#like it was genuinely a 50/50
Anyone else think that Ashley/Fearne might’ve fudged that coin flip to save Orym? I mean, she keeps the coin out of sight of everyone at the table, and it makes absolute sense that she would choose Orym over Laudna given that they have a longer and deeper connection…
Or maybe I’m just wearing my tinfoil hat today, I dunno 🤷‍♀️
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inkskinned · 9 months
love when men cry about body hair bc "it's hygiene" and yet 15% of cis men leave the bathroom without washing their hands at all and an additional 35% only just wet their hands without using soap. that is nearly half of all men. that means statistically you have probably shaken hands with or been in direct contact with one of these people.
love when men say that women "only want money" when it turns out that even in equal-earning homes, women are actually adding caregiver burdens and housework from previous years, whereas men have been expanding leisure time and hobbies. in equal-earning households, men spend an average of 3.5 hours extra in leisure time per week, which is 182 hours per year - a little over a week of paid vacation time that the other partner does not receive. kinda sounds like he wants her money.
love that men have decided women are frail and weak and annoying when we scream in surprise but it turns out it's actually women who are more reliable in an emergency because men need to be convinced to actually take action and respond to the threat. like, actually, for-real: men experience such a strong sense of pride about their pre-supposed abilities that it gets them and their families killed. they are so used to dismissing women that it literally kills them.
love it. told my father this and he said there's lies, damned lies, and statistics. a year ago i tried to get him to evacuate the house during a flash flood. he ignored me and got injured. he has told me, laughing, that he never washes his hands. he has said in the last week that women are just happier when we're cooking or cleaning.
maybe i'm overly nostalgic. but it didn't used to feel so fucking bleak. it used to feel like at least a little shameful to consider women to be sheep. it just feels like the earth is round and we are still having conversations about it being flat - except these conversations are about the most obvious forms of patriarchy. like, we know about this stuff. we've known since well before the 50's.
recently andrew tate tried to justify cheating on his partner as being the "male prerogative." i don't know what the prerogative for the rest of us would be. just sitting at home, watching the slow erosion of our humanity.
#writeblr#warm up#ps edited so it is more clear where “half” of men is coming from:#15% literally don't even touch water#an ADDITIONAL 35% ''wash'' by just running their hands under water WITHOUT SOAP#15+35 =50%#like that is not washing ur hands. go back and use soap#btw the numbers for women are 4% never washing and 15% ''just water''#which is still gross but like. sooo much better yikes#ps i know we're all gay on this site but watching ppl ''correct'' my math on this has been wild#i have a learning disability im genuinely bad at math so i check EVERY time someone corrects me#but no they're just confidently wrong.....#182 hours is a week babes. 182/24 (number of hours in a day) is ~7.6#that's where i got that number from. also from rent we know there's 168 hours in a week.#ALSO btw if u read this and ur response is ''men are also struggling rn tho'' like babe you missed the point of it tho#this doesn't even make fun of men it's legit just pointing out that bigotry against women isn't founded#in anything men actually CARE about . like they don't actually CARE about ''being clean'' when they make fun of armpit hair#or they would be WASHING THEIR HANDS.#men pretend to be rollin' in cash and Apex Predators and instead they are trained to be lazy and unwilling to act in emergencies#i have never and will never make fun of men for asking for more support on important topics like DV and mental health.#this is so clearly not about men; it's about how common just being plainly misogynistic has become.#like they don't try to hide it anymore.
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syn0vial · 17 days
i appreciate that in the boba fett expanded universe canon, we have multiple moments from multiple authors that boil down to "despite his reputation/appearance, boba fett is not fearless, and is in fact doing his level best right now to walk calmly away from this objectively terrifying situation rather than breaking into a fucking sprint in the opposite direction"
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multigenderswag · 7 months
If yall hate it when male+female people who are attracted to women call themselves lesbians, what the fuck do you want them to call themselves?
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recurring-polynya · 2 months
It has been 14 hours since I found out that, according to Kubo, Byakuya calls Renji by his given name "because Rukia does" and I am obsessed with this information.
This is both the best and worst possible answer to this question. I feel like if you asked Byakuya, this is exactly the reason he would give. However, if Rukia were present, she would lose her damn mind. While I do think Rukia's assertion that Byakuya didn't look at her even once in 40 years is hyperbole, over that time I can imagine Renji's name coming up in conversation once, maybe twice tops.
Like, two weeks before she goes on her fateful mission to the Living World, B's been shortlisting Vice-Captain candidates, and over dinner, real casual:
B: Rukia. You know your friend?
Rukia: My who now?
B: That friend of yours who shouts too much. The boorishly tall one. With the red hair. Is he in Squad Eleven now?
Rukia (wracking her brain frantically for people Byakuya would consider 'her friend'): You mean Renji?
B: Yes, him.
Rukia: What about him?
B: Is he in Squad Eleven? The Sixth Seat?
Rukia: ...maybe? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The next day, Byakuya's office, Renji shows up for his job interview.
B: You must be Renji.
Renji: uhhhhhhhh sure why not?
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 months
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suchaspookyginger · 23 days
ppl who call professor stein from soul eater "middle aged" are doing it for haha giggles, right? y'all know he's only like 29-31 (ish) throughout the whole series, right?
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vrronica-sawyer · 6 months
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*shoots your doomed yaoi with a doomed yuri beam*
Sailor Trigun at ALA!!!
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emizzzleblur · 7 months
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I showed my mama this exact picture and asked what she would think if I brought them home, here’s the results:
Max: no he’s too old for you
Lance: hmm he’s nice looking
Checo and Fernando: they’re too old for you, like your fathers age (my dad is 67)
Lewis: *silence* eh
George: oooo, I like him
Charles: oh even better he’s cute
Carlos: OH WHO IS THAT??? The hair!! Oh look at those lips!! Very nice!! I’d like to come home to him!!
Pierre: oh he looks fun! He’d be fun to date
Esteban: oh he has a sultry look to him, look at those eyes!
Kevin: he has a German look. meh.
Nico: *silence* too old
Daniel: *silence* *squints* *silence*
Yuki: awwww he looks like a little puppy, he’s adorable
Zhou: I’m not into Asians
Val: he’s too old, but I like the mustache
Alex: oh he looks like he’d be a fun son-in-law
Lando, Oscar and Logan: they’re too full of themselves. Look at that ego, they’re all the same I do not like them.
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cat-mentality · 6 months
Sad QSMP headcannons that have like half a toenail in canon.
The French version:
Baghera cries very silently, like someone who is used to having to keep quiet.
She also has a very high pain tolerance and she didn't understand why until recently.
When Pomme disappeared Baghera was terrified that the Federation had something to do with that, terrified that her little girl would be at the hands of the people who made her and hurt her so badly.
As much as she wants to hate the Federation for having hurt her, at the same time she can't and that makes everything so much worse.
Baghera doesn't have wings. But she does have two scars on her back where no feathers have ever grown.
Antoine was not prepared to actually get attached to any of the French, or even to Pomme. He knows he is in too deep, has too much to lose if he cuts ties with the Federation, and yet it twists something inside of him when he thinks about their possible reactions, especially Etoiles. For the first time in a very long existence he understands what friendship is, knows what it feels like instead of just watching others experience it, and is very aware that he will lose it all.
That is why Antoine was so pissed off at Osito for being careless with the picture, the earlier they discover about his true past, the earlier he will lose them.
If the Federation truly had Pomme he would have burned it all down himself just to bring her back.
The first time Cucurucho saw Antoine angry was after the torture session nearly killed Pierre for good. No one knows who was more shocked by his display, Cucurucho or Antoine himself.
Pierre continues to trouble sleeping and constant nightmares when he does, he can't remember the last time he managed to truly rest without waking up in a cold sweat or screaming, he is always on the verge of passing out and even when he does crash he still has nightmares.
He refuses to acknowledge it or even talk about it, hides his exhaustion with everything he has, pushes people away just to make sure they wouldn't realize there is something wrong, too afraid they will see a weakness to be exploited.
Pierre hates being alone as much as he craves it- He likes being by himself working on his machines and keeping his secrets close to his chest, but at the same time when he is alone is when the dark thoughts take over
He will, on occasion, not exactly seek to get himself hurt but not exactly avoid it either- If he can feel pain it means that there is something human in him doesn't it?
But Pierre hates dying and he will avoid and lash out when put into such a situation. He fears what will wake up, if it will still be him.
Sometimes Kameto look at the rest of the Islanders and he wonders what his own life could have been, what sort of bonds he could have forged with people, if the Federation didn't come for him first.
Etoiles does not know what his worth is if not as a warrior.
He is not smart like the others, he doesn't build pretty buildings or incredible machines, he doesn't know how to do anything but fight. And if he can't fight, if he can't protect the people he cares about, then why is he still around?
War is everything Etoiles really knows. By the time he reached his late teens and was released from the battlefield he had seen more combat than some people in their old age, everything he knew how to do was to fight, he had nowhere to go, knew no one, had nothing.
He was never able to settle down for too long or even to truly build himself a home, Etoiles knew so very little about the world that he just decided he would explore it. Some people in the army talked about things they missed, things they thought worth fighting for, and Etoiles wanted to understand that feeling of fighting for anything but his own survival.
To this day he still feel more comfortable fighting than he ever does doing anything else.
None of them ever had families.
The concept of family was something Antoine learned by watching other species and for a very long time it was not something he truly understood or could relate. It was only after the plane crash and Pomme that it hit him that maybe he can understand this thing now.
Baghera always thought she was just an orphan with amnesia. She had very little memories of her young years and none of them involved other people, just her and a room, so for a long time she believed she was alone in the world. Even now she struggles with that emptiness, especially now that she knows that the Federation may be the closest thing to family that she will ever have.
Etoiles had parents once. He knows he did, but he cannot remember their faces or even their voices most of the time. He was still just a small child when they came for him and sent him to war.
Pierre was always alone. He had parents but they could as well be ghosts haunting their home, he hardly could see glimpses of them from time to time, all he ever truly had were his machines.
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indigoire · 1 year
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*Literally less than 1 second later*
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🤨 📸 
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kujakumai · 14 hours
I go back and forth a lot on the actual scale of Marik's egoism, because while he's definitely a spoiled brat, I think a significant portion of his ritual cult of personality is less by choice and more standard-issue cult social engineering; that is, enough candlelit ceremony and show-offy magic tricks can go a long way towards convincing the ghouls to obediently worship him and lowering the mind-control effort threshold, and makes them more self-enforcing and less capable of breaking out. I would not be surprised if he and Rishid came up with half of it while trying not to laugh the entire time. The fact that he needs a bunch of useful underlings to believe he's their god doesn't necessarily mean he genuinely considers himself a god or wants to be. A more low-key arrogance is sufficient to pull of that sort of magic-boosted grift.
So like. how much did he want to be god. and also if you start out running a fake cult of personality to keep control of your minions but then you do it 24/7 for five or six years at what point do you just end up internalizing your own scam
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sheepgirlmaidtummy · 3 months
for an extremely long time i couldn't get into fantasy as a genre because its so very racist and i wish i could say that its different now but. if anything its just easier to see than before
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purpleshadow-star · 1 year
I was doing some research, and I realized that Clemson, SC (where Palmetto is based on) and Columbia, SC are NOT, in fact, an hour apart from each other like they are in the books, but two hours! Idk what to think now. (First pic from Nora's old blog)
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Geographic location is the same! But the distance has shrunk to one hour!
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wazzuppy · 2 years
psychonauts 2 said "older generations are not inherently evil for their ways of thinking. they have lived and have suffered in different ways than you have, and while that doesnt neccesarily excuse their actions, they are still deserving of the opportunity to grow and better themselves. you are never too old to make yourself a better person. sometimes all you need is someone new and kind who's willing to listen" and it was right
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