#jason todd x rachel roth
blade-liger-4ever · 1 year
Jayrae thoughts (trigger warning: mentions of drugs, neglectful parents, demon parents (?), death, gangs, hope this is good enough for warnings)
Okay, @wickedhexedwitch has gotten me onto the Jayrae (Jason Todd/Red Hood x Rachel Roth/Raven) ship pretty hard, despite my poor, limited knowledge of Teen Titans - and, to a slightly lesser extent, DC Comics as a whole.
But now, I can’t help but think about how awesome their dynamic would be. Just imagine with me for a moment.
You have Raven, a young girl who was raised to be her demon father’s ultimate weapon/avatar. She went through a horrible childhood, eventually managing to escape and suppress her emotions to keep dear old dad away. Because of this, she is more reserved and closed off than her teammates, who are more or less physical embodiments of chaos. Naturally, Raven has to keep her empathetic tendencies in control, which means she doesn’t turn out as wild as the others.
Then take Jason. The boy’s had the worst childhood out of any of the Robins (I’m not counting Damian because, on account of Bruce’s life, he was pulled into the Wayne family drama): Jason’s mother was an addict, his father either went to jail or took off, and Jason thereby suffered from emotional, mental and spiritual neglect. And then, after getting killed by Joker, Jason is forcefully brought back to life by Ra’s a’Ghul, with an equally messed up head now that he’d shared the Lazarus Pit with Ra’s.
After coming to terms with Bruce and getting off his need for lone wolf vigilantism, Jason comes back to running some missions with his adopted family. On one of these missions, they wind up teaming up with the Titans for Raven’s medical expertise and to hunt down Deathstroke.
And Raven’s just so...quiet.
Jason’s irked by her lack of emotion, but also amazed at her control. No matter what he says, what he does, or any other antic his siblings or the other Titans get up to, Raven remains impassive and collected. In spite of how aggravating he finds it, Jason finds her quiet control a soothing balm. Soon enough, he begins talking with her about books, starting with the classics that Jason, up until this point, has not spoken about with anyone. Eventually, they spend more time discussing everything from Shakespeare to C.S. Lewis. And then, Jason finds out that Raven’s not a particularly good physical fighter. Offended on her behalf, he insists/drags Raven to the training room to teach her how to defend herself should she be depowered.
And Raven’s just astounded by this man. He’s a smart-mouth, a belligerent fighter, and just all around loose cannon. But now, she’s learned that Jason’s mind is a sharp as his sword, and that underneath his cocky attitude, he cares. No one else on the team has given thought to teaching her to fight without her powers. Despite what he’d have others believe, he has a kind heart. A heart that, dare she say it, is kinder than any Raven’s come across.
And so they’re partnered up on missions. With Raven’s vast magical/supernatural powers and Jason’s exceptional combat and weapon skills, the two make an incredible team. During this time, they find that their partnership is almost seamless, with few misunderstandings between them. Growing comfortable around each other, Raven breaks the ice first by admitting to her heritage and upbringing, something that still upsets her. At first she’s nervous, thinking he might reject her for her early life.
But she’s surprised when Jason gets quiet, slowly taking off his mask as she finishes her tale. After a moment, he tells her that his mother had never shown such care for him. She was always looking for the next drug to make her forget the world, forget him. His father never bothered to be in the picture, forcing Jason to carve out his own life. He tells her the times he went hungry, the times he stole, the first time he killed in self-defense. And Raven realizes that he’s trusting her with his past, just like she did with him. She gives him a smile - a small one, but so genuine that Jason decides it’s the best gesture that’s ever graced his life - and thanks him for it.
They clearly have eyes for each other by now, but Raven’s still not sure about how to express her positive emotions. And Jason, for all his bravado, is unwilling to make a move without knowing for sure that Raven reciprocates. The night before a mission, Raven goes to Starfire for advice on showing “strong affection”, as she puts it, for another. Starfire encourages her to let her emotions flower, but to keep them rooted in reality. Pondering this, Raven thanks her before heading out.
Unknown to either of the women, Dick discusses the mission with Jason before bringing up Raven. Although initially annoyed by the change in topic, Jason listens when Dick points out the signs of Raven’s feelings for him. When his brother is still unsure, Dick suggests not following his instincts this time, but his heart. Jason naturally punches his arm, but after a laugh and a, “Just try, okay?” from his older brother, Red Hood leaves a bit more thoughtful.
They head out, taking down the gang, but Raven takes a hit. Enraged, Jason kills the remaining gang members before carefully picking up Raven and leaving the scene. He’s quiet, not just because he’s still angry but also scared that Raven will think badly of him because of his deadly skills. However, Raven only asks if he’s alright, and after some more discussion, she picks up on a man following them.
Finding a spot to leave her, Jason goes back to deal with their pursuer. This man’s more formidable than the others, and once at a stalemate, Raven abruptly appears to shield Jason from a second man. Teaming up flawlessly, they take down the men, and Jason is stunned to see that Raven has healed. She admits that she accessed her positive emotions to both sense their enemies and to heal herself, finding that her love for Jason greatly overshadowed her negative ones.
Jason and Raven, each smiling like they haven’t in years, take this opportunity to kiss. Their relationship blooms from here on out, resulting in Rachel becoming the White Raven much sooner, and Jason tempering his wilder fighting style to reflect the calmer man that he’s become.
......wow, these two really came to life just now - and I think they’re gonna stick in my mind for awhile yet. Anyone who stuck around, thank you so much, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
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obito76 · 1 year
[Closet Secrets]
Chapter 10 : Enter Jason Todd
You can read my full work here on AO3.
Raven fidgeted with her hair, her fingers twisting in the strands as she ran her fingers on margins of her text book. Her heart fluttered against her chest and she leaned back against her chair, looking out of her window into the street below. A few flakes of snow began to drift down in the darkness around her, signalling that It was truly time of winter. Raven let herself entertain the small fantasy of curled up under heavy blankets as Dick made love to her with almost tender touches, candles burning around them as they practically bathed in the soft glow.
She blushed and tugged on the sleeves of her sweatshirt, feeling her body tremble at the memory of his hands running over her, teasing her skin. It felt silly to feel her heart pound the way it did, rattling against her ribs like a bird in a cage. She knew, logically, that this feeling of attraction and excitement was something that bound to happen when you are literally fucking almost every day, and yet she loved to wallow in it. Even though it was a maze of falsities and lies, she would wrap herself up in this fake love and tenderness as if it were real.
It was unhealthy for her to feel this way, and yet part of her didn’t care.
“Knock knock?”
Raven nearly jumped out of her skin, a yelp of surprise escaping as she turned around, looking into the face of a familiar man hovering in her bedroom doorway. He leaned casually against the jamb, and his dark hair fell into even darker eyes, the corners of his lips turning up in a sinful smirk that suggested he knew exactly what she had been thinking about.
Raven stuttered for a moment, trying not to drown in the sight of him. What in the...
“I’m sorry.” His voice sounded like sin and silk all mingling together in a veritable thunderstorm of emotions. “Karen and that pink hair were stepping out when I got in, so I thought maybe you need some company. I hope you don’t mind.”
Jason Todd.
“What do you want Jason?” Raven groaned out as she pulled her arms over her chest and blushed, feeling as if he could easily see through her oversized sweater and tight leggings. His stare flicked around her face, obviously taking the sight of her in feature by feature until he was practically grinning behind those endless eyes.
Raven glanced at the digital clock by her lamp, trying to remember what the date was. Thursday ? And nine o’clock? How had she forgotten? She fidgeted with her hair and looked around her room, trying to keep her eyes from locking with his own; that would have spelled disaster. “Trying to give me company? You're not Dick.”
He lifted an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest. “I am not.” His eyes shot down the length of her body and a slow, teasing smile split his lips, exposing bright white teeth. “I’m Jason. The League sent him on a mission, So he’s out of the country for a little bit, so… I’m here to fill in his datebook for the next few days.”
“Fuck,” Raven pushed at her hair and sighed, looking away. If she kept staring at him, he would certainly drag her down into hell… or heaven. Whatever happened first. “He didn’t let me know.”
“It was a rather sudden request from a former teammate. He was off to Monaco and needed someone for backup.” He waved his hand dismissively and propped himself up on his feet. “You know how it goes.”
She didn’t, not really.
“Can I come in?”
Could he? There was something dangerous curling around inside him, and he didn’t feel a thing like Dick. Jason’s entire being spoke of hidden curses and dark words whispered in shadows. It spoke of the soft scent of leather and bite of cold metal, a complete opposite of Dick who seemed nothing but affection and pleasure. Could she trust this man with shadowed promises hiding in the depths of his eyes? Raven finally lifted her eyes to his own and gave a nod,
He certainly was interesting..
“Thank you… Raven,”
Jason sauntered into the room, his hips having a luscious sway to them, and casually moved to her bookshelf. He began to look at the titles on her shelf with a mild interest, running his fingers over the spines with touches that seemed practically irreverent. Raven let him read the books quietly, trying to decipher him, but coming up completely empty.
“I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, Raven. I can sense you’re… uneasy. If you don’t want me here, I can go back to my room,” he stated conversationally, never turning around to look back at her. “If you changed your mind, I don’t have to be here. It’s okay. You will lose your company, but that’s all.”
“No, it’s not that,”
“Oh? So you don’t mind if I stay then?” He glanced over his shoulder and watched her, his lips curling up into another smile.
“Yeah, yeah.. you can stay, I guess…” Raven felt her body react under his heady stare and looked around her room again, trying to avoid looking into his eyes. She knew that the moment she saw those shadows again, she would be unable to stop herself from saying no. She desperately wanted to see what was hiding inside him. “It’s just that Dick promised to spend night so when I heard knocking, I wasn’t expecting you.”
He cast her a sidelong glance, that infuriating smile playing across his lips again as his fingertips continued to slide along the spines of her books. “Fucking your best friend's husband in her own house?”
“Who cares about her?” Raven scoffed.
“Mm…” Jason made a noncommittal noise as he pulled a book off her shelf with long, careful fingers. “Crime and Punishment? This is one of my favorite novels.”
Hers too. She lifted her eyes to his face again, silently telling him to continue.
“I think Raskolnikov’s delusions of being the hero are… interesting. A blatant indicator of human desires to be more than just themselves, and more than just humans. There’s such an interesting concept that this lays deep at the core of our being, the lust for the idea that the individual is more than just a being among other beings, an individual can be a superman – above all other humans.” He paged through the book and looked up at her, still smiling behind those smoldering eyes. “It’s a great idea…don’t you think?”
Raven just sat there, her mouth hanging open just a little bit as she tried to process exactly what he had just said. He was carrying on advanced discussions of Russian literature with her… in the same way that Dick had easily built their physical chemistry as if it was nothing to be concerned with. How exactly Batman trains his sidekick to be both exceedingly handsome and exceedingly intelligent?
So it's not only Dick,
Jason chuckled. “You look intrigued.”
She was.
“Do you want to talk books?”
She did. It had been so long since she carried on a conversation about classic literature with someone other than Dick and few people at library.
He snapped the book shut, eyes staring deeply into her own as he read her expression like it was one of her books. “We can just talk books if you want, little bird. There’s no need to push if you don’t want to do anything else.” He smiled and moved closer to her. “Besides, I don’t mind the discussion… there’s only one other person I could talk Russian literature with and he and I… well… we don’t really get along. So, I wouldn’t mind the deeper conversation for once.”
She knew that not many of their friends were not all that interested in literature, or even know what Russian litrature is, to able to have real conversations. Maybe this was a good thing? Raven’s stare flicked down to the worn book in his hands and then back to his eyes. Chewing on her lower lip, she weighed the pros and cons for a moment before giving a delicate, careful nod. “Books...talking about books sounds good.”
“Good.” He moved and sat on the edge of her bed. “We’ll start with books.”
Raven felt her heart pound against her ribs at his choice of words.
The rest of their time seemed to mix and mingle together in a whirlwind of questions and back-and-forth teasing, and Raven found herself intrigued with what he had to say. It was easy conversation, like something between friends, and it didn’t take Raven very long to relax against him, listening as he critiqued some of her favorite books with sharp but insightful censure. He never ended a point with “well that’s how I feel”, but brought up interesting points of view, and some she had never considered. It was surprisingly… fun.
The next thing Raven knew she was laying spread out on her bed, listening to his low laughter as he trailed his fingertips up and down her arm, picking at loose threads on her sweater.
Jason poked a finger into her side and shook his head, his teasing smile spilling his lips. “Of course you would like Pride and Prejudice.”
Raven pursed her lips and looked over at him as he fidgeted with the pen in her hair. He was impossibly close to her, and she could smell the scent of his breath mingling with the thick scent of his cologne and the heat of his body. It felt like something out of a cheap romance novel, and she both loved and hated it.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“All girls like Pride and Prejudice, it’s like… the thing that girls do.” He propped his head up on his arm and looked down at her, a secretive smile playing on his lips. “You know, swoon over Mr. Darcy and all of his reserved mannerisms… giggle when he finally admits that he loves her, start to feel like you too could be part of the Pemberley estate.”
“I don’t swoon over anyone!” Raven rolled her eyes and tried to look insulted, but she knew she was smiling. “I’m not that path-“
“Cute?” He cut her off, draping his arm over her stomach with another smile. He invaded her space easily and Raven found she didn’t mind it at all.
“Because I think you’re pretty cute, Raven.” He leaned over her, pressing his nose against her own, never moving any closer than that innocent hovering over her body. “Seeing you try and deny your secret crush for Mr. Darcy.”
“I don’t have a secret crush.”
“Oh, really?”
Raven’s breath was catching in her throat and she wasn’t sure when she had gotten so warm or felt her cheeks flush so brightly. The heat and tension wove taut between them, feeling like it was going to snap at any moment and the world would explode in a show of fireworks that drowned them both in indescribable colors. He was so close. Licking her lips, her eyes darted from his eyes to his mouth and back again, her mind swirling in a storm of thoughts and curiosities. Could she venture any farther? What about Dick? All it would take was just a tilt of her head...
Jason smiled as if he knew exactly where her thoughts were wandering, and he leaned down even closer, the soft flesh of his lips just barely hovering over her own. A second ticked by between them, and he captured her lower lip in his teeth, nipping at her before releasing the her. “Kiss me, little bird.”
She didn’t need to be asked twice.
Raven leaned up and pressed an innocent kiss to his full, sinful mouth. A moment hung suspended between them, like a fuse to a stick of dynamite, and then the inferno started. He made a deep, throaty noise of approval and pressed against her lips, returning the kiss stroke for stroke, and lick for lick. Whatever she gave him, he returned ten-fold and with considerable skill. Each push from him was just more fuel for the fire racing through her veins, pooling low in her stomach until everything felt like flames licking her skin.
Raven groaned at the faint taste of anise and cinnamon on his tongue, and she brought her hand up to bury into his hair, pulling him tight against her. His taste was addicting, and so different from the fresh mint of Dick. Jason tasted like sin, and she wanted to keep drinking from him until she was satisfied.
The arm around her waist slid slowly under her sweater and his fingertips stroked her stomach with light, teasing caresses. Never enough to feel like he was pushing insistently at her, but just enough to remind her that he could very easily control her body. Raven whimpered into his mouth, and her head fell back against the pillow as he ravished her with the most sinful kisses she had ever tasted. Each stroke from him was like unlocking a darker part of her soul, and all she wanted was to drown in the shadows he offered her.
Raven blinked, suddenly realizing that he was scrambling off of her, reaching for his jacket as a loud buzzing noise echoed through the silence of her room. He offered her an apologetic look before answering his cell phone.
“Jason here.” Pause. “Yeah, I know I know.” Pause. “Yes… yes… well… can’t I just-“ His eyes flicked over to Raven and he sighed, leaning against her desk. “What about Garth? Or Roy?” He cursed under his breath. “Okay, okay. Jeez, I know. Calm your tits, dude. Fine. I’ll take care of it.” With another curse he ended the call and started to pull on his jacket.
“I’m sorry.” He sighed. “I have to go, little bird. Looks like they have another mission for me.”
Raven blinked in surprise, her eyes flicking to the clock. They had been talking for over three hours and it was almost midnight, it's just took three hours for him to How in the world had they both lost track of time like that? It took him only three hours to make her kiss him, and she was more than ready to go further. She blinked and sat up, shaking her head. “I’m sorry… I didn’t even realize… I didn’t get you in trouble did I? For being late to your mission, I mean.”
“Nah…” He smiled and ran his hands through his tousled hair. “Besides, it was worth it.”
Raven blinked, eyes questioning as she watched him readjust himself. “What?”
“Worth it… every mean word and punishment from the League is totally worth spending time with you.” He walked over to her and curled his hand under her chin, bringing her lips up to his own. He gave her another taste of his dark, drugging kisses before pulling away with another smile. “You’re the most fun I’ve had in a while, Little Bird… and we didn’t even take our clothes off.”
She gulped.
“Here, this is my personal number.” Jason touched the back of his cellphone with her own, until they both heard the familiar notification sound. “If you’re interested in talking or… maybe just hanging out? Let me know.” He ran his thumb over her lips before pulling away. “I have few days off after this… just in case you’d like to see me outside the bedroom..”
Did she?
Her eyes flicked to the discarded copy of Crime and Punishment.
She did.
Raven noded slowly, watching with silence as he walked out of the room with a small wave, his eyes bright. Silence wrapped around her and she felt her emotions spiral out of control as she tried to hold onto her breath and sanity for just a few minutes at least. It should be absolutely illegal to make a woman feel like this. Letting her heart calm down just a little, she looked down at her phone with a strange feeling.
Jason Todd.
What the hell, she just got herself into..
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spidernuggets · 7 months
Jason Todd x Reader
"And who are you to judge him? It's not like you've tried to get to know him. You guys just don't know him like I do,"
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"I don't get it" Rachel says to herself, staring at the couple. You're sitting on the island while Jason's head is buried in the fridge looking for another brew.
"Get what?" Gar chimes in, following where Rachel's gaze was at. "Jason and Y/N? What about them?", he quietly asks, not wanting the lovebirds to overhear their conversation.
"Yeah, I think I'm improving, but I still can't get the landing right," you say to Jason as he pops the cap off of the beer he finally finds. He replies with a simple hum of acknowledgement while taking a swig.
"He's so..." Rachel starts, trying to look for the right words to describe him. "Rude? Self-absorbed? He's not even listening to what Y/n's saying," she whispers back to Gar, finally turning away from the two.
Gar tilts his head to the side. "I don't know... They've been together for a good few months now, right? We don't see them together that often, we don't know how they're like," he tries to reason.
Rachel scoff, sitting on the couch. "That's another reason why he's a bad boyfriend. We never see them around. Does he not like showing off that they're together? Jason being a cocky-ass person, he's the kind of person to flaunt around his partner."
Rachel turns back to where you and Jason were standing just to see the two of you were gone as she scoffs once more.
Gar opens his mouth to speak once more as Kori and Dawn enters the room.
"What are we talking about?" Kori asks.
"Jason being an asshole of a boyfriend," Rachel almost laughs.
"How so?" Dawn questions.
"How could you not see?" Kori says. "Jason's always brushing Y/n off, blunt, short replies, puts missions before them, he's hardly ever acknowledging their presence," She laughs, listing all of Jason's flaws as a partner.
"I guess I've never really notice..." Dawn says, unsure.
"Jesus, you drive me crazy," Jason says, his voice low, grinning at you like a school girl with her crush.
You're on his lap, hands cradling his face, his hands on your ass with a firm grip. You're placing soft kisses all over his face, a quick break from the hungry make-out session you both were so busy with.
Your soft kisses trail away from his face, down his jaw and onto his neck, kisses and nibbling all over. Biting a certain spot, Jason lets out a quiet gasp along with a held back whimper.
You let out a light chuckle while continuing to pepper kisses on his neck.
"I liked that," You softly say, kissing against the same spot. "Do it again," you teased.
Jason groaned. "You're trying to kill me, babe," he complains as he captured your lips against his once more.
You sighed in content, breaking the kiss and leaving another lingering kiss on his forhead.
"Don't let them get to your head, love," You tell him quietly. The both of you are well aware that the other Titans (maybe except Gar) don't see why you would date Jason. You're kind and considerate while Jason is... Jason. Jason has told you many times that he wants to be taken seriously by the other members, hence his cold demeanour. And along with those explanations, came affectionate apologies of him spending all his free time alone with you in either his or your room, cuddling, kissing, properly listening to your rants and more.
"They're right though," his reply is delivered rough and raspy, a change of voice that indicates to you that he's upset.
You sigh, arms wrapping around his neck, burying your face in his meck, breathing in his distinct scent of faint alcohol and strong cologne.
"No they're not," you say, just above a whisper. "I get it, Jay. You want to prove yourself. But you don't have to prove yourself to me. Okay? You're more than enough for me," One of your hands move down, grabbing hold of his own hand, bringing it up to your lips for another gentle kiss as your other hands cup his cheek.
Jason sighs, leaning into, your touch. "I love you, okay, Jay?" He nods in reply.
"I..." He tries to say it too, but fails as his gaze shifts to the ceiling in guilt.
"Hey, hey. I told you. Only say it when you're ready, you don't have to force yourself to say it, Jay," I assure him. "Now," You move yourself off of him, bringing him down to lie with you as you rest your head on his chest. "You're supposed to tell me about this book you were reading," You remind him. He smiles once more, his arms wrapping around you happily as he starts ranting about his new book.
"You guys got it?" Dick confirms with the rest of the group, finishing up a debrief with the other Titans. Everyone nod and murmur 'yes's and 'yep's.
"Alright, everyone get to training," He says as he departs.
You turn to Jason excitingly. "You wanna train together, Jay? You can help me with the new move I was telling you about!"
"Not today. I'm gonna train with Gar," Jason replies.
"Ah, okay! Have fun, teach me some new stuff you learn, later, kay?" You reach up to his cheek, giving him a quick peck and a short "Love ya!"
He responds with a grunt and a nod and leaves you with a quick caress on ur cheek as he goes to one of the training rooms with Gar. Oh how much he wants to just pick you up and kiss you and hug you and hold you for all eternity.
Hank scoffs at Jason's reaction as he walks off. Donna shakes her head in disapproval as she followed along too. The other women in the room have their eyebrows furrowed, judging looks towards your boyfriend and crossed arms as they looked at you with a lovesick grin and heart eyes, watching your love walk away til he disappeared.
You quickly turn around, smiling at the rest of the members. "Any of you guys wanna train with me- what? What's with the looks?" You ask, confused.
"What's with your boyfriend?" Rachel hisses.
Your face scrunches in slight offence. "What about him?"
"Honey, he's..." Dawn starts to say though her words trail off.
"You can do better," Kori states, her hands landing on her hips.
You lightly scoff "Why's that," You say lowly, eyes narrowing, ready to defend Jason.
"Y/n..." Dawn speaks up. "We're just looking out for you. We just think you and Jason... Aren't the best match."
"We think Jason is selfish, rude and annoying, is what she was meant to say," Rachel said quietly, but loud enough for all of you to hear.
You roll your eyes. "And who are you to judge him? It's not like you've tried to get to know him. You guys just don't know him like I do," you barked, almost wanting to cry for Jason.
"Y/n, we just-" you cut Kori off by putting a hand uo, refraining her from continuing.
"No. No, no. You can talk to me when you find some respect for Jason." You coldly say as you walked away to train.
The girls looked at each other with disappointed and worried looks.
The team was on a mission that involved Deathstroke. It was wild and messy to the point where everyone was split up, and only some of the Titans returned back to the tower.
Jason is pacing around, alone in his room. He's covered in blood and bruises, but those don't matter to him right now. The only thing in his mind was
Where the fuck were you?
It's been two hours since he came back with Dick, Gar, Rachel and Donna but there were no signs of you coming back. Or of the others coming back he guesses. You're comms weren't working and you weren't answering his messages.
To piss him off more, Dick forbade him from going back out, knowing that Jason's impulsiveness would bring further damage.
"He's not even worried," Rachel says, sitting in the couch cleaning the blood of herself, noticing Jason's absence of worry.
"He could be?" Gar shouts from the kitchen, trying to reason again.
"Why are you even trying to defend him, we know how he is."
"He's our teammate, Rachel. We can't go off judging him if we don't know him that well," He says softly, trying not to get a rise out of the purple haired girl.
She scoffs and reply with whatever.
Dick and Donna walk into the room. "We got a message from Kori," Dick says. "The comms were breaking up but they're all safe."
Rachel and Gar sigh in relief.
Around half an hour later, you, Dawn, Hank and Kori finally return.
You're cracking your back and stretching your arms. Parts of your hero outfit is ripped and some of your blood that escaped your skin was dried and dirty and bruises littered your face, but you were always in a bright mood.
"She's finally back and bird brain isn't even running out," Rachel whispers to Gar as his shoulders sink.
"Oh my god, I'm gonna need a lie down for the rest of my life," You groan, cracking your neck.
Even from his room, Jason heard your voice as he rushed out and saw you there all battered up.
He heavily sighed in relief, running up to you, lifting you up. You lightly shriek at his sudden appearance, wrapping your legs around his waist, hands on his shoulders.
"You're okay... you scared me..thought you weren't coming back," he admits quietly, but as the other Titans stare silently in shock, especially Rachel, they heard him loud and clear.
Jason lets you down slowly and litters your face with kisses before pulling you in closer, attaching his lips to yours, finally not caring about the presence of the other members.
"Hello to you too," you giggle, leaving a kiss on his nose.
"You're hurt," he says, looking at your scrapped body.
"I'm okay, Jay," You reassure him. But he shakes his head, carries you bridal style.
"I need to patch you up," He says, giving you another kiss on the cheek before heading to his room.
"Okay, that just happened," Kori said in amusement.
"They're cuties, aren't they, Hank?" Dawn asks, looking up at the lover of her own.
Hank rolls his eyes and answers with an "I guess so" before they leave the room.
"So?..." Gar grins in success and amusement as he looks at Rachels shocked reaction.
She sighs and leans back against the couch.
"Yeah, yeah you're right, I was wrong. They are good for each other," She admits.
"In front of them too?" You question, sitting on Jason's bed as he wipes away any dried blood before patching you up.
"I don't care," He says, keaving you surprised. Jason patches up your last wound, giving it a kiss before getting up and cradling your face.  "Your safety is more important to me"
You lean into his touch, your hand coming up to hold his. He leans into you for a deep, passionate and long lasting kiss.
Breaking it, he leans his forhead against yours.
"I love you," He quietly but confidently say.
Your eyes brighten and you couldnt helo but break into a wide smile, feeling giddy like a kid receiving a oresent from Santa.
"I love you too"
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scp230kinnie · 1 year
Hcs for the titans mcs pls (Dick, Gar, Rachel, & Kori)
Lowkey gonna marry whoever sent this 😜
I assume you meant relationship, so here’s that
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Characters: Dick Grayson, Rachel Roth, Gar Logan, Jason Todd, and Koriand’r
Genre: fluff 😜 relationship hcs
Warnings: SPOILERS ⚠️ mentions of death & injury. Slightly suggestive. None of the characters mentioned are mine, all Headcanons are made up by me, not canon whatsoever. Everything said/mentioned is fictional.
On with the fic
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Dick Grayson
He a baddie
He tries actually so hard to keep you out of danger
I feel like he would try to hide the whole titans thing from you if you didn’t know about it, but realistically finding out would be inevitable
He can always tell when you’re lying. It’s like a sixth sense to him
As a matter of fact, he can tell when anyone lies to him
He probably likes it when you help patch him up after a fight (not that he would admit it)
If you’re expecting a man who’s open about anything (his past, etc) you have another thing coming
It would take a lot for him to actually open up
Even if he does open up, he doesn’t like telling you much about his time with Bruce.
Dont bring it up either lol
Man is so touch deprived omggg
It’s not exactly that he never got it, it’s more that he never wanted it
He would like flinch if you ever touched him, but he would get used to it
He has a fat ass I wanna slap it
If you do that, he’s probably gonna slap yours back
No PDA. Holding hands at the MOST. Unless you’re upset or hurt, then he’ll give you a quick hug or something
He likes to stay serious generally, but sometimes he’ll be silly and it’s so cute ong
He wants you to stay away from the crime fighting scene.
He even gets scared for your health in case one of his enemies decides to go for you
He would try to teach you some self defence
If you are a crime fighter, he helps you train, and stays close to you on missions if he can
His favourite part of your body is your face. He loves looking into your eyes or kissing your lips or cheeks
Next 😜
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Rachel Roth
She’s probably so sweet and understanding
You are always her main priority
All she ever wants is to keep you safe
Sometimes, she gets very distant because she can’t control her abilities and she doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you
If you didn’t already know the titans, she would absolutely introduce you to them as soon as she can
She can’t help but smile when she looks at you
She gives you her clothes if you want <3
She’d only open up after a while, it wouldn’t take too long, but she would still be a little distant
She loves being close to you and like hugging you or holding hands
Very up for PDA
No making out or anything, but will hug you and hold your hand in public
She just thinks you’re the most interesting person ever
She remembers every word you tell her
She would probably get matching piercings with you omgggg
She loves painting your nails to match hers
Like Dick, she can also tell when you’re lying. (But that’s just a side effect from her abilities)
She always posts pictures or videos of you on her social media if she has any
Will always offer you an earbud if she’s listening to music, will be very happy if you do the same
She loves learning about what music you listen to
Loves getting matching anything (hoodies, rings, even online profile pictures)
Her favourite part of you is your eyes or your hands
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Garfield Logan
When he sees you’re upset, he will say the worst jokes he can think of to make you laugh
Even when you’re not upset he does that anyway
He just loves hearing your laugh or seeing your smile
He thinks it’s the cutest thing ever
Absolutely LOVES playing video games with you
It’s literally his favourite thing in the world
If he notices you’re cold, he might give you his jacket for a bit
Will defo turn into your favourite animal for you
Especially if it’s a dog or a cat so he can cuddle with you
Opens up so fast tbh
It’s good tho that means he trusts you
Little spoon fosho 😜😜😜
He loves holding or touching you in some way
Loves PDA sm
Just loves proving you’re his
The titans probably knew about you the first day he saw you💀
He’d get you guys matching white shoes and get sharpies to Color them together <3
Would draw a wiener somewhere on em tho
He would make you do some stupid ahh tiktok dances with him
Would give you some stupid nicknames
His favourite thing about you is 100% your hair. He would absolutely adore touching it/playing with it, no matter the length
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Jason Todd
He a little cute patootie
Everyone he talks to knows about you tbh
He’s just so proud of you
He makes so many sexual jokes it’s wild
Also always grabs your ass 😢
Gives you some cringe nickname
He doesn’t like opening up, I can understand that
He prefers hearing you talk, rather than him
Would protect you with his mf life
Also would teach you to fight
He wants to know that you can protect yourself when he’s not there
Adores it when you clean his wounds or rub his shoulders after fights
He’s pretty secretive but would probably break down one day and tell you everything
Would definitely give you his hoodies/sweaters
Into PDA
He just likes to prove to everyone that you’re his tho
Loves to hold you
His face part of you is ur nose
Easy to kiss
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She’s gorgeous my wife
She seems more stoic, but she really cares about you, more than anything
She loves to talk shit with you tbh
Only abt people who deserve it ofc
She loves when you make her laugh, it makes her feel more comfortable with you
Matching jewelry 🔛🔝
Loves it when you play with her hair
She can’t really use words to express how she feels about you, prefers to use her actions instead
She doesn’t want you to think differently of her because she is a princess or whatever
She’s had plenty of past lovers, but she knows you’re her favourite
She’ll take a while to open up, but she will eventually
Doesn’t do PDA
Or very much physical affection as it is
Will still hug you tho <3
Like everyone else, she will do everything she can to protect you and make sure you don’t get hurt
Will k word anyone who looks at you the wrong way
She’s very protective
And kinda jealous
She loves every part of you lowkey
The end guys idk what else to write
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lothirielswandc · 1 year
Rachel Roth: I come to you as a future daughter-in-law to conduct a contingency plan to prevent disaster and pain which you, as the future father-in-law, will have to suffer through.
Bruce Wayne: You have the floor. And my entire afternoon.
Barry Allen: wtf
Rachel Roth: Kory and Dick are planning classic family activities that will threaten the foundations of this family and we cannot allow them to continue. You know that they’re going to want to take that picture of everyone in a white shirt and blue jeans jumping on the beach. Selina will not agree to it, Damian will not agree to it, Jason will play along just to screw it up, which will piss Dick off, which will then in turn piss Damian off, and finally piss off Tim through collateral. In the end, they will all try to kill each other, and we’ll have to watch along with whatever poor witnesses are present.
Bruce Wayne: *a single teardrop rolls down his cheek* I’m not alone anymore.
Barry Allen: What is HELL just happened—
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phantomstatistician · 13 days
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Fandom: DC Comics
Character: Raven (Rachel Roth)
Sample Size: 1,097 stories
Source: AO3
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onmyyan · 1 year
Endless Again Love Interests
TW’S: MDNI, TW BLOOD IN RAVENS PICTURE, This story will contain YANDERE themes and behavior including but not limited to kidnapping, manipulation, conspiracy, obsessive behavior, murder, eventual Smut, and much more, if that ain't your cup of tea don't drink it ❤️ I can't wait for this story. BELOW KEEP READING LINE ARE LOVE INTERESTS
Setup: All you wanted to do was get through your first year at Gotham University with your head still attached to your body, but you had the sinking feeling your wish for a peaceful semester would be in vain. Because trouble seems to have a thing for you darling. A set of dangerously unpredictable abilities, a sketchy organization hunting you down, and more obsessed vigilantes gunning for your fine ass than you could count, made for one Endless rollercoaster of blood and lust.
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"Our fate has been carved in stone, I'm done fighting against it."
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"Your heartbeat- I can hear how scared you are- Don't worry, I won't let em' touch you."
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"You're not afraid, I can feel it. (y/n), I can just be when you're around, please don't take that from me."
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"S'not fair, I can't just sit by and watch him take you from me- he doesn't deserve you."
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"Relax, you know I won't hurt you, just don't try and run, I might get the wrong idea."
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"You don't need to hide anything from me, I'm on your side no matter what."
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"Say the word and we're gone you hear me? No one would find us."
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"I told you I'd protect you. Even if that means protecting you from yourself."
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"Come up with me again tonight? I find the stars dull when you are away."
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"Don't you worry that gorgeous brain of ya's about how I got in here, worry about what we're eatin' for date night!"
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"Careful darling- keep looking at me like that and I won't want to let you leave."
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"Keep those pretty eyes on me dollface, might just save a life or two."
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"Behave for me pet, I can be such a good owner when properly motivated."
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"Beg me to walk away. Or live with the burden of my love."
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"Please..- show it to me- make me feel that rush once more, I'm addicted."
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"Don't be sorry sweetheart- hurt me again. Makes me feel like you do like me."
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1donoow · 1 year
♡ - smut
Most of them are fluff
<a/n>i somewhat explain why there's alot in my pin post
Bruce wayne
Tim drake
Dick Grayson
Jason todd
Damian wayne
Garfield logan
Rachel roth
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@myriadimagines - making them breakfast
@gangrenados - the crush state
@thedailyimagines - imagine being the venom host in the dc universe
@ellana-ravenwood - jason todd(ler)
- mama's boy(s)/girl
- is....father drunk?
- each tattoo is a story
- mother's love:bursts of affection
- can you be friend with your husbands ex-girlfriend?
- my mother's apple orchard
- the bat(mom) glare
@xoxo-mylove - missing everything we never had
@reveluving - hugs
@ragingbookdragon - make all the cookies
- you're my favorite son
- i have too many children
- i saw it coming when you threw the first punch
@kimberly-spirits13 - batmom with scarlet witch powers
@cipheress-to-k-pop - call mom
@the-daydreaming-show - all of us pt.1
@c-nstantine - milf stuff
- chaperoning
- batmom dying
- fur babies
- ___
@kimberly-spirits13 - how the batfam teacts to dick and jason dating a black widow hc
@headcans-oneshots-and-stuff - being the oldest sibling
@strangeshoepatrolbandit - batfam x batsibling
@book-place - sulking at the gala
- way the cookie crumbles (child!reader)
@ragingbookdragon - talk shit get hit
- Possessive hand holding
- Squishing the other's cheek
- ___
@lazydoodlesandfanfic - little daredevil (blind!batsis)
@andieperrie18 - fine line of bs
@c-nstantine - first kiss
- spoiled!black!batsis
- jason and black!batsis
- cooking kiss (hal jordan)
@remakethestars - being batman's daughter would include
Bruce wayne
@ellana-ravenwood - can the batman get flustered?
- making bruce wayne blush
@alienguts - lost
@toastedkiwi - reader finding out about damian being bruce's son
- unexpected visitors
@reveluving - ___ ♡
Tim drake
@kimberly-spirits13 - how you earned the respect of the batfam as tim's s/o
@butwhyduh - tim drake with a praise kink
Dick Grayson
@moonlit-imagines - watching your favorite shoe with dick
- cuddling with dick
@xu-ren - for good luck
@cipheress-to-k-pop - animal instinct
Jason todd
@ghostdrafts - ___
@blondwhowrites - dating titan!jason todd
@dragon-chica - jason todd mama's boy appreciation
- batmom and jason thought
@lightwing-s - please don't leave me
Damian wayne
@current-interest-writings - affection
@ladyagagaslefttoe - cartoons and cuddles (batsis)
@thesuperiorrobin - husband!damian wayne
- who?
- ___
- crazy idea let's make out
- boyfriend!damian wayne
@mattmvrdockbabe - sunglasses
@yandereorg - show stopper
@dragon-chica - i want to see my little boy
@skylwitch - just let me love you, my dear
@gatorbites-imagines - platonic alien male reader x damian wayne
@toastedside - banana toast
@multifandom-of-madness - batfam when they're alone with famous!y/n(damian wayne)
@lilxberry - nightmares (batmom)
Garfield logan
@cipheress-to-k-pop - dating beast boy would include
@myriadimagines - comforting gar after what he went through with cadmus
@romeulusroy - gar telling conner all about you
- taking the fall for you
@6rookie-writer0110 - romantic headcannon
@catxsnow - believe in you
Rachel roth
@louscartridge - dating rachel hc
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swanimagines · 8 months
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Dick Grayson
Garfield Logan
Rachel Roth
Jason Todd
Donna Troy
Jericho Wilson
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
For anyone who's concerned, THESE ARE NOT ONESHOT COLLECTIONS, they are made using AO3's "series" feature.
If you want to be informed about new fics for Titans or its individual characters, create an AO3 account and subscribe or bookmark any of those serieses listed above. There are buttons at the top right corner for those, or on top on mobile. I do not do Tumblr taglists anymore.
Also, if you're wondering, requests are ALWAYS open and you're welcome to leave one or multiple. Just remember to read my rules and pick a request type from this list.
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mysadcorner · 2 years
DC Characters x WronglyAccused!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
Masterlist Navigation
Requested: yes @simligul
Damian Wayne
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• Damian wouldn’t want to believe that you actually did whatever you had been accused of, and would have a hard time believing it no matter how terrible it was. But if all the evidence pointed to you then he wouldn’t really have a choice in the matter and would have to take the logical path.
• If Damian did genuinely think that you were guilty then he would try his best to prove otherwise until he could no longer oppose the thing you were blamed of. He’d be very hurt if he couldn’t prove your innocence.
• If you decided to leave because of the accusations and felt that the environment you were in wasn’t exactly the safest or best for you then Damian would agree with your decision. He wants the team to be with people he regarded as trust worth, and if he doesn’t think you fit that category then he won’t oppose your leaving.
• This could possible even cause you to leave your vigilante or crime fighting life for a much more ordinary and mundane one. Word travels fast amongst the vigilante community so if Damian did think you were guilty, many of the other would hear about this pretty quickly too.
• When you turn out to be innocent Damian would be one of the first people to reach out to you and apologise. He finds that admitting when he’s wrong a hard thing to do but after all you’ve been through he needs to put his feelings aside and set things right.
Conner Kent
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• Conner would be very surprised at anything you had been accused for as he has such a positive out look of you. So, he certainly wouldn’t believe someone’s word against yours unless there was a lot of proof or you admitted to it.
• Conner is one of the most understanding and supportive people you could ever meet, so if they genuinely thought you were guilty this would be no small thing. He wants to believe that you’re innocent no matter what, but if he has no basis for it he can’t help but chose what the others believe to be true too.
• He’d be heart broken to see you leave after how close the two of you had become, and especially as Conner doesn’t have many people there for him. Even if he wasn’t the one targeted or affected he would still feel like it was rather personal.
• If you decided to leave vigilante and hero life Conner would still find a way to be with you. Deep down he has an inclination that something wasn’t right, so even if he can’t convince you to continue he’ll still keep an eye out for you from the sidelines.
• When you are finally revealed to be innocent Conner would be overjoyed and the happiest you’d ever seen him. Straight away he would include you in the things you had been missing out on and would treat you as if nothing had ever happened to begin with.
Rachel Roth
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• Raven usually takes her time when reacting to a betrayal or someone doing something she doesn’t agree with, so she isn’t quick to judge you. But when the thing you’re being accused of is serious then she does need to be wary with you.
• When Raven is finally convinced that you’re not as innocent as you’re claiming to be she will try to take charge and have something done about you and what it means for the team. She doesn’t want to make things hard between the two of you but she will always keep the safety and best interest of the team as her top priority.
• Raven would give you at least a final goodbye of you did decide to leave the team because of the accusations. She doesn’t want all of your friendship and meaningful time together to have been a waste and to end things on bad terms when she doesn’t know what could happen in the future or if you ever will come back (and she’s hoping you will).
• Raven would wait a little while before she would get back into contact with the tou if you had left a lifestyle of crime fighting. She wants you to get on your feet again, and still wants to wait until the accusations had settles.
• When you are announced to be innocent she’ll welcome you back with open arms and tries to ease you back into the team the best that she can. Ravens aware that she can’t erase everything you had been through and how the team handled things, so she tries to make up for this gradually.
Jason Todd
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• Jason would firstly try to ignore the accusations and pass them off as simple rumours intended to ruin the team when he first heard the accusations. He doesn’t believe that you’re the type of person to do such things and would stick by you through a lot of it.
• If Jason did genuinely think you were guilty he he would be furious and you’d be met with an explosive response from him. He’s been betrayed and through enough hurt in his life so he has a no tolerance policy for anyone no matter how close he is to them.
• Jason would prefer you to leave more than anything if the accusations hadn’t been proven wrong or you accepted them, mainly because he needs to put himself first. He cares for you deeply but the thought of you being guilty makes him feel personally betrayed and lied to by you.
• You may not hear about how Jason is if you leave the vigilante lifestyle, but he would be raining terror on all the criminals and villains he could get his hands on. As said earlier, he’s pretty angry about it and needs an outlet for all that he’s feeling.
• Jason would get rather emotional and may even cry to you in private if you come back after being proven innocent. He hates the feeling of abandonment and hates himself for thinking that he abandoned you when all along you were innocent.
Garfield Logan
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• Garfield would be in complete shock when he hears about the accusations targeted towards you. His first inclination is to protect you and keep the accusations away for as long as he can so you don’t get hurt as much.
• If Garfield had thought that you were guilty or had no way of proving otherwise then he’d try to get a response on the situation from you directly. He’d talk to you for a while about it and believe the things you say, but he can only support you for so long in a situation like this.
• Garfield would miss you a lot if you ever left, and would almost feel like a state of grieving for him. You’re one of the closest people he is to, so your presence not being there has a detrimental affect on his happiness.
• If the accusations become to harsh and you have no way of calming the situation other than leaving the team then Garfield would mois you dearly. He’d wish to be with you and spend some quality time with you again even though he knows he can’t because he knows that you’ve never done anything bad to him or the team.
• When you’re finally proven innocent the. Garfield will rush to you as fast as possible and would act almost like a lost puppy who has found their owner again. He knew deep down that the things said couldn’t be true and is ready to get justice for what you’ve been put through any time that you’re ready.
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blade-liger-4ever · 1 year
*Runs in and almost collapses*
Guys guys guys!
So, in summary, this shows how wolves and ravens rely on each other for survival and such, and when I remebered this, I immediately thought of Jayrae. Think about it.
Jason's a rather wolf-like character. He's a lone wolf, a scarred wolf, and a fierce protector. And Raven, well, she's pretty attentive and protective, like a raven.
So...basically I was just thinking that I found Jayrae's spirit animals.
@wickedhexedwitch I hope this makes your day a bit better
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obito76 · 1 year
[Closet Secrets]
Chapter 29 : Whispers of Passion
You can read my full work here on AO3.
Raven shivered as the sweet force of his hand came down on the curve of her ass. She gritted her teeth and buried her head into the pillow, pulling just a little at the restraints tying her arms behind her back. She was desperately trying to ignore the burning, almost insatiable lust that was pooling under her navel and dripping down between her thighs, but it might have been too late for her. She gasped as his hand came down again, Jason’s voice growling out numbers with each movement. Raven moaned loudly, the sound luckily muffled by his pillow, and she reached deep inside herself, trying to hold onto the last bit of her control. Every nerve ending seemed to be on fire, burning bright against the last dregs of her sanity, and it was only a matter of time before she shattered under his relentless attention.
His hand came down again and Raven felt her control finally reach its end. Gasping and shivering, she looked over her shoulder at Jason, standing behind her, wrapping his tongue around his fingertips. He leaned back on his heels and stared at her, that damnable smirk pulling at the edges of his full mouth.
“Please.” Her voice didn’t sound like her own, it sounded aching and needy, as if she was just inches from falling apart under him. Raven pulled at her restraints again. “Please.”
He trailed his fingertips over the bright red of her skin, adding a soft, gentle touch to the endless fire that was consuming her. With a teasing smack, he brought his hand down on her ass before dipping it between her legs, two fingers finding her core and pumping slowly. Raven gritted her teeth, trying not to let her orgasm consume her just yet.
“Please what, Raven?”
He added a third finger to her core, pumping her with hard, quick strokes that made her head spin. Jason leaned down and kissed the marks he had made on her skin, his tongue coming out to soothe her just a little. Every sensation was threatening to break her, to make her fall into oblivion forever. Raven screwed her eyes shut and she gasped, hoping that maybe she could hold onto this feeling for a bit longer, but her legs trembled and sweat began to prick against her skin in little droplets as her stomach clenched and tensed.
“Please may I come?”
He slipped his fingers from her body, and Raven could hear him licking her from his fingers, but she didn’t move. Her body hung precariously to the edge of that cliff, waiting to fall with just a word of approval. She swallowed and buried her head into the pillow again, widening her stance just a little more, as if to entice him to take her.
“Please, Jason, may I come?”
His laughter was almost playful as it resounded through the hot, tense silence between them, and his hands wrapped tightly around her hips, pulling her to the edge of the bed. He kissed up the length of her spine, nipping at her shoulder as his erection pressed against her core. Raven bit back another moan and she tried to control herself from pushing back against him. Gasping, she felt his fingers find her clit and tease, gently rolling the flesh between his thumb and forefinger. Raven finally screamed, her lungs nearly giving out as she buried her face into the pillow again.
“That’s the sound I want to hear.” Without another word, he pushed himself into her body, shivering as he buried himself to the hilt. A few seconds of stillness skipped by and he groaned into her back, kissing down her spine. “This is going to be hard and fast, Little Bird.”
The endearment did not go unnoticed, but Raven was too far gone to dwell on the words. With a low curse, she begged him to fuck her, and that was all he needed. His hands tightened on her hips and he moved with wild abandon. Jason was relentless, his body shaking and shivering as every push of himself inside her brought them both closer to the edge. The savage, primal need that built between them was the only thing that held them together at this point, just one more push and they would explode into nothingness.
Everything seemed to sharpen to a point, and Raven swore she must have left this plain of existence and floated somewhere entirely new and foreign. Her body tensed and shook, every muscle sizing as she let go of a noise that wasn’t entirely human, and she gave herself over to pleasure. Behind her, Jason roared like a feral animal, his fingers biting into her hips as he yanked her hard against him, his body twitching and tensing over and over again until they were both nothing more than a puddle of muscles and raw nerve endings.
Minutes passed in slow, gasping silence before either of them moved. Jason’s hands slipped from her hips, reaching to pull the knot free on her restraints. With a low whistle, he kissed up and down her wrists, his free hand easing kinks in her shoulders and back.
“Raven… you need to not pull so hard next time.” He kissed the inside of her palm before slipping his hands under her weak, trembling form and pulling her onto the bed. Jason reached for his favorite blanket, wrapping her tightly in it and fluffing all the pillows around her with so much tenderness it almost seemed surreal. He tucked a bit of hair behind her ear and leaned down to look into her eyes. “You need to be more careful, you’re starting to leave marks on your wrist. And if you don’t tell me if they’re too tight, I can’t fix them.”
“I know…” Raven let go of a slow, easy breath, watching as she reached out and removed his condom, giving a loving squeeze to his balls in process. As soon as she was done, he reached into his drawer and pulled out lotions and a fresh cloth to clean her up with.
Jason crawled over her and began to wash her, his hands soft and smooth over her skin, each touch careful to evoke tenderness and caring. Raven leaned back against the pillows behind her, her eyes sliding close as the warm washcloth slid over her tense muscles and sore marks he had made with his hands. She chewed on her lower lip, feeling the question between them even before he said anything to her.
“So…” The washcloth slipped over the muscles in her arm before moving to her breasts. “... want to tell me what this particular call was about? It’s not really our normal night for play. Not that I mind moving my schedule around for you, Little Bird, but you’re not usually so… adamant on seeing me so quickly, especially with restraints.”
Raven rolled over as his hands twisted her hips, laying her out on her stomach. She heard him open the lotion and let out a soft sigh as he worked it into her skin. With a weak, mumbled curse, she buried her face into the pillow and groaned, not sure if she should go into detail about what prompted this particular call, but if she didn’t tell someone she might actually explode. She needed to talk to someone about the things she was feeling, and as much as she would have normally bared her soul to Dick, the things eating her alive were all about him. She tucked her hands under her head and hummed a little, his fingers soft and gentle as they dug into a knot in her shoulder, rubbing the lotion deeper.
“It’s complicated,” she mumbled after a long moment.
“Complicated?” His fingers trailed down her spine, finding another knot in her muscles and working it free as he smoothed more lotion over her. “How so?”
The lotion smelled of lavender and chamomile, and the scent seemed to drown her in softness, easing her nerves and tension until everything felt easier. She readjusted her heat on the pillow and picked at a fold in her comforter. “Dick is… an asshole.”
Jason laughed, his hands stilling on her back for a moment as he continued to chuckle. “Yes. Yes, he is. I am too. So, is Roy and Garth and Gar and Vic. We’re all assholes.”
“Gar and Vic too?”
“You don't fully know them yet. Although I admit that they are better than Roy and Garth, only if they are interested.” Jason leaned over her back and kissed her shoulders with playful, tender nips. “But, sorry I interrupted you, Little Bird. You were talking about Dick and his asshole-ness.”
Raven’s hands tightened in the comforter and she closed her eyes, taking in the scent and feeling of his hands over her, soothing her body after what had transpired between them. “I know this is stupid.”
“There is nothing stupid between us, you know that.” He kissed down her spine, his hands now working the lotion into the curve of her ass, soothing the marks he had made with his hands. “If there’s something you want to talk about, I’m here for you.”
“I… I think we broke up... For good.”
“Oh.” Jason’s hands stilled and he pulled back a little, getting more lotion and sliding it down her legs. A few seconds skipped by before he urged her on a little more. “And you’re… upset about it? Troubled? Angry?” He gave an awkward half-hearted laugh. “You actually got that more than you expect, Little Bird. Girls who think Dick is theirs, but this is what he is trained to do, what a playboy supposed to do. If what you told me is true then he shouldn't have gave you the illusion of love.”
“I know that… I mean, you don’t care for me, right?” She felt his smile and his fingers pinched the curve of her ass. She turned her head to look at him, only to find her lips in a soft, tender kiss before he pulled back.
“I care for you, Raven. You’re more than just a meal ticket for me. You’re interesting and fun and smart, and good god you have the nicest ass I’ve ever seen.” He took a moment to give her ass a tap, followed by a kiss at her lower back. Jason sat back on his heels and continued to massage her legs. “I don’t love you, if that’s what you’re trying to ask… but give me enough time and I could love you – without question. And, I could easily see how someone else would love you. I could see that happening without much effort on either of your parts.”
Raven’s eyes closed, her heart thundering in her chest as she felt her blood surge through her veins. If what Jason was saying was true, did that mean she was more than just a fling to Dick? Did that mean that she was someone special to him? Her head was a jumble of thoughts, words, and feelings she wasn’t sure if she completely understood yet. Did he have real feelings for her? Was that why he was so possessive over her? Why he was always so eager to answer her beck and call? He gave her everything she ever wanted without question. Dick was easy, fun, sweet, a total jerk at times, but always willing to put herself over his own, and at first Raven had assumed that was only because he wanted her body.
But what if it wasn’t?
What if Dick felt the same way for her that she did for him?
“You’re thinking very loudly over there.” There was the snap of the bottle cap closing and Jason put the lotion away. He kissed over her shoulders and pulled her into his embrace, bringing the blanket back up to cocoon them both under the warmth. “Is there something else you want to ask?”
“Mm… no…” She leaned back into him, letting his arms wrap around her stomach as he drew her deeper into his body. “I just… I’m just thinking a bit.”
“Well… I’ll leave this with you before you drift off to sleep, Little Bird...” Jason kissed her temple and rearranged the pillows around her so that she was more comfortable. “If you are thinking about Dick and… whatever this might be between you, I highly suggest you figure your feelings soon, because he certainly won't break his ties with Starfire, ever.”
Raven’s eyes shot open and she stared straight ahead, unable to move under the weight of the news. “What?”
“It seems that he lied to you too.” Jason repeated softly as he kissed behind her ear. “And I am almost a hundred percent certain he will lie to you forever, 'an affair' is everything you are to him. So, if you have feelings for Dick, I highly suggest you completely understand them, because you may not get the thing you want.” He paused for a moment, his voice even softer. “And even though I'm not that important to you, you’re very important to me, Little Bird, I’d hate to see you get ruined by someone like him.”
Raven’s eyes closed and she tried to control the butterflies in her stomach as she thought about his words. Did that mean… what exactly?
He kissed her temple again. “Just a thought, Little Bird.”
She savored the feeling, her eyes closing briefly as she pondered her next move. Her bottom lip found its way between her teeth, as if she were weighing the pros and cons of what was to come. Finally, with a determined look, she rose from the comfort of their cocoon, slowly and gracefully. Jason's eyes followed her every movement, captivated by the raw elegance she exuded.
As she moved, she crawled on all fours, moving with an effortless fluidity that made him hold his breath. She held his gaze with a boldness that both surprised and excited him, settling herself comfortably between his legs. Their bodies now intertwined, he felt a sense of completeness that he had never experienced before. It was as if the universe had aligned to bring them together in this one perfect moment.
Her gaze lingered upon him, taking a moment to simply appreciate the beauty of his manhood. She couldn't help but marvel at how perfectly formed he was, a testament to the power and majesty of the masculine form. As she looked up at him, their eyes met and held for a moment that felt like an eternity. It was as if they both knew what was to come, and silently communicated their mutual desire without a word he nodded.
Raven closed her eyes, surrendering herself to the moment and the sensations that enveloped her. With a gentle touch, she buried her nose in the warmth of his balls, breathing in deeply as if savoring the scent of the earth after a warm summer rain. Every breath was a feast for her senses, as she allowed herself to become fully immersed in the intimacy of the moment. As she inhaled deeply, she felt a sense of connection that went beyond the physical.
Jason groaned, His fingers delicately tangled themselves within the silky strands of her violet locks, weaving a gentle dance of intimacy between them. She surrendered her body to the plush comfort of the bed, feeling every muscle loosen and every ounce of tension fade away. With a deep sigh, she let herself become weightless, sinking deeper into the welcoming embrace of his scent. Her breaths slowed, and she closed her eyes, savoring the simple pleasure of pure relaxation.
Her eyes opened, shimmering with a raw intensity that betrayed the depth of her passion. With a fluid grace, she rose from his balls to meet him, her delicate hand cupping his cheek in a tender caress. Her other hand found its way to his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heart beating beneath her palm.
As she straddled him, her legs draped over his waist, she gazed deeply into his eyes, her own indigo orbs ablaze with an almost primal desire. In that moment, there was nothing else in the world but the two of them, their bodies and souls entwined in a dance of pure intimacy.
Jason gulped as he felt the warmth of her breath against him, a sensation that sent a shiver of anticipation down his spine. He was captivated by her, enraptured by her beauty and the raw intensity of their shared passion. In that moment, there was no space between them, no distance that could keep them apart.
And she whispered,
“You are important to me too.”
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spidernuggets · 6 months
Jason Todd x Reader
"Thought I was gonna lose you"
"Oh, baby, you can't get rid of me that easily"
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You slammed into the hospital room where the nurse told you your boyfriend was at. You received a call from Dick almost 15 minutes ago while you were reading Jason's annotated Pride and Prejudice book, smiling at his little comments at the side. Once you heard "Jason" and "Hospital" in the same sentence, you quickly bookmarked the novel and ran out the door.
The four Titans accompanying Jason; Dick, Gar, Kori and Rachel, turn to you, but your main focus was on Jason. His eyes closed, bandages all over his torso, IV needles stuck all over and an oxygen mask over his face. Your heart beated faster, pushing the Titans out of the way to get a closer look of your lover, gently caressing his face.
"We were told he's in a coma," Dick immediately says. "There was a messy encounter with Deathstroke and-"
"And Jason jumps head in first like always," Kori interrupts, arms crossed, annoyed expression on her face, staring down at the boy.
"We don't know when he'll wake up," Gar says quietly.
You don't reply. All you can do is lean your forhead against his, praying that he'll wake.
You're not part of the Titans, but you've known Jason for years and he'd entrusted you with his identity, and soon after, neither of you could hide your feelings towards one another for long.
"He's going to wake up. He'll wake up soon," was all you could say, just barely above a whisper.
"C'mon," Dick quietly says, motioning for the Titans to leave the two of you alone. When the three members leave, Dick places his hand on your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"He was knocked out but.. he was calling your name when he got out of the ER," Dick tells you. "He's strong. He'll wake up."
When Dick leaves, you pull a chair up beside the bed, sitting down and laying your head beside Jason's torso, holding his hand.
And that's how it remained for the next few weeks. Jason didn't show any signs of movement but you still stayed in that chair, only getting up to use the bathroom. Even with Dick's authoritative commands, telling you to go home and that he'll watch over Jason, you didn't move an inch.
Gar was the only other person to visit Jason, and occasionally dropping of some food for you, while the others focus on missions.
"He never stops talking about you, y'know," Gar suddenly says, placing a paper bag full of greasy food on the small table beside you. "Training, fighting, debriefing, he's always bringing you up. 'Do you think Y/n would be impressed with this move?', 'I have to go, I want to hang out with Y/n', 'Don't tell Y/n I got stabbed'. I don't remember the last time he talked about anything other than you," Gar tells you, repeating all the things Jason had told him about you.
Your eyebrows scrunched together and lifted your head up to look at Gar as he handed you a burger. "He got stabbed? When??" You asked, accepting the burger.
Gar lightly laughed at the fact that you know Jason can take a punch or a stab, but would still be concerned even if Jason stubbed his toe.
"It was a month ago. He's more than fine now- well. The wound, I mean," He corrects, knowing Jason's current situation is definitely not more than fine.
You sighed, looking back at your boyfriend. "Thanks, Gar," You say, a smile tugging at your lips as your grip tightened on Jason's hand.
"For...," Gar's head tilted, confused what you were thanking him for while quickly stealing one of your fries.
You shrugged one of your shoulders. "For being his friend. He's told me some of the stuff he's gone through. How some of the other guys treat him. Without a shadow of a doubt he's wreckless and impulsive. But he's smart. And strong and brave. So.. thanks.. I guess. For believing that he is all of those things."
Gar sighed and gave you a lopsided hug. "Of course. He's my teammate amd my friend."
You leaned into Gar's hold, hand on his arm, giving it an accepting and gentle squeeze.
You remained by Jason's side a month and two weeks later, only leaving the room to go back to your house, asking Gar to look after Jason while grabbing a pair of extra clothes, plus a hoodie and leather jacket you stole from Jason.
You fell asleep, hugging Jason's arm, not noticing how his other arm went over his body and rested on your head, stroking your hair.
"Wakey wakey, gorgeous," You heard a raspy, groggy voice call out to you. You blinked twice before processing that someone was calling out to you. Your eyes widen as you jolt up from you seat and saw Jason smiling up at you.
"Don't tell me you've been sleeping in that position for long, babe, that could not be comfortable," Jason tried to joke. You didn't even realised what he said. You were still processing that he's awake.
A few seconds of realisation later, you start breaking down, tears cascading down for face and sobs choking out your throat.
"Oh, mama, c'mere," He whispers, weakly holding his arms out. You lunge forward, but careful not to lean over his bandages. You sobbed in his bare shoulder as he shushed you, stroking your hair.
"You scared me," you whimpered.
"I know, baby. 'm sorry, shh it's okay, I'm okay." he assures, pressing a light kiss to the crown of your head.
"I missed you," you mumbled, your finger tracing shapes along his skin.
"Missed you too, doll," he responded. "I heard you, y'know. Rereading Pride and Prejudice, saying how stupid my comments were. Asking me to wake up. Talking to Gar 'n all," he quietly explains.
"Thought I was gonna lose you"
"Oh, baby, you can't get rid of me that easily," he tried joking once more, this time earning a skicker from you as you left a soft, lingering kiss on his collerbone.
Jason shifted to one side of his bed, leaving a wider space beside him. He patted the empty space next to him, telling you to lie with him.
"Jay, I can’t, your bandages-"
"They'll be fine, I promise," he interrupts you. "Just come here with me. I'll heal faster if I'm holding you," he says with a cheeky smile dancing across his face.
You roll your eyes, but as much as you wanted him to have space to heal properly, the selfish part of you took over and slid in beside him, craving his touch that had you starved for too long.
You lay your head on his arm and you gently wrap your arm over his waist as Jason's arm cradles your head, the other draping over your body, pulling you closer, leaning in and connecting his lips with yours. It was a deep and hungry kiss that you both missed as you tiredly nuzzle your fave against his arm.
"Get some sleep, beautiful," Jason says. "You need some proper sleep," he kisses your forhead.
You hummed in response, quickly falling into a quick, comforting slumber, Jason closing his eyes shortly after.
After what felt like eternity, you finally slept, better yet, in the arms of the love of your life, knowing he's okay.
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After finally getting a break from missions, the Titans made their way unto the hospital to see how Jason's doing.
"If Jason hadn't start the mission on his own, he wouldn't even be in this state," Rachel ranted to Dick, the two of them carrying plastic bags full of take away.
"Definitely taking a toll on Y/n," Kori says. "That kid's seen better days"
The group stopped in their tracks, looking through the window of Jason's room, seeing the couple in each other's embrace.
"Jason's awake!" Gar exclaims.
Dick smiled to himself and started shooing the Titans back.
"Alright, Jason's okay, we'll come back later when he and Y/n wake up". He said, smiling once more at the sight of the two.
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♡Might be an ass fic seeing as I tried not to fall asleep. So.... definitely spelling/grammar errors somewhere.. Anyways, Hope you enjoyed reading! ♡
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ghurab-alzilal · 1 year
Jason, teaching Damian how to drive : Okay Qalbi you're driving, then Tim and Raven walk into the road. Quick, what do you hit?
Damian, instantly : Drake.
Jason: ...
Damian: ...
Jason: BRAKES, Damian. You hit the brakes.
Jason: But I like how you think.
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lothirielswandc · 8 months
Jason Todd: What do they do in their free time?
Tim Drake: You really want to think about that?
Dick Grayson: Something dark and spooky.
Jason Todd: Wax play with candles to summon some shit.
Dick Grayson: Harry Potter cosplay!
Jason Todd: In the bedroom, maybe.
Dick Grayson: Maybe they go to the zoo? Damian likes animals.
Jason Todd: Yeah, Raven probably visits often to see him in his habitat.
Tim Drake: …
*Raven and Damian in the other room*
*Great British Baking Show plays*
Rachel Roth: I hope they keep Saku on. Her pastry looks so cool!
Damian Wayne: It’s settled. I’m making that for us.
Rachel Roth: You’ll make a great househusband, Demon Boy.
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ynbabe · 1 year
Titans x Male reader
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Dick: Every time I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke.
Kory: Okay, but what is updog?
Rachel : Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish.
Gar: Not, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released.
Jason: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden.
M/N: Surely, that’s Uppsala, where’s updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter.
Dick: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs.
Gar: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current.
Rachel : No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway.
Kory: What’s a henway??
Dick: Oh, about five pounds.
Dick: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.
Kory: What if it bites me and it dies!?
Rachel : Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, Kory, learn to listen.
Gar: What if it bites itself and I die?
Jason: That’s voodoo.
M/N: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
Kory: That’s correlation, not causation.
Gar: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die?
Jason: That’s kinky.
Dick: Oh my God.
Dick: I CAN'T DO IT!
Kory, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Dick: I appreciate it,
Gar, was the man in the chair: Dick-
Gar: Dick we gotta-
Dick: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Dick, motioning to M/N and Jason covered in blood, standing in his room’s doorway like the shinning twins: NOT FUCKING THIS
*Jason is cooking*
M/N: Any chance that’s for me?
Jason: It’s for Gar. I’m planning on making some bad choices tonight, and I need him on my side.
Kory, preparing the med bay: I never realized the forethought that went into being a disappointment.
M/N: I just ended a two year relationship.
Jason: Oh, fuck. You good?
M/N: Hm? Oh yeah, I’m fine. It wasn’t my relationship.
*Gar and Rachel fighting from across the room*
Jason: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Gar: They do.
M/N: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?
Jason: Come on, I wasn't that drunk last night.
Gar: You were flirting with M/N.
Jason: So what? He’s my boyfriend .
Gar: You asked him if he was single.
Gar: And then you cried when he said he wasn’t.
Jason: What if mayonnaise came in cans?
M/N: Well, that would suck because you can't microwave metal.
Gar, trying a new recipie: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste
Jason, being a bastard: We got spring water
Gar: NO.
M/N, bastard^2 : with EXTRA minerals
Jason: it's like licking a stalagmite
M/N: Mmmmm cave water
M/N: Awwww, you're so adorable! Give me a hug~
Jason, recording: This is so cute.
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GUYS!! I just rewatched Titans after a yearrrr and I swear to god idk why Gar is so underrated. He has such a great character arc and he is absolutely HILARIOUS. also I just realised he became like all the male role models he had in his life, like when he used to live with the Doom Patrol, Larry and Cliff were the primary caretakers, they would make the food and give emotional support and then Dick, he was basically a dad to him and Rachel
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