#kix cereal
forever70s · 1 year
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Kix cereal ad, 1974
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mrsfeiix · 2 months
Most important meal of the day
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tiny-glued-things · 8 months
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Found an image of a box of Kix from 1960, had to turn it into a mini box of cereal (1:12 scale).
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doverstar · 9 months
suffered through a rewatch of Power of Three and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship last night and I wanted to scream the entire time. I am nobody and have never run a 60-year-old television show. but. Chris Chibnall does not know how to write. he is bad at it. he is bad at it. who gave him control of the entirety of Doctor Who? why? he had Amy narrate the first and last scenes of Power of Three like she's in some kind of early-2000's romcom because he doesn't know how to write dialogue or how to show-not-tell. the last line of Power of Three sounds like a preteen who has no idea how to end her oneshot fanfic and I know this because I have been one and I would never have let 12-year-old me write a single episode of an actual show on tv. the Silurians are a crutch. the Doctor got sucked into a Wii game? Kate Lethbridge-Stewart has zero personality outside of the Brigadier. Brian is an empty, emotional-exposition robot. who let this man run the entire show for years, I want names and addresses-
#I don't CARE if rtd or moffat genuinely think he did a good job#they've been wrong before#I don't CARE that I am nobody#I have been a bad writer before#I am still in many ways a bad writer#I can SPOT a bad writer. his episodes REEK#and I can't imagine his work as the showrunner was suddenly magically better#go back and watch those drippy interviews with him as a young member of the official DW fanclub back in the day#it's PAINFUL#he is SO pompous and SO critical and CLEARLY thinks only he really knows the good Doctor Who or how to write it and what it's LACKING#and then he goes and tries to force it in every chance he gets to write for the real thing#but it's like he has no idea how to write for an individual character or how to be subtle or how to transition from emotion to action?#the dialogue alone is torture#Amy and the Doctor could literally be ANYONE in their conversations he writes#the only good part of Po3 is the “before they flare and fade” and truthfully I'd be surprised if that piece wasn't Moffat's because it's-#-too much sentimental poetry not to be. doesn't sound like chibnall at all#and hi - dinosaurs on a spaceship can be FUN if you were a good writer but you are not. you make everything bland#you're kix cereal sir. you are the plain oatmeal of doctor who writers#you're worse than that. you're the bran muffin of doctor who writing#how can anyone have fun with Doctor Who if they're unable to relate to or care about the CHARACTERS?#GARBAGE.#chibnall#chris chibnall#anti chibnall#doctor who#dw#bbc#the doctor#eleventh doctor#eleven
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zigster-ao3 · 2 years
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Eddie did steal the Scoops uniform for his own nefarious purposes but it appears that Steve has chosen violence today… he’s just walked into the living room.
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kenneth-carson · 1 year
From Past To Present || Kix
Ken was cleaning out his closet. It was always such a painful thing for him to do. He liked keeping everything! These days he never had the problem of out growing stuff.
But he wasn't living in a place where he had a lot of room like he used to. There was simply too many things in his space. Sometimes he wondered if Hercules would notice Ken turning the attic into a closet and changing room. In the end he always knew that wouldn't work since he would never want to lie to Hercules, especially when it came to the house that he lived in, too.
So he was having to part with things. Ken'd had to watch a lot of Marie Kondo to work up the courage. And when he had finished he'd called up the local thrift shoppe to ask when they were taking donations. A worker picked up, thankfully not the owner herself, so off he went. He had borrowed a neighbor's wagon to, sadly just, walk across town.
He stacked the boxes on top of one another, tall enough to the point where it was blocking his face and field of vision of where he was going. Ken walked backwards so he could push the door open with his back and duck inside the shoppe.
"I'm here with a donation!" he said to no one in particular since he couldn't see around his armful and was just sort of hoping someone was there to answer him.
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cerealkiller740 · 2 years
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1955 Corn Kix Cereal ad
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woodnrust · 1 year
This sucks. What do you mean that changes in diet means changes in stomach bacteria... This is so cruel that I can't have Trix cereal without getting sick to my stomach because my body isn't used to food-dye.... fu ccked up world...
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egberts · 9 months
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paperback-rascal · 1 month
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Kix is one of my all time favorite clones, so imagine my surprise when I've stumbled upon this post -> [LINK] <- by @warsamongthestars theorizing that Kix's name does not have a cutesy origin, as most of the fandom believe... that Kix is not named named after cookies, a certain cereal brand nor kick-starting people back to life... but being named after a poisonous plant - Hemlock - which apparently was named Kex in old English... with Kix being the alternative spelling.
So now, I can't help but imagine Kix as a self-taught herbalist who brews space!mint tea for troopers with tummy-aches but can also assassinate a separatist spy with some obscure, highly poisonous, untraceable plant.
My fanart masterlist -> [LINK] <-
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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perplexed-penguin · 1 year
A LOT of people had issues with certain cereals not being included here. SO! Out of the "Other" category I selected the ones that were mentioned the most.
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pilot-boi · 29 days
What are everyone’s favourite cereals in RRAYENNBOW? And you can include Qrow and mercury if you want to
And I SHALL include them
Ruby: Special K. She doesn’t actually have that much of a sweet tooth, and she’s gotta stay fit. Plus it has strawberries and turns the milk pink
Weiss: Doesn’t really eat cereal (coffee or death) but if she has to choose, probably Chex. She just thinks they’re neat
Blake: Gonna go with Honey Bunches of Oats. First of all, bees. Second of all, they remind her of the good times on the road with granola bars and what not
Yang: Kix. I know she’s the punch girl, but come on. Tell me she wouldn’t love Kix. Wish I had more to say about this one, but I just feel it in my bones
Jaune: Used to be Pumpkin Pete’s, but then ya know. Also he never really liked it that much, he just wanted the hoodie really badly. So i don’t know why but i really see him liking Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Pyrrha: Life (jkjk) Health nut that she is, it’s not one of the super sugary ones. But it’s also not like… bran flakes. Unironically think she’d really love Honey Nut Cheerios
Nora: Fucking Sugar Blast Supremes or something, let’s be real. She hoards the cereals from Halloween time, Count Chocula, and Boo Berry, and Frankenberry. Just the most synthetic shit you’ve ever seen
Ren: Raisin Bran. Because he’s a monster. He actually really likes it, but he hates the texture of the raisins in the milk, so he painstakingly removes every raisin, eats all the cereal, and then eats all the raisins
Oscar: He didn’t get a lot of cereal brands out on the farm, lots of morning oatmeal and eggs and whatnot. But once he made it to the big city, he absolutely fell in love with Froot Loops. And yes, he gets teased relentlessly for liking the most kiddy cereal ever
Emerald: Think she’d really like Apple Cinnamon Cheerios. Or just normal Cheerios. In milk, or just plain, she loves those things. They were cheap to buy (or steal) so they were one of the few cereals she actually had
Mercury: Reese’s Puffs. With his dad, it was only healthy food, or nothing at all. But he’d see the commercials on TV. So after killing Marcus, I kid you not, Mercury ate nothing but Reese’s Puffs for like a week. And then he was sick. But it was worth it. And yes, he knows the entire rap
Qrow: Again, like Weiss, coffee or death. But I feel like he’d also like Honey Nut Cheerios. I really don’t know why, they’re so un-Qrow. But maybe that’s exactly why he’d like them
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courtingchaos · 5 months
Eddie Munson x Reader (kind of?)
18+ No Minors
The meeting lets out after sunset and this time of year always makes Eddie feel like he’s missed a step on the stairs when it happens. What feels like a high noon sun disappears after two hours inside the rec center, plunging him into the winter darkness. Even with the chill people still mill around out front with their little paper cups of cheap coffee clutched in their hands while they say their long winded goodbyes. He knows they mean well and it’s good that everyone has connections but all he ever wants to do is leave after these meetings. Get in his van and drive for an hour to unwind the spool of thread that’s been spun tight around the bobbin of therapy.
You weren’t there tonight but he isn’t surprised, still misses you though. He could sense your anger mounting all last month and when you didn’t show last week he didn’t jump to a conclusion for the first time in long time. He sat through the meeting and listened to Charles and his droning calm and when he’d been let loose on the cold streets he’d made a beeline for the pay phone outside.
“It’s Eddie.”
A clink of a spoon on pottery, probably one of the misshapen bowls you’d made.
“I’m just checking in.” He shrugs even though you can’t see it. Keeps his tone light especially since you answered after two rings.
The improbable can’t be happening if you’re eating cereal after all.
“Did Charles ask you to call?” A snide remark followed by a crunch of what he can safely assume is Kix.
“No, I made a big boy decision all by myself.”
“Well that’s very brave of you.” Your tone suggest mocking of your group leader and Eddie huffs a laugh into the receiver.
“I figured you wouldn’t be here, but…” Eddie trails off because he isn’t going to tell you he misses you because that would suggest he’s in touch with his emotions, the very things he staunchly ignores in favor of keeping the panic attacks at bay.
“Was I so obvious?”
“A little. The storming out tends to tell people you’re a upset.”
You’re quick with your reply. “I wasn’t upset with you.”
“I know.” The cold creeps in under his layers and the flannel tied around his waist isn’t doing much to keep his lower half warm. Around him headlights swing around the faces of the buildings as everyone starts to finally head home. He tucks the phone against his shoulder so he can huff air into his palms to warm up and you must hear him.
“Are you still downtown?”
“Wanna come over? I’m just watching Happy Days reruns.” More crunching but a bowl of cereal actually sounds good right about now. He wants to say yes because he likes your couch, it’s dented in the right ways and he sinks into it every time. He also really likes your cat JD but who you call Tubs on account of him being so rotund.
“It stands for Jack Daniel, I bet you can’t guess what I was up to when I found him.”
But there’s this street light that doesn’t work right outside of your third floor apartment. Sometimes it’s perfectly fine but then some other times when he falls asleep on your too comfortable couch he wakes to a flickering. Something that seems to be Morse code, a cry for help from a sewn up dimension and it sends him into a spiral.
“I was uh, thinking about-“
“They fixed the street light.”
His pause must have been longer than he thought. “Uh, yeah I-I’m sorry about last time. I didn’t mean to swing at you-“
“I shouldn’t have just grabbed you.” You dismiss him, not unkindly, but for the umpteenth time he’s apologizing and you’ve said it’s okay. It wasn’t your fault he’d seen a petaled face in the dark of your apartment while you’d tried to calm him down. “Okay, let me rephrase this then. If you’re comfortable, the invitation is open to come have cereal with me and watch Happy Days-no wait I think it’s Bewitched now, yeah Bewitched reruns with me.”
“Oh Samantha is a weak spot for me.” Eddie drops another quarter in when he’s prompted. “I always liked that little nose wiggle.”
The silence stretches for a moment while he deliberates and you seem to move around your place. A quiet chirp tells him JD is weaving between your feet and looking for dinner and honestly, Eddie shares the feeling. “Okay.”
“Yeah?” Your voice ticks up in excitement he hasn’t heard in a while from you and it makes his decision concrete.
“Yeah, I’ll be over in ten.”
Played up whooping from you ends his phone call and he only has to grip his steering wheel a little bit before he finally turns his van on and heads to your place.
He lets himself in when he gets there. A bowl for him already on your beat up coffee table and JD sitting in Eddie’s usual spot. The couch swallows him like normal and he relaxes for the first time today. You tell him you’ll be at next weeks meeting and then show him that you can also do the nose the Samantha Nose Wiggle. It makes him laugh while he digs into his second bowl of Froot Loops and the street lamp doesn’t flicker once.
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gamelpar · 1 year
Which comes first, milk or cereal?
Ponds: cereal, obviously!
Cody: what kind of sociopath puts the milk in before the cereal.
Wolffe: milk, obviously.
Cody: i'm going to kill wolffe
Hardcase: i eat the cereal straight out the box then drink a bunch of milk and then breakdances so everything gets mixed inside my belly
Stone: i saw representative binks try to make a bowl of cereal once and it was so traumatic i can never eat cereal again
Rex: i have to send in more requests for cereal and milk than anything else including armor and weapons because half the time the boys don't even eat it they use it for pranks. do you have any idea how many shinies have come crying to me because there's no cereal because fives decided to glue cereal to everyone's armor for 'extra crunchy protection'?
Bacara: i pour milk and cereal into one big bowl, i eat it all and then i put the empty boxes back to crush my brothers' dreams problem solved
Kix: as long as you’re eating for the most important meal of the day i'm happy with you
Jesse: kix says i can't eat cereal for every meal because it's not healthy and i say if cereal is what kills me then that's how i go
Wooley: if you don't have a bowl for your cereal and milk your helmet will do just fine!
Gree: i had pepsi for breakfast. does that answer your question?
Boost: the only right way to eat cereal is with juice, and the juice always goes first in
Thire: i was so tired once i took milk then cereal then bowl and then i cried
Echo: i eat little handfuls of cereal at a time, like little snack breaks!
Bly: aayla showed me that cereal first minimize milk splatter she's so smart i love her and she gets new flavors with toys in the box for whole battalion whenever she can she's so wonderful i love her and
Hound: i prepare a bowl of cereal for grizzer every morning and she only likes it when i put the milk first
Sinker: i do cereal shots. alcohol then cereal then i dunk it i think my general's getting worried
Fives: pour milk directly into the box, waste no bowls!
Dogma: but i wanted cereal too
Tup: you can share with me! *pours milk before cereal*
Dogma: *screeches*
Neyo: i haven't eaten anything in years
Boil: cereal before milk. cody has had to reinforce this rule at least five times in the 212th
Waxer: cody first reinforced the 'cereal before milk' rule when he saw me take milk before cereal and he was sure i had a concussion and then he almost had one of his own when he realized that i was physically fine
Thorn: do you know how many times i have to stop fox from adding caf to his cereal instead of milk? Every Time.
Fox: the only acceptable fuel in the morning is 5 cups of caf and many more
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zedreh · 19 days
Huh, it's been well over a month since I mentioned my favorite crossover rarepair that's somehow canon. So time for more of Tim and Jubilee, this is from DC/Marvel All Access #2.
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There's not much to it, nor do I really have anything to say, I just like talking about them. I'm pretty much scrapping the bottom of the barrel for these two. I'd say I wish there were more of them, but I like it for how brief it was and that it wasn't meant to last. The bittersweetness of it is what I find endearing.
And to reiterate or clarify a little on how I feel about some of their other relationships.
I like Tim with Steph, although probably not as much as other people do. Sometimes they're good. Other times, I just don't see it as much (I still like them both individually, though). I find Bernard as bland as Kix cereal. Sorry to those who like him, but I, for the life of me, just can't find any reason to care about him. Everyone else, I either haven't read much on or just don't care for.
On Jubilee's side, I've seen a couple of pages with her and Chamber that were they seem fine, but not enough to form a full opinion on them as a couple (I'll get around to reading both that and the original run of Gen X eventually). I just don't like '97 Sunspot as a whole, since, from what I've heard, he seems like such a massive downgrade from the character he is in the comics. What few other love interests Jubilee has had, I don't have much of an opinion on.
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