#jericho nova
simplegenius042 · 9 months
A very late WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @g0dspeeed @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat and @cassietrn
Tagging @strangefable @carlosoliveiraa @shallow-gravy @minilev @wrathfulrook @josephslittledeputy @nightbloodbix @derelictheretic @deputyash @deputy-morgan-malone @inafieldofdaisies @ec-10 @ladyoriza @vampireninjabunnies-blog @voidika @onehornedbeast @thewanderer-000 @softtidesworld @snake-in-the-garden @corvosattano @henbased @neverthesameneveranother @chazz-anova and @strafethesesinners
Here are three WIPs, each from Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore and Life, Despair & Monsters. Read below the cut.
TW: Harsh and heavy cursing, mentioned/implied character and general death of NPCs (either it be a time loop or a cybernetic homicidal monster around nine or ten feet tall and very pissed off). Implied mentioned sexual content, mentions of abuse and fantastical racism (against ghouls, Jericho leave Gob alone!). Mentioned prostitution and fantasies of murder (illegal but understandable).
First WIP is for the time loop/"Groundhog Day" FC5 AU fic called You're Almost Like Family where the Seeds are stuck in a, well, time loop. And whenever Silva (or the Seeds themselves) die, well, the days are reset. Funniest part is, none of the Seeds know that they are all in a loop, just their individual selves. Snippet below:
[John] slammed the entrance to his chalet shut, causing the blonde figure sorting his papers in his lounge to jump. The documents slipped out of her hands as she stood up with a hand to a holster, only to calm down when she realized it was him.
Noticing that the reports laid scattered on the floor, Nadi gave him a stink eye, gesturing to the papers.
John would have been apologetic if he simply didn't have time for this. Ironic given the predicament he was stuck in.
Sooner or later, the Deputy is going to end up dead, and he'll be back at square one... again.
The thought reignited his frustration, but he reigned in enough to examine his number two.
Nadi was a loyal member of the project, more faithful than Jacob's hound, and while they did butt heads sometimes, he was grateful for her presence and for her strategic input. Admittedly, John knew that without her, the Deputy would have gotten to him sooner rather than later.
I would have preferred not to have to had died to appreciate it.
"Once you finish with those, come meet me upstairs in my bedroom. There's something I need to discuss with you," John ordered smoothly, making his way to the stairs.
He didn't notice the confusion etched on the blonde's face, for John was already making his way up the stairs to his room.
It's times like these I wish I could have a shot of tequila, he thought to himself, walking over to the open bedroom window and closing it shut, pulling the lock down.
Next, he grabbed a torch light and shined it at the closet. Hearing nothing, he walked towards it and opened the doors. Empty.
Finally, John turned off his torch, knelt down, and swiftly rolled it harshly under the bed. Hearing no grunts, he looked under.
She's not under there... good.
John exhaled a huff of air, and sat on the edge of his bed as he put his hands over his face.
It was exhausting. Though John knew by the end of today, or the next two if he was lucky, the Deputy would be killed by something or another and he would be back at square one, he really needed to figure out how to reach out to her, without being shot.
Going to her too early leaves her shooting first and questioning the morality of it never, and trying to go to her late only ends up with her being killed by whoever it is she seems to have evoked the wrath of. Not that he thinks she doesn't entirely deserve it.
He needed guidance, and from his last conversation with Joseph, his brother seemed content with sitting by and letting God do his work.
And he tried. To wait it out. To let God do His work. But if the sign that John seemed to be getting was that leaving the Deputy to her own accord only leads to her death, and back to the morning of Joseph's arrest.
And it wasn't like Jacob, or worse, Faith, were going to be helpful.
John had figured out quickly that his intervention was needed for the Deputy to even get through another day. And while the Father may not have understood what he told him, John deduced that this was a test from God.
A test against his sloth. A test towards his patience. A test meant to prove that John was worthy of entering Eden. And what better way than to save the life and soul of another? Especially one as sinful and wrathful as the Deputy?
Which is why he waits for the only other faithful member of the project, his trustworthy second-in-command.
A knock on the door shifted his thoughts to the matter at hand, and he made his way to the door.
Opening it, Nadi stood there, the blond looking at him with expecting brown eyes.
John pulled her inside, earning a yelp from the young woman, and closed the door behind her.
Here's a WIP for a collection of short fics from different character perspectives throughout my Fallout fic series A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore. It is still under heavy editing, but I've got a good grasp on where to take it. Snippet below:
In the five of the twenty four hours she's been awake, Nova had expected more-or-less the same day as before.
Walking around and offering her body to anyone who came into the saloon had not been a life she pictured for herself as a little girl, but it was one that paid well.
Well, it would have been if Moriarty didn't continue to take a cut of her and Gob's pay any time a customer gave them a generous donation.
That and the amount of times Moriarty had utilized her services with no intention of paying her, but she supposed it was a better alternative to being kicked out of Megaton. Given Moriarty still had that power.
She drew in the smoke from her cigarette, and surveyed from her post as Gob gave another orange bottle of whiskey to Jericho, the ex-raider sneering at the ghoul, his disgust evident all over his face.
Thankfully he didn't make a scene, slamming the small bag of caps on the counter as he left through the door.
Gob stared at the bag, string noose tied tightly around the bag, not immediately grabbing it. Nova could take a guess that Gob was lamenting over the debts that he owed Moriarty. Debts both the prostitute and the ghoul bartender wordlessly knew their boss was unlikely to pay.
Gob snapped out of it though, giving a miserable sigh, and dragging the bag away from the counter for Moriarty to pocket later, turning his attention to the damn radio that never seemed to play at the right time.
It pained Nova to see Gob like this. He was a real sweetheart with shitty luck, and she knew that the only upsides in his life were the hope of one day paying off his debts, however unlikely that was, and the Gravity News Radio host screaming out "fighting the good fight", whatever that entailed.
She was also painfully well aware of his crush on her.
Though she never had minded his appearance to the point she'd hang out with him in public, given how much she knows the ghoul is actually a decent guy, she had her limits, which was rare given her current standing under Moriarty.
She hoped he could find some semblance of happiness, whether that be with a person or a life long after Moriarty was rotting in the ground. But it wouldn't be with her.
If things were different though...
Nova looked away from Gob, shaking the thought away. It didn't matter on the what ifs, right now she had a job to perform.
She could ponder a different time.
Just as Gob began to smack the radio, a risky action given Moriarty's repeated threats on treating his property harshly, the saloon door creaked open, and Nova spotted two teens enter. One male, the other female. Both wearing what appeared to be blue jumpsuits with the numbers "101" imprinted in yellow on their backs.
Nova eyed them both. The young man was of average build, short auburn hair cut neatly with a few strands springing out from the harshness of the wasteland most likely, and light brown eyes on the lookout for anyone and anything.
The young woman on the other hand had dark hair tied in a pony tail, was a little chubbier than her counterpart, and her hazel eyes were more focused, trying to narrow down a specific person.
They glanced back to the door, whispering amongst themselves, though not too quiet that she couldn't catch their words.
Amongst the harsh gravel Gob spat out at the poor radio, and the chatter amongst the patrons, Nova could decipher the words "here" "back outside" and "think she'll stay?" in hushed voices.
And finally Jennifer putting murder on her mind to the back burner as she remembers to drop, duck and cover my WIP of Sonya's Push. Snippet below:
Breathing heavily as she pushed her way through the audience as they gazed upon the newest arena fight between beasties, the bruises formed from her fight with Malvolio's bitch protesting against her movements.
The blonde looked back to the closed elevator door on the other side, paranoid that Malvolio's Beastie would burst through at any moment.
The speed of it had been abnormal, disappearing in a blink and being nothing more than a flicker of movement when it had slid down to the hall. The movement of its tail daggers swift and deadly, like her own claws. The red in its one eye, more robotic than flesh.
Why had Dicko approved such a thing? It barely counted as a beastie with the mass of metal it was made of! Jennifer huffed, and around the arena, looking pass the patrons in search of Dicko.
Her blue eyes spotted the Englishman on a lower circle, himself seated down on his VIP sofa that she once shared with him, disheveled but celebrating his escape with a glass of disgusting champagne, like the pig hadn't just left her to die to that one-eyed mech of a beast. As if the reason it was free in the first place wasn't because he allowed his creep of a "buddy" onto his premises, or the fact Sir Enigma might be a fucking alien in addition to a Darwinist with no care for the fact "handing control" did not mean "releasing the Beastie from its brainwashing bullshit".
She felt the razor claws pushing through her fingertips as she glared at the man from across the arena, anger and betrayal clouding her mind.
Those fantasies of killing him while in his bed resurfaced, and she oh so wanted to enact them now, with the sofa as an acceptable exception.
She wanted to get her claws through his throat before the Beastie could make its way down to the arena. She tried to move pass the cheering audience, making her way around to the other side to get to the stairs.
However much she tried though, a block of people just refused to move aside, and she was tempted to slice her way through if it weren't for the guards.
...Or the faint noise of the elevator door that echoed throughout the arena, deaf to everyone but her.
Frozen in place as she looked back, trying to get a glimpse of the beast that would no doubt tear them apart.
She pushed people aside to get a solid look. Enough people disbanded to show the doors opening to reveal the empty box of the elevator.
Jennifer's face scrunched in confusion, mouth gaping open and shut, lips stinging as the cut on her upper lip made contact with her bottom one. She desperately searched for any sign of the beast, the monster made of steel, the relentless creature that stalked and hunted her not moments ago.
Upon still seeing nothing, she let out a mirthless laugh as she turned her back to the elevator, shaking her head as she focused her attention on Dicko once more, the man a ring below talking with one of his guards.
It was with this focus that she noticed a... shift on the stone barriers that kept the audience at bay.
Large spots on the stone cracked, small dusts of powder dropping down as an unseen pressure was placed on the stone. She saw more of this dust from the next ring up, and then the next, and the next.
Up and up and further up until it stopped at the final ring. Then dust slowly dropped down from the roof, unbeknownst to the audience too invested on the violence happening between the two wild beasties below them. Not that the fight between those Beasties were anything special unlike what she saw from her hunter mere hours ago.
Jennifer felt some familiarity with this, words exchanged to her by the madman who released the Apex from its prison, a far too fond explanation on how the creature could "rush so fast it would be merely a flicker to the human eye!"
"...Or match its environment to disappear right before you," Malvolio explained, grinning at her with all his teeth.
Jennifer's eyes widened as she barely registered the outline of the beast that had adjusted its steel to uncloak itself while hanging from dark and dank ceiling. Red optic looking down to the cheers in the rings and the Beasties fighting under it.
She saw the tail split in three, and immediately followed her gut by making distance from the open space of the barriers.
She had just dropped flat onto the floor to curl up and cover her head when the she heard the wind and patron's necks crack in one simultaneous whoosh.
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doculicious · 10 months
Israel had the Hamas attack plan for the music festival in 2022 and called it "Jericho Wall".
When Hamas attacked Israel October 7, 2023 I was suspicious that it really was a surprise to Israel.
I hope this war comes to an end soon.
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rawiswhore · 1 year
Various WWF and ECW Wrestlers x Fem Reader- "A Girl Can Dream, Can't She?"
So far during the 2020's, I've been suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome, and one of the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome is surprisingly having a low sex drive.
Even though I have had a rather low sex drive in this decade, I've wanted to post sexually explicit fanfiction about sex that were my own ideas and not just fanfics that objectify women.
I even felt good in wanting to type and post sexually explicit fanfiction that were my own ideas.
Being a ring rat (a professional wrestling groupie) can be a lot of fun, but there are disadvantages to it.
One of the disadvantages is that there are so many sexy male professional wrestlers out there, but they're in different wrestling companies that are usually not touring in the same area at the same time.
For example, let's say "Monday Night Raw" is performing in Chicago but "WCW Monday Nitro" is performing in Seattle while ECW is doing a show in Tallahassee, Florida.
Even worse, what if you're someone signed to the World Wrestling Federation and a part of that company, but you're not allowed to cross over into other wrestling companies?
Plus, again, "Monday Night Raw" is performing somewhere in California while "WCW Monday Nitro " is performing all the way in New York and ECW is performing in Tennessee.
And you can't get to have sex with all of the sexiest male pro wrestlers because of that.
So instead, here's a fantasy that you have...
At the end of 1997 and beginning of 1998, there was this sexual fantasy you had, and that fantasy involved you wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around and covering your naked torso and tucked under your arms, where you walked into this warm, steamy sauna.
Sitting inside this sauna was Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Christian Cage, Scott Hall, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Nova from ECW and Tommy Rogers during his late 90's ECW run.
Shawn, Triple H, Chris Jericho, Christian Cage and Nova all had their long hair hanging down in this fantasy, nothing was tying their hair back, and Shawn, Triple H and Chris all had completely shaved faces.
Actually, Tommy Rogers and Scott Hall, too, had their long hair hanging down in this fantasy, but they usually always have their hair down.
Nova didn't have any face paint on his face nor did he have any drawn on marker on his face---like during his Blue World Order days.
Jeff Hardy also had his hair hanging down in his fantasy because this was before he wore his hair in ponytails.
While those aforementioned men were sitting inside this sauna, they were all sitting down naked with towels wrapped around their waistlines covering their private parts.
Saunas are infamously warm and steamy, which causes people's hair to get wet, and while locks of these men's hair was a little bit damp, their hair wasn't too wet, which is a good thing.
Shawn Michaels doesn't really look all that good with wet hair, to be honest.
Shawn was sitting in between Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy, whereas Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam and Nova were sitting behind Shawn, Christian and Jeff.
When you entered into this sauna, every man in the sauna's face lit up seeing you, where now their eyes were all focused on you with smiles forming on their faces.
You stood in front of these men with a naughty grin on your face, and your hands unfolded your towel and let it drop to the floor, revealing your naked body to them.
You had no clothes underneath your towel, and you let these men study your nude body.
They weren't disgusted over your naked body, in fact, they loved it.
Shawn's hands were motioning to you to sit in his lap, and you walked towards him.
Dropping your towel was an invitation for sex.
As you approached closer to Shawn, his hands unfolded his towel wrapped around his waistline and exposed his barenaked genitals to you.
Once you stopped walking once you stood in front of Shawn close enough to touch him, your legs and thighs spread apart, where you sat in his lap and straddled it.
Shawn was getting an erection when you entered the sauna, and his erection was growing even more hard once you undressed and walked up to him.
One of Shawn's hands grabbed his penis and inserted the tip of it into your pussy hole, where his hand slid his cock further deep down inside your vagina.
He removed his hand off of his erection as it kept slipping into your cunt.
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy got out of their seats, where they sat on their knees on the floor and they leaned their faces closer to your breasts, where they began to suck on your nipples.
You began to bounce and ride up and down Shawn's penis while Christian and Jeff tried sucking your nipples.
Scott Hall and Triple H got out of their seats and removed their towels off of their waists, and those 2 were both stark naked under those towels.
You don't care whether or not if the rest of these men have erections or not except for who fucks you in your pussy and asshole.
Chris Jericho,  Nova and Rob got out of their seats and took off their towels, where of course they were naked underneath them.
One of Chris', Nova's and Rob's hands were holding on to their penises, where they pointed and aimed the tips of their cocks at your face as close as possible.
Chris, Nova and Rob all sat on their knees while they pointed their dicks at you.
Tommy Rogers, on the other hand, pulled himself up to where he was sitting, where he walked behind Scott Hall and took off his towel as he approached you.
Likewise, Tommy was naked under his towel, and once he stood behind you, one of his hands grabbed his penis and slid the tip of it into your asshole, where he slid and penetrated his cock deeper inside your anus.
He removed his hand off of his dick as it was entering deeper inside your ass.
He began to pound and thrust his cock back and forth inside your asshole while you rode Shawn.
As you were busy riding Shawn, your head turned sideways to Scott Hall, where one of your hands grabbed his cock and inserted it into your mouth, where you tried to suck on his cock.
While you tried giving him a blowjob, one of your hands grabbed Triple H's penis and proceeded to masturbate it.
Your hand pulled Triple H's dick---especially the tip of it---as close to your face as possible so his precum could land on it.
One of Chris', Nova's and Rob's hands were holding on to their dicks, where they were masturbating their forming erections as they pointed the tips of their cocks at your face.
It was easy for Christian and Jeff to squeeze in between Triple H and Scott since Christian and Jeff are the skinniest men that can slip in.
You really wish you could have multiple arms and hands so you could masturbate these men circling around you while you're giving a blowjob to one of them as you're riding a cock and another penis is fucking your ass.
You wish that maybe Jeff Hardy and Christian Cage could point the tips of their dicks at your face so they can masturbate on your face and/or you can give them blowjobs, but you specifically chose for Jeff and Christian in this fantasy to suck your nipples.
Scott looked at you giving him head with a smirk on his face, and Triple H, Nova, Chris and Rob were all staring at you with smirks and grins on their faces.
Tommy is fucking you in your ass because he's arguably the least attractive out of all of these men.
Well, maybe not the least attractive, but he had some questionable hair during his late 90's ECW days.
You couldn't decide if you wanted Tommy Rogers, Jerry Lynn in late 1997 and early 1998 or Brian Pillman in 1996 to be the one fucking your asshole, but you settled on Tommy since he's the most attractive out of those 3.
Though, you could have some other hottie fucking your asshole, even Rob Van Dam or Nova could've done it.
Heh, maybe Tommy, Jerry and Brian could take turns fucking your asshole.
There are other men who could've been in this fantasy, like a steam room that also has some other hot sexy male pro wrestlers like Bret Hart, Raven from ECW and WCW, Sean Morley/Val Venis, Jim Powers from WCW and the list goes on.
But it's impossible for so many men to gangbang one woman, not to mention some of those wrestlers aren't as sexy as the ones you're getting gangbanged by in your fantasy.
You could've and should've fantasized about Tommy Rogers when he had long hair in his Fantastics days in the late 1980's fucking you.
Despite that you're getting rammed by a cock in your ass and another cock in your pussy, you're still managing to try to give Scott Hall a blowjob while Christian and Jeff try to suck your breasts.
They're trying to keep up with you as you ride up and down Shawn.
Precum is beginning to spill out of the slits of Chris', Nova's, Rob's and Triple H's penises, where it took a little time until their precum broke off of their penisheads and got on your face.
And some precum is forming out of Scott Hall's slit and getting on your tongue, where you're swallowing and gulping down his premature ejaculation.
Because this sauna is so warm and hot, the skin of these wrestlers as well as you is equally hot and almost moist.
So much heat combined with getting gangbanged in a sauna could cause you or these wrestlers to pass out from a heat stroke.
Blood has been rushing to your clitoris and swelling it up in sexual arousal, and blood keeps rushing to all of these men in the sauna's cocks and hardening them up.
Scott could easily raise his hands up in the air and drop them down until his hands form a "v" shape next to his crotch where he shouts out "suck it!", but maybe that's best reserved for Triple H.
There were a few breathy groans and moans coming from these men in this gangbang, and you too couldn't help but moan, whine and whimper a few times.
Your whines and whimpers in this gangbang were consenting, not as if you're in pain.
You have very sensitive nipples, that's why you're letting Jeff Hardy and Christian Cage---2 skinny but sexy up and coming wrestling stars at the time---suck them.
Scott Hall and Triple H were both sexy AF during this time, which is why they're standing next to you so you can give one a blowjob while you masturbate the other.
Shawn is the sexiest out of all of these men, that's why you're riding him.
Dirty talking is so sexy, and these male wrestlers are murmuring sexually explicit, pornographic talk at you during this gangbang fantasy.
Speaking of sexually explicit talk, Triple H's hands and arms raised high up in the air until they swooped and glided down gently---making sure not to hit someone in the face---until his hands made an "X" shape above his crotch.
"Suck it!" Triple H exclaimed when his hands joined together to form an "x" shape above his genitals, thrusting and pushing his crotch out when he shouted D Generation X's infamous catchphrase.
Some of these other wrestlers saw what Triple H was doing, which made a few of them lightly chuckle and laugh, nearly breaking their mood.
You've given a blowjob to Scott Hall long enough, so your head turned away from Scott's genitals and turned opposite to Triple H's, where your face was turned sideways and tried giving Triple H head.
Triple H's cock was now poking inside your mouth this time, where you tried giving him fellatio while you rode and got fucked.
You have 2 hands, why didn't you try masturbating another wrestler with your other hand while you gave Scott Hall a blowjob and Triple H a handjob?
Good question.
Either way, what's sexier...a girl masturbating another guy's cock or a guy jerking off his penis and pointing it at a girl?
Even though you wouldn't mind giving Tommy Rogers a blowjob after he ejaculates, his cock has been up your asshole which is where poo falls out of, and that's not a good thing, even if people out there lick people's assholes.
Shawn wishes he could suck your breasts as you're riding him, but you've got 2 other hotties sucking your nipples.
As you have Triple H's cock in your mouth while you're busy sucking it, you're swallowing any precum that's come out of his slit.
One of your hands grabbed Scott Hall's penis and proceeded to masturbate it, pointing the tip of his cock at your face as you gave him a handjob.
His cock felt moist from being inside your moist mouth.
Chris, Rob and Nova are pointing the tips of their dicks at your face and trying for their precum to not land in Shawn Michaels' hair.
Your mouth is swallowing the precum that's coming out of Triple H's slit as well as the precum that hung off of his cock.
Your opposite hand tried to reach out and grab maybe Chris Jericho's penis so you could masturbate it.
You don't care whose penis you grab, really.
Chris, Nova and Rob can see your hand trying to grab one of their dicks, although they prefer masturbating on your face.
It is pretty sexy when someone grabs someone's cock as they're giving it a blowjob.
It's been somewhat difficult for Chris, Nova and Rob's precum to land on your face while they're masturbating considering your head is turned sideways  to give blowjobs to Triple H and Scott.
You'd love to give head to Nova, Chris or Rob as you're riding Shawn and Tommy fucks your ass and even while Jeff and Christian suck your nipples and you're jacking off Scott and Triple H, but you're worried your face won't be able to reach and go above over Shawn's head (as in what's attached to his neck) just to give oral sex to Rob.
Although, maybe you can try to give a blowjob to Nova or Chris Jericho.
After sucking on Triple H's cock for a while and swallowing his precum, your head turned and faced in front of Nova's cock, wanting his precum inside it and wanting to suck his dick.
Though, it probably might be difficult to do that.
Maybe you can give handjobs to Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy or one of them can fuck your pussy.
Shawn Michaels was the first one to cum, where after he ejaculated inside of you for a while, he pulled you off of his lap and let you sit on your knees in front of his genitals, where he let his white semen drip all over your face and then you proceeded to give him a blowjob and swallow his cum while doing so.
You continued giving head to Shawn as Tommy fucked your ass, although it was now difficult for Nova, Chris and Rob to masturbate on your face and for Christian and Jeff to suck your breasts.
When Shawn was finished in your fantasy, now it was time to ride Jeff Hardy.
Jeff sat where Shawn previously sat, where you raised yourself up and straddled Jeff's lap, where you proceeded to ride him.
As you rode Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels and Christian Cage crouched down to where your breasts were and they began sucking them.
Scott Hall was next to cum, where he ejaculated next to your face, and as he jizzed on your face, your head turned and let his cock enter inside your mouth, where you proceeded to clean his cock off and swallow his cum.
Since your head was in front of Chris' penis, one of your hands grabbed Jericho's dick and masturbated it, helping jack off his erection.
Maybe Chris won't need to masturbate now that you're helping him out.
You eventually came when Jeff Hardy's cock was inside you as you rode him, your clitoris pounding and throbbing after your pussy creamed all over his penis inside.
Tommy Rogers jizzed inside of you afterwards, but you didn't clean his cock off, sadly and much to his dismay.
But then again, this is a fantasy, so maybe your asshole doesn't need poo to come out of it and the inside of your asshole smells like something pleasant and isn't filled with bacteria.
But...you unfortunately didn't fantasize about sucking Tommy's cock after he jizzed in your asshole.
Of course Jeff, Triple H, Chris Jericho, Rob and Nova eventually ejaculated, where you let their cum drench your face and you gave them all blowjobs, swallowing all of their cum.
You also gave a handjob and blowjob Christian Cage in this fantasy after you swallowed Scott Hall's cum and now it was his turn to suck your nipples.
When Christian ejaculated, you let his cum soak your face and you gave him a blowjob to swallow his jizz and clean his dick off.
These men all had turns sucking your nipples in this gangbang fantasy.
You've masturbated to this sauna gangbang fantasy many times, and this fantasy has always made your pussy throb, blood swell your clitoris and made your pussy cum.
You've looked to see if the WWF, ECW and WCW are all having shows in the same area just to help make your gangbang fantasy come true.
In 1996 and 1997, you'd look at the sexiest male wrestlers in the WWF and see if they should be in your sauna gangbang, you even talked with these wrestlers about it.
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ask-foxtales · 2 years
☆Age: 20
☆Level: 25
☆Species: Vulpix✨️
☆Ability: Drought
Heat Wave
Quick Attack
Confuse Ray
☆Age: 15
☆Level: 15
☆Species: Vulpix
☆Ability: Flash Fire
Tail Whip
Quick Attack
Flame Charge
☆Age: 19
☆Level: 16
☆Species: Vulpix (Melanistic)
☆Ability: Flash Fire
Baby-doll Eyes
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names-for-alters · 7 months
Hello one and all, alters and headmates! I am Charlie! I like to make lists! I also hoard names! Are you looking for a name? GREAT! You can send an ask and request a specific aesthetic or origin of name, or you can look at my list!
With that said…
…Cracks knuckles…
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Findo Tach Tails Flicker Tracer Kat Iris Blu Brick Arlo Sammy Artie Finn Stein Aleksandr Vora Olive Luna Nyx Cyrus Qrow Orian Cello Onyx Skye Grim Opal Dawn Azure Fish Bones Poppy Bronze Eggs Sparky Specs Snickers Trout Navi Bingo Chili Bandit Stripe Busker Socks Brandy Frisky Winston Lucky Chucky Bently Judo Rusty Max Honey Indie Calypso Striker Merle Moxxie Vex Ant Bugger Bee Spider Tails Hook Indigo Amber Coco Coral Scarlet Ivory Jade Ruby Emerald Chuck Loden Copper Hamelin Neo Shepard Cinnamon Visor Macalister Soul Hack Hiccup Flynn Rider Astrid Jay Raven Robyn Bolt Dagger Viper Tracer Cornwall Flock Sapphire Crystal Ghost Mochi Trick Catra Rose Raven Flip Chani Racket Red Crimson Dragon Runt Scotch Tellie Gator Croc Crow Goat Duck Creeper Kuma Jet Jeep Draco Poppy Sombra Raine Squish Spike Blaze Ender Drake Sandy MK PJ DJ CJ MJ King Creak Shadow Clay Dusty Miles Dart Willow Antonius Husk Moth Cypher Jin Yin Yang Daisy Gray / Grey Alistair Halo Angel Cake Fennec Fox Null Lull Bastion Lucky Sun Star Cosmo Tweety Vox Nerys Sonic Bark Birch Oak Cherry Blossom Peaches Velvet Shell Coffee Valley Fang Moot Redpath Pudding X V Jr Ether Fig Trunk Joy Frogger Snowflake Snowball Snow Jumper Racket Flare Vendetta Loonie Coin Six Eleven Tropica Stelina Mojave Ink Sud Fender Zero Pollen Wysteria Page Ozias Rex Tortch Buck Nickel Stripe Lynch Tramp Wolf Pup Tank Jhariah Kharma Zenith Sparrow Prism Lemon Mune Lamb Pyke Diamond Parker Graves Fizz Nugget Melody Tink Blight Fangless Ambress Vulture Eclipse Luka Bangle Constance Constantine Sommar Babble Clank Bobble Chipper Aidan Slate Tin Twire Zephyr Silver Misty Faunus Atlas Birdie Brook Cedar Chip Coal Daisy Ember Faye Fate Fern Flint Harmony Helios Ivy Junx Kit Lyria Phoebe Piper Lady Beacon Elos Rumble Ida Cross Zed Scootie Smidge Clauger Happy Sonny Hath Soldier River Song Clawtor Videl Legen Onen Chunk Reid Pop Cobra Cash Clover Saris Volante Donna Belladonna Gale Chopper Morphias Vidia Loft Kape Levi Licker Howl Dustin Newt Creek Breezy Polaris Blight Archer Sirius Warren Dream Goon Cookie Ranger Amity Jericho Viggo Besko Asra Alice Olaf Mossfeld Issic Missy Rascal Creasy Nonya Hex Pita Miguel Manuel Rayburn Daisy Dash Lucky Becky Steele Cylo Featherstone Kingston Netherfield Reacher Saltburn Quick Rubble Dust Brimstone Humble Ado Grover Norvanos Leshy Blade Cooper Calcium
Pierre Rosemary
Kikos Wathel
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everydayyoulovemeless · 11 months
Fo3 Companions Living in Megaton With Lone
➼ Word Count » 0.6k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Platonic/Romantic
Charon doesn't really have much of an opinion on the matter. If this is where you want to live, then this is where he'll follow you. Moira is always stopping by to ask if he could grab her something in a place that's just a bit too irradiated for her to do it herself, so he eventually refuses to answer the door for you. He'll gladly do anything else though, and he's not picky about the decor.
Clover doesn't mind, wherever you go, she'll go. She likes arranging things around the house and putting flowers in vases and whatnot. She does her best to keep the place as clean as possible and, although she covered him in graffiti, gets along decently well with Wadsworth. Moriarity will definitely try to manipulate her into some sort of contract so that he can have another "worker" alongside Nova, but other than having to keep an eye on her, she's easy to get along with.
Living in Megaton reminds Star Paladin Cross about when she escorted James here 19 years ago. It makes her feel slightly nostalgic being here again after all that time and seeing all the different changes that have been made. She doesn't mind how you decorate it and is happy with whatever as long as she's allowed to have a weapons workbench in one of the corners. She and Jericho might get into a few altercations from time to time, and she's always telling you about her gripes with Nathaniel, but she has enough manners and self-control to refrain from street fights. (more so for you're sake than hers).
Jericho is the trashiest roommate on this list, he doesn't even bother throwing things away. He'll just pile garbage into a corner until you decide you'll throw it out. The good news is, none of your neighbors are going to be trying anything with you since you're living with the town's local raider. Jericho also frequently gets into arguments with Wadsworth and eventually just locks him in a cage upstairs, so you can forget about having a butler helping you pick up all the junk he leaves around the place.
Butch will beg on bended knees for you to pay for the wasteland explorer theme for the house. Nothing would make him happier than having Moira wheel a motorcycle into the house. Overall, he's a decent roommate. He'll leave a mess in the living room and leaves his clothes everywhere, but other than the average frat boy shenanigans (expect there to be beer bottles everywhere), he's not so bad.
Besides him accidentally breaking things, Fawkes is probably the best to live with. He keeps the place relatively clean, keeps people out, and is just an overall joy to be around. He's sweet to all of your neighbors, even if they're open about not wanting him around. In all honesty, he's just happy to be out of that vault. He'd be happy anywhere and he especially loves having his own little nook for him to read and study. Soon enough you'll have a live-in doctor.
Every day, RL-3 will wake you up early so that you can begin your 5 a.m. workout routine. There is no resting when the possibility of communists lurking is high. He'll keep you and the other residents in line. Megaton will have a competent police force in no time, but the locals are gonna be upset with how demanding and loud he can get. Some (Jericho) might even try scrapping him for parts.
You'll get no complaints with Dogmeat. Everyone loves him and the kids that run around are always playing with him. Moira might try to train him to get her things, but other than that, you'll have no issues living with him.
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saturniasxenos · 22 days
Cyber / Virtual ID Pack
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Inside this pack, you will find: Pronouns, Titles, Names, and Genders that relate to Virtuality, Cybernetic, Robots, and anything alike!
This features a LOOOONG list of pronouns and dystopian-ish names!
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The Cyborg
(X) Whos Wired
Made of Nanotech
(X) Who Uses Nanotech
Scholar of Machines
The Cyber Security
(X) Who Has Cyber Wings
Connected Online
Unable to Connect
The Administrator
The Hacker
The Antivirus
ERROR: Unable to Connect
ERROR: Malware Detected
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Since names don't usually have "techy" meanings, I picked one's that sounded the most cybernetic, cyberpunkish, dystopian, virtualish, etc!
Fem: Althea, Ameris, Astoria, Arcadia, Astra, Beretta, Cyra, Crystal, Crosselle, Eve, Io, Jinx, Kit, Lilith, Meridian, Morrian, Nebula, Nova, Neve, Noxia, North, Octavia, Odette, Odile, Prota, Pistol, Rey, Rue, Rain, Raine, Stormy, Seraphina, Sona, Skye, Thundra, Tempest, Vega, Viva, Vinette, Venus, Xenia, Xya, Xena, Xiomara, Xenara, Xanthe, Zephyria, Zyla, Zadie, Zia,
Masc: Alaric, Aksel, Arden, Antares, Apollo, Ace, Asher, Cole, Cyrus, Code, Draven, Drift, Ender, Flynn, Hawk, Isaac, Jericho, Kip, Kai, Koios, Knox, Nox, Neo, Nero, Octavian, Orionis, Oghma, Paine, Rocket, Ray, Rai, Silas, Slader, Sebastian, Seth, Seraphim, Thalax, Theo, Thatch, Vox, Vector, Wyatt, Xyon, Xane, Xylan, Xerxes, Xayden, Xavier, Xander, Zander, Zayden, Zenith, Zev, Zale, Zane, Zaire, Zeke,
Neu: Andras, Axe, Axiom, Alloy, Allele, Ash, Arrow, Beetle, Chrom, Corvus, Dakota, Dell, Eos, Echo, Eden, Fox, Ghost, Glöckner, Hydrae, Ion, Jesper, Jett, Kursk, Lesath, Locklyn, Lyrae, Maddox, Nemo, Orca, Onyx, Oxygen, Panther, Rikko, Robin, Rune, Scorpion, Scorpius, Saturn, Sparrow, Sonar, Tore, Tauri, Techne, Techno, Ursae, Vesper, Volt, West, Wolf, Xen, Xenon, Zephyr, Zodiac, Zenon, Zeru, Zero, Zen
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Futuracityc: A gender related to futuristic cities
Futurafashic: A gender related to futuristic fashion
Futurahousic: A gender related to futuristic houses
Digigender: A digital gender. Rangeable from any digital thing or file; virus, malware, .txt, .mp3, antivirus, trojan, email, etc.
Cybergender: A gender or form of gender expression where ones gender or expression is deeply tied into Cyberpunk lore, culture, fashion or media.
CYBERWEAPONIC - a gender that feels like a digital or robotic weapon. this gender may also have ties to sentient AI used as a weapon, but not necessarily.
BIOAMOROBOTIC - a gender connected to being a robot who loves humanity and the world and finds joy all around them!
RobAnatomic - a gender under the anatomic system(link) related to robots, anatomy, robotic anatomy, the anatomy of robots, robots made to teach/study anatomy, anatomy based/related robots of some kind, the anatomy/biology of someone or something being robotic, having robotic anatomy, being a robot with an interest in anatomy and more.
Robogender - for people who’s gender identity aligns with machines/robots/androids/mechs/AIs.
Cyborwebic - a gender related to webcore, evil scientist aesthetics, artificial beings such as androids/cyborgs etc, turtleneck sweaters and old computer monitors
AI flag - this can be used for nonhuman, otherkin, gender, delusion.
Gendervirtual / Genderdigital - a gendersystem in which your gender is related to virtual ) digital themes and x , such as being a virtual ) digital x , a x who loves virtual ) digital themes , a virtual ) digital being who loves x themes , etc.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
OKAY OKAY, HEAR ME OUT. I came up with this one day and it makes me cackle so I think it’s a cute Drabble you could write SO WELL.
Basically reader works at the Jericho coffee shop and Larissa comes in, ofc she’s smitten by the reader and tries to play it like she doesn’t know the menu (spoiler alert, she a regular and this doesn’t fool the reader ONE BIT) and so Larissa is like, “What do you usually order?” And the reader has had the biggest crush on her since she saw Larissa so reader says, “A tall blonde latte.” With a smirk that just makes Larissa blush so hard.
The rest is entirely up to you, if you want to of course no pressure, but I know you’d do amazing with this! 🥰🥰🥰
*Authors note~ hi lovely, this is such a cute idea and I’m so thankful for your confidence in me to write it, I hope I can live up to your expectations*
Trigger warnings~ none?
You always loved the evening shift, most people hated it, closing the weathervane seemed to be the least liked part of the job. You can’t say it was your favourite but she was. Every evening at six pm on the dot the principal of Nevermore would come in and Order a hot chocolate and occasionally a cake that would be on special promotion. You’d never served the blonde but you were happy to admire her from afar as you continued to close up the weathervane while your co worker Nova dealt with the customers.
Larissa made this routine a key part of her day, learning your days off and times made it easy to do. She couldn’t quite put her finger on why, but Larissa was drawn to you. So much so, the principal had you on her mind all the time, but yet never having the courage to speak to you. Yes, Morticia’s has scared the poor woman from ever putting her heart on the line. But she couldn’t help but sit in her booth and let the sound of your voice wash over her, the way you moved around the back of the weathervane it was like you were dancing. She almost died one evening when she heard you humming a tune as you cashed up the till in the back room. That was her tipping point. She had to try.
Today you were training a new evening shift member, so it was unusual for you to be front of house when Larissa came in, but she couldn’t wait to shoot her shot with you. The door opened just enough to let the principal slip through the doors and make her way to the counter. “What can I get you?” You murmured to the woman who was scanning the menu above your head. “Im not so sure, what would you suggest?” Larissa smiled at you hoping to hide her nerves. “Can I have your name?” You asked as you began to prep the drink. “Larissa” she breathed before moving to the collection area.
Coffee machine whirling around for her drink as you decided on a blueberry bun for her treat. You knew who she was, and that she most definitely hasn’t been here before but still you decided to indulge her. Coffee now ready you took that and the cake to her table, “A Tall Blonde Latte” you smirked as a blush adorned her cheeks. “Oh and a beautiful blueberry bun made by my own hands” you murmured before fleeing back to check on your trainee.
Larissa couldn’t lie and say she didn’t enjoy the latte but the cake was absolutely delightful. “So how do we like the order?” You murmured with a kind smile. “Delicious, you have good taste” she reassured. From behind your back you produced a take away cup full of hot chocolate, her usual order, “on the house.” You left back to work, Larissa happily taking the cup in her hands as she spotted a message on her cup, “call me pretty lady” and your number scrawled neatly underneath.
“It’s Larissa Weems from the coffee shop”
“Hi Larissa, I’m Y/N, how was your hot chocolate beautiful”
“Delicious darling, thank you, may I be forward with you?”
“Of course Larissa”
“Would I be able to take you on a date this Friday, you’re beautiful and I’ve just been waiting for the right time to make a move.”
“Friday is great Larissa, I can’t wait”
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nightingale2004 · 6 months
Wolfstar children names
Girls: The middle name would be Hope (after Remus's mother)
Cassiopeia (Cassie/Cass)
Boys: middle name Alphard (after Sirius's uncle)
Theodore (Teddy)
Phoenix (gender neutral)
Regulus (if Sirius knew the truth)
Sky (gender neutral)
All I got for right now. Enjoy, and you're welcome to you wolfstar shippers
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novapark · 7 months
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Some extra details about Atta: 
- He’s a member of the Yager Branch of my Nova Park Legacy family.  - His parents are Julian and Aria. He has an older brother named Caspian.  - Since he’s yagerfam he’s a witch. Very rare when they are not.  - He has Autism and very extreme social anxiety - He’s a demisexual and quite uncomfortable with almost all expressions of romance, especially towards him, and extra, extra especially if he doesn’t know you.  - His dad was a comic artist and so he’s always been obsessed with art and color.  - Izan is canonically his best friend. He is also very close to his second cousins Freya and Jericho. All of who aren’t in this save cause I decided to keep it simple when I first started but now that I’m deep in might have to have them move on in.  - He has two nicknames he will respond to: At-At and Atta.  Anyway that’s good for now, the rest shall go into the queue. 
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sslowdeathh · 6 months
Space themed names, pronouns, and titles. Requested by @personisjustrandom.
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Altair. Apollo. Cosmo. Atlas. Cielo. Castor. Mars. Orion. Jupiter. Neptune. Caelum. Vesmír. Leo. Nova. Callisto. Jericho. Portia. Cassiopeia. Esther. Juno. Soliel. Orion. Cruinne. Linivè. Pollux. Keid. Vulcan. Cairo. Lennox. Vega. Eclipse. Auren. Ixia. Darrius. Anduin. Sirus. Reva. Leith. Astraea.
Star stars. Space spaces. Gal galaxy. Void voids. Moon moons. Star stardust. Ne nebula. Cos cosmic. Comet comets. Astro astros. Gal galaxy. So solar. Stell stellar. Sky skies. Star starship. Aster asters. Bry bright. Cast castor. Cele celest.
The stars in the sky. His infinity. The world and more. The constellation. Your guiding light. The boy made of stardust. The boy of the stars. The cold of space. The astronaut / astronomer. The moon. The one that loves to the moon and back. His star-filled heart. The one of stars.
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funky--lesbian · 2 years
Super Nova
Larissa Weems X OC
A.N. hello all. if this seems familiar to you it's because... I've already posted it. With that said I realized I am Horrendous at formatting and decided to repost with some alterations. a HUGE shoutout to the council for helping me get my shit together, especially @bri-sonat for helping fic my truly wretched formatting. the next few chapters will be posted soon as I write some new ones as well.
The wind howled as you looked out the window of the train. Trees passing by in flashes as you made your way through towns, each one smaller and more spread apart, until there was nothing but the forest and the rain dripping down the windows to keep your eyes fixed on.
You can feel the chill of the weather as you rest your gloved hand on the window, not quite knowing what to expect. Finally, you see lights as the train pulls up to a town. As you look away from the pouring rain, you realize that everyone else had departed the train many stops ago.
After all, who would want to travel to a town like Jericho.
Though you suppose it wasn't Jericho itself that they avoided but rather what was just beyond it, Nevermore, your destination. The school had quite a reputation amongst the residents, almost serving as a horror story, an urban myth.
You quickly made your way up from your seat and gathered your belongings, not that you had many to grab, as the stewardess waited by the door of the train. With a small nod in her direction, you square your shoulders and step out into the world once again.
You quickly feel the rain soaking through your many layers as you dart under the cover of an awning, dragging your trunk behind you as you huddle over your tote bag, attempting to protect the few notebooks you carry. 
You look around as the train pulls away, desperately hoping that you will be able to spot your ride to your new home. As the lights from the train disappear into the distance, you’re left shivering on the cobbled road, lit only by a few meager street lamps. As the minutes pass and the cold sinks further into your bones, you finally decide you can't wait anymore out in this weather.
You shift your bag further up on your arm as your breath fogs up before your face. The second you step out into the storm again you regret it, but within minutes your steps have led you to the one building that seemed to still be open. As the wind blows the door shut behind you, you look around and realize you're in a small coffee shop, the Weathervane, according to the sign above the counter.
You quickly leave your trunk by an empty table before heading up to the counter where a young boy is watching with wary but amused eyes. “Hi…” You murmur, your voice horse from disuse, ”could I just get a hot chocolate with oat milk?” you ask, with a slightly clearer voice.
“Of course, what's the name?” He queries with a small smile.
“Adelaide.” You respond before turning around, the bell of the door behind you ringing, the noise drawing your attention. Standing there silhouetted by the glowing lights of the street was the most striking woman you had ever seen.
“Miss Florence, there you are my dear!” She exclaimed as she walked towards the counter. Somehow despite the stormy weather, she looked absolutely perfect, not a single hair out of place regardless of the howling wind and rain that had quickly turned your long curls into a stringy mess. 
As she approached the counter, you found yourself tilting your head farther and farther back, and when she finally stopped next to you, you realized how ridiculous you must look peering up at her like a drowned rat. You quickly looked down with a blush.
“Hello Tyler, a hot chocolate please, and would you be so kind as to put Miss Florence's drink on my tab as well?” She states with a glimmering smile at the barista.
“Oh no, you really don't have to do that!” You state, looking up quickly at the woman whose name you still don't know.
“Nonsense! Consider it a welcoming gift and an apology for my tardiness. Unfortunately, our normal driver fell sick due to the weather, so I had to finish up an appointment before coming down.” She stated warmly as she handed over some cash for the drinks before heading over to the table with your trunk. “I’m Larissa Weems, Headmistress of Nevermore Academy, my dear.” She smiled at you as you glanced up at her.
In the light of the coffee shop you can't help but stare at her beauty, clear blue eyes surrounded by delicate long lashes, a bright red lip captured in a gleaming smile, she was like an angel come to life.
You let out a shiver as her eyes pierced yours. Seeing this her smile faded into a frown, creasing her forehead as she looked down at you. “My dear, you must be freezing, you're absolutely soaked!” She says as she reaches toward you.
“No!’ You shouted, quickly scooting out of the bench away from her as you trip over your trunk in panic. She lets out a gasp at your desperation as you shake on the ground, refusing to look into her eyes in shame.
“I was just going to remove your coat, dear, it’s soaked through…” She murmurs comfortingly with her hands clasped in front of her for you to see clearly. You feel your cheeks turn pink with shame as you slowly climb up from the ground, ignoring the looks from the few other patrons.
“I can't do… touch.” You state as you wring your gloved hands together, “I apologize, it would not be pleasant for either of us.” You continue, wrapping yourself further in your layers as you look down at your feet.
“That is quite alright, my dear, I apologize for disturbing you.” Her voice was gentle, a touch of worry in her tone.
“Adelaide, Headmistress, here you go.” You hear as two to-go cups are placed next to you on the table. You quickly step back from the barista, once again kicking your trunk but managing to stay upright this time as you let out a tight smile.
Clearing her throat, the headmistress quickly stands with a slightly strained smile on her face. “Let's get you to your new home!” She says with joy, grabbing her hot chocolate with one hand and your trunk in the other.
“Yes, let's…” You murmur, grabbing your own drink and following behind the statuesque woman.
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Disabled Characters Showdown
1.) Characters are listed below the cut because there’s a ridiculous amount of them.
2.) This is going to be a 128 person showdown. Because of this there are going to be a few adjustments from how we normally do our polls. First- not all characters will have character descriptions, because we have neither the time or inclination to do so. There still will be character images along with image descriptions, but that’s about it. Second- because of how many polls this is, the first round will be released in waves of 16 polls per day over the span of 4 days. The other rounds will not be impacted. Third- the first wave of polls will be dropping on the 28th.
3.) If you want to submit propaganda about any of these characters feel free to because otherwise you will get things like this: “Haven’t the faintest clue who this is, so you get no context.” You can also submit character images because most of them will be horrible due to us just pulling most of them from the fandom page.
4.) If you have any issues about any characters feel free to shoot us an ask. That being said, this poll isn’t really about who is the best representation. See more details here. If you are wondering why a character is on the list feel free to ask and we’ll tell you but we’re not gonna put on reasoning for all of the characters.
5.) We tried our best with some of the names, but also are not familiar with some of the characters on this list so if there’s any issues there please let us know.
Clint Barton
Maya Lopez
Matt Murdock
Professor X
Nick Fury
Bucky Barnes
Madame Web
James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes
Daniel Sousa
Jeri Hogarth
Jessica Jones
Phil Coulson
Barbara Gordon
Joseph ‘Joey’ Wilson/ Jericho
Destiny of the Endless
Freddy Freeman
Roy Harper- Young Justice
Jin Bu-yeon- Alchemy of Souls
Edward Elric- Fullmetal Alchemist
Might Guy- Naruto
Hatori Sohma- Fruits Basket
Vash the Stampede- Trigun
Yang Xiao Long- RWBY
Neopolitian- RWBY
Nunnally vi Britannia- Code Geass
Jean-Pierre Polnareff- JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Ali Abdul- Squid Game
Naruto Uzumaki- Naruto
Sasuke Uchiha- Naturo
Yuuri Katsuki- Yuri!!! On Ice
Star Wars/Trek/Aliens:
Geordi La Forge- Star Trek: The Next Generation
Luke Skywalker- Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker- Star Wars
Kanan Jarrus- Star Wars
Shiro- Voltron: Legendary Defender
Keyla Detmer- Star Trek: Discovery
Alex Manes- Roswell, New Mexico
Commander Wolffe- Star Wars
Chirrut Îmwe- Star Wars
River Tam- Firefly
Saw Gerrera- Star Wars
Wrecker- Star Wars
Visas Marr- Star Wars Legends
Darth Traya/Kreia- Star Wars Legends
Fennec Shand- Star Wars
Tahl- Star Wars Legends
Darth Maul- Star Wars
Echo- Star Wars
Breha Organa- Star Wars
Non-Animated TV Shows:
Connie- The Walking Dead
Eileen Leahy- Supernatural
Joel Miller- The Last of Us
Christopher Diaz- 9-1-1
Aaron- The Walking Dead
Ben Scott- Yellowjackets
Fei- The Umbrella Academy
Ian Gallagher- Shameless
Sara Eriksson- Young Royals
Mateo Chavez- 9-1-1 Lone Star
Lucius Spriggs- Our Flag Means Death
John Silver- Black Sails
Prince Wilhelm- Young Royals
Theo Dimas- Only Murders in the Building
Adam Parrish- The Raven Cycle
Hearthstone- Magnus Chase
Dezi- The Sunbearer Trials
Katniss Everdeen- The Hunger Games
Ambrosius Goldenloin- Nimona
Lord Blackheart- Nimona
Genya Safin- Grishaverse
Peeta Mellark- The Hunger Games
Kaz Brekker- Grishaverse
Oscar Silva- Renegades
Erik- The Tea Dragon Society
Linh Cinder- The Lunar Chronicles
Wu Zetian- Iron Widow
Wylan Van Eck- Grishaverse
Nova Huang- Mooncakes
Percy Newton- The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue
Jack Wolcott- Wayward Children
Ty Blackthorn- City of Heavenly Fire
Scarlet Benoit- The Lunar Chronicles
Carswell Thorne- The Lunar Chronicles
Adrik Zhabin- Grishaverse
Maedhros- The Silmarillion
Beren- The Silmarillion
Frodo Baggins- Lord of the Rings
Ettiene- The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Kate Rose- Cosmoknights
Alex Claremont-Diaz- Red, White & Royal Blue
Jack Zimmerman- Check Please!
Charlie Spring- Heartstopper
Reagan Abbot- A Quiet Place
Jia Andrews- Godzilla vs. Kong
Carl- Up
Hiccup- How To Train Your Dragon
Toothless- How To Train Your Dragon
Gobber- How To Train Your Dragon
Hermann Gottlieb- Pacific Rim
Massimo Marcovaldo- Luca
Imperator Furiosa- Mad Max: Fury Road
Drago Bludvist- How To Train Your Dragon
Animated TV Shows:
Amaya- The Dragon Prince
Toph Beifong- Avatar: The Last Airbender
Teo- Avatar: The Last Airbender
Eda Clawthorne- The Owl House
Entrapta- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Finn Mertens- Adventure Time
Jewelstar- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Tallstar- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Villads- The Dragon Prince
Marcy Wu- Amphibia
Mr. Poolcheck- Gravity Falls
Principal Bump- The Owl House
Captain ‘Grime’ Grimothy- Amphibia
Ida, Bev, and Florabel- Kipo: Age of the Wonderbeasts
Ming-Hua- Avatar: Legend of Korra
Sol Regem- The Dragon Prince
Combustion Man- Avatar: The Last Airbender
Other Stuff:
Janice Palmer- Welcome to Nightvale
Nessarose Thropp- Wicked
Kotallo- Horizon Forbidden West
Norma- Dead End Paranormal Park
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rawiswhore · 3 months
Various WWF Wrestlers x Fem Reader- "Attention Whore"
I apologize as to why I didn't post any fanfics at the end of June and beginning of July---I was in a different town and wasn't using the Internet then because I don't have a laptop, iPad or iPhone.
This fanfiction may be similar to the last fanfic I posted, but whatever.
From 1996 to the beginning of 1998, you always stood by Hunter Hearst Helmsley's/Triple H's side, always leading him to the ring, cheering for him and even doing photoshoots with him.
You never would've cheated on him or left for someone else.
However, at the end of 1997, when the Attitude era was coming about and women were beginning to dress more provocatively, you showed up on a "Monday Night Raw" episode dressed in nothing but a very short towel wrapped around your naked body with matching open toed high heels.
You walked past these male wrestlers lined up, where you were beginning to turn their heads sideways and smiles formed on their faces as they saw you.
Those male wrestlers lined up who looked at you and gave you lots of attention were Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Billy Gunn, Brian Pillman and Jeff Hardy.
Some of the sexiest wrestlers in the WWF.
Triple H, Shawn and Billy had their long hair hanging down.
You, too, had a smile on your face as you walked in that towel.
Those male wrestlers gave you attention in that towel.
Considering you were linked to Triple H and you were his manager when DX started off as Shawn and HHH, he didn't mind you being surrounded by other male wrestlers, especially Shawn.
Although, Triple H may as well be angry at those other male wrestlers giving you attention and you dressing like that for attention.
As those male wrestlers crowded around you with smiles on their faces, you giggled in a high pitched voice while you spoke in a rather high pitched voice different from your other voice.
"There's 5 of you and one of me" you mentioned. "So maybe you should go get a couple more guys"
Your eyes looked at Shawn Michaels while your elbow nudged him.
There are other male wrestlers you wish had been in the WWF so you could catch their attention, such as Rob Van Dam (who did almost join the WWF in 1997), Nova from ECW, Chris Jericho, Scott Hall, Tommy Rogers of the Fantastics, Al Snow/Leif Cassidy (if he shaved his moustache off) and some future WWF stars like Christian Cage and Val Venis, but unfortunately, those wrestlers are in other companies.
This entire moment was modeled after an infamous "Three's Company" episode where Janet puts on a blond wig and changes her personality along with it, even one of the things you said was a reference from that episode.
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whatsadiskhellifiknow · 5 months
More domestic Fo3 headcanons bc I love Fo3 and I love domestic fo stuff
Megaton settlers actually being vaguely nice to you bc you’re familiar and not some passer-by asshole like half of the other floaters that come through town
Like I said in my other post, learning so much more about your fav characters- Gob, Nova, Moira, etc.- just from being around them every day; getting to see all their truly human quirks
If you do happen to go out wandering, you’re that weirdo in town that disappears for days on end then comes back to stay for months on end, and always bearing some new weird shit you found in whatever abandoned building you scrambled through this time
Moira loves the new tech you bring her; some of its pre-war some of its something else entirely (is it even human?) but she loves it all and rambles to you about all her lil discoveries and experiments she’s been performing on the tech
If you’re good karma, a lot of people see you as the protector of the town bc of everything you’ve done for them; defusing the bomb, helping Moira with her book, holding an intervention for Leo
The residents might see you as the town’s nicer version of Jericho
Rivet City
Catching up on the hottest gossip w Vera Weatherly; you probably stayed at her hotel for the longest time before you settled down and cleaned up that old stinky room down the hall to make it your own
Attending Angela and Diego’s wedding, you may/may not have had anything to do with that
Hanging out in the Muddy Rudder to get in on all the action; egging on a few fights with Butch or Trinnie
Bugging Doctor Li or Doctor Preston just bc they have the worst sense of humor and you love getting on their nerves
Also fucking with Doctor Zimmer when he shows up just bc he’s an ass and it’s really really funny
You and that Hargraves kid Hate each other but you two also have an Understanding
Going for a swim in the river bc you actually know how to take care of radiation (what Mirelurks? there’s no mirelurks in the river)
Obviously getting a very weird reputation when you do that and for a while ppl are kinda iffy around you bc who tf just does that
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bastardtrait · 2 years
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dayton you little bitch...I plopped him and Jericho down as elders in this save and he only shows up one day before he croaks. all you do is let me down.
MISCHA: Hey, Dayton Solar, founder of the Nova Legacy! (whisper) Where the hell you been man? You were supposed to show up like, first day I opened. DAYTON: Why should I show up in your save when MY save has been in the abyss for months? Whatever Lucky. It's not always about you.
MISCHA, aside: For the love of--fine, you know what. I'm closing for the day. Take your goofy ahh dog home dude. DOG: Brrooooooh? :(
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