#let's not burst our eardrums
gojocomeback · 2 months
today i think we all deserve to have a little scream!
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stevieschrodinger · 5 months
Part One
for @vampiregirl1797
“I just feel like we should put all our cards on the table before we go...all in. I’d like to go all in, but I feel like we need to be straight with each other about some stuff.”
“Oooookay,” Eddie says slowly, lowering himself to sit at the table. He had to shuffle the chair back a bit to fit the bump, “uhm, right.” Eddie feels kind of sick. Not the morning sickness kind, that’s long gone now, just the regular this is the End Of The Steve Thing kind of sick. Because someone basically saying we need to talk has never, not once, turned out well.
Eddie maybe hasn’t come clean about anything. Eddie’s maybe been spending months scenting Steve curled up on his couch watching shitty movies. Eddie maybe just said the pups father isn’t in the picture and didn’t elaborate. Eddie maybe thought Steve had just bought that.
But Steve wants the truth, and Eddie’s going to let him have it, even though when Steve finds out what a little drug dealing slut of an Omega Eddie has been, like, historically, this might be it for straight laced Steve.
The End.
“I started in the library because I was doing community restitution.”
Eddie’s brain screeches to a sort of halt. Because wait. This was about Eddie admitting he’s a shit human being, right? Not for Steve to admit to doing anything wrong…? Wasn't it?
“Community restitution?” Eddie starts slowly, “like...you’re a criminal?”
Steve snorts but then looks at the table, fiddling with his own fingers before he looks back up again, “yeah. Kinda’.”
“And the crime was..?”
“Property damage. Rob’s boss tried to touch her up and then when she walked he screwed her out of her last pay check. It was her word against his so that didn’t go anywhere and...I may have smashed a couple of windows. A dozen. A dozen windows. While intoxicated.”
Eddie can’t even imagine that. Steve’s wearing fucking slippers and he’s at home now, so he’s swapped into the glasses that have an old people chain so he can hang them around his neck and not loose them, “I mean. Sounds...like a fair response. Yeah. Okay.”
“Sure?” Steve looks uncertain.
“I mean? If that's the worst thing you've ever done I’m pretty sure were good?”
Steve hums, it’s not a positive sound, “you know I’m,” he indicates the sides of his head. Steve’s told Eddie about the concussions. The sports scholarship. The one too many hits to the head and then the burst eardrum and the following infections that fucked his hearing up real good and pretty conclusively ended his career before it even started.
“Right, so without them in, I mean, I don’t wear them to sleep.”
And Eddie hadn’t thought about that, didn’t realize, because he hasn’t actually slept with Steve yet. Because Steve was courting him. Properly courting him. They have date night. It’s so fucking domestic Eddie nearly turns inside out over it.
Also Steve works in a library and he read somewhere that the bite of an Alpha who is not the sire of the pup can, in a few rare cases, cause the Omega’s body to fail the pregnancy and like...reject the pup in favor of having another heat so it can carry the pup of their actual mate. Or something. And because of that Steve won’t do more than kiss Eddie. Because he’s not willing to even take the risk that he might bite Eddie in the heat of the moment. He’s so fucking committed he actually offered to get Eddie off. Was very clear that he wanted absolutely nothing in return, was just happy to do hand or even mouth stuff to keep Eddie happy if that’s what he wanted.
Steve is like, just, how is he even real? And obviously Eddie said no because he's not a complete dick and saying yes felt incredibly selfish, even though he's been kicking himself every day since because when Eddie makes a decision Steve fucking respects that.
Fucking perfect loveable bastard.
Which is as adorable as it is fucking frustrating. But Eddie has also agreed that they will wait. They will wait until the pups born. They will wait for such time as Eddie can fully focus on a relationship. Whatever Steve means by that because Eddie is horny and doesn’t really care for the waiting part but-
“So I’m pretty deaf, at night.”
“Riiiight…?” Eddie has no idea where Steve’s going with this. Eddie is clearly fucking missing something along the line here.
“So when the pup cries at night, I won’t hear it. Like I definitely won’t hear it. And I get that, someone who can help more would be more appealing. Sometimes I don’t hear so good if there’s a lot of noise, so I’m worried if the pup cries and like, the TV’s on or something, I might not hear right away. And if you’re tired, I want to help at night, it’s not fair if you have to wake up all the time. I know I should have said something sooner but honestly it only really occurred to me today at work-”
Eddie’s heart is fucking melting into his guts. This is too much. Steve Harrington who smashes windows in defense of his best friend's honor. Steve Harrington who actually worries about his ability to look after another Alpha’s pup. This man. Eddie doesn’t know what to do and now his stupid face is leaking because he cries at fucking everything at the moment and Steve is looking at him absolutely horrified. Jesus Christ on a cracker.
Steve dashes around the table and dabs Eddie’s eyes with his own sleeve, while Eddie blubs incoherently about how perfect Steve is and how he’s the best Alpha ever.
So. There’s that.
Later, when Eddie’s finally managed to stop crying, but is lying splotchy faced on the couch, admits to Steve, “I’m not sure who the Alpha is. And they’re all douches so I didn’t want to hang around to find out.”
“Oh,” Steve says quietly, rubbing at Eddie’s knee, “do you want to find out now?”
“Still no. And, I get if you think it’s...wrong or...selfish...or whatever. I understand if you...you know, don’t like that I was sleeping around a bit.”
Steve seems to actually ponder that for a while, so Eddie decides to go all in and put the final nail in his own coffin, “also, I used to sell drugs. And do drugs. Some drugs. But not now. Not touched it since I found out about the pup. Haven’t been selling since I came back. Or smoking actually,” Eddie sighs, “could kill for a smoke right now though.”
Steve’s quiet for a long time, thinking. “Is the Alpha...likely to find out? Could this come back on you?”
Eddie bites his lip, taking a moment over it, “I don’t see how it ever could, no.”
Steve sighs, “okay, and clearly you weren't being safe, so did you get tested?”
Eddie swallows thickly, desperately trying not to start crying again, the embarrassment of admitting this out loud to Steve, Steve who is just so much better than him, might eat him alive, “yeah. Yeah, first uhm, appointment I had with the Omega nurse, we did all that. I’m all good. And I haven’t...been with anyone, since I got back to Hawkins.”
“So, basically, you found out about your pup and changed everything about your life, so you could do the best thing you possibly could for you baby, practically overnight?”
“I- I mean. I’ve tried?”
Steve pulls Eddie up and into his lap, so they can scent each other thoroughly, “Eddie, I think you’re wonderful.”
And Eddie shoves his face harder into Steve’s neck because he’s pretty sure his whole face is bright red with blush.
Eddie’s knee is bouncing, making the chain from his wallet jiggle, but he doesn’t seem to be able to make it stop. Steve rests his hand on Eddie’s disobedient knee; that works.
When Eddie’s name gets called, he goes, knowing that Steve is right behind him. They do the boring bit, and then Eddie is getting up on the bed and then the nurse is saying, “are you staying?” With a frown on her face.
And Steve looks down to Eddie and Eddie says, “yes?” and is then suddenly bristling at the side eye they are both getting from this nurse. Because yes, okay, Eddie doesn’t have a bite, and yes, fine, he and Steve aren’t mated but god dammit he wants Steve here for this.
He can feel the stupid nurse judging him and he fucking hates it but then Steve is squeezing his fingers reassuringly and yeah, okay, that does make it better.
Eddie doesn’t like the cold gel or the pressure, but he does love hearing his pups heartbeat. He really fucking does. It’s quick and strong and perfect.
“Would you like to know the sex?”
Eddie looks at Steve, but Steve’s just smiling and shrugging and being all perfect still. Happy to go along with whatever Eddie wants. Everything Eddie wants. Even though it’s technically not Steve’s choice anyway, even though it’s not Steve’s pup. Even though all of that, some Alphas would be presumptuous enough to pass an opinion, or worse; Steve absolutely never has.
And Eddie was always the kind of kid who shook the Christmas gifts, who couldn’t sleep, who couldn’t wait.
“Yeah, yeah please?”
“It’s a girl.”
“A girl,” and Eddie can feel the waterworks starting up again already and it doesn’t help when he looks up and Steve is looking at the screen with a look of wonder on his face. Steve looks like he’s in love. “I’d like to refer you though, for a routine investigation.”
Eddie’s nerves spark even though the nurse lady hasn’t given any indication of anything being wrong, “what for?”
She hums, moving the wand thing around, “it’s reasonably common in male Omega that their hips are too narrow to safely pass the pup. And from what I see here you may fall into that category, we should find out now and not in the delivery room.”
Steve squeezes Eddie’s hand again, “yeah. Yeah, makes sense.”
At least it means there’s no guesswork. Eddie isn’t waiting to go into labor; his narrow hips mean he has a date and time to meet his pup. He wants Steve with him, Wayne doesn’t even question it; is happy to sit in the waiting room with his newspaper and wordie or whatever that thing is he plays on his phone. There’s a curtain up, and Eddie can’t feel a fucking thing from the chest down because of the godamn terrifying needle thing they’ve put in his spine. So at least there’s that.
It feels like forever and no time at all, a lifetime of trying desperately not to panic while Steve holds his hand tight and tells him everything is okay. And god Eddie wants to snap and ask him where his sudden medical degree has come from, but he doesn’t, he bites it back, knows it’s the fear talking.
And then there’s a pup crying and she’s a bit gross and covered in gack but she’s being deposited straight onto Eddie’s bare chest and he doesn’t know what to do because suddenly he’s a parent. But Steve coos down at her and doesn’t seem at all phased by the gack when he holds her tiny hand oh so gently in his big one.
Eddie wakes up, and his calves are throbbing. He feels like he's actually run somewhere, and has the worst cramp. But then, he wriggles his toes and realizes he can feel everything again, even if he wishes he couldn't because everything fucking hurts.
Right behind that, he remembers why everything fucking hurts, and that startles him the rest of the way awake, suddenly flooded with panic because where is-?
Oh. All he has to do it look to the side, and she's right there, swaddled up in Steve's arms, Steve comfortably feeding her a bottle.
Steve must sense he's awake grinning over, "did you see how much hair she has? It's going to be just like yours." And Steve looks so absolutely delighted by that simple thing, and Eddie can't help but think that maybe this whole thing will work out okay.
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
hi!! can you write an oneshot of yuuji confessing his love to reader with the help of the first years and gojo? you are my fav writer!! ily bye<3
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just confess already!!
synopsis: yuuji just can't get you out of his head!! maybe his friends and teacher can help?
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☆ a/n ˎˊ˗ first req for jjk !! it took a long time to write this bc i wasnt sure if i was characterizing everybody right, so lmk how i did !! thank you so much anon for requesting this idea; it was soso cute !! i hope you all enjoy ! xoxo
☆ characters ˎˊ˗ yuuji itadori x fem!reader
☆ wc ˎˊ˗ 2.1k+
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“idiot.” a harsh slap on the back of his head made yuuji yelp out in surprise and slight pain, clutching the back of his head. “if you keep staring like that she’s gonna notice, y’know.” he pouted a bit as nobara sat herself next to him, sipping a smoothie as the two of them watched you train with maki. 
“whatever…” he mumbled, setting his head on his hand. nobara watched him for a moment, the kicked puppy look on his face making her let out a breath, sighing. 
“i can’t enjoy your struggle with love if you look like that.” yuuji didn’t respond to her comment, making her roll her eyes. “hey, stop ignoring me and listen. you have the love expert sitting right next to you and you’re not even gonna ask me anything?” 
“you’ve never even had a boyfriend.” 
“hey!! i’m not gonna help you if you start being a little shit!” she yelled, huffing as she took another sip of her smoothie. 
as nobara looked at yuuji, she had to admit that it was strange to see him like this. it was odd to see yuuji so down in the dumps and not talking excitedly about something stupid, (not that she really cared. it was just an observation). 
“...you gonna confess to her?” 
“confess to who?!” 
“aah!” nobara screamed as she jumped, her cup almost slipping from her grasp. gojo peeked his head out between yuuji and nobara, his face twisting in feigned pain. 
“woah! don’t go screaming so loud, nobara! you’re gonna burst my eardrums!” the man whined, dramatically clutching his ears. 
“well maybe don’t go sneaking up on people like that!! i could’ve dropped my smoothie!!” she complained, clutching her smoothie much closer. despite the sudden appearance and scare from gojo, yuuji hadn’t even moved a muscle, his cheek still squished up against his hand as he watched you, your training partner now being panda. 
“sorry! but what’s got our vessel so down in the dumps? he get rejected?” 
“he’s gotten himself rejected in his mind before even confessing.” 
“ahhh, young love. so tragic!” gojo exclaimed dramatically. “so, who is it? hmmm…” gojo’s head turned to yuuji, matching his gaze until he saw you. “woah, (y/n)! what’re you gonna do?” 
“dunno…panda said she’s totally into some guy from kyoto…” nobara raised a brow at his words, scrunching her brows as she thought for a moment. 
“panda is a big fat liar. (y/n)-chan does have a crush on someone, but-” 
“you know who she has a crush on?!” yuuji suddenly asked, his voice raising two octaves and his jaw almost dropping. “who is it?!” 
“i’m not gonna break girl code for you, stupid! all i’ll say is that panda is completely wrong and that you have absolutely nothing to worry about.” she stated, making an ‘x’ symbol with her fingers. “you’ll be fine, so just confess already.” 
“i don’t even know how to do that! it looks so easy in those romance movies…” yuuji said, completely unaware of what she had just implied. 
“you watch romance movies? actually, why does that make complete sense- nevermind! stop being a coward! girls don’t like men who are cowards!” nobara confidently stated. “you’ve gotta be confident and tell your feelings unashamedly! be bold! be fearless!” 
the little pep talk had no effect on yuuji, the boy just sighing and standing up when he noticed that you were finished with training. before he could get up and walk away, gojo suddenly grabbed him from under his armpits, easily lifting him up and walking away with him, (yuuji’s flapping and flailing had absolutely no effect). 
nobara had stayed seated, staring at the scene for a couple moments and wondering if she should get herself involved, (teenage boys are so much trouble, after all). despite the fact that she could do much better things with her time, she ultimately decides to get up and follow them. see, she’s thinking for her future self! the future her wouldn’t be able to enjoy the small moments of peace and quiet if yuuji was constantly moping and feeling sorry for himself, so she has to intervene now for her own self preservation! 
“hey, let go of me!” 
“we have to fix this, stat! i wouldn’t be a good teacher if i didn’t help you out!” 
“i’m not asking for your stupid help! have you even had a girlfriend before, sensei?!” gojo gasped at yuuji’s words, shaking him a bit as he continued to carry him to wherever he was taking him, (nobara isn’t sure why she decided to help, actually. this was ruining her peace and quiet). 
“ouch! you don’t think your own mentor is hot with the ladies?!” gojo suddenly stopped walking when he noticed a familiar black-haired first year who stopped in the doorway to the school, staring at the scene in front of him. 
for a few seconds, megumi stared at gojo, hoping that silence would hopefully be enough to exclude him from whatever was going on right now. 
“megumiii~! come help us with yuuji~!” 
“no thanks.”
“i’m busy.” 
you’re not sure what’s going on right now. 
you had been walking with maki and panda back from training, the three of you talking about getting a bite to eat somewhere good after taking showers and freshening up, (you felt pretty cool that you were able to hang out with the second-years, so you were pretty excited about it). 
when the three of you had heard a giant racket from behind you, none of you had expected to turn around and find gojo and the other first years restraining yuuji as they were sprinting your way at quite the alarming speed, (gojo was holding yuuji like a cat, his hands under his armpits while megumi and nobara were half-heartedly crouch-running while holding his legs). 
“aahhh!! let me go!! let go!!” yuuji was yelling, trying his best to wrangle himself out of gojo’s grip. 
“what in the world…” you said in shock, preparing to get out of the way since they didn’t seem to be slowing down, (would they willingly crash into all you? nah…right?). 
they all suddenly stopped right in front of you, unceremoniously dropping yuuji. he didn’t lose his balance though, standing up straight away and throwing his hands up in anger. 
“hey!! what’s the big idea here?!” he was yelling, his face twisted in confusion and frustration. “you can’t just pick me up and take me wherever you want!!”
“actually, i can! maki, panda!! let’s scram!!” gojo said, a big smile on his face as he started shooing them off. 
“hah? why should we-?” 
“c’mon c’monnnn! listen to your teacher for once!” gojo interrupted, taking hold of both of their shoulders and pulling them along with him. “ oh, and (y/n)! yuuji has something to say to you!” megumi and nobara followed behind him as they shook their heads, leaving you and yuuji staring at them in shock as they all walked away. 
“what the hell just happened…?” you asked, your question hanging in the air as you watched them all promptly exit the scene, (you could still hear maki arguing with gojo in the distance which you thought was a bit funny). 
yuuji didn’t answer your question, his jaw hanging wide open as he watched everyone walk away and leave him there. 
“uh, yuuji…? you alright? gojo-sensei said you have something to say?” you asked, a bit concerned. yuuji was finally looking at you, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to say something, (were his cheeks pink? are you imagining things?). it was odd to see him acting so timid, especially when he was usually so excited and friendly. maybe he was finally making a move? 
no, you shouldn’t get your hopes up. 
“i…uhh…” he managed to let out, his hands moving to his head to mess with his hair. you nodded patiently, waiting for him to say something. 
“i…you…uhhhh…” he shook his head, his hands suddenly slapping his cheeks. “i like you!!” he exclaimed, his eyes screwed shut. “i really like you and panda said that you liked a guy from kyoto so i wasn’t going to say anything but nobara said i should go for it and i wasn’t going to but then gojo-sensei dragged me all the way here so i kinda feel like i have to say it now! i’m sorry!!!” you stared as he talked, not even taking a breath between his sentences as words poured out of his mouth. at the end of it he bowed deeply to you, his arms stiff at his sides. 
all you could do was stare at him for a few moments, his talking being too fast for your brain to process all at once. the silence was thick over the two of you as he anxiously waited for an answer from you, whose eyes were blown wide as you realized what was happening right now. 
the first thing you did was gently grab his shoulders, pulling him up from his bow and smiling at him, your hands moving to hold his, (you found it cute that his palms were sweating a bit). 
the second thing you did was giggle a bit at his flushed and embarrassed expression; you didn’t think you’d ever see him like this, but you were glad that you were. 
“yuuji! i thought you would never say anything! i like you too~!” now he was the one staring at you with wide eyes, his gaze flicking down to look at your joined hands, then back up to your smiling face. 
“me? you like me?!” he asked in shock. 
“of course, silly!” you answered, squeezing his hands a bit. “i’ve liked you since the first day i met you. i was waiting for you to realize!” yuuji continued gaping at you, his shock extremely evident on his face. “was it really not that obvious?” 
“i’m kinda stupid, so i didn’t know…” he mumbled, his eyes staring deeply into your own, almost as if he was searching for your feelings in them. a smile suddenly bloomed on his face, his shock melting away as he gave you the most genuine and happy grin you’ve ever seen in your life, (you’re being blinded!!). 
“will you let me be your boyfriend?” he asked, lacing your fingers together. “i can’t say that i’m the smartest and i can’t say that i’m the strongest, but i will do my best to make you happy!” 
there was a particular shine of complete and utter love in his brown eyes that beamed a light straight into your heart; a complete k.o!
“guh, yuuji…” you said, your head dropping down. “my heart…” 
“what?! are you okay, (y/n)??” 
“ahhh, you’re so cute…!” you exclaimed, popping your head back up to beam at him. “let’s go do something!! right now!” 
“r-right now!? where-?!” you cut his words off by starting to drag him with you, beginning to jog a bit. he confusedly jogged behind you, but despite his confusion his hand held yours in a firm grip, blindly following your lead as you led the both of you down the halls. 
“somewhere! wherever we find something cool!” you giggled, going outside the school and leading him in the direction of the city. “let’s get some good food! oh, and maybe we can watch a movie or something! didn’t you want to watch that worm movie?” 
“human earthworm 4? seriously?! you’ll see it with me??” yuuji asked, his expression dumbfounded and elated at the same time. 
“of course! i would do anything if it was with you!” 
“h-huh?! anything?!”
“yep! anything!” you smiled, looking back at him. his cheeks were completely flushed by this point, the pink shade being darker than his hair color. even more obvious than his flustered state though was how happy he was; his face was contorted in the most beautiful grin you think you’ve ever seen and you almost trip over your own feet because you’re so happy too. 
“...i-i would do anything too! if it was with you!” he exclaimed, unconsciously helping you jump over a big root in the pathway. “i think anything would be good if it had you!” 
“do you mean it?” 
“of course i do!! i feel like you always have this sort of aura that’s just like whoosh! and then i just feel better, even if my lunch got stolen out of the fridge!” 
“haha, i have an aura? don’t worry though, i’ll protect your lunches from now on!! you won’t need my aura because-!” 
“no, i do need your aura! always!” 
“hmm, well i guess we could arrange that, right?” you mused, giggling. yuuji’s eyes drifted to his view of your smile, your joyful expression making his heart go ten times faster than it already was. 
hey! not that he’s complaining…it’s really nice, so….his heart rate be damned!! 
yuuji doesn’t know if there’s a god out there or a higher power, but he hopes that he can be able to relive this moment with you forever, (would it be too much for him to ask to be with you forever? it would be, right?).
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ponyosmom35 · 7 months
friendly face
Simon ghost Riley x reader
Liability chapter seventeen!
summary: after a heartbreaking talk with Ghost, reader looks for a friendly face.
warnings: ghost is a c*nt, cursing, fake flirting, Johnny is the loml
Liability masterlist:
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After a devastating realziation that the man she loved seemed to not give a shit about her, she was looking for the one person she knew did. She scanned the base for that familiar mohawk desperately. Johnny had truly been a godsend, he checked in on her regularly. Eventaully they started speaking on the phone twice a week. Johnny enjoyed hearing about her life, it took him out of the horrible shit he saw on a daily basis. She became an escape for him. She adored he conversations with him, he was always so positive and never failed to make her laugh. When she told him that she was coming back he nearly burst her eardrum over the phone as he shouted in happiness. She loved him, since Emma died he’d become her closest friend.
She is snapped out of her thoughts when a shoulder hits her. She looks up to see a friendly face looking at her emotionlessly “apologies miss, wasn’t paying attention to where I was goin”
“shut the fuck up suds” she says wrapping her arms around his neck, he laughs and picks her up, spinning her around.
“Sight for sore eyes, it's fucking good to see you!”
“well at least someones happy I'm here!”
“glad to have you back, how you liking Mexico so far?” he asks as he sets her down
“everyone has been nice, very welcoming. how long has it fucking been since you've felt my presence? you must be so happy to see me” she jokes, 
Johnny sighs and pulls her into another hug, wrapping his arms around her shoulders  “too long, much to long…”
“we talked like twice a week” she reminds him
“Aye, but it's not the same as seeing your face”
“that's true, nothing compares” she jokes, causing him to laugh “what's the deal here, how long do you think we'll be in Las Almas? Price wants me to come back with you both when you finish the mission”
“Probably a few days, depends how things go”
“how's it coming? Ghost seems... different”
“*ghosts always been a bit... different. But we're lucky he's on our side, without him all these missions might not go as well as we hoped... wait since when do you call him Ghost?”
“since he yelled at me as soon as I arrived today, seriously Johnny I don't know what I did wrong” she confesses, feeling herself get emotional once more.
“don't let him get to ya. He's just a tad bit of a wanker”
“I can't help it, I don't understand how things could change so quickly. I really thought for a second that he liked me... I guess I was dumb”
“Like you?”  he chuckles “that's the understatement of the century”
“don't joke like that Johnny”
“Ghost is head over heels for you”
“he's not, he yelled at me like he hates me. reminds me of the beginning of my time on base”
“I don't know lass, he's a mystery” he shrugs, she watches as he gulps and rubs his neck
“are you lying to me Johnathon?”
“I would never lie, it's un-becoming of a soldier”
“what do you know?” she questions, narrowing her eyes, sending him a death glare
“I can't say, he'd kill me”
“I will kill you”
“Oh really…” he says stepping closer, she pushes him back with a laugh. Neither of them aware of Ghost’s prying eyes watching their every move. Took every fiber in his being not to throw his sergeant to the ground.
“I'll get it out of you sergeant don't underestimate me”
“I think I just got a view of how you and Ghost get along, it all makes sense now…”
“What are you talking about?”
“you like to tease and joke with him don't you?” he asks as he wraps his arms around her from behind
“he wouldn't care anyways” she sighs, as she elbows him in the ribs tyring to get him off. 
“you think not?”
“He knows we’re friends”
“You say that... but does he actually believe it?” he chuckles as he spots the death glare Ghost was sending his way.
“I told you that he doesn't care about me, lets drop it okay?”
“I don't know lass, I think he does care…” he whispers in her ear, she scrunches her nose 
“I will cut your dick off if you don't let me go” she warns 
 “ok, ok, easy on there lass” he laughs as he lets go of her, she turns around and punches him in the arm, surprising him with her strength “that was a good shot”
“You desreve a lot more than that, now moving on I have a favor to ask you”
“Oh? What would that be then?”
“I'm rooming with Ghost, I was hoping you could switch with me”
“you know that's against protocol, I can't do that” he refuses
“I’m rooming with a stranger, safer for you to be with Ghost, he won’t let nothin happen to ya” 
“you should've heard the things he said, he hates me! I can't sleep in there with him! I’d rather take my chances with a stranger”
“what could he possibly have said to you that's so bad?”
“he told me not to call him simon”
“oh gods lass you know he doesn't like that! His name is Simon, yes, but he much prefers being called Ghost” Johnny scoffs 
“when he gave me his name it was the first time I realized that he didn't' actually hate me. after all of the fighting he finally trusted me! you don't understand, we connected. he told me things.. he told me everything. now it feels like all of that's gone” she says looking down at her feet, tears sting at her eyes. 
“I know how you feel lass, trust me I do... but you need to understand, he does like you, trust me. He's just not the best at showing it...I think there's a lot more going on in his head than either of us wanna know”
“what am I supposed to do? I can't just ignore him... not after everything” 
“just be there for him, that's the best thing you can do”
“what if that's not what he wants anymore?” she asks 
“It doesn't matter, it's what he needs” he reassures her
“so you're saying you won't switch rooms with me?” she jokes
“goddman you” she curses 
“I can't believe you even thought I'd say yes” he laughs 
“god forbid you be helpful!”
“I am being helpful, lass” he winks before grabbing her arm, pulling her toward Ghost  “no, no, no. We're not done yet”
“stop don't you fucking dare” she says as she tries to pull away from him, he smiles mischievously
“or else what, are you gonna tell my superior officer?” 
“I swear to god-” she stops as they arrive in front of Ghost
“oh come on, Ghost, don't give us that look” Johnny laughs, as he hits his LT in the shoulder playfully. 
“Stop fucking around and go do something useful” Ghost snaps as he works on cleaning out his gun. 
“oh cheer up, we're only having fun” Johnny says smugly 
“We’re not here to have fun, we’re here to catch a fucking terrorist!”
“I believe we can do both, Ghost.” she responds, defending her friend. Ghost looks up at her and shakes his head. 
“Johnny take her to the med bay, get out of my sight the both of you” he snaps 
“you heard the man, follow me” Johnny says as he walks off, dragging her along. 
“see what I was talking about?”
“I'll give it to you, he's quite the character”
“Nobody like him in the world” she grumbles
“chin up ankle biter, we'll be out of here in no time. I'm sure once we get back to base he'll be fine”
“I hope you're right” she sighs 
“oh you know me, I'm always right lass”
“I don't think you've ever been right once to be honest” she jokes as she tries to trip him, he dodges her and pushes her back slightly, both of them laughing.
“whatever you say”
“you've learned not to argue, I've taught you well!”
“Oh yeah, you taught me everything I know, boss” he responds sarcastically  
“bye johnny, save me a seat at dinner”
“Will do”
I love soap so much omfg, the best wingman alive fr
Tag list: @vivi123abc
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cyberrose2001 · 11 months
this might not be a good rq, but i try. :')
reader and op are having their alone funtime, but the bots can hear them, especially reader whose being a bit loud but she can't help it cause op is making her feel so good. the next day the bots can't even look op or reader in the eyes because they're just so flustered about the entire thing which later on turns into a fun little joke between all of them and whatever.
TFP Optimus x fem!reader
God I am tired and feel like I rushed the second half of the fic… but anywho this is such a funny idea bc you just know Optimus would be so embarrassed. Hope you enjoy!! <3
Warnings: Smut, and I can’t think of anything else atm oop-
Word count: 971
“Oh please, please, please, Optimus, let me cum.” You sob his name, clamping your tight walls around his thick spike. He’s on top of you, searing hot metal moulding into soft heated flesh, servos loosely intertwining with a hand above your head with the other on your waist.
Optimus is more rough than usual than the other times he’s had sex with you. Actually, the word sex doesn’t even begin to touch the surface of how frantic and deep his thrusts are. It’s not sex; he’s making sweet, sweet love to your insides. His hips snaps into yours wantonly, huffing breathlessly into the nape of your neck. An intense heat was pooling in the pits of his tanks, and Optimus became tense as the smouldering fire sets a firestorm ablaze.
He pushes his spike so fucking deep inside you that you see stars beyond your vision, and time seems to slow down to a snail's pace as your third orgasm crashes over you. His transfluids are flooding your tight hole as you squeeze around him, dripping down the curves of your inner thighs. You’re trembling; the blood buzzing around your body to frantically return to your pounding heart is deafening. Or maybe you’re deaf because you’ve just screamed Optimus’ name so loud you’ve burst your eardrums.
Optimus recoils his helm back slightly, genuinely taken aback at the volume. He had never heard of such sinful cries from you, and as much as it turned him on, he was a bit concerned.
“Are you - argh - alright, love?” Optimus winces as he withdrawals his now dull throbbing spike. He manoeuvres his arms underneath your back to briefly slide underneath, embracing you in a tender sweetheart cradle, avoiding the wet patch on the berth, of course. “I did not hurt you, did I? You were much louder than usual.”
You drape your leg over the top of his hip and nestle your head against his chassis, a hand clasped on top, “No, babe,” You sigh dreamily, “You felt really, really fucking good.”
Optimus suppresses a laugh and gently strokes your back as you melt into him, “I simply cannot help myself when I’m within you, sweet spark,” He kisses your forehead tenderly, “I just hope the others are deep in recharge and we did not wake them with our… recreational time.”
It was your turn to laugh. The idea of the others discovering that Optimus is a god at sex through your loud moaning is hilarious yet horrifying, “Please, I wasn’t that loud, was I?” A short pause, and you deadpanned at Optimus, “Was I?”
The morning after last night's session of interminable interfacing is the usual business. Optimus will wake up reasonably early to read his lists of tasks for the day on his datapad, then heads off to the main room with you in hand (wrapped in a warm blankie, of course) to seek out an energon cube.
It’s a routine that you’ve become accustomed to. What you’re not accustomed to, however, is the dead silence that has fallen over the room when the two of you walk into the central area of the base. They look tired, which is unusual. And not a single one of the bots has greeted you both, which is also very unusual. You glance at Optimus’ from your spot on his shoulder, to which he gives you an apprehensive look. He clears his vocaliser, and it glitches. Oh god, we’re done for, you think.
“Good morning, everyone,” He greets, keeping an upbeat attitude to avoid looking suspicious; it’s not working, “I trust that you all recharged well?”
Bulkhead, who is looking the most uncomfortable, shoots nervous looks towards everyone else. He gingerly rubs the back of his helm, “Uh, is it bad if I say no?”
Bumblebee, who stands next to Bulkhead, is trying so hard not to burst out laughing, “Pffhehe, yeah, uh, I don’t know how to say this… buuuut.”
“Nobody recharged last night, Optimus.” Arcee steps in, sheepishly looking towards the closest wall.
If your heart could plummet further, you were sure it would penetrate through the bases’ floor and into the earth because they heard you. They fucking heard you screaming Optimus’ name, and why else would you be if he wasn’t fucking you into the berth.
“We know what you both were doing last night,” Ratchet scoffs, pedes firmly planted into the floor, “Please, for the love of Primus, keep your berthroom activities private from the rest of us.”
You choke, but not on Optimus’ cock. Instead, you hide your face in your hands because you have never been so embarrassed in your entire life. Optimus seems to express the same notion as he turns his helm away and brings a fisted servo to his mouth, faceplates glowing a dull blue.
“Our apologies,” He clears his vocaliser again, “It was not our intention to involve you all in-“
“Please don’t,” Ratchet grumbles, pinching the chevron between his optics before turning away to distract himself from that image.
Bumblebee nearly doubles over to the floor, clenching his sides in a burst of hysterical laughter. Bulkhead takes a step back in a body language that screams ‘What the frag is wrong with you’ and flustered Arcee is currently dragging said Bumblebee out of the room by back struts.
After you’ve dragged your heart out from the depths of the earth, you peak behind your hands to side-eye Optimus, “We’re never gonna live this down, are we?”
Optimus sighs in defeat, staring after Bumblebee, who is making obscene jokes about the both of you, to which Optimus will scold him for later, “I’m afraid not.”
Safe to say, you both remained quiet for the rest of the day as Optimus mentally designs some blueprints to soundproof the walls of his quarters to avoid this from happening ever again.
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asurius · 1 year
Can you do headcanons for a Red Son and Macaque’s reaction to the Reader bring Inked away by Azure during the final Battle. Like As if instead of Red Son it was the Reader?
I would like to thank you for this ask it has been on my mind all day.
Reader is GNC.
Trigger warnings: slight depictions of violence (if I missed anything then please let me know)
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🔥Red Son🔥
Time moves by so slowly when you see Red Son launch himself at the towering Lion. His flames are bursting forth from both his head and hands. And then you see Azure Lion go to grab at Red Son and…
…You’ve always been aware of how Red Son feels about his head being touched. He’s not a fan, even the most tentative of touches leaves him flinching for a moment before he relaxes into your hand. Despite that though he’s still very bad about guarding his head. You know all of this. You know your impulsive beloved leads with his head. So when in that split second you see Azure Lion lift his hand ready to grab at Red Son you act without thinking. Because you know he doesn’t like his head being touched.
Azure Lion is taken aback for a moment when it’s not the traitor’s son…but you that he’s grabbed. This hadn’t been what he was expecting but he doesn’t waste time disposing of you. He lifts up one of the tablets and activates it.
“Very courageous of you. But also very stupid. I am sorry for this.”
You’re painfully aware of everything all at once. The painful grip on your head, an all too familiar scream begging Azure to stop, your existence being assaulted by whispers of all your past failures as the ink seeps it’s way into your entire being…and an intense heat at your back.
In a moment you feel yourself dropping to the ground. Azure Lion is holding his wrist as a dark red blazing fire surrounds you. But everything is getting fuzzy now. You can see angry red blisters on Azure’s wrist. Did Red Son do that? There’s a voice you can almost make out through the haze of ink. Red Son is reaching out to you desperate to pull you out of the ink but he’s just not fast enough. His hands goes right through where yours were as the ink finishes it’s job and is quickly sucked back into the tablet.
“No! NO stay with me (y/n)! You can’t leave me! I need you!”
He’s prepared to burn Azure to ashes when he’s pulled back by the rest of the gang. Red Son is angry. Did they know this was happening? Where have they been? Why couldn’t they have gotten there sooner?
He’s giving the rest of the team burns as he’s struggling against them demanding to be let go. Screaming profanities as he swears that he’ll make Azure Lion suffer for all he’s done. He almost outright attacks Tang when he teleports them all away.
Nezha doesn’t even get the chance to get a word in before Red Son is screaming at MK and the rest of the gang.
“It was our only option! We weren’t prepared to fight-“
When MK presents Wukong’s tablet to the group it is of little comfort to Red Son and only serves to fuel his anger further. He grabs by MK by his sleeves and screams loud enough to hurt his eardrums.
“There wasn’t time! Our best chance at getting (Y/N) and everyone else back lies with The Monkey King. He’s the only one who’s successfully stood up to the Jade Emper-“
Everyone let’s him scream and rage. MK has no defense for what’s happened and he knows it. Nothing he could say would convince Red Son that a tactical retreat was the best option. So he lets him nearly burn holes into his sleeves as he gets it out of his system.
When his energy is spent Red Son falls to his knees as angry tears begin to stream out of his eyes. Once again his family is lost to him, and this time so are you. He doesn’t know why it is that he somehow continues to come out the only one in his family that gets to escape but he hates it.
And when he at last comes to his senses he gets up, dusts himself off and swears that this will be the last time anyone takes his family from him again.
He’ll get you back. Redson will stop at nothing to ensure you and his parents safety.
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(I actually struggled a bit with this one due to the timings of events, I hope this turned out ok!)
You and the gang had arrived ready to do what you could to stop the Camel Ridge trio, and when you saw Nezha lunge for Azure you knew it would end badly. You didn’t want anyone else to get hurt. So you yanked him back and haphazardly tossed him to the rest of the group, who did their best to help him. Unfortunately Azure had still been targeting him, and that didn’t stop just because his target had switched last second.
“I am surprised to see you here. I am sorry it has come to this.”
You feel the ink consume you in a few agonizing seconds as the others look on horrified, unable to get close to help you. You see them almost wanting to reach out to you, to do anything at all that would help, but your last thoughts before you disappear are of Macaque instead. Wondering how he would react to this.
The rest of the monkey kids already knew what would happen if they tried to help, they had already been through it once day. That didn’t stop it from hurting any less, but it was the middle of a battle and they couldn’t stop to think about that, they would get you back just as they themselves had been saved and it would be fine. They were sure everything would be fine just as it had been fine one hundred times before. As they prepared to fight back MK quickly burst on to the scene and after grabbing Wukong’s tablet, called for a tactical retreat. No one was happy about it, but MK knew best in these moments.
When they arrived at Wukong’s home and after Nezha yelled at him for abandoning the field, they heard a presence drop down from one of the trees. “Hey Kiddo! You made it back! See I knew you could do…it.” Macaque’s otherwise cheerful facade dropped as he looked over the group and noticed two things. Wukong was still stuck in the tablet…and you weren’t there. “Hey uh, where’s Y/N?” He had a feeling he already knew the answer as he looked to each of them, and none of them looked back at him. He didn’t want to be right, please gods don’t let him be right- “They…they got taken. They got taken trying to save me.” It was Nezha who spoke up. Clearly not thinking highly of himself in the moment as he looked down at the ground angrily.
He wasn’t staring at the ground long however, as Macaque immediately jumped him. Using his shadow powers to force him against a wall. “It should have been you. It should have been all of you before it was them- WHAT THE HELL WERE THE REST OF YOU DOING!?” He’s angry. He’s angry at everyone who went to the celestial realm and didn’t come back with his Y/N. But mostly he’s angry at himself for not being there. He should have been there. He could have protected you. But he wasn’t. He wasn’t there, and now you weren’t here. And it was all his fault.
As the others pried him off of Nezha and he in turn wrenched himself from their grasps, he felt MK’s hand on his shoulder, giving him a stern look. “We’re going to get them back. We’re going to get everyone back, and we’re going to take down Azure Lion.” He’s not sure he believes them. He knew what they could do, hell he fought with them as brothers once upon a time. But he slowly looks at MK and nods.
But he’s not going to let anything stop him from getting you back. Even if it kills him a second time he’s not going to stop until he gets you back.
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Borne Anew (Keigo Takami/Reader)
Explicit content MNDI
CW: rough sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, unprotected sex, corruption, descriptions of injury, face sitting, degredation, choking, begging, religious imagery, incubus Keigo
W/C: 1.9k
The warmth of the fire wafted over my skin. I stared at my clasped hands. Wooden beads woven between my fingers and the gold-trimmed pages of a Bible. I Held The items out, Close enough to the dancing flames that my fingertips stung. Closing my eyes, I let the items fall into the fire. The crackling pressed against my eardrums gently. I stood up onto my feet, turning away from the fireplace, eyes focusing on the dark expanse of my living room. 
A thunderous clap echoed around the room. Losing my footing, I fell forward onto the rug. Through my closed eyes, I saw a flash of brilliant white before it faded into darkness accompanied by twisted, contorted screams. I lifted my head, eyes locking onto the mess of white feathers by the fireplace. 
“No nononono!” The amalgamation screeched. A small burst of inky black swept across the mass of feathers, turning the pure plumes into bits of scattered ash. Out from the smoke appeared a set of leathery, spindly wings, like those of a bat. Shimmering irises met mine, brows knitted, eyes wide. 
“What did you do?” The creature asked as it began crawling towards me. As the smoke began to fade, I took in more of his body. He had messy blonde hair and fair skin. 
“What are you?” I asked, backing away from him. My back hit the couch, stopping me in my tracks. 
“I-I don’t know. You-” He stopped, face scrunching up as sharp talon-like nails sprouted from his fingertips. “You were mine to look after,” he continued, reaching his blood-soaked hand out toward me. “You cast me down- you did this!” His talons sunk into my arm, then quickly recoiled. His body twitched as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. A series of guttural groans emitted from his heaving chest. His muscular body curled up into a ball. My eyes skimmed across his frame, his naked frame. His toes flexed, and his fingers warped into an inhuman position.
“Are you some sort of… Guardian Angel?” I asked, sitting up on my knees. I reached out and gently brushed my fingertips against his wings. 
“Fuuuuuck!” He groaned as he shuddered. His limbs extended and twisted as he moved closer. He sat back on his shins, his forked tongue swiped over his lips. “Oh, I see what I was missing out on.” He chuckled as he leaned forward, shifting his weight onto his hands.
“Are you going to answer my question,” I asked, pushing my weight into the couch. 
“Yes.” He spoke as he brushed his fingers against my leg. I stared, waiting for him to answer. His shimmering eyes stared at every new inch of skin as he pushed my robe up over my shins. I nudged his hand with my leg, drawing his attention away from my body. “The answer’s yes, er- was yes.” He spoke “And my, were you one of my favorite to look over.” He gave up the task of slowly tugging at the hem of my robe, instead choosing to grasp at the ties in the front. 
“What are you doing?” I asked, placing my hands over his. 
“Baby, I’ve got eons worth of pent-up sexual frustration taking over me right now,” he growled as he pulled at the ties. The seams creaked as he stretched out the fabric. 
“But that’s a really weird power imbalance-”
“Oh don’t give me that,” he huffed as he threw open my robe. “You’re the one who’s putting me in this situation right now.” He gripped my ankles and pulled my body away from the couch until I was perfectly flat against the carpet. “Oh, I knew this was gonna happen. Knew there’d be a day where you’d give this all up.”
“I’m sorry I-”
“How about you have a taste of your own medicine, kid.” He hissed, teeth clamping down on my neck. A rush of warmth flooded my body. My hips twitched, thighs clamping around his waist as lust shot down my spine. My vision grew hazy as ripples of pleasure washed over me. An inhuman urge swelled in my chest. The force pulled my eyes back into my skull and pushed incoherent babbles from my spit-soaked lips.
“Fuck!” I gasped, reaching out for his arms. 
“Yeah? Feel good baby?” He laughed as he leaned back in. He pressed his lips to mine. He rutted his stiff cock against my core. Muffled noises escaped my lips as I cried out. I pulled away, strands of saliva following my lips as I broke the kiss. 
“Please fuck me.” I said, grinding my hips back against him. 
“Uh uh.” He shook his head and sat back on his shins. “Been waiting this long, figured I should get a taste of what I’m missing first.” He laid back, knees bent, and propped up on his elbows. He flicked his forked tongue at me. I shifted onto my hands and knees and began crawling toward him. I swung a leg over his waist and dropped my hips down onto his. His sharp nails dug into my ass. The pain halted my movements. I stared down at him in confusion.
“Not what I meant,” He huffed, pulling his hands away and crossing his arms over his head. 
“What?” I mumbled, brows furrowing. 
“Sit,” he pointed to his open mouth. Somehow, even more heat rushed to my burning cheeks. Any thoughts of self-consciousness or doubt were buried within the tsunami of fantasies brought forth by his bite. I swiftly lowered my hips down onto his face. His arms hooked over the tops of my thighs, keeping my cunt flush against his face. He dived in, tongue flicking wildly at my aching clit. Every stroke of his tongue against my core seemed to dull the swirl of stewing emotions within me. 
“Fuh-ck!” I slurred, mind spinning as I basked in the stimulation. My breath hitched, cunt clenching around nothing as he held onto my hips. Echoes began to penetrate my mind, faint at first, but growing louder. Kuh, kuh, key…kei…
“Keigo!” The words poured out of me as my stomach twisted itself into knots. He groaned, sending ripples of pleasure through my core. My eyes went cross, along with my jaw which hung slack. I ground my hips against his face, chasing the relief that teased me, the breath of fresh air at the peak of a mountain. I shifted weight onto my hands as I ground hard against his face. He gripped onto my hair, pulling my head down. My eyes scanned across the scene in front of me. His aureate eyes were half-lidded, focused on my quivering body. 
“Mh Keigo,” I whimpered as I chased my climax. My eyes screwed shut, hips twitching as the throbbing in my clit sent waves of electricity through my body. My tendons tightened, and released, sending my torso plummeting to the ground in front of me as I dove within the throes of my orgasm. His tongue kept working away, every subsequent stutter, every microscopic movement had my diaphragm squeezing every last bit of air from my chest.
He pushed at one of my legs, rolling me over onto my back. With his four fingers, he softly slapped my face. 
“Hey kid,” he spoke up. My vision came back into focus, eyes flicking across his face. Within the dim lighting, I could just barely see the soft smirk on his face. Streaks of red caught my eye. On either side of his forehead were short, bloody stumps. Bone, or what seemed to be bone, protruded from his skin. 
“Keigo…” I mumbled, brushing my fingers against his torn skin. 
“Bathed in the tainted waters of sin, I am borne anew,” he mumbled, “fucking kiss me,” he crashed his lips against mine. He rutted his cock against my core in quick, hard motions. With every brush against my overstimulated clit, I found myself getting pulled back into the depths of want. I crossed my ankles behind his back. Bumping against my heel was a protrusion from his tailbone. I snuck a glance over his shoulder. Peering out from behind his spread wings was a newly formed tail. A deep crimson color that resembled the stumps on his head. He gripped my throat tightly, pushing my head against the floor with a thump. I gasped and wheezed against the force of his hand. 
“Mh, you seem to like what you’ve done to me.” He groaned as he stroked his cock. “Fucking corrupted me,” he paused, letting his grip on my throat go slack. 
“Keigo, fuck me.” I said, grabbing his wrist.
“Beg,” he hissed as he lined himself up with my cunt. 
“You wanna get back at me? Then fucking use me.” I spat, with a shit-eating grin. His grip on my throat tightened, only this time he was pulling me forward. My cheek met the floor with a harsh smack. I pulled myself up onto my knees, spreading my legs wide and taunting him by wiggling my hips. 
“Not good enough. Beg,” He growled as he shoved my face into the carpet. 
“Keigo fuck me, please! Desecrate me!” I shouted. 
He forcefully pushed inside me, drawing a scream from my sore throat. His cock began roughly pounding on my cervix. Every thrust had my muscles tensing harder. Fire licked my skin as he landed a harsh smack on my ass. And then again, and again, and again. Tears began to spill from my eyes, distorted pleas ripped their way from my chest as the overwhelming mix of pain and pleasure enveloped every synapse, every cell of my body. 
“Fucking whore.” He spat, gripping my hair hard. “My fucking whore.” 
The frantic drilling on my cervix drew something out of me. A thirst for more, a primal need to feel my aching body bent in half, split open. 
“Harder,” I slurred, drool spilling from my lips. He chuckled, smacking my ass harshly once more. His pace sped up, and both of his hands gripped onto my hips at a bruising pace. Sharp jolts of pain pricked my skin as his nails began to sink into my skin. The head of his cock pushed even deeper inside of me, prodding at nerves that seemed to beg for his touch. My chest went limp and The twisted grimace on my face lost all tension as I came. My vision went white, ears ringing madly as I gave into my list.  A flood of warmth spread between my legs. Distorted, muddied groans sounded out from behind me, growing more and more coherent, slowly growing whole. 
“Fuck!” He growled as he pulled out. The head of his cock began pressing past the tight muscles of my ass. Pain clouded my head, stealing the words from my tongue. He stretched me out, quickly pushing deeper, and deeper. His voice had turned to demonic grunts and growls as his pleasure drove him further into fervor. Pain soon led to pleasure, the type of pleasure to leave me catatonic, stuck laying silent and still as his rough thrust threw me into bliss once more. 
My fried vocal chords managed to push out a strained whimper. 
“Mine,” He growled, “mine,” He repeated. His hips began to stutter as he came once more. A hollow, empty feeling settled in my insides as he pulled out. My limp body fell onto its side. His sweaty body curled up behind me. He locked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. A golden glow caught my eye. I looked down at my stomach. Below my naval lay a swirling sigil of sorts. It looked to be a heart with swirling lines that curled around the body of the shape. And at the furthest reaches of the sigil were two tiny wing shapes. 
“Mine,” Keigo mumbled.
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yowyowyaoi · 6 months
Deidara: I had a dream last night that I was putting on a concert for everyone. I was dressed as Santa Claus and Hidan and Tobi were my elves. And then those fucking Konoha nin busted in and arrested us because they said our singing was so awful we burst the eardrums of everyone within a ten mile radius of our voices, hm. Crazy, right?
Sasori: That is quite the scary dream, brat. Made even scarier by the fact that it actually happened.
Deidara: W-what?
Sasori, on the other side of the bars:  Just so you’re aware, the three of you have been banned from drinking the eggnog for life. And you’re probably going to die when we get home, by the way. Kakuzu was furious at the amount of bail money he had to come up with to get the three of you out. Now wake Tobi and Hidan and let’s go.
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zaephix · 4 months
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PROLOGUE / / homesick
⋆。°✩ . SUMMARY — you debate with mona on whether or not to go to your high school reunion, meet with two old friends and a cute kid at the supermarket, meet with old friends yet again, and encounter an all-too-familiar face. ⋆。°✩ . WARNINGS — second person , awkward dialogue , high school , alchohol/drinks , mentions of overworking , f!reader , everyone including reader is 23-27 . ⋆。°✩ . WORD COUNT — 2998 words (its too long for a prologue i got carried awayyyyy) .
prev / / ao3 / / next
“So, are you still gonna go?”
“You see all of your best friends together again after six years and you wanna back out now?” 
“You know why I’m still-”
“Yeah, yeah.” The voice on the other end of the phone sighed, “...Just letting you know, Collei’s coming too. Amber’s super excited - don’t you wanna see them all again?”
You sighed, debating whether or not to attend your high school reunion. Right? It felt like a simple yes or no question. Wrong. Yes, you were eager to see your friends again. Yes, you want to see if they were still how you remembered them. But, you weren't sure if you wanted to reunite with... certain faces. You flattened the invitation letter with another heavy sigh, reading it for the nth time.
MONDSTADT CENTRAL HIGH REUNION “We cordially invite you to our long-awaited reunion, hosted by our former student council members Jean Gunnhildr, Lisa Minci, Eula Lawrence, Diluc Ragnvindr, and Albedo Kreideprinz. Join us for drinks, music, and food! Events featured: TCG tournaments, karaoke, time capsule re-opening, photoshoots, (free) food, (not free) drinks, and more! On Saturday, September 22nd, 5 p.m. Located at Dawn Winery. ”
You weren’t too far from the old manor, it was only about a 25-minute drive from where you now lived. You had missed the atmosphere there back when you were still in high school. After school hang outs with all your friends, laughing and talking without a care in the world. But that was precisely what you were afraid of. Could you all still laugh and talk the same way you did before? How much did they change, or did they change at all?
With your thumb lightly tapping against the paper, you set it down and picked up your phone again.
“Mona, of course, I’m excited to see everybody again. Hell, if anything, I’m the one who’s most eager to see them all. But you’ve gotta understand,” you continued, “I have literally not talked to any of them for half a decade.”
Silence was met on the other end of the call before laughter burst in your eardrums, small snorts and giggles ringing in your ears. “Really now (y/n)? I had no idea.” She stopped laughing, letting out another exasperated sigh, “Why do you think I called you then? This is a perfect opportunity to talk to everyone again, and if you haven’t noticed, you can’t always talk to me about whatever it is you want to rant about that day.”
Mona was right, you had gotten too used to using her as your personal therapist. She’s been there for you ever since you could remember, well, technically ever since your freshman year of high school. You groaned, embarrassment flooding your senses. It was true, you’ve barely had any contact with your high school friends after getting accepted into college., and ever since that had happened. You winced internally, suddenly feeling a wave of pity for your poor friend. It wasn’t entirely your fault you were so caught up with college, you had to figure out your future right? 
It’s not exactly an excuse for as to cutting almost everybody off though… a little voice whispered in your head, you’ve figured it was your guilty conscious, judging you for absolutely every little thing you’ve done and have been doing thus far.
To put it simply - it was driving you nuts.
“Okay Mona, you have a point. But, that doesn’t mean it’s decided i’m going to go.” You heard a huff, “Hey, don’t get mad at me now. I just… need time to think it over.”
“Alright, alright.”
“Thank you, for being so ever understanding.” You could’ve sworn you heard a ‘whatever’, but shrugged it off. “Anyways, I’ve gotta go to the store to restock my fridge, after somebody ransacked for all it was worth.”
“It was one time! Wouldn’t you be so kind as to help a poor astrologer, not to mention best friend, with trifling matters such as a bit of nourishment?”
“Save your excuses, Megistus. Talk to you later, okay?” The mentioned bid farewell and ended the call. Now, was the matter of going out. You had been living alone comfortably for the past year, with the occasional water leaks here and there. Your place wasn’t too shabby, it was close to your ideal living quarters. Ever since college and living with a roommate for four years, keeping up with your kitchen stock has been somewhat of a challenge. It wasn’t like you were broke, you had a financially stable career and lifestyle, you just… happened to get carried away after a while.
Getting up and changing into somewhat acceptable attire to go to the nearest grocery market, you took your keys and left your apartment. Upon exiting, a breeze of autumn air flooded your senses, the sky above painted with a fresh blue. Glancing to your left, you see a stack of very large boxes outside of your neighbor’s door. I’m guessing they’re redecorating? You thought, pushing past the stack. 
Your neighbors had moved in about 6 months ago, a pair of twins and their younger sister. You’d talked to the older sister before, even inviting her into your apartment. She was nice, you two have shared similar experiences throughout college. Although the brother was more reserved, occasionally gave you a good morning here and there. As for their younger sister, she was a ball of energy.
Strangely enough, however, was the fact that you would barely see them. The sister had stated that they “have an affinity for traveling” or something along those lines. They were incredibly busy, meeting new people here and there. Something I should pick up, you dully noted.
Getting into your car, you made your way to the nearest grocery store. Okay, so we need eggs, milk, yogurt, fruits, ramen, and whatever else catches my attention. You listed in your mind, although you knew you would forget half of what was on that list. It was a good thing, to get back to getting your life back together. God knows what you went through in college. You inhaled sharply at the flashback, wanting to forget everything that happened throughout high school and college. Shaking off the memories, you had finally reached the market.
You looked up at the sign saying “Mondstadt General Goods”, noting your one objective. Get in, get the groceries, and get out. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?
“Come on Klee, Alice trusted me to keep you in line this weekend, Sevens I have so much to prepare for.” An exasperated voice half-heartedly shouts, pushing a shopping cart.
“Coming Miss Jean!” another bubbly and child-like voice exclaims back, running towards the voice. 
Jean has had a demanding week. Being the head of the leading police department in Mondstadt and dealing with a much too energetic child all weekend can lead you to exhaustion, apparently. And preparing for a high school reunion in a week can only add to that list.
“Jean, relax a little. We’re on an errand, not one of your military camp training sessions.” Remarked a brunette woman, walking alongside Jean. This was Lisa, Jean’s best friend as one would say. She was almost the complete opposite of Jean, leisurely going on about life. She worked at the library next to Jean's department, occasionally bringing coffee in between her shifts. 
“For the last time Lisa, it’s not the military. There’s a clear distinction between-”
“Yes ma’am, so I’ve heard,” teased Lisa, picking up a few items for their cart before squeezing her shoulders. “All I’m saying is to loosen up a little. You’re not Chief Gunnhildr right now, you’re just Jean. And don’t worry, everyone’s contributing to the reunion, you’re not alone.”
Jean smiled weakly at Lisa, before pushing through the aisles again. She tended to get caught up in work, she knew that much. She was embarrassed to say she needed Lisa to keep her grounded. However, that was one of the things she loved about her friend of many years - the way she knew exactly what she needed at any given point in time.
“Hey, about the reunion, did you send out the invitation letters?”
“Of course I did, who do you take me for? I still think text messages or emails would’ve probably been received much better though.”
“Of course you do. Any updates from Diluc or Albedo?”
“Diluc said the manor was free for the weekend, even said we could stay the night there. Albedo checked on the time capsules, said they were still there. And, don’t worry, I doubt he would open any of them.” Recounted Lisa, pulling random items from the snack section.
“Wouldn’t doubt him for the world. Klee, what do you want? You can have any snack as a treat.” Called Jean, craning her neck to look for the short child. “Where’d she go?” 
Stepping out of the aisle, Jean’s eyes darted around everywhere. Where did the kid go? She wouldn’t hear the end of this from Alice if she found out her kid escaped her usually watchful gaze. Sevens, she didn’t even want to imagine how many times it would be brought up in one of their coffee sessions.
“Jean, I’m pretty sure we have everything we need. All we need to do is find- oh wait. There she is.” Said Lisa from behind Jean, pointing in front of them.
There she is, thought Jean as she made her way to Klee, already imagining the ear-full she was gonna give the blonde girl. She was running up and down the aisles, before pausing, as if something had caught her attention. “Klee- what did I tell you about going on alone without us? You could get seriously hurt-”
The little girl paid no mind to Jean, giggling and running to her next target. Letting out yet another exasperated sigh, Jean followed. “Young lady, I’m not finished talking to you, stop-” Jean paused, looking at the person who had caught Klee’s attention. (H/l) (H/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (s/c) skin- wait, was that..?
“Miss (y/n)!”
“Miss (y/n)!”
You turned around, only to be pounced on by something- or rather, someone.
A short girl with blonde hair remained wrapped around your torso, squeezing you with all her might. “Miss (y/n)! Klee hasn’t seen you in soooo long! You missed so many of my adventures!”
You couldn’t help but stare at the small girl in front of you, your hands awkwardly placed in the air. “Uh- yeah, sorry about that Klee. I’ve been super busy, I’m so sorry for missing so many of our play dates, I missed you.”
It was true, you missed the much-too-energetic girl. You would always have small little playdates and adventures back when you were in high school. Although you were a bit too exhausted to run around some days, you would indulge in her antics more than half the time.
“It’s okay, (y/n)! Klee forgives you! You have to promise to play with Klee next time, okay?” 
“Of course Klee. Who’s with you right now? Albedo? Alice?” You had to make a quick getaway, you don’t know if you could afford to embarrass yourself in front of any of them after no contact efforts in 4 years.
“No. Only miss Jean and miss Lisa.”
And as if right on time, the two mentioned women appeared behind Klee, surprise adorning both their faces. The two hadn’t changed much after high school, although the bags around Jean’s eyes seemed to have gotten worse. And Lisa was still Lisa after all, the same wistful smile still on her face. 
“(Y/n)!” Lisa approached you, putting a hand on your shoulder. “My, my, it’s been so long. How’ve you been? We’ve barely heard from you since graduation you know.”
“Oh, wow, uhm, yeah. I guess it has been a while-”
“Too long in fact, what happened? Are you still with-”
“That's enough Lisa, give her some time to breathe.” Then came your savior, Jean, to your rescue. You watched as Jean chastised Lisa for her straightforward behavior, awkwardly standing there with a child wrapped around you.
“But Lisa has a point, (y/n). It’s been so long, how have you been holding up?” Questioned Jean, both their gazes on you now.
“I’ve been doing well, just you know, keeping busy with life.” 
You nearly face-palmed yourself after that excuse of a lie.
“Oh yeah, that reminds me, have you gotten the invitation letter to the reunion? It’s next Saturday. We’re hoping that most if not everybody shows up.” Jean had a glint in her eyes when talking about the reunion. You guessed she’d been eager for it as well.
“Yeah. I was talking to Mona about it over the phone.” You mentioned matter-of-factly. “But… I’m not sure if I’ll be uh… free… that day.” You knew very well that you would most likely be at home, doing nothing and watching TV. Maybe you’d make an effort to deep clean your apartment if it was a good day. Maybe.
Lisa frowned as her grip on you softened, “Surely you can’t be that busy? I’ve missed seeing your face around, darling.” She sighs and lets go of your shoulder with a pat. “I understand though. Let us know if you change your mind though, okay? Maybe we can meet up on a day when we’re all free.”
Jean nodded, sympathy in her eyes. “Agreed. Call us if you ever need any help as well, (y/n).”
You cursed yourself as you saw the two women shrink slightly in disappointment. You couldn’t afford to let them down. Not when you’ve just met again after so many years. As your stomach twisted and turned with uncertainty, you gave them a not-so-final answer.
“I’ll… I’ll see if I can clear my schedule. You guys were right, it has been a while.” You gave them a half smile, Klee looking back and forth between you and the two other women with an elated grin.
Lisa waves you goodbye, “Hope to see you there then, cutie.” Jean pulled Klee away from you with an embarrassed smile and wave. 
You supposed it was official then. You were going to the dreaded reunion you hoped to avoid.
Standing outside the familiar manor, you dusted off your clothes in an attempt to look presentable. Saturday had come fast and without warning, your heart becoming heavy with every reminder. You weren’t sure why you were this nervous. The last time you had gone out to a gathering or party like this was back in college, and even then you felt somewhat at ease. Maybe it was because of how many old faces would be present. Maybe it was because you would be reminded of everything that happened while you were in high school.
Shaking your head, you knocked on the door. The air was chilly with the aroma of freshly cooked food making its way to your nostrils. You heard overlapping voices, laughs, music, and finally, some footsteps headed in your direction from behind the door. You took in a sharp breath and fixed your posture as the door swung open to a friendly face.
Standing before you was a brunette girl in her 20s, cheery personality and all. Amber. You had missed her. 
“Well don’t just stand there, come in!” She took you by your hand and led you into the manor. The moment you stepped into the manor, you were reminded of just how rich the late Ragvindr was. The floors, walls, and stairs were all embellished with dark mahogany wood, a regal chandelier hung over the ceiling. Mostly everything was candlelit, providing a warm atmosphere. Nothing has changed at all.
Then registered in your mind everyone inside the room. Many people ended up coming, including all the old student council members (obviously), Collei, Mona, Venti, Sucrose, and Rosaria. Venti was currently seated at a table with a very irked Diluc and amused Rosaria. Mona and Albedo were in a conversation with each other (with Mona looking all too pleased with herself) while Lisa and Jean were laughing with Eula. Sucrose and Collei were engaged in a hush conversation before Collei spotted Amber. “Amber, (y/n), over here!”
Upon hearing your name, Mona also came over. “So, you did end up coming,” nudged Mona with an all-knowing smirk. You had no reply but a light-hearted glare.
Collei perked up, “Wow (y/n), we haven’t seen each other in years! What are you up to these days?” 
“Yeah… just been busy I guess. And you? Still working hard to become a wildlife biologist, was it?” Collei was one of your oldest friends, although a few years your junior, she was in her second year of college. 
“Yep! Amber, Sucrose, and Tighnari have been helping me lots! Although Tighnari’s more busy with dealing with his research in Sumeru, I think he mentioned something about having to deal with Cyno’s jokes nonstop…”
You ended up talking for the next hour with everybody. You found out that Sucrose and Albedo both entered the forensics field, Venti pursued his musical career, and Amber worked with Jean in the Favonius Police Department. When you asked what Rosaria did, she had no reply but a sly smile and passed you a drink. It seemed like everyone had moved on with their life respectively. You couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. 
Through the haze of the night, you slowly felt more at ease and outspoken. Maybe it was the drinks, or the nostalgia running its course through you, but it felt good. Up until you looked up and saw a familiar shade of blue hair. 
“Kaeya! We were wondering when you would show up, it’s been more than 2 hours since we started.” Chastised Amber, a disappointed Jean, and Diluc shaking their heads behind her.
You can’t seem to forgive and forget after all.
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mayflysdie · 9 months
Had you- Ghost Riley
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{ warnings: sad, sad as hell. Hurt and absolutely no comfort.}
> little something I thought of a few hours ago, so I decided to write it. Not a proper fic, but the feels are the same. ( not proofread)<
Two years ago I would’ve punched someone in the face for telling me that love makes you weak. That it reduces you to ash. But as I’m sitting here, on a stone cold chair in the infirmary, where I have been sitting for twelve hours. Waiting and praying for a doctor or a nurse to come rushing through the door, telling me you’re okay.
All comprehension of time slips through me. Reality morphs into a nightmare. Fear crippling my soul, my heart. Fighting the urge to scream at the top of my lungs as I bare the news.
When I close my eyes, you are here; with me, holding my hand. Guiding me through the dark and telling me to weather the storm.
My lighthouse in the chaos of the storm, as I am yours.
The promise of forever hanging off our lips as our legs are tangled together, love and safety wrapping us in a timeless bubble.
All those missions, never leaving each others side as we storm through the worst- with the promise of walking away together. Making it another day.
I scream, so loud I fear my eardrums may burst. My body trembles with each scream, throat burning and raw.
I kick and scream at anyone that comes near, anyone that’s not you. No one has your touch, your smell, your beautiful soul.
The way you held me so gently, always whispering in my ear how I was your sun, and to live without me would be impossible.
What about me? Did you think about that? How you came stumbling into my life, a hardened wall almost impenetrable, yet you let me break down those walls.
Let me hold you as you broke down, telling me of your childhood, the horror you faced and your nightmares at night.
How you wished to grow old with me and our family, holding our daughter with such tender care, so much love and protection.
The way you cried from happiness the day she was born, being forever grateful for our family that we made.
The agony I felt gripping my heart as I watched that bullet pierce your chest, watched you collapse onto the ground.
My world, my everything. Collapse. Never once did I think I would lose you.
We were meant to be forever, but forever never really lasts.
The news never came.
The doctor didn’t tell me you made a miraculous recovery.
That you ’re okay.
They gathered around me, solemn faces peering into my heart.
They told me you were gone.
Lost the very moment we made it through these heavy doors.
My whispers to you, to keep fighting for me, for our daughter. Rang upon an empty shell of the man I loved.
You were not here.
Gone somewhere I cannot follow.
You left me here, holding your lifeless hand.
And it kills me with such agony.
Like a flower that withers away once it’s plucked. You were my nourishing soil.
Each day apart from you, a petal is lost.
Until I am left as nothing but a stem.
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ash-is-dying · 10 months
Mr Perfectly Fine: Chap 3
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A/N: It’s been a while but it’s fineeee. I warned you I’m not a consistent person... This is quite an angst heavy chapter and we FINALLY get a hint as to why Eddie is being such a dickhead. Hope you enjoy and I’ll be starting a taglist even tho I’ve only got like a few people on it... BUT PROGRESS IS PROGRESS AND WE STAN!
Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Chapter 3: Mr. Looked Me In The Eye And Told Me You Would Never Go Away
After you made the unfortunate discovery that your life was going to become inevitably more intertwined with Eddie’s you gave up on avoiding him. If you absolutely had to interact with the world’s biggest pain in the ass then you were going to gain the upper hand. You felt childish but giddy at the same time, like a spy trying to figure out how to take down the bad guy. The best way to do this turned out to be an all day café study session. He had let slip that he would be unable to do any project work this weekend due to his full-day shift.
That was a bit of information he probably should’ve kept to himself.
As there was now a girl sipping on her third almond milk caramel hot chocolate sitting in the corner booth half writing notes on a lecture and half watching Eddie Munson.
For revenge purposes.
You watched the way he moved like he owned the bar. He timed everything perfectly. He would stick his tongue out whilst he poured his latte art, his hair frizzed under the heat of the steamer and he would hesitate by the fridge for a second too long to cool off. He had memorized every order by heart and had no need to glance at the recipe sheet behind the machinery. If he had nothing to do he’d fidget with the change in the tip jar, flipping it between his oversized hands over and over. He eventually dropped some under the counter and dipped his hand into his apron to replace the missing cash with some of his own, that was kinda cute. Not that you’d ever admit it.
When it came to customers he greeted everyone with a tired smile on his face. He was fast and listened to every order in detail. Of course when a cute girl came along every now and again he would purposefully take longer to get their order. How did you know this was on purpose? Because every girl let out the same obnoxious giggle as he smirked, eyeing them up and down. Your eardrums felt like bursting. So evidently he did possess some people skills and could tolerate customers.
He just couldn’t tolerate you.
Now whilst you had been paying avid attention to how he acted, none of this information got you any closer to understanding why he acted the way he did, how to stop it and most importantly how to get your revenge. By now your third hot chocolate had been polished off and you found yourself rubbing your eyes and walking in autopilot to the counter.
He saw you approach and you noticed his eyes close as he sighed and made his way to the register.
“Another hot chocolate if you will Munson.”
“Nope. You’re being cut off.” Your eyebrows raised.
“Cut off?”
“From- drinking hot chocolate?”
“May I ask why you’ve come to such a decision?”
His arms flexed as he leaned all his weight onto the counter. “Well first off you have an ungodly amount of caffeine in each of those and you’ve had three so far. I believe that makes six shots of espresso. Normally I wouldn’t care but you’ve been shaking like a leaf for the past half hour. Your hands keep hovering above your keyboard and twitching, your leg jerks under the table and I’ve yet to see you write more than a paragraph for our music rationale.”
A light blush dusts your cheeks at the realization that you were being watched too and it had gone entirely unnoticed. “I don’t see how any of that is your business. You haven’t been regulating any other patrons intake.”
“No I haven’t, but this particular patron is writing the college work that I’m being graded on. God forbid I try to save our asses.” You scoff as a smile spreads across your face.
“Our asses? You have not touched our assignment and you’re gonna get in my face about doing a bad job? Because what? I’m fidgeting? Grow up Munson that’s bullcrap and you know it. Just get me my drink.”
“No.” He crosses his arms over his chest and a smug half smile sits on his face.
“I have the right to refuse service to any customer I wish sweetheart, you don’t get any privilege here.”
You chew your lip as you come up with an idea. “I would like to speak with your boss please.”
“Wayne? What’s he gonna do for you?” You look at him, dead seriousness on your face. He raises his arms in a surrendering position as he wanders out the back to retrieve Wayne.
You stand alone as you wait and suddenly you hear Eddie’s muffled complaints from behind the kitchen doors. Silence ensues before Wayne steps out rubbing his forehead before looking up and relaxing when he sees your face. He smiles softly and rounds the counter before wrapping you in a bear hug and scruffling your hair before he turns to Eddie and speaks.
“Eddie, this is the girl I was telling you about. The pretty one that’s your age.” He turns back to you. “How’ve you been kiddo?”
It doesn’t escape your peripherals that Eddie is standing in silent shock, his jaw slack and his eyes slightly widened. “I’m good Wayne, just getting to know your nephew.” You smile sweetly and see Eddies eyes harden.
Wayne laughs gruffly, “be careful with him, he bites. Determined to be a rockstar this one, he’s certainly got the attitude for it. I can’t take my eyes off him or he’ll be off snogging one of the waitresses.” Eddie looks disgusted by the display of friendship and you can’t help but giggle. “Has he told you he’s actually in my music studies class? We’re meant to be working on a project but he’s been avoiding me like the plague.”
Wayne’s eyes shoot open. “Him dodging you? But you’re delightful, my favourite customer by far.”
“That’s what I keep telling him.” The smugness shines through on your face as Eddie tries and fails to prevent you ratting him out any further.
“Ed, why have you been dodging this poor girl? She ain’t harming no one.”
Eddie finally answers grumbling. “Haven’t… just been busy working.”
Wayne rolls his eyes in response for you to see. “Go on your break, we’ll be fine without you for half an hour, go help her do your project.” He goes to argue but Wayne shoots him a glare, forcing Eddie out of his apron and out from behind the barrier between them. Wayne hugs you goodbye and takes his place as Eddie pushes past you.
“Lets just get this over with.”
Working with Eddie is almost exactly the same as working alone except now he’s directly across from you rather than being his usual few feet away. The silence feels uncomfortable, like his closeness is irritating your skin, his ignorant presence alone making you itchy.
“So any ideas for our music mashup? I’ve chosen classic rock so we need something that’ll either contrast well or merge smoothly, so?”
He sits scratching at his nails. “I don’t know.”
You can feel the frustration seeping out of your body as you try to talk to this brick wall of a person. “How about new age funk? Jazz maybe? The tempos could be an interesting combination if we do it right.”
He makes no effort to look up as he responds. “I’m not a fan of either.”
“So what are you a fan of then Eddie? Can you give me something?”
“Why do you care what I like? Just give me something to do and I’ll do it. My research doesn’t count for you just the rationale so what does it matter.”
“It matters because we still have to combine our music and I’m not working with some half assed jazz tune as our major work for the semester!” You raise your voice before you look at your lap. As you try to push through your building headache your eyes drift to his shoes. They have marker scrawled all over, little sketches here and there but what stands out most are the band names; Metallica, Iron Maiden and Motley Crue, there are more hidden beneath the layers of writing but from these alone an idea forms in your head. You look up tentatively your voice low and soft.
“How about metal? They would merge well and we can have some harsher undertones with a more upbeat melody.” His tongue runs over his teeth.
“Thank you.” You go back to taking notes on the separate parts of your project before you hear him speak of his own volition.
“You read my shoes.” Your head shoots up in surprise and you sit unresponsive.
He smiles slightly “The bands on my shoes, you noticed them. Smart move on your part.”
You soften slightly “I wouldn’t have to read them if you would just work with me. Why do you insist on making this so hard?”
He moves one leg on top of the other and he glances out the window he seems like he’s going to say something honest and genuine till he bites his tongue. “Cause I don’t enjoy working with entitled people who expect everyone to like them. Just because you’re a pretty girl and because you don’t express how you really feel towards others doesn’t make you a saint. Frankly I don’t like you and you don’t deserve niceties, fake or otherwise. What I hate more than people who are assholes are people who pretend they aren’t ones.”
Surprisingly his words hurt. Somehow he’s managed to pick apart one of the only things that bothers you about yourself. You’re a people pleaser. The only person you genuinely dislike is the man sitting in front of you. And even so, whilst he insults and attacks you, you still can’t bring yourself to hate him. Not after seeing the man working behind the counter, the man who works tiredly but puts effort into what he does, the man you’re not supposed to see.
“I don’t expect people to like me-”
“You do. And when they don’t it kills you, so you force them into a corner, you learn what you can and try and wiggle your way into their lives. Well how about this sweetheart.” The name drips from his lips like venom. “Maybe people have a reason to not like you. And maybe you should leave them alone, so when they tell you to pick things for them to minimize contact you do it.” His eyes are cold and he is seething now.
The tears burn in your eyes as he buries himself into the wounds he’s created. He sits poised, ready for you to attack him. Ready for you to retaliate.
But you don’t.
“I think… I think I should go.” You pack up your things through teary eyes, refusing to spare him a glance as you make sure to pile your rubbish neatly and you slide out of the booth. “I’ll see you on Monday. You don’t have to sit with me I’ll just send you my notes.” You stalk out the door before he gets the chance to reply. The bell to the door rings sharply in your ear as the cold outdoor air dries your face as you walk. Pissed off and hurt as you walk away realizing there is genuinely nothing you can do against Eddie’s out of the blue hatred.
Eddie remains seated, the gears in his head whirring as he witnesses your miniature breakdown. His foot bounces and his brow furrows as his thoughts go a mile a minute. His brain grinds to a halt as a shadow is cast over him.
“And what was that?”
Eddie glances up at his uncle acting oblivious. “What was what?”
“Edward Munson I have known that girl for almost three years and I have never once seen her cry.”
“What has that got to do with me?”
“Boy I have raised you since you were four years old, you have a tendency to be a bit of a dickhead to people you’re threatened by. So my question is why are you threatened by a twenty year old girl who has nothing against you and not a mean bone in her body?”
“Nothing. I didn’t do nothing to her.”
“You can’t expect me to leave that after she left in tears. I’m your uncle. Talk to me Eddie.”
“She just. She…” He bites his lip searching for the words.
“She’s like her, and I don’t like it.”
Wayne leans on his elbows and lowers his voice “Eddie you can’t push away every girl that reminds you of her, cause she’s not the same person.”
“She acts so high and mighty but she talks so softly, she knows everything about me and I know nothing about her, she finds things about me and pulls me apart piece by piece. She’s so determined to get me to like her and I can’t even find the words to tell her that I’m sorry. All I can see is her face staring at me and I lose it. For fucks sake she has almond milk in her drinks too!”
He takes a deep breath.
“Look even if I wanted to its already too late to fix things.”
“Well you better find a way to make it up to her. Cause you’re gonna look her in the eyes and tell her you’re not going away. Cause you’re not and you’re not just letting this go. Not if I can help it.”
@micheledawn1975​ , @emma77645​ , @rustboxstarr​ 
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xxreader-writerxx · 1 year
A/N: Alright I've come out of my hidey hole. I know you missed me ;) Anyways enjoy my perfect flowers.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader (not yet dating)
Warnings: Nothing really. Just pure fluff.
Summary: Remus wants to preparefor your birthday but struggles to be perfect.
Word Count: 1.5k
It was a bright, sunny day as I walked across the courtyard. I giggle as a rogue pygmy-puff dashes across my feet. The fluffy hair tickling my ankles above my black shoes. I tuck my books into my bag because all my classes are done for the day. Scanning the yard for my favorite boys and snicker at the sight. Sirius tries to flirt with some Gryffindors and James ruins it by magically mocking him. I walk over and Peter pulls me into a hug.
“Finally someone to help me with these idiots.” He jokes into my ear quietly. I cover my smile and lightly hit his chest. My face morphs into a slight frown when I realize Remus isn’t with the boys. “And when I finally made the shot I could feel the rush- Yes darling?” Sirius asks when he feels the tap on his shoulder. “Where’s Rem?” I asked him since they were together last. “Oh last I remember he was skipping off to our dorm. Saying he had something to do.” He tells me and I kiss his cheek. “Thank you pads.” 
I giggle as he starts to rush an explanation to the Gryffindors in front of him, blushing furiously. I make my way inside. I smell what the elves are making for dinner waft through the hallways as I pass the painting to the kitchen. There are traces of mushrooms, steak, and bread in the air that could make any stomach growl. The best part of Hogwarts is that even the non-magical things that even muggles could do become magical just by default.
Fingers dragging along the cool stone walls, the bumps of the pillars halting them from time to time. The castle is warm but somehow the walls themselves have a type of independence, choosing to have a cool temperature that could save you from the day’s heat. The wallpaper of the walls goes all the way to the ceiling, delicate designs most likely made by fairies. The hallway is full of quiet chattering, footsteps, and laughter. Some students having clubs rush past to make it on time, others not having a care in the world letting time fly during the free time they have.
The fat lady comes into view, singing her famous “operatic” melody that might not break glass but certainly can burst an eardrum. Her pink dress ruffled looking like she’s been running around, most likely searching for an unwilling audience. “Password?” Her cultured voice sings and I nod. I tell her the password and the painting opens to show the common room.
The common room always smells of firewood and old books. A fire is crackling underneath a painting of an old man. I was half expecting to see messy brown curls tucked into the red sofa but it was completely empty besides a cozy blanket and pillows. Huffing, I look at the staircase that leads to the boy’s dorms and begin my journey. Posters scattering every other door, some muggle sports and some wizarding. The seeker of the Irish team winked at me as I passed by, making me a bit shy. He was always a flirt, making the boys I often have by my side huff about how he wasn’t all that charming.
Finally making it to the door I was looking for I raise my fist to knock but pause at the sounds inside. There’s crashing and rummaging like someone was looting around. Folding my hand around my wand I whisper “Alohomora,” there's a click signifying the lock opening and I turn the door knob. Opening the door quietly, hoping to not let any possible intruder know someone was entering. Instead of a burglar all I see is a cluttered room with a messy Remus in the middle of all the clutter. “Where is that damned thing?” He mutters to himself as he throws a shirt behind him, unknowingly landing on me.
I begin to pick up around the room, folding jerseys, putting trinkets back into their designated shelves, and other things as I slowly walk up to him. I place the folded clothes on Jame’s bed and place my hands softly on his shoulders and go on my tippy toes. “What are you looking for Remus?” I softly question and his shoulders relax for a second before they stiffen.
He flips around and I nearly fall if it wasn’t for him being there. He holds my wrists softly looking down at me. “What are you doing here?” He questions and I bite my lip. It does seem a bit strange that I welcomed myself into his dorm room unannounced. It’s normal for me when all the boys are in here but never when only one is inside. My face heats and I place my heels back on the ground. “Oh um- I’m sorry. I just- and you were-” I stutter and he smirks at me. “I’m not upset darling, I just wish it wasn’t a whole mess for you.” he tells me.
He looks behind him, still not breaking contact, using one of his hands to shuffle the mess on the table. He finally finds what he was looking for and takes his wand. “Scourgify.” He casts with a whip of his wand. The room around us starts to put itself away, as if an invisible maid or butler was making their rounds. He walks with me over to his side of the room and I notice that his foot is kicking a box under his bed. I quirk my brow and lean down grabbing the package. 
“No don’t-” He sighs, pinching his brow “...do that.” Looking at the package I smile. “Oh Remmy…” I gasp, placing my hand at my chest. “I- I was trying to wrap it for your birthday but… but-” He groans, flopping on his bed. “No one ever taught me how to wrap presents.” He whispers under his hands. My fingers trace the broken parcel around the present. There’s strips of tape trying to hold it together and the brown parcel is crumbled with a string holding it in place. “Oh Remus, how did you know?” I ask, feeling tears prick at my lashes. “Well I overheard you saying that you didn’t care much for your birthday and I- I couldn’t bear the thought. I also noticed whenever we were heading to the Broomstick how you eyed this. I scrounged some money together and bought it.” He blurts out and I climb next to him on the bed.
Lightly peeling his hands from his face, I smile at him softly. “Why are you so stressed? I love it, Remmy…” I tell him and his face stays solemn. “I wanted to make sure it was perfect, now I spoiled it and it’s all messy…” He frowns and I lay my hand on his chest, tracing small pictures across it. “Remus, it’s already perfect because you made it. You could’ve gotten me a stink bomb and I would’ve loved it.” I tell him and he holds my hand, squeezing it. “But it’s not. It’s all torn and I can’t find another roll of parcel.” He complains and I giggle. I raise my wand and wink. “Acio roll of parcel.” I smirk and he groans slightly laughing. “I didn’t think of that.” He mumbles and I reach out for the parcel floating towards us.
I pull him to sit on the ground with me. I reach for a box similar in size and he raises an eyebrow. “What’s this?” He asks and I shrug. “I’ll teach you.” I whisper and he wipes under his eyes though they are mostly dry. “Ok…” He whispers back and we get started. 
“So, I fold it like this… And how do I tape it without it unfolding?” He asks, holding down the triangle he just made. “Well you are a beginner and that is a high level move…” I joke and he rolls his eyes. “Here I’ll help you this time.” I say and quickly jut my hand out to take his place. My fingers graze the back of his hand and I jerk it back for a second. My face heats up in an instant and I place my hand back. “Ok…” He says, looking up at me. His nose nearly meets mine and we lock eyes. “You- You can tape it now.” I mutter, his hand unmoving. He makes a small noise agreeing but still doesn’t move his hand. “Your eyes always take my breath away…” He mutters under his breath and I gulp. So quickly I question if it even happened his chin moves closer, lips almost touching but never making contact.
He moves away and grabs the tape and I stay there amazed. I snap too once he finally tapes the last part and he laughs. “I did it!” He tells me and I nod happily. “I have no idea why you were so worried. I never took you as a perfectionist.” I say and he sighs. “Because it’s for you. I always thought you were the most perfect person I’ve ever met and wanted you to know that…” He admits and I smile. “Remmy…” I sigh, I lean closer only to be interrupted by Sirius barreling into the room. “You completely ruined my chances, you asshole!” He yells and I laugh, hiding behind Remus to dodge the pillows being hurled.
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Story time: My sisters and I went to a cetatean marine study centre with mom because as we all know, whales are the best.
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The cetaceanist was so gagged by how much my sisters and I knew about whales and anatomy that he asked: Are you guys nurses or scientists? Did you study medicine?
Me: We're just giant Biology geeks. :)
Literally every question: What bone is this? HYOID! How does the sperm whale withstand the pressure of a deep dive? THEY COLLAPSE THEIR LUNGS! What is ambergues? SPERM WHALE PUKE AND SQUID BEAK THAT YOU CAN SELL FOR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS!
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The cetaceanist: Sperm whales are the loudest mammals on the planet, with vocalizations reaching an astonishing 230 decibels. They stun their main prey, the giant squid, with their clicks. For reference, a jet engine from 100 feet away produces about 140 decibels. At around 150 decibels your eardrums will burst, and the threshold for death is estimated to be in the range of 180 to 200.
My sister: So it stuns the giant squid by yelling? *Pretends to shout and kill something*
Me: Those phasers aren't set to stun. They're set to KILL.
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Mom: *Yelling excitedly* I THOUGHT OF PHASERS TOO! *Loud laughing*
Cetaceanist: You're Trekkies too?! Did you see the humpback movie?
Mom: DID we. That's our favourite!
Ceracionist: MINE TOO!
Me: We can tell.
*All laughing*
Nobody has any business being that rowdy and having this much fun at the whale museum.
The cetaceanist told us he had such a fun time that he tried not to let us pay the fee at the end. I love meeting Trekkies in the wild.
P.S: I cannot tell you how often the sentence "the one with the whales" got dropped.
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P.P.S: Did you know that dolphins and sperm whales can understand each other?! I'm so gooped. Ok I'm going away to calm down now I've got zero chill about cetaceans.
P.P.P.S: our family has now gotten into the habit of shouting "AHP!" Loudly and abruptly to silence a room since we visited the whale museum. We've taken to calling it "getting sperm whaled". We have also begun calling a loud shouting bark laugh "sperm whalin' ya". They're a verb now.
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literaila · 2 years
Our favorite devil comforting you after reader being kidnapped by the hand or smth?
This totally isn’t me wanting angst to comfort fics what nooo
- 🐸
go ahead, tell me more
matt murdock x gn!reader
warnings: daredevil stuff, kidnapping, bodily harm, ptsd
a/n: this is totally not me taking direct
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your voice must be louder than you think. 
your voice must be so loud that it's bursting eardrums. your voice must be pounding off of these walls and breaking glass. 
it must be loud enough to hear halfway across the city. it must be loud enough, to be heard.
your voice must be so loud, you think, so loud as you scream for help. 
but it's not a coherent thought. 
there is no consistency to your screams, no sort of reason to the pleas that come out of your mouth. 
please please please, you think, but you're not sure what it's for. you're not sure what you want. 
what to beg for, when you're not supposed to be begging at all. 
but you scream anyway. 
you kick at the hands that have you--so quiet, so soft, and so threatening--swearing to yourself that you're going to get out of this. 
that you're going to be here to scream some more. 
you make ridiculous promises as you're thrown around, bound to a chair, tied to a wall. 
you lie and lie and lie to the voice inside of your head. to your throat that screams for mercy. 
you tell yourself that it's fine. 
that matt will come. 
but you've been screaming for longer than you can remember. 
long enough, loud enough, for it to burn. for the places that have been touched, abused, and burned by hands that shouldn't have been there, to ache. 
loud enough, long enough, to taste blood. 
but that might be the hysteria talking. 
you tell yourself that it's fine. 
matt will come. 
but you've been screaming. you've been loud. you've been begging for him for hours. 
and there are some things that matt just can't hear. 
when you feel the hands on you again, your body instantly freezes. 
you feel a million things go through your veins, and none of them are comforting. 
the hands are warm and soft and gentle and still--
you start screaming again. 
you feel hung from a wire, walking on a tightrope, draped across the edge of a bridge, and hanging on by a few minuscule fingers. 
you feel absolutely nothing at all. 
you try and hit back at the hands, to hurt them before they can hurt you, but they're so much stronger, so much bigger, so much more confident. 
you scream, plead, beg over and over for just a moment, just one second to get everything together. 
the hands don't listen. 
they're firm on you. 
"hey," he's saying, trying to calm you down, trying to stop your screaming. 
but you can't listen. 
please, please, please, you say, over and over. 
please don't hurt me. 
please don't touch me. 
please speak to me. 
please stop this. 
but your voice must be rougher than you think, it must be louder than you think, it must be so much more than just a few sentences. 
the hands don't seem to understand. they don't let go. 
there's one around your wrist, playing with something there--probably your skin but you can't really feel it. 
there's one around your cheek, gentle brush strokes, painting you a different picture, using your tears to create a masterpiece. 
there's only two, but it's enough for you to scream bloody murder. 
to scream until you can't hear anything else. 
"please," you beg, too loud to be understood. your voice is rotten. your hands are stuck. "let me go. please, please. i won't--i'll--" 
you try and catch your breath. 
try and swallow. 
it doesn't really work. your heart has been displaced. 
"it's okay," he tries to tell you. you can hear the voice shushing you, telling you that you need to be quiet, that you have to keep it down. pleading you to stop. 
you can hear it, but it's no match for your desperation. 
it's no match for your praying, for something more than you're looking for.
"matt," you say, and can't hear anything else. "where are you?" 
you try and push at the hands, kick your feet even though you can't feel them. 
"please," you say, softer now. think that maybe it'll help. 
"i'm here," he says. 
"let me go." 
"one second." 
"i'm going to untie you now--" 
you start screaming again when the hands move. 
scream until you can't feel anything. 
scream until your eardrums have burst, your hands have turned to stone and your eyes feel like glue, pouring out from some cavity that must be your body. 
you can taste blood. 
you can feel anger. 
you can feel the hands on you, on your cheek, around your waist, wrapped around your head, holding you up. 
you can feel him, trying to calm you down. 
but you can't listen. you can't hear anything. 
you don't have enough time to stop screaming. you don't have enough sense. 
"it's okay," matt says, he's whispering it to you, like you'll be able to hear it. "i'm here." 
his hands are on you, his hands are burning hot, terrible things that are going to hurt you, to cause bruises by their mere existence. 
you can't stop screaming. 
and you can't see him. 
and it doesn't matter anyway. 
matt curses something, mumbles under his breath something that you can't hear anyway. he's looking at you, but you can't see him. 
you can only see a black mask. 
you can only see people that should have never known that you existed. 
your voice is completely rotten, but you find it in you to keep screaming. to plead for more. 
"they're coming," matt tells you. "twelve of them." 
you scream even louder. 
"it'll just be a minute, okay?" he's whispering, his voice is so loud in your ear. his hand is on your face, trying to wipe away whatever is left of you. "then i'll come back. i'll be back." 
you're screaming, but it doesn't feel like anything anymore. 
not burst ear drums. not burning. 
you taste nothing. 
"okay?" matt says. "i'll be back. i'm right here." 
he does come back. 
his hands are soft and warm as he takes you back, moves you, and whispers quiet nothings in your ear. 
matt pulls you in, tries to calm you down every time you flinch, every time you jump at even the slightest noise, at even the smallest change in the ground. 
he holds you and promises that he's there. 
you can barely hear it. 
can barely think. 
matt, you know. 
"hey," he says, later. "drink this." 
he hands you a glass, cold, of water, you assume. 
you can't really see enough, think enough, to care. 
you drink it mindlessly, not caring about how it soothes your throat, aches when it's gone. 
matt waits. you can hear him breathing. you can feel him right next to you. 
he waits.
you know he wants you to say something. but that feels impossible. 
"okay," he whispers, taking the glass back. "how's your back?" 
he's pointing to the cut on your back, the bruises on your hands. 
the tear in your heart, the sore in your throat. 
there are some things that even matt can't feel. 
you nod because that's an answer. 
that's movement enough to get him to stop worrying. 
the guilt has piled up enough by now. 
"do you want any medicine?" 
you shake your head, feeling it bob. 
matt sighs. you hear him swallow, right next to you. "how's your throat? can you speak?" 
you think a moment, about questions. 
you lick your lips. your hands are shaking. "yes," you say, but it sounds more like a groan. 
more like you were screaming for hours. 
like you were begging and pleading and it didn't matter. 
more like matt wasn't there. 
his mind follows yours, just like his hands, as they try to stop yours from shaking. "i'm sorry," he says. 
you shake your head again. "not your fault." 
matt leans a little bit closer to you. you can see his eyes. you can see the concern burned onto his mouth. "maybe you shouldn't talk." 
you almost laugh. can't get yourself to release a smile from the confines of your chest. 
"are you sure you don't want any medicine?" 
you shake your head, not thinking about it. 
you don't want to swallow. 
"do you want to go to the hospital?" 
you shake your head again. 
"do you want to go down to the police station?" 
your head snaps up, eyes meeting eyes. 
matt's are sad, soft, waiting. 
yours feel wide and alert. like nothing at all. 
"what do you mean?" 
he shakes his head. closes his eyes. 
"matt," you croak. 
his smile is soft and small. his hands wrap around yours. 
you lean into him, almost unconsciously. he's warmer than you, softer and harder, stronger than you could ever be. 
"this is my fault," he says. "i'll take the blame." 
"blame for what?" you ask, ignoring the pain. "class one felonies? vigilantism?" 
he laughs, just a little. 
"not your fault." 
matt leans back, takes your face in his hands--like he's forgotten what you feel like, like he's forgotten everything at all. "you're okay?" 
"i'll be fine," you whisper, leaning on him. 
"i'm sorry." 
"nothing to be sorry for." 
his hands are on you. you recognize that now. 
"i should've been there," matt whispers. he's close to you, his face is rough, his eyes are worn. "i should've..." 
your lip twitches. your eyes are heavy. "should kiss me," you mumble, almost against him as you lean even further. 
"i should have protected you," he continues. " i shouldn't have gotten you involved." 
"i got myself involved." 
"you got hurt." 
you laugh, just a little. "not too bad." 
but matt's sigh is palpable. his hands cradle your face, every inch of skin he can touch. "your voice," he says, like an answer. 
"it's fine." but even then, your throat burns. 
you look up to matt, to watch his eyes close, remorse folding over. "you were scared." 
"i knew you would come." 
"i will," matt promises, not different than the ones you made. "i always will." 
"i know." 
"you were asking for me. you were screaming." 
"i was scared. you found me." 
matt lifts your face up, he looks into your eyes. "i heard you," he says. 
"that's why i was screaming." 
"i know," he says, but there's no relief in his voice. "but i heard you. and i knew--" matt swallows. "i knew it was you. i could hear you." 
"you found me." 
matt writes on your skin, he tells you so many secrets with just his fingertips. "i wanted--" but he shakes his head. 
"wanted what?" 
"i wanted to kill them." 
you take a shaky breath in, trying not to react too hard. 
but matt can hear your heart. he knows more than you do. 
"you were scared," you tell him because you know more than he does. 
"i was scared," matt confirms. "i wanted--i want them to pay for what they've done. i wanted..." he shakes his head, sort of smiles. but it's the sad kind. he's looking at you, but not seeing. "but you were there. your heart, your voice. and i couldn't--i couldn't just leave you. i had to get you out before i did anything else." 
"you did." 
"not like i planned." matt leans his forehead against yours. just the contact makes your skin burn. but it's satisfying, sweet, and simple. "i wanted to get you out first." 
"i was loud." 
matt laughs, but only a little. 
he smiles, but it's minuscule, compared to the furrow between his brows. 
still, he leaves it at that. 
"you found me," you tell him, again. not quite sure who you're reminding.
"shh," matt says, pulling you closer. "your voice needs to heal." 
yes, you say, but not with words. 
"i'm here," matt tells you, as you fall even further against him. "i'm here." 
you nod against his forehead. 
he kisses your skin. kisses places that you forgot even existed. your cheeks, your jaw, your forehead. a million different pecks, all pleasant, all painful. 
"i've got you," matt says. 
"i love you," he promises. 
you smile against him. lean into the words until you're sure that they'll hold you up. 
matt's right there. 
"i love you," you whisper back, just quiet enough for him to hear. 
"shh," matt says.
and then he kisses you. 
it's enough to heal more than just your wounds. 
my masterlist here.
taglist: @moonlarking @v1ci0us @hellskitchenswhore @preciousbabypeter @alexxavicry @directioner5life @amurderofcrowsinatrenchcoat
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mystique-6 · 18 days
Chapter A New Member
The group continues to have mishaps as they travel. They also gain a new member.
Author's Note: Here is the next chapter. It's a little shorter than some previous chapters. Hopefully you still enjoy it. Please leave a review if you have time. They motivate me. Thanks for reading!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from BG3.
“Well, that’s that,” Ailis sighed.  “Let’s get out of this cave before the owlbear decides to investigate.”  She led the group back up the cliff, and did a head count as each of her companions climbed back up to the entrance.  She frowned when the number didn’t match what it should.  She glanced at those with her and realized a white-haired vampire spawn was missing.  “Where’s Astarion?”
            Suddenly, the sound of pounding feet against a rocky ground echoed around them.  Ailis turned her head towards the inner cave and saw her missing companion running towards her.  He had a frightened expression on his face.  She started to ask what was wrong, but he dashed passed her.
            “Run you fools!  Run!” he shouted as he passed.
            “What?  Why?  What’s…” Her question was cut off by an angry roar that filled the air.  The sound was so loud, she feared her eardrums would burst.  The ground began to shake and she turned her head back in the direction Astarion had run from.  She paled as she saw the owlbear charging towards them.  “Shit!”
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
Ex Wive's Club, Chapter 7
Word Count:  1.9k
Warnings:  TW: mentions of a baby with a disability, dark character/bad mom, blackmail/manipulation.
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“Why isn’t she crying?” Curtis asked nervously.  His heart raced as he let go of his wife’s hand and raced towards the nurse who was holding his daughter.  His heart thrashed wildly in his chest as he tried to get a glimpse of her, but the doctor held him at bay.
“Mr. Everett, you can see your daughter in a few minutes…she’s just undergoing an exam-“
“What’s wrong with her?” Lily growled from the hospital bed, “she’s not crying like a newborn should!
“She wasn’t crying!” Curtis announced nervously looking at the doctor, “why wasn’t she crying?”
“In some instances, a child doesn’t cry when they’re born.”
The doctor gave the young parents a sympathetic look as he excused himself to go speak to the nurse.  Curtis looked back at his wife, “she wasn’t crying, Lil…”
“I’m aware!” she spat angrily, pushing herself into a seated position, “the doctor and nurse took her away for tests.  And they said that she’s fine though.  Come back ov-“
“Maritza isn’t fine!” he said nervously, cutting her off, “Something is wrong.  I can feel it, Lil.  They don’t just take a healthy baby away from parents without an explanation.  Something is wrong with what just happened!”
“What’s wrong is that you’re ignoring the wife who just gave birth to your child,” she replied harshly, shooting him another dangerous glare, “if there was something wrong with her then the doctor would have told us…right?”
Curtis looked sadly back to the door before nodding.  His anxiety as at an all time high, but she was doing nothing to help him, so he worked on self-soothing, “Ye-yeah…”
“So come back over here and pay attention to me, Curtis…I just gave birth!”
Curtis gave her a sad smile, “yeah…Maritza Elena Everett…she’s here…we-we’re parents, Lil..”
“Mr. and Mrs. Everett…would you like to meet your daughter?” Curtis stopped his journey back to his wife and rushed to the open door.  He was quick to see the little bundle of joy already sleeping in the nurses’ arms.  She gave a little laugh before journeying past him and towards Lily, “Mrs. Everett?  Would you like to hold your daughter?”
She gave a little nod, pretending to be more excited than she really was.  She sat up on the bed and shot Curtis a smug look and the nurse passed her off.  Lily gave a simple, dutiful smile and cooed at her newborn, “she is beautiful…hello little Maritza…”
The baby snored in her mother’s arms.  Curtis’ heart swelled as he finally made it to Lily’s bedside.  His little angel was perfect. 
Maybe Lily was right. 
Maybe the baby would bring them closer together.
“Why isn’t she responding to me?” Lily asked after a moment.  Curtis was broken from his thoughts as Lily glared at the nurse, “what’s wrong with her?  I thought you guys said that everything was okay!”
“Nothing is wrong, Mrs. Everett…your daughter is just deaf.”
She looked down at the baby, who was still sweetly sleeping away in her mother’s arms.  She sneered before holding her back out towards the nurse, “she’s defective?  What do you mean she’s deaf?  During my last sonogram I was told that she was fine!  What did you idiots do to my daughter?”
Curtis was quick to scoop his daughter up and away from Lily.   She hadn’t been privy to the conversation and continued to nap, ridding herself of the exhaustion from the tiresome journey of being born. When Curtis cradled her, she shifted, snuggling more against her father’s broad chest.  She yawned, and Curtis fell more and more hopelessly in love with his little angel. 
“No…I want to know what they did to her to mess her up and make her defective!” she growled, “you idiots left the room with her.   What did you do during your exam, burst her eardrums or something?”
“Our daughter is not defective, Lily…she’s just deaf!” Curtis said quickly, coming to his sleeping daughter’s aid.  His large fingers glazed over her rosy cheeks and her eyes opened.  His heart blossomed as his daughter’s eyes met his, and he knew that he would do anything to protect her.  He touched her cheek again, and he wasn’t sure if it was gas, or if she actually smiled at him, but he didn’t care.  He only felt the immense love that surrounded the new bond between father and daughter.
“When my father gets here, I’m going to tell him how you made my daughter dea-“
“Lily stop!” Curtis growled, finally breaking eye contact with his daughter, “she’s not deaf through any fault of the hospital.  We both knew that it was a possibility with all of your partying!”
“Oh so now you’re blaming me for this?” she hissed, “some loving husband you are!”
“All I’ve ever done was try to be supportive, Lil!”
“Well maybe if you loved me enough, I wouldn’t have partied,” she spat, shooting a dangerous glare in his direction, “maybe if you cared, I wouldn’t have had to go looking for attention elsewhere!”
“Lily, stop it!” Curtis replied, taking a few steps away from her, “you’re acting like a child!”
“It’s your fault that she’s deaf, Curtis.  Not mine!”
Ransom smiled as Rose cooed at him, his heart feeling lighter than air even though most of his days were cloudy.  She reached out and tugged on his cable knit sweatshirt from her spot beside him. 
“What are you doing, pretty girl?”
She giggled and fell onto her butt.  Curtis gave a sad smile, partially saddened by the fact that he knew he’d never hear his daughter call him that word.  He looked over to the infant, who was nearly seven months old, and enjoying playtime on the mat that he’d set out.  She was stimulated by the various textures and patterns, her eyes going wide and displaying marks of amusement when her fingers glazed over a new sensation.
“She’s doing really well, isn’t she?”
Curtis nodded, looking back to Ransom, “she is…even after everything.”
Ransom frowned, thinking about how just a few months ago, Maritza almost drowned in the bath tub because of his daughter.  He gave a heavy sigh, his heart aching at the thought of losing the sweet little bundle of joy, who seemed to not give a damn about the world’s reaction to her.
“She’s a Drysdale…through and through,” Ransom chuckled, “I’ll give her that.”
“I’d like to think she’s a bit Drysdale and a bit Everett,” Curtis nodded, not wanting to dismiss his friend and father-in-law, “the fortitude of an Everett, with the determination of a Drysdale.”
“I can agree to that.”
“How’s Rose doing?” Curtis asked, nodding to the little girl who was just inching in on being a year old, “Lily doesn’t talk about her!”
“Lily won’t acknowledge Evan or Rose…still,” he admitted sadly, “not since she refused to let Jess come into the room after Maritza’s birth.”
“I’m sorry…she told me that she’d talk to you this week.”
“She did…and she told me that she’s glad she’s put a strain on my relationship with Jess…the divorce isn’t final or anything, but I have to have custody visits like this because she moved out…two days a week isn’t enough, Curtis…I need my babies.  I need to see my wife every single day!”
“I’ll talk to her again, Lily I mean.  You’re on your own with Jess…she bore two Drysdale babies, and quite honestly, I’m sure she lacks basic sanity after you!”
“Eat a dick.”
Rose giggled at her father’s snarky tone, “Da-da!”
“Never repeat what da-da says,” he warned playfully, kissing her tiny fingers, “mommy will castrate me if you do!”
The little girl giggled again, and Curtis found himself looking at his own daughter.
Maritza was smiling up at him, what little teeth she had on full display as she gurgled incoherently.  Curtis held up the symbol for ‘I love you,’ and her hand reached for him. 
“I love you baby girl.”  
“It’s probably better if you don’t,” Ransom admitted dryly, cutting Curtis from his intimate little moment with his baby, “it seems like she takes it out on you or me…there’s no solace for both of us.  And I’d rather there not be anymore accidents with my granddaughter involved.”
Curtis’ gaze shifted from Ransom to his daughter, then back to him again, “you say that like you don’t think it was an accident.”
“I love my daughter, but we both know how Lily is, Curtis,” he sighed after a moment, “there’s no winning with her…”
“What are you saying, Drysdale?”
“I think you need to be responsible…if not for yourself, for your daughter,” Ransom said slowly, “right now you’re her primary caregiver…you can’t leave her alone with Lily…summer’s almost over and you can’t leaver her alone at the cabin all day with her.  There’s no saying what could happen.”
“What are you saying, Drysdale?” Curtis repeated.
“I worry about Maritza.  I know you can’t afford a full-time  nanny and you know Lily would just fire her and keep the money for herself, or make the girl’s life hell…and god forbid she hired a guy.  I’d have more grandchildren to worry about,” Ransom admitted, “and I think that you should put her up for adoption, so that she can have a better life…”
Curtis’ heart dropped into his stomach, “what the fuck are you suggesting this for, Drysdale?  I can care for Maritza!  I ca-“
“Then you need to leave Lily, Curtis,” Ransom sighed, “you know that in order to protect her it’s what you have to do.  She-“
“She’ll take Maritza if I do!” he said quickly, cutting Ransom off, “if I leave her, she’ll take Maritza away…she’s got her trust fund, Ransom.  And you said it yourself.  You know what I make.  I can’t afford a-”
“I talked it over with her mother…and we think that if you did want to leave Lily…you’d have both of our full support…”
“So you’re suggesting adoption or leave my wife…”
“Lily’s mother wants to bring in child protective services, Curtis…”
“Is that why you really brought me over here today?” Curtis asked angrily, “to try to control my life?  To try to control Lily?  I-“
“We both know that if there’s another incident, Maritza won’t be here,” he said slowly, “Lily resents the fact that she’s alive…she didn’t want her to be born deaf.  She wanted-“
“I know, Ransom,” Curtis grumbled, picking up his daughter, interrupting her tummy time, “I know what Lily wanted…but there’s nothing wrong with Maritza.  She’s special in her own way…”
“Seventy two hours, Curtis…if I haven’t heard from you, Lily’s mother wants to call CPS, and I can’t stand in her way…and we both know that if she does that, they’ll take Maritza…if you leave Lily…I’ll help you in the legal side…and I’ll pay for childcare for Maritza…I have a girl that watches her while Jess is in school during the day and it’s three days a week.  And Harlan usually takes the kids out for two days so Jess can get school work done.  I’m sure he’d love to meet Maritza…Lily hasn’t let him meet her yet.”
“Then I don’t need to think about it!  I’m not going to lose my daughter!” Curtis said quickly.  He looked into his daughter’s eyes, and she reached out.  Curtis picked her up and her tiny hand brushed the stubble on his cheek.  Curtis felt like his entire world was about to cave in, and the only thing stopping it from happening was the infant in his arms.  He looked to Ransom and held Maritza close to him.  She snuggled up against his chest and Curtis sighed, “help me get away from your daughter…with Maritza, Ransom…if you’ll really help me, I’ll do it.”
Chapter 8
Tag List:  @Cjand10, @huntress-artemiss, @lohnes16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @teambarnes72, @elbell20-blog
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