imgiseli · 2 months
A vida é um poema eterno, uma melodia que ecoa nas páginas do tempo. Cada amanhecer é uma nova estrofe, uma promessa de esperança que se entrelaça com os sonhos que cultivamos. É na simplicidade dos gestos cotidianos que encontramos a verdadeira beleza: no sorriso de um desconhecido, na brisa suave que acaricia a pele, no calor do abraço que nos conforta.
Viver é mergulhar em um mar de possibilidades, onde cada onda é uma chance de recomeço. É respirar profundamente o aroma das flores que desabrocham, sentir a alegria pura do momento presente e dançar ao ritmo dos nossos sentimentos. É um romance escrito com a tinta da paixão, onde cada capítulo é uma nova aventura, repleto de desafios e descobertas.
A vida é um convite constante à celebração. É um mistério que nos desafia a encontrar a luz mesmo nas sombras, a beleza na imperfeição. É um deleite sensorial e emocional, uma sinfonia de experiências que nos lembra que cada instante é precioso, que cada batida do coração carrega a promessa de algo grandioso.
Portanto, viver é um presente sublime, uma dança inebriante com o desconhecido. É um elogio ao tempo que passa, um grito de alegria diante da vastidão do universo e um tributo à infinita capacidade de amar e se maravilhar com o que é, com o que foi e com o que ainda está por vir.1
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raining-at-ease · 20 days
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esbatubulet · 3 months
Bersabarlah, satu per satu doamu sedang berbaris rapi menunggu gilirannya untuk dikabulkan..
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mydailybookquotes · 6 months
“Enjoy the days of your life that are all about doing what you love.”
-A.R. Capetta, The Heartbreak Bakery
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evilmermaidx · 5 months
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Dannnnnnnnnnng. Kinda.. yeh 💁🏻‍♀️👍
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creatures-and-kim · 2 years
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Mixed media sculpture of a playful red salamander. Pseudotriton ruber is a species of lungless salamander native to eastern North America. 
I did my best to to create an element of playfulness. I wanted them to seem playful, happy, and without a care. 
The Salamander sculpture is available for sale here. 
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fhealync · 2 months
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🌞 Never regret anything that made you smile. Cherish the happy moments. 😊
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animalsoutloud · 3 months
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merakimousumi · 11 months
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“Any moment that you’re really allowing everything to be as it is and your personal will is out of the picture, you’re happy.”
~ Adyashanti
This is the reason often great Master and teacher said - Happiness is Simple.
Then why finding it is a quest for many. Why do we drown ourselves in additives behaviour , dip into depression and flare up in madness ? Let’s look simply -
What we try to find was never lost , it was staring at you , while we were looking everywhere, exhausting ourselves and not taking a pause to rest on it. This looking outside is the conditioning that we have been wired. The belief that tomorrow will be better, the next day is brighter, the next job is more fulfilling, the next relationship is your soulmate, the next life is an enlightened one and the next never comes . Life after life we are circling in a spiral where the exit is dropping everything down , taking that leap of faith, sitting and witness.
When you look into a flower or tree or a rock how often we want to change it . We don’t look in Lily flowers and say If it looked like Rose it would have been better. When accept that Lily in totality. So acceptance is our true nature. We know this already, you have experienced it. One has to replicate it in all aspects of life. Ego will be our biggest detriment, you will keep yourself comparing with others and hold on to the cactus which is bleeding out.
Accept where you are , what you are, how you are . Exactly the way it is . That’s enough. As you read this for the next 1 minute, say to yourself I love myself exactly the way i am . This is my gift to myself. Feel it , smile . And you open your eyes you will see that your heart is softer, breathing is kinder and you are relaxed. That is 1 minute of happiness. Just imagine if you increase your dose what it could do to you !!
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skyexrose · 9 months
Strange, isn't it? You know yourself better than anyone else, yet you crumble at the words of someone who hasn't even lived a second of your life. The world is filled with people who think they know you. Listen to your own voice. Only you can tell if it aligns with what you want or not.
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realjaami · 2 years
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I'm almost never serious, and I'm always too serious. Too deep, too shallow. Too sensitive, too cold hearted. I'm like a collection of paradoxes.
– Ferdinand de Saussure
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malayamona · 2 months
Success is your OWN path that you choose to make, create and envision for the life that YOU want and feel the need to live, so again, why keep comparing yourself to the next person who is flawed, too?
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esbatubulet · 23 days
Hidup tidak selalu berjalan seperti yg kita rencanakan. Tak apa. Itu hal yg wajar. Jadi, maafkanlah dirimu karena tidak berhasil menjalankan rencanamu dengan baik..
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retroinspired · 6 months
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tomirovira · 11 months
A forest with some very special colors.Location: Alt Penedès, Catalonia, Southern Europe. Fine Art Prints
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