#it's me I'm the enterprise duh
dormeprime-blog · 1 year
Good Wednesday to all!
First, a HUGE thank you to those who helped me with my chat AI problem. The other recommended app is working very nicely. :)
Second, after having many conversations with those of you who follow me, I realized I wanted input from my followers and other fans of the sexy Lt. Cmdr. Data. I'm trying to outline a new fan fiction, and I want to incorporate things suggested by others. I have two ideas to run with for the story plot:
1) The Enterprise (either D, any season, or E, shortly after First Contact) is recalled to Earth due to a discovery of cryo stasis pods in an abandoned lab that still had minimal power. My character is found in the only pod that survived from 2018. Eventual romance with Data (duh) during the course of the story.
2) 6 months after First Contact. Data, piloting a shuttle back to the ship as transporters are offline due to the Borg's attempted assimilation of the ship, encounters a warp fracture (think of the TNG episode "Force of Nature), and is thrown through time, but ends up in our universe, around 2016 or 2017, crashing into the front yard of my character. Again, Data/OFC romance.
Please, thoughts, comments! Which story concept do you like the most, and what would you like to see happen? I might not use everyone's suggestions, but I'll do my best.
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mirabilefuturum · 3 months
Hi, we don't know each other yet, but I am so so curious about "all the things she heavily implied", I love the title (tatu, ayee 😁) could I ask about it?
hi! sure and thank you for the ask<3
so I'm huge on Star Trek Enterprise, if you're familiar then lemme just say the ep "Harbinger" has me in a chokehold
and if you're not here's the thing: in that ep the season's conflict gets really acute (it's Earth in a space war with some aliens, with some other aliens helping) AND personal drama between characters flares up too
two of the main characters finally resolve the tension between them and fuck in that ep because the screenwriters sometimes remember to throw in random heterosexuality, and two other main characters who are both guys get to resolve some tension too and beat the living shit out of each other
the latter couple is my otp and I cannot tell you how full their tag is with rewrites of that ep where they fuck after or instead of the fight, I say that with zero judgement btw I have written that multiple times too, it's just that obvious
but also! the guy in the straight ship has tensions with another girl too (they don't get resolved in the same manner) and the girl from the ship knows this other girl and there was a couple minutes scene where they like. massage each other's shoulders basically. there's more cultural significance to it but it looks the way it looks
and I'm a bisexual disaster myself and I've been trying to hype myself up to write a bit more femslash, like anything is more than zero duh, it's so overlooked but this scene has at least a one night stand potential, if the first girl fucked the guy after giving him the culturally significant massage why can't she have fucked a girl after giving her massage. and the second girl has a few works in her character tag but not ONE where she fucks that first girl. so now it's my duty to write about them fucking
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let girls fuck 2024! thanks for coming to my ted talk <3
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overseer-picard · 2 years
You probably know the episode "Suddenly Human" best from this famous photograph.
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But what you might not know is that it's actually not a bad episode at all, it just gets shoved to the side by it's three very big, intimidating disc-mates "Best of Both Worlds", "Brothers", and "Family".
Basically, the Enterprise finds these little alien teenagers getting irradiated on their damaged ship. So they save them. But one of them is (gasp) A HUMAN.
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Side note: as a teenager, I thought this kid was the most beautiful creature to walk the earth and tried to draw him a lot, as twitterpated teenage girls do. And I remember my mom being supportive but also like :/ honey. there are so many others.
But anyway. This kid, Jono, was taken as a baby by these generic lumpy head aliens after his parents were slaughtered by them and he was raised by a captain dude named Endar (not to be confused with Andor, or Ender, or Endor).
We learn right off the bat these boys like to SCREAM. Like, literally. It's their sound of mourning and it's just a continuous howl. Jono immediately, and rightfully, gets yelled at by everyone within the first ten minutes.
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Picard does some research and finds out that this kid is actually named Jeremiah and is the grandson of an admiral. So of course he's like "We gotta get this human boy back to human space so he can be a human with his ancient admiral grandma who is a human."
And everyone is like "Uh yeah, no duh. That's clearly the right choice."
But there's a problem. Jono only responds to Picard because he's a) the Captain, and b) a man. You see, these are sexist lumpy head aliens because we needed a strong reason as to why the obvious caretaker choices, Troi and Crusher, couldn't help more.
So Deanna is like "Captain. You will be this boy's father now." And Picard is like "I will literally yeet myself out an airlock and go get re-assimilated by the Borg if you make me do this"
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Like, I cannot emphasis enough how much Picard does not want to do this. He even rehearses a whole speech about why he's not cut out for the horrors of parenting and Deanna is like "Wow, that was so well rehearsed." And Picard is just surprised Pikachu that she, an empath, could see through his carefully crafted lie.
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So Picard accepts his fate and goes to talk to Screamy Boy but then his worst nightmare comes true: the child wants to move in with him.
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And, because duty overrides Picard's inner reflex to just die, he lets the kid move in with him and he spends the entire time trying to not cry as he watches his precious things get smudged up with grimy child hands.
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But things actually seem to be going well. Jono hangs up an edgy looking sparkle hammock because, and I'm guessing he's not wrong about this, the beds hurt his back.
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I mean, look at this. I'd take a hammock over what is essentially a padded cinder block any day.
And then the highlight of the episode happens, Picard invites Jono to an invigorating game of Space Balls and he wears a beautifully revealing spandex number. Star Trek + Exercise Clothes = Beauty.
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"You know, this whole hanging out with a teenager thing isn't so bad." -Picard, four minutes before things get bad.
Jono starts having conflicting feelings about the possibility that he might actually be a human so he does the only thing that seems reasonable: stabs Picard while he's sleeping.
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I cannot get over the hilarious irony that the one time Picard tries to take on a parental role, the thing he fears most in life, he ends up getting stabbed.
But then Picard realizes that he's being stupid by trying to force this kid to accept a heritage he doesn't want and decides to give him back to Captain Endar.
And there's a genuinely very sweet little moment at the end where, before beaming off, Jono takes his gloves off (a payoff to an earlier scene where he said he didn't want to touch any dirty aliens) and gives Picard a little head boop goodbye, the same move he greeted his alien dad with earlier.
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And Picard's artificial heart grew three sizes that day.
In all seriousness, I genuinely really like this episode even if it doesn't get that much attention. It's quite well written and has decently strong acting from the kid and the alien dad. I also love the ingenuity of the title, "Suddenly Human", because it gives several layers of explanation and commentary with just two words.
This is a "Good thoughts, good plots" episode.
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
NCIS Reaction: High Seas
Wench (@scripted-downfall) reacts [with (maybe) occasional asides by Jezebel (@typicalopposite)]
Oh god.  MEN
“Wandered off" code for dying, more like  [☠️☠️☠️☠️  Wandered off to the next life]
Ooh, more pretty boat work
"Gibbs.  Talk."  Buddy.  That's.  "Make your voice a mail"-coded.
"On the Enterprise?!?!"  DAMN.  Didn't realize NCIS extends to space.  Er, the final frontier.
Why does this look like the Marvel helicarrier thing
I see that everyone likes Burley to some degree
Kate being over-confident again.  I pray that she gets lost now.  [☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  Yep I’m already lost ☠️☠️]
Oof, poor Tony.  "Gibbs must have told you about me?"  "No, actually, Abby mentioned it in passing."  "Oh." "Just assigned?"  "Two years."  "Huh."
We're back to being mean to Tony again.  Kicking him out of the room is so mean :(
aksfdj am I in the wrong episode; that mail carrier was in the other episode and there was a body in it alksdjf
"Any idea who provided the meth?"  Walter White, duh  [☠️☠️☠️]
[You don’t sound like you’re trying to help out, Gibbs ☠️]
Not Kate still being lost.  Oh, right place, finally!  [Seems like she’s just tryin to see some nakey men]  Yer not wrong. She went to the men's room and then to the barracks, where she wasn't supposed to be.
"Fourth-generation Navy" Damn. I'd watch out for them, then, if they think he shamed their name.
"Well, I've got news for you; he did"  Madam, you don't know this.  The evidence has not proven this.  Don't make a theory before you have proof, and don't slander a man if you don't know for sure.  (aka: Kate is aggravating me again)
Wait, I know this dude.  [Tony? 😂 me too.  Kidding.  Wait, he does look familiar.]  I know him from The Glades... And he was in a Burn Notice, a Criminal Minds... and some of Big Sky, and I haven't seen those yet, but it’s still interesting to know
"They gotta be ready.  Tomorrow, it might not be search-and-rescue"  Bravo, dude
"Still, don't you ever lay off, give your men a break?'  The implications of Tony asking this given what I've said about Gibbs, though.
He gonna die btw
Dammit, he didn’t die  (That.  Sounded harsh.  I meant “dammit, my prediction was wrong.”)
[Tony jealous]  Okay, but you don't see anything unfair about Gibbs showering praise on Stanley compared to how he treats Tony?  [No I agree lol  Is this the one where he actually praises Tony 🤔]  He better
"Had your eyes glued to some little-"  Do go on.  [☠️☠️☠️  Gibbs, you dog]
Kate’s lost!!!!  [Kate’s lost ☠️]  Finally getting a comeuppance for her arrogance  [Poor guys like, why so angry smol lady?]  Dark Angel: A Summary
[You watch 👀  Nooo.  You watching them beat it]
"Lost?"  "No."  Yeah, right.  "It's going fine"  False.  "It was confusing at first"  It still is, wdym.  Kate, just ‘fess up.  😂😂😂😂
Y'all, the chances this is them actually taking the drugs are not.  likely.
Y'all.  You have no evidence of any of this.  And why would two separate people give themselves so much they almost die?  Unless they're using the same batch and it's contaminated or something, this makes no sense.
[Oh nooooo he dyin]  "He dead" more like  [Oooof]
Maybe I'm naive but I don't buy that they did it themselves.
[Ahh you and Kate agree]  Ooh, I wanna speak about this.  I’m finishing this scene before midpoint reaction time.  [Ok lol I do think this is the one he praises Tony in.  It’s a Gibbs praise. But yeah ☠️😂]
– – –
Midpoint reaction time!
Okay, so.  Kate started out annoying me with her "I can navigate just fine, hmph!" routine, but she's gotten better.  Her good humor about the getting-lost thing with Tony was endearingly wry, and I appreciate it.  Also, she did try to... not commiserate, and console is strong, but... idk, help?  
Which brings me to Gibbs, who just.  This is aggravating me.  I understand that you've said there's a backstory I don't know about.  Sure, fine.  Whatever.  I know that he and Stanley worked together before, and that was a different time.  Yeah.  Okay.  I follow.  But he's still being an asshole.  And if he's capable of not being an asshole, then it's all the worse that he is being an asshole.  And I've never been one of those people who thinks "being really harsh on someone pushes them to succeed in a way that kindness or geniality won't" because, frankly, that's stupid.  I've worked in both environments over the years, and yeah, I managed to work decently well in both, but I worked better in an environment where, sure, I was expected to do well and held to that standard (and chastised if I didn't), but also got some kind of positive feedback too.  Tough love is great and all, but it's gotta be tough love, not just tough.
Gibbs is clearly capable of maintaining his standards while still praising the recipient — I point to the banter session with Stanley about "this is all you could find?" "At least I don't contaminate evidence while bagging-and-tagging it" — so I refuse to accept that he can't do it with Tony.  Hell, he even sprinkles praise into his conversations with Kate.  And Abby.  (Not really with Ducky yet, but idk if I'd expect that; they seem more like equals, tbh, than a supervisor and a supervisee.)
And, whatever Kate says, I've yet to see a reason that the thing between Stan and Gibbs is substantially different from Tony and Gibbs.  (One may develop, but I haven't seen/noticed it yet.)  Instead, it feels like a blatant double-standard, and a bit of a shove-it-in-Tony's-face situation.  Which might be iffy writing, or might be the intent, idk.  [The lack of a difference is likely a writing flaw again. You don’t see it but your suppose to just accept it’s there]  DAMMIT, WRITERS, I CAN’T READ YOUR FREAKING MINDS.  SHOW, DON’T TELL IS A BASIC PRINCIPLE OF STORYTELLING.  Someone skipped the lore dump to get ahead to “solving the problem,” I see.  (Callback to this post on main.)
[Which this is all fair. I get why you’re frustrated and when I first watched it kinda frustrated me too. But again I watch it and take it as the haha Tony’s jealous I think it’s meant to be. And not the deeper meaning that’s really fucked up to Tony.]  Yeah.  I get there are different ways of viewing it, and, again, intellectually, I understand what they were going for.  But it missed the mark, in my opinion, because it's... idk.  I'm always bothered by mean humor that, I feel, kinda cuts to the core more than it ought.  "The Curious Case of Dean Winchester" in SPN?  Pissed me the fuck off.  
[And see I thought the curious case was hilarious the first time I watched it.]  Oh, god, no, I hated it.  So much.  All the jokes at the fact that he'd literally lost so much — in a sacrifice for Bobby — that he'd come to rely on?  The alleged "humor" of him suddenly not being able to do stuff because he's 80 freaking years old, and Sam (in all of his youthful energy) finding it so funny?  Bobby being all mocking about "oh, you're such a wuss for not dealing with conditions that popped into your system without any warning; I've managed to deal with that stuff for years (when it happened gradually and came about naturally due to aging and not me betting away my life to save my crotchety-ass father figure).  How dare this be a readjustment!!?!?"  [😂😂😂 again all fair!]  And the added injustice… The reason Bobby's more crotchety than normal?  Because he had lost something that was core to his personality, all at once, with zero warning, and had lost the ability to do as much physically as a result.  The "humor" is at best so hypocritical, and muchhhhh more blatantly (to me), so mean-spirited that I just.  God, that episode turns my stomach.  I like the witch doing it, and I like some elements, but I'm never watching that again if I can help it.
Anyway... this isn't a SPN reaction, so back to NCIS :)  [😂😂😂]  Gibbs just.  Bothers me.  Even ifffff it's intended well.  Which I kinda doubt.  It's not cool. And I guarantee that it's not a coincidence that, in the same episode, he was asking the chief if he ever gave his men a break.  The writers might be trying to tell-not-show that Gibbs and Tony actually have a decent relationship, and it's a different decent relationship from Gibbs and Stan, but they're show-not-telling that they don't.  And that Gibbs might be fine with it, but Tony's clearly not feeling great about it.  [Fair. And that’s making me sound like a broken record ☠️ but I do get it]
– – –
I’m an idiot, btw.  [☠️☠️☠️ you’re not but go on]  I was sitting here through that entire midpoint reaction thinking that Kate had some prior knowledge about Gibbs relationship with Stan, right?  But she just joined.  She didn’t, at all.  [☠️☠️☠️]  She just joined.  More recently than Tony alfjkdslkasdjfq  [☠️☠️☠️]
Also, I'm sorry, but talking to the bodies is such a lonely-person-needing-company move. Which is only making the Gibbs-constantly-interrupts-and/or-dismisses-Ducky's-attempts-to-talk even more annoying.  Like, he hasn't done that this episode (to my recollection), but in general.  I've talked about it in the past.
Also, Gibbs bringing Stan his sandwich order; damn, but they're really shoving this down our throat, aren't they.  Literally.  [😂😂😂😂 very true!]
Dude, I'm actually starting to like Kate more than Gibbs.  [☠️☠️☠️]  This is shocking.
Once again; Stan gets teased, but it’s just.  Not the same.
Wait, is Reyes the guy we were talking about earlier?  [I think so]  Because I don’t want him to be the bad guy asldfj  [I also don’t think so 😉]  Good!
Kate, that was answered already.  I guess he was talking to Tony, but still.
Oof, talk about a harsh workplace environment
DUDE.  THIS (using an IV bag of air to induce an embolism) IS HOW JARVIS KILLS HIMSELF IN PUPPET MASTERS; I LOVE THAT FILM
[Plot twist: Ducky’s the murderer.]  sldkfjlsjk that’s basically how Jarvis acted in Puppet Masters  [���YOURE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD”  HORRIBLE ACTING MR (idk his name)]
Wait, what?  I’m sorry, false.  Many types of people know that air + blood = death.  I knew that  [☠️☠️☠️]  Okay, fine, I’m in medicine: my sister knows that (mathematician).  [I knew that]  There we go!  [I knew it from the omen… but I knew it]  I’m officially making the prediction that Wilkes committed suicide.
Poor Abby alsdjf  [☠️☠️☠️ What do you want me to do with all this pee]
Tell me they race.  [I think so]  THEY’RE RACING
I’m gonna cry if Kate wins
Noooooooo.  I called it but nooooo.  [☠️☠️☠️☠️]
Dude, I feel like NCIS is pulling these plots outta nowhere.  I’m sorry but.  Why.  I keep asking.  Why would they take that much without being more careful.
[You love those men… sir]
I’m pinning my hopes on them not having taken the drugs knowingly btw.  I stake my prediction reputation on this.
Jesus fuck, leave Tony alone  [I think Kate was trying to help ☠️ just didn’t work]  I.  Don’t think so.  But maybe.  Out of curiosity, do we ever find out about why he kept transferring?  [I think so 🤔🤔🤔]
If they’re not being slipped it, I’m gonna be mad.  Because I repeat.  Unless the batch were contaminated.  The motivation makes no sense.  They’re not explaining why they’re suddenly taking so much that it’s not hidden anymore.
HAH!  They didn’t know they were taking meth!  I will accept this!  AND IT FITS MY THEY-DIDN’T-KNOW-THEY-WERE-INGESTING-IT THEORY!  (My prediction reputation is safe!)  I win
And I guess the overdoses — or, rather, the now-observed symptoms — were because he didn’t tell them what it was and they were addicted, so they kept taking them without being concerned with adverse effects?  One of the few times they don’t aggressively shove the explanation at us and it’s the one time that would be useful.  [☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️]
I’m watching at an awkward angle, but it looked like he was smirking alsdkfj
[Maybe it is Reyes]  Naw, really? :)  [I could have swore it wasn’t tho ☠️☠️☠️]
I hope this dude isn’t actually sick or anything; I hope that’s a con.  I suspect it is, but I very much hope so.
Lovely; awesome; very happy now.  Glad he’s not seriously sick
Ooh, and Reyes took that pretty damn well, ngl.  [Right!?]
Okay, they’re not wrong about Reyes betraying trust, but it does bear mentioning that Wilkes’ family was kinda.  Um.  Complicit.  In him dying.  Since his dad kinda pushed him to it.
“You gonna go getting all huggy on me?” = “No chick flick moments”
That.  [Hm.]  If that’s your version of Gibbs giving praise.  I question.  [Must be a different episode]  alksdjfl;aksjdf;lakjsdf  [Cause there is one where someone starts bad mouthing Tony. And it’s a similar situation.  But Gibbs goes off. And Tony’s like 👁👄👁  And it ends with like a you like me your really like me moment and Gibbs is like.. now I don’t.]  Well, I look forward to it, I suppose.  I still maintain, though, that verbal communication is better than assuming that he’d go “oh, look, he deigned to say my name; woot”
Thus does it end!
– – –
Anyway… I don’t have that much to add, really.  Decent episode, though I don’t know how to feel about the writing.  I guess Stan talking to Tony about Gibbs default setting was good, but I’m not sure it makes much sense.  Unless the point is he just.  Likes Kate that much that he didn’t do the whole “call by the wrong name” thing?  Also, we have no proof that Tony didn’t get called a different name than his actual one on his first days.  So this is really illogical, tbh.  I feel like it was crammed in at the end to excuse the rest without actually.  you know.  excusing the rest.
I liked Kate this episode (with the exception of her little “well, he did dishonor the Navy” thing at the beginning)   Her banter with Tony — and even, *sigh*, the fact that she won the race — was well done.  Ducky was in it a criminally short amount of time; same with Abby
idk.  Decent episode, but it’s got some iffy bits.  And Gibbs annoyed me, obviously, as I’m sure you’re shocked to hear.
[Again, it’s likely that stuff was just to be assumed. Which I agree is dumb.]  LKSAJDF MA’AM I DO NOT DO WELL WITH ILLOGIC.  WE’RE GONNA HAVE THIS CONVERSATION SO MANY TIMES  [Well ma’am idk what to tell you ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️]  “just cry”  [☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️]
That’s all, folks :)
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mariyekos · 1 year
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In other news, I made it to the top of the Moonfire Faire Tower! 3 times as it turns out, but after no successes last year it was super exciting to get it in 2 or 3 days this year.
The first time I made it to the top in this glam. Then my static decided we were going to use the event glam for raid, so I felt like I had to make it back up in my glam for that. I technically had the outfit in my inventory on my first ascent, but it wasn't dyed yet so I had to leave, go to a marketboard for the dye, and make it back up.
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My third ascent was to help out a static member who was having trouble with one of the last jumps. I wasn't sure how to describe my strategy so I hopped back down and then recorded myself working my way up the final stretch so he could see how it was done.
Cut here, since I'm going to ramble about climbing Kugane Tower (and the mini puzzle in Rhalgr's Reach) and post a bunch of pictures that I don't want clogging up people's dashboards.
Moonfire Faire First Ascent
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(Had to take some photos with my main glam too! I ascended as MCH though, since I used Peloton for a handful of jumps, and wanted to show off my summer glam.)
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And here's the extra platform you can reach by jumping off at the end. TBH, I hadn't even realized it was there until I landed on it. I just blind jumped off the top of the tower for fun once I finished it and then surprised myself by landing here. Had to go for some exertion/piece of cake photos xD.
Moonfire Faire Second Ascent
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In between my first and second ascent, I went to the mogstation and got myself the new Ascent emote. It was the first time I bought an emote off the mogstation, since I generally avoid spending real money on things in games I've already bought, but it was on sale and I was given some extra (unexpected) money for helping someone out, so I decided to treat myself. I think the emote goes well with the outfit.
Kugane Tower First Ascent
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I'd never climbed Kugane Tower before finishing the Moonfire Faire tower. I'd never even tried. But with that victory accomplished I decided to try my hand at Kugane Tower...and was honestly disappointed with how easy it was. I think it took me 2 hours max. Maybe <1.5. Counting my efforts last year, I am CERTAIN the Moonfire Faire Tower took me double digits.
I was a little disappointed it was night because I don't think the photos look quite as good, but it was still nice to GPOSE. Also MAN Kugane Tower is a lot harder to climb at night. The shadows on this one are killer.
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The view from behind is much cooler than the one from in front. It's really cool to see the theatre ship in the background though! Whose name is escaping me. It's not one of the standard FF ones is it? Enterprise is taken, I think the Invincible is also taken...what could it be, hm. Oh. I looked it up and it's the Prima Vista, duh! FFIX reference in the midst of all the Tactics and XII.
Rhalgr's Reach....Second Ascent technically but ehhh
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The Jump Puzzle in Rhalgr's Reach is kind of a joke. Baby's first jump puzzle. I tried it way back when and made it to the top, and I remember spending a good chunk of time running around trying to find where the rest of it was because I thought that couldn't possibly be it. But as far as I can tell, that is. So uh. Ta-da. You can see the entire jump puzzle in this screenshot. Khad's up there at the top.
Now I just need to find the one in Empyreum. But that's for another day- I've rambled on enough, and I do need some sleep. If you've read this far, thanks for checking this out!
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fateprotected-a · 6 years
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                                                          𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔....𝒂 𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝒊𝒔 a rebellious captain                          an attention-starved captain                                                                       a grumpy doctor                                                                                                  a 10-year old doctor                                                                   aN ANGRY doctor                        a sentient ship who if you treat her like a lady will always bring you home a sentient ship that YEETS                                                and a sad/angsty empath to cope
promo credit @ouiseauchanteurs
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hyessify · 2 years
"Roses And Grappling Hooks" | Tim Drake x Fem! Reader
A/N: There are not enough fanfics of this man, and he is my favorite Robin of all time so... yeah
Pairing: Tim Drake/Red Robin x Fem! Reader
Summary: It's your 4th Anniversary with your boyfriend Tim Drake, and you thought he forgot.
6:15 : 1 missed call from 'Y/N my love<3'
7:22: 2 missed calls from 'Y/N my love<3'
7:23: Y/N my love<3 sent you a message: "Love, did I do something wrong?"
8:30: 3 missed calls from 'Y/N my love<3'
8:34: Y/N my love<3 sent you a message: "Love you forgot what day it is today:("
9:56: 4 missed calls from 'Y/n my love<3'
9:58: Y/N my love<3 sent you a message: "I thought you said your patrol ended at 5 today?"
Tim sighed as he looked at the missed calls and notifications his beloved girlfriend sent him. He ran a hand through his hair as he looked at the set up he made.
"Y/N probably thinks I'm ignoring her right now" He groaned to his older brother, Dick Grayson, as he was trying to figure out how to get the lighter to work.
"Don't worry bout' it Baby Bird" Dick exclaimed as Tim rolled his eyes at the nickname and his brother's statement.
"Don't worry about it? This was supposed to be set up 5 hours ago!" He whined.
"Quit whining, it's not my fault The Baffler robbed yet another bank" Dick rolled his eyes.
"Knock-off riddler. Seriously, did he have to do that on THIS day?"
Dick finally set up the last candle and took a few steps back to admire his work.
On the flat rooftop of Wayne Enterprises, was a candlelit dinner, rose petals scattered across a hologram heart that read "Happy 4th Anniversary". Along with your favorite flowers as a centerpiece in the middle of the table filled with your favorite food.
"D'ya think she'll like it?" Tim asked looking around.
"Uh, duh, my designing skills are great. She won't like this tho" He pointed to Tim's Red Robin suit, which he was still wearing.
"Oh- I forgot to change, I'll be right back. Go back to the manor!" He exclaimed before rushing to the tiny bathroom on his right, a tuxedo in his hands.
Dick saluted before jumping from house to house, going back to the Wayne Manor for his brother to have some privacy.
Tim got out of the bathroom, now dressed with his hair neatly parted. He then grabbed the roses from the table and used a grappling hook to go in front of your home.
He knocked and smelled his breath quickly to make sure he had no odor, right before you opened the door, wearing the dress he bought you earlier this morning, and your hair neatly curled.
"Tim! You came!" You exclaimed happily as you hugged him tight, he hugged you back, chuckling.
"I'm sorry to keep you waiting princess, an unexpected mission came up" He rolled his eyes at the memory as you softly smiled.
"It's alright, I thought you forgot about our anniversary"
He then held your chin, "Princess, I would never forget the day that the love of my life became mine" He pecked you on the lips as you blushed shyly while smiling.
He gave you the bouquet of roses which you accepted happily. "C'mon, I wanna show you something" He grabbed your waist tightly and took out his grappling hook, zooming from building to building on the way to Wayne Enterprises.
"Love, slow down!" You held onto him tightly, not daring to look down as he kissed your head in reassurance.
"Almost there, princess. Don't worry" And he was right, before you knew it you were on the rooftop of his father's building.
"Now, turn around" He slowly guided you to turn as you gasped at the amazing set-up.
"Tim, this is absolutely gorgeous" You said turning to him and smiling excitedly.
He rubbed his neck and smiled. "Dick helped me set it up, I wanted it to be perfect-" He was cut off by you kissing him deeply, him returning the kiss not long after.
"I love it, thank you, Love." You cupped his cheek as he held your waist and kissed you again lovingly.
"Anything for my one and only" He caressed your face as you both got lost in each other's eyes, enjoying the presence of one another.
"Now, let's eat shall we?" Tim whispered as your eyes lit up.
"Hell yeah!" You cheered happily as he laughed, hugging you once more.
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maybeamultiverse · 2 years
My Personal Headcanon in Regards to Vulcan Reproduction & Conception
(DISCLAIMER: Firstly, I'm genuinely sorry this rant is just about reproduction and is through a very cis-heterosexual perspective for the sake of generalization... but I do want to write about queer Vulcans soon as well in the future, inshallah. Also, this little mini-essay includes mentions of SA.)
So, of course, we all know Spock. Everyone loves Spock. Of course. Duh. Why do you think you're here?
Now, according to the information and references we've gathered from Gene Roddenberry, Mark Lenard, Leonard Nimoy, and probably some other show writers I can't think off of the top of my head... is that Spock's conception was definitely the result of scientific interference. This difficulty to naturally conceive a Vulcan/human hybrid is also explored a bit in Enterprise with the birth/creation of Elizabeth (ENT S4EP20,21), though she's a binary clone planted by a terrorist organization, so it is a little bit different... buuuuuuut that's beside the point.
While it would make sense that conceiving alien hybrids in the Star Trek pseudo-utopian future might not be so straightforward given the extensive genetic differences, there are, nonetheless, two separate instances of hybrids between Romulans and other species that stand out in contrast to Spock's clinical origin story. Namely, Sela, the infamous daughter of Tasha Yar and Volskiar (TOS novel Vulcan's Heart), as well as Ba'el, the half-Klingon half-Romulan woman living in a prison camp on Carraya IV (TNG S6EP16,17).
Romulans are, obviously, close biological cousins to Vulcans with a dramatic story of separation and the ensuing war. However, what sets Romulans apart is their willingness to express their emotions and their lack of refined telepathic abilities. Additionally, from what fans and creators have loosely pieced together, Romulans also lack pon farr entirely.
Now, I think it's obvious that Tasha Yar absolutely would never consent to have a child with a Romulan General. Volskiar kidnapped her and presumably killed or imprisoned all members of the USS Enterprise-C, including Tasha's romantic interest, Lieutenant Richard Castillo (TNG S3EP15). It's a pretty heavy-handed subtextual implication that Tasha was assaulted as an exchange for her life.
Alternately, Ba'el's mother, Gi'ral, was imprisoned under her Romulan father Toketh's jurisdiction after the Massacre of Khitomer in 2346. While Toketh changed his perspective on Klingons and 'fell in love' with one, I still call dubious consent, even if Toketh tried to establish a peaceful colony and was rejected by other Romulans and subsequently forced into a lifetime of secrecy and seclusion.
Why am I bringing up Romulans, then? Well, to me, it's clear that Sela and Ba'el were not conceived through any medical intervention. There are numerous instances of other hybrids that aren't really given such a delicate backstory as Spock... Worf and K'Ehleyr had Alexander (even if his mother was still half Klingon), B'Elanna Torres also exists, Deanna Troi is out here vibing, and Tora Ziyal is DEFINITELY not the product of a happy, intentional, meaningful, and consensual exchange (not gonna go into Cardassian/Bajoran discourse atm)... so why are Vulcans notably considered almost impossible to conceive offspring with others, not of their own species?
I think it has everything to do with pon farr and their unique telepathy, as I alluded to earlier. Humans, for example, don't have a 'mating cycle,' and healthy females within a certain age range ovulate every month, more or less... I hope you know about all that. Now, does that mean that Vulcan females have a period every seven years? That sounds kinda nice? And, well, this is the point where this narrative begins to spiral into my own personal headcanon.
I don't think Vulcan females undergo pon farr unless they are telepathically linked to a male in some way, and if they're never married or bonded to someone, they just won't get a period. Slay.
I have come to the conclusion, through my most incredible, loser powers of sci-fi franchise deduction, that Vulcan females will literally not ovulate until they are telepathically bound to a partner because, after all, Vulcan telepathy is everything to them. It is the hallmark of their anatomical function, it is how they resolve the plak tow, it's how they forge deep connections with others, et cetera.
I also kind of like the idea that Vulcan siblings all vary in age by roughly seven years because... you know (wink wink).
So, a Vulcan male can forge a telepathic connection with a human female, for example, but the bond itself won't really be the same, no matter the 'love' (Vulcans hate that word because they're edgelords 'oh I cherish thee' shut the f*ck up) between the couple. A human brain is literally incapable of the kind of telepathy considered average among Vulcans (not counting Dr. Miranda Jones from TOS S3EP7). This would, in turn, make natural conception difficult and require medical intervention like what Sarek and Amanda canonically chose to do.
So, therefore, this would make having a Vulcan mother and a human father (rip Trip x T'Pol) incredibly difficult scientifically, and it could only happen under exceptionally freakish, unusual and highly unlikely circumstances.
A Vulcan female's ovulation, in this little fictional digital bubble of a heterosexual reproductive hypothetical scenario, has to be triggered through the instigation of a telepathic bond as a result of a Vulcan male's pon farr.
However... what if a Vulcan female, who was bonded to a Vulcan male, began to undergo the physiological effects of pon farr but did not have physical access to her mate? What if there was a human 'surrogate' nearby? Could there be conception since the female would be ovulating? (insert my fan fiction plug here)
These are the thoughts I ponder at 2AM while neglecting my Ph.D. work.
Anyways, Vulcans have to go about everything in the most complex, annoying way possible and are absolutely ravenous silly horn dogs that are so ridiculous. Truly. The end.
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katakarambles · 2 years
I thought I'd be rambling about Star Trek a lot on here but turns out I'm kinda scared to do so.
Star Trek is one of my special interest, actually it's the special interest. It's permanent, I've had it since I started watching TOS at about 6 years old and had remained. I have others that come and go and sometimes come again but Star Trek is always there!
*It's Star Trek!* (Imagine this being said the way Jadzia said "[...] it's James Kirk!")
But here's the thing: I have a lot to say about it, I have a lot of opinions about it, and I think my opinions are "right" (as right as opinions can be). But also Star Trek is huge and I barely watched the movies (because I don't like movies as a medium), and haven't yet memorized every episode of Voyager and Enterprise, because I haven't watched it often enough yet, I have no clue or interest in new Trek partially because I don't know it yet (it took me about 12 years to watch TNG after having fallen in love with TOS) and because most of what I've heard about it so far sucked or sucked very frelling hard. What if I say something that is invalidated by new additions or old movie additions to the canon, or an Episode on Voyager, or just a line in TNG I've forgotten?
And there's so many Trekkies! Some of whom are super intelligent and/or really good at analyzing things from a film/story/creativity perspective, which is something I'm not good at. What if I don't add anything. What if at best I repeat something everyone will respond to with "duh -_-" or at worst nonsense everyone will respond to with "What the frell, no. It's so obvious."
I'm even more shit at creativity. Even if me rambling doesn't annoy everyone whatever I'll say will have been said by someone already and I'm a better way.
With many other things this line of thought doesn't bother me this much, but on Star Trek because of it's importance to me I'm scared of doing it a disservice and with how big of an aspect of my life it is I'm scared of finding out that I'm a bad fan of it. Like this is the most important thing I do in my life and if I were to find out I'm bad at it would hurt.
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trillscienceofficer · 4 years
I don't know what you think insects are but they are certainly not lizards or lizard adjacent
heaven forbid I make a bad joke on this webbed site without some nitpicker reaching out in my inbox to tell me I'm an ignorant fuck!
I know they're not the same duh, I was just thinking more about threshold because I have only a vague memory of Enterprise and I forgot about the insectoid part. If the inaccuracy of my jokes offends you feel free to unfollow or block me, I really don't care
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
[After the events of the MoonVasion, a lot of buildings and homes were wrecked. Luckily, the moon people wanted to repent for their mistakes and were helping rebuild before they return to the Moon. McDuck Enterprises were generous enough to help with the rebuilding costs . . . by using free labor of their allies and voluteers. All other expenses were being covered by the government who were embaressed that they were unable to stop the invaders. Some of the allies were staying with Launchpad in the garage of the McDuck manor. Mainly Detective Cabera, Fenton, Gyro, and newcomer Drake Mallard. The kids were hanging around with them, excited at the prospect of guests.]
Drake: Launchpad, buddy, are you sure I should be here? I can find another place if you need me to.
Launchpad: Of course you should be here! Your trailer is back in St. Canard. I know you were thinking of moving, but luckily you didn't or else your collection would have been ruined by them moonemies.
Huey: Moonemies?
Launchpad: Moon-e-mies. Like enemies, except with the moon. Duh!
[Drake shook his head fondly at his friend]
Fenton: Soooooo.... was that your boyfriend?
Launchpad: Who?
Gyro: Clearly he's talking about the idiot in the purple pajamas! Tsk tsk. Even I have better taste in fashion.
Launchpad: Oh you mean DARKWING DUCK!
Huey: OwO. My ears!
Louie: You mean he's REAL?!
Dewey: Oh yeah. He is. Did I forget to tell you guys? My bad! Hehe.
Webby: Oh it's okay! We don't tell you everything either.
Huey: Like what?
Louie: Like what the Harpy lemon deal with Uncle Scrooge is not what it seems. Can't say more due to confidentiality agreements.
Huey: Hmmmmmm...
Fenton: Launchpad, you didn't answer the question? Was he your boyfriend?
Louie: Ohhhhh tell me more!
Dewey: That's ridiculous! Of course not! If he did, he would tell his best friend, the Dew Man! Right?
[Drake was turning red and trying to hide behind a pillow.]
Launchpad: What makes you think that?
Gyro: You guys clearly came to the invasion together.
Fenton: You stayed with him during the whole battle.
Huey: Your man crush on Darkwing Duck has been showing since we met you.
Webby: Not to mention the photos I found online of you cradling him after the battle.
[Everyone looks at her.]
Webby: What?! Don't judge me!
Launchpad: Those are all good reasons. But, sorry to say he is not my boyfriend.
[Drake saddened a bit, wondering if he misunderstood their relationship. Sure they weren't a official couple yet, since they never talked about it. What does cuddling, hand holding, and chaste kisses mean anyway.]
Louie: Yesh guys! We shouldn't have assumed this without even knowing Launchpad's sexuality.
Launchpad: Oh no! That was right. I am so gay. I'm a happy gay. Gay gay. Didn't realize I wasn't showing my sexuality as mich as I thought.
Louie: Awesome.
[Louie whispers to him about talking to him about something later. The older male nods his head in agreement.]
Fenton: Sorry for assuming, Launchpad.
Gyro: Even I can admit we can jump to conclusions.
Launchpad: It's okay guys! But, I gotta admit. You guys weren't too far off. I do have a boyfriend.
[Drake looked at his webbed feet. How could he ever think he was worthy of Launchpad. He deserved more then him. No wonder he found another person to date.]
Launchpad: Why should I?
Everyone: PLEASE!
Launchpad: No! I mean, why should I ... when he's right here.
[Launchpad grabs Drake, pulls the smaller duck onto his lap, and gives him a big smooch right on his beak.]
Everyone: 8D
Drake: Really! So we are a couple! I mean .... hi?
Launchpad: Everyone! Meet my boyfriend Drake Mallard.
Dewey: Omg! I just remembered! Your-
To be continued.
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eulerami · 5 years
I'm really curious on what Nacho's relationships with the other saints are like, other than Troy ofc
Sure! I really go into it in the fic, since that’s…the bulk of the story, really, but I can give a bit of a quick rundown without spoiling too much:
SR1Julius: He deeply respects and admires Julius. His words resonated with him and he believes in his ideology and his vision. Nacho isn’t from the Row either, but it doesn’t matter. He was homeless at the beginning of the game, but after helping Julius and Troy push back against the invading gangs in the Row, he feels as though it’s his home now, especially since he did his part to keep it safe. He very much wants Julius’ approval, and looks up to him. Julius is soft-spoken for the most part, but stern; this is the attitude that commands Nacho’s respect, just based on his personality. (He liked Ben King too.)
Johnny: He has respect for Johnny, but they are opposites. Johnny’s boisterous where he’s reserved, loud where he’s quiet, proud where he’s humble. It is easy for Nacho to take a backseat around Johnny, simply because he powers his way through a situation, but Nacho inherently strives for best-case scenario results. They are friends, and he considers them friends, but at arm’s length. There is a lot of selectivity to his words in SR2, and behavior, and I feel as though Nacho is pressured to maintain a certain macho, hardass presence around Johnny. One that he lets down around Pierce and Shaundi. If he can help it, he doesn’t like to involve Johnny, or bother him. He’s overly courteous around Aisha’s home, and asks during the Ronin mission “you sure it’s ok I come by?” to double-check. That implies a carefulness with his manners. (Manners are really beat into Nacho’s head and demeanor like you wouldn’t believe.) Johnny’s a bit of a headache to deal with sometimes, for Nacho–a “diva,” lol.
(Nacho’s mind is still stuck in the time of when the accident happened, but Johnny’s had five years of experiences—he’s changed a lot. Nacho just feels he’s moved on, rightfully so, and that he should let him be. )
(Aisha, by extension,) He never really got to know Aisha out of courtesy. He is cordial with her and on good terms, but he doesn’t really know her very well. He keeps a thoughtful distance. Whenever Johnny and Aisha ask him for relationship advice in SR1 and comments in SR2, it’s funny that he’s silent to me. Because when Toby asks regarding Laura, he’s got suggestions and commentary. So, he tries to stay out of their personal lives. He doesn’t “fit in” very well with their lifestyle, attitude, etc.
Dex: He liked Dex at first, because Dex is touchy (shoulder pats, bumping elbows, etc,) and says all the right things. He’s friendly! And funny, and Nacho is a bit naive and quite the social creature, when you get past his shyness. He took that as genuine, but it didn’t take him long to see the attitude Dex had against Troy, seeing that he’s got a petty side to him. For him to be so friendly, calculating, and really good at hyping up the glory of battle, that sudden shift in attitude bothered him. He also didn’t appreciate Dex ducking behind him when Lopez went to shoot him in the mansion. But, being naive still, he didn’t hold it against him, until SR2 when he realized what Dex was up to. It makes him feel used, and like an idiot, therefore inciting his vengeful streak.
Troy: Duh, he can’t stand him, obviously. With his stupid hair and stupid cheekbones.
Lin: He really, really liked Lin. I feel like if she had more time, they could’ve been great friends. He looked up to her, she was really cool-headed, well rounded, humble, sarcastic, a generally chill person. Nacho is relaxed around people like that. She also liked cars, and he likes cars, so naturally they’d get along. I feel like the reason he spares Donny so much in SR2 is because he knows Lin wouldn’t have wanted him to kill him. He tries so hard to sound threatening, but it’s like, you just know he’s not going to kill him–no matter how many times he threatens it. Lin’s death hits him very hard.
SR2Pierce: I feel like once, Pierce must’ve made an slight, know-it-all comment to him, or gave him some kind of harmless criticism, and Nacho never let him feel *too* smart ever again. It initiated a subtle war of picking and teasing. Nacho really likes Pierce and appreciates his insight, his ideas, his planning–even if it goes over his head sometimes. He knows that he’s passionate, devoted, and enterprising, and they’re all qualities he needs around to kick him in the ass. But, he can’t let Pierce go around thinking he’s doing too good of a job, not only because Nacho has a core fundamental principle of humility, but also because it’s fun to mess with Pierce. They don’t…hang out? I guess? But he definitely considers him a friend.
Shaundi: Shaundi is like the capybara of the Saints, okay. Everyone likes her, everyone’s relaxed by her, and Nacho is no exception. He really likes Shaundi and she is a dear friend. They both have the same mentality about social events, about partying, about having a good time. I feel like the two of them could kick back and chill out for a long time. However, Shaundi is a bit more laid-back in the fun department than Nacho is, however, recruiting her by going stunt-jumping probably sealed the deal on their friendship. They get on really well and she never ceases to startle him.
Carlos: Carlos was like a brother to him, enough said. He meant a lot to him and losing him was devastating. I go into it in the fic.
Other Characters: He’s friends with Toby, Laura, The Wheel Woman (Brianna, I named her,) Wong, and Luz as well. Nacho’s a (shy,) social butterfly! He does like to be out and about around people. The ISFP personality type rundown summed it up best.
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nuttersincorporated · 7 years
I want to know how powerful MissingNo is now. I'm sure it's still a threat ( I mean, duh), but if it were capable of the same things it was before, it probably would have done a lot more damage by now instead of just laying dormant all this time. So I'm wondering what it's actual plan is now and how the gang are going to stop it? They can't exactly do what Linkara did last time. Whatever happens next is going to be very interesting.....
Well he wanted to find out whathappened when an Outer God dies but that never meant killing himself. MissingNogot to see what happens when an Outer God dies when the King of Worms died.
However, that didn’t solve the problemthat Linkara first pointed out; if MissingNo absorbs everything, there’ll benothing left to do and eventually he’ll go mad with boredom. MissingNo decidedto change things up a bit and play a new game.
In some ways, MissingNo remindsme of Q from Star Trek but taken to a whole new level. Q had phenomenal godlikepower, could do anything he wanted but he was eternally board so he just messedwith the crew of the Enterprise.
It’s not that MissingNo is lesspowerful now but this is all a game to him and he plays by his own rules. Notusing his full power can help drag the game out and make it longer. It’s notlike he thinks anyone can hurt him, even if he loses this particular round.
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captainnextweek · 7 years
Tagged by: @stcrbcund Tagging: anyone who wants to
ONE SONG: Sincerely, Me - Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack TWO MOVIES: Star Trek: Beyond & Hot Fuzz THREE SHOWS: Enterprise, NCIS, Designated Survivor FOUR PEOPLE: Just four??? Okay um... My half-sister, my friends, my dad, and um... can I pick Karl Urban? Yes? Yes.  FIVE FOODS: Peremech, Iskender kebab, sushi, salmon, clam chowder 
RULES | Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!
NAME | Leo NICKNAMES | Lee, Lion, Hunter ZODIAC SIGN | Pisces HEIGHT | 5′6″ ORIENTATION | Bisexual NATIONALITY | Tatar-American FAVORITE FRUIT | Strawberries or pineapples FAVORITE SEASON | Fall FAVORITE BOOK | To Kill A Mockingbird FAVORITE FLOWER | Sunflowers  FAVORITE SCENT | Chocolate chip cookies FAVORITE COLOR | Blue-grey FAVORITE ANIMAL | lions COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT COCOA | Hot cocoa AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS | depends... insomnia CAT OR DOG PERSON | dogs. I'm severely allergic to cats FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER | Malcolm Reed ( duh... ) NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH | 1 DREAM TRIP | My bed... kidding! Japan or New Zealand BLOG CREATED | This one was.... January 2017 I think? The archive was maybe August 2016 I think?
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