#it's just that he saw scary men as a child and ran up and hugged their legs.
spriteofmushrooms · 11 months
Having thoughts about Lan Sizhui.
“My mom said, ‘When you were a baby, you used to poke your head out of blankets.’ She said, ‘It was like you knew how to be cute.’ She didn’t say it, like, flattering: ‘It was weird. It was like you knew what you were doing.’ I think I thought, and feel still, that I have to provide that in order for people to like me. The idea of, would they like me just as me—without poking out of the blanket, metaphorically—is a real thought or concern."
--John Mulaney
The San Francisco therapist kept telling me I shouldn’t be terrified of creative experimentation.
“I don’t know what’s going to come out of me,” I told her. “It has to be perfect. It has to be irreproachable in every way.”
“Why?” she said.
“To make up for it,” I said. “To make up for the fact that it’s me.
-- Suzanne Rivecca
I think I've come to terms with the fact that there will always be a ribbon of loneliness running through who I am.
-- Jenny Slate
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pix3lplays · 9 months
Hello I would like to request a scenario where Hsr men (Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Blade and Loucha) get into a massive argument with their child and they end up running away. ( I hope this is something you're okay with writing)
Oooh, alright let’s do it
Reader is the mom
Changing it up for Dan Heng, I’m sorry I hope you don’t mind!
Spoilers for Even Immortality Ends on Dan Heng’s part
-Honkai star rail men get in a fight with their kid, that results in their child running away-
Dan Heng: Dan Heng’s daughter was very sweet and sensitive. She was so young when it first happened. It wasn’t an argument, but it was when she first saw her father as Imbibitor Lunae. He looked…frightening…with those pointed ears and curved horns. She couldn’t help it. That wasn’t her dad as far as she was concerned…that was a monster. So she ran. And Dan Heng was terrified, quickly reverting back to his normal form and searching for his daughter with you. You find her hiding in the Archives of the Astral Express. He apologizes for frightening her, promising that he was still her dad, regardless of how he looked, and that he loved her and would never hurt her. She calms down at the sight of dad looking familiar. Dan Heng is even more careful about is Imbibitor Lunae form now. Now that he knows how much it frightens his daughter…
Jing Yuan: Jing Yuan doesn’t mean to use his General voice in the house, especially around his kids, but one of his sons was being difficult about doing a chore, and he had already had a rough day at work and his General voice just slipped out. It was…scary. Even you had to admit Jing Yuan’s fierce General voice was intimidating. Your son kinda panicked and ran out the front door. You and Jing Yuan pursued, running through the streets of the Xianzhou Luofu, desperately searching for your child. You find him hiding at a local shop, being watched over by a shopkeeper. Jing Yuan is quick to apologize to his son, get on one knee, and open his arms for a hug from his little boy. He explains that he didn’t mean to yell, that he’s so sorry he frightened his son, he promises it’ll never happen again, and all is forgiven…
Blade: Blade hadn’t met to hurt his daughter’s feelings. He was just naturally cruel and cold and distant. He didn’t expect her to run away! The two of you scour around for her, eventually finding her with Kafka. The woman returned your daughter to you, an unreadable expression on her face, but one that said something about Blade’s parenting style. You have a private talk with your daughter. One not for Blade’s ears. About how her father is a little bit different. He has a hard time with emotions and being gentle and yeah your daughter doesn’t really get it but at least you had the talk right? Blade is quieter than usual that night. Very distant, confused, thinking about the events of the day, wondering what he did wrong, how he’s failed as a father…
Luocha: Luocha didn’t mean to let it slip out. How he truly felt about having a child. He hated it. He just wanted it to be you and him for the rest of time. But no. You just Had to welcome a child into this world. Luocha hasn’t meant to say it, but there it was. “I wish you hadn’t been born.” And the next second he knows his kid is running out the door. It’s understandable really. He’d run away too if his father said that to him. He doesn’t really…know what to do. He contacts the local authority to let them know that his child has run away, and of course the kid doesn’t want to come back home. They’re dragged back by the local authority. And the evening is awkward and quiet…
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sofasoap · 9 months
Lastochka - Raging waves - Prologue
Pairing : Nikolai x F!Reader ( aka Mini MacTavish) + OC (child) +Task Force 141
Summary: Sequel to the Lastochka series Just as everyone think life is peaceful and calm, the past comes crashing back into both your life.
WARNING: Mature Theme. Violence ( physical and gun ), Original child character. talk of blood and trauma. kidnapping. strong languages.
A/N : Official prologue. Finally manage to tidy it up and add more things in. I am sorry @gamergirlbones. I know I was suppose to write the crack fic....... * hide*
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Door slammed open, Ghost spotted the tiny figure hiding in the dark corner of the wardrobe, clutching to a crochet doll tightly, while clamping her small hands over her mouth, body shaking and eyes wide with terror. 
“Uncle Simon!!” Ghost swung his gun quickly over his shoulder, crouching down with open arms to catch the petite girl as she scrambles over piles of clothes and boxes, lunging herself at him, tears finally spilling over her fear infested orbs. 
“Shh. it's ok.” Ghost tries to soothe his niece the best he can as he gently cradles her in his arms, letting out a relief sigh.
Raising his hand to pat the frightened girl on the head, he noticed the red sticky substance covering her backside. 
Ghost pulled Anya away from him,alarmed. Scanning her up and down, checking for any signs of injuries.
“Love, are you hurt? Did someone hurt you??Tell uncle Si…” 
“Anya! Where are you Anya!” 
Both of their heads turned, Nikolai storming up the staircase, frantically calling for his daughter. He was followed closely by Price, Soap and Gaz emerged from the other rooms seconds later. 
“Papa!! Papa!!!” Little Anya burst into tears again as she cried for her father. Ghost immediately passed her into Nikolai’s embrace. Nikolai gave his daughter a tight hug, followed by kisses on her face. “Are you alright my little dove?” Nikolai asked as he checked over his daughter carefully, “ Why have you got blood all over you?! Where is your Ma?” 
“Ma told me to be a good girl and hide in there,” Anya replied in a wavering voice, pointing into the wardrobe, “and.. And.. there were so many scary men… hurting Ma… Ma told me to close my eyes….” The poor little girl, trying her best to recount the event, distressed. 
“Close your eyes, Mah bairn, remember that silly song uncle Johnny taught you? Just keep singing and clutch onto me tight, ok?” 
Sounds of gunshot ringing throughout the house, Anya tried her hardest singing out loud, eyes closed, burying her head into your chest. 
Men yelling, sounds of you screaming as you break through waves of men trying to reach the two of you. 
One, two, three, four, five.  Shot after shot. Until you ran out of bullets. You pull the knife off some of the dead attack’s vest and slash the arm of the enemy as they try to grab you, and stabbing them right in the eyes.  Turning around, slashing the next attacker right in the throat, blood spraying out, covering both of you and your daughter. 
You made a quick run up the stairs as you saw the opening. Right into the spare room in the corner of the house where it is currently used as a storage room, full of stuff. You open the wardrobe and tuck Anya right in the corner. 
“Stay in here, and try not to make a sound, ok? No matter what happened.” The little girl covered her mouth, nodded her head furiously .
“Papa and uncle will come and save us soon. We will be ok.” Giving her one last kiss on the forehead, as if this might be the last time you lay your eyes on your most precious treasure in the world, you throw some clothes on top of her, shove some boxes in front before slamming the door shut. 
“I heard some bad guys talking.. And… and.. Ma.. Ma she screamed. So loud. .. and I don’t know what happened…” Anya clutch onto Nikolai’s vest, shaking uncontrollably. 
Nikolai received an alert on his phone and a broken voice mail from you hours ago. 
“Intruders…. Parameter breached…. Anya…” The message was cut off abruptly. He tried to call back immediately, checking the security system.  Nothing. No reception or access at all. 
Nikolai was beyond furious. At the enemy. At himself. He thought he had his family kept safe. His two precious little birds in his safety.  With his reputation and connection with both sides of the world. Clearly someone who is daring or stupid enough try to threaten him. But.. who? And why?
He had the best security and network set up around the family home. Only a handful of people knew about the location, let alone how to access the system.
That’s when he knew they were facing a bigger enemy than expected. 
Chill runs down his spine. The same nightmare from years ago. The failed mission left his Lastochka traumatised and scarred and nearly lost her life. It’s happening again. 
Soap stares at his brother in law. Lip tightly pressed together. His tightly clench and shaking fist emitting his fury and anger. 
“House is clear. Apart from the dead bodies downstairs, there are no other signs of life…” Gaz whispered into Price’s ear, worry sipping through between his words. 
Nikolai is seeing red.  Crimson red. 
So is John MacTavish. 
“You promised.” Soap growled as he stepped forward towards Nikolai, barely containing his anger. “To keep them out of danger.” another step forward, voice raised, “No harm will come to them,” another step forward, “ And this. THIS happened. My sister missing. My niece traumatised!” 
“You think I want this to happen?” Nikolai snarled, holding onto his daughter tighter, “You think I will deliberately let harm come to my precious birds?” flaring his nostril, he stuck his face closer to his brother in law, matching his tone and volume. “I have done everything I can, within my power, and beyond, to keep them hidden from my past, my enemies. You..!”
Anya’s wailing snapped Nikolai and Soap out of their heated argument. 
“Papa… Uncle Soapy.. Please don’t yell…. I want Mama!!! I miss Mama…!!!” Anya couldn’t hold herself back any longer. Hours of hiding in the closet, witnessing the traumatising event, hearing her father and uncle clashing at each other, was all too much for her to bear. 
Price put his hand onto his friend’s shoulder, gripping it tight, to remind him of the situation. 
“Nikolai. Soap. Both of you can argue later. Now is not the time nor place.” 
Ghost grabbed Soap’s vest, pulling him back, mumbling under his breath trying to calm him down. 
“Come Anya, let’s clean you up.” Gaz gently lifts the distressed toddler out of Nikolai’s arm, away from the raging adults as he gives Nikolai and Soap disapproving looks. “Can you show me where you keep your clean clothes and bathroom, yea?” Anya hiccupped and nodded as she put one of her arm around Gaz’s neck, the other pointing down the corridor.  Just as Gaz was about to turn away from the group, all of their communicator crackled and mobile phones chimed at same time. 
The five men look at each other, before carefully taking the phones out and checking the message. 
Two pictures appeared. One of you lying in a pool of blood, Nikolai realise from the background it was from the failed mission years ago, another of you tied to the chair with a gun aimed at your head. 
– The little bird is in the cage.  The countdown starts, before the beautiful swallow breaks her wings forever. 
“Welcome. We met again. Lady Fortuna. Let's see if your reputation can save you this time.” 
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like I stated before.. I am going to take it real slow with this series. I don't want to mess it up. I might end up going on long hiatus or abandon it totally if I can't come up with good in depth plot. * bow* please bear with me.
Tag list:
@homicidal-slvt @nrdmssgs @siilvan @roosterr
@preciouslittlecreature @floral-force @jynxmirage @gamergirlbones
@okayyadriana @anna-banana27
@celshideout  @devcica
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jameui · 1 year
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PAIRING: Brother!Yang Jungwon x M!Reader
GENRE: Horror
WARNING: horror stuffs and all that scariness
SUMMARY: You called your younger brother who was at school to tell him an urgent situation.
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You sighed for the nth time that day after finishing your work for almost an hour, stepping out of your bedroom to move towards your bathroom to take a quick shower. You have missed taking a really long and refreshing shower, but since you got this new job, all you ever got was a quick visit and then leave.
So immeresed in your thought you failed to hear the rattling of your door knob and the door creaking as it closes, until you were at the last step of the stairs, feeling a little confused that Jungwom came home so early when he would usually arrive not earlier than 7 PM. He was always busy. "Jungwon?" You called out, only for you to get a shock when you saw an unknown men dressed in all blue slowly peak its head from a surface of a wall as you covered your mouth and ran back up to your room.
Just as you did, you heard his footsteps followimg you as you looked over your shoulder and saw that the man was chasing your tail as you ran as fast as you can, arriving just at the eight time before you slammed the door shut on his face and locked it. You started to panic, hearing his fist banging on your door, you rapidly gasping for air as you took your phone and called your brother, but he didn't seem to answer your call when he usually would and in the speed of light.
You called him again for the second time, the third, but there was still no sign of Jungwon accepting your call. Not until the fifth time. Frantically, you looked over at your door from time to time so you can make sure whoever was outside your door never breaks it down. "Junhwon? Jungwon! Where are you?" You yelled at him, you biting on your nails as you paced back and forth in your room.
There was dead silence. You could only hear him breathe at the other line. When a few seconds was up, he finally speaks. "Hyung, just give up, please." Jungwon cries out, before he started sobbing pretty loudly, your body turning cold as a feeling of realization washes over you like a flood. "The bodies in our backyard are enough evidence for them to atrest you." Your eyes went dull and your lips went dry, as if on cue the door is torn down and they grab you by the arm as the handcuffed your wrists and pulls you along with them.
"NO! STOP PLEASE! YOU HAVE TO KNOW THAT I AM BEING FRAMED! YOU ARE BEING TRICKED!" You yelled loudly at the police officers, but they weren't buying any of it. "PLEASE, YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME! IT WAS HIM! HIM!" You screamed the moment you were brought out of your house and saw your younger brother bawling his eyes out. "HE KILED MOTHER AND FATHER! MONSTER!" You spat out, yet Jungwon only hugged the officer who was taking care of him.
You continued to scream your frustration out whilst you were being pushed into the car by force. Once everything was clear, one of the cops came by to interrogate the young male. "When did you find this out, kid?" Jungwon refused to talk and only cried louder, without much of a choice they left Jungwon at the care of one of the officers as they went for a thorough check of the house.
As the officers made a quick runthrough of the house, they discover a spine-chilling message that they left running out of the house, before gasping in horror once they saw their co-worker who had taken care of the child dead on the floor with blood spilling from the slit on his throat.
'You are a clueless one, officer.'
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Genshin impact boys/men x reader (M4F)
Reader got scared
Warnings:fluff?- and none? Let me know if I missed anything
Note:hoped I spelled Childe's name right-
Word count:918
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You and venti were out it was very windy and it was scarying you a bit your hair was getting in your face and everything venti kissed your check and than more wind came you huffed and pushed him away a little and said "your making to much wind venti" he giggled and said "well I am good with wind and we are out on a windy day" you huffed again and turned around he said "aww is my windbloom scared?" You looked at him and said "I am never scared" you both planned to go in some forest and it was dark after a bit of talking you started to get scared he noticed and asked you "hey windbloom do you want to leave?" You shook your head and said "we're almost there anyway" he shook his head and said "we aren't let's turn back" he took your head and left
Kazuha Kaedehara
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You and him were on a walk or treavel you had to climb a mountain and well you were scared of heights he looked at you and said "we can find another way up if you want" you shook your head and said "I'll be fine as long as I just don't look down" he said "you sure? I don't mind finding another way" you nodded and than he said "okay I'll go up the first one and bring you up with some wind" you smiled and nodded he got up and got you up the some wind he took your hand and pulled you close and said "better?" You nodded he said "okay one more got it?" You nodded he looked away and you looked down and yelped he turned around and you jumped and he held onto you and said "I said we could of found a way around he used he wind to put you off the mountain and he slid down and grabbed your hand and said "let's find a way around" you said "I'm sorry Kazuha" he kissed you and said "no need to be sorry" and you both found a way around through the water though it was funny
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You were on your way to see Tighnari but there were these vines that grabbed onto your leg you yelped and fell it dragged you and you couldn't stop it you felt you being grabbed you screamed and felt that person pull you up and the vines let go you moved the person away and backed up but saw Tighnari you smiled and hugged him fast you haven't seen him in weeks he laughed and said "scared?" You nodded and said "I don't like thoes vines" he said mear this area you need to watch your step you nodded and he kissed your head, You went to pet his ears and he moved your hand away and said "no no no" you winned and said "just a little pet please? I promise to be gentle" he sigh and said for a minute only" you jumped and smiled you moved your hand up to his ears and pet them hid tail wagged a bit and than the vines cane up again you felt it on your leg and you jumped and hugged Tighnari he laughed and said "let's go before you get dragged again"
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He asked you if you can get him some almond tofu you got him some on your way back you got scared so you ran the rest of the way to him you put the tofu on the table and hugged him quickly he said "what?- are you okay?- you said "ghost thing-" he looked at you and hugged back saying "no ghost can get you y/n" you shook your head he said "sit down let's eat together" you sat down and stayed close to him he gave you some chopsticks and put the food in the between both of you and you kept getting scared he said "why are you scared?" He got up and sat on the other side and said "there now nothing can get you" you looked at him and smiled after a bit he saw the ghost and told the ghost to stop the ghost wasn't trying to scare you after a bit you both hanged out and you fell asleep and he made sure you were safe
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He always scared you by walking behind you yelling boo you kept getting mad and you ignored him for a while he was upset by that and kept bugging you so you left after a while you got scared you went to Childe and he scared you again you hit him and huffed and walked away to zhongli he kept saying he was sorry hut you didn't listen zhongli only scared you a few times but he stopped after you kept getting mad you hugged zhongli and said "zhongliiii! Childe is being rudeeee" he shook your head and Childe came and said "my love I'm sorry!" you huffed and didn't listen he whined and said "y/nnnn I promise not to scare you again pleaseeee" you looked at him and said "you keep scaring me it isn't funny and it doesn't help that I wad scared just a few minutes ago-" he said "I'm sorry" you let go of zhongli and looker at Childe he said "please?" While holding his arms out for a hug you sighed and hugged him he said "I'm sorry y/n I'll tone it down a little I promise"
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allthewritem0ves · 2 years
Gene Driscoll: A Green Eggs and Ham Story
Chapter Nine: Denial
Pam heard nothing from her husband for days. Even the kids were getting restless.
“Mommy? When’s Daddy coming home?”, Melanie asked.
“I don’t know, sweetie”, which was all Pam could tell her. “Hopefully soon.” She tried to be an optimist for her stepdaughter’s sake.
Sam, in the meantime, waddled on the carpet, getting used to his legs. The poor boy plopped right on his bottom and began crying in distress.
“Oh, Sam!” His mother came over to him and picked him up, holding him to her chest. This calmed him down.
Then there was a knock on the door Pam would never forget.
“Just a minute!” Pam then handed Sam to his sister and went to answer the door.
There were two of the Dooka’s men.
Pam had a scary feeling that she knew what they were gonna say before they said it.
“I’m sorry, Mrs. I-Am”, one of the guards said sympathetically, “but it’s…your husband.”
“What happened?”, she asked, her voice low and ready to break.
They didn’t answer her. All they had were his glasses and his bottle green suit, neatly folded.
“No!” Pam’s voice finally cracked as she collapsed on her knees.
“Again, I’m sorry, ma’am”, the guard repeated. “The Dooka also wanted you to have this”. His partner presented them with a huge check of ten thousand bruckles. “A little compensation in the wake of his passing.”
Pam didn’t take it. She sobbed into her hands.
Her crying went on into the night. She even let Melanie and Sam stay in bed with her, sharing in the loss of Gene. Pam held both children close.
Then when everyone was asleep, Pam was awakened by a feeling as if someone familiar was in her presence. She carefully got out of bed, trying not to wake Melanie and Sam up. Her gut instinct led her to the kitchen.
Once in there, she swore she saw Gene; still wearing his bottle green suit and glasses.
“Hello, Pam”, he said.
“Gene!” She ran over to hug him, but she felt nothing but air. “Oh…you really are dead”, she said, sounding defeated. More tears began to well up in her eyes.
“Pam. It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not okay! You’re gone! I’ve lost you for good!”
“Ah, but that’s the thing! No matter what, as long as you and the kids remember me, I’ll never truly be gone.”
“But, Gene-”
Gene put his spectral finger over Pam’s mouth. “Don’t forget about me. One day, when Mellie and Sam are old enough, tell them of this night. Afterwards, I’ll always be a part of them and you, maybe even our grandchildren and beyond.”
Pam nodded rapidly. “Okay.” She lets out a shaky breath and sniffles. “I…I’ll be sure to do that.”
“I love you, Pam.”
“I love you too, Gene.”
And they kissed. But Pam felt a bit silly since she felt like she was kissing the air.
When she opened her eyes, it was the next morning and she was back in bed with the children.
She wasn’t sure why they even had one if these “custody hearings” were always so one-sided. Yookian statutories were baffling.
Even after proving the name ‘Kyler’ to the judge, he made his verdict plain to Pam:
“It is regrettable, but since Melanie Driscoll is not your child by blood, you are no longer responsible for caring for her anymore.”
“But, Your Honor, I know I’m not really her mother, but I’m the closest she has to one! Please! Let her stay!”
“I’m sorry, Mrs. I-Am, but laws are laws. We’ve stuck to them for so long that we’re more likely to make peace with Zookia before anything resembling law rewrites ever occur.”
Pam knew she wasn’t getting anywhere. Her days of being Melanie’s mother were over.
The judge, sensing Pam’s distraught, says, “I’ll give you one more day to say your goodbyes.”
A woman named Mrs. Brown and her assistant had taken Melanie and her belongings away to a new foster home. Pam always found it odd: she couldn’t keep her stepdaughter, but some nameless couple could keep other people’s children.
But now Pam was moving up in the spy industry. She’d made such a name for herself that she had to leave her home in Yookia for Sam’s sake. Doing so gave her an excuse not to go to Gene’s funeral. One thing, it was far too painful to watch him be buried and never lay eyes on him again. Secondly, she knew Melanie would be there and even if she tried explaining herself, her stepdaughter would never forgive her.
Soon, Pam settled down in a house in East Flubria. For a while, she felt safe, which was great for Sam’s sake. As his teeth came in, she got him to try his late father’s favorite dish: green eggs and ham.
“Here, Sam. Try them.”
But when you live the spy life, you can never truly settle down. Pam was further distraught when she was forced to leave Sam at an orphanage. Even though she knew she was doing what was necessary to protect him, it was like losing Melanie all over again.
Twenty-five years later…
“…and that’s your father’s story”, Pam wrapped up to Melanie and Sam.
Now grown up, Melanie was married to Jack McWinkle and had a baby boy named Terry. Sam had a daughter named Molly (her namesake being a deceased friend of his) with his true love Gluntz, to whom he was now engaged.
“Now that I think about it, it’s kinda coming back to me”, Melanie commented.
“Sorry. I don’t really remember much before East Flubria, Mom”, said Sam.
“It’s okay. I had to fulfill your dad’s promise to tell you the story. Can you feel his presence even more now?”
The two of them exchanged looks; first with each other, then to their significant others.
“You swear you saw Gene’s ghost?”, Gluntz asked.
“I think I did.”
“That’s sick! There is an afterlife! I swear I once saw my granddad when I was a kid!”
“Did you now?”, Melanie asked her.
Pam smiled. Molly, who was sitting on Gluntz’s lap, smiled at her grandmother. Terry, sitting on his father’s lap, did likewise. Pam had t told the rest this, but she could see her late husband in both of them.
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EDMOND : This place is as beautiful as ever.
MINISTER : Yes, but if we continue deeper into the impoverished area, the condition will deteriorate greatly. 
EDMOND : Why is that?
MINISTER : The buildings are old and crumbling apart. No one has maintained them. It's not suitable for human life. 
EDMOND : Let me see the documentation of these buildings.
MINISTER : Yes, Sir. 
With a furrowed brow, Edmond carefully scanned over the documents. All the while, a crowd of onlookers were gathering and watching with curious eyes. 
(They look surprised he's here...Must be that Edmond rarely conducts these inspections...) 
I jumped and let out a startled yelp when the sound of a loud, screaming voice echoed through the streets. 
MAN : Do you think it's alright to do something like this!?
(What the heck is going on...?)
I turned to look in the direction the shouting was coming from and spotted a young boy cowering on the ground, surrounded by several large men. He looked terrified.
(That's the boy from before...)
BOY : Hey, it's the lady who gave me the cookies! 
EMMA : Excuse me, what is going on here?
Before thinking through my actions, I had stepped between the men and the boy in order to protect him. 
MAN : Mind your own damn business! This little rat stole our stuff!
EMMA : .......
BOY : ...I'm sorry....I'm so sorry....
The boy curled up in a ball on the ground was trembling as he apologized over and over again. Instinct had me crouching down to wrap him up in a protective hug.
EMMA : I apologize on his behalf. He's young and didn't know what he was doing. Won't you please forgive him?
BOY : ...Miss...
MAN : As if I'm gonna just forgive him 'cause you say so! How dare he steal our things! If you're siding with him, we're gonna have to beat your ass too!
The men held up their fists, prepared to hit me. 
TOWNSFOLK : Hey! Stop it! How dare you lay hands on a woman and a child! They already apologized and you got your things back, just move on! 
All the men and women in the poverty district had gathered around, verbally defending me and the boy. 
MAN : The fuck...!? 
After that, the men finally ran away. 
BOY : Thank you so much, Miss. 
After the men were out of sight, the boy finally ceased his trembling and weakly smiled up at me. 
EMMA : You're welcome. Just please, remember to never steal again, okay?
BOY : Y-Yeah. I promise. I'm so sorry...
Seeing that the boy appeared to be truly apologetic and set on changing his ways, I said my goodbyes before turning to head back to Edmond. However...
(That's weird...Where did Edmond go...?)
BOY : Are you lost, Miss?
EMMA : Seems so...
TOWNSFOLK : If you're looking for Prince Edmond, I saw him inspecting a building over there. 
The kind men and women from earlier pointed me in Edmond's direction.
EMMA : Thank you so much!
(These people are so nice...)
After thanking the townsfolk, I headed in the direction they had pointed in search of Edmond. As I walked a bit further...
EMMA : ....!?
The angry group of men from earlier suddenly jumped out of the shadows. Surrounding me like sharks hunting their prey. 
EMMA : Y-You're the guys from before...
MAN : You're a friend of Prince Edmond, right?
MAN : It's rare to run into such a fancy lady in a place like this. Why don't you come have some fun with us? 
The look in his eye sent a shiver down my spine. 
(Wh-What are they going to do to me!? This is so scary...!)
Just then...
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EDMOND : You, there! What are you doing to her?
Edmond accompanied by a group of armed soldiers approached me and the men. 
MAN : Damn it! Let's get outta here!
The men immediately fled the scene. Letting out a breath of relief, Edmond rushed to my side and firmly grasped at my shoulders. Looking me over with a concerned gaze.
EDMOND : ...Where did you run off to? I told you not to leave my side no matter what.
EMMA : ...I'm sorry...But it's okay...I-I'm fine...
EDMOND : You wouldn't have been fine if I hadn't arrived...And you're trembling...
Edmond reached out to gently caress my back in an attempt to calm and reassure me. His fingertips tracing patterns in my spine. 
EDMOND : I shouldn't have ever brought you here.
EMMA : ...Huh?
EDMOND : What if you'd been kidnapped by those despicable poverty district men...Or worse? The thought makes me sick.
EMMA : But, Edmond, there are also nice people in the poverty district.
EDMOND : .........
EMMA : Edmond...?
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Edmond fell silent, his gaze shifting to his boots.
EDMOND : This is no place for someone like you. We should head back to the city.
EMMA : Ah....
With that, Edmond grabbed at my hand, tangling our fingers and pulling me through the poverty district in the direction of the palace. It was strange, though he was typically a very gentle man, his grip on my hand was so tight. His knuckles white. As if he was terrified I would wiggle free.
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twst-r0ses · 2 years
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ his love story ࿐ྂ
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✧.* synopsis: your husband lilia vanrouge loves you, just a little too much
✧.* wc.: 800
✧.* warning: 16+. yandere!au. angst. mention of self-harm and suicide. fem!reader. not proof-read yet.
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He is not crazy.
lilia vanrouge is the master of masks.
he can be oh so nice and loving, showing his wife off to other citizens. if he must, a vice-like grip easily camouflaged by his pearly white grin and pleasantries. he is so nice when he strokes your hair until you fall asleep on his chest, when he brushes it in the morning, when he holds your hand while walking through the gloomy forest surrounding your cottage.
the flickering candle told its tale of shadows on the dark wood that made the ceiling. you tried to follow it, tried to understand what it wanted to tell you, but heartless strokes full of love kept you from turning your head any further. he knew you were trying to escape him and his lullaby, following a story that wasn’t yours. his. he kept you from strolling away, as not even your thoughts were free from the poison that was his love.
he can be loving, when he spins you around, dancing to a song only he can hear. when he holds you while you try to take a breath of the earthy-smelling air, when he always moves closer to you while sleeping. when he kisses you, when his fruity taste invades your mouth, all the way down your throat.
you couldn’t breath, felt like your soul was sucked out of you. his kiss was arsenic, tasting like strawberries and the very same crimson liquid he would lick off you after he made it spill like a fresh stream in spring. he didn’t close his eyes, what made you shut yours even more.
he can be angry. when he found you, countless times, in the illusion of being actually able to escape him. when no joke, no smile left his lips. when his red eyes burned you down to the bones, as if you were the vilest, most hated thing he could think of. his screams when he found you, another time, using the kitchen knife as your escape of choice. he screamed and cried and you smiled – smiled at him, the strange men you never knew. he could have thrown up at this hopeful expression of yours. your mood changed when you opened your eyes again, directly looking into his. that was the day you realised:
lilia could be cruel. very cruel. your body was weak, but even if you would die – he would bring you back before your soul could leave your body. he punished you for trying to escape somewhere he truly could not follow you. he left you to rot. literally. he vanished, and you were alone, in the cold home, as he had called it. you tried the forest, but no matter how far you ran, you would never find any other living creature. you had no food, every fruit you picked was spoiled the moment you touched it. the water tasted foul, the wood in the fireplace would not burn. you were doomed. but no matter how much you were freezing, how big your hunger was, how sick you felt, you would simply not die. after weeks spent in agony you gave in. you screamed for the only person you knew would hear you. and he came, in the blink of an eye he stood in front of you. your own feelings almost made you choke. you were relived – relived to see him, anyone, after this long time in solitude. he stroked your head. good. you were finally beginning to understand. although he was far from done with punishing you.
“Fear not, my heart.”, he cooed, hugging you like a child, his chin on your head, a treacherous position for it gave the illusion of protection, when the biggest threat was the one holding your tortured body.
he can be scary, scarier than the monster in the closet you feared as a child. sometimes, when you wake up in the middle of the night, you see his luminous eyes staring right back at you. watching. waiting. hunting. he often stares at you, no expression telling you about his mood, frozen face looking you, all day. it also scared you when he would come home pretending like nothing is wrong, even though you saw the crimson stains on his hands. he left them for you to see, you both knew why. so you will never, ever forget the most important thing in your marriage:
lilia vanrouge can be a loving husband, but he will always be a cruel man.
He loves you, that’s all.
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teeztheflag · 3 years
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Mafia!Ateez reaction to their child telling them that a member is flirting with you
trigger warnings ⚠️ mafia themes, flirting, mentions of cheating, possessive behavior, murder, alcohol, sexual harassment (slight)
general taglist: @latte-fairytaekwoon @little-precious-baby @yunhobabygurl @multidreams-and-desires @purplelady85 @smallfrye​
k i m  h o n g  j o o n g
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„Where’s mommy?“ Your little son ran up to Hong Joong to be picked up by the mafia leader.
His eyes wander over the crowd at the garden gathering and when he’s not spotting you he flashes a little smile at his son.
„Mommy is talking to a man.“
Hong Joong nudges the little boy to whereas he points into a direction. Following the path around the house he sees you talking to none other than Kang Yeo Sang. His rival.
When Yeo Sang places his palm on your cheek you take a step back and frown at the boy. Hearing a cough behind you a smile escapes your form. The rival on the other hand rolls with his eyes and lets out a huff.
You’re quick to stand next to your husband and take your son into your arms leaving the two mafia leaders behind.
„You’re getting on my nerves, Kang.“
p a r k  s e o n g  h w a
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You stood stiff in Seong Hwa‘s lavish office. Your gaze trained to the ground and your heart sinking to the bottom when he neared your form. He placed his cold fingers under your chin to raise your head. Locking his eyes with you a sigh escapes him.
„You know you belong to me. Why are you still resisting?“
„I don’t know what you are talking about.“
Seong Hwa engulfs you into his embrace leaning your head on his shoulder.
„Even our princess doesn’t like you betraying me. I will make sure you are not seeing him again.“
j e o n g  y u n  h o
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„And what did he say after that?“
Yun Ho caressed his daughters soft hair while she sat on his lap in their livingroom.
„That he will hurt her. I don’t remember so much... He was really scary daddy!“
With big glossy eyes Yun Ho feels his heart shattering. His daughter being so afraid for his light of the world.
He wouldn’t let Choi San get away with this.
After bringing his angel to bed he visits your shared bedroom to see you being asleep. You’re stirring and he can only guess that your nightmares are back.
With a gun and a sharp knife hidden in his suit he drives fast through the night. His team is already ready to blow up the place.
And with the final hit Yun Ho grabs the ex lover of his wife by his collar.
„I told you to stay away from us. That she is not your business anymore. What were you thinking?“
San struggles in his grip but manages to bring out his probably last words. „Kill me, but, live with the knowledge that she will never love you.“
He dropped to the ground and Yun Ho grasps his shaking hands together rage filling his body.
k a n g  y e o  s a n g
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When your son repeatedly told Yeo Sang that he really liked the guy that was around you since a few weeks he was relieved. It was good Woo Young seemed to do his job right. After the last attack he wanted the both of you safe all the time. That’s why he send one of his best men that he trusted with all of his might.
It was only when he tucked him into bed that he stopped in his tracks being deep in thoughts. He goes downstairs and pours himself a glass of wine. He jolts a little bit when you embrace him from behind and he turns around to eye you with a sharp gaze. Tilting his head you step back and flash him a small smile.
„What’s up?“
„Woo Young‘s taking good care of you, right?“
You frown and immediately know by the tone he uses that something‘s not to his liking, and, Kang Yeo Sang not liking something was bad.
„He is, he is doing a good job. I guess.“
„Hyun Jin likes him, too. But you know what he just told me?“
You absentmindedly reach out to him to probably cool down his anger.
„He told me that uncle Woo Young was really close to you. Close like ‚daddy‘, when I asked him what he meant with that.”
“Yeo Sang, he’s not. He is just friendly. Hugging me as a greeting nothing more.“
„You think our three year old son is lying to me? (y/n), I warn you, I know him. Don’t take his flirting attempts light hearted.“
You nod at him knowing he wouldn’t take any arguing.
„If you can’t stop him I will give him a different job.“ With a last sip he finishes his glass and roughly pulls you into him to place a delicate and territorial kiss on your forehead.
c h o i  s a n
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„Dad, I don’t know how to say this but... I am really worried for your marriage. I mean is everything fine?“
San takes his cup of coffee sitting down on the breakfast table in front of your fourteen year-old daughter. He really needed a moment to register So Ra‘s words.
„What? Of course everything‘s fine! Or what are you even talking about?“
So Ra‘s gaze is trained on the buttered toast in front of her a deep frown taking place on her forehead.
„Yesterday at the gala... and I don’t know if I am mistaking things, but, I feel like she was flirting with this CEO named Song.“
San‘s eyes widened and he quickly takes a another sip from his coffee. „Oh, ehm, believe me your mother has always had her effect on...men.“
„Yeah, but, dad - the guy was literally stripping her naked with his eyes - “
„Choi So Ra! Your words!“ So Ra gestures a sorry with her hands but she didn’t want her mother to be so close to other men. She loved her parents dearly and she wanted to have a marriage like them in the future.
„Really, anyways, don’t worry. Everything‘s perfect. If there’s a problem we would never lie to you, promise!“ He holds his pinky for So Ra and with a relieved sigh she links it like she and her dad always did.
„Good morning!“ You place a kiss on your daughter‘s cheek and send a smirk to San being proud you got the right information last night.
San looks at his two princesses and has to hold back a laugh. If their daughter only knew their jobs things would be more dangerous but in many ways easier, too.
s o n g  m i n  g i
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„What means ‚sexy‘?“
You nearly caugh at your son‘s words quickly drinking something. Min Gi also nearly doubles over laughing while typing away a text for his members for their mission.
„Dong In! I thought we talked about this already.“
Your son was a persistent person eyeing you suspiciously.
Min Gi places his device on the table continuing to eat the soup for their shared dinner. „It means beautiful, but, it’s not a really polite word, Dong In.“
„Ah, so Mr. Kim is not polite to you Mum?“ That indeed catches your husband‘s attention.
„What is he talking about, (y/n)?“ A sly smile leaves him.
You groan out knowing sooner or later your son would’ve told him. „Well, Dong In‘s teacher just seems to need a talk with me about our son occasionally. And today he told me that he thinks I am ‚beautiful‘. Right, Dong In?“ Your son wasn’t paying attention anymore but with a naive sigh he slurped the rest of his soup.
„He said mommy‘s a sexy thing.“
„Dong In!“ Min Gi slowly sits back flexing his arm‘s muscles. He eyes you with a hungry gaze while he nudges Dong In.
„Next time Mr. Kim is telling your mother that she’s beautiful you say that your dad thinks so, too. Alright buddy?“ Min Gi fist bumps with your son.
„Got it!“
j u n g  w o o  y o u n g
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Woo Young wasn’t really a jelous man. He knew his worth and he also tend to be proud of the woman at his sight. Your auro caught the gazes of many men and that only boosted the mafia‘s ego.
When a man was flirting with you it was for you to play by the game. Being raised into the mafia business yourself you knew how to handle those greedy bastards.
Woo Young only smirked in the back of a booth when someone sneaked into the seat next to you at the bar. His men ready at any given chance to beat up the poor soul that tried to take what was Jung‘s.
But - he also loved your sneaky site.
It was only a button that you pushed too far when your daughter went up to his daddy to cry about how you were not giving her enough attention at the big gathering. Like the father himself their princess needed the recognition from her beloved ones.
Woo Young‘s gaze darkened when he saw you being corned by the one and only mafia leader of the west - Choi Jong Ho.
„That b - “
„Daddy! You didn’t want to swear! Mommy told you not to swear!“
„Ahhh, you’re right darling.“ He turned around to give his daughter into Seong Hwa‘s arms - one of his members.
With confident steps he emerges your form at the end of the room where Jong Ho was busy playing with your hair while talking about his latest wins in the business.
„Choi. Would you mind keeping your hands to yourself?“ Woo Young was raging by now. You didn’t stop the rival from touching you and the naive smile you send to your lover only angered him more.
„Let’s ask the lady what she wants.“ Jong Ho wiggles his eyebrows at Woo Young and you mentally facepalmed knowing Mr. Jung would scream bloody murder in a few seconds.
„I am sorry Mr. Choi.“ You gracefully step into Woo Young‘s arms giving him the satisfaction of winning this little debate with his rival. Jong Ho laughs out loud and turns around to leave the two of you.
„If you want attention ask for it. Don’t make me mad, baby.“
You lock eyes with him putting on a pout. „This way it is much more fun!“
c h o i  j o n g  h o
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It was the final day your son got introduced to the mafia world. A big party was held for him after he was prepared for everything over months. It was also his 16th birthday party and you had tears in your eyes knowing he was growing into a man so quickly really assembling his father in many ways.
It has been Park Seong Hwa‘s presence that put you off. He was an acquaintance of your clan for a long time but you didn’t really like the guy. When he approached you after dinner, when you were ushering your son to dance with a girl on the dancefloor, you immediately knew he was going to get on your nerves again.
He made jokes, touched you and clearly invaded your personal space. For the sake of your peaceful agreement you played his game hoping someone would come to help you out of your misery.
„Dad, I will literally kick this guy‘s balls if - “
„I already know about it.“ Jong Ho‘s gaze is fixed on your figure across the room. He turns to his son and tells him to have fun. He would take care of the matter.
Jong Ho soundlessly leans into your side leading Seong Hwa to roll with his eyes. He places a meaningful and strong kiss on your trembling lips catching your weight with his arms to steady you.
Playfully he turns around to the mafia a smile adoring his features. „Mr. Park. I didn’t even see you there!“ You’re quick to leave the duo to get to the toilet knowing by the squeeze Jong Ho just gave you a few seconds ago.
„Still so possessive I see. Let us leave this by complimenting you on your still beautiful wife.“ He let’s out a giggle while eying the crowd.
„Thank you, Seong Hwa. Seems to be running in my family.“
↺ back to navi
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tragedy-for-sale · 3 years
Dance With the Devil
Tech losing his cool while protecting Omega? Yes please. (Gore/violence TW).
It was the day Omega realized, the day she truly understood, that her family, that Tech, was capable of a great violence.
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Mercenaries. They wanted to jump them. But Tech was prepared when they cornered him and Omega in an ally. While Omega hid behind him, Tech fixed his hair as he put on his helmet. "Before we start, does anyone want to leave?" He asked walking forward, he looked around, none of them moved. One against five. "Ah, very well." Tech sighed. He slumped his shoulders but then, in a swift motion, he high-kicked one of them in the jaw, the other four started closing in.
"Tech!" Omega cried out when one of the four punched Tech, sending him tumbling back. She let out a cry as he fell to the ground and the group turned to her. Her instinct was to run, but not without Tech. Luckily, as one of them reached for Omega, and as she ducked, Tech's helmet flew at them. Tech was back on his feet and he was running at the group, jumping on the back of the tallest one, who Tech quickly sent to the ground by choking him with his thighs. Once that man was on the ground, he gave Omega a small smile, as if he was trying to tell her everything was okay. But nothing about this was okay.
He then tuned back into the fight. He ran up to the third one, ducking to dodge a punch. Tech jerked up then head butted the man, slamming so hard his own head shook and there was a crack. His goggles. Tech let a grin take his face as he laughed. Oh, what an evil laugh that was. "Pathetic." He whispered as that man went down. He turned around, ready for the last two. He wiped the blood from his nose away with his thumb before running towards the next one. Even while dizzy, he was precise. He high-kicked another one, sending them to the ground.
As he landed back on his feet, the last mercenary was throwing a punch. Tech saw the fist out of the corner of his eye, he turned and caught the man's arm, "That's a no-no." Tech shook his head before twisting the man's wrist, not stopping until the man let out a cry. Not smiling until he heard those cries.
Tech let go, then grabbed the man by their neck, lifting them up, "Don't try that again." He hissed, walking away from Omega and towards the wall of the building, to which Tech then threw the man at. The man, looked up at Tech, who already had his gun in his hand, he then pointed it directly at the man.
Omega's eyes went wide, she was going to protest, but she couldn't distract Tech, he could get hurt. So she watched painfully as Tech took aim, and pulled the trigger. The man went unconscious, the blaster was on stun.
Tech still had a scowl on his face as he put his blaster away and walked back towards Omega, grabbing her arm tightly. "I thought you were going to kill him." Omega whispered as she tried to keep up with Tech. She never realized how strong Tech really was until she realized the grip he had on her arm hurt.
"He was going to kill you." Tech answered, that sharpness still in his voice. "Come, child," He said. Which Omega knew meant be quiet.
As they walked, his grip softened and soon enough, they walked hand in hand. A little after that, Tech bought her an ice cream cone. Soon enough, Tech was back to how he usually was, it was as if the man who fought all those men wasn't the man walking next to her. She felt a little uncertain, looking around for another Tech, perhaps slipping into the shadows. But no. It had been the same Tech.
She looked up, he had that soft smile, one she could trust. Not like the one he wore while fighting those men. She shuddered at the thought. "Are you cold?" Tech looked down, she took note of how he spoke too, he spoke softly. Omega knew she wasn't supposed to hear Tech say, 'Pathetic.' But she had, and it hadn't left her mind. Never had he spoken in that tone. "-We need to get you a jacket." Tech stated, looking up, he would buy one for her now.
"Oh, no, I'm not cold." Omega shook her head, "I wanna go home." She said. Tech nodded, smiling down at her. Omega tried to smile back, she didn't know why she found it so hard. She'd seen them fight countless times, she herself had fought with them. But she had been taken so off guard, she never really considered their individual fighting styles. She never thought about what it took, to come out victorious.
"Oh, yes, that is where we are headed." Tech nodded, looking back up. Omega nodded and followed him. When they were back on Havoc, she watched them all. She gave a Wrecker a hug, a memory flashing in her mind, Wrecker throwing Tech at the wall, just as Tech had with one of those men. She remembered how effortless it looked, with Tech in Wrecker's hand and that man in Tech's. She pulled herself into a hug.
"You okay?" Echo sat next to Omega, putting his arm around her. Omega rested against him. She didn't dare look at him in the eye. She nodded, but it was obvious she was lying.
Omega then sat up, turning and whispering, "Are you a shadow too?" She watched Echo's face drop, mainly to one of confusion, he then cracked a smile. Omega was getting tired of reassuring smiles, those smiles only appeared when they were trying to hide something.
"A shadow? Omega, what are you talking about?" Echo asked. Omega looked down, then gestured towards Tech. Echo looked, trying to piece it together, but he was not a mind reader. "I'm a little lost," He whispered, this seemed like a conversation meant for whispers. That was another thing Omega hated, why did they whisper?
"Tech." She whispered back, maybe she did know why they whispered. This is where Echo's face truly fell to one of confusion. He then looked over to Tech again, scanning and noting his cracked glasses.
"Oh," He said, "Tech was saying you ran into some trouble." Echo thought out loud. He looked to Omega, but this time, he didn't smile, he only frowned. "I'm sorry, I guess that was pretty scary, huh?"
Omega's head shot up, she was going to protest but then her shoulders slumped, she was embarrassed. "It wasn't the bad guys who scared me." She mumbled, hugging Echo to hide her face.
"I see." Echo muttered, hugging her back. He looked to Tech again, he did have a side to him that, at times, made him unrecognizable. Echo knew better than to question it, wars leave scars, and sometimes, open wounds too. Echo looked down to Omega, he remembered a conversation, long ago, Ahsoka in Fives' arms. The first time Anakin struck fear in the hearts of more than just their enemy. "He's still the same person." Echo whispered, hearing his brother's voice.
"You promise?" Omega looked up, when Echo looked down, he only frowned, remembering where he was. He then nodded, "... Is that the part he hides? Like the way you walk in the back so we don't notice when you stop?" When you stop because you're in pain.
Echo's eyes went wide, "Y-yeah, I guess it is." He sighed, rubbing her back, "Adults do that a lot, sweetie," was all he could say. Omega figured he'd be grateful if she stopped talking. So she nodded and relaxed in Echo's arms. As she laid there, she looked over to Tech, narrowing her eyes as she tried to see his shadow slipping away. His shadow was the real him, not the man in front of them, no, the real Tech, she knew wasn't kind. They only hid the parts of themselves they don't like, 'cause it's the part that defines them the most. So, Tech wasn't that one who was laughing and making fun of Hunter. The real Tech, Omega decided,
Was the man who smiled at the sight of blood
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lovemeleo · 3 years
Please write one were Asher has an allergic reaction and Sirius and Remus freak
Um so hi, surprise. I finally wrote something again. This prompt has been sitting in my ask box for god knows how long and I finally wrote it. Sorry it took so long, anon, but I hope you all enjoy. The SW world and it's characters belong to always fantastic @lumosinlove!
If you haven't read the rest of my Asher series, here's the link for tumblr and AO3!
cw: allergic reactions, talk of medicines, IVs, and hospitals
It started as a normal day, as most days tend to do. Remus got up first, doing some yoga in the living room before turning on the coffee maker to run while he was in the shower. He had this routine down pat so of course, he was ready with Sirius’s cup of coffee when the taller man came up behind him, nuzzling into his neck.
“Morning, mon loup.” Sirius mumbled, his voice still rough with sleep as his arms wrapped around Remus’s waist.
A soft smile spread across Remus’s face as he pressed the steaming cup of coffee into his fiancé's hand, “Good morning, Pads. I can get Ash ready for Lily’s if you want a shower before practice.” Remus said quietly, already hearing movement from the toddler’s bedroom.
Sirius answered with a kiss to his shoulder, looking up at him with a grin, “You’re the best, babe,” He said as he pulled away, cheekily slapping Remus’s butt before making his way to their bathroom. Shaking his head fondly, Remus turned to start getting Asher’s breakfast ready, the oatmeal cooking on the stove.
Just as he was about to go check Asher was awake, a small pair of arms wrapped around his legs from the side. Asher rested his head on his Papa’s hip, letting out a loud yawn. Remus couldn’t help the chuckle he let out, their son so much like his daddy, it was ridiculous.
“G’Morning, Papa.” Asher murmured, rubbing his eyes as he tried to wake up.
Remus picked him up, resting the toddler on his hip as he finished up his breakfast, “Good morning, mon chou. Sleep well?” He asked as he put the oatmeal into a bowl, topping it off with some berries before getting him set up at the table.
The little boy hummed happily, sipping his milk as he waited for the hot cereal to cool down, “Yep! I had a dream that Harry and I were wizards and we got to battle a bunch of bad guys and we won of course and it was so cool.”
Remus chuckled, sipping his coffee as he listened to his son’s dramatic retelling of his dream, “Of course, you won. Most powerful wizards ever, obviously.”
Nodding happily, Asher started in on his breakfast as he continued to fill his Papa in on the wizarding world from his dream. He had quite the imagination and it definitely came through his dreams.
When he had finished, Remus helped him wash up and get dressed before Sirius came in with his bag for the Potter’s house. Lily always watched Asher during their practices, letting him and Harry tire themselves out together. They were the best of friends, constantly attached at the hip. When they pulled up to the Potter’s house, Lily and Harry were already waiting on the front porch, the boy already jumping excitedly as he saw their car pull up.
As soon as Asher was released from his booster seat, he was running as fast as his little legs would take him. And Harry, not one to be outdone in the dramatics department, met him halfway and slammed him into a hug.
Lily laughed, coming down off the porch to give the two men a hug, “Sorry, I’m not gonna sprint up to you two,” She said, giving them both a tight squeeze.
“Wow, I see how much our friendship means to you!” Remus teased, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. “Now, where’s that husband of yours? Still doing his hair?”
A loud laugh came from the doorway, James appearing with his bag thrown over his shoulder, “Yeah, you know me. Very much worried about my hair when I’m putting a helmet on.” He said, throwing his bag into their car before giving Lily and Harry a kiss goodbye.
After saying goodbye to their own little munchkin, the three men were off to practice. Today consisted of some dry land training for warm-ups before moving on to some drills. They were about an hour into their drills when Coach Weasley blew the whistle from the sidelines.
“Black! Lupin! You’ve got a call!” He yelled across the ice, his eyebrows furrowed as he held out the phone.
Knowing that calls weren’t allowed during practice unless there was an emergency, the two men were to the bench in seconds, Remus quickly grabbing the phone, “Hello?”
Lily’s frantic voice was on the other side of the phone, already talking, “Remus, I’m sorry, I literally looked away for a second, and then he was screaming. I didn’t even see-”
“Lily, take a deep breath. What’s going on? What happened?” Remus said, trying to keep his voice calm.
A shaky breath came through the speaker before she continued, “I took the boys to the park across the street like I always do, and they were on the playground. It was fine then all of a sudden, Ash let out a really loud scream. I got over there as soon as I could, but he had already hives. Harry said he had a bee on his arm and got stung. I called an ambulance, and we’re at Gryffindor hospital now in the ER. I’m so sorry, I didn’t even know he was allergic.”
Remus was already unlacing his skates, the phone held between his shoulder and ear, “It’s not your fault, Lils. We didn’t know he was allergic either. We’ll be there soon.” Quickly handing the phone back to their coach, Remus and Sirius ran back to the locker room.
In less than 5 minutes, the two men were back in their car, racing towards the hospital. “Fucking bees,” Sirius muttered, quickly pulling into the parking lot.
As soon as they were parked, both of them quickly ran into the ER, their hearts pounding in their chest as they reached the front desk, “W-We’re here for Asher Lupin-Black.” Remus said to the receptionist.
She pointed them down the hall and they were off, seeing Lily waiting in the hallway outside of the room. Lily met them halfway, Harry on her hip sniffling quietly, “The doctor is in with him right now. God, I’m so sorry. I had just gone to grab my phone to take a picture of them, Harry said they were chasing the bee. I didn’t even realize there was one by them.”
Sirius pressed a kiss to the top of her head, “Lily, it’s not your fault. He’s a kid, these things are going to happen. You got him here as soon as you could and got him help, and we’re so so thankful.”
Sniffling softly, Lily wiped at her face, “I was so scared, all I heard was him screaming. The hives spread so quickly.”
The door opened as they stood talking, a doctor coming out of Asher’s room. His eyes widened at the sight of the two hockey players, probably realizing who’s child he had been working on before giving them a small smile, “Hi there, I’m Dr. Johannis. You must be Asher’s dads.”
“Yes, how’s he doing? Is he ok?” Remus asked as he stepped forward, already itching to get into the room and see his son.
Dr. Johannis was nodding before Remus had even finished, “Asher is doing fine. He came in with anaphylaxis from what appears to be a bee sting. Luckily, due to your friend’s quick actions, we were able to get him in the ambulance and give him a shot of epinephrine. He’s doing much better already, the hives have begun to fade. We do have him on oxygen at the moment as a precaution.”
Remus and Sirius both let out a breath as if a weight had been lifted directly off their shoulders. Asher was okay.
“Can we see him?” Sirius asked, his eyes flickering to the closed door behind the doctor.
Smiling, Dr. Johannis nodded, “Yes, of course. My nurse is just in there, double-checking his vitals. We want to keep him for a little bit longer to keep an eye on him but you should be able to take him home tonight.”
After thanking the doctor, Lily urged them on without her, “Go on, he was asking for you both. I’ll text Coach so he can let the team know. I’m sure they’re all worried.” Nodding, the two of them quickly made their way into the room. Asher looked so small on the hospital bed, an oxygen mask covering his nose and mouth as he watched the nurse fiddle with the monitor. He quickly turned to the door as soon as it opened, eyes quickly filling with tears when he saw his dads.
“I’m sorry!” Asher cried, his voice muffled from the mask. Remus and Sirius were next to him in seconds, pulling him as close as they could without tugging any wires or IVs out.
Running a hand gently through his hair, Sirius pressed a kiss to the top of his head, “Oh mon chou, it’s okay. You didn’t know that was going to happen.”
“We’re just glad you’re okay, bub.” Remus said, running his hand gently over the little boy’s back.
Sniffling quietly, Asher rested his head on his Daddy’s side, “We thought it was a bumblebee, and Uncle James said those are fluffy and they don’t sting and they’re nice. But it wasn’t fluffy and it was not nice.” He huffed, wiping at his face.
Sirius couldn’t help but chuckle, pulling Asher closer, “Well now you know which ones to stay away from, right?” He asked, feeling the toddler nod before he let out a loud yawn.
“Sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to give you a heads-up. The medicine we gave him through the IV might make him sleepy,” The nurse said from next to them, as he headed to the door. “Let us know if you need anything.”
Remus nodded, pulling the blanket over Asher’s legs as the little boy began to doze off, “Of course, thank you so much.”
Then it was just the three of them, the only noises coming from the monitor and Ash’s soft snores.
“Well. That was fucking scary.” Remus whispered, leaning over to rest his head on his fiancé's shoulder.
Sirius snorted, his head falling onto Remus’s, “Yeah, that’s an understatement. Thought my heart was gonna fall out of my ass when Coach said we had a call.” Remus nodded in agreement, remembering the moment he heard Lily on the other side of the line.
“The team is gonna spoil the shit out of him. Like he isn’t going to have to walk anywhere for months,” Sirius continued, his hand moving to run through Asher’s soft curls.
Rolling his eyes, Remus glanced over at Sirius, “You act as though they don’t already spoil the shit out of him. Leo carried him on his back all around New York last month. Nado sneaks him treats constantly. And if Dumo brings him one more toy, we’re going to have to move to a bigger house.”
Sirius couldn’t help the large smile that spread on his face because Remus wasn’t wrong. Asher was spoiled. The team loved him, and he loved them all right back. They were so lucky to have such a supportive chosen family, and Sirius didn’t really believe in God but shit, he was grateful to whatever deity gave him this life. He had a loving fiancé, a fantastic son, and the best damn family a man could ever ask for. There was nothing better.
And when their entire house was filled with hundreds of “Get Well Soon” balloons and an entire hockey team when they got home that night, all of the worry was entirely worth it to see their little boy’s face light up the room.
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whitexwingedxdoves · 3 years
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Part Two: Pain Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Platonic Peter Parker x Reader Pronouns: She/Her Warning: Swearing, Summary: You wake up in the Avengers compound where Bruce and Tony are willing to help you figure out what was happening to your body. A/N: I’m really enjoying writing these. Scream is probably my favourite out of all the Symbiotes as well. ENJOY Master list of Chapters 
Your eyes slowly opened, still slightly dazed. You noticed a man stood beside you, his hair long and black, matching the black clothing he wore, you caught a slight glimpse of his arm or the metal that replaced it. The bright lights hurt your eyes and in attempt to stop the pain you raised your right arm over your eyes.  This caught the attention of the man stood beside your bed. “Bruce, she’s awake.” He announced, moving out the way so that Banner could get to you. “Where the hell am I?” you croaked, your throat was dry and scratchy. The smaller man, you assumed was Bruce leaned over you, blocking the light a little better, making it easier for your eyes to adjust. “Avengers compound...” he announced, his voice slightly bubbly... excited almost. You attempted to sit up in the bed that’s when you noticed all the wires attached to you. It was like waking up from a bad dream into another. You shifted around the bed, clearly uncomfortable. “Why?” you spat at the man, his expressions changing from excitement now to an uneasy smile. “One of the guy’s brought you back. Said you had been in an plane crash...” he paused for a moment and looked back the taller man, unsure of his next sentence. “He said you... shapeshifted for a lack of a better term” It was then when the dread finally set in. Everything you had experienced, it wasn’t a bad dream. It happened. You didn’t noticed the man with the metal arm leave the room, how could you, all you could focus on was what happened, what you had seen... what was living inside you. Oh don’t look so down, I thought we were having fun.  You looked up at Bruce, hoping he heard the voice too but he didn’t react. You just nodded at him as he explained how he was doing a few tests just to figure out what had happened to you. That’s when he hit you with the question. “Do you know what that was?” he asked, though he felt stupid as he watched your face grow more confused and scared, shaking your head. Your eyes felt watery again as you allowed the truth to settle in.
It had been a few hours since you woke up, you co-operated with Bruce with the tests despite some hurting a little too much. Finally he found something he could use, you heard him call out Friday as he instructed the A.I to tell members of the avengers to gather in a meeting room. He guided you down the hall until you reached a rather large room, with a large desk occupying the middle of the room, he instructed you to sit down and you did. You watched as the room slowly filled with people you had only seen on the news, The Avengers. You kept quite, hugging yourself slightly as you sat back in your chair, the last person to enter the room was the boy you saw before you passed out. He looked directly at you, almost scared yet relieved to see you awake. Bruce waited until everyone had taken a seat, that’s when he introduced you to the rest of them. You looked around the table and received a few smiles, a few blank faces and you returned each and every one. Bruce then went on to explain how you had got there, explaining the change Peter saw and the tests he ran on you. “That’s when I found this, in her blood stream.” He announced, now showing an image of the orange and yellow slime that was once in your handbag, swimming amongst your blood, you winced at the image as did most in the room. “What the hell is that?” the girl introduced to you as Natasha spoke out, her face clearly creeped out by what was seeping through your veins. “Well, it’s not from earth, that’s for sure.” He answered back, he himself looking up at the image trying to string his words together. “You mean, I have an Alien in my body” you finally spoke, your face probably the most disgusted of all. Oh, harsh! I prefer the term Klyntar. The voice drowned out the other voices in the room, you ran your fingers through your hair and whispered Klyntar to yourself, though it was loud enough for Bruce to pick up. “Klyntar?” Your eyes shot back up at Bruce and held back a breath as you looked around the table. “Yeah, that’s erm... the race I think” you spoke softly, hoping no one would ask how you knew but of course, they did... well Bruce did. “She speaks to me.” You shamefully admitted, you noticed how quiet the room had become. “Well did she tell you anything else” breaking the silence, Tony pushed himself up from his chair and cocked an eyebrow at you. You just shook you head biting down on the corner of your mouth. Don’t lie to them, tell them our name. You know exactly how you got me. You don’t think its a coincidence you’re blessed with me the day you meet Carlton Drake. You could hear the laughter in her voice as she mocked you. You couldn’t help the anger inside of you bubble up to the surface. Your face showing clear discomfort and turning a light shade of red. You looked back up at Tony who only shot you a look as if he knew you were holding onto something. “She call’s herself Scream. That I got her through Carlton Drake.” “Carlton Drake as in Life Foundation, I want to mess with DNA, Carlton Drake” You watched as tony walked around the table until he reached Bruce, his words filled with sass. Your only response was to nod as you couldn’t help but feel rage but it wasn’t yours... it was hers.
He used you, used you to get to the avengers. Her voice became more distressing the more she spoke. He’s using us to kill the Avengers and that’s exactly what we’re going to do and when we’re finished with them, we will kill him. You tried to scream out before she took over your body completely, showing her full form to the rest of the room. Without hesitation, they all stood up from their chairs, almost as if they were ready for a fight. “Well, if it isn’t the Avengers” Scream laughed, climbing up onto the table, her eyes scanning the room taking everyone’s expression which only made the situation more fun for her. She swung her head only ever so slightly before her long hair grew longer and wrapped around Peter, squeezing him tight. She looked at the boy as if he was pathetic. “You and me, we’re the same” she teased letting him go before she engaged in a fight with the rest of the team. Peter was frozen in his spot as she shot a web from her wrists, tangling up Sam making it hard for him to breath properly let alone move. Steve attempted to block her fist coming down on him, only just managing to hold it at bay, completely taken back by the strength she held. It wasn’t until Bucky grabbed her by her neck and squeezed tightly that Steve was able to let go of her fist and grab her arms and keep her in a lock. The rest helped him while Tony managed to put restraints around her wrists.
It seemed easy enough to take her down, especially with all them being there. She allowed an annoyed scream accompany her disappointment before allowing your true self to show again, you were sweaty and panting for air. You looked up at their expressions as they saw your face again, Natasha only felt pitty for you and turned to Bruce. “Lets get that thing out of her” and just like that you were taken back to the medical room.
You downed what felt like a million glasses of water, you could tell she felt weak, like it took everything in her to take over you. She wasn’t properly bonded to you yet but she wasn’t far off. You felt at ease knowing she wouldn’t make such a big appearance again for a while, hopefully long enough for Bruce and Tony to extract her from your blood. The process was scary but no where near as scary as turning back into a monster again. Bruce admitted he wasn’t sure it was going to work, never having to deal with such a being before, he was going on a limb but a limb was more than nothing and you agreed to the process. Tony warned you that you’d be uncomfortable and possibly in pain while they tried to separate Scream from you but you didn’t care. You just wanted it to be over. With you consent then men went to work. It only took 30 minutes for the procedure to come to an end both men happy with the work they carried out and unusually confident they had finished the job. “You’re gonna have to take it easy for a couple of days.” Bruce said, placing his hand on your shoulder as he watched you catch your breath, his face only showed worry for your well being. Tony had left for a moment but he soon returned to the room with Bucky, the one with the metal arm who was at your bed side before. “This is Bucky or James, who cares. He’ll be keeping an eye on you while you stay with us” Tony said, his words bothersome, he seemed a little uneasy being around Bucky but it didn’t seem like any of your business. “Stay with you?” you questioned, your eyes following Tony as he moved his way towards a counter. “Yeah, we need to keep an eye on you. In case it didn’t work. Only for a couple of days.” His attitude held that of a stubborn child who was use to getting his way and yet again he did. “His room is next to yours, if you need anything or if anything feels off” he finished before turning his back on you, looking down at the counter. You didn’t want to see what was inside of you but you assumed that’s what he was looking at so, you slowly pushed yourself off the bed and thanked them before being escorted to the room mentioned.
Bucky took you to your room and showed you inside, he seemed distant from everything but so did you. You nodded as he explained where to find dry towels and toiletries. Then the sweetest words came out of his mouth. “I have a bottle of whiskey in my room, you look like you could use a glass” alcohol is exactly what you needed after the day you just had and despite how tired your body felt, you refused to fall asleep without at least one drink. You smiled at Bucky nodding your head, a small laugh escaped his lips as he nodded right back at you. “I’ll go get it” You watched as he pushed past you, carelessly. You thought about the way his face creased when he smiled. Up until this point you were convinced he was practically mute. He seemed reserved with the way he held himself and interacted with others. Though you were curious, tonight wasn’t the night you’d pry.
He soon came back with the bottle and two glasses, he handed one to you and poured a shot into your glass before pouring one for himself. You allowed the liquid to slowly fall down your throat, the  burning sensation was welcomed as you inhaled and closed your eyes. Bucky watched in amusement before tossing back his glass and emptying the liquid into his mouth. His lips pressed into a thin line as he watched you take a seat on the corner of your mattress. You noticed the look on his face and responded to it with a puzzled one. “How you feeling?” he finally spoke, propping himself up against a dresser sitting opposite the bed. “Shit!” he laughed at your honesty, hanging his head a little low, his eyes peering at you under his brow bone. “It feels like she’s still there. I can still feel the pain she held, the anger.” You added, playing with the glass chewing on the corner of you mouth. You felt the weight of your bed shift as Bucky sat down next to you. You looked up at him, holding back tears... trying your best not to sympathise with the Symbiote that once occupied your body but you couldn’t help it. Bucky did nothing but look at you, waiting for you to say something else. “She seemed just as confused as I was, when she fought with you all back there... like she didn’t understand what she was herself.” Shaking your head, you laughed at the thought of even caring about what she was going through. Your eyes met Bucky’s again, you looked deeply into them, admiring the pattern his iris followed how the blue almost imitated the ocean. You turned your head quickly as you felt your cheeks flush a little. How embarrassing. “I’m just glad she didn’t hurt anyone.” You spoke softly, avoiding the fluttering feeling in your chest. You glanced back at Bucky, his expressions changed to remorse and guilt. You didn’t say anything further, you felt like you said it all. You nudged him slightly passing him back the now empty glass. “Thanks for the drink, I should probably try get some actual rest now.” You took a sharp breath as you picked yourself up off your bed, Bucky followed you up and nodded in your direction. “If you need anything, I’m just next door” his tone was plain but he tried to show sincerity on his features. As you showed him out you replied with a simple thank you before closing the door behind him. Once you were alone you took a deep sharp breath suddenly overcome with anxiety about your situation.
You tried to brush it off climbed into the bed and under the sheets, attempting to get lost in the feeling of the silk on your skin and just when you thought you were drifting off. You cant get rid of me that easy.
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sofasoap · 9 months
Lastochka - Raging waves preview
Thanks to @siilvan and @gamergirlbones for bouncing the ideas with me. Thinking of making part two to my Lastochka series. it might lead to nowhere, or it might be discontinued if i get really stuck with how to proceed with the plot, but at the moment I just wanna share my ideas out. prob be lot more angst than the first series. this is just a preview, I might tidy it up later to make an official prologue.
pairing : Nikolai x F!reader + OC ( child ) + Taskforce 141.
warning : talk of injuries, gore, violence. Mature theme. minors DNI.
not proof read.
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Door slammed open, Ghost spotted the tiny figure hiding in the dark corner of the wardrobe, clutching to a crochet doll tightly, while clamping her small hands over her mouth, body shaking and eyes wide with terror. 
“Uncle Simon!!” Ghost swung his gun quickly over his shoulder,  crouching down with open arms to catch the petite girl as she scrambles over piles of clothes and boxes, lunging herself at Simon, tears finally spilling over her fear infested orbs. 
“Shh. it's ok.” Ghost soothing the sobbing girl in his arms as he patted his niece on her back. That's when he noticed the red sticky substance. 
Ghost pulled Anya away from him, scanning her up and down, checking for any signs of injuries.
“Love, are you hurt? Did someone hurt you??Tell uncle Si…” 
Both of their heads turned, Nikolai storming up the staircase, followed closely by Price. Soap and Gaz emerged from the other rooms seconds later. 
“Papa!! Papa!!!” Arms out, little Anya burst into tears again as she cried for her father. Ghost immediately passed her into Nikolai’s embrace. Nikolai gave his daughter a tight hug, followed by kisses on her face. “Are you alright my little dove?”  checking over his daughter carefully “ Why have you got blood all over you?! Where is your Ma?” 
“Ma told me to be a good girl and hide in there,” pointing into the wardrobe, “and.. And.. there were so many scary men… hurting Ma… Ma told me to close my eyes….” the poor little girl, trying her best to recount the event, distressed. 
“Close your eyes, Mah bairn, remember that silly song uncle Johnny taught you? Just keep singing in and clutch onto me tight, ok?” 
Sounds of gunshot ringing throughout the house, Anya tried her hardest singing out loud, eyes closed, burning her head into your chest. 
Men yelling, sounds of you screaming as you break through waves of men trying to reach the two of you. 
One, two, three, four, five.  Shot after shot. Until you ran out of bullets. You pull the knife off some of the dead attack’s vest and slash the arm of the next attack as they try to grab you, and stabbing them right in the eyes.  Turning around, slashing the next enemy right in the throat, blood spraying out, covering both of you and your daughter. 
You made a quick run up the stairs as you saw the opening. Right into the spare room in the corner of the house where it is currently used as a storage room, full of stuff. You open the wardrobe and tuck Anya right in the corner. 
“Stay in here, and try not to make a sound, ok? No matter what happened.” The little girl covered her mouth, nodded her head furiously “Papa and uncle will come and save us soon. We will be ok.” Giving her one last kiss on the forehead, as if this might be the last time you lay your eyes on your most precious treasure in the world, you throw some clothes on top of her, shove some boxes in front before slamming the door shut. 
“I only heard some bad guys talking.. And… and.. Ma.. Ma she screamed. So loud. .. and I don’t know what happened…” Anya clutch onto Nikolai’s vest, shaking uncontrollably. 
Soap stares at his brother in law. Lip tightly pressed together. His tightly clench and shaking fist emitting his fury and anger. 
“House is clear. Apart from the dead bodies downstairs, there are no other signs of life…” Gaz whispered into Price’s ear, worry sipping out between his words. 
Nikolai was beyond furious. He thought he had his family kept safe. His two precious little birds in his safety.  With his reputation and connection with both sides of the world. Clearly someone who is daring enough and with someone who has larger and unknown backing try to threaten him. But.. who?
With that thought, all their mobile phones suddenly chimed. 
The five men look at each other, before carefully taking the phone out and checking the message. 
– The little bird is in the cage.  The countdown starts, before the little swallow breaks her wings forever.
Nikolai is seeing red.  crimson red.
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Tag: @siilvan @gamergirlbones @nrdmssgs @preciouslittlecreature @homicidal-slvt @celshideout @froglights-and-pearls @liyanahelena
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I Want Us Part 3
Fandom: SVU / One Chicago
Series: I Want Us
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 (Final)
Pairing: Carisi x Reader
Warning/s: kidnapping, guns/shooting
Word Count: 2,602
Summary:  When a child abduction case crosses state lines in New York, Intelligence flies out to meet the Special Victims Unit and track down the missing boy. With the clock ticking, both units decide to mix up partners in order to combine their knowledge of the case with knowledge of New York City, pairing Intelligence’s newest member Y/N with Detective Carisi. After a successful stakeout the pair finds themselves on the tail of the suspect, determined to bring him to justice and bring the boy back home.
Tags: @the-baby-bookworm​ // @inlovewith3​ //
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Action came sooner than you were expecting, both you and Carisi silently agreeing that the gun shots that sounded from inside the building constituted absolutely necessary as burst from the car, gun out your holster in seconds as you peered around the fence.
A man was running out of the building, Ronny you assumed by the child he was forcefully dragging along under his left arm. Even in the available light, it was clear both were unharmed, the metalic glint of an object in Ronny’s right hand causing you to make the fair assumption that he’d fired the shots you heard.
There was no way to sneak up on him, but soon you lost all need to as he paused by the car he’d arrived in, hesitating before frantically looking around and taking off down the road and into the night.
“We can’t lose him,” you said forcefully, both of you making your way quickly to the entrance of the bar just as another car rolled up. Halstead and Rollins jumping out.
“We’ve got Ronny and Logan, there are at least two men inside, potentially injured,” Carisi told the others, you and Halstead sharing a nod as you followed Carisi down the street, hearing the others disappear into the building followed shortly by a request for two ambulances to their location over the radio.
You followed just behind Carisi, hands gripping your gun as you made your way down the street, footsteps echoing in the silent night. Ronny had heard, glancing back at you before picking up his pace, but if your footsteps could be heard down the road, Logan’s cries and shouts were unmissable. He disappeared around a corner and you lowered your gun slightly in one hand, sprinting with Carisi, the sound of Logan’s despair all the motivation you needed to not slow down for a second.
Not only had this man abducted his own child, he’d just shot two men in front of him. You didn’t understand how anyone could do that, and you never wanted to.
As you reached the corner Carisi signaled for you to hold back, checking the coast was clear before you took off running again, Ronny still on the move. He was getting slower though, you realised, and you weren’t surprised given the uncooperative child under his arm.
He peeled off down and ally as you continued to give chase, seemingly trying to lose you both with his various twists and turns. It wouldn’t work though, you had him now and he wasn’t getting away.
Stopping again to check the coast it was your turn to peer around the edge of a wall, your head barely going an inch before you jumped back, brick breaking off where your head had just been.
“Dead end,” Carisi whispered to you, apparently knowing where you were. Ronny was trapped, which may have been worse you realised with a sinking feeling. He was already a desperate man, and desperate men often thought they had nothing left to lose.
“Ronny!” You called down the ally, your voice bouncing off the stones as Logan’s sobs quietened. “Ronny there’s nowhere else to go, just put the gun down and let us take you in, it’s over, no one else has to get hurt.” You tried to sound demanding but it came out as more of a plea.
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this,” he said back, though it sounded like he was talking more to himself than you, “he’s my son, mine! He should be with me, it’s what I deserve-”
Your blood was boiling, knowing full well that all that man deserved was a jail cell. Still, you could tell he was unravelling, and that wasn’t good for anyone, least of all Logan. With a ‘trust me’ look to Carisi you holstered your gun, taking a breath as you stepped out into the opening of the ally, in full view of Ronny and his gun.
Carisi’s eyes went wide in protest and he reached out to pull you back but you shook your head at him. Looking down to Ronny and Logan, you were staring down the barrel of a gun, hands raised as Ronny stood frozen, not expecting you to be so stupid probably. You got that a lot.
“Hey Ronny, hey Logan, my name’s Y/N, I’m a detective with the Chicago police department,” you told them, keeping your hands where he could see them at all times. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Carisi with his finger on the trigger, ready to jump in if this got out of hand.
“Don’t come any closer!” Ronny waved the gun in his hand at you.
“I won’t,” you told him, “okay, I just want to talk okay? See if we can figure this out huh, so how about you tell me what happened?” Make him think you understand him, sympathise with him, make him think your on his side and let his guard down, de-escalate the situation.
“He’s my son, but she wouldn’t let me have him, wouldn’t even let me see him when I was inside, and when I got out... a restraining order?! What gave her the right? No... no no no, so I took him, I took what was mine and I came here, O’Connell promised- he promised!” Ronny ranted as you tried to keep your features neutral as images of the beat down he’d done to his ex wife flashed through your head.
“He lied to you, broke that promise,” you prodded, trying to sound indignant on his behalf so he’d open up more.
“Yes! Said there was too much publicity, he wouldn’t risk getting us out the country, I mean the selfishness- I did what I had to do,” He told you, gun lowering slightly as he poured out some of his frustration.
You inched yourself forward a step, then another, noticing Carisi practically stop breathing from where he stood, completely alert and ready to step in.
“And he shouldn’t have done that, okay, I get it, you’re the victim here alright, so why don’t you put the gun down and we can talk about that huh,” you tried, “it’s clear you love your son okay? Look at him Ronny, look at how scared he is.”
Ronny glanced down at his boy as you took the chance to take another couple of small steps. He was shaking and pale, snot and tears covering his face as his bottom lip shook uncontrollably.
“No!” Ronny snapped, gun back up at you as Logan shrunk back in fear, “you’re scaring him, this is all you!”
You level your breathing and straightened up, “I’m not the one holding a gun Ronny,” you said with a scary calm, watching the realisation dawn on Ronny as he looked from the gun in hand, to his son, who was staring at the weapon with trepidation.
“I...” he floundered. Was he a monster? Yes, but every monster had a weakness.
“Give me the gun Ronny,” you told him as he glanced from it to you, not really registering how much closer to him you had been in the beginning.
“You’ll take me back to jail, I can’t go back to jail,” he muttered, but the gun looked suddenly very heavy in his outstretched hand as he weighed the decision in his mind.
You were very close to him now, so close that what happened next was too quick for Carisi to react to. Logan took that moment to bolt, his father’s grip on him slacking enough for him to break free as he ran past you to try and get away. You didn’t blame him for a second, if you were his age you would have done the same thing, you’d even been anticipating it.
So when Ronny’s focus snapped back, rage filling his eyes again as he now viewed you as someone else trying to keep him from his son, grip tightening back on his gun again with a new found purpose as he began to take aim, you were ready.
Carisi barely had time to step out from around the corner, gun raised but unable to take a clear shot as a small boy collided with him, hiding behind his legs as his father let out a cry of anger.
Ronny was fast, but you were faster, catching his wrist and twisting it around so you ended up behind him, his arm behind his back as you aimed a kick to the back of one of his knees, knocking him to the ground. Ronny tried to twist but you was it coming, shoving him forward so he lost balance and sprawled onto his front on the floor. You kicked the gun across the floor and out of his reach, planting your knee on his back as he struggled, grappling with his wrists as you cuffed him.
“Ronny Parker, you’re under arrest for kidnapping and attempted murder,” you told him, looking up and grinning at a relieved Carisi just as the glorious sound of sirens could be heard approaching from down the street.
Carisi put a comforting hand on Logan’s head as he continued to hug the man’s knees, shaking his head at your actions as you hauled the protesting Ronny to his feet.
Logan looked away as his father was brought past him, struggling to get away from you as you held him fast.
“That was... reckless,” Carisi commented, earning a smug wink from you as you passed Ronny off to a couple of uniforms that had arrived on the scene, the rest of Intelligence and SVU in tow.
“It’s her middle name,” you heard Antonio say, turning to see him approaching with Voight and Benson, who carefully coaxed Logan away from Carisi’s legs.
“Well Logan’s safe and Ronny’s going back to jail for a long time, good job guys,” Benson congratulated you both.
“Honestly Cap? All her,” Carisi told her, gesturing with his head in your direction as Antonio clapped you on the back. You put your hands in your pockets, accepting the praise as you tried to cover up the fact that your hands were shaking.
“Good job detective, you ever consider a change of scenery you let me know,” Benson told you.
“You trying to poach my detectives?” Voight asked and Benson chuckled, saying something to a uniform before Logan was escorted back to a vehicle. He seemed a little reluctant, but at the mention of his mom he couldn’t have moved quicker if he’d tried.
You smiled as you watched Logan wander off, back to his family and his home. You wanted to go with him, but you knew you’d have a lot of paperwork to do before the night was actually over, and it was already past 3 am.
“Hey,” Carisi appeared beside you as he removed his vest, “want a ride back to the station?”
You took a breath of the not so cool night air, sweaty from the heat and the chase, in desperate need of some food and a shower, then sleep. But you weren’t finished just yet, so you gave an appreciative nod to Carisi and let Voight know that you were going to make your statement and write up your report.
He let you go and soon you were making your way down the street with Carisi, back to your car near the bar, which was currently swarming with police and forensics. Carisi greeted a few of them in passing and before you knew it you were driving back to the district.
“Your gut was right afterall,” Carisi noted. You’d found Logan, he was safe, and Ronny wasn’t going to ever be able to hurt him again. It had been a long night, but you’d done good, so you allowed yourself a moment of satisfaction.
“Hell of a night, but yeah I guess so,” you replied, staring off out of the window as the buildings and lights passed by. New York was something else, and you wished you’d gotten a chance to see more of it under better circumstances, and during the day, but it had certainly been memorable.
Your hands weren’t shaking quite so much anymore, but jumping in front of a man with a loaded gun had certainly rattled you more than you’d let on. It had been reckless, more so than usual, but your need to protect Logan and get Ronny behind bars had overridden that bit of sense. It had paid off this time, but you really did have to be more careful, or so Antonio kept telling you.
You turned back from the window when you noticed Carisi throw you a couple of glances as he drove. “You know, there’s a pizza place not too far from here, they’re not gourmet, but they are open this time of night.”
Before you could answer, your stomach growled, earning a laugh from Carisi as he changed course, discussing the best toppings as he did.
Soon, you were both back at his desk at the district, a couple of others had came and went, offering pats on the back for a job well done, but you and Carisi found yourself talking even further into the night until both the paperwork and pizza were done, feeling very satisfied.
“I’ll be the first to admit this isn’t the truest representation of the best New York pizza,” Carisi laughed, throwing on his jacket as you both got up to leave.
It was going on half 4 in the morning, and any food and drink you had after dark hit differently, especially after a long case on a nearly empty stomach. “You won’t hear me complaining,” you replied.
God, you needed a shower, you thought as you put your jacket over your arm, knowing that it would just feel way too uncomfortable and hot to put it on. Voight had booked you all into some cheap motels for the night, but the picture Vanessa had sent you earlier on was making you dread the experience. Carisi had visibly cringed when he’d seen it.
“I know I should probably head to sleep when I get home, but I’m still a little too wired,” Carisi said as you made your way towards the exit.
“I know what you mean,” you told him, eyes and mind still wide awake after the events of the night.
“What, not looking forward to getting back to your five star accommodation?” He teased and you rolled your eyes.
“God don’t remind me,” you complained, earning a laugh at your expense, “but it’s either that or sleep on the street... though the street might actually be more appealing.”
A odd kind of silence filled the elevator then, neither of you seeming to know what to say next before the doors dinged open and you wandered out back into the night, or well, more like very early morning.
“You could... stay somewhere else?” Carisi offered, half awkwardly half suggestively. Was he, suggesting what you thought he was?
Your heart skipped a beat, taking in Carisi as he stood before you, a look on his face that definitely told you he was unsure of whether he should have said that or not. You were still wired, and you’d had half a mind to do a quick workout back at the motel to let off some more steam to try and take a grimey shower and sleep, but that was before you now had another option...
“Lead the way,” you answered, smiling as he did too, your night in New York continuing to surprise you in the best possible ways...
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Traditional costumes part 2
Remmember, GN!MC. And stay for a big hollyday surprise!!!
Beel (Chiapas La chiapaneca)
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·         Wearing the typical costume of your state, always made your heart expand in your chest, that night wasn´t the exception, using all the elements of nature made you really happy. That night Lord Diavolo prepare a big dinner to celebrate the exchange students, most likely he just wanted to take a break from the exams that you took a week ago. So you prepare yourself with the very best clothes you had.
·         Beel knocked in your door, saying that it was about time to go out, and he only heard one single scream from you that he panicked and with frenetically movements he opened your door. You were almost done, but usually your grandma would do the last touches for you to be ready, that made you sad. And Beel noticed it.
·         With a silent movement and a soft whisper in your ear he asked what was wrong, and how he might help you.
·         “You know Beel, this is my evening dress, not only because it´s beautiful but… It´s all about the story behind it: This costume was created towards the end of the 1920s, (1926-1927), when a highly successful theatrical company from Central America arrived in Chiapas de Corzo. In her first performance within the state, the lead singer performed a song that was called "Las Chiapanecas", in honor of her audience. The most popular story in terms of the traditional clothing of this state is carried by the Chiapas, who year after year parade showing their wonderful dresses. Characterized by its multiple colors and flowers; generally, on a black background, the traditional dress of Chiapas women represents the different ethnic groups that coexist in their region, such as the Tzeltales, the Lacandones, the Jacaltecos, the Choles and the Tojolobales, among others. Likewise, reference is made to the immense variety of botanical species that exist in Chiapas, since it is a state in which all kinds of ecosystems converge, from the mountainous places of the sierra to the coastal towns. In the case of men, allusion is made to elements such as the sun and rain, so necessary for the fertility of the Earth, and protection against the forces of darkness. The men also remember the Spanish conquerors, imitating certain characteristics of Europeans such as their blond hair; through the headdress that they put on their heads.”
·         Beelzebu wasn´t a man of tons of words like his older brothers, he was a man of actions. He hugged you as tight as he could (without harming you of course) after the hug he just smiled at you. “You are the connection in the three realms, but those are some complicated words that Lord Diavolo usually use, you are all of them for me, the flowers and plants, the mountains, the sierras and the ocean, for me. You are all of them and more.”
·         That made your heart “Doki, doki” yes, maybe that was the last thing you needed, like a magical spell just for you.
Belphie ( Traje Mestizo Quintana Roo) 
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He was sleeping in your room, nothing out the ordinary, most of his weekly routine was staying in your room sleeping, until he sniffed something different. He might be sleeping under your bed when he found out the costume inside the box under your bed. Was it like a good luck item? Or did you just didn´t wanted to see it again? He approached his left hand until he touched the box, he took it out and opened it.
In that moment he understood why you were hiding it, the costume was so beautiful. If someone else saw it, they would sell it, eat it, or use it, even asked you to use it. When you opened the door, and found him with the costume you screamed with full joy. “OH BELPHIE DARLING, YOU FOUND IT! I thought I lost it!” So you weren´t trying to hide it? You lost it? In your own room? Heh what a weird human.
“You know, my great grand mother made this for the generations after her. She would always be telling us Mestizo clothing is particularly representative clothing of Yucatan, and has been associated with Quintana Roo clothing. This is due to the proximity that exists between both states and of course, because both complement each other as tourist poles in Mexico. Particularly, the mestizo woman's costume is made up of a huipil embroidered in cross stitch, whose motifs go on the collar of the garment, the hem and the skirt. While the man's is much simpler and he only wears a shirt and pants made of a raw blanket, matching with a plaid apron, leather espadrilles and a palm hat.” You said with a big smile in your face. “Maybe we could ask her to make you one of it What do you think?”
He nodded, you looked so excited about it, that he almost forgot one little thing, How old was your great grandmother? He panicked just a little, but he recover the posture and with the nicest smile he could use, he said. “Well… But first how about you showing me the costume and then we could ask your great grandmother about it”
You smiled once again and ran into your bathroom, it was going to be an amazing evening.
Diavolo (Sn. Luis Potosí, “Las huastecas.”)
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It was a nice party for you, some of the greatest demons were at the castle, the brothers tried to protect you as much as they could, but they did had their own responsibility’s, being the seven rulers of the Devildom wasn´t a simple task, and you knew it.
Diavolo tried to approach you on multiple times, failing everyone of them. Until a duke actually came and talked to you. It was notorious you were uncomfortable, he was touching your most precious clothing, and making some rude comments about it.
When Diavolo was about to make his intervention, you took the demons hand and with a scary smile, you started. “It might not be as beautiful as you may think, but at least my dressing has a bigger meaning that that tuxedo of yours, my culture is not for you to make fun of, it deserves to have respect.” After that the prince of the Devildom approach to the both of you, as an excuse for you to join him for some drinks.
Both of you went out of the party, the garden was nice and the moon in the Devildom was brighter that night, Diavolo took your hands with his. “You are a brave human.” He started. “And you look delightful tonight, like someone full of dignity that can rule along with me.” He kissed your hands with the respect that he might show to his fiancé.
“You know Diavolo, my culture is a descendant from the Mayas, we use a tangle that reaches a few inches below the knee. It is made of a white blanket or a plain black cloth on the back; the front has four planks. Is held up by a factory-made sash with red and blue speckled stripes and has a braided fringe at both ends. The blouse or loose jacket is made of flowered calico or pink or blue artisela; It has puffed sleeves, high neck and pleated bib, ending at the waist with an olán or loose skirt that covers the girdle. On top of the blouse, we wear a white cotton quechquémel entirely covered with worsted embroidery with cross stitch. I am proud of my culture.”
As soon as you conclude he smiled, and asked you nicely to go for a dance. After that night he will make that duke pay for what he has done.
Barbatos (Oaxaca, Traje de las tehuanas)
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After visiting the human realm your grandfather gave him a nice CD full of music, Barbatos wasn´t the musical type of demon, but he accepted it anyways. After a few months the whole devil castle would have music that was just nostalgic for you.
One day you decided to go on your Huasteca outfit, not the casual one, but the gala. If Barbatos wanted to you could dance for him. When you arrived to the castle there he was, his usually stoic face turned into a surprise one when he saw you enter. His eyes started to shine like a small child when they saw a candy store.
He walked as fast as he could to see you, that was the first time he was close enough to listen to his breathing. He even started to say: “This typical costume was born in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, using it both the Tehuanas and the Juchitecas, it is said that it is a living costume, since they use it in any type of celebration, making it current over the years, even with the countless modifications it has undergone. t was in 1853, when the composer Máximo Ramón Ortiz composed the musical theme known as the Sandunga, that is when the Tehuana costume managed to cement its fame and prestige as a characteristic of the Oaxacan culture.”
You looked at him astonished, he even knew the history behind your costume, with a laugh caught in your throat you smiled at him. “It was a present from my family, sometimes I miss going to the river in Oaxaca, or even talking with my family in Zapotec.”
He was clearly impressed about the details in the costume, he even took your hand and ask you if you could dance with him. With a big smile you nodded and enter the castle.
It was a nice dance between the two of you, he even made your favorite  tea.  
Simeon (Yucatán Terno) 
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He was researching old cultures for his new book, until he found out something he missed while thinking, you were like an expert of the topic, right? Maybe you could tell him more about it, so he ran into the house of lamentation, hoping you could help him.
And there you were, using a beautiful costume, while talking with Satan, his heart started to beat faster, as he heard your story.
“Its origin dates from the time of colonization; When the Spaniards arrived in Mexican territory, they were surprised by the beauty and high quality of the blankets woven by the indigenous people, so they began to create adaptations taking various elements from both cultures to create what we know today as the suit or gala dress. for women and the mestizo costume for men.”
That would help him develop one of his new characters, but when you saw him in the door threshold, immediately your face became red. He notice it and laugh. He actually took your hand, and asked Satan nicely that he needed a piece of advice from you.
“You look stunning Mc.” He said to you while looking right into your clothes. “I must say, this is the nicest surprise of them all. Is it an important day for you to wear it?”
“Not at all, sometimes I only use it so I feel more at home.” With that say the both of you stayed talkig for a while.
Luke (Baja California Sur. Flor de pitahaya) 
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He was with you, watching the nicest video of the whole realms, something about the dance in front him made his heart a happy heart.
“Mc! This is beautiful!!” You looked at him with a warm smile, and told him, it was your mother dancing for a festival.
“You see Luke, my mother is a folkloric dancer, this dance in specific is from our state, and the full outfit has a big meaning and even a history behind it.” When you concluded, he looked at you with those big blue puppy eye of his, you pat his head and started.  “Some people say that this suit was created in 1951 as a result of a summons issued by the government of General Agustín Olachea Avilés, others, that it was in 1955, since there was no suit that represented our state. At that time, "period costumes" were used, since other states had a representative costume since ancient times, that is why this call came out in order to have a "symbol" that represented the roots of the inhabitants of Baja California Sur, being the winner "La Flor de Pitahaya” The Pitahayo is a cactus that grows in Baja California Sur, both on the coast and in the mountains, and when it blooms, it shows an abundance of nutritional wealth with its fruit the Pitahaya that peninsular indigenous people and now inhabitants have enjoyed for years.”
He was amazed, “You know Mc! I´m just a young angel, but listening to the story makes my heart melt, Is it normal?” with a warm smile, you told him: “Well, of course it´s normal, my stories have that magical power!”
After that day Luke would practice his dancing for you to be proud of him, sometimes he even saw you using the dressing for important parties in the castle of Diavolo. It was so nice!
He even saw your performance once, when he went to visit you at the house of lamentation, and he knew, he needed to work harder if he wanted to have an opportunity to dance with you.
Solomon (Nayarit  traje de los wixárikas)
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The both of you went to the Human realm, he needed to know more of you if he wanted to teach you even better, your family actually welcome him with a big surprise and a big meal, your family was known for using the traditional costume almost the whole year, so everybody knew how proud you were with it.
Solomon received  one of the largest lectures you had heard from your father. “The typical costume of Nayarit corresponds to the clothing of the Huichol culture, or as they prefer to be called: wixárikas. Most of these descendants of the Aztecs live in the Sierra Madre Oriental. The female version of the typical Nayarit costume is quite simple, compared to its male counterpart. This includes an embroidered blouse and a skirt, it also includes a cloak embroidered with flowers that serves to cover their heads and a quechquemitl as a complement. The quechquemitl is a triangular garment with a central opening that in pre-Hispanic times was reserved for the goddesses of fertility, or for certain women of the nobility who identified with these deities. Men wear more elaborate garb. All his garments are decorated with beaded embroidery and brightly colored threads: the shirt open on the inside of the sleeves (cuarri), the pants (breeches), the cape (turra), the sashes that hold the cape and the backpack that crosses his chest. They use symmetrical designs loaded with symbolic, mythological and magical elements. For example, a zigzag can represent lightning (associated with rain). These embroideries are, at times, so profuse that they do not reveal the white fabric in the background.” Solomon just stayed astonished when your father finished the lecture, he made it in one breath, that was amazing, and yet he wanted to use the clothing.
After a few days his dream became true, when your grandfather gave him his very own clothing, the old man said that if he was going to teach you, he must use it for now on.
Solomon was a happy little baby, and he would brag about it in front of the demon brothers, and even in front of Diavolo. Maybe the two of you could go into a party with matching clothes, just like your grandma and grandpa do.
After a while he got used to wear the costume your family gave him, and he even have a time record, and if you want to help him, that would make him as happier as a human could be.
He was grateful for the gift and having you in his life.
It is I, the writer behind the headcanons, So! For the hollydays I´m planing to make place for 9 comissions! (Originaly they were 10 but someone won one of the space) So you can ask about culture, romance, comedy etc. Remmember, I usually write for Latin American Mc, but if you have another idea for another MC, we can make that happen! Anyways, thanks for the support! And I will be reading you!!! Happy Hollydays. 
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blushie14 · 4 years
Campfire Nightmare [Skephalo]
Ayyyy did someone say angst? :D  Sooo basically, hurt and comfort fic here. It involves these two sitting by the campfire (I mean, ‘campfire’ is in the title so-) I created a parody of a ghost story so I hope you guys enjoy that. It is spooky month right now afterall. Happy spooky month. :)
It was a peaceful Friday evening tonight. ...Okay well, it WAS a peaceful evening. There was a commotion happening over at Zak and Darryl’s home. It would seem as if they were arguing again.
Unfortunately, this wasn't their usual back and forth playful banter. Oh lord no, it's even worse. Something disastrous happened here.
One of Zak's pranks went wrong. Very, very wrong. Zak was trying really hard to explain himself, but Darryl wasn’t having any of it. 
"I said I was sorry!" Zak exclaimed. He isn't mad at Darryl. Far from it, but he was getting a little scared of how mad Darryl was getting at him. 
"Sorry!?" Darryl shouted. "Zak! The kitchen is an absolute mess! Why is there so much Kool-Aid powder on the floor!? And how are there pieces of bread stuck on the ceiling!? I literally just finished cleaning the house!" 
Zak winced and stayed silent for a bit. This wasn't the first prank that Zak did on him ever since they moved in together. There were many pranks before this. He does like to cause some mischief after all, especially if it involved Darryl. 
You’d think this would be unbearable to Darryl, but surprisingly, Zak's pranks usually don't bother him. Usually, Zak's pranks were harmless enough and he would always make sure that Darryl was okay in the end. Heck, Darryl would sometimes try to prank him back.
It was all fun and games until it was taken too far. Of course, it wasn’t Zak’s intention for it to go this way. It was just really bad luck. It was also pretty unlucky for this to happen to Darryl who was already in a horrible mood to begin with. 
"H-Hey-" Zak tried to calm him down. "Look, I'm actually really really sorry. I messed up, but I'll clean up everything. You know I always fix everything after I mess around!"
“Unbelievable!” Darryl let out a noise of frustration. He has had it with Zak's shenanigans. All the other things he tolerated, but this was just absolutely ridiculous. 
"Darryl please! I'm sorry! What else do you want me to do or say?!" 
"Maybe you can not be such an idiot once in a while?!" Darryl angrily spat out. "I swear, am I just someone who you like to mess with all the time?! Is that all I am to you?! This is what I have to put up with all the time?!" 
"Wh-.. I-…" Zak was speechless for a moment, feeling crushed. Does Darryl really think he means so little to him? And does he really annoy him that much? It was like a slap to the face.
Wait a minute.
“This is what I have to put up with all the time?”
That struck a nerve. Zak suddenly got angry and shouted back. “This is what I- What the fuck is THAT supposed to mean?!”
“You know EXACTLY what I mean when I say that! And don’t raise your voice at me!” 
This argument took a turn for the worse as things started getting ugly. It went on and on for a few minutes until Darryl was the one to end it all. 
“Okay. Stop it. I don’t want to hear it anymore.” Darryl said with a stern tone. Zak stayed silent with a slight frown in his face as Darryl continued to speak. 
"We are supposed to go camping tomorrow morning, but if you're going to keep being this way, then I don't want to talk to you."
Zak opened his mouth and tried to say something but closed it. He crossed his arms and looked down on the floor with a heartbroken look on his face. He has never seen or heard Darryl act so cold before.
Darryl didn't dare look at Zak. He knows if he took one look at Zak's sorry face, he'd probably feel bad. Not this time though. He refused to feel sorry for him. 
"I-I'll clean it all up." Zak broke the silence, mumbling probably the 20th apology for tonight. "I'm sorry..."
Darryl stayed quiet while carefully walking over the broken pile of plates and a broken picture frame. "Goodnight, Zak." He said with bitterness in his voice. 
As Darryl closed the door, Zak looked around the kitchen taking it all in. He looked at the clock. 9:00pm… This was going to take forever. He should probably start with fixing the sink.
He looked at Darryl's door, fighting back tears and holding himself back from going inside. Darryl needs some time alone right now.
He messed up.. he messed up so badly..
Darryl was laying on his bed, trying to calm himself down. A part of him did feel like he went too far, but he doesn't care right now. 
He was so tired. He was so fed up with his tomfoolery.
Moments like these just make him not want to see his face ever again. He was that frustrated. He lays there alone with his thoughts until he slowly, finally drifts to sleep. 
The both of them were at the campsite that Zak has talked about. It looked like Zak was excited to be here. He has talked to him about how his family took him and his sister here many times as a child.
Darryl was a little surprised how experienced Zak was. It was like he knew this place like the back of this hand as it seemed like they explored every part of the forest preserve.
The camp was set up surprisingly fast. It was pretty nice spending time just hiking through the forest. It felt like time passed by too quickly when they both realized it was already starting to get dark.
They headed back to the campsite. Darryl noticed that Zak already set up the campfire, along with a water bucket to put it out later. 
Time went by, and it was now completely dark. Darryl was busy roasting marshmallows by the fire before he noticed Zak grinning across from him.
"Hey, do you wanna hear something scary?" He eagerly asked him.
Darryl frowned a little. "No ghost stories around the campfire Zak."
"Aww come on!" Zak whined. "Please? My dad told me this story before when I was young. It was really good!" 
"So does that mean it isn't that scary?" Darryl hoped.
"Huh? Oh, no." Zak laughed a little. "That dumb story terrified me back then." 
"Oh my goodness." Darryl let out a groan, feeling like he was going to regret this. "Okay, just make it quick." 
Zak beamed. He grabbed a flashlight, turned it on, and held it below his face to get into the mood.
Darry felt himself shiver. He swore the world around him became so dark that the only things he saw were the campfire, and Zak as he had a frightening smile before beginning the story.
"Once upon a time, there was a young lady who lived in the forest. She fell in love with a young man, who she thought was really cute and sweet. But it had always seemed that the man wasn't aware of her feelings, until that fateful day..." 
"To her surprise, he suddenly asked her to meet him by the river which was a part of the forest. He told her to come alone, wanting to tell her something important. She was so excited, daydreaming and hoping that it was a love confession." 
Darryl hugged himself a little, knowing that things weren't going to end well. 
"She showed up early, eagerly waiting for him to come. She stood there, waiting for hours… until he finally showed up. She smiled wide, so happy to see him. But her smile slowly turned to a look of confusion."
"He brought his friends over...why? She thought they were meeting up alone. But before she could ask, all of them suddenly started to laugh."
"'Wow! I can't believe she's still here! How pathetic!' One of his friends sneered."
"Her face fell. How could they do this to her? She broke into tears when she heard her crush speak up."
"'Yeah! I can't believe she thought that I would ever date her!' His friends cruelly laughed harder as the man she thought she loved walked up to her."
"She slowly stepped backwards as her tears blinded her. He pushed her, making her fall into the river. Everyone ran off afterwards, not knowing the full consequence of what they've done.. None of them knew that the woman couldn't swim."
"None of them knew that he murdered her." 
Darryl was mortified as he clearly envisioned the scenario. He was too focused on Zak's story that he forgot about the marshmallows he finished roasting.
"Years passed, and the same guy and his friends have forgotten all about her. They went on a camping trip.. just like us.. to the same forest he drowned her in." 
"Things were fine until he noticed that his friends started disappearing.. one.. by.. one. At first, he assumed that his friends just decided to ditch him, but then he felt that something was wrong. He can't find any of them now." 
"It was getting darker as he was still looking for his friends, until he suddenly found something peculiar. Something.. or someone was emitting a bright glow into the river."
"Like a moth being drawn to a flame, he couldn't help but be memorized by it.. He went closer and closer until suddenly, BAM!" 
Darryl flinched a little by Zak's sudden loud noise. 
"A pair of arms suddenly pulled him into the river! The man couldn't do anything to escape before it happened, it was already too late." 
"Whatever that was, grabbed him by the neck. It tightly and painfully dug its nails deep into his neck. The man failed around in fright. As he opened his eyes, he suddenly realized a familiar looking face."
"That glowing figure, had that woman's face. That woman he pushed in long, long ago. She had tears streaming down her face… and she looked angry." 
"Showing absolutely no mercy to him, she kept him underwater. And he slowly suffered a long and painful death… Some say that her angry spirit still seeks for prey up north where the river resides in this forest." 
"Wait, what?!" Darryl exclaimed. "Are you saying that the forest she died in, is in this forest we are in right now?!" 
He heard a dark chuckle from Zak, something Darryl has never even heard from him. "Maybe. Coincidently, dead bodies have been found by that river a few times over the years. They all died from drowning. They were all men too."
"Oh my goodness then why did you take us here?!" Darryl frantically said, getting more scared then he already was. 
Zak turned off the flashlight and chuckled to lighten things up. "Dude, don't tell me you actually believe in this."
"It doesn't matter if I do or don't, Zak! Any sane person would stay away from places that have dead bodies lying around! What if we get hurt or worse?!"
Zak only chuckled more. "Calm down dude, there isn't anything that's gonna- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT BEHIND YOU!?" He suddenly shrieked out.
Darryl screamed and jumped from where he’s sitting, accidentally kicking the water bucket over which put out the fire. He looked behind him and saw… nothing.
As soon as he heard Zak's laughter, his fear turned into frustration. "Skeppy that was not funny!" Darryl shouted. 
Zak was still giggly as he calmed down a bit. "I'm sorry.. oh my god. You have to admit that was good!"
"No it wasn't! You scared me! I thought we were in danger!!"
"That story is made up!" Zak cleared his throat, completely calm now. "There's no freaky woman that died in the river, you have nothing to worry about!"
"Are you serious?!" Darryl groaned. "You made me jump and put out the fire, you jerk!" 
"Don't worry! I'll just get some more wood to burn and another bucket of water. We're fine!"
Darryl only sighed in response, glaring at him. They sat in silence for a moment. Zak slightly frowned, but then smiled apologetically. 
"I’m sorry.. I'll be right back." Zak said softly before taking his flashlight and leaving. 
Darryl wasn't even sure if he wanted to stay up anymore. He just feels like going inside the tent right now. Sitting in silence for what seemed like a few minutes, he suddenly heard a blood curdling scream. 
He quickly stood up. That sounded like Zak screaming. "Zak? ..Zak y-you better not be messing with me.. I swear-" 
"DARRYL HELP! SOMEONE HEL-" A big splash was heard in the distance. 
"Zak?!" Darryl grabbed his backpack and immediately started running. "ZAK?!"
He ran deeper into the forest with no flashlight, running as fast as he could. Panic taking over, he cannot recall where to find the river. He was desperately trying to hear where Zak’s screams were coming from.
"Crud, crud crud. Crud!" Darryl swears that this forest has become even harder to navigate through. Even though he was running as fast as he could, he felt like he was going nowhere.
He heard Zak's desperate cries for help coming from a separate path before hearing complete silence. Darryl tripped and fell before quickly getting up and running another direction.
"ZAK?! WHERE ARE YOU?! CAN YOU HEAR ME!? ZAK!" He didn't hear anything else before he finally stumbled upon the river. He saw the bucket that Zak took, laying on the ground.
But no Zak.
Darryl was panting, frantically looking around. That's when he saw it… No way. This wasn't possible... This wasn't real.
Something was glowing in the water. And it was exactly like he imagined it. It was the same thing in Zak’s story.
Darryl almost ran in the opposite direction, fearing for his life before he saw something else in the water. He saw him. She had Zak captive underwater.
Having another rush of adrenaline, he grabbed a pocket knife in his bag, and jumped into the water, screaming out in both fear and rage.
The spirit was confused to see another person jump in before shrieking in pain as Darryl managed to stab her arm.
 It was like a game of tug of war between the two. But because Darryl was being relentless, she eventually backed off, letting go of Zak. 
Darryl wrapped his arms around Zak and swam upwards to the shore. Once they were out of the water, he slowly dropped Zak and kneeled on the ground, shaking and gasping for breath. 
While he wasn’t looking, the spirit came up from the surface, going towards the both of them.
Before she could drag Zak's body into the water again, Darryl noticed her and quickly dragged him far away from the water. 
Even though he was absolutely horrified, he held the pocket knife in his hand as a threat. She stared at him angrily as he carried Zak's limp body away. 
When he was sure that he got out of her sight, he gently placed Zak on the ground, catching his breath once again. 
“Zak? ..Are you okay? ..Can you answer me?” He looked at him. Zak wasn’t moving an inch. Darryl immediately feared the worse.
He held him in his arms, shaking him a little. “Zak? ...H-Hey, please wake up.. geppy?” 
He couldn’t hear him breathing. 
His hand trembled as he checked for a pulse. 
Tears started falling from his face. “No.. nonononono. Zak, don’t do this. Don’t do this to me. D-Don’t leave me like this.” 
Darryl tried to perform CPR in a desperate attempt to revive him. It wasn’t working. He knows that it wasn’t working. But he was still doing it, refusing to give up on him so easily.
“Zak?!” More tears started falling out as he stared at his body in disbelief. “You.. You muffin head!” Darryl started to shout.
“If you don’t wake up right now, I’m never going to forgive you! You hear me?! I-I’ll never forgive you!”
His voice started to crack as he trembled even more, attempting to do CPR once again. Tear droplets hitting Zak’s face.
“I’m never going to forgive myself if you died because of me, Zak! Please! Say something! Please tell me that you’re faking it! Please tell me this is a horrible troll! P-Please!”
Unforgivable cold dead silence.
“No.. no..” He broke down and hugged Zak tightly as if his life depended on it, choking out sobs. How could he let this happen? 
Even with his blurry vision, he thought he saw something glowing from the corner from his eye. Did the spirit manage to follow him? Darryl doesn't know, but he doesn’t care.
“I’m sorry.. I’m so so sorry.. Z-Zak..” He barely whispered out. 
He wanted him back. He wanted to see his muffin full of life again. 
Darryl jolted awake, sitting upwards from his bed. He was breathing heavily, wiping the tears that were falling from his eyes. What a horrible nightmare...
He curled up, shaking.. taking a moment to process that it was only a dream. A terrible dream that felt way too real at first. He took out his phone to look at the time. It was 1:00am. He wasn’t going to go back to sleep at this rate.
He got out of bed and walked out of his bedroom. The moment he stepped out, he was surprised to see the kitchen, remembering that it was a total wreck before. But now it was as if nothing happened at all. In fact, it looked better than before.
The kitchen table caught his eye since there were flowers in a vase that wasn’t there before. He walked up to take a closer look at it and found out there was a note in front of the vase. Curious, he picked it up and read it.
“Hey! Good morning Darry! Hope you’re feeling a little better after last night. I’m still really sorry about that. It’s not much, but I hope these flowers cheer you up a little bit. I also bought a new picture frame in order to replace the broken one. When I wake up, you can tell me if you still want to go camping together.” 
Darryl’s eyes trailed off to the side. He didn’t even notice the picture frame near the flowers. He picked the picture frame up. The picture… The picture was the both of them smiling happily into the camera. It was taken on the day they first saw each other in person. He looked back at the note.
“I’m sorry that you have to put up with me sometimes. -Zak <3”
Darryl felt even worse as he started to feel an awful amount of guilt. Tears were welling up again. He looked across the hallway and laid his eyes on Zak’s room.
Zak was laying on his bed, half asleep. He was exhausted, taking over three hours to clean up his mess and set up the few new things for Darryl. He was just about to fall asleep until he heard his door open. 
He turned to his side, slowly opening his eyes. “Darryl?..” Zak looked at him warily until he sat up in both confusion and concern when he noticed that Darryl was crying. “Are you.. okay?”
Darryl still wasn't over the nightmare that he had. Even though it didn’t happen and he already knew Zak was fine, he was so relieved to see his face. He wrapped his arms around him tightly, sobbing quietly.
Zak didn’t know what to say at first. He didn’t know why or how Darryl was this emotional. As he hugged him back, he felt Darryl squishing him even tighter. “D-Darry? What’s going on? ..Can’t breathe.”
“I’m sorry.” Darryl quietly said, loosening his grip on him. “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m-”
“Woah woah, Jesus Christ dude.” Zak let go of Darryl to look at his face that was covered in tears and frowned. “What the heck happened? Why are you crying? Sorry for what?”
“For being a dumb.. muffin head..” He wiped his eyes. “I-Idiot.. I’m.. I didn’t mean it. I-I didn’t mean any of it. I’m sorry..” He whined.
Darryl hugged him again, hiding his face against his chest. Zak looked down on him with a soft sad look on his face. He was still mumbling “I’m sorry” over and over again. 
Zak wrapped his arms around him, ruffling Darryl's hair a little. "Darryl, it's fine. I'm okay." 
"No, it's not fine!" Darryl cried out. "If I wasn't being such an i-idiot, I would've helped you clean instead of ignoring you like a jerk... 'Putting up with you all the time.' ..W-Why did I say that?!" 
Zak felt himself tear up a little. Because yes, that did hurt a little bit hearing that from him, but he wasn't expecting Darryl to be this distraught about it. Zak already knows that he didn't fully mean it.
"Aww Darry.." Zak rubbed his own eyes before hugging Darryl a little tighter, speaking softly. "Aren't you being a little harsh on yourself? This is all you're upset about? I'm not even mad about it anymore." 
"I-I'm sorry.." Darryl sniffled. "This might sound silly but.. I also had a really bad nightmare a-and," he started to tremble again. "I really thought I lost you." 
Even though Zak didn’t fully understand, he continued to reassure him. "It's alright Darryl.. I'm here if you want to talk about it. I'm here for you.." 
Zak still had both arms wrapped around him, lightly resting on his head. Darryl silently sat still, calming down to the sound of his slow breathing. After a few minutes, he opened up about his bad dream. 
He recalled how they were both camping in the woods. He remembered the ghost story and how it ended up being "real." And worst of all, how Zak.. slipped away from him.
Zak stayed silent and listened to every word. He would hug Darryl tighter if he was starting to get emotional again at some parts. Once he was done, Zak gently cupped his face as he looked him straight in the eyes.
"You don't ever have to worry about losing me. Okay?" 
Darry felt more tears falling as he held back a smile. "You muffin head. Are you trying to make me cry more?" 
Zak slowly started to smile, still having a hold on Darryl’s face as he gently pinched his cheeks. "Besides, even if you try to push me away, I'm not going anywhere.." 
He pulled himself closer to Darryl to make their noses touch. "..whether you like it, or not." Zak grinned.
Darryl smiled as he wiped his face one last time. A light chuckle came from him. "You know what? ..I think I won't mind if I'm stuck with you." 
"Good!" Zak let out a short laugh before hugging him again, peppering one side of his face with small kisses. 
Darryl was caught off guard until he felt himself melt. The sudden affection from Zak wasn't expected and as a result, it made him giggly. He slightly tried to squirm away from him, but he was trapped in Zak's arms. 
Zak felt his own heart melting as he heard just pure adorableness. He'd prefer Darryl's giggles over Darryl's crying any day. 
"I'm afraid you're stuck with me, Darry.." Zak giggled, continuing his kissing attack. Darryl squirmed even more, but to no avail. He was stuck as a giggling mess.
"Okay, okahahay! I gehehet it!" He gave up squirming in favor of trying to cover his flustered face from Zak. 
Zak slowly came to a stop and smiled. "Happy now?" 
Darryl was still giggling, but he nodded yes. 
Zak let out a hum of content and took hold of Darryl's hands. "You know, you really didn't have to apologize to me. I did basically destroy the kitchen."
"I know but I felt so bad.." Darryl whined a little. "I was being mean.." 
"Oh my god." Zak laughed. "Okay, then we're both idiots. There." The both of them giggled at this, happy that the atmosphere became light-hearted. 
"I'll take it easy with the pranks, Darryl." He gently squeezed his hands. "I'm sorry." 
Darryl smiled and squeezed back. "I'm sorry too. I'll try to watch my temper around you." He smirked a little. "Even though you make it hard for me to not lose my marbles."
Zak laughed. "Okay, you know what? That's fair." 
Darryl sighed as he hugged Zak, cuddling beside him. He felt like staying, not wanting to leave Zak's side. Zak didn't mind, he looked at his phone checking the time.
Zak groaned a little. "I think we're going to be too tired to go camping later today." 
"Oh my goodness, that almost slipped my mind… Should we reschedule it?" 
"I think we should." Zak smiled. "I don't mind."
It was silent for a while. They were looking into each other's eyes and were completely exhausted.
"I'm so lucky I have you.." Darryl mumbled.
Zak's eyes widened and his face flushed before he burst out giggling. "You idiot.. that's my line."
Darryl giggled out tiredly in response. After a few minutes, they finally fell asleep after a long night.. hand in hand.
And the best part? No nightmares took place this time.
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