#leona thinkin he never see him again
suns-pott · 8 months
Leona and Malleus Mayhem! - Self Aware!Yandere!Leona and Malleus x reader
A short drabble inspired by Yuri and Natsuki's fight in ddlc hehe
You logged in to Twisted Wonderland as usual, deciding to reread Malleus's Ceremonial Robes vignette. Everything was going well until Leona and Malleus's argument as the scene transitioned to Malleus's groovy CG.
Leona: ...You thinkin' you're gonna get it next time? Well, sorry to break it to you, but no one's ever gonna invite you. The player's never gonna want to see you in those robes again, so just put 'em away for good already.
Malleus: ...... Have you finished being catty? Wild beasts certainly like the sound of their own howling. And they like seeing me in these too, you know. They've even added me as their home character in these robes.
That's odd... The dialogue is different. Why are they referring to you as the 'player' now?
Leona: Oh? I didn't realise you were so focused on trying to impress them, lizard.
The scene transitioned back to the Diasomnia lounge; Leona looked smug, and Malleus looked surprised, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
Malleus: Eh? That's not...
Malleus closed his eyes and uncrossed his arms, opening them again to a neutral expression.
Malleus: Maybe you're just jealous that they appreciate my appearance in my ceremonial robes more than they appreciated yours.
Malleus looked smug once again, grinning with a hand placed on his hip. Leona suddenly looked angry, his ears twitching in annoyance.
Leona: Huh?! And how do you know that they didn't appreciate my ceremonial robes more? Are you that full of yourself?
Malleus: ...If I was full of myself, I would deliberately go out of my way to take naps around campus and act abrasive towards everyone!
They both seemed to be getting heated now, Malleus had lost any trace of amusement as he looked angry.
Leona: Tch, well, you know what? I wasn't the one that magically grew 5 centimeters bigger as soon as the player started showing up!
Malleus looked shocked now, the accusation was completely unexpected for him, and for you too.
Malleus: Kingscholar...!
Lilia's sprite suddenly moved into frame, his hands on his hips as he had a neutral expression, clearly wanting to break up the fight.
Lilia: You two, this is-
He was cut off by Malleus and Leona speaking in unison, Lilia's textbox moving forward without you tapping the screen to continue at all. In fact, no attempt to reach the menu or skip past was effective, now you were locked in this interaction.
Leona & Malleus: This doesn't involve you!
Malleus: Taking out your own insecurities on others like this, you really act as young as your age, Kingscholar.
Leona: Me? Look who's talking you wannabe edgy bastard.
The screen glitched, the edges of the screen darkened and tv static played over everything for a moment, before disappearing in an instant, both characters looked absolutely enraged.
Malleus: Edgy? Apologies that my natural charisma is too much for someone of your mental age to comprehend!
Leona: See? Just saying that proves my point! Most people learn to get over themselves once they move on from Freshman year, you know.
Malleus: If you want to prove anything, then stop harassing others with your sickeningly obnoxious attitude! Do you think you can counterbalance your toxic personality just by dressing and acting favorably to the player?
The background was slowly starting to fizzle out as the static returned, the character sprites and the textbox were the only things unobscured.
Leona: Whoa, be careful or you might cut yourself on that edge, Draconia.
Malleus seemed to be much more riled up now, and Leona looked smug once again.
Leona: Oh, my bad, you already do, don't you?
Malleus: D-Did you just accuse me of cutting myself? What the fuck is wrong with your head?!
That's new... None of the characters have cursed in the game before, and now that the vignette has gone off the rails, anything could happen. Your screen continued to glitch, everything around Malleus and Leona was getting fuzzy with more static, only their sprites and the textbox was able to be seen.
Leona: Yeah, go on! Let them hear everything you really think! I'm sure they'll be head over heels for you after this!
Malleus looked surprised again, now seeming to actually acknowledge you now.
Malleus: (Y/N)...? He's just trying to make me look bad...
He now addressed you by name, well the name that you put into the game for the protagonist anyways. His tone was strangely meek, unlike that of his usual character, his formal way of speaking has disappeared, now focused on defending himself to you, until Leona cut in again, also addressing you more directly.
Leona: That's not true! He started it!
The screen glitched again, two boxes appeared in front of the characters, one read 'Malleus' and the other read 'Leona', one on top of the other as you now had a choice to make.
Which will you choose?
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Hello, I'm not sure if you've explained it or not but going in the depths of Malleus and Leona's character relationship? Like explaining their interactions and how they actually think of one another
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Many fan works tend to depict Leona and Malleus as extremely antagonistic toward one another. However, the truth is that their relationship is more like a one sided dislike or annoyance (on Leona’s part). It’s not uncommon for them to bicker or have some tension in their conversations even when they have the same goal in mind such as protecting a harp (Beans Day) or wooing a ghost (although Malleus is not participating for the latter, Leona still insists the ghost would prefer him to Malleus to get that dig in). They’re definitely still on bad terms), but Malleus is generally pretty neutral with Leona unless he is provoked.
Leona’s beef with Malleus is story relevant and makes itself known in book 2. He appears to primarily dislike Malleus because it is thanks to his sheer power that Diasomnia crushes Savanaclaw every inter-dorm tournament, essentially dashing Savanaclaw students’ hopes of being scouted and going pro. Buuut it seems like from the way Leona speaks about his rival, he has long since held these feelings and they aren’t linked to a single inciting incident.
Part of why Leona dislikes Malleus in general seems to be Malleus’s attitude. Leona describes his fellow prince as “pretentious”, “high and mighty”, and acting in ways that show disrespect to him (like in Malleus’s Dorm Uniform vignettes, when he casted a spell meant for objects on Leona). He may also take issue with Malleus’s “incomprehensible fae humor”, which Leona references both during Halloween and in Malleus’s Ceremonial Robes. Additionally, Leona outright states that he hates people who refuse to listen (Silver) and just march to the beat of their own drum (Rook), which are traits you can argue also fits Malleus (since Malleus didn’t really listen to the upset dorm leaders in his Dorm Uniform vignettes). Leona appears to prefer dealing with Malleus to Silver though, as he says that Malleus’s ears aren’t just “for show”. Interestingly, Leona might dislike Malleus less than Rook; Leona is wary of so much as wishing Rook a happy birthday and refuses to dine next to Rook… yet Leona does sit next to Malleus at the end of Terror is Trending.
Leona is one of the few students who isn’t afraid of Malleus and has the gall to openly insult him (or is rude) on more than one occasion. He doesn’t really show any remorse or intent to apologize. In fact, Leona understands very well what bothers Malleus and often acts on those points of weakness to goad him, whereas it is very rare for Malleus to start the fights. For example, Leona tells Malleus in Malleus’s Ceremonial Robes vignettes, “You thinkin’ you’re gonna get it next time? Well, sorry to break it to you, but no one’s ever gonna invite you,” and, “You’re never gonna have a chance to wear those robes, so put’em away for good already.” This, of course, angers Malleus and leads into the two insulting one another’s physical features and exchanging threats (removing horns, declawing, calling each other animals or implying a lack of humanity, etc.). They similarly insult one another in Terror is Trending (again, Leona instigates: “Hmph, look at Mr. High-Horse over here. Were you flattered to be asked [to have your picture taken]?”) and again in Fairy Gala (Leona again: “Ever consider gettin’ off your tail and cleanin’ up your fellow fae’s mess?”). I’m sure there are tons of other instances you could come up with; these are just the immediate ones that come to my mind. Leona is also resentful about the idea of ever asking for Malleus’s help. He’d rather ask anyone else, even Malleus’s second in command, than ask the guy himself. Funnily enough, Lilia and Silver see these heated conversations as proof of Malleus and Leona’s friendship. I feel like this could also, in part, feed into Leona’s dislike of Malleus, as people having the wrong idea about your relationship can be irritating.
Now, Malleus does appear to care about maintaining amicable relations with representatives of other countries. Often it is he who instructs Sebek to apologize to Leona for being rude—two major instances of this occur in Malleus’s Ceremonial Robes vignettes and during Vargas Camp. He even personally (and happily) welcomes Leona to Diasomnia in his Ceremonial Robes vignettes, viewing Leona as no different than any other guest.
This goes into the realm of speculation (so please bear with me!!) but it could be said that Malleus has a very… unique view of friendship? So Lilia and Silver may not be too far off when they say that Leona and Malleus are chums in their own weird way. In Glorious Masquerade, Rollo poses a real threat to Malleus and to his people—yet when Malleus experiences genuine fear for the first time, he seems more excited at the novel feeling rather than cower as a result of it. Following the climax, Malleus still presents the song he had prepared as a gift of good will for NBC. He also proceeds to play with Rollo’s guilt to get him to agree to sharing a dance. And THEN Malleus says he looks forward to being invited again????? These are all quite friendly gestures for someone who put you and all your people in danger, my guy… 😂 So perhaps Malleus just gas a very different way of approaching friendships? Hard to say, but that’s some food for thought!
Leona and Malleus have had moments of amicability, so it’s totally possible for them to get along. This happens primarily in Leona’s Union Jacket vignettes; in them, Malleus gifts the birthday boy an antique book in an ancient language (Leona’s best subject). The two then talk about enjoying the freedom of walking around town without an attendant or some servants trailing after them. Being of a similar social status, they are able to understand one another to some extent.
This is going into another point of speculation, but I wonder if Leona and Malleus recognize their similarities beyond this interview. I certainly have; they’re both arrogant princes that deeply desire what the other prince has, and I feel that their animosity, in part, comes from this realization (whether conscious or unconscious). I certainly get the sense that some of Leona’s hatred of Malleus comes from seeing his own desires manifested in him—of being that coveted prince praised for his power, his people lavishing him with affirmations, a crown… All the things Leona doesn’t have.
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merakiui · 2 years
:OO!!! You got to make a Poll!!!
Okay, here's some funsies I had in my mind when thinkin of the scenario. If thinkin abt the poll carefully, the best bet is too be stuck with either Kalim (who in Leona's words, spoiler for his b'day union, would immediately have search parties looking for him) or Malleus (who could probably teleport you both from that island).
Then again, I guess all of them would have search parties lookin for them in the first place- (Leona being a prince, Vil being a famous star and having Rook, Idia having Ortho). I don't know about Riddle tho. If you're stuck in an island with Riddle, there are good chances you'll be okay.
Lastly, you're not stuck in a stranded island with Azul, the man could easily un-stranded himself if he wishes to. In fact, this all had been a carefully constructed plan of his to have more private time with you and have you lean on him more for "survival" (and maybe kiss kiss fall in love, who knows *wink wink*).
Hehe yessss!!! I was so excited to be able to do it! It's a fun feature!
Kalim and Malleus are definitely good choices to have! Along with search parties, Malleus is also really powerful so he could survive the elements and could just use magic to conjure shelter, food, and anything else the two of you need or want. And Kalim is always so positive, seeing good things in negative situations, so he's also a good choice. He can also create lots of fresh water with his unique magic, so you won't have to wait until it rains to collect safe water. Kalim probably calls it an island vacation, too. He's really just so optimistic!
Rook finds some way to show up to that island. He probably finds you and Vil before the search party does lol. Leona would be so casual about everything. He'll catch a nap in the shade, completely unbothered with the situation. Idia is actually suffering on that island. T_T all of the bright sunlight, the blistering heat, being hungry and thirsty, not having any internet connection... he tries his best to look cool when he's in survivalist mode, but the truth is he's never been in a situation like this before and he's immensely terrified of never being able to play his games or read manga again. Riddle is very no-nonsense, so right away he's going to want to gather materials (wood, food, stones to create a circular fire pit, anything else that might be useful) to prepare for the night. He definitely uses magic to conserve time and energy.
It's funny with Azul because he's a mer, so he could just transform and save the both of you. But I like to think he's so stubborn and self-conscious that he'd rather survive on this island in human form than transform back to his octo-mer form. >_< but survival aside, he finds it a little romantic sitting on the beach and watching the pretty sunset with you. Azul tries to hold your hand and be all suave and charming, and you give him a look that says, are you seriously flirting with me in this situation? ಠ_ಠ
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queensconquest · 4 years
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safaerax said:  It had been some time since he had released Vil back into the ocean, and after hashing it out with his crew he was able to regain control and continue wreaking havoc on the seas. But now they had made port in a familiar place and the captain found himself wading through the water, reaching to his waist as he waited. He figured the chances of seeing him again would be slim, but something drew him there and he had to see if just maybe, he’d see something splash against the horizon. // I had a craving 🥺
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   He’d  know  that  ship  anywhere.  How  could  he  not  ?  He’d  spent  so  long  within  it  ,  had  memorized  it  inside  and  out.  Vil  had  never  expected  to  see  it  again.  Not  with  how  Leona  and  his  crew  traveled.  If  Leona  even  survived.  He’d  seen  many  humans  be  slaughtered  at  each  other’s  hands  over  such  greed.  
   But  he  knew  that  silhouette.  And  that  irritating  audacity  mixed  with  stupidity.  People  didn’t  go  swimming  around  this  area  or  wading  out  into  it.  Either  from  sharks  or  stories  or  anything  of  the  sort.  Maybe  he  should  drown  him  for  his arrogance.  Teach  that  stupid  pirate  a  lesson.
   “  You  have  some  audacity  ,  Leona.  “  Vil  remarks  ,  his  head  raising  up  from  the  water  as  his  scales ,  once  again in  full  color  ,  shone  in  dazzling  colors  to  reflect  the  sun  in  the  ocean’s  shallow  water.  The  siren  swam  around  him  a  couple  times  ,  seeming  to  eye  him  before  settling  in  resting  in front  of  Leona.  “  You’re  back.  “  
   Admittingly  that  was  a  rather  obvious  remark  ,  but  it  was  what  he  had  to  say.  
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lethargical-lily · 2 years
omg i saw the Hua Cheng!Mc post and i know i have to ask— 1st years +dorm leaders with Wei Wuxian!Mc? (if it's too many characters you can just do dorm leaders, i love my demonic chaos gremlin and your writing is just *chef's kiss*)
Dorm Leaders + First Years x Wei Wuxian!Yuu
Fair warning, I’ve never read any of the stuff he’s in even though I really want to😭 Therefore I will be using the WIKI so if I get anything wrong please excuse me
If you took a shot everytime Wei teases someone you’d go blackout
🌹Riddle Rosehearts🌹
They wouldn’t get along immediately
Wei is not one to follow rules, you can probably take a guess as to why that’s a deal breaker for Riddle
It doesn’t mean Wei won’t tease him though
Probably worse than Floyd tbh
He respects Riddle’s strive for “justice” (mainly just staying in line) but he thinks it’s going the wrong direction
He punishes those who care for him just because he follows noticeably idiotic rules which aren’t in place for protection or justice, but are in place due to personal interest
Long way to say Wei doesn’t like them
He’s the first one who races to help Riddle during his overblot though
He believes despite everything Riddle shouldn’t be the one who’s punished because of his past
This is literally canon to the writer therefore it’s canon to me
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Any time Riddle is about to do the Off With Your Head thing and Wei feels like said person doesn’t deserve it, he’ll intentionally be the one to get hit instead
Then Riddle and Wei start scolding each other which turns into a yelling match
But truly Riddle just doesn’t want him to be so self-sacrificing when he doesn’t need to be
It worries him that it will have worse consequences in the future even if it’s what Wei thinks is right
Wei greatly despises Riddle’s mother since she played a great role in Riddle’s suffering as an innocent child
So if he ever sees her it’s on site
Also Riddle will think it’s very cultured of Wei to play the flute, he thinks having artistic experience in general is very important
But then he sees the flute control the dead
Riddle: 😐😑🫥
He’s dealt with too much BS to deal with this
He knows he essentially plays god but he rarely acknowledges it unless need be
It’s not even because he thinks it’s bad, he’s just truly very tired
❤️Ace Trappola❤️
Besties right off the bat
Idk I just know they like to fuck shit up together
You two were probably playing a prank around Halloween time
Part of it involved “raising the dead”
I put it in quotation marks bc Ace thought Wei was exaggerating
Like he would just dress up as a zombie or something
He did not
Ace needs some time to process wtf he just saw
He comes to the conclusion that he needs to know how he did it
Or at least that’s what Ace says, Wei isn’t convinced (I don’t even think it’s possible for Ace to do it)
But Ace is determined nonetheless
He slowly tries to chip away at Wei
Wei is hella stubborn but he can’t lie he finds Ace’s determination endearing so he gives it a shot
It goes how you probably expect
There are undead people everywhere, Riddle is screaming at them, this is the best day of Floyd’s life, Leona’s sleeping etc.
The building is probably on fire and Ace is trying to figure out how to make dead people die again
Wei’s just kind of off in the corner thinkin “….I’m gonna kiss him”
So that’s what happened :D
Ace probably tried to play it off all cool n crap but I’m just saying if a tall, handsome man with dark long hair kissed me I would be blushing all over too
After that even though it’s been confirmed that they both have feelings for each other Ace still acts like he’s in the unrequited love phase by trying to impress Wei whenever he gets the chance
Wei knows what he’s doing and stupidly enough it’s working
I just think they’re both a little stupid with Wei being caretaker stupid and Ace being ‘has to be cartak-ed’ stupid
♠️Deuce Spade♠️
Deuce would be a goody two shoes and be like “We shouldn’t mess with the dead >:(“
Wei: I love you but i did not ask
But yeah I don’t think Deuce likes Wei’s power
He respects its power, but he genuinely doesn’t believe it’s smart to play god
One of the very few times he has the group braincell
He probably turns like mom friend or something and is like “Karma’s gonna come for you smh”
Good thing Wei likes milfs
Wei’s stupidity and audacity to fuck with the laws of nature is attractive to Deuce for some reason or maybe I’m just projecting
Funnily enough, even though he doesn’t think it’s a good idea, whenever there’s severe danger, aka overblots, Deuce is the first one to be like “DO THE THING”
Wei does a shit eating grin and Deuce always knows what he’s about to say
“Oh but I thought KaRmA wOuLd CoMe FoR mE”
Just a very confusing dynamic but one that’s fun to watch
I also think Deuce would simultaneously joke about fighting Wei/saying he “hates him” but anyone who’s genuinely disrespectful towards Wei he would throw hands with
I’m torn between the idea of Wei threateningly standing behind him when Deuce challenges someone to a fight and lightly whispering “Don’t” to the opponent
Or being off to the side sipping tea and being his No. 1 fangirl
Either way, Wei is Deuce’s little meow meow that’s committed war crimes and Deuce is Wei’s himbo
🦁Leona Kingscholar🦁
wei would call him el gato don’t hate i’m just god’s messenger
To be fully honest with you
Wei is giving very much Ruggie 2.0
Which means Wei and Ruggie get along amazingly and their major bonding point is irritating Leona as much as possible
Leona is genuinely scared/hj
Just to mess with Leona I feel like Wei would flirt with his sister in law
“I know you’re my date to this stupid ball my brother made me come to but do not do anything stu-“ ”damn that lady over there lookin hella fine😫” ”THATS THE FUCKING QUEEN”
But in all seriousness he cares a lot about Leona and seeing him be happy and succeed, he just doesn’t know any other way to display it
When Leona takes naps, sometimes Wei will give him a forehead kith and a blanket or just something soft in general
But most times he’d go like “Awwwww🥹” and not even 5 seconds later he’s dropping him into a body of water
At first that is definitely a point of irritation for Leona but he knows he can’t stop him so he adapts
He now he always has a snorkel and goggles on him to sleep in the water
Wei loves this game they play but everyone else thinks Leona’s dead
One time when Leona slept for like 12+ hours straight in the pool, Savanclaw fell into chaos
There was no mourning for their fallen king (except maybe Jack) everyone was just at each other’s throats trying to determine who their next ruler would be
Wei was just smiling in the corner
There’s nothing that will ever be more entertaining than watching a bunch of overgrown cats and dogs howling at each other
Ruggie knows what’s going on and fist-bumps Wei
He also takes the opportunity to steal from Leona’s room
Eventually when Leona woke up Wei was waiting by the pool with a towel and the news on everything that happened that day
Leona didn’t even care to deal with it until the next day
They snuggle, Leona says it’s for “warmth”, Wei knows it’s just an excuse for physical contact🥰
🐺Jack Howl🐺
He would fear him
Because SAD FACT Wei has cynophobia (extreme fear of dogs) due to his background having to fight with dogs for food on the streets
He would avoid Jack like the plague
Even if they don’t know each other very well Jack would feel bad
He thinks it’s due to his scary demeanor so he tries to make friends
It takes a while to see noticeable progress
It’s not until Jack notices Wei shrinking in on himself less and not fidgeting with his clothing as much that he’s comfortable saying they’re at least friends
But because of all the time and effort put into building up their relationship this actually made them both develop romantic feelings for one another
Jack definitely wouldn’t feel like Wei likes him back therefore Wei is the one to confess
Wei teases him for the noticeable tail wag
Speaking of which, once they’re in an established relationship Wei would be touching Jack’s fluffy tail and ears CONSTANTLY
Because he knows they’re sensitive spots for him
Jack is kind of like Wei’s exposure therapy but Jack can’t say he’s displeased because it leads to lots of hugs
And if he were to say that it would be a noticeable lie due to his tail wagging every time Wei is around
🐙Azul Ashengrotto🐙
Business opportunity
I do not know how Azul can benefit from the raising the dead thing
But he’ll find a way
But he can definitely make some bank on the flute abilities
At first I think Wei agrees to play for the lounge as a way to make a little cash
But how could he ever pass up the opportunity to relentlessly tease a tiny Octo-man
Maybe I’m wrong but I think Floyd and him would get along well
And I think Wei is cool with Jade
I’m honestly kinda thinking Little Mermaid style romance but replace the voice of an angel with really impress flute skills
The more Azul hears him playing at the lounge, the more he’s like “Wow I never noticed how good he is with his mouth, or his long luscious hair, or charming smile, or smooth hands, or-“
Azul thinks it’s just admiration
Wei can tell by the blush on his face that it’s not
Their first kiss is when Monstro Lounge is closing up for the night
It’s only Azul, Wei and the twins left
Azul is doing last minute paperwork, Jade and Floyd are cleaning except Floyd’s not really cleaning because he’s too busy being a nuisance with Wei
At a time when Wei and Azul are alone it starts off with Wei teasing him for his ‘admiration’
Obviously this is pretty embarrassing for the octopus
I do not know how or why but Wei convinced him to kiss him bc according to him “If you kiss me but don’t feel anything then I’ll agree that you don’t like me”
Maybe OOC for Azul to try to prove himself like that but he agrees
Azul did in fact feel something emotional
They probably made out or smthg
After that it’s the Scary businessman boss x Very Hot Worker
Just Wei strolling in and sitting on his lap while Azul is in meetings
It takes a while to get used to but once Azul does it’s something he barely notices
The clients are insanely confused though
There’s probably a lot of dudes stopping by the lounge trying to woo Wei
But then Wei’s mean, small, and angry bf comes out and they scram
Power couple❤️
🥳Kalim Al-Asim🥳
im crying
its canon
that would be so amazing
Just like
Kalim makes Wei so happy
It’s like an infectious laugh personfied
Like things suck but their positivity rubs off on you yk?
Wei does a lot of stupid shit and since Kalim is down for anything he’s constantly dragging him into stupid situations
Like setting the school kitchen on fire
Or the halls in sticky notes (Kalim put little compliments on some)
Jamil is in pain
But Wei also sympathizes with Jamil so sometimes he tries to give him a break by just taking Kalim to do stupid crap where Jamil can’t reach them
The image of Kalim and Wei on the magic carpet while Wei is shredding on the flute, undead bodies everywhere
Kalim doesn’t know how to feel abt Wei’s ability
On one hand he thinks it’s super cool
On the other it’s very scary
He enjoys admiring it from a distance
Wei likes to learn dance moves from Kalim
It’s just a silly goofy time
Kalim SPOILS him
He knows about how Wei grows up and that’s why he feels the need to give him the nicest things
Even if Kalim never tells him this specifically he knows what he’s doing and the idea that someone literally wants to give him the world to make up for the fact that he was treated like garbage BY the world is so 🥺🥹😭😩❤️
I so desperately want them to perform the hardest rock concert with the pop club and Wei is head banging on the fucking flute
Please I need it so bad
🦚Vil Schoenheit🦚
Wei is on his knees tbh
It’s kind of like he teases Vil for how much effort he puts into something kinda useless but he’s also like “I’d smash tho”
Idk if Wei knows how to do makeup but I think he’d pick up on it pretty fast
He doesn’t usually put any on himself tho, he’s god’s favorite there’s no need
He likes to joke with Vil that he needs the makeup but Vil knows he’s joking
He’s also god’s favorite, he’s simply accentuating it
Tbh idk what to put for them here
It’s kind of like hot sophisticated malewife x hot chaotic malewife
Idk why I’m so obsessed with carrying positions but Wei would undoubtedly carry Vil by his thighs wherever they go
Speaking of thighs Wei is obsessed with them
He always makes those kinds of jokes that aren’t really jokes about how he wants to die between Vil’s thighs
One time in physical combat, Vil did that move where you incapacitate your opponent by tightly wrapping your legs around their neck
Wei definitely could’ve won but he chose not to
He may have lost the battle but he won the war
Vil is also incredibly tired to fully acknowledge the power Wei holds
It makes for some pretty epic photoshoots with Vil though
Especially for Halloween
Rook follows Wei obsessively
I’m split between Wei being irritated or going with it and helping Rook annoy Vil with his simpery
You can choose
🍎Epel Felmier🍎
Wei: “omfg is that a midget”
Epel: “I may be short but that means I have easier access to your vulnerable knee caps”
That’s it
That’s the entire relationship
Wei teasing him for being short, Epel threatening him with violence
You know how Ace and Wei are chaos buddies
Yeah Epel and Wei are “kill off the entirety of humanity and destroy all physical beings for funsies” kind of couple
It’s bad
Like really bad
For everyone else, not for them, they’re having the time of their lives
Epel is No. 1 instigator
I can’t get this out of my head you know those cat videos
Like the ones where the owners make the cat look like they’re dancing
Epel and Wei
Epel is the cat
Just dangling from Wei’s hands who is making him dance to hyperpop
I’m sorry
But like, Epel also wants to be taught how to do what Wei does
Like really fucking bad
It goes abt the same as it did for Ace, but instead of Epel begging him he does a bunch of stupid shit to prove his strength and that he is worthy of wielding such power
Wei isn’t actually convinced but he’s got a crush he’s only so powerful
The building is on fire pt. 2
But this time they somehow managed to make demon monsters
They don’t know what to do, everyone is screaming, Floyd has already created an apocalyptic hierarchy
Epel tried to argue with Wei about how he did it wrong (as if Epel knows wtf he’s doing💀)
Idk how but it ended in a kiss
Arguing is romantic
👾Idia Shroud👾
……………….he would play “emo boy” by ayesha on the flute anytime he’s around
I do not know how he learned it
Or why he even bothered to
But he did
And it was only for Idia
I think Idia and him met very similarly to how Idia and Lilia interact
Meaning Wei discovered online games and met Idia through there
Wei playing video games would be so funny
He’d either be an absolute troll or gets insulted and puts your gaming rep in the ground
Idk if playing flute translates to gaming but I think it would and this mf got hella dexterity
Idia and him meet on a first person shooter where they talk absolute trash on each other and spend the whole time targeting one another
This blossomed into a really good friendship
Like friendly rivals
Wei with his infinite charisma convinces Idia to meet in person
Then it’s the spiderman meme
Because of course who hasn’t heard of the necromancer that came from another universe just to enroll in a random all boy’s school?
But apparently he’s a gamer too???????
Idia is very intimidated
This is the most high level boss he’s ever had to face and he did not come in nearly as prepared as he should
It takes a while but Idia barely notices him becoming really close to Wei
He’s just very comfortable a lot more than he is with other people
He actually wants to do more social activities as long as it’s with Wei
Eventually they kind of become like a duo, like the people that if they got in a friend group would still be better friends with each other than they are for the rest of the group
As they continue to get more comfortable with each other they barely notice that they essentially have approached romantic borders
When they actually admit they like each other as more than friends basically nothing changes
Gamer boyfriends🥰
🐉Malleus Draconia🐉
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og meme by @BTS4327 on twitter
I know Malleus is supposedly powerful but no amount of strength will ever be able to top bringing back the dead
This only fuels the rumors of him being scary n crap
“He’s so evil that his partner is capable of making the dead his mindless slaves😱”
In the other room Lilia is explaining to them how to play Candy Land
He definitely isn’t but I just feel like Wei is taller than Malleus
It just fits
But Wei would be the one to be bridal carried
Even though Wei is old as crap he gets modern memes and like a language, you must speak it to be fluent
Malleus understands nothing but that’s not new
But bc Wei is old asf he can more easily explain newer concepts to Malleus
Wei thought it would be funny to teach Malleus the “do u know da wae” meme
Wei and Lilia are absolutely delighted
But the rest of the students at NRC have never wanted to die more
With that said these mf’s would kill and die for each other
They both protect the crap out of each other knowing their partner is fully capable of doing it themselves
But just imagine pissing off Wei, then you have a dragon coming at you
Or annoying Malleus (you’d have to have balls of steel to do so) and you have a horde of the undead on the way
The moment Malleus overblots, Wei is willing to rip the universe apart to get him back
I don’t know why but there’s just a deep and intricate connection between them that’s second to none
Talk shit get hit
⚡️Sebek Zigvolt⚡️
Sebek really looks up to Wei but refuses to say so
He also has thoughts of “Oh my Wei is more powerful than master” but then immediately berates himself for even thinking such a thing
As a result he’s very cold to Wei, not because he wants to but because he doesn’t want to risk the chance of “betraying” his master by seeing anyone as better than him
Therefore he keeps him at a distance
I don’t even think Wei would notice Sebek trying to keep him at arm’s length, or if he did he simply did not care
He wanted to be friends with pretty crocodile fairy
And that’s what he did
Lilia teased Sebek a lot both for the romantic and platonic parts of their relationship
“Aw you made a new friend Bek! Look at you all grown up🥰 where does the time go🥲”
But also “Don’t take it too harshly Wei, I think he’s mean to you because he LiKeS yOu”
(Side note: For any young one reading this, even if a person likes you that doesn’t give them a pass to be mean to you. You’re not required to deal with it just to spare their feelings)
It takes a lot of time for Sebek to understand the concept that he can like others while still holding respect for his master
And that those are two different parts of his life that only interfere if he lets them
Tbh I don’t think they’d even get together until Sebek is almost out of NRC
But they’ve also become very close in the time they’ve known each other and acknowledge that they’ve basically been playing the role of an old married couple in their previous school years, just minus the title
Did I mention they’re like an old married couple?
Bc they definitely are
Sebek = malewife that argues abt the stupidest shit
Wei = girlboss who lets him have a one sided argument but also looks at him like he’s the sun and moon
My own writing is starting to make me like Sebek more💀
I just love the “unnecessarily angry all the time x person who’s pretty chill but likes their partner’s fire” dynamic
Sebek would scold him for raising the dead
Crap abt respect n stuff
Wei gives him a rock-flute concert to taunt him
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pinkanonwrites · 2 years
Hi hi I’m from the stream remember? So uh could I get uh uh Leona x (fem) MC? MC has a background of abuse that has left her feeling insecure and anxious about her capabilities and potential and she works hard to try and prove herself. Thinking time to time Leona has to reassure her.
Hi Rosey! Thank you for your patience, I hope you enjoy!
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Leona had determined, through extensive and extremely scientific observation, that if you had been born a beastman you would most definitely be a rabbit. And not a wild hare or jackrabbit either. A little, doughy, domestic pet bunny; That's what you'd most certainly be.
That alone was no problem in his eyes. He was the top predator after all, king of the food chain. It didn't matter what herbivore you ended up being most like as long as you remembered that you were his. Rather, it was the traits he'd recognized in you that so inclined him to see you as a rabbit that seemed to stick in his brain. You had an anxious streak in you, a persistent twitchiness that Leona could feel rolling off your body even with his eyes closed. And you were always scampering around, always on your feet, always solving everyone else's problems before your own. And he could never get you to just. Sit. Still.
"Oi, herbivore! Quit thumpin' your foot over there!"
"Ah! Sorry, Leona. I didn't even notice." You shot him a shy smile, pushing your knee down so it would stop jittering incessantly. Normally he'd enjoy you joining him for an afternoon nap, even if he did most of the sleeping sprawled out on the warm Observatory tile while you thumbed through your schoolwork on a bench next to him. But today you seemed to be even more nervous than usual, and it was barely a moment before you started tapping your foot again.
With a sigh, Leona sat up and rested his chin atop your knee, shoving your textbook out of your lap like a house cat. "Quit it. You're thinkin' so hard I can smell the steam comin' outta your ears."
"Leona..." You sighed, leaning over him to grab your text book, but just ending up further weighted down when he wrapped his arms around your middle. "Leona, c'mon! I need to get this done for Professor Trein's class! It's important if I want to get a good grade on the final!"
"I'll let you go as soon as you can stop freaking out, then."
"Leona, this isn't funny! I need to get a good grade on this! LEONA-!"
And down the two of you went, Leona tugging you head over heels until you'd tumbled on top of him, sprawled across his chest like a weighted blanket. You thumped him on the shoulder with the meat of your palm, but he just huffed into the top of your head.
"What're you even studying anyway?"
"Nobility dynamics in the early eras of the Queendom of Roses."
"Sounds boring."
"Parts of it are interesting!" You tried to argue. "It's just... It's just confusing. I feel so stupid, like it makes sense for everyone else but not for me."
Leona hummed, one of his hands coming up to rest on the top of your head. "Well, in a few years it won't matter if you remember all this shit or not. So don't... Don't get all worried about nothing, alright? You're not stupid for not remembering bullshit dates and fancy royalty junk. It's all made up to begin with."
"Yeah, I just want... Yeah. Yeah, you're probably right." You finally let out a long, exhausted sigh, fully letting your head rest in the valley of Leona's chest, falling and rising with his breathing. "I just wanna do good. I have to."
"You don't gotta prove yourself to anyone. So take it easy for a bit, Housewarden's orders."
"Oh, abusing your authority now, are you?"
"If it'll let me get some damn sleep around here? Then yeah, I am." Leona chuckled softly, fingernails gently scratching the back of your head to help you doze off.
"Thanks, Leona."
"Yeah, whatever... Go to sleep, herbivore."
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