#jasmine: love sensuality innocence
writers-potion · 7 months
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Plant Symbolisms 🌱🌿🪴
Flora have a special corner in literature.
Starting from the Greco-Roman period when certain plants were representative of gods (like olive trees for Athena), plants have meant more than just a source of food or pleasure.
Lotus - Symbol of creation, rebirth, and the sun. The blue lotus represents spiritual enlightenment, while the white lotus symbolizes purity.
Papyrus - Represents prosperity, growth, and regeneration, often associated with the Nile River and the goddess Isis.
Mandrake - Associated with love, fertility, and aphrodisiac properties.
Poppy - Symbol of sleep, healing, and regeneration, often associated with the god of sleep, Hypnos.
Rose - Represents love, beauty, and the goddess Aphrodite.
Jasmine - Symbol of sensuality, love, and spiritual growth.
Palm - Represents victory, triumph, and eternal life, often associated with the god Osiris.
Acacia - Symbolizes resurrection and the afterlife, linked to the god Osiris and the Tree of Life.
Cornflower - Represents fertility, abundance, and regeneration.
Anemone - Symbol of protection, healing, and renewal.
Anemone, garden: Forsaken.
Almond, flowering: Hope.
Balm: Sympathy.
Bamboo: The emblem of Buddha. The seven-knotted bamboo denotes the seven degrees of initiation and invocation in Buddhism.
Bay leaf: I change but in death.
Bell flower, white: Gratitude.
Bluebell: Constancy.
Broken flower: A life terminated, mortality.
Buttercup: Cheerfulness.
Calla lily: Symbolises marriage.
Campanula: Gratitude.
Carnation, red: Beauty always new
Chrysanthemum: I love.
Clover, white: Think of me.
Clover, four-leaved: Be mine.
Cinquefoil: maternal affection, beloved daughter.
Convolvulus, major: Extinguished hopes or eternal sleep.
Coreopsis, Arkansa: Love at first sight.
Crocus: Youthful gladness.
Cuckoo Pint: Ardour.
Cypress tree: Designates hope.
Daffodil: Death of youth, desire, art, grace, beauty, deep regard.
Daisy: Innocence of child, Jesus the Infant, youth, the Son righteousness, gentleness, purity of thought.
Daisy, garden: I share your sentiment.
Dead leaves: Sadness, melancholy.
Dogwood: Christianity, divine sacrifice, triumph of eternal life, resurrection.
Fern: Sincerity, sorrow.
Figs, Pineapples: Prosperity, eternal life.
Fleur-de-lis: Flame, passion, ardour, mother.
Flower: frailty of life.
Forget-me-not: Remembrance / true love.
Furze or Gorse: Enduring affection.
Grapes: represent Christ.
Grapes and leaves: Christian faith.
Harebell: Grief.
Hawthorn: Hope, merriness, springtime.
Heartsease or Pansy: I am always thinking of you.
Holly: Foresight.
Honeysuckle: Bonds of love, generosity and devoted affection.
Honesty: Sincerity.
Ivy: Memory, immortality, friendship, fidelity, faithfulness, undying affection, eternal life, marriage.
Jonquil: “I hope for a return of affection.”
Lalla: Beauty, marriage.
Laurel leaves: Special achievement, distinction, success, triumph.
Marigold: Grief or despair.
Morning glory: Resurrection, mourning, youth, farewell, brevity of life, departure, mortality.
Mystic rose: Mother.
*some of these flower symbols have Greek or Roman origins but were also used in ancient Egyptian culture.
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hetaherr · 1 year
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scent of tomorrow
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: childe, thoma, wriothesley, kazuha, wanderer
: fluff, a little angst if u squint, all about smells
super self indulgent, literally thought of this in the shower lmao okay bye happy reading and reblog to win your 5050s <3
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scent is one of the senses you should put to use when childe is around. it is known to see and to feel is a privilege given that the man is often travelling in his line of work. but i implore you to not take smell for granted, for in his abscence all that shall be left in your home is the scent of his presence. you find yourself sinking into the cold and empty bed, the smell of him freshly out the shower will waft through the room, eventually dissipating in the following days. you remember his muscular arms wrapping around you shamelessly, a cheeky smile adorning his tired face as he begins to tickle you. take a whiff and it smells of water, clean and refreshing, it's slightly minty and it feels pristine. there are floral notes like the orange blossom, you can make out the innocence and playfulness- much like the purity that is his love for you. it's weird how the first time you met childe, the air was grim and smelled strongly of metal. it isn't hard to guess why, he looked intimidating and seemed far away. but now he was yours, all you can think about is how much you miss his joyful and refreshing antics- much like the aroma he brings and makes any space immediately feel like home.
though far away, you often find yourself transported into the charming yet quaint town of mondstadt. or at least what you pressume to be mondstadt. thoma smells like a freshly baked apple pie, vanilla and apple- and a little cinnamony as you've mentioned before. "my cinnamon boy" you will say while snugging into him on a cold rainy inazuma day, he feels warm and the smell of vanilla feels oddly comforting and relaxing. if you think about it he smells like walking into a kitchen with the oven on during christmas. he smells like the feeling of running fingers through your hair, cozy as you listen to him ramble about his day with the kamisato clan. it is the perfect feeling of nostalgia and pure comfort, the embodiment of fall. there is something so homely about his scent that makes you want to call your family or childhood friends again, he reminds you of the innocence of youth that is forever unattainable. he smells like the remembrance of the past and the security of the future that lies in his warm embrace.
there is something so on brand as you see those 3 in one soaps sitting so awkwardly in your shower, squeezed inbetween your fancy bottles of shower gels and all kinds of face and hair masks, body scrubs to keep yourself feeling clean. i suppose to this man, one bottle will do, and being clean is a 2 step process. however it's funny, he'll come home and a teasing grin will fall apon his face while chasing you around the living room- despite being exhausted from work- for a hug. "no hugs until you take a shower!" you can try shouting, squirming as he catches you. but trying is really all you can do. you can smell the musk that is his sweat, it's a little woody yet it makes you feel so very secure and safe- similar to the fortress he runs. a true sign of his hardwork, it may be a little gross as you return his hug- groaning as usual. but as he relishes in your touch, you can smell the lingering scent of that ridiculous soap he insists on using, it smells like jasmine. so pure and weirdly sensual as he tells you yet again that "i've missed you". its fascinating how his scent does such an accurate job at reminding you of his honesty in his work and in loving you. you may complain about his sweaty hugs and his odd taste in soaps but you do hope that the both of you stay in each other's embrace for just a little longer, before it's all washed away down the pipes.
an honest laugh sounds across the beach, kazuha's hand unconsciously moving a piece of your hair away from your face as he listens to you speak. "you just smell different from how i imagined..." the sheepish remark sparks the feeling of surprise within his chest. when you first set eyes on the wandering samurai, the image of autumn and beautiful maple leaves falling from trees appears within your mind- a reasonable thought. but it couldn't be further from the truth. kazuha smells like summer, he smells like white musk and coconut. it's a little woody, fruity and floral at the same time, similar to his calm yet charming nature. it reminds you of the way he is able to remain so composed like the tranquil ocean while he manages to fluster you with his flowery words. at times you can faintly smell the sea breeze, salty and citrusy- but the scent comes and goes as does he, never staying in one spot for too long. under the sun as you lay with him atop a warm rock feeling the breeze, his scent is vast. one moment it feels like splashing in the ocean under the sun and the next it feels like watching the waves crash against the shore under the moonlight. he smells like the way you romanticise being at the beach, whether you are playing with your friends or sitting in a hammock, just watching and existing. be glad that everytime he is away, the beach will always feel like home.
there is something so peaceful about waking up in the early mornings of spring, the crisp air and morning dew is something so miniscule yet so easy to love. but all you chose to look at is how his mouth is agape, brows slightly scrunched together, the motion of his chest falling and rising is the only thing moving in the still environment that surrounds you. at this moment as he wakes, you are greeted with the delightful aroma of lavender. unlike his usual stubborn and harsh behaviour, the scent of lavender only enhances how calm and tranquil it feels. it makes you laugh at how different his personalities seem throughout the day. his eyes narrow at you as his arm that drapes lazily across your waist pulls you closer. you can smell the aroma, surprised at how long it has lasted, you like how it reminds you of his devotion to you. there are times he smells like bergamot too. it smells like the sun, citrusy and a little playful. it dispells the shadows of despondency and anxiety, he smells like breathing the fresh air of morning walks. he smells like hanging the fresh laundry in the afternoon on a sunny yet windy day. the mixture of scents remind you of the elegance and purity that he is. a man capable of change and love, after being brought his sun.
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Flower metaphysical properties & meanings
Flowers have long been associated with symbolic meanings and metaphysical properties.
Here are some common flowers and their metaphysical properties:
Rose: The rose is often associated with love, beauty, and passion. It is used for attracting love, enhancing self-love, and promoting emotional healing.
Lavender: Lavender is known for its calming and soothing properties. It is often used to promote relaxation, relieve stress and anxiety, and aid in sleep.
Sunflower: The sunflower represents joy, positivity, and abundance. It is associated with boosting self-confidence, attracting prosperity, and cultivating a positive outlook on life.
Lotus: The lotus is a symbol of purity and spiritual enlightenment. It represents growth, transformation, and rising above challenges. It is often used in meditation and spiritual practices.
Daisy: Daisies are associated with innocence, purity, and new beginnings. They are often used for promoting clarity, purifying energy, and attracting positive energies.
Jasmine: Jasmine is known for its intoxicating scent and is associated with love, sensuality, and attracting romance. It is used for enhancing passion, deepening connections, and inviting positive relationships.
Lily: Lilies symbolize purity, rebirth, and spiritual awakening. They are often used for purification, invoking divine energies, and connecting with higher realms.
Orchid: Orchids are associated with beauty, grace, and elegance. They represent fertility, sensuality, and spiritual growth. Orchids are often used to enhance creativity and attract harmonious energy.
Tulip: Tulips symbolize love, abundance, and growth. They are used for manifesting desires, nurturing relationships, and promoting personal growth and expansion.
Peony: Peonies represent prosperity, healing, and good fortune. They are often used for attracting abundance, prosperity, and luck.
It's important to note that the metaphysical properties of flowers can vary based on cultural, spiritual, and individual interpretations.
When working with flowers for metaphysical purposes, it's beneficial to trust your intuition and personal connection with the flower, as well as to research and honor the cultural and symbolic meanings associated with them.
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itselriel · 5 months
A hint of Jasmine
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Throughout Acotar, the Jasmine flower is mentioned a couple of times. First, in relation to Elain and second, in relation to the Night Court. Today I’m going to be breaking down some facts and a little bit of history about this beautiful flower that blooms at night and how it is both attached to Elain and the Night Court.
Here is a quote from the ACOTAR series that shows Elain smells like Jasmine: “Elain was in the private library. Nesta knew it before she’d cleared the stairs, covered in dust from the library. Her sisters delicate sent of Jasmine and Honey lingered in the red-stoned hall.”
Here is a quote from the ACOTAR series that shows the Night Court / Verlaris smells like Jasmine: “I smelled Jasmine first—then saw stars flickering beyond glowing pillars of moonstone that framed the sweeping view of endless snowcapped mountains. ‘Welcome to the Night Court,’ was all Rhys said.”
Here are two quotes that show the Night Court has Jasmine flowers:
“Nesta ran a finger over her ivory and obsidion place setting, examining the silverware and vines of night-bloomimg Jasmine engraved around the hilts.”
“Great scaled black beasts were carved into those gates, all coiled together in a nest of claws and fangs, sleeping and fighting, some locked in an endless cycle of devouring each other. Between them flowed vines of Jasmine and moon flowers.”
What is Jasmine? Jasmine is a rich and flourishing plant and is one of the most beautiful and fragrant flowers in the world.
What does the Jasmine flower represent? Jasmine flowers symbolize love, beauty and sensuality. It’s pure white blossoms also represent purity.
In the ACOTAR series it is said by the Archeron sisters mother that Elain “shall wed for love and beauty.”
What is the language of the Jasmine flower? In the language of flowers, the Jasmine flower is saying “I care deeply” or “I am with you in spirit.”
What is the Biblical meaning of the Jasmine name? The meaning of Jasmine is “Gift from God.”
Reminder: Azriel and Elain’s name meanings in Hebrew both have to do with God and are both connected to each other, like a puzzle piece. Azriel’s name meaning in Hebrew is “God is my help.” Elain’s name meaning in Hebrew is “God has answered me.”
What does Jasmine symbolize in Buddhism? Jasmine holds great importance in Buddhism. It symbolizes compassion, empathy and showing kindness to all living beings of the world.
A quote from Feyre about Elain in ACOWAR: “Elain had always been gentle and sweet—and I had considered it a different sort of strength. A better strength. To look at the hardness of the world and choose, over and over, to love, to be kind.”
Jasmine in Greek Mythology: In Greek Mythology, Jasmine is associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love.
What is the emotion of Jasmine flowers? The scent of Jasmine has the abilty to relax and uplift. It is a floral, musky, sweet and sensual scent all at once.
When do Jasmine flowers bloom? Jasmine flowers bloom at night to attract nocturnal pollinators such as moths and bats. Night blooming Jasmine is also known as Lady of the night.
What does it mean to smell Jasmine at night? Smelling Jasmine at night could be a sign that the spirit of a loved one is checking in on you or wants to communicate.
What do the colors of Jasmine represent? White is for innocence. Pink is for new love. Yellow is for joy.
Diving Deeper: In some traditions, Jasmine is believed to attract positive energy, promote happiness and offer protection against negative influences. The Jasmine flower could also symbolize hope, good fortune and positive outcomes. The delicate blossoms of the flower are seen as happiness and prosperity.
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krscblw · 1 year
ghoul perfume associations!
i am very into ghost. and i am also very into indie perfumes! so i decided to combine the two and make a list of my scent associations for each of the ghouls, as well as a few indie fragrances that fit them (in my opinion! if y'all have other thoughts i would LOVE to hear them /gen)
i also included all of the perfumes i found that had the same names as the ghouls, even if i didn't think the scent profile worked, and bonus atmospherics that i think are more naturally ghoul-ish and worked well for the various elements!
warning: this is an obscenely long post. i have too many thoughts.
another warning: because this post is so long, some of the text might get cut off on mobile. it should be okay on desktop if that happens (i don't know how to fix it, sorry)
Notes: chocolate, linen, lavender. Aeon smells very gentle and pleasant, but not necessarily sweet. He smells like things that he himself finds comfort in.
Chocolatine -- Fyrinnae
“Also known as Pain au Chocolat, these flaky croissant-like pastries are filled with pieces of dark or semi-sweet chocolate. This is not a very sweet fragrance.”
TELEGRAMA – Imaginary Authors  
talc, lavender absolute, black pepper, teak, amyris, vanilla powder, fresh linens
Phantom -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab 
Notes: bourbon, amber, vanilla. Aether smells sophisticated, but with a warm, golden edge. He smells like comfort, like unconditional love- but also a little bit like sex.
Quintessence of Debauchery -- Alkemia Perfumes
“A distillation of raw, bawdy sexiness without regard for gender - Bourbon vanilla, tonka, dark florals, peach brandy, coriander, mock orange, spiced pumpkin, fresh ginger root, rock rose, long leaf tobacco, black opium infused amber, patchouli, oakmoss, and cruelty-free (vegan) castoreum.”
Morosexual -- Treading Water Perfume  
“Morosexual - The sexual attraction to stupid people. Treat yourself and read your partner at the same time with a scent that is as classy as it is stupid. The earthy combo of vanilla, fresh tobacco and star anise combine with spicy nutmeg to create a warm soft blanket to dull the mind.”
tobacco, vanilla, patchouli, jasmine, star anise, nutmeg
Notes: leather, smoke, gunpowder. Alpha smells.. off-putting, to most people. He has an intense personality, and it's reflected in his scent.
Industrial Sabotage -- Alkemia Perfumes
“A cataclysmic wreckage of burnt wires; twisted melted steel; shattered machinery, and gunpowder.”
Night Shift -- PULP Fragrance  
“Black frankincense, engine grease from a long late shift, smoke, ash, blackened wood, and a hint of leather.”
Notes: dark fruits, musk. Cirrus smells sophisticated in a dark, sensual way. She smells.. hypnotic, almost. She smells like you want her, but she doesn't even know you exist.
Venus Black -- Possets 
“A grand and very very sensual scent. Black in the most sophisticated way. Considered one of the colors, its working name was Mars' Black but it is so wonderfully feminine that there is no way that it could be named after the god of war, it should be named after the goddess of love. The Blackest musk flirts with a float of black pepper, a shot of dark sweet pear, and the smallest amount of sage and non-stinky narcissus for tingle. One not to be missed. Dry, musky, spicy.”
(i have this one. it's VERY attractive (i had to stop wearing it because i was confusing myself lmao) and now that i associate it with cirrus. i might have a problem)
Salomé -- Alkemia Perfumes 
“An overture of not so innocent magnolia underscored with a sly caress of Queen of the Night, a fulsomeness of nubile black grapes and plums, skin musk bathed in spilled cognac, and ruthless twist of bitter orange, blended with an ancient Arabian love philtre of crushed vanilla and tonka bean, sandalwood, vetiver, cedar, and red oud.”
Cirrus -- Osmofolia 
Notes: lilac, magnolia, jasmine, sugar. Cumulus smells sweet and cloying. You smell her once and the scent haunts you all day like the most enchanting ghost.
Alabama -- Possets
“Floral perfume lovers rejoice! This one is the essence of a hot sticky Southern night at the height of passion with the one you love. What a treat! Alabama weaves pink fizzy mimosa, thick white magnolia, canebrake jasmine, Mexican tuberose, and Martinique gardenia. The effect is eternally woman, unabashedly sexy, and in command. These are all knit together with precious Sacred Frankincense to concoct a bombshell of a fragrance, deep white floral with deep incense leanings. A hypnotic fragrance. So very sweet, so very profound. Feminine, floral, devastating.”
Sweet Mother -- Little And Grim  
“‘Sweet mother, I cannot weave --/ slender Aphrodite has overcome me/ with longing for a girl.’ -Sappho. Notes of lush moss, blooming lilac, French lavender, rose, jasmine, mandarin and lemon zest, warm musk, and lily of the valley.”
Cumulus -- Osmofolia 
Skiing On Europa -- Fyrinnae 
“The atmosphere of a distant moon, not as habitable for mammals as Earth, the thin air reminiscent of high mountain elevations before snowfall. Cold, and ozonic like petrichor.”
Notes: berries, smoke, wood. Dew smells like resinous woodsmoke, with an unexpected berry undertone. (Just like his personality: brash outside, sweet inside.)
Ignis -- PULP Fragrance
“Raspberries, fresh ginger, smoky aloeswood, pale blond tobacco leaves & fiery red musk.”
A CITY ON FIRE – Imaginary Authors
“The refined smoke accord makes this an austere and luxurious scent for evenings on the town, whether with a special someone or alone and looking for trouble.”
cade oil, spikenard, cardamom, clearwood, dark berries, labdanum, burnt match
The Center of the Universe -- Alkemia Perfumes   
“The center of our universe is raspberries and rum? In a vast dust cloud at the center of the Milky Way there is an abundance of ethyl formate, a simple aliphatic ester found in the smell of rum and raspberries. To these elements, we've added notes from astronauts' descriptions of the smell of their suits when they return from space walks - freshly welded metal, gun powder, seared steak in an iron pan, burnt almond cookies, charcoal, and ozone.”
Notes: black tea, incense. Ifrit smells heavy and dark in a way that makes you want more. Very mysterious, even though his personality doesn't really match.
Black Tea -- Possets 
“The most dark and the most tannic of teas. Somehow that puckery quality becomes addictive. Just right for a seductive night deep in July or August where humidity makes itself into a sexy accessory. Not subtle but very alluring. Pure and beautiful, incense floats over it all and the effect is so much like the vapor lines of a mirage. Tea-like but not sweet.”
(this is one of my favorite fragrances EVER, i wear it like every day)
O, UNKNOWN! – Imaginary Authors 
“At the risk of sounding bleak, this night could be your last. Splash on O, Unknown! and plunge forth into prosperity and joy. Repeat as often as you are able.”
black tea, lapsang souchong tincture, orris butter, kyoto moss, musk balsam, sandalwood
The Ifrit -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab 
Notes: water, herbs. Mist smells aquatic and green, like spring rain or a pond full of plants. There's an icy, aloof edge to her scent.
Taste of Rain -- Alkemia Perfumes 
“A primordially vernal chypre consecrated by silver rain, green ivy, holy basil, lilacs, moss, and wisteria.”
Diaphanous Dress -- Possets 
“If the lovely Primavera would wear a gown, she might be dressed in a garment made of snow crystals and flowers. Even into April, spring can get cold even while the flowers we all love press upward. Spring displays irony in her variability. Deepest and richest Mexican vanilla troupes bravely with the chill aquatic of snow falling in heavy doses and melting almost on contact. A tuft of chlorophyll is in the background and a hint of the flowers it all overtakes for just a while. This is an enchanting fragrance, a hypnotic springtime blend which is more about the atmosphere than the real flowers themselves.”
Ammil -- Alkemia Perfumes 
“An olfactory journey that morphs like melting ice... starting cold and aloof with distinct elements of wet snow and ice then gradually unfolding to reveal an indescribably unique velvety skin warmth.”
Notes: vetiver, greenery, earth, mushrooms. Mountain smells very green and earthy, almost like he was recently underground, or maybe like he spent all day tending to a fragrant garden (he did).
Hedale Wood -- Little And Grim
“This fragrance is dark and a bit mysterious, while staying green enough to be worn without smelling too villainous.”
vetiver, cedar trees, bergamot, dense foliage, coriander, musk, sandalwood, frankincense, a touch of lavender, amber
Heirloom Tomato Leaf -- Fyrinnae
“Rows of tomato plants on a humid day, their unmistakable heavy green fragrance filling the air and clinging to your hands as you touch the leaves. This is not a solitary note perfume, but includes significant notes of damp soil and humid air.”
Beneath The Forest -- Fyrinnae  
“Beneath the trees, where scant sunlight ever reaches and few green plants grow, mushrooms (and decay) flourish in the ever-damp soil, surrounded by darkness. Step carefully, there could be traps.”
Notes: peach, rose, wood. Nimbus smells sweet and slightly earthy, with an overwhelming ripe peach heart and a floral edge. Very pretty, very cheerful, but not childish.
South Star -- PULP Fragrance 
“Sweet creamy peach, vanilla beans, liatrix, & a woody-ambrette accord, all topped off with a hint of cinnamon.”
Someone Tell Lady Luck -- Little And Grim 
lemongrass, bright fresh ginger, verbena, sweet peaches, bamboo, and clean rain on city streets
Aurora -- Alkemia Perfumes 
Armenian Rose -- Fyrinnae 
“The fragrance of dark red rose petals and sweeter pink roses with the earthy scent of native lilies.”
*i headcanon nimbus as a earth/air multi
Notes: wood, amber, tobacco. Omega smells warm, but not quite comforting. He smells like he knows more than you (he does) and like he's a little bit disappointed in you (he might be). He smells like he COULD be comforting, if you managed to earn his approval.
Bibliotheca -- Alkemia Perfumes
“A vintage elegance of leatherbound books, plush club chairs, vintage vinyl records, polished mahogany tables, fountain pen ink, black tea, dark plum brandy, vetiver, rosewood, artemesia, white carnation, lavender water, citron, tweedy woolens, and oakmoss.”
(i have this one! it's surprisingly woody)
Bronze and Blaze -- Alkemia Perfumes
“Autumnal bronze amber aged with cognac barrel staves, red oak leaves, Perique pipe tobacco, raw wool, ripe pumpkin, opoponax (sweet myrrh), and soft suede gloves warmed by a creamy steamy cup of Bourbon vanilla coffee.”
Notes: seawater, ozone. Rain smells like the ocean, or more accurately, like a siren that wants to lure you out to sea and kill you. Wet, a little bit green, sweet and salty.
Mermaids in the Basement -- Alkemia Perfumes
“A siren song of seawater soaked linen, aquatic incense, white ginger, pomelo, limoncello, dry moss, clary sage, cactus flower, prickly pear, loquat, fir resin, cedar needles, mesquite pods, Hinoki wood, Guaiac wood, and Elemi resin.”
EVERY STORM A SERENADE – Imaginary Authors 
danish spruce, eucalyptus, vetiver, calone, ambergris, baltic sea mist
Black Squall -- Fyrinnae 
“Open waters of the deepest blue, eerily calm before the looming arcus cloud in the distance bears down, revealing the wrath of the storm behind it. There was little left to do now but watch and wait. Cold and clean-smelling seawater, ozonic air, now and then a little olive oil from the lamps.”
Notes: strawberries, citrus, vanilla, spices. Sunny smells like summer. She smells like ripe fruit, sweet cold drinks, and sun, with a little bit of unexpected spice.
Strawberry Lemonade -- PULP Fragrance 
“Fresh strawberries, lemonade, and a bowl of strawberry-vanilla ice cream.”
Lola -- Alkemia Perfumes 
“A dramatic splash of Coca-cola trailed by an adoration of blood orange, pink peppercorns, caviar lime, orange blossom, tonka, spicy nutmeg dancing sinuously across a base of warm Brazilian cherrywood.”
Stratus -- Osmofolia 
Prairie 66 -- Alkemia Perfumes 
“The smell of an old cement-paved road in the desert just before dawn when the cement is cold and almost, but not quite damp. Flowering desert sage, aldehydes, grapefruit, Linden blossoms, bergamot, saffron, gray amber, yucca, yuzu, and cool concrete. ”
**i headcanon sunny as a fire/air multi
Notes: smoke, musk, patchouli. Swiss smells dark but welcoming, unpredictable but attractive. He smells the way velvet feels: sweet, smoky, decadent.
Smoke & Mirrors -- Alkemia Perfumes
“An elusive, smokey blend of burning wood, Madagascar Vanilla, and Tonka. We find this one to be elementally simple, but unusually mercurial and highly responsive to different skin chemistries… the vanilla and the smoke dance with each other almost continuously… sometimes the foreground is smoky, then sweet, then returns with sweetly smoky, then smoky.”
Allen Ginsberg - Howl -- Possets  
“Possets' interpretation of Howl is unabashedly sexy, driven mad by welling passions. Black, red and amber musks wrestle furiously with sandalwood and opium tar resin. There is nothing light or gentle about this scent. A burning incense backs it up, black patchouli stands in the forefront. Dark, musky, resinous. Tremendously savage, dark and sweet like molasses rather than sugar. ...and yet, there is something innocent about it all.”
(i have howl and it's SO good and so perfect for swiss)
***i headcanon swiss as a fire/water multi
Notes: dust, ozone. Zephyr smells like the air where something once was, or maybe where something is and has been too long. Dusty, faintly sweet, slightly melancholic.
Dustsceawung -- Alkemia Perfumes
“The scent of forbidden explorations and an olfactory meditation on dust... attic air, the inside of old trunks, abandoned haylofts, library stacks, and abandoned buildings. Dustsceawung is the contemplation of dust, worldly desires, and the ephemerality of all things... raspings that were once a tree, ruins that were once cities, bones that were once lovers. Dust is always the ultimate destination on our journey.”
 Hauntology -- PULP Fragrance 
“Ozone, olibanum, the air in a closed up kitchen cupboard that might once have held raisins and dried apricots, ambergris, burled briarwood, & the lost futures of a home abandoned.”
Zephyr -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
if you made it to the end of this i admire your dedication. and i would love to hear what you think!
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mongpht · 1 year
Kalim Al-Asim — language of flowers
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all the same but in my tweet (+ pictures)
white aster — " i love you more than you love me!", "day you love me again", "can't think of anything but you..." aster also symbolises the passing of summer
eustoma in the language of flowers means admiration and traditional values. devotion and loyalty. warmth, friendship and sympathy for the recipient as well as respect
jasmine is sensuality, elegance and attraction. in india (if I'm not mistaken, but I know for a fact that in some country they say so), jasmine is called 'moonlight in love'
cream rosebuds — happiness
water lily — eloquence, persuasion, sincerity. "you must never deceive me", "feelings rage in my soul". water lily is a gift from someone who wants to convince you that they are your soul mate
myosotis — memories, true love, sincerity, constancy, faithfulness
cineraria maritima — plant means that the person can (or is willing to) be a shoulder to cry on and will always be there for you, sharing happiness and hardship without asking for anything in return
(quality is still poor, so I could be wrong, but for some reason i can see this flower or it's vanilla) the star of bethlehem — this flower is often used in religious ceremonies symbolizing innocence, purity, honesty, hope and forgiveness
vanilla — love, beauty, sophistication, symbol of having many children
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attollogame · 2 years
Language of Flowers List
I cannot focus on game writing so I made this instead; send a char and a flower for a prompt, based on the lovely Language of Flowers (and this as extra)
Aloe: Affliction; Grief.
Apple: Temptation.
Aspen Tree: Lamentation.
Belladonna: Silence.
Bramble: Envy; Remorse.
Catchfly: False love.
Cedar Leaf: I Live For Thee.
Columbine, Red: Anxiousness.
Coreopsis, Arkansa: Love At First Sight
Cornbottle: Delicacy.
Cowslip, American: You Are My Divinity.
Cypress: Death.
Dead Leaves: Sadness.
Dittany of Crete: Birth.
Dittany of Crete, White: Passion.
Elder: Zealousness.
Fennel: Praise.
Fleur-De-Lis: I Burn.
Flowering Fern: Reverie.
Frog Ophrys: Disgust.
Garden Anemone: Forsaken.
Geranium, Dark: Melancholy.
Geranium, Lemon: Unexpected Meeting.
Gooseberry: Anticipation.
Grass: Submission.
Guelder Rose: Winter.
Helenium: Tears.
Heliotrope: Devotion.
Henbane: Imperfection.
Horse Chestnut: Luxury.
Hortensia: You Are Cold.
Hydrangea: Heartless.
Imperial Montague: Power.
Jasmine, Spanish: Sensuality.
Jasmine, Yellow: Elegance.
Judas Tree: Betrayal.
Lantana: Rigour.
Larch: Audacity.
Laurel: Glory.
Laurel, Ground: Perseverance.
Lichen: Solitude.
Lilac, White: Youthful Innocence.
Live Oak: Liberty.
Licorice, Wild: I Declare Against You.
Lobelia: Malevolence.
Lotus Flower: Estranged Love.
Lucern: Life.
Mandrake: Horror.
Milfoil: War.
Mint: Virtue.
Moss: Maternal Love.
Mourning Bride: I Have Lost All.
Mugwort: Happiness.
Myrtle: Love.
Night Convolvulus: Night.
Nightshade: Sorcery; Dark Thoughts.
Nightshade, Bitter: Truth.
Oats: Music.
Olive Branch: Peace.
Osmunda: Dreams.
Palm: Victory.
Periwinkle: Pleasures Of A Memory.
Pine, Black: Pity.
Pine, Spruce: Farewell.
Pomegranate: Foolishness.
Poplar, White: Time.
Poppy: Pleasure.
Poppy, White: Sleep.
Raspberry: Remorse.
Rudbeckia: Justice.
Sardony: Irony.
Snowball Tree: Age.
Sycamore: Curiosity.
Thrift: Sympathy.
Tuberose: Dangerous Pleasures.
Tulip, Yellow: Hopeless Love.
Venus' Looking Glass: Flattery.
Violet, White: Innocence.
Whin: Anger.
Willow, Water: Freedom.
Willow, Weeping: Mourning.
Wormwood: Absence.
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Perfume Prompts (Valentine's Day)
Hello everybody!
For February, I'd try something interesting, and do perfume prompts based on their ingredients and some of the descriptions found online. I'm interested in fragrances and how they influence a person, and there are some of mine as well as a few I'd like to try out.
As always, if you tag me with betweenthetimeandsound, I will find your works and reblog them!
Good luck!
Breathless by Victoria's Secret (neroli, mandarin orange, sandalwood) My first perfume, by the way.
Flowerbomb by Viktor and Rolf (peony, rose, freesia) "The explosion of thousands of flowers gives rise to an ultra-feminine, delicious fragrance. Sublime, delicious and addictive."
Pomegranate Noir by Jo Malone (pomegranate, Casablanca lily, Guaiacwood) "Daring sensuality, encapsulated in scent."
Idole by Lancome (citrus, rose, jasmine, and white musk)
Tainted Love by Tokyomilk Dark (dark vanilla bean, orchid, white tea, sandalwood) "Not for the faint of heart, a fragrance sparked by the complexities of love..."
Lipstick Rose by  Ralf Schwieger (Raspberry, Violet, Rose, Musk, Vanilla) "A star’s moment of privacy at her dressing table with her lipstick, which she spreads carefully onto her lower lip..."
Rose of No Man's Land by Byredo (pink pepper, Turkish rose, amber)
Philosykos by Diptyque (fig) "The memory of a Greek summer at Mount Pelion where, to get to the sea, there was a natural grove of wild sun-soaked fig trees to cross."
Love, don't be shy by Killian (Neroli, Orange Blossom, Marshmallow) "First love’s innocence makes itself known..."
Not A Perfume by Juliette has a Gun (cetalox)
Soleil Brulant by Tom Ford (Orange Flower Absolute, Amber, Black Honey Accord)
DONNA BORN IN ROMA by Valentino (Sambac Jasmine, Cashmeran, Vanilla) "a story of self-expression: a celebration of people living life freely, while embracing their heritage.."
Cherry Punk by Room 1015 (cherry, violet, patchouli) "Did Punk invent fashion or fashion invented Punk? From underground clubs to the national TV, Punk always had its own style, its own press (fanzines), its own movies, its own poetry..."
Heaven by Elorea (green tea, rose, patchouli) "This heavenly floral scent will transport you to a lush flower garden."
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elliemarchetti · 1 year
ACoTaR characters as Guerlain perfumes
because once I’ll get rich I intend to collect them like some kind of overpriced figurines and nobody is going to stop me.
The Girls 
Feyre Archeron - Insolence (Eau de Parfum)
Spontaneous, sometimes excessive, it’s the perfect perfume for those who are self-confident and proceed with the grace and elegance of a conqueror. Insolence is the portrait of a woman of audacious sensuality, impossible to resist, and it succeeds in its mission without losing the floral, fruity and powdery notes that I imagine Feyre carries with her from her time in the Spring Court.
Intensity  ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 
Price $$
Elain Archeron - Sparkling Bouquet (Eau de Parfum)
Fruity and fresh, Sparkling Bouquet has the olfactory imprint of a radiant personality, essential and multifaceted like a luminous jewel. The modernity of lavender and jasmine, mixed with a joyful accord of vanilla and sandalwood are the perfect representation of a character who loves growing flowers and feel the sun’s kiss on her skin.
Intensity  ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 🔘
Price $
Nesta Archeron - La Petite Robe Noir (Eau de Parfum)
A tribute to the most beautiful black notes of perfumery, La Petite Robe Noir is a deep, mysterious perfume with a thousand facets, sometimes sweet and delicate, sometimes unique and sophisticated, but always unmistakable.
Intensity  ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 🔘
Price $
Gwyneth Berdara - Eau de Guerlain (Cologne)
Light and refreshing, Eau de Guerlain is perfect in its clear and luminous simplicity, a reminder of Gwyn's innocence and vibrant curiosity.
Intensity  ⚫ 🔘 🔘 🔘
Price $$
Emerie - Neroli Outrenoir (Eau de Parfum)
A dark perfume, illuminated by neroli and bergamot, perfect for an enigmatic and magnetic character, willing to face her deepest fears for those she loves.
Intensity  ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 🔘
Price $$$
Mor - Mandarine Basilic Forte (Eau de Parfum)
The sweetness of a sun-kissed golden mandarin meets a lively basil sublimated by the warmth of sandalwood and the sweetness of vanilla tincture. Intense, exciting and captivating, this perfume is a journey to discover nature, with its hidden beauties and its unstoppable strength.
Intensity  ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 🔘
Price $$
Amren - Cuir Intense (Eau de Parfum)
A note of woody leather, an exceptional raw material, in contrast with the dark and mysterious character of a thousand-year-old creature, a perfect homage that highlights her strength, power and refinement.
Intensity  ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Price $$
Viviane - Shalimar (Soufflé de Parfum)
A real filter of femininity. Amber, sensual and luminous, in Prythian it would be produced in the Day Court and Viviane would be enraptured by its precious oriental caress. After the first application, the Lady of Winter would be unable to go without it, and Kallias would be secretly grateful.
Intensity  ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 🔘
Price $
The Boys 
Rhysand - Oud Khol (Eau de Parfum)
Intense, fascinating and absolute, this is the scent of a black so deep that captures and changes you from within. Enriched by the delight of a caramel note, I this this is the perfect fit for the dreamer hidden under the cruel armor. 
Intensity  ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Price $$$
Cassian - L’Homme Idéal (Eau de Parfum)
What men aspire to be in the form of perfume. Luxurious and seductive, the ideal man is a devoted and captivating lover, and at the same time a powerful and methodical general, just like Cassian.
Intensity  ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 🔘
Price $
Azriel - Patchouli Ardent (Eau de Parfum)
Dark and woody, the patchouli is sublimated in an extraordinarily vibrant and luminous way by the essence of rose and the mysterious accord of leather and musks, which make it a unique and refined sensory journey, fitting for the Shadowsinger.
 Intensity  ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Price $$
Tamlin - Vetiver (Eau de Toilette)
The fragrance of the earth at the crack of dawn, a perfect evocation of the awakening of the world for the High Lord of Spring.
Intensity  ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 🔘
Price $$
Lucien - Eau de Fleur de Cédrat (Cologne)
From its sour freshness, similar to someone’s sense of humor, to its delicate citron, this perfume hides in plain sight the scents of the Mediterranean coastline.
Intensity  ⚫ 🔘 🔘 🔘
Price $$
Eris - Rouge Privé (Eau de Parfum)
A perfume to be savored like a fine wine, reinterpreted from the original Habit Rouge (which I find generally fitting for the Autum Court) with notes of fortified vanilla and amber that smell of resentment and dissatisfaction. In general, Rouge Privé is a perfume full of contrasts, perfect for someone dignified and full of secrets.
Intensity ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 🔘
Price $$
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alexawesomeblog · 2 months
Best Smelling Perfumes for Women that Men Love
Perfume is an intimate expression of personal style, but it is also a sensory experience that can leave a lasting impression on others. While selecting a perfume galore, many women consider what scents are particularly appealing to men. From floral and fruity to spicy and woody, certain fragrances tend to captivate the senses. Here are some of the best-smelling galore colognes for women that men love, offering a variety of scents to suit different personalities and occasions.
1. Chanel Coco Mademoiselle
Chanel Coco Mademoiselle is a modern classic that exudes elegance and sophistication. Its blend of fresh citrus, floral, and oriental notes creates a balanced and alluring fragrance. The top notes of orange and bergamot provide a fresh opening, while the heart of jasmine and rose adds a touch of femininity. The base notes of patchouli and vetiver give it a warm, earthy finish that lingers beautifully on the skin. This timeless perfume is perfect for both daytime and evening wear, making it a favourite among men for its classy and refined scent.
2. Dior J'adore
Dior J'adore is a luxurious and sensual fragrance that embodies femininity. It opens with a burst of fresh and fruity notes, including bergamot and pear, which lead to a rich floral heart of jasmine, rose, and ylang-ylang. The base of vanilla and cedarwood adds warmth and depth, creating a sophisticated and lasting impression. J'adore's captivating blend makes it a standout scent that men find irresistible, making it an ideal choice for special occasions and romantic evenings.
3. Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium
Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium is a bold and seductive perfume known for its addictive qualities. It features a unique combination of coffee, vanilla, and white flowers, creating a sweet yet edgy fragrance. The top notes of pink pepper and orange blossom add a spicy freshness, while the heart of coffee and jasmine brings an intriguing depth. The base of vanilla, patchouli, and cedarwood ensures a warm and lingering finish. Black Opium is perfect for evening wear and makes a powerful statement that men find alluring and unforgettable.
4. Marc Jacobs Daisy
Marc Jacobs Daisy is a light and whimsical fragrance that captures the essence of youthful exuberance. It opens with fresh notes of wild strawberry and violet leaves, followed by a floral heart of jasmine and gardenia. The base of musk and vanilla adds a subtle warmth, making it a fresh yet comforting scent. Daisy's playful and charming aroma is ideal for daytime wear, and its innocent yet inviting fragrance is one that men find particularly appealing.
5. Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb
Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb is a floral explosion that leaves a lasting impression. Its combination of rich, sweet, and floral notes creates a powerful and enchanting scent. The top notes of bergamot and tea provide a fresh start, while the heart of jasmine, orchid, and rose offers a lush bouquet of florals. The base notes of patchouli and vanilla give it a warm, seductive finish. Flowerbomb is perfect for both day and night, making it a versatile fragrance that men love for its romantic and captivating qualities.
6. Gucci Bloom
Gucci Bloom is a celebration of the beauty and diversity of the floral world. It features a blend of white flowers, including jasmine, tuberose, and Rangoon creeper, creating a rich and intoxicating floral scent. The fragrance is fresh, natural, and sophisticated, making it a perfect choice for spring and summer. Men appreciate Gucci Bloom for its pure, elegant, and feminine scent that is both modern and timeless.
7. Lancôme La Vie Est Belle
Lancôme La Vie Est Belle is a joyful and elegant fragrance that celebrates life's beauty. Its blend of sweet and floral notes creates a warm and inviting scent. The top notes of blackcurrant and pear provide a fruity freshness, while the heart of iris, jasmine, and orange blossom adds a floral richness. The base of praline, vanilla, and patchouli gives it a sweet and lasting finish. La Vie Est Belle is ideal for both day and night, and its positive and uplifting aroma is one that men find particularly appealing.
8. Tom Ford Black Orchid
Tom Ford Black Orchid is a luxurious and mysterious fragrance that exudes confidence and sophistication. Its blend of dark, rich, and exotic notes creates a complex and captivating scent. The top notes of black truffle and ylang-ylang are followed by a heart of black orchid and lotus wood. The base of patchouli, vanilla, and incense provides a warm and sensual finish. Black Orchid is perfect for evening wear and special occasions, making a bold statement that men find incredibly alluring.
9. Jo Malone Peony & Blush Suede
Jo Malone Peony & Blush Suede is a fresh and romantic fragrance that combines floral and fruity notes. The top note of red apple provides a crisp and juicy opening, while the heart of peony, jasmine, and rose adds a soft and feminine floral bouquet. The base of suede gives it a smooth and luxurious finish. This delicate and elegant scent is perfect for daytime wear and has a subtle charm that men find irresistible.
10. Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue is a refreshing and invigorating fragrance that captures the essence of a Mediterranean summer. Its blend of citrus, floral, and woody notes creates a vibrant and uplifting scent. The top notes of Sicilian lemon and apple provide a fresh and fruity start, while the heart of jasmine and white rose adds a soft floral touch. The base of cedarwood and musk gives it a warm and enduring finish. Light Blue is ideal for casual and daytime wear, and its crisp and clean aroma is one that men love for its effortless charm.
Choosing a perfume that appeals to men can enhance your confidence and leave a lasting impression. The fragrances listed above offer a variety of scent profiles, from floral and fruity to bold and seductive, ensuring that you can find the perfect perfume for any occasion. Whether you prefer the timeless elegance of Chanel Coco Mademoiselle or the playful charm of Marc Jacobs Daisy, these perfumes are sure to captivate and enchant, making you feel as good as you smell.
0 notes
muhammadyahya1 · 3 months
Why are flowers like roses and jasmine considered great? Is there a difference in their scent?
Roses and jasmine are both highly regarded for their beauty and fragrance, but they are quite distinct in terms of their scent and characteristics:
Fragrance: Roses have a sweet, floral fragrance that varies slightly depending on the variety. Some roses have a stronger scent than others, but generally, they are known for their classic, romantic aroma.
Symbolism: Roses are often associated with love, beauty, and romance. Different colors of roses can convey different meanings, such as red for love and respect, white for purity and innocence, and yellow for friendship and joy.
Uses: Roses are widely used in perfumery, cosmetics, and as cut flowers for various occasions including weddings, anniversaries, and funerals.
Fragrance: Jasmine has a rich, exotic, and heady floral scent that is often described as intensely sweet and romantic. The fragrance is powerful and can fill a room with its aroma.
Symbolism: Jasmine symbolizes love, sensuality, and purity. It is associated with feminine energy and is considered a symbol of motherhood and eternal love in some 'cultures'.
Uses: Jasmine is commonly used in perfumes and essential oils due to its captivating fragrance. It is also used in teas, cosmetics, and as a fragrant adornment in weddings and religious ceremonies.
Differences in Scent:
Intensity: Jasmine generally has a more intense and potent fragrance compared to roses.
Character: Rose fragrance is often sweeter and softer, whereas jasmine is richer, warmer, and more exotic.
Association: Roses are often linked with romance and elegance, while jasmine carries associations of sensuality and exoticism.
Both roses and jasmine are beloved for their scent and are utilized in various cultural and ceremonial contexts worldwide, each bringing its own unique charm and symbolism.
0 notes
ashleysingermfablog · 3 months
Wk 16, 18th of June, 2024 Research
The Fae, Fair Folk, Small supernatural
From the text: Cicely Barkers and others on British Fairies...
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Cicely Barker, Flower Fairies: the thrift fairy, 1930, illustration
Cicely Barker’s first fairy themed work appeared in 1918, a set of postcards titled Elves and Fairies, which took its title from Ida Rentoul Outhwaite’s book of 1916.  
“They thought me once a magic tree
Of wondrous lucky charm
And at the door they planted me
To keep the house from harm.
They have no fear of witchcraft now,
Yet here I am today…”
Barker’s Faery is a place of love and companionship, of kindness and of laughter.  The fairies are always busy with play, feasting, dancing and song; their main emotion is joy.  Pipe music and fairy balls are repeatedly mentioned.  Very little intrudes upon this constant delight.  Taking too many catkins might make the fairies cry, but the tears are soon consoled; elves may injure themselves, but they are soon treated with the herb self-heal.  Dancing at night under the moon is a traditional touch, as are “elfin coats of green” and there is a sense that fairies are as old as the seasons. We are told that it is “At the edge of the woodland/ Where good fairies dwell…” and there are some mentions of faery kings and queens.  Barker only departs notably from established fairy lore in her rhyme for mountain ash (see above).
She treats the shrub solely as a bar against witches, but rowan was in fact regarded as just as effective against fairies. Perhaps Barker didn’t want to mention anything which impinged on the childhood innocence and playfulness of her vision of fairy-land. Nonetheless, even in this simple and innocent world, though, there is just a hint of another Faerie.  One author has described one of the alphabet fairies as follows: “The more mystical and sensual side of fairy-land is epitomised by the Jasmine fairy.  In the heat of the summer the ‘cool green bowers’ and ‘sweet-scented flowers’ are particularly seductive.” This sensuousness is unusual though. On the whole Barker’s flower fairies are charming in their purity, delicacy and prettiness- features which have assured their enduring popularity. They bear only tenuous links to the faeries of British tradition, but over the last century they have nevertheless been inspirational and meaningful enough for people to effectively create their own tradition. The books and their imagery also underline, once again, the significant role that Faery has played in British culture, providing writers and artists with the raw material for their own creativity.
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Margaret Tarrant, fast asleep under the largest toadstool, 1950, illustration
Margaret Winifred Tarrant was an English illustrator, and children's author, specializing in depictions of fairy-like children and religious subjects who began being published in the 1950.
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Margarant Tarrant, a jolly jig, 1951, illustration
The origins of fairy rings were extensively debated in the late eighteenth century.  The Gentleman’s Magazine, for a decade from 1788, carried an exchange of correspondence in which readers described and theorised about these curious features in their landscape.  Charles Broughton, writing in 1788, remarked upon the semi-circular marks that appeared consistently in his pasture land.  They had a base of about four yards, he reported, and were half a yard thick (across their width).  Another writer (‘JM’) in 1790 described the circles that appeared in the meadow-land near his home.  They were 6-8 inches broad with a diameter of six to twelve feet and were covered in champignon mushrooms.  He noted that the land hadn’t been ploughed for 19 years and that the cattle were turned in annually to eat the aftermath (the stubble left after cutting the hay). Another letter from 1792 remarked upon the many large fairy rings to be seen in the meadows between Islington and Canonbury, north of London.  
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Margarant Tarrant, the fairy way, 1953, illustration
 Evans Wentz that the piskies preferred to ‘play’ in marshy locations and that these round places were locally called ‘pisky beds’ (p.184).
The rings were dangerous places, that was for sure.  Dew should not be gathered from them (as was sometimes done to improve the complexion) and the faes would counteract any magical quality it possessed anyway.  Anyone who stepped accidentally into a ring could be abducted by the fairies.  Great fear about this danger was instilled by parents into children, who retained the dread into their own adult years (see, for example, Wirt Sikes, British Goblins, p.103 for just such a warning from an old Glamorganshire man and also Evans Wentz, Fairy Faith, p.91).  The rings might be a place to which a person was ‘pixy-led’ and then trapped, as was recounted in the story of Einion ac Olwen (Evans Wentz p.161).  The same story notes the distinctiveness of ring too: “a hollow place surrounded by rushes where he saw a number of round rings.”
To have caution in the garden is a necessity, even if the garden is small, there are many bacterias and poisonous kinds of plants and sometimes bugs so caution is best had. By the fae giving feelings of caution to young children playing about in nature, the way to know the garden is not seen as filled with folly. A garden space, hedgerow, park, and urban, suburban or domesticated plot is not seen by many as wild nature, and is more seen as almost 'unnatural' in itself. Yet, that doesn't suggest, or shouldn't suggest, that the garden is a passive space. Many folklore's tell that the garden space is one that is home to many 'others' (whether that be birds, butterflies or esoteric mystical beings). By gaining knowledge of sharing space with other species, fae introduce children and adults also, into the garden space with a sense of caution, care and respect. As a way of knowing a space, the garden in all it's grand forms (large thoroughly planted and planned), or earnest forms (roadside plots, self seeded trees, a rented garden bed), shows of a way of being that mandates correspondence and inter-species awareness.
I visited this Magnolia Tree in Mt Ceclia Park and document it on my phone as I thought it looked like the fairy forts I had been researching (see images below). I could imagine this as a place for the mystical and the petals seemed to sit so nicely and pink in the colour of the sunset. This really felt like an ‘event’ to witness this tree. Maybe I can bring that thinking forward as trees as events- a place to witness mystical feelings??
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nisara-beauty · 4 months
The Perfect Scent: Top 3 Long Lasting Body Mists for Women by Nisara Beauty
Choosing the perfect body mist to gift a woman can be a daunting task, given the plethora of options available. However, if you’re looking for long-lasting body mists that not only smell divine but also embody the spirit of modern femininity, Nisara Beauty has got you covered. Here are three standout body mists from their collection that make for the perfect gift.
Drama Queen
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First on the list is “Drama Queen”. This body mist is a unique blend of captivating scents that are sure to enchant anyone who experiences it. It opens with a playful blend of Grapefruit, Cassis, Peach, and Mandarin. The zesty notes of Grapefruit and Mandarin create a burst of energy while Cassis and Peach add a luscious and tempting facet to the composition. At the heart of Drama Queen lies a captivating bouquet of Peony, Muguet and Violet. Peony exudes femininity and elegance while Muguet adds a delicate floral freshness. Violet introduces a touch of intrigue, embodying the enigmatic nature of a true drama queen. The base notes of Musky, Vanilla and Sandalwood add depth and allure to the fragrance. Musky notes linger on the skin, leaving a seductive trail while Vanilla contributes a sweet and comforting dimension. Sandalwood imparts a warm and woody undertone, grounding the scent with sophistication.
Kiss & Tell
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Next up is “Kiss & Tell”. This enchanting women’s body mist perfume captures the essence of romance and allure. It opens with an intriguing blend of Wild Hawthorne and Cassia. Wild Hawthorne adds a touch of natural beauty and freshness while Cassia imparts a warm and slightly spicy undertone that invites curiosity. At the heart of Kiss & Tell lies a romantic bouquet of Bulgarian Rose and Parma Violet. Bulgarian Rose symbolizes timeless love and passion while Parma Violet adds a delicate sweetness that evokes a sense of nostalgia and innocence. The base notes of White Musk and Vanilla create a soft and inviting foundation. White Musk adds a subtle sensuality that lingers on the skin while Vanilla introduces a comforting and warm embrace that lulls the senses.
I Mist You
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Last but not least, we have “I Mist You”. This refreshing women’s body mist perfume encapsulates the joy of connection and the allure of a fleeting moment. It opens with a dynamic blend of Apple, Bergamot and Orange. The crispness of Apple adds a touch of vibrancy while Bergamot and Orange infuse the scent with a burst of refreshing citrus energy. At the heart of I Mist You lies a bouquet of delicate florals. Jasmine, Lily of The Valley, Rose and Violet create a harmonious symphony of scents that embodies tenderness and grace. Each note contributes to a sense of comfort and familiarity. The base notes of Amber and Musk create a soothing and lasting foundation. Amber adds a warm and embracing depth, while Musk imparts a gentle sensuality that lingers on the skin, reminiscent of a cherished memory.
So, if you’re looking for the perfect gift for a special woman in your life, consider these long-lasting body mists by Nisara Beauty. They’re more than just fragrances; they’re expressions of personality. Experience a symphony of scents with Nisara Beauty and make every day a little more special.
0 notes
primroseprime2019 · 8 months
The Sorcerer's Legacy- One
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In the streets of London, a sixteen year old boy walked past people. He wore a black shirt and light grey jeans and a silver and turquoise jacket.
He had light honey brown skin and raven black hair that was tied in a small ponytail, and he had dark grey eyes that almost looked black.
He kept glancing around nervously. He lightly tugged on his hood as he kept his head down. He was avoiding the other people for a reason that only he knew.
He let out a silent sigh of relief as he walked into a house and closed the door behind him.
"Prim?" He called out. "In the kitchen, Ivan," a female voice called out. An Alaskan Husky pranced over to Isaac as he knelt down and giggled softly as the dog licked his face.
A twenty-one year old woman walked over, "dinner is ready. How was your trip?" She asked. She had chestnut brown skin, raven black and brown hair and light brown eyes.
"It was okay," Ivan replied with a small shrug, "it's gonna rain soon. So I made sure to grab some books from the local library."
Primrose smiled softly, "I'm glad. You sure you're okay?"
"Yeah," he nodded. She gently rubbed her head and he leaned into her touch before he hugged her. She immediately hugged him back.
"Go upstairs and wash up," she said softly, "after dinner, we can work on your magic lessons tonight."
Ivan smiled and he nodded before he went upstairs.
He grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. Turning the faucet, he watched as water filled up the tub.
He closed his eyes and rubbed his arms. There were symmetrical scars on his back, arms, legs and chest. He didn't know how or when he had gotten them. Or how why, but he didn't want to think about it right now.
"Amaryllis represent pride, strength and determination," he murmured as he climbed into the tub, "Irises represent faith, hope, courage, wisdom and admiration; roses represent achievement, completion and perfect."
He closed his eyes, "lillies represent feminine, love, purity and grief. Begonias represent caution and consideration. Hibiscus represent power, fame and glory. Jasmines represent love, purity and sensuality. Snowdrops represent hope and innocence."
Thunder rumbled and he looked at the window as rain began to fall.
He chuckled softly as the Alaskan Husky, Penny, trotted into the bathroom. She barked softly and Isaac smiled at her.
He reached out and gently rubbed her head. "Sunflowers represent positivity, happiness, cheer, good luck, health and hope. Bet you didn't know that, did you, Penny?"
Penny tilted her head before she huffed softly, her tail wagging. Ivan giggled softly. He started to wash up.
Once he was done, he got dressed into his pajamas. He and Penny raced down the stairs and into the kitchen. The smell of spaghetti and meatballs filled the air and Isaac blushed as his stomach growled.
Primrose chuckled, "come eat, ya little bird." "Thanks, Prim," Ivan smiled as he sat down.
He started eating. Penny walked over to her dog bowl and Primrose hummed softly as she washed her hands.
"Prim?" Ivan said softly. "Hm?" She replied,
"Can you... tell me about my parents?" He asked. She paused and turned the faucet off. She sighed softly.
"Your parents were the most amazing sorcerers in the world," she said, "especially your father, Ivar. He wanted a world where sorcerers were equal and wouldn't have hide their magic. But... all I know is that after your parents disappeared, nothing was the same. I found you on my doorstep."
Ivan smiled a little and nodded as he finished his plate. Primrose pulled him into a hug.
"I know those aren't the words you want to hear but trust me when I say that you are loved and important in so many ways," she said. She kissed his head.
He leaned into her, "thanks, Prim." "Anytime," she said, "now go ahead and get yourself ready. We gotta leave in a little bit."
Ivan tilted his head, "where are we going?" "To the market," Primrose replied as she patted Peni's head.
Ivan blinked in surprise before he smiled and nodded. He hurried upstairs to grab his sketchbook. Primrose chuckled softly and Penny looked at her.
She sighed softly and rubbed her face. 'I can't tell him... not yet,' she thought bitterly, 'he isn't ready yet.' She grabbed her jacket and Penny's leash.
Penny walked up to her and Primrose patted her head. Ivan came downstairs, almost tripping over his feet.
Primrose laughed. "Slow down there, kiddo." He smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry! I'm just excited," he giggled. "I can see that," she smiled as he put on his shoes and his jacket.
"Hopefully the rain's stopped," Ivan said. Penny barked and he giggled as he rubbed her head. Primrose smiled softly. He looked so much like his father. It was almost haunting to her but she ignored that feeling as they walked out of their apartment.
Luckily it was only drizzling. Primrose sighed softly and Ivan looked at her.
"You okay?" He asked. "Yeah," she said, "now since we're heading to the market, I want you to stay as close to me as possible, got it?"
Ivan pouted but nodded. She chuckled and ruffled his hair. He squeaked and swatted her hand away with a giggle. Penny barked, her tail wagging. The three started walking to the market.
Ivan and Penny walked a little further ahead but managed to stay in Primrose's line of sight. She watched them with a soft chuckle. She sighed deeply before she looked at the grey clouds. She could see the sun piercing through and it made her frown.
She looked back at Ivan who was rubbing Penny's head.
'Not yet,' Primrose silently told herself as she gripped her wrist, 'he can't know yet. Otherwise things will become even more difficult. It's what his parents would've wanted. I... I can do this.'
She exhaled and walked after Ivan and Penny.
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nisarabeauty · 1 year
Elevate Your Senses with Nisara Beauty’s “Kiss & Tell” Fragrance Mist
Nisara Beauty’s “Kiss & Tell” Fragrance Mist is a symphony of enchanting notes carefully crafted to create a one-of-a-kind olfactory experience. With a blend of floral and fruity elements, it offers a delightful balance of sensuality and sweetness. The top notes burst with the freshness of citrus and apple, while the heart blooms with the elegance of jasmine and rose. The base notes of vanilla and musk add a warm, inviting depth to the fragrance. The result is a scent that is both alluring and comforting, making it perfect for any occasion.
It is a versatile and enchanting addition to your daily routine. Elevate your senses and make a lasting impression with this captivating fragrance. Order yours today and let the alluring scent of “Kiss & Tell” become your signature fragrance for every occasion. Indulge in luxury and let your personality shine through with this exquisite fragrance mist from Nisara Beauty.
Fragrance Family: Floral
Top Notes: Wild Hawthorne, Cassia Middle Notes: Bulgarian Rose, Parma Violet Base Notes: White Musk, Vanilla Fragrance Notes and Mood:
Top Notes: The enchanting journey of “Kiss & Tell” commences with a captivating blend of Wild Hawthorne and Cassia. Wild Hawthorne imparts a natural, refreshing beauty, while Cassia introduces a hint of warmth and a subtle, inviting spice, kindling the spark of curiosity. Middle Notes: At the heart of “Kiss & Tell” lies a romantic bouquet featuring the timeless allure of Bulgarian Rose and the delicate sweetness of Parma Violet. Bulgarian Rose symbolizes enduring love and passion, while Parma Violet invokes a sense of nostalgia and innocence, like a fond memory captured in a fragrance. Base Notes: Providing a soft and inviting foundation, the base notes of White Musk and Vanilla gracefully linger on the skin. White Musk adds a subtle sensuality that remains with you, while Vanilla envelops you in a comforting, warm embrace, soothing the senses. Mood and Occasion: “Kiss & Tell” is the versatile body mist that elevates any moment with an air of mystery and charm. Whether you’re heading out for a casual day or preparing for a special evening, this fragrance is your secret to leaving a subtle yet indelible trail of elegance and allure. Enhance your aura of sophistication and make every occasion unforgettable with “Kiss & Tell.”
How To Wear Kiss & Tell Fragrance Mist Application Tips for Perfume:
Directly to Skin: Perfume is artfully designed to interact with your body’s unique chemistry and warmth. The longevity of the scent on your skin depends on both the perfume itself and your skin type. Embrace the individuality of your fragrance experience.
Focus on Pulse Points: Pulse points are your secret allies when it comes to making your fragrance last. These are the warmest areas of your body and promote the “dry down” process, enhancing the scent’s projection. While the wrists and neck are the classic choices, there are numerous lesser-known pulse points you can explore to intensify and extend the fragrance’s impact. Remember, if you apply perfume to a spot and love the results, there’s no harm in doing it again. It’s all about personal preference.
Avoid Rubbing: It’s best to resist the urge to rub your wrists together after applying perfume. Allow the fragrance to naturally dry down. This preserves the integrity of the fragrance by preventing the crushing of its top notes. By letting the layers of the fragrance unfold naturally, you ensure that each component plays its unique role in the aromatic composition.
By following these simple guidelines, you can make the most of your perfume and ensure it complements your individual style and personality. Embrace the art of fragrance application, and let your scent be an extension of your unique self.
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brezzegiftsseo · 1 year
10 Amazing Flower Options for You to Gift Your Loved Ones!
Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, engagement, marriage, or any other celebration, gifts are often incomplete without flowers. Gifting flowers is a sign of emotion towards the person, which you will express. But, as flowers are abundant out there, picking the right type for the right occasion is of utmost importance.
So, if you want to Send Flowers Online in Australia, here are the top ten options for you to consider.
Red Rose
Red roses signify romantic love and affection toward the person. If you want to make your boyfriend/girlfriend or better half special on your relationship anniversary, a bouquet of red roses will create an unmatched memory.
Marigold is a universal flower for you to gift to any of your loved ones for varying occasions. It symbolizes auspiciousness, purity, and divine presence.
A bouquet of lilies signifies innocence and rebirth. Hence, this is considered the best gift for new parents, especially mothers.
Jasmine resembles sensuality, romance, and love. Hence, gifting them to your would-be wife/husband is the right choice. Moreover, white jasmines also signify honor and respect, which will define the ultimate meaning of motherhood and purity.
Carnation flowers are considered an alternative to roses for expressing romantic love to someone. Unlike roses, carnations can be gifted to express familial love as well.
Orchid flowers are considered a great option for someone who is just starting his/her career or taking a new step in life. It is known for bringing in luck and happiness.
If you are about to visit someone admitted to a hospital and want to cheer them up with a smile, sunflowers are best for it. They are known as happy flowers and can be gifted in joyous moments.
If you plan to Send Gift Baskets USA, add a bouquet of hibiscus in it, as it expresses joy, positivity, chet, good luck, and wealth.
Send Flowers Online Thailand has been made easier, and Gerbera is in utmost demand. It is very commonly used as a gift for anniversaries and birthdays.
The lotus symbolizes purity and can be gifted to someone to celebrate rebirth, resilience, and strength. These are the ten flowers to consider when you want to gift something less-flashy for your loved ones. You can always Order Plants Online in Germany, USA, Canada, and other places through Brezze Gifts.
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