#it's the closest face I could find to be similar to his father with some of Tali's look too
tadbitfooled · 9 months
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I think...I'm finally satisfied with Arzan's in game look.
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platinumrosetail · 8 months
Okay so could I request Adam, Poseidon, Loki and Shiva with a mischievous god reader that acts like the Cheshire cat he basically has his disappearing power thingy?
Also if you're fine with it can you make him a cat-human hybrid?
Sure! The Cheshire Cat is my favorite from Alice and wonderland! Though it’s been a while since I last seen Alice in wonderland so some things might be wrong so I’m sorry for that but I’ll try my best to make it as in character as possible.
Warning: noob author, male reader, and others.
Characters: Adam, Poseidon, Loki, shiva.
You were a cat like god with a mischievous personality almost like Loki but less destructive and more in a fun pranking way as well as giving out riddles for fun to confuse your guest when they show up.
So it wasn’t a shock that you decided to play a playful little prank on the father of humanity though what you didn’t know was that he saw this coming, he copied your disappearing ability and teleported behind you spooking you in the process.
You of course was shocked at first before a big grin appeared on your face, amused at how the tables had turned on your little failed attempt of a prank on the father of humanity.
That was how both of you met, you two spend some time together afterwards though it’s usually you the one talking, whether it be about pranks and how they went or possible riddles to give to others you also give some to Adam but it’s more the ones that he can solve a bit easier instead of left confused on what you mean when you give riddles to other.
You usually lay on his lap when you’re not busy pranking or doing something else that requires your attention.
he pets your head and give little scratches behind your ears making you purr at the nice feeling.
Adam finds it cute that you’re cat like and has fun seeing how cat like you were with the help of inventions his children has created for cats to use and play with, you noticed it and decided to humor him though you soon came to found out that the cat toys are very fun to play with which made you like humans more for creating them, that made Adam proud of his children more than before especially on how it made your cute and docile as well as more tamed and not planking anybody as much.
You had pulled a pranked Poseidon that ended with him covered in in mud and chicken feathers, you quickly put the blame on Loki, thankfully you can disappear and tun invisible and escape out of trouble but unfortunately for Loki he now has the wrath of the god of the sea trying to skewer him with his trident as he was the closest when it happened and it doesn’t help that he has a bad reputation when it comes to pranks more so than you do.
You like to hang around Poseidon even though many suggest you shouldn’t as he would kill your soon enough but you always declined that with a riddle like answer.
You mostly appeared in your vat form that you have as he actually gives your pets and scratches while in that form.
You mostly nap in that form on Poseidon’s lap but when you’re in your more human form you begin to tease him.
Poseidon didn’t want to admit to it but he found you cute especially your full cat form which was half why you weren’t a corpse yet.
Poseidon usually make empty threats which you would laugh at as you knew that he loved you too much to do that though he did say that was your words and not his which you also knew was false.
You lightly prank him and surprisingly enough he does prank about which in turn makes you tease him some more after that, you just hope it’s not revealed that you were the one that pranked him instead of Loki as you knew that would get you in so much trouble with Poseidon, what you didn’t know was that he already knew.
You and Loki are both very similar though only you give out riddles to prank people along with prancing people the normal; as normal as a god’s prank can get, way.
You and him both prank as many gods as you can without getting into too much trouble for it but there are some instance where either one of your or both of you get in trouble;le by one of the older gods; mostly being Odin, though Loki surprisingly tries to take the blame for you even though you never asked him to.
Both of you try to get the other out of trouble if one of you get caught and punished; which usually is basically a timeout, and so the other makes a plan to help break the other out of timeout, sometimes leading both of you getting timeout for longer than before if the one helping the other escape get caught in the act of trying to break the other out.
You like to go in your cat form and have Loki scratch and pet you, sometimes he’ll even turn himself into a cat along with you for fun and so he can see what it’s like to be a cat as well.
You sometimes give riddles for Loki to solve for fun, you give him hard ones as it’s fun seeing him. Frustrated after still not getting the right answer to the riddle which sometimes is a very common answer to the riddle, you also say no to the answer he gives even though it’s right and later revealing that he had got the answer right after all.
That leads you to being playfully chased by Loki who wants to give payback for that but he can hardly catch what with your ability to disappear and teleport.
You met him through Rudra who wanted you to meet his childhood friend shiva and shiva to meet his new friend that he met while traveling.
You interested him what with your powers of disappearing and reappearing with a big grin and your cat like features.
You like to prank him which results in a prank war with all three of you as well as other gods as well.
What with him having two pairs of arms make it soon becomes a paradise of pets when you’re in your full cat form as he has multiple hands to get at all of your favorite spots to scratch and pet at the same time.
You give him riddles all the time as he gets frustrated with what the answer could be if he gets it wrong.
You like to watch him do his dances and relax, sometimes rudra likes to come and join to relax and dance with shiva.
Shiva would join you when you take naps whether you’re in your cat form or human form, but you always find yourself cuddling next to him when you wake up close to him.
(A/n: hope y’all liked it! I don’t think i have anything else top say so hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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reticent-writer · 3 months
CouldI was looking at your other account and I liked the headcanons of the father figure(kny)and I wanted to ask for one. the father who is someone more sentimental but his face is stoic. It's like you see him from afar and you feel that he's rude until you talk to him and he talks to you very happy and with a big smile. Thank u for this
An: for the fathers I go with their occupation from other fics.
Mitsuri's ff is a Baker. Giyuu and Rengoku's is a retired hashira. Shinobu's is a doctor. Obanai, muichirou, sanemi and tengen are people from their past.
Some of them takes place during the training arc
Demon slayer masterlist
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Tengen thinks that your intimidating aura is flashy
Makio is similar to Tengen but she wised you had the attitude to match your face
Suma makes you laugh a lot and doesn't understand how anyone can even think you could be rude
Hina thinks you're the sweetest man she's met
Hashira training is harsh and Tengen was working the young slayers to the bone. You were helping Hina, Makio and Suma cook/distribute the food.
As you made your way around passing out food, the chatter died down. You didn't notice but what you did notice was Tanjiro talking in a group.
His eyes beamed when they met yours. You walked over making the boys shiver away from you.
"L/n is nice to see you again."
"You to Tanjiro." You gave him a soft smile, "Would you like some more."
"Yes, please." He offered his bowl.
"Y/n yours supposed to be working not talking." Tengen called out to you. You ignored him and turned to the trainies aroudn you.
"Did you boys eat your fill?"
They all nodded and you said your goodbyes. as you were walking away you heard the boys quietly bumbard Tanjiro with questions.
"How are you not scared of him?
"You talk so causally with him, I'm jelous."
"How'd you get him to smile?"
You laughed to yourself.
I can see Kyojuro practicing smiling with you so that, in his words, it becomes natural
Ubuyashiki jokes about you getting your unfriendly vibes from being around Shinjuro
Senjuro doesn't think you're intimidating but he's bias
You Senjuro and Kyojuro were at the market buying things for dinner. It's always nice to get out of the house every once in a while and the villagers are very kind, especially since the Rengoku family is known slayers.
On this particular outing a group of kids (5 or 6 of them) were playing around the food booths. As Senjuro was picking out ripe fruit you watched as one of the smaller kids stopped playing and went to the closest stand, coincidentally the one you were at, and attempt to grab as much as they could.
You stopped them by grabbing anything and leaned down to their height.
"You and your friends have a nice distraction but stealing isn't okay so how about we pay for this huh." You tried to smile like Kyojuro taught you but it made you the kid cry instead.
You were flushed as you tried to get the kid to calm down, their friends came to see what was the problem but when you turned to them with a helpless expression they cautiously apporached you.
You look at the crying child, "There no need to cry." You turn to the group of kids, "and there's no need to steal. Grab whatever you need and I'll pay for it."
At that you and the group of kids went stall to stall buying enough food for them and their families.
One the walk back to the house.
"I think you handled that well. I mean only one kid cried." Kyojuro patted your back.
"Its better than all of them crying right?"Senjuro chimed in.
You sighed, "I guess."
Obanai thinks you have a screw loose
You can act tuff and scary but you're literally a golden retriever
Obanai had just gotten back from eating out with Mitsuri to find you passed out, bleeding from the head while Kakushi fussed over you.
He rushed over to find out what happened but when he saw the look on your face he wanted to walk away.
You had a stupidly wide smile on your face as you held onto a broken tree branch.
"I don't know what happened I went to go make tea when I heard a thud. I'm so sorry Mr. Obanani." They cried but Obanai ignored them.
"What did you do." He questioned.
"I saw that a bird had fallen out of its nest so I put it back but on my way down the branch broke." You confessed still smilling like an idiot.
"Take him to Shinobu." He sighed as he looked up at the tree you fell from to see the mama bird staring back at him.
I honestly find Sanemi to be nice but in a brutally honest mean way ya know?
Genya likes having you around, especially when Sanemi is around
Mui doesn't say much about but he would compare you to a sting-ray
You are pretty to look at and harmless as long as no one hits are one nerve that only he can
"Oh Mui, be nice to them they look exhausted." You said, "Just cause Tanjiro isn't here doesn't mean you can bully them." It was the end of the day and the trainers were washing up.
"Its training, They'll be fine if they're strong enough."
You sighed and patted Mui on the back before checking on the trainees.
"Are you boys okay?"
"We're fine, sir."
"Are you sure?"
It looked like a few of them wanted to say something but they decided to keep their mouth shut.
"Then I guess none of you would like these sweets courtesy of the love hashira." You gestured to a cart full of treats. In an instant, they surrounded the cart and ate their fill.
that's all I have to say
Giyuu was being followed by Tanjiro all day. You were asleep when he burst in your room asking for help.
"Y/n please help me." He shook you awake. You yawn and rolled over, clinging to sleep.
"Good morning, L/n." An enthusiastic voice called from your door causing you to shoot up. Looking over to Giyuu you mouthed 'he's still here' before getting up and opening your door.
"Good morning, forgive me for my appearance I didn't expect you here again." You blocked his view of your room with his body.
"You seem tired, sorry for bothering you."
"Oh, you're never a bother. Here for Giyuu?" You smiled.
"Yeah but I haven't seen him yet."
"Why don't you wait in the front I'm sure He'll show up sooner or later."
"Okay, thank you."
You watched a Tanjiro wobbled to the entrance of the estate. You gently closed your door and turned to giyuu.
"Seriously. You can't just talk to him." Your face dropped.
"He's persistent."
Shinobu likes that fact that your scary because no one has the balls to aruge with you about treatment
Aoi likes when you come to help for the same reason.
"Oto-san, can you help Aoi in the infirmary?" Shinobu said knocking on your door.
Sighing you stopped what you were doing and got presentable.
"Of course, how many slayers are there?"
"Full house."
"What happened to them?" You gasped as the two of you walked to the infirmary.
"Most of them are from Sanemi and Obanai's training."
"I'm gonna strangle those two." You hissed as you opened the door to the infirmary.
Shinobu is scary all by herself but the two of you together is suffocating.
"Good you're here. Please help." Aoi begged. You laughed as you watched the triplets go around with trays of medicine and got to work.
You handled everything with care and precision, Unfortunately, when you were focused you had an RBF. The trainees knew they were in good hands but they couldn't help but feel nervous around you.
As you said goodnight to everyone you smiled and wished them well.
Mitsuri had only seen you mad once and that was when she got her uniform
"Y/N I FOUND A STRAY KITTY." Kanroji burst into your bakery with the kitten wrapped in her haori.
"Aw poor thing." You cooed as you wiped your hands on your apron, then took it off. You carefully took the small thing into your arms and brought it to an empty table in the dining area.
The cat was huffing like a dog. It was overheated.
You quickly got it some water in a dish.
As the day went on, you and Kanroji watched over the cat as it slowly gained the strength to walk again.
"So what are you gonna do with it?" She asked as it purred in your lap.
"I'll keep em." You smiled as your patrons watched the adorable scene, silently waiting for you to take their orders. They wouldn't dare say it tho.
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lizzyk137 · 11 months
Figuring Out Parenthood- A Spencer Reid Story (Spencer Reid X Reader)
Summary: You had a one-night stand and ended up pregnant. Now three years later, Spencer makes an appearance in your life, on Halloween, making you question- Is Spencer the father? Warnings: None, pure fluff
Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
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His lips were locked against yours, his hands roaming your body as you laid back onto the bed beneath you. His woodsy cologne filled your brain with nothing else but him, intoxicating you even more. The more his skin touched yours the more you lost yourself. The night went on full dizzy in his embrace. The only reminder of your night together was the sweet dreams you had of his embrace.
And the two lines on the stick.
"Penelopeeee!" You dragged out her name, hoping she would ignore what she was doing and chat with you. You leaned against the door frame; two mugs full of hot tea in hand while you watched her type away at her computer. A small smile fell on your lips while you watched her head bounced as she danced along to the song she was humming.
"I'll be right with you, my love! Just one more minute... and done!" With one final click on the keyboard, her home screen popped up to a picture of the two of you and your adorable three-year-old son.
Penelope and you have been friends since you both started working for the F.B.I., she was your closest friend at work and out of work. You didn't work much together but you would occasionally help out on a few cases. You worked with a small group of people which didn't interact with anyone besides a few people, but Penelope always made sure you guys came out with her when she organized company functions, aka club nights. Which is how you ended up pregnant three years ago.
You weren't the type of girl for one-night stands or going clubbing. It was a stupid decision to get drunk and have a one-night stand, but they had given you the biggest blessings you could ask for. Work kept you busy and isolated, so meeting someone was out of the question but starting a family was something you had always wanted. You couldn't remember who you had slept with, just that he left a handkerchief behind with the initials SR engraved on it. You wouldn't tell Penelope what the initials were since you knew she would go to such lengths of trying to find him, but you had to figure he worked in the same building you did since most of the people attended worked with you. But you couldn't bring yourself to find out who he was.
"Is he almost here?"
"He should be in a few minutes, I gotta go down and get him from security." You handed her a mug, and she took a sip. "He's super excited and can't wait for everyone to see his costume."
It was Halloween and every year the F.B.I held a trick or treat party for the kids, and this was the first year that Percy, your son, was attending.
You both headed down to get Percy, teas in hand as you chatted. He cleared through security and ran into your arms, his little pumpkin pail discarded on the ground.
"Looks like we got a roller." You looked up to find a tall man grabbing the rolling pumpkin pail.
"Oh, thank you." He turned around and your mouth almost dropped opened. He looked just like your son.
"Spencer! I didn't know you were joining in on the celebration." Penelope exclaimed.
"Well Halloween is one of the best times of the year, plus JJ threatened me that I had to pass out candy this year." Spencer handed the pail to you, Percy's face still tucked into your chest. He smiled down at you then waved goodbye to Penelope before heading down the hall.
"Um, Penn... Who was that and why does he look like my son?"
She looked at you confused. "That's Dr. Spencer Reid. What are you talking about? They don't look the same."
"They look exactly alike!"
"I mean sure, they have some similar features but so does a lot of people." She shrugged and grabbed the reached-out hand that Percy gave her.
"I guess so..." You were unconvinced, but you shook it off when your son smiled up at you and waved his pumpkin pail around. You got up, and smiled back at him. "Lets get some candy, okay?"
Spencer looked down at the giant bowl of candy by his desk. The team had decorated the desks up and the meeting room upstairs had fun decorations for the kids to walk through. He never thought of passing out candy as fun but so far it hadn't been too bad. Penelope said she was going around with her friend from another department and her kid and to save some leftover candy for her but with how the bucket was looking, there might not be any left over.
He spotted Penelope's blonde hair peeking through the swarm of parents and kids along with the women he saw earlier. She was beautiful, and something about her seemed familiar but he couldn't figure it out which for him was irritating since he could always figure things out.
He saw them making their way over, stopping at each desk to collect candy. They finally made their way over to his desk, Penelope and the girl smiling down at the child who was hidden behind the line of kids at his desk. He looked up after a few kids and his heart caught in his throat.
The little boy looked just like him. But how, why?
The small boy smiled at him, giving out a trick or treat with a big smile, his brown curls bouncing as he raised the pumpkin pail up towards him, his body still frozen in shock. He quickly cleared his throat and gave a smile then poured some candy into the pail.
"I wike your costume. Look we have the same sonis!" The little boy waved his sonic screwdriver at Spencer, making Spencer laugh. They were both dressed as the 10th Doctor.
"I guess we do have matching ones!"
"Hey, Penelope. Can we talk?" It was a week after Halloween and Spencer finally caught Penelope alone.
"Sure, what can I do for ya?"
"W-who was that with you a few days ago for the trick or treating?"
"Oh, that was my best friend, Y/N, she works a few floors down."
"And the child with her?"
"Her son Percy, he's three years old. Why do you want to know?"
"She just looks like the girl I met at that night out at the club you dragged us to. And the child... well he looks like me." He sat down and Penelope looked at him with worry as his face went pale. "I can't help but think she was the one I had spent that night with... I was so intoxicated but she- well she looks like her... and maybe perhaps, Percy is mine." He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
Oh, Spence... I think you two should talk." Spencer nodded.
The coffee shop was loud, but it didn't seem to mind Percy as he sat there colouring. Since Halloween all you've thought about was him, how he looked like Percy, how he smelled of the same cologne that the man in your dreams did. You couldn't shake it off that he could possibly be the father, and neither could he, you've come to find out.
He had found you a week ago at your desk. At first, he was nervous, rambling about all the probabilities and their known percentages on how he could be the father. You had stopped him right off, giving him the dates of which everything happened. After that, he had calmed down a little, but it wasn't until you suggested a paternity test to ease his mind was when he totally calmed down, which you assumed that he was just in shock.
You had the paternity test done a few days later and Spencer wanted to meet at a coffee shop to go over the findings together. You were slightly freaking out. You knew you would be fine if it wasn't him, you had done three years alone without a man but what do you do if it was him? You didn't know him at all, besides physically. Would he try to take Percy away? Would he want nothing to do with you if you did find out Percy was his? You couldn't stop your mind from running wild.
You saw Spencer's curly head heading your way with drinks in hand. He sat down two lemonades in front of you and Percy and a coffee for himself. He sat down and pulled out a manilla envelope from his bag. "Are you ready?"
You nodded your head and pulled Percy onto your lap.
Spencer opened up the envelope and pulled out the stack of papers his hands shaking. "Here you read it, I read too fast."
You looked at him confused but grabbed the stack of papers he handed you. Taking a deep breath, you read what was in front of you, looking at him once you were done. "You're the father."
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warnersister · 9 months
“Best interest” - Thomas Shelby x Sister!Reader
Thomas Shelby x Sister!Reader, Arthur Shelby x Sister!Reader, (background) Isaiah Jesus x Reader
During an altercation between you and your older brother Thomas turns physical, you turn to your oldest sibling for help.
Request: from anon
“Hey I got a request for Tommy Shelby
So you and Tommy sister and u are 15 and u are living with Tommy and you and Tommy was having an argument and he slapped u and you walk out and Tommy was worried were u was as u didn’t come back for the night and turns out u was at Arthur and Arthur was shocked to see u at his door crying and u told him after and he rang Tommy up pissed off he has hit u
Hope that makes sense x”
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“Isaiah Jesus is bad news.” Tommy told you, cigarette dangling from his lips. “He’s Finn’s best mate!” You retort “plus he works for you!” “Exactly.” He barks in response, stubbing out the remainder of the tobacco onto his desk before rounding it to get to you. “While you live under my roof, under any Shelby roof; you will not date no blinder nor man, you shall stay here and out of trouble.” He told you, wagging a finger at you like you were some dog who refused to do a trick.
“You don’t tell me what to do, you’re not my father.” And before you could think about at a large pain came into the side of your face, followed by an incessant buzzing and potentially red hand mark. Your brother has slapped you. “You are a fifteen year old girl. I am the closest thing to a fucking paternal figure you have and you will not fucking go against me, yn.” You said nothing in response, eyes welling up with tears as you cradle the soreness of your face.
Silently, you grabbed your coat and spun quickly on your heals - pivoting to face the door, rather than Thomas and making a dash for it before your brother was able to stop you. The door slammed shut behind you but Tommy didn’t move - you’d done this before, ran out but returned twenty minutes later with a bit less anger and a bit more Dutch courage in your system.
But when ten minutes had past, twenty, sixty, two hours; Thomas started to worry. He grabbed his coat and his cap, leaving in a similar fashion to yourself - slamming the door behind him to try find you on the unsafe streets of Birmingham: an unpromised virgin Shelby with a target over her head was potentially the worst possible person to leave alone. And even if you were angry, at least you’d be safe in his protection. And for once in his cold little life Thomas started to regret his actions.
You, on the other hand, knocked onto your other brothers - eyes welled to the brim with salty teeth’s that stung the mark on your face. He was notice drink from the hiccup he make when opening the door, but he sobered up rather quickly when he saw the state you were in. “Yn? What’s happened sweetheart?” Arthur asked you. “He hit me, Arth” you sniffed, upset. “Who did? Isaiah? I’ll fucking kill him-” “Thomas.” Arthur stopped in his tracks. “You fucking what?”
“Thomas hit me. Slapped me round the cheek when he found out about Isaiah. Said I wouldn’t stop seeing him just because he told me too-” you explained as your brother embraced you tightly and brought you in fr the cold to be able to properly comfort you. “Let me look” you moved the hand from your face and there laid a vibrant red handprint of the brother who would die tonight if Arthur got his own way; but right now his baby sister was in need and she would always come first to him.
“Come on love, I’ll get you an ice pack.” He mumbled, sitting you on the sofa before heading to the kitchen to grab some forgotten peas from the freezer to heal your dampened mood. “I’ll always look after you, y’know that?” He asked, stroking your hair and kissing your forehead. You nodded up at him. “That’s why I came to you first, Arth” he smiled, glad you trusted him as thus.
When you’d eventually settled and drifted to sleep at this ungodly hour, Arthur made a rather cruel phone call - but not before making a more gentle one. “Isaiah can you come round to mine please… yeah, she just needs you…”
Thomas paced around his house, unable to find you and the police told him they’d do anything in their power to find the Peaky sister before dawn but it wasn’t good enough, he needed you alive and well three hours ago. Not by morning.
The phone ringing dragged him out of his frantic thoughts. “Speaking?” “What are you fucking playing at?” “Arthur?” “I said, what are you fucking playing at Thomas?” He spat again. “Arthur this isn’t the time-” “laying a fucking finger on our baby sister. I’ll rip your cruel fucking hands off and kill you with ‘em” the man on the other end was quiet for a moment. “Is she with you?” “and I’ll slap you twice as bastard hard as you hit her-” “Arthur is yn with you?” Silence. “Yes.” He let up. “Oh thank god, did she come straight away?” “Four hours ago” “oh fucking hell, I’ll be there in five-" he said, pulling his coat back on. “No need. I don’t want to see your ugly fucking mug until morning.” “But," “no fucking buts. My little sister is staying the night with me and that’s final. Not sending her back to someone who’s gonna hurt her” and the line went dead.
The door rattled. “I swear to god Thomas if that’s you-” Arthur seethed, opening the door. “-oh Isaiah, come in lad” he welcomed, letting the sixteen year old blinder into his home - face drained and pumped back up with concern. “Where is she?” “In the living room.”
Isaiah ran into find you on the settee, awake from the commotion. He kneeled in front of you, gently holding your face in his hands checking you over, thumb carefully ghosting over the shadow of a hand on your cheek as his eyes progressively filled with rage. “I’ll fucking kill him for touching you. I’ll cut his hands off and make him eat em from breakfast-” Isaiah began to promise before truly looking into your eyes and seeing the upset in him: to which he immediately relaxed, for you: spoke a bit gentler. “Are you alright?” He questioned, voice barely above a whisper. You nod. “It’s alright, I’ve got you” he promised, taking your body into his chest and caressing your back with a free hand, allowing your distress to seep off into much-needed sleep.
He looked over his shoulder at the older man watching from the doorway, anger returning to his eyes. ‘I’ll fucking kill him’ Isaiah mouthed and Arthur nodded ‘tomorrow’ he lipped back.
In the morning, as soon as the sun reared its head over the horizon, Thomas was at his brother’s doorstep - cap in hands. Awaiting the wrath as the commotion approached the door. “You slimy bastard.” Arthur allowed him through the door, locking it behind him. “Is she here?” “Yeah. With the boyfriend who cares about her more than you think he does.” Thomas ran through the downstairs portion of the house, informing the living room - seeing you sleeping peacefully in the arms of the boy he’d forbade.
Isaiah looked up at him, calmly. “No offence Tommy, but if she wasn’t here right now I’d be chopping your filthy fucking hands off with a butter knife” he said, voice cold and monotone. But he wasn’t able to reply, seeing you wake from your slumber to your abuser in the room you didn’t want him.
“What is he doing here?” You spat, venom leaking from your words. “Yn let’s go home-” “no.” “No?” Arthur stepped forward between the two of you. “I dare you to try lay a finger on her again.” “Yn I’m so sorry. I was worried after you ran off, y’know.” Tommy said, trying to sound guilty - which he was, truly. “But I can see I was being unreasonable and perhaps Isaiah does treat you better than I thought he could. I was only looking out for my baby sister.” He said. “I’ll never touch you again Yn. I’m sorry.” He opened his arms and the two other men looked at you, allowing to make your own choice here.
Slowly but surely, you inched towards Thomas who embraced you in a bone-crushing hug, kissing the top of your head as though it’s the first time he’d seen you in years. But in the embrace, he looked up at Isaiah and pointed a threatening finger at him. “But you ever hurt her and I’ll hold you down while she cuts your fucking balls off.”
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tourturestarradio · 21 days
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☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
Pairing: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji (more added later) x Mermaid reader!
Prompt: After your family jewels were stolen you were determined to get them back joining you closest friend Monkey D. Luffy on his adventure to become the king of the pirates.
Warnings: none, this follows the live action!!
Part 1
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𝐒𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓 my brothers I swam around to find the secret room, my father was as usual out doing important man stuff whatever that was...I got to the door placing my hand on it, I wondered how my dad even got that purple glow. I focused hard onto the door, squeezing my eyes shut "work dang it!"
I focused as hard as I could a light blue glow formed around my hands causing the heavy door to seemingly unlocked, smiling widely I stared at hands "it worked!" I pushed open the door and saw a line of necklaces.
Mines being all the way at the end, I swam up to it looking at all our different necklace designs.
They all had the same gem stone they were just different colors. I ran my fingers across my necklace picking it up carefully.
I swam out of the room closing the door behind me, I quickly swam out of the house and up to the surface to where me and Luffy would hang out on the docks.
I slid the necklace on, I didn't feel any different whatsoever. I looked down at my tail and saw well, my tail. Not a single leg in sight, I rubbed the necklace "hm maybe it isn't magi-" I saw a light green spark "huh?" the water started to swirl around me light green sparks zapping around my tail.
I started to grow dizzy as the water spun me around, but oddly enough I felt my tail start to separate into two my flipper shrinking in size and my scales disappearing. I squeezed my eyes shut as the bubbles flared up into my face, I looked down as the bubbles stopped.
And I saw...legs! actual human legs!! I climbed onto the docks, I tried to stand up but my legs wobbled and I fell down "aha! I have legs!" I still had my fins but they were smaller and the webbing in between my fingers was gone and my normal (f/c) skin looked blotchy some patches of skin were a (s/c) while others were (f/c). My father had told me about it but I had time remembering what it was called.
It was similar to what humans experienced called vitiligo. 
I looked back down to my legs wiggling my toes, I tried standing up again, I stood up straight my legs wobbling "o-ok making progress..." I took a step forward and fell flat on my face "ow..."
"Oi, you need help...uh walking?" I looked up and saw one of shanks crew mates, had brown skin and a blonde afro, I nodded "aren't you Luffy's little pirate queen?" he asked, could feel my fins warm up "u-um yes" he tilts his head, he pulled me up to my feet holding the back of my dress.
Wait I had clothes? I had a swimsuit that looked like a dress, I held the back of the males pants stumbling trying to walk "right foot....then left foot...right foot then...left foot..." I mumbled, I wobbled with every step but hey! At least I was walking!
As we walked I saw so many different people! Big, small, short, tall, pretty, ugly, it was very exciting!
"Oi Luffy guess what fish grew legs!" I heard the taller male exclaim, I peeked from behind his leg I saw Luffy sitting down looking sad a few stitches under his eye. He tilted his head but his eyes lit up as he saw me standing I waved to him. He jumped down from his seat and ran over to me tackling me down into a hug.
"You have legs!" he smiles widely, I smiled back nodding "they're hard to use though..." Luffy held my hands "here i'll help you!" we both began walking I followed his walking pattern.
He had a cheeky grin on his face "see it's not so hard is it?" we walked around the small bar a green haired woman looking down at the two of us with a smile.
Letting go of me he exclaimed "hey wait look what I can do!" Lifting his arm the woman cut in "Luffy no." he frowned and dropped his arm. I rubbed his back "well m-maybe you could show me around?"
Luffy brightened up tremendously "yeah! come on let's go!" he tried to run off but I wasn't used to moving too quickly and toppled over on top of him "s-sorry!" my fins glowed as I stumbled off of him. He sat up his cheeks dusted light pink, but he still got up and held my hand helping me walk.
Eventually he let go of my hand "you should try it on your own!" I gulped "b-but what if I fall!"  "come on Y/n just try it!" I shakily let go of his hand steadying myself I muttered "right foot first...then left foot...right foot...left foot"
Luffy smiled "see you're doing it!" I continued to walk around "I think I got it!" Luffy hugged me tightly "yay! I knew you could do it!" I hugged back tightly.
They two's friendship grew as strong as a rip current, nothing could truly pull the two apart. Over time the mermaid would sneak back to the surface to hang out with her only friend.
Then she suddenly just disappeared for a few months, Luffy waited for her everyday, for hours but she just didn't show up which wasn't like her at all.
He thought she just decided not to return.
Suddenly she was back, saying she had to take care of a few things for a while. Oddly enough she wouldn't return home, she'd swim around for a while but then she'd just come back up on shore.
Whenever Luffy asked about it she'd get upset and change the topic so Luffy just didn't talk about it anymore.
Growing up Luffy's brown skin got lighter but he still had a tan, his hair stayed curly, but he grew taller.
But not taller than Y/n, she grew to about 5'10 pretty tall but all that height was from her tail, the longer your tail the taller you'd be if you had legs, so it's safe to say she wasn't done growing.
Y/n looked mostly the same apart from her hair growing longer, but she grew to be a real beauty. Most people were either looking at her face or her thighs.
Another fun fact about being a mermaid, it made your thighs thicker for some weird reason. Y/n was a tad bit embarrassed about it but Luffy had utterly zero problems with it.
He quote "love how squishy they are, and they are great to lay on" but she must keep a watchful eye out. On more than one occasion he bit her thighs because they reminded him of marshmallows.
The only thing Y/n hated about being on land was the fact that she had to wear clothes! In all the time she spent as a mermaid she only ever had to wear a bathing suit top, that's it!
Apart from that she didn't need to worry about pants or skirts or shorts! But she hated the feeling of any fabric rubbing up against her legs specifically her fins that were located on the sides of her calves.
Y/n would wear short skirts, or shorts, shirts weren't really a problem for a while until, her gills stretched out a bit on her neck so anything rubbing up on that made her uncomfortable.
So she wore tank tops or tube tops, no long sleeves because once again her fins got in the way.
Speaking of the two somewhere far off in the east blue a boy with pink hair and round glasses cleaned the lower deck of a ship mildly annoyed when he heard a thumping noise and muffled voices.
"W-Wait don't move I think I can kick out the lid.."
He followed the voices to a barrel that was shaking around.
"Your legs are in the way"
"u-um Luffy can y-you move your hand"
"why? i'm only touching your thighs?"
"N-No you're n-not"
"hey look your fins are glowing!"
The pink haired boy cocked his head to the side slowly stepping closer to the now glowing barrel.
"o-ok watch your head I'm gonna kick the lid"
Just as the voice said, a hard thumping noise and suddenly the lid slammed off the top, he heard more shuffling and a head popped out, it was a boy with a straw hat.
The pink haired boy shouted and stumbled away, Luffy got out of the barrel, while Y/n pulled herself out, but not without knocking over the barrel causing her to fall over.
Crawling out Y/n dusted herself off fixing her necklace. She tried to stand at her full height but she smacked her head on the roof of the lower deck. "O-ow..." following the sound of Luffy's voice she saw him talking to a pink haired boy, he stared at her.
She smiled and waved at him, he loosely waved back. They both stopped when they heard low snoring "wait is that a sea beast?" he snickered, the boy shook his head "no it's just Alvida snoring. if you both want to get out of here it's now or never" the two followed the boy.
Peeking their head out from the lower deck Y/n, Luffy, and the boy made their way up top Y/n staying close to Luffy.
She glanced around them seeing the sleeping crew mates, the pink haired boy handed Luffy an oar as he was about to send both them off but Luffy turned "Y/n do you need-" he stopped when he accidentally smack the oar into the side of a pole causing it to ring out loudly.
Y/n panicked as the crew started to wake up, while Luffy didn't look fazed at all.
"What's going on?"
Walking up a woman most likely the captain looked at the three, her gaze stopping on the pink haired boy. "Koby what's this? you're betraying me now?" Koby stammered "n-no captain Alvida...let me explain-"
She looked over at Luffy "you're too short and scrawny to be Roronao Zoro." he smirked at her "I'm Monkey D. Luffy," she placed her white hat on "never heard of you." "well, remember that name because i'm gonna be king of the pirates."
Both her and her crew laughed, Y/n glared lightly at the woman. "You must be new around here boy. because who's the most powerful pirate on the seas?" she looked around hearing her crew mates yell out "Captain Alvida!" she looked at Koby who stood silently.
She raised a brow "I'm sorry I didn't hear you Koby? who's the most powerful pirate on the seas?" Koby gulped nervously Y/n gently pulled Koby behind her "h-he doesn't have to answer you." Y/n wanted to punch herself in the face for stuttering. Alvida looked her up and down.
Clicking her tongue she asked "who're you?" Luffy smiled over to his close friend, "I'm Y/n Angelfish and I'm gonna be Queen of the sea!" Alvida looked somewhat interested "Angelfish huh?...so there is still one of you left." Luffy looked mildly confused, but he spoke "Koby is his own man, right?" he looked at Koby "shut up,"
Alvida spoke again "no, no, no he's not. He's mine and he'll always be mine." Luffy chuckled and raised the oar up "that's not what he told me. he said you were mean, and cruel, and you're as dumb as a sea cow" poor boy was shaking like a leaf.
Alvida was fuming now she swung the spiked club at the three, they ducked down causing her to hit the side of a wooden banister.
She swung the club back around making the people around her back up seeing as she almost hit them. One of her crew mates pulled out a gun and shot Luffy but he only puffed his chest out and the bullet popped right on out.
Shocking everyone but Y/n.
"Woah that was fun."
Alvida looked confused "what kind of monster are you?" she asked swinging at him once again only for him to stretch his torso and evade her attack.
He smirked at her "the stretchy kind."
He reached his arm back stretching an abnormally long "Gum gum!" her swung his arm forward "Pistol!" punching Alvida right off the boat.
Y/n looked over the edge of the boat, "uh is she gonna be ok?" Luffy only shrugged and walked away muttering something about needing food for a few days. Y/n was going to follow him but suddenly got light headed, she gripped the side of the boat "u-uh Luffy..." he turned around.
Seeing how she wobbled he came to her side quickly "you forgot how to walk again?" he joked, Y/n let out a small dry chuckle "water..." she mumbled, Luffy nodded and helped her sit on the side of the boat while Koby watched in confusion.
That confusion changed to shock as he watched Luffy push the girl overboard. He ran over leaning over the edge "w-what did you do?!" Luffy kept his smile "don't worry she'll be okay. Trust me, now come on let go get some food."
Koby looked over the edge, he could have sworn he saw a faint green glow but it quickly disappeared. Luffy dragged him away "come on"
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A/n: hope you enjoyed!
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Princess!Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Thanks to @aloneodi for the prompt!
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Wanda hated this arrangement. Marriage between her family, House Maximoff and it's closest neighbor House (L/N). It was a disaster in her mind.
Not only would she have to marry a man she just met but what she had heard about the crown prince of the house was even worse. Rumors had circulated that the crown prince was a womanizer, a prince who would chase all the maids and young women of the land.
"I refuse!" she stated before her father King Erik.
"I beg your pardon?" the monarch asked in response.
"I refuse to be married to some man who will not respect me. A man who would only see me as another notch in his bedpost." Wanda stated defiantly. "Mother raised me to be better than that! I refuse to be the prince's wife!"
"Our nation is on the brink of war with House Stark" the king argued, "in case of attack, we need allies and House (L/N) is our only option."
"What about Pietro?"
"He's pledged to take the throne, along with his betrothed Lady Crystal. Will you at least meet your betrothed?"
Wanda huffed, there wasn't much a choice. She simply nodded. Quickly, she went to her room and changed into some civilian attire.
"Please tell me you're not planning on running away" Natasha, her protector, waltzes in.
"I need some fresh air and some new paints. will my guard care to join me?" Wanda asks her oldest friend.
"I'd be beheaded if I said no" Natasha smirks as she quickly takes off her armor and slips on a cloak.
Wanda loved to see her kingdom, but the only way to remain safe was to go in disguise. Her favorite stop was the painter's shop. New colors and variations for her artwork, it was like being able to create new worlds with the stroke of a paintbrush.
She and Natasha stepped into the shop to find a new customer talking with the owner, purchasing a vial of scarlet red paint. Wanda ran to the back of the store to find the same color. But lo and behold, it was gone.
"Thank you so much" the new customer called out.
"Wait!" Wanda called out as she ran back to the front, "I need that color!"
"Scarlet?" the customer looked at her curiously. "you paint?"
"Yes. What is it unusual for a woman to love to paint?"
"Not in my mind." he smiles before handing it to her, "I was going to paint some roses but I think violets are better in bloom this season"
"Thank you" Wanda fishes for some coins, "allow me to pay you what-"
"Think nothing of it" the customer smiles, "I have all I could need. Pleasure meeting you miss-"
"Wanda" she found herself blushing. Natasha raised an eyebrow, finally someone to get straight to her heart.
"I'm Y/N" the customer smiles, "or at least that's what father calls me when he's not angry"
"And what do you do?"
"A-Apprentice mostly" Y/N shyly replied. "Still learning. But I play the lute and write poetry"
"I love to paint and writing song lyrics" Wanda lets out a chuckle. "I hope to see you again, Y/N"
"As I hope to see you as well, miss Wanda" Y/N replies before offering a bow and heading out.
Natasha lets out a little laugh, "you should've seen your face, Wanda. Your corset looked ready to drop"
"Shut your mouth" Wanda blushed as she walked back to the castle.
She walked into the throne room to see her father talking with a cloaked figure. The two were sharing a little laugh.
"I must've misunderstood the letter" King Erik laughs, "so no marriage required"
"Your majesty" a similar voice answers back, "my family is built on the Knight's Code. Despite what my brother's womanizing actions may say. I would rather have friends than a forced marriage"
Wanda approached the two, trying to be as quiet as a mouse. The king turned to her, "darling you must meet Prince Y/N"
"Y/N?" Wanda looked to the hooded figure who pulled down his hood revealing the friendly customer from before. The two young royals found themselves gasping.
Y/N couldn't wipe off the smile forming on his face.
"But-! How?"
"Your majesty" Y/N bows before her, "It appears our next meeting was sooner than we would think."
"Were you tricking me?" Wanda eyed the prince.
"Never ma'am." Y/N explained, 'I like to visit potential allies as a servant, i can get more places as such."
"So you're the one I am to marry?"
"I-If that is your wish" Y/N blushes
"You're not a womanizer"
"That's my older brother" Y/N huffs, "My mom raised me better than that."
"You're not an apprentice" Wanda giggled.
"I am actually. An apprentice monarch" Y/N laughs, "and I am still learning."
"Perhaps you could show me some of your poems," Wanda offered the young prince.
Y/N holds out his elbow to her, "only if you'll show me your paintings."
Wanda found herself blushing again. She looked to her guard who gave her the thumbs up.
The two young royals walked off arm in arm. Maybe there would be a marriage some day, for Wanda and Y/N. But for now, their kingdoms were safe and a blossoming love could take the time to fully bloom.
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gatheredfates · 6 months
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Nicknames: El. Age: Mid-to-late forties. I tend to play fast and loose with character ages unless specifics in the story necessitate it. Nameday: First Sun of the First Astral Moon (once again, you can see I care a lot™ about the birthdays of my characters). Race: Duskwight Elezen. Gender: Cis female. Orientation: You're implying El cares enough to think about it. She's probably somewhere in the sex-positive grey ace/demisexual camp, but let her own lack of consideration speak volumes as to its authenticity. Profession: Bog-Witch of the Northern Wilds, heretic and retainer to Firelight Trading Company. I imagine there's some kind of mythos around her as being a daemon that eats babies, but I'm hesitant to subscribe any real-world language to it.
Hair: Long, wavy and jet black. Eyes: Amaranthine, though her consort with the void has warped the iris. it is possible to make out some kind of sigil when standing close enough. Skin: Silvery with pale undertones. Tattoos/Scars: Ink-dark tattoos permeate every inch of skin aside from her face, though it's hard to know if they were done by a needle or magic. Gothic in nature, their elegance hides a number of symbols that imbue her with power.
Parents: Lord and Lady Auclair were of middling importance and their deaths did not leave an imprint upon Ishgardian society. Elandervier rarely, if ever, speaks of them. She considers her father a spineless coward and her mother a reprobate and a narcissist. Knowing they were left destitute after her actions brought her a macabre sense of glee considering they were willing to forsake her for their own comforts. Siblings: Her mother claimed she cursed her womb. El replied the insinuation gave her comfort and walked away clawed at the cheek. Grandparents: Unimportant. The only connection she has to her lineage is down the line to old Gelmorra where she believes her family had prestige. Others: Elandervier used to be in control of a cabal of voidsent accumulated from her various bargains, deals and trades. One of the few pacts kept after her assimilation to Firelight Trading Company was a voidsent by the name of Gobnip. Gobnip presents himself as an opinionated baby Ahriman who is 'contractually obligated to say all the things Elandervier won't'. Do not be fooled, however. With the right amount of aether, he can reveal his true nature.
While the witch is on retainer to Firelight Trading Company, she holds no allegiance to them proper. The only person she actively obeys is its patriarch, Rexonus; one of the first people she met on her defection from The Holy See, and one of the first people willingly abandoned when her confliction emotions around him and her birth-city came to a head. They kept in touch via occasional letters as she set up shop in the Forelands, and he rushed to her side when the blasphemy's rampage through Etheirys put her life and soul at risk. She made a pact with him, the closest language to love she understands, and uses her pragmatics and knowledge of dark magic whenever it is called upon.
She's not ignorant to the fact he has multiple lovers, she simply does not care. El holds all of them at arms reach, respectable and cooperative when she has to work collaboratively, but otherwise holds no great desire to get to know them. She's friendliest with @riftdancing's Blink due to their similar traits, but even so wouldn't necessarily call her a friend.
The person she has the most complicated feelings towards is Alaice. I won't go too in-depth into why, because it could be a whole post on its own, but it's something about being a mirror and an antithesis for her; of being so similar and diverting so extremely. Alaice is everything El abhorrers and wishes she could be, she hates her and loves her in turn, she finds her futilely weak and unfathomably strong — and she doesn't know where to put those emotions. I always write the two with an undertone of homoeroticism because I can, but also because 'love is consumption' underpins a lot of El's characterisation and it's TASTY to explore. Aka, cannibalism as a metaphor for sapphic love, vampiric 'penetration' being inherently queer, so on and so forth.
Abilities: Mastery over dark magic including thaumaturgy, summoning (voidsent), communion, possession, warding, etc. Midwifery. El's mother trained her as part of their family traditions and the hope her skills would elevate her as a trusted member of Ishgard high society. Even when defected, desperate women would make the long trek to Anyx Trine for fear of retribution from the Church/High Houses, and she would perform these services despite her hatred of Ishgard/Ishgardians. This is where a lot of the 'baby eater' rumours/myths originate from, as El would also perform abortions where suitable. Mostly this entailed the transference of aether from a non-viable foetus to a viable one — something the men of the gentry did not complain about when it benefited their sons (how odd)! However, El would always defer to what the women wanted over the demands of their husbands, even if this was done in secret. Hobbies: Studying the history of Gelmorra and it's traditions; foraging for herbs, mushrooms, moss and other things for potions and spells; simmering in pools of water and occasionally turning into slime.
Most positive trait: Elandervier is pragmatic. Above all else, she will contemplate and weigh her choices against any and all outcomes and select the most advantageous result. This may not be the easiest path, either. She is not afraid of tough decisions and hard work. Worst negative trait: She's spiteful. She's petty. She wants to make people suffer as she has suffered. Her moral compass is misaligned at best, deadly at worst, and she doesn't care for consequence. She's not a good person despite doing a few good things and she doesn't want to be.
Colours: Black, green, purple and red. Smells: Anything earthy. Peat moss, freshy-turned earth and the scent of rain. The rust of blood. That smell you get when you get too close to a fire and you swear it's singeing your nose hairs. Textures: El is at home with anything that other people find revolting; slimy, spiny, soggy, etc. Drinks: Though partial to a red, El will drink anything. She can't afford to be picky when out in the middle of nowhere.
Smokes: When in Firelight Trading Company, yes. Tobacco is hard to come by otherwise, so she ends up quitting by proxy. Drinks: When she can. Guests often elected to bring her 'offerings' when in need of their services. She wasn't one to complain. Drugs: This one is tricky. I feel like things like hallucinogenic mushrooms and the like were probably an occasional indulgence, and she's a potions/medicine master of some renown. However, drugs as this sheet implies? No. Mount Issuance: If Gobnip is big enough she will ride him. :) Been Arrested: Good luck! Many have tried and failed!
Tagged by: @lilbittymonster — at least for this one! I'm going to try and do one character per tag. Tagging: @humblemooncat, @chainsofaether, @blackestnight, @mmorpg-escapism, @cadrenebula, @ascendedhypothesis, @ishgard & @allyennah! If you'd like a chance of being tagged, you can like my permanent interaction call here!
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thorraborinn · 5 months
Hi there! I was wondering, would you know where I could find anything on like, social taboos involving marriage? I wanted to know if there's anything in the sagas or maybe in archaeology/anthropology that touches on forbidden unions. I know the goddess Lofn is cited as one who grants permission to such people to be together, but I wanted to know if we have anything on what these forbidden unions could look like? Off the top of my head, I imagine feuding families to be a good start, but I can't find much else on the subject. Thank you!
Marriages in Old Norse society were arranged by families (usually between the prospective husband and the father or other male relative of the prospective bride), and more for political and economic reasons than for personal ones. Some people were married specifically because their families were feuding, to bring the feud to an end (often the people involved wanted out but failure to retaliate could have consequences; uniting the families could end the feud in a way that saved face. In Old English a woman who is married into an enemy family for this reason is called freoðu-webbe, 'frith weaver'). Frands Herschend went as far as proposing to see women in Iron Age Scandinavia generally as hostages (in the sense that Freyr and Njörðr are hostages in Ynglinga saga). If the sagas are relatively accurate there does seem to have been an understanding that the family should be arranging things such that the woman is happy with the result, but they weren't legally obligated to.
In this kind of situation, a marriage that's forbidden would be basically any that either side of the family, especially the woman's closest male relatives, opposes. The reasons were probably diverse and personal, and not generally based on widespread taboos. Most of it probably had to do with money and social hierarchy.
Feuding certainly played a role here, or rather we should say relations based in reciprocity, whether positive or negative, did. As I said, marriages were sometimes arranged specifically to bring hostile families into a single family and end the conflict, but if one side thought they had the upper hand and stood to gain by continuing the hostilities then they would surely not permit such a marriage. Marriages might also be arranged out of obligation to more powerful people.
In fact, it might be possible to frame any actual social or legal prohibitions on marriage that did exist as protections for the woman from being married off to someone she didn't want, rather than restrictions on her freedom, because she hardly had any. We can surely consider divorce in a similar way, which was permitted in certain circumstances.
The main restriction that we do have evidence for is marrying someone who is too close a relation. There were probably situations where the financially or politically advantageous thing to do is to get two close cousins married to each other and it may have actually happened, but it's illegal in the laws we have a record of. This may have been less regulated in heathen times.
Of course, there could have been culturally-assumed restrictions that weren't formally prohibited in the law. There's speculation that, while a Nordic man marrying a non-Norse woman was not uncommon, happening the other way around was not generally permitted. This is supposedly reflected in the mythology, where the male gods marry jötunn women but the goddesses do not marry jötunn men. However, there is archaeological evidence from the Vendel period that contradicts this (the book I'm getting this from is over 20 years old, so by now there could be contradictory evidence from the Viking age too, but I'm not sure), so if there was ever such an ethnic taboo it must have either not been universal, or developed later. I'll also remind that there is a contradiction in the mythology as well; Gefjun isn't described as marrying a jötunn but she does have kids with one, which scholars do typically count as a violation of an ethnic taboo, sometimes as grounds to reject the myth itself as "impossible" (Lindow's description).
A lot of this may have varied by class. We mostly know about the land-owning class. It's hard to say whether poorer people would have even less freedom over whom they married because of their dependence on land-owners, or if they had more freedom because there was less social and financial stake in it. It seems likely that their marriages weren't as regulated, but their ability to actually move from place to place was the major limiting factor.
I'm not aware of any sources for it, but I have no trouble believing that illegal or otherwise unsanctioned marriage happened. The thing that kept people in line was inheritance. So if people were in a position where they could turn down their inheritance (whether because they had another source of resources or because their families were so poor their inheritance was negligible anyway), and could have a place to live, they could probably just do what they wanted.
So I think for the most part, if we were to picture Lofn's intercession as historical events, we might picture the site of those intercessions as kind of distant from the actual marriage, like opening opportunities to get by while forgoing one's inheritance, or unexpected changes elsewhere in the social network. Or a simpler example would be a woman successfully convincing her father, brother, or other male representative to let her do what she wanted.
This is a little out of step with Snorri's etymological explanation of Lofn's name as related to 'permission' but as I explained here I think the actual etymological meaning of her name was 'hope'.
Of course a lot of heathens read Lofn's description in the Edda as affirming of marriages that deviate from gender and sexual norms, which the text does in fact leave room for but probably isn't what Snorri had in mind. There's a lot of room for speculation about how this may have been relevant in pre-Christian times but it would be difficult to move it beyond speculation.
Unfortunately quite a lot of this is already pretty speculative, because of how much later our sources concerning marriage are than the time when Lofn may have actually been recognized. Frankly, the same applies to our sources for Lofn, and the time when she may have been recognized. If I'm right about the etymology of her name then I think it's at least a partial vindication of Snorri but that does not necessarily mean that his description of her is entirely reliable.
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look-at-the-soul · 11 months
Vows Renewal
Cillian Murphy x Mexican reader (blurb)
Request by anon; thank you for sending in this lovely idea! I already had a similar idea with a reader from Brazil so I wanted to make this completely different 🤭 Que lo disfrutes! Enjoy
Translation in English will be in italics 😉
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Cillian felt like his face had been hurting from smiling so much.
It was a beautiful evening by the beach with his wife by his side and their loved ones.
Skin sun kissed, the smell of the sea, the crash of the waves softly as if it was the music background, happiness to the max. What could he possibly ask for? If he already had it all…
His closest family members and friends traveled all the way from Ireland to one of the most beautiful places in the world, there was no other place with a sight like this Mexican beach. They chose that place to celebrate their vows renewal because it had a special spot in their hearts as it was the very same place where they celebrated a second wedding -to give the family the chance, they made two small weddings back then both in Ireland and Mexico over ten years ago- and now they just needed another excuse to go back.
It had been an incredible ceremony, they exchanged their rings and vows both in English and Spanish in a private resort, after posing for photos and taking a moment to welcome everyone they had the most delicious dinner and dessert. His kids sitting at each side of them at the table, everyone thought having a Mexican buffet was the greatest idea ever, as they requested all kinds of traditional dishes to be served as well as another table for sweets and spicy desserts that included from glazed churros to grilled corn with different toppings. Drinks flowing in every direction, everyone wearing a contagious smile.
He decided to take it slow with the tequila that night, there would be plenty opportunities to get drunk but he got to celebrate ten years of marriage once.
Spotting the beautiful bride among the people around her, he smiled pleased. Her dress had loads of embroidered flowers made by Mexican artisans.
“Señora [Mrs.] Murphy?” He chuckled at her surprise. “May I have a word with the bride?”
“Mum! Can I’ve some cake?” Azul their daughter asked, interrupting the two of them.
Y/N raised an eyebrow towards the girl. She knew her father would say yes, her eyes sparkled and lighted even more the blue/green tones in her eyes.
“Puedo comer otra rebanada de pastel?” She asked in Spanish this time around.
“Una pequeña, corazón.” [A small piece, sweetheart.] Y/N replied.
“Yo también quiero!” [I want some too] Whined Oisin.
“Está bien.” [Alright] She agreed feeling a pair of arms wrapping around her waist from behind.
“Quiero postre también.” [I want dessert too.] Cillian whispered against her ear, giving her goosebumps all over her skin.
“Esta noche.” [Tonight] She promised turning around in his arms, she wouldn’t mind getting lost in his eyes.
Leaning down for a short kiss, he could feel himself getting lost in that smile that made him go back in time to the first moment he saw her.
Cillian shook his head. “Visiting some memories.”
“Oh… may I know about what?”
“From the day we met,” her eyes danced towards his lips, and up again taking in the way the sunset reflected beautifully in his eyes.
Planting both hands on his shoulders, she rose to her tiptoes to find his lips, as her heart swelled with love and pride to remember also, of that day they met in that film festival in France. She had been chatting to a director and he suddenly bumped into her back distracted, after an apology and making sure she was alright, he smiled, after that moment, they spent the rest of the night together and from then on they never spent another night apart.
Well, except when he was filming.
“You want to know a secret?” His arm sneaked around her backless dress. “Señora Murphy.” [Mrs. Murphy.]
“Of course.” She beamed, brushing away the fringe from his forehead.
“I didn’t bump into you accidentally… I wanted to, no, I needed to meet you.”
Just as Y/N was about to reply something when suddenly the mariachi interrupted the party and started signing, the group received them with a chorus of chants and clapping. Bringing more happiness than they already felt.
Master list
A/N: I hope you like this! The girl’s name Azul means blue (color) in English but it’s a popular name around 💙 thank you for reading I loved writing this piece!! 🇲🇽♥️
Tag list: @lyarr24 @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @elk96 @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @mrkdvidal1989 @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @lauren-raines-x @everythingelseisextra @kmc1989 @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee @ironpen @kittycatcait219 @shelundeadxxxx @kathrinemelissa @autumns-apple @lau219
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Wednesday prompt - Alec getting along and liking/or at least appreciating his in-laws more than Magnus likes his?
i finally have the perfect verse for this, tethers of fate and alec basically gets adopted by the unseelie king and his court after he keeps ended up in faerie rings as a child.
i hope you enjoy!
<3 lumine
Alec sighs, rolling his eyes as he gracefully ignores Ragnor and Magnus’ increasingly loud argument and takes a sip of his wine. It’s seelie wine rather than unseelie, and Alec grimaces and discreetly dumps it into the closest plant. It writhes angrily for a minute before it recognizes seelie magic under the alcohol and he watches as the green and pink of plant turn two shades deeper and more vibrant.
“That was not very sly.” Catarina murmurs as she walks up to stand near him, a soft smile on her face.
“I think he’s too occupied for me to bother being subtle.” Alec admits, glancing back over to where Ragnor is angrily puffing his short, English pipe and Magnus is smirking while elegantly blowing smoke rings from his longer, Japanese kiseru pipe.
Catarina laughs, voice like the soft beat of rain on a pond.
“You’re not wrong. He and Ragnor once argued for two weeks while they were researching, I kept them healthy enough with potions, but I doubt either of them slept during the entire time and by the end of it, neither could talk without magic.”
Alec grins, amused despite his best efforts and he watches Catarina carefully for a moment and then sighs when she catches him looking with a questioning look.
“Is something wrong?”
“No.” Alec shakes his head, because nothing is wrong besides some wistful thinking. Magnus and his father will never get along, Alec knows that.
It’s difficult because he’s not actually upset with either of them for the position he finds himself in. His father loves his children fiercely and viciously and with a possessiveness that Alec has always found to be a comfort.
And, despite his deepest wishes, Alec knows that Magnus would never have been able to convince Arawn to let him bond with Alec. Stealing him away under diplomacy and then binding Alec to himself without permission or knowledge was the only way he was ever going to get to be with Magnus. Even if he didn’t realize what was happening at the time.
“I wish that Magnus could also have this.” Alec finally admits, “I love seeing his life. To meet those he loves and calls family, who care for him as deeply as my kin do me.”
Catarina pauses, a contemplative gleam to her eyes and then she nods with understanding.
“All of your connections are within your father’s court. None of them, the king least of all, are happy with Magnus. With any of the Elders really.”
“You all did steal me away and make sure that tad couldn’t take me back.” Alec reminds her, because while he doesn’t mind anything that happened, it’s still an important point.
Catarina smirks, a cold gleam to her eyes and she shrugs, “Magnus wanted you. Ragnor and I ensured he could have you, it was merely happenstance that the Elders agreed with us.”
Alec admires the devotion of Magnus’ heartkin to him and a part of him aches that he can’t say that Magnus admires the same devotion of Alec’s kin… but Magnus can’t, because Alec’s kin are devoted to separating them.
“Someday I’ll be able to show him my home, but he’ll never be welcome. Not like I am here.”
It’s not something Alec normally cares about, other peoples discomfort and comfort, but he can’t not care about anything that concerns Magnus.
“It will be a long time before Arawn allows Magnus back into his realm.” Catarina murmurs, “and you’re right. He’ll never be truly welcome in the unseelie courts again, not after what we did. Perhaps if we’d realized how covetous your father is of his children, we could have gone a different path. However—” and here, her cheeks tint a darker blue and she looks slightly flustered. “We assumed that he would be more similar to the seelie queen in how he cares for his children.”
“Tad rarely lets any of us bond outside his courts.” Alec pauses, trying to explain what he means without betraying Arawn or Magnus. “It would never have worked, no matter what Magnus did or brought to him. There was never another way, at least not without a great cost and perhaps a war.”
“Even if he was a prince of hell? Or a king in his own right?” Catarina asks carefully and Alec can’t help the little scoff he lets out.
“The seelie queen’s most favored son wanted me as well.” Alec doesn’t notice that Magnus’ attention has dropped from the argument, his eyes darkening as he turns his gaze to Alec. “It could have been the tie we needed, to bring the realms together and tad,” Alec chuckles, “tad spit at the queen’s feet for the perceived insult.
“He was furious that the queen thought her son could simply have me in return for a treaty. None of us are allowed marriages for reasons of politics or power and tad discourages bonding. He would prefer it if we all remained unattached emotionally and merely fucked our way through his courts.”
Alec doesn’t see the dark, enraged look that crosses Magnus’ face and any chance to see it passes as Catarina sighs, catching and keeping his attention.
“It is something of a pity, but Magnus has you and that’s worth more to him than the hospitality of Arawn’s court.”
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rascalentertainments · 3 months
Okay first of all I’d like to apologize for not sending this in sooner, because I went to finally clear all the tabs from my computer and realized I??? Didn’t press the “ask” button to actually submit these questions??? But here they are, late but I hope they still work!
(If you’ve answered some of these before, feel free to skip them)
What were the symptoms of Asha’s father’s death?
Was Sakina pessimistic after her husband’s death as well?
Will Asha’s wish be turned into a wish orb?
Asha is 18 in this rewrite, so if she stayed in Rosas, would she give up her wish?
Did Sakina give up her wish? Or did she refuse?
What about Sabino?
Does Valentino have a separate design, or are you sticking with the concept art you showed?
What wish gets destroyed for Star to realize that Rosas is actually kind of fucked up?
Are you changing around the order of any songs?
How old are the seven teens in this rewrite?
How is Star’s stand-off with Amaya different than one with Magnifico?
Who taught Amaya magic?
They created wish magic, you say? Do they know that taking a wish robs people of their drive?
When did Amaya adopt Sabor?
Would Sabor ever warm up to Magnifico?
If the traitor isn’t who we think it is, then it’s probably not Simon. Can you give us any clues?
Sneak peak!
No Star before has ever changed into a human before? Why is Star the first?
How old is Star if he hasn’t got a name for himself yet?
Are you adding anyone new other than Flazino?
Bazeema x Safi, you say? Are you thinking of any other ships?
Will you be making a poster for Wish Granted?
How are you showing the songs in your rewrite?
Is anyone dying in your rewrite?
Would you consider this more of a rewrite or an AU? Like, could this be a Disney movie, or more of taking the concepts and turning it into your own thing?
Hope you enjoy!
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Similar to Simon, he started to feel more lethargic as years went on, but he usually powered through it like Sabino. However, something else took his life, which lead to the rest of the family fleeing Rosas. That's a gonna,be a big reveal on what happens to him!
At first she was, but Sabino convinced her not become bitter, because it would set a bad example for Asha growing up. Unfortunately it happened anyway, but not because of an influence. So Sakina does the best she can for the family and Hamlet by making clothes for others that need it. Its the closest she can get to her dream.
Both yes and no. 😆 Asha does indeed have a wish and Magnifico does try to take it from Asha as a bargaining chip. However, he's gonna find out that he can't exactly do that. "wink wink"
If it meant her family would be safe, then she begrudgingly would. She would want to find a way to get her own wish back along with everyone else's and now be on a time limit because she could start feeling the symptoms at any given time.
Sakina originally did, but she regretted it after she found out what happened to her husband. She's glad that they ran away before Asha was old enough to give her's away.
Same for Sabino. He had the wish since was a boy and thought the king was finally going to grant it, only to find out years later he had no intention of doing so.
Valentino does have a separate design! He has a similar outfit and horns like the piece of concept art I used, but his face and fur color will be different. Canon!Valentino's face is unsettling...
Flazino's wish gets destroyed, along with a woman who's implied to also know about the Hamlet. Star ends up finding the wishes at one point, and he can feel their joy, hope and dreams. So once those two wishes were crushed, he felt the pain they felt. It reminded him of feeling so alone in space. That's when he fully understands Mags is a monster that must be stopped.
Not really. Its easier for me, lol. The most extra I'm doing is putting "A Wish Worth Making" near the end to close out the movie. And "Knowing What I Know Now" will be used after the traitor is revealed and that same traitor will end up joining the rebellion instead. There MAYBE a villain song added though! (Not TITTIG, I can't save that one)
They're all about nearly year apart from each other, since they looked different ages in the movie. So in order, Simon and Dhalia are 18, Dario and Hal are 17, Safi and Bazeema are 16, and Gabo is 15.
While Star's stand off with Mags is more about their power differences and how they few wishes/humans, Amaya knows how to get into Star's head. Amaya basically tells him he can't be human, ever. She's very good at using her words amps weapons when she doesn't have magic, so her other tactic is to convince Star even if he stays on Earth, he could never be good enough for Asha, always being viewed as something inhuman. (Think of that scene from Shrek 2 with the Fairy Godmother) It REALLY gets to him and starts to question himself of what he even is anymore.
Much like Magnifico, she was self taught! And by combing their magic, they grew in power!
Absolutely, that benefits them in fact. If the wisher loses drive, they lose motive to do anything else, including having any desire to stop them and their plans.
Back when the couple was traveling the world and before they reached Rosas. When they arrived in the country, Amaya found him alone in the forest as a cub and took him. He was a lost animal that needed to be raised and grow into a beautiful yet dangerous animal like he was meant to be.
.....A little bit, when Sabor is actually thanked for finding the true traitor and he gets to eat Mouse!Star, he does start to see he's not all bad.
You're right, its actually a different character, BUT I CAN'T GIVE SPOILERS! I want to, honestly cause its such a big part I'm excited to show! The hint is its another teen, so that leaves 6 other suspects. OR it could be somebody from the Hamlet! 😯
Here's one from Chapter 5:
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18. No other star nomad has had a desire to visit Earth. They enjoy it as a tourist attraction and not much else. Star is the first one that we know of that has had the desire to actually GO to Earth. Him and his cousins, lol.
19. He turned 18 a month before the story starts, but he's never really decided on a name. There's just so Mich variety to choose from that he's indecisive.😂
20. Aside from giving the Rosas citizens and Hamlet people some personalities, the cast stays the same. That way it won't feel over crowded.
21. Possibly Flazino x Dhalia. Though it might end up being one-sided. It could change though! 😉
22. YES!!!! I WANT TO SO BADLY!! It will most likely be for when the story us half way through and with Chapter 5 still being written, we're only 1/3 in. But I already have ideas for one! 😁
23. I'll make a separate postings for them featuring the rewritten lyrics, instrumental backgrounds and possibly some art! 😉 Each song will help the story along, just like the first three did! The one I'm really trying hard to remake is "Knowing What I Know Now" cause it was the closest to sounding the best.
24. Now that's a secret! 🤐
25. A bit of both! Its basically how I would've written a Disney movie, so its leans towards more rewrite.
Wow, thanks so much for these MANY great questions, @wings-of-sapphire!! Sorry it took me so long, it was a lot to answer this time! I appreciate you writing these out though! 😁 (I'll tag your other channel just in case @signed-sapphire)
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ravenyenn19 · 1 year
So!!! Results from my poll indicated that some of you don’t want to see “face inspo/casts” for my OG “Dealing With Our Demons” characters (totally respect that!! I sometimes prefer my image not tainted while reading, too!🖤)
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SOoo… here’s what we’re going to do. I will be posting the images BELOW the cut, so that way if you would rather not see, you don’t have to!🖤 no offense whatsoever taken.
Before you continue, a note: NONE of these pictures are exactly how I picture my characters. These are simply the closest I could get/who I took inspo from when describing them. 🖤 Please do not feel like you need to agree w me. That is the beauty of reading, is it not? Love you. ALSo. This is long, but I wanted to include my notes for clarification if you wanted them. This was fun, getting to have a lil in depth convo w you guys.🥹
PS- IF YOU HAVE NOT READ MY FANFIC “Dealing With Our Demons” on ao3 (by ravenyenn19) & are planning to do so (thx in advance ily) THIS POST WILL HAVE SPOILERSISH. I say this bc while no plot will be ruined, you will see faces you are not meant to yet. 🖤
First up we have: Khalid Runa (Inej’s childhood best friend) & Rahul Runa (Inej’s older cousin) *these two are married, hence the shared surname*
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Notes: Khalid is pretty close, actually. In DWOD, he has aquamarine/green eyes due to his partially Kaelish heritage & I do picture his skin tone to be a tad lighter due to this. ALSO: Khalid does have burn scars across most of his hands, though I was unable to find such an image to include that piece of “DWOD lore”. (The burns are from his years mastering ‘flame eating/fire dancing’ in the caravans.
Rahul: This image is mostly chosen for his facial structure, however I do picture Rahul to have close cropped hair (a sort of subversion upon the suli culture that makes his training as a medic easier. I do picture him also remaining clean-shaven with a skin tone that is very similar to his cousin, Inej Ghafa.)
Next: Nani (Mitra) Ghafa (Inej’s maternal grandmother)
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Notes: This actress is actually Iranian, for note. SO: I do want to make it very clear that I picture Nani’s skin tone to be darker like Inej (though also I do think this photo was filtered bc the actress does seem to have slightly darker skin in other pics, I chose this one bc of her face & HOW SHE HOLDS HERSELF SO MUCH LIKE NANI.) All this being said, this one is pretttttty dang similar to how I pictured Nani while writing her. Facial features specifically. What a queen. What more is there to say? She could divine my tea leaves any time.
Sharya & Kahir Ghafa, Inej’s parents (technically not OG characters, but never named in canon)
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Notes: Sharya is pretty dang close to how I imagined her, which is super cool considering I never used an inspo pic for either of the Ghafas when writing them (I found them for this purpose!). It probably sounds a bit weird, but like… I just knew how Sharya & Kahir looked. They were just…BAM. Full formed people in my head. This is ultimately SUCH A FLEX ON LEIGH BARDUGO’s PART. Like, we only really experienced glimpses of Inej’s parents through the few memories in her POVs but they absolutely stuck with me & formed wonderful characters as my fic progressed. (Of course this is my opinion, but I do hope ya’ll agree.🥹)
Kahir: So…. This pic is the closest I could get, & similar to Nani, I chose it based more on facial structure/in this case facial hair. HOWEVER, Kahir is very special to me. I wrote some of his scenes in moments after I had lost my godfather, (whom was the truest father I had. He meant everything to me, being my actual dad’s best friend, he helped raise me after my dad passed when I was 4.), hence, I feel the need to clarify- as I feel a bit of my own dad is in Kahir, if only in the love.)This pic is missing a smile that I imagine near permanent on Kahir Ghafa’s face, and eyes that I cannot explain in any other word but kind. Similar to Inej’s. Sparkly. Idk. ALSO: I do picture true black hair & less gray. Maybe a sprinkle of pepper in his beard, but not much. I just imagine Inej’s parents aging like fine wine. Idk.
Next….*drum roll*…. Dr. Lily Arbor (I waited so long to bring this girl to life.)
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NOTES: Ok. So. Two pics here for our Darling Death Defier Mortician. 🫶🏻 So, the one on the left is more youthful to me, a bit closer (although not the right age) to how I imagine the Lily of Kaz’s childhood. The right being far closer to how I imagine 24 year old Lily. Yet, neither of these are exactly right. But they are close. The changes that are distinct within my mind are as follows: the eyes. I distinctly see them like 2 shades darker. Navy. It’s a rare eye color, but not that different. Next, the hair. In the left image, the curls are just right, but I imagine she keeps her hair slightly longer than that- both in girlhood & adulthood. Not nearly the length of Inej’s, but you feel me. Also I do imagine her hair a bit darker, like that sort of red with hints of almost brown in it? Maroon? Gosh I can’t explain but I am certain you guys probably get it. Less like Wylan’s orangish red. Lastly: this girl has more freckles. I don’t make the rules. (Actually I do since she’s a daughter of my mind, but no I don’t.)
Bonus heartbreak:
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Jordie.🥹💔 (obviously aged up to if he were alive.) notes: NO ONE. I REPEAT. NO ONE looks exactly how I imagine the elder Rietveld son. The actor here is in fact Jess from Gilmore Girls. Milo is the closest I’ve come to finding an older Jordie face cast, based more on book Kaz in relation. His hair would obviously not be styled like the early 00’s. Obviously dark eyes like his brother. In a way, like Kahir, I imagine Jordie’s eyes would have a permanent sparkle of amusement that one would sometimes see mirrored in Kaz. I can’t explain it. I love Jordie & I’m about to have a fit all over again. 🫡
Next…. Bram Rietveld (technically not OG character, but he is not named nor described whatsoever in the canon material. Kaz only says that he and his brother missed their Da.🥹)
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Notes: DO NOT COME FOR ME. I AM DEFENDING MYSELF. Not to sound cringe, but from the moment I put Kaz’s Da into DWOD, back in memories at the very very early stages of the story, I pictured Pedro. This was before the internet craze (I mean obvs he was famous but iykyk), & I know that sounds cringe but it’s true. Pedro Pascal IS Bram Rietveld. Like, I would change next to nothing. Obviously his voice would have a “southern” ring. Maybe he’d have slightly lighter skin naturally being of Kerch descent, but actually I imagine him quite tan at most points of the year from running the Rietveld farm & harvesting the wheat fields. Obviously, you can picture him differently, but this is damn near exact for me. Also, Last of Us only solidified that belief for me. Gosh dangit, look at this treasure! Bram loved his kids so much.
Are you ready? (I’d say I saved the best for last, but… Actually, no. I certainly did.) I present…
Emilia Winstrad, The Butcher of Belendt🪡
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Notes: I love her. I love Emilia as much as I love the protagonists from my actual novel. She means so much to me. 🥹 I don’t think I can quite explain how excited I was (& how long I waited) to introduce you guys to Emilia. I hope you love her as much as I do in DWOD. As far as technical notes: Rachel McAdams (this actress) has quite honestly the exact facial features I pictured on Emilia. Like Bram, I feel like this is Em. However, there are a few minor changes: dark eyes like Kaz rather than hazel (it’s hard to tell here), & also the same dark hair as Kaz. True black. Tbh, I was shocked when I stumbled upon images of McAdams randomly (after already describing Emilia in the story)- it felt like seeing a picture of an online friend you’ve never actually met but they somehow appear exactly as you thought they would? Make sense?
Bonus pics that show the darker hair I imagine on another actress. Also the pipe picture just for funsies (iykyk)🫶🏻🪓
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She is my pride & joy. Not only that, but I think she and Kaz were meant to be family. I am not Leigh & have no canon voice, but I swear somewhere in the multiverse she is canon & I say that with fear because it’s not meant to sound precocious. She just feels so real to me, but I’m sure that’s silly bc I wrote her. Idk. Take my ramblings 🖤
Oops my hand slipped, have more pain: Elena Rietveld (I consider Elena an OG character of mine as Kaz’s mother is never mentioned in canon despite that he obviously had one. Technically, it is never said whether she lived or died.)
Sorry I killed her.
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Notes: OBVIOUSLY these are pics of the same actress because Em & Elle are identical twins. However, I did choose an image of McAdams from earlier in her acting career as she did pass away younger than when Emilia appears in the story. The same notes apply here as to Em, dark hair & dark eyes would be the changes. Though, I do love this pic representing Elena as there is something a bit softer about her over her sister. Where Emilia applies blood red lipstick, Elle is a petal pink. I think that metaphor fits best, but undoubtedly I wanted Elena to have her own strength in the memories where we get to glimpse her. A woman who chose her baby son, Kaz’s life over her own. The type of mother who would have run into a burning building for her kids. A fierce little sun ray who deserved a yellow kitchen. 🥹
I actually have images & notes completed for Pim & Anika as well, plus a bonus lil one that I doubt ya’ll were expecting, but alas, there is a limit of 10 images on a post 🫠 So… let me know if you want them.
This was so long. I’m long winded, but ya’ll knew that. I love you all so much. Thank you for being here. 🖤🐦‍⬛
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you mentioned having a modern au with ghostbur and c!tommy that's basically big hero 6... i am very intrigued... do tell me more...
OH MY GOSH MEREDITH HI!!! This ask got buried in my notifs ansgajsgajfsja apologies for the lateness!!
Okay! So! Background info:
Tommy is a kid who’s been bounced around the foster care system for most of his life. He’s used to not staying anywhere for long, and not making close connections with anybody.
That is!!! Until he lands in the home of Phil, a random guy who’s been taking care of foster kids for a while. He’s chill, and nice, and he also understands how hard things can be. Tommy likes him!
Along with getting to know Phil, Tommy also gets to know Wilbur, a former foster kid of Phil’s :) Wilbur is in his early twenties at this point, but he wound up in Phil’s home when he was a teenager—a very, very troubled teenager. Phil and Wilbur are pretty much father & son, but it’s not legal or anything; Wilbur never told Phil he wanted to be adopted, and Phil didn’t want to push it. Eventually, Wilbur aged out of the foster system and moved away, though he still lives nearby and he and Phil see each other often :) Their bond is very very close & special & filled with love.
So anyway, Tommy gets to know Wilbur! They very quickly become close, and a little after that they become unofficial brothers! Wilbur is… the closest thing Tommy’s really ever had to family. He loves him more than anything else. And Wilbur absolutely adores Tommy as well!! He’s got a little brother!! That’s kinda sweet, isn’t it?
Tommy’s ramshackle family isn’t perfect by any means—Wilbur, especially, is clearly dealing with mental health issues but he refuses to talk about any of it—but Tommy thinks it’s the best thing ever anyway. Despite the problems, the three of them really do love and care for each other, and they’re happy together. They are a family, even if not exactly legally considered one.
And then Wilbur dies. He’s killed late one night at his house, by a man with a gun. And then Tommy isn’t sure what’s family anymore.
That’s all the background info! By the time the fic actually begins, things are a lot different—a bad sort of different. Tommy and Phil don’t know what to do with each other, or how to handle losing Wilbur. Tommy quickly becomes distant, refusing to open himself up to his foster dad, and closing himself up in his room. It’s… strange. And bad. And really, really hard. And more than anything, Tommy misses Wilbur. He misses his brother. He misses his best friend. He wants Wilbur back. It wasn’t fair that he died. He shouldn’t have died.
And then, somehow, an even stranger thing happens!
While walking home one day (Tommy’s a teenager in this fic, probably 15 or 16) he comes across… Wilbur? Except it’s not Wilbur. Someone who looks like him, sure, someone who has Wilbur’s face and eyes and smile. But it’s not him.
Ghostbur doesn’t exactly know what he is either. He knows he’s a ghost, presumably the ghost of Wilbur, but he’s about as confused as Tommy is! He doesn’t know why he exists, why he apparently sounds different than Wilbur, why he can float, what his purpose is, or why Tommy is the only person who can see him. It’s all a big mess, pretty much!
And that’s kinda what the whole fic is: Tommy, still grieving his brother, has to find out what the heck to do with Ghostbur, who’s worryingly carefree about the whole situation. They also both get chick-fil-a milkshakes at some point because that’s literally why I came up with this whole AU in the first place, so that Ghostbur could have a milkshake 😭 I 100% came up with this whole entire story just so that Ghostbur could have a milkshake. I promise I am not joking.
I’ve written two chapters so far, but after I realized that I… don’t really know where the story is going/how it’s gonna end, it fizzled out 😅 But I really do like the idea!! And I do want to write more!! It’s really just a matter of me figuring out an actual plot lol
The similarities to Big Hero 6 are kinda funny ajgsjagsjsgajsgjagaha
Younger brother is best friends with older brother
Older brother is killed
Younger brother befriends a being that was created by the older brother (Baymax/Ghostbur)
A parental figure who’s not actually the parent takes/took care of younger brother and older brother (Aunt Cass/Phil)
This is basically a Big Hero 6 AU without the superpowers lol
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bluewavesofchange · 2 months
The guardians of the Pharaoh
Sea and shadows: the Queens of the abyss
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I don't own Yugioh or it's characters
The last chapter before the epilogue. The names for the dragons are Japanese in origin and all have meanings to them related to the characters.
Mentions of violence and death
Chapter 12
Tsuki had left the cave to explore the island they were living on to gather fire wood and forage for vegetables and anything else they could eat with the fish Serena and his father were bringing home. This was one of the more peaceful islands they had discovered and made their home for the time being. It was hard for them to find a permanent place to call their own with the magicians still after them. They only ever stayed in one place for a few weeks before leaving and finding somewhere new, traveling further and further from the main land, away from the danger…
It was their way of life till Lord Yomi stopped hunting them and peace returned to the world…
Tsuki wished more than anything for peace. He had been living this way since he had hatched, living on the run with his parents and Serena for so many years. His parents had told him that they had found the sea creature as a new-born alone in the woods and took her in, raising her with him after he had emerged from his egg so that he wouldn’t be alone in this world. They were the closest of friends and siblings…however that changed one day…a love had grown between the two of them and bloomed into a relationship…the two becoming mates...and forming a bond that Tsuki believed would last for all eternity…
He was gathering so root vegetables from the ground when he heard a roar from above, looking up and seeing his father flying overhead, heading towards their cave. He quickly finished gathering and headed back…
Upon returning to the cave, Tsuki spotted his mother greeting and snuggling his father, their way of greeting whenever the other male dragon returned to his beloved. And sitting near the entrance of the cave was Serena…Tsuki took a moment to watch her, her blue hair still wet from swimming in the sea to catch fish, her pale skin glimmering in the sunlight, her bright blue eyes focused on the task of scaling and gutting the fish she had caught.
“There’s my boy.” Tsuki heard his father greeting him, turning his attention to the older man. Hikaru was a tall man, towering over his family by at least a head or two; he was muscular with dragon wing markings on his back and travelled along his biceps, his forearms, calves and sides were covered in white scales, his fingers were claws and his eyes were blue like the rest of his family’s and his jaw and chin was covered in a white beard.
“Hey dad. How was the fishing trip?” Tsuki asked as he headed over to the fire pit in the centre of the cave and started to unload the resources he had collected and used the wood he collected to build a fire. Hikaru walked over to the pit to help his son, “Uneventful but we managed to find a school of Golden Flying fish and some Cranium Fish.” A fish head flies through the air and hits Hikaru, he manages to catch it as he looks over at Serena who had a glare on her face, her hands and fingers moving quickly as she signs at him {I found them, you were just bathing in the sun on a nearby boulder.}
The elder male dragon shakes his head, “Alright she found them…like she always does.”
“Well she is a creature of the sea my love. Anything to do with the ocean and the creatures that live in it is her territory.” Ami walks over to the men, sitting down and gathering the root vegetables Tsuki had gathered. She had a similar appearance to her mate and son, her white hair was long and flowed like streams of silver, her scales ran long her collar bones and her cheeks as well as her forearms and calves.
She got busy with preparing the vegetables for the fish stew she was going to prepare for her family. “How is your injury feeling today son?” Hikaru asks as he gets the fire going. Tsuki moves his hand to his side where his long scar ran along his skin. He had attained it a few days ago when they fought against the magicians. One of the bastards had struck him with a spear. If it wasn’t for Serena he would’ve perished. “It aches a bit but it should be fine.”
“Perhaps you should let Sera have a look at it.” Ami suggests as she goes to collect a pot for the food. Tsuki shrugs as he goes to help his mother, “I’ll be fine. It should be fine after a few days.”
What many didn’t know about the Blue eyes was that they could use the light energy that flowed through their bodies to heal. Anything from disease to wounds to life threatening injuries. But if inflicted by dark magic they were rendered useless. That’s where Serena’s healing abilities were superior…Ami and Hikaru had bestowed this gift upon her when she came of age, a rite of passage for all of the white dragons kind when they reached maturity…
She could heal literally anything…except death unfortunately…
Serena got done fliting the fish and brought the pieces of meat to cut for the stew. She signs that she’s going to go dispose of the remains and wash up before the food is ready. Tsuki watches as she collects what she needs and leaves the cave, Hikaru glances at his love before nudging his boy when he returns to set up the beams from which the pot would hang, “Go with her. I’m sure she could use some company.”
Tsuki glances out of the cave before looking back at his parents before rushing out of the cave. Hikaru shakes his head with a chuckle as he finishes his son’s task, “Young love.”
The couple gets to work on preparing food, working in a comfortable silence before Ami brought up a question that had been on both their minds since their son had gotten hurt, “Have you had any thought on what we discussed?” she asks softly as she looks at her love. He gives a small nod as he sighs, “I have…”
“And?” she starts adding ingredients to the pot. Hikaru takes her hand, running his thumb over her knuckles, “I believe it would be best…if the 3 of us left…”
“But what about Serena?”
“I spoke with her too…as much as it will hurt her she has agreed to stay behind and continue fighting…to make the world safe for us to return to.” He speaks softly as Ami tears up, giving a small nod as he pulls her into his arms, running his fingers through her hair, “It won’t be forever my love…”
“I know. I just didn’t think our family wouldn’t be broken apart by these monsters…they’ve already taken away our kind and now our family…”
“I know my love…I know.”
“And what of Tsuki? They are mates, separating them will be agony…I remember how hard it was for us when we were apart to look for a home to raise our children…” she whimpered as she nuzzles her face into his neck, seeking affection and love from her mate. He rests his chin on her head, “He will be alright. And once this world is free of the dark ones we will build a new home for us…one where we can all live together in peace once more.” Ami knows this was the right thing to do but it still hurt deeply…
Little did they know that Tsuki was just outside the entrance of their temporary home. He had heard every word and was seething with anger…how could his parents and mate believe that this was the right thing to do? They were stronger together and they were a family…they should stay together…
He heads into the woods to go find Serena, both of them needing to talk.
Back to the situation at hand…
Yugi and Yami didn’t know what to expect when they arrived at the Kaiba dome for a duel with Seto. None of this seemed right; Lillian had told her brother that the CEO had been acting strange since she had moved in with him and his little brother, that he had been distant and rarely talked to her. As much as the short teen wanted to tell her that this was probably normal Kaiba now that he had gotten what he wanted but he could see the look of concern in Lillian’s face. Seeing the tall brunet now he could see what his sister was talking about. This wasn’t even the Seto he knew before he had gotten to know him.
He saw a red glint in the guy’s eyes and the smirk that played on his face. He seemed more vicious than normal…and even referring to him (well Yami) as Pharaoh…and both the spirit and Yugi knew that Seto Kaiba didn’t believe in the ancient Egyptian magic mumbo jumbo as he liked to call it.
And then all hell broke loose, the teen made Yami summon all 3 Egyptian god cards to the field and then activated the Pyramid of light trap card…covering the field in a giant blue prism and destroying all 3 of the great beasts at once. And then Yugi’s soul was pulled deep into the Millennium puzzle, sending into the bowls of the mystical objects where he couldn’t escape and Yami couldn’t reach him, separating the two.
On the outside of the glowing pyramid both Joey and Tristian’s souls into the Millennium as well as Lillian’s soul. All the teens waking up inside the confusing room of endless stair ways, doors, corridors and darkness. Yugi started searching for Yami in this strange and extremely creepy place, going from door to door trying to find him but found no sign of him.
Eventually he caught sight of the pharaoh heading down a hallway to a door that he hadn’t checked yet. Upon opening it Yugi discovered a room that looked ancient, the floor littered with sarcophaguses, at the end of the room was a rather large one with a strange carving on the wall behind it. Standing beside it was the transparent figure of his friend that slowly dissipates into the Egyptian themed coffin. The next moment Yugi could hear chanting filling the room, the lids of the sarcophaguses slowly being pushed open as dozens of mummies started to rise from them, their empty eye sockets staring at the short teen as then moaned eerily and stumbled towards him.
Yugi was frozen with fear, unable to move. What the hell was this?! One of the ghouls grabbed his arm and was about to bit him when sparks flew from his hand, turning into a ball of white energy that blasted the mummies back.
Yugi looked at his hand with widen eyes before running off, screaming as the undead had stood up and tried to go at him again.
Lillian didn’t understand where she was or how she got there. What was this place? It looked like how Yugi described Yami’s soul room to be. But that was inside the Millennium puzzle and those didn’t work on her…the last thing she remembered was arriving at the Kaiba Dome as it was collapsing and discovering the glowing pyramid and then she ended up here.
She started to wonder around the strange place when she heard her brother screaming in the distance. She quickly bumped into Joey and Tristian, they asked each other how they got there but before they could answer Yugi dashes past them…Lillian having never seen him run that fast…
And then came the reason why as a hoard of mummies emerges from the hallway that Yugi had just came running from. Tristian and Joey started running from the ghouls while Lillian stayed behind. She tried to let out one of her sonic screams but nothing came out…the fuck?! The she tried to sense for any water in the room but there was nothing. Her eyes widen…she was powerless…shit…she started running as well.
Outside the puzzle…
Rozu was slowly walking around the glowing blue prism, her hand running along the wall of energy; it had been awhile since she had felt this power. She remembered when she and Atem had created it to capture and seal away the monsters he had released…it was strong enough to even contain the Egyptian gods…they had planned to use it when it was completed but then came his father and the Millennium items, the old fool trying to use them to get rid of Rozu but they wouldn’t work and the man lost his soul to pay for the people who died to create the mystical objects…
After that they sealed the glass pyramid away only for it to be stolen by a priest who wanted to take Atem’s place and rule not only Egypt but the world and envelop the planet in darkness. How he learned of the object was still a mystery to both Rozu and her host. But they dealt with him and sealed him away…burying him alive with the glass object…
After that Atem started to pull away from the goddess of darkness, chasing her away as he spent more and more time with his beloved little Heba…ignoring her and treating her like she was nothing. And after everything she had done for him, after she bestowed him her powers, after teaching how to control the darkness, after being there for him since he was a baby…being his companion and friends…treating him as if he were her own child…she loved her as if he were here own child…and he betrayed her, condemning her to 5000 years of torment and torture at the hands of the shadows and darkness. And now she would start her journey for revenge.
She stood before the pyramid, her hands glowing with black and red energy, slamming them into the blue wall, the shadows spreading form her palms, creeping up the towering prism like an infection...the light fading as it is engulfed by darkness…the red head stepping through the blackness, entering the corrupted space…
Inside the Pyramid of light…
Anubis’s plan was working perfectly. He was draining the pharaoh’s life energy with each passing turn, weakening him till he could barely stand. He had used his vessels cards to for this duel as to keep up the façade, waiting for when he had enough power to take his own physical form and reveal himself to the pharaoh…however something strange started to happen to the field…his Pyramid of light card started to glitch before turning black and disintegrating before his very eyes, the prism that had covered the field is taken over by shadows…voices echoing from the darkness…
Yami was struggling with this duel, feeling pain every time he was attacked. He feared he was about to lose when all the strangeness started…this power, these shadows…it all felt familiar…like he had felt this energy before…his eyes widened as he realizes what was happening, “Oh No.”
Out of the shadows walked Rozu, a wicked smirk on her blood red lips, her elongated fangs on full display as her golden eyes was fixed on Yami, “Greetings…” she slowly bowed…tendrils emerging from the shadows as she raised her head, “…My pharaoh.” she chuckles deeply as the tentacles shoot up, wrapping themselves around both Yami and Anubis, “I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.” She strode over to the tri-coloured haired teen, a dark look in her eyes.
Anubis recognised her as the shadow that had promised to help him attain his revenge and find a host. What was she doing?! She was ruining everything, “What do you think you’re doing? He is mine! Leave and I might let--” he was cut off by a shadow wrapping around his mouth as Rozu raised her hand, bring him closer to her, bringing his face right up to hers.
She slowly lowers removes the shadow from his mouth and closed the gap between them, pressing her lips against his, purring deeply as she cupped his cheeks.
Yami was very confused at this point, why was this demon woman kissing Seto Kaiba? Out of all the things he had witnessed this was the weirdness. However the brunet started to struggle, his body convulsing as the woman’s fingers grew into sharp claws, digging them into his cheeks as his eyes rolled back into his head as Rozu pulls away, a stream of dark energy flowing from Kaiba’s mouth into hers as she was sucking out Anubis’s soul, devouring it slowly.
She smirks as Seto’s body goes limp, now free from the possession of the ancient priest but the CEO’s consciousness was still locked deep in his mind…
Tsuki had walked through the forest for a while till he reached a large alcove with a large waterfall flowing into a deep body of water. In the centre of it were a few large stones sticking out of the water and on one of them sat Serena. She wasn’t in her normal form…her long legs had shifted into her long elegant blue tail that was moving slowly in the water, the tips of her ears were longer and a set of gills along the sides of her neck. She was running her fingers through her hair, washing it and untangling any knots and removing any dirt. Her eyes were closed as she was enjoying the peace and quiet, the top half of her torso completely naked as her clothes had been left on the embankment before she had gotten into the water.
The white haired teen took a moment, leaning against a tree as he watched her bath. He rarely got to see her in this form as she only used it if she was swimming under water, she would be vulnerable out of the water if she looked like this.
Not that he didn’t find her beautiful in her other form either, she was breath taking either way. They had been together since they were little. She was with him the day he hatched, becoming inseparable…they had been best friends for so long till their feelings changed…evolving into love as they became adults. They knew each other better than their parents did, knowing what the other thought, knowing what they would say before the words would leave their mouths (well Tsuki’s mouth. Serena would just sign it).
Tsuki couldn’t imagine his life without her. They had never been apart for longer than a few hours when she would go off to gather food or gather information from the main land. She would always return to him, laying in his arms as the curled up together in their nest, just staring deeply into each other’s and soul, never needing to use words as their minds and spirits were in sync. He remembers the first night they had lain together, the way their bodies moved as one, bringing each other pleasure physically and spiritually, binding their souls together till the end of time…even in death they would be connected…even if by some chance they ended up separated in another world they would find each other…
That’s why it hurt to hear that his parents wanted to leave this world…take him away without Serena…to separate them for who knows how long…he didn’t want that. He wanted to stay with her, to fight by her side as they freed the world from the influence of the darkness and bring peace. To one day have a home of their own where they can live out there days in each other’s embrace…and to have little ones of their own…to have a family.
The siren realized she was being watched but she knew exactly who it was, she felt his presence the moment he entered the area. She opened her eyes slightly and looked in his direction, a soft smile forming on her face as she looked into his blue eyes. She nudged her head, indicating to him to join her before side dived into the water.
Tsuki removed his white robe and bottoms before diving into the water, his scales glowing white as he searched for his beloved, finding her rather quickly as her own markings (tattoos) were glowing as well. The two mates circling each other in the water, moving gracefully as the mimicked the others actions…like the beautiful dance the sun and moons did every day and night.
They soon came together, first taking each other’s hands, just gazing at each other lovingly before swimming up to the surface, their heads breaching the surface, Tsuki taking a breath before leaning in, pressing his lips against Serena’s cold ones, the tips of her ears twitching slightly as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulling his naked body against hers, the tip of her tail wrapping around his calf.
The two remained like this for a moment before separating and playing around in the water for a while, Serena diving down into the depths before resurfacing behind Tsuki and jumping him, the white haired teen laughing as he chases the siren who easily out swims him, splashing each other as Tsuki lets out his large wings, creating small waves as he moves them in the water while Serena raises her tail fin out of the water and slams it down, sending a splurge of aqua at her beloved. They always played like this when they had time, a way of bonding and just being in each other’s presence, just being happy…something they did since they were toddlers…
Eventually they head over to the giant stones, Tsuki sitting on one of them, his wings spread out to dry while Serena stays in the water holding onto his calf as she rests her head against his leg, soaking for a little as she needs to hydrate this way at least once every few days…
Tsuki looks down at her, seeing her blue eyes gazing back up at him, for a moment her appearance changes…her hair turns black, her ears are normal, her gills are gone…she has a necklace around her neck with a pendant that looks like a dragon, wearing a white button up blouse and her although her skin is still pale, it’s a bit more peach coloured instead of completely white…there’s a flash and her shirt is torn at the back, deep lacerations cover her back, seeping with blood…her eyes closing as she disappears below the water…
He gasps Serena returns to normal, looking up at him with concern as she reaches up and takes his hand. The white haired teen sighed as he rubs his head, a throbbing running through it, “I’m fine. Just…tired…” Serena raises a brow as she gives him a look that reads ‘Nice try. I know you’re hiding something.’ He rolls his eyes, “I had a strange dream last night…we were living in a different world…one filled with towering buildings and weird metal boxes with wheels…you and I were there but we looked…different…I wasn’t Tsuki and you weren’t Serena…we went by other minds…and you could talk, you didn’t hide your voice…it was…nice to hear it…beautiful even…” he smiled softly at the memory…
Serena hadn’t spoken a word since she was little…not because she couldn’t talk but because her voice was a dangerous thing. Not only her sonic power but she was a siren and sirens used her there voice to control and manipulate others, drawing men in to devour them and kill them. Serena never wanted to risk harming those closest to her…so she made a vow of silence and would only use it when it was necessary. She hearing what Tsuki was saying was…odd.
His smile slowly fell from his face, “You nearly died too…your life was constantly threatened…a lot of the times it was because of me…” he reached down and ran his fingers through her hair, “I heard our parents talking…they say that they want to leave this place…that it’s too dangerous for us.” He rests his hand on his scar.
Serena looks down into the water, remembering the take she had had with Hikaru. It was a hard thing to hear but…it was the safest option for her family…she had nearly lost Tsuki not too long ago…she could survive him leaving…not him losing his life…
He pulls her out of the water and sits her beside him…resting his hand under her chin and lifting her head so he could look in her eyes, seeing the tears starting to form, “I’m not leaving you…we can get through this together.” She shakes her head as she pushes his hand away. This confuses the man, “You can’t seriously agree with them! How can you believe that it’s for the best for us to be separated?!” he shouts out in anger.
Serena reaches over and rests her hand on his scar and the other over his heart, look at him with fear…in that instant the rage left him and he understood…she didn’t wish for him to die…but they were strong together…they could win this as one…he cups her cheek, gently wiping away the tears with his thumb, “I’m not going anywhere…and that’s finally…”
Serena didn’t like that and pulled away, diving back into the water and disappearing into the depths. Tsuki followed her however…swimming for a long time till he sees her going throw a tunnel…resurfacing in a dark cave…Tsuki raises his hand and forms a ball of white energy, the light illuminating the small space, bouncing off the lapis gems that covered the walls and ceiling of the cave, making it look like the night sky…it was beautiful and made Tsuki think off all the nights he would sneak out with Serena, changing into his dragon form and flying through the sky and gazing at the stars…
He watched as the siren admires the sight around them, getting lost in the lights as a soft look forms on her face. He swims over to her and pulls her close with his free arm, gaining her attention, “Listen…I won’t let those monsters break us apart…I won’t let them separate out family…we are stronger together…please don’t make me do this…” Serena listens to his words and gives a small nod, resting her head on his shoulder…hoping he was right…
However when they attended the next battle Serena had discovered a magician amongst the warriors, obviously a spy…meaning that no one could be trusted, not even their allies…
This was the last straw…her family was going to leave and she would be the one to send them away…
Rozu turns her attention back to Yami, “Now that his be dealt with, we can get back to playing.” She chuckles as she waves her hand, the shadows pulling the pharaohs arms apart, the others forcing him to his knees in front of the goddess, “To think, you had a whole kingdom on their knees for you and here you are…weak…powerless…alone. Oh how the mighty have fallen.” She laughs as Yami growls, pulling against the shadows, “Who are you? What do you want with me?”
The woman leaned down and ran her clawed fingers over his cheek, “I am the queen of darkness…the master of shadows…the bringer of death…the monster that hides under a child’s bed…but you can call me Rozu. As for what I want well…that’s a long story and we don’t exactly have time as I’m sure your little host will find a way to escape along with the siren.” She pulls away and raises her hand again, the cards in the grave yard of Seto’s duel disk glowing, one of them flying out and Rozu catches it between her fingers. Yami watches her, trying to make sense of what she was saying as none of it had made sense, “What are you talking about? Are you responsible for all this?”
Rozu nods as she throws the card into the ground, shadows swirling around it as a figure emerges from it, the spirit recognising it as Peten the Dark Clown…the first monster to attack him directly in this duel. The red head glides over to the creature, the creepy clown giggling as it bows to her and holds out its curved dagger which she takes from him with a smile, running her finger over the blade, slicing into her skin, a drop of blood running from it, “Always kept your blades sharp.” She chuckles as she waves her hand, the clown turning back into a shadow as she turns her attention back to Yami.
“I’m responsible for a lot of things…I’m responsible for the powers you once possessed…I was responsible for training you in the dark arts…for raising you…for taking care of you.” She spoke softly as she walked back over to him slowly, Yami trying to make sense of her words, “You…know me? Do you know who I am?” as much as he hated to think about, this thing could have the answers his been looking for for so long. The red head nodded, “I know everything about you. I was there with you since the day you took your first breath.”
Yami’s eyes widen as a thought came to mind, “Are you…my mother?” Rozu wanted to laugh but there was some truth in his words, “In a way I was…not your birth mother, she passed the day you were born. I on the other hand was at your side for many years…until you threw me away like I was nothing.” The smile on her face turned to a frown, “I gave you everything…power…influence…I even gave you a companion that healed the loneliness that plagued you since you were little…and how did you thank me? By turning your back on me and locking me away for 5000 thousand years!!”
She yelled as the shadows vibrated violently. Yami didn’t show any fear as he watched the darkness, his mind going to the room he and Yugi had found, “So…you’re the one who was trapped in that dark room within my puzzle.” she hisses at him for a moment before nodding, “That was my prison…for so many years it was like a tomb, the only company was the shadows that slowly tore me apart day by day, ravaging my spirit till I went made and decided to fight back…devouring them to rebuild my strength…and once the puzzle was complete…” she smirked as her forked tongue licked her lips, “…and thanks to you I found a new source of substances…the victims of your shadow games.”
She swirled around him, gripping his hair and yanking it back, “And it’s thanks to the siren that I was finally freed.” The siren? The realization hit him, “Lillian?” Rozu nods as she lightly runs the tip of the dagger over his cheek, applying just enough pressure to making a shallow cut, the pharaoh staying silent at as it stung only slightly.
“You see…both she and I aren’t from this world…we are form a world of monsters and magic…rulers of its inhabitants and the peace keepers of the land…until we ended up here. And while the siren got a new body, I did not…and that’s where you come in…” she smirks, “…you are going to help me.”
Yami sneers at her, “Never.” The red head chuckles into beside his ear, whispering deeply, “You don’t have a choice…”she raises the dagger and stabs him in the stomach, pulling a gasp from his lips as the pain hits him. She pulls it out slowly before thrusting it back in in a different direction, the pharaoh wincing loudly as she twists the blade, “I won’t kill you, I still need you for my revenge…to make you suffer for what you did to me.” She pulls out the dagger, watching as the blood flows from the wound dripping to the floor, forming a puddle of red as she starts to chant…drops of blood escaping from the growing pool of red…moving along the floor, forming shapes and symbols as it creates a large circle…
Within the puzzle…
The teens had reached a safe area, trying to catch their breathes as they notices a swirling mass of red energy, a window to the outside world in the centre…showing them Rozu torturing the pharaoh, Yugi’s eyes going wide…panic flowing through him as he sees the agony his others face as the red stabs him again in the side, drawing more blood…
Lillian knows who she was…guilt washing over her as she knows this was her fault…she had brought this monster back with her from the virtual world…
Yugi hears the dark queen laugh as she continues to hurt the spirit…the short teens fists clenching sparks flying from his fingers as his eyes began to glow…a second later a set of white wings burst form his back and he flies towards the room where the mummies had come from, knowing the way out was in there.
Lillian and the other two teens watched as Yugi somehow got angel wings and just flew off?? Huh?! The only thing they could do was follow.
Back outside…
Rozu kept chanting as she drops the dagger and moves to the centre of the blood circle, the marks on her arms glowing as her eyes light up, the shadows swirling around her, bolts of red electricity bursting from the darkness as the goddess raises her hand in the air as bolt hits her palm, the area is engulfed in a red mist…a long scythe made of black bones, a curved blade with a red tip and a skull cover in marks at the top of the weapon.
Yami could only watch as he felt himself growing weaker as the bleeding wouldn’t stop, his skin going pale as he started to become dizzy…
Rozu lowers the scythe, running her hand over the skull, “Hello again father.” She chuckles deeply as she glances over at Yami, “I’m guessing you want to know what this is?” she twirls the skeletal weapon in her hands, “A parting gift from my father…well the parts of him that remained after I devoured his soul…the first spirit to enter my body and give me power…the only thing I could thank him for…” her face shows a glimpse of sadness…
“You are not the only one that caused me pain…I never wanted to be like this…” she walked back over to Yami as she watched the life slowly fading from him, “…I was good once…I wanted to help and free the people that suffered under my father tyranny long ago…but it came at the cost…the man I loved...stolen from my grasp…his life snuffed out right in front of my eyes…but it didn’t end there…” a black tear runs down her cheek, “…he left me with two beautiful little boys…two children that my father ripped form my arms…taking them away to who knows where…telling me he was going to sacrifice them…rip them apart and feast on their tiny bodies…while I watched…” her fingers tightened around her scythe, “…the thought of those two innocent lives dying an unnecessary death at the hands of the man that had stolen my life from me drove me over the edge…for him to take away the children of the love of my life…broke me…”
 Rozu watched as her children are taken away, she had tried to fight, to keep them in her arms but giving birth had weakened her…leaving her with no strength as her father kicked and struck her…laughing at her he told her what he was going to do with her boys…the building shook as it was continued being attacked…the siren entering the tower…her main focus being Lord Yomi…to end him once and for all…but she stopped when she heard the cries of the new-born twins…
Rozu was shaking at this point…she couldn’t let him hurt her boys…she wouldn’t let him steal the last light of her life…she rose from the floor as the shadows surround her, engulfing her body as she grew larger and larger, her teeth sharpening as her form became longer, transforming into a long black serpent like dragon, roaring at Yomi, the man’s eyes widen as her mouth light up with fire, blasting it at him…he tries to run as his monster of a daughter chases after him…crashing into the walls as she continued to grow larger…causing the whole tower to shake…Yomi rushes into a room and shuts the door but there’s no stopping Rozu…she breaks the wall down, collapsing it onto of the man…she snarls at him but something catches her eye…the blankets she had wrapped around her sons were ripped and laying on the floor…her children gone…
Her heart…broke…black ooze of grief flowed into her soul…her head raising in the air as she lets out a scream like roar of agony, blasting a large stream of black flames through the ceiling, setting everything on fire…she turned her rage to her father, the man begging her for mercy but she didn’t listen, opening her large mouth and biting his head off, sucking his soul from his body…
She went into a blind rage; destroying every dark magician she came across, burning her father’s mighty fortress to the ground as she flew through the air, turning it into a waste land of fire and brimstone…the forces that had come to save her like Clarity and her 3 dragons and the warriors escaping the serpent’s wrath…
Rozu finally loses her strength…landing in the destroyed remains of her father’s great home…her leathery black wings remaining as she sat on her knees, her face staring at the ground as she cries…black tears staining her face as she lets her grief over takes her…wailing for the loss of  her children…
Rozu cleans her face as she looks at Yami, “I had lost everything…and I was fine to live in solitude for the rest of my life…until I discovered something interesting…You see my father believed that the white dragons held the secret to immortality…his ultimate goal…but he misunderstood the texts…they stated that the heart of a Blues eyes could restore life…as if…bring someone back from death.” She kneeled in front of the dying Pharaoh, “…but they were gone…sent away by the siren…and so before I can completely my revenge on you…I need her to bring those beasts back…”
Yami didn’t understand what she was rambling about, his mind hazy and unfocused…Lillian’s necklace that Yugi always kept with him started glowing in his pocket…
A legend existed in the monster world that there were other worlds beyond their own…many could be reached in areas of the monster world where the veil between this world and the other were thin and could be broken open temporarily by certain magic’s…
The dragons and siren had found such a place…an island with 3 large white stones…the world on the other side of this place was an unknown but it was the only hope they had…
The day had come for them to leave…arriving on the island at dusk…Hikaru and Ami said goodbye to their daughter…promising that they would see each other again someday…that they would reunite when the time comes…
Tsuki was the last to say goodbye…he had returned to the cave with the blue gems and created a necklace for his beloved…a promise that they would be together again someday…that no matter how many years it took they would hold each other again…they would be happy…that no matter where they ended up…they would find each other again…
Tsuki stepped away after giving her a kiss…his eyes widening as Serena looked like the version of her from his dreams…she looked up at him as she reached out a hand…he holds out his hand to take it only to realise his own appearance had changed…wearing the clothes he had worn in his strange dream…
He looks up at Serena, her raven hair glowing in the breeze…her lips moving… “Seto…”
The next moment the area is engulfed in a white light…a roar fills the air…
Rozu sighs as she runs her hand over her blade, “I suppose it’s time for your friends to return…but now before I maim you a bit more…it’s fun to make you suffer.” She raises her scythe in the air…
Only for a blast of white lightning to hit her in the back and sends her flying across the field, slamming into one of her shadow walls and collapse to the ground. She growls as she slowly rises from the ground, growling loudly but freezes as her eyes widen, “It’s not…possible…”
In front of her, floating in the air as a dragon…one of the white dragons she had last seen thousands of years ago…it couldn’t be possible! It had to be a hologram from one of the duel disks but there was now such card on either of them…the beast snarls at her as she her eyes fall on the scar running down its side…this was not a hologram…or an hallucination…this monster was really there…and it was one of the 3 that she had seen on the battle field all this years ago…but how was this even possible?!
The beast opens its mouth and sends another blast of energy at her, raising her scythe to try and block the attack…the beam bounces off the weapon and hits one of the dark walls, the shadows shrieking as they burn…
Yami feels himself lose consciousness as his body goes limp…
In the puzzle…
Yugi had reached the room, his body glowing with an angelic light as his powers were overflowing due to his rage for his love being hurt…his hair turning golden, his clothes turning white…3 small eyes appearing on each of his cheeks under his larger eyes…more eyes forming along the bones of his wings as the mummies disintegrate under the pure light that was radiating from the short teen…
The other teens reach the room just into for it to be engulfed in light…blinding them as the darkness is chased from the puzzle and the souls that had been trapped inside them are set free…
Rozu keeps fighting off the dragon as she summons her own wings and takes flight, the energy beams that miss her destroys the prism of darkness surround them, the walls shattering like glass…the last straw coming from the Millennium puzzle, a beam of light shoots out of it, engulfing the area, burning the shadows and even Rozu as she screams in pain…
Lillian’s eyes slowly opened, groaning as her whole body hurt. She held her head as she slowly sat up and looked around, finding herself in the destroyed remained of the Kaiba Dome, discovering that she was back in her body. She looked over and saw her brother lying in puddle of blood on the floor, “Yugi!” She gets up, ignoring the ache in her limbs as she rushes to his side…
She kneels down beside him, seeing the blood seeping from the stab wounds littering his torso. She shakes as she checks for a pulse, finding a weak one but a pulse none the less…she rests her hands on his chest and stomach…closing her eyes as the markings on her neck glows as well as her hands…the energy flowing into him and healing his body…his eyes fly open as he gasps and sits up, panting hard as he tries to remember where he was, his eyes landing on his sister as she pulls him into her arms, “Thank god you’re ok.”
Yugi was confused as the memories returned to him…the pyramid…the puzzle…the weird overwhelming power…what was going on with him?
She pulls back as she stands up and looks around for the other person that had been trapped in the duel, “Seto?” she called out but got no response, “SETO?!” she was starting to panic until she heard a groan coming from under a pile of rubble. She runs over and with strength that she didn’t know she hand, she lifted the large piece of concrete and pushes it off her beloved. She kneels down and checks his pulse…he mumbles and smacks her hand away, “’m fine.” He mumbles as his eyes open slightly.
Lillian tears up as she helps him up and hugs him tightly…glad he was alright…she heard some voices coming from the balcony above, seeing Tristian and Joey had returned to their bodies too…an emergency team comes rushing in with Mokuba and Téa in tow…
Seto was rushed to the hospital as well as Yugi, Tristian, Joey and Lillian…the teens insisting they were fine even though they had survived being crushed by a collapsing building…but the doctors still wanted to check them to be sure…
They each got their own rooms as they were checked out, Seto being rather abrasive towards the doctors…his mind still reeling at the dreamland he had experienced…he could not remember anything else other than that for the past weeks…Mokuba needing to explain what had happened…none of what he said made any sense…in the end the small boy was forced to leave the room so that the doctor could check for any broken ribs or internal injuries…Seto hesitantly removed his shirt, the doctors eyes landing on the large scar like birth mark that ran down his side…
Lillian went to her brothers room after the doctor was done with her…standing in the doorway was the short teen was seated on the hospital bed without his shirt and jacket…her eyes falling on the scars covering his torso from where he had been stabbed by Rozu…
Lillian felt an overwhelming sense of guilt…this had been her fault…everything that had happened was her fault…and the worst part was that Rozu was not gone…hearing her laugh in the back of her mind…
The raven head made a hard choice…
Once Yugi had been checked out he was giving a hospital robe to wear since his clothes were blood soaked. He sees his sister and smiles as she walks in, “Hey how are you feeling?” she doesn’t answer him as she stares at the floor…the smile falls from the short teens face, “What’s wrong?”
Lillian sighs softly, “Yugi…I…I need to go.”
“Go? Go where? Home?” a sense of dread grows in Yugi’s stomach, “I can’t be around you for a while Yugi…”
“What?! Why?” he gets up and tries to step towards him but she moves away, “That thing that attacked Yami…she’s still around…she’s…she’s inside me…” Yugi’s eyes widened, “I…I made a deal with her…back in the virtual world…everything that happened today…was my fault…”
The short teen didn’t understand, what was she talking about? He holds out her hand to her but she steps away, “Lillian…”
“No…I can’t risk being around you while she’s still around…I need to get rid of her…I can’t risk you or Yami getting hurt…she’s after him and me being around is a risk…” she looks up as she tears up, “I’m sorry…” she runs out of the room leaving Yugi alone. He tears up and wants to go after her but is stopped by Yami who appears from the puzzle…the spirit shaking his head as he pulls the boy close as he cries…
The pharaoh was beyond pissed…Rozu needed to be destroyed…Yami’s eyes glow red as the shadows in the room start to vibrate ever so slightly…
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the-lonelybarricade · 5 months
RE to this ask (https://www.tumblr.com/the-lonelybarricade/745401175385473024/does-rhys-recognize-the-mating-bond-between-him?source=share)
You said there's one very big change to canon that's fuelling the WBTS plot and hinted that it had to do with the bond between Rhys and Feyre, and no one's figured it out yet (LB, you better not be throwing out the concept of fated mates! You know we live for this shit; that would be too cruel 😭). Does it pertain to Rhys' cut prologue? Has the curse been modified in some way (i.e. does Rhys find himself in similar circumstances to Tamlin and needs Feyre to break the spell)?
👀👀👀👀 Anon you're getting way too close for comfort so I'm just going to drop a little snippet of the cut Rhys prologue to distract you
You must never forget, Rhysand. The key to our people’s continued survival is deception.
Rhysand met his father’s gaze in the vanity mirror. The ground rushed beneath him. Once the steady plush carpet of his bedroom, now a narrow branch arcing over the maw of a deep, ancient abyss. He stared into that pit of darkness and it watched him back through the careful onyx eyes of his father. They were already brimming with reprimand that would threaten to spin Rhys off balance and pitch him over the edge.
He always felt as though he were on trial standing beneath his father’s assessment. He also knew that was by design. So Rhys kept himself still, maintaining his composure as his mother put the final touches on his attire. Tonight was his debut appearance to the Hewn City, where he would be presented as heir to the Night Court. 
His mother was not privy to the words her mate was sharing with their son, and if she knew that they were speaking mind to mind, then she guessed on instinct alone. Rhysand gave no visible sign his father’s claws were digging into his mind.
The talons sharpened. Rhysand gritted his teeth to keep from revealing his pain as his father dealt each new command like a blow: That means tonight you will not speak. You will not cry. You will not cower.
Rhysand’s chin dipped, the closest he could provide to a bow without disrupting his mother’s work. I understand.
Not yet, but you will understand in time. 
That was all his father told him before leaving the room. The mental claws unlatched, though the reminder of their presence felt embedded in his skull, taking the form of the onyx circlet of raven feathers he now bore.
His mother waited until the door shut before she placed a gentle hand beneath her son’s chin, raising his face until he again met his reflection in the mirror. 
She said, as if clarifying his father’s instructions, “You will carry your head so that it is befitting of the crown you wear. And one day, my sweet, gentle boy, you will learn to don the same mask as your father so that our people will survive.”
The memory returned to Rhysand, unwelcome as a blade in his side and equally as cutting. He did not like to think of his mother. Not here, certainly not tonight. But as he watched the procession of Spring Court fae arrive in an assortment of glittering masks, he couldn’t help examining the one that he wore and the first time he had learned to craft it.
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