#like at my worst all i could do was lay in bed and watch anime and i didnt even enjoy that
"i thought ur antidepressants were supposed to help you" really hits different when you know they are helping! but also autistic burnout looks almost the same (vent in tags oops)
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distantdarlings · 11 months
BY THE FIREPLACE PT.3 // t. nott
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Theo Nott x Fem Reader
+ SUMMARY - *Requested* You and Theo finally realize what exactly went down in the library after a very messy explanation from Mattheo, Enzo, and Pansy. Once the two of you go your separate ways and accept the embarrassment, you both start to let your imaginations wander.
+ WARNINGS - Language, slight sexual material (describing in character's heads)--not super graphic, Fem reader
+ MUSIC (listened to while writing) -
Johanna - Suki Waterhouse
“What—pray tell—the fuck are you doing in my room?” Theo roared, his back planted firmly against his headboard. You had migrated to standing at the end of the bed, your hands just balancing yourself against the mattress.
“What are you talking about? I fell asleep in the library, I—did you kidnap me?” you shrieked in realization. 
“Are you kidding me? No, I didn’t fucking kidnap you. Are you daft?” he asks, his eyebrows furrowing. You scoff.
“Okay, first of all, you don’t need to be an ass about it,” you scolded, pointing a sharp finger at him, “and second of all, how the hell am I supposed to know if you did or not? I fell asleep in the library and woke up in your bed!”
“Look, I have no idea how—hey, where’s Sleepy?” he interrupted himself. He began gently pushing the covers around. 
“I’m sorry, who?” you ask. He pulled the comforter back and laid across the bed horizontally to glance under the bed.
“Just my cat, she…,”
He paused and leaned back up. The two of you made direct eye contact and stared for what felt like hours. His eyes were slightly squinted as he looked at you, up and down, and you did the same to him. His mouth opened and closed multiple times as if starting to say something but nothing ever came out. Slowly, the two of you came to a very morbid discovery.
“Nott…how long have you had your cat?” you asked, hoping for an answer you knew you weren’t going to get.
“I found her today…,” both of your eyes slid shut, “in the library.”
You groaned and pinched the bridge of your nose between your thumb and forefinger. Merlin help you. Of course, the amazing luck that you were granted did nothing to prevent you from having the worst day of your life. It turns out that having an incredible, life-changing gift wasn’t always a blessing. You opened your eyes.
Theo’s head snapped up suddenly. His furrowed eyebrows had drawn down to match the line of his eyelid. His jaw clenched and unclenched ferociously. The anger radiating off of him was nearly palpable. It shocked you just a bit because you had never seen him as anything but cool and confident.
“Are you okay?” you asked cautiously. He stood from the bed and marched right past you. He made his way over to the dorm entrance, undid the lock, and ripped it open. As if newly appearing, three bodies fell in and clumsily on top of each other. Mattheo Riddle, Pansy Parkinson, and Lorenzo Berkshire stared up at a fuming Theo. His breaths were moving through him like a charging animal.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he demands. They all stumble to their feet, struggling over each other. Theo is watching them intently, all but tapping his foot at them.
“Personally, I feel that we hinted at it pretty strongly—” Enzo started.
“Obviously I didn’t fucking get it, why wouldn’t you say something?”
“In our defense, we didn’t think you were going to…you know…take her back to your room,”  Pansy gestured vaguely.
“I thought she was a cat,” he enunciated each word slowly. “She was sweet and laying against me, I brought her in here so I could take a nap.”
“Well, it looks like you got a two-for-one deal!” Mattheo attempted a joke. Theo turned towards him with eyes like swords, begging to slash him into two. The dark boy’s smile dropped and he suddenly became very interested in the material of the drapes around him. You couldn’t stand this.
“Excuse me, I’m right here,” you say. “Would anyone like to tell me what the hell is going on?”
All three of them started to speak, trying to explain what exactly had been going down the last few hours. You could barely understand a single word. You refrained from rolling your eyes. This may be the worst thing that ever happened to you. Your eyes found the floor as the three students continued to try and explain everything over each other. A hand came to your mouth and you began to chew on the shredded skin along the edges of your nails. A bad habit, yes, but calming. 
Your eyes glanced up to look at Theo. His eyes watched the other three intently, trying to decipher them as well. Your eyes trailed down his figure. Mind betraying you, you remembered the way he felt pressed up against your back. His long, lean chest was pressed tightly against your spine and his strong, darkened arms had been wrapped tightly—possessively—around your waist. His forearms had been locked so roughly against your hip bone, you’d had to use both hands to push yourself up. His soft breaths had been cooly painting the skin just below your ear, tickling the small hairs there. A shudder ran down your arms as if he had just done it again.
The three students stopped their chattering and looked at you. You stopped biting at your fingers and stared at them, wide-eyed.
“You shuddered,” Pansy stated. Theo’s eyes found yours, his head ever so slightly tilting to one side. Fuck. Your eyes traced the line of his jaw down his throat.
“I…just had a chill,” you brushed the thoughts away. “Okay, thank you all for those wonderful…explanations. I have been mortified by this and will never mentally heal from it. I think I am going to go back to my dorm.”
And with that, you clapped your hands together and turned towards the exit. None of them said anything else to you or made any effort to stop you from going, so you figured you all would just awkwardly pretend it never happened. You figured your books and things were still back in the library so you started heading that way, hoping that nobody had tried to turn anything into the lost and found. How long had you been out?  
“Okay, I don’t think laying with me is ‘mortifying,’” Theo scoffed.
“I think so,” Mattheo said. Theo responded by giving him a swift punch to the shoulder. 
In the back of his mind, Theo heard Pansy make some kind of joke that sent the three of them into a spiral of laughter. But, for whatever reason, his thoughts were traipsing across a vast landscape. His mind's eye was traveling up the expanse of the sheets that were wrapped messily around the two of you. They were tracing the peak of her bare thigh that her tugged skirt had exposed and reminiscing on the way his hands had felt against her soft body. Her hair had just gently tickled the tip of her nose and she had smelled so, so good. Merlin, it had been so long since—
“Theo!” He jumped out of his own thoughts. His eyes found his very concerned friend group as they appeared to be waiting for an answer from him.
“Mate, I said your name, like, eight times,” Mattheo said. Theo shrugged.
“Sorry, I was distracted…” Theo thought he heard the other boy mumble a smart–ass comment but he just ignored him. His damned brain kept flying back to that girl. He didn’t know what it was but something about her waking up next to him like that had him seeing her in a whole new light. She wasn’t unattractive—she was anything but—but she really seemed to hate him. She was always rolling her eyes or scoffing anytime he announced a wrong answer in class. And she never called him by his first name, only his last. He can’t say he knew that much about girls but those particular attributes did not seem like they belonged to one that liked him. 
He shrugged those thoughts off the best he could and followed his group of friends out of the dorm and into the common room where more of their acquaintances had begun to gather.
It had been hours. Hours and you were still thinking about Theo Nott. This was ridiculous. You needed to move on, needed to get to the homework you had been trying to get done this whole evening, but you just couldn’t. Every thought kept realigning itself to the way it felt when he had been holding you. It sent chills down your spine every time you thought about it. You had never been held like that.
Your roommates were all out late, trying to have a good time down at the Three Broomsticks. They had begged you to come but, due to a particularly interesting afternoon, you had incidentally become very behind on your homework. So you declined and promised you would next time. 
Yet, you still weren’t done with this stupid assignment and probably could have gone with them anyway. You groaned in frustration and dropped your head against the desk, feeling the cool wood beneath it. 
This morning, if you could have guessed what you’d be doing, mulling over the way Theo’s arms looked, would not have even been in the top one million guesses. But here you were, practically drooling over the way his veins wrapped around his muscular arms. 
You remembered the way his large hands had been so gently placed over your stomach, the tips of his fingers gently gripping your flesh while he slept. The way his hips were pressed firmly against your ass—
“Aah!” you squealed in utter shame, shaking the thoughts away from your head. What the fuck, what the fuck. You might die. The fact that you couldn’t get him off your mind despite how much you couldn’t stand him was disconcerting. You’d always thought he was extremely handsome, as did practically everyone else, but you never thought you’d even imagine in that…way. Damn it.
Theo rolled over, tugging the comforter back over his shoulders. He shut his eyes once more, trying painfully hard to will himself to sleep. He had Quidditch practice in the morning, he needed to get some rest. He needed to. But he couldn’t. That stupid—you were running through his mind like a record stuck on rotate. It kept going and going, scratching against him. He’d never, ever thought about you in any way other than annoyance. But he couldn’t get you off his mind. 
All he could think about was the way you were arched gracefully against his hips when you were laid out together. The way your skirt was pulled over your hips and he could almost see the line of your underwear beneath the sheets. He wondered what color they were, what they looked like. He kept his eyes closed, clenching them harder. Go to sleep. 
Your body was pressed against his just like before. The light outside made your hair and shoulders glow, spotlighting every rise and fall your breathing pushed through you. Your hair was pulled over your shoulder and splayed gracefully over the pillow. He wanted to touch it but he kept his hands firmly where they were.
Suddenly you grunted gently and rolled over, coming face to face with him. This time you didn’t jump back and scream and accuse him of kidnapping you. This time, your eyes were opened and simply watching him. Your gaze was lidded and sultry, your lashes creating a sinister shadow along your cheeks. A small smirk spread over your lips as he watched you. Still, he did not move.
Your hands slowly rose between the two of you. Your soft, nimble fingers found the buttons of your uniform shirt and began working them down. Theo’s breath halted in his chest as more and more of you was revealed. Your hands granted him passage to your chest. You wore a laced black bra that was cinched tightly between your breasts. His eyes flickered down once, twice. He swallowed thickly. 
Your hands pulled away from your shirt once the last button was undone and pushed him back so he rested comfortably against the headboard. You pushed a leg across his lap and settled neatly in the empty space. Like a reflex, his hands came to rest against your skirted hips. His fingertips brushed the felted material as you stared down, challenging him. 
You split the two sides of your shirt and slid it over and off your smooth shoulders. Without so much as a breath, Theo leaned forward and pressed his lips to the skin there. You gave a light gasp at his action. Your rapid heartbeat danced against his tongue as he ran it along the expanse of your neck.
You pushed him back against the headboard. You pulled your hands up to the clip pressed tightly against your chest. Your fingers curled around it and—
Theo’s eyes opened. The sun was up and Mattheo was squatted beside his bed, watching him with an obnoxious smirk printed on his face. Theo jumped back at the sudden face in front of him. He leaned up and glanced around wildly, trying to gather his bearings, ignoring Mattheo’s annoying cackling beside him.
“Dude, what the hell?” Mattheo laughed.
“What? Shut the fuck up,” he grumbled, pushing him back away from the bed.
“Oh, baby,” Mattheo moaned in a high-pitched voice. “Come here, darling. Let me—”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Theo asked.
“You must have been having one hell of a dream, man,” he laughed, “when I got in here, you were saying all kinds of stuff.”
Theo blushed deeply, his nose and ears burning, as he remembered the subject of his dream. Flashes of your thick hips and chest pressed against him and his hands and lips on you and…fuck.
“Shit, man, who were you dreaming about? You’re as red as an apple,” Mattheo asked, an eyebrow arching. Theo didn’t reply. Mattheo’s eyes widened. 
“Oh my god, you weren’t dreaming about—?”
“How about some breakfast?” Theo interrupted, abruptly pulling the covers back and slipping a tee shirt over his head.
Part 4!
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forthevillains · 24 days
Blowjob handles
the worst Wolverine X fem!reader (18+)
[my friend suggested this idea and I couldn’t get it off my mind]
You’ve no idea how you ended up in a situation such as this. Whether it was your fault for suggesting that Logan deserved a treat for saving the world, or his, for being so goddamn attractive with that silly mask of his. That stupid thing that covered anything above his perfect mouth that you’ve loved to kiss so much. He never thought it could make someone as turned on as it made you, to say the least - he hated to dress up as a superhero. It felt humiliating, weird and on top of that, he’s never quite liked the attention that came with it. However that hatred seemed to be slowly slipping through his fingers as he’s found his place between your delicate thighs, eating your cunt as if it was the last thing he’d do in his miserable life. And also the best thing.
He groaned against your heat as he finally got to taste you again, diving in with nothing but need. Just the smell of your wetness was enough to overcome all his other senses when you told him about this ridiculous idea. When you mentioned that although he hated that mask, he was quite hot in it. Logan knew immediately why you mentioned that fucking thing, he saw the look on your face, how you pressed your thighs together. How could he say no to you? He’s gone far too long without sex, or any touch of the opposite gender at all. He’s become a starved animal and he hadn’t even known before laying his eyes upon you.
You lay on your back, all bare and completely vulnerable, dripping straight in his mouth as he devoured you, he himself wearing nothing but pants and the mask. Your hands were desperately trying to grab onto something, gripping the sheets only to hear him growl in frustration and move away only to bite down on your thigh, teeth sinking in your soft skin, drawing a pained gasp out of you, displeased with your poor choice. He didn’t want to hurt you, not at all and as a quiet apology, he planted a small kiss on the spot right after. It was meant as a reminder, he was basically urging you to do what made you come up with the idea. Fucking Wade… That’s what he had in mind knowing you’d never think about it if that fucker hadn’t infested your mind with such a thing. It was so obvious, yet the temptation was too strong to let such an opportunity slide.
You were in need of more stability, since this man has made you feel as if you were floating in the air even though he held you so tight you could barely move. What you were so embarrassed to do now seemed like the only option, so you grabbed onto the sides of his mask, pushing him deeper into you. You asked for it, you wanted him to keep it on, just this once, and it was the only decision he’d let you have in this moment.
The movements of his skillful tongue were enough to make you squirm in his hold as he abused you with the amount of pleasure he was delivering, both his arms hooked underneath your thighs so that you couldn’t escape him, and hell you knew you never wanted this to end. No matter how whiny you were, how overstimulated you felt without even cumming at all, how sensitive your body was to each and every one of his touches. The feeling of his warm mouth all over your cunt, part of his mask that was covering his nose pressing against your clit, over and over again with each motion he did, it was enough to make your vision go blurry, to make all your thoughts and worries go away. You couldn’t even keep your eyes open for long, only occasionally looking down at him to watch as he desperately attempted not to grind against the bed. Poor guy, you’ve got him so riled up he can barely control himself. And yet, he’s made it his mission to give you what you wanted, not just for you, but for himself as well.
Whenever you’d open your eyes, you’d be assured that he was staring back at you, even if you couldn’t see his own. There was something about it, not being able to see all of him, while he sees all of you. "This what you wanted, princess?” he questioned, only pulling away for a few seconds before sucking on your clit, making you throw your head back and turn the silent ‘yes’ into nothing more than a moan.
"Should’ve known you’d be a dirty girl.” You could feel him smile against you. He was enjoying this just as much as you were and definitely had a plan of doing it again after seeing just how much more flustered it made you. Your whimpers filled his ears and as your legs began shaking in his hold, he knew you were close. You looked so adorable like this, so beautiful and if only he could stay between your legs forever - he would.
One of his hands left its place only to sneak in between your legs as the other one wrapped around your waist, putting you in a position where you couldn’t do anything but cry out his name once his two thick fingers entered your hole. It was no secret that he was utterly obsessed with your reactions. The way your brows furrowed with each following thrust of his fingers into your throbbing core, dipping them deep in your sweetness while he was savoring all of it that he could. Starved, truly, that’s what he was.
"Lo… I-“ you choked back a moan as his fingers sped up and he teasingly placed a kiss upon your nub, before sucking it in, making your back arch. He loved it, loved making you feel like this, loved pleasing you, tasting you, knowing that he’s the only one who’ll ever do it.
"Come on, I’ve got you, sweet thing.” His voice sent shivers through your whole body, such simple words, but the impact they had on you… You couldn’t hold on any longer, the knot in your stomach was forming with the slightest of his movements and it was only matter of time, before your body would completely give in. You’ve come undone, whether it were the words of his that pushed you over the edge or his touch, you cared not.
He hasn’t stopped there, only pulling his face away, making you let go off the mask, to watch as you squirmed while his fingers pushed you even further into overstimulation. Tears formed in your eyes, you couldn’t take it. Though he knew you would. You were his good girl after all. You asked and he’s delivering.
Only when you finally came down from your high has he slowed his motions, working you through it, preparing for what’s about to come next. He’s far from done with you and you’ve soon realized that as well when his fingers left your aching core only so that he could unbuckle his belt.
You looked up at him, getting up on your elbows so that you could get a view of the beautiful man before you. "Isn’t Wade coming home in like ten minutes?” You asked, still breathless. You supposed that he wouldn’t be happy to find you two like this, in his bed.
"I couldn’t care less about that fucker right now.”
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bullet-prooflove · 7 days
Everything: Luke Alvez x Reader (NSFW)
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @anime-weeb-4-life @rosaliedepp @crimeshowjunkie @storiesofsvu @iwannabeinthesequalmrghostface @desert-fern @99-reasons-to-live @legit9thlunaticwarrior @missscarlettangel @teti-menchon0604 @est1887 @mortal--soul @spookyboogyuniverse @adaydreamaway08 @kylieramey @@oureternalbond @ @bexstime1 @hey-dw @irishavengersassemble @daydreamgoddess @st4rgirliesstuff @xoxabs88xox @multiflixshelves @brownskinbaby22
Companion piece to:
White Picket Fence - You and Luke discuss the reality of a white picket fence.
Red Dress - Luke has some regrets when he sees you in that red dress.
Run - Luke is the worst profiler.
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Luke watched from the doorway as you moved around his bedroom, pulling the hair tie from your hair and letting it cascade down your shoulders. You’d been here before, curled up in his bed with his face buried in your shoulder. You’d fallen asleep together, but it had gone no further, you felt perfect and right against him as you nestled in his arms. It was the first time he’d slept the night through in a long time.
He reached for you, his fingers running gently through your hair and across your scalp. He had discovered that you liked that not too long ago, it made the stress seep from your body. He could feel you beginning to unwind under his hands. You tilted your head back as he continued to rake his fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp and tugging lightly at the ends. You sighed blissfully, leaning against his solid form.
"It's so relaxing when you do that." You told him, watching the expression on his face through the mirror in front of you.
Luke met your gaze. You felt like he was the missing piece in your life, that person who fit so perfectly into your life, it was as if he’d always been there.
He turned you around to face him so he could look upon you with his own eyes. His hand cupped the side of your face with a softness he reserved only for you, his thumb trailed along your lips smoothing across the outline. He couldn't take his eyes off you, and he never wanted to, you were perfect and there wasn't a thing he wouldn’t do for you.
"I'm ready." he whispered as he tipped your chin up to meet his gaze.
"I know." You said, leaning in close.
Your lips brushed over his as you rose up on tip toes and kissed him. It was like drowning, in an instant everything about you was sweeping over Luke. He had never known what it was like to immerse yourself so deeply in someone before he’d met you. His tongue dipped into the warm chasm of your mouth, his passion ignited at your taste. His hands threaded through your hair once more, pulling you taut against his body.
Your hands were already ridding Luke of his clothes as he walked you back towards the bed, gently laying you down upon the sheets. His shirt was gone, he was blazing to the touch, his hot flesh was warming yours as Luke stripped off your top leaving you clad in a simple white bra.
Once upon a time back, you would have worried that you wasn't sexy enough for this man but when you looked into his eyes you saw the reality of his feelings. You felt his erection pressing against you.
"My beautiful girl." Luke said forcefully as his mouth fastened on the side of your throat, his hot tongue swiping at that sensitive spot driving you into a frenzy.
Your nails raked across his bare back as his firm hands gripped your ass, squeezing it tightly before he yanked your clothed lower body against his. Luke ground against you, making sure you could feel every inch of him.
"This is for you." he told you as his teeth grazed your earlobe. "All of me was made just for you."
You cried out as he thrust against your wanton body once more, sending a pulse of pleasure straight through you. You had been working towards this moment for such a long time and it was better than you imagined. Your hands skated along his ribs, you could feel the strong muscles under your fingers as you delved between them, your dexterous fingers unfastening his jeans. Luke helped to remove them, before his attention to your clothing.
"Take it off." he murmured. “I want to see all of you.”
You complied with that devastatingly smile of yours, before Luke smothered your mouth with his own once more. His kisses were becoming more possessive, his tongue seeking out the confines of your mouth as his palms enclosed over your naked breasts. His thumbs circled the delicate shape of your nipples before he focused on the hard rosebud nubs. You arched into his grasp, your legs locking around his waist as he began to move against you once more.
Luke lowered his head, capturing your right nipple in his fiery mouth. He sucked it lightly, his tongue lavishing attention upon your breast. His hand was already snaking down between you, his deft fingers unzipping your jeans before he pushed them further down your legs along with your panties. You kicked them off as Luke’s tongue swiped a deviant path towards your left breast. His hand was already slipping further down your form before he sought out the damp cleft between your legs.
You were soaking, all of that playing and teasing had worked you up so badly you were practically begging for him. His thumb caressed your clit making you moan. He loved watching your face, loved how expressive you were.
"Now Luke." You cried out, your fingertips digging into his shoulders. "I need you now."
Luke gripped his leaking cock at the base and guided it towards your most intimate place. His tip brushed your slick opening causing Luke to grunt in exaltation as he entered you slowly. It was bliss, unadulterated bliss and it stole through Luke’s veins like a drug. You hugged every inch of him taking him all the way to the hilt. He buried his face in your throat moving in slow, erotic thrusts. He’d never felt as connected to a human being as he did in this moment. He wanted a future with you, a life, he wanted all of it.
You keened for him as he hit that sweet spot deep inside of you and he rocked into you harder, faster, the climax building at the base of his cock. That ecstasy, it was coming, it felt like a tsunami building momentum with every single movement. You were on the cusp, your whimpers getting louder, the love making becoming more urgent as you raced to the finish line. You crested together, your cunt gripping his dick until he came so hard, his ears rang and he thought he saw stars. It was intense, the euphoria, the intimacy. He stared into your eyes, and he saw his entire world, a universe made just for him.
“You mean everything to me.” He whispered against your skin. His hand cradled your cheek, his thumb chasing over your cheek bone as his lips brushed over yours. “Everything.”
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bunniekittiee · 9 months
I Bet On Losing Dogs
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Pairing: Dark! Bi-Han x Fem. Reader
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write about Dark Bi-Han ever since his season came out, so here’s a small Drabble about him! I want to expand more on him and his personality but I haven’t published anything in a while so I figured I would start small!
Content warning: Abuse(?) (Bi-Han uses his freezing powers and hurts reader), emotional, mentions of blood, Bi-Han being an even larger jerk
Summary: Bi-Han’s darkness has consumed his entire being. He realizes that he is hurting the one person who has always had his back. But he knows he cannot change.
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White glowing eyes had her paralyzed on the spot. So menacing when it was tough moments like these. Especially when his demeanor radiated anger.
“How dare you? After all I have done for you.” He stated gruffly, his eyes narrowing and his limbs beginning to frost.
She shook in fear, stepping back away from her husband whose body was beginning to be consumed by frost. His black hair even had partial ice in it. “You are not the man who I fell in love with. I cannot bear to be here anymore, Bi-Han.”
Slamming her into the wall by her shoulders, he pinned her down. His hands dug into her soft flesh and iced over. She whimpered in pain. His hands were deathly cold. Much colder than they used to be once before. But now, ever since he turned, he was never warm. Always freezing.
“You will not be going anywhere. Do you understand me, you ungrateful girl.” He spat, his face nearing hers. “Otherwise you will meet the fate of many that have fell to my feet. Remember your place, little girl.”
The ice invaded her body and it ached. It hurt badly. It cut into her skin and made her bleed. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to curl into the wall, but she was already as close as possible. “Y-you’re hurting me.”
He removed his hands off of her, but not before he glared at her. “If you try to leave again, I will do much more than this. I will freeze entire realms to find you. And you will regret it greatly.” Stepping away from her, he stalked off to his office outside of the palace. She crumbled to the ground, still shaking in terror and sobbing. Her lungs denied her air. Bi-Han had outbursts more and more often, and he began to turn to violence more frequently. He scared her. Yet, she could not leave him. They were tied together forever. She loved him despite how much he hurt her.
Shakily getting up, she stumbled outside of their shared room to a spare room. When her and Bi-Han argued, she would often stay in this room to give him space. It was comforting to her as she was able to make it her own. Stuffed animals, many that were gifted to her from Bi-Han and his brothers, littered the bed. Blankets that Kuai Liang had purchased from the markets also were stacked on the bed. They provided her the comfort that she longed for. Bi-Han was a changed man who drove his brothers to madness. They were eaten alive by the darkness. They were the Grandmaster’s right-hand men. They used to be a family. But now, she was alone.
These gifts from his family were the only things that provided her comfort in these more recent times. And right now, she wanted to separate herself from Bi-Han as much as she could. Still crying, she slipped into the bed and pulled the covers up. Her shoulders were still bleeding from the ice, but she wanted to lay down. She would deal with it later. Her body was freezing cold as his ice chilled her blood. She dragged the blankets on top of her and surrounded herself in warmth. She continued to cry into the fur of the stuffed animal she held close to her. Everyday he was changing for the worst. It was beginning to become hard to love him when he treated her like a pawn.
Even breaths. He counted the seconds in between each one as he watched her body rise and fall from the shadows. She was curled in a small ball among the cozy items. Despite Bi-Han demolishing his familial relationship with his brothers, he let her keep the items in the spare room. As long as he didn’t have to see them in their room. He would never apologize for his actions. He never saw the point in doing so. He was doing something for the greater good and working on a task that required focus and determination. Slaughtering realms was never easy to begin with. So he could not, would not, let something minuscule like this affect him.
His heart had hardened over time. Bi-Han was not sure if he craved love or if he had the capability of loving. The darkness consumed his body and soul. How could he love another person?
But he felt guilty. He hurt the one person who has been there since the first day he started his mission. Kuai Liang and Tomas abandoned him and paid their prices. They were turned themselves. But she never abandoned him. Until now. But he caught her before she could.
Why did he hurt her?
Feet stuck to the ground, he wanted to move towards her. But he had done enough. He didn’t want to hurt her again. He got angry so easily. He knew she didn’t get her wounds treated, and it worried him that infection would seep into them and make her ill. He was cruel and selfish, but he felt sympathy for the woman he called his wife whose blood seeped onto the sheets.
Turning away, he left quietly. He closed the door gently to not interrupt her slumber. Padding along the palace hallway, he left to return back to his office. He had more work to complete.
“Bi-Han,” Kuai Liang said as he approached his brother. He and Tomas’ eyes were white as well, and l they looked similar to Bi-Han but in their respective colors. “Where have you been? We have been looking for you everywhere.”
“None of your concern.” He snapped at his brother. Tomas resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Bi-Han was most likely standing in his wife’s room watching her sleep. Like a lonely spirit. She was a weakness, but his brothers kept their mouths shut. They did not want to anger their brother. They were strong, but they were not as powerful as he was. It would be suicide to challenge the Grandmaster.
Walking with him, they filled him in with information Sektor had gathered from a mission Bi-Han sent him on. Bi-Han knew he would be working all night long conjuring up a plan to expand their icy tundra without Liu Kang or the others interfering. It was going to be a long night.
Her sleep was long. Bi-Han was not sure why, and he was almost positive she had fallen into a coma. She had slept through everything. When he had come back from his office once more, she was still curled up in the spare bedroom. He watched her again. This time he had no more interruptions. He could watch her without having to tend to his duties.
Feet moving without him registering, suddenly he was standing next to her form. He looked down on her. He could see the blood that crusted on her clothing.
Bi-Han felt the overwhelming surge of guilt. How could he hurt her? Like this? He saw the fear in her eyes. If she could, she would have morphed into the wall if it meant escaping his grasp.
‘I don’t know why I bite.’ He thought to himself as he continued to observe her. ‘Out of anger? Power? Why her?’
He felt the guilt chew away at him. He knew he could not have weaknesses. Not when he had plans to freeze entire realms. But yet here he was, standing over his wife as he felt badly for the grief he had caused her. He wanted to pick her up and clean her wounds. He wanted to hold her and show some sorts of affection.
But he could not. He did not have the capability of doing so. He was a warrior. He was made for war, not love. He was never made to be loving or caring. He was made to kill and maim those who got in his way. He was a bad man. He knew why he would bite. It was in his blood to do so.
Bi-Han reached his hand out, cold fingertips gently gliding over her soft cheek. She flinched away and tried to get away from the cold. She craved warmth. Something she hardly got in the Arctika. He could not provide that warmth to her. They hardly had shared their bed together. What could he possibly give her?
Frowning, he left the spare room and closed the door quietly. He was so deep in his thoughts that he did not realize Kuai Liang and Tomas had, again, been looking for him. “What is it now, you imbeciles? Do you need me to hand feed you as well?”
“Cyrax is having difficulty with the Cyber Lin Kuei. I believe he said something about missing components.” Kuai Liang reported.
The Grandmaster sighed angrily. “Of course. I will see to it.”
“Grandmaster, if I may ask.” Kuai Liang said right as Bi-Han stepped away to leave. Bi-Han turned around and stared at him. “What is on your mind? You seem occupied.”
“I believe I have made too many mistakes in my relationship.” He replied quietly. He never opened up about his problems to his brothers like this.
“How can you make mistakes, Grandmaster?” Tomas interjected. “You are the best. You make no mistakes at all. You do what you have to do.”
“I agree with Tomas. She is muddling your mind and making you believe that you have done something wrong.” Kuai said to piggyback off of Tomas.
Bi-Han stiffened up, but he felt that they were right. She wanted him to be weak. To be vulnerable. Why could he have a moment of weakness like this? He was the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. He had many duties to attend to. He did not need relationship problems to weigh on it too.
But a small part of him felt that he knew it was wrong.
Ignoring this feeling, he nodded his head in acknowledgement at his brothers and walked off to Cyrax’s workshop. Bi-Han would never change. Even if he felt that it was wrong.
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 17 - Hospital AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 17, word count 995
CW- Cuts, Animal attack, Bite marks
Sirius stretched across the gurney, carefully holding his cup of coffee so he didn’t pour the scalding liquid down himself. 
“Hey, James. How long have we been on shift?” He asked his equally prostrate best friend. James groaned as he lifted his arm to check his watch. 
“8 hours.” He yawned. They were on the night shift, and the cases were either dull easy to diagnose stuff that could have waited for a GP in the morning or total calamities. 
He raised his head to take a sip of his drink when his pager went off. 
“Damn it,” He cursed as he dodged the liquid that came flying out of the cup. “That was close. I almost marred my beautiful face.” 
“Come on, urgent call to A&E,” James told him, grabbing him and jogging down the hall. 
The room was utter Bedlam. People were shouting at each other. A nurse was carrying a handful of bloody cloth to the hazardous waste bin. More nurses were fitting IVs and monitors to the patient lying still in the bed. Nurse Evans moved out of the way, and Sirius got his first glance at what they were working with. 
In the bed lay a twenty-something young man. Who could have been quite good-looking but now had long gashes across his face, one of which sliced his face in half from the corner of his eye, across his nose and finishing just above his lip. Sirius sucked in a breath as he took it in. 
“That’s not the worst of it.” Nurse Evans warned. Sirius glanced down as his eyes darted across the rest of his body. There were more slashing cuts, and the soft flesh of his waist and abdomen had huge puckered holes dotted about in stretched-out crescent arches. 
“Are those bite marks?!” James exclaimed, moving closer to the man. Nurse Evans nodded. 
“His back is all cut up, same as his front. Whatever attacked him got him good.” She sighed. “Poor man, he’s going to be in a lot of pain and shock when he wakes up.” She handed over his notes to James and busied herself cleaning the wounds. 
Sirius couldn’t take his eyes off the man.
“Do these look like dog bites?” He questioned as his fingers ghosted above the damaged skin.
“They look too big but definitely canine. Wolf, maybe?” James screwed up his face as he tried to figure it out. 
“There aren’t any wolves in Britain.” Sirius objected. “Where was he found?” 
“Er, notes say in the car park next to the—oh, for crying out loud. Next to the woodland park.” James scanned the text.
“Still no wild wolves in Britain,” Sirius muttered, only half paying attention to James. 
He grabbed some of the disinfection materials and helped Nurse Evans clean out the wounds. James began spouting off multiple tests he wanted to carry out and leaned over Sirius. Speaking quietly so only Sirius could hear him, he murmured.
“Be careful, yeah. I’ve seen that look before. Don’t get too invested.” Sirius shook his head. 
“I’m a doctor, James, I care. That’s all it is.” He lied. 
“Make sure it is,” James replied, knowing full well Sirius wasn’t telling the truth. 
Nurse Pettigrew appeared with his camera and began documenting the wounds in case it was a police matter. 
“Should I send these to a bite specialist?” He asked Sirius and James. James nodded. 
“Yes, that way, we will know what we’re dealing with. Send a couple of the slashes as well. I swear they look like claw marks.” Nurse Pettigrew disappeared as quickly as he’d appeared after taking countless photos and only disturbing the cleaning once to get shots of the man’s back. 
It took hours to get the man’s wounds cleaned and sutured. He’d had multiple scans, including a brain scan. To make sure he didn’t have a brain bleed. But he didn’t wake up. They weren’t worried yet. His body had sustained a lot of damage, and nothing in his scans showed any reason for him not to be conscious. 
Sirius’s shift had ended hours ago, but he stayed sitting at the man’s side. James had tried to convince him to leave. 
“Sirius, he’s a patient. You need to leave. Please don’t get overly attached to him. You don’t even know anything about him.”
“He’s all alone, James,” Sirius sighed. He already knew he was treading the line between a caring practitioner and becoming too personal with a patient. “No one has called looking for him. The police say no one matching his description has been reported missing. It’s been hours. How can no one be missing him?” James sighed at Sirius as he roughly ran his hand through his hair.
“I know, I know. Just be careful, Sirius.” He clapped his friend on the back and left him to it.
Sirius slept in the uncomfortable visitor’s chair. He kept waking up to check on his patient, but he was always asleep. Morning came, and one of the Nurses brought him breakfast and took the patient’s vitals. It wasn’t until the afternoon, a full 24 hours after he’d been brought in. The man’s eyelids fluttered. Sirius watched with bated breath as slowly, slowly, the man regained consciousness.
“It’s okay,” Sirius said in his most calming voice. “We think you’ve been attacked. You’ve got a lot of cuts, so I need you to keep still so you don’t rip any stitches. But you’re safe, and so far, no complications.” He realised he’d taken the man’s hand and promptly dropped it. “Sorry,” He mumbled under his breath. He watched the man wiggle his now free fingers. Sirius’s training finally kicked in. 
“I’m Doctor Black, Sirius. Do you know what your name is?” He asked as he pressed the call button. The man thought for a second. 
“Remus Lupin.” He said faintly. 
“Well, it’s lovely to meet you, Remus Lupin.” Sirius smiled at him as Nurse Evans wandered in.   
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wildmelon · 15 days
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ruby: aka little rubes, ruby tooby, smushy, ruby tuesday, screamy, little smush, wooby tubes, and many other nicknames. thank you for opening your tiny heart to me.
we adopted ruby when i was in high school. i fell in love with her picture on the animal rescue website. she and her mom (who we also adopted) were very skittish and took a lot of time and trust-building to warm up. i loved her so much, but she didn't truly become my baby until i moved back home after college.
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i was in the worst place of my life in summer/fall 2022 when she began seeking me out. you might say she knew i needed her, but she wasn't really that kind of cat 💀 we were all subject to her whims. she started spending time with me because it was exactly what she wanted to do, which makes me feel just as special as if she actually meant to soothe me. ❤️ she would come lay on my bed by the window where the afternoon sun would make it warm, eventually dubbed "her sunny spot."
it became our daily routine. she would wait all day for me to get home from work or class, and i would call for her to come snuggle as soon as i walked through the door. she would trot up the stairs after me and hop onto my bed. she would nuzzle my arm and resettle herself about three times before falling asleep. we would lay with my face against her fur while i gave her scratchies in all her favorite places. she would breathe quietly and make little trill noises when she was extra happy. i tried to never take a moment of this for granted, always thinking how lucky i was, but we never have enough time with our pets.
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she would start purring as soon as i laid my cheek against her, even before being pet. she loved christmas bows and would always steal them to play with so we found them strewn around the house. she loved watching the leaves fall from the window. she was obsessed with the attic and could play up there for hours.
we said goodbye yesterday after finding out she likely had a brain tumor with few viable treatment paths. my heart is absolutely at peace knowing she is finally comfortable again, but now comes missing her so terribly. it's hard to accept that i was expecting 10 more years with her.
i love her perfect pink nose, her multicolored toe beans, her little ears, the brown spot on her tummy, and the way she looks like a white cat someone poured gray paint on top of. she was stubborn and mischievous, an absolute thief. her favorite food was cheese and she would do anything to get it. she was kind of a brat and obsessed with feathers. i love her and miss her so so much.
she also snored:
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Jungkook: Lacrymaria olor(4)
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In which Jungkook can sense that you want something from him.
Tags/Warnings: Alien AU, Alien!Jungkook, Human!Reader, Angst, Blood and Violence, Strangers to I don't know?
Additional Chapter Warnings: have you forgotten about this yet because I haven't, dead dove do not eat (murder, cruelty?)
Length: short
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Jungkook is a naturally heavy sleeper.
On his planet, he's the apex predator after all- he's got no natural enemies, nothing could truly hurt him other than one of his own kind. However, you are not- you've adapted as your role of mere prey, constantly waking up from any sound. Currently, there's a flock of bird-like creatures sitting on the windowsill outside, pecking the glass occasionally. Their glowing red eyes spot you awake, curious head tilting from left to right as if to muster you.
It would be fine if it was the size of maybe.. a crow or something. But this thing? It's more the size of a dog.
The worst thing is that the window isn't even closed. Jungkooks leaves it partially open because he can't sleep when it's too warm, and while you never minded in the past, right now with the animal poking it's beak in, you're absolutely terrified.
So you wiggle around, trying to get out of Jungkooks grip- but it's no use. "Jungkook.!" You whine, trying to wake him but he just- doesn't. He simply growls almost under his breath, pulling you even closer.
But what's also coming closer, is the animal.
It's claws click on the wooden floors closer to you, tail being dragged after it as it seems to explore the room first before it targets you in the Temian's arms. Its now that you turn around and bury yourself in Jungkook's arms, trembling from the fear of what's to come.
Until he moves, one hand pushing you behind him while the other holds the strange animal by its throat, rest of the flock outside hurrying away from the sound of its struggle.
There's a strange reflectiveness to Jungkook's eyes, like a cat's, as he holds the animal in a strong grip while slowly getting out of bed. The window is opened, the creature flailing wildly in his fist as he holds it by the neck still, and in horror you watch as Jungkook clenches his jaw for a second before he breaks it and let's the corpse fall the long way down to the ground, where the other 'birds' begin to feed on it.
The window is closed after that, noise silenced as he turns towards you again.
It's moments like these that remind you that he's not someone who sees the act of taking a life as something never to be done, but rather as a way of solving problems, in a way. He's dangerous, definitely- but still, something odd inside you makes you remind yourself that he promised to never hurt you.
That he cares for you, and cares about you.
"Did it hurt you?" He asks in a raspy tone as he crawls back on the bed, now sitting on his knees as he sleepily inspects you for any damage done. You simply shake your head, before you lean into him, arms holding onto his body as best as you can.
Unbeknownst to you, hugging and skinship is something entirely intimate in his culture. It's not taken lightly, it's not done with anybody. In this moment, he thoroughly enjoys thus intimacy with you, chuckling a little when he notices your fear slowly leaving your scent for him. "I forgot they might see you as potential prey. I'll have some safety nets installed on the windows so they can't come in anymore." He gently explains, slowly helping you into a more comfortable position, laying down with you again. "Do you enjoy my company?" He wonders randomly, and you nod.
"You're safe." You say quietly. "You protect me."
"That I do." He nods proudly, eyes closed as he holds you close. "Its good that you're aware of this."
"Its hard not to be." You answer. "I'd be dead without you."
"Probably." He nods. "But I won't let that happen." He quietly promises, opening his eyes again for a second to face you. "I can imagine officially Courting you, you know?" He informs you, and you look at him with wide eyes.
"I- aren't you doing that yet though?" You wonder, a little confused.
"Huh? No, not at all." He says. "Do you not court mates you're interested in on earth?"
"We.. I mean, we go on dates? Like, we go out to eat traditionally, and.. spend time. That's it." You offer, and he scoffs.
"No that's not how it works here." He almost pouts. "How would you know that I'm a worthy partner if I don't prove myself to you?" He questions.
"But I already know that you are..." you start- before noticing what you just implied.
And he suddenly grins, looking at you with the most innocent, sparkling round eyes you've ever seen, before he moves to lean over you, excited eyes falling to your lips before they find your eyes again, silently asking a question you can hear loud and clear.
As you nod, he instantly leans down his head to kiss you, though its neither hungry or hurried. It's as if he's demanding time to wait for now, to stop and give him all the time he wants as he offers such a gentle gesture to you. He himself doesn't truly know why he feels so strongly towards you- in the beginning, it had been nothing more than curiosity to find out what made his past mate leave him for something so frail and selfish like a human being. But somewhere along, the line between simple fun and actual romantic interest had blurred, and right now, as he opens his lips to run his tongue along yours, he knows he's a goner.
But he also does not care, especially not when he parts from you for a second, your hands holding on to his clothes, trying to pull him back in. There's no way he could ever let you leave any longer.
So he keeps you a little closer tonight as he dreams of his plans to prove himself, all while the birds outside still pull apart one of their own.
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firefirefruit · 8 months
Steel in Her Veins, Chapter: Twenty-Three
Read On: AO3 | Table of Contents | Next Chapter
Characters: Fem!Reader x Roronoa Zoro
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Chapter Twenty-Three: Children of the Beyond
What’s the worst thing that could happen to a person who treasures knowledge?
Simply, they’re refused education.
Well - let’s refine that a little bit further:
They’re refused the education that actually matters, and they’re given the one that’s supposed to turn one into a highly-esteemed Wano lady.
You were not the ideal female blueprint of what they were expecting. When you came out of your mother’s womb, it was barely a private matter; the Kozuki higher-ups of the clan circled around the event of your birth, watching, waiting to see what would come out of this woman.
Was it going to be a prideful and celebratory matter - an honourable boy, prepared to carry the Kozuki title for another generation?
Or would it be…something else. Something not even dared to be uttered between each other in the fear of it rendering true.
Another pretty face added into a group of closed-mouth, fluttering pretty faces? Albeit their feminine forms and minds graceful, as composed as wolves that prowl before a rippling moon, they will never amount to anything in the Land of Wano.
Instead of being allowed to embrace their true forms, they would become domesticated. By man.
And when your mother would grunt and scream for one last push, sweat donning her back and face in such an overbearing substance of what could only be called hope, she would think in that moment – ‘Curse all these men who watch me. They will never understand the pain and joy of offering life.’
And with her last breaths, with her last warrior-like pushes and her last venomous thoughts, you would come into the world.
Not in the hands of your dying mother, but in the scrambling hands of those desperate to see your sex. You scream like a ferocious animal within those hands, wriggling away like an uncontainable soul.
“A girl,” someone would say in gasping breath, their voice faltering immensely.
There’s a crushing silence within the bedchambers. No one even attempts to look at each other, their breaths lodged in their throats like a large, repulsing bone in the midst of what was supposed to be a delicious meal. Instead, their eyes droop furiously onto the woman that lays dead in her bed.
“Even within her last breaths…she was a disappointment,” one hisses, slamming his cane against the brushed wooden floors. “Dishonourable woman!”
Kozuki Sukiyaki was in that room. Not often did he utter a word within those four walls. Not often did he react to the news of his granddaughter, or even the death of his daughter. He merely stood next to the closed door, his expression unreadable within the shadows of the daylight.
“Raya,” Kozuki Sukiyaki would manage to voice out loud, one of the few things he would say within the history of this moment.
Everyone would turn to their Shogun, the shuffles of their footsteps could only be described as flustered and clumsy.
“I…I’m sorry, my lord?”
Sukiyaki looks up to the clan, the beams of sunlight crossing the stricken face of a man who just lost his child, and he tightly purses his lips.
“If you were listening to my daughter’s last words, you would have known the child’s name,” he growls. “Raya. That is her name. The child of the Sun.”
They look down at the howling baby in their repulsed fingertips, not knowing how to react, or what to say, in the midst of their Shogun.
Raya. The child of the Sun. Born within light, and roaring like fire, you would rise like the sun for the next generation of Wano.
What you would not have known, though, was that for the next eight years of your ferocious life, you would try to be extinguished. A hand cupped over your small, brimming flame, pinching at the light that dared to seep in through the cracks of your eyes, you would merely be trained to become a lady.
That’s all they would try to do to you – to contain, smother and cool you off like a promising young lady.
And while you sought for knowledge – and, you mean, the real type of knowledge – within the literacy of what they gave you, it was not enough.
You wanted to read. Fuck, you wanted to swear. You wanted to be improper, and get dirty, and fight like a boy. To get bloodied, and muddied, and scream for the first time in your life.
So you did exactly just that.
You would steal books; read about the sciences, medicines, how to cure or bandage different injuries. You would read of true literature - illegal scripts of fictional stories about girls who acted like boys.
You would run away from home – to fight with the boys in the army, to grasp the hands of reluctant girls at your age, trying to show them a different way of freedom.
You would sneak into Sukiyaki’s workshop to play with his swords – slam them with no finesse against blocks of wood sprawled within a box of scraps, and then accidentally hit your head on his anvil.
You would look through his books of swordsmithing, read the ways of the Samurai, of sword-wielding and Ikigai, and you fell in love with the art of it. You fell in love with not only the idea of becoming a powerful Samurai, but of creating the very weapon that would lay within your fingers, become a part of your sought-for honourable identity.
You would get thrown into your rooms, locked for days. You would get slapped. Hit on the areas that were not visible, of course, because heaven forbid they mark the face or hands of a woman. Because then, she wouldn’t be desirable, but merely an opened and tainted piece of food.
They would scream at you, as the tears you would try to furiously suck back in would inevitably stream down your angry little face. They would point at the blue-haired girl in the corner, who would always stare at the tongue-lashing, wide-eyed and frightened every single time it would happen to you.
“You are an animal!” they would scream, spitting with such hatred - for when they looked at you, they saw your dishonourable mother within your glittering eyes. “Follow in your dear cousin’s footsteps, or you shall be thrown away!”
You turn around to the direction of their venomous pointing finger, and you stare. With loud, furious tears in your eyes, you would stare back at the little girl who, in turn, had quiet, sad ones painted across her rosy cheeks. Hiyori.
Hiyori, the child of the Moon. The perfect epitome of what a woman should be.
Raya, the child of the Sun. Tainted, animalistic and sunburnt. Marked as dishonourable.
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afyrian · 4 months
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ch. 10 - april 30 masterlist
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    "i'm going to tell him, i am this time."
  "you're finally going to tell him?"
  "yeah, it's just a couple months until we'd be getting divorced. and honestly i'd rather just renew our vows," you lean back in hitoka's bed, holding a pillow close to you. 
  she laughs to herself, wondering when you got so corny. the way you talk about him now rivals anything you would say just a year ago. with shallow breaths, you boast about the things he does for you, the ways he cares for you. it's become so much more real for you than just a friendship or a crush that couldn't rear its marvelous head. 
  now you lay down on her bed, cheeks warm, heart pumping quickly at even the thought of him. and at this point you don't care if it's embarrassing. or if people want to laugh at your antics, because you've been waiting more than enough time, "you're truly a romantic now..."
  "rin makes it easy to be," you sit up so that you can be facing her, your arms still clinging to the large stuffed frog, "like i mean he's the best guy i've ever known. and even if i have to die of embarrassment to tell him and potentially ruin our friendship..."
  your voice trails off, reality kicking in and the hope of a happy relationship diminishing. you can hope and dream of a relationship with rintarō all you want, but ultimately, you have no idea what his feelings are. despite all of his kind actions and the love in his eyes that you interpret, you can't depict what his feelings are. 
  hitoka reaches over to touch your hand, grabbing ahold of your fingers. she knows when you spiral. and while she hasn't known you all of your life, she can most definitely see when you're stuck in your own mind, "y/n, babe, don't do that to yourself. i never would've connected with asuka if it weren't for me going out of my comfort zone."
  "yeah but she was so clearly in love with you, oh my gosh."
  "not to me dumbass! just like it's not obvious to you! y/n, you can't let fear control you, especially from falling in love with someone who loves you equally," she gives you a soft smile, eyes flickering between yours. 
  your eyebrows furrow as she calls you 'dumbass', something she rarely does. but her truthfulness does send a shiver up your spine, a hope that you'd begun to lack. "i love you, you know? i probably would never tell him if i couldn't talk to you," your eyes tear up slightly, you realizing that you do have the best friends you could ever ask for. 
  "don't cry! because if you do, then i will too! and i love you too. i want you to have every opportunity that i or kiyoko have, because you deserve it," hitoka drops the stuffed animal she's holding and reaches over, wrapping her arms around you, "and he does too, so don't break his heart."
 "oh my gosh, trust me, i will definitely not be breaking his heart," you laugh into her shoulder, hands gripping onto her large sweatshirt.
  as the two of you are holding each other for a little too long, the door opens. there stands kiyoko, a tray of popcorn and other snacks sprawled around it. in little bowls are sets of candy that range from chocolate to fruity chews. her eyes look between the two of you, a tad bit confused, “you guys doing okay in here?”
  you separate, hand reaching up to wipe the tears from your eyes. “yeah..” you laugh a little, “i was just telling hitoka that i think i’m going to tell rin.”
  “tell suna what?”
  “well that i’m in love with him!”
  “ooooh right, that. oh that’s exciting! oh congrats y/n, you deserve so much happiness oh wow,” kiyoko hurries over to the bed, setting the tray aside as she reaches you.
  “thanks ki! i was pretty worried about it, but enough about me and this crazy relationship i’m going through. we’re going to have fun tonight, watch the worst movies known to man, and sing terribly to karaoke,” you grab a chip from the tray, smiling to your two closest friends besides rintarō.
  now, the only thing you really need to do is get over the throbbing heart in your chest and your blood pressure raising…
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a/n: i’m veeeery excited for the next chapter
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sailorshadzter · 7 months
i write this without any knowledge of what comes next (im only watching the anime!!)
hopefully it doesnt feel terribly out of character. im sure ill continue to write for them as the season progresses. anyways!!!
She wakes from a dream of violet eyes and whispered pleas.
The moment between the world of sleep and awake is a long one, but she comes out on the other side, her foggy brain aching fiercely. It all comes back to her then, like a tidal wave of memories, forcing her upright in her bed, ignoring the pain of it all to look around, to take in the familiar sight of her very own room. That’s right… She thinks, hand to her head, the bandages there reminding her of what she had endured. Lord Jinshi… She thinks of the man she had saved, wondering as she had in that very moment just why it had been him and not someone else in that ceremony. 
“Maomao! You’re awake!” 
The voice breaks into her thoughts and she turns, seeing Suiren standing there in her doorway, holding a tray in her hands. “I must tell the young master,” she says at once, turning and dashing from the room at surprising speed. What Maomao does not yet know is that Jinshi has rarely left her side since the incident occurred, having spent many hours at her bedside, until he was forced to rest himself by Suiren and Gaoshun. 
Left alone once more, she pushes away the blankets, drawing up her hem so she can inspect the wound on her leg. It’s been stitched, she can tell, and bandaged well enough she supposes- it does not ache, she finds, unlike her head which even at these slight movements hurts her in such a way that she wishes she were dead. Having been struck hard by a man twice her size and nearly crushed by a falling altar, she wonders if this was the best of the outcomes that could have occurred. 
She turns once more, injury forgotten in the moment it takes for her to meet gazes with the young man in her doorway. Lord Jinshi stands there, a look on his face she’s never seen before, save for… Now she remembers. The way he had looked in that moment, when his hands had so unceremoniously cupped her battered cheeks, his violet eyes wide and unwavering. He had been worried about her, but in a way he’s never been worried before. “I’m glad to see  you awake,” he continues, coming closer into the room, surprising her further when he drops into the chair that has remained empty at her bedside. “How do you feel?”
Maomao blinks, hands curling into fists atop her thighs. “Fine,” is all she can muster, turning away. 
If he knows she’s lying, he doesn’t speak of it. “I had the best doctor I could find to take care of you,” he says next, thinking of the strange, yet kind man that had come to stitch the girl’s wounds, to tenderly apply a salve to her bruises, leaving behind powdered medicines for her pain and recovery. He had insisted on leaving right away, but not after Jinshi watched him press a kiss to her forehead, like the father he was. “Since you could not take care of yourself.” He smiles and she lets out a soft chuckle, though the effort leaves her somewhat winded. “You need more rest,” he insists next, gesturing for her to lay back, which she does, even more surprised when he himself tucks the blankets back around her. 
“Lord Jinshi…” She speaks his name but he shakes his head, silencing her with a simple shake of his head. 
“You saved my life,” he says next, as if this explains it all- what he doesn’t say is he was frightened that she’d sacrificed her own to do it. He doesn’t say that he’s never been more frightened, more worried, in all of his life. He doesn’t say that carrying her to this bed was the worst, yet best, moments of his life- to have her so close, it was wonderful, but not at the cost of her well being. He can still recall the warmth of her body, the softness of her, the surprise of how someone with such a strong tackle could weigh so very little… “I owe you.” 
“An ox bezoar,” she reminds him, not forgetting his promise, even now as she sinks back into sleep. Jinshi laughs, patting her on the head. 
“Yes, an ox bezoar,” he says, watching as she slips back to sleep, where she so rightfully deserves to be. There would be time to talk, time to understand, in the days after she’s healed. 
For now, all he would do was watch over her and wait, praying for her return to health.
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dilucsflame33 · 2 years
Hi! I've recently seen some of your stories and really liked them and just had to send in an ask.
I was debating it cause it felt a bit....weird? But, hear me out, Werewolf Donnie. (I thought it was weird cause he's already a turtle but whatever) but I was thinking, Donnies out on patrol with the guys and gets bit by a werewolf, he turns into one and runs away from the lair because he doesn't want to be seen. But his bros already called his girlfriend saying he was acting weird! So being the good girlfriend she is, she helps him realize being a werewolf isn't all bad *wink wink*
62: Alley
85: eating pussy
89: mating/breeding (but could you do it more like Donnie just wants her as his mate and not necessarily to get her pregnant)
101: body worship
114: spanking
117: "safe word is pi to the ninth decimal"
Sorry this is really long, and no pressure to do this if it makes you uncomfortable! Thanks again!
Werewolves Claim 🔥
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Honey, you didn't make me uncomfortable at all! I was mainly trying to figure out how to do this. 😂 Like you said, he's already a mutated turtle so adding in another animal gene to the mix is kind of like a science overload. So, I've tweaked some things, and this is what I have. Hopefully this is to your liking, my friend. ^^
I also apologize for taking so long with the request. >.<
🔞 Warning 🔞 NSFW 18+ Only
Voyeurism, blood, werewolf mating, body worship/praise, eating out, and feral Donnie. I forgot to add in spanking to it while I was putting this in, I'm so sorry. 😭
Word count: 4.7k
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His body was burning, head pounding like someone was hitting him from the inside. Everything was going smoothly until a werewolf showed up and bit him right on the shoulder. 
The transformation was a terrible process. He was sweating more than usual. His body temperature raised so high, it was like he came down with the flu. 
Donnie was completely helpless during this phase; the poor man passed out because his body overheated, his brothers called out to him as soon as he hit the ground. 
When he came to, he was in his bed, the covers barely covering him as he shifted and a groan left him when he did so. His shoulder ached, his head was having the worst migraines he ever had, and he just wanted to go back to bed and sleep everything off. 
But he can't. He has so much to do and laying around will do nothing but waste time. 
Getting up was the hardest thing he could ever do; like everything felt so sore even though he barely did anything yesterday. Yes, he trained like usual but it's nothing out of the ordinary. He just wants to kick himself for being a baby. 
Brush it off, it'll pass, he thought to himself as he got up from the warmth of his bed and into the living room. He was too deep in his thoughts that he didn't realize one of his brothers was coming towards him. 
"Hey, Donnie, are you feeling okay? You don't look too good, bro." Mikey says as he touches his arm, making the purple clad turtle jerked from the contact. The youngest took a step back, eyes held a hint of sadness. 
"I-I'm sorry, Mikey. You just startled me, that's all." Donnie's voice sounded deeper than usual, the youngest noticed. His skin pale and sweat glistening. "I was just having too many thoughts."
"It's fine, my dude! Should have called for you next time." Mikey gleamed, glad that it wasn't his presence that made his brother jerk away from him. 
With that both of the brothers head to the kitchen. Leo and Raph were talking to each other as the other walked in. 
"Donnie," Raph smirked as he watched his younger brother rub his eyes. "You good, bro?" 
With a nod, Donnie let out a sigh as he sat down on the many chairs from the dining area. "I'm fine, just have a headache." 
"Probably need to eat something." Leo comments. "When was the last time you had a decent meal?" 
The genius winced, knowing that he hadn't been eating properly. Leo and Raph shook their heads. 
"Well good thing that I'm in the kitchen, huh?" Mikey cheered as he looked throughout the pantry. "You want your usual Don?"
Donnie hummed as he shook his head. "Maybe some steak? Make it medium." With his response, he looked up and saw his brother's expressions. They were all surprised with the genius's request. He was never a fan of having blood in his steak, it makes him squirm and has that bitter taste in his mouth even with the seasonings. 
Mikey looked at his older brother, worry filled his being. "Really? You don't usually go for the steak, bro. Are you okay?" 
"Yes, for the third time today, I'm fine," Donnie says with aggravation. His blood slowly bubbles with anger. 
Since when does he get angry easily?
"I don't know, man, you look like you've been through Hell and back." Raph says as he approached Donnie, but stopped when his brother let out a sound he was not familiar with.
Was that a growl?
Yes, they're turtles but they never make this type of animalistic type of growl. This is a sound of warning, to alert the others of their territory. The sound was usually from canines, so how can Donnie make such a sound? This is very abnormal. It made the brothers stand on end.
“Uh, Dee?” It was Mikey’s trembling tone that made Donnie realize what he just did, yet the purple clad turtle still felt that growl start to form in his chest. He had to get out of there. It made him feel terrified of himself, doesn’t trust himself at this moment.
“I’m sorry, guys. Let me go back to my lab and I’ll be fine.” Donnie soon got up from his seat but it felt like he got punched in his chest, and could barely breathe. Then, the migraine that came barreling through was excruciating. He clutched his head and let out a pitiful whimper; his vision became blurry, his heart pounding in his chest as he could sense one of his brothers walk towards him. 
“Stay away from me!” His yell caught the guys off guard but it fell on deaf ears because one of his brothers stood behind him.
“Donnie, what’s going on, bro?” It was Raphael. 
Donnie could smell Raphael’s pheromones. He knew that the brute is an alpha, no doubt about it, but why does he feel threatened by that? Is it because he carries himself so high that the genius wished he could do the same? 
Or was it. . .
“Leo, call Y/N. Something is wrong with Donnie.”
That’s when his body tensed; his heart pounding even more as his blood boiled. 
They have her number.
Raph and the others knew his feelings for Y/N, so why do they have her number? The logical part of him knew why. You are friends with his brothers, or he hopes you’re only friends. Yet that other side of him, the territorial side, was burning with anger. The dark voice in his mind was seething. With Raph right behind him, it sees him as a threat. 
That’s when he let out a muttered gasp. 
What if you were with Raph the whole time?
What if you prefer alpha males like his brother?
Donnie’s heart broke with every thought that came through. All those times you two spent time together, the late calls and texts were nothing? Just someone to talk to when his brother wasn’t available? That part of him howled inside of him and begged to be let out. In that moment, Donnie let it and his vision turned dark. 
He finally gave in.
Raph felt utterly useless. He has no knowledge in the medical field, that was Donnie’s job. Seeing his younger brother in this state has him blocked in all corners. He could have a headache because of the lack of food and water, maybe sleep as well. 
He didn’t notice that Donnie started trembling until he fell to his knees. “Hey, Donnie? You with me?” Raph asked when he touched his shoulder.
Leo and Mikey went to help their brother but stood on end when Donnie spoke. His voice wasn’t the usual shy and introverted one. It was deep, guttural, and downright terrifying.
Raph was confused. “Mine?”
That’s when it started to throw down. The brute’s eyes widened when Donnie turned so quickly he didn’t have time to react and attacked him. Raph grunted when he was being pinned down to the kitchen floor and went to push him back, but his blood ran cold when he saw his brother's eyes. No longer the beautiful hazel but bloodshot yellow. Not only that, but he grew fangs. 
He soon went back down to earth when Donnie continuously started punching him, but Raph blocked every blow and threw him back. When the purple clad got up, his stance wasn’t the usual ninja stance that they’ve been trained to. It was more of a hunched posture and - if he was a different animal - he would be on four legs. He growled out in warning when Leo and Mikey went to pick up Raph from the floor. 
“Geez, dude, what’s going on?” Mikey says when he brought Raphael to his feet. 
“That’s not Donnie, not anymore. Look at his eyes.” Leo and Mikey looked at Donnie’s eyes and shuttered when Donnie stayed in that position, waiting for them to strike. “Those are the eyes of a killer.”
“When he said ‘mine,’ does he mean Y/N? He does have feelings for her.” Mikey says as he took a step back when Donnie growled once again. 
“Yep, that’s it. He did get bit by that wolf, so he probably got turned into one.” Leo concludes as he stands in front of Mikey, big brother instincts kicking in and starts to protect his brothers. “How do we change him back though is the question.”
“We can find that wolf man that did this to him and get some answers.”
“How? He’s with the police and under investigation.” Raph says as his focus stays on Donnie. He lost his focus once and it won’t happen again. 
“If we tell them what’s going on, then they will bring him in for questioning.” Leo says as he eyed Donnie. “But we need Donnie locked up for now. Otherwise, he will end up hurting everyone. We can’t let him near Sensei.”
“Got a plan, Leo? Cause I will gladly be the brute force.” Raph smirked as he cracked his knuckles. “This is payback for attacking me like that. Brother or not, you wanna fight? I will give you a fight.”
Donnie chuckled. “Best man wins.”
Leo sighed as he sidestepped away from his brothers with Mikey behind him. “I will give you permission this once, just don’t destroy the whole place. Knock him out.”
Raph laughed at that. “You hear that Donnie? Leo gave me permission to go all out. So prepare yourself.”
With that, they both collided. 
Fists and curses were thrown as they fought. Grunts and growls were heard as Raph pushed Donnie away and soon picked him up by the waist, carrying him away from the kitchen. He winced when Donnie beat on his side, the one that isn’t protected by his shell. It made him loosen his grip and Donnie kneed his plastron, making Raph breathless. Since when does Donnie have so much strength? 
No longer in Raph’s grasp Donnie kicked Raph in the face, making Raph spew out blood from his mouth. “Y/N is mine. You think you’re better than everyone? Well, guess what, you’re not. Strength doesn’t help you in every situation.”
“Well it does in this one, brainiac.” Raph growled as he charged at Donnie and got him pinned down to the ground. “If you actually tell her how you feel, then maybe you won’t go territorial on everyone.”
Donnie paused. For a split second, his eyes turned their natural color again. “Wait, you’re not dating her?”
“Gods, no. I have someone else in mind, bro,” Raph said as he rolled his eyes. “For a genius, you are pretty stupid,” With that, he punched Donnie in the face and knocked him out cold. 
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Donnie woke up with the most excruciating he ever had. Not only that, his face was sore beyond belief. What happened? He looked around the room and saw that he was in his room. He barely remembers what all that took place; the feeling of anger and betrayal was there, then the animal side of him took over and everything went dark.
Tossing the blanket off him, he slowly rose from the bed and headed towards the door. When he went to open it, however, it was locked. Did they lock him in here? What all took place when he wasn’t in the right mind? Panic filled his being, he needed to get out of here. Usually he doesn’t mind being locked in here, but this is different. He must have done something that made his brothers lock him up in his lab. 
Looking for the keys to the door and unlocking it, he slowly opened it and tried not to alert anyone. His head poked out and that’s when he saw his brothers. Raph holding an ice pack on his face as he spoke to the others. Donnie’s heart clenched. 
Did he do that?
Did he fight his brother?
“Glad that Donnie is in one piece. I was getting worried that Donnie will win,” Leo teased as his arms crossed over his chest.
Raph tsked and leaned back on the couch. “Whatever, Leo, I had it under control.” His eyes turned somber. “He got me good though, never knew Donnie could put up a fight. Turned or not, that brainiac got strength.”
Mikey chuckled. “Is that praise I hear? If Donnie was awake, he would be happy knowing that he almost brought down the beast.” He laughed as Raph shoved him, but the brute was chuckling with him. 
But Donnie wasn’t happy at all. 
He almost killed his brother. 
With this in mind, he stepped out of the lab and that’s when eyes were on him. Raph stood up and sighed. “I may be bruised but I can still go for another round.”
Donnie shook his head, breathing rapidly. Leo saw this. “Wait, Raph, this is the real Donnie you’re talking to.” 
Raph turned back to Donnie and eyed his being. His stance wasn’t like earlier, it’s the timid and nervous one that he was all too familiar with. He looked into his eyes and they were back to the hazel color. This is the real Donatello. 
“I-I hurt my own brother,” Donnie says as he sidesteps when they were walking towards him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I don’t know what came over me.”
After that, his head starts to pound once again. He could feel that the animal side starts to return and he doesn’t know if he could hold on. He needs to get away from here. What if Y/N came in and he was like this? She will get hurt because of him and he would die if he had done something like that to her. 
And he did what he was known for. 
He ran. 
The yells from his brothers were calling him back but he ignored them. He can’t turn back, not when he has control to get away from everyone. Donnie reached the man-hole cover and ran some more, jumping and running on top of buildings. That sickening feeling of his crush looking at him with terrified eyes. 
Donnie felt tears pricking his eyes as he found an abandoned alleyway and took shelter. The purple clad buried in on himself as he let the tears fall, cries of pain left his lips as memories from earlier came rushing at him. He hurt his brother all because of jealousy and anger. 
That’s when he made his decision, he isn’t coming back home - for his brothers and Y/N’s sake.
Because he is really and truly a monster.
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“What do you mean Donnie is gone?” Y/N was on her way home from work when the turtle brothers called her about what happened earlier that night. The part where they were on patrol and a wolfman came out of nowhere, bit Donnie, then the genius turned into a wolf himself even though he doesn’t look like one - only the characteristics. The animal side of him was more prudent and had no control over it, even attacked Raph when he mentioned something that only Donnie can answer. 
And it aggravated the woman. She doesn’t like secrets but, for now, the woman can deal with it. 
“Donnie ran out of the lair before we could get a word in, probably guilty for attacking me.” Raph spoke through the phone as she continued to walk down the street. “Can’t blame him though, especially the conversation before it happened. Triggered his animal instincts.”
“Either way, it’s my job to find him?” Y/N said as she looked through alleyways and found nothing, not even a stray cat. “Good thing I just got off from work.”
“We really don’t want you to be part of this but it’s not like we had a choice in this,” Leo says as he eyed the many monitors in Donnie’s lab. “I don’t know how Donnie put up with this technical stuff, too many wires. How do you even log in to his computer?”
“You barely know how to work a phone, bro. You can’t say anything.” Mikey snickered as she heard movement from the other end. “Let me do this. Or you’re gonna get it from Donnie when he comes back.”
“Call me old fashion, Mikey. I prefer it that way.” Leo argued back and Raph laughed.
“Instead of walkie-talkies, we had to use smoke signals for Leo. Otherwise, we’ll overload his ‘old fashioned’ mind.”
Y/N can’t help but to laugh at the brothers' antics. If Donnie was there, he would laugh at Leo’s complaining about technology. “Well try not to overload his mind, guys. There’s no telling what kind of stuff you will go through without him.”
“Hey!” Leo says and she could hear him pout through the phone, making her and the brothers laugh once again. “I will get you guys back, watch your backs.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Raph says as he pauses for a second. “What do you have Mikey?”
“He actually didn’t go that far, but it depends on Y/N’s location.” Mikey was surprising everyone with how smart he has gotten. “What’s your location, Y/N?” 
When she was about to give your location, the woman felt like she was being watched. Turning her head to a dark alleyway, her heart sped up rapidly when yellow eyes stared back at her through the darkness. The figure was tall and she felt so intimidated. 
“Y/N, are you there?” Leo says through the phone. 
The woman swallowed whatever was in her throat and said, “You said Donnie has yellow eyes, right? Well I think I found him.”
“You shouldn’t be here,” Was Donnie’s response and he turned away, the glowing yellow eyes no longer there. 
“Donnie, wait!” Y/N called out to him as she went into the darkness. She knew that following him would be dangerous, considering that - even with the city lights - it’s still dark and could barely see anything. 
“Be careful, Y/N. Bring Donnie back and we’ll get some answers.” With that, the call ended. 
Sighing she turned on the flashlight and gasped when Donnie stood in front of her, almost dropping her phone in the process. His expression was something she wasn’t familiar with, but she won’t deny that it was thrilling.
She has to be messed up because he could easily hurt her, but she knew he wouldn’t do it. 
“You need to leave. I told you once and I won't do it again.” He said as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
The woman almost drooled from the way his biceps bulged. Y/N knew that he has muscle but, good heavens, he looks so delicious right now. He isn’t the type to show it off like his brother, says that he prefers to keep his strength somewhere useful. Oh, how she wanted to yell at him during that point. He is a fine specimen and she’s angry that he talked down on himself. 
How can he not realize her feelings for him?
“What if I don’t want to leave? Are you gonna hurt me?” Y/N should be afraid of how Donnie’s eyes bore fury, but she’s not. The complete opposite. She was turned on by this.
Donnie was surprised by the questions. She doesn’t want to leave? Does she realize how dangerous he can be? It wasn’t until he smelt this sweet aroma that made him realize what was happening. 
Was she. . .?
Y/N smirked when his eyes turned dark with lust. “You like me, don’t you?” His eyes widened as she found out his secret, then he became flustered as he averted his gaze somewhere else. “It’s okay, Donnie, I like you too. That’s why I am prepared for this.”
She stepped forward as her fingertips gracefully trailed up from his abdomen, plastron, then his cheek. Her touch burned his every being and the animal side of him growled in want, devouring her until there was nothing left. Donnie lifted his hand towards her waist and pulled her forward; their bodies meshing together as he leaned forward, lips almost colliding. The tension was high between them as more of the sweet scent of her filled his nostrils.
Does she know what she’s doing to him?
“Are you sure about this? I don’t want you to regret anything once we start this.” Donnie says as his eyes locked on hers. He could feel her breath hitched as she stared at his eyes then his lips. “Push me away.”
The woman snickered and gripped the belt loops from his pants. “I don’t think so. You’re too handsome for me to pull away.”
He chuckled deeply at that. “All right. You wanna play that game, then I’ll play.”
His lips soon pressed to hers and she melted into his embrace. Y/N knew she had to bring Donnie back home, but it’s hard to do so when he looks like he’s going to devour her at this moment. 
How could she deny this man?
Not when she knew his feelings. 
The purple terrapin growled deep within his throat as he moved forward and pressed her against the wall, hand her cheek as his lips caressed hers. She tasted so divine; the sweetness and softness of her lips was so addicting. Pop Tarts got nothing on this woman. Tongues colliding, moans and groans shared, and all he wanted was to take her on this wall until she begged either for mercy or more. Having his woman whimper and moan for both made his heart race. 
He pulled away from her lips to her neck, trailing kisses and love bites as her back arches from the red brick - breasts pressing to his plastron. Y/N whimpered when he found a sensitive spot. “Donnie,” she moaned as his hands trailed down her waist and slid inside her shirt. “Hurry, please.”
“Impatient, aren’t we? That’s cute.” He chuckled as his fingertips gently grazed her back, sending chills up her spine. Donnie hummed as the turtle enjoyed the reaction he just received. “Safe word is pi to the ninth decimal. You better prepare yourself, darling.”
With that, he took off her jeans from her body. Donnie wanted to destroy them but she said otherwise, and doesn't want his brothers seeing her in this predicament. The genius can’t help but to laugh at the irony. She’s worried about his brothers seeing her but they are completely in the open. 
“Honey, you do realize we are in an alley. Even if it is abandoned, someone will come through here at any time.” She gasped when he lifted her up by her waist and had her legs over his shoulders while he stood. “Imagine someone walking down this way and seeing you like this. Legs spread while a man takes you to another realm with his tongue.”
Y/N moaned as he delved into her heat; his tongue dragged over her sensitive pearl and she mewled out her pleasure only for him. Donnie growled as he tasted her for the first time and he had to dive in for more, whimpers and moans were heard from the woman above him when he delved his tongue deeper from within. Her words of praise left her swollen lips as she rocked her hips, legs shaking by the ecstasy he’s delivering. 
His hand came around her and pressed over her pearl, smirking when his woman had to cover her mouth from screaming. His tongue was too good. Felt so good. And the woman came without giving him a warning, but he wasn’t complaining. The complete opposite. He took pride knowing he was the one giving her the pleasure, taking her this high. He drank from her, every single drop until she quake from the overstimulation.
“You’re so beautiful, darling. Your body is so gorgeous and I will eat this dessert everyday if you let me, you taste so delicious.” He growled when he finished but he dove right back in, making the woman above him squirm from it all. Curses and tongues were spilling from her throat as she gripped his head, the woman looked down to him and she wanted to spill everything right there. 
His eyes were darker than usual. Yellow, yes, but there’s some predatory about his gaze and she felt so small. Just him picking her up and having her legs over his shoulders - showing her his strength - has her heart doing cartwheels and somersaults.  Whatever insecurities she had, they were thrown to the window. Cause if her man looks at her like she was his only meal and will devour her with any chance he could get, then sign her up! 
She will gladly offer to this man before her. 
With her mouth still covered, she wailed as she came once again - legs trembling when he drank from her. His groans and growls were everything, they resonated to her femininity and she wanted to cry from how good he was pleasuring her. After he was done, he slowly eased her down and had her legs wrapped around his waist. Her eyes were filled with pleasurable tears and he licked his lips from satisfaction. He took a mental picture of this moment
“We’re not even close to being done, honey.” Donnie worked on the belt and unbutton on his pants, unzipping it, then her body went ablaze when she saw him. 
She knew that he isn’t going to be average but, seeing it in front of her, has her drooling. And worried. Her insides clenched over nothing and Donnie chuckled at her eagerness. The tip of his cock rubbed her pearl in a teasing manner and the woman whimpered. 
“Donatello, stop teasing me and take me already!” Y/N said, aggravation in her voice as she rocked her hips once again. Donnie found amusement in this and watched her try to get him inside of her.
“Do you claim me as your mate?” Was all he said as he leaned down towards her lips, his cock still teasing her. “Are you sure you want this? This is your chance to back out.”
Y/N looked up at him and placed her palms on his cheeks, thumbs gently caressing them. “I accept all of you: flaws and all. I want all of you, Donnie. So, please, take me as yours.” she kissed his lips passionately and felt him sigh as they delved into each other once again. 
Donnie never felt so happy in his life. The woman he loved accepted all of him, even the animal inside of him and he felt so giddy. Overjoyed. He smiled brightly and kissed her forehead. “Then I accept all of you, my darling, and let me give you all the pleasure I could give.”
With that, they became one.
Everything was a blur; the adrenaline and the burning passion that flowed within their veins as they relinquished with one another. Even if it was from a dark alley, they could care less on who could walk by. His hand gripping the wall while the other held her waist and gave the best passionate, love making he could offer. 
And she went up so high.
The ecstasy and the burning heat from their bodies as they collided with each other was tremendous. This was hard to believe that Donnie never did this before; never felt this type of passion and love in his life, especially from a human woman. His heart could burst from how happy he was. She took in everything of him, and her body quakes from the intensity of his passion. Eyes glisten with pleasurable tears as she spoke out her pleasure with moans and wails. 
He kissed her once again; he was starving for her taste. The sweetness of her kisses. She pulled him in even more with her arms and legs, tongue swirled with each other in a beautiful dance. They both pull away and gasp as their wave of passion slowly peaks. Donnie kissed her neck and she tilted it for more access, then she let out a silent scream when his fangs pierced her flesh. Through the pain, she came with such ferocity that the man above her trembled. His deep groans vibrated throughout her body as he, too, rode the waves of ecstasy. 
Now, she was his and only his. 
She is now claimed.
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romantic-disarray · 2 years
Nagi Seishiro as your boyfriend hcs!
it's my first time posting so go easy on me :^)
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Nagi likes it when you play with his hair while he's playing games or watching a soccer compilation, he'd immediately fall asleep.
Prepare for some of the worst capcut edits of your face you can ever see. Sometimes creates horrible powerpoint presentations about why the two of you should sleep all day.
He often finds himself laying on your chest, either while he's playing on his phone or just because. Sometimes when you tell him to get off because he's suffocating you, he'd press down harder, then you'll have to resort into pushing him off instead.
Squeezes your hand while walking and waits for you to squeeze back. When you don't, he squeezes your hand again and again, and it gets more aggressive each time, before you actually do it back.
He likes to play the pocky game whenever he buys a pack, even if he doesn't end up winning, he'll still kiss you because he suggested it in the first place, not that you complained anyway.
He sleeps in two ways. One; Sleeps like a cat, sometimes you'd catch him curled up into a ball right after practice. Or two; like a fucking starfish, where his legs and arms are in every direction, completely hogging the bed. It also doesn't help the fact he's incredibly tall.
Nagi would take candid photos of you in secret, which he'll cherish forever. He would also post it in his private snapchat story just to flex on the other guys. He also has a lot of blackmail for when he gets petty.
Would pull the, "Remember the time where you did this? Yeah, you may not remember but I do." Playfully of course.
Nagi would often point at stuffed animals and say you look like them, so when you get all bashful about it—Nagi shakes his head and says, 'No I meant the ugly one beside it.' This absolute bastard.
Likes to call you by stupid nicknames. One time he even called you, 'My pookie bear.' And was it ironic or unironic? Even you didn't have a clue.
If you thought this man could never be clingy—well you thought wrong. Nagi would hug you anywhere and everywhere you go, whether it be on your arm or right behind you, so that you'll have to waddle away like a penguin.
Since Nagi is always busy with soccer, he doesn't get a lot of time to spend with you, so he pays it back for the soft cuddles the two of you do every night. He'd whisper and ask you how your day went, making sure to stroke your hair while you both talk.
Well, it's either that or he just begs you to stay up with him.
Usually he's the big spoon, but sometimes he likes to be the little one too.
Preferably he likes to suffocate you underneath him.
Sometimes when Nagi doesn't want to get out of bed, you'd have to resort into pulling him by the legs instead. But of course—he doesn't budge. It's an absolute nightmare having to do this every morning.
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gothushi · 4 months
subtop!rob headcanons
this is lilys fault for fueling my thoughts at 3am. i love rob a normal amount. half of these r bc of her😋
• collar him. keep a leash on him whilst ur fucking so u can tug him down to u, or up to u, giving him that rush of asphyxiation and the lustful feel of u pulling him where u want him
• growls and feral noises, gasping, whining, moaning, not very verbal. u call him ur pretty dog and groans and tries to fuck u harder until u snap at him with a tug on the leash
• very physical. tries to manhandle u or push at u when ur being mean, huffing and growling, hair falling in his eyes. grab at his balls and he whines, knees spreading as he lowers down a bit in submission
• when he’s feeling particularly jealous or possessive, he’ll lay between ur legs marking up ur thighs, tummy, tits, huffing out heavy breaths whilst ur petting his hair and cooing softly
• “don’t bite so hard baby” “easy! brat!” “down boy” “ah ah, don’t whine at me.” “i said down”
• loves and hates being tied down with rope. ur an expert and know how to do it correctly, keeping him to the headboard or down against a chair, or even on the floor on his knees unable to touch u. the aftercare u give him is so nice but he hates not being able to touch, to take, yet he relishes in the control u have
• very little does he actually behave. one day u had enough and caged him. he whined and huffed and bitched that he wanted to cum, wanted to get hard, take it off!
• the worst punishment he could ever receive is not being able to cum in u. when he’s super bad make him cum all over ur pussy but not in, watching it drip down over ur hole and down to ur ass and he swears he could cry
• the best reward he could ever receive is getting to breed u over and over. he has amazing stamina and can cum a handful of times in a row. let him go to town whilst u lay back leisurely holding his leash, he’ll fuck u like a damn fleshlight growling and groaning, thanking his pretty thing for letting him breed her
• has to be worked up to prostate massages. after lots of training him to get used to anything down there, slide a long finger in and curl it up over and over, rubbing on that spot and it’ll make him cum instantly when ur going down on him.
• bites. bites hard. growls like some feral little animal and huffs through his nose, his eyes rolling back. careful sticking ur fingers in his mouth because he will break skin and then fuss over it once he’s come down
• loves cockwarming. massaging his cum throughout ur pussy, pushing it in nice and deep before collapsing onto u, spooning u, light thrusts. u both wake up two hours later and fuck again because he’s humping u like a dog
• so handsy. such a pervert. always wants to fuck. ur cooking dinner and he comes in grinding against u. ur folding laundry and he comes in tackling u to the bed with kisses. ur watching tv and he kneels down between ur legs to start eating u out.
• speaking of, loves eating u out whilst ur doing other stuff. mundane tasks whilst he’s suckling at ur clit. sloppy with it, makes a big mess of drool and ur slick/cum. will wake u up eating u out, begging to fuck ur pussy, please sugar i need it
• sometimes when u don’t feel like getting fucked, u’ll straddle him and fuck him with a fleshlight, bouncing as if it’s u. it’s absolute torture to watch his own cum get wasted in the toy, growling and snarling because it does feel good but he wants it to be u
• “bad dog.” “nnnngh-“ “bad fucking dog. get down.”
• one time when u were riding him u almost fell, orgasming and ur hand found his neck instead of his chest. he immediately came with his heart hammering against his chest and that’s how u find out he likes being choked. u bought the collar not long after
• he loves taking baths with u or cuddling after, or ordering food and watching something, but his favorite aftercare is how u caress him. knelt before you or laid against ur chest, his pretty eyes all wide and hazy, brows furrowed up as he stares up at u getting pet over his cheek and hair.
• pull his hair. yank him around by it, it’ll make him curse and growl, trying to smack at ur hand, slap him.
• marks u up a lot. bruises, bite marks, love bites, scratches. definitely takes care of them after, ices any bad ones, puts neosporin on the scratches, kisses the booboos with a quiet little sorry
• the only time uve ever seen him cry during sex was the first time u fucked him with one of those strap ons that u fill with fake cum. paired with that sticky cum like lube all over his hole, the feeling of surprise he had when he felt it squirting inside him was unbelievable. he was on his knees, back arched, fist pounding at the bed, twitching and trembling as cum dripped from his cock, before he collapsed onto the bed and shuddered with aftershocks. sticky fake cum leaking all over his hole, down his balls and cock, his cheeks wet with tears as his eyes flutter and he sniffles
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creepswrites · 1 year
MASK OF HATE | CH. 3 (Michael x Reader)
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it feels so good to be writing this guy again god... i've rly pulled from my own Michael headcanons for this one so i hope you enjoy! :D
Michael Myers x trans!Reader (he/him)
Summary: "Stop me if it gets to be too much, okay?" You dabbled the brush in the dark red eyeshadow. It would hopefully hide his scars as well. You weren't even sure how familiar people were with his actual face. You wondered if people knew what Michael Myers, the man, looked like. Or if they just saw the white, pale face of the Boogeyman when they closed their eyes.
Halloween in Haddonfield was always a high-strung time.
Ever since the Halloween killings a few years ago, the town had since taken a hesitant approach to the holiday. Parents went out with their kids or simply stayed home with them. If phones went down or power went out, teens were told to cross the street and get help. But people would still dress up, still go looking for candy, and still sneak out to make out with their respective partners.
But Halloween had come and gone without much issue for you. Of course, Michael had been busy that night. You'd stayed up late into the night to wait up for him, watching horror movies with some candy and popcorn until you heard your back door open and heavy footfalls approaching. He didn't have many injuries - he rarely did anymore - but he was still soaked in blood.
With the holiday over, you wondered what Michael would do next. You lay in bed and stared up at your ceiling for the first few days after Halloween stewing in your worries. Would he leave? Go back to the institution? What was he going to do? Surely he couldn't keep killing, right? There'd be no people left in Haddonfield eventually.
But he didn't do any of those things. Instead, he'd sit on your couch and watch television - intrigued by the nature documentaries and cartoons the most - and follow you around the house when you were home. And if you were out at work or shopping, he'd stalk you from a distance. It became the new normal.
Months passed. Fall colors began to fade to browns and whites as November came. You still left out food for Mayhem in hopes he'd come home but you were beginning to lose hope. All you could do was pray that he didn't suffer before he died or that he wasn't eaten by some other animal. Michael would watch you from the doorway, dressed in a sweater and plaid pj bottoms you'd gotten for him as you sat on the steps of your back door, hoping your kitty would come home. It must've been silly to him but he never stopped you.
He didn't kill. At least, not that you knew of. You tried to avoid the news for the most part and with your dad gone, you didn't have much inside information anymore.
The guilt hadn't really set in yet either. You missed him, of course, but he'd never been very present. The death of your mom had hit him hard and you always felt like he'd never properly forgiven you for it. How a man could resent his son for something he didn't do was ridiculous to you. You missed the idea of your dad more than who he actually was.
But you made Thanksgiving. Michael was familiar with the concept though it had been a long time since he'd participated. So, you went all out. Turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, green bean casserole, gravy, the whole nine yards. The two of you ate together on your couch and watched Charlie Brown episodes since those had become Michael's favorite to watch. You both ate your weight in food and fell asleep on opposite ends of the couch. You'd never seen him sleep before and you were momentarily taken aback by how peaceful he looked.
It was nice.
One afternoon when you got back from work, you saw Michael masked up and standing outside your front door, holding something wrapped up in his arms. When you'd gotten closer, fearing the worst, you nearly wept with joy to see Mayhem bundled up in a towel. Cold and shaking and most certainly sick but alive. You'd gone to the vet's office a shaking, sobbing mess, just happy to have your kitty back.
Mayhem had to have surgery for his infected wounds and would be on antibiotics for awhile. But he was home and thats all that mattered to you. You'd thanked Michael profusely and brought home pumpkin pies for weeks after, even with the fall pumpkin flavors out of style. They were definitely his favorite. He liked most sweet things, honestly. You were surprised how much of a sweet tooth he had.
November browns turned to December blues as snow and frost started making appearances. The first day it snowed, you'd bundled yourself and Michael up and gone outside to see the falling snow. He wore the mask much less now, leaving the thing on the kitchen table more often than not, so you got to put a cute wool hat on him and drag him outside with your mitten-clad hand clasping his. "Come see, come see!"
Michael had looked up when he noticed the snowflakes falling. Just a light flurry. He watched as you stuck your tongue out and caught snowflakes on your tongue and gave you a strange look. "Try," you nudged him gently. "It's fun, I promise."
He'd done it but only to make you happy.
And still, he hadn't killed yet. You wondered if it was just a Halloween thing. If he was a normal person throughout the rest of the year. Obviously you'd never pushed about what happened with his sister - you liked living - but you wondered if the killings were a result of the trauma. Trauma that the great Dr. Loomis neglected to acknowledge. Because it was far easier to pretend Michael didn't feel anything. That he held no remorse for what he did. Yet the doctor didn't put together that Michael went from a totally normal boy to suddenly nonspeaking and monotonous after killing her.
It had affected him, even if the doctor nor Michael himself wanted to acknowledge that.
Life continued on. Mayhem made a full recovery and spent his days lounging in the winter sun. You would cut Michael's hair to keep it from growing out of control and he helped you shovel snow from the driveway. You noticed that he liked working with his hands and seemed to enjoy drawing on loose paper around the house, so you got him paints and canvases and cleaned out your dad's old room to let him have an art studio. The two of you lay down old newspapers and he'd disappear for hours up there to paint.
Michael didn't show the paintings to you. Not often anyways. That wasn't really the point anyways. But there were a few times when he'd leave a dried canvas outside your bedroom door or on your bed. Your favorite so far had been a blur of pale blues and whites of a winter sky, your own profile looking up at the sky. The way Michael painted was streaky, like his hands shook when he painted. Lines were messy and colors bled together, but you recognized yourself in his art.
It was interesting, seeing yourself through someone else's eyes - much less his - translated to art. You kept the painting in your room and you'd trace your fingers along the dry paint, tracing his lines. And you wondered - fleetingly and with bright red cheeks - if you looked beautiful in his eyes.
You liked to think that you did.
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It was around the middle of December as you attempted to get ready for a holiday party. Attempted being the key word. "Michael," you sighed, adjusting your elf hat. "I told you, I'll be back later tonight. I've left dinner in the fridge and I promise I'll call when I'm coming home."
Michael glared at you. He had a habit of being a brat and you found it equally annoying as you did endearing. He'd put the mask on after he learnt you were leaving but that was pretty normal. Whenever you weren't around, he'd wear it. But he'd also wear it when he was just generally stressed out or upset. He'd become significantly more comfortable not wearing it around the house over the few months you'd been living together.
You wondered, briefly, if he ever slept. You hadn't seen him do so since Thanksgiving and it momentarily worried you.
"If you're so upset, why not just come with?" You snorted to yourself. "I can do your makeup, dress you in a cute sweater. Could be fun." You joked.
You focused on doing your own makeup: dark green eyeshadow and red lips. Makeup wasn't your preference but it suited your elf costume. A simple green tunic with red and white striped knee-high socks. The hat and boots you wore were matching greens and you'd heavily blushed your face, drawing little snowflakes in white liquid eyeliner. It was cute.
You heard heavy footsteps approach you until you felt Michael standing directly behind you. "Wait, are you-?" You spun around to stare up at him. "Are you serious?"
A blank stare. He put a hand around your neck and you noted his tense shoulders. A few months ago, this gesture would have terrified you. Now, you knew that it was just his way of expression. A knife and a violent hand was all he could use to convey things to you. So you didn't panic at all.
"I'm not making fun!" You insisted, lifting a hand to push lightly at his chest. "I just can't tell if you're actually interested in going. You know there'll be people there, right?" Silence. "People you can't kill." More silence. "I'm not kidding either. You can't kill or hurt anyone if you come with me." It had been a long time, sure, but you could never be totally sure what Michael's motives may be.
Michael just let go and took a step back. You gave him a look. It was hard to tell what went on in his head a lot of the time. You'd certainly gotten better at reading him but Michael could still be unpredictable. So, watching him turn on his heel and stalk towards the dresser made you pause.
He fished out a black t-shirt and matching black jeans - clothes you'd gotten him for when he needed to change out of that jumpsuit - and turned to face you. You blinked once. Twice. "You seriously want to go with me to a Christmas party? Dressed up? Without your mask on?"
And Michael nodded once.
That was significant. You could count on two hands the amount of times Michael nodded or shook his head at you. So for him to be this certain about it...
"Alright then, c'mere big guy." You gave him a soft smile and motioned for him to sit on the bed.
As he took the mask off - hands shaking and hesitant - you started leafing around in your vanity drawers as you heard him change. A soft, colored contact lens would help disguise the injured eye. It was a jade green, yeah, but it was better than nothing. Heterochromia was uncommon, not unheard of.
You set the small package aside and looked through makeup options. You found some red eyeshadow you could do around his eyes and on his nose, some blush, and your white liquid eyeliner for details. You collected all your goodies and turned to face Michael on the bed.
Your smile fell when you saw him dressed in the black clothes but still gripping the latex mask tightly, his knuckles whitening as he hung his head and stared into it's face. He looked almost out of place on your bed, amongst the pale blue sheets and stuffed animals.
"You don't have to go." You reassured softly. Slowly, he looked up at you. "I know this isn't something you normally do but," Michael blinked slowly as you continued rambling. "I don't want you to feel like I'm making you go with me. You can stay and I'll be back soon and I- I can bring back pie or something. Don't feel pressured."
Michael stared at you for a long time, fingernails digging into the latex of his mask. The last thing you needed was Michael snapping and killing people at the party. You'd both be in trouble for that.
But you also wondered if he was unfamiliar with being given choices. You'd never forced Michael into anything he didn't want to do and you had a feeling that wasn't typical for him.
He slowly, ever so slowly, unclenched his fingers and let the mask fall to the floor. The two of you stared at it for a long time as he blinked at it. You could tell by the clenching in his jaw that he was certainly fighting something off.
You wanted to make it easier for him.
So you sat down gently on the bed beside him and reached for his face. His flinch was the most emotion you'd ever seen from him and it made your heart clench. "It's just me," you said softly, opening the container with the contact lens inside. "'m not gonna hurt you."
Michael just glared slightly at you. You giggled softly and opened the contact lens case up. You'd have to cover up his injured eye, at the very least. "Alright, have you ever put contacts in?" You asked, looking up at him.
You saw something pass over his face quickly, barely there, before his face schooled itself once again. He shook his head once. This was going to be tricky. It took some time to get the contact in his eye. Neither of you really knew what you were doing. Michael had never put contacts in and you were scared it'd roll back to his brain. But, through your combined efforts, it now sat comfortably in his eye. Pretty blue-and-green heterochromatic eyes. Even with the scarring, he looked... normal.
"Should I even ask if you've ever worn makeup?" You asked teasingly. You knew he hadn't. Probably. But you were curious how new this all was for him. "I'll be brushing your face and around your eyes. Is that okay?"
Michael blinked slowly, which you took for a yes.
"Stop me if it gets to be too much, okay?" You dabbled the brush in the dark red eyeshadow. It would hopefully hide his scars as well. You weren't even sure how familiar people were with his actual face. You wondered if people knew what Michael Myers, the man, looked like. Or if they just saw the white, pale face of the Boogeyman when they closed their eyes.
Your heart clenched a little as Michael shut his eyes, a hand reaching out to clench your hip tightly. He hated feeling vulnerable. You were only an exception to his 'no-touching-me' thing because you'd proven your loyalty. In exchange, he gave you his protection. But he still disliked giving over control and holding you was the best he could do to abate his worries.
He trusted you, despite himself. The thought made you smile to yourself as you brushed red powder around his eyes. Neither of you had planned on caring about each other so much but here you were.
You hummed to yourself as you worked - some pop song you'd heard while grocery shopping a few days ago that still haunted you - and you felt Michael's grip on you slowly relax. "So, a few of my friends will be there," you said softly, brushing around his eyes in a sort-of raccoon style. It obscured a lot of the scarring, thankfully. You took out some black eyeshadow to highlight around his eyes and make them look sunken in. It made him look just a tad intimidating, black soot that petered out to a dark red. "They might try and talk to you but I'll try and take over. If they ask, I'll tell them you're mute and they won't expect you to speak. Okay?"
Michael gave your hip a squeeze for affirmation.
"What do you want me to call you? I mean, I could just call you Michael but I'm worried it'll look suspicious." You hummed while you dusted red on his nose to resemble Rudolph. "Though I guess no one's worrying about the Boogeyman on Christmas." You teased playfully.
He opened his eyes and gave you a slow blink. It was strange, seeing him look this normal. Soft brown curls still messy from the mask, half-lidded eyes as he stared at you, and a defined jawline. Michael was objectively very pretty. He had good skin and pretty eyes, especially with the eyeshadow, and-
You cleared your throat and reached for the blush. "This might feel a bit rougher than the other brush but it's alright, I promise. Close your eyes again?" He shut his eyes again and you brushed a heavy blush on his cheeks. Before he could open his eyes again, you'd grabbed the liquid eyeliner and held under his chin as you began drawing freckles on the warm pink. Little, simplistic snowflakes around his eyes and white dots that faded out towards his nose. That way you two could match!
You smiled to yourself as you worked and it wasn't until you capped your eyeliner that you realized he'd been staring at you.
There were a few times in the time of you knowing Michael that you wondered if he could read minds. If, in order to be the scariest possible thing to a person, he had to know exactly what scared someone. Of course, you knew that was ridiculous. This wasn't a Stephen King novel. But still. It felt like he knew what you were thinking a lot of the time.
You straightened up and gave him a soft smile as you dropped your hand. It was almost hysterical to you - seeing the Haddonfield Boogeyman dressed up like Rudolph - but you restrained yourself from laughing. So you just stood quickly and went to grab some little horns off your vanity. They were simple, just a brown headband with some simple horns tangled in pretend lights, but they were undeniably cute.
Michael seemed to squint at them before looking at you. "Trust me, they'll look super cute on you." He seemed to relent himself to his fate and let you put the horns on him. Gently, you fluffed his hair so that you couldn't see the headband as easy. Stepping back, you looked him over.
Michael fucking Myers, dressed up as a reindeer. Cute little nose, horns, and all.
"I could just call you Mike," you hummed, tilting your head at him. "That'd be less suspicious." He glared at you and you smiled with a faux-innocence. "What? Don't like it?" Michael glared harder and you laughed. "Alright, alright, I guess Michael isn't that suspicious. Hopefully they won't ask for your last name." You shrugged.
Michael surveyed you silently, tilting his head the way he always did. Inspecting. But, more accurately, looking at something he found fascinating. It was how he looked at his victims sometimes. How he looked at you.
"Well Mikey," you said as you went to grab your bag of belongings, dismissing that train of thought. Technically, your bag was a purse but you didn't think of it like that. "Shall we?"
He just stared at you. He hadn't killed you for the nickname so you assumed it was fine. It wasn't like Michael would tolerate things he disliked, after all.
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How Chrissy had managed to get this party together was beyond you. She was a girl you'd known in high school and had kept somewhat in touch with since you'd both graduated. She'd been a year above you and had been dating the quarterback of the football team, or something like that. Popular, well-liked, and clearly still trying to ride the high off of that despite graduating out of high school cliques.
The house was decorated to the nines in lights with little reindeers made of lights sat grazing outside. Soft snow decorated the front of the house and highlighted the pretty rainbow lights all around the exterior. They ran all along the roof and even down the porch where you and Michael stood. You'd rung the doorbell and were waiting for Chrissy to answer.
When she did, smiling widely and dressed in an inappropriate Mrs Claus outfit, she surveyed you and Michael. "And who is this handsome guy? Bitch, I thought I told you to tell me if you knew any cute guys." She teased, letting you both come in and take your coats off. There was already a good amount of people in the large suburban home, most drinking spiked apple cider and Christmas cookies.
Michael held your bicep once he was free of his coat. "Sorry Chrissy, he's, uh," you bit the inside of your cheek, trying to come up with a cover story. You panicked when she gave you an expecting look. "He's my boyfriend." You blurted out quickly.
Well, that worked.
Chrissy pouted exaggeratedly. "Damn. Well, anyways, mingle! Have fun! We're doing the Secret Santa thing later- Oh! Did you bring your-?" You held up the red and green gift bag and Chrissy beamed, happily taking it from you. "Perfect, alright, you're free to go!"
You led the way, Michael still holding your arm, and went to the kitchen. It was strange, leading the Haddonfield Boogeyman through a Christmas party. Usually, you were able to dismiss the fact he killed people from your mind. It had gotten easier since he hadn't killed anyone in nearly two months, but you didn't play ignorant for his sake.
The kitchen was clean, white, and pristine. Chrissy's parents had a maid who cleaned everything so their house always looked more like an interior design catalogue rather than a home. You swiped a candy cane sugar cookie and gestured for Michael to grab one.
He just stared at you, eyes widened ever-so-slightly. "What?" You asked. His head tilted to the side and you felt your face heat up. "Oh, sorry... It was the best I could think to say in the moment. Are you... okay with that?"
Michael stared at you, eyes calculating. You almost began spouting apologies again before he took a cookie - frosted to look like a snowman - and bit into it, never breaking eye contact. You weren't sure if that was approval or disapproval so you both just stood there. Staring awkwardly at each other and eating sugar cookies.
When he finished his, he seemed to straighten up. Stepping forward, he gently brushed his lips to your forehead. Not a kiss - he wasn't exactly skilled in that area - but the intent was there and the message was clear. Your face lit up and you nodded when he pulled back. You could've sworn his eyes softened. "Cool. Cool, okay." You said softly.
Standing on your tiptoes, you pressed a soft, chaste kiss to his cheek - leaving a faint lipstick stain - and grabbed another cookie with a glass of the cider. You passed him the cookie and motioned for him to follow you into the crowd as you suppressed a giddy smile.
The party went smoothly, all things considered. Of course, everyone you talked to wanted to meet your new boyfriend. "It's a recent development," you'd say. If anyone asked him questions, he'd bite into the cookie and you'd answer for him. He was a mechanic you'd met when he worked on your car. He liked painting and was sweet with your cat. And you'd been dating for a month and a half now.
Michael would occasionally hold your wrist as you two walked around. It felt normal. Painfully so. As if you and Michael were just two normal young adults at a Christmas party. As if you weren't harboring Haddonfield's own serial killer. It felt sweet - feeling Michael hold onto you as you led him around. You'd hold his arm sometimes when you talked, pleasantly buzzed from the cider and enjoying the warm Christmas atmosphere with your boyfriend.
Perhaps it had come too easily to you to call him that.
When Chrissy's parents came home with some of their own friends, you hadn't thought much of it. Until the sinking, chilling remembrance that Chrissy's dad - John Kallas - was a police officer. A friend of your dads. Who had been part of the force looking for Michael around Halloween time.
You clutched his arm as one of your friends talked to you, not really listening to them and instead focused on keeping Michael out of sight of Officer Kallas.
But the older folk seemed to retreat to one of the sitting rooms, barely sparing the partygoers a glance. You let out a breath you didn't know you'd been holding.
The Secret Santa went without a hitch. You sat next to Michael on the couch and curled at his side. He'd seemed surprised at the gesture and slowly put his arm around you, making you blush sweetly. You'd gotten a new book on plants and growing vegetables ("Oh, you think I should grow tomatoes?" You'd looked at Chrissy. "Well, if you insist!" She'd laughed.) and you leafed through it, skimming the words as you sat against your boyfriend's side.
When it finally came time to leave, you chatted with Chrissy in the doorway as you and Michael shrugged your coats on. As you went to step out the door, Officer Kallas was making his way to the kitchen and you saw his stumble out of the corner of his eye, watching you and Michael leave.
You took his arm tightly and walked briskly to the car, not wanting to give the officer the chance to come see if he'd really seen The Boogeyman as your date to his daughter's party.
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Christmas came and went. You'd gotten Michael new paints and a sketchbook with some charcoals and the two of you ate pie and roast chicken and cookies you'd made after Michael's insistence. Apparently the ones at Chrissy's party had swayed him. At least he'd helped you make them. His frosting skills left much to be desired but he had fun painting them and adding sprinkles.
At one point, you must've gotten frosting on your cheek. Slowly, he'd reached over and brushed the offending icing from your face and he licked it off his thumb absentmindedly. As though it were a perfectly normal thing to do.
You froze, staring at him with wide eyes. Neither of you had really brought up the party - or your relationship. At one point while frosting, you'd decided to see something and stood up under the guise of getting more icing. You paused, brushing curls back from his forehead as you tilted his head back, and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.
He blinked up at you slowly. Like a cat did to show it trusted you.
As you made your way to the kitchen - trying and failing to stifle your smile - you felt his eyes on you all the way.
But it was New Years when things really changed.
You and Michael had the television on with the channel turned to watch the ball drop. It wasn't typically a tradition you cared about but you could tell your housemate was intrigued. He'd been upstairs painting for most of the day while you cleaned the house up a bit. It was still too snowy out to be gardening. You looked forward to spring and being able to set up your garden again.
Once the sun set, you made hot chocolate and ordered pizza. Michael preferred just plain cheese but you'd gotten yours with olives - something Michael always gave you looks for.
It was cute. He had a lot of personality once you knew where to look. And he'd clearly gotten very comfortable with you during the time you'd been living together.
The two of you had been sitting on the couch. 11:59PM. One more minute until the new year. "It's not the most exciting thing in the world," you said from your spot beside Michael, "but it's cute. It's nice to see everyone get together over something like this."
Michael had just stared at the television with a slight tilt to his head.
You felt your throat tighten as a thought came to your head. Chrissy's words came back to you as you recalled her talking about her favorite New Years tradition.
"Hey, Michael?" Your voice was soft. You'd barely even realized you'd spoken until you felt his eyes on you.
Swallowing was a challenge for you. "There's, um, a kind of New Years tradition. That, um, means-"
"-you'll have good luck for the rest of the year."
"Want to do it?"
Michael just stared blankly at you. His eyes darted between your two eyes, calculating.
He gave you a single nod. You quickly darted your tongue out to wet your lips.
"Trust me," you said more than asked.
He just stared at you as you moved your hand up slowly, touching his face with your fingertips. It felt like the sound of your heart pounding was audible, even over the sounds of the tv.
Michael's eyes widened ever so slightly.
You leaned forward and kissed him. The sounds of cheering could be heard but it sounded like it was underwater. All your senses were fixated on the man in front of you. He felt tense under your touch, even as you slid your hand to better cup his face.
But then you felt him lean into the kiss and you felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest.
Michael didn't exactly have a lot of experience with kissing but he was clearly trying. You scooted closer and he put his hands on your hips, lifting you into his lap without breaking the kiss.
You sat in his lap as you kissed, parting occasionally to breath but you only felt yourself choke when Michael would stare up at you with half-lidded, glassy eyes.
He was pretty, you admitted to yourself freely before leaning back down to kiss him again. Slowly, you ran your hands through his curly hair as you kissed.
Things changed on New Years but you certainly weren't complaining.
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The snow had finally begun clearing up and you could go outside again with relative ease. Rain and sleet was more preferable to snow for you, since it made walks in the forest more enjoyable.
You and Michael were dating. Or, at least, the closest he was comfortable with in regards to dating. You kissed sometimes, he'd stand at the foot of your bed when you slept, and he let you touch him more. Slow but steady progress.
He seemed to genuinely like you and trust you.
One day, you'd needed to go shopping to grab some things. "Michael?" You called out as you fastened your shoes, "I'll be back around 5:30, alright?"
Ever since the party, he'd gotten better about you leaving the house for short periods of time so long as he knew when you'd be coming back. Because if you didn't, he'd hunt for you. You didn't doubt that.
Michael appeared in the doorway of the kitchen a few feet away from you, staring at you. You shot him a smile and grabbed your bag. "See you soon!" And off you went.
Looking back on it, you wished you had stayed home.
At the grocery store, you had been examining a box of cereal when someone approached you. Chrissy. Her smile looked tight, forced. "Hey," she said sweetly. "How've you been?"
"Good," you said, looking concerned. "Are you okay-?"
"How's your boyfriend. What was his name, uh, Michael?" She looked like she'd be sick and you felt a jolt of white-hot adrenaline rush through you. A quick glance over your shoulder confirmed the worst. Her dad was standing at the end of the aisle dressed in his uniform with his partner beside him. And they were watching you.
"He's traveling. Went to see family." You tried to keep your voice neutral.
Chrissy pouted. "Someone die?" Her faux sympathy got worse. "Maybe his sister?"
She knew. You don't know how she found out, but she knew. You don't know why they took so long to do something about it but you felt compelled to run.
Times like this you wished you had a way to get ahold of Michael.
You tightened your grip on your bag and narrowed your eyes, hoping you could maintain your lie. "No. His dad is sick."
Chrissy clearly didn't believe you. But she didn't stop you as you put the cereal box in your cart and walked away. You could hear footsteps picking up the pace behind you and you picked up speed.
When Officer Kallas called your name, you turned on your heels and shoved the metal cart forward, driving it into his stomach. You took the opportunity to bolt out the door as you heard him call for backup on his walkie talkie.
His partner was still hot on your heels as you ran towards your car. All you had to do was get inside and you could get away. Go to a phone booth or something and call Michael. Tell him to get Mayhem and get out and you'd come get him. Something. Anything.
But you'd never get the chance. Because the officer grabbed you around your middle and lifted you. "Put me down!" You shrieked.
"You're being taken into police custody for suspicion of harboring a criminal. Come with me." He dragged you towards a police car where Officer Kallas was standing.
They overpowered you, shoving you into the backseat and slamming the door, locking you in. Tears fell down your face as you panicked. He wouldn't know they were coming. They'd catch him and then what? Would they kill him? Shoot to kill?
You felt like throwing up. All you could do was curl up in the seat and sob.
The only thought on your mind was that you hoped he'd be okay.
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Dr. Samuel Loomis considered himself a brilliant man.
He'd been on Michael Myers' case since the child first arrived at Smith's Grove and he liked to think he knew Michael better than anyone. He'd studied the boy, subjected him to various medications, attempted to trigger anything out out of the man.
Years went by and there had been no response. So there had been talk of releasing Michael with parol. Dr. Loomis had done everything he could to prevent that from happening.
Then Halloween had come and Michael had escaped. And, yet again, he had escaped.
"Doctor?" Officer Kallas's voice broke the psychologist from his stupor. He'd been staring out the window of his office again, lost in thought.
"Come in." He turned, looking over his shoulder and freezing.
There you were. In handcuffs with tear tracks on your face. "We apprehended them like you asked. We'll head to their house to retrieve-"
"Don't," Loomis held up a hand. "No. We've got all we need right here." He approached you slowly, like you were something to behold. You felt gross under his stare. "Michael will come looking for them. Then we'll catch him. We can't give him any advantages."
Officer Kallas nodded and you bit your tongue to prevent any objections from spilling past your lips. You didn't want to give the doctor any more information than you had to.
The officers left you alone with him and he sat at his desk. "Tell me," he hummed, "what was being held captive by Michael like?" You looked at him, brow furrowed. He seemed to misinterpret your confusion. "I know you were held by him for quite some time. Your friend Chrissy told her father about it. You were-"
"I wasn't prisoner." You spat, almost offended.
"So you were simply afraid." The doctor clicked his pen, beginning to write something.
You glared at him. "What is this, an interrogation?"
Dr. Loomis lifted his head. "I've studied Michael for sixteen years," he said, "and I've never seen him so fascinated by another human being."
"Maybe you're just shitty at your job." You scoffed.
Were you not glaring daggers at the man, you would've missed the angry look you received back. "Perhaps." The doctor said. "But in good time, my theories will be proven." He stood from his desk, approaching the door and grabbing your arm. "Michael will come for you. And when he does, I'll finally rid the world of that potent evil."
You wish you'd stayed home.
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thebottomfromhell · 1 year
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Hi I think I have an idea can I please ask for a yandere daki
With a ko reader/darling
Or she's at first jealous of ko but slowly she
grows attached to her because she she is very nice and she sings for daki
whenever she is irritated and she gets very jealous whenever ko things for someone else even if it's a customer
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She is an OC of mine you can find more information about her on my page here on Tumblr and you don't have to take this request if you don't want to
Ok, we have already talked about it, since Ko is, like Daki, a minor that doesn't age, I have allowed this ship. Daki will be using the name of Akanehime at the start; "Akane" from "deep red" or "dye from the rubia plant" and "Hime" from "princess" (we are told that canonly she always used hime in her oiran name). Also, I'm doing no sexual content in this one and there is an open ending.
Also I changed this things a bit since Daki will not show her feelings directly to Ko and narration, even in third person, will be guided mostly by her PoV.
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Requested OC x yandere!Daki
Warnings: Implied Cannibalism, Child prostitution/trafficking (nothing explicit is done to the girls in terms of sexual content, it's no worse than in the anime/manga), Death of not-character, and Unbalanced/Unhealthy pre-relationships.
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Akanehime seems... odd. That is all Ko can think once she is sold into the new household. It's clear that the girl doesn't realize what is going on or what did she get herself into, at least not fully. She gets it, really. She knows what the job is about, she knows why she is there, and she knows how the process is going. But... she is genuinely understimating, not thinking of, other things, like how much she would have to spend there, what others could do to her, what it really means to be a girl into a whorehouse. Maybe it's on purpose, maybe she just wants to stay positive, or maybe she is still a girl, no matter the number of years she had lived.
200 hundred years, she has felt the amount of years pass, but she doesn't feel any different. That is good, of course, why wouldn't it be? She is still herself. She is always herself. Ko was told to wear a simple kimono, it's a pretty one, but she hates it. It is not her style, not what she likes to wear, it's too loose in the wrong parts and too tight in other wrong parts. She tried to protest (kindly and respectfully, of course), but the second she opened her mouth the Oiran, who was watching her face sopke first, shutting her up, turning her head to the side with a frown before berating the other. "If you are going to complain about clothes we might as well keep you naked and throw you to the streets! Don't be stupid and take advantage of your pretty face if you don't want to be fed to the wolves, you damn brat!"
Ko wants to protest at her... everything. That she is not a brat, that Akanehime is not her boss, that they can't treat her like that, but in the end she decides to keep her voice down for now and wear that ugly, ugly, kimono. She doesn't even know what is wrong with her. Akanehime walks as she owned the whole city, is awful to everyone but the customers, shuts herself at daylight and dissapearing some nights, complaining over the smallest mistakes.... she is the worst.
Thankfully, or not, Ko doesn't have to be a maid to the house for that long. She managed to attrack some attention fast with her looks, but what people liked the most was her voice. Courtesans are in charge of the entertanment industry of the district, that includes more than laying in bed and open herself for men. They must be able to also serve as performers, acting, storytelling, reciting poems, dancing, playing instruments, writting letters, painting, serving wine and food. The woman, the girls, in this place, are nothing but well educated and talented. And Ko fits into the singing (of course, for now she can't perform in a private chamber, she might have that talent. But she hasn't memorised the plays. She doesn't know how to choose wine. She still lacks some discipline).
She sings with the other women, who try to teach them how to play (mostly in vain) at the same time they hide her, since she needs the experience but doesn't show the cold yet modest personality expected from a girl of her class. Still, those woman start talking between each other, praising Ko's voice, and those praises reaches the ears in the head of the household, including the best beauty.
"What does she have that she is so special? Any girl in here should have one talent at least. Her writting is still as bad as an illiterate! Her caligraphy looks as ink spills! She doesn't play any instrument without ruining the song she is singing! Stop acting as if she is more than another piece of meat in this place!" Other women and girls just look away, Ko is not that talentless as the higher ranked Oiran describes her, but for one side it's true that she still got plainty of training left to do and for the other... who is going to contradict Akanehime? That Oiran that is described as twisted as she is beautiful, who mistreats with the same hands that enamore so many powerful men.
If one has to choose one of the two courtesans to side, it will obviously be Akanehime! That is why when she calls Ko into her chambers the others don't warn her about the dangers of the high ranked Oiran, but just watch her with pity as they guide her to that place. "Did you want to talk to me, Madame Akanehime?" Tries as respectful as she knows, but... Ko was not raised between Japanese customs, so her bow is not in the correct angle, her voice is just a tad bit too loud and she is some steps too close to the Tayû. "How dare you?! Have you been raised by savages? Is this how you prove your worth to me?!" Starts berating the girl unti she gets tired. "Whatever, just show me that singing the instructors are so obssesed with." And other choive Ko, who is very frustrated at having to keep quiet as she was scolded without any explanation, has? So Ko sings with her heart at her sleeve, mostly for herself, trying to ignore the other courtesan is also there and listening, just wanting to pretend she has a time for herself. And it's beautiful.
"Get out." Is the first thing Ko hears once she finished the song, the Tayû glaring dagger at her. "Excus-" she gets once again interrupted. "I said GET OUT!" And Ko does, still not understanding the other. After that, Akanehime forbid the other women to train her in her singing, to not let her sing at public, and that she would personally supervise said training in private. Everyone pities even more the new girl, even Ko pitied herself, but styed strong against the odds. Thankfully... Akanehime started to be less cruel towards her. Even more strange as she wasn't teaching her anything.
She didn't correct her or guide her, didn't force to memorize those sappy songs about poems of nature that compare women to flowers, let her to just not hold the shamisen, doesn't demand more volume or different tones. For some time Ko even suspected that Akanehime didn't know how to sing and that is ehy she was so angry at her singing.... she was proved wrong once she mamaged to spy her when she was playing for a client... so why was she letting Ko sing whatever she wanted however she wanted? Specially know that she is taking her in times that interrupt her training.
Everything is just so odd. Each night she spends less time with anyone else and more with the Tayû, there were even days she was invited the whole day on Akanehime's lockdown. The higher ranked Oiran offered tea and some pastries "You spend a lot of time entertaining me, you deserve these rewards", but could help but notice that the more experience courtesan never ate. At all. "I won't have to... not eat when I get to the hiher ranks, will I?" If she gets in the higher ranks, at this point. But Akanehime tells her that she has a particular diet, one that she can only taste at night... odd.... "There was a clinet asking for you a few days ago, seemed fixated that you stopped appearing in the background.... I will invite him over this new moon, then I will show you."
It seemed like a bad idea to accept, Ko didn't want to meet any client and as vague as the other Oiran was being... it made her nervious. But she was so curious, she wanted to understand better, hated to be left on the dark. "This is a bad idea, ne. Daki, do you know what you are doing?" Ko hears a male voice on the other side of the door, the client, she supposes. But his voice is ugly, she sounds almost sick, suddenly being too afraid to meet him. "Calm down onii-chan, I have everything under control." Wait... "onii-chan"? "Daki"?
Ko peek as she opens some inches the door as quiet as she can, and freezes when there is a male corpse on the other side, obi shashes in the room as... "Akanehime" holds herself almost naked, making Ko blush of embarrasment. But there is also the "onii-chan", a monster that looks sick and deformed as he speaks. "Don't worry, our guest is already here. And it's not like she will need to tell this to anyone else." The Oiran, Daki turns around to make eye contact with the 200 year old girl through the peak space. "She is mine, after all."
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