, are you busy today? I finally have a day off," you say.
"Are you saying you want to hang out with me?"
"Yes, Yunho. Duh."
"Well, I'm just asking cause yesterday you didn't want to."
"What do you mean, I had work!" you say.
"You don't work on Fridays though," he says. He sounds almost hurt, but he's still in a joking mood.
"I had to work extra cause of elementary and middle school exams. They're next week."
"Oh, so you weren't lying then."
"Yunho!" You can't believe he's accusing you of this. "I wouldn't lie and say I had work when I didn't have work, who do you think I am?"
"So you weren't trying to piss me off so I'd come to your house one night and throw rocks at your window or something?"
"Yunho, you're insane," you reply.
"You didn't answer my question," he says.
"I'm not going to."
"Alright, fine," he says. And then, "I'll be over in a minute."
"Okay," you say, and slump back down on your bed, unbelievably excited.
It was early in the afternoon. You had slept in and then eaten a large breakfast, hungry and exhausted from your extremely busy week. You finished a load of laundry you desperately needed to do and managed to clean up your bathroom a little. Finishing these small chores made you feel good. Now you finally had time to do whatever you wanted the rest of the day.
Yunho arrived quickly, not caring if he seemed desperate. He was desperate, desperate to see you and hold you after your three exhausting days. You felt the butterflies as soon as your call ended, and now with him standing in front of you your skin felt on fire. Your knees felt shaky, your heart rate shooting through the roof. You almost felt nauseous from how excited you were. You hoped it didn't seem weird. He stepped in a hugged you, pulling your head to his chest. And then you heard his heart beat and felt it too, how blazingly fast it was beating. You felt the jittering of his nerves, the way his skin felt hot as fire when you brushed a hand over his arm. You squeezed him tighter; it felt like the only way to alleviate your nerves. As you pressed into him you felt how taught his muscles were, how rapid his breathing. Finally, you felt what must be his cock pushing against your hip. Hard already, very hard. Your breath hitched. Your roommates were in the living room setting up a movie, but Tae had just walked in.
"Hey, Yunho, how are you?" Tae asked, kind as ever. You felt Yunho jump slightly at his voice. His eyes had been closed upon realizing just how excited he was to see you. He was mid trying to find a way to calm himself when Tae walked in.
"I'm good, thank you. How have you been?" he asked. Surprisingly steady, you thought. You felt him releasing your hug and moving you away from him slightly, and momentarily you were immensely confused. But then he spun you around and put his arms around your shoulders, still needing your body in front of his to cover a potentially noticeable bulge that was forming in his pants. Tae wouldn't say anything, wouldn't care. You knew that. But he didn't.
"I'm good too, just busy with my thesis. Are you sure you're okay, you look a little pale?" Tae asked, genuinely oblivious to what was happening.
"I honestly just really have to pee," Yunho says with a chuckle, and all of you chuckle with him. "Can I use your bathroom, y/n?"
Clever, you think. Don't know if I would have thought of that.
"No, absolutely not. No peeing in this house," you joke. Yunho sees this as an opportunity as well; he figured you might say something along those lines. He begins tickling you which has you shrieking and running away towards the hallway and saying, "okay, okay", and he sprints after you, able to leave the kitchen in a rush in a way that doesn't appear suspicious.
As soon as you enter your bedroom and close the door, you cannot stop giggling. Yunho goes to tickle you again but you fight back, attempting to tickle him too. It doesn't work very well, given how much longer his arms are. Soon he's grabbed you and hits that spot under your arm that tickles the most, so you collapse to the floor. He supports your weight so you don't fall, but now you're pinned to the ground and totally at his mercy. "Stop, stop" you keep giggling, kicking your feet in an attempt to hit him where it hurts most. "Yunhooooo" you finally whine, the giggles subsiding, and he knows you're truly done. He used to tickle you a lot more when you were little, after Mingi revealed how much it made you laugh. He hadn't done it in a while, not like that. A flash of nostalgia hits him, realizing how much time has passed. How he missed those days sometimes, before there was so much pressure. When you were little he could baby you and take care of you however much he wanted when you were together. Now he stares down at a full grown adult, and the thought of his own age hits him. How much time has passed. He longs for the old times again, sometimes. When you were only ten and sweet as can be. Growing up, dealing with your family, it had changed you some. It hurt him to think of all that weighed on you, all the responsibility you took on so young. He sometimes wished he could go back.
But then there were times like this when he was so glad for the change. He had probably liked you longer than he ever would admit to anyone, given your age. He never really considered the truth of it a few years ago, because of how shameful it felt to like someone so young. It wasn't like he ever felt that way about other high school girls, so he told himself his feelings were just born from how much he loved and cared about you. But he couldn't deny it now, looking down at you, his dick still rock hard in his pants and his eyes unable to leave you. He couldn't deny how the print of your nipples through your thin shirt made him salivate, how the curve of your waist into your hips, the curve of your belly was what he thought of each night when he touched himself to sleep. And that cute pout, that pout that made everyone melt a little bit. Now when you turned it on him it just made him want to give you everything, to make you come over and over again.
Just as he is about to lean down to kiss you, a knock sounds from your door.
"Y/n, that movie you wanted to watch is on Netflix, if you still want to!" Nari says from the hallway. "I'll be in the living room, just let me know, no pressure." She walks away, not wanting to disturb you two.
Yunho leans down again, in an instant having forgotten what Nari said. But then you remember your thoughts from three days ago, about maybe pissing Yunho off, just a little.
"We should watch it, it's really good," you say. All you get is a 'hmm' in response. Yunho kisses you now, slow and sensual and like he wants to do more. You can tell where it's headed, and your pussy isn't opposed. But you want to see if you can resist, just this once. "Yunho," you say. He looks at you, eyes almost glazed over with lust. This is gonna be a hard sell, you think. So you give him that pout. You haven't used it intentionally in a while, but you used to all the time when you were kids. To get him to buy you ice cream, or get him to make a phone call for you that you were dreading. Even once to talk to a teacher for you. It was always effective then.
And it's effective now, too. Of course it is.
"What?" he asks, pulled back slightly, just wanting to give you whatever you want.
"I wanna watch the movie, I'm sorry," you say.
"No no, no apologizing. We will do whatever you want," he says. "I'm sorry for jumping on you. I just couldn't resist." You start giggling again.
"It's okay, I liked it," you say.
The movie is so good that you are at times distracted from the ever present bulge you can feel pressing against your ass. With Yunho's arms wrapped around you, you feel almost sleepy, so unbelievably comfortable. Maybe this extreme sense of comfort made you act so bratty. You weren't really sure where it came from. When Yunho offered you popcorn you refused, asking instead if you could have the corn chips you kept in the kitchen pantry. When Yunho told you the way you were sitting was putting his leg to sleep you whined and complained about having to move. Then when he relaxed his arms away, worried he was overwhelming you by holding you so close, you forcefully grabbed them and put them around you again. By the time the movie ended he was fairly lost, not sure why you were acting that way. He was pretty sure you didn't even like corn chips.
The two of you made your way back to your room, Yunho walking slowly in trepidation. He really, really wasn't sure. He felt like there was something you weren't telling him. Maybe she just needs a little more time, he thought.
"Do you want me to get going?" he asked you.
"What?" you asked in return, wide-eyed.
"You seem, I don't know," he stops himself. "You like corn chips now?" He feels it's a reasonable question to ask. You try to keep a smile from forming on your face. You should have known how easily he'd see through you.
"Yeah," you say, awkwardly. You don't know what else to say.
"You didn't even eat any after I went and got them for you," he says.
You stand silently, not sure where to go from here. Usually playing around and messing with him feels so fun. But this is feeling a little weird now. It wasn't authentic, and he knows it. You start to feel a bit bad, and think you should just tell him what you want. But that feels daunting too. You just stare at him, unable to speak, unsure of what to say.
Yunho moves closer to you, seeing that pout forming again, seeing your brain work overtime. He runs a hand through your hair and settles his hand at the nape of your neck. He stares deeply into your eyes, capturing the entirety of your attention. In a low voice, he speaks deliberately.
"Baby, what do you want?"
You blush at his words and smile, closing your eyes to savor the way his voice sounds. You feel an intoxicating mix of guilt and excitement bubbling in your stomach, but you can't bring yourself to speak. Your throat is tight and all you can do is let out a whine.
"Use your words. Tell me."
It feels like he is commanding you now. You feel like you might lift off the ground, like he is made of magic and could make you levitate if he wanted to. Your throat suddenly lets you speak, lets you get enough of a breath to get it out.
"I want you to do whatever you want to me," you say, your voice barely audible. But Yunho holds onto every syllable, like you've yelled it at him through a megaphone. He pulls your face up to his, his lips devouring yours, leaving nearly no room for you to breathe. He's grabbing you intensely, a hand firmly set on one of your ass cheeks and grabbing roughly at it.
"Do you want me mad, is that it?" he asks, his voice still low and even. He doesn't feel out of control by any means, but you can tell you've elicited some pent up frustration. All you do is giggle, so happy that your plan has worked.
"Get on your bed, and take off your clothes," he commands, not wanting to wait any longer. He's had this idea since he was here last; at that time it felt like something he should approach slowly, and ask you first. But now he realizes it's probably the sort of thing you want. After pulling off his shirt and pants he makes his way for your bedside table. As you remove your panties you see him opening the top drawer, pulling out a small pink wand that you have stashed there. Your heart nearly drops at the sight of it, the way it looks almost small in his hand, the way he so confidently went for it.
"Yunho!" you say, in shock. "How..."
"I accidentally saw it last time I was here, baby. I can't stop thinking about you using it on yourself. You probably use it every night don't you? When I'm not here to make you come?"
Your blushing again but this time you look rather embarrassed, your arms wrapped around your chest to cover yourself. Still, you undressed as he said. It's as if you can't disobey him in this state. You've never felt like this before with anyone. Like you don't have a care in the world, like your brain has turned off almost entirely except for the parts necessary for survival. Like you know Yunho will take care of you, no matter what happens.
Yunho can sense this shift in your mind, but sees you covering yourself and has to check.
"Are you okay?" he asks, almost sternly. You know it's because he needs to know, for his own sanity.
"Please don't stop," you say as you nod, voice breathy and needy, arms still covering yourself. Your waiting for him to say it, waiting, waiting-
"Stop covering yourself." Finally. You take your arms down, almost presenting your chest to him. His breath hitches slightly, but you can't see it. His face remains neutral; he feels oddly at home being in control of you like this.
"Lay down," he says. Then, "spread your legs, let me see you." He moves down to you, hands running up and down your legs. But his eyes won't leave your pussy. He moves his face closer, now kissing and biting into your inner thighs, relishing how soft they feel against his cheek. Now he can smell you slightly, the sweet and musky scent making him feel almost drunk. He wasn't planning on it but he can't resist, and moves his face down to get a taste of you. He moves his tongue up your pussy slowly, savoring the warmth and sweetness. He settles himself down and wraps his hands around your thighs and you can't stop staring at his hands, long and veiny in the heat of the room. He licks you slowly again, then settles at the top, brushing gentle circles over your clit. Your body reacts instantly, your back arching and your head falling back, your legs moving in and surrounding his head. He can tell your clit is really sensitive, and doesn't want to overwhelm you at first. He pulls back and licks even more gently, slowly pushing your legs back down so you are completely spread for him. You feel his warm tongue stroking back and forth, his gentle movements causing such intense feelings. You sigh and relax into the feeling, your eyes closed and mind on another planet. It takes a little while for your body to completely give in and Yunho can tell, but he doesn't mind taking the time. He likes the idea that this might take a while. He could spend hours between your legs, tasting you and making you moan.
Suddenly you feel close, each stroke of his tongue sending sparks through you, and then you're coming undone, your whole body feeling warm and tingly. Yunho's tongue is unrelenting and soon feels like too much, so you grab onto his hair and pull at him slightly. He pulls up his face and you see his lips glistening with your slick, his eyes dark as they meet yours. He moves up to kiss you, wanting you to taste yourself. The kiss is sweet but intense, Yunho grabbing onto your waist to hold you as close to him as he can.
"I'm sorry I took forever," you say between kisses, feeling a little embarrassed.
"Don't ever apologize about that," he says, kissing you again, holding you tight. You know he says it to be kind, but in this context it also feels like another command, so you vow to never do it again.
Yunho rises, moving down and spreading your legs again to see you, see how puffy and pink your pussy looks. It makes him salivate and he wants to dive back in immediately, but then he remembers his original plan and grabs the wand he had dropped on your bed. He moves down between your legs again, then slowly strokes his fingers through your slit, careful not to shock you with his touch. "Relax, baby," he says in a whisper, the depth of his voice reaching into your bones. You do as he says and open your eyes, smiling at him as he starts to stroke you again, covering his fingers in your slick and then moving them down into position. He slowly pushes two into you, and after a few slow strokes adds a third. You feel yourself stretch a bit to accommodate the added finger, the feeling only briefly painful and then entirely perfect. Your head is thrown back again and this time you wish you could open your legs even wider, wish you could take more of him. He starts pumping in and out of you consistently, waiting until you start opening up even more. Once he feels your walls relax just that little bit more he picks up the wand, turning it on to its lowest setting. You inhale sharply, nervous at how intense it will feel. "It's okay," he says. "We'll stop if it doesn't feel good." But your anxiety was for nothing; as he presses the wand down onto your clit you feel immediate white hot pleasure, the feeling more intense that you've ever known. With both his fingers inside you and the wand on your clit your orgasm builds quickly; as you feel yourself about fall over the edge it builds even more, and then it happens a second time. You feel like your pussy is on fire, like you are a dam about to break. "Yunho, yunho," you squeak out, your brain having completely left you, but something in you wanting him to know how good he's making you feel. But he can tell anyway, from the way your squirm and open yourself even wider for him, by the sounds you are making. You come hard, your eyes rolling back and legs shaking uncontrollably. A bit of droll leaks out of your mouth onto your pillow without you noticing, the feelings enveloping you too intense for you to register literally anything else. A small and quick burst of fluid leaves your pussy and covers Yunho's arm. "Good girl," he says earnestly, sure he just made you squirt.
When you finally come down from your high you can't stop talking. You crawl over to him and wrap around him, feeling suddenly so excited. "That felt so good," you say, nuzzling your head into his neck. "I've never come that hard ever, I don't think."
"Good," Yunho says, placing a satisfied kiss on your temple. "I want you to feel good." You smile up at him, scrunching up your face in happiness.
"You always make me feel good, even when we're just hanging out," you say. Yunho wraps you up in his arms, his heart not able to handle your sweetness.
"You're too sweet for this world," he says. You nuzzle into his chest at his words, so happy to be praised.
You settle into a comfortable silence for a few moments, your breathing finally returned to normal. You hug Yunho, feeling his breaths rising and falling. And then he breathes in like he's about to say something.
"I want to make you come again," he says.
"I don't know if I can, after that..." you trail off, quietly laughing at yourself.
"I think you can," he says, a mischievous smile on his lips. "Get on your hands and knees."
You do as he says, arranging yourself near the top of your bed to give him room behind you. You arch your back and stick your butt out towards him, and when he taps on one of your knees you spread them apart further. "Good girl," he says again, and you can feel your pussy clench, your wetness feeling cool against the air. He slowly enters his three fingers into you again, your pussy now so wet that they slide in easily. At this angle he can reach so deeply inside you, and it feels like his fingers might be feet long. You feel his movements in your whole abdomen and it's intoxicating, and suddenly you really wish it was his cock inside you, reaching deeper than even his fingers can, splitting you open with forceful thrusts. He reaches towards your shoulders to push them down, flattening your chest and face against your bed with your ass still in the air. Once he has you exactly where he wants you he goes for the wand again, this time switching it onto a slightly higher setting, determined to make you come again. As soon as it makes contact you are again met with white hot pleasure, the intensity of it still surprising you, the multiple points of stimulation making you feel small and submissive. He increases the intensity of his fingers, pumping them into you faster and putting even more pressure on that spot you love so much. Soon you are screaming into your pillow, and Yunho is thankful you are coving your mouth yourself. He would, if he had a free hand to do so. Soon he feels your pussy twitching around his fingers, and then you are clamping down on him so hard, your legs shaking so hard and your body slumping down slowly, unable to hold itself up in your challenging position anymore. Yunho slowly removes the wand and turns it off, then slowly removes his fingers, licking them to again savor the taste of you. You lay slumped in an almost concerning way, so Yunho leans over and moves your hair out of your face to see a blissful smile and blush red cheeks.
He moves to the bathroom to grab a washcloth, coming back to wipe of your thighs and ass and make you feel clean. His movements feel so comforting, you wish you could live in this moment forever. Once he finishes he goes back to wash off his own hands. You flip yourself over, grabbing your favorite plushy and trying to collect yourself. Sweat has stuck your hair to your forehead and cheek, and you feel like you must look ridiculous. You're still a shaking mess lying naked on your bed, your chest rising and falling in rapid breaths. As he exits your bathroom you look over at Yunho in just his boxers and see how hard he is, his considerable length highly visible. All this time he pleasured you, never asking for anything in return. But you wanted him to. You wanted him to use you, however he pleased. He had given you too much not to get something in return.
"Please, can I suck your cock?" you ask him, the words coming out more as begging than you intended. Yunho is caught off guard, his hand running through his hair halting, his eyes meeting yours.
"Baby.." he trails off, the image of your beautiful lips wrapped around him sending sparks through him. He's deliberately held off seeking his own pleasure from you. He's deliberately avoided getting his dick involved. He doesn't know why, really, but he holds it over himself like some sort of rule. Maybe it's a slight punishment. Maybe he doesn't want to scare you. He's bigger than average and doesn't ever want to hurt you, just because you are so eager.
"Please," you say again, more exasperated. "Please Yunho, I really want to. But only if you want to, of course."
Your words have him questioning his own rule. He realizes his own worry, his own nature of holding back. Why should he with you?
"Okay, come here," he says, helping you sit up and then move off your bed, bringing you over to your bedroom door and sitting you on your knees with your back supported. He's brushing hair out of your face and then leaning down to kiss you again, wanting you to know how much he cares. How he worries. How he needs you to be alright for his own peace of mind. As soon as he pulls away you are reaching for his boxers, pulling them down and watching as his cock springs free, the length and girth of it taking you by surprise. You knew he was big, you could tell from looking at his crotch more times than you were proud of. But seeing it up close was something different. You feel your pussy clench around nothing, your body craving to be filled.
You lean forward and lick his tip, grabbing the base of his shaft with your hand to help guide you. You wrap your lips around it and suck, gently at first and then harder, a feeling of pride swelling in you as you hear him lowly groan. Yunho can't believe this is happening, can't believe he is finally getting to feel the warmth of your sweet mouth on his cock. He is rock hard now, desperate for the pleasure and release he had given you over and over again. You pop your mouth off to lick a stripe up the base of his shaft, coming up to the bottom of his head and tasting the saltiness of a bead of precum that had escaped him. You now settle into a rhythm, moving you mouth as far down on him as you can so he's covered in your spit, using your hand and mouth in tandem to illicit as much pleasure as you can. Yunho is holding himself up by the door behind you, desperately wanting to fuck your mouth, the feeling of your hot tongue on him like nothing he's ever experienced. His right hand comes down to brush your hair out of your face again, so he can see everything, your mouth stuffed full of him and your eyes fluttering open and shut as you bob your head back and forth.
Yunho can't help himself, the pleasure is too great, and suddenly he finds himself thrusting slightly, the tip of his cock grazing the back of your throat and causing you to gag. He's alarmed at his own aggression and pulls back, expecting you to be alarmed too. But instead you pop off of him, and with lust filled eyes look up. "You can fuck my mouth if you want, you know. I'd really like that," you say, in lustful sincerity. Your voice when you're fucked-out is quiet but assured, your mind focused on one thing only. It makes Yunho feel like he could come on the spot. He runs a thumb across your lips and cheeks. "Baby, are you sure?" he asks. You nod. "I promise I'll be very gentle," he says, moving his cock towards your lips again. "You don't have to be," you say right before it enters your mouth again. Your words make Yunho's head spin, and he shakes his head involuntarily, out of disbelief.
He enters your mouth slowly, his large hand holding the back of your head to support you. He starts with shallow thrusts, feeling the warmth and wetness of your tongue along the underside of him, the feeling blissful and enthralling. You are looking up at him, eyes wide and full of excitement, your mind barely able to comprehend that this is really happening. You have imagined this moment many, many times. He thrusts become slightly deeper, his tip reaching almost to the back of your throat now. You breathe through your nose, keeping your mouth as open for him as you can. Finally he hits the back of your throat and moans, causing you to gag and a single tear to form in your left eye. "You okay?" he asks gently, pulling back slightly to let you recover. But you don't want him to stop so you suck on his tip and nod your head up and down, still making eye contact with him. His head falls back at the sight, you nodding at him with his cock still in your mouth. You move forward and gag yourself on him, then lean back slightly and look at look at him with pleading eyes. He takes the hint, moving forward again and finally fucking your mouth in earnest. His thrusts are controlled and deliberate, their speed picking up slowly and consistently. He loves the warmth of your mouth, the tightness of your throat squeezing his tip, the feeling better than anything he could have imagined. He was already so wound up from making you come so much, he's not going to last long. You can feel it, can sense in the way his breathing changes and his body changes, like he's filling with pressure and it needs to be released. Suddenly he's pulling out of you and coming on your face, your open mouth catching some of it. You savor the taste and swallow, licking your lips to find more. He watches the lewd image in front of him and feels like the wind has been knocked from him. And then, as he comes down fully, the feeling like he's done too much hits him.
"Sorry baby, let me go get a towel," he says. You whine, grabbing onto his arm to pull him down, not wanting him to leave just yet. You want him to see the beautiful mess he's made up close. Once he's at eye level you smile, batting your eyes at him. "Oh, so you like that I made a mess of you?" he says, another shake of his head from disbelief. "You are so naughty..." he says, clearly pleased. You giggle and stick your tongue out at him. "You can clean me up now," you say, eyes expectant.
Later that night the two of you lay in your bed, your head on Yunho's shoulder and your legs intertwined with his. The events of the day had left you both sleepy, the feeling enveloping you quickly after you finished your dinner. After some begging Yunho helped you get ready for bed, helping you brush your teeth and get undressed. You felt so hazy you thought you'd fall asleep as soon as you laid down. But once you were settled under the covers with him your mind started wandering, and you were unable to put a stop to it.
"Can I ask you something?" you ask him.
"Of course," Yunho says, through a yawn.
"You know the day you showed up to Mingi's and I was already there, when we both were gonna tell him about us, were you mad at me?"
"No, I wouldn't say mad," Yunho starts. He sighs. "I was just really confused. I had told you earlier I was going to go talk to him, and I thought you would have told me if you were planning to go tell him before me. I thought I was going to be the one to break it to him, the one to bear the brunt of it. I though it would be best because I'm the one he'd probably be mad it, not you. I felt like you telling him first would make him... even more mad at me, I guess?"
You pause for a moment, guilt sinking into your chest painfully.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was going to tell him," you say. "I was just really focused that day on the fact that I should tell him first. He's my brother, I felt like I should be the one to do it."
"It's okay," he responds, hugging you tighter. "I"m sorry about what happened that day, that wasn't okay."
"It was Mingi's fault," you say.
"It wouldn't have happened if I just told him sooner that I liked you."
"I could have told him earlier too," you say.
"Baby, stop. You don't need to take responsibility for that mess," Yunho says, comfortingly stroking your cheek. He sighs more deeply now, feeling his own twinges of guilt. "I don't say this to make you feel like I think you're immature or irresponsible, but I think you should know how I truly feel. Given your age and your inexperience, I feel like I need to take responsibility here. I should have approached this whole situation with more care. I should have spoken to Mingi about it sooner, even if I was worried it might mess up our friendship. I should have talked to you directly about how I felt, before I let you sleep over and kissed you and..." he trails off, but you know what he meant to say.
"Before you made me come?" you finish for him. "Can you not even say it out loud now?" you ask, giggling.
"I guess not," he says, embarrassment making his cheeks warm.
"Do you feel like you have to be really careful with me, otherwise I might push you away?" you ask.
"I feel like I have to be careful with you because it's the right thing to do," he answers.
"Is that why you haven't put your dick in me yet?" you ask, the darkness of night making it easy for the words to escape you. Yunho sucks in a sudden breath at your words, at how crass and direct you're being.
"Y/n..." he trails off, and you feel the tenseness of his body.
"Sorry, did that make you uncomfortable?"
"I just really wasn't expect that," he says, collecting himself. In truth your directness turns him on, but he feels a sort of shame about it. "To me you are a very pure person, very good-hearted. Not exactly innocent, given all that you've experienced. But I don't want your first time to be rushed or bad. I realize we've already had sex but... I don't know, it's fucking illogical, I know, but I wanted to wait to do that."
"Yunho, I've already had my first time," you admit, thinking back and cringing at remembering Kim Wonsik, the boy you dated for two months during your final year of high school. He certainly didn't take his time when it came to putting his dick in you. It wasn't the worst first-time experience ever; you had heard several horror stories from other girls in your grade. But it wasn't exactly good, either. You hadn't told almost anyone about the relationship, only Mingi after the whole thing was over. It hadn't been something you wanted to share. You knew the news spread quickly through your school, as every little bit of gossip always did. But to tell Yunho or any of the boys felt so daunting. You felt embarrassed by it at the time; you were questioning your sexuality and scared of anyone knowing, anyone asking questions or pressing too hard. You had liked Wonsik, but not really the way you knew you should. You were just tired of never experiencing anything, and when the opportunity presented itself you decided to try. It was over and done with quickly, and Wonsik never spoke to you again. It all felt embarrassingly clunky and messy, in comparison to everything else in your life. Things like that were easy for you to keep from people, especially at that age when you still lived with your parents and only really thought of how quickly you could move out.
"Oh, I didn't realize," Yunho responds, his head spinning a bit. He would be lying if hearing that didn't elicit some feeling of jealousy from him, but he holds himself back from saying anything that would betray that feeling to you. He knows it's a little hypocritical to feel that way, given that he's been with two girls before you.
"I've dated one boy, and one girl," you admit, everything now just spilling out of you. "I hope that's not an issue for you."
"Of course not baby, not at all," he says, pulling you up so you're laying on top of him. You sigh from relief, letting your body completely relax on top of his.
"You've dated before, right?" you ask. You remember a girl from years ago, maybe even from before the boys debuted. You can't remember the timing exactly, but you vaguely remember a panicked Yunho breaking up with her, knowing that in his early years after debuting things just wouldn't be able to work.
"Yes, there was one girl I dated right before we debuted. And then there was a girl like four years ago now. We dated for a year."
"Are you still in contact with her?" you ask, a little shocked at how long the relationship was and the fact that you never heard of her before. Well, Yunho never knew of your two relationships either, you realize.
"No, things became very tense between us. She never even met any of the members, or my family. We were both very busy, and she struggled with me being an idol and how much I travelled and was gone. It went on longer than it should have, and by the time it ended we weren't on very good terms. I think she ended up moving back to Japan after we broke up, cause her family was from there. I'm not really sure, to be honest. But I haven't spoken to her since then."
"That sounds rough," you say, not sure how else to respond.
"I definitely don't want to repeat that again," he says, squeezing you. "Please tell me if I'm making your life harder. I really, really don't want to do that."
"I promise I would if it ever came to that. But you make my life better and always have, I can't foresee that happening," you say.
"It's hard to know what might happen," he says, wanting to get everything out in the open. "I certainly hope it never comes to that. But if it does, you better tell me."
"Okay, I promise," you say, trying hard not to sound as sarcastic. But he conversation was feeling too serious; you couldn't help how the words slipped out, your mind wishing to ease the intensity of things.
"Are you not taking me seriously?" he asks, moving his hands now to your most ticklish spots.
"No no, I am. I promise," you say, giggling into his shoulder and moving our hands to protect yourself.
"There's something else we need to talk about, too," he says.
"If you want me to 'do whatever I want to you,' then we need to talk about it. So I can actually keep you safe." You giggle at his immediate change of subject, him repeating your words from earlier.
"What do we need to talk about?"
"I need to know what stuff is off-limits for you, so I can make sure I don't do anything you don't want. Cause I'm sure there really are things you wouldn't like, even if you don't think there are."
"Okay," you say, somewhat stumped. You haven't really thought about it in detail in all honesty. "Can I think about it?"
"Of course, baby," he says. "Oh, is it okay that I call you baby?"
"Yeah, I like it," you giggle, squirming against him.
"Is there anything else you want me to call you?" You start giggling, too embarrassed to say. "Hmm okay, what about doll?" he asks, and you giggle more. "Okay, what about princess?" you squeak involuntarily, making Yunho laugh. "My princess," he says in a low voice, stroking your hair and making you feel horny all over again. You start rubbing yourself on his thigh, burying your head in his shoulder. You feel a bit shameful about liking these pet names but the shame also feels good, making you feel tingly and warm.
"We need a safe word, too," he says.
"Mmm, let me think," you say, scrunching your face in concentration. "What about... waffles?"
"Waffles?" he repeats, laughing. "Okay, waffles it is."
You both lay quietly for a while, soaking in a processing your conversation, your mind still wandering. You yawn deeply, causing Yunho to yawn too. He plants a kiss on your forehead, now stroking a hand along your back to help put you to sleep. A final thought crosses his mind, something he feels he must say.
"Just so you know, you can always punch or kick me too, if anything I'm doing is hurting you or isn't what you want. If you can't speak for some reason, or you forget to. I want you to do that if you need to."
A tear forms in your eye and falls gently off your cheek onto Yunho's shoulder, and he looks down at you to see another streaming down your face. He reaches over to wipe it off gently, watching your face for any more signs of distress.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
"Yes. It's just, no one cares for me as much as you do."
Taglist: @mingtinysworld @pautiny27 @yoonjikim @ateez-atiny380 @luvleejuyo @soupyjoy @casterole
Love you all <3
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vickyvicarious · 5 months
Dracula's actions today were interesting. His attack on Jonathan definitely was not what he intended on going in to his room. I think he wanted to make him jump, yeah, to spook him a little. He wanted to touch him more, continue being creepy in that way also. But I think he intended to spend more time in his company, continue to play the social manipulation game. I wonder if he wanted to be around when Jonathan discovered the locked doors... watching him panic at the realization that he's a prisoner but be forced to try and hide it because Dracula is right there would be absolutely the sort of thing he'd love. (I just can't picture why Jonathan would be trying different doors with Dracula right there. Maybe if he was 'working' in the library and encouraged him to walk around/explore as Dracula was too busy to be good company, then snuck up on him again as he's in the middle of learning how many/which doors are locked? But I dunno.)
Regardless, either Dracula's very thirsty or Jonathan looks very tasty (I suspect both) because he lost all control the second he saw his blood:
When the Count saw my face, his eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac fury, and he suddenly made a grab at my throat. I drew away, and his hand touched the string of beads which held the crucifix. It made an instant change in him, for the fury passed so quickly that I could hardly believe that it was ever there.
I don't even think this means Dracula didn't know about the crucifix. Probably not before now (and probably Jonathan just made some general statement about receiving gifts from the local people rather than naming the innkeeper lady), but not necessarily. After all, if Jonathan was still shaving he probably wasn't fully dressed yet, and anything worn about his neck should probably have been at least somewhat visible. I think Dracula just got tunnel vision at the sight of blood, and that could go whether he knew the crucifix was there or not. The instant he touches it though, he comes back to himself, and puts on the friendly host mask again.
His first instinct is to get rid of the evidence, and he does so in a way that once again is subtly insulting to Jonathan (implying he's vain here, before implying he was stupid) as well as some larger group of other people (men in general here, before it was 'peasants'). But it's also really over the top and I think despite the jolt of the crucifix, he's really struggling to maintain his control over himself. Hence flinging the mirror out the freaking window and then fleeing. Not just the room, either - the entire castle. This becomes apparent when he returns some time later through the front door: "I heard the great door below shut, and knew that the Count had returned." I really wonder where he went, what he did while gone, and exactly how long he was gone... Even after his return, he keeps his distance from Jonathan initially. Jonathan has to seek him out, or maybe waits until mealtime to talk to him.
The goitre in the surrounding area implies Dracula has been feeding, but everything about his actions today really suggests he has been starving himself recently. Based on other stuff in the book, I don't think it can be possible that vampires always lose control of themself so much around the sight of blood. Also, his face immediately becoming angry... maybe part of that is just his hunting expression, but I wonder if a part of it is Dracula's frustration that once again things aren't going to plan with Jonathan. I wouldn't be surprised if he felt angry at him (how dare he bleed at me and ruin my suave game?!) and a little part of the way he throws the mirror away so violently is to punish him for being so 'provoking' or whatever.
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strlingsav · 1 year
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Alone: Four
– Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
Explicit sexual content under the cut. Read at your own risk.
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You handed Simon a beer, watching him take a sip. It was slow and drawn out, his eyes shifting to yours as he swallowed. He leaned against the counter, his shoulders loose, hand in his pocket.
He was calm, quiet, relaxed even. He didn't feel guarded, or off-put, like in an instant everything could be ripped away from him. With you, normalcy was enjoyable, something he never thought possible.
Your hand cupped your cheek as you watched him; a vision of domesticity that warmed your insides. Regardless of how intimidating the man could be, seeing him in your kitchen, his guard down, made you realize he was soft. Rough around the edges, a bit jarring, but soft.
"Stop starin'," He teased.
You laughed, averting your gaze.
"Sorry," You mumbled, hiding your growing smile.
He sipped his beer quietly, a veil of silence falling over you. It was comfortable. You didn't feel on edge, or nervous.
"So, what makes you think you'd fuck this up?" You asked with a sigh, jumping up onto the counter.
He swallowed. "You wanna dive into my past now, s'that it?" He asked, raising a brow.
"I'm just curious. Was there a relationship that ended badly?"
He paused, thinking over his response; how he could tell you that you were the first person he enjoyed spending time with, outside of Johnny, without sounding like he was making up for his mistakes. He was in no mood to drudge up the past, talk about his childhood and how his father fucked him up beyond comprehension, or that he watched his father beat his mother and never wanted the opportunity to become that man.
He never saw himself as a boyfriend, husband. Things got lonely, they always were, but he had become used to it. He settled into the bachelor lifestyle and was resigned to a secluded life. But Johnny, bringing the two of you together, showed him what he was missing. Now that he'd had a taste, he couldn't get enough. Even his own self-control had been useless in his efforts to stay away from you. It was impossible.
"Like I said," He started, a short pause before he spoke again. "I don't do this. Never had any interest in relationships. Watched people fuck 'em up, what it looked like when it was done- didn't appeal t'me."
"But you never experienced a relationship ending?"
"Never experienced a relationship at all. Unless y'count secondary school."
You raised your brows in shock. "I thought you were exaggerating."
He shook his head, "Your life seemed pretty good, I didn't want to ruin it for you."
You smiled faintly, "That's sweet, but it happens. People move on, they heal."
"I know," He nodded. "But I didn't want t'do that to you."
You wore a flustered expression, feeling empathy for Simon. You hadn't realized he was truly afraid of hurting you, of ruining things for you. You frowned, watching him sip his beer like he hadn't just confessed his vulnerability to you.
"What changed?" You asked, softer this time.
Something shifted, when he glanced over at you. His expression was stoic, his eyes narrowed at you, his chest rising and falling a bit faster than before. You cleared your throat, sitting up straight when you caught his gaze.
"Couldn't stay away," He spoke softly, though his voice was still abrasive against the silence. "You're hard to ignore."
You grinned, "Now you're just kissing my ass."
He chuckled. "Do feel a bit like a git, for doin' that t'you."
"It's alright," You said, sighing dramatically, kicking your feet out. "You'll just have to make it up to me." A sly smile crossed your face.
"What've you got in mind?" He was suddenly a bit more alert, stepping closer.
You pursed your lips.
"Maybe a second date, if you still want me."
He inched closer, his hand sliding around the expanse of your waist.
"Course I want you," He breathed. "Christ, do I want you."
You inhaled deeply, overwhelmed with the flattering yet brazen statement from his mouth.
He stood before you, still taller even though you were seated on the island.
You already knew he wanted you- it was hard to miss, the way his eyes scanned your face, pausing on your lips. His other hand lifted to the soft skin of your cheek, his thumb rubbing gently against your cheekbone.
He waited for a few moments, watching your expression for any hint of denial; soft breaths were exchanged, stillness in the air as he deliberated whether to kiss you or not.
Finally deciding to take the leap, his lips closed in on yours, pressing firmly into the plush skin. You exhaled against him, your palms lifting to press flat against his chest, running over the terrain of his abdomen. He hummed softly into your lips, an expression of satisfaction, relief.
As he slid between your thighs, it was reminiscent of the last time the two of you were left alone. The nostalgia had a shiver climbing your spine, drowning your gut with a searing pool of desire.
You let him slide his tongue into your mouth, the bitter taste of beer on his tastebuds. You grunted quietly when he pulled you closer his body, his hands gripping the loops of your jeans. Your own hands slid around his neck, holding his body against yours.
His hands engulfed your waist, long fingers stretching the distance of your torso; you didn't want to stop at a kiss- you wanted more, needed more.
It was as if he read your mind; his fingers unbuttoning your jeans with precision, pushing his torso as close as he could get between your thighs.
"This alright?" He asked, breathless, adjusting your pants.
"Yeah," You nodded, pulling him back in to taste his lips again.
He surprised you; a warm, calloused hand sliding down the span of your stomach and pubic bone, settling above the emanating heat of your pussy. Your hips jutted forward in response, his lips peeling back into a smile at your eager actions.
He barely pressed his fingertips against you, gently pulling your panties aside to feel your bare skin, slide his fingers through the slick liquid drooling from you.
"Bloody hell," He muttered, nuzzling his nose against the crease of your neck. "You're fuckin' wet."
"I know- please touch me," You breathed, head falling back as his fingers began to move slowly.
He tortured you with soft strokes over your clit, phantom touches that left you whimpering against him. Your hands gripped at his biceps, whining into his chest each time he'd apply more pressure.
He slid a finger inside you; engulfed by warm, velvet walls, he let out a guttural moan. His eyes were glued to yours, studying your face for every breath, every whimper of pleasure that left your lips.
"You sound so sweet," He whispered, his nose moving to your jaw, breathing in your scent, listening to your lips as you sung out in pleasure for him.
His thumb continued to glide over your clit; his fingers hooked inside you. Your hips inadvertently rocked into his touch, your arm wrapping around his shoulders to hold him closer.
"Please," You whined, your eyes shutting as you honed in on your impending orgasm. "Don't stop- please."
His breathing was ragged in your ear, his free hand gripping your jaw, moving your lips to his. He couldn't quite silence you, not through the harsh breaths and muffled moans against his lips, and when your fingers dug into his shoulder, he knew you were close.
He felt your pussy constrict, your body going rigid in his hold, your breath now still. You pulled away, gasping for air amidst your full-body contractions, muscles flexing and lungs burning for a breath of air.
He was in awe; your fingers digging into his shoulders, your lips fallen apart- the number of times he'd fantasized about you didn't compare to the vision before him. He could hear the quiet whimpers, the breathless panting from your lips; it was real.
"I need more," You whispered, burying your face in his neck, tilting your head to press kisses against his neck. "Need you."
"You sure?" He asked, removing his hand from your pants.
You nodded, leaning closer, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants without hesitation. You attached your lips to his again, yanking his waistband down his hips.
He was taken aback by your sudden rush of courage. The adrenaline, oxytocin in your veins, overtaking every organ, made you less than patient as you reached out for his cock.
He groaned when your hand wrapped around him, slow strokes that made his lips twitch against yours. You smiled into the kiss, finding your heartbeat drop to your gut as he slowly bucked his hips against your palm.
"Fuck," He swore, his head dropping to watch your hand as it ran up and down his cock.
You let your unoccupied hand slide over his shoulder, squeezing gently.
He let out a sharp exhale, lifting his head to find your eyes, moving closer to kiss you again. He pulled you off the island, carrying you around the counter to your bedroom. He let you down off his hips, helping you remove your jeans.
You settled yourself on the bed, watching as he climbed over you, heat pouring off his body. He lifted his shirt over his head, letting it fall to the floor, before grabbing your calves and pulling you closer.
He reached behind him, taking the condom from his back pocket and opening it with his teeth. He hovered above you, leaning in to find your neck, pressing soft kisses to your throat.
"You sure?" He asked in your ear, his free hand finding your thigh.
"Yeah," You said, spreading your legs to accommodate him.
He guided himself to the entrance of your pussy, watching your face as he slid inside. Your eyes widened for a moment, your jaw falling slack as you moaned softly. He filled you entirely, buried his cock deep inside you.
"Fuck me," He grunted, his head falling as he watched your pussy swallow him whole.
You reached for his shoulders, wrapping your legs around him as he began to thrust, driving himself even deeper inside you. You could feel his cock stretching you out, a short moment of discomfort that was relieved by your natural lubrication.
Your eyes met when he rolled his hips, and he moved in closer, his nose nearly against yours as he watched you whimper beneath him. The sounds leaving your lips made his cock even harder, finding it difficult to concentrate on anything other than how you look while he split you open.
"You're fuckin' beautiful," He whispered against your face, breathless with effort and pleasure.
You leaned up, kissing his lips as best you could while his hips rutted into you. The heat between your bodies was too much- your shirt still on, his body caging you in. You put your hand on his chest.
"Would you let me ride you?" You asked, watching him nod.
He slid beneath you, holding your hips as you settled on his. You lifted your shirt off, meeting his gaze as you unclasped your bra, letting it slide down your arms. You tossed it aside, landing in the recesses of your room.
"Bloody hell," He grumbled, his eyes raking over your breasts.
He reached up, cupping them softly, squeezing gently while you situated yourself. You realigned his cock with your entrance, slowly sitting down until he was buried to the hilt.
His head stretched back on the pillow, hips lifting slightly to try and get himself even deeper.
"That's it, sweetheart," He praised, holding your waist as you rolled your hips.
His fingers slipped between your bodies, finding your clit and rubbing gently as you ground yourself across his lap.
"Yes- yes, Simon," You breathed. "Please keep going."
Your heart was pounding in your chest, ribs flaring as you breathed heavily.
"Y'like my fingers there, love?" He asked.
It was a rhetorical question, but you nodded mindlessly anyways.
"I do, fuck, I do."
"Ride my cock," He exhaled. "Make yourself cum. Use it, sweetheart."
You shut your eyes, your mind still absorbing his words; it made you shiver, listening to him encourage you.
"Keep talking," You pleaded.
Your hips began to falter, finding difficulty in keeping pace while your orgasm approached. He took note, moving his hips into you while his fingers relentlessly massaged your clit.
"You like bein' told what to do?" He asked.
You nodded slowly, meeting his gaze. You pulled your lip between your teeth, your hands planting on his chest as you began to move up and down.
"Fuckin' hell," He groaned. "That's it- keep doin' that, sweetheart. This cunt takes my cock s'well."
"I'm so close," You whispered, choking on your voice as it came out between gasps.
"Good girl," He muttered, his hand helping guide you on his cock. "Good fuckin' girl."
His hand slapped your ass, watching you cry out before your orgasm descended over your body. He felt your pussy squeeze him, vice-like, pulsating with every pleasure-filled contraction. You moaned aloud, shamelessly repeating his name into the thick air of your bedroom.
"So good, cummin' on my cock," He grunted, now focused solely on the way your pussy felt around him.
You were still in a haze, your eyes half-closed as he bounced you on his hips, trying your best to keep up. Your thighs and calves burned, but you pushed through the pain, desperately riding out the remaining traces of your climax.
He sat up, one hand falling to the bed, the other wrapping around your waist as he rolled up into you, helping you grind your pussy on him. You slid your arms around his shoulders, your skin glistening with sweat, sticking to him as your bodies moved against each other.
You could hear his deep breaths in your ear, his calloused hand on your waist, fingers digging into the flesh of your ass. He was a bit more rough, relentless, careless with your body as he moved you against him.
He was suddenly still, his body flexing with rigidity as he released into the condom. He grunted into your neck, cursing between deep breaths and sighs.
You were both still for a few moments, before he helped you off his lap. He found you a shirt, and pulled his briefs over his hips as he crawled back over you.
You settled against his chest, exhaling loudly once you were comfortable.
"Thank you," You said.
He turned his head to look at you, a brow raised at your statement.
"What for?"
"For talking to me, telling me about your past."
He shrugged, "Think you're worth bein' honest."
You smiled.
"If you keep it up, we might be married before long."
He sighed, "Why wait? Need a place to stay now, gettin' sick o' Johnny."
You laughed, "No moving in just yet, but you can stay tonight."
"You're a prude," He teased, pulling you in closer.
You let your eyes drift shut, lulled to sleep by the rhythm of his breathing and arms around you.
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fic--writer · 2 months
A surprise for Rolan
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Tav and Rolan have a complicated relationship. He wants a quiet life, and she still longs for adventure. One day, endless arguments lead Tav to go on a journey. She has been away from the tower for six months, but circumstances force her to visit the tower's master again.
"Oh! Is that you? Of course it's you!" - Rolan slams the door in her face, not wanting to see her again. She had caused him too much pain. He thought he'd been abandoned and now she dares to show up unannounced.
"Please, please open the door. I have something to tell you." - Tav sighed regretfully and crouched down against the closed door. - "Okay, I'll just wait here until you're choking on book dust in your damn office."
Fifteen minutes later, the infernal screaming subsided and the door was ajar.
"Rolan, all I'm asking is that you listen to me. And... I have a surprise for you..."
"Zurgan! Tav, I'm not interested in your handouts. I literally begged you not to leave me, but your stupid adventures were more important to you. More important than me, more important than everything we've built and achieved, more important than our..."
She knew there was no stopping his tirade. She knew he was right, she knew how unfairly she'd hurt him. And so, without further explanation, she threw her baggy cloak to the ground. The buckle of his belt clanked on the floor and the Archmage looked back at the sound.
His face changed in an instant. He saw what he thought was his ex-girlfriend in a very interesting position. She carried the little troglodyte inside her. And he could count too fast in his head to realize that she was carrying HIS troglodyte.
He went over to her and put his hand on her round belly. Why hadn't she told him before? Was she afraid of him, thinking he would reject her? There was a wall of misunderstanding in their relationship, but this...
"That's the surprise, isn't it, Tav?" - Rolan still couldn't take his eyes off her new form.
"So you like it?" - She didn't know what to ask.
"Do i like it? You know, I love my family, unlike ... Oh, shit." - he paused and offered her a chair.
"I want to call her Lora" - Tav announced as she sat down in the chair. - "Just so you know, before she rips my body apart with her horns."
"What?! Tieflings aren't born with horns, they grow them after birth." - Rolan laughed nervously, pouring her tea. He tried to hide his fear behind that laugh, but it would take him some time to get used to the idea of having a daughter. His daughter.
"That's all right, we'll fill in the gaps in your education, ignoramus. But I have to wonder if you're planning to have a baby and leave it here with me, Lia and Cal and go off on your own adventures?"
"I'd like to grow she here, with you in the tower, if you don't mind." - Tav sipped her drink and crossed her arms over her bulging belly.
"You didn't think I'd kick out the mother of my child, did you?"
"I don't even know if you've got someone..."
"Oh, you'd know for sure if you'd written me a one damn letter!" - He burst out again.
A strange noise and fiddling was heard in the hallway. And the Archimage went to investigate.
Outside the door, Lia grabbed him by the collar and huffed:
"I don't care what you had going on before. From now on, I forbid you to hurt her. You hear me, you red-ass bastard?" - she shook him like a mother cat to a careless kitten.
"Ouch, easy!" - he whined.
"Be fucking civil, Daddy." - Cal added, tugging on his tail and shoving him back into the office.
A chilled Rolan went over to Tav and hugged her:
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, for the love of all the gods, I have no idea how hard this has been for you." - His mind was back and he knelt down beside her, pulled up her blouse and kissed her belly. Not because he was afraid of his brother and sister, but because he wanted to do it himself.
And he never again reminded her of that not-so-easy time in their lives.
Inspired by this art.
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Dabi being obsessed with his sister HC
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Warnings: yandere personality, sibling x sibling, dubcon, just a reason to write out this scenario, dark content, very dark, mdni for your own safety, coercion, dabi being a lil tyrant, innocent goody hero!reader, yes sibling incest involved, again don’t read if you don’t like any of the tags, non canonical timeline obv, aged up!reader, dark content be ahead!, 18+ only, i really have no excuse for this 🤷🏽‍♀️
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From the hair, Dabi knew right off the bat that you were one of the many Todoroki children; his sibling
What he didn’t anticipate was how much power you would have over him the moment you met his ice blue gaze
A morbid obsession forms in that instant
His signature crazed grin emblazoned on his face that makes you squirm uncomfortably. You’d heard that this villain, Dabi, was once your eldest brother Touya. This patched up monster couldn’t possibly be Touya. Even if you didn’t remember him much, his pictures looked nothing like the creature that stood before you amidst blue flames.
“You’ve certainly grown into a lovely young lady.” He practically cooes out with that husky voice of his. To force more distance between both of you, you lash out with your flame whips to get him back. White hot flames bite at Dabi but instead of hissing in pain, Dabi’s grin stretches wider. Like he was proud of you and your quirk. Where was your back up? You were strong but there was no way you were winning a fight against this seasoned villain.
You’re about to call out for Shoto who you were always paired with as twins were endeared by the public. Before you could even push the first syllable out of your mouth, Dabi moves in a flash and has his hand covering your mouth as he tackles you to the ground.
“Look at those pretty mismatched eyes.” He’s chirping while he paws at your face, turning it this way and that. You’re shocked still at his actions. He could have easily killed you then and there. But he didn’t. When your brain starts to work again, you use your fiery hot quirk to dispel him away from you. Your quirk was affecting him physically but Dabi didn't mentally acknowledge the damage that was eating away at what skin remained on his arms. Charring it until the flames even started to eat away at the leather stapled patches that were covering the previously damaged parts of his skin.
There wasn't much you were afraid of except for your father. But Dabi not reacting to the pain terrified you. What human didn't feel pain?
"Aw what's wrong baby sister? Do I scare you? Yeah I know I don't have much of a pretty face anymore." His hand rubs against his chin, thinking back to what age you must have been when he'd "died". "Rest assured though, I'm your big brother." Like that would make everything better. He was still speaking so sweetly to you.
Why wasn't anyone else showing up? You didn't like the hungry stare that refused to leave you.
You swallow back fear that hammered in your throat "Villain, stay where you are. You have the right to remain silent, but any villainy you commit can and will be used against you in the court of justice."
Dabi really laughs at that. "Oh you're cute." He holds out his wrists in surrender. "You gonna handcuff me Ms. Hero? I'm sure you'll become Japan's Number One Hero if you bring me in." Mockery drips off every word. He wasn't taking you seriously.
Finally you feel the stinging cold of Shoto's ice strike past you and toward Dabi. It was clear that he rushed all the way there. Behind him are the rest of the heroes assigned to the district.
With ease, Dabi dodges the icy spikes of Shoto's fury. He cocks his head your way. No matter what his eyes never strayed from you. "What do 'ya say, Ms. Hero? When you're ready, come find me."
He was gone, swift in his retreat.
His whole reason for being changed that day. The Paranormal Liberation Front had never really been his passion anyway. It was just his means of getting revenge against Endeavor. But he realized he could have his cake and eat it too.
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aphroditesmoon · 2 years
hello love! first of all, don't forget to take care of yourself and take your time! good luck! secondly, if you're not too busy, can you please write some hcs about xavier x reader where they are newlyweds? i can't help but think this concept is so cute.. and we all need some fluff, i guess. i absolutely can see them being still young and not planning to start a real family yet but they've got married a month or 2 ago bc why not, we want to spend eternity together anyway. and they're sooo excited about it? like wow we're actually married?? Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe?? ik modern married life (esp newlyweds) may be not so different from just relationship but it feels much more domestic for me? more warm and even loving? you can disagree with me and it's absolutely ok! i love your headcanons so much ahh it hurts! they're absolutely fascinating! thank you for everything you do! and thank u in advance! good luck! take care!
newlyweds xavier thorpe x reader hcs
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a/n: I love this idea! and thank you for your kind kind words<3
warnings: reader is part fae, absent parent, slight nsfw
- it was instant connection with you and xavier, since he laid eyes on you, your perfume clouds his sense and your beauty haunts his dreams and canvases.
- but the rush of the relationship had scared you at first.
- you two ended up in a big argument a few months in your relationships where you admit to him you worries about moving too fast etc and being scared you'd ruin it or he'd change his mind about you.
- since then, he decided to make extra efforts in reassuring you, and you two start spending many times together doing bonding activities and getting to know eachother's boundaries.
- as much as he seems confident in your relationship, he's deeply insecure about you finding a true mate that's not him.
- until one day, he notices you doing a specific courting ritual for him.
- it was then he realized that you were doing it to mate him in the faerie tradition, showing how serious you were about him.
- 4 months into the relationship, he's already bought you a ring, you two were basically already a married couple, every event he wasn't allowed to be around you in, his eyes will wander for yours, every moment you spend together are either deeply affectionate or in peaceful comfortable silence.
- it was during the holidays, his father was barely home, when he was, xavier tried bringing you up, telling him how he thinks you're the one.
- the older man only waved him off, reusing the lines "if that's what you want.", frustrating him.
- that night, without you warming his bed or holding him through his sleep, he realizes how truly lonely he feels. and the only cure for the loneliness was you.
- he suprised you at you family's house, your mother was absolutely whipped by Xavier.
- already referring him as 'my son'.
- seeing how easy he was accepted into the tight knit family, he takes the risks and proposes to you during dinner.
- you were in awe, tears formed in your eyes and you almost forgot there were other people in room.
- when you only stared at the diamond ring in shock, your sister had answered for you screaming "if you don't want him I do!" earnings a shushing from your mother.
-you jumped off your seat and basically leaped on him, crying yes repeatedly, and your mother cried that night, reminiscing her old love with your dead father, she was glad you had found the mate you deserved.
- he had brought a house near your's, using his trust fund (he's a nepo baby sorry y'all).
- when his father found out he was getting married, he guilt tripped xavier into agreeing to work under him with his company.
- Xavier agrees, telling himself that he'd work his way up to independence sooner or later, but for now he didn't want to promise you an unsure future.
- so you marry 6 months after graduating Nevermore, thankfully already now having a house and stable job.
- you work in a troubled children school as a counselor a few months in your marriage.
- and as much as you both learned to enjoy your jobs, he was upset that you two hadn't had a honeymoon yet, he secretly plans a vacation to bora bora while you're blissfully unaware.
- even if you two were busy with work, you'll always make time for eachother, always having dinner every night together unless he has a late shift (which he'd tell you first).
- sunday movie nights binge watching the hobbit and doing laundry together, an activity you both despise but work together to finish.
- when your 1 year anniversary finally arrives, he suprised you by coming home early and setting up a nice romantic chinese takeaway date, it may sounds cheap to other, but he knows your love for chinese fried rice runs deep.
- you pointed ears twitch at the sight of a small box he gifts you, and you couldn't he happier to find two plane tickets to bora bora in it.
- you two take a month off and spend it swimming in oceans and trying out new food.
- while you busy yourselves admiring the culture, he impatiently waits for night to come so he could admire you in private.
- it wasn't unusual for newlyweds to go at it like rabbits.
- but even after a whole year of being together, his desire for you was never sated.
- cooking dinner together too often ends up with you bent on the kitchen counter and moans and whimpers filling the kitchen while the spaghetti overcooks.
- it was not rare for movie nights to be spent with him in between your thighs instead of actually watching the lord of the rings.
- you also start showering together once you two got married, and on days one of you were too tired, you two would lay in a tub together while slowly washing eachother's hair and body. it was an intimate act both of you could appreciate without it having to be anything sexual.
- baby talks only comes in years later in the marriage, both of you settling with a fat tabby cat, not ready for an actual child.
- you grumpy orange cat was the light of your lives despite it's constant habit of breaking Xavier's stuff and accidentally spilling his art paints ( Mr fluffykins is no longer allowed in his art shed btw)
- you almost feel stupid for doubting your relationship a while ago, for now, you can't even begin to imagine ever loving anyone else.
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peenyas · 1 year
┊Special Brew
Kinda stressed out when writing this, and I've been thinking about what it's like to get a bartending job so here we go. Honestly feel like turning this into a smalll series.. If i suddenly post smut please forgive me
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Content: DILUC X GN!READER, flustered diluc, slowburn, you got a bartending job at angles share!
[diluc's speech will be Bold!]
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A successful interview, you gotten news that you're accepted to work at angles share as a bartender! It's exciting and nerve wracking at the same time, you've actually landed a job in one of Mondstat's biggest wine company. What were the chances of that? Has luck finally found you?
You clocked in at 5 pm getting ready for your shift, in the back changing into your work attire when you heard someone come in the room. Turning around, a tall man with red hair with his back facing you, he seems to be clocking in too. Zoning out for a moment thinking who this might be until a voice snapped you out of it.
" ..hello there? You alright? It's time to get to work now"
Blinking frantically, you realized you were staring at them the entire time, how embarrassing. Giving a quick nod before bolting out. Thankfully this evening wasn't all too busy, after serving the last few patrons you went back to thinking who you just saw. Was he a newbie? He seemed so familiar.. wait no it can't be-
Your train of thought is once again interrupted, this time was a gloved hand waving slowly in front of you to grab your attention, seems like they were calling out to you for some time now. You looked up, it's the same man from earlier again, this time you finally realized who they were.
"ah yes- sorry if i interrupted anything there but..."
Your head went blank. Master Diluc Ragnvindr, the very owner of dawn winery, is here working with you on your first day. You thought everything was over, fuck Fuck FUCK im gonna get booted for this... You faced him and almost wanted to start apologizing when he stopped you,
"M-master Di.. I mean, boss, I'm so sorry for-"
"Now now, it's alright... Just don't do that again."
You blinked a few times before looking around the tavern. It was completely empty. That's weird... You looked at the time to check and it's practically midnight, way past when you're supposed to leave work now. When did the time go by so fast? Seems like Diluc was there to urge you to go home at this point.
Averting your attention back to diluc, now at the back tidying up wine bottles, wiping excess glasses and mugs.
"say.., do you usually stay back so late to do clean up?"
"onlyy when i feel like it. I'd ask the same to someone who decided to stay past their working hours."
You let out an embarrassed cough, "I just caught up with thinking...! I'll get going then."
Scurrying to the back room to put away the work attire and getting ready to head home, you peek outside of the door to see if Diluc is still around. What you didn't know is that he's right behind you, did you not notice him coming in the room after you?
He's joining you in looking out the door, his head just slightly hovering above yours.
"Is there something to look out for?"
The sudden whisper got you stumbling out of the room, Diluc tried to catch you but failed, now looking at you with just as much shock, the both of you now caught in surprise and now looking at each other. Diluc was quick to lend a hand for you to get up, you take it while embarrassment is written all over your face.
"I truly apologize for scaring you just now... I .. thought you knew about my presence.. are you hurt?" His tone sounds flat but genuine, scanning your body as you stand up.
"I-it's alright! Im fine- ... Just a bit surprised.. thank you."
Why am i fucking up my first day right in front of the owner?? Now I'm really done for.. Giving him a light bow, wishing you could just run out of the place this instant. You were assuming he'd start giving you a lecture of some sort, which was proven false when you heard him chuckle.
"You're quite something aren't you? Well get going now, the night is quite dangerous." That comment got you flushing a faint red. Leading you out the tavern door, both of you walk out as he locks up the door to angle's share.
Cool air blew against your face as you stepped out. Looking around, the city was dead silent. You couldn't help but feel uncomfortable because of it. Diluc walked up besides you and noticed how nervous you seem.
"You alright there? Would... You want me to walk home with you?"
"o-oh, wouldn't that be too much of a hassle? It's quite late and I could never take up more time from you..."
"Well it being late is exactly why, I'll be fine. It would be quite a waste to have a brand new employee disappear on the first night."
You don't know if he's being sarcastic or not, but giggles escaped your lips regardless. Diluc not knowing what's so funny got a bit flustered by your reaction and looks away.
"..you may lead the way then, I'll follow behind."
You thanked him, but he seems to be avoiding eye contact with you now. Did I do something wrong..? The whole walk was pretty awkward with how little talk was going on, it couldn't be helped anyways, Diluc always seemed to be the preserved type, this should be natural.
Though what you didn't expect is how.. clumsy he was. Tripped a few times over some tree roots, clearing his throat ever so often, sighing. Looking back at him and you'll be met with a red haired man, quickly looking away and averting his gaze else where. It was quite dark so you couldn't really see anything, is he alright?
The road became more familiar to you now as you kept walking,
"ah! Almost near my house. Thank you for walking with me-"
"yes. O-of course.. my pleasure." He replied a bit too immediately, he sounds nervous.
After seeing you reach the front door, he quickly turns away before you could say anything else. You wonder if you'd be able to face him the next day with how you acted during work, hopefully he doesn't come in tomorrow...
(1/?) · [Pt. 2]
Xtra notes: reading angst and now continuing this ....feels so unreal. I need to stop that. Cover art by me! @ on it is my Instagram handle :3!
Pls remember i will only write when i feel like it, so no continuation time frame
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ask-sibverse · 3 months
You Think Swad Would Ever Hurt Swan Bar Enough To Realize He Failed The One Thing He Always Wanted To Do For Him And Reader Breaks The Mask Fully?
It was just another fight. Right? Dream finds you both and tries to grab you again, you fight back while someone tries to pull together a portal and you flee to safety.
You were a bit annoyed that nothing changed at all after that confrontation in that cafe. But you supposed you were probably expecting too much out of him.
Dream was focused mostly on Nightmare (again) which meant you were on defense and portal creation.
It happened in an instant, too fast for you or Nightmare to react. His defense slipped for a brief moment. Enough for Dream's blade to jab into the ribs. A gasp, a yelp, Nightmare collapsed like a cut marionette.
Dream was fast, but you were faster. You flared your magic harder, forcing the portal and scooping Nightmare into your arms and dashing through into Sciencetale.
It was achingly slow, waiting while Sci fought to save. The blade thankfully didn't properly stab Nightmare's apple SOUL, but still, direct contact with such concentrated positivity was harsh on him. He'd started dusting before Sci was able to use the concentrated negativity he'd managed to keep on hand for emergencies to stabilize him slightly.
He wasn't dying anymore, but he was comatose for now while his body tried to heal. Sci was working on him around the clock, thankfully with assistance.
But he needed materials... He needed more negativity, and to do that you needed to collect the emotional energy. To do that you needed to store it. And unfortunately, the device you'd found to store it thus far was only made in a specific, positive AU.
So you took assistance. Axe and Dust. Killer was still too unstable without Nightmare's assistance. He'd gone stage three and had to be locked up until he calmed down or Nightmare woke up, whatever came first. Still, the three of you should be able to handle yourselves if Dream showed up.
Which he did. All three of you had weapons or blasters pointed at him in an instant, but he didn't seem to care.
Dream looked... Broken. A mess. His feathers were a dull disaster and he seemed dimmer than usual.
"My brother isn't with you."
"No shit. You stabbed him in the SOUL," Dust growled.
He flinched. "How... How is he? He's not dead, I would feel it."
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Dust shot back, magic bristling.
You held up a hand to stop him from pushing further. "He's comatose. We don't know when or if he'll wake up, only hope it happens if he recovers enough. At least he's no longer dusting."
His shoulders sagged. "Can... Can I see him?"
"No," you and Dust said at once. You shot him a warning look. "First off, he's in a negative AU, which you can't enter. And I'm not moving him. But your positivity is what did this to him. Do you really think it's even safe to be around him right now? What if you actually kill him?"
He looked absolutely heartbroken at that
You pinched the bridge of your nose, questioning some of your life choices. "Look. When he wakes up, I'll let him chose if he wants to see you or not. But its his choice, not yours."
His aura brightened so much you thought you went blind for a moment.
Hopefully you wouldn't regret this.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
For the Phic Phight prompt: During a fight, Danny finds out he can survive in space. This leads to him [accidentally] terrorising the astronauts on the ISS à la every space thriller ever. (from @the-archer-goddess)
AO3 Link
[Warnings for outer space, and horror elements]
("Italicized dialogue" = Spoken in Russian)
Danny had chased ghosts a lot of places. At a certain point, after flying through buildings and mountains and the core of the Earth, he stopped paying attention to where he was. This particular ghost, an irritating little bugger known as Youngblood, who fancied himself an astronaut today, led Danny all the way into the stratosphere without the halfa even batting an eye.
By the time he captured Youngblood in the Fenton Thermos and took a moment to absorb his surroundings, he realized he was all the way in outer space. And wouldn't you know it, it turned out that ghosts, even half-ghosts, could survive in a total vacuum. There wasn't a chance in the Realms of Danny not taking advantage this new information, and, well, he'd always wanted to visit the International Space Station.
Kazimir Novikov, a Russian mathematician and programmer aboard the ISS, heard a tapping on the window. For a moment, he didn't think anything of it, until he heard the tapping again. The sound was coming from the other side of the thick glass. It was coming from outside the ship. He groaned.
"Ryuji!" he called out to the nearest engineer. Ryuji Mochizuki didn't speak Russian as well as he probably should've been able to, so they spoke to each other in English, though Kazimir's English wasn't quite perfect. "Sound like something shaken loose outside!" 
"Shaken loose?" questioned Ryuji. "Broken?"
"Maybe," Kazimir answered. "Don't know. Something tap on my window outside like tap tap taptap tap," he verbally mimicked the strange rhythm.
"Wait wait!" Denise Song, a Chinese-American biochemist interrupted. "What did the tapping sound like?" as if on cue, the tapping came again, this time on a different window, nearer the others. Tap tap taptap tap. Denise pushed herself to the window and looked through, but saw nothing out there that shouldn't be. Tap tap taptap tap. Cautiously, she tapped twice on the inside of the window.
In a flash, a boy appeared, grinning. He had white hair and luminous green eyes and disappeared in an instant. He hadn't been wearing a space suit. Denise gasped and if there had been gravity, she would've fallen on her ass.
"There's something out there!" she said. She repeated herself in Russian, then Japanese, just to make absolutely sure the message got through to her crew mates.
"What is?" Ryuji asked asked. "Loose coupling? Bent panel? Space debris?"
Denise shook her head. "I don't know what. Looked like a kid, but it vanished."
"Vanished?" Kazimir asked. That word wasn't in his English vocabulary.
"Исчез," she translated. "Disappeared. Gone."
"How could a child be outside?" Kazimir asked in Russian, scoffing. "I think you must be getting space-sick or something. You watch too many scary movies on your laptop."
"I swear I saw someone, Kaz!" she insisted. She turned to Ryuji and said, "You shouldn't go out there."
"If something is broken, I need to go fix it," Ryuji responded. "I have to at least check."
"It's not—" Denise cut herself off. Maybe they were right. She did watch a lot of horror movies; maybe she was imagining things. It could've been a trick of the light. Her eyes could've picked up on glare from the lights and her own reflection in the glass, and for a moment, it had just looked like there was someone outside. "Just... be careful."
"Of course," Ryuji promised.
He changed into his space suit, attached the safety line, and stepped off the edge of the ISS. He went for a little spacewalk along the side where they'd heard tapping, keeping an eye out for something loose, or bent out of shape, maybe a wrench or screwdriver that had accidentally been left hooked to the outside of the station. He and Amélie Chevalier, the other engineer on board, a robotics specialist from France, had done maintenance just two days before. One of them may have mistakenly left a tool behind, but there shouldn't have been any actual mechanical issues to deal with.
Ryuji checked the panels on the outside of the station, the hatches, the mechanical arms, examined each of the windows. Everything seemed to be in perfect working order. But... all three of them had heard that tapping noise. Something had to have made it. 
He felt a tug on his safety cable and looked behind him to see what he'd snagged it on. Nothing appeared to be there, and the cable floated freely in the vacuum of space. He tugged back, just in case, and for the barest of seconds, he could swore he saw a boy without a space suit holding onto the cable about ten feet down. Then Ryuji blinked, and the boy was gone, leaving him to wonder if he'd really seen him in the first place.
An uneasy feeling churned in the engineer's stomach. He'd done what he came out to do, even if he hadn't found anything. He was ready to go back in now. Whatever that was, his imagination or not, he really didn't want to meet it again. Once he was back inside, he told no one what he'd seen, only that nothing was loose or damaged, and he couldn't find the source of the tapping.
A few minutes later, Amélie screamed.
When an astronaut screamed like that on the International Space Station, everyone had to know why. Anything worth screaming about in space could mean fatalities for the crew.
"What is it, Amélie?" Miroslav Zima, the pilot, asked in Russian.
"I saw someone outside!" Amélie answered, on the verge of hysterics. "It was a boy, and he wasn't wearing a suit. He... he waved at me!"
"That's impossible Amélie," said Étouale Bois, the Latin-Quebecois botanist on board. "How much sleep have you gotten recently?" 
"I'm not sleep deprived!" Amélie insisted. "I know what I saw!"
"I saw him too," Denise said. "He tapped on the window. He smiled at me when I tapped back." She turned and translated for Ryuji, who's Russian wasn't as good as the others.
"I—" Ryuji started to say in English, then swallowed hard and shook his head. "I thought I saw a boy, too," he told them in a whisper. "I thought he tugged on my safety cable."
"White hair?" Denise asked, switching to English as well. "Glowing green eyes? Black jumpsuit, but no helmet?" Ryuji nodded. Amélie nodded too. "How could we all have seen the same thing if it wasn't really there?" she asked the other three.
"You could be messing with us," Miroslav pointed out. Then the lights flickered. Then the air grew cold. "Are you... messing with us?" Denise shook her head solemnly.
"Whatever it is... I think... I think it may have gotten inside somehow," Denise said as a shiver crawled up her spine. "I think it's close."
The six astronauts stilled, glancing around the chamber as if some sort of ghoul or alien might jump out at them somehow. Just when Étouale scoffed, about to make a snide remark about how all their crew mates were paranoid, an unfamiliar voice spoke from behind them.
"This place is the coolest thing ever!" claimed the voice of a young boy. This time, Amélie wasn't the only one who screamed. They all saw him. White hair and eyes like the light on an anglerfish, drawing them in, threatening to consume them whole.
"What the fuck is that!?" Étouale screeched. "How the fuck did a kid get up here!?"
The boy looked momentarily startled before vanishing again. The astronauts whipped their heads around, waiting for him to appear again. Slowly, without having to say anything, they all turned so they were back-to-back-to-back, ready on all sides for the boy, whoever or whatever he was, to appear again.
It was so cold now that their breath misted in the air. In the climate controlled space station, it had been months since any of them felt this kind of cold, this bone-deep chill, like the icy grips of death in their very lungs. The lights flickered again, and the astronauts collectively held their breath.
"Sorry about the cold, it's just, I'm really excited to be here!"
The boy popped up again, in front of Miroslav, who took a swing at him on instinct. His fist passed right through the boy's head like he wasn't there at all. Again, the boy vanished, but this time a hollow, echoing giggle took his place. The laugh sounded like a child in a home video that they were watching after the child's funeral. Happy, but at the same time brimming with heartache.
"What kinds of experiments are you working on?" The leaves on Étouale's radishes rustled as if something brushed up against them, and frost formed. "Oops. Don't worry, I'll fix it!" Just like that, the frost evaporated. The boy turned visible again for an instant, then was gone from their sight.
"Who are you?" Kazimir demanded. "What are you?"
"Oh, sorry," the boy's voice chuckled nervously. He appeared again, standing on wall, upright to them all, as if gravity was somehow holding him there. "I'm Danny!" he said, smiling brightly as if he wasn't the most horrifying thing six astronauts who faced the vast, deadly vacuum of space every day had seen in their entire lives. "And I know you guys! Denise Song, Ryuji Mochizuki, Kazimir Novikov, Miroslav Zima, Amélie Chevalier, and Étouale Bois! Am I pronouncing that right? Étouale?"
Étouale nodded mutely. None of them could muster up a word to say to the mysterious teenage boy standing in front of them, who somehow knew all their names.
"I keep up on everything that goes on in space!" the boy said, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the astronauts were all fairly petrified with fear. "I follow NASA on all my social media so I can see what's going on up here. I never thought I'd be able to actually see it see it, not for years, at least."
"H-how did you get here?" Denise asked, trying to sound authoritative and failing miserably as her voice escaped her a timid squeak.
"I flew!" came the response. "Turns out ghosts can survive in space! Who knew? Not me! Isn't it awesome?"
"Ghost?" was all Denise managed to get out before he fainted, her unconscious form floating in the chamber. For all that she loved supernatural horror movies, she was not prepared to live one.
"Denise!" Ryuji called out to her, tapping the side of her face and trying to get her to wake up. He felt for a pulse, making sure the ghost boy hadn't somehow killed her. "She's okay. I think she fainted."
"Can you blame her?" Étouale asked. "I think I'll probably join her in a minute. I would not have signed up for this shit if I knew the ISS was fucking haunted."
"Haunted?" the boy cocked his head in confusion and looked around. "But I didn't sense any ghosts up here?"
"She's talking about you, kid," Miroslav told him, using the bars above to reposition himself in front of his crew mates. Kazimir slipped thought the passage on the opposite side to take the unconscious Denise out of there.
"Me? But I'm... oh... yeah..." A light green tinge rose to the boy's cheeks, and he looked down as if he was embarrassed. "Sorry, I guess I didn't think about—I was just really excited, you know. I didn't realize I was scaring you."
"Didn't realize?" Ryuji repeated, aghast. "Kid, you scared the absolute shit out of us!"
He looked even more chastised as he hunched his shoulders, shrinking into himself. "Sorry."
"You're... not going to hurt us?" Amélie asked cautiously.
"No!" The boy's eyes widened. "Definitely not! I just wanted to see the space station. You guys are, like, my heroes. I've always wanted to be an astronaut, you know."
"Is that so?" hesitantly, Amélie maneuvered past Miroslav, closer to the ghost boy. "What did you say your name was?"
"Danny Phantom," the boy said.
"Well, Danny, would you like to see the Astrobee robots?" she offered with a smile.
The boy lit up, his faintly glowing aura literally brightening at her offer to see the little fan propelled robotic assistants on the space station. "Would I ever!"
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pumpkinkingsalem · 2 years
Little snippet of an obligatory "Hob saves Dream" fic I'm working on, inspired by This Tiktok Here
(Might change before the whole thing is posted, this hasnt been edited yet since I'm not done with it but I really wanted to share lol)
"You dare…" Dream starts, stiffening up, his gaze darkening, and Hob thinks he can see stars in his eyes.
 "No. Look, I'm not saying–"
 "You dare suggest one such as I might need your companionship?" He spits out, staring into Hob's eyes. Pridefully, anger starting to wash over his usually collected demeanor.
 "Yes. Yes I do, but I have a very good reason to think that." Hob replies. Giving Dream a soft smile, ignoring the signs of obvious anger his friend shows.
 "And whatever would that be?" Dream hissed, his gaze piercing Hob's.
 "I think you're lonely because I am too," he starts, Dream's eyes widen. "And I've watched friends come and go, I've watched kingdoms fall. And I can't share my experience with anyone else, but you. You're the only constant in all of these centuries I've been alive, all of these lives I've lived. I always look forward to seeing you at the end of each one, even if I don't know your name, or what you are exactly-" he chuckles, and keeps going: "But it doesn't matter, not to me, not as long… As long as you're here, every century. As long as you come back, it'll always be worth the struggle." 
  Dream stares at him in disbelief, blinking once, twice. Processing the information, mouth open, complete shock at what he just heard.
A confession, a confession is what he just heard. He hadn't even realized Hob's leaned forward, he just stared, wide-eyed at the ground,, any anger that had been bubbling miraculously gone in an instant.
  Hob looked at him like no one had before, a tenderness not even he'd felt when he was married to Calliope, or even when he was with Nada. He'd never realized this before, he'd never noticed how Hob looks at him, had he always been looking at him like this?
"Dream." He replied, to Hob's statement, Hob's confession.
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