#knight roleplay
silent-sentry · 1 year
Hi! Looking for a 18+ rp medieval fantasy rp. Knight assigned to a royal. Give me injury angst, protectiveness, even romance if we want to slow burn that.
I only rp on Discord so interact with this post or DM me if interested!
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official-mr-knight · 2 months
Uh huh.. I thought only one baby exists.. How does that even happen making another one, mr. Miguel? Don't judge me.. I know how things happens but no' this
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tabletopresources · 6 days
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wanderingdream · 2 years
"you need not have come to my defense" except dream LOVES it because in that moment Hob is a knight protecting his king and Dream hasn't had anyone fight on his behalf before because he doesn't wage wars, he doesn't reap he creates but to have someone stand up and fight for him even though HE DOES NOT NEED IT makes him smile that little smile and realize that he loves seeing someone fight for him, seeing HOB fight for him, defending him in a way no one has before even though he need not come to his defense. he need not!! but he does. in this essay i will
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ghouljams · 8 months
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I wish I could say it's on purpose but I think a lot of the knight!Ghost stuff has been me riffing, especially the recent "my knight/my lady" stuff.
Here's more riffing, and what I'm going to put as the official start of Act 2, even though we already have like 3 Act 2 posts. Ghost gets taken off the Princess's service. (My lady the way a martyr begs for forgiveness)
"I don't understand."
"What is there to understand?" The King asks, leaning against his desk. His own guards stand at the corners of the office, waiting for a reason to drag Ghost out.
"Have I not performed my duties to the best of my abilities?" Ghost asks, it's a rhetorical question, they both know he has. The King grits his teeth.
"You have gone above and beyond."
"Then, you think I'm not skilled enough to continue in this position." Ghost's fingers tighten on the helm under his arm. To say he respects this man is an overestimation of his fondness.
"You're more than qualified." The glare from the King might cause a lesser man to waver. Ghost is well aware that cornered dogs always bare their teeth.
"If I'm performing my duty well, and I'm over qualified to continue performing it, then the princess must have complained," Ghost reasons out. The King's fingers tighten their grip on each other, unwilling to bang his fist against the table in the face of such insubordination.
"Her praises of you grow by the hour." His attempts at keeping an even tone are admirable, Ghost will give him that. Ghost hums, as if he needs to think about any of this.
"Then I see no reason to remove me as her personal guard," He raises a brow, "besides, I thought my lady was in charge of dismissing her staff." The King's eye twitches.
"I'm offering you a promotion, not a dismissal."
"And I'm rejecting it, good day," Ghost offers a short bow and turns to the door. The knights on either side of it settle their hands on their swords hilts.
"Allow me to rephrase," there's the scrape of a chair, the king standing, "you will leave the princess's retinue and take the position as captain of the guard or I will arrest you for treason and throw you in the dungeon."
Ghost's eyes dart between the guards in the room, all as well trained as he is. Still, if he's going to be arrested for treason anyway he may as well go all in. What's a dog without its master, what is he if he isn't yours? How upset would you be if he was locked away, if he was executed? If he could reach the king before the guards reached him...
Hell, men have taken kingdoms over less. So he has to kill a few measly heirs, and the power vacuum would be a nightmare, but you have as much right to the throne as anyone. He could do it for you. He could fix this.
But it would destroy you. Your reputation, already starting to tarnish, would be gone. You'd be a queen to turmoil and strife. You don't deserve that. You deserve a good life, a happy, easy, life. Even if that life doesn't include him.
He'll still be able to see you occasionally. Ghost can live a lifetime on those rare occasions. His fingers ache from how tightly they'd been clenched as he uncurls his fists. The eyes of the guards in the room are wary, scared. Ghost wonders when the last time he'd seen his own men like that was. When was the last time he'd felt this rabid, liable to strike at any sudden movement.
"I understand," he grits out.
"My wife may be soft on you, but someone has to think about what's best for the kingdom," The King tells him, "for the monarchy."
Never for you, Ghost thinks, it's never about what's best for you. If it were anyone else but the King he might draw his sword right there. Fuck. He'd spit on the monarchy if you weren't a part of it. What do they know about what's best for you? They won't even acknowledge your tears.
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florallylly · 5 months
eddie munson telling steve he's going to "treat him like a princess" and then immediately throwing him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes bc he's a dragon kidnapping the princess
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styllwaters · 2 months
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merenq · 1 year
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some recent pk and hk doodles :]
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vintagerpg · 18 days
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Mothership is the RPG that convinced me that zines were not just an excellent delivery system for RPG material, but that they are perhaps the BEST one, at least in terms of putting out and refining a project in progress. The original was released as a “beta” in the videogame development parlance and immediately inspired a robust third-party community to design for the game. It’s a science fiction horror game with a nice panic mechanic, inspired by Alien, Event Horizon, Dead Space and so on. Folks were keen for the crowd-funded formal first edition. I was too, but I didn’t expect any surprises — I already know the system and have played the game. And yet, here I am, not just surprised, but a little in awe.
I know the system. It feels cleaned up and polished and refined, but nothing jumps out at me as dramatically different from the beta (except the novel death mechanic, in which “mortally” wounded characters don’t know their actual status until someone checks on them, and the death save die is revealed). As a package, though, this thing is fantastic. Cleanly designed, expanded. The Deluxe box is gorgeous. There are standees, dice, a manual for ships, a book of monsters. The screen art is atmospheric. It’s worth the price of admission, and the wait (which, wasn’t that long).
The thing that bowled me over though, and will take some time to fully digest, is the Warden’s Operation Manual, a booklet that not only teaches you how to mechanically run Mothership, but also how to handle players a table, to think about horror, to cater to character roles, to respect agency, to mete out meaningful consequences. This is a deeply thoughtful musing on not just Mothership, but tabletop roleplaying generally. And, on top of feeling important to the hobby in that way, it also manages to be welcoming in a way very few games are. The message resounds throughout: anyone can run this, anyone can play this, being murdered by horrible aliens is for everyone!
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suskindkore · 25 days
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credit: suskind
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I think this makes sense
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(art not mine)
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official-mr-knight · 1 month
Uh.. I think i'm gonna cry
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tabletopresources · 9 months
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Check out Tabletop Gaming Resources for more art, tips, and tools for your game!
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the3rdprotector · 1 month
.....look at that slutty hips
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Ooc: DAMN!!!
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oddballwriter · 3 months
Extra Credit
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Summary: You and Steven decide to do some roleplay in the bedroom.
Warnings: Teacher/student relationship ROLEPLAY. Roleplay kink/roleplay for sex. Gender, pronouns, and sex anatomy of the reader is not specified but they are the one doing the penetrating (you can envision it as a dick or a strap-on. Male/Character receiving penetration. Steven being a bottom. Praise kink (character receiving). Dom reader/Sub Steven. 
Author’s Snip: I was originally going to have the reader in the 'sub' roles for this but after someone gave me the idea to have Marc in the sub role for his part of the roleplay I decided that all three of them get to be the sub roles because they deserve to be submissive for once. I also was planning on having all three of the boys together but I decided that I'm going to give you all a treat and give you separate ones of the boys for this idea.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 1,614
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Checking that your outfit and things are right you send Steven a text that you're ready and waiting on him. You hear a knock on the front door of the flat, you know that means that the scene has begun. You take a breath to get into character and walk your way to the door from the desk, opening it to reveal Steven.
"Hello, professor." Steven smiles, nervously standing. You sense that the nervousness is from having to keep to his role but treat it like it's part of the roleplay. "Hello, Steven," you greet with a warm smile, "Come on in. I'm glad you could make it," you say as you step aside to let him in. "Well, you know, it's a bit important," Steven says as he walks in and stands just inside the flat instead of going someplace more inside the flat. After all, this is 'your' place in this scenario. "That it is." you respond.
After a brief moment and a slightly awkward glance from Steven he finally speaks, "I'm very sorry to have to come to you in your own home. I know I'm meant to see you during your office hours." he states. "It's alright, Steven. Usually, I do have students talk to me outside of class during office hours only but I figured you would be a worthy exception," you claim. "Here," you place a hand on his lower back and gently guide him around, grabbing a chair from another spot and setting it next to, his, your desk, "Make yourself comfortable.".
Steven nods and sits down in the chair, your hand slides up from his back to his shoulder as he does so. "Would you like something to drink?" you ask, "Water, tea, coffee, a glass of wine maybe? You seem a bit tense." you list with a bit of a joke at the end. Steven gives a timid laugh and says no. You nod and move towards the desk chair to have a seat, in the process, your hand leaves Steven's shoulder which irks a micro reaction out of him that you ignore.
You pull up a fake grade sheet that you made for this role-play to pretend to look at and be fake disappointed by. You sigh, "I'll be honest with you Steven. Your grade doesn't look too good. You're just under the bar for a passing grade." you explain to him. "I know," Steven mumbles. "I want to say that I'm willing to round it up but it's low enough that that's not possible," you claim while giving him a pitying look. "You're a clever man and a very well-mannered student, Steven." you place a hand on his knee, "I hate to see you struggling so, especially so close to the end of the course," you mention.
"Is there anything I can do?" Steven asks before clearing his throat, "I need to pass this to get the credits in." he tells you with his little doe eyes. You notice him crossing his legs, something he does when he has an erection and wants to hide it but in the process he makes himself smaller. You move in closer.
"Do you think I could do something for extra credit? Something that could make it to the range where you can round it up, or... something?" Steven stammers. You can see the blush on his face and sense the heat radiating off his body by touching his thigh. You bite your lip and keep going. "I wish I could but I don't do extra credit, you know that," you say.
"Maybe you could make another exception for me," Steven suggests with a labored huff. You look at him, seeing his red blushed cheeks and seeing the look in his eyes. He's definitely becoming more comfortable with this judging by his stammering turning into the lightly pitch strained tone that he gets when he's turned on.
"Steven," you mutter, "You're awfully tense and warm." you say as you touch his forehead and chest, "Are you alright?" you fake your concern more and get up to get him some water.
"Are you sure I can't do anything to get you to give me some point?" he huffs abruptly as he leans into the touch a bit as it leaves.
You act like you just realized what he's getting at. "I don't think that would be right," you say making your tines more clearly faked as you say "Students and professors aren't supposed to be doing things together outside of the normal relationship they're meant to have.". You start to massage his shoulder a bit, your touch going from 'accidental' to teasing. Steven crosses his legs tighter, "I won't tell if you won't, professor.".
  It’s off to the races from there. A kiss turns into a sloppy one, into Steven grabbing at whatever he can on your body and you the same but also taking on leading him into standing up and stumbling around. Steven lets you lead the way to the bed but has dropped the part about not knowing the layout of the flat, which you don’t mind, wanting the same thing he does. 
  You lay Steven on the bed, on his back, bending over him, and stood between his legs so that he couldn’t close them. Your mouth moves from his lips to his neck to gently kiss and suck at certain spots as your hands paw and grip at his waist and hips, Steven letting out soft moans as you do so. “Are you sure you want to do this? I can just give you the points if you want to change your mind,” you whisper in his ear. “Keep going.” he pleads through a breath, gripping at the waist of your pants. “Don’t rush it, Steven. I’m not going to just take what I want.” you say as you lift your head to look at him, “I don’t want to hurt my favorite student after all, hm?” you hum. 
  More sloppy kisses are given before you carefully unbutton his shirt and then open the button of his pants, gliding your hands on his hot skin causing him to squirm. “You’re so sensitive.” you chuckle, “Are you always like this?” you ask, slowly coaxing his pants off as you talk. Steven nods, turning away to hide his face. You use one of your hands to make him look back at you, “Don’t be shy about it. It’s cute.” you coo. “It makes me wonder how sensitive it is inside of you.”, you push another kiss on the pulse of his neck and feel his heartbeat through his skin. 
  You get his pants and briefs off, revealing his aching cock, already collecting precum on the tip. Without much thought, you move down to lick it off which earns a loud whine from the poor Steven. You decide that you don’t want to torture him any longer and back away to get ready. After fumbling around and placing lube, you go back to being over him, lining up with Steven’s entrance. “Are you ready?” you ask, Steven nods and so you push into him slowly, “Just relax for me.” you direct. Very slowly, you push in and out of him letting him get used to the feeling. Soon his soft grunts turn back into moans. 
  “There you go.” you praise. 
  Steven covers his mouth to hide his moans as you speed up to a regular pace. “Why are you hiding your moans? I want to hear you,” you tease as you go in deeper, making Steven let out an audibly loud moan even with his hand muffling it. Steven takes his hand away to say “I don’t want anyone else to hear~” in a whine. You take to opportunity to catch his hand with yours while you thrust into him, pinning his wrists above his head and using one hand to keep them there while your other hand goes back to holding his hips steady. “They won’t care. They don’t need to know you’re getting fucked for a better grade.” you taunt. 
  As you keep going moans and loud whines fall out of Steven. You’re sure that at this point no one cares when you two have sex, probably having gotten used to tuning out the muffled sound of Steven getting it through the walls.  
  At a certain point, you both get more desperate, your thrusts get sloppier and Steven, now too preoccupied with the pleasure he’s receiving, is bucking his hips to try and get more by trying to move with you. The hand that was holding Steven’s wrists is gone but Steven doesn’t cover his mouth with them now. Now he digs his nails into your back for dear life as he tries to get to his release. “Keep going! Please~” he begs, “I’m close!” he claims. “ I know,” you reply, “I’m almost there too.”. 
  Steven starts to let out more high-pitched whines and arch his back, you just keep going, knowing that he’s getting ready to come. “Come on, Steven,” you pant, “Let it all out for me. Come for me like you want that grade.” you encourage. He takes your harsher near-climax thrusts.
  “You’re being such a good boy.” you praise.
  And like you snipped a rubber band, Steven’s body lets him come at your words. He rides it out while you thrust out your own and finish. Both of you are sweating panting messes snapping out of the daleriam you put yourselves in. 
After catching your breath you look back at Steven. “That was fun,” you comment as you kiss his cheek. “We should try this again sometime.”. Steven nods. 
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Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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reptilliancrocs · 11 months
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Sorry for not having posted in a while, as an apology here is Zane shadow knight edition… IT TOOK 5 EFFIG HOURS DUDE
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