#let me romance All Of Them dammit!
a-summer-soul · 6 months
So um I finally got to play Baldurs Gate and um wow Larian and everyone really did put their souls into this. There's a humanity in it that is wrenching and beautiful and compelling. This game really is going to revolutionize the industry and I'm so so proud of them all, every single fucking one. Hells, if they're hiring, I might just go join up! Jawdropping, utterly jawdropping. I had thee best time ever and I'm in love with all of them! 🥹
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
You mean to tell me that we got NO resolution of Ben and Chopper's conversation by the pool AND NOT EVEN ONE SECOND of them in the trailer for next week?!?!
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noiryinn · 3 months
study sessions
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pairing(s): oblivious!itoshi sae x flirty!male reader
summary: you are giving one too many hints that you like sae, but he gets none of them and assumes you two are a bit too close for friends. you decide to take matters into your own hands and be his secret admirer
warnings: none!
word count: 4.5k
a/n: thanks for the support on my last post i love you guys!! it’s like one of my biggest headcanons that sae is oblivious to things such as romance cuz the only thing he canonically knows abt is football 😭. i had no idea what to write for the notes so...yeah. also, i didn't intend for it to be so long, i just kept writing. anyways enjoy this mess of a fic! <3 (not proof read)
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you sat in class, leaning on your right hand, thinking and a bit annoyed. how hasn’t sae taken the hint? you don’t just flirt with your friends, dammit! you probably couldn’t even ask him out cause he’d just assume you were joking. you don’t ask friends out as a joke either do you? friends…that word left a bad taste in your mouth. you were so blatantly obvious, but he couldn’t take the hint? you started thinking of plans that might work. then you settled on one. be sae's secret admirer, then reveal who you are! the more you thought about it, the more the plan seemed like a good idea. it was around a week from his birthday too, maybe that'd be your gift to him, a new boyfriend. you grinned in excitement, this was gonna be fun!
after you got home, you decided to write him a note and put it in his locker. you changed your handwriting while you were writing the note, not wanting him to discover who it was immediately. it was pretty simple, but kinda (very) directed at his obliviousness, but it was nothing out of his comfort zone. the note read "i think you're pretty cute, but you can't take a hint. maybe start paying attention to how others act around you!". you wondered if your plan would work, but only time will tell.
the next day you arrived early and put the note in his locker. you hoped that he wouldn’t throw it out like the other love letters and confessions he got. your prayers were answered though, as during lunch, when you were sitting at your guys’ desks, he said something. “i got a note in my locker today,” he said bluntly. “yeah?” you grinned, “and you didn’t throw it out?” you silently celebrated. “no, something about it was different.” he gave you the note and crossed his arms before leaning them on the table. “what did she mean by ‘start paying attention to how others act around you’?” his eyebrows furrowed in curiousity. “she, huh? you think it’s a girl?” you looked in his eyes. “are you implying it’s not?” sae raised an eyebrow. “just saying, ya never know” you smiled.
you stared at the note a bit longer. “kinda funny how they say you’re cute but then say you’re oblivious,” you chuckled, “can’t blame ‘em” you flirted, but the tone was quite subtle. “what’s that supposed to mean?” sae looked at you curiously, “don’t worry ‘bout it” you waved off. “seriously—nevermind. you’re impossible anyway” he sighed in defeat. you grinned at him, “yeah, i know.”
you looked over at the note again, “honestly, i think it’s a sign to think about anything other than football.” you remarked as you toyed with the edge of the note, your fingers tracing the words as you tried to gauge sae's reaction. “football is not the only thing i think about. it's important to me, though.” sae said, his tone a bit offended. “you literally don’t pay attention in class because you’re thinking about it.” you stared at him with an eyebrow raised, “that’s why we go on like study dates all the time.” you put the word ‘date’ on purpose, wondering how he’d react. “i guess you’re right.” he said indifferently. no reaction... “hey, we gotta test tomorrow, right? let’s go to my place and study for it!” you suggested, “but we have to practice for our upcoming practice match after midterms…” he protested, both of you were on the school’s team and often practiced together. “well you won’t play if you don’t keep up your grades!” you protested right back. “…fine. i’ll go over to your house.”
after the school day was over, you waited at the gates for sae so you two could walk home. he was late, which made you annoyed. so you decided to text him. his contact name read ‘sae ❤️’ which he never commented on, for some odd reason. you texted him “where r u?? i’ve been waiting for like 10 minutes”. after 1 or 2 minutes he responded with “sorry, some girl confessed to me. i think she was the one who left me the note.” oh how wrong he was…
sae finally met up with you and he was as stoic as ever. “well well well, look who showed up,” you got up from the wall you leaned on, “betcha you rejected that girl without hesitation as usual, didn’t you?” you smirked, seeing how she was clearly upset and tearing up. you hoped that wouldn’t be you… “i wouldn’t say without hesitation…” sae shoved his hands in his pockets. “yeah right! you totally did, she’s crying cuz of ya, playboy!” you snickered a bit, “it’s not funny, l/n. and don’t call me ‘playboy’” he looked at you coldly. “you’re such a buzzkill, it was a joke anyways, handsome.” you teased with a coy smirk before putting an arm around his shoulder. “ugh, don’t call me that either, what’s even the point of calling me that?” he replied with a grimace. “ah, just saying cause you are, and all the girls seem to think so too.” you smirked. “don’t joke around like that.” he said, a face of disdain became more evident. “see? a total buzzkill…”
you opened the door to your house before turning and speaking to him, “so, you wanna tell me what happened with that girl?” your curiosity was out of this roof. “she confessed to me like any other girl. but i think she was the one, cause she handed me a letter and the handwriting was pretty similar.” sae mentioned. “that so? and what if it doesn’t stop?” you asked, already knowing the answer. “try to find out who it is, i guess”
the two of you went up to your room. it wasn’t messy but it wasn’t clean either. you grabbed an extra chair, put it at your desk and you two started studying together. you regularly had the urge to stare at him for long moments of time, and “accidentally” brush your fingers on his when grabbing a pen. sae's gaze flickered to the folded paper on your desk, a curious expression crossed his face, “hey, what’s that?” you looked at the note, it was the second letter, but you couldn’t ouright tell him that, “uh, it’s a grocery list my mom gave me for tomorrow, cause she won’t be here.” and he took it, like that. “oh, okay.” then shrugged it off…
“hey, can you help me with this question?” sae asked, you already knew all the material, since you actually payed attention in class. “sure,” and you leaned over, a bit too close (on purpose), and started helping him with the question. “you get it now?” you asked, after some frustration. “yeah, thanks. you’re actually kinda smart.” he remarked backhandedly, “hey! what’s that supposed to mean? i’m very smart thank you very much! i wouldn’t even be in this situation if you actually paid attention in class. stop focusing on football so much!” you hit him on the head lightly, but in a playful manner. he tried to hit you back, but you dodged, right before your chair tipped backwards and you fell. “guess you could say i fell for you— ow!” then your head got hit, not as lightly by sae. “don’t say stuff like that.”
you faked a sulk for the rest of the time he was there, maybe he’d feel bad for you and kiss you or something. “you gonna keep pouting?” he asked, “yeah. maybe you should leave, you’re ruining my vibe with all this negativity!” you didn’t really mean that, but of course he thought that. sae really didn’t get social cues. “wait! i didn’t actually mean that—” then he shut the door. now you were actually sulking. stupid sae…didn’t even give you a kiss either.
it was day 2 of your plan, you bought a cute little seagull plush keychain and wrote a note to go with it. it read “hey, handsome! just wanna say, you’re a bit dense for not even getting one clue. but keep it up! i believe in ya!” maybe he’d get that ‘handsome’ was something that you’d often say to him…yeah probably not. it was a stretch. you did the same thing, go to school a bit early, put the things and his locker and pretend nothing happened. a part of you wanted this to continue, but the other didn't. there was an urge to tell him you liked him and get it over with. but where was the fun in that?
as you sat in class, you finished your test, which was fairly easy. but you seemed to zone out after that, your mind occupied on how to get sae to realize that it was you. the thought got you frustrated, but pumped out as you wondered what sae's reaction would be to your note. after class, there was a few minutes before the next teacher came in. "hey." sae said as he sat next to you, "soo...what'd ya think?" nudging him playfully with your elbow, his expression nonchalant as ever. "about...?" he asked, "about the test, silly! you think you passed?" he had to be fairly confident, i mean you helped him out. "uh, sure. it was kinda easy." he dismissed it, as always. "it's totally cause i helped you out, right? right?" you teased, "...right, whatever you say."
something seemed to be on sae's mind. maybe it was about the notes. your suspicions were confirmed when he said something, "i got another note today," he mentioned, his expression puzzled. you couldn't contain your excitement as you took the note from him and examined it before giving it back, "wow, another one huh?" you remarked casually, trying to conceal your eagerness. "what's it say?" you asked, your breath hitching in your throat. sae shrugged, clearly confused by the note's contents. "it's just… encouraging me to pay more attention to things," he replied, his brow furrowing in confusion. you tried to avoid yourself from smiling inwardly, knowing that your plan was working. "maybe they're trying to help you out," you suggested playfully, hoping he would catch on to your subtle hints.
despite your frustration, you found it impossible to not admire how clueless sae was, it was adorable, in its own irritating way. you tried to drop hints and flirtatious comments, but he seemed to brush them off without a second thought as you just "joking". but as much as you wanted to reveal the truth, there was a part of you that hesitated. what if sae didn't feel the same way? what if it ruined the friendship you had worked so hard to build? despite all this, you didn't want to give up either. you were so deep into this already.
so, for the rest of every period, your gaze remained fixed to him. thinking on how to confess to him, also admiring him. after a bit of thinking, midterms were the day after sae’s birthday, unfortunately. must suck, must suck even harder because all club activities were canceled for the rest of the week due to midterms too! but, there was a good part to it too, maybe he won’t focus so much on football. after school, before he was going to walk home, you called out his name.
“sae! wait up!” he turned around to see you jogging to him, “what?” sae snapped at you, not too rudely though, a bit annoyed he couldn’t be alone. “you wanna come over to my house to study for midterms? cmon, i know you’re not learning anything in class, as always!” you could see him be reluctant before sighing. “fine, but not today. i’m busy.” fair enough, it was fine, as long as if you got to confess to him on his birthday. “you better not be saying that so you can play football!” you turned to look at him and you saw he was avoiding your gaze. “you’re totally obsessed…” not like you could say anything. you were pretty much obsessed with football too (and him), but not as much.
the atmosphere was kinda awkward after that, so you decided to say something, “did you get another clue to who that person was?” you asked casually, trying to read his expression. “not yet,” he admitted, “but i know it’s someone closer to me. how else would they know seagulls were my favorite animal?” he wondered holding up the keychain, admiring it a bit in the light. “you gonna keep it?” you looked at the keychain as well, hoping he said yes, “yeah, it’s pretty cute. i don’t want to throw something like this away either.” you eyes naturally set on the way his lips curled up ever so slightly, the way his hair fell on his face and caught the sunlight. your face flushed as you scrambled to look away. if you didn’t realize it before, but now was when you realized how much you actually liked him.
“so, this one’s different, huh?” you tried to change the subject, “what do you mean ‘different’?” he asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. you fumbled for words, as you thought about if he caught you staring or not, “i mean, normally you throw out any gift and reject every person…what’s so different now?” you swallowed nervously, hoping your words didn't come off too blunt. "i just meant... well, you usually don't keep stuff like this. but this time, you're actually considering it," you explained, trying to sound nonchalant. sae nodded slowly, seeming to think about your observation. "yeah, I guess you're right. It's just... different," he admitted, his gaze shifting to the keychain in his hand. he beat you to saying something else before you could, “it’s like, they’re close to me, right under my fingertip and i want to know who.”
“yeah?” you smiled at him again, admiring his features once more. “hey, hypothetically, if the person was a guy, would you care?” you asked on a whim, “i guess...not really." he replied with a shrug. "why do you ask?" you shrugged nonchalantly, but secretly felt relieved. at least he wouldn't out right reject you. trying to keep your nerves at bay, you tried to justify yourself, "just curious, y'know? it's interesting to think about." sae nodded in agreement, but you could sense a hint of suspicion in his gaze. it made you wonder if he was starting to suspect something, if he was beginning to piece together the puzzle of his secret admirer.
you waved him goodbye as he walked into his house. tomorrow was the weekend, so you couldn't outright give him anything, but you'd still hint at it when he came over to your house to study. that night, you tossed and turned in bed, partly from the thought of confessing, but also how good he looked on the walk back to his house. you rolled around in bed, almost like a middle school girl in a shojo. it wasn't your best of times, but you refrain from the thought of him, and him piecing together the puzzle had you biting your bottom lip in nervousness and excitement.
when saturday came, you paced back and forth in your room, thinking of what to say and do when he came. you felt pretty damn tired, too from last night, barely got a wink of sleep. you mumbled 'don't screw this up' over and over again when you heard a knock at the door. "sae! you made it!" you said with a sigh of relief, at least he didn't ditch you to watch game footage or anything like that, "yeah, i did." you tried to go in for a hug but he quickly dismissed that.
after an hour or so of studying, you got bored so you decided to hint what you were doing for his birthday. “sae, your birthday’s coming up right? october 10th?” you tried to put in the conversation casually, “yeah, why?” he looked at you with some suspicion, "i'm just asking. but, i'm sure you'd love me for my gift" a small, yet cocky smirk crept onto your face, "don't you mean i'd love 'it'?" he expressed, some more suspicion in his tone, "oh no, i know what i meant, you're gonna love me." he sighed in defeat, he knew there was no point in pushing it further.
so, that's basically how it went for the next few days. him being stupidly oblivious, you trying to drop the hint even further. you got nowhere, on wednesday, the day before his birthday, you decided to give him a flower. not an overly big bouquet, you'd probably save that for the actual confession, instead, you opted for a single flower. it was a flower he'd seen before, and that you knew he liked. there was a vase with a single flower in your room, his eyes consistently focused on it. it was a light pink hydrangea, it was beautiful, so you understood why he stared at it often. maybe he'd understand then. you decided to take the one that was in your room, when he came over that day, maybe he'd ask why the vase was empty and get the god damn hint already,
as per usual, you went early, dropped the gift off, and went off. there wasn't any note this time, as you were kinda sick of writing them. plus, the big day was tomorrow, you'd save every pent up emotion for then. you waited for him in the courtyard, when you spotted him in the courtyard examining the flower you went up to greet him. "hey, sae! looks like you got a flower now, huh?" you wrapped an arm around his shoulder to break him out of his trance, "yeah. this is the same flower that's in your room, right?" at least he got the hint, you pretended to study it for a bit before replying, "hm, yeah, it is. funny ain't it? maybe they know you really well." you looked at sae to gauge his expression, he did a simple nod and kept his blank expression. you clenched your fists in frustration as sae brushed off your flirtatious comment, a knot forming in your stomach. whatever, he'd have another shot when he went to your house anyway.
you were right, because when he went to your room, he noticed the empty vase immediately. "the flower is missing." he pointed out, "gave it to someone real special" you looked at him as you said that, "it was a nice flower, you should've gave it to me...but i can't really complain if they're that special to you..." you were instictively drawn to the way sae's expression softened when he talked about the flower, a hint of vulnerability shining through his normally neutral face.
you stared at him in a 'are you serious?' look. well yeah, you did give it to him, and he was special, "sorry, was that rude?" sae took note of your expression, "oh no no, it's something else," you quickly went back to focusing, "let's just cram for midterms" you muttered, hoping to divert the conversation away from your failed attempt at dropping another hint. you couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment that sae didn't seem to catch on to your subtle gestures. but you pushed those feelings aside and focused on studying for midterms.
nothing special happened, just some plain ol' cramming. but, you failed to focus on it. all your thoughts went to the day tomorrow. the thought had you feeling all sorts of emotions. sae noticed your unusual quietness and said something on the matter, "is something wrong? you're being awfully quiet." you felt yourself tense up, "just nervous for midterms...don't wanna fail...haha..." you made a pathetic excuse of a lie, he narrowed his eyes a bit, trying to examine your actions before ultimately deciding to drop it. at a desperate attempt to change the subject you decided to point something out that you noticed, "hey, the bracelets you normally wear, you don't wear them anymore," you pointed out, "oh, i lost them. hadn't gotten the chance to get new ones." you kept that in mind, you'd probably get him a new bracelet for his birthday.
you could barely sleep that night, you stayed up thinking what'd you say, do, act. everything had to be perfect, it probably wouldn't end up that way, but you tried your best. a voice popped up in your head that made you not even want to confess in the first place. it said the same things that made you reluctant before, 'what if he didn't like me back? what if i ruined our friendship?' what if this and that. but what if he actually liked you back, and everything turned out even better than you hoped? every thought was about the next day, it made your head spin. after a bit of staying up, you realized being all tired and having eye backs wasn't cute and a good look for a confession, so you forced yourself to sleep.
on the morning of sae's birthday, you woke up with a flurry of emotions swirling inside you. today was the day you would finally reveal your feelings to him. you couldn't focus on anything else, not even the midterms the next day. every thought was consumed by sae and the confession that awaited. as the day progressed, you found it increasingly difficult to contain your excitement. you kept glancing at the clock, counting down the hours until you could see sae and tell him how you felt. It felt like time was moving at a snail's pace, each minute dragging on endlessly. you went to his locker and put in the last note, 'meet me at the rooftop at 7:30'. it was short and straight to the point, no cryptic messages or hints.
you stood at the rooftop, your back leaning on the railing. your palms felt sweaty and you could hear your heartbeat get louder. your mind was full of feelings you wanted to get out. you were looking up at the sky to get your mind off of everything. the scenery was beautiful, you were lost in it until you heard the sound of the door opening, and there you saw him. the man you've liked since forever. his face was a mix of a lot of emotions, it was hard to read, to be honest.
as sae stepped onto the rooftop, the setting sun casting a warm glow around him, your heart skipped a beat. you felt the breath get sucked out of your lungs, he looked stunning, more than usual, actually. "hey, sae," you began, your voice trembling slightly with nervousness but filled with anticipation. "i'm so glad you actually came." his eyes widened in surprise, his gaze flickering between you and the breathtaking view spread out before him. "it was you?" he breathed, his voice tinged with disbelief. you chuckled nervously, your fingers fidgeting with the delicate bracelet you had carefully chosen for him.
"surprise…? if it wasn't obvious enough…" you paused, your heart pounding in your chest as you took a step closer to him. "there's something I've been wanting to tell you," you confessed, your voice soft but determined. with trembling hands, you slipped the bracelet onto his wrist, the cool metal contrasting with the warmth of his skin. "i really like you, sae," you whispered, your gaze locked with his. "it's been this way for a while, but I never had the chance to say anything." you reached out, presenting him with the bouquet of pale pink hydrangeas, their soft petals illuminated by the fading light. "these are for you," you said softly, a shy smile playing on your lips.
taking in a deep breath, you continued, your voice filled with sincerity and vulnerability. "i've been dropping hints since the beginning of time and i was hoping you'd catch on, but i realized i had to take matters into my own hands. i needed to tell you how i felt eventually. sae's eyes softened as he listened to your heartfelt confession, his expression shifting from surprise to something warmer, something more tender. "i…i didn't realize," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "i never knew you felt this way." you took a step closer, your heart pounding in your ear with anticipation as you reached your hand out to gently cup his cheek.
"i've been waiting for this moment for so long..." you admitted, your voice barely audible over the soft rustle of the breeze, "to finally tell you how much you meant to me. so please, can i be your boyfriend?" you gazed directly into his eyes, waiting for the dreadful answer. as you waited for sae's response, the tension in the air seemed to thicken, every passing moment feeling like an eternity. sae's gaze softened as he took in your confession, his eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise, uncertainty, and something else you couldn't quite place. you held your breath, your heart pounding in your chest as you awaited his answer.
finally, after what felt like an eternity, sae's lips curled into a gentle smile, a warmth spreading across his features. "know that i know how you feel, i don't want to waste anymore time." your heart skipped a beat as you felt a surge of hope and anticipation wash over you. could it be…? "sae," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the gentle hum of the wind, "what do you mean?" a soft chuckle escaped sae's lips as he took a step closer to you, his eyes sparkling with newfound clarity and determination. "i mean… i want to be more than just friends," he confessed, his voice steady and sure. "i want to be with you, too."
you felt excited and shocked and every other emotion there was out there. you uttered a single word, "really?" your heart felt like it was about to explode out of joy. sae nodded, his smile widening as he leaned in closer, his forehead resting against yours. "really," he whispered, his breath warm against your skin. "i've been blind for so long, but now that i see… i don't want to let you go." you wanted to cry, that's what. "you're so stupid for not seeing this...i never want to let you go too..." your voice trembled, you sniffled while saying it too.
"i'm sorry. i really am." he admitted, and without another word sae closed the distance between you two. time stopped, it was as simple as that. everything went to a halt as you tried to process what happened. the kiss was sweet and simple, just as you two liked it. in that moment, surrounded by the soft glow of the setting sun and the gentle rustle of the breeze, everything else faded away, leaving only the two of you lost in the sweetness of the moment. you pulled away after what felt like ages.
"happy birthday sae," you said softly, your voice at a barely audible level. "you're right, i did love you for this gift. thanks for everything." he smiled, his face totally different from his usual unemotional look. "no problem and," you held your breath for the next words you were about to say, "i love you." you felt at peace, you finally said what you've always wanted to say, "i love you too."
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enhaeven · 4 months
— polaroid love | yang jungwon
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pairing: jungwon x reader
genre: fluff, romance, high school!au
word count: 1.5k
summary: wherein a series of polaroid pictures may be helping you realize your feelings towards jungwon
warnings: none really, just two mild swear words XD
a/n: i pulled memories from years ago for this but yeah it's been a while lol happy 20th to my baby wonie 🥺, wishing you the best for this milestone of your life 💕
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— masterlist & wips — faq & navigation
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"take pictures of me"
a high pitched voice alerts you at once, and it's unfortunately too cute for you to ignore each time he asks you that same phrase when you have a polaroid camera in your hands.
at any chance he gets.
you don’t mind it now, already getting used to the times when Jungwon would just come up to you for basically anything. in the past, you used to question why he acts like this towards you when he doesn’t to others. you’ve grown fond of him, his habits rather but that doesn’t mean that you don’t whisk him away each time he’s near you, be it during lunch or after school clubs.
he’s not hard to love really, with the way he cares for someone and how thoughtful he is in everything that he does, it’s no wonder that anyone would immediately fall in love with him easily.
not you, or yet you think. you’re not really sure at this point though your heart does this weird thing whenever he says your name these days. what’s strange is that you’ve known this as a sign since you’ve fallen in love before but you couldn’t figure out why you’ve been resisting it.
it’s definitely a you problem, not his but you don’t know what to do.
lunch is the only time where you can do this. developing the pictures from your polaroid which mostly consist of Jungwon posing cutely in each of them. honestly, you’ve been questioning why cause really could’ve deleted them but here you are instead, just because he’s been asking about it.
he was adamant about needing to have his own copies since he loves posting on socials.
and you, for whatever reason eventually complied, even choosing to do it now and here at school of all times.
looking at them one by one right now, you reminisce the times Jungwon made your heart race as you pick each one of the polaroid pictures. your heart races even more which freaks you out again even though you’re alone in this empty classroom so no one’s here to see you like this.
you’re dumb. really dumb for doing your best to not fall in love with him because it’s pointless. no one could blame you really with the amount of immature guys your age but Yang Jungwon’s different.
it’s funny how you’ve only realized it now, though you can’t exactly pinpoint when it started since you may have been feeling something for him without realizing it. this is not even complicated unlike your previous ones and you’re surprisingly loving the vibe of it, the feeling of falling in love.
you must’ve been staring at them intently that you didn’t realize someone was entering the room and sneaking up on you.
“do you finally love me?” the very familiar voice asks behind you and you let out a surprise shriek, getting up from the chair to give some distance from him.
“what the hell!” you’re not really annoyed but more so mortified that he, out of all people caught you at this kind of vulnerable moment. 
“answer the question y/n~” he starts as he leans a bit, tilting his head with a playful smile which you find very adorable.
and now you’re having a hard time suppressing the urge to smile back, hoping your face is not obvious but you already couldn’t look Jungwon in the eye.
"uh, what makes you say that?" you ask, trying to subdue your nerves by talking as calmly as you can as you return your gaze to him, to those very beautiful eyes of his.
eyes that caught yours in the first place.
"you have that look in your eyes..." he tells you with a teasing lilt in his voice, eyes shifting to his polaroid pictures laying on the desk.
what look dammit. is he really gonna make you confess right now—
"it's okay to admit it y/n…” he adds before looking back at you, eyes searching for something, probably a confirmation so you shoot him a glare in return. it’s a facade really to hide your embarrassment but it washed away quickly when you heard him say "i love you back anyways" quietly.
you were so stunned at his sudden declaration that you didn’t even realize he ran away before you could confront him about it.
so silly, you chuckle at his antics.
you’re debating if you should follow him or not but before you can decide, the bell rang so you had to hurry out to not miss the next period.
after your last class of the day, you immediately ditch your friends to look for Jungwon. they didn’t mind, not even asking you why though they probably have an inkling already after seeing you being restless at class earlier.
you have to catch Jungwon before he goes home, cause you might not be able to do this after today. fortunately, to your relief he’s still here, sitting by the benches outside with two of his close friends.
approaching their table, you dropped his polaroid pictures without a word which surprised everyone at the table, but not much for Jungwon.
he never thought you’d approach him first because it’s always been the other way around but he should’ve seen it coming when he ran away from you earlier. he wonders why you’re here other than the pictures, it couldn’t be just that, right?
“oh let’s look at these” his younger friend Riki suddenly picks one of the photos, looking at them with an amused smile.
for the first time, Jungwon feels shy because those pictures are specifically for you. he posed cutely in them for the sole purpose of wooing you but Riki’s like a younger brother to him since he only has an older sister so he doesn’t really mind. he met the latter from the dance club, easily befriending him when they both got closer due to being chosen to represent their school in the local dance competition against other schools.
“you look cute in them wonie!” his other friend, Sunoo adds, examining the rest of the pictures with adoration. he’s from a year above you both while Riki’s from a year below. but because Jungwon’s done summer school for some courses that made him pretty much more advanced than his peers, he’s sharing a few classes with Sunoo this school year.
“jungwon, can i talk to you for a minute?” 
it’s already embarrassing to approach them this way when he’s clearly in some serious talks with his friends but you had no choice. it’s now or never.
“sure!” he turns to his friends excitedly, about to say goodbye but Sunoo smiles brightly at you both, returning the pictures on the table before grabbing the complaining Riki with him as they both leave to let you guys talk. 
you smile gratefully in return, waving at them as they leave. you wouldn’t want those two to witness whatever more embarrassing things you might say to their friend. those two are already known in your school with Sunoo having quite a lot of friends and Riki’s status due to his dance achievements but you’ve never really talked to them before.
facing Jungwon now, you watch the challenging look in his eyes. but you didn’t miss the knowing smile, hoping it’s not because he already knew what all this is going to be.
“can you be my valentine?” you say as fast as you can to fight your increasing heartbeat. the nerves did go away when his smile turned into shock.
your question did surprise Jungwon a lot. he thought that you were here to talk about his quick confession earlier but he didn’t think that you’d ask him this. 
he was actually planning a grandiose proposal to ask you even knowing that you could reject him. 
but somehow Jungwon’s assured that you won’t. he’s indeed been annoying and clinging to you since the beginning of last year to get your attention but you’ve been softening to him lately so he’s confident and he was right.
“can you be mine too?”
“i asked first”
“well, i was going to ask you” he countered. “that’s why i was talking to Sunoo-hyung and Riki” he added.
“oh” you pause, nodding in understanding as a genuine smile appears on your face but your eyes hold that mischievous glint that Jungwon immediately recognized.
“but now you ruined it” he continues, now sulking a bit with his lips jutting out which made you laugh a little.
"how could i ruin it when it's for me?" you deadpan, your tone and smile teasing him further, causing his face to slowly become red.
"you asked me first and i said yes first so mine's more valid than yours," he says indignantly, huffing as he looks away from you which you find cute.
“okay wonie, let’s see how grand this surprise of yours is” you relent, stepping closer to him before planting a quick peck on his cheeks, making Jungwon’s eyes widen.
the boy’s totally flustered, which erupts another hearty giggle from you. he never thought you’d call him that let alone kiss him so he’s having a mix of delight and content of you reciprocating his feelings.
“i love you won” you add softly, looking sincerely into his eyes before walking away, leaving him still speechless at where he’s standing.
maybe it’s too early to tell him that but with how long you’ve been repressing this feeling, you’re pretty sure this time that it's certainly more than just a crush.
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e/n: idk how i wrote this really cuz this is so out of my comfort zone since it's the first time that i've written an only fluff fic so i hope it's okay 😅. btw i based OC's inner turmoil on pola XD
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chaifootsteps · 24 days
A few people have said this already but do you agree with the idea that the only time Blitzø and stolas have interesting chemistry is when they’re arguing and being just plain hostile? Between Blitzøs trauma and stolas’ incel rage they’d be such good enemies. Like this is what they were made for. I cant wait to see their fights, not hugs.
With the way the fandom is split in half defending one from the other constantly. These two work great as opposing sides. And fandom love shipping enemies, the profits of merch wouldn’t be harmed. We all want to see who will “win” It’s exactly how a fandom operates with anti hero protagonists and sympathetic villains, not romance. And how often do we get to see an interesting ‘lovers’ to enemies story?
Maybe some people want them to get married but I’d prefer stolas in full demonic form fighting Blitzø fully geared up with holy weapons. Like a sword. It would make the childhood angle actually work as a tragic past if they ended up as adults killing each other. Like fox and the hound. Because it didn’t have to be this way. Let the chandelier fall and shatter. At the end the killing blow feels like a mercy, the owl spitting fury and insults on the ground while Blitzø tearfully and regretfully says “just stay down dammit” before pulling the last trigger and after, vowing that this is his last kill.
Anon, you're teasing me with the story we almost had like a dog with a piece of meat. Good lovers to enemies stories are so rare, and this would have been one for the ages.
They could have even worked in some ambiguously shippable tension, had that cake and ate it too, with Blitzo staring down at this abhorrent, vile, pathetic man spitting insults and just for a moment, remembering that little boy whose first instinct was to bow to him.
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wisp-enclosure · 2 months
So Wisp, what's this about the Catrats being in love?
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Let me preface this all by saying that Lucasta and Kudo are very good friends.
This isn't me being facetious by the way, it's a fundamental part (to me, because I'm delusional) of their 10+ year slowburn. All this elder dragon nonsense might have forced them into proximity, but it's NOT what's keeping them together.
The catrats' interests overlap; Lu's rune crafting and Kudo's research into practical magitech often go hand in hand. Kudo admires (and honestly envies) Lu's tendency towards out of the box thinking, and thinks she's brilliant. Lu, meanwhile, knows that Kudo is a certified genius and thinks that absolutely sick, and values his insight.
And it goes further than that. Kudo appreciates how kind and caring Lu is (even though he worries she sometimes goes overboard at the cost of her own comfort). Lu finds Kudo very sweet and selfless (even though him doing things for HER instead of the other way 'round makes her antsy). Kudo appreciates her unwavering support, Lu appreciates his seemingly infinite patience with her intricacies. They're similar in many ways and perfectly complement each other when they aren't.
They're both shut-ins that hate leaving the house and just want to talk about their projects together, basically.
What else?
Well, turns out they're broken in the same way too.
Kudo's destiny was never his own to write. He was going to be Kudu or he was going to be Snaff; if anything, being Kudo was more of a temporary state of being. A blank slate for other people to mold. He isn't sure there's anything to him. At least, nothing good.
Lu was born to serve. Her Legion, her father, whatever mate was picked out for her. Lu wasn't afforded the chance to find out who she was because it didn't matter. What she's supposed to be is useful. That's it.
Neither of the catrats have a solid sense of self. Different circumstances, but same core issue. And becoming commanders at such young ages certainly didn't help. They can't see who they are deep down.
But they can see each other. And they love what they see.
Lucasta and Kudo might not be sure in their own identities, but they recognize the other as clear as day. There is an unspoken understanding. It sucks, but there is a certain amount of comfort in having someone by your side that's just as lost and confused as you are.
They can't see what the other sees in them, but they do paint such a beautiful picture of it.
So when does this all happen?
Well, that depends on how you define "when" and "happen". And "this". Arguably the first time their blossoming romance starts to bubble to the surface is during HoT.
Where they're fighting for basically half the expac.
The specifics of the fight are for another lore post, but it culminates in a big blowout argument in Tarir and ends with Kudo pleading with Lu to share her burdens (both commander-related and emotional) because he cares about her dammit! Lu can't put her finger on it, but she starts to see Kudo in a slightly different light after that.
LWS3 is when things become much more obvious, because that's when the crush Kudo's unknowingly been nursing reaches its peak. He's still oblivious, of course, but he does recognize that SOMETHING is happening to him. Why is he so frustrated and jealous when Lu gets flirted with? Why does he keep staring at her when she isn't doing anything? Why is his heart racing? Is he dying? Must be.
PoF is THE BIG ONE. Arguably the most important catrat expac just by virtue of how it affects their relationship. Kudo dies. But you knew that I'm sure.
But he dies FOR LU. And as she cradles his lifeless body 300 realizations hit her at once, but they all lead to the same conclusion: she loves him. She loves him and now he's gone. It took her this long and now it's too late.
Kudo meanwhile is having his fun little field trip in the ghost zone and comes to the same realization at roughly the same time as Lu. Sacrificing yourself will do that I guess.
Okay so what's the hold up?
Me. :} Just kidding. Sort of.
You'll notice that PoF takes place halfway through the story and as of EoD they're STILL not together, what gives?
The problem is twofold.
Lu, ever reluctant to share her negative feelings at the risk of being a burden, had started to open up to Kudo after that fight in HoT. By PoF and onward he is her emotional anchor and confidant. It felt so good to not have to hide or lock up her feelings in front of someone. But that's also sort of the issue. Lu is being open but she still feels like a burden when she does it. Every time she comes to him for comfort she feels so so guilty to put him in that situation. Like a liability.
To Lu, telling Kudo how she feels is yet another of her problems he'll have to shoulder, on top of everything else he's dealing with. It's selfish. And she's not even useful to him, has nothing to offer; why would he ever love her? Not to mention the whole "different species" thing.
Kudo has his own laundry list of reasons why he's not confessing to her either. Most pressing though is that time he almost killed her. He still feels so agonizingly guilty over the whole incident years later that it makes him sick. Haunts his dreams. In what world could she possibly feel the same? He doesn't deserve her love.
So they're both stupid, basically.
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thisonehere · 11 days
Omg, I love it 😭
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A/n: Aw yes, Johnshi, the superior Cage ship (sorry CageBlade shippers out there, please don't rip my head off). Anyway, I kept it vague on which timeline this takes place in. Now, let the agnst -filled torturing of these characters commence!
Tags: Request, Mk, MK AU, Ship: Johnshi, angst
C/w: Bed rotting, mlm, internalized homophobia, angst (when I say angst I really mean it), alluding to possible self harm, self loathing, grief, poor hygiene
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Johnny and Sonya had the picture perfect marriage. They were crazy for each other, travelled the world togethe, and lovingky raised their daughter to a total baddasss. Truly, everything is perfect...or at least that's what Johnny wants people to believe. The false reality he created on social media, the illusion of the life he wanted but could never have.
The truth? Their marriage was dying, or had already been dead the moment they said "I do." Johnny loved Sonya with all his heart, but he could feel their marriage crumbling apart just by looking at her eyes. Her eyes were neither scorn nor adoration, there was just...indifference. it was worse than anything else she could give. He could deal with disdain, he could deal with bad reviews and hate online, but not apathy. That means it's over, that there's no more fighting.
They did get into a lot of arguments, though even were stiff and lifeless. A lot of times over nothing, Sonya because she found annoyance in the slightest thing he does, Johnny because, well, because he just wanted to feel something. He didn't care that it was hatred, he just wanted to feel some form of passion from her. Often he lies awake next to, though she's present Johnny might as have been alone. He was so cold and alone that he swore that if he looked at her side of the bed she'd be gone.
When they first met Johnny, things seemed amazing between the two, there was so much passion between them Sure Sonya didn't like him...a-and he did harass her a lot until she finally agreed to date him...but surely they had love at some point...right?
"Baby, wait, please!" Johnny cried as he chased after Sonya down the stairs. "What did I say about calling me that?" Sonya rolled her eyes as she march down the stairs to the door, where her bags were. Johnny's eyes widen in horror at the sight of it. This can't be happening, it just can't. She can't be leaving, not now, not after everything they've built together. They made a home, raised a daughter to become a badass, and protected earthrealm countless times.
"You can't seriously be leaving me!" He says as he finds the speed to jump in front of her in hopes of blocking her path. He tried to flash his ever charming and charismatic. Maybe acting the way he used to would bring something back. But Sonya just rolled her eyes and pushed past him. "Look, Johnny, I can't...I can't just do this anymore." She tried to articulate, she wasn't the best at romance. She was actually terrible at it. Possibly another reason for this reason this relationship couldn't work.
"Bab-Sonya...please, just talk to me." He voice is more desperate now. Sonya can't leave, she just can't, she means so much to him. He has had many wives over the, many of them only lasting only, for what, like a month? Johnny wasn't too bothered by most of them, he had already checked by the time they ended. But with Sonya, he wasn't ready, he still wanted this work. But as he stared into her eyes, he saw the same look that he had when he was done. "What about Cassie? She-"
"Cassie's old enough now that she can handle it."
Dammit, she's right. At this point Johnny was pulling at straws to get her stay. But nothing was working. "Look Johnny, I'm sorry. But I can't do this anymore...I don't...uh..." Love you, Johnny finishes in his head. Sonya didn't mean to hurt, but that didn't mean she wasn't. "Sonya..." Johnny tried to reach out to her, but she backed away. "I'm sorry." And with that, she turned, grabbed her bags and walked out the doors. Johnny watched in horror as she gave one him last look as she closed the door behind her.
The next few weeks were hell for Johnny. Many grew worried for him when less and less was seen of him. Many of his fans were going into a frenzy as they speculated about what happened to him, maybe he was planning a major surprise, a new secret project perhaps. But the reality was that he couldn't even build up the strength to get out of bed.
Many of his up and coming projects were delayed or even cancelled. Cassie filled his phone with hundreds of missed calls. If she was even able to reach him, he'd give the same "Everything's fine, I'm just feeling a little sick" bullshit excuse. She knew that the divorce would have a negative effect on it, but she didn't know it would be that bad. She herself was hurting because of her parents splitting, but it made her even worse to see how badly he'd been effected.
If she could only see her father right now, oh the ways she'd be devastated. He shifts unfortunately in his bed, trying to find some form of comfort, but rest evades him at every turn. He hasn't showered, he hasn't even changed out of the clothes he wore that horrible day. He hasn't eaten much, his breath stank of alcohol, his eyes died red with tears.
Each day since Sonya left him has been more painful than the last, this day was no exception. Johnny got out of bed, with a painful moan, he stretched and then went into the kitchen. Not to find food, but to drench his throat with more expensive liquor. He rummaged through the collection of wine he had grabbed from the wine cellar a few days prior, already almost everything was gone, save for a few expensive wines. The one he pucked was just an ordinary seeming red wine, but it was the same wine he and Sonya picked up during their honeymoon away in some country maybe an entire realm. It was something he wanted to share with Sonya on their wedding anniversary. But now he needs it to console him for they're divorce.
He downed it straight from the bottle with a hopeful gulp. Maybe this would numb he pain, make the hole inside of him full. Or at least make him forget the state his heart was reduced to. It wasn't shattered, it just felt gone, it left With Sonya the day she walked out the door.
He was alone now, the house echoed at each gulp he made, its walls vibrated with the echoes of him throwing the bottle in a moment of blind fury. "FUCK" He finally exerts, he throws almost every last thing he sees in any direction he can. It all shatters as Johnny fell to his knees and began to sob.
Oh God...he's alone. No one is here for him. Cassie, Jax, and all his other friends are miles away, (or at least that's what it feels like.)
Why, Johnny wonders, why is (the) God(s) so cruel? Why would they leave me like this? Why would they make him be alone, unloved and un
Johnny's ears piped up at this, his head jerked and his eyes darted to the direction of the door. Who could that possibly be?
Why am I doing this? Kenshi wandered to himself as he banged on Johnny's front door. He and Johnny were friends, they worked together to protect Earthrealm, and went on countless adventures with each other , yes, but they haven't spoken in so long. Something had happened between the two, a rift formed that pushed Kenshi away from him. Sonya, the left was Sonya, or Johnny's interest in her to be precise
Kenshi didn't take this pairing seriously at first, after all, Sonya hated Johnny and Johnny couldn't take a hint. The likelihood of the two being together was so unlikely, the mere concept of it filled Kenshi with a strange bitter and angry feeling. Kenshi hated when Johnny flirted with Sonya, he hated the way Johnny looked at her, he hated the way she began to return his gaze, he just hated it all. He didn't know why but he just did. Perhaps it was because of this hatred that caused him and Johnny to fall apart. They hadn't spoken much since the wedding, but when he heard about the divorce and how badly it hit him, he couldn't help but feel sorry for him. The image of him languishing in agony in his bed, his face soaked with tears. For some reason the image of him being in pain hurt him for some reason.
So now he's here, at Johnny's door with a box of chocolate. Why the chocolate? He didn't know, it felt wrong to come by empty handed, and bringing chocolate felt right. This is a breakup he's dealing with, so why not?
As he waited for Johnny to open the door, he felt his hands getting sweaty. He felt...nervous for a reason. Why? He's coming here to check on Johnny, it's not like he's coming to ask him on a date.
His ears immediately picked when he heard hurriedly footsteps come to the door, no doubt Johnny was hoping it might have Sonya at the door. The door swings open and Johnny's head pops out. Kenshi didn't need to see to know that Johnny had a giant and hopeful smile on his face. He truly thought he'd see Sonya at his door.
"Kenshi..." The disappointment sinks in. His voice was low and hoarse, no joy or at could be heard. Only a returning sadness. No quips, no puns, or any other usual Cage annoying charm. Johnny sounded drained, lifeless. No doubt he looked that way as well. Kenshi's heart sank at this, actually witnessing Johnny in this state hurt him a greater deal then he expected. "I-uh-I brought you chocolate." Kenshi spouts abruptly as he hands Johnny the box.
"Uh... Thanks." He awkwardly accepts the box with a nod. "I-It's caramel. Well, milk chocolate and some other flavors, b-but mainly caramel." This is weird, Kenshi thought, why am I so nervous?
"Listen, I heard what happened between you and Sonya." At that second, Kenshi felt Johnny's shoulders slump down and his already fragile spirit collapsed even further. "And I heard how hard it's been on you. I just came to check on you and see how things were going, if you were alright."
"Cassie's worried about you."
"I know."
"We're all worried about you actually."
God, this was so awkward between the two. Kenshi never was good at handling situations like this, but he has to. He has to help Johnny. "Do you want to talk about? I'm here for you if you want...you know...talk. N-Not just about the divorce, j-just anything in particular." At this moment, Kenshi's face blushes with embarrassment. He was fumbling his words. Hw just wanted to put his head into a hole and hide there forever.
It's not going to work, I messed up so badly.
"I'd like that. C-could we do it right now, actually?"
Well, what do you know? It worked.
"It hasn't been easy lately, it's actually been hell." Kenshi shifts unfortunately in the love seat he and Johnny sat on. The other couches were too messy to be sat so the two sat on this tiny couch, it was meant for him and Sonya but now Kenshi was taking up the other space.
"Out of all my marriages, I don't know, I thought this one would've worked. I loved her so much, the moment I laid my eyes on her, I thought about our whole future already." Johnny picked at the chocolate's in the box, hoping that maybe something in there might make him feel less bitter inside. He avoided Kenshi's face, he didn't know why, but something about him made Johnny shy. It's been like that since he first met him, he couldn't place this feeling for Kenshi, all that he knew is that he made him feel shy and Johnny didn't like that feeling.
Kenshi just sat there, listening attentively as if every word of his heartbroken rambling was the most important things in the world. This alighted the warmth inside of him, it made Johnny feel a little bit better, like he mattered or something. "I-I wanted it to work, god, I wanted it to work so bad. I thought everything was going amazingly, we had an awesome wedding, a literal god attended, we had a badass daughter who kicked another god's ass. We've had rough patches in the relationship, true, but I thought we'd work it out." Johnny felt cold inside again, he set aside the chocolate box, nothing in there would make him feel any better.
How....how did everything go to hell? He wondered. When he was with Sonya, the sky felt like it was the limit, things weren't perfect, but this wasn't that bad...right?
"Maybe it was always hell, your head was just too much in the clouds to notice." Kenshi said abruptly.
How did he...
"A long time ago, I was in line with some bad people...but I thought everything was okay. I didn't care to notice the red flags, the warning sign, they all missed. Or I refused to notice them at least." Johnny shifted his seat this time. "And what's the point of this story?"
"I know how much you cared about Sonya, I wished you two had worked it out to" the words stung like poison in his mouth, "B-but maybe it just wasn't meant to be...maybe things weren't as perfect for Sonya as it was for you..." Johnny didn't say a single thing for a few moments, maybe he was still processing these words or maybe he heard them. but was in denial. Kenshi once again shifted in his seat. Finally Johnny gives a response, single tear.
"I just...I just wanted it to work. I wanted her to...to love me..." The tears grew heavier, his breath began to get shorter and shorter. "Why...why didn't she love me?" And at that moment, Johnny completely broke down. Tears rushed out of his eyes like a water faucet after it been turned on. He basically shrunk, reduced to a whimpering mess of snot and tears.
There it was, Kenshi's heart breaking. "Johnny..." He started, but he couldn't find the right words that would help him. Only his actions could help now. Without thinking, Kenshi lurched forward and gently wrapped his arms around Johnny, pulling him close in an embrace. "Hey..." Kenshi uttered softly under his breath, he hasn't done anything like since Suchin. He would hold her if she ever cried, which an often thing, so it made it all the more special when he did. It's strange to do so with Johnny, but it feels right. "I know...trust me, I know..."
Kenshi is taken by surprise as Johnny quickly wraps his arms around him, returning his embrace. Johnny's sobbing began to calm down as well as his whimpering and sniffles. Kenshi feels Johnny basically melt in his arms and he in Johnny's. And at that second, everything just felt right, like this is where they belonged...Kenshi lost himself in Johnny, and maybe Johnny did too.
In that second it felt like something clicked inside of both of them. Kenshi pulled back just little, just enough so that Johnny's faces could meet. They stared at each other for what felt like eternity. Before they stop to think, Kenshi's lips gently touch Johnny's. The whole world felt like new at that second, yet familiar at the same time. It felt like paradise as they sat there as they kissed, enjoying the warmth of the other...
But paradise ended as quickly as it started. Without warning Johnny rips away, a horrified look spreads across his, he stares at Kenshi with a disturbed as he realizes what just happened.
"Get out..."
"Johnny, I-"
Okay, what the hell was that!? Johnny thought as he paced across the floor. His heart was racing a thousand miles, his head was spinning, this was all so hard to process. He-he and Kenshi…impossible. It can’t be, Kenshi’s a man! But he kissed him…and he-he liked it. No! Kenshi’s a man! Johnny, the renown ladies, can’t like men. He can’t be gay….c-can he?
No! He can’t! What would Sonya say? How would Cassie react? Jax, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Raiden, what do they think? His fans, hell, Hollywood, what they all do if they find out that Johnny Cage kissed a guy? Ah yes, that's right, they'd think less of him, no longer will they have any respect or love for their once golden boy, they'll throw him to the side, a place where he is out of sight and out of mind.
He could just see it, his daughter and Sonya looking down at him in disgust. They turn their backs on him and he'll never see them again. All his friends distancing themselves farther and farther away, spewing venomous words behind his back.
Those great fears swirl around his head so great that everything starts to swirl, his feet feel weak and his head light. He collapsed onto his bed and tries to catch his breath and get his heart to slow down. He tries to think about everything through, surely he didn't even like the kiss. He was just in the heat of the moment and kissed Kenshi, he was so caught up in the moment and just did...and he liked it. Damn it.
"What did you do?" Cassie had finally managed to find a corner Kenshi. The poor man could barely get a word in. Cassie was in a frantic state, whatever happened between them mustn't have been good. It has been an entire month since the..."incident". Johnny kept himself locked, but it seemed to be much worse this time. "You said you'd help him but now he not only blocked me, but also deleted all his social media accounts. HE deleted them! So tell me, what did you do?" He stood corrected. They all knew how much Johnny liked social media, the man was almost chronically online with how time he spent on those apps. Him deleting them was not a good sign. "Cassie, I....I'm sorry."
"What happened?"
Kenshi could feel his cheeks flush as he feels too flustered and embarrassed to explain. What was he supposed to say, 'Sorry Cass, me and your dad made out on his couch but then he freaked out and kicked me out. Sidenote, I'm in love with your dad.' Like that wouldn't be awkward.
"I...m-me and your father...something happened between...I-I can't tell you. But I-"
"* sigh* You know what, I'll just go see him myself."
"Cassie, wait-"
But Cassie bolts out the room slamming the door behind her, leaving Kenshi alone with his thoughts. And he hated it. His mind was reduced to a frazzled mess still after the whole month. He couldn't stop thinking about Johnny, about the Kiss, how he felt his heart broke when he told him to get out. But there was also relief inside of him. After all these years, everything finally made sense. He was in love with Johnny, god it felt so good to finally make sense of it. It was like a weight was lifted off of him. But it also hurts, he remembers when Johnny revealed that he and Sonya were getting married. Johnny excitedly described everything to Kenshi, the decorations, the seating arrangements, and most importantly the seat he saved for Kenshi. His heart sank at the news, it felt like he lost something and he'd never get it back. He didn't attend the wedding, he could just imagine it, Johnny staring at the empty seat in the front that was supposed to house his best friend.
He can't believe it, he's in love with Johnny. He feels like he's betrayed someone for feeling this way, like her hurt and used someone. He feels so disgusting inside because of this. He then thinks back to how Johnny basically rejected him, his heart is now broken. God, he's in so much pain right now. Not a wound or any kind of physical ailment, but in a place that no sword or gun could ever do.
"I'm sorry." Kenshi said under his breath, his breath getting heavy. "Johnny, Cassie, Sonya, Takeda...Suchin...Forgive me."
Today was another day where Johnny felt like crap. This day felt worse, he felt like he could barely move, it was a struggle to keep his eyes open. His skin felt dirty, his hair greasy and matted. He bet that if he got up and looked in the mirror he'd probably be horrified, his skin would pale and sickly looking, his body thin and frail looking, god just thinking about made him want to leave the bed less.
The thought of him immediately rushes through mind without warning. It was an entire month and he still couldn't stop thinking about it. His lips were so soft, his arms were soft and warm and it felt amazing to be held by them, his smile was so cute, and he just good inside thinkimg of it. But this feeling always quickly fades as everything sinks back in.
He's gay-er-bi, he's excepted it, and he's never leaving the house again. He might as well, his family and friends will no doubt abandon him completely and refuse to ever see again. Kenshi probably already told them all and they probably hate him or they will if they ever find out. So decided to cut to the middle man just block them all and delete his socials, then waste away. Why not, who would possibly care about him?
The thought comes to his mind as soon as he hear the door being knocked on. He finds the energy to jump into a sitting position. He hasn't spoken or seen since he screamed at him to get out. Is he back? Johnny buries his face in the pillow, he doesn't want to see Kenshi right now. Before him all he had to worry about his divorce, now he realizes he gay and everyone he loves will probably judge him for being this way. He's too scared of what might happen if he opens that door...but he can't deny that he wants to see him again. When they kissed it felt like the world lit up for him, a magical moment that he can't forget. He felt things for Kenshi that he thought he could never feel for a man.
He keeps his face buried in the pillow. Nope, he thinks, after the way I treated him, I can't ever face him again.
Just stay here, Kenshi will away eventually.
Stay here.
St-Oh what the hell?
And with that Johnny rips away the covers and jumps out of bed, races down down the stares to the door. He reaches for the door handle but then, he hesitates. He's sweating, was he always sweating? A nauseous feeling erupted in his stomach causing to back away from the door. Is this really the best idea? He can't seem to think of a single reason to open that door, this damn door that seemed to hold bad things every turn of the way. So he turns, beginning to walk.
Johnny hears behind the door. He stops in his tracks. No it can't be. "Dad, please, open up." It can. As Johnny hears his daughter calling to him, his heart sinks to another level. No, he can't face his daughter, out of all the people he fears losing because of all this, he fears losing Cassie the most. The image of Cassie looking at him in disgust plays over and over in his mind. He can't bare the thought of her hating him, that is something he fears hell never recover from. Something scarred might lead to him hurting himself.
"Dad, please, just talk to me." This time sounded more desperate, almost like she was about to break down into tears. Johnny's heart feels like it's about to rip out of his chest and shatter on the ground. The way she sounds so distraught, he can't stand the idea of just leaving like this, like the way Sonya left him. With that he balls up his fist, takes a deep breath and turn back to the door. As much as he doesn't want to do it, he has to fave her, he has to resolve this for Cassie's sake. If she hates him afterwards then he'll just have to deal with it.
"Dad!" Cassie's sigh in relief as Johnny finally opens the door. Her eyes widen at the star her dad has been reduced to. "Hey kid." Johnny forced a smile onto his face despite this, if his relationship with his daughter is going to go down in flames he might as well go with the classic Cage charm. "Long no see, finally come to see your old man?" Cassie stared at her father, "What the hell, dad?" She snaps. Though more out of worry than anger. "You go missing for almost two whole months, block me and everyone else, delete your entire presence online, locked yourself in your house and leave everyone worried. Again I ask, what the hell? Do you have any idea how scared I was? I-I thought something might've happened to you, that you...that y-you did something to yourself. That I'd never see you again..." Cassie's angry voice dissolves one within the brink of sobbing. She has tried to keep herself together for the longest, to stay strong for him, for her mom, all her friends and fellow soldiers. But she can't take it anymore and breaks down. "I was so scared. E-every time you hung up I-I was scared that it would be the last time I'd ever speak to you. I know that you and mom splitting would be hard on you, but that doesn't mean you can just lock me out. Lock us all out. I just want to be there for you!" Her eyes darted from this way to that all over his face, hoping to get some reaction from him. Just something, anything. Anything that would make losing her cool and crying like a baby and not the soldier she is worth it.
"Cassie..." Johnny eventually lets it, his smile fades as the tears find their way out of his eyes. "Cassie, I'm so sorry." He says, an apology with a double meaning. He opens his arms and with hesitation, Cassie rushes into them, squeezing the life out of him. It has been so long since he held his daughter, the last time remembered doing such a thing was when she was a little girl. Back to simpler times, when he thought everything was perfect, that there wasn't a single this wrong. How he wishes he knew the truth about himself back then, then it would've been easier to let her go after she learns the truth about him.
"What happened between you and Kenshi? D-Did he do something to you?" She asks defensively with a sniffle. Johnny takes another deep in and out. "Cass, I think you need to sit down for what I'm about to tell you..."
Johnny sat his daughter down, he cleaned off her favorite part of the couch just for this moment. He couldn't sit her in the love seat cause that was just wrong after everything that transpired on it. Cassie sat down quickly, not wasting time to continue her questioning on what happened with him and Kenshi. Johnny gulped hard and balled his fist tighter. So tighter he swore his nails might've stuck into his skin and caused him to start bleeding. With one last deep breath, he tells her everything. The meeting, the chocolate, the tears, the hugging, the kissing, how much he like it, everything.
Cassie just stared at him as he talked, she gave a visible reaction as he spoke which frightened him. Her being silent could not be a good sign. Well, this is it. He thought, any moment now she'll react, he'll scream at him and storm out of the door and out of his life.He closes his eyes and folds his hands together, tiny drops of blood drops from one of his hands, but he couldn't feel bothered enough to notice.
Cassie finally reacts, but she doesn't flip out, she just starts laughing. As you can guess, this is much to Johnny's surprise. Where's the look of disgust? The insults? The judgment? All he gets is laughter. "Whats do funny?"
"I'm sorry, it's just..." She tried to explain, but she changed from a sobbing mess to a laughing mad woman. "I was so scared he did something to you. I thought you were seriously hurt. Well you were hurt to some instant. Th-thank god!" She forced through her delighted chuckles, taking Johnny by surprise.
"You don't hate me?" He said, making sure he understood what was happening. He was really confused right now. "Hate you for what? For not being straight? This isn't the 90s anymore." She said, her laughing fit finally calming down as she looked at her father with a loving gaze he thought he'd lose. He smiles, but cries still. "I-I thought you'd hate me." He said, the tears getting greater. Cassie stops laughing looks at her father, her expression serious again. "Dad...I don't hate you. I could never hate you... you're father and I'll always love you no matter your sexuality, o-or your gender or whatever the hell you identify as." She smiles at her father, she looks him the eyes to let him know how much she means it, how much she loves. Without hesitation, he pulls her into a hug.
Overwhelmed, Johnny's tears grow heavier. "How-" he was stopped by a sniffle as he tried to keep contr and not crumble into mess of tears. "How the hell did I manage to raise someone like you?' He gleamed through tears. "If it's any consolation, I have done pretty awesome parents. An accepting dad and an open-minded mom...now wash up and call him."
Cassie picked up his phone and handed it to him, Kenshi's number pulled up so Johnny could call him. "Call him. Mom already moved on and is happy, it's time you be happy too."
"Hello?" Kenshi picked up the phone confused. Who would be calling him this time of night? "Hey, Ken" a voice boomed happily across the other end. "Johnny? What do you-"
"I want you to come over." Johny said in his usual cocky manner, his confidence seemingly returned and was stronger than ever. "Is this some kind of joke?"
"No jokes. Just you, me, and some sexual tension finally being relieved."
Johnny couldn't see it, but he could tell that Kenshi was smiling on the other end. "I'll be there in 20 minutes."
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ruggiethethuggie · 4 months
MY SUNFLOWER || Ruggie Bucchi
romance isn't dead.
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wc: 613 cw: ruggie bucchi, drabble, gn!reader, it's very short, established relationship (you've been together for awhile), mushy gushy romance a/n: this has been in my google doc drafts since August and i wrote it at like 11pm apparently ?? i must've been using my love goggles while i wrote this
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“Ruggie…,” you whispered with a long pause afterwards. The sight before your eyes was one you never really anticipated on a day like today, but Ruggie was never short of surprises. You and Ruggie had taken the weekend to go back home to Sunset Savanna. Every time you two would go, it was always a given that you would visit a small field that grew wildflowers and sunflowers. It always had the prettiest view for the sunset, and since you were with Ruggie, he would always bring a blanket and some snacks for you both. It was something you always enjoyed doing when you came to visit with him, but this wasn’t ever what you thought would happen. Not here, not right now.
Ruggie was staring up at you with a beaming grin across his face, the sleeves on his white button up were rolled up to his elbows in his typical playful fashion. But this was no mere “playful” interaction between you two. This was something important, something far more serious. The way Ruggie knelt down on one knee, his hand holding out a small box with a dainty, yet breathtaking ring, was almost too much for you to take in all at once.
He took your hand; you could feel his own trembling as he spoke. “You know I love you; you mean the absolute world to me. All the money I could make, all the finer things I always wanted to have, hell, even the selling price for all those goodies in Kalim’s little treasure room- all of it's nothing compared to you. Nothing would make me happier than to be able to call you mine forever, my partner in life as we try to figure it out together. You are my sunshine every day, the reason I wake up every day and do my best to be a better person, the best that I can be so you’re proud to have me next to you.”
You were trying your hardest to hold in the immense amount of emotions you were feeling in this moment. After all these years- all the long days and nights when he was away and working hard to make sure you both were fed and taken care of; all the petty arguments you had over something that was never as serious as either of you made it out to be in the end; all the blissful, shared memories you two had accumulated together that would make you smile when your mind replayed them randomly throughout the day. Everything had brought you both to this point, to this moment in time- one that, truthfully, you wished would last a lifetime.
You let out a short exhale, trying to catch your breath and find the words you so desperately wanted to say to him, but he continued on with his affirmations towards you.
“I want to wake up to you every day; I want to make you breakfast, lunch, dinner- whatever, whenever. I want to be the reason you smile every day. I’ve grown up with so many hardships, I think I know pretty well when something is worth it, and dammit,” he chuckled a bit, “I think you’re worth it. We are worth it. I want to be the person you can rely on when you need me; I want to be at your side always. I need you to know that I love you more than anything, more than myself or my friends and family, more than anything or anyone on this planet, the galaxy. You are the one I want, the one I want to be with… please, my sunflower, will you marry me?”
© Pastel Orange Heart Divider | please do not copy and or repost my work as your own, my brain is massive and these are my thoughts.
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sixpennydame · 1 year
Hey, can I get something with 28, bc they ain't enough drunk Levi on my life °^°
Hello there! I am so, so sorry this took so long - life has been...well...life, and I wanted to give this the attention it deserves. I hope you like it, and feel free to drop an ask any time! <3
Never Have I Ever, Part 1
Part 2
No. 28: How drunk was I?
Content: Levi’s early Survey Corps years, alcohol, drinking games, fluff
You all have one goal tonight:
To get Captain Levi drunk.
You, Eld, and Hange knew it wouldn't be easy, but you all had a few days off in Trost and wanted to make the most of it. And none of you had ever really seen Levi let loose.
And it wasn’t for lack of trying. You’d joined the Corps not long after Levi, and were intrigued by the quiet, stoic man. You wanted to see him relax, to smile and laugh..
Actually, you wanted more than that, but Levi didn’t seem like the kind for romance.
You were surprised when Hange said he would be joining us tonight; he rarely, if ever, drinks and prefers to spend his nights off by himself.
"I basically annoyed him until he agreed, just to shut me up," Hange triumphantly announced.
By the time Levi arrives, there's a good group assembled. Levi can feel everyone looking at him. "Ok...I'm here..so what are we drinking?" He sits next to you and you feel nervous all of a sudden. Seeing him out of his uniform, his shirt unbuttoned just enough to be able to see his collarbone..
Hange immediately speaks up and jolts you back to attention. "Well we could just get a few beers and talk," they smirk, "But I think we should make this night a bit more...challenging."
"Oh shit," Levi interjects, "another one of your crazy ideas?"
"Crazy? No way, it's fun! Have you all played, 'Never Have I Ever?'" they ask.
A few nod their head. Hange continues. "So I'm going to pour us all a shot, and we'll take turns sharing a statement of something we have never done. But if you've done it, you have to take a drink. Got it?"
You look over at Levi, who's cocked an eyebrow. "And we have to be honest?"
"Of course!" Hange pours shots for everyone. "It's no fun if you're not honest. I'll get us started."
They clear their throat. "Never have I ever...been late to training."
Eld takes a shot, along with Nifa and Moblit. “And Levi made sure I was never late again,” Eld laughs and grimaces at the strong alcohol.
“Damn right I did. So that’s all this game is? Easy..” Levi scoffs.
“Ok, Eld, your turn,” Hange give him a look and he smirks.
Eld looks around the table. “Never have I ever beat someone up.”
To noone’s surprise, Levi picks up his drink and takes the shot, but so does Hange. Everyone looks at them. “It was when I was a cadet and the guy was such an ass. Moving on!”
Levi doesn’t usually drink hard liquor, and his eye twitches a bit. The liquid feels warm as it slides down his throat and into his stomach.
Moblit raises his glass. “Never have I ever disobeyed one of Commander Erwin’s orders.”
“Oh come on..it wasn’t that big a deal.” Levi shrugs as he takes another drink.
The game continues, and it seems to Levi that every statement leads to him having to take a shot. By the time it was his turn, he was already starting to feel a little fuzzy.
“Never have I ever…left the kitchen a damn mess when it was my cleaning duty.”
You and Nifa look at each other then raise your hands. “Guilty!” You both laugh as you down your drink.
Levi smirks. He loves seeing you laugh. Your eyes squint a bit and it’s the cutest thing…
…Wait, what the hell is he thinking?? Maybe the alcohol is effecting him more than he thinks.
“Oi, Levi, what are you smirking about over there?” Hange breaks his chain of thought.
“N-nothing, Four-eyes,” he defends. “Here..” he hands the bottle to you, “you’re next.”
You smile at him as you take the bottle and you could have swore he cheeks were blushing just a bit. “Never have I ever killed three titans in a single blow.”
Everyone looks at Levi. “Dammit..are you trying to get me drunk?” He takes a drink.
“Maybe..” you lean your head on your hand and smile, clearly and unabashedly flirting with him. And you see it for sure this time: a flush of red across his face. He looks away quickly.
The bottle gets passed and more statements are said. You start to notice slight changes in Levi. His shoulders don’t seem so tense and he keeps running his hand through his hair. You also thought you might have heard him give the quietest laugh.
It’s happening.
Hange notices it too. “My turn again! Alright..Never have I ever”, they look at everyone at the table, “had a crush on someone in the Survey Corps.”
Nobody moves for a minute, and then everyone takes their shot.
Even Levi.
Everyone’s questioning Levi at once. “What?” “Who?”
“None of your business,” his speech is a little slurry, “Just…who’s next..” He grabs the bottle and pours everyone’s drink, spilling a little on the table.
Moblit sits up a little straighter, looking a bit nervous. “Never have I ever wanted to kiss someone at this table.”
Two glasses lift up and are drunk.
Yours and Levi’s.
The whole table is laughing, gasping, yelling out questions and comments. You can feel your face getting hot. Levi could like anyone here at this table, it’s probably not you. And he probably doesn’t suspect it’s him that you have a crush on.
You can’t really think straight, you’ve had way too many shots. Then you see another glass lift up.
It’s Moblit.
Now all eyes are on him. “You can’t drink - you’re the one who made the statement!” Someone yells. Everyone laughs as Moblit hides his face in his hands.
Then you look over at Levi. Not only is he smiling, but he’s laughing. Suddenly, you feel his hand grab yours under the table. Your fingers interlace as you both look at each other, your eyes saying what your words can’t. Eventually, you both join the others in teasing the shrinking Moblit.
Levi wakes up sprawled across a sofa that isn’t his. He sits up and winces, his head pounding.
“Oh, good morning, sunshine.”
It takes him a while to realize that the voice is Hange’s. They come into the room with a toothbrush sticking out of their mouth. “Had a fun night, did we?”
He has no idea how he got to Hange’s room last night. He rubs his temples. “How drunk was I?”
“Drunk enough that you and Reader snuck off after our little drinking game. Where did you two go?”
Hange pulls the toothbrush out of their mouth and raises an eyebrow. “What did you two do?”
It’s too bright in this room and Levi can’t think straight. Him and you…
Then he remembers: him pulling you into a dark hallway outside the bathrooms. His hands roaming all over your body. Your soft lips, kissing his mouth, his neck..
He stands up and charges out the door without a word and heads straight to his room. When he gets there, he stands in front of the mirror and pulls down the collar of his shirt. There, right above his collarbone, is a deep purple mark.
He doesn’t see you until later that day when you’re all headed back to Headquarters. You ride beside him, as he tightens his cravat. Beneath the fabric, a mark that he’ll never forget.
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romanarose · 4 months
Will Miller
Valentine's Day
You are getting WOO'd
mentions of sexy time and insecurity
Will knows how to romance a woman, having had a fiancé before. With that having broken apart with his PTSD ruining everything good in his life, Will is always worried he's gonna mess it up or he's not doing enough. He overcompensates.
You wake to flowers, the smell of breakfast being made for you and already, you are determined to give your husband special treatment.
You had a cute gift, one of those matching couples keychains with your song on it, but that wasn't going to be enough. No, Will deserved more.
You let him do his breakfast for you, giving him a quick blowjob just to start his work day *right*
Will had an edible arrangement delivered to your work a few hours in, just as you were about to reach for a snack in your purse. fucker knows you like snacks. Goddammit, he's got ahead of you. You call around on your break, trying to see if you can get flowers or chocolate delivered but of course everyone is booked. You tried to see if you could leave early, wanting to get home before Will and start dinner knowing that was his move too but your boss said no. Dammit.
You said him a few lovey texts throughout the day, and it seems everything you say, Will out does you. You needed to fucking up your game. Will deserved so much, he deserved everything and all you got was a stupid keychain.
The store you stopped at in a rush was sold out of everything good and all you find is a cheesy kids Valentines Day box with dinosaurs on it. He told you him and Ben liked playing dinosaurs as kids right? That was one of his favorite games, right? no. Stupid. Between that and the keychain you looked like you were half assing something Will obviously planned.
You come home defeated, only to find a candlelit dinner there for you and Will dressed up. You were not looking your best after a long day of work.
You start crying.
Will's smile dropped, rushing over to take him in your arms. "Princess what's wrong?"
Embarrassed, you have the gift and the chocolate, sniffling and waiting for a disappointed face.
Instead, you see Will light up. "Baby!" He exclaims. "I love it! Thank you!"
"No." You whimper, shaking your head. "This is all I got..." You explain that you feel like your efforts were pathetic compared to his and you worried you weren't showing him how much you loved him. Will listened, his blue eyes bright on you and when you were done he pulled you in again, kissing your forehead.
"Princess, you are my Valentine." Will says earnestly. "And these gifts? They are so thoughtful. You remembered how much me and Benny loved playing dinosaurs, and you gave me a reminder to take everywhere of you and our song, a reminder how much you love me."
"But... You do so much for me, look at all this!" You gesture to the nice dinner.
"It's not a competition. You show your love for me daily. You pack me lunch with cute love notes in them." He kissed into your hair. "You massage my back." He kisses your nose. "You are always careful closing doors and cabinets and drawers to not startle me." He kisses your lips and pulls away to allow you to look at him.
"But that's not anything special" You concede. "I do that because I love you, and you do stuff for me, all the time."
"Yeah." He chuckles with good nature. "Because I love you too. We're in love, we're a married couple. A team. Some days I give more, some days you give more. This year, I happened to want to go all out, but last year you booked us a whole weekend getaway, remember?"
Oh. Yeah. That. "Well... yeah okay."
Will hugs you close, his strong arms comforting you. "I love you, and I love your gifts. I love being at a place in life where I can sit down and eat a homemade dinner with my beautiful wife."
You relax, taking a big wife of the food he made. For a white man with English blood, he sure knew how to cook. "Can I shower before we eat?"
"Of course, princess. you feel better?"
"Yeah." You smile at him, but you still had another idea to treat him, and that's why you wanted to shower. before you dressed up nice for the lovely dinner, you slip on your best lingerie.
Love you doll sorry its late!
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ablupen · 1 year
Obey Me cast with a child MC <3
As much as I do occasionally simp for the characters, I like soft romance. (If you like spicy stuff though I'm not saying you can't interact with me or whatever- I don't post those stuff but I'm not against y'all)
Anyways, back on topic; .....Obey Me characters as parent figures or sibling figures. Please! Imagine it! That's adorable! In light of that, I have some ✨ headcanons ✨ for each character and a headcanon or two of how they'll act around a child MC about maybe Luke's age or even a bit younger.
**LUCIFER**: He won't directly say it in front of everyone, but he finds MC very cute. He may get angry at his brothers, but will NOT do in front of MC. Lucifer will tell them to wait in another room, then leave and close the door to hang Mammon on the chandelier when MC isn't looking. If someone starts talking to MC, he will glare at whomever is talking to them for a few seconds before looking away, but will ALWAYS keep an ear on the conversation. Very obviously protective parent/brother. He can be kinda strict, but he's also very soft with MC. He knows how to treat children as the oldest brother, after all.
**MAMMON**: At first, Mammon isn't sure what to do with MC. A child? How will this help him? MC's boldness (or naivety) grows on him though, and he'll eventually spoil this child. Like, part of his big spending will go to getting this kid a ton of good stuff. Trending toy? You bet! He'll complain that he's broke later and his ideas of what's good for a kid are somewhat wonky, but he means well. He may even gather the courage to ask Lucifer, Simeon, and Barbatos on how to take care of a child! Least likely to warn people that there's a child in the room when someone curses.
**LEVIATHAN**: If ANY of these people felt the most unprepared, it's Levi. He tries though! Families on animes when they do show up look really happy, anyways! If there's one thing about this though that he's better than Mammon though, is not giving MC dangerous objects. He knows better than that. But he has no idea what he's doing, so he tries to research it, wing it, and see how MC reacts. He was so happy when the child followed him around pretty easily. Gaming buddy, you know? For MC's sake, he's a bit more active, because if he doesn't, he's afraid he'll look boring in their eyes. He introduces Henry 2.0 to MC at some point, too!
**SATAN**: He's a lot more outwardly calm about a human child bonding with him and seems to take it smoothly...... But that's just on the outside. Privately, he's very confused, surprised, and pours some hours into his reading time for learning how to take care of a child. He's the type of care figure to read MC bedtime stories. Absolutely. Also, he knows that Lucifer won't let him keep pets, but if MC wants a cat he'll get them a cat dammit the child wants one. After bonding with MC, he's a lot more nervous about his temper and his demon form (sharp tail), so there are times where he seems to just vanish from the House of Lamentation. He's fine though! He's somewhere with MC to calm himself if that happens. Satan likes to show them pictures of places in a book and if MC says that they're interested in a certain place, Satan will take them there, granted that it's a safe place. If someone says one bad thing about them, or if MC cries, Satan will be on a warpath as soon as MC isn't watching.
**ASMODEUS**: He'd gasp and find MC really cute!! He'd totally take them in and find really cute outfits for them. If they want to, he'd also paint their nails. For the child's sake, he'll tone down his jokes around MC, but a rather dirty one slips out sometimes, and someone will have to either cover their ears or tell him that there's a child in the room. He really acts the most like a sibling or a proud mom. He may also post pictures of MC on Devilgram, too. He usually finds it atrocious, but he'll let MC "make him beautiful"; choosing colors, drawing on him, brushing his hair, you get it. MC is a ball of sunshine to him. Asmo is also very generous with praise.
**BEELZEBUB**: When MC first approaches him, he's confused. Why is a tiny human kid walking up to or near a giant demon of gluttony like him? He's not complaining though. He doesn't have experience in caring for someone much younger than him, but he has experience in general care for someone from taking care of Belphie growing up. Beel is careful to be gentle, and is happy to give MC a lift or a piggyback ride whenever they want to. He'd also like to take MC on food tours to try a bunch of cool foods. Then afterwards, they'll head to like a McDonald's or something and he'll order them some chickie nuggies while he gets a cheeseburger. There were a few times when MC was in danger and none of them realized. Thankfully, Beel has an intimidating appearance, being very bulky and tall (second tallest character), so as long as he's around, simply being in MC's vicinity will keep them safe. Belphie co-parents/co-big brothers MC as well.
**BELPHEGOR**: Ew, a tiny human. That's his first thought. Unfortunately for him, this was a very much innocent child and wow, what a surprise. The child grows on him. During these beginning stages, he tries to ignore MC, but God Dang it. MC follows him around, finding his sleepiness the equivalent of safest. Eventually, he lets MC into he and Beel's room and even sleeps near them to keep them safe, pulling a blanket over them whenever they sleep without one. He'll even temporarily lend MC his pillow, which surprises everyone but Beel. Belphegor finds this to be common sense, but the realization that he might be some sort of big brother/father figure will eventually sink in and he will accept this with a long sigh before smiling fondly at MC. He likes to ruffle their hair sometimes too as a sign of affection, and will let MC hug him to warm themself up. He's a very laid-back father figure/big brother figure, so he often let's MC just do their thing while he naps nearby, but he gains an uncanny sense of when something might go wrong with MC, so he'll wake up in a snap if needed. If anyone other than MC wakes him up, he'll glare at them, but will gently smile if it's the child. If someone tries to quickly wake up MC, they shall receive no mercy (/hj(?)).
**DIAVOLO**: HUGE millionaire father vibes. HUGE. And it's very accurate! Except that he'll actually try his best to spend time with MC! He grabbed the wrong person when doing the exchange program, so he ended up with this human child instead of the young adult he was getting. He very much regrets this. He tries taking MC back, but it's either harder than expected, or the child keeps wandering off. Dia then tries to have the brothers take MC. MC latches on to him instead, and he just gives up because oh my god not the puppy dog eyes. Like what Mammon would do, he spoils MC ROTTEN. Only the best for them. The difference is though is that Diavolo has a better idea on how to treat a child and that he'll probably never go broke. He unfortunately has to work a lot, so there are times where he won't get to see MC. However, he lets MC roam around the palace grounds, granted that a trusted servant watches over them. He'll even pay the servant extra if they do. Either that or Barbatos serves as MC's father figure when Diavolo is busy. This is no problem for Barbs though, because he's already kind of a father figure for Diavolo and Diavolo as a child was even harder. Sometimes, MC likes to just run into his office to surprise him and Dia is very touched, and will both praise them and pat their head, telling them to leave ONLY when VERY nessasary. He's a very loving father figure and likes to call MC "my little prince/princess/royal". Everyone is pretty sure the only reason why he hasn't actually adopted MC is because they had an actual life in the human world and he is trying his best to respect that. Also, btw, I noticed that this section is a bit longer than my other sections, so I think my bias is showing I'm sorry-
**BARBATOS**: Diavolo approaches him shyly one day and asks him to take care of a child while he figures out how to send them back. Barbatos agrees, and he takes to the task of caring for MC rather quickly because dedication. It also helps that he knows how to take care of children because of the Young Master. At first, it was purely dutiful, but it becomes genuine after a while. He's happy to let MC taste test and "review" his food, and one can see him with a gentle smile whenever MC is happy. Barbatos also lets MC join his baking lessons with Luke, which makes both of them happy and Simeon to an extent because Luke is happy. Barbatos is also a very good teacher, and he knows perfectly when to be strict and when to be sweet. He lets MC follow him when he does his chores around the castle and even lets them decorate his "room" with stickers and other things. This is usually considered untidy, but he doesn't care. He finds the decor quite charming.
**SIMEON**: As an angel, he already has a protective instinct, so he was pleasantly surprised and delighted when MC decides to befriend him. He's very happy that Luke and MC kinda click together, and eventually, MC is unofficially adopted alongside Luke. Simeon is very fond of his little siblings/children, and treats them equally while still embracing their differences. You know the way he canonically treats Luke? Same with MC. Sim is most likely to slightly gasp and go "Language, there are children" when the brothers swear and joke. He goes on lots of small walks and activities with Luke and MC and he enjoys every moment of it, being most open about his affection. This section is kinda short because there's already a lot of canon material about his relationship with a child (Luke).
**LUKE**: BESTIES! They're about the same age, and human is much better than demon, so they fit! He and MC do basically everything together! Of course, in this scenario since they're about the same age, Luke's scenario is one where any of the other characters is MC's parent figure. It fits better though if it's Simeon, Barbatos, Diavolo, Solomon, Thirteen, Raphael, or to an extent Lucifer, but anyone will do. Luke and MC will gossip a bit, mostly Luke telling them to be careful for demons, but whomever is MC's guardian will get a pass. If one is a tough situation, the other will be immediate support. The duo love to doodle or window-watch together and everyone finds the two to be adorable. MC is the first or second person to try his food. 🥺. (Short for a similar reason to Simeon.)
**SOLOMON**: MC was probably drawn to him because he's also human, like them. I'm sure some of you are wondering about his food, so there's two scenarios: 1. MC also has a strangely iron stomach like Sol and Raph or 2. People donate food. You choose. If it's the first one, they're as confused as Sol and Raph about why people don't like his food. MC is very impressed with his magic, and Sol enjoys making mini fireworks and bubbles for them. He understands why MC might've befriended him, so he's not as confused about this, but is almost as slow in the head about what's safe for a child as Mammon. If he finds a new spell, MC is first to know about it. If he's busy, Sol will ask Asmo or Barbs to babysit and they agree to, usually. Like Asmo, he's generous with giving MC praise, but in a calmer way. He also gives MC a protective talisman just in case, as well. Solomon adores this child and even made them a few magical items, not counting the talisman.
**THIRTEEN**: Yep, even the currently undatables will get entries. 13 is like "...Is this a child? Seriously?" when they first meet, but finds that MC either doesn't mind traps or enjoys the pranking as well. This means fun! This gains some favor to her. MC may become like her partner in crime whenever they cause mischief. To surprise them, Thirteen may set up harmless traps that shoot confetti or even give them candy! Their reactions are really endearing, so she'll occasionally leave these behind and make it VERY hard to spot since being with her means that they'll gain a keen eye lol. Sometimes, MC will prank her back with the oldest tricks, and she's either genuinely surprised or falls for it on purpose just to get them to laugh.
**MEPHISTOPHELES**: The least willing to look after a child, but Mephisto is a Diavolo stan, so he eventually agrees. He ignores MC most of the time, but will begrudgingly help them out if they get stuck somewhere, partially because of Diavolo, partially because he doesn't want to ruin his reputation, and partially because he genuinely feels bad. He lets MC do whatever as long as it doesn't affect him, but makes sure to follow them so that he can follow orders. If MC likes horse riding, this sparks some interest, and he will bring MC along the next time he goes. Eventually, he'll have more pride in his voice whenever he talks about what MC is up to, even if he'll never completely say it.
**RAPHAEL**: Out of the three newest characters, he would be the most accepting of this situation. He's very curious at first. It's not every day that a normal human child ends up here, after all. He'll take MC along with him whenever he goes somewhere, and slowly becomes fiercely protective with spear ablazing if something might jeopardize their safety, even for the smallest thing because man's not too socially in tune. He may also slowly and somewhat uncertainly give MC headpats as well as a silent "good job" if they tell him something they did. Raph will ask Simeon for advice on how to look after a ~10 year old to make sure he doesn't do anything wrong. He can sometimes be a bit emotionally dense, but he still has a protector's instinct, after all.
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catgenderalien · 7 months
romance but its between two autistic people.
"A has been gone for 2 hours. i bet they found a rock again and now they're going to run in here and tell me about it in 3... 2... 1..." *bursts into room* "BABE I FOUND A COOL ROCK LET ME TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT"
"u want to hug me, huh? get out of the sweater first, please. it is made of The Bad Texture. yes you can put it back on after we're done."
"when do i say i love you? do i say it now? do i say it tomorrow?" "i love you" "OH MY GOD DID I SAY IT AT THE RIGHT TIME??? I SHOULD HAVE ASKED A NEUROTYPICAL ABOUT THIS DAMMIT"
A goes to the store and sees something that reminds them of B's spinterest, so they buy it for them. B does the same thing for A.
the two of them can go literal weeks without seeing or even speaking to one another, but once they see each other again, they're basically inseparable.
whenever one has a meltdown or a shutdown, they go to the other because they know their partner can ground them better than anyone else can.
"b-babe... i may or may not have acquired another spi--" "tell me All About It. i have all day."
they don't need to touch each other to show their love. talking and being around each other in silence is more than enough.
neither of them have to mask around one another, because they know that neither of them will be judged for what is normal autistic behavior.
speaking of stimming, imagine if A picked up a vocal stim from B and its something stupid like "oh boy! its a ✨corner cat✨" or some shit.
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randomfanner · 7 months
Shadowheart Headcanons
I love Shadowheart, I love being her friend and I do plan on romancing this poor Sweetheart as a Selunite. But right now we are romancing the vampire(and bear) as a Moon Druid.
Going to be her friend in every play through though goddammit. Even the one I make everything go horribly, horribly wrong! (I am not excited for that play through but gods damn if I don't know exactly what kind of character I am going to play!)
Anyway, onto the headcanons!
TW: Religious Trauma, PTSD mentions and general warning that go with Shadowheart's backstory.
So there is not a person in this group who is not extremely touch starved and Shadowheart is the second most desperate to be brought in for some snuggles, right behind Karlach.
Shadowheart cannot and does not remember the last time she got a hug in her life. If you ask if she wants a hug she will deny it at first but "Wait actually it.... doesn't sound horrible I suppose."
(I want to hug everyone, I want there to be an option in friendships where you can ask if they want a hug. You can only do it after certain of their plot but god dammit let me hug them all. After I tell Shadowheart I think she did the right thing I want nothing more then to give her a hug every damn time.)
Shadowheart falls for puppy eyes so easy. Shadowheart will be eating her dinner and Scratch and the Owlbear will sit, stare with their big soft eyes and Shadowheart just gives them both some of her food. She vows it will be the last time.
It never is.
You can also pull this trick to get anything you want from Shadowheart. Whether it be a kiss when she is busy or to completely drag her away from other things, all you have to do is flash puppy eyes and any will she had to tell you 'no' breaks.
Shadowheart had a horse when she was a child and has a natural talent for horseback riding. It is something she long forgot about and her childhood horse did pass of old age, never knowing what happened to his rider. If you are able to save her parents, they tell her all about him.
It makes her cry, but she is glad to know this is something she used too. Shadowheart begins to learn how to ride as soon as she can and gets good at it instantly. It is like riding a bike and she begins to do it to clear her head.
After you both settle down she comes home with two horse calves and she is going to rise them and make it so you can go horse back riding together.
Shadowheart has begun to make a real effort to not pray to the Lady of Loss, however it is hard to stop doing something you have done in years and that has been ingrained into you. It is not as if she means too, and whenever she notices she utter her name, she instantly corrects them to try and follow Selune's prayers.
Isobel and Aylin are actually very good helps during the transition. Aylin knows what sort of disgusting habits the Wench of Loss instils and how hard it can be to shake off. She had seen it first hand after all. However Aylin does er... sometimes overdo it. Isobel is there to tone it down.
Isobel and Shadowheart become drinking and gossip buddies. I have nothing else to add here.
Shadowheart is bad at emotions and sometimes has no idea how to define how she is feeling. Even if it is a good emotion she doesn't always know the exact word for it... and she might begin asking you about it.
Talking about emotions is so beyond new to her she is nearly uncomfortable at first, but she likes to do it. She also begins to want to understand how you feel and hear how you are doing. She is bad at helping you if it hard times but she is going to try her best!
Content Warning for Below!
Shar brought back all the memories of suffering she had inflicted on others. And well Shadowheart doesn't think about it, she tries to not get lost in it... those memories plague her in her sleep. There have been multiple nights she has woken up screaming from memories.
She tends to hold onto your hand for as long as she will let her. She isn't sure if she wants to talk about it or not, sometimes she will sometimes she won't but whatever it feels like that night, by Selune is she glad you are there for her.
It means everything to her.
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meroif · 5 months
Meroooo you really aren't being fair tho.
Like make it easier dammit. I love the childhood friend trope so much but then the prince sounds adorable as hell... and then the stubborn part of my brain wants to romance the grumpy cat 😒 not gonna even mention captain flirtsalot
It's very hard to choose a first playthrough 😭
Well, isn't it fortunate that IF makes for multiple playthroughs? 💙 Haha!
Alright, to make you forgive me, here's what I'm going to do! Let me add an extra something, so to help you decide who might become your first love.
Riel has been taught how to ballroom dance, and has always found it void of all meaning. A series of steps, a set of rules, enough etiquette to drown in. That is, until the both of you find yourselves alone in the ballroom of the ship. It's quaint compared to the baroque of the royal grounds, but it's perfect. As they guide you and twirl you around, they can't look away from your face, illuminated by the crystals hanging down from the ceiling. They know then, they'll ask you to dance again, and again, and again...
Being with Khael means getting welcomed into their rowdy, mischievous, loyal to the death found family, the crew of the ship. They will interrupt, they will snitch, they will supply you with many, many embarrassing stories regarding their captain. They will also care for you, and make you laugh when you're sad. They will knock some sense into the both of you when you get into a fight. They will be the unstoppable force they know themselves to be. And, if you and Khael ever decide to get married, they will celebrate like this side of the universe has never seen before.
Nat writes all their annotations in a script that no one seems to know anything of, almost like it's theirs and theirs alone. At first, they won't even let you glimpse at it, but once they decide you're it for them, they'll teach you how to read it, and how to write it. Nat is a very patient teacher, and once you've more or less learnt the basics, they won't hesitate to leave you syrupy sweet notes that only you can decipher where they know you'll find them. If anyone else asks, they'll deny everything.
When Aeli was a kid, they were torn between giving your name to their favorite flowers, and not, simply because they couldn't bare to then harvest them, or see them wilt. Part of them was afraid for you, when that happened, like your name would carry over the same fate. But they couldn't help themselves, as that one was your favorite color, that one would look so pretty in your hair, that one had petals as soft as the back of your hand. So they wouldn't say it, but they would think it, greeting the flowers good morning and good night, hoping that at least that much, your name would carry over to you.
Hope that helps 🌷
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violet-fluff · 26 days
The Captains’s Guardian Angel (Ch.1)
Levi Ackerman x OC
Comment if you want to be added to tagged list for this fanfic
Slow burn, angst, romance, fluff, eventual smut
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"Levi! Sit and have some tea?"
Levi nods and takes a seat, admiring how gentle Lily's hands work as she pours hot water into the ceramic cup in front of him.
She dangles a bag of leaves with a grin. "A surprise blend I found at the market today. We should try to guess what tea leaves they are!"
Levi scoffs as he takes a pinch of leaves to add to his cup of hot water. "No games. Just enjoy the drink."
Lily rolls her eyes and holds the cup to her mouth. "No fun." She utters before taking a sip of her tea.
The pair take in the moonlight shining down on them, enjoying the peace and quiet as everyone is in their barracks asleep.
Putting a small table set out on the roof for some evening tea was the best idea Lily has ever had.
But Levi will never admit that.
It would be too gushy to fit their tough-love-friendship they have going on.
"I hope to be a star when I die." Lily whispers, mesmerized by the clusters of shiny dots filling the dark sky this evening.
"Don't talk about you dying." Levi glares at her. "Don't welcome death onto yourself."
With a small smile, Lily rests her hand on his forearm. "Why? You'll miss me too much?"
"You idiot, I said to never talk death upon yourself..."
All she can feel throughout her body was pain. Looking to her left, blood was starting to cover her vision, but she can barely make out Petra's twisted body laying against a tree.
Levi holds back tears as Lily stares back at him, and he watches in his own pain as she desperately tries to breath in air.
"Now look at you...you're dying..." He wants to hold her tighter, because in his mind, it will stop her life from slipping away from her as it's doing right now.
The female titan had just rampaged through their squad. The only ones that made it out alive were Levi and Eren. By the time Levi caught up to the rest of them, everyone was dead, and Lily was on the ground clinging to life after being hit mid-air by a titan's hand.
Levi's not sure what to do. He stays frozen as he continues to watch her wheeze in pain...
Lily suddenly feels another presence at her side, and despite the pain, she almost jumps in shock when she sees a woman standing a few feet away.
This woman looks so fragile. Her shawl slowly starts to slip off of her thin shoulders as she gives Lily a blank, wide-eye stare from behind her curtain of black hair.
Levi's brows furrow as Lily whimpers. She weakly lifts her wrist up to point to where the woman is standing, but when Levi looks in that direction, nothing is there.
"Lily? What's wrong? What are you pointing at?" He asks in confusion.
She whimpers louder in fright as the woman points back at her. Levi's heart drops.
Is she seeing death itself?
She's seeing something he can't...
"You won't die." The woman whispers to Lily. "You can't...I won't let you..."
Lily's eyes widen as the woman seems to float towards her, she starts shaking in Levi's arms.
"You have to protect him!" The woman screeches and is suddenly face to face with Lily. "YOU HAVE TO PROTECT MY SON!"
As if snapping awake from a dream, Lily jumps and gasps as she sees Levi's face in front of hers.
"Dammit! What's wrong with you?!" He yells out.
Feeling both of his hands gripping her wrists, Lily looks down and sees her hands covered in blood as they hold onto shattered ceramic.
She crushed her tea cup with her own hands.
Levi shakes her arms to get her to focus. "What's wrong!?" He asks again.
The vision of her dying and meeting that scary woman flood back into her mind, causing Lily to break into a cry and fly forward to hug onto Levi.
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qprsmackdown · 10 months
c!Emerald duo propaganda:
Let me tell you. We've got two guys. They live together. They live miles away from everyone else but they live in a little cabin in the snow together. They would die for each other. One HAS died for the other. One is in a monogamous relationship with the personification of death and the other is one of the most widely headcanoned aroace characters and it in no way ever devalues what is considered as one of the most unshakable relationships in the story
"For you the world" — Technoblade to Philza. They are so loyal to each other, legit the healthiest and strongest relationship in the fandom
"For you, the world, Phil." -Technoblade "Sometimes one friend is all you need." -Technoblade “I’m following Techno to the gates of hell... and if he wants to take over the world, god dammit I’m gonna help this man.” - Philza “I followed him to the ends of the earth, through fire and flames.“ - Philza (about Technoblade)
They live together. They kill together. They're raising a polar bear and a very anxious enderman hybrid. They committed so many war crimes and looked good doing it<3 "For you, the world" quote my beloved. Anarchism swag😎
Silly guys of all time! They took over the entire world together once <3 (pre-dsmp but still canon to dsmp) they blew up a country together <3 gotta love 2 guys who commit Literal Actual warcrimes. Also the way they trust eachother just unconditionally is just soo ouuuugggghghhhh i love them. iirc I remember a part where techno was basically just talking about how he'll basically never trust anyone again. TO Phil. Who was very obviously an unspoken exception to the "never trusting anyone" thing. It's been a while so idk if I remember it right but aaaouuuugggg their relationship was so good. Also "for you the world phil" AAAAAUUUUUUU (although the context of that line is much sillier than people usually remember but they are silly guys <3). Ooouugghhh I have so much I could talk about but it's late so I can't think of it right now but they are sooooooo important they are everything to me. This is kinda bad propaganda bc I don't know if I'm even remembering things right and am vaguely incorrect but AUGH. EMERALDDUO
Consider: the fanon immortals being very old friends thing which is a trope i will never not love, and also taking over the world with your qpp is so pogchamp of them
Two anarchist immortals who have been besties for an indeterminable amount of time, but at least for hundreds of years. Took over the Earth once just to show that they can. Back-To-Back Badasses. Each other's consciences and also enablers. Lived together in the middle of nowhere tundra biome, in connected little cottages with their bazillion pets.
THOSE BITCHES WERE LIVING IN THE ARCTIC TOGETHER IN THEIR GAY LITTLE COTTAGE WITH LIKE 100 ANIMALS!!!! They’d both often talk about how they’d kill and die for one another, they’ve been together for centuries despite Techno being all but confirmed Aroace and Philza being married to someone else!! I think they definitely had a QPR going on because like. The person you’re closest to and have lived alongside for god knows how long u gotta at least have SOMETHING going on there imo.
They are both imortal livelong best friends who have been there for each other through war and and other personal hardships They are partners in crime, both arnarchists who took down a nation together and both live in retirement together They only trust each other wholeheartedly (aka they both belive the other wont betray them) and Phil is the only person Techno feels he can be himself around (aka be soft around).
Apparently their qpr had drama in the past bc of this one fic but tbh i dont really get why These two are literally just. The best. There's absolutely no romance between them, but they're the closest of friends, and they care about each other so so much. And they deserve all the things. They live together in a house in the arctic in a commune for anarchists. Basically everyone in the Syndicate are their adopted children. 'For you, the world, Phil' -Technoblade (Just like to say this too, Techno is not Phil's son in the DSMP universe. It's been canonically confirmed.)
They’re two dudes who spend all their time together, built their houses next to each other (and connected it w a bridge), started a commune together, took over the world together, have FRIENDSHIP EMERALDS, and are genuinely such good friends (these are the characters but the irl guys were really good friends until techno died too)
Just a bird and his pig chilling as kings
"for you phil, the world" is treated like this big dramatic line as they take over smpearth but in context its bc they were arguing over something silly and techno laughed and conceded to him and like... just look at then they're ride or die besties emerald duo ftw (on a sadder note i constantly see philza wearing techno's merch on streams and videos and just... man i miss seeing them together)
immortal warriors who have promised to follow each other to the ends of the earth, through fire and flames. they are each others most trusted person without a doubt. when trying to retire from the wars that plagued the server, they both retired in an arctic tundra where they lived together.
These guys cant be seperate from each other anymore than like three days. Like, on top of also doing the antarctic empire together in earthSMP, they just moved to the arctic together to just enjoy life and retirement together. They understand each other like no other bc they've known each other forever. Also bc if we take the titles of bloodgod and angel of death literally you get something something being willing to spend eternity with the other because you care abt them. These two are fine being isolated from everybody else and chilling on their own bc thats all they need
Their relationship is defined by a connection that has lasted for centuries. Despite everything, they always go back to each other. They live together in a cabin in the arctic. They also like murdering together a little too much.
old men committed terrorism and then they settled down :)
For you Phil, the world Immortal best friends spend thousands of years together, conquer the world, found a empire. Phil has a kid with his goddess wife, Techno wind up joining the kids rebellion against the country he founded. When that goes wrong they start a commune called the Syndicate. They are so ride or die. I love them
please they live together theyre best friends theyre immortal together they love each other and phil is married to a god PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
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