#lay down and sleep n hope life sorts itself out
siconetribal · 5 months
Put it on My Tab 11
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Tag: @vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout @harpy-space @tild3ath @gone-batty-fics @princessbl0ss0m @dakotali
Warning: Frustration, Celebration, and Coffee Inhalation
Everyone deserves time off, and the vigilantes of Gotham are no exception to the rule. The boys decide to take a weekend to let loose. Who knew a few drinks would lead to a stranger in bed?
Author Note:
A huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me.
Please comment, like, share, and reblog! If you'd like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters or find chapter one here.
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The apartment was silent, broken only by the occasional shouting, shooting, and sirens. For anyone living in Gotham City, especially the rougher parts, this was all white noise. A day of actual  silence was a blessing that no one dared to question. Today was not one of those nights. In fact, it was noisier than most, which usually meant trouble was closer than usual. None of that mattered to Y/N as she sat cross armed and cross-legged on the worn out sofa, staring down at her phone that lay on the coffee table before her.
Seconds had turned to minutes which quickly became an hour which was now nearing two as she sat there stone still. Since coming home from her shift, she had perched herself on the couch as if to judge the cellular device that was placed on the stand. There was now a new number on her phone. Nine new digits under the contact name: Your Hero and a message thread that held one text saying ‘hi’ from her phone to this person. 
The same person with the mesmerising blue eyes that looked like they held the secrets of life itself, tinged with sadness and pain. Tall, muscular but not overly bulky but certainly much bigger than her, with black hair that had a high contrast streak of white in the front. The same interrogative gentleman who saved her from the drink and Matias. The very person who had her drowning in 4k worth of debt to the hotel for room damage. Thrice he appeared out of nowhere and twice were to save her from serious trouble. The one and only silver tongued Wonder Boy who was into books and video games.
“Who just shows up to save someone on time like that? Is he really some sort of self-proclaimed hero?” She muttered to herself, unfolding her arms to rest her chin in one of her palms.  “What do I do now? Do I text him? Should I ask about the room? How do I even bring that up without him claiming I’m some liar trying to squeeze money out of him? It’s not like I knew he was a Wayne! I didn’t sit there and memorise all their faces, and just hoped to the high heavens one had a decent enough personality to save me. I didn’t even want to go to the reunion! Do I just wait for him to text me? He did say he was going to text me, but do I just believe that? When is that going to happen? What did I even say yes to?!” She threw her arms up in frustration and ruffled her hair. “What the hell am I supposed to do?!” She let out a heavy sigh of frustration, staring up at the dated popcorn ceiling as she slumped back into her seat, laying her head on the top of the cushion. Today is going to be a long day. She blinked a few times, fatigue getting the best of her. Forcing herself to stand up, she grabbed her phone and made her way to her bedroom. Sleep was the only answer after such a hectic night shift.
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“Tonight, we celebrate, Magnus ol’ buddy!” Jason grinned, snapping the elastic band of the party hat under the stone chin. “Yours truly has managed to not only find her,” he walked away and paused for suspense, turning with ease to face his rock friend once more. “But also get her number and her name! Sure, I got it off her name tag, but I plan on getting it from her directly!” He grinned from ear to ear as he walked back, waving the lit up phone screen in its face as he leaned against Magnus. “Sorry I haven’t been around to update ya on things, I had to help with shit on the other side of the city for the last couple of weeks. At least it wasn’t boring. But that’s beside the point, I finally got something on her before she got on me! Man, you should’ve seen the look on her face! I left her speechless!” He puffed his chest with pride as he plopped down onto his usual seat by Magnus, opening up the rolled up paper bag.
He pulled out a large order of fries, setting it sideways in Magnus’ mouth for easy access before grabbing the burger beneath it, his drink set between them and his helmet just within reach. Batburgers were the perfect on-the-go late night celebratory food. He was not scheduled to be on patrol today, but no one told him what to do. He just merely agreed with decisions for the most part, today was just one of difference of opinion. Let the Batman rant and rave, Jason would not let anyone take away his victory.
“So, what was the last thing we talked about? Ah, right! Some mobsters were causing shit thinking I wasn't around to crack skulls. Fucking dumbasses,” he rolled his eyes and took a hearty bite of his burger. “The look of shock on their faces, you’d think they saw a ghost! I know I’ve died a few times, depending on what stories you follow, but I’m still flesh and blood. Of course, they tried to fix that, thinking they had a chance. They never learn, and that's why they always fucking lose. When I ran shit, I was smart about it. Throwing muscle mindlessly is a waste. You can't educate the brainless though. I had to make sure to do a proper job, and couldn't leave just anyone to send the message. Things should be quiet over there for a bit which gives me the chance to actually reach out to Y/N.”
“Y/N, huh? That’s a pretty name.” A familiar voice held an annoying lilt to it. Jason’s eyebrow twitched as he took a sip of his soda.
“Whaddya want, Dickwing?” He grumbled.
“What, can’t an older brother come check in on his AWOL younger brother?” Nightwing placed a hand over his heart and hung his head. “You wound me, little brother.” He frowned, noticing the party hat on the gargoyle. “And to have a party without inviting me? I am doubly hurt! Maggie has a hat and fries!”
“Magnus is important. He doesn’t say stupid shit like you are now.” Jason scoffed, taking one of the crispy golden potato sticks.
“Margrave can’t say anything. I still think you should see someone about this unhealthy relationship you have with this heap of concrete.” Nightwing knocked two knuckles against it before taking a seat beside Jason. “So, who is Y/N, and why are you texting her? Where did you meet? Should I be worried, and for whom between the two of you?”
“Shut up,” the younger former Robin grumbled. “You better not fucking do anything or I’ll kill you.” He warned Nightwing quickly raising his hands up in surrender. “She's the girl I was trying to find about the whole hotel fiasco.”
“The one where you broke the simple coffee machine and ruined the room, leaving her with a huge bill to clear?” He smirked as Jason scowled.
“Yes, that one. Keep it up, see what happens.” He grumbled.
“Alright, alright! So, you finally found her, hm? That's good, you can give her the money and move on finally. You won't have some rando holding that over you anymore. Did you get the money sent to her already?”
Jason knew that was what he needed to do and that was the whole purpose of trying to find her. Give her the money and move on. There was no use or reason to delay. The sooner he paid, the sooner she was free to move on as well. Being involved any more than necessary was a danger to her and a burden on him. And yet, the thought alone left a bitter taste in the back of his mouth. 
Y/N was witty and funny, easy to approach and talk to even if it was just nonsense. He wanted to keep talking to her, and not just through a computer screen. He wanted to know more about her day, the crazy customers, and the shenanigans of her and Citlalli. He wanted to sit and drink coffee or tea or whatever she drank and discuss books, plan little gaming raids, or just talk about life. He knew nothing about her. 
I could just look it up now that I know her name and place of employment. I could find out everything about her and clear up the mystery that is her, feed the curiosity and be done with it…but I don't want to. Not only that, but I want to hear it from her, organically. Even if I did read all there is, I'd want to hear it from her. 
“Earth to Jason, are you there?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m here. I’m just thinking.”
“You, thinking? Oh man, that isn’t good. Should I be expecting a second duffle bag incident?”
“Duffle bag what? No, that was one time, you guys need to learn to let it go!” He rolled his eyes.
“It’s pretty hard to just let go of the fact that your younger brother was carrying eight heads stuffed in a gym bag.” Nightwing scoffed. “Excuse me for being a little concerned.”
“It was one time!” He let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m not some psycho serial killer or something. If you’re here to rain on my parade, you can fuck off! This is why I didn't invite you, Magnus knows how to read a balcony. It’s clearly a party.” He motioned to the shiny pointy hat on said gargoyle’s head. “Also, aren’t you on patrol? Quit slacking off and go.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll leave! I can tell when I’m not wanted!” Nightwing let out a heavy sigh as he stood up. “Unloved and thrown away like last week’s newspaper.” He sniffled loudly. “I see how it is!” He threw his head back with the back of his hand to his forehead.
“If you get it, then leave.” Jason grumbled, opening up the wrapper of his second burger. “Thanks, for the assist.” He mumbled before taking a bite. Nightwing had just barely heard the words, but smiled nonetheless.
“Anytime, Little Red,” he chuckled before vanishing into the night. 
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Over the course of the next two weeks, Y/N picked up every and all shifts that she could possibly find to help clear the money owed. Citlalli was great in helping her find work, while away and on her return. The return of the boisterous and flamboyant Citlalli was like sunshine after weeks of doom and gloom rain, refreshing and much needed. Y/N had been keeping herself too busy to even think, and Citlalli’s return was a great distraction, but also a great sounding board on what to do. She had told her dear friend all about her encounter with her troublesome cousin and the return of her expensive hero. Citlalli was not thrilled to hear about her cousin’s antics, and had quickly informed their boss of what transpired. She also insisted that Y/N should wait for him to text, since that is what he said he would do. The task was simple enough, validating the decision she had been leaning towards as is. 
However, that was then. Two weeks and some days had gone by, and nothing. Utter radio silence from him. No sudden appearances, even though Matias did come by some times to try to get her attention. And her online gaming partner was also MIA. Arkham_Knight said it would be about a week, but there was no movement or notice from him either. It was driving her crazy to just sit and wait for both of them.
The next time I see him, I’m going smack him! How do you tell someone you’re going to message them and just don’t?! Especially after you made sure to get my number to send details, what details?! She wanted to scream, but she was on the clock. It was another graveyard shift and the café was dead. Everything had been cleaned spotless and anything that needed to be restocked was done. She even went through the inventory to make a list of what needed to be reordered soon. With nothing left, she took a seat on the stool and pulled out her book since there was nothing else to do.
As soon as she cracked it open, there was the sound of glass shattering. She reflexively ducked for cover as the window shards went flying everywhere. She could hear the sounds of a struggle at the crunch and scratch of the pieces, a muffled frantic voice followed by a calmer, more exasperated one.
“I told you we could do this the easy way or the hard way, you chose the hard way.” The young male voice flippantly spoke. “Now, tell me what I need to know. I can keep this up all night if I have to, I’ve got nowhere else to be.” 
And I just cleaned the whole place! Y/N scowled at her turn of luck, carefully closing her book and placing it aside. What am I supposed to do in this situation?! I can’t exactly greet them and ask what they would like to order, who knows what they’ll do to me. Wasn’t his place supposed to be ‘crime free’? So much for that promise, thanks for nothing Gotham politicians! She grumbled to herself, slowly lifting her head to just above the counter to see who was responsible for destroying the cafe. She was surprised to see it was one of the famous caped crusaders of Gotham City. Red Robin, here? With who? She tried to get a look of the captured person but her attention was caught by the sound of crunching glass and she ducked quickly for brief moment.
“Did we get it?”
Nightwing? Well damn, I know I said I wanted something to happen, but this was not what I had in mind. She slowly stood up from her hiding spot after shifting over to right so that the machines would help hide her for a little longer.
“Not yet, but looks like he’s just about ready.” Red Robin answered, looking over his shoulder at Nightwing, catching sight of Y/N’s hat in the process. “Looks like we have an audience.”
What do I do? What do I do? Y/N’s eyes darted from side to side trying to find a place to run, but she was boxed in and there was no way she would outrun one of them. With no options of escape, she slowly walked towards the register so she was more visible with both her hands up. “I’m unarmed, I’m just an employee here.” She forced herself to speak calmly and clearly.
“An employee here, where are we?” Nightwing quickly surveyed the location and realized they had come crashing through an actual business and not one of the under construction buildings. “So he ran here hoping to be seen by someone.” He muttered.
“See what? I don’t see anything, except for two potential customers debating if they want to order.”
“Smart girl,” Red Robin answered, turning to face her after tying up the guy on the floor. The two vigilantes walked up to the counter and looked up past Y/N to see what was available. While Red Robin realized where they were, Nightwing realized something else. She noticed and looked down to see it was at her name tag.
“Y/N, that’s a pretty name.” He grinned. “I think we will order something, Y/N. What do you say?”
“Red Eye with two shots of espresso and some steamed milk, large.” The order came out quick, a slight eagerness in the tone. Y/N could not help but stare at the younger of the two masked males.
“I’m guessing you like coffee, and strong at that.”
“It helps when working the night.” He stood a little straighter.
“Riiiight, I’m not judging. I work in a café.” She shrugged, dropping her arms since she needed to make the order. “And you, Mr. Nightwing?”
“Mead Raf for me, medium is fine.”
“To go, or did you plan on staying to chat? We’re a 24-hour café, though I suppose I need to have you leave, since I need to clean up all the glass.” She motioned to the floor.
“Ah yes, sorry about that, Y/N. We’ll have it to go so you can get to cleaning.” Nightwing chuckled, amused by how she was handling the situation. The two watched her as she carefully made the drinks, making sure no glass managed to find its way behind the counter or into the coffee. 
“One large Red Eye with two shots of espresso and steamed milk and one medium Mead Raf. Is that all?” The vigilantes looked between one another and nodded their heads. “Alright, here you go. Consider it a small thanks for doing your best to keep us safe. You sure you don’t want anything to eat? Or are you not allowed to eat on the job?”
“There are no rules about that, we just gotta keep our hands free as much as possible. Thank you, Y/N.” He smiled at her name. He noticed the corners of her lips tug downwards. “Is something wrong?"
“Hm? No, nothing.” I’m overthinking it. He’s probably saying my name to make sure I know that he knows my name now and if I say anything, it’ll be easy to find me. “I’m a snacker, so I guess not having something on hand seems a bit cruel.”
“It’s annoying, but we need to be able to react quickly.” Red Robin agreed, taking his cup and taking a rather big drink from it. She tried to stop him, but could only watch. He was not the first to drink burning hot coffee in front of her, but it was always strange to see. Nightwing was not as crazy, he waited for a bit before sipping his drink.
“Perfect,” he smiled in approval. “Thanks again, Y/N, and here, something for your troubles.” He winked, slipping something into the tip jar before grabbing the tied up man. “Until next time,” he flashed her a grin as Red Robin held the door open and the two walked out as if they had not just come crashing through one of the windows.
She looked down at the tip jar to see what looked to be a $100 bill and something else. Do they get paid to do this job, or is this from a day job? Where the hell did he even keep this money? I don’t see any room for pockets in his suit, but then again, it’s all black. Red Robin did have a belt, maybe he holds the change? Her focus then shifted her attention to the glass littering the floor and sighed, there was no way she was going to be able to run the rest of the shift like this. Locking the doors, she grabbed the cleaning supplies and called her boss, letting him know of the situation at hand. “Well, at least it wasn’t dull.” She muttered as she got to cleaning until her boss got there to have the window temporarily patched up.
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hwanchaesong · 1 year
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Park Seonghwa X Reader
summary: it seems that fate itself is playing a game with you when it turned fiction into reality. what will you do to go back? what if you don't want to go back?
genre & warnings: fluff, angst, historical au with a touch of magic lol, this was inspired by Howl's Moving Castle (pls do watch ghibli movies, they are amazing), mild cursing, war and fighting, mentions of blood and injuries, slowburn
word count: 7.4k
a/n: here ya go againn @marievllr-abg sorry it took a bit for me to post this bc i obviously got carried away but i hope you'll like it 💚
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You sighed dreamily, staring at the sentences of the book that you're reading, "I want a love story like this."
Your roommate, Yunjin, rolled her eyes at you before throwing a pillow in your direction, "Stop fantasizing about fictional stories and characters."
"I can't help it!" you pout, throwing the pillow back to her which she easily caught with a giggle. "Let me have my moment, please."
"Alright, alright." she raised her hands up in defeat, laying down in her bed and looking at you, "What if you get your own boyfriend?"
You scoffed, putting the book down on your table and making yourself comfortable in your own mattress, "That's ridiculous. Besides, boys in our university sucks."
She shrugged, understanding your point of view, "If you say so."
There was a moment of silence before your friend spoke again, "There's this guy in my class, Lee Chan h-"
"Yunjin." you deadpanned, "Drop it, let's sleep, we have early classes tomorrow."
"Geez, yes ma'am. Goodnight ma'am."
You laughed at her reply, "Goodnight Yunjin."
You were in a deep slumber when suddenly you couldn't breathe and cold shivers ran down your spine. It's like you were held down by some unseen force.
You opened your eyes in a haze, you were in your room but everything was distorted. You tilted your neck to check if Yunjin is still there but her side was empty.
What the hell is happening?
A loud rumble made your heart leap out of your chest.
You tried to get up, to yell, anything but to no avail.
Is this some kind of witchcraft? Who would even do this to you? All your life you did your best to be cooperative and nice to people, even strangers. So, what did you do wrong?
Your tears were threatening to spill, your voice coming back for you to shrill when a blackhole appeared and sucked you in.
Then everything went black, your consciousness faded into nothingness.
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"Y/N? Wake up."
You felt light taps on your cheek, a melodic voice pleading for you to get up.
You feel tired, like you worked your ass off since birth and nothing more would please you if you're able to sleep in.
"Y/N! Come on, Miss Hatter needs your assistance. We have a lot of customers for today."
Miss Hatter? Who the fuck?
You jolted out of the comforters, your eyes bleary as it tried to adjust to the sudden brightness.
The room you're in is completely different from your apartment. Wooden floor, wooden walls, and the woman standing in front of you is definitely not Yunjin.
You squinted your eyes, "Who are you?"
She looked taken aback at your question, "It's me, Jieun."
She stared at you, worried at your well being because for her, you're acting really weird.
"Jieun?" you asked once more, the name sounds familiar to you.
"Yes." she answered immediately with a soft smile on her lips, she walked over to your closet, bringing out a vintage dress that you're sure you have never worn in your entire lifetime.
"I guess you're still distraught." she held a hand for you to take, "It's okay, getting attacked by the guards must be really scary."
Huh? You were attacked by what?
You accepted her help, taking advantage of the situation to ask for more information which she gladly filled.
Damn, it's either you're a great actress or Jieun's just too kind to point out how peculiar you are acting.
You were sorting all the newfound knowledge in your brain as you followed Jieun downstairs.
You work as a hatter and got trapped by some shitty guards yesterday. There's a war going on between two nations so you should be more careful when going home at night. And there's something about sorcerers and witches that c-
"Isn't that Jongsuk's castle!?"
The booming voices, which you assumed are the other female hatters, caught your attention.
Then it dawned on you.
The names of the people, the place you're in, the work that you have, and now you hear the words 'Jongsuk's castle.'
It's easy to put two or two together, especially if you are absolutely familiar with it.
The situation at hand, or the plot, is the one that you were reading before you went to sleep.
"Fuck." you cursed under your breath which made Jieun turn around, a questioning look on her face.
"What did you say?"
"Oh um." you racked your mind for any reply, and you ended up asking about the castle.
"Ah," she smiled at you, opening the door to the room where you design the hats for the customers, "Jongsuk's castle."
She sat down and you followed suit, mimicking her actions on how she works with the hats as she explains the tale of the castle to you.
"That moving castle is owned by a wicked wizard who eats the hearts of the girls that he finds pretty." she puts the hat down for a second, "That's why you need to be careful."
You couldn't help but be awed. She's truly kind, a warm person where you can find comfort in. No wonder the 'wicked wizard' fell in love with her.
You cleared your throat, focusing your attention back to the hat you're struggling with, "You should too."
You heard her chuckle, "I don't need to worry about that."
You froze on your spot and a wave of sadness washed over your being.
Right, Jieun never saw her self as a beautiful woman. All that she ever thought is that she's unworthy of love, destined to be alone.
"That's not true," you stood up from your seat, putting your hands on her shoulders, "you're pretty!"
She looks shocked from your outburst, there were a few seconds of pause before she started laughing, "Thank you, Y/N."
Her genuine smile made you happy as well. You sit back down and continue to work in comfortable silence, side by side with Jieun.
Time ticked by without you even noticing it, getting startled when Miss Hatter barged into the room, telling the both of you to go home.
"You can go first," Jieun said after walking out of the shop, "I have to visit my sister."
You nodded your head and bade goodbye to her, walking in a different direction and suddenly you wanted to hit yourself.
Where the heck do you live here?
You woke up this morning in a room, inside the damned shop. Why were you there in the first place? Did you sleep over? If so, then you'll just go back and spend the rest of your night there again. Maybe you can think things through in there and find a way to return to your world.
You turn on your heels, ready to walk towards the shop when a begging voice echoed in the area.
"Is someone there?! I can hear your footsteps, please help me!"
You stood there for a while, contemplating whether to help the guy or just leave. There's nothing wrong about going in there to see what's up, but hey, even in this fictional world, scam is still everywhere.
In the end, your curiosity got the best of you. Deciding to help the poor man (which hasn't stopped talking at all).
You were flabbergasted when you saw the state he's in. Body upside down and.. in a trashcan?
"What the hell?" you said, voice quiet but loud enough for the stranger to hear.
"Oh thank god someone's here." he sighed of relief, then you saw him point his foot to the left, "Can you please pick that sword and give it to me?"
What? That sword is more important than fixing his position?
"Are you sure you don't want me to help you with.. that?" you pointed at him, not that he can see you, but he did get what you were saying.
"No, please, don't come near me. This trashcan might eat you."
Your eyes widened, but then again, what would you expect? You are in a magical world, anything can happen.
You cautiously walked towards the sword, picking it up and throwing it to the guy. The metal miraculously floats, attacking the trashcan and you might be going crazy but you did hear the dumpster whine out of pain. Soon enough, the can started wheezing and spat out a dashing young man.
The can started running away, the clinking sounds fading away in the darkness as the lying figure started laughing, "That's it! Run away you coward!" he yelled, standing up and turning towards you.
"You're a life saver!" he beamed at you, his puppy-like face a contrast to his deep voice.
"No, no. You're welcome I- what are you doing?" you exclaimed, watching him kneel down and bow down to you.
"I'm expressing my gratitude." he replied, nudging at the sword beside him, "Alfredo, c'mon, stop acting like a kid."
You feel like fainting when the sword stood up by itself, bending over like a piece of rubber.
"Stop, okay, please stand." you went closer to them, not exactly knowing what to do but you already deemed them harmless. "Raise your heads, I'm glad I can be of help."
The stranger rose to his feet, offering you a handshake, "The name is Seonghwa, and this sword right here is my partner, Alfredo. Pleasure to meet a gorgeous lady like you."
You blushed a bit, accepting the shake and introducing yourself as well. You were about to excuse yourself but you were glued to the ground. Not one muscle you can move.
The once friendly looking man scowled, "You're not from here."
He clasped his sword, pointing the blade at the base of your neck, "Did the Witch of the Waste send you here?"
"The fuck are you on about?" you glared at him, "I don't even know why I'm in this world!"
He raised an eyebrow, lowering his sword, "This world? You're not from another nation?"
"No." you growled, and maybe you were too out of it. Thinking of many things at the same time that you blurted everything out to some dude that you barely know. Telling him about your country, your mundane life, and that you're supposed to be sleeping right now with your bestfriend on the other side of the apartment.
Seonghwa was baffled, your word vomit almost didn't make sense but as a wizard himself, he knew that making up lies that coherent would be difficult.
You must be telling the truth, but this is one uncanny situation you're in.
"You're here for a reason." he blurted out, making you stop and think for a second.
What reason?
You're an average person born in an average family. A college student with only one trusted friend. You get good grades and don't struggle financially. You live a fine life. Yes, it's given that you are an avid reader of romance books that you sometimes wish you were a part of it.
Aye. That hits the spot perfectly. That must be it, doesn't it? Fucking fate or whatever this is, granting you the most impractical wish to ever exist.
You face palmed. Were you here to be a divine intervention or what? Maybe help Jieun in her adventure.
You did not notice that you are now able to move, immediately running to Jieun's house to avoid the incoming problem.
If you are here to help the protagonists of the story then so be it. If that's the only way for you to go back to your own world, then you'll gladly accept this challenge.
"Man, for a girl, you run fast."
A voice beside you grunts, your eyes falling to a gasping figure.
"Why are you following me?" you yelled, bitter at the guy who was ready to slit your throat just a few moments ago.
"I wanna help!" he replied, smiling at you innocently.
You rolled your eyes, letting him do whatever he wanted because frankly, you could care less about him for now.
It was like second nature to you, bewildered that you knew Jieun's house but you couldn't remember your own home in this world.
"Jieun!" you barged into the building, and you were shocked to see her in the corner of the room.
Her once brown hair turned into gray, her skin got wrinkly and her joints crack at every move that she made.
"Y/N?" she called out to you, walking towards you and you met her halfway, giving her a hug.
"Oh Jieun. I'm sorry I was late."
"No, this isn't your fault."
"The Witch of the Waste cursed you." Seonghwa's voice rang and you suddenly remembered that he's still following you.
"Who's he?" Jieun asked, pulling away from you and eyeing the man
"Seonghwa." you answered, facing the boy and started shooing him away.
"Hey! I said I wanna help!" he fought back, crossing his arms like a child. You were so ready to flip him off but Jieun's soft giggle stopped you in your tracks.
"It's okay, having a male with us would be beneficial." Jieun assured you, placing her hand on your arm to calm you down.
The smug expression on Seonghwa's face, paired with the sudden shining of his sword made you want to punch him but you held yourself back for Jieun's sake.
"We're going somewhere, right?" you inquired, Jieun giving you a wink before answering.
"We're going on an impromptu trip."
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You thought you could handle everything well, especially since you knew what would happen but it is still surprising to find yourself inside the infamous 'Jongsuk's Moving Castle.' (courtesy by a magical scarecrow that Jieun helped on your way to the Folding Valley)
The castle is dusty and dirty, like it was uninhabited for years yet you don't have a choice but to spend the night there, sleeping in a creaky chair and tuning out Calcifer's (he's the demon fire by the furnace that controls the castle) badgering.
The next morning, you woke up when you heard a conversation between Jieun and a child.
"You're awake!" Jieun chirped, "I was about to make breakfast. The kid over there is Huening Kai."
You were confused for a while, your eyes landing on a small figure, "Oh, good morning."
"Good morning." the little kid answers, you were about to open your mouth to talk but wasn't able to when the roulette attached to the door turned and pointed at the black part.
So this is the part where you meet the infamous Jongsuk.
The door opened, revealing a handsome blonde man. His eyes roamed the room, "Seonghwa? Nice to see you here."
You glanced at the floor, seeing Seonghwa laying there leisurely.
"Yup." Seonghwa made sure that the 'p' popped at his lips, "Been a while, Jongsuk."
The two smiled at each other before the former walked towards a gaping Jieun, taking over the stove. "Didn't know you were so obedient, Calcifer."
"She forced me!" the demon argued back.
"Give me six more eggs and four pieces of bacon." Jongsuk ordered, snapping Jieun out of her reverie and immediately moving around.
When everything was set and everyone was sitting around the table, a small talk ensued. You were eating slowly, wary of the tense atmosphere.
"Huening Kai," Jongsuk started, his eyes landing on Jieun, "care to explain the situation?"
The younger boy gulped the food on his mouth, "This is Jieun and Y/N. I don't know what happened last night but Calcifer let them in."
The demon complained in the background, not liking the fact that the blame was shifted on him.
Jongsuk nodded, "I don't mind Seonghwa's presence, since he's a dear friend of mine, but what about you two?"
Jieun blinked, "We'll be your cleaning lady." she exclaimed, looking at you for support.
"Yeah," you stood up, linking your arms with her, "we'll make this place sparkly."
Jongsuk laughed, nodding his head before he went serious, "On the other note, what is it in your pocket?" he pointed at Jieun, confusing her when she discovered a piece of paper in her dress.
"I didn't know this was in here." she said, handing the paper to Jongsuk but the paper suddenly burned, the ashes making a mark on the table.
"That must be her." Seonghwa commented, sipping on his glass of water nonchalantly.
"Yes, the symbol speaks for itself." Jongsuk covered the mark with his hand, wiping it in slow motion.
"It's gone." Kai cried out, amazed at his master's magic.
"The visual is gone," he said, peeking at his palm that bears a slight burn, "but the sorcery is already engraved here."
Jongsuk rose and held his untouched plate, feeding the contents to Calcifer who hummed in delight. "I'll go for now, Kai, please tell our caretakers to not get carried away."
Then he was out of the door, leaving all of you by yourselves.
"Master is usually gone for a while, " Kai speaks, taking out the empty plates and putting them in the sink, "you two can p-"
"We'll start today!" Jieun enthusiastically said, grabbing you and dragging you away.
"Wha-?!" you choked on your own saliva, startled at her unexpected movement. Annoyance bubbling up when you saw Seonghwa waving a hand at you, mouthing a "Goodluck."
It was safe to say that it was pure torture.
Sweeping and dusting and removing the cobwebs (chasing the insects out made you want to cry). You and Jieun were cleaning all day and you were hell bent on not cleaning the bathroom, thus, you let her do it herself.
"We can do the laundry here!" Kai called out fron the veranda, and the two of you went out.
You were astonished, the scenery was nothing like you had ever seen before.
The castle was flying up in the sky, the sun is so bright that it gives you a clear view of the field of flowers. The ocean is shining under the light and the birds are gliding near the fortress.
When the castle landed near the body of water, you all went and washed the clothes and other pieces of fabric that Jieun deemed unusable until clean.
It was tiring at first, but it was actually fun. Hanging the clothes out in the field with the help of your friends (and Mr. Scarecrow who was actually following you all along)
You sit down on the grass after all the chores are done, resting for a little bit and enjoying the fresh air.
"You look like you're about to pass out." you whipped your head to see Seonghwa sitting beside you.
"Since when did you get here?" you asked, not hearing any of his footsteps.
"Magic." he whispered, making you scoff and him laughing at your annoyed face.
"Here, hydrate yourself." he brought out a bottle of water, holding it in front of you which you happily accepted and drank.
"That's some good stuff." you muttered, glancing at his direction, "Thank you Seonghwa."
He felt his breath hitch, the afternoon light making you glow and he thinks that you're pretty. Like, really pretty.
He had his fair share of girls. He's handsome, of course ladies will line up for him and he's not the type to say no. It's just that he never saw any reason to settle down with them.
He doesn't feel a connection with them, but with you it's somehow different.
What could this be?
"Ah, feelings." a high pitched voice interrupted his thoughts and he immediately knew who it belongs to.
"Shut up, Alfredo."
"Oh my god." your jaw might drop on the floor, seeing the sword with a face, talking and walking like a living thing. "The sword spoke, and it's moving on its own."
The sword deadpanned at you, "Of course, I'm the same as Calcifer, duh."
Seonghwa groaned, trying to pick up his sword to no avail, "Alfredo. Don't do this with me right now."
The sword stuck his tongue out, further irritating his owner, "I ain't going anywhere."
"Wait." you frowned, pointing an accusing finger at Seonghwa, "If this thing can move-"
"Please call me by my name."
"Fine." you let out an exasperated sigh, "If Alfredo," you eyed the sword, which in turn made him nod in satisfaction, "can move, then why did you ask me for help that time."
"This," Seonghwa had finally lifted his partner, "brat right here threw a tantrum because I thrusted him right in the mouth of the trash can. He didn't want to move, so someone had to manhandle."
Alfredo muttered under his breath, something along the lines of 'It smells so bad in there, you heartless monster.'
You raised an eyebrow, "Then why were you in the trashcan?"
"I was caught off guard," Seonghwa shrugged, "that rotten dumpster kept on pestering me about food."
Somehow, you imagined Seonghwa and Alfredo's struggle, making you laugh loudly.
"Go on," he clutched his heart dramatically, "laugh at our misery." He prods at his partner, and the only thing that the sword could think of was to play dead.
"It was hilarious, but no." you shifted closer to him, close enough that you're able to whiff his musky scent. "I am kind of glad that I was able to meet you two because of that."
Seonghwa's chest tightened, an overwhelming feeling of endearment filling his veins at your confession.
Who gave you the right to be this adorable?
"Keep breathing." Alfredo mumbled, breaking Seonghwa's trance and he couldn't help but lightly kick his friend.
"Shut up."
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"I don't see the point of doing this." Kai complained for the fourth time, not wanting to go out of his home.
"We need something to eat." Jieun clapped back, holding a basket and adjusting the roulette.
It still amazes you how magic works in this world. You knew of it based on the book, but experiencing it at hand is a whole another level. That circle thingy is an example of it.
You arranged the colors and its destination in your head:
Black = Wales
Blue = Seaside City of Porthaven
Green = Market Chipping
Red = The Royal City of Kingsbury
Right now, all of you are in the Market Chipping, and with one turn, the arrow pointing at the blue part, everyone is now transported in the Seaside City.
Jieun excitedly opened the door, inhaling the fresh scent of the ocean. "Let's go!"
You and Kai have no choice but to follow her around, watching her pick vegetables and fishes.
After a while, there was a ruckus near the harbor. Curious about it, the three of you went to see what it was.
Alas! There is a tattered boat sailing close, it contains several injured men and the others on land kept on cheering for them. Some people even went and drove their respective boats to help their countrymen.
"An aircraft!"
You looked up and saw a large plane, anxiety raising your heartbeat when it began bombing the boats.
"Let's go back!" Kai yelled to which you and Jieun immediately complied.
You all ran until you're under the safe covers of the castle, "That was close." Kai mumbled.
"The war is getting worse day by day." Jieun remarked, lowering her head in sadness.
You gathered all the courage you have in your body to speak, but as soon as you opened it, Jongsuk entered the door, clearly in a sour mood.
"Jongsuk." Jieun muttered his name to which he clearly ignored.
"Calcifer, prepare my bath."
A few moments later, a screaming Jongsuk runs in the living room clad only in a flimsy white towel, enough to cover his private parts.
"Did you mess around the shampoos?! The spell is all wrong! I told you not to get carried away!" he cried out, gripping his hair to prove a point. His former blonde locks are now in a shade of orange.
"Are we getting attacked or something?!" Seonghwa emerged from the stairs, woken up by the chaos downstairs.
"No." Jieun answered, concerned at Jongsuk's behavior, she cautiously walked closer and tried to console him.
"Look, it's now black. It suits you well."
"Pft," Seonghwa's snicker above caught your attention, and you're tempted to smack him after his next sentence, "Your hair sucks, Jongsuk."
"Ahh!" Jongsuk let out a frustrated yell, "What's the point of living if you're not beautiful?!" he slumped to a nearby chair, dejected at his new appearance.
That struck a nerve to Jieun. Her once worried expression morphed into anger, "That's all you could think about?!"
You did not expect this outburst from her.
"You're being unfair, especially because I never felt like I'm beautiful!" Jieun then walked out of the door, crying in the rain which started to pour.
You looked at the mess and cringed when a gooey liquid oozed out of Jongsuk's body, like he's melting.
"Uh-oh, let me get Jieun." Kai said, running outside to report what is happening.
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, glaring at the man who's now sitting on the counter and happily eating an apple.
He raised an eyebrow and you shook your head, opting to help Jieun who just came in to put Jongsuk back in his room.
You ignored Seonghwa the whole time. Normally, you would go to him at night to talk about life, but today you didn't. You were pissed at the stunt he pulled earlier.
"Why are you here alone?"
"Oh God, you scared me." you jumped from where you're standing, frowning when you saw Seonghwa behind you.
"I didn't like what you did. You could've hurt Jongsuk's feelings." you mumbled, diverting your attention back to the stars.
"No, I didn't," he whined, trudging to you, shoulders touching and you know you should be mad at him but you don't really mind the close proximity he created, "besides, his hair was back in its original state."
You giggled and agreed, "It looks good on him too." you absentmindedly commented, but no, Seonghwa did not like that one bit.
"Alfredo! Keep Y/N company for a while."
"Huh? Hey. Seonghwa! Where are you going?" you glanced at him and yelled, confused at his sudden behavior but he probably can't hear you anymore as he entered the castle in a hurry.
"Let him be." his partner flew and perched on your shoulder, and for a piece of metal, he's unbelievably light. "Just make sure to compliment him when he's back."
It has been thirty minutes and you were getting tired of waiting, Alfredo had already fallen asleep and you were seriously contemplating going inside.
Seonghwa came sprinting, shaking his head and you raised an eyebrow. Did he dye his hair?
"Look!" he shrieked excitedly, "Does it look good?" he asked with puppy eyes, his noise waking the sword on your shoulder.
"Man, can you keep it down?"
Seonghwa glared at his partner, flicking him off and paying no mind to its protests.
So this is what Alfredo meant.
You lifted your arm and gently touched his darkened locks, "It's gorgeous," you mumbled, "like the night sky." you gestured above.
Seonghwa is now content at your remark, clutching your hand in his and pulling you closer to him, "You like stargazing?"
Your noses are almost touching and you're positive that you can feel his breath on your lips, "Uh, I-I uh, yes?" you winced at your reply, not liking that you sounded so affected by him.
"I have an idea." right after he said that, he circled his arms around your waist and the two of you began to levitate.
"Take care!" Alfredo yawned and waved at you from below, going inside the castle to sleep.
As a normal human being, your instinct tells you to screech and hold on tight to any surface that you could put your hands on. Panic ensuing in your chest and you were so ready to cry when Seonghwa cupped your face, allowing you to gaze in his sincere orbs.
"Calm down and let the wind guide you."
Despite your wobbling knees, you did your best and straightened yourself, "Take slow steps, dance with me, princess." Seonghwa instructed, his hands sliding to intertwine with yours.
Soon you got used to walking in the air, giggling whenever Seonghwa twirls you around.
"See, you're a natural at this." he says, laughing along with you and he thinks that he's on top of the world.
Watching you with a large grin on your face, eyes closed, having the time of your life and letting your worries fly along the breeze.
"We're here." he uttered and you opened your eyes, gasping at the sight.
Are you in outer space? Maybe, but you still could breathe.
Balls of gas littered everywhere, designed to look like fairy lights and the moon itself where you both stand feels like a cloud. m
"This is much better right?" he says, not letting go of you even after you landed.
"Where are we?" you inquired, curious about the place he brought you.
"This is my childhood where I trained magic," Seonghwa explains, "and you missy," he bent down to whisper in your ear, "is my first visitor."
Your eyes widened at his confession and tried to pull away from him, wanting to turn around but he hugged you tightly, rooting you in your spot, "Seonghwa?"
"Let's stay like this." he mumbled, pulling you impossibly close to him to the point that you could feel the heat radiating off him.
This wasn't so bad.
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"What a bummer." you say, watching Jieun tuck the Witch of the Waste, now turned into an old lady who can't use magic anymore, into bed.
"Don't be like that." Jieun nudged you after she was done, "Let's sleep too."
You almost sighed, to be honest you have been doing that for the past few days but you couldn't pinpoint the reason.
The setting has now changed, Jongsuk casting a spell which made the Hatter shop a part of the castle. He did it for their growing 'family' (with the addition of the witch and a dog named Joy, the errand dog Jongsuk's magic teacher) as he likes to call it.
It feels melancholic, knowing that the story is about to come to an end. The worst is about to come, and Jongsuk still hasn't returned.
"You look sad." Seonghwa mumbles when he sees you in the kitchen.
Ah, Seonghwa. You don't know where you stand with him, what your relationship with him is but something shifted between the two of you after that intimate night.
"It's nothing." you forced a smile, attempting to walk past him but failing to do so when he gripped your wrist.
"Tell me." he says with more conviction this time, tugging you to stay close with him.
"I told you it's nothing." you whined, wanting nothing more but to sleep but the man in front of you kept on bugging you.
"I'm just worried for you," his eyes soften, tucking a strand of hair behind your ears, "you don't know how much I want to keep you happy and safe."
Is this really happening right now?
You couldn't move, no magic involved, and you're seriously waiting for your lips to connect when he starts leaning closer to you.
"Oh no!" the witch wailed from the other room, making the both of you jump away from each other.
Soon, sounds of gunshots and bombs are heard. Screams of the civilians, rattling wheels of the carriages and soldiers yelling at the top of their lungs for everyone to evacuate filled the once peaceful area - the war is starting.
Jongsuk was scouted by Wales to assist in the fight, knowing that he is one of the strongest wizards out there. He was brave enough to decline, going as far as to involve Jieun, but Madame Suliman wasn't having any of it.
Now, outside of the house, those black spawns (courtesy of Madame Suliman) are doing whatever they can do to lay waste in order for Jongsuk to agree to the deal.
"You're here!"
All of you went into the living room, seeing Jongsuk, who is in his avian form, explaining things to Jieun.
"Stay inside, Calcifer will take care of you."
"You won't stay here?" Jieun cried, clutching onto him, "We can run away from all of this!"
"I can't," Jongsuk knelt and held Jieun's shoulders, "I already found someone to protect. So please, stay here."
Your heart broke at the sight but you can't do anything about it. You can't stop the fighting, knowing that they can resolve it by themselves. Though, it did nothing to soothe the raging emotions within you.
"I'll come with you." Seonghwa came out, a smile on Jongsuk's face as he accepted his friend's help.
"What?" you muttered, "Seonghwa?"
"I told you," the man's stature turned into one that is similar to Jongsuk's, "I want to keep you happy and safe."
Then they flew, closing the door shut and not letting any of the dark antagonists enter.
Your heart is beating rather erratically. Are you worried? About Seonghwa?
You were so deep into your own thoughts, not noticing Jieun stand up and walk towards you.
"They're both fighting to protect us, let's put an end to this."
She then sauntered to the door, using the roulette and in one click, you were all transported into the Folding Valley.
Upon exiting the castle, the rain is pouring hard in the mountains making it difficult to see but at this point in time, everything is clear.
The orange hue and gray smoke produced by the fire created an illusion of hell, havoc swallowed the city, everything destroyed with the blink of an eye.
"There! Jongsuk!" Jieun pointed at the figures who were gliding around the aircraft and planes, dodging attacks and striking at the same time.
Jieun went inside and scooped Calcifer up regardless of what he was saying as you and Kai helped the witch get outside.
You were all waiting for Jieun to come out with Calcifer, and when she did, the gigantic castle fell apart. Scraps of metal and every single item down to the ground.
"Fast, I might die out here in the rain!" Calcifer exclaimed, shielding himself from the water.
Jieun hurried inside of what's left of the castle, which is the kitchen part, "Can you move it?"
"I need a sacrifice." the demon said, "Jongsuk gave me his heart, so you need to give me something too."
Your eyes moved around and it landed on a pair of scissors, "Alright." you mumbled, picking it up and cutting your hair short on a whim.
"Y/N!" Kai bellowed in surprise, "Your hair!"
"Here. Take it." you held it outwards and glanced at Jieun, prompting her to do the same. Throwing your strands into the fire's mouth as an offering.
Calcifer grew big, easily fixing the ruined kitchen and moving it in the direction of Jongsuk and Seonghwa.
You were still basking in relief that you completely forgot about the witch. It wasn't your fault that you're finally in peace for a bit, thinking that Seonghwa won't be harmed anymore if you and Jieun actually succeeded.
The ride stopped moving when the old lady grabbed Calcifer, "Jongsuk's heart!"
You cursed under your breath, that witch is so obsessed with Jongsuk's heart that she'd literally tear everyone apart for it.
It was well known around town that the damned witch badly needed that heart to cure her rotting magic. Thus, she did everything to get it, going as far as to curse the people who were once involved with Jongsuk.
Too bad, Calcifer is still burning.
The witch yelped yet she held on to flame despite the blaze she's feeling on her skin.
"You'll get burned!" Jieun cried out, coaxing the old woman to drop Calcifer.
"No!" she stubbornly defied, "I got it first, it's mine!"
Jieun had no choice but to hurl a pail of water to the witch, and comes with it is the disintegration of the remains of the once large fortress.
The small space broke apart, the other side of it which contains Jieun and Joy The Dog fell into a cliff.
"Jieun!" you stretched your hand in an attempt to save her but Kai held you back, saying that it's dangerous if you extended too much. You barely heard Jieun say that she'll be fine and that you should take care of yourself up there.
You were lost for a few minutes, staring ahead and thinking what to do before you groaned out of frustration, "Oh no." you turned to the witch, ready to blame her for the catastrophe that had occurred.
"This is your f-!"
"Seonghwa!" Kai called out, his eyes staring from behind you. Heck, you didn't know that you can whip around so fast in your life. Not until today that it actually made you dizzy.
Worry graced over your features when you saw the state he's in. Tattered and tired with gashes all over his body. You opened your arms for him to land on, smoothly embracing him in the process when he returned to his human form.
"Seonghwa," you craddled his face, wiping down the dried blood on his busted lower lip, "you're badly injured, you need to be patched up."
"You cut your hair." he uttered, pressing his palm lightly on the top of your head.
Leave it to Seonghwa to notice the smallest things about you during a crucial time.
"Yeah, it was to o-"
Your explanation ended abruptly when he sat up and pecked your nose out of the blue, "You look gorgeous."
"Ehem." Kai's fake cough snapped the two of you out of your bubble, "I'm sorry to interrupt but.." he trailed off, waiting for any kind of update about Jongsuk's whereabouts.
"He's gone too far," he responds, "his wounds are far worse than mine. I don't know if he'll.." he can't continue his words, not having enough courage in his self to admit reality.
"He will survive." you spoke in a matter of fact tone, tilting your head to the side to give them a clue of what you're talking about, "Look."
Everyone's head craned and was gladly surprised to see Jieun and Jongsuk, with Joy, flying towards the piece of wood that miraculously pulled through after the incident a while ago.
They landed safely and Jieun began to beg the witch to give Calcifer back so that Jongsuk's heart could be returned, allowing him to stay alive.
In the end, the old lady gave in, allowing Jieun to press Calcifer in Jongsuk's chest. And like a show, they began to coalesce and the male's injuries started to heal by itself.
It could have been a happy ending for the couple, the only problem?
Some kind of firework started blowing up as the result of Calcifer's freedom from his pact with Jongsuk, and the impact made the plank slide down the cliff. No worries though! Mr. Scarecrow was there to save the day. He succesfully used all of his strength to halt the movement.
You knew what would happen afterwards, the plot engraved in your brain like it's your favorite song.
Jieun would kiss everyone on the cheek to show her gratitude, (that also turned Mr. Scarecrow into a human, and shocking because he's a really handsome prince.)
Her kiss woke Jongsuk up, energized than ever.
"I'll tell my nation to not engage in this war anymore." Mr. Scarecrow Prince says, giving you all the assurance that no more of this vile event will occur again.
All is well, until Kai spoke up, "Y/N? Your body!"
You were confused but one look at your transparent hands made you realize that you are about to go back to your own world. The story has come to an end, that means that your role here is done.
"I will miss you guys." you mumbled, accepting your end and putting on a smile for a show, "I really appreciate what I learned here."
"Y/N?" Jieun stepped closer to you, "What is happening?"
"Don't worry!" you persuaded them, "I'll be fine."
Tears pricked in the corner of your lids and you willed yourself not to cry, desperately blinking the tears away as you bowed your head.
You don't want to go, but you know that you can't stay here. You don't belong here.
"You," you pointed at Seonghwa, looking at him for the last time before you go, "this may be a little late but.. I love you."
Your body begins to glow, the light swallowing you like it's about to transport you into another dimension.
It's now or never.
Seonghwa grit his teeth, raced to you, pulled you in a passionate kiss and held you in his arms. His last promise to you made your efforts of not crying in vain as you let the tears fall freely on your cheeks.
"I love you too, Y/N. Let's meet again someday."
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"Oh my god, sis!" Yunjin's voice, paired with her vigorous shaking, woke you up from your slumber. You grumbled about her antics in the morning, but her next words made you shoot up from your bed. "Did you sleepwalk last night? Cut your hair short?"
You blinked away the grogginess that you're feeling, making a beeline to the mirror in the bathroom.
Seeing your reflection in the mirror, you slowly gained the memories from the other world, then it dawned on you that what happened wasn't a mere dream.
Then what about Seonghwa?
You shook your head, no way he's real.
Your friend followed you to the bathroom, a concerned expression donning her face when she discerned how perplexed you were , "Will you go to class today?"
"No," you answered truthfully, not really having the energy to attend school, "I have something to do."
Yunjin gave you a hug before she went to university and you spent the rest of your day at the coffee shop that you frequent too.
You must really look wild today, even the barista made your order on house.
You brought the book 'Jongsuk's castle', basically re-read everything but the name 'Seonghwa' did not appear. It's weird, considering that the male lead dubbed him as a 'good friend.'
So why is he not mentioned even once throughout the story?
You rubbed your temples, a headache brewing and you decided that maybe.. it's time to let go.
You closed the book and tucked in your bag, leaving the shop with a heavy heart.
You must have a habit of swimming and drowning in your own thoughts that you failed to notice the figure in front of you, ultimately making you bump into it.
"Oh gosh, sorry I wasn't a-" you began to apologize but a cat seemed to bite your tongue, rendering you speechless when the familiar dark hair and deer eyes that you oh, so loved obscured your vision.
The man smiled at you, telling you that it was okay and offered you a hand. You can only stare at him, gaping like a fish.
"Seonghwa." you mumbled under your breath and the guy reacted to it, a bewildered look flashing his handsome face.
"Yeah, that's me." he smiles, "Do i know you or.." he awkwardly moved his hand, making you realize that you're still sitting on the concrete.
"Yeah, I.. actually, okay. Yeah, thanks." you stuttered and made a fool of yourself, accepting his help and avoiding eye contact.
It's safe to say that you're embarrassed, but this was also a bolt out of the blue.
How come he's here? In the real world?
You closed your eyes, what should you do now?
"Are you going somewhere? Miss?" he spoke up again, looking at you expectantly.
"Y/N, and no, I was about to go home."
"Perfect then, Y/N." he glanced at his watch, making a decision that will probably change both of your destinies, "Would you like to join me for an early dinner?"
Your heart almost leaped out of your chest, happiness blooming in your soul.
"I would love that."
Maybe fate did not want you to help Jieun and Jongsuk, maybe it has other plans for you.
The love that you had been dreaming. The relationship that you had always wished for. Hoping for a man that would make you feel secure and warm.
If you think about it enough, think about it deeper.. maybe all the ruckus was for you to find the arrow that cupid has once shot. It may have missed the first time, but you are sure as hell that you're willing to give it a second chance.
Well, as long as it's with Seonghwa.
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shytastemakerthing · 10 months
Hello! May I get a romantic matchup for twst?
Idk what to put exactly so I looked at some matchups you did and base it on that 😭
My name's Jay and I'm a Leo sun , pisces moon and Libra rising.
Looks wise I'm 5'3 , pale with shoulder length hair that I dye occasionally. (I went rainbow for freshman year of highschool , I got called the Skittles queen and a unicorn) I have brown eyes and a very strong rbf .
Personality wise , I'm going off of what I've been told by the few friends I have 🤧 straightforward , blunt , loyal , kind , funny , generous, protective, territorial, very asocial, bold , strong, ambitious but barely motivated, socially awkward, devil's temper (according to my mom , which is funny cuz it usually takes a lot to get me to that point except for a few exceptions which pull the pin) , i don't enjoy going out much ( a shut in ig) and I'm a bit of an outcast, specifically since I don't go out of my way to talk to people. I carry bandages and snacks in my bag most of the time 😭 I will not back down from a fight 😤 unless it's any sort of math or essay in which case.. I'm sprinting away.
Some dislikes would be bullies, stupid men , religious extremists , math , being bossed around , loud noises , annoying people, awkward small talk , creeps , beating around the bush , disloyalty, too much clinginess, children and gender roles
Some likes are drawing, reading, snacking, horse back riding , swimming, fantasy stuff , video games , anime , sleeping, I love my dogs more than life itself, the ocean and forests , my personal space and listening to music and ocean ambiance. I also love rainy / stormy weather.
I'm interested in boxing and other martial arts, hopefully I get to practice one day .
Idk what else to put so I'll leave it here 😅
Thank you for your time!
Remember to take breaks , eat yummy snacks and a tasty drink ! 💖
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request, and thank you for the patience as I work to get the rest of these out! I do hope that you like your match-up! Enjoy!
Tw: None
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I match you with.........
Jade Leech
Now, the initial start of this relationship was rocky at best. Jade is someone who is quite used to putting up a front in front of other people, mostly to get them to trust him in some way (very bad idea), or other times, when he is as calm as he is, you know something is about to happen (again, something very bad). It took him some time to realize that he doesn't always have to have that persona up in front of you.
Your loyalty is something he finds admirable. Growing up in the Coral Sea, many only fended for themselves, loyalty wasn't a thing, not when everyday was a new fight for survival. Well, it was for mers who were like him. So, seeing your dedication and loyalty to those who were around you was something he found so endearing about you. And to be on the receiving end of that loyalty, oh, how it made his cold heart flutter.
I have a feeling that Jade will sometimes listen to ocean ambiance to help him sleep. Growing up in the ocean all of his life, coming onto land was a strange time for him. Everything was so unfamiliar to him, so the sounds of the ocean helped. Knowing that you enjoyed those sounds as well brings him great joy. Even more so if he gets to hold you as you both lay in bed. It brought a form of comfort to the eel.
As you love going out into the forest, would you like to join him for his next trip? Or even join his club? Having someone finally out there with him brings a real smile to his face, even more so when it's you. He especially loves it if you ask about any mushrooms that you may see while out in the wilderness. Though be prepared, any question you ask will be met with his extensive knowledge on that particular fungi, meaning he could be talking for hours.
Please go swimming with him. He will gladly switch back to his natural form and show you the world below the ocean if you would let him. He especially loves floating in the chilly waters with you lounging on top of him, simply enjoying the waves and the sun.
Overall, you both bring out the best in each other. He loves to be able to go hiking in the forests with you, hold you at night while listening to the sounds of the ocean, and just being by your side.
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aresrambles · 2 years
i just found ur blog!! and went thru all of your writing, and i loved them!!! could i plz request something fluffy then spicy for din djarin, like he comes back from a hunt and sees reader in the bunk sleeping in our of his shirts?
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Hunter's Prize
mando x gn!reader - fluff turned nsfw, afab terms, tired!din, sleepy!reader (1109 words)
a/n: first off, i cannot apologise enough for how long it took for me to complete this request, thank u for being so patient. secondly, AAH thank u so much! that means so much to me. i had a lot of fun w this request so i hope u enjoy reading this!
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Din's body ached with every step he took onboard the ship; the only thing keeping him afoot being the remnants of fiery adrenaline from the bounty chase earlier on. It had ended even more successfully than Din hoped it would, with the bounty struggling to put up any sort of a fight. He came along willingly after short game of cat and mouse, and even strangely requested to be frozen in transportation. Whatever, the Mandalorian wasn't about to complain about his luck. At long last, his body would be able to surrender itself to the alluring call of slumber and sink into that almost comfortable cot of his, and-
A seemingly, occupied, cot of his. There you lay, the rise and fall of your chest being the only indicator of life in the otherwise all-too silent room. But Din was never one to complain, not when you looked like that. Tired eyes rake over your sleeping form, elegantly splayed out in amongst those itchy blankets he had gotten Maker knew how many moons ago. You made his den look like the most comfortable place in the galaxy. And perhaps, the safest, too. Even through the helmet, he was able to smell you, faintly. The soft scent of what would've been yours and Grogu's dinner, your sweet-smelling shampoo from the market, you, you, you. 
The Mandalorian begins his nightly routine of shedding the layers of beskar that conceal him from the world, it has almost now become ritualistic. First his gloves, then his forearms, shoulders, cape, chest-plate, thighs, calves, boots- 
He stops at his helmet, fingers skirting along the ridges before dropping back down to his side. For now, this is enough. A fleeting thought of its removal passes through Din's mind before it is trampled upon by his better judgement. At least, what Din thinks is his better judgement. These days, it is becoming harder to tell. 
The low shuffling from his cot brings him back to the room, to you, and before he knows it, the Mandalorian is at your side, palm resting upon your head.
"I'm back." He murmurs, though it comes out bluntly through the modulation of his helmet. 
"All in one piece?" You ask, only half-joking. Your hands reach out to him under the dim lights, as if to confirm this is indeed true, before you feel a soft chuckle rise from his chest. He grunts in what can be loosely translated as a 'yes', and flops onto the cot right next to you.
"Hey, you almost crushed me!" You laugh, now a little more awake. You feel strong arms snake around your waist and tug you closer to him, and breathe a sigh of contentment. It hadn't been long since Din had left, yourself and Grogu had become used to waiting much longer, but even a few hours away from the man resulted in an embarrassing amount of yearning. You craved Din's presence on this ship. His heavy footsteps from above in the cockpit, the way in which he fathers Grogu. The domesticity of it all makes you feel like some sort of family. The thought makes your tummy fizzle.
"Stop squirming around."
"I can't. It's cold."
"That's definitely not why you're wriggling like a sandworm. You're wearing my thermal."
Your face gets hot as you look down and realise that Din is indeed correct. Wearing his clothes wasn't unusual for you, but he had never caught you in the act. Usually you would curl up in one of his old capes or undershirts while he was away, and safely return it when you felt like the Mandalorian would show up any time soon. But this felt like he had caught you red-handed. 
Din on the other hand, felt hot elsewhere upon making this realisation. Blood coursed downwards as he rested his helmet into the crook of your neck, dragging his fingers underneath the tight cotton against your skin. "I don't mind." He murmured, "It suits you."
"You can't even see me." You groan, rolling your eyes.
"Yes I can. My helmet has night-vision. When you're underneath me, when you're on top- I see it all. I can see everything."
Silence. Your eyes widen in horror as you think back to the countless nights of intimacy. Expressions you thought remained unseen by your partner in the darkness of the room, had indeed been witnessed. Forget about earlier, your stomach was now doing backflips.
"And... And I want to see it again. Now, I mean."
Permission, he's asking for your permission. Din's hands feel so hot all of a sudden on your waist, as you become hyperaware of his dick pressed firmly against your ass. Despite the slight embarrassment, your grind your hips against him in approval. The Mandalorian always made you feel at ease, and this was no exception. Din grunts as you apply pressure on his crotch and begins murmuring sweet nothings almost immediately.
"S'fucking beautiful, you're so beautiful." He whispers, moving against you in slow rhythm. "You're always so good for me."
You feel yourself get wet at his words and put your hand through your thighs, relieving Din's cock from its restrains and guiding it to sit against your clothed pussy. You had only your underwear on under his shirt, but it almost felt like nothing against the head of Din's dick. You were so wet that he would've been able to make out every detail of your pussy through the slick material of your panties. It clung against you like a second skin. You feel the back of your neck begin to prickle with sweat as you guide the tip against your folds, holding back moans everytime it grazed your clit. Din brought his fingers up to your mouth and stuck them inside, opening it up wide and playing with your tongue.
It was a command you were more than willing to follow, allowing your frustrated moans to reach his ears. Din flipped you over with ease pushing your panties to the side and sticking two fingers inside of you. The pressure almost makes you cum there and then but you try your hardest to refrain, clenched around the slow pumping of his fingers. 
"Just like that, pretty thing." He mumbles, the cool of his helmet being the only thing to stop you from overheating. The way he's slumped against you tells you that despite all of this, Din is tired. His shoulders are slouched and his movements a little duller than usual, not that you mind.  Tonight, you will laze in bed until dawn, bodies intertwined and hushed confessions of love before he will once again take his leave. But for now, this is enough. His closeness, his touch. It is enough.
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paullahotes · 2 years
Incalescent- Chapter Six
Pairing: Paul Lahote x Fem!OC
Summary: Em just wants to be loved and have a family for once in her life. But nothing has ever gone right in her life before so why should it now?
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: violence, blood, confrontation, angst, vampires with red eyes and terrible fathers
A/N: Listen, I don’t think I’m a good writer so this could be terrible! Let me know what you guys think of it!
The light coming in from my slightly parted curtain made my room a deep grey. I knew today would be gloomy from how I felt as I lay in my bed, not wanting to get ready for school. There was a tired ache in my bones. I hadn’t been physically hurt but emotional pain can manifest itself as physical, or so I had experienced over the years.
From where I lay on my bed, I could see the pile of clothes Paul had given me the other night. When I had gotten home, they had been quickly discarded because I realized they smelled like him and couldn’t take it. The second I stripped out of them I took a long shower to wash off everything that happened that night.
As if everything going on between Paul and I wasn’t enough, Victoria had gotten away because the wolves couldn’t play nice with the Cullens for two seconds. Of course, I hadn’t helped that either because I had gotten in between Paul and the giant vampire. 
The Paul situation was weighing heavy on my mind. I had no idea how to handle my father but I knew I had to figure it out because Paul was someone I needed in my life. Not even my father could break the connection between us. I had forever to try and figure out how to be with Paul without my father being around but I was hoping that it didn’t take that long.
My phone started to go off beside me, my alarm telling me it was time to wake up for school. I hadn’t slept much that night, tossing and turning just thinking about everything that happened on Saturday night. 
After getting home from Paul’s and taking my shower I stayed up the whole night doing homework. It became redundant as I was going over and fixing things that didn’t need it but it was a great distraction. My mind was occupied with rough draft corrections for a couple of papers that were already corrected and ready for the final copy. I didn’t start thinking about anything until Sunday night after the accidental nap I took that afternoon. 
Getting out of my bed and house sounded like a good idea, school would probably drag on but at least I would have some sort of distraction. I had to turn in the papers I had overdone over the weekend anyway. There was always the chance that the humans had had some drama over the weekend and my super hearing let me in on it. Who knew, maybe today would hold some drama to keep me entertained for a while. 
The weather turned out to be as bleak as I expected. It may have been springtime here in Forks but somehow it was cold and was only made worse by the rain coming down in a medium drizzle. The wipers moved back and forth across my windshield almost lulling me to sleep. They, like the car, were brand new so they didn’t squeak and moved with precision as they went. 
The school parking lot was semi-full as I pulled in with no sign of the Cullen’s yet. I was sure that Alice would confront me about what happened over the weekend. If she didn’t I knew Edward or Bella definitely would, no doubt having been called right away about my involvement. 
I pulled my knees up to rest on my steering wheel while I waited in my car for the school day to start. Paying no attention to my surroundings I pulled out a beat-up book from my bag, one of my favorites to read over the years, and began to re-read it. Before I could get too into it I heard a soft roaring sound, like a motorcycle but not as powerful, and turned my attention from the book to wherever it was coming from.
At the front steps of the school stood Jacob, arms crossed menacingly as he leaned on his bike and started angrily out into the crowd of people. He was clearly here to cause trouble with the Cullens and I really didn’t want any more of that around here. The wolves and I had done enough over the weekend when they all refused to let a Cullen on their land and somehow involving myself made lightning almost take out the largest Cullen vampire.
Shoving all my stuff to the side I got out of my car, slamming the door behind me. Jacob looked even more unhappy than he did before when his eyes landed on me. He rolled his eyes looking away as I approached. Rain began to mist down, not enough to soak anything but enough to make me pull my hood up. 
“I’m guessing that you probably shouldn’t be here,” I whispered to him, glancing around the lot making sure none of the Cullen were here yet. He scoffed at me and looked around like he owned the place.
“We’re allowed to be wherever we want, the Cullen’s are the only ones with restrictions because they are bloodsuckers and can’t be trusted,” he spat the word ‘bloodsucker’ at me as he spoke. His words came out harshly, through his bared teeth. I outwardly winced when he called them bloodsuckers, his tone suggesting he meant me too. 
“I don’t doubt that you can go wherever you please but the thing is that you really shouldn’t be here. We don’t need a repeat of what happened over the weekend, everyone should stay on their sides and leave the others alone,” I hissed back at him, he wasn’t about to make me feel bad about myself. I had had no say in being a vampire, having been born as one and not turned like a regular one. I felt bad enough about myself already with the whole Paul situation, whatever happened with the lightning and my father looming around. 
“Look, against my better judgment I don’t have any problems with you. I can’t since you’re Paul’s girl but that doesn’t mean I’ll let you stand in the way of something that I need to do. I’m not really here to cause trouble anyway, I’m more here to check on something,” his face stayed hard but there was something in his eyes that told me he was worried about something, someone. His eyes traveled behind me, relief flooding into his face almost immediately. When I turned I saw that Edward and Bella were walking over to us, Bella looked sad but Edward looked furious like he was about to rip Jacob’s head off. 
It suddenly dawned on me that Bella could be the girl that everyone said Jacob was in love with. The girl he was always in a bad mood over. I stepped to the side as they walked closer to us, both eyeing Jacob with suspicion but glancing over at me with contempt. 
“Hey,” Bella all but shouted as she came to a stop in front of us. Her eyes never left Jacob's face, looking a little weary.
“Charlie said you left town,” Jacob replied ignoring her greeting, his words coming out harsh, through his clenched teeth. Whatever relief had flooded over him when he saw Bella was gone from his voice but was still held in his eyes. 
“Yeah, I went to visit my mom,” Bella replied, blinking rapidly for a second as she tried to figure out why he was here. A look of irritation crossed her face and she spoke again, “Why?”
“He’s checking to see if you’re still human,” Edward said with sarcasm dripping from every word. That was all the clarification I needed to know that Bella was the girl he was in love with and to finally figure out where his hatred of vampires came from. 
“Look I’m here to warn you,” Jacob ignored Edwards' clear irritation with his presence. “If your kind comes on our land again.”
“Wait, what?” Bella asked, her eyes darting between Edward and Jacob a few times before glancing over at me. Jacob looked surprised at her lack of knowledge and Edward looked stricken, probably had hoped to keep her out of it as long as possible. Edward hissed out ‘leave it alone Jacob’ trying to get him to stop but Bella insisted he tells her.
“Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding, it’s nothing to worry about,” The look on Bella’s face told me she wasn’t buying Edward's story. When he mentioned Emmett I could’ve started to cry. A lump formed in my throat as I remembered the lightning almost hitting him. Could I have really made it? If I had that meant that I was the one who almost killed another person and if I had actually done it I don’t know how I would be able to live with myself.
“Listen to you, did you lie to get her out of town too?” Jacob spat at Edward. Bella’s face held many emotions as she took in everything that was happening. Edward took a few steps forward to get into Jacobs's face, pushing me lightly out the way so he could be close. In a whisper Edward told Jacob to leave, Jacob being as pigheaded as he was puffed his chest out to Edward. 
“She has a right to know, she is the one the redhead wants,” Jacob let the words fall out of his mouth effortlessly. I sighed audibly and stepped further out the way as Bella pushed herself in between the two of them. In the distance behind Jacob, I could see the principal leaning against the doorway to the office watching this situation unfold. His left hand held a phone, probably ready to call Bella’s father, the sheriff to come and clear this up.
“I hate to break this fun up but we should really talk this over somewhere else,” I muttered just low enough for the three people in front of me to hear. Edward’s eyes darted to where our principal stood, stepping away from Jacob as soon as he came to his senses. He looked over at me briefly, his eyes still betraying his weariness of me. 
“Edward, we are going to talk about you lying to me about Victoria later but right now it’s Jacob who I need answers from,” Bella ranted her eyes lit up with a fire behind them. I bit my lip and let myself look around us. Almost all the students that attended Forks were gawking at us without trying to hide it.
“I had nothing to say and I still don’t,” Jacob replied, turning away and getting on his motorcycle. Before Edward could stop her Bella was on the back and Jacob had a big smirk as he drove off with her. Edward stared at them until they were nothing but a faint roaring sound in the distance. 
“She’ll be fine,” I mumbled not knowing what else to do or say. Edward spun around on me, glaring. Without a word, he was stalking off to his car and sped away from the school. I flinched at the look he gave me, his eyes revealed that if he could kill me at that moment he probably would. 
After Edward angrily sped out of the parking lot, I crossed my arms, held them tightly, and went to my car to retrieve my school stuff. With anxiety clouding every thought I walked silently to my first class of the day, wondering with every step I took when the Cullen were going to harm me as my dad had always warned me. 
It wasn’t until I got to the class I usually shared with Edward and Bella that I thought about anything close to the world of academia. I was lost in thought when I heard a couple of people around me begin to giggle quietly to themselves. Blinking, I looked around the room and saw a couple of people staring at me. Just as I was about to question it the teacher cleared his throat from the front of the room. 
“Miss Abbott, I thought we were passed daydreaming in class?” he asked, sighing heavily and pulling his glasses off to stare me down. My face flushed with heat as I cleared my throat awkwardly.
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled quietly. He gave me a look that suggested he had had enough and was ready to pack a bag for early retirement.
“As I was saying, Miss Abbott, Bella Swan, and Edward Cullen are both conveniently absent today so I’m pairing you up with one of them,” he slid his glasses back on his face as he turned and wrote something down on the clipboard beside him.
“I can work alone, it’s not a big deal,” the look on his face when I started to talk made me quickly finish my argument and wait for whatever the teacher was going to tell me.
“You’ll work with Miss Swan and that’s final,” his voice rang across the classroom before he muttered under his breath about how he was sick of Edward doing all the work and his partner getting credit for it. He said no other words to me and continued on with the lesson.
When the day was over I was walking to my car with my backpack slung over my shoulder when it hit me that I had no way of contacting Bella about our project. I wanted to get it done sooner rather than later to minimize our time together because my father didn’t need to see me spending time with more people, especially not one who was associated with other vampires. 
The drive to her house was shorter than I thought it would be. The word at school was that her dad was the sheriff and I would have thought of him as someone who wanted to live secluded. But here was the house right in front of me, Bella's scent floating through the air so strongly I could’ve been convinced she was home if I hadn’t been able to detect the absence of any sound coming from the house. 
Not knowing when she would finally be home I decided to do some homework for other classes while I waited. The meticulous math homework was a welcome distraction from thinking about having to work with Bella but also from thinking about Paul. But with each number, I was writing on the page came thoughts of him. I knew my dad was wrong to keep me from forming relationships with people wherever we went but as it turns out things were less complicated when I did adhere to that rule. Now I was sitting alone in my car thinking about how warm Paul was, how his lips felt against mine, how every time we held hands I felt safe.
It wasn’t long until Bella arrived home and immediately noticed me. Her boots stomped through the mud, the thick squish sound booming through my ears as she made her way to where I was parked. She stood just outside my car, arms crossed, waiting for me to make the next move. Huffing out a loud sigh, I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder as I got out of the car. She looked a little shocked and stumbled a step back as watched me close my car door.
“You weren’t in class today so our teacher paired us up for a project. I figured we could just get it over with tonight or at least start it,” I explained to her, as I tried not to make direct eye contact. She looked like this was the last place she wanted me to be and I had to agree with her. This could be dangerous for both of us and not just because Cullen’s hated my guts for the other night. My dad or whoever his friend was could be lurking around behind the cover of the thick, dark forest that surrounded us. 
“I-I’m not sure how much Edward will like me being paired with another vampire,” she stuttered quietly. Despite her clear objection she turned away and began walking to her house without indicating for me to follow. Though my gut was telling me to turn heel and leave, my brain told me I needed to finish the project. This situation felt like a double-edged sword. 
“Well, it wasn’t my choice,” I muttered as I followed slowly behind her. She was pulling a phone out of her pocket as she climbed the stairs to her front door. Some ice was left on the second stair and I watched as she slipped on it in slow motion. Before she even began to fall, I caught her by the elbow and hauled her up to the third stair. She looked at me, unblinking for a solid minute. The phone in her hand was forgotten as she processed what had happened.
“Right,” she muttered, snapping herself out of it. She typed quickly into her phone as she whispered, “vampires” to herself. Once she was finished sending the message, the low whooshing sound alerting me to a text being sent, she opened her front door. The wind from the act gushed out toward me. Her familiar sent along with another human sent, most likely whoever she lived with, invaded my senses. I cleared my throat trying to pretend that I had not used my vampire senses to gauge who had been around when a familiar scent filled my nostrils. I immediately gasped, yanking Bella toward me and off to the side so she was out of the doorway.
“Dad?” I called out into what seemed to be an empty house. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would burst out of my chest. Beads of sweat began to form on my forehead as the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stood on alert. My breathing became jagged as I tried to inhale as much of the scent as I could but it was faint.
“What the hell are you even doing?” Bella seethed from beside me. I glanced quickly at her before turning my body to look around into the treeline that surrounded us. There was no induction that my father or anyone else was around us. 
“Call Edward and have him get here as quickly as possible,” my voice sounded more on edge than I had meant it. The way her eyes popped out of her head told me that I sounded more scared than I should have. The phone was to her ear within seconds and a sigh of relief was emitted from her mouth. 
“He was already on his way,” she informed me. Her arms were crossed tightly across her chest as she watched me close her front door and sit down on her steps. My breathing was still uneven as I tried to process my dad's scent being in her house. What business could he have here? 
Suddenly lightning lit up the sky, and cracks of thunder sounded like the storm was directly overhead but there was no rain. There was only a searing pain in my head. Each burst of pain came with a matching boom in the background. I could hear Bella’s teeth begin to chatter with fright next to me as the winds started to pick up around us. Our hair was whipped around our heads as I clamped my hands over my ears trying to calm down. This had never happened in front of anyone before. 
“Em,” Bella whispered from beside me. Her voice was so low that I barely heard it through the hands that covered my ears and the loud booms of thunder that continued to sound overhead. Before I could speak a car screeched to a stop right in front of us. Edward jumped out looking like he was possessed. I tried to calm my breathing, slowly standing up and trying my best not to let my vampire instincts take over as they viewed how hostile the man in front of me seemed.
“I-I,” the stuttering made my face heat up. Slowly, I let out another breath and began again. “Bella and I were partnered for a project since neither of you were there today. That is the only reason I am here, I promise.”
“Why is there another vampire's scent coming from her house then?” Edward’s question was asked through gritted teeth. Tears began to flow freely down my still hot cheeks. Thinking about my father made bile rise to the back of my throat as my eyes darted around to make sure he wasn’t waiting around the corner, watching me.
“I-It’s my father's scent,” I whispered. Edward's nostrils flared and he took a step closer to me, his right hand encircling my upper arm. Goosebumps erupted across my skin, shivers going down my spine. I had no doubt, with the look in his eye, that he would kill me and not give it a second thought. The thought relaxed my body, hoping that he would take that as a sign that I was not a threat.
“And what is your father's scent doing in her house?” Edward asked, his voice was cool and calm now. The tone made me worry that he had made the decision on killing me once he got the information from me.
“I-I don’t know. I haven’t seen him in a while, not since we got into a fight and he left,” at my explanation, he let go of my arm so hard I fell back into the stairs as he ran into the house. Bella let out a small gasp and bent down to help me up.
“Here,” Bella tried to pull me up by my arm but slipped a little. “Sorry, I’m not that coordinated.”
“It’s the thought that counts,” I tried to sound grateful as we both maneuvered to sit on the steps and wait for Edward to come back out. The lightning and thunder began to fade into the distance and the pain in my head went with it. I could hear Edwards's movements around the house. He was looking through clothes and drawers as he breathed in my father's scent, trying to figure out the path my father had taken.
“Come with us,” Edward hissed out as he came out of the house. He helped Bella into the passenger seat of his car and gestured for me to get in the back. I was hesitant at first but the look he gave me said to not question him. I let my backpack hit the seat beside me and crossed my arms as we drove at top speed to wherever he was taking us. 
The entire ride was silent save for the light tap tap tap of rain droplets on the roof of the car. The sound and scenery should be calming but my mind was swirling with fear of what was going to happen and questions about what my father was doing. A small voice in my head told me that I should mention my father saying he had plans with a new friend that I would see very soon. Another small voice told me that they would think I had something to do with it.
The woods we were driving through came to an end, opening into a huge area dominated by an even bigger house. The house in front of me was shocking and a contrast to the houses you would usually see in Forks. It looked like it had been handpicked from the hills of Hollywood, a place fit for the richest and most famous. 
Edward's car door slammed, making it obvious I should get out and follow him. As I followed him and Bella up the stairs and into the house I could hear the low murmur of voices coming from somewhere I could not yet see. The tone of the murmurs made it obvious they were upset. A hush fell over the room as we walked through an entrance and I was greeted by the hostile looks of six other vampires.
“What is she doing here,” a tall, gorgeous blonde woman sneered at me. She turned into a blur as she threw herself at me but before she could get to me the big vampire from the other night grabbed her and pulled her back. He looked at me with angry eyes as well but didn’t make a move to come toward me. I could feel the hatred rolling off the blonde woman coming at me in waves. The old saying ‘if looks could kill’ popped into my mind as I watched her eyes burn with rage. 
“There was another vampire's scent all over Bella’s house,” Edward began, throwing a glance my way. All the other vampire's eyes flicked over to me and then back to him when he began speaking again. “Apparently, it is her father's scent.”
“I have no idea why he would be there,” my voice came out in almost a shout. My mind thought back to Paul as I looked around at all the vampires in the room. This could be my last moment and Paul and I weren’t even really on a good path right now. Since coming to Forks things had gone uphill then downhill faster than I had ever thought possible. My phone felt heavy in my pocket as I began to regret not thinking about calling Paul when I discovered my father's scent at Bella’s. Maybe he could have saved my life or maybe that would have been a mistake and he would be in danger too. 
“You have to understand why we do not trust you,” the calm voice broke through the hostility in the air. The blonde leader from the fight the other night, Carlisle, stepped forward. His wife, Esme, trailed closely behind him. He looked back at her before continuing to speak. “We did not know there were two other vampires in town, nor did we know one had such a vast gift.”
“My father and I do not have gifts,” I objected, my voice starting to break at the end. 
“Explain how you almost killed my Emmett with lightning the other night!” The tall blonde seethed, still encircled by the arms of the big vampire. The room was silent as they waited for me to defend myself. It did look pretty bad from their perspective. I had always wanted a gift but had given up trying because of how many times I had tried and ended up looking stupid. 
“My gift is to read minds and I cannot read yours. Alice can usually see the future but yours is blank,” Edward explained from beside me. You could tell by the tone in his voice that he was trying hard not to scream at me as the blonde woman had. Carlisle stood across from him, staring directly into his eyes.
“Look I know how it seems but I had no idea any vampires lived in this town. My father usually travels ahead to sniff out the town before we move into it because he likes to keep us away from other vampires. Then once I did figure out others lived here my father was gone and threatening me to keep following his rules while he was away,” my voice sounded small as I looked around the room with pleading eyes. 
“We can't keep doing this, Carlisle,” The blonde woman spoke, breaking free of Emmett's arms. “We are already risking so much with Bella and now this girl and her father are breaking into Bella’s home and pretending they don’t have threatening powers.” 
“Rosalie…” Carlisle began but her mind was made up. Alice gasped a ‘no’ out from the back of the room where she had stood by another vampire watching the interaction. Edward stiffened beside me and everything began to happen quickly but somehow in slow motion. The blonde woman, Rosalie, was flying at me so fast she was a blur. I tensed and tried to scream no but instead, I could hear thunder rolling in above me. 
Before I even knew what was going on Rosalie was no longer in front of me. Edward and Emmett held her back as they all looked at me in shock. Shards of glass were everywhere, tiny pieces sparkling across the floor and in everyone's hair. My mouth was open slightly in shock as I looked around realizing the windows that made up most of the house were completely blown out. Wind and rain now whipped inside the openings where the glass had once been. How did the windows get shattered? 
The tall man standing beside Alice strode quickly across the room, shoving everyone out of his way to get to me. I stood frozen as he approached, a look of determination on his face but also another emotion I could not place. He placed his hands on my shoulders and stared directly into my eyes. Waves of calm spread over me and the tears I didn’t even know were falling down my face stopped. 
“I believe her,” he spoke quietly, as he assessed me. The longer he looked over my face the more sure he looked about his statement. “She was scared but she was also sad. When someone is lying they usually have underlying guilt or joy. Sometimes they feel an emotion I don’t have a name for, something sinister in feel. This does not apply to her.”
They began having a conversation around me as the man kept his hands on my shoulders. I was feeling so calm I couldn’t even form a sentence to say out loud. My eyes blinked, almost staying closed but I fought to keep them open. This would not be the second time since I came to this town that I would be passed out around unknown supernatural creatures. 
“Jasper, let the poor girl go. She’s practically about to pass out,” Jasper's hands immediately left my shoulders, the comfort they emitted leaving too. The calm I felt did not subside though and as the haziness lifted from my eyes and brain I realized he must have a gift as well. 
“Now that Jasper has influenced your emotions in a more positive way, we should calmly discuss what to do next,” Carlisle said looking between Edward and Rosalie with a pointed expression. Edward was the first to relent to his words, followed closely by Rosalie. The look on her face told me that any wrong move would get me killed, no matter what Carlisle said.
They all began filtering out of one room and into another. The sound of light scratching on the floor indicated that we were moving to sit at a table, though none of them had the need to ever sit. Jasper and Alice left a seat between them for me to sit. The seat was directly across from Esme who gave me a sympathetic look as I made myself as comfortable as possible given the situation. 
“We need to keep Bella safe at all costs,” Edward was the first to speak after a long silence. “I do not care what vampire it is trying to get to her, they will die. Even if it is your father, Em.”
“If my father is in any way responsible for harm that could come to Bella I do not disagree,” Edward looked shocked at my words. So I continued, “the thing is my father and I have never had a great relationship. He kept me so sheltered over the years and I thought it was to protect me because he loved me but it is really because he wanted control of me. He never loved me.”
“I know this is probably a confusing situation, we understand he is your father and we understand if you have to side with him if it came to that. You do not need to pretend otherwise,” Edward spoke calmly from his place beside Bella. She looked uncomfortable with the attention and the discussion being about her. 
“The day we moved into town I figured out a lot of things about my dad, vampires, werewolves, so much that I did not know before and so much that I should have. My dad has kept me in the dark about so many things for so long, I had thought with good intention but finding his scent at Bella’s house and his threats about me and the wolves…” I trailed off not really knowing where I was going. Whatever I was saying out loud had not been a thought I had yet or allowed myself to truly think about. The more I thought it over and said it out loud the more I realized that my father's intentions had always seemed bad.
“I’m sorry, his threats about you and the wolves?” Esme asked quietly. She reached across the table and put her hands over the one I had resting in front of me. I nodded slowly.
“My father never let me have friends when we moved to new places because keeping our secret was of the utmost importance. We got into a fight the day we got here and I ended up running out of the house upset and was attacked in the woods by Paul in wolf form. I didn’t know at the time that vampires weren’t allowed on the reservation, I didn’t even know we lived that close to the reservation.” I explained everything from the time I entered Forks till now. Sparing no details, even the corny ones of me and Paul on the beach. The more I talked the more words wanted to flood out. The years of being held captive by my father came gushing out as the people at the table stared at me.
“Victoria,” Edward announced, slamming his hand on the table so hard it made a crack fissure down the middle, legs squeaking from the force. “His friend that he ran into with big plans has to be Victoria. We know she's coming after Bella and now her dad’s scent is all over Bella’s house. It cannot be a coincidence.”
“I tend to agree,” Carlisle whispered, looking at me with a pained expression. “I have many questions for you, Em. But for now, our priority is keeping Bella safe. If it comes to it we will have to deal with your father.”
“I understand,” I whispered back to him. Thinking about them dealing with my father left me feeling conflicted. He was the only person I had ever been close with. Albeit not as close as I had to more people in a shorter amount of time but he had always been there. Before we moved to Forks I would have argued that my dad wouldn’t have plans where he was going to hurt a human but now, seeing how he reacted over the situation with my mother and the threatening letter and phone call I had received from him, it made sense. 
“Jacob messaged back saying the pack will help monitor Bella’s home with us, in shifts so we can still hunt,” Edward announced reading off of Bella’s phone. My heart skipped a beat as I thought of Paul monitoring Bella’s house if my father, or worse Victoria, showed up. There would be no talking him out of helping, even if we were on good terms. There was a murmur of agreement amongst everyone at the table, the actual words a loss to me as my mind drifted elsewhere. 
This could be how I ended up leaving my dad behind and being able to be with Paul. If he truly was bad like my instincts were screaming at me that he was, the Cullen’s would kill him and I would be free. The guilt of basically wishing my dad would be killed during this turned my stomach and punched a hole through my chest. If he died, I would never know anything about my mother and I did not know if I could live with that. However, I did know that I could not live without Paul.
“May I please go home now?” I asked quietly, breaking into whatever conversation they were having. Rosalie who had been quiet the entire conversation got up abruptly from the table and stalked out of the room as Carlisle nodded at me.
“Can you promise that you will let us know if you hear from your father?” He asked as I got up to leave. I muttered a quiet ‘yeah’ without looking back at everyone and left the house. The feeling of dread I had when I first came here did not subside as I left and walked out into the woods. My teeth bit down on my bottom lip as I tried to process everything that was happening. Little did I know a few weeks ago that my life would be turned around again and again because of this town. Maybe there would be a light at the end of this dark tunnel but there was going to be so much dark as I tried to make it there. 
The woods were eerily quiet as I walked through them. I was too far into my walk when I realized I had not watched how we had gotten to the house from Bella’s. I was only used to going to school and the reservation a few times, this was all new. The trees were thick in this part of the woods, casting shadows and darkness all around me. 
All the calm Jasper had forced on me earlier vanished as I heard something snap in the distance. With a gasp, I spun around and saw a dark shadow deep in the woods. Piercing red eyes glowed through the darkness. I inched back slowly hoping in vain that the shadow did not follow me. Red eyes indicated one thing and that one thing I was determined to stay away from. The shadow darted forward from its spot in the darkness and without hesitation, I spun around and started to run as fast as I could. Before I could get very far my legs were kicked out from under me and I landed face-first into a fallen tree. 
Blood gushed out of my nose and dirt caked along my jaw. With a groan, I tried to pick myself up off the forest floor but a hand in my hair stopped me. The feeling of my scalp almost tearing from my head had me let out a scream so loud it echoed off the trees surrounding me. Red eyes looked down at me, a grimace plastered across the mouth below them. My father stared down at me with unfamiliar eyes. My voice caught in my throat as he let my hair go and I fell forward not even trying to stop myself. 
Without thinking about it I grabbed the phone out of my pocket and dialed the first number I could think of. Paul's name illuminated my screen as the phone rang and rang with no answer. Sobs wracked my body as I dialed Emily’s number, waiting for her to answer or for my father to kill me. 
“Em, long time no talk,” Emily answered trying to sound cheerful but her tone indicated that she was still upset with my behavior.
“Emily,” I gasped out between sobs. I didn’t even fully register that I was screaming. “Where’s Paul? He-he’s not answering and I need help! Please, Emily, I’m lost in the woods and my dad was here with red eyes. Oh god, Emily why did he have red eyes? He's-he’s gone I think, I don’t know. I-”
“Em, calm down. Sam was right here with me and heard all that. They are on their way to find you,” she assured me her voice wavering. “Em, you are going to be safe. Please let them help you this time. They can handle your father, I promise.”
“Emily,” I sobbed into the phone. My entire body hurt from the force of the crying. “Everything is all messed up. I just want to be happy. Why can’t I be happy? What is even happening, Emily?”
“Em, please calm down. You will be happy even if I have to handle your dad myself,” she joked toward the end, trying to lighten the conversation as more sobs reached her ears through the receiver. There was stomping in the distance and howls before I could even register what Emily had joked about. I silently prayed that this was not a trap set by my dad, luring the wolves to their death. 
The air around me felt thick. Thick drops of rain splattered my face, creating mud out of the dirt that had been caked onto my chin. The blood had stopped gushing from my nose but was not able to dry thanks to the rain. I felt the phone being taken out of my hand.
“Emily, it’s Paul. We’ve got her,” Paul was standing over me. He slid the phone into his pocket as he squatted down to look at me. The other wolves were spread out behind him, surveying the woods around us. 
“Paul, my dad-” he shushed me as he brought a hand up to my nose to see if it was broken. He sighed as he pressed the cartilage back into place, tiny drops of blood came trickling out as he did so. 
“Em, look at me,” he pleaded, the hand that fixed my nose coming to wipe the mud off my chin. I stared up at him, his big brown eyes swimming with emotion. “Your dad's scent is going in the opposite direction from here. He was here but he is gone now. You are safe.”
“His eyes,” the tears began to stream down my face harder and faster than before. Paul cupped my face with both hands now, anguish painting over his features. “They were red, Paul. I don’t think I’ll ever be safe if he’s still out there somewhere.”
“Then I’ll handle him if he ever comes back around. I will never let anyone hurt you,” Paul promised, scooping me off the ground without hesitation. That’s when the emotional rollercoaster of the day I had hit me. Safe in Paul’s arms with a pack of wolves surrounding us as we walked slowly through the woods, I fell asleep, unable to stop myself. 
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ushidoux · 4 years
November Baby - Ushijima x Reader
Summary: Wakatoshi offers you a little more than just chocolate and flowers on Valentine’s Day. (~2.7k words)
Warnings: breeding kink, pregnancy talk, cisfem!reader, nsfw
A/N: Breeding kink and big one-track minded boy just go hand in hand. This is for @prettysetterbaby’s Valentine’s Day collab!
Wakatoshi never told you directly that he wanted children, but he signaled so in every possible way. 
It was initially subtle - of course, he’d always loved your hips, but his eyes and hands started to rest on them more often, and soon your belly became his favorite place to plant soft kisses, and his fingers started to favor the dip in your waist and the smoothness of your hips.
In the evenings when you washed up for the night, his eyes seemed to hone in on your facial features more than usual, and while he stood beside you at the bathroom sink to get ready of his own accord as you brushed your teeth and swiped toner on your face and neck, you could see him perform a sort of math in his head, adding and subtracting from the elements that comprised the two of you. 
You took note of all these behaviors, but you declined to pick his brain because your Toshi was always direct, and you knew that if he was quiet now, it was only because he was still coming up with the proper words to express what he was feeling.
But he let you know all right, in the middle of a crowded department store in the heart of Warsaw that looked like it had been ransacked by Cupid’s battalion many times over.
“Is Poland just really into Valentines’ Day or is it this store?” You joked, as you followed your husband leisurely pushing a shopping cart you’d overloaded with essentially useless trinkets and decorative items. You’d moved into your new home just a couple of weeks ago, and still were engrossed with the task of filling the empty spaces between comfy furniture and elegant fixtures. 
You were now trekking through the realm of cribs and diapers and couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at the frankly quite excessive marketing. Red and pink hearts were everywhere, as were flowers, huge balloons, chubby angels and red crossbows, you name it.
“Oh my God, even the baby section is Valentine’s Day themed??? No wonder everyone I know is born in November!”
You were busy laughing at your own joke, but instead, he looked at you with the slightest bit of caution in his hazel eyes, leaning over the cart as it rolled to a stop and gripping the handles carefully.
“Let’s have a November baby, too,” he said, abruptly enough to stun you for a split second.
Your eyes grew slightly wide, your face growing hot at his clear and concise statement, and you quickly looked around to see if anyone else had picked up his distinct baritone. You knew in your heart of hearts he was completely serious, and flustered, you bumped him slightly on the hip.
“Why would you say it right now?” You hissed.
“Does it matter where I say it?” He asked, with a slight raise of his eyebrows. You pouted, fingers tightening on the handles of the shopping cart as well. His eyes were still on you, again, gauging your reaction, worried if he was too forward and if he had somehow made you upset with his suggestion.
“Only if you want to of course, my love,” he reassured again, his hand now covering yours. His smile was understanding, even if there was a hint of lingering hope.
The warmth was fading from your face, your heartbeat that had sped up due to embarrassment now settling with the stroke of his thumb over the back of your hand.
It didn’t take you long to think because the thought had already crossed your mind. Being heavy with his child, then eventually coming to this very store with a small little one that looked like the two of you…
It was a delightful thought, actually.
“Wine and dine me first,” you teased, kissing him quickly on the nose, “and then we can consider having a Valentine’s Day baby.”
He grinned, the slightest bit of mischief in his glance.
“I’ll have you pregnant by the end of the night.”
Dumping your pill pack into the trash was a surprisingly simple ordeal and you were very thankful it was mainly used for birth control over anything else. But out of an abundance of caution, you’d decided to shoot a message to your primary care doctor earlier that morning anyway and gotten the green light to start immediately, which was reassuring if not embarrassing. While you knew she didn’t take it this way, part of you felt like you’d essentially disrupted her life to say by the way, my husband’s gonna fuck me into oblivion until i pee positive on a stick, any objections?
Ushijima seemed to be taking this ordeal very seriously as he was prone to do, his diet even more regimented than usual despite being off-season and adding an extra ten minutes to his morning jog, a protein-heavy green smoothie in hand. While that was cute, what wasn’t cute was the fact that he hadn’t touched you in the past week.
When you rolled over to him in the middle of the night, slipping your hand down his boxers to try to get him to give you what he wanted, he responded with a kiss on the lips before gently removing your hand off of him and intertwining his fingers with that hand instead. 
“If I’m going to breed you, it’s gonna be special,” he murmured almost directly into your ear, a tinge of slumber in his voice making his voice even more seductive.
Breed? The thought itself had your heart racing but not as much when he added,
“I’m saving up to fill you with the biggest load possible, sweetheart.” 
With that, he patted you on the head before whispering for you to go to sleep and anchoring an arm around your midsection to snuggle with you, but the thought of what he would do to you had you wide, wide awake.
The fact that you were so focused on the main event made it easier for Ushijima to surprise you with the rest of the activities he had planned for Valentine’s Day.
It wasn’t the first since you’d been married, but he’d absolutely put even greater efforts into this one, starting with waking you up (after letting you sleep almost into noon) to an oversized box of chocolates and bouquet of roses and a handmade card with a haiku written in his neat script. If that weren’t enough, he’d brought you brunch to enjoy together, cozied up in bed, and topped off morning kisses with the revelation of a tennis bracelet to go with your engagement ring.
“Toshi, it’s perfect…,” you all but blubbered out, ready to burst into tears. He treated you so well.
“Not as perfect as you,” he said with a smile, welcoming you to bury yourself in his chest.
Dinner warranted more of an effort from you, and so you dressed up in your finest attire for the upscale restaurant, armed with the complete awareness that your husband planned to rip every inch of fabric off of you tonight. It didn’t help that while your meal was pleasant, you could see Ushijima grow impatient with time, adjusting and readjusting the sleeves of his blazer as night approached.
When you finally returned to the front door of your home, you were stuffed but not to bursting, and that very little bit of space left in your belly seemed to fill with new butterflies, especially with Ushijima’s hand resting at the small of your back as he opened the door. 
Why were you so nervous? You’d had sex before, many times over, but something about today felt… different? Maybe it was the looming idea of purpose, and Ushijima knew purpose very well. 
When the door clicked shut, he wasn’t on you immediately as you expected, but he was still ready, as were you. He leaned down to plant yet another kiss on your lips that seemed to whisk the nervousness away - again he was your Toshi, and you were his, and you were going to create life.
“Baby?” He asked, tentatively. 
“Baby,” you agreed, wrapping your arms around his neck to start another kiss anew. He carried you effortlessly, keeping his lips pressed to yours as he pulled off your high heels and tossed them haphazardly, leading you back into the bedroom where a smattering of rose petals along the shag carpet and in the center of the bed greeted you, along with a lightly diffused essential oil blend with heavy notes of ylang-ylang and cedarwood.
Laying you carefully on your back, his eyes shifted from soft to focused, practically to match the level of intensity you saw when he was on the court, and your pulse started to pick up again. While he didn’t exactly tear the clothes off of you as you had anticipated, your dress was pulled over your body quite hastily to reveal all of you. Inches of skin to mark, a beautiful body to fill. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured again, leaning into your neck for soft bites and kisses. He was still mostly fully clothed, and you could feel his swollen length press against your pubis, thick and heavy.
He let out a sigh, and climbed off the bed to undress.
“Don’t move,” he ordered as he pulled off tie, shirt, pants, in that order, and you couldn’t tell if you were more distracted by the sculpted muscles of his shoulders, arms, chest and abs, flexing and relaxing with every minute movement or the swell of his fat cock at attention, anxious to bury itself inside you. 
You gulped. You knew this was a ridiculous thought, but for a moment, you wondered if it was somehow bigger today?
Before you even realized what you were saying, you were already pleading, “Toshi… please be gentle…”
Ushijima smirked at your wide-eyed look, then shifted back to taking in your splayed out body with his eyes, as though mapping out his strategy while he idly fisted his length.
“Of course, love. I would never dream of hurting the mother of my kids.” 
Yet, he was absolutely going to have his way with you.
It didn’t take him long to make a decision on how to attack, anyway, because he quickly resumed position hovering over you, taking a moment to appreciate the sight of anticipating, open lips, slightly knit eyebrows over a curious gaze. His lower half pressed against you closely enough that again, you could feel the entirety of his warm, girthy length pressing against the bottom of your quickly wetting cunt to your abdomen.
The sheer span of his cock reminded you that he was basically designed to do this.
The fact that he started moving first, rubbing his length across your belly as if trying out the course before he dove in also reminded you how much your body craved him always. 
His fingers entered you hastily, and he reveled in the way your cunt already made the lewdest of noises, soft audible squishes with every pump of his fingers as he prepped you.
“So eager… so sloppy, waiting to receive all of my cum, aren’t you?” He teased, withdrawing his fingers to show you some of your slick. “You’re receptive,” he added, pulling his two fingers apart to show you the stringiness of your arousal. 
“I-I want this too, you know,” your face growing hot from the tease, hotter still when he sucked your wetness right off his fingers.
“What do you want?” He said, raising an eyebrow, still moving painfully slowly on top of you, but angling his body so that he was just running the entire base of his cock against your wet slit, killing you with every second he wasn’t immediately filling you up.
“Your babies, Toshi...”
That made him smile, and you earned the slight entry of his cockhead into you, forcing a slight moan out of your throat. The stretch was intense, as always, but the fact that he slowed had you squirming for more, as fast as possible. 
“T-Toshi… please, more,” you moaned as you raised your legs to slide down further on his cock, and he held them, pressing both firmly along his side.
“How much cum can you take in this little body of yours?” he asked, pressing right at your umbilicus with one hand, as he pushed in a mere additional inch.
You let out something between a moan and a scream from the overwhelming sensation of being stretched with so many inches to spare.
“Just fill me!!! Please, just put everything inside me,” you whined. 
“As you wish, darling.”
His arms hoisted your legs above his shoulders and he did you the service of thrusting all remaining inches inside you, forcing tears from your eyes from the too full sensation, kissing your ankles beside his head as he gave you time to breathe and adjust. Once you’d settled from the sound of your whimpers slowing, he reached for the headboard behind you before he started his onslaught.
Thrust after thrust after savage thrust, you could hear his groans deepen as he plowed the grounds for his seed, his hands tightening firmly against the wood of your headboard as it creaked for mercy. 
He felt so good, so perfect, so fitting, stretching you out like this to make room for his kin. 
Your fingers etched desire into his back, as you choked up a demand for more sensation, more him, more closeness..
“More, daddy!”
“Daddy is quite correct,” he mused, his hands moving from the headboard to quiet instead the jostle of your breasts, palming them gently. 
They were so pretty to him, he couldn’t wait to see them swell. 
He leaned down again to swallow your moans in a kiss, then opted to flip you above him instead, before he continued to snap his hips, bouncing you into the air.
“T-Toshi, you’re ah- too fast!” You shrieked, barely able to stand upright, the ride too rocky and intense for you. Palming his abdomen to walk your way up despite your movement, he brought you back down flush against his chest again, holding you tightly. 
“Let me do the work,” he whispered, kissing you, making your head swim to distract from the fact that he really was rearranging your guts. “I’ll do at least this much, since you’ll be carrying our child.”
And to that promise, you came almost instantly, an impulse of shock traveling from your slippery cunt up that you could almost feel in the tips of your fingers that made your body clench, your toes curl and the sound that came out of your throat less dainty and more primal, coming from so far deep inside you, even you were afraid.
As if on cue, his fingers dug into the flesh of your waist, holding you steady as he pounded into you even further, faster, pushing past fluttering walls and soundless cries coming from your lips, until he finally came with a shudder, spurting thick, hot gobs of liquid that you could feel hitting your cervix.
And it kept coming; he held you tighter, so desperately you thought you might break under his touch, burying his face in your chest - you could feel yourself still clenching around him, so greedy, trying to milk him for even more than the generous amount he was giving you.
It would be a miracle if you weren’t pregnant.
When it finally stopped, he left an arm around your back pressing you close to him, letting out a soft, pleased sigh with lowered eyelids. You stayed against him for longer, cockwarming him, your hands languidly coming to rest on both sides of his face.
Your darling Wakatoshi…
He stayed hard inside you, slowly giving you just one more stroke to atone for the small amount of semen that was already threatening to leak out around him, then laid you on your back.
“You’re doing so well already…” he encouraged, scooping up drops of him spilling out of you. “Keep it all in,” he said breathily, a warm palm pressing on your opening. 
“I will, baby,” you nodded, and he gave you another peck on the lips, then moved to one of your mounds to take a pert nipple in his mouth and suck softly. 
His hand lingered on your hot cunt, warm and dripping; he instead focused on stimulating your nipples with the other hand and his lips, forcing another orgasm out of you with time and dedication.
He’d obviously read somewhere orgasms themselves made pregnancy more likely. Always so thorough.
“You... f-feel so good,” you mewled, your back arching with pleasure as he used a thumb to stimulate your clit gently as he kept his semen inside you. 
He smiled, stroking his already re-hardening cock in his hand, preparing for the next round. 
“Anything for my Valentine.” 
With that was implied, the love of his life, and the mother of his kids.
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I've seen you had requests open, can uh can I have a Dom Gyro x virgin fem reader (preferably shy who hasn't even had their first kiss ) smut. Johnny and Diego could be like overprotective brothers Tbh any kinks are good besides piss kinks I just want Gyro to be really mean and rough with me<3
To start off, sorry this took so long to publish! I hope you can forgive me 🙏 honestly I could blame work, or life, but that'd be a lie, I just went through some major procrastination.
Out to the Barn and into the Hay(loft)
Contents warning; Reader is a SIMP (but can you really blame her), Gyro being a pervert, Google translated Italian, pet names, bad dirty talk, oral, no full penetration this time around sorry :(, porn written by a virgin (but really, what's new?)
Part two is now here! ->
"Bellisimo, Love. Keep going." That accented voice always spoke to you on your lonely nights, but tonight it sounded stronger.
"You feel amazing, baby." Louder.
"Keep going. I'm almost there." Almost as if the target of your infatuation was there with you, speaking low, sultry words into your drowsy mind.
"Almost there. Almost–!" Like Gyro was there, making you feel oh, so good.
"Ngh– Y/n~!"
But before you could reach that sweet ending with your love, you're startled awake.
That's right. With sinking realization you remember you weren't in a large fluffy bed in some big city with your Italian lover. Or a normal bed. Or even in a relationship.
You're sleeping in a hayloft.
On rickety old wood.
With cobwebs sticking to your wet skin.
Laying thirty feet away from your brother, and his best friend, the target of your erotic dream.
Ugh, how could you?! You were disgusted with yourself, having such a lewd dream with other people in the room (and your brother and crush of all the people to be with!)
You just wanted to go back to bed. Not to finish the dream but to just get the night over with. You were embarrassed and tired, and it was far too hot up in the hayloft to be staying awake. But of course, your body had to go against you. It wasn't just the humid summer night heat you felt. That dream had you feeling all types of ways. In between your legs, a whole different heat was making itself known.
Ugh, seriously??
You didn't want to fix it... You couldn't! What if you got too loud? And you could never get the hang of touching yourself, your arm got tired too quick and you were always left feeling hot and unsatisfied. You wished you had some sort of–
Oh, god. Was that the sound of someone using the hayloft's ladder?
Yes, it was!
Johnny was a heavy sleeper, you'd always known your brother to be prone to sleeping through everything, and even if he wasn't, climbing up to the hayloft would be more trouble than it was worth. It was just you three.. so that'd only leave you with... Your worst nightmare.
And sure enough, Gyro made himself known with a gentle knock at the hayloft's flooring. His bottle green gaze found you quick after peering over the wood to find your eye. Once he was sure you were awake, he lifted himself the rest of the way up, so he was officially sitting next to you on the raised part of the barn.
"You okay? I heard you whimpering from the lower floor."
He heard you from all the way down there?!
Oh, kill me now!
"Y-Yeah! I'm fine, just a spooky dream! You know?" You let out a choked laugh, but it came out forced. Gyro didn't seem to notice, but laughed too. He had a nice laugh, you noted. "Ah, that's good. You sure you're okay? You look like you just dunk yourself in the pond out back!"
"Well, it's pretty hot up here. I regret not sleeping down there with you and big bro."
Gyro hummed in acknowledgment. His green eyes scanned over the empty corners of the hayloft and the floor like he was searching for something. But he just ended up agreeing with you.
All was silent. Except for some far away crickets singing late into the summer night. If you had to guess it had to be about two something.
By the time Gyro set his eye off you you were already watching him. Maybe it was a bad idea to be staring so intently but you couldn't help it. He looked amazing right now. He'd ditched the jacket, gloves and hat in exchange for just wearing an undershirt with his jeans. And no hat. The barn was riddles with holes (some from age, others from shoot outs if you had to guess) and it let moonlight trickle in, beaming down at Gyro and making his hair and skin shine like he was unearthly. And those arms... They were positively drool worthy.
"S-So, Gyro, I hope I didn't wake you up." You had to get your mind off this man. Months of friendship and you still acted like a shy school girl around him all because of some degenerate dreams.
"Oh, nah. I was having trouble sleeping before you started tossing around up here." The Italian yawned. With some shifting he got into a more comfortable position, with a knee tucked to his chin to prop his head up while he looked at you. At this angle the light seeping in from besides you both had his eyes glowing dark green. He had a smile on his face that bordered on a smirk and it made your stomach flop. Whether it was from nerves or arousal was debatable.
"Y/n~, all this time we've been friends, and I think this is the first time I've been able to talk to you without Johnny present. I forget, how long ago has it really been since we met each other?" He asked without looking away.
"A year and a half! Two next spring, JoJo introduced us on his twentieth birthday."
"That's right! How could I forget?" That's what he said, but you had a feeling that was a lie. You knew you could never forget your first meeting with the Italian. It was a shock to see your big brother stroll into the house with the boisterous man at his heel chanting something about mozzarella. Dad obviously didn't approve of the blond. But you were happy to see your brother with a friend, after so long of being reclusive and antisocial. After some introductions you could say you and Gyro hit it off almost as good as he and Johnny did. After cake and him showing off one of his original gags, it was then you decided you were smitten for the older man and had been since. You loved his personality, his good looks, and the way he could help Johnny out of his depressive episodes on a dime was something admirable.
But the way he could switch from jokester to more serious was the most interesting. It wasn't common to see, but now you could feel Gyro's eyes harden on you as he switched from his cheerful attitude to something more sinister. Wait, when did Gyro get so close to you? "Y/n, come to think of it, all this time we've spent together, and I don't think I've seen you with a man outside of your family. Why is that?"
What kind of question was that? You weren't sure what would be a worse response; admitting to your crush that you were twenty and still had yet to have your first kiss, or lie and say you've been in plenty of relationships behind your father's (and brother's) back. Was this some trick question? Where he'd laugh at you for being a virgin or degrade you for being in secret relationships...? No, Gyro wasn't that kind of guy. But it still confused you.
"W-Well, the reason is.. I've uh, I've never really been into the thought of dating anyone. Really! I mean, I'm busy helping dad out, s-so it's never really crossed my mind." That was all a lie. A lie straight through your teeth. You had thought of being in a relationship (a relationship with him) You'd loose sleep some nights thinking about what it'd be like to call Gyro yours. But you couldn't say all that. You couldn't let him know you skipped out on being with other men because you wanted Gyro to be your first... Everything. That was a can of worms you'd never let see the light if day.
"Nyohoho~, really? That's so cute! Wait, so does that mean you've never done anything romantic with anyone?"
You whined, too embarrassed to say.
Gyro left his original position to get closer to your face. He was grinning, showing off his golden teeth. "So you've... Never kissed a guy before?"
"And if you've never kissed someone, that could mean you've never been... Intimate either, right?" Having him so close to your face left it hard to speak. Your breathing was heavy as you stared into those emerald eyes.
"Would you like to change that?"
Gyro's smirk grew bigger, "Dolcezza, I've seen the way you look at me. And it's safe to say, I look at you the same way." His hand trailed up to your face, keeping it in a vice grip as he made you stare into his eyes. "Thinking about having someone so small and cute like you underneath me gets me going. And if those noises you were makin' earlier tell me anything, it's that you want that as much as me."
Oh no.
Oh no. No no no no.
Oh, lord, what kind of noises were you making in your sleep?
"They were real cute, too. Hearing you moan my name like some high class whore is a real turn on. I'm surprised you didn't wake up your brother. Surprised, but happy, now that I can finally do this," With a push, your back was flat on the hayloft floor with Gyro on top of you. He swung his legs over yours to cage you between his thighs, with an arm near your face holding him up and the other hand still on your shoulder. "I don't want to do anything you're not ready for. So if you tell me no right now, I'll leave. But I'd really like to show you just how much I burn for you."
"...You," You swallowed harshly, trying to wet your throat before you spoke. "You– You would really wanna do that with me..? I don't– I-I'm not sure what to do."
"Hush, Cara. Let me take care of you first."
The hand on your shoulder found its way into your hair, he lifted your head up to slam your lips against his in a kiss that literally took your breath away. It wasn't at all what you expected your first kiss to be like. Where you thought soft lips would meet yours in a slow, languid dance, Gyro bit and sucked on your lips until you had to open them and give him access to your tongue. He licked at every inch of your mouth, letting trails of saliva run down the corners of your lips. If you thought the heat between your thighs was hot before this started, you'd begin to melt now. Having this man above you do to your body what he pleased was sending you spiraling into heaven.
Gyro's sturdy body crowded over your own while his hand left the ground to search your body. He started at your hip, massaging the soft flesh he found there in his callous hand, and left for your waist, and finally to sneak up your shirt, touching you in places that made you weak and clench your thighs against his legs. The pressure of his crotch on your own left you whimpering. You felt something hard rubbing the v of your legs while he pressed himself on you harsher.
When he finally moved away from you, there was a loud "smack!" when your lips disconnected. He left you panting and shivering, and only stared down at your wrecked body with a sinister grin.
"Nyoho~ you look so cute like this! It's takin' everything in me to not rip your pants off and fuck you dumb." Your voiced had left you long ago, you could only whine at the mortifying words he used. He simply tapped at your lips with his thumb to silence you, "But, I'll try to be gentle with ya. Let's take these off already, yeah?"
Deft hands made there way to the button of your pants. He made quick work of it and it's zipper, and was even quicker pulling them down your legs to leave you in your panties.
Leaning back on his thighs now, after he threw your jeans out of the way, Gyro froze in place. His golden teeth closed around his bottom lip while he stared down at your most intimate parts. "Oh, cazzo, Bambina. You're wetter than I thought you'd be." Fingers wrapped around the elastic of your panties and they followed your jeans to the floor. The air was still hot in the barn, but as air came into contact with your naked core you couldn't help but shiver at the cooling liquids sliding down your thighs.
"All this 'cause of a dream? Damn, you must be starving for my touch." A single finger played with you folds, driving up your slit to collect some of the slick seeping from you. The feeling of his finger alone was enough to send a shiver down your spine. You were excited to learn what more would do to you. "You want me to touch you? You want me to use you, and make you feel good?"
Oh, god yes.
The hand he used to touch you went up to his mouth. His tongue peeked out from his plump lips to lick the spunk off the dirtied finger.
You suddenly wanted to kiss him again. The sight of him licking off your essence from his finger was as arousing as it was disturbing. It couldn't have tasted good. And yet, you wanted so much to kiss him and taste yourself on those lips of his.
"Nope! No kisses. You'll get what you want once you tell me."
Oh, must he toy with you like this? You wanted him! Wasn't that obvious?
"Well? Do you want my fingers?" He lifted his hand to show, "My tongue?" The pink muscle slithered out from between his lips again. "Or do you want me to fuck you raw? I'm happy with any."
God, was he always this big of a deviant? Gyro had never acted this way before today. He was goofy, and kind, and did most anything to crack a smile on your face. Now he just acted... well, so perverse! It was... kind of attractive.
What did he mean by "his tongue"? The fingers, you understood. But what did he mean by using his tongue? Would he kiss you more?
"You...Your mouth. P-Please?" You asked softly.
"Oh, perfecto! Non vedo l'ora do assaggiarti di più di te."
It was times like these when you wish you understood his extravagant Italian.
You went to lean in for another kiss, but Gyro just pushed you back down. He bent you at an awkward angle, with your back completely against the floorboards along with your ass in the air and your legs resting on his shoulders. Finally it clicked in your head. He wasn't– He wasn't going to "kiss" you down there was he?! But Gyro quickly answered that question. As horrifying as it was to see him dip his head below to lick at the folds of your entrance, he lapped at you like a starving dog. Pleasure flooded your head with each flick of his tongue over your hole and how it skunk back out to play with your clit in his mouth. His thumbs all the while rubbing soothing circles into the soft flesh of your inner thighs.
His tongue dipped back into you. You could've called his name out over the sounds of him dining on you like you were the most delicious morsel, if it wasn't the large hand that trapped your mouth before you could even do so. "Ah, ah~, as much as I wanna here your cute screams, I'm afraid we have an audience. And I don't wanna share."
Oh god. You forgot Johnny was here! He was only meters away, he could wake up at any time and hear this. Just by the look on his face, you knew Gyro understood exactly what you were thinking. "I see you understand what I'm saying. Good~," He pulled your thighs closer yet again, and pressed his face into your heat once more so you could feel his breath on your sensitive folds. "Now, wrap these beautiful thighs around my head while I drive you over the edge!"
He attacked you a final time with lazy licks, thumbs kept your entrance open as he fucked you slow with his tongue. The repetitive motions kept you swimming, having nothing to do except keep a death grip on the blond's hair. It didn't take long for a well known pressure to press on your core. It was a warmth that started as the heat of a hand on your stomach, and grew into an inferno that was going to engulf you whole. It was strange. You'd never actually achieved an orgasm before. You never expected it to feel so weighted. Like the pressure of the world decided to lay on top of your chest, slowly crushing you. Words escaped you, you could only grab at Gyro's hair tighter, legs pressing together to keep him at his magic. You were all but humping his mouth at this point, keeping him soffocated between your thighs. (Not that he really minded. Seeing a (not so) virgin loose her mind on his tongue was insanely hot)
God, so close. So close– yes, yesyesyesyes–!
And all at once, the world's weight lifted off of you to drowned you in euphoric pleasure. Your scream came out choked and silent, and you lay there mouth opened like a dying fish.
Gyro lapped up happily at the fluids escaping your lower half. The added feeling of him helping you ride out your first orgasm had your legs twitching and your eyes rolling back into your skull. He had to press his hands into your legs to keep them from lifting off the ground too much while he cleaned you off.
It was still too hot. The summer heat came back to slap you in the face once you dropped from your high. You were sticky, and gross, and you could've cried when you remembered there was no water to clean yourself off with... If it weren't for Gyro quickly gathering you into his arms and hoisting you on to his lap. You squirmed in his hot hold but he only held you closer to his built chest, rubbing your overstimulated clit on the growing bulge in his jeans. The size and the fabric of his jeans on your bare skin had you a moaning mess in his arms immediately.
"You tasted so good, Dolcezza," He sang into your ear still pushing up into you. "But now it's time for the main course."
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
A continuation on the cheating Lucifer post plzzzz x
Mystic Rhythms (Lucifer x GN!MC)
A/N : I fell up my stairs today and bruised my kneecaps and my forearms when I tried to catch myself... That shit is embarrassing, especially when everyone runs out of their rooms to see you laying there trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. My knees hurt. But, anyway... The title is a song that I was listening to while I wrote this... It doesn't have anything to do with the writing at all, it's just a damn good song. Mystic Rhythms by Rush, highly recommend.
Part 1
Word Count : 2k T/W : cheating ; mentions of cheating ; Lucifer being a flat out dickhole ;
There was no way that you could possibly leave. Lord Diavolo wouldn’t allow it, would he? Of course not. In a matter of days you would emerge from your room, running back through the doors of his office to tell him how much you missed him. He was sure of it, his pride wouldn’t let him think any different. He would go about his days as if nothing happened, because in his mind, nothing happened at all. It was a little bit of fun to take his mind off of the stress that came along with his work, and yes, he could have gone to you for that kind of fun, but he also needed a little bit of change, a little bit of something to keep things interesting. It wasn’t exactly his fault that you happened to catch him having his fun. You shouldn’t have been out of the house anyway, a matter that he would have to handle with his brothers. They should have been watching you, making sure that you didn’t leave the house at all. Surely they know how dangerous the Devildom is outside of the House of Lamentation. It was everyone else’s fault but his own, and he’d stick by that until you and everyone else believed him.
Days passed and the armchair across from his desk began to bother him. It was empty, the entirety of the office was empty. Things were quiet, not a peep from even his brothers who would usually barge in and bother him at any given moment. It used to be annoying, but now it just seemed strange that it wasn’t happening at all. Not only did the lack of his brother's constant interruptions cause him unease, but the lack of you. Was he so used to you being there that the absence was this bothersome to him? It shouldn’t be that way, it shouldn’t bother him at all, but he was finding it increasingly difficult to focus on his work without some sort of distraction. These distractions gave him breaks, they allowed his mind that tiny bit of time to relax, to ease the stress. Now there was nothing, nothing but the work in front of him, and it was, in a sense, almost worse than before you got there at all. Even then, he had his brothers to agitate him. Now it just seemed like they were avoiding him, or doing everything in their power to drive him nuts by not being around. It made no sense to him, none at all. He should be thankful for the silence, for the uninterrupted time that he was being given to finish his tasks at hand, but he wasn’t. His phone vibrated on the desk, and in the complete silence of his office it sounded so loud, loud enough to make him jump back for a moment before fumbling forward to grab it. There was no reason to be like this, his mind was reeling for no particular reason at all, at least that’s what he told himself. He told himself a lot of things, most of them were based on his pride, or they were based on the image of himself that he wanted everyone to believe was real. Much like the whole cheating thing, something that he’d never willingly admit to, he didn’t want anyone to think he was the kind of demon to do such a thing. Not only would it ruin his image, but it would ruin the image of Lord Diavolo who he was around more often than not. A little harmless fun shouldn’t potentially ruin the image of the Future King, should it? There it was again, his subconscious mind speaking what he couldn’t out loud, taking his mind off of the phone that was now in his hand until it vibrated again. He assumed that it was you, prideful assumptions based off of thoughts that held no reason. If he were to be honest with himself, he knew that there was no reason for you to call him at all. If he were to be fully honest with himself, he knew all too well that there was no way for you to call him or message him at all if you had really done what you said you would do. But being honest with himself isn’t something that he’s good at. Being honest with anyone isn’t his best skill. There was no need to be honest when lies are much easier to live with. “You’ve been silent for a while, is everything alright?” The message read, and the name at the top wasn’t one that he’d like to see, but it was one that he knew well. Silence, it was becoming something that he was surrounded by. He wasn’t silent, but the world around him seemed to turn that way. It was penetrable and unbearable, he couldn’t take it for a moment more. With the push of a button and a swipe of his gloved finger, he quickly turned off his phone and placed it back on his desk. They could bear the silence for a little while longer, but he couldn’t. He needed to talk to someone, he needed to talk to you, even if it meant that you were yelling at him, screaming at him for the acts that he committed. His office wasn’t the only room that way empty, the house itself seemed to have been abandoned. There were no sounds of life coming from any of his brother's rooms, and he found it hard to imagine that all of them had a place to be that wasn’t inside these four walls, especially Leviathan. This only had him moving faster down the corridor until he finally reached the door to your room. He didn’t bother with knocking, the sound of his knuckles against the wood would be deafening in the silence. With a quick turn of the doorknob it was pushed open, revealing to him the truth of
the words that you had said when you walked out of his office. You were gone, you had actually left, and whether you had actually gone back up to the human realm or just gone somewhere else in the Devildom, one thing was clear. You didn’t want to be around him, you didn’t even want to be under the same roof as him, and it seemed that his brother’s felt the same way. He was alone, and as pleasant as the thought seemed to him before, now it scared him.
You sat on the bed in your room, looking up at the six demons who refused to let you go alone. They had tried to make you stay in the Devildom, but upon hearing about what Lucifer had done, they completely understood why you’d want to leave, as hard as it was for them. It didn’t change the fact that they cared about you though, far more than anyone you had ever known, and they weren’t going to leave until they knew for a fact that you’d be safe without them. “Is there any way that you can fix her D.D.D so that it’ll work up here?” Satan asked, looking over at Levi who was awkwardly looking around your bedroom. You weren’t sure if his demeanor was based on the fact that he was in someone’s room other than his own, or if it was the fact that he was in your room, but Satan’s question had him stumbling over his words for a second before answering his brother. “I’m… I’m not sure. I-It’s never been done before, I’ve never had to do it… It might take a couple days… J-Just to figure everything out… You know…” He ran his hand through his hair before sitting down on the floor, nervously twirling the drawstrings of his sweatpants around his finger as the motors in his mind seemed to visibly turn. You didn’t want him to overthink it, and you didn’t want him to stress himself out by thinking too hard about it, so you quickly slid off the edge of your bed to sit next to him on the floor, patting his knee and giving him a little smile. “Don’t worry too much about it right now, alright? We’ll figure something out.” Your hand on his knee had his cheeks burning bright red, but he quickly nodded in agreement, and you could almost see the stress leaving him as he finally relaxed. “So, since you all are here… I can order some food to the house for dinner?” It was strange having them all there, well, all but one of them… It was strange, yet comforting. You didn’t want to be alone, not right now, not after everything that happened, so you were grateful for their presence. The mention of food had Beel lighting up, practically dropping to the floor next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder. “Dinner and movies? Human world movies? And since Levi said it could take a few days, we can all stay here and sleep in your room, right?” It was impossible to tell him no, he looked so excited at the thought of it, and everyone else in the room had perked up at his words. There was no way that they would all be able to fit in your bed though, and all of them sleeping on the floor didn’t sit right with you. You’d have to figure something out, and it would most likely turn into a shopping trip to buy more blankets and pillows just so they’d be comfortable. The thought of a sleepover, in a sense, was nice though. It would be the perfect way to keep your mind off of everything, for you to relax, laugh, and have some fun with your six favorite demons.
The door knocked just as the six of you settled into the couch, the movie had just been unpaused and everyone was taking the first bites of their pizza slices. Everything had been delivered, there was no reason for the door to knock, so you decided to ignore it, just as all the other brothers did, hoping that whoever it was would take the hint and go away. That wasn’t the case though, and the knock came louder this time, almost like whoever it was was trying to break down your door. “You don’t have to pause it… Maybe it’s the delivery guy… Maybe I forgot something…” You shrugged, pushing yourself up from the couch and walking over to the door. You weren’t expecting anyone, you weren’t expecting anything, and you surely weren’t expecting him. Your stomach dropped when you saw him, his crimson eyes boring into your own. “I see you have quite the party going on here. Shame I wasn’t invited since I am the reason for this gathering, am I not?” It seemed that in that moment, time stood still. The wind that had been rustling the leaves of the trees had suddenly come to a stop, the sounds of the movie behind you had gone silent, even the sound of fabric brushing against itself whenever the brothers shifted on the couch wasn’t heard anymore. Everything had gone still, everything had become eerily quiet, and the only things you could hear was Lucifer’s voice and the sound of your heart beating faster in your chest. “Oh, don’t worry darling. I only had to take care of a few minor details, just to make sure our conversation wasn’t interrupted by my brothers.” His smirk sent shivers down your spine and had your stomach doing flips. This was the last place you expected to see him, but then again, you had told him that you wanted to leave. The only thing was, you didn’t expect him to follow you. It had taken days for you to convince Lord Diavolo to let you go back to the human realm, especially with all the other brothers begging you not to, begging Lord Diavolo not to agree, but he had finally allowed it, and that was the day that Lucifer decided to come to you. It was pathetic, and seeing him made you physically ill, but you had to stay strong just as you had before. “What are you doing here?”
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koushou · 3 years
Can you please do zhongli/rex lapis x fem shy reader. The fem reader is extremely shy and doesn't have any friends cause of her quiet and timid nature and she lives in liyue with her parents and an only child. She loves to story of rex lapis and the history of liyue and accidentally meet zhongli and sometime later he revealed to be rex lapis to the reader. Also, the fem is a villager of liyue and doesn't have super powers to fight just a weak villager.
fateful meeting
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pairing : zhongli x shy f!reader {fluff}
warnings : none
word count : 2.6k
a/n : thank you for this request! I apologize for the wait, I dont think i made the reader as shy as you requested jshdjd sorry, i hope you enjoy !
Even as a child you had been fascinated by the stories of Liyue, or rather, a specific figure in its history. Perhaps, the archons have heard your passionate nature regarding Liyue, for a fateful meeting one day will change your peaceful life forever. 
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Life was everything you could’ve ever wished for.
Only the soft, consistent chopping of a knife against a wooden cutting board and an occasional quiet flip of a page in a book could be heard in one of the many homes in Qingce Village. 
Sunlight seeps through the cracks of the window you sat by, casting a bright glow on the words inside the book in your hands, seeming as if the story itself was coming to life.
Well, not that the story wasn’t coming to life, it had already come to life, for you were currently reading about the history of your beloved nation, Liyue.
The book you were so engrossed in was not an unfamiliar story, having already read it a couple times. You would never grow tired of this one.
A smile played on your lips as you approached one of your favorite parts of this specific chapter. 
Softly fiddling with the corner of the thin page, your eyes scanned over the familiar words slowly.
Wielding a spear so sharp no blade could even hope to compete against, he emerges from the shadows, illuminating a golden aura around his built figure. In one swift motion, the polearm-wielding fighter sends a rumble through the ground beneath him, ridding of any enemies around him in a flash. A sigh leaves his lips as he removes his hood, examining his surroundings. A long ponytail of golden-brown hair trails down to his waist, flowing softly in the wind. His eyes the same shade, if anything more golden, slowly fluttering shut, head turning upwards, immersing himself in the soft breeze.
You pause and gaze out the window, sighing at the scene of hundreds of miles of tall mountains spread out all around, all thanks to one person. One archon, to be more specific.
About to flip the page once more to continue, you were interrupted by your mother’s voice calling out from the kitchen. 
“Y/N, dear, could you fetch me some berries down the river if you aren’t busy?”
You tear your eyes away from the book begrudgingly, calling back, “Fine, anything else?”
“Some sweet flowers and fowl would be great, thanks honey!”
You shut the book, placing it down on your table as you stand up to stretch, bones cracking at the movement.
As much as you wanted nothing but to snuggle back into your chair and immerse yourself back into the story, your parents were the most important people in your life, and you knew it was mainly up to you to take care of them.
Being an only child isn’t as lonely as people make it out to be, you get peace and quiet in the home, and you wouldn’t change it for anything else.
Kicking on your shoes you wore when you ventured outside, you picked up the basket that was used to collect food, as well as your hunting bow for the fowl.
You didn’t know how to fight, having spent your whole life secluded in the village, but you had enough hunting experience, at least.
About to head out, your eyes landed on the book now laying on the table and pondered for a moment, before grabbing it and placing it into the basket.
Despite your mother’s scolding about dangers reading outside, you just wanted a change of scenery while you lose yourself in Liyue’s history.
“I’m heading out now, Ma!” You call out as you push open the wooden door to your home, earning a hum from her in response.
The heat in Liyue would be pretty unbearable to outsiders, however having lived in the same village for almost all your life, it wasn’t anything new.
You hummed, greeting your neighbors occasionally with a wave, walking down to your usual place to fetch ingredients.
Finally reaching your destination not too far from the village, you crouch by the river as you picked the sweet flowers and berries your mother had asked for.
“Mmm, what else did she ask for again?” You thought out loud, forgetting the last ingredient, eyes landing on your bow.
“Oh right, fowl!”
You scan your surroundings, looking for any signs of birds, when suddenly you hear a sharp rustle of a bush behind you. 
Not having time to even turn around and investigate, a heavy weight pounced on you from behind, causing you to tumble forward.
You let out a yelp, feeling a pain through your arm that you had landed on, turning around to see the attacker.
Your eyes widened, seeing it had been a hilichurl that was currently standing above you, however, it didn’t feel like a regular hilichurl.
It had black smoke emitting around it, as if some type of curse had been placed on it, enhancing its strength.
The hilichurl spurt out some unintelligible words, before raising its bat and lunging at you once again.
You grab your bow beside you quickly, aiming at its head before completely missing due to your shaking hands.
Cursing under your breath, you pick up a rock and throw it weakly at the creature, causing it to stop only briefly before charging towards you again, seemingly more angered this time. 
This was it, you thought. All the time spent not learning how to fight, this must’ve been your punishment. 
You shield your face with your arms, hoping to at least lessen the impact, before hearing the hilichurl shout followed by a thud behind you. 
Moving your hands away from your head, you turn to see the hilichurl now lying unconscious a few feet away from you.
“Are you hurt anywhere?” 
A deep, masculine voice brings you out of your shock, as you turn slowly to meet your savior, instead met by a hand held out in front of you, offering assistance. 
Your eyes trailed up to the mysterious man’s face, before your breath caught in your throat.
A long ponytail of golden-brown hair trails down to his waist, flowing softly in the wind.
The man looked back at you curiously, hand still reached out toward you.
His eyes the same shade, if anything more golden.
Why were you suddenly reminded of those words in the book?
Your mouth gapes at the sight of the man above you, his presence bringing a strange feeling you didn’t recognize.
Your eyes widened. Could it be..?
“...excuse me? Are you alright?”
His voice brings you out of your daze once again, a worried look cast upon his handsome features. Wait, what?
It was only then did you realize how good looking the man was before you, turning red as you took his hand and stood up, wobbling a tiny bit.
“Thank you for saving me,” you bow slightly, quickly picking up your forgotten belongings on the ground, still flustered from the incident.
You were about to say goodbye and leave as quick as you could, before your book fell out of your basket and landed on the ground next to the man’s feet.
The man bent down and picked up the book, about to hand it back to you, when he suddenly stopped and examined the cover.
You swore you could’ve been seeing things, but a small smile grazes his lips as he faces you.
“Are you also interested in the stories of Liyue?”
You stop in your tracks, turning to the man who was now flipping through the pages of the book to the section you had bookmarked prior.
His golden orbs now held an unreadable expression behind them, almost...nostalgic.
You felt a small surge of confidence as your favorite topic was brought up.
“Ah--yes, I am quite informed of the history of Liyue myself,” you smile softly to yourself, causing him to look up and chuckle.
“Is that so?” He hums, tilting his head upwards to face the blue sky, closing his eyes slowly. 
...slowly fluttering shut, head turning upwards, immersing himself in the soft breeze.
Your eyes widened at the sight.
There was no way.
But, there was no other explanation for it.
“May I...ask your name?” You ask carefully, awaiting his answer.
He shuts the book with a soft thud, handing it back to you to which you take back happily.
“I go by Zhongli.”
He offers you a smile, making your heart skip a beat and blood to your cheeks, as you stutter back your name in response.
“Be careful around these parts, monsters have been affected by some sort of spell here, making them stronger than usual,” he explains while putting away his spear he had used earlier.
Wielding a spear so sharp no blade could even hope to compete against.
There was no mistaking it.
“Are you perhaps--” 
You start to ask, gaining a curious gaze from him, however stopping in your words after realizing how bizarre you’d sound if you’d ask him the question you had been aching to voice since your meeting.
“Nevermind, I should get going,” You shake your head, thanking him once more before starting to walk away.
“If you’d like me to answer your question, meet me back here tomorrow, at the same time.”
Zhongli spoke behind you, making you turn and meet his eyes, which gazed back into yours almost knowingly. 
“But you don’t know what my question is,” you question, confusion evident on your features.
He chuckles again, the sound making you melt on the spot.
“Do not underestimate the geo archon.” 
With that, he disappears into the other direction, leaving you frozen in your place.
Did he just…?
A million thoughts were coursing through your head at the moment. But one thing was for sure, you couldn’t wait until tomorrow. 
That night, sleep did not come to you like usual.
With your head filled with thoughts about Zhongli, and his last words before departing, you were basically shaking with excitement.
Had you really met him?
Nevermind, your questions would all be answered the next day.
“I see you’ve arrived.”
Zhongli smiles at you, to which you return the gesture, still mesmerized by his delicate features to speak.
You had practically jumped out of bed this morning, making some jumbled excuse about fetching more berries and fowl to your mother, who was left dumbfounded.
Zhongli pats the spot beside him on the grass, and you notice his spear laying next to him on the other side.
Carefully sitting down next to the tall man, both of your backs leaned against the tree with its leaves above you providing minimal cover from the sun. It was then that you noticed the close proximity of your bodies, making you flush.
“So, would you like to ask me your question from yesterday?”
You bit your bottom lip nervously for a moment, before shaking your head and reaching next to you into the bag that you had brought. 
“Ah-- before that, Mr. Zhongli, you mentioned you are also interested in Liyue’s stories?” You pulled out the book from yesterday. 
He nods, as you flip open the book to the chapter you had bookmarked. The same chapter describing Rex Lapis’s first appearance.
“Just Zhongli is fine. And yes, I am also well-informed of the stories of Liyue. Would you like me to tell you some?”
You nod, showing him the marked section. “That would be nice, but could you answer this one question of mine first?”
He takes the book from your hands, bright pupils scanning over the words. A small breeze blew by just that moment, causing his long hair to lift slightly. The sunlight shone softly on his pale skin, giving him an almost ethereal aura.
You never thought someone could appear so calm and peaceful while reading a book.
“Yes, ask away.” 
He lifts his head up to meet your eyes, making you clear your throat, embarrassed you had been admiring him so openly.
Although that chapter remains your favorite chapter of all times, there had been one question that had stayed in the corner of your mind each time you read it.
“In that section, when Rex Lapis lifts his head and immerses himself in the wind, what do you think he was feeling? Satisfaction from eliminating his enemies? Or perhaps, tired from all the fighting in the Archon War?”
Zhongli hums, smiling gently at nothing in particular as he closes his eyes, lifting his head up towards the sky.
A small breeze passes by again, and you smile at the sight. You no longer questioned his true identity. You knew.
“That all may be true, however, I’d say he was feeling quite…” He pauses, as if trying to search for the right word.
“...saddened, almost.”
You tilt your head curiously, “Saddened?”
He nods, facing you, “Perhaps mournful, even. Have you ever wondered if Rex Lapis wanted to kill at all? Although those evil should be eliminated, they are still living souls, and perhaps he wished for everything to return to normal.”
Zhongli’s voice trailed off, as he held a sad feeling behind his eyes, making you unconsciously reach for his hand laying on his lap.
He looked at you in surprise at the sudden contact, and your eyes widened at your own actions, making a move to quickly retrieve your own hand, when he stops you.
 He brings the both of your hands together, now laying on his lap as red spreads through your cheeks.
The both of you sit in silence as a few beats pass, when he breaks the silence once again.
“I’d like to share with you some of my favorite stories of Liyue, would you be interested?”
You smile, nodding as he starts speaking again.
And he shares stories you’ve never heard before, or even some that you have, but a different version of. The difference in stories that you had believed your whole life made you surprised, not sure what to believe.
No, scratch that, deep down, you knew what to believe. Or, who to believe.
Zhongli shares his stories until it starts to become dark, to which he finally stops and suggests you return home.
“I’ll walk you home, it’s quite dangerous at night.”
You thank him, and you two start to make your way back, continuing to talk about Liyue and its fascinating history.
“Ah, it’s just right down there. Thank you for today, Zhongli.” You smile at him once again, ready to return before he stops you.
“Are you not going to ask me the question you had yesterday?” It was quite dark, so it was a bit difficult to tell, but you swore there was a slight smirk on his lips.
You laugh, shaking your head. “I’ve got my answer already.”
He raises his eyebrows, a teasing hint in his voice, “Are you sure, Y/N?”
Hearing your name roll off his tongue sent shivers through your body, smirking back at him.
“I’m quite sure, Rex Lapis.”
Zhongli opens his mouth to speak before closing, as deep chuckles ring through the night. Not long after, your own quiet giggles joining him. Finally, you both recover from your laughter.
“Goodnight then, Morax, you still have to share your stories with me tomorrow.”
He smiles at you, golden eyes shining even through the dark. “Same time?”
You grin back, before turning to return back to your home. “Same time.”
Maybe you’d ask him to teach you how to fight tomorrow.
On second thought, perhaps your lack of experience in fighting was a good thing. For because of it, you had met the man who only existed in books that you’d read everyday.
Your once peaceful life, although disrupted by the appearance of the one and only geo archon you admired so dearly, had now offered you something to look forward to each day.
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rezzyromance · 3 years
What would happen if Heisenberg found reader’s diary?
What if said diary had a written confession of a crush/feelings?
I think he would be very giddy + cocky about it. He would tease reader making off handed comments with certain words she used in her diary to describe him until it clicked with her that he read it.
NSFW is not necessary but encouraged 🥴
Being greedy I’d like to see another prompt with the roles reversed - reader finds his diary.
Ps I love your writing 💕
Oh my god please this is so good.
NSFW +18 (CW: Sexual talk, but no actual sex. Nothing too specific.)
You closed your eyes and tilted your head back as your body relaxed, soaking in the hot water of a bath you made for yourself. The parts of the factory that you often roamed in were often cold, so it was nice to have a hot bath from time to time. As much as you were curious about the other parts of the factory, Karl made it clear to you that he didn't want you wandering around them. He wanted you to stick to the more "livable" parts of the factory like the bedroom, bathroom, and occasionally his office.
Your relationship with Karl was just a close friendship. You were someone who he felt like he could trust and you gave him company. While he only saw you as a good friend, you had regrettably grown feelings for him. Much more intimate feelings. Sleeping in his bedroom since there were no other bedrooms in the factory didn't help either. He didn't sleep often as he was too devoted to his work, but when he did it was often on the couch in his office. You felt bad practically stealing his bed from him, but his bed became a safe space for you as it still smelled like him.
After bathing yourself and relaxing a little bit longer, you pull the plug on the tub and begin to get out. Once you step out of the tub, you look around and realize something is missing. You forgot to grab a towel or clothes to change into. You groan and walk over to the bathroom door, opening it just enough for your voice to travel out of it more clearly. "KARL! KAAAARL!", you cry out for his attention. "WHAT?!", you hear his mumbled voice yell from his nearby office. "I FORGOT TO GRAB TOWELS AND CLOTHES FOR MY BATH. COULD YOU PLEASE GO GET ME SOME?", you ask. The air was dead silent, but you know he was groaning quietly to himself. "FINE!", he exits his office and you hear as he moves towards the bedroom. You then walk back over and sit in the now empty tub, patiently waiting for him.
He grumbled the entire way to the room. He hated being interrupted, but he knew if he didn't help now then you would just continue to beg. He goes into what used to be his bedroom and rummages around, looking for some clothes to get you. He tried not to think about how weird it was that he was digging through your belongings. He found a warm looking sweater that was on top of a chair. When he pulled it from the chair, something fell and hit his boot. He looked down to see a book. A diary. He chuckled slightly to himself when he realized you had a diary.
He reached down and picked it up, contemplating on whether or not he should put it back or snoop even further. He always did wonder why you stick around the factory. While the living area of it is safer than outside, it seemed like a depressing life to live, roaming only a few rooms in a large factory with little interaction. But still, you stuck around and seemed to almost enjoy it. He begins to open the diary, hoping to find some answers to his questions.
"Tonight is my first night spent in the Heisenberg factory. The factory itself is quite intimidating, but intriguing. To think that Karl built this army all by himself. He's so smart, I hope my presence doesn't drag down his success... and he's letting me sleep in his bed. He said he doesn't sleep much to begin with, but I feel a little bad like I'm intruding or something. Oh well."
He chuckles. The comment "He's so smart" slowly goes to his head, inflating his ego. He turns a couple more pages and continues to read.
"Today, I was bored and lonely. Karl usually says to not interrupt his work, but he was just in the office space. I thought maybe I wouldn't be too much of a distraction if I just popped in. What I didn't know was that before I entered, he had been recently doing some metal work in the hotter parts of the factory. The last thing I was expecting was to open to door and see him shirtless and sweaty. I couldn't move. He had this look in his eye that expressed his frustration, but it almost look animalistic.. like a predator viewing it's prey. I can't get the image out of my head, but I really don't mind."
He remembers that day. He was frustrated about you interrupting his work, but had no idea you were so flustered about him being shirtless. Animalistic? The words seem so sexual in a way. Could you be insinuating some sort of attraction? He flips through some more pages.
"While Karl does have powers to control metal, he still does his fair share of labor work. Today, he let me follow him around the factory while he worked because I told him how I was bored recently. I didn't think he'd actually let me join him. Could he possibly have grown some sort of attachment to me? It seems so out of the ordinary for him to agree to something like that. Maybe I'm just letting my hopes get the best of me. Either way, I couldn't help but notice the way he grunts when he's doing strenuous work. They made my mind wander. And I couldn't stop staring at his arms as he works. His muscles and veins bulge out of his strong arms whenever he handles something heavy. I just couldn't stop thinking about how sexy he looked. I hope he didn't notice."
He was shocked by the words, but a grin grew on his face as he processed them. He never realized how infatuated you were with him. The concept began to make him feel powerful. He continued to snoop.
"Last night, Karl made some sort of huge achievement in his inventions. I've never seen him so excited. He laughed so loud and it made my heart flutter to see him so happy. We celebrated by drinking. He doesn't usually drink, but he was just too happy and felt like celebrating. I drank enough to get tipsy. It was enough to fill me with almost enough confidence to make a move, but I never did. I couldn't sit still in my seat, though. He looked so relaxed in his chair as a cigar hung from his mouth. His eyes pierced through the smoke and I couldn't look away. He looked me up and down so much last night. What could have been on his mind? I wish I did something to show or tell him how I feel. I can admit to myself that I love him, but will I ever be able to admit it to him?"
The words caused him to freeze. "I love him." His brow furrowed as his feelings confused him. Why did these words make him feel so strange? He turned a page again.
"My mind is completely clouded with him. So many things I want him to do to me. I want him to make me beg. I want to feel his rough hands grip me all over. And I want to know what that scar on his lip feels like against mine. It's my favorite of his scars. His rough body has so many stories to tell and I want to be the one to hear them. I want to hear the way he grunts again. I want his powerful eyes to be fixed on me again. All I want is him."
His face is flushed and he noticed his pants slowly started to feel tighter. A new sense of power stroked his ego. A power over you that he never knew he had.
"KARL! WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY TOWELS AND CLOTHES! I'M GETTING COLD!", you shivered in the empty tub. What could have taken him so long? Your muffled complaints snapped him out of his nosey gaze. He quickly throws your diary onto the chair, unaware that he left it open, and gathers some clothes for you before rushing out. He grabs some towels on the way and opens the bathroom door slowly, sticking only his arm out with the towels in his hand.
"About damn time. I was worried you were gonna let me die in here." you make your way over to the door, reaching for the towels. As you reach, he suddenly raises his arm, causing the towels to no longer be in reaching distance. "Beg for them.", he says. You can't see his face, but you can tell that he has a grin stretching across it as he says this. You freeze. "What?" "I said beg for them. Go on." Your heart begins to pound in flustered confusion. "P-please...", your cold, naked, vulnerable body gets covered in goosebumps. "Louder.", he shakes the towel to taunt you. "Please!", you reach up and grab a small part of the towel. You hear him chuckle behind the door. He begins to pull on the towel, slowly pulling your body forward. You try to keep your feet on the ground and keep your balance. If he keeps pulling, you're bare body would be in his sight from the crack of the door. Why is he doing this? "Karl please! You're being a jackass!", you try to verbally assert your dominance but fail. "An animalistic jackass, perhaps?", his own words cause him to let out a cocky laugh.
It suddenly hit you. He knows how you view him and how you feel about him. He finally lets go of the towels and you wrap them around you, panicking over his new discovery of your feelings. There's only one way he learned all of this. Your diary.
You pull the door open and begin to run towards the bed room, your feet slapping against the cold ground. "Where ya goin' (Y/N)? You forgot your clothes.", he smiles and begins to walk in your direction. You make it into your room and rush over to where you normally keep your diary. You see it laying wide open. You cover your mouth as your face grows hot. His foot steps grow louder and closer until they stop as he stands in your door way. He pushes his sunglasses over his head, resting them on top so you can see into his eyes which you apparently loved so much. He whistled to get your attention and your head jolts in his direction. "Hm. What's that?", he points at your diary and fails to hide a grin. "You dick.", you mutter, embarrassed to all hell. "Yeah, but at least I'm a strong, sexy, animalistic dick. At least, according to you.", he laughs and throws your clothes in your direction, walking down the hallway to leave you alone for now. But, this definitely won't be the end of his teasing. (EDIT: I forgot to mention that I will be doing a similar story where the roles are reversed another time. Thank you anon for the amazing request.)
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Alcina Dimitrescu x gender neutral reader 
Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu
Summary: Can’t anyone get any sleep around here? 
Warnings/tags: restlessness, midnight snacks, a possible threat, worrying about dying, Lady D comforts you
You sighed as you once again tried to get comfortable. It’s not like sleeping in a luxurious bed cuddled up with a nine foot tall vampire wasn’t comfortable, it just so happens you were restless that night. Normally when you were having trouble falling asleep you would snuggle in close to Lady Dimitrescu. You would listen to her breathing or put a hand on her chest and the motion of her chest rising and falling would put you to sleep. Sometimes an incoherent mutter would escape the lady’s lips leaving you to chuckle. But tonight you just couldn’t seem to turn your brain off. However, there was a reason. You had overhead Lady Dimitrescu and Mother Miranda talking about a mysterious incoming threat. It’s not like you were scared per se since the girls had started teaching you how to fight the best way a human could. You were more concerned with loosing Lady Dimitrescu or one of her girls in an effort to save your life. You didn’t want to be the reason any of them died because it would rack your soul with such a deep pain. Just the thought of that made you want to be sick. You shook your head getting up and exiting the bed doing your best not to wake the lady of the house. She stirred for a moment before she began her sleeping breaths again. You slipped into your cardigan and made your way to the kitchens. Maybe some tea would help you sleep? Milk and honey? Perhaps. You reached the door to the kitchen and noticed a dim light coming from under the door frame. You furrowed your brow before pushing the door opened. 
“Daniela?” you asked as the redhead turned around a scrap piece of an organ hanging out of her mouth and her hand in a glass jar with other scraps. 
“Hi y/n,” Daniela said her words distorted by the snack in her mouth. There were a few candles lit in the kitchen giving it a dim yet cozy atmosphere. 
“Can’t sleep?” You asked folding your arms. “Something on your mind?” You probed hoping she was worried about this mysterious threat as you were. 
“Nah I’m just hungry! I haven’t eaten all day, too busy catching vermin,” Daniela said with a wicked smile as she chewed on another piece of an organ.
“I see,” you replied making your way over to the tea cabinet. 
“Are you ok?” Daniela asked noticing your demeanor.
“Oh I’m fine, just annoyed I can’t sleep is all,” you lied picking a raspberry tea from the cupboard and you started to prepare it. Daniela shrugged as she continue to snack on the bloody scraps. Voices outside the door made the two of you whip around.
“Are we late for the party?” Bela mused as she and Cassandra entered the kitchen. You and Daniela laughed.
“Nope you’re right on time,” you said as you added sugar and honey to your tea then sliding up on the counter sitting with your legs crossed. 
“You guys hungry too?” Daniela asked her sisters.
“I’m hungry Cassandra is thirsty,” Bela replied dipping her hand into the same jar Daniela was snacking out of.
“Mhmmm raspberry tea! You have the right idea y/n!” Cassandra exclaimed heading to the same cabinet you had previously. You stirred your tea. ‘Great.’ you thought. ‘None of them are restless for the same reason I am.’ Not that you wanted to girls to be worried you just needed some validation. The four of you sat on and around the island chattering lightly with the occasional laugh. You were just starting to feel more at ease and dare you say sleepy when the very recognizable footsteps of Lady Dimitrescu were heard approaching. 
“There you are draga mea!” Alcina said dipping under the doorframe. The four of you smiled up at the matriarch of the family. She surveyed the scene. “Nibbling are we?” Lady Dimitrescu asked lightly chuckling. 
“Yes honey,” you replied finishing the last of your tea. 
“I was practically famished,” Daniela said placing the jar back on the self seeing as her and Bela had had their fill. 
“Y/n and I just wanted a spot of tea,” Cassandra chimed in in an overly exaggerated English accent. Alcina laughed. 
“Oh my sweet little ones,” she said as the girls laughed but she cut her eyes to you as you placed your cup in the sink without as much as a smile. Seeing Alcina had made you start to worry again which was odd because she normally had the opposite affect on you. “All right, I think it’s time for all of us to think about sleep,” Alcina said with a yawn picking you up and holding you on her hip. The girls simply nodded in agreement each letting out a yawn. You and Alcina bid them all a good night as they swarmed away to their respective rooms. You rested your head and hands on Lady Dimitrescu’s shoulder while your outer leg swung lazily by the knee. Lady Dimitrescu didn’t ask you what was wrong while she made her way up the steps and back to your shared room but she had every intention to. She knelt under the doorframe not letting you down only taking a few strides to arrive at the bed. She sat down still holding you to her hip. You didn’t make a move to get off just staying on her side. 
“What’s wrong my dove?” Alcina asked tilting and turning her head to look at you. 
“That was convincing.” 
“I’m fine Alci really.” 
“Again so convincing,” she said taking you in both her hands so you were now facing her. “What’s wrong drag mea? Tell me please so I can make it better.” You let out a deep sigh realizing there was no way out of this. 
“What were you and Mother Miranda talking about the other day? Should I be worried?” 
“Draga mea, there’s always threats present. Of course any lesser family wants to overthrow the four lords. Not that we must be worried but on alert. Does that make sense my love?” Alcina explained lifting your chin so you were looking at her. “Oh don’t cry Iubirea mea! No need for tears, it’s nothing serious I promise you.” Lady Dimitrescu reassured as tears now fell from your eyes. 
“I always worry when I know Mother Miranda has warned you about some looming conflict. I’m so afraid........I don’t want you or one of the girls to get hurt or....d-...die protecting me because I’m so weak and I can’t defend myself!” And with that you started to absolutely sob. You realized how much this had been eating away at you that your own sobs surprised you but it was too late to suck your tears back in so you just went with it. 
“My poor sweet y/n! It’s ok, hush hush, oh my dear y/n.” Alcina pulled you in close your tears staining her nightgown as you gripped onto it for dear life. “I would be glad to lay down my life for you and I know the girls would to.” 
“That shouldn’t matter! I should be able to defend MYSELF and the girls can only teach how to fight to a certain extent!” You were bawling now and couldn’t get any more words out. 
“Shh, draga mea, calm down, come now,” Alcina said in a steadying voice scooching back so she could lay the both of you on your sides. “Y/n!” Lady Dimitrescu said in a stern yet still comforting tone. This caused your sobs to subside enough to listen to her. “When I took you into this castle and into my life that meant something. If I die protecting you then I would have done my job. Same goes for the girls. You ARE a Dimitrescu and this family prides itself on loyalty. So I don’t want to hear you say anything of the sort ever again....understand me cel mic?” Alcina finished her tone softening again. 
“Yes...Alcina...Iubirea mea, thank you,” you sighed. She cupped your face in her hands and kissed your tears away. You allowed your body to relax and when you did you were finally ready for sleep. She pulled you close to her so your cheeks were gently pressed together. You tossed your leg over her waist and she placed a hand on your thigh while her other wrapped under you resting on your shoulder. You wrapped both of your arms around her neck resting your hands on the back of her head. You fell asleep with a sense of relief knowing your presence wasn’t a liability but a joy. 
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Hi! So I would like to request a Seb x reader one shot if you have the time ☺️ I just got diagnosed with Endometriosis today and am in need of some soft Seb... Could you write smth where Seb finds out that reader is always in pain during sex and never said anything, though he knows she has Endometriosis and usually cares for her during her period... and he then encourages her to get surgery to try and fix it? Only if it's okay though, I know it's very precise, sorry!
A/N; I am so sorry to hear about this hun, i hope there’s something that can be done, no one deserves to go through that kind of pain. I researched endometriosis and it certainly sounds horrible, I’m sending you all my love and support 💙
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Endometriosis - Sebastian Stan x reader
Masterlist Link
Summary; based on the request, I changed it a tiny bit so I hope that’s okay, I just feel like if r was in pain seb would notice, I hope you like it hun 🤍
Warnings; endometriosis, smut, oral sex (male and female receiving), 69ing, mentions of sex toys, illness, mention of alcohol, fluff, pain, swearing
divider by @firefly-graphics
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It hurt like a bitch, there was no way to put it, or at least it was a simpler revelation of description at the prying of your womb had you near to tears. You laid your head down into the pillow, mushing it into the fabric, as you wanted the pain to dwindle down into nothing, and thus you tried to ignore your own suffering, as you turned over to be on your back, severely wincing by the change in position. A groan came from the other side of the bed, as the man that was laid there began to shuffle, in the midst of waking up.
“Morning.” He spoke with a hoarse voice, the steadiness obliterated by his blatant hangover that was haunting his form. Sebastian rubbed a hand over his eyes as he fully awoke, stretching his back as he reached his arm out, swiftly hooking it around the back of your neck as you allowed yourself to lay on the muscle. “Guess neither of us got laid, did we?” He laughed lightly, shaking his head, as he tipped his chin up, blinking his baby blues up to the ceiling.
“Considering that we’re in the same bed, and that you’re not a stranger to me, I guess not.” You laughed to your close friend, whom was aware of your condition, but not the extent of it. “Looks like you’re going to suffer from no morning sex Stan, I’m sure that sucks for you.”
“Usually it’s someone else doing the sucking.” You smacked his arm at his off handed comment, pulling a smirk out from the man as he turned to face you, pulling you closer by the contact that he had upon you. “I’m guessing your disappointed that you’re not waking up to some muscular, blonde haired and blue eyes patriotic punk.”
“If you’re describing Evans, i swear that I will punch you in the dick, I said he was attractive once.” You put emphasis on the amount of time(s) you had ever mentioned it. A pout quivered his lips, as he shuffled beneath the covers, angling his hips in a more comfortable position so that they weren’t being crunched down on the mattress.
“You can punch my dick, on the agreement that you kiss it better.” Seb allowed a hollow smirk to mull over his handsome features, as you swatted his bicep once more, an unhumored frown conforming its position upon your face.
“I’m not one of your hook ups, I’m not gonna get on my knees for you buddy.” You bantered back, raising a brow at his inquisition. No, you were not a past sexual partner of his; it was a constant of him never having a serious relationship, he opted for flings rather than any long engagements, you suspected that he had feelings for someone else, but you were not sure of whom.
The thought alone of him being endeared with the image of one woman brought a pain to your body, separate from your medical suffering. Though your opinion wasn’t fair, considering that you as well, or had your time of sleeping around before the pain in your inner walls became too much, and that was one of the many things that you had given up, more or less.
To support the montage of your body’s self torture, you had a mixture of hormone and tablets that helped reduce the unexplainable sensation that willed around in your lower half, swarming around like an internal snake bite in your own body.
“69 then?” He joked, but it felt so serious. You knew he wasn’t being truthful, it was the relationship the pair of you had, though his face had moved closer, his breath fanning over your face, making your heart prominently race as you thought about such a scenario. “Having mentioned Evans...” he began to change the conversation, having felt the heat that had radiated from your body.
“Go on.” You pried at him, interested in hearing what his friend had opted to say about the pair of you. It wasn't every day that you heard celebrities gossiping about you.
“He thinks we’ve hooked up.” Sebastian stated, making your neck reel slightly back as you took in the fact, of well, the perceived view point of a world renowned, household name, actor. A part of you was slightly embarrassed, you held your own cheek as the words that Chris had passed on sunk in on you.
“We, no, never. Okay, I’m exaggerating, that would not be so bad, but it would definitely be weird. But like, why does he think that, of all things?” You asked whilst partially laughing. It made you partially aware of yourself, and the prospect of you possibly having made your feelings obvious, but that however hadn’t been the case as Seb scratched over the stubble that he had on his chin, and did that awkward Bucky smile that had became humorous in his new marvel show.
“Of all things; it’s like you’re trying to break my heart babes.” With one diverging look from you, he knew he was done for. It always pained him to keep secrets from you, and this was the one that he had been hiding for so long. “You’re really going to make me say it, aren’t you? Okay, fine. I still can’t believe that you haven’t caught on, after all this time, but this just shows that you haven’t noticed how I try and scare away every guy with my money and power.”
“Yeah, I noticed that.” Lightly you scoffed, having many memories of such a situation. It was a pattern that kept repeating itself, but to you it had just become normal, and to say you were fine with it was not incorrect. It gave you hope that he could reciprocate the emotions that you held towards him, though having a wish like that was altogether hopeless. He was just protective, that was all, he probably saw you like a little sister, or something of the sort, that really put a drab annotation on the prospect of romance.
“Ever wonder why?” Ever, more like all the time, but you allowed him to continue without disruption, by doing so more would be unveiled by that mouth of his, and you were eager to learn more, yet a little hesitant. “It is because I am so tired of being your friend, I love it, don’t get me wrong but...” you were dreading what was to come out of his mouth next, you squeezed your eyes shut, almost as if you were unable to see, the pain would not render upon your specimen. “I love you.”
“You what?!” Eyes snapping open, you were blatantly shocked by his confession. “That can’t be right Seb, you’re you, and I’m me, and-“
“We’re us.” He finished for you. As he noticed you relax from his contingence, which allowed him the time gap to slide closer, his warm and soft hand running up the side of your face as he watched you gasp from the sensation. It was not the first time he had touched your cheek, but it was the first instance in which he done so intimately; you were rather fond of the treatment.
You nuzzled your face into the curve of his hand, your brows lightly directed in a downwards motion as you lulled in his touch, and that was when you realised that he had frozen. “Shit.” You stopped him from moving away, pausing the sadness in his eyes for the current second. “I should have responded, that was my bad. I love you too, I’m not just saying that, so you know.”
“That’s a relief.” Sebastian sighed, falling back onto the mattress, bringing his face accidentally closer to your own. The tips of your noses were touching as your eyes ogled deep within the pools of one another’s, it was impossible not to seek a closer vicinity, and thus, you slunk closer, bracing the tips of your nails against his scruff, as your lips worked their way onto his.
“How would you like another kind of relief?” You pulled away, stroking down the smooth course of his shirt covered chest, prompting a suggestive dialogue in your tone. His brow raised as he thought about it for a moment, but then he remembered a rather distinctive matter he didn’t want to cause any obstruction to.
“What about your, you know?” He was referring to your endometriosis, having the knowledge about the unfortunate illness that interfered with your life. Through it all, the doctors appointments, the encouraging you to take your medication on days that you weren’t feeling particularly well, he was there. Now it made sense why.
To reply, you softly shook your head, combing your hands over his shoulders, as you answered him. “If it gets too much, I’ll give you the signal.” You spoke, leaning down to peck his lips, though you still saw the reluctance that was embedded on his forehead in the form of strict lines. “I promise.” You persuaded him, meaning the sentiment, as his eyes trailed down, his hand scourging a fierce, passionate grip upon your hipbone as his tongue weaved its way back into your mouth.
You moaned into the atmosphere of his mouth, grabbing onto his cheeks as you heaved breaths into the internal beyond of this man, rolling on top of him, as you swept your crotch down against his own, extracting a sinister sound out of his guttural throat. It was only turning you on more, and you knew that if you didn’t do something, even despite the recommendations of your doctor, you would be sufficed with a lack of pleasure, and that was all you currently craved.
It wasn’t fair how you had been dubbed with the condition. So many people in the world could have sex whenever they pleased, yet you were forced to commend under the sentence of experiencing a discomfort when all you wanted was the comfort of being intwined with another human being. That connection, it felt mandatory, however you were denied it, for every time that you proceeded to bed a stranger, or a partner of any sorts, the stretch of anything in your walls pursued you with a fracture of pain.
You’d even had to throw out your vibrator, whilst it felt good on the outside, the clenching of your empty walls sparked physical and mental hurt, and reminded you of the fact that whenever you were filled by any length, your body could not function to emit pleasure, instead it was the opposite that you were tasked with contracting. The thought and reminder often spewed tears in your eyes, but you held them back as you got lost in Sebastian.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He admitted sentimentally, and your heart both became full and broken. It was sweet and scorching to the arousal between your legs to know that he was that concerned about your well being; he wasn’t just prioritising getting his dick wet. He resumed pressing succulent kisses on your lips, he lulled in the notion, he too wanted to be close to you, but he wasn’t willing to do inadvertently so to the expense of you being in pain.
That was the opposite of what he wanted, even as your hand wandered down his firm and pheromone driven body, that bucked in your grip, as your hand hooked around his bulge, your thumb stroking over his round sack as he grew beneath the layers of his soft sweats and underwear. “69 then?” You reiterated his earlier words, causing his pupils to blow wide, and his blue irises to darken into the juxtaposition of stormy skies.
“Will that be okay?” You confirmed it was, even if you weren’t completely sure yourself. The angles, the penetration, it was all elements, that combined gave you an equation that you had yet to figure out. The only way to do so was to try it, even if it concluded in an error, and not a sensible answer. To instigate the next step, you roused your sleep shirt from your body, leaving you in nothing more than your causal panties, but Seb didn’t seem to mind.
In fact he rather preferred the normalcy of your actions and undress, it made the strategy of shifting from friends to intimate lovers into one of relaxation, there was no absurdity nor discomfort yet, for either one of you. Your fingers dipped in the sides of your underwear, teasing the band, as you cocked your head towards Seb, licking your lips as you took in the view of him entranced by your being. “Am I going to be the one naked or...”
You were grateful that he took the hint, and stripped himself from both layers that kept his goods confined. He rapidly removed them, leaving his uncut cock open to your gaze; it wasn’t anything massive which was a relief, but it for now, it was to be attained in the confinement of your mouth, rather than the realm of your cunt, so that slight stretch could await. As you thought of that, you reached your hand out, dancing your fingers lightly over his shaft.
Seb emitted a soft huff from his obtainable lips, he dragged you to be laying atop of him, as your thighs surrounded his length on either side, it was warm, and rested perfectly below your where your cunt was hovering. How you wished to just sink down on it and- “Turn around.” For a moment you took time to refrain your memory to perceive what you had said before. And then, whence your words caught up to you, it was simple to do so, especially with the motivation of what was going to happen.
As you spun around, to be facing his lower half and have your own above his mouth, you watched his cock twitch, as it rested heavily upon his abdomen. You could feel your nerves kick in; it was a substantial difference from anything that you had ever done together, from looking at the stars and watching cheesy movies, to sexual actions, it was quite the leap. But a welcome one, you had waited so long to acknowledge your feelings to him, you'd be damned if you were not going to act on them.
A shiver rippled up your spine as he paved a lick through your slit, it made you tense up for a moment, and you try to register any diagnosis of pain, you coiled when he put one of your lips in his mouth. It felt good, which was a relief, and you took that as a sign to reap your front forwards, and focus on his throbbing hardness that was oozing precum against his perfect skin. The drop of essence looked like liquid moonstone, catching the ambience of the snooping sun that eyes through the crescent opening of the closed curtains, creating a luminescent light against the contrast of his skin.
Leaning forwards, as the initial shock of Seb using his tongue on you had settled in, as a faint plea from inside of you derived away in your eternal being, your tongue glided over the patch of fallen precum, your eyes fluttering at the heavenly, yet rare taste, it wasn’t every day that a man’s cum was relatively nice on your buds. Some perceived eating junk food as a lifestyle, caring not for how the receiver of their sperm would taste within the mouth of a giver on the other end. Sebastian hummed against your slick folds, as he danced his hands around your ass, grasping your cheeks firmly.
His fingers swept through the outside of your cunt, fooling around with your labia as his tongue swirled your bud, making your face grimace on the edge of pleasure, as your warm lips wrapped around the head of his cock, whirling your tongue within his slit, as your hand rested around the rest of his length, jerking it in your grasp, as his hips lightly heaved upwards against your face. He teased a finger around your entrance, running the tip along the wet flesh that mimicked your breaths as it clenched prosperously.
“Shit!” Tears webbed in your eyes as he entered the finger, though he considered that a resonating profanity of pleasure. To your dismay, it indeed was not though, the entry of the digit weighed heavy inside you, prying sorely against your walls as your giving to him paused, as you harshly gripped his thigh. “Shit, that hurts Seb. Fuck!” In an instant, he stopped, extracting his finger out from within you, as it caused you further pain, and helped you turn around, and lay languidly upon the bed.
“Oh my god, fuck, I’m so sorry y/n/n.” He panicked, immense guilt wavering his body, as he grasped your face, staring with sorrow into your seasoned expression. “I didn’t mean to- didn’t want to hurt you, shit, I should never have tried to-“ soothing his conflicting emotions, you stroked his shoulders, kissing him to ease his words into silence. He felt guilty, but so did you, you were the one whom had encouraged to pursue the rhythm of your shared sexuality to one another, deducting the poise of your actions with tear beaded eyes.
“It was my fault; I said it would be fine. I should have known it shouldn’t have, I’m sorry.” You reasoned with him, knowing that you had told him that it was to be something that you could manage, but from experience, you should have had better knowledge of how things would turn out.
“Don’t you ever apologise, you’re perfect, the only thing that I want to ease is your suffering. Is there any news on the operation that can be done, should I get you your medication now?” He wanted to be certain, to ensure that you didn’t put the accountability of your situation completely on yourself, he should have asked if a finger would have been fine, he shouldn’t have been swayed by your persuasion. “I could talk to someone, see if I could get the thing moved up, I can pay for it, get you further up on the ladder.”
“No.” You smiled, pressing an ample kiss upon his scruffy cheek. “I don’t want that, many other people are waiting for the op too, and I can’t have you paying for it. That would just be inconsiderate of me, you have already done so much for me, I can’t ask more. You’ve been there through everything, just wait with me whilst I wait for myself.” You pulled the sheets over your breasts, staring opulently into his serene eyes, shuddering as he swept his lips over your mouth once more, deriving you breathless for a moment.
“It’s okay to be selfish, if any of them had that chance, then they would take it. I can afford it, and I would want nothing more than to pay for it, it’s not just about sex, you know that. I love you so so much, you’re my best friend, the girl of my dreams, I’ve waited for you, I just want the pain that you live through to disappear. Out of all people, it’s not fair that it’s you, but it is, and this is the one way to fix the reductive searing of hurt that you live through.” You gulped, water glazing your irises as you stared at her, trying to diffuse your light sob.
His words brought acceptance to you within the scenario, as you took a deep breath in, confronting the trigger that had set off inside of you. It was difficult to handle and attain to, as you curled in his bare arms, exasperating your soundness close to him, as he competently cupped your face, kissing the tip of your nose. “Okay.” You agreed, nodding sincerely along with your words. “Okay, I’ll do it for me. It’s the right thing to do.” A smile raved his face, as you convinced yourself of doing so. It was to be a long road, but Sebastian would be there holding your hand, travelling down this path alongside you.
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heyo your imagines are amazing and i like reading them so much. i really appreciate you for writing for Alice in borderland as there isn’t a lot of content out there~ can you please write an imagine for niragi where the reader has been at the beach for quite the time and when she gets to know niragi she somehow falls for him because she sees right through him, and that he maybe starts to develop feelings for the reader too because she’s fearless and very confident. if it’s not too much trouble, could you make it a bit suggestive as well? thank you in advance~~
Of course I can! I’m not the best at writing with suggestive themes so I’ll try my best! 😅 I’m sorry but I changed the story line a little bit for it to fit more, so I hope this is still kind of what you had in mind.
Unlovable | Suguru Niragi
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Niragi (ft. Ann, Aguni, Hatter, Mira, Chishiya, Arisu, Last Boss)
Summary: Niragi finally finds you, who loves him for who he is, well, not exactly. And he gets a bit too attached.
Warnings: toxic relationship, suggestive themes, a lot of gaslighting, obsessive themes, a little bit angsty, threatening, choking, swearing, name calling
Word Count: 3.2k
*reader is female
Author’s Note: Sorry this took a while to post. I was busy for the past couple of days so it’s kinda rushed 😣
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“Y/N! Come quick!”
You jolted awake as Ann burst into your room, shaking the door frame from the force. You blinked your eyes to adjust to the light, looking at her dazed.
“What?” you murmured, sitting up and out of the comfy sheets on your bed. 
“The executives have called a meeting. They say it’s urgent,” she stressed, rushing up to the side of your bed and ripping the duvet off of you.
You shivered and sighed loudly in disappointment. “Why? It’s too early for this shit,” you whined, rolling back onto your side and closing your eyes again. These urgent emergency meetings have become ridiculous, always taking place in the morning when everyone’s still sleeping. You would gladly have quit having the higher place at The Beach if it meant for you to have some peace and quiet.
“Now!” Ann pushed again. You groaned in annoyance and got out of bed. She seemed serious, so you didn’t want to anger her more.
You both quickly made your way to the top floor where the meeting room for the executives was located. You noticed Ann’s heavy breathing and worried expression, making you anxious as to what she thinks could have happened.
Hatter had left the night before to replenish his visa, having a big celebration as he drove off with Aguni and a few more of his men. Things had been becoming more tense as time went on. It felt wrong watching Hatter drive away so reluctantly. You offered to assist him in his game, seeing as you earned yourself a high number at The Beach from clearing many difficult games yourself. But Hatter declined, insisting that he would return to The Beach safe and sound before you knew it.
But unfortunately, he was wrong.
You and Ann rushed into the large room. You saw Arisu and Chishiya standing near the end of the table placed in the middle of the room. You strolled over to them and laid eyes on the scene before you.
There, Hatter laid dead on the table. Limbs spread out lifeless, skin pale and dead. The horrific sight made you feel sick, making you cover your mouth with your hand. The scene almost felt unreal, this shouldn’t have happened. Hatter wouldn’t be dead if you just went with him.
Ann walked over to his body to examine it, but before she even had the chance to touch the bullet wound embedded in his bare chest, Niragi barged into the room with his usual cocky and obnoxious aura filling the air like a bad smell.
“Oi, don’t touch him as you please. You dissection maniac,” he growled.
Your eyes followed him closely. Now that Hatter was gone, people like him could start dangerous trouble at the hotel. But, as long as you said something about it, you would make sure Niragi wouldn’t start any fires that he’s not willing to put out himself.
After all, you were the only person who knew his true self, and how he perceived everyone around him. It was pathetic really. In a way you took pity on him. Such a simple tactic for the brain to protect itself, become a heartless and cold monster towards others so no one could ever do the same to you again.
With Niragi, unfortunately it was hunt or be hunted.
You kept your strong gaze on him as he lifted his eyes to meet yours from across the table for a hot minute. His dark orbs glistened as they locked with yours, making the tension in the room become thicker as every second passed. He smirked in your direction before turning away.
“He was shot by a gun,” Ann stated, breaking the thick silence in the room. She looked over the small hole in his chest in fascination.
“What will happen to The Beach?” a young man asked who was standing nearby you. You stayed silent, not wanting to start anything that may end in chaos. You always had good points and valid arguments, but sometimes you knew when the best time was to bring them up. This was not it.
“I mean it’s only reasonable for the strongest to become the new leader!” Niragi exclaimed over everyone. “We need someone who can take good care of The Beach and keep order,” he yapped on, swinging his sniper rifle all around making a few people flinch when he aimed it at them.
You rolled your eyes at his behaviour. Trust him to be the most opinionated.
“I say, how about Aguni as our new leader,” he suggested, leaning forwards onto the table and watching everyone like a hawk. Aguni held no reaction, keeping his usual cold stone expression while having Niragi speak for him.
After no one reacted, all looking down to the ground to avoid Niragi’s gaze, he stood up straight and pulled a bored expression. “That’s not a good reaction,” he mocked, “Last Boss?”
You glanced over to where the hooded figure stood, watching in fear as he unsheathed his katana sword and rushed over to Ann, holding the deathly sharp blade a few inches from her throat. Your heart leaped to your mouth. If he was to try anything, you were ready to start chaos.
But nothing of the sort happened. Ann simply sighed frustratingly and held up her hand obediently. Niragi hummed, approving.
“This isn’t a majority vote,” Mira hissed from next to him.
Niragi stood and leaned his face close to hers, holding the barrel of his weapon close to her face to threaten her. “But it is! Isn’t it? After all, you’re all free to vote as well.”
One by one, he slowly circled the table, each person being scared for their life the closer he got to them. But you remained calm next to Chishiya, knowing that considering the relationship you have with Niragi, he wouldn’t do anything that would hurt you. He didn’t have the guts to.
As he moved from Chishiya, he finally locked eyes with you. He quickly strolled up to your still frame, stopping suddenly very close to you in an attempt to make you feel threatened. ‘As usual,’ you thought to yourself. ‘The old “I’m taller and bigger than you so I’m stronger” stupid tactic.’
“And what about you princess? Care to raise your hand for a vote for Aguni?” he hissed into your face. You held your neutral expression, becoming bored from this act he was putting on. It was purely for show, and yet wasn’t everyone’s personality? But Niragi, his act of this scary psychotic man angered you to your core.
“What if I don’t?” you snickered, walking towards him in an attempt of intimidation. He took a step back in shock. “It’s not like you need my precious vote, you already have so many.”
Niragi’s usual cocky smirk melted from his face, turning into a frustrated scowl. You felt him put his rifle underneath your chin, forcing you to lock eyes with him. “Be careful with that tongue of yours sweetheart, you wouldn’t want to lose it,” he growled quietly.
His threat made you smirk, almost bringing butterflies into your stomach. “I think you should be more concerned about that head of yours. You wouldn’t want to get it stuck too far up your own ass.”
You flinched as you felt his rough hand shoot from his rifle to your neck, instantly tightening around your throat making you widen your eyes in surprise. You lifted your arm and gripped his wrist in case he tightened his hold anymore. The look on his face was deathly. If looks could kill, you’d be already a few years into the afterlife.
Chishiya stood beside you watching the whole scene. He knew better than to intervene, as he could tell that Niragi wouldn’t ever intentionally permanently hurt you.
Niragi held you still as he leaned down to your ear, his hot breath hitting your sensitive skin. “Shut your fucking mouth you brat. You wouldn’t want me to hurt you too much later, would you?” You cringed as you felt his tongue slide behind the back of your ear, the piercing making you shiver.
“Niragi,” you heard Aguni say, saving you from the public embarrassment of getting felt up by Niragi in front of everyone you knew. “That’s enough, I think she gets the point.”
Niragi grunted in annoyance before loosening his fist on your neck. You sucked in a huge gasp of air, coughing slightly. Chishiya placed a gentle hand on your back in a sign of care, hoping that you’re okay.
Niragi aimed his rifle lazily at Chishiya’s face. “She’s fine, don’t touch her. A little choking is nothing she can’t handle.”
Chishiya immediately took his hand off of you, being taken back by Niragi’s comment.
You stood up straight after recovering, laying your eyes back on Niragi as he continued terrorizing the executive members.
God you hated that man. You hated how much you loved him.
The room was now empty, consisting of no one except for you and Ann, who was still looking over Hatter’s body for any other injuries. You watched curiously, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed.
“Seems a bit weird, doesn’t it?” you spoke up through the silence.
“What does?” Ann answered, not bothering to look at you.
“Someone with a hundred percent winning streak dies now? Just as the tension between the militants and the others was getting to its peak?” you questioned.
Ann rolled her eyes sarcastically and turned towards you. “Took you long enough to figure out. Really? You didn’t suspect that from the start? Even after that shit-show that Niragi pulled earlier?”
You were taken back by her sudden anger. Ann never became mad at you, even if she had a legitimate reason to. You looked at her as she stared into your eyes intensely before sighing and turning back to Hatter.
“Sorry Y/N,” she apologized. “I’m just stressed. This shit is getting too heavy to handle, and now with Hatter gone and Aguni in his place, who knows what will happen to people like you, me, Mira, Chishiya and Alice. They could kill us if they want to.”
Her words hit your heart heavily. It was true. Aguni and his militants were never a particularly predictable bunch. And you weren’t exactly on all their good sides, well, except for Niragi’s.
“Sorry Ann,” you muttered out quietly. You thought it would be best to leave her alone. She obviously was quite distraught from Hatter’s death.
You shuffled out of the room, head held low in despair. Who knew what would happen to this place now? It was like a ticking time bomb only no one knew how long there was left until it exploded.
As you walked through the large door frame that led outside of the meeting room, a sudden grip on your arm brought you out of your thoughts and made you yelp. You were yanked into a hard chest, being held close and tight.
“Hey love. How are you feeling?” the person growled. You looked to see it was none other than Niragi himself. Of course it was, who else would treat you so roughly?
You stared into his ominous eyes, trying to read him. He ran his hand down your back slowly causing you to shiver. “Niragi,” you breathed out. You pushed against his broad chest to separate you. “Sorry, but I’m not in the mood right now.”
You stepped away from him and tried to escape down the hall, but he grabbed your hand before you could go anywhere. “Bullshit. You’re never in the mood. And the sass you were giving me in there in front of everyone says otherwise.” He pulled you back towards him, pushing your head onto his shoulder and nuzzling into your neck. “I didn’t like how you treated me, it made me upset.”
He was lying through his teeth, knowing that making you feel guilty for defending yourself against him would bring him more of your attention. Simple gaslighting, worked every time.
You chuckled against him then leaned back and cupped his face with your hands. He held a sad expression on his face, obviously to make you sympathetic.
“You’re such a big baby,” you laughed. “Try to act so tough and dominant in front of everyone, but look at you now. Crying into my shoulder about your feewings?” you mocked him. Niragi scowled and pulled his head out of your hands. “Shut up, as if you’re any better.”
It was true. That’s why you both clicked together. He was a gaslighting maniac who knew how to put up a fake ‘nice guy’ façade around you and you were a tough and snappy woman, who felt much too much empathy for others.
That’s how you fell into his trap. He used your empathy to his advantage, making you fall in love with him so he could have what he’d always wanted. Someone who loves him for who he is, no matter how many masks he had to put on for them.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, leaning up and pressing a small peck onto his lips. “Can you promise me something?” he suddenly asked after you pulled away from his face.
You grew anxious about what he wanted and nodded your head slowly in hesitation.
“When the chance comes, can we leave The Beach together? Like, run away?” he questioned, snaking his arms around your waist and squeezing tightly.
You laughed at his question, making him frown. He was being completely serious. “And go where Niragi? There’s not exactly a place we can go to.”
“Anywhere,” he answered sharply. “We could find a nice little hideout in Tokyo. Just you and me, no one else.” His grip on your waist tightened, making you flinch in his arms slightly.
He could see you tossing between answers. It wasn’t working, he had to try something else. He put on the fakest sad face he could do and pressed his forehead against yours while pouting. “Please? I promise I’ll take care of you.”
You practically melted as his begging. “Okay,” you sighed.
“Promise me,” he reminded you, running a hand through your soft hair.
There was a short moment of silence before you answered. “I promise.”
You laid in your room with the sheets tossed lazily over you. Niragi was called to go talk to Aguni again before he went to sleep, so you were waiting for him.
Your eyes scanned your book quickly, wanting to finish the chapter you were on before Niragi returned. Because god forbid you having your attention on something that wasn’t him when he was around.
You glanced over at the door when you heard it creep open and Niragi stepped in, placing his sniper rifle carefully on the ground nearby and removing his boots.
“You took your time.” you teased, putting your book on the nightstand and sitting up in bed. Niragi groaned tiredly, stumbling over to your shared bed and collapsed dramatically face down onto the duvet. You giggled at him, running a soft hand though his midnight hair and pulling it out of it’s hair tie.
If he was a cat, he swore he could’ve purred at your touch. It made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. Not having physical affection for years on end does that to a person.
He sat up and crawled over to you. He grabbed your chin and pressed your lips together roughly, running his tongue across your mouth as he did so. You groaned into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck, making him smirk against your lips.
After a few minutes, he detached his lips from yours and started licking and sucking your sensitive skin on your jaw, slowly making his way down your neck. He felt shivers run down his spine as you gripped his shirt in your fist on his back. He loved having this power over you, and having you accept him and love him enough to not fight back.
You leaned your head back and closed your eyes, giving him more access to your neck. As you did so, he placed a hand on your lower back and pulled you towards him, forcing you to lie down on the bed with him hovering over you.
He pulled away from your neck and looked down at you, admiring your anxious expression painted across your face. He chucked. “What’s wrong baby,” he cooed, leaning down and continuing kissing your collarbones.
His voice was dripping in sweetness, so sweet it could’ve made you feel sick. It sounded fake, but you didn’t pick up on it. It was a shame. You saw Niragi as nothing but a victim of his own mind, but you weren’t able to see yourself becoming a victim of it.
“I’m just...” you mumbled out, feeling weak and vulnerable under his touch. “I’m scared Niragi.”
He pulled back again and looked into your eyes with a worried expression. “Why are you scared? It’s just me and you here angel. You’re perfectly safe,” he whispered out, stroking his knuckles down your cheek lovingly.
You knew you loved Niragi, but knowing he can change his personality in a blink of an eye unsettled you. Who knew when he would do that to you? You heard him speak up again.
“We’ve slept together many times before, why are you becoming shy just now?” he teased, lifting a hand and slowly running it up along your tummy underneath your shirt. Your breath hitched as his cold hands made contact, making your stomach muscles tense.
“So sensitive,” he cooed again, snuggling his head into your chest, just above your breasts. “I love you.”
The confession made your heart skip a beat and you tensed. Niragi noticed this, making his body fill with anxiety. Did he say it too soon?
“Sorry,” he mumbled against your shirt. “That was a bit much, you don’t have to say it back,” he gaslighted.
“No,” you cut him off. “I love you too.”
Niragi’s heart filled with warmth and he felt all his nerves tingle around his body. He hadn’t heard that since he was a kid, and hearing you say it did nothing but make him more fall in love.
“Thank you, Y/N,” he sniffed out. You looked down to see him staring at you, tears filling his eyes. It made your heart ache.
He took his body weight off you and hovered himself above you again. “I promise, I won’t let anyone ever hurt you,” he mumbled, voice cracking slightly. His arms that laid on either side of your head acted like a cage. Whether you were trapped willingly or forcefully was beyond your guess.
As he leaned his head down again and pressed his still wet lips against yours, you felt his lanky arms snake around your torso underneath you, keeping you in place.
You laid there, moving your mouths together and holding each other as close as possible. It would’ve almost been romantic and loving if it wasn’t for the context. While one was preying on their victim to achieve what they’ve so desperately wanted their whole life, the other believed that that person was the victim themselves.
Such irony, to love someone who has a ‘unlovable’ personality, when it’s not even the one that you fell in love with.
The one you fell in love with was nothing but one of his many masks. And no one could determine whether he would ever take it off in front of you.
Author’s Note: I’m so sorry this one was actually hard to write. It’s a bit all over the place but I hope it was still enjoyable to read! Also I’m not going to do a Part 2 to this fic, but if you want to read something similar to this kind of yandere theme with Niragi, read my other fic called You’re Everything You Once Hated. I’m going to be posting a Part 2 of that one soon.
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Waking Comfort (Bela Dimitrescu/Reader)
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T for language, brief violence (in a flashback), implied/referenced trauma (unspecified) Warnings: N/A Summary: Unable to sleep on a cold day, Bela Dimitrescu tries to find comfort in her favorite servant... only to end up being the one doing the comforting. Notes: This is super self indulgent, because my dreams have been murdering me recently. Reader is a selective mute/partially nonverbal, implied neurodivergent (unspecified), gender neutral but written with a non-binary person in mind, with non-specific past trauma. Basically this is somewhat of a self-insert fic but I've smudged some lines to make it more relatable for other people.
In the early hours of the day, when the sun had yet to reach its peak, a cold quiet fell over Castle Dimitrescu. Most inhabitants were of a nocturnal persuasion, and lay sleeping soundly at this hour. Those few that thrived in the sun moved softly, with caution, daring not to awaken their masters. Oh, if only they knew that one Lady of the house was awake, prowling the corridors with marked intent. What a chill it would send down their spines- what lovely fear would permeate the household.
Ah, but that was not what Bela Dimitrescu desired, at least not for now. No, what she needed was something she would never admit out loud. It was a “base” need, one that all humans felt, and so she feared that it was beneath her. There was only one person that she could trust for this: A servant, experienced in all matters needed of them, level-headed, compassionate… and, most importantly, selectively mute.
Over the past year, Bela had found herself growing closer to you, much to her own surprise. The two of you had started to bond through reading, after you had helped her reorganize a mess in the library (left by none other than Lady Daniela). Since then, you had proven to be a valuable ally, always finding creative solutions to the family’s problems. From jury-rigging a set of climbing gear for repairs, to proof-reading all formal letters, there was hardly any part of Bela’s life that you hadn’t assisted with. All while only ever saying two or three sentences- short ones, at that.
Neither of you would ever forget the first (and only) time you spoke out loud. A would-be hunter had infiltrated the estate, through a damaged skylight (which you later repaired), intending to prove his worth by killing the nobility inside. By the time Bela arrived, after being notified by a terrified maiden, she found the situation had already been aptly handled. There you had stood, clutching an ornate, bloodied cane like a club. In front of you had been the unconscious hunter.
“You could have been hurt!” Bela had snapped, unable to stop herself, glad that her sisters hadn’t arrived yet. Then you had glanced at the man, then her, then back to the man. Something uncharacteristically dark had danced in your eyes.
“He said he was going to save me… from you. Called me defenseless,” you had snarled, poking the man with your cane as you did. “Rude.” Before Bela even had a chance to react, her sisters had appeared, disappointed to find the fight already over. They had fought over who would get to kill the hunter, and somewhere in that chaos you had slipped away without another word.
That day had replayed itself in Bela’s mind hundreds of times in her mind. Though she would not readily admit it, that had been the day that her casual affection for you had started to turn into something more serious. These days she didn’t even know how to describe your relationship- after all, you had never told her how you felt. But you had held her, closely, fingers running through her hair while she fought off memories from someone else’s life. Held her in your arms, as she held you, staving off the cold like it was all you had ever known.
This was what she wanted. Your touch, your comfort. All that stood in her way was a familiar question: Where were you? Master of your environment, schedule constantly in flux, you were rarely where anyone expected you to be, especially when you were prone to taking on whatever tasks others hadn’t had time to finish. So Bela searches, quickly, around places the day-shift tends to gather. She’s careful not to be seen, even though she knows the maidens aren’t likely to gossip where her family might hear. In the end she catches a hint of your scent near the servants’ quarters, and curses herself for not checking there sooner.
Your room is one of the only single-occupancy rooms in this wing. Only senior staff were allowed within these places, most of them rotating out as they “lost their usefulness”. The fact that you had slept in the same bed every night for six months was a testament to your skill. It’s the kind of thought that brings Bela some semblance of warmth in her chest. Still, the thought alone is not enough, so she slowly eases your door open.
Her ears strain against the silence, listening for the pattern of your breathing, or the telltale murmurs that would announce your awakening. Instead, the first things she hears are little gasps, then the shifting of fabric. Dreams of some sort have you turning and tossing, lungs getting hungry in their pursuit of air. It’s not immediately clear whether or not you are enjoying the dream. Were these good gasps, like those that Daniela often cooed about when she praised her maiden? Or were these the same kind that sometimes haunted Bela herself?...
A whimper cuts through the air, and suddenly Bela loses all patience. Practically running, she crosses the room in an instant, concern etched into her brow. One hand cautiously reaches for your blanket, pulling it back enough for her to slide in next to you. It’s a risk, one that could make you wake up with a panic, but it’s one she’s willing to take. After all, she had asked you about this sort of thing before. Though you couldn’t form full sentences, you had experience “miming” things, and Bela was quite clever with her “yes or no” questions.
When she carefully wraps an arm around your waist, she does so with confidence. Beneath her touch you stiffen, back going as tense as possible, but you stop shaking. A few more gasps leave you, and Bela wonders whether or not she should wake you up. Less than a minute later the decision is made for her. All the sudden your gasping turns to a sharp exclamation, body jerking hard, eyes snapping open. Tension coils through your muscles, driving your already overstimulated brain overboard.
Before Bela can even try to comfort you, you sit up, quickly turning so your legs dangle off the edge of the bed. Muffled sobs pass your lips as you hold your face in your hands. Memories struggle against each other behind your eyes, blocking out every other sensation. Your jaw is clenched, hard, and you struggle to breathe between shakes. A hand touches your back, but quickly moves when you flinch in response. It takes a minute for you to even process who else is with you. Once you do, some of the tension bleeds from your body.
“If you’d rather be alone right now, I understand,” Bela says, quietly, as soon as she thinks you’ll be able to understand her. For a moment you can’t bring yourself to respond, and you can feel her side of the mattress shifting, like she’s getting ready to leave. Panic springs up in your chest again, so you quickly reach a hand out in her direction. Thankfully she knows what to expect at this point, easily finding your hand in the dark, gently taking it within her own. “One squeeze for yes, two for no?”
You squeeze, once.
“Do you want me to hold you?” Bela asks, trying to hide the hopefulness in her voice. It makes you pause, considering, even though you’re still overwhelmed by your sensory inputs. In the end you squeeze her hand twice. “No worries, my dear. Don’t be tempted to push yourself just for my sake.” Somehow she always knew how to read you like an open book. Even with the… difficulty of communicating with you. Not that she had ever complained, or even thought about it. Knowing you, and caring for you, made any effort feel as easy as breathing.
A few minutes pass without another word being said. Sometimes Bela gives your hand a little squeeze, just to check in, and you always return it. Soon enough your brain starts to relax, loosening its vice-like grip on your motor controls. Once again you can ease the tension in your muscles. Then you find yourself rubbing your thumb against Bela’s hand, moving in soft circular motions, head turning so you can smile at her. Even if it’s too dark for you to see much, you know that her eyes see you just fine.
“Feeling any better?” She asks, donning a smile of her own. One squeeze. “Is there anything more I can do to help?” A pause, then one squeeze. Now that your limbs don’t feel as staticky, there’s only one thing on your mind: Cuddling. You’re moving before you know it, briefly letting go of Bela’s hand so you can get closer to her, pressing your face into her neck and giving her a soft kiss. Then you’re falling against the bed, on your side, looking up at your partner with a grin. It doesn’t take her long to get the message, shifting back onto her side so she can hold you for real this time. One of your hands goes to rest on her back, to serve as your translator for the rest of the night. “I love you,” Bela says, without even thinking.
She freezes up afterwards, realizing that this is the first time she’s ever said the words out loud to you. For a moment she’s scared, a feeling alien to her, but she refuses to back down. It pays off a few seconds later, incredibly so, when you return the words the best way you can: One squeeze.
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Pact Marks/Blessings/Blood Pact | Undateables
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Request: pact marks with the undatables!
Word Count: 2083 words
Page Count: 5.8 pages
A.N. you guys loved the last one so here are the undatables!
Tags: none :)
[ D E M O N  B R O T H E R S ]
[ P A C T S ]
        Diavolo would most likely have the largest and most intricate pact mark, and you would need to place it on a large space, so your thigh would be the best option for him. He had it spaced out a bit, so it could take up the entire thing, so each detail would not only be seen, but traced carefully on long nights together. When you call for him it glows a deep carmine, with a black mist rising from the golden outline, it freaks the brothers out sometimes because they think you're catching fire at times.
        Whenever you sit next to him, with exposed thighs or not, he'll have a soft but firm grip on you, almost pull your leg closer to him at times and your almost sliding out the chair- much to Lucifer's dismay and Barbatos's amusement. His mark trails down his spine, it ties in with his own demon markings, and is the only one that glows white on his body. It means a lot in the Devildom for its prince to have such a bond, especially with a human, so it takes not only an intense amount of trust, but the knowledge that you'd stay by his side.
        On long days, he'll lay on you in bed, shirtless, and have you just trace the new mark for as long as he can. It's relaxing and just helps him clear his mind, get his thoughts in order, so you'll often see the mark glow as he mumbles to himself. Moments like this are common but build on a deep respect you need to hold for one another, and realize that he can't tell you everything just yet, the truth comes at its own pace and Diavolo only hopes that he could tell you in moments like these.
        Moments like these he would expose his heart to you, his soul, where the marks you two had would be held by one another, and he would spill the truths of the Devildom to you- the ones passed down only to those in the royal line or who marry into it, truths not even Barbatos or Lucifer know, just you and him.
        Making a pact with Diavolo means you'd accept not only ruling with him, but the intensity of his situation, from dealing with his father to keeping the Devildom itself stable, a pact is only the beginning of a long and extended life with him.
        Barbatos would place his pact mark somewhere where only he can see, a treat only he can enjoy, so he would place it on the inside of your thigh, high up and just shy of touching the most intimate parts of you. He shares everything about himself with someone- his time and energy with Diavolo and Lucifer for example- so when he has these moments alone, with you, he allows himself to do what demons are good at. 
        He indulges. He allows himself to keep something for him. So this pact with you, it allows some control, some sort of intimacy that he longs for. He wants it to be just him and you with this pact. Solomon was a tricky one- you are the everything. When attending RAD, he'll pull you into the empty student council office and hold you, sometimes leading to more intimate moments of a lustful nature. You've expected this, from seeing how touchy demons can be with their pact marks (*cough*MAMMON*cough*), and entering a relationship would only fuel his hunger for you.
        He would hold the same sentiment when it comes to his own mark from you, placing it somewhere for him to enjoy and admire, though he didn't mind SOME attention on it. He would place it under his navel, since his usual stance as a butler has him always placing a hand on the area, he can touch his own mark without it seeming suspicious. He may have to give himself to Diavolo for extended amounts of time, unable to see you, so he'll move off for a bit and activate the mark. It glows a snowy white and he'll focus, let you feel the ghost of his touch, either in your hair or wrapping his arms around you.
        Making a pact with Barbatos means you will support him when he is done being the support, loving and allowing him to be true to his nature, after all, helping run the Devildom is hard work especially when he needs to share so much of his time.
        You allow him some peace of mind, alone, just you and him. You're his heart, the one he thought was lost long ago, alive and beating- only for you.
[ B L E S S I N G S ]
        Simeon gives a blessing to you when he sees you need some guidance, a time where you really are questioning yourself and the things around you, so this would be after Belphie had killed your old body and you now are in this universe's body. You had confided in him about feeling displaced, like an impostor in your own body, and there were differences from your original timeline that changed some relationships with the brothers. Some had been more threatening than their original counterparts and vice versa, some of your Little D's were not greed and gluttony, but wrath and sloth.
        It felt like your mind was going to break from the small and subtle differences. He decided that night, to give you a blessing, the blessing of Psychokinesis. Your soul can now change things in the physical realm if you focus enough, this can be from talking with spirits to mind control and energy healing. He knows you won't misuse the gift he's given you, and he knows you focus on the healing aspect of the blessing, which he helps you with when you're free.
        The mark is gold, literally, it's like someone melted gold onto your skin. It's placed on your forehead, in the shape of an eye, and can only be seen if you allow it to be seen. You asked him why and he only responds in inexplicable tones, leaving you with more questions than answers, but you thought it had something to do with angels usually having extra eyes.
        His blessing for you appears on his tanned hand, the gold accenting his skin beautifully, his palm always moving in a much more delicate manner- due to treating it with care. He allows himself to care for you, to love you in a deeper way to comfort you, pressing innocent and loving kisses to your forehead, watching the mark flare up from his touch before calming down. When he touches you, for any reason, his marked hand moves first, needing to comfort and trace you in the most thoughtful way one can imagine.
        Simeon giving you a blessing goes both ways, because in his eyes and with his knowledge, you are a blessing to the three realms as well.
        Having a blessing from Luke is honestly the most heartwarming thing, even the brothers, Diavolo, and Barbatos are all kinda touched at the nurturing relationship you two have. Like Simeon, Luke would give you a blessing after seeing you in a stressful time, so this would be after he was found by Lucifer and seeing him lose his shit. He saw how you defended him and Beel against Lucifer himself, the fallen Morning Star, the Seraph that no longer has all his wings.
        He'd visit you later that night, seeing you have trouble sleeping, and would sit on your bed and hold your hand. He'd know you were scared, he's an angel, he could feel it, but you still defended him and kept him safe. He realized how much he looked up to you and cared for you in that moment. He saw you as a guardian, in a literal and figurative way, which is why he wanted to do something for you in return.
        He would give you the blessing of truth, in which you could detect any and all lies when you wished, and that any lies would never harm you. Say Asmodeus is calling you unworthy of beauty? It would never hit your self esteem. You know how Mammon says he could care less about what would happen to you? This demon would be devastated. Diavolo says he isn't stressed and is feeling just so amazing? Please give the man a hug.
        He didn't want people to hurt you with something as flimsy as words, you deserved to know the truth and deserved to be happy, so his golden mark is on your eyes. They glow a deep gold that rivals Diavolos, and he always says you look your best when you leave them like that, because then everyone knows you have some celestial beings on your side! You only can chuckle and shake your head at his antics, ruffling his hair before telling him to calm down just a bit, you were sure no one would bother you. His mark appears on his own eyes as well, he says he loves it when you two match! Tried to get Simeon to have his eyes glow more as well, it's the three of you after all, maybe if he convinces Solomon to use a spell on his own eyes then it's a family affair!
        Having a blessing from Luke means he looks up to you and only wants the best for you, so of course he'd give you the best blessing he can at his level, be sure to expect more when he grows as an angel.
[ B L O O D  P A C T ]
        You two made a blood pact pretty early into coming into the Devildom, you had been hanging out a lot by that time, and he brought up the idea. You heard about blood pacts, assuming only crazy people made them or weird cultists, but he showed you there could be a magical aspect to it.
        Since humans are "weaker beings" when it comes to a physical and power stance, they make up for it in magic, their bodies are weaker but their souls are stronger and brighter. Why do you think the most powerful magic users are human? They're batteries for that shit! He'd make sure you knew everything that came with making a blood pact, from feeling each other's thoughts and emotions to being able to create magic stronger than the both of you, the pros and cons of each- but goddammit he made a good case for each.
        You'd be sitting on his bed facing one another, each holding out your left hands, a dagger crafted for occasions like these held in his right. The pact was made for keeping you two together, always going to be in each other's lives from there on out, after all, these pacts tie souls together for only eternity.
        You realized that day, Solomon, if he wasn't a wildly powerful sorcerer, would make a great salesman. After making the pact, you'd often tease him about it, to which he would use said pact to tickle you or do some rather... scandalous things. He lives for the moments when you lean back on his chest, and he would take your scarred palm in his, and he would lightly trace over the newly enforced flesh. He'd allow his palm to flatten out on you and let you feel his own scar, but if you were to take his hand in yours and kiss his knuckles before leaving an extra long one on his mark, the boy just m e l t s.
        Making a blood pact with Solomon would mean getting a tattoo to seal the deal, you'd get a white owl and he would get a black sheep, you both decide to get them on matching spots where a pact mark won't interfere with- possibly behind your ears or right under your hairlines on the back of your neck. (I highkey fw the theory that the black sheep in the background of the To-Do List is actually MC).
        A blood pact with Solomon means staying with him for a long while, either as friends or lovers, it means you'd never leave one another. It's something that's deeper than the "weak" bodies you two hold, it's something that he'd never do with anyone else, no one can hold a candle to your light after all.
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
daddy issues - chapter i
The one where Ransom doesn’t feel ready to become a father, but he should have thought about it before sleeping with a complete stranger.
When Ransom’s latest one night stand lets him know that he’s going to become a father, he finds himself looking for the qualities he never believed to have so he can become the parent he never got to witness as a child.
for general warnings and author’s notes, please go to the fic’s masterlist. It’s being constantly updated
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Ransom felt as a loss for words while he stared down at the female looking patiently at him from across his desk. For once, he recognized her. Not only because she actually cut to the chase and asked him to get her into his bed, but also because she was one of the best lays he’d had in his life, which meant that she managed to still seem alluring to him, something that didn’t happen very often. Most of the time, after Ransom had his way with the woman he wanted for the night, he’d wake up only to figure out that any desire he’d felt towards her had been satiated.
It was one of the reasons he was sure he’d never be in a relationship. It just didn’t make sense. He would only end up hurting whichever woman he tried to keep, because his interest would soon end up elsewhere.
The same couldn’t be said about the girl who had asked for a meeting with him and was currently waiting for any sort of reaction to what she had come to share. First, besides having earned his respect from the moment he tried to pick her up at the bar, he’d woken up not to find her anywhere in his house. That very rarely, if almost ever, happened. He was used to having to ask one of his people to send the girls he slept with their own way, because they’d try to prolong their experience with him in hopes to get an actual relationship out of him. Well, tough luck.
Second, she hadn’t even left him a number or a note, something the few girls who had left him in bed made sure to do. Ransom felt like he’d finally found someone who understood that the night they had shared was only that, one night, but paradoxically, that made him intrigued. He found himself wondering about the mysterious woman, pondering if maybe she would be capable of interesting him a little more than most did. At the very least, he knew that if he ever met her at a bar again, he’d try to take her back to his place once more. At least once more.
What he didn’t expect, however, was for her to look for him in the office he had in his grandfather’s company, where she had come to tell him that she was pregnant with his child.
Several minutes had been spent in an awkward silence between them, while she waited for him to say something. At long last, he settled for an irritated mistrust, because the truth was, he had no idea what to do and for once in his life, he felt lost.
“And it’s mine?” The way the woman sighed before running a hand over her face made it clear she understood the tone with which those words had been uttered. Unfortunately for Ransom, however, her patience had worn thin.
“Look, Ransom. I haven’t slept with anyone else since we fucked last month and that was my first night of sex in a very long time. I know it’s yours, but I’m completely okay with doing a paternity test if you want to. The fact of the matter is that I’m only here because I feel like you have the right to know about the existence of any offspring you come to create, but I’m not asking for permission, support or anything else from you. I’m having this kid whether you like it or not, and I most definitely don’t expect any financial compensation from you. If you’d like to take part in this kid’s life, hell, if you want to be around for the pregnancy in itself, you’re welcome to, but as far as I’m concerned, unless you look for me, I don’t intend on seeing you ever again.” With that, she pushed away from the chair she had been sitting and stood up, but not before fishing out a business card from her pocket and dropping it on his desk, leaving without another word.
Ransom picked the card up, turning it around before waiting for a bit until the words made sense to him again.
PhD Professor of Law
Well, at least he knew that his child would be well educated.
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