#just checking if this was a known fact
transbrucewayne · 4 months
hi everyone. before today, were we aware that Nico and Lewis are neighbors?
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mishy-mashy · 18 days
Imagine we get to the Paranormal Orphans chapter (410) in the anime, and instead of a normal narrator like Midoriya or AFO, it's just- Present Mic.
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*Present Mic*
If only he was swept away by the river at birth and drowned- COUGH!!!
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ancientschampionau · 5 days
RealAgeAu Drabble - Day in Town
The poll has ended (and as always i sneaked to see the results early :3) and this one won out! @spotaus
You guys really just like the domestic fluff of these guys trying to parent. Don't you? It is okay. They are rather sweet :D
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Lets get to it! (and for those who forgot because i did because i only mentioned the name ONCE. Crop's brother is called Straw :D) Also I had to really consider who's POV I was going to use for this one as they all would have worked but I ended up going with Killer because he is silly and hasn't had a turn in a while. At least that is what it feels like :D
Killer taps the door as he stares out of the window of the truck. People would assume it is crowded but it honestly isn't that bad.
Mostly because Horror is sitting in the by rider seat with Nightmare in his lap, safely seated. Cross and Dust decided they prefered to drive in the actual cargo area of the truck. Which left only Killer and Crop in the backseat.
Killer honestly also thinks that Dust specifically prefered to sit in the back as he wouldn't have to see Straw. Dust still has the most issues with seeing any other universe's Papyrus. Killer would have gone to sit with him but Cross had been faster with offering it and there is no way in HELL that Killer was going to leave Horror and Ngihtmare without a set of extra sockets.
Doesnt make the drive any less tense.
tap. tap. tap. tap.
Crop sends him another nervous glance before clearing his throat "So.. you guys are finally going to see the town! excited?"
Killer huffs "Not really. But Dusty mentioned needed actual stuff for Nighty." which is why Killer leans closer to the seat before him holding Horror and Nightmare. He looks over the side and grins at Nightmare "sup tiny boss."
Nightmare looks over and sends him a tiny glare "You should have your seatbelt on."
Killer coos "Aw you do care~ such a sweet baby."
Nightmare blushes and mutters as he hides his face in Horror's sweater. Horror sends him an amused look "Killer. stop that."
Killer shrugs and leans back in his seat. feeling very accomplished.
Killer just needs to make sure that Nightmare doesn't fall into old patterns of trying to be the adult and leader. He doesn't need to do that and it isn't healthy for the babybones. so. Time to unlearn! At least those moments have been getting less and less frequent so there is progress!
Killer still doesn't appreciate the look send their way from both Crop and Straw, Yes he knows tiny boss is adorable but if they as much as try to get closer there is going to be spilled dust.
Straw stops the truck and announces their arrival.
Crop gets out quickly and they are on a parkinglot outside a shopping street. It isn't too large by the looks of it and just shops and a bar restaurant thing, probably this universes Grillby's.
Crop smiles at them "Okay! First day out!" Crop looks almost as nervous about this as Cross looks and Cross is actively looking around and has his hand ready to grab his knife.
Crop must see it too as he and straw share a look. Straw motions towards them and the town and Crop waves it off.
Crop turns back to them and Killer grins "SOmething the matter?"
Crop is quick to answer "What?! No! Of course not! It is just. a lot. This can be a lot and i just want to be sure everything is fine!"
Killer chuckles and sees Horror shoot him a disapproving glance. Still Horror goes over to Cross and hands Nightmare over to him. Cross is quick to hug him close and Nightmare has his grumpy face on again but still holds unto Cross. Clearly comfortable.
Horror joins his side "Killer. Stop." Killer sticks his tongue out at Horror and Horror's disapprovement makes way for amusement.
Hah! Still got it!
Horror looks at Crop "This isn't first time for us. We know how to behave."
Crop nods as he rubs his arm "I figured! It is just... If this works out you guys can stay longer and have something of a base to fall back on. I am just worried because some people can be..." he searches for the words.
Straw leans clsoer "Mean, harsh and rude."
Crop sends him a glare and Straw shrugs "It is true!"
Crop sighs "Anyway." he turns back to them "Ready to introduce yourselves?"
Killer grins "And spread rumours!" He can see Dust pull a pained face again. Dust is still not a fan of the backstory they settled on but they are already commited to it after the doctor's visit!
Crop chuckles and grins "I am still curious about what you guys settled on myself..."
Killer shakes his skull and shakes his finger "No no. No cheating. figure it out yourself" and he grins.
Cross huffs as he keeps Nightmare fully against him "Lets just get this over with..."
Adn they walk into town.
People are staring which they all had expected and should be used to at this point. But Killer doesn't like the fact how many people see Nightmare at the moment, and by the looks of it, neither do the others like this. Cross keeps trying to hold Nightmare as close as possible and almost hide by Horror. Dust has started to fully shadow the two as he barely looks around.
Crop and Straw obviously see the tension and seem to be sharing more uncertain looks.
Nightmare however doesn't seem to share their issues as he happily leans away from the hold to enable himself to look around. He studies buildings and vehicles. and even just stares back at people staring at him. Clearly more interested in learning about this new place than actual worry.
Or maybe he just feels safe with them and that does THINGS to Killer.
Crop stops them near the middle of the streat "okay! This is it!" he waves around himself "It isn't a lot now as people are still waiting for the produce to finish growing. But. Generally." he points to a shop "General store. they have most things needed." he points to the shop next to it "Bookstore. self explainatory." he points to the large bar "Grillby's is a bar and restaurant. people spend most of their free evenings there."
Hah! Called it!
Crop points out a few more buildings but most of those are for farming things and supplies.
Dust nods and looks over at them before looking back to the bookstore and general store "Going to get things. be back soon."
They watch him casually walk away on his own.
Yeah no absolutely not!
Killer is already half jogging after Dust as he waves at Cross, Horror and Nighmare "You guys stick together and get a feel for other people!" After which he sprints to catch up with Dust.
They enter the general store together.
Dust shoots him a look "don't need a babysitter."
Killer huffs and grins "Says you!" and he follows Dust as Dust looks at things. Killer just doens't like any of them being alone unless it is at a secured place. So Killer will jsut stalk Dusty for a bit! It is perfect!
Dusty looks at items and ends up getting two more notebooks and some pencils. he nods to himself and gets in line to pay for the items.
Killer checks the funds and frowns. They are running out and they will either have to go to another universe to steal more and risk drawing attention or actually think of a way to make money the legal way.
A groan from upfront and Killer looks up to see a teenager panicking over the cash register. the customers before them all look angry and annoyed.
The teenager presses buttons but nothing seems to help "I am sorry. I am sorry! It just... has issues once in a while. I can fix this!" the teenager does not look any clsoer to fixing it!
Dust huffs and turns to him "Hold." and Killer gets the few school supplies pushed into his arms. Dust afterwards walks over to the front. He grabs the basket of items and pushes it into the arms of the man in front "Hold." the man goes to say something but Dust just hops on top of the counter and sits next to the register. He turns it this and that way.
Dust hums as he pulls out his pocket knife and undoes some screws. the cap opens and he looks into the darkness, a shift in his socket and his eye light now lights up the inside of the register.
He looks at the teen "Got tape?"
The teenager blinks at him before nodding.
Dust nods "Get it." and turns back to the register as he removes some wires and starts making tiny cuts.
The teen grabs it from a drawer and hands it over "Euh... sir... I don't... i mean... i am not allowed... i don't know if you can..."
Dust hums and doesn't listen at all as he redoes some of the wires and removes some of them that looked burned through. He secures things with the tape and closes the back up again. he turns the register back in place and hits the side once.
The register lights up and asks for a log in.
Dust looks at the teen "Fixed." he hops down of the counter. Takes the basket the man in front is still holding dumbfounded. DUst places it back on the counter and walks back to Killers side where he takes his own stuff back.
Killer grins at him "Nicely done. I think that is a new record for you fixing soemthign."
Dust may appear calm but Killer know shim and can see the smaller skeleton looks smug "Easy fix. just a burned wire."
Killer nods "Still a new record! Sadly i didn't have the free hands to time it."
Dust shrugs and acts like he doesn't care but Killer knows better.
The line goes a lot quicker and once it is their turn they quickly pay for the items.
The leave the store and Killer points at the bookstore "Do we need anything from there?"
Dust thinks for a moment before shaking his skull.
Ah. seems like Dust doesn't plan on expanding the classes just yet. Likely wants to see if they actually stay for longer here first.
So they walk back to the group as Dust holds a tiny bag with the new things. they see them near another store and they seem to be talking to a bunny and a dog monster.
The bunny coos as they stare at Ngihtmare and Killer feels himself glae as he rushes to their side "Hey!! Whatsup!" and he nuzzles Nightmare in greeting.
Nightmare huffs and whines "Killer! Careful for my ice cream." Killer pulls back and sees now that Nightmare is also holding ice cream. woops. Killer looks down adn yeah that is ice cream on his shirt. Oh well. he shrugs.
Cross laughs as he smiles at Nightmare "Still good to eat?"
Nightmare studies his ice cream before nodding and going back to eating it with tiny tiny licks. dust joins them again and Nightmare immediantly looks at him. Killer can spot their tiny Nightlight starting to raise an arm towards Dust but he stops himself and pulls it back.
Luckily, or unluckily, Dust is very observant and saw it right away. He gives the bag to Killer and easily climbs the haystack Nightmare had been sitting on. Dust next pulls Nightmare into his lap without disturbing the ice crema eating process.
Nightmare hums happily and leans back into the hug as a tiny purr starts to leave him.
Killer grins as he leans against the hay stack and looks at the two other monsters, who are staring very intensly at Dust and Nightmare and Killer feels... something protective rise up. still he keeps asmile on his face as he speaks "who are the new fluffballs?"
The bunny smiles brightly "Hey! I am Ellie and this is Dani, we are fellow farmers like Crop. We own a tree farm and cherry farm."
the dog, Dani, nods "Yeah! Crop asked us if we had any spare clothes so we kinda knew some people moved in. it is nice to meet you five!" she smiles brightly.
Killer nods as he keeps his arms crossed and his grin sharp. stop looking at them. stop looking at them. stop looking at-
Horror nods "Nice to... meet friendly faces. We are still...settling..."
Cross helps quickly "As Horror said, we are still getting used to things around here. we are very lucky that Horror and Crop were friends and he was willing to let us stay."
Dani looks curious "I hope you don't mind me asking... why the name change from Sans to Crop?"
Killer freezes as he tries to think but Cross shrugs "Skeleton naming thing. Normally you are named after fonts that we speak in, yes we can see fonts and yes it gets weird and yes it takes magic. We just kinda know the vibe and with magic can see those. You can named after that. problem, we all speak in the same font type. Meaning we all kinda had the same name." he rubs his neck "Two people with the same name you can work around but six gets confusing. So nicknames."
Ellie smiles brightly "Dani and I are the same! We were both named Danielle and when we met we realised this would get annoying. especially when we.. euh... got together together." she giggles "so. we are now Dani and Ellie!"
Dani looks highly amused "Our house voicemail is still, the house of Danielle however. It was too good of a joke to pass up."
Ellie nods and smiles "If you guys need anything or help let us know. We have a lot of leftover stuff from our own moving and getting settled and saved everything we could." She looks at Nightmare and Dust again and smiles "And can I jsut say the tiny one is adorable." she looks curiously at them all "So... you guys got one?"
Killer feels that portective rage turn into protective and possessive smugness as Dust answers "he is mine. we all work together." and he shrugs at the questioning look.
Cross shakes his skull at the questioning look "That... is rather personal... they prefer not to talk about it."
Killer can see Ellie and Dani share a worried look before both smile reassuring "That is fine. Take it easy okay?" Dani smiles as Ellie nods along.
They continue the small talk for a moment longer before Ellie reminds DAni that they came to get fertilizer and they two walk off hand in hand.
Crop watches them go "That... went very well..."
Horror looks at him amused "Told you."
Crop laughs adn nods "Yeah you were right. You guys totally got this."
They remain there and meet a few more people from town as they wait for Straw to finish getting what Crop and him need for their actual farm.
Killer relaxes in the sun as the day slowly passes.
When they get back Cross will probably force him out of his now sticky shirt. Killer will tease him about wanting to undress him which will make Cross sputter and blush. Killer will end up wearing aclean shirt and probably watch as Dust teaches Nightmare more about math while Horror and Cross help Crop and Straw around on the farm.
Killer hadn't expected this all to go like this but it is nice. it is quiet. and most important, they are all safe.
All in all? Great success!
I still don't feel like i quite nailed Killer. Killer is a curious character to write as he is very silly but also wickedly smart. mmmmh. but then again this is a drabble. *shrug*
Realistically? If this was a full on chaptered fanfic this would probably be a chapter i had to rewrite a few times. Just to make sure I get Killer's character and behaviour right. But for now it is fine :)
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terriblegam2r · 2 months
B-but..... what about Rick's pet name for Michonne?......
What does he call her?........
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sableeira · 1 month
based on a real interaction
Dazai: hey, Atsushi can you take a video of me?
Atsushi: sure what do you want me to take a video of, Dazai-san?
Dazai: I want you to take a video of me jumping off this bridge into the water.
Atsushi: HUH?!?
Dazai: don’t worry! I jumped off this bridge before!
Atsushi: how exactly is that supposed to make me worry less?
Dazai: I even tested how shallow the water is!
Atsushi: you mean, you tested out that the water isn’t too shallow, right?
Dazai: …
Atsushi: RIGHT?
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transmascrage · 2 years
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It's interesting how whenever I look at a denier's bio 99% of the time they're tme.
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productofaritual · 3 months
Hazbin Theory - What if God doesn't exist in the Hazbin universe?
Now admittedly I have like, 0 evidence supporting this, so it's more of a "Hazbin thought I had while mindlessly scrolling that sounds cool and interesting to me" but that doesn't roll off the tongue as well.
Also idk how long I'll ramble for so explanation under cut
So we all know God doesn't show up at all in the hellaverse. He's just kinda not there. Of course there's swearing to him that some of the characters do, but from what I've seen (and been too lazy to check myself) it's only the sinners who do that, while the hellborn swear to Satan or something else. And yk, I'm an atheist but I do swear to God every once in a while because it's just a phrase for me.
But other than that, there is no. Mention. Of him. Sera just says that judgement gets passed but never specifies by who. Lucifer gets cast down by the Archangels and Seraphims. And where is the all powerful all loving all knowing God during Hell's yearly genocide, where is he when Sera allows said genocide to happen for the first time? If we go by traditional Christian beliefs, God should know everything, he should know about everything that's happened. It feels like there's so many instances where he probably could have stepped in and done something but he just didn't.
So my idea is, what if he didn't, because he simply doesn't exist in this universe?
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forter-from-meteos · 7 months
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i still have a lot of thoughts about meteos
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
Okay, I need to know how Sparrow's job was saved by Boreas. What did he do that let her win the case?
Also, was there a reaction from the High class Ancients as for why Boreas was defending Sparrow?
Boreas' involvement with the case was all very hush hush. he reached Deep into his big macho core to pull out some of that feminine manipulation and planning skills (oh wow he has those) and called up Sparrows. with her, he was all genuine and gentle for once. cuz she was all stressed, her eyes were puffy from crying cuz she just doesn't know how to save this (she studied as a Mechanic not a Lawyer, goddammit!!! she doesn't know this! neither do i so gimbe a break if anythin) and he admitted to himself that "alright Three Sparrows can be a part of the family, the girl is now my responsibility to keep safe" those two years ago
so he tells her that he has a plan. it shall be based from the truth- she trusted Euros with telling her about things like that, she was "too" kind- but we shall spin it even further without revealing your two's relationship. Boreas kind of played the role of her lawyer, basically
the main key was getting some evidence to back up the claims that Three Sparrows on a Wire is far too empathetic when interacting with Iterators. Boreas guided Sparrows to call upon her old teachers/school for evidence of that (and also then to show off her good grades to prove that she Is competent). the evidence, of course, ends up being all the footage of her lessons and tests that's saved in Boreas' memory since he has his consciousness in the entirety of the facilities and the city. he IS the security system of himself
now, taking out things from Boreas' memories isn't such an uncommon thing. it is invasive and typical Iterators don't have to go thru this, but he does. accessing him like this is usually done for quite recent things to prove a crime or smth, however. Sparrows attended the school like 40 years ago so it requires a Deep Dive into his memories and oh he HATES that. so That's a little sacrifice he does for her sake. opens his mind up to smth like that and lets people dig through him for the required footage without trying his damnest to be inconvenient like usually
with this memories combing thing also comes being a lil shady about stuff like this, too (needs to keep his memories of spending time with Zephyr a secret from his Houses). so he helps Euros falsify some of his own memories to make himself look worse and Sparrows better (cuz what can they do against their Own Iterator? they won't reset/wipe him over This)
and so all of this proves that Sparrows was sort of a damsel in distress in the Rot situation and got bitten terribly because of being a Good person. they can't fire her for being just a good person! that would look bad in their little religious community!!!! so she gets off with the warning/requirement to be sharper and... more merciless/meaner (they say "strict") while interacting with Euros i suppose
n das how Boreas bails her out!
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teamfortresstwo · 8 months
…Thinking about an au where Tim gets leitnered into a cat and Elias ‘coincidentally’ walks in just as Jon is like petting him and shushing him because oh no! This poor cat is so obviously distressed! And like Tim would find this cute and tease him over it under any other circumstance but seeing as he’s the cat and would very much like to become a person again it is kinda annoying! And then Elias is like ‘is that a cat, Jon?’ And Jon gets all flustered is like ‘ah-uh-yes, someone must have let it in… I-‘ and Elias just cuts him off and insists on taking is outside and Jon wants to prove he can be responsible by doing it himself but Elias refuses and takes cat Tim and Tim doesn’t really like him and he doesn’t seem to know anything cause this is s1 so he’s scratching and biting but Elias just won’t let him go and…he’s not actually taking him outside?
And so Elias just brings him up his office and is like “well this is quite the predicament you’ve gotten yourself into mr stoker” and then they spend the rest of the day trying to figure out how to reverse it with Tim getting to be all cuddled up to Elias and being pet.
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alkaloidalypse · 1 year
first of all i want to say that all that budget fr went to the quality of the mv like damn??? and i heard that theyre making an animation MVs series so we’ll be expecting more of such MVs like this in the future (MANIFESTING ALKALOID ANIMATION MVS PLS HAPPYELE)
ok but continuing on
i knew some of the context of past fine thanks to the anime, but i was unprepared at how clear they show tsumugi’s frown at the start. but then they have him smile for the performance and UGH the change in expression is so good but pAINFUL
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this exchange piqued my interest but i didnt know what the details were exactly until i finished the whole mv and rewatched it again. 
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the somewhat bittersweet/sad expression on tsumugi’s face as he looked towards eichi. then immediately followed by eichi’s look of surprise as tsumugi turns to continue singing. now my thoughts were all over the place so i actually went and search for the lyrics video of Genuine Revelation on youtube to find the english translation 
and apparently, this was the line they were singing; “The stars that can no longer shine will be annihilated”. Thankyou Nasumi Violet for their video (link sends straight to where they sing this line)
my brain is small for this i feel like this has an underlying meaning because of the contract and because this is their last performance but i feel like im reaching 
the next part that interested me was eichi’s surprised expression, and i was thinking to myself, why’s the man surprised?
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his eyes were kept on tsumugi’s in confusion/curiosity(???) so whAT’s happening why is this here happy ele whAT ARE YOU COOKING
so i decided to look at the other mv and went to the part where they sing the same line. you know just out of curiosity its not like they have the same movements or anyth-
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oh. no wonder eichi’s surprised
obviously im not expecting them to do the same choreography because their stage is different here, but this action of having their hands reached out like that is definitely something they planned beforehand. so for tsumugi to not reach his hand out the same time eichi does, maybe eichi does have a reason to be a bit surprised. not enough to disturb the performance, but enough to be taken aback
makes it a bit interesting, however, that their duo line lasts for four bars, and their hands reaching out like that only comes on the second bar. However, tsumugi reached out for eichi on the first bar. a whole, 4 count bar before eichi does it (that is to say, the one in the animation mv, eichi’s hand reaching out was delayed slightly compared to the game mv but its basically the same thing)
its one thing to have their choreography be like that, camera angles and everything. but its another thing if eichi tenshouin is SURPRISED mid performance and thEY MADE THAT VERY CLEAR 
i also noticed, at least for the game mv, that this was the only time tsumugi and eichi interacted onstage. the other 89% of the time, the two were apart with hiyori and nagisa between them, as if deliberately keeping them separate
so for tsumugi to not even have his hand out the same time eichi does, where its the ONLY time for them to interact onstage, on their LAST performance together makes it oh so painful 
ignoring technicalities aside, its also like tsumugi cant bear to look at eichi for long. and eichi’s surprised expresssion while he reached out to tsumugi, who’s turned away from him, its like he’s watching someone slip away from his fingers, the consequences of his actions catching up to him and he’s not even realizing it
anyway they did amazing i cant wait for eccentric party night <3333
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Just found out my two siblings are in my mom's will, but not me. Also my grandpa has told the entire family about his engagement. Except for me. Also my dad told my siblings that he and my mom bought a plot of land. Can you guess who they haven't told?
#these tags are about to be a massive trauma dump tbh so avoid if you want#when i was fifteen i came out as trans. and my mom was terrible about it. and my dad was up for a promotion so we were considering moving#and i found a list of my moms pros and cons for moving. on the pros was 'people there dont know about (deadname)'#so that was ideal for a suicidal fifteen year old to find. and tonight i just learned that im not in her will#both of my siblings are. but im not. and its just always been like this#im treated like im not part of the family anymore. and it's been that way since i was fifteen#i heard from my brother that my grandpa is engaged. and he told both my siblings about it directly. he never told me#i reach out to my parents. i never hear back. my aprents text my sibling to check on me (sib and i live together)#everything is kind of shit rn. one of my rats is dying. my family doesnt love me. im broke. my best friend and i arent really talking#because he fucked my ex gf and now things arent really the same anymore. strangely enough. he doesnt reach out anymore#so i have no one to talk to about any of this shit#last night i was crying about my rat and i guess my roommate heard it cuz this morning they said#'are you okay? if you ever need someone to talk to who will never bring it up again you can talk to me'#and thats the most loving thing ive heard from someone in months. from a woman ive known since august#im. just. at a loss. since i found out tonight. that im not in my mom's will#its not about money. or assets. its about the fact that im her fucking child and both of her other children are in it but im not#after she dies shes willing to help them out but i can get fucked ig#i wonder if im gonna be invited to my grandpas wedding. i wonder if any of them would want me at their funeral#i wonder if any of them would come to mine
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inklingofadream · 1 year
Late breaking news: our reporters have just unearthed YET ANOTHER short story wildly misinterpreted by the AP Lit teacher i hated. He can't keep getting away with this
You'll never guess which, between "The Story of an Hour" and "Harrison Bergeron" is supposed to be an absolute gut buster and which is supposed to be primarily tragic
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cerealmonster15 · 11 months
wh- hey- HEY COME BACK do NOT make me add a Draw Four Cards in the same color to your pile!!! COME BACK HERE AND TALK ABOUT CHARACTERS!!!!!
not yet tho. it's my turn 😌 going for twst for both of these 🕺
sorry. i talked a lot. this is why no one else sent me questions probably. bc i can and will do it again given the chance 🧡
1- the character everyone gets wrong
i. 🧍 ok so ive been more in my bubble lately so perhapeth my frothing at the mouth will be a bit more outdated idk. im scared of the main tags LOL but. ahem, i am torn between wanting to pick riddle, maybe cater, or ROOK. im a rook apologist til the day i die i s2g. however i am a heartslabyul stan first and a person second, as i have said many a time, so im going with CATER MY BELOVED CAYCAY ACTUALLY.
listen i admit here that i could also be Fully Wrong bc tbh cater's whole Deal is so vaguely hinted at and peppered in at the most spaced out moments and we know so very little about his Secret Sadness and more somber side, there's probably more that we still dont know that maybe [I HOPE] they will spring on us over time. however. HOWEVER. i do not think cater's sunshine upbeat persona is 100% "Fake". like i think there's more to it. yes sure he is implied to be putting on more of a peppy face for the sake of people around him and gets exhausted by it, but i dont think that means it's ALL A LIE and that the sad boy cater is the REAL cater. like i think it's all real, to an extent? something i really like about twst are how, at least to me, everyone seems to be pretty well rounded and multifaceted. there's not really a one note character. everyone's got their own personality and backstory and some we just have learned more about than others. but the way they react to certain situations and certain people and certain environments... just like in real life, it's going to change sometimes depending on the situation. so maybe he masks a bit and pushes out the negativity bc he's def the mediator type who tries to keep up morale, but i dont think that means he's never once experienced Real Joy in his life. i know the lab story with the madrake had those more morose sadlad mandrakes he desperately wanted to hide from lilia and vil [even tho they saw right through him] but the other ones he made still reflected him too! aspects of him, for better or for worse. i'm just saying i don't think it's gotta be all or nothing. there's def more to him under the surface, but i don't think that means everything he shows is all a complete lie forever either.
to follow up on that, i ALSO don't agree w/the depiction that his friendships mean nothing to him / are also all "fake". listen. i have reread cater's wish from the starsending event SEVERAL times. i know. IT HURTS where trey implies he thinks cater isn't being fully open and honest with him. I KNOW. and the bit in cater's halloween card story (i'm pretty sure it was cater's anyway) where he thinks to himself that lilia has no idea what kind of helplessness he's feeling bc lilia has his diasomnia long term friends and cater's had to move around so much so he's never had that, and it kinda seemed implied that his old friends dont really keep in touch til hes relevant on magicam for the stuff going on in school . i get it! HOWEVER. i think it's again a more complex situation. i think, personally, cater as he's said few times in canon - he likes to live in the moment and make memories! but i don't think those good memories are fake. i think you can enjoy people's company and love them a whole lot and still keep them at a bit of a distance. i think cater does mask some of his more serious feelings, as trey implied he suspected. i think cater probably does get tired of being the mediator. i think being the third in command at heartslabyul is exhausting and cater's a teen boy with a lot of complicated feelings, but i think he has fun with lilia and kalim in pop music club. i think he and trey are genuine friends - they roomed together for 2 years! i think he loves teasing his little freshmen buddies like a big brother lol. i'm about to go on about riddle and cater in the next question but fkljsdfjlkse.
yes cater holds back, but i dont think that means he's never expressed genuine feelings either!!!
8- common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
i am biting anyone that tries to imply cater and riddle arent friends or that trey prefers riddle over cater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LISTEN listen listen. ok i get that it can be an interesting concept to explore of the potential tension between cater riddle and trey w/like childhood friends trey and riddle but then bestie 3rd years trey and cater but then riddle shows up and takes control- i get it! i dont necessarily think it's wrong to explore that potential area.
however. HOWEVER. we are talking about MY options and thoughts and feelings on beloved heartslabyul LOL. And I think cater and riddle ARE FRIENDS!!!!!!! i think all three of them!!!! are!!!!! FRIENDS!!!!!!!! THEY GET ALONG THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!!!! some people portray riddle as being annoyed with cater or whatever and like , on one hand riddle is annoyed at many things and caycay's kind of a goofball so like yeah to a degree that's true LOL but!!!! BUT!!!!! riddle trusts cater. riddle likes cater!!! if you've read the heartslabyul card stories as many times as i have fjlksjkejs you would KNOW that riddle trusts cater enough to have him and trey at his side constantly and gives them BOTH roles of leading the underclassmen for stuff like preparing for the unbirthday parties!! and when he's having his little meltdowns in book 1, trey and cater were the ones he had kind of on the front lines of ejecting ace or whatever klsjfv they are his trusted boys!!! AND in halloween 2 when cater was missing, riddle said usually he'd get on cater's case for talking too much (lol) but he, along with trey and ace, were 😔😔😔 making the saddest of faces as he said it felt weird to NOT hear cater making his jokes to lighten the mood, and trey ALSO commented on how cater's usually there to smooth things over. cater is a mediator and a morale booster and he is recognized as such!!
plus!!! riddle made a point in his dorm outfit story of helping cater study, as he does with all the heartslabyul boys that are struggling, but in a way cater could understand. he literally made a magicam and used it exclusively to help cater focus better and learn in a way that worked for him. like yea he loses his temper, bc hes Like That, but he ALSO cares. he also tries! he's got his flaws but he's still in spite of those flaws doing what he can to try and understand the people around him and especially his TRUSTED FRIENDS LIKE CATER!!!!
and trey loves cater too!!! they are friends!!! yes yes whatever i read the cater gym story where trey goes "u and me are tight but riddle and i are tighter as his housewarden lol" listen to me. LISTEN TO ME. grabbing u all by the shoulders and shaking you so much LISTENNNNNNNNNNNN. again i get it that it can be fun to explore that further of like "ough he chooses riddle over cater cater is all alone" and like im not the fun police people can do what they want. HOWEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i do not think it was That Deep. like maybe it was, maybe a little bit. but i did not read that as "trey doesnt care about cater" or anything like that. i very much see trey and cater's bond as like easygoing well oiled machine but also with a lot of banter and teasing. trey has said on a home screen line (i wanna say it's his ceremony robes card) that he and cater's friendship just kinda naturally fell into place bc cater's really easy to get along with and trey feels like he can be himself around him [which yes coupled with the line he says in starsending about how he feels like maybe cater's got more personal wishes that maybe he doesnt feel like he can share with Trey Specifically is. painful. LOL] and actually!!! in both their ceremony robes stories they are together and trey is teasing cater i think lol. like in cater's they're doing the guessing game of which dorm each student would get sorted into. theyre playing a game!!! cater's being silly sometimes and treys kinda shaking his head at him for some of his comments, but theyre getting along and are comfortable and it's a lighthearted thing. then in trey's story, theyre panicking about how the roses arent painted how they should be, trey says caters gotta split card and go for it and is like "lol thanks for ur sacrifice ♥", caters like THATS EXHAUSTINGGGGGG and treys like "yea yea ill listen to you complain all you want later". and trey smiles to himself at caters magicam post right after! it's endearing. panic together, solutions together, complaining and teasing but ultimately they work well together! they are friends who get along! trey is kind of a goofy guy but it's not as apparent, but i think we see it a little more especially within heartslabyul and especially with cater. maybe thats part of what he means by feeling like he can be more relaxed and stuff around cay. god theres so much of cater and trey being absolute besties - even grim and lilia have separate lines commenting on how theyre like bffs. grim mentions it in the scalding sands event, something about how it's no surprise that cater invited trey to come on the trip. and lilia in book 5 straight up says [in the engtwst translation] "I'm surprised you didn't invite your partner, Trey." and then i mean yea cater immediately is like "wahhh i DID but hes busy helping riddle he rejected meeee we are rejected buddiessss" and later is like "wahhh riddle stole trey away~!!!" when theyre checking on everything lol. BUT i think a lot of that is like just caycay bein silly and trey not only had other obligations but also was likely not going to want to do a performance thing anyway [trey even says later like 'i told you im bad at song and dance lol'] fsjklejkf like i dont think it's that deep here, i think cay was just havin a goof complaining and wanting to hang with his buddies lol. but my point was lilia basically being like "hey man where is your other half that you are constantly with" BECAUSE THEY ARE FRIENDS!!!
ok. ive. been typing for like an hour or so JKLjfldjsf I AM SO SORRY I LOVE TALKING ABOUT CHARACTERS SO MUCH I CANNOT BE BRIEF ABOUT THESE STUPID PIXEL BOYS!!! THEY MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!! thank u for enabling me 😌
[VIOLENCE QUESTIONS] [if this essay wasnt enough LOL]
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rotisseries · 11 months
actually now that the clique thing is a few days old, i didn't really get involved for a reason and I don't feel super strongly in either direction
but I will say that like. while there's certainly a problem of less interaction on the fanworks/posts from less popular blogs, this isn't really a byler exclusive issue? this happens in most fandoms these days, interaction is just on a decline in general which IS. a problem but not really a "byler tumblr is cliquey" problem. in regards to any actual cliques I wouldn't say they don't exist but I don't think it's "the popular kids" themselves doing this. I don't know if the rest of you have some other bloggers in mind that I don't know about, but as someone who is mutuals with a fair amount of who I thought were the popular blogs, they are always very nice and welcoming to me, and actually easy to talk to once you just. see them and talk to them as a normal human and not an omnipotent fandom god. so this is all to say that if there's a clique issue I think it's from the outside. I think maybe people are perceiving these bigger blogs who all happen to be friends as these untouchable idols in fandom and it's. making it cliquey from the outside. like are they a clique or have you just convinced yourself they wouldn't want anything to do with you and isolated this group from everyone else. this isn't to say that people can't be assholes of course just that I don't think any of this is intentional
#I think a lot of post interaction problems are also just probably coming from the fact that I don't think anyone checks the tag anymore#I certainly don't. I just keep up with what my mutuals are posting#and my mutuals are posting their work and they're sharing their friend's work or the work their friend shared from someone else#so if you're a little known blogger it can just be harder because. your posts just aren't making it as far you have a few followers#and they have even fewer. and so unless you get an anomaly popularity boost it'll be harder for a post to get traction#also “it's a clique bc all the popular blogs are friends and only associate with each other” well they have been friends for months#or a year now. and also probably were not as popular when that friendship started#so it's more like. a friend group forms and then when one of you gets a popularity boost so do the others bc you're friends#and then next thing you know it's a friend group of popular bloggers#anyway. all this to say get out and make some friends! either I'm right and this will actually fix the problem#or there really is a clique in which case why tf would you want to associate with them anyway#but genuinely this is rich coming from me actually known to most as godawful at talking to people irl#but it's really so simple to make tumblr friends it just requires you to be a little brave and genuine#if you see someone posting a lot of cool stuff follow them!! and then get in their askbox and talk to them about something#if they have an au you really like talk to them about that if they have some music they've been posting about check it out#and tell them what you thought!#just like. be friendly and open they'll probably respond in kind and next thing you know you have a really cool friend#anyway if you're one of my mutuals and you saw me like a post the other day or whatever that might feel contrary to this#well the other day I was just watching things go down lmao#I didn't care what any posts said I was busy with my own discourse lol#(and also if you're ANOTHER mutual wondering wtf this post is about don't worry about that)#idk I think I just. haven't really witnessed cliquey behavior but I see posts about this with enough notes#that sometimes I think. well you guys gotta be experiencing SOMETHING so idk. idk#I guess this is another “some people just have friends” post#anyway I think a good thing to remember here also is that we're arguing about popularity on Tumblr Dot Com. brother we are bloggers#and we're calling it cliques. like a highschool movie
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stressfulsloth · 6 months
Hey can we please check the sources for shit that we're posting and sharing please? Because earnestly sharing clickbaity misinfo from a cryptofascist is. Not good. And it really really concerns me when I see it come up on my dash
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