#like I made myself a little bit sad here tbh
aangarchy · 7 months
Alright. I've rewatched the trailer like 20 times by now and i've been processing it.
First things first: anyone that's gonna talk shit about Gordon Cormier is gonna have to go through me first. I've only had Gordon!Aang for a day and a half and if anything happens to him i'll kill everyone here and then myself got it?
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Just look at him! This is the exact big eared cute little kid i wanted them to cast for Aang. He looks adorable and honestly his outfit is growing on me.
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The glowing arrow looked cool as hell. I like that the light spread through his tattoo almost like veins. I'm still curious on how the full avatar state is gonna look, how they're gonna get the glowing eye effect. Please don't let it look goofy.
Y'know what does look goofy?
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Is it better than the m night shyamalan appa? I guess. Does that mean it looks good? Well.... at least momo sort of looks cute instead of some folklore nightmare like in shyamalan's version. But also you can tell in this shot in particular that it's very green screen-y
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Then we go over to the bending, the limited shots we have of it. Mainly firebending was shown (a little airbending too but kinda hard to get a stillframe for that one)
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Idk how to feel about it. In screenshots it looks alright but the shots while they were moving looked a bit off, especially the one where zuko's kicking. We only got very limited shots and that's intentional. I feel like the bigger cgi fails are gonna show up once we get the full show. If the bending looked good all the time i feel like they'd be showing it off by now.
What i don't like, is how apparently they're gonna SHOW Zuko getting burned. Like sure in atla they didn't bc kids show and Nickelodeon wouldn't allow it, and netflix can take darker turns if they so please. But i personally always felt that scene made so much impact because we didn't see it. Iroh is telling it from his memory and he didn't look when it happened, so we don't see it either. It's like a courtesy the show extends to both Zuko and the audience. We just hear the harrowing scream, and that's enough to know how devastating it is. I don't need a dramatic overlook so we can see the whole thing in detail, netflix.
Another thing is the hair in some scenes.
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Daniel dae kim looked better in that promo photo, bc here you can just see how the bulky goatie was glued on. And then Sokka's hair..... where's the ponytail? It's laying completely flat against his head... why? Is it bc that's Ian's hair and they didn't know what to do with it? Literally get a comb and tease that bitch. This is like the complete opposite of Jackson Rathbone's hair in the shyamalan version, and somehow that full maybelline ponytail makes more sense than this sad excuse of a tail. Either way at least Suki looked dope.
Another thing i found weird about the trailer is the narration. I think it's either Iroh's voice or maybe Gyatso's? (I haven't heard Iroh's actor talk yet so idk, but it felt like it was being said TO either Aang or Zuko) but the lines they gave him... it felt like some weird mumbo jumbo tbh. Something something about the past and present being the same and it's up to us to know the difference and be the difference? It's saying everything and nothing at the same time and it felt kind of out of place. They're probably saving the iconic opening narration done by Katara for the full trailer (i hope???) but still they could have just gone with music, or maybe just a few iconic existing lines?
The music? Fire. Nothing needs to be added there. Was i kind of hoping for a different soundtrack? Maybe a bit. But am i mad? Not at all. They clearly took the nostalgia route with the more epic version of the avatar theme, and i can only respect them for that.
So far, very mixed reviews for me. I'm morbidly curious and very nosy by nature though, so i'm absolutely watching.
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you and your buddies remind me of Stilgar, tbh. you watched Dune and should understand that blind faith in anything does not lead to anything good. and yet for some reason you are not able to look at yourself from the outside. I understand this whole shipper culture as a kind of form of escapism, but becoming a real believer is dangerous, first of all, for you. Unfortunately, at the point of despair where you all are, you are no longer able to understand and accept this. professional help can help. I swear, I'm not trying to mock you in any way, people just need to be told the truth sometimes, even if they don't like it.
one day you will find out the truth about them and that truth will crush you. There will never be a happy ending in this story.
your message made me feel really sad, anon. not for myself, but for you.
and by reading between the lines of your entire harangue about this story and this relationship, I think maybe it's you here who really need professional help.. seriously and without any malice believe me, I think you should ask yourself the real reason why you felt the need to come here, and on these judgmental terms.
anyway, don't worry about me, anon. I live well planted in reality (some people say me I do it too much sometimes..) and if I believe in something or someone it's because I've very good reasons for doing so. I don't live together with unicorns and rainbows or perfect fairy tales, it never been to me. I'm old enough to have experienced that real life is almost always hard, sometimes a little bit shitty and very far from perfect.
and this relationship has nothing to do with what you call 'shipper culture', at least for me definitely not.
but seeing that you seem to have all the right answers in this story and about all of us, I wonder how do you know that you're without any doubt the one and only custodian of the truth about this relationship..?
how are you absolutely sure that the truth you speak about, and that you 'know' sooner or later will come out, is undoubtedly the only real one..?
.. are you realizing that you're the first one here who has his/her own 'blind faith' on which he/she firmly believes?
and about what it will happen in the future, I don't make any assumptions cause I don't have the glass ball even about my life and therefore even less about those ones of them.
so whatever happens, I'm here.
and I'll be fuckin happy if it will good, if it's not I'll accept what comes anyway without making any drama and going on to love both of them as I always did.
I know all of this it's only and rightly about their lives, their choices and I'll never be here to judge them.
I wish you a nice day, anon.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 5 months
Heya, I don't plan to talk about it much but due to what happened with forever, who was my fav and really the heart of the project for me, I'm probably not going to post about Qsmp much anymore. Or if I do, it'll take a while. But please read if you're in the same boat as me, its kind of a ramble and you can skip certain parts but I'd like to hear your thoughts. The last couple of paragraphs touch on some stuff that I hope can help be worth your while, whether you're here for the Qsmp stuff or the mental health part.
Now this is absolutely not to say the rest of the project doesn't matter or that people should give up on it. The Qsmp is incredible and should be known for what it has achieved: breaking language barriers and uniting communities. Its wonderful, unique, and still has so much to offer in terms of content creation, so please don't let the whole of it be tarnished for what happened with one creator (we've seen that before already and it sucks). Personally, it got me back into streaming content/mcyt and I'd like to stay more present this time, its so much fun and its nice knowing I can sort of drift back and forth when new things pop up. If you're in the same boat, I encourage you to not feel like its all over immediately if you still feel a passion for this kind of work, maybe you won't get back into it but maybe you just need a bit of time. Whatever you feel, as long as you're happy and having fun you're doing it right.
So, personal feelings (which I suck at but its better than bottling my thoughts and I encourage others to do the same). I'm fucking devastated lmao. His character was my absolute hyperfixation, I'm talking 24/7 brainrot for months. I haven't felt this passionate for a character since dsmp, I honestly didn't know I could still do it. But there's another layer. I live in the U.S., and I'm Brasilian-American. In the U.S., you don't hear anyone saying shit about Brasil. You hear a lot about Mexico, but nothing really south of that, and if you do its usually about sexualizing Brasilian women or narcotics and gang stuff. Not the best representation for little me, admittedly. When you-know-who won the Qsmp Election, y'all I felt something in me spark to life that I hadn't felt since we won the Olympic soccer tournament in Rio in 2016. I'm proud to be Brasilian, I've always been proud of it, but its a pride that's been limited to sports and my own personal experiences. To see myself represented, to see Brasil naturally enter the conversation for a piece of media I loved that I didn't know would have us, and to see us win something, phew, shit got me higher than my wisdom tooth removal. We Brasilians banded together to secure the win, and what's more, my fav cc on the project was the one at the center. I felt so happy, for my country, my community, and for myself. And I know recent events might taint that memory for some of us, but I refuse to look back on my feelings from back then negatively. That was one of the best damn moments in my chronically online life, and I will always remember it with pride and joy, along with the many other moments when this wonderful server made me proud to be me.
So, naturally, when the news hit I was pretty fucked up over it. Still am tbh, but better now that I've had sleep (though it took me a while to fall asleep because of course my sleep gets ruined by bad feelings, bleh). All this to ultimately say it sucks. Like, it really fucking sucks. The anxiety, the disappointment, the sadness, and the uncertainty of "what now?". Might be sounding dramatic but again, 24/7 brainrot/serotonin supply for months that connected me to my culture abruptly cut off because of pedophile allegations. C'mon Satan, I already have to go to therapy, you didn't have to kick this horse while it was down. Joking aside, if you feel as absolute dogshit as I do and have that kind of anxiety where the world feels like its about to end because moments like these leave you with the rug pulled out from under you and the uncertainty leaves you not knowing what to do with your life after this... well, welcome to the boat, bathroom's on the lower deck and snacks are in the lobby. And also I'm here, and everyone else who's been left in the same crummy place emotionally. We're here together, and I hope that can help you, cause I know for me the worst part is feeling alone in it all, but I'm not, and neither are you. We're here, holding hands and cursing existence for putting us here and making us so sensitive and giving us something great only for it to end up hurting us. We're here, and if you wanna say anything, my DMs, comments, asks, whatever you'd want to talk through, are all open.
Now comes the hardest part: acknowledgement and playing the waiting game. Like I said, if you're feeling like me, this kind of anxiety and disappointment has you feeling like its all over. So now's when you gotta remind yourself that the only thing that's over is this moment in your life when you enjoyed a Thing. That Thing can have meant a lot to you, it could have gotten you out of really dark places, and it could be something you'll still think about down the line. It can be something like minecraft cube people that you (I) got way too emotionally attached to. And for whatever reason, that Thing could have meant the absolute world, whether other people would've understood it or not. Its not your fault it ended the way it did, life just does that sometimes, as unsatisfying of an answer as that is. But its true, and its an important lesson. The Thing is over.
You know what's not over though? You. You're life. Whatever the hell you are doing and will do in the future. If this was the best thing in your life you had going for you, I am so fucking sorry. You deserved to be happy with it, we both did. But I promise you, this Thing is a moment in your story, not the whole story. This really was the source of my joy for the past few months, and if its the same for you, I see you. We can feel like shit together, along with the rest of this wonderful community who understand it too. And you know what else we're gonna do? Live, and move on. Not now, maybe not for while, but we're human beings, we persist (sometimes that might look like you're dragging your battered self out of a trench smelling like depression and expired cheese, but you'll get out of the trench, we both will). There's too much to life for this to be what stops you from finding the rest, whether that's some dramatic life change that completely changes the world as you know it for the better... or just figuring out what comes next. Taking a shower, watching that movie you were waiting for the right moment to watch (I'd say this qualifies), setting up a therapy appointment maybe. Whatever you do to feel like a person again, you have that to do, and later down the road you'll have new Things that give it all meaning. So keep yourself going, hit up me or others who would get it, and do what you gotta do to let it pass. Because it will pass.
Deep breaths friend, I'll be cheering for you when it does
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Okay wow! Now you just made me sad about the “Compliment Assault” Vasco fic. I NEED THEM TOGETHERR AHHH. The fic is so good, It hurt me when they didn’t confessed🥺🫶. Can u pls make another one where Vasco ended up confessing to the reader with the help and around burn knuckles?. Heehhe thank you so much! Your fics are so good😘
- 🥔
Hello my favourite carb! Thank you for your lovely words :D Yeah I thought I ended it on a little bit of a sad note. I dunno how to end things lol. Your ask intrigued me with how Vasco and the reader would leave things, so here's my brainfart. And it's looooong and ramble-y (I even used the keep reading feature!!) and tbh not the best but! Enjoy!
Vasco x Reader: With the help of Jace's ears
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"What's wrong Vasco?"
Euntae was sitting in the empty classroom, looking worried and deep in thought.
Jace sincerely hoped it wasn't more trouble with the 4 Crews. They've only just managed to recover from their injuries and rest. He knew that himself and the rest of Burn Knuckles still have a way to go before they could even be considered a threat. He was desperate to get stronger and actually be a help and not a hindrance.
Besides, sometimes it's easy to forget they're still in school and should really be more worried about their grades and attendance.
Still, if this is what Vasco needs then Jace has no doubt that he will have the full backing of Burn Knuckles.
"I had a really strange conversation with Y/N the other day," Vasco turned to Jace with one lone tear falling from his face.
Jace felt a surge of relief but what's this now, "Oh?" his ears start to wriggle.
"She called me sweet, felt my muscles, and then was sad about me getting a girlfriend..."
"!" The ears grew a little larger...
"I'm not even interested in dating, especially if that means spending less time with Y/N." And a little larger still. "I made a promise I would always look after her."
"VASCO!!" Jace grips his shoulders and shakes him. Huh? Has Jace's ears always been this big? "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!"
"Fuck you, morons! Put me down!"
You are kicking and punching any which way but to no avail. The Burn Knuckles crashed into your class, "They're over there!!", lifted you - chair and all - out of the room.
You are now being carried in one of their weird formations, but you weren't going to go down without a fight. No wonder the Principal wanted to expel them! They were usually pretty chivalrous with you but this crossed the line.
"I'm sorry, but these are orders from Lord Vasco and Sir Jace!" one of the oddballs pipe up. You immediately stop your flailing. Vasco and Jace? You haven't seen Vasco since your almost-confession the other day, but for Vasco and Jace to summon you, even with this... method, it must be important.
"Hmph. Fine."
The crew discards you in a heap outside their classroom. You dust yourself off and yell insults and threats to their retreating backs. One of them even has the gall to turn back and wave. Urgh.
"VASCO!" you open the door and stride in, "Do you know what those blockheads-"
You pause, taking in your surroundings. The Architecture classroom was transformed, with petals covering the floor and candles lining the room. Was that... music? Vasco stands in the middle of it all, looking like he was on the verge of fainting.
Your heart flutters. Is this what you think it is?
"What's going on?"
If anything, from the second you opened your mouth, Vasco looked even more nervous. "I... I- erm. Y/N. You... Me... and I..." you could see him visibly gulp. Is that a sheen of sweat?
You move closer, hoping to comfort him. You give him a small smile and a tender look, "Euntae, it's ok. What did you want to say?"
"We. I mean... You. I think... Myself... No. Wait," Vasco squeezes his eyes shut, "JACE!"
Jace pops out from behind him. What the fuck he was there the whole time? You take a step back from them both. Maybe you actually had the wrong idea.
"Wait, Y/N! What Vasco meant to say was that he was thinking about what you were saying the other day when he walked you home..." Jace turns to Vasco, who nods his head immediately, his eyes still glued to the floor. You don't think you've ever seen Vasco so anxious or embarassed. Or Jace's ears so big.
"...And he likes you."
Your eyes widen in surprise, "Is this true?" you direct at Vasco.
He completely freezes on the spot under your scrutiny.
"Ahem, what Vasco meant to say is yes. It's true." Another swift nod.
"..." Vasco mumbles something indecipherable under his breath.
"He thinks you're the most beautiful person he's ever seen,"
"Oh right yeah, inside and out."
"And he wants to date you. Be your boyfriend,"
"Wants to take you out, hold your hand,"
"He thinks about you all the time,"
"Jace!" You cut him off. You get it. You do. And you're truly grateful for his help, but you would really rather the rest of this conversation happen in private. The words coming from Jace ruin the effect somewhat. "Thank you, but would you mind if I speak to Vasco alone?"
"Oops, heh. Of course..." Jace claps Vasco on the back and leaves with a self-satisfied smile, his ears trailing behind him.
"Euntae," you stand in front of him. Your hands reach out to his. He finally looks at you shyly, a nervous smile on his lips. Like he wasn't sure what you were going to say, like you haven't been obvious.
"You've been so good to me. You have such a good heart. And," Vasco lets out a squeak as you squeeze his pecs, "Your body is just..." You make a sound of appreciation. "I would love for you to be my boyfriend."
Vasco would have thought he mishead you, or you were just messing around again, but he catches the way you look at him. You are absolutely smittened.
The final barrier breaks, he takes you in his arms and holds you tightly. He couldn't believe it's happening. After all this pining, he was the one (with the help of Jace and Burn Knuckles) who had the confidence to actually confess first. His only regret was not doing it sooner.
You reach up to seal your new relationship with a kiss-
Vasco flinches sharply. "AHH NO Y/N! You can only do that when we're married!!"
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
ayo! Anon who talked about that One Filipino Character Viv made (I’ll probably stick around, so just call me Studio Anon to track things) here, just wanted to air out some thoughts of the writing/worldbuilding/designs Viv had made because shitting on them is funny and it isn’t like she’ll take any criticism on them.
Something I always asked or wondered is like… where even is HB? Like, location-wise. Sure it’s hell, but… they never really specified the ring? Is it pride? Is it some other ring? I remember the whole travel-by-elevator system but I don’t exactly remember where it takes place…. It’s pretty problematic if the viewers of a show forget where the supposed main place of the ‘plot’ is placed. Because of that, it’s hard to figure out where everything else is in my head- Loo Loo Land is in… Pride? So does that mean HB is in Pride? Why have hellborns in Pride if overpopulation is an issue there…?
Also, why are the citizens of hell limited to imps and hellhounds? And yes I know there’s like, succubi and whatever those shark demons were (and as a fish enthusiast, it’s pretty telling if even they forgot those types of demons existed in the world), but they’re basically just imp bit different(tm). It’d make sense if there were different kinds of oml but we never really see that, so that was a waste.
Like, if gluttony had a beehive aesthetic you’d expect to see some bug-imps or something, not just straight up imps (they’re probably the crew’s impsonas but come on, it’s pretty sad that it was just Imps and Dogs in hell- kinda puts a bad idea that dogs go to hell or something tbh.)
Don’t even get me started on the designs of the sins, like wow.
When you think of these big, scary embodiment of sin, you’d want them to be a little threatening… right?
Apparently not, in Viv’s mind.
Like yes, it’s fun showing off the sins having more than one personality than just their sin, but that’s literally all they are. They don’t act like their sin. You know that Viv excuse- they’re in hell. Let them be awful? It’s not hard.
Sucks that the only embodiment of sins we’ve sin are just: imp but white (Lucifer, also kinda Mammon), bird (Asmodeus), or furry (Beelzebub). I don’t expect any of the other sins to be any different, I just wish that they could be the embodiment of sin and be a good character (not good morally, but decently written, but I doubt that’d ever happen), not just written out to be a total asshole so the uwu-good-sins can be all nice and cute.
It’d be cool to have a Greed vs. Lust battle, both having strong feelings of attachment to something/someone but no. They talk out their silly stupid feelings, eugh.
(Do let me know if you’d want to hear more of these thoughts- I’m a writer and designer myself and I absolutely love trashing Viv’s work because I can do better because I learn stuff.)
Pretty sure I.M.P. headquarters are located on Pride, which is how sinners are able to access them. Apart from that, yeah, it's a clusterfuck and a half.
By all mean, keep sending those thoughts! They're good thoughts!
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munchflix · 8 months
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IMDB BLURB: A troubled security guard begins working at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. During his first night on the job, he realizes that the night shift won't be so easy to get through. Pretty soon he will unveil what actually happened at Freddy's.
WARNINGS: It's pg-13 dude.
RATING: It's not horror, but it is FNAF.
Munch: SO it's time for us to watch Five Nights at Freddy's. I previewed this last night but Biscuits refused to watch it until now.
Biscuits: I don't have any tequila, I'm sad about this. I do have whiskey.
M: I unfortunately must remain sober. Everyone seems to love this movie, I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm just a curmudgeon.
B: Dude it's five freddys at night. It's like that wojack meme of them pointing at freddy. It's him, the fredbear from the night. By the way this movie was announced 8 YEARS AGO. A time when I was still invested in FNAF lore.
M: I admit to knowing a fair amount of FNAF lore myself, but it kinda ends after the 3rd game because I stopped caring. Oh yeah the movie.
B: What's happening?
M: A security guard is going through some shit. It's incredibly dark. You can almost tell what's happening. He's gonna get his face eaten off by a freddy head. As is par. To make you think this is a horror movie.
B: The new Saw movie looks great! Bold choice to do a crossover with Five Nights at Freddy's.
M: I do like the look of things. They did a good job of recreating the pizzeria in all it's glory, it's very accurate.
B: Blumhouse because of course it is.
M: The opening animations an obvious nod to the games. There are SO many.
B: I like the funky synth music. It's no Toreador March, but….Josh Hutcherson has emerged from a decade of irrelevancy! Formerly known for his critically acclaimed role in Trapped In An Island with Josh Hutcherson.
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There make be snakes!
M: He's a decent dude, he should have had the fame that Jennifer Lawrence had. Josh, I mean MIKE, has a sister he has to take care of and he's a security guard at…some mall. Doesn't matter. He's into dreams.
B: He hasn't aged a day, he's just acquired some facial hair. Now he's chasing some kid and his dad, he thinks he just witnessed a child abduction but actually…
M: He just beat the shit out of some dude for no reason. And now the employment department!
B: This is the kind of discrimination single dads face on a daily basis, Josh.
M: And now Matthew Lilliard, who is COMPLETELY SQUANDERED in this movie. He has never put less than 1000 percent cunt into every role and they wasted him.
B: Two months at a job? Me too, Josh.
M: His uh…job counselor is kinda sus.
B: Listen bud you have limited job options, join the club.
M: Are you suggesting we get a job at the FNAF pizzeria?
B: I wish all job counselors were this honest. The hours are bad, the pay is awful…
M: They keep not saying his last name which I guess is supposed to be a twist so we think he's Mike Afton but the twist is he's Mike Schmidt. No spoilers tho.
B: The twist is he's Michael Myers! He has a weird little sister and she does creepy things.
M: Possibly psychic. Very sixth sense going on here. Mike has a bit of a pill problem and somehow can go to sleep listening to the most annoying bird sounds in all existence. ASMR you're trapped in an aviary.
B: I remember this part of the FNAF lore. Where he has a little brother who gets kidnapped. Is this canon? I think they made this up for the movie.
M: It's not.
B: Why does he have a child?
M: It's his sister.
B: So his parents just popped out another one 20 years later???
M: Sure, why not. And now the awful Aunt and the best character in this whole movie. DOUG the lawyer. I love him. She wants custody of the sister, Abby. Mike doesn't want this. He's kind of a jerk about it though.
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Doug is the most relatable character in the movie tbh
B: There has to be some sort of like…inciting factor. We gotta have some reason why he's gotta work at five nights at fredericks. He's gotta keep custody of his sister. Finally, Five Nights at Freddys is in the Five Nights at Freddy's movie. If I'm in the movie theater with my five year old son, he doesn't care about Josh Hutcherson! He wants to see the funny guy from the youtube video!!
M: Well TOO BAD! Because there's a lot more Josh Hutcherson than Freddy's.
B: What year is it?? It's implied to still be the 80's but the place is all closed down and they have an old looking tv? They gotta keep it ambiguous or people would start talking about the bite of 87 or whatever.
M: There are so many easter eggs. The celebrate poster from the game, the fucking desk fan, the training video, I could go on and on.
B: This training video is def 80's. This technology existed in the 80's btw, the government was just hiding it from everyone. Actually they're alive because ghosts and not lithium batteries but…What a great analog horror video. I'm subscribing to this channel.
M: Balloon boy jump scare! Nothing ever happens on night 1 though. So Mike is just gonna take a walky and then take a nap.
B: I can almost see anything in this fucking movie! It's so dark! It's like watching a Zack Snyder movie. Maybe in a theater it would look better...?
M: I really think it's just the fucking death of film lighting period. I do think the animatronics look good. They look really damn good.
B: They looked kinda crap in the trailer. Sleempy Mike. Now he's having more PTSD nightmares about his brother getting kidnapped.
M: But wait! There's more chilluns! In his dream, as is normal.
B: We're the children from the FNAF who got murdered.
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M: You are correct. 6 am reference! Time to go home. Mike isn't paying his babysitter.
B: It's nice to have a girl who will watch his sister for free. I assumed they died in cancer/plane crash. Sparky's is a reference. That's MatPat.
M: The babysitter is sus. And her other friend and the evil aunt are having lunch while conspiring against Mike. I love Doug.
B: So the Aunt is like…the villian…the antagonist character?
M: I mean…sort of. It's possible she's in cahoots with Afton on some level but it's never confirmed. Back at home Mike is being a terrible parent again and Abby wants to go to FNAF world with him but this is a really bad idea. Now…if you were a criminal….and you wanted to make Mike look bad, when would you go trash the place?
B: When he's there.
M: Thank you. Mike is asleep again.
B: Thanks Blumhouse I can almost see what's going on in the movie. How many times are we gonna see sweaty Josh running around in a forest in this movie?
M: You have no idea. He's dreaming of the FNAF kids again because he thinks they know where his brother is. One of them cuts him and he bleeds IRL.
B: Wow I was scare.
M: And now there's a cop at the door. As is also normal and part of the FNAF canon.
B: Vanessa is a reference.
M: That's not a reference, that's part of the canon! Because why not.
B: They had to put some shit from security breach in here cos it's the new one.
M: Vanessa suspiciously knows a lot and isn't giving us any info why.
B: Mike, just Mike. No last name.
M: Vanessa is here to give us some EXPOSITION. Because fuck show don't tell!
B: It's great that all these arcade machines are still plugged in after 10, 20 years.
M: This part made me have Chuck E Cheese flashbacks.
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A powerful bear...named Frederick Entertainment Fazbear
B: Playing covers of popular songs was a big thing in these types of restaurants.
M: Something something some kids went missing.
B: Back in the 80's!! Could you please tell me what fucking year it is??? This motherfucker is listening to a cassette player so unless he's some kind of hipster? I hated that scene btw. Go away I hate you.
M: Unfortunately she will be here so much more.
B: So the criminals are breaking in…after he's left???
M: Yes!
B: Even if you wanted to frame him, the CCTV footage is gonna tell them when you were there! But okay I guess?? Oh there's still money in the arcade machine? It's not like they empty those every day.
M: I love the random older man who's just hanging out with these teenaged criminals.
B: He's been bustin up abandoned buildings since back in the 80's!
M: One of them finds Chica's cupcake and it does a spooky and then Chica does a spooky. Almost all the violence happens offscreen because….pg13.
B: They couldn't make this an R rated movie because it's Five Nights at Freddy's. The people who grew up with it are all adults now but the target audience remains basically the same.
M: Bonnie does a spooky.
B: I literally can't see anything in that shot! Also appreciate the attempt to get away with a huge bag of COINS, the heaviest and least valuable denomination of money you can get. You might have 50 bucks MAX in quarters.
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Also Bonnie. he's cool.
M: The point is that they're all getting murdered. Offscreen. Very darkly. And yet they did not even try to bother Mike.
B: Mike left!
M: It's been two nights he's been there though!
B: Okay…I guess.
M: Freddy bites Max the babysitter completely in half. But we only see the shadow.
B: We get Plato's allegory of the cave violence! We never get to see it directly.
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Also Sparky the Dog. he's cool.
M: Back at home Abby draws more pictures and Mike Mike's all over the place while she magically finds the custody papers.
B: They're watching public domain cartoons.
M: From the 80's. Vanessa shows up at their house to tell them that someone broke into the pizzeria. She found Mike's pills.
B: The year is killing me, is it the 90's??? Early 00s maybe? If it was the 10's everyone would be on their smart phones. Is this really criminal negligence?? He didn't lock the doors to this ABANDONED BUILDING!!!?? IT'S ABANDONED!!!
M: Now Mike is gonna exposit all over Vanessa about how he takes the pills to try and remember the dream of when his brother was taken in a lucid dream every night. He's very talented to have the same dream every night.
B: I really hate Vanessa, she's completely insufferable.
M: I agree. Also can I take a moment to talk about how fucking SLOW this is. The pacing is awful.
B: I don't give a shit. I don't care about your dreams. Shut up. I'm here with my 10 year old who wanted to see the funny Fazbear on the screen and he's ASLEEP right now! That wasn't even english on the walkie talkie, when cops talk on those they don't just go GNWEUIFHB98FHNWIEFNEI
M: Your son is now 10???
B: Shut up! I don't even have a son!
M: We are halfway through.
B: I do not understand. What even is gonna happen.
M: So Mike is gonna take Abby to work at FNAF but I gotta stop for a minute because…people DIED in there. Did Vanessa find the bodies? Are the bodies still there? Did someone clean them up? She didn't even mention that to Mike????
B: Who called the police to report the break in?
M: If they did, did only Vanessa show up??
B: Is Vanessa even really a police officer?
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Vanessa is lookin pretty SUS. (that's still a funy joek in 2023, rite?)
M: That's a very good question! Mike is just like, you're gonna sleep and I'm gonna watch the monitors and this is a totally safe idea. Abby is well known to behave.
B: I'm sure nothing bad will happen.
M: I guess he's gonna clean up. If he was Nick Cage this would've been done forever ago.
B: He's gotta stop and have a cola and play pinball.
M: Actually, he's gonna nap! Because that's the responsible thing to do!
B: All the excitement from the FNAF games you love like DARK ROOMS! NAPPING! AND OFFSCREEN MURDER! Well I guess that last one is fair.
M: So of corpse, Abby wakes up and fucks off. But it's cool because of reasons.
B: Bro…is this the only way we could convey the story of the missing kids…80 sequences of Mike in the woods? A lot of the people watching this already know all this. This review makes it sound like I just hate FNAF and that's not really the truth.
M: I don't hate FNAF at all, but this movie is so utterly middling. We're halfway through and 90 percent of the movie has been Mike dreaming. But now he's out there and the animatronics are all there and alive and playing with Abby.
B: He's gonna fight Freddy with a chair.
M: Just like in the games. They're well known to be friendly to children.
B: Abby is a special psychic child.
M: Mike is wigging just a bit as anyone would.
B: I mean in real life they're wired to the stage so…yeah.
M: Freddy is still looking at Mike like, you're on thin fuckin' ice.
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B: Wow this movie is jam packed with chills and thrills and I am on the edge of my seat right now. To quote Arin Hanson, "Just…something happen, PLEASE!"
M: I mean some dudes got killed but...
B: I couldn't even see it happening! Hey Abby wtf is going on btw.
M: Her friends she's been drawing all movie are apparently the FNAF kids because of course they are. How she knows them???
B: You'd better start believing in ghost stories Mister Hutcherson…
M: Mike is like hey remember our dead brother who died ages before you were born? You drew him getting kidnapped, so…explain. Was it the boy from my dreams? Oh it was?
B: Trying to use her psychic powers to solve a crime but all they talk about is a yellow rabbit. Exploit your sister to resolve your own personal trauma. I don't see this going well.
M: Back with Vanessa who is at FNAF for some fucking reason, Mike and Abby show up and Mike is like hey did you think to mention that there are ghost kids possessing the robots? And now they're gonna build a fucking fort. The animatronics too. This is a real thing that is happening.
B: How does something like that even right itself….?
M: I have no idea. I don't know why Mike is suddenly on board with all this. I would not be under there with them.
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Everyone's just vibin' :)
B: Mike is finally asking questions he should have been asking a long time ago. Vanessa explains the springlocks because that will obviously be important later. And Vanessa, who was like YEAH FORT is now like HOW DARE YOU BRING ABBY HERE.
M: Who the hell are you Vanessa, that's something you should've asked like forever ago. Abby tries to strum Bonnie's geetar and gets minorly electrocuted but it's no big.
B: Oh my GOD. Sorry Abby, I'm kind of an asshole.
M: So now he's gonna do an even bigger asshole thing and call Aunty Shrew to come babysit and possibly you know…take custody of his sister so he can keep napping. Abby is not happy. The Pharmacist is the second best person in this movie.
B: He's doing dream magic because.. it's…you know. He couldn't just do this at night.
M: It is night.
B: It was just morning!
M: It took a really long time at the pharmacy okay. And now for the UMPTEENTH TIME, trapped in a dream forest with Josh Hutcherson.
B: But whyyyyyyy.
M: The ghost children are like, hey give us Abby and you can dream about your dead brother. And he's like OKAY. Mike kinda is an asshole. He immediately changes his mind but that's not how a deal with the devil works. The kids run around him uh…slicing him up for some reason.
B: And now he's in the saw trap where the first security guy presumably died.
M: Good thing it's slow moving. But he gets out becaus he's the protagonist.
B: Okay so…the bodies are still here. There's some gore. That's your PG-13 right there.
M: In the super secret room nobody can ever find but two people have now stumbled into. Back with evil Auntie, Abby is hiding in her room and Freddy is just there.
B: Frederick is in the house. You somehow didn't hear him enter even though he must weigh a ton. Like as much as a small car. He's murdered Auntie Jane.
M: And now the chillest taxi driver on earth who is somehow fine giving a ride across town to a small child and a giant animatronic.
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I gifed the animatronics because they're the most interesting thing on screen but trust me, these gifs severly overstate how much they are in the movie.
B: How does Freddy even fit in a human sized car?
M: I don't know.
B: Vanessa is tending to Mike's wounds. She conveniently found him. They tried to kill him. Yeah…they do that. Why did you just leave the bodies there Vanessa? And why haven't they started to decay?
M: Vanessa is still not telling us shit. But Mike tells her that he said yes to giving Abby to them and she tells him they're gonna make her like him.
B: In the movie a lot of things aren't very clear. Vanessa tells us that the bodies of the dead kids are in the animatronics.
M: Like…how would people NOT NOTICE. But this is canon.
B: How does Vanessa know all this?
M: She tells us about AFTON.
B: The man behind the slaughter. The purple fellow. Okay, that's not canon that he's her father?
M: Hell if I know, I stopped following lore well before Vanessa showed up. Also somehow Afton killed Mike's brother.
B: Where did he put Garrett's body?? That's like SIX children now, are there six kids in each animatronic??
M: Vanessa's master plan is to taser the animtronics that are somehow being controlled by ghost children who are being controlled by William Afton. But she's not gonna go with Mike because Afton is her dad and stuff.
B: Let's fix that with a controlled shock. It's a good thing it's taking Abby a long time to get murdered.
M: Freddy considers murder and then reconsiders. Abby is being taken by Chica to the back room to be put into a device that looks suspiciously like the Baby animatronic. Meanwhile Mike is tasering Freddy and Bonnie.
B: I never understood what Chica did in the band anyway. Backup vocals? There's no way they could feasibly be playing this music with just one guitar. My suspension of disbelief is totally destroyed, Mister Fredbear. Don't you need to re-arm a taser?
M: Yep. But he gets Abby.
B: You've been an idiot about most things, Mike. To be fair. You should go.
M: The cupcake looks silly attacking but I do like it's design. I actually like the animatronics a lot and it would kick ass if they were like…
B: IN THE MOVIE!! For more than like 20 minutes of screen time in this two hour long movie.
M: See also, Matthew Lilliard. They squandered all the best parts of this movie. In favor of an hour of dream sequences. Abby and Mike again get separated but she hides in the ball pit and now….the best part of the movie. Golden Bonnie is here. Who is also Afton but no spoilers.
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B: Me in the Dashcon ballpit.
M: Vanessa shows up 20 minutes late to the party with uh…nothing. I do love the way they did the whole golden bonnie thing. Though I'm really unsure about how he's controlling them? Vanessa apparently has a gun.
B: You're gonna shoot your undead father with a gun? Oh he's alive!
M: For now. He is also the job counselor. To absolutely nobody's suprise. (editor's note: biscuits did not at all realize this while watching the movie) She shoots daddy but somehow that isn't enough to activate the springlocks. Afton stabs his own daughter as Abby frantically draws pictures to show the other kids that he's really the bad guy. Afton gets all springlock failed and they drag him off into the back room.
B: Well canonically all this happened a really long time ago, but the movie doesn't care about the timeline. I always come back, yeah, way too many fucking times, bro.
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M: And now everything is great and Abby is happy and Mike looks exactly the same.
B: The pacing is…so weird.
M: They stop by the hospital to see Vanessa and set up a sequel!
B: Well I mean if there's one thing FNAF really loves, it's sequels. This movie is so boring. Can we visit my dead friends some time? NO.
M: laughs Yeah, no.
B: Okay, movie SAVED by using the Living Tombstone. I'm amazed that they got the license for this.
M: I laughed out loud, I fucking loved it. It's the best thing. Oh Jim Henson's creature shop worked on the puppets, that explains why they looked so good. Final thoughts?
B: It's just…really lame. There's a couple cool scenes and some cool stuff at the end but the rest of the movie isn't worth it. There's so much rich lore, SO much lore, and a rich universe that they had an infinite well of stuff to draw on, but they made up this whole other plot about Josh Hutcherson's family problems and it's just…lame.
M: I just really feel like it's takes itself way too seriously.
B: Like terminally ill seriously.
M: And they squandered all the best parts of FNAF. The animatronics should have been the FOCUS. Not the dream sequences. Afton should have been a MUCH bigger part of this. There was so much cool stuff they could have done but it's not about that. All the little easter eggs for the fans are great but ultimately…pointless.
B: And again, isn't this supposed to be for the fans? For people who already love FNAF? But it's not really.
M: I grok that in order to reach a wider audience you gotta kinda do that but
B: The FNAF fandom is MASSIVE! The majority of it is just like…Trapped in Freddy Fazbears with Josh Hutcherson.
M: Fair.
B: And like…if you like the movie that's fine. For me it's just kinda meh. It's not something I would watch again on purpose. It just made me wanna watch Willy's Wonderland again. Not worth the 8 year wait time.
M: 8 years…and this is what you came up with?? 8 years and Doug was the best part of the movie? I don't hate it. I don't love it. I'm a fan of the FNAF games, I just feel like it's a massive missed opportunity and that people need to remember how to light a fucking film. I'm tired of Hollywood just giving us the most banal experience possible for whatever reason.
Munch and Biscuits out, yo.
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
What if asoiaf characters ended up in the world of Narnia? How would they react to the world, Aslan and Jadis?
Okay caveat i haven’t read narnia in a long time BUT all the magical characters are probably in their ELEMENT here I mean
Arya and Lucy would be besties anyway, so you know Arya is having the time of her life
Narnia is a place filled with magic and romanticism and happy endings (if sometimes with a bit of bitter laced with sweet, as the jump from childhood to adulthood always is) and I think all of that would appeal to Sansa on such a deep, fundamental level. When I tell you Sansa and Arya would have a blast!!!
Jon Snow magical girl who puts his entire arm into his prehistoric dinosaur wolf bestie's mouth for funsies would be hella excited about all the talking animals
I think Robb would have a blast too and not just for magical animal reasons but him and Peter have that same "put upon eldest brother" vibe that I think Robb would thrive at being given the chance to really shine as a brother first and a king second
tbh i think the amount of prophecies might freak Dany and Theon out a bit actually - look me in the eyes and tell me Theon would not be tempted by Jadis the way Edmund is, lmao - but I think under some circumstances they could bounce back and have fun exploring the magic that exists there
I know saying Melisandre would like it here is a wild choice but I think the more fairy tale, straightforward morality would appeal to her a lot. Whether she gets obsessive about the wrong kind of magic is um, a different convo. I did make myself sad thinking about poor little slave Melisandre praying to some sort of divine power to save her and Aslan being the one to answer however so that's fun
Kind of along the same lines, in that Narnia often appeals to children who feel lost due to extreme upheaval, I think Missandei would crawl right through the wardrobe, see the lamppost, and just fall in love with the world around her. She's so smart and inquisitive and brave, I just think she'd be delighted. I think if Missandei and Dany went through together, they'd be alright <3
Actually now that I think about it, if Theon went through with the Starklings, he'd end up okay in the end too.
Kind of obsessed with the idea of little Lannister siblings all crawling through at some point or another. Cersei being unable to access the wardrobe, chalking it all up to a dream after she marries and all her dreams turn to ash. Jaime being unable to cope with having adult memories in the body of a teenager. Tyrion (shout out Peter Dinklage, hah) finding a world where his intelligence and wit is respected and growing increasingly dejected with his real life. Wow I made myself sad now.
DUNK AND EGG IN NARNIA. Egg just crawling through one day and Dunk is like now where The Fuck did this kid go and has to crouch his tall ass through that fucking wardrobe after Egg, and Egg is already running into the woods and playing in the snow and Dunk is grumbling after him. DUNK AND EGG ON A ROAD TRIP IN NARNIA. DUNK MEETING A CENTAUR. EGG BEING DISRESPECTFUL TO THE BEAVERS.
Personally I think it would be really funny if Euron came through and Peter takes one look at him and is like "alright fine give Lucy a weapon" and they unleash her on that blue lipped freak. Lucy with a gun >>>>>> Euron and his godhood magic btw
Also Quent. Poor little frog prince would love Narnia. (also, being like Fantasy Spanish with Caspian is kind of funny imo) (I can't remember if Caspian's country are also Fantasy Spaniards in the books or they just made Ben Barnes do that accent for funsies).
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eisforeidolon · 15 days
Hey there, I hope you don't mind me dropping in here on a topic from a few days ago and harping on about it (I'm not very well-versed on ask boxes so I'm a bit unsure of the etiquette. If I commit a major faux-pas, forgive me). Apologies if this ends up a little long and a lot sarcastic - I have opinions about this. It's given me a fair bit of grief over the years.
Y'know, I see these 'abusive Dean' takes float across my dash a fair bit (apparently not being into Destiel or Wincest means I must be a Bitter Sam-girl instead and hate Dean, according to Tumblr). The oh-so-delightful 'abusive husband Dean and beaten wife Sam' takes. People calling Sam 'beaten wife coded' in general. One based on a grand total of two instances where he flinched cause Dean made a loud violent noise near him (who the hell wouldn't, you don't need to be 'beaten wife coded' to flinch when someone chucks a chair at a wall, it's almost like Sam has some kind of trauma about various other things and might be generally jumpy...). Or taking the end of S10 out of context and choosing to forget that Dean was nearly fully taken over by a mark of fratricide (which he still managed to overcome, they conveniently fail to mention that). And I just... ugh.
What I never understood about these takes is like... why? There's trying to paint your fave in a good light and a character you hate in a bad one, but then there's making the heart and soul of the show itself into something so ugly it ruins it for other people, like your Anon, and honestly this happened to me too a while ago before I forced myself to stop listening to the greater fandom and find a few I trusted (like you). Even still, it gets all up in my head sometimes. Why are these people finding such glee in making the central relationship so awful? What are you getting out of this show if you think that about it?
Like, imagine looking at the finale through this lens. Congratulations, you turned something sad but ultimately bittersweet into something horrible, the 'beaten wife' dedicating the rest of their life to their 'abuser' then being forced to be with them for eternity, and this is portrayed as a good thing. Why would you ever want to view it that way? Plus, it's rather forced if you take it as a whole - the few times Sam stood there looking contrite while Dean did something stupid pale in comparison to the number of times he calls him out on it, even in the later seasons (14x12 Prophet and Loss, anyone? 15x17 Unity?).
I guess people can take from media what they want, it's obviously not my place to police people's enjoyment, but I just never got the appeal. It seems so counter to what the show was clearly actually trying to do, yet they tout it as fact (now where have I seen that before). Like it's somehow a bad thing to enjoy the show on its own terms. Coming across these takes still kinda bums me out. This goes for people insisting it's the other way around too - I can't stand any brother vs. brother stuff either, it's never anything but bad faith, and honestly kinda misses the point. Some of these people boggle my mind with their lack of empathy.
If there's one thing this fandom is good for, it's honing your ability to roll your eyes and move along. It's full of so much absolute batshit insanity that you'll never survive if you listen to every take. Trust me, I've tried. Do you know which tags to block to avoid this kinda stuff? Cause I never seem to be able to.
Sorry if this was a bit of a rant dump, heh. I'm usually a chronic lurker, but this discourse in particular bothers me immensely.
You're absolutely fine, I mind neither bringing up previous topics nor excessive length (be a bit of a hypocrite if I did, tbh). And yeah, it's one of my least favorite SPN fandom discourses, too.
It does feel like it's pretty hard to find any corner of the fandom where you won't at least occasionally see one side or the other's worst faith not!fave-brother-is-terrible takes. And oh, do I hate the 'beaten wife Sam' half of the 'Dean is an abuser' discourse equation just as much. Like, supposedly they like Sam, so why on earth would they want to pretend this stubborn competent badass of a character is actually a helpless pathetic marshmallow?! Same with Dean on the opposite side of the fandom - it's not just the character they're constantly maligning I can't recognize, the character they "like" similarly bears very little resemblance to the one I'm a fan of!
So far as I can tell, some people just desperately need their favorite character to be the best one who is always in the right. Whether it's over-identification or what, I don't know. They seem to think they achieve it by reframing large portions of the canon as justifying, unfairly attacking, or insulting that character as necessary. Except they don't see how from the outside it very often looks entirely absurd, regardless of if they're doing it in favor of Sam, Dean, or Castiel. Which is not to say there aren't parts of canon which treat all of those characters ridiculously in one way or another? But it's the total fixation on it only being the case with their favorite character in every possible situation where it gets weird.
Every great once in a while, I do manage to come across a take that really annoys me. But for the most part? The extreme ones are just so absurd, so divorced from what anyone even vaguely trying to understand the other characters' motivations and what the show quite obviously intended? I just can't take it at all seriously. Especially when they (as they so often do) get canon details wrong or pointedly "forget" all the canon points that blatantly don't fit their narrative.
Unfortunately, like with a certain ship, when it comes to tagging? You're kind of at the mercy of the self-awareness of the poster about how much other people may not want to see their hot takes.
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marmastry · 1 year
Whats your process like when doing Comics? Not only fancomics but also original works like palitaw? Im a big fan of your comics!
Aww that’s really flattering ;w; ! It’s so nice to know some people have read my first one-shot out there. It's the comic that gave me the confidence to pursue this art form just a little bit more too.
These days, I just don't find it exciting to work on one big fully rendered illustration, I often feel like something more could be told if there were interactions or a little bit more context added to it, you know just like in comics? So yea, there's that and also me in my brain who won't shut up about what if there was a this and that, what if it goes this way instead? Just lots of blabbering. My brain has too much room for it (help).
Anyway, let's move on to my process. I won't be giving you a detailed routine of how I do it, but rather how I deal with it.
My secret is that I just take my time.
This goes for many things but tbh I do it more than before because I don't really see myself as a writer, or a comic creator but as an artist with a new hobby trying out something new and unfamiliar. It took me one and a half year to finally start drawing Palitaw because I didn't have the confidence to meet my own standards. It's typical of me to be hard on myself lol but eventually, I realized that doing so won't push me forward so I pushed myself to take time instead. The best part of it is there's no deadline to dread at all haha.
When I work on a draft, I don't immediately finalize it. I just ignore it for a few days or maybe a week. Just enough time to forget what I initially felt about it (including the cringe of a few hours of tunnel visioning to it). This way, I can put myself back into a reader's position before I start making better adjustments.
But Mar, what about my waning interest?
Ok, so listen, I’m old by internet standards and I’ve learned that love and interest won’t be enough to manifest anything. It’s the commitment. When I worked on my one-shots, and fancomics, the feelings of excitement, or grief I felt at the start vanished once I put in the work. Now that I’ve put myself through it not just once but many times, I think I’m getting used to it? I'm honestly sad I gave up on a few drafts now when I reread some of them. It's this feeling that keeps me committed to some of my own very self-indulgent projects these days.
Here' a little compensation for making you read through that. This is what my drafts looks like. They're silly little doodles on a 11 x 16 sketchpad. Big ideas start small, as they say. If something so low effort made me smile, perhaps i should keep at it haha!
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lookingforcactus · 6 months
Live action Yu Yu Hakusho liveblog: ep 1
This is so much fun. Nostalgia time. 13 year old me is LIVING
Warning for like whole ep 1 spoilers and all
Yusuke and Botan look great which I already knew going in from the gifset that informed me this show exists lol, but it's delightful, bc the characters in this show aren't necessarily the easiest to translate to live action
Botan is adorable. Her hair is adorable. And I'm delighted to see that Yusuke's hair is the Correct amount of Poufy
Plot twist: Kuwabara hot. He looks great actually. Translated nonliterally compared to Yusuke but v well. The actor is selling me on it too, fun casting
Kuwabara was always hard for me to watch in the original bc he set off my vicarious embarrassment soo hard. Glad they're less committed to making him the constant source of painful comedic relief here lol
Laughed out loud for real tbh
Idk if I'm a little disappointed he's not a baby but like live action would make that ridic hard to do in a lot of ways so I don't blame them at all. He's in his adult form which makes sense. Still damn glad they kept the pacifier it is RUINING his dignity and I love it
I also don't blame them for cutting the flying oar effects. A lil sad but the initial transition to Reikai looked great so they're forgiven
Yusuke. "No thanks." I knew it was coming and the delivery still made me laugh out loud. Just dropped it in there. Yusuke I love you please see a therapist
Fight scenes are v creative and p epic
Seriously they do a really good job of making Yusuke's fighting style as a human believable, fun to watch, and effective. He rly does come off as just kind of a natural fighting genius (with practice ofc)
Sakyo in ep 1? Weird but I'm not opposed. The wavy hair is kinda freaking me out though ngl. Smoothness was just such his THING in the show it's distracting
Really liked Yusuke's mom's introduction (not that it was flattering to her as a character) but I wish they'd done more with her in the rest of the ep. Her power hug at the end is great tho
Show's slowing down a bit but it's fine I'm still having fun, the nostalgia power will get me through basically whatever
NO PUU!!!! This is tragic but I Do understand this as an adaptation choice. Reluctantly. Tragic tho.
Bug under guy's face effect EPICALLY creepy
That said I keep watching the motion of him and the other demons in this ep and thinking about Hayao Miyazaki said about the disgusting cruelty of using effects technology to make the scary scary inhuman monsters just fucking. look and move like disabled ppl
Seriously I keep seeing flashes of the appearance and movements of people I know with developmental disabilities (particularly this one guy I know with cerebral palsy but also I've worked in care work for disabled adults and just kind of a lot of people in general) and. I hate this. Especially as a person who DOES have a (nonvisible) developmental disability myself. This is such a rising trend in horror/sff/fantasy tv/movies/video games and I hate everything about it. Hayao Miyazaki was right this kind of attitude and shit really is "an insult to life itself"
Anyway fight scene cool
I love Keiko btw. Her crying and blaming herself! Her face when Yusuke comes back! Also Yusuke "I'm not gonna die just bc you talked shit" pffft jackass (affectionate)
Kurama looks pretty good. Goki actually looks wayyyy better than he did in the anime imho, which I did not see coming.
Effects on Kurama and Hiei's fighting looks surprisingly great. They pulled off the rose whip way better than I thought they would, and did some great wirework with Hiei's speed and fighting style
That said....Hiei...oof. That hair was always gonna be a Challenge but I think their ambition here did uh. not play off rip. Hopefully it'll look better later on
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fluxweeed · 9 months
hello may i have some dvd commentary for this delicious little scene here from Still the pine-woods scent the moon (it’s 300 or so words so i figured a screenshot was easier than copying your own words into here sorry)
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honestly anything you’d like to share about this fic i will happily gobble up thank you very much 🤲 thank you, love you, bye!!!!!!
ahaha YES you absolutely can!!!!
(spoilers (ig?) for Still the pine woods scent the moon and E-rated talk ahead!)
1) so by the time i got to writing this scene (which is, what? 3k in out of 15k?), the fic had already been reworked twice-ish
firstly, it was originally a sirius/harry fic – i have 250 words of a bit slightly earlier the fic (the bit where harry admits he wanted to get fucked) that was the original idea the entire fic was built around, except it was harry admitting it to sirius and sirius was having conflicted horny godfather thoughts.
secondly, once i'd rewritten the whole beginning with remus, i wrote up to the "who's right? me or draco?" line without knowing where the fic was going. i say this every time i write a 15k fic, but i really did want this to be a quick PWP – for a while i was considering having remus snap right there and they go straight into mindless feral fucking, because i did not WANT to write another 10k. i never want to write a single word if i can help it. here's a boring screenshot of me talking it through in poor @bronwenackeley's DMs.
2) the last couple of paragraphs in this screenshot were placeholder text. they feel kind of clumsy to me? a bit tell-y? a bit cringe? eventually i decided i didn't have the skill to improve them and just deleted the square brackets and left them as-is lol.
3) i tried to include wolfy words to describe remus when he's losing control around harry. this is probably really obvious and doesn't need me pointing it out, but whenever he's struggling, there's usually a growl or a snarl or a mention of claws or teeth or something. i do think i overdid it with this a bit tbh but i enjoyed having that as a lil goal for myself.
4) finally, and this is not relevant to your screenshot at all but it's my other fav behind-the-scenes fact about this fic, but also in the trash heap doc for this one is 500 words of harry and charlie having sex – bc in one draft, remus DID sneak upstairs and listen at the door when he came home to them doing the do. i was a little sad at having to cut it bc there's a fair chunk of banter-y dialogue (ofc), but it's pretty much all covered by the exchange later in the fic where harry says it was hard to lose himself with charlie, so i just made remus go downstairs and get horny drunk on his own lmao.
i didn't want to make this answer any longer by including the bits i cut/changed, but i do have the harry/sirius and harry/charlie scenes if u wanna see them!! lmk!! ❤️
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pffbts · 6 months
a goodbye letter.
hello everyone, it's been a long time, isn't it?
i haven't written anything in months and tbh even if i wanted to further give life to all my wips, i wish i had even a drop of motivation and energy to do so. some of you might have as well forgotten about my little blog, which had its own humble beginnings. and tbh i don't mind at all. it's been, i don't know almost 5+ years that i've had this blog. i started it out during the last two years of my high school, when i was struggling very much to cope with all the pressure and anxiety. this little corner of the internet became my comfort space. i could pour my heart out into snippets of letters and the love that i received from all of you who were there from the beginning only fueled my passion to write more and of course, helped me immensely in escaping the cruelty of my reality.
since then, i have graduated school. my reality is still harsh but i'm surviving. i have also graduated from my college with two degrees that i was doing simultaneously. currently, i'm preparing to sit down for my master's 1st-year exam coming months and job surfing at the same time. tbh i wish i had enough energy and positivity to motivate myself to pen down something. but it seems like we have to finally pull the curtains down on this blog.
yes, there is a lot of stuff that's still pending to be completed as you will know if you care to check my masterlist. but i'm not going to give you any false hope by saying that someday i will magically come back and finish and place them all in front of you. it would be too selfish of me to keep you on your toes like that.
i know i've let down a lot of you. many have told me me how much, especially my letters have helped you guys during hard times. even though i know i shouldn't even bother to think like this considering i know none of you in-person. still, it's the crippling humanity in me. honestly, i feel sad for myself. my life took so many things away from me. even the capacity to keep this comfort space alive for myself. some of you have left a long time ago. probably life has happened to you all too. i have also met some of you during the latter part of my journey here and i'm very glad that you all loved my work even with all my incompetency in keeping up with the schedules. you guys were too kind to me.
this actually came too suddenly - this realization that something needs to end. i don't think there will come any other time in the future when i'll read fanfics or write them myself. but it's a bit too much to delete the whole blog considering the reblogs will still exist in the tumblr algorithm. therefore, the letters will still be up along with the fics.
although i don't think i will stop writing. i have my substack where i will experiment with my creative writing but that's just my way of growing up as a writer. these days i'm too busy both in my head and physically, i wish i can overcome becoming a moss. my produce is sparse but my want is bigger than that. although for fanfics, there's no want anymore. i've had my fill and i'm sad to say, this is where we part.
pffbts is thus archived. all my posts will remain. if you send in any mundane sweet ask, i will answer them as soon as possible. kindly please don't send in any requests for fics (i've had to delete a couple of them from my ask box and it felt terrible.) i'm not completely going away. as a person, i will stay. it's just the fanfic writing part of me that will take a permanent leave. i'm almost 24 and it's been almost 10 years that i've started out in creating fanfics. i think it's enough, nah? plus writing this post for you all has strangely made me feel calm, as a certain baggage has been let down from my shoulders.
thank you to you all from the past & the present. i hope you all stay well and healthy. it has been truly a good time to have you all with me.
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hazbincalifornia · 5 months
Hazbin Episode 1 Liveblog
In order to avoid this post getting Way Too Long, I'm going to make one post for episode one, and one for episode two!
I will say, I'm kinda sad we don't have a 'proper' theme song/intro, just the little jingle :( I do get it, but ah well.
Oh my god the commercial is even better in full.
How the fuck did he get Charlie to keep the name if it was still him???
Al's so fucking offended they're making him use a camera he made it one giant middle finger. I love it.
The voices are definitely going to take a bit of adjustment. It's probably because I've rewatched the pilot a zillion times, though.
I like how Alastor didn't even look at Angel. "Never going to happen!"
Awww, Charlie's ringtone for her dad is cute.
I DO really love Keith David as Husk right away, he suits the role perfectly.
"I like being forced!" and I love you, you weird little gremlin. Hoping for some good CNC stuff with her now, tbh. She'd be fun for it.
The flat delivery of 'crack is expensive' made me wheeze out loud.
Aaaa and here we go, full animation for Happy Day!
Why... why is the 'shoving barbed wire in your hole' guy an imp. Is that, like, his job or something. Is he just an asshole?
Ooooo, that was VAGGIE singing the 'bloodthirsty and deranged?' line? More fodder for her being a fallen angel/exterminator.
'Helluva post' for the mail. Ha.
This just made me fully realize how much the cannibal colony probably considers the post-extermination like a feast day.
Awww, the music note background is a fun touch.
Something about the fact that the 'touch my parts!' guy is a completely shapeless slug-creature instead of just keeping the dick offscreen makes it funnier.
Oh, I love Adam. The fun kind of punchable prick.
The animation seems a bit... overacted? I've noticed it all along but with Vaggie in the scene where she talks about making a new commercial especially. It sort of felt like they wanted to match the pilot's very snappy energy but weren't quite sure how, so everybody makes kind of... aimless motioning instead of moving with purpose, if it makes sense? It feels more like 'moving body parts for the sake of moving things' over 'moving with intent'. It's sort of awkward and distracting. The shifting proportions don't really help, but I just know people are going to be Fucking Annoying about that when it's unfortunately part of the package of making a whole season at once by a regular animation studio.
Oh yeah, Blake's perfect for Angel, lmao. It was more of a change than I expected from the few lines we'd gotten since they sounded more like the original, but he's got the energy.
Charlie didn't know Adam ran the angel army? That seems like the kind of thing she should have known. I wonder if she was relatively sheltered growing up.
'Call me dickmaster' why do I get the feeling the Chaz fans will like him, lmfao.
Since I'm on Adam though, another little groan to myself about the lack of fat characters in the hellaverse that aren't either gross stereotypes or background characters. Adam falls into the misogynist type, (like, the 'redditor', you know the one, just sort of mixed with a sleazy rockstar) Mammon's literally Greed and a talentless abuser, the lady at the pound was gross/uncaring and ugly, and I still think the Nurse was the only one that really broke the pattern and I've seen approximately one piece of fanart or mention of her ever (despite her clearly-developed positive relationship with Barbie!) and it was porn. I'm allowed to bitch on this after people were so fucking annoying about how wanting Bee to be fat was wanting her to be a 'gross ugly blob' and then saying other people were being fatphobic for pointing out everybody's skinny. Somehow. Anyway.
Well, at least they got the vagina joke out of the way early.
I love how his deal isn't for anything that would genuinely screw Vaggie over, he's just pissed they want him to deal with TV.
The fact that the pilot's still 'soft canon' makes sense with how Angel just immediately starts admiring his new clothes without any surprise, since it's happened before. Also, Niffty with the Marilyn pose is cute.
Oh, I'm definitely going to like Lute. I still like my idea she used to be close to Vaggie but when Vaggie was cast down, she stuck tighter to the rules.
Adam's song is fun!
So season 1 takes place over the course of six months? Huh. I'm guessing we'll have some time skips if we only have eight episodes.
I wonder what the Heaven Embassy is for? I can't imagine it's only for meetings like that considering there's couches in the lobby and stuff. Can sinners communicate with loved ones in heaven or vice versa, maybe, just using the holograms?
Oh my god the Katie voice IS basically just Brandon's Bryce voice. Amazing.
Ohoooo? VERY curious who managed to pull off killing an exterminator, and 'can't let them catch on'... hmm.
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Whump Intro
Hi, hello! 
Um, I’ve been avoiding this intro bc I am a shy awkward hermit that usually just lurks and likes stuff, but that doesn’t really work on Tumblr so here I am! Plus I wanted to use Whumptober to force myself into sharing my writing and figured it might be useful to introduce myself first.
You can call me starlit, or anna, or hey you, I don’t really care lol. She/her pronouns. I love reading fantasy & fantasy romance, writing, and playing RPG video games when I have the time (usually fantasy based-are we sensing a theme here? 😂)
Before we get to more about me nonsense-
Shout out to @i-can-even-burn-salad
For beta reading for me and then being brave enough to share her stories with me. And for sucking me into Tumbler lol. And for talking to me all the time and making me laugh. And for being such a great person. <3
I love her writing and stories so much. Please, please, check her writing out. It's worth it, I promise! Bring tissues though!!
Best internet friend ever trophy, where is it? I need to send it… oh, there it is. Here you go, Elli! 🏆🎉💜
I haven't had the opportunity to check out many other blogs yet, bc someone has such an extensive back catalog 👀 😂 but tagged below is the one I have read. I devoured Traces in one day because it was so good. Highly recommend!
Traces by @whumping-in-the-wings - Thanks for writing such a great story! Can't wait to see what happens next :)
(Obligatory disclaimer: heed the warnings. They are well-tagged.)
I've got my eye on several other blogs once I have a little more time. Hope ya'll like spam likes/reblogs/comments, bc I'm a bit enthusiastic 😂
Ok, back to me, I suppose. Under the cut 🤣
I tend to use emojis excessively, but don’t expect me to know the meaning of them beyond face-value expressions. I shamelessly claim elder millennial status as an excuse (which means I’m 18+, obviously).
I’m audhd (combo autistic/adhd), but I didn’t find that out until earlier this year, so I’m still very used to tiptoeing around people and holding myself back out of self-preservation. Working on that though, bc I’m tired of that shit. 
Erm, also… fuck is my favorite word. If you don’t like foul language, I might not be a great fit for you. 
I joined Tumblr about a month ago, so I am still learning and ask for your patience. (I will probably be learning for quite some time, tbh) If I’m doing something wrong, please let me know so I can fix it.
Asks are welcome, although not sure what you would ask me lol. With asks, keep in mind that I’m literal as fuck and context is everything :D
As is fairly common from what I’ve seen in this community, I’ve daydreamed whump for as long as I can remember, and it’s nice to:
1. know what to call it 🥲
2. find someplace where I don’t feel weird about getting it out of my head and putting it on digital paper. Well, not quite as weird haha.
I’m super nervous to post on here, but that’s what I’m here for, so… deep breaths 😶
*Fantasy whump 
Magic w/ consequences
Emotional whump/angst 
Defiant whumpee
Breaking whumpee to the point of hopeless despair before building them back up again
Revenge against whumper 
Creepy/intimate whumper 
Named characters 
Recovery arcs, bonus points for romance <3
Eventual Happy endings after copious amounts of suffering
I write what I like, btw. I have written explicit romance previously, but I’m not sure if I will here.
I will try to be diligent with my warnings, but as those are new for me as well, I may miss some. Please let me know if I do and I will fix it! (within reason, don't ask me to tag something like sadness. that's a typical emotion. extremes like depression, yes. sadness, no.)
* Disclaimer: I will only ever write fantasy. I prefer to read fantasy as well, but I have made exceptions when I get the tropes I want :D 
I’m willing to try most anything once. 
In general though, I tend to avoid cannibalism, major character death, hard-core conditioning, whumper redemptions, bad caretakers 
I’m excited to join the community here and looking forward to participating in Whumptober! I have no idea how well I’ll keep up since I only decided to write for it 3 days before the event, but I’m willing to try 😅
Even if I can’t keep up during October's events, I do plan to finish the storyline and there will be a happy end :D  
Fuck, this got long. Sorry!!!
See you all around! 💜
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0himio · 6 months
MDZS Fanfic Recs -- Completed
I am in such a MDZS rabbit hole and its driving me INSANE! I've never done this before, but here are a couple of completed MDZS fics that I saved. Not all of them are my top ones but I enjoyed them quite a bit. I don't think the characters went too OOC but having said that I can't tell too much. At least I know that they are goo goo gaa gaa OOC iykwim
Forget Myself in Memories
Ten years after the events of Guanyin temple, the juniors accidentally step into an array that sends them to the past, just before the beginning of the Sunshot Campaign
Author: geethr75 Words: 10,300 Chapters: 7
The ending is pretty sweet and it's a "juniors time travel and decide to fix things" trope. I'm a sucker for that type of thing and it's cool to see how the past interacts with the future -- especially since instead of the usual time travel to Cloud Recesses, they travel at the start of the Sunshot Campaign.
ghost (What's your name)
Wei Wuxian spends the 13 years after his death as a ghost, except that nobody outside of four little kids seems be able to see him.
Author: pearlAngel Words: 3,086 Chapters: 1
This goes into a bit of the perspective of all the juniors and their opinions on the Yiling Patriarch and how different his ghost is. NHS also shows up and his little section makes me tear up a ngl
When The Soul Returns Home
"Jiang Chenggggggg!" He whined, taking extra care not to jolt the man any harder than was comfortable, in fear of being whipped to death. "Heartless shidi, ignoring me. The least you could do is threaten to break my legs, you know." That last part came out more honest than he expected. Because yeah. He'd rather Jiang Cheng threaten him with Zidian for all he cared that he might die, hell he'd rather Jiang Cheng maul him right here right now than straight up looking through him as if he was glass. Jiang Cheng flinched upon contact, but he didn't turn. Wei Wuxian was only perceptive enough to notice the shiver through the thick fabric of his shoulder, gone in a second, replaced instead with firm, tense muscles. . During a night hunt, Wei Wuxian gets his body back and is now responsible for telling his shidi what happened without having a chance to escape. Of course that went wrong as well, but in a different way than he imagined. It seems like no matter what happened, Wei Wuxian will always be surprised by the sheer unconditionality of Jiang Cheng's love and faith.
Author: yue_yinbai Words: 11,164 Chapters: 1
This is an au where WWX gets his body back and he has a lot of mixed feelings about it. Many other people have feelings. There's a heart to heart and a make up/feelings session with WWX and JC that is really sad but sweet to read about.
A Grand Immortal Made Me Soup
One thing had become incredibly clear. Wei Ying was much sicker than he had thought he was, and as a result, was now hallucinating. There was no reality where a Grand Immortal had actually shown up in his apartment, yelled at him about his shit-hole residence, and fed him soup. Absolutely in no way was a Grand Immortal in his apartment, and shitting on him for not finding a place that banned pets.
Author: s6115 Words: 5,040 Chapters: 1
This one's just hella funny but there is a bit of angst. Its a mix of an immortal au and a reincarnation au where JC is an immortal and WWX reincarnates in the modern world. Lowkey felt bad but it's a really heartwarming story. There are a lot of things that WWX doesn't get but he's trying.
The One-Body Problem
The good news is that Lan Jingyi has found a mentor, friend, and constant companion through the difficulties in life. The bad news is that that’s because he’s been accidentally possessed by the Yiling Patriarch.
Author: metisket Words: 28,689 Chapters: 2
LJY acts without thinking and gets possessed by WWX. It's such an interesting concept, especially since they are both hiding things from each other the whole time. It's a bit of a joyride tbh since yk LJY and WWX make an interesting combo but it's one of my favs
Tell Them How the Crowds Went Wild, Tell Them How I Hope They Shine
A-Yuan knows he has to be very careful in his new home. He has to be mindful of the hem of his pristine white robes, cautious of the volume of his voice, dutiful in his manners. A-Yuan has to be very, very good. Really, really good. Because otherwise, Baba might have to leave, like Mama. A-Yuan did not want to lose Baba too. Or: A-Yuan did not forget everything of the Burial Mounds - he remembered a bright smile, a cheerful laugh, the warmth of strong arms, and a single name. It's up to Lan Wangji to make sure he does not forget it all.
Author: GinnyRose Words: 4,598 Chapters: 1
This is told in LSZ's point of view. It's a bit angsty but not too bad.
i don't know how to be something you miss (i'll watch your life in pictures like i used to watch you sleep)
Wei Wuxian died. That should've been the end of it. He gained consciousness again in the Jingshi, unable to leave, while Lan Wangji was in seclusion. He proceeded to watch A-Yuan grow up.
Author: mfingenius Words: 7,071 Chapters: 1
This one is kinda sad. Halfway through I lowkey almost cried because of how bad I felt. I don't want to spoil but this one gave me the feels. I love ghost WWX aus and I actively search for them but this one- *chefs kiss*
A Dramatic Reading
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian make out in a room full of Sect Leaders, Jiang Cheng tearfully declares his love for his estranged brother, Sect Leaders Yao and Ouyang beg for the Yiling Patriarch’s forgiveness, and Lan Qiren openly welcomes a new nephew-in-law into his family. None of them want to be doing any of this. Thanks to the Juniors, they don’t exactly have a choice. (Or, wherein the Juniors accidentally write a cursed fanfiction, and everyone has to reenact their parts in it, or potentially cease to exist).
Author: pupeez4eva Words: 5,627 Chapters: 1
This is such a crack fic but is so damn funny. Everyone just wants to kill the juniors because their guilty pleasure of writing wangxian fanfics gets outed. LWJ and WWX don't get together post-canon and the juniors got sick of them and started writing cringy fanfiction. This fic cured some of the angst I've been reading.
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karkat pov liveblog: hivebent, part 1
we begin in a lab on a meteor in the furthest ring.
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computer enhance.
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look at all those little goobers! i am not replaying this whole flash just for this moment but in lieu of that, here's hussie's commentary on the scene from the book, just for a bit of spice.
as far as i can tell, karkat's first chronological appearance in hivebent is 2177.
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vriska has just jumped tavros off a cliff, and he chooses to message karkat about it. im not sure what he hoped to get out of this since karkats only reply is characteristically snappy.
we then jump to 2025. karkat is messing around with some .~ATH files. in the middle of examining the mobius double reacharound virus (titled check_thii2_2hiit_out.~ATH), he gets trolled by its author. hello sollux.
CG: SO YOU MADE THIS GAME? TA: no no. TA: more liike ii adapted iit. CG: FROM WHAT. TA: 2ome crazy technology AA dug out of 2ome ruiin2. TA: havent you talked two her about iit? CG: MAN, NO. CG: I CAN'T TALK TO HER, SHE'S SO SPOOKY.
we start talking about the game that will take up the rest of karkats story, and get a hint about this mysterious "AA."
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he then hears crabdad complaining, and chooses to put this off...long enough to introduce himself, i guess.
karkat's introduction is 1992, written in a way directly referencing john's introduction.
Earth, also for convenient reference, is a planet that does not yet exist.
see how we are doing this? logical! earth doesnt exist yet, so of course we arent starting with the humans!
homestuck does not want me to read it chronologically. it is doing everything possible to stop me from reading it chronologically.
This game, for convenient reference, is a game that DOES NOT YET EXIST.
please. please let me obey chronology.
Later on, you would swap your modus with your hacker friend, a guy who unlike you happens to be competent with programming. It would only make sense.
i thought i would embark on this quest and find its purpose along my way. that purpose, it seems so far, is to acknowledge just how stupid this chronology is.
It is your sixth wriggling day, and as with all five preceding it blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
yeah i was about to say something like that. that being that i wont have much to say so long as the plot remains linear.
It figures that installing this new beta chat client would open the floodgates
i always forget that trollian was brand new when hivebent starts. i wonder what they used to message each other before then?
speaking of which, his first pesterlog after his introduction is page 2010, with gamzee. its kinda sad how mean karkat is to a lot of his friends tbh.
(apologies if the text is hard to read on dark mode. i use cyber theme myself and cant see a word gamzee says here)
according to the pov cam, the next page karkat is on chronologically is 2058. the great team divide / team leader argument of hivebent has officially begun, with karkat and terezi. and in the end, it wont even matter at all. lmao.
and apparently karkat intends to deal with his quite grumpy crabdad at the end of this conversation.
but then his computer explodes.
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interesting. sburb equipment already? i suppose he was right:
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welp. guess he didnt have to deal with him after all. although the drawing on the fridge is very cute.
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terezi has continued to make progress on his hive...
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and he gets his new weapon...
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only to find his toilet detached from its fixings.
karkat, i think you are a bit behind on what this game is going to be like. yet you are already on your planet despite that!
i gotta go now but ill be back
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