#last life grian x reader
aeolianblues · 5 months
The weirdly life affirming thing about fandom and some of the adoration that comes with it, particularly as pertains to real people, is that fans will love all the parts of you. That what is deemed ‘marketable’ by the press release and everything else they left out. If you come from something, fans will keep it alive. A Sam Fender fan away in Nebraska, USA will learn the Geordie dialect to accurately write Sam Fender x reader fanfic. They will keep alive a dialect declining even in Newcastle. As long as someone knows it, it lives on. The more people into it, the more beloved it becomes; it has a resurgence, it carries on. A Kneecap fan in Indonesia whose third language is English decides Irish Gaeilge can be their fourth. The Eurovision fans decided they can learn all of Finnish after being drawn to one song about piña coladas (and the super endearing Käärijä!)
Fandom is so much more than some base lowly shit to be embarrassed about that people like to reduce it to. It’s a powerful mode of culture. It’s so much more than about writing ‘your silly little stories about your pathetic men’; fandom is the reason American Blur fans flew thousands of miles overseas to be at Wembley last summer. Fandom is checking your IG stories after that gig and seeing that other well-loved musicians also have the same story as you because they were at that gig too. It is months later hearing Grian Chatten from Fontaines D.C. say that part of their new song was inspired by going to that Wembley show, and knowing exactly what he meant by that.
It is about shared cultural moments, it’s about the realisation that nothing is ever strictly in the past, and that we are sharing and creating culture in the now. I don’t know where I’m going with this, I was just struck by the connection between culture and pop culture. Don’t let people tell you they’re different worlds, I suppose
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endclover · 1 year
Loyalty - Chapter 1
Doublelife!Xisuma x Reader
1,525 words, 8,115 characters
《Loading world》
You spawn into a fresh world, free from sin of mankind.
In the world that you awoke in, it was almost unbelievable that it was soon to be filled with blood and cruelty.
This death game was worse than used to be. Death is even more inevitable now that every player is paired up with someone.
Soulmates shared a life.
Pain and agony, life and happiness. You had to endure whichever of those they go through.
The hardest part of it all was that you have no say in whoever becomes your soulmate.
Your 3 life, all depends on fate.
The first thing you did when you spawn in was to get tools and adventure to find the perfect place to settle and to potentially find your partner.
You arrive at the mountains to find easy to get ores and resources on the surface, there you find a group of people; Grian, Scott, and BigB.
"Oh [reader]'s here" Scott announces.
"Hey everyone! Watcha'll up to?" You wave.
You smile at Scott who gives you a few melons to regenerate your lost hearts, which admittedly was not the doing of your soulmate but rather your own clumsiness.
Behind an amused BigB was Grian, taunting a goat, which made you chuckle a bit.
"Hey Grian! Having fun?" You greet him.
"No, I keep on getting bad horns, I have like 3 of 'em already" he answered, eyes still focused on the goat that's about to charge at him.
Soon enough, the goat ran to attack but banged his head against the wall instead.
"Finally! Let's see if this is want good" the bird said. He picked up the horn and blew it, a loud call resonated across the land.
"Honestly Grian we should spend our time on something more meaningful" sighed Scott.
"This is meaningful!" He argued.
While the two exchanged a few more words, you start crafting up some tools.
"So, found your someone yet?" Scott started.
"Not quite, I am kinda glad with whoever i have though they havent been talking as much damage."
"Safe to say it's not Jim then." you both giggle
"right! Wanna see if we're paired up?" You ask him
With sparkles in your eyes you give him a light hit, and to no surprise you dont receive damage.
"Ah what a bummer." You mumble.
His wish was granted.
A few blocks away from you, a bird was waching. While having your moment with Scott, he was pleading whoever so hard for you to not be with Scott, but rather him.
This was it, he was about to find his soulmate, his other half.
"By any chance [reader], have you been taking alot of damage?" He asked.
"I'd say I've took plenty."
It was hard to hide the smile on his face, and your words only proved his prediction.
"Let's try!" Grian beamed.
He had his hopes up, surely it was him you're meant to be with!
You give Grian a light tap and
"Ah." His disappointment reached his voice.
"Well, that's tragic"
You sighed and instead of adding to the upsetting scenario, you opted to comfort him seeing as his wings drooped down.
"Hm, you should cheer up! Not having me as your soulmate probably means you'll get to live a little longer."
"This was heartbreaking."
You chuckle at his joke.
After a while of adventuring and checking out the surroundings you settle by the jungle near the plains. You set up camp but didnt make it too permanent as theres a huge chance you'd have to move... choosing a very flammable area wasnt the brightest idea.
You make a small hut (better not be a dirt one) and put all your belongings in the chest but keeping all your valuables with you.
It was a cozy little house, a bed, furnace, crafting table and a chest monster was enough for you to call it a home.
It's been a moment since you last saw sunlight.
Well below the ground you were, in a cramped cave that was crawling with monsters.
But it was well worth it, you thought, as you mine your first vein of diamonds.
You were getting ready to head back up to the surface as you were getting tired of the darkness and constant jumpscares from the countless amounts of mobs you encountered.
You've had a few too many close calls with creepers, hah I wonder how your soulmate is dealing with the constant loss of hearts.
with your goodies ready to be crafted, you start heading back up. However, as annoying as it may be it was dusk when you reached the grassy plains.
It wouldve been the better and more wise decision to let the night go before going back to your house but you were getting impatient and very tired so you decided to make a run for it.
With your nearly broken sword and crappy armour you swiftly dash across the trees in hopes of not encountering any deadly hitches along the way.
But my oh my the world must hate you alot, to your right behind foliage was a skeleton who started shooting at you while behind you was an ever growing hoard of zombies. And of course will be forget that enderman who you swear you never even looked at yet it still after your precious life.
You had no choice but to keep running, despite the weariness of your body you still managed to carry all the resources from your mining trip.
Thankfully your soulmate was better at keeping your heart up, so despite taking constant damage, you keep on regenerating hearts.
As you were praying your partner wouldnt absolutely despise you for losing so much hearts you hear something, or rather someone but it was a bit inaudible.
Dawn was quickly approaching you realized, you grasp your sword and slashed in all and any directions, you really should've crafted up a better sword while you were down there.
You found yourself in quite a predicament, you were in the jungle and every direction you head there seem to be more and more mobs your way.
You regret thinking you can take on zombies, creepers, and a few skeletons with an iron sword.
You clutched your sword that was about to shatter any moment as you walked backwards 'til you could barely move anymore.
Hearts werent regenerating anymore and you were starting to lose hope when you heard a voice.
"Need a hand?" He said.
"Very much." You hastily replied.
"Attack on 3. 1...2-"
"This is a bad idea."
Everything right after felt like a blur. It was purely an adrenaline rush, only when a creeper behind you hissed you regained your senses.
You observe as Xisuma swung his sword at the last 2 zombies as they disintegrated into thin air.
He and you both didnt fail to notice the way you simultaneously took damage when the creeper behind you exploded, leaving you on 3 hearts.
After the initial panic you two had over the low hearts, you both started to calm down and feel fatigue after the adrenaline wore off.
He handed you some food and chuckled.
"So it's you huh"
"Yep, its me who you'll be stuck with" you giggled.
"I'll be more than glad to be stuck with you." He teased.
"So, [reader] where shall we build our home?" Xisuma asked.
You and Xisuma were walking across the map to return to both of your camps to retrive anything of value, and while doing so you conversed with him quite a bit
Seems like you'll get along just fine.
He was your type of guy, kind but still had that bit of sass on him... You'll have to admit he's also kinda cute.
Through your chitchats you explained the reasons you kept on taking damage, including that one time you tried getting a horn of your own but ended up getting hit by the goat and when Pearl tried showing you her new moves with an axe. She's very unhinged.
You had a good laugh about it and he also shared some stories.
Even gossiping about how bdubs and impulse act like a married couple on a honeymoon.
"I'm not sure, maybe somewhere on the north, havent seen any bases there."you replied while struggling to climb the hills.
Xisuma reached his hand out to you and you gladly took it "By the world border, in the corner of the map might be a good idea."
Soon enough, you reach the place you're planning to settle in. It was a quiet area but some people's bases can still be seen from a distance.
Xisuma built a tent out of wool and planks to settle in for the night while you gathered up a few seeds to make a farm.
"I wouldn't say this is a good build but I did just fine." He commented on his own build.
"Looks better than what I can put together on most days."
A/n: well folks this is where this chapter ends. this was a pretty drawn out process, finals is approaching so I dont know when chapter 2 is going to be posted.
After finishing up the temporary tents, X decided it was best if you both interacted with others, to find allies.
On the bright side, I'm about to have lots of free time with school nearing end.
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Thanks!! Could u do a team rancher x dsmp reader where, during the hermitcraft and empires crossover, the reader somehow ends up in either empires or hermitcraft and sees Jimmy and Tango and remembers them from double life (the three of them were soulmates)
A little bit of angst/comfort where reader doesnt want to go back to the dsmp but they have to because dream has them on a wanted poster and he would travel through worlds and destroy them just to find reader and they dont want hermitcraft or empires getting destroyed because of them
CAN I JUST SAY OKAY.... Ranchers are the love of my life. I love them so deeply. I never watched jimmys pov of anything before double life. They got a grasp on me man..
Warnings: Angst, no happy ending and mentions of DSMP which is a horror in itself lol
The last thing you remembered was the stinging sensation of withering, as you hid in a closed off room in a nether fortress, trying to not die. Then there was purple, and then nothing. It didn’t explain what was happening, but it wasn’t that long since you had entered a new SMP and you knew what that felt like, so you instinctively knew that when you awoke you were somewhere else. In a new world. Truth be told, the revelation came as a welcomed surprise. The DSMP was a hard place and it had never really suited you all that well. Your soul was too soft for it, many had told you. That’s why all your friends and family had been surprised when you had accepted the invitation to the double life server. Although it was more lighthearted than the DSMP, it was still known for violence and bloodshed. You’d never tell them, but you’d give anything to leave the DSMP. You didn’t care what server had invited you, it didn’t matter what double life was, you took the invite in a heartbeat. Turns out double life had been the best experience of your life too. You’d buried the feelings of why, never telling anyone on the DSMP that you’d fallen in love. The server didn’t allow for such weakness, so you buried it all.
You’re in some kind of cave when your mind comes to. It has a bunch of things you’re not entirely sure what are, and to your surprise it also has Grian. You’d known him for a long time, which was originally the reason you had been invited to double life. That’s when you knew where you were. If Grian was here it had to be the server he usually frequented, which was hermitcraft. He was just as surprised to see you as you were to see him. “How.. Am I here?” You had asked him, puzzled. This type of cross server travel was something you’d simply never heard of. The only way to usually go to any other server was through your communicator and only by getting an invite. He walked over to hug you, smiling. You tensed, not being used to positive physical contact. When he pulled away he still had a big smile on his face. “I can’t believe you’re somehow here! I thought the rift was just between hermitcraft and Empires.” He explained, and you raised an eyebrow at his lack of a real explanation. “The rift?” You enquired.
“I accidentally created a rift between servers. I don’t really know how, but I am glad you’re here. This is cool.” He was clearly excited about it, but you were worried. “How do I get back, Grian?” You knew your disappearance would not go over well in your own world. Both because your friends and family would miss you, but also because you knew the lengths Dream would go to just to make sure you stayed chained to your own world. Everyone had their part to play in his schemes, and you were sure your disappearance would somehow ruin his plans and make him go ballistic. Grian looked sad and dejected at the prospect of you not staying, but you had to go. You knew it would only cause trouble if you didn’t. “You can go back and forth through the rift, as long as it stays open. But hey, stay for just a little bit, won’t you? Just to see the server- I could show you so many things!” Once again he seemed excited at the prospect of you staying, just a little bit. 
Maybe a few hours wouldn’t hurt. There was no way that he would notice you gone until later. He wouldn’t even have to know that you’d left. You already knew it was a yes. The temptation of a couple hours of peace and happiness was all too much, and the question had never even been real. Of course you would stay. Grian didn’t even really need to convince you, nodding your head as he grabbed you once again and unfolded his large wings to carry you out of the apparent cave you were in. 
You had fun for a bit, examining Grians base with him. He was about to move on to show what his neighbor, Mumbo, had been working on when his communicator went off a couple of times. He excused himself for a second, checking it with wide eyes. “Wait here, I have to go do something.” He said, about to take flight when you grabbed his arm in panic, surprising both of you. Grian knew you were jumpy, but not this much. He was aware of the changes that the DSMP had done to you, and you had both discussed it in double life. It was hard to deny it with Grian, he had known you before you joined. He knew the person you were before that server changed you completely. He understood why the thought of him leaving you alone was so frightening to you. “I’ll drop you off with someone you know, I promise.” He settled on, and although you were uncomfortable with the idea, you didn’t want to burden him so you nodded, as he once again picked you up to take you somewhere. 
So when he dropped you off with the nearest person, who happened to be Scar, you were even less comfortable. You’d grown to like Scar over the season you had with him but you knew he was not a person equipped to babysit you. It was no surprise that as soon as Grian left Scar first dragged you around his park, but then when that ran out of interest for him you were getting dragged all over the server. Then, somewhere along the way you lost Scar. It was bound to happen with him flying around. He couldn’t carry you like Grian could. For a while you stood still, but it didn’t look like Scar was even looking for you or backtracking. So you decided to start walking, deeply on edge. Then you spotted a structure.
It stopped you in your tracks as you had to decide between trying to get help or finding your way back. After an inner battle, you decided to approach the building. It was black with blue and purple accents, and it was quite beautiful. Everything on this server had been so stunning. Coming from the DSMP it left you speechless sometimes. The only person on the DSMP who ever made anything this substantial was Foolish, and you’d never had the time to simply appreciate his builds. Walking so you were stood right in front of it, you tried to build up the courage to explore it to find help, but you just kept having that feeling in your stomach and the inability to make your legs move. 
But you didn’t need to, as voices started to approach behind you from the treeline. It was starting to get dark out, so it made sense that someone would be coming home at this point, but your brain didn’t register anything except the fact that there were people coming for you. And in a panic, you unsheathe the sword you had borrowed from Grian, turning around quickly in a stance ready to fight as the two people become visible to you, and you to them. And they both stop in their tracks, the cheerful chattering coming to a halt at seeing you. But it’s not fear or surprise on their face, it’s faces of recognition. And the same look comes to your face, as your panic fades completely and warmth crawls up your body and into your cheeks. 
They both shout your name, running towards you, Tango embracing you first and then Jimmy enclosing you both in his arms. “T-tango, J-jimmy.” You say their names shakily, somehow against your own will. It’s like a deep hidden need or urge to say them. The things you did together, the feelings both of them drew from you, it all comes back to you right then and there. Why couldn’t you have stayed in double life forever, with those two? It was cruel, but beautiful. Something in your mind couldn’t stop you from thinking it was fate, that maybe if you were lucky, you would continue to run into them like this. That maybe something would happen, and you could have this forever. But you were not that naive.
Jimmy pulled away, but left his hands on Tangos back. Tango didn’t completely pull away, but he did pull back to grab your face in one hand, tilting it up so he could look at you. His face had a beautiful smile painted on it, but you could see that his eyes were a little wet. Looking towards Jimmy, you almost burst out laughing, seeing him fully sobbing. "Hey! Don’t laugh at me.” He said, covering his face in embarrassment and then wiping his tears away. It was honestly just.. It was a lot, and keeping your tears in yourself had been hard so you couldn’t really pick on him too much. “It was a lot today, seeing both Tango and you for the first time in a while, okay!” He explained, as Tango continued to laugh deep from within his stomach. Feeling his body again, feeling the rumble of his voice leaving his chest, it was beyond any other feeling in the world. You missed it. You had missed it so, so much.
You somehow ended up on a couch after talking for hours, Tango on his stomach against you, both of you once again trapped inside Jimmys’ arms as he laid on his side next to you. He had the longest arms, you’d learned, and so he was always left on big spoon and outer layer cuddle-pile duty. It was hard to feel bad for him, as he looked so content. If you kept playing with his hair, you were convinced you could make him fall asleep. It was something you’d have to test, to be sure. Tango wouldn’t stop turning his head to look up at you, his goofy smile constantly glued to his face. It was perfect. You don’t know which god was playing with you. Giving you this taste of heaven, when you knew it could never last forever. all you would ever get was a little taste, you could never really have the full experience. It would just leave you with a craving that would never be satisfied.
And with Grian and Scar suddenly shouting your name from somewhere outside Tangos’ base, you knew it was time. Jimmy seemed to be pulled out of his half-asleep state, and Tango followed suit, sitting up. You heard Grian calling your name again, this time closer. There was a silence as you all looked between each other, Tango and Jimmy both knowing the look in your eyes. They both knew that look all too well. From when you all lost your first life to the last one, they’d seen it. The eyebrows that pulled upwards and the eyes that glossed over. You were saying ‘I’m sorry’ again. And they knew you were going to leave. 
Desperately, Jimmy latched onto your arms. “No, don’t leave us again. Stay. Just-you can stay! You can stay for as long as I can, right? Tango? They can stay-” You cut him off, knowing you would break if you let him ramble on for any longer and also for his own sake. You knew he would just keep spiraling. “I have to go, Jimmy. Everyone from your world is onboard with you being here but.. I can’t stay. The people from my server wouldn’t..” You stopped to choose your words carefully. You didn’t want Tango and Jimmy to know. You didn’t want them to worry. They didn’t need to know what the DSMP was actually like, it would only hurt them to know. 
“They wouldn’t get it. They would.. Miss me." It wasn’t entirely true, yet not entirely false either. You’re sure Dream would miss whatever plans he had for you, and you’re sure he would tear the entire universe apart to find you. That was more fun, anyways. You don’t know what his intentions are or what plans he has for you, but you’re sure tormenting you and bringing you back on your knees is more fun to him than making a new plan. And you don’t want to test him. You know what the man is capable of. Maybe if you let him take your last two lives, as he had taken the first, you could escape. But even in death Wilbur couldn’t, so you were not hopeful in that regard. You only feared to think what your purgatory would be like. No, instead you would return home. Keep going in the hopes of once again getting to hear Jimmy and Tango laugh.
Tango was taking it well, all things considered. You could tell he was sad, but he at least understood where you were coming from. Jimmy on the other hand was just looking between you and Tango, mad at you for letting yourself leave and mad at Tango for letting you leave. But he sighed, sinking back into the couch and away from you. He looked back up at you in defeat as you heard Grian and Scar call for Tango. You leaned in, putting an ascetic and fast kiss to Jimmys’ lips before taking Tangos’ hand and walking down stairs together. You and Tango both knew that Jimmy would not be able to let you go if he went with you, and Jimmy must have known too as he abstained from following you but simply sat there with tears starting to form in his eyes. 
“Oh, thank goodness you’re okay. It was getting dark and I was worried, I knew I shouldn’t have left you with Scar.” Grian rambled as he ran towards you and hugged you as soon as you and Tango came into his vision. You looked behind him, seeing a very relieved and apologetic Scar waving at you. “I definitely don’t plan on letting Scar babysit my kids.” You said, putting up a joking demeanor to block the pain that was building up inside you. Grian let go of you, stepping back. “I’m sorry it took so long, are you ready to go?” Grian asked, and you grabbed Tangos’ hand. His eyes were glossy and slightly red, but he wasn’t crying. He must have been holding it back well, just like you were. Putting the other hand on his cheek, he copied you and laid his hand on yours and you leaned up to give him a deep and final kiss, which was the goodbye between you two before you parted. 
Grian and Scar were looking at you in surprise as you separated, starting to walk away and when they regained their composure, they followed suit silently, ready to lead you back to the rift. To most, this had just been a fun little game with the idea of soulmates. But to you and your ranchers it had been real, it had meant everything. You just hoped it would not be the last time you ever got to see them.
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lunar-writes-things · 2 years
Powered By Redstone (And Love)
Pairing: C! Tangotek x reader, C!Solidarity Gaming x Reader, C! Tangotek x C!Solidarity Gaming
Summary: In which you dive into a death game and find love within it (And how to make fire-resistant shirts)
Genre: Fluff, pure heart-melting tooth-rotting fluff 
Words: 3.4k
Extra notes: This was based off of @lunarcrown's comic!!! Go check them out they are amazing and fuel my rancher duo needs <3 Also I looped 'Golden Hour' by JVKE while I wrote most of this so If you want ot listen to that while you read, feel free too!
Content warnings (If any): None
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"Y/n!" Grian exclaimed. He was on his knees trying to beg you to join his new server and you sat declining
'Double Life' he called it
It was a death game, everyone knew that and even if your home server was FAR from nice, you at least had more than three lives to live. 
"Grian, if I join, then the number will be uneven. Do you have another person to make it even?"  You asked softly and brought Grian from off the ground 
"Well yes, but they haven't answered yet." Grian said, "They should answer before it starts though!" 
You let out a sigh and said "Fine. I'll Join." 
"Yes!" Grian said under his breath "I promise you won't regret it! You'll love it! There are thrills, guts, and glory!" 
"I'm sure it will be wonderful. Maybe I'll meet a life partner there. Who knows?" You entertained the avian but somewhere deep inside you actually hoped your words come true
When the time came, you quickly walked out of your home server, it was mainly dead anyway but there were rumors that there would be an activity minimum for it, and into the new server. It was there where you were met with everyone else and you began to count
There were 15 people on the server including you. 
"Y/n!" Grian smiled and walked to you "You're the last one on!" 
"You said there wouldn't be an uneven number!" Y/n said and grabbed the avian by his shoulders and shook him 
"Mum- bo- could- n't- Jo- in-" Grian said as you shook him and soon escaped your grasps with a breath of relief 
"It'll be fine, Y/n." Scott came up to you "All it means is that the code will match one of us to an already existing couple." 
You lean into him with a pout and say "I hope I'm at least paired with you. I know literally no one else except for you and Grian." 
"You need to meet some new people." Scott said, "I mean, I see a pretty canary staring straight at you."
When Scott said that he dragged your eyes from his to another man. One who flushed a bright red once he realized he was caught looking at you and you held back a coo. With beautiful chocolate brown eyes shining in the sun, golden hair and wings fluttering and being ruffled with the wind, and the gorgeous flush across his face, you murmured 
"I wouldn't mind being paired with that cutie." 
"Our resident canary in a coal mine." Scott murmured "Jimmy's got this weird thing where he's the first out every season. Maybe you can change that." 
"I don't know. I think he's fine just the way he is. I mean I'm here for a good time not a long time." You winked at the cyan-haired male 
Soon their attention was directed to grian who explained what was going on and what would be happening and the group split their separate ways. 
Hours later, you were very grateful you came back to spawn to scope out some places to live because one minute you were walking under the spawn trees, and then next there was a sharp pain in your right side, ringing, and then it stopped. 
<Tango> was blown up by a creeper 
<Y/ndoesthings> died
<SolidarityGaming> died
When you opened your eyes, you were in a tree and there was a shrill voice going "WHAT HAPPENED TANGO?!" and a dull pain rushed into your ankle, someone must have jumped down from their tree
"Is Everyone okay?" You asked and saw both tango and Jimmy
"Oh! Hi! Hi- I'm so sorry!" He cried out and placed his face in his hands to hide 
"Take me through it, What- What's happened there?" Jimmy asked 
"There was some caving and then there might have been about seven zombies and a spider and- You're being butted!" Tango said, still atop one of the many trees at spawn. 
Jimmy was the one that jumped down and was currently holding his stomach from being headbutted by a stay goat. Tango jumped down and You followed his lead. Once you were down from your tree you went up to each of the boys and asked 
"Is everyone okay?" 
The two nodded in response and you used both of your hands to cup one of their cheeks, which is a touch they melted into. Once you let go, they continued with their conversation and You went to grab your things, which were thankfully only like 10 feet away. Once you came back, tango was apologizing again and Jimmy is pacing around. 
"All right, let's go meet up in a bit, I need to go grab my stuff before it despawns!" He said 
"I don't even know where I was!" Tango realized "I just lost everything, yeah- I have no idea where I was." 
"You two go and try to get your things back. If anything, come back here and I'll have extra supplies for you guys." Y/n spoke up and placed a gentle hand on both of their shoulders "I snagged a bunch of iron so don't worry for now. just try and grab your things." 
But your words were barely heard as the boys panicked and laughed. After a minute, Jimmy and Tango decided to head up on a tree for a better leverage point to look. You followed the two boys as they talked and made what they needed for a hiding spot in case they die again. 
Once they did that (and tango placed a stick in to claim it), Jimmy went his separate way and left Y/n and Tango together. 
"How are you feeling?" You asked softly 
"Guilty," Tango admitted and his shoulders slumped "this was the worst way to meet me- to meet us." 
"Maybe," You hummed gently and picked a stray Daisy and gave it to the man, the piping hot blaze rods burning brighter as Tango took it and flushed a pink "But we didn't have to find each other by running around like headless chickens and while we might be yellows now, I don't think I'd rather be yellow with anyone else." 
Tango made a flustered noise and You could help but find it so endearing. This man, who was at least a good two feet taller than you, was burning bright red, golden hair flickering as if it were going to burst into flames and smoke coming off his back. 
Actually, now that you looked at him you noticed he wore a tight-fitting black crop top (that did wonders for his lean figure hubba hubba-) that had dipped down into a point to connect and clip onto his black cargo pants with cuffs around his wrists and the top of his bicep but the ones around his wrists were loose and had short chains dangling from them. 
When you finally looked at his face, Ruby red eyes glittered with amusement and an open mouth smirked and showed off sharp canine teeth. 
"Like what you see?" He grinned and you swatted at him 
"Yeah, you look fine as hell," you winked and he laughed 
Hours later, Jimmy came back with nothing and a disappointed face only to find out you had a chest full of items for him ready and to see that you and Tango were suited up in Iron gear. 
"What-" He said and You saw his shoulders sag "How-" 
"Check the chest Jimmy," You said and watched as he opened it 
Sunlight beamed onto his face, blinding him for a second. 
"My bad, probably a bad idea to face the opening of the chest to face where the sun is shining. It was supposed to be for dramatic effect though." Tango said and turned the chest away from the sun and spilled all the goods inside. Iron armor, a diamond pickaxe and sword, food, and small trinkets the two had piled up for Jimmy fell from the chest. 
"is- Is all this for me?" he asked softly and knelt to the ground and grabbed the sword with a shakey touch and his eyes shone with unshed tears "Why- You didn't have-" 
"We wanted to. It's not much but we hope you enjoy it." You smiled and kneeled in front of him "Most of it I already had in my inventory so..."
"Y/n actually put the whole chest together," Tango pointed out with a satisfied smirk, and watched as a bashful flush spread across their cheeks and to their ears "They thought of the idea and organized everything. I just added in two things you might've liked." 
"Would it be too early in our relationship to kiss you two?" Jimmy asked, eyes glittering like topaz with the sun shining its golden rays on his already sunkissed skin
"I wouldn't think so," You smiled and cupped his face with both of your hands to pull him into a gentle kiss, electricity burning through you when your lips brushed against his, Tango coming up beside you to steal Jimmy away for another soft kiss to his lips and to press a chaste one against yours. 
Jimmy tasted like bubblegum and Tango tasted like cinnamon.
You just found your two new favorite flavors. 
A day or so later, the home you and Tango had been constructed and Jimmy had brought in cows and some other essential things needed. 
The three of you deemed yourself, The Ranchers.
A silly nickname but you can't bring yourself to protest as Jimmy and Tango have their hearts set on making a monopoly on getting some farm animals and how can you say no to your Ruby and Topaz? 
Your precious jewels...  Oh how you love them so. 
As the three of you took a break though, Jimmy asked about Tango's choice of shirt wear. 
He wore crop tops like there weren't any left in the world
And there wasn't anything wrong with it, in fact, both Jimmy and You had admitted to the man that you loved the fact that he showed off his lean and slender frame and his tummy in general. 
Although, there were multiple times where Jimmy has been extremely flustered at the sight of Tango.
Once, When tango was doing his redstone while you and Jimmy were watching, the blaze hybrid has asked for a comparator and while You were drooling over him, Jimmy grabbed a bucket and attempted to give it to the man. 
"Jimmy," Tango said as he perched his red goggles on his head "That's a bucket." 
With those words, The avian flushed a bright red and placed the bucket upside down on his head, and bolted having You and Tango run after him laughing and attempting to calm him down. 
He was wearing his favorite shirt then, just like he was now. 
"Powered by Redstone" 
That had to be one of Tango's favorite phrases, especially when he's planning out his next masterpiece for his other dimension. 
At least he thinks. 
He doesn't quite remember, no one does. He says it's blurry and that he knows he was working on some huge build that needs a lot of redstone and attention but he can't quite remember what. He barely remembers friendships and relationships from people except those that are in this game right now. 
The game was fun like that. it gives you an almost entirely blank slate, but it keeps important things and fears near your heart. 
But you never would have thought you'd find love in a death game.
Sure it had only been a few days and it may be the red string of fate connecting you two but it felt so real and You know you would do this a thousand times over if you'd be able to feel like this again in your home server. 
"yeah- Actually this shirt was once full length," Tango broke through your daze and you focus on him, He's gripping the bottom of his 'Powered by Redstone" crop, and a blaze rod is hovering over his shoulder when He says "But sometimes by blaze rods catch stuff and-" 
And The shirt was up in flames before fluttering to the floor, a pile of ashes that was once his favorite shirt. 
"AWWW MAN!" Tango whined as Jimmy looked away, face flushed the same shade as Tango's eyes and You oogled at the bare chest of Tango with a satisfied hum
But as much as you liked the show, You knew you'd have to talk with Jimmy later about this situation. Tango was already making a pout and sad noises escaped his lips. You couldn't bare to see the blaze hybrid like that. 
Hours later, in the dead of night, You whispered to the Avian in his ear "Jimmy? My Darling Topaz? Are you up?" 
"Yes, my Love?" Jimmy groaned quietly and suddenly you were thankful, the both of them insisted you lay in the middle of your shared bed and that Tango sleeps like the dead "Are you okay?" 
"I'm fine Topaz, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to do something for our Ruby. I feel bad that he lost his favorite shirt." You whisper and pull him close enough so that your lips brush the shell of his ear. A shiver ran down his back and he nodded. 
"We could recreate his shirt again," Jimmy said and began to press soft kisses to your face "This time with a more durable fabric?" 
"That works," You hummed and cupped his face to press a soft kiss to his lips "We can talk more about it in the morning. I love you My amazing Topaz."  
"And I love you, My precious diamond." He whispered into your mouth, never stopping his gentle kisses and you couldn't help but melt into his touch 
The next day, You awoke to Jimmy and Tango holding you tightly and you sighed with contentment, how you wish you could stay here all day, but the gods of old had other plans. 
So you squirmed out of their arms, both shifting to hold each other and the pillow between them as if you were still there. You smiled and went to the kitchen to make a simple breakfast. Snagging some eggs from the chickens you guys are hoarding and carving some bacon off the carcass of a pig you slaughtered this morning, you made some bacon and egg and cut up some day-old bread for toast. 
Jimmy was the first one up of the boys and watched as Y/n plated the breakfast as he leaned against the doorway, arms crossed over his bare chest, a soft smile gracing his lips. 
"Good morning Topaz," You hummed and smiled at him before placing his plate on the table "Go eat, I'll wake up our ruby."
"You are the best," he said and pressed a kiss to your cheek "We can talk more about the shirt after breakfast when Tango goes out?" 
"Alright," You smiled and placed a gentle hand on his chest before pressing a kiss to his lips "Enjoy." 
You walked past him after he kissed back and went to wake up Tango. 
"My lovely Ruby," You whisper in his ear as you crawl on top of him to sit on his waist "Time to wake up Tango, I made breakfast." 
Tango groaned softly as his eyes fluttered open. Twin red jewels stared back into your eyes as a smile graced Tango's lips and he pulled you down to smother you in kisses, laughs bubbled from your chest as you playfully fought from his grip. 
After a few seconds when he calmed down to just kisses, you heard his stomach rumble and he laughed. 
"I think that's my cue to eat the breakfast you made," He said and swung his legs over the edge of the bed to get off "Come, Topaz is waiting." 
"He's only waiting because you pulled me in to smother me!" You playfully whine out and allow him to drag you off the bed you share
After breakfast, Tango cleaned up the kitchen and Jimmy lit the fireplace. Y/n pulled Jimmy to dance with her while Tango cleaned and listened to their hushed giggles, They swayed in the warmth of their home, Jimmy humming into your ear as the sun dawned upon their home and the rooster crowed. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Tango watching from the kitchen with a gentle smile as he dried his hands and you beckoned him over. He and Jimmy switched spots and you swayed with Tango who whispered sweet words into your ears and eventually dragged Jimmy into the swaying, The three of you holding each other and talking softly. At least until Tango had to leave the house and You and Jimmy were left to your own devices. 
"Okay," Y/n murmured and caught Jimmy's attention, "I know where to find and how to get fire resistance clothing. Only thing is, I don't know how to sew words." 
"I can do that part," Jimmy said "It should be just like weaving a nest. Plus, my mom taught me how before I left her home." 
"Perfect," You grinned at him "You are so great Jimmy." 
A wobbly smile spread across his face as he flushed and covered his face with his hands. "You're too nice to me." He groaned softly which elicited a laugh from you 
"No such thing as ever too nice. Now, let's get Tango's present together." You smile and hold out your hand to him 
Hours later, Tango came home calling out to the two who sat in the living room that he was going to take a shower and then probably nap. You and Jimmy sat on a rocking chair, you on Jimmy's lap reading and Jimmy rocking the chair, humming and peacefully stretching the words 'Powered by Redstone' into the shirt. 
"Hey, Jimmy!" Tango's voice called out but the two were in their own world "Do you know where-" 
Tango trailed off as he peeked into the living room and almost melted at the sight of his two lovers sitting together, his gems...
His home
A soft gasp snapped Tango out of his stupor and bring his gaze back to his partners. You were clutching something to your chest and using your body to hide it while jimmy tried to cover you and himself with his wings while exclaiming "Wait no! Wait! Don't look! It's not done!" 
"Aww," Tango cooed and stepped closer to you and Jimmy "What is it?" 
With a deep sigh, Jimmy unfurled his wings and showed you. You held out the shirt with a bashful expression while Jimmy explained "You were so sad after your favorite shirt got destroyed. So we thought we'd make you a new one." 
Tango looked taken aback and turned red and you and jimmy immediately panicked. 
"Oh god, you hate it!" You frowned and fiddled with your hands "I'm sorry, this was my idea and it was such a bad-" 
"I don't know why I thought-" Jimmy cut himself off as he pouted and began to cover himself with his wings, an embarrassed blush spreading across his cheeks "I'm not even that good-" 
This time Taango cut off Jimmy by lifting you up and kissing you... hard. Hard enough that you were dazed and had to stumble to another couch. Tango pulled Jimmy up by the collar of his shirt and kissed him with the same passion he kissed you with. Now that you were less dazed, you saw smoke rising from Tango's back in curls that looked like hearts and his red flush was still there and Jimmy's wings were flapping like crazy once he realized what was happening. 
When he pulled away from Jimmy, He kept the avian close, his left arm wrapping around Jimmy's waist. "Come here Y/n," Tango whispered and you obliged 
When you came close enough, he pulled you closer and wrapped his free arm around your waist, and pressed another kiss to your lips. You melted into his touch and leaned your forehead into the crook of his neck while he whispered
"I love it. It means so much to me that you two did this." He pressed a gentle kiss to yours and Jimmy's foreheads before continuing "Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you." 
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nix-writes-mcyt · 2 years
Here it goes...!
A yandere Watcher!Grian x reader, perhaps he uses his Watcher abilities to try and protect the reader, but in the end it's doing more damage than good?
Thanks :]
I went with it but also not quite. I hope you enjoy it either way! This was also a mixed request with another anon who had EVO on the mind.
Also, on a side note: So I've been gone for over a month at this point. Life has been crazy, not only did my 2 and a half year relationship end but I also lost my job, then got a new one and it was my birthday, so it's been a bit mad. I'm hoping to get back to posting more often, I do have a few fics ready to go up, but as of right now I can't set a schedule for posting again. So we will see. Thank you all for sticking around and waiting for my return, fic 101 and beyond, here we come!
Call Of The Rift
Oneshot Contains: Angst, slight yandere tendenicies, fluff ----------------------------------
When you had started to build your mega base you wouldn't have ever expected it would cause so many issues. Then again, when you started you didn't realise Grian would be just next door.
His base, the rocks. The large, mysterious stones piled atop each other in a way that, if they hadn't been so large, you'd think they'd been placed as they are by a player. So perfectly balanced.
But that's not the strange bit, no. The strange bit is the voices you've heard, the lights you've seen. They weren't there before Grian moved in.
Nor do you see anyone else noticing the strange things going on.
So many times you swear you've heard it speak, a whisper, a voice calling out to you. You've asked others if they hear it too, so far you've only had strange looks and no's.
Same for the lights, you can be stood right next to someone, looking at the same place. They'll still claim there's nothing there. Maybe it's all in your head.
The longer time has gone on the louder it's gotten, the world hasn't even been around long. You find yourself staring out of the window at Grian's base. You're doing that now, feeling it call to you.
As you make your way outside and toward the mass of stones you're careful not to be seen. You know you have to get to the cave underneath. That's what you've been told by the voice.
As you cross the boundary and onto Grian's land the voice gets louder, florescent pink floating lights that are no larger than fireflies show you the path. You follow, cautious of the unnatural glow.
As you find the way down to the cave you can almost feel your body being pulled down. It's so strong, whatever it is.
You climb down the ladder, a pressure gently squeezing your entire body, whispers you just can't make out echoing around you.
Your feet touch the floor of the cave at long last, something in you pulls backwards. You feel the urge to turn around. You do.
"Y/n." It calls quietly. Curious, you approach the vibrant crevice. It's voice feels almost safe, comforting. As does its light. You wonder if it would feel the same to touch it.
Drawing nearer to it you hesitate. You can't, surely it's dangerous. But it's inviting.
So you step closer, hearing it call out your name once again. How does it know who you are? How can it speak?
Inside you see a figure drawing closer, a silhouette at first but soon enough it appears fully dimensional.
They look vaguely like Grian, his height and built, but this person has an extra pair of wings, a mask and a halo. They don't step out of the glowing pink crack, just standing on the other side of it.
"It's been so long, Y/n. So long since I've seen you in the flesh." They speak. Their voice is slightly distorted, much like when your communicator has little signal.
"I don't know who you are." You say. "Oh but you do, love." They say, sending chills down your spine and causing goosebumps to cover your body. "I'm ready for you to come home."
"What are you talking about?" You ask, although their words seem to hit something deep with you. You feel like you know them.
"One season, that's what I promised you. One season of freedom. You've had that now, I let you out. Now it's time to come home, where you're safe." The being reaches out, a hand coming out of the rift now.
"My home isn't in there." You say, images of your base half built filling your mind. "Come on, love. Stop playing games with me. It's time to go home." You step away from the wall, unsure of what to think. The figure follows you out fully, you can see them properly now.
They wear robes of white and purple, mask to match. Their wings are white as well, pink and purple horizontal half circles littering their feathers. Every hem on their robe is stitched with gold, the same colour as the double halo that circles their head. The same gold seems to radiate from them, like light.
"I think you've got things mixed up, I live up there." You say quietly, pointing to the hole in the ceiling. The being laughs.
"It's been so long since you thought you had a choice, Y/n. You forget what I am, what I can do. What I have been doing for months. I've protected you in this realm, I let you out. I can just as easily take that away. I should never have let you out." Their words unlock a fear you didn't know you had.
It's a familiar fear, one you know you've felt before. You just can't place where.
They outstretch their hand to you once again. "Come now, Y/n, and no one has to get hurt." Slowly you reach out your hand, feeling pressured to do so.
Before you can take their hand your arm involuntarily recoils, along with your body as you fall to your knees.  You hold your hand close to your chest, not even realising the cry of pain you let out.
You can feel it bleeding, thankfully not a lot. You only lost half a heart. Looking down on the ground you see an arrow laid there, tip reddened on one edge from where it caught your hand.
"Get away from the Rift!" Grian shouts, capturing your attention. He's quite far away, bow drawn and pointed right at you.
"Don't be silly, Y/n, you've done enough to upset me. Come home." The being from the pink portal says. It reaches out toward you.
You hear a whistle past your ear, and then a loud crackling as the creature before you beings to glow brighter. They pull the arrow from their arm, inspecting it. "Spectral arrows." It sneers.
Throwing the arrow to the ground the being beings to float, wings fully expanding. Then suddenly you realise what the half circles are. Eyes.
A hundred eyes stare at Grian, who makes another arrow fly, the crackling returning as the arrow pierces the wing of the being from the rift.
"The pictures you show don't scare me, Watcher." Grian says, shooting again. You take your chance to back away from it slowly, hoping your movement will go unnoticed.
"You're a fool to think they love you back, to think they can ever love anyone but me!" The Watcher's voice echos around the cave, with each wave you feel worse and worse.
"You claim they love you but you come in my image. Under my base. The only fool here is you." Grian releases another arrow, which barely misses the beings mask. "Go back to your own dimension and stay out of mine."
The next arrow hits, not quite centered, but it sticks into the hard mask, causing a crack to appear. The Watcher removes the arrow, outline of the mask still glowing as it retreats toward the rift it came from.
Grian rushes forward to cover you as the whole room illuminates a bright pink. You shut your eyes as tight as you can until the intense light dies down completely.
Opening them you see Grian leant over you, still shielding your body. He drops to his knees next to you, pulling you into a tight hug. "I was almost too late. You were almost gone." He sobs.
You don't know how to react, what to say. It's hard to process anything that just happened.
You can feel his tears landing on your shirt, hear his soft cries. You want to comfort him but you don't know how.
"I don't know why it wants you, why it makes the claims it does over you. You're a being of this world, this dimension and no other." He whispers, suddenly letting go of you and lifting his head to look you in the eyes. "It's a good liar, you mustn't listen, Y/n"
"What about the part that it claimed you love me?" You reply quietly, watching another tear roll down his cheek. His head drops, tear falling to the floor.
As another rolls down his cheek you lift your hand, wiping it away with your thumb. "I do love you back." You say, "I based next to you for a reason." You wipe away another tear, Grian's hand coming up to hold yours.
"It was right about the fact that I love you." Grian takes a hold of your other hand, the one that doesn't cup his cheek, and inspects the injury. "I'm sorry I did this to you."
You glance down at the cut, it's no longer bleeding and isn't as bad as you initially thought. "If you didn't I wouldn't be here. I'd be in there." You look over toward the rift, which now contains those many purple eyes.
It's silent, but watching your every move. "Promise me you'll never come down here alone again." Grian says, catching you off guard, "I know it's tempting, but it wants you. It will stop at nothing and I don't want-"
"I promise." He sniffles as you wipe away another tear, nodding at your response. "We should get out of here." You say, feeling as if there are now eyes on you than before.
"Yeah." Grian mumbles, standing as you do. He looks at the rift while you look away, you don't want to see it anymore, or rather you don't want to acknowledge that it is looking at you.
Grian's arms wrap around you, wings beating as he lifts off from the ground toward the safety of the surface.
The sunlight is welcoming, yellow and warm. It's not like down in the cave. Even once you can't see it anymore you can feel its presence, like a weight on your shoulders. Thankfully Grian doesn't land at his base, he keeps you in his arms in the air until you're at yours.
The heaviness of the rift is almost non existent here, which you're grateful for. As you are when Grian covers your cut with a plaster.
He holds you tight, not saying a word. His bow beside him, ready to defend you should the Watcher come out of the rift again.
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poetthewriter · 1 year
Hi! I'm not sure if you're taking requests or not but I had an idea! Would it be possible to do a bdubs x reader oneshot? Just some fluff or HCS will do! <3
Ello I would love to write for you this is actually my first request<3 please give me feedback and tell me how i did and how to fix and improve
If you request agian feel free to become someone on my anon list just leave an emoji
𝒜𝓁𝓁ℯ𝓎𝓈,𝓉ℯ𝒶𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓉ℯ,ℴ𝓇 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓃ℯ𝓇𝓈
𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬=𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐬&𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐰𝐬🌶🥕🌽
limited life : Bdubs x reader
Here we are again, three hearts stain my arm and a clock on my communicator set to twenty four hours starts counting down. we once again stand in a circle and on the count of three we all run away from spawn, cowering around the area I pick up food, sugarcane and herbs along with an abundance of items that I will be sure too use later on. the whole server will be sure to team up with people soon so I better start looking out for who will be my ally's and enemies for this run through, my first thought is Bdubs as hard as it is to remember certain things about the last seasons I always remember Bdubs and how he has been loyal and kind to me even if I haven't been on his team so after I go mining he will be the first I search for.
17 diamonds, about a stack and a half of iron aswell as 33 gold is quite a good turn out for only a half an hour of my time and its certainly enough for a chest plate, a pair of nice new pants, and a sword. while I was in the caves a message had popped up on my communicator saying that Scott had killed Skizz and that another boogieman would be chosen so on my way out I better be sure to watch out and make sure that I stay weary of the people I keep around me, finally I can leave the caves to find my hopeful ally or maybe even teammate, as I reach me final steps I hear a voice above me as I lay on the grass, my eyes shoot open and I zip right up off the ground to look at who's talking to me.
"Timmy. . ."
"AHAHAHA WHAT HAPPEND TO YOUR HAIR" I yell out giggling at Timmy's slicked back hair, Tim's face changes as he looks down, an annoyed face covers him before speaking to me.
"what are you laughing at Y/n" he mumbles as Grian and Joel come behind him wearing matching outfits before I can say anything to them a message pops up again.
Skizzleman was slain by Bdoubleo100
shock covers all our faces again as we realize Skizz is now on around nineteen hours of time left, the boys stand there a little longer as more chats pop up including one saying "rematch at spawn NOW" typed by Skizz.
yells and chants are heard across the server and no one is in sight I run to the fight happening on the mountain as the suited man swings one last time before Bdubs falls to the ground and disappears, reappearing a few meters away from the fight circle. skizz walks towards the revived boy and starts attacking him again swinging and punching trying for even more hits but then i see skizz pull out a sword, it shimmers as he lifts it up and i run towards them slidding down just blocking the sword from hitting bdubs, i push skizz away well bduds clings and falls to my back i turn around and grab him running away well leading him to a little den in the hills of a meadow, I lay him down agianst the dirt and stone walls of cave and look around the land for crops and flowers to use in helping him.
red bloody cuts covered in yarrow to stop the bleeding as well as many other herbs and flowers blended nicely are now placed in a pot with boiling water over a hot seeping fire, a wooden tray with fresh honey, sugar and butterfly pea flower petals lays beside me and I start to place pieces of ice from a few biomes over on Bdubs bruises, he slowly shivers awake. I can see that he is looking at the moss bed and rhubarb leaves under the spot he lays and I now see him look at me, his eyes look confused and they shine at me I feel as if he is speechless at the moment.
he starts to lean towards me and he pulls me into one of the most heart felt and strong hugs I've ever been given he just lays his head into my shoulder, "thank you" he whispers, I just sit there hugging him back I don't exactly know what to do but I just cant seem to let go something just feels familiar.
"I was trying to find you, I just knew I needed someone like you on my team but I didn't expect to find you like this" I say quietly while chuckling but he still doesn't look up.
a few minutes go by and we finally get up and start walking around the forest as the sun slips away from the sky, we talk and talk about what ever we can including the odd days in this game and how its different then the other seasons as well as our ally's and who we might be able to trust, soon enough everything goes quite and he starts up again in a different tone.
"i was looking for you"
we continue walking but he just looks at me, why me? why was he looking for me? did I do something? I question and wonder off into my thoughts but I snap back when he hands my a tiny bouquet of wild flowers
he slowly looks down and starts to slowly talk again "i feel this way every season... i always want to be around you. its like i NEED to be around you even if we are not teamed". he spits as he tucks himself in to his sweater all embarrassed.
"really?" I just question I feel a little rosy as he continues to ruffle out but I cant help my self but saying that I was looking for him as well.
we sit down at a flowery river side and just look up, "I love you, you know that right? and I think more happened between us in previous games but I don't remember".
"why do you think more happened, what do you think happened between us".
"because I feel as if I love you like your oxygen, you are someone I know even if I cant remember how I know you" i fumble out.
"I think we know each other better then we remember to because I don't think I would want to kiss you if you were just a person I could trust", my heart jumps a little as he turns to me placing his hand behind my ear into my hair and he pulls him self in close to my face, we just lay there and the thing I've been waiting for him to say finally comes out of his mouth.
"want be my partner?"
"of course, lets go home"
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ravenofthefandoms · 2 years
The Path of the Bear
Word Count: 2690 (nice)
Pairing: Leofric x Reader
Characters: Leofric of Wessex, Uthred Ragnarson/Uthred of Bebbanburg (brief), Mildreth (brief), Iseult (mentioned), King Peredur (mentioned)
A/N: First TLK post! They gave us a sassy, badass warrior that is absurdly large and slightly too old for me and since that’s exactly my type, I had to write about him. I want to make this a series as well, but I’m gonna start my Beric request after this and then my modern!Aemond fic/series to be hopefully. Also also, there’s a Grenn x reader sitting in my drafts rn. FYI, in this one I use italics for thoughts, which is new for me, so tell me if you like it! Also, I mention Grian who is, according to my five minute on Google, a Celtic/pre-Christian goddess of the sun, and specifically the winter sun. Since reader is Iseult’s sister in this, I imagine she would be a pagan, just not a Danish one.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned. They belong to Bernard Cornwell and the producers of The Last Kingdom. I do not own any gifs used. They belong to their original creators.
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The farmstead you had been camping near for the past few weeks was quiet. There was only one man who you ever saw near the house, and sometimes a woman was with him. Workers tended the fields and took care of the animals nearby, but they were always too busy with their daily chores to notice. You did not necessarily need to hide yourself well, typically just spending your days in the woods foraging or hunting if you could and your nights sleeping in the barn on the grounds. Once the workers all left for home after their day, the farmstead was empty save for the animals you roomed with.
It was not luxury and it was nothing like the life you grew up with. The life you had up until two months ago almost felt like a sweet dream. There was much of it you missed, like your sister and a day filled with nothing but chores and gossip. Then your sister left, married off to some king in Cornwalum for her skills as a gwarch. A mother’s gift, as your own mother called it. Something she inherited from her mother, who received it from her mother, and so on. Only you did not receive it. Your older sister, Iseult, did and she was quite powerful. Her bride price was very valuable, more valuable than you could have ever dreamed of bringing to your family. That did not stop your father’s efforts. It took two more years for him to find someone who would pay a good bride price for you. The day he told you that he found you a husband was the day you ran.
The bleating of the ewe drew you from your thoughts. A small smile formed on your lips as she stared at you, annoyed that you were laying in one of her favorite spots. You could not blame her. The hay was a nest, keeping you comfortable. “I can make room for you, but I will not move.”
Scooting over, you grinned and patted the ground next to you, as though she could understand your jest. Instead, the ewe seemed to glare at you before settling down in another little nest on the other side. Shaking your head, you settled back down into your little nest of hay before closing your eyes and drifting off into a dreamless sleep. 
You awoke early, as you have done everyday since you started sleeping in the barn. The workers woke early too, so you needed to leave the barn before any discovered you in your attempts to hold the sheep. 
The trek back into the forest was quick, your surroundings becoming easier for you to manuever. Your first stop was the brook that ran through the country side. The cold water helped to pull you from the last of your sleep, waking you completely. You wanted to bathe soon, but you had not followed the brook far enough to find a spot deep enough. Instead, you began to forage for food, checking the traps you had set, smiling to yourself when two of your traps had successfully captured two rabbits. Two was too much to eat for just one meal but it would be just fine if you cooked them both now. Starting a fire later would not be smart, the workers on their way home would be more likely to see it.
Night begins to fall, watching from a ridge as workers began to go home. Once they were all gone, you snuck your way into the barn quickly, the final rays of sunlight twinkling through the trees. The sheep and the cows were in their stalls, along with a few new horses. You looked through a crack in the wall towards the hut. There was light coming from the house, but you did not worry. Surely it was just the lord and his wife who lived here. 
It was easy to shrug it off as you made your way to a spot towards the back of the barn, where you could watch the doors with ease. As you tore into your rabbit, your mind drifted back to the last days you had with your sister. 
You had wept as your elder sister held you, learning that she was leaving soon, and you were not prepared for the separation. Though you were 18 years old at the time, she was the only one who took care of you, loved you. She was always so gentle with you and always understanding. When her gifts came to her, she became your family’s jewel. Your parents preened over her constantly, your mother nurturing your sister’s gift. The work paid off and your sister’s abilities were soon sought after. It was a long time before they were sold. During that time, your sister taught you what she could, more about healing and herbs than seeing. When she did go into the woods to see, you went with her. Silence was kept between you, but you helped her as much as you could.
The last thing she said to you will always ring through your ears. “We will meet again, sweet sister.” She tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. “But you cannot marry, not who father chooses. You simply need follow the bear. He will bring you back to me.” You nodded through your sniffles, holding onto her as tightly as you could. Moonlight shone on the two of you, raven hair shimmering beneath it. 
Two years later and you still had not found the bear that was meant to lead you. Though you were also not entirely sure how a bear would take you to your sister. Nonetheless, you trusted her sight and would be ready to follow.
The creak of the barndoor snapped you from your reverie. A tall shadow appeared and you cursed, scrambling to a stall. The resting cow looked up at you, lowing  as you approached in a crouch. You held your breath, drawing the dagger that you had tied to your waist. “Who’s in here?” A deep voice called, the signature hiss of a sword drawn from its sheath following, “I saw you. Come back out.” You cursed again before swinging out again, taking a low stance with your blade.
The man was much closer than you expected, with a torch sitting in a sconce between you. The flickering light revealed the scarred, though quite handsome, face of a very tall man. “What are you doing here?” His blade was level, though he did not appear to be very worried.
“Sleeping. The sheep make good company.” He scoffed at your answer. “What are you doing here?” You straightened slightly from your stance, trying to relax the tension. It was quite obvious to you that this bear of a man would have no trouble disarming you, let alone killing you. But there was still a chance you could talk your way out of it.
“The same, by invitation of the lord of this farmstead. Don’t think I can say the same for you,” he stated. You answered only with a shrug. “If I put away my blade, you will as well.” It was not a question, but you nodded your agreement anyways. He began to sheath his sword and you rose, putting your own blade away. “Been here long? Seem to know the locals quite well.” He nodded to the barn animals who had returned to their resting.
Another shrug from you. “A few months. They cried when I tried to leave.” He chuckled at that, looking you up and down.
“What’s your name?” You turned to look at the ground where the rest of your rabbit laid, tossed in your panic to hide. A beat of silence as you picked it up, brushing the hay and dirt from it before taking another bite.
“So many questions. I thought Saxons were supposed to be Christians and gentlemen.” You held out the rabbit to him, a peace offering. Despite having already eaten himself, he accepted.
“I’m deciding if I should tell the lord that you are here. He is not happy, and I do not think you would wish to cross paths with him this night.” There was a small twinkle of mirth in his eyes despite the serious sound of his words.
“(Y/N). Of Cornwalum. You?” He raised a brow. A Briton was not something he had expected to see in Liscumb but here you stood. 
“Leofric of Wessex. Can’t save I’ve met a Briton before.” He tossed the rabbit back to you before moving to sit in what looked to be a decently comfortable pile of hay. “How’d you get out here?” 
You finished the last bit of rabbit before tossing it into one of the back corners of the barn. “I walked, mostly. Ran a little bit. Even got to ride a horse for a while. Though the horse and the running were on the same day.” He chuckled at the mischievous grin on your face. “What is a warrior of Wessex doing sleeping in his lord’s barn?”
Leofric’s eyes followed you as you paced slowly, more out of boredom than nerves. He couldn’t look away, even if he wanted to. Here you were, silver-tongued and beautiful, with full hips that were hugged by the pants you wore and alluring eyes that seemed to call to him from the very depths of his soul. For a man like Leofric, you were a sight to feast on. Though a God-fearing man, the ancient and arcane feeling that washed through him when he met your eyes had him questioning. “It’s my lord’s wedding night.” He smirked at you slightly. “I cannot say that I wish to be privy to it.” His eyes flicked back up after their southward expansion when you stopped, sights locking on each other. There was a beat of pregnant pause.
“Then do not worry, Leofric of Wessex. You shall have a silent night to rest.” A twinkle mirroring his own caused the great warrior’s heart to falter a moment. Though not entirely unfamiliar, the stutter was not something he had felt in quite a long time. With a final small smirk gracing your lips, you slipped into one of the nearby stalls where you were met with a small bleat of an ewe. “I told you, they missed me.” A soft chuckle was met to that.
“If you are to hold the sheep for warmth, then whom should I?” His flirtatious words made you grin, though he could not see it.
You responded without missing a beat. “The cow seemed lonely.” He gave another bark of laughter at this, and you couldn’t help the small laugh you let out. Laying down, you made yourself cozy in the bed of hay. Snow was falling that night, and a freezing wind blew through the cracks of the barn. A shiver ran through your body as you tucked your knees into your chest, another attempt to keep the warm in. After a while of silence, you were able to finally fall into blissful sleep.
Grian emerged from her slumber and the early rays of her light began to illuminate the sky. Your eyes fluttered open with a yawn following quickly. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes before rising quietly. Soft snores carried from the other side of the barn, affirming that the man from last night, Leofric, was still in the barn though sound asleep. With a final stretch, you stood and made your way out of the stall. Leofric leaned against the wall in the same place as last night, his head fallen to the side in his slumber. A soft giggle escaped your lips as you looked down at him. Such soft and small noises from a man so big were nothing short of amusing. 
Quickly and quietly, you slipped from the barn. The gray dawn of morning held the chill of the long winter night. Soon, you were free, traipsing through the woods as you began your day.
It wasn’t long after you left before Leofric woke. In fact, the soft knock of the barndoor closing was what roused him. It took a moment for him to truly wake, but when he did, he shot to his feet. Leofric took a few partially stumbling steps towards the door before yanking it open. To his dismay, you had disappeared before he could call out your name. The slight ache in his heart had nothing to do, he told himself, with the fact that you left before saying goodbye or anything else. 
With a sigh, he shut the barndoor again and leaned his head against the wall, closing his eyes as he waited for the fog within his head to abate. One breath, two and then he righted himself. She would have been a good hump, he thought to himself almost forlornly. Deciding to give no further thought to it, he exited the barn and started for the hut where he hoped to find something to break his fast.
The day passed as any other, Grian warming the sky as much as she could. Her journey across the sky was unmarked yet unchanged, descending the same as it had ascended. As night fell, Leofric thanked Mildreth for the dinner in his hands, ready to make his quick escape to the barn. Pale dusk began to settle outside and, standing in the doorway, he could’ve sworn he saw a figure disappear near the barn. The air in the room was a bit… tense between Mildreth and Uhtred, but not in the way they had been when he yelled at her the day before. This was the tenseness of a wedding night, and Leofric had no intentions to find out if he was right.
“You do not wish to sleep in the house, Leofric?” Mildreth inquired politely.
“No, lady. The sheep will be missing me.” Uhtred snorted with laughter, eying his friend mischeivously. 
“Taking extra with you tonight, Leofric?” There was a gleam in Uthred’s gaze that reminded Leofric of why he had wanted to knock a tooth or two out of the arseling’s gleeful smile when they first met. “Worked extra hard today, I hope.”
Leofric glared at the arseling, tilting his head at the playful challenge. “Aye lord, I did. So hard, in fact, that I think I deserve this as well.” The taller man grabbed the horn of ale from Uthred’s hands before taking a long swig. “Well, I’ll bid you good night lady, arseling.” He gave them a curt nod before making his way to the barn.
Opening the door, he was pleasantly surprised to see you sitting across from where he had slept. “Missed the sheep?” he questioned teasingly.
“Aye. The one in the back, I’ve decided to call her Veldicca. She has been too great of company for anything else.” You were lying, of course. What you should have done was find somewhere else, gone anywhere else, but you didn’t. You came right back to this barn, and the reason for your return was now sitting across from you. 
Leofric chuckled as he stretched out his long legs in front of him. Grabbing one of the extra chunks of bread that he had taken at dinner, he tossed it to you. “Have you been thinking of me, Leofric of Wessex?” A shiver ran down his spine at the teasing tone of your voice. 
“Not at all.” Lie. You have haunted my thoughts all day. “I was extra hungry tonight, but I will be a gentleman and share my food with the lovely lady.” He gave you a small wink, which only made you return it with a small smirk.
You opened your mouth for a retort when the barndoor opened. Startled, the both of you jumped to your feet, hands flying to the pommels of weapons. “Leofric, I wanted to tell yo-...” Uthred stood in the doorframe, his words faltering mid-sentence when his eyes landed on you. A confused and somewhat concerned look graced his features, eyes flicking between you and Leofric. “Who is this?”
56 notes · View notes
dvskf4llz · 2 years
Welcome to Dusk's Hub!
𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓲𝓼 𝓪 𝓼𝓪𝓯𝓮 𝓼𝓹𝓪𝓬𝓮, 𝓲𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓭 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓶𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓫𝓵𝓮𝓶𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓰𝓸 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓲𝓽! 𝓘 𝓶𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷 𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝔂𝓸𝓾/𝓰𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓪𝓭𝓿𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓲𝓯 𝓘 𝓬𝓪𝓷, 𝓸𝓯𝓬 𝓘'𝓶 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾. 𝓘𝓽'𝓼 𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓸𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂.
゚。 。゚
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Hello! A little introduction for me, My name's Dusk but you can call me Diane if you'd like! I like to write stories but I never really publish them. My hobbies are : writing stories, drawing clothes, doodling random things, gaming, watch streams and sleeping. I am an introvert usually but if you wanna talk to me then just send me a DM! I take usually an hour to a whopping 2 weeks to write requests due to me having constant writing burnouts so please be patient!
------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
Anyways here's some info for requesting:
I will write about:
Dream Smp (Not writing about dteam or Wilbur.)
Hermitcraft (Any season)
3rd Life / Last Life / Double Life SMP / Limited life / Secret Life
Empires SMP (S1 and S2)
Kaboodle SMP (S1 & S2)
Lifesteal SMP (all seasons)
Witchcraft SMP
Outsiders SMP
Pollux SMP
QSMP (Not writing about Forever, Wilbur and just generally bad people who were/are in the server)
Pirates SMP
Origins SMP (Again, not writing for Wilbur)
Rats SMP
(might add more if I end up becoming interested in other SMPs/mc series/shows/etc. Also please respect each creators boundaries. If you know that they're uncomfortable with certain kinds of stuff then please don't request those.)
I will write:
Suggestive stuff but not full on smut.
poly reader
Character x oc
x reader
x child!reader
x hybrid!reader
Character x reader x Character
Character x Character
Incorrect quotes
Masterlist (currently):
Dream SMP -
none yet
Hermitcraft -
Yan!Etho x ftm!reader
Grian x F!reader
Tango x GN!Reader
Tango x Short male raccoon!Reader
BdoubleO100 x F!Reader
Christmas with the Hermits HCs (Rendog, Xisuma, Grian)
Valentines with the Hermits HCs (Rendog, Xisuma, Grian, BdoubleO100, Docm77, GoodtimeswithScar)
Angel!MCSkizzman x GN!Reader
XisumaVoid x GN!Reader
3rd Life / Last Life / Double Life SMP / Limited life / Secret life -
3rd life SMP x GN!Wolf hybrid!Reader
Empires SMP -
ESMPS2!Jimmy x GN!reader
ESMPS2!Yandere Jimmy x GN!Reader
Kaboodle SMP -
none yet
Lifesteal SMP -
None yet
WitchCraft SMP -
None yet
Outsiders SMP -
None yet
Pollux SMP -
none yet (Im looking at you rubi)
none yet
Pirates SMP -
None yet
Origins SMP -
None yet
Rats SMP -
None yet
Anon list here
# Dusk/Diane writes
# Dusk/Diane rambles
# Dusk/Diane rants
# Dusk/Diane tea
# Dusk/Diane request
# Dusk/Diane incorrect quotes
# Dusk/Diane's anons
# Dusk/Diane chatting
# Dusk/Diane's Ideas
# Dusk/Diane updates
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39 notes · View notes
Tier 1 - First 44
300. 260. Puff Puff from Your Favorite Martian
299. 160. Maxil of Gallifrey from Doctor Who Arc of Infinity
298. 88. Nobody from scp foundation
297. 64. Jubei from Video Game (Blazblue)
296. 131. Nyssa from Doctor Who fused with Bulbasaur from Pokémon
295. 242. Rarity from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
294. 148. Garwin Chang from Kotlc
293. 103. William from Chad Smith: Life of a rich boy (webtoon), and more coming soon TBD
292. 244. Benrey from Half-life VR but the AI is self aware
291. 15. Flavio Who from the submitter's own memes
290. 70. Vislor Turlough from Doctor who (-_-)
289. 293. Lee Ping from Detentionaire
288. 19. Clay Puppington from Moral Orel
287. 211. The Puppeteer from Steldomo (aka an oc in a story the submitter wants to write)
286. 43. hatsune miku; colorful stage
285. 167. Hugtan / Hagumi / Cure Tomorrow from Hugtto Precure
284. 164. Dr Frankistein from Frankenstein (the book)
283. 60. Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama
282. 175. Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends With You
281. 28. Stacy Hirano from Phineas and Ferb!
280. 199. Dib Membrane from Invader Zim
279. 25. Loras Tyrell from A Song of Ice and Fire (NOT the show they fuckijgbmassacred his character)
278. 74. Candyman from Lethal League Blaze
277. 31. Kikiu from Tess of the Road
276. 191. Dazai Osamu from Bungou stray dogs
275. 185. Juta Tachibana from Otomen
274. 85. Jenny Jergens from Detentionnaire
273. 119. Theodore from The House in the Cerulean Sea
272. 95. Shirou Emiya from Fate/Stay Night
271. 124. Puss in Boots from Shrek
270. 137. Phantom Horn from Two Best Brothers Bitch About Ponies/Slime and Punishment/RowdyFuckers CopKillers Endless War (indirectly originatined in Sonichu as well, as slime and punushment is the cannonical ending to Sonichu, TBBBAP, and while not the end, is a cannonical story in RFCK)
269. 8. Greenland from Plague, Inc.
268. 233. Link from The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
267. 223. Scooby doo from Scooby doo
266. 156. Cricket from Wings of Fire
265. 10. Wilbur the pig from Charlotte's Web
264. 1. Cleopatra the 7th from Real life
263. 189. Colin Frazer from Doctor Who Arc of Infinity
262. 79. Peter Pan from Once Upon a Time
261. 240. Shiho Kobayakawa from Private Actress
260. 277. The Human Faced Fish from Shingi: The Spirit's Playbook
259. 84. Chopfyt (The Tin Man) from Oz
258. 250. Albedo from Ben 10
257. 257. Sam Lloyd/Sergei Lubovitch from The Diviners series
Tier 2 - Round of 256
256. 254. Andrew Ryan from Buoshck
255. 216. Nyssa õf Traken from Doctor who
254. 228. Asha from Iji
253. 22. Whisper Schnee from Boldores and Boomsticks
252. 253. Chuuya Nakahara from Bungou stray dogs
251. 18. Mapleshade from warrior cats
250. 190. Andrew Eldritch from real life
249. 120. sans undertale from undertale
248. 219. T-Rex from Jurassic Park
247. 141. Karkat Vantas from Homestuck
246. 53. Rasputin IV from X-Men
245. 20. Hunter | The Golden Guard from The Owl House
244. 7. Kim Dokja from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
243. 50. Death from Darksiders
242. 266. Dave Miller from Dsaf
241. 174. Dr. Miranda Jones from Star Trek: The Original Series
240. 274. donquixote doflamingo from one piece
239. 92. Hyakunosuke Ogata from Golden Kamuy
238. 11. Kha'Nel from Dragens Øye
237. 139. George Costanza from Seinfeld
236. 121. Rampage from Beast Wars
235. 62. ε (epsilon) from Mathematics, real life (kinda? Not sure maths qualifies as real life) ) (common phrase: Let ε>0 be any real number)
234. 134. BoJack Horseman from BoJack Horseman
233. 291. Juleka Couffaine from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
232. 129. Flavio Rezza (MC Flava) from real life
231. 215. Goodtimewithscar or Scar for short (the minecraft youtuber)
230. 186. Percy Weasley from Harry Potter
229. 170. claude frollo from the hunchback of notre dame (specifically the stage musical)
228. 217. Grian from Life Series (3rd/Last/Double/Limited Life)
227. 168. the submitter from real life
226. 269. Mizi from Alien Stage
225. 96. Robin Stuart from Arc of Infinity (Doctor Who)
224. 172. Tessa Minsky from Imogen, Obviously
223. 267. Ea-nasir (real life copper merchant - 1750 BCE)
222. 37. Kokichi Ouma from Danganronpa V3
221. 147. Rose Lavillant from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
220. 135. Fiver from Watership down
219. 251. Keith Kogane from Voltron
218. 63. Cricket from Wings of Fire
217. 146. Adric of Alzarius from Doctor Who
216. 177. Mort from the Madagascar Movies/All Hail King Julian
215. 59. Edward Elric from Fullmetal metal alchemist
214. 290. Jimmy Solidarity from The Empires smp
213. 259. rayla from the dragon prince
212. 205. Starfy from The Legendary Starfy
211. 232. Taako from The Adventure Zone
210. 188. Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid
209/208. 182. Matt Murdock from Daredevil (Netflix)
209/208. 107. Ted Kord from DC comics
207. 86. Juleka Couffaine from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
206. 27. Sailor Saturn from Sailor Moon
205. 197. Marc Anciel from Miraculous Ladybug
204. 159. Yona from Yona of the Dawn
203. 220. David Chiem from Danganronpa: Despair Time
202. 125. Tynan from Aurora Webcomic
201. 169. Kid Blink from Newsies
200. 128. π (pi) from Mathematics (as in half a circle of radius 1)
199. 275. Zee from Total Drama 2023
198. 278. Flynn Moore from Echo (the furry vn)
197. 270. Caim Tivh from Mørkalven
196. 195. Grendel, The Grimm General from Boldores and Boomsticks
195. 280. Hermie the Unworthy from Dungeons and Daddies
194. 181. Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way from My Immortal
193. 247. Monkey D Luffy from One Piece
Tier 3 - Round of 192
192. 68. Jacopo Bearzatti from The House in Fata Morgana
191. 117. Pugsley Guttman from From the animated series Dead End: Paranormal Park
190. 57. Maglor from the Silmarillion
189. 203. Al-An from Subnautica: Below Zero
188. 112. Hercule Poirot from Agatha Christie-verse (???)
187. 122. Rampage from Beast Wars
186. 284. Callie Cuttlefish from Splatoon 1-3
185. 61. Ranpo Edogawa from Bungou Stray Dogs
184. 123. Emil from Nier series
183. 157. vriska from homestuck
182. 213. Brainy Smurf from The Smurfs
181. 36. Doppo Kannonzaka from Hypnosis Mic
180. 38. Diane Nguyen from BoJack Horseman
179. 32. Serial Designation N from Murder Drones
178. 29. Morgrem from Pokemon
177. 17. Joy Wang/Jobu Tupaki from Everything Everywhere All at Once
176. 54. Rex Salazar from Generator Rex
175. 161. Huan from The Silmarillion
174. 225. meg from megahex comic series
173. 136. [redacted] / trivia murder party host from jackbox; trivia murder party
172. 42. Toshiko Sato from Torchwood
171. 106. Veeva Dash from Stampy's Lovely World
170. 39. gaheris from arthuriana
169. 287. waylon smithers jr from the simpsons
168. 77. Nathaniel Kurtzberg from Miraculous Ladybug
167. 89. Pit from Kid Icarus
166. 82. Tsurugi Kyousuke / Victor Blade from Inazuma Eleven GO
165. 171. Danhausen from Professional wrestling
164. 3. Maia Drahzar/Edrehasivar VII from The Goblin Emperor
163. 165. Taranee Cook from W.i.t.c.h.
162. 207. Ardyn "Izunia" Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV
161. 132. Invader Zim from Invader Zim
160. 94. Mumbo Jumbo from Real Life/Mcyt
159. 208. Garwin Chang from Keeper of the Lost Cities
158. 78. Aya Burnstein from Dancing In The Devils Auditorium, by xxangelxbl00dxx(the OP) on ao3
157. 230. Nintendo EShop Bag from Nintendo EShop
156. 234. Logan(Logic) from Sanders Sides
155. 261. Eridan Ampora from Homestuck
154. 235. Markiplier from Real Life
153. 138. Hajime Hinata from Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
152. 264. Bao-Dur from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2
151. 71. Fabian Seacaster from Fantasy High (Dimension 20)
150. 283. Bruno Madrigal from Encanto
149. 13. The Fifth Doctor from Doctor Who
148. 155. Tegan Jovanka from Doctor Who
147. 273. Lynne from Ghost Trick
146. 130. Hoshina Hikaru (Cure Star) from Star Twinkle Pretty Cure
145. 81. Damon of Gallifrey from Doctor Who Arc of Infinity
144. 239. "Phoenix" from iiRitW, the OP's ORIGINAL (sob) wip videogame
143. 115. Sound Saran from My School President
142. 149. data from star trek the next generation
141. 2. Iruma-kun from Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun
140. 256. Akane Kurashiki from Zero Escape
139. 104. Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon from Sailor Moon
138. 91. Kuromi from Sanrio
137. 158. Corazón de Ballena from Oxventure
136. 192. Milo Murphy from Milo Murphy's Law
135. 105. Alice Price Healy from Incryptid
134. 48. Raven Scofflaw from the submitter's OC from a wip that currently has the filler title 'Family'
133. 187. Vash the Stampede from Trigun
132. 206. Ben from the submitter's OC with almost zero information about lmao (this will change once I update artfight?)
131. 66. Natsuki Subaru from Re:Zero
130. 126. Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher
129. 255. Kevin from Ghost Host Ghost House
Tier 4 - Round of 128
128. 116. Pancho from All Hail King Julien!
127. 110. Kento from Payday 2
126. 113. Grantaire from Les Miserables
125. 65. Lexcanium from Wasteland 2
124. 297. Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars
123. 263. Chocolat Aizawa from Chocolat no Mahou
121/122. 153. Syv from Snøkattprinsen/The Snowcat Prince
121/122. 299. Adam Tyler from the Firewatching series
120. 83. Imogen Scott from Imogen, Obviously
119. 152. Garwin Chang from Keeper of the Lost Cities
118. 198. Sylvio Sawatari from Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V
117. 295. Pheonix Wright from Ace Attorney
116. 221. Prince Tarte (full name so long even he can't remember all of it) from Fresh Precure
115. 286. Ingo from Pokemon Legends Arceus
114. 279. The Collector from The Owl House
113. 227. Guildmaster Wigglytuff from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky
112. 99. Nanako Dojima from Persona 4
111. 262. Lunar from The sun and moon show
110. 143. the doctor (could just be the 10th doctor if thats too broad) from doctor who
109. 108. Don Quixote from Limbus Company
108. 46. Chiono from Steldomo (aka an oc in a story the submitter wants to write)
107. 236. the Doctor from Doctor Who
106. 45. Hao Asakura from Shaman King
105. 16. Tatsuya Suou from Persona 2
104. 194. Magic Brian from The Adventure Zone: Balance
103. 229. ronan lynch from the raven cycle
102. 58. Todd Chavez from BoJack Horseman
101. 252. Susan Sto Helit from The Discworld series
100. 12. Baljeet Tjinder from Phineas and Ferb
99. 271. Manga Fukidashi from My hero academia
98. 238. Cure Lovely/Megumi Aino from Happiness Charge Precure
97. 154. Nate Ford from Leverage
Tier 5 - Round of 96
96. 210. Melanie King from The Magnus Archives
95. 241. Vriska Serket from Homestuck
94. 93. Cure Passion from Fresh Precure
93. 44. Stanford Pines from Gravity Falls
92. 265. Otome from Video game (Gnosia)
91. 173. Lucian Lockhart from the submitter's imagination
90. 4. Pyotr 'Pierre' Bezukhov from War and Peace
89. 6. Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi from Gotham Academy/DC Comics
88. 76. Meridius from Venom
87. 268. daniil dankovsky from pathologic
86. 55. Nona from Nona the Ninth (book)
85. 24. Prince Peasely from Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
84. 298. IMOGEN from stellar firma
83. 52. Jordyn Khaos from The chronicles of Destiny
82. 166. Gideon Nav from The Locked Tomb
81. 282. Obi from Snow White with the Red Hair
80. 281. Dalinar Kholin from Stormlight Archive
79. 140. Tim Drake from DC Comics, Batman Comics
78. 248. Brightheart from Warriors
77. 23. Garwin Chang from Keeper of the Lost cities
76. 109. Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist
75. 289. Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul
74. 114. Vinnie Dakota from Milo Murphy's Law
73. 14. Jin Macchiato from Fuga: Melodies of Steel
72. 101. Hendry Lowe from All of Us Villains
71. 212. Annabel McAllistair from Dolls of new albion
70. 258. Sanji from One piece
69. 214. God from the Bible
68. 73. Kosane Kiriha from Null Magical Girl
67. 218. Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit
66. 118. anakin skywalker from star wars
65. 90. Adina Astra from Lost Constellation (Night in the Woods Supplemental)
Tier 6 - Round of 64
64. 35. Larten Crepsley from The Saga of Darren Shan
63. 49. Eda Clawthorne from The Owl House
62. 26. Perona from One Piece
61. 47. Bain from Payday: the Heist and Payday 2
60. 144. Heiji Hattori from Detective Conan
59. 41. Maglor from The Silmarillion
58. 237. Carrot from The Discworld series
57. 179. John from Malevolent (podcast)
56. 226. Katarina Claes from My Next Life as a Villianess
55. 127. five hargreeves from the umbrella academy
54. 196. Dragon from Parahumans
53. 102. Vanessa Santoro from Fablehaven book series
52. 150. James Flint from Black Sails
51. 180. Sasha Rackett from Rusty Quill Gaming
50. 249. Donna Noble from Doctor Who
49. 178. Beauregard Lionett from Critical Role
Tier 7 - Second bracket
48. 151. Zisu from Pokemon Legends Arceus
47. 209. Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender
46. 56. Canute from Vinland Saga
45. 183. otto octavius / doc ock from spiderman 2
44. 204. Kim Dokja from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
43. 33. Mihashi Ren from Ookiku Furikabutte (Big Windup!)
42. 100. The original char aznable from Gundam
41. 51. Percy Weasley from Harry Potter
40. 292. akagi shigeru from akagi
39. 202. Douglas F. Eiffel from Wolf 359
38. 80. Marty Mikalski from The Cabin in the Woods, 2011
37. 142. The Reaper from Death's door
36. 184. Thors from Vinland Saga
35. 200. Ryoma Hoshi from Danganronpa
34. 75. Darth Maul from Star Wars
33. 243. Kim Theerapanyakul from Kinnporsche The Series
Tier 8 - Round of 32
32. 34. Godzilla from Godzilla
31. 300 Baljeet Tjinder from Phineas and Ferb
30. 245. Duck Newton from The Adventure Zone: Amnesty
29. 145. Gakushuu Asano from Assassination Classroom
28. 30. Natsume Takashi from Natsume's Book of Friends
27. 276. Nona from The Locked Tomb series
26. 87. Cordelia Gallo from Gosick
25. 162. Richard Spender from Paranatural
Tier 9 - Round of 24
24. 296. Horse from Centaurworld
23. 40. charlie kelly from its always sunny in philadelphia
22. 294. Warren Peace from Sky High
21. 176. Percy Weasley from Harry Potter
20. 285. Daisy Wells from Murder Most Unladylike (book series)
19. 201. zane from lego ninjago
18. 9. Tin from Triage
17. 111. Kelsier from Mistborn
Tier 10 - Sweet 16
16. 98. Fujiwara no Sai from Hikaru no Go
15. 133. Megamind from Megamind
14. 97. V from Devil May Cry
13. 69. Vegas Theerapanyakul from Kinnporsche: The Series
Tier 11 - Top Twelve
12. 193. The Obituary Writer from Death By Dying
11. 163. hollyleaf from warrior cats
10. 72. King Clawthorne from The Owl House
9. 288. Vin from Mistborn
Tier 12 - Elite Eight
8. 222. Galacta Knight from Kirby
7. 224. Metal Sonic from Sonic Series
Tier 13 - Final bracket
6. 272. Ilke from Phenomena
5. 231. Maika Halfwolf from Monstress
Tier 14 - Final Four
4. 246. Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney
Tier 15 - Thrilling Three
3. 21. Olenna Tyrell from A Song of Ice and Fire
Tier 16 - Top Two
2. 5. Parker from Leverage
Tier 17 - Only One
1. 67. Sophie Foster from Keeper of the lost cities
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dykeobsidianblock · 1 year
Writing stuff!
This post is predominantly about requests and what fandoms I accept requests from
I dont accept x female/feminine reader requests sorry women 😔, if u guys send in x female stuff then im just gonna make them x male or x genderneutral instead, but thats only if I didnt straight up delete the request
While I have yet to write x POC reader, I do write it
That being said I do write female characters so requesting characters such as Cynthia from Pokemon or Nadia from The Arcana is fine, it just cant be Nadia x female reader, only Nadia x male reader or Nadia x gn reader
I dont really write angst either, I might write mild hurt/comfort but even then the hurt/comfort might be overshadowed by the smut or fluff
For my MCYT fandoms: I only accept requests for their characters, I do NOT accept requests for the content creators, this goes doubly so for series where the CCs play characters, but do not specify if theyre actively roleplaying or if theyre just doing a regular vid (IE: Hermitcraft, the Life Series, etc)
The fandoms I write for are:
The Arcana
Stardew Valley
Empires SMP
The Life series (3rd/Last/Double/Limited life)
Origins SMP
Create SMP
Witchcraft SMP
Pirates SMP
Muppets (but only if theyre humanized)
Seven Deadly Sins (Anime)
Obey Me
One Piece
Types of content and genres I might write:
Very mild hurt/comfort/v mild angst
Given that Im open to stalking and yandere stuff, Im also open to writing more dark stuff such as rape and dubcon, those things will be tagged accordingly and I will warn people about the contents of it
X Reader ofc, including platonic x reader, romantic x reader, etc
Boundary breaking things such as Impulse shipping, Tango with horns, etc
Canon character x Canon character (ie, Elesa x Emmett, Scott x Jimmy, Kakashi x Gai, etc)
Among other things, Im open to alot of things
To be updated later
It should be noted that IRL, I do not support things such as stalking and rape nor do I fetishize them, Im just more open to writing darker topics such as stalking and rape
Things I wont write:
Pedophilia, large age gaps are fine, just no child x adult stuff
Bestiality, however monsterfucking and half animal/half pokemon-half human hybrids are fine
Heavy angst
Trans male pregnancy, however i will write cis female pregnancy
Anything that involves feminization of men, even more so if its forced feminization and the man in question is trans
Any and all romantic character!Grian pairings since Im uncomfortable with Grian ships
Any form of ageplay (ddlg/mdlg/mdlb/etc)
Feet stuff
Female/Feminine Reader
To be updated later as well
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FAQ (mobile version)
If you can’t find the answer to your question here, feel free to peruse any of the following question tags:
General FAQ
Writer Questions
Artist Questions
Art Tier Questions
Sign-Up Questions
Discord Questions
And if you still can’t find the answers you’re looking for, send us an ask!
What is the Hermitshipping Big Bang? The Hermitshipping Big Bang is a virtual creative event for fans who enjoy the relationships between the characters from Hermitcraft and a variety of other online Minecraft series. In this event, writers will create works of fanfiction about the relationships between these characters, and then artists will create pieces of fanart to accompany each work of fanfiction. For additional information, please see the Rules Page and the Timeline Page. How do I get involved? Our sign-ups will open on June 10. Follow this blog for updates!
Can I sign up for multiple positions? Yes! You may sign up for as many roles (writer, artist, beta reader, mod, pinch hitter) as you like. All we ask is that you please be realistic about the time and energy you have to commit to this event.
If I’ve already signed up for a position and I change my mind, how do I change my roles? Once you are in the event Discord server, changing roles is as simple as contacting a mod! However, after June 24 (Writer Check-in 1) nobody may add the writer role, though writers can drop their role at any time.
What is the timeline? Please see the Timeline Page for more details. At a glance, writers will create their fics from mid-June through early September. Then, artists will be paired with writers to create art based on their fics from late September through mid-December. Finally, fics and art will be posted throughout the whole month of January. Which fandoms are part of this event? Hermitcraft is the central fandom that this event focuses on, but any related online Minecraft content is totally included too! Here’s a partial list of fandoms that are definitely welcome in this event:
3rd Life series (3rd Life, Last Life, Double Life, Limited Life)
Empires SMP
Origins Life series (X Life, Afterlife, New Life)
If you are interested in creating for a fandom that is not listed here, don’t worry! This is by no means a comprehensive list. If there is overlap between the characters in the fandoms listed above and in your fandom of interest, chances are good that it qualifies to be part of this event. And if you’re still unsure, feel free to send an ask. The main limiting factor is whether we can find you a partner who knows and loves the same characters and ships.
Does my fic/ship have to include/focus on members of the Hermitcraft SMP specifically? Nope! This is essentially a “Hermitshipping and friends” Big Bang. The main relationship in your fic does not have to include a Hermit. Your fic does not have to even include any Hermits as characters. Your fic may ship Hermits with other Hermits (examples: Keralis/xB, Grian/Mumbo/Scar). Your fic may ship Hermits with non-Hermits (examples: Martyn/Ren, Etho/Quackity). Your fic may ship non-Hermits with non-Hermits (examples: Jimmy/Joel, Katherine/Shelby). As long as the characters you are writing about are from a fandom considered “related” to Hermitcraft, you should be good to go!
What content is allowed? Is anything off-limits? Any works centered around the relationships between characters of the Hermitcraft and related SMPs are allowed. This includes works set in an Alternate Universe, works that involve Original Characters (as long as they are not the focus), Explicit and Mature works (for participants who are age 18 or older), works centered around polyamorous relationships, works focused on queerplatonic relationships, and works involving any theme you wish. There is no specific off-limits content, but keep in mind that it may be more difficult to match works containing sensitive content with an artist. How long do written fanworks need to be? Short answer: 5,000 words Long answer: Writers may submit fics of any length to this event—we will promote them on our socials and accept them into the Hermitshipping Big Bang 2023 Collection on AO3 regardless of word count. However, works under 5,000 words will not automatically qualify for art and will not be matched to an artist (though they may possibly still receive Doodles!). As works increase in length, they will qualify for more art, detailed in our Art Tiers. Can I use a fic I’ve already started writing? Yes, if you already have a head start, that’s great! However, there are two caveats to this:
Your fic must not be posted anywhere yet, e.g. a fic with a few chapters already up on Archive does not qualify for this event.
Your fic must not be entered into any other event, e.g. a fic written for the Hermitshipping Big Bang cannot also be entered into the WIP Big Bang.
Can I submit more than one fic? Yes, writers may submit up to 3 works to this event. Can artists create for more than one piece? Yes, artists may be matched to work on up to three pieces at a time for this event. If more works need art, once you finish your first three pieces, then you may sign up for more. I’m feeling unsure about whether I want to participate or not. How long do I have to decide? If you’re a writer, you have until June 24 to sign up for this event. If you’re even a little interested, we recommend you do sign up. After signing up, you may drop out at any point before September 8 (the day before fic summaries go live for artists to see). If you’re an artist, you can sign up at any time to join the event Discord server. Fic previews will go live on September 9, and Art Claims will open on September 14. After looking over the fic previews, you will have until September 21 to claim your works. If you miss the deadline on the 21st, you can always sign up to be a Pinch Hitter! I don’t feel very confident in my skill level as a writer or artist. Should I still participate in this event? YES! <3 The point of this event is to foster the creation of a ton more fanworks. Nothing but good can come from the things you choose to make. Creativity is never ever wasted. We want your fic! We want your art! We are eating it!  There are so many wonderful works out there that nobody would have ever seen if their creators weren’t a little brave. So be a little brave! A Big Bang is a soft place to land.
For writers:
It’s a great chance to practice (and finish something)!
You’ll get to experience writing as a part of a community of writers with feedback, support, and general camaraderie!
There are SO many people ready and waiting to beta read your work to help hype you up and get your writing to where you want it to be.
Even if you write something very short, we will still promote it and it can qualify for our Doodle Tier. Every new fic in the tag is worth celebrating!
For artists:
There are multiple art tiers to accommodate artists of every level.
Fics in the Doodle Tier don’t automatically get paired with an artist, so anything you can doodle for those works will be a wonderful gift as they would not otherwise get art.
With our art tier system, less confident artists have the opportunity to create multiple, simpler pieces rather than one complex piece to fulfill higher tiers.
If you are partnered with a work that qualifies for a higher art tier, odds are good that you will be on a small team of artists, so the responsibility will not fall solely on one person.
You’ll get to experience creating with a community of artists who want to see you grow. Get help, support, and advice from other artists!
Based on the Interest Check, authors will likely outnumber artists, so your participation will make a difference!
I won’t be able to create fanfiction or fanart for this event, but I still want to be involved somehow. Is there some way I can help out? Yes! There are several ways you can help out, in fact. If you want to give feedback to writers to help them polish their fic, consider signing up to be a beta reader. If you want to help with more behind-the-scenes work and administrative tasks to keep the event running smoothly (and get leadership experience!), consider applying to become a moderator. If you’re more of a lurker (a valuable part of the fandom ecosystem!), you can follow this blog and reblog event posts to help spread the word to other fans. And of course, when fics and art are posted, everyone can read, share, kudos, and comment to spread the love! (To be clear, you can also do any of these things even if you ARE creating for this event!) What do Beta Readers do in this event? Beta Readers will be part of the Discord server and will stand by to offer feedback, proofreading, encouragement, and editing to the writers. You can team up with a writer to be their beta reader across the entire event, or you can just wait for requests. What do Pinch Hitters do in this event? Pinch Hitters are artists who are willing to step up in a pinch to create an art piece for someone’s work. This might be necessary if an artist has to drop out or if we are unable to find a match for some works the first time around. Pinch Hitters always have the option of turning down a request, but once they have committed to doing a piece, we ask that they ensure they are able to do it. How do the art tiers work? Please see the Art Tiers page for more detailed information. Fanfics submitted to the event will be put into tiers based on their word counts (each tier spans about 10,000 words). Even if the final work ends up longer with editing, the art tier will only be based on the word count of the complete draft submitted before art claims. Works in higher tiers will be matched with artists willing to do more artwork or more complex artwork. Where will the final fanworks be posted? All fics will be posted to the Hermitshipping Big Bang 2023 collection on AO3! Art will be either embedded into the fics or linked in the notes. Help will be available for both of these processes. Writers and artists are welcome to also post their finished works elsewhere, such as their own social media accounts. When will the final fanworks be posted? Fanworks, both art and fics, will be posted together publicly for the first time in January. Teams will discuss what posting date works best for them, and then may claim their posting date when Post Date Claims open on November 25. For fanworks that have multiple chapters, the writer may post the first chapter on the selected posting date. The fic must be posted in completion within 2 weeks of the selected posting date, but it is up to each team to decide the frequency of chapters within that window. The corresponding art can be posted on the posting date or with the chapter it is most relevant to.
Is anonymous posting allowed? Yes, anonymous posting is allowed for both authors and artists. Help will be available for anonymous posting on AO3. I don’t have an Archive of Our Own account. Can I still participate? Yes, you can. Your fic will still end up as part of the collection, but you have some choices:
You can make an Archive of Our Own account just for the Big Bang (or continue to use it after!) If you do this later in the event, keep in mind that there is a waiting list. You can also use an invitation code from an existing AO3 user to create an account immediately.
You can submit your fic to a moderator to post to AO3 on your behalf. They will then orphan the fic so that it is no longer associated with their account. Keep in mind that you lose control of the fic this way—there will be no way for it to be edited or taken down later!
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endclover · 1 year
TRUST ISSUES - Grian x Reader
Warnings: Angsty (kind of), blood, wounds and injuries, wild animals (wolves), and of course death.
Note: This is based on The Life Series and can be read as part of any season. Grian has wings and Reader is allies with Cleo.
My first mcyt fic!! English isnt my first language so i'd appreciate if you stay kind ♡. Might make a part 2, most likely not though.
A small gasp escapes your mouth, the sting of the cold air coming in contact with your wounded thighs was slowly getting to you. Not only that, dusk was slowly creeping in and night in the mountains wasn’t a fun time.
“I’m serious! please just cooperate will ya’. I’m carrying you back home whether you like it or not.” Grian kept on insisting
“I told you I don’t want to!” You weren’t quite sure how to tell him, that your crippling anxiety and trust issues simply don’t trust him enough to not drop you a hundred miles up in the sky.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared of heights” He questioned in disbelief
“Am not” You defended
“Then why wont you just let me fly you home?”
“Its just-” You wanted to trust him. But after all that’s happened, you don’t think its possible anymore. And to put yourself in such a vulnerable place is asking for a death wish.
“Do you not trust me?”
Silence befell upon the two of you. Your heartbeat was racing, trying to supply your body with the blood it need that was constantly being loss due to the huge scratch that was causing you excruciating pain.
The whisper of the wind filled the surrounding area, along with the hum of leaves and snow. You looked at Grian in the eyes, and you knew he understood what your silence meant.
"Well then, I’ll be off to hunt." You said, putting on your boots
"Be back before night; they might be around. And try to only go after passive creatures, you know how wild animals can be" Cleo advised
"Alright, alright." You wave, making your way out the front door.
You were halfway up the mountain when you realized you'd forgotten to bring a shield.
"Oh well, already up here, might as well continue," you sighed.
Little did you know that letting that slip would cause a catastrophe.
You extended your arm to fire another arrow. You preferred to hunt from a distance, seeing as you haven’t got a shield to protect yourself. You reach to your waist, where the pouch containing all your arrows was, but to your surprise, there was none left. What an unlucky day you whine to yourself after coming to the conclusion you didn’t refill it the last time you foraged.
After getting over your mistake, you approach your now-dead target to get the resources you needed. You reach down to grab the miss-shot arrow by its side in case you might need it again, and as you do, lurking behind you was a pack of hungry wolves looking for their dinner.
In the snowy alp you were in, the song of the snow and occasional rustling of leaves is all there was to hear, so the low growl and sound of steps were definitely noticeable, but you weren’t able to react quick enough.
As you turn around to the woods, a wolf pounced on you. The wild animal’s claw dug into your thighs; it retracted its paw, making the scratch bigger than it already is almost reaching up to your knees.
You skillfully draw your sword, swinging it across the wolf’s chest giving you time to get back on your feet and retreat. But the rest of the wolves wouldn’t let you get away so easily.
As fast as you could, you ran to the woods to hide. You knew it’d be damn near impossible to make the wolves lose track of you because of their unmatched sense of smell, plus the trail of blood your leaving but you had to try. You can’t die a coward.
The rest of the pack swiftly chase after you, their large paws leaving prints on the ground, their claws and fangs ready to attack.
A smaller but faster wolf got to you, but after slashing it with your sword it backed-out. Soon after, the rest of the unfriendly gang retreated after discerning that you weren’t such an easy target.
You didn’t want to take any chances so you continued to run, the adrenaline in your blood was pumping making the wound barely noticeable but soon enough it started aching. the unbearable snowy terrain made it more and more difficult to run, and the possibility of running into another wild animal made you anxious. There was no decision or choice to be made, however. The only correct answer was to run.
After figuring you had gotten pretty far from the scene of injury, you stopped to catch your breath. Near a cliffside you took a seat, weapon still in- hand, just in case.
You heaved out a big sigh and closed your eyes for a while. Moments after, you regained a bit of energy and stood up, though your legs weren’t quite ready to walk. You turned your head to look back at the forest, where you saw a figure in the distance.
‘huh… didn’t know hallucinations were a side effect of wounds.' You whisper to yourself.
"Hey [reader]! "Is that you?" A familiar voiced called out. the figure now running towards you. Once again the adrenaline started kicking in. Surely, they aren’t here to kill you.
In the cruel game you were in, it was every player for themselves. Past friendships were barely taken into consideration and if they were, most of the time it would end in betrayal. With only a few hours left before you turn red, you too were starting to get desperate.
“What happened here? are you alright?” He said, wings drooped down. He tried to approach you further, taking small steps to where you were stood.
“No! don’t get any closer.” You step back, using your bad leg accidentally, causing you to whimper.
“It’s alright, I wont hurt you. I’m only here to help.” he claimed
You sneered to yourself. After all the deaths he directly and indirectly caused, it was quite reasonable for you to be wary of him. But your brief alliance and agreement during the start of this world made you ponder if he means the truth.
“Ah that looks bad; you’re losing too much blood.”
“Yeah, obviously.”
“Come on, I’ll fly you back.”
You were stunned by his words, and shocked at how much he thinks you trust him. For him to fly you home, to bring you up in the sky, hundreds above the ground, is basically giving him the opportunity to drop you and gain more for himself.
“I’d rather bleed to death, thank you.” you said in a monotone voice.
“I’m serious.”
You cant help but take a step back despite having a cliff behind you. “You have it wrong Grian, I am not afraid of heights, nor am I afraid of anything.”
“I am too.”
”Well, I think I’d rather have you be upset about heights than have you dead. So stay still because I’m carrying you back.” Grian said, moving forward and reaching over to grab hold of you.
“Then what’s all the fuss about?”
The moment you’ve been dreading, to tell him four simple words ‘I don’t trust you’. This game is one man for themself. No feelings or emotions have to be taken into consideration, and all relationships are out the door, yet you cant help but be disheartened to tell him the truth.
“Its- Its just…” You cant find the words, a thousand voices are speaking in your head yet the one you have doesn’t have anything to say.
“Do you not trust me?”
“If you stay here, you have zero chances of getting out alive. If you go with me, at least there’s still a slither of hope.”
“With the way you say it, you make sound so easy.”
“I just want to help. And to put justice to the agreement we made at the beginning”
You recall the start of this world, where all the worries of death are far, and alliances are being built. Now’s the complete opposite.
“Grian, this game is life or death. Trust is more rare than diamonds you should remember.” you murmur.
“And more valuable. I know with all the disasters and chaos I’ve caused, its hard to trust me. But just this once please let me help. After this, we owe each other nothing.”
You couldn’t keep up the facade you were putting on. You knew you needed help, and you were willing to trust him. ‘Just this once’ you promise yourself knowing damn well it won’t the last.
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sillyramen · 2 years
sillyramen writes . . .
'Ello, 'ello! Fanfic writer-reader here, hella glad to share fics in-the-works and finished ones <3
AO3 handle >> WritingEngine [ ramenwriter ]
Main Fandoms I read n write
Empires SMP >> S1 + S2
Life SMPs >> 3rd Life, Last Life, Double Life, Limited Life
Night in the Woods
hfjONE >> getting back into it !!
It Takes Three to Tango >> 17/17 chapters
[ Zedaph, Impulse, and Tango work out their unknowingly mutual feelings for each other. ]
Tired as all Hels >> 1/? chapters
[ The Hermits struggle with sleep more than usual, and Beef thinks the hels are to blame. ]
Welcome to Hermitcraft >> 2/230 "episodes"
[ WTNV x Hermitcraft AU ]
Empires SMP
God's New Toy >> 3/? chapters
[ Fountain of Strength pops out a toy, who claims to be the Sheriff of Tumble Town, and Joel deals with it. ]
More (or Less) Than Allies >> 1/? chapters
[ King Pix of Pixandria holds the first event for all rulers to meet and attend. ]
Life SMP
baddest of the boys >> LimLife ft. Bad Boys
[ Joel deals with having avians for teammates. ]
Fuck Your Feathers >> LimLife ft. Mean Gills + Bad Boys
[ Martyn sees wings on Joel, who's unaware they exist. ]
Lingering >> LimLife ft. Bad Boys
[ Jimmy's dead, Grian can see and hear him, and both need to figure out how to get Joel to realize the ghost is hanging around. ]
Night in the Woods
Final Year (and We're Still Here) >> 2/? chapters
[ Senior year is, arguably, the worst and best time for everyone. ]
hfj ONE
ONE-Shots >> 7/30 chapters
[ Drabbles of hfjONE characters. ]
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mori-does-mcyts · 1 month
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In order to get into the holiday spirit, I have decided to release ten special oneshots featuring our favorite block men! These stories mainly revolve around Christmas traditions (hence the title of the series), and contain plenty of tropes that I like, so I decided to beat you over the head with them.
Halloween is, quite literally, one of my favorite holidays. Period. So, since I wasn’t able to sate my thirst for spooks last year, I’ve concocted six fresh one-shots in my cauldron of writer’s brew! Do not resist the Halloween vibes. They are not optional.
YAN!PUNZ | HCs | angst | 642 words
KNIGHT!READER X KING!ERET | HCs | angst & fluff | 1.8k words
KNIGHT!READER X KING!ERET PT 2 | HCs | angst & fluff | 1.6k words
I DIED (IN YOUR ARMS TONIGHT) | Grian | angst | 1.1k words
GOODBYE TO A WORLD | Grian | angst | 2.5k words
GIMME SUGAR! | Grian, Xisuma | HCs | fluff | >500 words
PINING MUMBO | Mumbo | HCs | fluff | 1.1k words
THEY SAY THE BEST THINGS ARE FREE | Scar | fluff & angst | 4.2k words
SWAGGON SCAR | Scar | HCs | fluff | 1.7k words
SCAR COMFORTING YOU | Scar | HCs | angsty fluff | 395 words
FAKE DATING SCAR | Scar | HCs | fluff & mild angst | 1.3k words
YANDERE SCAR | Scar | HCs | fluff? | 1.0k words
ASYMPTOTIC | Xisuma | HCs | fluff | 708 words
BRUTAL | Xisuma | angst & fluff | 5.4k words
MAN ON THE MOON | Etho | fluff & mild angst | 2.9k words
WEREWOLF RENDOG | Ren | HCs | fluff | 871 words
WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE | Various x GN!Reader (Discontinued)
Have you ever wondered how certain Dream SMP members would behave if they had hybrid traits? Have you ever stopped to consider what it would be like to interact with them if they did?
Well, look no further, readers, because I have written a collection of hybrid canonshots (oneshots + headcanons smooshed together) to sate your curious minds!
FIREFLIES AND SUMMER SKIES | Various x GN!Reader (Discontinued)
The warmth of June has swept over North America, and with it, summer break. Fresh out of college and armed with a blinding lack of direction for the future, you decide there’s no better place to be than Camp Hermity, a remote summer camp in the shadow of Mount. Noxite. Can you find your life’s goal here, with your campers and fellow staff? Can you even handle your campers? And… why are the rest of the counselors so attractive?
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nix-writes-mcyt · 9 months
I've quite literally never watched hermitcraft, or any of grians videos for that matter in my entire life but I came across a yandere grian x reader of yours (specifically the watcher grian one) and it was genuinely so good that I spent the last maybe 12 hours watching grians videos and trying to find out the lore, so thank you for that. I've never been so obsessed with a minecraft series before besides back when I was 10 and into aphmau.
I'm so sorry if this was long but I felt the need to thank you for convincing me, although unintentionally, to watch grians videos. I'm currently on the EVO smp series and I'm trying to figure out what to watch next after that. I watched a bunch of videos yesterday last night, and today the first thing I did when I woke up was turn on EVO smp.
Honestly, once I get more into the grian lore I might actually end up requesting a yandere grian x reader because your writing is just THAT good. Again, sorry this was so long, I just wanted to say thank you and keep up the good work!
(I might've gone over board with this I'm so sorry.)
Anon, firstly I'd like to thank you for leaving this in my inbox. It's really brightened my evening and I appreciate it so much. It's not often I get messages complimenting my work at all, let alone someone taking the time to write as much as you have (thank you again anon), so don't feel bad about going overboard (there's no such thing :D)
I'm glad you enjoyed my fic and I'm glad you're enjoying what you're watching. I'm glad, though unintentionally, I was able to convince you to give Grian's videos a go. If you find yourself looking for another yan!grian fic once you've explored more of the stories he's been a part of you're more than welcome to return to my inbox and request something.
As for where to go from EVO.. well we all know I love me some hermitcraft. I started watching Grian in Season 7 (I had watched most of Mumbo's POV for S6 and a little Scar, but stopped when S7 released so I could focus on S7). To this day S7 remains to be my favourite season (It's the lore. S7 had my favourite storyline thus far) so that could be a good place to start after EVO if you feel like it. S8 is also a good place to start with it being a shorter season. Ultimately it's up to you anon,
Anyway.. Thank you again for your kind words, I really appreciate you leaving them in my inbox. The reason I keep writing is to bring joy and inspire others, it always makes me happy to know that 'm doing that. Have a wonderful day anon!
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frog-writes-for-fun · 2 years
Can I get some jealousy,,, for the people. Any pairing really, just love your angst!!
I’m sorry. You asked for jealousy, and I was in an angsty mood. There is no happy ending here; be warned.
If Only, If Only (A Single Thing Was Different)
c!Grian x c!Scar x c!Mumbo, c!Grian x gn!Reader (one-sided)
Summary: You’ve fallen in love with your best (only) friend, but he doesn’t know, and definitely doesn’t reciprocate.
Notes: Angsty, unrequited love, jealousy, isolating and depressed actions, parallels to suicidal thoughts and actions (though not explicit). Please be careful when reading. If it’s too much, stop reading! Please! Also, yes I know Minecraft doesn’t have a “___ is typing” message, but it’s for the angst!
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You never thought you’d find love. Far too concerned with your builds, it wasn’t often that you got out to meet others. Most of your knowledge of the other hermits came from the serverwide announcements and the buzzing of your communicator; you rarely saw them in-person. The only person who you consistently saw was Grian, as the bird hybrid would come to hang out while you built.
The two of you were closer than close, and perhaps if something were different, you might have been more than friends.
But the Life Games began, and Grian teamed up with Scar for the first round. That was no issue, the two of them were friends. You thought that they were maybe a bit closer than you thought, with how well they knew each other.
Last Life came and went, and the Southlands rose and fell. In one case, quite literally. Grian and Mumbo stuck together this season. It was strange how they gravitated to one another.
And then came Double Life. The straw that broke the camel’s back. Grian was not your soulmate, despite how much you may have wished. Instead, he was with Scar. 
When you returned to HermitCraft, Grian and Scar were constantly at each others’ sides. Mumbo joined their little group, and it wasn’t long until they announced that the three of them were dating.
You pulled away from the celebrations and congratulations thrown at the trio. Turning all your attention back to your building, you jumped into the work. Barely sleeping and barely eating, you didn’t even notice that no one came to visit. There were no familiar wingbeats from overhead, no joyous laughter from your friend. It was just you and the blocks.
Eventually, you stepped back. The build was finished. You turned, searching for the familiar companionship of Grian. He wasn’t there. It was just you.
With your build complete, what was there to work for? Without Grian there to pull you into something, who were you even building for?
It took a moment to turn on your communicator. You never really used it, without anyone to talk to. Scrolling up through your messages with Grian, you let out a small smile at every little reminder to eat, to drink, to sleep, the notifications that he was coming over. 
The last message was three weeks ago. Nothing since the return to the server, and Grian, Scar, and Mumbo’s announcement.
Below, the cursor blinked. You began to type out a message.
<You whisper to Grian: I’m sorry. If only I could have told you. If only anything were different.>
<Grian is typing…>
<Y/N has left the game.>
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