#knightfall kid
rocknroll7575 · 1 year
Daughter of Arc pt.2
Back at his home, which was a simple two-bedroom house, Jaune sat at his table, and across from him was his oldest friend, Ruby Rose.
"So... where is this... daughter of yours?" Ruby asked in an awkward tone.
"Ember's sleeping in her new room," Jaune said.
Ruby looked at him with a raised brow, "Are you sure?" she asked.
Jaune sighed, "Yes, Ruby I'm sure," he replied.
Ruby just shrugged, "Hey, I'm just making sure, for all we know she could be just like her mom," Ruby told him.
Jaune looked at Ruby, "I don't think she is," Jaune said, "She's got Cinder's looks and she acts like Cinder but there's... just something about her that's different," Jaune said.
"Are you sure there's something different about her? Or are you just thinking that because she's your daughter and you've been absent from her life?" Ruby asked.
"I'm sure there's something different about her," Jaune said, he then looked his old friend in the eyes, "Trust me, Ruby," he said.
Ruby looked at him and saw the look on his face and saw that he believed what he told her and she smiled softly at him. "Alright Jaune, I trust you," she said.
Jaune smiled at her again, "Thanks Ruby," Jaune replied, "Besides what trouble could an 11-year-old girl get into?" Jaune asked.
Suddenly, Jaune's scroll rang and he quickly opened it only to see it was Oscar.
Ruby looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "Who is it?" She asked
"It's Oscar," Jaune replied. He answered the call and put the scroll to his ear, "Oscar what's up?"
Across the city of Vale, Oscar Pine, who looked a little roughed up, sat on a bench his staff pointing at a ball of Aura, inside was a handcuffed Ember who glared at Oscar.
"Let me out of here!" Ember cried, "I demand you let me out!"
Oscar put his pointer finger up to tell her to wait a moment, as he put the scroll to his ear, and finally his call was answered. "Hey Jaune, no uh... everything's not alright, I uh... I got a girl here..." Oscar began, "She says she's your daughter,"
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msfcatlover · 10 months
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Bruce: “Tim, I need to go train to regain my skills. I don’t want Jean-Paul to try to kill you again, but I do need to ask a favor.”
Tim: “And here I thought you’d lost all faith in me for failing to control him before. No problem, I’ll win your faith back! What do I need to do?”
Bruce: “You don’t need to prove anything. I just need you to stalk him.”
Bruce: “I mean surveil him.”
Bruce: “Just until I get back—”
Tim, already holding his camera: “Not that I’m complaining about the easiest assignment in the world, but if you’re feeling bad about doubting me, a simple apology would do.”
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grayson-euphoria · 1 year
Everybody calling Damian the demon child or referring to him as a gremlin when Tim Drake was looking like THIS as Robin
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spahhzy · 5 months
ArcFall Kid 3: Eldest Sister, your time on the Nintendo has expired...
ArcFall Kid 1: That's Hogwash, brother... your ambition is greater than a virgin in a brothel... find your entertainment elsewhere.
ArcFall Kid 3: You will allow me time on the Nintendo... or I will report your transgressions to mother.
ArcFall Kid 1: Over a silly game you would bring mother into this? You mad dog!
ArcFall Kid 3: The sweetest of dogs can turn to wolves when cornered! Don't make me bite.
ArcFall Kid 1: Very well, we can play together. uhm, here's your controller. *hands him a ps5 controller*
ArcFall Kid 3: My character will not follow my orders, sister...
ArcFall Kid 1: No, no, no! See, you're playing, you're playing, you're right there. *points to NPC*
ArcFall Kid 3 looks at his controller and at his sister's controller.
ArcFall Kid 3: Why is my controller a different color than yours? Is it a bastard?
ArcFall Kid 1: No, No! It's a very special handpicked from the gods, and it's better than mine!
ArcFall Kid 3: Sister, do you take me for a fool?
ArcFall Kid 1 realized she got caught.
ArcFall Kid 3: It's not even turned on!
ArcFall Kid 1: Brother-
ArcFall Kid 3: I have been hoodwinked...bamboozled...HORNSWOGGLED...RUN AMOK!
ArcFall Kid 1: Brother! I swear this was not of my knowledge!
ArcFall Kid 3 glares at his oldest sister before walking over to the outlet, where the switch was plugged to the TV.
ArcFall Kid 3: Then I have no choice.
ArcFall Kid 1: Brother....what are you conspiring?
ArcFall Kid 3: You're Tyranny has gone on far enough!
ArcFall Kid 1: What of my progress!?
ArcFall Kid 1: I have not saved this game! All of my work will be gone in the name of petty revenge!
ArcFall Kid 3: You call it petty, I call it justice. *unplugs game*
ArcFall Kid 1 stares darkly at ArcFall Kid 3.
ArcFall Kid 1: Brother, you've lost your head...*balls hand into a fist* But I can help you find it.
ArcFall Kid 3 inches to the door, ready to run.
ArcFall Kid 1: You have three seconds.
She holds up her hand.
ArcFall Kid 1: One...Two...Three
ArcFall Kid 3 was out the door as his eldest sister gave chase.
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Solaire: *Blocks Bolt with a firewall, Throws Bombs* But ten Minutes separate us Sister! Now bow and let take thy head from thy shoulders!
Ashe: *Disappears in light, reappears behind Solaire* Those were the best ten Minutes of my fucking life!
Jaune: Kids! Stop fighting and come eat lunch!
Ashe: *Pinning Solaire, Knife to his throat* Only when He's dead Dad!
Solaire: *Turning Ashe's equipment Red hot* You have no say in what I do, Cur!
Jaune: ... I just wish you guys would get along.
Cinder: I Know they get that from me.
Jaune: I wasn't gonna say it.
Cinder: You were thinking it.
Jaune: Yeah I was thinking it.
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sweetandglovelyart · 8 months
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Knightfall in Dream Land - Page 6
Meta Knight begins his long fall to Popstar’s surface and passes by some familiar faces on the way down.
#Kirby#Kirby fanart#my art#comic#Meta Knight#Dark Meta Knight#Sailor Dee#Taranza#sorry it took me so long to finish this page but it’s finally done#I hope that the title of the comic makes sense to everyone now#I called it Knightfall in Dream Land because the knight fell into Dream Land lmao#the parts of the comic set in the present are occurring around the time of Return to Dream Land#so the gang hasn’t met Taranza yet and isn’t aware of Floralia’s existence#but since Meta has a long fall to the surface I’d imagine he’d probably crash through Floralia on the way down and pass by the mirror#I tend not to give specific ages/age numbers to Kirby characters in my fanart/fan AU#the first reason for this is that different characters probably age at different rates since they’re different species#and the second reason for this is that I don’t see years between game releases equating to years passing for the characters#I mean just look at Adeleine she’s still a kid in Star Allies even though that was released almost two decades after Crystal Shards lmao#instead of giving characters specific ages I headcanon them as being in certain age ranges#so in the present Kirby Bandee and Sailor are all kids (and Bandee and Sailor are a bit older than Kirby)#I also see characters like Gooey Adeleine and Ribbon as being kids too#while characters like Taranza Susie Magolor Marx and the Mage Sisters are young adults#and characters like Meta Knight Dedede Daroach Captain Vul and Hyness are older adults#but in the parts of the comic set in the past Meta Knight and Dedede are young adults and Taranza is a kid#and Kirby and the Dees are babies#the older spiders shown here with Taranza and Sectonia are OCs of mine who are their mothers#their names are Lady Theraphoza (Taranza’s mom) and Queen Rachnia (Sectonia’s mom)#I’m giving Taranza some backstory since HAL refuses to tell us anything about him except he’s sad about Sectonia lmao#this post has too many tags but maybe I’ll make a separate post with my Spider Lore#Knightfall in Dream Land
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fancyfade · 1 year
Re-reading batman knightfall bc I got the tpbs specifically for days I wanted a somewhat entertaining comic that goes on a while but was too sick or bleh to read something that takes brainpower
And anyway I think with Tim's realistic lack of hair cutting experience, him giving Jean Paul a haircut in the batcave should result in Jean Paul having way chopper hair
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findafight · 1 year
Eddie's never met a Jedi. Of course he hasn't. But he's seen a Jedi, way back during the clone wars, when a battalion had helped after seppies had targeted civilian supply lines.
Eddie's pretty sure they were Kel Dor, what with the breathing apparatus. They'd worn tan and woody robes, long and elegant and flowing as they'd weaved between people, helping them stand or tending to wounds.
What had stood out to Eddie, watching this being that was supposedly a fierce warrior of light, was that they...were normal. They laughed and shrugged and cooed at babies, just like anyone else.
That was until the Jedi had raised their hands and lifted a two-tonne shipping crate into the air without so much as touching it. It frightened Eddie, then. Barely twenty and in the middle of a war his planet didn't want a part of. Beings that could lift and toss objects too heavy to move without machinery like they were playthings are not to be unwary of.
Of course. Eddie had spent a lot of the redistribution of rations effort around clones. They'd seemed...fine? While he is no stranger to speaking his mind he had thought well enough ahead that he probably shouldnt ask if they'd wanted to be there. Figured that might get him kicked off the project and he needed the money.
He listened instead. How they called each other things like Spoon and Duck and Trinity and Loopback as though they were names. Maybe they were. Eddie didn't know and didn't want to ask at the time.
But the Clones had been friendly, if formal. They spoke of their general with fondness and respect and a tinge of awe that felt appropriate to seeing what a Jedi was capable of frequently.
Eddie had liked them.
And then Empire Day came, and the Jedi were declared traitors and the galaxy as he knew it fell apart.
It never made much sense, from what Eddie had seen, for the Clones to kill the Jedi. But nobody asked Eddie, so Eddie didn't say. He did get sucked into the Rebellion though, and heard rumours about mind control and sith and a dozen other things.
So no. Eddie had never met a Jedi. But he'd seen one.
Chrissy had spoken about the rumoured Jedi (or-- not-jedi? She said they often refused the title) that stayed in the small Rebel enclave they've been helping. There were two, apparently. She'd met them, even, during a debrief where she'd been discussing how to better use their resources to help her contacts on the Freedom Trail. They'd barrelled in and spoken in such a way that Chrissy would have swore they were of the same mind, had they not been on opposite ends of the room.
"they were polite." Chrissy said, headtail twitching. "For people who interrupted an important meeting." Eddie'd laughed. "One, the Balosar man, he was very insistent that we delay our plans. The other, I think she was human? It's hard to tell, said the force was calling to them and very insistent about it during meditation."
"seriously? And the generals did it?"
"oh no. They argued for another twenty minutes before the not-Jedi threw up their arms and said, in unison Eddie!, 'The shipment will be lost if you go ahead with it. Better late than never, pricks.' and walked out."
So. On an abstract level, Eddie knew that whenever he entered the hangar bay to run maintenance or completely rebuild a ship, there was a chance for him to meet a former? Jedi.
He'd gotten well acquainted with a group of teenagers there, ones who were friends with the younger brother of the heir apparent to the region they were in and liked the make-believe games he ran in his off hours. But he never really thought about the Jedi that supposedly haunted the base until a woman shouted for Dustin, a rodian who was part of his little sheepies and had literal stars in his eyes when Eddie spoke, to come over. Dustin, the betrayer, jumped up and dashed off without even a word of goodbye.
"okay, so the head mechanic needs this-" she gestures to a small smuggling freighter that had seen far better days "hunk of junk out of the way so they can start work on a couple of x-wings. Steve and I figured we could help her out and get you to work on control of larger objects."
Eddie meandered casually over. Just to watch. Just to...see.
Dustin bounced on his feet. "Really? Woah! Where are we putting it?"
She pointed up, to the open vertical entry doors that created the roof of the hanger. "Steve's up there, he'll make sure if your control slips we don't crush the ship or anyone on the floor once you get it high, and he'll get it out and place it where it's supposed to go. I'll be here with you so you don't hurt yourself."
"I'm not gonna hurt myself."
She patted his head "yeah. Cuz I'm right here making sure."
"uhg. Almost wish I never learned you guys used to be Jedi."
"and who would train you then? No one. You and El would be sad little tooka kits all on your lonesome." She raised her voice to yell at the roof, "you ready Stevie?" and it should not have been loud enough to carry, the tone of an after thought, as though she already knew the answer and the question was just for the spectators, but the figure silhouetted waved.
Then, Dustin took a steadying breath, raised his arms, and closed his eyes. Slowly, the ship in front of him groaned and rose up. A crowd had formed, watching a magic thought extinct.
The woman's eyes darted between Dustin and the freighter, one hand loosely outstretched. It occurred to Eddie that neither wore the tunics and robes of Jedi. Dustin ran around in the mismatched pants and shirts of the Rebels' donations, while the woman wore deep greens. There were no dramatic sleeves that swished when they moved, just slightly loose fabric fastened by a belt and holster. He wonders if she ever wore them.
Dustin struggled for a moment, the ship quivering ten feet up, and the woman tensed slightly before he loosened. Eyes open, she deftly moved her arms up with the ship following, an ease in her movements that Dustin lacked. When she dropped her arms as well, the freighter stayed moving upwards, the other not-Jedi, Steve, likely taking over.
"good work for your first go." She said, draping an arm casually over Dustin's shoulders.
"I barely got it off the ground! Don't patronize me, Robin."
Eddie stepped in "considering I wouldn't even be able to move it sideways an inch, I'd say you did pretty well, Dustin."
The kid spun, just as the light comes shining back through as Steve maneuvered the ship out of the hangar. "Eddie! You saw?"
He scoffed "uh. Yes? Why didn't you tell me this is what you did when Im not around"
The woman-Robin, Eddie supposed, tensed. "It's not particularly safe to boast about it. Especially when it's not clear if you're alone."
Ah. Yeah. That did make sense. "Then why practice in a hangar with two dozen people around?"
She shrugged, and looked up. Eddie followed her sightlines and "wait is he gonna-" just as the figure that must be Steve launched himself off the edge of the open roof and towards them. He landed, he's leather jacket flapping behind him, and stood straight, grinning.
Robin laughed. "You'll give someone a heart attack one of these days, Steve."
"eh. No one's died so far."
Dustin smiled too "I'm getting pretty good at my controlled falls too! Oh, Steve, this is Eddie!"
And then Steve turned his gaze on Eddie, and his brain may have melted.
Steve looked like a spacer, windswept from the fall and leather jacket snug around his shoulders, two different holsters visible, his pants deliciously tight. He ran a hand through his hair, his antennapalps bobbing, and stuck it out for a shake.
"so, you're the great Eddie Munson Dustin hasn't shut up about? Good to meet you."
"mmhmm!" He forced his hand out to jerkily shake Steve's. Jeez. It was as though he'd never seen anyone beautiful before. His best friend was a Twilek dancer (and spy) for star's sake. He needed to get it together. Jedi didn't date, Eddie was pretty sure. Something about the force or power or devotion or something. He wasn't sure. He wasn't a Jedi. He wasn't a not-Jedi either.
Steve only smiled and turned back to Dustin. "So. Next time you need to let the Force flow. You're still trying to shove it, which never works. You direct it, like changing the course of a river."
"but not," Robin added seamlessly, and oh, wow, that was weird than you Chrissy "like a dam. Trying to block it won't give you strength. You're more..."
"using a log to ensure the water finds a different path."
"to go where you want it to go, do what you want it to do, without preventing it's natural flow."
"you guys are so annoying." Dustin huffed. "You know that? You can claim it's your Concordance of Fealty all you want but I know your freaky thing is not normal for it." He groaned. "But sometimes I feel when you guys, like, shape it. Change it. What the kark is that about? If I'm not supposed to dam it, how do I change it and use it like you do?"
Both grinned "We're older. Master the basics, we must, before attempting the advanced, young one." The voice Steve used was croaky, an impression.
Dustin pulled a face. "Don't quote Grandmaster Yoda at me!"
Robin and Steve laughed, leaning on each other. Suddenly, Eddie felt as though he was intruding. Though they hadn't told him to leave, they were sharing about...about a relative, Eddie guessed. Someone near to them and their almost-dead culture.
"I can quote him all I want, I drank enough of his atrocious tea to deserve it!"
"he's dead. You're going to sit here and insult your dead great-grandmaster, the last Grandmaster of the Order?"
Steve got Dustin in a headlock "while we mourn their loss, and acknowledge the pain of their untimely and unjust passing, we celebrate their memory. Yoda, the old frog, is one with the Force, and while I can wish for his guidance, I can also make fun of his vile cookies I had to eat at lineage dinners all I want."
"pretty sure they were barely considered edible for near-humans" Robin adds. She caught Eddie's eye, and winked. "Who's up for actually edible tea? Dustin can practice his fine control and pour for us.
Both Dustin and Steve groaned. "The kid is gonna spill all over us for fun, Bobbin."
Concept post Dustin discovers they're jedi
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bombusbombus · 1 year
Obsessed with the idea that of the batkids everyone has like. genius level intellect and extreme murder skills and powers and stuff. And then there's Dick Grayson whose main strengths are being bendy and having emotional intelligence. And the emotional intelligence thing frankly makes him OP among his family
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righteousruin · 2 years
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rocknroll7575 · 2 years
Daughter of Arc Pt.1
Currently, Jaune Arc, now 29, arrived at the Vale Docks, where he saw a large Yacht, where he would be meeting a certain person, who he still had a very complicated relationship with.
He got aboard the Yacht and Jaune then entered the main room where it was a very luxurious room decorated with red carpet, couches, pillows, and drapes.
‘She still really liked dark red’ Jaune thought ‘Now where is she?’
“Glad you showed up,” came the very familiar voice.
“Speak of the devil,” Jaune muttered as he turned around.
Once he did, he saw Cinder Fall, who was dressed in a rather nice black dress, her Grimm Arm now replaced by a nice slick golden arm. While Jaune would admit she still looked amazing, he wasn’t really all too happy to see her again due to a certain night the two shared just a year after Salem’s Defeat and where he had been hunting her down for her crimes.
Though, things had gotten pretty complicated between them during the game of Cat and Mouse.
“Cinder,” Jaune greeted with a bit of a cold tone.
Cinder smirked at him, “Good to see you as well, Jaune,” Cinder said as she walked to the bar. She pulled out two short glasses and a bottle of Whiskey.
“Would you like a drink?” Cinder asked.
Jaune peered at her, “Last time that didn’t go so well,” Jaune said.
Cinder smirked, “Ah, yes, if I remember correctly, I slipped something in your drink,” She said as she approached Jaune.
“Funny, same way I remember it,” Jaune said coldly.
Cinder then stood in front of him and placed her hand on his chest and looked up at him, “It made you romantic,” She said.
Jaune glared at her, “It made me do what you wanted,” Jaune said.
Cinder kept smirking at him, “Was it all bad?” Cinder asked.
Jaune was silent for a moment and thought back to that night they shared and a small blush came to his face. “No... wasn’t all bad,” Jaune replied, “But I’m not here about the past, why am I here?” Jaune asked her.
Cinder then backed away and her smirk faded, “I’m being hunted,”
Jaune rolled his eyes, “That doesn’t surprise me,” Jaune replied sarcastically.
Cinder turned away from him and walked over to a certain part of the yacht. “Yes, well this time I did nothing wrong, it seems Tyrian is still alive,”
Jaune was stunned to hear that Tyrian was alive, the last time the blond knight had seen him was back during the battle of Vale, where he fell off the cliffs.
Jaune let out a sigh, “Let me guess, he’s hunting you for revenge?” Jaune asked.
“He’s hunting us,” Cinder corrected him.
“Us?” Jaune asked pointing at himself with a raised brow.
Cinder turned to him and smirked, “Not you,” Cinder replied, “Me and... your dughter,”
“My Daughter?” Jaune asked with a stunned face.
Cinder then opened a curtain and standing behind it was a 10 year old girl, who had shoulder length black hair, blue eyes, and she wore what appeared to be... ninja clothing?
“Ember Fall, our daughter”
Jaune looked at her and then back to Cinder with a raised brow, “You expect me to believe this?” Jaune asked
Cinder smirked, “I can assure you, she’s yours,” Cinder replied. “Ember, say hello to your father,” Cinder told her.
Their daughter walked over to Jaune and looked up at him, and Jaune looked back at her, feeling a bit awkward.
“Don’t look so stunned father, I was expecting you to be much taller,” Ember told him.
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navree · 2 years
if i had a nickel for every time a famous and influential batman story arc had both superman and jason todd playing a pivotal role, i'd have four nickels, which really isn't a lot but it is weird that it's happened four separate times over three decades
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unholy-boi · 2 years
thinking about jpv azrael to adapertio by ghost. yeahhh this is so them. 
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lemonlimestar · 2 months
i still genuinely cannot wrap my head around how self-proclaimed comic book fans don’t, and sometimes outright refuse to, read comic books. you’re up to date on wfa, but can’t read a single gotham knights issue? you can scroll through a 20+ fic on ao3, but can’t read the knightfall novelization?
i could see if there were no resources but every post i see saying “please read comics” has at least one reblog with a guide and or links. there are reading lists! many really well done reading lists! you vaguely like the yj kids and would like to know more? cool. you can find their reading lists on tumblr by either searching or simply asking! three of them even have solos if you really don’t know where to start! it is now more accessible than ever to find comics that feature your blorbo, but if you don’t want to do that… simply make your own spaces?
maybe fanon speaks to you, and maybe i don’t want fanon hcs that have no stake in/actively go against canon flooding the tags of characters i genuinely like. these are two statements that can be both true and completely fine. if you don’t want to be nagged about not reading comics, consider not entering canon comic spaces. it’s easier for everyone prommy.
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sweetandglovelyart · 8 months
I decided to try designing a Metadede child and a Taransusie child, this is Meta Knight and Dedede’s daughter Cintia and Taranza and Susie’s daughter Clover. Before anyone asks how they exist, my lore for them is that both of them are clones, but instead of being cloned from one person they’re cloned from a combination of two people. I have more backstory about them and explanations for their names under the cut.
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I wanted to give Cintia a moon-themed name (because of the moon theme in the final battle against Meta Knight and Dedede in Kirby Fighters 2), and I also wanted her to have a Spanish name because of Meta Knight’s accent in the anime. However, I didn’t want to call her Luna since she’s a princess and I didn’t want anyone to confuse her with the My Little Pony character Princess Luna. Cintia is the Spanish version of Cynthia, which means moon/is related to the moon goddess Artemis, so I called her that instead of Luna. The little gold and black design on her crown is supposed to be a crescent moon to further convey the moon theme. I feel like Meta Knight would call her by her full name most of the time but he might call her “mija” (“my daughter” in Spanish) or “pingüinita” (“little penguin” in Spanish) as a little affectionate nickname lmao, Dedede and most of the other characters would just call her Cindee.
For Clover, I wanted to give her a floral/plant themed name since she’s the princess of Floralia (in my AU of things Taranza becomes the king of Floralia after the events of Triple Deluxe, so that makes Clover a princess). Four leaf clovers are also symbols of good luck, and each leaf of a four leaf clover represents luck, faith, hope, and love, so I thought that it would be a nice meaningful name for her. Her full name is Clover Maxine Haltmann, she has Susie’s last name since Taranza doesn’t have one and her middle name is Maxine in honor of her grandfather Max.
Clover is the first one to be cloned, when Taranza and Susie are engaged and are preparing for their wedding. They go visit another planet to establish diplomatic relations between Floralia and the aliens on that planet, and after they mention that they’re getting married soon the aliens ask them if they’re planning to have kids. Taranza and Susie explain that they can’t have kids the usual way since they’re different species and that wouldn’t work, but the aliens are experts at cloning and have technology that allows them to clone children for couples who are different species. The aliens clone Clover as a wedding gift for Taranza and Susie, not realizing that the two of them saying that they couldn’t have kids didn’t necessarily mean that they wanted to have kids lmao… it all works out though, Taranza and Susie didn’t expect to get Clover but they’re still happy to have her and they return to Popstar with her. After seeing Clover, Dedede and Meta Knight decide that they want to have a kid, so they go visit the aliens and ask them to clone one for them, and that’s where Cindee comes from. I drew Cindee and Clover as little kids here so I could give them some outfits and convey their personalities a bit, but I’ll have to draw them again as babies.
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scintillyyy · 4 days
the thing about tim being a 90s kid, and not just that, a 90s robin who had to serve as an example on top of being an extremely sociable kid....is that funnily enough he's far more likely to go to a trusted adult for help when he's in over his head, for all fanon likes to cast him as the one who will internally suffer silently so not to get anyone (read: his parents) in trouble.
and like. tim *can* be kind of. listen he's going to do it himself, especially if he thinks it's something he should he able to do as robin (i would argue that he's more likely to avoid asking bruce for help than anyone, and that's post-knightfall only where tim is more likely to think that bruce wants him to be able to handle something on his own & even then he does still go to bruce as needed), but in general--tim does a really good job at recognizing he's out of his depth and asks for and accepts help as needed for both professional and personal reasons. he does it with dick a lot, he does it with alfred, he does it with babs, he does it with his dad (i mean. is the guns school psa good? no. but it does show tim does actually feel comfortable asking for advice from his dad), hell he does it with the league of assassins for a bit in red robin (before going back to dick)
anyways. i guess what i'm saying is that even if the drakes were like. comically neglectful and leaving their five year old alone in cold drake manor because business came up in the republic of <insert country without an extradition agreement here>, five year old tim would, in fact, take the bus down to haly's circus, help dick catch a murderer, and then go on an extremely long exposition about how his parents leave him alone for extremely long periods of time and neglect them, pause for the psa checklist of signs of abuse to look out for, then dick can finally respond with "sorry, what is happening right now. who are you and what is your name." and tim's like "is that important? anyways, batman needs your help."
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