#like fuyuhiko or peko's deaths would cause despair to the other of them
aparticularbandit · 9 months
Okay but also.
I can't remember if I've posted this or not already but.
I don't think Mikan chose Ibuki at random, and I don't think it had anything to do with how gullible the Despair Disease made her.
I think it had everything to do with what Ibuki was doing through that entire chapter prior to getting the disease and what Mikan's goal was.
Nagito states that Mikan's goal wasn't hope but despair - Mikan was trying to cause more despair.
Ibuki, throughout the entire chapter prior to getting the disease, was trying to give everyone hope. She set up the beach fireworks. She set up the dance. She set up her rock show. She was trying, as much as she could, to inspire hope and encourage everyone.
Removing Ibuki as a constant source of attempted hope - especially after she'd been giving so much hope - is the murder that would cause the most despair.
Once she got the disease, once she decided to kill someone to cause despair, Ibuki was the obvious answer.
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evereinefaust · 6 months
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝟑 *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
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It's already been a month since that horrid event took place. A lot of things changed in just a month. [Name], even though fully believing Nagito's words, came to realize the lie that he told her on that day. Nagito knew that this outcome would eventually happen, yet he wished that somehow, this would never happen. Oh, how cruel his life could be.
Now sitting on his bedside, Nagito glanced at the person sleeping on his bed. His grayish-green eyes carefully watched this particular [h/c]ette girl — her chest rising and falling in accordance to her soft breathing, her eyes swollen from crying hours prior, and the tight hold she had on his hand. The male's gaze softened at her vulnerable state, lifting his other hand and caressing her cheeks gently, moving away strands of [h/c] locks.
She squirmed slightly in her sleep and he paused his action. After she had settled comfortably once again, Nagito let a small smile grace his lips. He then gazed at the bright moon outside his windows, the winter season starting to shift into spring. Heaving a bitter sigh, the male leaned against the headboard and closed his lids. The flashbacks of the unfortunate event that happened just a month prior caused by his bad luck started invading his mind.
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A day after Shiro's body was found at the central plaza, the doctors had already declared the male dead on arrival. Everyone at school — especially class 78 — mourned for the loss of the Ultimate Song Writer. Even though [Name] openly believed in the hope Nagito showed her despite the possibility of the other, she never felt this much betrayal and was devastated by one of her closest friends. She knew that what Nagito was suggesting was an unlikely possibility, yet she grabbed that flimsy hope and believed in his lie. Now that the truth was mocking her in her face, the only thing the [h/c]ette could possibly do was cry her emotions out.
Despite how close the reserve course student was with the late Shiro, Byakuya, and Kokichi were affected by it the most. Of course, Nagito knew about this — Shiro was the only person both of them could trust and rely on despite their troublesome personalities. They grew attached to him, and learning about his death was like a big slap to their faces. From then onward, Kokichi and Byakuya started to avoid the girl, finding no reason to get close to her now that the only bridge was gone. Hajime and Chiaki, although they still stayed by her side, also changed — Hajime started to become more and more reserved and spent less time with [Name] while Chiaki was constantly worrying about both.
A few days after that incident, [Name] and Chiaki realized that Hajime was expelled from school. This shocked both of them, especially the [h/c]ette as she had not been informed about this whatsoever despite how close she is with the boy. They asked their teachers about it, yet no one seemed to know the cause of the expulsion. Due to this, [Name] had experienced another set of despair. Despite Chiaki's attempts to reassure the girl and promise her that she would never leave her, this only came out to be just an empty promise.
Weeks after Shiro's death, Kokichi had come upon Fuyuhiko. The purple-tressed student demanded to know if the Kuzuryu clan was behind the death of the beloved student to which the heir aggressively denied any of the other's claims. Kokichi, however, wasn't completely trusting of Fuyuhiko's words. The two began a fight shortly after a couple of threats were thrown at each other. The situation escalated and brought classes 77, 78, and 79 into the clash.
When Kokichi tried to punch Fuyuhiko, Peko came right at the right time to defend her master. And when she was about to strike at the purplette, Mukuro had gone and protected Kokichi by Byakuya's request. The two fighters started a staredown of animosity flying between them. Soon after, everyone else came to the commotion. However, it didn't seem like the problem stopped them.
Once Byakuya's gaze landed on the head of the yakuza, he then declared to everyone in the area that it was Fuyuhiko and his clan who planned Shiro's demise. Of course, almost everyone in class 78  — especially those who had a deep connection with the late Sato — easily believed Byakuya's words. After all, he is the Ultimate Affluent Progeny and his family's influence enables him to investigate this matter. Even Kyoko seemed to agree with and believe him. And despite not being that close to him, some of the newest ultimates believed the blonde as well.
Kokichi, of course, tried to rile Fuyuhiko up and accused him of being a murderer, to which everyone in class 77 defended him. Due to the tense atmosphere and the accusation of murder being thrown in the air, a select group of people engaged in fights: some tried to harm the other, while some tried to stop them. Eventually, the brawl between the three ultimate classes alarmed the teachers and the school authorities.
They successfully ceased the fight, however, some students were not that fortunate to be let out without a bruise. Even Chiaki was injured when she stopped her class from harming their underclassmen. Due to her injuries, she had to spend some time at the hospital for recovery. It was by this time that [Name] was completely alone; no one was there by her side as her friends started to leave her one by one.
For everything that has happened, Nagito was there to witness it all. It was just what his role is: a bystander. 
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"How much can she take before she gives in to despair? How much more would I have to stay by her side and decide to stop because I kept causing her bad luck? How much more...until I die..."
Clenching his head, the silverette let out a bitter laugh. "How awful... Oh, how awful it truly is! Despite the despair, I always believed that hope would come out of it. That's why...you must also believe in hope, [Name]-chan."
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"I wanted nights like these to linger. These emotions that I'm feeling whenever she's here right beside me, I don't want it to fade. For once...I wanted to be selfish and keep [Name]-chan by my side no matter what. Without ever worrying how my luck would affect the others..."
Opening his eyes once again, he then gazed lovingly at the object of his affection. He patted her soft tresses, weaving his fingers into her [h/l] hair. Whenever he was with her, all he could feel was complete serenity. It was like she was born to become his reason to live. The warmth that fills him whenever she's around, the butterflies fluttering in his stomach whenever she smiles at him, and the racing of his heart whenever he holds her close... all of those were precious to him. And once in his lifetime, Nagito vowed to not let any of those fade away from his grasp.
"You know, [Name]-chan... If you somehow become an ultimate, I would've called you the Ultimate Serenity," he murmured with a satisfied smile. After, he leaned down to her face and planted a chaste kiss on her forehead.
"Sweet dreams, [Name]-chan."
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Ever since he met her, his life undoubtedly changed for the better. He was certainly glad that he followed his instincts and visited the Reserve Course building that time. He was glad that he spoke to her that day. He was glad that he decided to get to know her more. He was glad that he approached her and tried to comfort her. He was glad...that she came into his life. All of those emotions — those feelings he had hidden and tried to remove from his life just to cope with his luck — resurfaced naturally when he was with her.
It was like she was his healer.
"For all of those years that I saw nothing but gray...was now changing. Because of [Name]-chan, my present — and my future — became vividly colorful. The hope you've shown me...I wish for it to last."
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Nagito slowly opened his eyes, immediately seeing the melting snow of the outside. He lifted his head, staring blankly at the blue skies before fixing his gaze in front. There she was, yet again, walking just a few meters away from him as she admired the snow around. The teen watched her back, following her as she explored the public park.
"I want this moment to last... I want this feeling to last... Hey... What should I do so that everything I have right now would remain the same?"
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Nagito slowed his step, further lagging behind [Name] as she proceeded onward. He watched as the figure slowly moved away from him. His steps soon came to a halt. Removing his gloved hand from his pocket, the white-haired student slowly lifted his arm as if to reach out to her. 
"Hey... Is it alright for me if I call out your name?" 
However, despite his inner desire to reach out to the girl, Nagito only found himself dropping his arm to his side. He exhaled, dejected. He shoved his hand inside his coat's pocket, head hung low as he quietly caught up to his companion.
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The 10-year-old child stood there still by the sidewalk, his gaze boring into the carcass on the street. His heart churned in pain, eyes dilated and dilated. Soon, tears were streaming down his face. His body began to tremble, and not long after, his knees gave up, and he fell onto the rough asphalt. The poor boy started sobbing, and soon his wails caught the attention of passersby and even his parents.
After the whole ordeal with his dead pet, Nagito was taken home by his parents. They told the boy to stop crying for the dog as crying wouldn't bring him back from the dead. There were no words exchanged between them as the silverette duly followed his parents' orders. There were no words of comfort, no acts of consolation, no nothing. It was like the dog's death was insignificant to them...
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Dead, wide eyes of a particular couple were staring back at the male's gray-green orbs. Their vacant stare sent shivers down the child's spine, the pungent stench of fresh iron stinging his nostrils, causing him to quickly cover it with his hands. The corpse of his parents... those arms which were extended to him... those parted mouths... It was like they were avidly mocking him because of his bad luck that caused disaster for others. Soon, a quiet stream of salty tears came rushing down his pale cheeks.
The panicked screams of the passengers and the yells of the paramedics rang in his ears, and soon, the authorities came rushing towards where Nagito was.
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After he had been freed from being kidnapped hours prior, Nagito continued on his merry way home. His grayish-green eyes scrutinized the lottery ticket he had picked from the garbage bag he had been abducted in. The middle-schooler chuckled dryly to himself, his heart was churning in pain yet he decided not to give it a mind. After all, he knew how many disasters and fortunes his luck could bring him.
The boy was practically numb now to the cycle, and he had already decided not to let his emotion out anymore, for it only caused him more despair. Pocketing the item moments later, a bright smile graced his lips... however, his dull and lifeless eyes told another story.
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"When was it? When was the first time that I started to yearn for death? Because of the countless good and bad luck that I've been experiencing while growing up, I've lost track of time and even the sense of reality."
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Once again, Nagito stood in the vast darkness. The male was back in a familiar place... the place where he witnessed his friends' deaths one by one. He would feel the uneasiness starting up, his pale face littered with sweat and his body trembled incredibly. A gasp escaped his lips, knees buckling as his upper body gave up. The silverette was kneeling in the middle of the darkness, hyperventilating with his hands clenching his aching head.
Vicious whispers invaded his mind, attacking the boy from every angle. It was like those voices came from the darkness, echoing throughout the entire vicinity. And what was horrible about this entire existence was that those voices belonged to no one but the people his luck had affected.
His parents. Those innocent people from the airplane. His classmates. His teacher. Hajime. Chiaki. Shiro. Byakuya. Kokichi. And lastly, [Name].
"It's all your fault."
"Because of you, we're dead."
"You're nothing but a worthless piece of crap!"
"Just die in a hole for all I care!"
"Why did I even give birth to you?"
"You insignificant being."
"You should've been the one who died."
"Hey... Maybe it was a mistake that I met you... Nagito-senpai..."
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"What a lovely day, huh?"
A young man with pale skin and pearlescent fluffy hair strolled through the public park, hands tucked inside his green jacket as his gray-green hues glanced over at the foliage above him. The sun's rays seeped through the crevice of the irrigated shade and onto the snow-laden land below, making the white melt into water. The young man let out an exhale as he proceeded onward, exiting the forest of regular trees and unto the central plaza where a lone cherry blossom was kept and tended.
This scenario was familiar to Nagito, the only difference was the season when he had visited the park once again. Even though spring is just around the corner, there are still remnants of winter as evidenced by the fluffy white littering some parts of the park. Nagito sighed to himself, a pessimistic air hanging around him as he continued with his daily routine of going to his usual bench and watching the crowd.
A couple was standing underneath the infamous cherry tree, their fingers interlocked together as they watched the snowflakes float down the earth; a family of four was taking a picture by the other side of the tree; a couple of kids ran around the area, throwing melting snowballs at each other; and there's also a trio of friends walking past, giggling with smiles on their faces.
Just watching those countless people made the male somewhat... empty. Ever since attending Hope's Peak, he didn't expect that he would forge such a unique bond with a particular girl like that. Furthermore, his lonely days before due to his luck cycle were little to no concern for him nowadays. At least, that's how he still hoped it would be.
His gaze softened after a minute of watching those people. A sudden thought invaded his mind, making him sport a minuscule smile. He had imagined that same scenario playing in his head, although this time, he was with the girl he deeply cared for and was attached to...
Her precious smile... Nagito had imagined that smile on her face when she would successfully throw a snowball on his face. Her pink-tinted cheeks... He had imagined the blush on her face when he held her hand while they watched the snow from underneath the cherry tree. Her graceful laugh... Once again, the silverette had imagined hearing her laugh as they traversed through the park.
He let out another exhale, walking away with his head hung. Thoughts of the what-ifs were swirling in his mind as he quietly left the area. When he lifted his head, however, his gray-green hues widened in shock to see a silhouette of a particular girl in the distance.
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"[Name]...chan?" he blurted her name out in disbelief.
Surprisingly, the person turned around at his call. The person was shortly revealed as the same girl he was thinking about moments prior. The surprise on her face was evident — wide, [e/c] eyes and lips parted. After a few minutes of both staring at each other, the girl was first to break eye contact. She greeted him with her usual closed-eye smile, sending a small wave as she sauntered over to where Nagito was.
"I didn't expect you to be here, senpai. I was surprised."
"Same here," he mentioned, scratching his neck sheepishly. Upon the [h/c]ette's arrival in front of him, he noticed a bouquet of flowers in her hold. He raised a questioning brow, pointing at the bouquet. "Are you...on a date?"
[Name] blinked twice at his unexpected question. She looked down at the flowers and she immediately knew what he meant. Chuckling, she slowly shook her head. "No. I bought this bouquet to give to someone."
"O-oh..." Nagito deflated, and his smile vanished instantly upon hearing her reply. The boy genuinely felt upset at that. "Who is it for?"
The [h/c]-tressed female regarded him with a wistful look, her earlier smile now curving into those of a bitter one. She gazed at the flowers as if they were fragile objects. "This bouquet...is for Sato-san. Since I wasn't able to attend his funeral, the least I could do is visit his grave and give an offering."
"I see... It's for the late Sato-kun."
"Wanna go there together?" the boy suggested, his smile returning.
The girl's face lit up like stars on a cloudless night. "I would love to have you come along, senpai!"
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In just half an hour, the pair arrived at Sohansu Cemetery — the place where the Ultimate Song Writer was laid to rest. It took the two just a few minutes to locate Shiro's grave, and once they did, [Name] gently laid the bouquet on the gravestone along with the other bundles. She knelt in front of the gravestone, putting her hands together and closing her eyes to offer a prayer. Behind her was the silverette, standing with his hands tucked inside his pockets.
"I didn't expect to see your grave being filled with flowers... You really are loved, aren't you, Sato-kun? Well, I guess it's natural; you are the Ultimate Song Writer, after all."
Nagito's lidded eyes fell on the said flowers. There was a bouquet right next to the ones [Name] placed earlier, inside were an assortment of fresh roses, everlastings, pansies, and oxalis. Considering how exquisitely picked and arranged the flowers were, the white-haired ultimate could only assume that it came from Byakuya. Then, there's also another bouquet on the other side. This one was full of purple lilies. However, what truly caught the male's attention was the plethora of random purple flowers scattered around the grave.
Carnations, lotus flowers, daisies, roses, lavenders, violets —and others more Nagito couldn't identify — surrounded the slab. Even after months of the ravenette's death, there was still a portrait of him erected just above the gravestone — his violet eyes were glimmering with life, a relaxed smile etched on his fair-colored skin. The Ultimate Lucky Student was blessed with seeing Shiro's face again after he had died. And funnily enough, even the portrait was decorated with flowers — a flower crown made of sakura and wisteria to be precise.
Nagito concluded that whoever decorated this gravestone with this many purple flowers must also be the one who placed the delicately made crown on Shiro's portrait. And if the selection wasn't obvious enough, one may not be able to connect them to Kokichi. The boy chuckled softly to himself, imagining how the indigo-tressed troublemaker had gone out of his way to buy all of those and place them everywhere around Shiro's grave, almost covering the entirety of it.
"Sato-kun must be feeling happy right now when seeing this many flowers offered to him," Nagito mused.
"I'm guessing that Togami-san or Ouma-san — or maybe them both — visited Sato-san earlier," [Name] mentioned, standing up from her kneeling position and dusting her clothes. After fully observing the said flowers, she then laughed lightly. "Sato-san is really loved by those two... I can only imagine how heartbroken they were when learning of his death. When Sato-san was still alive, he was such a great influence on Togami-san and Ouma-san. Whenever he was with them, he could easily handle their distinct personalities and they felt relaxed around him. I'm pretty sure his classmates are also fond of him. And to see this many bouquets offered on his grave, there are no words needed to be said just to know how much they both love him. May it be just a friend... or even more than that."
"A love that is more than just friends... A romantic attraction towards someone..."
"Do you want to receive flowers too, [Name]-chan?" the male asked, curiously glancing down at the shorter female.
The mentioned girl only shook her head. "As much as I love to, I would prefer just being with my loved ones. I don't think I wanted anything more than spending time with those who are important to me... After all, one may only assume when they will last on earth."
Silence ensued after that. Nagito's gaze was vacant, lidded eyes containing forlorn. Meanwhile, [Name] stood beside the silverette, still glancing at the colorful grave. The cold breeze picked up, making both white and [h/c] locks flutter along with the wind. A minute later, Nagito heard the girl sighed sadly.
"What's wrong, [Name]-chan?"
"Nothing... It's just..." she mumbled. Turning around to face her companion, she flashed him a forced smile, eyebrows creasing as sadness glimmered in her [e/c] pools. "Parting like this is truly heartbreaking... Leaving your loved ones behind... Being left by them... The bond that they shared... Every precious memory... All of those would leave along with the deceased."
At her words, the fleeting thought of their eventual farewell crossed the ultimate student's mind. It was brief, but along it was the feeling of heartache — his heart thumped hard in excruciating pain, his stomach churning with unsettledness. He soon frowns, mirroring the girl's expression.
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It's already the day. The day where the ultimate class of batch 77 was to graduate from Hope's Peak. The day where each student whose talents were honed to become the world's beam of hope had their school years come to an end. Both the A and B class of batch 77 sat on their respective chairs by the front row as they listened to the speech of Headmaster Kirigiri. Teachers were lined at the side of the gymnasium, watching the whole graduation ceremony and their students.
Amongst the many graduating ultimates was a certain sickly male with fluffy, pearlescent hair. Just like usual, the boy was detached from his surroundings. He zoned out what the headmaster was saying, completely ignoring everyone else's murmuring and the claps of the crowd. At first, Nagito never thought anything in particular about graduating. He just considered it as a stage in one's life that must be done. However, he just realized how wrong he was with this thinking.
Graduation. The word held much more essence than Nagito could've thought. It has always been associated with parting and moving on with one's life. The precious memories one could've made during their time here... The special bonds one could've made with their peers... The irreplaceable moments one would've shared with others... All of those...would be gone as the individual leaves to finally tackle their separate paths.
Now that the boy thought about it, he then realized how much impact the words [Name] had had on him that day. The bittersweet taste of parting and the heartbreak it brings... Surely, Nagito is experiencing all of those now. His mind brought him back months back — right at the start of his third year in this school. Images of his first meeting with the reserve course student, the days he'd spent observing her from afar, the time he'd finally built up the courage to approach her, the moments that they had bonding together, the rare occasions he'd witnessed her vulnerability... all of those little memories immediately plagued his mind.
The silverette pursed his lips, trying his hardest not to be affected by it. However, his heart was telling him otherwise — it raced inside his chest, each beat harsh and bringing more pain than ever. His whole body was starting to swelter due to worry and anxiety. His face was restless — eyebrows scrunched together and eyes containing a gleam of bleakness.
"Calm down... This isn't like you..."
Fortunately, he did calm down just in time for them to receive their certificate. Chisa went to the whole class, smiling at them as she guided her students to the stage. One by one, the ultimates walked up the stage and the black-haired headmaster gave them their certificates after a handshake. Everyone in the gymnasium applauded for the ultimates.
Eventually, Nagito was next. He ascended the steps and trudged onward to the middle of the stage where the headmaster was. Jin told the silverette a few words and congratulated him for achieving this far in his life. Naturally, the Ultimate Lucky Student flashed him an aloof smile and received his certificate after a handshake. He then faced the crowd, gray-green eyes scanning the unfamiliar faces. In all honesty, he didn't know what to expect by doing this.
His orbs widened an inch when his gaze landed on a particular girl just by the middle of the crowd. The male saw her clapping happily, and when she saw his gaze locked on her, she waved at him with a smile. Nagito sighed in satisfaction, letting a smile grace his lips.
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"Nagito-senpai! How's the ceremony? How are you feeling?" [Name] beamed, running up to him after the whole ceremony. She looked at him expectantly, eyes brimming with pure curiosity.
 The mentioned boy sweat-dropped at her unusual enthusiasm, but nevertheless, it did make him happy. He chuckled. "It was nerve-wracking... Being in front of many people and letting them witness you achieve something was unexpected for me. After all, I never did imagine myself being in this situation."
"Wow... That must've been extreme then. The feeling, I mean," the [h/c]ette mused, puckering her lips as she pointed a finger in her mouth to think about it. "After all, you are an ultimate student at Hope's Peak. And almost the entire world was seeing you and the others graduate. Uwah! The flashes of those cameramen were so blinding that it was hard to see you in the crowd."
"Sorry... I may have lied to you, [Name]-chan. Honestly, I don't really feel that way earlier."
He chuckled, scratching his neck sheepishly. "I was meant to ask, but how did you come to the gymnasium? The place was restricted to only the school staff, Main Course students, and the press."
"Oh, that?" she cocked her head, a mischievous grin plastered on her face with a pink hue dusting her cheeks. "I may have snuck in. Hehe..."
Nagito's eyes dilated an inch at her words, blinking as he regarded her in disbelief. After all, for the one year he had spent with her, he didn't expect this particular girl to act like that. Soon after, he chuckled, bringing up his arms to pat her [h/c] tresses. Upon realizing what he was about to do, he stopped midway, internally hesitating whether to continue or not.
In the end, he quietly brought his arm down. "Do you wanna go on a date with a lowly bug like me on this marvelous day?"
"E-eh...?!" red bloomed on the girl's face upon hearing the word date. [E/c] eyes widened an inch as she stared at Nagito's aloof smile, baffled. "W-w-w-what?"
"Hehe... You're so cute, [Name]-chan," Nagito chuckled. "I asked you if you wanted to go on a date with me... But, of course, if only you wanted to. I don't mind if you decline my offer. I'm pretty sure that you have better things to do rather than this."
The girl shook her head rapidly, instantly dismissing his thoughts. "I-I would love to! But, is it okay for you to spend your last day with me? I mean, how about your classmates?"
"It's fine. I wanted to spend the day with you, after all," he simpered.
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After the graduation ceremony, the two went out on an unplanned date in the city. Nagito took the girl to many places, surprising her that he knew a lot of locations. When they first went to an arcade center, the girl commented that she didn't expect him to know a lot of places, to which the silverette responded with an awkward chuckle, asking whether her words were a compliment or not. [Name] quickly rephrased her statement because of that, blushing madly for embarrassing herself and making him think she's insulting him. Nagito, of course, just chuckled at her flustered state and cuteness, finding himself blushing as well.
The two would engage in small chats, chuckling and giggling occasionally. They would do something together, and [Name] would often find herself wowing at whatever Nagito did, as he would unintentionally do something in their favor. One example was when he tried the claw machine after the girl's many failures. It was his first time to play it, yet, he had won four plushies, all of which were due to his luck. The [h/c]ette was truly shocked — after all, it was her first time seeing her upperclassman's luck at work. 
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For the entirety of the time he spent with her, Nagito felt the butterflies continuously fluttering in his stomach. He felt lightheaded like he was on cloud nine. The way his hand would try to weave itself to the girl's smaller ones — and although he would immediately stop himself just barely — up to the way his heart would pound whenever their bodies would make physical contact, Nagito was glad to experience such feeling.
His thoughts would wander towards [Name] and only her... Everything else in his surroundings was nothing but a blur.
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Letting out a satisfied sigh, the boy once again closed his eyes for the umpteenth time that day. Ever so often, he would feel at ease whenever he did this. The thoughts that he didn't pay attention to during that moment came flooding into his head like a continuous movie. Those strips of past memories, future what-ifs, and even his emotions spring to life whenever he does this. And lately, Nagito knew that he wanted this to happen.
"[Name]-chan... I know that I may be a lowly insect compared to the other ultimates, yet, you see me as who I am. Even though our status in school differs — I as the Ultimate Lucky Student and you as the simple and talentless reserve course student — I found myself falling for you. I tried to comprehend the weird changes that happened to me ever since we met that day. At first, I thought it was just a simple attraction because you were the first reserve course student I met and became close with during my three years of attending Hope's Peak. You were intriguing... but it seemed that my attraction wasn't only based on that. Even though I don't understand you fully, I felt really happy that I was able to witness the different sides of you. And I'm truly happy that you accepted me as one of your closest friends here. You didn't shove me away... You tried to understand me... You accepted me. I...am really in love with you...and the tiny hope that resides within. Now that I realized how much you mean to me — and how happy I am to feel these emotions I kept contained for so long — I never wanted them to disappear. I look forward to a future that I don't have to constantly worry about and become afraid of my luck... A future with you there."
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"Ah...that voice. A voice filled with sweet, sweet hope. It fills me so much with bliss that I'm so happy to hear it again and again."
Heeding her call, the silverette slowly opened his lids. Grayish-green eyes were met with [e/c] ones. He saw her staring back at him, a slight crease in between her eyebrows with her head tilted to the side as she regarded him with a worried expression. He chuckled at that, sweat-dropping with his hand rubbing his face sheepishly.
"What is it, [Name]-chan?"
"Are you alright?" she asked, frowning with concern. 
The male gently simpered at her. "I'm fine. There's no need to worry."
"Oh..." she mumbled, returning her gaze toward where they were heading. She peered back at him and smiled softly. "I was just wondering if you might be sad."
"Why did you think of that?" he questioned, genuinely perplexed by her thought process sometimes.
She merely shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know — maybe because you can't spend your last day with your whole class?"
He chuckled at her answer, but nevertheless, he felt his heart fluttering at her constant concern for him. Seeing how he reacted to her question, [Name] slowed her pace to match with the lagging male. They walked side by side, a comfortable silence enveloping the two soon after.
"You're everything that matters to me right now, [Name]-chan. I couldn't wish for something else."
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Widened [e/c] pools blinked in surprise at the sudden large and cold hands enveloping her small warm ones. Her gaze was fixated on the hand clasping around hers, and then slowly she trailed her attention towards the male who did the act. Cheeks burning, she cautiously lifted her head only to be met with the serious face of her frost-haired upperclassman. Nagito's expression was surprisingly serious, in contrast to his usual aloofness. Those gray-green eyes that were gleaming with enough conviction stared at her confused [e/c] orbs.
After a few moments of staring at each others' pools, Nagito seems to snap out of his trance. His eyes softened, however, he didn't let go of her hands. Lifting it just above his chest, he weaved his fingers with hers. The girl's blush bloomed due to the embarrassing situation. But, she remained silent while watching whatever the boy was planning to do next. Pink hue also decorated the boy's pale face, and soon a minuscule smile decorated his lips.
By the empty sidewalk stood two teenagers — a male of slender and tall stature with wavy white hair and a pale complexion and a female of petite body with [h/l] [h/c] hair. The setting sun provided a change in the scenery as the warm colors of yellow and orange enveloped the evening skies. A breeze passed by, causing their hair to flutter in its direction and providing a natural melody in the place.
Slowly inching his face toward the girl he held a deep affection for, Nagito let their foreheads touch. His orbs bored deeply into those mesmerizing pools of hers, gazing at her lovingly. With a soft whisper, he muttered the words he wished to convey to her days before.
"[Name]-chan... I love you."
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hopeymchope · 5 months
anon is misunderstanding or misinterpreting ym ask, I never at all expressed happiness over fuyuhiko's attempted suciide. In fact, it's the opposite. I was horrified at that scene and the mere idea or fact that saionji almost caused him to kill himself for real. fuyuhiko was a horrible person, but he did not deserve that. Besides, unlike hiyoko, he actually faced the consequences of his actions in a very brutal way and he chose to take a step back and realize how fucked up his murder was.
Note: This is a response to this other anon-sent ask.
Thank you kindly for responding to that other anon and clarifying your original ask.
Y'know, we've all kinda glossed over the fact that Fuyuhiko didn't actually kill Mahiru. He didn't even ask/order Peko to do so. Peko took that action on her own as part of her identity as his bodyguard (and someone who clearly loved him). And though I suppose that was because Fuyuhiko was about to do it just because he was pissed off that Mahiru dared to lecture him about revenge being wrong or whatever. Still, the fact remains that Hiyoko can't really scream at/blame the person most directly responsible.
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"...but like, lethally."
Let's dig deeper into the Hiyoko/Fuyuhiko/Peko/Mahiru drama with some additional asks, shall we?
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Did she have a right to be mad? Yeah, she does. Because Fuyuhiko was going to kill Mahiru for absolutely no good reason. So, sure. He was prepared to become a murderer for "revenge"... even though Fuyuhiko is apparently too stupid to realize that the Twilight Syndrome game clearly indicates he ALREADY got revenge on the person who killed his sister! That really makes his elaborate revenge plan look misguided from the jump. It's like he just wants to lash out at SOMEBODY because he saw that photo of dead Natsumi and had to learn for the first time — the second first time due to them losing their previous memories — that she'd been killed.
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"'Because if so, I'll 'E' you next... wait."
Fuyuhiko was still in full acting-like-a-little-shit mode at this point in the story, so I guess him constantly lashing out and being quick to anger is pretty par for the course. But his anger at Mahiru for daring to suggest that maybe murder is bad is pretty much what got Mahiru murdered. That's plenty of reason to be pissed at him. And it's not like Peko is around for Hiyoko to blame anymore... so yeah, I get why she's pissed at Fuyuhiko.
Do I think the fact that she's an awful bully somehow strips her of the right to be upset that someone else was murdered? No, I don't think that way. I think they're separate issues. Just because Hiyoko doesn't have much moral high ground to stand on doesn't mean she can't still be upset over someone getting killed. Although I'm not necessarily defending telling someone else to kill themselves, either... that shit is pretty extreme. I would agree that she doesn't have the right to be saying that, because damn near nobody should be saying shit like that.
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That's up to interpretation, but I think when he charged in to try and protect Peko, he was already willing to die to save her. And then he fails... which naturally fills him with a big dose of despair. Since sacrificing himself was already on his mind AND his body was already pretty fucked up from his failed protection effort, I suspect it wasn't too big a leap for him to go from there to "fuck it, maybe I should just die for inspiring Peko's actions, getting her and Mahiru killed, etc."
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And yet? I personally think most people who commit or try to commit suicide are likely to feel a screaming desire to stop it once they truly start dying. Because we all have inherent self-preservation instincts. So I bet there legit was a horrifying realization moment that accompanied the moment he felt himself slicing into his own side.
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I'd like to think that if Fuyuhiko truly died, she'd definitely have a mental break over it. I don't believe Hiyoko's actually a full-on sociopath, y'know? Actually causing a death with her words would probably (hopefully?) put her through the mental wringer and hopefully generate some kind of self-reflection. I'm sure she'd struggle and try to deny any culpability at first, getting pissed at the suggestion that it was her fault. But I don't think she'd be able to run from the guilt forever. It might not be easy for her to change, but I imagine she'd come out the other side of her breakdown acting at least somewhat better on some level.
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linesofink · 1 year
Buckle up yall, I'm going on a rant about how I think Junko got power over each Remnant of Despair (ignoring the canon brainwashing because I hate it, it makes no sense). Warnings for death mentions, different levels of manipulation, and trauma being used against people.
Y'all ready? Okay.
Imposter was a tiny bit difficult, but nothing Junko was unable to control. They probably felt empty and wanted a chance to exist without impersonating someone, so Junko likely just made a promise and used a little bit of sweet talk to trick them into believing that her plans would let them just exist and be able to do what they want. The despair of knowing that you basically don't exist would break them eventually.
Teruteru, simple leverage and threatening, probably blackmail too. Junko likely has ways to look into everyone's pasts and relationships, so she probably dangled the life and prosperity of his mother and the family diner over his head as a way to force him into things. It probably escalated at some point, and ended up just outright becoming what he wanted to do himself. If you put enough pressure on something, it will break eventually.
Mahiru took a little effort maybe, but Satō's death and the guilt of having a bit of involvement in Natsumi's death weighs down on her and thus Junko was able to make her believe it really was all her fault which in turn drove her into despair.
Peko was simple, all she had to do was get Fuyuhiko on their side and Peko would follow. Junko would've probably just killed Fuyuhiko too if he wasn't useful to her, so maybe Junko threatened his life which made Peko desperate to do anything to ensure his safety. Her entire existence revolved around his, and if something happened to her, she would be useless. The thought made her frantic and plung into despair due to that.
Ibuki wasn't difficult due to her IQ. Ibuki wasn't the brightest, but she was useful in some aspects. Junko probably went with either tricking her, or using popularity and relevance as leverage aswell, maybe even using other classmates again. Ibuki got a little anxious, and it spiraled over a long period of it into a state of despair at the constant worry.
Hiyoko took some time, but her own past was in play and used against her. Junko likely promised she'd be able to see the people she loved again and that the pressure from popularity would stop. Hiyoko likely fell apart when she realized she wasn't going to see her only loved ones again, and like the rest broke and fell into despair.
Mikan was one of the easier targets. Her issues with her past and her constant anxiety made it easy to get her to attach to Junko. Mikan was so used to being mistreated that just a slight bit of positive affection or even just a bit of praise got her to follow Junko around and cling to her, she's traumatized and unstable and was easy to control. Even the slightest bit of negativity from Junko after that would cause her to spiral towards despair and make her desperate for the rare positivity.
Nekomaru took effort, but once again it was likely the childhood. Since he was bullied for his name (at least if I recall correctly) she likely used that as a "Don't you want revenge?" tactic. Maybe she used his heart condition too, "you'll only live a certain amount of time, use it for what's really important." He reflected and realized he was doomed to die and his childhood was nothing but pain, so he tripped and smacked into the floor of despair.
Gundham was simple; his loved ones and his childhood made it easy. She could've easily used the Devas against him or even his mother, and probably made comments about his father and the people around him growing up. The Devas were dear to him, so she likely used an anger and desperation tactic and made him feel despair out of worry for them.
Nagito was both easy and difficult. He was so dead set on the fact that Hope was always triumphant, it took a bit more. She probably made him reflect a lot on his childhood, the treatment he faced daily, probably berated him then gave him rare praise, took time to slowly ease him away from his Hope mindset and into Despair. He was a process, but he eventually submerged to Despair when he finally gave up and thought, "What's the point in continuing on if my luck and presence will only torment everyone?"
Akane was yet another game of Childhood Trauma as a weapon. The childhood she faced was rough and she was still not stable from it, Junko probably exposed her to things that reminded her vaguely of her childhood that got progressively more dark as it went on. Junko used the fact that Akane would jump and snap into action as reflex, and she trained her like an animal to pounce at things. Akane slowly drowned in her thoughts of her life and it turned to a despair-ridden rage.
Kazuichi was merely another childhood and peers case. "You'll never be loved by anyone," she said, "You'll never be loved romantically, and probably never were in a platonic or even familial way." She would repeat. She'd break him slowly by using everyone else and probably claimed to be the only one who cared. Kazuichi is highly emotional, and he fell into despair rather easily since he -like most teenage boys- probably cared a lot about how people viewed him.
Fuyuhiko was easy. "You were raised to kill and hurt others mercilessly, do the one thing you're good at." She told him. Natsumi's death, the pressure of his life, whatever traumas he experienced as a kid. They all added up. He knew what he was capable of, and he probably subconsciously wanted to act on it. Put too many things onto one thing and it'll eventually topple over onto that one thing, he was crushed by the weights on his shoulders till it made him drop to one knee in the face of despair herself.
Sonia was quite literally "Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you wanna just go apeshit?" Her life was dictated by her social standing. Taught from birth to be one way, ignore all interests and indulge in one goal. "You are not a person, you're a leader." Junko would remind her, then claim she was so much more than what she was taught. She grew sad, then angry, then cold and sadistic. Despair made her emotional and irrational, so she acted out of impulse and revenge.
We know Izuru joined Junko just because he was bored and wanted entertainment, but I don't believe it was that simple. He wanted entertainment, yes. He was bored, yes. But that couldn't be all, right? He's strong, mentally and physically, at least he was supposed to be. He was so tired of the calculating life he lived, tired of not knowing who he once was, and tired of how tired he was, and it probably gave him a subconscious sadness. He grieved himself without realizing it, and he was probably not mentally stable due to his existence. Junko took advantage of it. She knew he was bored out of his mind, so she promised him ways to feel something other than empty boredom. "In a world without them, you can do whatever you want. You can find out who you once were, you can watch people act out of Despair and Hope, and you can even watch Despair and Hope battle till only one remains." She'd convince, speaking innocently till she brought him into a sense of false security and then turned it all around and left him to his own devices when she started THH.
Of course, there's also Chisa. She was exposed to the first Mutual Killing Game, and it hurt her emotionally. That couldn't break her though, logically it made no sense for that and the Reserve Boy to be what broke her, and the literal lobotomy didn't make sense. Sure, exposure and warping of the mind works, but Chisa'e actions come from her heart. So I think it'd be more fitting if Junko had used Chisa's loved ones as leverage. Kyosuke, Juzo, class 77, they're all important to her and she loves them dearly in their own separate ways. So Junko probably used all of their wellbeing against her, and she acted out of desperation and panic, cracking and shattering into shards of Despair slowly when Junko would speak.
Then, Chiaki was the cake on top of it all for them. Her death would ruin the tiny hints of sanity they clung to subconsciously, and it'd send waves of Despair through them all at once.
Class 77-B was her perfect target, and Izuru and Ryota were what she needed to help that plan become reality. She used her charms and their weaknesses to her advantage, and they ended up worshipping her as a savior. She "woke them up" in a sense, that's what she told them at least. In the end, she had some victory, but we all know how that played out in the end. Moral of the story, don't be batshit like Junko and try to watch out for people like her!
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velvetroomkeeper · 7 months
I would respectfully disagree with you on that. The one thing that Nagito hates the most is despair ie, terrorism and murder. It is something that actively drives him to seclude himself and reject others from getting near him. A reason why Nagito himself told Hajime that everything he told him in the FTEs is a lie, he actively afraid of people getting near him cause it would lead to their death and induce despair.
In chapter 3 and 5, his motives for becoming an active participant was despair itself ie, Mikan and the Ultimate Despairs. Otherwise, he was shown to be quite content in his more passive role as a character, something we have similarly seen him show in Ultra Despair Girls where he played the role of the passive character Servant and stayed that way until he had no choice but to be active and confront Komaru.
In chapter 1 where he kickstarts the killing game, his motive is still an answer to despair. He sees murder and therefore something like the Killing Game as a despair event. He tells Monokuma this himself, so yeah Nagito sees The Killing School Game as a despair event.
Now his actions in chapter 1 is due to a result of his own self-depreciation and view of his own worth, his plan was to actively kill himself but was in turn saved by his luck which interfered in the form of Byakuya. Nagito actively hoped to die in it since he saw himself as someone who is worth the sacrifice and the answer in response to Monokuma's despair killing game.
A sacrifice no one would miss and would actively prevent others from killing each other. That was Nagito's thought process in chapter 1. Another thing to point out is your reasoning that Nagito wants to see Hope triumph over despair and that's his goal but that's something I have to disagree in since if Nagito had succeeded in chapter 1 in his own death plan, he would have never seen hope succeed over despair. It was similar to in chapter 5 where Nagito was once again dead and thus could not see hope winning over despair.
I won't bore you with explaining his philosophy since many others before me have done it. I would only like to explain that when he refers to hope beating despair, he is referencing to the ultimates defeating Monokuma and ending the killing game, something he once again informs Monokuma himself.
From chapter 1 to chapter 4 pre funhouse, Nagito actively tries to make others hate him in order to make them kill him since he sees himself as not worth remembering, even more so after chapter 1 since he understands everyone with the exception of Hajime hates him. He has confessed to this himself in his events that he knows his thoughts distance others from him. He actively utlises this to make others angry by acting clueless so that they can finally kill him.
Now I would like to point out that Nagito isn't the only one who had forced development or redemption, Mikan was someone that actively needed redemption as well since unlike Nagito, when she killed it wasn't with the intention of escaping but with the intention of pleasing Junko. Another would be Peko who need to develop to be seen less as a tool.
There are many people in class 77-B who miss this, Mahiru and Hiyoko would especially hate Mikan, Fuyuhiko and Peko due to events of chapter 2 and 3 yet we never got to see them bury the hatchet. It's not just a problem with Komaeda but rather a problem with the entire class 77-B as a whole.
I agree in the few screentime he was given, simply saying he was less harsh on himself isn't a good criteria to say he has developed. I personally see it as Nagito understanding that Hajime does not like him calling himself trash so he doesn't do it when Hajime is around but still thinks of himself as trash.
The active change is once again in his role as an active participant this time instead of a passive participant that he showed in DR3. The ending of 2.5 wasn't of Nagito getting redeemed, it was of Nagito being given a chance to change himself like the other Ultimate Despair members were given, a chance he showed that he was deserving of in DR3 when he helped Makoto Naegi, discarding his SDR2 mindset of 'sink or swim bitch' and actively working as a force of good.
Do I maintain that he is redeemed. No. But I would say he is well on his way to redeeming himself as his actions in DR3 future showed.
Thanks for your feedback now here is my response
One defining thing about nagito’s worldview you forget is that he sees hope as an absolute and anything done for the sake of hope is morally fine
Like you said nagito is guilty over the fact that his luck hurts other people but has no problem letting other people die if it’s for the sake of hope
My example of this is during chapter one when he tries to pin the murder on himself after his involvement is revealed despite knowing full well what happens if you accuse the wrong person
Nagito is generally motivated by hope and typically takes a neutral role in trials again barring the examples you brought up
And he has no problem with terrorism again if it’s for the sake of hope
For instance bombing the hotel to scare everyone into a panic or trying to blow up the gym to postpone the school exams
Now the thing here is that nagito will again assist those who he views as the greater hope that’s why he tried to pin teruteru’s murder on himself or help out in trials for time to time or his entire crusade to manipulate the class into a death gamble after learning the truth
And you are right there are some other classmates that got out easy but my main issue is that nagito who’s arguably the worst offender here is welcome back with no hesitation
Even in case like in the third semester in persona 5 royal haru and futaba still haven’t let go of what akechi had done to them
And Again my main issue is that we don’t see nagito show any remorse for his actions despite accidentally causing the death of two students because of his plan endangering everyone’s lives and causing them to have to kill Chiaki(yeah I’m still not over that)
In any sense thanks for your response and thanks for not being a jerk I know I can be a bit rude when it comes to this but that typically comes from frustration when dealing with nagito fans
As a present for not being a jerk have this
(Yes I am coping and salty at the same time)
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goshdangronpa · 1 year
In my previous post about "I DISAGREE: An Ibuki Mioda SDR2 Protag Swap AU," I gave a timeline of the first two-and-change days. That write-up went beat by beat from Ibuki’s ill-fated arrival at Hope’s Peak to the onset of Despair Disease. This time, we’re looking less at events and more at specific characters’ reactions to them - especially the five people who volunteer to care for the infected. This’ll be important.
Every Single Symptom Brings Us Closer: Group Bonding in the Time of Despair Disease
The answer seems obvious: Nagito, Kazuichi, Chiaki, and Peko are cracking under the stress of their new situation. With so many upheavals to their lives in such a short time, it’s not unusual for them to react with paranoia, recklessness, combativeness, and giving up. But as Fuyuhiko and Hajime carry Peko into the Hotel Mirai’s restaurant, they note that she seems weirdly warm. With just a touch to the other three’s foreheads, Mikan can confirm just from her nursing experience that they all have high fevers.
That’s when Monokuma pops up with the truth: they’re sick, alright, and he’s the reason. The only cure is sacrifice. Someone must commit a murder, or the infected will only get worse. One life for four sounds like a fair trade … but then, the goal is for the murderer to get away with their crime and condemn everyone else to death. As for why everyone’s acting out in such different ways, on top of being physically ill? “For a bunch of smarties, you sure want a lot of hand-holding.” The bear leaves it to the others to figure things out.
Right before leaving, Monokuma adds, “Oh, did I forget to mention it’s contagious?” That’s what really changes everything. Communal breakfast ends before it can become routine. The group itself splits: the infected and their caregivers move into rooms within the Hotel Mirai building for quarantine, while the rest keep their cottages and free rein over the islands. Curiously, some divisions are resolved: Hiyoko Saionji, who’d started bullying Mikan practically since they met, is now more than willing to follow and carry out the nurse’s orders due to a potent nosophobia.
Mikan doesn’t accept Monokuma’s fatal terms. The Ultimate Nurse will prove her worth and take care of everyone. However, treating four distinct sets of symptoms and investigating their cause isn’t something she can do alone. She’ll need volunteers. It’s a big ask, but she gets some:
Teruteru Hanamura volunteers, but somehow isn’t trusted around prone and defenseless patients. Besides, access to the restaurant, where meals are mysteriously prepared before anyone arrives, is now severely restricted. The uninfected must count on Teruteru to whip up meals out of supermarket goods. That can be his opportunity to show his more nurturing side.
On that note, Fuyuhiko immediately signs up. Just yesterday, he was shirking all company and boasting about his capacity for killing: “I could do it, ya know.” Now, his demeanor’s changed so drastically that Mikan also checks him for symptoms. Mikan and the rest accept him largely because, as Hiyoko observes, he’s already made close contact with one of the infected this morning. Not wanting to spend his quarantine idle, he insists on helping. It’s his idea, for example, to barricade the doors with chairs from the lobby so the patients can’t exit freely.
However, Mikan and the other volunteers trust him around vulnerable people just as much as Teruteru. The head nurse assigns Hajime to monitor him. He’s in quarantine as well, having helped Fuyuhiko with Peko, and he lacks any medical skills. His initial reluctance with the assignment gives way to a fast friendship, as Fuyuhiko has no choice but to open up with his supervisor. Hajime soon attests to the gangster’s good character and unconditional dedication.
While the first two volunteers are conscripted, Byakuya is the first to volunteer by choice. He swore that none would die on his watch. That means splitting his leadership role with the reluctant Sonia Nevermind, who’ll watch over the uninfected (Mahiru: “You don’t have to do anything. No one asked for a leader anyway …”), and keeping watch over the disease’s victims. For all his upper-class pretense, he proves down-to-earth and genuine in his protectiveness. Despite his self-appointed power, he’s not above performing the most menial tasks.
Ibuki is the protagonist, so she has to be here, right? She has her reasons: a sense of control over the situation, being near Byakuya and Mikan, and general altruism. The levity she brings to the grim situation proves welcome. Once the patients are asleep, Ibuki invites the rest of the staff to her room for games and chitchat. Their boredom from the long hours overcomes their weariness, and this nightly ritual buoys their spirits and brings them all closer. (She only wishes they could unwind at the hotel’s swimming pool too, but that’s off-limits for them.)
She especially grows closer with Mikan. She was already fond of her after hanging out so much on the killing game’s first day, trying to make her laugh with the goal of lowering her guard. Then the Ultimate Nurse’s timidity takes a backseat in this crisis as she taps into reservoirs of strength and empathy, and that fondness becomes a serious admiration. They bond: Ibuki bolsters Mikan’s confidence as they traverse uncharted medical territory, and Mikan helps to make Ibuki feel like a useful member of the team. They share secrets. They share scream therapy sessions (for some reason, the hotel rooms are all soundproof). On the third morning of quarantine, they find (to everyone’s chagrin and discomfort) that they even unconsciously shared a bed.
Unfortunately, this isn’t all fun and games and me being tsumioda shipper trash. The Despair Disease is dangerous after all. More on that, plus the first victim of the killing game, in the next installment.
PREV: The AU Narrative's Chaotic First Three Mornings
NEXT: The Killing Game's First Victim
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sips-tea-cutely · 3 years
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5 Stages of Grief
inspired by: @/coffeeebeeans
note; kinda short since im still getting into the writing groove yknow. sry if this sucks 😛😛 might write one for the girls because i have a whole other set of this for the girls like maybe maki heheheeh. might edit too tmrw lol
summary; another day, another death. life goes on and on but how do danganronpa characters handle *your* demise?
characters; rantaro amami, fuyuhiko kuzuryuu, hajime hinata, shuichi saihara, makoto naegi
tw: suicide (shuichi)
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Rantaro Amami
rantaro has only had two things that he kept precious; his sisters and his s/o. and now, here he sees, the love of his life with a bloody bruise on their head. he refused to believe it. you were always a prankster, so perhaps this is some elaborate plan by you and kokichi? yes, it has to be, he won’t accept any other answer. there’s no way you’re dead.
even until the elevator ride to the class trial, he won’t believe it. you must’ve gotten monokuma to play along with this gag. and when shuichi finally explains that it was the secret door that lured you? the door he trusted you oh, so much to tell you about? he caused your death? no, absolutely not. the survivor perk is supposed to be something that would help him win this game, not cause him even more grief. he promised you that he’d find the mastermind before anyone dies, there’s no way he caused it, it’s completely unthinkable.
he refused to even watch the execution, it was just another painful reminder of how he had failed you. he finally succumbs to despair. his guilt manifests into hallucinations of you. and all he could do was listen to all the threats, guilt trips and whines that ‘you’ kept saying, he knew it wasn’t you. you were never this cruel.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
he’s angry. not that you killed someone but for the fact that you felt the urge to kill someone. fuck the rules, fuck this killing game. this game already took peko away from him, he’ll be damned if it takes you too.
“ah, you all found out, huh? well, i guess it was going to happen sooner..” you smile, despite knowing the fate that awaits you. “what the hell..? why are you smiling, s/o?!? why did you kill nekomaru, answer me!” he angrily demands. “well, i couldn’t let you all just starve, now could i?” you genuinely smile. you really risked your own life to make sure your friends wouldn’t die? fuyuhiko.. isn’t used to that. you’re too kind for your own good. he understands your motive now but now he’s in a pure fit of rage, the rest of the trial was screaming on fuyuhiko’s part and akane holding him back from attacking monokuma.
“you don’t need to do that, fuyuhiko. it’s alright. i killed nekomaru knowing the consequences. go ahead and vote for me” you softly say, reassuring fuyuhiko. he doesn’t like it though. he refuses to let someone else slip by him.“it’s okay, fuyuhiko, let me go and i promise it’ll be alright.” you walked off to have your punishment and by then the only sound in the trial room was fuyuhiko’s screams of both sorrow and despair. he saw red fury as he lunged himself onto monokuma in a fit of anger. and what happened next.. is something he can’t quite remember.
Hajime Hinata
he tried, he really did. he knew what you did but he couldn’t accept it. he was going to make sure you lived, even if it cost him his own life. “hajime, pardon me but your logic doesn’t make any sense. s/o was taking care of ibuki at the time of her murder, we should be including them as a suspect as well.” “i agree with miss sonia, don’t go around playing favorites, our lives are on the line too!”
“no, it’s impossible because.. i was with them. mikan asked to talk to see ibuki in the reception to check her temperature.” “w-what?! i-i never said anything like that, i promiseee!” “hey, hajime, tell the truth before i slap your front tail!” well, this was stressful. he felt like an outsider again. he wants to believe that you’re innocent but the evidence is in front of him, you killed ibuki and hiyoko. “cmon hajime, just tell the truth, we both know it.” your eyes softened towards him. why? why did you want him to condemn you to your death? he didn’t want to, he couldn’t, he’d rather die himself then watch the love of his life executed. he just wanted to cry, to cry into your loving arms.
his childhood friend and lover, the person who despite not having an ultimate talent, never thought of him any less. he couldn’t bear to see it so please consider this his repayment.
“…i’m the culprit.”
Shuichi Saihara
he couldn’t take it. he was finally at his breaking point. at the sight of your corpse, he knelt to the floor and started wailing. not only had he failed his companions once, but twice. and now you’re gone as well? you were the person who checked in on him in his dorm after kaede’s execution, you were the shoulder he cried on after the 5th trial, you were the only thing keeping him from snapping and now, you’re gone too.
he couldn’t investigate your body, he couldn’t. he was facing the corner of the cafeteria, attempting to regain his breath but the tears kept coming. all he could think is what did he do to deserve this? during the trial, he relied on maki to relay all the clues she found and that’s when it finally clicked. you killed yourself. you ended your existence purely from the guilt. he was shocked to say the least. you knew he loved you so why didn’t you tell him? he promised to be there for you like you are for him so why couldn’t you tell him?
even after the trials end, voting you as the culprit. shuichi was almost zombie-like, this question eating up at his mind. it almost drives him so mad that he hears a small sigh of relief by tsumugi.
Makoto Naegi
he heard your scream. although through his mind runs every what if; “what if i checked on them? what if i walked them to their dorm?” the only thing from completely spiraling into despair was your cold, bloody hand on his cheek. your hand was shaky and the half-dead corpse in his hands was getting colder by the second.
“don’t be sad makoto.. smile instead. smile in the name of despair. i know you can do this because y..you’re…” your hand fell from his cheek and went limp on the cold tiled floors as your eyes closed and your body went cold.
smile in the name of despair? it doesn’t quite make sense now but, it’s your death wish and it’s the least that he could do. he gently put your corpse onto the floor and immediately started his investigation with some new found determination. he made a silent promise to you to stop another killing from happening in this academy again.
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Chapter 3: The Worst of the Worst
Hello, everyone. Mod Bubbles here.
I have been asked by some friends of mine, following a few long rants about my least favorite element of this series: Chapter 3. Some of you may already know that these tend to be the weakest elements of any DR game, but it goes beyond just that.
I’m here to explain to you all why every Chapter 3 I’ve seen- DR1, SDR2, V3, DRA and SDRA2- is the worst. I’m also going to be ranking them, starting from the least bad, and explaining why, on every conceivable level, they don’t work.
First off, let me just start off by saying that, if you like these characters or sections of their respective games, more power to you. I am not judging you, I’m not attacking you and I’m glad you could get more enjoyment out of them than I did. This is simply me explaining why I don’t think they work, but why some work better than others. All of this is just my opinion.
Some of this will be me criticizing them for their objective writing problems, some of it will be personal taste reasons, but perhaps you’ll be interested in what I have to say. Without further ado, let’s get into it:
Least bad- SDR2 Chapter 3
Those of you who know who my favorite character is may be surprised to see this one as the least bad. To be clear, it’s still bad, but I think it’s probably the least bad out of them all. 
The recurring problem with Chapter 3 is that every single one involves some degree of plot contrivance and character assassination. Someone inevitably gets turned into a parody of themselves or something stupid happens to make the plot possible. You have to take it with the territory when ranking them, as they all suffer from this problem.
 The plot contrivance this time around is that of the Despair Disease, which causes anyone infected with it to radically shift personalities- Akane turns into a coward, Ibuki is gullible and Nagito is a liar and he almost fucking died to his disease. This is already ridiculous, but we could accept it as part of foreshadowing that they’re in a virtual world. But then it goes one step further.
MIkan takes it upon herself to help everyone who’s gotten sick, and in turn, she also contracts it. She doesn’t shift personalities, but inexplicably remembers everything about her past as an Ultimate Despair. Thus begins the character assassinations- literally and figuratively- of Mikan and Hiyoko.
As sad as it is to see Ibuki go, it at least serves the narrative, the trope being “Shoo out the clowns” for when things get serious. Her death is thematically appropriate, while Hiyoko is...barely an afterthought. Yeah, Mikan doesn’t even kill her for revenge, she’s literally just in the wrong place at the wrong time and just fucking dies.
As you may know, originally Fuyuhiko was supposed to die here, but the writers realized that it would’ve made Peko’s sacrifice pointless, so quickly rewrote it so that Hiyoko would die instead, a move that feels as cobbled-together as it sounds, especially with the lack of effort in finding her murder weapon. And all of those goes without saying, but it turns Mikan into a deranged lunatic, so why is this one the least bad?
Because, out of all the Chapter 3′s, this one is the most relevant to the story. While I don’t like the path they take with it, Mikan’s transformation is ultimately effective foreshadowing for the truth about Class 77 and why they’re in the simulation, as well as the horrifying levels of their devotion to Junko.
And unlike the others, Mikan wasn’t trying to escape. She was trying to carry on with the mission of resurrecting Junko and wanted to inflict despair on the others along the way. What makes this still a bad chapter is a single question: if the Despair Disease can make someone remember their past, why not use that as a way to make everyone remember?
The goal of the Ultimate Despairs in getting into the Neo World Program was to provide bodies for the Junko AI, so why not have them all remember and commit mass suicide? No handwave is given as to why they can’t, but either way, this one is at least the most relevant to the story. Let’s move on.
Bad- DRA Chapter 3
Again, this one is still bad, but it at least has a more sympathetic motivation. The culprit for this case, Kinji Uehara, is the Ultimate Priest and had a close bond with a large group of orphans under the care of the church. A pretty noble guy...who’s being exploited by the Mastermind to become a mole and to kill if there’s no murder, or else the kids get it.
Now, this is not a new development. We saw this with Sakura in DR1, but while she was noble enough to take her own life instead of sacrificing her dojo or her friends, Kinji unfortunately cracked under the pressure and chose to murder.
What makes this one worse that SDR2′s is how cruel Kinji’s actions are. See, Kinji is not a true Despair. Like I said, he’s just this game’s mole and has to feed info to the Mastermind, but in doing so, he’s trying to save a group of children he believes are in danger. That’s a questionable situation, but paints him in a sympathetic light.
But he loses sympathy points for the nature of the murders he commits: the deaths of Kanata and Kakeru. Not only are the two of them some of the nicest people in the cast, but the ways that he murders them are absolutely horrific- slitting Kakeru’s throat enough that he bleeds out, then electrocuting Kanata so badly that her internal organs were burned to a crisp.
Now, he’d explained that he targeted Kanata because she was always in the infirmary and thus she’d be an easy target. However, why did she need to die in such a needlessly cruel way? Why not give her an overdose of some kind of drug? Why did he feel the need to murder her with a giant blade at first, then place her into a situation that would guarantee an absolutely cruel and horrifying death? And after he’d already killed Kakeru?
What pushes it over the edge for me is the fact that Kinji had already fatally wounded Kakeru, and the man gave Kinji a dying request that he spare Kanata. What did Kinji have to say about it? That it was already too late. I’m sorry, but no. It was not too late. He went out of his way to continue with the murder plot he’d decided on because of the Sunk Cost Fallacy and doubled the body count for the sake of...I have no idea. Tradition?
Either way, he denied Kakeru his dying wish and still killed Kanata, despite already guaranteeing that he did as he was tasked to and killed someone.
And then he goes further and tries to attack both Rei and Tsurugi, just because they were out of their rooms at the time, and add them to the frame-up. Yet all this kind of thing does is leave more evidence for who the killer is every time it happens.
All of that is so utterly cruel and sadistic that it feels wildly out of character for someone like Kinji to do, even if he was under a lot of pressure at the time. It’s a worse level of character assassination, but one mitigated slightly by the fact that he does apologize and show genuine remorse by the end.
And I do have sympathy for him after it turns out the kids he was trying to save were dead all along. As horrific as his actions were, he at least had a noble ultimate goal...and that goal was ripped away from him long before he even realized. It’s tragic, cruel and unfair.
The same cannot be said for our next entry.
Very Bad- DR1 Chapter 3
This one is pretty infamous among the fandom and for good reason. Celeste engineers a complicated and frankly ridiculous plan that involves tricking Hifumi into killing Taka, creating the Robo-Justice suit to frame Hagakure and then killing Hifumi herself. All to claim the huge amount of reward money Monokuma had offered and live out her Goth Fantasy Life.
 What sets it here is that the character assassination goes from unnecessary cruelty to outright stupidity. Celeste puts together this frankly ridiculous and elaborate plan, which would be bad enough given that she should be smarter than this, but it goes further. She does so much to push the narrative of the situation that it becomes blindingly obvious who the culprit is even before the first murder.
The Robo-Justice concept is just silly, and maybe that was the point, to be so shocking and baffling that it distracted everyone from all the other details, but Hina quickly points out that the suit is impossible to really move in. That immediately rules it out as even a red herring and turns it into more of a distraction.
Beyond that though, once again, another death is basically an afterthought. Because Taka and Hifumi are fighting over Alter Ego, she uses that as leverage to get Hifumi to help her, so he kills Taka and then she kills him, and Taka’s role in this chapter is so minimal that I can barely remember if he had any lines. And this was after the emotional gut-punch of Chapter 2, when he lost Mondo. Which leads to the other big problem with Chapter 3: sudden character development death syndrome, or SCDDS.
Likewise, this plan, like all Chapter 3′s, was far more elaborate and nonsensical than it needed to be, with so many moving parts and so many factors Celeste had to actively try and control that it became very obvious this was a conspiracy and thus no surprise that it was her.
Really, if she wanted to take advantage of their fight, why not kill one and frame the other? It would’ve been so much simpler, had less moving parts and been far more believable. She instead went with complexity over brevity and set a horrible standard the games could not break away from.
And why did she do it? She says it was to gain the money and live in a castle with vampire butlers. Nothing noble, just something flat-out selfish and stupid, if you take her words at face value. But if you don’t, there’s a lot of room to interpret what she says and she seems to show some degree of remorse or at least regret for what happened.
I hope you enjoyed that, because there’s no regret in the last two.
Terrible- V3 Chapter 3
And here’s a Chapter 3 so bad, it’s become a meme. I’ll admit, I was actually ready to name this one my favorite Chapter 3 of the series when I first saw it. I was impressed that they’d finally broken away from the formula and had to solve a single murder, in this case Angie in the locked art room. There was so much to explore there.
And then Tenko died and I realized this series really cannot break its own formula. Cue my disappointed sigh.
All of the same problems I had with the previous entry are here, but they’ve been ramped up to 11. Korekiyo pushes so hard to do the séance in a specific room, it’s hard not to suspect he’s up to something. Tenko’s sudden emotional speech to Himiko could not have telegraphed her death harder if the pinwheel ribbon tied to her head were replaced with a set of red flags. But now onto the murder plot itself.
“Haha seesaw effect funny yada yada,” let’s get to the real meat of the issue here. Kiyo purposefully arranged for a set of rooms to become traps that he could use during the séance he’d been pushing for, but he did so right outside the room Angie was doing her own creepy rituals in. And when she came in looking for a candle, he clubbed her with a piece of wood, carried her back to her room, murdered her and locked the room behind him.
Do you know what this means? If he hadn’t killed Tenko, Kiyo would’ve won. I’m serious, there was no way the group would’ve been able to fully pinpoint that he was the one who managed to kill Angie and he would’ve not only been able to escape, but guaranteed everyone else would’ve died.
And he reveals his goal by the end was to kill a bunch of girls to send to his dead sister. The obvious conclusion to draw is that he believed that he had to kill a girl during a séance, but since he shanked Angie with the gold katana and sent he believes he sent her to be with his sister at the end of the trial, that means he doesn’t believe that a séance is necessary.
Which ultimately means he went through with the infamous seesaw trap purely because he’d spent so much time setting it up and he didn’t want it to go to waste. That is the only explanation for why he didn’t just call it quits with Angie and let the rest of the trial play out.
And all of that is without even getting into the really grotesque rationale behind his actions: his sister, whom he was apparently in an incestuous relationship with and whose spirit he believes lives on inside of him. His sister was very sick and thus never really had any friends, and it’s likely Kiyo was the only constant presence in her life. There are also very uncomfortable implications that she may have abused him as well, pressuring him to live the life that she wanted, and none of it is really addressed.
And so, when she died, Kiyo was left alone and believed he could send her 100 friends in the afterlife. Thus, he’d gone around killing at least 90 women, given that he says he was close to his goal, before ending up in the Killing Game. While he’s disappointed, he’s satisfied he at least got close and creepily promised to watch over everyone like a ghost.
Really, it’s how shockingly dumb Kiyo’s actions are that bring this one down so far, although the incestuous serial killer angle really doesn’t help. Speaking of which, there really is no reason for it beyond Tsumugi wanting to live out her fantasies.
But as bad as this one is, it still manages to avoid being the worst of them all.
What the fuck?- SDRA2 Chapter 3
How do you get worse than V3's Chapter 3? You try to emulate it.
That’s no exaggeration. LINUJ has stated that his ideas for this chapter of SDRA2 changed after he saw V3′s, which gave him the inspiration for this part of the game. And while I know plenty of people really enjoyed this one, even considering it the best, I have to disagree completely.
Not only is this the worst Chapter 3 out of them all, this is honestly one of the worst pieces of media in anything Danganronpa-related that I’ve ever seen. I mean that genuinely, not out of anger, but out of disgust and disappointment.
First of all, this trial is too long. I can accept that trials would need to go on for a while in these circumstances, but six hours? SIX HOURS?! And most of that time is spent with Kanade arguing with Syobai over small, petty details.
Second, perhaps the worst in terms of sheer, unmitigated plot contrivances. There is so much that goes on here that can only be explained with either heavy-handed exposition or handwaves of “Fuck you, she’s smart” or “fuck you, I’m lucky.” What do I mean by that? The biggest is the crux of why this trial famously has two blackeneds.
When Kanade and Hibiki (in her puppet state) murder Setsuka, they stab her with such synchronized timing, milliseconds apart, that Monocrow can’t even decide which happened first. And this was never addressed or shown at any point beforehand, just vaguely referenced here and there.
This is different from something like Nagito relying on his luck in Chapter 5. Nagito’s luck had been established countless times by then and he used it to his advantage to make Chiaki the blackened, with his goal being to kill the others and allow her to go free. If there had been similar scenes with Kanade and Hibiki demonstrating their synchronization, even just one or two, I would’ve been more willing to believe it.
Likewise, another element of Kanade’s murder plot is that she’s apparently good at throwing. I’m a bit more lenient toward this one, as I recall there might’ve been a scene where she was throwing darts and Hibiki was like “She’s the best at darts!” It’s not much, but it’s better. 
My issue is that these are cases of tell, don’t show. You can’t expect me to believe a detail about character that hadn’t been demonstrated until that point simply because I’m informed and not shown how it works. Nagito’s luck at least has rules, while the synchronicity with the twins seems even more ridiculous by comparison.
That then brings us to the murderess herself, Kanade, who manages to be both a ridiculous genius and completely incompetent at the same time. She describes herself as a perfectionist and makes sure to think about every detail of her plan beforehand, from timetables to which handbooks they need, every shot she needs to make, every tool they need, etc.
And yet she leaves behind a bottle of antibiotics. One that proves to be a crucial piece of evidence in incriminating her. If she were really meticulous, she could’ve taken stock of everything she’d brought her medical kit beforehand and then checked to see if she had it all before they left. But she didn’t, and it’s even acknowledged that it was a stupid mistake.
Add to that the pins that they needed that also got them incriminated. Where did they come from? The bags Hibiki stuffed into her shirt to pad her chest and make herself look like Kanade, which contained Setsuka’s disembodied hands. Which...yeah, let’s get this out of the way too.
This chapter also relies far, far too much on shock value. Setsuka’s death is absolutely horrifying and works in the moment, but things like Kanade’s reveal of being a serial killer, while foreshadowed decently, are only really effective on a first viewing. The more you think about it, the less it actually makes sense and the more it hurts both her image and the logic of her plot.
And I’m going to be genuine about this: this chapter is also guilty of serial killer glorification. It doesn’t matter if it frames her in a negative light or paints it as horrific, this was LINUJ trying to make her as shocking and horrific as possible, but also making her into a genius who gets everything she wants at the expense of all the people she’d hurt. The narration goes out of its way to refer to Kanade as a genius multiple times. And the fact that she was the second most popular character in a poll really shows what I’m talking about.
To be clear, I don’t like how much focus Genocider Syo gets in the canon games, especially with how they’re played for comic relief more than anything. However, the difference is that Toko actually has a character that grows and develops beyond Syo, Syo doesn’t actually kill any of the main characters (still highly questionable but given how desperate the Tragedy is, I can accept that) and it’s made pretty clear in UDG that even she has some humanity in her. Syo has a sense of decency and compassion, shared with Toko, that grants her some humanity. That is not the case with Kanade, who is a monster through and through.
Toko and Syo are capable of unconditional love toward Byakuya, one that I can be certain would not turn murderous or cruel, even if Byakuya is not the kind of guy to go for. Kanade, by contrast, is not capable of unconditional love; she’s an incestuous, manipulative, stalking, psychopathic control-freak.
Additionally, Kanade’s death isn’t true justice, it’s her getting to die with a smile on her face knowing that she ruined countless lives and has her sister die with her too. Which then brings me to my biggest point of contention and the conclusion of the objective section of this analysis. I will now start shouting, so prepare yourself.
Fuck this chapter and what it did to Hibiki. She was the biggest victim in all of this, even worse than Setsuka. At least Setsuka wasn’t aware of what was happening and died before she was chopped into pieces. Meanwhile, Hibiki not only learns that she’s partially responsible for it, she gets next to no sympathy from the rest of the cast for what happened, then learns her serial killer sister has been killing and torturing people her whole life to isolate her. And then gets to learn Kanade killed their parents before being dragged off to their double execution, screaming for help the whole time.
And this was after a ton of character growth and development I was far more interested in and impressed with. When I saw this chapter play out, I didn’t see a tragedy with her or an engaging villain, I saw a frustrating shock-baity twist that left me disgusted, confused and annoyed. Two great characters died to glorify another shitty repetition of the serial killer plot beat, and somehow Kanade is the one who gets all the attention and all the popularity.
And let’s get something clear here: Kanade, this amazing mega super genius who killed 60 people and never got caught? She left crucial evidence behind, evidence that she brought herself and didn’t bother to fully clean up. Do you know who didn’t accidentally leave evidence behind in his first ever murder? Leon. He was smart enough to use a lint roller to clean up any traces of his hair and threw his bloody shirt in the furnace. He only got caught because Sayaka wrote his name where she couldn’t see it and the shirt arm burned off in a way he couldn’t control.
Even Kirumi’s situation, where she lost a piece of her glove that proved vital in incriminating her, she lost it in the pool at a time she couldn’t get to it. That was bad luck. With Kanade, it was sheer incompetence.
I wouldn’t be making such a big deal about this if it wasn’t one of the key pieces of evidence that got her found out. And to make matters worse, she was actually planning on framing Iroha. Iroha. A girl whose only real method of attack is crying and pushing someone off a balcony. Did she seriously think anyone would buy that she not only killed Setsuka, but dismembered her and set her body up in a weird way?
Not that it matters, since her attempt at framing Iroha- knocking her out with spiked coffee- failed because she doesn’t even like coffee. This girl is not as meticulous or careful as she thinks she is.
And no, I’m not going to say that all of this is retroactively justified by Sora having Divine Luck and that’s why all of this happened. That reveal coming at the end does not justify any of this by any means. Please do not use “Fuck you, I’m lucky” in place of “Fuck you, I’m smart.” Nagito playing Russian Roulette with 5 bullets and winning is not the same as Kanade being incompetent and Sora having a gut feeling that it’s not over yet.
If you want to showcase a character being clever, you show them getting around difficult situations or fooling someone within the confines of established rules. You don’t just let them get away with whatever’s convenient for the moment.
But do you want to know what the worst aspect of this Chapter 3 is? I could maybe overlook all the other details- all of them- if this weren’t the case.
It’s how completely irrelevant this chapter is in the greater story.
Say what you will about the others, at least they feel like they’re part of a larger narrative- DR1′s was another motive, SDR2′s was as well and foreshadowed the Ultimate Despair twist, V3 was part of a reality show and was written by a creep with an incest fetish, and even DRA’s felt more in line with the story. But SDRA2′s? It feels like a completely separate story shoved in the middle of the existing one.
Kanade has no connection to the Voids or Mikado, not to Utsuro, not to the Despairs, not to any outside groups, not to Hope’s Peak, not even the Tragedy itself plays any role in her character. All she wants is to control Hibiki, and she only did all this because she was losing that control.
When you peel away all the shock value, Kanade is ultimately, like every serial killer out there, a painfully flat and boring character with shitty motivations to be a shitty human being. Her entire personality revolves around her creepy obsession with Hibiki; there is nothing deeper there, and LINUJ has even said that Kanade would’ve killed herself if Hibiki died. I don’t find someone like that very appealing nor interesting.
I don’t think I would mind all of this as much if she didn’t feel so completely disconnected from everything else in SDRA2, but she is and it is very apparent when you actually look at the story as a whole. Not even Mikado knew she was a serial killer and brought her in just because she had a vague connection to Tsurugi.
And what happens after the reveal of his girl who’s committed 60 murders? Who brutally butchered their friend, burned her letter and dragged another off to a horrible, unfair end with her and got everything she really wanted? Not much.
I can name about three things: Hibiki’s puppet state foreshadowing Yuki’s transformation, the implication that more time had passed than they’d realized and her burning Setsuka’s note. The latter is the only piece of the story that actually feels like it connects this chapter to the others. But after Kanade and Hibiki are gone, they’re barely even mentioned and it’s clear how little impact they had.
There’s also Iroha being revealed as a Void at the end of the Chapter, but that has nothing to do with Kanade and it really could’ve been placed anywhere, or even just left out entirely. Again, I question what the purpose of its inclusion is, especially since Chapter 4 could’ve done it much better. 
Now, one could argue that the relevance of this scene has more to do with themes about trust and sowing mistrust among the group. However, I feel that that’s more of an overarching narrative of any DR story, and one that Chapter 4 does substantially better with its exploration of Nikei as a major player, especially in the wake of Setsuka helping him, and us knowing Iroha is a void and wanting her to admit it so the group can work together.
The problem with this argument is that, for the most part, the concrete events of Chapter 3 are not followed-up on or carry over in a significant way like the reveal of the Voids or the virtual world. Kanade being a serial killer, in and of itself, feels largely like a tacked-on addition to the story, since, you know, it is.
What this means is that this is the only chapter 3 where you can skip it and miss basically nothing. Think about that: 1/6th of SDRA2- a full 16%- is completely irrelevant to the overarching story, all for the sake of emulating the worst part of V3. Granted, I don’t know how much better LINUJ’s original plan would’ve been, but I have my doubts it could be worse.
Ultimately, that’s why I find this chapter 3 to be the worst of them all: all the existing issues, but with the addition of too much shock value, serial killer glorification, Hibiki’s absolutely horrific SCDDS for the sake of a double execution, and just the fact that you can skip this entire chapter and miss nothing vital. I can’t even say that last part about any of the others, and that is unforgivable.
To anyone who genuinely wants to write anything DR-related, all I ask is that we retire the tropes of Chapter 3. Maybe then we can have some that are genuinely good.
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3seven-gambler · 3 years
#⌁꒰Fuγuhiko, Gundhɑm, ɑnd Mondo with ɑ S/O who’s the blɑckened꒱
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⋆ word count: 3580 ⋆ genre: angst, no comfort ⋆ a/n: Reader dies, little spoilers from Goodbye Despair and some gore.
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࿐♡Fꮜꭹꮜꮋꮖꮶꮻ Ꮶꮜꮓꮜꭱꭹꮜ:
-“W-why me?!” You asked nerviosly. -“Peko was my friend, I w-would never do that to her!” This time, Peko Pekoyama, the Ultimate Swordswoman, was now dead. She was found in her cottage. Fuyuhiko and you were the first two to saw the dead body. While your boyfriend stayed by Peko’s side, you went to the hotel restaurant to call all the others. Then, after everyone was in the place, the dead body announcement soundeed, indicating that it was time to investigate. At first Fuyuhiko denied it, he wanted to be alone with the reminds of his friend, but Hajime insisted and, with lot’s of angry screams in between, he let the investigation begin. According to Mikan’s autopsy, Peko’s cause of death was poison. Apparently something she eated had a medicine that, if you consume it in excess, it could kill you. Hajime found some muffins laying in a table near Peko’s bed and aslo, when he reserched on the pharmacy in the second island, five boxes of headache pills were gone.
-“Because you were the last person that Peko was with” Nagito said.
-“But we were thogether when we found her you son of a bitch!” Fuyuhiko snapped, he wasn’t going to allow Nagito -or anyone- to say that you were the culprit.
-“I saw both of them in the hotel kitchen cooking the muffins we found on Peko’s room. You used the missing pills in the muffins mixture and then you waited for Peko to eat them”. Nagito affirmed.
-“Shut the fuck up Komaeda! S/O gave me the same muffins and I’m here with you all stupid people! If Peko was poisoned, then one of you must have done it, so you better start talking because I’m going to kill all of you motherfuckers!” Fuyuhiko was loosing his temper right now, first he lost his friend, and now everyone was pointing towards you?
-“Fuyuhiko, you were asleep 30 minutes before founding Peko, right?” Nagito asked him.
-“What the fuck has that to do with this?!” Fuyuhiko was about to beat the hell out Nagito, you could see it in his face.
-“I’m going to take that as a yes. Hajime you do see it now, don’t you? with the clue that I gave you before it should be preatty clear who the culprit is” the Ultimate Lucky Student asked.
-“I do, here is what happend!” Hajime prossed to explain everyone the killing secuence.
-“So the culprit and Peko went to the hotel kitchen to do the muffins. Before putting them inside the oven, the culprit used the headache pills in one of the trays, and in the other one the sleeping pills that Nagito found in the culprit’s cottage. When the muffins were ready, Peko and the culpcrit went to her cottage, then the culprit went to Fuyuhiko’s cottage to bring him the other muffins, they stayed there waiting for him to fall asleep and then returned with Peko, making sure she eated the muffins. When Peko was dead, the culprit returned with Fuyuhiko, who was starting to wake up. When he woked up, both of them went to Peko’s cottage, were later, they founded Peko’s body, isn’t that right Y/N?”
-“What are you talking about, don’t fuck with me like that! S/O stayed with me the whole fucking time, they didn’t kill Peko!” Fuyuhiko now lost his temper, everyone could see in his face trace of anger, but aslo of sadness.
-“Fuyuhiko’s right I didn’t… I just…” tears starting to apear in your eyes, you didin’t wanted to die, you did this because, that bitch was going to stole your boyfriend from you. You always saw them laughing together and you also saw how Fuyuhiko’s eyes softened whenever he was around her.
-“If you love Fuyuhiko then surrender now, Y/N, is for the best” Nagito told you. He was right, you did this because you loved him so much that you would kill for him.
-“Don’t you dare to talk to them like that, I’m g…” Fuyuhiko snapped to Nagito, but he was interrumpetd by you.
-“Stop Fuyu, he’s right” you looked him at his eyes.
-“W-what are you talking about S/O?” now he was starting to cry.
-“He’s right, my love. I did kill her” you looked away from him.
-“B-but, what are you saying S/O, you aren’t capable of that, why would you do that?”
-“I… I was jealous of her”.
-“J-jealous? Why would you be jelous of her? you are my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner, S/O! She was just a friend for God’s sake!”
-“But you were kinder to her! I saw it all the time Fuyuhiko, I killed her because I love you, I didn’t want you to leave me”.
-“Why don’t you talked to me then?” Fuyuhiko was now broken. -“We could have avoyed this!”
-“I-I don’t know Fuyuhiko, I just, don’t know”.
-“Oh, this is so boring! Why don’t we start the voting?” you all heared Monokuma speak and then you started the voting.
-“And the blackened student was… (y/n) (l/n)! You got it all right! Well not all of you, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu voted for himself.
Fuyuhiko looked pailed, he standeed there, looking at you with sad eyes.The person that he loved killed his best friend, just because of jealousy. He thought that all of this was his fault, after all, you said that he wasn’t the same with you, maybe it was true. Now, you were about to get executed, and he couldn’t do anything to stop it. You walked over him and gave him a tight hug.
-“I’m very sorry Fuyu, you were right, I should have talked to you”.
-“No, S/O, it’s my fault, I should pay more attention to you and…”
-“My love, you didn’t do anything wrong, I’m the one who’s not ok” you gave him a little sad smile and you kissed him.
-“I’m ready Monokuma”.
You walked behind Monokuma. Before crossing the door, you turn around and face everyone, you said goodbye with your hand and then a metallic chain was around your neck and started to drag you down the hallway. Fuyuhiko stayed there watching you getting executed, still standeed, without making a sound. After you were finally dead, everyone got into the elevator, but Fuyuhiko didn’t move, at all. Hajime went for him, and he basically dragged him into the elevator along with the rest. When all of them were again in the island, Fuyuhiko went to his cottage and stayed in there, just thinking about all the grat memories he had with both Peko and you.
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࿐♡Ꮐꮜɴꭰꮋꭺꮇ Ꭲꭺɴꭺꮶꭺ:
You were found dead in the one of the restroom at the grape house. You have a knife on your throat. The firsts one to found you were Akane, Sonia and Chiaki, who were all looking for you because you didn’t show up at the training session in the morning, so everyone decided to go in separate ways to look over you. Sonia screamed, while Akane and Chiaki stayed shooked looking at your dead body. Chiaki went to call all the others so the investigation could start. Gundham was really worried, where his dark companion could be? he feared the worst; and when Chiaki showed up with a sad expresion in her face, he was desesperated.
-“W-what happend Chiaki?” Hajime asked with a worring tone in his voice. She met her eyes with Gundham’s.
-“I-I’m sorry Gundham” she said while putting her hood, hiding some tears in her eyes.
-“W-why are you apologizing for, mortal?”
-”W-we found Y/N dead in the one of the restrooms”.
Gundham run over the restrooms. When he arrived, he saw Akane and Sonia surrounding a big stain of blood all over the floor. He entered the restroom, both girls looked at him with eyes full of sadness and then they let him watch you. Gundham looked at you horrified. He walked slowly to your side and grabbed your body, tears starting to fall over his face. The Devas came out of his scarf, also looking at you with their little eyes full of sadness.
-“D-don’t worry Gundham, we’re going to find whoever did this!” Sonia spoked up, trying to give hope to her friend. But Gundham didn’t pay attention to her, he was focused watching your penetrating cold eyes. He couldn’t do anything, he was debastated, he couldn’t protect you as he promised. But now he was going to make pay the person who killed you. While after, the others appeared and started investigating all the areas. After a while, the class trial started. They argue with one other until Nagito spoked up.
-“It’s my time to bring all of you Ultimates some hope! Gundham, maybe you should be the first one to read this!”
-“What are you talking about, mortal?” Nagito handeed Gundham an envelope that read “For my classmates and for the Overlord of Ice”. He recogniced your handwritting. Inside it, there were two letters. Gundham grabbed the one that was directed to all of the presents and read it aloud.
Dear everyone,
If you are reading this, that must mean that I am dead. First, I wanted to say that I killed myself, so please, if you are in the middle of the class trial arguing, stop it. I did it, so you all should vote for me. Please, you need to leave that awfull place. I just wanted to say to you all that it was really nice to met you, I had a great time with all of you when we weren’t on a trial or investigating. Please stay alive! And thank you! You all teached me lots of things and we made great memories together, I’m never going to forget them.
Love you all,
Everyone started to cry or just went quiet. And then, he grabbed the one with his name, but he read it only for himself.
Lord of Ice,
My dear Gundham Tanaka, where to start? I always remember the first day we met, when we had a normal life instead of this killing one. Remember how we met? That was the best day of my life. When you asked my number with the excuse of checking on my little bunny next week, I think that I almost faint in there. A boy, asking for my number? I didn’t see that everyday. And of course that I gave you my number, you were so cute. You still are, actually. And not just that, your personality, oh lord, you are an unique one, you know that? I consider myself the luckiest person in the world for finding someone like you. I am never going to forget none of our memories. Our firsts talks, our first hanging out, then your confession, our first kiss, our first dates and everything. I love you with all my heart Gundham, that’s why I sacriffised myself. I knew what you were going to do, and I wasn’t going to allow it. But I didn’t want to kill anybody, so I just took my own life. I hope you forgive me. Say to the Devas that I love them all, please. And now, my lord, I just wanted you to know that I really love you and I always will. Thank you for everything. I am going to miss you, live for me, Gundham.
With lot’s of love.
Your dark companion, S/O
Gundham’s eyes started to be full of tears, you sacrifise yourself for the sake of everyone. He just couldn’t take it. He had all the signs last night, when you gave him that long talk about how you loved him and many other things. He now felt empty. While staring at you letter he notice that inside the envelop there was something shinning. He took the shinny thing out of it and then he notice it was your favorite ring, the one you never tooked it off. There was a little card with it which said “Remember me always” He looked at it again and then putted it on. He falted a sensation of realive for a moment, like if something was there with him. He looked at the ring and smile a little, with tears still falling from his eyes. After discusing the letters topic, Hajime explained what ocurred. Then, Monokuma said it was time to vote, so all of the Ultimates voted.
-“And the blackened student was… (y/n) (l/n)! You got it all right! Congratulations everyone!”
With that it was now time to go to the hotel. Everyone got on the elevator, but Gundham stayed there, still with the letter in his hand, looking at your picture with the “X” on it.
-“You are really an angel, my companion” he smiled a little. Before leaving, he heard a sweet laugh behind him -your laugh-. He turned around to see your picture one last time, and then he got on the elevator, while he watched your ring and thought about all the good times you two spent toghether.
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࿐♡Ꮇꮻɴꭰꮻ Ꮻꮃꭺꭰꭺ:
This time, Celestia Ludenberg was found dead in the showers. She had apparently died of a hit in her head. Aoi and Sakura founded her when they were about to enter the sauna. Aoi run over to tell everyone about the discover. When they all got there, the dead body discover announcement soundeed and everyone start investigating or doing they usual stuff. When the time passed, they all went to the famous red door, where the elevator leading to court for the class trail was. When everyone was there, the trial started.
-“Where do we start?” Yasuhiro asked.
-“For the victim, of course” Byakuya replaid.
-“The victim was Celes, me and Sakura found her together when we were aheding to the sauna” Aoi started
-“According to the Monokuma file, the murder was between 4 PM and 04:30 PM” Makoto continued. -“Do you girls remember at what time you went to the sauna?”
-“About 04:40 PM, when we finished our training sesion” Sakura answered with her calm voice.
-“S-shall we disscus about o-our a-alibies?” Toko asked
-“It’s a start” Kyoko spoked up.
-“Then, me and S/O were together in my room at that time”. Mondo said.
-“T-Together in the same room?! bro that goes against the rules!” Taka answerd with some indignation in his voice.
-“We were just hanging out Taka, we didn’t do anything weird if that’s your worry” you replied to your boyfriend’s friend with a light blush on your cheeks. -“And it’s not against the rules”.
-“Y-yeah bro, don’t invent any weird shit!”
Everyone kept saying if they had alibies or not. The only ones without ones were Yasuhiro and Kiyotaka.
-“Then that settles it right?” one of them killed Celes!” Aoi said.
-“Are you seriously accusing my bro?! what the fuck is wrong with you?” Mondo snapped.
-“W-wait I didn’t killed her!” Yasuhiro defendeed himself. “I already told you that I was spending time in my room!”
-“B-but nobody c-can confirm t-that” Toko said to Hiro.
-“No, but I don’t have any reason to kill Celestia!”
-“Me neither! Killing is something immoral, I would never do that!” Taka aslo defendeed himself.
-“Maybe you just want to get out of here, that’s enough reason for killing” you said to both of them.
-“Wait no that’s wrong!” Makoto contradicted you. “Hiro’s right, both Taka and Hiro had no reason for killing her”.
-“But you know about someone who has it, don’t you Makoto?” Byakuya said.
-”I think I do”.
-“Then bright us with what you know”.
-“Yesterday, Celestia and Y/N had an argument, in which Y/N got a little violent with her”.
Everyone looked at you, expecting you to talk.
-“Y-yes we did, but I got violent just because she was talking crap about Mondo without knowing him! B-but I didn’t kill her, I was with him when she died”.
-“Wait! Now that you mention it, at 04:10 PM I saw Mondo leave his room and he ahead to the kitchen”. Hiro said
-“And you tell that to us now? You’re really stupid” Byakuya told Hiro
-“Yeah I left my room, and what?” Mondo emphasized on the what “I went to grab some donuts for S/O”.
-“So you were the one so stole my donuts!” Aoi replied with a angry tone in her voice
-“They aren’t yours! anyone can grab them!”
-“You two, stop it, we’ve more important things to discuss” Byakuya cut off the small fight.
-“Then nither Y/N or Mondo have an alibie between 04:10 and 04:30 PM” Kyoko said while she thought abuot some things.
-”I’ve already fucking told you, I went to the kitchen and S/O stayed in my room the whole time, I’m sure” Mondo affirmed.
-”How can you be so sure?” Byakuya asked.
-“Because they was asleep, and when I returned they hadn’t even move an inch”
-“Mondo’s right, I didn’t leave his room”
-“No, that’s wrong!” Makoto contradicted you. “Y/N can you show us your hands?”
-“M-my hands?” why should I do that?!” you started to get nervous.
-“Because we found besides Celestia’s body a piece of a fingernial, and the only one with long nials here is you”.
-“W-well one of my nials is broken that’s correct, but I broke it days ago now” you defendeed yourself.
-“No, that’s not it, I saw you had them all yesterday, while you argued with Celes!” Aoi spoked against you.
-“Hey, hey wait a fucking second! You’re all acusing my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner for killing Celestia? That doesn’t make any fucking sense, they just argued yesterday, but nothing more!”
-“Hina’s right, she had the all yesterday, I saw both of her hand when we stoped her of traying to punch Celestia” Makoto added.
-“B-but…” Mondo started.
-“If you think that’s not enough then look at this, Mondo” Kyoko handeed him a piece of black cloth.
-“And what the hell is this?”
-“It’s a piece of a black t-shirt. More specifficaly, the long sleeve shirt that Y/N uses”
-“W-wait no, I…”
-“I-Isn’t the same one t-that they h-have n-now? Toko asked.
-“It is actually.” Kyoko confimed. “And look at her back, a piece is missing”.
-“N-no, w-wait!”
-“Don’t even try it Y/N” Byakuya snapped at you. -“Then Makoto, tell us what happend”.
-“Here is what happend!” Makoto started saying. -“The culprit went over Mondo’s room today, where they pretendeed to being fall asleep. When Mondo left the room, they went to the showers, and killed Celeste. While trying to kill her, Celestia gave them a little fight, which resulted on the culprit’s t-shirt getting broken. When they finished the struggle, they grabbed Celestia by the head and smashed it on tha wall, causing the missing nail part get into the scene. When the culprit finished, they went back to the room again and pretendeed like nothing happend, am I wrong (y/n) (l/n)?
-“No! wait a fuckind second! S/O couldn’t have done it, they wouldn’t do anything like that”
-“I-It’s ok Mondo”
-“They are right”
-“They got it all right, I killed Celestia”.
Mondo stayed there, looking at tou with a big surprise in his eyes.
-“B-but… w-what a-a… why the fuck did you do it S/O?!” He asked you with a voice full of fear and sadness, tears starting to get out of his eyes”.
-“Because I needed to defend you! She wouldn’t shut up about the horrible things she said to you bahind your back! She deserved it!”
Mondo looked at you, now crying. You were in this situation because of him after all.
-“S/O I-Im very sorry, I r-really am”.
-“Hey, it’s not your fault at all my lovely biker boy. Maybe I shouldn’t have let my emotions get over me, but well, here we are” you laugh a little. You looked at Monokuma. -“Hey you, weird bear, time to vote”.
-“N-no wait! You can’t…” Mondo tried to spoke, but Monokuma interrupted him.
-“Oh shut up now, It’s time to vote everyone!”
All of you casted your votes. Finally, you were declareed as the culprit.
-“And the blackened student was… (y/n) (l/n)! You got it all right! Well almost all of you, Mondo Owada voted for Celestia Ludenberg”. Mondo looked at you, crying more than before. You started to cry a litlle too, you were about to die after all. Mondo went by your side and hugged you, very tigly.
-“I won’t allowed it, you don’t deserve this”.
-“But you know, those are the rules, I was found guilty, Mondo, you can’t change that” you proseed to give a very pasionate, but still sweet, kiss to your boyfriend. A kiss that said how much do you love him.
-"Thank you for everything my love, I’m never going to forget all of those beautiful memories that we sheared together”. Mondo looked at you, with all of his face covered in tears. You kissed all of his face and then you heared Monokuma again.
-"Well, if you’ve finished now… It’s PUNISHMENT TIIIIIIIIIIIIIME!”
After hearing that you gave a last hug and kiss to Mondo and said goodbye to everyone. Then Monokuma dragged you into the hallway and executed you, while everyone was watching, of course. When everything endeed, Mondo was the first one to leave the room, heading to the elevator. The rest followed him and then, they went to their respective rooms. Mondo saw yours, and he decideed to spend the night in your room, seeing all of your things and reememberig all sort of memories.
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❥ 𝖱𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗅𝗐𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗋𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖽. || 𝖣𝖮 𝖭𝖮𝖳 𝖱𝖤𝖯𝖮𝖲𝖳/𝖳𝖱𝖠𝖭𝖲𝖫𝖠𝖳𝖤.
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aj28gaming · 3 years
Nagito's diagnosis?
Okay hear me out, what if the only mental illness Nagito has is extreme paranoia or Nagito is just really paranoid about death?
Now listen
I get that this is gonna be laughed at a lot and probably treated as a joke
but hear me out
So, regarding Nagito's dementia, I already made these posts https://aj28gaming.tumblr.com/post/650577508025155585/danganronpa-messing-up-nagitos-character-cuz
But to be sure, I basically explain how and why Nagito has almost none of the symptoms of Frontotemporal Dementia, he might still have it tho, just not the symptoms
But think about this, the only time Nagito has actually acted "crazy" was when the killing game starts. Before that, all we get is a paranoid, self-deprecating boy used to trauma due to his abusive luck cycle. A boy who also has flawed beliefs in the talented and untalented due to the society of Danganronpa. A boy who fears murder and the death of others more than most.
A killing game
A game of murder and death
And what does Nagito fear the most throughout the first chapter of SDR2 and throughout Island mode? What does he keep making sure doesn't happen? What does he keep asking Usami about while being extremely scared and paranoid about it?
Now imagine having a person who hates murder, who fears the possibility of death surrounding him and is constantly paranoid about it
Now put that person in a killing game, you know, A GAME FULL OF MURDER AND DEATH
So you get someone who fears having death and murder around him, and you put him in a place that is full of that, a killing game
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See the pattern now
If you trap someone in a place full of everything they hate and fear for their entire life
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They go crazy
Now remember the links I sent at the start? In them, I explain how his extreme paranoia causes a lot of his actions to happen
One, his coping mechanism
His coping mechanism is hope
He is constantly in denial about his mental state, about the people dying around him
Not saying he doesn't believe people are dying, I mean he struggles to accept that people around him are dying
He needs to find a reason for all of this despair
For why everyone has to experience despair
Nagito is a person who finds reason for everything, basically constantly tries to find order in his chaotic world
Makes sense since literally and figuratively due to his luck cycle, Nagito lacks control in his chaotic and traumatizing life
So he tries to find a reason for everything despairful that happens to him
Basically, "There has to be a reason for my suffering, right? RIGHT?"
So what does he do? He clings to hope
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HOPE /hōp/
noun 1. a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. "he looked through her belongings in the hope of coming across some information" Similar: aspiration, desire, wish, expectation, ambition, aim, plan, dream, daydream, pipe dream, longing, yearning, craving, hankering 2. a feeling of trust. "our private friendship, upon hope and affiance whereof, I presume to be your petitioner" verb want something to happen or be the case.
So this makes sense right? A person is in a stressful situation which is basically their personal hell, so they cling to hope
And we get this a lot of the time in real life and in tv shows and movies where people in stressful times cling to hope
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So it really isn't a surprise that Nagito does this
So, Nagito isn't worshipping Hope like it's a god, he is clinging to an ideology. He is clinging to positivity, a bright light amidst all the darkness
He is quite literally clinging to hope in a despairful situation, which a lot of people do and most likely the same with you and me.
And again, no, his views on hope aren't due to his own personal opinion of what hope is. The hope he believes in is the literal definition of hope.
Hope as in light amidst all the darkness
He truly does have heroic and good intentions and truly does understand the hopes and despairs of others
He knew Teruteru wanted to continue the culinary legacy and help his mom, that's his hope
He knew Imposter would want to protect everyone no matter what, that's his hope
He knew Mikan killed for Despair, that despair being Junko Enoshima
He knew Fuyuhiko's hope is Peko and that both of them care about each other very much
He knew how similar he and Hajime are and how they are both bystanders and lovers of Hope, for Hajime that Hope being Hope's Peak academy itself and/or having talent
That's why he wants to help everyone's hope. He doesn't want them to escape to "spread their hope to the world," he wants to help them because that is generally everyone's hope in the killing game, to escape and end the killing game. That's why he is also fine with helping the blackened because if he knows all the blackened wants to do is escape
All Nagito wants is for him to be the victim instead of anyone else so no one else has to die if someone must commit murder.
And tbh Nagito has only done 2 things,
One was when he orchestrated his own death so no one else dies during the first trial, but this fails due to his luck cycle
He knew someone would die eventually, and if he didn't do this then either Teruteru would've still murdered someone else or Fuyuhiko would've murdered Mahiru with Peko like in trial 2 due to the next motive
Someone would've died regardless, Nagito just wanted to be the victim to save everyone else. And he needed to make sure only HE BECOMES THE VICTIM which is why he orchestrated it
But alas, his luck screwed it up and Byakuya dies instead.
Second thing Nagito did was try to get everyone killed when he found out everyone were a bunch of terrorists and remnants of despairs. Do I seriously need to explain why anyone would've done this? Especially someone as paranoid as Nagito?
Hell, Hajime almost did way worse because he almost did the complete opposite, he almost pressed graduate so Junko can take over the dead bodies of their classmates and spread despair AGAIN
So now I explained how Nagito's paranoia of murder caused him to have a desperate belief in Hope as a coping mechanism in a very despairful situation
Now let's see how extreme his way of coping became. Seeing that he is in his actual personal hell, I would expect it to be pretty extreme.
And it is, a lot of the time.
Even to the point that he uses it to explain the deaths of his classmates and how to cope
Knowing Nagito, he has a habit of trying to find a reason for everything, like a prophecy or reason for his despair like I said before
And how exactly does he do that with the dead bodies of his classmates? He goes and treats them like stepping stones for hope
Basically saying, "Yes, our classmates are dead. But we shouldn't give up, because these deaths, this despair, it's all a stepping stone for an upcoming hope. A future good ending waiting to come, RIGHT?"
I added the right at the end because throughout the game, Nagito doesn't really seem like he only believes in hope. It's almost like he desperately needs and clings to hope.
So no matter what, he has to believe in hope
Because then, what is there left of him to believe in
He is trapped in his personal hell, forced to see classmates getting killed left and right, already experiences and fears the possibility of death and trauma on his normal day to day life, and what's worse is he constantly blames himself due to his luck cycle
He clings to hope, the possibility of a good ending happening in the end
Because what else can he believe in, what else can he live for at this point?
You seriously don't need dementia to explain his actions
All you need to do is remember that all of them are in a killing game
So of course people will go crazy
And knowing Nagito and how paranoid he gets, no wonder he reacts way worse
Nagito isn't crazy, he isn't a lunatic. He is just a paranoid kid who hates and fears murder and despair more than anyone else but is constantly forced to witness it and be subjected to it due to his luck cycle
And to be honest, anyone would've reacted the same way he does, and Hajime is proof of that
Also stop calling him the Joker wtf
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clovers-in-despair · 4 years
Hi! So, if you know me, you know I’m not the biggest fan of Danganronpa 3’s storyline. I won’t go into detail as to why in this post. Instead, I’m going to show off my Danganronpa 3 rewrite! It mostly focuses on the Despair Arc and then adding on to things like UDG, SDR2, and the Hope Arc. Please note this contains spoilers. I’ll write it in bullet points because it’s easy for me to get things down in this manner, especially since I don’t have every moment of every single day rewritten. Maybe one day I’ll write fanfiction for this! Forgive grammar n stuff, I’m super tired and just spewing my ideas out without structure. So hit that “keep reading” and let’s get this party started.
-In my rewrite, Chiaki Nanami’s punishment isn’t what pushed them into despair. Rather, Junko Enoshima played on everyone’s weaknesses and individually pulled them into despair. In some cases, she used those she already converted as pawns to drag down their fellow classmates. For example, I like to believe Junko played on Nagito’s desire to be loved. And eventually, Nagito understood what she was doing to him.. But rather than stop it, he let himself become despair because he couldn’t wait to see the hope that would be born from it. For another example, Junko might have pulled Mahiru into despair. In turn, Junko uses Mahiru to drag down Hiyoko. I like the idea of Junko’s analytic and manipulation skills being more relevant. A slow process of taking everyone down and hitting them in their weak spots feels more satisfying than everyone going down at once, in my opinion.
-Again, Chiaki Nanami’s punishment isn’t what pushed them into despair. Rather, it was a test. Junko uses Chisa as a puppet here, and Chisa is the one to subject Chiaki to her punishment. Think back to DR3, and how we saw Junko on all the screens as Chiaki navigated the death maze. Now, what if we saw Chisa there instead and narrating the entire thing? What could be more despairful than your own teacher putting you through this death trap? And of course, since I’m a sucker for angst, I like to imagine her classmates NOT watching on in complete devastation. What if they were basking in the feeling it gave them? Cheering on as Chiaki navigates her way through the maze… 
-Now, remember in DR3 where we see Kamukura cry as Chiaki is dying? Remember how Hajime’s attachment to her caused Kamukura to subconsciously care for her? Now, this will come into play later. But let’s get back to Chisa Yukizome. What if Chisa had the same thing happen? A subconscious desire to.. Well, not see her die. So she leaves Chiaki with a very slight chance of survival. The footage of Chiaki navigating the maze cuts out before anyone really sees her die. Of course, the assumption of Class 77B would be that she IS dead. 
-And here’s where Kamukura comes in. He subconsciously cares for her, though he does not know why. I like to imagine he saved her with his talents. And because he is neither on the side of hope or despair exclusively, Chiaki is now a new pawn in this “war” between hope and despair. Just something new to hopefully cure this boredom and bring something new to the table. 
-Well, after treating her, he turns her loose. Keep in mind, a recovery like that doesn’t happen overnight though. 
-Chiaki Nanami ends up in Towa City, and takes refuge in the Resistance. However, she joins under a new identity. Miyuki Watanabe. The fake name stems from the fear that she would be killed if her true identity is discovered, and people realize she is associated with the remnants who had faked their deaths and mistake her as a remnant herself. I tried to design a concept for Chiaki while trying to hide herself. A mask to hide her face, and she has longer hair due to not really getting much of a haircut lately. A wrinkled up shirt, and all that. She has grey bag with two things that are rolled up sticking out of the bags, perhaps posters of some kind.
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-Chiaki eventually meets Komaru and Toko at the resistance camp under the name Miyuki, but she eventually reveals her true identity to them and what had happened to her until that point. Of course, Toko was skeptical of this at first but was talked into helping by Komaru. When Byakuya was eventually rescued, he tipped Makoto off to Chiaki’s presence in Towa City in their video call at the end of Ultra Despair Girls.
-Makoto is able to come to Chiaki’s rescue. Of course, once Chiaki is brought back, she’s met with lots of interrogation and DNA tests from other members of the Future Foundation prior to being held in a high security cell for precautionary reasons.  
-She does end up receiving some grooming like a haircut and fresh clothes. She remains here until eventually Makoto asks for her assistance. He explains he intends to use the Neo World Program to reverse Junko’s influence on her friends, and asks her to help monitor her classmates’ behaviors from the outside, as she knows them all best. 
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Here’s Nanami after getting a haircut and some fresh clothes to wear. Of course, she still wears her signature jacket over these fresh clothes.
-And oh boy, seeing everyone’s faces on those monitors… hearing their voices again.. It both hurt her terribly and warmed her heart. 
-Let’s not forget real-life Chiaki’s reaction to the AI within the program. Before I continue, please note Chiaki is traumatized and not quite the person she was back at Hope’s Peak. 
-Seeing her AI within the program? It causes a bit of an identity crisis. Her AI does remind Chiaki of better days, however, she also feels envy and frustration towards it. She’s a little envious that the AI is there, interacting with her classmates and Hinata again the way she always hoped to do again. Frustrated, because sometimes the AI would respond in ways real-life Chiaki would have done differently. She has zero control over her own AI, by the way. So she can only watch it interact with everyone.
-Though once she learns why the AI is herself, she finds it to be bittersweet.
-But when the killing game begins, her world comes crashing down AGAIN. Still, she was told to continue monitoring the behavior of her classmates’ despite this.
-Might I add that AI Chiaki’s execution brought back some really, really terrible memories for real-life Chiaki? 
-Rest assured, in the end, Chiaki was able to reunite with Class 77B and Hajime Hinata. And they all live on the real Jabberwock Island together.
-In my rewrite, Hajime’s relationships with others tumbles a bit as he comes overprotective over Chiaki, despite her insisting he doesn’t need to be. He worries greatly about her due to their past. The romantic feelings are still there between the two, but the interest in a romantic relationship is low as they both require lots of healing before they’re ready for this. Hiyoko remains on iffy terms with Fuyuhiko and Peko, while Mahiru does the opposite and repairs her relationships with them. Kazuichi is on OK terms with Gundham, and actually ends up falling for Mikan and they get together. Akane is oddly one of the first to be forgiving towards Nagito and they become friends, though I will add that Nagito is a little desperate for Hajime’s attention, which he has directed to Chiaki very heavily. Mahiru and Hiyoko remain besties. Fuyupeko is semi-canon. They acknowledge their feelings but neither has made a move. I’ll make a chart of everyone’s relationships with each other someday and tack it on with a reblog. Right now, it’s just me spewing out my ideas as I’m dead tired.
-Oh, and they provide relief to the world as a way of atoning for their sins. Sometimes their missions require everyone on the island! Other times, it requires a certain number or a certain talent. They’re just here to try and make the world a better place after all that has happened.
[Credit for Chiaki model in replies, hyper links eat my posts]
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spookyc · 4 years
*spoilers for heathers the musical and danganronpa 2 goodbye despair*
*tw for mentions of death and suicide*
Okay so I know it's been a minute since I've posted anything substantial so here's this:
I've got an heather's au for dr 2 that id like to share. Its not a completely fleshed out one but I have a good idea of most of the main characters in the story. So the easy choice would just be to make hajime, veronica, and make nagito, JD. Especially nagito for jd with the whole, well, bomb thing as well as them both being mentally unstable and having rough childhoods. Hajime fits the role of veronica because, like veronica, he wants to fit in and not be ostracized constantly. More specifically though, it would help him become confident, which is literally his whole arc in the second game. The heathers and the rest could then be determined by a lot of different characters and so on and so forth. I respect this interpretation and it does make a lot of sense, however, I would like to propose my own interpretation.
Let's start with the two main characters, veronica and jd. So for my au, I have decided that fuyuhiko will be veronica and peko will be jd. Let's start with my choice for jd. So, after my binge of the second game's playthrough, I remember that one night I was listening to heathers, specifically the song, our love is god. And as I listened I realized how similar peko and jd actually are. Now to preface, I'm not saying jd and peko are the same character, jd attempted to bomb an entire school and peko simply made the calculated decision to kill in order for fuyuhiko's safety to be assured.
What i am saying though, is that jd and peko's thought processes are very similar, and if peko was just a tad more unhinged, they would be hard to distinguish. How are they similar? Well, first you have the whole, "I worship you" mentality. Now, peko doesn't necessarily kiss the earth that fuyuhiko walks upon but this could be connected more to their actual relationship. That of a master and his servant. I servant must serve, much like a believer would to a god.
And right after that line jd says, "Id give my life for yours." Which peko literally does in the canon story, she gives her life in order to save fuyuhiko, and even protects him with her body in her own execution. Secondly, they both are delinquents, or socially awkward. They are both standoffish and seen as intimidating by others, and they both don't exactly know how to communicate well. Thirdly, they have somewhat similar backgrounds. Jd lost his mother, and peko is an orphan, they both know what its like to not live with parents, or at least not favorable parents. For example, peko had to constantly interfere with mr. and mrs. kuzuryu fighting to insure fuyuhiko's safety. And jd and his father have a tenuous relationship, with jd's father mostly being a near non-present force in his life. Additionally, im sure the leaders of a yakuza clan weren't exactly doting parents.
And lastly, their mutual feelings of self worth, or more so, the lack of it. Both jd and peko believe their lives to be meaningless without the existence of their veronicas. The only good things in their lives are their veronicas, and they would do anything to hold onto that happiness, even if it resulted in their deaths. But enough about jd and peko, what about fuyuhiko? This may seem like an odd choice and solely made on the prospect that jd is peko, but that isn't exactly the case.
While yes it seems unlikely that fuyuhiko would bother himself with the heathers, or even have a martha, i think it fits more as a visual metaphor of his character growth shown in the game. Its just that in this au, he's a popular dick that learns to be a better person after his gf dies, which is almost what happens in the actual game, minus the popular part. But mostly I'd like to tie in fuyuhiko's role as veronica when it comes to jd. This is where the similarities really start to shine. This is shown mainly in the song, seventeen, where veronica yearns for a normal relationship and to just be normal kids that aren't surrounded by murder. Sound familiar? Well it should, that's literally fuyuhiko's whole speech near the end of chapter 2.
I doubt this needs repeating since this scene is the equivalent of the g note in the dr fandom but for the sake of the argument I will go on. Fuyuhiko in his parting words says this, "You didn't need to be a tool, you just needed to be yourself." And, "I never wanted a tool, I just wanted you....Only you." Which is him saying, "Peko I don't what you to serve me, I don't want this kind of relationship. I just want you to be yourself, and I wanted you for you, not to be a tool for murder." Which could then easily be implied that he doesn't want to murder anyone anymore. This is a near exact mirror of the feelings expressed by veronica in seventeen.
Sure im probably looking into things a bit, but still fuyuhiko's speech near the end of ch. 2 and veronica's feelings in seventeen share a lot of similarities. Both veronica and fuyuhiko simply want to have a normal relationship with their respective partners, but this ultimately fails because their partners worshiped them and this fatal misunderstanding would lead to their deaths. As for the others, I don't have nearly as deep anlaysises of them and I don't have all the characters but I'll briefly discuss my choices for the heathers, kurt, ram, and martha. Also, this is purely in the universe of dr 2, so possible better choices for characters in other games would not be possible in my au.
So heather chandler is the ultimate imposter, this was a pretty obvious choice, while the UI isn't quite as big of a dick as byakuya he's still a jerk, but more importantly, just like in the game, he is a great leader for the heathers and without him the other two descend into chaos. Now this pick is gonna be a strange one but I will explain. I chose mikan to be heather duke. Now I know yall may find that to be an unfitting choice but I personally chose mikan to be heather duke mainly for the shine a light reprise. This is because I chose heather mcnamara to be hiyoko.
Most of the other girls also didn't fit this role, akane would be hard to see as any of heathers and I also think she's far too carefree to urge someone to commit suicide. Ibuki is completely out of the question, and considering how her death looked in the game it would be quite ironic as well. Chiaki also wouldn't make sense for obvious reasons. Mahiru also would obviously not make sense either and she's already a choice for another character anyway. And lastly, sonia wouldn't fit either. I could see her having a secret nasty side but I dont think she would tell someone to commit suicide and she also was always kind to hiyoko even when hiyoko lashed out at others.
And just to cover my bases, I don't think any of the boys would fit either. Maybe kazuichi or nagito but kazuichi is too much of a pussy and nagito would be more likely to say that stuff about himself rather than direct towards anyone else. Heck I could also even consider that after the ultimate imposter dies that's when mikan reverts back to her personality as the ultimate despair, so instead of her reverting because of some disease it would be at the death of her "friend" and the role of leader getting into her head. This would then influence her to tell hiyoko to commit suicide, causing peak despair and blah blah whatever. Hiyoko as heather mcnamara was a pretty easy choice thanks to lifeboat, it also especially fits if you consider hiyoko's backstory. She's the sole daughter of the saionji family, which is a very prestigious family in dr. This along with her talent as a dancer means that she is held to a much higher standard than other kids of her age and that she goes through constant pressure each day due to this standard.
"If I say the wrong thing, or i wear the wrong outfit, they'll throw me right over the side." This is what hiyoko has to deal with on a daily basis from her family as well as her fans. She also could likely be projecting this fear onto the other students. Alright, last three. For kurt and ram, I chose mahiru and sato and if you want my honest opinion it's literally just because peko gets to kill them both in our love is god and that's pretty much canon in the actual game. I say pretty much because, technically fuyuhiko is the one that kills sato but this is an au and that's honestly a pretty minor fix.
Lastly, I haven't thought a lot about martha's role in this au, but if I had to choose it would most likely be kazuichi, he fits as the social outcast and especially as the frequent punching bag for the heathers, especially considering that hiyoko is among their ranks. And that's about it for my dr heather's au! This post definitely went on longer than I intended but I had fun with it and I think you guys deserve a lengthier post since I haven't made as many actual posts besides birthdays in a hot minute. Let me know what yall think of this, and if you'd like to hear me infodump about more of my dr aus or thoughts than I would be happy to oblige.
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Traitor Hajime au
I mentioned making one before so may as well do it now
Especially since I won’t be having WiFi for a while after today qwq
This au has Hajime befriend Class 77 and doesn’t join the Izuru Kamukura project and is Executed in Chiaki’s place as a result
OOC moments for Hajime and Chiaki because they sorta swap places here
Things to clarify
• Chiaki is still class rep but Hajime bonded with Class 77 similarly to Island mode
• One of the steering committee’s sons is the one to take Hajime’s place in the project
• Hajime is the first student in the classroom since he was programmed in and greets everyone as they enter
• When they arrive in the island, Hajime is much more relaxed than in canon and actually manages to chat with the group before they go their separate ways
• Unlike in canon, Hajime is perfectly okay with the fact he’s a reserve course student and tells everyone when introducing himself (no one really cares. Some were surprised and that’s that)
• Except one person named Nagito Komaeda
• His true colors are hinted at earlier this time due to him insulting Hajime about it (which lead to negative opinion from the group) but once again unlike in canon he doesn’t take it personally because he actually knows Nagito is a good person once you get through to his head
• When Monokuma shows up, he’s the most distressed because he’s full aware that the killing game is serious and when he’s cut across the face he takes it as a warning from Monokuma not to cross the line
Chapter 1
• Him and Chiaki are the only ones concerned over Usami/Monomi as the others dismiss her
• During the party, he offers to stay outside with Monomi both so everyone can bond and because he needs to talk to Monomi about the situation
• He actually suspects that Nagito might make the first move “for the sake of the class” like with how he bombed Hope’s peak to interrupt the exams “for the sake of the class”
• Monomi scolds him to trust the class more but his worries skyrocket when he hears the body discovery announcement
• When the investigation starts, Nagito isn’t as nice to Hajime as he was in canon but seems slightly nicer since him and Hajime can become stepping stones to hope
• Hajime fervently hopes that his suspicions of Nagito are wrong but the class trial proves them true much to his disappointment
• Later on when Hajime reveals Teruteru as the killer, Nagito is shocked that someone like Hajime can lead the class as he did and at one point outright tells Hajime to leave the class trial to the ultimates’ hope but Hajime tells him he will not let them die
• Hajime’s heart aches when Teruteru screams out for his mother being the only one among the group aware of the fact that his mother was dead, killed by his own hand
Chapter 2
• When it’s revealed to the group that Nagito is tied up, he expresses immediate concern because he knows Nagito is sickly but is forced into silence by his programming
• Hajime actually visits Nagito to have a chat with him (without telling the others)
• Nagito is way less welcoming to Hajime than in canon but still ends up having a free time event with him (“Because I don’t have a choice anyway” Nagito says but he did enjoy his time with Hajime)
• When Monokuma reveals the motive, he checks what the game is about with Monomi once everyone leaves and asks Monomi to watch Fuyuhiko, Peko and Mahiru to the best of her ability because he can tell this motive is centered around them
• Nagito is extremely condescending when asking Hajime to feed him but Hajime actually feeds him this time because he can’t let Nagito starve
• Hajime prays that Monomi can stop a murder from happening but when Mahiru’s body is discovered his hopes are crushed again as he goes to free Nagito for the investigation
• When Chiaki leads him to play the game but he actually reveals to her that he already played it and let’s her go through the game for evidence in the class trial
• When Peko is Executed with Fuyuhiko nearly getting killed as well, he’s so grateful that Monomi found a loophole
Chapter 3
• His reactions aren’t changed much in Chapter 3 at least until Mikan is revealed as the killer
(Yeah Hajime is still as dense as ever when Nagito has the liar disease and he wants Hajime to stay cause he genuinely enjoyed Hajime’s company when they hung out but even as the traitor and still smarter as an AI he’s dense it’s just in his nature)
• When Ibuki And Hiyoko are revealed as the victims of the case, he tells Monomi to get it together when she denies the possibility of killings happening (which is made as foreshadowing to their relationship because foreshadowing always happens)
• In this case, Hajime and Nagito actually seem to be in steady terms and when they go to the movie theater, Nagito wonders if Hajime has a talent and it was just never acknowledged
• During the trial he does get frustrated when Nagito tries to say he’s the killer but later on understands what he was going for
• When Mikan is revealed as the killer and goes psycho, his heart stops cause she’s her Ultimate Despair self
• His programming stops him from saying anything regarding Mikan’s beloved and the Future Foundation despite him screaming on the inside to reveal the truth to them because he had gotten attached to the group again and his programming actually warned him to be careful since that’s literally what got him killed as a person
Chapter 4
• His heart nearly jumps out of his chest when Nagito accuses him of being the traitor cause he’s right on the money and when Kazuichi doubts him his programming has him opposing it but in the inside he feels guilty about lying
• When it’s revealed that food will be the motive, Hajime actually tells Monomi a day in he might kill himself so they don’t have to starve to death since it’s his job to protect them but Monomi quickly stops him
• In the final dead room, the big reveal about Hajime to Nagito (since he already knows he’s a reserve course student) is the fact that he’s officially deceased which leads him to believe Hajime is the traitor but there’s no confirmation
• The trial stays relatively the same and Hajime is the only one who knows why Nagito changed behavior because Monomi told him about what happened in the final dead room
• After Gundham is executed, Nagito asks Hajime if he can talk with him in private
Chapter 5
• Nagito asks Hajime if he’s the traitor and Hajime of course denies it (under orders of his programming) and Nagito shows Hajime’s file labeling him as deceased
• Hajime says it’s just a coincidence and makes an excuse to leave and Nagito is not convinced
• When Hajime and Monomi were talking somewhere else, Nagito snuck into Monomi’s house and took the notebook which confirmed Hajime was the traitor because he documented the time he spent with Nagito
• After the bomb threat and everyone is in high guard, Nagito surprises Hajime in his cottage and reveals the notebook confirming Hajime to be the traitor
• He tells him he understand why he lied because why would he admit the truth and risk his life for criminals?
• Hajime tells him it isn’t like that and he couldn’t talk despite him desperately wanting to and they leave it at that
• When the handbook scanned is revealed to be a red herring, Hajime is 100% frustrated that he expected it to be able to end like that
• After Nagito’s body is discovered, Hajime can already feel it has something to do with him
• That feeling turns out to be correct and Hajime has Chiaki out him and like in canon, Monomi and Sonia defend Hajime with all their might but are struck down
• Hajime tells Chiaki to look to the future with everyone else before he’s executed alongside Monomi
Chapter 6
• Hajime saves the group from despair specifically after it’s revealed Chiaki was the one who uploaded Junko into the program out of pure devotion to her
In Hope arc, it is Nagito who contemplates about Hajime since they were actually closer to Hajime than Chiaki and later on Kazuichi actually has him chat again with his AI before he dies from his brain diseases
This was fun to make : )
Though might not be very good since I’m rushing to get this out
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murdertrialimagines · 5 years
SDR2 Girls Finding Their S/O Dead
“If it isn't too much may I request the SDR2 and v3 girls finding their S/O dead?”
Yay, finally writing for some DR2 girls!! I’m so glad this was requested, I can’t wait to start! Story under the tag! Warning: All of these deaths are probably medically wrong, but I tried my hardest
Chiaki Nanami
You and Chiaki didn’t talk until the night of the party
You had asked her what game she was playing on her handheld, and both of you were delighted to know that you had a common interest in it
But when the lights went out and Togami’s body was discovered, you were both quick to help find clues and get alibi’s from everyone
From then on out, you guys were always together, whether it be playing games together or just lounging in silence while each of you does your own thing
So when you didn’t show up to breakfast with Chiaki, everyone was suspicious, and those suspicions were doubled when Chiaki revealed that you hadn’t come to her beach house last night like you usually did
Everyone quickly split up to find you, Chiaki checking around with Hajime
No one saw a clue of you until Chiaki and Hajime made it to the airport, where they saw a horrific sight
Your body, propped up against a planter, blood staining the collar of your shirt
Your girlfriend immediately ran over, hands hovering over the multiple small puncture wounds in your neck
While Hajime ran to gather others, she looked at your body, careful not to disturb a single thing. Who would do this to you? Everyone seemed to be perfectly fine with you!
Everyone rushed in, multiple shouting your name and Chiaki’s
Everyone started searching for clues while Mikan checked the body
The room was practically spotless besides the blood pooling over your shirt
Mikan had confirmed that your cause of death was choking on blood due to multiple stab wounds to the neck with an incredibly small weapon
Hajime took alibis while Chiaki left to check your beach house
It was locked like it was earlier when they went to find you, so she quickly called for Monokuma to let her in
 The place was spotless, like it usually was since you slept over at her place
She looked over it one more time when she found a note on the bookshelf, surprised she missed it earlier
Chiaki picked it up and read it, the piece of paper simply saying that they needed your help, and to meet them at the airport after dinner
Who needed your help? Why didn’t you tell her before you went, just in case something happened?
Knowing you, you trusted your friends enough to think this outcome would’ve never happened.
Chiaki heard the trial announcement ring out, and quickly put the note in her jacket pocket, walking to the beach
When the trial started, they brought up the obvious things, the note, and the unusual wounds you suffered
They went through each alibi, slowly realizing they didn’t have much to go on since everyone went on their own ways after dark.
That is, until Fuyuhiko came up and confessed he saw a figure head up that way before going to the beach, and seeing you walk over a few minutes later
He gave the fuzzy details he had, and Chiaki and Hajime were able to pinpoint who’s alibi and looks matched up.
“Mikan...did you do this?”
Mikan started blubbering, saying she was too weak to do it, too fragile to commit a murder
But when the evidence started being laid on heavier, she snapped.
Mikan began cussing everyone out for bullying her, even those who hadn’t, demanding that she was the true victim
She confessed how she lured you there and had actually asked you to help her commit a crime on others, thinking you wouldn’t say no
When you refused, she had threatened you, and when you still refused, and even attempted to walk away, she snapped, pulling out a syringe and stabbing you multiple times in the neck until you fell, bleeding out.
Everyone watched as Mikan broke down crying, saying that she only killed you because everyone else was so mean to her.
Sadly, that doesn’t save a revealed blackened, and everyone watched as she was dragged away screaming, to her doom
Chiaki watched through winced eyes as Mikan was executed, quickly leaving after it was done and heading to her own dorm
She locked the door behind her and laid down on her bed.
Oh, how empty it felt without you by her side.
Akane Owari
Akane grew to love you practically the second she met you
She laid eyes on you and boom! Need for your attention acquired
You took longer to grow into the relationship, but when you did, the bond you guys had were strong
The only time you guys spent apart was when she was training with Nekomaru, as you took that chance to mingle with others around the island
So it wasn’t suspicious when she didn’t see you immediately after they finished their sparring
What was suspicious, however, was how the two of them didn’t see anyone
They walked around the main island, finding everyone at the diner
“Hey, is everyone having a party without us?”
Mahiru looked at both of them, eyes lingering on Akane
“You didn’t here the announcement? That’s why you guys were so late...”
“So late to what? Where’s Y/n?”
Akane saw Mahiru’s eyes shift to the kitchen and briskly pushed passed everyone in her way
She threw the door open and looked down, seeing you, knife in your chest and eyes covered by pink flowers
She started crying, yelling and pulling you onto her lap
She watched as the flowers fell from your eyes into your lap, already wilting from being cut
Everyone watched as Akane yelled, tears on her face showing a grievance no one should have to go through
Nekomaru crouched next to her, letting her cry on him, and eventually beat on his chest as her anger returned, now demanding for whoever had done this to her S/O to come clean so she can hurt them
When no one fessed up, she stormed out, walking aimlessly until she calmed down and returned, asking anyone for clues to the culprit
All they had had were some scuffs on the floor, a bruise on your ankle, and the flowers
Pink chrysanthemums, Fuyuhiko called them. Traditional flowers for funerals
The trial came, and no one looked hopeful
Any words that could be twisted against you got the speaker a glare from Akane
She listened as Hajime put together the evidence, slowly weeding out people from the suspects list
So when it came down to Peko, she connected it instantly
“The bruise on her ankle was mostly certainly from Peko’s bamboo sword, used to knock her down so you could land the final blow!” Hajime pointed at the prime suspect
It took every nerve in Akane’s body to not pummel Peko right then and there
Peko refuted intensely, trying to pull up evidence to point it at someone else 
But that’s when she slipped, giving them a huge break in the case
Akane’s shoulder’s tensed, turning all of her attention to the accused
“Wait...you said that you were at the beach when this happened, but Komaeda saw you going in the direction of the diner, so your alibi is false!”
This earned a scream from Fuyuhiko, letting out a stream of curse words in a pitiful attempt to save his friend
But in the end, it was useless, Peko finally giving up and apologizing
Akane tried to jump over her stand and lunge at Peko, but the blackened was pulled away, causing Akane to hit empty floor.
They all watched as Peko was executed, Fuyuhiko crying the entire time
After it ended, they all went their separate ways, Akane  ignoring Nekomaru’s condolences as she turned her back, running to her dorm
As soon as her door shut she began sobbing, punching the wall
She didn’t care if anyone heard her
You were gone
Nothing could bring you back
Sonia Nevermind
When you two met, there was an instant connection
You guys realized you liked each other extremely quickly
Just like the rest of Sonia’s life, it was a fairy tale
If a fairy tale included Souda’s constant whining and nosebleeds when you two did anything intimate
But that fairy tale ended when your body was discovered, brutally beaten with a hammer in your own dorm
While everyone investigated, Sonia had shut down
Everything in her life had always been perfect, worry free
So why this? Now?
The feeling of despair only further sunk in when it came out that they had very little clues as to who had done this to you
The bat, a towel and a door with signs of forced entry were all they had to find their murderous friend
So once the trial started, it took what seemed like hours to Sonia for them to finally discover a lead
Everyone had initially suspected Souda, on the motive of his undying love for the ultimate princess
But then it turned to another boy, someone no one expected
“This towel had been used to soak up some of the blood, perhaps to stop it from dripping out of the door. But we found something quite unusual. Gundham, care to explain why there is hamster fur, stained red with blood, stuck to this towel?”
Gundham choked up at Hajime’s words, his heterochromatic eyes staring at him in disbelief
But he couldn’t find the words to stand up for himself, quickly making it clear what his role in this trial really was
And that was when he confessed
He too, had fallen for the princess, killing Y/n out of raw jealousy
The voting ended as quickly as it had come, and they all watched as Gundham perished, leaving behind his beloved Devas.
Sonia took them, cradling them in her arms as she walked back to her room, silently sobbing
Everything changed after you were gone
People noticed that the once outgoing teen was now meek and docile, having lost all her energy after her second half was taken away
Even Souda backed off, barely talking to her
Life had color when you were here
Now, her sight showed nothing but the grey, monotone life she now had to endure.
Hiyoko Saionji 
No one believed Hiyoko could ever make a close friend with her foul mouth and matching attitude
But when they met you, and saw how you saw the good in everyone, they knew you could do it
seriously how did you see the good in komaeda tho
The first time you two actually walked was when you criticized her for mocking Mikan, quickly calming down the argument with your calm voice and sensitive words
You were the first one ever who had been able to defuse her, which made her stick to you like glue
Everyone seemed relieved, you had decreased the fights on the island drastically
And at the same time, you two grew every closer, inseparable after only a week
It was dark outside when it happened
You two were walking along the beach, filling the air with laughter and witty banter when you two saw a shadow approach from behind
You turned around first, her turning in time to see them hit you with something, causing you to fall back
Hiyoko let out a scream as the assailant grabbed the back of her kimono, and the world went black, the last thing being heard was the ocean crashing to shore, and the crunch of sand
When she woke up, she was being forcibly shaken by Ibuki, almost everyone surrounding her
As soon as she sat up Ibuki engulfed her in a hug 
“Oh thank god Hiyoko is safe! Everyone thought you were dead too!”
Hiyoko shoved her off, standing up and wiping the sand from her clothes
“Get off me you nasty, good for nothi- wait, did you say ‘dead too?’
Everyone suddenly turned away except for Chiaki, who walked up next to her
“Y/n was attacked, I’m sorry.”
That was all she needed to hear before she ran off the beach, leaving Ibuki calling for her
She ran around the island, stopping when she saw a group in the park
She screamed your name, shoving through them before anyone could stop her
Laying in the grass curled up, was you.
She felt the contents of her stomach rise up, unable to take in the blood around your neck and fingers
She felt a hand on her shoulder, twisting around to see Mahiru, tears staining her cheeks
She let out a sob, burying her face into Mahiru’s stomach, not caring who heard her wails of anguish
She just lost the most important person in her life, why would she care about anything else?
She refused to look at the body, having Mahiru escort her to her room, where they stayed until it was trial time
As they stood in the circle, Hiyoko rubbed her burning eyes, tears long dried up and unable to produce more
As much as everyone hated it, they had to ask her what happened, all feeling guilt as she hiccuped and stuttered through the traumatic even all over again
She silently thanked them for leaving her alone for the rest of the trial, letting her merely listen to their statements
Then it came out that only one person has a weak alibi- Souda
The second they questioned him he cracked, stammering out an apology, explaining what happened
“I...I was going after Hiyoko! I thought I knocked out Y/n, but they attacked me when I tried to drag Hiyoko off...and I hit her again, but I think I hit her too hard...”
Hiyoko’s head snapped up at his words, the feeling of emptiness now being replaced by hot anger
“I panicked, and dragged her to the park in hopes that it would save me some time. I thought about going back and killing Hiyoko too, but what’s the point? She didn’t see me!”
Hiyoko wanted to march right up to him and punch him, but settled for screaming profanities and harsh insults towards him, resulting in him pulling his beanie even lower, trying to cover his eyes
She continued screaming until he was dragged away, where she collapsed onto the floor in a heap, exhausted
Nekomaru picked her up and turned her away from the execution, not wanting her to have to see the gruesome death of their friend
He carried her into the elevator and all the way back to her room, where Mahiru stayed with her for the rest of the night
She accepted Mahiru’s warmth as she started to fall asleep, but it could never replace the warmth of her own heart when she was with you.
Mahiru Koizumi
You and Mahiru didn’t get off to a great start
You two first interacted when you pulled her back from going off on Hajime when he first tried to introduce himself
She glared at you, spewing some ill-mannered words before storming off
You had thought that that was the end of it, until she pulled you aside at dinner and meekly apologized
After that, you two kept running into each other, before finally your relationship had blossomed into something more
It was after the second motive when it happened
You had played the game, quickly realizing what it meant
You two had a confrontation, ending in both of you yelling and storming off in different directions
That was the last time she ever heard from you
The next day she was dragged by Hajime to the beach house, where you were laying on your side, dead
Mikan had deduced that you had been strangled to death, the murder weapon being a wet suit, still laying by your deceased body
She lashed out at everyone who approached her, focused only on your body and glaring at others
She would occasionally let a few tears slip, wiping them away before anyone could see them
But a few did see them, horrifically aware of how their strong friend was breaking down
When the trial started, everyone expected Mahiru to be angry as ever, demanding justice for her s/o
But she stayed quiet, only looking through her camera
Somehow, this was more scary, surely leaving the blackened feeling terrible for their actions
Chiaki was the first to speak, stating the obvious about the case; the murdered, the location, and the weapon
This got the trial rolling, people throwing in and refuting evidence when deemed necessary
The whole time Mahiru stared into the screen on her camera, slowly flipping through photos of the two of you, analyzing the smiles on your faces, the way you two would pose and laugh together
She only snapped out of her daze when a shout erupted
“Like hell I’m the killer!”
Hajime pointed at Fuyuhiko, the Yakuza leader’s face now red and his body shaking
She watched intensely as Hajime laid the evidence out, turning everyone to his side of the debate.
Peko continued to stick by her friend’s side until he gave up, guilty eyes confessing to the heinous act
Fuyuhiko explained how he knew Mahiru played a part in killing his sister, and wanted revenge by turning her s/o against her
“I told her of the things Mahiru did, but she just...kept defending her. I got angry, and before I knew it I was hurting her, and I didn’t stop until she was dead.”
 He turned to Mahiru, tears in his eyes
“I am so sorry, Mahiru. If I could take it all back I would.”
All Mahiru could do was turn away, looking anywhere but at him
And thus, the execution started, Peko and Fuyuhiko sharing pained goodbyes before the blackened was dragged away to his fate
Mahiru watched the execution, no expression in her eyes as she watched the one who murdered her s/o die
After the execution they all went back to the surface, her going to the dining hall
She sat alone in the room, the only light coming from the camera she had in front of her
A picture of you sat on it, one you guys had taken on your first trip to the beach together. You laying in the sand laughing next to the sandcastle you two made together
Everything was perfect then
And now, all she had were painful memories
Mikan Tsumiki
She was one of the first to find you
When everyone started getting sick, you had been one of the ones infected, having caught the phobia disease
You were scared of everything, even your own girlfriend when she tried to help you
So you sat in your own hospital room along with the other patients, Mikan refusing to leave the building while she took care of her patients
But she had fallen asleep overnight, only waking up when the front door slammed open, Hajime, Gundham, and Hiyoko racing in
“No time to explain, we have to check on everyone!”
All four of them raced through each room, checking each ill student to make sure that they were safe
Until they got to your room, the door thrown open
And they all saw you, arms tied to the head of the bed, blood covering your stomach and staining the sheets under you
Mikan screamed, pushing past the other three and throwing herself at your side, checking your pulse and shaking your shoulders
Gundham announced that he was going to go get everyone and left, Hajime comforting Hiyoko in the hallway
The only thing she could hear was the body discovery announcement ring through the building, tears blurring her vision as she held onto your body
Slowly, everyone trickled in, shocked to see the scene playing out before them
They all jumped into investigation, Mikan quickly identifying the cause of death as multiple stab wounds to your stomach, almost passing out at all of the blood on your body
She sat in the hallway until the trial started, where Akane walked with her to make sure she was alright
During the trial everyone could tell she was shaken, her bursting into tears whenever they had to show photos of your body or ask her to speak
Everyone knew how much this hurt her, which make Hajime’s gut sink as he realized who the killer was
“The only reason we knew someone was hurt was because Gundham got a suspicious letter, right? But only one person’s alibi gives them a chance to write that note. I hate to say this but...Mikan, was it you?”
Akana and Souda immediately began scolding Hajime for accusing her, Mikan herself bursting into tears over his words
But Chiaki shut them down, asking them calmly to listen to Hajime’s words
Mikan continued crying, repeatedly stating how she wasn’t the killer, how much she loved you, and how her alibi was rock solid
But Hajime persisted, and everyone watched as Mikan’s demeaner went from sad and broken and angry and harsh
“There’s no way I killed Y/n! I loved them! You’re just trying to cover for yourself!”
Mikan slowly cracked, and everyone got to see her true colors
She screamed at Hajime, only stopping when Chiaki raised her voice at her to stop.
“Monokuma, may I ask something? Is Mikan sick too?”
Monokuma jumped for joy, gleefully stating that Mikan had the remembrance disease
They all turned to the nurse, watching as she panted and hugged herself
“I remember everything! I know what the world is like- I know what we’re in! I gave Y/n a way out, you should be thanking me!”
She began laughing, only repeating the words “I saved Y/n the trouble...”
And she continued until she was led away, turning back one final time to wave to her fellow classmates
“See you guys later.”
Ibuki Mioda
Ibuki was the one that started to like the other first, having introduced herself in her own bubbly manner
You two always only ran into each other, until she asked you for some feedback on a new song she was writing
After that, you two were inseparable, always creating wild memories, whether it be having a beach party of two or setting off fireworks
you almost caught Komaeda’s hair on fire but that’s besides the point
You two had planned a day to hang out in the music venue, as Ibuki was teaching you how to play some notes on the guitar
You both agreed to be there at noon, so Ibuki strolled in a little before that
“Y/n~! Mioda is in the house! You ready to get our jammy jam on?!”
She threw open the door smiling, expecting to see you sitting on the stage, feet dangling off of it like you usually were
Instead, she found you on the floor only a few feet from the doorway, blindfolded and beaten, tear tracks running out from under the covering on your eyes
Ibuki stared, wide eyed, and before she could even scream, she blacked out
When she woke up, many of her classmates were circling her, her head in Peko’s lap
Dazed, she sat up, asking everyone why they were having a sleepover, before seeing the look on everyone’s faces
Memories flooding back, Ibuki jumped up screaming your name, eyes darting to your body
She threw herself to the floor, ripping the blindfold off of you and cradling you in her arms, crying
“Y/n, come back to Ibuki, please! Ibuki needs you to wake up!”
The only response she got was your head rolling back, engraving the despair in Ibuki’s heart
She felt a hand on her shoulder, and looked up through blurry eyes to see a few of her classmates offering their condolences
Ibuki sniffled, looking at you before laying you back down, backing away from your corpse
She tried her best to help throughout the investigation, helping them find the weapon, a bat, in the storage closet
Even thought she was investigating, people could tell her mind was elsewhere, and everyone could guess where it was
It was on the memories of the two of you, all the crazy things you did that led to nights of cuddling and laughing afterwards
Once the investigation period was over, everyone walked to the elevator
Ibuki stayed back a few minutes, crouching down next to you and brushing the hair out of your face
Her last goodbye to you
Finally, she got up and left, looking back one more time before closing the doors to the music venue 
When they all got to the beginning of the trial, everyone was put off by how quiet Ibuki was
It started off quietly as all the trials did, no one wanting to start a conversation about a deceased friend that would only lead to another one dead
But slowly, the conversation gained momentum, the group obtaining alibis and new clues from the crime scene
Slowly Ibuki started integrating herself into the conversation, determined to help solve your case
This trial had been a relatively quiet one, which is why it scared everyone when Ibuki suddenly shouted at the top of her lungs
“OMIGOD GUYS! Ibuki knows who did it!!”
Everyone stared at her stunned as she rambled off a ton of confusing sentences, before finally just yelling
“So it was Teruteru!”
Everyone immediately turned to Teru, watching as he stuttered and pulled at his shirt collar
“I have no idea what you’re talking about!”
That was when Chiaki gasped, simply saying, “The time of death!”
That’s when it clicked for Hajime, realizing that the time of death was at the exact gap in Teru’s alibi, Teru himself not even realizing it yet
All three of them laid the info out, causing Teru to break down and confess, stating that he just wanted to go home
They all voted after the confession, and watched as he gave his teary goodbye and was dragged off to the brutal execution
Ibuki didn’t watch, instead already walking towards the elevator so she could leave as soon as it was over
She left alone, making sure the doors shut before anyone else got on
Silently, she walked to the supermarket, grabbing a few things before she headed to the beach
A few people walking past saw her sitting on the sand, but didn’t dare bother her
Ibuki sat alone, watching the ocean as she lit off fireworks, remembering how you two would sit here covered in blankets, saying nothing as you watched the colorful light-show
She shivered
It was cold without you
Peko Pekoyama
Peko really thought you two were going to make it
After you two confirmed your relationship, she swore to protect you on the same level as her master
And she did, making sure any suspicious places were deemed safe and that any wounds you may suffer were properly cared for
You two always made it a habit to tell each other where you were, so when Peko realized that you weren’t in your said location, she began to panic
Expression remaining calm, she hurried around the island, not stopping when people tried to ask her where she was heading
She only stopped when she heard a scream, immediately turning towards the noise and sprinting
She raced towards the beach houses, running towards the dining hall
When she burst in the room, the sight alone made her sick to her stomach
Hiyoko was there crying, standing over your lifeless body
Peko ran over, falling to her knees and pulling you up, talking as if you would respond
“...Y/n? Please, get up...I need you to get up...please!”
Everyone else soon filed in, but Peko didn’t notice them
She continued to hold you, eyes closed as she held you as close as possible, as if it would bring you back
But it wouldn’t
Nothing would
She felt a hand on her shoulder, looking up to see Fuyuhiko
Letting her walls fall more, she got up and hugged him, holding onto him tightly as everyone investigated
She let her tears dry and sniffles stop, and eventually began helping with the search, stoic as ever
She stayed like that through the trial, listening as she let Hajime and Chiaki carry the conversation, glaring at Komaeda every time he made a snide comment about the crime
She had felt her hopelessness form into anger at hearing the murderer confess after being cornered
“I-I’m sorry! Ibuki didn’t mean it!”
Everyone turned to Peko, expecting her to lash out harshly at their blackened friend
Instead, they were greeted with the same cold Peko they were used to, somehow now being much more scary
“The only thing I’m sorry for is that I couldn’t protect Y/n before you killed them. I can’t say I’m sad to see you go, but I don’t speak for everyone.” 
With that, Peko turned away from Ibuki, closing her eyes and allowing her breath to steady
She wanted to kill Ibuki, but she knew that wouldn’t be what you wanted
She listened as Ibuki gave shouted goodbyes, then her screams as she was dragged away and executed
Everyday after that, Peko seemed normal to everyone, only allowing a shadow of despair to cloud her when your name was said, and even then she quickly dispersed the darkness with a small comment on you or a swift topic change.
She couldn’t let her friends, especially Fuyuhiko, know how broken their loyal protector was.
What she didn’t know was that almost every night, anyone passing her dorm could hear the sniffles, or even sobs she gave through her door as she remembered what she had lost
You two were going to get out together.
Omigod. I finally finished one! I can’t believe this took me like what, three weeks?! I’ve been busy with a combination of school, writers block, and pure laziness, so I apologize for the late update! The next one is already halfway written, so I hope it gets out soon! Thank you :)
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earthghoul-mp4 · 4 years
File #5- Mitsuki Mukami (!!TW!! Su!c!d3 attempt, abuse, s3lf-h4rm, negelect)
Mitsuki Mukami
Ultimate Mortician/ Ultimate despair(Former)
Theme song: Alone -Nico collins
Age: 17
Height: 5′1
Weight: 97lbs
Birth date: November 3
Chest size: 60 cm
Blood type: O
Likes: Pomegranate, Knives
Dislikes: Yelling, unnecessary conversations
Relatives: Unnamed mother, Deceased father, Emi Mukami(Eldest sister), Eugene Mukami(Brother), Asher(Brother), Raijin Mukami(Sister) 
Status: Alive
Prefers to go by: Mukami or Mitsu
Physical appearance:Mitsuki has a rather feminine build, and higher pitched voice which causes him to be misgendered often. Mitsuki wears a dark grey sweater with the left sleeve rolled up and the other just over his hand. He wears a white hoodie around his waist and black ripped jeans. His shoes are grey with white beaded laces. On his left wrist he has stacked bracelets in multiple colors. His hair is a very light shade of lavender to the point that its almost white with grey dyed braids on the side of his head leading back into a ponytail. His hair tends to be very messy and completely covers one of his eyes. His eyes are deep maroon with red and yellow accents. Mitsuki has 5 piercing, and Industrial bar, cartilage pieacing and an earing he made himself in his left ear. He also has snake bite piecring under his bottom lip
Personality: Mitsuki has a rather dark personality that tends to scare others off, contributing to the fact that he didnt really have a lot of friends. Mitsuki doesnt particularly like people yelling, whether it be at him or someone else, which is one reason he never really liked Teruteru, Mikan, or Nekomaru. Sonia is the most put-off by his morbid remarks and extensive knowledge of death
Background: Mitsuki is the youngest of 5 siblings. His siblings were “perfect” in theyre parents eyes so no one ever paid much attention to Mitsuki driving him to be very reserved and pretty much crumble under even the slightest hint of friendlieness. Mitsuki was the “weird” kid in school, he never had the best record, always getting into fights and almsot never being in class with the other students. Mitsuki would get frustrated easily and panic when he didnt understand something. Growing up Mitsuki cared about his siblings despite them not caring about him and whenever they did something Mitsuki would take the fall for them, Often being yelled at by his parents. Eventually his siblings took advantage of this, knowing he’d take the fall for them his siblings started doing whatever they wanted and blaming Mitsuki, resulting in a never ending cycle of him being beat, yelled at and kicked out of the house at night. Eventually Mitsuki was just fed up with all of them and made an attempt on his life. His sister, Raijin, having been looking for him so she could give him back his hoodie after she had fixed it, found him just before he jumped. Ultimately Raijin took Mitsuki, who at the time was only 13, and left they’re parents house. Mitsuki had always shown a very strange interest in forensic science, more specifically autopsies, due to, Raijin working at crime scenes. When Mitsuki was 15 he started to intern at the morgue and was pretty good at his job. And at the age of 16 his sister was killed on the job
-Mitsuki identifies as pansexual and ace as he could care less about sexual intercourse, or your gender identity. He only cares that your a good person and that you can actually get along with him
-Mitsuki prefers to be called Mitsu because thats what his Raijin called him before she died
-Mitsuki has only ever had a real conversation with Fuyuhiko, Peko, and Gundham
-Mitsuki carries a butterfly knife and a scalpel with him at all times
-Mitsuki has shown to have a Fuyuhiko
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crazynekochan · 5 years
Omegaverse Fantasy/Steampunk-ish AU: Kazuichi, Hajime, Mikan, Chiaki, Nekomaru, Imposter, Sonia, Fuyuhiko, Mahiru, and Teruteru are all working/travelling on a newly built flying passenger ship as part of the ship’s maiden voyage over a mostly uncharted continent to get to a major city on the other side because Sonia, Imposter, and Fuyuhiko are working as diplomats and Mahiru is a reporter recording everything for her readers (despite being the designer of the ship, Kazuichi is just /suffering/ here and spending most of the journey below deck, whimpering in misery whenever the ship hits turbulence).
While the ship is going through a patch of storm, it suddenly gets hit with a massive surge of lightning and crashes into the forest below, miraculously leaving all the crew unharmed (albeit scattered into groups of 1 or 2 around the landing site and all unconscious) and the ship fully functional with the exception of all the fuel (magical crystals that conducted electricity through them to operate the ship) being either spent or rendered non-functional.
They all wake up in a big old temple, all tied to each other in a circle, with Hajime, Kazuichi, and Fuyuhiko in the front, facing the back of the hall. At the front of the room, a group of young people in old-fashioned clothes are arguing with an elder in slightly more modern clothes in a language that no one understands, not even Sonia, but they can all tell that the argument is referring to them and the elder does not look very happy.
The group of young people are Nagito, Gundham, Ibuki, Hiyoko, Peko, Kyoko, and Akane, who were heading into the temple near the forest to do a “find your true love” ceremony when they heard a huge crash just a few minutes away from them. They all ran to check and found the ship crashed into a clearing with everyone on board unconscious and either still in the ship or scattered around. The group brought them to the temple to ask the elder, Jin, what they should do about them, since the last time newcomers came was when a young Jin and his baby daughter Kyoko ended up lost in the jungle on an expedition.
Everyone but Akane and Hiyoko has already fallen in love with one of the castaways (Ibuki fell in love with both Chiaki and Mikan) and they think that this is a sign that they should keep them as gifts from the gods. Jin is much more cautious since these people just crash landed and they could be confused and violent and he’s really grown to get attached to these kids (they’re all functional exiles from the main tribes either because of magical abilities (Gundham and Ibuki), odd appearances that suggest malicious witchcraft (Hiyoko and Peko), issues with their family debts (Akane and her many sibilings), perceived cursed nature (Nagito) or not being from any of the tribes in the area (the Kirigiris)) and doesn’t want them hurt.
Kyoko notices that the group is all awake and let’s the arguers know, which stops the argument for the time being. Jin tells the crash group everything that they need to know (the crash and discovery, why they’re all tied up, where they are (a forest near the coast of the uncharted continent), etc.). When Kazuichi asks about how their ship is, since they need to fix it to continue their journey or at least to get to civilization, Jin decides to have them all taken to the crash site, with the natives keeping an eye on them (everyone with a crush is mostly using it as an excuse to stay near their crushes) so Kazuichi could inspect it himself.
Kazuichi declares the ship pretty much functional but almost completely useless except for shelter and the remaining food and medicine because all of the fuel is just gone, which makes everyone who crashed upset.
Jin offers to let them all stay at their mini-village for the time being, since they can’t get back to their regular lives right away. After some deliberation, they all accept but not before removing all their stuff from the ship because Kazuichi’s not super sure that it won’t explode or start leaking noxious fumes from the destroyed fuel crystals.
The castaways end up spending about 13 months in the village, learning about everyone in the exiled youth village and their larger civilization (It started from a travelling group that split off from the standard civilization about 800 years before. Their culture has so much nuance and brilliant architecture and art, it’s amazing) and teaching the village about their civilization and technology in return, once Jin manages to teach them enough of the native language to not have to communicate solely through hand gestures and facial expressions.
Along the way, people end up falling in love and become mates, the first being Kazuichi and Gundham, once Kazuichi managed to find out that Gundham was trying to awkwardly court him (which he didn’t realize due to obliviousness and cutural differences), who had a lovely mating ceremony where everyone attended, Nekomaru and Fuyuhiko cried (Fuyu cried a little, Nekomaru cried a lot) during it, and Akane and her siblings had to be bribed in the reception feast by Teruteru to not interrupt the ceremony with commentary.
Meanwhile, everyone who knew the castaways is absolutely freaking the hell out (a princess and some of the most brilliant minds of a generation were all on that ship) and searching for them like mad, with Izuru leading the head search party, which included some of the friends and family if the castaways to at least get some closure if nothing else. Their efforts were mostly fruitless until they finally find the crashed ship with Kazuichi and Gundham inside because Kaz still wants to keep the best invention of his life in tip top shape. After some very enthusiastic reunions when Kazuichi and Gundham take the search party back to the village and most of the castaways meet their friends and families for the first time in months, Izuru investigates just how the ship crashed, since Kazuichi couldn’t find anything even after 13 months and those fuel crystals were supposed to outlast the ship itself. Izuru uses some of his magic to trace back whether the malfunction was magical in nature (Kazuichi can’t use magic, so he wouldn’t know if it had something to do with magic and Gundham doesn’t trust technology) and immediately gets hit with a force of malice and most importantly Despair and recognizes it as Junko Enoshima. Junko, a manipulative sorceress, wanted to drive the world into despair by killing off some of the greatest minds of the generation and maybe start a few wars while she’s at it by blaming rival countries for shooting down the crown princess and a few other diplomats from two wealthy kingdoms. But the spell didn’t wreck the ship or kill anyone, just wrecked their fuel and left them stranded.
After making a solemn vow to get rid of Junko when they get back to civilization for trying to kill his brother, Izuru gets a bunch of spare fuel crystals from the search party’s supply and helps Kazuichi reinstall them into the engine, bringing the ship back to fully operational, which is great because the search party has been in this jungle for around a year at this point and they are really getting homesick.
Everyone, including the villagers, who all decide to come along, all pack up their things and arrive to the ship’s original destination much to the surprise of everyone who thought they were dead and they pretty much became famous for discovering an entire civilization, with Mahiru’s pictures and Jin’s story giving an excellent look into the culture and lifestyles of the people living there. And yes, the villagers all experience life in the ‘modern’ day, with some definite and absolutely hilarious culture shocks that are mediated through having a bunch of friends who can navigate through it, even after being missing for over a year. And yes, Izuru did get rid of Junko.
(A/N: I should really be studying but forget it, I needed to write this before I forget about it. Please leave some feedback!)
(Mod: I hope your studying is going well ♥
Omegaverse, steampunk and fantasy in one, I have to be in heaven because these are my three top favourite AUs/tropes of all time ♥
I feel so sorry for Kazuichi. He build that airship and has to probably sometimes check if everything is working as intended but the poor guy would feel so sick on a constant basis and simply be in hell instead of enjoying the marvel of his groundbreaking invention
The terror everyone felt when the ship suddenly got struck by lightning and causing them to fall out of the sky and to crash into the middle of nowhere must have been pure horror for them all. When they then also wake up alive, but realise they are tied up in a temple and surrounded by some people in strange clothing things couldn’t get any worse. They survived a crash landing to presumably be tortured to death in some temple by some ancient tribe. Since no one can speak their language it’s also impossible to reason with them. But most of them couldn’t deny that they at least looked good, but doesn’t make the possibility of death much better. Luckily Jin can actually speak Japanese and so everything is quickly solved
The “modern” group probably had a lot of fun in the middle of a gigantic forest because of all the wildlife and dangerous nature around them ^^” All of them grew up in towns and cities and at the max only saw a small forest which is nothing against this. They probably had to have one of the natives always accompany them before any of them got lost or ends up seriously harming themselves. Also I could imagine that Kaz would for his life never understand how Gundham could look at a deadly animal that happens to cross their path and decide that this is his newest pet. Btw nothing better than Kaz being an oblivious idiot in love
Also I love the backstory that you came up with for the tribe members, giving everyone a different yet believable reason as for why they are in their current mismatched tribe
I can just imagine how Izuru is in the meanwhile taking every part of the continent apart together with the royal family and the other big name families, while their missing relatives are happily courting and mating some native tribe members in the middle of nowhere. Izuru would also stomp everyone who even dares to suggest that his twin is probably dead into the ground without mercy because there is no way that Hajime died. I could also imagine that his stoic face completely broke when he actually found Hajime safe and sound after searching for him for over a year. Like just imagine how sweet it would be that Izuru actually is brought to tears from relieve to finally seeing his twin again and just hugging him
At least until he notices that Hajime’s scent changed and that he has a mating mark on the back of his neck, because then he would glare at Nagito who’s scent matches the one sticking to his twins whole body. Luckily Hajime would quickly calm his twin that everything is consensual and that he and Nagito are willingly mated because they love each other)
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