#just cuz i was figuring out how to draw her exactly how i wanted
ninawolv3rina · 1 year
I’m literally obsessed with them
OC: Asa (they/them)
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artemistorm · 2 months
Here is my late rambling analysis of the new LU update:
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I love Wind's face and posture. He's just like "Challenge accepted!" Hyrule and Wild my beloveds <3
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A lot of people saw this sequence and went "oh no something bad is going to happen to Epona!" but I took it to mean that Epona doesn't want to go in the dungeon and that Twilight knows that Epona will be just fine hanging out outside (tasty snack time ehehehe).
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I can't put my finger on exactly what's changed about the coloring but WOW it is popping. So vibrant. I love it. Made my eyes happy.
Also I love it when Jojo draws the gang in lines like this. It makes me think that she's doing it for fun (just like when you draw your OCs in lineups a million times cuz it makes you happy), that she still loves and takes great pride in showing off her blorbos.
Also, Wild is taller than Legend (and Hyrule) >:)
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I love that he spelled this out to the others. Makes so much sense. In Lord of the Rings terms, most of the other Links are like Frodo and Sam running around to secretly bring the ring to Mordor, while Warriors is like Aragorn who straight up charged the Black Gates of Mordor with an army.
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It's so funny how all the other heroes automatically assumed that Warriors' Hyrule had dungeons and that he just didn't bother to go through them. XD
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So this implies that A) that comic where Wild and Hyrule met the wallmaster happened recently and B) it was sometime when Wars wasn't there with them, which makes me think that the wallmaster comic happened at the same time as this comic:
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And then there's this:
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I can't remember where I read it but I seem to remember Jojo saying that Legend was the most likely to prank others and this is an example of that. This is a characterization that surprised me at first (I would have expected Wind or Hyrule to be more of a prankster) but if you think about Who Legend Is, it actually makes a lot of sense.
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I was trying to figure out which game this skulltula is from and my conclusion is that I think it is most similar to skulltulas from OOT 3D / MM 3D. I wonder if that means that they are in or near Time's time. Either that or this is a case of monsters getting mixed up between Hyrules like we saw in the Threatening Shadows story arc.
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Time is clearly very wound up still over what happened to Twilight. While all the other heroes have seemed to pretty much bounced back after that harrowing incident and are caught up in youthful optimism and the excitement of a new dungeon, Time hasn't forgotten and he wants to make sure the heroes don't forget the seriousness of their situation and their enemy. Just because the Shadow was defeated once doesn't mean that they can do it again so easily (not that it was easy before).
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My writer brain immediately interpreted this as foreshadowing that they aren't going to even make it to the central chamber before the group gets involuntarily broken up (trap doors my beloved mwahaha). Of course that may not end up being the case, they may make it the central chamber without incident.
I figure that ideally the group will split into 3 groups of 3, each group having at least one older Link (Time, Wars, Twi, Sky) and one younger Link (Four, Legend Hyrule, Wild, Wind). How much you wanna bet that Time wants Twi with him in order to keep an eye on him/protect him?
Anyways, that's all I got. Bye!
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garpen · 1 month
I actually love how Cass has become the beholder of blackmail in your au. And it’s totally plausible bc no one can spot her if she doesn’t want to be seen so she has def seen everyone at their weirdest and knows their most embarrassing secrets.
Like more than Babs, cuz they could (with effort) find a blind spot with no cameras and they could just ditch their own tech and then they would be free from Oracle’s eyes. But Cass can blend into the shadows and has uncanny invulnerability to anything.
But the difference between Cass’s blackmail and Oracle’s is that it’s pretty difficult to piss Cass off and no one really wants to. So that’s why until she leaked photos of Jasons wedding no one really knew she had black mail.
This is fucking gold and if I ever figure out digital drawing and have the energy I might make some art for her blackmail (10% chance I do it srry)
Would love to see more of petty Cass in ur AU in the future!!!!
Yes!! Like the bats know exactly what Babs has on them but Cass?? They have no idea what cards she's holding and it could literally be ANYTHING. They're all too terrified to piss her off exactly bc of this.
Barbie would release her blackmail pics on a whim if they slightly piss her off. Cass hold them close and waits for the perfect moment.
On another note, they're now also scared of Bernard bc his threat is "I'll write cringey fanfiction about you" and it absolutely works.
Tim has a lot of stalker photos but none too much blackmail material like Cass or Babs-but still pretty embarrassing. He also has access to a lot of childhood photos of everyone too and nobody knows how.
Duke could read people to hell and call the heck out of you and all your issues. He will dig deep, he knows all your insecurities, and will use them and your trauma to trash you.
Alfred knows everyone's secrets. Nobody wants to piss him off bc they love him of course, and also bc he is the family secret keeper/therapist. He knows TOO MUCH.
Dick's threatens to bite you. Jason threatens to shoot you dead. Damian threatens to fight you (even though fighting is pretty much a good time for the family atp). Stephanie threatens to cry on command (and let's be honest that's terrifying specifically to all the guys bc they don't know how to handle emotions)
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mxzyuu · 3 months
Pat me on the head!
I've run out of energy to draw at the moment soooo I'll just put this idea out here. It's just a headcanon. This might get long, ahem
Kate who likes headpats. She doesn't realize it but it shows on her face.
The one who does this the most, I think, would be big bro Roger. A reward for being a great help in the lab. After a while of observation, the other guys would catch on and try to do the same.
Nevertheless, she melts just a lil bit at the touch. Her reaction in itself is satisfying, so at every chance they get, the guys just continued to pet her head. Well... not all guys.
Kate is confused. Everyone's hands keep touching her head out of nowhere. Is it to tease her height perhaps? She couldn't be that short, everybody's just so tall! this is me crying out to the world ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ I'm short af
Kate: w-what is it?
Jude just smacks the newspaper on her head.
Jude: ... 💥🗞️
Kate: Ah?! What was that for?!
Then there's Ellis facing a huge dilemma. He wants to pat her head, too, now that he knows it makes Kate happy. And he always wants to make her happy! But ohhh what to do, if he does so then it would activate his ability. So he's just there, standing and trembling, trying his best to hold back.
Kate: Are... are you alright?
Ellis: I'm sorry, Miss Kate :(
Kate: ???
Kate tries, well... tried, to avoid some hands, like Alfons', cuz he keeps trying to reach for the nape as well. Knowing his ability, it's better to be cautious or it could lead to some... things..
She has to be somewhat on guard around Elbert, too. It's not troublesome, really. His headpats are so comforting! As if he's cherishing a beloved treasure. But a moment too long might get her taken away and locked up. He hasn't stopped wondering if she's beautiful, you see. So before that happens, Kate tries to distract him to save herself
I imagine at least one guy who goes as far as ruffling Kate's hair into a mess. I dunno who, I just thought it would be cute. Or when her hair is up, someone would go and touch the lower back part of the head, by the hairline, and play with the baby hair there I could imagine William in this one, the man just does whatever he wants
So, after all that, Ellis found a loophole and figured out a way! Hurray!! He caresses Kate's ear instead🥹 She becomes too flushed and flustered to utter a word. The boy is surprised, he didn't think he would get this kind of reaction. Turns out this is a much more intimate gesture for Kate so she went poof and combusted. Then everybody found out and set their sights on a new target~
I ended up rambling a lot but it was fun letting my brain roll. I don't do scenarios nor fics so I can't exactly vision how the others would do it so I'll leave those to your imaginations😘
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averyangrypossum · 7 months
Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the
Flowerbroadcast AU!
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Based on the two drawings I did of a fankid for the ship radiostatic.
The full-body one
And the one with both Vox and her
And now, I’m gonna tell you all about it and exactly who the fuck this little kid is.
Lotus is the daughter of Vox (as you can tell) and Alastor and is six years old. She was created shortly after Vox and Al broke up, oh yeah I should probably talk about their relationship status. Vox and Alastor, unlike in canon, weren’t only close friends but were dating at some point, mostly because Alastor wanted to manipulate Vox’s feelings to where he’d be more compilable but accidentally took it too far, and since Vox is a piss baby Alastor decided to entertain Vox for a while.
Was this relationship healthy?
Would Vox say these were the best years of his afterlife?
But anyways, in this au when Vox asks Alastor to “join his team” he was actually proposing and Alastor finally realized,
“Shit maybe this has gone out of hand” and breaks it off with Vox which leaves Vox heartbroken and with an incel breakdown. Now instead of trying to move the fuck on, he has our little darling Lotus, who he has trying to fill the hole that Alastor left.
So obviously having a child for that reason isn’t going to make you a good parent.
Lotus’ relationship with the Vees are as follows in the particular order.
1 Velvette: She does Lotus’s hair everyday and picks out outfits for her to post on her social media before Lotus immediately undos everything that Velvette does and just goes for pigtails and her nightgown. Velvette has wine aunt energy and is probably the only one of the Vees to know how to talk and get through to Lotus.
2 Valentino: Surprising I know, but Lotus doesn’t know what he does to his workers, she knows what he does for work but grew up with thinking that was just something normal since Valentino was never hush hush about his job around her much to Vox’s dismay. Valentino isn’t a big fan of children and doesn’t hang around her often, but sometimes he’ll draw along side her while bitching about a particular show she’s watching even though it’s literally made for kids.
3 Vox: Wow, how bad do you have to fuck up for a pimp who hardly spends time with her to be ranked higher than her own father?? Vox, despite making the conscious decision to have her, he isn’t around like at all. Hes a workaholic through and through, and mostly leaves her with nannies and Velvette. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her. Au contraire he loves her with all his heart and soul. Will give her anything except quality time. He uses her more of an accessory than a child.
Now how exactly Lotus was made is up to you.
A robotic creation Vox made? Sure!
Some voodoo magic shit? Yeah!
Some weird magic thing where she kinda just poofed into existence? Why not!
Mpreg? I mean, do what you wanna do ig?
Cuz it really doesn’t matter!
This whole au starts with Lotus running away from the Vee tower to explore hell since she's basically Rapunzel. She gets lost and terrorized by sinners until our deer Alastor rescues her. Seeing his chance to promote the hotel he takes her there where she is offered to stay there by Charlie when Lotus complains about how bad her dad is. She graciously accepts because shes only six but is going through her “My dad hates me and I hate him” era. Which I mean…I would get that impression too if I didn’t see my dad that much.
Wait my dad lives across the country…don't talk to me rn I’m busy dyeing my hair black and becoming emo 🖤
But anyways she stays there while Vox is loosing his fucking mind, and becoming more mentally unstable.
Meanwhile! She's having the time of her life with the hotel's residents and a new father figure who treats her well and pays attention to her! Alastor! Now Al doesn’t know she is his kid, but that doesn't stop him from being a better dad than Vox out of spite!
Anyways, thats all I have, for now! Stay tuned my friends~
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knight-a3 · 1 month
Hazbin Sketchbook Tour part 3
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I started some preliminary sketches of Charlie to get a feel for her. I wasn't exactly happy with them. I did like how Alastor turned out in the dancing one, just...not the rest of it.
Before going back to Charlie, I had a couple ideas for a Vaggie redesign I wanted to sketch out. She'll go through a few minor tweaks over time, but overall not bad for a first pass. (There's also a stray Emily)
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This is when I started seriously redesigning everyone. I would search up other people's redesigns for inspiration, then move on from there.
More design notes under the cut, and a couple fun Bible facts!
Vaggie: First, I doubled down on the moth theming. I wanted it to be more obvious than it is in canon. It also serves to show that Hell is corrupted, and it makes everyone more inhuman. All the angels will look more human, because "Biblically accurate angels" is not actually all that accurate. After she Falls, she becomes more moth-like, and is not truly an angel anymore.
[I've got this whole idea concerning the blood colors of the various groups. Maybe I should make a dedicated post to explain, but here's the rundown: There are three main groups: Hellborn, Earthborn, and Heavenborn. Hellborn have black blood, and Heavenborn have a glowing white. Earthborn have 3 subgroups: Living, Sinner, and Saint(aka winner). While alive, Earthborn have red. After death, the color depends on if they Fall or Ascend. Fallen Earthborn become Sinners and the blood darkens to purple. Ascended Earthborn become Saints and it lightens into golden yellow. When a Saint Falls, it darkens to purple. When a Heavenborn falls, it darkens to orange. Ascended Sinners will gradually lighten to yellow(albeit it won't ever be quite as bright as the other Saints). Hellborn cannot Ascend.]
All that to say that Vaggie does not have pure angel blood anymore. And I'm trying to decide if the Exorcists are Heavenborn or Earthborn. I'm honestly favoring Earthborn right now, since that's what Adam qualifies as.
Even when she gets her wings back, Vaggie's form is still corrupted and they come back as moth wings, to fit her theming. I wanted to get her long hair out of the way of her wings, and figured that since her hair is sorta moth themed anyway, why not make them the same thing. It works cuz...magic. I also really do not like the floating X over her eye, so I made it a broken eye spot instead.
Charlie: I knew I wanted more goat themes. So the ears were an obvious place to start. I also made her ponytail to look like a goat tail. But I saw a few designs that gave her snake hair and I thought it was great. But I didn't want to draw so many and decided to just give her one. Then named him Hugh. Short for Hubris aka Pride. I designed the Morningstar family around the goat and snake themes, where Charlie gets the goat traits from Lucifer, and the Snake traits from Lilith.
Lucifer: Canon Lucifer has way too many different design motifs. The Biblical Devil is associated with snakes and goats, so I wanted to narrow down on those rather than the forbidden fruit(which is never confirmed to be an actual apple, by the way) or ducks. He can still likes duck, but it doesn't go further than that. Since canon Lucifer is not exactly evil like the Biblical version, I decided it would be thematically appropriate to have his Fall turn him into a scapegoat, of sorts. Which would also mean that Lucifer is not the True Devil. The real Evil is the darkness trapped in the abyss(should I call it Abyss?). Lucifer, as a Fallen Angel, actually created Hell to prevent souls from getting lost in the abyss. So as bad as Hell is, it's actually a relatively good thing. Oh, and he lost his wings during his Fall. (Fun facts: the Devil isn't actually called Lucifer in the Bible, that was a translation quirk basically referring to the fall of the Babylonian king. Similarly, the number 666 probably refers to Roman Emperor Nero)
Lilith: Because I committed to Lucifer as a goat, but still wanted to implement the snake theme, I gave it to Lilith. I wanted to give her snake hair, but also maintain the flow of her long hair. So I decided to give her 7 snakes, each to represent one of the deadly sins. The top one represents pride. They're all named, like Charlie's.
Pride=Vani(Vanity), Greed=Ava(Avarice), Lust=Libby(Libido), Envy=Desi(Desire), Gluttony=Tony(Gluttony), Wrath=Irene(Ire), and Sloth=Sloth(...)
Overall, I haven't fully decided what I want to do with Lilith. It would probably help if we had more canon info on her. Is she secretly an antagonist? Or is there something else going on? Regardless, I enjoyed designing her.
I had this whole tangent about the mythological origins of Lilith, and how she's not actually a biblical character at all. It got too long winded so I cut it. But basically, liliths were a type of demon in Middle East/Mesopotamian cultures. Then a satirical Jewish story written in the medieval era made Lilith Adam's first wife, then she ran off with the Great Demon and started having 100 demon babies a day. She had to promise three angels that she wouldn't hurt any human newborns if they had a special amulet. She was associated with seduction and child-killing. She wasn't a feminist figure until the 1970s. She was just evil before that. Read HERE if you want more info about it.
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saltynsassy31 · 11 months
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💀🎃Friends for your shortcomings🎃💀
[Just me rambling about the drawinf underneath]
♡ FINALLY SPLATOWEEN IS HERE, AND THIS POST TOOK ME SO DANG LONG! But yes! I have risen from the dust once again and come here to deliver you art! Extreme burn out got me down, but gosh, did splatoween revive my soul XD much like how my first splatfest made me want to draw again....yeah, this game is special, hehe
♡ Anyway, I am super duper proud of this! My favourite part being her face! I just love how it turned out! I'm almost shocked it was ME who drew it and not some popular artist I admire XD, so I hope you guys like it just as I did!
I spent exactly 19 hours on this
Though I love how this turned out, THIS DOESN'T LOOK LIKE A 19 HOUR DRAWING! I swear most of that time spent was figuring out a pose, then also fixing up mistakes after coloring and shading cuz I got a part of the outfit INCREDIBLY wrong cuz there weren't enough pictures at the time I started drawing her gjdjsjak
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spookberry · 3 months
Hello I hope you are doing well! I wanted to say that I really love your art! Could I ask for more information about Henri and Claire, or just Henri in general? I think they're super cute but additionally, I think Henri is interesting by himself because I feel like I don't know as much about him! How long has he been immortal? How did he become immortal? How did he learn to exorcise? Oh, and I wanted to ask how you feel about fanart of your ocs? I really love Claire's design and I think it would be fun to draw him :)
:D! No one's ever asked me about Henri before! Also to answer your last question I'd love fanart of my OCs 🥺
More on Henri under the cut:
Okay so basically his backstory goes like this: back in the Victorian era there was this couple that was really into the occult. They were fairly nomadic, traveling the states as consultants when people were having supernaturally driven issues. This couple also happened to have a young son, Henri. Henri and his folks were very close and he took after them and their interest in ancient magic A Lot.
When Henri was about 9 his parents died. They left everything to him, but they didn't exactly have a house or anything, just a ton of old books and cursed trinkets. His favorite though was a book that was written entirely in ancient greek. So when he ran away to avoid being shipped off to live with relatives that didnt appreciate his interest in magic too much, that book was one of the things he thought to grab first.
Grief can make a 9 year old orphan do crazy shit, for Henri it became about trying to translate this book. Thats when he discovered problem number 2 with the book: its full of dark magic. Every spell in it is awful and corrupting. There's one unfinisged spell thats meant to banish a demon from their host body. And its like the one spell he can concieve of in this book that isnt just like flat out evil. So he decided to try and finish it.
The book also has a demon summoning ritual in it, so you can guess what he does.
After that he's saddled with Claire a 12 year old girl who is VERY mad it him about getting rid of her demon and demands he help her find him again. (Note: Claire does not realize he's trans yet here)
They try to summon skid back but it just doesnt work, so they gotta do this the old fashioned way.
Takes them months before they finally manage to track skid down again, but during that time the two manage to become friends. Claire opens up a lot about her fear of dying and how she feels she cant enjoy life because of how little time she has left. Henri decides his new goal in life is to heal her so that they can grow up and grow old together. He tells her as much and she gives him this gentle little smile and he internally is like "i would die for her" (he's in love but doesnt know it yet.)
Once Skid is back in and puppeting the body, Henri makes the choice to stick by Skid's side. He needs them to be close for when he finally figures out a way to heal her. And ya know the modern medicine of cough syrup with cocaine and mercury isnt gonna do it so he starts experimenting with magic instead.
He's 15 when he accidentally curses himself. Part of the curse effects his memory, so he doesn't actually know WHAT he did, and he doesn't even realize right away that he isn't aging. All he knows at first is that suddenly dark magics waaaay easier to do so he needs to be careful about that and also one of his eyes is fucked up. So now his secondary motive is also undo his own curse as well as heal Claire. Cuz itd suck if he finally heals Claire but isnt able to age himself, ya know?
Henri's a pretty chill guy and most of the cast view him as skid's 2nd in command and often her voice of reason(though he himself is prone to being impulsive and moody due to the whole technically still being 15 thing). The underlings also all view him as an older brother sort, because he's protective but often "hands off" in how deals with things but also hes just really tall. Lucky him he had his growth spurt before cursing himself to never age.
He tends to have a lot of memory issues, some days are worse than others. On his worst days he doesn't even remember how he met skid, but most days hes just sort of fuzzy and cant quite remember all 200 years he's spent by their side. His vision has also deteriorated with time, he cant see out of his left eye at all and can only make out colors and general shapes out with his left.
Even though he stuck with Skid for Claire's sake, Henri has actually become very close with skid after 200 years. Skid's secretive and doesnt actually like talking about themself honestly but depsite that he knows a lot about them. He knows skid has their own memory issues, and he's aware that Skid's not a full demon. He's heard skid's human name before but forgot it at some point and knows better than to ask about it. He's also very aware that Skid's prone to getting involved in shit which leads to them getting hurt magically and letting Claire run the body for a couple days every other decade. So they still get to see each other. These brief meetings is how Henri realized he was in love with Claire.
Bonus Info: Henri doesn't actually subscribe to modern labels and doesnt really consider himself as being into women or men. He just loves who he loves. (Hes asexual and panromantic)
Fun Fact: i came up with Henri and Skid when I was 12, but every other character in their story, including Claire, formed a slightly later.
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^ skid and Henri drawings from when I was 12
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shimmer-wolf-arts · 10 months
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All aboard the Angst Express!!!
Y'all don't know how much my heart broke to draw this. Seriously. Drawing little 2 year old Hugo was especially heartbreaking for me to draw, mainly cuz I knew I was already giving Hugo this backstory, and I knew how much it was going to hurt to both write and draw it out.
So, yeah, in my headcanon, Donella is actually Hugo's biological mother. The concept art makes them look WAY too similar for there not to be some sort of relation there. And Hugo was said to have grown up an orphan, so why not just add insult to injury and make the woman he's been working for be the same woman that left him on the front steps of an orphanage at 2 years old?
I'm all for the Donella who does end up being a caring mom kind of figure. However, in the context of my story, where Ulla is NOT in fact trapped in the Eternal Library (I'll go into more about that later on) and is very much an active part of Varian's life once he finds out she's alive, I needed a big bad for this story other than the person who IS trapped in the Library. So, this naturally fell to Donella.
In my story, she only cares about herself and furthering her experiments. It's why she and Ulla had a falling out, it's why she's willing to do and risk anything to get supplies and money for a project, and that's exactly how she ended up getting pregnant and giving birth to Hugo. Ulla, of course, wanted to take him in, since she'd figured out by this point that Donella didn't want a child. But after their falling out at the Eternal Library, Donella and Hugo disappeared. She tried raising the boy, but he just kept getting in the way of her alchemical endeavors, so once he'd been fully weaned onto solid food, she left him at the nearest orphanage.
And being 2 years old, when those core memories start forming, you bet that Hugo remembers that day. It haunts him well into adulthood, being left behind by the blonde woman with the green eyes. And sadly, because the poor lad needed glasses even back then, he couldn't remember her face. He just knew the hair and eye colors, since her face was so blurry to him. It's why, when he ran into Donella all those years later after running away from the orphanage, after she'd gone gray and had a few more wrinkles to her face, he couldn't recognize her. But she recognized him immediately.
It wasn't until Ulla came to the confrontation at the Eternal Library and revealed the truth that Hugo realized who exactly Donella was to him. And you can bet that he was NOT happy about it. The woman he'd been doing all these risky jobs for, putting himself on the line just to get some money to get by, the reason he had that scar over his left eye, was the woman who abandoned him at an orphanage.
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signedkoko · 8 months
Hihihihi! Can I get a parental/platonic parent matchup for hazbin hotel?
Im a cancer, around 14-15 years of age, and have short brown hair. I'm around 4'9-5'6 ft.
Around people I don't know I'm super nice and kind, usually complimenting my my way into a friendship with most people. I like to draw and read horror book, (I.E coraline, the man in the basement, dread end, etc).
I am mostly known around school as a kid who gives most of the time, buying goods for kids who can't at lunch, sitting with lonely kids, etc. I try my best to stay out of fights, and most times I don't initiate them.
At home, however, I can be loud and tired at the same time. I'll be like: "SO GUESS WHAT HAPPENED AT SC- I'm tired ima go nap" and I'm also the peacemaker of the family, being the youngest.
My fashion usually varies from vampire goth to grunge. I mostly wear vampire goth outside of home, but at school I wear grunge cuz if I wear vampire goth I'll get bullied.
Thats all! I'm sorry if I didn't provide enough info! Make sure to take care of yourself ♡
You got…Emily | Carmilla | Vox!
Your best friend is Emily! Ever since the two of you met, you've always gotten along. She really likes your drawings and tries to read what you read, but she finds them a bit scary and will usually depend on you summarizing things for her so she doesn't have to go through any of the gruesome parts. She is probably very scared and very intrigued with Coraline.
Emily agrees that you are one of the sweetest people she's ever met; she never feels judged around you and always gets her thirst for adventure quenched with all the media you show her. Your style is so cool to her, she might even ask if you can help her do some gothy vampire looks.
Expect quite serene days spent having fun without worry. Emily will always be there to defend you, and she probably has a billion questions to ask you at all times.
One figure who would take you in is Carmilla Carmine. She already has two daughters whom she adores deeply, and so she has a lot of experience with teens and teaches them all they need to know.
Your fashion probably just matches her looks, and she is more than happy to help you pick out a proper, well-rounded wardrobe that not only suits exactly what you like but also matches her a little bit. Lots of red and grayscale clothing.
Carmilla reads a lot, usually with a glass of red wine, and she makes certain to keep a section of her bookshelf for you, full of books she thinks you might like. She's the type to read all of them in advance, so when you finish, you can talk to her about them to your heart's desire.
Expect a protective but free household; you and her other daughters are held to her highest standard, and anything your heart wishes, she will do her best to achieve. You are always welcome to join the family business, too.
Another parental figure you may have is Vox! Vox never planned to have kids or take any in; no, he probably thinks he hates kids! But there's an exception for everything.
He probably sneaks you into the V's tower after finding you alone, and he's already committed to getting you cleaned up and warm because, man, what is this kid doing all alone in hell? He can't just—well, he can't just leave you out there, can he?
The more time you spend together, the more he considers you his daughter. You have your own room that he's always bringing things into. He's the type to just knock until you let him in and then give you some random thing he got you. Single slice of pizza, hot chocolate—hey, look how fast he can solve a Rubics cube. Wanna play with this new drone I'm prototyping? I found the book you wanted!
Oh yeah, the fridge is covered in your drawings. Even if they're digital, he has a little digital screen that has a slideshow of your work, and he does his best to show interest in any hobby you pick up.
If he ever hears you say you won't do something because you'd be bullied, he would probably hand you a taser and money to go indulge in what you like and zap the shit out of anyone who pokes fun at you.
He's not a very good parent in terms of morals, but he won't let anyone hurt you or shame you. He would get Velvette herself to help you find your style and would probably bar Valentino from ever EVER meeting you.
Expect a lot of movie nights together, trying all his new technology first, and getting every ounce of support. You'll never be alone, and you'll always be safe because, unless you ask him not to, he's always checking in on you.
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Author’s Note - I actually could not pick, I had so many ideas!! So I went for one friend and two (separate) parental figures! I hope thats okay, I was literally ranting to my friends all night about the indeas I got lmaooo
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So I'm starting a D&D game with my friends online and I'm so excited y'all. I think I'm actually gonna try to draw my character even though I'm awful at art cuz I so badly want to show them what she looks like in my head. We made little sprites for our characters cuz our DM is awesome and found this cool way to stream the map to us and he can choose different sceneries and move our little figures around (there's even music!) so they do have the little sprite, but I am determined to draw her for them to get her exactly right. So, time to employ some of the knowledge that I must have learned from following artists on Tumblr for so many years. Something had to have soaked in, right? 🥲 (Biggest thing I'm telling myself from all the "how to art" posts is to just sketch her again and again. It will not be perfect the first time and I need to get over that. Practice practice practice!)
Also I'm just so excited about my character. My DM helped me build her in our session 0 cuz I don't know shit about D&D (have only had one false start and I knew nothing about character building and she was a one-dimensional, contradictory mess with stats and skills that hurt her as opposed to playing to the strengths of her class) and I'm so excited to flesh her out even more as I play her! He wrote this cool introduction for session 0 and it was so fun to play it out and get a feel for the roleplaying.
Anywho, I'm just excited! I might post my drawing of her on here if I get brave enough 🫣
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5centz · 6 months
I want to know more about your Happy Go Lucky au
OH BOOOOOY now I ramble cuz I have a lot of ideas n things ab this
CWs plant parasitism/ sorta mind control/ psychological + body? horror/
okay so this is somewhat a small-ish AU ATM in that it's just diverges somewhat from regular II season 3 but I might expand it??? not sure yet, but here's some of what i do have (may modify it later but idk) OKAY SO some of my thought process on Lucky Nickel (idk what to call him yet exactly): - Essentially, the plant afflicting Nickel IS a "clone" of Clover (in the sense of how for say like, a tomato plant you can remove a limb and have it grow into a independent plant if done correctly)| - Because of this, the plant carries over Clover's personality/outlook and incidentally, begins imposing it onto Nickel's own personality, causing Nickel to start have lowkey internal crisis - Nickel does realize he's not "acting/thinking normally" at first but doesnt exactly mention it outright, as the plant grows he notices it less and less - The escalation of this being, his anxieties (specifically, being hurt by other people/distrust of others) ends up distorting into a forced "positive" outlook ("I don't need anyone anymore!") - and of course, on top of all this he's "lucky" - and such and so happens that on the glacier (still haven't figured out exactly what), that Nickel snaps out of it just long enough to curse out the luck and the plant, and then the wall falls on him/kills him - Nickel is recovered via MeLife and is normal again, but is still very jarred by the whole thing - HOWEVER, the plant survives until the dead Nickel washes up on shore, and the luck allowing the plant to revive him for survival (separate from now Normal Nickel) - This makes the Springy ep play out a bit differently (Balloon becomes concerned that Nickel making light of the past is the plant returning, before realizing its def Not that) - Not 100% sure how the Murder Mystery ep plays out after this but, for one Clover feels really bad about the whole thing (she had no idea this would happen), her and nickel talk out things and he gets his canon development, meanwhile while balloon 'n tea kettle are trying to solve the mystery, Balloon sees Lucky Nickel in the distance and is like "WHAT THE FUCK" - IDK what to have happen after this but, Lucky Nickel tryin 2 kill reg Nickel bc technically, Bro still has his brain/Is him (I was gonna add a drawin here but my wacom not working so uhhh NOTE 2 SELF draw zombie Nickel ref later) BONUS!!: this idea partially started as like, a doppelganger horror idea at first with a bunch of other ideas, so here's my other horror ideas for II (most ended up moreso joke-ish but ye)
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booperbeanv3 · 9 months
You ever drawn an egg crack for June?
i have not! soz for letting this rot in my inbox, i was rlly considering drawing smthin for it but i'm better expressing it in words
being that i think it would be a long, arduous process and she'd only clock it once something insanely dumb happens
basically exactly how i went abt it. bro if you ask my friends, there were so many signs. it was so obvious that telling them was like telling them the sky was blue. unless they were completely oblivious to transgenderism as a concept beforehand
as far as Fitting Things Into A Timeline goes, i've discussed propping her up on the ship. 3 years of dogtier sisters, crowboy sprites and then some kinda picks at your base normal enough that you might start clinging onto what rules you have left. but your world is so small that little suggestions don't really matter that much. everyone's dead. grow out your hair. who cares
then once she actually has to meet ppl. she panics. stops panicking. gaslights everyone. proceeds as normal. but the panic still stays. cuz yknow, you gotta make a choice eventually. what do you want from yourself?
so the retcon brings Options, and like, shes got a mostly scrubbed slate to toss at people but theres still that whole. my friends arent the ones i remember. thing.
another option is earth c. just any time there. man she could even figure it out mid session and everyones like "cool okay" but i like. long. complicated. drawn out coming out timelines with so much denial it's like that river in egypt.
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jakowskis · 5 months
im SO pissed i didnt listen to believe for a fucking year bc i heard bad things about it. im never listening to anyone else's opinions again cuz THAT WAS BRILLIANT. THAT WAS EVERYTHING I WANT OUT OF TORCHWOOD i mean it was still a bit shit highkey but it was EXACTLY what i want out of this garbage show. sooo fucking season one core (aka my fav) all sorts of dark horrific connotations and unhealthy dynamics but no emotional weight or responsibility xD once again i cannot tell if the writer was even fucking AWARE of a lot of the things he was implying but what i interpreted as being implied is making me fucking tear up the floorboards im. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
that was so cynical and bitter and awful and miserable and edgy and shitty ITS EVERYTHING I WANTED. i love torchwood being goofy i do but what draws me into the show and the reason it's become one of my most, uh, aggressive hyperfixations ever (which is ridic btw) is cuz its FUCKED UP AND UNHAPPY and that? was fuuuuucked. obsessed.
cult leader jack cult leader jack cult leader jack U DONT UNDERSTAND IT MAKES ME RABID and they ran with it i. stick figure violence stick figure violence. feeling rabid. AND HIS FUCKING SPEECH AT THE END. DOES HE KNOW??? hes so fucking deluded I LOVE IT. ITS FASCINATING he thinks hes good.... he thinks hes good... hes aware n he feels responsible and yet he doesnt SEE he doesnt see he thinks hes doing his best. NOOO it had the be intentional literally "jack tell us what that was about" "later lol" "sure yeah always later" and then hes like "YOU HAVE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY" GRRR JACK. JACK. also faith n believing.... ianto's trust. ianto's trust. you believe me like a god FUCK MY LIFEEEEEEEEEEE
jack always being five steps ahead + being 10x more competent than the team always makes me fucking roll my eyes but at this point i just kind of perceive it as the way tw constantly paints him as a deity figure. he can do no wrong
GWENS CYNICISM. TORCHWOOD BREAKING HER. TORCHWOOD BREAKING HER!!!!!!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK it's toxic... it's toxic... this job gets inside you THIS JOB GETS INSIDE YOUUU. torchwood thesis statement: this job fucking breaks you.
FINALLY some good fucking tosh x owen food. DONT GET ME WRONG THAT WAS FUCKING AWFUL but that was sooooooo much more compelling than the fucking bullshit that canon gave us. owen being a toxic abusive fucking manchild + doing smth bad enough to tosh that she FINALLY went "wow THATS the man im obsessing over" like g-d i would've killedddd for that to happen in the show i HATE that she wasted herself on him. i hate it. her disgust and anger at him was so THERAPEUTIC for me 😭 idk what it says about me that the way i was grinning when they were arguing n bitching at each other was probs the closest ive ever gotten to actually shipping them HFKJDSF theres smth wrong w me. i just think s2 tosh is too fucking sweet and good and probably naive and i think owen could so easily fuck her up, like i don't think there's a world where he wouldn't hurt her tbh, and i don't want that to happen i adore her too much. like i don't think he's irredeemable, i ship him w other characters who i think could handle him, but i don't think tosh could, and that was validation of that opinion, you know? i'd be more willing to ship them if tosh was firm with him and didn't let him walk all over her, and it sucks that she didn't do that and got herself hurt and THATS what it took to make her call him tf out and tell him how much he sucks. ig a lot of why towen bugs me sm boils down to the fact that im not comfortable shipping someone who's kind of awful with someone who idealizes them and doesn't seem to grasp the scale of how bad they are. that's a recipe for an unhealthy dynamic and if i didn't like tosh i might be intrigued by it ngl HFSKDF but thats my babygirl and the idea of putting her thru Being With Him disgusts me. she deserves better until he gets his fucking shit together. which he never does and she never gets to have something good bc she was waiting for his shitty ass lmao YAYY!!
owen was AWFUL in that btw. and i adored him in it. my fav owen is an owen who's spiraling and destructively fixated on something for selfish purposes to the point that he doesnt care who he hurts to accomplish it. he's so villain coded fhsdkfjdsk he redeems himself in the show and i love that but the audios further explore the fact that he's got such a darkness to him he SO EASILY can be pushed into destroying everything. hes constantly on the precipice of monstrosity and cruelty bc of his own hurt. it's like hes so full of rot it leaks out of him and infects others and he hates it but he cant help it. i will never get over the doctor with poison fingers oh he makes my heart ache. he's just so misguided. he's so broken.
which brings us back to jack's speech. (him talking to the cult leader lady) "They were broken, and you were the person they turned to for help. If you don’t accept their problems, then don’t offer yourself as a solution." literally im gonna think about this for months. HE DOESNT SEE!!!!!!!!!
g-d and ianto's orientation or whatever. that was Fantastic ianto insight. he's so much more interesting when he's away from jack it's almost impressive.
i am just. gdddddddddddddddddddddddd. i am so distraught. help meeee
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everestica · 2 years
Hey there I really like your blog and can I request nightcord girl with a male reader who has a sekai that based of royalty theme
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Nightcord x Male!Reader: Royalty Sekai
Writing Type: Headcannons
Request: Yes
A/n: I’m not exactly sure what timeframe of royalty you wanted to. So I just did a dark type that was pretty neutral! Hope you enjoy and as always if you don’t like it feel free to reach out and have me rewrite it!
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-She was a little surprised at first when you told her that you had your own Sekai after visiting hers
-So when you and your band had practice that night you took her along to your Sekai so that she could see what was different between the empty Sekai that she had and this unnamed Sekai that you had
-So you had told her that you and your group had called it the Castle Sekai and it was based on this dark academia aesthetic
-When she first saw it the first thing she realized was how full it was, like there were things everywhere unlike her Sekai
-She also noticed that all the Virtual Singers were dressed so different then in her Sekai, they were all wearing dark colored dresses or dress shirts
-Overall she was really impressed by it and you two have cute little picnic dates there now<3
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-They had known about there Sekai obviously and was a little curious when you had told them that you had your own Sekai as well
-They would bug you non stop until you showed them
-So the day finally came where you would bring them to your Sekai
-Unlike Kanade, They first thing they noticed was all the outfits that you, your band, and the virtual singers were wearing
-They were beyond excited that there was a huge castle and that you guys had a dark academia aesthetic
-Overall adorable, and you guys have little exploring the castle and trying on clothes dates there<3
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-Also a little curious when you told her that you had your own Sekai after visiting the Empty Sekai with her
-She definitely asked you about it and what theme it followed
-So that’s when you told her that you would just take her and so she could see for herself
-That night you had practice so you brought her with you and just like Kanade, she noticed how much stuff was around and the huge castle that stood in middle of it all
-She then noticed all the outfits and how they were so different from the ones that she knew in their Sekai
-Overall a little confused at first but then she realized that it is your Sekai and so then it made sense, also you guys have cute little library dates, cuz like castles libraries are freaking huge<3
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-When you first brought up that you had your own Sekai, after she had told you about the empty Sekai that Nightcord, she was so excited because she had only seen one Sekai and so she wondered about what yours would look like
-So you told her about the aesthetic and what it was like, but eventually she was asking so many questions about it that you told her that one day you would just take her so that she could figure out all her questions
-You had practice soon so you decided to take her and the first thing she noticed wasn’t the outfits or the lack of no space, but all the scenery around the castle.
-Like all the plants growing on the doors, or the vines leading towards the windows on the sides of the castle
-Overall it was a cute experience to she her shocked face when ever she looked somewhere new, but you guys now have cute art dates where you two will just paint and draw the scenery around the castle<3
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weekend-whip · 2 years
So I saw your posts about Jesse & Olivia, and now I'm curious about the Legacy interpretations of Antonia & Harumi. Think you can spill the tea?
Well I went into a little bit of detail about them before, but as for developing their interpretations, that’s not nearly as interesting of a story snksnksnk
Antonia’s early involvement wasn’t exactly planned from the get-go, but when I realized I needed to flesh out the Student Council, she kinda popped to mind because a) she’d fit into the scene pretty well, and she already makes for a great supporting character, and b) switching her role from Paper Girl to being on the school paper was actually pretty seamless, plus it gave her a way to be more active if needed (which will kick in come season 2, when she starts investigating the aftermaths of certain happenings…)
Her personality is essentially the same as the show, if a tad bit less ~edgy~, and she was originally only going to associate with Jesse through Nelson…but I scrapped putting Nelson in this early and just put Jesse on the council with her instead. I basically just tried to come up with what a Movie!Antonia would have been like and rolled from there. She also wasn’t originally supposed to be a Descendant of Amber, but I hated drawing her with the plain black eyes so now she’s Skylor’s very very very distant cousin on her mother’s side and yeah that’s just some extra lore now—
Harumi, meanwhile, I always knew I wanted to put in this early, because while her whole show!character arc is super fascinating, I…always felt like her spiral into who she becomes would’ve hit SO much harder if we’d known her for longer, especially given that she was ~there~ when the Devourer attacked, and I wanted to explore more of what she would have been like if tragedy hadn’t struck her down. Anyway, I wanted to bring her in early, didn’t exactly know how, was trying to figure out the final person to be on the council……put two and two together and it’s history from there. Her being straight up friends with the ninja (and without knowing who they are) was also an…unexpected side effect but ooh boy have I been rolling with it X)
Can’t say too much more on her cuz spoilers…but I will say I like the idea of her hair style changing as her life does >;3
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