#lesbian stereotypes
redheadbigshoes · 9 months
Lesbian stereotypes I don’t relate with:
That lesbians drive SUVs.
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celebrate-lesbianism · 3 months
Okay. I feel like I need to say something about the statement "butches and studs who date straight women." I hear it all the time on TikTok, usually as an excuse to run us down and accuse us of toxic masculinity, so let's talk about it.
How is a woman who is willingly in a relationship with a butch or stud straight? That is not a heterosexual relationship! Some of you equate being conventionally feminine with being straight, and it's not it. Femme lesbians are an integral part of this community too.
It's also not a crime for butches and studs to like women who are very feminine, or to want to take on a more traditionally masculine role in a relationship. Lesbian relationships and dynamics are unique and special, and at no point do they become heterosexual.
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beeesworld · 8 months
I'm a gay woman. Everything means something to us. There's no comment (that) you can't overanalyze. There's no gesture (that) you can't dissect. There's no glance (that) you can't read too much into.
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boiboiperson · 6 months
Does stereotypes about gay men come from assumptions about gay sex?
I haven't really done research about this so someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Like, there's all sorts of traditional gender scripts in heterosexual couples, down to the way they have sex. Male on top, female on bottom, or even just the act of penetration being seen as masculine. This is generalizing btw, this is just traditional hetero views. English law says that only someone with a penis can carry out rape (pretty fucked up ik), meaning only someone who can penetrate. I'm bad at explaining things but does this make sense? Like, even rape is seen as a masculine thing.
Then there's that Bible verse that's like do not sleep with a man as you would a woman. I know there's been recent stuff saying that it probably is talking more about pedophilia at the time than homosexuality, but the mistranslation still had a very prevalent impact on history. The phrasing of it kind of feels like its comparing gay sex to a woman being fucked by a man, since gay sex usually includes a man being penetrated. So kinda calling it effeminate.
I think it also extends to lesbian invisibility. A lot of people might not be taking lesbians seriously because their sex doesn't usually involve penetration (at least not with a penis) so it's not really seen as real sex. And, of course, because people just assume lesbians are good friends.
Let me know if anything I said doesn't make sense. I'm bad at explaining stuff and I might be wrong in some of this.
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25tog-o · 2 years
used to be your typical gross-promiscuous- fuckboy- lesbian of the friend group
now I'm the swamp witch- crow's friend- haven't had a date in 3yrs- lesbian of the friend group
is that growth? i think it's growth
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myroombaofthought · 7 months
Update on me and my friend, a friend of theirs has made many a joke about us/our relationship being every lesbian stereotype ever but in a platonic way
My personal favourite is us effectively U-Hauling after knowing each other for a week
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aliosne · 2 months
Saw a post about working class butches in physical labour jobs and wanted to make my own, so: I love you butches who do childcare or early education. I love you butch nurses. I love you butch house cleaners and janitorial staff. I love you service industry butches. I love you butches who do sex work. I love you working class butches who do “feminine” jobs you are cool as hell
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likeprongstostars · 26 days
some fem jegulus art ive been collecting over time + special cherry regulus for @messymoony
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waterdeepthroat · 10 months
not to be That Person but y’all have got to learn to be more normal about bisexual and pansexual characters. this isn’t 2012. women romancing astarion is not the problem, nor is karlach “lesbian coded”. the real problem is y’all’s bi/panphobia stemming largely from homophobic stereotypes
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redheadbigshoes · 8 months
Lesbian stereotypes I don’t relate with:
That lesbians were tomboys when they were kids.
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celebrate-lesbianism · 4 months
The U-Haul stereotype has always reeked of projection to me because I know multiple straight couples who got married and had whole ass kids in under 365 days
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beeesworld · 4 hours
We met in Lawrence. Couple of dates, and then we were living together. So, it was like first date, the toothbrush, second date, the U-Haul.
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jenjen4280 · 3 months
Sometimes I dress exactly like the Hot Wife just to push her buttons a bit. Always makes her laugh, shake her head and roll her eyes at me. 😁
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ispyspookymansion · 2 months
no non lesbian button sorry! you can vote here!
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lobotomizedlady · 2 months
So funny when the same people who are saying shit like "bi women are all dirty dick worshipping sluts who don't want an actual relationship with a woman & just want to use lesbians as sex toys or props for their boyfriends" whine about bi women just calling themselves gay. Like do you seriously not realize you're a big part of the reason they're doing that lol...the more you perpetuate negative stereotypes like this, the more young bisexual women that prefer to date other women are just going to say they're gay instead of identifying with the group you've designated "Evil Cheating Whores who will only ever truly love a man". How is this not 1+1=2 in your minds?
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canisalbus · 6 months
for the longest while i thought your dogs were lesbians for some reason
something something anthro-androgeny
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