#joss vents
saiilorstars · 6 months
When you finish a goodass fic and you see that it has a sequel
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But it's been put on hiatus
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dougielombax · 10 months
“So that just happened.”
Oh do kindly cease your insufferable quipping!
Be sincere!
For once!
Fucking hell.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 6 months
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dani-the-goblin · 4 months
Tagged by @cloudofbutterflies92
I have an explanation/vent below the cut about my week, as well as some previews, but I'll keep this part focused on the good stuff.
Completing the dream date photostory for Twiggy & Joss (when @streetkid-named-desire sent me this ask, it was already halfway done 😅)
An interview with Valerie! Piggybacking off of @elvenbeard's interview here, and the concept that I also love how we all inspire each other here ♥️
Ironing out and outlining Level of the Devil. It's gonna be roughly 20 chapters at this point, with multiple collaborations, so I'm going to be taking my time with this part. VPing out scenes is very helpful 👀
I'd already been taking a break with PL (and Giah by extension), but maybe I'll pick it back up soon. Maybe...
Okay vent time: Things just keep happening to me, guys! I've been suffering the past few days. I pinched my vagus nerve in my sleep on Wednesday, and on top of all my other medical issues it was...oooh boy. At first it was manageable, but I genuinely think yesterday morning was the worst pain I've ever experienced! It's letting up now, thank the stars. I really did not want to have another surgery. I was already taking a bit of a creative break since I could tell I was burning out quickly. So, I haven't really caught up yet. I'm trying not to worry about it, but my fellow creatives know that it's inevitable.
@medtech-mara has been a huge HUGE help keeping me going offline. Thank you, and I love you so much ♥️
Now some sneak peeks! (including a blooper of me forgetting there was a whole ass dead body in frame twice 😂)
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cyrusclouds · 4 months
VELVETTE / VEL - somewhat source attached hazbin hotel fictive! PRONOUNS & TERMS - she/her/hers pronouns with feminine terms are preferred (neutral terms are also alright!) SOURCEMATES ? - sourcemates are okay to interact as long as they recognize her as separate from source DISCLOSEABLE ROLES - cynic, avenger, social alter & protector
☆ she absolutely adores talking about fashion, and knows an absurd amount about it ☆ she's very sweet and motivating, and is open to listening to anybody vent whenever they need! ☆ she loves artists like rihanna, beyonce, and joss stone :) ☆ she most often is the one behind the scenes dealing with any social situations and managing our socials <3
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
hi do you have a rec for a book where the heroine is like, nice and polite because Society™ but is bottling up her rage and the hero helps her let out the rage/emotions? preferably historical but i'll take anything!
I've been recommending it a lot, but... this is For My Lady's Heart by Laura Kinsale. The heroine is a widowed princess who keeps a very icily polite and cold surface (maybe not nice, lol, but very in keeping with her societal role), and the hero helps her get in touch not only with her anger but her grief as well. So good, with such a unique heroine.
Joss and The Countess by S.M. LaViolette has shades of this. The heroine is a widow who was horribly treated by her husband (TW lots of discussions of sexual abuse in the book) and Joss is her bodyguard as she roams the city trying to meet someone who will take her to bed and make her feeeel. Turns out Joss can make her feel (and she's super into being dominated by him, naturally).
Melissa and The Vicar by S.M. LaVioette is another one you might want to try, and it comes first, I think? Melissa is a madame who now runs her own brothel but was sold into sex work at a very young age (TW). She goes to this village because her health, largely due to stress, has taken a turn. She keeps up a very polite and professional mask for friends, patrons, etc, but she meets this virginal vicar guy who just unlocks something vulnerable in her and allows her to really feel and vent about all the shit she's been through over her life.
Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt SOOO has this vibe. The heroine is a society widow who's known for being like, very fashionable, very of high society. She's super polite and puts on a good show, and even takes care of her late husband's bastard child (though she herself is infertile and suffered a lot of miscarriages and suffers deeep down because of it). The hero, again a virgin lol, allows her to really let it all out--her anger, her pain, etc. There's one scene where he like basically holds her in his lap and strokes her hair and her back while she just loses her shit and I love it SO MUCH.
I meeeean lol Between the Devil and Desire by Lorraine Heath definitely has this. Olivia was really dissatisfied in her marriage, among other things, but kept it together because she was the duchess, and Jack empowers her to express her feelings more openly. She actually has a majorly defiant streak, and he triggers that.
Evernight by Kristen Callihan. This is a Victorian supernatural, and one of my favorite Darkest London books. The heroine has the ability to manipulate metal, and she's this very removed, cool woman; she was used by a big villain to create this like... clockwork heart dealy situation for this guy who's essentially a vampire/demon, and having it in his chest and being this monster, basically, has driven him out of his mind. (He was previously very rakish and fun-loving.) He goes to get her to make her fix it, and she can't immediately, but touching her relieves his agony so he's like "well, I guess we're stuck together until you fix me". She's uptight, he's wild, they end up going on this whole adventure thing and also have very impetuous and poorly-planned sex on like, an exam room table thing, her name is Holly Evernight and even before they're vaguely romantic he calls her "my Evernight" it's GREAT.
No Rest for the Wicked by Kresley Cole. Lol, this is less "she's nice" but big on the "bottled emotions" thing. The heroine is a valkyrie who hunts vampires, and she's known as "Kaderin the Cold-Hearted" because she just can't feel emotion due to the loss of her sisters centuries before. She goes to kill this vampire, and it turns out he's basically a giant nerd who's had sex like exactly twice and lives in his big castle reading books and not hurting anyone. She still wants to kill him, but they end up dry humping on the floor instead, and then she's like "OH NO WHAT IS THIS FEELING???" and runs off. He understandably is all "you don't meet a woman like that every dynasty" and chases her, determined to make her feel a feeling lmao.
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itlivesproject · 2 years
(Re-reading this before sending it and I just want to apologise for the length and amount of rambling you're about to endure)
Y'all really got me caught here. On one hand I adore the fact that there are actually consequences to our actions, particularly with the runs where you romance everyone and then fuck it up. Choices has lulled us into a false sense of security where the choices don’t actually matter or have an impact on the story or the relationships, so to have consequences is perfect.
On the other hand, while doing a cheating run for the dialogues and to see the story changes, I need to headcanon my MC as someone who got in too deep with certain characters both without realising and while genuinely trying to romance another LI. I know that’s against the spirit of a cheating run, but I’m weak and can’t have an MC who just strings along these sweetheart characters because that would be too cruel (but at the same time I need to know the dialogues and how it impacts the relationships because I’m a slut for angst). So my MC is someone who does things like holding Lincoln’s hand – because that’s what she did with Amalia while trying to support her in college, and Amalia’s just a friend (right?... RIGHT???), so surely the same rules will apply here – without clocking the fact that to the other character it’s a much more meaningful action. By the time she realises after a kiss from another LI that she quickly excuses herself from so she can panic in private, it’s way too late and she’s already spiralling as she’s trying to figure out how to manage this situation without fucking up her thing with Joss or her friendships, when Luis comes in (and it’s not his fault, it really isn’t) and she lashes out in a mix of panic and frustration, saying exactly the wrong words – and everything goes up in flames.
Yes, my MC is the biggest idiot on the planet. She is aware of this fact.
Which brings me to this – before the next chapters are released, I wanna vent my thoughts on what my first angsty thought was for this. This isn’t a theory on what will happen (as that would require some belief that it would happen) but just where my brain took me when it tried to continue the narrative. Then when the actual chapters come out I can look back at these thoughts and cry.
I don’t see (or want for that matter) any of the characters just forgiving MC (any MC, not just my version) because aside from it being entirely out of character for them and their respective trust issues which have been thoroughly played with, the situation flat out doesn’t call for it and the characters are well within their rights to kick them to the curb… but also… the messiness of a final battle where nobody trusts MC anymore and there’s a critical moment where the LI or a friend is about to be killed, and there’s zero doubt that they will die, and MC just – takes the hit. Nobody called out to them because they never considered that MC would put their life on the line despite being just about close enough, but MC takes the hit. They just about survive because they’re a Power, and stagger to their feet, but their body is a mess from whatever (possibily magic) blow they endured and they’re very likely in shock and may or may not be missing a limb, they aren’t really sure. They fucked up, they know they fucked up on a colossal scale, and this doesn’t make up for it by any means, it’s not redemption to them, but the MC isn’t about to let their LI/friend die just because they don’t trust MC anymore, and MC will be damned if they don’t make sure the other characters get out of it alive even if they themselves don’t. I live for the angst and the turmoil that would cause as every other character is just looking at MC in complete shock and horror.
Of course taking the hit would be a choice though, so there would also probably be the absolute dickhead of all dickhead routes where MC doesn’t do shit, but that scenario can live far away from me and my thoughts.
Hmmm very interesting 🤔 Guess we will have to wait and see 👀
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bklynmusicnerd · 1 year
I’m so tired of seeing “Trina opens up to Joss”. She has other people in her life to vent to!
As someone who is at the present, thanks to the writing, very Joss-averse, let me share with you how I plan to deal with this friendship. Don't focus on the "to Joss" part, try to focus on the "Trina opens up" part only. Then you have a day of Trina POV to look forward to lol. Will she get some terrible feedback from her raging narcissist bff? Probably but at least we'll get POV from her.
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anyathefandom · 2 years
My thoughts on Wednesday's episode:
The minute Trina appeared a crowd should've cheered as if she was making a celebrity cameo because it's been too long since I saw my girl since she went upstairs.
The way Spencer happily announced to Trina that josslyn stabbed cam in the back makes me believe this man couldn't wait for caoss to break up so he won't have to put up with Joss anymore.😂
Oh so joss is throwing a woe is me party with her blueprint and lying through her teeth about what she did.🥴 Welp let me go ahead and ⛸️⛸️
So nobody has been keeping my girl in the loop just as I suspected.
Spencer saying he would be embarrassed to break up with cam and the little smile and laugh cam gave felt like Nicholas and William ad-libbing.😂
This little trio is the best really.🤷
The way Spencer immediately got up and was basically like "Ay! Not too much on Trina now" like cam we know your hurting but you better chill.🙃
Sidenote: find it hilarious that cam is so done with Sprina because they won't stop pretending to just be friends and just be together.😂
Also I hate that cam can't even vent to his best friends about how trifling Joss is but josslyn gets to vent about everything to her mom.😒
Spencer basically: Maybe cam is right we should stop fake dating- Trina: No♥️
Okay but her rambling and making excuses on why this "charade" should continue and Spencer smiling so hard because he thinks it's adorable really got me giggling.🤭
I love seeing how proud Trina is of herself because she told her mom to minding her business because nothing is going to stop her from being Spencer's friend and the way Spencer beamed when she said it.🥹 I really missed them.
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
I'm guessing you havent been exposed to a huge part of the Spike/Spuffy fandom that like to portray Spike as the innocent victim of the relationship in s6 and Buffy as the monster (just go on Elysian Fields where there are countless stories 'punishing' Buffy for how she treated Spike), I've even seen some that do blame Buffy for the SA in Seeing Red and there was a lot of vitriol towards Buffy from fans at the time of airing, I also think it's worth remembering that the show itself blames Buffy for how toxic the relationship got in S7 and completely sidesteps her trauma in favour of Spike's redemption arc
So we're gonna have to agree to disagree about how S7 dealt with the fallout of the S6 relationship, as I read it as the show blaming them both but the characters themselves differing on a person by person basis who gets blamed the most. Though I agree Buffy herself just kind of ignores her own trauma (which is, unfortunately, how she's been taught to deal with her trauma since season 1), which brings the cleanup of S6's loose threads to an unsatisfying conclusion in order to make room for all the new S7 story arcs. (Not just Spike's redemption arc, though as the ensemble dark horse there was definitely audience pandering going on where he was concerned.)
Though the behind the scenes information about Spike related arcs is really fascinating to me, just because it's wild to me just how much Joss Whedon apparently hated this character who so popular with the fans.
And I have run into the 'Spike is perfect, Buffy was the sole abuser' narrative from fans before, but on a whole that's always seemed like a smaller and less vocal portion of the fandom than the 'Buffy is blameless, Spike was the sole abuser' portion. But whether that's actually true or not... *shrugs* it all boils down to where I had my fandom experiences and how I've curated those experiences over the years. I've mainly read BtVS/Ats fic on FFnet, Twisting the Hellmouth, and Ao3 - though I've been slowly getting more into the fandom here on tumblr too. My experiences with Elysian Fields are pretty small, so if that's where the majority of the anti-Buffy, pro-Spike Spuffy fandom overwhelmingly wound up, then its no surprise I ran into the other side of the equation more often. (By the time I stumbled across Elysian Fields, I was already spoiled by Ao3 and more interested in other fandoms.) Especially as the anti-Spike, pro-Buffy side seems to be more likely to held by people who aren't Spuffy fans at all, so it pops up a lot regardless of whether it's a Spuffy fic or not.
(The perils of multi-shipping; running across the demonization of characters I like because their ship 'stands in the way' of other ships that I also like.)
I've actually gotten pretty good at curating my fanfic experience to either avoid fics that place the blamely solely on one or the other or at least stick to fics where the blame game is mild and moved on from quickly, but that's on fanfic sites. Here on tumblr I've run into a number of anti-Spike and/or Spuffy posts lately. And after having a particularly uncomfortable 'Buffy did no wrong, Spike is the worst thing ever' type takes cross my dash... I just kind of needed to vent a bit without derailing someone else's post. I definitely need to keep working to curate my experiences here on tumblr, but I'll get there.
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saiilorstars · 1 year
The indecisive moment where you need to choose if you're going to look for/read either a Steve fic or a Bucky fic
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dougielombax · 8 months
“So, that just happened.”
Yes I know. I was watching.
Now say something sincere and beautiful!
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doink-boink · 2 months
This is a rare Joss vent post:
Each and everytime I get somewhere close to happy the universe decides to ruin it. Oh, you're finally comfortable in your body and want to further your transition considering you are an adult now? Errrmmmm.... Trans woman brutally fucking murdered, dismembered, and brutalized in the news by a gay man! It isn't your state but it is America! AND ITS YOUR OWN FUCKING COMMUNITY!
And you live in one of the worst states regarding transgender legislation! One that has proposed a concerning amount of laws! You are uncertain that you will even be able to be a man in this state! You are uncertain as to if living here is a viable option for your future! You are uncertain if you'll even HAVE A FUTURE.
Fuck project 2025, fuck Andrew Tate, fuck bigots. I'm so sick of living in fear. I want to live my life normally.
I just want to LIVE.
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Ship it or Flip it: Your thoughts on Stucky
Ship it:
1 What made you ship it?
Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan's performances in the MCU. I've never read many of the Captain America/Winter Soldier comics because up until Chris Evans played Steve (and quite honestly, it took me a year or so after that), I never liked Steve. The AvX comics killed any chance of my liking him for a long time, but Chris' portrayal introduced me to a Steve I could (generally) like. I mean, Joss' bullshit lines ("There's only one god and he doesn't dress like that" and "Language") nearly killed my liking him again, and of course, there's Steve's idiot behavior prior to and during Civil War that nearly killed my like for him again. And I really didn't know much about Bucky other than when he was first created, he was essentially a Robin-esque character until they changed up his background to be the Winter Soldier.
But anyway, the two actors have such great chemistry and a great love and understanding of the characters that they sold not just their friendship but their undying love for one another that transcended the platonic. Where I truly couldn't and can't see Steve's "true love at first sight" (bullshit) for Peggy Carter (honestly, that whole set up is the same as the gross set up as Logan thinking that Jean Grey was the love of his life on first sight - there was as much emotional connection between those two as there was Steve and Peggy, and both women were irrationally jealous, and Peggy even shot at Steve out of jealousy, so), it was easy for me to see the love between Steve and Bucky as whole and healthy and truer than true. That's one of many reasons why Steve's ending choice in Endgame was a disappointing bullshit cop-out on the part of the directors.
2 What are your favorite things about the ship?
Steve's constant "Fight me" attitude and Bucky's "Oh fuck not again" attitude in regards to Steve's "Fight me" attitude. They've been friends and close long enough to just know each other, and even those new things they have to learn about each other (such as Steve post-serum and eventually Bucky post-Winter Soldier), they take generally in stride because this is the person each man loves the most in the world. In the same respect, no matter how much love there, neither is immune from snark and sarcasm and ceaseless teasing, and they know enough about each other dating back to the 30s to have plenty of ammunition. I love that they'll take on the world for each other and protect each other and save each other time and time again.
3 Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I can't really think of any of my opinions on this ship itself that are unpopular. I do think that Steve was entirely in the wrong for not telling Tony about Bucky or that Bucky killed his parents under conditioning and orders because I'm fully of the opinion that Tony, being the heart of the Avengers, would've vented for a moment and then offered everything he had to Steve to get Bucky back and to help him, but that's less about Bucky/Steve than it is Steve not communicating where he should've.
Ship it/Don't Ship it (or as I called it Ship it or Flip it).
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the-desolated-quill · 3 years
Warner Bros released a trailer for Joss Whedon’s Justice League in 4K and it is tanking BAAAAAAD.
But it does confirm what I’ve suspected all along. That WB never cared about the fans. If they did, they wouldn’t be doubling down on this bullshit. The numbers couldn’t be any clearer. People want more from the Snyderverse, but it’s becoming abundantly clear that WB don’t care. They released the Snyder Cut not because they cared about Snyder’s vision, but in order to placate the fanbase. You’ve got your four hour long Justice League, you’ve got your trilogy, now just be quiet. They’re so desperate to be like the MCU that they’re actually hurting their own franchise and insulting their own fans, all so that they can avoid admitting that they fucked up.
Also, by putting all their weight behind Josstice League, it sends a very loud message that they don’t give a shit about what happened to Ray Fisher either. Make no mistake, the biggest problem with the DCEU isn’t to do with Zack Snyder or how ‘dark and gritty’ the films are. A fish rots from the head downwards. WB is what’s ruining the DCEU.
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bcdrawsandwrites · 3 years
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i’ll take “things I never ever wanted to hear one of my favorite characters say” for $500, alex
(still finishing the game, please do not reply with spoilers)
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