#will create a better version of this list at some point anyway
beazt · 1 year
ok I’ve put together a list of disability-focused books for me read while I have the Seattle library ebook card. I’m not sure what order I’m going to read them in, yet. and obviously this list is non exhaustive, it’s just what I could find & deem worth reading from a surface level glance at the blurbs right now, while I have a migraine. i fully intend to explore other topics and revisit other titles im unsure about/prioritizing lower, I have them tagged separately on Libby.
if anyone would like to join me on this journey— be it by reading/listening to the books yourself at your own pace or just following my own posts about what I read— I’m going to come up with a tag for this journey. suggestions for that are welcome, I just want it to be a near-unique tag because tumblr search is awful
(most of the titles I have selected for this list at least make a notable effort to be inclusive and intersectional, if you’re worried about that. however, I have not read any of these yet, I cannot confirm anything about their actual content. I guarantee there will be excerpts worth critique from books on this list. part of exploring these heavy social topics is critical thinking.)
my current list is as follows, in no particular order:
Fat Girls Hiking by Summer Michaud-Skug — I’m interested particularly in modifying hiking (and other outdoor activities) to be more accessible for myself, as I love hiking but find it very difficult nowadays, the book seems to be at least decently disability-informed
The Future Is Disabled by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha — disability justice for a better future that emphasizes the value of disabled folks. overall interested to see the perspectives and rhetoric presented in this book, along with:
Care Work by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha — I don’t think I can do this one justice in a couple lines of tumblr text. read its blurb yourself, it includes: “a toolkit for everyone who wants to build radically resilient, sustainable communities of liberation where no one is left behind.”
My Body Is Not A Prayer Request by Amy Kenny — appeals to my experience living as disabled and intersex in a rural part of the Bible Belt in an evangelical household
Disability Pride by Ben Mattlin — gonna be honest, I threw this one in without reading its blurb. regardless of its quality, I believe I should read it based off title
Crip Kinship by Shayda Kafai — this book is based around an art activism project called Sins Invalid, exploring some of the messaging of it in a disability justice framework
Against Technoableism by Ashley Shew — from what I can gather, this book touches a lot on the social model of disability
Decarcerating Disability by Liat Ben-Moshe — prison abolition and decarceration with a disability focus
QDA by Raymond Luczak — QDA stands for queer disability anthology, also threw this one in based on the title
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agirlwithglam · 4 months
Do you ever feel sick and don't feel like doing anything when the day before you told yourself you were going to do a glow up, live always the best ecc..?
yes definitely! unless i'm actually sick and incapable of doing anything, i will at least try. you didn't ask for advice, but here we go anyways. when i feel like that, heres a few things i do:
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how to do things when you don't feel like doing them: (from personal experience)
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believe that you can do anything. dont roll your eyes at me! dont skip this part either. this is the main point that gets me going every single time. i truly believe that i can do anything, that i am capable of literally anything that i want to achieve. if i want it, i will have it. that is the first mindset you must have when it comes to this.
start small/ make it fun. yes, ofc i said this. if you can't do a full 1 hour workout, do some pushups/squats/lunges and go for a bike ride or a walk with a friend. what i do when im going bike riding with a friend is we go to a mall and buy drinks there! so make it fun! adding friends to whatever you need to do certainly makes it fun. another thing you can do is if you need to read, you can create a cosy spot in your room with scented candles and a little snack and everything and sit and read there. just the idea of it gets me excited!
treat yourself like a project/ robot. now THIS is something that has certainly gotten my some discipline. we as humans have emotions and feelings and moods. sometimes we don't wanna do stuff, and we actually cave into that. if you promised yourself that you would change your life, switch off your emotions and moods. treat yourself like a robot or an "apprentice" that you're training to become the best.
reward yourself! so you can either reward the action (like reading or studying) or the outcome (like finishing a book or getting a high mark on a test). decide what works the best for you. example: you don't wanna study? you can either a) reward yourself for studying with some free time with friends or watching your fav show or b) you can reward your self by the score you get on the test (ex if you got higher than 80%= a certain thing on your wish list, above 90%= a better thing on your wish list, 100%= the thing you've wanted for ages) you don't wanna read? you can either.. a) reward yourself for reading for x amount of minutes or b) you can reward yourself for finishing a book in a certain amount of time.
alter egosss. i know, i mention this quite often, but trust me this actually gives such a burst of emotion! embody someone else/ a different version of you that can best handle the situation. im gonna make a whole post on alter egos soon cus i mention it in a lot of my posts.
Please remember that if ur actually sick or genuinely feeling really low, remember to rest!! Remember to take time to relax and slow down. Take care of yourself honey <3
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thats it for now! i hope this helped <3
btw heres a big master-post to how to get things done when you dont want to (not by me)
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frikatilhi · 1 month
I keep thinking about what their phonecalls could be about so I hope you won't mind me placing this here..
maybe at some point Bojan was feeling insecure because Jere is obviously fine, he's so much more confident and everything is going as good as it can both in Jere's career and in his personal life. Esc23 is long gone when Jere was lost in a sea of unfamiliar experiences and Bojan could simply swoop in and make sure Jere is okay from the first to the last day. But now Jere has no problem speaking English, no problem going to new places, no problem making deals go the way he wants them to go, no need for Bojan to help with anything really. And he's super happy for Jere, but it's a very different Jere from a year ago and Bojan isn't sure if he can add anything to this new Jere's life. Maybe it's better to just gently drift away and leave him be happy, supporting silently from the very real distance.
And Jere catches on to Bojan's mood, he's worried about him, Bojan's health is as fickle as always, he has so much more challenges and responsibilies that seem to be hard to navigate, being a rockstar is a lot less playful now than it used to be. But obviously Bojan just dismisses all that in their regular phonecalls. He doesn't want to worry Jere and pushing conversations only makes Bojan's anxiety spike. So Jere needs to find something to occupy Bojan with, needs to show that Jere still very much needs him. So he starts creating non-problems just to get Bojan to help with. Pretending he can't decorate his new home and he wants Bojan's immediate input, asking if he likes this or that song demo version that eventually Allu will decide on anyway, asking what to get for gifts to his nephews, anything he can think of really.
This gets out of hand because Jere doesn't have problems - he's just creating them to have something to share with Bojan. Bojan realizes that something is going on and one late night he gets Jere to fess up that Jere just wants Bojan so badly to continue being interested in him. Sure, he maybe changed in the last year but deep down he's the same scared guy in an unfamiliar hall, waiting for Bojan to find him and make sure he's okay. And he's scared that Bojan will metaphorically abandon him. And they both laugh and cry in the dark at their phones because both of them are worrying about the exact same thing 😭
(sorry this got very long, what I wanted to say I think Jere keeps a list in his mind of things to talk with Bojan the next time they speak. He mostly forgets that list immediately once he sees Bojan's face on the screen though )
oh anonnnn, no I most definitely DON'T mind 🥺😍❤️
I'm so glad it took that turn in the middle that made me laugh, because I was ready to just curl up on the floor and cry forever
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The anti Gojo fan club
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"Are you sure you belong here?" Asked the oversized bouncer. Standing before him was a young teenage boy with pink locks and a school uniform.
"I think you'd be more comfortable at that place." He then pointed over to the club down the road (Weenie Hut Jr.'s).
"I think you have me confused with someone else. I'm pretty sure I'm on the list."
The bouncer then looked down and noticed four glowing, red eyes. He gulped and tried his best not to shit himself on the spot before moving aside and letting the boy in. Sighing in relief, the man let himself regain composure. It was then that he heard the most terrifying words in his life.
"Kenjaku, I told you that you were in charge of snacks! Honestly, I can't count on you for anything. It seems that I'M the one who has to do everything around here! Hey, you! How would you like to be apart of our dinner service instead of guarding that door?"
Sukuna said apart of as in literally. Everyone dragged the man in as the king of curses got his tools ready.
"Domain expansion, Malevolent Kitchen!"
Uraume was now busy cooking. They had a number of dishes in mind such as skewered intestines, "finger" sandwiches and some roasted thigh to name a few. As they were preparing the feast, the meeting began.
"Welcome, lowly peasants! Today marks our third annual villains assembly (totally not the bad guy version of AA that Gojo had forced on them). I see we have some new faces here. Care to introduce yourselves?"
A scrawny man stood up.
"M-my name is Ijichi and I joined because I can't tolerate Gojo's abuse any longer! He keeps spouting something about how "he's the 'honoured' one", and that's the reason why he's allowed to put kick me signs on my back and keep ding dong ditching my doorbell all night!"
The man then started to have a nervous breakdown and began to sob.
"There, there. You are among friends now.  You see, everyone here has a reason for hating the six eyed bastard."
"Not me. I'm just here for the free coupon tickets!"
Sukuna sighed.
"Who is the guy again?"
"My name's Reggie Star! I've been on TLC's extreme couponing! Why does everyone forget I exist!?"
"Reggie, we've been over this. This is solely for those that hate Satoru Gojo. If you can't abide by our clubs rules then feel free to leave."
Suddenly Kenjaku began to choke himself. Sukuna gave him a curious glance.
"Sorry, you know how my vessel likes to act up."
Sukuna nodded in agreement.
"We need to end this meeting in two hours or else the brat will wake up and spoil the fun. Now, is there anything else worth mentioning? Speak now."
"When do we get to play board games?"
"Damn it Mahito, you know well enough that those festivities don't take place until after everyone has eaten!"
"Hey, what is that!?"
Everyone started to notice a figure that was clearly trying to hide behind the throne but it was useless.
"I can hear your mosquito like voice already, Yorozu! You know the rules, no girls allowed."
The girl then popped out and began to pout.
"Then why do Mahito and Kashimo get to be here!?"
"For the last time, Mahito is a curse who has no gender and the consensus was that while Kashimo "looks female enough", he is indeed still male."
Mahito then decided to taunt her.
"Yeah! What's so cool about girls anyway!?"
"Didn't you wear a school girl uniform while fondling breasts you created?"
"That was one time Jogo, and it wasn't even canon!"
"I've had enough of this. Someone escort her out!"
Yorozu screamed and thrashed so Kenjaku released Kurourushi outside. She immediately ran after the cockroach so she could study it.
"Dinner is ready."
After everyone had finished, Mahito asked the question he had been dying to know the answer to.
"Which tastes better? Humans or curses?"
Kenjaku then appeared."Let me help answer that."
Kenny then began to drag a screaming Mahito towards his palm and then proceed to vore him down.
"Thank you! He was getting on my nerves."
Kenjaku began to savor the taste of Maximum Uzumaki and then proceeded to vomit the curse back up.
"I'd have to say humans. How did my vessel put it? You taste like a rag used to clean up shit and vomit."
Sukuna then joined in.
"So it matches his personality?"
Mahito was now trembling on the floor when the king of curses looked down upon him.
"Kenjaku, won't you be a dear friend and put on some karaoke for the entertainment? I want to sing skyfall."
Jogo lit his pipe up and started getting blazed. He had been waiting for the curse to get his ass beat.
"This weed is so good Hanami. Where did you find it?"
".ti werg I"
"Wherever you go, I go. What you see, I see."
Mahito was now running for his life as Sukuna walked towards him. He thought about hiding in the bathroom but then remembered a word of advice he read on Yoshihiro Togashi's twitter account. "Never shit alone, for if you do, the horny clown will come to decapitate you!"
"Why did Gege have to put me in Shonen Jump!?"
Something then grabbed him by his collar.
"Found You!"
"Look, if this is about all those times I cheated when I was the banker in Monopoly, I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!"
"Oh, we're not killing you."
Mahito was now placed inside a pet crate.
"What's going on!?"
Just then there was a knock at the door.
"I didn't expect to see you here Ijichi. I'm here because I was told that there was a curse that needs to be euthanized. Fortunately, I'm kind hearted and believe that even the worst animals have a chance at being reformed. It just takes proper discipline..."
The cage began to rattle.
Kento then picked up the handle of the carrier.
"Expect to be eating out of a dog bowl and being kept on a leash once we get home."
Everyone failed to realize that the two hour window had passed and Itadori began to wake up.
"Huh? What's going on? Am I dreaming?"
The crowd wasn't sure what to do until Kenjaku stepped up.
"Hello, son. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I am your mother."
"Okay, I really am dreaming then. Something that crazy could only happen in my imagination."
"You're my special. You were the only one I didn't abort."
"Huh? No offense mister but you're really creeping me out. I think I'm just gonna head out."
After the boy left, Kashimo spoke up."
So how big was he?"
Everyone knew that the god of thunder had a thing for the king of curses.
"All I'm saying is that they were identical twins right?"
"I've had enough of this filth! Youngsters these days!"
Out came a disgusted Gakuganji. He was clearly the biggest Gojo hater but it seems that he couldn't tolerate the crudness of today's youth. The club would never hear his guitar covers of Jimi Hendrix again.
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littlejuicebox · 9 months
I want to hold your hand.
Pairing: Astarion x Original Female Character/Ranger AKA AstarionxWren
Chapter number: Ten
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 / All fluff no smut in this one / Act 1 Spoilers / Angst / Anxiety / Feelings Realization / Violence / Gore / Past trauma / Alcohol / Swear words / Lae'zel being a butthole again (I promise I actually really love her character but, come on, the behavior in this chapter pretty in character for her.) Word count: 2.8K Masterlist: Click here. Song inspiration: "I Want to Hold Your Hand" - The Beatles (But really, more so the version in Across the Universe because the yearning is palpable in that version.) Notes: LMK if you'd like to be added to the tag list for this series in a message. :)
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Astarion took a long time gathering enough gumption to finally exit the Druid’s bedchambers. By the time he made his way toward the center of the grove, all the stars were gleaming in the sky, and more than one campfire had been lit. It appeared everyone already ate dinner, made evident by the empty tables full of used crockery and roasts picked nearly to the bone. He heard faint notes of music and an increasing amount of chatter as he made his way up the stone steps to the camp… it sounded like a party.
His other traveling companions were already there, and their tents had all been pitched. He spied Karlach kindly putting his tent up, and Astarion walked over to help her finish the job. Typically, he would've just left the tiefling to the grunt work and walked off to flirt with Wren or merely lounge about, but since Wren had stormed away from him earlier in the evening after their little tiff… he had nothing better to do.
Apart from Wren, Karlach was probably the vampire's favorite companion. Her easy-going nature made it so he didn’t have to perform too terribly hard around her, and he appreciated their rare moments together. Shadowheart was good for some quick banter, of course, but now the cleric’s preoccupation with Lae’zel made that relationship less ideal and he'd found himself avoiding the cleric whenever her green guard dog was around.
The silver-haired elf took one of the tent ties from Karlach and scanned the crowd for Wren. He spotted her sitting by an attentive Halsin. The unexpected sight created a dull ache in his chest, right around where his undead heart sat stock-still. Gods, he had to find a way to fix things before she found herself enamored with someone that was clearly a better alternative and he wasted all his time and effort for… what exactly? What was this thing between them?
The Archdruid towered over the little bird, especially when she was in a seated position. But despite the size difference, the mountain of a man held her arm in a remarkably gentle grip. The vampire tried to ignore the new duo as he thanked Karlach and then meandered toward the pile of booze. Maybe if he just… loosened himself up a bit, he’d be able to talk to Wren about what he was feeling instead of putting his foot in his mouth again. But what was he feeling, exactly? Astarion didn't have the words. Perhaps that wasn’t the point. Perhaps the point was that whatever role she wanted him to perform, he would do it, if it meant he would stay in her good graces. Surely that was a fair price to pay to be rid of the ache in his chest.
As much as the rogue tried to ignore the scene that was making his insides churn, his eyes kept roaming back to the two of them. The vampire watched as Halsin thoroughly, too thoroughly, spread some kind of salve on Wren’s forearm while she occupied herself with chugging whatever she had in her cup. Astarion had a fleeting thought that it should be him applying that salve on Wren's arm, not the big bear. If not him, then surely Shadowheart. Who the hell was this druid, anyway?
Wren had changed from the chemise he’d given her a few days back and into an entirely different, and significantly more revealing outfit. Where the hells had she even found a set of leather trousers? And was she truly just wearing the bodice she wore under her armor on her torso?
After Halsin was done playing doctor with the little bird, the pale elf was sure the sickening rendezvous would end. But then Wren was digging through her bag and revealing the pipe she’d stolen from Halsin with a guilty grin. The Archdruid seemed very entertained by this; he threw his head back as he laughed in pure delight. Halsin said something with a lifted eyebrow and then smiled and returned the pipe back to the little bird.
Gods, Astarion wished he could hear what they were saying from here. He had the strange sensation of being left out, and he bristled at the thought. ‘They are getting along far too well.’
The vampire reluctantly dragged his eyes away from the scene and snatched a bottle of wine from the booze pile. He was in no mood for this little party, but he supposed he would play this part if he had to.
Wren was tired of performing. The whole self-sufficient, strong ranger woman act was getting exhausting. What was the point? She kept making mistakes, anyway… first losing her own eye, then blowing their cover with Minthara, and then the absolute dragonshitshow of a conversation she’d just had with one of her strongest and most versatile campmates. The campmate that she’d bedded the day before, effectively ending her entirely too long streak of voluntary abstinence. But… had her time with Astarion really been a mistake? She couldn't be sure.
Truly, Wren just wanted someone to hold her. And maybe Halsin wouldn’t hold her, but he’d hold her arm with his warm, comforting hand… and slather some sticky, honey-based salve on her charred skin while she chugged whatever Alfira had just poured into her cup. She liked Halsin. He was nice. He was mature, kind, and held an attractive air of relaxed confidence. It was easy to be drawn to his comforting energy; she saw why the grove trusted him.
Before long, the Archdruid wrapped her arm in a bandage, refused the return of his pipe with an explanation that he had several more, and told her that he didn’t know how to remove the parasites, but he had some ideas they could discuss tomorrow. He cut the conversation short and pushed her into the party, insisting she go and have some fun before returning to business-as-usual tomorrow morning.
Wren wasn’t in any mood for this party, but she begrudgingly obliged. After downing whatever was left in her cup, she found herself roped into a few dances with some of the tieflings and one with Gale. By the third cup of — what was it, wine? — she and Karlach tried to dance without touching, mostly just shimmying and spinning around one another like lunatics before falling on the ground laughing at the stupidity of it all. She needed that laugh, and if she could’ve hugged the tiefling woman then, she would’ve.
After the chortling was over, and the ranger's ribs hurt beyond belief, the two women wandered back to the libations. Karlach flicked her gaze over toward Astarion, who appeared to be brooding and trying to hide the fact that he was brooding, and then she looked back to a buzzed Wren. She filled two more cups with some cherry-scented liquid as she addressed the half-elf. “What’s going on with you and Fangs, anyway, soldier? Normally you two are attached at the hip… or the lip.”
“Karlach!” Wren yelped, her eyes widening as she quickly glanced around to see if anyone else had heard the Barbarian. Her already alcohol-flushed face began to trail the rosy blush up her ears and down her neck.
“Oh, come off!” Karlach exclaimed with a chuckle, rolling her eyes at the ranger. “First of all, you’re a grown woman, so you can do whatever and whoever you’d like. Second of all… it’s not really a secret, Wren. We all know. You should’ve seen the absolute state Astarion was in for those few days you were knocked out after that Gur encounter. I doubt he’s like that for just anyone.”
Wren didn’t know what to say in response to Karlach’s revelation. Her fingers moved up to nervously touch her lip scar and then she shrugged, “I guess… I didn’t know how he felt. I… don’t know how he feels.”
“Well… did you ever really ask him?” Karlach responded with a shrug, as if the answer were quite simple to her, cocking her head just slightly at the ranger before shoving the filled cup into her hand.
Wren almost laughed as she lifted the cup to her lips for a drink. She didn’t ever ask him; she’d been too preoccupied by the parasite, and then losing her eye. She didn't stop to speak to him at all, really. The archer soaked in the irony of her own words from her earlier encounter with Astarion swinging like a boomerang right back to her. The substance in her cup tasted better than the previous drinks she’d been given, and the brunette woman eagerly took another sip as she considered her friend’s words with a soft hum. “Alright. I'll ask him."
Astarion watched Wren dance with more than one partner. Should he ask her to dance? Would that smooth things over? He knew how to, of course. But then, if she was so angry with him that she rejected him in front of everyone… well the rogue’s pride truly couldn’t stand for that to happen.
The vampire sat frozen in indecision, sipping from his bottle as his eyes tracked the little bird around the camp. She and Karlach had a bit of conversation by the booze table — it must’ve been about him, because Karlach looked his way more than once. Annoyingly, he couldn’t pick up what they said from this distance over the clamor of other conversations and Alfira’s music. The knowledge that he was being discussed made him uneasy, and he huffed, suddenly scanning the party for a distraction. Just as he was about to throw a line at some tiefling in a futile attempt to stroke his own ego, he heard Wren’s enraged voice thundering through the party.
“What the hell did you just say, Lae’zel?” The little bird was standing face to face with the Githyanki, hands clenched into tight fists.
“You heard what I said. I do not need to repeat it.” Lae’zel responded coolly, stepping even closer to the ranger, answering their group leader’s challenge.
The entire crowd had fallen silent, watching the scene unfold. Wren quickly hooked her right arm, and Astarion stared in a ridiculously juxtaposed mixture of horror and delight as it connected with a solid pow on the other woman’s eye socket. Lae’zel, to her credit, took the punch with barely any reaction and then returned it with one of her own. It landed on the ranger’s nose with a sickening crack.
Astarion rushed forward, along with Karlach and Shadowheart, just as Lae’zel was about to withdraw her blade. But Astarion was faster than the alien and he pressed the edge of his dagger against the Githyanki’s neck in warning.
“Now, now, I think not, little viper. You’re clearly drunk. Go lay down with mommy Shadowheart and take a nap before we all do things we will surely regret in the morning.” His voice warned, tone measured but scarlet eyes heated as they glared into Lae’zel’s.
Shadowheart had hold of Lae’zel’s forearm, staying her blade, while Karlach stood a few paces behind the half-elf. Wren was holding her nose, which was now pouring thin streams of crimson. Astarion couldn’t see the blood from where his face was pressed so closely to the alien, but he could easily smell it. Oh, how his fingers positively ached with the desire to slice into Lae’zel’s neck and repay the debt.
Shadowheart spoke, trying with all her might to remain calm and be the voice of reason. “Come on, Lae’zel. You’re drunk… you didn’t truly mean it. Come with me, let’s go lay down.”
The Githyanki relented, inhaling deeply and stepping back, away from Astarion’s blade. The cleric offered an apologetic look to her other campmates before grabbing her lover’s hand and pulling her away from the party, towards their tent.
“Sorry about that, folks! You know how it goes among family!” Karlach shouted, and soon everyone shrugged off the dispute and resumed their conversations, followed by another swell of music.
After Astarion stowed his blade, he turned to check on Wren. She’d already walked towards her own tent and hidden herself inside the little nest. He followed after her, swiftly ducking himself into the canvas shelter before kneeling down to face the little bird. She’d held a cloth over her nose and fixed her closed eyes toward the ceiling, hoping to slow the bleeding.
“I heard it break. Can’t you heal it yourself?” He murmured, cocking his head slightly as he lifted his hand toward her face, removing the cloth for a moment to examine the damage.
“I tried. But it seems I’m out of spellcasting power. I used it all up at the goblin camp. I’m obviously not going to Shadowheart for help, Halsin already helped me with my arm, and fuck Nettie. So… here I am.”
“Hold on.” Astarion murmured, exiting the tent with no further explanation. Wren’s brows furrowed in confusion as she watched him exit, but that caused a sharp pain in her nose, so she groaned and looked back at the ceiling.
The vampire returned a few minutes later, wearing a large amulet with a jade-colored stone that Wren didn’t recognize and carrying his own backpack. He sat back down and moved his slender hands forward, bidding the little bird to lower the blood-soaked cloth. Long, lithe fingers pressed to the woman’s nose and then Astarion uttered a healing incantation.
Wren blinked in surprise as she felt the familiar warmth of a healing spell seep through her skin and into the fragile bones along the center of her face. Soon enough, her nose felt practically back to normal. Astarion seemed to be watching her for an indication that his efforts worked before lowering his hands. She nodded subtly.
The rogue quietly removed his hands and quickly undid the clasp of the heavy amulet, stowing the piece of jewelry back in his pack. Then he rustled around, withdrawing a small bottle of water and a small scrap of cloth. After dampening the cloth, he lifted it to Wren’s nose and began tenderly cleaning the dried blood off her face. He saw the question in her eyes and answered it without her prompting.
“I found it among Counsellor Florrick’s things, when I found your chemise. Seemed worth keeping, but it’s awfully noisy when I move so I don't wear it all the time.” He says in a hushed voice, pausing for a moment when Wren winced as he pressed too firmly to her still-tender nose. He looks at her for a beat and then continues, “Figured I would hold onto it, just in case...”
'Just in case I end up on my own and I don't have Shadowheart or you to heal me.'
A bit of quiet fell between the two as the elf focused on his task, and the woman focused on one of her pillows instead of the rogue. Astarion noticed this, because she normally watched him so intently with those two-toned eyes of hers. It stung, her lack of attention on him, but he kept working, hoping somehow this was a step in the right direction. At least she hadn’t pushed him away. It was clear that in the thick silence of the tent, which was such a sharp contrast to the raging party outside, that the two of them felt the weight of things unsaid hanging between them.
“What did she say?” Astarion questioned in a low murmur, scarlet orbs wandering from Wren's upturned nose to her distant stare, pulling her attention back to him.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Wren huffed, beginning to bristle in response and starting to pull away from the vampire, but his other hand clasped onto her forearm and kept her in place.
The rogue paused for a moment, squinting his eyes at the ranger. Wren could see the subtle prickles of annoyance on his face; her eyes took in the scrunch of his nose and the clenching of his jaw. His tone was stiff, curt, as if he were trying to maintain hold over his emotions. “You said you would tell me anything if I bothered to ask. So, here I am, asking.”
Wren fell silent, as she felt the sting of her own words flipped against her for the second time that night. She moved to thumb her lip scar, and Astarion’s eyes followed her finger for a moment before returning to holding her own eyes in an unyielding stare.
“She…” The little bird looked up at the tent and sighed. Hells, it was going to sound so ridiculous when it came out.
“She overheard Karlach asking what happened to Kol, and I told Karlach that Kol had died. I told her what I told you about the ambush. And then Lae’zel said that I have a type… elves with silver hair and red eyes. And that my history of poor leadership would probably get you killed, just like it had the first one.”
Wren’s mouth hardened into a line, and her voice crackled at the end. Fuck Lae’zel for knowing exactly how to cut into her with words and lay bare one of her biggest fears. Wren didn’t want to be the leader… she didn’t fucking want it! So why did Lae’zel or anyone else have to make it so hard? Didn’t they know she was already beating herself to a pulp for every misstep along the way?
Astarion watched as the little bird rolled her gaze up to the ceiling where she stayed intently focused on the canvas of the tent, trying to conceal her tears. He had half a mind to storm across the camp and cut out the Githyanki’s tongue. Maybe they would all be better off for it; her pessimistic nature wasn’t doing the group any favors, after all. But instead, he sighed, grabbed Wren’s hand, grabbed his own pack, and then stood up, pulling her with him.
“Come on, darling. Let’s get away from this party. The wine is shit and the only company really worth keeping is in this tent, anyway.” He grumbled before walking out of the canvas shelter and heading away from the crowd, toward the grove exit. He kept his fingers wrapped around hers as he led her along.
Wren followed without much of a thought. She spent so much time being a leader, she supposed she basked in the few moments when she got to be a follower. She didn’t know where they were going; she didn’t care. She just wanted Astarion to keep holding her hand for as long as possible.
Taglist: Hiii @mancsunite
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irregularjohnnywiggins · 11 months
So, since apparently I'm in a DC posting mood right now, you all want to hear this concept that's been baking in my mind for a while now?
Stephanie Brown is the same level of crimefighter as Bruce Wayne. Hear me out.
First, a common thematic reading of the Batfamily, especially the Batkids, is that all of them are in some way better than Bruce at one specific thing. Like with the equally broad thematic reading of 'All of Batman's rogues reflect a part of his psyche' this doesn't entirely hold up to scrutiny and doesn't apply to all of the Batkids, but it applies to enough: Dick is the better leader, Babs is the better strategist, Tim is the better detective, Cass is the better fighter, you get the idea. Now, normally when considering this reading the consensus for Steph is that she is the negative archetype, similar to how the Joker is interpreted in the rogues reading - an inverse of the common rule, in this case meaning that Steph isn't particularly good at anything. Some people who take this reading end this part with 'And that's why I love her!' - most don't. But I think that's entirely wrong, and to explain why we need to examine Bruce's own past.
In most versions of the Batman origin, there's a period, usually immediately or closely after Bruce graduating from either high-school or college, where Bruce travels the world, seeking masters of specific disciplines and learning all he can from them. The amount of people he meets is extensive - seriously, I have a word doc of 40 names and that's not even all of them - and later stories, particularly the Nolan trilogy, Batman/The Shadow, and IIRC Batman: Earth One, try to par that down to a single entity - The League of Shadows, The Shadow, and Alfred, respectively - teaching him all that is necessary to become Batman. It's not a change I particularly like, for one simple reason - the trek around the globe is as much metatexual as it is backstory. Like many of the prototypical superheroes, Batman isn't just one thing, he's many influences that Bill Finger brought to the table when creating him - he's a pulp hero like the Shadow, an adventure swashbuckler like Zorro and the Scarlet Pimpernel, a detective like Sherlock Holmes, all melding together to form our concept of 'Batman'. Having him learn from all these disparate sources - from ninjas and car thieves and magicians and detectives - seems like a way of acknowledging that breadth of influence, and I can't help but feel like limiting it to only Ra's or Lamont or Alfred takes away from that.
So, what does all that have to do with Stephanie Brown? Well, think about it - almost all of the Batfamily have only one real mentor - there are exceptions, like Tim basically becoming Babs' apprentice in No Man's Land and Cass' very funny shared custody situation, but mainly all of the Batkids learn from Batman, and what they excel at they were just kind of naturally good at anyway - Babs and Cass especially, no shade. With Steph, though? It's not as impressive as Bruce's list, but she learns general Cowl skills with Bruce, hacking and cryptography with Babs, detective skills with Tim, get fighting tips from Cass and Black Canary, is taught teamwork by Kate, evasion skills with Damian (that last one may not be purposeful), plus whatever else she can learn because, unlike the rest of the Batfamily, at least Pre-Flashpoint Steph was always learning.
True, Steph started out with very few practical skills in crimefighting, but you know who else did that? Bruce - every single time a comic or adaptation has shown him attempting to fight crime before the training trek has him absolutely suck at it. At the very least Steph never decided to stop her dad by attempting to assassinate him in a courthouse full of witnesses by veeery slowly pointing a gun at him, like Nolanverse Bruce.
Bottom line? If one more person says Steph 'isn't particularly skilled at anything', I will chew glass.
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greetings-humans · 6 months
DC: the very basics
@athenov trust me there are a lot of dc comics and a lot of reading lists but the list i tagged you on seems to be pretty basic and decent afaik! i trust @lornahs's lists a lot!
now, originally this was just for athenov but tbh it ended up so long that it might as well be a generic intro to dc post! it's very basic and slightly oriented to damian wayne (the character that I'm trying to get athenov into)
so, I usually crossreference multiple reading lists to get somewhere, so try crossreferencing that damian wayne one with this. as a general rule of thumb, tumblr usually knows better, but sites like the one linked aren't too bad.
another thing: dc works in phases. every few decades they have an event they call "crisis" (i. e. crisis on infinite earths, infinite crisis, flashpoint, etc, etc) and after that, they essentially reboot most or all of dc.
they might recreate character's back stories, they might change them depending on the author's preferences, they also tend to disregard events from before the crisis. this is a double edged sword. yes they can disregard stupid plotlines. but they have also historically ignored character development, character relationships, etc.
they have literally transplanted one character (Roy Harper) from X dude's close friend to Y dude's best friend, with no reason whatsoever other than not wanting to debute someone new. and mind you in the process of that, Roy lost so much character development!!! and naturally this happened during the new 52 ugh
anyways-- these reboots have specific names that we use to know what period of DC comics we're talking about. a pretty detailed explanation is here.
for brevity, I'll give you the very basics here and a more in-depth explanation below the cut.
Golden Age (1938-1956)
Silver Age & Bronze Age (1956-1985)
Modern Age (1986-2011) (very good, imo) (damian intro was here!)
New 52 (2011-2016) (bad!!! this fucked over more than just roy!)
Rebirth (2016-2018) (better but only sometimes)
DC Infinite Frontier (2021-2023)
Dawn of DC (2023-today)
essentially, you just run away from n52 (or at least be mindful that it rll fucked up a lot of characters) and you'll be good. also dc wiki is your friend. feel free to ask me if you have any questions tho!! (and this stands not just for athenov! i consider myself relatively new to dc comics cause I've only been into comics for two or three years, after all, and some people are much more obsessed than I am. but I'll def try to help any of the new fans out as much as i can! even if that just means pointing you to another person that can answer your question)
so about the more detailed version of those periods!
we've got golden age, silver age, bronze age. these are old. golden age started during the 1940s. bronze age ended in 1985. I tend to not read anything before 1985 because they're all over the place usually. the themes are also weird cause the comics are old.
then crisis on infinite earths happened and rebooted everything to make things less ambiguous. (until this crisis, if you didn't like the way, say, superman handled things in this issue, you'd just ignore that and go against it and it'd be passed on like a superman from another earth than the other superman. the multiverse was very useful for dc of golden-silver-bronze era. continuity was a hit or miss, at best)
then we have modern age until 2011. this era is the one I usually operate on! many of my favorite characters got some very good runs during this time. damian wayne also debuted in this era with batman #655, which was issued in 2006, according to google.
anyways stan the modern age!
and now things get weird again. the problem with crisis on infinite earths is that it solved some problems but also created new ones. some other crisis events happened to try to fix them but it didn't exactly work out and then we got flashpoint to reboot dc again.
the next reboot is called "new 52" because dc canceled everything and started 52 new titles that could theoretically easily introduce people to these characters. unfortunately, they butchered a lot of characters during this arc, narratively and aesthetically. my own favs have suffered from the new 52. generally, it's not a good era for dc. it was only around for like 5ish years (2011-2016) before DC had to do another crisis and reboot so that tells you how bad things were. (considering the fact that modern age lasted 25 years, this is just sad yknow)
the new era is called rebirth (2016-2018). they basically picked up the stories from modern age and ignored new 52 for the most part, which is iconic. there was another brief era after this to clear up some confusions and restore some memories from modern age that the new 52 had disregarded but all in all things are decent, especially compared to the new 52. admittedly, I haven't read a lot of stuff from after modern age, so take this with a grain of salt.
a few other things happened, like infinite frontier. I don't know anything about it tbh. something weird happened with time and space. this era is a big crisis event essentially, from what i can tell? do we even count it as an era? idfk. I'd say no but the site I linked waayyy above considered it an era so I'll do the same so as to not confuse anyone.
and then there's the dawn of dc, which started like last year or sth, so I got nothing for you about it.
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For the tokusatsu ask game!
1 and 19 :)
Oh, those are good ones. Thanks, @nieves-de-sugui!
How did you get into toku?
When my kids were three or four (they're twins so they always share the same age), my son saw a toy Godzilla and got obsessed with it. So we started showing my kids Godzilla movies, then branched out into other Toho kaiju like Mothra, King Ghidorah, etc. Just to give you an idea of how deep this got, at one point my kids were both obsessed with Biollante, a monster that was created when scientists fused some of Godzilla's DNA with a rose and the soul of a young girl that looks kind of like the thing from Little Shop of Horrors on steroids. This continued for a while. Then we watched Godzilla vs. Megalon, which features Jet Jaguar, a kaiju-fighting robot who they immediately adored. We were already tracking down toys of the various monsters they liked and they wanted a Jet Jaguar one really bad, but when my partner went looking, there weren't any options out there. (I think since then a JJ figure has been issued, but it wasn't around at the time.)
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Then a fateful moment occurred: my spouse saw an Ultraman toy someplace, though it kind of resembled Jet Jaguar, and got it for the kids to see if they'd like it. They were immediately obsessed and wanted to know all about Ultraman, but we barely knew anything about it. I'd seen a little bit of the weirdly dubbed version of Tiga that aired on the WB on Saturday mornings at one point, but that was it. So we started looking things up and checking out shows, which led to more shows and more toys and so on. Our first series was Tiga and we just kept going from there. This was also around the start of the pandemic, so we were in desperate need of an exciting new collective obsession. Actually, I don't know how we would have gotten through that period without Ultraman.
So we mainlined Ultraman for months (maybe even a year or more?) before we checked out any other toku stuff. Then we were talking to a friend who's knowledgeable about this stuff and he suggested we try branching out into other tokusatsu franchises. Our first Super Sentai series was Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, which we all loved right away. I think our first Kamen Rider series was actually Ex-Aid, so it’s kind of a miracle that we kept going with it, because I really dislike that series--I never even finished watching it. Our second Kamen Rider was Saber, which was a way better fit for us (if not exactly representative of the franchise) and remains one of my favorite Kamen Rider series.
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Kamen Rider Ryuki was a kind of milestone because it was the first tokusatsu show that my spouse and I watched without having to have kids present and paying attention all the time. It's a bit on the mature side so they only wanted to watch it intermittently. That's when we figured out that some toku shows filled that niche really well--things that we could watch without worrying about kids feeling left out but that we didn't have to refrain from watching in their presence or censor somehow (at least, most of the time). Which led to even more tokusatsu-watching since things you can watch in that way can be hard to come by.
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Incidentally, a big part of the reason I first got into BLs was because of my tokusatsu fandom. Before I saw my first BL, my twin sister had already seen KinnPorsche and told me about it, so maybe she would have continued with BLs and eventually gotten me into them anyway. It's hard to say. But as it happened, I was looking for something short and not too gut-wrenching to watch on Viki one day when I saw the listing for Senpai, This Can't Be Love and got curious about it because the leads were played by Naito Shuichiro from Saber and Seto Toshiki from Ex-Aid. I talk about the tokusatsu to BL pipeline for actors, but I myself traveled down the viewer equivalent of that pipeline.
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19. If you could go back and change one show, what would you change?
My first thought was something relatively small. If I could, I’d change the fact that Takano Hassei’s character in Kamen Rider Ryuki was (spoiler!) killed off so quickly. I get that the battle royale premise of the series necessitated some painful character deaths but he was so likable and made the story so much more compelling as soon as he showed up and then suddenly he was gone. They should have let him stick around at least a while longer.
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But the main series I’d change is Kamen Rider Kiva. I have such mixed feelings about that series in a number of areas, but the main thing I’d change is its treatment of women characters. It's kind of confusing, though. I keep thinking over how things turn out for the women in Kiva and trying to figure out exactly what my problem is with it and what I think should have been done differently. Basically, the women in Kiva face a lot of sexism in different forms, and the show makes this pretty explicit. Women in Kiva can be incredibly competent and smart, much more than their male counterparts, and they still don't get the same opportunities. Whenever men in the show are interested in a woman romantically and/or sexually, tons of sexism also comes into play, usually in the forms of benevolent sexism and/or objectification. In one arc, for example, two men fight over a woman as if she's a prize to be won and she doesn't have a say in the matter. Otoya often insists on rescuing Yuri from situations that she's arguably better equipped to deal with than he is, with occasionally disastrous effects. These things aren't portrayed as neutral. At times, sexism is called out explicitly. At others, it's shown in a way that seems clearly designed to make it visible.
I'm used to media texts that highlight sexism giving me some kind of catharsis about it. It would be ridiculous for a story to solve the problem of sexism completely, but there's usually some kind of progress that's made, or at least a character removes herself from a sexist situation if it doesn't improve. But Kiva doesn't do that. Not really, anyway. Both of the women who want to be Riders do get to do that, briefly, which was pretty remarkable when the series aired in 2008/2009. Unlike in some Kamen Rider series in which characters always have their own distinct Rider identity, a bunch of the people (basically, all of the human beings) who become Riders in Kiva use the same tool, the Ixa System, and become variations on the same Rider. Both Yuri and Megumi, a mother and daughter shown in different time periods, become Kamen Rider Ixa at some point. But their time as Riders is short-lived, and only happens after they've proven themselves again and again while watching the dopiest men imaginable get to become Ixa first. So that doesn't constitute much progress. (Did I mention that Yuri's deceased mother/Megumi's grandmotherdesigned the Ixa System? And they each still have to fight tooth and nail for a brief chance to use it!)
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Watching Kiva actually made me notice the extent to which I expect some kind of catharsis once a piece of media foregrounds sexism somehow. And as soon as I noticed it, I questioned it. Does that kind of catharsis really need to happen? Might it not be better for us to have to sit with that discomfort? Catharsis discharges tension, but maybe it's better not to do that. But I don't think the uniformly shitty outcomes faced by the women on Kiva serve any sort of useful purpose in that way. (I'm including Megumi marrying Nago as a shitty outcome. The show may treat it as cause for celebration but that guy sucks and she's totally settling.)
So what would I change? First, I'd make the sexism the women face more explicit, with more characters labeling it as such more often. Since the show features two timelines, one taking place in 1986 and one in 2008, it would make sense and provide at least a little bit of hope if the 2008 storyline involved a bit less sexism or a bit more progress toward counteracting it. Maybe some individual characters could even learn something from their experiences and become a bit less sexist. At the very least, the leaders of the Wonderful Blue Sky Organization should have learned from their mistakes since they were present for the events of both 1986 and 2008 (the other 2008 characters are too young to have been present then except as small chidren).
When the two Kurenais, Otoya and Wataru, go through a body-swap situation across time and Otoya finds himself in 2008, his attitudes seem even more egregious in the context of 2008. I'd look for other ways to use the differences and similarities between attitudes in the two time periods to make a similar type of point.
I'd definitely give Yuri and Megumi more of a chance to be Ixa. Especially Megumi, since she's in 2008 when people should be at least a little bit less sexist. And for fuck's sake, I wouldn't have Megumi marry a douchey clod like Nago in a million years.
Well, that ended up being longer than I expected! Thanks again for the questions, nieves!
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blackbloodteeth · 21 days
just stumbled across your art for the first time & im very curious as to what exactly your starting point for creating soul variants was? by that i mean, what made you begin creating them in the first place, what served as the inspiration for all of this? id also like to add i scrolled your entire archive and i love how expressive your art is! apologies if youve already answered something like this as well. thank you, have a nice day!
Hey, thank you very much! I'm always so glad when people enjoy my varianting, and honestly that's really heartwarming that you went through my archive (especially since I still remember how long it took me to get all of my art up at the time onto here haha)
I've been asked similar questions to this before, but I don't mind it at all, it's always fun to answer even if the history on variants is actually a bit messy haha (to the point I had to kinda just pick a day for keeping track of the Variantverse's anniversary, which I actually use this drawing for reference since it's the first real time there were multiple AU Souls in one art haha).
I'm not joking about the history being messy by the way, you better strap in because this is not a question I'm usually able to answer in just a few neat sentences (for your time there will be art at the end though haha)
So basically, aside from the really old (I'm talking middle school old) AUs I had of Soul (which... don't really have updated art aside from being retroactively really important to Variantverse lore hah), variants initially started as me just finally joining the Soul Eater fandom and just doodling canon Soul in different ways. After that it basically went like I want to draw him in a different outfit, to I want to draw him as Pokemon (context like this involved Discord but that's another story hah), to okay, I want to draw him weird and no one can stop me, and then came one morning where I did a doodle session of drawing him in a lot of non-human designs for the fun of it.
This is the shortened version of it, because there were doodles in between including an entire comic saga and an entire AU that didn't end up on the Variant List (*until much later anyway) because the list hadn't been established yet. Have I mentioned the "List of Soul Variants," by the way? Some know way back when I used to keep a list of all the Soul variants I was making and even gave them all numbers (it was kind've a big deal to the point it was actual in-Variantverse lore), however shortly after it reached 1,000 variants the list went defunct (also a big deal) and I no longer keep track of how many there are. The numbers don't matter anymore, but it contextualizes some things haha.
Now to actually answer the question, where does "variants" start: #019. After the previously mentioned doodle session, I got a Thought™ after waking up to start a [secret project], however I needed a handful more variants for it, and ended up doodling some more. I honestly have no idea if I should still be calling it a secret considering it's been four years now and I never ended up drawing it up despite- Anyway, this is also exactly the point in time I started to call them all variants (theorized by me to be in reference to "regional variant" Pokemon, ones that take a new appearance when adapting to a new region).
So what inspired me? Simply because I just kept going. I started thinking of a reason the variants I'd made so far were all together during the events of [secret project??], I started thinking of a couple Souls watching over the event (that ended up becoming the main characters of the overarching story) and new unrelated variants that were goofing off in the background, I started thinking of an antagonist, not just tied to the events of this, but to the multiverse at large, and I started thinking up what happened afterwards. I ended up giving the first 25 variants lore when I wanted to flesh out their designs, I added new variants to interact with the overarching story, and I just kept doodling new variants for the hell of it, all because it was fun and even if I never really revealed what [secret project] was (at least to only more than a handful of people hah) people in the circles I was in really enjoyed seeing them. Need I remind you that I stopped keeping track of how many there were after about 1090 variants. So yeah, it just kept going.
I guess in a way this is more answering where does the Variantverse start, but it's such an integral core concept that I think is heavily responsible for this madness snowballing to begin with haha, and things like the "Soul Variant Emporium" (an entirely different inside joke) and different Souls interacting out in the multiverse still resurfaces from time-to-time in the little blurbs I give art. I'm just particularly fond of capturing variants from an angle as if writing Pokedex entries, which I think kinda loops back to that idea of where the word variant comes from.
Honestly I just really love character design, and Soul genuinely is my favourite character of all time, so it's very fun to combine the two (especially when integrating concepts I find I like, such as the mass amount of werewolves hah) and I couldn't be happier that people also get a kick out of it even if I feel just a little guilty I don't really draw non-Soul designs much anymore haha (and I will say the madness brought upon my ask box as been an absolute hoot). So yeah, to sum it up: It started because I just had doodle ideas, and I got inspired by never stopping having ideas and everyone unfortunate enough to be caught in my ramble radius happened to enjoy said ideas.
As promised (thank you for enduring, I hope this was at least interesting haha), here's the most notable early variants that got me rolling the snow around:
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Awakened Soul is the one I mentioned starting off the later doodles with the idea of "variants" first in mind, but Trickster (giving Soul a new outfit), the Pokemon variants, and other Souls of other doodlings are also notable to the entire messy history as to where this all started. I'm still planning to continue trying to draw all of the 1000 variants of the old list eventually and I look forward to sharing all these silly Souls as always.
I swear I'll give the first AU Soul I'd ever drawn real art one day.
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galansu · 2 months
Oliver and why he's Going to Hell (a rant)
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It's hard to write a character when you know they're gonna go to hell in the end. Or at least when they die. You've aligned them to being morally good, fighting against evil, and yet when they die, they're sent away while some of the people they've fought against are sent to heaven. Not for things they did in the past. But because of things they've always done.
Oliver's deeds as a hero and his support to the team do not cancel out the fact that he mutilated and bioengineered people into monstrosities and continued to do it throughout his career (as of now). Sure, it helps that he tests everything (that he shows to the public) he makes before he uses it on the people he trusts and loves. But it's not good that he's tested it (being prototypes and first time experiments) on unwilling and unknowing subjects. I'm not just talking about rats or mice, I'm talking about people. He grew and made people in his lab so he wouldn't have to kidnap and experiment on someone who already had a life and a future. He made people to essentially kill them. Sure, they didn't have a sense of consciousness in later versions he created since the screaming of brutality and begging for mercy was a lot, but I mean?? He saw the only problem being the defiance and not the "No, please! Don't do this!"???
He lives with the trauma of seeing his parents die at a young age. Of getting disowned by the last bits of family he had left. Of one of his experiments going wrong and terribly electrocuting him, scarring him for life. Yes, he's suffered. Yes, he's not all mentally well. But he continues to do unethical things and sees no reason to stop when his methods give good results. He does experiment on himself when he knows the results won't end with him dead, but if he needs to take something apart to get answers then he'll resort to growing a clone/life form of that species.
I believe in the idea that if you do bad things in the past and change and grow as a person in the future, you'll be considered a good person in the eyes of judgement. I believe that people can be redeemed and bettered if they work on themselves and prove they've changed with time, as well as genuinely believe in the good they do afterwards. I feel like Oliver, if he decides to change later on, can be able to make it to heaven in the afterlife. But as he is right now, he's going to hell.
I imagine it going something like this. Oliver dies in a lab incident. He begins to go up to heaven, a bit nonchalant about just dying. He walks up to this big gate that has many different entries to it, going up to one of them and waiting to be allowed inside. When he gives them his name, they don't find it on their list anywhere. He's shocked and terrified. They tell him to check "downstairs", as he's sent plummeting through the skies to the hells below. The gates are like mirror image of what heaven has, minus the clouds and the bright golden color. It has a rusty look to it, the entire place a wasteland of firey rocks and magma. Oliver sheepishly goes to enter, and is horrified when they tell him he's on the list. He begs and asks why. The stuff I said above is told to him. Bioengineering with malicious intent. Modifying subjects against their will. Creating life just to take it away. And then he's ushered inside.
TLDR: Oliver is going to hell because he does cruel experiments and causes suffering even though he helps save the universe. If he stops his cruel methods and finds a different way that doesn't involve killing people or mutilating them, then he can go to heaven.
"b-but galans you wrote him 🥺" yeah and it hurts me that he's gonna go to hell so i want him to have character development at some point where he changes his methods
"so why don't you just write that now you don't tell us much about him anyway we would have never known" i want you to know he's a silly boy when it comes to being friends with people and most of his inventions but his experiments suck and I CAN FIX HIM!!!!!!!!!!
i may just redeem him in his side story (which im on the fence about making a blog for since so many of you said "yeah make one!!" but also showed you had no interest in engaging with it which to me defeats the purpose of you guys saying i should make it, if you want it to happen then you'd want to see it that's my logic)
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soliro-moonlight · 3 months
Woke and chose violence today so have an unnecessary list of how long it took me to make the transparents based on what ibisPaintX.
Yes, I do these by hand. Is there a better way to do it? Yes, but do I hate myself? ...well my arm seems to think so. Anyway, here's the shit post:
1. Shinigami in Yuma's art (0:13)
Tried to boom kill me since I yeeted her from Yuma's art so I gave her a transparent. Easy to do since she is basically a blob, but she's cute.
2. Seth sitting (0:21)
Couldn't stop cackling when doing this. This man had a chair in the main game but in the art book he looks like he is going to drop the most mid rap album. Immediately faceplanted when I was finished.
3. Desuhiko sitting (0:22)
His wavy hair was annoying but it was in big chunks so it was easy to manage. Overall his design is so cute especially with those big shoes but I did slap him when I was finished.
4. Vivia sitting (0:30)
His hair was more annoying than Desuhiko's given they are smaller, but I got through it. Belts were cool to transparent. Fell asleep two seconds into the process.
5. Yakou sitting (0:30)
The chair was easier than I thought to transparent but points docked for Yakou's hair being so curly and thin. Love the man but I have half a mind making him bald.
6. Guillaume sitting (0:36)
Her chunky hair. It's so nice and big enough where it's not annoying but there is so much of it. Def took time but the rest was fine.
7. Original Yakou art (0:48)
First attempt at making a transparent so not too bad of time, but at the same time I just did just one of the Yakou. Couldn't do the jacket version cuz his hair was going to kill me. Didn't help the scans colors were off so his hair def got chopped in the process.
8. Original Vivia art (0:51)
Second transparent I made and it went moderately better given I also did his jacket. Like with Yakou I probably chopped some of his hair off and those strings, but he didn't care.
9. Yuma art (0:55)
Over the best of the character sheets to transparent so far. No little fly away hair, no wavy curls, and no strings. Worst part was probably the ahoge, but it was nothing compared to the other hair I had to deal with. I love him so much, I'm gonna transparent him more.
10. Halara art (1:32)
Bribed them with cats to get them to work with me, but it was a smooth process. The worst part was they were so pale and their hair was so white it was hard to distinguish them from the background. Almost chopped their hand off in the process.
11. Seth art (1:40)
Nothing really notable other than his poncho is really nice to transparent. It's big and his bunny ears are so cute. Also I almost chopped off his neck cuz his uniform is so white and it was hard to distinguish it from the background.
12. Makoto art (2:10)
I swear Makoto heard how fun I was making the transparent for Yuma cuz his string thin hair was a pain to deal with. It was made worse compared to all of the others having white backgrounds, his is tan, making it hard to distinguish which was hair or not. The fact it didn't take it longer cuz I threw out one of his back art cuz it was the same.
13. Guillaume art (2:57)
The chunks. The chunks of her hair. It's so cute, but it's hard to erase around. I created a whole new system to get through her specifically. Although it was worth it cuz Guillaume gave me a horoscope reading. She told me to give up, fun.
Bonus: Yomi transparent I forgot to post (3:06)
Honest to God it was just a blur to me, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't hell. Took longer cuz I measured his waist and he was fighting with me the whole time. But dw, I got the results. Yomi's waist is 13 cm.
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kitkatt0430 · 3 months
For your salty ask questions : 7, 20 and 22 love your options on things
7.) Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
So the show Eureka. The fandom itself had issues while I was a part of it, though I did a pretty good job of steering clear of the worst of it until towards the end of the show's run.
Eureka was a SyFy channel show that aired while I was in college and for the most part I really liked it. But... one of the main characters, Allison, had an autistic child whose treatment by the show made me very uncomfortable for reasons I didn't really understand at the time because, well... I was pretty ignorant about autism at the time.
They basically treated this kid as a plot device. The mom didn't seem interested in figuring out how to communicate in ways the kid was comfortable with but instead being devastated that the only time he communicated in ways she was comfortable with was when he was semi-possessed by some science-magic-thing. That was killing him. The kid eventually creates an Einstein-Rosen bridge (wormhole) to facilitate his mom and some others to time travel in order to butterfly effect the future just enough that he's not autistic. Like, it's heavily implied that the kid did that. on purpose. after which he finally became a real character and not a plot device and his mom sabotaged the other characters attempts to fix the timeline because she liked this version of her son better.
... yeah...
And usually this is where I'd go looking for fix fics and I did look for some because even with not knowing much about autism at the time even I knew that last part with the kid erasing himself from history to replace himself with a not-autistic and not-really-him version of himself was really bad writing. If you have to replace your autistic character with a non-autistic version in order to make him an active character in your show, you're a shitty show runner and/or writer.
But honestly I just wasn't finding any at the time. Maybe there are some now, maybe I wasn't looking in the right places. But I was starting to run more and more into misogynistic or racist treatments of Allison as I became less and less interested in fics that included her directly. At which point the show was over, I wasn't really enamored with either it or the fandom anymore, and it was time to move on.
To some degree I do miss it. It started while I was in high school and it was something I continued to watch on weekends with my parents during college (along with Doctor Who and a few other shows). It had a lot of really fun things going and I had a good fandom friend for Eureka and FF8 who I've since lost touch with. But in retrospect, and having since learned more about autism and why the quest to 'cure' it is basically eugenics... it's really hard to look back on the show without being appalled by how ableist it really was. So though I might miss it, I sincerely doubt I'll ever rewatch it or return to the fandom.
20.) What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Yeah I have no idea. I think 'purest ship' is kind of a silly metric because nothing is every going to be perfect or 'pure'. And with the rise of purity culture here on tumblr over the last several years, even though I would be just joking around to name a ship as the purest... it still feels like I'd be invoking the idea of moral superiority for shipping the pure ships. So honestly, the question makes me a little uncomfortable for how it's phrased.
If I were to rephrase it as the ship with the least baggage attached, then maybe Barrisco, Westhawne, or Snowest for the Flash. The characters still have to work out problems that arise between them over the course of the show, but these three have what feels like - to me anyway - the least amount of baggage weighing them down in their interactions together and canon relationships be they platonic or romantic. But I wouldn't call them pure ships because I really just don't think there's any such thing.
22.) Popular character you hate?
It's hard to think of one because even villains I tend to hate in a love to hate way. At the characters I don't hate in the love to hate way - like Mark Blaine - are more often than not fandom unfavorites anyway.
I don't hate Felicity, but I don't like her the way I used to either. Characterization marches on and all that.
I'll still pop in on the Supernatural fandom sometimes despite the show eventually making all the main characters kind of unlikable (or maybe it was the trauma conga line getting forever darker that made it feel hard to like anything while watching it anymore...) but the fanon versions of the characters are still enjoyable to me.
I don't hate Steve from the MCU but by the time he was written out of the franchise he was... very much not my Captain America anymore. Largely because they made him too much of a self centered hypocrite with never my fault/consequences avoidant tendencies that are at odds with what I like about the character from the comics I've read. (Admittedly not a lot of comics, as I prefer other marvel comics characters over Captain America like Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy as Ghost-Spider and Jane's run as Thor...) But honestly... what else could I expect when the movies were taken over by people who were on the record as hating all the characters? I may not like this version of Steve anymore, but I find it hard to hate a character I know was being deliberately written badly.
Gwen from Torchwood mind raped her fiance/future husband to avoid him leaving her for cheating on him and... I really don't like her for that but given all the shit the other Torchwood characters get up to it feels a little strong to say I hate her for it. I hate the way the narrative treated her as a morality pet but she was, in many ways, just another victim of the way working for Torchwood - even Jack's Torchwood - eventually eroded a person's sense of ethics. And the show runners trying a bit too hard to be edgy. (Though admittedly, sometimes I do hate her for it, usually when I'm rewatching that part of the show in the wrong mood.)
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implausiblyjosh · 1 year
Let's Play A Terrible Wrestling Video Game, TEW 2020
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I've been feeling the call to play TEW 2020 again. This is a text-based pro wrestling management video game that just sucks so much ass. That screen you see above? That is the main window and it cannot be resized. Seriously, I'm fairly certain every menu in this game is just an image file with clickables put over it. Nightmarish.
Anyways, the cool thing is that people make their own mods for this game, either building up entire fictional wrestling universes (the game comes with it's own version of this, the CornellVerse, that has been building and changing with each entry) or mapping out the mod-makers approximation of the real world. Today, we're going to be making a new company using Real World Chronicles 2023, the June 2023 edition.
Anyways, let's start our save!
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Now. I'm playing with a larger mod database, which means there's a lot of data to crunch, but like... this hangup happens anytime I play this game unless I'm playing an "organic" save (you start w/ the bare minimum in the database and let the game generate new stuff), but this always freaks me out.
Now we have to pick who we're playing as and folks... this list is a doozy.
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Usually what I like to do is start with a created User Avatar (I think that's what this game calls player characters), where I set their stats up basically to the max but I never have them do in-ring work, usually just commentary. I... forgot to do that this time. I don't wanna back out, so I'm just gonna pick someone who is closest to me in age. In this case, I'm playing as Poppy who I guess has worked closely with WWE's NXT brand to make music for them??? She's 28, I'm 29, I've already imposed this rule on us.
The second thing we set is "User Talents". These traits (Negotiating, Motivating, Creativity, Leadership, Diplomacy, and Silver Tongue) will help and hinder us in certain ways, and we will get more points for every X number of shows we run. At the start we have 30 points, along with some template options. Usually I do not care about this and pick Jack of all Trades to get 5 across the board. But let's go full chaotic and do Lucky Dip. This will give every one of our stats a random number, so our total could be higher or lower than the initial 30.
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That's... not great? So negotiating is maxxed out, which means we can really have our way in contract negotiations. Diplomacy is also high at 9, which means when incidents happen back stage we should be able to handle them better. Leadership of 5 is basically neutral, and would give us a passive bonus to backstage/locker room morale. Creativity of 3 is less than neutral, and handles Gimmick changes and Heel/Face turns. Silver Tongue at 1 is awful, that handles how we can talk workers into doing angles/matches they may not be jazzed about. Finally, Motivating is at 0 and this means our workers will likely have loads of "off" days. This is 28 points total, so we missed out on 2 points and the spread is bonkers. We cannot reroll this. We must move on.
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Next thing we can tinker with is Preferences. This will impact how our matches and promos are rated, which impacts how our shows are rated, which impacts how our audience perceives us, and on and on. There's a lot here, but I keep it on "Standard" from the drop down and also add "Enable Dirt Sheet" since that will tell us what is providing positive or negative impacts on matches and promos. It'll really help us figure out what is or isn't working on our shows!
Now we could start with an already established company (WWE, Impact, AEW, etc) with this, but I always prefer to make my own way in the world. We will start as Unemployed and make our own company!
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Here's our start screen. It's... a lot. This will be good to see when new wrestlers get generated, or when other companies go under or let go of people, but for right now we do not care about this. We care about the "Start Own Company" button. And I happened to throw together a logo and a name, so we should be good to set up True Power Wrestling. And it's time for yet another awful menu.
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This used to be better and worse in some ways. In the last game, TEW 2016, you used to build your own product based on a handful of different axis ("Mainstream", "Realism", "Comedy", etc.) and how important they were to the types of shows you were putting on so you could fine-tune what you wanted your audience to care about, and what may or may not be fit for television. It was a worse menu, but allowed you some cool options to really make the product you always wanted. In TEW 2020, the devs have effectively laid out that people were "gaming" the product setting system, and there's only so many distinct types of wrestling that exist or could exist, so they've just made a drop-down of all the wrestling products they think are possible. If you have an idea for a product type you think is missing from the game you can ask nicely on the forums and they will maybe add it in a future update.
I'm not gonna go over what each and every product is, but I'm going to use the Family Friendly Pro Wrestling product you see above. In my mind I'm thinking "what if my idealized version of 90s/2000s Cartoon Network had a wrestling show". 70/30 Match and Promo split for TV shows, 85/15 for events, wrestlers are rated 30/70 on in-ring performance vs popularity, and we really want the matches to be family friendly. No high-risk moves, no spinal-impact moves, and "called in the ring" means that our workers will know how long a match needs to go and who's winning, but otherwise no other planning is happening.
Additionally, I'm starting under the "Rock Hard" conditions. This means our company will be barely known, have 0 prestige, and start w/ $2,500 in the bank. We will be changing that dollar amount soon, but I love to play "Backyard to Global" style where we start as complete unknowns and see how popular we can get before I run out of steam.
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We have started True Power Wrestling. This will be our actual main screen, as this hellish menu will be how we make changes to our product. But first, let's see what the internet says Poppy's net worth is.
Uhhh I forgot how nightmarish those types of sites are, but the number I'm getting is between $1-3 Mil. I'll say Poppy is putting $1 Million of her own Net Worth into True Power Wrestling.
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Now we gotta start looking for workers. Poppy is a Personality, which means she'll talk on-screen and be a personality, but she's not gonna do any in-ring work. She will not take a pile-driver. So we gotta find literally everyone else: Wrestlers, Refs, Announcers, Commentators, Road Agents, & Managers. Let's look at the "Workers" tab.
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An overload of information, but! We're only looking for a couple things right now: Psychology, Popularity, if they will work for us, and if they are a good backstage presence. Psychology is just a rating of "can they tell a good wrestling story in the wrestling ring", so that'll be good for our actual show ratings. By clicking "Search" we can narrow down what workers will show up in this tab.
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I'm not going to go through every single worker we add this way, but know I'm messing around with these filters to get us workers. When I find a worker who looks like they may be a good fit, I click negotiate and I get this:
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Now you gotta make a contract offer. There are handshake deals and written deals, with either of them having the option to be "exclusive" so they can't work elsewhere. I usually try to make the numbers multiples of 10, and a little higher than what the game tells me to give just so the workers are in a good mood. As a backyard promotion, even with $1 Mil at your disposal, there is no way you're going to get exclusive deals this early on so I just make regular written agreements. This way everything is locked in for a set time and the payments don't fluctuate before contract negotiations, and if I let them go before the contract is up they gotta be paid which is just good for these digital workers.
When I do this, I usually make 2 templates at first: 1 Yr Wrestler and 3 Yr Worker. For wrestlers, especially just starting out your company, you don't know who is or isn't gonna work or be Your Guys, ya know? This way they get a year of work in (about 12 shows) and you can get a feel of who you wanna build around. For the 3 Yr, I keep that for Everyone Else. I think of it like superhero comics, ideally even if the writing team changes, there's some aesthetic connections and stability if you keep the pencilers/inkers/colorers the same. My commentary team, my refs, my on-screen personalities, my road agents, they are that aesthetic stability. And it means I don't have to worry about them on top of my wrestlers.
After spending the better part of 15-30 mins looking through the workers I can hire, here are notables: Shane McMahon (dunno what I'm gonna do with him, but it won't be in-ring work), Brian Zane (commentary, I watch this dude's YouTube videos!), and the Da Vinki guys (The Voros Twins! Guess I have to have a tag division for them). Usually what I'll do is grab who I can, about 10-20 wrestlers, 1-2 refs, 1 road agent, 2-3 commentary people, and then wait for the negotiations to come back. From there I can see who has tag partners I didn't hire yet, and see if I missed any other types of workers.
I still have other things to do while I wait. First, let's look at our Title situation.
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A normal menu. I'm going to create our Primary title, the True Power Title, and our Secondary title, the Rising Star title. True Power will be our World Heavyweight, the top title everyone has dreams of. Rising Star will be the stepping-stone, our equivalent of a US or Intercontinental title. Might even have it so in-universe the champ of the Rising Star title can vacate their title to make a True Power title match, add a little Money In The Bank flavor.
You can actually purchase a retired title, which is kinda handy! As a backyard promotion, the True Power title only has a prestige of 30. There are some on the market with 45 prestige! But I'll hold off on that, we'll wait to at least have our first year of shows before doing that.
Now... we wait. I don't have any workers, negotiations don't happen the same day, so we gotta move forward. I click those double arrows on the upper left hand side and tell the game to advance a week, for next Monday. The game stops at Wednesday, and we have some updates! The Voros Twins and Brian Zane wanna join in on this, along with about 5 other workers. A ref who I didn't realize was retired rejected us, but this is why we put out so many feelers!
Since we have Zane as a commentator we'll set him for every Event moving forward. We haven't scheduled any yet since we don't have our full roster just yet, but that's okay! We're ready. Let's move forward in time a little more, still aiming for Monday of Week 2, June 2023.
Thursday of Week 1, June 2023 and we get basically everyone else signed on. We've got a ref, we've got a road agent, we've got it all! We don't need a minimum number of wrestlers as we're such a small promotion, but we do need enough to run shows using a Heel/Face split (good guy/bad guy split) and we need at least one of each of those other non-wrestling positions.
I push us forward once more to Monday of Week 2, and we get stopped again. On Friday we sign Shane McMahon. My idea with him is to have him be some type of personality, probably a CEO trying to destroy True Power Wrestling? I dunno, we haven't even done our first show yet.
All this, and we still haven't run a show. And we still won't! I'm tired and don't wanna play anymore today lmao. Next time we'll plan and run our first True Power Wrestling show!
See ya!
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cogmonkey · 2 years
My Crash Bandicoot level editor
Here's a long post about a project that has been consuming my life for the last 4 years! A thing that will let you make custom levels in a Crash Bandicoot game! Let's see if it's worth Tumblring about!
Backstory: I love the Crash Bandicoot games, and the first in the series has always been my favourite game ever. In 2017 the original PS1 trilogy was remade and released on PS4 as the N Sane Trilogy and a year later it went multiplatform - including PC. I've never been a big fan of PC gaming and although I've always been a bit of a tinkerer I didn't have any serious experience with modding at that point. I had even less experience with coding (none). But the PC release of this remake came during an extremely rough period of my life. I had been searching for a while for some kind of distraction from the situation I was in, to help me get back on my feet. So I started to experiment with breaking the game in interesting ways and somehow became the N Sane Trilogy modding guy without really meaning to. And it did turn out to be a big part of my recovery too!
The first thing I figured out was custom music, and once I had the process down I wanted to automate it which lead to my first ever experience of writing "code" in the form of a .bat file. All it really did was insert a few bytes into the start of the right kind of MP3 to make it work in the game but until this point I didn't even know what a byte was so it felt like a major achievement to me.
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Not long after that, I worked out how to move objects around within levels. I wanted to try doing the same thing I'd done with the music by creating a tool that would make it easy for anyone to change the positions of things like crates and enemies. I never even considered trying to make a full blown level editor, having only just learned the basics of the Windows command line.
But my quest to avoid having to find a way to create some kind of GUI took me to some strange places. I got as far as having another .bat file that used the Windows debugger to hack into the game's memory while it was running so that you could actually see what objects you were moving where, when I decided that it was getting a little absurd and there was probably a better solution.
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Still not knowing what I was doing and just trying to find a simple way to display a set of points in 3D space, I ended up playing around with Unity. It took a lot of googling and trial and error but once I was able to turn a list of coordinates into a visual representation of how objects in a level file were laid out I decided I wasn't going to find anything easier. I didn't fancy trying to create the UI part of the editor from scratch within Unity though so I downloaded Visual Studio and cobbled together a Windows Forms application for the 3D view to live inside. As I was able to use C# (whatever that was?) for both components it seemed to me like a perfectly sensible thing to do.
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Hindsight tells me that this was just as ridiculous as the debugger version but it worked well enough initially that it's remained as the basis of my level editor ever since.
I did restart the whole project again after a few months of work on that version. As I spent more time on it I learned a lot more about how the game worked and once I properly understood how the level files were structured I had no real way to implement that with the code I had already written that was based on mostly guesswork. But by now there were a few more people taking an interest in modding the game and new tools like model converters were appearing. So I would have needed to start again anyway if I wanted to ever have something that actually looked like a level editor rather than a swarm of unidentifiable boxes floating around in an empty space, which was still the best I could do at that stage. So that's when I started on the current iteration.
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I've now been working on this version for about 3 and a half years. That may be longer than the N Sane Trilogy itself took to develop but it can do a lot more than just move objects around now. A couple of years ago I released an example custom level that I created entirely within the editor, a remake of the first level of a different Crash game:
I also put together some concept levels for an idea I had about a different approach you could take with a Crash Bandicoot remake:
These may give the impression that the level editor used to make them must have already been pretty complete by then but there is a reason why I haven't released or even made any more levels since those ones. The whole development process has been a lot of testing things under one narrow set of circumstances until they work, and then trying to generalise across the ~100 levels in the game. Or at least getting as close as possible before hardcoding in a few exceptions because of how much inconsistency there is in how the levels are put together. But it's only really in between each cycle of replacing that placeholder code that there emerges something that is slightly useable. So it's been a while.
Thankfully I am in the final stage of that now. For version 1 at least - some of what I'm doing now I'm already planning to undo later, because I'm still just aiming for something that works before I even start to worry about trying to make something that's good. I've given up on trying to find new ways to describe how much time I've spent on this. But you can hear me saying stuff like that, and get a better look at the history of this project, in the occasional update videos that I've made over the years.
Maybe I'll squeeze in a another video before it's done, or maybe I'll incorporate a brief progress update into some other more interesting video instead. But either way I'll probably Tumblr about it some more. So please feel free to use my ask page here if you have any questions or anything. I will try to be better at not ignoring them than I am with Twitter replies and YouTube comments! Maybe!
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PS if you want to get custom music in your game or you want to make simple custom levels or other mods you can do all of that with this other thing I made called Alchemist.
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akwardlyuncool · 2 years
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Bruh! We (I) made it to the end of Akward Class Favorites 2022. I know we’re already sitting in March of 2023, but I’m going to give myself points for showing up, even if it is late. That’s how we’re moving going forward, unless absolutely necessary, we’re going to show up even if we show up late because that’s better than not showing up at all. I thank y’all for following me on this journey and continuing to stick around as I document my life in the form of music and concerts and TikTok and YouTube videos and graphic novels and everything I consume in between. And if you’re new here or just passing through, I appreciate you too. And to quote Fall Out Boy (who is not on this playlist) “Thnks fr th Mmrs” or rather thanks for being here while I share my memories and stories and just talk about this thing called life.
This is not a strictly 2022 playlist, but the 2021 songs will be clearly marked.
There is a story or flow that I tried to create once again, but you do not need to know any of that to follow along with the playlist. You can listen in order, shuffle, pick and choose, do whatever you want.
That being said if you’re following along from the beginning and reading along, the anecdotes that follow many of the songs aren’t really apart of that story, they’re just extra pieces of sometimes “personal” information that I include because it’s fun for me.
When I’m collecting YouTube links for these songs, I’ll often find a live or alternate version that I really like and will share that instead, or in addition to, the original/studio version. I will note when I do this, however the full Spotify playlist will have the “correct” version.
Also to note, I wrote all the songs like they show up in Spotify, which is why some are capitalized and some are not. (Just in case anyone was wondering, 
⭐️ = Songs that came out specifically in 2022.
🕚 = Songs that came out in December of 2021. (You know the late babies.)
✊🏾 = Songs by/featuring Black Artists. 
This may be a shorter year (72 tracks) for the playlist, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t really great gems in here and I hope you find something to love. 💛
30/90 ft. Vanessa Hudgens and Joshua Henry - Andrew Garfield
No I haven’t seen the tick, tick... BOOM! musical, because I don’t have Netflix, but this song is so good and it for sure hits at 30.
⭐️ EP. 1: Adult - Ian McConnell
⭐️ 23 - Wilfred
⭐️ What Makes You Sad - Nicotine Dolls
I love this song so much that it might already be a contender for one of my favorite songs of all time.
The video is technically a live version, but it doesn’t stray too far.
Pineapple Boy - Authentic Pines
F.I.N.E - You, Me and Everyone We Know
This was one of the songs that could of made last years list, but missed the mark and decided to stick around to be able to make it this year
⭐️ Blood Runs Red - Matt Maeson
Angels On The Moon - Thriving Ivory
If It Makes You Happy (Cover) - Michael Cera Palin
This song was on the list last year, but I didn’t know it was a cover. Anyway I really love this version and it’s very much still in rotation
⭐️ ✊🏾 Anxiety - Megan Thee Stallion
We support Megan The Stallion over here!
Twenty Twelve - Matt Maeson
🕚 ✊🏾 It’s Okay ft. Tilden Parc - Pandaraps
Didn’t realize that this was a December 2021 release cause it totally could have made my top 12 of 2022.
Jealous Of Birds (Audio Tree Live Version) - Bre Kennedy
Changes ft. Joe P - Jax Anderson
⭐️ Cut Deep - Matt Maeson
⭐️ ✊🏾 Keeping The Light On - Joy Oladokun
🕚 Back Together - The Summer Set
The first time I heard this song I about cried. I’ve listed to it enough now that emotional when I hear it, but it still hits me right in all the feels with every listen and watch of the video.
Didn’t make a missed connections playlist this year, but this was one song I ended up checking out late.
Glorious ft. Skylar Grey - Macklemore
TikTok really had me convinced that this was a new song, but unsurprisingly I’m late to the game lol.
✊🏾 brick by brick - Joy Oladokun
So smooth and good. This one even made it to the voice notes.
⭐️ You Make It Real For Me (Refreshed) - James Morrison
If you’re not a James Morrison fan you should be.
Overloved - Greyson Chance 
I said this last year, but yes that Greyson Chance and he’s GOOD!
⭐️ Till We Both Say - Nicotine Dolls
⭐️ ✊🏾 Love You A Little Bit - Tanner Adell
Has the catchy-ness and spark that I love about today’s country, she just better not get problematic on me lol.
Scotty Doesn’t Know - Lustra
Basically I was getting ready for a date and needed music but my CD player didn’t want to play any of my CD’s, except for the Euro Trip soundtrack. A soundtrack to soundtrack my life.
PS: Shout out to the guy who took me on my first date ever, thanks for meandering with me. (Eventually I’ll tell you what ridiculousness I’ve named your car.)
Heaven In Our Headlights - Hedley
Don’t Go Borrowin’ Trouble - Elizabeth Cook
Alone (Acoustic) - Jessie Ware
Washington State Fight Song - Matt Nathanson
⭐️ Problems - Matt Maeson
Both of Us (Acoustic) - You vs Yesterday
The non-acoustic version as well cause I listed to both a bunch in 2022.
⭐️ Thinking ‘Bout Love ft. Warbel - Wild Rivers 
Such a good version of this song and it would have made my top 12, but I wanted to give other songs a chance.
✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾 Pistols At Dawn - Seinabo Sey
I feel so bad for missing her on the Rooting For “Everybody” Black playlist, however this song is so good and you should listen to it a couple times to make up for my mistake lol. Plus it just goes hard.
Say You Love Me - Jessie Ware
⭐️ Better When We’re Falling Apart - Wild Rivers
FIGURES - Jessie Reyes
One Too Many ft P!nk - Keith Urban
Heard this for the first time at doctors office and instantly was feeling it. That waiting room music was on point that day.
⭐️ ✊🏾 Desmond’s Song ft. Tobe Nwigwe - Johnnyswim
Heavy - MacKenzie Bourg
⭐️ Someone To Love (Piano) - Dermot Kennedy
I love his voice so much and will always ride for a more basic, stripped down version of his work more than the big productions stuff.
1-800-miss-ur-guts - TRAMP STAMPS
Another song that could have made it last year had I listened to it more. At least it’s here now.
🕚 WYD Now? - Sadie Jean
Yes this was a TikTok find.
Clean Slate - Donovan Woods
⭐️ EP. 2: Friends - Ian McConnell
⭐️ Bedrock - Wild Rivers
Uncomfortably Numb ft. Taylor Acorn - Arrows in Action
This was also a TikTok find, but it transcends TikTok. The whole song hits and they were right when they said “they made the next pop punk hit.” - Or something to that effect.
⭐️✊🏾 Liar - Magnolia Park
⭐️ You’re Not My Friend - Semler
⭐️ Bad For Me ft. Teddy Swims - Meghan Trainor
The video doesn’t fit the song for me, however they look good and as always Teddy Swims sounds fantastic.
PS: I’m just glad this was the Meghan Trainor song to make the 2022 cut.
🕚 ✊🏾 Snake Eyes - Disperser CA
This is my kitchen head-bang dance song, I just wish I could figure out the 2 step.
⭐️ Sneakers - Knox
Yes this song is slut-shamey/misogynistic, but I was getting so many of the 30 second TikTok clips of the chorus that I was already supper into the song before the full version was released. Yes that probably was intentional.
✊🏾 go - Cat Burns
abcdefu - GAYLE
Untitled - Knuckle Puck
I’ve listened to this song before, because I own the album, however this is the first time (like as in 2022) I really paid attention to it and I am in just as deep as all of you other Mid-West Emo fan boys.
A Hurt Like That ft. Matthew Thiessen/Releint K - Phangs
⭐️ Shrink - Marielle Kraft
Mirror - Madison Ryann Ward
End Of The Road (Acoustic) - Boys ll Men
⭐️ Long Time - Wild Rivers
⭐️ German Cars - Matt Nathanson
Not a fan of the music video, but I do love the song.
are you okay? - Winnetka Bowling League
Please listen, it’s just so good. They’re so good!
A live version too, so you can get more of the extra jazzy vibes that don’t quite show up in the original.
✊🏾 Better Days ft. Justin Timberlake - Ant Clemons
No I did not watch the inauguration, Spotify just recommended it to me one day.
High Hope - Patrick Droney
Be - Garret Kato
✊🏾 To Be Me - Desiree Dawson
good girls bad girls - Charlie Curtis-Beard
If I had a twerking song this would be it.
⭐️✊🏾 That’s How God Made Me - Joy Oladokun
⭐️ Who Killed Avril Lavinge? Theme Song - Who Killed Avril Lavinge? Podcast
⭐️ I MISS 2003 - AS IT IS
I know this only bugs me, but they talk about missing 2003 and being 16, however they’re my age and we were not 16 in 2003. I know it just fits with the lyrics and the song, it just slightly irritates me. (Note we were more like 10 and 11 in 2003.)
All My Friends Are In Bar Bands - The Wonder Years
“I’m not sad anymore I’m just tired of this place and if this year would just end I think we’d all be okay.” (For the record I’m still sad, but I’m glad 2022 is over.)
On Top Of The World - Boys Like Girls
I had a hard time picking which song best represented me getting to hear this album live for the first time, but ultimately I went with the one where the title spoke for itself. Getting to see them live was truly a gift.
Hello Seattle - Owl City
Called this my Summer Anthem of 2022 because I got to go to Washington State for the first time this year and yes I do understand why y’all romanticize the Pacific North West.
It could have also been The Washington State Fight Song by Matt Nathanson, however I couldn’t turn my back on high school me and our love for the album Ocean Eyes.
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nem0c · 2 years
Can we have a Nem0c recommended reading list so we can understand your posts?
You have seen my physical library (but not the astral) and know it consists of low-grade genre fiction, one or more bibles, and the gita in the original proto-slavic. I wish I'd pestered you more to take a couple. Anyway, I keep drafting a response and putting too many books on it, so I'll narrow it down to some you and @fowox pointed out.
Pat Cadigan, Patterns Short story collection from one of the better cyberpunk authors. I'm recommending 'Angel' (which you can read here: https://gizmodo.com/could-you-tell-the-difference-between-an-alien-visitati-5860936). Also pairs nicely with Under the Hollywood Sign by Tom Reamy.
Jeff Guin, The Road to Jonestown We used to refer to the church I attended as a teenager as the Jim Jones Tribute Band so I read this. I think it's a worthwhile read in the context the popularity of religious groups in poor areas where charity often steps in for failing public services (and creates a captive congregation in the process), and in the context of progressive parties with opaque and hierarchical leadership. The album But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter? contains several songs that are either direct covers (or covers with every line's meaning inverted) of People's Temple hymns so there's the pairing.
The Bible, New King James Version I happened to be in the bookshop when a man asked for a bible and recoiled at the name King James so I picked it up instead. The 'small amendments' made to the KJV to modernise the text actually end up being quite large amendments that ruin some of the more ominous lines that have slipped into common usage in the UK but I appreciate the features of a modern translation (footnoted alternative translations and indications where lines differ between the different manuscripts used to construct the NT). I've been mostly reading the pauline epistles this time, which I envision as a lengthy forum flame war on the nature of angel worship, christology and whether it is better to be physically or spiritually circumcised. The NKJV contains the indications of cross-referentiality within verses (as well as highlights when Jesus is speaking like you're playing a JRPG with a particularly fragmented protagonist) so the pairing here is the visualisation on this page: https://www.openbible.info/labs/cross-references/
Having covered the christian background of that one current 93 album cover you asked about, the additional allusions are pretty simple: The figure on the cross is children's character Noddy, an amoral and petty sadist and day labourer, a wooden toy who is required in the first book by the good people of Dorset to prove both that he is a person and a good person to avoid homelessness and internal exile. The haunting children's rhyme used in the c93 song Black Flowers Please comes from a jolly adventure in which he is carjacked and mugged of even the shirt off his back. The symbol about the cross is Crowley's Unicursal Hexagram, here indicating the union of macrocosm and microcosm brought about by the crucifixion.
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