#lemme know if you want me to change anything :D
vinterhjerte · 1 year
@ofthesouthernisles | starter.
THE SPIRITS HAD BEEN RESTLESS ALL day, and she just couldn't figure out why. Bruni had sparked at her this morning, and Gale was rougher than normal. The Earth Giants were away on the other side of the forest, but she was still fairly sure she had felt their grumbling under the soles of her feet. The Nokk was especially unsettled, even with her attention, tossing its head and pawing at the ground.
Running her hand along the icy mane, Elsa sighed. Perhaps just letting them all rest would be the best idea. Something was causing them to all act like this, and she could only hope it would reveal itself in time. And before anything like the damage the dam had done could happen again.
"How about we go back to the Dark Sea?" she murmured, patting the Nokk's neck, much like she would any other horse she had ridden. "I wouldn't mind visiting Ahtohallan today."
The speed at which the water spirit set off had her almost lose her grip on its back, her hands tangling in the magically solid strands of hair one of the few things keeping her in place. The wind whipping into her face had her eyes watering, but she did nothing to try and slow them down — now her interest was piqued. The Nokk obviously wanted her at Ahtohallan. The question was... why?
The force with which the spirit stopped, much like the start to their journey was almost forceful enough to buck her directly onto the shingle of the beach. A hand on her heart, she tried to get her panicked breathing under control. That was until an unfamiliar sound reached her ears. As if this was sign the spirit had been waiting for, the Nokk took off once more, directly into the waters, the ocean soaking Elsa's legs as they went. Squinting her eyes against the salty spray, she could finally see what had been bothering the spirits.
A ship. A ship quite obviously on its way to Ahtohallan. Or it had been trying to get there anyway.
The ship had floundered, and most of it was already under the dangerous waves of the Dark Sea, swept away by the rip currents and crushed on the knife like rocks below. Debris littered the water, and it was hard to tell what could be a person and what was simple furniture. Her eyes scanned desperately as the Nokk dashed from wave to wave, its hooves sure in their step.
It was too late to do anything for the ship. The wreck had happened, and the debris would simply be washed away. What concerned her was the lack of voices calling out for help. She couldn't even see any figures in the water, no matter how closely she stared at each floating piece of wood still atop the foam. Until, at last, she did.
A lone figure remaining. Urging the Nokk closer, she called out and offered her hand.
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clxscdeyes · 2 months
May Crownings
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Pink daisies, marigolds, and bluebells are all woven together to make a relatively nice flower crown. that's not all though. She's weaved some of one with just bluebells, others with just the marigolds, and some with just the daisies. She may have placed some other trinkets into them. She has a plan. A plan to give these out to a select few people she finds important and thankful for.
Part of her wonders if this is actually a bad idea. She should've stayed home, inside.
"Oh, I'm sorry." She quickly withdraws her hand from accidentally bumping it into someone else's. Looking over though, she notices just how beautiful this man's flower masterpiece is.
"How did you get it to look like that?"
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red-hemlock · 6 months
@ataviisms started following you!
“Beat it, Lead Foot, you’re a little too late, I’m afraid!” River all but snarls her speech, failing to turn towards the heavy-sounding footsteps looming just behind. Normally, a lot more… Affable… A botched job and a now-snapped pipe have left her a bit less patient than usual.
No matter, because this was nothing but a bum trying to bother her anyway, she'd figured. Inconsequential, and not at all something to worry about as she began to try lifting the heavy sewer gate open the rest of the way.
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“Hnngh-Already occupied-…!”
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kinghaargrove · 2 years
❝  you don’t have to pretend to be fine,  if you need me to stay i will.  ❞ -Lily Munson
Staying the Night || @hawkinsheroines
Billy was, in fact, not fine.
Being the reigning keg king champion of Hawkins High came with its perks. And, with its drawbacks. Tonight, he was certainly feeling more of the latter, his guts and his head punishing him something fierce for the sheer volume of alcohol he'd imbibed just a short couple of hours ago. He's positive stuffing his face with pizza at the party hadn't much helped his case, either, but there's no going back to fix that, only dealing with the consequences, now.
Lily's words vaguely reach him, as he staggers in from outside, through his front door, clutching his gut and swallowing as if that could hold back the turmoil swirling through his insides. A part of him is grateful she'd stuck around to at least see him through the threshold of the door, so he didn't just lay down on the grass and give up on moving, but he knew what was coming next wasn't pretty. He couldn't just let anybody see him like this.
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❝ No, no... ❞ he mumbles insistently, words slurring as he glances back over his shoulder in a meager attempt to wave her off. ❝ I... got it from here. You don't wanna see this-- ❞
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cheriiyaya · 5 months
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༻✧༺ What happens when you have nowhere to go, so you end up in the care of the man you promised to distance yourself from...
༻✧༺ Contents: dazai x fem!pm reader, lovers to enemies to lovers, dazai is in the ada, maybe ooc??? Ahem suggestive, petnames, no use of y/n, NOT PROOFREAD, mmh pathetic lovesick dazai, fluff at da end, ~2.1k words
༻✧༺ A/N: this was on my mind and KILLING ME so here u go :D
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A knock at the door drew dazai's attention.
It wasn't a knock. More like frantic pounding against the door and with utmost certainty dazai knew that the person on the other side was most definitely panting heavily-or at least in a state of panic.
What mainly drew his attention was why. Why would someone come banging at his door in the middle of a rainstorm? why would anyone come to him for help? questions like these flew through his mind as he walked up to the door and unlocked it.
What was on the other side of the door was a sight that for the past four years, had only haunted his dreams.
You, eyes wide and lashes heavy with raindrops while your cheeks flushed from the cold rain to give a glow. You, who's drenched clothes clung to your figure, strands of hair plastered against that beautiful face that could lure him to his demise and that he would thank while you plunged a knife into his heart.
There, you stood in front of his door-something that you hadn't done in years.
There was a pause as the two of you stared at each other, rain beating down and droplets rolled over your trembling form.
"...I'm sorry, I-I didn't know where else to go..." You sucked in a breath, teeth chattering and arms crossed over your chest to conserve any amount of warmth that you could. You were freezing, and it was obvious.
And yet you were still so beautiful to him-an angel incarnate even with those blood-soaked hands of yours.
"Who are you apologizing to?' He did a once over on you before tugging your clammy figure into his dorm, shutting to door. "Yourself?" That last comment made you shoot him a glare, eyes narrowed and lips pursed. Before you could say anything, dazai had grabbed your chin, tilting your face up to him. He leaned in closer, inspecting every plane of your face as if it was an artifact long lost. "You're not hurt are you?" He murmured in that same smooth voice that sent tingles up your spin.
You scoffed and pulled away. "No, why would I be?" Dazai cupped your jaw, and you swore his eyes softened a bit.
"Because your work for the Port Mafia is dangerous." He sighed and let you go. "...you should change out of those clothes. Can't have the sweet little girl get sick, now can we?" There it was-that infuriatingly teasing lilt in his voice that made you grit your teeth.
"I am not wearing your clothes." You shot back quickly. Dazai merely raised an eyebrow.
"Would you rather freeze and drag water everywhere?" He sighed. "You're always so difficult bella..." That last comment made you dig your teeth into the soft flesh of your inner cheek, deciding not to start screaming at him.
Dazai clicked his tongue and his hands gently encircled your wrists, guiding you to the small washroom in his dorm. "Wait here, lemme get you some clothes." He left and swiftly came back, a white button up in hand. He thrusted it into your hands, offering a small smile.
"You want anything?" You shook your head, mumbling a soft "thank you" before shutting the bathroom door behind you.
Once inside the small washroom you slid down against the wall, internally cursing yourself. How could you be so damn stupid?! You couldn't even tell yourself why you came here, you could've called a messenger to take you back from the mission, or called up a grunt or just done anything but gone to dazai's dorm! As you clutched your head in your hands, memories of that damned day flood back into your mind.
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The day of Oda Sakunosuke's funeral.
It wasn't a big event- a few members and people that knew the man and that was it. You never met him-but you went anyways. Partially because he was an important man to dazai and you loved him and...
You thought that maybe, he'd show up.
He showed up alright.
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After drying off your hair and body and changing out of your soaked clothes and into the shirt dazai had provided-which hung loosely over your figure- you exited the bathroom. You were met with the sight of dazai sitting on the dingy couch in his dorm, staring blankly at a wall.
Maybe, you thought, he was regretting this as much as you were.
With a cough, you drew his attention as you walked over to him and sat on the couch. You shifted in your seat, sitting awkwardly and the only noise breaking the uneasy silence was the patter of rain pouring outside.
"Still look just as adorable as you always did wearing my shirts...they suit you better than me." You balled up your hands, chewing the corner of your bottom lip and god, why did he still have to make you feel this way? That stupid roll your stomach did when he spoke with that soft tone, the way his honey eyes pooled warmth into the pit of your stomach when he so much as looked at you and they way he made you weak in the knees-
it was all wrong.
You felt cool fingers brush strands of hair out of your face and you jerked towards dazai, snapped out of your thoughts. You saw the flutter of a muscle in his jaw under his pale, delicate skin as he cupped your face, the smile on his face heart-wrenching.
God, he was so pretty, and you've always been weak for works of art.
Dazai's lips parted as if to speak, yet no sound came out. He simply cupped your face, as if he could see past the facade you put up and was trying to hold you together.
If he was trying to, then he'd be right. Your head spun with thoughts, emotions and memories buried deep in your heart, locked in a cage and you threw away the key.
Nimble fingers curled into your tresses, gently tugging on a few locks as half-lidded amber eyes gazed at you if you were the most precious thing he'd ever seen.
"Don't listen to him, don't don't don't-!" You repeated it in your mind, trying to bring forth cruel memories of him, how he'd brutally kill people and torture them, how he'd try and kill himself even as you begged him not to-
You suddenly wondered if he still attempted.
Just as he was about to say something, you cut him off.
"Don't try whatever your doing-it won't happen again, we won't happen again." A dry chuckled bubbled out of your throat and you stared at him, eyes wide. He merely sighed, running his calloused fingers along your jaw.
"Of course I know that, sweet girl. But can't you just pretend that we're each other's for one more night?" Dazai's fingers trailed up to press on the plush of your lips, and you swore that if you weren't sitting down your knees would've given out.
you're heart thrummed heavily in your chest and your palms heated up as dazai's eyes lingered over your face, then to your neck and clavicle-his shirt really did hang a little too low on you.
You should leave-that'd be the smart thing to do-but what use does intelligence have when it comes to resisting the temptation that was this sinfully charmful man?
And though you denied it so hard, yo you denying yourself the pleasure that was Dazai Osamu was the greatest sin of all.
That's why you were on his lap, the small space of the cramped dorm room spinning as you feverishly kissed him, hands squeezing his shoulders as his rested on your lower back. You felt the vibrations of his groan against your lips, chest heaving as cold bandaged digits slinked up your shirt and sent chills like cold water down your spine. Dazai dug his teeth harshly into your bottom lip, drawing a gasp from you. You tugged his chocolate locks in response and he let out the sweetest little whine that sent a shock of heat through your body.
Dazai then pulled away panting, eyes fixed on the way your bottom lip puffed and swelled from his bite. He swiped his thumb along you glossy lip before planting his lips on the sensitive portion of your jaw, trailing gentle yet messy kisses along it, leaving soft bites in between, and tugging your head back.
In your mind, everything was fuzzy; the only sensation you could think of was his hands on you, lips planting kisses on your skin and the soft sounds that'd escape from his lips and mumbled praises.
Until he pulled away for air and the memories of why this could never happen rushed back through your delirious brain.
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Dazai Osamu did show up to Oda's funeral, though after everyone but you had left.
The two of you argued-well, more like it was you screaming at him, tears burning your eyes as they threatened to fall and Dazai standing there, staring blankly at you before he walked away.
From that day you decided it was easier to believe he never loved you.
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Just as Dazai was about to kiss you again you placed a hand on his chest, halting him and a whisper slipped from your bruised lips "Don't."
Dazai paused and pulled away, gently pulling your hand away from his chest and settling it in his own. "Darling..."
"Why do you keep calling me that?! I said don't!" Your words left your mouth as a choked sob, but you couldn't care. The burning bit that opened in your heart spread through every inch of your body and it wouldn't be quelled by the lies that dripped from his beautiful mouth.
You clenched the hand that was nestled in his into fists and dazai frowned, eyebrows knitting. He gently pried your fist open, pressing kisses to your knuckles and rubbing his thumb back and forth across the delicate skin. He whispered your name like a truth, the only truth he had ever known.
"I know you did, but I can't help myself dear." He chuckled in between kisses on your knuckles, eyes shut and dark lashes kissing his cheekbones.
"Of course, 'cause you're selfish!" You spat out, and he cupped your cheek with such tenderness, opening his eyes to gaze at you like you were the most precious thing he's ever seen.
"Can't a simple man be a little selfish over a beauty like yourself?" Dazai pressed a delicate kiss to the corner of your mouth and you couldn't help the tremble that racked though your body.
"Then why did you leave?" You croaked, eyes glossy and wide.
"If I asked you to leave with me, you would've said no. You're too loyal to the Port Mafia." He hummed. "It's easy to say you would've left, but you wouldn't have."
Dazai settled his palms on your cheeks, nose bumping against yours as he kissed you softly. So softly, so different from how he kissed you with passion and hunger before.
There was another reason but he never said it; you were better off without him.
Dazai ran his fingers through your hair, shushing your little sobs as he pulled away. He pressed his lips to your hair, fingers nestled in and pulling gently on the strands. He rubbed soothing circles on your back, tilting your head to rest on his shoulder and you loathed the way your body relaxed until it fitted snugly against him as if you were made for him. He laid back on the couch, one leg wrapped over yours and you rested your head on his chest, fingers hesitantly creeping under his shirt to fan out over the layer of cotton skin that covered his warm skin. Your free and wrapped behind him and played with the fuzzy baby hairs along the base of his scalp, tugging at them gently and scratching his scalp.
You told yourself you hated this, you hated the way any bit of his love could turn you into this mess, but you didn't pull away. You instead nestled closer into him, breaths slowing. Dazai pressed his hand along the dip of your back and gently pushed you into him, causing you to whine softly into him.
"Gorgeous." He whispers into your hair, pressing his lips to your temple as you feel warm drowsiness overcome you. "Perfect. My perfect, sweet girl." You barely heard dazai's words, balling his shirt in your hands as your eyes fluttered shut.
It wouldn't be so bad to indulge yourself in his love one last time, would it?
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©Cheriiyaya 2024
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mirlvshft · 3 months
shifting experience! ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ — 2/26/23
this is the night i shifted. it was around 2am about to be 3am and i was veryyy tired, very sleepy. but regardless, i put on my earphones and started to listen to my guided meditation. i barely made it past the beginning fully conscious until i fell asleep and woke up again; i still had my earphones in and the meditation going. i didn’t open my eyes or anything. i switched positions then again, i knocked out. MIND YOU, i don’t know when this all happened. could’ve been in the span of a few minutes to a few hours— who knows.
alright, now this part is difficult to describe. i was on my back, no longer hearing the meditation and while my eyes were closed i was able to see? the ceiling was different and i remember being confused but not entirely fazed, i then ‘closed’ my eyes as i moved onto my side. i couldn’t see anything THEN i opened them again and bitchhhh lemme tell youu… (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)
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(my wr is a luxury penthouse, the middle pic is my bedroom ^^) i saw the whole left of the room (since i was on my side) i saw the panels of windows and the way the rain poured down the glass, the grey sky and clouds, the buildings too. the panel closest to the wall being slightly opened (as i want it to be), the nightstand right there with that lamp on top AND ON!! the way outside was the exact weather i wanted it to be, how dim and nice the whole room was. AMAZING GUYS!! IM TELLING YOUUU. although!! i didn’t freak out or anything, i barely realized and in those few moments i was there, i was like “oh. okay cool” LIKEEEE??? my surroundings felt so different, yet so familiar that it really wasn't different. my bed was different, the pillow and sheets— everything. i was just so comfortable that it didn’t faze me. the best i can explain how comfortable, how normal it all felt is when you’re lying in bed. SOOO comfy, so at peace, you’re not actively acknowledging your surroundings, right? you’re just so at ease, you’re not constantly thinking of the mattress or fixating on the way everything feels. you’re just there. to continue on, in these few moments of looking around a bit and acknowledging where i was, i snuggled into my pillow and blanket then knocked tf out and that was it. obv i ended up waking up here but absolutely amazing!! this is such a huge milestone in my journey and i’m so incredibly happy about it!! @sabs-shifts <3 i’m so excited to go back but for a good while this time!! (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
to quote a lovely friend of mine @evangelineshifts “I’ve shifted a few times albeit briefly and the way it feels so normal is so jarring like ??? Idk I think we all expect it to be the like mind churning, exploding life changing experience and then when it’s just like “you’re home :D” 🤨” — it literally isn’t at all grand and crazy LMAO, it felt like nothing and was so incredibly normal. but of course, as always, everyone's journey is different <3
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supertrxshwrites · 8 months
Not really sure if you actually take request, but...
What about Damian x reader where they are on a date, and have been dating for a while, but his family doesn't know. They are at a cafe when Damian sees one of his brothers walking by. Obviously once the brother sees Damian and this girl, they put the pieces together. They call the rest of the family and sort of just stand nearby to spy on Damian, while he tries to act normal with his girlfriend who's back is turned to the rest of the family.
Basically when the reader is looking at damian, damian = :)
When reader looks elsewhere damian to his family = >:(
okay im sorry if this is really short anon. lemme know if i should write more i'd be happy to!! :D
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
You and Damian met at the pet store. It sounds silly but that day you saw him sitting in the kennel with all the puppies as you were buying your cat treats and your life was changed forever. You both clicked immediately, your friends would tell you that Damian was strange and mysterious but that’s why you liked him. After hanging out for about three months bonding over your love for animals he finally asked you to be his girlfriend it was hard for him he had never done anything like this before, but he did his best. Which was bringing you a puppy with a special collar that read “be mine?” You found it sweet and couldn’t say no.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀         𓆩♡𓆪
You and Damian decided to go to a nice little cafe for a date. The air was crisp, the leaves were falling and fall was finally starting in your eyes, you couldn’t wait to bust out the sweaters. Damian ordered coffee for you both as you sat at one of the cute study tables by the window. As Damian starts to walk back with his and your drinks, someone catches his eye through the window.
“..what the hell?” He says softly before realizing it’s no other than his older brother. Dick.
They spot each other at the same time through the glass. This causes Damian’s initial panic, he had been so peaceful living his life without any of his brothers finding out about his girlfriend and now the one who couldn’t keep a secret if it were beaten into him has a front-row seat to it all. 
Dick starts waving as Damian walks to the table where you and him are sitting he’s a bit annoyed but tries to save face as he sits down.
“They didn’t have the pumpkin cold foam so I just got you whipped cream I hope that’s okay,” he says with a smile as he hands you your coffee and a muffin.
“Awe..that’s okay though, I’m happy with either,” you say with a big grin.
Almost on cue you set down your bag and lean to get out your laptop. Dick is standing outside of the window behind you, miming at Damian.
“Who is she?” He mouths through the glass pointing at you
Damian angrily waves his arms for Dick to go away.
“Get out!” He says in a slight whisper.
“You want me to get out?” She says a bit confused as she sits back up and Damian’s arms are waving around.
“Uuuh no no baby not you.” He says with a sweet smile
“I saw a fly and was trying to shoo it away” he laughs nervously before sitting down.
You boot up your laptop and start checking your emails a bit.
Dick holds his cell phone up to the glass showing the group chat.
“Shit,” he says under his breath before eagerly patting his pants and looking for his phone. Once he fishes it from his jeans it’s blowing up the group chat is blowing up.
“Pics or it’s not real” Tim sends
“Yeah right. There is not a girl on earth  who would tolerate demon spawn” Jason sends
1 Attachment.
“Baby what’s wrong?” you ask as Damian’s face twists into a frown.
“Uh..it’s nothing,” he says clenching his jaw as he sets his phone on the table face down
“Just family stuff” he looks a bit annoyed
“Are you sure? If you have to go it’s okay” you say as you close your  laptop
“No no it’s okay, my love” he smiles at you before giving you a peck on the lips.
He looks up behind you and his face turns pale as he realizes Dick, Jason, and Tim are standing outside cheering and doing chest bumps and fist-pumping.
“For fucksake” he says rolling his eyes
“Okay, what the hell is going on?! You’ve been giving me mixed emotions all day!” you stand up and angrily point at him.
Damian looks like a scared puppy seeing you upset which is a rare sight.
“From the second you sat down, you’ve been pouting and overall grumpy!” you tear him a new one before realizing the three guys behind you on the other side of the glass.
“What the hell- who are they?” you ask taken off guard. Laughing a bit at the three guys acting like complete fools outside of the cafe.
“My idiot older brothers,” he says pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Guess it’s time for you to meet the family,” he says waving them to come in.
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angelyuji · 4 months
yandere superman headcanons
tw kidnapping, "nice" guys/incel behavior (kinda), isolation as punishment, manipulation, yandere stuff... the usual
yandere clark kent x gn!reader
diana prince is next guys I LOVE WOMEN!!! lemme know abt any tags i miss or just any other superman thoughts (yandere or not) cuz i love superman a lot
hes so big and buff and strong
ive been obsessed with superman and lois recently and i thought to myself “i need him so bad id do unspeakable things”
ALSOOOOOO have u guys seen the new superman??? ohmygodddd HELLOOO SAILOR
anyway here we go :)
sweetest kindest angel alive… at first glance
actual clark is genuinely the best sweetest guy in the world and i don’t think that would technically change but if anything he’d start buying into the incel/nice guy pills and that’s what would warp him
he’s literally sooo sweet to you (i cant get over how much a of cutie pie clark kent is)
ok pause lemme start from the beginning
when he first met you, he was e n a m o u r e d like he thinks youre the most beautiful person in the world type stuff
at first, the relationship is normal, you guys are friends, study buddies, coworkers, yk normal shit
he’s still super in love but hes kinda aware that its one-sided and he can’t make you like him
you guys are super close friends tho
but as his crush progresses, he starts to consult more than his friends and normal relationship advice, he starts to consult incel chatrooms and subreddits
he wants to go further than friendship with you, but all the guys in these chatrooms are telling him awful things abt u. for example:
‘hi! requesting help for getting out of the friendzone with my friend’ i’ve been friends with them for a long time, but i see them as more than a friend. ive had to watch as they date all these awful people and i just want them to see me more than a friend. any advice is appreciated!
– dude these ungrateful bitches are never gonna see u
– people like them never see the good guy until its too late
– u just gotta make them like u, nobody understands the nice guy until u make them
– all of these responses are so weird, just be normal and flirt a little!
ur stupid fuckign idiot nice guys don’t get a chance till u make them give u chance
women are so fucking stupid
reading all these “helpful” comments really warped his mindset
he went from innocent farm boy to incel misogynist becuz
they have to be right! like why else have u not given him the time of day as more than a friend
so soon, ur gonna notice these changes
he went from being supportive bestie to making snide comments, putting you down, making moves on you that you clearly don’t want
ur hurt, heartbroken, your friend became something unrecognizable
u’ll ask for some distance, just to think abt if u want to continue the friendship and clark will realize that he can’t make you like him from just this
so you’re gonna go home, take a nap, and next thing you know you’re getting snatched from bed by freaking superman
he genuinely believes he’s done the right thing
he’ll bring u to the fortress first. he has everything set up already, so u wont freeze or starve to death
i wont bore with the details but he would NEVER lay a hand on u
that’s NOT my superman
its more like
“i need you to eat something.” clark begs you, his eyes filled with worry. he had crouched down next to where you sat. clark had given you free-reign around his fortress, but you chose to sit in the corner near the entrance.
“fuck you.” you turn away from him, anger dripping from your voice. you haven’t eaten since he brought you to his ice castle, but you can’t remember how long ago that was. you missed home, your friends, your family. you missed freedom. you hear clark sigh.
“you’re gonna get sick if you keep going like this, (y/n).” his hand touches your face and you slap his hand away. you know there was no way you could hurt superman, but he holds his hand looking hurt, and you feel a twinge of guilt. he holds out a bag from Big Belly Burgers and places it next to you.
you scooch back, your back hitting the wall, not willing to back down. “i’ll eat if you let me go.” you feel like a child throwing a tantrum, but you would do anything to go home.
you see him rub his forehead in frustration, “this isn’t working.” he mutters to himself. you don’t say anything, wanting to see what he would do. instead of trying to fight you again, clark picks up the bag. “i’ll come back when you’re ready.” he says.
“come back? what are you talking ab-” in one blast of air, clark was gone and you were alone.
days had gone by, you felt like you were going crazy from the solitude and the hunger. thankfully, clark had left mountains of water bottles for you, so you tried to fill up with those. it wasn’t enough, you had started to miss your kidnapper’s company after many conversations with yourself. all you could do was sleep or stare at the wall, blankly. after a week, you couldn’t take the isolation. “clark?” you call out, weakly. not a moment passes before he appeared before you.
his eyes were filled with pity and worry, “are you ready, sweetheart?” his hands cup your face and you lean into the warmth, nodding.
he could never hurt you. that entire week away was killing him, but the commenters were right. you just needed to know that he was all you needed.
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agedre-kitty · 2 months
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Stimboard for @phenic-fury!
i went with kind of an arcade/slightly scenecore theme and just some rainbow neon stuff, mostly bc of your pfp and banner lol. hope you like it!! lemme know if u want me to change anything and feel free to request anything else c:
🌈 🌈 🌈/🌈 🌈 🌈/🌈 🌈 🌈
Dni: lgbt+ exclusionists, r/adfems, ns/fw, e/d, s/h or discourse blogs, pr0ship, anti-agere/petre/sfw cglre or if you call people cringe because of their interests.
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kitmoas · 1 year
Summary: How do you find your way to the light when you're under the rubble?
Genre Warnings: Mostly Angst, there is a smutty scene though SO 18+
Word Count: about 13k
ANGST warning: Fighting and Avenger work, and then verbal fights as well as, vague/brief mentions of Sexual Assault, Death, Suicide, and Self Harm
Smut Warnings: Mommy/Daddy kink, Puppy/Pup kink, strap on use (r and W receiving), strapwarming, a bit of humiliation, thigh riding, d/s power exchanges,
*as per usual lemme know if i missed anything important*
A/N: And this my loves, is the finale part of TGU S1 Finale. Hopefully it is everything that you guys wanted. Here's part one if you haven't read it! If there are any mistakes or anything, its cause i suck.
***Minors DNI** **Pay attention to the warnings tagged and only click the keep reading tab if you are okay with them and 18+*** ***18+ ONLY***
Training Grounds Master List
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Dropping a stack of papers on the table, the man sighs as he rubs his hand over his face. This wasn’t the conversation he wanted to have on everyone’s day off but the longer they wait the more difficult the situation will be to defuse. “This is serious now Wanda, don’t you understand that yet?” Steve just wanted her to agree, nod her head and let them help her figure something out. He didn’t want the young girl to ever be put in a situation where she may end up a public enemy again. 
Pouring a few fingers of whiskey, Tony’s nonchalant attitude would normally frustrate everyone but he is keeping the room calm at the moment. “It’s no longer a maybe, everyone can see the changes in you. It’s basically a flashing sign to the rest of the world that we’re losing control of a ticking time bomb.” His voice is already slurring a little, and you can tell that the surprise meeting took him by surprise but nothing would stop him from drinking in the moment. His family, the team, was falling apart in such a deep way and it was starting to affect him more than most understood. 
“I have it under control, I told you that.” Wanda was glaring at the table, practically refusing to look at anyone. She hated being surprised like this, it felt more like an interrogation or intervention more than a team meeting. 
“We can’t trust your judgment anymore, Maximoff.” Fury always has an air of authority to him, even to the witch who rarely interacted with him. She never liked him, for he had originally been part of the group that wanted to imprison her for her actions with Ultron. The man regardless demanded respect with each word he spoke, even gaining the brunette’s gaze. “Should have taken Hill’s word for it and kept you under lock and key from the moment we realized how dangerous you could end up.” The sarcastic jab was unprofessional, but he didn’t take it back instead staring directly at Wanda. 
Glaring at the head of her girlfriend, the witch tries to prompt her into doing something. “Seriously Nat, you’re going to just sit back and let them speak to me and about me like this?” She knew that the two were having issues, but at the end of the day she knew she would never let someone else berate the ginger like this. 
The widow shrugs, helplessly shaking her head as she finally looks up. “What do you want me to say? I told you that we couldn’t handle this alone, though personally I think this is out of their control at this point but at least we’re finally stepping out of trying to deal with it without help.” It’s almost a slap to the face, a decision that makes it seem almost helpless that the two have been together for almost a full decade at this point. 
Tony sets his glass down, a clank sharp enough to pull everyone’s attention. “Earth can’t handle another eruption, and right now the cherry bomb over there is the biggest one on the radar. It isn’t about sides, we protect and right now I’m not any of us know where this is actually going to end up.” 
“At this point I think you guys just want to lock me back up, throw away the key and leave me to rot. Would that make you guys feel better?” Wanda’s anger could be felt throughout the room, even though her entire body was calm and relaxed. 
The widow in the room speaks slowly, under her breath, but in the dead silence no one could have missed it. “Might make the rest of the world feel better.” Even when she realizes that she said it out loud, you could tell there was no regret. 
“Classy Romanoff, real classy.” Rolling his eyes, Tony downs the rest of his drink as he tries to keep calm. The entire domestic situation was getting out of control and he had a feeling that it would cause the future to be even more rocky if they stayed divided. 
Finally moving to show her emotions, Wanda’s hand slams against the table. A loud resounding smack makes everyone flinch, sparks of scarlett magic flying into the air. “Your problems with me aren’t the boys’ business, so why do you constantly want to air it out in front of others?” The death glare shot towards Natasha would send anyone else to their knees, begging for forgiveness but not the widow. 
The assassin was used to the witch’s outbursts, though they were more frequent when she was younger they haven’t changed one bit. Rolling her eyes at the tantrum that she knows is brewing, she just blankly stares back at Wanda. “When have you ever been against showing off to others? Don’t you love when others watch, you get off on it.” 
Seething, the Sokovian bares her teeth at her girlfriend; furious that this entire thing is always being turned on her. “You’re the one that left our last conversation.” 
A mocking laugh breaks up the heavy breathing, baited silence as everyone waits for them to finish. “I left? Me? Miss Houdini over here thinks that I left! That’s real entertainment.” 
Wanda’s rings scrape against the table, a screech that has the men in the room grimacing, as she exhaustedly sighs. “Walking out after someone tells you what Bishop told us is not okay Natalia. No matter what your reaction is, that is not it.” 
“Get over that night, everyone else did.” A note of silence plants a seed of doubt, watered quickly from the diverted gazes and quiet throat clearing. “Didn’t they?” 
“You got over it. You put a fake bandaid over it. The gifts…I heard they were nice, and of course the suit we made turned out great but…even I know that gifts can only go so far.” Tony sort of shrugs, an attempt to not piss off the ginger. 
A loud scoff interrupts him, the witch stranding quickly as her chair falls behind her. Pushing into the widow’s personal space, Wanda leans down into her face. Her hands land on the armrests, blocking her partner from being able to get up. “Get it through your thick skull Romanoff, the world doesn’t just fall to their knees because you decide that you are ready to move on.” 
It’s silent for a long time, the two women glaring at one another with neither willing to budge. No one really wanted to interrupt, stupidly  hoping that one of them would give up, be willing to nudge at at least a little. When the staring contest goes on for almost ten minutes, the other men all look to one person to try and break it apart. “Even though this fight is incredibly sexy, a real treat ladies. This isn’t what we came to talk about.” Even as Steve and Nick sigh, cringing when they realize how Tony decided to ease tension, everyone is relieved when the two women finally separate. 
Straightening his posture, a very uncomfortable Steve clears his throat. “Yes, we need a game plan for whenever this…prophecy is fulfilled.” 
Wanda rolls her eyes, her face slowly becoming stoic as her mask falls into place. Deliberately ignoring Natasha when a noise of concern falls from her pursed lips, the witch turns to to the captain swiftly. “Here’s the plan Star Spangled Banner, I go away. That’s all. You won’t have to worry about me when I am gone, and I don’t need anyone to even be concerned with me.”
Before anyone can even reply, or try to stop her, the brunette disappears only leaving behind a puff of crimson. 
A hand tugs you back, and you almost chastise the blonde but she’s shushing you and pointing to the four men walking the path below you two. Floating above a balcony, you lower the two of you to a ceiling beam to try and help conceal your position. It’s mostly dark, just a few dim lights flickering. Thankful for your new technology, and watching as Yelena slips on her green goggles, the two of you take your time to scan the area. You know that this entire situation is no longer an offensive, a recovery mission on one of the highest protocols as not only a huge group of civilians but two of the most prominent heroes are incapacitated. 
Echoes of taunts and muffled whimpers reach the two of you, analyzing the possible route around becomes a breeze as you blink through the purple arrows showing you the best way. When the two of you hear an agonized scream it doesn’t take much more for you to drop down, ambushing the masked men below you. Working together you and the blonde almost move as if you are one, your connection truly shining through fighting for the first time. Even as you move farther into the building, separating as needed, it’s almost like you share the same brain. 
With each move you decide to make, your confidence never wavers as the comforting vibration of crimson mist moves along your body. Besides trying it on during the holidays, you had never worn the suit and the way it works with you is mind blowing. Any time you came face to face with one of the masked men it was like the suit knew what to do, the perfect weapon materializing out of chaos into your hand. 
Maroon blades and arrows glitching from their spots where they stick out of those you leave in your wake, anger from knowing they hurt people you loved making you not second guess your actions. Never running out of weapons coming in handy as the two of you work your way through the huge bank, before finally coming to a meeting point right in front of the main lobby. You take a moment to breathe as you sneak through the last hallway, assessing the situation, and realizing that Wanda made sure that no one could ever track you for everything you leave with them disappears. 
Yelena finally settles next to you, working on a small phone as she works to hack into the building’s alarm and security system. “The witch did good on your suit.” 
Nodding silently, you stand next to her with a shield of scarlet curving around the two of you as you focus on the small screen. “This is Katie’s code.” Your voice is hushed, though excited when you realize that you should be able to figure it out easily enough. “I recognize it from when I hang out at work with her. I think..if you switch the last two things and just rework that fourth line then it should work perfectly.” 
The blonde rolls her eyes at you, doing what you suggest and chuckling as it works perfectly. She easily begins to work through the system, setting up different triggers. “You know, I am shocked that you remember anything from your time at her company as you drool so much over her.” 
She interrupts you before you can chastise her, nodding as she slips the phone back into a pocket somewhere. Making note to giggle at her later, you let the mask show you where to go as the two of you scale the ceiling. The list of how many civilians to save growing with each second you crawl around, the center of the floor finally coming into view. You can see the faint purple electric forcefield first before the mess of people inside, the mask zooms in on the huddle for you. 
Almost immediately you divert your eyes, unable to fully see two of your favorite people in such a position. Instead you take a deep breath, preparing yourself for a fight of your life. You could recognize how outnumbered you were, especially with so many of the men in the middle of the floor. They were all heavily armed, and you knew that the two of you were already exhausted after taking so many people down alone. Unsure of how good the group of men were at wielding their overpowered weapons made this mission a bit more difficult, but it wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle or so you were telling yourself that. 
Slowly your eyes slip shut, the blinking lights and distant screams overwhelming you. It wasn’t something you were used to, and you knew that it was something you would need to train to be better equipped to handle. You never thought when you got this suit a few months back for Christmas that it would be used this quick. 
You knew you didn’t have time to be scared, not a single moment to work through the fear that was starting to completely take over your system. It was no longer an option, not that it was one in the first place, instead you had to dig deep. Finding that little girl in you that desperately just wanted to save people, the one that would have grown up to be an agent if not for that tragic night. Maybe you weren’t focused on saving every single person in the bank, and maybe that was incredibly selfish, but thinking about letting two of the most important people in your life slip between your fingers was all it took for you to step off the beam. 
Eyes closing as you feel your body fly through the air, trusting the way the crimson mist moves along your skin and holds you so tenderly.  You can hear shouts and screams, people rushing around below you, but even as things go soaring past you the suit almost makes you feel like time is slowed down. Giving you energy and focus, you can hear the way the witch would speak to you. Encouragement and love filling each thought, leaking into your body and filling you with a confidence that can only come from someone as powerful as her believing wholeheartedly in you. 
Landing in the middle of the room should have scared you but truthfully you knew in the back of your mind, and at the center of your heart, that anything Wanda would ever give you would never allow you to be hurt. The mask covered your eyes, but it didn’t matter as your vision was just a huge screen of red and purple static, almost as if it was a glitching computer screen. 
All your senses, all of your nerves, your entire being filled with a warm radiating chaos all flooding from the gleaming mark along your ribs. The fight was no longer just yours, but you knew that your favorite witch was there too. Standing tall in the middle of a shocked group of people, your vision cleared and your goal was in sight.
You knew the moment that you came home that everything would explode. After pushing the suit to its limit, you had barely been able to teleport the four of you to the penthouse before passing out.  Happy that you were able to at the very least keep everyone safe, your body just wasn’t used to that amount of magic surging through your veins. 
Yelena had called upon her own people, a favor to get all of you back to Avengers campus. The two young heroes were immediately taken to medical, and you were brought to Kate’s room to rest. The doctors cleared you quickly, stating you just were exhausted and needed a good nap. Enlisting your best friend to make sure that for the next day or so, you would stay hydrated and fed; true rest. 
She as per usual took her orders seriously and monitored you closely as you slept, dreading the next unspoken part of her job; calling your two rage filled owners. The younger sister knew that she was practically dousing the flames with gasoline the longer that she procrastinated calling them, but even she was scared of them sometimes. 
By the time that they were called, you were happily walking around and feeling completely better but you knew that it was only a matter of time before the two showed up. Unsure of exactly how they would react, you decided to just try to prep for anything. Anger and intense fear was for sure, but you knew that even though the rules weren’t explicitly written out that you broke many. The suit wasn’t made for you to become a hero, or an agent. 
While you and Yelena were playing a casual round of Town of Salem, the door slammed open. Crimson magic practically crushing the metal, looming silhouettes of the two women scary even from a distance.  
It was the angry voice of the widow that breaks the volatile silence. “What do you mean you took her out on a mission?” It’s demeaning and directed at her younger sister, lunging towards her before stopping herself short. 
Wanda takes her time to walk towards you, her face void of any emotion as she scans your body. She takes her time to formulate a sentence, letting the two siblings squabble behind her as she takes the blonde’s spot next to you. Finally reaching out, she tangles her fingers with yours and the anger fueled fear shines through her emerald eyes. “That was for extreme emergencies only Detka, not for you to go out and find trouble!”  
You sigh, knowing that you were going to have to defend why you went with the white widow. “This was an emergency and look at me, I’m completely fine!” Gesturing to your body, you try to point out that you only have just a few small cuts and bruises. The suit that the witch had made you was extremely effective at protecting you from any harm.
Natasha’s head pops up, quickly scanning your body. Even though she can easily determine that you aren’t hurt, she still angrily flails her hand in your direction. “Yeah, you are but you could have not been. You should have never gone to get her Yelena, ever.” Shoving her sister to the ground, she looms over her and snarls whenever she tries to get up. 
Flopping dramatically back, rolling her eyes up at her older sister Yelena sighs. “Oh cool, am glad you seem so worried about my heath and safe being.” 
Kicking her side, huffing as Natasha watches the blonde roll uselessly around on the ground. “You are trained for this, you are THE white widow.” The ginger glares down at the girl when she laughs. 
“Kate Bishop is Hawkeye and Peter Parker is Spiderman. All trained and made for this job as well, and you see that they needed help.” The younger widow’s wiseacre tone just further pisses off her sister, but she can’t help but push her buttons. She knows you’re safe, that everyone is safe, and that’s all that matters. 
Nodding along, you perk up at your best friend standing up for you. “Don’t forget that in all technicality I have been trained to do this! Do you forget who I was raised by?” Cringing internally at the fact you brought up your lineage, the field that you were destined to be part of. 
Wanda sighs, knowing that you weren’t going to budge with Natasha’s angry outbursts. Cupping your chin, she gently turns your face to her. The soft emotional storm shaking the forest in her eyes makes you whimper, a small noise that falls from your lips involuntarily. “You may have been raised by them little one, but we all know you didn’t care for or want the lifestyle.” Even though she sounds much more gentle and loving, it still pisses you off. 
“That isn’t fair! I may not like the lifestyle but we all know I am damn good at it. It’s in my blood. S.H.I.E.L.D has been begging me to join the rankings since I could basically walk.” Natasha opens her mouth to interrupt you but you barrel on, despite cringing at the thought of being disrespectful. “I was born to do this and while I may not enjoy it, or have the will to do it daily, if it means saving or aiding any of you then you damn well know that I am going to don the suit and do whatever I need to.” 
Yelena is pushing her sister’s foot off of her, sitting up excitedly. “You should have seen her out there, you two need to set your fear aside and know that your little princess is amazing in the field. She knows what to do and honestly if she ever did want to join the agency, I would jump at having her as a partner.” 
Rolling your eyes, you reach down to shove the blonde. Knowing she’s just trying to take the heat off of you, a sigh leaves your lips because you can’t truly be angry at her. No regrets from going to save the two Younger Avenger captains, and nothing could change that; not even the two older women glaring down at you. If you ever did step foot in the field, you know that you would be more than thrilled to be partners with your best friend. 
Natasha shoves her way in between the two of you, stubborn as usual. The widow refused to budge on her way of speaking about the situation, anger completely over taking her entire mind. “I don’t care how amazing she was, and I know she was amazing. Personally I never wanted that suit to be anything but a defensive thing. It was never meant to go out into the field, nor was it ever meant for you to go wild and perform a retrieval mission.” 
You almost choke as you prepare yourself to do what you know needs to be done. Knowing that if anyone else says anything that neither of the older women would settle, the responsibility falls to you. Having spent the last almost five years obeying them almost completely you knew that this act would feel weird, never one to push back in this way. “Kate needed me. Peter needed me. They needed saving and obviously no one else was going to go, for whatever reason it fell to me and Yelena. We stepped up and saved them, and that’s all that should matter. No one else was harmed and we walked away safe. I have no plans to make a habit out of this before you ask. This isn’t something that I want to do a lot. Just drop this argument because at this point, I think we all need to realize that our emotions and feelings are being entirely redirected. I don’t know or understand what is happening, and it is frustrating as hell but I need everyone to figure themselves out.” 
Yelena’s eyes widen, never once hearing you stand up to the older women. A small smirk pulls at her lips as she watches her sister and the all knowing witch stumble back, jaws slack as they stare at you. She felt relief, hoping that this would be the beginning of the end of this entire situation. The blonde desperately wanted everything to progress and settle down, the tension was too much for her to deal with. 
“I’m going to go be with them while they wake up. I’m sorry for yelling and interrupting but I just need you guys to understand where I stand. This entire thing, whatever it is, is affecting us too. I’m not sure exactly what is going on with you two, but I’m not stupid. I will see you guys later.” You have to force yourself to immediately stand, storming out of the room before you looked into their eyes.
The white widow watches as you walk out of the room, chuckling silently before turning to see the other two struggling to mask their emotions. Wanda seemed to just be angry, eyes wet as she breathed deeply. Flickers of crimson could be seen sparking in the forest of her eyes, her nose twitching as she struggles to control herself. Natasha on the other hand almost drains of all humanity, her face pale and her eyes dim. It’s almost like the words and the venomous tone strikes her directly in the heart and she was losing all ability to live. The youngest wants to say something but she isn’t sure it would help, so instead she just shrugs sympathetically and follows you.
The gentle beeping is soothing as you stare out the window. Having spent the past few days in this room, you had your favorite spot and you knew the best times to see the best views. 
“You don’t have to hang out with me every day, you know.” Kate’s sleep filled voice catches your attention immediately. She’s pushing herself to sit up, rubbing at her eyes. She looks so young in the hospital gown, and it makes you aggressively protective over her. 
Sitting in the spot where she’s patting at, you take her hand when she reaches out for you. Kissing her cheek softly, you make sure to not move too quickly as you watch her reactions carefully. “Silly girl, I’ll always be at your side.” 
Her head falls back, an exasperated huff leaving her lips as she stares up at the ceiling. Flopping her arm, IV rattling about awkwardly, as she grunts annoyed. “I’m just here for one more day. Stark feels horrible and I think he’s just overeating at this point. Having the nurses keep us in this prison longer than necessary.” 
“I agree with him, I think you should stay here until your body is allll better.” You lean in giving her a gentle kiss on different parts of her face, scratches and stitches. 
Kate hums, a content sound as she lets her eyes slip closed. Basking in the love you give her, she tries her hardest to ignore the faces that she sees with her eyes shut. 
Reaching up, you cup her face and use your thumbs to smooth the worry between her eyebrows. “I’m here Kate, I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” It didn’t take much more for the archer to break down, shoving her face into your palm as sobs shake her body. 
The two of you sit, curled up together now, unsure of how long the brunette cries into your neck. A sound that breaks your heart, but it needs to happen. 
Her voice is broken, scratching at her throat as she forces herself to speak the thoughts screaming inside of her brain. “I froze, in the moment that I needed to be the most brave I froze. Peter was behind me, screaming as his body shut down and I froze mid air. What kind of hero am I if I can’t even save my best friend?” 
“It’s not good, you’re right, but do you really think that he’s going to blame you? It didn’t get close enough but I don’t think you would have let him die.” The girl always begged you to rationalize the thoughts in her head, to help her see the real side of things when she no longer could but it hurt every single time to do it. “Things happen, my love, it doesn’t make you a bad person or a bad hero.” “You say that because you have faith in me, but seeing their faces again and hearing them talk to me like that…It..I felt like a little girl again. I didn’t feel like this trained archer or skilled fighter. I felt like I did whenever they walked into my bedroom.” She’s shoving at you, hands coming up to grip her head and shoving her the heels of her hands into her eyes. It’s almost like she is trying to shove the images out of her mind, but no matter how hard she pushes it never works. 
“Kate—“ You can’t even get a full sentence out, barely even her name, before she’s cutting you off. 
Her eyes are wide, red rimmed and filled with hot angry tears that almost seem painful to stop. “I couldn’t even stop them! I couldn’t even raise a hand to them or beg for them to stop. It almost felt… like a relief. Normalcy almost leaking into my body and I hate myself for it. I don’t even think I cared that it happened again. All the shit I talked about how I was so angry about it, and that I would hit them even kill them now. What good did it do if I just let it happen? I..just let it happen.” Kate deflates in on herself, almost like someone poked a hole and her rage leaked out of her. Staring blankly at the wall, zoning out, the girl just sits there. 
You gulp down your own emotions, a strong urge to puke or burn the entire world down. It isn’t what needs to happen and you know that you need to tread lightly, letting the archer talk as she needs. 
She doesn’t say anything, and when you open your mouth to try and fill the air nothing comes out. Instead you sit there, both of you, the sound of beeping the only thing that could be heard. It wasn’t awkward, or tense, but it made you want to cry either way. Her heavy head falling onto your shoulder, comforts the both of you, as thoughts fill the air. 
“I want to forget it or at least act like it didn’t happen.” Her voice is small, hesitant and a little strained as she tries to understand her own emotions. 
You immediately want to shut it down, knowing that she’s just going to internalize this again and it will ruin her mind. Trying to be gentle about your worries, you rub your thumb over her covered arm and try to look into her eyes. “Kate..is that really the best thing?” 
She refuses to meet your gaze, shrugging a bit helplessly. “No. I know it isn’t but that’s the issue. It’s not the best thing, but it’s the thing that will get me to survive this. I don’t want to break right now. I don’t ever want to break but I think my mind needs a minute to deal with everything by itself. I need a minute to not let this ruin everything. The world is bigger than those two, especially now.” 
Your heart stutters, dropping into your stomach. Nothing you did that day you regret, and you’re actually deep down proud of what you did to them, but taking lives isn’t something you ever thought you would have done. You did what you needed to, and you know that if you hadn’t that Peter would be dead right now. You aren’t sure what all would have happened to your girlfriend, but you didn’t want to think about that right now. Nodding, you leave a gentle kiss on her forehead. 
Her ocean eyes, filled with violent whirlpools and crashing waves, finally meet yours. “Please, just do this for me. Just for now. I’ll think about it, work on it, when everything feels less crumbly.” 
Finally you force a smile, cringing internally when she gives you a look. “Okay. I promise. Once everything else feels less crumbly, then we will work on this. We will work at your pace and I will make sure that everyone else does, as long as you can promise the same for me.” 
You see her go to argue that, but immediately snaps her jaw closed. Kate sighs and just nods her head slowly, “Fine we both agree.” A beat of silence before she’s pushing herself up. “Can..we talk about the other thing, so that we can think of something else. Something that maybe we can fix.” After you give her a look to continue she shakes her body as she tries to get her thoughts into order. 
The archer is glaring at the white blankets, rolling the scratchy plastic band around her wrist. “First…I don’t want to tell them what happened exactly. Natasha already reacted badly to the first time, I don’t want to cause anything else to happen like that. I don’t want to break the dynamic any more.” 
“Baby, I don’t think that is on you or your story. I think something else is going on, with both of them.” She gives you a curious look, but it just leaves you shrugging. “Honestly, I’m not sure. They haven’t told me anything either and it’s getting really frustrating.” 
“So, how do we fix it?” Kate’s voice is small and it makes you practically growl, annoyance and anger building in your body. 
“I’ll deal with it. I think I know how to get them to break.” She looks at you, wanting to complain that she doesn’t want you to do it alone but the look of determination on your face is a sign that you weren’t going to back down. 
“We can’t keep fighting.” The two were sitting across from each other, staring one another down as they met up to try and figure out how to fix the situation that they found themselves in. Natasha was unable to mask her anxiety, almost immediately trying to talk her partner out of fighting. 
A sharp nod, and a slightly sarcastic eye roll, confirms Wanda’s agreement. “Finally something we agree on.”  
The ginger is so frantic that she doesn’t even call the younger girl out on her attitude. “I’ve never seen her like that. Ever. Not even when we were leaving.” 
“Can we stop talking around what we need to do, please Natialia. It’s exhausting and at this point we’re both on the verge of losing everything. It’s been days, we can’t keep pushing everything off. Not everything is going to wait until you’re ready.” The Sokovian pinches her nose, trying to fight off the pending headache as she thinks about the next fight that she would endure. 
Sneering, Nat barely jabs back before deciding that it isn’t worth it right now to continue. “Sorry, your majesty. What exactly is it that you think we need to do? At this point I think we’ve gone past casually talking about it, haven’t we?” 
It’s almost like Wanda gives up, hands flopping uselessly to her sides as she just pleadingly looks at the other woman. “Why are you so angry? What about this entire thing is making you angry? Hmm? I just wanted you to let Kate in, that’s it. She opened up to us for the first time and you shut down. I understand you were scared of your reaction but Nat… you just have to deal with that.” 
“I’m angry at those guys. I’m angry at the fact that for four years that giggly silly girl was crushed every single day, her innocence and happiness ripped away from her like it was nothing. I’m angry because..I broke my own rules and now I have to deal with the aftermath.” The widow is gaping at Wanda as if she’s surprised she isn’t reacting this way. She doesn’t really understand how someone can act so calmly when it comes to the situation. 
The brunette pushes the subject just a bit more, nervous that the more she broaches the topic the faster the other one will shut down. “You don’t know it’ll turn out badly. Why are you thinking negatively? It’s just causing more issues.” 
“Are you not? If you didn’t have a bad feeling about everything, then why are you still hiding? When are you going to tell your precious detka how you truly feel?” Natasha laughs, a mocking sassy sound as she lets her eyes slip closed. She knew that Wanda was terrified but she was tired of being told that she was the only one scared of the outcome. 
“What does that mean?” Your quiet voice breaks the quiet sounds of the ginger’s laugh dying out, and it causes the two to spin around to look at you with doe eyed looks. 
“Oh, Makyshka. When did you get here?” The two share a panicked look, a dash of shame and guilt. 
Rubbing at your arms, you try to recoil into yourself as you realize that you were being impolite by listening to a conversation that you know was not meant for you. “I heard Daddy yelling, I’m sorry for eavesdropping but I just.. Please tell me what’s going on.”  
“Девочка, please..” Natasha tries to plead with you, but you’re past listening and being a quiet thing. 
You know she’s shocked when you interrupt her, but you have to keep your confidence and push on. “No, you guys always say that you’ll tell me when you’re ready but I’m ready. Doesn’t that matter? It’s been months like this. Months of tense situations that I don’t know how to defuse.” You know that you’re being unfair as you stare at them with your best pleading eyes, your body almost bending in on itself as you can feel the urge to kneel for them; your posture training pushing you into the best place to beg for something. 
Wanda speaks up, trying to ease your tension and your anxiety. She knew that it was getting frustrating, and that with everything going on you have been getting more impatient than ever. “Of course it matters Little One, we’re just trying to figure out our thoughts and feelings. We just want to be able to come to you when it’s all figured out.” 
“No. Okay. No. Delta, Red.” The two words feel foreign falling from your lips, something that you never took lightly. You knew that the two of them hadn’t heard you hard safe word in years, the three of you truly melding together so well that slowing down and having amazing aftercare helped any situation that any of you felt unsure about.  
The two freeze, the words sinking in as they stare at you. You haven’t used your safe word recently, especially not in a situation like this. This isn’t the normal break in conversation, but instead it’s tense and it’s almost like you paused a movie right at the climax. 
You’re shaking your head, jaw tense as you try to gather your emotions. This isn’t something you think you should go into irrationally, but it’s hard to keep control of everything when you don’t even know what you’re trying to control. “I can’t keep doing this on your schedule. Okay? This isn’t something that can just take a year or more. It’s tearing us apart and I can’t be the one that saves us, so talk. Talk or I’m walking out of here because I can’t handle this, and for once it’s going to be me who needs that break.” 
The silence screams out between the three of them, and you can feel your heart start racing. You never actually wanted to walk out, never wanted to take a break but you would if you had to. The stress of this situation, becoming the keeper of the dynamic, was all too much for you and you needed a solution. Leaving wasn’t your first choice but it was an option, and you would take it if you had to. 
It’s Natasha who speaks up, finally breaking the silence after what seems like an hour. You can tell she’s hesitant, and trying to prompt the witch into saying something but you no longer cared to be patient. “It’s complicated, detka, and we don’t want to say anything that we would regret. The situation can be really sensitive if we do things too early, or put things into existence that maybe we don’t actually feel. We just want to understand the things going on in our head before we start putting id–” 
“I love you Мой красивый ангел.” 
You freeze, watching the ginger’s eyes widen before both of you slowly turn to Wanda. The witch is staring determinedly at the floor, tugging at a stray string on the blanket. Her emerald eyes are distant, almost foggy as she avoids the two of you. It’s the first time that you’ve seen her like this, even the day that she left for her mission she wasn’t this nervous. It was more sad, and maybe a little panic the night before but nothing like this. 
Natasha gulps and for the first time in years the older widow sees the eighteen year old that sat in the back of the quinjet after the fight in Sokovia. The widow remembers it distinctly, watching the young girl protectively sit next to her brother’s body the entire flight to America. Steve had wanted to at the very least put him below deck so that she didn’t have to stare at him, unconcerned about anyone but Wanda’s feelings, but the young girl had growled out a sob every time anyone else even got close to him. 
It had been years since the witch showed such vulnerability, the mask she came to love left her stoic and in charge. She had felt lost and completely spiraling after her brother’s passing, and she had vowed to never be that again. While it was a fight for a bit, Wanda had quickly mastered that and no one ever saw her truly and transparently real. 
“I..I know you do..you always tell me th–” You were cut up, but it was probably for the better. The ability to form sentences was hard as your brain began to short circuit, really not understanding what was going on.  
Wanda sighs, fingers wiggling before she forms a fist. She’s trying to dig her nails into her palm, to calm herself as she prepares for rejection. “No, I love you. I’m in love with you. I think I have been for a really long time now and just ignored it because that’s not what you needed from me. It isn’t even what you need from me now, but after a year away from you my ability to hide it got worse. I know that you are with Kate, and I know that you two are dating but I just don’t think I can hide it effectively from you anymore. I don’t want this to change anything but if you’re not comfortable with this anymore then we can deal with that, find a solution even if that means me leaving.” 
Nodding, you take your time to absorb the information you just learned. It wasn’t something that necessarily surprised you. You had always dreamed of this day, a thing that you always thought was just slightly out of reach. The idea of someone like Wanda being in love with you was insane to you, this all powerful witch wanting to love a struggling college student. Unsure of what to say, you decide against saying anything. Instead you walk over to her on shaky legs, vision blurry and reach out to her. Taking her hand you lay it against your ribcage, the mark blazing beneath her touch. Uncertain forest eyes raise to meet yours, and your heart cracks a bit at the tears building. The bright red rim almost like a dam wall, refusing to break and let the flood of tears flow. 
What you don’t see is Natasha, awkward at her core, looking away so she doesn’t intrude. She lets her gaze settle on a few bunnies outside, playing before a flash of dark purple catches in her peripheral vision. There in the doorway stands a frozen, wide eyed Kate in a baggy sweat suit and bandages all over. A small twitch of the widow’s finger and the archer is silently crossing the room, just barely interrupting the scene in front of her before settling next to the ginger. 
It takes a moment, even after the archer enters the room, for the two of you to finally break apart. Your eyes immediately search for the only deep water that you find solace in, a fleeting moment between you all you need to comfortably dig yourself into Wanda’s side. Stretching out to get comfy, your feet end up in Kate’s lap and it almost feels like once again you are the bridge but it doesn’t feel horrible for the moment. 
The four of you sit in silence, all of you thinking and looking around avoiding gazes. It’s a beautiful day, a light snow is coming down even though it’s well into spring at this point. Irony in the weather matches the feeling inside the room. 
Kate is squirming as she finally breaks the silence, awkwardly spilling out her words quickly. “I’m sorry that I had to be saved last week. I shouldn’t have frozen like that. I could have taken them both out without any help, and I shouldn’t have gotten so cocky and vengeful.” 
The archer’s apology hangs in the air for a moment, an unspoken conversation happening between the older women before Wanda steps up and tries to calm the younger Avenger’s fears. “Malý kríženec, that wasn’t your fault. We’ve all had moments like that. I know it isn’t something that you want to hear, but as heroes we are in theory going to lose many more times than others. It’s about how we get back up and put ourselves back into the game.” 
Stubborn as usual, you watch your girlfriend shake her head aggressively. Refusing to believe it wasn’t her fault, she tries to argue the perfectly logical answer. “I caused issues and I know that, especially when I called Yelena. I don’t even know why I called her and I definitely didn’t know that she was going to go get back up, but it wasn’t my intention. I just panicked and I didn’t want to bother anyone, and she had told me she wasn’t doing anything. I think I just barely mumbled her name and the suit just took it upon itself to call her. I didn’t want her to bring anyone else, I promise.” 
You have to finally sit up a little, interrupting her anxiety filled ramble. “Once again, I can handle myself. I think I did just fine.” You know they mean the best, but you need them to realize that you can fight and do what is needed when you are called upon. 
Feeling Wanda physically sigh, before she’s tilting your head up to look at her. She has a forced smile on her face and you know that she’s trying to reign in her own emotions. “You did, but you’re our precious little thing and while we know you can tough it out with the best of us…we don’t want you to have to. “ The witch slowly moves your head to nod, a knowing look as she watches puff out your cheeks defiantly. 
The clock ticking, as the four of you go quiet grates your nerves but you know that there is something else going on. You aren’t sure what but you know that the tension between Wanda and Natasha still isn’t gone. 
“Can I ask…what I interrupted?” Your girlfriend’s voice is small, wary of overstepping. 
You look at Wanda, letting her decide when she would tell Kate. She’s not even looking at you though, glaring at a light’s reflection on the ground. It’s almost like you can see each brick of the wall the brunette is building, a protective barrier as she attempts to guard herself from the inevitable. 
It’s Natasha clearing her throat that makes the witch’s head snap up, glaring at the redhead. The assassin raises her eyebrow, a challenge between the two. You are looking out the window naively at the point, having grown bored of the silence. 
“This isn’t something that I want to cause any changes between us, and at the end of the day nothing has to happen.” Everyone’s eyes shift to look at the witch, but hers are shut as she keeps her head down. “I know that technically we opened our dynamic to you, not the other way around, and that it doesn’t mean you are open to anything else. I just…” 
You can almost see the chaos sparking off of her as she starts panicking, and you can see Kate sit up straighter. It’s the first time in a very long time that she’s starting to lose control, and you know that you have to do something, to settle the emotions within her. It’s simple, your hand on hers, but effective as her muscles start to relax. Everyone else in the room almost breathes a sigh of relief but not you, breath stuck in your throat as you wait for the witch to say what she needed to in front of the archer. 
It takes a few minutes for her to start speaking again, but when she does it’s rushed and the accent that she works so hard to conceal comes back in full force. “I love hračka. It isn’t the normal love that I think everyone always thought I had for them, but I’m in love with them. I know your relationship isn’t technically open, and I’m sorry that this is a thing that is even happening. I know that I broke multiple boundaries and at this point it is completely up to you two what you want.” 
Finally Wanda looks up, eye flickering between the two of you but ultimately lands on Kate. The archer almost zones out, a blank look on her face before she starts laughing. It’s light and it makes you roll your eyes, the girl can only stay serious for so long. “Wanda, I know.” 
The look of bewilderment on the witch’s face makes the rest of you break out in laughter as well, she’s stuttering and just speechless. “Look, you can’t look at someone like you look at them and not be in love with them.” Kate finally stops laughing, a soft smile on her face as she reaches out to poke playfully at the witch. “I for a long time would watch the way you talk to her, and look at her and think you were absolutely nuts for not falling in love. I thought it was absolutely insane that you hadn’t tried to become something more because I could tell almost from the beginning that you felt more than just ownership over them. When you look at them, I see what I feel and I knew that that could be dangerous. I knew that maybe when you figured out your feelings that it could mean the downfall of our relationship, but I don’t think that it has to.” 
The two of them stare at each as the younger brunette’s voice dies out. You aren’t sure what the two are waiting for, and for once you aren’t sure how to help. Thankfully Wanda breaks the silence quickly, a soft smile on her face as she reaches out to cup the archer’s cheek. 
Her thumb is rubbing along the blush that has made its way to her cheeks, “I want you to take some time kríženec. Now that I’ve said it, mull over it. Think about it, both of you. Talk about it, and see where you both would be comfortable. We’ll go from there okay?” She waits for both of you to nod before she settles back into her seat again. 
Blinking and watching as Kate giggles to herself a little, you finally bring up the next topic. “Is…that all you guys wanted to talk about?” You can’t help the apprehension in your voice, noticing how tense Nat is in the corner. 
A pointed cough shakes you as Wanda glares at the ginger, who just sighs and deverts her eyes. “Kate, I want to talk about everything.” 
“...Everything?” The young brunette has wide eyes, her mouth slightly hanging open as she just stares at the older woman. 
Natasha nods slowly, trying to roll her shoulders and prepare herself for everything that she needs to say. “I’ve been..dancing around this for months and I know that it’s caused a lot of issues but I want to say that it had nothing to do with you.”
Wanda can’t help the scoff that leaves her mouth, a fleeting interruption. “Okay.” 
Deciding to ignore the jab, the widow carries on. “I get it, that’s something a lot of people say and don’t mean but I mean it. I’ve been struggling a lot with my own emotions far before you were brave enough and strong enough to open up to Wanda and myself. I took that frustration out on you and that wasn’t fair. Seeing a weakness I thought that it was an easy way out, and honestly it might be one of the worst things I’ve ever done in my life.” 
You can already see the tears building up in the ocean eyes from where you are curled up, muscles tensing as you prepare yourself to comfort her. 
“I was mad. Mad that someone could get away with that with no real punishment. I was mad that someone touched you like that and I couldn’t do anything about it. I even tried but I knew that it wasn’t something I had the right to do without you telling me that you wanted me to, so I stopped. I just think I was so focused on the anger side that I forgot that there were other things that mattered.” Her hand halfway raises, almost reaching out to touch the archer before it falls back into her lap. “I let the easiest of emotions run rampant and then I tried to fix it with ridiculous Christmas gifts. That honestly was one of the worst things I’ve done, treating you like a little kid who doesn’t understand what I was doing or someone that could be swayed with shiny new things. I know you’re more than that. You mean more than that to me.” 
Kate’s breath hitches, warmth running through her as the person that she’s been the most afraid of for the past few months finally comes to light. She had begun to truly believe that she had messed everything up, and made the ginger disgusted with her. 
“I just want to apologize. I’m sorry. I know that those words mean nothing at the end of the day, but I will work on it. I will do whatever it takes for you to build that trust and belief in me again.” 
It almost feels weird as you watch the two talk this way. While they were always together for training, both in the dynamic and for the Avengers, this was different. Emotions were always a different type of feeling when scenes and headspaces were talked about, or even when you were just spending time getting to know each other. The way they were right now felt intense, but almost like it was missing something. 
The ginger is quick to clarify everything, her words are rushed and you’re surprised that she hasn’t switched languages yet. “I’m not asking for your forgiveness, but I will work for it. I will show you everything I have, and everything I bring for you, only then will I accept you saying that I deserve for you to accept my apology.” 
Kate is opening and closing her mouth, a slow but steady stream of tears running down her face. She’s laughing at herself, rolling her eyes at her inability to speak. You can see her frustration and anger at herself, the girl never liking when her emotions controlled her entire body. She hated losing control, a thing that only happened in a safe space. 
“You don’t have to talk, дворняга.” Wanda’s voice makes the archer’s head snap over to her. “If you aren’t ready to talk yet, that’s okay. It’s all about your own timing.” The older brunette’s words calm your girlfriend down almost immediately, and you can see her start to relax in her spot. 
Natasha’s head is nodding furiously, agreeing with the witch. “Yes, please take your time. I took mine and I shouldn’t have. You more than deserve to take as much time as you need to figure out everything, and even more to decide if you want to forgive me.” 
The CEO slowly nods her head, pulling her legs up onto her seat so that she can comfortably sit. Her silence effectively ends the conversation, and slowly over the next few hours the four of you go your separate ways. It’s soft and has the illusion of normal, as you kiss each other goodbye mumbling out what time you would be home and where you were going. Responsibilities never end, even as your world was working to build itself back up, and that was something that may have just actually saved the four of you more than you would realize. 
Wanda pulls away, a concerned look on her face but Kate just shakes her head and pulls her back. There’s no pleading, and no power, just a kiss to confirm that the younger girl wants this. It’s been a little bit since the four of you were together as a full group, and you knew that the archer had been working back up to this. Personally you thought it was too soon, the same concern echoed the first time she had begged you to touch her just days after everything, barely three months after everything but she just wanted to feel something else. You couldn’t fight her, wanting her to have anything that would help her feel comfortable and safe; anything to quiet the screaming voices in her head. 
Sitting between Natasha’s legs as you watch, your body leaning fully on hers as her mouth works against your neck. You are more worried about Kate though, eyes glued to her form watching for any sign of discomfort. “Toy, she came to us. If she wants this, and she did pass all three of our tests then maybe it’s time to let her do what she wants? The doctors medically cleared her.” The ginger’s voice is soft, spoken against the back of your neck. 
You want to agree, want to let your mind go blank and listen to her as you always do but you can’t. Unknown knowledge lingers in your mind and it skews your opinion drastically, but you nod anyway. 
The archer is kneeling, a thing that takes you by surprise for a moment, but a soft smile pulls at your lips when you see Wanda slip to her knees in front of her. You can’t quite hear what she says as she leans her forehead against the younger girl’s, waiting until she physically nods to let her magic wrap around her throat. A bright scarlet collar appearing as the mist fades out, a gold accented leash dangling from the D-Ring.  
Sharp nails scratching down your torso pull your attention back to the ginger, a faint stinging pain on your neck where you know her bite mark is prominent. “You ready to play девочка?” Her question is rhetorical at this point as the chaos that your crave engulfs your body and lifts you into the air, it’s moving you around and stripping you. A sense of roughness even in the gentle nature of the day, it’s nice and it’s exactly what you needed to start feeling the fog fill your brain. 
When your knees hit the wooden floor, slight sting makes you flinch, fingers almost immediately tangle in your hair. Pushing you downwards, your face coming to rest against the legs and your ass in the air. Wriggling excitedly, you can’t help but realize what’s happening. It’s a moment that you wished would come, and even with your reservations, this was the best of every scenario you could have thought of. You wait, with bated breath, for permission and when the fingers leave your hair with a sharp snap you rush forward. 
Lips immediately trailing along the legs, forehead affectionately rubbing when you need to breathe. You can hear movement around you, two people prepping and finding different things but all you cared about is how Kate’s quiet whimpers when you kiss along her thighs. Worshiping your girlfriend was always something you wanted to do, spend time just kissing and loving all over her, but even the most cocky of archers struggle with such attention. 
Hands on your hips make you jump, whining as they pull you back a little. You try to push your face forward, get your lips back onto smooth porcelain skin but you’re just out of reach. Natasha shushes you, pulling your body to mold against her. “I know you want to love your little mutt, but you have to pay attention to the rest of us, dove.” 
Grinding back, you happily feel the bulge that you’ve been craving. A tap on your forehead makes you look up, permission to raise your gaze to see Wanda makes your breath catch in your throat. For the first time in five years you see scarlet instead of emerald and it sinks deeply into your soul, a look that you’ll lust after for the rest of your life. “Don’t you want to please Mommy, Little One?” Her voice is so sweet, dripping with honey as the magic swirls around the shining rings on her fingers. It’s mystical and you can’t look away, shaking your head slowly almost as if you were in a daze. 
You can see her sadistic smirk, something that only shows up when she gets exactly what she wants from the trap she plants. Her thumb rubs along your bottom lip, watching as your eyes fog over and unfocus. Just as it did from the very beginning her voice, that name, is all it takes for you to slip under the warm mist in your brain; submerging comfortably knowing that everything will be alright. 
Even as your head slips, emptying quickly under the ministrations of the witch, you hand flails at your side searching. When your fingers hit soft skin, digging into the flexing abs, you begin to calm down knowing that your girlfriend is at your side. Sucking on the thumb pushing past your lips, settles your brain even more and you know the worry that you had is disappearing as well. 
The thing about soft moments like this is that you never really know how to react. Soft sex was common between you and Kate, the latter loving spending time spoiling you and just making sure you knew how much you were cherished. Natasha would sometimes be more gentle with you, but even then she was usually still throwing you around a good bit. Sweet times with Wanda were far and few in between, especially during sex. The witch preferred to take what she wanted, and give regardless of what you wanted. You knew that anytime things got too soft that the Sokovian would take a step back, usually to guide and watch instead but you weren’t sure if you wanted that today. 
You’re being pulled backwards, the burn as your skin is dragged against the waxed wood pulls a pathetic whimper from your throat but no one seems to care. Natasha's arms wrap around you and you’re suddenly up right. Your back against your front, her strap lazily thrusting between your thighs is a tease. Even as the whine tears through your gritted teeth, your blurry vision on your girlfriend. She has Wanda pinned against the wall, the two making out and for the first time it’s almost as though there is no real power difference. 
The two of them are desperately groping at once another, hands trailing along each other’s bodies as Kate’s mouth moves down the witch’s neck. You want to go and touch them, but the ginger’s grip on you keeps you in your spot. “Nuh uh pretty toy, you’re going to stay right here. Cockwarming me and watching your precious puppy fuck your mommy. Is that what you want to see?” 
The way “Puppy” falls from the assassin’s lips makes you whine loudly, the effect immediately as you feel yourself clenching around nothing. The arousal spreads across your body like a wildfire, a burn so quick that it almost is too much. You weren’t quite aware of how wet you were before, more focused on trying to keep the peace and serenity but you were no match for any of your owners. Squirming in Natasha’s hold, you aren’t even sure what you are searching for right now. 
Shushing you, the older woman pulls you back to fall into her lap, letting you mindlessly grind on her strap as she watches the other two. “Whenever you’re ready detka, you have all the power right now. Your Mommy is waiting for you to be filled until she tells the mutt to fuck her.” Her voice is soft, almost mumbled against your throat as she marks you even more. 
Your eyes are glued to the way Kate’s hand moves between the witch’s thigh, her teeth sinking into her collarbone over and over again. Even if it looks like the archer is in control you can see the way Wanda moves with her, directing her where she wants her. The rings tangled in the raven hair dragging her head across her own body, tightening whenever she bites too hard. The scene in front of you is intoxicating and you almost feel delirious as you finally start sinking down on the strap being pushed into you, a high pitched whine clawing its way there your teeth. 
The witch opens her eyes, the forest encased in night time as she watches your body stretch to take the ginger’s strap. Nodding she shoves Kate off of her, coming to kneel on the bed in front of you. She smiles, entirely too sweet, as she comes close to you. “Look at you, sweet little toy, all stretched out on your Daddy’s cock. I bet you feel so full right now, so wet dripping around her.” She barely makes a clicking sound, a quick indication to the young Avenger behind her. “Are you ready for your show, little one?” She barely waits for you to nod, the feeling of the archer rubbing her strap through her wet folds too enticing. 
You’re all too distracted, watching Wanda’s lips move as she speaks to you. You want nothing more than to kiss her, but your eyes go wide when her mouth drops open. A breathy moan tumbling from her o shaped mouth, and your mind catches up when you see Kate thrusting behind her. Struggling in Natasha’s lap, you want to push forward and kiss her but the ginger tightens her hold on you. “Nuh uh, you get to sit there and leak all over my strap while your Mommy gets fucked. Isn’t she so pretty, why don’t you open those legs a little bit and give her something to look at while your Mutt does all the work?” 
The way your mind swims should be enough for you to realize that you were too far gone to remember any of this later, but you were practically praying to any deity that would listen to let you dream about it every night. Watching how the archer ruts into the witch is making you drool, the coil in your stomach starts tightening each time you subconsciously clench around the strap stuffed inside you. Natasha is forcing your legs open, rose flush rushing up your neck at how exposed you are. 
Wanda’s voice is strong, though it cracks with each rough thrust from Kate. “Look at your pretty little cunt, all puffy and stretched around your Daddy’s cock.” Even as her eyes start to roll, a detail that Natasha takes note of irritably, the witch exudes haughtiness. A trait that you derisively find sexy, something that on most people you hate. 
Her moans are getting louder and with a shaky hand Wanda reaches out to you, swiping her thumb over your neglected clit she chuckles at how your hips jump. Dipping her finger into the wetness coating your thigh, she sucks it into her mouth and dramatically moans. It shouldn’t make you whine, but you can’t help yourself. You want to be the one who is sucking on her fingers, but when she reaches down to tilt your head up you wiggle excitedly. Wanda’s lips barely graze yours when her forehead falls forward, bonking into yours as her body tenses. 
Kate’s giggles, a sound too high pitched and almost innocent, as she watches the witch tighten around her and her wetness gush. She’s made the older brunette cum before but this, this way has given her so much confidence and she can watch as her entire back arches. 
By the time the archer pulls out of Wanda, scrambling to clean up so that she can continue, you’re squirming and begging Natasha to touch you. The ginger is almost bored, scrolling through her phone as Wanda pulls herself up to sit against the headboard of the bed. She’s slipping her legs open, a smirk tugging at her lips when she sees she’s caught your attention again. “I know you want to taste, little one, but you haven’t earned it yet.” 
Kate comes into your view, blocking where the witch is, but your mouth drops open instinctively as her strap slaps against your cheek. She hums and lets you suck on it as you want, “You’re so pretty baby, filled and still so desperate for cock. Maybe you should beg your Daddy to make you cum, think you can do that?” 
Her voice is so sweet, and light, a taunting tone following up and making you nod as you stare up at her. Tangling her fingers in your hair, pushing you forward just enough for you to gag before letting you go. “Cmon chew toy, I don’t hear you asking for anything.” The more she slowly thrusts into your mouth, the more the muffled begging gets lost and it makes all three of them laugh at you. 
Taking pity on you, Natasha drops her phone and finally grips your hips with both hands. Starting to move you, bouncing slowly, the ginger meets each movement with a small snap of her own hips. Already struggling to move, she rolls her eyes knowing that you were entirely too worked up for teasing or edging. “You know, I thought this was going to be a nice long little session toy but you’re already tight and dripping all over me. Making such a big mess for someone who wants to be used all night long.” 
Your pathetic whining just makes both the assassin and the archer snort at you, and you’re trying to shake your head. You don’t want to cum so quickly, the coil in your stomach is tight and the arousal is overloading your brain. This wasn’t what you were trained for, you could handle teasing and could go for hours. Your brain is too foggy and you just mumble around the strap fucking your throat, eyes fluttering shut as you try to ward off the orgasm that is rapidly being shoved your way. 
Each time the ginger snaps her hips into yours, you can feel yourself being pushed closer and closer to the edge but it isn’t her movements that make you lose control. Years of training and practice have caused you to be prideful in how well you could take whatever the two oldest women give you, but when Kate pulls out of your mouth to kneel in front of you something changes. The butterflies in your stomach start flying, fluttering around, as she reaches to wrap her hand around your throat. It’s tight and warm, but grounding as she pulls your face forward just enough to kiss you softly. A whispered declaration of love melting against your lips, and that’s all it takes for you to tumble over the edge clumsily; every ounce of control obliterated. 
You’re being laid out on the bed by the time you open your eyes again, the fog in your mind trying to to drag you back under. Wanda leans over you, a gentle smile on her face as she cups your cheek. “Did your puppy’s pretty words get to you, Мой красивый ангел?” She chuckles as she watches you nod, slapping your cheek gently to wake you up. “Stay awake a bit longer, little one. We aren’t quite done with you yet.” She pushes your chin so that you look over to where Natasha is straddling Kate, grinding on her thigh as the archer sucks on her neck. 
Whining you try to get up but scarlet mist wraps around you and drags you back, you settle your body into hers. A comfort that sinks deep into your bones as she wraps her arms around you, her head falling to your shoulder as she watches the two with you. “Our Pup has just too much energy, my toy, we gotta give her some toys to play with huh?” 
Hearing the sentence, something you had wished to hear for over a year now causes your entire body to turn a faint maroon color. It’s dark as it spreads across your torso and Wanda leaves a gentle kiss on your shoulder, a loving smile spreading across her face. Everything isn’t okay in the world, and maybe it never would be, but right now this is what you begged for every single night. It’s different, and it makes your mind swirl more aggressively than you ever felt. “I’m pretty glad you brought her home to us, the best puppy that we could have ever even dreamt of my little one. Thank you.” 
You know the night is nowhere near the end, but watching as the ginger and the archer roll around is something you would pause the entire world for. Giggles as the assassin calms down from her high, you see the two come together. Closing your eyes, you let the warmth of the witch pull you back under your fog. The worries of any issues would be for another day, instead you focus on the happiness of all your favorite people being truly home for the first time.
Shivers rack your body as you curl up in on yourself more, wrapping the blanket tighter around your shoulders. The cold is almost leaking from the window you’re sitting next to, thin glass the only thing separating you and the piles of pillowy snow. It’s almost like winter is staying around just because of everything happening, and it makes you a bit sad. Spring is about new beginnings but the four of you, even now, seem to be dragging your feet. 
“Shouldn’t you be asleep right now, silly girl?” Kate’s hand nudges you as she finishes slipping a hoodie on, her voice soft and sleep filled. 
Even if you weren’t necessarily happy with how she is handling things, you can’t help how your eyes shine when you see her lazy smile. “I could say the same to you, weren’t you just snoring your life away not even ten minutes ago?” Your heart flutters when she rolls her eyes at you, pouting dramatically as she flops down and wraps her arms around you.  
The silence settles on the two of you comfortably, curling around you as you two melt into each other. It’s an easy thing to do with her, get lost in thought when you are in the safety of one another. 
Kate leaves a few kisses on your forehead before letting her own lean gently against your temple, a shaky but almost relieved breath soft against your cheek. “You know, the world seems so big right now.”  
“For such a little pup?” It’s light and teasing, and your heart stutters when you see Kate bashfully turn her head. 
You reach up, gently touching her chin to turn her head back towards you. Before you even get to say something, the archer leans over and steals a quick kiss. “I just…it feels real now? Not trying to say this entire thing felt fake or anything before but something changed tonight.” 
Nodding along, you stay silent; emotion strangling you into submission. A violent storm brews within you, anxiety and fear trying to keep you under water. You hate this shaky feeling, thinking the worst of the worse but you can’t help it. The early morning wasn’t supposed to go like this, not when your girlfriend stumbled out of bed over to you, but instead you can’t help where your brain goes as per usual. The darkness always finds home within you and some days it’s harder to hide it than others, but you almost wish you could always hide it from the archer. She was too perfect, and you wanted to protect her from all the wicked gloom in the world; even if that meant from you. 
Kate sighs, knowing that you’re falling into the hole in your head. Trying to pull you back, explain herself and somehow create a new beginning for everyone. “I know it isn’t going to fix everything, or whatever issues everyone has, but it sort of feels like it’s at least all out on the table. Doesn’t it?” Ocean eyes raise to meet yours, hopeful and it crushes you to not agree. “What…what’s wrong?” 
“Something still feels off, something they aren’t telling us. Maybe it’s me and I’m just overthinking, but for whatever reason I feel like…” You pause, nervous to voice your absurd thoughts but when the archer’s calloused thumb rubs along your shin you take a deep breath. “I’m here for foundation, and glue, but what now? I’m thrilled that my favorite people are at least open to get along, and to learning each other in a better way but what happens when my primary job isn’t needed anymore?” 
You hate how young you sound, barely even being able to put together an intelligent sentence. The women around you could say the biggest words, most professional sounding things even when their anger blinds them but you could barely say your own emotions without feeling like crying. 
The brunette blinks at you, processing your words slowly. Her gaze wanders back out the window as she takes her time to think her next words through. “I never looked at you like the foundation. I may have leaned on you a bit, and maybe even hid behind you during some really emotional moments but I never wanted to put you in a situation like that. If I did, I deeply apologize. I would never want to do that to you, and thinking about it I can see times when I might have pushed how much I leaned on you. Making you become the center of the world, a have all or have none situation was not my intent. I will work on changing that, truly. I want you to know that growing and becoming what you need is all I care about, if that means I’m not what anyone else wants then I’ll learn to live with that.” Even when the girl tries to put her deepest thoughts into a well put together speech, she still somehow rambles and she knows it from the slight rose color making its way up her neck. 
The need to interrupt Kate is strong, guilt as you realize you pushed your insecurities on her. She never really made you feel like that, at least not a distinct moment. These feelings mostly are just in your head, but you’re struggling to breath and all you can do is nod. The thoughts in your head were fear, fear of losing Kate and the relationship you built because of a dynamic that you were the foundation for. 
She reaches up, a sullen sigh falling from her lips when you flinch, but it doesn’t deter her from gently turning your head. The knowing look in her eyes makes your own fill with tears. “I know you’re in your head, baby, but I love you. We’re two different people and we are trying to merge lives, but I will do anything and everything I can to make sure that your time with me isn’t too stressful. I aim to be a place of happiness and warmth for you, a place where you feel at home and safe. I want to be a place for you to rest, not a place for your brain to be overactive and horrible to you. I understand that I can’t prevent everything, nor can I shield you from life but what I can do is choose you every single day. Each moment that I am awake or asleep, busy or lounging, you are the one I pick. Sweet thing, everything about you is all I need and want. I will choose you, and your happiness, over everything. I love you now, then and forever….” 
You know she’s waiting for you to finish what she said, a tradition that started over a year ago, but something stops you. It’s almost like she knew that nothing you actually said out loud was the issue, seeing right past forcing your issues onto her and instead seeing the real fear underneath it all. The last pet name she used is one that you know she only uses in special moments, a thing that strikes deeper into your heart more than anything else. Staring up at her, you can’t even think of a response; at least not one worthy of her speech. This girl has truly changed your life, and you don’t care if your entire life is ruined as long as she is there. You know with her that the two of you will always find a way out of whatever issue you may find yourselves in. 
Tugging her forward, you practically sob into the kiss. Her lips molding against yours, taking over quickly when you can barely focus. It doesn’t last long, when she realizes you’ve fallen into giggling. Kate rolls her eyes good-naturedly, waiting for the inevitable. You wish you weren’t so predictable but your girlfriend doesn’t even flinch when your teeth sink into her shoulder. 
“I love you, pup.” 
“I love you too, brat.”
“Now, then, and forever.” 
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lqtraintracks · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @maesterchill @danpuff-ao3 and @nv-md for the tag! <333
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter is the big one. I've also written some Captive Prince, Locked Tomb, and one Call Me By Your Name fic
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Right Hand Red; Hung Like a Horntail; Slip Into My Lover's Hands; Weeds or Wildflowers (written with the very talented @unmistakablyoatmeal); and check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try. I'm seriously behind. The truth is, I'll never get around to replying to them all. I will someday die with a thousand unanswered comments. But I do try. And I read each and every one and they touch my heart. I'm so very grateful for all the wonderful comments I've received and continue to receive!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof. I hardly ever end things badly. But there was one wee ficlet; lemme go hunt it down. (*plays elevator music*) Ah, here it is: Not-Forever Is Still Forever. It's not MCD or anything. Draco just leaves for Argentina for two years. *shrug emoji* But I like to think I've gotten pretty good at baking some realistic angst into the middle of things, if not writing angty endings. I prefer it that way.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them except for Burning the Ground, which is an open ending. I'll be honest, I don't like the word fluff. I'm never trying to write fluff, which, to me, denotes a level of uncomplicated sweetness. Maybe others define it differently. But I don't think happy endings are necessarily fluffy. I want my happy endings to put tears in your eyes, to move you. I want to evoke different things with different sorts of happiness for different phases of life. RHR's ending is about a feeling of freedom mostly, of getting to face the next part of their lives without dread. Take You Home has a similar vibe but with them a bit older; they've experienced the painful and mundane disappointments you have to weather in this life that have nothing to do with fighting a dark wizard and everything to do with existential questions about who we are, how we go on, what do you do when it doesn't work out, when you've changed and you don't know who you are anymore. I loved ending it with all their friends, at a march for trans rights. Heart Like Neon has an ending that makes *me* the most happy. I modeled it after an episode of Grey's Anatomy where you find out at the end of the ep that two important characters got married. The whole ep, none of their friends know, then at the end they play 'Bones' by Josh Record, and you go back in time by a few weeks and you see it. When I wrote the end of HLN, I had that song playing in my head from the end of the party at the Weasley's, to jumping three months earlier, to Harry and Draco in Paris. That's a pretty goddamned happy ending. It makes me cry. <3 (Also the art that @bluebutter-art made for it makes me bawl happy tears!!!)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I was going to say hardly ever but then I *just* got some last week! LOL. Still, I'm very lucky that it's not even once in a blue moon. That stuff is so arbitrary too. I'm going to quote my good friend @elrhiarhodan: People... they're fuckin nuts. :D
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
LOL yes. A lot of different kinds? I want to try a little of everything as a writer.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No. I mean, I probably have a couple times over the course of my literal decades in some fandom or other, but they're not worth noting.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several, and into multiple languages. I think that's so cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Definitely! In HP I've written with sdk, @the-starryknight and @nv-md, plus I once did a wild round robin with a big group of people. I'm not good at round robins, I've realized. Too much of a control freak.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Drarry, totally. But right up there is Harry/Teddy and Harry/Teddy/Draco. Then Ginny/Pansy, Charlie/Teddy, James Sirius/Albus Severus (with Teddy too sometimes). In CaPri, I love Damen/Laurent, but @linecrosser had totally made me ship when Damen lends Laurent out to Nikandros for a threesome and also Auguste/Laurent. I also hardcore ship my own original characters from my novel. <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't do WiPs really.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oof, this is tough. Pacing? Interpersonal relationships? Smut, for sure. LOL. I think I do well writing things that are transgressive or maybe even filthy with a lot of tenderness and compassion and deep, deep love mixed in. And I think I'm getting really good at making people cry when I want them to. Readers, that is. :D
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Convoluted plots. Can't do them. I wish I could. I can't write a mystery to save my life. I'm also pretty bad at heavy angst. I also wish I could write something nonlinear, but my brain just doesn't work that way.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's interesting that this is a question because it's meaningful to me not because of fic but because of my novel. I have a Spanish-speaking character, fluent in English, but sometimes he says things in Spanish. I'm very VERY lucky that @capiturecs read my novel both as a sensitivity reader for Latinx/Latine/Latino aspects but also to correct my Spanish and make it realistic and conversational! I'll be forever grateful! I also now really REALLY want to learn Spanish! <3
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sorry, I don't share this publicly.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh this is mean. This is cruel. I can't possibly answer this! RHR has got to be in there. Heart Like Neon. Blood and Fire. Phoenix in the Fire. Take You Home. Wonderful Electric (cover me in you). A Pain of Our Choosing. My Name in Your Mouth. Bloom. collarbones like a bow, skin an arrow to the heart. I'll stop there!
Okay, this was fun! I'll tag @corvuscrowned @ruinsplume @floydig @sweet-s0rr0w @lettersbyelise @magpiefngrl @skeptiquewrites and Elr! <3
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bara-izu · 8 months
Do you have any advice for doing comics? Like do you plan them out before hand or let the story develop itself as you go?
I do mostly plan, but sometimes the scene changes as panels are drawn out! Personally i try to keep it loose but with a general idea of a start and finish, like, whats the main thing i want to get across-
This might get long so lemme break this up :D
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My comics usually start with dialogue exchanges or a specific interaction (object or person), which i then branch out from- i try and thumbnail these ideas down asap, just really shitty sketches so i can move chop and change their positions as i see fit~
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Lil behind the scenes of some of my recent ones with their crappy thumbs (which i admit sometimes have more charm then the finished but alas, we roll)
For longer comics i will write a script out eg.
H (awkwardly looking away): Sorry... i just, have a lot on my mind... and well.... in it A (a faked smile, monotone voice): Ha. Ha. funny.
For me, i do try and think about the scenes as if they were storyboards for a film rather than comics... (hence why most of my panels are just uninteresting long boxes) so i use a lot of cinematography approaches to the framing (close ups, establishing shots ect) The other main thing you're then going to want to think about is:
Leaving enough room for speech bubbles (i'm bad at this, but this is why we script beforehand)
Arranging your speech bubbles to lead the reader around your art
The first thing people will look at is the speech bubbles in a panel. While 'leading lines' are a great way to help guide you in the right direction to read, having the bubbles arranged in a way that leads the eye is also useful!
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(this is from my upcoming story 'Be Gay Do Crime', this is however a scrapped version of the prologue which is currently being editted)
Pacing is also incredibly important! And i dont just mean the scene itself- but also the way the dialogue is presented! For example:
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Breaking up the speech bubbles puts pauses between the sentence, spaces out the way a character speaks and gives them a bit more personality. (of course you don't have to break everything up into 2 word boxes, this is just an example)
If there is anything i've missed, let me know- this is the main bits i could think of off the top of my head! i hope it helps!
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starsurface · 4 months
Could you possibly do regressor Johnny Cage (MK1) headcanons please? It’s fine if not!
My favorite!!! :D I absolutely love Johnny Cage!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Johnny Cage Hcs
⭐️ Regress to maybe about 2-7
⭐️ More of a big kid, usually about 5 most times, but after really stressful trips or when he's worked really really hard he'll regress into more of a toddler headspace
⭐️ Lemme just say this:
⭐️ IPAD BABY!!!!
⭐️ Can and Will watch something on it for HOURS.
⭐️ Also a really great distraction if he's small in public
⭐️ ^ Favorite show is Octonauts because he gets to learn about cool ocean animal facts and everyone praises him for all his knowledge (and Octonauts is the BEST show hands down)
⭐️ ^ Pookie over here probably watches Cocomelon too, but you didn't hear that from me 👀
⭐️ Loves to take pictures when hes small!!!
⭐️ Whether its a cute outfit he's wearing, or his absolutely beautiful picture, or what yummy food he's eating
⭐️ ^ If he was a set CG, they'll probably have an entire camera role, ngl
⭐️ Kenshi probably watches him the most, as well as the Earthgang (+ Liu Kang)
⭐️ ^ Maybe even Tomas too 👀 (I'm projecting as a Smokencage shipper >:3 )
⭐️ Isn't exactly open open to sharing his regression?? Or having others babysit him?
⭐️ Was too scared to fully regress around Cris because she didn't always act the best around him and didn't want to get involved with it
⭐️ So he's a bit scared that someone he trusts won't want anything to do with him either
⭐️ If you do get his trust, will absolutely cling to you like a little puppy, all he wants is praise and attention 🥺
⭐️ While his favorite CG is probably Kenshi (and maybe Smoke) I think he'd also adore Kung Lao
⭐️ Mostly because Kung Lao won't tell him no sweets before dinner and that means he gets to break rules and be naughty >:3
⭐️ ^ Whines to whoever will hear about his tummy ache afterwards though, it's all Kung Lao's fault!! >:(
⭐️ Really likes playing dress up!!!!
⭐️ Likes dressing up in whatever nice, fancy clothing he has and doing fashion shows
⭐️ If he has the costumes, he likes pretending to be old characters he's done in the past
⭐️ If anyone is watching him, they'll probably get dragged into dress up too
⭐️ ^ ‘Sides, how could you say no to his big puppy eyes? :(
⭐️ Absolute brat, no if’s or but’s
⭐️ Will establish a rule, and break it two minutes later, most times on purpose
⭐️ Whines and stomps his foot I'd you send him to the naughty step or time out corner but will eventually do so
⭐️ Although do remind him later that your not actually mad at him and you know he's not really naughty
⭐️ No. Not. Ever. Yell. At. This. Man. When. He. Is. Small.
⭐️ He will absolutely NOT take it well
⭐️ If he does break a rule on a bad day, just baby him and he'll be absolute puddy in your arms
⭐️ Just wants to be loved and praised honestly (and a little naughty, but that's only because you give him your entire attention >:3. )
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I made his theme orange, I wanted to do yellow because he's a star but they didn't have it >:/
^ (edit) Actually, changed it to purple because someone gave me the idea and I'm tired of using orange. (Good color, but I gave it to like, 7 other characters :(
Also I'm so sorry my favoritism is showing, his list is so long and I could probably do a pt 2, ngl
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seiyasabi · 2 years
(Someone told me their idea of ‘yandere seemingly gay guy x fem reader who thinks they’re their bestie,’ and I foamed at the mouth. Anon I wanna kiss u on the mouth. 
This is a Yan Vil x Fem Reader story, so proceed w caution!!! Some details may not be canon, so plz don’t yell at me, I’ll throw up. 
TW: !!!noncon/dubcon!!!, !mistaken sexuality!, !reader is like ?? but ur gay and Vil is like ‘lemme show u that I’m not’, Vil is a meangirl as usual, unsafe sex!, need to express that he’s straight!, slight manhandling that is seemingly OOC, kinda dacryphilia, D/S kind of relationship, use of the word master, drugging!, hand on neck action, etc.. 
Please proceed with caution!)
“-So I asked him if the extension was necessary, and he told me that because I was a distraction, he couldn’t get his part of the project completed. Can you believe that??? He’s blaming me for wanting to do the project in the same room, rather than separately, just in case he needed help! How rude!” You puff your cheeks indignantly, painting your nondominant hand a royal purple, matching Vil’s iconic look. 
Vil gives an airy chuckle, he’s currently styling his hair into his normal updo, making sure his braids are even on both sides of his head, “I don’t think he means it in the way you think, darling. I believe he’s insinuating that he finds you… endearing. Perhaps he has a crush on you?” The blond is gritting his teeth at that idea. No one deserves to have you (besides him of course)! This disgusting boy who happens to be your partner needs to be reminded of his place.
Whilst your best friend is brewing in his growing anger, you think about the situation thoughtfully. He may be right, your lab partner may have a crush on you! He wouldn’t be the first to, but he’s quite unkempt. Idia doesn’t practice self care, and that’s a big ick to you, “Hmm, maybe. But, hopefully not! While he may be nice, he’s not my type.”
That catches Vil’s attention. You always say they’re ‘not your type,’ but you have yet to disclose what is! 
“I see,” He joins you at his coffee table that you’re currently sitting at, daintily setting himself down on the seat next to you, “Now, be honest with me; what man- scratch that- boy is your type? I’ve grown curious about who you may fancy.”
You feel your face grow hot, eyes glued to your newly painted nails. You can’t possibly tell him about your crush on his guy best friend! That would be overstepping soooo many boundaries, so you need to think of someone other than Rook! 
“It’s too embarrassing, I don’t want to say,” The slight tremor in your voice catches his attention right away. Who could you possibly be thinking about to make you so flustered? 
“Oh, don’t be shy. I’m your best friend, you can tell me anything,” He drawls, grabbing your hands and inspecting your paint job. You did quite a good job, and he gives a small smirk of approval. 
“Well… you have to promise to not be mad,” He raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow. Who could it possibly be? 
“Darling, as long as you don’t say the name ‘Crowley,’ I promise I won’t be.”
That draws a giggle from your perfect lips, body shaking with laughter. That was certainly unexpected, but what else do you expect from your best friend? He’s quite hilarious when he’s comfortable with you. 
“No, no! I’m not into men like that,” You stick your tongue out at him teasingly, “He’s way too old, he reminds me of a grandpa.” 
He cracks a smile, his dark lipstick contrasting perfectly with his white teeth, “That’s fair, but no changing the subject. Now I’m even more curious as to who you like.” 
You grumble for a few moments, before deciding to be honest, “Well, you know him, first and foremost. He’s blond,” Vil visibly perks up, “He’s funny, quite strange, and takes very good care of himself.” 
You must be talking about him! Though, that strange comment hurts a little bit, he’s willing to look past it if it means he can have you, “I think I know who you’re talking about,” Vil states smugly, a practically dazzling smile on his perfect face, “I’m not mad at all about it, I’m actually quite happy. It must’ve taken a lot out of you to confess like this.” 
Nodding, you give his hands a small squeeze, “I’m so happy you’re not mad! I was so worried you would be!” 
“Not at all,” He releases one of your hands in favour of moving some stray hairs out of your face, “I’m so glad you feel the same.” 
This causes your heart to practically explode in your chest! Rook feels the same?! 
“Really? He feels the same way?” Instead of answering you, Vil presses a perfect kiss print against your cheek, surprising you, “Uhhhh, what?” 
He smiles at you, eyes practically glimmering like the glitter on his eyelids, “Oh, how long I’ve waited for you to confess. I’ve liked you since the day you asked for blending techniques, fairest.” 
Hold on- did Vil think that you like him?! And did he like you back?! Isn’t he gay?! And did he just admit that you’re the fairest of them all?! What the fuck is happening?! 
You shrink back, gulping due to your nerves, “I-I think there’s been some confusion,” His smile noticeably becomes tight, eyes staring into you like a great white’s, “I like Rook… I like him a lot. I should’ve been more specific, I’m sorry. But, I’m also really confused right now.” 
“What could you possibly be confused about?” The way he speaks through gritted teeth scares you, especially with how tight the grip on your hand has become. Is he trying to break your hand? 
“Aren’t you, uhm,” You pause for a second, trying to come up with the right words, but find none, “Aren’t you gay? I-I thought you liked men this entire time!” 
He stares at you for a long moment, before bursting out into uncharacteristically loud laughter. Vil can’t believe it- you thought he was gay? Oh dear, that sure complicated things, “Oh no, I’m most definitely not. Whilst it’s okay to be gay, I am not. I love women,” He leans in close, eyes shining in pure, unadulterated love, “And let there be no mistake; I love you.” 
A nervous sweat breaks out on your skin, as you realise how many boundaries you’d inadvertently pushed, “Wait, hold on; does this mean that you’ve,” Your heart stutters in your chest, “You’ve watched me change and-“ 
“Yes, and I won’t apologise for doing so. You never asked, darling, so you can’t blame a man for watching the love of his life in the nude.” 
This entire situation is too hard for you to handle, “I can’t believe it- you broke my trust! I-I did all of these things under the-“ 
“Ah, ah, ah, that’s not fair. You assumed that I was gay, if anything, I should be the one who’s offended,” His grip somehow becomes tighter, long, perfectly manicured nails digging into your skin, “And on top of that, it turns out you’re foolishly in love with my other best friend.” 
The way his shadow suddenly looms over yours causes you to twitch in mild fear, his voice sounding icy like his stare, “I can’t help that I like him! And how could I not assume?! You never explicitly stated any interest in women, but you are always obsessed over other men’s looks! What was I supposed to think?” 
“Tch, you’re lucky I love you, (First name). If I didn’t, I would post a smear campaign against you online, because of these allegations,” Oh, that was a thinly veiled threat. You’re so close to pissing yourself in fear, it’s not even funny. 
“I-what- are you threatening me?” 
“Not at all, I'm just stating my feelings on the matter,” He smirks, suddenly releasing your hand, in favour of inspecting the nail polish you’re currently using, “Now that that’s out of the way, I’ll finish your dominant hand for you. You know how much I hate sloppily done manicures.” 
Your mouth is wide open, disbelief encasing your entire being, “What?! You-you can’t just-“ 
“Shh,” He silences you with ease, his shark eyes shining in barely concealed delight, “I can just do that, fairest. Who would believe you? Hmm? You’re just a pretty girl against a social media tycoon.” 
Your lip wobbles at his softly spoken, but stabbing words. He’s right, you know he is, but it still doesn’t stop a sinking feeling from forming within your chest. You want to scream, cuss, spit, pull his perfectly done hair from his head… but you can’t. Even when he threatens you, you can’t help but think about the times he was a good friend. Before… all of this, which makes it hurt even more. 
“So, you’re going to be a good girl, and let me finish your manicure. You know I hate it when a beauty regimen is half done,” Without waiting for your response, he carefully unscrews the royal purple nail polish with one hand, and begins to meticulously apply it to your perfectly filed nails. 
You hate to say it, but the blond is amazing when it comes to anything beauty related. 
It’d taken a very long (and tense on your part) hour for your nails to be ‘done,’ leaving Vil to bask in your, understandably, uncomfortable presence. 
The need to leave continues to rise, but you’re unsure how to go about saying goodbye. Normally, you wouldn’t leave until Vil finished his nightly routine, the male gently shooing you under the guise of him needing his ‘beauty sleep.’ 
But, today it was completely different. It was only 6 in the evening, and you were ready to run as far away as you can from his expensive flat. 
Maybe if you left and ghosted him, he’d leave you alone… that’s what you hope, anyway, 
But who are you kidding? The blond would probably make a very public post about you being lovers or something, forcing you to come back into his clutches without the need for physical violence. 
And, if that didn’t work, he’d send Rook to drag you back to him. 
You’re so deep within your own thoughts, that you don’t notice the blond making dinner, much less finishing it, and plating the (healthy meal of choice). He sets the dish in front of you, expecting your usual praise. But, when he notices your glossy eyes staring off into nothing, he snaps his fingers, immediately gaining your attention. 
“(Your name), darling, are you alright? If you continue to day dream, I can’t promise that your food will be fresh when you get to it,” He sets his own plate down at the seat beside you, gracefully sitting down, and placing a napkin on his lap. 
You nod at him, eyes fixating on the food in front of you, “Yeah, I’m good. Just thinking.” 
His sharp eyes are on you in an instant, watching as you fiddle with your utensils. 
“What could you be thinking about in that cute brain of yours?” He (pushes your hair out of your face/pulls your chin in his direction) with two fingers, allowing you to view him with ease. 
“I’m just… in shock. I didn’t realise that you’re not… you know-“ 
Sighing in slight annoyance, Vil stares at you with dull eyes, “When will you drop this?” His sharp words cause you to flinch, not expecting his slightly elevated volume, “I am not a gay man, I am straight. I will always love women romantically, I will never view men in that same regard,” He grabs your hand in a tight grip, “I am also helplessly infatuated with you, and there’s nothing you can do to make me feel otherwise. Now, do you feel assured of my true feelings? I promise that I am not toying with you, and I genuinely want to pursue a relationship with you.” 
You try to pull your hand away, but his grip remains strong. The intensity of his stare is enough to make you avert your eyes, “That's the problem; I don’t want a relationship with you. I no longer trust you-“ 
He releases your hand, in favour of gripping at your thigh. Vil’s nails dig into your flesh and muscle, causing you to yelp in mild pain, your own hand grabbing at his to try to ease his grip, “Eat. Your. Food. I don’t want to hear the hurtful things you’re about to say.” 
When you don’t immediately begin to eat, he gives another squeeze. Glaring, you shove his hand off of you, causing him to scratch your smooth skin, but you don’t care, “I’m not hungry! I want to go home-“ 
Vil stands up suddenly, scaring you. He marches to the fridge, forcing it open, and grabbing a large cup filled with a pink smoothie. Slamming the icebox closed, he rushes at you, face unreadable but eyes flashing with anger. Placing the smoothie in front of you, he crossed his arms, looking at you expectantly. 
“Fine, if you’re not hungry, at least drink this smoothie. It’s filled with vitamins and minerals, along with a potion to make your skin clear and glowy.” 
You look at him, before looking back at the smoothie, “I don’t want it. I just told you; I want to go home. Hell, maybe I’ll go see Rook-“ 
“You will do no such thing,” He hisses, pushing the drink closer to you, “Drink the smoothie, or else I’ll do something you won’t like.” 
You swallow harshly, eyeing the drink. With a shaky hand, you grab the cold glass, before taking a large sip. It’s so sugary, reminding you of the pastries Trey makes. You can’t help but gag at the overabundance of sweetness, setting the glass down on the countertop, and pushing it away from yourself. 
“Great Seven! What did you put in this?” Coughing, you try to clear your throat, eyes watering. 
“Don’t be dramatic- the smoothie is good for you. Drink it all, or else I won’t let you leave.” 
“You can’t keep me here, that’s unlawful imprisonment-“ 
“Shh, just drink,” Without warning, he picks up the smoothie, and practically pours it down your gullet. Liquid splashes down your face, as you try, and fail, to swallow all of its contents. 
You’re somehow able to gulp down the majority of it, causing Vil to let up, effectively letting you breathe. You cough and splutter, leaning over the counter to try to catch your breath. 
“What the fuck, Vil?! I could’ve choked!” You wipe at your mouth and chin, taking in the soiled front of your cute blouse. The pink is sure to stain :// 
He says nothing, just staring down at you, as if he’s waiting for something. 
“Why’re you looking at me like that?! Say something!” He grins at you, showing all of his teeth, causing a feeling of dread to settle deep within your bones, “Did-did you poison me? Oh God, am I going to die?” 
Your body suddenly becomes hot, causing tears to head your eyes in fear. This is how you’re going to die! 
Sobs wrack your body, as Vil all but drags you to your feet, and begins to bring you to his bedroom. Is he going to dismember your body in his en-suite bathroom? Oh no! Oh no! 
Pushing you into his bathroom, he begins to unbutton your blouse, nimble fingers exposing your perfect, bra-clad chest. You try to shove at his hands, but your limbs feel like they’re made of lead. Even standing is a chore, causing you to stumble, falling into Vil’s surprisingly sturdy chest. 
He clicks his tongue at your actions, but says nothing, making the experience all the more terrifying. He’s almost never quiet, which means he’s probably up to something. 
“What’re you- what’re you doing? Why’re you undressing me? Are you going to cut me up?” Your teary eyed look makes his cock throb, you’re just so adorable when you’re reliant upon him. 
“Not at all, I’m simply making it easier for us when you reach the next stage.” 
Fat tears drip down your face and your lip trembles, “Next stage?” 
He nods, the smirk on his face is domineering, crazed, even, “Yes, fairest. I know you don’t believe me when I say I’m… infatuated with you, and what better way to show you, than claiming your pretty pussy?” 
You blanche, body heating up more than before, heart beating almost out of your chest. You don’t want him to, but it seems your body is thinking to you, “What did you do? What was in that?” 
He loves that pleading tone, loves your pitiful reaction, and especially loves the way you tremble against him. Oh, how long he’s waited for this moment! 
“Shh, don’t worry about that. All that matters is that you’ll feel good. Master will make sure of it.” 
Sudden cramping in your abdomen causes you to slump into Vil bonelessly, a small cry leaving your lips. His lithe fingers dance against your hot skin, relishing the way you’re being broken down by the aphrodisiac. 
You once again try to shove at him, but to no avail. You practically sink to your knees in pain, Vil loosely holding your arms as you rest your head against his hip. He’s so tall compared to you, so the only way to rest against him was quite inappropriate. 
“Awe, are you alright, darling? Tell your Master what the problem is.” 
A small sob is all he receives in response, causing a chilling laugh to resound around the room. 
“Poor dear. Here, I’ll help you out of these pesky clothes,” Pulling you up to your feet, Vil begins to undress you. He pulls your top completely off of you, before all but ripping off your trousers. You’re left only in your bra and panties, which you try, and fail, to cover with your hands. The blond coos are your cute display, before he yanks your bra off of your chest, and shucks your panties down your legs. Slick immediately drips down your thighs, now that your panties are no longer holding it in. He used two fingers to swipe at your sensitive pussy, causing you to whine as you soak his hand in your fluids, “Does your cunny feel empty, fairest? Do you need your Master to fill you up?” 
“No! Don’t- don’t touch me there! I don’t want you; I want Rook!” 
Vil practically growls at your words, a sudden and mannish feeling of wrath overcoming him, as he grips your jaw in one hand, squishing your cheeks painfully, and digging his nails into your pretty skin. You whimper, as he starts to drag you to his perfectly made bed. 
“Don’t say that name is my presence ever again, (Your name), I don’t have the patience for your rebellious behaviour. I am the only man who deserves you, and I won’t let him or your incorrect ideals about my sexuality get in the way of that.” 
He shoves you on the bed face first, forcing your ass up into the air, your legs folded underneath you. Vil grabs a pillow from the head of the bed, shoving it under your stomach, making your back arch more than before. He shrugs his expensive robe off of his shoulders, gracefully tossing it onto the bench at the foot of his bed. 
You writhe on the mattress, trying to move out of the position he forced you into, only for a harsh grip around your waist to still your movements. Your tears drip onto the silk duvet, as you sob out in both pain and betrayal, “Stop this insolence, darling. I won’t hurt a single hair on your pretty head, as long as you sit still and look pretty for me.” 
He smoothes a hand over your perky ass, relishing the feeling on his soft hand. He’s waited so, so long for you to fall into his clutches, and now he doesn’t ever want to let you go. 
Moving his gaze down to your dripping cunny, he can’t help but shove two manicured fingers into you. A loud keen echoes throughout the room, causing his cock to jump in his perfectly pressed trousers. Yeah, he should’ve done this the moment he realised his feelings for you. 
He scissors his fingers in and out of you at a steady pace, his thumb rubbing small circles over your throbbing clit. You can’t control your moans, as the pads of his fingers massage your g-spot with vigour. Your fluids drip down his hand, coating his dress shirt’s sleeve in your slick, but he can’t find it within himself to care. 
You’re so out of it, that you begin to ride his fingers, ass bouncing with every rut against his pretty hand. You ground yourself against his finger tips, loving how he plays with your enlarged g-spot, wanting nothing more than to cream all over him. If he’s this good with his hands, your drugged mind can only imagine what he can do with his cock. 
Vil’s in complete awe, relishing the way you’re seemingly giving into him. He should’ve given you an aphrodisiac a long time ago. 
He so desperately wanted to see your face, knowing that a pretty princess like you would be drooling at his fingering skills.  
You teeter so close to the edge, pussy clamping down on his nimble fingers. Your moans and cries grow louder, as he constantly abuses your g-spot, causing your legs to shake and your eyes to roll to the back of your head. Yet, before you can squirt all over him, he pulls back, delivering a harsh smack to your plush ass, “I didn’t say you could cum, fairest. Only good girls are allowed to, and since you didn’t ask, I don’t think that applies to you,” 
Sobbing, you grip the sheets below you, “Please, Vil! I need it! I need to cum so bad!” 
He laughs at your pitiful display, before unbuttoning his dress trousers and pulling out his cock. He’s long and thin, tip flushed a pastel pink. Pre-cum practically drips from his tip, leaving small drops on both his trousers and sheets. He’s not too worried about it, though, you’ll either lick it up later or a maid will clean it. 
“Hmm, I suppose I can allow it. But,” he spreads your pussy open with two fingers, taking in the perfect sight of your puffy, dripping hole, “You can only cum on my cock.” 
When you don’t immediately respond, he pinches your clit between his thumb and forefinger, causing your body to jolt, a scream tumbling from your lips before you can stop it. 
“You will respond when I ask you a question, (Your name). Never ignore your Master,” You nod your head rapidly, more tears dripping down your face. 
“Yes, yes, I’m sorry! Please stop,” He releases you, lightly patting you on the pussy, before lining his cockhead up to your prepaired cunny. 
“Good, darling. Now, let me show you what you do to me,” Without another word, he shoves his prick inside of you, bumping into your cervix harshly. What he didn’t have in girth, he made up for in length. Vil’s eyes practically roll to the back of his head, mouth open, face screwed up in an abnormally imperfect expression, “Fuck,” He swears, which he almost never does, “I knew your pussy would be perfect for me.” 
He bucks into you ungracefully, which would have surprised you, if you weren’t so drugged up. You moan and cry, both loving and hating what he’s doing to your body. Your pussy creams around his cock, coating his cock in a milky white sheen, which the blond male looks at in awe. Using the two fingers that’s holding your cunny open, he releases one part in favour of lightly rubbing your engorged clit. 
Gasping at how you grip down on him, he begins to slam into you at a decent pace. His thrusts lightly rock your body, your face still smooshed into his bed spread. His pretty moans intermingle with yours, as he continues to assault your clit and fuck into you. 
Your juices drip down your thighs and onto his bedspread, cream and slick mixing together for a sinful concoction. Your g-Spot is so enlarged from the drug, that every drag of his cock has you practically convulsing. 
“Vil! Vil!” He gives a breathy laugh at your sweet keening, pressing down a little harder on your pretty clit. 
“Yes, fairest?” He acts coy, pretending to not understand why you’re calling out for him. 
“It’s-it’s too much! I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum! Please let me cum!” Your foggy mind barely recalls his previous orders, filling the blond with pride. 
“Since you asked so nicely,” He leans in close to you, the soft fabric of his blouse feeling wonderful against your heated skin, “Go ahead, darling. Cum all over your Master’s cock.” 
Your body squeezes down on him harsher than before, practically milking him for everything he has. He lets out an unusually mannish grunt, spilling his seed deep inside of you, as you squirt around him. Both of your releases drip down the both of you; your bare thighs covered in delicious cream, whilst Vil’s designer trousers are completely soiled. Yet, Vil wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“What a perfect darling,” He releases your pussy, in favour of wrapping an arm around your bare chest, and flipping you onto your back. Your (hair is a complete mess/drool is leaking out of your mouth), makeup completely smeared all over your face. Though Vil is always one for perfection, he can’t help but think you look better this way, “You did so well for me, (Your name). So well, in fact, I believe you deserve another release.” 
You whimper, body completely boneless underneath him, “Please, please, I need you so bad. I feel so empty, Vil,” Your eyes are still teary, lips still trembling. It causes his cock to twitch. 
He places a kiss to your lips, his lipstick transferring onto you very noticeably, “Call me by the correct name, fairest, and I’ll make sure you can’t move tomorrow.” 
You gulp, mind screaming at you to hold your ground, but you fall victim to the drug burrowing inside of you, “Please, Master, I need you.” 
With a smug grin, Vil forces your thighs open, lining his now erect cock with your cum filled pussy, “I’ll do so, with great pleasure.” 
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kablammo · 17 days
hiii :D
i see that u make flags so...
can u make a dr fizz (inanimate insanity) fictionkin flag?? But with the fictionkin symbol :]
I used the fictionkin flag as a reference. I hope this is what yah wanted.
Tumblr media
if you want me to change anything lemme know :D
feel free to use as long as you credit!
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literaticat · 1 year
Hello. Just wondering what you think of the current "Roald Dahl re-write" controversy.
Hahaha I have a lot of feelings. Some of them you probably won't like? IDK.
First of all, lemme just say, Roald D was an anti-Semitic asshole, a notoriously difficult and bad man, his books are mean-spirited and rankle me, I really don't give a fig about him or his books or his legacy, and I'd never give them to a child.
(I wouldn't stop a child from reading one if they wanted to, either! I wouldn't BAN them! It's fine with me that they EXIST and are readily available for anyone who wants to read them! I just personally would not spend my money to present a child with a copy of one of his books, I think there are better things to read that I'd rather gift.)
So if you were under a rock and you didn't hear this latest "outrage", evidently the Roald Dahl estate + the UK publisher decided to do an update to a bunch of his books removing some of the particularly egregious language around things like minorities, fat people, etc. Some of the coverage of this makes it sound like they removed vast swathes of text, essentially rewriting the books. Which would obviously be insane if true. But it's not true. The changes are, as the estate put it, "small and carefully considered." There might be hundreds in total, but if they are tweaks to words across dozens of books - that's really not very many?
Anyway lots of authors are decrying it as CENSORSHIP!!!!! In my opinion... that is a little dramatic. First of all - censorship would be if they redacted the language without the permission of the rights holder. That is not the case. The rights holder is very much on board here - presumably because they know that the language is old-fashioned at best and OFFENSIVE at worst, and they just signed a many-million dollar contract with Netflix! And I'm sure they would like people to NOT boycott those Netflix projects and continue to buy the books!
It would also be censorship if somebody rounded up all old copies and destroyed them, preventing people from ever experiencing the text as originally published. But that's not happening. There are literally MILLIONS of copies of these books in print. They are SO available we could all build houses out of them. Nobody is taking anything away here.
Additionally -- this happens ALL THE TIME. All! The! Time!!!! Mind you -- MOST books just go out of print and are forgotten. But books that are lucky enough to stay in print for decades are often updated / tweaked to reflect changing cultural mores, etc.
For examples: In the 1930's, Nancy Drew was 16 years old and carried a gun. In the 1950's, they realized that was not going over well anymore, so they changed all her stories to make her 18 with no gun.
In the 1970's, Margaret of ARE YOU THERE GOD fame wore a "sanitary belt" for her period. I read these books in the early 80's and was like "wtf???" -- well, in the late 80s, they changed it to pads.
Oh, and also, in early editions of CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, the Oompa-Loompas were Black pygmies from a tribe in Africa! They changed them to orange fantasy creatures later, because guess what, people were weirded out about it.
While it's true that Roald D himself made/approved that change (presumably because somebody back in the day told him, "yo, you are going to get a LOT of money from Hollywood if you make this change" and he realized it was true) -- he's dead. If he were alive, he'd probably have the same convo, and people would say "yo, Netflix is giving you millions of dollars, apologize for the hatred you spewed and change some words or your deal is toast." -- And he'd have done it, just like he did the first time. Since he's dead, his heirs made that decision. Which they are fully allowed to do.
Most of the time, literary executors of author's estates are trying to do the most lucrative things for that estate; they have a fiduciary responsibility to do so. That being said - if you feel strongly that after your death your books must be frozen in amber and never changed a bit, never sold to Hollywood / adapted for stage or TV or film, never sold into foreign countries where words change in translation all the time -- then let your heirs / executors know that explicitly, they DO NOT have permission to agree to any of this. And the books will likely just go out of print, and sink into oblivion.
ETA: Are these changes really being done because of concern for children's "delicate" brains, or "cancel culture gone mad"? ... OR, is it a somewhat cynical cash-grab to ensure that a multi-million dollar Netflix deal doesn't go down the tubes? Probably the latter!
But also, that isn't censorship. Creators and their estates are allowed to grab cash if it is offered, and can change or not change things as they will. They are the rights holders.
ETA ETA: I also should have mentioned a similar case from a couple years back: In 2021, the Seuss estate elected to *stop* publishing certain titles that contained racial and ethnic stereotypes. (And also - those particular books were among his least popular and they were not losing anything by making that decision, they make a billion dollars off his other books, and actually that news made his books SKYROCKET in sales, but whatever). It would not surprise me AT ALL if this hand-wringing news actually causes a big spike in Dahl sales.
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