#like I’ll be real with the 1k of you who followed me here
adxmanial · 1 year
the death of Twitter has brought me peace tbh
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slutspinks · 20 days
obsessed — logan howlet
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synopsis what started as a normal crush, developed into sweet obsession.
this fic contains: stalking, obsessive!logan, usual shit from wade but he is a bit serious here, fem!reader, stealing, home breaking?, foul language, m masturbation. logan acts like a a real perv.
author's note: sometimes, I wonder what’s wrong with me. I can’t believe I wrote a whole fic of logan jerking off to your panties. this is just a quick one shot, I think, not a whole fic. basically I resumed what could’ve been a 5k word story to less than 1K word— maybe I’ll write a second part where you fuck.
Lately, Logan has been thinking.
Thinking about you, Wade’s sweet childhood friend who lives next door.
And thinking about the way your footsteps echoed down the hall whenever you were off to work— your heels clicking with a slow pace and sometimes a bit more rushed because you were running late. His eyes would linger in the humidity spot in the living room ceiling, trying to conceive a picture of what were you wearing that day, even though he knew the answer already. Every day, you wore the same pencil skirt with a satin white shirt— except for Friday’s, that day you always wore dark grey pants. He knew because he followed you to work and back home, taking care of you.
He also could remember the way you’d look at him whenever Wade invited you over, you considered him your friend, even if everything you knew was a mask he put on so you wouldn’t notice what was really happening to him.
He wasn’t soft, not even a bit. But since the first time he met you, he decided he didn’t want you to see him with his usual brooding and grumpy self.
And that’s why he would help carry your groceries inside home, checking up on your pet cat and also watering your plants whenever you were away at your grandmas house for the weekend. He wanted to seem good and kind. That’s why he didn’t complain when you’d drag him and Wade to some rerun of your favorite movies— even if he didn’t like being around Wade in closed spaces.
His roommate’s footsteps distracted him from his train of thought about you, his usual witty remarks weren’t funny anymore and instead caused Logan’s head to throb at every word.
“… And then the asshole turned around and said, I’m gonna take her on a date! How dares he?- I mean sweet (y/n) definitely wouldn’t date that horrible imitation of Nick Cage”, Wade said, his hands taking a spoon and a bowl, opening the cupboard and taking out the cereal box and milk. Logan’s ears perked up to that, Who wanted to date you? After a few minutes later, he dared to ask.
“W-what did you just say?”, he asked, his hands lifting the spare blanket off his body. Wade’s non-existent eyebrow raised, “That I haven’t gone to the bathroom all week?”.
“No, idiot. You say somethin’ about a date and (y/n)?”, he grunted.
Wade smiled, milk spilling from the corners of his mouth, “Oh, pretty (y/n) is a heartbreaker, she’s rejected all the guys at work. They’re all assholes, but hear me out, that Nick Cage low-budget-imitation dude sure wants to get in her pants— or should I say skirt?— Don’t care, he just wants a taste of our sweet (y/n)”.
Logan groaned and got up, walking to the cupboard of the kitchen and taking a bourbon bottle, drinking a big gulp. Wade whistled, eyes wide and a teasing smirk on his lips, “You sure are a thirsty honey badger”.
“Fuck off”, Logan said.
Wade gave a sigh, leaving the spoon rest in his bowl, “Peanut, I know you like my sweet girl— just admit it. Carrying groceries, watering plants, taking care of her fucking cat!- Hell, you even fixed her plumbing. You don’t do shit here, but you’re trying to get on her good side aren’t ya?”.
Logan couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit ashamed, yes he wanted to get on your good side by doing charity work and Wade wasn’t dumb. If he was that good deciphering, then he surely knew about the missing things from your apartment were his doing— misplaced underwear, cups and shirts.
Wade sighed, giving Logan a serious glare “Look, I know you want to get laid and I understand— you’re like two-hundred years old and probably haven’t fucked in decades, but don’t hurt her, she’s my only friend”.
Logan chuckled bitterly, shaking his head, “She’s not even interested in me, bub”.
Wade rolled his eyes, “You’re so fucking dumb— she comes every Friday night to eat pizza and watch cringey rom-coms with us, she usually never came around much because she was always tired with work so I crashed at her place, but all of a sudden she wants to be here every. fucking. Friday. Explain that, idiot”.
He tastes Wade’s words cautiously, all this time he’s been harboring a crush he thought wasn’t reciprocal— he just knew you could not fall for an old man like him, you were young and very intelligent, so his little fantasies had to be just that, fantasies.
But Wade was igniting something he shouldn’t, he was giving Logan hope that maybe, a sweet girl like you, could fall for him.
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It all got worse.
Logan spent more time snooping around your apartment than on his own— or well shared one— he just couldn’t help it anymore.
His dark hoodie covered the imminent guilt slowly creeping through him, a thin silk pink pantie around his fingers and your apartment’s key heavy on his jeans front pocket. Breaking into your apartment was an easy task, you weren’t home and you asked him to come and check on things as usual saying how much you loved your plants and cat but weren’t able to take them with you, so he acted good.
He promised to take care of them.
When you weren’t here, he’d invite himself in with the copy of your key— trying to get rid of the guilt feeling on his bones whenever you’d look at him with sparkling eyes, extending your own keys with eagerness every Saturday.
Hopefully, that guy at the office already got over you, if the multiple threats Logan made worked.
Today was Thursday, just another day until you crashed at Wade’s and Logan could finally see you. Another day where he’d lie about his whereabouts, saying something about taking Laura to swimming lessons on Wednesdays and his new fake job at this repair shop taking too much time any other day of the week.
“Where have you been, Peanut?”, Wade asks the moment Logan steps through the door, his hands resting inside his hoodie pocket.
“Watering plants”, he shortly responds, moving across the room to the kitchen, his eyes falling on yours and then to the bowls filled with popcorn and candies.
“Hey, Lo”, you greeted with a smile, his heart skipping a beat.
“What are you doing here? ‘S not Friday yet”, he asked, his clammy fingers rubbing against the fabric hidden in his pocket.
“Oh I know! But Wade was insisting I should come and check this rom-com with Nicholas Cage— Are you taking care of other apartments?”, you asked, your eyes traveling across his rigid form and parted lips.
“Uhm no”, he let out. You furrowed your brows but nodded, deciding to not say anything.
“Oh, if it’s difficult for you to check on mine’s alright, I can always ask Wade or Mr. Johnson”, your sweet voice reassured, a tent forming in his jeans. He quickly shook his head no, “Don’t worry, yours is the only one”.
After changing his clothes and hiding your panties deep inside his jeans back pocket, he finally relaxed and watched the movie— his arms stayed the whole time on the couch’s rest, hands playing with your soft hair every now and then. When you left, he waited until Wade stopped his usual rambling before going to his spot on the couch. Listening to Wade’s snores through the walls after a few minutes.
He couldn’t stop thinking about you, his body was restless, changing positions every three seconds. Then he finally stopped, his eyes glueing to the ceiling his jeans constricting his aching erection.
Freeing it from its confinement, his hand took it in a tight grip, squeezing and thumb moving to the head, wiping the precum drop that gathered there. It felt hard as steel, his hand squeezing a bit tighter moving up and down slowly. He didn’t think he’d last, he’s been horny since a few weeks ago, but these last few days, he felt he could explode just by looking at you. All the blood running south the moment his eyes stopped on your work attire, your ass shaped perfectly.
He could almost imagine the softness of your skin under his hands, the way your chest would heave up and down with every touch— he wasn’t even a bit ashamed.
He also couldn’t feel ashamed of the way his nostrils inhaled your scent— your stolen panties on his left hand while his right one jerked his dick off.
He was close, so close…
At the same time, his mind conjured a sweet illusion. Your finger working on your clit and pretty tits moving up and down at the same time your breath came out ragged.
Moving the blanket out of the way, the air hit his hot shaft, making a shiver creep but disappearing as soon as he came.
With your panties in hand, he cleaned all the mess.
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tgms · 3 months
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fight! — togame jo
you only wanted to try throwing a real punch! too bad your overprotective boyfriend has other plans. (wc: 1k)
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“make sure your thumb’snt in your fist,” togame explained from over your shoulder. “line your feet up with your shoulders and put one forward—like that. good girl.”
you stand in the middle of your room, arms up like you’re ready to fight, hands formed into fists (thumbs on the outside!). togame stands behind you, big hands resting on your waist as he guides you to a proper fighting stance.
you giggle at the praise, craning your head back to lock eyes with him. you purse your lips a little, and he sighs before ducking his head down and planting a quick kiss.
“you happy now? if you needa punch someone, stand like this and aim for his nose or kick his balls.”
“mhm. thanks for teaching me, y’re the best,” you grinned back at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “but how ‘bout that reverse arm breaker thing you did? said you’d show me how to do that.”
“maybe next time. no need to worry your pretty head over that,” togame said, ignoring your immediate pout and pressing his thumb into your bottom lip to smooth it out. “lemme take care of all the fighting for you, ‘kay?”
the pout on your face deepened, your body already starting to pull away from togame’s. his grip on your sides tightened slightly and he turned you to face him fully.
“next time, baby,” he sighed out. he could never win against you. “dinner first, then we’ll see.”
you brightened up considerably, arms reaching up to wind around his neck. you planted another kiss on his cheek, laughing slightly at the air he blew on your neck.
“dinner first!” you promised, eyes glistening. “can i pick?”
which is how he ended up here, in an alleyway after dinner with an empty wallet and a group of guys giving him the stink eye. and of course, you with your arm wrapped prettily around his. why you picked a hole-in-the-wall dingy izakaya in the middle of the worst part of the city is beyond him.
“you know them?” you asked togame, eyes following the group of guys who were sneering at your boyfriend.
“had a little scuffle with ‘em last night. don’t worry ‘bout it,” he replied, sharp eyes directed to the supposed ringleader.
“were they weak?”
“very weak. made them eat shit.”
“can i try then?” you stopped midstep, looking up expectantly at togame.
“no,” he shot back quickly, almost cutting you off.
“you didn’t even let me finish!”
“i know what you’re gonna say, baby. and my answer’s no. no fighting for you.”
you stayed rooted in your spot, still a good three-quarters of the alleyway left before you reached the main street.
“if you let me punch one of them i’ll stop asking you to teach me,” you proposed.
“still no.”
“and i promise to stay away from any fights from now on. for real,” you threw in, tugging down on togame’s arm to get him to look at you. “and if i don’t have any cuts i’ll do anything you want.”
he turned his head slightly, eyes staring down into yours in a silent battle. you could almost see the cogs turning in his head as he weighed out the pros and cons of letting you do as you please.
pros: you’ll finally stop asking him to let you fight.
cons: you’re gonna fight.
after a couple more seconds of silence, togame threw his head back and groaned, one hand moving down to snake around your waist and the other coming up to toussle his hair.
“fine. you know i can never say no to you. i don’t wanna hear another word about fighting after this, got it?
you squealed in excitement, hopping up on your tip-toes to plant a smooch right next to his mouth.
“you missed,” he grumbled under his breath, hands flexing against your hips. you hummed, missing his words in your excitement of your first ‘fight.’
“which one should i go for?”
“that one in the front,” togame leaned down, voice low. “apparently their leader but he’s weak as shit. don’t worry ‘bout the rest.”
you beamed up at him again, giving him another quick kiss before practically skipping over to the small group.
“remember, no cuts!” togame called out after you. you didn’t bother replying to him or acknowleding his words. he grinned a bit, at least you listened when he said to never look away from your opponents.
togame stood a few steps away, watching as you exchanged quiet words with the leader of the group and laughing inwardly at the confusion that continued to show on his face, panicked eyes switching from you to togame.
and suddenly a loud crunch echoed through the air and the guy was on his back, uncomfortably laying on bags of trash. a hand came up to cup his bleeding nose while the rest of his group stared in shock, jaws hanging open.
you happily walked back to togame, smile as bright as ever and pride evident in your eyes. you lifted up one of togame’s arms, settling it around yourself as you started walking toward the main street.
“i did good, didn’t i?” you asked, beaming up at togame. the arm around your shoulders shook as he laughed, deep and hearty as always, but with something a little more that you couldn’t quite put a finger on.
“so good, baby,” he grinned, pressing his lips to your temple. “you always listen so well.”
his words sent butterflies straight to your stomach, and you couldn’t help the way you squirmed a little in his grasp.
“and no cuts!” you proudly showed off your knuckles, skin just as smooth as before your little fight.
“wow. looks like i get a wish, then,” he grabbed your hand and brought it up for closer inspection, placing gentle kisses on your knuckles after he deemed your skin injury-free. “dinner on you for the next week? or maybe you should take out the ori’s trash tomorrow.”
“no wait, stop,” you said, panic filling your voice. “anything but the trash, jo. you can’t make me!”
he laughed again, that same something still lingering.
“well how about i show you just how good you were today and we’ll call it even?”
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notes: i literally want him so bad wtf. talk to me if u enjoyed!
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One Thing Right Pairing - Anakin Skywalker x female!Reader Summary - It's all over. After months of trying to complete your mission, Anakin and Palpatine have got you in their grasp. Word Count - 1k Warnings/Notes - Language. Some references to sexual content. This is in the same universe as The Separatist and the Jedi, so if you haven't read that you might want to so it makes a little more sense. :)
This was not where you thought everything was going to end. 
To be honest, you hadn’t spent much time thinking about it. All you had been concerned with for so long was making sure that you did everything that your Master had asked of you. It was the least you could do for the man that had pulled you out of obscurity and given you a purpose. 
A purpose that seemed like it was going to end here, with the creepy ass Emperor smiling in the background and Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber against your throat. The tables had turned, that much was for sure. Neither you or your Master had anticipated the Sith Lord to act so quickly, and now you were about to die because of it. 
You weren’t going to go down blubbering like a pathetic idiot though. “You know we’ve been in this position before.” You reminded him, biting on your bottom lip. “It was much more fun that time.” You said, casting a glance up and down that body you knew so well. 
“How many times do I have to tell you to be quiet before you actually do it?” He hissed, bringing his lightsaber even closer to your skin. 
“Just reminiscing, Skywalker.” You replied, trying to ignore the rising panic inside of you as you felt the burn against your neck. “If you’re about to kill me, I should be thinking about the good times, right? Like when you were fu -”
“Enough!” Came the Emperor’s demanding voice, but Anakin’s eyes didn’t leave your face. 
His gaze was piercing into yours so harshly you wanted to pull away, but you refused to back down and look away. “You lied to me.” Anakin said, and although he tried to hide it, you saw it. The glimpse of hurt. 
It egged you on. “Cheated too.” When his eyes flashed with even more pain, as he took your words the wrong way, you ate it up. “I never really won that game of Sabacc. I had cards up my sleeves.” You told him with a teasing grin. 
He didn’t return it. Instead he leaned even closer. “That night. Was that a lie too?” 
Abruptly the humor left you. There was no question what night he was talking about. The night he had found you sobbing in the destruction of a fight between the Jedi and Separatists, cradling a little girl’s body in your arms who had reminded you so much of . . . “No,” You replied, not a trace of anything but sincerity in your tone this time. “That was real.” 
The tension in the room as Anakin studied your face was so thick you could feel it in every breath that you took. It seemed like minutes had passed before you couldn’t take it anymore. 
“If you’re going to kill me, just go ahead and do it already.” You hissed at him, leaning so close to him you felt the slightest burn on your neck from his lightsaber. “If you don’t, your Master will do it anyway.” 
His jaw tensed, and his nostrils flared in the same way they always did when you pissed him off, and in the next moment you were lying on the ground, eyes wide and startled as Anakin’s lightsaber deactivated and he turned back to face the Emperor. “She’s useful. It’d be a waste to kill her.” 
“She tried to kill me. There’s no room for negotiations here.” the Emperor replied, his voice like nails on a chalkboard to your ears. 
“And if I kill her, her Master will simply follow, perhaps at a moment when I’m not here to protect you. If instead I let her take me back to her master, I can cut off -”
“I’ll never give him up -!”
There was no time for you to prepare yourself for the onslaught of lightning that came from his hands, attacking your body in a painful way that had your back arching off the floor and clenching your fists. But your Master had made sure you were prepared for something like this, and you didn’t make a sound, even as sweat poured down your face and your insides felt as if they had been lit with fire. 
Then, just as suddenly as it had started, the pain left, and you couldn’t fight the urge to gasp in relief, your hand clutching your chest. 
“Can you convince her?” The Emperor asked as if he hadn’t just almost killed you. 
“I can be very persuasive.” Anakin said, and even though you couldn’t see his face, you could hear the cockiness in his voice. 
You would never do it. You would never betray your Master, even for Anakin. But this time you knew better than to open your mouth and say something about it. 
There was silence as the Emperor seemed to think about Anakin’s offer, which was insane to you. Either he grossly overestimated Anakin, or underestimated your Master. Either one would lead to a mistake. “You have one week, and then you’re to meet me on Mustafar.” 
“Yes, Master.” Before you could even comprehend what had just happened, Anakin pulled you to your feet and started pulling you out the door, keeping a tight grip on your hands. 
“Anakin.” The Emperor’s raspy voice made him freeze in his tracks. “Do not fail me.” He threatened. 
He paused for a moment, and then nodded. “Yes, Master,” he repeated, and then began dragging you out the door once more. 
Furious at how that situation had transpired, you couldn’t help but goad the man who was now your captor. “I thought you hated being an apprentice? Never appreciated for your talents? Funny how you leave one Master to go to another one who still treats you as if you’re beneath him.” You hissed. 
His grip tightened on your wrists to a painful level, but you refused to show any sign of it. 
“I’m never going to tell you where my Master is.” You continued, “I would rather die than betray him, so you might as well kill me now and go crawling back on your knees to your wrinkly old Master to beg for -”
You couldn’t help it this time. You let out a gasp as he turned sharply down an empty hall and shoved you roughly against the wall, pressing every inch of his body against yours in such a way it was almost suffocating. “I’m not going to be begging for anything anymore.” He said harshly, his hot breath fanning your cheeks. 
A slight smirk fell on your lips as you forced your eyes away from his ice cold ones to travel as far down as he allowed. “Anything? Even my lips around your -”
He moved so fast you didn’t have time to prepare yourself. In seconds he had gripped your hair in his fist and yanked down on it hard, forcing your eyes back up to his. “Drop the mask.” Anakin said, his nose brushing against your own. 
His words were so out of nowhere it felt like your brain short circuited. “I - What?” You said, more out of breath than you wanted to be at this moment. 
“I know you.” His words had turned steady, sure. “You made a mistake. I’ve seen who you really are beneath everything you try to hide behind.” 
You wanted to deny it, and you shook your head, but before you could say anything, you felt the softest pressure of his lips against your own. You eyes closed involuntarily, and you held your breath, waiting for the kiss . . . 
But it never came. 
“And you will take me to where your Master is,” he whispered against your lips. “Because I know he wants me on his side just as much as the Emperor wants me on his.” 
Your eyes flashed open in shock that you were unable to hide from his piercing blue ones. “You don’t know that.” You said quickly. 
But Anakin was smirking. “Why else would he have asked you to come after me?” 
Even though your heart was still playing catch up, your training was several steps ahead of you, a small smile forming on your lips without even thinking about it. “You sure do think highly of yourself, don’t you golden boy?” 
Anakin’s smirk dropped. “Are you going to take me to him or not?” 
You glanced up at the ceiling as if deep in thought, and you could practically feel the tension in his body rising as you didn’t speak. Finally, after several seconds, you decided to put him out of his misery. “Fine. As long as I get to drive, and let him know we’re coming.” You said, bringing your gaze to meet his again. “Got to let him know my mission to bring you to him was successful.” 
His eyes were like icicles, stabbing directly into your chest. At this moment, there was no doubt in your mind that Anakin Skywalker hated you. In fact, hate probably wasn’t a strong enough word. He loathed you. If the ground opened up right now and swallowed you whole, he wouldn’t lament your death for one moment. 
It was good. Better for him to think that your plan was to seduce him the whole time than to know that you’d fallen in love with him.
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tallulahneale · 24 days
Title: You play too much
Pairing: Vince staples x fem!reader
Summary: Home girl who loves to get ate but doesn’t suckie suckie and wants to prove Vince wrong.
Word count: 1k
a/n: Where are all the Vince Staples lovers at?!?!
Tagline: “I’m not selfish”
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Friday night and all the guys on your roster had served their purpose. Eating you out. You enjoyed it more than any other intimate act. So with nothing to do, you hit up your homeboy Vince. You and Vince go back since kindergarten, kinda drifted apart during high school but y’all reconnected during college.
You check the time, 5:18pm. “It’s not that late and chick-fil-a has drive-in perfect!” You thought to yourself. You reach for your phone to call Vince, he’s a homebody so you know he’ll be down to kick it with you.
*Ring ring*
“Hello?” Vince answers.
“Can you pick up some chick-fil-a pleaseeee? I’m peckish and bored.”
“Hello to you too nigga. Get you some manners”
You pause. You know he’s serious and you don’t like that.
“…”, ignoring what he said.
“… y/n, I know you can hear me” he continues, sounding unbothered.
“I want ice tea this time please. Ohh and the new honey pepper sandwiches! Thank youuu”
“Why you always like this bruh? FYI, you need some salad in your diet…”
“Hey! Be Nice!”
“Says the person that can’t even say hello.”
This nigga always doing the most, you thought to yourself.
“You’re coming over anyway so I’ll say hello when you get here. Killing two birds with one stone.” You replied smartly.
“Whatever cuh, I’ll be at yours around 6.”
“Okay; thank youuuu! Byeeee!”
“See you so-“
You cleaned up around the flat and went to freshen up. Changing into your nightgown, the one that kept granny pregnant and all her bills paid! It’s extra comfy and you didn’t want to tease Vince. Recently, he’s been calling you out on a lot of your bs and you didn’t want to hear it today. Plus you knew you weren’t going out, once Vince came you’ll probably watch movies till you fall asleep.
The buzzer rings and you press the intercom, already knowing it’s Vince. You look at your outfit one more time to make sure you look presentable.
*Knock knock*
You open the door and see the bag of food on your welcome mat.
“I know damn well he didn’t just drop my food on the mat like I’m a raccoon.”
Vince jumps out the corner, startling you.
“Vince! Don’t do that! You know how I be spazzing out!” You give him a hug, “How have you been?”
Vince picks up the bags and follows you in.
“I’ve been good you know. Just getting ready for the Black in America Tour and the new season of the show, you know the usual.”
“I hear that! I’m hella excited for all of it, you really deserve all and more!”, you beam.
“I really appreciate that and you too cuh. You the homie for real.” He said giving you a hug before settling down on the couch.
“You’re welcome. You can pick what to watch, I’ve just been watching re-runs and I’m bored of them too.”
“Alright, but don’t complain when I pick one of my favourite 80s show.”
You grab a plate and a tray for the food. Just as you set it on the table, you hear your phone ringing. You check to see Peter Peter pumpkin eater calling. Vince sees it too and shakes his head. “Here we go again”, you thought to yourself.
“Why are you shaking your head like that?” You ask, knowing he’s about to say the truth that you’ve been avoiding.
Vince stares straight at you with an unimpressed expression “Why you save his name like that?” He says.
“You know why V, don’t make me say it.”
Sometimes you feel shy talking about intimate things with him, maybe because you know he’s cute but he’s your homeboy and you want to respect that boundary.
“First of all, that’s weird because the story is about a husband whose wife cheats and doesn’t know how to keep her. Secondly, I’ve seen Marcus the muncher, Louis the licker and Simon the sucker all call you before. Y/N you are creative af but you’re still wrong for all that.”
“You bet not be judging me like you don’t have a list of girl names saved worse and anyway, why you be looking at my phone. Mind your business sometimes” you say, feeling heated and a bit embarrassed.
“I know you’re still doing the “get licked and get kicked” out. Selfish ass.”
“I’m not selfish!” You exclaim.
“… I’m not! Quit tryna get me to feel guilty. You know what, I’mma prove you wrong. Tired of you being all high and mighty.”
You go to sit down on the couch right beside him, staring shyly into his eyes. He looks back at you with an intense smouldering expression. You’re not sure what he’s thinking so you ignore it. You gently run your fingertips across his bare arms, tracing his veins which draw your attention more than usual. You wink at him again before looking away. You bend over, arching your back closer to his zip, slowly pulling down, you realise that his little big friend is awake. Just as you’re about to pull it out, you look up and whisper to him…
“I told you I’m not selfish.”
You smirk and sip your ice tea.
——The End——
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menofchaos · 7 months
Part VI: His Eyes
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Note: I’m not sure when I hit 1k followers but I wanna thank all of you from the bottom of my heart! Thank you for reading my stuff and loving these boys with me. In other news, I'm back with our favorite jailbird and her journey with our favorite sniper. If anyone wants more, please reblog, like, comment or let me know in my ask! I love hearing feedback on my stuff and talking about Coco ofc. Gif credit to the talented @thesewickedhands and divider credit to @spideyspeaches.
Part V
I’m so sorry our visit got cut short. I was so fucking pissed. When I first got in here, I would cause trouble all the time. I don’t really have a life outside so I didn’t care if I got extra time. I haven’t really been rolling like that for a while because I’m fucking tired of doing time. I wanna drink and fuck and be outside. Do whatever I want, you know? But one of my bunkies allegedly got in a fight on the yard and the cops assumed I orchestrated it which is fucking stupid. They suspended my mail privileges “as a precaution.” Pendejos. You’re literally the only one I talk to. They just fuck with me when they can. We were just getting comfortable :( Hopefully those dickwads didn’t put you off to another visit? Or put you off me in general? I liked seeing you. Did you ever cut that girl off? How’s your daughter? I’m working on another tattoo for you. I feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever and I don’t like it. 
PS I miss those beautiful eyes
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Ma I’m not gonna lie. I was worried. I’m glad you’re okay tho. COs are always shit. They definitely didn’t put me off you or another visit. I’ll check work tomorrow and let you know when I can come back. My first stint I felt the same way. No family who gives a fuck, friends who forget about you as soon as the cop car is around the block. When you get out, we’ll meet up and I’ll help you do all the things you missed. If you’re down. My kid is good, she thought it was so hilarious that I was worried. I don’t usually get worked up over women like that. I did cut the one chick off, sorta abandoned the whole roster now that I think about it. What are you drawing me now? I’m definitely missing watching you squirm from just looking at you. Be good so I can come back for a full visit.
PS and your drama ain’t a burden. I got you. 
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Your last letter made me feel more than my entire last relationship. Fuck. I’m good, I promise. All in one pretty little piece where you left me. Where do I even start? I believe you just offered to fuck me and the thought of your eyes during sex? I’m tingling. You were worried about me? Worked up about me? I have a feeling that doesn’t happen at all and that makes me happy. Because I don’t usually get attached easily either but I think I am. At least I feel it with you. I don’t wanna ruin this though, for once in my life. You’re saying all the right things which scares the shit out of me but in the way that makes me wanna keep going. Does that make sense? I might be rambling. I’m just happy that you’re still wanting to be around at all. You abandoned the roster?? How come? The new drawing is a surprise.
PS you say that now. Wait till I fuck up.
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You’re funny. Your ex really ain’t shit if one letter from me made you feel more than his whole time with you. But I like that. You really into my eyes baby? Cause I liked watching you. I’ll make you feel more than a tingle when I get my hands on you for real. You’re right, I don’t get attached. But you made a lot of sense because I felt like I was reading my own thoughts. I wanna be careful with this. With you. I’m not going anywhere. We just gotta go with it for now, see where it takes us. I got a brother who can teach you how to handle a tattoo machine if you wanna learn. Won’t treat you like a shitty apprentice or anything either. I checked my work schedule. Three weeks and I’ll be back. I promise. I didn’t abandon the roster on purpose. I guess I just got bored of them.
PS I fuck up too. So I get it.
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My ex definitely wasn’t shit. Storing my shit while I’m locked up is the nicest thing he ever did for me. Fuck, getting your hands on me? That’s what you’re gonna say to me? Remember tho, I told you no dude has ever got me off. I’m glad we’re on the same page about this. For once, it feels nice to give a fuck. Especially since I know you get me. I’ve always wanted to be a tattoo artist and learn how to tattoo the right way. I’ve done a few tattoos when I was locked up but that’s it. You don’t have to ask him if you don’t want to. I can figure something else out. THREE WEEKS?!!! :) I can’t wait. Can we hug this time? I wanna cop a feel ;)
PS you always do.
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Coco walked into the clubhouse, looking around quietly. Taza walked out from the bathroom, “Hermano,” he smiled, “You good?”
He nodded, “Yeah, man. You?”
Taza squeezed his shoulder, “All good. You looking for someone?”
“Hank?” he asked.
“He’s in the office,” Taza told him before heading to the bar.
Coco walked back outside, lighting a cigarette as he headed up to the office. When he opened the door, Hank was standing over Chucky’s shoulder with a stack of papers in his hand.
Chucky looked up and grinned, “Coco.”
Coco nodded, “Chucky. Hank.”
Hank glanced back at him through a pair of black rimmed glasses, “Bishop need me?”
“No, I uh…wanted to ask you something. Alone,” he added after a pause.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” Hank said and turned his attention back to the computer.
Coco went back outside but stayed close to the building, hiding from the harsh sun. He listened to Hank and Chucky go back and forth, a fond smile on his face. The door pushed open to reveal Hank, glasses off and no papers.
“Sorry, this customer keeps calling in, wanting impossible shit. Next time he starts demanding, I’m telling him to deal or I’m gonna beat his ass,” he shook his head as he lit a cigarette, “What’s up?” 
“I just had a favor to ask,” Coco murmured, “I have this…friend. She’s a dope artist and she wants to learn to tattoo.”
Hank smiled, “Have her come in, I’ll teach her.”
Coco put out his cigarette, “She can’t yet. She’s uh…she’s serving time.”
“This the girl I keep hearing about from the other guys?” Hank asked, “Why you were so upset a while back?”
He glanced over Hank’s shoulder at Gilly and Angel, cracking jokes and fixing a bike together. He nodded, “Yeah, she wrote me again. She’s alright.”
Hank followed his gaze and looked back at Coco, “You like this girl?“
Coco was smiling before he realized it, “Yeah. I do.”
“Good for you,” he pat Coco’s back, “Bring her in when she gets out. Teach her everything I know.”
“Thanks man,” Coco smiled, “I appreciate it.”
Hank nodded and went back in the office.
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Would you rather me hold your stuff? We can hug this visit. I wanna cop a feel too. I can’t wait to see you baby. I remember you telling me no guy has ever gotten you off, bet I’ll be the first. I’ll come pick you up when you get out. Get you some tequila, take you to a beach house and make you cum all night. Order room service for whatever food you want. Sound like a good first day? I did a few things and you’re probably not gonna like them because I know you don’t like asking for shit. But I did it anyway. My brother said he’s down to teach you to tattoo when you get out. I also put money on your books. Not a lot. Stop glaring at me, I can feel the dirty look from here. Trust me, it’s for a selfish reason.
PS I gotta head out of town for a minute so I probably won’t be able to respond to your next letter until after my next visit. 10 days.
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You did not just offer to hold my stuff for me. And you sent money! Why? You’re right, I don’t like asking for shit. I don’t deserve you. What’s the selfish reason? That description of a first day made my nipples hard. Can it be a private beach so we can spend the whole time naked? Also thank your brother for me. My bunkie and your brother (same one?) are planning on meeting when she gets out. She has way less time than me. I don’t think I could’ve waited that long, not with the way those eyes made me feel when I saw them the first time. Ride safe, come to the visit in one piece please. 
PS you’ll get your new drawing at the visit! 5 days!!!
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Coco felt much different as he went through the motions for their second visit. He knew her better. He knew she felt something too. Something more. He sat down at the table, his eyes trained on the door. They swung open and he leaned back when a different inmate walked in. He heard a loud laugh from around the corner and his heart skipped. He stood up as Nyx walked in, a huge smile on her face as she joked with the woman in front of her. Her eyes found his while she was being uncuffed and her face lit up even more. 
“There you are,” she rubbed her wrists as she walked over.
“You okay?” he asked, stumbling when she threw herself into his arms.
Coco pulled her into a tight hug, smiling softly when he felt her tremble. He rubbed her back and closed his eyes, holding her close until a CO called her name. She sat down and looked away, bringing a hand up to her eyes.
“You okay?” he asked again, a little softer as he took her hand. He felt remnants of tears on her fingers, still watching her intently.
“Even your concerned stare makes me feel squirmy,” she joked, squeezing his hand, “I’m okay. I’m happy to see you. How was your trip?”
He smiled softly, “Long, too hot. Boring. Missed you.”
Nyx pushed some loose hair out of her eyes, “I missed you too. Now tell me why you put money on my books.”
“Cause I want you to call me,” he smirked, “Don’t wanna just hear your voice when I can make it over here.”
“You’re a secret romantic,” Nyx grinned.
He held up a finger to his lips and winked. She laughed and reached into her pocket. She set a folded piece of paper on the table.
“For me?” he asked, glancing at a curious CO.
“The drawing, remember?” she murmured, “I finished it. I mean, this one’s not really a tattoo. I just…started thinking about you and this came out.”
“Really?” Coco took the paper, “Should I look now?”
She nodded, “I didn’t get to see your reaction to the first one.”
He let her hand go and unfolded the paper, his eyes wide. It was a drawing of the two of them, Nyx in a bikini, Coco in swim trunks. It looked like a photo from a beach day. He looked up to see her fidgeting nervously with her id bracelet.
“This is crazy, baby,” he murmured, “You did all this from memory?”
“Yeah,” she smiled softly, “I kinda guessed on your tattoos and shit since I’ve only seen you dressed. So far,” Coco smirked, “But yeah.”
“Good enough till we get a real one,” he smiled and folded it back up, “I love it,” he tried to play it cool but it felt like his heart was about to fly out of his chest.
Her eyes lit up, “Really?”
He nodded, “Hell yeah,” he put it in his shirt pocket, “Thank you.”
“It was inspired by your offer on my first day out,” she admitted, lacing their fingers together when he reached out again.
“Just let me know the date and I’ll be here,” he said, squeezing her hand.
“I still have a while to go,” she told him, “I get it if you don’t want to wait.”
Coco watched her body language change as she offered him an out. He tightened his grip on her hand, “Hey, what’d I say?” he murmured, “I got you. I’m not letting you rot in here. Not anymore.”
Nyx looked away before he saw the tears pooling in her eyes. He squeezed her hand again and she smiled uneasily.
“You gotta stop saying all the right things,” she joked.
“So I shouldn’t ask if you want me to hold your stuff again?” he smiled.
She laughed and wiped her eyes, “I can’t even help you move it, so no. It’ll be fine.”
He shook his head, “Nah, I didn’t ask for help. I don’t want him to pull some shit but if you don’t want to, I won’t.”
She frowned, “I just don’t wanna be a - “
“You aren’t a burden, baby,” he murmured, “I offered. And I got a team of brothers ready to help.”
“It would be nice to be done with him,” she admitted, “I just…what if something bad happens to us?”
Coco laced their fingers together, “I won’t take it out on your stuff, I swear,” he crossed his heart with his free hand.
Nyx smiled, “Cross your heart?”
“Hope to die,” he winked, grinning when she laughed.
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Replaying the way you clung to me during our second hug. How you felt in my arms. It’s been a long time since I felt anything like this. I got all your stuff. I wish you could’ve seen his face when I rolled up 6 deep. He was pale as fuck. It was hilarious. It’s in my garage for now. My kid won’t stop making fun of me and my brothers aren’t any better. But you’re worth it ma. Gonna start coming up to see you more. I showed my kid the drawing, she loved it. She said she’s gonna ask you to draw for her too. Would you be cool if she wrote you too? You can say no if you want. I miss you.
PS I figured out why I abandoned the roster
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e-dubbc11 · 2 years
Come Back to Me
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Oh the appreciation I have for that gif, lord have mercy! 🥵 I’ll gladly lick those lips for him. Anyway….
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of a gun, knife to the readers throat, reader peeking at an application for employment (probably illegal but oh well)
Word Count: 1.8k-ish
A/N: Based off the prompt “Don’t listen to that voice in your head, listen to mine.” Sent in by my lovely Lisa @music-indie-tv thank you, love for sending in this ask, I just can’t seem to keep them at 1K (it’s really hard! 😂) thank you for following me and I’m sorry it’s taking me a little while to get through these, it’s harder than it sounds. I always appreciate you reading my fics for Mr. Russo and leaving comments, I hope you like it!
Billy sat behind his desk, file folders piled on either side of him, the purple circles under his eyes showed he hadn't slept much in the past week.
The folders contained all of the information for the new recruits, their applications for employment at ANVIL, and the results of their mental evaluations. This was a very busy time for Billy, it was a lot of information to go over in such a short amount of time.
On your way up to Billy’s office, you ran into Frank.
“Tread lightly, kid. Your boyfriend is in a MOOD!” Frank said.
You cracked a slight smile. “I live with him, Frank. Of course I know he’s in a mood.” A little laugh escaped your lips. “Is he really busy? I brought him a coffee.”
Frank smirked at your comment. “Yeah you may wanna give that to me, I can give it to him, sweetheart. I forgot he can be an absolute bear during new recruit time.”
Frank wasn’t wrong, Billy had been a little on edge lately. The past few nights he had taken work home with him and it was hard to get near him while he was working. He could be a real grouch but after being with Billy for awhile, you had learned how to deal with it.
“I brought him his favorite cookies too.” You said as you shook the bag.
Frank eyed the bag as you were shaking it. “You don’t happen to have an extra cookie in there for me, do ya?” He asked.
“You know I do.” You extended your arm and motioned for Frank to take one out of the bag.
“Well good luck, kid. You know where I am if you need back up.” He laughed a little as he took a bite of his cookie and walked back to his desk.
The door to Billy’s office was closed, most times he kept it open a crack but he must be really busy if it’s closed all the way so you knocked.
Billy’s voice boomed from the other side of the door. “Yeah, WHAT?! Frankie, I thought I told you I didn’t want to be disturbed.”
Carefully, you peeked your head in and took in the sight of Billy with his hair slightly messed up, his dress shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his empty lunch containers at the far end of his desk.
“I come bearing gifts, handsome.” You held out the coffee and the bag of cookies in front of you.
Billy sat straight up in his chair, horrified at the way he just snapped at you. “Y/n! Shit, baby I am SO sorry, I didn’t mean to–I thought it was Frankie again. He keeps bugging me about the applicants that are in the conference room, it’s time to tell them who’s in and who’s out.”
It was always tough for Billy to let people go, sometimes they just weren’t the right fit or something about them didn’t sit right with him or Frank, or both. He only wanted the best working for him and he couldn’t have anyone on his team that could possibly jeopardize missions.
“Ok well I know you’re busy so I’ll just–” You walked over to Billy’s desk to set his coffee and cookies down. “I’ll just put these here and give you this…” You brushed his beard with your thumb and leaned in to give him a quick kiss on the lips then tried to walk away but Billy grabbed your wrist and gently pulled you into his lap.
He stared at you like he hadn't actually looked at you in days, which was more accurate than you wanted to admit but Billy’s work was important to him and sometimes it was best if you just stayed away or didn’t say much while he was working.
Those files needed his full attention and it was important that he didn’t miss anything in someone’s evaluation that could be a potential liability.
He touched his forehead to yours and closed his eyes, his hands cupped your face as he opened his endless dark brown eyes and leaned forward to kiss you.
One of his hands dropped from your face to the back of your neck to hold you close, you felt like he never wanted to let you go. His tongue parted your lips, giving him access to your mouth and letting your tongue entangle with his, you didn’t want to let him go either.
“I’m sorry I’ve been working so much lately, sweet girl. It’s just–” Billy said.
You interrupted him. “Ssshhh ssshhh, Billy it’s ok, my love. It’s ok, really. I understand, I do.” You looked around at the folders on his desk, they were everywhere and you could tell that he probably needed a break. “Look, I know you and I know when you need a break, so why don’t you get up and go to the conference room and do what you and Frank need to do. Tell the fresh meat who goes and who stays.”
Billy smiled, his tired eyes looked at you, he knew you were right. “You’re right, baby. But there’s one person I’m still on the fence about. His service record is great, diagnosed with PTSD but is on medication to help with it. I can’t shake the fact that there’s something I’m missing though.”
You looked down at the file he had open. “Is it this one, Billy?” You pointed at the file.
Billy was rubbing the tired out of his eyes. “Yeah that’s the one…” He said as he let out a loud exhale.
“Well, this says he’s had four jobs in the past year. I’m no expert but I’d say that not being able to hold down a job might be a bit of a red flag, right? He may have an alcohol or drug problem.” You stated.
He squeezed your cheeks together and kissed you on the forehead. “That’s it, that’s what I missed, you shouldn’t be looking at that but that is a red flag. Ah, now comes the part of my job that I hate, I gotta tell this kid that ANVIL isn’t the place for him.”
“I’m sorry, handsome. That’s probably really hard for you.” You said as you scraped your fingernails against Billy’s scalp and kissed him on the cheek. “But if it’s not a good fit, it’s not a good fit. You know what you have to do.”
“Yeah you’re right, ok I better get up there before Frankie comes down here again, beatin’ down the door. You can come up if you want and watch from behind the double sided mirror.” Billy bit down on his bottom lip and raised his eyebrows at you, he wanted you to come watch him work. How could you say no?
You followed close behind as Billy walked towards the conference room full of potential new recruits, some would make the cut and some wouldn’t and you were a little excited about watching your boyfriend work.
The way Billy commanded that room full of people was mesmerizing and the emotion in his voice when he thanked them all for their service to their country was powerful and inspiring. But what made your heart soar was when he hung back to talk to the recruits that didn’t make the cut, you couldn’t hear what he was saying but it made you proud regardless.
One of them in particular, Billy walked out of the conference room with, his hand patting his shoulder, you heard words of encouragement coming from him. You guessed he must have been the one Billy was on the fence about, he was young, and he looked upset.
Billy offered to try and find him help if he needed it and maybe he could apply to ANVIL again once he held down a job for at least a year. You smiled at Billy and he smiled back, everything that happened after that smile was a complete blur.
All of a sudden there was a knife at your throat and your arm was pinned behind your back. The kid Billy had been talking to was now holding a blade to your neck, your heart was racing and he was trying to back out of the room slowly with you as his human shield while Billy had his gun aimed at him.
“Let her go, Max! Drop the knife and let her go.” Billy shouted.
Tears welled up in your eyes and spilled down your cheeks. “Billy?!”
“Shut up!” Max yelled in your ear. “You couldn’t give me a chance, huh Mr. Russo?!! All I wanted was a chance, this meant everything to me! Well now I’m going to take something that means everything to you!”
As he gripped your arm, Max’s knife pressed against your throat, you could tell it had cut you slightly, and a tiny amount of blood dripped down the front of your neck. Billy’s face full of rage, he knew he couldn’t get a clear shot at Max.
Frank had crept up behind Max but he was fully aware of his surroundings and that Frank was behind him but he did not see the pen that was on the floor. It caused him to lose his concentration as he stepped on it, allowing Frank to push you out of the way, knock the knife away from Max and pin him to the floor.
As quickly as he hit the floor, Billy was hovering over Max with his gun pointed directly at his forehead. “I oughta kill you right now, you held a knife to my girl’s throat.” Billy said through gritted teeth with his finger on the trigger.
“BILLY!! Stop!” You yelled at him. “Billy, listen to me!”
Even Frank tried to get through to Billy. “Don’t do it, Bill! Don’t…put it down.”
“Billy! Max needs help! You can get him the help he needs!” Your voice was ringing in his ears, trying to get through to him. “Billy, don’t listen to that voice inside your head, listen to mine! Billy, please put the gun down.”
Billy closed his eyes, lowered his weapon and walked away. His eyes were glassy, and he was breathing heavily as he pulled you into his chest. “Are you alright? You’re bleeding…” He tilted your chin up towards him to look closely at the cut on your neck.
“Shit, I’m so so sorry, y/n.” Billy looked like he wanted to punch something as he held his suit jacket against your throat to stop the bleeding. “He should be dead for what he did to you. I don’t know what I would have done if he had–” He couldn’t bring himself to finish his thought.
Calmness was always something Billy responded well to. “But he didn’t, my love. He didn’t. And you didn’t either.” You said softly. “You didn’t either.”
“I wanted to though. But your voice brought me back.” He said.
Through your tears, his words brought a smile to your face.
“I’ll always bring you back, Billy. Always.”
Tag List: @mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @xdervyxccgh @mattmurdocksscars @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialams
If you’d like to be added to (or removed from) my tag list for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕
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jakeonao3 · 2 years
you try so loud to love me (I cannot seem to hear): merthur, 1k words
“He can never know I’m in love with him. Telling him I have magic is one thing but telling him I’m in love with him is out of the question.” Merlin said at the druid he was talking to in the woods just outside the castle.
After sorting out their problem – said problem being that the Once and Future King still didn’t know about Emrys being Merlin, about them not ruling Camelot together, and that had brought them here, to the druids wanting Merlin to confess his feelings towards Arthur to the man in question – so, more like problems, and by sorting out he means saying he’ll never tell him, the druids left Merlin in the clearing they were in.
As soon as the druids were out of sight and earshot, Merlin sighed and sat on the grass. He couldn’t tell Arthur he had magic, let alone that he loved him. Both of those things would end their friendship, and Merlin didn’t know what he would do without Arthur by his side. Without being able to protect him, even if he would never know about it.
The sound of leaves shuffling made him turn around only to see the man he was thinking about, Arthur. Arthur was there. Oh my Goddess, how long had he been there? How much did he hear?
Arthur walks up to him, and Merlin just stares at everything but him, praying to the Triple Goddess, the Disir and the Old Religion that Arthur didn’t hear a thing.
When he’s close to Merlin, Arthur says, “Merlin.” It doesn’t have that usual tone of fondness and exasperation it always does instead it seems to be partly angry and partly- Merlin doesn’t know.
Merlin finally looks up to his king, still sitting on the floor.
“Arthur, what are you doing here?” He tries for casual but knows he’s missed it by a mile. His breaths coming more rapidly now.
Arthur is still looking at him as he says, “I followed you because I wanted to know where you actually are when you and Gaius say you’re at the tavern.” A pause then, “I heard everything, Merlin.”
Merlin’s eyes widen before he stands up and tries to walk backwards to get away from him, breaths coming more and more shortly. He doesn’t even realize he’s talking saying I’m sorry all over again, apologizing for something out of his control, let it be the magic or the love, he didn’t choose any of it, it just happened.
“I’m sorry, I’ll leave. Please don’t kill me. I don’t want to die.” With tears in his eyes, he realizes that he couldn’t live with the thought of Arthur hating him and banishing him, so he says, “No wait, please kill me here, with your sword. I don’t want Gaius to see me burn, I don’t want to be banished, I can’t live with the thought of you hating me, so please, kill me now.” While he was saying all of this, he managed to get in front of Arthur, only inches separating them.
Arthur slowly lifted his hand and put it on Merlin’s cheek. “Merlin, you idiot.” He placed a small peck on his lips and then said, “I could never harm you, or banish you for that matter. I’m in love with you too. And for the magic, did you really think I didn’t know? I’m not that dense, you know?” Merlin gave him a skeptical look. “Are you not angry? About my magic, about me lying to you for all these years, about me being in love with you?” There was a pause where he thought back about what Arthur had just said. “Wait, you’re in love with me?” His eyes widened and Arthur took it as a good moment to place his lips on Merlin’s once again. This time Merlin kissed him back – after a second of shock – and what a joy that was. He had imagined kissing Arthur, but the fantasies were nothing compared to the real thing.
He was so caught up in the kiss that when Arthur pulled back, he chased him with his lips, getting out a moan from Arthur. Merlin liked it so much that he walked him back until his back was against a tree trunk.
At this point, they were making out like teenagers. Tongue sliding against tongue. Teeth biting on lips and so on.
This time it was Merlin who broke the kiss by putting his hand on Arthur’s chest and holding him there. Arthur was looking at him with so much love that he didn’t know how he never noticed it before. He placed one or two more kisses on Arthur’s lips just because he could, and finally stepped back.
“We should head home.” Arthur loved the idea of taking Merlin to bed and be his in all the possible ways, so he said exactly that. Merlin smiled at him and responded with “I’ll take good care if you, my love.”
And with that they headed back to Camelot hand in hand, happier than they’d ever been.
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pavo-ocxllus · 2 years
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❝ 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤, 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞! ❞
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𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡… you're on the kiss cam with some of the genshin boys! 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠…  tighnari x gn!reader (ft. collei!), shikonin heizou x reader, gn!cyno x reader 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠… no established relationship, modern!au where anthropomorphic people exist because for some reason i refuse to believe in a reality where tighnari doesn’t have his ears, 2.5k words (seperately, tighnari: 0.8k; heizou: 0.7k, cyno: 1k) 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬… typed in lowercase as a stylistic choice, idk a kiss-cam, heizou is a piece of dook-dook, probably messy writing on cyno’s, also he might be ooc whoops- 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐭… let's hope this actually shows up in the tags this time take two lol (also i’m super sorry abt neglecting event asks!! i can’t promise i’ll get to them asap, but i’ll try to get them done!!) ALSO, incredibly off topic—y’all don’t know how happy i am for cyno’s va (alejandro saab)!! i’ve been following him ever since his mystreet and yandere simulator days so it's great to see him get such a role!
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𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢. ・゚: *. — 𝐯𝐮𝐥𝐩𝐞𝐬 𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐚.
TIGHNARI definitely expected collei to be so excited during a sports event.
"wow... it's so crowded here!" she exclaimed, excitedly shaking her head in one direction after another. simply hearing her voice was enough to sense the golden sparkles hovering inside of her amethyst-colored eyes. truth be told, she wasn't used to being in the same vicinity as so many people. though eleazar was not contagious, it was always a concern for tighnari that collei wouldn't be getting proper rest or enough medicine to last for the duration of a game.
however, the archons sent an angel from above for collei in the form of you, who somehow managed to guilt trip the forest watcher into bringing her to the sports stadium nearby so she could be a quote-unquote "normal teenager," even going as far as to invite him along with you two.
he certainly did his best to refrain from acting too overbearing, and he succeeded—at least verbally.
spotting him checking collei's bag yet again after five minutes to see if she still has enough of her prescription, you quickly swatted his hand away, causing a small yelp of pain to escape from tighnari's mouth. if collei wasn't so busy 'oohing' and 'ahhing' she'd probably attempt to stifle a laugh.
"you really have to relax, 'nari," he scoffs at the nickname, but it secretly makes his heart skip a beat. "see, collei here as every reason to be anxious, however..."
you jabbed a finger at his chest, smirking. "you don't."
slightly confused to see you settle back into your seat after your gesture, he sighed, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms and legs. "what, is it illegal to care about collei now?"
you frowned a bit at his retort. "no... but now that you're here, you'll might as well enjoy yourself, right? she definitely is."
tighnari looked to his left, where collei was animatedly joining the cheering spectators. it was obvious she had no clue what was going on much less know what team to root for, but seeing her being completely fine made him physically relax. 
it seems as though he made himself so comfortable that he didn't even clock the sudden placement of a gentle, warm weight on top of his hand. 
"c'mon~ please? for me?"
tighnari liked to think he was better than this petty form of persuasion. when it came to you though, it seems to be a different case. shaking his head, he nodded before you lifted your hand from his (an unexpected chill ran through his arm after that), clasping your hands together in glee. 
it would've been a sweet moment, him staring into your eyes while you did the same in return for a few seconds, if it weren't for the blaring buzzing sound filling the stadium, ruining it all.
"oh, that must be half-time!" you exclaimed, shooting upwards from your spot, being sure to take your belongings with you so they would slip off from those foldable chairs. "i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick-"
"[name], master, look!!" collei was quick to interrupt your sentence. usually, tighnari would scold the girl for cutting into people's sentences, but seeing as she was pointing rather aggressively, he believed it was worth looking into. or in this case, up.
and there were him and you—front and center of the jumbo screen attached to the vaulted, steel ceiling above with a plethora of digital hearts and kiss stains floating everywhere. he didn't even need to read the bold letters spelling out 'KISS-CAM" to figure out what was going on.
just his luck, right? he got what he wanted—to stare into those big, colored eyes of yours—but unfortunately not in the way he would've preferred. glancing back at you, he was met with unabashed shock not towards him, but to the screen above.
tighnari knew how these little games they played during intermissions work. try to ignore it, and they'll move on with someone else only to come right back at the two of you, similar to the physics of collei's boomerang. it's best that they get this over with before further public humiliation ensues, after all. 
slowly, he leaned in to press his lips against your cheek for a second or two before pulling back. takes the least amount of time and best of all, is the least awkward. a win-win, right?
well, as fate would have it, you seemed to notice just in time, jolting your head towards tighnari so fast he didn't have time to register something soft grazing over his lips.
wait... what?
he was quick to pull away, completely aghast at the sudden feeling, you mirroring the exact same emotions. he was too focused at everything going inside of him that it took him a while to snap out of his shocked state, darting his multi-colored eyes away from you and looking into the peripheral of his vision to find that the kiss cam has moved on to some other unsuspecting people that were actually romantically involved with each other.
tighnari glanced upon you once more, only to find you still stubbornly standing there—looking like you just wanted to sink in the floor right now. for some reason, he could only muster up a slight smile tugging upon his lips.
“the bathroom...?”
“oh, right!”
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𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐳𝐨𝐮. ・゚: *. — 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐮𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫.
as much as you enjoyed HEIZOU’S company, you really, really hate sitting next to him right now.
“pfft- hey [name], look-” he barely managed to carry out his sentence before combusting into laughter, shoving his phone into your face to show off the latest unappealing, oddly good-quality photo he took of one of the players tens of feet below them zoomed in, most likely a face they made during a collision or accident of some sort. it was quite strange, yet fascinating, how he managed to take some of these pictures spot on but somehow always makes them blurry when you convince him to take a cute one of you.
“not now, heizou!!” you groaned, trying your best to the device away from your view (much to your dismay, he has a stubbornly, sturdy arm strength), eventually settling on attempting to peek away from the screen (unfortunately, he was just as swift as he was strong. isn’t there anything he isn’t good at?!)
though it was barely 30 minutes into the game, the atmosphere was quite tense as the crowd of viewers (with the exception of heizou) excitedly watched in bated breath as players perform at their best, or at least near it. really, even if you weren’t a fan of the sport, you can see why everybody was so invested in it, both emotionally and financially. as they zoomed pass, in the midst of the cheers and the heat of sweaty athletes hard at work, it couldn’t help but add further on to the atmosphere. 
at the sight of your intrigued facial expression, he couldn’t help but soften his face, letting a brief moment of... honestly, he didn’t even know what wash over him. weakness? relaxation? who cares? he certainly didn’t. 
his outstretched arm bended at his elbow, while the grip on his phone loosened. the young maroon-haired man didn’t even clock the fact that he repositioned his arm so he could rest his cheek at the palm of his hand—well, the cool glass screen from his cell phone. 
almost immediately, he remembered to keep his guard up, quickly shifting into his usual menace of an attitude. 
your focus on the game almost managed to let the snap of heizou’s camera go unnoticed. keyword: almost. 
“ha, talk about a total nerd,” heizou commented teasingly as he took a picture that you’re absolutely going to complain about later, despite the fact that if anything, he was definitely the ‘nerd’ out of the two of you.
“wha- don’t do that!” you exclaimed, completely disregarding the fact you were going to start a scene and plunging into the detective’s obvious trap.
he only smirked, reaching out his arm to violate some poor person’s personal space just out of your hands, resulting in you placing a hand on his chest to keep yourself up an attempt to retrieve his phone, delving further and further into embarrassing yourself later: which at this point, it doesn’t seem you even care.
lost in his thinly veiled bullying, the two of you didn’t even notice the loud ‘BUZZ’ filling the stadium, and the subsequent camera operators aiming the infamous kiss-cam at the two of you. of course, his renowned intuition already led him to believe this going happen, going as far as to expect you two were going to be the first ones on the gigantic screen above.
“fine, you want my phone so bad, but i want you do to do a little favor for me, yeah?” you quirked your eyebrow in brief confusion, only to be quickly cut off by the detective propping himself up and closed in on your lips. really, to him, it was like everything was setting off at once through the kiss, only to end so abruptly as he pulled away, his green eyes meeting your almost stupefied appearance.
heizou wasn’t the one to overly focus on a single moment in time—it was a habit that a detective had to develop in order to watch the big picture. however, he couldn’t help but try to justify it in his mind; making a whole other picture. it felt like the burst of fireworks illuminating in the dark sky, shining brighter than the stars. in reality, the “fireworks” were just the people around them erupting in whistles and screams, yet it didn’t make it feel any less magical. 
eventually, he pulled away, viridescent eyes gazing upon your reaction, only smirking as he tossed his phone at you like it was nothing, completely disregarding the red pinching his cheeks. he was a man of his word, after all.
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𝐜𝐲𝐧𝐨. ・゚: *. — 𝐥𝐮𝐩𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐬.
this was one of the most idiotic activities CYNO had the pleasure of participating in, not that it was reflected in his rather crossed expression and his current thoughts at the moment.
“one more! one more!” you repeated as the silver-haired man rolled his vermillion eyes, shaking his head. for a few seconds, he glanced down upon the arena below looking at the players dashing all over the place. it was as if you’d blink, they’ll be doing something completely different all of a sudden. really, he wasn’t the one for sports, but even he can acknowledge the event was significantly more interesting than whatever the hell you wanted to do.
not even bothering to do anything else to display his annoyance, he fetched a piece of crackerjack in your direction. apparently, his attention wasn’t so detached from your frivolous games that he watched as it successfully made it into your mouth with a bit of shifting around on your part. nevertheless, even after exerting so much effort in a rather easy toss (at least, in his point of view), you still cheered in victory, even though the section the two of you were seated in wasn’t particularly rowdy.
somewhat surprised that you didn’t show any embarrassment as any usual person would after the sudden outburst, he observed as you sat down back in your seat, finally not obstructing the view from the poor spectators behind the both of you (well, with cyno’s hat, it wasn’t like he was better).
“are you done?” he inquired. though this was simply an innocent question, some of the people encompassing the two of you looked as though a chill ran down their spines just how vexed he seemed through his voice. cyno passed the nearly-empty bucket of crackerjack to you—it was barely the end of the first half, yet with the incriminating food all over the floor, it didn’t exactly take a detective to solve the case of the missing game snacks.
“that’s good,” the mahamatra sighs, hoisting up his elbow to rest on his knee, his chin perching on the palm of his hand as he decided to gaze upon the match below. “why are you so invested in me flinging food at you instead of the game? it is what we’re here for, isn’t it?”
the joy in your face slowly faded away, being replaced by a slight frown as you sighed, mirroring his actions not too long after. 
“well, yeah... but i want to hang out with you.”
unbeknownst to you, cyno widened his eyes a bit, not knowing how to process such a small bit of information. of course, questions aside, (such as, if you really wanted to hang out with him, why take him to a place where his attention should most definitely be directed somewhere else?) it wasn’t very often that he was invited out to places unless it was from particularly plucky students attempting to kiss up to him when they were attempting to cover up academic misconduct. 
sure, the two of you could be considered close, depending on your definition of the word. regardless, he wasn’t under the impression that you and he were close enough that you’d go out of your way to spend time with him. 
he wasn’t sure as to why, but the thought was enough to make his heart flutter.
deeply exhaling, as if suddenly contemplating if he really wanted to go through with this, it managed to catch your attention enough to shake your head towards his direction.
“fork some over, yeah?”
“toss some,” he answered, simply gesturing to the bucket of snacks in your grasp. though, it didn’t stop you from looking at him in shocked glee.
apparently, the silver-haired young man registered it as confusion, so, without prior warning, he latched on to your wrist, then proceeded to direct you into grabbing a piece of crackerjack and throwing it across a short distance so it would pop into his mouth with ease.
“like that.”
unfortunately, the short distance also represented the space between the two of you; given your current seating arrangements, being so close to cyno as you are right now seemed impossible mere seconds before. satisfied with his small fill and leaving you with an empty paper bucket, he set his eyes on the field below once more, slightly perplexed when there wasn’t anything going on. 
meanwhile, slightly upset at the fact that the mahamatra had stolen your last pieces of food, you couldn’t help but feel a little bit flustered after glancing up towards the ceiling for a change of scenery.
distracted over trying to figure out the whereabouts of the players from earlier, the kiss-cam from above was fixed squarely on you two, and you swore you could hear cries from the distant crowd trying to grab cyno’s attention (in addition to the not-so-subtle neighboring onlookers practically yelling at him.)
paying no mind to his incredible willpower to resist the masses (or complete social unawareness), you started to feel frustrated with the pressure around the two of you. it wasn’t exactly the end of the world, of course—but a little bit of you doesn’t want to admit that you really, really needed an excuse to act on your feelings.
much like cyno’s nonexistent attempt to alert you of what he was planning on doing, you grabbed the collar of his button-up shirt and smashed your lips on top of his. as quick as it came, you let go almost instantly, the slight taste of crackerjack still fresh in your mouth.
letting out a quick breath in relief that the kiss cam decided to go away from the two of you, you subconsciously turned away from the young man, placing your hands on top of your face. you went to overlook the floor below you, cringing at your actions. what the hell was wrong with you?! sure, in some aspects, maybe you weren’t exactly the god of wisdom herself, but surely you have enough intelligence to know that you can’t just kiss people out of the blue!
yet that just raises a question... what if he wanted that?
it was a stupid idea. idiotic, even. however, there was a burning, aching desire to discover if that was the case, to the point you decided to ignore the personal repercussions to your emotional well-being.
so, peaking out from in between your fingers to gauge cyno’s reaction, you’re surprised to find a small smile creeping up his lips as he continued to watch the empty field.
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𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 <𝟑
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themculibrary · 2 years
Late Night Conversations Masterlist
Anchor Point (ao3) - shadowen clint/phil E, 9k
Summary: Six nights in one bed.
and here, my love, we linger (ao3) - glittercake sam/bucky M, 9k
Summary: "You're an idiot," Sam says, suddenly very serious.
Bucky swallows and brings his hand up to trace along the hem of Sam's untucked shirt.
They're looking each other dead in the eye. So so close.
Sam's eyes flick up to Bucky's, and he says, "I haven't laughed like that since… Since he—"
"Since what, Sam," Bucky pleads. He wants to know this. He wants Sam to be okay again, to be able to talk about Riley.
But Sam never talks about Riley.
Bandages & Beers (ao3) - JustGettingBy yelena/kate T, 4k
Summary: A few months after Christmas, Kate Bishop is still trying to sort out the mess that currently is her life.
A knock at the window changes everything.
dona nobis pacem (grant us peace) (ao3) - honeydwine druig/makkari E, 1k
Summary: It took them weeks aboard the Domo to actually talk about it. It took them no less than three days to have sex
It went a bit like this.
Home is Where the Heart Is (ao3) - NarutoRox bucky/tony T, 1k
Summary: Bucky shook his head. “Doll, I know you’re wound up, but you need to sleep,” he said, before playing dirty and adding, “I need to sleep,” which made him feel guilty when Tony flinched. ~ In which Bucky is tired, Tony is homesick and restless, and Bucky has a secret weapon.
i don't need serotonin if i can just have your hand (ao3) - cyanica sam/bucky T, 3k
Summary: "Can I… Can I hold your hand?” He reached out, human and warm in the sunlight that shone upon Sam in a kind of iridescence that was all-consuming. His eyes were half-lidded and glassy, the twilight dawn breaking all over the atmosphere as he watched it devote itself to Sam’s presence like each spec of dust caught within the sunshine were fireflies addicted to his glow. “Something – something else to know what's real if I wake up and can't remember.”
Or making amends doesn’t lie within old evils, but rather new loves.
if your heart's still open (ao3) - steveandbucky steve/bucky, clint/natasha E, 8k
Summary: “What’s wrong, Buck?”
“You really gotta ask that?”
“Yeah, I do.” Steve clenches his jaw. “You were the one who ended things.”
Nightmare (ao3) - stucky steve/bucky E, 33k
Summary: After having another unbearable nightmare, Steve seeks the comfort of Bucky, the only person he think to turn to. He's the only person Steve wants to turn to.
This follows those nights they spend together, talking, laughing, crying, and falling in love.
Oh, we're splitting into partners now? I'll go stand over here. (ao3) - orphan_account bruce/clint, steve/tony E, 22k
Summary: Clint and Bruce get the late night munchies and make a connection. What follows from one simple interaction tends to surprise them both.
Patterned Mosaics Under Broken Dreams (ao3) - XtaticPearl steve/tony M, 7k
Summary: Tony is practically an expert on nightmares. He has been dealing with them for a long time now and has had time to control his reactions to them. This didn't extend to the other Avengers though, who had their own specific horrors that trapped them in their sleep. It was a natural decision for Tony to be the one to see them through such times. If only he made sure that they knew about this too, because sometimes taking care of your family could mean damaging yourself. In the end, it falls on the team to see through this and hope to bring Tony out of his own horrors.
Save Me From My Dreams (ao3) - happyaspie G, 3k
Summary: Exams are stressful and between the anxiety and the nightmares, Peter can't seem to find sleep. Tony just wants his kid to get some rest and he'd do anything to accomplish that.
The sun shines brighter when you are here (ao3) - frostysunflowers T, 3k
Summary: One room. Two moments.
Tony, before and after Peter comes home.
We've Got Time (ao3) - steveandbucky steve/bucky T, 4k
Summary: Steve and Bucky learn more about each other through intimate late-night conversations, hot showers and unexpected massages, a ridiculous amount of kissing and cuddling, and finally, by having an open, honest discussion about their relationship. AKA a long list of non-sexual intimacies and a whole lot of tooth-rotting fluff.
What is Real (A Comfortember Fic) (ao3) - happyaspie T, 37k
Summary: For weeks Tony searched for Peter but once he finally has his adopted son back in his arms he realizes how long of a road they have ahead of them.
After being kidnapped and subsequently mentally tormented Peter is left feeling anxious and afraid. Tony is there, as always, to help him pick himself up again.
Where We Left Off (ao3) - Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar) bucky/tony T, 2k
Summary: Prompt: Imagine Bucky and Tony meeting at night in the common room because of nightmares or Tony's crazy working hours and they somehow bond over late night cooking/eating take out and watching crappy TV. AND Imagine Hydra kidnapping Tony and stripping him of his memories and brainwashing him.
Keeping odd hours seemed to be an Avengers prerequisite, so Bucky wasn’t surprised to run into Tony the first time, or even the second time. Common floor, TV on, flicking through channels just to remind himself that it wasn’t 1944 anymore. If that had been the extent of it—missing the past—he’d have counted himself blessed, but it seemed like he had a head full of bad memories just waiting for him to be stupid enough to close his eyes and sleep.
So at first, sure, it’d seemed normal that Tony had wandered in, and dropped onto the couch next to him, stolen the remote, and pulled up some weird cooking competition program.
“I don’t know why I love watching cooking shows when I’m starving,” Tony muttered. “Must be the masochist in me.”
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buckyodinson · 3 years
Helmut Zemo x F!Reader
Summary: you’re cold and Zemo offers you his coat
Word Count: 1k~
Warnings: minor tfatws spoilers ep3 (edit: now this is a series, I will add a warning for eventual smut)
A/N: look I’m confused too 😂 but I’ve found myself a tad obsessed with Zemo the last couple of weeks, and this just kinda happened. I don’t know if there’ll be a big audience for this, but if anyone has any Zemo requests, send them on in and I’d be excited to give them a go! Also, since Sokovian isn’t a real language, I went with a tiny bit of google translated Latvian as a substitute!
Edit: the response to this was pretty big (THANK YOU!), so I’ve turned this into a series! You can find the next part here!
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Sam and Bucky had asked you to keep an eye on Zemo while they went back inside to grab some weapons before you guys left for the docks. You were missing the warmth of the party now you were outside. The night air was biting at your skin as you stood outside Sharon’s place. The skimpy dress she’d told you to wear to fit in with the crowd was fine while you were inside, but now you were out in the night, it wasn’t so great.
You tried to muscle through it, but the occasional shiver wracked through your body, prompting you to quietly hiss at the cold.
Evidently, Zemo noticed.
“Would you like my coat?” He offered, starting to shrug the coat off his shoulders
“No, thank you, Zemo.” You shook your head and held a hand up before crossing it over your chest in an attempt to conserve some warmth.
“Please, call me Helmut.” He drawled, and you looked at him in disbelief for a split second before composing yourself.
“I think I’ll stick with Zemo.” You pursed your lips and looked away.
You were having some conflicted feelings about Zemo recently. As far as you were concerned, he was a bit of an asshole. After all, this was the same man who tore your friends apart only a few years back.
But here he was, flying you guys around in a private jet, acting like you’re all best friends. He’d taken a particular liking to you, which concerned but intrigued you at the same time.
You didn’t want to admit to yourself that you were falling for him. Jesus, the awful things he put your friends through should be enough to turn you off him completely. And yet...
For starters, he was an attractive guy. You couldn’t deny that. You’d caught yourself staring at his hair several times. You wanted to run your fingers through it, tug on it... something. And the little bit of scruff he had been sporting too? You’d thought about that a bit too much.
And his accent... it had an effect on you, for sure. He could read a phone directory to you and you’d probably hang onto every number. You especially liked when he spoke Sokovian. You had no idea what he ever said, but you had noticed he’d use the occasional word when talking to you, or referring to you to someone else. You’d have to ask him about those at some point.
And for a dangerous criminal, he sure danced like a dork at Sharon’s place. You watched him from the bar as he was seemingly in a world of his own on the dance floor. At one point he caught your attention and beckoned you to join him, but you simply raised your glass at him and stayed put, smirking as he carried on.
While you were lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice Zemo shuck off his coat, and the next thing you knew, you felt the soft fur of the collar around your neck. You desperately wanted to protest but the coat was so warm, both in itself and because Zemo had been wearing it just moments before. The smell of his cologne lingered in it too, and you tried your best to ignore it.
“...thank you.” You murmur as you slip your arms into the sleeves and wrap the coat around you properly.
“It is my pleasure, mīļā.” He flashes a smile at you and you turn away, hoping he doesn’t catch your shy smile and the blush creeping up your face.
When Sam and Bucky finally return, they both narrow their eyes at Zemo when they see you’re wearing his coat.
“The lady was cold, I did what any gentleman would do.” He smirked as you all started walking down the street.
“Gentleman... sure.” Sam didn’t look convinced, and you chuckled at the look he gave Zemo.
You walked down the street and Sharon pulled up in a car, gesturing for you all to get in. Sam was closest to the passenger door so he just got in the front of the car, leaving you to squeeze in the back with Bucky and Zemo.
You rolled your eyes at the way Zemo’s face brightened up at the prospect of being so close to you in the car, but you found yourself hiding a small smile too. You edged yourself a little closer to Bucky though, and once he realised how close you and Zemo were, he shuffled himself as close to his door as he could, giving you some room to move.
The journey to the docks took a fair while, but it dragged on tortuously with Zemo sat so close to you. You started to get hot in his coat quite quickly, but there was no room to move in the car for you to take it off, so you just had to stay in it. You weren’t complaining too much though, because you were still quite enjoying the comfort of the coat.
When you arrived at the docks, Zemo hopped out of the car quickly, turning around to offer you his hand, and as much as you didn’t want to accept it, you didn’t want to trip over in your heels so you took his hand and let him help you out of the car.
“Thank you, Helmut.” Your eyes widened as his first name escaped your mouth, and he smirked in response. You felt your cheeks heat up, and you were just glad the others seemingly didn’t notice your slip up.
“You’re more than welcome, mana mīlestība.” He shut the car door with one hand, but kept a hold of you with his other hand, and it took you a second to realise and let go.
A deep chuckle rose from his throat and he winked before walking to catch up with the others. You took a deep breath and followed everyone, cursing yourself for letting Hel- Zemo get under your skin.
What was wrong with you? Where did these feelings come from? What were you going to do about them?
You’d have to worry about that later though, because shit hit the fan at the docks very quickly...
mīļā - sweetheart
mana mīlestība - my love
If anybody has any Zemo fic ideas, I’m all ears!
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pariahsparadise · 3 years
ghosts | c.d.
nav. | m.list
pairings: cedric diggory x gn!reader
a/n: i'm not the best at angst (but not for lack of trying)
massive trigger warnings: character death, self harm, self injury, swearing, angst angst angst
wc: 1k
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
It’s been a week since the world ended.
Not that it feels that way exactly, because everyone seems to be moving on already. There’s already talks of gossip, seeds of doubt creeping into everyone’s minds- is Harry lying? How could they trust a 14 year olds words? Was he the one to kill Cedric, just to win the cup?
You don’t want the answer to the last question. You want it erased from your brain, but you can’t, can’t get rid of it. It’s everywhere you look, the glaring doubt about how it all happened, how could you have let this happen? You knew this tournament was dangerous from the start and had even told Ced so, why had you let him convince you? You should’ve pushed harder, you should’ve talked him out of entering, you should’ve saved him.
It isn’t just the shadow in the mirror who thinks this, it’s everyone. Wherever you go, whispers and accusations follow, you were the person closest to him, after all. If anyone had been able to stop him, prevent this, it would have been you. What you can’t tell them is that you fucking agree, that it’s hurting you worse than they could have imagined, that you’re sick of living in the skin of someone so fucking despicable. Your knives trace red into the skin where his lips used to trail, cutting into the wrists he once kissed down slowly, gently, with such care you felt like porcelain. He’s claimed you, heart and soul, your body branded with his name over and over, reinforced with every fleeting touch the two of you shared.
Cedric. Cedric. Cedric.
“Who else would it be?”
Your breath catches as you look at him, standing in front of you casually, as if he’s about to walk you to class. His dirty-blonde hair is ruffled but still perfect, his Hufflepuff tie is loose, and his face isn’t as scarred as it was anymore. Not as scarred as it was at-
“-your funeral. You’re dead. You died in the Maze. What the fuck is- is this?”
Cedric looks amused, and it does alleviate some of the strain on your heart, some of the tension in your welling, unshed tears, “I’m right here, love. How could I be here if I died in the maze?”
He smiles. You’re being ridiculous.
You smile.
You kiss him, and he’s real, the floodgates open and your tears spill, red leaks from your wrists, but he’s wrapping his arms around you and it’s Cedric. And it’s perfect.
“Who all know?” You ask him, hands now tightly on both sides of his waist, pinching hard, not wanting to let go for even a second.
“No one but you, and I’d like to keep it that way. Harry’s right about You-Know-Who being the one after me. Is it alright if I lay low here for a while? I’ll be quiet, I promise, you won’t even know that I’m-”
“You can always stay here,” you whisper, your hands crushing into his hip bones but he doesn’t even wince, “Please.”
You spend the next month with him, revelling in his company after having it permanently (or so you believed) taken from you. The two of you settle into domesticity, he wraps your wounds and cooks breakfast, you stroke his hair and kiss his scars, the two of you free-falling down a one way path to the most toxic codependency, but you don’t care, you just can’t. You have Cedric back, see, and that’s all you need. You can keep his secret, you can keep him safe this time, fix what you had broken before.
That’s until Amos visits.
“I see you’ve got two plates set up already,” he greets, new wrinkles on his skin, eyebags sagging deeper with the grief they now hold. “How’d you know I was coming?”
“Lucky guess?” You say a little panickedly, whirling around to look at the table where you were sitting with Cedric, but he’s already gone. Quick on his feet, that one is.
Amos slides into the chair and you take the one across from him, and you finally talk to the man you always hoped would become your father-in-law. It’s the first time you’ve spoken to somebody outside of Cedric for a while now, and evidently it’s his too; he leaves sentences unfinished and can’t meet your eyes, his own overtaken by the ghosts of his follies.
And then they overflow, tears dripping out from them quicker than you can process and your heart cracks in two, the slowly healing crevice splitting open once more as you rush to his side, reliving the sight of Cedric’s body before you and you’re crying too, just remembering how weak and broken he had looked.
But Amos is crying harder.
So, you tell him. It’s only fair. Cedric wouldn’t mind, Amos is his father. Cedric loves his father.
You don’t understand why Amos starts howling, clutching at his chest like you just ripped his heart out of it, why he’s looking right at you when he sobs, why he shouts,
“Oh God. Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, oh God-” he cuts himself off to take a gasp of air, filling his lungs with air and guilt, because his son will never fill his own again, “-Y/N, he’s gone. We saw his body, he’s gone, you need to see that.”
“Y/N, Cedric is dead.”
You kick Amos out, his howls scratching away at your head, grating your skin, he’s lying, he’s lying, he has to be, because if he isn’t, it means Cedric is. You scream for your boyfriend, ransacking through your entire house, searching for him, screaming your throat raw.
You never see him again.
You never stop looking.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
this made more sense in my head sorry
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criminalmindzjunkie · 4 years
Hungry Eyes
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Summary: Spencer is tired of hiding your relationship. 
A/N: The idea for this fic came from a lovely anon that requested a fic based on She’s So Nice by Pink Guy. I also drew inspo from Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen (strange mix, but stay with me here.) So basically, a lot of Dom!Spencer goodness. I’d like to say a huge thank you for almost 1k followers, because wow. I never imagined 5 people would actually want to read my writing. I love you all, and I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future works!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Warnings: swearing, jealousy, degradation, spitting, slapping, oral sex (male and female receiving), spanking, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex
Word Count: 5.5k
           “That is one fine piece of ass. Don’t think I could get any work done with a sweet little thing like that prancing around my precinct,” mutters yet another sleezeball detective, beady eyes trained on you like a lion might study their prospective prey. It’s moments like these that Spencer has to remind himself that patience is a virtue – that he must bite his tongue because he’s at work and that means he has to act professional. Even if those around him don’t seem capable of affording him the same luxury.
           So, it’s with a clenched jaw and all the self-restraint that he can muster that Spencer forces himself to focus on the task at hand. Because Spencer is a professional, and there are more pressing matters that demand his undivided attention. The detective could be dealt with later – in the form of a complaint to the higher ups. But for now, patience.
           Usually, this wouldn’t be a problem. Years on the job had taught Spencer to remain level headed no matter the circumstance. Usually, Spencer could tune out the locker room talk in favor of immersing himself into the case. But when it came to you, or rather, people who dared to look upon you with eyes laden with lustful intentions, Spencer had a rather short fuse.
           It happens often, and he supposes that he shouldn’t be surprised. You’d certainly turned his head the first time he was fortunate enough to lay eyes on you. He’d nearly broken his neck trying to steal another glimpse of you as you walked past him on your way to Emily’s office on your first day. No one would ever describe Spencer Reid as forward, but on that day, he was the most brazen he’d ever been.
           Throwing caution to the wind, Spencer made a split-second decision stop you and introduce himself.
           It was the best decision he would ever make.
           So, yes – he understood why the head of everyone you passed turned your way, eager to bask in your unparalleled beauty. But that didn’t mean that he had to like it. In fact, every time Spencer caught some imprudent bastard leering at you, he had to remind himself that enacting physical force on another person with no real reason could cost him his job. That, and he was above resorting to violence – or at least he was, until you came around.  
           Part of his anger was rooted in the obvious lack of respect. It didn’t matter if Spencer held your hand in his as the two of you walked down the street, or if he kissed you on the lips in the middle of a crowded restaurant. All the PDA in the world did nothing to assuage the lingering stares, and Spencer felt his sanity chip away with every passing day.
           In the beginning, keeping his relationship with you a secret from your colleagues seemed like a good enough idea. Both of you were in agreement that you didn’t want to your personal relationship to affect your professional one, so when the elevator doors opened up and the two of you stepped out into the bullpen, you both were on your best behavior. And it was okay at first – Spencer was able to put his romantic feelings aside and focus on his work, all while still being able to make eyes at you from across the room. It was the perfect arrangement.
           Until it wasn’t.
           Because it wasn’t enough that you were gorgeous – you were also the most selfless person that Spencer had ever met. Always eager to lend a hand to anyone in need – always seeing the best in everyone, regardless of if they deserve it or not. It was an admirable quality to have, and he loved you for it, but on days like today he wishes you were a little more perceptive.
           That, and he wishes you’d chosen to wear anything but the tight little skirt and low-cut top that you were currently sporting. Not that he didn’t love the way the fabric clung to your figure like it was tailor-made for you – because he did - it was just that every other male in the precinct seemed to enjoy it as much as he did. And that made Spencer’s blood boil.
           The tipping point comes when, just as Spencer is trying to hunt you down and propose a quick lunch break, he finds you engaging in conversation with the very same detective that had been spouting lewd comments about you all morning. You’re seated at the breakroom table, clutching a fresh cup of coffee in hand as you look up at the man, a polite smile upturning your lips as you listen to him drone on about how his amateur baseball team had won some stupid fucking tournament the previous weekend. He’s smiling down at you, endlessly smug and way too pleased with himself at having captured your attention.
           It makes Spencer sick.
           His reprieve comes when your eyes flit to the doorway and you flash him a breathtaking smile. It makes him warm from the inside out, and Spencer wants nothing more than to plant kiss after kiss on your lips. Unfortunately, he can’t, so he settles on returning your smile.
           “There you are,” Spencer greets as he crosses the room before coming to a stop next to you. “I was thinking we could go grab lunch.”
           “Is it really lunch time already?” you murmur as you glance down at your watch. “I guess I let the day get away from me. Detective Yarborough was just telling me about the baseball game his team won this weekend.”
           “Oh, was he now,” Spencer feigns interest as he turns to face the man.
           “Yup,” you say, completely oblivious to the uncomfortable tension. “Didn’t you tell me you played in a baseball game once?”
           This piques the interest of Yarborough and he raises an eyebrow at Spencer.
           “You play?” he asks, tone laden with disbelief.
           “Not exactly.”
           The detective merely harrumphs in response, and an uncomfortable silence falls on the room.
           Your eyes dart between the two men and your brows furrow adorably as you try to make sense of the almost palpable animosity.
           “Okay… So, lunch. Did you have anything in mind, Spence?”
           “There’s a really good pizza joint two blocks from here,” Yarborough chimes in. “I could show you, if you like.”
           He acts as if the offer extends to you both, but the way he looks only at you when he says it tells Spencer otherwise.
           “The hospitality is appreciated, but that won’t be necessary,” Spencer breezes, clipped and to the point. He’s able to see in his peripheral vision the way your eyebrows raise in shock, but he’s too busy glaring at the detective to care.
           “Uh, yeah. Thanks anyways, Detective,” you mutter confusedly as you stand.
           “Anything for a pretty lady such as yourself,” he replies. “And you can call me Trevor.”
           Spencer’s hands are clenched into fists and he has to actually bite down on his tongue to keep from doing something he’d surely regret later. You bid Trevor ado with a smile and a parting wave, and then Spencer’s ushering you out of the room and down the hall, hand placed firmly on your back. He can’t do much in regards to initiating physical contact, but he allows himself this miniscule act of PDA. The feeling of your warmth radiating through your blouse is the only thing keeping him from giving into his primal instincts. Instincts that are screaming at him to put that smarmy bastard in his place.
           The hours after lunch pass by rather uneventfully. You accompany Tara when she goes to interview the victim’s family, and for the first-time all-day Spencer is able to repress his frustration long enough to focus on piecing together a geographical profile. By the time you and Tara return, the sun has long since disappeared from the sky and fatigue is rolling off everyone in waves. When Emily finally announces the end of the day, she’s met with absolutely no resistance.
           Spencer immediately scans the room for you, only to frown when he sees that you’re nowhere in sight. In fact, he hasn’t set eyes on you in well over an hour, too busy wrapping up the days’ work to notice your absence until now.
           “Has anyone seen Y/N?” Spencer calls out. His question is met by several shaking heads.
           “I think she’s busy,” JJ sing-songs, eyebrows waggling suggestively. Spencer’s frown only deepens.
           JJ nods.
           “Yarborough has been chomping at the bit to ask her to dinner. My guess is he’s got her cornered somewhere.”
           Of fucking course.
           Spencer’s out of his seat and stomping through the precinct in second, oblivious to the way his coworkers exchange curious glances as he storms off.
           He finds the two of you in much the same way as before, only this time Trevor is blocking your path to the doorway, hand in the air as he moves to tuck a stray piece of your hair behind your ear.
           “– C’mon, babe. Say you’ll go to dinner with me,” Trevor croons in a way that’s supposed to come off as seductive. “I’ll make it worth your while.”
           You lean backwards in an attempt to evade his touch, and you barely get the chance to open your mouth when Spencer intervenes.
           “She’s not interested.”
           The detective whips around, snorting in annoyance when he sees Spencer standing in the doorway.
           “What are you, her fucking keeper?” Trevor sneers, before turning back to face you. “Who does this guy think he is?”
           Something in Spencer snaps, then – the same something that has been swelling inside him for months, threatening to spill over every time he had to pretend that the stares didn’t enrage him. He’s tired of pretending, tired of hiding, and so, so fucking tired of not putting assholes like Trevor Yarborough in their place.
           Fueled by months of suppressed anger, Spencer manages to cross the room in about two seconds. He has several inches on the detective, standing at an intimidating six-foot one inch in height, so when he comes to a stop right in front of the detective, he’s looming over him threateningly.
           “I’m her fucking boyfriend, and if you so much as try to touch her again, I’ll break your goddamn hand,” Spencer spits out, and he’d be lying if he said the way Trevor’s eyes widen in fear doesn’t thrill him. “Are we clear?”
           “Uh, yeah. Sorry, dude,” Trevor splutters, raising his hands in surrender. “Didn’t know she was taken. My bad.”
           Spencer tears his eyes away from the detective and takes in the way you’re watching on with an amused expression. He reaches out, and you’re quick to place your hand in his. Without speaking another word to the detective, Spencer leads you from the room and out the back entrance of the precinct.
           “What was that?” you tease, eyes glistening mischievously underneath the street lights. “I thought we agreed that we weren’t taking things public just yet?”
           Spencer crowds you against the brick wall of the building, pressing his body flush against yours. He ducks down swiftly, pulling you into a frenzied kiss. His lips drag against yours relentlessly, and all it takes is one breathy moan before he’s licking into your mouth possessively. Spencer slots his knee in between your legs, simultaneously groping at your chest with one hand as the other tangles in your hair.
           When Spencer pulls away, he doesn’t go far. His lips leave a trail of wet kisses down your neck as you writhe against him, hands clinging tightly to his dress shirt. You whimper when his teeth nip at the tender spot right under your ear, and you can’t help the way your hips cant up when Spencer’s tongue brushes against reddened skin.
           “I’m tired of pretending,” Spencer murmurs as his mouth continues to move against you, sucking purple bruises against your flesh. “Don’t fucking care about how it will affect the job. Tomorrow, everyone’s gonna know that you’re mine. Gonna mark every inch of you tonight – gonna fuck you until you can’t fucking walk.”
           “Please,” you slur as you guide Spencer’s hand down until his fingers graze the end of your skirt. Spencer chuckles darkly against your neck when his hand brushes against the soiled lace of your panties.
           “Didn’t mean I’d fuck you right here,” he laughs, prompting you to let out an impatient whine. The hand that was previously tangled in your hair slides down until it’s wrapped around your throat, and Spencer’s cock twitches eagerly in his pants when you push your throat harder into his palm. “Such a needy little slut for me. Ready and willing for me to fuck you out in the open, where anyone could walk by and see how fucking desperate you are for my cock.”
           “M’ your slut,” you pant as Spencer’s middle and index fingers ghost across your center. “Only yours, Spence. I don’t care who sees, just - please fuck me!”
           “I fucking own you,” Spencer growls against your lips as he tightens his hold on your throat. “And as much as I’d love to take you right against this wall, the things I have planned for you would elicit quite an audience. I know how loud you like to be.”
           Spencer pushes your panties to the side and you let out a low hiss as he drags a finger across where want him most. You cry out in frustration when he removes his hand to bring it up to his mouth, tongue darting out to lick his finger clean.
           “Just needed a little taste to tide me over,” Spencer murmurs, smirking devilishly at you as he steps back from you. “Let’s head back to the hotel. I’ve got lots I wanna do to you, pretty girl.”
           As soon as the door to the hotel room clicks shut, clothes are flying off as the two of you make your way to the bed. It’s a mad dash as you both undress, and as soon as the last garment leaves your body, Spencer pounces on you. Your lips meet in a passionate kiss, and the way you immediately go pliant as Spencer’s mouth works against yours makes him hum appreciatively.
           “Don’t feel like being nice tonight. Are you gonna let me use that pretty little pussy however I want?” Spencer inquires, though he already knows the answer. He’s known how tonight would pan out ever since the first roll of your hips against his back at the police station.
           You nod fervently, hopelessly, and Spencer moves his hand up to grip your chin in his hand. The pad of his thumb traces over the swollen skin of your kiss bruised lips.
           “What about this?” he asks, tapping lightly against your lip. “Are you gonna let me fuck this slutty little mouth of yours?” Spencer slips his thumb into your mouth and you immediately close your lips around the digit, suckling lightly. Your eyes never leave his.
           “You’d do anything I asked you to, wouldn’t you, pet?” Spencer muses, pressing his thumb farther into your mouth until you gag around him. Spencer withdraws his thumb and his hand tugs hard on the hair at the back of your scalp. “Open.”
           You oblige immediately, and Spencer spits into your waiting mouth. You swallow without being instructed, and the visual of it makes Spencer let out a low groan.
           “Get on your knees,” Spencer barks out, and the way you scramble to follow his order makes him let out a chuckle. “So eager to have my cock in your mouth,” he hums as he taps his dick teasingly against your cheek. You open your mouth wide for him, and Spencer guides your mouth down onto his dick at a tantalizingly slow pace. You let out a moan as you hollow your cheeks around his head, tongue lapping greedily at the precum that gathered there before Spencer makes you take him deeper.
           “Everyone thinks you’re such an innocent little thing, but here you are, letting me use you like a cheap whore while you enjoy every minute of it,” Spencer says through gritted teeth as you moan wantonly around his cock. It isn’t until he’s halfway down your throat that your eyes begin to water, mascara running down your cheeks as he fucks into your mouth.
           Spencer lets out a choked sound when your nose brushes against the skin of his abdomen, and he has to fight the urge to throw his head back in pleasure. He doesn’t want to look away, not even for a moment. Not when you’re looking up at him like that, tears running down your face as you swallow around his length.
           He pulls you off him just the tiniest bit before he’s forcing you back down, a string of curses falling from his lips as your head bobs up and down.
           “You take my cock so well, pretty girl,” Spencer praises, prompting you to let out a muffled moan around him. The vibrations send a shock of pleasure through him and he can help the way his hips stutter. “Fuck, baby. You like it when I tell you what a perfect little whore you are, don’t you?”
           You’re unable to answer, because Spencer presses down on the back of your head until you’ve taken all of him again. The pressure he puts on you doesn’t relent, not even when you gag around him.
           “Fucking choke on it, slut,” Spencer grunts. “Don’t act like you don’t want this. You were just begging me to fuck you in an alley not twenty minutes ago, like some pathetic fucking tramp. You wanna act like a tramp, I’m gonna treat you like one.”
           Spencer’s lips curl into a debauched grin when your hands come up and grip the backs of his thighs, pulling him closer and further down your throat.
           “That’s what I fucking thought,” Spencer moans, giving several more harsh thrusts before pulling you off of him completely. Spencer reaches down to wipe at the spit that coats your lips as you look up at him with a shy smile.
           “You okay, pretty girl?” Spencer asks as he caresses the side of your face.
           “Mm,” you hum, nuzzling your face against his palm. “Keep going, please. Don’t hold back.”
           “God, I fucking love you,” Spencer sighs happily. “Get on the bed.”
           By the time Spencer fishes a tie out of his suitcase, you’re sprawled out across the bed, head resting against the pillows with your legs spread wide. Your teeth are nestled against your bottom lip as you watch him stalk towards you, eyes running up and down his naked figure appreciatively.
           Spencer crawls onto the bed until he’s settled in between your legs. You present your wrists to him, just like you’ve done a million times before, and Spencer feels that familiar thrum of excitement rush through his body. He fucking lives for moments like these – moments where all his problems melt away to nothing. Moments where he has no other thought than wrecking you, thoroughly and completely.
           Once your wrists are bound you hold them above you, and Spencer sits back on his heels, eyes raking up and down every inch of you.
           “M’ so fucking lucky to be the only one who gets to see you like this.”
           Spencer pinches your right nipple in between his fingers and you let out a squeak, hips bucking up, desperate for some friction. He kneads your breast in his hand as he lowers his mouth to the other one, tongue laving around you. A light nip from his teeth is all that it takes for you to cry out, eyelids fluttering closed.
           “Spence, please. Need you to touch me now, pl-”
           Spencer’s hand connecting with your cheek stops you from finishing your sentence.
           “Do not tell me what to do,” Spencer seethes, once again gripping your chin to keep you from looking away. “Ungrateful slut. I should just leave you here, fucking dripping and desperate for a release that you won’t get. Maybe then you’d learn to take what’s given to you.”
           “Please, no! I’ll be good, I swear. I’m sorry!”
           Spencer narrows his eyes at you, contemplative.
           You do as he says, and without another word Spencer inserts two fingers into your mouth, pressing down hard on your tongue.
           “Get them nice and wet, and maybe I’ll think about using them on you.”
           You do as he tells you, and by the time Spencer removes his fingers from your mouth, you’re trembling underneath him from anticipation.
           “D-Did I do good?” you stutter out, batting your lashes at him as you squirm under his gaze.
           “So good, baby. I think you’ve earned my fingers,” Spencer hums. “Need you to be still, okay? You’re not gonna like what happens if you try to move.”
           You nod enthusiastically, eyes fluttering shut when his fingers brush across your clit. Spencer spends ample time rubbing deliciously slow circles over your sensitive bundle of nerves, relishing in every gasp and whimper that falls from your lips. Lips that he’d very much like to kiss, so he does, and you’re more than happy to reciprocate. Spencer lets out a happy sigh into your mouth.
           You get lost in the kiss, so lost in the way that Spencer licks into your mouth that it catches you completely off guard when he slides two fingers into you.
           “Oh, God,” you moan when Spencer curls his fingers against your walls, fucking them in and out of you, slow and unrelenting.
           “S’that feel good, princess?” Spencer asks, a teasing lilt to his voice. “Tell me how it feels.”
           Your head falls back against the pillows as you struggle to keep your hips firmly placed on the mattress.
           “Feels amazing, Spence. Always feels so good with you. Never want anyone else, only you.”
           And fuck, if that sentiment doesn’t shoot straight to his heart - amongst other places. Spencer places a tender kiss to your cheek before he’s moving down to your neck and sucking a bruise right under your jaw.
           “Yeah?” Spencer prompts. “Not even that stupid fucking detective? I’m sure he’d love a chance to see you like this.”
           “So, you were jealous,” you chuckle between moans, and Spencer bites down hard where your neck meets your shoulder.
           “F-Fuck, Spencer!”
           “Should I be jealous?” Spencer speeds up the onslaught of his fingers, scissoring them at such an unforgiving pace that you can’t help but roll your hips against them.
           You regret this instantly, because Spencer’s fingers immediately pull out of you, leaving you empty and cold. Spencer tuts, shaking his head disappointedly.
           “Dumb little whore can’t even sit still long enough to cum on my fingers.”
           “Please, let me try again. I’ll do better, I promise!”
           Spencer shakes his head and scoots up until his back is rested against the pillows.
           “C’mere,” he commands. “Lay across my lap. Or can you not follow simple commands?”
           “I-I can,” you whisper as you crawl across him, splaying out so that you rest on your elbows with your ass in the air.
           Spencer grabs a handful of your ass and kneads it in his hands.
           “How many do you think you deserve?”
           You blush and smile shyly at him from over your shoulder.
           “However many you want to give me. I can take it.”
           Spencer returns your smile.
           “Good answer. I think you can handle fifteen. How does that sound?”
           “Sounds perfect. T-Thank you, Spencer,” you mumble, cheeks burning red. Spencer continues to caress the tender skin of your bare ass, admiring the way the skin is completely blank; the perfect canvas.
           You let out a whimper when his hand comes down hard on your ass before kneading the sensitive, reddening skin.
           “T-Thank you,” you gasp out, and Spencer is quick to follow up with another strike against the opposite cheek.
           It goes on like this until it’s time for the fifteenth strike, and by then you’ve devolved into garbled whines, ass bright red and marked up with the imprint of Spencer’s hands. His dick is painfully hard underneath you, and you’re in a similar state – arousal dripping onto Spencer’s thigh, coating it.
           “Last one, baby. Do you think you can handle it?”
          “Y-Yes,” you choke out. “Please, I need it. Hurt me, please.”
           The desperation in your voice does things to him, makes him practically feral with the need to fucking tear you apart, and Spencer is quick to deliver the final blow. You barely even have it in you to cry out anymore – a feeble sob is all that falls from your lips.
          Spencer’s hand ghosts down across your bruised skin until his fingertips trace over where you drip for him.
          “You like it when I punish you, don’t you, dirty girl?” Spencer hums as his fingers glide over your soaked folds. 
          “Y-Yes,” you mewl, shifting so that your cunt grinds back onto his hand. Spencer indulges you - allows you to rock your hips against his palm as he watches on in awe, soaking up every desperate sound that tumbles past your lips. 
          Spencer pulls his hand away after a moment and you keen in protest.
           “Can you sit up for me, sweet girl?” Spencer asks, and you nod, because of course you do – you’d do anything if you thought it’d please him. You struggle to pull yourself up with shaky limbs, and Spencer puts a hand on your lower back to steady you. “Can you straddle my leg? Yeah, just like that.” Spencer pulls you down and places a slow kiss to your lips, one hand coming up to wipe away the tears gliding down your face. After a moment of slow, sweet kisses are shared, Spencer unties your wrists.
           “I want you to ride my thigh – can you do that, princess?”
           You whimper as you lower yourself down onto his leg, eyes fluttering shut as you begin to rock against the hardened muscle of his leg.
           Spencer continues placing kisses on your lips, your face, your neck – worshipping every inch of skin he can reach with his mouth, all while whispering praises against you.
           “So perfect for me. Prettiest girl I’ve ever seen,” he murmurs as he grips your hips with steady hands, urging you to increase the speed of your hips. “Can’t wait to have that perfect pussy wrapped around my cock. Always so tight, yet you take it so well every time.”
           “S-Spence, m’ close,” you slur, hands clinging desperately to his shoulders.
           “Already? You usually last a bit longer than that, baby.”
           “P-Please, Spencer, I can’t-” you whimper, tears once again pricking at the corners of your eyes at the thought of having to wait a second longer.
           “Shh, baby. It’s okay, you can cum,” Spencer reassures you, and your shoulders visibly untense. “Cum for me, pretty girl.”
           It takes two more rolls of your hips for you to cum on Spencer’s thigh with a cry of his name. Spencer rubs soothing circles into your hips as you ride out your high, murmuring broken thank yous as you come down.
           Finally, you still, and your eyes open, pupils so dilated that your eyes look almost black in the dim light of the hotel room.
          “You okay, princess?”
           You give a weak nod.
           “M’great,” you smile, sounding as fucked out as he’s ever heard you. You lean down and slot your mouth against his, and the kiss is slow and languid – soft and unhurried.
            Spencer is the first to pull away.
           “Need you to get on all fours for me,” he instructs. “Don’t think you need to put any pressure on that pretty little ass of yours right now.”
           You giggle at that, before crawling off of Spencer’s lap. You assume the position, and Spencer places a pillow underneath your hips before trailing a line of kisses down your spine. By the time he reaches your ass, you’re writing against him, wiggling your hips eagerly. Spencer places a kiss to both of your bruised cheeks before pulling away.
           You let out a startled oh! when Spencer licks up your center, parting you with his fingers before fucking in and out of you with his tongue.
           “S-Spence, oh my God, yes!” you cry out, hands fisting in the sheets as he continues to work his mouth against your core.
           “Love your fucking pussy so much,” Spencer sighs against you, lapping at your clit hungrily. “Could fucking lick you out for hours. You taste so perfect, Y/N.”
            Spencer lets out a filthy groan against you, and that’s all it takes for you to fall over the edge, wrecked moans filling the otherwise silent hotel room. This orgasm hits you both quicker and harder than the first, and he can’t help but smile against you as you rock back against his face, desperate to prolong the sensation. Spencer continues to work you through your orgasm, stopping only when you cease to twitch underneath him.
           “Such a good girl for me. Think you can handle one more?”
            You raise up just enough that you can look at him from over your shoulder.
           “Yes, please,” you beg, voice scratchy and raw. “Please, fuck me.”
           “Yes, ma’am,” Spencer chuckles. “Do you think you can lay on your back? I wanna see that pretty face when I make you cum on my cock.”
           You answer by rolling over, wincing slightly when your ass comes in contact with the sheets. You look up at Spencer with wide, doe eyes. You have mascara smeared all down your cheeks and your lips are swollen, and to top it all off, deep, purple love bites are dusted across the entire expanse of your neck and chest. Spencer had set out to mark you as his – so that no one would be able to deny that you belonged to him – and he’d done a spectacular job, if he said so himself.
           “God, you’re so fucking pretty.”
           “Then come fuck me already,” you challenge, looking sated in every possible way – yet still, your eyes hold the same hunger that he’s sure is reflected in his own eyes.
           Spencer leans down and traps your lips in a bruising kiss, and without warning he thrusts in you to the hilt. You cry out into the kiss, startled by the sudden intrusion, but Spencer sets a brutal pace that leaves you no time to recover.
           “You said you wanted me to fuck you,” he growls against your lips. “Now fucking take it.”
           He’s fucking into you so hard that you can’t even manage a reply – you just tighten your legs around his waist and drag your nails across the expanse of his back, no doubt leaving bright red marks in your wake. Spencer can feel his own release fast approaching – honestly, he’s been close ever since the first drag of his tongue against your pussy. And now that he’s finally enveloped into your tight, wet heat, that all too familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach is threatening to consume him.
           Spencer’s hand descends from its place next to your head down to your clit, and your whole body jolts with the first swipe of his thumb. You clench around him as a litany of particularly filthy utterances escapes you, and Spencer’s hips stutter.
           “Fuck, princess,” he groans, head coming to rest on your shoulder as he struggles to regain his rhythm. “You don’t even know what you do to me. You’ve ruined me for anyone else. Never fucking want to lose you. Love you so much.”
           “I love you, I love you, I love you,” you chant into his ear, sounding like some kind of siren, luring him straight to his inevitable ruination. “I’m so close, Spence. Cum with me, please? I want to feel you. Please, baby.”
           “Y-Yeah, fuck,” Spencer chokes out. “Say my name when you cum, princess. Want everyone to know how good I fuck you.”
           And when you cum with a shout of his name, walls pulsating deliciously around his cock, Spencer is quick to join you. He continues to roll his hips against yours as you both ride it out, whispers of almost intelligible affirmations being shared between slow, loving kisses.
           After a moment of post-orgasm bliss, Spencer leaves and returns with a bottle of cocoa butter lotion and a warm, wet rag. You watch on with heavy lidded eyes as he cleans you up, and for a moment, he thinks you’ve fallen asleep. It’s not until he finishes slathering your reddened backside with lotion that you speak again.
           “You shouldn’t be jealous, by the way,” you murmur as he lays down beside you. “You’re it for me, Spencer Reid. I don’t ever want you to doubt that I’m anything less than crazy about you.”
           It’s everything that Spencer’s ever wanted to hear, and just like that, every fear – every insecurity that had plagued him in the past several months – fell away to nothing. Suddenly, he couldn’t remember why he’d ever been worried in the first place.
           “You’re it for me, too,” Spencer whispers as he pulls you until his arms and presses a soft kiss to the top of your head.
           “We’re going to have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow, you know,” you remark as you nuzzle into Spencer’s side.
           “Don’t care,” he sighs happily. “I’ll shout it from the roof tops if I have to. I want everyone to know you’re my girl.”
           “You’re a sap, Doctor Reid.”
           “Only for you.”
           A moment of blissful silence passes, before the sound of your growling stomach sets you both into a fit of giggles.
           “We never did get dinner, did we?” Spencer muses as he lightly runs his fingernails across your scalp. You hum appreciatively and a pleased shiver rolls through you.
           “Nope. You were a little too preoccupied with marking your territory to even offer to feed me,” you tease as you run your fingertips down the planes of his chest.
           “Well, now that that’s been taken care of - could I interest you in some takeout?”
          “Possibly,” you sigh, flattening your palm on his chest, right over his heart. “Do you think that pizza place Trevor mentioned delivers?”
          “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.”
          “Is that a no?”
          “... Look up the number.”
taglist: @90spumkin​ @moon-light-jukebox​ @thebookamongmen​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @itsametaphorbriansblog​ @eldahae​
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fruggo · 3 years
I’m not gonna lie this would be the first time I requested something so if I do something wrong I’m really sorry,
Can I request Quentin, Leon, Steve, and Frank meeting a female reader who, before the entity took her, had already faced off her own killer?
And this made her kinda tough? Like she knows what she’s doing
oh my gosh thank you so much!! this is my first ever request to fulfill so we’re in this together :DD seriously i really appreciate you!
i decided to do a headcanon kind of format for this, i hope that’s okay! also these are my absolute favorite boys aaahhh this is so fun for a first request
the boys x tough f!reader (part 1) (part 2)
warnings: swearing, reader kicks frank in the shins
word count: ~700-1k each (sorry if it’s too long…i kind of got really excited and uhhh maybe i got carried away,, yeah. sorry)
(also i'll be honest quentin's is not my best. that was the one that got eaten by the tumblr abyss and i had to write all over again, and it just didn't come out the same way that i wanted it to at first :( i did the other boys hoping i'd get some inspiration to fix it afterwards, but i got kind of stuck. so it's not my favorite, but i hope you like it okay! i want to write better stuff for quentin in the future, he is my favorite sleepy boy <3)
when you arrived in the realm, everyone thought you would be the same as the others—frightened, confused, and overwhelmed. but you took this nightmarish challenge in stride, adapting to your surroundings quickly and learning far faster than anybody else had.
your past experiences had made you independent and sometimes distrustful, so once you had the gist of things, you didn’t need (or want) anybody to tell you what to do. and nobody was inclined to, either—your instincts naturally told you what to do and when.
the first time you met quentin was a little awkward, i wont lie. you were wary of speaking to the other survivors; you weren’t going to let yourself get hurt again.
it was the beginning of a trial. the nurse’s fatigued shrills could be heard all the way from the edge of the wrecker’s yard, but you immediately started work on a generator, unafraid. a few minutes passed, when soft footsteps indicated someone’s approach. it was quentin—he started to work on the wires without hesitation.
you were a little surprised, only because the other survivors usually left you to your own devices. you got the impression that maybe they were intimidated by you, which you didn’t particularly mind. but you wouldn’t particularly mind some company now and then, either.
it was comfortably silent for a while, before quentin spoke up.
“what’s your name?” he asked, gaze still focused on the wires.
hesitating a little, you told him. then you said, “and you’re quentin, right?” you already knew most everybody’s name just from observation.
“that i am,” he replied.
then it was quiet for a while.
very quiet.
well, what were you supposed to say now?
the silence was deafening and very, very uncomfortable to you. normally you were okay with a quiet atmosphere, but it was the kind of silence that buzzed in your ears, chewed at your stomach, filled the area as if it were something solid. man, what were you supposed to say—
it was then that you realized poor quentin had fallen asleep, his face smooshed onto the generator. his cheek was now covered in grease and grime.
it made you smile—only a little. you finished repairing the generator on your own, causing quentin to wake with a start and bang his head on the pole protruding from the machine. he swore like a sailor until he realized where he was, smiling sheepishly.
“sorry, i wanted you to have your nap. you looked really tired,” you said. you also couldn’t stop admiring the dark grease on his face—it was really quite funny. and no, you weren’t going to say anything about it. it could stay there a little longer.
you spent the rest of the trial running the nurse around the whole wrecker’s yard, only suffering one injury until the end. quentin had no idea how you had been here for such little time and already knew how to outplay the nurse, one of the most difficult killers to survive against. he still didn’t know how to do it well himself, so he was thankful for you.
however, once the exit gates were opened, you found yourself in a bad spot. the nurse had caught you in an empty clearing with nowhere to hide or predict her moves, and she downed you instantly. quentin cringed hearing your agonized scream as you were hooked.
there was no way you were dying on his watch. once he was sure the nurse was gone, he gently lifted you from the hook, pulling out his medical kit to begin patching up your shoulder.
despite the pain, you had enough energy to smile at him and say, “thanks, nap boy.”
quentin feigned offense with a wry grin, pulling out some gauze. “is that all i’m going to be to you? nap boy?”
you hummed, pretending to be deep in thought. “maybe you won’t be if you get me out of here.”
“that won’t be a problem," he smiled, quirking an eyebrow.
“show me the gates and then we’ll talk, nap boy.”
from then on, quentin became your go-to source for supplies and general comfort. you weren't scared of this place, but it was nice to know you had somebody who would really be there for you.
he would often fall asleep on your shoulder at the campfire--he really was a nap boy, and you would never let him live that down.
leon could not tear his eyes away from you the first time you arrived in the realm. your presence was strong; he could tell you weren’t one to back away from a fight.
most of the survivors had been (rightly) confused and disoriented when they popped into the realm, but you tried to accept it quickly. you didn’t like it, in fact all you wanted was just to go home, but you came to terms with it and jumped into trials headfirst like an insane person.
that was the courageous part about you—maybe you were scared, but you did scary shit anyways. in fact, you did scary shit to spite the fear, to prove to yourself that you were strong enough to overcome it.
and leon couldn’t lie, that was cool as hell.
you had tunnel vision and didn’t pay much notice to the other survivors; you were too focused on learning about this place and getting out of trials. having gone through some real shit, being here hardly came as a surprise to you. if you were going to be here forever, what was the point in mourning? might as well just accept it and try your hardest to survive. maybe someday this sick game would end, but for now, you were prepared to fight for your life and that’s all you could really focus on.
your first trial was not the best. even though you were resourceful, you didn’t know what the objective was yet, so you weren’t sure where to start other than analyzing your surroundings. luckily for you, leon kennedy was one of your teammates.
after being downed immediately by bubba’s chainsaw and tossed onto a hook, you were amazingly resilient to the pain. leon was the one to lift you from the hook, and he took out his medkit to help patch your wound, but you flinched away from him before he could touch you.
he was puzzled. “what’s wrong?” he asked. he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but he wanted to help you.
you hesitated and looked him over before mumbling, “i’m fine.” and you tried to stand on your own, beginning to limp away. you didn’t want or need anyone’s help.
leon sighed, following after you. “let me help, that must hurt a lot.”
“i told you, cop, i’m fine. i don’t want your help, okay?”
leon opened his mouth to insist, but decided against it. if you didn’t want his help, then he shouldn’t butt in. that wouldn’t keep him from watching over you, though.
but then leon called after you (perhaps a little smugly), “do you even know what you’re supposed to do?”
begrudgingly, you stopped walking. no, you didn’t know what to do. “i’ll figure it out,” you said over your shoulder. and you would; you had been through enough to survive any situation thrown at you.
but maybe one pointer couldn’t hurt.
“do a generator,” he told you, giving you a cheeky grin when you turned around to look at him. he was lucky he was cute.
the first part of the trial had been rough, but after that first hook you were doing a lot better. you managed to find your own medkit from a chest, and you learned how to fix a few generators. you found it came pretty naturally, and were satisfied that you hadn’t needed anyone’s help (except leon’s. but you didn’t have to admit that yet). when the killer came near, you skillfully avoided him and stayed hidden as much as you could.
you were also pretending that you didn't notice leon hovering near you. he was not very good at being subtle; he was obviously trying to make sure you didn't get hurt. it was cute. you didn't want to ruin his fun, so you didn't say anything about it.
it wasn’t long before the gates were powered and in the process of being opened. you saw a red glowing light in the distance, and assumed that must be your destination. you put all of your remaining energy into sprinting to the exit, adrenaline pumping through your body.
but then there was a heartbeat. a heartbeat so loud it filled your head, splitting your concentration. it wasn’t your own heartbeat--it was the killer’s.
the sound of the cannibal’s chainsaw roared in your ears and pain tore through your body; you collapsed to the ground with a cry of agony. shit, that really hurt, and you weren't sure you could ever get used to it. eternity sure seemed a lot longer than you had first anticipated. would you really be here forever? doing this over and over?
biting your lip until it bled, you tried to crawl towards the gate, dragging the lower half of your body with much difficulty. it was no use, though--you hardly got anywhere, and you could already feel the killer picking you up. just like that, you were going to die? you had been so close..
but as you were being placed on bubba’s shoulder, you saw a flash of a police uniform and a blinding light, and before you knew it, you had been dropped to the ground, the exit gate looking awfully lovely and much more desirable than a meat hook. you gathered all of your strength and began limping forward, when suddenly you felt an arm firmly wrap around your waist and your own was placed around someone else’s shoulder.
leon. when you looked up at him, all he did was give you a calm smile, which you felt inclined to return. with him supporting you, the two of you made it safely to the exit and began the long traipse back to the campfire, where you would find yourself spending a lot of time together.
from then on, you always remained quite unfazed by the events of the entity’s realm—the only thing that ever made you feel weak was being around leon. he was just so cute :]
you had never met someone so persistent in your life. from the moment the entity stole you here, steve harrington was after you, and there was next to nothing you could do about it. he sure was living up to his self-proclaimed role of babysitter.
you told him you were fine, that you didn’t need him following you around, but the asshole did it anyways.
“how cool do you think you are?” you asked him at some point, to which he simply shrugged with that stupid grin on his lips.
“i can take care of myself.” “i really don’t need you to baby me, steve.” “steve, if you don’t leave me alone i’m going to break your kneecaps.” these were all things that had come from your mouth multiple times recently. you were seriously thinking about that last one now.
you knew you could make it on your own, and you only wished he would give you a chance to prove that to him so he would leave you alone. but it was like he had attached himself to your hip, and for some reason the entity seemed to really enjoy putting you in trials with him. great.
he was a dumbass and a sweetheart, and you weren’t sure which one of those took higher priority. you knew he only meant well, but god, you wanted to be independent for once. why did he think he had to protect you so much? you arrived here after running for your fucking life, fighting off your long-time pursuer, and living in awful, ever-changing conditions. you had seen your closest friends die, right before your eyes. you didn’t need to be sheltered or coddled, but you couldn’t seem to make steve understand that, no matter how much you fought with him.
steve would literally throw himself in front of the killer for you. he clicked his flashlight in the killer’s face if they were after you, and he would swear and cuss until they chased him out of pure annoyance. it got him killed countless times, and you didn’t know whether to call him stupid or selfless. probably both.
eventually you decided to just copy him and see how it worked out. you weren’t scared, you had no reason to be. you wanted to show him you could be just as flashy as him.
as you arrived into a trial, steve right across from you (of course), you smiled to yourself. you had brought your best flashlight, and you were prepared to use it. the two of you began to work on a generator together, making light conversation as usual.
“if the killer comes here, hide. i’ll take him away.” “fuck you, steve harrington.” “sure, if you really want to.” “why don’t you ever leave me alone?” “it’s a mystery, isn’t it?” “i could punch you right now.” “but you won’t. i’m too good to look at.”
you know, the usual friendly stuff.
you purposefully connected the wrong wires, making the generator spark and sputter. “oops. oh no, the killer must be on their way,” you dead-panned. steve gave you an unamused look.
and indeed, only a few moments later, you heard the sound of the hillbilly and his chainsaw roaring in your direction. the two of you split up, and the killer’s weapon collided with the generator, making an awful screeching sound.
and that was when the chaos started.
steve began hollering and flicking his flashlight into the sky as usual, and after a moment’s hesitation, you did the same. steve looked at you in astonishment, pausing, but then he started again, even louder. you tried to outdo him.
“HEY BILLY! FUCK YOU!” you screamed, ignoring steve’s attempts to get you to stop. “COME AFTER ME, SHITHEAD!”
steve started actually yelling, just yelling, while you continued to swear meaninglessly. the poor hillbilly looked confused and overwhelmed, and eventually he couldn’t take the noise anymore--he just left, opting to find the other survivors while the two of you sorted out whatever it is you obviously had against each other.
it was dead silent now that the killer was gone, and you and steve were both out of breath. but as soon as you made eye contact, laughter bubbled up from your chest, causing you to collapse against the tree and slide to the ground. your voice was hoarse from all the screaming.
and then he was laughing too, stumbling over to plop down next to you, and your giggling started up a whole new round.
after the laughter died down, you stared at your hands, ignoring steve’s gaze on the side of your face until you couldn’t anymore.
“what?” you asked, finally looking at him. he was smiling all stupid again. “what?” you insisted, fighting off a grin of your own. you hated when he looked at you like that, because it made you want to smile back at him.
“nothing,” he said coyly, laughing again. you punched his shoulder playfully.
“c’mon harrington, when have you ever held your tongue before? spit it out.”
he nodded, that was true. so he said it. “i just like you, that’s all.”
oh. oh.
realization dawned upon your face. “is that why you always--”
“yes,” he interrupted you. “i thought it was obvious. man, you’re clueless sometimes.”
you guessed…maybe…steve harrington wasn’t that annoying. maybe.
to say you were feisty was an understatement. frank hated your guts at first because you were so good at evading him, which he would never admit. but the thing that made him really mad was that if he ever downed you, you would kick at him and try to trip him over, like actually bruise his shins. it hurt like hell.
this lead to his decision to constantly tunnel you, and he would laugh at you while you were on the hook, too. so you hated his guts just as much as he did yours. it was a mutual guts-hating situation.
your teammates always felt bad for you, but they also thought you were a badass and knew you could handle yourself. you hadn’t told anybody where you’d come from or what had happened to you, but they knew it was something interesting. there was a reason that nothing that happened here really got to you.
sometimes things escalated even further than shin-kicking. there was one time where frank had managed to grab the back of your shirt as you tried to vault a window, and as he pulled you closer to himself, you elbowed him in the neck and squirmed out of his grasp. while he stood stunned and lost for breath, you kicked the back of his locked knee so that he fell to the ground and bonked his forehead on the wall—the classic dead leg.
this was very funny to you.
not to him.
while you ran away, laughing to yourself, frank’s anger built and built. he was tired of letting you make a fool of him, and it was time to be serious about things.
he ignored you for the rest of the trial, forming a plan in his mind. there was something he needed to do after this, so he made sure to kill everybody else to please the entity—he couldn’t get caught up, it would derail his anger train. he also didn’t feel like getting kicked in the balls or some shit, so he let you out without a problem.
frank did some brooding at the ormond lodge before he was ready to go through with his plan. and his shins really, really hurt, so susie helped him ice them before he left.
the masked killer made his way to the survivor camp rather hastily. when he arrived, he saw you pacing around, deep in thought.
so he threw a rock at you.
it was just a pebble, really. maybe it could be considered a rather large pebble, but frank insisted in his mind that it was a pebble.
“ow, what the fuck!” you cursed, rubbing your sore shoulder and looking around to find the culprit. and then your eyes laid on him.
he looked so sultry standing there at the edge of the woods, arms crossed and mask smiling, you could almost laugh at him. he acted so serious, when really, he was just an angry and misbehaving twink.
you put on your best serious face, genuinely trying not to be amused by this, and strode over to the killer.
“what do you want?” you asked confidently, mirroring his body language and crossing your arms.
frank bristled at your approach, as if trying to make himself look bigger. he wished you were scared of him like everyone else, it would really make him feel better.
“i want a truce,” he said.
you almost burst into laughter at that. a truce? what the fuck for?
he said was willing to stop tunneling and camping you if you stopped beating the shit out of him with your sticky little hands. he didn’t say it like that, but you knew that was what he meant. you, a survivor, could beat up frank, a killer, and it upset him and his little ego :(
just to humor him, you agreed. and frank nodded.
“but,” you continued, raising your eyebrows, “you have to give me something else.”
he started to say “no, no way—“ but you interrupted him: “you’re asking me to stop fighting for myself and just give in when you catch me. i think i deserve something other than just not being tunnelled.”
frank glared at you under his mask, thankful that you couldn’t see. “okay. whatever. what do you want?”
“i want to see your face.” you thought this was a good choice, something you could lord over him forever. it was surely only a win for you. his face was something private, and you would be the only survivor to know.
of course you wanted to see his face, frank thought. everyone did; they wanted to find out if he was good-looking. which, according to him, he was. if you ever asked the other members of the legion, susie was the only one to actually respond. she felt obligated to compliment him as she was basically his sister. so she would say frank is handsome in a ruggedy, jess mariano kind of way. you wondered how she knew what gilmore girls was, since that came after her time, but susie would never give away her secret.
so with a sigh, frank agreed to let you see his face. he didn’t really care, all he wanted was to stop having bruises on his shins. it was kind of miserable, and the entity never did anything to help him.
when he said that you couldn’t do it here, and you asked why the fuck not, he said it was because some other survivor might see. you decided he had a fair point, so reluctantly you let him drag you all the way to ormond.
when he took off his mask, your first thought, whether you wanted it to be or not, was “wow! he really does look like jess mariano! but with tattoos! hot!”
you were lost for words. you didn’t really know what you were expecting, but you sure weren’t expecting him to be that attractive.
he could tell your thoughts from the look on your face.
this had been per your request, and you were planning on this being something you could hold over his head, but the situation had turned into something that he could hold over your head.
oh dear. frank morrison now held pretty boy privilege over you.
and soon you would find out that he was going to keep tunnelling you anyways.
listen i've been watching a lot of gilmore girls and i just get jess vibes from frank, except our boy is more of a twinky idk shdjfhsf i love this guy sm
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Complicated Part 38: Homeward Bound
Series: Complicated
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Liam x Riley, Drake x Riley
Rating: M
Warnings: Language, adult themes
Word count: 2,973
A/N: Here we are, at the final chapter. It snuck up on me! I started writing this chapter and suddenly realized I'm at the end of this story. Of course, their story continues in Hinge. In fact, I'm already about 1k words into a chapter of Hinge about the night of the Homecoming Ball/the safe house.
List of OC's in this story.
My other stuff: Master List.
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“What is this?” Madeleine asked suspiciously as she eyed the other people seated around the conference table in the hotel conference room.
She hadn’t seen or spoken to Liam since the night before when he’d broken their engagement and thrown her out of his room. She was hoping he’d come to his senses. He had summoned her to the conference room where she was now seated around an oblong highly polished mahogany table with Liam, Rashad, the royal press secretary Katerina Trakas, and a woman she didn’t recognized who was introduced only as Audrey.
“We’re here to go over the details of the joint statement we’ll be releasing later today announcing the dissolution of our engagement.” Liam told her calmly.
She felt anger and anxiety surge through her followed by something that stunned her: relief. She felt relieved. Like a weight had just been lifted from her shoulders. Liam would marry Riley and there would be no more princes for her father to try and marry her off to. Still. There was her public image to consider. “And why would I cooperate with whatever story you’ve concocted to tell the gullible masses?”
“I assume you’ve read the article?” Liam asked her.
“Yes.” She nodded curtly.
“It gives you an out.” Audrey spoke up, “I suggest you take it. If you go along with the narrative, you are painted as practically a saint. You stepped up to help out a dear friend and to aid a couple whose love was being thwarted by powers outside of their control. And you did it all for king and country.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then you’ll look vindictive, like a woman spurned…again.”
Katerina spoke up, “We’ll add a blurb about you donating proceeds from the sale of your engagement ring and wedding band to a charity that helps victims of sexual assault, give your halo a real good shine. This is a perfect opportunity for you to build some good will with the public.”
“And you need it.” Audrey told her, shoving a paper under her nose, “We did a little poll and your approval rating is not very great right now. You’re seen as a crown chaser, indifferent to the common people, toxic to your employees and fake in your interactions with the press.”
“I….shit.” Madeleine studied the graphic.
Rashad addressed the group, “From a legal standpoint, Liam has fulfilled the requirements needed to claim the crown. Breaking the engagement won’t change that.”
Madeleine looked up from the paper, she had one last card to play, “The marriage contract-“
“Was never signed by Liam, or filed.” Rashad replied.
Madeleine’s head snapped around to glare at Liam, “You bastard! You planned this from the beginning!”
Liam sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “Madeleine, you’ve always known that I didn’t want to marry you. Besides, don’t you want to be free to pursue someone more, I don’t know, your actual type?”
She shot daggers at him for a few more moments before her face crumbled in resignation, “Fine. Draft whatever you want, and I’ll sign off on it as long as I come out smelling like a goddamned mother fucking rose!”
“Excellent!” Liam crowed, “We’ll issue the statement this afternoon and I’ll attend the UN Gala tonight, alone. Feel free to take the jet back home early if you like. Alec can see to the details.”
It didn’t matter to him if she left early or stayed and went back with everyone else as originally scheduled. He’d already sent for the back up jet. It was smaller, but just as luxurious and more importantly, private. He was not subjecting Riley to a transatlantic flight with the snippy, petty, backstabbing ladies of the court.
He knew that once their engagement was announced those same ladies would be tripping over themselves to get in her good graces, as they should. As far as he was concerned, everyone that had been mean and hateful to her should suffer for it, but he knew she wouldn’t make them. It was one of the reasons he loved her, she really was kind, generous and forgiving.
He felt profound relief swirl through him as he left the conference room. The charade he had started on the night of his coronation was finally over.
Two days later, NYPD headquarters…..
She turned at the sound of her name and laughed as she found herself swept up into Liam’s arms. “Liam! We’re in public! Anyone could see us!”
“Let them!” He grinned down at her, “I’m a free man now, didn’t you see the news? I can kiss whoever the hell I want!”
“Ok then!” She smiled back as his lips found hers, pressing into them with an urgency born of days apart and the stress and anxiety he’d felt during those hours when he didn’t know what had happened to her.
“Ok lover boy,” Drake clapped him on the back, “We’re still trying to avoid reporters, remember? Let’s get inside the building at least, ok man?”
“Right. Sorry.” He didn’t look or sound sorry as his gaze stayed locked on Riley with unadorned adoration.  
“Liam, you remember my grandfather?”
“Certainly. Sorry, where are my manners?” Liam finally drug his eyes away from Riley as he grabbed Franklin’s hand and shook it enthusiastically, “I can’t thank you enough for getting them out of there!”
“No need to thank me, Your Majesty, I was just helping out my grandson.”
“Please, sir, call me Liam like you did when I was a child, or it’ll be weird.”
Franklin grinned, “Ok, Liam. But then you call me Franklin.”
“Thank you, Franklin!”
Introductions were made quickly as the group entered the building. Drake, Riley and Franklin had brought Logan and Ellie with them, as well as a criminal lawyer Franklin had retained to represent Logan. Liam had Rashad with him to help navigate any legal technicalities that might arise.
They were ushed into a conference room filled with several law enforcement officers, the NYPD chief of police, an assistant director of the FBI, and an assistant attorney general. Twenty minutes later, they exited the room with Logan in possession of an immunity agreement.
“Sir, I can’t thank you enough-“ Logan was gushing.
“If you want to thank me son, do it by not wasting this chance you were just given. Get your life together and keep it that way.” Franklin replied gruffly.
“Yes, sir, I will, sir.”
 “Let’s go get your car out of impound.” The lawyer said.
“Hey, kid!” Drake stopped him, handing him a card with his number on it, “Give me a call if you want a job.”
“Doing what?” Logan looked at him in astonishment.
Drake smirked back, “Driving.”
“What? Really?” Logan stared at him with wide eyes, trying to decide if he was kidding.
“Really. We could use someone with your talent. You’d have to relocate to Cordonia but the crown would cover those expenses. Think about it, talk it over with your girl, get back to me.”
“I….I don’t know what to say.” Logan looked like he might cry.
“Ah, come on kid. Enough of that. Go get your car, and call me later tonight, ok? We’ll discuss details. You don’t have to commit to anything, just let me tell you about the job.”
“Ok, boss!” Logan grinned at him as they parted ways. Logan turned down a hallway to the right and left the building with Ellie and the lawyer while the rest of the group went down the hallway to the left.
“I have to go with Rashad to sign some paperwork to get your phone and com back, as well as the items Riley left behind in the store.” Liam told them, “We’ll be right back, shouldn’t take too long.”
Liam and Rashad approached the main desk while Riley, Drake and Franklin turned into the sitting area to wait.
An older man holding a cup of coffee in his hand stepped away from the counter where the coffee pot was located, his face tightening as his glare fell on Drake, “Well, well, well, look who’s here. Did they finally find you and arrest you? Where the hell is my daughter?”
“I’m not your daughters keeper Detective Wheeler,” Drake responded tightly, “And what would they be arresting me for?”
“You assaulted me!”
“No, I did not.”
“No. If I’d wanted to hurt you, you’d be in the ICU sucking your dinner through a straw right now.”
“That right?” The older man sat the foam cup down as he stepped in closer and lifted his gaze challengingly to Drake’s eyes.
Drake’s arms crossed over his chest as he held the other man’s gaze, “That’s right.”
“Ok, that’s enough!” Franklin stepped between the two of them.
“Who are you?” Detective Wheeler demanded, “His lawyer?”
“No, I’m Senator Franklin Throckmorton, his grandfather. And you are?”
“Huh.” The detective snorted, “No wonder he’s not under arrest! Pulling strings for him?”
“No.” Franklin replied evenly, “He’s not under arrest because you didn’t have a warrant for your illegal entry and attempted kidnapping-“
Anger flared through the detective’s eyes, “She’s my daughter and we had a warrant-“
Drake cut him off, “The FBI had a warrant for Logan, you had nothing and were outside your jurisdiction. Furthermore, Ellie is an adult who clearly did not want to go with you.”
“You still assaulted a police officer!”
“I didn’t,” Drake shrugged, “but even if I had, it wouldn’t have mattered.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means,”  Riley answered him, “That Drake has diplomatic immunity due to his post with the Cordonian government.”
“Seriously?” He turned to stare at her in disbelief.
“Seriously.” Riley nodded.
“This is bullshit!” The older man spun to leave.
Drake called out, “Look, Officer Wheeler. I don’t know you, but I do know a thing or two about generational family trauma. You want to fix things with your daughter? Stop trying to control her and start listening to her.”
The detective turned back toward him as he snorted in derision, “With all due respect, you don’t know what you’re talking about. The only thing wrong with my daughter is that degenerate she’s-“
“Logan isn’t a bad kid,” Drake interrupted him, “he’s just had a rough start in life, and made a few bad decisions that set him on a path that was almost impossible to get off of. But he did get off of it. He got his GED, did you know that? He’s been working at a coffee shop for the love of God, when he could still be out stealing cars. And I know I just met him, but he sure as hell seems to love your daughter and I don’t think he’d do anything to hurt her.”
Drake’s eyes flicked over to Franklin then back as he finished, “Plus, she’s an adult. You can’t stop her from being with whoever she wants. What if they get married and have kids? This rift between you, this vendetta against Logan will impact your relationship not just with your daughter, but your grandchildren as well. Have you ever thought about that?”
The other man stared at him for a moment then turned and left without another word.
Franklin took a step toward him, “Drake…”
“Not now.” Drake brushed him off.
Franklin’s eyes went to Riley’s. She gave him an apologetic smile as she rubbed his arm, “Give him a little space. He’ll come around, eventually.”
Franklin nodded, “I hope you’re right.”
Liam and Rashad returned with the items the FBI had seized and the group made their way outside. Drake and Riley were returning to the hotel with Liam, Franklin would be heading back to Virginia.
“Riley, it was so nice to meet you.” Franklin told her, extending his hand, “I’m not sure I understand this arrangement you three have, completely, but I know they do things differently in Cordonia and I can’t deny the positive effect you have on my grandson. I hope the two of you will come visit again next time you’re in the states.”
Riley glanced at his hand, then threw her arms around his neck and hugged him, “Of course we will! Thank you so much for everything!”
He visibly startled then returned the hug with a small chuckle, “I see why he loves you. Be careful, ok? You’re about to be queen, someone will always be scheming against you.”
“I know, I will, and I have Drake watching my back, so I feel pretty good about my chances.” She grinned at him.
Franklin laughed in response, then said his goodbyes to Liam and Rashad before turning to Drake, “I heard what you said to the detective in there, son, and you’re right. I damaged my relationship with you before you were even born, and I regret it. Jackson was a good man, I’m sorry I didn’t realize it sooner. I just didn’t want my baby girl moving to a foreign country, giving her heart to a man in a high risk profession. I may have been wrong, but it was out of a place of love. You’ll understand someday when you have children of your own.”
Drake shook his head wondering if Franklin even realized that the second half of what he’d just said negated the first half. But it was something. “I hope I’ve learned from other people’s example’s not to try to live my children’s lives for them. Not that I plan to have any. But I appreciate the thought. I know it’s not easy for you to admit when you’re wrong.”
They shook hands then hugged awkwardly before Drake ducked into the back of the car.
Two days later, onboard the second Cordonian royal jet.....
The next few days had been a whirlwind, they'd spent a long afternoon and evening relaxing at Coney Island, the outing had been Max’s idea. It was technically closed for the season, but Liam had been able to rent the whole park out, declaring they needed to celebrate. Everyone that had helped them in their journey had been invited. Max and Bertrand had been there along with Rashad, Cassie, Hana, and Callie. Even Olivia came. Alec and Marco had been there as guests, given the day off to celebrate and enjoy the victory they’d help create. Drake had invited Ellie and Logan, with Liam’s enthusiastic support.
Logan had agreed to take the job Drake offered him. Ellie had a passport already, but Logan did not. Rashad had offered to help expedite that, as he was staying behind in the states for a few weeks anyway on Sloane Enterprises business. Logan and Ellie would wrap up their lives in New York while waiting for his papers to come in, say goodbye to friends, pack up their apartment, and put in their notices at their respective jobs. All they had to do for the FBI to allow them to leave was promise to return to the states for the trails they were slated to testify in. Drake had sighed and bitched about it, but in the end, he had agreed to ship the Devore to Cordonia.
Logan had talked Liam into purchasing several Devore GTs for the royal fleet. “If you want speed and dependability, this is the way to go.”
Their last night in New York, Liam had taken Riley to the statue of liberty and proposed properly.
“As if you even have to ask.” She told him.
“I told you in Paris that I wanted to this correctly when the time was right. So….” He slid to one knee and held the ring up to her, “Riley Beth Campbell, queen of my heart, I have longed to say these four words for a very, very long time…will you marry me?”
“Yes, Liam, yes! A million times yes!”
The large, pear cut diamond sparkled on her left hand as she gazed out the plane window. They were on their way home, somewhere over the Atlantic. Max had heard from Bertrand and Drake had spoken to Savannah. He was over the moon thrilled that his sister was moving back home. Although Bertrand had offered her a room at Ramsford, Savannah had opted to return to her rooms at the palace, choosing to take things slow with Bertrand, afraid he was only pursuing her because of Bartie. “I want to be wanted for me, not my ability to produce heirs.” She’d told her brother on the phone.
Riley had thanked Justin for his hard work and let him know that his services were no longer needed now that her goal had been accomplished. Her image was rehabilitated, the public was clamoring for an engagement announcement and she was suddenly a media darling again.
They would arrive home at ten p.m. local time, a press conference was scheduled for the next day, in the afternoon to give them a chance to sleep in and recover from the jet lag. They would announce their engagement to an adoring public, Constantine was controlled, Bastien was under surveillance, everything was finally going their way.
A homecoming ball was planned for several days after their arrival. Riley’s things had already been transported by servants from Ramsford back to the palace, but not to her old room. Her clothes had been placed in Liam’s quarters. The life Liam had promised her was waiting on the other side of the ocean. They were finally able to be together, out in the open and nothing was ever going to come between them again.
She relaxed between the two men she loved, who loved her, leaning her head on Liam’s shoulder as her hand slipped into Drake’s, contentment spilling through every pore of her body. The gentle motion of the plane lulled her to sleep as it flew on through the cloudless sky, toward their future.  
Complicated may be over, but their story continues in Hinge.
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mha-princess · 3 years
Canon Dabi x insecure reader where she’s insecure about her body since she’s not thin. She voices it to him after seeing a pretty and smaller girl flirt with him, and he shows her how much he cares for her? NSFW pls! Thank u!
stop your whining [dabi x fem!reader]
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A/N: I didn’t proof this so bc I really wanted to post today also I’ll be posting my 1k event soon! - Anako ✿
Genre: canon-verse, smut, drabble
Word Count: 1.5k+
Warning: unprotected sex, breeding, degradation
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You continue to twirl on the bar stool, your attention long adverted from the chatter dispersed around you. It wasn’t an uncommon for you to tune out of the league’s conversations, especially when the topic was new recruits. New female recruits. To be honest you didn’t think new recruits within the group was necessary, but then again it wasn’t your call. You rolled your eyes at the thought and let yourself tune into the girl riding Shigaraki’s dick, desperate to receive a compliment.
“I really admire your ideologies. I’m willing to follow through with any task given. Any task given.” She enunciates, taking a step closer towards both Dabi and Shigaraki. Her small stature made her seem sweet, cute even, but her eyes had mischievous intent. The two men glance at eachother exchanging an understanding look before, looking back to the girl.
“Thank you for your interest. We look forward to your loyalty. Kurogiri be a gent and show her out.” Shigaraki, responds.
The girl grins as if she just had an interview and was sure she got the job. As Kurogiri shows her out you watch her sway her hips, the skirt she’s wearing a little less than admiring. After Kurogiri is out of sight you sigh in relief.
“Thank god that’s over. Fucking groupies, this is getting old.” You sigh raising from the bar stool.
“Her quirk will be of use to us.” Dabi shrugs.
“Shapeshifting? Tch, isn’t that what we have Toga for?”
“You think I’d drink animal blood?! Gross Y/N!” The blonde exclaims, partially offended.
“Wouldn’t put it past you babe.” You shrug, “I’d rather you be able to do both that way we don’t have some groupie in the league.”
“Why so judegmental now Y/N? Aren’t you all about giving people chances and bullshit like that?” Dabi snarks, shoving his handing into his pockets.
“Not skanks,” you reply, “Well, maybe she didn’t come off as a skank to you seeing as you were pretty friendly.”
“Jealousy is fucking ugly on you.” Shigaraki rasps, opting to leave the room with the others rather than hear you bicker with the black haired male.
“Jealous? The hell is there to be jealous about?!” You shout, the leader sending you the finger before leaving.
“Shigaraki’s right.” Dabi agrees, beginning to stroll away to his room, “It’s also a huge turn off.”
“Turn off ? It’s not like I ever turned you on. You’d rather the skimpy skinny bitch, right? She seems more your type.” Dabi stops to turn around to face you.
The expression on his face was unreadable but the aura he was emitting was deadly. He then inches toward you causing you to take little steps back.
“Y/N.” Is all he says and you stop right where you are. As he closes the space between you he grabs your arm, the force of his fingertips crushing into your muscle.
“The room. Now.” He grits, shoving you in front of him.
“Don’t fucking shove me. Better yet keep your hands off of me. ” You mumbled, making your way down the hall.
When you enter the room Dabi slams the door behind you.
“So fucking unnecessary,” you voice, back turned to him.
“No, your fucking unnecessary. And fucking look at me when I’m talking to you.” He demands gripping your shoulder and flipping you around.
“Didn’t I say to keep you damn hands off of me?!” You hiss, pushing his hands off of you. Dabi, refutes by taking a death hold on your waist, pushing you into the foot of the bed. His hands grip tighter and eventually your sides begin to run hot, the smell of singed clothing flooding the air.
He draws closer to your face, he gets so close you can feel his breath ghost over your lips, “Now listen you fucking brat, I don’t know what your problem is but you better fix that shit real fast. I don’t like to play with bratty bitches.”
“Your the bratty bitch,” you bark. Dabi’s lips draw together before he pushes you over the footboard and onto the bed. He then climbs inbetween your legs and loops his fingers around what’s left of your belt loops.
“You can either tell me what your problem is now or you can wait until my cock is rupturing your fucking cervix. ” he offers, pulling your pants off along with your underwear.
“Do your worst, bitch.” You spit.
Now I know it seems like that was a badass move, but it was a bad decision to say the least. Dabi was never a gentle lover and now that you’ve pissed him off, he definitely wasn’t going to take and precautions. You were being a bitch and if the only way to fix that is fucking you, then so be it.
Without any care he yanks you up and takes off the remainder of your clothing. Your lips purse into a thin line, the feisty part in you wanting to say something, but with the mood you had put him in you knew better. In one motion your back hits the mattress once more.
The male on top of you doesn’t even bother stripping from his clothing. You watch as he undoes his zipper and shimmies his pants below his hips. He sucks air into his mouth before pushing it out causing spit to fly onto your slit as well as his cock.
He then grabs the back of your knees, his fingertips still hot from the incident earlier, and throws them onto his shoulders.
“Don’t open your mouth until your ready to tell me what the hell is wrong with you,” and with that remark he plunges the whole of his cock into your pussy. You let out a shaky gasp which is quickly met by a hand around your throat.
“Not a fucking peep.” The male urges, drawing out of your folds before thrusting back in. He slams his hips into yours hard enough to send you moving forward on the mattress. The sheets beneath you losing there stability. Your pussy clenches around his length in an attempt to lessen the impact of his thrusts.
“Stop clenching. Your gonna rip my dick off,” he growls, and it sends chills through out your body. Dabi had such a disgusting mouth, vial even, but in the end it’s only added to your pleasure. The pleasure which you couldn’t admit you were indulging in. The thought of Dabi fucking you with no mercy only made you want to piss him off more.
Your voice ached to be heard as he continued to fuck your greedy pussy. The sounds of slapping and low distasteful grunts echoed off the hollow walls as he continued to reek havoc on your slit. The closer he got to cumming the closer he neared your cervix.
“You know what? Your fucking cute like this. Being a stubborn fucking brat. Making me fuck you just to get you to act right.”
Cute? Through the rough pleasure that you were feeling that word made something burn inside you.
“Cute? You don’t think I’m fucking cute.” You wither through labored breaths. He takes the pressure off of your neck, interested in trying to hear you explain yourself as he pounds your cunt.
“And why wouldn’t I think your cute, mm?”
“Because you were into that thin bitch. Talking to her, grinning at her. Bet you couldn’t wait until I left so you could fuck her.”
“If I wanted to fuck her I would’ve fucked her. But here I am balls fucking deep in my cunt. In the pussy that belongs to me.” His vulgar words, spark a heat in your tummy, leaving your insides twitching.
“So that’s what the attitude was for? Because you thought I wanted to fuck some rando?” He chuckles before taking the back of your thighs into his hands. He then pushes them back as far as they can go before pulling the length of his cock out, leaving only the tip. Your hand scrambles to meet his stomach but by the time your fingers meet his skin he’s already eight inches deep in your pussy. The head of his cock kissing your cervix.
“Dabi!” You cry out, your toes curling as he slams the weight of himself into you. The boy leans down and places a tart kiss on the shell of your ear.
“So pretty when you cry out like that.” You whimper at his words and weakly shove at his chest.
“Take some out. I told you what was wrong.” A feeble whine lacing your tone.
“I know that’s what we agreed on but your sucking me in. I couldn’t pull some out if I tried.” He whispers, dragging his tongue up your ear. You groaned, squirming under him it was as if he just kept adding inches. Nevertheless the pain you felt was something you were use to, something that you only used to add to your pleasure.
“Gonna cum.” You cry out as he rhythmically fills you up, his cock crashing against your womb again and again. You feel you thighs tremble as your body locks up around him. Your hands slam down gripping the sheets as your orgasm courses through your body. Dabi moves his mouth to kiss you as he lets his own orgasm spill into you. Once you regain your breath you lazily push him off of you.
“Heavy.” You mumble, grabbing the sheets to cover yours self, but before you can pull them over your chest they’re ripped from your hands.
“Don’t.” He demands, letting his hand trail up and down your lower abdomen as he lays he head on your chest, “Let me rub here. It’s cute.”
“Stop calling me cute.” You say rolling your eyes.
“But that’s what you are. Your a damn brat as well but your beautiful, perfect body, perfect smile. It warms my shallow ass heart.” You fluster at his words as he continues his actions.
“Dabi don’t say-.”
“Will you be quiet?” he sighs, “I love you. Your perfect. I wouldn’t dare think of another girl so stop your whining.” You obey and entangle your hand in his hair .
Nothing else needed to be said on your part or his. You were aware of you over exaggeration of the situation and you were glad you had a boyfriend who cared enough to hear you out, even if it was after destroying your cervix.
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