#like i used to constantly fall asleep in class bc i was exhausted
thelittlestspider · 2 years
it's so hard to get into the academic mindset when you're not in school anymore. i keep looking up textbooks and other things and forgetting about them asfghkj.
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Dismantled Chapter 7
so the guy scorch is based off almost had cancer but it was too good to be true sad face emoji but happy face for yall bc him harassing us again reminded me to update yayyy
Trigger Warnings: discussions of injury, kidnapping, and starvation
Word Count: 2994
Donnie was gone.
Not gone gone — Mikey prayed — but he was still missing. 
The trail, had there been any clues at all, had gone cold.
There was only so much they could do. The only guy that could probably actually track Donnie down was Donnie himself, and… obviously, that wasn’t going to work. Sure, they patrolled the streets constantly, but, per Raph and Leo’s orders, none of them were to go out alone. At all. It was tough enough to let April go to class by herself.
Tensions in the lair were higher than ever.
Raph and Leo argued — but only when they thought Mikey couldn’t hear. The entire situation was driving them all insane, he feared.
He just wanted his brother back. Donnie was his partner in crime. They were the youngests. They were the ones that were constantly fussed over by the other two, and they were the ones that would sneak off to do exactly what Raph and Leo had explicitly told them not to do.
For the first time, Mikey was beginning to understand why his big brothers worried so much.
But on the other hand, their collective overprotective streak had skyrocketed over the past couple of weeks, and it was driving him up the wall. More times than not, they made him stay at home altogether whilst the others went to the surface to search for clues.
Meanwhile, he was stuck at home, twiddling his thumbs and contributing approximately nothing to finding his brother. 
He was sick of it. He needed to be helpful, he needed to do something. He had to help, whether they wanted him to or not.
“I’m going out,” he announced all of a sudden, startling both Raph and himself.
Bloodshot, exhausted eyes shot up, locking on him. “Um, you absolutely are not,” he argued, “why?”
“To look for Donnie,” he snapped back, crossing his arms. “I haven’t been out in days.”
Raph’s expression softened, and he sighed. “We’re not just gonna find him on the side of the road, Mike… we’ve been doing all we can, you know that.”
“You guys haven’t been letting me do anything! You’ve been babying me more than ever, and I—” he wasn’t going to tear up, because that would only prove the point. He wasn’t just the baby of the family. He was grown enough to help track down his missing brother. “I need to be useful. I need to help. I need to do something! Maybe there’s a clue we missed, or… or maybe one of our villains took him! I know we already looked, but we could look again—!”
“You’re not going out alone. April is in school, I finally got Leo to fall asleep — that fool hasn’t slept in three straight days, you know that?”
“Then you come with me,” he insisted desperately, immediately feeling guilty for it as he took in the eyebags that had dug themselves a home under his eldest brother’s eyes. “No, I’m sorry, you… you need to rest. I can go on my own!”
“Splitting up is what got Donnie in trouble in the first place!” Raph snapped, his exhaustion dropping for a moment, unveiling the desperately masked disaster behind. “I’m sorry. I… you know how badly I handle it when I’m separated from you guys.” That’s what that flash in his eyes was. A desperate touch of savage, roaring to be let loose.
“I’m sorry,” Mikey mumbled, drooping slightly into his shell.
“No, it’s… tell you what, little man. Later, after all of us get some rest,” he said with a pointed look, “we’ll go out and try to dig up a clue or two. Together.”
Mikey sighed, nodding his agreement. Raph was right. He knew he was right. But it was hard to agree when they had a brother to find. He knew they weren’t actually taking a break — just recharging. But it still felt like they were. It still felt like he was being useless in their search.
He trudged off to his bedroom, laying face-down in his hammock and begging the spirits of his ancestors to send them any sort of clue.
He didn’t so much get rest as he did cry for a few hours, but it wasn’t like there was much of a difference, anyway. They’d all been sleeping terribly ever since Donnie had vanished. He’d be shocked if Leo was still out.
Mikey climbed out of his hammock, feeling rather grimy. His face ached, and he needed to wash it after crying so much. 
On his way toward the bathroom, he found his ears twitching (metaphorically speaking) at a low volume coming from Leo’s room. Bingo. Of course that idiot wasn’t asleep anymore. Mikey lingered by the cracked door, slowly pushing it open and watching from behind to see what his brother was up to.
Leo jerked his head at him without even looking, indicating it was actually okay for him to come in. Mikey settled on the bed beside him, as Leo placed his propped-up phone between the two.
On the screen was a video of Donnie explaining his battle shell, while Leo chimed in from the background unhelpfully. 
“What is this?” Mikey asked softly, eyes locked on the high-definition image of their missing brother.
“I’ve been looking through his yokai-tube channel a bunch lately,” Leo shrugged, not once tearing his gaze away from the phone. “Not much better than staring at my wall,” he attempted, the quip not hitting its mark quite right, and so he sighed, dropping his mask in favor of a rare shred of vulnerability. “I dunno. I guess it makes me feel… closer to him? That’s stupid, but… y’know.
Mikey nodded his understanding. “I get it… god, I miss him so much,” he said, growing misty-eyed and quickly blinking away his tears. He’d thought he was all out of those after the literal hours he’d just spent crying. 
Leo curled an arm around him, holding him close as they kept their eyes on the phone together. “I know,” he mumbled, “we’ll find him, Mike…”
The longer they didn’t, the less he was able to believe it. But he was supposed to be the optimistic one, so he just nodded and forced a smile. “Yeah,” he agreed, “we will.”
Not long after, the video ended. “You wanna pick the next one?” he offered.
Mikey hummed his acknowledgement, scrolling through the page before coming across April’s documentary on this year’s Lair Games.
It had only been a few months ago, but right now, it felt like another lifetime. 
As the video played, Leo was quiet for a long time. Finally, so soft that Mikey almost hadn’t heard it at all, he spoke.
“Do you think he still blames me?” he asked, right as the on-screen Leo claimed that the situation was like the “salisbury witch trials”. 
“He knows it was an accident.”
“No,” Leo said, shaking his head, “he really thinks I’d hurt him like that on purpose, and… and he’s not even wrong. I did push him on purpose — but I was just trying to make him lose balance! I didn’t think he’d break his leg!”
“Leo, you can’t blame yourself—”
“I can, though! That was my fault. One hundred percent my fault. I’m such a sore loser that I had to take him down with me. My competitive nature is toxic as shit!”
“It might be… a little bit toxic,” Mikey said, “but it’s not any worse than the rest of us. It’s how we are. Regardless of what we do, we always forgive each other. No matter how bad one of us fucks up.”
Leo cracked a small smile. “Better not let Raph hear you swearing.”
Rather than acknowledge that hypocrisy, Mikey just scoffed lightheartedly. “Pfft, I’m basically grown, I can say whatever vulgarities I want! They’re language enhancers, you see.”
“Tell that to Mama Bear over there, heh.”
“I love Raph, but I’m gonna say fuck all I want.”
Leo’s gaze was far-away for a long pause. “Yeah,” he mumbled, nodding his head slightly, “yeah, you know what, fuck this!” he yelled, startling Mikey with the sudden volume. “I miss my fucking brother!”
“I miss him too!” Mikey shouted, sitting up and yelling right at the ceiling. “Fuck!”
“Fuck!” Leo parroted.
“Fuck this shit!”
“I’m pumped up,” Leo said, pushing himself to his feet, “Let’s go look for some goddamn clues.”
So, obviously, shouting swear words at each other hadn’t made things all better, sunshine and rainbows, happily ever after. But it had motivated them, and it had improved group morale. A little.
Mikey would take anything, at this point.
For the most part, the three of them stuck to the shadows. For the umpteenth time, they were sweeping the general path between Todd’s place and the lair, searching for any possible clue they may have missed.
Mikey was beginning to grow less and less optimistic that they’d find anything. But he wasn’t about to give up on his brother.
“Leo, you check to the left, Mikey, to the right,” Raph instructed as they combed through the city streets, splitting off just slightly from each other.
At least he was trusted enough to be out of immediate sight. He couldn’t imagine that whoever had taken Donnie was going to take another one of them when the other two were so close in proximity. And it wasn’t like there would be any super villains around the corner!
About five seconds later, he found himself eating his words, because there was in fact, a supervillain around the corner.
It took him a moment to even recognize him, but who should it be but Baron Draxum himself, slumped on the sidewalk and holding up a cardboard sign that read “will mutate 4 food”. Mikey… wasn’t entirely sure what to make of this. It was certainly… unexpected?
It definitely didn’t seem to be a clue when it came to their current case, so… should he really waste the energy of himself and the others to confront him? The guy didn’t even look harmful, right now… although, it was Draxum, who had literally tried to wipe out the entire human race. Relatively recently, he might add. But on the other hand, he looked… kind of super pathetic. But on the other other hand, it was possible that this was all a ruse! Maybe he had taken Donnie! Maybe Mikey was next!
He approached slowly, tugging his hood lower over his face as he stepped carefully out of the shadows. Idly, he wrapped his free hand around his kusari-fundō, which he’d stuffed in the pocket of his hoodie. Just in case.
“Draxum?” he asked, sure to stand a healthy distance away from the man. If he did turn out to be in a murderous mood, he didn’t need Raph any more pissed at him for taking unnecessary risks.
The yokai looked up in alarm at his own name, then looked away with a roll of his eyes. “Oh, it’s you,” he spat distatefully.
Brushing aside the utter rudeness of the remark (which honestly kind of hurt Mikey’s feelings), he steeled himself. “Did you take Donnie?” he demanded, “because if you did, you better tell me where he is right now!”
“Who?” he asked, with the sort of tone that just sounded like he’d wrinkled up his nose in disgust.
“My brother. The purple one? Smarter than you, awesome tech bo, once scared you away with a disco ball… ringing any bells?” he demanded accusingly.
The former warlord stared at him, unimpressed. “Do I look like I have the capability to be running around, kidnapping ungrateful children who want nothing to do with me? Look at me. I’m pathetic. Cast out by my own kind for trying to save them… And besides, if I were to take any of you turtles, it would be the slider.”
Mikey’s eyebrows shot up in alarm.
“Oh, relax, I haven’t eaten in several days, I wouldn’t be capable of taking him if I tried. All I want is to be left to rot in peace, thank you very much.” He turned away pointedly, once more holding his sign up. 
For some ungodly reason, Mikey was finding himself actually believing the guy. He almost felt bad, even. He’d always thought that maybe Draxum wasn’t all bad, underneath that hardass exterior. Right now, at least, he was just a sad, starving homeless dude.
“You really don’t know what happened to Donnie?” he asked again, just to be extra sure.
“No,” he groaned, still not even looking at him.
“Okay,” he nodded, “I guess I believe you… but you better not cause any trouble, or else…” he said, making an I’m watching you gesture. 
“Mikey!” came the distant, tightly wound voice of Raph. “Find anything?” he called.
His gaze wandered back to Draxum, who didn’t seem particularly invested in the situation like Mikey was. On the one hand, his brothers would kill him if he didn’t tell them that he’d run into their biggest enemy. On the other hand… something in his heart was actually softening for him. He was honestly surprised to see the baron alive at all, after how dead the dark armor had left him looking.
“Nope!” he yelled, “coming!” He gave Draxum one last glance as he bolted back towards his brothers. Better he go to them than risk them revealing… this whole situation. 
It was fine. Draxum didn’t even count as a real villain, right now. There was no need to warn his family about a sad, starved homeless guy.
His heart twisted all funny in his chest. It didn’t feel right to just let him starve… but it wasn’t like he could help him! He was busy searching for his brother.
Not that he was ever much any help with that particular endeavor. He’d never felt so useless.
But something about the shell of a man on the curb called out to him. Told him that there was a way he could stop being useless. Could help someone. Anyone. Even if it wasn’t Donnie.
No, that was a horrible idea. He was literally the enemy. The enemy who was cold, and hungry…
Well. he didn’t have to get the guy an apartment. Maybe he could just… sneakily get him a pizza! And, if he could build up trust between the two of them… wouldn’t it be helpful to have someone with so many resources at his fingertips? Obviously he didn’t have those resources, like, actively, but if Mikey knew Draxum… it wouldn’t be long before he did, again. He could be just the thing they needed to help locate a missing turtle.
Plan in mind, he reapproached his brothers.
“My stomach is starting to really hurt,” he began, “I was thinking, since Hueso’s is only a few blocks down… what if I crashed there for a bit to recharge? Get some food in me?”
Already, Raph’s chasm had deepened to a level that could be poetically likened to the Grand Canyon. Before he could open his mouth, Mikey hastily continued.
“I mean, it’ll be safest there for me, right? And then you two, y’know, the oldests, can look for clues without worrying about me!”
Though a frown tugged at Raph’s snout, he did look to be considering it. “I… guess?” he shrugged, looking to Leo for confirmation. “But you better text us the second you get there! And if anything happens! And if—!”
“Hey, I know, Raphie!” he said, giving him a comforting pat on the shell, “I’ll keep you updated the whole time!”
“Order a Hawaiian for us when we get there,” Leo chimed in, pausing like he was waiting for a reaction. His smile dropped when he realized he wouldn’t be getting one. No Donnie, no misplaced hate for pineapple on pizza. It felt… weird.
Mikey longed for the near future when they would find their brother. He wanted his family to smile again. He wanted them all to be okay again…
They’d find him soon. But as for now, he had a side quest to complete.
“What is this?” Draxum asked, regarding the warm box in distaste.
Mikey tried not to let it offend him. “Pizza!”
“I do not need your pity. Or your… human food.”
“Well, too bad, so sad, cause you look pretty fricken’ pityable right now, dude. And excuse me for trying to make sure you don’t starve to death!”
“Leave me alone, turtle.”
“Ugh, just try one bite. If you don’t like it, I’ll take it and be on my way, honest!” (Not honest. He was going to feed this guy if it took Doctor Delicate Touch himself.)
Draxum rolled his eyes, but opened the box anyway, putting on a whole show to really look repulsed by it.
Mikey tapped his foot impatiently, motioning for him to go on.
He took a tiny bite, chewing thoughtfully before lowering the slice. He glared in Mikey’s direction with slightly less malice than before. That was good, right? 
“I suppose this is… satisfactory.”
That was good!
Mikey pumped his fist in the air, accompanied by a cheerful “Yes!”
Draxum studied him for a moment, suspicious. “Why are you… helping me?”
He rocked back and forth on his feet, avoiding looking right at him. “Well, I mean… not that I’m pitying you, but I’m kinda pitying you. Anyways, gotta bounce, great seeing you, glad you’re not actively committing war crimes!” He turned on his heel, ready to run back to Run of the Mill, before leaving one last request over his shoulder. “Oh, and, um… keep an eye out for Donnie, okay? Let us know if you hear anything,” he said, not bothering to wait for an answer. He knew he probably wouldn’t get a verbal one anyway from that stubborn goat.
As he hurried to beat his brothers to the restaurant, Draxum’s gaze returned to the warm food he’d been granted, furrowing his brow. 
What a peculiar child.
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babyitsmagic · 2 years
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NAME: danny
RESIDENCE: cheap apartment
TYPE OF BED: ikea-ass twin bed bc budget, yo
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: he runs hella cold so like. it's a nest. probably sleeps with at least three.
NUMBER OF PILLOWS: way more than someone his age SHOULD use but he does all the posture nonsense bc he's usually p sore from all the fighting and whatnot
TYPE OF CLOTHING: baggy t-shirt and sweats mostly
DO THEY SLEEP WITH COMPANY?: if he's dating someone, it's happened, but he tends to stay at their place
DO THEY SLEEP BETTER WITH COMPANY?: depends on the person? mostly no tho bc it lowkey stresses him out to know he might have to sneak out for Ghost Business. he does better if the person knows his secret.
DOES IT MATTER WHERE THEY SLEEP?: absolutely not. between camping trips in his Youth and just being exhausted constantly, dude can drop anywhere.
WHAT DO THEY DO IF THEY CANNOT FALL ASLEEP?: patrol, usually, if it's an option. easy to burn off restless energy that way.
FREQUENT DREAMS, NIGHTMARES: lmaoooooooo. good dreams are usually about Space. bad dreams are memories of nastier fights -- things like meeting his future, evil self (and the constant worry he'll still become that version of himself) or the time he was mind-controlled or his death or... boy's been THROUGH it.
DEEP SLUMBER OR NAPS: both? depends on what's happening in life tbh. he's not great at taking care of himself tho so sometimes he just Does Not Sleep and then it's mostly naps.
WHEN DO THEY SLEEP: again, depends on what's happening in life but usually like... way late at night into the late morning. between ghost patrol and college classes his sleep schedule is wrecked.
WHAT COULD WAKE THEM UP: it's not hard to wake him tbh. the ghost sense'll do it, random noises, someone talking.
EARLY OR LATE RISER: mostly late. see: ghost patrol.
Tagged by: @byanyan Tagging: you. do it. tag me. i wanna see!!!
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nzlog · 1 year
August 2nd // Southern Hemisphere Longzo Day
CK asked me what my plans for the day were and I gave a very abridged answer because we only had a little bit of free zoom minutes left, and I forgot maybe every detail about our day’s plan anyway. So! Here were / are my plans for the day:

We intended on getting up at 6:45am to watch the sunrise for 7:15am over the bay our van is parked beside, at Island View reserve in Whangamata. But we woke to the noise of very heavy rain and wind gusts that shook the van we live in, so decided to snooze for another hour until our Palz Zoom.
Then I got to see our friendseses amazing faces on zoom which made my heart very happy. This is largely the only birthday plan I had that I followed through with approximately on time and I’m super pleased about it.

For the day I had planned on either: going kayaking to Whenuakura (the english colonialist calls it Donut Island, bc it’s a ring-shaped tip of a very extinct volcano crater) which is about 600m from the shore so a relatively handy trip for someone whose gammy* back is allergic to kayaks, or if not that then I’d do a handy lil trek through Wentworth Valley to gawp at two celebrated pretty waterfalls.
We did neither of these things because it was stormy as all heck out and multiple weather warnings were issued later in the day. One of these was for gales and the other for ‘squalls’ which me and Mark had a nice time trying to guess the definition of inside our van nest, we’re still not one hundy percent sure that we know. There was some mega heavy hale which sounded even more world-ending than the rain (squall? dat u?) and shortly after that when the rain came back with its reassuring endlessness, I drew a tarot card for the day and got The Sun. I am the sun.
Then I fell asleep in the middle of the day for three whole hours, which I’m still calling a nap. It was class.
It felt like the day itself called in sick, which was the perfect thing. I will put an expectation on myself to do something ~significant~ without being able to hear myself think about what I want so much of the time and I am grateful for an external source completely halting that automatic process. I got to talk to my great friends and have a huge snooze and it was the dream scenario.
It mildly concerns me that I’m so exhausted chronically, it feels like shades of fatigue but it’s so subtle that it’s almost sub-perceptual, it feels tricky to really notice it clearly, something you have to be not fatigued to do. I know it makes sense that being in a new place while living in a van in the wintertime and constantly moving around as well as planning, deciding, figuring and focusing are inherently tiring activities, but it feels like it’s an unusual amount of tiredness still. A tricky thing to figure out when either long-covid or depression could be triggers that I can’t determine because they’re not diagnosable as causes, and ocd brain tells me I’m over-blowing things while at the same time not letting me stop chronically worrying. Also, everyone’s very tired all the time, so it feels like it doesn’t matter. But it really does matter and I wish it could be different for all of us.
My main regret is that by falling asleep I didn’t get to spend so much time with Mark on my birthday. The first artwork I’ve put up inside this van is the card he gave me.

We drove our hermit shell house into Whangamata town centre (v small, mainly just a street of seaside town shops largely all closed up during the off-season. one of the bars we looked up was called ‘Whangamata Summer Bar’ and it is marked on the maps as ‘temporarily closed’) and we got ingredients needed for van dinner, I also cashed in the 6 blips I won on weird NZ scratchers (€3.33 under the NZD-EUR exchange rate at time of writing) at the shop I bought it in. I mentioned to the clerk that I was saving my winnings for some games of pool and she seemed authentically delighted that it was my birthday. She is the only person in this country I mentioned my birthday to, which felt exactly correct. The Leo sun shines on you, scratcher clerk.
We played one game of pool very badly in an incredibly empty sports bar then bounced back to our parking spot at Island View reserve freedom camping. Mark cooked an incredibly tasty van curry and I started typing the words you’re reading now (hi!). After that I spoke to both my parents on the phone individually for about an hour each, which was nice to try to do.
The full moon in Aquarius during the Leo sun was a primo gift from the universe. Thank you, the universe!
We slept early even though I had already slept for three fucking hours in the middle of the day, and I slept really well even though it was cold as fuck outside. The tips of our noses get really cold in this van at night, which is a cute but as yet solutionless problem.
Thursday morning: suprise! It’s still my birthday in other parts of the world! Timezones are the gift that keep on giving. What the fuck is time anyway! It keeps giving me a bad time when I try to think about it.
I woke up and felt truly relaxed for the first time in a while. I tried to spend time messaging people and then made us tea + van porridge when Mark woke. It is less stormy this morning.
When I had a moment to myself I felt the impulse to draw my birthday tarot spread, while it was still August 2nd in parts of the world that are of great significance to me. I did the five-card star spread and The Sun was the root. I am loving awareness. 

I will add more about infinitely more interesting days I’ve had here soon but not now because I want to go walk on the beach with Mark, and marvel at Whenuakura from afar. We will at some point bop out to it, a gift to our future selves.

*gammy twice auto-corrected to Tammy here; a strong NZ name
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
The wedding inspo got me thinking! They've moved in together and what happens when either of them falls sick. Angel catches a cold because she ran back to H's shop from her classes when it started pouring cats and dogs and it starts with a small sneeze and H looks at her with his cute scrunched nose look because she looked so adorable all flushed and with a red nose and then she starts a fever and he goes on a full blown panic and is constantly doting over her and overall not leaving her alone being all up in her space and keeping her close to him despite her protests and he goes like you kept me away that one week when you were sick but now you're stuck never leaving my angel alone and just lots of kissies and cuddles!
And when he falls sick maybe a stomach bug she goes all mama bear with a stern look something so not what he expected and is like I told you H that rice tasted funny and now you're sick.. no no no don't get up stay in bed, you're not going anywhere, she comes back with a yuck medicine and he gives her a baby no not that shit and she goes no don't give me that look not working this time. Then she cuddles him till he falls asleep and then goes and makes something suitable for him, wakes him up gently, feeds him herself and then just looks at him with Bambi eyes and goes I was so scared when you began throwing up and just pounces on him and hugs him so hard!!!
Omg wait stop:((((((((((( hes def the worried little doting one like taking a day or two off work to stay w her bc ur right she wouldn’t let him near her for that week she was sick before but now she can’t do that they share that bedroom now so she can’t hide from him and he’s soooooo happy that he gets to take care of her get her all the water and the good food and the cuddles and telling her “I told you to wait and let me pick you up darling now look at us” and she’s just I know:( I’m sorry:( and he was t trying to really scold her he just wants her to be careful so he holds her tight and kisses her head and just :((((( but omg stop it her getting all stern w him sooooo true like when she woke up in the middle of the night to him being sick she’s immediately concerned bc h never gets sick ever ever:( so she’s super nervous just helping him through it until he’s exhausted and finished for now and she put him in bed and it’s the next day that she wakes up before him and just cuddles and cuddles until he wakes up:( and he’s getting up bc he’s annoying and like oh sorry angel let me get your breakfast didn’t mean to sleep that long and she’s like no>:( lay down>:( and he just thinks she’s so cute looking at him like that:( but he listens bc he’s on god so tired anyway but that just begins her getting his medicine that she literally has to make him take and making a little soup for him:( and sitting w him while he eats and makes sure he’s doing alright after:( but I can def def def see that moment when they’re laying down and h is so tired and “you really scared me last night:( don’t want you sick ever again” and just hard cuddles:(((((( and she tries to kiss but he says no bc he’s not getting her sick:( 
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : fushiguro megumi from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors, but other than that n/a
| form : imagine
| word count : 1773
| published : 05 december
| request : Can i have a regular black coffee with Megumi finding y/n crying on the bathroom floor bc she has been experiencing a burn out?🥺✨Your jujutsu kaisen writings is what keeps me sane at the moment💞😭✨
| barista’s notes : hey hey hey~ guess who is back? it’s me barista violettelueur ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆ and when i was typing this out, i was listening to ‘Lost in Paradise’ by ALI and AIKO, which all of you know, it’s jujutsu kaisen’s ending! i love it so so much  ʕ→ᴥ← ʔ but lowkey, it doesn’t match the theme of this imagine here ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ other than that, thank you so much for loving my work and for the cup of classic black coffee order (jujutsu kaisen request!) and please come again soon!
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Exhausted. Heavy. Drained. That was all you felt.
Once you were able to go through the door of your dorm room, all you wanted to do was to fall flat on to the wooden floor and lay there for who knows how long. 5 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour? Maybe even a whole day? You were just extremely exhausted. However, you knew that you had to train with your classmates for the Kyoto Sister School Goodwill Event the next day, so sleeping on the cold floor was no the best option.
Slowly struggling to make your way to your bathroom, you quickly gripped onto the side of the sink so you didn’t lose your balance due to your fatigue from today’s mission that you had to go on alone. From what you could even recall for the few past weeks, you were constantly being set on different missions at random times due to the lack of sorcerers there were in the school nowadays. From your knowledge, the third years were suspended for the time being, Gojo was constantly being set out for domestic travels as well as some business behind the scenes that you weren’t informed about, Nanami reported to you that he was investigating a crime that had occurred at Kinema Cinema and the first years (your year) and the second years were training for the event, leaving you the only Grade 1 sorcerer within Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College to be set these missions that seemed to be endless at this point.
Since the beginning, you knew that this was going to be your life once you step foot into the Jujutsu Sorcerer school, but you weren’t aware of the constant hardships that were randomly going to be set out to you. Ijichi even commented that this was unusual for a first-year student like you to be sent on numerous mission like the ones you’ve completed - some even being back to back on the same day - leading him to apologies every time you would enter his car to which you would always tell him that it was never his fault - how could it be? It wasn’t his fault that the higher-ups were demanding you to go off to do these missions. You felt exceedingly guilty for making him continuously drive you around to the locations and waiting for you to finish, not even knowing if you were going to come back alive or not.
However, you couldn’t be more grateful that he was in your company during this draining time. If it wasn’t for Ijichi in your presence, you knew you would have broken down earlier than you had now.
Turning on the faucet, you immediately heard a stream of water gushing from the spout before it was slowly filling up the bowl with the clear liquid. All you wanted to do was to plant your face in and scream out all the intense pressure that has been placed upon your shoulders. Yet you knew, it wasn’t that easy. It never was. 
Before you would even realise what was happening, the hand that was gripping onto the sink suddenly slipped causing the remaining strength that you had in you to disappear as your body immediately fell onto the white tiled floor. 
You were at your breaking point.  
You felt tears begin to uncontrollably stream down your face causing you to grip the top of your head before lacing your fingers tightly onto your hair - so tightly that you could pull out a few strands from your clasp - trying to release at least some of the pressure that was running through your veins.
 Suddenly, you heard a knocking sound from the distance, for a second, distracting you from the state that you were in now. However, you didn’t answer. You didn’t have the strength to. You didn’t have the effort to tell the person to go away nor open your mouth to make a sound. The knocking still continued even with your lack of response, but still, there was no response with you.
“Y/N? Are you there?”
Megumi. Megumi was at the door. Yet you still didn’t have the effort to answer your boyfriend. You were just at the point where you were just burnt out - the higher-ups have really burned you to the point of mental and physical exhaustion.
“Y/N, your door is unlocked, I’m coming in,”
‘No...please don’t’
However, there was no use. You had already heard the click on your handle being pushed down before your door swung open, followed by the tapping of footsteps being heard as Fushiguro began to walk into your room, trying to locate where you were.
“Y/N, where are you?” Fushiguro asked in a worried tone since he was informed by Iijchi that you had returned and that you had most likely stationed yourself in your dorm room after being treated by Ieiri, due to the number of missions that you had completed today. Due to him not being able to see you for even a few weeks without you heading off somewhere, Fushiguro wanted to check up on you to make sure that you were okay and had the idea you had probably fallen asleep. Yet your figure was not on your bed, it was still neatly made from this morning and there was no sign that you had even sat on it. 
Shutting his mouth, Fushiguro began to carefully listen to his surroundings trying to see if he could hear you or anything out of the ordinary in his search for you, only for him to suddenly detect the sound of water being poured or spilt causing him to turn towards the bathroom, only to discover the door opened with the faucet tap running rapidly as water began to overflow onto the ground, leading him to rush into the bathroom to turn it off.
Letting out a sigh of relief once the water stopped, he immediately turned around to find you on the ground, hands in your hair as tears flowed down your face. You looked terrible to put it into lighter terms. You looked like you’ve been through the worst wreckage. You looked like you had lost the will to even move. 
Quickly crouching down to your level - ignoring the water on the ground, Fushiguro managed to carefully lift your body up before placing you on his lap trying to comfort you in any way possible, as he then took a hold of your hands - causing you to relax your grip - to gently remove them from your hair making you weren’t in any pain from the tight grasp you had. Pulling you closer into his embrace, Fushiguro began to slowly run his hand up and down your arm to try to calm you down from your tearful fit before using his other to push away any straying strands of hair that were in your face, so he would wipe away any of the tears that were still present on your eyes or cheeks.
“Shhh, I got you, You’re okay, I’m right here with you,” Fushiguro tenderly muttered to you before placing your head on the crook of his neck as he then began to run his fingers through the strands of your messy hair, carefully brushing out any knots that were created. Fushiguro didn’t even have to ask what was wrong. He already had a slight idea of what was going for the past few weeks.
Due to the lack of sorcerers being available within the school and the stack of higher class missions being piled up, you were the only sorcerer qualified to even go on these missions leaving you to undertake these task alone - much to his dismay, but he had no obligation to go due to his grade as a sorcerer himself. He knew you were strong based on being a sorcerer as well as your emotional and mental state, but everyone has their limits, no matter how long or short one person can hold on to their sanity. Everyone has their limits - he was surprised that you were able to hold on for this long, to be honest, he didn’t think he himself could have lasted as long as you did.
Every day when he had a minimal chance of seeing you, Fushiguro slowly began to notice that you were gradually breaking down, you were becoming more worn out, you were becoming less motivation, you lacked in performance when you were able to train with everyone, and you were slowly detaching yourself from everyone - you were somewhat becoming like him in some way. Fushiguro tired to lighten up your mood by inviting you over to his dorm to watch a movie or to simply cuddle with him, and he knew that you were exceptionally grateful for everything that he was doing, you showed it with the most beautiful smiles and light laughs that you could give him. He just felt so useless.
Snapping out of his thoughts, he suddenly felt a pair of arms being wrapped around his neck, causing him to realise that you seemed to snap out of your own daze. “Thank you so much, Megumi….I’m so happy that I’m with you,” you whispered to him before you tightened your hold on his neck - but not to the point where it was suffocating - before you continued with the three words that always made his heart stop before it would go into a rage as if he had just ran a marathon, “I love you,”.
Even in your current state, you still managed to somehow make Fushiguro feel like he was helping you - to which he completely was, he just didn’t know  - leading him to engulf you in his arms before placing a light kiss on your temple to help you relax your body and calm you down even more.
“I got you, I’m right here with you Y/N,” Fushiguro replied back to you before tightening his hold on you as if he was the one that needed comforting, “I love you too,”.
Being with Fushiguro was something you knew to never take from granted, he was like the moonlight that comforted you when you felt so alone in the night. Fushiguro wasn’t someone to express his affection so openly, but for him to try to help you in every way possible - even if he was somewhat out of his character - was something you could never take for granted from the little kisses to the little dorm invites - yeah you really were lucky. Fushiguro Megumi was really the perfect boyfriend
“With you, I know I’m going to be okay Megumi”
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bo0zey · 3 years
my friend who doesn’t have adhd and just wants an adderall perscription: i definitely have adhd like i never pay attention and i’m such a procrastinator omg lol btw i’m at the library studying and doing homework that’s not due until 3 days ugh what are you doing have you started studying yet we have those worksheets due tomorrow remember and it’s already 6pm! omg what do u mean u haven’t started the paper yet it’s literally due in 3 hrs omg no it’s ok i’ll just send u mine bc i’ve been working on it all day haha and omg i’m trying to pay attention to the lecture can u stop talking to me why r u reading online manga in class the exam is in 2 days pay attention! also i need caffeine to stay awake i love monster energy drinks they work so well i won’t be able to sleep tonight oh no also i took adderall 3hrs ago and now i’m super anxious but it’s not the adderall lol ugh i won’t be able to sleep tonjght ughh
me, someone who actually has adhd, pre-diagnosis: studying is so hard and i don’t want to do it and i literally can’t until hours before the exam and by then i’m so exhausted bc it’s like 3am but if i drink coffee or monster or bang i just get sleepier also i procrastinate entire research papers including the research hours before the due date even tho i knew abt the paper for a month and i wrote it in my assignment notebook every day knowing i needed to do it and i drink coffee before bed bc it relaxes me n makes me sleepy im constantly moving and shifting in my seat in class and i got paid 4 hrs ago and bought $500 worth of amazon products and now i don’t have any money for groceries for the next 2 weeks my thoughts go so fast and they’re so loud i can’t follow a conversation let alone a class lecture paying attention to anything i don’t care abt but am supposed to is impossible if i don’t write everything i need to do down i will forget about it and if i put my keys or vape or anything somewhere besides it’s designated spot for 1 minute i will literally forget where it is and if something isn’t directly in my line of sight i will forget i have it so i have to place everything in my line of sight for me to remember to use it and ok i’m at work i have a 14hr shift and a set of tasks i need to complete omg i’m so overwhelmed and frazzled i write down the list of tasks every shift and check off boxes to remember to do things but even then i still fall behind and why am i overwhelmed i know what i have to do please don’t ask me to do that thing i’m already trying to remember to do one thing ahhh ok i’m so exhausted it’s 12am and everyone’s asleep i have 3hrs left of my shift omg i’m so bored and tired ok i will have coffee and an energy drink to wake up bc i don’t wanna fall asleep here and i have an hour drive back home and oh wow i am now driving on the way and dozing off i am so sleepy sleepy sleepy why can’t i stay i awake i had 300mg of caffeine like 2hrs ago i’m going to crash the car why isn’t this energy drink working and hmm ok it’s now monday night i have school tmrw it’s 11pm i guess i’ll try n sleep i have class at 9am oh wait what is this sudden wakefulness i feel i am very awake i think i will maybe try to do homework to get tired actually no i think i will go on the internet instead hmm look at those cool show i think i will watch it ugh ok that was the longest 30min of my life i will not be able to watch another episode for at least 2 days probably oh it’s 3am i need to sleep but i can’t shut my brain off ugh oh no this sucks i hate myself why can’t i just get my shit together i know what i have to do but i just can’t fucking do it it’s so frustrating i’m trying so hard but i keep self sabotaging why why why
me, after being diagnosed w adhd and starting medication: wow for the first time in 8 years i’m actually paying attention in class and actively following what my professor is saying. i think i will do some homework now so i am not overwhelmed later. uh oh my dishes are starting to stack up i think i will clean them instead of starting a new pile. hmm my room is getting a little messy i think i will put things away including the clean clothes on that chair i’d been avoiding putting away for a week. i am following our conversation and i will wait until you are finished until it is my turn to speak instead of blurting out or interrupting you. oh i just got paid! hmm do i really need all of that online shopping stuff..? i think i will wait for a little bit and come back to it if i rlly want it bc what if something happens during the week and i need money to pay for it? oh i have to go to work it’s a 14hr shift; i am able to complete the tasks i need to do with ease bc i know what to do and when to do them and am no longer overwhelmed. i don’t need to drink that energy drink bc i know it will just make me more sleepy and i’ll doze off at the wheel on the highway and i don’t want that! ok i’m home yawn i think i will try n go to sleep it’s 11pm and i am genuinely tired.
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janetbrown711 · 4 years
My headcanons about Queen Angelina II
Majority of these can be seen in this fic, so if you like the idea go check it out ;)
Also- a handful of these are shared with the lovely @madelynartz, who also has fantastic takes on her, so be sure to check out their post too
If you want me to draw/write any of these specific headcanons/moments, just send an ask and I’ll probably do it
I’ll (likely) be making another, seperate post for William when i feel like it
Update: I have
This is gonna be a long post-
Early Life:
Her parents weren't very loving or caring, only ever wanting her to work on her studies and singing
Her mother was worse than her father, as she was egotistical and always critical of Angelina II and always seemed to find problems with things and people that made her happy
Her mother also always went by her full name (You had to refer to her as Queen Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the First- she wouldn't let people shorten it)
Naturally- Angelina resented her mother and with that, her own name.
She hates it when people say her full name- "Just Angelina is fine"
But if she especially likes you, you can call her Lena ;)
Since the only thing her parents approved of was studying, she devoured the entire castle library as a child, which left her often more informed than her tudors, which left her bored during lessons and she quickly became a "smart-ass" as she liked to talk back and figure out the ways she could get out of lessons
She hated the idea of getting betrothed, and any time a suitor would come over, she'd attack his pride in any form she could think of to get them to hate her, and she was successful
One of the suitors was Prince Salazar
She hated Salazar the most
Despite her attitude being well known across several kingdoms, rumors of her beauty and wonderous singing kept them coming
Her father, King Harold the Eighth, died when she was 10, and she could hardly say she really grieved him, but it made her mother more distant and sometimes outright cruel
She met William when he was 15 in the royal stables when he was training to be a squire
He fell in love instantly, though Angelina wanted to get to know him first
They were the best of friends since they met, though it was obvious Queen Angelina I disapproved
However, after awhile Angelina just stopped caring about what her mother thought entirely and was much better off
She and William loved to garden together, and always planted new flowerbeds in the palace garden every spring
William proposed when he was 22 and she was 21
Obviously she said yes, but they had to keep it hidden from her mother, who would likely take William away
Luckily for them, Angelina I died a month after he proposed, and the two were quickly married.
Yakko was born 10 months after their wedding
Angelina fell in love instantly, declaring him to be the cutest baby she had ever seen
She's terrible with names, and never named her children until after they were born
She hated the idea of giving him a really long and convoluted name, or a name that was in her family (like Harold the 9th)
And so Yakko it was
She didn't expect motherhood to be so exhausting, but hearing Yakko's laugh for the first time made everything worth it to her
Yakko began babbling at a younger age than most, and he babbled constantly, even in his sleep. Angelina loved to just sit and listen to him try to tell stories in nonsense baby language
However, Yakko seemed to have a preference for hearing William give the bedtime stories, as when she tried to read he got fussy
Once he was able to explain he said "daddo does the voices" and that he preferred her lullabies anyway
It hurt at first, but she understood. William was an excellent story teller, though he did have a tendency to ramble at times
Yakko's favorite story was of how they met
She's very protective, and if he was sick or hurt, she'd never leave his side
Her hair used to be very, very long but once Yakko was able to grab things and kept yanking her hair, she chopped it all off and has kept it short ever since
Wakko didn’t cry or breathe when he was born, so for the first moments of his life, Angelina and William feared he was dead
He wasn’t dead though, and they rejoiced greatly, and cried a lot
Angelina refused to let go of him though, and they were only able to get Wakko away from her when she fell asleep from exhaustion
After about a week or so, she relaxed more, but she needless to say her protectiveness went to new heights 
“Lena, Yakko slept in a crib all the time, it’s fine-” “How do you know that?” “Lena, I was there.”
William did always have a way to reassure her though
However, the extra layer of protectiveness was kinda needed for Wakko, as he loved to bite and chew on everything and anything he could get his little hands on (including his own tail)
She eventually gained what William described as a “sixth sense” where she could just tell when Wakko put something he wasn’t supposed to in his mouth.
Wakko didn’t talk much when he was young, especially when compared to Yakko, though his brother seemed to get him to talk even more than his parents could
They didn’t mind though, whatever worked, worked
Wakko loved following Yakko everywhere he went the moment he could crawl. Angelina thought it was adorable.
Wakko had a tendency to hurt himself a lot (whether by tripping, crashing, bitting his tail too hard, etc.) which forced Angelina to learn that he’ll be okay, and not to overreact or panic, as he was most certainly not made of glass
Angelina had a tendency to be a worry-wart
Angelina became pregnant with Dot right before tensions with Ticktockia started to rise, but William was determined not to let that ruin their optimism about having another child that was hopefully a girl
Angelina really wanted a girl bc Yakko and Wakko didn’t like dressing up and she really hoped a girl would, though she knew there wasn’t ever a guarantee, but she hoped
Angelina went into labor in the middle of a meeting with an ambassador from Ticktockia, but forced herself to finish it bc she ain’t a quitter
Despite Dot being her third child, she took the longest to actually deliver (two days), likely due to the exhaustion from countless meetings with Ambassadors and the stress of trying to avoid war bc King Salazar decided past treaties suddenly didn’t mean anything
Angelina had originally been against giving her her name, as she still associated it with her mother, but William said that he only thought of her, and that she was a much better mother and person than Angelina I could’ve ever been, which changed her mind.
However, she had thought of the name Dot before she was born, and liked it to so she and William agreed they’d just call her that for short, and if you asked them “how is Dot short for Princess Angelina blah blah blah the Third, they’d reply “it just is”)
Though she wouldn’t tell Yakko or Wakko, Dot was most certainly the cutest baby of them all
Wakko and Yakko loved to just... stand over Dot’s crib and watch her do things
Wakko also didn’t grasp what a baby was, and would often try to make her do things, and when she wouldn’t he’d get upset and Angelina or William would have to explain why she can’t play with him with the toy soldiers
She’d often just ramble on and on to Dot as she slept while William watched the boys, talking about the new treaties going up, and how worried she was about what Salazar would do if he didn’t agree with the new treaties and deals. It made her feel better. 
To also ease her worries, she taught Yakko how to take care of his sister. How to burp her, how to change her, how to give her a bath, etc. She hated thinking about what could possibly happen, but knowing they’d survive somehow made her feel much better. 
Dot was three months old when the attack happened, and Angelina wished she had had more time with her before dying.
Misc. (bc I refuse to end on a bad/depressing note)
She had family portraits made after each of her kids were born bc she wanted to always remember how cute of babies they were
Her lullabies worked like magic in terms of getting the three of them to sleep
If you asked her, she thinks Yakko has her eyes, Wakko has her nose, and Dot has her eyes and face shape
In the space between her mother dying and their wedding, she met Hello Nurse, who was a childhood friend of William’s, and they hit it off quite well- so much so that Angelina offered her a job in the castle, but she refused, saying she had plans with some doctor in Acme Falls, which Angelina respected. 
She one time tried to practice knitting in hopes of knitting the kiddos a blanket, but she was  t e r r i b l e  at it, and gave up after a week of trying
William and her liked to throw balls at least once a year, and everyone agreed they were the best dancers out there (what they didn’t know was how much practice Angelina had to put in to get a sense of rhythm- she was a terrible dancer, and William’s natural grace when dancing far exceeded her own)
Despite others protesting, Angelina always suspected that the reason tension was growing with Ticktockia was because Salazar was jealous and upset that she married some random knight rather than him (a theory that was proven right to her right before her death)
Her favorite food was bananas
William was a huge cuddler, so they’d cuddle close every night
she personally tutored Yakko on things like history and geography, as she felt those tended to be the most boring classes, and she wanted to have some part in his education, as she hated all of her teachers when she was a kid
She often didn’t know when to shut up, which did end up costing her in the end, but she didn’t regret a single word she said before her death, as Salazar deserved every bit of it. 
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ayatosmlktea · 4 years
best boyfriend series | kirishima
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A/N: So there is a list me and the gal pals have compiled of who we think are the best boyfriends in the entire world. I haven’t been in a thirsting mood for so long probably bc im mad ✨depressed✨ so the only thing on my mind is soft boys and how amazing they are. This is the most writing I've done in months but I wrote this for Bri’s birthday a while back and am now sharing them with you bc we could all use some wholesome kiripima 
I wrote these as the thoughts came to my mind so...its not really organized ANYWAY enjoy!
- Your sense of humour and easy going personality is what draws him in even if he doesn’t realize it to be love in the beginning
- Even when he’s training with bakugou his eyes are always searching you out, the way you handle your quirk takes his breath away he just thinks you look so badass in combat
- Every time you ask if he wants to study together his heart starts racing so fast it feels like it’s going to burst out of  his chest and he has to fight back the blush that burns the back of his neck and ears whenever you giggle
- As you and Mina become closer, you start hanging out more with the bakusquad.
- Kiri finds himself getting increasingly distracted by you, he notices every little thing like the way your eyes shine whenever you smile, the way cover your mouth when you laugh which bothers him because the entire world deserves to see how beautifully radiant you look when you’re happy
- He notices the way your body language changes when you’re tired, how your attitude gets a little grumpier when you’re hungry and through learning all of that Kiri steps in to make you whole
- When you’re tired he passes you his notes to copy after class just giving you a knowing smile and ignoring the way his heart flutters when you stare at him like he’s your knight in shining armour
- He doesn’t like the way that Denki and sero playfully flirt with you, it makes him feel weird although he knows he has no right to be jealous so he ignores it
- During your second year you start dating Shinsou and Kiri can feel his world come to a halt, his heart plummets into this stomach but he puts on a fake smile and tells you that he’s happy for you and he hopes Shinsou treats you right
- You don’t seem to notice the way the light in his eyes is gone, how much more time he puts into training now that you’re busy with your new relationship and as bitter and mad as he wants to be he knows you deserve to be happy, even if it isn’t with him so he pushes his feelings down and acts like he isn’t being punched in the gut every time you kiss shinsou and not him
- Your last night in the dorms before summer vacation Kirishima finds himself being woken up by a quick series of knocks on his door
“Denki I told you already pennywise is not under your be-” he stops mid sentence when he finds you outside of his door, sniffling with red rimmed eyes
- He’s barely awake and processing what’s happening as he opens his door wider so you can come inside before one of the teachers catches you out of bed and on the boys side of the dorms
- He can hear that you’ve been crying and are still trying not to when you apologize for waking him up so late but you didn’t know who else to go to and suddenly his entire body is burning with anger when you tell him that Shinsou broke up with you
- He can’t help but let out a broken laugh, Shinsou never deserved your heart in the first place. If he couldn’t see how dedicated you were to the people you loved, how you cared for your friends and put their needs above yours, how incredibly talented and hardworking and beautiful you were then he was the dumbest man alive
- You’re suddenly quiet and Kiri realizes that he’s said all of that outloud and the overwhelming urge to disappear consumes him. He was sure that you were going to get up and walk out and never speak to him again but you don’t
- Instead you ask if he means what he said so quietly he can barely hear it and despite how hot his cheeks are burning with embarrassment he tells you he does
- He stops you when you lean in to kiss him and his heart hurts when he can see the rejection and embarrassment paint your features but he tells you that it’s not because he doesn’t want to kiss you, because of course he wants to, but he doesn’t want to take advantage of your feelings when you’re going through an emotional time
- You two spend the summer hanging out- just as friends, he wants to give you time to get over Shinsou because the last thing he wants is to be your rebound
- But with every day that goes by he finds it harder not to kiss you, not to hold your hand, not to text you every second of the day, not to tell you that he loves you
- The realization that he loves you doesn’t scare him, but it is the first time he admits to himself and accepts it rather than trying to bury it and so after he walks you home and you turn to go into inside he grabs your wrist and pulls you in for a kiss
- It’s not the most coordinated kiss but it sets every nerve in his body on fire and you’re both clinging onto each other like it’s your only lifeline. You break apart with the biggest smiles on your face and in that moment Kiri knows he’s going to spend the rest of his life with you
‧͙⁺˚*·༓☾  ☽༓·*˚⁺‧͙
- Well i wasn’t planning to write all that so now let’s get into WHY he’s the best bf
He’s 100% devoted to you, literally you could be in a room full of fkn models and his eyes would be focused on you because he thinks you’re the most beautiful woman to walk the earth
Any other relationship you’ve had in the past does not even come close in comparison to how Kiri treats you
- He would give up his life to make sure you’re happy, seeing you upset breaks his heart because he cannot stand the sight of you crying. It literally tears a whole in his chest
- If it’s within his power to deal with, he will make sure that whoever hurts you does not make the same mistake again. Maybe its a little unethical to use his pro-hero status to strike fear into the heart of creeps who won’t leave you alone at work, or the girls who enjoy gossiping about your relationship behind your back but he does not give a single fuck
- Your happiness comes before his and if you aren’t happy, he’s not happy.
- If he hears people talking about your relationship and making it seem as though you’re only with him for the fame or money he’ll tear them down with the brightest smile on his face not missing a beat
- While he acts all big and scary fighting villains, when he comes home to you at the end of the day he is the most cuddly person you’ve ever known. It doesn’t matter how exhausted he is, he always grabs you in for a hug and doesn’t let you down until he’s satisfied.
- Kiri is really big on skin to skin contact, expect him to constantly be slipping his hands under your shirt and wrapping his arms around you at the most random times
- When you guys are getting ready to sleep he’ll pull you snug against his chest and bury his face in the nape of your neck,
Your scent helps him fall asleep, not in a creepy way but in a ‘you’re safe and here with me so i can close my eyes knowing that everything is okay’ kind of way.
‧͙⁺˚*·༓☾  ☽༓·*˚⁺‧͙
- In my humble opinion, once kiri catches feelings for you they’ll never fade
- Even if you fight, it only reminds him of everything you two have built together and that you’re worth fighting for
- You hear a lot of your friends complain about how their boyfriends never listen to them, or how they don’t know what they like, you watch them shamelessly flirt with other guys and wonder what it must be like to be in such an unsatisfying relationship
- Kiri knows you better than you know yourself, he’s so in tune with you and your body that you don’t even need to ask him to do anything, he just knows
- He remembers little dates that most boyfriends dont, your first kiss, your first date, the first time he said “i love you” outloud
- He also is the first one to say it and it happens when you’re just hanging out in his room
- He’s known that he’s been in love with you for months but didnt want to say it too soon and have you freak out but after nearly six months in it��s driving him crazy not being able to tell you he loves you
- When he does your eyes glisten with tears and he freaks out thinking that he’s said too soon until you’re crushing him in a hug and tell him that you love him too
- When you’ve had a bad day at work or life is just becoming too stressful for you to deal with he puts everything else on hold to comfort you
- Makes you your favourite meal for dinner, gets your favourite show ready to watch after your shower and massages your feet while you snack on some ice cream for dessert
- Ever since you’d started dating Kiri had a habit of “accidentally” forgetting his hoodies at your place, spraying them with a bit of extra cologne while you were in another room
- He loved it when you wore his clothes, it filled him with a feeling he couldn’t quite describe but it solidified in his mind that you were his
- After almost four years of dating he knows that he can’t spend another second without you being his, forever
- He stays up all night looking at engagement rings but none of them are good enough for you so he does a little more research and finds a place that makes custom rings and has the date the first time he kissed you engraved on the inside of the ring
- He 100% cries the second he sees you walk down the aisle, if he thought you were beautiful before, there’s nothing else that compares to you on your wedding day
-  Everything else drowns out around him and the other thing that matters is you, sliding your rings onto each other fingers and sharing your tearful vows and then you’re pronounced husband and wife and his entire being is elated
- He kisses you with a passion and fervour you’ve never felt before, like he’s pouring his soul into the kiss , every promise he’s ever made and will make and all the things he can’t find the right words to say are transmitted
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soudam-appreciation · 4 years
Study... date?
Gundam sighed, shrugging his overweight backpack over his shoulder. He had not planned for today to become a social one, though he supposed it was not quite unwelcome. The mortal known as Kazuichi, Tamer of Automatons, had requested his presence here, though for precisely what ritual, Gundam did not know.
Kazuichi leaned back in his chair and rested his legs atop of the table as he inhaled the overwhelming (and honestly, kinda gross) scent of old and new books as he waited for Gundam to hurry the fuck up and get to the library, because he really didn’t have all day. 
He perked up, though, when he saw a small flash of purple and black move by one of the bookshelves he sat next to. Souda stood, waving his hands frantically in an attempt to catch the goth boy’s attention, not wanting to call out and cause more of a scene than the literal highlighter waving his hands sporadically like he was at a concert.
The neon blur tugged at Gundam’s peripheral, and he crossed his arms before him. Facing the boy, he began a usual greeting. “At last, you have been found. Do you not fear this meeting, Fool?” His voice boomed and echoed through the stacks, inciting an annoyed rustle and collective whisper.
Kazuichi’s eyes went wide as he started rapidly shushing him, because if him basically jumping up and down trying to get Gundam to notice him didn’t draw attention to the two, Gundam basically shouting definitely did. Speaking as softly as he could considering how badly his heart rate spiked, he tried to get him to quiet down.
“D-dude! Shut- shut the- Don’t! Stop fuckin’....fuckin’ screaming like that! Jesus! Shudda’...shut the- shut the fuck up! Shhh!” 
Recollection of the location at hand hit Gundam with a hell-strength impact. Clearing his throat, he hurriedly glanced around, mumbling fractured apologies for his forgetfulness. If there was one thing that would make even the Dark Overlord himself bow, it would be intense embarrassment as a direct result of his own foolishness- not that he would even say such a thing. To allow enemies access to his weakness?! Preposterous. He whispered a short apology to Souda as well, for the mortal seemed far more distraught than he. 
Souda groaned softly, rubbing his face with his hands for a few moments before bouncing back almost as fast, a lazy grin plastered across his face. That didn’t stop the drop of malice and embarrassment showing through in his cheerful voice as he pushed out a chair next to the one he was leaning on before to invite Gundam to sit with him. 
There were a lot of books, papers, pens and one lone computer scattered across the table. Souda easily pushed these aside as he sat down to take a sip of his…something. 
Gundam followed suit, dropping his bag on the floor beside him as he took his seat. He was not entirely sure what they were to do on this day, although crawling deep underground was an option he prayed upon. Unzipping his backpack as soundlessly as he could, he retrieved a notepad and slid a simple message to his companion.
What, pray tell, have you summoned me for?
Kazuichi read it over before snatching the notepad from Gundam’s hand, as well as the fancy pen he had (despite there being many writing utensils of his own he could’ve used, he honestly just wanted to be a bit of a dick to his past rival). He scrawled something quickly on it and slid it back nervously, despite there being no teachers nor rules against slipping each other notes. 
ok, well, i asked u 2 come here bc i am fucking failing math and biology and there r these 2 tests cming up i need u 2 help me study for. i thought u’d know a lot abt biology and u seem smart ig so-
He ripped another blank note out to write on more.
-so i thought u could help with, math too. hinata won’t help me he’s mad i spilt monster on his laptop still even though that was a whole day ago :(
The writing was barely legible and Kazuichi seemed to shorten words as best as he could, since he also wrote very large on the small sheet of paper. He slid the second note to Tanaka for him to read.
Squinting, Gundam managed to make out Souda’s print. He sighed, briefly wondering how incompetent Souda actually was, and where to even begin studying. Retrieving his pen, albeit a bit forcefully, he turned to a new page and began his transmission.
Where should we begin? Is there a specific field in which you have little expertise?
As Souda read over the note in the pretty cursive handwriting, he let out a small giggle. He couldn’t help it, reading Gundam’s dumbass Overlord-victorian speak was somehow funnier than hearing it out loud. Snatching the pen and paper back, he started writing.
uh um well i never ever got algebra the little letters always confused me and in biology kind of everything. man i’m not good with that kinda shit like u i’ve seen ur grades you don’t know how 2 whisper when ur flaunting them to sonia lol
Gundham’s ears got hot, and he fidgeted with the end of his scarf. Grabbing his pen, he scribbled out, I do no such thing. I simply share because I am asked, that should be a simple concept to grasp. His scrawl was messier, his haste blurring his senses. Deep breaths stilled his hostility, and he turned to a new page.
So shall we begin with variables, then? You may need to work exceptionally hard to recall these, as no doubt it will be of importance. 
Once again, Kazuichi laughed as he watched Gundam get a little pissed at the Sonia comment. Even when they were slowly getting closer, messing with the guy still yielded hilarious results.
come on man!!!! why r u getting so pissy i’m just teasing u. u know i know that u know we aren’t rivals anymore so calm down!!!!! >:3
anyways uhh ya sure we can start w, variables ig. i don’t remember a lot of this stupid ass math lingo so ur gonna need to remind me some of it.
Variables are those “little letters” you spoke of. If something I mention confuses you, alert me at once. 
Gundam chose to ignore all of Souda’s previous statement, focusing instead on the task at hand. There did not seem a logical reason to become so frustrated when Souda spoke of her. So why did it ignite a hellfire in his chest? 
He shook off the thought, selecting a standard textbook from his oversized backpack and placing it on the table with a thunk. Opening to a page about Variables, the most annoying of unknowns, he slid the book across for Souda’s viewing ease. 
We should begin here, page 28. Do you have a journal for notes?
yeah that’s fine also do u mind me keeping our notes or atleast yours please plz plsssss
Sure enough, the smaller boy was already making a pile of the discarded notes they had forgotten about. Mostly Gundams. It was the only neat thing on the table thus far.
Sighing again, Gundam ceded. He had no use for them, anyway. It caught his attention as slightly strange, but he chose to pay it no mind. Scratching out what information he could on such a small surface, he quickly realized that simply would not work. He slid a mostly-empty notebook from his bag and selected a blank page to share with Souda. It wasn’t as if he really needed the pages in this notebook either, so he added a small note at the top offering the torn-out pages for outside studying.
Souda took the page and studied it, before brightly grinning up at Gundam and quickly nodding. This was fancy shit, definitely not something extremely expensive (he knew Gundam definitely wouldn’t dare share that kind of paper, seeing the small slightly-faded stains of car oil on his hands that he just couldn’t scrub out) but Souda probably wouldn’t be buying these things, especially for every class, without at least a week of ramen dinners to make up for the waste of money working at his Dads mechanic shop.
Souda suddenly realized that ‘fancy shit’ to a slightly broke kid like him was definitely not ‘fancy shit’ to Gundam “I don’t know how to dress casually Ever” Tanaka.
Gundam continued to script line after line, attempting to explain these subjects in terms Souda would understand. The look in Souda’s eyes gnawed at him, such excitement on display over some math notes. He wasn’t certain what rubbed him wrong about it, so he brushed it aside. Reaching the bottom of the page, he printed a small question. 
Do you still understand thus far?
Souda finally grabbed one of his own pens that lay discarded on the table instead of stealing Gundams.
yeah i get it u explain it a lot better than the teachers or chiaki despite ur little demon talk r whatever lol. chiaki use to help me like all the time but she kept falling asleep on me we never got anything done
Reading Souda’s message tempted laughter, and Gundam bit his cheek to silence it. Nodding sagely, he scrawled, As likely as you are to bend truths pertaining to women, this account does seem trustworthy. He knew just as well as anyone how exhausted Chiaki constantly seemed. 
Tugging the newly completed page from its binds, Gundam offered it to Souda as well. 
Souda looked almost offended by the note (he still took it, because of course he did) and hastily scribbled another and shoved it in Gundams chest with a grin.
WOW DICK i’m not gonna go after every girl that falls asleep on me!!! sonia hasn’t fallen asleep on me yet and you know!!!!! >:(((((( 
Gundam stiffened, bandaged hand safely out of sight under the table. If it had been visible, Souda would have a clear view of numb fingers folding against his palm before stretching into claws, over and over. Another deep breath was necessitated by his pounding heart, and he stilled his mind. There was no reason for this feeling. What possible purpose could this rush of adrenaline serve? Certainly nothing pertaining to math. He cleared his throat again, which ended up sounding a bit more like a growl, and took up his pen.
You say “yet”, as if there is even the slightest chance of such an occurrence in the future. This, I do know. A smug smirk crossed his face, daring to settle on his lips.
Souda pouted as he read the note, a somehow adorable sight as he quickly snagged Gundams pen again (once again ignoring his own) and scrawled something on a new note and shoved it back to him. 
nuh-uh! u don’t know shit. unless u can see the future!!! tell me tell me tell me. maybe ur freaky demon shit is real after all ANYWAYS do i end up w miss sonia plz please tell me??!?? :3
Gundam tasted blood as he bit his lip hard. Why was Souda so insistent on her? No, he knew why. She was aesthetically pleasing to someone like him. This was not new information, but it still irked Gundam like hell. He pursed his lips. The last thing he was going to do was tell Souda his pathetic simpering dreams would come true in the end. Or perhaps, the last thing he wanted would be to admit to Souda that he cannot truly see the future? Grumbling, he snatched his pen back and tapped it against his knuckles. Neither option was preferred, though one was a clear admission of weakness…
He settled on a third choice. Of course not. I know precisely who you shall fall for in the end, although I cannot tell you. That is the Law of Causality.
actually it’s the law of cASSuaslity because ur an asshole who the fuck cares why can’t u just tell me!!! if i don’t get with miss sonia or whatever u say i don’t even know if i completely believe ur bonkers shit why can’t u just tell me their name or anything i just!!! want a hint. please 
Kazuichi’s handwriting grew sloppier as he grew more desperate. Why the fuck was Gundam hiding it? It’s not like he’s gonna get suspended for some random ‘law’ or whatever he probably made up. He didn’t even know what the word Causality meant but it sounded exactly like a freaky word Gundam would say.
All I may tell you is that… Gundam paused, wiggling his pen between thumb and forefinger to come up with an excuse. …you have likely already made their acquaintance. All trace of smugness had dropped from his features, now replaced with stale indifference. He locked his worry deep in his chest, buried it. The last thing he needed was Souda to call him out on such a ridiculously big lie.
Souda didn’t know why, but he grinned at that. He grinned at a lot of dumb shit, and Gundam telling him some vague dumbass answer like that was apparently dumb enough to get on his list of Dumb Shit That Made Him Grin. He flicked Gundams note into his ever growing pile and chugged the rest of his drink, his eyes blown wide with the sudden rush of, apparently, sugar. He tapped the textbook again, trying to remind them both to stay on task. His hands were starting to shake too much from the sugar high to make writing any good.
Gundam nodded. They needed to focus on the task at hand.. Which was math. Boring math. Another sigh settled in his chest, and he thought fleetingly on how he would much rather talk about silly magic business. Shaking dramatically dual-toned hair from his eyes, he set to scribbling some more numbers. Stupid, boring numbers. 
Kazuichi watched with interest as Gundam quickly drew out complex strings of numbers and occasional letters. However, his mind quickly drifted as well as his eyes. Higher and higher until he was watching Gundam’s facial expressions shift as he tried to help Souda. How he bit his lip as he hesitated before continuing to keep writing, how his eyes narrowed, Souda half-mindedly thought of how pretty Tanaka’s eyes were, he could get lost in them if he really wanted to, and he did. So he simply tuned out the sound of pen against pencil, rustling of paper and the occasional whisper between others in the library and just stared into his eyes.
Sliding another page across the table, Gundam glanced up at Souda’s face, before they quickly flicked away. On the quickly growing list of things he did Not Want to happen today, was for Souda to catch him staring. Or- he paused. To catch… Souda staring? He didn’t want to look again, even if he was right, but the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as if he could feel Souda’s gaze. Ears growing red, he scripted a small note back, faltering slightly as nerves made his fingers stiff. 
Do you still understand well enough?
Kazuichi’s gaze didn’t move until he finally noticed Gundam actually wrote words down. He did a double take back at his face before he picked up his pen, his cheeks heating up. Shit, did Gundam catch him looking? His hands trembled slightly from the sugar and caffeine as he scribbled on the paper.
yeah i understand completely ur a good teacher  i already said that didn’t i sorry
He slid the note over, now doing his best to keep his eyes on the table and not on Gundam.
Do not fret, I am pleased you understand. 
Clearing his throat as quietly as he could, he returned to numbers. Gundam really tried to focus, he did. But he couldn’t stop his mind from wandering… Muscle memory served him well, and he continued to write, but his mind’s eye strayed from questioning Souda’s gaze, to wondering why keeping their notes tidy was so important, to the way Souda tapped his fingers on the desk ever so slightly, the sugar and caffeine running rampant through his veins. It soon became impossible to focus, and he started mixing up numbers and crossing them out. He shook his head, hard, mumbling apologies for scrambling up his figures. 
Kazuichi easily picked up Gundams distraction and yanked an empty note from him to write on.
do u wanna stop for today
He slid it over, giving Gundam a small smile as he did. He wasn’t unfamiliar with his brain getting jumbled and melting into mush and before he knew it, the day was over and he hadn’t got shit done. So he didn’t mind giving up for today, starting again tomorrow or next week. He just liked being with Gundam, kinda. As weird as that was. 
Gundam nodded. 
My sincerest apologies, I seem to have lost my senses…
What the hell had gotten into him? This was highly unusual for him. Gundam mumbled another quiet sorry, sliding the incomplete and jumbled page across to Kazuichi just in case he needed it anyway. 
Souda tidied everything up on the desk, sliding his books, computer and the notes into his black backpack. As he stood, he bounced on his heels, the caffeine suddenly taking full effect as he finally got out of the chair and could move around to his heart's desire. He slid his backpack over one of his shoulders and didn’t hesitate to start playing with one of the enamel pins of a vocaloid character that hung from the zipper, needing something to occupy his hands with.
Gundam stood as well, fumbling as he slipped the last notebook into his bag. Offering a hand, he gestured towards the door. He whispered, “Shall we meet again tomorrow, then? I swear I shall do better at my job.” 
Kazuichi laughed softly at that, nodding. His hands fiddled with his jumpsuit pockets as he made his way over to Tanaka, a small bounce in his step. He would definitely blame that and what he did next on the overload of caffeine in his system the next day. He put his hands on Gundams shoulders, slightly dragging him down as he stood on his tippy-toes, kissing him sweetly on the lips before he was already skipping towards the door, waving him bye as he exited, most likely to his dorm on campus.
Blood froze in his veins. Gundam’s heart pounded, throbbing in his ears. His face was beyond red, and his stiffened fingers twitched in surprise. Mouth opening and closing like a fish, he could not even will his feet to carry him after the boy. What… What just… happened? His mind felt as slow and sluggish as if it was buffering through a torrented movie file. 
Finally gathering enough control of his own limbs, he pulled himself through the door. He wanted desperately to give chase, to pull Souda into his arms and kiss him back, but he knew there was no possible way he would keep his courage. So he settled, simply deciding upon returning to his own abode. He would have to speak to Souda at their meeting tomorrow. Just thinking about it gave him… butterflies? Oh dear, what an unpleasant sensation.
. . .
Thank you @kazudam for writing with me! This was so much fun, and something I’ve always wanted to do :’) 
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sclfcare · 3 years
♡ + any bbies from our bunCH !
me : does all of them 🥺😩
𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘 & 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎
who is the most affectionate ?
i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's romeo . at least at first when they start actually dating bc babette is still trying to break down her stone - cold bitch persona .
who initiates the handholding ?
i feel like they both do ? like one is always reaching for the other .
who worries more for the other ?
babette bc she still doesn't trust him after he fucked her friend . definitely gets sus if he doesn't answer her calls or something , at least in the beginning .
who is more likely to ask for help ?
oh god i think both of them are so stubborn that they won't ask for help unless it's an actual emergency or they really fucked up .
who is the one always losing the keys ?
babette . definitely . she can't keep track of shit .
who leaves little love notes for the other ?
i think this one would go to romeo . like when babette opens her notebook for class he's written something in there all cute n shit .
who can’t sleep unless the other is there ?
babette , which is why she usually never leaves his place .
who is more likely to propose to the other ?
romeo . babette wants that giant fucking ring .
who introduced the other to their family first ?
i feel like he met babette's family first ? and it went really well , like it was a family bbq and everyone drank and laughed and that's probably when babette finally started to relax and place more faith in romeo and their relationship .
who is more likely to play with the other’s hair ?
they both play with each other's hair , especially when they're going down on each other . lmao whores .
who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated ?
babette . she goes full wifey mode sometimes and it disgusts me .
who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other ?
both of them . there's no way they'd let someone else talk shit about them without starting a fight about it .
who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other ?
babette . she likes to catch him off guard , especially with sexy lingerie or something ~kinky .
who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things ?
babette . he def had to pinky promise to never fuck her friends again .
who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
neither bc they both fall asleep together with babette on his chest .
𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎 & 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛
who is the most affectionate ?
carter . he's practically obsessed with her and is always letting her know it , too . touching is his love language .
who initiates the handholding ?
again , carter . especially when they are out in public since he tends to get mobbed by fans he just feels safer if he has a hold on her in case they need to make a quick get away .
who worries more for the other ?
colette , especially when he's on tour and they have to be a part from each other for extended periods of time .
who is more likely to ask for help ?
carter . the poor dude his 100% helpless and we all know it .
who is the one always losing the keys ?
both of them bc they got too high and never know where the fuck they left the keys .
who leaves little love notes for the other ?
i can see them both doing this . and when he's on tour he always sends her cute good morning and good night texts .
who can’t sleep unless the other is there ?
both of them . it's pathetic .
who is more likely to propose to the other?
carter . he'd be lying if he said that he didn't already have a ring in mind for her .
who introduced the other to their family first ?
colette mainly because carter would never bring her around his meth - head momma .
who is more likely to play with the other’s hair ?
carter actually loves to play with her hair , like he's mastered a french braid and everything .
who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated ?
colette bc carter cannot be responsible for his own damn self .
who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other ?
carter . he'd just throw punches instantly . he goes 0 to 100 real quick when it comes to someone disrespecting her .
who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other ?
carter bc he's a big fan of grand romantic gestures like impromptu trips to hawaii or a new cartier bracelet .
who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things ?
they both do bc they are 12 years old .
who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch ?
colette bc carter constantly falls asleep on the couch during his time off . lil baby boy is exhausted .
𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚊 & 𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚑𝚢
who is the most affectionate ?
they both are equally as gross with each other , i feel .
who initiates the handholding ?
murphy . he's protective as fuck over ophelia so it gives him a sense of comfort if he's holding her hand when they are out and about .
who worries more for the other ?
murphy again . i feel like he literally lays there awake at night as she sleeps and thinks through horrible scenarios to be prepared to keep her safe .
who is more likely to ask for help ?
ophelia , mainly bc murphy is too prideful to ask someone for help .
who is the one always losing the keys ?
ophelia bc murphy is always prepared for a quick exit and that includes having his keys nearby .
who leaves little love notes for the other ?
murphy does and it's cute as fuck . he'll leave notes on the pillow beside her if he has to leave before she wakes up .
who can’t sleep unless the other is there ?
i want to say this is mutual , like they both need the other in order to get a sound night's sleep .
who is more likely to propose to the other ?
murphy even though he has a horrible track record with marriage and vowed to never to do it again .
who introduced the other to their family first ?
neither bc she's not associated with her family anymore and neither is he . they are each other's family .
who is more likely to play with the other’s hair ?
murphy loves to play with her hair and does it a lot during sex .
who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated ?
lmao murphy bc he's just that damn annoyed / enamored that he wants to make sure she's always healthy .
who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other ?
murphy . he would kill for her , no questions asked .
who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other ?
ophelia . murphy doesn't like surprises but he makes an exception because he is literally heart eyes over everything she does .
who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things ?
i feel like they wouldn't do pinky promises unless it's something silly like who is going to do the dishes or something
who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch ?
murphy , but he one ups that and carries her into the bedroom .
𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚊 & 𝚛𝚘𝚌𝚌𝚘
who is the most affectionate ?
rocco is , actually . he's always trying to spoil her and is very much obsessed with keeping his hands on her .
who initiates the handholding ?
it depends . i feel like they're both constantly reaching for each other .
who worries more for the other ?
100% topanga . she knows rocco . he's a fucking mess of a human being .
who is more likely to ask for help ?
topanga , bc rocco never asks for help until he's past rock bottom .
who is the one always losing the keys ?
lmao i would say rocco but he rarely drives himself , he has people do that shit for him like the spoiled brat he is .
who leaves little love notes for the other ?
topanga and rocco keeps every one of them .
who can’t sleep unless the other is there ?
rocco . i feel like he's constantly asking her to stay the night which just shifts into her moving in and it all happens v fast but it's them so it works .
who is more likely to propose to the other ?
rocco , and with the biggest , most expensive diamond he could find .
who introduced the other to their family first ?
their families have known each other forever . rocco's parents are dead and topanga's parents think rocco is a druggie loser gkdjrthrth
who is more likely to play with the other’s hair ?
they both pull at / play with each other's hair .
who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated ?
topanga bc , again , she knows rocco . he needs someone to remind him to keep himself alive , i actually hate him .
who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other ?
they both defend each other pretty equally , topanga more so bc people aren't very happy with her being with him .
who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other ?
rocco . he's always surprising her with flowers / jewelry / clothes / trips . that's his love language .
who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things ?
topanga bc they used to do pinky promises when they were kids and it's kind of a sentimental gestures for them .
who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch ?
they both do this for each other i think ? rocco would probably curl up on the couch with her for a nap .
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Hi! Its like 3 am right now here so I wondered if you could write something about Reader being Peters best friend (but they have a crush on each other) and shes very sleepy at daytime but stays up late all the time
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I’m constantly exhausted but that’s just bc I never sleep :’)
Peter is very confused by your sleep schedule
But when he becomes the man of spiders
He understands
He suddenly becomes a lot more tired all the time and falls asleep on your shoulder during class all the time and you’re like ???
He uses this newfound nocturnality to his advantage, and hosted more sleepovers with you
“Y/N, you wanna stay the night?”
“Peter, it’s ten at night, my parents are asleep!”
“Oh, well then, can I come over? I’ll be quiet, I swear!”
He climbs in through your window and you’re ????
“Peter, there’s no fire escape there…”
“Yeah, so?”
“So how did you get up here?”
“Uhhh, lucky jump?”
You guys stay up on face time all the time when you’re not physically together
You two absolutely fall asleep on face time with each other 
If you fall asleep before Peter he hangs up to let you rest :’)
If Peter falls asleep before you you make loud noises so that he wakes up and suffers :’)
You guys sometimes pull all-nighters where you literally get no sleep at all and you both are zombies the next day at school
“What did the teacher say?”
“I dunno, you said you’d listen this period!”
“I know, but I got tired.”
Sometimes he goes to sleep at a decent time and he’s awake at school and you’re dead inside and he loves loves loves being your pillow
He loves loves loves you
When you rest your lil head on his shoulder and do a lil yawn and sigh
He’s so soft
He gives you his hoodie to wear and then he lets you sit in his lap unless you two are in class
One time he tried that during class
You were both kicked out
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perfectpickles · 7 years
a long yikes
im used to putting my complaints on tumblr bc i only have like 2 followers so its just a rant space for me so there’s no need to read this
everything sucks some serious ass right now like what i’m like lowkey highkey depressed and ???
-i currently have the worst grades i’ve ever had before in my whole ass life like i literally have a d in english because i... forgot?? to do an assignment i literally forgot it existed and i was absent a bunch and i checked my grades a couple days ago and saw the zero for a 30pt assignment and just holy shit omfg. i’m planning to do it tonight and bring it to my teacher tomorrow but he’s like my worst most douche-y teacher atm and he really doesn’t like me i think im gonna write a mini speech and admit i have no real excuse and just turn it in and hope for the best at least so he knows im not blowing off the assignment
-i need/want straight semester As so i need at least Bs this quarter in everything but just omfg so many Ls i’ve screwed up so much lately i really don’t need english to be biting me like this i’ve always been an a student in english
-i used to be a straight a student but if i can’t pull my shit together effective immediately all i’m gonna be showing colleges is a sudden downward trend 
-i used to be really really popular but one of my best friends cut me off like a month ago. she said its bc im too negative but i kinda call bs because i didnt talk any more shit or complain any more than the rest of our friend group so i dont really know what’s going on there but one of my other best friends has basically drifted away from us to senior friends so i’m left with one of my besties but i used to have this whole clique and we were so close. it hurts because i feel so alone. there are only two friends of mine who i really trust atm except for some who are in college and far away so i kinda just drift through the day feeling lonely and like a loser because everyone hates me. i don’t know what i’ve done exactly but i used to have so many friends and now i have two and i have no classes with one and only one with the other and he’s a senior so when he graduates im left with basically nothing. i want my besties back but i dont think thats ever gonna happen at least not with the one who cut me off. i’m scheming to get them back but a huge part of me wants to give up because i don’t have the energy for much lately and another part of me thinks it’s over for good. i can hear people gossiping about me all the time and i know so many people hate me and it just sucks because i don’t know what i’ve done wrong. and if it’s that i’m too negative i’ve actually changed a lot in that regard lately but no one cares or has paid any attention because i’m almost completely alone.
-i’ve taken on too many activities and i know that but it’s too late to pull out of anything and i need all of them. but i’m so busy and i am really having trouble balancing 
-my dad’s been staying with us for just a couple weeks even though my mom’s gonna file for divorce soon its just really annoying because he keeps trying to bond with me but like dude you’re a huge asshole and you keep proving that every time your facade slips and also you almost killed me and my family only a few months ago?? why can’t he understand how little i want to spend time with him?
-i’m currently pulling an all nighter because i procrastinate too much and i’m so behind in like every class and it is unfortunate because i’m already tired and it’s only 1
-my boyfriend of eight months and i broke up last week and it’s definitely for the best like we sucked at long distance and it was a mutual decision but i realized that because everyone hates me and i’m too exhausted and depressed to put any effort into my physical appearance and health i’m basically gonna be celibate until i graduate and that is really gonna suck because since im not getting invited to any parties lately i have no chance at hooking up with anyone and the physicality of all that was a big destressor for me 
-not only am i too depressed to get anything done, i keep falling asleep randomly and accidentally and im not showering nearly as much as i should be and i need to do laundry but keep forgetting so basically all my personal hygiene is shit. i’ve been biting my nails out of anxiety again for the first time since seventh grade and i hate that because i loved my long nails. everything is unkempt and i feel gross and im just too sad and lethargic to take care of myself which is not great
-i tried to talk to my school counselor about this and now she thinks im a basket case and wants to see me weekly bc im one of those troubled family kids that make school counselors feel like they accomplish anything other than scheduling but i don’t trust her anymore and i kinda hate going
-mads drama has erupted and i would say it’s really not my fault at all for once but everyone hates me like the choral director hates me and some of the kids have been talking shit about me with her which sucks but i feel popular in that class like several people have been backing me up but my trust issues are hugely erupting at this point and i don’t trust any of my mads friends and im constantly on edge and anxious and uncomfortable in that class like i used to love arrogantly feeling like one of the best but people are jealous and are really fucking things over for me bc of it and that just really really sucks
-i gained back the 10-15 lb i lost because i’ve been eating my feelings hardcore
-i don’t know what to do to fix my grades they’re just getting worse and worse as i get more and more behind and it’s unfortunate
-in the past i’ve always had friends to turn to. things have been bad or messy but i’ve never felt lonely like this before. im too extroverted to drift through my days the way i do in a haze of nausea anxiety paranoia and exclusion. it’s driving me insane but also just generally making me sadder and quieter and a shell of myself as the days pass.
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alphacrone · 7 years
bitty dates anonther falconer au
so the graduation kiss doesn’t happen
and bitty tries to move on and jack goes onto join the falconers
and there’s some falcs family get-together early on in the pre-season and bob and alicia can’t make it for Reasons
so jack invites his other family
which -- is sort of a terrible idea bc Tater’s flying solo so he adopts Ransom and Holster and shenanigans happen immediately
(think Tater and Bitty doing lifts on the ice but with ransom and holster and alcohol)
and shitty’s hanging all over jack because they haven’t seen each other in weeks and he introduces himself to everyone as jack’s brother -- “but not like a lame- ass biological brother, a brother of the heart” -- and lardo’s somehow got all these falcs rookies following her around like little ducklings
so bits is kind of off by himself, hovering near the refreshments to monitor which pies are most popular
(he might be distancing himself from jack on purpose. he might be trying to move on. it might be really hard.)
one of the rookies (is it poots? probably) comes up to grab a HUGE ASS slice from the peach pie and makes really inappropriate noises while shoveling it down
“dude this shit is SO GOOD,” he says, then realizes he’s talking to a really cute guy and tries to remember what manners are. “um, hey, i’m ian”
“b- eric. and thank you, i worked hard on that pie”
and ian’s all DUDE NO SHIT REALLY and, again, remembers he’s talking to a really cute guy who probably is attracted to normal human beings and adds, “so, you here with zimmermann’s crew?” 
and b’s all, “yeah, jack’s one of my best friends, we were so excited he asked us to come, blah blah blah”
so meanwhile jack’s been feeling weird all afternoon and it’s not just because shitty’s been forced to keep his clothes on. he realizes, sort of belatedly, it’s because he’s barely seen bittle all day. he doesn’t Like That.
jack drops shitty off with lardo (who is regaling all these wide-eyed teenage guys with stories of her kegster victories while george looks on, impressed) 
and he wanders over to find bittle in stitches as ian tells him some story from juniors
and jack’s not jealous. why would he be? bittle makes friends the way other people breathe -- constantly and naturally. jack is a little sad bittle would rather talk to some rando than him, but he tries not to think about that. 
the samwell crew crashes at jack’s “’swawesome bachelor pad” that night, shitty in jack’s bed, bitty and lardo in the guest room, ransom and holster on the pull-out in the living room
except- shitty disappears early on into the evening and bittle slips into jack’s room before midnight, incredibly cranky, and flops onto the empty side of jack’s bed, half-asleep
“i’ve been sexiled,” he grumbles, shoving his phone onto the bedside table and sighing loudly. “burn your guest room sheets in the morning.” 
jack laughs and turns over to face bittle, whose eyes keep fluttering open and shut, nose scrunched up in annoyance. it’s the cutest fucking thing jack’s ever seen. 
bittle’s phone lights up and bittle grabs at it blindly, huffing in laughter as he reads the message. 
“ian,” he clarifies, when jack asks who would be texting him at this hour. “we exchanged numbers before he went home” 
again, nothing jack should be jealous of. he and bittle text all the time. but they had to build up to that, when they first actually became friends, texting only for class- and practice-related things, then when bittle was drunk, then on roadies when they were at separate ends of the bus, eventually reaching their best friend-level of texting-
jack wasn’t jealous that a stranger was already at the midnight-texting friendship level with bittle. why would he be jealous?
before he can ask about it, though, bittle’s asleep, on top of the covers and clutching his phone. jack bites his lip and sets bittle’s phone aside and very, very carefully pulls the throw blanket from down by his feet over bittle, so he doesn’t get cold in the middle of the night. 
in the morning, when the samwell crew leaves, jack hugs bittle just a little tighter than normal, a little bit longer. he’s not sure why. it just feels right. 
so flash forward, and bittle starts coming down to providence pretty frequently. sometimes it’s to visit a cousin at brown (freshman, right outta georgia, not adapting as quickly as bittle did, needs a familiar face every now and then) and sometimes it’s to visit jack. he hangs out with ian quite a bit, which jack thinks is weird and isn’t jealous of at all. 
but he loves having bittle around, no matter the reason, so jack doesn’t look this gift horse too closely in the mouth. 
towards the end of the semester, bittle starts to get really stressed-looking. jack doesn’t see him as much, as busy as they both are, but he texts bittle constantly with little reminders throughout the day: drink plenty of water, try to get a little sleep, ransom does yoga at the fitness center on wednesdays you should join him, take a break from baking to go over your flashcards, call me if you want me to quiz you on french i’m free for a bit, etc. etc. 
there’s one evening in particular where jack’s getting off the plane after a series of away games and ian’s listening to an upset voicemail from bittle and is visibly upset himself.
and jack can hear him saying something like “eric, please talk to me... can i come down tomorrow? i think we need to talk.”
and, still visibly upset, ian gets in his car to go home and jack gets in his to do the same but he- he can’t stop thinking about bittle. bittle never gets upset enough about anything to call someone. ever. 
so jack “110% even at friendship” zimmermann speeds up to samwell and sneaks into the (unlocked) haus, dripping wet, and knocks quietly on bittle’s door. 
and bittle is fucking floored and jack’s only real explanation was “ian said you were upset about something” and he’s absolutely tackled into a full-on bittle bear hug. (tiny bear hug. koala bear hug)
(and lord is jack making it hard not to be in love with him.)
he still crashes in bittle bed that night, in a pair of holster’s sweatpants bittle stole from the laundry, and bittle doesn’t tell him specifically what’s wrong but he cries a little, mostly over jack being there, and falls asleep with his head on jack’s shoulder so jack thinks he probably did something right. 
and  then. 
and then. 
he and bittle are hanging out one evening not long after that and there’s a knock on the door and it’s ian and, okay, jack likes the guy, he’s a team player and works really hard, even if he isn’t the most skilled rookie, but this is jack’s time with bittle, why is he here? 
but bittle suddenly has this really nervous look on his face and ian is practically shaking and they sit down on the couch next to jack and ian says, “s-so, um, jack. me and eric- we’re um. we’re dating. have been for a while. we wanted you to be the first to know, knew we could trust you with this.” 
and OH. jack’s sort of thrown for a loop, so it takes him a minute to respond, and ian’s getting paler and paler and bittle looks like he’s going to bite through his own lip and jack manages to say something supportive and bland, just to get bittle to smile in relief. 
and he is supportive. he’s always been supportive of bittle’s dating misadventures. and he understands why they’ve kept it a secret it all semester, even if it’s clearly the thing that upset bittle so much. 
but he’s also jealous. and it’s pretty hard to deny any more. but ian’s a decent dude and clearly cares about bittle so jack tries to tamp down those ugly feelings and claps them both on the back and thanks them for trusting him.
ian chooses not to come out to any other falcs only george. he’s mostly friends with the other rookies and they’re all young and cocky and...well, the ones making most of the questionable jokes in the locker room. 
(i imagine there’s a fun moment when ian’s coming out to george where she’s all “oh, bittle? speedy little guy” and ian has no idea Why or How she knows that until he remembers that she would’ve watched his boyfriend’s tapes pretty closely while recruiting zimmboni)
(i also imagine a SUPER FUN moment when he comes out to her where he sort of chokes on his words and accidentally says “i’m dating zimmermann...’s friend, eric” and for a terrifying second george has to prepare herself for two of her boys dating each other)
and because ian doesn’t know the samwell crew, bittle doesn’t tell them about it at all. jack is his only friend with whom he can talk about ian. 
so jack hears it all, the good, the bad. (luckily, not the gory details. southern gentlemen do not [REDACTED] and tell)
in the spring, things seem to get worse between ian and bittle. they’re both busier and there’s a lot of phone tag and missed connections and jack can see ian getting visibly frustrated with it. there are a few times he sees ian, when they’re out with the guys, straight-up declining bittle’s calls. 
he tries to stay out of it. jack’s an adult, he doesn’t meddle or intervene in other people’s business. but. but. this is bittle. bittle’s happiness is more important to jack than almost anything. 
(and wow that’s a lot for a guy who only recently realized he wanted to be bittle’s secret NHL boyfriend. but he’s an all-in kind of guy.)
around february (valentine’s day??) they have two off days in a row and jack’s pretty exhausted so he opts to spend it on his couch with microwaved pad thai and netflix documentaries. that is, until there’s a knock on his door. 
and bittle’s there, tears on his cheeks, looking smaller and more vulnerable than jack’s ever seen him, babbling on and on incoherently. jack ushers him in and gets him tissues and a beer and manages to put together that ian broke up with bittle. 
(which??? what a fucking idiot??? who even does that?? he’s bittle???)
and jack more or less says that. “why would he break up with you?” he genuinely asks. “you’re amazing.” 
and bittle cries again and says something about the stress of hiding their relationship and not making their schedules line up and all jack can think is that if he had the chance with bittle, he’d do the fucking work to make that relationship solid, to make it work. he’s now rethinking his opinions on ian’s work ethic. 
and pretty much jack plies bittle with beer and microwaved food and television and lets him rest his head in jack’s lap and strokes his hair all evening and tells him he’s way too good for ian. 
(his mother was in a series of hit teen romances back in her day and jack maybe learned too much about dealing with boys and breakups from watching them as a child.)
part of jack thinks that this breakup will be the end of bittle coming down to providence every free weekend. but it isn’t, and he certainly doesn’t question it the next time bittle shows up at his place rambling on about wanting to check out a new patisserie downtown. 
they eat too much and wander around the city talking about everything. that evening they take out indian food for dinner and jack runs through flash cards with bittle, then drives him home in time to join a party going on in their living room. 
(jack crashes in bittle’s bed again. but it’s different, now that they’re both single and jack knows he’s in love. but it’s too soon and bittle probably not interested, so he falls asleep watching the rise and falls of bittle’s chest.)
things continue on like this all semester. sometimes jack brings tater to hang out at the haus. sometimes lardo comes with bittle to visit jack. luckily, ian isn’t a star player, so his name isn’t brought up too often around the haus to upset bittle (and how could it when there’s a literal shrine to mashkov being built in the living room, over the TV) 
so the falcs are playing [insert team] here during the cup play offs or whatever (lol they play hockey in this comic what?) and jack gets checked mega hard, real bad, there’s blood and shit, definitely a concussion, maybe broken ribs and all that jazz. bad enough that everyone takes a knee and jack’s taken to the hospital. 
(is that a thing in hockey? in lacrosse you gotta take a knee when someone’s really hurt but that sounds hard on skates idk)
ANYWAY jack’s out for the game (season?) and like he’s gonna be fine but there’s blood and bitty loses his shit
i’m talking, he’s fucking calling ian to make sure jack’s okay, ian whom he hasn’t spoken to since the breakup. luckily, they’re playing close by (providence? boston? idk how playoffs work, if they play in their home arenas or not) ANYWAY close enough that the samwell crew packs into holster’s mom-van and roadtrips to the hospital
they try to convince the nurses they’re jack’s family but like...no
shitty meets them there and is on the phone with bob, the only person who is at all calm because he knows these types of injuries well 
and george is in the lobby and she sees bittle and has heard enough from both jack and ian that she likes the kid and manages to get him back to see jack (without his loud and huge cohort, unfortunately)
and bits cries the moment he sees jack in that hospital bed, even though he’s totally fine, bittle, don’t worry about it, just some cracked ribs and a concu-
he’s cut off by bittle kissing him, more out of relief than anything, because if jack is chirping him then he’s not dying and before bittle can realize what he’s done jack is reaching up and pulling him back in, kissing him as soundly as one with a moderate to severe concussion can. 
and so since jack’s out for the rest of playoffs (and the falcs don’t make it much further without their lead scorer) he spends quite a bit of time, um, recuperating  in bittle’s bed at samwell, and then in providence as bittle finds a last minute internship there for the summer. 
so it starts about a year later, but it’s still the zimbits we know and love. but they’re a little more prepared. (jack has a fucking gameplan, based on everything that went wrong with ian. he’s got schedules for their skype dates. he’s ready to make this thing work forever)
(and it does.)
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iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 7 years
hey I don't know any of your characters really but! how about these questions? 3, 28, 38
(that’s okay i never talk about my OCs so probs no one knows about them lmao) (thx for asking though!!!) (i’m gonna answer all four for each three just so i can talk about them a lil)
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
After she starts the superheroing shindig, Haley just collapses in bed exhausted. She used to fall asleep pretty quickly anyway bc she keeps herself busy during the day (chatting her way through classes and then cheerleading practices)
Sienna definitely reads to fall asleep. And long after she should be asleep. She’s 100% the kid who falls asleep, book still in hand, way past her bed time.
Dallas is another physically active kid; he crashes pretty easily. Some nights he stays up late worrying, though, until he thinks himself into exhaustion. 
Kya pets her dog Tally.
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
I think probably all of them would prefer the truth in the long wrong. Kya is literally looking for answers to a question, so she definitely would. Sienna would always prefer the truth, but she’s also sometimes insensitive to others so she doesn’t always get why others wouldn’t want the truth, even unpleasant. Dallas and Haley both might want a lie, but I think that’s only an initial, emotional response and in the long run would prefer to know the truth.
38. What memory do they revisit the most often? 
(they’re literally all still 12 yo babs omg they don’t have that many) 
Haley has a really nice memory of her oldest brother letting her tag along to some of his college classes with him. It’s one of her last memories of him, so she carries that with her (and probs admires him and thinks he’s so smart and old and mature up until she gets to college herself and realizes that even though he was the best he was def a College Kid™ like the rest of us).
Sienna’s is the one when Haley makes her come with her and her friends to the 7th grade dance.
Dallas’ is the last family vacation he took with his parents and brothers and sister; it was a camping trip to a little lake cabin that was WAY too small for four kids and they all fought constantly but they also hiked and swam and made s’mores of the campfire and things were nice.
Kya’s is when her dad gave her Tally as puppy. She also revisits a lot the last time she saw her parents, but that’s not a fully developed plot yet whoops
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goldenscript · 8 years
neighbor!monsta x
author’s note: let’s just blame @wangpuppo for enabling me to write this mess.
read under the cut for more~
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the relatively quiet neighbor
very self-sufficient, can cook like eggs, bacon, and rice pretty well
does his own laundry and usually likes to kick back, watch some tv when he has nothing else to do
his friends love to come over and pester him so sometimes he pretends he’s not home
will even fall asleep when he’s hiding from minhyuk or jooheon
sometimes you forget he lives in the building bc literally no sound comes from that side of the wall
well, not always (you found this one out come about a week into your arrival into the complex)
so unknown to everyone else’s knowledge except his buds that inhabit the building, hyunwoo’s actually a dance instructor
a lot of the time he’ll actually do his routines at home, often having to rearrange furniture and play the dance song and all, and unfortunately, this means making a lot of.... sounds
this is the first time you’re experiencing this so you’re actually not sure what to think considering you’ve just moved in next door
all you hear is the furniture getting moved about and music starts playing and oh god you hear grunting too
you’re actually very sure you heard someone enter his apartment too though you can’t really hear their voices
it’s not like you tried to hear it or anything though you admit your neighbor’s extremely attractive you’re seriously not trying to think of what he’s doing and why he’s being so goddamn loud and oh god it’s like the fifth time in a row you hear the next bout of music and grunts and you’re actually a little traumatized
for the most part, you try not thinking about it whenever you see him but jesus it’s too hard when you’re grabbing your mail and he comes out looking all sweaty and exhausted and yeah nope abort
you do your best to avoid making eye contact with him even if he’s your super attractive neighbor with nice arms and a nice smile :(
the only time you’ll ever notice him is if he sees someone (either you or one of the elderly tenants) struggling to carry some things like groceries and he’ll be there in a flash
like you were at the entrance with like two boxes stacked from your old place and hyunwoo just appeared and said “oh!! lemme help you with that”
and of course you couldn’t really say no bc he’s already taking them from you and already making his way up the stairs since the elevator would be under renovation and he actually makes an effort to chat with you about life and how you like it in the building and even though you feel awkward about remembering that tidbit he apologizes for always dancing so late and probably blasting his music so loud
and you’re like “wait what”
and he goes “well, yeah i’m sure you’ve noticed the music! i’m a dance instructor so i practice a lot and my friends come by since they dance too so if we’re loud then i apologize-”
you’re just like “oh thank god”
him: o: “what”
you sheepishly admit you thought he was having sex for like five hours straight and he really almost drops your stuff in shock and he cheeks get all beet red and he’s stammering like that isn’t possible
and you just laugh, trying to calm him because you’re just grateful he wasn’t banging someone for that long so many times a night
and he goes “i assure you i’m very single” and oh dear lord he really actually set the boxes down at your doorway to facepalm
and you just wink at him and say, “well, i’m glad. i’ll see you around, hyunwoo! maybe you can teach me a dance or two~”
probably the flirt neighbor ngl
he’ll usually throw a pick up line or two your way even to the elderly ladies who always love to call him handsome
knows how to cook and clean but his cook skills are limited to probably ramen and rice
definitely knows how to make a mean cup of coffee (lolol)
relatively the nice in between of quiet and loud unless he has over his loud af buds who don’t know the definition of quiet
you kinda peg him as a fuckboy at first glance so you don’t really talk to him
contrary to common to belief, he actually doesn’t really flaunt his physique and tramp around without a shirt so long as he can help it
he’s actually quite shy so he actually looks really upset when the fire alarm goes off on the whole building and everyone has to be evacuated and he wasn’t able to pull on a shirt because mrs. lee on the third floor needed help getting down the stairs and he couldn’t wait
luckily you managed to grab a blanket before you were forced outside in just a pair of sleeping shorts and loose top and you actually hand it over to him because well he isn’t as bad as you thought
at least considering the fact that he went up to most of the tenants asking if they were okay, checking on mrs. lee and mr. kim even mrs. diaz who had a relatively mean streak unless it was hoseok asking
so you decide he isn’t that bad and you offer him your blanket when the fire men are checking on the fire in what turns out to be minhyuk’s apartment because his attempt at cooking was far from successful.... rip the poor pasta he boiled
anyway he kinda looks at you with wide eyes because you aren’t trying so hard to gawk at him like the other tenants and you certainly aren’t giving him that huffy cold shoulder like before
you just smile, “take it, seriously. you’ve been a really good sport, checking up on everyone like that” 
but instead of taking it, he tries to say that he doesn’t want you to get cold so you roll your eyes and shove the flannel material over his shoulders and keeping some of it on yourself
“we can share then” you say with an attempted straight face but the astonished look on his features and the light blush on his cheeks makes it hard
enter a few disappointed grumbles from his little fans
and he just grins and says “okay”
he just rests his arms on your shoulders when he feels you beginning to shiver and the warmth of his skin just settles nicely and he grins over at you because you just nestle into his touch
like seriously hoseok is so cute and even when you deemed him a fuck boy you had to admit just how attractive he is
so for the rest of that night until it’s safe to enter you both end up chatting away and getting on somewhat closer terms
before you part ways you actually stop him and apologize though he’s very confused about why
you admit that you misjudged him at first and then he shrugs it off and tells you he’s used to it but that makes you feel even more sorry
and it becomes a stammering mess of apologies (it’s like 3 AM so of course this was gonna be a mess) until he leans in really close and grabs your shoulders and says, “it’s ok y/n i promise”
you nod with a small smile “okay, hoseok”
“see you around” he says leaning back near the wall with a faint dust of pink resurfacing on his cheeks
you grin, “i hope so~” before you two officially part ways
you soon discover he’s the cutest boy ever who will literally chat you up with meaningful small talk because somehow most conversations with him are far from awkward
like he’ll ask how your day has been, what you like to do in free time, and input his own likes and dislikes and all that good stuff
hell, y’all even had an entire discussion on your favorite eevees because dammit vaporean is top dog in your opinion
he thinks that the regular eevee is better since they’re the original types and honestly it’s been a major discussion since you both discovered your infatuation with pokemon
it’s such a progression for you two considering you spent a good two weeks avoiding him since you moved into the building and you enjoy your little conversations with him that last until you part ways either at your doors or at the bottom of the stairs when y’all have places to go in opposite directions
then one day he actually asks if you’d like to go sit somewhere that isn’t either of your apartments and at an actual food place
you agree and say “i thought you’d never ask” with a grin
he... is definitely the friendly neighbor
definitely the kind to greet you when he sees you, ask how your day’s been, and ask what you’re up to
he doesn’t do this out of courtesy at all either
like he does it because he genuinely cares and will even ask you about it a week later and how it went
you once told him you wanted to try out this crocheting class the first week you moved into the complex and he asked you how it was going nearly a month later
you found it pretty endearing that he’d remember such a simple tidbit and ever since then you’ve remembered him out of everyone else in the building
to say the least that’s exactly what minhyuk hoped bc he may or may not have a massive crush on you...... and if he’s anything but subtle then maybe he’d be able to keep it a secret
but he canNOT
he makes it so painfully obvious that sometimes he facepalms himself for being too dorky or “too weird” but when he sees you laugh or giggle at his actions, he can’t help but flash his big, ol’ pearly grin at you
anyway, he’s been meaning to ask you out for ages but always chickening out
just the mention of “date” and you gets him so flustered and tongue twisted, he ends up mentioning something completely random like “cavities are bacteria’s poop” (this is actually very true so when you looked it up, you were extremely perplexed that he knew such a fact)
but it gets you even more interested in your rather perky neighbor who is constantly at war with the downstairs tenant aka his bff kihyun LOL
one time minhyuk was vacuuming at 3 AM and when it comes to that.... we all know it’s to piss off the pink-haired hamster boy below
so out of spite and the extreme fatigue kihyun has had to suffer after hearing about you for the 892739857239874298th time in a row, he takes matters into his own hands and right outside your door he begins trying to hype up minhyuk to ask you out
even when minhyuk is shushing him since you’re about to head out to the library as per usual around this time
it doesn’t work as right as you open the door you just hear
minhyuk: kihyun, drop it. i like her but i can’t ask her out
kihyun: like who?
minhyuk: are you deaf? have you been listening?! i like y/n!!!!
and you just stand there wide eyed like “you like me, minhyuk????”
if you could see minhyuk looking at kihyun, it was actually a deathly sight but as kihyun waves and walks off you distract minhyuk with a grin and tell him that you’re free tomorrow night if he wants to accompany you for some street food by the market
he agrees and can’t really hide the elation since you actually asked him out
when you two go on your date, he pays - his only excuse is that he didn’t get to confess and ask you out the way he wanted so he wanted to at least do that soooo you make a proposition to him
if he does things the way he wants to then you two can start splitting the bill bc why the hell not???
of course he agrees
even asks you out by knocking on your door, shyly with these cute flowers that you place in a vase and watch as he shyly asks you out for a dinner at his apartment since he really wanted to do something special
and it is pretty special
at least to him since.... well..... minhyuk can’t actually cook
everyone knows not to let him anywhere near the kitchen
that’s why kihyun will drop food off or feed the poor kid
even changkyun delivers a few pizzas for him
for some reason, anytime he goes near his apartment’s kitchen, it’s waiting to burst into flames just by his touch and it’s deterring for him but he really wants to do it right just to do something that special for you
so on the night of your date, he invites you instead, helping you get comfy as he rushes back to the kitchen trying to stir the simple pasta
man oh man.... it was not that simple
somewhere along the way, the pasta was getting over boiled or something during his extensive chat with you about the most iconic Shinee song
you swear it’s ring ding dong but he says it’s lucifer and yeah well
rip the pasta and the fact that y’all had to evacuate the floor because it was smoking way too much inside the apartment and even the fire department came and well
as disappointed as minhyuk was, you appreciated his effort and you both ended up walking to a 24-hour convenience store for the cup noodles and the hot water stations and were pretty satisfied with that after all the fire department hullabaloo
he’s probably the best damn tenant to ever exist
he cooks, cleans, doesn’t blast his stereo (*cough* jooheon *cough*), and he’s usually a pretty friendly person to chat with
unfortunately, he has another side to him
a dark side
he is also the petty neighbor
if you’ve ever seen this meme then just know that the person holding the vacuum upside is kihyun and minhyuk’s the one vacuuming at like 3 AM disrupting his sleep
and to emphasize: kihyun values his beauty sleep
it’s actually very safe to say that he needs it or he’s literally the definition of the devil’s incarnate because
a) sleep is important b) if he gets less than 8 hours he will not hesitate to bite you head off and spit it back at you just to say that it tasted worse than hyungwon’s cooking  and c) let the damn hamster boy sleep, please
unfortunately, minhyuk loves to test this and make sure that kihyun suffers just because the feelings are generally vice versa
it’s honestly a miracle that kihyun continues to make food for the guy though you can best believe that shit ain’t flying if he gets just 7.5 hours instead of his necessary 8 LOL (then minhyuk is changkyun’s problem unless kihyun gets to the youngest boy first)
when kihyun doesn’t get his sleep, it’s best to steer clear
no matter what
he won’t care if you’re dying, just don’t bother him dammit
unfortunately, you did not get this memo
being his next door neighbor, you usually hear all the hullabaloo from all his quarrels with the tall, loud boy from down below and it also means that on occasion you end up receiving kihyun’s mail in your mailbox for some reason??
so you do the nice thing in delivering it to him under his door
but for goodness sake it’s an actual package with god knows what and you don’t just want to leave it at his door so you knock and hope that he isn’t in his really grumpy mood
sadly, he is
and he just stares at you with dead eyes and a snarky remark on his lips because damn he really shouldn’t be disturbed right now
but you just hand him his box and snark right back that you wouldn’t have knocked if it wasn’t important so he should just calm his panties because you were only doing a courteous deed before stalking off
he watches as you do, eyes softening ever so slightly because damn he might’ve just met his match LOL
and that should raise concerns considering kihyun rarely ever does this.... though you don’t care much for it or him
you do see how he is pretty grumpy without sleep
debra’s small talk wasn’t just fake talk but you can’t help but wonder if it’s probably because of his friend constantly fucking around with him and maybe he’s just grouchy because he needs his sleep
you don’t think too much on it but it resurfaces as soon as you see him again, carrying like a box filled to the brim with what looks like groceries as he scurries his way toward a room in the hall where one of your friend jackson actually stays and watch curiously as you wait
he sees you from the corner of his eye but continues to impatiently knock until minhyuk answers and they have their usual quips
as kihyun closes the door, he just flashes you a smirk and wave before jackson opens his door
you ask about minhyuk and kihyun and he just explains that they have a close friendship since the latter can’t take care of himself, kihyun’s basically his mother lol
and you kinda feel a pang of sympathy despite how much of a grouch he can be
he takes care of his place and even his friend which is only a little sad but it’s commendable
anyway, the next time you deal with a grumpy kihyun, you just grumble “here” before passing him a small neatly wrapped package and disappearing back into your room
when he opens it, it’s a pair of ear plugs and he’s never been more grateful to you (”:
instead of knocking on his door, he knocks on yours with a smile on his lips and a lack of bags before he hands you his rather famous and delicious casserole as a thank you
that one neighbor who you check on once in a while because his friends are worried he might die without them knowing one day
hyunwoo and kihyun begged you to at least knock on hyungwon’s door once every two or three days just check on him
they’ve had to do this with previous neighbors
mostly because hyungwon can be too lazy to even pick up his phone
but anyway, he just worries his friends so they look to you to help them out and let them know that he’s doing okay and living and breathing
you do, of course, just for their sake since you’re sure you’d want your friends to be okay if they acted in the same way
but honestly.... he’s such a grouch LOL
like every time you knock on his door, he doesn’t respond, hoping you’ll just go away but you even rummage out a spare key because kihyun really was serious about checking up on him
and you just find him underneath his covers and he’s just like
“i’m trying to sleep go away”
you just snap a picture of him and send it to kihyun, telling him that his friend is fine, just a grouch
you continue this up for a few weeks, making the visits at least twice a week or so
each one getting a little longer without either of you actually realizing it
during those times you both have your little quips here and now especially if hyungwon’s awake and just lazying around his apartment bc “what’s so good about the outside world??? i have everything i need here, food, bed, and a toilet”
when you point out sunlight and social interaction, he points at the window and he says you socialize with him and his friends when he lets them in or whenever they let themselves in
you shrug, just rolling with it but you notice that he’s been sniffling quite a bit and sneezing too
when you bring up that he might be sick, he just brushes you off and tells you to leave for being such a worry wart
 come your next visit and guess who’s sick?
that punk
you just look at him all bundled up in his bed sniffling into tissues with an expectant look but he turns away from you and says “shut up not a word”
“i told you so” you say while straightening his blanket out, setting down some tylenol and medicine
you even make him some tea and let soup boil on the stove until it’s ready before bringing it over to him and he begrudgingly accepts it and visibly enjoys it, looking much better than he had been earlier
with a sigh, you instruct him to take his medicine before turning to leave and he mumbles a thank you that he hopes you hadn’t heard (you did)
within the week, he feels infinitely better but as of late you hadn’t visited
instead kihyun and shownu alternate between checking up on him but since you stopped coming by, he anxiously waits by the door in his living room, hoping to see you
not that he’s worried or anything....
ok maybe a little
he actually goes over to your place and knocks, hoping you’re there and come as he hoped, you’re there bundled head to toe and holding a cup of tea and he was just ready to ask where you’ve been but the words are stuck in his throat bc you’re sick and very pouty
you grumble, “you got me sick, punk”
and he keeps you company for the most part and even makes you soup but jesus it tastes horrible but you appreciate the effort
but he feels awful since you helped him so he... actually... asks... kihyun... for... advice (hyunwoo wouldn’t have known what to do so his motherly friend is hyungwon’s best bet)
but the moment hyungwon mentions you, kihyun gets all *eyes emoji* and hyungwon’s like “y’know what nvm i’ll just ask jin”
kihyun: you better Not. I am your only mother friend, you ungrateful brat. now tell me your problem
hyungwon: how....do...i....make...soup......
and kihyun helps him make this batch of soup LOL
it actually tastes edible and kihyun couldn’t be more proud (and same for all of us honestly) (”:
anyway he brings it to you, and you carefully taste it and just eat it well and that makes hyungwon sooooo happy
you even smile at him and say that you’re glad that he finally left his apartment LOL
and he just looks away and tells you to eat your soup, even wiping away some of the excess broth from the corners of your mouth
him: i probably didn’t tell you this earlier but thank you
you: you’re welcome (:
honestly everyone thinks it’s a miracle you got hyungwon out of his house, but they really thought you were some savior when they found out from kihyun that he took care of you (bc mama kihyun will be damned not to brag about his achievement)
the loud neighbor
he splits costs with his roommate changkyun, a lowly college student who works at a pizza parlor on the side
neither of them know how to cook
usually he depends on changkyun to bring back leftover pizza or he will actually call changkyun’s workplace, order a pizza and request changkyun, just so he can mess with the poor boy
next to that he forever bumps his stereo with his newest mixtape
he means no harm in it until people rudely tell him to turn it down because let’s be real jooheon is that type of person who would stare you down with a blank expression as mr. jones from 4b tells him his mixtape is crap and to turn down his devil music and jooheon... just.... turns it up.... louder.... toward the “max” end of the stereo knob and he gets more complaints but he’ll just mouth he can’t hear them before turning up to his own music
it’s hell for some of the rude tenants but it doesn’t leave you from the suffering either
you’re usually studying or doing something that will require some quiet to get this thing done so when music starts reverberating through your walls you’re actually a little miffed
you want your thing done, you really do
but the one time you were ready to give him a piece of your mind, you see him react to mr. jones and watch jooheon’s rbf
to say the least, jooheon’s rbf is really intimidating
he just looks like he’s staring into your damn soul and you’re just like “fuck”
so you just try to suffer through the music even if it kills you sometimes
you found refuge in the library but it’s one particular night when it’s being closed for some special event and you’re forced to go back to your apartment bc it’s pretty late
you find jooheon’s still turning up to his music
on any normal occasion, you would’ve shrugged your shoulders and let it pass but this was a very important set of work that you needed to do and the music wasn’t going to help any bit
you decide to brave his rbf and hope that he won’t like eat you alive or anything
and the moment he sees you, his eyes widen ever-so-slightly and he turns the knob to his music lower so he can hear you since your voice can barely breech the sound barrier with his goddamn surround sound
he’s just like “oh hi, what’s up?”
you’re not as scared of him when he looks so.... friendly and maybe it shows since you’re not as tensed up as before
and now that you have a good look at him... he actually looks pretty cute.... but you’re there for a reason outside of admiring LOL
you just look at him apologetically because you get that he was probably having a good time considering some of his friends were over and all but you have to ask
so you say, “i know it’s like a saturday night and all but i really have this important set of docs to do and i was wondering if you’d maybe turn down your music? please?”
he just kinda stares at you, cheeks a little pink and somewhat dumbfounded but he nods, already turning it down to a semi-reasonable volume but enough that the rest of his posse can enjoy it
though he ignores the complaints he receives from there just to flash a small smile at you
before you turn to leave, he stops you and says “i’m sorry if i was -um- distracting you....” 
and you just smile at him and say that it’s fine
you mention you even like the song and you head back to your apartment and he’s just so..... starstruck LOL
like damn you’re his superduper cute neighbor who likes his song and was really kind to him and jshfkjhfakjf he really didn’t care that his friends were giving him grief
even when minhyuk calls him whipped he just shrugs his shoulders bc how could he spite his super cute neighbor when you kindly asked him to turn down his music???
a few more times you’ve done this and he gladly does it
but one time, on a random tuesday night, you stop by and he’s ready to apologize and fumble with the knobs when you stop him and ask him to tell you about it
and oh my god
that boy has never been at a loss for words until that very moment
even his roomie changkyun thinks it’s a miracle that’s possible but hey the guy turned his stereo down just for you so y’know
never say never
the college student neighbor
basically the kid who comes back to the complex at like 2 or 3 AM with dark shadows under his eyes, a monster in one hand, an americano in the other and a huge ass backpack filled with papers
he majors in mechanical engineering but he’s also doing comp sci bc computers are cool??
he’s generally the more responsible one between him and jooheon
often reminding the older boy to pay for the utilities when needed because changkyun absolutely refuses to be caught out in public covered in sludge because dammit someone fucked up with the sewage and he had to fix it somehow right as their damn water went out LOL
he spends a lot of his time studying like crazy but also delivering pizzas for that extra money
fortunately, one of his consistent customers happens to be you aka his very cute neighbor who happens to like him but would rather hide under a rock than tell him LOL
you’re both actually students at the same university and you’ve seen him around, especially in class
a few times he’s actually helped you with calculus work and there was just something about him that made you really really smitten with him ok
like smart, good looking, nice voice???? hell ya
and you actually didn’t find out he delivered pizza until he walks out of the nearby pizza places and you just... decide that maybe you can chat with him this way?
your roomie jennie encourages this, considering she thinks you two would be absolutely adorable together but also cuz she really can’t believe you’re crushing on the neighbor like what are the odds????
anyway, you do this
but you do it at least like... once a week
and that is definitely not how jennie saw this whole thing going
even changkyun is a bit concerned with the growing amount of times he’s had to deliver pizza to his neighbor’s place so often (not that he’s complaining too much since you’re pretty darn attractive)
though he really is like “why does this person eat so much pizza omg???”
and jennie is honestly just Done with answering the door and casually calling you over to get it so she just leaves it to you
she devises a plan because she knows you’re serious about telling changkyun that you like him
after all, you know can’t keep watching him in passing forever
so she orders the pizza online, typing into the special request box to have him specifically deliver the pizza with a cute pick up line signed off with a “from a meddling roommate who just wants you and y/n to go out already pls” and and and he’s absolutely baffled by the request but hey you’re not the only one trying to woo the other ok
changkyun just hasn’t been so sure about doing it tho he’ll occasionally put in extra effort to chat with you and even ask how your day’s been
and he actually has been looking forward to all your weekly pizza orders
it’s just.... nice to see your face and the way your visage lights up at the sight of the pizza tho he hopes it’s cuz of him dsjhjsdhfksj (*whispers* it is)
hell, he even remembers you from math!!!!
he decides to go through with it because why the hell not??? here’s his chance no matter how embarrassing it is
jennie forces you to answer the door, waving you off with a mischievous smirk that makes you all too suspicious before disappearing to her room and all you see is a really flustered changkyun
he just stutters out a pick up line:
“I’m in the mood for pizza... a pizza you, that is!”
he actually debated on a pizza one but he didn’t want to completely die of embarrassment but his red cheeks are almost too much and the only thing he can think to do is scribble his number onto the pizza box and just dip
you’re still in shock and as you turn the pizza box over to see his number and you turn as soon as you hear jennie’s giggles
and even tho you really wanna get mad at you, you seriously can’t help the goofy grin on your lips or shake the image of a very flustered changkyun scurrying off after that little ordeal
you finally got that boy’s number and you couldn’t be happier <3
hell, even changkyun’s pretty proud of himself... minus the immense cringing..... heh
it’s all worth it when he gets a notification from his phone and it reads:
[9:54 PM] unknown: hey, it’s y/n. i was definitely in the mood for a pizza a you too... (oh god kajsfkjahfaj pls excuse that....) just know that i really am glad you did that. sorry for my roommate! maybe i can make it up with some sushi?
he decides it won’t hurt to respond:
[9:56 PM] changkyun <3: sure, i’d like that (: no more pizza references... please
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