#kunikida x kouyou
pegging-satan · 1 year
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This could be a ship. Could be. Just sayin. I don’t think anyone has ever ever considered them but now you have. I’m just saying.
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etrevil · 2 months
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Kouyou: I know what you are.
NO PURSUING 😭 in a burning building, skk will still be drawn to each other, so much so it's become a work hazard.
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miyakuya · 1 year
— who fell in love first and who fell harder (part 1)
featuring: the bungou stray dogs cast
a/n: i got this idea because one of my favorite tiktok accounts said that dazai fell in love first and harder for chuuya and it’s been on my mind for days
part two | part three
© miyakuya 2023– plagiarism, reposts, or anything related or copying isn’t allowed.
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first; while it may not have been love at first sight, they couldn’t help but fall head over heels for you faster than anyone, even themselves, could expect. even if they didn’t admit it, you could tell as soon as it happened
— Gin Akutagawa, Kōyō Ozaki, Sigma, Edgar Allan Poe
harder; they weren’t necessarily meaning to fall in love, the idea was something that didn’t seem like they really deserved it or that it wasn’t something they could really do anyways. the moment they realized they were in love though, however, it hit them hard and they were definitely not losing you now
— Akiko Yosano, Doppo Kunikida, Osamu Dazai, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Saigiku Jōno
both; they fell in love fast and hard. they didn’t mean for it to happen but they weren’t going to complain. the way they fell in love was like riding in the front seat of a roller coaster going down the first drop. they didn’t want to lose that feeling and they certainly didn’t want to lose you
— Atsushi Nakajima, Ranpo Edogawa, Chuuya Nakahara, Michizō Tachihara, Nikolai Gogol, Tecchō Suehiro
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taglist: @astro-pioneer
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flamie-42 · 6 months
Joint Missions pt 3
*with Dazai and Chuuya* Dazai: so Chuuya did you bribe Hirotsu to get us on a team together because Kunikida sure as hell didn't want us to be paired Chuuya: I promised him a raise Dazai: awww Chuuya loves me! Chuuya: you idiot, I just didn't want to get stuck with Akutagawa again. He always mopes about not being with the weretiger Dazai: mhm sure *with Akutagawa and Atsushi* Atsushi: Don't you usually get paired with Chuuya on these things? Akutagawa: Yes, It seems Hirotsu or Kunikida decided otherwise. Atsushi: You payed Hirotsu didn't you Akutagawa: *blushing* no...
*with Yosano and Kouyou* Yosano: its so nice to not be paired with one of those fools again Kouyou: I couldn't agree more. the company is well worth the car that I gave Hirotsu to get this paring Yosano: *blushing*
*with Kunikida and Hirotsu* Kunikida: You know I do have some issue with the pairings you made for this mission Hirotsu: I know you do. Kunikida: may I ask why? Hirotsu: I am but a simple man. Kunikida: ?? Hirotsu: who is easily bribed Kunikda: *facepalm*
Part 3 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 1
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stinkyme · 1 year
Hello! This is something I came up with since it's Valentine's Day so I thought why not write mini scenarios with BSD characters :)
It's basically what you got them and what they got you as a gift, I apologize if some are repetitive or similar, it was hard to think of completely unique gifts and reactions for everyone, but I tried my best! :)
I hope you will like it and enjoy! :D
CW/TW: none, fluff, maybe in Chuuya's part, him riding motorcycle if that's triggering for someone and a suggestive joke, in Gin's part there is a knife as a gift (i know how weird this sounds but bear with me), petnames and GN!reader, some characters might be OOC and if I forgot please anything let me know! :)
PS. I headcanon Tanizaki as a huge gamer; Tachihara as a kinder surprise egg lover and Sigma as a person who can draw really good, so bear with me🤗
*солнце моё - my sun; i thank deeply to my dear friend who helped me to think of a nickname and make it correct, you slay ily <3
Also I can do Fukuzawa, Lucy, Louisa, Fukuchi and Mori or other characters in second part if anyone wants them as well :D
I apologize for any mistakes in advance! :)
Happy Valentine's day everyone, remember to do something nice for yourself <3
Valentine's gifts || BSD characters x Reader
Decay of Angels
Nikolai Gogol
You were really excited about Nikolai and you spending Valentine's day together. You got everything ready, put on cute outfit and previously you bought him this beautiful, big painting of white birds flying in wide, blue sky and behind you wrote "As free as they are, they are still not alone. They still need shared nest and ground to rest. Thank you for being my nest and my ground." and you made him some piroshki that you've put on the table with few white candles around. You turned the picture towards the wall so he can't see it.
He finally came and you jumped on him into a huge hug.
"My, my someone missed me!" Nikolai said through sweet laughter.
"I have! Did you miss me?" you said happily, resting your head between his shoulder and neck.
"Of course darling!" he moved to give you a small kiss on your lips. You smiled and he put out a rose out of his coat, you smiled even more and rose suddenly sprayed water on your face. Nikolai's smile faded away in an instant.
"Oh no! That's a wrong one! Uh..uh..HOLD ON A SECOND!" he was nervous and he turned around as you giggled at his unusual clumsiness. He turned around after digging inside his coat and gave you a beautiful, fresh rose in your favorite color.
"It's beautiful! Thank you, love!" you smiled as you took rose out of his hand, kissing him on the cheek.
You turned around to put it in a vase.
"I don't think you want to put it there darling." Nikolai said softly and you turned around, slightly confused when you saw a huge wreath with probably 100 roses in a huge heart shape, missing only one in neatly done rows.
You gasped, it was absolutely huge and beautiful.
"Nikolai! This is...thank you so much!" you walked towards him, putting one last rose inside to complete the heart.
You gave him a strong hug, full of love and plenty of kisses on his cheeks.
He hugged you back and giggled at your reaction. You moved and looked at beautiful wreath one more time and put it down.
You took his hand to pull him over to piroshki and his eyes got wide in surprise and excitement.
"Oh! All of those for me?" he proclaimed, his voice filled with love and excitement and he took one of piroshki, immediately taking a bite and letting a huge satisfied sigh out, smile plastered all over his face.
"That's not all." you said and turned around the painting and Nikolai's eyes got wide once again, but this time more in deeply emotional manner. He started chewing slower and put down rest of his piroshki and came up to you to take a better look at the painting. He gently touched it as if he could break it.
"You have a message behind!" you giggled at him and he turned it around, taking it out of your hands to read. Once he read the message, you could swear he teared up. He got up, softly smiling at you, with little tears in corners of his eyes.
"You are right, they need nest and ground. However may I be a bird, you are my sky." he closed his eyes and pulled you into a huge hug that lasted for a very good time and kissed top of your head.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Fyodor was never really fond of any type of holidays or special days in traditional way, until he met you. He waited for your return, put on some candles and bought you a silver necklace that had black agate stone placed on silver lineup and on that lineup it was carved "Cолнце моё".
You came home and went to hug him immediately, enjoying the atmosphere he made. He kissed you on the cheek and stroked your hair gently.
"Welcome home, darling. I have little something for you." he said softly and went to take a little, long, black leathered box to give you your gift. You opened it and saw this beautiful necklace and turned it around to see the carved, loving nickname. Your eyes widened and you feel warm.
"It's beautiful. I love it." you said in soft tone, Fyodor gently smiling at you.
"Let me put it on for you." he said and you gave him the necklace as he gently moved his fingers around your neck and put it on. You adjusted it a bit in the front, touching the black stone.
"This will go amazing with my outfit and our plans for tonight." you giggled and turned around to kiss Fyodor.
"What do you mean?" he asked a bit confused and you handed him tickets for a concert of classical music. He curiously took tickets and saw what were they for and smiled softly at you. He has been mentioning a lot how he is overworked and needed something just to let his mind relax.
"We better get ready then, love." he said and softly kissed you and both of you went to get ready, enjoying rest of your night in romantic, relaxed and loving atmosphere of the concert.
Sigma was really nervous about this, he didn't know whole bunch of things about holidays and in general, he was new to everything but your love helped him discover and explore more of himself and the world. He wanted to make this day special and he was hoping he won't mess it up and that you will like his gift. He finally met up with you, you were holding some sort of bag, he hugged you softly, but you could feel he was nervous.
"Happy Valentine's day sweetheart..um, this is for you." he handed you what seemed like a notebook. It wasn't too thick or to thin and as you opened it you started tearing up. Notebook was filled with drawings of you, doing random things, probably when you would be with him in office and he would tell you he is doing 'paperwork' and you did something else to entertain yourself. You could also tell some were drawn from his memory only. Sigma was looking at you nervously as you flipped pages, eyes wider and wider each time.
"It's something I wanted to keep for myself, but..since it's a holiday, I thought you would like to have it." he said a bit hesitant since you weren't saying anything. You looked up at him with a huge smile on your face and closed the notebook to give him a huge hug. He was a bit shocked, but hugged you back.
"So, you like it?" he asked, soft smile on his face.
"I love it! I love you!" you said happily, hugging him thighter. Then you moved and out of bag pulled out a Sky Casino model with a note attached to the platform model was on. Sigma's eyes got wide as he took model in his hands, almost tearing up from beauty and shock. He noticed the note and took it as you took model inside your hands so he can read it.
"I know I often tell you how amazing you are, but I want you to always remember something. Sky Casino isn't what made you into a person you are, you are the person who made Sky Casino into what it is with your kind soul. I want you to always remember that when you look at this model. Happy Valentine's day, my beloved."
He read it and teared up at this point, putting the note on his heart. He gently smiled at you and put model down on the floor next to two of you so he could pull you into a hug.
"I can't bring myself to say anything else but that I love you too, Y/N."
Mushitaro Oguri
You were waiting for his return rather impatiently. You were slightly nervous about your gift, not knowning how will he react, but still, you hoped for the best. He finally arrived home carrying what seemed like his present for you and you went right into his body to hug him tightly.
"Happy Valentine's day, love." he said as he smiled at you and kissed your nose.
"Happy Valentine's day, Mushi. I missed you." you said as you hugged him for a bit longer and placed a kiss on his lips.
"I missed you too, darling." he smiled at you and gave you the bag. You were excited to see what he got you and quickly went to the living room and sat on the couch, unpacking it. You saw two small brown teddy bears, each had a bow tie, one just like Mushitaro's and other one was in your favorite one. They were holding hands and they were really fluffy. You pressed them on your chest as Mushitaro already came to see your reaction. You jumped into a hug with him and gently kissed his cheek.
"Do you like them? They are miniature of us." he smiled and you nodded.
"I love them. They are adorable! Thank you, Mushi." your eyes were bright and you kissed him on the lips. Then, you put little teddy bears down and went over for your gift. He could tell you were nervous as you handed him the wrapped box. Once he opened it he saw a game that basically was made as a crime mystery supposed to be solved.
"I know you dislike mystery, but I thought if..maybe we did it together, it will be more fun like that." you smiled shyly, not looking directly at him. This reminded him of his old friend which made him smile, but not only that. What also made him smile is that you knew the reason he disliked it and wanted to rewrite that into a good memory, something that he can actually enjoy and therefore heal. It was thoughtful, fun and really meaningful as silly as you thought your gift was.
"I love it. Let's solve it together." Mushitaro whispered as he pulled you into a hug.
"Really?" you whispered back.
"Really. It doesn't what do I do as long as it's with you, you make everything good. Thank you for that, Y/N." he smiled softly and placed a gentle kiss on your neck.
Port Mafia
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
You and Akutagawa weren't together, however after long thinking you finally decided to gift him something for Valentine's day. Obviously you were nervous, even though Akutagawa wasn't always unpleasant towards you, often times he was actually calm and well mannered, but still it was a huge thing. You made him a woven basket full of figs, his favorite teas he talked about to you and small antique painting. You were ready to go, giving yourself mental pat on the back and headed out. Little did you know.
Some time later you found Akutagawa taking his leave from Port mafia building, thankfully alone.
You nervously came up to him.
"Hello, are you busy?" you asked him, your tone low and almost cracking.
"Obviously not." Akutagawa responded in his usual tone.
"Ah right! Silly of me, um, okay, here you go." you handed out the basket, tilting your head down not to look at him.
He scanned it with his eyes and slowly took it out of your hands.
"What is this?" he asked, in his usual deep voice.
"A little something for Valentine's day. If you don't feel the same or dislike it or anything, feel free to do whatever you want with it." you barely smiled at him, your nerves taking best out of you.
"I shall leave now, see you tomorrow..or never again." you chuckled and almost started running away. Akutagawa took a look inside and smiled gently at his gift, as well as your reaction.
You came in your building, shaking and scolding yourself. However, once you reached the door you saw a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a small card on top. You were really curious about it, making you forget how nervous you were. You took a look at the card.
"I am not good with words, but I appreciate you. Hopefully, you understand. - Akutagawa"
You smiled at the note, he probably sneaked it in when you left because he was too prideful to ask anyone to do it for him and way too nervous to do it in person. You were still smiling and sent him a message making a deal for two of you to meet up and pick up where you left off.
Chuuya Nakahara
He took you on a evening ride on his motorcycle. He wasn't driving too fast, letting you enjoy the view of night lights as you held tightly around his waist.
"Where are we going?" you asked him excited and curious.
"Just a bit more patience, angel. We are almost there." he said and took a turn as you arrived to some sort of empty parking lot. You both got off the motorcycle and removed your helmets.
"What are we doing here? You are so perverted Chuu." you started giggling.
"The one who is perverted here are you, angel. I didn't have that in mind." he chuckled and took your hand as you walked towards garage doors.
"What is this, Chuu?" you asked him, not entirely sure what was he doing.
He opened the garage door and what you saw was a beautiful motorcycle that matches his. You gasped as your eyes widened.
"My gift for you, so we can do it together." Chuuya said and smiled at your reaction.
"This is insane Chuu, it's too much." you said still shocked. Indeed, Chuuya was extra but he loved you and wanted to show it as much as he humanly can.
You came up to him to hug him and kiss him and he returned it, smiling afterwards. You went to inspect the motorcycle, suddenly getting a thought.
"Um, Chuuya." you said as you were to reveal something obvious.
"What's up angel?" he asked as he came to inspect motorcycle with you.
"I don't have a licence and I don't know how to ride it." you said and looked at him with seriousness in your eyes. Chuuya stood there for a second as he was processing the information.
"Oh." he let out as he looked up at you.
"Shit. I completely forgot you need a licence for those." he said in a bit irritated voice.
"Excuse me? WERE YOU RIDING WITHOUT LICENCE NAKAHARA CHUUYA?" you yelled at him, shocked at his nonchalant attitude about that information.
"Being in Port Mafia has its benefits, you know? Not like cops will stop me. But that also means I can get you one as well." he smiled and stroked your hair.
"But I can't ride it." you said, looking up at him.
"I will teach you then. Easy as that." he smiled once more but noticed you were nervous and looking around shyly.
"What's wrong angel? You don't like it?" he asked concerned as he kept stroking your hair.
"No, no, it's not that. I love it, but..." you stopped your sentence to pull out a small hat chain you made for Chuuya that had an extenstion of mini hat, bottle and glass attached to it. You handed it to him. He looked at it and could feel himself melting inside.
"My gift is so small compared to yours and I made dinner and bought your favorite wine and made a bath for two us, but then you said this is urgent so I couldn't really pressure it.." you were saying looking down. Chuuya just moved your chin up and gave you a long, meaningful kiss. You blushed a little bit.
"It's absolutely amazing gift and I will wear it all the time. I love it and don't ever say anything you give me or do for me is small or less meaningful, angel." he smiled as he put your gift in his pocket.
"Let's head home and enjoy everything you prepared, then tomorrow we can start your lessons, sounds good?" he smiled and cupped your cheek with his hand. You nodded and hugged him thightly as he returned the hug, happier than he ever was.
Gin Akutagawa
Gin and you were fairly similar, but at the same time different, therefore complimenting each other perfectly. You worked under Black Lizard alongside with her. Two of you agreed to meet up after work to spend Valentine's day or rather evening together. Gin was waiting for you in place you both agreed on and you saw her in casual outfit which made you giggle because she was so beautiful.
You walked up to her and you gave her a kiss as she blushed a bit, more nervous than usual.
"You seem nervous babe, what's up?" you asked her, gently brushing her cheek with your fingers. She looked away and just pulled the box out of her bag and handed it out. You were curious and found her reaction really adorable. You took box out of her hands and opened it only to see one gorgeous knife in metallic red color with black handle that had your initials engraved.
You took it out, moving it a bit as light fell on it, making the color shine more. It was absolutely gorgeous.
"This is beautiful Gin, thank you so much!" you said in happy and excited voice and she opened her mouth lightly to say something when you pulled her into a hug. She hugged you back, resting her hands on your back and smiled.
"I have the same one. So we can match, you know?" she said as she was relieved you liked her gift.
"We really do think alike, don't we?" you smiled as you pulled away giving her your gift wrapped in baby pink paper.
You made her a new mask, it was in black color and on the inside you sewed small "I love you".
"That's so anytime you take it off you see it and so it can remind you of me." you smiled at her. Her eyes were full of love and she grabbed mask thighter, putting it on her chest.
"I love it. Thank you so much, I love you." she said gently and stroked your hair.
"I love you too darling and I have the same one, so another thing to match!" both of you giggled and hugged once again as you noticed people were staring at two of you, a bit scared and creeped out.
"Maybe you should put the knife back into the box, babe." Gin said through a laughter.
"Shit baby, you are right." you laughed and put knife back into the box, taking Gin's hand so two of you can go and enjoy rest of evening together.
Higuchi Ichiyō
You were having a lovely evening with Higuchi, eating amazing dinner two of you prepared together and chatted about everything and anything. Higuchi was always so lively, especially with you. You also brought her comfort no one else truly did and knew how to calm her down when she would go overboard with work and feel intense or pressured.
Gifts were common between two of you, little ways to show how you care and think of each other. Lately, you were both very busy so you didn't get much time to relax and spend time together, so this was a breath of fresh air for both of you.
"Okay, now for gifts!" Higuchi said as she was waiting for both of you to finish your dinner. You looked at her and she pushed a bag into your hands, sitting on her chair excited. You opened it and saw all sorts of candles - bigger, smaller, red, blue, yellow and few other colors, you also saw a bottle of some oil and love note. You unfolded the paper.
"I am forever thankful I've met you. You make my days brighter in ways only I can know which makes me feel really proud and special. You make feel calmness I never knew was possible to feel.
So, today I wanted to, hopefully, make you feel special and calm. I love you."
Your heart was melting and you got up from your chair and pulled Higuchi into a thight hug. She returned it, smiling into your neck.
"You always make feel special and calm, sunshine. Just existing next to you is more than enough for someone like me to feel like that." you whispered in her ear and pulled away in order to kiss her. You pulled away and slowly stroked her hair and she smiled at you, leaning in to kiss you one more time. It made you giggle and you gave her your gift. It was a small plastic sunshine frame that had picture of two of you inside. Higuchi's eyes widened and her cheeks got slightly red.
"Open it." you gestured to the back of the frame and she opened it to see a little note of you saying how she is your sunshine and how she should never forget that. She jumped on you which got you startled a bit and gave you a long, passionate kiss.
"Thank you, I will cherish this forever. Not only the photo, but you seeing me as your sunshine. I love you more than you know." she said after she pulled away and grabbed your hand to go to another room. She placed the photo on the nightstand next to the bed and gestured you to sit down. You listened, looking at her curiously.
"Give me a second, sweetheart." Higuchi said and went to grab an essential oil she got you which you learned when she came back.
"It's a lavender essential oil and I wanted to give you a massage so my little note comes to life." she smiled gently at you and you smiled back.
"Deal, but I will do same for you after." you said in soft voice and she nodded, smiling at you.
Oda Sakunosuke
This was a plan you had for some time now, but what a better chance to use than Valentine's day? You decided before Oda comes home that you will rearrange one room two of you barely used. It was supposed to be medium sized storage, but neither of you storaged anything really. So you went to work and rearranged it into Oda's new writing room. You put table and chair, made of beautiful oak and assembled few shelves on wall, as well as added some flowers and paintings to make it more comfortable and cozy. You added pens, papers, anything Oda would need for writing. You were really proud of your work. You wanted to surprise him.
Oda came home and called out for you, but didn't hear anything. He took his shoes off and called your name again with no answer. He went around the house, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom to look for you but he was met with disappointment each time.
"Over here!" you said in a bit higher voice and he could hear your giggles as he relaxed knowning you are safe and walked towards storage.
"What are you.."
"Surprise! It's a writing room for you. Happy Valentine's day darling!" you said as you jumped and stretched your arms out. Oda looked around, his face remained the same but deep inside he was shocked, touched and melted. He moved around, looking at all details you made and finally table ready with materials. He came up to you and lifted you up into a hug.
"You didn't have to do all this, you know?" he said as his hand was stroking back of your head as he was putting you down.
"You are right, but I wanted to! Do you like it?" you smiled at him.
"I absolutely adore it my love." he placed a kiss on your forehead.
"It happens I have little something for you as well." he said and took out a small box out of his pocket, handing it to you. You opened it and it was a golden ring and on the inside it had carved "My one & only."
You smiled, immediately putting it on one of your fingers. You looked up at Oda who was smiling back at you.
"I love it, thank you so much!" you exclaimed happily and jumped on him, your arms wrapping around his neck.
"You deserve everything, love, don't thank me at all." he whispered and kissed your cheek.
Ango Sakaguchi
You waited for Ango's return, he was as busy as always, overworking himself. Thankfully, he was able to get an evening off so you can spend it together. You prepared everything - dinner, ambience and a movie you will watch. You got him a neck pillow and a massager he can use on himself since you knew how much his back suffered all that work. He came home, drained and tired, but he was really happy to spend an evening with you. He took his shoes off and came up to you with a huge basket which caught your attention. It was covered with white net so you couldn't see what it was. You came up to him and gave him a big hug as he sighed out.
"It's good to be home for a change." he smiled as you looked up to him and then he leaned down to give you a kiss.
"This is for you, I hope you will like it." he pulled away and handed you the basket. You opened it up and it had literally everything related to self-care: oils, shower gel, shampoo, facemasks, body scrub, face roller, gua sha stones. It was beautiful. You smiled and put the basket down to hug him, your hands snaking around his waist.
"It's a reminder to take care of yourself. That's really important thing, you know Y/N?" he was stroking your hair and you looked up at him and his dark circles.
"That's a valuable lesson...coming from you!" you laughed at him and he softly smiled back at irony of his own words and actions.
"However! Good thing is that I had similar idea in mind when it comes to you." you gave him a wide smile and went over to give him his gift. It was in a bag so he opened it and saw neck pillow and massager suitable for self massage. He chuckled, looking softly at you.
"You know what? This is a looooot of products. I don't think I will be able to use them all on my own, so how about we share a self-care night?" you said looking up at him, earning a satisfied and relieved laugh from him.
"I can't see why not. I would love that, thank you, you are truly amazing, love." he said and you smiled back at him, two of you spending the relaxing, romantic night taking care of yourselves and each other.
Kouyou Ozaki
It was your first Valentine's day with Kouyou and two of you weren't together, however you did love her for quite some time now. Kouyou was very open about how she feels about Valentine's day and love in general. She was very hesitant and in a sense appalled by the idea of that holiday due to her experience with love. She was very vocal about how stupid she thinks it is and how people are just fools and if you "love" someone you love them every day making conclusion how people are shallow and dishonest with their feelings. You listened to her words and it made you nervous and prepared for a heartbreak, but you were ready to be heartbroken if that means she will know what you feel.
You made her a paper rose and as you would drag down the stalk of it - it would open up like it was blossoming and close back when you move it back up. You tied a little note on it and went to leave it at Kouyou's door in Port mafia. You arrived and knocked on her door, leaving the rose in front of them and went to hide, scared to see her face. She opened the door and looked down. She saw a paper rose and picked it up, noticing the note. Her face had confused expression the whole time until she read the note.
"I hope some day, just like this rose you will be able to open up and accept my love. If not mine, then someone else's, as long as you are happy. - Y/N"
She moved the rose and her eyes started watering as she was scared of all emotions that were coming out of her, thinking she burried them long time ago. She played with the rose, thinking, and you kept looking at her a bit confused. Was she happy, was she angry, was she moved by it? Did she feel the same or not?
"Come out, Y/N." Kouyou said as she closed her eyes, softly smiling. Your heart skipped a beat, but you couldn't trick Kouyou after all. You came to her, obviously nervous and on the edge. She turned her back and went into her room for a second and returned with something. She handed it to you and it was metal shaped and colored as her Golden Demon, attached to a chain. You took it, shocked and looked at her.
"I never thought I would be the one doing this. It's silly to be completely honest with you Y/N. I talked about this holiday so poorly, yet made that for you, hoping it will protect you from the distance." she looked at you.
"However, now I hope you will accept it and wear it as a confession of my feelings as well as to keep you safe and protected from any harm. Thank you for this rose and thank you for..awakening the hope and feelings inside me I thought were long lost." she stepped forward and pulled you into a kiss.
Armed Detective Agency
Dazai Osamu
You were dragging his hand, really excited.
"We can't miss this Osamu, walk faster!" you ordered him, earning a confused look and laughter from Dazai.
"Ah, ah, where are we rushing darling?" he said as his usual, teasing self.
"Not telling! Be patient, but hurry your ass up." you pulled him harder as you arrived to your destination. Dazai looked around, there were plenty of couples but you went to more isolated area.
"Now we wait." you proclaimed, holding his hand.
"For what exactly if I may ask?" Dazai looked at you confused as you stared into the sky.
"You may not! Shush it or you will miss it." you said squeezing his hand and he looked into direction you were looking at.
"Here comes yours!" you giggled, squeezing his hand harder.
Suddenly, with a loud sound, a firework appeared in shape of a heart and "I love you" in the middle, it was in bright pink color. Dazai stared at awe, this was one of the few times when he didn't know what to say. You looked at his face, it was so gentle and so genuine. His eyes got brighter and he squeezed your hand. It was a sight you could look at forever. Firework passed and his mouth were slightly opened as he looked at you, speechless.
"I customized it! I hoped you will like it and..." you couldn't finish your sentence as he pulled you in into a hug, squeezing you tightly. You hugged him back and started laughing a bit at sudeness of his reaction.
"And...I was hoping..this maybe gives you new perspective.." you continuned, muffled voice as your head was squeezed into his chest.
"No need to say anything else. I know." he squeezed you even thighter. You wanted to say something but you truly enjoyed this and it melted your heart.
He pulled away and looked into your eyes.
"That firework is how I feel when I am with you." he said in serious voice.
"You are so cheesy, Osamu." you laughed at him and gently slapped his chest. He smiled at you.
"I mean it. It's like I was reborn anytime I am with you." he gently brushed your cheek with his slender fingers.
"Stop it, I don't like when you talk like this." you said jokingly and he laughed.
"Now then.." he pulled something out of his pocket and quickly positioned it on your chest. You looked down and it was same opal stone he has. You touched it and looked at Dazai.
"Now we match. Also, this way, you see, our hearts are always connected." he smiled at you and touched his stone. He moved down and kissed you softly.
Then he pulled you into another hug.
"Also...sounds fireworks made were almost as loud as your farts, did you customize sounds too?" he pulled away, making fake amazed face.
"Dazai Osamu!" you punched his stomach.
"Ouch, ouch! You said you don't like when I am romantic, you don't like this either, it's so hard to satisfy you belladona!" he whined in dramatic voice.
"Maybe you just need to shut up, ever thought about that?" you laughed and pulled him into a kiss.
Kunikida Doppo
You were really excited about this day and your gift. Kunikida has been frowning lately because his notebook is near the end and from all work he had, he wasn't able to order new one. So you did it for him and it arrived just in time. You also wrote little note on the first page.
Now, you were walking to meet up with him at a local park as he said he wants to take you somewhere. Kunikida, on the other hand, was slightly nervous. Last year he took you in fancy restaurant and for most of your bigger celebrations. He wanted to switch it up this time out of his comfort zone. He wanted to take you in a game room so two of you can have some fun together and go out for an ice cream afterwards.
He wasn't sure how you will react to this and kind of regretted he didn't go for safer idea, but it is what it is now. He saw you coming and adjusted himself.
You spreaded your arms, running into his hug. He picked you up, returning the hug and kissed top of your head, then gave you a kiss on the lips.
"You seem really jumpy, what's the reason?" he asked with a soft smile.
"And you, Kunikida Doppo, seem really nervous, what's the reason?" you asked him playfully. Of course you would notice. He cleared his throat as his eyes gave away slight shock as confirmation of your question and wanted to speak when you cut him off suddenly.
"Maybe this will help you!" you said happily and handed him a notebook that was wrapped in paper with some animals. He took it and slowly started unwrapping it only to see his long desired notebook he wasn't able to order. He threw away the paper in trashcan and took another look, still in awe.
"Open it! There is something inside." you giggled.
He gave you a questioning look and opened it to see a dedication written from you. You wrote how you look up to him, how he inspires you every day to be a better person and as silly as his ideals can be at the times, they are still his and therefore deeply admired by you. You ended it by telling him to never change that fire in his heart and how you love him. He pushed his glasses up, closing the notebook and gently looking at you.
"You know, when I was writing who may my ideal partner be, I only had you in mind. I remember how I wished someone would be able to make me more flexible as a person or rather inspire me to see bigger picture and explore more of myself. Then you showed up and for that I am forever thankful, Y/N." he came closer to hug you and give you a kiss. You blushed at his words, unsure what to say.
You just hugged him thightly and thanked him as you pulled him into another kiss.
"You know, mister Carlylye said to send you a lot of greetings. Also, where are we going? Which resturant?" you asked him as you pulled away.
"I will make sure to send him letter tomorrow or give him a phone call if he isn't too busy. And as for where we are going, I thought about game room...if that's okay." he smiled, nervously as he waited for your reaction.
"Game room? Where did that come from?" you looked at him, a bit stunned by his plan.
"Well, I wanted to try something different, I guess. If you don't like it.."
you cut him off.
"I LOVE IT!" you gave him a big smile, putting all his worries away. He laughed a bit and you spent rest of your evening playing different games, winning or losing, it didn't matter. You had a lot of fun and enjoyed each other's company.
Atsushi Nakajima
You and Atsushi agreed to stay at home for Valentine's Day and have some alone time. You were finishing up chazuke you made for him as a treat for Valentine's. You came back to him and his face lit up. He was really excited and Valentine's Day with you felt surreal. He always had hard time to accept love from others given his inner turmoil. You taught him how to be more forgiving to himself, how to accept love and how to have love for himself. He still had long way to go, but he was better and every day brought new things.
"Thank you, Y/N! I really appreciate this." he said with a smile as he took bowl out of your hand and placed it in front of him.
"You are not going to eat it?" you asked him, a bit confused as he always literally dived in like there is no tomorrow. He shaked his head and got up to take something from the closet and turned around facing you.
It was a beautiful flower crown, you could tell it was a handmade. He came towards you and placed it on top of your head and smiled.
"I made it with tiny bit of help of Kyouka-chan!" he kept smiling. It truly melted your heart, anything he ever gave you was self made.
"I tried my best, I hope you like it." he said, blush covering his pale face.
"It's beautiful, you are so amazing! Thank you so much my love." you said and hugged him as he blushed, returning the hug.
"I have little something too!" you giggled and went to the other room to grab it. You came back and handed him a tiger plushie. He took it, inspecting fluffy tiger with his hands. He saw it had a small, loose collar that said "Mini Sushi".
"Mini..Sushi?" he looked at you.
"Like Mini Atsushi, but Sushi. Nickname." you smiled at him. His eyes got a bit wider and he smiled, hugging the plushie.
"Thank you, Y/N. You mean a lot to me and so does Sushi!" he smiled, genuine and warm.
"Remember anytime you are kind to him, you are also kind to yourself, Sushi." you said and went to hug him. He hugged you back as mini Sushi got squeezed between and Atsushi's eyes were soft, peaceful and loving as he understood meaning.
Ranpo Edogawa
Ranpo and you have been dating for a while now and this was your first Valentine's Day together. You knew what you will get him as soon as you started thinking of it. It was hard to surprise him and you knew that, but you hoped he will like your gift regardless. You got him a toy that looked like a machine, it was a bowl on top and on the plastic what was holding a bowl was actually few different games a person could play. Bowl had plenty of different candies inside and all you had to do is beat level in order to get it, it also had a refill which was perfect for Ranpo. You really hoped he will like it. On the other side, Ranpo understood concept of Valentine's Day, however he didn't get the point. Yosano scolded him that it's not a huge deal and gifting you something won't hurt. Ranpo did want to gift you something, that wasn't an issue, he just didn't know what. He was thinking and pouting and knew he was running out of time so he thought the best he could and got you a hat to match his. It's sweet and it also says how he loves your company when he solves crimes and mysteries.
You finally met up with each other, you came to the office as everyone else went to café and saw Ranpo there. He seemed a bit down, but you hoped your gift will cheer him up. You came to him and he got up, his face still unsatisfied. You looked at him and he just bumped his head into your chest.
"Ranpo? What's wrong?" you asked him, concerned.
"This is stupid." he said, his voice a bit sad.
"What is stupid?" you asked him, he still didn't look at you.
"This holiday. Yosano scolded me as if I didn't want to get you a gift which isn't true!" he said in annoyed voice and moved his head up facing you.
"Ranpo...you don't have to gift me anything. It's just a little holiday, if you just wished me happy Valentine's day, I will still be thankful." you were genuine.
"That's not the point." he scoffed.
"The point is, how do I tell you that I appreciate you and care for your company as well as that I enjoy when you go to solve cases with me and that you make me feel like I am not alone anymore and that I love you through a gift? And don't tell me to write a letter because I hate to do that." he looked at you. You looked at him surprised and started laughing.
"Oh my, well, just like that actually. You can tell me just like that." you smiled at him and he moved to get something out of his drawer and handed you the hat, same as his.
"Well, this hat is supposed to say it. You know, like we can match and...stuff." he looked away as you took hat out of his hand and put it on your head. He was still looking away, eyes closed when he suddenly felt a thight hug. He got surprised for a second, analysing your reaction but hugged you back.
"It's saying everything I need to know, don't worry. You also said all I needed to know." you said in soft voice.
"Really?" Ranpo asked as he wasn't really sure.
"I promise." you smiled at him, the smile he loved the most. You kissed his cheek and handed him your gift. He took it and inspected it for a while and then the biggest smile lit up his face.
"Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate it. Now I can have more fun at work." he giggled and you laughed at him. He looked at you and put down the toy on his table and hugged you tightly.
"You look really cute with that hat, you know?" he whispered earning your smile.
"Happy Valentine's day, love." you said in soft voice.
"Happy Valentine's day, Y/N." he pulled away and you kissed, enjoying this lovely moment. Then Ranpo looked at the toy, bringing his hand closer and you noticed he just took one candy out.
"Hey! That's cheating!" you yelled at him and two of you continued this day laughing and enjoying.
Tanizaki Junchiro
Tanizaki and you made a deal to spend a day inside, nothing too fancy. You both liked comfort and cozy feeling of your own home and spending time together away from the crowds and loud city.
You arrived home with one small bag and Tanizaki came to you to greet you with a kiss.
"What took you so long? I missed you." Tanizaki said and pulled you into a hug.
"Sorry, sorry, I was picking out your gifts." you said and handed him the bag.
"Happy Valentine's day Chiro." you hugged him as he pulled out multiple games you bought, his face was shocked as those were really expensive and he gave you a look that was asking you "are you for real?" unable to say anything else.
"I save up, you know?" you elbowed him.
"Also, I thought we could play them together." you smiled at him and Tanizaki picked you up and turned to move you in the room. He placed you on the couch and started hugging and tickling you. You were laughing, trying to push him away.
"Stop, stop, why are you tickling me?" you were saying through laughter. Tanizaki got up and stopped tickling you.
"I am so happy! Thank you, those are so cool and we will have so much fun. Hold on!" he placed quick kiss on your head and came back in new pyjama and quickly sat next to you, giving you a small, blue bag. You gave him a questioning look, his face was light and his eyes sparkled, so you looked inside and saw another pyjama, matching his. Both were white and had little koalas hugging. You smiled and kissed Tanizaki.
"I will put it on right away." you said and went to change. Meanwhile, Tanizaki has set up one of the games, excited for your return. You came back and showed off how you look in new piece he got you.
"You look lovely, you are so cute Y/N!" he proclaimed as he stood up to come and hug you. He twirled you around and moved you to the set up where both of you sat down, ready to play.
"This is best Valentine's day I could ask for, thank you." he said and kissed you.
"Same goes for me, Chiro." you smiled at him and two of you spent rest of the day cozy, playing games and having fun.
Yosano Akiko
Yosano and you agreed to meet at your place and spend Valentine's day together. You prepared everything to be as romantic as possible. Yosano and you were together for some time and you wanted to make this day as special as possible. She was always kind and gentle with you even though you knew how she can get which made you melt and fall in love with her. You saw her as a woman who stood up for herself, yet treated her loved ones with the most care. Yosano could say same for you, you were the kindest, most precious person she has ever met and you loving her was an honor. That's how she felt and she wanted to make this day special for you as well.
She arrived with a small bag and you came to greet her, melting into her hug. She smiled softly and stroked your hair as you pulled away to look at her and give her a kiss.
"Someone is excited." she said lightheartedly and cupped your cheek with her soft hand.
"I am. I was so excited to see you today." you smiled at her and took her hand to move her and sit down together on the couch.
"Is that so?" she looked at you, saying teasingly.
"Yes." you looked at her full of love which made her melt at how genuine you were.
"I was excited to see you as well, my sweet Y/N." she kissed you and pulled away, gently placing a bag on your lap.
You looked at her and she nodded. You opened the bag and saw a notebook of some sort with covers in your favorite color. You opened the notebook and saw dry flowers glued on each page and next to each flower, there was a name of it as well as description of it.
"I picked all flowers that remind me of you." Yosano said as she looked at your lovestruck expression.
"This is beautiful. I truly don't know what to say, thank you so much, baby." you said as you looked up, Yosano's gentle gaze meeting yours.
"I am glad to hear that, Y/N." she smiled as you put aside the notebook, reaching under the table for a box. You handed it to her, a bit nervous. She smiled in order to calm you down and opened the box to see crystal figure in a shape of butterfly that was on lineup that said "You are an angel, my angel of everything that is good and kind."
She started tearing up, softly brushing her fingers on the sentence you designed. You waited for her to say something and she just put the figure on the table, not taking her eyes off of it and immediately pulling you into a hug.
You could feel your shoulder getting slightly wet and you hugged her thighter.
"Thank you. I love you." Yosano said through a whisper.
"I love you too." you smiled and stroked back of her head.
The Guild
Edgar Allan Poe
Two of you weren't a couple, however you were really good friends who crushed on each other. You wanted to hand your gift personally, hoping he feels the same way. You got ready and went out to head to his place in order to give him your gift. You were nervous and doubtful but if not now, then when? You just hoped you won't make this awkward between two of you or lose your friendship. It was a lot to ask for, you were aware, but still, Poe was reasonable so hopefully even if he doesn't feel the same he won't push you away. You also brought some treats for Karl.
As you walked, you felt someone watching or even following you and you turned around, but didn't see anyone who sticks out in crowd. You thought you were being paranoid and just kept walking. You arrived at more isolated area and you suddenly saw Karl jump in front of you. You backed away, startled at his sudden appearance.
"Did you smell the treats, little one?" you kneeled down to give him his treats and saw he was carrying something. It was a book and he dropped it in front of you as you handed him the treats. You opened the book as Karl munched satisfied next to you.
"I hope this doesn't ruin what we have. I have been in love with you for a very long time, Y/N. Therefore, I decided to write this for you. It contains all my feelings, like a personal diary, dedicated to you. If you don't feel the same - I completely understand. Feel free to throw it away or burn it, whatever you feel like doing, I just ask for this not to be the end of our friendship that I deeply cherish and hold dear in my heart. - E. A. Poe"
Your heart was beating so fast as you turned pages to read its and bits of what he has wrote. It was full of admiration of your personality, your beauty and time you spent together. You were shaking from how happy and excited you were. It felt surreal. You could scream right there but then Karl gently tapped your hand.
"To follow you?" you asked him and he started going in a direction behind you. You followed him and finally you saw Poe hidden behind a tree. He was literally biting his nails from anxiety and as he saw you, he got even more nervous, but was frozen in one place.
You came up to him, your face was red from excitement and your feelings for him and the fact he feels the same. You quickly gave him your gift which was small raccoon plushie that had a pocket. It had your love letter inside. Poe took it and unfolded it with clumsiness and started reading your confession. If his bangs weren't covering his eyes you would see how wide his eyes got, but shakiness of his hands told you all. Once he finished, he somehow got the strenght to look up at your face covered in impatience.
"Really?" he asked and you just came closer, pulling him into a kiss, he was shaken up at sudden movement but quickly adjusted and kissed you back.
And with this, you started your beautiful love story.
Hunting Dogs
Jouno Saigiku
Jouno and you agreed to spend Valentine's day as he was returning from a mission. You were really excited to see him and while he was away you thought about a gift that he will be able to use while away to think of you and one more practical gift that you picked out due to his complaining. He was always complaining how everyone were too loud, either they talked too out, breath too loud or, truth to be told, just exist too loud for his liking. He finally arrived and you didn't waste one second jumping into a hug and kissing him all over the face. He could sense your heart was about to explode from happiness which made him smile.
"Someone really missed me, huh?" he said in really low voice and hugged you thightly. You just nodded happily in his neck and he smiled.
"I missed you too." he slowly moved you away to give you a long, passionate kiss, not getting enough of you after being away so long. You pulled away and dragged him into a living room.
"Come faster, I want to give you my gifts." you giggled, Jouno smiled back at you, finding your excitement cute.
You quickly placed him on the couch and got two boxes. You gave him the first one.
"Okay, so this is more practical one, it's noise cancelling earbuds made specifically for you." you smiled as he took them out of box, his mouth slightly opened. He was inspecting them with his fingers.
"I tried all type of earbuds and trust me, none of them work, at least not with those bastards." he chuckled a bit and moved his head towards you.
"Just put them in Sai, don't be so skeptical." you told him and he listened, putting them in his ears and oddly enough, they seemed good.
You suddenly screamed and talked really loud how amazing it is and how you contacted his HQ to make them. He didn't hear you fully, he understood its and bits, he could still hear your heartbeat when he would really focus. You kept talking and he smiled, taking them out.
"I must give it to you, Y/N. They really do work." he said as he kept gentle smile on his face.
"I couldn't hear a word of your blabber." he teased you as you narrowed your eyebrows.
"Don't be mean now. I can also cut your ears off so you can't hear anything, you know?" you said in joking manner.
"I would love to see you try." he teased back and you smiled as you handed him second box.
"This one is more romantic, I think." you said, he could feel your muscles thighten a bit as you got nervous. He opened it and felt round, cold, thick but small piece of metal with a weirdish structure on top. He raised his eyebrow and pressed the structure and could feel 'I love you' beats being made in morse code. You were smiling nervously, not really sure how will he react. It was supposed to go in his pocket or anywhere truly, it was small but Jouno wouldn't be able to lose it given the fact it was Jouno. He pressed it once again and smiled.
"I think it's wonderful, Y/N." he smiled at you and you got even more flustered as he came closer to give you a gentle kiss.
Then, as he pulled away, he reached for his backpack, taking out a small box. He handed it to you and you opened it for your eyes to meet an earring, same as Jouno's and really pretty bracelet that had a little sword attached to it. You slowly took them out and put on an earring and bracelet as you looked at Jouno, who was smiling softly at you.
"Originally, I wanted to give you my earring, however the one you are wearing was handmade by some man I helped on the mission, I thought it would be nice to match. As for the bracelet, that little sword is a heartbeat measurment and it allows me to sense yours with this little thing.." he pulled out some sort of little machine.
"I wanted to be able to listen to your heartbeats before sleep, since they put me at ease and to track your mood during the day." he smiled at you.
You didn't say anything else, just quickly pulled him into a hug and he smiled, hugging you back thightly.
Tecchou Suehiro
Tecchou and you woke up next to each other, cuddling and whispering sweet nothings. You slowly got up and started your day, showering together and got dressed up, moving on to make some breakfast. You made pancakes with strawberry and nutella and also made your morning tea and coffee. It was overall nice, peaceful and romantic morning.
"You know, those pancakes would go great with ketchup and strawberry." Tecchou said, completely nonchalant.
"Excuse you?" you said as you laughed at him.
"I knew your taste was...special, to say at least but we won't make pancakes with ketchup and strawberries." you continued as Tecchou looked away, slightly disappointed. You laughed at him and got up to bring your gifts for him.
"Don't pout you grown baby. Maybe this will cheer you up." you said as you sat down, handing him your gift with a smile. He curiously took it and opened the bag and saw pair of gloves as well as some box in royal blue color. He took them out carefully, inspecting them.
"Gloves are for you since I noticed you hurt your hands a lot, so I thought to get you those to protect them." you smiled but Tecchou was silent, not looking at you. He opened the box, which made you nervous and he saw a lot of folded papers inside. He unfolded few papers and you were almost digging your fingernails into your skin because of his lack of reaction. On papers you wrote what you love, admire and appreciate about him and many other sweet, loving things. He folded papers back, gently placing them in the box and covering it with the lid. You were sweating at this point, he didn't look at you once. He closed his eyes and gentle, angelic smile covered his face as he stood up and came over to you and kneeled down, resting his head on your lap, his hands hugging your hips. You were a bit shocked.
"What did I do to deserve you, angel?" Tecchou said in soft, genuine voice. You were still slightly frozen, but his reaction made you smile and you placed your hand on top of his head to play with his hair.
"Just by being you, my love." you answered him in gentle tone and he suddenly looked up at you, his eyes big and full of love. He moved up to you and gave you a soft kiss on the lips. You smiled and then he kissed your forehead and stood up completely and went to bring you his gift.
He came back and gave you a bag that had teddy bear holding a heart on it. You smiled and he smiled back at you. You opened it and saw a little plushie of a dog that had Hunting Dog's uniform. You melted, but you couldn't ignore the smell of his cologne that was really strong. He noticed.
"Jouno said you will be able to smell it for next 10 years, so I think that's good." he said innocently not realizing the amount he sprayed. It still made your heart warm and you hugged the plushie thightly.
"Now you have someone to keep you company when I am away." he smiled and you got up plastering a soft kiss on his cheek and lips.
"Thank you my love, it's lovely." you said to him and you spent rest of your day enjoying each other's company.
Tachihara Michizō
You were waiting for Tachihara in the centre of the city so you can go home together. You were slightly annoyed because it was so crowded but then you finally saw him. He had a huge smile on his face and waving to get your attention. You waved back as he came up to you, picking you up and looking at your face with a huge smile.
"How is my favorite bastard doing?" he said lightheartedly and you laughed, gently slapping his arm. He put you down and pulled you in a loving kiss.
"Let's go. Do you want me to carry your backpack?" you asked genuinely.
"Hah! As if you can carry it, I will be fine." he chuckled and took your hand, two of you walking home and chatting about his missions and stuff happening in your lives while you were away. You already left your gift on the table, hoping he will be surprised. It was a huge chocolate cake that had 10 kinder eggs around.
As you finally arrived home, you quickly left him behind to wait next to the cake.
"Why are you rushing so..." Tachihara wanted to ask, but as soon as he saw the cake, his mouth opened wide. He was shocked and saw you standing next to it, proudly smiling. He took few steps forward as he looked at the cake, mouth and eyes wide open.
"You didn't!" he proclaimed excitedly as he quickly took one of the kinder eggs to inspect it.
"I did!" you smiled at him and he put the egg down and pulled you into a hug.
"You truly are a little bastard, is this why you were so excited?" he smiled and you nodded at him. He hugged you thightly and gave you a kiss on the lips making you giggle.
"Well then, I guess I can wait a bit before I open them." he smiled and went to his backpack, taking out big, red cotton bag. He gave it to you and it was really heavy. You looked at him, questioning expression in your eyes.
"You might want to open in on the couch." he said as he rubbed back of his head. You went to the couch, turning the bag around and you saw plenty of rocks and shiny crystals dropping out of it. There were all colors - from black, white, purple, brown, grey, mixed and all type of crystals - amethyst, rose quartz and others. You looked at awe and started inspecting them with your fingers.
"I took every rock and crystal that reminded me of you, I hope you like them." he said slightly nervous because he wasn't the best at expressing his emotions.
"I love them! You are such a sweetheart, you know?" you said and quickly jumped to hug him. You looked up at him and he smiled, kissing your forehead.
"I am glad to hear that baby, now can you help me open my kinder eggs, please?" he said and you could tell he was impatient and excited. You nodded, happy and enjoying the lovely moment with him. You spent rest of your day catching up, cuddling and opening kinder eggs that Tachihara was insanely worked up about. It was truly an amazing day.
Special mentions
You went to drugstore to buy things for bath that you had in mind for Yokomizo. You just wanted him to relax and enjoy this day, taking a break from work and writing. You bought everything you need and as you entered your garden, you picked up roses because it would be a nice touch. You arrived home and greeted Yokomizo who seemed to be working so you didn't want to bother him and immediately went to the bathroom, preparing a bath. You put on candles, burned sticks in smell of lavander, filled the tub and put in gel that smelled like a fresh breeze carrying nature and its smells. It was full of bubbles and beautiful foam so you dropped rose petals on top, adding to the athmosphere. You turned off the lights and it truly looked enchating, healing and romantic. You also made sure to leave some snacks behind and a book so he can relax and enjoy.
You came to him, who seemed to be finishing his work.
"Honey, I made you a bubble bath." you said shyly, hoping he will like it. Yokomizo smiled and stood up, taking few steps towards you.
"Did you now?" he smiled and gently brushed your cheek with his thumb. You nodded and he looked at you lovingly, placing a kiss on your forehead.
"Thank you my love. Not to be bothersome, but could you please clean up my desk and then join me afterwards?" he said in apologetic tone, but still sounded confident for some reason. You nodded again, earning his smile and he stroked your cheek one more time as he went to the bathroom.
You went to his table and saw a big paper.
It said "All my peace, love and reason is you." written in calligraphy. Your heart felt warm, your face covered in wide smile as you quickly went to join Yokomizo in the bathroom. Two of you spent rest of your day in romantic, relaxing and loving manner truly enjoying each other.
The End :)
Thank you for reading and I truly hope you enjoyed this!
Thank you for all love you gave me so far, it truly means a lot and I deeply appreciate it :)<3
Kisses on the forehead for everyone hehe
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wizardfrog69 · 11 months
'•.¸♡ First kiss ♡¸.•'
Feat. Fukuzawa, Yosano, Atsushi, Kunikida, Ranpo, Chuuya, Kouyou, Arthur, Akutagawa, Gin, Ango, Poe, Karl, Lovecraft, Mark, Hawthrone, Fyodor, Nikolai, Sigma, Jōno, Tetchō, Natsume
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Yukichi Fukuzawa:
He definitely had his first kiss before, maybe in his twenties.
He wanted to save his first kiss for someone who would want to be with him forever, but they unfortunately left him.
He would kiss someone after at least a couple of weeks of being together. He prefers to know whether that person wants to marry him or not.
Your first kiss was at his office when you were doing overtime, and you wanted to keep him company.
He's okay at kissing.
Akiko Yosano:
She had her first kiss when she was young, in her teenage years.
Your first kiss was either when you two were on a coffee date or when she was taking care of you (and you weren't under the influence of any medication)
Also she's a very good kisser.
Atsushi Nakajima:
He never had his first kiss and is really nervous to kiss someone.
The first time you kissed he was sweating a lot.
His lips were soft.
Your first time kissing was when you were sitting on a bench or on a wall watching the sunset. (You asked, obviously)
Doppo Kunikida:
He never kissed someone and also wants to wait to kiss someone.
He wants to be with his ideal partner and kiss them I'm the ideal way (just a peck on the cheek or something)
Your first kiss was when he was saying goodbye to you by your door, and he kisses you on the cheek.
Cheek kisses count as proper kisses for him.
Ranpo Edogawa:
He had his first kiss in his early twenties/late teens.
The first time you kissed you were cuddling together.
He tastes very sweet and sometimes he's chewing on sweets while kissing you.
Chuuya Nakahara:
He didn't have his first kiss yet.
You two kissed after a mission you had together.
He tastes like expensive wine and cigarettes.
Kōyō Ozaki:
She never kissed anyone before.
When you first kissed, she was a but surprised that she liked it so much and wanted to kiss you more.
She has really soft lips and she smells like flowers.
Arthur Rimbaud:
Hes just cold.
He did kiss some people in France, and he didn't meet anyone while outside of France.
The first time you kissed was by a fire.
His lips were really cold.
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa:
He's not kissing anyone, ever.
Gin Akutagawa:
She didn't kiss anyone before.
The first time you kissed she was a bit shy but got comfortable quickly.
Sakunosuke Oda:
He's dead sorry 😞
Ango Sakaguchi:
He's too busy for relationships.
But when he found you he couldn't keep himself away.
You first kissed in his office.
Despite never kissing anyone he was surprisingly not bad.
Edgar Allan Poe:
He had his first kiss before, but he was really shy, and he only kissed someone once before.
The first time you kissed him, he froze from shock, and he was just so nervous.
His lips are a bit cracked.
When he got less nervous, he would kiss you back, but he was way too shy to wrap his arms around you.
If karl saw him, he would cry.
Karl deserves a little kiss on his cute little forehead.
He gets plenty of them from Poe, but you are gonna give him one aswell cuz he's so adorable.
Howard Lovecraft:
He never kissed someone before.
When you kissed him, his lips were surprisingly cold.
He isn't the worst or the best kisser in the world. He's okay
Mark Twain:
He had like 3 girlfriends in high school, of course he kissed someone before.
He's really good at kissing (he had plenty of practice)
The first time you kissed was he got you ice cream.
Nathaniel Hawthrone:
He never kissed anyone and isn't planning on kissing.
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
He never kissed anyone before and he never really planned on kissing someone.
When you first kissed him, it was a simple peck on the lips, but to Fyodor, it was very special. He never dared to say anything about it, though.
His lips are cracked and dry.
Nikolai Gogol:
He has definitely kissed someone before.
He's a good kisser and very touchy, especially while kissing.
The first time you kissed was in a hallway, his hands were moving all over your body.
He tastes like cotton candy and pastries.
He never kissed anyone.
He was really shy when you first kissed.
You kissed at/after a café or coffee shop, so he tasted like coffee. Or, while at a garden, he tasted like cookies and tea. It was just a small peck on the lips, but it was still really nice, especially because his lips were so nice and soft.
Saigiku Jōno:
He had kissed before but not a lot, like 1 or two people.
He is a good kisser but he doesn't kiss you often.
Also, he likes touching you while kissing you as well.
Tetchō Suehiro:
He never kissed anyone before.
When you first kissed, he tasted like the weirdest mix of flavours ever.
Sōseki Natsume:
Kitty meow meow =^..^= :)
He gets kisses on his forehead when he's a kitty from me.
I love cats <3
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I wrote everything in one go! Hurray! Now I'm tired from thinking.
Have a wonderful day/night and enjoy the day or evening.
-love. Az
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autumnleaf1111 · 2 months
BSD ships, who fell first and who fell harder.
𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚔𝚘𝚔𝚞❥ Chuuya already fell first extremely hard, but then they both fell harder.
𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚗 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚔𝚘𝚔𝚞ꕤ Akutagawa fell first but he didn’t realize it until Chuuya made him understand, he also fell harder(I mean— c’mon, he literally promised Atsushi he wouldn’t kill for 6 months. The guy he supposedly “hates”. Yeah I don’t think so)
𝙵𝚢𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚒ꕺ Who tf knows with these two, they probably did both at the same time.
𝚁𝚊𝚗𝙿𝚘𝚎☾˙❀‿❀˙☽ Ok— Poe definitely fell first because I believe that no matter how smart Ranpo is, he doesn’t realize he has feelings for Poe. He can easily spot who likes who but not who likes him. And he definitely doesn’t realize he loves Poe until someone questioned if they were together or not. He says no but then when that person says they would be good together and it seems like they have feelings for each other he finally realizes how he feels.
He fell harder after that.(but did not confess first because he for some reason couldn’t tell if Poe liked him back or not)
𝙺𝚘𝚞𝚈𝚘𝚜𝚊ᐛ Yosano fell first and harder.Kouyou is still in disbelief she managed to get Yosano.
(𝚃𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚡𝚃𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊)𝚃𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚃𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒▽ Tachihara fell first and harder. He didn’t understand why and hates it because Tanizaki seems to hate him. He doesn’t, he just doesn’t know how to talk to him ಥ_ಥ.
𝙺𝚞𝚗𝚒𝙺𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚒ꕤ Katai fell first but Kunikida fell harder when he fully realized his feelings.
𝚂𝚞𝚎𝙶𝚒𝚔𝚞𐀔 Tecchou fell first and tried to hide it.(from Jouno and himself.) Jouno figured it out a long time ago and definitely fell harder. He was waiting for Tecchou to say something/confess but Jouno ended up confessing.
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ha1taniwh0re · 1 year
Stop hating Mori
Read comments to see more
Okey people are starting to make me mad they do everything to show me to hate mori. I said 10000 times im nit manga reader snd they are still commenting he did this in manga okey but im not talking abiut manga yeah stupid what he did in manga i hate that he turned elise to minior BUT IM TALKING ABOUT ANIME NOT MANGA READER PLEASE SAVE ME
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/read this if you didn’t understand what I meant/
Okey so i was scrolling my fyp on Tik tok and saw some Mori Ogai’s edits(so good tho) and saw much hate comments on edits abou Mori being the worst character in anime, and there are some videos where people hate on Mori so much so I want to say something about Mori.
First!! Mori is written how villains actually need to be written. Okey? Heartless, bad, cruel…. And he is actually pretty handsome. Fans are mad about him being heartless just bc he doesn’t look like Willism James Moriarty, like Dazai, like Chuuya, like Akutagawa… and more villains. Yes I said Dazai is villain.
Second!!! Everyone are mad that he is pedophile. HE IS!! He said that in one episode that he prefers girls under 12 years old in his life. And his ability allows him to create a person how HE WANTS!! BUT! We have never seen Mori doing something romantic to Elise to say he created her for you know what. Yes he spoils her, he buys her what she wants but let’s be real you know who spoil there kids too? PARENTS!! I see Elise is like daughter to Mori nothing more than that. Because when Dazai was in port mafia I haven’t seen Elise anywhere bro, so I think Mori created her to have a child he HAD!! Mori cares about his people but also THEY ARE IN MAFIA BRO!!! Nothing is fair there brother.
Im leaving this here bc people just don’t look at other post about this so here to be more clear.
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Third!!! Dazai and Mori!!! Mori and Dazai are the same brothers and sisters!! Yes i said that too. Dazai grew up with Mori he will for sure have his personality. Just because Dazai isn’t in mafia anymore doesn’t mean he is good. His past will hunt him forever. Odasaku didn’t change him much. Dazai gets everything just like Mori. MANIPULATION!!!
I don’t say this just because i love this character, Im saying this because you guys overhate this man💀. Yes I don’t like that he is pedophile but you have so many others anime character who are pedophiles too and YOU SIMP FOR THEMMM!!!
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astelren · 2 years
MtL BSD who wants kids
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ೃ⁀➷ TW/CW: Fluff, GN Reader?, Few mentions of reader getting pregnant, let me know if I need to add more TW/Tags ♡ Minors please interact with me only by liking or reblogs. ➳ Characters: All ADA&Port Mafia characters expect Kyōka Izumi, Kenji Miyazawa, Kyūsaku Yumeno
⤠ Jealousy HCs (Dazai, Chuuya) ⤟ BSD Masterlist (soon!) ⤠ Pregnancy with Kouyou ⤟
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First post on this blog so I thought I would go with something easy and quick, since I'm still working on this blog aesthetic! Please do not mind if stuff changes easily, it's just me testing the waters. Hope you like this!!❤ - This is a rewriting of my old work, originally posted on @/bdsmess.
Yukichi Fukuzawa
Doppo Kunikida
Akiko Yosano
Ranpo Edogawa
Osamu Dazai
Junichirou Tanizaki
Atsushi Nakajima
Port Mafia
Ryuro Hirotsu
Ogai Mori
Sakunosuke Odasaku
Kouyou Ozaki
Motojiro Kajii
Ango Sakaguchi
Chuuya Nakahara
Ichiyou Higuchi
Ryunosuke Akutagawa
I put Ryuro Hirotsu, Yukichi Fukuzawa, and Ogai Mori in top places because of their age and wealth. They will talk about starting a family soon, maybe trying to be so obvious, like they would see a child no I’m not considering Elise here and have a baby fever, however if you show any kind of discomfort by it they are going stop and have a serious talk about it.
Doppo Kunikida and Sakunosuke Odasaku would totally want some children, in the future or sooner. They would totally wait for you to be ready for starting a family, asking multiple times and having frequently serious talk. While with Oda I can see him being more like “if it happens it happens”, Doppo would have any planned before hand.
Akiko Yosano and Kouyou Ozaki or mommys are going to be very happy to start a family! Maybe they will try a little to convince you to start one, but if you say that you aren’t ready or a simple “no” they will accept it without problems. I think Kyouko is going to be a little more pushy than Yosano thought.
Ranpo Edogawa and Osamu Dazai they are… Uhm… Not really that much interested. For now. It’s not something they ever thought about, like if you brought it up they are going to be surprised. I put them higher only because if you talk about it multiple times or got pregnant, they would probably take their responsibilities and start a family. They only need time.
Motojiro Kaiji and Ango Sagakuchi are very similar to Ranpo and Dazai actually. Neither of them really thought about having a family, but I don’t think they are against the idea of starting one. They simply need time since works come first, and it’s better to have a more normal life style for a child looking at you kaiji.
Chuuya Nakahara and Ichiyou Higuchi would be actually kind of scared and confused to start a family. They are both wealthy enough to take care of children, but they also know that it doesn’t come from a good place, especially for children. I put Higuchi lower simply cause she wonders if she is going to be a good mom, while Chuuya is going to get pretty used to the idea sooner.
Junichirou Tanizaki, Atsushi Nakajima, and Ryunosuke Akutagawa are the ones who only start thinking about family after a long while. I don’t think that the three of them would be ready to have such responsibilities on their shoulder, since they are very young, but I’ll say that Atsushi and Akutagawa are going to be the ones most against starting a family even if older while Junichirou will maybe open up to the idea.
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This work belongs to @/astelren, do not repost, translate, copy, rewrite or share on tiktok without my permission. Reblogs are appreciated and encouraged♡
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Inspired by a fic by setodarkness on ao3 ( about oblivious chuuya and his wall of obliviousness who defeat dazai thirst)
Chuuya get affected by an ability that make that he can read dazai though and his deepest desire which defeat port mafia strongest ability user and one of Yokohama most powerful ability user.
It's an ability so powerful because chuuya is blocked by an embarrassment so strong that he can't leave his bed, dazai is way too thirsty and his imagination is too great for the purpose of imagining perverted scenario including chuuya, even his great wall of obliviousness suffer a crack so great that it end up getting broken in the end.
and this ability have differents level which can made him suffer throught feeling dazai strongest feeling, he feel throught his emptiness which make him realise that he should take his suicidal joke more seriously, he feel how he was feeling when his friend oda died a despair so strong that it make him cry and he feel his longing toward him , hate and love both so strong that you can't differenciate them.
Port mafia especially Verlaine and kouyou who doesn't like that at all and want to protect chuuya's virtue are in overdrive trying to get the ability user especially when they learned because of the agency detective and throught others victims of this ability that at the last stage of this ability , he wouldn't be able to differenciate his though and feeling from dazai feelings which have driven many victims of this ability to madness.
But the person that work the hardest which was in kunikida doppo own words a miracle was dazai osamu, he really didn't like the situation and can't nullify it by touching chuuya so he did the ultra rare coming from him action of doing overwork even nearly going back to his persona as the demon prodigy if his friends at the agency ( and even ango ) didn't stop him.
When they got the ability user, they discovered what does his ability, it make peoples see the hidden though and feeling of the one closest to them, the more intense and restrained those feeling are, the more it will affect you, which make dazai tease a chuuya in denial.
He tried to avoid dazai but dazai caught up to him and they had a long talk and decide to try to be more honest with each others and to try on a relationship.
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sadbigemini · 19 days
Hiya! It's been a bit since I've done fic prompts so here are a few today. These are from Bungo Stray Dogs which is new ik. Also a fun fact yesterday was my birthday. I'm not liking the responsibility and expectations that come with this age lmao. Oh, some of these have probably already been done but 🤷
What if the ADA switches places with the Port Mafia?
Oda is killed by someone different who had a grudge against him. Maybe they have a time rewinding ability? Idk but Oda didn't kill them sadly.
And instead of making his dying wish for Dazai to be a good person he asks him to avenge him and his kids.
And Dazai agrees...
They all have practically the same personalities (and abilities) just the Mafia who are now ADA aren't straight up murderous.
Just imagine the ADA commiting crimes
Like Ranpo coming up with the strategies, Kunikida as an executive, Yosano as an executive, Fukuzawa being a mafia boss, Junichiro being an assassin who is always up for murder, Naomi being a secretary who knows how to fight but is severely underestimated, and KENJI BEING IN THE MAFIA
Oh, mori isn't a pedo bc I think if Chuuya got to be the good guy he wouldn't let that slide.
Yosano still has the same backstory but maybe mori was a bit better but still felt pressure from war and the higher ups and stuff idk
Beast!Atsushi kinda idk if it would be Beast!Dazai sooo
Beast!Akutagawa but Chuuya is his mentor and Higuchi is like his partner. Kinda like Kunikida and Dazai
Chuuya used to be in the Port Mafia
Idk how or why Fukuzawa became the mafia boss???
Gin is in the ADA too
I think Tachihara would still have to be in the mafia?? Or maybe bc the ADA is always bumping heads with mafia that it would still be a place where he can gather info. Maybe the ADA is also under suspicion for something??
Idk wtf Hirotsu or Kouyou would be doing at the ADA tbh
Chuuya and Ango still have beef
What if Nakajima Atsushi tried to run away from the orphanage? Way before he was kicked out. What if Oda Sakunosuke found him?
Oda would have Atsushi stay where the other orphans were living.
Atsushi would also have a job at that diner or whatever it is.
And then he would help babysit his fellow little orphans whenever they arrived.
Atsushi saved the kids but he got hurt and lost control of his ability. He killed some of the Mimic members before passing out to heal from the bullet wounds. The tiger has never had to heal from anything so severe before. So, as the tiger had control she made him hide until he healed.
Oda finds him though with the help of the kids.
Idk what else :/
X-Files Crossover
Dazai Osamu as Fox Mulder and Nakahara Chuuya as Dana Scully.
Kunikida Doppo can be one of Mulder’s alien hunter friends or maybe two Scullys??
Atsushi and Akutagawa could be newbie agents that were assigned to the X-Files
Katai would definitely be one of the alien hunter friends
I don't think abilities should exist but if you could spin it in a good way go for it
Yosano could be a doctor or former doctor turned dominatrix friend that Dazai has
Ranpo could join the X-Files bc normal cases are boring or he could be an alien hunter friend
Fyodor is an alien
Sigma was abducted by aliens and doesn't remember anything from before
Chuuya had been abducted by aliens as a child but doesn't remember it. And thinks he was kidnapped by regular old people and hit his head or trauma blocked it out
Ango and Oda can either be higher-ups or alien hunter friends
Higuchi is a fellow newbie
Gin is in college or something
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pegging-satan · 11 months
Ok random headcanons <3
since Sigma ran Sky Casino he was really good at dealing and shuffling and nifty tricks like that so back at the agency he does his fancy card tricks and shuffles to entertain them.
Everyone, especially Kyouka, Kenji, Ranpo, Atsushi, Junichiro and Naomi are completely spellbound by him and watch his moves like ✨o✨
As a side hustle he gets his nails done in very cute whimsical styles and runs a YouTube channel where he does like card shuffling asmr or something and it’s moderately successful because he has beautiful hands and some people are way into that.
He is also their guy when then agency and mafia have like game nights and feel like gambling a little.
Yosano and Kouyou are making very sexually charged eye contact and everyone around the table is just like 👀
“they’re either going to be at each other’s throats or someone’s waking up in the other’s bed tomorrow” Dazai says and Chuuya nods.
They’re both a little scared.
Kunikida is sitting awkwardly with Kajii who’s trying to convince him to bomb the place and run away with the money.
Fitzgerald, Mori, Fyodor and Fukuzawa are at the big bois table, engaging in big brain high stakes gambling, because they can, and they mean business.
Fukuzawa does not want to be there, he’s not that kinda guy, his boyfriend made him do this, and is internally panicking.
He is winning.
The kids are somewhere else having a game night of their own. Atsushi, Lucy and Akutagawa are playing Mario Kart and are at each other’s throats constantly.
Steinbeck is teaching Kenji, Kyouka and Kyusaku how to play Stardew Valley.
Tachihara, Higuchi, Gin and Mark are playing COD.
Junichiro, Naomi, Louisa, Edgar, Ranpo, Margaret and Nathaniel are playing monopoly.
Ed is in jail.
Hirotsu, Oda and Ango Are Babysitting them.
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anxietysslave · 2 years
How the Bsd characters would react to you being good at singing:
This wasn't requested by anyone. I've been on a bsd kick lately so I wrote this-
Warnings: Some suggestive content in Yosano's, slight angst, some spoilers?
Pronouns: They/Them
-Would stop whatever he's doing just to hear you.
-He's not surprised often, but this is one of those times-
-Would definitely brag about you to his friends and would boast in Chuuya's face for being able to get such a talented s/o-
-He'd make you sing that suicide song he's always listening to-
-There'd be a time where you'd be singing to yourself, not even knowing he's there and he's just been behind the corner recording it- Would definitely set it as his ringtone and watch it over multiple times-
The words flew from your mouth as you gently moved to the song. The moonlight shone upon you. While Dazai was just standing behind the wall watching you with shock. Never in his life had he heard a voice so... Pure. Oda would've loved to hear something so sweet.
A small smile formed on his lips as you finished the song. "Ah! Belladonna! Why didn't you tell me you could sing!? I would've loved for you to sing to me!" Dazai exclaimed. "Hah!? How long have you been standing there!?" Y/N exclaims. "How could you keep such a beautiful secret!?" Dazai whined as Y/N's face lit up.
-Mans was probably so stressed and tired- So when he walked into wherever you were and heard your voice- Bro calmed down instantly-
-If he's not stressed, he'd probably make some smug remark- But otherwise he'll be so sweet-
-He would definetly brag about you to the mafia- And Dazai-
-He'd totally buy you stuff to sing along to or stuff that can help you with your voice- try to deny it all you want, but he will not stop-
-He'd be the type to just listen to you sing. Like he'd just lean up against the wall, and be completely mesmerized by it-
It had been a long day. Mori was making him run all over the place and was making him look over so many papers. So when he finally could come to the home you shared, he was quite surprised to hear such a beautiful melody. Who could sing like that? It surely couldn't be you, could it?
Would follow the sound of the melody until he saw you standing there and singing along. He leaned up against the wall as he watched you sing with no care in the world. The smile on your face was so contagious that he couldn't help but smile as you finished. "Love? Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" His voice rang out. Y/N shot around. "N-Nakahara! How long have y-you been there!?" Y/N exclaimed. Chuuya smirked. "Long enough to know you're a talented singer." He responded.
-He'd start off by apologizing if he walked in on your singing- Mans is too polite
-But if you don't mind, he'd be so happy if you let him listen to you sing-
-Would 100% give you compliment after compliment- He never gets complimented for things he's done, so he wants you to be complimented-
-Whenever he has nightmares or has some sort of problem, he'd ask you if you can sing to him. Your voice just soothes him.
Atsushi was running late to work and expected to get an earful from Kunikida. But what he didn't expect was to walk in on such a hypnotizing voice. He followed the sound of the voice to see Y/N with headphones and singing along to some song. You'd look over in his direction and would instantly pull off your headphones. "S-Sorry Y/N!" Atsushi apologized. "I-I shouldn't have listened!" He apologized again.
But secretly, he wanted you to sing again. He had never heard a voice like that in all of his years. And he wanted to listen to it again. "N-No, Atsushi! There's no need to apologize! I was the one singing at work." Y/N would state. "Everyone's left on a mission, so I expected to be alone." They admitted. "But I don't mind if you hear me sing." They explained with a gentle smile. Atsushi perked up. "I'd love to!" He exclaimed happily.
-If you caught him listening to you sing, he'd make some remark about how he'd never listen to your crappy singing-
-But if you stopped singing after that or became very self-conscious, mans would muster up everything just to apologize and ask you to sing again-
-He'd never admit that he loves your voice-
-Even if he needs comforting, never ask him if he wants you to sing- He'd become so mad and would probably say something harsh. Baby doesn't mean it. He doesn't know what feelings are-
Akutagawa had a terrible day. He saw the Where tiger and Dazai walking around and felt hurt by how Dazai treated Atsushi. How come he wasn't like that with Akutagawa? Was he really that worthless? And to top that off, he screwed up on the mission and got an earful from other subordinates and Chuuya himself. So when he walked in to hear some singing, he was instantly annoyed. Don't they know not to sing so loud?
He'd march up to the room where the singing came from and would be taken aback by seeing you standing there. Had such a melody come from you? Never did he think you could sing so well. "Ah! Akuatagwa! Sorry I was so loud..." Y/N squeaked as they stopped singing. "Tch. Don't make that mistake again. People with that tone of voice shouldn't sing." He decided. No, that's not what he meant to say.. He wanted to hear you sing more. Why did he say that??
Instantly he noticed how you deflated. And as the weeks passed without hearing a single song escape your lips, he decided he need to apologize. So he bought some food he saw you eyeing and pulled you aside from whatever you're doing. "I'm... Sorry for what I said." He apologized. "You.. Have... Quite a lovely voice and I'd love to hear you sing more." He would admit. Please forgive him.
-If it's during work, he'd probably listen for a second before lecturing you about it being too loud or how you should focus on your work
-If it's outside of work, he probably wouldn't say anything. But you can tell he likes your voice just by his face.
-If he's really stressed or is blaming himself for something, then please sing to him-
-He'd try to compliment you if you're feeling insecure or if he just feels like that- But compliments from him are kinda rare so enjoy it-
Kunikida was about to lose it with how much everyone was slacking. First Dazai forced Atsushi to do his work and now Atsushi can barely function. Then Ranpo just slept the whole day and got mad when he had asked him to do something. So saying Kunikida was stressed was an understatement. He was sitting at his desk working overtime when he heard a beautiful melody echo through. Who could that be? He thought everyone had left?
He stood up and followed the sound of the voice to see you... Doing the work no one would do earlier? His eyes widened as he watched you do it easily... It made him relax, knowing not only the important work was done, but your voice was so soothing to listen to. When it finally ended, Y/N glanced up to see Kunikida standing there. "O-Oh, I'm sorry if I bothered you... I-I thought I was the only one he-" Y/N was cut off. "Please do not apologize. You have a great voice, Y/N." Kunikida interrupted. "And thank you for doing the other idiots' work." He stated nicely.
-Let's be honest, he already knew you had a good voice- Man has ultra deduction, so of course, he knows you're good-
-But hypothetically if he didn't use that, he'd probably sit up and just look at you with shocked eyes. Or if he's eating, he'd probably drop the food- Would definitely make you buy him more later.
-He'd compliment you like crazy and would ask you to sing to him.
-He'd also brag about you to all the people he can- He'd be like, "Not only am I the best detective, but I have the best s/o. None of you can beat them and their singing." or something along those lines.
-If you sing to him, he'd share his food with you-
He was too tired to go with the others to do some shopping, so he just lay down. He was expecting himself to fall asleep, but couldn't seem to. At first, it bothered him. Until he heard you sing. He rose his head slightly to glance at you in shock. You weren't paying attention to him and were instead reading a book. Did you think he was asleep? Or did you want him to hear you?
Whatever the reason is, he'd just listen to you. There was no need to sleep. Not when he wanted to hear you sing. And when you finished, he'd pout. "Y/NNNN can you sing some more?" He'd beg. Y/N jumped in shock as they glanced at him. "Y-You weren't asleep??" They questioned. "No. Now can you sing again? I'll share some of my food with you.." He whined.
-It depends on if you're a pawn or not- If you're a pawn, he'd probably think nothing of it and just think, "It's fine, I can replace them" I seriously want to slap some sense into this man-
-But if you aren't, he'd probably invite you to sing while he plays his instruments.
-Wouldn't let anyone else hear you sing. You're his, so only he gets to hear you sing.
-If he's working, he'd probably ask you to sing something. Bonus points if you sing in Russian.
-Please be careful around this man- He strikes me as the type who would treat you like a pet and lock you up in a cage for hours- But hypothetically we're not going with that
"Dear, have you seen m-" He would stop what he was doing as he heard you sing. He had heard many people sing, but not someone with as much talent as you. He'd lean up against the doorframe and would smirk, knowing you were all his. No one but him could hear these beautiful melodies.
"Oh. Fyodor? Do you need something?" Y/N spoke as they finished the song. "I want you to keep singing. Your voice is quite outstanding." He compliment.
-She's look so surprised about it- Never had she heard someone with such a beautiful voice
-She definetly listens to music, but she'd think your voice never could compare to any of that
-She'd be too shy to ask you to sing again- She may have a hard shell, but around you it cannot help but fall- Please sing to her. She doesn't have much light in her life.
-If you allow it, she'd record it and make it as her ringtone. But if you don't, then she won't be mad.
-If you asked her to sing with you... Yeah, she'd deny it at first. She strikes me as the type who would be so embarrassed by her own voice and would think she's ruining yours. Please reassure her she won't ruin anything. Baby is too sweet for this world.
Gin was listening to some music as she completed some extra paperwork Chuuya had given her. But just as she was about to get to the good part of the song, her phone died. "Fuck." She grumbled as she pulled out her headphones. Her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion as she still heard music. She glanced around the room and saw you across the room, gently singing to a song you were playing earlier. Her face would head up slightly as she sat down her phone and just listened to you sing. Each word that came out of your mouth sounded so heavenly to her. So how could someone too heavenly be a part of such a dark organization?
Would be cut from her thoughts as you stopped. "You have a wonderful voice." Gin complimented. Y/N looked at her in shock. "W-Weren't you listening to your own music!?" They exclaimed. "I was. But my phone died." She explained. "But I'd rather hear you sing than listen to my phone." Gin admitted with a small smile.
-Would be so surprised. She's never heard a voice so innocent before.
-If it's a sad song, you might just catch her tearing up. I feel like it might remind her of the hope she once had to leave the mafia. Please hug her.
-She'd ask for you to sing for her quite a lot. Would always enjoy hearing you sing, no matter what song you're singing.
-I can't decide if she'd ask you to sing in her brothel or if she's like Fyodor where you're hers so no one but her should hear your voice- So you can decide that headcannon
-Just like Chuuya, she'd try to buy stuff that'd help you with your voice or if you feel you want more training, she'd pay for your lessons. Even if you said you'd pay for it yourself- There's no fighting with her, just like Chuuya-
Kouyou was walking through the hallway when she heard a beautiful voice echo along the walls. She tilted her head in slight confusion as she followed the sound. It led her straight to your office, so she gently opened the door to see you sitting in your chair singing along to such a... Sad song. Kouyou couldn't help but feel speechless. The last time she had felt so happy hearing music was when... She tried to leave the mafia.
A few tears formed in her eyes as the thoughts of everything happening. How badly she wanted to leave the mafia, how she had hoped she could escape. But when they were caught... How all that hope drained. She had never felt that again until now. Hearing your voice being so pure, so delicate... So full of hope. She couldn't help but feel slightly sad.
"Oh, Kouyou how long ha-Are you alright??" Y/N spoke up as they rushed over to the tearful women. Kouyou smiled. "I'm fine. I just... I never expected to hear a voice like yours. Thank you, Y/N..." She whispered as she brought Y/N into a hug. "Please continue to sing." She begged gently.
-You know her face when she found out Gin was a girl? Yeah, she'd be pulling that face-
-How come you never told her!? You're so good!
-Would probably lecture you for a while about how you should've told her you can sing that well. Wouldn't forgive you either- unless ... You sing to her a bunch.
-Would always cheer you on. She's like your chief supporter.
-Would never judge you if you make a mistake while singing. IN fact, she'd probably fangirl about how cute you are-
-She strikes me as the type who gets stressed very easily and doubts herself quite a lot. So if you sing to her during those times some sort of comfort song, she'll be so happy.
Higuchi was feeling quite insecure. She didn't possess any sort of ability, nor did she possess a lot of strength. Her own people would tell her that on a daily. So more than anything, she wanted a hug from you. But what she didn't expect... Was the beautiful voice she heard. At first, she thought it was just some mafioso who had brought in someone. But... The more she listened to it, the more it sounded like you. So she followed the sound until it led her to your office. Her mouth dropped as she watched you sing without a care in the world. How come you didn't tell her you could sing this well?? Did you not trust her enough??
"Ack! Higuchi! How long have you been standing there!?" Y/N exclaimed as they jumped slightly. "I should be the one asking YOU questions! How come you didn't tell me you could sing so well!?" Higuchi screeched out as she rushed over. "S-Sorry... I didn't think my singing was that good." Y/N apologized. "Not good!? You're amazing! And don't apologize unless you promise to sing more to me!" Higuchi exclaimed.
-Would punish you for not telling her-
-But on a serious note, she'd have you sing constantly- She just loves your voice too much
-She doesn't get stressed often, but when she does, please use your voice to bring her back. It'll make her fall harder for you.-
-Would also brag to everyone about how good you are- Not just at singing either
-She'd sing with you all the time as well. I seriously want to sing with this woman too-
She had been at work for quite a long time since SOMEONE decided to try to drown themselves again. And truth be told, she was quite exhausted. She just wanted to come home to you and have you cuddle her until she wasn't exhausted. But instead of being greeted with you watching a show, she was greeted with you dancing slightly to a song in the kitchen. Your voice rang off all the walls as you paid no attention to your surroundings.
Yosano could feel her heart pound as a heat filled her face. You sounded so... Calming. Your voice was nothing like she had heard before. So, she slipped off her shoes and approached you. "Y/N?" She questioned. Y/N shot around in alarm. "Y-Yosano! I- I thought you weren't coming back tonight!" Y/N exclaimed. "Of course I was. Healing patients may take time, but I shouldn't ever be gone overnight." Yosano denied. "But since you kindly hid that beautiful voice of yours, I think you need to be punished for it." Yosano stated as a sadistic smile formed.
-He'd be so surprised and also flustered
-Would apologize thousands of times for overhearing you
-He's also too shy to ask you to sing for him. But please do- Your voice gives him so much inspiration and brings him so much joy-
-He'd probably ask you to sing him to sleep if he really can't sleep. His mind is just a complete jumbled mess, so your voice makes it less crazy.
-If he's really sad or feeling like a failure, you better sing to him. He'd probably cry because of how much you care for him. Please legalize men crying- It's not at all a weakness >:(
-Would have so many things dedicated to you- From small parts in stories to you having a story based on you.
-Would also be flustered and would probably faint if you read said items-
Poe leaned back in his chair as writer's block flowed through his veins. He had been experiencing it for quite a while and no matter what he did, he couldn't seem to get past it. It was frustrating him to no end. He had so many books that needed working on, but he just couldn't find any motivation to write! He sighed in slight annoyance as he closed his eyes to gain some spark of motivation. But ended up opening them again as nothing came to mind.
He perked up slightly as he heard a beautiful, melodic voice from the room over. He slowly leaned forward and stood up. The floorboards creaked under his weight as he approached the door. Smaller pitter patters followed him as Karl followed behind him curiously.
And as he walked into that room, he was so surprised to find you looking at him in shock. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to b-be nosey!" Poe apologized instantly. "Y-Your voice was just too tempting to ignore! I'm so sorry!" He apologized again. Y/N chuckled. "There's nothing to be apologizing for, Poe." They denied. "A-Are you sure? I feel bad." He whispered. "It's completely fine. I wouldn't sing this close to you if I wasn't okay with it." They pointed out to him as they walked over. "Y-You don't become nosey about my stuff, so I still feel b-bad." He apologized. "How about I sing to you again, then? This time, you shouldn't blame yourself." Y/N stated calmly. His face heated up. "Y-You'd sing for me again? T-That'd be wonderful!" He exclaimed.
Thanks for reading! Hopefully, it wasn't bad, as I had a lot of fun writing this. Remember, you can always leave comments or private message me if you like this content. :)
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miyakuya · 1 year
— how i think some of the bsd characters act after they realize they’re in love
© miyakuya 2023– plagiarism, reposts, or anything related or copying isn’t allowed.
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Pretty much acts the exact same way, however they linger more often, whether they mean too or not. That can be in regards to their actions or simply with how long they look in your direction.
— Atsushi Nakajima, Edgar Allan Poe, Gin Akutagawa, Ranpo Edogawa, Saigiku Jōno, Sigma
Confident about it. They don’t necessarily care if you know how they feel or not even though they’re more than likely not going to tell you that out loud yet. They up their actions and teasing (if they do something like that) so people will know how they feel and hopefully back off. So long as you’re comfortable with it, of course.
— Chuuya Nakahara, Kōyō Ozaki, Nikolai Gogol, Osamu Dazai
Pretty sweet. They may not act that way all the time, especially around others but when you’re alone or with very few people, they have such an obvious sweet spot for you that would sell them out in seconds. They’re always going out of their way for you and if you’re lucky enough, you can see how much they adore you when they meet your eyes.
— Akiko Yosano, Atsushi Nakajima, Chuuya Nakahara, Edgar Allan Poe, Michizō Tachihara, Ranpo Edogawa, Saigiko Jōno
Relatively mean about it? They don’t really know how to feel with the realization and they hope that if they’re mean to you and pushing you away, they’ll stop thinking about you and it’d make them feel better. It doesn’t work, of course, and as they warm up to you and the idea of being with you, they can be sweet. You just need to be patient with them as it’d be worth it.
— Doppo Kunikida, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
Absolutely convinced they’re not in love and it’s just in their head. Sure they like spending time with you and you are normally the reason why they have a smile on their face but that doesn’t mean anything… right? WRONG. They’re so in love and the more their friends tease them for how they act around you or with how painfully obvious they are when they look at you, they know they’re screwed and it’s not in their head.
— Doppo Kunikida, Michizō Tachihara, Sigma, Tecchō Suehiro
ew what the fuck is love and how do i get rid of it /j
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
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taglist: @astro-pioneer
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These are so cute... my life would be fulfilled if they interacted in canon
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IDK why but I think Kunikida and Lovecraft would get along so well
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noose-lion · 9 months
Hypothetically…. Kunizai for the ship bingo? And maybe even kyousano?
Asking for a friend (me)
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I fucking love Kunizai!!! They are literally the epitome of lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship. They are work wives.
Kyousano is literally blade yuri. I think they're neat.
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