#its cool i like it! i wanna draw more on it but alas ... no time
oh-gh0st · 1 year
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i never posted this here from twitter....... Whoops!
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maria-ruta · 7 months
17 for the ask thing 🫐💙💙💙
Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
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i remember when i drew him for the first time i thought - i gotta keep drawing his face less human, with his eyes more apart, more fish like
but over time I put his eyes more forward and made his face rounder and more human-like... a coward move, honestly
but i don't think ill change that now bc im used to this rounder design now, alas ... ¯\_( ジ )_/¯
ALSOOOOO to be veeeeery honest - I think that making aliens that are very humanoid IS a coward move too, but I didn't design his species , but took it from the game - its lumeris from endless space
now after this question I thought
what if i designed my own alien species for Blueberry? while taking some of the points from existing lumeris design? such as being semi aquatic creatures that later on turned out to be pretty well adapted to space life without gravitation, as they swim acros the ship and has grabby fingers on their legs?
And i thought it would be something like salamander-otter maybe?
here are some doodles
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thoooooooo this design is cute, i still would not be 100% satisfied with it, because this still looks a lot like earthling creature.... there are really cool artists out there who create fantastic mindblowing alien designs that look weird and unique and not like earth creatures (like @ jayrockin or @ alexriesart ) but im not yet as cool as creating something as new and I'm still tied to earth logic and proportions U_U
will i draw blueberry as this now tho? proly not ahahah....
do i regret adding something to his story? haha no, im so smart, my writing is so good (its not, but i dont feel any regrets here... yet?)
link to the list of OC questions, in case you wanna ask me more <:3c
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stolaz-the-artist · 3 days
May you make a murder drones au of nexo knights Please 😢
I mean yeah, that's kind of obvious.
This Is gonna be a loooong post. Longest ask I've worked on.
I didn't need to make so many drawings but I had so much fun I just kind of had to.
im gonna do everyone a favor and kind of digitalize my writing under each page, just in case its hard to read.
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Serial Designator C
"I don't know because you won't tell me!"
"Oh please don't run! if I miss it will just prolong your suffering"
"Oh i do wanna be dapper *sigh* but alas"
Clay: Are you . . . new drones?
Macy: Uh, sure?
Clay: Hm. . . Well I have been saying we need more bots
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Serial Designator W
"C-100110010! HOW DARE YOU LOCK YOUR MOTHER UP!? You let me out this instant!"
"Wait . . . Prom queen?"
Lance: He's literally so ungrateful. Like you're so cool.
"How did you even manage to knock yourself offline?"
*Rebooting. . .*
"If the other one survived after all this time it's truly a miracle"
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Serial Designator F (Fletch)
Post limb change
Him and Izzy are very close friends (She think its cool when its revealed he's a Disassembly drone)
Was "adopted" by two worker drones (That W killed in an attempt to get him back)
He's a bit taller due to his torso, but because his legs cant fully support him, he's constantly hunching
"Im so tired of this shit"
Gets called names like • Loose-limb Fletch
•Snap-off Fletch
Wanda: Literally barely anything. Just put the right limbs on
Wanda: Like what kind of idiot tried to connect Worker drone limbs to a Disassembly drone torso?
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Macy Doorman
"Huh, knew illegal downloading all those Ned Knightly movies would come in handy"
Macy: One more buzzword and I'll do it
Jestro: . . . Equity Partnersh-
"Oh bite me"
Clay: Now im pretty new to this "Rebelling" stuff. But uh, do I have to fight my mom? Its just that-
Macy: YES!
Clay: sighhh Fine, lets do this
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"The hell happened to you?"
Aaron: So do you think they like video games?
Lance: Doubt it
Aaron: Then why are we here?
Lance: Blackmail
Aaron: Oh fair
One of Macy's best friends (And the friend she's had the longest)
"Super invited to my shindig next week"
Aaron, whispering: I mean, he's fun sized?
Aaron, whispering: Ok so not fun
Macy: whispering: OH REALLY!?
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Axl: Where's Macy
Lance: She went out
Axl: Out? Have she lost her mind?
Lance: Think so. Oh and Aaron went with her
Axl: Excuse me?
Lance: Yeah . .
Phone focus cuz tiny space
Wanda: This is so shit
Lance: I know right
Fashionista. Yes he knows there are non flip phones, he has one, but it just doesn't meet the same level of sass as a clip phone
Lance: Do you understand what will happen if you go out there? Let me spell it out; D-E-A-T-H! Are you out of your-
Aaron: I'll come lol
Lance: Yeah, no. You two gp enjoy dying. The hell you think this is, a shitty horror movie?
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"Im gone for 5 min to get some actual edible snacks and everyone is dead!?"
Accidentally gave her the gun idea
Really fixated on food, spends a lot of time recreating food
His bigger legs make him a bit less flexible, but he packs a mean kick (home made)
Axl: There we go!
Lance: Aren't you worried someones actually gonna drink it thinking its actually edible- or drinkable I guess
Lance: But idk, people are pretty stupid here
Axl: Hm, no you're right
Decoration don't drink u'll die lol
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Serial Designator J
"its tricked you! and if I promised you anything . . . It tricked me too . . ."
"Ha-ha! I-am so good-at-hiding!"
Is AD's most "trusted" worker (And with ,pst trusted I mean most easily manipulated)
Clay: What will the company do to us once we're done? How do we know the company wont get rid of us?
Jestro: Awh, im so sorry. You know the consequences of questioning the company
Clay: Hm, fair enough
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Absolute Destruction
"The flesh demands invitation"
"Dropped this-silly"
Pre-skinning Merlok
Robot view
Monstrux: You look g-great, toots! hm . .
Monstrux: Have you considered a hat-tho
There's a few extra sketches I did for fun lying around, and if ya'll want that (plus the story line of what's happening) just tell me I would include it here but this is painfully long enough
(Oh and all relationships are kinda neutral here. They don't entirely line up with the show. Ship whoever I don't care)
Anyways, this took weeks to make (cuz of studying and the fact I got sick in the middle of it) but im rather happy with what I have came up with!
Always feel free to make asks like this! I enjoy them a lot! might take a while for them to come out cuz of school but I'll do my best!
(Also I'm aware some are a bit out of character, it was for comedic purposes)
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stygianheart · 11 months
its a shame your fics dont have more art theyre so good like if I could draw well id probably turn them into picture books. do you wish you had art?
but besides the point I actually have questions and I wanna ask em.
first up, who’s the back up? luffys mentioned the backup a few times and I cant help but wonder who it is. if thats a major spoiler than you dont have to answer but considering your love for this one guy i kinda think its sabo or the rev army. either that or like traffy. it would be funny if it was sabo though because of koby’s brief jealousy of how luffy was talking about him.
this might be just me as an aot fan overanalyzing everything but I feel like that devil fruit in the beginning was something important and so was the auction in broad daylight.
also ive seen a lot of fics where kobys favorite food is buttered potatoes but i think yours is the first where his favorite food is downright plain butter. the guys a psychopath for that. like why would you do that. where did you even get the idea.
I also have some other questions! unfortunately uh revolving around the second favorite ship brymeppo…
does helhippo realize he likes bryan or no? also i really came into the fic thinking I wasnt gonna give a crap about him but somehow you made me like him a lot so kudos to you. his relationship with bryan is so rivals to lovers coded and thats one of my favorite tropes. I really do hope helhippo lives up to his promise and takes bryan to the symphony. I know that wont happen in tsats but if you could make a one shot of helhippo and bryan going out on small dates that would be amazing 🙏 for us rymeppo shippers #rymeppo shippers unite oh and as much as i wanna see bryan take revenge on elijah for all the things the guys done to him i also wanna see helmeppo smash the guys face in. please. kill elijah. I hate him.
omg sorry that this is so long but I still have some more questions!
kobylu wise, who do you think fell first? koby or luffy? its obvious that luffy likes Koby but why hasn’t he said anything? does he understand how he feels? and after this is all said and done how are they going to stay in contact? it’s not like koby can just talk to luffy whenever he wants since hes a marine and luffys the pirate king.
anyway thats all! I hope i was able to help your creativity in some way :)
I mean, yeah, art would be cool. But when it comes to engagement with my fics, the most I hope for is for someone to simply read it. Besides, it’s self indulgent! I’m just writing the stuff for me and sharing it along the way.
Anyway, questions. *pulls out glasses*
The back up? Well, it’s not Traffy, that much I can say. Considering we (last I checked) don’t know if Trafalgar is alive or not, I just decided to…y’know, leave him out.
Greetings, fellow AoT fan, you are NOT mistaken! I kinda like hiding little things in the fic—not EVERYTHING has a purpose like AoT, but a lot of things are put there for a reason. I like being sneaky like that.
And yes. Koby’s a psycho. He eats straight up butter—and said it tastes better when dipped in sugar. I got this weird headcanon from my bestie who also happens to eat butter sticks. I once saw him dip it in sugar and was so disgusted by it, and he was just like “it’s good for you. Besides, it’s ✨tasty✨” like sir no. What on earth. That’s weird. You do you, but please, not in front of me. Besides the point—for some reason I decided to implement that onto Koby. I have a habit of weirdifying characters.
As for the RyMeppo question… I seriously never expected people to love this ship so much wtf. In Chapter 5, Helmeppo is completely unaware of his very obvious crush on (B)Ryan. He thinks he hates Ryan, when it’s obvious it’s more than that. As of Chapter 10, however, the moron is 10000% aware of how he feels. He and Ryan’s relationship is really fun to write with the constant bickering/flirting. I never intended them to be a romantic relationship, but alas, that’s where it headed.
And the KobyLu questions! Yay! Koby definitely fell first and he fell hard—don’t think anyone could fall harder if they tried. As for Luff: he knows how he feels about Koby. Buddy went to Sanji’s school of flirting and failed the classes spectacularly yet tried showing off his grades to Koby. He’s made it very clear how he feels—Koby, unfortunately, is just too damn dense. Luffy could yell “I LOVE YOU” to Koby and he would probably think Luffy meant platonically. He gets his density from me, of course, I’m the exact same way.
I hope I answered your questions well! Thanks for the ask, it actually did help a bit.)))
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justanartisticduck · 2 years
Warning: eyestrain, LONG post (please please tumblr don’t ruin the quality ;u;), implied abuse, death/harm, fire, teeth..? And glitchy effect, please look elsewhere if these make you uncomfy.
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SO! This is a little thingy I did based off a song called “Neighborhood #2 (Laika)” by Arcade Fire! Now, earlier I made a post saying how this song really reminded me of my Duck interpretation regarding both their past and future- now this is mostly based off the meaning/references of this song, now I won’t get into too much detail, especially since one of the references is EXTREMELY dark and sad SO I’ll summarize by saying the themes I decided to focus on here! First being the topic of running away from a… not so great life.. And second being a death that was MEANT to happen- (both themes were discovered by the music video and also by some research-) NOW I chose these themes since they.. directly correlate with my Duck (both being that their childhood was.. not great.. and by the fact they LITERALLY DIE IN THE SERIES-) hence why this song reminds me of them so much <3 So yeah! Now i wanted to protray so much but alas i was limited to only a canvas- (some day i will make an animatic of this.. some day <33) BUT i did try representing a few things here!! First off at the top of the canvas we have Malicia, i put here here mostly cuz if the lyrics but also bc she was the first person who influenced Robin’s long line of misfortune. Alongside that we have younger Robin, to go along with Malicia.. Now before you ask their feathers are brown here because this is before they had started dying their feathers green and the reason they had wings was because birds thought it was cool AND they also recently have been thinking about that one legend abt Icarus flying too close to the sun with his wax wings and ended up falling into the ocean because of this- (listen birds has had a LOT on their mind lately leave me alone-) AJYWAYS so they also have some odd red lines surrounding them as you can see- now these are supposed to be spider lilies (which, if you dont know why they are important here, search their meaning) NOW these were supposed to be more detailed but I literally couldn’t make them more detailed for it is late and birds has been drawing this for hours- SO yeah!! Next we see both the feathers which are falling from Robin’s wings and the stem of one of the spider lilies which reside nearby current Robin who now bears their classic green feathers. Now i don’t have much to say here about them in this portion of the thingy BUT i like to think this is them pre June 19th, this also is supposed to correlate slightly with what is below them.. BUT i like to think THIS is them upon realizing Roy is a bad person, this is them upon loosing their friend Daisy (which may or may not have been referenced by the flowers covering their eyes- 👀), this is them upon the time that.. for once in all their time knowing eachother… they and red weren’t on great terms- So, their distrust for Roy continues to the next shot but, instead, here they are not just distrustful of Roy… but also.. they fear him here- Alongside that this is where the stem of the spider lily ends, where their lost feathers transform into teeth which, note, belong to the monster can- (and also notice, it seems as if the teeth are about to bite onto Robin… gee, wonder what thats referencing lol-) and then Roys hands are now surrounding the duck as they look with pure fear.. this is where the canvas ends… and… well… considering the themes and foreshadowing already present- im sure you know what this likely means for them-
Now thats it for the main description as to what birds was thinking upon making this!! NOW uh this all was inspired by the song mentioned previously and yeah!! (Also small thing i wanna mention but i personally like to believe Robins brother, Rodney, is the one singing here, out of greif and anger, but thats just my personal silly thought hehe- >:3) BUT i am so SO happy with how this came out!! There are a few things i messed up BUT I DONT CARE THIS MAKES ME FEEL ACCOMPLISHED AND I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS!! Seriously i hope yall thought it was as cool as i thought it was :3 Anywho, goodbye and i hope yall liked this!! :DD
(Also side note: not to be annoying but please reblog this- i spent literal hours making this and im really happy with how this came out and i would appreciate it if you could reblog this- you don’t have to BUT i would still appreciate it!!! Ty <333 -sincerely, a tired Duck)
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kadekuro · 3 years
do you have refs for your fua head-canons?
yeah! I use PureRef (tasch recommended and approved ;3) to keep all of my favorite character drawings and refs on hand.
And a reminder that all visual headcanons of the characters are valid!
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its been awhile since i talked abt FUA and ive got time so im gonna ramble a bit abt my design thoughts too
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Harley's Desi (indian subcontinent diaspora)!
based on my gay community mentor from when i was first figuring out i was trans (was also desi and a trans man, super cool and helped me during one of my lowest times. much love if youre still following! <3)
his hair is sometimes hard to get right bc like, desi hair tends to fall between straight and curly, but with sooo much volume, it’s so gorgeous
i actually looked up radd's design for harley (click here), along with the only other fanart of harley at the time (click here), before coming up with mine, and i liked radd's design, but i didnt wanna fall into the "black man = deep voice" hole, but also didnt wanna make a tumblr white sexyman podcast design lmao (even tho the VA for harley at the time was hella white and even the current VA ajgsfjkhaha)
i actually drew my, eli's, and radds designs all together once for a textpost! (click here)
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Love is Korean, as hinted in the show through her name (Nari).
originally love was tall because i wanted a tall asian lady, but alas. also i thought she was older (the shock when you find out she doesnt know the foundation's reputation for death o-o). you can see her design got a little more soft and energetic to reflect the show's hints that she's like, around 20 or something. i love her <3
love's hair is based on like, my personal experience with having long shiny asian hair. HAIRTIES DONT STAY. every day it would just slip down slightly and make that stupid muchroom shape lmao.
also hair is SUPER IMPORTANT in a lot of asian culture, even in modern day, so long hair bc she's close to her family and still figuring out how to be independent and stuff. also it just looks nice on her, i think she can kick ass with long hair
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I never actually decided on a specific background for lanc deeper than "Asian", maybe Laos on his dad's side? but I like to think he's pretty americanized (like me lol), so it's not something he thinks about too much.
i honestly don't have much to say on lanc? his design has changed the least, tho i draw him with stubble more often now. also i super project onto him lmao
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Klein is white.
her design was based on my boss at the time (and one of my coworkers), who was super charismatic and has a perfect mix of optimism and exhaustion, and who was also fat, and no less wonderful of a person for it. i think a lot of fandoms have a culture of fatphobia (coughmcytcought) and i want to encourage fat characters and designs in our fandom, because hey! we exist!
klein is also the hottest character in FUA
i keep forgetting her scars hfdjkhfd, but yeah she seems reckless enough to have shit blow up in her face (the singing rock that was basically a sound grenade, anyone?) and shes been part of the foundation for awhile
radd doesnt have a lot of drawings of klein posted, but there is the group drawing from awhile back (click here)
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Raddagher is also white. But also. This was not my original design for her.
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YEAH THATS RIGHT, ALPHA VERSION RADDAGHER WAS JUST A HELMET BECAUSE I THOUGHT SHE WAS HEAVY DUTY SURVEILLANCE HAHAH,, also i thought a big buff faceless security lady was a cool idea. might repurpose the design for an OC in the future
a lot of raddagher’s design is based on radd’s designs, which actually existed before the show iirc, but i wanted some flavor, so goggles and blue hair, and a big comfy security jacket. i have been drawing them with glasses more often tho
the shark teeth doodle is from a joke about radd being part shark
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Dr Shao is so wonderful??? Nonbinary Asian and highest ranking member aside from Klein??? the gays keep winning QwQ
Alves and Simmons each cameo in my textpost memes, see if you can find them lol. Their designs are kinda up in the air tbh but I think Simmons is white.
Dr Gravett is based on based on my black coworker that's basically my work mom. her hair is always immaculate, including the style i drew gravett with, which was dutch pigtails. thinking about it maybe she should have more scars considering her personnel file...
The Short Mean One and The Tall One from botany :3 tbh i dont have a lot to say about their designs i just think they’re two pretty besties
also psst check out radd’s designs for upper management too! (click here)
anyways thanks for asking! hopw you enjoyed! imma go pass out now.
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iovchlde · 4 years
childe x a reader who works with kids? maybe like a teacher?
you really have a way with kids.
teucer doesn’t really like most of the teachers at the school, to which childe feels apologetic because he often has to stick back after school. he likes one teacher though— you— and after seeing the teacher for himself, he thinks he likes them too.
in which childe thinks his brother’s teacher is cute.
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childe x gn!reader
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author’s note.
so like— someone make an in depth series of this please. the problem with not being able to write slow burn but absolutely loving to read it 😔✋
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it’s becoming late, something you note to yourself when you look out the window, as the sky is now an ombre of blues and reds and oranges. you’d been so absorbed in grading papers that you’d failed to check the time— the clock now indicating that it was almost four post meridiem. a sigh escapes past your lips as you straighten your back, relishing in the feel after sitting in a crouched position for so long. it’s hard to maintain proper posture when you’re bored out of your mind. “two more papers to go,” you mutter to yourself. “and then i can finally leave.”
the room is dead silent so when you hear a creak from the door across the room, you look up in curiosity to see teucer peeking his head in. he hasn’t noticed you, as you’re hidden behind the clutter that covers your desk, and he’s looking around in hopes of spotting his peers. noticing that there was no one else, his lips tug into a small frown. you blink in surprise, looking back at the clock to make sure that you weren’t mistaken. but alas, it really was that late. halting your pace of work, you drop the pen in your hand and you stand up from your chair.
“hi teucer.” you call out to him, and he jumps from being startled, not quite expecting someone else to be in the room. teucer turns his head to look at you from his awkward position at the door frame, slightly struggling to keep the huge door open, and you motion for him to come in. silently, he shuffles through the door with his hands wrapped tightly around the straps of his backpack, and he flashes a smile towards your way. “what are you doing here so late?”
at the question, the smile on his lips immediately fall. teucer looks down and twirls his foot on the floor, his voice quiet as he speaks. “my brother is really busy with his job, and he hasn’t come to pick me up yet. i came to see if my friends were still here, but there’s no one else left.” your heart twinges at the tone he uses— dejected and downcast. mentally, you scold yourself for asking such an obvious question, but you can’t really take your words back.
you hum, walking towards the boy and crouching in front of him. “then, let’s do something fun to pass the time, shall we? how about drawing— do you like drawing?” his head immediately perks up the suggestion, and he nods vigorously as if to say yes.
“i have the perfect thing for drawing,” teucer exclaims. he pulls the backpack off of his shoulders, opening a big pocket and rummaging through it. it takes a second for him to find what he’s looking for, but he lets out a proud, “aha!”, as he finds it. excitedly, he fishes out a big pack of crayons, showing them off to you. a satisfied feeling blooms within you, glad that he’s no longer as gloomy as before.
you gasp. “is that a pack of sixty-four crayons?” he grins, nodding again. “well, i have the perfect thing for that too.” from your crouching position, you get up and walk towards your cabinet— the one filled with new and unused materials. yanking out one of the drawers, you take out a fresh sketchpad, and you place it on a desk closest to you. all the chairs were placed on the desks, a thing the school would ask of students to do as they pack up from their last class of the day. taking a hint, teucer rushes over and brings down two chairs.
“i wanna draw my big brother, and give it to him when he comes to pick me up.” teucer holds a determined look on his face as he says those words, and you can’t help but chuckle at his admirable love for his brother. ripping off a piece of paper from the sketchbook, you hand it to him, which he accepts gratefully. he wastes no time in unpacking his crayons, picking out some peachy color, and leaving the box on the table. “what will you be drawing, ms. y/n?”
you hadn’t actually thought of drawing, simply coming up with the distraction on the spot to cheer him up. subconsciously, you look to the side as you think of an answer. “i’ll draw flowers,” you say, and he smiles, going back to his piece of paper.
if you were to give an estimate on how much time has passed, you’d say that about fifteen minutes had gone by since you’d first started drawing. you finished early on, drawing two simple lilies onto the paper, and simply sitting comfortably on the chair. or at least, as comfortable as it can get for an adult sitting on elementary-student-sized chairs. it’s not for another five minutes that teucer finally speaks up from his concentration.
“finished!” the boy beside you exclaims, holding up his drawing proudly. on the paper is a stick figure, the hair that covers its head is ginger-colored, and it has a loopy smile drawn as its face. it’s charming, and it has a message written beside it.“you’re the best big brother!”, the little note reads out. (he used the wrong “you’re”, but you decide not to comment on it given that it’s after school hours.)
little did you know, teucer’s older brother is observing you two from the door. his arms are crossed over his chest, and a soft expression is evident on his face as watches the interaction between the two of you. teucer had always beamed about you to him— talking about how amazing of teacher you were, and how kind you were. “you really look up to your brother, don’t you?” you comment, while analyzing his picture more.
“of course i do,” teucer avows, answering to you almost immediately, no hint of hesitation within his voice. his little hands are always curled up into little fists as he praises his brother, his voice going up a few octaves than it normally is. “he’s really busy, but whenever he’s not, he makes sure to make it up to me. on my birthdays, he gives me really big presents, and he takes me out to parks as well. he’s the best, isn’t he?”
“i think your brother seems like an admirable man.” you comment. “but, you’re also a good brother too, you know? you care for him a lot, and i think that matters just as much.”
childe’s gaze is soft as he watches the two of you talk, impressed by how cheery his brother was around you. it’s not often that teucer stays back and actually enjoys it. he hated to ruin the moment, but you’re interrupted as there’s a cough heard from the doorway, and you see a ginger-haired man leaning on the door frame. his looks are uncanny to those of teucer’s— boyish and smiley. must be his older brother.
quite cute too, but you brush off the thought.
the two of you make eye contact for the briefest of moments, but from those few seconds, you can see there’s a hint of penitence swirling in his eyes. the forgiving smile you return is barely noticeable, but he catches onto it with keen eyes. “sorry to keep you waiting, buddy.” he apologizes to teucer, before redirecting his gaze towards you. “i’m sorry you had to stay back and take care of him— though from what i can see, you really have a way with kids, ms. y/n. teucer here wasn’t wrong when he said you’re a really cool person.”
he gets off the door frame, now walking into the room and closer to teucer. the latter runs over to him immediately, sticking to his side. “mhm! ms. y/n is the best teacher.”
“see? teucer says so himself. you truly live up to the stories he’s told about you.”
you snort, shaking your head. picking up teucer’s items for him, you start walking towards the two. “being good with kids is part of the job description, you know? i’d be a bad teacher if i didn’t know how to handle them.” you say as you hand the bag and drawing to him. for a second, the tips of his hand grazes yours, before he promptly picks the items from your hand. “and he tells stories about me?”
“all the time,” he exaggerates, and teucer playfully pushes his arms. “teucer seems miserable around every other teacher, so they must be considered bad teachers by your definition.” he teases, and you flush at his words.
“oh,” you say as your eyes widen, “i don’t mean in that—” just as you’re about to protest against his words, he cuts in.
“joking, joking. anyways, we should really get going. i’ve already wasted enough of your time, as is— will i be seeing you around more often, ms. y/n?” he asks, and there’s a cheeky look to his eyes as he says those words, staring right at you. “y’know, for when i pick teucer up from school.”
you smile back, more obvious this time. “of course.”
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swiftiesimonriley · 3 years
jealous din djarin x f! reader ft. cobb vanth
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thank you so much to the anon for the request!! just a warning there is some light nsfw content ahead:
ok so this takes place at the start of season 2
lets say you've been part of the “crew” of the razor crest for a few months, serving as both a medic and a translator - not that din can’t translate for himself - but it serves as an added bonus!
you had been invited to join the crew after din gets injured on the hunt for a bounty in a backwater cantina on the planet you lived on
before din could get the binders on the bail jumper, he was able to stab din in one of the only places not protected by his coveted beskar - sending the seasoned mandalorian to the floor with a deep wound in his inner thigh
you just happened to be getting a drink in the cantina that night after your shift at the local medcenter
you had heard from the village elders the stories of mandalorians - that they were cold, calculating and ruthless - but all of those old stories flew out of your head as you jumped over the bar counter to treat the beskar covered man bleeding out onto the floor
din can still hear how calm and soothing your voice was to him in that moment, how you respected his privacy by not asking his name but treating him even when the rest of the patrons in the cantina looked at him with such fear - if you were not here, he most certainly would have met his maker
after treating his wound you offered him lodging in your small apartment while he healed, opting to help watch his foundling when you got home for work
at the end of the week he was ready to go back to work, but he felt a heaviness in his heart leaving you behind here - that night over dinner asking if you would like to join him
flash forward to now, din lands the crest at peli’s hangar and the two of you walk out with the child, the warm tatooine sun more unforgiving that that of the planet you spent your entire life on - thanking the maker that din mentioned you might be more comfortable in a little something more lightweight
you hold the child close as din talks to peli, not missing her comment about “it being nice to see the mandalorian has found a mate” to which din awkwardly coughs and you just know he’s blushing under that helmet
while you and din haven’t explicitly discussed the nature of your relationship, you have started spending a lot more time in his small bunk (when the child is not in there)
din had managed to get pretty bruised up after a fight with a bounty, and when he needed to remove his flight suit so you could access his injuries, you couldn’t help but blush as his toned skin was right at your fingertips
that night you rode him in the bunk, his cool beskar helmet hidden in the crook of your neck as your moans echo throughout the cargo hold
ever since then, the two of you have been fucking
but alas he still is your boss and you two keep things professional outside of the ship
flash forward to the trip to mos pelgo, sitting behind the bounty hunter with your arms tightly around his trim waist, an old pair of peli’s goggles over your eyes so you can prefect your eyes, something din had insisted on
it’s when the speeder bike comes to a stop near the cantina that din insists you wait outside for him, telling you that he will be back after making sure it’s safe
you nod in agreement, knowing there’s no real reason to start an argument, even though you are capable of handling yourself, and watch as he enters the bar, instead opting to watch the child
you look down at dins pack and gasp, seeing the little menace has taking off running after his papa in the direction of the bar - taking off after him without even watching where you are going - finding yourself slamming into a wall of green beskar
the impact of landing on your back knocks the wind out of you, hearing a faint “cyar’ika!” from inside as the man before you turns and offers a hand
“you gotta be careful sweetheart,” the man says effortlessly, helping you to your feet, “there’s some people around these parts that might not be so nice to ya.”
a soft blush appears on your cheeks at the use of the pet name, watching as din stands up to meet the two of you, gently patting your shoulder and asking if you are alright before telling the man before you that he is the one you have been searching for - another mandalorian
you watch as the marshall makes his way to the bar and orders three shots of spotchka, something that sits weird in your stomach as there’s no way that you can just down three shots yourself
following the marshall to the small table, you watch as he offers the pair of you a shot, to which din declines as you would expect but something in you goes for it, taking the small glass and throwing back the strong liquid, grimacing a bit as the taste sets in
“at least i have someone to keep up with me,” the marshall teases, lifting his hands up to remove his helmet and your eyes go wide as he places it down likes its a normal thing to do, your hand going to grip at one of dins arms in shock
din is obviously shocked as well, his heartbeat picking up as your grip on his arm tightens, watching the almost coy smile plays at the lips of the man across the table
the two begin going back and forth, cobb confessing he bought the armor off of some jawas, and din demanding he take it off
“it’s not proper for me to remove my armor right here, especially in front of such a pretty young lady.”
din is seeing red
if the helmet & beskar situation wasn’t already setting him off, the flirty comments being directed your way were
it wasn’t like the two of you had put a label on things, but he wasn’t going to let this nerf herder hit on you like that - most people wouldn’t dare even thinking about trying something like that to you when he was around - but this man had never dealt with a real mandalorian before
din missed the way you rolled your eyes at the comment, to busy in his own thoughts as the marshall suggests a duel for the armor since it seemed so important to din, but the sudden rumbling noise and shaking of the room sends you into panic mode
immediately you grab the child and pull him to your chest as din practically does the same to you - tucking your head under his chin as the shaking continues - only to pull away slowly when the noise and movement slows to a stop
you look up at him wide eyed, a few pieces of stray hair framing your face as you tell him you are going to see if anyone is hurt and din swears in that moment he is in love with you, standing as you lean your forehead against his helmet, a keldabe kiss, to which you do not know the meaning of, and watching as you grab your bag and head out towards the streets where civilians assess the damage
“you gotta good girl there mando,” the marshall draws, “you better stake your claim before someone else takes her to be-“
before he can finish the sentence din wraps a hand around his throat, pinning him to the nearest wall
“i’ll help you kill the krait dragon and in return you give me the armor and leave my girl alone.”
the look on the marshalls face is enough for din, but he makes a mental note to show you that night you are his
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taglist: @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @salome-c @jasterslegacy @marydjarin @hnt-escape wanna be added? send me an ask!!
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0poole · 4 years
I LOVE No Straight Roads
Honestly it’s hard to keep me away from a game with great visuals and even greater character design. I knew from the INSTANT I saw these characters that I was going to love it. I just finished it because it’s (unfortunately) pretty short, and even though I cheesed the final boss through it’s very lenient death mechanics (Instant respawn at the cost of a good rank) I actually appreciated that it wasn’t a pure cake walk. I’ve yet to rematch all of the bosses, but since I had genuine trouble with the later ones I’ll hold off on that.
But who cares about gameplay, am I right? I sure as hell don’t. I would’ve bought the game no matter what the hell it was. I wanted the characters (and the music, although I realized that second) and that was it. 
First of all, I love any world that is super fantastical but cheesy in its concept, ala a city powered by music, and battles between artists using music. Ideas like this only spawn from a mind that wants to create a fun atmosphere, if nothing else, and it was sure as hell fun. I genuinely love when someone goes so far into a crazy idea and doesn’t waste your time explaining it with real world logic. Wanna know how a city can be powered by music? Shut up and look at the cute virtual mermaid. Lord knows I did. Every once in a while, it does you good to just let the player/reader/viewer just revel in the idea without having to go out of your way to make things seem realistic. It’s not about “turning your brain off” or whatever, it’s picking your battles.
Also, I can seriously love a world with great background characters to it. Any game with the right situation to insert the random nobodies you find onto the streets into the art in the credits really played into the greatness of the world’s less important characters, and that’s always a good thing. It’s technically world building. But, since I always love to pick favorites, I’d have to say my favorite background character is easily Mia, the NSR infodesk assistant. It’s funny, because you can literally search “nsr characters” into Google and she’s the third image result. I love how jumpy she is when you first interact with her, since NSR probably spread the word about B2J suggesting they’re rock thugs who’d beat up anyone, so for all she knows she could die right then and there with a guitar lodged in her skull. She’s probably just some intern trying to pay for college. She don’t want trouble.
Also, I just realized that 90% of the characters in this game have the same body structure that I always love, that being having arms/legs that sort of fan out in width into relatively large hands/feet. It’s a kind of limb structure I fall into so much because it just really hits me right for some reason. I really can’t explain why.
Anyways, I gotta talk about the big boys individually:
Mayday and Zuke are an amazing duo. I’m always a sucker for a cute and crazy girl, but honestly Zuke hit so many of the right notes too. I will say it’s weird to pair the martian Zuke with the humanly-skinned Mayday, but honestly it doesn’t even matter because he looks so cool on his own. I love his weird blocky blue dreadlocks, and his weirdly shaped shirt which bares his chest in the weirdest way... And, oh my god, Mayday’s weird Spongebob background flower eyes? It’s little tidbits like that that really make me jealous. How could I have ever thought of that? It looks so perfect, and I don’t know why. And her little booty jig she does in her idle animation? Adorable. I played as her as much as was reasonable not only because I’m a filthy button masher with little strategy but also because she’s so damn cute. I can also appreciate how she has a tough-as-nails persona while still keeping a semi-girly attitude, like with her falling for 1010 and Sayu. Characters are so much better when they’re a perfect blend of characteristics, instead of being all one-note, like how Zuke is the quiet one but gets heated against DK West, and all. 
Honestly the voice acting for every character is great, but I love when Mayday’s VA’s accent shows through. It’s a perfect twang to accent (consider this the only acknowledgement of a pun in this post) her snarkiness. 
DJ Subatomic Supernova was going to be an easy favorite since he’s all space-themed. Also, I don’t know why I always end up liking the egotistic characters. Not in the sense that I like their egotistic-ness, but in the sense that I like everything else about them and they just so happen to also be egotistic. The same applied with Empoleon (maybe like my 2nd favorite Pokemon) and Rarity from MLP, probably among others. Either way, I’ll never not love space themes. Not to mention he’s got a funky disco theme, and I’m slowly starting to realize that I am in extreme love with techno-funk styles of music. The instant I heard his music he cemented his place into my playlists. 
As for design, I still have no idea what the fuck he is. Clearly AI is at human levels in this world, but if he’s a robot why does he still have hairy legs? But, if he’s a human, is that weird orb his head? Is it just some sort of puppet which he controls from inside his giant jacket? I know I dissed explaining things realistically but I actually want to know with this guy. Even the wiki doesn’t say. Either way, he’s clearly the logical extreme of “being at the center of your own universe.” Even his jacket depicts a solar system, with his hood being the sun. Didn’t see that until I tried to draw him. I really wish this guy wasn’t so tied to his DJ stand so I could reasonably draw him without it. I don’t want to draw his hairy ass legs. It is a great touch for his design though (although I prefer his beta look with pants and long boots, another design trait I tend to gravitate to) since DJs could reasonably not wear pants, since they’re always behind a table.
Sayu is my favorite. It’s so plainly obvious. It’s weird to say that sometimes, because some characters like Sayu are so clearly engineered to be as adorable as possible, to the point where they’re basically a parody of whatever they’re supposed to be emulating, but then they do that so well that they are still likable for what they’re trying to parody. Also, even though I’ve never looked into any vocaloid superstars myself, the fact that they exist and are loved in real life is absolutely perfect to be used as a character design in a world like this. It’s so weird conceptually, but we all know it’s normal and realistic. But yeah, she’s a giga-cutie whom I’ve already drawn and I’ve listened to her theme on loop on many different occasions. Favorite character, favorite track, favorite weapon of choice (What did I say about Empoleon?), which, and I wouldn’t have noticed this myself, looks like the USB symbol you see above USB ports on computers. How crazy perfect is that?
Even apart from my unbridled love for cute monster robot(?) girls, her boss fight is probably the 2nd greatest of them all, at least conceptually. She’s just a hologram, so you can’t touch her, but you CAN disconnect the artists which control her in order to defeat her. It’s the kind of concept for a boss fight that could only work for this type of character. I’m a sucker for the cute girl that provides her voice, but I love how the animator (video editor? the yellow one) actually attacks you with a mouse and lowers the brightness of the setting once he appears. Also, the mocap guy being the deeply-voiced type but still providing the adorable movements of her body. It’s such a great combo of characters, and their little extra art in the credits makes me like them even more. I just wish we could interact with them individually.
DK West was probably one of the most interesting characters visually, especially since I knew of every other NSR member long before the game came out, but I only just heard of him closer to the release. I wasn’t sure where he was placed, but I definitely assumed his gig was the weird shadow demon we saw in the trailers. When I finally saw him in game, I was shocked to hear him speak an entirely different language most of the time, which was really cool. Also, finding out he was tied to Zuke and wasn’t strictly an NSR artist really made him more interesting. You know, if his fucking shadow clone magic didn’t make him crazy cool enough. Even though I suck at his game and am not especially fond of his raps, the visual of him rapping with this giant monster behind him and dozens of weird shadow wingmen by his side hyping him up was probably one of the coolest in the entire game. The dark way they were hyping him up too gave such a bizarre atmosphere, especially since it parallels his seemingly chill and smiley demeanor. 
I definitely hope they’ll introduce new bosses as DLC in the future, and make them sort of in the same vein as DK West, where they aren’t the biggest artists ever, but they want to pick a fight with B2J. I’d kill for any extra content this game can provide.
Yinu is obviously special since she was the subject of the demo they put out for the game. Even though I knew all her bells and whistles, she and her mom still beat me a few times in the full game. Considering she’s semi-tied to story-ish spoilers I kinda want to go more into her in a separate section. It is worth considering playing the game first since it’s not hard (with the easy going deaths) and it’s short length.
1010 seriously grew on me as I learned more about them and interacted with them. I got their shtick when I first looked at them, but after seeing that animation of them touring the city on Youtube I was kinda falling for them. Then, I learned that they’re apparently repurposed navy war robots? I mean, maybe not them specifically, but it seems to heavily point in that direction, with the warship cars and “attention!”s and all. It took me a bit to get into their music too, but once I actually fought them and put their actions to the music I fell in love with it. I swear, Neon J’s weird dancing can has some of the smoothest moves in all of gaming. I don’t know whether they mocapped out those movements or got one of the greatest animators ever, but it looks so impossibly clean his part of the song gets me like 30x more hype than it would normally. 
Also, their little art piece of them looking at fan mail in the credits is probably one of the most adorable things ever. Even if they’re just Neon J’s puppets, that piece of art really makes it seem like they love every one of their fans. I’m not gonna lie, I might swoon a bit too if they picked me out and gave me some special attention.
Oh yeah, and the fact that Mayday was super sad in her showstopper against them was adorable and hilarious at the same time. The little tweaks they made to the showstopper for each fight were great.
Eve just has to be Lady Gaga, right? Like, an even crazier Lady Gaga. DJSS is Daft Punk (or any artist with a helmet persona, you know what I’m talking about), Sayu is Hatsune Miku, DK West is Kanye West, Yinu is a generic child protege, 1010 is a KPop boyband (just pick one) and Eve is Lady Gaga. That’s just how things are. But, again, this is the kind of boss fight that only this type of character could provide. It’s not just surreal imagery, it’s ARTISTIC surreal imagery. The fight is so mesmerizing in every way, especially by how it starts off so slow and calm and progresses to insanity, as well as the increased emotional investment in the fight making you feel so much more into it than just “That’s the boy band. Let’s fight.” Not only does it get you more invested, but it makes her artistic persona go deeper than just “she looks weird.” She is genuinely conflicted about her relationship with Zuke, and naturally that leads her to literally split him and Mayday apart. That mechanic specifically was the coolest, although I do wish they made it more obvious when you needed to switch over to a different side. I was getting pulverized by her fight too, since there were so many things to pay attention to. Her fight was definitely the best one. 
Tatiana and Spoilers:
Let’s be real with ourselves, the twist was so obvious. I do also think, though, that obvious twists aren’t bad if they’re just good reveals. At some point, a person just has experienced so many stories that “only pretty good” twists are easy to spot. It doesn’t mean that the twists are bad, it just means you yourself experienced.
I feel like her transition from rock to EDM was pretty understandable, even as a non-musician. She was so caught up in what she assumed was popular that it basically consumed her. It’s easy as an artist to want to forgo what you truly want to make in favor of what makes you popular, and clearly since her transition to EDM made her the CEO of the biggest company in the city (world?) that probably made her think she truly needed to change her outlook. Then, when she saw B2J try to bring it back, she sort of coined them as being as misguided as she was and knocked them down a peg. Plus, they were kinda being jerks about it.
It’s kinda like the Trolls sequel, where everyone pegs rock music fanatics as being too stuck up in their own heads to appreciate other types of music, which honestly seems more like the case than the alternative. When I first heard of the story of the game, I was seriously hoping they did put an asterisk on B2J’s ambitions because they were a bit sketchy from the start. 
That’s kinda where I want to talk about Yinu, because she was the true turning point in what they were doing. She’s literally 9 and yet she’s getting dragged into all this BS. When she said “I hate you all” at the end of her fight, and played a somber tune on her broken piano after the fight destroyed it, you kinda got a kick in the face to realize you’re kinda being an asshole to some of them. Sure, they fight back, but they wouldn’t fight in the first place if they didn’t have to. They are just people who play music under a joint name that B2J just so happened to get in hot water with. 
Then, of course, there’s Kliff, who also reeked of surprise villain, and who’s basically the embodiment of the bad side of B2J, where he just wanted to destroy for his own sake and not for the actual greater good. Once B2J realized their mistake, they backed off, but Kliff was so hard pressed to do what he planned on in the first place he wouldn’t stop. I kinda wish he got a bigger fight to his own since he’s clearly a big enough tech genius to divert a whole satellite into one specific building. Maybe the Elliecopter chase bit was his thing, but I do kind of wish he was there to fight against them too.
Even though Tatiana did kind of reform a bit quick, It’s still not too crazy to assume she could see that B2J was just misguided and the fact that they worked to revert their wrongdoings for her sake would make a pretty strong impressions. They clearly can hold their own, so it’s not like she wouldn’t want them to join NSR too. 
Oh yeah, and her boss fight was clock/time themed. If there’s a theme under space that I love, it’s clocks/time. 
And If I am to be respected by the internet, I must provide a negative opinion to balance out my positive one. I will say that the character model physics (like Mayday’s braids, DK West’s vest thing, Neon J’s fluffy neck thing, etc) got kinda funky at times. Especially DK West’s vest, which was completely messed up for every scene he was in... Also, even though the voices are mostly great, some lines felt a bit off. Just a bit. That good enough? Good.
But yeah anyway that’s another favorite game to add to the pile. Eventually I’m gonna have to compile a true list of my all-time favorite games/movies because I do kind of want to have a solid idea of what my all-time favorites are.
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lilxberry · 4 years
Preference: How You Met (Girls)
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You met through Lexi
You had a project for school to work on with Lexi and she had suggested to go over to hers.
So, one afternoon after school, you headed over to her house with your textbooks in your bag ready. You stepped towards their front door and knocked. 
The door soon opened and there she stood, looking at you quizzically as you gaped at her, suddenly losing your voice.
“Can I help you?”
“I-I uhm, yeah. Hi, I’m here to do a-uh-a project with Lexi.”
“Okaaaayyyyyy...” She drawled out her response as she side-stepped to allow you in. “She’s upstairs.”
You flashed her a goofy smile, eliciting a soft giggle from her. “T-thanks. I’ll uh-I’ll see you around?” It came out as more of a question, causing the girl to release another giggle.
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You met through your parents
Both your dads’, David and Y/D/N, work together. David Vaughn was the new employee at your dads work place. They hit it off fairly quickly, becoming really good friends. Once they found out that their kids were the same age AND attend the same school, they agreed to having dinner one night.
There was a knock at the door, your mother shouted for your father to go answer. You quickly glance down at your outfit, ensuring nothing looks odd or out of place, then soon exited your room to head downstairs.
“Y/N! This is Mr. Vaughn and his daughter...I’m sorry sweetie, what was your name again?” Your mother spoke in a sweet tone.
“Jules.” She answered your mother, giving her a tight lipped smile, clearly uncomfortable in this situation.
“Jules,” your mother repeats softly, offering the girl a comforting smile, which seemed to have worked a little.
“Uh-hey, I’m Y/N.” You smile as you offer your hand to David, trying to be polite towards the guests within your home, although, all you’ve done is keep your eyes laid upon his daughter.
Jules seemed to return your lingering stare with multiple glance at you of her own.
Throughout dinner with the Vaughns, you and Jules let your gaze fall on to each other often through out the night, ignoring the adults' conversations. But alas, the night ended and Jules and her father had to head home.
“Hey, I’ll see you in school, yeah?” Jules asked hopefully, a smile playing at her lips, as you two stood by your front door.
“Uh-ye-yeah, definitely.” Y/N replied all to eagerly. Jules sent you a beaming smile and started walking backwards towards her dads car, giving you a small wave as she walked.
You sent her a smile of your own before closing the door and leaning your forehead against the wooden material.
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You met in the cafeteria
You were enjoying your lunch in the cafeteria, midway into your sandwich, sat next to Ethan and Kat when music started to play. You looked at Kat with a confused expression as cheering erupted around you.
Then you noticed the cheerleaders gather at the bottom of the stairs, starting their routine. You placed your sandwich back down and turned your body, focusing your attention on solely on the girls in the blue and white cheer uniform.
She caught your eye almost instantly as you raked your eyes over the group of girls. The way her body moved as she preformed their choreography perfectly. 
Her eyes shifted through the crowd, basking in their reaction to the show they were putting on when her eyes met yours. Those E/C irises.
She pursed her lips and pushed out her chest more. She wanted you to notice her and she knew she was doing a good job at keeping your attention at your eyes burnt holes into her figure.
As soon as their routine showcase finished, she headed straight towards you, inwardly smirking when she seen your reaction to her doing so.
Once she reached your table, she leant over into you, purposely brushing her chest up against your arm. She grabs your phone that was previously layed face down on the table and held it out for you.
You looks at her quizzically and she rolled her eyes. “Unlock it.”
You hesitantly retrieved your phone from her grasp and did as you were told. She quickly swiped the phone back into her possession, adding her number to your contacts then handing it back to you, its rightful owner. “Here. Call me.”
And with that, she walked away, leaving you dumb founded next to a snickering Kat and Ethan.
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You met online
You were scrolling through Facebook on your phone when suddenly, a familiar face showed up under your ‘suggested friends’.
You recognised her from around school. She usually hung around people like Perez, Howard and BB whilst you prefered to stick to yourself, occasionally opting to chat with Rue, Jules or the Mckay twins, Roy and Troy.
After a small debate with yourself, you decided to tap the ‘Add Friend’ button. Without any further thought on the matter, you locked your phone and continued watching the movie playing on your laptop in bed.
Not even 5 minutes later, you had a 2 notifications shine light up your phone screen. 
‘Kat Hernandez has accepted your friend request’.
‘Message from Kat Hernandez’.
You unlocked your phone and click on her message.
Almost too quickly, you typed out a reply.
‘You go to East Highland, right?’
‘I thought I recognised you lmao’
Throughout the night, you talked to each other. You got to know each other with each question asked and learnt about each others humour as you shared memes between you. By 7am, you were both drifting into sleep as you talked.
‘It’s a good thing we don’t have school today x’
‘Too right. I wouldn’t know where tf I’m going lmao x’
‘lol. Ain’t you tired?? x’
‘A little, yeah but I don’t want to stop talking to you x’
‘I don’t wanna stop either but we can talk later after we’ve gotten some sleep?? If that’s ok with you?? x’
‘More than ok :) x’
‘Cool, talk later x’
‘Byeeeee x’
After that, you and Kat started to talk more during school and the rest is history. 
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You met in class
You walked into your communications class expecting to sit in your regular seat like usual. But upon further inspection, you realised some random asshat jacked your place. 
Internally groaning, your eyes scanned the room for free seats. Then you noticed her.
You walked over to her and simply motioned towards the chair whilst gripping your back packs strap tighter. “You mind?”
She shook her head and smiled at you in response. You flung your bag off of your shoulder and placed in on to the floor near your feet as you sat down and leant back in the chair.
“I’m Lexi.”
“Hey. I’m Y/N.”
She giggled. “I know, you usually sit in the back.”
You nodded in acknowledgement, sending her a small smile. Before you could continue the conversation further, the teacher entered and class began.
“So, what if there were five birds in a row and I decided to shoot one. How many is there left?” The teacher asked. She said that using peoples answers to certain questions can help understand how ones’ mind works, hence the dumb-ass question.
“None, they would have all flown away.” You replied, casually leant back in your chair, arms folded over your chest, Lexi beside you watching, as is everyone else.
“The answer would be 4 if you look at it from a mathematical stand point, but I like the way you think none the less.”
Your eyes narrow slightly as a hint of mischief flashes across your face. You reapply a serious expression before stating “Miss, I have a question for you?”
The teacher smiled sweetly at her, leaning back on to her desk at the front of the class, hands clasped together in front of her. “Sure.”
“There’s three women sat at a bus stop eating ice cream. One’s licking, one’s biting and one’s sucking. Which is married?” Your mouth twists into a smirk as her face falls slightly and the other students in the class snicker.
Lexi seemed to find this amusing. Exactly what you wanted.
The teacher shifted slightly, fumbling with her fingers as she hesitantly answers. “The one sucking.”
“The answer would be the one wearing the wedding ring if you look at it from a logical stand point, but I like the way you think none the less, Miss.”
Laughter erupts from the students. “Alright, settle down. Another “question” from you, Y/LN/, and you can take yourself to Principal Hayes office.
You raise your hands in front of you, feigning surrender. From the corner of you eye, you see Lexi trying to contain her giggles and it makes you smile triumphantly.
Suddenly, something bumps your left knee, enticing you to look at Lexi. She slides over a bit of scrap paper she scrawled on towards you.
‘Wanna sit together at lunch?’
You nod in reply then turn your focus back to the teacher. In your peripheral vision, you see Lexi sporting a small smile and a light pink tinge on her cheeks.
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You met in rehab
“Marissa! Baby! What’s up with you today, beautiful.” The young rehab worker rolled her eyes at your routine flirtations.
You had just woken up to another day in the centre and your favourite pass time was to annoy any and all staff ‘cause, let’s face it, you’re an asshole.
“Good morning to you too, Y/N.”
“So, what’s on the agenda today?”
Before Marissa got the chance to dignify you with a response, the doors at the end of the hall swung open, drawing your attention to them, as they revealed the new girl in a maroon jacket walking beside Dr. Jowett.
“Who is that?” You asked slowly, not removing your eyes from the girl.
Marissa, yet again, rolled her eyes at your antics. “That’s Rue, she’s a new resident. And before you even try anything, you know any form of relationship past friends is against the rules.”
“Hey! Who said I was gonna try get in her pants? Is this the result of jealousy? Did I make you jealous, Mari?” You smirked as the young girl snorted whilst shaking her head.
“You wish, Y/L/N.”
“Oh, I definitely do.” You waggled your eyebrows towards her before leaving to sit in the communal room.
As you sat at the table, you noticed the doctor and, who you now know is called Rue, stop at the entrance of the room. You watched closely as she hesitantly walked into and across the room, opting to sit alone at one of the many tables.
After no debate needed, you got up from where you sat and walked confidently over and perched yourself into the chair beside her, resting your one foot on the table and an arm over the back of the chair.
“So, newbie, how you finding the mainland of sobriety?”
She shrugged in response whilst keeping her gaze trained on you.
“Don’t worry, you can say it sucks if you want, I won’t tell.” You winked at Rue and she allowed a small smile to appear on her face. “I’m Y/N, obviously the coolest person in this place.”
“I’m Rue.”
“Oh, I know.” You smirked as you drank in her expression. “I think we’re gonna get along just dandy, Rue.”
Her face flushes a light pink as her smile conveys a soft of sweetness, very different to Marissa. There may be rules against relationships in this place but...
When have you ever listened to what people tell you?
First preference AND piece of work on Euphoria
Two in one baby!!
I honestly had a bit too much fun with these, even if the end result is kinda shitty
Although, I like some of the scenarios so much, I’m thinking of doing longer fics like imagines or one shots extending from them like the rehab one for Rue
Anyways, I hope you enjoy. Like if ya do as it will help it reach more reader
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomes and greatly appreciated :D
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 3 years
Hey, sorry for asking something so unexpected, but one of the things that sparks my curiosity about your Au is Espio and Mighty's past relationship - especially because its not everyday people talk about them that way. What happened between them that was so bad that their breakup left Espio bitter about it for so many years? Because I got curious to know more about them ‐ that is, if you feel like writing about it, tho. Its fine if you dont! :)
BESTIE. bestie bestie bestie. I am FINALLY responding to this!!! in case anyone else doesn't know, I tried responding to this ask multiple times and it deleted itself/tumblr crashed. I was hurt. I was distraught. This is one of the core pillars of my personal sonic lore that originated from the earliest whispers of my childhood, so it is VERY IMPORTANT!!! I learned my lesson and am typing this in the notes app just to be sure... but also I'm not writing nearly as much as I did last time so if you have follow-up questions lmk!
Also, it makes more sense to describe the Chaotix origins lore all together so we're gonna start with:
It all starts with Vector. His father was a gang leader who was all tough and violent but had the softest heart and compassion for his mother, who had been the only nice classmate his father had when they were in highschool. They were never meant to be lovers so he let her go, and unbeknownst to him she was pregnant. He assumed it was her new man's kid but alas, no. TLDR she was targeted by a rival gang because everyone knew she was his only weakness and they burned her apartment to the ground, and Vector's dad couldn't save her but saved him. He was an amazing father and always encouraged Vector to do whatever he wants, trying to keep him out of the crime they survived off of by sending him to school (Vector was amazing in school) and letting him read and make music. Vector has his mother's compassion and intelligence, but the strength and wit of his father. He never wanted to be a criminal, but was always prepared to help his father and the gang if need be since he values family and their support for him over the legal system.
A few of the gang members found him wandering around/outside their turf. He was only 7, armed to the teeth, and had little to no memory of his family: all he knew is he was a detective and was supposed to be investigating angel island but got lost. Naturally, they took him to Vector's dad who was like "hey Vec, you said you wanna help out around here... right? Cool, this is your brother now." Vector was OVERJOYED, and accidentally overwhelmed poor Espio by offering to take him to school and go on adventures together and share a room and listen to music! The truth of the matter is that Espio repressed a lot of his early years (3-5) after he blew up half of south island. Him and Mighty met on a playground frequently since Espio was homeless and after meeting Mighty at the park, always went there and established it as a safe place. He was a hotheaded kid and after they ran off one day they found Eggman, and getting cocky, Espio went to attack him with chaos energy/wind powers. He had no clue how to control the energy he was drawing from Eggman's stolen gem and blew up the forest, displacing all the animals there. This is why he hates Eggman, forgot about his chaos abilities, and why he trained to be a better ninja. Yeah he was a little kid, but that's why Espio is so hard on Charmy and judgemental towards characters like Sonic who have the same ego he once had. Eggman got the idea to use flickies for robot sources because it would protect them from environmental destruction and radiation while also giving the displaced animals a safe place to reside. It spiralled into the world domination we came to see in his villainous actions, but Espio's childhood recklessness is what led to Eggman's first idea for energy (hence why he postponed the chaos emerald power source in his robots).
They ran away from their orphanage together and got adopted into a semi-rival gang to Vector's dad's. When they got absorbed/wiped out, Mighty and Ray were saved and brought to live with Vector Espio and the others! This is when Mighty and Espio (9 and 10 respectively) are reunited, but the latter has no recollection of their friendship. Mighty doesn't say shit and they instantly become best friends! Mighty and Vector don't get along though, since Vector sees right through Mighty's lie (that he knows Espio) and Mighty doesn't trust Vector because of authority trauma and also Vector keeps trying to take care of Ray (who is 3 btw) which is a big no-no.
So uh, by now we've had Vector trying to be responsible, Mighty and Espio sneaking off to befriend the kid on the floating island (Knuckles), and Ray being the soft spot baby of the gang. Espio is very very shy and horribly awkward and embarrassed by the simplest thinks since his repressed trauma (his anger causing destruction) makes him seriously anxious all the time. Mighty is just a young trans guy in the city who wants to explore and make friends and see the world and help Espio see the world too! He's always teaching Espio about pop culture, music, social customs, etc... because he likes the guy, but wants to actually connect with him over stuff. Espio thinks Mighty is the coolest friend in the world and is totally in love with him, so he learns all he can and does his best to be a cool musician too. Remember that gang that killed Vector's mom? Well, funny story, Mighty and Espio find their main base when sneaking out one night and hear a baby crying... baby Charmy. They decide to steal him after seeing all the drugs and weaponry stored near him, since his parents clearly don't deserve a kid. When bringing him back home, Vector's dad almost loses his shit because THEY WERE PLANNING TO TRUCE, NOW IT LOOKS LIKE THEY'RE HOLDING THE LEADER'S KID FOR RANSOM! Anyways, after all of Vector's hard strategical work to end street violence and unite the gangs so his dad and the kids would be safe, they gotta go in and attack with the intent to kill and genocide the whole place. Vector is now taking care of Charmy full-time (rip his schoolwork) and this makes it even easier for Mighty and Espio to sneak out! Thanks Charmy, you're a real wingman. They gang relocates a couple towns over so RIP angel island you will be missed!
Okay, so Mighty is smitten with Scourge, who is the leader of a delinquent gang in the nearby city where their new home is. Yeah he has a girlfriend aka Fiona, but he seems to like Mighty a lot since he wants Mighty to take his spot as lead guitarist (leaving him as just lead vocalist). Mighty tries to teach Espio bass behind the scenes so he can join too, but Espio mainly tags along to watch since he's still helplessly in love with Mighty and seeing him as a band member is even more attractive. Ray sometimes gets brought along since he loves watching his brother perform, and Scourge LOVES Ray (like, he seems tough or scary as shit but he loves kids and is so good with Ray it makes Mighty so giddy). Espio is oblivious to Mightourge and is just like "wow I'm glad Scourge is a good friend to Mighty and lets him be in his band" the poor chameleon is an IDIOT!!! Fiona Manic and Bean are the other members and try to drop hints, but it doesn't work. For the record, Fiona and Scourge are dating but not exclusive (Mighty and Espio don't know this though so they both think Scourge just likes Mighty platonically bc duh he has a girlfriend he's straight). Vector can tell Mighty's heart is elsewhere and it kills to watch Espio obliviously simp for Mighty. Like, don't get me wrong Mighty likes Espio too, but it's exhausting having to explain stuff to Espio and be the cool one teaching him how to socialize when Scourge is already cool and shares a lot of interests with him! Mighty loves Espio but he's IN love with Scourge, and that's the difference. Yeah, him and Espio will sneak into the same bunk bed so they can share headphones and listen to music and sleep all snuggled up and cute, but Mighty will also sneak out on his own some nights to meet Scourge alone or have band practice without Espio tagging along.
Vector eventually confronts Mighty about his irresponsibility; he's not committed to their work here as a family, and expects them to take care if Ray if he's off being in a band and leading Espio on. Mighty gets pissed because he never asked to be here and yet is belittled and controlled every two seconds like he was born here or something, not to mention his only other friend (Knuckles) is too far away now and it's all because of the stupid gang. This is when Mighty is like 15 and they're all close to their current canon ages (around Knuckles Chaotix which happened during this time too) and after enough contemplation he decides to run away with the delinquents and takes Ray with him. Mighty and Espio had their same music-bunk session as per usual that night but when Espio woke up Mighty was gone without even a note and it was just him Charmy and Vector now.
You thought it couldn't get worse? HAH! Well, besides Espio's horrible emo depression that made him all cold and stoic these days, the gang has gotten a bit too big and Vector's dad anticipates them being shut down by special forces. To avoid raising suspicion, Vector's dad sends him on a mission; take all their money (like, ALL OF it from the gang's revenue) and launder it in the bigger city up north with the kids. Vector and his dad have an unspoken understanding of what's going to happen but never say it, so Vector does as he's instructed and thanks his father for everything. This is where Vector learns about his mom and his birth origins, and Vector's dad tells him to open that detective agency he always wanted, and to use this job as a gift to thank him for being such a wonderful supportive son. Vector takes Charmy and Espio to the city and establishes the agency (it's run-down because what else could they afford? Vector had to spend as little as possible because who knows how long this would take, and he had kids depending on him despite only recently becoming a legal adult himself. They needed food, heating, furniture, etc... so their cash had to be spent sparingly).
Vector is gonna be a cheerful and kind hearted leader in the memory of both his parents who died to protect him and the others (since the police raid killed everyone involved... or so they thought. BUT THAT'S ANOTHER STORY!)
Espio has trust issues and hates Eggman, as well as anyone who is arrogant or heroic or loves adventure since you can never trust an adventurer to stay committed to you.
Charmy... he remembers. He loved his brother Ray, and knew about Espio and Mighty despite only being a toddler or young child for most of it. He misses the brothers that left, but values the sacrifices Vector made so they could stay together, and the emotional sacrifices Espio makes all the time so no one has to see his emotionally vulnerable side again and use it against them.
Espio has abandonment issues and got totally led on, but Mighty isn't the villain of the story either. They definitely still have feelings for one another even if Mightourge is endgame and Espio has enough other messy relationships to compensate (Wave, Silver, Shadow, even Infinite to an extent) so he DEFINITELY doesn't need the OG messy partner on his plate! Oh, but he's still bitter and not over it.
Oh, and here's a playlist of songs Espio would sing to Mighty if he got the chance (as a Brendon Urie impersonator and Ronnie Radke apologist)
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lightns881 · 3 years
i bet george is gonna be the cheekiest piece of shit when he meets up with dream and sapnap again. like yea yada yada emotional shit gotta save the world or smth BUT AFTER THAT YOU BET YOUR ASS THAT GEORGE IS GONNA BE THE BIGGEST PRICK
dream: *is the tallest*
george (levitating): checkmate, bitch
skeppy: *talking abt his epic air powers*
george: BET YOU CANT FLY THOUGH *whoosh*
george would totally challenge tommy to an arm wrestle and absolutely annihilate him but only bc he cheated the entire time
wouldnt george be able to control all of the elements to some extent? like i dont see why he cant just levitate some dirt and call himself an honorary geomental. perhaps with some elements it'd be more complicated but that depends on what level his powers are applicable to. if he's able to manipulate objects on a molecular or subatomic level, then he could easily control all of the elements. but alas, i dont know the limits of his powers.
sapnap: *conjures a fire* it's tough being so cool i know
george: *steals sapnaps fire* are you sure?
for the longest time i thought the fanart in your pinned posts was drawn by someone else, and i was so confused bc i kept trying to find the artist but then i realized YOU drew it (i think) and WOW YOU ARE TALENTED not only are you an amazing writer but you can draw?????? and you're double majoring in math and english?????? holy shit kudos to you
i'm trying to make fanart of george and i need to know: does anything else glow white??? is it like wanda's powers where you can see red mist and shit from her powers, or is it just conpletely invisible. you would not believe how long i spent trying to interpret "A core of white pressure at his chest burst" and try to figure out if, like, actual white beans of light shot out of his chest or if he can just ~feel~ colors, which ig kinda makes up for the colorblindness lmao. maybe i'm just bad at reading comprehension but i just wanna know if he has like an *aura* of white light surrounding him when he uses his powers, or if its only in his eyes
LMAOOO I don't know if he'd be that showy with his powers but he'd definitely be coy about it! I can see that scene with Dream and Sapnap playing out soo perfectly in my head haha
he could definitely levitate certain elements like rocks, maybe a telekinetic orb with water, though idk if he'd be able to really summon earthquakes or tornadoes and such, theoretically, it could be possible, but I would only imagine a very advanced psychic who has had a lot of practice with their powers could do it so I don't think george is at that level (at least not yet)
now in terms of manipulating objects at an atomic level, I dont really see an EM getting to that level unless their powers evolve further down the road... 👀
oh no no no I DID NOT draw them, I am a terrible artist! I commissioned @violienx on twt to draw them for me!!! I forgot to mention it on my post here, but I mentioned it on my twt posts back when I first posted the teasers! go check her out, she's a magnificent artist!
I am doing a math and English dual degree though, and it's so much work lmao but I like it!
I really use it as a metaphor, but honestly? GO CRAZY WITH IT! I love interpretations!!! if you see it as his chest glowing or just his hands and eyes or even glowing whole like a human disco ball, go for it!! there's no wrong answer! im not one to focus too much on specific details—I like to fill in a lot of blanks so a lot of times I might not describe a full character's appearance or certain qualities because I tend to fill them myself so I just let the readers fill it in how they see it! it's so cool to see different interpretations of the characters and the world!!! :D
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missorgana · 3 years
everything has changed
pairing: darcy lewis/monica rambeau
fandom: marvel cinematic universe
rating: general
word count: 2612
summary: Monica pines, Jimmy gives her Darcy's number, and they meet again. (post wv finale reunion)
(once again crossposting late but hello!! i’ve been wanting to write these dorky girlfriends for ages but alas life! distractions! this doesn’t have much of a plot as much as just... darmonica being soft and jimmy getting them together cus 💞 hope u still enjoy!)
read on ao3
“Debriefs are for the weak.”
Monica mulls over Darcy’s parting words for her with a repressed chuckle, realising just how many hours the task is going to take her. And paperwork has only just begun.
It’s no surprise, of course.
In a short time, she’s dealt with a wide range of emotions. Monica’s done her job the way she knows how to, but this was no ordinary job.
Confusion, frustration, anger, shock, revelation. A strange force sparkling inside her, a power Wanda gave her without even realising it, and one she has to adjust to, like she’s adjusted to so much else in her existence after the return of the population post-blip.
She’s got most of those feelings pinned down, but one. One she suspects got a whole lot to do with a certain Doctor Darcy Lewis.
That must be why the shorter woman’s immediate leave left a certain pull in her chest, but really, how could she convince her to stay? For what reason? Monica felt ridiculous just considering it, if she could go back in time, mere hours ago, and yet it would probably be no different.
Darcy got a lift out of Westview, to where, she has no idea, of course. And she’s left bent over a desk with her fellow S.W.O.R.D colleges swarming around her, as well as Jimmy’s FBI unit.
Speaking of Jimmy, he knocks her out of her head on the non-existent door (the whiteboard, that is) and holds up the tray of coffees with a grin. She returns it, despite the lack of sleep making her eyes burn.
“Mind if I interrupt?” he says, and she’s already reaching for the cup, so the question is merely out of politeness, anyway. But she doesn’t mind, obviously.
“Thank you,” Monica answers, scooting over to allow him to sit, and he protests against it because he’s just too damn nice, so she insists, “I could honestly use a break, don’t worry about it. Seriously.”
And so they sip their beverages, revelling in the relative silence there could be in a space full of government officials and sounds of wheels and choppers and constant phone calls. She’s used to it. It’s just a little too much right now. Can you blame her?
“Looks to be a long night, huh,” Jimmy starts again, a chuckle that sounds as tired as she’s feeling.
Monica smiles again and rubs a hand over her face, “Several of them, I fear.”
He nods, “You think Wanda’s gonna be okay?”
She takes a minute with it, and really, Monica knows all these Avengers…  superheroes , deal with unspoken shit and the fate of the world on their shoulders. Doesn’t mean they’ll be able to handle it, though. In fact, it makes her wonder if she’d be okay, herself.
And she wonders if Carol’s okay. She hasn’t thought about her in a long time.
It’s not much of an answer, but she figures she ought to say something, “I hope so.”
The silence between them settles again, and Monica flips a page before taking another sip, Jimmy seeming somewhat satisfied with the answer. It’s a guess, at the most. But a qualified guess, perhaps? It’s  something .
When he picks up the conversation for the third time, it surprises her, “Are you okay?”
“I was just-” he stops himself mid-sentence, chuckling at the thing awkwardly and fidgeting with the paper cup, “Forgive me, I talk too much for my own good, sometimes.”
Monica shakes her head, sighs, rests her chin on one hand, sort of in an attempt to stay awake, “It’s fine. Just thinking.”
When he nods and downs the last gulp of coffee, looking like he’s about to leave her to the tedious work once more, her brain surprises herself, this time, pronouncing the words before even registering what she’s saying, “You think Darcy’s gonna be fine? I mean, uh, on her own.”
Jimmy’s face showcases mild confusion. Nevertheless, he sits down again, and before answering her question, turns the page for her. She feels overwhelmingly grateful.
“She doesn’t take any bullshit, excuse the language,” and they both share a laugh, because it’s too true, “Definitely. You worried about her, though?”
Well. The tight knot in her gut signals a definite yes. Yet Monica feels like an idiot for it, because they’ve known each other for, what, two weeks? She tries to lie. Somehow, she senses that the man doesn’t believe it.
Pause. “No?”
She pauses herself. Chews the inside of her cheek, “I mean, I am. But it’s stupid. Should I?”
Jimmy’s confusion seems to fade in an instant, which Monica finds rather peculiar. Maybe she’d comment on it, if she could figure out how.
Sleep deprivation hangs over her being like a dark cloud, while the image of the doctor rests permanently at the very front of her mind. Gosh, it’s so obvious.
“I don’t think it’s stupid,” he assures her, flipping the next page, and the next, a kind of routine being developed, “I’ve got her number, though, if you want.”
Monica feels her hands freeze up, then.
It’s almost like her new friend can read her mind, and it’s a little bit scary. She resumes the work, the faster they do, the faster they’ll get the fuck out of here. But the look in Jimmy’s eyes is like a hilarious know-it-all sort of thing, minus the smug demeanor, because he’s incapable of that, she thinks.
“You have?”
“Yes, I mean, we got the information of all the specialists, heh,” he says, because obviously they do, and nods again in a funny sort of way, “But thought you might want it.”
“Just, uh, you asked.”
“I did! I did, I…” Monica doesn’t really know where she’s going, now. Her voice gets rather its own life, and she has to return to the top of the paragraph to understand what it’s saying, “Thank you. Not sure she’d wanna hear from me, though.”
Jimmy frowns. “What happened to the boss lady I met two weeks ago?”
“Oh, shut it.” she snorts. He scribbles down the number on a scrap of paper and hands it to her with a satisfied grin. If a warmth spreads to replace the knot in her stomach, then sue her.
“You doing anything Friday?”
This is the question that repeats itself in Monica’s head as she comes to stand in front of Darcy Lewis’ front door, contemplating whether to knock, ring the bell, or chicken out and leave what those feelings in her chest are doing unresolved.
Of course, she won’t step down, not when she’s come this far.
Despite playing it relatively cool when Jimmy handed her the contact information, she did a lot of overthinking before picking up the phone.
Considering and planning every word, then, when the woman’s sunny voice rings in her ears, considering every word she receives. Monica never thought talking to someone she liked - or, well,  more  than liked, could be quite so terrifying.
“What up, sucker,” the voice had said, Darcy never failing to make her laugh, even without knowing, it seems. “Darcy? It’s Monica.”
She convinced herself the minimal pause wasn’t just in her own head, “Monica! I- I’m glad to hear from you.”
“Sorry, I hope I’m not interrupting-”
If the phone call made Monica horribly flustered, she couldn’t imagine what being in the same room as the shorter woman again could entail. Honestly still unbelievable that the doctor invited her over. It’s like she read her mind. And somehow, she does it again when the door opens at the same second as Monica convinces herself to finally raise her hand to the bell, and there she stands. She’d shush the butterflies in her gut to quiet down, but it’s quite a difficult task when Darcy stands in front of her, wearing a red cable knit sweater two times too big on her frame, raven hair lacking the beanie and eyes lacking glasses.
Monica finds herself swallowing around a lump in her throat she wasn’t even aware of till now.
The doctor’s instant smile and deep dimples don’t exactly help. She’s got a somewhat mischievous glint in her eye, and is already pulling on her wrist for a hug before saying anything, “You came!”
Her smile transfers to Monica’s own lips with ease. She doesn’t really know what to do with her hands. Not very used to this hugging thing.
“You sound surprised,” she replies, attempting a chuckle, but feeling painfully awkward in the process.
And when Darcy draws back, she does one of those funny faces that isn’t a frown, but rather a sign that she’s thinking of a joke, tilting her head to the side and her tongue poking out in the corner of her mouth.
Monica also doesn’t know why it makes her feel even warmer. Like the sun’s breathing in and out right above her, but never so far to scorch a burn. Never.
But of course, deep down, she does know. That is why she’s here in the first place, isn’t it?
She doesn’t know if the doctor considers her a friend. She didn’t assume so, she’d hoped, and also not, because judging by how her cheeks are already heating up, Monica’s beyond friendly feelings for the other woman already.
Darcy must consider her a friend. People don’t invite people they’ve known for all but two weeks home, usually… do they?
“Just thought you’d have important things to do, you know,” the shorter woman explains, already stepping aside in a silent invitation for Monica to enter, “Too busy for silly little me.” The doctor has a tendency to screw up her voice, too, she’s noticed. Last time, it was to relieve a room filled with tension, now, it pokes at the multiple knots in her chest, unwinding just a tiny bit.
Breathing in, breathing out. Come on, Monica, what are you so stressed for?
“You hungry?” Darcy interrupts her clogged brain again, “I’m not much of a chef, but uh- I’ve got coffee, too! Please ignore the mess.”
The shorter woman’s fumbling with her hands, making herself busy cleaning up after what she assumes is her own dinner. It’s just way, way too adorable.
She almost worries Darcy will fall and break something with the way she’s nearly sprinting to the kitchen, and so assures her she’s fine, really. Monica feels too anxious to sit, so she remains standing, for now.
The doctor starts up the coffee machine regardless.
Stacks of papers and folders on the side of the dining table, oh, she’s been there plenty of times herself. Monica doesn’t even realise she’s fixating on it when Darcy grins sheepishly, and after what feels like an eternity, they both sit.
She folds her hands on the tabletop. Tries desperately fighting her subconscious to not pick at her nails, because it’s a stupidly bad habit that’s got to be left behind. Hasn’t felt this nervous in ages, she realises.
“Debrief went okay?” Darcy asks, gesturing for the milk, an offer Monica takes. This seems easy. Should be easy. She’s making up all the tension in her own head, surely. And to ignore it, she smiles fondly at the thought of their last moment back in Westview, “Yeah. Long. You definitely didn’t miss out.”
The doctor snorts, nods, perhaps just confirming her own theory on the subject.
Then a smirk surfaces on her features, “Hayward getting his ass kicked in jail, I hope?”
And Monica allows herself to laugh, ease taking over her little by little. Coffee was more needed than she realised. So was Darcy’s half-lit flat, muted television going in the background and several open folders scattering the living room rug. 
Feels like the doctor’s own little bubble, of sorts. Their little bubble. Hm.
“A girl can dream.”
“Goddamn right.”
So much to her own surprise, the shorter woman pretty much takes all nerves about this reunion right out of her, as simple as popping a balloon.
They’re making small talk, not boring or superficial like any two people who barely know each other, because, somehow, it just feels like they know. Monica can’t understand why. It’s easy for them to be personal, when her thoughts shift to her mom. And she knew Darcy knew Thor, the woman insists she should meet Jane too, and it just makes the butterflies flutter faster and stubbornly.
In fact, Monica doesn’t realise how long they sit there, talking about everything and nothing, until she glances at the clock on the wall and it tells her it’s almost 11PM. Oh, shit.
There goes the nerves again. She doesn’t know what to do with herself with that information in mind, because, ugh, well. 
A part of her really, really likes the thought of this as a date. But it’s not a date, that has to be explicit. You know, talked about. Then, what is it, then?
She catches herself itching her fingers, and when she pushes her chair out, something in Darcy’s face shifts. It’s like she instantly understands. But also, a hand lands on her thigh, and Monica can’t exactly process that.
“Ah, shit! I always do this, me and my big mouth…” she grumbles, which is also too adorable, like everything else about the doctor, until her wide eyes gleam in excitement all over again, “Wait, just a moment. Almost forgot.”
The shorter woman retreats to another room in a hurry, leaving Monica strangely lost without her hand and downing the last bit of coffee. She grimaces at the cold liquid. Only encourages the butterflies more.
And then, Darcy returns, but with a bouquet of blue roses looking comically giant in her grasp.
Not what she expected, that’s for sure. But those butterflies in her gut are now having a rave. The doctor scrunches her nose, Monica’s quick to stand up and take the flowers handed to her, and then she’s staring at the baby blue petals in her arms, feeling like she’s in a daydream.
Looking back at Darcy, she’s shifting her weight back and forth on each foot, clearly as nervous as she herself feels when her heart jumps in somersaults. Does this mean what she thinks it means?
“These… are these for me?” Monica finds herself asking.
The shorter woman tilts her head again, but grinning, “Duh.”
She has no idea what to say. All she can think about is the doctor and the flowers and the smile  meant for her  and how she surely, definitely must be blushing. It’s a little relieving that the woman in front of her is doing the same.
And then Monica feels like an idiot for making sure this reality really is happening, “Why?” and it strains her chest, then, fearing that Darcy might take this back. Instead, the doctor steps a little closer and touches some of the flower heads, straightening some, nodding, satisfied with the arrangement.
She stays in Monica’s space, “I wanted to give flowers to a pretty girl. I mean, uh, if this is… I can totally take it back if this is weird. Ugh, I’m such a bad romantic.”
Talking to herself, Darcy’s so adorable it almost hurts.
The flat also feels a lot warmer than when she arrived, but in an overwhelmingly good way. Their tiny bubble.
Monica tightens her hold on the flowers even more and shakes her head to the flustered doctor, pushing a coil of hair behind her ear. Her reminder to herself, thank Jimmy next time they see each other. How did he read them so easily?
“I like getting flowers from pretty girls, so…”
Darcy’s eyes turn hopeful again, “Yeah?”
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skzafterdusk · 4 years
han jisung + “Put My Hands On You”
This was requested from the Dean Title Track Prompt List I posted where you can pick an SKZ member and a song for a drabble fic
Word Count: 1.9k words
tags: angst, fluff, and (mentions of) smut- oh my!
Summary: That friends with benefits trope we all know and love. Even though Jisung is sure you’d end up in his bed no matter how, he wishes you guys had met on different terms. 
Jisung doesn’t have many regrets in life, but he wished you and he had met differently, not in a way that was so...typical. But he’s sure no matter how you guys did end up meeting each other, you’d both still be in this same position:
The lights off, the street lamps and vibrant nightlife of the city just outside his window enough to illuminate your bodies, enough for him to enjoy the way your naked back concaves. In the warm glow of those street lights, the muscles in your back dance to their own beat, or maybe it’s the rhythm of his hips as he pounds into you. And even with your moans muffled by his covers, there’s a silence that fills the air in a comforting way.
The chemistry had been palpable from the start with you two. Still, Jisung wishes it had been under different circumstances. Then, perhaps, you wouldn’t feel the need to leave after you’ve washed up. Maybe then, you would just lay with him, allowing him to admire the way your lashes were conditioned and soft from your own tears of pleasure, and the red tint to your swollen lips. 
But alas, your meeting Jisung was so typical it was swaying on the border of unbelievable. 
See, the thing is, Han Jisung wasn’t normally the person to go to clubs. Sweaty bodies, crowded rooms with a majority of its clients under some sort of influence...the music is too loud and never quite that good-
Yet, there he was, at a club, out of obligation because that’s the sort of thing that comes with the job description as a singer, an idol, an artist.
It’s this fun little thing called “networking”, and if he wanted to get a producer as well adored as Seo Changbin to agree to help create what would undoubtedly be a record hit for the young artist, Jisung needed to be there, that night, up at the producer’s booth in the VIP area.
But all of that had already been worked out by then. The deal had been made, numbers were exchanged, and Changbin offered Jisung to party with him the rest of the night. Again, his acquiescence was purely out of obligation.
It meant, though, that when Jisung insisted on going down to get himself and Changbin some drinks so he could move around, he would bump into you, leaning against the bar, waiting for your own drink.
It doesn’t stop Jisung from asking to buy you a drink, more out of a loss of a way to actually talk to you.
You’d looked irresistible that night, silver earrings and a matching necklace adorning your skin, your outfit of choice seemingly made just for you with how well it fit, accentuating everything that Jisung couldn’t keep his eyes away from.
You raised your glass with a warm smile, answering his idiotic question. You wanted him to know that you weren’t meaning to tease him or even turn him away. Simply, he needed to try again, and find another way to spark conversation.
“Sorry. I didn’t notice your drink. Kinda just saw you.”
You scrunched your nose, but still giggled at his words. This wasn’t your first drink of the night, but even in sobriety, he would have seemed cute.
“That was fuckin’ cheesy, dude. But thanks.” You had to lean in close so he could hear you without yelling at him. The lights weren’t that dim, but you then realized why he looked so familiar, and gasped. “Oh, woah. You’re Jisung! I listen to a lot of your music.”
Stricken with flattery, said artist had been brought to stillness, unsure of how to respond. A simple thanks seemed too lame, and too much like the end of the conversation. But he didn’t want to come off as creepy.
And you’d caught onto his inability to respond. Even if you hadn’t known this man by name or face, he still was just very...cute.
“Are you here with someone else?” you asked.
“Ah, I’m getting drinks for me and my...uh, I’m getting drinks for someone in VIP.” And, as if on cue, the drinks magically appeared in front of him. “Would you wanna...join...me?”
Your eyes grew big in shock. “You want me to come up with you to VIP?”
He shrugged. “You seem like you’re fun.”
You grinned brightly, already picking up your own drink. “I can be tons of fun.”
And, to Jisung, he’d never met a person as honest as you, ever. You introduced yourself easily, and led Jisung through conversation that he may not have been able to initiate himself. The night carried on in that way, and it had been you that offered Jisung’s moment to exit for the night.
A goddamn lifesaver.
“Not the partying type?” you inquired once you were out in the open night, the cool air of early fall sending a chill down your spine.
“Not really,” the singer confessed. “I like being with people one-on-one, y’know?”
You stood closer to him. Although there wasn’t the same need to lean in for him to hear you, you still whispered your words as if you had the biggest secret. “We’re alone now. Or we can be.”
After your first night together, he thought he could write a song about you. He could wax poetry about the way your thighs felt gripping his waist, or the way your light touches sent him into a headspace almost foreign to himself, some place he’s only been to in his dreams. He hadn’t thought much about it when you left that night, cause you turned at the ajar door, leaving the gentlest peck on his cheek. Warmth had spread through his chest, and he thought he could write about that as well.
But he held off, waited until you texted him a few days later, asking if you could see him. He offered to make dinner for you first; you obliged, but you never made it to the bedroom that night, and most of the food had to be thrown away because of its inedibility. 
Jisung doesn’t remember the night that the warm spread through his chest began to ache like his heart wanted to crawl out of his chest. You still liked to kiss him before you left, but you were still leaving.
Maybe if he’d met you at a coffee shop instead, or maybe on your way to your university campus, then you wouldn’t feel the need to leave so suddenly. Something about clubs screams fun for one night or just plain fun in general. Maybe you think the night means sin and nothing else.
But now, Jisung’s head is pounding just as his heart, blood pumping through his veins as he crashes from his release.
You rest your head on his chest even if your skin is just as damp. 
“Think you have another round in you?” your words still sound breathless, like you’re desperately chasing for air.
Jisung’s body reacts to the words, thoughts already filling his head at the hope of fucking you again. But the desire scalds him in an almost pleasant way.
“Gonna have to give me a few minutes.”
You grin, lifting your head from his chest. “I can wait.”
The silence is soothing, and the artist likes the way the air cools you both down. It makes him feel like he can say anything daring. So he does. 
“You know...you don’t have to leave after we finish. You can stay here...sleep here.”
Jisung turns his head to look at you. Your eyes are on your fingers as they draw patterns on his chest. The way you asked...it hadn’t sounded like a question at all. It sounds almost...accusatory.
“(Y/N), did you think you had to leave after we were done?”
You shrug, but you finally match his gaze. “Artists are a different breed, and I understand it. I understand how you like to find the beauty in the mundane, and how it can feel life-altering when beauty gets you drunk. People that constantly think about words are always trying to find the best way to…” you sigh, finding the right words, “Always trying to find the best way to get people to feel how they feel.”
“But, what does that have to do with us?”
“I’m okay with you craving beauty in others, needing to find out who you are with me or with someone else. There’s so much emotion to be had that ironically, words and labels can put a damper on-”
The artist huffs, sitting up abruptly, running a hand through his hair. “If you don’t wanna date me, just say it. Don’t try to soften the blow because you pity me.”
“Pity? How have I ever pitied you?”
“You didn’t think I noticed the way you handled me the night we met?”
Sitting up, your brows lace together in confusion. “You were shy. I thought it was cute. I still do think it’s cute.” You remember the way you felt about him then, how the idol with adoring fans seemed to stutter over his words as if it mattered what he said. 
You place a hand on his shoulder, letting your fingers walk up his neck, massaging and petting at his skin. His head falls into your hand, chasing your touch. For as open a person you know yourself to be, it’s possible that you have been holding yourself back from this man.
“I would love to date you, Jisung.” Your words are soft and sincere. “I just didn’t want to rush anything because I was happy with just getting to see you, kiss you...touch you. And if you didn’t want to learn more about me, I was okay with that, too.”
“But I do. Probably since the moment you sat next to me in that booth. You let me be me and you didn’t ask me to be something I’m not.” He leans back, your faces suddenly so close to each other. “You don’t know how many nights I wanted to grab your arm and pull you back into the bed, just so we could talk until the sun came up, or how much I want to send you cheesy pictures when I’m in the studio. Hell, I’ve even wanted to drive you home if you absolutely couldn’t stay the night.”
He kisses the hand still holding his jaw, and whispers, “Anything to just spend more time with you.”
“Cheesy,” you reply. “But...I’d like that, too.”
You don’t really understand the warmth that spreads through your chest as he smiles at you so sincerely. It’s a barely there lift of the lips, and yet you grin happily.
“So,” you start, biting at your bottom lip. “Are you ready to go again, or…”
His low chuckle brings you back, excites your body with anticipation. “I still need some time, but we can always start with you.”
You’re not mad at the suggestion. “Do what you wish.”
Jisung still thinks he could write a song about you. The words come so naturally, feel just as right as the way you moan in his ear and whimper against his mouth. And he does. The lyrics are sprawled on napkins, parcels of paper, and behind his eyelids. He’s excited to know what else he could write about with you in his life.
Val’s Note:
I hope you enjoyed this next installment in the Dean Title Track Fic series. This one isn’t gratuitous smut, and I’m sorry if that is what you are here for. But This song sparks more than sex even though...that’s literally what the song is about. Hopefully it still is a good read. Tune in next time!
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krenbotvt · 4 years
What The Fans Of (Almost) Every Scarecrow Design Are Like Just by Surveying Rogue Tumblr for Approx: 5 Months. (Not in any particular order. Also this is a meme.)
Year One: You probably needed a childhood to relate to/needed a justifiable reason to stan one of Gotham’s biggest criminals. (but if your childhood involves being half-eaten by crows i am VERY concerned)  BTAS: The gateway drug Scarecrow. You’re probably a gremlin, and also really like the Dork Squad(tm)  TNBA: He’s under-appreciated, and you know this very well, but you’re also thankful that you get some of the coolest artwork of your favorite spooky boy. (Also the voice. 11/10 you want him to read sleepy hollow to you.) TAOB: You are one of the only 3 living fans of Adventures Of Batman Scarecrow, but you give absolutely no shit. You love that uncanny valley, near on clown-like scarecrow, and i feel bad for you, because you’ll probably never get art of them. Super Friends: I...Wow. Y’all really do exist... Galactic Guardians: YOU GUYS ACTUALLY EXIST TOO??? BATB: JAZZY. You like his hat, and his voice. You also probably enjoy a lot of older scarecrow designs as well. You get sad because you wish there were more content.  The Batman (TV series): PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (But seriously though, you poor, poor things...There, There...) Assault On Arkham: AA Scarecrow in an otherwise good movie. Basically, you’re sad he didn’t get more screen-time. At this point, just stan: Arkham Asylum: ABSOLUTE GOBLIN OF A HUMAN. One of the gateway drug Scarecrows that lead you to The Rogues fanbase in the first place. You either love the serious artwork of him, love him drawn/written as a gremlin, or are STILL offended by his lack of footwear. Either way, you adore him and will remind everyone of it. Arkham Knight: OH FUCKING BOY. This can go one of two ways. 1.You love his writing (or don’t, but still stan), his poetic dialogue and his voice, and you also love how much he hams up the fear factor. You probably adore every artwork of him you see, and you REALLY love reading any fan-written material of him. You have many headcanons, and probably have googled A LOT of stuff to make them more genuine.  Or 2. You are very, VERY horny... (But as a good friend once said, “these are not mutually exclusive.”) Nightwing And Robin: Aw, y’all are so cute! Here, have some tea with the SF AND GG Fans, I think they have Earl Grey over in the CORNER OF IRRELEVANCY. (But I feel bad for y’all too.) Unlimited: BEEF BOY. You’re either in the group of people that love Scarecrow designs that use scythes, or you like how strange, yet fun his appearance is. Most art of him is super colorful too. There aren’t very many of you, but the amount of you that I’ve seen seem like super cool people. You all probably also enjoy the next one: Batman/TMNT: You knew the movie was a wild ride from start to finish, but you love it. You probably also like birds (I know, really obvious.) There aren’t many of you, but you like the idea of a corvid-like Scarecrow, and you wish for more. Or...You may be a furry that also likes DC stuff, and that’s ok too! We too also oddly love that weird ass cobra joker anyways.  Salecrow: You love his rhyming (which is arguably the best thing about him), but are also annoyed by the fact that most content of him use the same 3 images every time. You’re probably in the same boat as all the other scarecrow fans that genuinely want a proper medieval themed version of him. If you write/draw him, you’ve googled endless nursery rhymes. Its like Dr.Seuss up in this bitch. Also, them hands. Blackest Night: Chances are you’re still amazed that your favorite bag-headed master of fear even HAS that thing. You REALLY want him to wear that damn ring again, and will probably pay an arm and a leg to see it happen in a form of animated media. You also have very interesting artwork/writings of him. And your head canons are outlandish, but in the most fun way. (Seriously though, Hatter with a ring, huh...) Injustice: You either love the concept of The ScareBeast, or you’re here for the fact that hes voice by FREAKING ROBERT ENGLUND. Admittedly, you probably aren’t all too good at fighting games, but you still insta-lock him despite that.  The Dark Knight: Cillian Murphy portrays the character rather well, but you either are unnerved by his strangely dreamboyish face, or would wish for a slightly older actor. But!!! Despite all that!!! You love him, and probably still quote “WaNnA sEe My MaSK???” (Although I see some of you get absolutely tired of that lol) I don’t see any loyal fans of him, but everyone seems to agree that he’s not too shabby (heheh... shabby...) Gotham (Tv Series): ...Hello? Where are you guys? I KNOW you exist! Show yourselves! Jokes aside, you either love him or hate him. Live action scarecrows seem to be a hit or miss for some.  Harley Quinn (Tv Series): Softies. You adore everything about him. His dialogue, his humor, his very surprising accent, and his, albeit a stretch, questionable sexuality implications. Most art of him is very wholesome and good, probably because you’re STILL not over...Well... Maybe its better if I not mention it (all fans of him are the “If I see anything happen to them I’ll kill everyone in this room and then myself” meme.). Detective Comics: Hroo Hraa, my friends. Hroo Hraa. Whether it’s his “Queer grasshopper leaps” or his strange laughter onomatopoeia, you can’t get enough of his antics. Nothing beats a classic, and the fact that there are still many of you that are fans of him makes me smile. New 52/Prime Earth: One of the few scarecrows that greatly changes his childhood, but you welcome the idea of it. He’s a very unsettling looking guy, but you’ll remind everyone that his writing makes up for it. He’s mostly treated like a semi-C tier villain in the continuity, but every time you see him you’re like “!!!!!!!”.You most likely have a list of every issue he appears in so you don’t have to suffer, and your heart still breaks when you read the scene with him and that one girl. (He said he was sorry, guys.) Batman:Hush: 2 and a half sweet and savory minutes of this guy, only for him to get kicked in the face? Nay, Nay, you say! A crime, you holler! You go to your keyboard to tell your friend about how good his character design is, and how well animated he was, but alas they say “that’s nice, bud.” Blast it all... The Lego Batman Movie/Lego in general: Our boy at his most gremlin. Sure, you know this is a 99% children’s medium, but that doesn’t stop you from smiling like a dummy every time you see him. He’s funny, he’s delightful, and he has... a weird obsession with planes? What is it with them and putting him in planes? Maybe he got a pilot’s license before he attended university? What a smart little block person!  Obviously, I left out quite a few here, but these seem to be the most popular. There are SO many comic renditions of him, so It’d take my forever. (My poor fingies already hurt!) But please enjoy this silly little thing :’] 
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modestlyabsurd · 4 years
An Old Memory (Loki x Reader)
A quaint, modest home nearly a century old with a faint aura of history. Curtains still flowing across windows, pinned back to allow yellow sunlight into the kitchen. Upon looking, one could feel the hustle and bustle of happy company, smell the coffee steeping in the old pot that shouldn't possibly still work, and see a young woman preparing Thanksgiving dinner for her small family. Huddled around the stove, watching her movements as well as the pumpkin pie she mixed, were young and old children alike. The woman let the youngest of the three lick the spoon before shooing them from the heated oven.
He opened his eyes from the distant memory.
Now, the home smelt simply of cleanliness and very light perfume that had not been misted in some time. The stovetop and surrounding countertops had a thin layer of dust upon them. The floors were clean, the air was a medium temperature due to proper cooling of the home. He looked around, walked quietly, into the living room. It left a lingering touch; forgotten, almost. Furniture arranged for plenty of guests (of all ages, by the large chest of toys in the corner) a television, a computer.
All was there, except any life.
He went over to the wall and studied the framed faces hanging proudly. He recognized her in many of them. In one she donned a blue dress, gazing lovingly into a man's eyes. Her hand on his face, their foreheads touching. The man was much larger than her, holding her closely in a field of grass.
The next was her in mid-laughter, hugging a smiling baby to her face. Radiant, alive. The following photographs displayed somewhat of a timeline, as she is pictured with two growing children, one boy and one girl, as well as grandchildren.
He looked into each room, there being only three. Two were empty, used as storage space with boxes stacked in every corner. Before he reached the back bedroom, a key turned in the front door. It opened. He quickly made himself invisible.
A woman entered. She carried market bags, visibly filled with food, and set them heavily on the counter. He nearly mistakes her for her mother, before he can clearly see their small differences.
This girl had swimming blue eyes, light hair, and was of course clothed up to date. But her body language so eerily resembled ... alas. With beads of stress over her face, she emptied the bags, which contained enough prepared meals for days. She then went into a cabinet above her head, pulled down a transparent shallow box, and emptied something from it as well; all in a habitual motion.
"Mama?" She called out, filling a glass with water. "I brought you some lunch!" Her accent was so easily recognized, he no longer questioned the roles here.
The lively woman of roughly twenty or thirty Midgardian years of age bounced past him unknowingly, to the bedroom he had yet to see. He watched from a distance as she knocked on the open door before entering, going to the middle of the room where a bed sat and a person lay motionless.
"Wakey wakey Mama, you don't wanna miss the sunshine."
The ancient lady opened her small, heavy eyes. They looked around the room, before settling on the young lady beside her. "Hey Lillie," she said.
"Hey there!" Lillie smiled down at her aged mother. "It's lunch time, you know that?You asked for something soupy earlier, so I made you some homemade chicken noodle. I hope it's half as good as yours was," said Lillie, showing the bowl of soup. Then, she began to spoon feed her mother's lunch to her.
This, is what finally caused Loki's throat to become hard and dry.
Every spoonful, every bit, every sip of water. For nearly thirty minutes, making mundane conversation in between. He started to wonder where Lillie acquired the strength of heart and mind to complete these grievous tasks. In his own mind, he could never do such things for even those closest to him.
Little by little, Lillie fed her mother until she began eating slower and slower. Eventually, she wouldn't open her mouth to the food. "You full now? Must've liked it, heck, there's hardly any left!" Lillie laughed.
"It was scrump-dilly-umptious. Thank you baby," she responded, taking the cloth laid under her chin and blotting her lips.
Lillie smiled, "You don't have to thank me Mama. I'm just happy to hear it was worth eating. Now we gotta take your medicine, okay?" Lillie took the tablets she'd placed on the bedside table along with the remaining water in her glass. "Alright, I'm gonna put 'em in there, then you swallow 'em with the water, okay? Ready?" And she did.
For another hour the two generations spoke of nature, current Midgardian events and random pieces of life's perspectives. Loki remained invisible to them for the duration, keeping his pained emotions inside until Lillie left.
After that, with caution, he uncloaked himself and stood in the doorway, watching the circle of human life taking its course. This was a cruel curse, he deemed, certainly cast upon the wrong person. She fell in and out of sleep, small sounds escaping her throat occasionally. Loki didn't know how long he had left.
With some uncertainty, he calls out her name.
She opened her eyes, and scanned around the room once more. Her gaze fell upon the strange man clothed in green armor. "Who's there?" her delicate voice asked.
Loki cleared his throat. "Loki," he paused, "of Asgard."
Her brow furrowed, as the name and vocals didn't register. "Loki? I, I don't know a Loki."
He entered slowly, careful with his steps, and careful not to startle the frail woman he once knew quite well. He sat in the chair that Lillie sat in before, by Y/N's bedside. Her confused eyes followed him intently; guarded. He recalled those eyes. Bright, squinting ever so slightly when she smiled or laughed. Now overshadowed by soft, wrinkled skin; the captivating brightness somehow remained in her irises.
Loki gently took her hand from her side, feeling it tremble. "You don't remember me, darling?" a smile ghosted his lips as they locked gazes. "I don't believe my appearance has changed drastically. Yours certainly hasn't either."
"Loki," she paused, trailing off into deep thought. She nodded, "It rings a bell. And I suppose you look a little familiar."
"Think back to when you were eighteen. You once had a dream that you'd left Midg- er, Earth, and ascended into another world. Do you remember that?"
Staring straight ahead - confused, worried, but beginning to recall - she nodded. "Yeah, yeah I do. There was people there, and... and it wasn't much different than Earth. They talked funny, kinda like you are right now."
"Yes," Loki breathed, holding her hand closer to him. "And on the journey back to Earth, the BiFrost began to crumble. Someone caught you before you fell to the abyss. Do you remember?"
"Yeah," she exclaimed as the emotions of this event washed over her once again. "The one everybody told me to be scared of, and I was. I was scared of him from the things I'd heard. He'd apparently killed a whole lot of people, and hurt twice as many. He was some kind of royalty there." She swallowed, "but a fight broke out on the bridge to Earth, and it started to break and I fell. But somebody grabbed my wrists before I was too far. I, I saw him. I screamed for my life, 'cause it was him. The one they'd told me about. Loki, that was his name. After that, I  stayed with him there for a little while longer and got to know him and, and," she trailed off. Her eyes darted back to the dark man beside of her. "It was you!"
Loki laughed and kissed her small knuckles. "Indeed. Though it was not a dream, my darling."
She glanced at her hand, Loki drawing over her protruding veins with his ghostly pale thumbs. To make sure this wasn't a dream either, she raised it, pressed her palm to his cheek. It was cold. Just as it used to be.
Everything began pouring back to Y/N as her medication took effect. She remembered accidentally winding up in another planet, another realm, though she didn't quite remember how she got there. That of course didn't matter at the moment as joy flooded her mind and body upon seeing Loki once again; sixty-something years later.
"Well I'll be. You're just as handsome as I remember you, Loki."
"And you are still the most beautiful, charming, most notably intriguing Midgardian I've ever had the pleasure of meeting."
She was at a loss for words, the same effect he used to create upon her.
"I saw your daughter. Beautiful, full of life and strength of character. Like her mother."
"Lillie?" Y/N said, "Oh boy, she's something else. I, I don't know what I did to deserve such amazing kids. Taking all that time to come out here and take care of me every day. My son'll be out here by dinner time. Said he's gonna bring my granddaughter with him."
"You're a grandmother," Loki whispered to himself, in awe. "So many things have happened since our short time together. I think of it quite often now."
"Yeah," Y/N sighed, "I did too. Before my mind started leaving me. You know I'd have married you if the laws of physics allowed it."
Shaking his head, he thought back to those times, his actions. "I wanted nothing more than to marry you, my dear. But, as can be seen now," he laughs shortly, "it was not meant to be that way. You were still given a family, just as you always wanted and very well deserved." Loki looked off into the air, a smile painted on his face. "We used to discuss our futures back then. My wishes proved to be far more complicated than your own. I always wanted authority, or, equality, while you simply wished for happiness."
They locked eyes once again. Y/N could listen to Loki speak for hours on end. It was the few times like this that they shared, that she recalled so fondly after they separated. Him talking about anything and everything, in a proper soft spoken tone, unlike what she grew up around.
"Did your dreams come true, darling?"
"They did. After I came back home, I met my husband. For a while, though, all I could think about was you. How I couldn't be with you and all. I missed you real bad. But then he came along a couple years later. Stocky little blond-headed blue-eyed devil. But not at all like your brother. I think you'd have liked him."
"If I may ask, where is he now?" Loki asked, with the idea that he was treading on thin ice.
"Oh, he's been gone for years now. He was a good decade older than me, I think he was eighty-four? Eighty-five when he died? Died of cancer."
"My apologies."
"Oh, it was time. He was ready, and the family was too. He died a happy man." Loki couldn't help but think of the eighty-one-year-old white haired, fragile woman before him now, laying in her bed with little mobility. He shuddered it away for the moment, until her frail, aged voice interrupted such thoughts. "Did your hopes and dreams come true, Loki? I prayed they would."
Her small grip seemed to tighten a bit upon his hesitation to answer. Quite frankly, no. None of his dreams had come true. He was preparing for the war of his life and didn't see much of a happy ending in sight. But he found a source of sad, awful gratitude, in that his friend likely wouldn't suffer the consequences of said war. Not at this rate.
He refused to let her know the complete truth about this. Much like he'd always done, about everything. "No. Not yet, at least." He licks his lips, "But I was never the luckiest chap."
"Give yourself a break," says Y/N, looking straight into his eyes with the same bright sweetness he recalled so fondly. "You never know what's in store. You might think one thing's gonna happen, and then something totally different happens, but it turns out to be better than what you expected to begin with. Don't you have another thousand years or so left on you?"
Loki smiles sadly. A ray of sunshine pours through the window above Y/N's bed. "I suppose theoretically, yes. Nowadays I'm not so sure what my dreams are any more. To rule? To inherit? To love? To leave something behind besides a bad memory?Whenever I get to thinking about it too much it just ... smudges into a blur in my mind. Like a spilled pot of ink." He remembers exchanging letters with her years ago, after opening a passageway for them to do so. He remembers stopping as well. Allowing her letters to pile up on his desk within his prison cell, untouched. Unloved. Detached. How selfish he'd been to leave her without another word, reasonlessly.
The loosening of fingers around his cold hand jerks him back to reality, where the elderly woman's eyes fall closed and her hold slips away. Panicked, a cold sweat coating his neck, he grabs her wrist to feel for signs of life. A faint but steady pulse beats within her veins. He leans over her to listen for her breath, and it's there, in deep low snores. She's only fallen asleep.
Loki takes this to mean his time to reunite with Y/N has expired. Gently above creaking floorboards, he swallows down a wave of cries and stands; he notices the lines of concern on her forehead and kisses them, before silently bidding her farewell for the last time.
And on his way through the BiFrost back to Asgard, he allows himself to feel. The waves of light sweep away the tears, the whirring of speed muffles the cries. A series of realizations wash over him, but the most important being that something is about to give in the universe - and he's going to be part of it.
When he arrives at the base of the Asgardian palace, guards are lined up along the bridge's barriers. They bow. The gatekeeper Heimdall addresses him.
"Welcome back, Allfather Odin. I take it your journey was pleasant."
"Only as pleasant as a journey to Midgard can be."
hi hello thanks for reading this sad thing that's been hidden in my notes for years
tag list: @sydneyss-worlddd @afinedilemma @fire-in-her-veinz @belladonnabarnes @drakesfiance @internetgremlin @dragon-chica @sadwaywardkid @tarynkauai @triggeredpossum
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