horce-divorce · 2 years
if you're lgbt (esp if you're trans) and you want to defend blood libel: the official video game of transphobes everywhere, and/or you think that the rest of us Mean Trannies are being "bad ambassadors" / "creating more transphobes" by merely expressing just how fed up we are rn?
first of all, NO ONE said you couldn't do that, babes. your choices say far more about your moral fiber than i ever could, and you're the one who has to live with that decision, NOT me. god fucking bless.
two, as much as you're allowed to play the game and say whatever you want about jkr? I am ALSO allowed to opine in a way you may find displeasing, and here's my latest Spicy Hot Fucking Take:
I did not stay in the closet for FIFTEEN YEARS to be told by OTHER TRANS PEOPLE that I might as well have just stayed there if my presence is gonna make CIS PPL uncomfortable.
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Okay cus I can here's little explanations for why each song in the Bill playlist is in the Bill playlist as of today (i change it a lot).
Razzle Dazzle- song about tricking people via showbiz. Specifically making them trust you. That's all he does.
Birdhouse in Your Soul- 'ahaha you can trust me ahahha :] or can you >:]'
Hip to Be Square- Patrick Bateman. Also it's about how cool it is to conform.
Dancing Queen- The ABBA songs are on here cus I think he'd like them. Dancing Queen is his favourite.
Winner Takes it All- Also an ABBA song but it's got some Bill themeing to it like you kinda gotta play dirty to get what you want cus the world is unfair.
Can't Decide- I remember.... 2014.....
I'm Gonna Win- Spiritual successor to Can't Decide in my head. All about how this guy's never gonna give up ever. Bill literally refuses to die out of spite multiple times.
Talking in Your Sleep- Movie song. It also goes hard.
My Way- Asshole anthem and another song he'd probably like irl.
Lifetime Achievement Award- This one is more Vanny singing AT him but yeh, get revived by an obsessive fan, idiot.
Run, Rabbit, Run- Bnunny :]
Science Fiction/Double Feature- He's a freaky sci-fi guy (this is kinda a compromise for Sweet Transvestite cus I don't have the BALLS to put that in the William Afton playlist sadly).
Feed My Ego- About relationships being for his benifit only. Wonderful.
Icicles- Mostly here cus Henry is the song that leads into this one on the album. It's got the whole motif of taking people out with you though which Bill totally does.
As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It- He's a suburban dad.
Do It All The Time- Mostly here cus of the robotic beep boops and general aura of world domination.
Ruler of Everything- DO YOU LIKE HOW I-
Kiss Me, Son of God- Bill has weird religious themeing and also he SUCKS.
dancing around in circles until my little feet fall off- CLOWN MUSIC.
We'll Meet Again- He... he always comes back....
Waterloo- About loving losing a fight. Brilliant.
It's Only A Paper Moon- Another song he'd like IRL but it's also about believing something so hard it becomes true. It's also an important part of A Streetcar Named Desire which is a play I think he enjoys.
The Snake- Literally that one Candy Cadet story in song form and it goes hard.
Make of This What You Will- Mostly just the vibes are correct with this one I think.
AD INFINITUM- He's not beating the Spampton allegations. It was either this or I straight up just put Big Shot in here.
Under My Skin- Makes me think of remnant and loss of identity.
well, better than the alternative...- He's a suburban mum. Next to Razzle Dazzle this is the most Bill song. There's even a rabbit reference in the first verse.
VIRUS- aaoaugh the bunny is malware in myyy commpurter..
Mx.Sinister- He's a little obsessive maybe a little.
2econd 2ight 2eer (that was fun, goodbye.)- Lots of lines in this one just scream Bill at me till I start dancing soz.
Noel's Lament- Bill would fantasise about being a 20s French sex-worker I think that's in character.
Something Something Lake- This is how I conseptualise UCN.
Fairytale of New York- His ex-wife calls him a fag.
Murder on the Dancefloor- Goes hard. Also he kills people.
I/Me/Myself- Fucking.... transgender.
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nerdby · 1 year
The Loki season two trailer dropped today. Judging from the trailer, the series seems to be leaning more into the series' horror elements. I'm basing that largely on the soundtrack because I have not met a single person that isn't creeped the fuck out by theremin music, myself included. That being said this is definitely your typical horror story. It falls into the social horror genre, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite subgenres.
Social horror is a newly emerging genre of horror that examines all of the fucked shit that we as a society allow to take place simply because the mainstream says that it's ok.
In the case of the Loki series that is allowing one person to take the fall for crimes that he didn't even do and also hunting down and murdering someone simply cause they're transgender. And I know that not everyone headcannons Sylvie as trans and for those of you who don't, I have a question for you:
If Sylvie isn't trans and was simply born female, then why didn't the TVA come for her as an infant? Why would they wait until she was a child capable of complex magic and, ya know, running away?
Just a little something to think about.
It does seem as though Sylvie's story is taking the back burner in season two. Or that's how it seems in this trailer. She didn't exactly turn out to be a fan favorite among stalkerish Hiddlestoners who can't stand to see Tom have a love life even if it's an imaginary one. Or among biphobic assholes who insist that being a straight-passing relationship negates a bisexual's queerness. So it would make sense if Sylvie got less screen time, but she was also a huge part of the season one story arc.
I, personally, thought it was nice that Loki had someone who didn't exist simply to remind him of what a terrible person he was simply for existing. But it's like I said their kiss didn't really eek me out as much as it did other people cause I guess I'm desensitized. Desensitization is what happens when you watch A LOT of horror movies over a long period of time. Or when you just live through so much fucked up shit that you just stop caring.
I do have a line, though, and I don't go out of my way to read about incest and shit like that. Like there's this book called All The Ugly & Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood that I absolutely refuse to read because the plot is basically that this girl's life is so fucked up that the only good thing she has is an incestous relationship with her brother or someone. That's just fucking torture porn, ok? It's disgusting. But the whole incest/self-cest trope also plays into the social horror thing cause that happens quite often in horror stories.
Cause usually when characters end up in a consensual incestous relationship it's because they've bonded over shared trauma and are kept so isolated both socially and psychically.....That I guess it starts to feel like it's impossible for someone other than this sibling or whoever to love and understand them.
It's not meant to be sexy or funny. It's meant to be tragic. And like you think you might be some desensitizing yourself I highly recommend--
Vampire Knight by Matsuri Hino
Flowers In The Attic by V.C. Andrews
Bates Motel tv series
Vampire Knight also exists as an anime, but I don't think the complete series was ever put to film. So if you wanna know how it ends then you need to read the manga. Flowers In The Attic is also a movie and you definitely want the 1987 version if you decide to watch it. Here's the trailer--
The movie is (or was) available to stream for free on Tubi.
And Bates Motel is a TV series that depicts a prequel to Robert Bloch's classic horror novel Psycho. The novel was adapted as a movie by Alfred Hitchcock whose well-known for putting horror movies on the map with his film, The Birds. Bates Motel stars Freddie Highmore and my favorite scream queen, Vera Farmiga who you may know from the Conjuringverse movies that depict the work of famed paranormal investigators (and con-artists) Ed and Lorraine Warren. Here's the trailer for that, too--
If you guys think some of these are too much for you to handle or that they're too triggering, I recommend looking up reaction videos and embracing schadenfreude because I can promise you if the person watching is a first time viewer.......Well, the first time I watched Bates Motel I was pretty much making this face the entire time--
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So yeah.
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stray-kids-react · 3 years
Trans s/o
Bang Chan
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° Was dating you before you came out to him, you were fully prepared for him to leave you. But to your surprise, Chan stayed with you and even encouraged you to get an appointment early for your transition.
° Will help you take your medication to help with the process, and if you get dizzy from it he will gladly pick you up and carry you to bed. He's a true gentleman, so he'll probably carry you to bed even if you aren't dizzy or tired.
° Helps you pick your new name, always finding the cutest ones or the most random ones. Like Flossy/Tangerine, but he tries he truly does. But at the end of the day you make the final call, and he respects that 110%.
"You're going to have to find a name that goes with Bang as a last name."
"That's why I'm not going with the names you picked out."
Lee Know
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° Had a crush on you ever since you started working as a stylist, and he had absolutely no clue that you were transgender until he revealed his crush and someone told him that you were. He honestly didn't care that you were.
° Minho found it rude how the staff member that told him found him weird for still liking you, as if it is weird to like someone who is transgender. He wasn't interested in the staff member or considered them a friend, so why do they care?
° Soon realized that thier opinions of your transition wasn't just kept private and that they would harass you about it. So he went to JYP to try and at least make it so you were further away from her. But JYP genuinely didn't help.
"I'm just saying, it's weird since they aren't actually a-"
"It's weirder that you care so much, do you not have a life?"
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° Was your best friend before you started dating, he saw you transition and the struggles you went through in high school when the teachers would call you by your old name even though you constantly insisted to go by your new one.
° When you started dating, it never dialed to amaze him by how ignorant people can be. As if they think he doesn't know that his lover of 3 years is transgender. He knows, and he loves you no matter what.
° The last straw was when he was on a special interview with Jessi where she invited different idols. One of the being Siwon from suju, who is known to not be overly supportive of the lgbtq+ community. Which made Changbin upset.
"How can you date someone who is faking-"
"They aren't faking, if anything you are the fake one for putting on this nice guy act when you're really an asshole."
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° Will spoil you with any transgender items he can get, cute pikachu with the transgender colors? Bought. Pins? Bought. Flags? Ordered. Cakes? Already in the oven. You reassure him that he doesn't have to spoil you, but he wants to.
° Won't gush over your baby photos or hang them up if you are uncomfortable with looking at them, instead he'll gush over your current photos and hang up recent couple photos of the two of you. He even has a wedding collage ready.
° He can be dramatic, in a good way. So when you are being harsh on yourself saying you still look too much like a boy/girl. He will stand you infront of a mirror and tell you everything that's manly/feminine about you.
"You're my precious lil bean, don't be hard on yourself."
"Hyunjin, your ruining my foundation with you kisses *giggles*."
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° He had a crush on you for ages, you were Hyunjin's best friend and he met you through Hyunjin. Jisung grew fond of you after only a week of chatting to you, everyone noticed how blushy and mushy he got around you.
° Hyunjin never told him you were Trans because he thought you had already told Jisung yourself, but you didn't since you thought Hyunjin told him. This led to a semi confused Jisung when you were going through old photos.
° He didn't mind and still found you attractive, he was just surprised to see you in your old photos. You looked so uncomfortable in them and didn't look like yourself at all, he was honestly glad you came out of the closet.
"You look just as gorgeous and confident as you do back then."
"Can you not flirt with y/n when I'm right here?"
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(I just want to ruffle his hair istg.)
° So proud of you when you come out to him, he cries so much that you are worried he is sad. But it's actually happy tears, because he's always had a suspicion for the last four months that something was off with you.
° Won't stop clinging onto you after you get the surgery done, he's just a smiley ball of fluffiness the whole time because he is so happy for you. But if you ask him for anything cause your sore or don't feel well, he's up and doing it in a flash.
° Felix is the type who wouldn't care about gender or sexuality, as long as they are interested in him and have a good personality then he would love them endlessly. So you will blush often from the way he gazes at you like you're his universe.
"God, I'm the luckiest man alive to be with you. You're so perfect, now let me snuggle you."
"You're so cheesy sometimes, you're lucky you're cute and can pull it off."
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° When you came out to him and your family, he was surprised but still loved you just as much. He didn't think it should effect the way someone feels about you, but apparently your parents had different opinions on the matter.
° One week later and you had the last of your boxes in Seungmin's dorm. Your parents gave you one week to move out, not wanting someone part of the community to live under there household and be seen by their friends.
° You would be lying if you said it didn't hurt, it did you sobbed every night. But as long as Seungmin was beside you, everything was going to be okay. You don't know what you would've done without him, you felt lucky that way.
"I can't believe they are ashamed of me."
"It's there loss, you're the best person on this planet. Skz and I are happy to have you."
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° Jeongin was your ex boyfriend's best friend, he watched you get cheated on and verbally abused by his so called "friend". The last straw for him was when you came out and all your boyfriend did was scoff and dump you on the spot.
° Jeongin pretty much took you under his wing and babied you until you were over that asshole. He even deleted his contact and phone number from his phone, realizing how bad he was when he saw how he treated you.
° 5 months later and you and Jeongin are happily dating, and making you feel like the royalty he sees you as. You both never heard from your ex ever since that day, but when Jeongin took you to a grocery store to get some snacks. You both bumped into him.
"So I see you're getting my sloppy seconds."
"You're the only sloppy one here dumbass."
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Move on
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Bisexual!Plus size reader
Warning(s): smut, 18+ only, cussing
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“O-Oh she’s already in your room?” you questioned perplexed while clinging onto your water bottle, the nasty emotions of jealousy and bitterness coursing through your body as Bucky gave you an awkward nod, his metal hand rubbing his other arm. His eyes quickly scanned you from head to toe and you knew that he was trying to read you, so in an instance you cleared your throat loudly and placed the bottle of water on the counter.
“Okay, have fun. Just don’t be too loud” you politely requested and forced a small smile, hating the way you were feeling. “Thanks and I will” the super soldier promised and then turned on his heel, leaving the kitchen area and going back to his room. Once he was out of sight, you clenched your eyes shut and let out a string of cuss words. You didn’t know that sharing your apartment with your now ex-boyfriend would be so unpleasant.
The two of you had broken up a few weeks ago due to the constant arguing, the love you once used to feel for one another had somehow vanished and instead had been replaced with pure dislike for one another. The break-up was a nasty one too: some disgusting words had been thrown in your faces and doors had been broken from being slammed so hard. You had planned on moving out, not caring that the apartment had been purchased by both of you. You just needed to heal from this emotionally traumatic event but fate had another plan for you: the pandemic happened.
Moving away was impossible so you were stuck with Bucky who currently was dealing with the breakup in his own (and stupid) way: sleeping with any woman he encountered when leaving the apartment. This really was the worst time for you because despite being heartbroken, you couldn’t just get over a four year relationship in a span of a few weeks. You still loved Bucky despite the way you had ended things with him. So, having to hear him fuck a stranger’s brain out on the daily wasn’t helping you at all.
“Oh shit” you hissed to yourself when noticing you had zoned out and had lost a few minutes. The jealousy and bitterness was now cooling down as you made your way to your own room, remembering that you had to prepare yourself for your date. 
Yes, that was correct.
You had downloaded a few dating apps as you couldn’t sit in the apartment 24/7 and mourn the failed relationship while Bucky was getting his dick wet every single day. After creating your profile, you had set your settings on women only. The few profiles you had looked at were very interesting and the women were super nice. 
There were no thirsty comments, no creepy attempts at getting some nudes out of you or stupid and cheesy pick up lines that would leave you cringing to the max. After days of meeting and talking to this pretty transgender woman named Lisa, you were actually excited to leave the haunted apartment and get to know her. You didn’t have any solid intentions for the date, you just wanted to get out and interact with someone.
So, with a soft sigh you started to pick out an outfit and get ready to take a shower.
“Oh fuck” you moaned when Lisa growled while leaving sensual kisses up and down your neck, her soft hands gently cupping the rolls on your stomach, her leg resting in between your spread ones and giving you just enough friction to leave you craving for more. You bit your lip when she let out a soft chuckle, loving how she had you like pudding in her hands. 
The date had gone very well, the chemistry in between you two was amazing and the good vibes just radiating off of you. Lisa had just gone through her own messy breakup and was relieved to have found someone who was able to relate to her. She was in awe of your beauty and unique personality and immediately had requested to take you out on a few more dates, to which you had happily agreed to. 
When she had walked you to the door to your apartment, she had leaned in and gently asked to kiss you. The second your lips had met each other, they melted into one and the next thing you knew, you were passionately kissing each other while making your way to your room. You were so wrapped into the exciting and lustful situation that you hadn’t even bothered to acknowledge Bucky leaving his room and shooting daggers at your date as he felt a pang of jealousy rush through his body.
“Can I take your shirt off?” Lisa gently asked to which you eagerly nodded your head before helping her remove your shirt. The hookup wasn’t planned but nonetheless, you were happy because you were in awe of this amazing woman. All you wanted to do was to feel her naked body against yours and bring the two of you to the all delicate climax.
“You’re so beautiful” she gushed when your bra had been thrown into a random corner of the room and your breasts were exposed to her greedy eyes. You smiled and removed her shirt before running your hands up and down her naked chest, your fingers teasing her hard nipples while the wetness gathered in your panties. 
Lisa squealed in surprise when you took control and rolled her on her back on the mattress, your thick legs resting on either side of her waist. You leaned down and pressed your lips against hers, your hand sliding down her stomach and into her pants. “Mhm…” you moaned once you felt her drenched sex against your hand, her wetness coating your fingers while you starting to softly rub her swollen clit.
“Yes!” Lisa moaned out and arched her back, giving you all the space to appreciate her smooth and elegant neck with your lips. You went straight to work and increased the movements of your hand, loving the pleasure you were giving your date. You grinded your hips against hers and let out a few moans as the material of your pants gave you the perfect amount of friction against your clit.
Bucky’s voice came booming from the other side of the door, his loud knocks echoed through your room seconds later while you quickly got off Lisa and made sure that her naked was covered before snatching your shirt from the floor and throwing it back on. “What?!” you yelled once you opened the door and met your angry ex-boyfriend. He was panting in fury while glaring at you, then at Lisa who was now underneath the covers and awkwardly staring back at him.
“I want you back. Tell your date to leave so that we can talk our issues through and stop acting like idiots”.
Your eyes fluttered in surprise as you stared dumbfoundedly at your ex. The nerve this man had to not only interrupt your evening, but to also have the audacity to suddenly claim to wanting you back. You stepped out of your room and closed the door and let out an angry chuckle before glaring at Bucky.
“Who the fuck do you think you are, telling me what to do?! We broke up because we are dysfunctional and not compatible. And you have some fucking nerves to rudely interrupt my date, acting all jealous and possessive while you’ve been busy fucking every SINGLE woman in the city!”.
Bucky hadn’t been prepared for this confrontation and shamefully stared down at his feet as he finally realized how much of an asshole he had been. The breakup had left him hurting too but the super soldier decided to choose the wrong coping mechanisms. Truth was that he still loved you and to witness that anyone could just swoop in and take you away from him had left him afraid and anxious.
“I’m packing my things and am moving in with a friend tomorrow morning. This shit show can’t continue. Goodbye”  you hissed before turning on your heel and entering your room again. You had expected Lisa to have gotten dressed and voiced her discomfort of the whole situation before asking to leave, so seeing her lying completely naked on the bed and waiting for you had you let out a pleased sigh.
“I know that you’re hurting. I am too. And I’m not expecting anything from you, but I want to help you forget about this whole mess for a while and after that I’ll help you pack your belongings. Is that okay?” Lisa explained, her eyes holding nothing but truth in them. “I’d love that” you smiled while slipping out of your clothes, appreciating the naked woman lying on your bed. She giggled when you joined her and immediately captured her lips in a sensual kiss while your hands roamed all over each other’s bodies. You didn’t know how things would work out once you’d move out, but you knew that you’d get over Bucky and heal from this.
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Tag list: @jamesbarnesappreciationclubub  l @pleasantdreamqueen l @disneymarina l l @harleycativy  l @sparklemichele l @melaninmarvel l @amethyst09 l @the-force-of-imagines l @bossyboyd03 l @pebblesz892 l @stars8melanin l @brittyevans l @toc1985 l @janeyboo l @badassbaker l @winters-beauty l @cannonindeez  l @ilovefanfic86  l @adorablespecialsnowflakes l @brittanyovens l @kanupps06 l @jazmynejack l @thebookwormslytherin l @theunsweetenedtruth l @talannalew l @littlexmissxfandomxlover l @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes l @crimsonash330 l @booklover2929 l @aranelgrey l @panda-duuu l @thisismysecrethappyplace  l @titty-teetee l @honey-anon l @princess-evans-addict l @hp-hogwartsexpress l @malindacath  l @letsdisneythings l @scorpionchild81 l @shado-raven l @alisoncdariel l @plutoneu l  @queenoftheworldisdead l @briannab1234l @miyaeadys-blog l @thenamelesscorpse2185 l @hihellogoodbyebruh l @nackrosor l @nerdgurl1985 l @2darkskinbeauty l @bugngiz l @african-melanin-goddess l @barnes-wilson-love l @ktiz90 l @let-the-love-in l @forlornfortitude l @robinredboob l @hopefuloperaangelnerd l @kola95 l @partypoison00 l @alwaysadreamingoptimist l @reniescarlett l @g0thicdream l @mayasopinions l @captaintightpants58 l @leillee
-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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cestlestial-beings · 3 years
like that
Summary: Three times Sam and Dean have sex: 1. Dean visits Sam at Stanford and they find out they feel the same way about each other; 2. Sam confesses to Dean that he's a man, and Dean does his best to ease Sam's worries; 3. Years into Sam's transition, Dean enjoys Sam's masculine traits.
Fandom: Supernatural Characters: FTM!Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester Pairing: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester Word Count: 4600 AO3: Link
Thanks to @jackklineisperfect for beta reading :) Any errors you find are my own.
Pronouns are based on Dean's perception, not Sam's identity.
Part 1/Stanford Sam looks like this.
More notes on physical transition for transgender men are included in the end notes on AO3.
Full Fic:
The First Time with Her
Dean fell in love with Sam when she was sixteen. One day, it just clicked. She was beautiful.
He would never act on it. She was four years younger than him, and they were siblings.
But every time he hooked up with someone else, he thought about her.
* * *
Dean visits Sam a couple of days before her birthday, two years into her time at Stanford.
He has no idea how she’s going to take it—they’d had enough angry arguments over the phone during Sam’s first six months that they haven’t spoken to each other in more than a year, despite how much Dean has wanted to—but here he is, in front of Sam’s apartment building, pacing back and forth on the sidewalk.
Finally the front door to the building opens, and Dean sees her.
His breath catches. She’s embraced her feminine side since she’s come to Stanford. She’s wearing a fitted t-shirt and shorts that show off her long legs instead of the too-loose hoodie and jeans of her high school days; she has a wavy, shoulder-length hairstyle and bangs instead of a choppy, done-at-home haircut; and she has just a hint of makeup on—light eyeliner and lipgloss. She looks nothing like the frumpy, tomboyish girl she’d been when Dean saw her last.
“You’ve been standing out here for two hours. Are you just gonna stand there looking like a stalker, or are you coming to come in?”
He ducks his head and jogs up the steps to the door. Right back into her sass, before even a hello.
“You look so grown up, Sammy,” he says, as she walks him up the stairs to her apartment.
Sam smiles shyly. “My friends are really insistent on helping me with my style.”
No kidding. Dean’s never seen her look so much like a girl.
She leaves the stairwell at the third floor and stops at a door about halfway down the hall, then turns to him.
“Dean, why are you here?” she finally asks.
He gives her a wavering smile. “I wanted to surprise you for your birthday, Sammy.” He knows that doesn’t answer her question, so he sighs and adds, “I know I gave you a lot of crap for leaving me and Dad behind, but…” He shrugs. “I miss you. I’ll accept your decision if it means you’ll be in my life.”
“Awwww. That’s so cute.”
“Shut up,” he says, rolling his eyes. All grown up and yet still the annoying little sibling.
And then she smiles, and it lights up her whole face. His heart melts, and he hates himself for it.
She pulls him into a hug. “I really missed you too, Dean.”
* * *
Sam introduces Dean to her roommates as “an old friend” which strikes Dean as strange, but he rolls with it. She grabs her stuff and they go out for burgers, talking about everything except what Sam left behind. The conversation is so natural, it’s almost as if the two-year gap since they last saw each other hadn’t happened at all.
Dean gives her a gift (a small stack of classic movies he knows she hasn’t seen but should) and buys her a milkshake. He sticks a candle he’d brought with him into the top of the milkshake and lights it, and Sam laughs when an employee comes over to tell them to put it out because it’s a fire hazard. As it gets dark, Sam takes Dean on a walk around the Stanford campus, pointing out certain landmarks as they go.
It’s almost ten at night when they get back to Sam’s apartment building. They stop in front of the building, and it feels like the end of a date, neither of them sure where to go from here. Something shifted in their relationship since they’d seen each other last; there was a new, unexplored dimension to it that hung heavy in the air between them.
“Where are you staying?” Sam asks him.
Dean points to the Impala, parked across the street. “That’s my room for the night.”
Sam rolls her eyes. “Come on,” she says, already headed inside.
“Won’t your roommates mind?”
“No,” she says. “They have boys over often enough, I don’t think they’ll care.” Dean feels his cheeks start to burn, and he can see Sam start to blush at the careless comparison as well. “You know what I mean!” she says, elbowing him hard in the ribs.
Sam lays a futon out on the floor for him and gives him a stack of sheets before leaving to go through her bedtime routine. He sets up, feeling nostalgic for when they shared rooms as kids. You have to sleep on the floor because you’re younger, Dean would say after setting up the bedding on the ground, and Sam would throw a fit but finally give in, and ultimately Dean would give her the bed because he felt guilty.
Dean looks around the room, running his fingers along the back of the spines of textbooks and picking up picture frames with photos of Sam and people Dean doesn’t know.
Sam finally comes back into the room, dressed in plaid pajama pants and a loose AC/DC t-shirt. She’s so gorgeous that Dean loses his breath for a moment.
“Hey,” she says, shutting the door behind her, and it’s a little awkward now, since they’re alone, awkward like it hasn’t been all night. She bites her lip and pauses like she’s going to say something. It takes her a moment but she finally says, “There’s something I feel like I should tell you.”
“Hm.” He’s completely still, waiting for what she’s going to say.
She takes a deep breath. “Part of the reason I left was to get away from you.”
It feels like a punch in the gut, and he turns away.
“No, Dean, I…” She runs a hand through her hair. “I wanted you in a way that I wasn’t supposed to, so I ran. I ran because I was guilty, and scared. I just thought you should know, before you leave again. So you can know not to come back.”
Dean’s breath stops completely as he takes in her words.
She forces a laugh. “God, it was a mistake inviting you up here tonight when—”
He cuts her off with a kiss. She’s surprised but leans into it almost immediately, the tension melting out of her body. He thought this would feel worse. He thought this would feel gross, and predatory, and wrong. But he can tell how badly she wants him, so it just feels good.
He pulls back, just a little. “I want you too,” he says. “In a way that I’m not supposed to.”
She lets out a short, giddy laugh, and pulls him back in for a kiss.
He sits down on the bed and pulls her onto his lap, their mouths never leaving each other’s. His hand slips up under her shirt to cup her breast, and he’s surprised to note she’s still wearing a snug-fitting sports bra, even in her nightwear. She leans away from him and pushes his hand down.
“You don’t want to…?” he starts to say.
“No, I do. You can touch me anywhere but there.”
He doesn’t really understand but he doesn’t mind because there’s so much more of Sam to explore. He lets his hands roam down her back, across her belly, around the firm curve of her ass. He pulls her shirt off of her and helps her slide out of her pants and she’s here, bare in front of him in just her underwear and so, so beautiful.
“Are you sure?” he whispers, and she nods, hungry. “Okay.”
He flips her over onto her back and takes a moment to pull off his own clothes. He feels self-conscious in a way he’s never been with other girls as he undresses in front of her. When his clothes are off, he crawls over to look down at her. Her eyes are sparkling and happy, the corner of her mouth just barely pulled up in a smile.
“You’re beautiful,” he breathes, and now she does smile, fully.
He presses kisses down along her body, along her collarbone and arms and stomach—careful to skip over her still-covered chest, like she asked—and he pulls down her panties, down and off (lacy pink doesn’t seem like Sam’s style, but the thought only registers in his head for a moment).
He kisses her lower stomach, and he feels her gasp lightly, goosebumps rising on her skin. He pushes her legs apart for access and slides his tongue along her folds and up to her clit. She’s wet already.
“Dean,” she moans, and the sound runs straight through him to his rapidly hardening dick. She buries a hand in his hair while his tongue swirls around her clit. She tugs his hair a little bit. “Dean, I want you inside me.”
He slides back up and kisses the corner of her mouth. “Sure, baby.”
“Condoms in the second drawer,” she says, pointing to the nightstand.
He opens the drawer and rifles through it. There’s a couple of dildos, a vibrator, several sizes of butt plugs. “Sammy, you naughty girl. Playing with yourself, huh?”
Her face is in the shadow of his body, but he can still see her blush. She slaps his arm. “Just get the condom, asshole.”
He obeys. Fishes one out, tears open the packaging, slides it on. When he looks back at her, her lips are parted just slightly, her eyes hooded with desire. Fuck, she’s beautiful. She’s everything he’s ever wanted.
He lines himself up with her hole and she uses her hand to help guide him in. He pushes in and she gasps, pressing her head back into the pillow and squeezing her eyes shut. He slides in slow, letting her adjust to his presence inside her. She’s tight and warm and it feels so good it’s almost overwhelming.
Dean stops when he’s all the way in.
She opens her eyes and meets his, bringing up her hand to rest on the side of his face. “This is pretty fucked up, huh?”
Yeah, he wants to say. There’s a part of him insistently reminding him that it’s not too late to stop, to put things back to the way they were. To make their relationship be that of siblings, not whatever the fuck this is.
But he wants this and Sam wants this and he doesn’t want her to feel like a freak for her desires, so he says, “Less fucked up than everything else about our lives,” and she laughs softly before pulling him down for another kiss.
Sam keeps him close as he rocks into her, slow and sensual, and sometimes when he hits just the right spot, she’ll moan against his lips. Their bodies move together with a familiarity that only comes from having known each other their entire lives, though they’ve never known each other like this.
She comes with a moan, and the feeling of Sam clenching around him pushes him over the edge a few seconds later.
“Fuck, Sam,” he says, the pleasure washing over him in waves.
“Dean,” she says, and, breathing hard, she takes his face in both of her hands, watching the pleasure on his face with a satisfied smile.
He pulls out and flops down next to her, lying on his side so he can watch her catch her breath.
She brushes a lock of sweaty hair out of her face and rolls to face him as well. She grins. “God, you’re hot.”
“I know,” he says, and she rolls her eyes. He leans in close and kisses her forehead, the way he’s done since she was a little kid. He thought it would feel weird, a gesture of an older sibling right after sex, but it just feels natural. Like the physical intimacy they’d just shared was simply an extension of the emotional intimacy they’ve had their entire lives.
“Hey,” she says, running her fingers along Dean’s cheek. “I don’t have class tomorrow morning.”
“So you can keep me up tonight,” she says, and she winks at him, an awkward wink closer to a blink, and he laughs at her attempt to be sexy. Her cheeks turn red, but she scowls at him. So cute.
“Okay, I’ll keep you up tonight,” he says, giving her a quick kiss.
And he does, but they spend more time talking than fucking, and he’s so content. He could stay here forever.
* * *
Dean doesn’t call for a year, even though he knows he should. But what is he supposed to say, after a night like that with his own sister?
Finally he works up the nerve.
It’s a short conversation.
Sam is in a committed relationship now. She’s trying harder than ever to distance herself from her past, and Dean doesn’t fit into her new life.
It shouldn’t hurt like it does. Dean is the one who’d put space between them, and she was going to move on eventually. But he still feels hollow, and he doesn’t call her again.
The First Time with Him
Sam is having a breakdown in the motel bathroom and Dean doesn’t know what to do. Dean thinks she was set off by meeting Dean’s old flame Cassie, and Dean doesn’t know how many more times he can assure Sam that Cassie isn’t the one he’s in love with anymore, that Sam is the only person he has eyes for.
“That’s not it,” Sam said, but wouldn’t elaborate any more than that.
“Come on, Sam, just talk to me,” he says, resting his head against the bathroom door. “Please.”
“Give me some space, okay?” she says again.
He sighs, but there’s not much he can do, so he goes out and gets a couple of burgers and comes back. When he enters the motel room, Sam is sitting on the bed in a huge, oversize hoodie and a loose pair of Dean’s jeans, staring at the wall. It’s almost impossible to make out any of her form beneath the clothes. She’s been dressing in super loose, baggy clothes like that more often than not lately, and Dean doesn’t understand.
“Food,” he says.
Sam begrudgingly gets up and sits down at the motel room’s table, helping herself to one of the burgers. She munches on it silently, her red, puffy eyes carefully avoiding Dean’s.
She’d been so much more masculine by the time Dean had broken into her apartment to tell her Dad was missing. Away from her feminine attire and presentation she’d had the previous time they’d met, and back to a short, boyish haircut and masculine outfits that hid her curves. Anyone would see her as a guy at first glance, and probably at second glance too. I just feel more comfortable like this, she’d said, and then it turned out her committed relationship was with a woman. Dean was shocked. Had Sam really been a butch lesbian this whole time? Was what happened between them two years before just a dream?
It didn’t make him any less drawn to her, though. She was still Sam, with her piercing green eyes and sharp intelligence and a level of empathy and kindness that seemed miraculous, given the background she came from. And she was still drawn to him too—their relationship became physical a few weeks into working with each other again.
The closer physical intimacy meant that in the past couple of weeks, Dean has been noticing that some things are seriously off. Sam wears a tight sports bra every time they fuck and refuses to take it off. She barely speaks to him when she’s on her period. Sometimes during what he considers pretty vanilla dirty talk, she shuts off for the night. He chalks it up to hormones, but he knows it’s something more, especially now that she’d had a full breakdown over whatever it is.
“Do you want to talk about it now?” Dean asks, not yet starting in on his burger. He tries to keep his voice gentle and even, to coax her into talking about what’s been bothering her so much.
She sets down her food and pushes it away. She absently taps the table with her finger like she’s trying to decide whether to share what she’s thinking or not. She’s still avoiding looking at Dean, and it’s starting to piss him off that she’s barely acknowledging him.
“Sam, come on,” he says, and his voice comes out harsher than he intends. But he’s tired of her brushing it off and pushing him away when it’s not something that either of them can just ignore. “You can’t just expect me to walk on eggshells around you, hoping that I won’t set you off about something I don’t even understand. Why the hell are you upset?”
Sam shakes her head.
“Come on, man, give me something,” Dean pleads.
Sam swallows. “I’m not who I am, Dean.”
Dean furrows his brow. Sam couldn’t be any more unclear if she tried. “What the hell does that mean?”
“I’m…” She gestures down at herself. “This isn’t me. It’s not me. I’m not supposed to be like this.”
“Like what?”
“A girl.”
“I don’t get it.”
She takes a long, shaky breath. “I want—I need—to be a man.”
Dean supposes he should be more shocked by her declaration, but Dean has always seen her more as Sam than as a girl. And finding out she feels like a guy… Things just start to click.
All the times Sam had called herself Dean’s brother as a little kid, despite John and Dean’s frequent corrections. Excited chatter about how much she related to the boys in her most recent book. Complaining about not playing soccer at the same time she quit the girls’ soccer team. The complete withdrawal into herself as soon as she hit puberty.
Dean had always figured it was identity confusion because Sam had never had a female role model growing up, but that wasn’t what it was, not really.
And more recently—leaning into anything masculine while distancing herself from femininity. He remembered when a store clerk had called her “sir” the other day, and her face had brightened. He hadn’t thought much of it at the time—it seemed a lot of people mistook Sam as a guy—but it makes sense now why it would make her happy.
“Okay,” he finally says, waiting for her to elaborate.
“‘Okay’?” she asks. “What do you mean, ‘okay’?”
“I guess I don’t understand what this means, exactly.”
“It means…” She sighs, runs a hand through her hair. “I’d be different, Dean. If you were okay with me starting hormones, it would mean I would look different, and sound different, and probably feel and smell different too.”
She laid it all out for him, but he’s still not sure he understands. He has no clue what the changes would look like on Sam specifically. He focuses on the one part of the sentence he did understand. “What do you mean, if I’m okay with it?” he asks. “The Sam I know would never ask permission.”
Sam picks at a fingernail nervously. “I don’t want to lose you,” she says softly.
“You’re not going to lose me, Sam,” Dean tells her. “I’m going to stay with you, I promise.”
“No, Dean, I mean… You’re attracted to women. Just look at Cassie. She was so… And I’m so…” Sam shakes her head as she struggles to find the right words. “I’m going to change and…” Her voice starts to fade as she talks. “You’re not going to want me anymore.”
Dean has no idea what to say. He can’t see any universe where he wouldn’t want Sam. He’s silent for a long moment as he looks at Sam carefully, thinking about what she would look like as a guy. Yes, he loves her body as it is now, the soft curves and smooth skin and feminine moans he pulls from her during sex. So what would it feel like to be with her, if it was different? Stubble and broad shoulders and a dick?
He tilts his head slightly. He’s never sought out guys, never really been interested, but he’d never really been averse to it either. If Sam became a man, Dean’s pretty sure he wouldn’t mind. He would miss some things, but he wouldn’t mind. His attraction to Sam is because she’s Sam, not because she’s a woman.
Sam shifts uncomfortably, his eyes still avoiding Dean’s.
“Hey,” Dean says, and his hand snakes across the table to take Sam’s. “I’m gonna love you no matter what, okay?”
“Yeah, but not like—”
“Yes, like that,” Dean says. “I loved you the way you were when I came to see you in college. I love you the way you are now. I’ll love you no matter what changes you or your body go through, okay?”
Sam’s eyes well up with tears. “Really?” he says softly.
Dean squeezes Sam’s hand and gives him a reassuring smile. “Yeah.”
Sam sniffs. “God, I tell you I feel like a guy and then start crying like a girl.”
Dean stands up and pulls Sam up to his feet too.
“Hey,” he says, taking Sam’s face in his hands and wiping away Sam’s tears with his thumbs. “It’s okay. You’re going to be okay.”
Dean pulls him into a hug and holds him close while he cries himself out.
Normally they’d look for their next job at the end of a day like today, but they take the night off and talk about where Sam is going to go next. How he’ll get hormones, if he’s going to get surgery, how fast the changes will happen.
Sam gradually starts to open up about it and get more and more excited, and Dean can’t help the warm feeling deep in his core. When Sam is happy, Dean is happy too.
* * *
Dean falls asleep in Sam’s arms that night and only wakes up when the light streaming through the crack in the curtains hits his eyes.
He groans and rolls over so he’s facing Sam. He nudges Sam awake.
“Hey, handsome,” Dean says, and Sam blinks his eyes open sleepily. Sam smiles when he meets Dean’s eyes.
“Hey, gorgeous.”
Dean brushes a messy lock of hair away from Sam’s face. It falls right back into place. “Since you’re a guy now, would it be gay if we fucked?” he asks. He’s excited to try, now that he knows the feminine words to avoid and the masculine words to try out. Now that he knows what will turn Sam off and what might turn him on.
Sam rolls his eyes. “I don’t know, does that bother you?”
“Can’t knock it ’til I’ve tried it,” Dean says. “I’ve always wondered what it’s like to suck a dick.”
Sam raises his eyebrows.
Dean starts to scoot down the bed and looks up at Sam through his eyelashes. “You mind if I give it a try, stud-muffin?”
Sam bites his lip. “Hey, I’d like if you never called me that again, ever.”
“Gross, that’s so much worse.”
“Lover boy.”
“Little brother?”
Sam doesn’t object to that one, so Dean takes it as a green flag. Not a traditional sexual term, but he thinks it’s kind of hot.
While Dean goes down on Sam and listens to Sam’s moans, he realizes this feels right. Sam, a guy. It’s going to take some getting used to, but it fits. Things have changed, but they’re the same; it’s a new chapter, but still the same book.
The Hundredth Time with Him
It’s a few years later, sometime between near-world-ending events, that Dean wakes up in a motel bed with his arm draped over Sam. Dean still likes being the big spoon, no matter that Sam is bigger than Dean now. When Sam started testosterone, he bulked up big time. He’s huge and all muscle, but that doesn’t stop him from snuggling up against Dean.
Dean yawns and strokes his fingers lazily through Sam’s chest hair and Sam hums sleepily. He runs his hand down Sam’s side. Gone are the feminine curves Dean loved about Sam before, smoothed out and adjusted by hormones, but Dean loves the new shape just as much. And ever since the surgery they’d only had to commit light fraud to afford, Dean’s pleased that he can touch Sam’s chest wherever he wants.
Sam rolls over and nuzzles his nose against Dean’s. Dean strokes a thumb along Sam’s jaw, the stubble prickly under the pad of his finger. Dean hadn’t expected so much facial hair growth, but he doesn’t mind it. The scent of Sam’s aftershave turns Dean on just as much as the familiar smell of her vanilla shampoo used to.
“Hey,” Dean says, pressing a light kiss to Sam’s lips. “We should get up.”
“I don’t want to,” Sam mumbles, eyes still closed. He’d been up far past Dean, finishing up on a lead for some research, so Dean doesn’t blame him for wanting to stay in bed.
“Come on. We’ve got work to do. I’ll suck your dick if you come take a shower.”
That seems to do it. Sam groans and rolls out of bed. “Fine.”
Sam is too sleepy to do much himself, but Dean takes his time lathering Sam up with soap, scrubbing him all over his body with a washcloth. Sam is so comfortable in his body now, too, in a way that he never was before. It’s a relief to be able to touch Sam anywhere without Sam turning off or pushing him away.
Dean massages shampoo into Sam’s scalp and grins at the moan it elicits from Sam.
He shuffles around so he’s in front of Sam and gets on his knees, brushing his soaked hair from his eyes. Sam looks down at him through hooded eyes and buries a hand in Dean’s hair. Dean smiles and takes Sam’s dick between his lips, lapping at the tip and water running over it. Sam’s cock is still small, but it’s grown since Sam started hormones, almost an inch and a half long now, sometimes a little more when Sam is hard.
Dean slides two fingers into Sam. He knows Sam’s body almost better than his own, so when he curls his fingers, he finds Sam’s g-spot instantly. “Mm, fuck, Dean,” Sam says, pushing his hips towards Dean.
Dean takes his time, sucking on Sam’s cock and stroking his fingers in Sam, enjoying Sam’s panting and gasps until Sam comes with a moan. Dean feels himself start to get hard as Sam’s pussy clenches around his fingers. Dean runs his tongue along Sam’s cock one more time and then stands up. He meets Sam’s lips with his own. “Worth getting up for?” he murmurs.
“It was… adequate,” Sam says, and Dean punches his shoulder while Sam laughs.
“Last time I ever do anything nice for you,” Dean grumbles.
“Aw, come on,” Sam says, and he tugs Dean in, pressing their bodies close together. Dean leans his forehead against Sam’s and lets out a contented sigh. It crosses Dean’s mind, briefly, how far they’ve come. How far Sam has come.
How everything about Sam is different, except that he’s Sam.
And Sam is all Dean wants.
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
heyo I was wondering if I could have some tendou comfort sex for a transgender y/n (ftm) who got deadnamed/misgendered and feel rlly bad about it? just tendou praising them and telling them how valid and handsome they are ♡♡ tysm!!
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Oh as a trans man I felt like this was personal
this made me feel all warm and nice so thank you for asking for such a thing💖
[D/N]= dead name
Warning this story contains: wholesome sex, tendou being goofy during sex, praise, slight angst in the beginning
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A normal date, it was supposed to be a normal date. You and Tendou went out for boba then walked around the mall hands laced together while the redhead was telling you some story about work
"so he ordered a custom made chocolate to look like babydicks and I was like oh alright cool but he wanted the inside to be cream filled and I didn't know what to say! Like what am I supposed to say when this big guys looks me in my eyes and tell me that he wants three dozen baby dic-"
"hey! [D/N]!"
Tendou's very amusing story was interrupted by a loud voice along with loud footsteps before you could react you felt a sharp slap on your back and you turned around to see a familiar group of people
"yo! Girl where have you been!? After high school you completely just vanished"
You were tense your heart hammering in your chest as you looked at the faces of the people who made your life a living hell, yet here they were acting sweet and nice..they weren't even saying the right gender.
I wanna go home
Stop saying that name
Leave me alone
You weren't even listening as the group of friends ranted about your old high school days, you felt dizzy and like you wanted to puke and before you knew it you felt something wet on your cheeks.
"heyyy, you guys have been talking for a while and irs all been trash. So could you shut up?"
Tendou's voice snapped you out the panic attack you were in and you felt the male pull you close to his chest holding the back of your head tightly with an annoyed huff
"don't you idiots know gender? You've been saying her and she this whole time and using a weird name that's not his name..it's [y/n]!"
"huh? You changed your name, it's cause you wanna be like a boy? It's a lesbian thing yeah?"
Tendou tensed up and anger bubbled within him, he was going to make a scene but he felt you tugging his shirt which made him pause to look at you
"I wanna go, please satori"
That's all he needed to hear before he guided you away taking you home, the entire time you were silent which scared tendou since he couldn't get you to crack even a smile.
Once you two got home tendou watched you go to the room and he tried to think if a way to cheer you up and an idea came to him. He stripped before grabbing a can of whip cream before sneaking into the room only to burst it open and hear a loud surprised yelp from you
Your eyes landed on his dick before a sniffle came from you as you sat up
"not in the mood for banana sundae tori go away"
"come onnnn~ my cute boy don't want to have fun? [Y/n], babyyy"
His singsong like tone made you fight a smile as he crawled onto the bed before spraying whip cream in his mouth before making kissing noises while wrapping his arms around you rubbing his cream filled cheeks against yours before kissing you sharing the sweet treat with a french kiss
You pulled back laughing when tendou reached under your shirt and tickled your sides watching you curl up laughing before tendou grinned now shaking the whip cream once more
"there's my cutie! You know I love ya right? Those assholes today we're such jerks but I know you're my sweet handsome baby boy"
You felt tears in your eyes before bursting out laughing at the sight of tendou spraying whip cream up in the air randomly getting it all over his hair and chest
"what are you doing weirdo?!"
"hey! It's snow [y/n]!"
You were a laughing mess before hearing the whip cream can squirt signalling that it was empty so tendou tossed the can aside with a goofy shrug
"eh who needs that when I already have a sweet treat right here"
With that tendou kissed along your neck slipping your shirt off easily, now throwing it on the ground before he noticed you covering your chest with your arms
Tendou's eyes softened as he stared at you before softly moving your arms now kissing along your chest and down your stomach
"my handsome boyfriend, you're so cute and handsome its honestly unfair!"
He licked his lips as he started to pull your pants down but saw how nervous you looked so he slowed it down
"how about we keep it vanilla eh? Let me just show you how much I love you"
With a shaky nod you let him strip you down before he moved up pressing his forehead against yours now pushing inside you watching your face twist into bliss as he pushed deeper and deeper but he also made sure to be gentle since it was more about making love rather than feral fucking
"such a good boy, god I love you so much yknow that?"
"i-i love you too satori"
Tendou's thrusts were soft yet filled with pleasure he knew exactly where to hit to make you a moaning mess, hugging your body close to his as he whispered nothing but praise and love in your ear as his hands gripped your hips
"my perfect man, I don't care what anyone else says you're an amazing boy alright? [Y/n] I love you so damn much"
He couldn't help but chuckle at your small whines and moans muffled from your face buried into his shoulder. The sounds of the creaking bed, blissed out grunts, and tendou's hips slamming against yours filled the room as he kissed along your neck his words of praise being neverending even as his climax grew close
"I'm going to cum, cum with me babyboy, be a good boy and cum with me"
His command was all you needed as he gave one final thrusts soon filling you up as you tightened against him and had your own very intense climax, as the two of you started to come down from the high of orgasm a single thought crossed your mind
"thank you, for that"
Tendou cracked a huge grin before he squeezed your cheeks together now smothering your face in sloppy wet kisses earning your laughter
"how did you get sooooo cute! [Y/N] you're the cutest boyfriend in the whole wide world!"
Hearing you laugh made his heart full of ease knowing that he can bring joy to your life no matter what anyone else says, a monster like him can make you smile.
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pawprintsmoon · 3 years
You and me, Part III
The proposal
After a shower and clean pajamas, Alex finished packing his suitcase, tucking the ring safely inside. The next morning, he was so focused on not losing it again that he ended up misplacing his coffee filled travel mug. He had put it down for one second, and suddenly it was nowhere to be seen. Henry found it in minutes and they left for the airport. Distracted beyond reason, Alex had to hop out of the car to race back inside to grab his wallet. Then he had to hop out of the car again to run inside and get his phone.
After speeding to the JFK airport, they crossed the Atlantic and spent one night in Kensington recovering from jet lag. They spent their first full day at a trans* equity conference. The English press greeted their visiting prince with union jacks and rainbows. Naturally, they responded with charming comments and smiling photos. Alex took the opportunity to livestream a message to his followers: ‘of course transgender high schoolers should be allowed on the sports team that aligns with their gender, and here’s why…’
Privately, in the car back to the palace, Henry expressed the opinion that public schools ought to have polo teams, because it’s a coed sport and ideal for nonbinary teens who don’t like to rock the boat. Alex responded with similar sentiments about quidditch. The rest of the drive they shared a familiar rant about how Harry Potter belongs to the fans (including the trans* fans) and not only to JKR.
That night, just past 2am, Alex turned over in bed to ask, “You awake?”
“Good. We’re going on a fieldtrip. Come on.” Alex pulled them both out of bed, and they got dressed, Alex swinging on his Gucci jacket. He would have worn a hoodie, the incognito uniform of the internationally recognizable, but tonight he didn’t want to hide himself. It was worth the risk. Besides, they didn’t really need to sneak around anymore, did they? Old habits.
He led them out of the palace, down Prince Consort Road. He stopped for a selfie with the sign, because he really had wanted to last time. A second selfie included them both, looking goofy and not caring. When they reached the back entrance of the Victoria and Albert Museum, they kissed lazily against the wall. Once Henry’s lips melted Alex’s nerves, he drew back to take the next step.
“Thing about dating the prince,” he said, holding up keys, “is that you can borrow pretty much anything he owns. And he can get the keys to anywhere if he asks nicely.”
“You’re a thief,” snarked Henry, walking through the door that Alex held open for him. “And a knave, and a scoundrel.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Alex gave the security guard a wad of cash. “Thanks, Gavin. It’ll be Renaissance City.”
They walked past sculptures, artifacts, and paintings, surrounded by the history that they were a part of. They got to the piazza, Henry’s sacred place. Just like last time, the first statue, Samson Slaying a Philistine took away what little breath Alex had, and he had to lean on Henry for support. Like windswept magnets, their lips met, for no reason at all.
Most of the time, Alex had a strong sense of Henry and himself being part of the current moment of history, changing the world in the here and now. But right then, time seemed to melt, and they were surrounded by historical sculptures telling timeless stories. Zephyr the Greek god of the west wind, Proserpina in the underworld, and Jason and his golden fleece. Archetypical and expansive.
And then there was Henry: the national gay landmark, prince charming, an obtuse fucking asshole. Hopefully his future husband. Sticking with his plan, he pulled away from Henry and got out his phone to open Spotify. Taking a deep breath, he pressed play. “Your Song” came from the tinny speakers.
“It’s a little bit funny, these feelings inside. I’m not one of those who can easily hide.”
“Why am I getting deja vu?” Henry asked, as Alex wrapped his arms around Henry’s waist.
“No clue.”
They began to sway, slow and intimate, cheek to cheek. He recognized the swelling in his chest as the same ache he’d felt when Henry first played this song for him years ago in the music parlor. Back then, he’d been trying so hard to repress his love for Henry, gripping the settee and wondering how long they would fly across the world to touch each other without talking about it. Now they let love dance around them, unbridled and openly declared in front of the world.
Other memories stirred up unbidden. Henry ghosting him after their first kiss, leaving him out in the snow and questioning everything. And then again when Alex hinted at love, leaving him in the lake with his heart carved out. Twice is not a pattern though, is it. Ever since the last time they were in this museum together, Henry had given his entire self to Alex. He had decided to be with Alex for real that night. That had been when they decided to love each other on purpose.
“I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words. How wonderful life is, now you’re in the world.”
For several beats of silence, he just looked at Henry. And Henry looked at him, and the museum disappeared. The whole world faded away except Henry and himself. It was now. He knelt down to one knee slowly, never losing eye contact. Henry’s loving smile showed no surprise as Alex spoke.
“Henry George Edward James Fox-Mounchristen-Windsor,” he said, making Henry roll his eyes. “I have a question to ask you. You see, my mom asked me, back in our early days, if I felt forever about you. I knew it then, and I know it now. I want to spend my life with you. So... ”
He paused, reached into his jacket, and pulled out the bedazzled box, rhinestones spelling out ‘love.’ Henry had probably guessed that it was never intended for June’s earrings, because he laughed like the box was an inside joke. Despite knowing what was coming, he inhaled audibly when Alex opened the box to reveal a simple silver ring.
“Will you marry me?”
Henry laughed again, a laugh like the birds of sunrise. “Yes, Alex. I will marry you.”
The prince reached into his pocket and pulled out a small leather box, the same size as the one Alex held. Then, he knelt down on one knee as well, mirroring his fiancé. He opened it to reveal a thick antique gold ring inlaid with a gem that Alex couldn’t identify. Beautiful. “Alex Claremont-Diaz, will you spend forever with me as your partner, confidant, and best friend?”
“I,” Alex choked, “yeah, fuck, of course-”
Henry cut him off with a swift and passionate kiss, both of them on their knees, fumbling the engagement rings onto their fingers. Alex felt like the deceased king that had probably worn his engagement ring. They kissed until their knees grew sore, and they collapsed on the tile.
“How did you think to bring a ring and everything?”
“Believe it or not, I somehow predicted that you might do this,” Henry teased.
Their buzzing bodies urged them to get back to the palace, to Henry’s room, to the bed. So they pulled each other to their feet, both dizzy and desperate. Before leaving the piazza they held each other for just a little longer.
“I love you,” whispered Henry.
“Fuck, I know you do.” It’s an amazing thing, to know completely and utterly that somebody loves you. “I love you too.”
“I know.” Henry held him around the waist and their foreheads pressed together. “Hey, so, I know we’re going to have to have a big, gay, traditional, royal wedding and all that -”
“Which we’ll make fun!” Alex said, with the positivity of a camp counselor. The world could really benefit from a big, gay, royal wedding. “There will be so many rainbows, even only if the crowd brings them.”
“And we’ll definitely have an adequate number of champagne fountains.” Henry winked at him. “But you interrupted-”
“-me. I was saying that I know we’re doing the public wedding for the audience, and the press, but...” Suddenly Henry looked nervous. “Well, would you maybe want to…”
“Spit it out babe,” Alex kissed Henry lightly on the lips before pulling back to show that Henry had his entire attention. “I’m listening, for real.”
“Would you, would you maybe want to elope first?”
“I… um. Would we, you know, still do the royal wedding afterwards?” Alex asked. “Keep it a secret?”
“Well, yes.” The words tumbled out. “But it would be a secret that we’re keeping for ourselves. We wouldn’t be keeping a secret for an election, or family expectations, or our god damned publicists. It would be ours, and we would keep it because we want to.
“Because I want to keep you to myself, just a little bit.” Henry shrugged, sheepish. “You give so much of yourself to your country, to the world, and I love that about you, but I want this to be just us. I’d be open to inviting Bea, Pez, June, and Nora, and our parents too, if you want.”
“And honestly, I don’t really want there to be a minister or priest… maybe Pez could do it?” Henry continued. “It doesn’t even have to be legal, so people don’t find out. I don’t know, I just thought, it could be just us, making a promise. Not with the crown, not with the church, not with all your adoring fans. Just the people that really matter.”
“I…” A grin spread slowly across Alex’s face. “I love it. Yes. Hell yes. Where? Not Vegas. Paris?”
“Paris.” Relief sweetened Henry’s smile. “And I could play my vows for you on the piano, if you’d like.”
“Yes I’d like! We could do it on a sailboat with a captain! Can you bring a piano on a sailboat?” Henry shook his head and kissed Alex’s grin, nuzzling their noses together. Alex whispered, “Okay, I’ll slow down and we can figure it out together. You and me.”
“You and me.” They fell into each other, a blissful act of entropy, all lips and hands.
“Besides,” Alex said as they stopped to catch their breath. “Secrets can be kind of hot if I remember correctly.”
AN: So, I thought I'd end with the proposal, but I feel like there's maybe more here? Like, this scene was kinda building up to some 'just got engaged' smut, or it could go on to show their elopement. I'm feeling a tinsy bit uninspired for their vows though, so if any of y'all feel like writing those, I could insert to the rest of the marriage scene that could be fun. If anyone feels like doing the post-proposal smut (or the wedding night smut lol) lemme know! Otherwise, thank you for reading! Check out my other rwrb fics, if you feel like it :)
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slasherkisss · 5 years
Can I get a sweet sweet headcanon for the boys(any you write, my favorite are the scream boys but either way!) With their trans boyfriend 😭 that would be AMAZING
[It’s been so long since I’ve written for The Boys i got u friend]
Billy Loomis + Stu Macher
Boys are so down for their boyfriend!
Both have gotten into fights when people misgender or are transphobic towards their bf, usually coming home with bloody noses and black eyes and stupid, shit-eating grins on their faces
When their boyfriend panics and asks what the HELL happened, it’s usually Billy who shrugs it off and tries not to make it a big deal
‘Some assholes dead named you so I punched them in the face’
Both save up as much money as they can and chip in to surprise their boyfriend with a brand new binder! They make it this thing of sneaking up on him and presenting him with a present and smiling stupidly to one another
‘We hope you like it, let us know if you wanted a different color’
Goes to pride with their boyfriend wearing polyamorous, bisexual attire and making sure their s/o gets decked out in trans wear and cheering him on the whole time because they are so proud of who he is and he should be too!
Stu and Billy aren’t too sure how to help when handling their boyfriend’s dysphoria, so they usually end up cuddling him and offering to watch his favorite movies, maybe even making popcorn! Just little things they can try and do to make sure that he’s happy and safe
Always offer to let their boyfriend wear their ghost face costumes! Underneath that big old robe and mask, no one can tell your gender and sometimes thats pretty damn great
Michael Myers
What the hell is a transgender? 
Once his boyfriend explains what trans is, Michael is honestly unaffected by it. His boyfriend is his boyfriend, so what?
Gets genuinely confused when someone refers to his boyfriend with the wrong pronouns or name. Like ‘who is that? that’s not who i’m with, idiot’
If he sees such things hurting his boyfriend though he’ll be LIVID and hunt down whoever had the misfortune of misgendering him and kill them where they stand
Accident or not, no one makes his s/o upset and lives
His boyfriend has to explain that sometimes people slip up and it’s not their fault, and he should only kill the guys who do it on PURPOSE as an ultimatum
Michael will likely not accept this ultimatum and continue on killing. It’s just something you’ll need to accept
He has no money or knowledge to help with anything in his boyfriend’s transition, but he’s just always there for him and keeping him company and letting him rant or vent about things that bother him and, honestly, that’s all we can ask of Michael
Offered to help his boyfriend with top surgery ONCE and he was not allowed to bring it up again
Michael, holding up his knife: -halloween theme plays- His Boyfriend: FOR THE LAST TIME THAT’S NOT HOW TOP SURGERY WORKS I NEED A HOSPITAL FOR IT- Michael, lowering his knife sadly: -a slightly slower halloween theme plays-
Hannibal Lecter
Extremely supportive of his boyfriend to the point of nearly being overbearing about it tbh
The type to correct anyone who misgenders his boyfriend in the most condescending of manners
‘Yes HE is quite proud of his accomplishments, as am I of him
Dysphoria? He has his s/o with that, gently caressing his body (if they’re okay with being touched) and kissing every inch of it, murmuring about how handsome and strong it is. How much it supports you and him. How much it means to him
Will eat the hearts and other body parts of anyone who bullies his boyfriend or is transphobic to him
Buys his boyfriend binders and even helps him find a really good psychologist for top surgery recommendation letters and testosterone prescriptions! Also can help get his name legally changed if he needs to
Will give his boyfriend his T-shots if he’s afraid of needles/nervous to do it himself. He finds it intimate and is happy that his boyfriend would trust him with something so important to his body! He treats the moment very tenderly
All in all is willing to help pay for the entire transition and supports him wholeheartedly no matter what!
Jesse Chromeans/Chromeskull
Pays for absolutely everything and anything they need. 
I’m talking the finest doctors for his prescriptions. The best surgeons for his surgeries. His boyfriend will be spoiled rotten and taken care of through thick and thin
Someone is rude to his boyfriend for any reason, transphobic or otherwise? Oops they’re dead now
Huge on touching his boyfriend and kissing him, typing out compliments of how handsome he is and how much he loves him
Very into physical praise and gets touchy-feely when he remembers, at random moments, ‘god I love my boyfriend!’
Keeps a video log/diary of his boyfriend’s transition status throughout the months so that, later, they can look back at Day 1 of their relationship and fast forward to how far he’s come
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danasmonster · 4 years
Comparing the SKAM remakes: ISAK (Part IV)
Matteo (DRUCK)
Some of the Differences: 
OK first off, Matteo is way more depressed than any other incarnation so far. The very first scene of his season begins with him sitting by himself while everyone else seems to be having a great time at the party then sharing a very lackluster kiss with his girlfriend. He definitely gives off more an “I want to be alone” vibe than the other incarnations, even in regard to his friends. 
Instead of hiding weed in someone’s house to hide it from the cops, he hides it on A PERSON (wtf) who just happens to be this incarnation of Sana, Amira. 
Also, Matteo has a girlfriend?! Yep, instead of David (Even) being taken at the beginning of the season, it’s Matteo who is who has a girlfriend - Sara. It also seems like he still has some feelings for Jonas at the beginning of the season, something I also saw in SKAM Italia. 
It seems like Matteo is a little more in control of the interaction between him and David than Isak was in OG. Towards the beginning of their relationship it seemed like Even was the one to initiate most things, maybe because he was older. In this one they are the same age. 
It was nice that Matteo is an actual roommate with Mia, Hans, and Linn - he even has his own room throughout the whole series lol. In the original it felt like Isak was just thrown in there as a temporary replacement for Noora.
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We see Jonas hooking up throughout this season was a nice switch from low key seeing Eva/Hanna and Chris/Samuel   
Matteo is just outright harsh/dismissive with his GF sometimes and then does an about face (like an asshole, hello Isaak) which I think provides a different dynamic between Matteo and his GF than Isak and Emma. This relationship seems more like a hybrid of the Isak/Emma dynamic and the Even/Sonja dynamic
David pulling away from Matteo wasn't a direct result of anything Matteo did, but because of David's own fears which was a nice change. Also he flat out said "I'm not into you" instead of just ghosting him.
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Amira is so much sweeter in the German version, and her relationship with Matteo feels warmer, easier, and softer because of it. She seems more like she's actively trying to help Matteo by encouraging him to be brave and take care of himself. 
“The fear inside you is only strength trying to get out." 
The scene where David is being stared at by everyone at school after being outted as trans was an interesting inversion to the scene where Isak is being stared at after being outted as gay. I feel like the original was more powerful than this one, probably because it is being shown from Matteo's perspective instead of David's. 
Favorite Scenes:
I liked the way Matteo was the one to initiate a conversation with David, as opposed to the original where (let’s face it) Isak didn’t know what to think about being in the same room alone with Even. 
It made me laugh out loud to watch David was talking nonsense to save Matteo from being busted for getting on the bus without a ticket
The way they giggled at one another before taking bites from their disgusting sandwiches was adorable
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The scene in the kitchen after the party at Matteo's was super sweet. It was so cute that David stayed after to help clean up on his own in a strange apartment, I suspect to boost his chances of seeing Matteo
When Mia is super sassy and says to Matteo after he disses her boyfriend "yes he was never your type."
The conversation between Matteo and Hans where he asks for advice on David is quite different because of the different dynamic between Matteo and David. I liked Hans’ line
“Either give him time, or move on” 
The scene when David comes out to Matteo is wonderful, and it means more to me because it's coming from a transman. 
"Some boys are simply boys. And girls, too. But sometimes it's just different. I was born in the body of a girl. But I'm a boy, I…. I'm transgender. I'm a boy, I just have to try a little harder." 
The dynamic between someone who has just started to come to terms with their sexuality beginning a relationship with a transperson is just so complex, I loved seeing it represented here. The issue of" Am I still gay/straight /whatever if my partner doesn't fit the typical role of who I should be attracted to" is addressed, and I feel like that's a really relevant topic right now given the increased visibility of alternate gender identities and transpeople currently. 
Matteo's face when Hans held out a giant bottle of lube and said 
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"Lube is the key to happiness" 
The scene when Matteo tells David that he will be right there with him when he's being discriminated against because he loves him
Also when David asked Matteo if it changed things if he didn't get bottom surgery and Matteo said "no, you're fine the way you are" was really touching
The conversation in the last ep when everyone is giving relationship advice was both funny and adorable. 
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The boys squad and girls squad coming together to show solidarity with David while he met with the transphobic PE teacher
When Sana never gave Matteo his weed back and Sam smoked it all
Things I Missed:
The conversation with Emma’s character about "not all gays" 
The staring at each other while kissing other people
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fourangers · 4 years
Fate and Choices (ch.07)
Summary: When Naruto discovered who was going to be his soulmate, he jumped straight at this opportunity, looking forward to spending the rest of his life with his better half. Sasuke well…he was less eager in this regard though. NaruSasu. Soulmates tattoos. Explicit.
Warning: NaruSasu anal sex, blow job.
Chapter 06
AO3 link | ffnet link
He was definitely receiving some glowering in the train because of his constant leg shaking. Sighing, he adjusted on his seat, settling his leg down. Minutes later, his leg restarted shaking, and there were newer sets of eyes throwing silent judgements towards him, so he stood up, scratching his blond head.
He dearly hoped that what he had planned for this date would go well. He didn’t fill much in the itinerary, just enough so Sasuke wouldn’t get bored. While he was taking big breaths to calm his beating heart, he strode to the shopping mall’s entrance, 10 minutes earlier than appointed. Blinking, he recognized Sasuke’s back from afar, so he poked his shoulder. “Hey, you’re here already.”
Craning his head closer, Naruto noticed a moleskine on Sasuke’s lap, some random sketch of a crowd drawn on it. Sasuke shut it, putting on his pocket as he turned around with a nod of acknowledgement. “Just arrived too. Where are we going?”
“Watch a Kurosawa movie, Dreams. The coolest part of it is that a real orchestra will play the instrumental parts! When I read the news I thought you might like it.” He added, rubbing the back of his neck.
“This definitely sounds very interesting, but it’s not going to bore you though?”
“Which is why we’re going to an arcade after that.” Naruto grinned when Sasuke rolled his eyes with a half smile. “Hey, by the way, I saw some drawings in your notebook. Looks pretty cool. Can I see?”
Sighing, Sasuke placed the moleskine on his hand. “It’s nothing really.”
“Nothing…no way.” Naruto flipped through pages, with varied sketches of people, some plants, a cat and even a detailed face from an old man, shades portraying his weary expression with wrinkles. “Man, you’re always such a genius it’s infuriating. They look really good! You learned in college?”
“Hn, took some art classes. It’s a nice hobby now, to pass my time.” Sasuke put his moleskine back when Naruto returned to him.
“Hmmmmm, I can imagine you going to draw some nude models, and even some girls would offer private classes like ‘draw me like one of your french girls’. I should have taken some art classes too!” 
“Moron. What about you? Any interesting extracurricular class you did while in college?”
Naruto thought for a while and replied. “Soccer, I played defense. We even organized going to college tournaments sometimes, brought some cheerleading and all that. Mostly for fun, and I still meet my old team from time to time to play.”
“In Tokyo?” Sasuke muttered incredulous. "Good luck finding a place like that."
Naruto laughed, conceding the point. "We found some indoor futsal courts, it's better than nothing."
“True. Figured you’d be the typical jock once you’re in college. At least you put your endless stamina to good use.” Sasuke smirked.
Naruto showed his tongue in response, though before Sasuke could come up with a sarcastic assessment, the movie theater’s lights dimmed and they focused on the movie. The movie was more boring than he expected, but Sasuke was enthused towards it so Naruto let it slide. Nevertheless, he made sure he’d win the competition in the basketball throwing arcade, because the bastard called him a jock so he better play this part after all. The date finished on a high note with a pleasant dinner and kisses as a side dish, Naruto was practically floating on the way home.
The following dates were equally as nice. This budding relationship with Sasuke was…an interesting process. It was like merging new facets of Sasuke since they didn’t maintain contact in crucial years, but in many other aspects, he was still the same Sasuke he knew since he was a kid. Naruto was also sure that Sasuke was going through this same process with him, which kept their dates engaging and comforting at the same time. 
The only annoying part was the lack of physical contact. They would only kiss when there was a dark alley at some corner of the street, or when they booked an individual room at the restaurant, but it was short and mostly chaste so frankly it was getting frustrating for Naruto.
Things were so much easier when they were young and stupid, skipping some classes so they could go to the school’s rooftop, or go to Sasuke’s bedroom whenever his parents weren’t home to do what their impulses dictated. He even offered Sasuke to go to his apartment but the latter just dismissed him, citing he was tired or whatever. Bah.
Sasuke could feel Naruto’s impatience emanating whenever they were alone on their dates. Even when he kissed his dumbass, whenever he pulled back Naruto would grunt or whine how short it was, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to increase the duration of these kisses, getting lost in their passion, letting his hands caress Naruto’s back.
Then Naruto had the brilliant idea of going to some western style bar, claiming that it had the best handmade sake of all Japan and Sasuke had to try it. The moment they entered the establishment, he took a long look in the environment.
“Small tables for couples, dim lit room…you just dragged me here so we can make out, didn’t you?”
He smirked when the tanned face went engine red and Naruto sputtered. “W-what, no. C’mon you asshole, I’m really serious about the sake I was talking about, I thought you might like it.”
Sasuke hummed, the sardonic smile still in place. They sat at the appointed table, a fixed gaze thrown towards his dumbass boyfriend while Naruto mumbled their order. He glowered at the amused face Sasuke showed, kicking him on the knee and had the sadist joy of seeing the haughty look dissolving to a glare.
The silky sound of cello caught their attention, with the soft follow of piano and drums as the band played a jazz improv. With their faces closer, Naruto took all his time to observe Sasuke focused on listening to the music. His fingers wound up to part the dark fringes and put it behind the ear so he could see Sasuke’s sharp eyes, then he cupped the pale cheek. 
Sasuke fixed his gaze back at him, letting the thumb caress his skin, both unaware that the waitress smoothly put their drinks on the table, bowing out in a second. He muttered, lips curling upwards. “So you did drag me just so you can kiss me all night long.”
Naruto rolled his eyes, smiling. “Part of the reason, maybe.”
He gradually approached, holding his face in place until they closed the gap, softly at first, but increased in intensity each time their mouths glided and parted. One of Sasuke’s hand gripped his hip, pulling him closer so Naruto could taste him better, their own drinks forgotten.
Naruto jumped when he felt something vibrating, Sasuke detached his lips with a wet smack, picking his smartphone with a short glance and ignored the call, sliding their mouths once again with a ragged moan. The smartphone was vibrating once again quite insistently so Sasuke released with one last lick, clearing his throat. “Sorry, must be pretty urgent.”
“Yeah, it’s okay.” Naruto placed his hand over Sasuke’s, brushing over it while he took the call.
He couldn’t really understand the whole conversation, with the piano increasing its tempo and some cheers from the audience, but he could see Sasuke’s previous annoyed expression turning into a concerned one. Sasuke disentangled his fingers and patted Naruto’s head, muttering close to his ear that he needed to go to the toilet so he could have a quieter conversation. The blond man drank his mojito mildly peeved, the kisses were going so fine before this interruption. Sasuke soon returned, picking up his things. 
“Sorry, I think I can’t stay very long.” He picked the sake cup, gulping half of it. “You’re right, it is quite tasty. But after I finish this, we gotta go.”
“Well, that’s…that’s too bad, what happened?”
“One of my college friends, I need to help her relocate to another town because her soulmate found her.”
“Whoa⏤! Seriously? That sounds pretty dangerous. Oh hey, I can call my aunt, she can pull some strings to help your friend if you want.” Naruto interjected, also grabbing his wallet, ready to go.
Sasuke blinked, then nodded. “I’d appreciate that, thanks.”
“Yeah, it’s no trouble.” Naruto called the waitress to pay their bill. “What happened to the poor girl, is her soulmate some yakuza or something like that?”
“No, but he has a history of abusing her. Actually…she was the first one really blatant case about how the Soulmate system failed her, because she’s transgender and she’s paired with a an idiotic transphobe.”
Naruto grimaced, scratching his head. “Wow…I don’t even know what I should say in this case. What about police and lawyers, they didn’t help?”
Sasuke scoffed, souring his expression. “The society in general is biased with the soulmate system, and you know that. Everywhere we went, the moment they knew she was fleeing from her soulmate they thought she was just prolonging the inevitable, that one day he’d see her ways and accept her for who she truly is.”
“And…did he?”
“No, he’s a son of bitch who believes that God above gave him this mission to teach her what is truly correct, so she should go back to her original gender. Fucking bullshit, and everyone that it’s not part of our circle of friends told that it’s her fate to show him otherwise, to help him grow and whatever more excuses that makes me want to vomit.”
“Well…but you know, I don’t know her very well, but maybe fate does⏤” Naruto clamped his mouth shut when he met furious dark grey eyes, his rage was so palpable that he could see even in the dark room.
“See?! That’s what I meant that this system sucks! Instead of doing any rational deliberation to reach a fair conclusion, people prefer doing this victim blaming. If she wants to open his eyes or change his mind should be her decision, and her decision only. No one should force her to do some bullshit epic quest just because they have matching tattoos.”
Huffing, he waited for the usual onslaught of excuses and half-assed explanations but Naruto just stared back with wide eyes. He then crossed his arms in contemplation.
Feeling a little unsettled from this lack of response, Sasuke lashed out. “What?”
Naruto did a double take from his hostility, but muttered. “No, I just thought⏤you’re right. I was being insensitive. I’m just trying to remember about it, like all the times in the past I may have done or said something insensitive like that. I’ll try to be more careful in the future.” 
Oh. Sagging his shoulders, Sasuke said in a more neutral tone. “Sure. Thanks for listening to me.”
“Uh no. Thanks for showing me that I was wrong. Give me her name though, so I can ask around a way to help her out.” Naruto grinned and Sasuke could feel a load coming out from his back.
“Thank you.” The bill arrived so Sasuke picked up with a smirk. “I’ll pay this time.”
As they were going back to the subway, after much pestering and cajoling, Naruto managed to convince Sasuke to introduce him to his college friends one day. Sasuke accepted, as long as he could trade with seeing Naruto in the shortest shorts while playing soccer. The rest of their conversation was filled with teasing quips and the usual bantering.
How odd. For the past month since his older brother went to the Netherlands, he’d call almost every day to help him out managing their company, and to update all the latest news. However, as time passed on, there were some days he didn’t chime in, claiming he was busy, and the gaps between each call would get wider till Itachi didn’t talk to him for a week. There were some occasional convos through messages but his brother was becoming as cryptic as ever.
Frowning, Sasuke figured it was time to call him instead. The first call was ignored. So was the second. He waited an hour and called again. After the 5th time, Itachi decided to answer him, his voice airy and dazed.
“Ah, if it isn’t my wayward otouto-kun⏤”
Sasuke had to point out the obvious. “Wait, you’re the one who vanished for a week⏤”
“Anyways. How are you going with your dates with Naruto-kun?”
“Nii-san, I actually wanted to talk about something relevant…”
“Right, which are probably regarding some tedious subjects.” Itachi responded. “So at least humor me a bit before we go to that part.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes, sighing. “It’s been running very smoothly.”
“Why are you talking as if Naruto-kun is some sort of car?”
“Nii-san…” Sasuke warned.
“Right right. Go on.”
“So…it’s been nice, I’m enjoying his company.” It was almost like they went back to their teenage days, but with many added bonuses. 
His older brother noticed his contemplative tone, and muttered. “You don’t sound so sure though.” 
Sasuke sighed again. It’s just that, the fact that he was having so much fun going on those dates with Naruto was sometimes…unsettling. That maybe the soulmate system was right after all, finding his perfect lifetime partner that fit him perfectly. 
He said, staring at the ceiling. “Sometimes I’m just surprised how accepting Naruto can be. You know my stance about the soulmate system, and you know how I’m against it right?”
“Sure, and then?”
“I guess in all the latest years, whenever I engage in any debate with anyone, I’d meet a lot of resistance. Sometimes people would just shut me down, wanting me to stop the conversation. But I kept forgetting that Naruto really listens to people and is willing to change if he’s persuaded enough.”
“That’s great, isn’t it?” 
“Yes…it’s just…what if all of these is all fabrication from the Soulmate system, that makes Naruto more accommodating to me? What if⏤”
“You’re not seriously believing such a ludicrous idea?” Itachi exhaled loudly, shaking his head.
“I don’t know how much it manipulates both of us, how genuine it is.”
“This tattoo on your hand makes you paranoid and overthink like ‘oh, but maybe…’ and it’d be kind of amusing seeing your skirting around like some lost lamb, if only it wasn’t as tragic too. Have you ever considered that if it weren’t the fact that Naruto-kun is your soulmate, you’d just be thankful that you’re dating a thoughtful, open-minded man who is willing to change his opinion no matter how many curved balls you throw in his direction?”
Sasuke relaxed the grip on his cellphone, turbulent heartbeats calming down due to his older brother’s reassuring voice. “...well.”
“Then make your life simpler otouto-kun.” Itachi insisted. “Just be thankful and happy that you’re dating someone like that and you’re looking forward to seeing how your relationship with him will unfold.”
“Let’s all agree with one thing, you’re not exactly an easy person to deal with and you should be thankful that Naruto-kun is the chosen victim of your choice.”
Sasuke scowled, then grumbled. “Naruto is not that perfect either.”
“Oh, pray tell me, why?”
“He got all sulky and refused to talk with me for more than a week just because I told him and I slept with some guys while I was in college.”
Itachi scoffed. “Otouto-kun, I am definitely not going to take your side.”
“You guys are all traitors. You, Neji, Naruto…”
“You made the bed, now you have to lay on it. Hm. Maybe literally.”
“We were supposed to talk about serious issues right.” Sasuke growled.
“Hm. And what would that be?”
Sasuke took a deep breath, dropping all the light mood aside. “Have you talked to our father lately?”
He heard some shuffling coming from the receiver, a small groan as Itachi answered. “No, I haven’t been talking with him since our last meeting. Why?”
“It’s nothing. It’s just that…he used to ask for a weekly financial report but he hadn’t done that lately.”
“Because the company is longer his.” Itachi interjected.
“Yes, true.” Sasuke thinned his lips. “It’s just that he’s been very quiet, I guess I’m worried now. Aside from work, he doesn’t have many friends and kept contact mostly with us, his family. And considering mom divorced him…”
“I guess you’re right. Have you sent him a message?”
Sasuke gave out an awkward grunt. “It’s weird sending him a message without a specific topic.”
“True.” Itachi agreed with a short chuckle. “Alright, I’ll try to contact him and you’ll talk with mom, ok?”
“Deal.” Sasuke conceded, relaxing his shoulders. “Talking about finance reports, you haven’t sent me this week yet and I really need it to show to one of our sponsors.”
There was a silence. 
“Nii-san? You hearing me?” Sasuke frowned, putting his voice closer to the speaker.
“Hmm. Oh, I see. Today is Wednesday, I should have sent the report yesterday right.”
“…right…” Sasuke muttered back, his confusion increasing when Itachi returned to the dreamy airy tone from the beginning.
“It’s incredible how time flies when you find happiness otouto-kun. I cannot believe that it’s Wednesday already. How marvellous is this, having no such thing as time constraining us.”
“Uh…Nii-san, the report…?” Sasuke was getting ready to call 911 because his older brother was acting very out of character.
“I forgot.”   
This time the silence came from Sasuke’s side out of sheer shock. “You forgot.”
“Yes.” Itachi confirmed in earnest. “Shisui-san and I went to Switzerland and all these gorgeous alpine mountains, that beautiful atmosphere that…”
“You forgot.” Sasuke muttered, realization dawning on his head. “Wait, did you talk with Takashi-sama and Nakamura-sama this Monday?”
“I rescheduled their meeting.”
“Ok, rescheduled to when?”
Itachi cleared his throat.
Sasuke felt a migraine coming up. He sighed. “Nii-san. Nii-san. Uchiha Itachi, you have a company to take care of. You have to work. Daily, might I add, in case you have forgotten.”
“Itachi Meyer, will be my full name. Or maybe Itachi Meyer Uchiha, it does ring really nicely, don’t you think?”
Sasuke rubbed his eyebrows together, groaning. “Okay, your head is clearly all over the clouds, so I beg of you, at least, do some basic things like…talk to some of our sponsors. Show that you’re sound and alive.” 
“Oh, I’m definitely alive.”
Sasuke cringed, shaking his head from the incoming images. “I’m surrounded by fools, that’s what I am.”
“I really can’t wrap up my mind how on Earth I delayed this for so long. The act of consummating our love Sasuke, just the act⏤” 
“I don’t want to know.” He seriously don't want to hear his sibling's sex exploits, he wanted to die.
Itachi ignored him. “Just the act…was almost like some sort of religious experience.”
“I seriously don’t want to know and I don’t know why you’re still talking.”
“Ah otouto-kun, when I⏤” Sasuke hung up. Not one second later, Itachi called again. “As I was saying, when I⏤” Sasuke hung up again and ignored the following calls, putting on silence.
Unfortunately Itachi barreled him with thousands of messages, from all sorts of social media, complaints about how unjust he was, how he should let Itachi freely express how much he loved his soulmate, even baited Sasuke asking about numbers in their stock market.
He then saw that Naruto was calling him, and listened to a very confused tone coming from the blond man. “Ooookay, your brother called me. Something like he’s really sorry that I’m your soulmate and how heartless you are and he asked for you to call him or else. Whatever that means.”
“Nii-san found his soulmate, spent some weeks with him and apparently this is more than enough to lose every brain cell he has available. Does falling in love have such catastrophic results? He used to be the smartest man on Earth. Now I don’t even recognize this idiot that has the voice and the same name as my supposed older brother that I used to admire.”
Naruto laughed. “Oh, c’mon, he’s in a honeymoon phase, just let him. Unfortunately we didn’t have that right? We jumped straight to angry sex.”
“Hn. Ah yes, the fated day about our first time, that it ended up with me topping you.”
“What? No, the fuck. I topped you.”
"You have a terrible memory, usuratonkachi, obviously I topped you first."
“You’re such a liar. Fine, back when your family went on a long vacation and there were only me and you in the house, I topped you mostly.”
“Sure, mostly. Not the first.”
“Because you were all nervous and I didn’t want to hurt you! So I have to show you how to take a dick like a champ.”
“In other words, I. Did. First.” Sasuke smirked.
“‘Cuz I was considerate, you asshole! It doesn’t count! I was almost there!” 
“You can twist how much you want about the tale of events, but you can’t change history.” 
Sasuke heard a string of mumbles and cursing from Naruto until he huffed loudly. “Alright, I don’t know why am I even wasting my time talking to you when I gotta work.”
“Oh, fleeing, the cowardice ch⏤”
Sasuke chuckled when the call was cut off, his mood improving exponentially. His older brother’s words resonated in his mind; Naruto was an attentive man. He really needed to start letting his walls down.
“Hey Sasuke. I’ve been thinking.”
They were getting back from a L’arc en Ciel show they both enjoyed, the energy settling down after such intense music. Sasuke just grunted back, a cue for Naruto to continue his line of thought.
“So you have good reasons to be against the Soulmate system right? Why did you help your older brother create a system that helps someone to find his soulmate then?”
Sasuke took a moment in contemplation and replied. “Well, first of all, Nii-san is the idealistic one, he wanted to use our clan’s powers to reach everyone in hopes it’d alleviate their suffering. I’m in this because even if I disagree with this system, I can’t stop people from searching for it. The least I could do is ensure that they wouldn’t fall in a trap.”
“Oh yeah, the fact that you guys would research if they have any criminal record and mental health history.”
“Yes, and if we found anything like it, we would warn our client beforehand.” He exhaled a tired breath. “Unfortunately most people would still go through this ordeal nevertheless.”
“Well, curiosity always gets the best of everyone. But it’s not like they all end up meeting their soulmate.” Naruto shrugged untroubled.
Sasuke nodded, studying him minutely and revealed. “To be honest, it’s giving me good money too. And I wanted to invest some of it to build a NGO to help people who have trouble with their soulmate and let their voices be heard for once.”
Naruto absorbed this explanation and brightened up, patting his shoulder. “That’s an awesome idea! I really hope you’ll be able to fulfill it.”
Sasuke felt his lips tugging upwards, crinkling his eyes. “Actually, I already founded with my mother, we planned that she’ll get in touch with the victims while I handle the rest. I just have to put everything in motion.”
“Well, if you need someone to promote your idea and spread the word I can help you out.” Naruto supplied, pointing to himself.
Sasuke snorted in disbelief. “Neji told me your salary, my organization can’t afford someone this expensive off the bat.”
“I’ll do it for free till you get enough sponsors.” 
That made Sasuke stop on his track, eyes narrowing. “You’re not doing this just to appease me, are you?”
Naruto rolled his eyes. “Seriously? I’d never do this just to kiss some ass, I thought you knew me better. I really think it’s a good idea and I’m aboard.”
Sasuke was understandably bewildered, no one aside his college friends wanted to help him out in this cause and Naruto just accepted this easily. “Why?”
Naruto glanced back, furrowing his eyebrows and formulated his thoughts better. “Like I’ve said, you really showed a different point of view, something I never noticed before. And I think since I have this ability to promote a good idea, so people like your trans friend would finally have some help, I should do it then. Change the society for the better.”
“I guess I’m just impressed, most people are much more resistant to seeing the soulmate’s system flaws than you.”
“I was resistant at first, for sure. I thought that back then, you ignored me only because of how your parents’ relationship was handled. However, you did give me valid explanations, valid examples to show that it’s not a perfect system. I do believe our relationship is going pretty good so far, Sasuke.” Naruto smiled and Sasuke felt his heartbeat increasing. “But now I’m not going to generalize and believe that everyone with their soulmates has something similar to this. And to those who unfortunately fell into a toxic situation, I want to help them out.”
While there was no word exchanged except the calm steps echoing in the deserted street, Sasuke gazed at Naruto in awe, almost as if he was looking at his childhood friend for the first time in his life. Reflecting and relieved that for once, after many years, he was glad that Naruto was his chosen one. He stopped when they arrived in his building, mumbling his voice raspy. “Well, I live here.”
“Oh!” Naruto exclaimed. “Aw, that’s too bad, I wanted to talk with you more.”
Swallowing, Sasuke said. “You can go with me, to my apartment.”
Naruto.exe stopped working.
“It’s just an invitation, nothing more.” Sasuke grumbled, practically seeing all the dirty thoughts emerging from Naruto’s head.
“…sure, yeah. Uh-huh.” Naruto rubbed the back of his neck, grinning widely. Sasuke grabbed his hand with a sigh, as he unlocked the security system. Naruto just let Sasuke drag him with a permanent beam, squeezing his hand as emphasis while blue eyes glowed in glee.
Sasuke’s apartment was roughly the same size as Naruto’s, with minimalistic design and some traditional Japanese decoration sprinkled here and there. Before Sasuke could go to his kitchen to get some water, his cellphone chimed.
“It’s my friend, the trans one. She promised she would call me once she finished moving to another town. I’ll take the call really fast. Feel free to look around, but don’t break anything, you hear me?” Sasuke warned.
“Yeah yeah. So much faith on me.” Naruto shooed him, so with a last glare, Sasuke went to his bedroom.
Naruto noticed that instead of a bigger bedroom like his, there was an extra space for an office. He turned on the lights, impressed by the array of books, mostly classical literature, some about marketing, others regarding the Soulmate system. He let his fingers slide through each spine, picking one title or another, but putting back just as quickly. One tall book caught his attention, placed in a corner. It was larger in size but thinner in number of pages, black leathered cover. Curious, Naruto opened the book.
It was a drawing of him.
His heart jumped to his throat, so Naruto carefully turned another page, revealing another sketch of him, but in another angle, this time looking thoughtful. Another page, another drawing depicting him. The lines were rough and unsure, but he could definitely recognize himself in those pictures. As he was leafing through those drawings, details were added, with more depth and added expression confirming that all of these sketches were of himself looking in teenage years. He halted, staring at his grinning face doodled on the creamy paper.
“Good news, she’s safe and sound in anoth⏤” Sasuke widened his eyes, yanking his sketchbook out of Naruto’s hands and slammed shut. 
Naruto’s jaw was still agape, managing to form a sentence. “Uh. Your drawings?”
Sasuke tamped the urge to throw it through the window, absolutely denying its existence.
The blond man continued in an attempt to ease the situation, mumbling. “They look…really good.” 
Sasuke tightened his fingers on the edges, eyes straying to the ground.
Biting his lower lip, Naruto scratched his head. “Are they…”
Sasuke appeared very reluctant to say any other word, torn in between ripping those pages apart or just putting it back on the shelf. Naruto couldn’t also meet his eyes, and after many uncomfortable minutes, he decided it’d be better if he left the room.
“I couldn’t get you out of my head.”
At this sudden revelation, Naruto swiveled his head around, peering towards his soulmate.
“At first I thought; it couldn’t be helped, we were practically attached to the hip since we were kids. Then it just kept getting worse. And worse. So much worse.” Sasuke croaked out, voice tired and heavy. “There wasn’t a day I wouldn’t picture you in my head and wonder how you were doing and there wasn’t one night where I would sleep before remembering your face.”
Naruto’s hands soon reached to touch his face, brushing the alabaster skin lovingly. “Sasuke…”
However, he picked those hands and stirred away. “This obsession wasn’t getting any healthier, so one of my friends suggested that I could practice sketching to release some stress, that’s all. I just…some days, when it was really unbearable, I guess I just drew you so I can expunge your image out of my mind.” 
Naruto cupped his cheeks once again, soulful blue eyes raw and vulnerable that made his own heart ache in response.
When he opened his mouth, Sasuke hissed. “Don’t. Say. Anything.”
Naruto rested his forehead onto his, whispering. “Why can’t I? I missed you too, just so fucking much. Every single day, just wishing that⏤” He sighed, connecting the last dots at last. “That’s why you never contacted me, even blocked me out. You kept reading about bad cases about soulmates and you were afraid you were going to be next. That the fact that you missed me is caused by some power coming from the soulmate system.”
“What if it is?”
“Why are you so sure it’d be?”
“Why not?” Sasuke growled, blinking away incoming of tears. “All these years, every day before you reappeared in my life I kept thinking about you. It’s unnatural and the only reason it’d happen it’s because of this system.”
Naruto shook his head, voice pleading. “What about our feelings Sasuke? They don’t count?”
“I don’t⏤” Sasuke swallowed the bile on his throat, grumbling. “Just our emotions, it wouldn’t make sense.”
“Feelings don’t make sense Sasuke. Love…” Naruto saw a small flinch at the corner of his eye but pressed on. “Doesn’t make sense. You’re trying to rationalize, quantify it, because by using logic it gives the security you need, and I get it. I really do. But there’s no way this⏤” His mouth reached the trembled lips into a loving kiss and he muttered. “Is just caused because we’re soulmates. You know I’m right.”
Sasuke couldn’t utter any response back, feeling cornered, the book cabinet digging painfully on his back while Naruto’s warm body radiated close to his own. When those tempting lips grazed on his own, he insisted.
“No, stop.” He needed to organize his muddled mind, and he didn’t want distraction, especially since Naruto’s kisses always felt like home.
Naruto paused, his hands still holding his face though his lips so close to Sasuke that he could almost lick it.
When his sketchbook fell to the ground with a dull thud, Sasuke could feel his last resolve crumbling away, fingers tangling on the golden hair.  “You know that’s not fair.” 
And just like that, this simple contact gave clarity to all the chaos brewing in his core that it almost made him light-headed. Their mouths interlocked perfectly, giving a surge of exhilaration when Naruto moaned low on his throat, tilting his head for another long kiss that even swayed his body backwards.
Sasuke sat precariously in one of the shelves, his legs widening to accommodate Naruto’s body, while his lips just hungered to taste more. Naruto detached for a second with Sasuke’s mouth following after, groaning in displeasure. Half-lidded blue eyes gazed onto his, wordless communication exchanged in an infinite second, before Naruto dove in once again, capturing his thin lips for another heart-stopping kiss.
He felt hands caressing his chest, gliding down to his stomach. Naruto’s fingers ghosted over his crotch, almost as if he was unsure whether he should do this. Sasuke buckled forward, fully touching his hand over his hardening dick. Through this confirmation, Naruto continued to kiss him, hand rubbing on the clothed cock over and over, scratching and feeling the long rod on his palm. 
Sasuke released his lips, yanking out the orange shirt as his lover returned in kind. Breathing heavily, he let Naruto unzip his jeans, hands fondling his ass while Naruto let his nose nuzzle on the silk boxers, darkened eyes staring towards him as the devilish tongue licked the base. Oh God, he missed this so much…his senses were overloading, hypersensitive to his lover’s touch.
When Naruto pushed his jeans and boxers down, lips encasing on the head of his cock, Sasuke keened, body curling around the blond head. Naruto didn’t waste one second teasing him, mouth bobbing up and down, tightening in the exact spots that flooded this pleasure into him. Skilled hands rolled his balls, throat vibrating from Naruto’s moan, eyes locked while he continued to swallow his cock. 
Sasuke stared wide-eyed, fingers gripping on the golden strands of hair. There was always something erotically mesmerizing seeing Naruto’s head between his legs, full lips wrapping around his cock. His tongue traced over the vein and ridges, pressing on the foreskin and sucking the pre-cum gathered on the slit. He picked up speed while he tightened around his hard-on, Sasuke’s senses were going haywire being engulfed inside that hot and wet mouth.
Out of nowhere, Naruto stepped back.
Sasuke screamed, feeling murderous. “You dumbass⏤!”
“I gotta find any kind of lube or something like that. I’ll be right back.” Naruto dropped a swift kiss, exiting the room. Sasuke could not believe that this moron actually left him hanging like that. He followed behind, eyes fixed on that round ass (that for some infuriating reason was still clothed). He was still hard and Naruto was scrambling through all the kitchen cabinet and top shelves, so Sasuke slapped his ass. 
“Ow!” Naruto turned around with a scowl, and felt a cold sensation on his hand. He noticed he had a small bottle of olive oil, Sasuke pulled him closer to ignite another urgent kiss, sitting on the counter.
With one hand holding his creamy thighs, Naruto then gripped his hard-on, sliding through the shaft, a warm breath teasing over his sensitive head. He felt long fingers clutching his golden hair, tilting upwards to see fiery dark eyes. Without breaking their stares for a second, Naruto licked the slit, tapping around the edges before taking his cock, taking a dark perversion how Sasuke face contorted in hazy pleasure, engulfing more of the whole length with each push and pull. 
Naruto somehow managed to cover his fingers with olive oil, placing it back on the table. He pulled Sasuke downwards to expose better the entrance, one digit entering and meeting resistance. He let his thumb rub the perineum, massaging gently till Sasuke was getting used to his touch. It’s been so long he had done this, letting these fingers invade in him and inciting him to let out a long moan. The first knuckle moved past the tight ring, he clenched around it in reflex before wielding his body to relax.
Naruto continued to tap inside, curling and twisting patiently, his mouth occasionally playing with his cock, slurping around the reddened head as the finger breached inside completely. He began brushing on the prostate, eliciting goosebumps all over Sasuke’s skin, making him gasp in surprise. His moans were growing in volume and length while his lover continued to stimulate his prostate and perineum, finger thrusting in an increasing pace, another one joining in.
Sasuke screamed once Naruto’s mouth engulfed his cock, fingers still spearing in his entrance at a blurry speed. At some point he realized that Naruto wanted to drive him to completion with just anal stimulation, however Sasuke craved for so much more. 
He gasped, heels digging on the shoulders. “Naruto⏤!”
Blue eyes blinked from wanton fire, dick dislodging from his mouth. He glanced back at Sasuke, before straying his gaze to the ground, clearing his throat. “Um…but I gotta go buy some condoms.”
Sasuke stared back bewildered, before knitting his eyebrows in indignant fury. “What the fuck Naruto, I’m fucking clean.”
The blond man groaned, knowing that this wasn’t going to be an easy conversation. “I’m just going through safety methods to avoid diseases, you were the one who slept with other guys.”
Sasuke curled his hands into a fist, resisting the urge to knock his teeth out. He didn’t curb the bitter tone in his voice though. “I only did it in my first year, in the first months, all with protection because I’m not fucking dumb. And even after that I did a very thorough medical exam so sorry if I have to dig through mountains of dusty files to show you whatever the fuck you want to satisfy your stupid jealousy.”
Somehow this confession felt very off-place that Naruto even forgot that they were in the middle of foreplay. He tilted his head to one side mumbling. "Why did you have sex with some guys only in your first months?”
“Does that matter?” Sasuke growled.
“You could definitely have a harem in your disposal, seeing that you're well…you could have one different guy every night, so why?"
Sasuke grumbled very loudly, staring at his wilting erection and really wishing Naruto could go back to what really interested him. "It's nothing, and thanks for painting me as some sort of man-whore who wants to sleep around given any chance."
"I was just saying as an example.” Naruto insisted, curiosity piqued. “You're hot Sasuke, and I know I'm lucky that you chose me to date you. So why?" 
"I was picky, let's move on." Sasuke captured Naruto’s lips with his teeth, indulging in another deep kiss where he hoped it’d occupy his dumbass’ mind.
Naruto didn’t take the bait, muttering between smacks of lips. "To the point that you'd only⏤"
"I thought we were having sex, dumbass." His dick deserved a medal now, how the fuck did it manage not to go soft after all these intermissions?
Naruto blinked. "Right, but I'm curious." 
Huffing, Sasuke raised his eyes heavenward, feeling a sudden chill on his nubile body, all the previous erotic estimulation gone now. Naruto kissed him softly, almost as an apology before he asked again.
“I’m curious.”
“I told you it’s nothing.” Sasuke growled, his hands itching to just grab the blond head and make Naruto deep-throat his cock.
“If it’s nothing, where’s the issue about you telling me?”
“I swear to God you absolute moron, my dick is right here, waiting for you⏤”
Naruto shook his head, exhaling tiredly. He admitted in a quiet voice. “I just⏤are those guys that special that you’d restrict yourself with only them or⏤”
Sasuke was almost at his wit's end, exclaiming. “Naruto, are you really going with the jealous boyfriend bullshit, I swear to God…”
“I’m sorry, I⏤” Naruto shuffled uncomfortably, looking guilty. “I’m not that mature knowing that you had other guys in the past. I don’t think I want to hear how you were romantically involved with someone el⏤”  
“I wasn’t involved with anyone, it was just one-night stands. I swear.” Sasuke assured, adding with a hard kiss on his lips.
Gradually, fingers reached to cup his face, Naruto murmured unsure. “Well, then…why⏤”  
Sasuke gazed upon his lover’s azure eyes, a shade of hesitancy and distress. Confessing his last secret would crumble the last barrier he had built all over the years against his soulmate but…Naruto deserved this. Inhaling, Sasuke shut his eyes, declaring.
“I missed you. Okay?”
Naruto focused his vision on Sasuke, his emotions being mixed between confusion and elation.
Sasuke pressed on. “I missed you, and I needed to forget you badly. No matter what. I thought that it would work but…” He heaved loudly, glaring to the ground and grumbled. “Well, that’s why I settled by drawing your fucking dumbass face.”
Naruto just gawked back, his brain taking time to compute and absorb all this new information. As the silence kept stretching Sasuke snapped. “What?”
But those stupid wide blue eyes only stared back at him before, much to his indignation, Naruto let out a bark of laughter. That moronic dumbass, he expected that Naruto would at least look relieved.
“What?!” Sasuke snarled.
“No it’s just that…” Naruto chuckled again, grinning. “I keep forgetting your very weird and twisted ways to show affection.”
That’s it, he should have settled jerking himself off instead of getting involved with this moron. Sasuke clobbered over the blond head. “You dumbass, I don’t even understand why I’m attracted to you stupid aaaaah⏤!!!” He screamed when a thick cock impaled him out of nowhere, buried to the hilt.
Naruto started thrusting in that tight hole, a feral smirk adorning his face. Lips reached to a fleeting connection, breaths accelerating as Sasuke clutched their bodies closer with his arms, growling. “A little warning usuratonkachi.”
Naruto chuckled, whispering wicked words. “But you like some burn, don’t you?”
Frowning, Sasuke silenced him with another kiss, letting this ecstasy pile up as Naruto continued to thrust inside him. He enjoyed reigniting these lost sensations, the hot member stretching him wide, but still snuggled tight that he could feel the bumps and ridges every time this cock plunged in.
Naruto was taking his time in getting reacquainted to his body, like a musician tuning his instrument he hadn’t used in a while. He replayed all the familiar spots, exploring them once again and heightening in this sinful composition that made Sasuke writhe and moan helplessly. 
There was absolutely no comparison to all previous sex trysts he had done with other men. All the uninterested touches, mechanical movements were just some bleak, monocolor passage of time that put him off in an instant. 
Sex with Naruto was always an extraordinary, almost time-bending event that consumed his soul completely. Seconds flew by but also stretched indeterminate when he drowned in this ecstasy, myriad of colors flashing through his eyes while their bodies were locked together.
Naruto pulled away only till the tip was in, before thrusting deep inside Sasuke with a groan, savoring how his lover shivered in response. Mouths meshed together, fervent, passionate and greedy, tasting the unique flavor of his lover.
Sasuke managed to wheeze out. “Bedroom…” He let out an uncharacteristic yelp, his arms clutching on the broad back when Naruto held him by his buttocks, cock burying even deeper in his hole. He moaned when hips thrust several times, but Naruto shuffled in the general direction of his bed, bodies linked yet.
Two more stumbles here and there, Naruto managed to throw him to bed, laughing. “Oh, thank God your bedroom is nearby, I’m actually not that strong ya know.” Sasuke just kissed him, too used to his shenanigans.
In a wild second, Sasuke wished he’d kiss those smiling lips for the rest of his life. His brain panicked though, reminding him how a flawed system linked them together. Fortunately this negative thought didn’t linger, with their mouths matching, overlapping and gliding together in a swimming giddiness. 
Sasuke turned around with the intention to be taken behind but a hand halted him, making his eyes focused back on Naruto’s smile.
“Hey…I wanted to see you.” He muttered, giving another kiss in reassurance. 
Sasuke’s upper body faced forward, his legs settling to one side though. While he was holding his cock with one hand, Naruto aimed and began penetrating him once again. There wasn’t one moment their mutual gazes would waver, blue eyes stared affectionately towards dark grey ones, as Naruto picked up speed while Sasuke rolled his hips to match this rhythm.
He was tilting closer, almost as if he craved to be completely merged into Sasuke’s that, at some point, he laid down next to Sasuke, one tanned hand cradled his head, another one caressed his face. Sasuke’s right leg was wrapped around Naruto’s hip, tanned left leg thrown over his body, Sasuke’s fingers clenching tightly to bring impossibly close to him, limbs tangled till he could not see where was the end or beginning of their bodies. Once Naruto tilted his hips to restart his thrusts, Sasuke’s whole vision was fixated in this exquisite face, full of intense hunger and warm tenderness. Every inch of his skin was covered by his lover’s body, cock pulsating inside him repeatedly. 
He felt so full.
Those overwhelming emotions settled in his heart, igniting bright embers that threatened to throw him over the edge. Naruto then curled his hand around his cock, pumping it while his lips tried for another kiss, though it just bumped while they were both breathing faster, thrusts increasing till it lost all pacing as they both reached their orgasm.
Sasuke cried out, shuddering while his cum drizzled on Naruto’s hand, soiling the sheets. Two more plunges Naruto locked in, hugging Sasuke tightly while he released inside him. They heaved for long minutes from aftershocks, their eyes focused on each other nonetheless.
Once he settled enough, Naruto was first to kiss Sasuke’s forehead, yawning and shutting his eyes, arms enveloped around his body.
And in this miraculous second, instead of being bombarded by second thoughts or reluctance, Sasuke succumbed to his desires, cheek nuzzling the blond hair as he also called the night.
Chapter 08
AN: Hooray for butt-sex! I gotta be honest, I just created this whole fic to write this sex scene. I hope you guys will like it lmao. (and please review)
15 notes · View notes
our-time-is-now · 4 years
April 12, 2019 – Cocoa talk with Laura
(previous play)
(Joint project from @riddikulus und @shakshuka-grandpasweaters, translated from @girlwholovesagirl, @divingdeepintothewater, @m-ger and @julerocks.  Please find the first play here. Here is the timeline and the link to the original blog @unsere-zeit-ist-jetzt.  If you would also like to help translate, please contact one of us.) 
Friday, 09:30 pm
David: *is standing in the living room with palpitations and listens to Laura interrupting Matteo, apologising to him and closing the front-door* *would have never thought that Matteo would come to his home, to talk to him after his message* *is thinking about how Matteo deserves a conversation and that it was cowardly to send him a message and to ask if he could give him some time but he doesn't know how to explain what is going on – he doesn't understand it himself* *has undertaken to not tell anybody that he is transgender – and didn't want anybody to get so close to him that he has a reason to explain it* *is scared and panics that Matteo would reject him if he knew, that he would tell everybody and so everybody would know and it would all begin again*
*doesn't want that to happen and thinks that it would be the best to end everything before it can really start so it can't escalate* *grabs his phone and writes without thinking about it: “Just leave me alone. I don't want anything from you!”* *presses send without thinking about it and takes a deep breath* *hears how the door closes downstairs and walks to the window* *sees Matteo on the street, grabbing his phone, reading the message and throwing his phone onto the pavement* *feels how his heart contracts* *didn't want to hurt him and actually knows that it's selfish not to talk to him face to face, not explaining the situation – but the need to protect himself is bigger* *feels how Laura stands next to him and is thankful that she doesn't say anything* *watches how Matteo picks up his phone and keeps standing there for a time until he slowly goes away*
Laura: *stands next to her brother and looks down at him* *can imagine that David wrote another message when she sees the phone his shaky hand* *puts her arm around his shoulders* David... *she says gently, hesitantly* … is this a cocoa talk or a beer talk?
David: *forgot that Laura stands next to him for a moment and gets back to reality when she talks to him and puts her arm around his shoulders* *slowly turns away from the window and grabs her hand on his shoulder* *presses it softly and takes a deep breath* *almost smiles bitterly when she asks* *runs a helpless hand through his hair and finally says* Cocoa... *turns away from the window completely, goes into the kitchen like in a trance, switches on the small lamp on the countertop and drops onto a kitchen chair* *stares at his phone that lies on the tabletop and asks himself if he hasn't just made a huge mistake*
Laura: *nods and leaves him alone while she makes cocoa for both of them* *thinks that it's quite good if he puts his thoughts in order* *knows that he likes Matteo but somehow didn't think that it would take him like that* *tough that it was a flirt and that David only took off a little late* *but now that her brother is sitting there like a picture of misery, she isn't quite sure if this was the last time that she saw Matteo* *but now it's her brother's turn* *she puts the cups on the table and sits opposite him* *she tilts her head and smiles softly* So? *she asks quietly and gives him the opportunity to tell her what he wants* *she can still ask questions later*
David: *takes the cup from Laura and smiles a bit tired* Thanks... *pushes his phone to the side and warms his hands on the cup* *doesn't know where he should start but knows from experience that when talking to Laura it doesn't matter since at the end of the conversation everything will automatically come to together in the right order anyway* *just starts somewhere and says quietly* We had a date yesterday... *feels a lump in his throat, as he thinks about how much fun they had yesterday and how he felt really comfortable, then clears his throat so the lump goes away* ...and at the end he told me that he broke up with his girlfriend.
Laura: *looks at him attentively* *lets him talk* *can't help but smile in the end* He broke up with his girlfriend? What a wretch! *looks at him understandingly again and nods* That means it suddenly got serious, right? It suddenly got real? *sees David nodding and nods too* And that's why you turned him down?
David: *looks at Laura, like he is outraged and insulted when she laughs* *buries the face in his hands and groans* That's not funny... *sighs at her conclusion* *didn't think that Matteo would break up with Sara* *thought that he could adore him for a little and for Matteo the whole thing might just be some playing around... or something to try out* *would've never thought that Matteo would break up his his girlfriend because of him and doesn't even want to allow the thought that he might really mean something to Matteo* *shakes his head at Lauras next question* Not right away... I texted him that it was going to fast for me and that I need some time... *shrugs and looks at Laura helplessly* … and not even 10 minutes later he stands in front of the door... *smiles sadly* Thanks by the way for getting rid of him... *could only whisper earlier that he was not there if it was Matteo and is really grateful that she jumped in for him without hesitation*
Laura: *nods* I know, I'm sorry... *nods again* Sure, no problem... you didn't think that he would come, right? *takes a sip of her cocoa and sighs* Your shoes were in front of the door so I guess that he knows now. *sees David slump more if that's even possible* Is that really what you want David? Get rid of him?
David: *shakes his head at Lauras question* *may have expected that he would ask via Whatsapp but not that Matteo would appear in front of the door* *hears the stuff with his shoes and Laura's comment on that* *briefly presses his lips together and then admits softly and with a slightly trembling voice* If not through the shoes then because of my message... *takes a deep breath and explains quietly* I just texted him that I don't want anything from him and that he should leave me alone... *has the feeling that he does everything wrong but doesn't know what to do without hurting himself* *grabs his cocoa at Laura's last question and takes a sip* *thinks about it* *just shrugs at some point* *takes another sip and then has their date in mind... the first kiss... and the half-kiss... their weekend in bed... Matteo's closeness, his laughter and his blue eyes... the feeling he could be himself* *closes his eyes when he realises that they get watery, puts the cup on the table and briefly presses his lips together before he answers Laura's question* No, it's not what I want. But what should I have done? It's a bit late for an outing, isn't it? I mean... he broke up with his girlfriend... he expects something from me... which I most likely cannot fulfill. He'll probably think I was just kidding him all the time... *shakes his head again* And I don't want to tell him! Nobody at the new school should know! And if it somehow makes the round, should I start all over again?
Laura: *nods and sighs when she hears about the second message* Oh, David... *looks at him and sees how something changes, his eyes get watery but he also relaxes* *just wants to say that he was hit pretty hard but doesn't get there because he speaks again* *presses her lips together* Hey...*she say softly and grabs his arm* Hey... it's your decision, you know? Of course you don't need to tell him, you don't need to tell anyone if you don't want to. *slowly pulls her hand back* But you know... sometimes... sometimes people surprise us. *sighs and quickly adds* That doesn't mean you made the wrong decision... I don't even know him... but... I hate to see that this hurts you so much and I don't want you to think that you can never trust anybody again.
David: *lets her words sink in and thinks about it* *says softly after some time* I don't even know myself if I made the wrong or right decision* *takes another sip and remains silent shortly before he continues hesitantly* I think it would be different if I was already through school... *also thinks the idea of never being able to trust someone is horrible and thinks that Matteo would have had some kind of potential to be trusted ... if it weren't for the school and his fear that it would go around there if Matteo can't handle it* *shrugs a little* Maybe I would've told him if I already had my Abi and wouldn’t need to go to school anymore... so I don't need to see anyone if Matteo... *doesn't like to think about the “if” in relation to Matteo because it hurts him in some way* *suddenly feels really tired, crosses his arms on the table and rests his head on them*
Laura: *nods slowly* Yeah, stupid school, but it's not long anymore, only a few weeks. *sighs quietly and takes a sip of the cocoa* If Matteo turns out to be an asshole? *extends her hand again and ruffles his hair* Hey... hey... it will be fine... The main thing is that you feel safe, okay? *hesitates slightly but then says* I have a feeling that everything will come together, okay? It will be fine...
David: *nods hesitantly at her words* *doesn't want to think about Matteo turning out to be an asshole, but is also not quite sure how well he knows Matteo* *closes his eyes when Laura ruffles his hair and mumbles* Okay... *actually feels a little safer right now but still alone and sad* then straightens up and look at Laura* *tries to smile and shrugs* We will see... *drinks his cocoa and grabs his phone* *opens Whatsapp and sees that Matteo read his message and hasn't been online since* *asks himself whether his phone survived the bang on the pavement* *looks at Laura again and stands up* Thanks for... everything... *gives her a kiss on the forehead before he leaves the kitchen* *wants to be alone for now and not see anyone*
(next play)
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nagdabbit · 4 years
For the lovely, the wonderful, the incomparable @gideongrace​ , may I present: Daggs’ Guide to the Wild Ass World of Professional Wrestling! (and it’s goin’ behind a cut because It Got LONG!)
So, here is the things. Wrestling is STUPID. And great? And fun as hell! And the most carny sport to ever exist. But, also SUPER inside baseball a lot of the time just because it’s got such a long goddamn history that it can seem daunting to get into. Like I’ve only been back into it the last four or so years, so there’s a lot of history that I’ve missed! There’s also a whole lot of gate keeping, just like comics or video games. There’s also the bitter truth that a lot of people in the industry are absolute shitheels that should have been fired long ago (and I’ll only be vague about a lot of that). So, yeah. A WHOLE LOT.
First things first: HISTORY. There’s just so much. But, conveniently? You don’t need it. It can be fun if you end up really like wrestling, but contrary to what a bunch of middle-aged, racist, misogynist and WILDLY homophobic, White American Men will tell you, you don’t actually need it to enjoy yourself. If you DO want history, might I suggest the How2Wrestling podcast! It is a cheerful, lovely show hosted by two goddamn delightful humans, Kefin and Jo (who are also just wonderful people to interact with in general)! There is also the Comic Book Story of Professional Wrestling by Aubrey Sitterson and Chris Moreno, which is a great read! Wrestlesplania is another good show for history of the sport and the wrestlers! They’re definitely, uh, hornier, but v fun!
Secondly: On the subject of inside baseball, wrestling jargon is a whole thing. The ONLY part of wrestling history that is 100% important: it is a carny sport. Like, some side-show, vaudeville ass shit, yo. And it has never evolved from that, so there are a whole lot of terms used that are very specific to like... early 1900′s carnival culture. Here is a wikipedia article, but there’s also a wonderful How2Wrestling episode about it all! I’ll try not to use much!
Thirdly: We can’t talk about wrestling podcasts without mentioning Colt Cabana’s The Art of Wrestling. A lot of the archives are behind a paywall now, but the show is great. If you DO get into wrestling and start to find wrestlers you enjoy, I highly highly suggest checking to see if they’ve done an episode. Colt is a goddamn delight of a human, deserving of support and a great interviewer on top of it. Even if you just bookmark eps you’d wanna listen to and then start a free trial to marathon them all. (See also: the Colt Cabana & CM Punk lawsuit(s), in which Colt got royally fucked over.)
Fourthly: Nobodies Watching Wrestling. Drag Queens watching wrestling. That’s all you need to know. Even out of context, they’re goddamn delightful humans. Might I recommend this episode with EFFY, because I sometimes just watch it when I’m having a bad day.
Fifthly: Tights & Fights is a great weekly wrestling pod, and is how I keep up on a lot of things that I might not be watching. PLUS, diverse group of (wonderful) hosts: Hal Lublin, Daniel Radford, Lindsey Kelk, Open Mike Eagle, and producer Julien Burrell. They’re just great. And horny, at times, but in a charming and respectful way.
Now... The boring part. I’m just gonna get some of the popular company introductions out of the way, and then the fun part of So Many Match Suggestions at the bottom. But, business first! (The Big difference between Larger Companies and Independent Companies is that the big guys have a contracted roster of people who sometimes can work with other companies [unless they’re the WWE, who have exclusive contracts and still call their employees Independent Contractors so they don’t have to offer health insurance or a union], and indie guys contract people usually show-by-show. ALSO, there is intergender wrestling [men vs women, which does bother a lot of people. I do side with support of it, but I do totally get how it can be hard to watch] in indie shows, whereas there is NOT in 90% of the big companies.)
(And, honestly, if you wanna skip this part, you can, but if I don’t do it first, I’ll forget..)
WWE - Here’s the thing. The WWE kinda... is a terrible capitalist bastard of a company, run by a morally bankrupt, egomaniacal, shitstain, roid-rage cryptkeeper of a man. And, if you want my personal opinion, RAW and Smackdown are both (currently) TERRIBLE shows, despite having some truly phenomenal talent. BUT, but. NXT (and NXT UK) is probably the best, like, weekly wrestling show (on TV, at least, but we’ll get there). The talent is INCREDIBLE, the storylines are less bad bananas, and they’ve adopted a LOT of the best indie talent lately (because they want to directly compete with AEW, but that’s a whole other thing). WWE programming is also the easiest to get a hold of because they are the longest running and basically Disney, so there are some full matches on YouTube, and Raw and NXT are available on Hulu. They are also releasing a lot of free stuff on the WWE Network that you can watch without signing up for a paid account, but there is a lot of stuff behind a pay wall.
Cons: Real Talk, run by a bunch of terrible people. Responsible for covering up a lot of truly reprehensible crimes for which no one was held accountable, despite being well documented. A blatant disregard for the (physical and mental) safety and/or financial security of a lot of their roster--specifically the people you don’t see on TV. (If you want some history, you can look through the past tweets of the New York 64 Tournament, but a lot of it turned my stomach, so I would not suggest, but it’s there if you have the same morbid curiosity that I did)
Pros: The company might be run by terrible people, but their roster is good. A lot of my top wrestlers do work for the WWE, sure, but they do hire a lot of decent humans that I sometimes feel bad about not supporting. Also, it is the dream of a lot of people to join WWE simply because of the prestige, the massive audience, and job security. I might hate Vince but I can’t begrudge any wrestler currently working for them.
NXT Pros: On the subject of rosters, NXT is LIT. But they have also stolen some of the best indie wrestlers recently: Mercedes Martinez and Jake Atlas, two of my All Time Favs. Both of whom deserve the world, because being openly gay in the wrestling industry is the pits.
All Elite Wrestling - AEW is a very new company, and they are my favourite of the big promotions. They are a company run by wrestlers, rather than a millionaire with a writing staff. I like the wrestling style(s) better, I was a huge fan of a lot of their roster before they hit TV last October, and I like not giving the McMahons money. The storylines are better, if only because they don’t have a writer’s room dictating scripts and such, and the characters are more fun (for me at least).
Easiest ways to watch for free: Their YouTube channel! There you can find a lot of highlights, behind the scenes, AEW Dark (the “dark” matches, or the non-televised matches from TV tapings), PPV pre-shows and a lot of stupid stuff.
Cons: A bit of an issue offering equal match time to the women’s roster the way they SAID they would at the start. A bit more violent of a style as a lot of the wrestlers came up death match style wrestling, or are from Japan/wrestled in Japan and typically wrestle “strong style” (wrestling style with less theatrics and known for Real Real Strikes that Hurt A Lot), which some people can find off-putting. Also, they hired Jake Hager, who is a real piece of shit.
Pros: Have a wonderfully diverse roster. Orange Cassidy. Sonny Kiss. Good storytelling. Jake The Snake Roberts doing Hella Promos. The Dark Order, who we affectionately refer to as the Spooky Perverts. Chris Jericho yelling at a Drone, and Matt Hardy being a wizard. A bunch of wrestlers who are married to other wrestlers who work for WWE, and good jokes are made.
BUT THE BIGGEST PRO-AEW THING I CAN PROVIDE: NYLA FUCKING ROSE. They didn’t make her the first women’s champion like they should have, but they put her in the first championship match on the FIRST episode of the weekly show, Dynamite, and she is now the CURRENT women’s champion. I don’t wanna make a big deal, only it is a BIG DEAL, because Nyla Fucking Rose is the first openly transgender wrestler signed to a major promotion, and if you think I didn’t fucking CRY LIKE A CHILD when she won, you’re wrong. So, yeah, a NATIONALLY TELEVISED WRESTLING PROGRAM’S CURRENT WOMEN’S CHAMPION IS A TRANSGENDER, FIRST NATIONS WOMAN. NYLA. FUCKING. ROSE.
As of right now, AEW seems to be done filming, which is both Very Smart and also heartbreaking, but you can find all the ways to watch over here on their site if it looks like fun!
WOW Women of Wrestling - Have you seen GLOW? This is a show created by the IRL creator of GLOW (the promotion the show is based on, not the show)! And it is? Incredible? The characters are fun and portrayed as superheroes, the stories are CAMP af, and the wrestling is GOOD. They’re a non-traditional show, which is fun. Their roster is made up of wrestlers playing different wrestlers. Wrestling is a bunch of super talented people playing characters while doing acrobatics. WOW gives us people playing characters, playing other characters, while also doing acrobatics.
Cons: All male announce team? On an all women’s show? Excuse? And also: Tessa Blanchard who is, it turns out, a great big racist. Also a little harder to get full episodes it seems.
Pros: Literally everything else.
Ring of Honor - For awhile ROH was handily competing with WWE. And then they weren’t. And then they got better. And then they got worse. And now, currently, they are a company that I hate supporting.
Cons: Run by assholes who don’t care about worker safety, and don’t put anything into the women’s division.
Pros: Sometimes they partner with New Japan Pro Wrestling. They’ve recently released a lot of goooood old matches including some Kevin Steen (currently WWE’s Kevin Owens) vs El Generico (definitely, 100% not at all, no way, no how, of course NOT WWE’s Sami Zayn [he is, this is another inside baseball joke that I’m just obligated to make every time I mention El Generico]) matches which are BRUTAL. Oh, and Dalton Castle:
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Impact! - It’s back! I don’t watch it, but they DO have Rich Swann, so they can’t be bad. There is an entire history to Impact that is BANANAS. Like AEW, a bit more rough and tumble, scrappy death match folks, and I like a lot of the roster, like Taya Valkyrie, Jessika Havok and Sami Callihan. Not a bad show, but the full show weekly doesn’t hold my attention.
Cons: Tessa Blanchard, mostly. She is an incredible wrestler, her matches are good, but.
Pros: Pretty easy to watch, actually? I believe they’re still on Twitch, and they have an entire channel on Pluto TV.
New Japan Pro Wrestling - NJPW is GREAT. Definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. The shows are long, and strong style just... hurts. Like, a lot of wincing on my end. But the wrestling. Oh, lordy, the wrestling is incredible. But it is brutal. Strong Style wrestling is much different than the typical American style that you see in WWE, and a lot more grounded than high flying lucha styles. (Though a lot of wrestlers do travel to Mexico and train in lucha style wrestling (which I am the least familiar with), so currently there is a lot of the very high flying flippty dos and the absolutely brutal strikes that you see in strong style wrestling.)
Cons: Show/match length is typically long and there is A Lot to See. The only way I know to watch full shows is through their streaming service.
Pros: Just the whole thing, really. They release a free match on YouTube every Monday. Also, Toru Yano, the best wrestler in the world.
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Indie Promotions that I know less about because I can afford only so many streaming services
Firstly, here is a Wiki list of wrestling streaming services. I’m gonna name a couple below, but the wiki page has a handy list of costs of the bigger ones because capitalism knows how to get you. (Personally, I only use IWTV at the moment. They’re a good company run by good people, and a lot of indie promotions would have died out without partnering with/support from them)
Beyond Wrestling - Beyond is My Favourite Promotion To Watch, Bar None. Their weekly show (when in season), Uncharted Territory, is fantastic. Diverse talent, diverse styles. They do have a lot of death matches, which can suck to watch if you aren’t into that sort of thing. I am, it turns out, into that sort of thing. But listening to interviews with a lot of death match wrestlers, specifically Jimmy Havoc, can help understand the w h y of it all! Available on IWTV.
Chikara - Chikara is So Fun! They are a (mostly) family friendly promotion and training school. Their shows are filled with young/newbie wrestlers as they learn the tricks. Run by Mike Quackenbush, who is a delightful person, BRILLIANT wrestler/trainer, and someone who is willing to take the safety of his people into account. He’s good people, who trains good people, and supports good people, and gives them a safe, open place to learn. It’s also very fun! A lot of comedy matches. Watch on: CHIKARAtopia or some of their archive is on IWTV.
EVE - An all-women promotion, providing a safe working and training environment for women and girls. They have put their foot in it on occasion, but they seem to still be good people. (I would recommend the Tights & Fights episode with founders Emily and Dann Read for a little backstory on the company, but not needed.) Ways to watch.
RIPTIDE - YO, RIPTIDE IS DOING THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SHIT. Cinematic wrestling, and it is great. The matches are good, the promos are good, the people are good. But the way they film it oh my god holy shit. When everything is a little less hectic, they are people I am definitely gonna support as much as I can. Watch here.
A Matter of Pride - Here’s the thing. They have put on some very good, inclusive shows. However, some serious allegations have come out about Rick Cataldo, who is involved with the company, and I think it’s important to mention. They have done a lot of good in the world of prowrestling and they put on good shows and they have given a platform to people who might otherwise have been pushed aside, however bad things have still happened there. Watchable on YouTube.
GCW (IWTV, Fite TV & Smartmark) * Black Label Pro (IWTV) * Prime Time Pro Wrestling (IWTV) * Uncanny Attractions * RISE (IWTV) * Bar Wrestling * PWG * Stardom * Bizarro Lucha (IWTV) * OTT
There is also NWA Power that is a good show on YouTube, however, they immediately hired (and now fired for being racist) Jim Cornette who is... just an absolute jackass. But I do feel I should mention them.
Is that over? Yes? Well..
So. The thing is. Wrestling is A Lot. SO, I’m gonna give you as wide a variety as I can! I’ll point out some fun people, some fun gimmicks and HOPEFULLY won’t completely turn you off! If you enjoy any of these, then the dumb stuff up above is useful!
First! The most important wrestling match of All Time. Invisible Man vs Invisible Stan. This is everything you need to know about the beats of good wrestling, but also why wrestling is fun. There are two people in this match: Referee Bryce Remsburg and the audience. And that’s it. This is literally just a referee (but it’s Bryce, so the referee) miming a wrestling match, and an audience buying into the kayfabe wholeheartedly. (Inside baseball: Bad Boy Vision - “Bad Boy” Joey Janela’s [another wrestler] sunglasses)
One of my favourite matches in recent memory, AND one of the best matches sort of just in general! David Starr vs Jordan Devlin at OTT. Quintessential wrestling, fantastic storytelling, and one of the best promo packages I’ve ever seen. BONUS: David Starr is a GREAT human fighting day and night to unionize the wrestling industry. He’s the Bernie Sanders of professional wrestling.
I thought about putting an actual death match on the list, but the closest I will get is this Nick Gage vs Josh Briggs fans bring the weapons match. I chose this match because my very best friend does not like this style of wrestling at all, but he did enjoy this match. It’s a lot, obviously. But it’s not as bad as it could be, but there’s also no shame if it isn’t your thing. Hell, I don’t even know why it’s my thing! I don’t even like bloody horror movies! I will say that Nick Fuckin’ Gage is one of the most prolific death match guys still working today, and also one of the nicest, kindest, most beloved guys there is and I would die to protect him. MDK!
Okay, this is the single most beautiful match to exist. Cara Noir vs PAC (fka WWE’s Neville). This isn’t wrestling, this is art. Great story, no commentary, gorgeous camerawork. Bonus: Cara Noir has the most fantastic and well rounded gimmick (character) in the business. Have you seen Black Swan? That’s it. That’s his character. And it’s great. Nailed. It.
Oh, did you know David Arquette is a wrestler? HE IS! Here’s he and RJ City.
On the subject of WWE and NXT, this Halftime Heat match of Aleister Black, Ricochet & Velveteen Dream vs Johnny Gargano, Adam Cole & Tommaso Ciampa. These are six of the best wrestlers work, and definitely TOPS in the WWE system. SEE ALSO: Black & Dream put on a HELL of a program together at NXT, but it’s been boiled down to this highlight vid that gives me feelings. Gargano vs Andrade Cien Almas is one of THE BEST matches of all time and here is a shitty highlight reel, but it’s still good. Adam Cole is 1) incredible and 2) the prettiest possum in the Denny’s dumpster, have a Cole vs Finn Balor highlight reel. God, I wish it were easier to find WWE stuff on YouTube.. All these matches should be on Hulu, tho.
NEXT! Kris Statlander vs Davienne for Beyond. Kris Statlander is A Legend, despite being real new to the business. Currently wrestling for AEW, former stuntwoman and, most importantly, she’s an alien.
FREE FOR ALL TIME. Solo Darling vs Penelope Ford vs Veda Scott vs Ashley Vox. They didn’t have to go that hard, but they did.
SPEAKING OF. Kylie Rae, Penelope Ford, Kimber Lee & Skylar vs. Shotzi Blackheart, Harlow &Twisted Sisterz. I just? I love? All of them?
And not to mention Kris Statlander vs Priscilla Kelly. I mean, I mean. I cannot sing the praises of both of these women enough.
Okay, so I am really only passingly familiar with a lot of Japanese wrestling. Mostly got into it last summer, actually. I get it, I love it, but I’m not as well versed in the people involved. Two badasses I do know? Meiko Satomura vs Kana (WWE’s Asuka). Fucking legends, both of them. Hard hitters, too, jesus.
If you do get into NXT at all, Keith Lee and Donovan Dijak put on one fuck of a program together, but the story started long before they ever entered the WWE! Please enjoy this absolute hoss fight from a couple years back.
NOW, some intergender matches! If you think they aren’t your thing, feel free to skip!
A fun match of (current IRL romantic partners) Keith Lee vs Mia Yim from before either of them debuted at NXT. I believe they weren’t dating at this point, so the next part will really hit, cuz it’s romantic as shit... This was not the booked ending. Keith Lee didn’t kick out on purpose. (Which, I mean, is literally all wrestling endings, but.) Mia was booked to lose (at least they told her that), and he purposefully took the L and went out on his back, to surprise her and give her a MASSIVE push.
Leyla Hirsch vs David Starr. I just. I goddamn love Leyla Hirsch. A very young wrestler, very new to the industry and I just love her so much?
Two great, intense matches of Joey Janela, the patron saint of bad decisions. Versus Kris Statlander (I can’t get enough of her) and versus Jordynne Grace.
Orange Cassidy and Penelope Ford vs Shockwave and Veda Scott. Shockwave is a robot and Orange Cassidy is Paul Rudd in Wet Hot American Summer. I can give no other explanation.
COMEDY TIME, YO. Comedy wrestling is The Best. There’s a name, Orange Cassidy. Yeah, he’s very funny, and also the most divisive person in wrestling rn. He’s Paul Rudd. He knows he’s a wrestler. He’s lazy. And there’s one match that we need to get out of the way first...
Orange Cassidy vs David Starr. The thing is. Orange Cassidy can fucking wrestle. His gimmick might be that he doesn’t want to, but he can. And It. Is. Great.
Now we can get on with the funnies.
Orange Cassidy vs Colt Cabana. Not story needed. Just two dudes at a food festival. Oh, yeah, there’s also a Swamp Monster. We love Swampy.
Colt Cabana vs Toru Yano. It’s just. So. FUN.
You might know the name Joey Ryan as The Dick Flip Wrestler, or The King of Dong Style. His dick has magical powers, it’s a thing. Here’s he and Orange Cassidy.
Johnny Cockstrong is the opposite of Joey Ryan. Literally. Here’s him also vs Orange Cassidy.
Did you want to see a Dick Test of Strength between them? Well, it happened.
Back to RIPTIDE for (another intergender, kinda) Pete Dunne, Tyler Bate & Trent Seven vs Joey Ryan, Candice LeRae (the World’s Cutest Tag Team) & Colt Cabana.
Kinda almost but not really comedy but very funny and also full of good wrasslin’, here is EFFY vs Orange Cassidy. Pirated, technically, and in real low quality, but I Love It. EFFY is Daddy.
Now, you’ll notice not a lot of women in the comedy section. Real talk, women still tend to get treated as a joke by the wrestling industry at large, so they don’t get the luxury of being as funny as they want. But one woman out there doing the lord’s work is Session Moth Martina. Legend. Love her. Admittedly, another intergender match, but it makes me happy. Martina & Orange Cassidy vs Joey Janela & Penelope Ford (Janelope).
One of my All Time Favourite Matches to date, EFFY and Danhausen (Gaytanic Panic) vs Chris Dickinson and Pinkie Sanchez (Team Pazuzu). Yes, this is a Halloween show. Yes, the Ref IS dressed as Chris Dickinson. There are teeth, Jesus resurrects someone, Danhausen is in fishnets and Effy is in face paint. It’s great. Love that Danhausen.
And there we have it! A whole lot of information and a bunch of matches and some stuff. It’s real dumb, and sometimes the industry is dark, but there’s a lot of hella good people doing dumb things. I hope this was helpful?? And Fun! (But my feeling won’t be hurt if it wasn’t fun, I promise!)
I leave you with this, RJ City making coffee in his underwear with Danhausen. Completely out of context. Because I love it.
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misterrnobody · 6 years
[M4A] [DISCORD] M/M GAY ROMANCE M/M (optional plots included)
Hello! I’m currently looking for someone who’s interested in writing a gay romance with me (don’t care about your actual real-life gender). My preferences are drama, angst, slice of life and so on. For writing, at least 2 paragraphs, proper English, third person only and the quicker you reply, the better (though different timezones are totally okay and real life comes first!). All I ask if that you don’t just disappear on me. If there’s something you don’t like; just tell me. I’m an adult and I can handle it. Expect me to do the same. Character-wise, I’m looking for characters around the age of 25-38. I also require a real-life face claim. I’m into writing with pretty masculine characters, both in appearance and personality.
I include NSFW content, for this reason, I require roleplay partners to be 18 years old or older. As for sexual content; my characters do not take the “top” position.
Due to the fact, a lot of people have had me waste my time writing starters only not to reply; I ask that you write the first starter purely for me to see that you’re serious about writing.
I’ve been roleplaying for 8 years on various platforms and am rather proud to say that people always seem to be amazed by the stories I come up with!
I have a preference for OC’s, though I have 2 ships I’m willing to write out (possible plots below. If these don't interest you we can write something else);
Hephaestion x Alexander (which would be in an ancient setting unless you prefer a modern one).
Visual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qLzu4ondZU
and Colin Farrell x Jared Leto. (Seriously, you’d make me really happy if you’re into one of these ships : )
I also really don’t mind having a good conversation next to the roleplay itself!
We can either write on here or through discord (the latter being my preference). If you’re interested, please shoot me a chat or pm message.
Plot for Jared and Colin: They meet when they’re both trying to become actors as they play a small part in a movie. Colin used to be an alcoholic and is still drinking at that point as Jared goes along in it. While doing small acting jobs on the side the two of them spend their time partying, drinking and Jared even does drugs here and there. They stay at hotels and sleep with women at every chance. One night, they don’t manage each find a girl to sleep with and end up rather sexually frustrated in their hotel room as Jared suggests in a drunk mood that Colin could just fuck him instead which actually happens. After that, they’re basically too busy with each other to even notice others, though they never call it a relationship or tell each other they love each other even though they do. Eventually, Colin decides he wants to better his life and stops drinking which is rather hard with Jared still constantly drinking. He eventually manages to stay clear for 3 months when Jared slips alcohol into his drink in a drunk mood which causes him to fall back into his addiction. He gets so awfully pissed with Jared he tells him he never wants to see him again and with that, he takes his leave. Years later, Jared finds himself in a deep depression and in a wheelchair due to an accident that’s unknown to the public. (In this time period, you could decide yourself what life events shaped Colin). The idea is that there are options for him to walk again, but he just can’t be bothered to pursue them despite the fact it might be too late eventually if he waits. One of his actor friends throws a massive birthday party and the theme is to dress up as a character you played or are to play as Jared dresses up as Rayon (the transgender woman from Dallas buyers club). That movie is on the schedule for “when he walks again”. Basically, Colin thinks he sees a lady sitting all bored by himself and when Jared seems rather confused that Colin is even talking to him he realizes that the “lady” is Jared and assumes that the wheelchair is part of the character. They engage in a somewhat awkward conversation and Colin gets a little annoyed with Jared’s I don’t care attitude as when the man asks him to get him a drink, he gets pissed. Jared worded it weirdly meaning a glass of water and Colin doesn’t know he can’t walk himself so he literally starts about “how the hell can you ask a former alcoholic to get you a drink” and tells him to walk himself putting him on his feet only for Jared to fall down because well, he can’t actually walk. That lands them in Colin’s hotel room who eventually manages him to get the surgery needed and helps him through the process which causes them to bond and slowly fall in love again. That’s basically the main line of events I have up until now. Feel free to change anything haha.
Plot for Alexander and Hephaestion: Basically, Alexander is around 22, the king of Macedon and a little bit of an ignorant asshole feeling as if he's entitled to everything as he's royal. He never questioned everything his father told him. He doesn't have to be kind. He doesn't have to consider peoples feelings for he is a king and for example: slaves are to be obedient. So imagine that a grand party is thrown as there's a slavery auction. Hephaestion, in this story a slave, is part of what is offered and seeing Alexander is the king he is entitled to look through the slaves first and claim those he wants to work at his palace. Now all slaves are obedient until he stands in front of Hephaestion as when he grabs his arm to check for muscle (as you see in the movies ;p) the man simply janks his arm free and dares to spit in the king's face. Instead of hanging him Alexander punishes Hephaestion by making him his personal slave. Actually getting to know him Alexander starts to question if he's wrong to see slaves as a mere object for Hephaestion has personality and might even be more intelligent than some of the men in his personal counsel. He becomes sure of it when Hephaestion challenges him to a fist fight when soldiers are training and when he wins; it proves to him that slaves aren't all that different. Basically, we would turn it into a romance. It would include a whole lot of character development, especially for Alexander. He could change rules of slavery and allow Hephaestion to choose his own career path as he eventually does become a commander and so on? Now men being with men was actually normal back in the day where they are from, but for a king to be with a slave would cause some backlash and so on. We could add things or if there’s something you don’t like leave things out and kinda see where it goes after that slave auction.
OC Plot 1: A has been living on the streets for several years. His father made him leave home after seeing him kiss another guy. A started out with the money he saved and ended up in drugs business. A drug deal went wrong, he leaves the city and does not deal drugs again because the chance of running into the people he got in trouble with is too big. Once again going against everything he stands for, he finds himself standing at the street corner one night ready to sell himself to the first person that shows interested. That is B comes in, a rich man who takes a liking to men but can’t openly sleep around because gay rumors could be bad for business. He takes interest in A and takes him home, offering him a to stay with him in his condo, as well as good pay, if he’s available for sex at all times and A agrees, now having a roof above his head and not having to eat from trash cans.
The idea is that the more time they spend together, the closer they get. B, who’s rather selfish, starts to care about A more than he likes. He sees he’s lonely at home; he gets him a dog. He doesn’t have anything to do; he decides to put him in college. What’s interesting is that their lines are already blurred from the beginning, so what’s just kindness? What's part of the arrangement? What’s a hint at love? : )
OC Plot 2: Characters A and B used to be best friends throughout their entire childhood and high school career. In their senior year, people really start to comment on how close they are and the rumor begins that they are a gay couple. B really dislikes this because he is in love with his best friend and has not come to terms with it yet, to the point where he ends their friendship. A, who is a closeted gay man in love with his best friend is not only hurt by that decision, but also feels like B never truly accepted him. While B stays popular, A becomes kind of a loner and all is good until a picture of A kissing a guy goes around the school. B doesn’t really do anything about the bullying and eventually, A just disappears and there’s no track of him.
Years later, B moves to LA/NY due to a new job. At this point, he’s come to tears with his sexuality. One night when he’s at the station, he finds a familiar face putting down a sleeping bag and approaches A asking what he’s doing on the streets. A is rather rude and refuses help as he’s far from the happy cheery person he used to be. B soon finds out that A pays security a small amount of money to sleep there every night and starts with giving leaving him food at the place he knows he will sleep, though A doesn’t accept anything else. That is until one night when B walks home, he sees A get beaten up and after coming in between he takes the man home despite his protests.  A doesn’t tell him much, though it becomes clear that the picture in high school caused his father to find out about his sexuality resulting in him being kicked out of the house. Feeling somewhat responsible for that event, B offers A to stay with him until he’s financially stable enough to provide for himself and A accepts after a lot of ensuring though it proves to be rather hard as A never graduated high school. B covers the costs to get him a proper education as A starts to open up more as they grow closer again as they eventually fall in love again.
OC plot 3: A and B have been chatting and calling for 2 years, though A has never wished to video chat, saying he’s shy and despite disliking not being able to see it, B accepts it. They’ve never declared what they have a long distance relationship, but they’re well on their way. B is an (interesting sports) player and thinks A is involved in the same sport. He’s doing well and playing an important game 6 months from now and has invited A to come to support and see him in real life for the first time. Though before it gets to that, B saves up enough to go and meet A when A confesses that.. not everything he said was true as he is not the guy in the picture. B doesn’t give him much time to explain and gets angry, then blocks him on all social media. 6 months later, after the important game, B finds a bag with the various things he’s sent A over time in the locker room and when he asks who left it and one of his teammates mentions a guy in a wheelchair. Missing the interaction with A, B tries to find him and eventually does and when A gets frantically upset and starts apologizing he decides to finally listen to him and finds out that A did play the (sport of choice), but got in a car accident right before they started chatting and ended up in a wheelchair. Being in a bad shape, he used a picture of someone who looked like him and assuming he’d play his sport again after getting therapy for his legs, he decided to not mention any of that at all only to find out that his family could not afford to put him through the therapy needed. B needs some time to take it in and forgives him, then proceeds to try and help him himself, asking his parents to pay for A’s therapy with the promise he will pay them back after he finishes college. Basically, A starts living with B in his apartment close to campus and they develop love based on truth this time.
(Swimming would be cute, as B could swim with A even if his legs don’t work).
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krustywhore · 7 years
still hurting
so this one’s a doozy. i’m just going to start with a disclaimer before anyone gets interested and decides to risk reading if it isnt healthy for them. this story will contain very dark and traumatic descriptions and content concerning sexual violence and rape so if that is something that might be dangerous for you to read or could make you too uncomfortable, please please please do not read this. i will not be offended by anyone who chooses not to read, trust me. i care way too much about all of y’all so just stay safe. i’ll have another fic up tonight that is much lighter.
ok! so now onto all of the nice people that requested this! thank you to the lovely anon who suggested these two prompts, as well as SomedayonBroadway on ao3 that commented on my story ‘hold on’ with an ask for a fic where race gets drugged and this is what i came up with. i also have to give major props to readeatsleeprepeat on ao3 who wrote one of my favorite sprace fics with a similar theme that i just love so all of you should check that out here. 
alright well i’ll get on to the fic now, thanks guys:)
“Spot, come on! This might be my chance! His mom runs the casting department for the New York City Ballet, I have to go! Trust me, this date will be completely fake, you know I wouldn’t leave you for anything, let alone this guy, but if it gets me a job, we could finally move out of this shitty place and maybe, I don’t know, take some bigger steps together?” Race was practically begging for Spot to understand, but that really made a difference.
“You’re serious?” He asked shyly, taking Race’s hands with a giddy grin on his face. They had been talking about getting engaged for so long, they had been together for almost five years at that point, but it just wasn’t financially realistic at the time, If this fake-date with some guy Race met in his dance program was the ticket to them eventually being able to get married, then Spot would be happy to give up his boyfriend for the night.
“You promise you’ll be careful?”
“Babe, you don’t have to worry, I swear. If I have any problems, I’ll call you, but he’s harmless. Plus, I only need to do this until I can find out if he can actually get me an audition or not,” Race teased, earning a small chuckle out of his boyfriend.
“Fine, just let me know what’s happening along the way, okay? And tell him you don’t kiss on the first date,” he smirked, capturing the boy’s lips once more before he slipped out the door. “Love you.”
“Love you too,” Race called, stepping into the elevator at the end of the hall and he was gone. Spot closed the door behind him, retreated back to their bedroom, and started working on a paper on his laptop.
He received texts from Race throughout the night, each one bringing a smile to his face as his boyfriend complained about literally everything under the sun.
From Race: he’s wearing cargo shorts save me jesus
From Race: oh my god he just ordered a beer and told the waitress, and I quote, ‘it tastes better on a glass so don’t you dare bring it in the bottle’
From Race: well he bought me a drink so that’s a bonus I guess
From Race: I miss you, this asshole just reminds me of how picky jack is when we all go out
Everything seemed to be going fine with updates every fifteen minutes or so until a little over half an hour passed without a single word.
Spot was sure it was nothing. Besides, he kinda felt bad for the guy knowing Race was basically on his phone the whole time from how often he was texting him, but that quickly disappeared.
From Race: so he just told me he made up the whole thing about his mom just to get me to go out with him
From Race: I’m just going to pretend like I don’t care, go to the bathroom and get the check as soon as I finish my drink. I love you, I’ll be home soon
Spot groaned, running his hands through his hair and closing out the extra real estate tabs on his computer. Oh well, at least they tried.
But then more texts came.
From Race: spot I’m scared I really don’t feel good
From Race: he offered to pay the tab and before I knew it he was shoving me into his car
From Race: baby I’m so scared I can’t move very well I think he’s taking me back to his place
From Race: i’m so sorry sean I’m sorry I love you so much I’m sorry
Spot walked back into their bedroom with a bag of popcorn in his hands, set it down on his desk, and grabbed his phone, opening his texts from Race as his blood ran cold.
No. No, no, no, fuck no.
Not his boy, not Race, never. He choked back tears, grabbed a jacket, his keys, and was running out the door in seconds.
He had no idea where he was going the moment his car pulled out of their building’s parking lot. Still, he drive until he was stopped at an intersection, pulling out his phone and frantically searching for any source that could track Race’s phone.
He found an app, knowing it was linked to his own phone’s account, quickly signed out and began inputting Race’s information. Sadly, the light turned red and he had to stop, taking a few more turns before the traffic started up again and he was finally logged in.
The tracker was slow, probably because Race likely urned his phone off, but he eventually got a location; an apartment almost half an hour in the opposite direction.
At that point he had tears streaming down his cheeks as he gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white, taking as many backstreets and topping off the speed limit for any chance to get their quicker.
Everything felt wrong, it was as if every part of his body was screaming at him to do something, but he couldn’t do it. Still, once he reached the last intersection before the apartment complex, he simply pulled his car over to the side of the road and ran. He ran up the stairs, knowing that there was no way he would wait for an elevator, and he was nearly certain he was about to vomit as he found the room, staring at the slightly-agape door before slamming it open.
The place was just like he imagined, unkempt, sparse, and with an air of what Spot could only describe as hell.
No, he wasn’t scared of this guy. He never got scared of fights.
However he was absolutely terrified of what he might find.
He wanted so badly to just burst through every room until he found his boyfriend, but there were other problems, namely the one standing right in front of him.
“You,” he hissed, charging at the guy who looked utterly perplexed as he turned around. Still, there wasn’t much time for that  before an awful cracking sound erupted from his jaw aw Spot made the first blow. The guy went staggering backwards, clutching his face as Spot simply swung from the other side. This tended to be one of the only times being ambidextrous came in handy.
He was just so beside himself that this man thought Race was his to do what he pleased. That he could just take someone like that, but Spot didn’t care what he thought because in minutes he was out cold on his apartment floor and Spot’s bloody knuckles meant absolutely nothing to him.
Instead, he needed to find the one thing that did matter.
And there he was. Spot swung open the closest door to him and that was all it took. There he was. Spot could hardly believe it as his feet carried him to the bed where his beautiful, broken boy laid motionless. His face, though consumed by unconsciousness, was full of terror and the tear tracks dried onto his cheeks only made Spot’s fall harder.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m here now, I got you,” he whimpered, sliding his arms carefully around the boy’s bare body, taking a bedsheet from the bed and deciding not to waste any time trying to redress the boy in his clothes that littered the floor. He thought about taking them with him, but knew there was no way in hell Race would ever put them back on again, so he let them be. However, he did notice the boy’s binder laying on the ground, which he knew he definitely would want as he picked it up, his heart dropping as he held the one long piece of fabric, a massive rip right down the middle.
He left it behind as well, scooping Race up bridal style and holding him tightly to his chest. The process to get him out of that building was nearly impossible as Spot could barely see through his tears.
The thoughts kept running through his head over and over.
I did this.
I let him go.
I wasn’t there when he needed it.
I couldn’t get there in time.
I let someone hurt him.
This bastard just hurt my baby boy and I couldn’t do a thing to stop him.
Spot gently laid Race down in the passenger seat, making sure he was completely covered by the sheet before climbing into the driver’s seat and practically speeding to the hospital. His hand held firmly to his boyfriend’s until he pulled into the emergency loading dock and carried him inside just the same.
It wasn’t hard to get someone to help them, in fact, it only took a minute or two before a couple nurses came rushing in with a bed and took Race from Spot’s arms, despite his initial protest. He knew he had to let go, but no matter who they were, he just…couldn’t stand it.
He followed close behind them throughout the whole process, explaining everything he knew to another nurse as the others frantically hooked him up to all of their systems. Spot could barely watch as he spoke the word he never thought he’d have to, and the nurse looked to the rest of the team.
“I-I’m pretty sure he was…r-raped,” Spot choked out, breaking down as he did, wanting nothing more than to lie down beside his boyfriend and hold him tight and never let go.
The nurse let him be and went to go order a test, but not before asking a few questions about Race’s…body.
“He’s trans, transgender I mean. H-he’s been taking testosterone for a few years now and his d-doctor says the he doesn’t have to w-worry about any, um, fertility or anything anymore,” Spot mumbled as quietly as he could manage, keeping his gaze set on his hands.
“Okay, well Mr. Conlon, don’t worry about a thing, we’re going to make sure he’s healthy and safe and then I’m sure he’ll be okay to go home in no time,” the nurse assured him as Spot nodded, thanking her briefly before curling up into the chair outside the boy’s room and waiting.
Waiting was torture. All he wanted was to see Race. To just hold him and make sure he was safe, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t for so, so long that he could hardly tell how long it had been when a nurse finally came out of the room and told him he could finally come inside. First, though, the nurse told him exactly what had happened, per Spot’s request. He wanted to know as much as possible just in case Race didn’t know. God, that was sickening itself just to think about.
He told Spot the drugs that were being flushed out of his system, and how the man must have used a combination of two different sleep supplements, not meant to be taken together, and that was why he would have to stay overnight, much to Spot’s dismay. Still, he thanked the nurse and hesitantly made his way into the room.
“Tony?” He hadn’t meant for his voice to sound so scared as he watched the boy on the bed look up at him with tired, terrified eyes.
He looked so small. Just the mere sight of him there was enough to shatter his heart into millions of pieces.
Race just curled in on himself and let out a painful sob as Spot ran to his side, sitting right beside him.
“Baby, I’m so sorry,” he cried, wanting nothing more than to just hold him until they could pretend their world wasn’t falling apart, but he wasn’t sure in Race would even want to be touched, let alone without him asking first. “I’m so, so sorry, ‘Tonio.”
Race just trembled as he curled the thin bedsheets around him as far as possible.
“Can I touch you, sweetheart? I promise I won’t hurt you, I would never,” Spot continued, pleading in his face that Race knew.
He felt his face unable to hold back a smile as the other nodded rapidly and Spot curled up to him tightly. His shaking body slowed slightly with Spot wrapped around him, his strong arms holding him tightly against his chest. Soft kisses were pressed to his neck and shoulders, each one easing Race a tiny bit more.
“I-I’m s-sorry,” Race whimpered before bursting into tears. Spot froze, sitting up so he could see the boy’s face properly. He shakily reached up to cup his cheeks, gently brushing away the tears as they fell.
“No, no, no, baby you don’t have anything to be sorry for, okay? This isn’t your fault, T. You did nothing wrong,” Spot spoke softly, repeating similar renditions of the phrases over and over until Race seemed to actually believe him.
“B-but, I’m broken, Spotty. I…I want to be okay, but I-I’m not! I just can’t do it! I-I’m not okay!” Race’s sobs were like a stab to Spot’s heart as he wrapped his arms around the boy, letting him cry into his shoulder.
“Hey, listen to me and know that I would never lie to you, okay?” He started, feeling Race nod into his shoulder. “There is nothing wrong with you. You’re still the beautiful, hilarious, dumbass I fell in love with and the same boy I will always be in love with. No matter what, I’m here forever, okay? I’m never letting you go as long as you’ll have me.”
Race just nodded, wrapping his arms around Spot’s torso as they laid back down together, Spot doing the same as he ran his hands gently through Race’s hair, pressing a kiss to his forehead as they fell asleep safe in each other’s arms.
They wouldn’t be okay in the morning. They wouldn't be okay in a day or two. They wouldn’t even be okay when the man from that was finally arrested, but things got better. There was a long stretch of time when Race wouldn’t let anyone touch him. Except for Spot, that is. He had to hold onto Spot at all times. The two were inseparable after that, even more so than they had already been for years. They slowly found a way to manage, not quite move on, but they made it through. 
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crowned-ladybug · 7 years
It was about damn time I wrote something involving Robbie, even if just a small thing like this. I’ve also been meaning to involve Jackie’s dysphoria more in my stuff for ages now
Warning for dysphoria and small references to transphobia. There’s a bit of Marvelsepticeye.
One of those Really Defining moments in Jackie and Robbie's friendship happens on one of those days when Jackie's dysphoria just gets really really bad. Like, it's already been bad right from the start of the day and he's been just sitting around in a giant hoodie ever since he's gotten back from doing his superhero stuff because he can't wear his binder all the time sadly. And it kinda takes the kick out of saving people's day and then picking up groceries for you and your boyfriend if at the store you overhear some asshole talking about "those damn transgenders". So he's just sitting there, on his own because this feels like such a stupid problem, definitely not worth bothering anyone over, and he's crying a little bit, because everything just feels so shitty and he wants it to stop.
And that's how Robbie finds him, absolutely miserable, and greets him with a loud and enthusiastic "Jee!". But Jackie barely even moves to look at him and it's so obvious that he's Not Okay and probably doesn't feel like playing guessing games with Robbie either. Robbie is a really damn empathetic creature and he immediately places himself next to Jackie and keeps asking him what's wrong and poking him until he properly looks at him, because signing is much easier for him than talking.
"Nothing's wrong, Robbie," Jackie forces a smile, but he cringes at how weak and shaky his voice sounds. Not manly at all. "Please just go play with someone else now, okay?"
Robbie signs back "not okay" immediately, looking very stern. Jackie can't just lie to him like that, he knows something is not right and he wants to help. But Jackie turns his head away, forced smile melting from his face, which causes Robbie to grab his shoulder, begging for his attention. His friend is hurt, why can't he help?
"Wrong?! Jee!" he exclaims, some incredibly condensed version of "What's wrong? Are you okay? I'm worried about you!" but it gets the point across.
Jackie offers him another weak smile, because what else can he do? Robbie is so sweet, he's only trying to help, even if he doesn't get why Jackie doesn't want any company right now. Part of him does want to explain this to Robbie, but he has no idea how. How do you explain gender identity and dysphoria and transphobes to a well-meaning zombie? It's not that Robbie wouldn't understand if given the time, but...Jackie doesn't really have the capacity for that whole talk right now. For all Robbie knows, Jackie is just like all other guy egos.
"Sorry, buddy, I just..." he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. Robbie listens to him carefully, but when he sees that Jackie doesn't exactly know how to continue, he signs "I love you". It's a sign he's been using a lot ever since he's learned it, in any sort of situation where he wants to comfort somebody. He thinks it's a nice thing to tell people when they're feeling down. Jackie sighs again. "Some people...they think I'm not a real boy and it...it hurts."
Robbie recoils with his eyes wide, and before Jackie can think to stop him, he lets out an angry, high-pitched screech. Jackie tries to shush him, but he's too upset to listen.
"Jee real boy!" Robbie all but shouts, because he's too worked up to sign. "Fight bad people!"
Jackie catches Robbie's arms before he can jump up, probably to fulfil that promise of fighting the bad people. He laughs a little, though he feels like crying with joy, because this precious zombie who still only knows so little about the world is so convinced that he's a real boy and is willing to fight over it.
"Now, now, there's...there's no need for that."
Robbie settles again, but still looks at him pointedly. "Real boy."
He still looks absolutely scandalised that Jackie would ever think he's not a real boy, that other people would ever want to make Jackie feel like he's not a real boy.
"Thanks, bud," Jackie smiles, and he keeps ahold of one of Robbie's arms, just to be safe. He doesn't want to repeat that not everyone agrees with them on that. Robbie doesn't need to know about all that.
Robbie, who is, mind you, not at all a fan of physical contact, opens his arms tentatively for a hug. Hugs are things of comfort, they help his friends feel better, and now Jackie definitely needs a comfort thing to help him feel better. Jackie accepts the hug gratefully, squeezing Robbie carefully to his chest, and Robbie pats his back affectionately. Pats are a really affectionate thing to him.
"Marr?" Robbie asks with his chin propped up on Jackie's shoulder.
Jackie chuckles fondly. "No, I don't want to bother him with something like this."
Robbie immediately pushes back and stares at him like he's just said something horribly stupid. "Marr help."
Jackie can't catch him in time before he jumps up and takes off towards wherever Marvin might be. Jackie tries to yell after him and call him back, tell him that there's no reason to bother Marvin with something so unimportant, but he only gets a very determined "Marr!" in response.
Within minutes Robbie returns, pulling a very confused Marvin by the hand and looking very happy with himself. Marvin sits down next to Jackie, worried.
"Jackie? What's wrong?" he asks quietly, rubbing gently at Jackie's shoulder. His eyes flicker up to Robbie, who's standing around with a very proud expression on his face, then right back to Jackie. "Robbie just came to me chanting that you're a real boy, which of course you are, but what happened?"
Jackie shakes his head. "Just...a shit day. Nothing much," he hopes Marvin will be satisfied with that much, but at the same time he knows he won't be. Marvin is a very stubbornly loving person. "Dysphoria, that's all. Nothing important, I didn't want to bother you with it."
"Nothing that makes you feel like shit is unimportant," Marvin says, gently drawing Jackie against his chest, and Jackie doesn't resist. Then he kisses the top of his head, murmuring endearment in languages Jackie doesn't understand.
Robbie watches them quietly. They're happy, so he's happy. Jackie looks up at him from where his head is laid on Marvin's chest, and he sings "thank you". In Marvin's arms, listening to him telling him that he's wonderful and handsome in a dozen different languages, he can forget about how shitty the world around him is just for a moment.
Robbie grins widely, and then runs off again. He's going to find someone else to play with. But he's happy, because he made his friend feel better, and it's his favourite kind of happiness.
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