#it's still art and that's a valid purpose of art
vexwerewolf · 2 days
hey, I saw a post reblogged around hating the whole idea of no kink at pride and wanted to understand why that was, but noticed the comments were turned off, so I'm asking here. for reference I dont know very much about the subject and had the general idea that pride should be an all ages space, BUT (the but is very important) since I dont have much knowledge on the subject and can see you are very opinionated around it, id like to know why that is your stance from, well, someone who actually holds that stance.
No pressure to answer I simply want to understand why others hold this stance, the potential history behind it and if I am looking at things the wrong way, a chance to change my opinion
I hope all of this comes across correctly because im not trying to start internet discourse, just learn and have a well rounded understanding of a subject before taking a more solid stance
CW: discussion of sex, homophobia, kink, common anti-kink lies
Okay so if you're not read up on queer history, you have to understand that "deviant," "indecent" or "degenerate" sexuality is an accusation that's been used to repress queer people for pretty much as long as the concept has existed. It has often extended so far as to encompass any form of sex that isn't missionary cishet boning for the purpose of procreation, but it has always and by definition encompassed any and all ways that queer people have sex.
Now, I want to be clear that the LGBTQ+ community is not entirely about sex. Our community touches love, passion, art, gaming, basically every sphere of human experience, but it also includes sex. A lot of queer people like to have sex! Queer people, however, are judged for having and enjoying sex in a way that straight people simply aren't.
It's important to note that the concept of "degeneracy" is a vital component to white supremacist repression of queer people, because it inserts the necessary moral proposition that allows sex between two consenting adults to be labelled as harmful. As cynical as I am about the general public, it's actually pretty difficult to convince the average person that gay sex is something the government needs to repress in and of itself; any argument to this effect needs to come packaged with an additional, vaguely credible concern about social corrosion.
This is much easier to do with kinksters, because kinksters are weirder-looking than shirt-and-slacks queers (who, to be clear, are equally valid). But it's still difficult to make the average member of the public balk, because they'll say "well that sure is freaky but so long as they're doing it in private, who gives a shit?" So long as the people you're trying to stir up hate against aren't doing anything illegal, the average member of the public is gonna think you're the weird one for digging into other peoples' private sex lives.
Thus, the easiest avenue of attack is Pride, where it isn't in private. But it's a fucking deceitful canard. Straight people never have to answer for public displays of their sexuality, which are often far more gratuitous than some dude walking around in a pup mask.
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"How sick and fucked up can I make this thing" is a valid type of creation and story-telling actually.
"What even's the purpose of this?"
To disturb people and be fucked up, come on, catch up.
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antisocialxconstruct · 8 months
did William Gibson predict AI art discourse
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After having a social interaction I feel better. Who would have thought? Litterally my two therapists
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capricores · 10 months
if you have strong mutable (gemini, sagittarius, pisces, virgo) placements then you NEED to write things down if you don't already. all those thoughts that constantly swirl in your head: the frequent tasks, goals, feelings, aspirations, opinions, etc - WRITE THEM DOWN. this is not only therapeutic & stress-relieving for you but almost necessary, or you're going to burn out and overload your own mind constantly.
when you bottle, or when you let plans, goals, dreams, to-do lists, projects, etc live solely in your head - you'll notice you can't sleep as well, it's harder to rest, your memory gets more foggy than usual, you feel burnt out and unable to connect, etc. specifically:
write down your feelings. this will be your ultimate (free) therapy. start to journal, write a diary. make a private twitter/tumblr where you spill your feelings, frustrations, thoughts. you will feel an immense sense of relief by writing or typing your feelings out - even if no one is reading it but you. mutable moons especially. our feelings tend to change rapidly, but it doesn't make them less valid. don't bottle out of the fear your feelings will change/you'll just "get over it"!! write it down and let it out!!
write! to-do! lists!!!!! these don't have to be for important things. you want to learn digital art? you want to study coding? you want to learn french? you want to re-decorate? you probably have a billion things you want to do, and then you get overwhelmed by the options, and do nothing. write down all the things you want to do. make a to-do list for these things. get them out of your head and somewhere permanent/physical. looking at the options in front of you will feel much easier.
make excel project trackers (you can even make these for to-do list items/goals/etc)! mutable placements have a tendency to start a lot of projects or tasks, and never finish any of them. make a simple tracker for all the projects you start. you won't forget what you're working on, and you'll be less overwhelmed trying to remember what you have going on (example of the one i always use pictured below)
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talking out your thoughts and feelings is also very cathartic. make fake (or real, i support u!) youtube vlogs where you spill your feelings and talk about your plans, your day, what you have to do, etc. talk to someone you love and trust, vent to them about how things are; or about what you're getting up to. i find writing has an edge, because you can go back to it for reference (mutables tend to forget things easily) - but as long as you're getting the swirl of your mind somewhere outside of your head, you'll feel so, so much less stressed.
mutable dominants tend to constantly live in go-mode, we're restless and always doing something. we feel uncomfortable and sometimes guilty about staying still. our minds don't ever shut off. it's very important for mutable placements to learn how to rest, be present in the moment, and learn grounding. this can be done in many ways, but i've found personally that writing works best for me. other helpful practices can be: talk therapy, acceptance theory, yoga, meditation, hiking, camping, etc.
i also want to remind mutable signs: we change a lot. we have a lot of ideas. there's so much we want to do. we often feel like we have no path, no big goal; we can struggle with purpose as we don't often aspire for permanent things or "one big goal". this is NOT bad. there is nothing wrong with changing your feelings, your mind, your goals, your life path. you CAN do all the things you want to do! you have your entire life ahead of you! yes, you can learn all those languages. yes, you can have three different careers in your life. yes yes yes! don't listen to negativity from others. don't beat yourself up for not having one big goal like some people around you might. cherish and embrace all the things you want to achieve and complete (both big and small). learn to follow-through with and finish the things that matter to you (writing things down will really help with this, make action plans/steps - break everything down into smaller pieces). take the time to slow down and enjoy the moments as they come. you got this!
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patricia-taxxon · 10 months
theres a small but annoying habit i see sometimes wrt online art analysis, where if there's any acceptance of the validity of "metaphor" it comes with the stipulation that the metaphor is still representational in a sense, that you're watching an obfuscated version of the "true" story underneath. this leads to some confusion, like the maddeningly popular theory that Turning Red is about prostitution, because the red panda transformation is at once a representation of puberty/early sexual development but there's also a plotpoint based around using this transformation as a performance to get money for a concert. however, the reason that the movie is about a girl who turns into a red panda monster instead of just being a movie about puberty is to allow the transformation to mean multiple things, it is early sexuality AND self-actualization/autonomy AND the forming of a personality independent of her controlling mother. it is an abstraction for the purpose of reaching a greater potential range of meaning. "x represents y" isn't metaphor, it's just literalism with extra steps.
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giantkillerjack · 1 month
Me: I don't like when shows queerbait me.
Other Fans: Well then just watch other shows, dummy!!!!
Me: 👍👍👍 wow what a tidy way to dismiss and invalidate a legitimate reaction to homophobic story tropes! 👍👍👍
The "just leave then" response to people wanting more inclusivity from the stories they love is not just emotionally invalidating - it is also one of the things that keeps storytellers from feeling that they need to improve in the future by making fans feel stupid for demanding better representation in the first place.
This kind of response doesn't just make you sound like a conservative (since this is a VERY popular response that conservatives have when confronted with leftist media criticism), it also fundamentally ignores the fact that there may not BE an equivalent story with good rep to go to after leaving the queerbait-y one behind.
Delicious in Dungeon is special and unique; that's why I genuinely love it. It is that love that makes me want it to do better.
When I see that Shuro is allowed to openly express romantic love for Falin, but Marcille/Falin is relegated to mere implication, it makes me really sad. It may not be a romance manga, but there ARE straight couples, and hetero desire IS on display - which makes the lack of open queerness all the more noticeable.
So when people say "just go watch something else" in response to my genuine sadness and irritation that a beloved story is excluding people like me..... Are you telling me there's a nearly identical queer show - with a similarly active fandom - all about found family learning to cook beautiful foods in a dungeon? Is my favorite-guy-ever Senshi going to be there? Is there actually a place for me to go to??
OR is there only one Delicious in Dungeon, and that's what makes it great?
I think actually folks who respond this way just want me to leave, and they don't really care where I go, so long as their favorite thing doesn't have to stand up to criticism.
Because I don't want lesbian media elsewhere. I want it here, with my friend Marcille. Here, where the seeds of queer romance were purposely planted to hook my attention. What's so wrong with being disappointed if those seeds never grow to bear fruit??
We can like good art and still demand it does better. And we can validate people who are sad it isn't doing better without getting defensive. Critical analysis is healthy and important. It's how good and bad stories are fully understood, and it's how better stories get made.
And while I will try to enjoy the plentiful delicious crumbs I am being served (since it is more than most shows give me), just because I CAN squish a bunch of crumbs together into the approximate shape of a muffin, that doesn't mean I've been served a meal.
More on this topic because I love a good analogy
My original post about queerbaiting in Dungeon Meshi (that inspired this one with the replies I got from it)
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xoxomireya · 5 months
💄﹒➜﹒how to rebrand yourself as a blair waldorf inspired it girl﹐⇄
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give people the same energy they give you.
Blair always returns the same energy to people without a second thought. Is someone being passive-aggressive to you? Act the same way with them. Is someone being nice to you? Be also nice to them!
casual clothing? what is that?
Don’t be ashamed of being overdressed, take pride in it. Spare no accessories, make your outfits interesting and don't save a piece of clothing for 'a special occasion', everyday is a special occasion.
social networking is your biggest ally.
This world is ruled by connections. Make them and eventually you’ll be surprised on how many opportunities you receive. Stay active in social circles, attend social events, make yourself known in a community such as blogging or open discussions in your work field. Participation is key.
use your time wisely.
Blair Waldorf never sits still. She manages to land the best internship, maintain a 4.0 GPA for multiple seasons, and manage a multi-million dollar company. Be productive, don’t waste your time on things that aren’t going to matter in 5 years and focus on what’s really important.
live a purposeful life.
Have a vision: know what you like, what you don’t like, your goals… Act aligned to your values and ambitions. Purpose-driven leadership is a critical factor for individual and organizational success.
strategise your way into business.
Being a scheming queen is Blair’s biggest personality trait. Be prepared for every encounter, research in detail and stay active in your industry. And most importantly, strategize like the best version of yourself would do.
fake it until you make it.
Having a confident aura is crucial. People treat you different when you are confident and you react to things differently. You’re not confident? Work on it. Fake it until you make it.
take pride in your achievements.
If you have dedicated time and resources into something, why would you not celebrate your achievements? If you keep underestimating your achievements you’re going to have to deal with low self esteem in the future which can lead to issues like looking for academic validation.
ambition is power.
Do not let anyone get in the way of your goals and ambitions. Work smarter AND harder to accomplish your objectives and dream big.
fashion is the most powerful art there is.
The way you put yourself together will absolutely change the way people view you and will make you feel more or less connected to your inner self. Do you still think that fashion isn’t important?
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Invest in some satin/silk bedsheets. Ever since I saw Blair’s bedroom I KNEW I needed a comfy-looking bed like hers, and now that I have satin bedsheets I feel like a princess.
Spend time dolling up. Blair Waldorf never leaves her house without looking absolutely perfect. Spending time dolling up can help you feel more aligned with yourself and can boost your self esteem.
Host an annual sleepover with your friends: A night in which you can just focus on having fun with your friends and having a sweet tradition.
Getting a Dorota might be hard, but you can still make a gourmet breakfast fit for royalty by yourself.
Just like Blair always uses Chanel N5, choose a signature scent that embodies your personal style and sense of luxury.
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violetasteracademic · 17 days
On Being a Published Writer: Without a Degree
This is a bit of a vulnerable share today, and I am writing it after a sleepless night, the monster of anxiety and shame weighing heavily on my chest. However, I have come far in life and undergone an incredible amount of healing, and refuse to be ashamed of my past. I hope sharing this can help even one person like me remember that when it comes to craft, when it comes to art, the only thing stopping you from being worthy is you.
This year, I became a published writer. After years of hard work and dedication to my craft, I finally felt good enough to begin submitting my work to literary magazines. I'm proud of that accomplishment. It's a little tag I get to add to my bio now as I submit work that helps make me feel *valid.* But that quickly, all it takes is for someone to remind me that I did not have access to a degree, that I did not learn from the best, and I will spend the rest of my life without a formal education behind my writing, and they achieve the goal they set out: to make me feel less than for not having their background.
In America, the education system is for profit and public school system inconsistent. There are many factors that can contribute to whether or not a person gets through it successfully, and it often has little to do with intelligence, work ethic, or strength of character and drive before the age of 18.
So here is my story:
I graduated high school with a 2.1 GPA.
My first hospitalization (out of the 17 I would have in my life) for edometriomas happened at age 15. I spent the majority of high school struggling with chronic pain, stage four endometriosis and the accompanying endometriomas cysts, and illness. By age 16, social services was threatened by my school to be called on my home for suspected neglect and abuse. I moved out of my house that year, and was given temporary guardianship by a friends family.
By the end of my senior year, I continued to bounce around between friends houses, sometimes sleeping in my car, and struggled to keep on top of my coursework. I was enrolled in the work study program designed for students who had to keep a job during their high school years, and earned school credits for staying employed.
Despite all of this, I still maintained high grades in Advance Placement literature and language, proceeded to get 5's on my AP tests (a perfect score, and a rare accomplishment) as well as near perfect scores on my ACT's. I spent every spare second reading and writing from the moment I learned how. My intelligence and comprehension were not the issue. My health and my home life were.
The only reason I got into college at all was because I decided to audition for a school play freshman year. Much to my surprise, I was cast in the lead role, and thus the course of my life was set. I poured everything I had into acting, I finally had a purpose and something to keep me out of having to go home after school. Still, applying for colleges was one of the most stressful and shame inducing experiences of my life. I got into many top performance programs in the country, then would not get into the university itself with my GPA. The conservatories that did not look into school performance did not provide the financial assistance required for me to attend.
There was one university that offered limited talent admissions that would allow the university admission requirements to be overlooked for students that had displayed exceptional talent in their specialized field of study. I had to put together a request for the school board, complete with letters from my high school teachers providing context for my low GPA paired with high test scores, character assessments on my likely ability to maintain the minimum required GPA in college, as well as a letter from the head of the performing arts department of the university stating that I was worthy of this talent exception. The wait was unbearable. But I was accepted. And I was approved for the work study program that allowed me to gain employment at the university to help offset the cost.
I felt like my whole life had changed in college. I had gotten in. I had gotten out. I was a new person, no one knowing about my past or the stain of my struggles. I had a fresh start. While I continued to battle my illness throughout college, it was manageable with a consistent bed to sleep in every night, as well as access to physical and mental health services. And although I tested out of being required to take any English classes with AP, I still filled my elective credits with writing classes. Screenwriting, playwriting, poetry, creative writing. Performing became my work, and writing became my joy. I took every class that sounded remotely interesting, often filling my schedule more than required on top of my work and performance load.
I am withholding some of the more personal details of my life, but when I finally moved out to LA, I hit the ground running. I accomplished more in a few years than fellow artists and performers who had been out there for more than a decade. And I valued every person I met. I was in small, independent theatre shows with Juliard grads. I was on professional sets with wildly naturally talented people working to get their GED with no formal education but that undeniable *it* factor. People from all walks of life set out for the Angel City to make it, and I was one of them. I also began writing again, this time short films and audition monologues. I began writing pieces for friends and classmates at their request. I secured my first talent agent with a performance piece that I wrote, along with an offer to renegotiate my contract to include literary representation should I complete a script worth shopping. I began to organize applications for writing fellowships at top studios, when my condition became so severe the only option to move forward with my life was surgery. And then my life completely changed again.
I came out of that surgery with nerve damage that left me unable to walk for six months, as well as developed a new permanent nervous system disorder.
My career and my life never recovered. I was permanently changed. However, during that time, I turned one of my sci-fi short films I had written into a 160k word novel, with outlines for a trilogy. While it was one of the darkest times of my life, writing got me through it. I moved out of Los Angeles to a more affordable city and threw myself into writing. I learned that ivy league schools like Stanford, Harvard, and Yale shared their syllabi for continued study coursework online, including the required textbooks for the courses. Example here. I took myself through the textbooks and coursework of top schools, I took every local workshop possible when it was in budget. Any education on craft that was within my means, I reached for.
I will never be able to change the course of my life. I will likely never be able to go back to school. However, this amazing video by Bandon Sanderson helped me overcome my shame, my lack of access to returning to higher education when my life and career were irrevocably changed: Be Anything But an English Major
I had already done what he had encouraged, pick a subject I was passionate about, fill my college coursework with things I found interesting, and let it inform my writing. While this is not to disrespect or degrade English majors or say successful authors think the degree is worthless, I am simply sharing to say this video helped ME combat against English majors who made me feel worthless for not having access to their diploma.
So to anyone feeling insecure today, you do not need a degree in the arts. Whether you want to be an author, an actor, a painter, a fashion designer, a poet. And I say this as someone whose greatest privilege and joy in life was getting a performing arts degree.
We must continue to prioritize art being accessible, value diverse backgrounds, and wish for it to be open and available to all. We must continue to treat art as subjective, and reject ideals that learning from a certain set of paid individuals makes all other opinions, choices, or ideas invalid.
There is no dollar amount I could give to a piece of paper that would make my mind, my intelligence, and my ability to organize and understand words in an impactful way that would make me more valid than I am today. There is no degree that could replace my work ethic, my empathy, my desire to write stories to do good. To give something to the world and help people survive in the ways that I had needed to survive.
Maybe I'll tell this story again one day, and it will help another young person with my background believe there may be more in life than the cards they were dealt. Maybe this will be the first and last time sharing these words. Maybe I'll never get another piece published, but will continue to write fanfic and poetry and prose pieces to share on the internet for free because I believe in my heart it is valuable. To look at myself, and my work, and deem myself worthy of my efforts and passion.
I am proud to be a member of the community of published writers without a degree.
I am even more proud to be a member of online fandoms full of writers, artists, creators, contributors and more who give their free time and energy towards something that does nothing more than make others happy.
to the people who look at the stars and wish.
to the stars who listen— and the dreams that are answered,
this one is for you.
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open-sketchbook · 2 months
on satire
that satire requires clarity of purpose thing fucking broke some people's brains i swear
like i know why it exists, its because some people will use 'its satire' as a blanket defence against criticism, but the problem here is you're having the wrong argument. you shouldn't be trying to say 'no, its not satire', because that is accepting the framing that if it were satire, then holding shitty positions would be acceptable, when the reality is that satire which holds shitty positions still fucking sucks!
but on the other side, like, you can in fact satirize or critique shitty positions through portraying them, its a normal thing that fiction does, there is no such thing as art which can perfectly convey its meaning to everyone because everyone is such a huge fucking category and, get this, people have different views about things
so often, if you portray an accurate vision of a bad thing to show why it is bad, the people who like the bad thing will like it because it portrays the thing they like, and the think the negative consequences of the thing are actually good, even when everyone not them understands it is not
and there's no way to write a thing that will get around that! its not how humans work!
a really good example of this is helldivers 2; the vast majority of normal people understand that the game portrays a fascist state, and does so because the nature of the gameplay involves dying a lot in silly ways, so they made you play unsympathetic idiot assholes so when it happens to you its funny
fascists like super-earth not because they didn't do a good enough job showing how awful super-earth is (it is a constant and blatant theme woven into basically every single mission, tutorial, and line of dialog) but because the things about super earth that are awful are things that they like
there's no clarity of purpose that defeats "i know you are showing me a bad thing, but i am a bad person who likes bad things", or, similarly "i know you are showing me the negative consequences of the thing i like, but i will simply ignore that part"
similarly, if you portray misogyny in something, and your portrayal of misogyny is accurate, misogynists will like it! this is not a flaw of the work, its a flaw of the misogynists!
the idea that this isn't true relies on the delusion that the reason people are fascists or misogynists is because they are ignorant of the consequences, and if shown the consequences, they will stop being fascists and misogynists. this is liberal garbage; they like the consequences.
misogynists think that men making women suffer is good, because it means that men have the unrestricted power over women to make them suffer, and they are in favour of having unrestricted power over women. you cannot portray it bad enough that they go 'oh i get it now'
fascists think that dying stupidly for their country is good, because it means their country is properly engaging in the never-ending darwinistic struggle between people groups they believe in and is unafraid of the consequences, and they are in favour of the never-ending darwinistic struggle because it appeals to their aesthetic sensibilities. you cannot portray it bad enough that they go 'oh i get it now'
portraying either of those things so that normal people understand what it looks like and can have discussions about it is still a valid thing that media can do! like, why the fuck are you allowing various strains of bigots final say in deciding if something acceptably portrays them?
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After reading some twts about how the reveal should not affect the kaishin fandom bc of how old it is and how most old shippers had the suspicion of kaishin being related and proceeded to not care and accept and even ship them more leads me to the acceptance stage and the realization stage where this is all fiction and not true thus it will not affect anyone greatly and most of us should realize this too HAHAHA
I mean i had my suspicions too ya know but like i was expecting them to be distantly related not this closely related gahdang gosho JAGDHSHS also i was kinda closing my eyes when i saw how similar toichi and yuusaku looked like when i saw them so AHDGSHS lovelies lets just think that the reveal made the ship spicer that ever
Kaishin may be cousins and what? Its fiction, this ship is old, there are even more worse ships than this, will this hurt anyone? No (unless ur really in deep like delusional deep), will this change the world? No, will this affect your daily life? No, will this change your morals? For me no, cause i know they are not real, why on earth would they change my morals.
Honestly its not just kaishin, there are a lot of ships with this kind of relationship, and other shippers must realize the fact that they are not real and no one will get hurt. If you get disturbed by the fact that we ship cousins/twins/siblings then you may close your eyes and move one to the other post, im not like validating this bc in the real and current world this may seem disturbing but everyone must know the difference between real and fiction, do not do what fiction do but you may learn what fiction do, just put it at the back of your head as an additional knowledge and the possibility that some other people might mix up fiction and real life.
Anyways so much for the monologue JAGSHS
Like im not even focusing abt how kaishin is cousins anymore but at why toichi did that to his son, what is incest compared to betrayal (not rlly cause kaito still didnt know hes alive BUT STILL THATS HIS KID??? HIS CHILD IN THE EYES OF DANGER?? AND HE LET HIS CHILD DO THAT?? BOY?)?
Like i know he protects kaito at the side (it was on magic kaito 1412 i forgot what episode) but he protects kaito with kaito experiencing trauma bc how tf how dare u use my dead dads face you traitor like that like bro??
I dont even also think that chikage knew that her husband is alive, only yuusaku (like wow cute they mustve been such close siblings but thats not the point) knows that hes alive and yuusaku probs only also knows cause hes yuusaku and yuusaku knows everything in just once glance for some weird ass reason
My prompt is that (please know that some of the characters are ooc!!! Esp the parents cause they dont show much wth JAGDHSH also ill put in a oc for plot purposes WAHSGAHSGA)
Shinichi, still as conan, was in a pinch and was suddenly saved by a mysterious guy. Whom he thought was like akai san but he sensed someone different like.. KID? No.. dad??
Toichi who saw a kid who looked like his nephew when he was a child is being chased by men in black (who suspiciously looked like snake for some reason but snake doesnt wear shades in the dark cause thats a foolish move) decided to help him and lose the pursuers off his back
“Boya are you ok?” “…..(hmm? What is this feeling.. i feel like i’ve met him somewhere but..)” “boya?” “Ah! Un! Thank you uncle!”
Toichi suddenly thought of shinichi when he heard conans voice saying uncle, it sounds just like 10 yrs ago when he visited yuusakus house to teach yukiko the art of disguise
Toichi then took conan to his guardians when he found out that his parents was in america apparently (1) and he also found out that his guardians were the mouris (2) which was 2 points of suspicion which wasnt that bad but just weird cause why didnt his younger brother tell anything, not that that shit tells him anything at all. Adding to the fact that he has not seen his attention loving smart nephew in the news for a while now then pops out a child that looks like him makes the suspicion highly likely. (Their family kinda has a knack for attracting dangerous orgs, from what he seen to himself and his son, he just hopes his younger brother and nephew didnt get it (which was highly unlikely now too))
Consider his suspicions correct when his younger brother decides to okay dumb (he knows ok, theyre twins for a reason and hes a older brother for a reason) the problem now was which shady org was it and how much does his nephew and younger brother know….
2 weeks later he found out
Apparently he wasnt the only one suspicious of someone
His, (knew it), dear shrunken nephew was too! Bc of one comment from mouri kun (have we met somewhere before?) and his suspicions were proven right when he saw yuusakus phone lying around with his message on the notif screen
(Toichis so proud, thats my nephew, be nosy kid you will go far in life)(it made his nephew cute too 🥰)
and color him suprised when his nephew has a shady org at his back too (he was kinda hoping that his nephew only stumbled on the scene of the crime that was he was chased not being a victim himself sighs the family curse)
and toichi and his nephew (whom just found out they were related with the first kaitou kid, who was supposed to be dead) made an alliance! (it kinda feels good to not only have one person know about your secrets, it also makes him relieved that his nephew has a lot of trusted people at his back other than some bigass shady org)
it also makes toichi happy that his son could be himself (not just kaitou kid but really being kaito his son whom he left with his wife toprotecttonotpullintothismessbutthey-) with his cousin
his son was inlove with his cousin
oh shit
yuusaku why did we not let them meet again
how he found out? he got the front seat
with snake
but does that really matter
(is akai kun included when hes so far away from the build the confession was happening)
(akai kun just shoot snake pls)
then it all went to shit (from his perspective cause wdym kaito did not even notice snake was there so its ok uncle shinichi kun did u also not notice my mental breakdown too)
they apprehended snake, and found out he was just some lackey in the black org and wanted to be the same lvl as gin so hes chasing after some immortality granting stone (yea hes not gonna be on the same lvl as gin hes stupid says his dear cutified nephew)
he told his younger brother about the confession
his younger brother knew all along ever since he caught kaito sneaking in their house to leave a jewel that he stole and saw him caress shinichis face.. yuusaku told him with the face of did u really not see that coming, we never let them meet when they were old enough to remember.
like valid? but at least share the tea gahdang
yukiko also knows? brother? i thought bros before hoes? (he nearly got mauled to death by his mystery loving younger brother, bc how dare you call my wife a hoe? ur the hoe u *spits real talk that hurts*)
after yuusaku hurt him internally he has come to the fact that yea he was worse than his son.. (also who can blame him, shinichi kun has yukikos genes (not that his darling wife is any less beautiful than yukiko, his wifes beauty came from being reckless and he likes that in his woman sighs i miss my wife) and their reckless genes so, with his wifes beautiful and shiny loving gene with his reckless loving gene, shinichi, conan, his nephew was the perfect person for his son. not ignoring the fact that shinichi kun is also a very understanding person. his nephew grew a lot (internally cause well.. he shrunk physically))
and now shinichi is looking at him weirdly
no way
did he not hear his sons confession
"shin kun... what did you think about what my son said to you?" "hm? ah that chase?... isnt it just a chase? oh im sorry uncle if i hurt kaito, it was needed to make it look convincing haha, i dont plan on capturing him rn dw!" "... oh! its ok shin kun ^^"
it was not okay, how does his nephew not notice his sons confession to him? (his son was a child of two phantom thieves, making a heist even grander than it already is shows that his son is courting his nephew SO HOW TF- oh, oh yuusaku just told him that every heist shinichi went to was always that grand so he might not see the difference? oh. oh my gosh.)
how to break this to his son who thought his father was dead
yuusaku just smiled (useless asshole, just bc hes still close to his son even though his son is in another identity now and can still pretend to be his new sons identities father bc of the disguising art that toUICHI HIMSELF TAUGHT HIM)
shinichi kun said to wait till evrything was over, or wait till the black org is down cause he will help explain too cause he hid it too after knowing his undeadness (at least his nephew was helpful, might be yukikos gene)
"you know, ever since i met kaitou kid, i knew that i might need his help to bring this org down, but i never knew that it would be the first kaitou kid that will help me hehe"
his nephew is so cute (yep its yukikos genes, yuusaku could never be like that anymore, still regrets the day where he showed off to his younger brother his magician skills)
the org was brought down but the antidote for shinchis problem still hasnt been made but time is an essence they need to reveal the truth to his family now or it might get worse
family reunion time! :DDDDDDDDD
shinichi went to get his son and wife while he and his younger brother prepares his execution letter
(if u wanna know how shinichi went to get kaito and chikage pls comment! ill write it up on the other post)
"yukiko chan can u-" "nope"
"yuusaku istg id u dont help me we're twins for a reason if i die you die too" "fk u" (helps him)
then it all went to shit (pt 2) (shinichi kun can see it now too, toichi thinks even hakase next door can feel it)
his son did not walk out bc of shinichi kun ("kaito, listen to you father please, you know my situation, its kind of the same but in your fathers case, you are ran" "at least you were close to her!" "does it really matter when all she saw was conan not shinichi?" "but-!" "kaito, the woman i love is slipping before my eyes because i cant go to her like before now! everytime i go back to my body temporarily all i think about is how she will get hurt if the organization realizes i was one of the victims they failed to kill and will go after her and her family and friends! there are numerous people in the org who already knew about my real identity, they mightve been killed or decided to not tell about it but there is no saying they might decide to not do the opposite!"
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joesalw · 2 months
putting this here bc this blog feels like a safe space as a someone whos always been very critical of taylor despire also loving her art… plus im far too afraid to put this on main so :/
i remember back in 2023 when the whole matty ratty thing was going on, and as a jewish fan i felt completely disgusted she would even allow someone so gross and bigoted into her life. i was part of the #speakupnow campaign with other fans, i felt so desperate to make it all end and for her to condemn that man… but she didn’t. she only distanced herself. i was at least partially satisfied she stopped associating with him, and i still considered myself a fan for that reason, but the pain i felt of betrayal to her most marginalised fans never really went fully away no matter how much i tried to stuff it down.
flash forward to now. i was ready for this album, excited even to get new music, only to receive a disjointed wreck of an album that was largely defending a relationship with a neonazi freak. i feel stunned and angry. i was already growing a dislike towards her because of the whole billionaire/ecoterrorist/politically silent thing but i told myself i can still like the music and be critical or her actions at the same time. now i’m not so sure i feel that way anymore. i feel ashamed and stupid and lied to. i spent so much time and money on her only for her to continue to lowkey simp for a racist misogynistic weirdo on top of all the other shit??? idk.
i feel like i’m looking for validation from others my anger and hurt is justified, that its okay to change my mind about taylor swift, that i can still acknowledge the positive impact her art had on me and not want to support the current path shes on right now because it is hurting people and i can’t stand by and watch any longer or else i’m complicit, that i can grieve the trust i put in her to be a better person that she’s been acting like in the past year or so. i hope this ask is of no bother to you, i just saw your ex swifties tag and felt like maybe this would be a good time to speak my truth.
Your anger and hurt is completely justified, the main purpose of my ex swiftie tag is for this discussion. We are all feeling the same resentment towards her. And it's valid because we wasted so much time loving her and defending her and now it's like she's completely a different unrecognizable person, a person that's doing everything against the things she once she stood for. You may call this being parasocial but she's to be blamed for that for deliberately creating this parasocial relationship with her fans. Like dropping easter eggs, secret sessions, clues about exes, sharing diary pages etc etc as a marketing scheme to profit her branding.
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sepublic · 1 year
Luz’s Influence
         Warning: This post was SEVEN pages long, given the... range of subject matter to cover. It’s purely self-indulgent as a retrospective over the series, how far we’ve come; A victory lap of all the good Luz did and the people she helped, who came together over this commonality for her birthday.
            It would be impossible to truly capture the enormity of Luz’s influence on the Boiling Isles, the positive influence she’s brought to this world as a vessel of change and guidance… So I’ll attempt a relatively brief summary. RELATIVELY brief… And yeah, I’ll be taking into account a bit of butterfly effect here;
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         Luz made Eda and King so, so happy! With Eda especially, she got her to come to terms with her curse, accept her disability, and forgive herself for what she’s done with it. It allowed Eda to make amends with her father Dell, and work with him to cultivate a new generation of Palismen… Similarly, Eda made amends with her former principal Bump, with Hexside no longer being as much a source of trauma; Eda was invited to chaperone, and she became less lonely as she became a mentor to other kids.
         Eda always wanted to learn as much as she could, just like Luz, but never got the chance. But now she can help people learn in the university, taking education to a level beyond what Hexside got, even as Hexside allowed the multi-track learning she desired as a kid! Luz gave Eda the chance to really enact the social change she wanted to as a kid and even as an adult, her life not wasted, and gave Eda a newfound purpose.
         Luz allowed Eda to open up, make amends with her sister Lilith, and get her back. Eda reconnected with Raine, finally being honest about the curse with them, healing their heartache. Eda vocalized her struggles with Gwen, who stopped wasting her life on a pyramid scheme, and accepted her daughter’s disabilities.
         Eda stepped up as a mentor and parent; Learned to let kids make their own choices and draw their own conclusions, instead of merely telling them to think a certain way, because she said so. Thus, Eda avoided the authoritarianism of the covens, encouraging critical thinking in Luz. And she began to truly adopt and embrace King as her son and vice-versa, learning to be more honest with her kids and not have to always hide the truth; Her found family and what Eda chose for her life was just as valid as the blood family she was given.
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         King found a friend to truly confide in, and not just a parent; But he truly got a mother out of Eda thanks to Luz. Thanks to Luz, King felt valued, like his interests and people like him truly mattered, and he came to terms with the truth of his past and let go of delusions of grandeur, reassured he still mattered. King became less selfish and a better friend, more mature and mindful of others, even as he got to pursue art. King made friends with others who felt overlooked, such as Gus and Edric. He really grew up with Luz, learning to share and connect with people, seeking to find his dad, and getting just that with an “I loaf you” from the Titan.
         King realized he didn’t want to be a god or a titan, he didn’t want power; He just wanted simple happiness and friendship, embraced his identity as a person and not a symbol. He became humble, and really wizened with his age, adopting a lot of compassion as well. He eventually became an older sibling to the Collector, as Luz was to him, passing on the cycle of kindness and ending the cycle of hatred between the Collectors and Titans. He brought a new era of glyph magic to succeed his father’s especially, no doubt assisting many other witches for ages. And King got a friend who could stay with him forever, even when he outlived the rest.
         Hooty was lonely, a weirdo even among weirdoes; But thanks to Luz, the crew began to value and appreciate him more, expressing it more openly. Because of Luz, Hooty really felt like he did good with his friends as his self-esteem and loneliness ebbed, especially in meeting Lilith, who fulfilled an emptiness in his life that Hooty suffered from.
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         Lilith came to terms with her guilt over the curse, accepting the consequences of her actions while at the same time forgiving herself. She escaped an abusive coven and learned to individualize, express herself and her vulnerabilities, and ask for help. Lilith was finally recognized not as an inferior sister to Eda, but as a legitimate witch in her own right, helping Luz discover glyph combos. She rekindled her relationship with her mother, making up for a neglected childhood as she healed.
         Lilith learned to be herself, to not apologize for her interests, no matter how niche, and not need the approval of others. Lilith became more wary of emotional abuse tactics thanks to Luz opening her eyes, something she used to return the favor, and let go of SO much bitterness; As a result, she stopped projecting her jealousy and worship onto King, treating him like a nephew. She became kinder, stopped treating Amity as a pawn and eventually became a friend to her, too. Lilith got to live her dream and hyperfixation, and revel in being a nerd.
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         Willow learned to truly express and speak up for herself, not hide who she was, pursue the magic she actually wanted to do, instead of being locked into another one fit for her. Willow was able to rise up and fight back against people who hurt her, and be appreciated and recognized as legitimately good in a lot of things, no longer a meek wallflower, but a beloved and respected leader in her own right.
         Willow got closure with Amity, finally rekindling their friendship and learning why they split apart, even as she got to vent her frustrations and have them acknowledged. She developed a sense of confidence and self-esteem, and was recognized by her dads. Willow even managed to defy bullies like Boscha, getting them to finally stop, and befriended another in Skara. She got to indulge in sports and found another friend in Hunter…
         Willow came to terms with her past thanks to Luz; She accepted that she was once weak and still was sometimes, realizing her vulnerability was also okay and not worthy of punishment, either. She didn’t have to struggle with the burden and pressure of stepping up as a caretaker and only that, these two sides of her weren’t contradictory, and as a result Willow avoided becoming like Boscha. She found people who recognized her power, who’d change for her, and were willing to take care of Willow in return.
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         Gus became more confident, more mature and more of a mentor in his own right, after Luz acted as an older sister to him. He got to explore the human realm, his passion, and become an ambassador as he always dreamed, introducing other kids to his interest. Speaking of, Gus may have lost the HAS, but he still managed to help others feel like they belonged, including Willow, Mattholomule, and Hunter.
         Gus realized his illusions weren’t cheap party tricks, they were legitimate and valid magic in their own right, and he didn’t have to express strength in conventionally masculine ways. Gus wizened up, becoming less naïve, but also learning to trust in his own abilities, in his perception and efficacy as a person, and forgive himself for any mistakes.
         He learned to believe in himself, and especially not be paranoid from having his trust taken advantage of, made a fool; Gus was not a fool. His kindness was not a mistake, maybe he needed to be more careful, but the fact that other people took advantage was not his fault, it was theirs. His compassion was a generally great thing for the world, and by continuing to believe in it and people, he made friends with Mattholomule and Hunter, and helped a forgotten old Illusionist find a new generation of kids to teach and appreciate their magic.
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         Amity became less toxic, less of a perfectionist who believed in rules and constantly achieved to be the best. Amity learned she could just be herself, not constantly strive to outperform others, because life wasn’t a competition. She learned to open up, rediscover and forge her own identity in the wake of Odalia’s abuse, and finally stand up to and cut her out of her life as well. Amity’s relationship with her family improved, her siblings becoming more supportive and understanding, her father realizing his mistakes and changing for Amity.
         Amity believed she was only good for what she could do for others, constantly felt the need to justify her existence. With Luz, she could finally relax and be at peace with herself, find love, and indulge in being a nerd. She got to do Abominations her way, and set healthy boundaries for herself, knowing she deserved better and demanding as such in her relationships. And Amity learned to respect people’s privacy, reconnected with Willow and made up for her guilt.
         She was inspired to carry on the kindness that Luz started, contributing to Hunter’s rehabilitation. Amity figured out what she wanted to do with her own life, and became happy, accepting her flaws and supposed shortcomings. Amity developed an open mind, more mindful of how she treated others and especially herself, and how people needed to do things differently and that was okay. She became free.
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         Hunter escaped the fate of so many Grimwalkers before him; He got to live. He got to escape Belos’ abuse, and find his own path in life. Hunter was so scared of dying, so scared of being hurt, but he learned to relax and be at ease, and found his first friend in Flapjack. He could connect with wild magic, the things he was actually interested in, and even with his own biological family in the Clawthornes.
         He found a mentor in Darius, came to terms with the fact that he wasn’t special, because Hunter could choose his own destiny, and always wanted to anyway. Hunter came to terms with his trauma, with the physical and emotional scars; He learned to let that motivate kindness and accept others, and he learned what real friendship looked like. Hunter found his own friends, didn’t need to put up a mask to create a façade of strength, and learned to communicate his love for the people who mattered to him, and fight for something he wanted.
         Hunter could move on from the past; His own, that of Caleb’s, the one associated with Philip. And he got to spread the joy of palismen that he got from Flapjack to other witches, so that they may also find their first friend and be guided. Hunter found people who could unconditionally support him, and accepted his disability, no longer ashamed of his lack of bile magic. Even if he didn’t achieve full magic, with Flapjack, Hunter could move and fly on his own now too. He learned to be an actual kid for once, and accept his status as a clone.
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         Luz’s own mother Camila managed to heal from the loss of her husband Manny, and she came to terms with her own weirdness. Camila was spared the grief of watching her child suffer alone, and rekindled their relationship to be closer to each other, not having to worry. Camila accepted what happened to her was wrong, and that she did not save herself, nor was she saving Luz; By defying conformity, Camila loved her daughter and herself, forgiving both. She found Vee and with both daughters, Camila found it easier to open her mind, but especially to defend that which she already loved and respected for existing.
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         Speaking of Vee, she found a family and home, a mother who accepted her for who she was. Vee no longer had to hide herself, and she found fellow misfit friends in the human world, as well as a sister in Luz. Vee came to terms with her trauma, allowed to handle it at her own pace, and eventually returned to the isles. Similarly, Vee’s siblings also found happiness, and none of them would have to worry about being hunted; They were safe and could live simple lives. Vee understood herself through Luz and vice-versa.
         Flapjack managed to fill the empty hole of his grief and regret over losing Caleb, failing to protect his witch; He managed to save a ‘son’ of Caleb’s, Hunter, and found someone after all this time. In a way, Flapjack made up for Caleb’s death by giving Hunter a full life as a witch who could enjoy magic, away from Philip; And even if Flapjack died, he was finally reunited with Caleb and Evelyn, whom he missed after all these centuries.
         Emira took her sister more seriously, stepping up as an older sibling to Amity and encouraging her to be happy; And in her selflessness, Emira became less concerned about looking perfect, and fine with her imperfections, not needing to hide them. Luz became a friend for her, and Emira got to discover her own paths and interests in life through the Healing track. At the same time, Emira didn’t need to worry about having no identity around Edric, nor did she have to compensate by leaving him behind. Emira reconnected with Alador, and made new friends in her profession, forging her own relationship with her father.
         Edric felt like a misfit and a failure, the loser of the family, the un-favorite child. But he was allowed to try different things, finding a proper mentor in Eda and someone who could relate to him in King. He went from a bully to Amity, to someone who’d injure himself just to express love and appreciation for her, venturing into the unknown at one point to find his little sister. Edric got to find something he was good at, a beloved pet in Batric, and not hide his own imperfections either; He became a teacher to kids, passing on the kindness Eda gave him, and reconnecting with his father to look just like him. Edric made other friends, and no longer had to fear being alone, dependent on Emira for companionship, forming a healthier relationship with her.
         Alador escaped a toxic marriage, realized how much he was overworking himself, and reconnected with an old childhood friend who might become more… His and Darius’ rift was healed. Alador realized how unhappy he was, how unhappy and neglected his kids were, and made a decision both for them and himself, finally able to reconnect and spend time. His inventions were no longer used for harm, Blight Industries was destroyed by his own hand, as Alador worked to undo Belos’ coven sigils and free magic itself. He could do what he wanted with his life, and pursue whatever things caught his interest.
         Bump got to give his students the learning opportunities they actually wanted, and really step up as a Principal. His failures in kids like Eda were made up for, as Eda found happiness with Hexside again, and he finally got to be brave against the coven that mandated single-track learning, opting to give that to his students. Bump became beloved by the kids, proving Faust wrong, and encouraging a constructive approach to learning. He could retire happily, knowing his school was in good hands, and pass magic to other generations as part of the cycle.
         The Bat Queen got over her trauma over being abandoned; She allowed other palismen to make their own choices, to make up for their own hurt pasts. Her children were taken care of, got to grow up, even as abandoned Palismen found new owners to fulfill the loneliness they felt. She and the palismen were no longer rejects, they could be loved, and thanks to Luz, a new generation of Palismen were being cultivated; No longer devoured by Belos, with Dell and Hunter helping bring back the population and tradition. Palismen like her would no longer be cast out.
         Mattholomule became less obsessed with power and status, standing up to his bullies Bria, Gavin, and Angmar, and unlearned the toxicity of Glandus. He made friends with Gus, finally accepting his kindness, and became more secure in himself, learning to appreciate illusions and not be seen as a loser anymore. Mattholomule became kind, working to direct people under the Collector’s rule, and he reconnected with Steve, who no longer enslaved himself to the Emperor’s Coven. Mattholomule self-actualized as a builder, creating new things and expanding the library alongside Lilith.
         Boscha no longer had to project power to feel in charge, to feel safe; She could simply let others exist, and not worry about life as a competition. She backed down from bullying Willow, and after losing Amity and Skara, realized how much she needed her friends and appreciated them, reconnecting with Amelia and Cat. Boscha saw herself in someone she once hurt, and stood up to Kikimora, allowing herself to be vulnerable in order to accept help. She didn’t have to rely on a codependent relationship with Amity, who helped give her the bravery to move on and stop holding onto people.
         Skara stopped being a bully, cutting herself off from Boscha; Instead, she found new friends in the Emerald Entrails, and in other misfits as well. Viney, Jerbo, and Barcus got to practice the magic they wanted, as the multi-track learning they fought for became widely accepted; They were no longer losers and changed society thanks to Luz. Barcus became a teacher, and Viney and Jerbo helped to undo the damage of the coven sigils that divided their lives. Amelia and Cat no doubt had a better friendship with Boscha, who learned to be less possessive.
         In general, the kids and everyone at Hexside were freed; Teachers mourning the loss of their opportunities could give it to the students, who weren’t as constrained by rules and the decision to pick a coven. They could choose for themselves, and even found palismen thanks to the Bat Queen and Eda forming a friendship. This opened up other sports besides Grudgby, such as Flyer Derby.
         Gwen made up for her mistakes as a parent, accepting both daughters’ curses, realizing how much pain she’d put them through, so they didn’t have to go through anymore. She reconnected with Eda and Lilith, who she saw become happy, and stopped wasting her life to a pyramid scheme. Her husband Dell was put at ease to see Eda forgive herself for the loss of his eye, and became a grandfather to King; And with the Bat Queen and Hunter, compensated for the loss of his carving skills by allowing Palismen to still come to life.
         Steve realized how unhappy he was, the wrongness of what he was doing as a covenscout, and what was done to him by the coven. He reflected and ultimately learned to change, finding freedom in rebellion, and could hang out with his brother Mattholomule more. Steve went on a journey of self-discovery, finding a therapist and helping his mentor Lilith, even as he helped King come to terms with not wanting to be a monster anymore. Once a fanatical servant, Steve got to think for himself and question the beliefs he was taught, having a humbler outlook on life and people.
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         Raine got to see the woman they loved finally let them in, and no longer had to despair over a lost relationship, as they could help. Likewise, they healed from the trauma of their breakup, with Raine no longer feeling the need to lie to Eda when defying Belos. They found other people to fight with in Darius and Eberwolf, met Katya. Raine dedicated their entire life to undoing Belos and his coven system and finally did so, helping deal a personal final blow to Philip’s face as vengeance for all they’d been forced to do. Raine was freed, no longer having to pretend or be controlled, and found another palisman as well.
         Darius also worked to undo the covens and succeeded. He and Eberwolf saved the isles, and Darius overcame his grief over losing his mentor. He stopped projecting his pain onto Hunter, and broke the cycle, doing the previous Golden Guard proud by saving Hunter’s life. He reconnected with old friends Raine and Eda, as well as Lilith, and especially Alador. Darius came to terms with a loved one’s death, and made the most of it.
         As a whole, the coven heads had their lives saved and were free. Sure, some of them didn’t appreciate the effort, or saw it as an opportunity to take power for themselves. But things weren’t totally over for them, after all, nor were they for Kikimora.
         The Titan saw her child find happiness, saw that a new future for the Titans was guaranteed and they wouldn’t go extinct. He no longer had to worry about Philip bastardizing his name to limit the magic he wanted to teach, and found witches to converse with in Luz, Eda, and Lilith. He may have died, but he freed his name and no longer had to despair over King’s loneliness and sense of abandonment by his father, expressing one precious statement of love. The Titan Trappers who contributed to his species’ demise were defeated by the Collector…
         Speaking of, the Collector found happiness and freedom, after the Titan regretted imprisoning them. They learned about real friendship and grew up, not needing to control people, and no longer feeling lied to, with those who were honest. For once, people chose and reached a hand out to them, such as King with Francois, or Luz herself. After millennia totally alone, and then centuries manipulated and lied to by Belos, the Collector was free, and while some innocence was lost, they gained a better understanding of life. People who once feared him gathered to marvel in wonder at the Collector’s magic. They found justice for their lost Titan friends, and facilitated travel between worlds, allowing people to find happiness in the Boiling Isles as they once did.
         Katya and Tinella Nosa found freedom; Tinella got to become a famous author, and Katya found other rebels in the BATTs, inspired by Luz’s teachings, and succeeded in undoing the system that hurt her. Now nobody else would have to suffer. Salty got over his own biases and accepted Luz and King as members of his crew. Perry got to see his old friend Eda live, and helped stand up to Belos with his son; Gilbert and Harvey saw their daughter find true happiness, and no longer had to worry about people like Terra Snapdragon hurting kids, as they once were hurt by her.
         Severine, Tom, and other Covenscouts were freed from their trauma and allowed to pursue their own paths. Wrath got to be with his son Braxas, who grew up. Jean-Luc reunited with King and succeeded in their purpose of having him nurtured. Demon Hunters and other wild witches like Prim were no longer oppressed.
         Endangered species like the Basilisks, the Slitherbeast, and the Selkidomus were saved thanks to Luz’s arrival. The writers imprisoned by Piniet managed to escape and/or enact some revenge, people were spared the deceptions of liars like Adegast, Tibbles, and especially Belos.
         Luz brought magic to the human world; Brought Vee and gave Masha and other human misfits a friend. She re-introduced glyphs and palismen, helping people with disabilities, even as the isles unlearned Belos’ puritan mentality, becoming less retributive, and more restorative. Prisons were abolished in favor of hospitals and rehabilitation. People became free to explore magic as they saw fit, not having to fit themselves into categories.
         The oppression of the covens was over, everyone could be a wild witch and/or a general weirdo. Nature and endangered species began to replenish, as things were allowed to be wild and no longer harvested or controlled. Blight Industries stopped selling harmful weapons, Palismen returned, and other forms of magic were appreciated as it became less about power, and more learning for its own sake. New opportunities for people, as trauma healed and compassion was spread instead of hurt; Luz helped the isles recover from Belos, and begin returning to what it once was. People were freed of sigils, learned more about the Titans, and so forth.
         It wasn’t just that they were allowed to keep living, and weren’t all murdered; People became genuinely happy and self-actualized because of Luz, improving on their previous lives. She undid Belos’ harm, so even if scars lingered, Luz allowed a broken world to be restored and move on from their trauma. Luz ushered in a new era…
        But perhaps most importantly? Luz helped herself. She helped herself find other weirdos to be accepted by. She learned to love herself and what she could do, not apologize. Luz became more mindful, kinder around people, even as she grew wiser. Luz gained a powerful agency over her life that allowed her to become a Good Witch like her dreams, while still embracing her own identity. She came to terms with her father’s death, was no longer forced to choose, and was finally understood and loved by many.
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jesusinstilettos · 13 days
I’m about to save you thousands of dollars in therapy by teaching you what I learned paying thousands of dollars for therapy:
It may sound woo woo but it’s an important skill capitalism and hyper individualism have robbed us of as human beings.
Learn to process your emotions. It will improve your mental health and quality of life. Emotions serve a biological purpose, they aren’t just things that happen for no reason.
1. Pause and notice you’re having a big feeling or reaching for a distraction to maybe avoid a feeling. Notice what triggered the feeling or need for a distraction without judgement. Just note that it’s there. Don’t label it as good or bad.
2. Find it in your body. Where do you feel it? Your chest? Your head? Your stomach? Does it feel like a weight everywhere? Does it feel like you’re vibrating? Does it feel like you’re numb all over?
3. Name the feeling. Look up an emotion chart if you need to. Find the feeling that resonates the most with what you’re feeling. Is it disappointment? Heartbreak? Anxiety? Anger? Humiliation?
4. Validate the feeling. Sometimes feelings misfire or are disproportionately big, but they’re still valid. You don’t have to justify what you’re feeling, it’s just valid. Tell yourself “yeah it makes sense that you feel that right now.” Or something as simple as “I hear you.” For example: If I get really big feelings of humiliation when I lose at a game of chess, the feeling may not be necessary, but it is valid and makes sense if I grew up with parents who berated me every time I did something wrong. So I could say “Yeah I understand why we are feeling that way given how we were treated growing up. That’s valid.”
5. Do something with your body that’s not a mental distraction from the feeling. Something where you can still think. Go on a walk. Do something with your hands like art or crochet or baking. Journal. Clean a room. Figure out what works best for you.
6. Repeat, it takes practice but is a skill you can learn :)
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broomsick · 7 months
I want to learn seidr but idk where to start or what resources are even valid and not tainted by bigotry or transphobia. A lot of posts are very vague, too. So I have no idea what they actually mean. Any thoughts?
Hello! Thank you so much for the ask.
Seiðr is quite the mysterious practice, which is why you must have found difficult to find trustworthy sources, or even one that could clearly define its nature. We currently know very, very little about it. What we do know for sure is that it was a form of pre-Christian magical practice, the uses of which stretched from divination to healing, luck-bringing, controlling weather and making game plentiful (archaeologist Neil Price). It was neither a force of "good" nor one of "evil", as it could also be used to fulfill malicious purposes, such as to cause conflicts or cast curses.
Unlike galdr, which was often practiced by men, seiðr was seen as a rather "feminine" practice. But as always, there have been exceptions to this: after all, mythology has it Óðinn himself, in his eternal search for knowledge, had learned to master seiðr! Though it was considered dishonorable for men to practice it back in Iron Age Scandinavia, it was common enough for a word to describe such men to emerge: seiðmenn. For this reason, neither galdr not seiðr are (or ever have been) confined to specific genders. This, I felt compelled to specify, especially since you've mentionned having stumbled upon many transphobic posts in your research. Galdr and seiðr do not belong to any given gender.
Another difference we could find in modern practice as opposed to historical practice is the means to reach the seiðrkona's staple trance. Archeological finds have informed us that the practice often would have involved trance-inducing intoxicants, which would have enabled the practionner to receive visions and use divination. It's possible for us to recreate such conditions in vastly different ways, namely, using music, chants, repetitive motions and the like.
Now, what's interesting to note is that the Goddess Freyja was also said to be a master of the art. Since she is often thought to be the archetype of a völva, magic practitionners who famously carried a long staff which was crucial to their craft. The term völur actually means "staff carrier", or "wand carrier". This means that to anybody seeking to re-construct this practice, the use of some sort of staff would be near essential.
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Though the accounts describing völur and their work are sparse, it's still possible for us to make out a few recurring informations: they were wanderers (and were generally viewed as standing apart from society), which makes them likely to have had some sort of connection with the God Óðinn, and they went from village to village to offer their help and insights. When welcomed into a household, it's very likely they would have been offered to sit at the head of the table, replacing whoever was the head of house in their seat. This means that their presence was considered of the highest respectability. If you're interested in learning more about völur, I suggest checking out the Saga of Erik the Red, which contains the most detailed account of a völva known today.
Another interesting detail to be noted about seiðr is that weaving, whether it was physical or metaphysical, was a central part of the practice. After all, the Norns, who weave the Wyrd, are said to be the greatest of Seiðkonur. Another mythical element to support this theory is that Freyja as a deity seems to share lots of common points with Frigg. In fact, it's very likely the two were worshipped as one deity at some point in time, and depending on the areas. While Freyja is said to be a magician, capable of surviving a pyre thrice, famously, Frigg is more a clairvoyant master of divination, able to foresee the future. And both these different types of witchcraft could very well be considered seiðr practices! Now, Frigg is often depicted weaving using a spindle. That's because her myth has it she is the one who weaves the clouds, and is therefore a talented artist in this domain, which furthers the connection between magic (or at the very least, divination) and the textile arts. It's also interesting to note that the Nornir and Frigg have one major element in common: their ties with fate. While the Nornir weave fate, Frigg knows everything that's to come in the future, though she never speaks a word of it. This particular element of their respective stories greatly emphasizes the imortance of divination and foresight within seiðr practices.
Though I do work with witchcrat, I don't consider myself a practionner of this art per say. That's because oftentimes, the nordic magic I use takes the form of rune-carving, a practice inherent to taufr instead of seiðr. What little information we have on seiðr is unfortunately not enough to determine exactly how it was practiced, apart from the fiew hints here and there. I'm sorry that I can't be of much more help concerning this topic, but I'll link below a few online articles to check out if you're interested in some further reading.
Seiðstaffs of the Völur
Encounters with Völur
Manning the High Seat: Seiðr as Self-Making in Contemporary Norse Neopaganisms
The double world: seidr and the problem of Old Norse 'magic'
Norse Magic: Seidr, Shapeshifting, Runes, & More
I will also suggest the book The Norse Sorceress Mind and Materiality in the Viking World and this video, which dive a lot deeper into the topic than I could. The YouTuber Arith Härger, who has multiple times stated his adherence to inclusive heathenry, has posted multiple videos on seiðr in the past, as well.
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pichlive · 6 months
God… how do I even START to describe Slay the Princess??? My one, main advice, is if you're somehow looking and this and haven't played the game yet, and you don't know a lot about it? Play the game. Please play Slay the Princess. And not just because supporting indie devs is always nice. It is a phenomenal experience that makes me not only want to play their other game, but makes me extremely excited to check out whatever this studio makes next. Even if you do know about it-- I'd still recommend it. It's an incredibly personal game that… even if you do spoil yourself, it goes out of your way to make sure your playthrough is something special to you.
So, first off, the writing in this game is spectacular. The intrigue is immaculate, and it always kept me guessing-- especially on a blind playthrough where I was fed tidbits of what might be going on, but never the full picture until the end-- I think. Again, even if you do know spoilers? Honestly, that still can enhance the experience. But it always feels as if every choice really is valid-- even if you, the player, might feel sad or bad about it, the game never shames you for what your personal perspective and actions might be. Looking at how the game was developed-- they very deliberately made sure there was never any 'bad ends'-- because there aren't any! Just new perspectives.
The art is also… beautiful. And horrifying. And spectacular. And also very funny at times. All on purpose-- but I can tell that Abby Howard is an absolute MASTER of her craft, and she knows how to bend the art to be… extremely unsettling at times. While I didn't personally hit them on my run-- some of the routes can get extremely, extremely unnerving… as a horror, game, obviously, that's to be expected-- but the art hits its mark in every respect. Of course, it can also be extremely beautiful… I loved every princess I stumbled upon, and even the ones I didn't, all the designs are lovely, and extremely fitting for whatever route you're playing at that moment.
The music is also perfect. The soundtrack done by Brandon Boone, with some vocals by Amelia Jones in some tracks, absolutely fits the atmosphere and mood in every scenario. The first track, and what I'd say is the main theme of the game, The Princess, is as beautiful as it is haunting and sad-- and makes for a perfect first meeting. The other tracks are also, similarly, excellently tailored for each princess, and further scenario you go through… The music in the latter half of the game, for several of the endings, is extremely powerful to me, and made for an incredibly impactful experience. There's also an extremely personal final touch they do with the music that made the experience all the more special.
All in all: I would say Slay the Princess is one of those few games that's THE gaming experience. Even if it's not your usual thing-- please, please play it. I promise it's an experience you'll never forget-- or want to.
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