#killer croc as The Hunt or The Flesh
Gothamites watch a zombie movie and just laugh.
The dead rising to walk the earth? Yeah, that just happens sometimes. Aunt Clara got her head blown up five years ago and a month after crawled out of the grave complaining about not killing the sonnova bitch back.
The zombies are shambling corpses that can't feel pain or be stopped at anything less than a headshot and they want to eat human flesh? Those are in the sewers, it's just that Killer Croc normally keeps their population in check. When he's behaving himself Arkham lets him hunt on Thursdays.
The zombies are shrieking hordes that can run at top speeds for hours and infect with a single bite? Pfft, at least they're not Manbats. Those bastards fly.
Gothamites see Red Hood bringing up his death that one time and just rolling their eyes. You're not special, my guy. Join the club. They have biweekly meetings at the library and gluten-free cookies.
I love the idea of zombies being common in Gotham but it’s pretty much a non-issue compared to everything else that’s going on. Even better if most people outside Gotham don’t know about the zombies and completely freak out when they find out. They’d just get a judgmental side eye from the Gothamites who are wondering what their problem is. Some new villain attempts to start a zombie apocalypse in Gotham and it doesn’t even end up making the evening news because like yeah, it’s Thursday. Shit happens.
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Thinkin more on the Xeno au and about the family. And mostly about what everyone would be. Like of course they'd start out as chestburster-esque with more flesh-colored exoskeleton that'd be really soft like skin and mostly only a long tail. And then grow into other things, but there's several castes that even basic runners and drones can grow into.
Bruce: Drone -> Warrior -> Praetorian -> Queen (Winged)
Barbara: Drone -> Warrior -> Alpha Warrior
Dick: Runner -> Carrier
Jason: Runner -> Prowler -> Crusher
Cassandra: Runner -> Prowler
Stephanie: Drone -> Warrior -> Praetorian
Tim: Drone -> Warrior -> Praetorian
Harper: Drone -> Warrior
Duke: Drone -> Warrior -> Tusked
Cullen: Runner -> Aquatic
Damian: Drone -> Warrior
Carrie: Drone -> Spitter
Terry: Runner -> Prowler
Mathew: Runner -> Prowler
Random fun facts & rabmbles:
Tusked were, well, tusked xenomorphs specifically bred by yautja to act as forced attack dogs, and the ones we know who were released and escaped were accepted by a queen as her own
Alpha warriors are canon and are slightly larger than other warriors, can command other warriors, and in some cases are more intelligent too. They're almost between warrior and praetorian in ranking.
The praetorian caste is also known as royal guards, because that's what they are in most cases. They protect the nest and eggs and queen, and if the queen dies they may replace the queen.
Canonically there was a comic where Batman fought against a giant crocodile alien (no it didn't come from Killer Croc thankfully lol) that he defeated by bleeding it out until the floor collapsed into lava
The xenomorphs have had a civil war before on their home planet for the Royal Jelly, the black xenomorphs and red xenomorphs both fighting each other for their queen to become the next Queen Mother
Did you know there's further castes beyond the queen? A queen can become a Matriarch, then an Empress, and then a Queen Mother
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Crushers are the equivalent of praetorians for the runner castes, and are canonically the most armored outside the queen castes themselves.
There's a theory about the spines on the xenomorphs' backs, where the longer they are the stronger the xenomorph, at least for basic castes. However there's another theory that this is an age thing. Neither is confirmed.
Did you know that xenomorphs have worked with others several different times when they're under threat, especially the queens or young.
Xenomorphs have Eidetic memory, and can even access memories from previous xenomorphs along their bloodline.
Normal xenomorphs can eventually become queens, but a xenomorph can be born as one from a Royal Facehugger, which unlike normal facehuggers have two embryo: a queen and a drone/runner to protect said queen
There have been exotic xenomorphs that are individuals such as the tusked or the winged queens, usually altered genetically or with an incredibly rare host (for example a winged queen has canonically come from a vampire in the comics before)
All xenomorphs are female, save for a single individual created using human dna and other genetic manipulation that was known as the king xenomorph.
Other genetic hybrids have been created as well, the most well known being the Newborn but there have been more balanced ones as well such as Eloise (a vat-grown android-xeno hybrid) which can have abilties of both species
Fun fact: A chestburster will not emerge in someone with leprosy, staying dormant, and other xenomorphs will not attack the people due to them carrying said chestburster.
Yautja hunting parties will hunt hybrids more enthusiastically than normal base xenomorphs for both the challenge and in some cases thinking they're abominations, such as a Predalien (in which case elders are usually the one to hunt them)
However they will also use xenomorphs as mounts, attack dogs, and other such things. For example one yautja rode a xeno-rex in ancient times as a hunting steed.
@phoenixcatch7 I summon thee mutual lol
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inthememetime · 2 years
Danny and Jazz get adopted by Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, and Waylon Jones after the Fenton Adults accidentally forget about their kids after a science convention in Gotham. Jazz is ten and Danny is six, this uses your version of young Danny in which he can safely eat anything.
Danny and Jazz develop differently in Gotham with a loving trio of parents to guide them through life in Gotham, the Batfamily cannot comprehend how to kids raised by three supervillians can be so normal (by Gotham's twisted standards).
Also for this idea Harley is married to both Pamela and Waylon which is fully legal in the court of law, Harley is the glue that ultimately keeps their family unit together.
KILLER CROC! KILLER CROC! KILLER CR- *somebody slaps me*
Whoo! Ok, sorry, he's such a fun villain. Here we go!
It was less Harley, Waylon, and Pamela adopting them and more Jazz and Danny adopting the trio.
Danny pretty much latched onto Waylon. Literally. With teeth. Waylon thought it was hilarious, brought the gremlin home, and bam! another kid was riding on his back the whole time and he didn't notice.
At first, they try to find their parents, but the kids don't want to leave. As in 'causing potentially deadly shenanigans' don't want to leave.
And you know what? They can respect that. Waylon falls first. Not only are these kids Not Afraid of him, the little biter won't leave him alone. He shares Waylon's food (people don't like to get within 5 feet of a guy named Killer Croc when he's eating for a Reason), and he somehow accidentally starts teaching Danny how to hunt in the sewers and abandoned buildings.
(Does Danny get a taste for human flesh in this? Probably.)
Jazz likes the human mind, she's insatiably curious, and so she gets the nickname of Harley's little duckling. (Changes to Red Swan or something badass later, but she keeps the goose/swan/duck in her name because those are Scary Birds) (ooh or maybe The Cassowary)
Danny gets a nickname too. Maybe Gator-Bog or something?
More under the cut!
Despite Waylon's insistence that Danny is adopted, they all believe he's his biological son because they have witnessed Danny: bite the Joker's nose off when he got too close, eat a sewer rat, nearly bite Tim's fingers off (luckily he was wearing heavy gloves), hiss like a creachur, and he also sets off Damian's 'dangerous animal let me pet it' alarms.
Danny can eat everything because he's contaminated by ectoplasm, so there's also the reflecting eyes, sharp teeth, and weird strength.
Batman returns Danny to his 'dad' at least once a month. Keeping Danny out of Shenanigans is pretty much a full time job, so he's a lot less of a frequent bat-villain lately.
Jazz, meanwhile, seems perfectly normal. This leads to the batfam kidnapping her at least once a month for several years. Hilariously, when Danny is cleaned up, he gets confused for Damian until he opens his mouth leading to multiple accidental kidnappings.
By the time the Fentons find Danny, the batfam is just cackling. "That kid? Go ahead, pick him up. Just count your fingers after."
By the time they find Jazz, the batfam is no longer laughing because they had some weird ghost netting that managed to hold Gator-Boy.
At some point, Constantine arrives and continuously tries to persuade everyone that Danny is a ghost.
Damian is the least kidnapped member of the batfam, despite being the youngest, because kidnappers have accidentally mistaken Danny for Damian before. The ones who managed to keep their lives (Waylon is never happy about people kidnapped either of his kids), and their fingers/noses/ears (Danny has and will happily rip a kidnappers face off) spread the rumor.
When Danny actually, finally dies and becomes a halfa, because ghosts look like how they see themselves, he turns into a ghostly version of Killer Croc.
Hilariously, everyone STILL believes Constantine is wrong. That's no ghost. Clearly, that's a were-crocodile.
Danny is still a hero! Sort of. He takes a bite out of crime- literally.
Vlad tries to kidnap him. It does Not Go Well. For Vlad. Danny, Pamela, Jazz, Harley, and Waylon have a great time.
"That's a ghost!" "Yes, Constantine, Plasmius is a ghost, we know." "Danny is too!" "Leave sleeping were-gators lie, honestly"
Damian and Danny regularly blame hijinks on the other. "Damian, who beat an abusive zoo owner nearly to death?' " Gator-boy, most likely." "Danny, who rescued 200 people from Mr. Freeze?" "I heard that one of the Wayne kids was there."
Alternatively for Vlad: realizes the Fentons abandoned their kids like they abandoned him and becomes the weird, slightly concerning uncle. Teaches Danny all about being a halfa, but also has cloned him.
"You cloned my son?!" "It was an accident!" "There are 4 clones!!!!" "Oops?"
Constantine breaks down into tears because there's now 6 ghosts in Gotham, and nobody believes him about 5.
Danny, the were-gator. David the were-skeleton. Don the were-Frankenstein, Michael the were-dinosaur, and of course Dani the were-shark.
Vlad's 'children' go trick or treating as sheet ghosts to Constantine's house every year because it's always hilarious.
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msfcatlover · 1 year
I am insane for your tma x dc headcanons! I have to ask, do you think any of the other dc characters are entity aligned? Heres a few hcs i had:
The Scarecrow: honestly might be an avatar touched by all the fears like Jonathan Sims. Probably like Sims, he started researching the fears and Scarecrow became obsessed w them. If i had to go with a single entity, i would say he is Dark/Corruption/Eye alligned
The Riddler: Eye or Spiral alligned
The Joker: slaughter or corruption (the angst if Jason shared an entity w his murderer!)
Poison Ivy: Extinction?
Harley Quinn: hunt or stranger aligned? She was hunting down the cure for Jokers issues, but he wasnt who she thought he was and she became the prey
Killer Croc: Flesh babey!
Two face: maybe another slaughter?
The penguin: Web
I dont know enough about non-batman characters to do others tbh
Okay, so in my opinion plenty of characters have been touched by various Entities or even marked by them in ways that can motivate them without fully being Avatars or aligning themselves with those Entities. Like, Scarecrow just screams to me of someone who was touched by the Spiral (and is probably in real danger of becoming an Avatar,) but he’s holding on to his own sense of rationality as hard as he can and trying to make Fear make scientific sense. Someone who would walk out of an impossible corridor, and spend weeks measuring the outside of the building trying to find where the hell that corridor was supposed to fit, before sending someone else in to see if they experienced the same thing, only to become fixated on the differences… Not saying that’s what happened, but Jonathan Crane had some kind of experience with the embodiment of Unreality itself, and he definitely feeds it regularly.
(Harley, likewise, seems more like a victim of the Spiral, Corruption, or Stranger than anything else. Oh, she’s still a supervillain/anti-hero depending on the day, but her origin story is of her mind being broken by the Joker’s abuse. That is either depressingly mundane, or being chewed up & spat out by one of those three Entities.)
I hadn’t thought much about most of the villains, but I am 100% with you on Ivy being an Avatar of the Extinction, and I can definitely see Croc as an Avatar of the Flesh. I’d throw in Hugo Strange as probably being at least aligned with the Spiral, and Pyg has definitely at the very least been marked by either the Spiral or Flesh (though I don’t know him well enough to say if he’s a full-blown Avatar or not.) If you only saw my first post, I also decided Talia & Ra’s are both aligned with the Web, though Talia values her own freedom enough I don’t think she’s a full Avatar. They’re the ones who helped Bruce find the Mother’s embrace. Damian was supposed to be a Web Avatar as well, but he’s just a little too desperate for love when nobody’s looking; his swarm is silk worms & moths, and he does manage to fake it for a while. If Joker’s an Avatar, it would either be the Stranger, Spiral or Slaughter, in my opinion, but I always like when experts of every kind take time to study Joker and are like, “Yeah, IDK WTF is going on with that guy, but I hate it.”
(Jason is an Avatar of the Desolation in my version, because the Slaughter is about the violence on as large a scale as possible while the Desolation is about the very personal aftermath. The Slaughter is War, where the Desolation is something taking out your entire life in one single night and leaving you behind to deal with it. Jason absolutely wants his targets to be scared of what will happen, what he’ll do to them, but in a “destroy everything you’ve ever worked for & drive away everyone you ever cared about” sort of way; not a “blow up an entire city block for no reason” sort of way. And given how much Jason cares about protecting innocents, he’s actually partially starving himself by not following through on complete Desolation the way people like Jude Perry do. Imagine if The Archivist (around s3) tore out the last page of a statement & threw it away without glancing at it before he started reading. That’s basically what Jason’s doing to himself.)
Some people in the DC universe, though, are just Like That(TM). Sure, it can be hard to tell supernatural trauma apart from genuine mental illness, but it’s still a superhero setting and some people are just little freaks (affectionate.)
Like, Oliver Queen? Just a little freak with a bow. Just a weirdo. Black Canary? Superpowers, but not of the Fear Entity induced kind. She’s just Like That(TM).
Speedsters? Oh honey, you better believe they’re all just Like That(TM). Anti-Avatars, if anything; those bastards basically became one with a potential aspect of the Vast and went “But what if I was just. Like. Nice about it? Or only mean in extremely specific, petty, personal ways? What if that?”
My main “outside of Gotham” thought is that Amazons are aware of the Entities. Primarily, they have to be very careful & monitor eachother for signs of potential influence of the Hunt, but they’re aware of others beyond it (though they might define the Entities along different lines thanks to cultural differences & all that; I don’t have any specifics, I just really like that headcanon that while certain fears are nearly universal, the way different cultures group & view them are going to be different. Like, if spiders are viewed as purely benevolent & good luck by the culture you were raised in, it’s very unlikely any capital-f Fear is going to have a spider motif. Smirke separated the Buried from the Vast, but aren’t they both primarily about being overwhelmed, about Too Much? At the bottom of the ocean, is there any difference? Why should other cultures draw that same line?) This created some tension with Batman at the start of the Justice League, as Diana knew even if he wasn’t lying when he swore to have the best intentions, Batman was still walking a razor’s edge; he could become a monster so very easily. On the other hand, it was a huge relief for Dick (who, again if you’ve only seen my first post, I’ve changed my mind on and decided he’s a Hunt Avatar) when he first met the other Titans and they all went over their powers, to have Donna realize what he was talking about and promise to stop him if he ever lost control. A promise she has actually had to follow through on a few times, when a villain got into their heads and pushed Dick too far; he sleeps better at night knowing Donna is both willing & able to wrestle him to the ground and keep him from hurting anyone, even when Dick’s gone full-feral.
(The tag for this AU on my blog is "tma crossover," if you wanna check out the... everything I have for it.)
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just-an-enby-lemon · 11 months
I don't think all of them fit as avatars and tbh I think Crane would want to be all of them but I think Riddler would be an avatar of the Eye, Joker would no doubts be an avatar of the Desolation (meaningless violence might look like Slaughter but Joker wants to take and burn all, he prays on what matters most), Clayface would either be of either The Spiral or the Stranger, Killer Croc is an avatar of The Flesh, Jervis is of the Web and this are the ones I thought.
Batman would be either of the Eye or the Hunt. I think the Eye because of the murder involved in the hunt although I think he does feel the pull of the hunt when out there beihg a vigilante. Also Red Hood is totaly an avatar of the hunt.
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squidult · 4 years
what tma fears would batman characters align with?
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arabian-batboy · 2 years
I completely agree with you on that DC should give back Deathstroke to Dick, Batman already has more than enough iconic villains
Also I was wondering what other villain would you want to be a part of Nightwing's rouge gallery?
Yeah definitely, Deathstroke is one of DC's most popular villains, if they really wanted to push Nightwing as his own Superhero then the least they can do is give him an antagonist as iconic as Deathstroke, it's also completely unfair how Batman got Slade on a sliver platter when they only reason Slade became so popular in the first place is thanks to all the stories of him fighting against Dick/his generation of the Teen Titans.
Aside from that (and this might shook some people), I think the Court of Owls should also be turned into mainly-Nightwing's villains, because really over the years the CoW had more personal connections to Dick than Bruce. From his grandfather being a Talon (they should bring him back as a recurring villain btw) to Dick himself almost being a Talon, to his childhood friend Saiko (he should get a new costume/name and also be a recurring villain) being turned into a Talon by the CoW in Dick's place after he got adopted by Bruce and Haly’s Circus being created by the CoW to secretly train children and the whole "The Gray Son Prophecy" plotline all make the Court of Owls more suitable to be Nightwing's villains than Batman.
Aside from that, I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't read as much solo Nightwing comics as I do to with other characters, so I'm afraid I don't know how much potentials his already-existing villains have, but I did mention Saiko, I like how he’s connected to both Dick and the Court of Owls, but I really want them to give him a more interesting costume because right now he looks like a random goon and maybe flesh out his and Dick’s history even more, like maybe he can be anti-hero/anti-villain that still has a soft spot for Dick from time to time (when he's not trying to hunt him down)
This might sound really vain, but I really think a big reason as to why not many people care about Nightwing's villains is because half the reason why popular villains are popular in the first place is because of their aesthetic alone (Megamind said it himself "the difference between a villain and a super-villain is presentation!") and most of Nightwing's villains look basic, lets be real.
Like I said I don't read that much Nightwing's comics, but to me when it comes to looks alone, I think characters like maybe Flamingo and Tusk should be pushed more as Nightwing’s villains? Mostly because I think their designs and names are far more memorable than any of his other enemies.
We don’t really have any villains in DC that are dressed as a bullfighter nor do we have any (male) villains that have pink as their main theme, so I feel like Falmingo has the potential to be the equivalent to the Riddler in Nightwing’s rouge gallery and Tusk is literally an Elephant-man metahuman? Just recton out his death and make him Nightwing’s Killer Croc (which is funny because I’m sure his good friends with Killer Croc, maybe we can see them teaming-up together?) not to mention that he was the first criminal Dick arrested as Robin and till this day Tusk has a personal grudge against all Robins because of that.
There's also Deathwing who can be his version of Man-bat (a wicked inverse version of the superhero) and honestly? I might not even mind them re-introducing Tarantula as a new anti-hero, as long as she doesn't have anything to do with the former Tarantula or THAT storyline, but she needs to have a proper spider-like costume tho.
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Same info as in the previous post, but now in text form
This is dated 4/13/14 - Asbury Park Comic Con (NJ). J3 - Batwoman plot lines #25-30: Killer Croc: He gets his girlfriend from the sideshow pregnant. They both go to visit her family, who live on an island. The entire family is shapeshifters who can shift on command. They tell Croc he should be able to but he cannot for whatever reason (he's a bit dense and Killer Croc-like?). That's in keeping with his character/personality. He later gets angry and goes off per usual and does something stupid/off the cuff, killing his gf's entire family. He leaves his gf alive but imprisoned so she can bear his children. She lays eggs (like a croc would), hatching his many children, and produces an army of crocs with Killer Croc as their leader. He then becomes KING Croc. He would have then attacked Gotham with an army of his offspring (croc men). The one-shot during villains month would have been Son of Croc (starring one of his children). """""""""""" Alice - 2 part story inside Alice's head: would have been done by Bill Sinkewiecz, who was already on board and lined up to do the issues. Kate is trying to help/reach out to Beth as herself, not Batwoman. We then see inside Beth's head: Alice is an oversized figure. Beth and Kate are normal sized figures. Note: since Alice and Beth are separate figures, it's obvious that Beth has had a psychotic break. Beth is a child again, and Kate is her adult self who protects child Beth from giant Alice as they are being chased /hunted by Alice. J3 had an entire scene scripted with them in a murky and dark basement, running through furnace rooms, etc. Eventually in a later scene, a giant Alice head comes up out of the ground and gulps/swallows up Beth whole/in her entirety, which is very symbolic. It'd be evident at this point to even the ordinary reader, who hadn't picked up on the visual clues scattered earlier throughout the story, that Beth's personality is gone and been completely subsumed by Alice. Later scene: Maggie goes home to her penthouse apartment which she, of course, shares with Kate. Mags finds Alice in Kate's Batwoman costume with Alice playing with the Batwoman mask in her hands. Maggie asks her (thinking she's Beth) what she's doing as she's not allowed to be there. Alice replies something akin to "Beth who? There's no Beth here. I'm Alice." """""""""" J3 would have fleshed out the relationships between Alice and Bones, as well as Chase and Bones. Chase would discover something about Bones, which would have led Chase to make a life-altering/career-altering decision. In addition, the plan was to have Kate and Mags have a long/lengthy engagement as they'd both have trust issues to work out.
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