#jack doppelganger x reader
hrefna-the-raven · 2 years
Cheering up Timothy
Words: 1123
Warnings: smut, 18+, daddy kink
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Handsome Jack was dead and with his death Timothy's life would surely change completely, although he didn't know how exactly since his boss' death was not a clause in his contract. Jack never thought he would die like he did, he was the hero of this story after all. Since the news of his passing the body double sat on the couch in their apartment, stripped of the ridiculous amount of clothes, the mask lying on the table in front of him, sipping on a half empty bottle of whiskey. He never was much of a drinker, but he really had no clue on how to continue and the easiest for now was to drown his fear and doubts of the future in alcohol. His lips felt already numb and his vision was slightly blurred, lost in his fearful thoughts, he didn't even notice that you entered the room and silently observed him for a moment. You knew him and Jack from their time on Elpis, helping them to save the day, kill the Colonel and open the vault. You always had a soft spot for Tim, tagging along, spending time with him and helping him wherever you could, you even lived with him and Jack in the same place to remain close. Seeing him so desperate now hurt a lot. You walked up to him, ripped the bottle out of his hand and took a long sip before putting it on the table. He looked at you with his bleary mismatched eyes as you stood before him dressed in nothing but his worn yellow Hyperion t-shirt and a faint smile formed on his lips. You sat on his lap, placing your hands on the sides of his head, looking deep into his eyes.
“You shouldn't be like this, Tim. With Jack dead, you are free and you should be happy and not sitting here alone on the couch, drowning yourself in booze.”
He wrapped his arms around, pulling you closer.
“I've got the face of the most hated man and he is not even alive anymore to keep this company running or to protect me”, he paused a moment before continuing, “to protect us. I...I just don't know what to do.”
You placed a finger on his lips, “we don't need Jack to protect us and we don't need him to keep this company running. I have the shares, you have the face, we're the only ones who know about his death for now, so together we will keep this train in motion. You're strong enough to go through this, let's do it together! Let's not give up our life!”
You leaned in and kissed him deeply. Tim hugged you tighter, pushing you firmly on to him. Your tongue played along his lips before entering his mouth as you placed one hand on his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin radiating on yours and the quickening heartbeat underneath. It is not the first time you tried to cheer him up, he was well aware of what was about to happen and he would enjoy it as much as all the previous times. You always knew what he needed and even at his saddest moments, with you on his side, he was the happiest man alive. Maybe also the most hated by proxy, but he tried to throw that thought as far away as he could. Bucking his hips, he rubbed against you, softly moaning as a bulge formed underneath his briefs. You broke the kiss to remove your tee and threw it on the floor. He leaned in to run his tongue around your nipple, sucking it gently. You rubbed yourself against his erection, moaning at the pleasurable feeling as the wetness pooled between your legs. Timothy lifted your hips up a bit to pull down his underpants and pressed you back on his erected cock. He felt so good, his soft skin on yours, his hard dick on your wet folds, it was a pleasure you wouldn't want to miss anymore. You started humping him faster, pushing him back and pressing your lips back on his. He eagerly sucked on your lips, rubbing your clit with his hand and a lustful moan escaped your mouth. You couldn't wait any longer, you needed to feel him deep inside of you. You lifted your hips slightly, grabbed his cock, moved it to your entrance and let your body down slowly. You both groaned at the sensation and feeling his dick twitch inside of you. You moved your hips back and forth, riding Timothy, very slowly at first before adjusting to a much quicker pace. Timothy's hands grabbed you, holding you still for a moment, breaking your kiss.
“I need-ah-f-fuck...you now”, he stammered lightly as his cheeks reddened.
His grip tightened and he heaved you next to him, moving one hand to your head, pressing it on the couch while he positioned himself behind you. Being beyond your range of vision, mixed with the sweet encouraging push of the alcohol, he acquired a sudden assurance that grew unto him during his years as a doppelganger.
“Oh Timmy, plea-”, you cut off the sentence as his other hand smacked on your ass.
“Daddy is going to show you some good time”, he drawled in Jack's seductive voice.
Before you could realise what he was doing, you could already feel the tip of his cock pressing against your entrance.
“Tell me what you need, pumpkin.”
“Tim-oooooh!”, you sputtered in an ecstatic moan before he pressed a hand on your mouth.
“Call me daddy, pumpkin, otherwise I will not fuck you.”
“Yes, daddy.”, you purred with intensified arousal.
Timothy push his hips forward, penetrating you deeply. He pushed harder and faster at every thrust, hitting your sweet spot just right. You could feel your orgasm build up and you started to push your hips against Timothy's thrusts to make them harder, trying to get his cock as far inside you as possible.
“Oh, pumpkin, daddy is clos-”
He came and you could feel his cum filling you up inside while your walls tightened and your own orgasm hit you hard. With a pleased sigh, you let yourself fall back on the couch, pulling Timothy, who was breathless and smiled happily, next you. You ran your fingers through his messy darkbrown hair.
“You really think I could be Jack?”, uncertainty filled his voice.
“You don't need to BE Jack”, you gently stroke his cheek, “just make sure no one will ever dare to challenge you and you'll be fine.”
You placed a soft kiss on his lips, placed your head on his chest an listened a while to his now calm breathing before dropping off.
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notmyneighbor · 5 months
Scarlet Milk - Doppelganger Francis Mosses/The Milkman x Female Reader
Word Count - 5.2k
Rating - Explicit
CW - sexual content, blood drinking
Also available on AO3
fanart by kaworinx
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Your eyes flick to the clock mounted on the wall. Your morning shift at the telephone exchange was almost over.
“What number, please?”
You scan the switchboard for the correct sequence, removing and plugging in the jack to connect the call seamlessly. The next number requested is for a different exchange and you transfer the call with barely a delay.
At last it’s time to set the headset down. Your work as a telephone operator is done for the day.
Business in the telephone exchange office had really picked up since the war, and had increased further still after the DDD began their operation to help identify and weed out the invading doppelgangers. It’s the perfect time to work, getting as many hours as you need and stowing away the extra funds for a rainy day.
You ride a bicycle to work since your employer isn’t far from home. A little rougher going in the winter months, but now it was spring, the weather warming up nicely, the budding trees and renewed verdant color in lawns further signs that the seasons were changing.
You’ve barely left the city behind and entered the suburbs before you run into trouble: a sharp object, perhaps a bit of glass or metal, has punctured one of your tires. You slip off the bike seat after coming to a bumpy halt, now forced to walk alongside the bike the rest of the way home. You think there’s a repair kit lurking somewhere in the house, you’re just not entirely sure where.
You spy a milk delivery sitting near the front door of one of the houses you pass, still remaining unclaimed at this late morning hour. A small blue and yellow bird perched on the rim of one of the bottles is startled by your presence and temporarily abandons its assault on the foil lid before it regains its confidence and returns, the beak breaching the barrier so that it can drink the rich cream that has risen to the top. Clever, naughty thing. You’d shoo him away but you know it or one of its brethren will just return anyway. You had to be careful nowadays, leaving something like that unprotected.
You had to be careful nowadays, period.
You spy the milkman’s truck further up the road, the driver near the tailgate, lifting his cap and dragging the back of a pale wrist against his perspiring forehead. The rear of the vehicle is empty, the goods inside all distributed for the day’s route.
Your pace slows as you draw closer, nodding a greeting to the man. You don’t recognize him. Maybe a new hire for the dairy company. The other driver had been getting older. Maybe he’d finally retired. At least, you hoped his sudden absence was for that pleasant reason and not something more sinister relating to the doppels. “Good morning.”
“Good morning.” His voice is warm and friendly. You see his eyes focus on the deflated tire, then back up to your face. “Flat tire, huh? Need a lift?”
“Oh, no, I can manage, thank you. I’m nearly there.”
“I’m heading that way. There’s no reason to tax yourself.”
You shake your head. “Really, I’m fine.”
He shrugs. “Alright, then. Get home safe.” You watch as he seals the back doors and returns to the driver’s side, climbing up and settling behind the wheel. You suddenly feel foolish. The man was just trying to be kind, surely. He starts the engine and eases back onto the road slowly, decelerating to a meager crawl to keep pace with you, calling to you through the open window. “Last chance to change your mind.” He smiles. Handsome. He has such an honest face. Weary eyes. The early mornings no doubt leaving those inky shadows on ivory skin. He must be eager to be home now that his job was completed, yet he was still offering to help.
In spite of your earlier caution, you find yourself feeling it would be rude to decline again, and you accept the milkman’s offer. “Alright, thank you. I promise it’s not far and then you can be on your way. I’m sure you want to get home.”
The truck halts, the breaks squeaking slightly. Your bicycle is lifted effortlessly and stowed in the back. There’s no seat inside save for the driver, so you remain standing, bracing yourself against the rear of the cab awkwardly. At least you don’t have far to go.
“Anyone at home to help you with that flat tire?”
“No, I live alone,” you admit, then silently curse yourself. You shouldn’t be volunteering that kind of information, even if it was the truth. Your brother had left you with the inherited house after he’d moved in with his new wife last year, still disappointed that you hadn’t found someone yet, disapproving of your decision to choose to live independently in such strange, dangerous times. Now you’ve just revealed this vulnerable fact to a stranger. A male stranger.
“The birds have been at your deliveries again,” you say, searching for something to fill the sudden silence.
“So I’ve seen. They can’t resist the cream. Interesting story about that. It’s only one particular species, have you noticed?”
“I haven’t, actually.”
“They had no trouble before they started sealing the bottles, but even after the lids were implemented they persisted until they found a way to get inside. Taught the others how to do it, too. Adaptation and evolution are necessary for survival.”
“I suppose you’re right. This is my house here,” you point and the driver slows and stops, parking the truck along the curb and shutting off the engine.
“Let me give you a hand unloading the bicycle.”
“I appreciate it, thank you.”
“No problem.” The milkman stands. Suddenly the cab of the truck feels very small. He’s positioned so that he’s blocking the doorway, making no move to head to the back where your bike is being stored. The smile on your features slides off like melting ice cream on a summer day.
No. He couldn’t be.
Your heart begins to beat rapidly. The smile he offers doesn’t quiet touch his eyes this time.
“Actually, I’ll just um…I can get it. Thank you for the lift.” You try to ease past him, thinking to make your escape through the rear of the vehicle instead, but he slaps out an arm to bar your path, crowding you against the steel frame.
“We’re adapting, too. Evolving constantly. Getting better and better at blending in. Finding new ways to breach your homes and sate our hunger.”
“Please don’t kill me.” As if the doppelganger would have mercy. You feel tears pooling in your eyes. How foolish you had been, walking into his trap. Why hadn’t you trusted your instincts?
“I’m not going to kill you. Not yet, anyway. See, it’s occurred to me to take a page from those birds’ books, so to speak. Sample the sweetest, most nutritious part. And let the rest of the meal live on, thereby providing an endless supply, rather than gorging on one human in a single sitting, then being forced to find another. We’ve already seen what happens when we indulge too voraciously. It’s why we were forced to visit your planet, after all.”
“I don’t…I don’t understand.”
“Your blood. That is what I desire. A sample each time, and then you go about your daily life as usual. A fair deal, isn’t it? Certainly a better offer than most of my kin would give you.”
“You want to…to…” You can even bring yourself to utter it out loud.
“Drink your blood, yes.”
“Like a vampire,” you whisper in horror.
“Something like that.”
“What if I refuse?”
“Then I consume you right here and now.”
Two tears spill over your cheeks. The doppel clucks his tongue. “There’s no need for that. It’s really a very obvious choice. The sooner you agree, the sooner I’ll be out of your hair for the remainder of the day.”
“Is it…is it going to hurt?”
“Not as badly as me tearing you apart with my claws, I assure you.” His features soften, and that impression of how handsome the original man he’s copied must be strikes you again. “This doesnt need to be violent. It will go easier for you if you don’t resist.”
You swallow thickly, trying to summon courage. “How do you know I won’t just call the DDD?”
“Because that would be a very, very foolish thing to do. And I think you are smarter than that, aren’t you?” His nostrils flare slightly and he inhales deeply. “I’m getting hungry. Do you agree to my terms or not?”
“What guarantee do I have that you’re not just going to kill me anyway?”
“None, other than my word.”
You could almost laugh. An invader asking you to trust him. To allow yourself to be fed upon until…when would this conceivably end? “How long will I have to do this for?”
He shrugs. “It depends.”
“On what?”
“Many things. How many others will supplement my diet. How much I decide to take. This will end whenever I say it ends,” he adds in a growl, and you shudder.
You close your eyes. “Alright. Just get it over with.”
“Not here. Wouldn’t want the neighbors to see, now, would we? Hop on down and I’ll deliver your bicycle. Then we can go inside and…have a little snack.”
You wish your neighbors would see your plight, but there’s no one to help you. The elderly man across the street was probably well into his morning nap. The young couple next door both worked. The housewife who lived on the other side was undoubtedly busy with chores, the children at school.
The doppelganger leans your damaged bike against the fence, following you up to the door, waiting for you to unlock it.
So. You really were going to invite him inside after all.
Normally you’d be fixing lunch at this time. Maybe doing some housework yourself. Now you set your keys in the trivet dish by the door and tuck your shoes neatly beside the frame, watching the doppel shut the door behind him.
“Come here.”
You’d taken a couple of steps further into the hallway and his voice makes you jerk to a halt. You warily turn back.
That smile again. Your stomach flips nervously as you move to stand beside him.
He makes a little hum of sound, pleased you’re being obedient and cooperative. Your hair is already pinned up, your throat exposed. Assuming that was where he was going to bite you. The thought makes your breath hitch and you close your eyes again, willing the moment to be over.
You feel the heat of his breath as he leans closer to your neck, hear another deep inhale. His lips graze your skin in the barest whisper of a kiss. His tongue traces a line down the side of your neck and then there is pain, sharp and fast, your body reflexively trying to pull away but his arms fasten around you, clutching your body against his.
“Relax,” he urges you again, his mouth lifting just long enough to issue the command to you before it returns and you feel the suction, the wet heat, that terrible drag of your life force pulled from the vessel beneath the skin. A little moan accompanies that gesture, sending vibrations as the alien savors the taste of you. Your fingers curl in his work shirt as you’re pushed back against the door. If there had been anyone there to see, it would have looked as if you were a young couple in the throes of passion. But there is no one witnessing this act. It is just you and the doppelganger.
“Enough,” he murmurs, his face revealed once more, no longer supping from your throat. You reach for the wound, surprised to find your hands coming away clean. No blood. Just scabbed puncture marks you can palpate with the pads of your fingers.
He’s breathing heavily. It had been hard to stop, maybe, fighting that natural instinct to kill and ravage. The dark eyes are bloodshot, a pair of fangs visible before they’re retracted again, the red haze gradually clearing as he continues staring at you. His appearance returns to that of the milkman he’s impersonating and he finally steps back.
“Tomorrow,” he says, a promise, a threat, before he exits, leaving you trembling, your fingers still cradling your neck. You hear the truck’s engine rumble to life.
He visits again the following evening.
You don’t know why you’d expected the doppelganger to be at your door at any particular time. Your anxiety has been peaking in anticipation. Dreading the next feeding. Still wondering what’s to stop him from just killing you anyway.
The marks he’d left had been surprisingly tidy. Easy enough to conceal. You’d struggled at work that day, your normally nimble hands and sharp eyes faltering more than once, your performance lacking. Your supervisor certainly noticed. You’d been spoken to. A warning.
Maybe you should take the next day off. Maybe you should…
A knock at the door interrupts your musings and you look up from the novel you’ve been attempting to distract yourself with.
He was here.
The temptation to phone the DDD is there again. But it would take them time to get here. You’d certainly be destroyed for your breach of contract long before the disposal team arrived.
You open the door.
He’s still wearing the milkman’s uniform, although this time he’s shed the cap, revealing the thick wavy brown hair that had been hiding beneath. Wordlessly you step back to make room for him to enter. Your eyes are on the floor now, suddenly shy. You hear the door being closed.
“Look at me.”
Your eyes lift and you gaze at the doppel through your lashes. Surely he could hear how elevated your pulse is. Did that entice him, that rapid flow of crimson liquid?
The mimic moves behind you, one arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you back against him. Fingers guide your head to dip to one side, a gentle nudge before his lips are at your neck again. The same side as before. They press more firmly this time. The stripe he licks reaches all the way to your ear lobe. A whimper escapes you. It feels good, even though it shouldn’t.
The sharp pair of the monster’s cuspids pierce your throat. Another choked sound escapes you, this one a blurred mixture of pain and pleasure. The fingers resting against your abdomen dig in. His other hand is braced against your chin, manipulating your head, keeping you in position while he takes what he desires.
You clutch at the hand on your stomach. You think you’d faint if you didn’t have him at your back. There is something hard pressing against you there, another need digging into the cleft of your buttocks. Arousal. Your cheeks feel hot. There are no longer teeth sunk into your neck but his mouth is still there, laving and caressing the injured flesh. Soft, wet kisses planted. “So sweet,” he breathes against your ear. “Your scarlet milk is the sweetest I’ve ever tasted.”
He departs minutes later and you stare at your reflection in the bathroom mirror as you get ready for bed, wondering why you’re not more afraid.
The milk delivery truck is parked outside your home when you arrive there the next afternoon.
You lean your mended bike against the picket fence. There are people outside. Someone is raking leaves from last autumn. Children are tossing a ball back and forth. The doppelganger has a bottle of milk in his hand, the tips of his fingers clutching it by the neck. He’s leaning against the outside of the truck.
“Come inside,” you hiss, not trusting him not to make a spectacle right there and then. He smirks at your invitation, following you inside.
There are sunspots in front of your eyes. It was so bright outdoors. The interior of your house is darker, cooler. “You should be more discreet,” you mutter, your hands rubbing together restlessly. Nervous. You’re so nervous.
“No one is paying any attention. They didn’t care when I took the truck. They hand the goods over willingly. It’s made finding other…donors…so simple. Your kind is so oblivious to what’s right in front of them.”
“How many other people are you…?” The idea of the imposter operating as a milkman making deliveries as a guise to shield his true purpose of seeking more sources of that sinister meal he craves twists your stomach in knots. Worried. You’re guilty over what’s happening to your neighbors. Not necessarily your fault, but you knew about it, and you allowed it, participated in it…
“Not many. Discretion is best, we agree on that much.” He tips his head to one side thoughtfully. “Are you jealous?”
“Jealous? Why would I be jealous?”
“Don’t worry. You’re still my favorite treat.”
“I’m not jealous,” you reply defensively, perhaps a little too much vehemence behind the words. Was there some of that mixed in your emotions as well?
“You should let me give you a ride home one of these days,” he murmurs.
You frown, your reverie dissolving. “Why?”
“Because,” he drawls. Not an answer. His upper eyelids drip languidly as he sets the bottle on the kitchen counter. The foil lid is soon demolished into a crumpled ball. He drives a middle finger into the cream gathered at the top of the bottle, scooping out a dollop of the thick substance. “Open your mouth.”
“This is the best part, isn’t it? You humans seem to enjoy it. Open,” he commands again, and this time there is a bit of a threat there, the easygoing teasing suddenly disappearing. His eyes darken and your lips part obediently. The digit pierces those borders and drives straight back across your tongue, your eyelashes fluttering, surprised, the brisk invasive movement catching you off guard. Your mouth closes reflexively over the offering and the wedge of muscle presses his finger against the top of your soft palate, the pad brushing past the ridges to find the smoother flesh as he offers you a taste. Your stroke across the joint of his knuckle, then the nail bed as he slowly withdraws back through the tight ring of your mouth, finally emerging with a soft popping sound.
“Good?” The word is croaked out hoarsely. Your heart jackhammers as you nod. You watch as he repeats the gesture in his own mouth, brow furrowing over the taste as he considers the flavor of the cream. “I prefer you instead.”
The doppel’s lips touch your throat. You can’t stop the needy sound that escapes. “I won’t see you for a few days. Need to let your body rest and replenish. You’re of no use to me without the proper nutrition.” He nips your ear lobe. “So I’m going to stay a little longer today. Prolong things. I’m sure you don’t mind.” His hands have found the bottom of your skirt, lifting the hem. There are curtains on the windows but anyone standing close enough outside could look in and see what’s happening. Your cheeks burn with shame, that rush of heat further elevated because some part of you wants this. His fingers snake beneath the waistband of your panties and dip between your legs, swiping through the arousal leaking from you to collect a sample.
He licks them clean. An appreciative hum. “Now this, I really enjoy. Why don’t you hop up here.” You never get the chance because he lifts you first, setting you on the edge of the counter. Your skirt is flipped back impatiently again, your panties dragged roughly down. And you allow it. You allow the manhandling of your clothes, your body, manipulated into balancing precariously on the edge before he pulls a chair from under the kitchen table over and settles into it, his fingernails lightly scratching against your thighs before he parts them and buries his face into your sex.
Your head tips back and you bite your bottom lip as the doppel explores the sensitive pink flesh, enthusiastically swirling his tongue over the folds and your clit before pushing inside you. The hands curled around your thighs are changing, the nails digging in no longer the replicated human’s. The tongue violating your canal seems to lengthen, expanding. You’re afraid to see and yet you want to watch, your fingers burrowing into his hair. Bloodshot eyes, the doppel’s easing through, yellow tinged, pupils now sharp, narrow, a flash of teeth before his mouth shifts impossibly wide, more than a human jaw could ever accommodate, sucking at your clit while still fucking you with his tongue. A monster is ravaging your body and your only thought is MORE. The wedge of muscle curves inside you, tapping in staccato movements against the shallow secluded shelf of hidden pleasure and it sends you over the edge immediately, keening and shaking as he continues sucking and stabbing until you can’t stand it anymore, your legs trying to close, the hand that had been pulling him against your pussy now trying to push him away.
He finally surrenders, mouth parting reluctantly from your sex. You’re on fire, every nerve tingling in your extremities, at your center, where the pulse is strongest. A satisfied grin, a flash of sharp teeth aligned in a row, before the imposter milkman stands, kicking the chair back so hard it knocks over. His fingers sink into your hair and he jerks your head back, grabbing one of your hands and pressing it over the bump in his trousers. You fumble the fly open, dragging his needy erection through the flap of his briefs. It’s large and hot and your hands seem too small, too delicate to stroke that engorged organ properly.
“Milk it. Make me cum.” His lips hover before your own. You wonder why he hasn’t kissed you on the mouth yet. Would those razor slivers of bone slice you to ribbons? The morphed tongue strokes the angle of your jaw. Your hand is working in harsh, jerky movements. Clumsy. You’re panting with fear and desire. You can’t reach his mouth at this angle so your lips find his throat instead, the patch of skin just above the fastened work shirt and knotted bowtie. He growls and bellows as your fingers finally, finally seem to have adapated, smoothing a gush of precum over the sensitive crown. Large as it was, his prick still felt human enough, so perhaps it was the same, or perhaps he still had yet to reveal its true nature. A moan now hummed against your throat, this soft and pleading noise the polar opposite of the menancing sound he’d emitted moments before. Teeth scrape your neck. The veins in his cock bulge against your hand. He’s so swollen, so ready to erupt. Fangs begin to dig into your flesh. Only a pair. He’s shifted appearances again, protecting you somewhat. You wonder how much of a struggle it is to keep it in check, during the height of something like this. The teeth descend further and you feel the suction as he pulls your blood into his mouth just as a hot spill of seed bathes your hand. He leans forward and your free hand reaches back to brace yourself, sending the milk bottle onto its side, mirroring the white flood that now coats your skin. He sucks and it aches and it feels like a second orgasm building inside of you.
At last, at last he draws back, and it is a human’s face you see, with shadow smudged eyes and mussed hair and swollen lips. The urge to kiss him flares anew but he backs away. You’re suddenly aware of the dairy product that’s spread across the counter, sinking into your clothes, spilling over the edge and dripping onto the floor. The doppel rights the chair he’d tipped over earlier. Clothes are straightened into some semblance of order.
You’re normally relieved when he departs. Today you find yourself clutching his sleeve as he reaches for the doorknob. Something has happened between you two, besides the obvious. A new kind of intimacy blossoming, satisfying other, more primal needs. Adapting and evolving like the doppel had said, perhaps.
“I’ll see you soon.” Not tomorrow. He’s already told you that. An anemic blood supply will not satisfy him. You’re more lightheaded than you’re letting on. He’s taken so much already, but you still want to give him more. “Soon,” he repeats. Then he’s gone.
In the dream, you’re in your bed, trying to achieve a slumber that won’t come. You toss and turn restlessly. Get a glass of water. Use the restroom. Flip your pillow over to the cooler side. Shift the covers. It’s no use. You can’t sleep.
You’re thinking about the doppelganger.
About that smile, that warm breath and wicked mouth and wet tongue. His body pressing against yours. Tasting you. Cumming in your hand. The vampiric kisses. It should be terrifying, knowing he holds your life in his hands, your fate determined by the whim of an alien creature.
The replicant is back.
You sense him before he even taps on the glass of the French doors that lead from you bedroom into a private garden area in the back yard. You recognize that shape behind the gauzy curtains that shield the glass, flinging back the comforter and sliding out of bed. The cool air wafts over you as you open the door. You’re only wearing a thin nightgown. You shouldn’t be dressed like this in front of him. You shouldn’t be doing any of the things you’ve been doing with him.
His palm settles warm against the side of your neck. His mouth touches yours for the first time.
Heat pools in your sex. He tastes like metal, copper heavy on your tongue. There is the flavor of tart wine and something smokey as your body is pressed down onto the bed. Your fingers siphon through his hair. You can feel his erection again, demanding somewhere near your own groin. His hips cant slightly and you both moan softly.
The hem of your nightgown is slid up the length of your thigh. You can feel the sharp points of the claws that tear your panties from your body, a casual display that leaves you gasping. A faint jingle of a belt moving and the whine of the metal teeth of a zipper parting and then his cock is shoved into your slickened entrance.
The tongue that twines around yours feels foreign now, the doppel revealing more of his true form. Long and thick, like the prick that’s invading your pussy. Your brain in its dream state has no sense of shame. There is nothing but desire, hot and wet. The front of your nightgown is sliced through, the fabric easily parting beneath the sharp claws that have replaced human nails. Your breasts are kneaded as the sound of lewd slapping fills the air, wet noises from your joined mouths, from the cock pounding into your dripping cunt. Had he been hungry? You’d been starving, you realize. Craving this. Undeniably wrong but oh so right.
“Bite me.” In your waking state, you’d never issued such a request. Only in dreams could you be bold enough. Your fingers clutch the nape of his neck, encouraging him as your knees dig into his ribs. You gift him your blood and he gifts you a load of something thicker, creamier, milky shots of cum spurting deep inside of you. There are stars in front of your eyes, fireworks, bursting lights in the darkness. He kisses your mouth and the tang of your own lifeforce is strong there. His teeth are still sharp. He hasn’t changed back. You kiss him again anyway.
Your eyes open.
It’s raining. You can hear the soft patter of it against the roofing shingles above. Your heart is hammering wildly. Your entire body is drenched in sweat, your panties soaked with something more carnal. You fling back the sheet and blanket much as you had in the dream, padding barefoot into the adjoining bathroom. You need a shower. You feel soiled.
You wish the events of the dream had really happened.
It’s been five days since you’ve seen the doppelganger. The water of the shower spills over you, pelting you gently. You drag the bar of soap over your body. There is something thick and wet between your legs, the fluids of your arousal a different kind of wetness than the spray of water. Your clit is swollen. You wish for his fingers, his tongue. You circle the raised bundle until your body trembles, until you’re forced to lean against the shower wall for support.
You shut off the faucet and towel yourself dry before pulling on a clean nightgown. You burrow your face into your pillow and think of the mimic’s smile until sleep reclaims you once more.
A week has passed. Now you think something must be wrong. The doppelganger’s delayed absence can’t be intentional.
Perhaps the DDD had gotten to him. Someone had seen something, called. Maybe not all his ‘donors’ were quite as willing as yourself. A hot flame builds inside you. You are jealous, after all.
It’s raining on the night he finally returns. Later than he has ever been. The water has soaked his skin, his clothing. There is only the living room lamp on to illuminate your view of the alien creature, looking so pitiful standing there, a drenched figure with tired eyes and dark hair plastered flat against his head, the rainwater spilling over the sharp angles of his cheeks and nose, over the gentle curves of his lips.
He steps inside and closes the door. Your breathing is harsh, rapid. A match for his own. “Where have you been?”
“Did you miss me?”
You bite the inside of your cheek. His voice drags against you skin like velvet. “No.”
You reach for each other at the same time. Your fingers knot into the saturated fabric of his work shirt while his close over your upper arm, crowding you back against the door. “Where have you been?” You repeat again, your voice gentler this time. “I thought the DDD had gotten to you, I…”
“You were worried about me.”
“Yes,” you admit reluctantly.
“You missed me.”
His thumb briefly strokes one cheek. “I missed you, too.”
“Why don’t you ever kiss me?”
“I do. Quite a lot, in fact. In many places,” he adds, smirking a little, some of his customary teasing emerging.
“You know what I mean. On the mouth.” Your voice is barely above a whisper.
“Because,” he says, and for a moment you think he won’t answer you properly again, dodging the question, but then he continues, “that means something very, very different.”
“Different how?”
“Do you want me to show you?”
The doppel’s lips press against yours. Closed at first. Then they divide and your tongue darts between them, granting you your first taste of the invader. Nothing like the dream. No bitterness or metal or sour flavor. No smoke or ash. Just clean, pure, natural.
“Do you understand now?” His gaze traps yours. Human pupils dilating. You know what really lurks beneath. You like both.
“No. Show me again.”
A faint smirk. Then the doppelganger’s mouth captures yours once more.
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blue-sadie · 1 month
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dracoxmalereader · 9 months
Perhaps a Draco x Hufflepuff Reader?
Hufflepuffs are known for their kindness, so what happens when during a DADA class about Boggarts has Draco using the counterattack on the reader's boggart while reader is frozen with fear?
The reader's deepest fear is of themselves, a dark mark upon their arm, and their wand raised with the red glow of "Crucio"
Mirrored Wardrobe
Draco x Male Reader
Context: It's mostly based on the movie scene, and for this story the reader is stood in line between Parvati and Harry.
Summary: You've been dreading the boggart lesson since you heard through the grapevine it was on the curriculum. Here, in Lupin's classroom, you're not so sure if it was really as bad as you'd feared.
Word Count: 1,106
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Lupin sent the lot of the class to sort themselves into line, and you briefly locked eyes with Draco as he shoved past Neville.
Shoes tapped against the floor, echoing in the air of the large classroom. You settled into place. Observing, you felt anxiety pulse in your chest. The sound of the boggart changing forms replaced the sound of chatter as first Ron, then Parvati Patil approached it. 
At the front of the line, you fiddled with the sleeves of your robe at the crack of the monster’s transformation. There it stood: a tall snake that couldn’t have been shorter than twenty feet. 
It bobbed menacingly, baring its fangs and its flickering tongue. It slithered, chest puffed out and head dipping down from where it nearly touched the ceiling to hiss at Parvati. Gasps rang out through the room, just as horrified as they’d been when Ron had the thing turn to a massive spider.
Parvati’s hand tightened at her side around her wand, and she bravely raised it to the reptile, yelping the counter charm. Another pop whipped through the air. 
A clown, just as big as the snake had been, sprang upwards in its place. It bounced and bobbled and the spring that held it in its box creaked with every motion. A jack-in-the-box. 
Lupin praised Parvati’s success and motioned for you to step up.
The clown teetered, tipping back and forth, looming over you. In its eyes you could see your own as the clap sounded out. Its form morphed and contorted until your own wand was pointed at you. 
You stared, wide-eyed at your doppelganger. Its appearance was disheveled, outer robe shed leaving only your vest and shirt with the sleeves rucked up around the elbows.
The brand etched into its left arm was all too quick to catch your eye. The skull taunted you, snake tongue twisted in knots. The last of your breath left your aching lungs and you swore you could see it writhe under the false you’s skin, bubbling like it boiled. 
Terror swelled in the back of your mouth. You swallowed around rising bile. Ice rushed through your veins as the boggart smirked. The goofy music Lupin had put on fell quiet, drowned out by the static in your ears. 
Red sparked at the tip of fake you’s wand, and you watched your own face warp into a sinister expression. Your grip on your real wand loosened.
Waving through the air, a hideous buzz filed through the thundering cloud of red. Your doppelganger’s mouth opened. Your hands trembled. The counter charm clawed at the back of your throat, but sweat pooled at your brow and your fingers failed you. 
Your wand tumbled to the floor with a clatter. 
Before the boggart could finish the curse, Draco’s wand was pushing into your vision. He barked the charm, stepping in front of you protectively and shoving you backwards with a hand to your chest. 
The boggart crackled, mutating in a cloud of dark and spitting itself back out with a last snap. Your own face still peered back at you. Its clothes had shifted from your regular uniform into an ill-fitting yellow dress. 
A blue robe draped over your doppelganger's shoulders, its hair longer and tied into chunky braids that cascaded down its front. In place of your wand, the boggart now held a golden cup. Helga Hufflepuff, really?
After a moment of tense silence, giggles began to fill the room. Low laughter turned to broad cackling until even you were letting out a dry chuckle at the boggart’s embarrassment through the fading haze of fear. 
The ringing in your ears gave way, and you could hear Lupin’s music again. The tingling in your spine subsided.
"Thank you, Draco." You breathed.
Draco whipped around to face you. Unlike the rest of the class, he was not amused. He bent down to swipe your wand off the ground. He knocked into your space. A firm hand circled your upper arm, and with an almost bruising grip he pulled you to the back of the line. 
Lupin’s startled commentary fell into the background chatter. Harry Potter approached the boggart.
“What was that?” Draco hissed. He gripped onto your shoulders, shoving your wand back into your hands.
“What was what?”
"The boggart, you oaf, the thing I just saved you from."
"You didn't have to save me!" You argued, a twinge of shame prickling behind your ribs. Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy condescendingly side-eyed you.
Draco scoffed, sneering at his friends and turning so he blocked them from your view. “Like hell I didn’t! Why was it a death eat-” 
He was cut off by the insipid, rattling wheeze of the cloaked figure the boggart had wrenched into. All at once, a heavy pressure of despair drowned the air.
You both craned your necks around the rest of the line to see it better, the parody dementor lunging towards Harry in a freakish, unnatural motion. You held your breath. Lupin stepped in front of him. 
The boggart once more crackled and distorted, settling into the dusty image of clouds revealing a full moon. With another utterance of the counter charm, a beige balloon was soaring across the room with a humorous whir. 
It flew back into the mirrored wardrobe it belonged in. The doors swung shut behind it. 
The room fell into a deeper, unbroken quiet. “Sorry about that, er- That’s enough for today.” Lupin rushed out. “If you’d all like to collect your books at the back of the class, that’s the end of this lesson, thank you!”
The swarm of your classmates groaned, and Lupin’s apology fell on deaf ears. Draco turned back to you. Concern flickered in his eyes for just a moment. Tension lingered between you.
Crowd moving, students cleared out one by one. Goyle’s hand came to tug at Draco’s shoulder. Crabbe and Pansy weren’t far behind. He glared at Draco expectantly, and you could hear the sharp intake of the blonde’s breath. 
Draco looked you up and down one more time before scoffing again. He rolled his eyes.
Smoothing down the front of his robes, he rolled Goyle’s hand off him and swayed away. His shoulder rammed into yours as he passed, purposefully weaker than usual. His friends trailed behind him. You watched him go. 
For a few seconds, you let yourself sit in the emotions that surged through you. The last wave of your fear dwindled. What on earth just happened with Draco?
Shaking your head, you let out a confused sigh, before finally moving to grab your books and leave the classroom.
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The way I got this request and said out loud to myself "Wait that actually goes so hard". Whoever is anon, your brain is working wonders to have thought of this and I'm here for it. That concept is so incredibly gangnam style I'm HONORED you've selected my inbox of all places to submit it. <3
Also peep me answering the ask with the fic. 🤭 I hope it is a welcome advancement, I was scrolling through other fics and just randomly realized I, too, could do that like everyone else in the tags does.
I'm sorry this took so long, I have 246 missing assignments.
Tags: @nowayisthistakenyet @gayaristocrat @siuspider @dracoshusband @skrunklespoingo @esperfraud @joongbin @midwestemosblog @we2222 @ashton-laufeyson @0-alastair-0 @mqzze
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agent-love-101 · 2 years
Do you have any Jack Horner hcs for how he would apologize to his s/o after hurting them? Like s/o had dinner reservations and a whole date night planned out and Jack forgot / got swamped with work.. and didn’t find out until the next day that his s/o had made these elaborate plans for him. (I really love your ideas for Jack! I was curious how many other people were simping over him and I’m pleased it’s a lot! Haha)
oh this is such a sweet concept ;0; lets see what i can do!!
Big Jack Horner x Reader; Stood Up
i can only imagine how you would feel in such a situation.
carefully planning. setting up. and waiting.
adorning the invitation letter with hearts as the dots in the i's. carefully writing the cursive, putting on a nice outfit... and waiting.
and waiting.
and waiting.
you can't help but feel embarrassed everytime the waitstaff would come by. you dined alone that day.
you hoped it wasn't deliberate. but if you began to see it that way...who would blame you? it was almost- no..it was an act of betrayal. it hurt you in the most sensitive of places.
you walked home alone. and you wept in bed alone.
meanwhile on jack's side..
all he wanted was one day to take a break from his swarm of mail.
honestly, it was barely a conscious decision
as soon as he got home, he just crashed into bed.
as much as he loved the silence. he couldn't help but feel it was all wrong.
however that didn't keep him from drifting to sleep.
the next day was when he discovered the letter.
be glad you weren't the staff that received his wrath. of course he blamed them at first and he still does to some extent, because he's jack.
but he also had to acknowledge he was at fault.
he spent that tense morning planning what he is to do.
he had never overthought more in his life. it was a fairly new feeling to him too. something important was at stake. he could lose the one person he cares about.
he thought of intricate gifts to buy back your love, he thought of making new plans for the both of you to attend.
but ultimately he decided he would make his way to your home and try to explain himself.
as he made his way to your door, he couldn't help but detect a feeling burrowed into his chest. he doesn't know what it is, so he ignores it.
as you opened the door, tired eyes making contact with his...
seeing the glossy look on your cheeks from recently shed tears, well, it made that feeling in his chest known. it was anxiety. it was remorse. it was pain.
and with that feeling, his vocal chords almost locked in place. all those words he planned to say suddenly lost.
in the end, he went with something completely different. something unexpected. something that made you question if he was really jack Horner and not some doppelganger.
as your eyes flicked from looking at him to the foliage outside, out of embarrassment (.how could you let him see you like this? you shouldn't have opened the door. i bet he thinks he won now.), he manages to saw a few words after a few moments of tense silence.
"..i'm sorry."
that shocked you. not only was it an apology, but it was delivered with such...sincerity. he really was apologetic. he felt bad.
you let him in. (that better not be a mistake) and after a lengthy conversation, all is forgiven. you both decide the best thing to do now is to just relax together.
if you aren't satisfied with a simple apology and discussion, don't worry. he will definitely compensate with a lot of gifts for a long while. he's gotta get on your good side after all.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 4 years
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Imagine # 571
Gifs NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If either gif is yours please let me know, so I can give you credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2020
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Timothy Lawrence x Excited!reader (Reckless)
Request: Timtam with a super excitable s/o (who accidentally gets themselves into trouble a lot because of this) seeing a jump pad and jumping on it to have fun not seeing that it super charged and slamming into a wall breaking their arm. How would Timothy deal with all of this? Tims pov
Fandom: Borderlands
Genre: Fluff
Pov: Timothy's
I ran a hand over my face in tiredness, (y/n) kept getting themself into trouble. I didn’t mind saving them, carrying them to safety, wrapping my arms around them, but the point was… I felt like (y/n) was acting even more excited than normal.
“Look, Timothy! A jump pad!” They yelled out to me.
I held out my hands to warn (y/n) as they went to jump on the SUPER-charged jump pad.
“Wait, don’t, it’s super-” (y/n) jumped onto it, crashing them through a wall. I let out a long sigh before I jumped through the wall to find them on the ground, holding a hand to their shoulder. “Charged… You okay?” (y/n) huffed lightly, struggling to sit up. I kneeled to their level and slowly pulled them to their feet.
“I think I dislocated my shoulder… Again,” (y/n) mumbled in pain. 
Again?? My heart started to beat a million miles a minute, they somehow still had a giddy smile on their face.
“Are you serious? Well, we gotta go back, maybe Nurse Nina can help.” 
(y/n) slowly gestured to the ledge above us.
“What? No way, the mission is right there, we can just grab the echo and go,” They said in protest. 
I shook my head, my mind clouded with worries and doubts about (y/n)’s safety.
“No way, you’re injured,” I told them.
“Just pop it back in place. I’ve had this done before, it’s whatever,” They shrugged off the pain. 
(y/n) was so reckless. I ran a hand through my hair stressfully, my hair felt so much shorter than I was used to… FOCUS!
“Are you crazy?! No, we need to go back to Concordia. Do you think Nurse Nina can fix that?” I grabbed Their other hand before starting to drag them back to Concordia. “Besides, If I do it, I could hurt you…” (y/n) continued to argue with me that’d be fine, but I couldn’t bear the thought or the guilt trip of if I actually hurt them. Nurse Nina was only a hundred feet away, but before me or (y/n) could take any more steps, Jack stepped in front of us. “Sir! What are you doing here?” Jack stared past me to (y/n), or more specifically their dislocated shoulder.
“Geez, what happened to you, Kiddo?” Jack moves around me to approach (y/n).
“I just dislocated my arm for the fifth time this month, it’s fine. I’ll get it checked out later, but I need someone to pop this back into place right now. I asked Timothy but he won’t do it,” (y/n) explained. Jack cocked his head to the side for a moment, analyzing their injury. “Can you do it? The longer it’s not in my socket, the more it hurts.” 
Jack nodded his head before grabbing (y/n)’s shoulder, I instinctively took a step backward to let Jack and (y/n) have more room.
“Okay, I’m just gonna push it back in. Ready? 1.. 2.. 3!” (y/n) gasped as Jack finally pushed their arm back into their socket.
“Thanks, Boss. We’re gonna go finish that mission now.” Jack didn’t say another word as he watched me and (y/n) run to the fast-travel station to grab the echo. “Oooh, he scary,” I let out a breath of uneasiness.
“Yeah… You’re just now realizing that?” (y/n) shrugged their shoulders in reply before running alongside me, searching for the echo. I slowly stopped running, standing in place. (y/n) quickly followed my lead,
“Everything okay, Timtam?” They asked.
I lightly smiled at the nickname I was given when we met years ago… But that didn’t stop the many thoughts from swarming my head.
“(y/n), we need to talk.” They gave me a small nod. “You can’t keep getting all excited-- I love it, I do. I find it really endearing actually--but the point is that I might not always be around to save you when you launch yourself into danger like that… A-And I want to, but-” I stopped rambling as (y/n) smashed their lips into mine. I was hoping this would happen sooner than later. They slowly pushed themself off of me.
“Sorry, I got excited.”
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arcticlegend · 2 years
What do you think about a wedding night one shot with Borderlands Timtam x reader ^^,,
I'm sorry, not sorry, but this is a long one, bois! I really hope you enjoy it and I'm so sorry for the wait!
❤️Don't forget to like, reblog, or comment!!! Your comments feed the beast!❤️❤️❤️
It's Our Night
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Timothy Lawrence(Borderlands)/Fem!Reader
How in the blood-soaked hell did he ever bag a cutie like her? I mean… look at her!? She was sitting there in her beautiful dress staring up at him like there wasn’t anyone else in the world. The feeling couldn’t be beat by anything, not even a room full of hot babes with great tits. Never did he think that there was only one pair of boobs he’d want to fondle for the rest of his life. She just jumped right in and changed all of that.
When he was much younger, just starting out in the doppelganger business, he had all the women he could ever want as a Jack look-a-like. Babes were all over him… but something never felt right. Much like just about everything new in his life, nothing felt like, well,… him. Everything was about Jack. Everything that made him Timothy was ripped away and suddenly, he missed it- missed being himself. He missed the nights he studied till he passed out, his glasses, and his geeky friends he played D&D with. At the time, all that debt he had accumulated from school had him backed into a corner and Jack’s offer was mighty convenient. What else would he do? Refuse and be paying off his debts for the rest of his existence or get rid of it quick with Jack’s decent payroll? Sometimes he wished he picked the former, because after the Hyperion CEO’s death, his new face caused him nothing but trouble.
He remembered when he first met her, guns blazing, that wickedly ecstatic smile on her face as she jumped in and saved his guts. He had been boxed in and the tech he used to create his holograms was damaged beyond any repair. He was stuck staring his death in the face while she laughed that bubbly, precious melody, gunning down everyone around him. Her plush lips blew the smoke at the end of the barrel before offering him a wink and boy did that wink do somethin’ to him.
“Hey cutie! Looks like you got yourself into a bit of trouble! Don’t worry, though! I got you!”
His legs were weak and wobbly, thinking about how close to death he was just a moment ago and in the next, there's a hot babe flirting with him. HIM! Holy shit… was that more mentally taxing than it should be.
“What are you thinking about in that silly head of yours, Timmy?”
She pulled him out of his thoughts, clearing the fog of his memories to see your dazzling smile, those soft hands on her lap as she sat on the bed. She was waiting for him to make the first move. Normally, he’d want someone else to take the lead, take charge so he couldn’t risk screwing something up, but that was the beauty of his relationship with her. She tore him forcefully out of his shell, put him in uncomfortable situations so he could get used to it and eventually overcome them. He’d get frustrated, but who wouldn’t under those conditions? That didn’t stop him from being grateful. He wouldn’t have grown as a person if not for her, figured out how to be strong and calm in rough situations if not for her. Even in his most dire times, she was there to support him, there to cheer him on while he figures it out for himself like a big boy.
He loved her; loved her more than any words could describe.
He held his lady close as the man spoke, asking for their vows and droning on about marriage while all he could do was get lost in those eyes. The white flowers in her hair, the floral lace that decorated the bust of her dress down to those curvy hips, those ripples of white folds that drifted in the breeze had him nearly to his knees. More than anything he could have ever wanted, she was more than anything he ever thought he deserved.
“I do… I really do, so much…”
When you repeated the words in kind, he felt faint. He felt the butterflies tickling his heart as she snaked her arms over his shoulders.
“Now’s the part where we kiss, right?” she had whispered in his ear.
“He said as much, right?” he chuckled nervously, but wasted no time to hold this perfect woman close and seal the deal. It was soft, but passionate as his lips melded with hers. His hand finding her soft cheek, fingers dipping into her hair as the applause rang out in the crowd of their friends.
“I was thinking about everything that brought us here. It’s uh… it’s a lot.”
She stood back up, the white tail of her wedding dress chasing after as she reached for his hands, holding them both in her own. His stomach soured as he noted her worried expression, hoping he didn’t fuck up the mood, which wasn’t his intention.
“Do you have any regrets about today?”
She looked distraught which was the last thing he ever wanted her to feel. It really wasn’t her. It was just all so overwhelming how he went from thinking he was a useless nothing to being someone’s something. It made him want to collapse as the weight of everyone’s expectations suddenly didn’t matter, how his mom’s opinion didn’t matter anymore. His life choices ultimately brought him to the love of his life and no matter how difficult things were, he’d always have her now. He was just so fucking happy.
“No! No, never, baby. I’ll never take this ring off for anything. I don’t regret a single thing, cupca- I mean… sweetheart.” Fuck. He couldn’t let that part out. He hated the things that made him like Jack. HE WASN’T JACK! He was Timothy Lawrence! No amount of “Jack spasms” would ever change that. That’s when he felt her hands cup his face, thumbs tracing over his cheekbones.
“Babe, it’s okay. I know.” It was like she could read his mind, like she knew exactly what strangled it or better yet, who was strangling it.
“Why don’t we focus on something that’s right here. Right in front of you?”
She pressed against him, her supple breasts in that dress squishing right into his chest made his heart skip a beat. Lips, malleable and fluid, had found his, moving in perfect union like the both of them had practiced for years. Step by step she led him to the couch where the backs of his legs hit the cushions before he got the hint to sit down.
“Now, I’m going to get us some wine. Don’t wander off too much.”
She was talking about his train of thought, as it tended to travel down darker paths. Today, though, he’d stick to the more recent, happier ones like when he danced with her during the after party. Her cheeks were red with wine and her giddy laughter bubbling out as she couldn’t contain the excitement of the night. He was no different, genuine laughter was usually lost to him, that warm chuckle that rumbled deep from his belly didn’t exist before her. His life had been a vortex, a tsunami of misery before she spun in his arms and calmed the sea. Her palm was comforting on his arm as he cupped her other hand, fumbling an already messy tango, but neither of them cared, content with simply being there together.
“Alright!~ A glass for me… and a glass for you.” The wine fizzed only a little as it tumbled into each one, the deep ruby swirling inside.
He accepted the glass. He wasn’t much of a wine drinker, preferring a nice glass of foaming ale at his favorite bar, but he wasn’t against it. After all, wine was romantic, right? Really got to lay that romance on thick tonight.
“A toast? To the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met?”
“A toast to the sweetest, most precious man I’ve ever met.”
He couldn’t look away from those eyes, the ones that stabbed through every bit of self doubt in his body, making him believe every word she said no matter how much he wanted to protest all of the kindness. He wanted to hear them- no, NEEDED to hear them. With the clink of their glasses, he took a sip, surprised at the sweet taste.
“I expected it to be a little bitter.” She had smirked in response.
“I figured you’d prefer something sweeter. Bitter doesn’t seem up your alleyway.”
She wasn’t wrong, though. He did have a sweet tooth, but there was one bitter flavor he would always enjoy no matter what and that flavor was her. That musky, yet clean scent that wafted through his senses did nothing to quell the arousal that started to flicker in his gut. He could tell she was horny, too, which made the smell stronger, intoxicating him with filthy thoughts of bending her over and pushing inside. His mind was clouded at the desperate need to sink into something hot and wet. He wanted to sink deep inside of HER.
“You’re stuck inside your head tonight. What’s going on with you, love? Not used to you being so quiet.”
He simply looked down at her, trying to comprehend all of his emotions, trying to stave away worry of what to say, but before he could even begin to let them take over, she set down her wine glass and took his as well.
“Let me help you relax, baby. I’ve got you.”
She shimmied in behind him while he scooted forward to give her room to sit on her knees behind him. Ah, he knew what she was thinking, her hands had found his shoulders and began to knead them right in all the places he liked.
“W-what uh, brought this on? I mean, it’s nice and all, but you really don’t have to, sweet pea.”
She kissed the back of his neck and continued, “I’m doing this because I love you, Timmy. You’re really stressed for some reason and I just want to help. We’re in this together now, you know?”
Together, huh? He smirked, echoing the earlier thoughts. She really was a witch or something. Reading minds wasn’t supposed to be normal. He didn’t entertain the thought for long because those skilled fingers conquered those sore muscles with ease and quickly turned him to jelly.
“It’s something you think about a lot. I see it bother you a lot more than you think. I’ll tell you as many times as you need that you aren’t him. I didn’t marry you because you looked like him. I didn’t give you my soul because you are Jack’s double. No.”
She turned his cheek to face her, his tongue suddenly dry as he looked into those adamant eyes. “I married you because you are Timothy. I fell in love with that dorky little grin and your passionate ramblings. I fell in love with how you stutter when you’re nervous or how you so passionately just want to be yourself in a world where everyone wants to be someone else.”
He felt disconnected from his body as he listened, high off of her praise, high off of her love for him. All of those reasons were why he loved her too.
“Sweetheart… I fucking love you.”
His lips touched hers and instantly set off sparks. It must have blew something up in her as well because in moments, she was straddling his lap, careful not to snag her dress in her heels.
He hiked up the dress over her legs, eyeing the floral garter belt that hugged her thigh deliciously. It was ivory and silver, lace vines curling delicately, stretching over the soft flesh. He couldn’t resist to press his lips to her skin above it before catching it with his teeth. He could hear her breath catch in her throat as he dragged the material down her leg to her ankle where he let go and pulled it the rest of the way off. He showed it to her, the sexy garment dangling off of his finger like he found something he shouldn’t have.
“How did this get down here, pumpkin?” She huffed, her face flush with embarrassment as he teased her.
“Well let’s see if you have anything else up here for me?” he kissed her inner thighs, loving every soft moan that tumbled from her lips. Sweet kisses turned to sucking, nibbling on that soft, perfect skin all the way up to her pelvic bone. He teased the idea of eating her out, of laving his tongue over her lower lips to taste her. It turned from a simple thought to a desperate need, his cock growing increasingly harder when he imagined his face crushed between those toned thighs, her juices mixed with his saliva dripping down his chin.
“Tim… Timmy please. Please do it!”
She was begging for him, heat pooled in his belly and burned hotter with every breathless plea. He had to, oh god, he had to have his tongue on her sweet pussy.
“Timothy… Please, I need- Mmmm!”
He ran his tongue roughly over her lips, collecting the sweet, yet slightly bitter juices, dragging it over her pulsing clit. He got goosebumps as her fingers carded into his hair, ruffling the brown locks. Her head was thrown back, ribcage heaving with every enthusiastic suck of his lips over her sensitive flesh. He had seen it in a porn once, how the man had flickered his tongue just right to have her keen for him.
Fuck, he’d always wanted to try that. He massaged the innermost part of her thigh with his thumb, almost to the crease but not quite, as he angled his head to replicate it. His tongue swiped over her clit once then twice, eyes slipping shut as she moaned for him.
How could someone make him so unbelievably hard? It was nearly torture to wait his turn, but his desire to pleasure her outweighed the need to get his dick wet, the growing difficulty be damned. He wanted her to cum on his tongue, he wanted to lick it all up, arousal burning hotter at the memory of how hot her scent was after she came. It changed. After she came undone, there was a hot, musky smell that seared him right to the bone, turned him into an animal. It made him desperate to fuck deep into her hole and give exactly what she begged for every time.
“Fuck, Timmy! Timmy it’s too good… Ti- I’m gonna cum… Shit…”
SO close, he thought as he flickered his tongue over it, his finger teasing her sweet, fluttering pussy. He nearly groaned at the thought of her twitching like this around his cock, how incredibly good it would feel. Focus, Tim. This was for her, he thought as he pulled away for only a moment to tease her, already missing the taste.
“It must be really hard trying to cum around nothing, sweetie… Don’t worry, love, I got just what you need.”
One finger? Nah, his sweet girl could take two, curling them up to drag over the spot that had her gasping and shaking under him. That’s it, sweet heart… He caught her clit again, sucking it between his hot, slick lips. His fingers rocking in and out of her at a pace that drove her insane and moans turned to babbling whimpers, thighs twitching violently when his sucks returned to the quick flicks of his tongue.
“Gonna cum! Gonna cum, oh fuck, I’m OH-!”
He could see the blush as it rose to her cheeks, bloomed over her chest. He could feel her muscles contract and tighten when he watched her toes curl. Fuck could he taste it too… the slick that ran delicious rivers down her thighs and ass, making small, dark patches on the sheets below. Even with her whines of oversensitivity, he couldn’t keep his mouth off of her, desperate to lick up every drop, licking quick stripes over each tiny stream.
“Fuck, Tim… I need a minute…” She murmured softly, a satisfied smile painted on her beautiful face. He didn’t mind the tears smearing her make up, only glad that they were of pleasure, the only tears his beautiful girl should every cry for him. He adored watching her chest rise and fall heavily, whines still escaping as she came down.
“You… You are too perfect, too fucking gorgeous.”
She peered down at him from underneath her low lids; it gave him a sharp rush to his groin that he simply could no longer ignore. He needed her so fucking bad.
“Baby,” She whimpered as he nibbled at her hipbones, lips dragging up her stomach until he reached her ribs, tongue laving over the ripples, “That tickles, Timmy!” She patted his shoulder, trying to get him to move on which he playfully rolled his eyes. Shit. The urge had returned. That relentless urge to squish his face between those perfect breasts. How could he resist when she were so pliable and willing? With that observation in mind, he cupped her unbelievably soft mounds in each hand and massaged them tenderly, rolling them before pressing them together.
“Fuck… Look at you… I know I need a closer one for sure.”
He did it, finally giving in and pressing his face into her chest, squeezing her breasts into each of his cheeks as he nuzzled against her supple flesh. If his dick didn’t feel like it was going to pop from all of the blood that had cascaded down into it, he would’ve worshipped her boobs for the rest of the night, grieving at the thought of having to let them go.
“Timmy… what in the hell has gotten into you?”
She wasn’t wrong, the newfound confidence was a little odd, but that was all her- her encouragement and support that made him believe he could do anything, that he could do something right. Right now, that was pleasuring his girl and boy did he know how to treat her well.
“I just need to be inside you so bad, pumpkin… Please?”
Her breathless laugh and gentle kisses to his forehead, trailing down his cheek to meet his lips, was the only answer he needed to reach for his belt buckle. FUCK…  he shouted inside of his head as he struggled with the buckle, fingers shaking with his desperate arousal. He never would have expected to feel her hands brush his aside to pull the strap from its hold, deft fingers undoing the button and slowly slid down the zipper. Her hand slipped into the ‘V’ of his pants cupping the thick curve of his cock and that made him jolt forward, desperate to rut into the small bit of friction he had been given.
“Baby,” she whispered seductively into his neck, “Take off the mask. You don’t need that here. I want to see your real face.”
The stab of sadness couldn’t quell the fiery hot arousal in his gut, but was still present, leaving him with thoughts of how no matter what, it wasn’t his real face. She could never see that again.
“Tim, I don’t care… I just want to feel your skin. Please, Timmy… I don’t care what you look like underneath. I need you.”
Okay. Okay, he’d do it. Of course, it would take him a moment, knowing this was very stressful as he knew very well what resided underneath this fake layer, a face that still wasn’t his, a face that was torn apart, healed, and forced to be branded to match his late boss. For anyone else, it would be an instant ‘fuck off,’ but for her, it was different. He would show it to her, trembling hands clicked the edges and felt the mask separate from himself, felt it detach. He was scared to pull it away but the eager hand still in his pants made it difficult to reason with himself, so he tossed it aside.
“Well, princess, here it is. It’s not pretty, but-“ his words were cut off by her mouth, eating up his words to pull him down over top of her. She wrapped those toned legs around his waist to rub his throbbing cock, still covered by his boxers, against that soaked cunt. Face? What face? What could possibly matter when his dick had a mind of its own, rutting against the sticky juices, sticking to the fabric of his boxers as they were coated in it.
“Oh my fucking god…” he murmured into her mouth, on his elbows and knees, hands tangled in her hair as he ground against her. The selfish part of him wanted to leave this position to pull off his pants, pull his cock out of its confines to finally sink inside of her, but the intimacy he felt had him wait. Like the little witch she was, however, she reached up with her foot, catching the elastic with her toes and expertly pulled the offending fabric down, pushed his pants down along with them to finally expose him. Timothy’s groan was ragged as the sensitive skin of his dick finally dragged over the soaked mess she had made, the hot, swollen lips of her pussy eager to suck him in.
“Please, please, oh fucking please let me… Please let me fuck you, kitten. I fucking need you so much… I’ve waited so long…” he begged and pleaded which seemed to be for no reason but for the sake of begging. He knew she wanted it, knew how eager she was to be filled, but he just really wanted to hear it said aloud- needed to hear.
“Give it to me, Timmy… Please just fuck me. I need you too, so bad!”
He could feel the stretch of her hole as he pressed in, the gentle ripple of her hot walls as he effortlessly filled her so full. He nearly popped then, feeling the coil of heat in his stomach about snap at the first pump. Wouldn’t have that been embarrassing?
He waited to recollect himself, not wanting to end the fun too soon and instead took a moment to capture her lips once more, his own becoming red from the sweet abuse, his tongue swept over her bottom teeth as he pushed his hips deeper into her softer ones. Tim savored how he bottomed out inside of her, relishing in the fact that no toy, no other woman could ever compare to how perfect she made him feel. She was like an angel walking amongst mortals and just happened to choose him out of every other person to lay with. He was the luckiest man alive, he thought as he pulled back, the drag of his cock along her insides made him hiss with pleasure.
“Baby, you’re so fucking big.” Oh don’t say that, beautiful… He was scared she’d give him a bigger ego than he needed.
“You’re just so unbelievably tight. Yo- You’re gonna make me burst, pumpkin…”
He kept saying that, the pet name that Jack used. As much as he hated sounding like that godforsaken asshole, he felt that it worked somehow. It just felt right to call her that. HIS pumpkin, HIS kitten when he pleasured her or when she returned the favor. My little pumpkin…
Her walls squeezed intentionally around him, startling him with a jolt and a groan rumbled in his throat. She smirked up at him when he finally opened his eyes, responding to her impish expression with a childish pout.
“Wakey, wakey, Timothy. You shouldn’t be thinking about anything else when you’re balls deep, love.”
Calloused fingers stroked over her cheek and his thumb found her tantalizingly soft bottom lip, her eyes closing as she nuzzled into his palm like a cat. “Sorry, babe… It’s still hard to believe that someone like you could want anything to do with someone like me. You’re… you’re just too perfect, you know? I mean…” He knew she understood him very well, knew the mental anguish he suffered and will continue to suffer til the day he died. She was patient and even in moments like this where all he wanted to do was fuck her brains out, he’d doze off, lost in memories or insecurity. He almost felt shameful for his constant need to be validated by her, but was always relieved when she’d smile and give him exactly what he needed. Sometimes it wasn’t always what he wanted to hear, but sometimes the thing you need isn’t the thing you want.
“That’s how I feel about you, sweetie. You’re my whole world. These scars, this face… it’s nothing. I look into those eyes and I see you. I’ll tell you as many times as you need, Tim. It’s okay.”
He felt the tears well in his eyes as she wrapped him in her arms, legs hooking around his hips to drag him in closer, the delicious friction and the new monsoon of emotions had awakened that need inside of him. He set a steady pace, the drag of her soaked walls had his stomach muscles tightening. He needed to kiss her, needed to quell the fire that welled up in his belly from her loving words and the overwhelming pleasure that wrapped around him. It didn’t take long for his lips to find hers and the spark that tickled between them had broken some sort of self control as he hips snapped into her.
Fucking shit… he thought as he readjusted. He sat up onto his knees and his cock slipped free. He was so freaking hard, his dick nearly touching his stomach with how far it curled upward. No one… no one could do this but her… He grabbed for her thighs, wrapped his arms around them to drag her perfect body closer to push her legs back. He wanted that sweet pussy exposed so he could dip inside and pound away. He reveled in every giggling shriek that rang with each sharp thrust and marveled at the view. From this angle he could watch everything. His breath hitched as he watched how her hole had stretched around him, how her sweet lower lips parted more for him the closer he got. His mouth fell open at how her juices coated his cock with every pull. He could feel himself rubbing against her cervix, felt the underside of his cock drag over it as he thrust upward, hoping to hit the spot that made her shatter.
“Tim! Oh god, Tim! Don’t stop! Right there, fuck!!!”
He had to have found it. There was no way he hadn’t with the way her thighs shook violently, the way her teeth were bared, her neck and chest had begun to flush like it always did when she was close. He knew what would throw her over the edge, too, though he wasn’t about to make her cum just yet. He did, however, pick up his pace, hips smacking into the underside of her thighs. Sweat beaded on her forehead, rolled down her thighs, or splashed with each wet slap of his skin on hers. It was like a drug; it was like a euphoric high to view her in such a state. His gorgeous little fighter was a wanton mess, writhing and shaking beneath him.
“Please… please, Timmy, I’m-“
“Close? Gonna cum for me, pumpkin? You sure you want to end it so soon?”
She chuckled, but it suddenly broke into a sweet keen as he folded her over farther, slamming deeper inside of her and hitting that spot dead on. It made her stutter, babbling nonsense as he fucked the senses right out of her. It was so unbelievably hot, the way her breasts had been freed from the dress, how it folded over her stomach and rippled underneath them as if she’d been wrapped in an angel’s wings. He basked in the pride he felt, making her feel so high that she might as well had been back heaven where she came from.
It was too good, too much to hold back, fucking her with reckless abandon, his pace like a mutt in heat, starved for the release he craved-the one he had been craving all night. Her stuttering moans fed the flames pushing his tired body on, the euphoria having masked the feeling of his sore muscles. No matter how tuckered out he was becoming, the sounds of her pleasure only spurred him on. He wanted her to keep making those noises, keep wailing his name like it was her lifeline, like it was all she needed to live.
“I-! I’M SO- I’m so close, Tim... I can’t! I need more, Tim, please!”
He fucking loved hearing her beg, but he did believe it was about time to give her what she wanted so bad, so he let go of one plush thigh to rub his thumb over her clit. He set the pace he knew she loved, the one that built her up and up with every swipe of this fingers. He could see how she changed, her moans turned to quiet gasps as she concentrated, the smell of her imminent climax growing closer and closer.
“Please cum, sweetheart… You’re driving me crazy… I’m not gonna last.” He pleaded with her as the coil wound tight in his gut, the heat pooling in his crotch signaled his orgasm building, ready to snap very soon and he didn’t want to cum without having her sweet pussy quiver around him. He wanted to feel her cum so hard around him that she’d squeeze him like a vice.
It didn’t take long. The volume of her voice rose with each strangled moan, her brows creased, eyes shut tight. Oh, fuck could he smell her, that sweet musky smell of her cum as he felt her teeter right on the edge.
“Come on, baby… That’s it, cum for me. I want to feel you cum on me, princess.”
And there it was. Her loud moans fell apart into ragged wails, her abs curling as her chest flushed a dark red. She was captivating and he wanted to savor that absolutely wrecked face she made, but he was too busy being caught in the rapture of his own rapidly approaching orgasm. Fuck, the way the slick walls of her pussy gripped him tight, how they twitched and rippled around him had his pace stuttering.
“Timtam, baby… You feel like you’re close.” The rasp of her voice sounded thick with pleasure as she spoke to him.
“Sweetie… I want it all. I want every drop of your load inside of me.”
That was fucking it. Everything snapped. He felt his entire world melting away as the heat of his gut boiled and overflowed. FU-KING-SHIT, he thought as his hips stuttered to a halt, shoved as deep inside as he could go. His cock trembled with each scorching shot of his seed, reveling in the feeling of painting her insides white. It felt so incredibly good. Sex with any other woman never felt this magnificent, this fervent. His sweetheart was the only one to ever make him so fucking euphoric.
“Oh, baby… oh, baby…” He whimpered in his sweet woman’s ear as he rocked his hips into her heat just a few more times. It wasn’t until he was absolutely spent that he finally gave in and laid on top of her. He was so fucking in love.
Her arms snaked around him, holding his face closer to her chest. Her soft fingers tangled in the short hairs at the base of his neck, sending a wave of goosebumps down his arms. It was flawless, the feeling of her full breasts like pillows beneath him. It wasn’t the first time, but it always felt like it as the need to nuzzle into them was ever present and how could he deny such a simple need?
Her hand glided over his ribs as it traveled to his back. The pads of her fingers drawing small circles in the tired muscles of his muscular back. Much like his muscles, he couldn’t control the heaviness in his eyelids, black creeping over his vision.
“I love you, Timmy.” He heard her whisper, felt her chaste kiss on his forehead.
“Love you, too. Love you so much.” He murmured into her tits, feeling himself slip away into a deep, much needed sleep.
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austarus · 3 years
Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne) x Reader x Harry Wells: Six Crows - Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Extrication From The Void
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*A/N: This edit does belong to me, though the individual photos don’t belong to me
**Please don’t forget to comment, like, and reblog. It means a lot to content creators of all kinds!
***I’d also like to thank @grimtamlain-writes​ for being my beta reader.
Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne) x Reader x Harry Wells: Six Crows
Word Count: 7152
You watched the timer as it hit ‘zero’; your heart dropped heavily in your chest as the numbers flashed in red multiple times. Time was up; five days had passed – a decision had been made. Eobard had set that timer right as you had come back home from Harrison’s, after the talk you two had in the Speed Lab. At first, the countdown wasn’t so bad – you’d only check it at the end of the first two nights, but as the hour ticked to signal the end of the third day you dreaded every silent minute. Your nerves were spiked, and anxiety crept in your mind; sleep was just as nearly as impossible as before. What had been little glances at the timer turned to checking it every thirty minutes to every ten minutes and waiting. Waiting and waiting. Sometimes you forgot to eat, other times you were too preoccupied in your thoughts that Eobard had sent Thad and Jesse to coax you into leaving the Speed Lab to get some food and rest while he worked on perfecting the extraction plan. Your mouth felt dry as Jesse and Thad put the finishing touches to assembling all the equipment. Your eyes stung as you stared at the open space in the newly refined lab, such an endeavor by Thaddeus when he grew bored from working on optimizing the NTE (Negative Tachyon Enhancer). Eobard’s gaze softened as he watched you clench and unclench your hands a few times. Jesse and Thaddeus glanced at each other with sagged shoulders, their eyes flickering back to you who had your back turned to all of them.
“I’ll go get him.” Eobard’s voice brought you out of your trance – his heart was still shaken about the condition of your future self. But Eobard reminded himself that this was for your happiness and for his children, he’d do anything to secure their safety. He’d burn down the world and build it back up for them. You knew that. So did Thaddeus and potentially Jackson. It was not below the villain to travel back to Harrison to drag him here kicking and screaming to bring back a man he’d have to learn to get along with for future’s sake. For Jesse, Thad, and Jack. Since Thaddeus’ arrival and revelation, Eobard’s thoughts had been consumed with how you and he would make things work with Harry. How in the distant future, this union would be the establishment of an intricate legacy built on affection, compromise, and understanding… That is, if Harry was even willing to make things work after hearing the truth in this timeline. Timelines vary, decisions can be altered. Was he himself ready to make such a compromise for your sake? Eo had about 3 months to collect his thoughts and feelings on the matter, coming to the conclusion that he would be willing to try to make things work for your happiness. 
But Harry? This would no doubt be sprung on him once he returns in one peace. And using what knowledge he knows about the Wells doppelganger; Eobard can predict very few reactions from the man. Eobard had already come to terms that if Harry makes you happy then he wouldn’t lay a finger on him even if he rejects the notion firsthand. Even if deep down, Eobard’s jealousy would fester until bursting that your attention would not solely be on him. This would take some getting used to – the sharing, another person to look after. The speedster knows you all too well that you wouldn’t force this onto Harry, yet surely the prospect of Jack and Thad will change his mind through time. Jackson, the son he has yet to see. The son that would disappear should Harry decide that this wasn’t worth trying for with you and him. An unintentional casualty. Thaddeus would be robbed of his twin brother once more, this time by Harry’s hand.
“Do as you must,” you whispered, throwing a look over your shoulder to your speedster. Before Eobard could even summon his suit, a portal opened before you, causing you to take a step back with a hand ready to pull out some carbon from your body. Slight wind whipped in the air. Jesse and Thaddeus took a step forward, but Eobard held an arm out to stop them. There would be no threat here tonight. Your breath caught in your throat as Harrison stepped out with an all too familiar scowl on his face. His clear-framed glasses were perched on his face as always and his hair was mussed from the time travel. Tension hung thickly in the speed lab as Harrison continued to lock eyes with you. Your hands felt clammy as you chewed on the inside of your cheek.
Harrison’s eyes landed on the young man in the room; one of the nephews you had mentioned to him a few days ago. The dark-haired genius noticed traces of familiar features of himself from the young man, noting the tell-tale signs that he was also a speedster. His father’s son. The young man’s eyes burned brightly, watching him with curiosity and by no mistake that aspect only fueled that he was your child. You had done the same when he first came to STAR Labs to reveal himself before brushing him off with a cold attitude. A little ball of bitterness developed inside of Harrison as his mind wandered. Maybe I could…? No, that’d be selfish and everything in the timeline would go to absolute shit. The timeless being gritted his teeth as no one dared to speak up. Harrison would only bring in an aberration into the world if he were to do that. He would not make the mistake Martin Stein had done – a recollection from Harry.  Harrison shifted his eyes to the young woman beside the speedster – his heart twisting as Harry’s memories seeped into his mind. Jesse “Quick”; Harry’s brilliant daughter and the child he would never have with his Tess. Licking his lips slightly, Harrison saw Tess in Jesse, a moment he had dreaded and a desire that would never come to fruition. While he knew Harry had lost his Tess when Jesse was young, the man still envied his doppelganger for having the one thing he had planned to have with Tess when he had first proposed – the very first time before Eobard had killed the love of his life and stole his molecular structure as a facade.
Harrison’s light blue eyes finally landed on Thawne who stood in front of Jesse and the young man protectively. Hatred gripped at the genius’ heart; the selfish speedster that had ripped his happiness away all for the price of revenge against a child. Harrison could have had a family; a daughter or a son or both with Tess. Jesse could have been his daughter too. A little family that he would return to from the labs and take care of. A life beyond the miserable time loop he had allowed himself to live in for some semblance of normalcy with the woman who had captured his heart and soul. But happiness came at a price, didn’t it? He would never attain that happiness; not in this timeline and not in another. And as much as Harrison wanted to stay out of it – to rid himself of the issues that you bring to his door, Harrison couldn’t deny that he was intrigued about your little family quip. There was more to this story of yours than meets the eye.
“You came.”
“I did, but I didn’t come on the premise of a sudden change in heart.” There was no warmth in Harrison’s words, neither in his eyes as he finally looked at you. It took sheer willpower to muster such an expression to you, sheer mental control to push memories of you from his other versions away. The feelings and affections they have towards you. But that was why he was here after all. One less series of memories the Wells can do away with and you would be bound by your agreement to never seek him out again. “I came here out of pity and with the soul promise that your cursed family will leave me be,” Harrison brushed you off before sending a glare towards Eobard, who only narrowed his eyes at his mirror image. “Mark my words, if the deal is not honored then you will regret it.”
“The deal will be honored,” you responded firmly.
Eobard almost snorted, only raising an amused eyebrow at the Timeless Wells. The villainous speedster took the threat lightly because really in comparison to him, Harrison was no real threat. The dark-haired speedster could easily take down the man he had killed to masquerade, even if he had time-based powers. Every set of abilities has its own weakness and Eobard would make it his goal to be Harrison’s should he choose to come after his family. You would be a little hesitant on retaliating, but that was fine with Eobard since he knew you’d ultimately defend yourself. He understood how a familiar face can cause reluctance to inflict pain, after all he’s done it so much to Team Flash using Harrison’s face. Instead of responding to Harrison, Eobard simply ignored the threat as a greater insult to the genius. He gets time-based powers and suddenly he feels he can act all high and mighty in this situation. Oh, how wrong you are, Wells.
“He’s certainly prickly like dad.” Jesse nudged you with her elbow as Harrison approached Eobard with cautious steps. His eyes examined the pieces of technology that have been assembled. The pod that lingered near two seats that were placed back to back and connected to the pod with various tubes. Harrison noticed the generator hooked up to both stations as well in the Speed Lab.
You briefly glanced at her before stepping over to the others. “Trust me, he’s only like that because of me and Eobard. He’s much sweeter to the others.” To me when he arrived at STAR Labs.
“So, how does this plan of yours exactly work, Thawne?” 
Eobard licked his lips and cleared his throat, tell-tale signs of a scientific lecture that Harrison will no doubt be able to follow accordingly. They were both geniuses, after all. “Simply put, we will be extricating Harry from you.” Harrison raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, biting back a remark to let the speedster continue. “As we all know, Harry and the rest of the Wells’ organic particles reside in you, allowing you to come into existence after their downfall with Barry’s artificial Speed Force machine. Their organic molecules pulled you into existence from whatever void you had been in with the addition of you being able to harness their memories. I’ve replicated the Neural Bridge device that Team Flash had made in order to sync brainwaves, further enhancing it to accommodate for the different frequencies of brainwaves for people outside of Earth-1.” The futuristic speedster holds two simple devices that will encase the head. Jesse had been the one to piece it together from what she remembered 4-5 years ago as the young genius made the necessary modifications with Thaddeus to project Earth-2 signal frequencies. She glanced at her brother seeing that he was just as nervous as she was
You took a step forward towards the two men, with pocketed hands. “Cisco and Harry had used this device to pull Barry out of the Speed Force five years ago.” You added in solemnly. “Later it was used to communicate with Savitar, Barry’s evil time remnant, to take him down, and then against Devoe. We will be syncing Jesse’s Earth-2 brainwave frequency to yours while the two of you are rendered unconscious by the Neural Bridge. You’ll be hooked up to her signal.”
“By using Jesse as a beacon, we’ll be isolating Harry’s Earth-2 signature as well as his organic molecules that resonate within you. She’ll be the anchor that will pull him back,” Eobard continued as Harrison looked over to the young speedster. Jesse sent a little nod to the Earth-1 Wells, her insides squeezing at the prospect that they were actually going through with this. She was going to see her dad again and she was going to meet her other brother. The Timeless Wells saw hope twinkle in her eyes – how could he rip such a thing away from her? “All you need to do is to let go of anything that belongs to Harry. His quirks, his memories, his feelings. Jesse will need to focus heavily on Harry through her memories – any vivid memory that will harness Harry’s DNA and memories into the Organic Extricator Pod.” Glancing to the side, Harrison eyed the glass pod beside the young man who drummed his fingers against the glass a few times.
“And the primary power source that’ll be used?” Harrison dropped his crossed arms to study Eobard and you over his shoulder.
“Thaddeus,” you gestured to your son, “will use his speed to power up the generator. He’s capable of running at Jesse’s speed”
Harrison took a glimpse at Thaddeus, seeing a flicker of red in the young man’s eyes. Traces of the Negative Speed Force. The young man sent him a cheeky smile and a little wave; he was completely harmless compared to his bastard speedster father. Harrison ignored the gesture instead fully turning to you and Eobard. “Will it hold?”
You glanced at Eobard when prompted by Harrison’s question. Eobard firmly responded, “It should hold.”
“‘Should’ and ‘will’ are two different words,” Harrison huffed out with a slight cynical laugh. He adjusted his glasses before asking, “And what about the potential physiological damage that can happen to me?” The dark-haired time traveler challenged your fiance, staring him down with doubt and hostility present in his questions. Harrison doesn’t doubt Eobard’s genius and the calculations made, but the Wells doubted his current position for safety. Eobard pursed his lips, holding his irritation in. “You certainly didn’t think I’d go through with it after such an explanation. Would this be your way of tearing me molecule by molecule, Thawne? Would this be your assurance that my time loop ends with my demise?”
Your hand gripped onto Eobard’s larger hand tightly before he could say anything. You responded in his stead with a jab of your own, “I will be monitoring your vitals. Should anything happen to you then I will step in, I’m a physician after all. Surely, you’d gathered that much from the memories that reside inside of you, Harrison.”
Harrison stood there speechless for a moment before gathering himself to respond. “You planned to save me?” His throat felt dry.
“You do have your own love to go back to,” you nodded simply, sending him a small smile. As pointless as it might seem to me, you’ll desire to go back to her no matter how much it upsets you deep down. Harrison pressed his lips for a moment, silent as he looked over the board of equations. Eobard didn’t like it when people second-guessed his work, especially if it came from this Wells. Harry, he might be able to tolerate it as they can try to work together for your sake. Key word ‘might’. But Harrison? There was no common ground between them. “I promised you we’d leave you alone. Whether you desire to see your nephews from then on would be up to you. I have no doubt that they wouldn’t turn you away from being their uncle.”
One look at Jesse and Thaddeus’ hopeful faces had Harrison sighing from deep within and averting his eyes from them. The pleading looks tickled his heart – he couldn’t bear the feeling if they were to look at him any longer. The little seeds of guilt that had been planted. Never had he thought he’d be doing this. “When do we start?”
“Now,” had been Eobard’s immediate response.
“Now?” Harrison’s eyes narrowed slightly at the speedster, and you nibbled on your bottom lip as their interaction continued.
“Yes, now.” Eobard retorted, powering up the devices and the generator, though it needed to siphon off Thad’s speed to be at its full capacity. “The more time we spend, the more you’re likely to re-think your decision and leave. Might as well rip the band-aid off.” Eobard sent the Original Wells a side-smirk, handing the Neural device to Jesse who was already stepping up on the podium that mounted to the back-to-back seats. A huff left Harrison to which you patted his arm, sending him a thankful whisper and a meaningful look. He hated it; hated how he had a slight weakness for you because of Harry, HR, Sherloque, and Nash.
Thad took a step towards the Timeless Wells while swallowing thickly. His anxiety was flaring since his uncle had stepped through the portal. Scratch that- since the timer had whittled down to zero. “Uh, Uncle Harrison?”
“Don’t call me that.” Harrison responded brusquely, putting the Neural bridge on his head and adjusted it to fit comfortably with his clear-framed glasses perched on his nose. “I’m not your uncle, I’m not part of your family.” I don’t want to be part of this dysfunctional family anyway. I wanted to have a family of my own… but I can’t. Because of your damned father.
“Right. Sorry, um…” Thaddeus responded sheepishly, continuing to fiddle with the palm of his hand. A memory flickered through Harrison’s mind. It was when Sherloque spoke of your nervous habit to you when you two first met. The Original Wells was pulled out of his thoughts once more by the young speedster. “Thank you for doing this. For helping us bring my dad and brother back. I… it means the world to me and Jesse that we get to see them again.”
“…” Harrison said nothing, and Thaddeus took that as his cue to walk away to where the Speed Chamber’s entrance was. Maybe I shouldn’t have been harsh on him. Once he got the signal, then he’d start powering up the generator for as long as he could. “How long will we be under?” Harrison directed his attention towards you, who was securing all the power lines and making sure Jesse was all prepped. The young Wells was more determined than ever, but Harrison still sensed a bit of unease from her as she sat behind him. You kissed her forehead and squeezed her hand, whispering words of comfort and reassurance. Jesse’s heart squeezed tightly, thanking you for everything before you moved away from her.
“Maximum 10 minutes, optimally though five minutes is the desired time frame to pull Harry out before Thad and Eobard switch places,” you answered, coming over to stand in front of him with your tablet. Your eyes ran over the results of the diagnostic scans before your eyes met his baby blue hues. “You should be knocked out within a few seconds of initiating the Neural Bridge.”
“Why not have Thawne run first? Surely, he’s faster than your son.”
“You’re right, but Thaddeus is determined to use any bit of his power to bring his brother back. Let him have this. Jack, his twin, is mainly of Harry’s lineage, but from what he’s told me then those two are inseparable.”
“Interesting. Fraternal twins born of the same mother,” Harrison leaned back in his chair, “but two men who are supposedly genetically identical. One child inherited speed, the other child did not.” To form fraternal or dizygotic twins, two eggs (ova) are fertilized by two sperm and produce two genetically unique children. In this case one egg received Thawne’s and the other received Harry’s genetic DNA.
“That seems to be the case, yes.” You nodded with an edge of pride in your voice. “My future twin boys.”
“Are we ready?” Eobard moved from the main monitor that would track Harrison and Jesse’s vitals along with their brain wavelength. You licked your lips throwing Harrison one last smile, one last look filled with hope and gratefulness, before you moved back a step. An expression you’d never given him. Should something happen, the extrication will be halted, and an assessment will be made to modify the current technology. But everything should run accordingly, the kids and I worked hard on this. Jesse threw a look over her shoulder, nodding at the villain she had grown close to – even almost seeing him as another father in these last couple months. Harrison averted his eyes for a moment, hesitant before looking up and nodding at you and Eobard. Thaddeus fidgeted from foot to foot with his speedster suit on, his eyes trained on you and his father before glancing at his sister. Thaddeus gave her that goofy smile to which she shook her head at him before a smile crossed her own face.
Harrison watched you step away from where he sat to stand beside Eobard. The scientist took a deep breath in, mentally preparing himself for what’s about to unfold. “Here we go,” Eobard murmured softly to you, letting your hand drop as he let his fingers dance across the control panel. Right as Eobard flicked the appropriate switches, Harrison and Jesse lost consciousness – laying limp in their chairs but breathing softly. Thaddeus had started running when his father had given him the cue, hitting Mach 2.7 with ease and gradually increasing to Mach 2.8 with the NTE attached to his chest. Red and black lightning licked up in the air, streaking the circuit as energy was released into the system. A smile twitched on Eobard’s lips; Thad was getting very close to his average speed.
2% Complete
Jesse snapped her eyes open, a vague light in the darkness that surrounded her. She stood in the middle of the Pluto Exhibit at the Central City Observatory; all was silent. Not a single thing moved in sight. Blinking a few times, she looked around – a miniature version of the Solar System hung above her head while multiple wall hangings of space faced her. This must be one of my memories. Why the observatory though? Jesse frowned to herself before the sounds of multiple footsteps and rough mumbles greeted her ears. Instinctively, the speedster ducked behind a far corner to peer cautiously at the scene. Her mouth dried at the site of her father; dark hair all ruffled while sporting his black clothes as security guards flooded the exhibit. Harry was younger then, but he still wore an angry expression on his face with worry ever present in his eyes as he threatened Griffin Hodge, the Observatory’s owner. How can I forget? Dad had lost me in the Constellation Exhibit – well, I sorta wandered off when he wasn’t looking. A sigh left her as a feeling of longing pulsed in her heart. Here she was, obscuring herself behind a wall to a memory she never thought she’d revisit. A sharp pang echoed in the young speedster’s heart as one of the security guards pulled a 6-year-old version of Jesse from underneath the tables that held the time’s information on Pluto. Giggling at being found in her little game of ‘hide and seek’ with the guards.
He was so mad that day, but he was so relieved to see me… He got me ice cream on the drive home and played with me all night until I fell asleep for school the next day. Wouldn’t let me go. Never, not since mom passed… How long has it been since this had crossed my mind? Swallowing thickly, Jesse heard a little click behind her as if a door had been unlocked. Turning her head, the metal doors gently swung open, and light filtered out towards her, beckoning her forward. Standing up straighter, the speedster took a step before throwing one last look behind her. Jesse saw her dad crouch down and enveloped her younger self in a tight hug, no doubt whispering that she shouldn’t leave his side like that again. I miss you so much, dad. She could only wonder how Thaddeus feels… Turning back to the source of light, Jesse walked forward into the next memory.
We’re coming for you.
Harrison blinked at the darkness in his own mind, a slight headache forming. Adjusting his clear-framed glasses, Harrison floated in the darkness – one that rivaled your own conjuring that night above the labs when he was to return to Tess. The venom in your words that you had spat in his face. The only light that came was the green aura-like light around Harrison. Noticing the white string that was wrapped around his wrist, Harrison looked on into the direction the thread led off to. There was nothing but darkness. Who was Harry Wells? I’m Harrison Wells, but so was Harry. Yet, we’re different. A breath left the genius as he shut his eyes and tried to focus. On what though? What should I be focusing on…? A giggle drifted from the darkness. Turning his head, Harrison’s eyes widened as his feet gingerly landed on the tiled floor of the hospital. He stood in the doorway, the two people in the hospital room were none the wiser to his presence. An odd wave of nostalgia hit Harrison at the scene in front of him. He watched his doppelganger gently smile at his own Tess; a little bundle swaddled in her arms. The child was sound asleep, breathing gently. Harrison’s heart ached at Harry’s memory, jealousy slipping inside of him. He watched Harry’s Tess Morgan giggle at the baby, who’s eyes were shut.
“What should we call her?” Harry asked, visibly struggling with caressing his child’s soft cheeks with his thumb. He saw how Harry’s fingers shook, afraid that he would hurt his new baby girl. Harrison knew Harry had been reluctant in having children – they weren’t for him, but… Tess had her ways in convincing him, after all.
“Jesse. Her name will be Jesse.”
Harry Wells was not a cruel man. Harrison breathed out through his nose as he left the scene through the open door down the hospital corridor. The Timeless Wells walked back into the darkness, the door shutting tightly behind him. That should have been my moment too. That should have been my happiness with Tess. Pivoting, Harrison saw that the memory had bubbled. Watching it with intrigue, Harrison let it settle in between the palms of his hands and felt such warmth radiant from it. He pushed that memory down the direction of the string that was tied to his wrist. He could only assume that the string led to Jesse and the Organic Extricator Pod. I’m supposed to let go of anything that is Harry Wells. 
Harrison’s ears were greeted by the screams of agony and command shouts to the side of him. The smell of blood lingered in the air in the direction of the rusted door. Harrison felt frozen in place - the sounds of war he was not accustomed to had drawn him close to the door. Before his hands could even turn the door’s knob, the memory sealed itself in a bubble only allowing Harrison a small preview window of The War of The Americas. The time traveler could sense bitterness and malice as the bubble drifted in font of him. He peered into the memory, bodies were falling left and right as blood sprayed the ground and bullets rained from the heavens. Harrison gritted his teeth at the blatant disregard for human life. Bombs went off, limbs flew in the air. The Original Wells wanted to throw his guts up as soldiers were maimed battle after battle. The physical and mental scars that would haunt Harry for the rest of his life. Harry was a man that was prepared for every possible solution – a veteran of war and one hell of a sharpshooter. Harrison gazed at the open palm of his hand solemnly before clenching it tightly. Harry has had his fair share of loss and sorrow. The anguish, the terror, and the hostility… the trauma Harry must have suffered... War brought out the worst in humanity - greed took the form of leadership as soldiers were moved around the chess board as pawns in this accursed game of life.
Harrison swallowed thickly, sweat had collected on his forehead as he was faced with a new memory – the clouds were overcast as the heavens cried this time. Droplets fell, but he never got wet. The Timeless Wells watched Harry stand with an umbrella in one hand while Jesse, no more than three years old, was cradled in his other arm. Their backs were turned to him. Harrison’s heart stung as his eyes scanned over the tombstone; he can only imagine the pain that will forever linger in his existence. A pain that had dulled in Harrison time after time in his Time Loop with Tess. He had to harden his heart when his wife died.
He was a father. Another door had appeared, this time of opening a scene to Harry frantically searching every corner and crevice at an Observatory. Harrison watched Harry in his panicked state as he called out Jesse’s name. The security guards aided him, looking into every exhibit as he stood there threatening a man who had shrunk in his place under Harry’s heated gaze. It wasn’t until a security guard had pulled out the giggling child that Hell’s wrath had dissipated in Harry as he took Jesse in his arms. Harrison heard the child whisper a small apology as her father held her tightly. The memory bubbled once more as he left and again, he sent the memory down the thread. Memory after memory was sent down. Some didn’t make sense to Harrison, he assumed that they no longer came in chronological order, but some included what he suspected were the events leading up to Zoom and his stay on Earth-1 with Team Flash. Moments of banter, frowns turned into reluctant smiles with witty comments between him and the others. The anger and frustration to throw his tools around to piss of Cisco, something Harrison would never do. But I guess that’s one more difference between Harry and I. The death of ‘The Turtle’ and the guilt that fed into the scientist, for his actions had led to Iris’ hospitalization. The hope and determination of going back to Earth-2 to get his daughter. There was so much darkness around him. One thing had been clear though. Harry Wells was… is one of a kind and no Wells would replace the other in the hearts of Team Flash. He was stubborn, overprotective, grumpy, rough, serious and snarky, but Harry was not an evil man. 
Harrison craned his head to find himself in STAR Labs. Not the one on Earth-2, but the Labs that should have belonged to him and Tess in the future he envisioned with her. Another memory, hmm… The lights flickered in the dim corridor and the air felt heavy. Tension hung thickly as Harrison took one quiet step after the other down the winding corridor. Ragged breaths and crazed shouts became clearer the closer Harrison got. The blood in his body froze right as blood splattered everywhere right in front of him – the walls, the ceiling, and the concrete ground. What the-? Harrison’s eyes widened as his breath hitched in his chest, tightening at the sickening sight of so much blood. The burly man in front of you instantly crumpled to the ground, blood flowing heavily from his chest as your ‘shadows’ that had pierced the man from inward out in every direction began to dissipate. It was a gruesome site, such were the capabilities of your powers. Your back had been facing Harrison the entire time, your shoulders shook as one hand was limply hanging by your side and your other was clenched tightly in a fist close to your upper body but still in the air. Harry was on the ground, a tired look was prominent on his face with sweat trickling down his face, but fear was present in his wide eyes as he cradled his bloodied side with an injured arm. His other arm propped his body up on the ground. Dried blood was caked down the side of Harry’s face.
“(Y/N),” Harry whispered your name softly, his throat had felt dry, and his body screamed at him for even the slightest of movements from the pain embedded in his side. A shudder ran through you as Harrison watched you drop to your knees, bringing both shaky hands in front of you as you remained covered in blood. Harrison felt sick to his stomach, but he couldn’t look away from you – this version of you who was only a few years younger than the one he was talking to earlier. Not the cool composure you typically have, but vulnerable like this.
“What have I done?” Your breathing picked up; you were on the verge of a panic attack.
With all the strength left in his body, Harrison watched Harry scoot his wounded self towards your humbled form. Tears left your eyes, puffing up and reddening from what you had just done. “Hey, hey. Stop. Look at me-”
“-I-I didn’t mean to. He was going to kill you.”
“Look at me,” Harry rasped out firmly, a hand gripping the side of your face to meet his gaze. His thumb rubbed a tear away. “It was a mistake, ok? It’s not your fault. He-”
“-I just killed a man, Harry!”
“But not out of cold blood.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because I’ve killed in cold blood.” Harrison felt the sting in those words on Harry’s part. “Because you’re shaking right here, right now and you feel regret. Regret for someone you don’t know. Because killing was never your intention, it’s not you. Because all you did was react in self-defense to seeing me like this.”
“I feel like a monster,” you breathed out, your hands falling limply in your lap as you averted your eyes.
“You’re anything but a monster.”
“… You can’t tell them.”
“Barry and the others, you can’t tell them about this.”
“What are you-”
“-If you do, I’ll let them know about you and Zoom.” You had snapped your eyes back onto Harry, a guarded flicker in your eyes as those words left your mouth. Harrison blinked at the scene.
This must have been early before Harry had stolen Barry’s speed and his confession to the others. When Zoom had forced his hand into cooperating in exchange for Jesse’s safety.
Harry’s eyes widened in panic, his hand falling from your blood-stained cheek. Harrison watched his body go rigid, Harry’s expression steeled under your gaze. His mission to bring Jesse back would not be compromised by you. Harry pressed his lips into a thin line for a moment before speaking, “How do you know about Zoom?”
“I followed you that one night, in the 'shadows'. I hid in the darkness of the alley where you were meeting Zoom at night, and I watched the exchange. I knew there was a reason for you being here other than wanting to stop Zoom. He has your daughter.”
“Are you threatening me?”
“… My secret is mine to tell, yours is your own. Just… Please, Harry.”
“…” Harry looked into your pleading eyes, your strained voice from the shock in your system. A rough sigh left him as he grunted in response, “Get me to the med bay.” His eyes became cold, and you only nodded with a dejected look as you helped him. An expression that meant to say, ‘I didn’t want to threaten you, I just… didn’t know if I could trust you’.
Harrison was pulled out of that memory abruptly, the door shut tightly and the memory bubbled instantly in front of him as he gathered his bearings. The hair at the back of his neck still stuck up at this revelation, but he can’t deny the sympathy he felt for you. The haunting look in your eyes from taking a life. Such innocence at the time. Did the others find out that he knew? Harrison was hesitant in sending this memory bubble down the line. More was revealed of your exchanges with his Earth-2 doppelganger, the closeness that developed between you two during the events with Zoom. The dependability and reassurance of one another even if the flower of love had not bloomed yet - the little touches and missed looks. The more Harrison had let go of each memory, the more he learned about you and your past struggles through Harry’s eyes. Through Harry’s eyes the Timeless Wells began to understand who you truly were and how Harry felt for you. How you had struggled with the trauma of Thawne’s initial death and the depression that followed.
Harry had been your cage, your safe space for your powers not to go as rampant from your distressed emotions like it had in the Labs’ corridor. Thawne’s death had caused you to spiral - your control over your powers slacked as you seldom used it when the Team was dishing it out with Zoom. You had been the one visiting Harry the most during the Savitar events, confiding in him the underlying words Savitar had told you during the team’s interrogation. He had been the one to entrust you with Jesse’s safety as she spent time on Earth-1 with Wally. Mentions of HR here and there, a sweet man really, but Harrison sensed moments of jealousy on Harry’s part even when you’d remained by his side. This version of you was not aware of Thawne’s return due to Flashpoint. Harrison wasn’t watching a sappy rom-com, no; he was sincerely watching two people fall in love and get so close but have to reel back from each other because of the circumstances that constantly befalls the two of you for the sake of Team Flash. He saw the connection that you had with not only Harry, but the mentions of HR and Sherloque. If these memories were reaching Jesse, how would she react? She didn’t seem phased with your powers nor on how they operated. Meaning Harry could have told her once returning to Earth-2 after the events with Devoe. Only then does Harrison begin to see the bitterness that had built up inside you since HR’s death shown in your eyes - the outburst in the cemetery against Barry and Iris- whenever you’d return from Earth-1 even when 3-4 years had passed.. Always so close, yet so far. The reluctance, or rather the hesitance hung in the air.
Harrison continued on, sending memories down the thread one after the other. How long had he been in his own mind? Surely, it’s been more than 10 minutes. He had to hand it to Thawne, using Jesse as a prime signal to reel anything and everything that belonged to her father was a genius idea. The strong connection that Jesse and Harry had was already a very good starting point. A wave of dizziness hit Harrison as his chest howled in pain, his breathing quickened to shallow breaths. Must be Harry’s organic particles being extricated. I didn’t think any pain would surface because of the millions of other organic Wells particles in my body, but that must have been wishful thinking... Sweat beaded at Harrison’s forehead as the closing act of Devoe was sent through and what surfaced next was Harry’s intellectual recovery on Earth-2 during the Cicada events. The dark-haired Wells is disheartened by Devoe’s deeds to experiment on Harry; blatantly disgusted when The Thinker had called his genius doppelganger nothing more than a “guinea pig for the Enlightenment”. For without technology, how could man progress in the world?
One thing was for sure, Harry Wells was a man full of secrets. But he loved select people in his life, and when he did, Harry loved deeply.
Feeling a presence lurking behind him, Harrison turned only to meet the back of his doppelganger. An aura of light blue pulsed dimly around Harry in contrast to Harrison’s green aura. A split second of wonder flickered in his head, what would HR’s light be? Sherloque? Nash? Harrison shouted Harry’s name, but nothing. He tried once more, yet earned no response. It was like Harry couldn’t hear his Earth-1 version, as if he wasn’t on the same field or plane of existence. The war veteran was just suspended in the air quietly, out of reach. Harrison reached a hand out and-
42% Complete
Taking a quick swig of your water, your eyes lingered on the vitals screen rather than the progress bar. Your mind was plagued in doubt at the thought of either losing Jesse or Harrison. True he was your only link to Harry and the other boys, but he was still a human with his own feelings of longing for times when things were just simpler for him and Tess. In a split second your eyes widened in fear as the power levels that had increased to 47% suddenly plummeted to 28%, the screens flashing red and beeping. “Eo,” you slapped a hand on his arm to pull him from his staring at the Speed Chamber. “The energy level is dropping!”
“No, no, no,” Eobard whispered in disbelief before summoning his suit and on instinct channeling his speed to run into the Speed Chamber with Thaddeus. Instead of running beside his son, he surged past Thad to bring the energy levels back up. 
78% Complete
“It’s only been a few minutes.” Your breath was caught in your throat as you looked away from the timer to focus on Harrison – a prominent strain was on his face as pained grunts left him. His eyes were screwed shut while Jesse remained in perfect stasis. The OEP’s glasses were fogging up as the numbers climbed gradually to 90% due to Eo and Thaddeus’ couple energy – a rough silhouette formed amongst the mist. The pounding in your heart became ominous, “Please. Please make it through,” you begged in a low voice. Come back home, Harry. Come back to all of us and bring Jack with you.  It didn’t take long for the generator to start sputtering odd noises, shaking as the glass of the pod started to crack with each second that went by. Your breath hitched as red lightning crackled in the air around the generator. The tubes that connected the generator to the OEP visibly surged red electricity into the pod. Letting out a tight breath, you summoned black carbon to encase Jesse and Harrison in an impenetrable sphere with barely enough time to make one around the generator. 
100% Complete-
The generator exploded...
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
My “Works” Masterpost: (Everchanging, always growing!)
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Someone asked me for a master post of all my fics so here they are! This post will be updated as I write them. 
Also feel free to shoot me an ask with an idea if you have one!!! ♥
ETA  6/9/2022:
I’ve added more people I write for!
Who I Write For: [All are x Reader]
Rafael Barba (SVU)
Nevada Ramirez (”Trouble In The Heights”)
Jonas Nightingale (”Leap Of Faith”)
Abel Plenkov/The Ripper (”My Soul To Take”)
Paul Mendelson (”Dopesick”)
Jack Neilson (”The Path”)*
Bryan Kneef (”The Good Fight”)*
Really any Raul Esparza Character
From Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington 
Eddie Munson
Maybe someone if you convince me to. 
*-- Be advised I haven’t written for them yet. Also I only saw a few episodes with Jackson in The Path, and I think Bryan only has like two scenes in one episode?
Series In Progress:
"Words Fail" [Rafael Barba x Reader]
“Summer Of ‘87″ [Eddie Munson x Reader]
Completed Series [Eddie Munson x Reader]
“Spring Break ‘86″ 
Completed Series [Rafael Barba x Reader]
(All the chapters are linked up I promise!)
"...So I Married A Monster" *A William Lewis/Rafael Barba x You Story, Read At Your Own Discretion*
“Build Me Up Buttercup”
“Return To Sender”
“My Fairy Abogado “
“Caught In The Storm”
“Black Magic”
“Doppelganger” *Sequel To Black Magic* Rafael x Reader and Nevada Ramirez x Reader  {Note: This fic deals with dark situations like sexual assault and abuse.]
"Not My Yacht" {A William Lewis fic, this fic deals with dark situations like torture and sexual assault. But a happy ending!}
"Weird Secret Friends"
Eddie Munson One Shots:
“Happy Anniversary”
“The Gauntlet”
“Cool Off”
“New Kid”
Rafael Barba One Shots:
“Todos Las Dias De Mi Vida”
“Warrior” (Sequel To “Helpless”)
“You Are My Exception”
“If You Like Pina Coladas”
“God I Love Weddings!”
“The Story” (Barson)
“Paper Rings”
“Never Leave You Again”
“Your Soliloquy”
“The Man Of Your Dreams”
“Because I Can”
"Trick Or Treat"
“Holiday Party [NSFW]
“A Boyfriend For Christmas”
“A Christmas Miracle {ANGST}
“Christmas Bake Off”
“A Helping Hand” (NSFW)
“Say You Want Me, And I’m Yours”
“New Year’s Eve”
Miscellaneous One Shots:
“Dancing On My Own” (Rollisi)
“The Good Lord’s Touch” (Jonas Nightingale x Reader, LOF)
"Reunion" (An "Atypical" Sam/Paige OS)
"I'm Yours In Every Way You'll Have Me" (Regina Mills x Reader, *OUAT*)
Nevada Ramirez/Reader One Shots:
“Feliz Año Nuevo” 
“Christmas At Rockefeller Center”
"Mi Rey" 
“Super Bowl Sunday”
Ripper/Abel Plenkov x Reader One Shots:
"I Hate Mondays" (NSFW)
"Happy Anniversary"
"Dancing With The Devil"
Anon Drabble Requests [Rafael Barba x Reader]
“Sick Day”
“La Loba”
“Lunch Date”
“Secret Agent”
“Cupcake Apologies”
“I Love....’
“Going Live!”
“Merry Christmas Darling”
“Driver’s License”
“Take Your Daughter To Work Day”
“Bad Day”
“Career Day”
“Good Morning”
“Law And Order”
“Cupcake Congrats”
“Caught”  (G Rated)
“Caught” (NSFW)
“Only You”
“ Cierras ya tus ojitos”
“Coffee Date”
“Breakfast In Bed” 
“Hey, Get Back Here And Cuddle Me!”
Three’s A Crowd” *NSFW* (Barisi x you)
“Love Handles”
"All Of You" (NSFW)
"Bar Fight"
"Cappuccino Man"
"Pumpkin Spice Lattes"
"Bar Bet" (Nick Amaro/Reader Rafa/Reader)
"Law School"
"Stole My Heart" (William Lewis/Reader OS) *Don't JUDGE Me!*
"Death Do You Part" (ANGSTY OS/Death)
"Princess Prude" *High School AU*
"You Broke My Heart And All You Can Say Is Sorry?!"
"My Hero"
"Thank God For Vodka"
"Big And Beautiful"
"Meeting The Kids"
"Underwear Shopping"
"A Breeding Kink, Counselor?"
"...It Unhooks In The Front"
"Boob Worship"
"Making Up"(NSFW)
"Piercing Surprise"
"Feliz Navidad"
"Big Bad Lawyer Boyfriend"
"No Dogs Allowed"
“Sharky” Series [Rafael Barba x Reader]:
“I Don’t Want To Hurt You” (”Sharky” One Shot)
“Eyes On The Mirror....” (”Sharky” NSFW One Shot)
“Baby Shark” (”Sharky” Baby One Shot)
“Love Doesn’t Stand A Chance” (”Sharky” *Deleted Scene*)
“Safe Place”  (”Sharky” Fluff OS)
“Rough Day”  (“Sharky” NSFW OS)
“Baby Shower” (”Sharky” Fluff OS)
"Drive" (An AU "Sharky" NSFW OS)
"Broken" (*ANGSTY* Alternative to "Baby Shark")
“Spring Cleaning” (”Sharky” Fluffy OS)
“The Package” (”Sharky” Fluffy OS)
“Cuddling” (”Sharky” Fluff OS)
“Date Night” (”Sharky” Fluff OS)
“No Running” (”Sharky” Fluff OS)
320 notes · View notes
hrefna-the-raven · 2 years
Main masterlist
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Detroit Become Human
Link to DBH masterlist
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The Quarry
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Link to The Quarry masterlist
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Guardians of the Galaxy
Peter Quill aka Star Lord x female reader
Star Born (series)
Chapter 1 - Knowhere
Chapter 2 - Star Born
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Star Trek: Resurgence
Link to ST:R masterlist
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Link to LoKi Masterlist
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Sons of the Forest
Link to SotF masterlist
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Baldur's Gate 3
BG3 masterlist
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Dragon's Dogma 2
DD2 masterlist
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Fallout masterlist
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Misc. masterlist
Horror masterlist
101 notes · View notes
handsomemilo · 2 years
¦ 𝔼𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕞𝕖 ¦ 𝕚𝕝 𝔻𝕠𝕥𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 ¦
Wattpad version - I'll be posting more frequently there because I have a Handsome Jack x reader on that acc
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
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⁽ʸ/ⁿ'ˢ ᴾᴼⱽ⁾
The grey walls of the lab I've walked through a million times pass by as I go to find my lover. Il Dottore. Possibly the most psychotic of the Fatui harbingers, Yep that's him.
He experimented on children!
As much as I hate that fact I can't help but love him regardless. He's always finding ways to keep himself busy, however he's oddly lazy at the same time. He made a load of copies of himself that do his job for him and they are always working, him too of course, but you're more likely to see him lounging about than the others.
I was meant to be sent here, to be experimented on. However I wasn't too happy when I found out and was locked in a cell. I did what anyone would do and broke myself out and when a Cryogunner legionnaire came to stop me I stole his weapon and brought him to his knees.
Dottore apparently found that attractive..
He is a very questionable man.
I pass through the light blue double doors that lead to where all his doppelgangers are. Their eyes flick up to meet me. One comes to me and says "Hello my dear! You aren't meant to be here right now, is something the matter?" He moves in my way to stop me going to my dottore's office.
"No, no, I'm fine. Just need to speak with Dottore" I wave him off but another copy moves in my way and I now notice that the others have stopped what they are doing and coming to me. It's kind of creepy seeing so many of my partner at once.
"I'm Dottore so is it me you need?" The second one that got in my way spoke quietly. "or me?!" another further back shouted over the others. Soon a chorus of 'or me?'s could be heard.
As much as I love his voice its not fun to be hearing over and over as they hope that it is themselves that I want. "No I don't need any of you right now I-" "You just said you need to see me?" a copy growled as though he was an animal due to the fact he found the cacophony of dottore's an annoyance.
"no not-" a body suddenly threw himself at me and soon they began piling on top of me to try and hug me. The Dottore's starting fighting amongst themselves about who should get to talk to me and get to touch me.
They were so sweet but so jealous of anyone but themselves being with me. Soon a door, that was up a few steps from the main floor that we are all on, slammed open.
There stood my Dottore that had an angered look below his mask. He was not happy that he was being disrupted but when he saw it was me, his anger dissipated. "Get. Off. Of. Them." He spoke slowly but clearly so they knew it was an order they could not disobey. I had to clamber out of the pile of Dottores to stand up straight again and then began a quick walk to my beloved.
He moves out of the way so I can go into his office but then moves back to block the copies view of me. "GET BACK TO WORK YOU SORRY EXCUSES! and you are meant to be keeping them out!" I assume that last message was to the Geochanter that I always knock out before coming in here. He's a sweet boy but he gets difficult since he doesn't want to disobey his lord.
Dottore closed the door behind him with a light click. "Disturbing my work like this.."He shook his head in disaspointment. I quickly look around the room to see food boxes and unhealthy drinks scattered around with no hint of him working at all today.
" disturbing my work, my ass " I said in a snarky tone to get on his nerves. He glares under his mask, I know because his jaw clenched and he move his head towards me. "yeah yeah, whatever. What do you want?" He loses all formality he may ever have when he is with me.
"I just wanted to see you." My face pulls into a pout. He sits on a large sofa across the room from me and I go and join him.
"Well it seems you've seen plenty of me, out there." He put an arm around me. "but I suppose that does prove a personal theory of mine."
My eyes widen in surprise. "what theory is that?" A smirk grows onto his face.
" The theory that every part of me absolutely adores you."I lean into his touch and he continues. "I didn't realise that when I made my copies, successors if you will, that they would be just as madly in love with you as I am."
"I love you too Dottore, you sick bastard"
"ouch" He whines. "such mean words!"
"I wasn't expecting to get tackled by you today so I guess you must really love me" A grin grows on my features as we relax together.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
Word count : 8621
Check out my wattpad account because I have a Handsome Jack book that's only got the first chapter but I should be posting the next part soon <3 That link will take you to the Wattpad version of this so just yk click on my account to see other things.
Also guess who's currently obsessed with Vaas Montenegro, Handsome Jack and Anakin Skywalker.. That's right! This guy the author. No i am not fully there, mentally, but yk they're hot!
Hope you all enjoyed and let me know what you think <3
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stories-sometimes · 4 years
Freaky Friday
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky and her hate each other, but maybe switching bodies can help with that.
Warnings: Smut
Word Count: 1865
Her and Bucky hated each other, that was the only fact they could agree on. Everyone at the compound knew the smartest thing to do was to keep them apart unless they wanted to be in the crossfire of a petty fight. Leaving the two of them on their own while the other Avengers were on a mission wasn’t their first choice, but it was the only one they had. Her and Bucky were hit with a mysterious, unknown substance on the previous mission. And until people were confident there were no side effects, Bucky and she were under house arrest, trapped in the compound. 
“God, you have no fucking respect for people’s properties.” She screamed, storming into the lounge.
“What are you complaining about now?” Bucky groaned, dragging his eyes away from the late-night movie to look at the angry woman in front of him.
“You put your shirt in with my laundry.”
“Is that really what you’re making a huge deal out of.”
“When you put your red shirt in with my white clothes it is. Now they’re all fucking pink.”
“Oh, you poor thing, how will you possibly cope.” Bucky replied sarcastically.
“You are such an asshole. You can’t even find it in you to say sorry.” Bucky simply rolled his eyes in response. “Oh fuck you.” She shouted, throwing the now pink shirt in his face before walking off. She stormed to her room, stripped down to her tank top and panties. She lay down in her bed and tried to ignore the frustration she felt to try to get some sleep. Meanwhile, Bucky was sat contemplating his actions. He realised he was in the wrong, and should probably apologize. But there was something about the look on her face when she got her way that set off some feeling in the pit of his stomach. A feeling he wanted to forget about. An hour or so later he also made his way back to his bedroom. He removed his metal arm for the night, removed all clothes minus his boxers, and slipped under his covers.
The next morning she awoke to feel oddly heavier. Despite this, one half of her felt much lighter, creepily lighter. She opened her eyes, terrified to see a missing arm. She immediately pushed herself back. When she looked down she saw a hard plane of muscles rather than her usual chest. Her heart began to race faster, thoughts spinning in her head. She rushed to the nearest mirror, letting out a low pitched scream when she saw Bucky’s face staring back at her.
Across the hall, Bucky woke startled. He raised a hand to rub his head without thinking, a few seconds later realising he shouldn’t have that arm. He stared at the hand, a smaller softer limb replaced his. A few moments later Bucky saw a mirror image of himself burst into the room. He instantly jumped to his feet.
“Who the hell are you?” Bucky demanded, putting his hand to his throat when a female voice left his lips.
“It’s me.” The doppelganger replied. “Except your me and-” Bucky glanced down his top. He was definitely in a female body. He ran to the mirror, quickly followed by her.
“We’ve switched bodies.” Bucky said in awe. The two of them stared at their reflections, inspecting new faces carefully. Before long Bucky cupped his breasts, pushing them up and together.
“Get your hands off my boobs.” She demanded.
“Well, technically they’re my boobs.” Bucky said, still not removing his hands.
“I said get off.” She wrenched his hands away, snatching his wrists in one of her hands.
“Oww, what the hell?” Bucky shrieked. Thanks to the super-serum, Bucky’s body was much stronger than her own. And she had no experience or control over this power.
“I’m sorry, you’re a lot stronger than me.”
“It’s fine. We’ve changed.” He responded surprisingly civilly. “I mean I’m a lot hotter now.” He said, turning to admire his ass. She clenched her jaw, moving to her wardrobe to grab the baggiest clothes she owned and pushed them into Bucky’s chest.
“Just put the clothes on and stop talking about my body.” Bucky raised his hands in surrender, reluctantly putting the clothes on. “Can you help me put your arm back on?”
“Yeah sure.” They walked back into Bucky’s room. He found the arm and carefully secured it. “Okay, you need to relax your shoulder. Then slowly begin to move your fingers, then your hand and move up your arm. It might glitch throughout the day cause you’re not used to it but just reset the movements. Fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder, full arm.” He explained.
“Thanks.” She said before retreating back to her own room. They avoided each other for the next couple hours, each trying to adjust to their new bodies. All while desperately searching for a cure. 
She eventually had to leave her room to get food. In the kitchen, Bucky was sitting on the counter eating a bowl of cereal. She poured herself a bowl and sat opposite him.
“So,” Bucky said, breaking the silence, “I was thinking.”
“That’s new.” Bucky shot her an annoyed look.
“As I was saying. I’ve been thinking that we should have sex.” He said bluntly. She choked on her cereal.
“What the fuck.”
“I’m serious. You’re hot, and I’ve definitely thought about fucking you. Honestly, if you weren’t such bitch I would’ve asked you out ages ago.”
“Wow, you really are great at flirting.”
“Alright, I’m sorry, you’re only a bit of a bitch sometimes.” She scoffed at his comment. “But I do think we should fuck.”
“Why the hell would I want to sleep with you.”
“Oh come on doll. You wanna tell me you’ve never wanted to know what it feels like for a guy. Look me in the eye and say you haven’t touched my dick cause you’re wondering what it’s like.”
“Well, I-, you can’t just -” She stammered.
“It’s fine. I’ve been doing the same. You’re curious about it, I’m sure as hell curious. So why not.” She thought about it for a while. She was curious, and when would there ever be an opportunity like this again.
“Wait really.” Bucky said, shocked.
“Yeah, why not.”
“Okay, okay. We gotta do the whole shebang, this is probably our only chance.”
“So what are you waiting for.” They quickly made their way to her room. Soon they were quickly stripping out of their clothes, immediately getting to business. Bucky lay back on the bed and she crawled on top of him, caging him in.
“Okay, it’s gonna feel a little weird at first, might be a bit uncomfortable. But I promise it’ll feel good after you get used to it.” She warned him before slowly inserting one finger into Bucky. Bucky gasped, pushing his hips up. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just give me a second.”
“This will help.” She said, flicking her thumb over the clit at just the right angle. Bucky’s discomfort morphed into pleasure.
“How’d you-”
“It’s my body, I know exactly what I like.” Bucky nodded at her response.
“Oh that’s good, more.” Bucky moaned. She complied, adding another finger while darting out her tongue to stripe up the slit. She kept going, upping the pace until she felt Bucky’s cum on her tongue.
“How was that?” She asked cockily, observing Bucky’s blissed-out expression.
“Holy fuck, that was - that was.” He tried to form a sentence, “And you can just go again, straight away?”
“Yeah, I can usually come like three times before I start to get really exhausted.” She confirmed.
“That’s fucking awesome.” Bucky pushed himself up, “And as good as that was doll, I wanna get down to the real action.” He pulled her up, kissing her passionately and grabbing the cock and jacking it off a few times. She let out a loud groan, quickly lining herself up and pushing in. It was strange for the both of them, feeling what the other sex experienced during, well, sex. It was all new to them, she got to feel the warm, tight grip, and Bucky got that perfect mix of pain and pleasure from the stretch. Moans filled the room, not letting up until the two of them came down from their highs.
"Jesus Christ that was amazing." She said between hey heavy breaths.
"Glad we did it?"
"Definitely." She admitted easily.
"So it feels like that every time for you?"Bucky asked.
"Sometimes the guy'll go a little too hard, and it just hurts. But when they get the balance right, it's fucking phenomenal, feel that good." When she went to sit back up the arm jammed. Bucky could tell she was about to get frustrated and soon intervened.
“Remember, fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder, full arm.” He reminded her, cupping her hand in his own. “Fingers.” He repeated as she gained some control back, helping her to move them again, “Wrist, elbow, shoulder, full arm.” With his assistance, she got most of the movement back.
“How do you deal with this every day?” She questioned.
“I’m just used to it. Besides what else can I do?” He laughed a little glumly. “It’s not all that bad, definitely not the worse I deal with.”
“Nightmares?” Bucky nodded. “Yeah join the club. Look I know me saying this won’t really make any difference, you gotta accept it yourself. But what you did wasn’t your fault.”
“I know, it’s what everyones been telling me. I just got things to work out first. You know, I’ve read your file, the same goes for you.” He tried to reassure her.
“I was fully aware of what I was doing.”
“You were a kid, you weren’t thinking for yourself, you did what your parents told you to do.”
“So all the people I killed, all the lives I ruined, completely fine.” She scoffed.
“You weren’t in control. When you got old enough to be genuinely aware of what you were doing, you left, cut all ties and turned to fighting against people like that.” She turned away from, sinking into the bed. She heard Bucky sigh behind her. He slid down, deciding he wanted to sleep in her bed tonight. She flipped back over, cuddling into Bucky.
“Thank you.” She mumbled as the two of them fell asleep.
When the next morning rolled around they found themselves back in their own bodies, She felt Bucky shift behind her, going to move out of the bed.
“Leaving already?” She asked.
“Didn’t think you’d want me here much longer.” He replied sheepishly.
“Y’know, I had fun last night.”
“Really.” He brightened up slightly.
“Yeah, you can stay if you want.” Bucky was instantly back in the bed, wrapping his arms around her.
A few hours later the rest of the team returned, all shocked to find Bucky sat on the coach with her resting her head in his lap. Bucky gently runs his fingers through her hair.
“What the hell happened with you two?” Tony asked, sharing the same sheer shock of the rest of the team.
“Guess we learnt to walk in each other’s shoes for a while.”
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cmonxlegend · 7 years
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characters + relationship aesthetics : 4 / ??
timothy lawrence
❝ I think it’s worth it,
I know nothing’s perfect,
But we’ll stand tall, even if we fall apart.
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leahxx129 · 4 years
The Last Descendant (Sam Winchester x Reader) pt.3
Summary for pt.3.: Michael left Dean’s body but it’s not quite the time to celebrate just yet. The archangel has already destroyed the planet in one reality and he intends to do the same in yours. To the younger Winchester’s astonishment, you may be a key person in preventing another apocalypse... the question is, are you willing to help?
Warnings: cursing
Word count: 2.555-ish
PART 1.  PART 2.
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Turns out that Mary and Bobby did have a lead, although Dean didn’t quite need saving. It seems as if Michael just left his body. Naturally, nobody dares to believe this will have no consequences in the future, but currently they are too relieved to think about anything like that. And too focused on the unfolding situation. They’ve discovered a mark on Dean’s arm and Cas has gone through his memories to find the thing that left it. According to a small shred of a memory, the spear of Kaia Nieves’ doppelganger from the bad place is the weapon which was able to harm the infamous archangel. This is why he wants it. Which means the Winchesters need to get it first. But their encounter with Dark Kaia doesn’t go as planned – she refuses to give them the spear and disappears.
Sam opens up a beer for Dean, Cas and himself in the war room, while Jack is doing some research besides them.
„I’m telling you, man, that chick is a savage! Next time you’ll join us, okay? There’s no way she’ll be able to take on two grown-ass men and an angel at once.” Dean grumbled to Cas after taking a sip from the bottle.
„Well, she’s successfully managed to take on two grown-ass men already, I’m not so sure the difference would be huge with a third party.” Sam comments, earning a glare from Dean.
„Don’t be a buzz kill, Sam, okay? We’ll find her and that time, we’ll take that damn spear at all costs.”
„What if…” suddenly Jack speaks up „ …what if I say I might know a better solution? One that only requires taking it temporarily?”
„That’s the plan, Jack. We take it, kill Michael, then return it.” Cas responds before anyone could react.
„No, I mean take it for an even shorter period of time than that?”
The three men stare at him with the same completely puzzled expressions on their faces.
„Whatcha got in mind, kid?” Dean asks curiously.
Jack’s eyes light up and his signature childlike smile appears.
„I’ve been reading a lot about this man called Samuel Colt lately. I know he made that gun of yours which can kill almost anything and-”
„Yeah, but if you really read a lot on him, you know it can’t kill an archangel.” Sam cuts in. Jack patiently listens to his argument then goes on.
„I know, that’s why I said almost. But here is this book I’m reading now... It mentions that Colt secretly had a son that kept his bloodline alive. Maybe we can find his offspring and have them replicate the weapon.”
The Winchesters’ eyes widen in surprise, leaving Castiel to be the only reasonable person in the room.
„This is great, Jack, it really is, but I’m not sure if the offspring even knows who their ancestor was or what he did. To be honest, I highly doubt they would be able to perform what you described.” he says.
„Well, if there is anyone who can help us with some information, it’s Ketch.” Sam responds excitedly, immediately reaching for his laptop.
The next fifteen minutes pass without a single word being uttered by any of them - the only sound is made by the rubber band Dean attempts to entertain himself with. Finally, the laptop signals the arrival of a new e-mail. Everybody gathers around Sam, eager to see what Ketch has come up with. It’s a link to a Men of Letters shared drive. Sam’s hand is almost trembling as he clicks to open it. The screen floods with different articles, pictures and journal entries about people who are somehow connected to Samuel Colt.
„OH MY GOD!” the younger Winchester yells out in shock as they reach the part about the offspring currently alive. He is hypnotized by your picture taken at just fourteen years old, only days before your family was slaughtered and you disappeared.
Dean and Cas look at each other, then Sam.
„Sam? Do you know this girl?” Dean asks calmly as he can see how deeply his brother is affected by the sight appearing on the screen. Before he could reply, Jack jumps in.
„Hey…isn’t this the girl that spent a few nights here? I was in my room a lot, because I didn’t want to bother you, but I really do think she looked like this little girl in the picture, you know, only older.” he asks innocently. This seems to snap Sam back to reality. And Dean’s expression of utter disbelief helps too, of course.
„I was possessed by an archangel and you took some chick here to hook up with?! Man, this feels like Elwood, Indiana all over again, when I was abducted by fairies and you had a one-night stand with a hippie chick! The only difference is that now you supposedly have a soul!” he shouted.
„Relax, dude! Nothing like that happened, okay? Due to an unfortunate series of events, she had to crash here for a few days. And just so you know, she helped with research on Michael.” Sam seems genuinly offended even by the mere thought of him hooking up with a woman instead of looking for his brother. In spite of the woman being as fierce, beautiful and smart as you…
„Research, huh? Is that what you call it nowadays?”
„Okay, okay. Say, I believe you. But how did you two meet anyways? Did you hit another dog?”
„Okay, I’m done.”
„So, what are we gonna do now? We have no clue where this girl or Dark Kaia are.” Cas interrupts the bickering between the two brothers.
„We call Jody, have her put out an APB on them, simple as pie.” Dean says matter-of-factly.
„Why put out an APB on Y/N if I can just call her?” Sam asks smugly.
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You close the diner’s door and instantly spot Sam. Not because of his height, but rather because he has a certain presence you’ve grown to know and would be able to recognize anywhere. He smiles at you as you approach him.
„Sam Winchester, in flesh and… clothes? Odd.” you greet him.
„Ha ha, very funny. How long am I gonna listen to this? It happened only once and I was drunk.” he waits for you to put down your helmet and leather jacket, then hugs you tight. The whole interaction lasts longer than it usually does between friends, but shorter than between people more than that.
„Well, just as long as my memory serves me well.” you answer when he lets go and you are able to breathe fresh air into your lungs. You have always found his scent and proximity intoxicating in a way.
You sit down across him in the booth and decide to get straight to the point.
„You know, I gotta be honest with you. I got a little worried when you called last night. I mean, don’t get me wrong, you know I enjoy our phone calls, but we never speak twice the same day… and then the request for this little meet up didn’t help either. So… what’s up?”
Before he has the chance to say anything, the waitress appears to take your orders.
„I’d like an espresso and there will be a vanilla latte for the lady with almond milk and sweetener, thanks.” Sam delivers your favorite type of coffee without batting an eye.
„Nice, Winchester! I didn’t know you memorized it.”
„Yeah, I did. But you know, there’s one thing I can’t quite recall that you told me…” he puts down a folder infront of you. You look at him confused but flip over the cover regardlessly. Your heart sinks as you take in the picture you thought you’d never see again and read the title ’Last living descendant: COLT, Y/N’. Your heartbeat and mind start to race frantically, not a single sensible sentence comes to you for long seconds that seem like an eternity to both of you.
„Where’d you get this?” you ask, your voice sounding strange even to you.
„Doesn’t matter. Why didn’t you tell me, Y/N?” either you’re imagining it, or he looks a little bit hurt.
„What was I supposed to say, Sam? Huh? Thanks for saving me man, oh, and by the way, my real name’s Colt, but pinky swear you’ll never tell anyone?!” your voice comes back and maybe even rises a little.
„I don’t know, okay?! But you had plenty of chances!” his tone matches yours. A couple of people turn around, hoping to see a good little public confrontation unfold, but your cold stare makes them uncomfortable and they quickly look away.
„Oh yeah? Like when?”
„Like when I asked you about the vampire blade! Or when I-„ he hesitates for a moment then says it out loud anyways „ Or when I held you at nights.” he looks directly into your eyes and you can’t bring yourself to break the connection.
„Well I’m sorry, Sam, I really am. But you know something? Ever since I can remember, my family and I were moving to another part of this continent every six months for safety reasons. All the things that haunted my father in hopes of revenge or just to exploit our legacy never rested and consequently we didn’t either. After my family… died, I decided I didn’t wanna live that way. I was sick and tired of running. So, I pulled a Houdini, dropped the name and settled down. Made a living by carrying on the family tradition. I just wanna live in peace and quiet, keeping up my disguise. And telling people my secret isn’t exactly the high defintion of that.”
„I thought I wasn’t just ’people’.”
You open your mouth to reply, but the diner’s door opens once again and Sam stands up, his expression changes in a matter of seconds. You take this as an alarming sign, and you stand right nex to him.
„Dean! I thought we had an agreement.” Sam says exaspiratedly.
„Dean? As in, your brother Dean?”
„Yeah.” he responds instead of Sam „Pleasure.” he says curtly.
„Same here. And who would this gentleman be?” you turn to the man in the trenchcoat.
„I am Castiel, Sam and Dean’s… heavenly associate, if you know what I mean.”
Oh, you know very well what he means. And he must pay for that dearly.
You run a quick estimation in your head and decide to take out Dean first as he seems the most dangerous. Nobody expects your reaction, so using the element of surprise, you kick Dean in the abdomen and in the process, you take out your knife from your boot. If Sam isn’t fast enough, you stab the angel right in the heart, but he grabs you from behind and turns you around so that he could stand as a human shield between you and your victim. This way you are only able to leave a scratch. A lady’s scream cuts through the air.
„FBI! We’ll handle the matter, just evacuate the place!” Dean regains his presence surprisingly fast and starts shouting. „Everybody - GO! Guests and staff alike! NOW! Move!” he doesn’t have to tell the people twice; they flee in a blink of an eye.
„Sam, let go of me!” you order „You don’t understand-”
„Oh, but I do, Y/N! Angels massacred your family! It’s all in that paper.”
„Then that’s exactly why you should let go!” you practically scream at him. He finally abides by you, but when you turn around, he envelopes you in a strong embrace.
„Sam?! Please…If I don’t kill as many angels as I can, I’m gonna go crazy…” the desperation in your voice in undeniable.
„No, you won’t!” he whispers into your hair while stroking the back of your neck with his thumb. You can’t stop the flood of hot tears washing over your face, which are eventually soaked in by his plaid shirt. „I won’t let you. Everything’s gonna be alright.”
You have no idea how long you stand there like that, clinging onto each other. But when you part, you realize that Dean and the angel have already sat down to the table and are checking out the wound.
„Relax, he’s not gonna die.” you comment, sitting down in the booth across them, wiping away a few leftover tears.
„But I’m not healing.” Castiel manages to say through gritted teeth.
„You are. Only a lot slower than usual and with a lot more… pain.”
„What did you do to him?!” Dean demands in a stern tone.
„Nothing. It’s just the blade.”
„You made it with magic, didn’t you?” realization hits Sam all of a sudden. Oh, well. It’s not like they are the first ones to discover.
„Yeah. Combined with weaponry, I can create marvellous things.” you admit „Besides, what do you think, where did that little boyband of yours get the idea to do so? Or even some prototypes?”
Their eyebrows fly up.
„You mean the Men of Letters?”
„Uh-huh. But let’s spare the chit-chat, shall we? What do you guys want from me? ’Cause I doubt you just wanted to let me know you caught me in my lie.” you say bitterly while looking at Sam.
„Okay, sure.” Dean agrees „Let’s get right to it. We need your help.”
„Can’t say I’m surprised….”
„As Sam may have mentioned, when the son of Lucifer was born, he opened up this other dimension and-„
„EXCUSE ME?! Sam never told me that!” you stare daggers at the person in question „The son of Lucifer?! Oh my God!.....I-I’m so out of here!” you jump to your feet and grab your helmet, but Sam’s voice stops you.
„Y/N! Please, wait! It’s not about him, or even Dean anyomre. It’s about the world. It will come to a terrible end.”
„That is of course if you refuse to help us.” Dean adds.
Even though every fiber in your body screams for you to leave, you slowly sit down.
„Go on.”
„So…this other dimension, this other world – Sam and I were never born there. This means that the apocalypse went down and Micheal defeated Lucifer. But he scorched the planet in the process. He got over to this world and plans to do the same thing. We only know of one weapon to stop him, but the owner is from another dimension, too, and she’s not very cooperative. The plan is to get her land the damn spear to us so you could replicate it and we’ll kill that son of a bitch with it.”
You think everything you’ve just heard carefully through and weigh things in your mind.
„You sure it’s replicable?” you ask.
„It runs on some sort of magic so yeah, we believe it is. But you’re the expert, you’ll see for yourself.” Sam replies.
„You have any idea where it is now?”
„According to a dear friend of ours, Sherriff Jody Mills, it’s with its owner in the nearby woods, about twenty miles from here.”
„I’m not gonna leave my bike in the woods.” you say incredulously.
„You don’t even have to. You’ll come with us in the Impala and Jody will arrange an officer to take it to the station. It’ll be in good hands, don’t worry.”
„I hope your right. ’Cause if I find a scratch on it, I can assure you that shit will go down.”
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Timothy Lawrence x reader (Roommates)
Request: Hello! I really want to read more Timothy x Reader, please. Need more this sweet boy. Maybe 8 or 40? Fluff and cute- it about him.If you will undertake to do it-Thank you! ( and sorry for my English)
"Why are you so nice to me?" & "Another sleepless night, huh?
Fandom: Borderlands
Warnings: Nightmares
Genre: Fluff, sprinkle of angst
Timothy shifted in his sleep, another nightmare playing in his head. It was always the same one; Handsome Jack came back and found him. It only took another second until he launched himself out of his sleepy state, panting and gripping his bedsheets with a vice grip. It was over. He was on a different planet with a roommate that he quite liked; romantically.
Timothy threaded his fingers through his hair, even after years he still looked like Handsome Jack, save for his hair turning red and the freckles. He liked his freckles, and he knew that (y/n) liked them.
He missed them. Right now, (y/n) was out on a mission. He wanted to take a long break from the vault hunting business and missions overall, so (y/n) had to pick up the slacking. Timothy felt more than guilty of course, but the trauma of being Jack's doppelganger for so many years had taken its toll on him.
With a few deep breaths, Timothy slowly dragged himself out of the bed and stood up but froze when he heard rustling in the kitchen.
Someone was here.
With no sudden or loud movements, Timothy grabbed the gun he kept on his bedside table and snuck his way out of the room. He kept himself pressed against the wall, the way he was trained when he actually went out on missions.
Another breath, then Timothy snapped into the room, gun pointed at the intruder. All of Timothy's oxygen left his lungs at the sight in front of him; it was just (y/n) making brownies, they had started this routine of coming home and baking. He loved it. Slowly, he put the gun on the counter, alerting them of his presence.
"Timothy, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," (y/n)’s gentle voice said to him. 
Their back was turned to him, so they couldn’t see the giant bags under his eyes. He hadn’t been able to sleep well since they left for a long mission across the planet.
Too long, but good money.
Slowly, they turned to him, goofy oven mitts placed over both of their scarred hands. A soft expression crossed their face, they hated leaving, but the money would last the two a few months.
"Another sleepless night, huh?" (y/n) asked gently. 
Timothy could only give a pathetic laugh. All he wanted to do was to wrap his arms around (y/n), maybe kiss along-- Timothy jumped out of his daydream as (y/n) grabbed one of his hands, pulling him into the living room. 
"What was the nightmare this time?" They asked.
Timothy furrowed his eyebrows in deep thought. It was usually the same dream, the same sequence of events. But this last time...
Timothy sat on the couch, watching as (y/n) curled up next to him, their hand intertwined tightly with his own.
"Everything was the same... Jack came back to life somehow... he found out that I'm not Hyperion anymore. But this time you were in it," He confessed.
Thinking that they had his nightmare correct, (Y/n) placed a comforting hand on his back, apologies already spilling out of their mouth, "Oh, Timothy. I'm sorry if-" 
He wrung a hand through his hair before quickly interrupting them, "No. You don't get it... He killed you. It was awful and for a minute I forgot that it was just a dream. I thought that you were actually dead." 
(Y/n) felt a chill run down their spine. Timothy shouldn't be having nightmares about Jack, it had been years since his death, but he still dreamed of the CEO as if he was still forced to work under him.
"I'm so sorry you're still having nightmares about him. It's been years since Elpis and the casino... But I'm here, okay?" (y/n) slowly lifted their free hand to cup one side of Timothy's face, he melted in their touch. "You can talk to me about anything. I promise."
Timothy sat in silence for a few moments, pondering over why (Y/n) would go out of their way to do this for him before actually asking them, "Why are you so nice to me?" 
(y/n) was shocked by the question, why would Timothy ask that? Didn’t he already know?
"Because we're roommates and friends, but most importantly because I care about you so goddamn much. I thought you knew that already Timothy." 
At the confession to his question, He bit his bottom lip lightly before his eyes glance down to their lips, then quickly back to their eyes; not knowing if they noticed his blatant staring or not.
Timothy was slow with leaning his face close to (y/n)'s, he didn’t want to force anything that they didn’t feel comfortable with. He only leaned half-way before looking at them with a curious gaze. (y/n), not wanting to scare Timothy off with hesitating, quickly smashed their lips against his; pulling themself closer to him.
His body shook out of pure nervousness and wanting more and more intimate touches and physical contact. With subtle movements of his hands, he urged them into his lap, happy when they finally did so. Timothy slowly broke the kiss. If it weren't for his need, and theirs, to breath, he would've continued for as long as possible.
He brought his lips close to their ear, (y/n) could feel how nervous and anxious he was at this moment. As his breath caused them to shiver, he spoke, "I didn't know that. Thank you for waiting for me." 
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