#lazarus pit madness my actual asshole
roseworth · 1 year
To the anon: Jason has some good stories, it’s just that people on here tend to fundamentally misunderstand the character and it drives me up a wall lol. Jason has such an inconsistent characterization that’s there’s like 10 different versions of him to choose. I personally prefer the stuff where he isn’t an evil asshole but those have their charm to some people too. Fanon Jason however is perhaps my least favorite character of all time and I hate him so much. He’s a limp dick little shit who goes poor me every 5 seconds 😂
yeah!! jason has hype from the fans bc he actually does have good stories but the problem comes in when fans who havent read the good stories start playing a game of telephone and end up with "hes driven to madness by the lazarus pit but really hes just a sad guy that misses his family :("
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olivedoesmagic · 2 years
I stipped a school shooter then brought back their victims, met an old friend of mine who shot up a school. I was there imaginary friend, he had a list. I drank tea and time traveled when all of that was over to the historical period. They instantly recognized me as "zone capot" and "the doctor" as I met Churchville. He thanked me for helping with his presidency despite disagreeing on everything and as always I know nothing of history so going in blind I gave suggestions! I fcuked over red hood via DC comics by bringing him back with my selective insanity in the Lazarus pit so I took beatings and a punishment of the tanack as a gift here. Then I gave this world's beast boy his powers after they were bestowed upon me by a magick monkey! Long story. I am the multiverse as a human being. A concept breathed life into. And my ex friends snowf the salt queen and Morgan Hoffman keep trying to enslave me as Snow yanderefreak and her boyfriend Ricky and morgan have astral raped me via tearing my mind apart for answers and actually physically adjusting me through magick. 
Same with Haru twice now, after I told IT sorry sorry him, I understood his shitty as dollkin. I have learned that I am the God of toys Amirtia or Agzontay lots of names and every play pretend is in part how the gods divine fate and learn of prophecy sometimes even choose it as souls, every child gets a choice, and that choice is on bhelaf and in line with the soul via games. Children are so much closer to new souls and spirits and God then anything relative to adult humanity.  And divinity often feels like sexuality. Did I ever tell you about how I sculpted the cosmos in the mental ward?
Anyways I've initiated a curse war between snow Oliver and I via the ego of her rapist father. Regardless! It's so awkward when people who worship your aspects hate you! Like bitch I am erideil, lucofer, and Samiel and if you can't acsept that you can't acsept lucifer! It's literal!!!!!
Anyways! The multiverse as a person is me and I'm slowly but surley bestowing upon people superpowers in this reality I really got to introduce Garfield and Roy they kept their names bloody hell! As the god Shiro every self harm marka ND cut on my arm indicates a life or problem solved or saved. I am the Kami suciide and my human sacrifices are school shootings which I've been saving people from. This is the one time I sugest searching the dorm.
Also to be noted, I've been taking a paint brush to several cults fixing what was harming people and what was wrong with them. Meeting Japanese parliament as Yi and singing shitty Hamilton.
Anyways! I've been borrowing bad people's karma in order to save the world and them and improve the record and still save. I have learned how to change my face upon death. 
Also I've learned I have trippy dream Demon powers where I can cause hallucinations, madness, delusions compeling straight up vampire style and save people through it. So that's what I've been doing! Saving people! Alot of people!!!!!!! I am Zone first Captor! 
Anyways I took Kami/dj on my student and it was the biggest mistake of my life! One, a racist asshole towards me calling me transatlantic, 2 a huge ableist using his disability to harm others 3, made from of my alter Ehmo who is an aztec king! Who hoped to become a fashion and music and Wene one day. He's a piece of shit and he's no longer my student also used magick to sexually and phychically assault me in a bubble but then claimed it was "magick" so it didn't matter. Then back tracked saying it was an alter so "there white niger im off scot free" it…it…it wasn't an alter it was the main personality you homestuck Dave strider wanabe.
Anyways! All that inclined with everyone stealing each others shoes and snow getting red pulled quickly down an alt right rabbit hole and swatsticing a syngog wow fuck yanderefreak! I've made sure the proper channels know but they plan on framing me as being with them if I report it. Bitch I was home and I did report it! Also haru taped it you cunts! I'm not on that video!
Anywaaaaaays. Kami Strilonde wanwbe, kid swap homestuck wanabe, is attempting to learn voodoo curse magick to hex me to fall inkove with him and I have a reversal spell to turn him into my dog should that occur.
Haru is a bad doll!
Anyways the thing with voodoo is that it always comes back. Enjoy being raped Kami that's how voodoo fucking works. It's karmic and you can't "get around it via dave strider powers" you can't outsmart a karmic clock it will only tick forward faster.
Also unfortunately thr gods have made me imortal via Thor and zues and anti and Eruis and now I can only die one of two ways and you probably won't figure it out. I've taken 74 sleeping pills, spilt gallons of blood in both my wrists, taken alchual and 7 sleeping pills which Braiden Summers friend challenged me to do claiming they were with haru medusastuck laughing in the background, all while they deny even knowing me. Shitty puzzlingkazoo and Crocker. Who all enjoyed that they told me as much. Crocker calls me a suicidal manic "bitch your one to talk! Joke might be an asshole but you certainly aren't any better truescum stick together you two would be perfect hatemates you both abuse your partners!" And we all knew SHE KNEW that gun was loaded she told me as much.
 But that was all magick how am I supposed to tell the cops? Oh yeah the dream bubbles and I visited in a memory!
Regardless Morgan has been raping me via his offerings of sex and assaulting in my temple himself and other "but it's not real magick and your not a fake God it's so okay!" Wow what a fucking sociopath!!!!?
Snow was to right to hate claire she's just as bad as Morgan if not more so but snow the salt queens eating disorder curse she casted on claire was a little much! Totally babe!
Anyways, I've been saving people but I'm undoing bringing back Jazz for revelations, Snow doesn't deserve and quite frankly even though she's back and my friend now? NEITHER DO I! take that sincerely your loving necromancer yous crewed over!
E.a Koetting was right about you.
Olive brimstone student to acrians, Adam and lucifer
1:12 Tuesday September 13th 2022
If This text is canceled so may be innocent-12 -5
Define 5 = truthbeleive else Ricky = jail or equivalent 
Balme and foul expose = Calliope dirk Claiborne Marshall Lee Tereza and sign less and Malick tous and Lucy lue justice .57 - 12 ÷ parse = and eye for 13 limbs! 
An eye for an eye I forsee when you go blind so does your memory should you be rewarded per curse per hit may the car crash of your mommy and Daniel do it and should that fail per armage a fate worse then death issue your straight jacket etc derange!!!!
= + 12
Final death = true
Sincerely your lovely ever pusling olive brimstone! Seriously kin me again Kami weaker see how far you fucking go!!!
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danny-chase · 2 years
What are things generally accepted as canon that you disagree with?
Damian being the angry violent one (he had character development DC literally makes him repeat the same storyline over and over y'all just don't take the end into account, and also conveniently forget the times TIM started their fights), Tim being the smart one (they're literally all smart, Damian has a phd equivalent in economic, Dick has more emotional intelligence and street smarts, the smart one title is dumb), Jason being the best tactician of the group (hello does Dick leading the Titans for decades and being set up to lead the JLA mean nothing???). Cass, Steph, and Barbara's current canon personalities are garbage and boring and while technically it is canon I disagree on principle because you're choosing the worst version of canon to replicate and spread.
Dick taking Robin away from Tim is a big one i disagree with because while it's considered canon it's just blatantly untrue and skates by as true because no one reads Battle for the Cowl in the first place and the panel of Alfred giving Damian the Robin costume is easy to miss/forget. Tim's the one that pushed people away after Bruce died and I guess fandom collectively forgot that he told Dick not to call and physically attacked him to make a point?
Pit madness existing. It doesn't, it was never canon. On a similar note I disagree with the autopsy scar headcanon which made its way onto a variant cover iirc, because Lazarus pit does some stuff and I think scar erasure has more interesting story potential (especially for Cass, who had a significant amount of scars inflicted by David Cain). In a different vein with Jason something that used to be canon that isn't considered canon anymore that I wish was still canon is the red hair because it gave him a Dr. Doof style backstory and i was there for "my own father made me dye my hair red to look like my brother" black and white monologue directed at a platypus wearing a fedora
On Bruce's parenting. I feel like the general perception of canon is he was good as a parent up till Jason died and then was shit from then on. I disagree because it partly has to do with which crisis continuity you're at. He was was pretty shit with Dick post-crisis onward both in flashbacks/stories told in the past and being physically abusive in the present, was still decent/good with Jason, was actually surprisingly good with Tim from what I've read, wasn't exactly parental with Steph but as a mentor was a fucking asshole, and with Cass was pretty sucky - there's a scene where he gets high and fights her because it's "the language she understands" and he also fires her from Batgirl multiple times (which isn't really his place, it's Barbara's mantle) and is in general overprotective and a bit of a shotgun dad. It's not like Jason dying changed everything about his crappy/non crappy parenting, from my perspective at least
Raven as the goth one and Kory as the naive space princess are both considered canon and are written into canon at this point and fr i hate it. Both of their personalities were streamlined for the cartoon and butchered by comic writers who skipped ntt
The general unimportance of the Titans and lack of any current writers to read their earlier stuff is sad rip
Idk if these were the types of things you were looking for but let me know if you wanted something more specific
Edit: with Tim i mean good by Bruce standards, he's not winning any awards, he still makes mistakes (telling Steph Tim's identity, leaving him with Jean Paul Valley as Batman and the advanced training thing) but he genuinely seems like he's trying and wants to be there for Tim, which for Bruce is good
Edit 2: wait i have another one, the idea that Jason is good at cooking and Dick sucks at it. Jason let's Bizzaro cook for the Outlaws and Dick has been shown cooking multiple meals across canon and teaching Tim how to do homemaking stuff in Batman: Prodigal
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nunc-flore · 5 years
have some concept playlists !!
chill in various moods and genres!
chill in classickal [ when music gets so good u wanna straight up eat it ]
chill in celthicc [ breeng thy begpeipe lass ]
chill in archaic [ enjoy your symposium lads ]
chill in swing [ feelin pretentious today? i got u fam ]
chill in techno [ when the world sucks. no exceptions. ]
chill in arab [ beautiful tunez from the lands of the sun ]
chill in lo-fi [ beep boop bzzt? ]
chill in medieval ballads [ smasheth thou instrumenth, brother]
chill in funk [ funk up lads]
chill in indie [ your raw tenderness starter-pack]
don’t chill in punk [ oi! oi! oi! ]
chill in 80s bops [ what is technicolor if not a digital rainbow ]
chill in norse [ Heill þú farir! heill þú aftr komir! heill þú á sinnum sér! ]
chill in soul [it’s not the waking it’s the rising // nina cried power]
chill in 70s wood-chopping jams (still a stub) [chill, man]
chill in opera [ angelic crowds chanting "he needs some milk" ]
chill in jazz (still a stub) [ sweet music playing in the dark ]
chill in 20s-to-50s music that's not jazz nor swing nor soul [dance and drink like it's the 20s y'all (please stay clear of all the nationalism and the crippling sense of collective doom, thank you) ]
chill in yeehaw [ april is the cruellest month, ain't it? ]
chill in ye olde shanty [ a-hoy captain! ]
and many more, as time goes by!
actual concept playlists
summer indie - guitar themed tracks about life and death and all that’s in between
ingenium voluntatis - r e d  y e a r n i n g  but make it existential. it starts well but something happens. probably society and its non-sense rules. 
the apocalypse and other related catastrophes, merrily told by yours truly - the world is ending and shit is going down. but is it? are you certain this is the world and not some other unnameable thing? are you already dead? is it the apocalypse you dreamed, the one you’ve been waiting for, or is it too slow-boiled? deathly, rotting acceptance of the end of times, with a hint of child-like storytelling.
gotta go FAST -  it’s 34°C. the streets are a desert. you’re 20 minutes late. run.
daydreaming on main - can we stay like this forever? lost in a neo-classical painting, full of celestial things, and symmetry, dreaming away.
dreamy drum pop - is it a dream? are you in love with a dream, in the street of some ancient, modern city, following their shadow? or are you just having a bad case of hypotension? we may never know.
an evening in beige - cruelly posh but in a classy, bitter, hollow way
ready for the lazarus pit, shaka-brah! - a collection to sell your soul to a demonic entity of your choosing to. mostly dark techno, but with a classical twist.
chillin! - or the "dude put on some good music" playlist - when you’re chilling with laid-back pals and they ask you to put on some music and you need a quick, safe, society-tolerable playlist to hit shuffle on and leave there
sweet music playing in the dark - jazz n stuff, some old gems. also, the songs quoted by Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier.
time. - feel the flow of endless thing going by. the clock is ticking, but what the hell is time, anyway?
audiobooks!! - it’s what it says on the tin, my dudes. including: macbeth, metamorphosis, orlando, the call of cthulhu, iliade, the time machine, the tell-tale heart, the black cat, dr. jekyll and mr.hyde, pride and prejudice, black beauty, treasure island, the phantom of the opera, de profundis, frankenstein, carmilla, beowulf, dracula, the raven
fuck this, keep running - from society. from civilization. it’s just you and your ideas against the world, kid. let’s go give them hell. they will never take us alive. 
oh gee golly what a disaster - oh, this is bad. //  that's so sad alexa play this playlist
a witch in the woods - in the throat of the forest, whispered chants and incantations. it’s the voice of the survivors, the ones that escaped the pyre. hush now and dream.
till the end of the world and back - it’s ride or die. the cavalry's here and it's here to stay. 
italian oldies - italian culture. every italian i've ever met knows every single one of these by heart somehow.
:))))))) - am i happy? am i on the edge of a mental breakdown? have i gone completly insane? gee golly! who knows
stars, who am i? - did someone say existential crisis?
personal hyperuranium - my happy, serene place. when everything is too much close your eyes and listen to this. 
young punks, get off my lawn - wreaking havoc with ur gang  / girl gang.
self torment - me @ myself: why r u like this
razzle dazzle jazzle - you like jazz? 
knightess in a shining armor - heroines with swords, here’s to you
playlists inspired by stuff!
songs to be a flamboyant asshole to - swag walk. i blame anthony jantony crowley for this. 
the mad prophet - loosely inspired by friedrich nietzsche’s theories
the star traveller - laugh hard, run fast, be kind // inspired by the thirteenth doctor
getting to it, that's not the hard part. it's letting go. - i left my heart, 3 friends, and 37 gold bars in the sierra madre // inspired by Fallout New Vegas - Dead Money
pew-pew // (i'm three ounces of whoop-ass) - "Another female operative broke into my house and attacked me." "What did she want?"  "Dinner." | a killing eve playlist
les mis, les amis - those brave fellows. honestly, squad goals.
prince(ss) of verona - inspired by a theatrical performance of Romeo and Juliet, in which the prince of verona was. well. she was powerful.
can't stop, won't stop - healing boost of healthy, uplifting electro music comin your way! ispired by Overwatch’s Lúcio Correia dos Santos 
chloe eliz4bet2 price m0od - hella punk but also hella sad // inspired by chloe price, from life is strange
rachel amber mood - hey i've just met you and this is crazy but heres my number so let's burn down a forest maybe // inspired by rachel amber, from life is strange
musical journeys!
a Comedy. | a musical journey. - someone falls from grace and gets thrown into the world. lands in a forest. confused, resolves to survive at any cost. killing, stealing, partying, fleeing, living. eventually, with time, discovers a gentler, happier way to live. they still throw the best parties. doing no harm, taking no shit.
calliope bae gimme a hand wouldn't ya: a musical journey - a tale of poets: young tragedies and cursed gods; laughs and fights; transcendental roadtrips and hellhounds; parties and their aftermath.
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[New draft]
I’m finally getting hitched Tying The Knot Official Words
Wedding Vows
by roy harper, putting the laughter in manslaughter since 1983
A couple years ago, you asked me why I loved you, and I said “I-I don’t know.” Except you weren’t really happy with that answer, I could tell, so I tried to put it into nicer words. I mean, I’ve loved a lot of people in my life, or at least I thought I did. Look how that turned out. And, you know, I kind of write them off when they leave me, or when I leave them, because obviously that means it couldn’t have been love in the first place. But then I know that’s a big fat fucking lie because I still remember all of them, still remember exactly how it felt to tumble head over heels. So maybe they reason they stayed with me forever, despite one of us leaving, has to do with them and not me? And I was about halfway through this awful explanation when Dick gave us a call, told us that dealer we were tracking had just put his dirty little hands in Bludhaven, so we went to go deal with that. 
Both of us were glad that conversation was over, and I’m pretty sure you forgot all about it. But I didn’t. I never forgot about it, and I realized I never really answered your question. So, here goes.
I mean, I thought I was so smart when you met me. Sure, I was at my absolute lowest. But I was 25 and reckless, and the heroin had me feeling like a real person for the first time, you know? A human being, with the kind of secrets a grown-up kept, telling the kind of lies grown-ups told. And I thought I loved the way grown-ups loved. Always on the move, always leaving. Because it was either leave or get left. And I thought that was love. And I thought that was a brilliant idea. I was all dark and tough and had this tragic backstory, and I thought I was fucking irresistible, but only for a night. I thought I was fucking irresistible for a night, and after that I wasn’t worth shit.  
Now, I’m looking back at 25 year old me and the only thought going through my head was, what an asshole. Just, everything about me was supremely dickish. But most of all, it was the way I treated relationships. Do you remember that time you, me, and Kori went to that carnival? And Kori won that strength competition and we got free cotton candy? And I just gorged myself on candy floss, man. I was worse that Wally used to be, back in the day. And then we went on all those carnival rides and I thought to myself, I’d be fine. I run around jumping off rooftops with grappling arrows, and I used to practice marital arts with Dick Grayson. Motion sickness doesn’t happen to me. And then like half an hour later I was puking my guts out and you stood there and laughed at me? That. That’s how I treated love. I gobbled up everything I could get, and it was way more than I could handle, and then I’d throw it all up and run away. 
I’m not 25 anymore, but it feels like I’m still running. Except I can’t get away with what I used to do, ‘cause Kori can hear my fucking heartbeat and you check my arms for track marks all the time and Dick bribed his way into being my second emergency contact after you. So I hide away in my room and sort of melt onto my sofa. But not the good melting, like the way I melt into your mouth like you snipped all my strings. The gross kind of melting where I’m curled up onto the couch and I just wanna hack all my hair off with a knife and it feels like my brain is leaking all over the sofa and I know you killed most of my old dealers but I wanna bring them back to life because just one more hit, I just need one more hit, and I wanna drink myself into a rage but you locked away all the alcohol with a bat-lock that even I can’t break. Figures. It’s funny. You’ll shoot yourself in the neck before you go to Bruce for anything, but if it’s for me, you’ll swallow your pride in a second and get whatever the hell you need. 
I guess I’m just scared. I’m scared that I’m imaginary. I’m scared I’ll always end up reinventing myself every day to spare other people the trouble of having to do that for me. That what I want everyone to see always takes precedent to who I really am. I’m scared that I’ve finally lost it, that I’m crazy, that I’ve finally gone mad. But I’m even more scared that I’m perfectly sane. Because if I’m sane, then what excuse do I have? What excuse do I have for treating people the way I do, like they’re problems that I have to solve or explain or else I’ll just fall behind everyone else.
And that’s where you come in. Fuck, Jay. That’s, that’s when you came in.
I tried to word vomit that last part to you one night when you thought I was drunk and I thought you were drunk but neither of us had had a drop, and we hid behind the curtain of alcohol to have a heart to heart. And you told me people don’t have to be solved or explained. We’re all just ghost stories, and maybe we should just try to stay that way. Because we spend our days doing wonderful things, horrible things, and sometimes there’s no reason behind it. Or, wait, fuck, no. There is a reason. But that reason’s too simple and too straightforward to really be satisfying, you know? And then we keep forgetting the lesson that we learned and re-mystifying these problems that we already solved because deep down we don’t actually want to figure out why we love each other but hurt each other and-
Fuck. Sorry, Jaybird. This was supposed to be a simple answer to a simple question.
I think. Um. No, I don’t think. I know. I know I love you because I have to.
There’s no “why” about it. Any more than there’s a reason why Kori loves the dew drops that gather in the morning grass, or why that old hag in the apartment next to us can’t keep a plant alive for the life of her. I mean, I guess there is a reason. There’s always a reason, there’s always a “why.” I don’t really understand it, though. And you know how much that bothers me, you gotta know how much I hate that. Maybe if I dug around in myself for a bit, really thought some stuff through, talked to some people I thought I was done talking to, I’d figure it out. I’d figure out where all this love comes from. What it’s for.
But then the question would be answered. Why do I love you? Boom, I’d have an explanation. The ghost story would be over. And there’s really no point in telling a ghost story that has an ending, all nice and neat and wrapped up in a little package.
Right now, I think I’m finally at a place where I can just let it be. It’s just you and me. Me sleeping ‘till noon, then waking up to see you in my kitchen, looking like a fucking greek god reincarnated, a smile on your face that I don’t think anyone else but me gets to see, flipping an omelette with the same ease and grace that you flip knives. Me in fiddling with a couple spare parts, adding on to my arrows, and you either sliding up behind me, wrapping your arms around my waist and whispering in my ear how good I look in this old tank top or you throwing a greasy rag at my face and laughing at how it messed up the bun I had my hair put up in and telling me to wash up, dinner’s in 10. The two of us crowding around a set of blueprints, scheming and figuring out how to best hurt this one greedy asshole and send him down the highway to hell. And you honestly know all my secrets, all the dark thoughts I had when I was doped up and hating the world and everyone in it. And I’m the only one who knows what really happened in that funky green goo you call a Lazarus Pit, I’m the only one who knows what you went through under the League. The fact that we don’t have any secrets gives me this feeling in my chest, it’s warm and golden and sorta like how you feel with Dick Grayson smiles at you, except this time I think I caused it.
I just hope to god I’m right when I say “I love you.”
‘Cause I do. Jason. I love you. I just, fuck. I like being around you. And for the first time in a long while, I don’t think I’m going anywhere.
Fuck. That was stupid. This barely even made sense anyway. 
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Wedding Vows.
From Roy Harper. To Jason Todd. 
I was trying something new with this and I have no idea whether it worked or not but oh well here it is.
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batbirdies · 5 years
NaNoWriMo 2019 Batfam fic Part 7
I’m posting rough excerpts from my NaNo project this year which is a fanfic centered around Jason Todd eventually agreeing to dog sit Titus while Bruce and Damian are out of town. Involving some deep seated issues, unintended animal therapy, snarky text messages between robins and eventually, some reconciliation between father and son.
Takes place in a murky in between time sometime after Damian was resurrected.
A NOTE: These are very rough drafts, I’m copy and pasting from my google doc, I switch tense all over the place, so apologies. WARNINGS: content includes PTSD flashbacks of sorts, violence involving humans as well as animals, references to dog fighting, lots of swearing. 
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
“Mind telling me what the fuck this was all about?” The guy raised his eyebrows, seemed completely unphased by Jason’s poorly veiled threat a moment ago.
“Just an accident. Here, take my info.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a business card that he held out, nothing printed on it but a phone number. Jason stared at it. “I’d be happy to cover your medical bills for that arm.” He nodded to Jason’s left forearm, still held tightly against his body. Jason plucked it out of his hand, eyeing it for a split second before tucking it into a pocket, he’d throw it away later.
“Real generous of you.” The guy smirked. Jason squinted at him, waiting for some kind of hint. “We met before?”
“Oh I doubt it.” He took a drag off the cigarette. “I’d remember your dog if we had.” He looked around Jason then, at where Titus was standing, tight up against the backs of his legs.
Jason took a step forward, fed up. “What the fuck do you want? You think I’m stupid? Your friend there sicked that dog on us, I saw it. You-“ Jason cut himself off, felt Titus nudging at the back of his leg, he gave a low bark, quiet but unhappy. He didn’t want to make any hints if the guy didn’t know anything.
Hell this was Gotham. Nut jobs did insane shit like sick their dogs on people all the time.
They however didn’t usually seem so casually unrepentant and unafraid of the police showing up.
Tall Guy raised his hands in mock surrender. “Hey now, if you hadn’t jumped in, I promise you he never would have bitten.”
“Oh, cause you’ve done this before? Is that it?”
“I don’t know what you mean, didn’t do anything, this was all just an accident. Crusher can get aggressive around other big dogs. And that is one big dog.”
“Is this seriously about Titus?” Jason was recalculating the idea that this idiot might know who he was. He chuckled.
“Titus, good name for him. He looks tough.” Jason stares at the guy, feeling a muted sort of astonishment at the idiocy in the world. Whatever this was, he wanted no part in it.
“You know what, you can get lost.” Jason started to turn away, he didn’t need to tug on the leash, Titus was happily leading the way.
The sound of rushed footsteps had him turning just in time to see the guy reaching towards Titus head, he saw the flash of a red tip of a cigarette tucked near the guys palm and lashed out before he could think better of it.
Leash still in his hand, he struck with his bad arm, snatched up the guys wrist, twisting it hard and fast until he couldn’t keep up the nonchalant act anymore.
“Ok, ok, shit man.” He sunk to his knees in an instant.
“Were you just gonna fucking burn my dog?” His arm was throbbing, the crushing grip he was keeping on the guys wrist making the pain flare like a bitch. Blood was dripping drown his arm in thick rivulets, down his hand, ruining his jacket and the assholes alike.
“Hey, hey, I just thought he looked tough-”
“So you thought you’d test your theory?” His grip was entirely too tight, he could feel the Lazarus bubbling up in him, everything in his vision taking on that vaguely green tinge.
“Hey, honestly man, I’m trying to do you a favor-”
“You fucking-”
“You like to bet? I can make you a fortune if he’s as mean as he looks.” He was on his knees, gasping out the words, gripping the wrist Jason held in his fist with his other hand desperately. Eyes wide in obvious fear. He choked, color crawling up his neck. “Please man-”
Jason didn’t make the decision to break the guys wrist, but it happened just then, his grip so tight that when he tensed at the statement - it was enough.
He gasped, “fuck man!”
“You’re lucky I don’t kill you.” Jason was shaking as he hissed out the words, skin hot, he felt the urge come up, the pulse rack through him.
Titus let out a high pitched whine, drawing back on his leash hard.
Jason let go. Took a hard step back, breath heaving, blinking away the green clouding his vision.
“What the hell man?” He was crying, clutching at his broken wrist with his good hand. Titus whined again, pulling on his leash enough to make Jason stumble a step after him.
He stood his ground for a second more, staring at this - this - “If I see you or your friend here again, you’ll leave with more than a broken wrist, you hear me?”
“Man why would you-”
“I said do you hear me?”
“Ok man, ok!”
Jason relented, letting Titus yank him around until they were walking at a brisk pace in the opposite direction. He was still fuming, filling his lungs with deep heaving breaths, trying to rid himself of the feeling of hornets buzzing around inside his chest.
It took him too long to realize that Titus was leading them the wrong direction, away from his apartment. When he finally blinked back into awareness they were two blocks away and his bloody arm was throbbing with every step he took.
Jason directed them all the way back around the block they were on instead of turning around. Feeling like he could use the exercise even while his arm hurt so bad he was hissing through his teeth. They were leaving a dripping trail of blood down the sidewalk as they went, every person they met crossed the street when they saw them coming but he couldn’t bring himself to care. He feels so tightly wound it’s a miracle he doesn’t snap like an old guitar string.
By the time they’ve traveled all the way back to Jason’s apartment Titus has gotten decidedly more exercise than required or planned and Jason feels no less angry than he had twenty minutes ago. He unlatches Titus’ leash and goes hunting for his first aid kit, stashed under his bathroom sink.
He’s pissed about his jacket, the sleeve is completely torn up and their blood all down it. It was a nice freaking jacket and an expensive one and when he tears it off in a huff and slings it over the edge of the bathtub he wonders briefly if Alfred could fix it….get the blood out, stitch up the torn pieces? Maybe that was asking too much but the man could be a miracle worker sometimes. Not to mention Jason was feeling almost a little like he owed him after the stunt with the gift, even if that was a little ridiculous and he’s never say it.
Getting a good look at his arm he’s definitely not happy. The skin is punctured to varying degrees of depth in large crescent shape, on his forearm as well as the tender skin on the inside of the arm. There’s enough blood that it takes a while for the warm water running in his sink to even rinse it away enough to tell. Following with antibacterial soap hurts like a bitch but dog bites are known for causing infections and Jason does not wanna mess with one.
He dabs it all dry with a clean dust rag he has stashed in the hallway closet, not wanting to ruin one of his actual towels with blood. It happened enough already when he came home after patrol with injuries, he was down to two good towels that didn’t have unfortunate stains.
Then he plasters a good layer of antibacterial ointment on the whole mess and covers it with two large bandages.
He still can’t calm down and he’s not totally sure why. At first he thinks it was just the confrontation, the audacity of two assholes to sick their dog on him and Titus but it’s not just that. It’s the dog fights.
Nothing should surprise him anymore.
Jason grew up on the streets. He started fighting crime before he was even a teenager. He’d died, he’d come to life, he’s been raised from a Lazarus pit, been through training like no other, done and seen things that could barely be believed.
But somehow the depravity of the human race could still shock him.
He remembers the fighting pits. The fear, the pain, the terror and violence. Remembers the twists, the random handicaps to teach him how to keep going when he was on his last leg. Remembered never really knowing what would happen if he lost, just the vague dread that it would be worse than this, worse than the constant fights and the surprise attacks and the complete lack of human connection.
Jason thinks about those dogs and he can’t fucking let it go.
He finds Titus in the living room, just standing in front of the couch like he’s been waiting for Jason to come out, his tail hanging low but wagging slowly, like he’s unsure. He huffs out a low sigh and throws his head back, stretching his neck and wondering, for a split second, if any of the shit he does, that any of them do, in costume ever makes a damned difference.
“Hey boy.” He says quietly as he shuffles back into the living room and sinks down onto the couch. “I’m not mad at you. You can relax.” He scratches at his ears when Titus follows him, and the dog lays his big ol’ head in Jason’s lap and makes a happy little snuffling noise and inspite of the morning Jason feels the edge of his mouth twitch up.
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i-have-a-dc-problem · 6 years
Rant Time!
Everyone who knows Jason Todd has been talking about Red Hood and The Outlaws #25, and I actually cried a little. I’ve realized over the past couple days that people think Jason is the ‘bad boy’, the ‘rebel’, the ‘black sheep’. Look at it from his point of view. 
Jason Peter Todd boosted cars only to feed him and his mom, the boy who ENJOYED a decent education and was a good student. The boy died trying to save his birth mother who had only a few hours before betrayed him so she could continue her illegal activities. He suffered the many blows of the crowbar. He suffered the initial blast of the bomb, shielding his biological mother. He suffered the rubble coming down. He died under the rubble, only able to breathe in smoke. He died apologizing to Bruce for not following orders, that he wasn’t a better soldier or a better son. He awakened in his grave six months later, in a casket, six feet under. He managed to somehow crawl out. He managed to limp to a highway STILL SUSTAINING THE INJURIES THE DAY HE DIED. After the Lazarus Pit, people think he went insane. He didn’t. It restored his brain-damaged mind. He missed Bruce, Alfred, and even Dick. They were all he had left. He was a mad when he found out that Bruce took on Tim, but it was nothing compared to when he found out that Bruce hadn’t killed the Joker. After that monster crippled Barbara and murdered him. Jason deserved better. He deserved so much better, and he wanted Bruce to know it. He did everything in Under the Red Hood because he was a scared little boy that was acting out in anger and fear. A boy aching for love, attention, and righteous vengeance. “I’m not talking about Scarecrow, or Penguin* or Dent** I’m talking about him, just him. And because, he took me away from you.”  (*Penguin had Willis Todd murdered in Rebirth) (**Dent was believed to have put a hit on Willis Todd Post-Crisis)
Jason wants his fucking family back. He actually has a good relationship with Tim. They have breakfast in public and share inside jokes, they’re brothers! Damian views Jason just as much as a brother as Dick because of his training with the League of Assassins after he was revived, and how Talia cared for him. He loves Talia too. He’s kind of seen Dick as a brother for a long time, and they can count on each other, and throughout Rebirth we see that. 
Bruce is way too hard on Jason. Damian was killing people for a long time, and Bruce just put him in time-out, but when Jason kills? Oh, boy! Gotham is on lockdown, I have to beat my son’s ass and then BANISH HIM WITH MY GOD COMPLEX from Gotham, his home. Jason isn’t frivolous with killing people, mind you. He kills rapists, murderers, wifebeaters, pedophiles, and assholes who deal drugs to children. He’s not insane. He knows what he’s doing. He knows that some of them have families, but they’ve made their choices. Jason Peter Todd isn’t a man that takes a life without knowing who that person was. He knows who, and he knows why. He’s not a villain. He’s a young man who likes to sit in the windowsill of the Wayne Manor library, reading a book on a rainy day. He’s a young man who gives back to his community. He’s a young man who watched his family spend Christmases without him, not because he wasn’t invited, but because he stopped himself. He wasn’t sure how he would be received. This man who pushes everyone away because he’s been hurt. Do you know who hurt Jason most? Who it usually is? I’ll give you a few guesses:
Bruce Thomas Anthony Wayne
The goddamn Batman
Matches Malone
Wayne Enterprises CEO
Gotham’s Most Eligible Bachelor
The man who took in a boy who didn’t have a home, a father, or any virtues of his own, and gave him all of those things, mourned the death of that child, but somehow didn’t welcome that boy back to HIS FUCKING HOME when he was miraculously resurrected like out of the Bible. 
There are many fathers who have lost sons. No parent should have to mourn the death of their child, and Jason meant so much to Bruce, so why when Jason was back, Bruce saw him as an adversary? Jason needed Bruce, and Bruce dropped the ball. Probably one of the few balls he really needed to catch in his life. I don’t know how Alfred doesn’t slap Bruce and make him call Jason because this is something Bruce, a grown-ass man, a father, has to do himself.
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victoriousscarf · 7 years
for the meme: Jason Todd and Slade Wilson
Jason: First impression
Okay I’m reaching back to 2008 for this but I’m pretty sure the first time I ran into Jason was Hush because I read Hush really early. I remember it being my introduction to a lot of characters (including Dick as Nightwing) which is both great because it covers like Batman’s entire rouge gallery and crew but is also awful because it covers everyone and that gets confusing fast hah.
So my introduction to him was Bruce’s overwhelming guilt and rage over his death. That’s a pretty strong impression. I also know I read Under the Red Hood fairly early and liked it enough to get the animated movie the instant it came out. But I don’t remember really LOVING Jason at that stage. Like I liked him but he wasn’t someone I was so into. I’m pretty sure the first time I ever wrote him was Find the Sun. I had Dick and Tim in the first story I ever wrote but I’m pretty sure Jason wasn’t in it.
Impression now
God I can not with this compassionate broken and angry child. He’s brash yet kind, too messed up by his own tenderness and driven to extremes by his anger. Someone hug this boy.Favorite moment
Damn I don’t know. I mean the end of Under the Red Hood when Bludhaven is nuked and he fights Bruce anyway creates this really interesting triangle between Bruce Jason and Dick and tho Dick isn’t there he’s still so much a presence of the screen, the favored son vs the one who messed up and died and Bruce’s panic while finally facing this ghost. I don’t know if I can say it’s my favorite but it fucks me up to this day. I also like him fucking with Black Mask that always gives me a kick. And I really love him first meeting Dick back as Robin (the post zero hour one, not Nightwing Year One).Idea for a storyI’m sure variations have been done but I’d love more about him dealing with the Lazarus pit and how that continues to effect him. Unpopular opinionI really don’t like new 52? Like I’m all for Jason having actual friends and there’s some good in Red Hood and the Outlaws but like that’s never where i go first. Like Roy and Kor almost always are Dicks friends first. I wish Jason had been allowed to keep growing in the pre 52 with maybe some more links to Donna and Kyle and building a life post all the things he had done instead of scrapping the slate back and making him WAY less angry or brutal. Like, I’m glad new 52 reframes his compassion but I really like his compassion held in tenuous balance with his rage. (I feel starved for truly angry characters okay that aren’t just assholes). Pre 52 had some major issues with him too but tbh I’m more in Under the Red Hood territory than Red Hood and the Outlaws. Favorite relationshipYou gonna make me say it??? Really? Okay fine I’m totally into him and Dick. And I don’t just mean I really like making them kiss: I am so fascinated by the possibilities of their relationship in canon: favored son vs second son, and how Jason’s idolization of Dick turns to rage contrasted with Dicks behavior toward Jason starting as Robin, changing to his guilt and missing Jason so much turning to complete disregard for Jason when he comes back which directly contradicts Dicks entire reaction the whole time Jason was dead. Dreaming about him, getting into fights with Bruce, and perhaps most importantly beating the Joker to death with a crowbar when he mocks him about not remembering Jason’s name. (Sure it got fixed almost instantly but like mocking Jason’s death drove Dick, guilt complex almost fell apart when he let someone else kill Blockbuster Dick, to actually /kill the Joker/ which makes him the only member of the batfam who actually avenged his murder at any point??? Does Jason even /know/?) Add on legacy issues (when Dick disappears for a year Jason takes up the Nightwing suit too) and like yeah I’m fucking here man. I mean I love Bruce and Jason and the pain between them, and Jason and Tim starting with rage and moving to actually being friends but like the miasma of whatever the fuck is between Dick and Jason keeps dragging me back. (Come home brother is the only page I want to keep from Battle for the Cowl)
Favorite headcanon
Jason is acting president of all Robin’s have a crush on Dick Grayson club. They’re still trying to figure out where Duke lands but Steph is a member, tho she got the least of it since her stint as Robin covered Dicks mental breakdown era.
Slade:First impression
Damn I don’t remember. I’m fairly certain I ran into him in the teen Titans before anywhere else and he’s always interested me but I can’t quite remember which issue I found him in first. I know I spent a lot of time tracking down Judas Contract since it was out of print at the time and I have like a really early printing tpb from the 80s as a result. And even more time finding the issue where he just strolls into Dicks apartment to tell him he’s in Bludhaven because that issue never was collected in trade, so I was checking every comic store I could find and their back issues.
Impression now
I’m really disappointed he’s become more of a generic villain in a lot of DCs media. Like I loved him under Wolfram, when he was a Merc with an honor code and snarky outlook who was as likely to tutor the Titans as attack them. He almost became an ally a few times. And like I haven’t dug into his post new 52 comics that much but he just seems so bland and like oh ho ho he’s such a badass and that’s all that matters!!! So like I’m still attached to the character I just haven’t paid much attention to his recent canon.
Favorite moment
Hmmm… I mean I really like the time he allies with the Titans and the old squad was just side eying him the whole time while the newcomers where sorta more like eh? Is he so bad? And then Dick rode a goddamn nuke because why not.
But honestly it’s probably him and Dick standing outside the abondoned Titans tower, fighting over their guilt over Joeys death. It’s showcases both of their emotional pain, Dicks temper, and Slade’s strange capacity for compassion.
Idea for a story
Can I have another 80 stories set in Flashpoint with him as a pirate???
Honestly I’d be really here for an actual nuanced story exploring his relationship with his kids. Too often it gets reduced to hate or them being too much like their father and that’s not what I want.
Or! Considering I have no idea what the fuck is happening with DC right now but I just read that Superman and Lois from pre and post new 52 just got combined and have memories from both universes combined Slade dealing with his kids and Dick and sure throw Ollie in here too. The fact he’s both not met Grayson and has spend years intimately knowing Dick and the workings of his mind would be a trip and could be fun, plus his more complicated relationship with Joey and Rose pre new 52. Also Ollie would have a shit of a time figuring out his two lives (as he’s a set of characters that changed by far the most with the new 52) and why not throw Slade at him again too for old times sake? (Hey asshole remember when I crashed your wedding? I’m not even–actually yeah yeah I do you ASSHOLE)
Unpopular opinion
I have no idea??? I honestly don’t know what’s popular and what isn’t with him. So far no one’s bitched at me with anything to do with Slade.
Favorite relationship
While I’m totally here for the respectful turned to hateful rivalry between Slade and Dick (and honestly that’s another relationship that’s been stripped from Dick that drives me MAD) my favorite is actually Slade’s relationship with his kids. He’s distant, moves on a scale as simply a neglectful and not great dad to full on abusive and using his kids for his own ends (like for sure sticking kryptonite in Roses eye is a great idea!!!! But that was also at the height of Slade loosing his morals and mind). But as much as he wasn’t there for Grant, it was Grant’s foolish death and Slade’s pride that sent him on a collision course with the Titans. His guilt over Joey, first with his muteness and later for killing his own son, the fact that as terrible as he was to Rose he wants the person he respects possibly the most (Dick) to take care of his kids, especially her. The fact that when he looks at Rose the emotion the black lanterns see is love. The fact his entire plot in Flashpoint was his quest to save his daughter as the world goes pear shaped into apocalypse. Slade loves his kids he’s just a terrible fucking father and I love it.
Favorite headcanon
He still respects Dick despite everything they’ve done to each other.
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