#leaves stuff up to imagination and body language
sinner-as-saint · 3 months
no masters or kings
Priest!Bucky x Reader 
Run-through: Father Barnes’ life had been rather peaceful for years. He never complained though, he chose this. Between mass on Sundays, bible study sessions during the week, and office hours, the amount of time he has left he dedicated to reading and keeping his body active. There wasn’t much to do in this small, almost forgotten town. Then a new face appeared. A woman, married to some businessman who leaves her all by herself while he grows his fortune in the city. Father Barnes seemed determined at first, to herd and care for the new, young, lonely little lamb. But that is until he found himself tempted to sin like never before. 
Themes: priest!bucky, smut, degrading kink, infidelity, explicit language, (sacrilege, blasphemy, and all the other bad stuff)
a/n: i’m going hell anyway so yeah, PILFS <3 
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“It’s very late.” 
His hushed voice echoed in the empty, dark church. Your back stiffened as you froze, standing by the pews. You turned around slowly and found him standing at the entrance, the rain falling noisily behind him. As if creating a curtain to separate you two from the world outside. 
You knew where the switches were but you didn’t turn on the light when you walked in. There was just enough light coming from the outside to allow you to move properly and see. So you couldn’t exactly see the expression on his face. 
But you saw that he was drenched, completely. He must’ve gone on a run, you figured, and instead of going back home for the night, he saw the little light at the church doorstep and decided to come check who was here. 
“I… I couldn’t sleep.” You whispered back, watching him as he stepped inside and shook his head – reminding you a little of a dog shaking – as he tried to get the rain water out of his hair. “You once said you always left the church unlocked so I thought…,” You sighed, “I should probably go.” 
“No.” He was quick to say, in that tone. Your body tensed up. “Stay.” He added quietly. 
You looked at him. Drenched jacket, wet track pants sticking to his body, he was breathing heavily so he must’ve ran all the way here. He did that often, he once said. He liked running at night. 
You watched as he stepped closer to where you stood. That little bit of grey in his beard drove you insane. Suddenly you couldn’t think. 
He had that look about him which you could only describe as ‘priestly’. Wise, slightly older, calm. He was the kind of man you’d want to open up to. You’d want him to see all that was dark and wrong inside your human heart only so he could use that firm, strong voice and tell you that it’s all gonna be okay. That you were forgiven. Loved. And never alone. 
You watched as he unzipped his jacket, revealing that ridiculously tight black shirt inside which clung to his ridiculously muscular torso. 
“Did you need me?” He asked, again in that voice. That comforting voice that made everything okay. 
You knew what he meant. How he meant it. You knew he meant it in an innocuous way. But fuck if your mind didn’t go straight to that sinful pit it stays in. Temptation, like a vicious vine, reached and wrapped around your brain as you struggled to speak. 
It was always like this. Ever since the first time you stepped foot in this space and found Father Barnes sitting in silence all by himself. At first you mistook him for being just a parishioner. Black slacks, black shirt with the sleeves rolled up till his elbows, only when he turned around to face you did you notice the white collar. But by then it was too late and in your head you’d already imagined his naked body taking yours, owning you, using you. 
That day, you could tell he could almost read your mind. You were embarrassed so you excused yourself and left quickly. And anytime you wanted to be back here, and be good and behave, one look at Father Barnes and you felt like you were burning with all that pent up desire. 
It wasn’t entirely your fault. When you married your husband, you knew what you were getting into. You knew you married a man who was already married to his job in the city. But your parents couldn’t let such a wealthy, beneficial, and strong alliance go. You were given a luxurious life. There was nothing you lacked. 
You had a lavish home here in this small town, a wedding gift from your busy husband who visited maybe twice a year. You had it all. Money, vintage cars, horses you loved, a home you liked taking care of, privacy, all of it. 
All except company. Intimacy. Feeling a warm body press up against yours at night. Feeling warm skin against yours in the early hours of a lazy morning. You never got to hold hands with anyone, or get a hug. Or share a meal with. Or go on walks with. You were all alone here. And maybe that loneliness pushed you to visit the church the first time. 
Ever since, Father Barnes had become a habit. Watching him, picturing him doing unholy things to you, noticing him whenever you were at a coffee shop, or the library. You yearned for him. And it was all only heightened by the fact that he was so unreachable. So kind. So unlike how you wanted him to be. To him, you were just another lost soul he wanted to guide. 
Did you need me? 
Yes. Yes you did. In the most dirtiest of ways one can imagine. He was a handsome man. Kind blue eyes, long black hair that nearly reached his shoulders, a face only God could’ve created, and that body that he liked to take care of. He was a dream. 
And a priest. 
“I…” You struggled to find your words. “I thought a walk would help tire me out and put me to sleep. But then it started raining so here I am.” You gave him a faint smile. 
He returned one back. 
He ran his fingers through his wet, long hair and said, “I can keep you company for a while, if you want.” 
He waited. Then you said, “I’d like that.” 
Bucky was praying in his head as he asked you to take a seat, then sat down beside you. 
He prayed to God, in fact to anyone and anything that would listen to him. God, gods, universe, the freaking stars in the night sky which weren’t visible right now because it was pouring like it was the end of the world. He prayed you wouldn’t glimpse down and see the thing growing in his pants. 
He was ashamed. 
Ever since he first saw you, there was this pull he’d never felt before. It was like having burning hot claws sink into his flesh each time he laid eyes on you. Out on the streets, in the coffee shops, in the library, in the little diners, at the freaking grocery store, in parking lots – it was a small town so he saw you a lot. 
He had to walk by your extravagant property each time he went to the bakery, and each time he felt like a little boy who was excited to see whether or not the pretty girl would be outside this time to smile and give him a little wave. 
Then each time he saw you in this church it was somehow way worse. Like being here made the temptation more sinful. 
Bucky looked up at the cross and mentally begged. Make it stop. This is wrong. Make it stop. 
“You know you don’t have to do this.” Your gentle voice spoke. “I’m sure you need your sleep.” 
“It would be wrong of me to leave you here all by yourself.” He said, realising that this was the longest conversation you two had had. Usually you were too shy to even look him in the eyes. You kept your sentences short and always looked caught. 
So he liked this. 
Then you said, “I was never religious, you know?” There was a faint smile in that tone, he didn’t have to look to know. 
“Are you now?” 
He could feel your shrug. “I don’t know.” You answered. “I don’t think I have what it takes to be… so desperately good. Like you, for instance.” 
Oh if only you knew… 
Bucky shifted in his seat. Mentally begged God some more as the quiet tone of your voice made it hard for him to even sit still. He wanted to let out some of the primal aggression he was feeling. Squeeze something. Bite something. Sink into something. Preferably your tight hot body. 
Heavens. He sighed. Help me. 
Clearing his throat he said, “You don’t have to be if you don’t want to. It’s enough for me that you feel comfortable enough just to come here and feel like you’re not alone.” 
A moment of silence passed, with just the sound of heavy rain in the background. “But it’s not enough for me.” Then you quickly added, as if embarrassed that you must have overshared, “I shouldn’t be saying these things.” 
“Why not?” He frowned. What things? 
You let out a soft chuckle that only sent more blood down to his rock hard cock. Bucky clenched his fists, struggling. 
“It’s the middle of the night. I should go.” You said. 
No. He didn’t want you to go. “If there are things you need to voice out,” He said, “Would the booth make you feel more comfortable?” 
You chuckled again, turning your head to look at him. Bucky let his eyes roam all over you very, very quickly. Dark trousers, dark jacket, a scarf around your neck… too many layers. He almost groaned as he imagined himself peeling all those layers off of you. 
“Oh Father Barnes,” You sighed. “Maybe another time.” 
Then you left. Leaving him confused, aroused, and feeling way too much. 
The next time Bucky saw you was yet again, on a random rainy night. After his daily run, he noticed the small lamp outside the church door was lit and ran all the way to the church to check out who it was. 
He ignored the boyish hope in his heart which begged that it’d be you. Yet he breathed out in relief when he saw it truly was you. 
“Can’t sleep?” He asked, hoping his tone wasn’t too teasing. 
You gave him a small smile and nodded. “Would you… um, last time you mentioned the booth. Do you think, I mean, I know it’s late and–,” 
He cut you off by walking over and placing his hands on your shoulders. “Whatever makes you feel more comfortable. Follow me.” 
You did. 
Sitting down on the wooden bench felt weird. You’d never done it before. Never been inside the wooden box. The space was small, dark wooden panels on all sides. A small opening allowed you to partially see Father Barnes on the other side, that is if it was during the daytime. Right now, it was all too dark. You only knew he was there by the sound of movement. 
The air smelled like candle wax and incense. It felt mysterious, intimate almost to be here with him. It felt weirdly comforting. Maybe this is why people come back, you thought. 
“You’ve never done this, have you?” He asked. 
“No.” You replied, feeling a little out of place. 
“Well, we begin with the sign of the cross…” He trailed off, as if hoping you’d do it along with him. You did. Then silence. “Now, you may tell me about the things you left without saying last time.” 
You took a deep breath. Then said, “I think I’ve been alone for way too long.” 
There was a pause before he spoke. “Alone? You mean in this town?” 
You exhaled calmly and explained, “I mean in my marriage.” 
Bucky closed his eyes and sighed. Alone in your marriage? God help him. This was not helping his sick, twisted fantasies. All those times he fantasised as he walked by your expensive home about how he could just walk in and find where you are and demand you let him take you. Your husband wouldn’t be home. He never was, everyone knew that. Most people pitied you, the rest envied your lifestyle. But he… oh it was his most sinful fantasy till date. 
He forced himself to ask, even though he was in no shape to hear the answer, “What is it that makes you feel this way? Is there a lack of some kind?” 
He heard your shaky breath, as if you were debating whether you should tell him. “I…” You started, then stopped. Then sighed and finally said, “I’ve never been with my husband.” You explained further. “We both agreed that our marriage was only a way to solidify the business transactions between our families. We both agreed we wouldn’t be a conventional couple. He craved his busy work like in the city and I liked the tranquillity of a small town.” You paused. 
Bucky listened intently. 
“So I knew what I was getting into when I got married and moved here, while my husband remained in the city. We only see each other maybe for two weekends out of the year and that too only during the holidays when we need to put on a show for our families and smile and look happy in family photos. And I was fine with it.” Another defeated sigh. “But then it got lonely.” 
Bucky sucked in a breath as he shook his head slightly, begging God again. Don’t let my mind go there. Don’t let the fantasies seem attainable. Please. He begged. But he also needed to say something back. Something priestly. And quick. 
“I see.” He cleared his throat, refusing to even acknowledge the growing desire in his pants. Yet again. “So it’s the distance. How long has this been the case?” 
You replied, “Since the very start. I’ve never been with him, you see?” 
No. No. No. 
“Never lived with him? Never felt a sense of companionship? I admit, that must be very hard. To feel alone in a marriage–,” 
“Father Barnes,” It sounded like you were begging in shame as you interrupted him. “I have never had sex with him. Or anyone. Ever since I got married two years ago. Do you understand now?” 
You let out a soft chuckle. “Oh? I guess it must come naturally to you. To dodge those, um, desires but, I’m only human. I’m a woman, with needs. I… it worries me sometimes because often it is all I can think about all day.” Another humourless laugh. “I don’t have much to do, you see? I do enjoy the simplicity of the small town. I love my animals, my staff, I get to do things I’ve always wanted to do. I can drive around and read, and paint, and cook, and I truly do enjoy my company but sometimes… It can be very lonely. One time I–,” 
You cut yourself off. And silence followed. Tormenting Bucky even more as you left him wondering. And oh did he wonder. About your lonely nights. About you in your luxurious home, in your large bed, fingers sliding in and out from in between your thighs, crying out loud as you make yourself come. Poor you. Rich, lonely wife of a careless, rich man. Forced to take care of your needs all by yourself. 
If only there was an equally lonely man able to keep you company. If only… 
“What?” He asked, because he needed to know. “One time you what?” 
“I… you know there are people who provide services. For women like me.” Your breathy voice was driving him to the fucking edge. 
“Women like you?” 
“Yes.” Your voice was more firm now, almost like you were smiling in a mischievous way. “You know? Rich, lonely women. I almost, I mean for the longest time I contemplated hiring a male escort. But then I didn’t.” 
“I see.” He said again. “Feeling alone and neglected can result in wanting companionship in whatever form is available.” 
He was barely holding on to fucking sanity now. 
“But it was wrong, wasn’t it? To want to be with another man, any man at this point to be honest.” You sighed. “It’s like an itch that never goes away. And it makes me…” You paused, then said, “It makes me want things, crave things, crave people that I shouldn’t. It’s getting worse and worse,” You confessed. “Sometimes I leave the doors and windows unlocked or opened, even at night,” You sighed, struggling too by the sound of it, “Shamelessly hoping someone might just walk in and–,”
“Stop.” He said, using a voice he never did before. He had never interrupted a penitent so rudely. So suddenly. But he heard his own twisted fantasy come out of your mouth in that breathy tone he would lose it. “Please,” He begged in a lowered voice. 
Then he heard your gasp. Like you were ashamed. Alone in that wooden box, drowning in your desires and temptation. Right there, in this dark night, right fucking there for him to take. To taste. To touch. He was no one but a starved male at that point. He was nothing but the desires in his head. The fantasy. The claws of sin dug into him, reaching places he thought he’d shut off forever but there they were, open and raw and wanting. Wanting you. 
He didn’t know when he got out of his side of the booth and opened the other side to find you with a surprised look on your face. Surprised, but with lust in your eyes. 
“Father Barnes?” 
Bucky was crossing that line he shouldn’t. He knew he was. There was no going back. Not as he knelt down right in front of you. The space was cramped but he didn’t care. He knelt in between your legs and looked up at you. 
“You said you craved people you shouldn’t. Is one of them me?” He asked. 
The tension was too much. The air around you shifted. You looked down at him, not regretting the dress you wore because now you could feel him in between your bare legs. Even in the dark his body tormented you. He was still cold and drenched from the rain earlier. But so firm with your thighs pressing around him. 
“Yes.” You answered, truthfully. 
His warm hands were on your bare thighs immediately. Rubbing up and down like he had all the time in the world. “Is that so?” He questioned. His tone was lower, darker. Grave. Fuck. “Is that why you wore a pretty dress to come see me? In the middle of the night?” 
He leaned in, lips brushing against your collarbones and neck as he breathed. His warm breath making you squirm and shiver. You bit back a moan as he slowly slid his hands under your dress. 
He looked down at his hands disappearing beneath your dress for a quick moment before he looked back up into your eyes in disbelief. 
“Did you wear this for me?” He asked upon further inspecting your body, as his fingers brushed against the softest, thinnest of lace underwear. “Surely you didn’t wear this for your husband who never comes home to you, hmm? Answer me.” 
“No.” You answered firmly. “I didn’t wear it for him.” Of course you didn’t. Your husband treated you like you were non-existent. Not that you minded. 
Bucky chuckled, his mouth still exploring your skin. His stubble rough against your soft skin. “And what did you think was gonna happen here? Showing up dressed like a shameless woman. Did you hope you could tempt me into touching you?” He whispered. 
His fingers slowly slid past your underwear, exploring the warmth there. You let out a soft moan, your own fingers sliding into his hair as he groaned upon feeling how wet you were. 
One moment he had a little bit of sanity left where he kept telling himself that he could stop at any moment if he wanted to. But then he slid his finger inside you, and the soft moan you let out was his undoing. 
He couldn’t hold back anymore, he leaned in to kiss you. Hard and fast, before his mouth found its way down your neck again, until he wrapped his mouth around your clothed nipple and sucked. Hard. 
You couldn’t help but gasp and moan as his warm mouth wrapped around your flesh, wetting the fabric of your dress. Then he shifted to the other one, making you whine and squirm against him. Your fingers slid into his hair, tugging gently as he toyed with your breasts. 
And then he was eagerly bunching up your dress so he could taste what he wanted the most, that wetness in between your legs. “Good women don’t do this, you know?” He whispered, “What if someone comes in here right now and decides they need some peaceful alone time? What then?” 
You whined as he lowered your underwear, throwing it aside carelessly. You knew nobody would come in here right now. It was the middle of the night again. This whole small town was asleep. Not even one car drove on the road. But you still played into the fantasy because it was so hot. You were burning, feeling the touch of a man after so long. 
“They’d catch us.” You said, “They’d catch you.” You groaned, doing absolutely nothing to stop him. 
Bucky chuckled, “Or maybe they’d see you spreading your legs like a desperate whore for me and decide they want to watch the show. Maybe they’d even grab a chair and sit, and watch as I make you feel good.” You whined upon hearing his words. He couldn’t help the smirk. “You like that? Hmm? The possibility of someone finding you in here, legs spreading and your arousal dripping out of you? Does that make you feel powerful? Wanted?” 
“Please…” You begged, quietly. 
Then he gave you what you wanted. And you let him. You let him taste you until he had his fill. You let him take one of your legs and put it over his shoulder which opened you up even more to his warm, eager mouth. To his tongue which slid in and out and up and down until you were almost crying in pleasure. 
“Look at you,” He said, kissing down your inner thigh. “Spreading your legs for a man of God like a shameless little slut, hmm? Is that what you are?” 
He ate you out until you were trembling, until your arousal was dripping down his chin. “Fuck, please!” You cried out, fingers tugging on his hair. His tongue, his lips, the gentle suction of his warm mouth –  it was all too much. 
“Is this what you wanted? All those times you left your doors and windows unlocked, did you ever wish I would wander in and just take you however I wanted?” He moved his head side to side, his coarse stubble brushing against your soft inner thighs. “Hmm? Did you ever think about me while touching yourself, you filthy little whore?” 
“Yes…” You whined and trembled, trying to keep your voice down as he made you lose your mind by eating you out like a starved man. 
Which he was. It was like he was tasting the most forbidden of fruits after years of being denied. Like he was suddenly unchained and free. Hungry. 
You whined as he pulled away without letting you come. You wondered if he regretted this, if he would kick you out but he only pulled you off the bench, flipped the two of you around in the dark so that he was the one sitting on the bench now and pulled you onto his lap. 
You were surprised for only a moment, but then got over it as you found your impatient hands at the waistband of his track pants. You paused, for only a moment, fingers toying with the waistband of his underwear, you looked up into his eyes, they shone even in the near complete dark. Like he was… godly. 
“Are you sure you want–,” 
He cut you off, firmly. Using that tone again. “I will die right here if I don’t take you right now, you hear me?” 
You nodded, reaching for his cock as you said in a shaky voice, “I’ve wanted you for so long.” 
“Did you?” His voice was suddenly deeper than earlier. 
You nodded, wondering if he even saw it in the dark. But you didn’t care, not as you wrapped your hand around his hard cock, hearing him hiss in pleasure as you lifted off of his lap, aligned the tip of his cock to your entrance before gently sinking down on him. 
“Oh fuck,” You cried out as you slid down his thick cock, his stare burning on your face as he thrust up into you, all the way in. 
“Fuck,” He swore, then leaned in to give you a wet, messy kiss as he thrust his hips up. He hadn’t done this in a long, long time but nature took over. He wanted more, more, more. “This is all you wanted, huh? Always giving me those eyes, always giving me that look,” He sounded stern. Almost mad. “You were basically always around me like a bitch in heat, hmm? Is this cock all you were craving? While living in your nice big house, your husband away earning money for you to spend, all this time you’ve been thinking about me, hmm?” 
“Yes…” You whined as he grabbed your hips and guided you up and down his cock, stretching you out in the process. You held onto his shoulders as you rode his cock, bouncing on it while you moaned for him, bending a little so as to not hit the roof of the booth. 
“Yes what?” He asked, sounding all cocky and less priestly as he smacked your thigh. 
“Father Barnes,” You corrected yourself, “You’re all I wanted. You’re all I think about.” You felt him fill you up nicely each time, the pressure in between your legs getting hotter and hotter. He was better than you could’ve ever imagined. Bigger, even. 
“You don’t even care how wrong this is, do you?” He threw his head back, grunting at how good you felt. “You don’t even care what you’re doing to a pious man like myself.” He let out a strained moan, as he thrust into you over and over again, while also bringing you down on his cock each time with enough force to make your tits bounce. “I thought about you too, you know? About this tight little cunt, dripping and hungry for me. Some nights I would’ve done anything for just a taste of you.” 
His words were too much. The whole situation was too much. Too good. The space felt hot, stuffy, and sinful. “Please, I need to come. Please.” You said, unable to hold back your moans when he placed his thumb over your clit and rubbed it gently, in sync with his thrusts. It only made you clench harder around him. 
You bit your lip to hold back your moans as he thrust his hips up more into you, your eyes rolled back and you moaned out loud as you came so close to coming undone for him. 
“You’re gonna come for me, little lamb?” He asked, “You’re gonna come all over my cock like a shameless woman, huh? Not caring about where we are, what time it is, or what your husband might think if he ever finds out, you don’t care, do you?” He chuckled. “You’re too cock-drunk to care, too much of a little slut for me to care, huh?” 
You answered after a loud whimper, “Yes… please.” 
He cupped your cheek and traced your mouth with his thumb, “Go on. Come all over my cock. Come for me…” 
Your walls clenched violently around his cock. You came hard, whimpering and crying for him and gasping for breath. 
Bucky came right after you, feeling his whole body tingle like this was the closest to heaven he’ll ever get. His warm load spilling inside you as he wrapped his arms around you and held you like you were the most fragile thing in the world. Like he hadn’t just rammed his cock in and out of you like an animal. Like he hadn’t just sinned in so many ways. 
You caught your breath, wrapped in his strong arms. Your head rested on his shoulder as you tried to calm your racing heart. You could feel his cock twitch inside you, his cum flowing out of you. 
“You’re not gonna hire any stranger to come and keep you company, you hear me?” 
You nodded, face brushing against his damp shirt and his warm neck. It felt good here, in his embrace. It felt safe. 
“I’m here, and you’re mine to take care of now. When you need to be fucked, you come find me. Is that understood?” 
You smirked, then said, “Yes, Father Barnes.” 
part 2
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cranberryjuice-posts · 6 months
Okay this fic idea has been in my head for weeks...
Imagine reader being Percy's (full) sister and secretly dating Clarisse. And Percy's rambling about not liking "hating" Clarisse and reader is just doing whatever and doing that thing where someone's pretending to be interested just hums and agrees absentmindedly and then he just says "Fuck Clarisse" and reader is like "GIRL I'M TRYING, BUT SHE'S BUSY" (this is not an actual smut request for her tho), but reader accidentally said it out loud (ik it's cliche to 'accidentally say stuff out loud but I like it in this context). And Percy is like "Excuse me what da fok" and then he storms off to yell at Clarisse and reader hears him yell "REALLY?! MY SISTER?!" and everyone who's watching is just scared for Percy and the consequenses of yelling at Clarisse.
I imagine the "Look here comes the consequence of my actions chasing me right now" audio during this scene
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- I’ve been trying -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! Reader
Synopsis - your secret relationship with clarisse quickly becomes not so secret
Palestine aid links
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It was a few hours before capture the flag. Most kids spent their time preparing for the game as it was the last one for summer; you however were pressed up against a tree with your favorite girl trailing sweet kisses down your neck.
“Fuck” you gasped as clarisse found your sweet spot. Bringing your hands to her hair you slightly tugged it, almost like an attempt to bring her closer of you could.
Clarisse flattened her tongue against the red mark she had began to leave. Her grip tightened on your hips and her leg pushing slightly between your thighs. The moment would of gone further only if clarisses brother hadn’t started yelling for hee.
Hitting her arm clarisse eventually came to, pulling away only slightly. “What-“ she panted heavily.
“Mm your brother he’s calling for you” you complained with a deep breath. Annoyed clarisse rolled her eyes. Taking a look around she returned her gaze back down at you, taking a notice of your pupil blown eyes. A giddy grin crossed her lips, finding her cocky attitude amusing you pushed off the tree to kiss her sweetly.
Shaking her head some clarisse squeezed your hip one last time. “You have no idea what you do to me… we’ll have to finish this later I’ll be busy for the rest of today and probably tomorrow” she sighed.
“Really” you complained making clarisse chuckle. “Yeah really, don’t get to bitchy it’s just two days”
Hitting her arm again you chuckled again. “Shut up I don’t get bitchy”
“Uh huh whatever you say babe” she teased drunkly walking backwards. Grabbing her spear she blew you a kiss before jogging towards the sound of her sibling calling.
“Then she has the AUDACITY! The fucking—“
“Language” you sighed giving Percy an authoritarian look. Shrugging you off he continued his ramble on about how he hated clarisse.
Shaking your head some you smiled finding it amusing your little brother hates your girlfriend. Though no body knew she was your girlfriend. You both agreeing on keeping it a secrete as it kept people off clarisses back and Percy off yours.
Your relationship with Percy had always been a little strained. Finding out you were a demigod let alone a daughter of Poseidon you had left home at an early age; causing you to never really know your brother. Growing up at camp it seemed like Percy was more like your friend than sibling. You still came home however, every holiday you were back in the same shitty apart with the same shitty step father.
When Percy finally came to camp it was easier to build a relationship with him. And for once… it felt like you really did have a brother.
“…also her blaming me for her spear breaking like it isn’t HER FAULT for attacking me! And I swear to the gods if I hear one more person say she isn’t that bad I’ll scream” Percy groaned holding his head in his hands while he paced in mad circles. Finally tuning back into the conversation the first thing you had heard — “UGH fuck clarisse!” He huffed.
“Girl I’m trying but she won’t be free until Sunday” you groaned holding your head back. It took only a moment for you to realize what you had said.
Looking at you then a door he quickly ran out, following his lead you chased after him. “Percy wait!” You yelled half laughing.
Instantly finding clarisse Percy stood before the cocky girl who was sitting with her siblings on the porch of their cabin; waiting for the final hour before the games.
Clarisse turned her attention from her brothers to Percy before scoffing. “What do You want beanstalk” her instult causing a small fit of laughter around her.
“MY SISTER OUT OF EVERYONE YOUR SLEEPING WITH MY SISTER!!” He shouted causing his face to go red.
The people around went quiet. For what seemed like minutes lasted only a few seconds before Percy began yelling again.
Clarisse who was stunned just sat there and let the boy yell at her. Standing right beside him was an embarrassed version of yourself.
At a certain point she had gotten tired of the small boy shouting at Her. His breaking voice annoying her. Standing up clarisse walked over to you, placing her hands on your waist and kissing you sweetly.
A slightly laugh leaving her lips as she knew your brother was watching in astonishment. Breaking the kiss she smiled at you before turning her shit eating grin to Percy. “Mind your business. What your sister does with me I’m sure you don’t wanna know” she chuckled, hitting your ass before walking away with her siblings following quickly.
Percy looked at you once again shocked. “Isn’t she dreamy” she smiled giddily. Your brother sighed, grabbing your shirt and dragging you away.
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loving-family-poll · 8 months
Ultimate Incest Tournament - Semifinals
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Propaganda under the cut:
I'm sorry but they have it all. children of metaphorical incest just continuing the cycle in any way they can. they are brothers and mother + son and wives and each other's scorned lovers and life partners they've had multiple infidelity arcs they are sexually psychopathic together they have forsook life and morality and the earth itself for each other and just love each other so much . They are literally in a heaven of their own making together for eternity, incestuously. Come on!!! Blueprint!!!!! It's not gay if he's your brother!!!!!
dean did stuff to sam's dead body in ahbl. i just know it
Messed-up, isolated sibs with all the daddy and abandonment issues. Their lives are so claustrophobic with the brothers no more than five feet apart in the car, a motel room, or standing next to civilians (face it, they are frigging magnets). Can't leave out that they are always touching each other to check for wounds which is a huge PLUS for any shipper.
Sam and Dean ARE literally the blowjob brothers. They walk into a situation and everyone goes well well well if it isn't the blowjob brothers....... And they say. Yep. That's us. And then they fix the situation with their epic love story
THE classic, iconic, show shopping, never done before etc. etc. incest ship. It changed fandom and it changed the world
Daverose blondetwin sweep because they were codependent without ever meeting from growing up seeing each other in their dreams
What does it mean to be an abused teenage boy growing up alone and seeing a girl in your dreams every night who is also your best friend. and when you finally meet her you go on a suicide mission together even though nobody was asking you to die with her. and then you are the only two human beings left in the recognizable universe on a cold meteor surrounded by aliens but you’re glad it’s with her. and when you finally touch the girl from your childhood dreams she looks exactly like you. because she’s your sister
I don't have words for how good these snarky assholes are together. DaveRose is brain chemistry changing. They both put up so many fronts, and engage in so much snarky wordplay, and are constantly trying to get under each other's facade. They play off each other so well, witty and sharp, I need them to be together always
We all die & we all die alone are the two cold truths of the universe but dave and rose broke both simultaneously by ascending to godhood together
Their twincest wins because it is just so confusingly tragic? profound? dave leaving rose behind in a doomed world, dave following her to the bomb. they are both so closed & cut off & curt its hard to imagine the depth of these things. but that is their love language: giving up their lives for each other over and over, in a confusing and fumbling and heartfelt love song. i can’t say i love you but i know we’ll die together anyway. because we’re made of the exact same stuff. i’ll find you again at the last moment. that’s love.
Confirmed canon by the author, (something happened) between them. Parallels of dying by each other's sides in EVERY timeline. They are THE womb-to-tomb. There is nothing platonic about winking at your brother while talking about crushes, that shit is incestuous. Seer/Knight archetype. They will die protecting each other.
do you realize love someone if you don’t follow them on a suicide mission into the gaping maw of a literal fucking sun after they knock you out and psychoanalyze you in your dreams? the blueprint of the “ethereal androgynous blonde boygirl twins” trope. witch/knight dynamics. they find each other to die together in every timeline no matter what (but they’re still emotionally constipated teenagers who bicker and make fun of each other in pesterchum). kids with grown-up powers. perfect little freaks of nature. what if we looked exactly like each other’s eyes
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kaelaheartsyou · 5 months
Dont Get Caught
paige bueckers x (female) reader
down bad reader + even more down bad paige
pure smut (sorry in advance) mdni !!!
use of bad language
kinda public sex
i watched from the stands as my girlfriend scored the game winning 3 pointer. it was an extremely close game. she immediately locks eyes with me before smiling and running to her teammates and celebrating together. she was definitely getting it tonight.
i made my way from my seat to the sidelines where i congratulated everyone on the team making sure to give azzi and molly a hug. by now the whole team knew me and paige were dating, considering we’ve been together for almost 7 months, it was kind of hard to hide. but imagine how hard it is to keep it from the media. with reporter after reporter trying to get a chance to talk to all the girls, i couldn’t just go up to her and kiss her without someone taking a picture. i didn’t mind the media knowing and i know she didn’t either, but to be fair we did agree to wait.
i just sat down in a chair on the sidelines scrolling through tiktok liking pretty much every post that had to do with paige in some way. she was still getting interviewed while the rest of the girls had already made their way out of the locker room.
as she finished up, she finally walked into the locker room, clearly not noticing i was right behind her. i managed to get past anyone trying to take pictures as i walked in after her. i dont know how she was so oblivious to my presence.
“hi baby, you played so good” i said while smiling, still behind her.
“holy shit” she said practically jumping as she turned around to look at me. “how did you get in here without anyone noticing” she laughed
“they were all focused on azzi, just wanted to congratulate you” i beamed happily
“well thank you, im so glad you were able to come i know how behind you are on school shit”
she walked towards me wrapping her arms around my waist. i instinctively put mine around her neck. the eye contact we held could make anyone fold, and i was trying so hard not to. i wanted her to kiss me first, i don’t give in that easy even when it comes to paige fucking bueckers.
after what literally felt like hours she finally kissed me, my hands going straight to her hair that was still in a ponytail. i pulled off the hair tie making her groan into my mouth at the feeling of relief.
she lightly tapped my thigh to signal for me to jump. and of course i did because id do anything for this girl. she lifted me up making me wrap my legs around her waist. still not breaking the kiss, paige carried me to the counter where the sinks were and set me down before pulling at my shirt for me to remove it.
“paige not here we’re gonna get caught.” i mumbled before pulling away
“cmon baby everyone already grabbed their stuff out of here, no ones coming back.” she reassured me with her infamous smirk
i reluctantly nodded my head accepting the fact that if we get caught its on her. i pulled of my shirt and watched her immediately unclip my bra. she stared at me for a minute before speaking, “you’re so fucking beautiful im so damn lucky.”
i blushed, usually i was the one praising her and giving her compliments. must be the post-win feeling getting to her. nonetheless i appreciated her words even though they made me practically melt.
we reconnected our lips, her hand playing with my nipple sent a wave of ecstasy through my entire body. she pulled away again this time to remove my sweatpants, leaving them at my ankles because deep down i think she knew there was a good chance someone might walk in. she marveled at how soaked my red laced underwear was and i felt my self sheepishly covering my face. her hands were quick to pull mine away.
“this wet for me hm? and i haven’t even done anything yet.” she smirked again and pulled down my underwear. i was now fully exposed and she still had her uniform on.
“paige come on take it off.” i said motioning to her uniform and feeling quite embarrassed knowing i was the only one with out a single piece of clothing on.
she complied without a complaint and stripped down to her sports bra and boxers. i see her like this almost every night and it still amazes me how gorgeous she is. running my hand down her toned stomach i start spewing out compliment after compliment before she starts kissing my neck, making me shut up and throw my head back.
her hand thats not on my waist is touching everywhere but wear i need her. im sitting at the edge of the counter at this point, our bodies are flushed together skin to skin.
“please p.. i need you” i murmured quietly when her kisses started getting lower and lower. i just know that there were going to be bruises from where she was sucking in the morning.
“yeah? where do you need me baby use your words.” she said softly against my skin making me shiver. her long fingers finally touching my clit as she moved her fingers at an agonizingly slow pace. “here?”
“mhm- oh shit.. paige please just fuck me already ” i stuttered through my sentence and she laughed
“you want my mouth or my fingers ma?” she said as she made eye contact with me. the nickname repeated in my head, usually i wouldn’t let any girl call me that but it just felt so different when my girlfriend said it.
i debated between the two when i finally settled on an answer and said “both” she just laughed and told me to let her know if it gets to be too much. always so full of herself..
she sat in front of me on her knees spreading my legs apart. she didn’t even break the eye contact before her tongue started circling my clit.
“fuck p, you always know how to make me feel good.” i moaned leaning my head back on to the wall behind me.
i could feel her fucking smirking.
that just encouraged her to move her tongue faster and harder against my clit. she quickly got me to my climax and i grabbed at the back of her head pulling her closer and letting out a string of curses and moans to signal that i was close. she didn’t slow down though, she continued until i begged her to stop when the pleasure got so intense. she pulled away and stood up and kissed me, making me taste myself on her mouth.
“you did so good baby, can you do one more for me?” she cooed against my mouth and i quickly nodded my head, desperate to feel her again.
she brought to fingers to my mouth urging me to suck, to which i complied. her eyes were glued to my mouth as i took her fingers into my mouth. when she pulled them out she brought them right back to my entrance.
“oh fuck.” i moaned at the feeling of her fingers moving in me, immediately hitting my g-spot. she knew my body so well.
my moans encouraged her to speed up “can you take another one?” she challenged and i was so incoherent from the pleasure i could only mumble an “mhm” and nod my head while gripping at her shoulder.
she added another finger and i knew i couldn’t last much longer. my legs started shaking and my hand flew to my mouth to cover any screams that threatened to slip. she immediately tore my hand away.
“no i wanna hear you and know exactly how i make you feel.” she said cockily with a smirk plastered on her face. using her free hand she grabbed my leg and put it over her shoulder, increasing how deep her fingers went in me. i couldn’t take it any longer and i came all over her fingers. she slowed down her pace and removed her fingers before praising me for how good i did for her.
she put her clothes back on because there wasn’t enough time for me to make her “feel good.” i tried to jump down from the counter but i immediately felt my knees buckle from beneath me, luckily page grabbed my arms. she helped me put my shirt and sweatpants back on.
“hey paige?! have you seen my water bottle?” kk said as we heard to door to the locker room open. i quickly fixed my hair to look more presentable and paige walked around the corner and over to kk.
“yeah its out by the bench on the sidelines.” paige replied quickly ushering her out.
“oh um okay.. thanks?” kk didnt further question paiges weird behavior and instead walked away.
paige came back over to me and i put my shoes on before giving her a kiss. not a sexual one, i was just so proud of her.
“we could’ve gotten caught p, we gotta be more careful.” i said jokingly as we left the locker room, being careful to avoid any cameras.
“yeah that could’ve been really bad.. good thing you finish fast.” she said the last part as a whisper and that shut me up immediately. yeah she was gonna get it the second we get back to our apartment.
author speaks- guys im nervous this is my first post. constructive criticism is welcome!!
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hazashiovo · 6 months
Remember in "Sleeping Beauty" the live action how Maleficent had a crow? That's what we're doing now,but with Malleus.
Malleus x crow shifter!Reader
Genre:Fluff, master and loyal servant trope.
Little bird
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You always had a thing for shiny,pretty things. No matter whether it was some trash on the ground or a nice ring in a pawn shop.
Shiny objects never failed to grab your attention.
Malleus is shiny and definitely pretty, and you, being you, got attracted to him. Naturally of course.
Malleus is a shiny,pretty fae.
It was near impossible for him not to attract your interes.
Once he realized a certain bird was stalking him, the fae started leaving small amounts of food for you. It always brought a smile on his face when the mysterious bird tilted its head,its dark eyes filled with curiosity. In his eyes,it was such a cute action to do.
He must admit,the bird got his attention,and soon enough it became a habit.
Like crows usually do, you started leaving small trinkets that you personally found pretty, at his window.
It might be a flowery metallic hair clip that attracted you,or maybe some bottle cap with a pretty color.
He appreciated neither less ,it was a curious habit the fae and the animal picked on.
So malleus started reading. About crows,their habits and soon enough he found stories about them.
Those little creatures are quite interesting,it's what he would think while reading a particular sentence that made him think about the bird,once again.
Some say if a crow is fond of somebody they leave gifts as a sign of appreciation and sometimes, loyalty.
When this little black feathered animal chooses a person to grow attached to,it's quite the view to other people. And it means that you, as a person,are enough to gain one animal's trust.
Dark, beautiful creatures of the night, growing attached to complete strangers.
What Malleus didn't know was that inside the dark bird,there was a human soul.
Free to transform whenever they pleased, not really.
You can't shift whenever you want to,unless you want to be seen bare by other students,and you definitely do not want that.
When you're in your animal form you feel free, peaceful to do as you please,fly wherever you want.
Even if you're not truly a crow,the tendencies to behave like one are real besides eating worms and insects. That's not you.
Before Meeting the tall guy,you used to collect the shiny things you found,but now that he's here, most of the objects you pick up are for him.
He leaves outside his bedroom window bread crumbs,cookie crumbs and whatever the indulging boy thinks is good for you or that you would enjoy.Even if you don't need it,you take them. Mostly to show him you trust him with.
They taste better when somebody gifts them to you. It's a fact.
Soon,Malleus allows himself to touch your head. A gentle rub on your black feathery small head. His green eyes whiden when you push your head in his hand, practically telling him to keep going.
He smiles,as he rubs below your dark beak. Malleus notices the way your eyes close affectionately. He could even imagine a ghostly smile on your beak.
It's one truly cute interaction.
Malleus's friends soon started to notice a particular bird on his shoulder, always watching.
Silver even had a feeling that you understood what they were saying,simply by your body language.
But most of the time crows and ravens are smart birds,some reaching the level of understanding of a 5 year old child.
It's very interesting,you are interesting, especially in Silver's eyes.
But he doesn't pay much attention to you,more busy to focus on Malleus.
You like Silver,he cares about Malleus a lot.
The first time Lillia has met you,he knew that you're not what you seem.
His age isn't a young one, therefore he's been through stuff,and learned things in his life.
Like now,he knows that you're not just a bird. You couldn't fool the older fae even if you tried.
So he silently watches,and he's not ashamed to make comments when you're alone, which isn't often since you're with Malleus most of the time,but still.
This man has you sweating,even if you don't particularly hide yourself on purpose.
Even if you're most comfortable around Malleus in your shifter form,the truth can't be hidden from him forever.
At the same time,you can't just shift in front of him back in your human form.
Meeting him with no clothes on,for the first time even, doesn't really seem like a good first impression.
Unfortunately,that is exactly how it happens. Not the naked part,but let's just say you're not clothed either.
Almost 6 months of constantly being on Malleus's shoulder taught you his schedule. So seeing him in his dorm room,eyes wide open watching your form,that's covered by his blanket.
Your original plan was to shift in his room, quickly change in some clothes that belong to him,and tell him the truth about who you truly are.
Simple as that.
It wasn't simple as that. Malleus arrived in his room earlier than he usually does, barely giving you time to cover yourself up.
Now this situation is exactly not the kind that you wanted to land in.
It's not like you could've brought your own clothes in Malleus's room. Your animal form can't carry that much weight,after all it's a small bird.
"Who are you?" Malleus's voice breaks your line of taughts,all thinking of your failed plan and the embarrassment of being in such a situation.
"This isn't what it looks like." The fae holds a curious expression,after all not every day he's met with a naked person in his chambers. Now that he thinks of it,you do white look familiar,but he just can't figure it out from where.
"Malleus,I swear I'm not a creep or anything of the sort." His silence allows you to continue explaining yourself,the blanket around you getting squeezed tighter around you, praying to whatever God was mocking you that this blanket remains on your naked body.
"You know my name?" You watch as the said boy moves closer towards you,now more curious than before.
You squint your eyes, focused on the floor,trying to find the right words to explain yourself.
How do you tell the boy you're completely loyal to,that you're actually a person with the ability to shift forms.
Exactly,you try explaining it.
"I know everything about you, not in a weird stalking way,don't get me wrong." Swallowing the lump in your throat,you meet eyes with the dark haired fae.
This situation is less than comfortable for you.
"Then do explain,what are you doing in my bedroom and why are you bare?"He leaves out the part where you mentioned knowing him,and focused on the important matter.
"Well,I wanted to tell you the truth,or rather show you the truth but..." A sigh leaves your lips at the failure of your oh so great plan, "I didn't have enough time."
He watches as you follow his steps with your eyes,the deja Vu clear as day.
Just who is this interesting person who claims to know Malleus Draconia?
"Say, child of man, what might the truth be? The one you desired to tell me so bad that it was necessary for you to be bare in my room. Enlighten me." Malleus speaks,voice steady and calm,unlike yours. Shaky and anxious.
"I will gladly talk to you...mind if I ask but, can I borrow some clothes?" The question leaves Malleus a bit shocked,only nodding in agreement.
What shocked him even more was that you knew from where to take the clothes.
Excusing yourself to change,you don't miss the unusual expression on Malleus's face. Not so often do you get to see him expressing such an emotion, especially one you caused.
Finally dressed,you dare to properly meet eyes with Malleus. Ready to explain yourself properly.
"Now,I owe you an explanation." The boy takes a few seconds to take in your new appearance,his clothes looking quite nice on you.
"That you do,child of man. Starting by why you were in my room?" He doesn't take his eyes off you,instead fixates them in your eyes. There it was again,that sense of familiarity. Like he's known you for a long time.
"I came to your room, because I wished to show you who I truly was." A deep breath in,and an exhale. It's time to break it to him,that's the whole reason why you came here , right?
Your eyes dart around the room,a singular object catching your eye. A shiny silver ring you found on campus a couple months ago.
Making quick effort,you move towards the table to pick up the ring.
Malleus realizes it,and before your hand could make contact with the piece of jewelry his palm wraps around your wrist, stopping you immediately.
"How is you touching my belongings going to answer any of my questions? Are you perhaps here to steal,human?" His green radiant eyes narrow at you,gaze burning into your own. This ring could never be worn by the fae. Unfortunately you learned that one of Malleus's weaknesses is silver.
If you had known before you would've kept the ring to yourself. Even with his condition,Malleus still kept it, because it was a gift from his loyal little bird.
"Allow me," your soft eyes break contact with his narrowed ones,just for a second. He allows you to pick up the ring,his gaze fixated on what you're trying to show him.
"I brought this to you 3 Months ago,you fed me candy bits,even if it's unhealthy for a bird,I accepted them." Malleus's narrowed eyes widen he seems to be doing it a lot nowadays,or is it just the effect you have on him? Maybe.
"Now how could you have known that,and why would you refer to yourself as a bird?" He's not quite getting the hang of the situation,in his defense,this has never happened before.
You sigh,maybe the best thing to do is just show him,but then when you'll turn back you'll be naked again. Ugh...this is a curse.
"What if I just show you instead?" This was more a question towards yourself rather than for him,even so,Malleus nods. Carefully watching you as you back away.
You take a deep breath in,and there it is. The clothes you just borrowed from the tall male in a pile on the ground.
His brows furrow, was this a trick? Did you wish to play a prank on him?
He doesn't get to drown to deep in his thoughts,the sudden movement in the pile of clothes draws his attention.
The boy slightly bends down, trying to get a glimpse of whatever might be there. And out of the clothes,a crow emerges, a black feathered beautiful crow.
Not just any Crow,but you.
Now it's clear,why you were so familiar in the boys eyes.
Even so,the realization hits him hard, especially when you take your designed place on his shoulder.
Malleus's eyes link with the bird's,your eyes."It's...you?" Voice questionable,you knew he wouldn't have an extreme reaction. The time spent with him taught you that.
From your beak, the ring lays securely gripped. The fae's hand extends, allowing you to drop it in,only for a few seconds. The metal burning his porcelain hands. The ring quickly lands on the table, remaining as nothing more than a gift,and a decoration to his dark room.
You cow,like Malleus could understand you. It feels good to show yourself to him,not having to carry what felt like a horrible lie in your chest.
Once the shock wears off, he smiles. That warm beautiful smile that warmed your heart every time you saw it.
Fortunately,most of the time it was directed to you,after you brought him something nice from one of your trips outside the school.
"You're quite the interesting one,little birdie." He takes the liberty to adjust your position, setting you on his wrist.
"You never fail to surprise me." His white,large hand gently pet your little head,right above the beak. He swears he could hear you purr,like a cat.
Maybe it was only his imagination,but the way your head once again leaned into his palm,that wasn't his mind.
You two make quite the pair.
I had this little idea and I just had to write it. Maybe I'll make a part two to it, depending on what ideas I get next.
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wh1msic4lwasab1 · 5 months
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𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐞𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
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synopsis: you act like a brat so diluc bends you over the bar counter at angels share with people drinking upstairs :)))
tags: vulgar language, voyeurism, edging, no protection, degradation, orgasm denial
wrd cnt: 1.1k+
a/n: rewrite/repost from first acc!
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Imagine getting a little too tipsy at angels share during the later hours of the night.
You’ve taken far too many shots but how can you resist when it just gives you more chances to see Diluc pour you that drink, watching his eyes pierce yours for just a second and his veiny hands grip the bottle so tight before the liquor drips down.
You and diluc have…a history, and he's not scared to act shy about it like you thought he would.
In the heat of your buzz, you've shown him too much attitude for him not to fuck you quiet if you're being too loud for the guests upstairs.
You know he likes it, but he'll still stuff your mouth with his cock if he needed to keep you quiet.
"Y/n, I won't ask again, please lower your volume."
His demanding gets you stirred, "or what?...you'll kick me out?" You say, brows in a comical state while you lean forward, cup in hand and slightly spilling the alcohol down your wrist.
"Stand up."
His demeanor had changed, half of you didn't believe he was serious but the other half didn't want to cause a real issue with him. You slowly stand up now off the bar stool.
"Come here." He beckoned.
You begin to move your body towards the small door that separates the back of the bar area with the rest of the pub, but he stops you.
“No, that is for employees only. Climb."
With confusion but not too much question you do as you're told, chuckling at his ridiculous request. You raise up your knee to the bar, and sit onto the table before climbing all the way to the other side facing Diluc directly, his gaze does not leave you, and his arms remain crossed.
He looks at your lips and begins to speak.
"You listened now, so why not the other times? If you're going to be a brat here of all places- then you'll be treated like one.”
You don't believe him, Diluc? in public? He'd never have the guts.
"Yeah right, I dare you." You challenge.
Diluc looks at you for a second, but not a second longer, now that he's grabbed your waist and turned you around. Your hands behind your back; gripped together by his right hand and his left glued to your hip, pushing your ass against this hard cock. You can feel your own tits pressed up against the cold wood of the table as Diluc starts to lower his hand down your thigh and lifts up your slip dress, revealing your ass.
Anyone could walk down at any moment and see the two of you, but you didn't care and evidently so didn't he.
You smirk and joke with him, how surprising he's being considering how vanilla he's been up til this point. He gives your ass a spank and you gasp, feeling the weight of his big hands on you; hearing him chuckle.
"So y/n, are you finally going to listen to me?"
"Hmm..! don't think l've learned my lesson yet…Master Diluc~"
Diluc bends down towards your arching back, his face close to your ear.
"If you want me to fuck you then you have to ask for it"
You freeze, is this actually Diluc? Hearing his harsh demands made you so...wet, you wonder if he can feel you throbbing because of his voice.
When you don’t reply immediately, he pulls your panties up and creates a tight fit, making them disappear into your lips and grind against your clit, making you jump and grind against him.
"Please Diluc", you pleaded.
After he's gotten the say so, your panties are practically ripped off and your raised up, now standing up against him with your hands released. Diluc sits you up on the bar and the rest of your clothes get torn off.
A sloppy make out begins as he trials his tongue down your body, sucking your hard nipples and leaving marks anywhere he wanted.
He spreads your legs as wide as they can go, ankles propped up on the bar and you can feel his fingers slip right into your folds, pumping his digits vigorously when his lips finally meet your cunt. You can't help but raise your hand to your mouth, the feeling of him sucking on your throbbing clit while his fingers fuck you so deep just might make you pass out.
You grip onto his red hair and push his face deeper into your heat, his groaning just makes everything even hotter.
You can feel your body heating up, and you know you're close; so does Diluc.
Of course, as soon as you're about to finish, his hands are completely off and out of you.
"What the hell? Why did you do that?"
"You asked to be taught a lesson didnt you?, This is me teaching you."
You're stunned, still sitting bare on this mans counter, you can't stop now.
You're practically begging diluc at this point.
"If I do, will you behave?" Diluc asks.
Agreeing happily, you pull him back to you with your legs. You pull him closer to you and begin removing his belt, ridding him of his clothes and watching his thick, long, absolutely gorgeous cock spring out of his pants. Diluc picks you up, setting you down as you feel your feet down on the floor again.
Being as eager as you are, you start pumping him up and down, swiping your thumb across the head of his member and licking his precum off your finger.
Diluc was just trying to teach you to be quiet, but he was just as messy for you as you were for him.
He can't help but turn you around again and bend you over. He can't help but admire the way your ass fits perfectly against his cock. He can't help but kiss along your back while rubbing his tip against your sweet pussy, his sweet pussy.
After his kissing, he's inserting himself inside your hole, your hand instantly finds its way to your face, but it's slapped away by Diluc, as he inserts two of his fingers into your mouth, that you gladly suck and drool on.
Truly, it's the only thing keeping you quiet and not letting everyone hear how good Diluc is thrusting his perfect cock into you. You squirm and push your ass even deeper into his cock, wanting him to fill you up so deeply with his warm cum. Your entire body is shaking as your knees begin to give out as he's fucking you so well.
"You love being treated like this don't you? Love when I fuck you like this? I bet you want everyone to hear you, seeing you beg for my cum inside your needy pussy."
You can't even babble coherent words back to him, you just tighten around his cock even more at his vulgarity.
He's even closer watching you squirm.
You feel your orgasm coming back, and you can tell Diluc is struggling to keep himself oriented.
Eventually, Diluc is spilling everything inside of you while you thank him for it.
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whimsic4alwasab1 ™ - do not copy, translate, modify, or claim any of my work as your own.
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Leaving lipstick marks on various HH characters 2/2
i always forget the day after a workout is hell- sore characters: lucifer, adam, lute, emily, velvette, rosie notes: reader is gn and wears makeup CWs: adams part hints at suggestive stuff but nothing is explicitly said
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very into it, hes grinning the entire time while you pamper him
doesnt like asking for affection that often however its clear in his body language that he wants it- if you catch his signals and give him some love hes going to be melting
tries not to turn into a puddle in your hands but this man is so starved for touch and affection that its very hard
kind of sits there with a dumb smile on his face when youre done, if he could hed have steam and hearts coming off of him as he brings himself back to his senses
will pick you up and twirl you around while youre kissing him, kisses your face all over in return
hes totally into it, though not for very innocent reasons... its not uncommon for these little sessions to turn into something saucier if youre willing to go further
enjoys the lipstick marks you leave behind although he tends to clean them up before going out to interact with other people
sometimes you leave them on his helmet, thats really the only time he may not enjoy it since its more of a pain to clean and cover
keeping it as sfw as possible but he likes how your lipsticks looks on you afterwards, messy and smudged
will wrap his arms around you while you kiss all over his face
another character who is not very into it... affection is still something shes getting used to in a romantic sense, and even outside of that it feels foreign
take your time with her, normal kisses take a lot of time for her to build up to so you can imagine how long it will take her to open up to getting kisses all over- with lipstick no less
very private about your relationship- people know the two of you are dating but shes not the biggest fan of PDA and any splotches of color on her face from your makeup can make people think things
will gently but firmly shut you down, however she may offer an alternative so the both of you are happy
.. though the alternative doesnt become an idea until later on, shes not the most mindful of feelings, especially ones regarding rejection- communication is vital!
very much into it and shes most likely going to pepper you in kisses in return! she also wears lipstick every now and then so sometimes youre both left with marks all over yourselves
sometimes likes keeping a kiss mark on her hand when she has to go off and do her angelic duties, its like youre there with her!
the... lipstick... doesnt really stick when she goes back into her normal form
sometimes you both sit together holding onto each other and squishing each others faces while leaving marks on each other
youre both relentless, no part of your faces is going to be left unkissed- forehead, mouth, cheeks, nose, chin, and so one!
shes not too much of a fan of more... gushy... displays of affection like this, however every now and then she indulges you and lets you get it out of your system
bonus if youre easily flustered, she tends to end the session by kissing you on the mouth- leaving her own mark, likely holding your chin in her hand- usually leaving you a little stunned and blushing
cleaning the marks off isnt a problem for her, i headcanon she keeps basic makeup stuff on her or at least nearby- including wipes to clean anything off
most likely to be into it if you initiate when shes not working, takes her job and passion very seriously so its best to let her be
thinks its both a little pathetic(/lh) and endearing that you freeze up when she returns the energy and kisses you back
open to it though like velvette, its best to do it when shes not working- rosie is a busy woman afterall!
will cover you in kisses in return, will make comments about how cute you are and how she can just eat you up right there
you... sometimes worry shes being serious but you never really have the nerve to question it
gently teases you for being flustered if her affection and comments get to you, especially if you were the one who started it
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jo-speaks · 12 days
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in which...
fem! reader has her own way of congratulating quinn on all his accomplishments.
warnings: MDNI. 18+ readers only. use of sex toys (vibrating panties), slight exhibitionism, oral sex (m! receiving) while driving, mature language, brief mention of a captain kink.
note: in honour of Quinn's one-year captain-iversary a few days ago! he's accomplished so much, and i love seeing how much he continues to develop as a player and a person.
You knew you wouldn’t be joining him for a regular team dinner once you saw that glint in his eyes. He was up to something, but you weren’t quite sure what.
“Babe! You ready?” Quinn called out to you, waiting for your presence in the living room of your shared apartment.
“Just give me another minute!” You replied, holding the top half of your lingerie set to your chest in the mirror. 
A few days ago, Quinn had told you about this dinner. The team had planned it to celebrate all the successes he’s had in the past year. Being named captain, leading the team to the Stanley Cup finals, winning the Norris, being on the cover of NHL 25, and so forth. 
Quinn had never been one to want to celebrate stuff like this for himself, but rather for the people who made it possible. However, he was never one to turn down free food. Originally, it was supposed to be just the team, but they were meant to be dining at one of your favourite restaurants in the city. Luckily for you, JT’s wife, Natalie shared the same love for the food here as you did. And with a few strings pulled, as JT was the one who originally planned the event, she not only managed to get you and herself a part of the occasion but a few of the other wives and girlfriends who were willing to join the celebration.
Naturally, when she told you the news, you figured it would be a great time to give Quinn a little congratulatory gift of your own. Before the event, you had ordered a Canucks blue set of lingerie, leaving very little to the imagination. It cupped your breasts in a way that was pleasing to the eye, and it did your ass the justice it deserves. The lining of the bra covered your nipples, but the rest of the material was sheer. And to add to the thrill, the bottoms of the set came with a remote. A remote that, with the click of a button, could send a silent vibrating sensation running through your body.
You didn’t want to show this number to your boyfriend quite yet, hence your decision to let him discover it later in the night. Throwing on a semi-formal dress that was appropriate for the dinner over it, Quinn was in for a surprise. You quickly strapped on a pair of heels that complemented your outfit, grabbing your purse and phone, and opening the door of your bedroom. 
The reaction on Quinn’s face was one you would never get sick of seeing. His jaw dropping slightly open as his eyes trailed up and down your figure repeatedly, trying to get the image engraved in his mind. 
“Wow.” Was all he managed to mutter out before you giggled and stepped closer to him, his hand instinctively wrapping around your waist as you placed a soft kiss on his lips which he gladly reciprocated. 
“Looking pretty handsome yourself, Captain.” You teased, knowing what that word did to him when it fell from your lips. 
He let out a sigh, almost like he was biting back words. Instead, he just pulled you impossibly closer to his body, leaving no space between the two of you. 
“I can always cancel. We could stay here…” He trailed off, slowly moving his hand to the curve of your ass. 
You smiled, “No way. I’ve been dying to see what’s new on their menu. Plus, it wouldn’t be very nice to leave your teammates hanging.”
He rolled his eyes jokingly, “They’ll be fine. I’m more interested in finding out what’s under this dress than some dinner.”
“Well, in that case.” You slipped your hand into your purse, pulling out the small remote.
Quinn’s eyebrows furrowed at this, his instinct being to immediately press the first button he saw. You let out a soft moan as you felt the vibrations so suddenly, reaching out to press the button to shut it off. You dropped your head to lean against his chest, taking a few deep breaths to regain your composure.
“Let me explain before you click anything else.” You mumbled, immediately gaining his attention. 
He shook his head before you could even get a word out. “It’s your underwear, isn’t it? That’s what it’s for.”
“How did you-?” You began before he cut you off. 
“I opened the box they came in. You set it to my billing address, so my name was on the box. Thought it was that book I ordered, but this was even better to see.” He explained.
You let out a short whine of complaint, “So you knew I had these?”
He nodded, “Just been waiting for you to use them.”
Just before you could say anything else, his phone rang, and a number unknown to you was displayed on the screen. “Hello? Yeah, we’ll be there in twenty.” He turned back to you, taking your hand into his, “Time to go.”
Moving on from the previous discussion, you gave him a bright smile, excited to feast with him and the team. You dropped his hand, walking towards the front door to grab his keys off the hook when he clicked the button yet again, the pleasurable buzz in between your thighs causing your legs to buckle slightly. 
He walked up behind you, grabbing his keys for himself as you leaned your forehead against the wall, eyebrows knitted together as you tried your best to keep quiet, not wanting to give him an audible reaction to his surprise attack. 
Having been with you for the past two years, he knew exactly what you were doing. So he peppered kisses alongside your neck, reaching his hand up to thumb at your covered breasts. “C’mon, baby. Let me hear those pretty noises.” 
You did your best not to give in, a small whine slipping past your lips before he clicked the button again, stopping the feeling. You let out a sigh of relief and disappointment, at which Quinn let out a chuckle
“I’m gonna have so much fun with you tonight.”
He opened the apartment door, standing to the side as he watched you compose yourself before exiting the home, following you out, and shutting the door behind you. He locked the door, placing his hand on your lower back as the two of you began walking towards the parking garage where his car was parked.
You should’ve known he would mess with you from the second you left the apartment. As you walked towards the elevator, waiting for the lift to reach your floor, he pressed the button yet again, remote concealed in the pocket of his dress pants. You tensed up at the feeling, thankful you were at least alone, until the elevator dinged, revealing an elderly couple you guys had met over the time you lived at the apartment complex. They smiled warmly at the pair of you and you did your best to silently greet them with a smile. 
“You two are dressed so nicely, going out on a date?” The woman asked.
Quinn looked at you expectantly, as if he wanted you to answer. Was he crazy? If you opened your mouth right now the only thing that would come out would be a loud moan of his name. But he didn’t seem to care as silence slowly started to linger. 
So, in an attempt to not slip up, you settled for a smile and a “Mhm.”, hoping it would be the end of the conversation. Unfortunately for you, it wasn’t.
“Where are you going? Robert and I tried this new seafood place the other day, best shrimp in the whole city!” She laughed. 
You took a deep breath, knowing Quinn wouldn’t answer for you. “Was it Coast? That’s where we’re heading right now.” 
She nodded, “Yes, yes. Something like that. Oh! Their crab dip was amazing!”
Doing your best to keep your composure, you let out a soft laugh, sighing in relief when the lift dinged again, stopping on their floor. 
“Well, you two enjoy your dinner! Treat her to an appetizer, will ya?"
Quinn laughed, “You know I will.”
They bid you two goodbye, the doors taking what seemed for an eternity to shut. Once they did, you let out a groan of relief and pleasure, the sensation becoming too much for you to bear. Quinn let out a soft laugh as you leaned back against him, your hand searching for his in an attempt to have something to hang on to. 
He had some mercy, giving you his hand and letting you squeeze it as lewd noises slipped past your glossed lips. “Gonna have to quiet down, baby.” 
“Kinda hard to do that when you made me-,” He turned up the speed. “Speak!” 
You could tell he was having way too much fun with this as you peered up at him through watery eyes, a smirk never leaving his face. Once again the elevator dinged, opening up the door to reveal the parking garage. He gave you a gentle push, your wobbly legs doing their best to stay upright and get you to the car. 
“Think you can hold on until we get to the restaurant?” Quinn asked.
You gave him a deranged look. “What? No. No way.”
He shrugged, “Either you wait or I leave you like this the whole night.”
“Quinn, please.” You whimpered, approaching the car.
He ignored your pleas, walking ahead of you to open your door for you. Even when he’s torturing you sexually, he’s still a gentleman. You slowly stepped in, doing your best to ignore the way the buzzing intensified as you settled into the seat. Quinn walked around the car and got in next to you, placing his hand on your inner thigh. You gripped the armrest of the seat, hoping it would give you the strength to hang on.
Your boyfriend noticed the way your thighs twitched subtly under his hand, your body struggling not to give in to the pleasure. He decided to cut you some slack, reaching into his pocket to turn up the intensity. You let out a moan, leaning your head back against the seat, your nails digging into the leather. 
Your brain was incredibly foggy, the only thing running through your mind being the amount of pleasure you were feeling. You hadn’t even noticed Quinn pulling out of the parking lot, and driving onto the main road. 
“This is your free pass, sweet girl. Let go f’me.” He encouraged, keeping his eyes on the road, silently praying for a red light. 
The traffic odds seemed to be in Quinn’s favour, the next light turning red as soon as he approached it. He turned his head, watching the way your eyes shut and your jaw dropped further, your legs trembling as you came with a cry of his name. 
If he could get this moment tattooed on the inside of his eyelids, he would. He watched as you writhed in your seat, dropping your head down as you came to. Quinn reached into his pocket, shutting off the feeling to give you a chance to calm down. 
He brought your hand up to his lips, pressing a comforting kiss to the back of your hand. He smiled as you gripped his hand, happy it was able to provide you that relief. 
“Holy shit.” You eventually sighed out, relaxing into the seat. 
Quinn smirked, “Oh, my beautiful girl. You have no idea what I plan on doing with you.” 
Letting out a breath, you opened your eyes again and looked at him. His jaw was clenched and his grip on the wheel made his knuckles go white. You quirked an eyebrow at the intensity of his gaze. “Hey, you okay?”
He didn’t answer you, he didn’t even glance at you. Now it was your turn to trail your eyes down his figure, seeing the bulge of his cock pressing against the fabric of his pants. A smirk rose to your face as you glanced at the GPS that Quinn had been following, seeing you were only eight minutes away from the restaurant.
You mustered up all the strength in your body to sit up and lean across the console of the car, pressing a kiss to his flushed cheeks. 
“I’m driving.” He mumbled, taking a deep breath in an attempt to control himself. 
You ignored his words, trailing your hand down his upper body and stopping when it reached the now extremely prominent bulge in his pants. He groaned, nose scrunching at the feeling. Smiling at his reaction, you let your kisses trail down his neck.
You could feel his hand looking for something, too distracted with palming him to realize just what he was searching for. As you fumbled with his zipper, he grabbed the remote that he had unknowingly dropped into the cupholder when you started showing him affection. He ran his thumb over the bumps of the buttons, finding the ‘on’ button yet again, but not pressing it quite yet.
You felt the object on your lower back as Quinn placed his hand there, needing to touch you as you got the zipper undone, freeing him from the constraints. 
“How much longer?” You whispered, kissing down his happy trail. 
He glanced to the side where his phone was, “Five minutes.”
You hummed, your kisses now finding his way to the base of his cock. He let out a deep moan as you took him in your mouth, the weight of it resting comfortably on your tongue. It took him a minute to adjust to the situation, trying his best to focus on driving and you at the same time. 
Quinn visibly relaxed, well, as much as he could while seeing how desperate you could be for him no matter the setting. He set the remote down, his calloused hand finding the back of your head, slowly pulling on your hair, then pushing. He sped up slowly, testing the waters. You grew frustrated at the pace, knowing you had limited time. 
As your patience grew thin, so did his. So, you reached behind to grab his hesitant hand, pushing and pulling for him. Thankfully, he got the hint and started his attack on your mouth. The gagging sound emanating from your throat made him throw his head back with a groan, immediately perking back up as he started driving off the road. 
Tears started forming in your eyes as Quinn kept pushing you far enough to reach the back of your throat. It wasn’t the most pleasurable feeling but the whimpery groans leaving his mouth were distractions enough. 
You became too entranced with his reactions to realize your hand was now resting on his knee, his hand no longer gripping your hair. The pace having set itself, he reached over, grabbing the control in his hand, and pressing the button that made you moan around his length.
Quinn groaned loudly at the vibration of your vocal cords, turning up the intensity of your panties before letting it drop to the ground and pressing your head impossibly further as he rutted his hips into your mouth. 
“Fuck, Y/N. You feel so good.” He mumbled, struggling to keep his eyes open. 
You mumbled back something incoherent, your brain going numb at the dual sensations and lack of oxygen. You felt yourself getting close again as Quinn’s thrusts got sloppier, hinting he was there with you. 
In an attempt to let Quinn know, you squeezed your hand against the bone, causing him to let out a deep whine. “You’re so close, aren’t you baby?” With the nod of your head, he sped up. “Doing so good. Come with me, yeah?”
He didn’t have to say it twice, your core tensing as your legs shook wildly, the moans escaping you enough to set Quinn off, his hips stilling as let out a groan. His hand on the steering wheel tightened, as did the one on your head, keeping you in place as you both reached your peaks. 
Even though he wanted nothing more than to turn the car around and fuck you properly all over the apartment, Quinn reluctantly pulled the car into the restaurant’s parking lot, stationing the car poorly and turning off the engine.
As you came to your senses again, you winced at the feeling of the intense vibrations still going between your legs. You reached your hand down under his seat, picking up the now familiar clicker and stopping the feeling.
You pulled yourself off of him, his cum dripping from your lips. Mesmerized at the sight, Quinn couldn’t help but press his fingers to your lips, running his thumb over them before pushing the sticky liquid in. You kept your eyes trained on his as you sucked around his finger and swallowed around it. 
“I can’t wait for this night to be over.” He mumbled, leaning in to press a sloppy kiss to your mouth. “Gonna mess you up so bad when we get home.”
Placing the remote in his free hand, his eyes looked at it momentarily before returning to stare at yours. “Who says you have to wait for the night to be over?”
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nikolais-eyepatch · 8 months
Hi I heard your requests are open and I certainly think your writing is quite fascinating^^ If you don't mind, can you write yan! ranpo hcs?? (can be sfw or nsfw)
hes so scary as a yandere-
Warnings: yandere, stalking, slight nsfw...not much!
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okay starting off I think ranpo's actually the scariest to me...in blackmail atleast
he is the worlds greatest detective in world! but he's a yandere imagine how he would suddenly turn the tables-
imagine you work at the ada, whether your gifted or not
and ranpo cheerfully aproaches you with some sweets in hand as he starts bragging about his newst case- so easy to solve for him!
he ends up eating all of your praise and then he offers to feed you- he's really persistant too...
you hesitantly eat the chocolate from his hand as he uses his slightly covered thumb and puts it inside your mouth for you to lick
its as if he dosent realize that co workers dont do this or even friends...but he does know- how couldnt he?hes the greatest detective in the world! you just decide to ignore it since...hey hes sweet!
what you dont know is he excuses himself to the bathroom as he start licking the place where you licked...? ew creep. and the fact he's into this? ugh. (its giving siyun baek..)
but it comes to the point where...you feel so uncomfortable...
coming home and everythings fine! no sign of anybody there! except for the slightly crumpled blanket...but you must have done that! silly you!
hey what happend? why are all your friends suddenly hanging with out you...hey why isnt ranpo leaving you..?
hey...your favorite pair of panties...? oh nevermind you found them! hey..didn't you already check there though? huh...
how come everyone freezes when he's in the room...oh it must be since he's famous! and smart! thats overwhelming!
why are you suddenly smelling a strange comforting scent of vanilla? oh must be that one time ranpo visited your house with no warning to play a new game that he somehow figured out the plot fast...but hey he beat the level! so it must be from that right?
jesus why are you feeling watched...its scary...yet comforting..? no! that's creepy!
whys ranpo comforting you when suddenly you feel all helpless? he just...knows...please he knows since hes the greatest detective right? maybe not-
You wont cuddle with him because you want space? oh! he didn't realize you wanted him to reveal all the things youve never told anybody...he said your body language told everything to him...?
now you and ranpo sort of start doing lovey dovey stuff! its as if hes all delusional- your not even dating! but hey...just for a little while right? no more...right?
kisses for every case he solved, every sweet he ate, every small task you or him completed, every kiss for...everything! he's cute as he just starts blushing afterwords!
and it gets creepier- he starts getting all pouty and whiney! typical him but the threats he just said are scaring you
suddenly one day he tells you 'i cant wait till were married, huh!'...you guys just established a relationship without even knowing? its all fine though ^^
but hey if you're a good girl for him he'll let you off the hook sometimes! you get to hang out with your friends again...a bit shorter time but its fine since its ranpo! and if you equally show him affection and praise and love- he's the best!!
if you dont....hey it dosent take super deduction skills for your cute head to process it heh ♡!
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sooguru · 4 months
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© sooguru — IMAGINES
⌗synopsis ── . ݁⋆𝜗𝜚 suguru wants to look after his pretty girl after being away from her all day ᵎᵎ
⌗cw ── . ݁⋆𝜗𝜚 suguru x shy n chubby black fem! reader , spitting , minor impact play, daddy kink , teasing , vaginal fingering , overstimulation , creampie .
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“ daddy’s sweet baby doll ”
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─── ⸝⸝⸝ 𝜗𝜚 SUGURU’S hands slowly left my stomach, spreading my thighs apart as his fingers teased my cunt through my panties.
“you gonna let daddy play with this pussy baby?”
i nodded, too shy to answer as i moaned softly. his fingers rubbed on my clit, chuckling as he felt my panties get even wetter.
“so fuckin’ eager..”
he cooed, pulling the fabric to the side while he held me in his arms, kissing my neck and cheek, relishing the sight before him; me whining, all curled up on his lap while he played with my sticky pussy, his fingers pumping in and out of my tight hole.
“hngh- mmhf! daddy!”
i cried out, my hips bucking up, biting my lip softly, my face getting hotter as he whispered filth into my ears, teasing me further.
“my pretty angel’s so wet for daddy..your pussy’s just sucking my fingers in baby..so lewd..”
he kissed my cheek, licking a stray tear away as he brought me closer and closer to my impending orgasm.
“that’s it princess, give me your sweet cream.”
his lips pressed against mine, giving me a passionate kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth, swallowing my moans and cries as i came around his fingers. the creamy wet sounds echoing around the living room, the faint sound of the music playing from the tv as he grinned, bringing his fingers to his mouth, sucking my cum off the digits excitedly.
his other hand came up to grip my face, tilting my head up as he patted my cheek; the non verbal signal telling me all i needed to know. my lips parted, as i stuck out my tongue, my mouth open and waiting.
smiling, suguru pulled his fingers out, licking his lips before sending a large wad of my cum mixed with his saliva into my mouth, closing my lips as he watched me swallow.
“good girl. now get on all fours so daddy can stuff you with this cock.”
i didn’t waste any time, getting off his lap, slipping onto the couch cushion, getting onto all fours, my ass in the air as my shirt fell up my body, exposing my breasts and plump belly; my large, round ass all exposed for my man.
suguru groaned, biting his lip as he pulled his cock out, pre-cum oozing from his tip, dripping onto the curve of my ass.
“so cute..”
he whispered, staring at my pussy, rubbing his tip along it in a teasing manner. he started to rub his entire length against my slippery folds, drinking in my whines with a shit eating grin.
“d-don’t tease me…you’re being mean”
i whined out, wiggling my ass a little, hoping he’d just slip it in and fill me up.
“aww..my sweet angel, don’t worry, daddy’s gonna give you exactly what you need.”
without another word, his hips rutted into mine, filling me to the brim, my eyes already watering as i gasped, a surprised, gargled moan leaving my lips.
“ah! f-fuck daddy”
i moaned out, suguru’s fingers stuffing themselves in to my mouth, clicking his tongue in disapproval, leaning down to whisper in my ear.
“language angel. don’t make me punish you.”
he landed a warning spank on my ass, causing me to cry out, saliva dripping down my chin as his fingers left my mouth ajar.
“s-sowwy daddy”
i said, my words muffled and slurred around his thick fingers.
he hummed in approval, his thrusts getting faster, his tip slamming against my g-spot, causing me to cry out, tears rolling down my cheeks as he abused my little cunt.
“that’s it baby…daddy’s cock makes his princess’ pussy feel so…mmh fuck- good.”
he groaned lowly, his fingers leaving my mouth, instead, gripping the fat of my hips, moving me in tandem with his thrusts; making me feel it even more. i screamed into the couch pillows, crying softly as i let out incoherent blabber, my mind going blank, only feeling the pleasure he gave me.
“fuck, you look so cute dumbed out like that sweet girl.”
he whispered in my ear, his hand now rubbing at my clit, feeling my pussy twitch and convulse around his cock, gripping down on it like a vice.
“cum angel, make daddy proud.”
he grinned as he felt me squirt around his cock, my body trembling under him as he fucked me through my orgasm, pressing soft kisses to my shoulders and neck, whispering sweet nothings in my ear while his cock made a mess of my cunt.
“daddy loves you so much..”
he cooed,groaning as he thrusts became erratic and sloppy.
“god- ‘m gonna fill this little pussy so good.”
he moaned, giving me one last rough thrust, his hot seed spurting into my tight pussy, filing it to the brim, his balls twitching vigorously, making sure my little cunt was stuffed full.
he groaned out, his raven hair sticking to his body, curtaining his face as he started thrusting softly, pulling me back by my braids, giving me a sloppy kiss which i eagerly returned, panting softly.
“thank you daddy”
i said softly, smiling as he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck, pulling out of me, dragging me into him, his hands immediately finding my pouch, rubbing it softly as his cum oozed from my used up hole.
“you’re always so good for daddy princess. i love you so much.”
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hai kitties (˶ˆᗜˆ˵) i hope you like this little imagine thing. i thought of it earlier and it turned me on so much so i had to share it with you guys 𖦹 ´ ᯅ ` 𖦹
see y’all soon ! - sooguru.
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xmalfoyweasleyx · 4 months
Rhysand - NSFW alphabet - 1,3k followers celebration
Here is the first one of this series! I'll try to write an alphabet for (almost) EVERY acotar man. Thank you so much for the 1,3k! I put very much work in my writings, especially because English isn’t my first language. So your love, comments, interactions and feedback mean very much to me. This is smut and 18+! Which one will I post next…? Happy pride month btw!! <3
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Rhys would be a talker during aftercare, he cleans you up with a little help of his magic, so he can pull you back in his arms as soon as possible. He would ask you about your day, about what you liked, listen to your thoughts, all while playing with your hair lovingly.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He's pretty smug about his whole body, but most of all he's proud of his thighs. That's partly because you've encouraged that thought, you absolutely love his thighs. They are thick and muscular, perfect to ride on. Rhys also loves the tattoos there.
Regarding your body, he is obsessed with your hips (because I think Rhys is an ass guy, but he loves the sides of it more). More specific, he loves the delicious and soft skin there, in his opinion perfect to grab while making love to you. He kneads and grabs the flesh constantly. When you're in public he is also grabbing your hips. He mostly does it to show the world you're his, but he also does it so he can secretly place your backside against his body.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
As an Illyrian, this man comes A LOT. He also comes hard, his eyes are always screwed shut and it takes everything in him to not shout your name and shake the mountains. Rhys also has a breeding kink so he goes feral when you let him cum inside you, when he doesn't he loves to come on your body too (he prefers it on your ass of course). But like I said, there is a lot of cum so you're always so full with it. It takes so long to clean it all up.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a fantasy where he fucks you on his throne in the Hewn City. He imagines you bend over one of the armrests as he fucks you hard, your hair in his hands and back arched. Or he imagines you are riding him when he's sitting on the throne, just watching how pretty you look for him. Bouncing up and down, your tits in his soft but calloused hands. He knows you would leave traces of what happened, leaving the smell behind, so his people know well enough who you belong to.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Very very experienced. He's definitely had sex with females AND males, he's also had a lot of threesomes and stuff like that. But he's not as experienced as his brothers I think, the man is sometimes too busy with high lord stuff.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
I think he loves good old missionary very much. Rhys is a very passionate person so he thinks it's important to have eye contact during sex. He also loves to pull your body as close as possible to his when he fucks you in missionary, your breasts pressed into his body (the friction is amaaaazing)
(He's also obsessed with you riding him)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Rhys is very serious but I think sometimes he doesn't mind some humor in bed. He's still a big tease and sometimes he can't help but smile or laugh a bit because of that.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I think he trims it because he seems a very clean and spotless person to me. But he doesn't pay that much attention to it
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Rhys is romantic and very passionate. It's not like he is gonna place rose petals everywhere but he loves the occasional slow-paced love-making. Don't worry, he also likes the fast and passionate fucking. I swear, THE LOOK he has in his eyes when he's pounding into you...
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I think now that he's with you, he wouldn't masturbate that much anymore. BUT I think before that, he needed it a lot. Sometimes he's so stressed with his work, so he would masturbate a lot back then. Sometimes even a few times in a row. But now he has a very active sex live with you, so when he needs some stress relieve, you're always there to help him with it. ;)
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding (like i've mentioned before)
Make-up sex (sometimes he intentionally teases you or you intentionally pick a fight, because the sex afterwards is mind-shattering)
Mirrors (and worshipping you)
Praise kink!!!! Both ways. This man whimpers when you praise him. But he also praises you the whole time. (My good girl, tasting so sweet for me, my pretty girl, you look so good with my cock in your mouth, ...)
Games (like: who first comes loses or rolling a dice with positions)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Mostly just the bedroom for Rhys, but like I've said, he dreams about fucking you on his throne. I think he would also love fucking you on places like balconies or the couch with the risk of someone of the inner circle walking in.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When you start giving him teasing touches in public. One time, you were tracing his chest when he was having a conversation with Cassian, always going closer and closer to his pants. He excused himself very quickly and grabbed you with him.
He gets turned on immediately when you are in a heated discussion with someone, doesn't matter who it is. He thinks it's so incredibly hot when you're talking like that. He fucks the attitude out of you later that evening though.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Not much would turn him off. Maybe he wouldn't like sex that is a bit too public, even though he wouldn't mind sharing you with someone occasionally, public sex would be a little hard for him. Some risk at getting caught turns him on, but not in places like the streets of Velaris. Probably the high lord responsibilities in him lol.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
GIVER, I'm sure. He loves to go on his knees for you. He could eat you out for hours, he wants to do it all the time. When you're just minding you're business reading a book? He asks if he can taste you. When you're cooking dinner? He insists you would be a better dinner for him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
I feel like he would be the kind of guy who fucks you slow but hard, slamming his hips against you with such force and a stupid sexy smirk on his face. But there are times when it's more feral between you two. He's not shy from grabbing you by the hair and pounding into you hard en fast (with the occasional spanking when you’ve misbehaved).
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He doesn't mind, sometimes he's busy and quickies are the only option. There's also something in the fast pace and nervousness of having a quickie, that turns him on.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Rhys loves to experiment, like I've said not like public sex, but more in terms of things like games. So, the risk of trying new things. We all know he's a sucker for bodypainting. He also wants to try new toys or experiment with his powers during sex (showing you his view or darkening the whole room).
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Fae male= amazing stamina , it's not unusual for you two to have multiple rounds in one night. It's like once you've started, you can't stop. The frenzy with Rhys was a whole month and afterwards you still retreated in social situations.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yes, it's a secret between you and him but he hired a personal inventor for this kind of stuff. Someone who makes toys for the two of you. The first you tried out was some kind of vibrator and the inventor improved it together with you and Rhys, aligned with your preferences. Then you tried more and more (dildo’s, strap-ons,…)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He is a BIG, SMUG tease!!! Rhys edges you so often, resulting in you pleading him to please let you cum. He just smirks and edges you again and again. "You think you deserve to cum?" or "just another minute baby, you're so pretty with that look on your face". When you finally come it’s amazing though.
He also loves to seduce you and make you horny in situations where it’s almost impossible for you to do something about it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's pretty vocal because he praises you constantly. He's a grunter and when he moans it's mostly soft and in your ear, his breath tickling you.
When you're in charge he whimpers so much and his moans are high pitched (it's so fucking sexy).
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Following the above, Rhys sometimes craves you being the dominant one in bed. There are moments when he just needs to let go and he totally can when you’re in charge. He gets all whiny, tears in his eyes, pleading for you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
If I dare to be a little too descriptive: he's not too thick but he's long, and he has a dick that grows A LOT when he gets hard (the difference is remarkable). It has a beautiful darker color but the tip is pinkish and there's a slight curve. It's literally mouth-watering.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high, you guys have a lot of sex, but it could be worse like with Cassian (to be continued….).
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Because he's a talking during aftercare, he usually doesn't sleep that fast. But when you eventually fall asleep it's you who does first, often mid-sentence, too tired to keep talking. And when you are asleep, he is content to fall asleep too.
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heroinnne · 6 months
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miguel doesn't ask for comfort, even when he desperately needs it.
it's a game of guessing with him, really — you have to look out for the subtle changes in his body language to tell if he's upset or stressed, like the slightly more deepend furrow of his eyebrows or the clench of his jaw, the constant sighing and grunting when he does anything, the way he runs his hand through his hair or across his face as he works — nobody but you would really catch on to these kind of stuff they’d just think he had woken up on the wrong side of the bed again — but not you, you know miguel, you know when he’s out of it.
tonight is another night of patrol for miguel — he knows that you don't sleep unless he has made it home, so it was no surprise that when he’d gotten in through the balcony of your shared apartment, he found you, sitting on the couch even though it was three in the middle of the night an you had work early morning.
he murmurs a quiet ‘i’m home’ under his breath — and you notice it, the slump of his shoulders, the slight frown on his face as if he’s thinking about something, not to mention the way he just walks past you to the bathroom, without even a hello or a kiss, as if you weren’t there, or maybe he just didn’t want to acknowledge you.
you leave him be, you know when he needs his space, you can imagine how rough patrol can be on him, he probably needs a moment of peace in the shower. so, with that, you head back towards the bedroom, and get comfortable under the sheets.
not long after, the door to the bedroom opens and miguel steps in, wearing a loose white shirt and sweatpants, his damp hair brush back, and you notice just how heavy his eyebags are, and the growing bruise on the side of his jaw.
he heads towards the bed and sits on the edge of his side, his back turned to you and his head hangs low and you notice that he’s breathing somewhat heavy, his usually inaudible inhales loud this time and you wonder if he’s having another one of his panic attacks.
you sit up, leaning over to him, your fingers gently touch his back, and his muscles are tense under your caress — he turns his head slightly over you, just so that your gaze can catch his, you give him a soft smile “hi.”
the frown on his face eases slightly, “hey.” his gruff voice is unusually quiet and raspy.
“you okay?” you ask softly, your fingers tracing patterns on his back.
“yeah.” he lies, cause of course he does, he knows that you know he’s not okay, and even though he knows you're the first person he should be honest with when it comes to his well being, he can’t break the habit of spilling meaningless and false, ‘i’m fine’ from his lips.
you hum in response and he craves your touch when you pull away from him and lean back on the bed — you spread your arms slightly, as if inviting him in for your embrace.
he doesn’t hesitate much, he leans over to you, letting your small arms wrap around his broad shoulders as you place a soft kiss to his lips, and another one to the bruise on his jaw, your touch so gentle before he buries his face in your chest and wraps his arms around your waist, the rest of his body lays comfortably between your legs and you let out a soft laugh when he lets out a deep hum.
“how was patrol today?” you ask him, your fingers running through his hair.
“don’t wanna talk about it.” he grumbles, nuzzling his face further in your chest, inhaling in your familiar scent.
you don’t ask him about it again, instead just opting for the comfortable silence that falls over the two of you, you notice the small blue and purple blotches that littered his neck and shoulders and you notice how his breathing has calmed down too.
your hands move from his hair to his nape, your fingers pressing down lightly on his skin to massage it, and he lets out a grunt of content in response.
he’s always liked that about you, how gentle your touch is, how carefully you handle him, it wasn’t something he was used to or allowed himself to get used to with anyone, before you anyway.
“I like it when you do that.” he mutters as your hands trail down to his back, massaging it as well, caressing his muscles, your touch so tender.
“I know.” you hum in response, a small smile tugging at your lips when he looks up at you with an unamused expression, but nevertheless he can’t help but lean into your touch more.
“relax, miguel.” you tell him, your hands move up to his face an you cup his cheeks, leaning in to give him a kiss on the tip of his nose, “how about some sleep, yeah?”
you've always been so gentle with him, your touch so mellow that he can’t help but melt from it, and your voice so soft that his heart leaped every time he heard it and he couldn’t help but give in to everything you told him.
he nods and rolls on his side, his arm still wrapped around your waist and he holds you close — your presence a comfort to him, and he wants to stay like this forever -— just the two of you, alone, sharing this moment of delicate touch and tranquility forever.
he kisses the top of your head and asks, “can you call in sick for work tomorrow?” because tomorrow is his off day, and he wants to spend it with you, just a lazy sunday in bed.
you chuckle, the sound muffled by your face buried in his chest, “‘course.”
“good.” he hums in response, and despite all of todays stresses and fights, he can’t help but feel at peace with you in his arms.
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haitani-maki · 5 months
𝙳𝚘 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙼𝚎?
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•Rindou Haitani mild ANGST, betrayal (by Rindou), slight mentions of alcoholic beverage (Rindou), he is a loser
•English is not my first language
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Who would have thought that of the Haitani brothers, Rindou would be the one who would betray his partner?
But what did you expect, he was always out drinking or in clubs. And he didn't keep good company...
You trusted, of course you did. He was attentive to you, he was a good listener and took time for you
He was soft with you making you feel safe.
A year of dating and you thought everything was going well while Rindou had been seeing someone else for 3 months...
Everyone knew except you. Why would anyone tell you? You were the joke of the group.
But someone was starting to get tired of it.
Once again your boyfriend spent the night out, it had been hours since you had heard from him
You thinking he must have come home drunk and gone to sleep… How innocent you are.
It was already afternoon when you received some messages, taking out your cell phone excitedly thinking it would be Rindou
It's ironic that this happens on a good day for you.
An unknown number sent photos and videos of Rindou and another person, the most recent photo being of him sleeping in the same bed as her.
She was wearing the same shirt he wore last night, the same one he had on when he went to see you before heading to the club.
A feeling of pain burns throughout your body, your world has fallen apart.
Your eyes filling with tears, you didn't want to believe it. Even though the evidence is there, how could you believe it?
Someone who was good to you wouldn't do that, would they?
You've analyzed every damn photo and every damn video, finding out what day some of those things happened.
Uncovering why he made up some excuse not to do something with you
Uncovering that right after you leave, the other one arrives and then you become the laughingstock of the people gathered there.
What an overwhelming feeling to hear those jokes and laughter.
At night you felt exhausted, your eyes burned and your throat hurt from crying, you ignored any messages or calls after that
You didn't want to see or talk to anyone, least of all Rindou.
Unfortunately, your doorbell rang once, twice, three times and you already imagined who it was. Why of all people, did it have to be him? If there was ever a time when he should be away, this would be it.
But you get up, you open the door for him and you don't say anything, he was the only one speaking
You didn't want to listen to him but you needed to put an end to this fake relationship.
He talks, asks questions but you don't answer
How can he be there in your living room, in front of you after everything he's done?
What did you really mean to him? Was everything he told you a lie?
And then you finally speak, you let out all your doubts even though you know the answer will hurt
At first he denies it and then you show him the messages
Then he blames it on the drink, but how could it be the drink's fault if they were together even when Rindou was sober?
And then he confesses, he tries to blame it on you, he tries to make you feel bad. You were nothing more than entertainment for him, you would never be like her.
He tried to blame you but it wasn't your fault, you tried to get along with his friends, you tried to get along with his brother
You tried not to smother him, you didn't want him to feel bad, you have been a good partner.
Yes, you were good, he was the one who didn't deserve you.
Rindou leaves leaving his heart torn
You collapse into tears
You find yourself in a shitty position
You hate him
Dark days and difficult months
You will gradually overcome
There was no more news from him and you really didn't want to know, you blocked him from everything and got rid of his stuff
You are finally moving forward while on the other side things are getting worse.
The person Rindou was seeing cheated on him with some of his friends, the same ones who were laughing at you
Was it worth it?
Was she everything he expected?
She broke up with him a few months after what happened between you two
Rindou was her fun.
He became the joke of his friends
He remembered you and realized the mistake he made, Rindou finally realized how he felt about you and how good you were to him
How ironic
Now he's the one who finds himself in a shitty position.
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©Reblogs are welcome, do not copy or translate
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moremaybank · 1 year
#5 from the prompt list with JJ?
"i can't pull out when you wrap your legs around me like that."
warnings 18+, unprotected sex, breeding kink (mwahaha), creampie, language
prompt list (requests closed) / jj masterlist
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"Please, baby. Fuck me raw."
JJ looks into your imploring doe eyes, feeling your hands run up his bare chest. You hook one of your fingers into his signature shark tooth necklace, tugging his face closer to yours. You leave a savoury kiss on his lips, lingering for a few moments before pulling back to stare into his intense gaze once more.
He admires your frame beneath his. Your hair is fanned out like a halo around your head, reminding him that he regards you as his angel. Your gorgeous tits are on full display, accompanied by the many love bites he'd left behind. You're completely spread out for him and dripping at the thought of him inside you in his purely bare state.
"I don't want anything separating us. Imagine how good it's gonna feel when you're inside of me, J."
And suddenly, that's all JJ needs to hear to be fully convinced, because how can he ever deny your wishes when you look the way you do? When you make his brain short-circuit the way you do? The truth is, he can't.
Not now, not ever.
The minute he slips inside you, he's a goner. The gasp that tumbles past your swollen lips as he pushes his way in is like music to his ears. Your cunt takes him all the way, swallowing him and encasing him in a wet heat that is far past what he considers to be euphoric. He buries himself to the hilt, already fighting to stave off his high.
He begins to move slowly, stuffing you full with each deep dig of his hips. He slips and slides easily as he starts to fuck you fervently, the remnants of his sound mind withering away the more he indulges in your warmth.
"We're never fucking with a condom again," he grits out as he goes harder, "not when I finally know how perfect you feel without it."
"Yes. Fuck yes," you gasp in delight. You can feel all of him deliciously, without a single barrier between you. Every inch, every thick vein. Every twitch and flutter as he lets go of his restraint bit by bit. You can see the lust in his eyes spreading like wildfire when he looks at you, and eventually, that same fire bleeds into his actions. His hands push down on your thighs, opening you wider for him. He pummels his cock deeper into you, reaching as far as he can with each thrust.
"God, you're so fucking wet. That how bad you crave my cock inside you, pretty girl? You want me to fuck you raw that badly?"
JJ taunts you with his words and his eyes, and the sparks flying inside you go berserk. "That needy that you'd take your chances? Even if I fucked my baby into you?"
You let out a wail, and your pussy convulses around his length as you come close to falling over the edge. You circle your legs around his waist and sling your arms behind his neck, holding onto him tightly.
"Please," you cry, "Please, J. Gonna cum."
"Me too, baby. Fuck, gotta pull out," he grunts.
You squeeze him tightly and pull him impossibly closer. Honestly, you're being selfish. You know you need to let go of him, but you can't say that any fibre of your being even wants to. All you want is JJ, your JJ, stuck to you. Or, stuck in you, rather.
"I can't pull out when you wrap your legs around me like that."
"I don't care. Cum inside me," you plead. Your hand runs through his hair after you pull his face closer to yours. "Be a good boy and give me all your cum, J. Stuff me full."
JJ's cock jerks inside you, the switch inside of him coming alive and falling to your mercy. He lets out a loud groan, mumbling a few curse words as he cums inside you. He triggers your own orgasm, and you all but scream as the pleasure takes over your body.
"We're gonna need a fucking Plan B."
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updated jj taglist (join here!): @pankowperfection @oncasette @hopesdadswife @taintedxkisses @maybankslover @goldenroutledge @penny4yourthoughts @bmo-bri @hemogloban @princessbetsy123-blog @slytherhoes @maybank-archives @whoisdrewstarkey @aliyahsomerhalder @dreamingwithrafe @vigilanteshitposting @poppet05 @sw34terw34ther @adoreyouusugar @jollywizardhideout @rosie-cameron @f4ll-for-you @rafesdirtyslut @slytheringirlthatkillpeople @tell-me-when-ur-ready @bbycowboi @venomwh0re @jjmaybankisbae @marsipaanz @enhypens-hoe @pankhoeforlife @cecesrings @indigoflorals @laineywilsons
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allbark-no-bite · 2 years
This is Real Life || Rafe Cameron x reader
summary: the kook princess comes home from college with a new boyfriend and Rafe isn’t happy about it. unfortunately, he isn’t in the position to tell her what to do
warnings: 18+ smut, foul language, unprotected sex, slight mention of underage sex
word count: 3.8k
author’s note: this contains NO SPOILERS for season 3! y’all i have had this in the drafts for a year and couldn’t finish it. i was quickly motivated by the release of season three. i actually have some more OBX stuff on wattpad that i hope to transfer over if this gets some attention :)
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It was feral really, their relationship. What else was to be expected of Ward Cameron's only son and the kook princess? But for the record, she preferred the term bastard. Born the illegitimate child of the second wealthiest man in the Outer Banks, she could go by whatever she wanted and people would still be besotted—albeit wary—by the name.
She was exactly the type of drug Rafe Cameron couldn't resist time and time again. Better than anything Barry could ever try to sell him. One taste and now he gets an itch for her worse than cocaine. Midsummers made this temptation all the more unbearable. Liable to her father's heavy name, she'd be inclined for the occasion to put on some kind of obscenely form fitting dress that left little to the imagination and Rafe intoxicated by the sight all night.
It's a toxic green color, and by toxic he means the dark teal accents her sun kissed skin and dark hair perfectly. She'd dyed it black two summers ago before leaving for college, and it had yet to return to its natural fair brown. He's sure she did it just to spite him. Rafe had always preferred blondes. But damn did it look good on her.  Shamelessly, his eyes drink her in as she flashes a pearly smile at the bartender taking her order.
Unfortunately, he also then catches sight of the guy standing next to her. He's a tall, brute of a man with large shoulders, a perfect nose, and sickening puppy dog like eyes. From the looks of him, he's undoubtedly one too many years her senior. Despite that, it's obvious that he's not the one in charge. Rafe watches as the older man hovers around her. He's confident in the way he carries himself, but Rafe can see how he moves around her with an air of caution, like he knows she's going to bite him if he gets too close. This observation leads him to his next point; the guy is not her type and Rafe knows it.
She met Armand nearly a year ago through a friend of a friend. He had returned to university from Europe to continue his studies with the leisure that his comfortable home life in a wealthy, two parent household provided him. While the six year age gap certainly raised eyebrows —specifically those of friends of her father's— it's not the reason she was uninterested in him.
Armand was the product of fine European breeding and the maturity that came with age. He spoke astutely and with confidence. He also had an unlimited amount of patience. And while it was nice to be indulged by his attentiveness every so often, it became quite boring if she was being honest. Armand was the type of guy one would bring home to meet their family, a quality that she had very little interest in.
Her eyes catch Rafe's from across the country club bar, and she immediately looks away. Instead she sweetly asks Armie, as she calls him, to get her another glass of champagne — her current one had gone warm. She pretends that she doesn't see him sidling up to her until he's standing right behind her.
Rafe has to hide his smile, licking his lips to wet them. After all these years, he's quite used to the games she plays. She makes him wait a few more seconds before she turns around, her exposed back pressing against the bar as she faces him. Her eyes first travel slowly down his body, coming about as close as one can to undressing a person without actually touching them, and only then returning to his face.
"What are you doing here, Cameron?"
They both know what she means is 'what are you doing in my face' and not 'what are you doing at Midsummers'.
Catching the message that she's not in the mood for any sort of shit answer he could give her about his required attendance at Midsummers, Rafe shrugs casually, rolling his expensive suit clad shoulders. His thumb drags across the smooth plane of his jawline, moving downwards and catching along his bottom lip.
"Heard you looked good in a sundress," he suggests, still trying to maintain an air of nonchalant indifference. He wants to know if her golden skin still tastes how he remembers it.
She rolls her eyes as a lazy, taunting smirk appears on his face. Before she can reply, Rafe saunters closer, practically eliminating the distance between them and blocking her against the bar. His face is close enough to her cheek that she can feel his hot breath as he wets his lips.
"Heard you looked good undressed."
Her expression remains unchanged, not bothered by his forwardness. "Would you let my brother hear those words come out your mouth?" She eyes him knowingly, feigning concern. "Wouldn't want to mess up your pretty face again."
The word 'brother' is synonymous to a warning to Rafe and immediately he glances sideways. Around them, residents of Figure Eight chatter and happily sip champagne. No one is paying the pair at the bar any mind. It is likely that no one has noticed them yet. Usually just the sight of the pair together is enough to draw a couple of stares.
When Malcolm Coors doesn't materialize from the crowd, Rafe's sharp blue eyes settle back on her. “Real funny," he sneers.
She has no shame in admitting she gets a little kick out of Rafe's fear of her brother. The two boys had graduated together a year before her, and she still remembers the pair of them being intentionally separated despite alphabetical order as they walked across the stage to receive their diplomas. Malcolm had been sporting a broken nose at the time and Rafe his own nasty looking black eye.
She smiles, enjoying his irritation. While she would like to bask in the fact that it looks like he's still licking his wounds after the past couple years, they need to get to the point before Malcolm does find them.
Rafe nods his chin over towards the unsuspecting back of her European rendezvous as he chatters amiably with the bartender. Rafe wants to swing a golf club through his perfect teeth. "How do you know this guy?"
She shrugs, playing at indifference. "Your inconsistency introduced us."
They haven't talked since before she blocked his number, which was over a year ago. The interaction wasn't exactly civil either. He specifically remembers screaming through the phone at some ungodly hour of the night and ending the call when she finally hung up on him by hurling his phone against the wall. Thankfully his parents had overheard the conversation and already assumed what all the noise was.
Biting back the urge to argue that he's not the one playing the hot and cold game, he persists "A bit old for you, don't you think?"
Her eyes don't follow Rafe's, which she knows are staring daggers at Armand. "You missed me," she points out.
Rafe sucks his tongue across the front of his teeth as an act of stalling, his expression becoming fed up and annoyed. Getting answers out of her has always been like pulling teeth. She doesn't want to play nice? Fine.
"Daddy doesn't have some billionaire's trust fund baby lined up for you?"
Her black lined eyes narrow. He levels his cool gaze with her. Oh he went there.
"Unlike you, my father has no say in my personal life." She's never referred to the man who sired her as anything other than her 'father'. It's the socially acceptable way of saying 'he's a bastard and I hate him'. "Besides, old money doesn't entice me, Cameron."
"Yeah?" he scoffs. Rafe leans in, murmuring softly into her ear. "That's not what you said what I was inside of you."
Her face flashes hot, and it's the first chip in her armor he has seen all night.
"I was seventeen. A minor, Rafe. You could go to jail for that," she snaps.
He smiles, cocking his head in a manner that says he isn't all that worried about his chances of going to jail. "You always act like I took advantage of you. Sweetheart, even if you hadn't begged me to screw you, we both know there's nothing you could have done to stop me."
It's her turn to scoff. "Am I suppose to thank you? You don't get an award for not being a fucking predator." She spits out the last part, and it causes a few heads to turn in their direction.
Among those heads, Rafe notices the blonde one of Malcolm; aka his sign that he needs to excuse himself. "Bitch," he mutters as he shoves past her.
She catches his arm before he can get too far. "Bathroom. Ten minutes.”
It is actually a grand total of twenty minutes before she finds Rafe in the small guest bathroom. Armie had remained glue to her side for another fifteen minutes and even after she managed to escape him, she was stopped by multiple friends of her father’s, asking how college was going and whatnot.
Nevertheless, Rafe waits for her. Each minute after ten, he promised himself he wouldn’t wait another, but the truth is he would have waited all night.
“Fuck. I’ve been thinking about this dress all damn night,” Rafe groans, grabbing a handful of her green velvet covered ass. His other hand is around her chin, guiding her mouth so that he can kiss her against the wall. Their mouths collide so bruisingly that for a moment he considers if he’s just broken his nose. Rafe doesn’t dwell on the possibility for too long because he’s been achingly hard for over twenty minute now and he won’t make it one more without coming in his pants. There’s only one place he’s coming tonight and it’s inside of her.
“I knew you were always a perv, Cameron,” she huffs out as he pulls away from the kiss to unbuckle his slacks and pull down his boxers. The length of him springs out against his stomach. Just looking at the size of him makes her legs shake. Much to her disappointment, he’s forcing her around, hips pressed against the counter before she can ogle at the sight of him for long.
Rafe slips into her as though it were a well practiced move and not something he hasn’t done in over a year. He still knows his way around her body.
She nearly yelps in surprise at the sudden intrusion. “Jesus—”
“Shut up,” he snaps, breathing hard. Just the feeling of her around him is enough to make him spill right now and he’s trying to hold on a while longer. Stomach burning with the effort of not coming, he bucks, just once to satiate himself, into her. The feeling is overwhelming.
Not pleased with his sudden lack of performance, she consciously clenches around him. “Are you going to fuck me or what because I’m sure Armie—”
Rafe cuts her off by drilling his hips back into her once more, this time much more forcefully, and her pelvis hits the counter. That is going to bruise. Rafe grabs a fist full of her dark hair. “I’m going to fuck you so good you forget his goddamn name. I don’t want to hear it again. You hear me?”
Eyes locked with his in the mirror, she nods quickly, desperate to let him have his way with her. “Fuck. Yeah, Rafe. Please just fuck me.”
Without wasting anymore time adjusting to the feel of her, Rafe begins thrusting his hips rhythmically at a ridiculous pace. The hot heat of her seems to suck him back in each time and he wonders if she’s like this for him. Armand. By the way she’s panting, moaning against the counter, he would say no.
As weird of a thing that it is to say, there are people who are good at sex, and then there are people who are great at sex. Rafe is one of those people. She’s never been with another guy who fucks her like Rafe does. It’s raw and filthy and animalistic.
Just when she think he’s as deep as he can be, he shuffles a bit, readjusting himself to get a better angle and hit a spot inside of her that tears a cry from her throat.
“Oh fuck— Please, Rafe. That’s it. That’s enough. I can’t—” When she starts begging for him to stop is when he knows she’s close. She’s always been too prideful to tell him when she’s close and it pisses him off to no end. He slows his pounding to get in a few more drawn out thrusts. The head of him catches inside of her and she cries at the sensation.
“There you go, there you go,” he groans, finding the breath to encourage her to finish as he struggles to control himself. “Feel me? Atta girl, you’re right there. Right there, baby.”
Crying out a moan, her head falls back as she orgasms, her walls fluttering in protest around him. The shock last for several long seconds throughout her entire body, and she contemplates if she’s ever going to be satisfied by another orgasm ever again. Even after, the electric buzzing sensation remains, and she remembers that Rafe is still throbbing inside of her.
Without warning, he thrusts into her a couple more times before finding his own orgasm. With his nose pressed into her hair, mouth right next to her ear, Rafe moans as he releases inside of her, and he hears her breath hitch at the sound. As if he needed proof of the fiery ball that had been pent up in his stomach all evening, he spills and spills and spill inside of her. It leaves him trembling by the time he’s done.
“Fuck,” he groans.
“Fuck,” she repeats, humoring him. He almost laughs but he doesn’t think he had the energy left for it.
Slowly moving again, the noise that his dick makes fucking into her, his cum dripping out is obscene, but he wants to savor the hot mess of her around him for as long as he can.
Smugly, he catches her gaze in the mirror, watching himself move in and out of her. The mascara under her eyes is smudged, making her searing gaze all that much darker. Rafe thinks she always looks perfect no matter what. He does have a bias towards ‘freshly fucked’ though.
As much as he would like to remain pressed against her —and in her— he knows she’ll only tolerate him for so long. So with a final sigh, he presses a prolonged and affectionate kiss to her hair and pulls out of her. As she fixes her dress, he tucks his still-leaking dick back into his boxers, pulls up his pants and watches her walk out the bathroom without a word. Rafe waits a respectful few minutes after her to make his exit.
Feeling truly fucked out, no pun intended, he heads over to the bar, where he spots her with her boyfriend, his arm wrapped low around her waist as he kisses her cheek. He needs a fucking drink, he thinks. And then, probably something stronger.
There are very few things that can rouse her from the dead sleep that she gets in her childhood bedroom. Coming home to the plush baby blue comforter that covers her perfectly made bed is like downing a handful of melatonin gummies after sleeping on a crummy twin mattress for nine months. Despite this usually holding true, Armie is the only one dead asleep beside her.
'I’m going to fuck you so good you forget his goddamn name.'  The memory keeps replaying in her head. The perfect infliction of his voice down to the scent of him as he leaned in is marred into her memory. He still wears the same cologne.
Without warning, her phone on the bedside table blares to life, ringing loudly, and the bright screen illuminates the mostly dark bedroom. Scrambling to shut it off before the commotion wakes Armie up, her immediate response is to swipe the answer button.
"Hello?" she asks, her voice hushed, into the phone.
"I need you, (y/n)."
Rafe's voice transfers crystal clear through the receiver, like he's not even trying to be quiet.
"Rafe?" Cupping her hand over the speaker and pressing the device closer to her ear, her eyebrows furrow as she hurriedly swings her legs over the side of the bed and quickly tiptoes out into the hall."Rafe?" she asks, this time louder now that Armie can't hear her. "Are you fucking cra—"
"I—I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. I— fuck, (y/n). I just—" He's rambling, his smooth as honey voice much thicker than usual and notably less precise. He sniffs, loudly.
She sighs as he tries to collect himself over the line, mumbling and stuttering. "Why do you only call me when you're high, Cameron? I mean, seriously?" This is not the first time he's phoned her in the middle of the night, high out of his mind.
Rubbing her hand over her eyes, she checks the clock on the wall. It's well past 3 am. There's a slim chance she will even get any sleep at this point.
"Listen, (y/n). I–I just—"
"No, you listen," she snaps, cutting him off. "You'd better be at your house when I get there or else. Got it?"
She can hear him swallow over the phone and something crashes to the floor. "Yeah— I— yeah, I will. I will."
"Okay, bye."
It helps that the Cameron's live only a few houses down. In reality, no one lives very far from anyone in the Outer Banks. Figure Eight is only a bike ride away from the Cut.
With the majority of the Cameron household likely asleep, and not caring to wake up Ward, she walks in without knocking. She'd never knocked before and wasn't about to make a habit of it now. Creeping slowly through the entryway, her sneakers echo loudly on the pristine tile floor. She knows this house like the back of her hand and therefore has no difficulty in navigating it in the dark. Around her, the house is still.
"Ra—" A hand clamps around her mouth from behind, effectively cutting of her startled shriek. Shoving his heavy body off of her, she whirls around to face him. "What are you doing?" she whispers loudly, shoving his hands away.
"I didn't want to scare you," Rafe defends, his blue eyes shining even in the darkness.
Shoving him once more in the chest, hard for good measure, she moves past him into the kitchen and flips the light on. Now that she can actually see, she steps back to take him in.
His pupils are blown, leaving very little of the blue of his eyes distinguishable. The suit jacket from earlier in the evening is gone, but everything else, from his dress shoes to the the white button up shirt underneath remain. Half of the top buttons of his shirt are open, revealing the golden skin of his chest. Nervously, he rubs at the back of his neck, where the short crop of his buzz cut fades.
"(y/n), I—," Rafe begins, stepping towards her.
"Shut up, Rafe."
His head fogged with the determination to get her to just listen to him, he ignores her instruction. "C'mon, baby. I just—"
"Shut up, Rafe," she repeats, sterner this time. She knows his head is not in the right place at the moment, and he needs to get it together if they're going to have this conversation.
"I need—"
"I said shut up!"
Finally something must reach the inside of that thick skull of his and Rafe immediately clamps his jaw shut. Now silent other than his heavy breathing, his big doe eyes watch her attentively.
She stares at him for a moment, using the quiet to gather her thoughts. Seeing him like this tears her up a little inside and it’s hard to find the right words to say to him. Sure, she treats him like shit most of the time, but that’s because it’s like second nature to the two of them. Fucking is the only thing they’re both good at.
She knows somewhere behind his drug induced haze, he’s really just a scared little kid. Most people take one look at Rafe and assume he’s just another screw up, destined to end up mooching off the Cameron family inheritance for the rest of his life. But she knows deep down that he has it in him to be better.
“You gotta stop, Rafe.” That’s the most honest and genuine sentence she’s spoken to him in a year. “This is not some prodigal son fairytale where you just get to walk away from it all when you decide to get your shit together. This is real life.” Her voice has risen towards the end and his already glossy eyes look wet.
Rafe can count on one hand the number of times he’s cried in his life, especially in front of someone else. His emotions tend to teeter from slightly cocksure to overwhelming rage without much of a grey area. But right now his throat feels tight and his eyes burn and he’s coming pretty damn close. And maybe it’s from the coke he snorted earlier but even that’s starting to wear off. He knows because his head isn’t swimming anymore and his eyeballs don’t feel like they’re rolling around in their sockets.
Fighting the swell of emotion that is threatening to erupt out of his chest, he looks up, tongue pressed into the inside of his cheek, suddenly not wanting to look in her eyes. Rafe finally nods, sniffing hard while he gathers himself. “I know,” he whispers, the noise barley even audible.
Still nodding to himself, he settles his gaze back on her. “And I know you think that this is the cocaine talking, but I promise you it’s not. I mean it when I say I need you.” Timidly, he paces towards her from across the kitchen. “I—I need your help. I need you. I—”
While he continues to ramble, she hushes him as he rests his chin in the crook of her neck. One hand cups the back of his head while the other rubs his shoulder through the soft cotton of his shirt. “Okay. You’re okay,” she murmurs into his ear, still holding onto him as he sinks to his knees on the kitchen floor. He’s tall enough that his head meets the middle of her stomach even on the floor.
Rafe can’t recall the last time anyone has held him so carefully before. But he does know that it feels wildly more intimate than any sort of sex they’ve ever had. Drowsy with relief and crashing from his high, he almost asks her if she loves him. It would be so easy to breathe the words, but instead he closes his eyes and lets her hold him a while longer.
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wrtingsoftheunknown · 7 months
Vincent Sinclair HC
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Vincent Sinclair hc SFW and NSFW
I’ve haven’t  been seeing my boy get repped recently so I have to do it myself. My first time writing something on here or towards this character ,I promise I will get better y'al,l I made this super quickly not proofread oops.
-While he can be insecure about his face he definitely has an ego from being the favorite child and having perfected his craft.
Lester drags him out to go for a ride around town or force him to come to his place for some quality brother time (Bo joins every now and then but wants peace and quiet dammit )
‘I know a lot of people have him learn sign language but I think he either writes what he wants to say, speaks as best as he can, or gestures, ( he was born in the south to parents that I don't think cared about communicating with him too much but he could have picked it up later in life maybe in his teen years or middle school era)
More sadistic than Bo when it comes to killing, he doesn't care if they are dead or alive when working on them and takes satisfaction in the result of his work
He prefers to work in silence but you can catch him humming now and then some country song or a guilty pleasure pop song from the 80’s( I see you Vince)
I think he partakes in multiple forms of art besides wax work.We see he’s able to paint, draw, but he also  takes pictures, , sews, writes, makes videos, anything artistic he’s learning and keeping up with new techniques.
Since he takes video of the killings at times I think they sell them as snuff films to make extra cash on top of stealing and selling victims stuff. (At least that’s what I thought when I first watched the film anyone else or just me)
Rarely happens but will keep victims that interest him like Bo ,but dispose of them when they get boring  or no longer match up the ideal version of them in his head.
-Does want a lifelong partner, the white wedding and picket fence, kids,  but knows it might be difficult with the line of work he does.
- He can talk but only does when it’s important or to emphasize something. He does have a southern draw like Bo and I imagine his voice to sound similar but raspier, maybe deeper/ quieter from not using it as much.
-like I said earlier you have to really catch his attention and be able to hold it for more than a week, if that happens then he’s obsessed and protective maybe a little too over protective.
Does indeed have a hair care routine I believe this full throttle and no one can can tell me otherwise I'm not listening.
I don't know if he’s a virgin, I don't think he is something is telling me he isn't, but i’m not sure
He has no problem with nudity, bodies are seen as art, there's not as much of a sexual connotation with them as with Bo and Lester .
He wants to be in love with the person he is intimate with, he wants to be worship and worship his muse.
Drawings  of his partner naked as well as in the midst of a passionate night, he might tease them all night to make sure the sketch is as life like and accurate as possible
Good size and thick that's all I gotta say
Praise kink hard core, hearing his partner call him a good boy or how he makes them feel so good he will crumble
He starts slow and sensual, enjoys the control he has and having someone at his power.
I think he will edge you and leave you high and dry when you act out but he always caves by the end of the day and gives you what you need.
Can last a long time surprisingly
Mainly a giver but someone please for the love of god give this man the nastiest had he’s ever received will make the prettiest noises 
Is down to try anything new and more open about sex than you would think.
When he’s horny he comes up behind his partner and starts caressing every inch he can reach, while resting his chin on their shoulder acting as innocent as he can.
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