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Lazy Mornings
Summary: Mountain goes outside to have a bit of morning time to himself, the day is exceptionally pretty with everything seemingly lining up to be a perfect early day nap.
He rests against the shore of the lake, and Rain spots him. Of course Rain can't resist bugging Mountain just a bit when he looks so pretty.
Warnings/tags: Trans Rain, Vaginal sex, Vaginal fingering, Biting, Inhuman ghouls, Sleepy sex, Semi-public sex, and lastly rough sex at the end.
Rating: Explicit, MDNI 18+
Length: 3k words
Notes: Originally posted on my Ao3, just a few edits from that version for cohesiveness. I'm still learning to format here, so hopefully there aren't any issues! :')
Mountain stretched as he took in the scene of the outside, morning dew still littered the grass. The leaves were rustling in the trees above and there was a breeze rolling over the lake behind the church. He walked forward, quite happy to be in his element.
He continued until he reached a sandy patch beside the lake, some small grasses growing in the sand. He then leaned back, letting the sun hit his skin and features. A lazy yawn comes out of him as he just listens around him..
Birds are singing their songs, the wind is blowing, the water is lapping gently, at times, he can even hear when a fish comes up for a moment. Does he hear frogs in the distance..?
No matter, this was the perfect day to get a morning nap in. The little grass on the sand was already enveloping his body, small flowers sprouting in his hair as he was perfectly content. There was a quiet ripple in the lake as his body relaxed, he hadn't exactly noticed that's not normal. He was too sleepy.
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His tail was thumping lazily on the ground until eventually even that stopped as his chest slowed. For the untrained eye he appeared dead, but he was just sleeping. Small snores coming out of him erratically, inside the lake he had a watcher.
Rain sat lurking barely underneath the water, he finally pushed his head up a bit as he noticed Mountain was now passed out. Rain had come out earlier in the morning when the sun was still low. The cool water tends to help calm his nerves and he likes to think while submerged.
“Mountain?” Rain called out quietly as he swam closer. He didn't want to startle the gentle giant.. Although his sleeping was quite idyllic. Rain has yet to figure out how someone could ever look so relaxed, but Mountain lets a lot of things just slide off of him quietly and without a fuss.
Apparently it saves a lot of heartache and drama that way, which is probably a lifesaver when you're in such a large group like the ghouls. Rain would be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little bit envious of Mountain sleeping so nicely.
He finally swam closer to the shore, carefully stepping out and not making too much noise as he did so. Where did he leave his clothes? Rain peered around the area for a moment before remembering he left them on the dock. They actually have a dock because some like fishing, uh.. Rain can't really consider himself the biggest fan of fishing. He'd rather be soaking in the water than sitting above it.
He walked closer to Mountain, his hair dripped over Mountain for a moment. Mountain groaned a bit, his eyes barely opened until he saw it was Rain. “Rainy?” He muttered, sleep still thick in his voice. “Yeah, just me big guy.” Rain says as he laid down beside Mountain, he stretched lazily with a small yawn.
He let out a small noise of shock seeing Mountain was staring at him, “Where are your clothes?” Mountain asked genuinely curious. Still, it was so forward that it caught Rain off guard. “On the dock..” Rain confessed as he sat back up a bit.
Mountain was gazing at him, in a quite peculiar way. Rain recognised that look even while Mountain was sleepy. “You want something, Mount?” Rain questioned, his head tilting as he shadowed Mountain. Mountain stayed laying down, eyeing Rain carefully as yawned a tiny bit. “Maybe.” He finally said, Rain has a small grin but he doesn't give in yet. He prods at Mountain's stomach. "Gonna tell me what?" Rain questioned, his fingertips barely moved underneath Mountain's shirt and messed with the fuzzy hair leading down to his pants.
Mountain let out a particularly harsh breath of air as his eyes were half lidded, finally he relented. "You." He breathed out quietly, "There we go, that's all I wanted you to say." Rain says with a pleased tone, he then pushed himself a bit down so he could start unzipping Mount's pants. Mountain lifted his hips up a bit to make it easier on Rain when it was time to slide the pants down, he didn't slide them down too far just about half way down his thighs.
"Isn't it a pretty day? I saw you- From the lake.. You look like you'd agree with that statement." Rain mused quietly, Mount barely nodded his head. "It's really pretty today." He says, Rain watched as the flowers in his hair seemed to bloom harder for a moment.. As if it was even possible. He was practically still beaming being so relaxed right now. Rain traced a single finger down Mount's bulge, he hissed a little but otherwise didn't react. Well, that wouldn't do.
His hand finally grasped Mount firmly out of the safety of his boxers, Rain paused for a brief moment to admire the half chub currently. Arguably the best state you can find someone in..
Rain glanced upwards to see Mountain was staring at the clouds above. His eyes a bit more awake now but still not fully there, he didn't say anything. Mount being sleepy is the easiest to work with- Not that he's difficult to work with in general! Just.. He tends to be frisky when he's sleepy. It's easier to get things started.
Rain pushed aside his own desire as he started to stroke Mountain quietly, he didn't make any noises but if looks could devour.. Well, Mountain would easily be the most fulfilling meal of his life. The pace was firm, coming in quick yet hard strokes.
His thumb rubbed over the head, pushing the foreskin down for a moment. A small gush of pre came out at that making Rain grin, Mountain was breathing heavier but otherwise didn't react. At least not by much, it's the subtle things.. His tail was thumping again with the occasional swish, the flowers in his hair were growing in numbers, his face had a blush creeping on it.
"Is it nice?" Rain questioned, watching as small beads of sweat formed on the side of Mount's all too beautiful face. How criminal it is to be so relaxed and so gorgeous at the same time.
Mountain replied with a noise between a hum and a moan making Rain laugh a small bit, he briefly stopped to lean down and kiss Mountain. Though it quickly became heated as Mount was clearly more awake now, his hands holding Rain down to him fairly easily. Their tongues met each other, Rain threatened to nip Mountain's when it peeked into the others mouth. Finally Rain tapped Mountain, needing air. Mountain reluctantly released, Rain taking rather greedy breaths of air.
"Are you awake now?" Rain questioned between breaths. "Mm. Yeah." Mountain says as he sat up, he began to unbutton his shirt then he gestured towards Rain. "And you..?" Mount questioned, Rain was already naked but he's sure slick was gathering between his thighs as he had been watching Mount with an intense gaze the entire time.
"Ah.. I wasn't too worried about myself." Rain admitted shyly, his fangs nipped at his bottom lip for a moment as he watched as the fabric slid off of Mountain's figure. Immediately his eyes feasting on all of Mountain's body, his hands drifted towards the others pants and boxers helping slide those off too.
He heard a noise similar to a grumble before realising Mountain was laughing some, Rain immediately pouted. "What's so funny?" Rain asked, Mount shook his head. "Nothing, I just like watching you look. It's.. Cute. You're very focused with your gaze." Mountain says, Rain wanted to roll his eyes but couldn't find it in him to do so. Suddenly Mountain slapped a bit against his bare thigh, catching Rain's attention. "Ready raindrop?" He questioned, his head had a puppy-like tilt that Rain would be lying if he said didn't have an allure to it.
He was hesitant only for a moment but desire was quick to take over, "Yes." He whispered as he inched closer to Mount. "Remember, stoplight system.." Mountain says, Rain tends to get a bit carried away during sex. But colours are easy to remember and he knows when Mount asks for a colour to call one back pretty quickly, no matter how elated he is about a particular action. "I know. We're green right now, so help me onto you." Rain huffed in desperation, he didn't want to beg for help, but dammit, he would if he needed to.
Mountain didn't need to be told twice, however he did test the.. waters. Okay, admittedly the pun made him chuckle a bit out loud. But more seriously he needed to make sure Rain was sufficiently lubricated and able to take him, the last thing he'd want to do is injure the poor water ghoul.
So this required a position change, Rain got on his back with fair ease and Mountain was now between his legs. Not.. for any particular reason but just because it was the easiest position of course. Rain hissed as he felt one finger prod at his folds, he was sensitive.
So.. When he said he was relaxing in the lake earlier he might have been doing a few other extra activities as well. For relaxation. The good news is water ghouls are self lubricating, they produce a lot of liquids in general because of that. Mountain was using this to his advantage as he gathered the slick gathering outside of Rain's slit, stroking himself with the excess.
Rain panted quietly, too much damn teasing. Well, he doesn't think Mountain was intentionally teasing but it didn't matter if it felt like teasing. "Mount please.." Rain whined, now a bit more helpless in tone. "I know raindrop, I know." Mountain says back, he was taking his time by all means which was killing Rain.
Finally a tentative finger found its way inside of Rain, Rain moaned as it provided stimulation and relief. Mountain could tell already that Rain had been pleasuring himself alone earlier, he was too wet for it to be plausible just off of their interaction alone. Plus.. He was stretched already.
Still, he added another finger enjoying the sounds Rain was making as his legs tried to shut against Mountain's but were stopped as his thighs were broad and blocking the way. One of his hands reached up to stroke at Rain's horns, making the smaller ghoul keen into his touch. His mouth fell open with pretty noises, ah.. Horns are the weakness of all ghouls.
Their tails entwined as Mountain finally pushed one more finger inside of Rain, the three fingers pumping in and out lazily. Then, when Mountain noticed his breathing had got shaky he pulled away.
"Nooo.." Rain sobbed at the loss, Mountain was licking his fingers as if they were some delightful treat. He groaned as he did so, the taste making him grind against nothing. Fuck, as much as he wanted to taste Rain it'd mean he'd be finishing really soon.
He lied about earlier, by the way. The reason he had settled between his legs was just in case he wanted to eat the water ghoul out. Unfortunately it'd have to wait for a different day.
He took his cock into his hand, slowly moving towards Rain. He was lined up perfectly, with that being said he started the first push inside. Rain was wincing but didn't complain, "Colour?" Mountain called out just in case. "Green- Just.. Wish you'd hurry." Rain whined, he was always so impatient. Only matched by Dew who met his level of impatience, but.. At least Rain wasn't a brat like Dew. Normally anyway.
"I'll take as long as I like." Mountain says with an air of finality, the tone made Rain whimper a tiny bit. The head popped in easily, it briefly got caught which made Rain cry out a bit but Mountain moved past that. Now it was an easy slide inside, once hilted he waited until Rain was stable and then Rain nodded when he was ready.
Mountain changed positions, knowing Rain liked to cling onto him during this. Missionary had never failed them in times like this, his head fell between Rain's neck and shoulder. Fangs grazing the skin there as Rain whined loudly at the sensation, Mountain's hands ran up Rain's relatively sleek body. Then he moved, Rain moaned loudly almost immediately asking for more.
Mountain was happy to oblige, he set a steady pace with Rain as his hands were pulling and tugging on Rain's nipples, his fangs finally sunk into Rain's skin. Blood filled his mouth instantly, Rain whining as his hands tangled into Mountain's overgrown hair.
Mountain pulled away after he had suckled enough at the fresh wound, leaving a mark in its place with the fang marks. He moved on to kissing his poor desperate Rainy afterwards, Rain moaned at the metallic taste of his own blood. It's always an odd taste and sensation knowing it belongs to you but he never minded, his cheeks were quite flushed and his kiss with Mountain was needy.
His hands moving to wrap around Mounts neck instead, Rain pulled away to breathe as his lips felt bruised. "I'm close." Rain suddenly says, his eyes were dazed and somewhat lost. Still.. Mountain knew he needed an extra push, Mount hummed as he started to knead Rain's nipples once more. The small bulbs of flesh now being red from being tweaked and pulled so much, still.. It wasn't enough.
One of Mountain's hands trailed down to where the two were conjoined at, his other hand firmly planted beside Rain now. He rubbed at Rain's dick, pushing the hood back and rubbing the nub there. Rain cried out near immediately, so close.. So close. Then Mountain angled himself just right to drag against Rain's sweet spot and before he could even react or properly warn Mountain, he was coming- A gush of fluid around Mountain's cock made him groan, that.. That was obscene. He loved it.
He was a slower with his movements as he was working Rain through his high, the ripple of internal muscles made Mountain close himself but he wanted this to be good when he finished- He didn't want to end the fun just yet.
Finally, Rain's breathing was normal again and he gave Mountain a shaky nod seeing how feral he looked. "Green." He called out before Mountain could even ask, so came the rough part of sex.. He pulled out of Rain, flipping him over with Rain whining at the harsh treatment.
He liked it, they had established this beforehand which is why neither him or Mount reacted negatively. Rain already knew to spread his legs, Mountain was back on him but with a quicker and more erratic pace now. Rain was rubbing his own nipples and circling his dick, yet it wasn't as good as how Mount did it. He whined out helplessly at that realization, Mountain was shaky in his own movements now but he still noticed Rain was struggling.
Rain's hand at his cock was brushed away as Mountain took his place instead, barely holding himself back. He looked at how Rain's thighs trembled and how he was barely holding himself up, "Let go for me- Let go." Mountain says, his voice basically pleading.
Finally Rain let out a sharp cry as he came around Mountain for a second time. Mountain pushed in one last time before he came himself with a moan, his entire body became rigid and tense as he breathed deeply.
Mountain pulls out a few minutes later when he's softened up, cum seeping out of Rain in his wake. It was such a delightful sight, but he opted to check on Rain instead of sticking around to look at his handiwork. "Are you alright?" Mountain asked softly, Rain nodded before pulling Mountain into his face for a kiss.
Mountain was caught off guard but reciprocated as the two shared a deep kiss before mutually parting. "We need to go wash off really quickly." Rain declared, Mountain's eyes were already glazed over once more as he yawned again. "I could use a little wash up in the lake. I'm a bit sleepy now and not to mention dirty." Mount says, Rain laughed a bit.
"My sweaty Mountain." Rain says with a smile, tracing his fingers underneath Mountain's chin where the earth ghoul purred. His hand trailed upwards to stroke delicately at Mountain's horns before he pulled away as Mount sucked in a sharp breath.
"Sorry.. Still too sensitive." Mountain confessed quietly, "No worries. Come on- Let's get cleaned up." Rain says, he tried to stand up but ended up needing Mountain's help for that. The two walk into the warm lake together, "So.. I didn't want to tell you mid-sex but I'm pretty sure some of the others were outside with us." Mountain says as they reach a deeper part of the lake.
Suddenly, Rain had a furious blush and he looked nervous. "Seriously?!" Rain asked, unable to believe Mountain didn't tell him while he was being so noisy. "I could feel them walking on the grass.. But I didn't want you to stop moaning." Mountain says guiltily, Rain could only shudder and think of who heard.
Satanas, what if it wasn't a ghoul and instead someone like Copia?! He might melt from embarrassment. At least with the ghouls they were all in a group together, sleeping and romancing each other freely. Copia knew about their.. ehem, involvement with each other but not to what extent.
But Rain just shook it out of his mind with a sigh, "It's fine. Besides I'm sure it was Dew who came out to get his early morning smoke in." Rain says, he was swimming beside Mountain who was merely standing up. How could someone be so tall..?
"I'll tell you next time, but they did leave after hearing us." Mountain says more seriously, Rain had a small grin. "Well.." Rain started carefully, "I suppose getting caught is half the fun." Rain says before swimming over to nibble on Mount's bottom lip, "Now help me get cleaned up. We have practice in about two hours." Rain then says, Mountain chuckling as he nodded.
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weirdmarioenemies · 11 hours
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Name: Firefly
Debut: Wario Land 4
Did you know? I can post anything I want on the internet. This is the first WME post of autumn, and here I am posting a firefly, an icon of summer magic! Hee hee! I am posting it because it is an incredibly darling firefly, even if to be honest it doesn't really resemble one at all, just a Cartoon Bug with a glowing light. But a great cartoon bug! Big ol' peepers, what could be either antennae or mandibles beneath, and feet that look like they may be wearing white gloves. Hot Dog!
I am being a bit rebellious on this post besides my seasonal antics, as well. If you asked the Super Mario Wiki (and you can imagine it as one of those tall suited object-headed fellows with the logo as the head, if you're into that) what this creature's name is, it would say "Hotaru". That's what the page calls it, after all. But that's just Japanese for Firefly! So that is what I will call it, with a disclaimer that it is an unofficial localization. And that's okay. You agree that it's okay. Thank you!
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Do you call them fireflies or lightning bugs? Maybe something else? These two common names embody their Elemental Powers, which they do not actually have, but it's fun that they're two somewhat distinct elements. They should get a common name for all of the RPG elements! The larvae live and hunt in the soil, so there's a reason to give them an Earth related name, in a world where some weirdo decided that lurking in the dirt was more notable than glowing. And for Water, the larvae of some species are aquatic!
I kind of don't like any of the common names too much. I default to firefly, and it's fine enough, but... I don't know! I think I would call them glowbeetles. It sounds even more magical to me, like a creature that would exist as fantasy worldbuilding, while also being more accurate! It's a travesty that so many people don't realize these are beetles! They are! So I like "glowbeetle", even if it is a little weird to say. I like what it represents.
My manager is reminding me that I have not actually been talking about Wario Land 4 like I was supposed to. He's not paying me to talk about REAL bugs. He's SUPPOSED to be not paying me to talk about Wario Land 4! On it, boss!
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For such a zany and over-the-top game, the firefly is surprisingly normal! If Wario touches the drool from a ghostly carnivorous plant's mouth, he will turn into a zombie. The way to reverse this status is by coming into contact with bright light. So a Firefly will appear to help! No fire. No lightning. Just good ol' light, like in real life. Its glow will make Wario no longer dead, so his funeral will have to be postponed until further notice. Perhaps it's a metaphor for how the wonders of nature make one happy to be alive! Whatever the case, this is just a regular cartoon bug who shows up, does its natural behavior, SAVES the player through its natural behavior, and leaves. That's incredible!
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wait wait wait ok literally after i saw that jon the teenage manager post i automatically searched for your blog bc its been a while and then to see that you were the one who posted it. good stuff.
BUT it also made me think about this idea i had a while back that i want to pass on to you if it tickles your fancy, about jon, who works at some super frilly brunch place to make ends meet and sansa and margery who frequent, either because its cute or because they're hungover and its the closest place to them. maybe its open super late/early and they just always end up in there after/during a night out.
anyways, always a pleasure to be lurking on your blog!
sometimes when people send me prompts, they sit in my inbox for years before I finally get inspiration. Sometimes I get a prompt and it immediately slaps me across the face and won't leave my brain. That's what happened with this one.
Anon, I didn't do a frilly brunch place, I did fast food instead because that's the idea that came to me. Hope you like it!
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itsonlydana · 1 day
I saw you opened requests and thought if you were inspired could you do a little sequel to "I Didn't Know That I Was Starving Till I Tasted You". I absolutely adore that story it is SO good!
Midnight Meetings in our Kitchen | hobbit
pairing: Thranduil x fem!reader👑
The night before the reopening of his restaurant, Thranduil is feeling antsy - you try your best to coax him back into bed.
warnings/tags: none
word count: 2,7k
an: This has taken me months to write and I apologize for the delay! My mind was just as frazzled as Thranduil's.
requests: please check pinned post
+ masterlist + rules +🌿 reposts and comments are much appreciated, they motivate me a lot and keep me writing <3
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You woke up alone and to the faint metallic sound of pots clanking in the kitchen. The hand you blindly reach over to the other side of the bed comes in contact with a cold mattress and rumbled sheets, no residue warmth of the person that held you until you fell asleep nor any sign that he actually slept and not gotten back up immediately as soon as you had closed your eyes to his even breathing.
This is not the first time Thranduil snuck out of bed – in the weeks you now shared one it has become all the clearer how often he actually strayed through the apartment while you were deep in a slumber – but it is the first time he did it after he promised to stay. 
It would be easy to let the anger and frustration fester, let it grow either in a thoughtless fight or in weeks of unspoken feelings, and if this was anyone else you would holster these moments like munition. Keeping them close to your heart like ivy holding on to cracked walls. 
Thranduil however, is not anyone else. 
The blanket is pushed aside, your feet step into the slippers by the bedside and in passing of the desk by the door, you grab a cardigan to throw over your shorts and the top you slept in. The moment you open the bedroom door, the sounds from the kitchen grow louder. You quietly creep around the corner, passing by the room where you hardly ever sleep, and find your boyfriend in a familiar stance – leaning over the stove, a spoon in his hand and one in the mess of long hair bundled up in the nape of his neck, barely holding it together; your boyfriend as well as the spoon.
He doesn’t seem to realize you are there, your shoes did a good job silencing the steps, so it is no wonder Thranduil flinches as you wrap your arms around his stomach from behind and press your face against his back. He catches on quickly, snaps out of the murmuring of ingredients and a “Oh,” escapes him in a sigh. “I’ve woken you up, haven’t I?”
“No,” you mumble into the loose shirt. Thranduil is comfortably warm, not by nature – his hands are a blessing in the summer and he made it a sport to tickle you awake with his icey tips as soon as you spent the nights under mountains of blankets – but by the heated kitchen and the many pots boiling in front of him. Lips against the soft fabric, you continue: “But you said you wouldn’t do this. Not tonight, Thran.”
You feel his spine curve as Thranduil sacks into himself slightly, as he stops holding himself up on the counter and instead hugs your arms closer to his chest. His whole body rumbles at another sigh. “I know,” he is tired, his voice drips sleep more than he realizes, “I know, Darling. I will come to bed soon, let me just finish this recipe.”
You lurk past his right side into what you think is a pot of soup? 
“Do you plan on serving it later?” you ask and let your fingers trail over the bunched-up shirt, over the soft hairs on his lean stomach. 
“I’m not sure. It lacks something and I can’t figure out what exactly. Spices I used plenty, the broth is perfection and the vegetables have been in harmony every other time I thought of them.” – Thranduil is the only person in the world who you know can taste a dish without even cooking it, all that happens in his brain is a mysterium – “I need to find.. whatever it is that’s missing before I could serve it.”
“So, you will cook dozens of portions with a tiny thing changed?”
It is meant to be a joke though Thranduil nods. 
He could be unreadable and stubborn, especially these last few weeks. His restaurant ‘The Green Leaf’, is known as the best spot for fine-dining vegan food, praised high and above by the critics for excellent taste, extravagant and beyond thinking of known dishes taken to another level in ways you couldn’t even begin to fathom. Thranduil is precise, cutting dishes that fail his standards and not adding new ones till he reaches perfection only known to him. 
The turn to autumn brought not only harsher winds but it took one of Thranduil’s suppliers to sell out to ‘Oakenshields’, another star restaurant across the street and a thorn in Thranduil’s eyes ever since the press fueled heavy competition between two restaurants that are no were near the same category. They have close to nothing in common, except for two petty as fuck owners with their heads stuck that far up their arses, that they couldn’t see further than their rage. 
Thranduil, mature as he is, reacted to the news of his supplier changing sides – literally and metaphorically – as any normal person would, and decided on a night similar to this one, that he would change every meal that he had previously cooked with the ingredients of ‘the traitor’. Out with entrés made with apples, gone are the burgers simply because the cucumbers are no longer accessible. You realized quickly that going with the flow meant outings to farmer's markets testing fruits and vegetables, negotiating deals with you hanging on his arm, and new recipes he cooks for you to try. The work and effort of many nights waking up to find him in the kitchen all lead to tomorrow, the first day after the restaurant’s summer-closing and the presentation of a completely new constructed menu. 
To say Thranduil is spun tight is an understatement.
“Thranduil –” you sigh, your hot breath slightly wetting his shirt and your lips move against his spine. “This is nonsense and I don’t say this to be mean. You’ve been up the whole day, going through recipes you’ve been sure about and that you know by heart. Trying this won’t do no good; it will only exhaust you.” The tips of your fingers trail through the hair, higher up to lay a flat palm against the firm skin, feeling his intake of breath. You let your touch be gentle if he misunderstands your words. 
Communication between you had never been the problem – well, except for the obvious misunderstanding of the feelings you both had harbored for each other in complete ignorance that the other packaged them up in love languages such as cooking a meal or throwing out flowers of your dates – and you two had gotten even better at speaking your mind to avoid confrontations that could have been cleared up by a simple discussion at dinner or before going to bed. You never went to bed mad at each other, that is the rule you agreed on. You would talk it out and then make up. You have learned that Thranduil’s cold demeanor came on the second he felt vulnerable and alone which is exactly why you lean into the subject with your hands holding on to him.
“I get that this is important for you,” you continue and your knees nudge the muscles of his calves, “but you need sleep. Your greatest weapon is your brain, so, let it rest. I’m sure this will work out without a new dish.”
For a while, there is the boiling of water, the steam of carrots and celeriac drifting through the air. Thranduil’s hands continue to hold onto you, drawing figures onto your wrists to signal you that he did hear you and is thinking of an answer, not ignoring you. Then, he lets go with one hand. The stove clicks off, and the gas flame disappears, dipping the kitchen into more darkness now that the blue flickering light is gone. 
Other than that movement, Thranduil stands still. 
You opt for another lighthearted joke to break the tension that is obvious in his shoulders, the wings of them have the shirt stretched tighter at his hunch. You take the spoon out of his hands and fish in the soup, yes definitely soup, carefully balancing it around his stiff body and closing your lips around it.
“Mhmm, what excellent boiled potatoes,” you hum.
Thranduil's expression shifts ever so slightly, as if your words have finally pierced through the mental blockade, where he’s no doubt been sifting through countless possible events. An amused snort escapes him, his spine curving closer against you as he chuckles softly. “Did you have another Pride and Prejudice marathon this week?”
“What?” Your voice jumps an octave, betraying you instantly. “No! Of course not! Me? Nev–er. I don't even know that movie.” The words tumble out in a frantic cascade, and in the middle of your denial, Thranduil abruptly turns to face you, his sudden movement drawing a helpless grin from your lips.
One eyebrow arches in quiet amusement as he begins to crowd you against the kitchen island and leaves you to stare up at him. “If you didn’t watch it – and I certainly didn’t – how do you explain the ‘continue watching’ notification I saw at the restaurant?”
“Wow, uhm,” you fumble for an excuse, fingers toying with the strings of his silken pajama pants. “Maybe your brother decided to give my recommendations a shot?”
Thranduil lets out a scoff, his disbelief evident. “Las? When has he ever taken our advice on anything?”
True, his brother is going down the full teenager-who-listens-to-no-one-route like he’s doing a marathon but you are just as determined. Coyly you flutter your lashes up at Thranduil, pulling at the strings and twirling them around a finger. “Maybe that’s a sign of the universe, then. That you should stop banging pots and start bang– showing attention to your girlfriend.” 
Thranduil laughs so low in his throat, that you feel it swooshing straight into your stomach, the vibrato of his voice and the rasp of the few hours of sleep undoing every thought of getting him back to bed because this, Thranduil in just a loose shirt standing in the silver light of the moon in the middle of the kitchen and staring down at you might be the most attractive thing you have ever witnessed. 
His hands wander from your waist up to your shoulders, sliding up further to cup your neck in his large palms and gently tilt your chin up further. Your breath comes to a full stop, instead, your heart takes on the job of pulsing twice as fast at the gentle touch of his thumb moving over the underline of your jaw. The day you realized he cradles you just as gently as his favorite knives was surely one to process but now you lean into the lingering taps of his fingertips, the pad of his thumb pressing slightly into the plushness of your lower lip. 
Thranduil slots one leg between yours, casually and with an ease that you wouldn’t believed him to be able to when you first met him. “Have I recently told you how thankful I am that you’re you?” he asks and you shake your head slightly. His lips curve downward, as do his eyebrows. “I may have gotten lost in my work again, haven’t I?” 
You nod, never one to pour a lie into this intimacy. “But that’s fine. I know this is important to you. The restaurant opening and all can’t be easy.”
“That’s no reason to push away the one person that makes this journey bearable. You shouldn’t have to put up with my nightly disappearance out of bed simply because the restaurant is a large focus on my mind right now.” 
“It has become quite the habit of yours,” you agree quietly and slip one hand under his shirt again. 
There’s nothing sexual about the way you hold onto his waist, tracing the bones and muscles, all breathing softly and singing under your touch. Being this close to him grounds you the same way he needs physical touch as a reminder that he is still important in arguments and fights. That no matter how far apart your opinions are at that moment, your bond is still there. 
“I am truly sorry for this habit. I will work on it and I think once we have gotten through the worst of the press and critics I can rest easier but it’s nothing I can one hundred percent promise. The last time we closed for a month I slept barely after reopening.”
You tilt your head. “Is there anything I can do to help you?”
“No, everything you do makes me a better person already,” Thranduil says and leans down to finally catch your lips in a soft kiss into which you melt like butter on a hot pan. Every nerve ending is sizzling and burning, sighing as he holds your face close and kisses the breath out of you. “Or would you do me the favor and never watch your movie again?”
You laugh and bite down on his lip, “Never. Try something more realistic.”
He agrees with a huff of laughter, “Of course not,”  and pulls you back into another kiss. 
“Can we go back to bed?” you mumble against his lips. As much as you enjoy the loving kisses, the slow and languid draw of his tongue, the playful nip of his teeth in the lull of the night, his full body cornering you against the counter – oh, there’s this low sound of his throat again – but unlike Thranduil, you had a few hours of sleep already and you can feel the urge to hop back under the covers in the cold around your bare ankles.  
Thranduil’s head swirls around, seemingly taking in the state of the kitchen without the haze of a restless man dreaming of the perfect dish clouding his judgment and he raises a hand to tap against his lips, loudly exhaling. “Shit. I can’t leave this lying around and while it’s no good for the restaurant, I can’t just throw it out.”
You shrug your shoulders, sneaking past him to open the drawer meticulously sorted with plastic boxes. There are certainly enough of them to store the soups and their different varieties. Once Thranduil starts working on a new recipe, his tendency to fill the kitchen and run tests leaves its traces in the way you now look out for good lunchbox offers and Tupperware parties, always being mindful of having enough of them to stack up the freezer. Thranduil may be opposed to frozen food – and not only storebought, he would not eat something he didn’t cook fresh even if the whole idea of freezing food he cooked meant that it was still good and full of vitamins – but you don’t mind popping them into the microwave on a long day at work and relishing the soul food of your boyfriend weeks after he abandoned the thought of that particular version.
“We could pack them up and bring them around to the shelter tomorrow. Ah, wait, no. You have to be at the restaurant early for the deliveries. I can drop them off then, get home to change and still be there on time for the opening, oh! Thran–,” you are interrupted by the warm weight of Thranduil hugging you close from behind, surprising you the same way you had earlier, only that the height difference allows him to mouth a kiss into your neck. 
“I love you,” Thranduil says, digging his fingers into the wool of your cardigan. “All I’m doing is keeping you up at night and you’re still here, thinking about bringing the food to the shelter and my schedule. You’re brilliant, my love.”
The compliment goes through your heart like molten honey, sticking in all the slowly healing cracks that Thranduil mends each day he is there for you. The change from being roommates to best friends brings the risk of disrupting the carefully built balance yet Thranduil and you made it work and in times like this, standing in the darkness of your shared kitchen in the night before the re-opening of what Thranduil loves third-most in the world, every effort is worth the risk.
You smile, resting your head against his chest and looking up at him. His grey eyes are already on you, framed by long lashes and the strands of hair shining silver. “Love you too, most ardently,” you stand up on your tiptoes for a quick kiss upside down. “Soups can wait, let’s go to bed.”
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
just read that brazil will likely allow twitter back (cuz as expected, a certain rat backed down/had no legs to stand on)
will you return there?
Well I had never really been there tbh I mostly logged on to lurk on fanart. sometimes I think about making a dunmeshistash account in other places but it's scary lmao, Tumblr somehow feels like I'm posting "in my home" while elsewhere feels kinda exposed somehow
I'm on bluesky (where I also mostly lurk) and have another side blog where I reblog/post fandom stuff, I'm currently jojoposting tho, beware
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gregmarriage · 6 months
currently looking at all my moots in my notes and wondering which one of you is blue
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Thank you all for an incredible 500 days of love and support. I offer you: answers to questions that no one has asked.
(As always, more can be found in the tags <3)
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#a-qing#jin ling#wen ning#jiang cheng#“Hey wait this feels like there should have been way more content for questions” Yes. There was.#I was not strong enough to redraw *all* of what was lost. Rest in piece the original (lost to tea related accident)#But I'll tell you all the fun other things that would have been drawn out right here in the tags!#Did you know my longest posting streak was 61 days? And my longest hiatus was 6 days?#Did you know I missed posting on 92 days of those 500 days - meaning I posted 82% of the time on a daily basis?#I'm normal about collecting data. I have so much data on this blog for normal reasons. I'm also so normal about art. The normalest.#Honorable mention for the character rankings: Lan Wangji! for “Most improved in rank”.#Sorry Lan Wangji fans but until the audio drama I honestly was...pretty indifferent towards him.#I think a huge part of that was due to the fact he's constantly paired up with WWX; who has *so* much charisma and steals the scene#But I've really come to like him a lot more since starting this project. He rose from mid-tier to being in the top ten!#Dishonorable mention: Nie Huaisang. Who fell out of number 1 spot and out of the top 5.#He just hasn't shown up a lot! And my rankings are fickle! They will probably change once I finish the third season!#My favourite comics are: A lot of them! And the ones I have yet to make!#I'm very sleepy at the moment while writing this but I do want to give a huge shout out to YOU.#Yeah! you reading this! Thank you! If you've been here since the first week or just started reading: THANK YOU!#If you've only ever lurked and never even liked a single post but still read my comics: THANK YOU!!#In creating this blog - I have found 500 days of more happiness that I could have ever imagined.#Thank you for joining me on this journey. Thank you for giving me your time and your support.#It means more than any 'thank you' could say B'*)
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inkskinned · 1 year
it is all chaos and entropy. the thing is that the chaos and entropy make it beautiful and lovely.
yes, it's true that nature and the universe are uncaring and unspecific, and that is terrifying. i have lived through some of the unfairness - i got born like this, with my body caving into itself, with this ironic love of dance when i sometimes can't stand up for longer than 15 minutes. i am a poet with hands that are slowly shutting down - i can't hold a pen some days. recently i found a dead bird on our front porch. she had no visible injuries. she had just died, the way things die sometimes.
it is also true that nature and the universe are uncaring and unspecific, and that is wonderful. the sheer happenstance that makes rain turn into a rainbow. the impossible coincidence of finding your best friend. i have made so many mistakes and i have let myself down and i have harmed other people by accident. nature moves anyway. on the worst day of my life she delivers me an orange juice sunset, as if she is saying try again tomorrow.
how vast and unknowing the universe! how small we are! isn't that lovely. the universe has given us flowers and harp strings and the shape of clouds. how massive our lives are in comparison to a grasshopper. the world so bright, still undiscovered. even after 30 years of being on this earth, i learned about a new type of animal today: the dhole.
chance echoing in my life like a harmony between two people talking. do you think you and i, living in different worlds but connected through the internet - do you think we've ever seen the same butterfly? they migrate thousands of miles. it's possible, right?
how beautiful the ways we fill the vastness of space. i love that when large amounts of people are applauding in a room, they all start clapping at the same time. i love that the ocean reminds us of our mother's heartbeat. i love that out of all the colors, chlorophyll chose green. i love the coincidences. i love the places where science says i don't know, but it just happens.
"the universe doesn't care about you!" oh, i know. that's okay. i care about the universe. i will put my big stupid heart out into it and watch the universe feast on it. it is not painful. it is strange - the more love you pour into the unfeeling world, the more it feels the world loves you in return. i know it's confirmation bias. i think i'm okay if my proof of kindness is just my own body and my own spirit.
i buried the bird from our porch deep in the woods. that same day, an old friend reaches out to me and says i miss you. wherever you go, no matter how bad it gets - you try to do good.
#writeblr#warm up#i can't write rn but i have SO much words in here bc im reading the chorus of dragons books#(just started book 4)#and this woman's writing is just LIVING in my brain. let me out!!!#(i read roughly like 2-4 books a week usually bc i go on long walks with my dog but when a book is REALLY good like. it eats my life. )#anyway ...... so like here's a story that idk i've tried to explain to other people as being wild#but maybe im the only one who thinks it is wild???#so i play pokemon go (i just started in jan) bc i love pokemon and as i have mentioned i walk goblin for like an hour in the morning#and i don't like a lot of fitness trackers due to the fact it makes me .sad. but i also wanted the little digital rewards. enter pokemon go#anyway so they make you make friends to complete quests. so i used a reddit thread. i do not usually use reddit. i don't have an acct#i lurked. i just googled like ''pokemon go reddit '' and randomly added a bunch of numbers#i was on that page for all of 15 minutes. there are THOUSANDS of responses on that page.#here's what's wild: in that group of people. even though i am not on reddit and it was one random event once#it turns out one of those people lives in the town i live in. or at least very close. i only know this because#when we send each other gifts. it's from the same freaking area.#i can't ask them to meet up bc pokemon go doesn't have a messaging app lol but like . what are the fucking chances that#a random person posts in a random reddit thread and HAPPENS to get added by someone ELSE from their SAME TOWN#who by pure fucking CHANCE is ALSO playing pokemon go and looking for friends#i googled it there's only 42000 people in my broad region. the .......... smallness ! of the world!!!
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“Just let me die”
same Copia.. same
(Ritual in Ulm 20.06.2023)
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chaoticlandworlder · 2 months
Legit so disgusting how so many ppl are jumping at the chance to criticise Max. In the past few days, I've seen so many social media comments calling him names like 'brat', 'manchild', 'immature' etc. + belittling his racing skills.
So many ppl are also completely spinning their own narrative, acting as if Max is the only driver to ever be heated up during a high-adrenaline race. According to them, Schumi, Senna, Lewis etc. have never lost their cool and always take the blame for every single incident. (Note: this is NOT a hate post ok- any driver examples I use is just to show the hypocrisy of these ppl. I mentioned these drivers cuz it's based off genuine comments I saw.)
First of all, Max had every reason to be upset during the race. The major Hungary updates RBR had been hinting at for weeks underwhelmed (don't give me the 'it's still fast anyway'- this is F1. Every driver and team expects their car to be the fastest, not just fast. If you don't understand that, you don't get the point of F1- an engineering competition. Also RBR has been struggling with the same kerbs issue since 2022.), with Max struggling with various issues during the race.
Additionally, the strategy was not great; Max gave the 1st pitstop decision a pass, but then they repeated it for the 2nd pitstop. RBR was hoping that the tyre delta would salvage the race but c'mon, Christian Horner admitted after the race that they got the data wrong and miscalculated how fast they needed to gap the others cars per lap to overtake. From Max's pov, RBR repeated the mistake of the 1st pitstop, allowing him to be undercut again, by both Lewis and Charles, dropping him back to 5th when he started 3rd, on a track known to be hard to overtake. Furthermore, this race was more a race of undercutting than actual on-track overtakes; one prominent example that showed the power of the undercut in this race was Lando, who was stuck behind Oscar for the vast majority of the race. Yet once they undercut Oscar, Lando ended up 3s+ ahead of Oscar, with the gap increasing to ~5s+ as the laps went on, with Oscar unable to catch up. To make matters worse, Max had told the team that undercutting was impt BEFORE the race. Finally, I love GP (Max's race engineer) but honestly they were just antagonising each other during the race. The most obvious example was the sarcastic remark of 'some gentle introduction' after Max did a fast outlap so that he could catch Charles and Lewis, which just made Max even more frustrated. After which, there was literally radio silence for 15 mins, no communication of modes, gaps etc. Max himself mentioned after the race that it did not help that instead of being a calming presence, they (presumably RBR, including GP) did not listen to him and even argued with him. So this mixture of the team not listening to him, repeating the same mistake twice, underwhelming upgrades and poor communication on the radio contributed to Max frustrations in the car. (Oh but according to crofty (sky sports) it's cuz Max did not get his beauty sleep despite Max having followed his standard sleep schedule. Because sleep outranks good strategy and the best car in F1. 🤡 Kids these days and their simracing.)
Could Max have been more polite? Ideally, ig. But GP too was confrontational when he should have been trying to resolve the issues with Max. Was Max wrong in terms of calling out the strat? No. Also, it's so easy for ppl to judge, lazing on their couch. This is a high adrenaline sport for goodness sake, with millions of dollars on the line and millions of people watching their every move. Randos get pissed off at a slow moving vehicle on a normal road; imagine how it would be to be a racing driver going at ~200mph, with the expectations of the team, fans etc. weighing down on you.
Some are arguing that Red Bull generally does well so Max has no right to be upset. Lol. Idk how ppl don't get it into their heads that this is a SPORT. In every sport, any top performing athelete and team knows that every single match/race/point etc matters. You're not there to say "Oh we've won in the past so let's just throw away some games". You're always there to deliver your best. With this kinda logic, Lewis should also have no right to be upset/disappointed with Mercedes cuz didn't they deliver him a championship winning car for years? Idk lmao this particular line of logic is so weird.
I've also seen so many people saying things along the lines of "Max always complains", "Max can't win without the car"- a really weird one considering one only has to look at the recent races to debunk that, "Max blames everything on the team" etc. Be so fr literally every driver 'complains'. A notable case was Austria 2023, where Toto had to come on the race to tell Lewis to 'just drive the car' because he kept going on about it in multiple races last year. Most of the time they're just giving feedback. When they're genuinely 'complaining', it's often cuz they've been screwed over by their own team. See some cases just in this race alone: Alex on the indecisive tyre choice by Williams, Daniel on the screwed up strat by by VCARB. Max wasn't even wrong about the strat. The comment that 'Max blames everything on the team/ When everything goes well it's him, when it doesn't it's the team' is so laughable because if there is one driver on the grid that is consistent in thanking his team and rarely himself, it's Max. You literally just have to see the previous race, Silverstone 2024 where he could've easily said him making all the right calls to pit was essential to getting P2 in the end. Instead, he gave the credit to the team. He's also quick to apologise when he's in the wrong. See Spa quali 2023 after his outburst in Q2. Or when he bought ice cream for GP a few years back to apologise. Also idk where ppl get the idea Max treats his team like shit? Time and time again, people who worked with him have mentioned how they love working with him. For this particular weekend, he literally treated the team to dinner the night before the race but these ppl will never talk about that. What's said on the radio is in the heat of the moment, which ALL the drivers have done. And Max wasn't wrong either; maybe ideally he would have conveyed it nicer, but again, they're all pumped up on adrenaline.
As for the incident, it wasn't even that bad? It looked bad cuz the wheels touched, making Max's car fly up + cuz it was btwn Max and Lewis, certain 'fans' immediately jumped into their hate frenzy. Idk I find it so weird that people keep harping on about it when Lewis said immediately after the race that it was a racing incident. (Those clowns trying to liken Max to Alonso in Austria 2024 need to rewatch the collisions instead of looking at static pictures is all I can say lol cuz Alonso's was straight up a T-bone while Max-Lewis was a wheel bang.) And anyway, ALL drivers get into incidents no matter their accomplishments (Lewis in Monza 2023, Charles hitting Lando in fp this year, Carlos-Oscar in Miami 2024 etc.). The narrative that Max gets into incidents more than the other drivers is just untrue. In fact, this brings me to my next point. The moment Max is half of any incident, regardless of whether he is at fault, so many scumbags immediately completely trash him like a bunch of rabid dogs. For example, Max-George last year at Las Vegas 2023, where Max was not at fault at ALL; George even admitted he wasn't looking in his mirrors. Or Lap 1 Turn 1 of that same race, where ppl to this day are shitting on Max for 'pushing' Charles off-track- when there was literally an oil spill on his grid spot before the race, making that side slippery despite efforts to clean it up, with others like Alonso and Carlos spinning at the same point Max 'pushed' Charles. His onboard then even showed he tried to steer in but the car didn't budge. Besides, he got a penalty that slowed him down a lot (when Lap 1 Turn 1 incidents don't usually get a penalty- idk how ppl can think the FIA favours him lmfao- and no matter what the haters who prob didn't even watch the race said; serving the penalty in the pitstop dropped Max much further back than just swapping positions would have) AND he apologised to Charles right after the race (but noooo he never takes the blame).
The hate ppl have for Max (and tbh, some other drivers) is honestly quite alarming and weird. Like, these grownass ppl are hating on a 26 year old at the top of his game lol. It doesn't help that the media (especially the British media) feeds, if not started, this hatred frenzy. Just see Austria this year, where the media and 'fans' completely blew the incident between Max and Lando out of the water, only for multiple current and ex F1 drivers to call them out on their bs lmao. Again, for Austria 2024, Lando and Max spoke after the race too. But it doesn't fit their narrative so these ppl will never bother to mention this.
Slight tangent but for ppl who try to justify it by saying 'oh it's how it is cuz Max is dominating'- I understand where yall are coming from (see Seb 2013 lol), but the hatred for Max is particulary overwhelming because there are much more fans now, mainly due to DTS and consequently, F1 becoming popular/more popular on social media platforms like TikTok, Twitter etc. As such, Max is arguably facing higher levels of vitrol, since DTS didn't exactly favour him (understatement of the year lol) and many fans who 'watch' F1 through social media just jump on the hate bandwagon without actually watching races/fact-checking. This is worsened by how the media (mainly the Brit media) jumps at every opportunity to put Max down. Sky Sports in particular, being the main broadcast for most fans, often feeds this hate (esp if David Croft or Ted Kravitz is speaking). Finally, all this is only worsened by how social media allows this hate to circulate much more quickly and widely.
lol sry for the rant but gosh it gets tiring seeing the toxicity of so many F1 'fans'.
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cha1cedony · 1 year
Oh Grant is going to be a WRECK next episode. Not only did he kill one of his best friends, but he’s going to try to kill his son too. He’s always been so scared of himself and hurting the people he loves, and this is just going to further cement the idea in his mind that he’s incurably bad and evil and dangerous and unloveable :( And he’s so skilled with a gun, and he knows it, and he has this awful internal divide between wanting to hurt and wanting to protect… and I’m so so so scared that it’s going to end with him hurting himself instead! Aaaaaa very upsetting ANYWAY!
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Fernando Chair Lore: 2013 edition(no lore, just pics haha):
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
I feel like now is a good time to announce that I’m in the process of moving blogs! Im doing so for a few reasons, the main one being paranoia, so for that reason I won’t be saying my new urls publicly so like please dm me if you’d like my new url so you can follow me there! I’ll be reblogging this post a lot so ppl can see it (so sorry if you get annoyed by that)!
I’m also remaking my discord account as well so if we’re friends on there then feel free to message me for my new username!
friends and mutuals please do reblog so shared friends/mutuals have a higher chance seeing it!
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aurorangen · 5 months
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Let me explain my posts as I have nothing to queue 😎 The first thing? You never saw Riku's face here. Well actually, he noticed that love at first sight look in Oscar's eyes.
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Now knowing the above 😏 he asks him if he's interested in anyone and the answer is yes. Riku had guessed it was the girl at the sushi restaurant because he'd never seen Oscar like that before.
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The blind date! Riku saw it was the same girl that Oscar was interested in and his old classmate. This first impression, be it real or just a facade, it gives an idea of his true feelings 😌 Does he like her that way? Could they end up together? Also the "Am I doing this right" could be both ways. Suzume with how she's being on her first date and Riku knowing his best mate likes her.
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His heart skipping a beat here could also mean being nervous or surprised. And ofc it's because Oscar asked about his date. I love their bromance and I'll include lots of it 🥹 but after playing with them I don't want to ruin their friendship with a love triangle!
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Finally, explaining the situation vaguely, self explanatory with this whole post! Before making my tjolc plot, I was rooting for Oscar (since a year really haven't I made it obvious saying he is my fav sim 😂) and I played around with all their dynamics to see if things could change. Now you know what will happen, but how Suzume meets Oscar and leading up to it will be just as interesting 👍
Side note: I'll be taking a break posting on simblr. Also postcard legacy will resume when my academic year is nearly over (next month?) but it'll still be tjolc until a certain point! Reason why it has been this long is because I want to focus and not rush the next part. My head wasn't in the right place to continue it and in the end I play to destress from my studies. So that's why I was posting tjolc all this time and I had so much fun! Actually both legacies are story-focused, but they are completely different! You'll understand why it needed a break once I start posting again 😊
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freckliedan · 21 days
if anyone is worried abt me bc i am not posting: i am in fact doing very bad but i am very good at handling it at this point & i'm going to be okay eventually
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oneluckydragon · 2 months
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The wives of all time? The wives of all time!!
@s1nn0hh I love Gaia and Erida so much c:
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