#like maybe i want to go out for icecream with the whole family too and see a movie
im2tired4usernames · 2 years
I wonder what it like actually feels like to feel like an actual family member in your family?
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holyguardian · 8 months
Valentine’s Day Application
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Name: "Loqi!"
Age: "Four and a half!"
Do you like to cuddle?: "Yes!"
Can we make-out?: "Make out what? Cookies? Pizza? Yes!"
A night in or dinner out?:  "Can we order dinner in?!"
Whip cream or chocolate syrup?:  "Chocolate syrup over strawberries and ice cream!"
Chocolates and roses?: "Yes!"
What makes you a good Valentine?: "I'm the best little brother and you the best big sister!"
Would you cook for me?: "... uh, I can try, if I reach the countertops. Do you want toast or cornflakes?"
Would you let me cook for you?: "Can you reach the countertops?"
Where would you take me on a date?: "In our garden! Or to the cinema! Or that one restaurant that makes the fluffy dessert cakes!"
Who’s paying?: "Mama and Papa!"
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: "I drew you this! Maybe with a little help... but I did all the colors!"
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Valentine's Day Application.
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"Wh — of course I can reach the countertops!" Aerith declared in a light huff. The cupboards above the countertops were a whole other matter.
There wasn't any real bite in her tone. Not now, not today, not when Loqi was as cute as a button in such a sweetheart mood. She didn't think they would be allowed to leave the house just the two of them. No, Mum and Dad were protective at the best of times. But maybe they could be sweet talked into massive fluffy pancakes for the whole family? Valentine's Day was a family celebration, right?
"Oh, look, it's us! You even drew flowers for me! Lets go find the perfect spot for your drawing. I think it would look very good on my wall? Then we can come down to the kitchen and I'll sneak a bowl of icecream and strawberries and chocolate syrup, Reno too."
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astranite · 1 year
1, 2 and then 14 for Alan mayhaps? 😁💕
Greetings!!! Sorry this took a while to answer. Me or tumblr *glares suspiciously* accidentally managed to delete everything I’d typed mid-answer, and I have had A Week, so I’ve only just gotten around to re-writing. But hey, I’m here now and still excited about thunderpride!!! (and I think this is longer than the original!)
2- Queer ships for Thunderbirds? I love Kayo and Penelope together!
a) Their relationship is so interesting to me. (I haven’t actually read a huge amount of Kayo/Penny, so this is mostly from my own thoughts.) 
I see them as foils for each other in a way that brings them closer together. Penny and Kayo have very different backgrounds and outside appearances, yet they are similar at the core. Both are determined and devoted to their causes and ruthless when it comes to people they love being hurt. Kayo’s armour is in seeming dangerous, while Penelope’s in appearing harmless. A lot of vulnerability and trust would go into learning how to be together, but their relationship's greatest strength is not having to put up appearances, able to understand and be themselves with each other completely.
b) lesbians. Need I say more? (We always need more WLW in fandom!)
1- Headcanons! I’m going to answer for Alan, because I sure do have a lot of queer headcanons!
I absolutely love Alan being trans. Like so much. He’s a character I’ve become unexpectedly fond of with a side of concerned ‘oh gosh, he’s just a kid, who let the kid go out on space rescues?!’ The contrast between International Rescue operative and literally a teenager.
Alan going through the normal things of being a teen, figuring out gender, still in highschool, all the while flying around a rocket for International Rescue. Just the relatableness, of ‘yeah I’ve been there too,’ and getting to show him having a super supportive family, and the representation of him being a part of International Rescue who people and kids in and out of universe look up to! 
There are a bunch of amazing works from people in this fandom too! 
I reckon Alan really likes the word queer for describing his sexuality. He’s still young and figuring himself out, and doesn't want the pressure to define himself by just one narrow and constricting label. While questioning, he tried on a bunch of more specific ones, maybe bi or pan, but none of them really stuck. He likes people of all different genders and prefers the freedom of being himself as he is in the moment without having it fit into a neat box. 
14- Coming out!
My thinking is Alan only realised he was trans around 13/14. And I’ve accidentally written a fic here for you, whoops!
It's titled "As Sure As the Stars," about Alan growing up, figuring out he's trans and coming out! Much queer joy there!
AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/47963065
Also as a Tumblr post with the same title! It's tagged under ThunderPride. (I have no clue how to link Tumblr posts to each other, someone please tell me, help!)
For coming out as queer, it’s not a big deal but they still celebrate! Alan isn't exactly the first of his siblings to not be straight. Actually thinking about it, none of them are. This is Alan’s turn, for him to celebrate who he is and have pride in it. His whole family is there to show their support, like they are everyday, today just a bit louder. An excuse for a party is an excuse for a party! There is rainbow icecream cake flown in from the mainland on TB-One so it doesn't melt, and who let Gordy get his hands on glitter?! 
Alan grins every time he finds rainbow glitter in a crevice of the house. A reminder of his family’s love and support for him, in the enduring nature of sparkles!
Thank you for the ask!!!
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souleaterpostanime · 2 years
SE-POST Reread part 3/4
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chapter 20:Well took only 20 chapters to show Maka's mother, just probably in a way people don't like. But I thought it would be more interesting to show her as deeply flawed and hurt by the world and not as a paragon of virtue (partially because the later would maybe be even more difficult to write without resorting to killing her of for drama, which would be cheap, especially when just having a perfect person die is more boring than somebody whos flawed and who you havent fully resolved your isuess with yet...) But anyways, I think the chapter worked overall, one could complain about the convenienves of charachters meeting and going to places in oportune times but eh, I dont think that is a real problem. Also I hope I captured Spirits personality more or less, thought the concept of two awkard people talking and messing up while trying to fix it would be funny, but not sure if it landed, but atleast it mostly worked for me. Anyways, think the next chapter will let me write something more substantial about this mini arc, but we'll see.chapter 
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21: Play "Cold shoulder to cry on" by Werewolf hair if you want an eno enough song for the sad parts of the chapter lol. But nah seriously, dunno, yeah maybe I shouldnt have rushed the art of this one, cause some action panels got ruinned by not being clear enough, but I think the jist of it survived. Think the idea of taking vikings, who were known to pillage and enslave people and to combine it with a overzealous social worker who can't wait to take away kids for any reason more clvever than people would admit. Especially when I kinda was "inspired" by a scandal of one of these organizations ,in Norway I think, taking away the kid of a family, just because they were another etnhicity and culture, guess old habbits die fast with nazi collaborators... But maybe I'm to harsh on them, but after hearing a few months ago that scandinavians dont even give food to their guests, it seems I was right all along, lol. Nah weird jokes aside, I guess maybe I showed Makas mood changing a bit too fast, and maybe the small.teases for charachters who will apear more in the next chapter could be kinda distracting, but I think they served the porpuse to show the time passing of Maka sleeping and waking up. Still this chapter was important to set up some developments in the future, even if it may went a bit "too real" with just parents bickering and causing kids to cry... Eh who knows If these notes seem usesless to you, just comment to ask a question, maybe I'll have something more intersting to say?chapter 
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22:Yeah this one isn't one of the best... Just the fact the art kinda sucks again and maybe I also overdid it with the switching of perspectives and flashbacks, most be confusing for any reader. Still I think I thought I could use a chapter to pay off some things, and to set up them further. And also Liz having a trip from an exotic icecream flavor and anxiety is kinda funny, and I think a feat like that suits her charachter. Also making the one woman that saved Giriko kinda stupid seemed to work in a weird way. Still dunno, maybe the whole commentary on Blairs role and the choice of being human may be a bit to weird, but eh, I already commited to that, so if any "cringe reaction" community finds my stuff they will have enough material, unless I pull of what I plan to do succesfully, then I cant wait for the 10 hour long video essays exhalting my genius. (And atleast I didnt just discard a charachter I found "problematic", which would have been the easy way). Anyways eh who knows, maybe somebody reading this got something out of this, I atleast did.chapter 
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23:At the first pages when rereading this one I though "man will this be more boring and tedious than I remember?" But then by the time I finished I was somehow really engadged lol, funny how a "ship" I did partly just for the hell of it developed in such a way that I like it that much, especially as someone who doesnt really care for romance storys and shit. Maybe one could say I wrote Ragnarok to be a bit too nice with Tsubaki, but with all the charachter development and stuff I guess its justifiable, makes the contrast more noticable. Still I remember thinking if Tsubakis homesickness could come off as a "first world problem", especially in a silly action story with death and monster like soul eater, but eh dunno seemed to be a idea that could work with her, especially as a bigger part of her regrett and feelings of being ignored. Maybe for it to work I had to make Blackstar to much of a dick, but some sacrifices have to be made, guess I have to give him more positive moments. But funny thing I got a comment on this chapter once which said the art was hard to read, and while I agree with that sentiment, especially in fights, I didnt really notice that this much in this chapter, especially when it was so dialog focused, and even if some panels looked goofy. But I think thats the problem of being the maker of if - you cant really tell what isnt clear to you because you now what happens better than anybody else. So whenever you dont get something stay free to comment, no mater how harsh your critique will sound. Anyways I end it with saying this: I want some cherry pepsi.chapter 
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24:This one felt surprisingly short when reading, maybe because it didnt have as much dialog and discussion as the last one or maybe I was engadged in whats happening. Still I hoped I conveid the concept of Crona having a good day and succeding well, so it would make sense that his anti demon wavelength would be strong enough to temporatily purifie his blood. Also I hope there were enough hints to show he hasnt solved all his problems (think the blind man was obvious enough, maybe even a bit too much?). Still liked the villian at the start, and the misdirect who the crimson king is (and the hint that this wouldnt be a only positvie title, but one showing a split in sanity too... Dunno maybe Im trying to get too much out of the musical reference). Anyways, the action in it looked better than I remember ed, so thats a plus too. And yeah I think this is the point things finally start to heat up, but maybe Im misrembering. But next is the infamous Kim chapter so we'll see...chapter 
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25:I normally dont talk a lot about the coverpages in the notes, mostly because Im not satisfied with most, they just seem rushed or just fundementally broken from the beginning, except maybe for the flow and composition of them. But in this one I even remember the first time really being proud with the cover, while it not being super simplistic. Even now, while the feeling has diminished a bit and I see in more ways how it isnt all good and looks amateurish in a few ways, I still overall am satisfied enough with it, and see it as a succesfull atempt in rendering, unlike for example the witch mass one that was just a mess. Guess it helps that I just like the whole idea of the picture, think it conveis the feeling of the chapter in a way.(just sucks that I didnt notice the typo and still am to lazy to correct it lol) Anyways, speaking of the content of it, maybe I didnt make it clear enough that Death was being kinda a dick partly because I wanted to show his "aging" when old people can get angry and irritated, not hiding their prejudices, but maybe it just went out of charachter, even if he was more like that in his youth in a way?Anyways, dont know how people see the whole Kim and Jackie dynamic, I guess I didnt have a lot to work of from the show, think they got more charachterization in the comic, which probably is more different. Still I got a backstory planned, which will show why they are childhood friends and how they didnt meet just at the academy like in the source material (I mean, maybe thats the wronf word, think the anime didnt clarify that and I base everything on that so I aint breakin' no lore lol) Still maybe this could be seen as generic drama, of a teenager being depressed and her friend showing support but eh, seemed to work, maybe it doesnt count as emotional manipulation? Also Maka getting teary eyed when mentioning how she didnt go saving Soul right away may be a bit too much, but I think in her current mental state it may be justifiable. Oh and "violence on tv" was a good joke, I dont care.chapter 
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26:Hm, maybe something was missing to make Cronas mood change seem believable, but I did build it up for some time and I think exploring some childish entitlment and resentment due to trauma may be more intetestting than just the played out self loathing and crying I mean how many people do you know that instead of being happy for what they have, are pissed that they didnt get it sooner or got even more, you know what I mean, think everybody thinks in a immature way like that sometimes, especially when agitatated. But besides that, think the whole parralel between Crona and Kim worked mostly in this chapter, maybe it got a bit clunky in the perspective shifts and flashbacks but eh. Think both sides got shown as not really being "good guys" in this situation, with Kim lashing out horribly and Crona being filled with anger the whole day, which makes him snap easier. Still both are also partly justified in their actions and feelings. I dunno, maybe this ambiguity is too much for a story like that? chapter 
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27:The most dramatic chapter of the story I had done to this point, probably. The fight went a bit quicker than I remember, still was intersting to incorporate such a unique weapon like Jaqueline, even if I probably didnt use it in the most creative ways. I guess one could complain that I gave Crona a bew abilitie out of nowhere with the whole pausing of the resonance and then finishing it later, but I thought with all the training from Stein and his recent confidence boost, he would be able to do something like that, specially when it fits the whole music/noise team and in the end it doesnt seem to be something to complicated just a clever/sneaky way of using soul resonance. Anyways, think Crona being "betrayed" wasnt completly justified but in a situation like that it was understandable, even if Crona could have actually even died (maybe not high risk, probably would have been found unconsious before getting heatstroke or starving but with all the commotion who knows) Anyways, yeah pushing a little kid is never ok, but just shows how messed up Crona was mentally at the moment and how strong his hatred for witches got, atleast he seemed to regret it instantly, but I wonder if for some readers that is crossing a line Anyways, at the mirror scene I made the dialog to be ambigious on porpuse so you are not sure if its Crona speaking about himself, witches or his imagination as the witches roasting him, it was supposed to flow from one to another. And the glass breaking is just a cool visual, even with my art.Anyways the shaved head might seem like a very weird decision, but with the whole trope of meaningful haircuts, I thought it would work as a fun visual meatphor and something to ease tension but also show the "transformation".
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luminnara · 3 years
It’s Been a Long, Long Time | Ch 7 18+ NSFW
Warnings: nsfw, sexy sex, abo, knotting
Part 6 | part 7 | part 8
Tags:  @kyrah-williams williams @oceanmermaidwitch @shawnie--jo @super-cape @ferxaniti @namjoonwatcheshentai @fandomsstolemylife00 @youngblood199456 @nightlygiggless @darlingely @bluemoon-icecream @kaz11283 @jenjen8675309 @dollfacev8 @witchinpractice @mystical-b3ar r @sukeraa @momc95 @book-lover-2006
Bucky was still reeling from finally getting to hear her name. While the omega explored his apartment, he sank down onto his couch, his head buzzing with thoughts of her and him and his past life with HYDRA and how her name felt so, incredibly, impossibly right.
It didn’t sound familiar to him, and he was pretty certain that he had never known it before. That made him feel a little bit better about everything, a little less guilty for almost completely forgetting about his omega. He hated how much less he remembered about her than she remembered about him, even if it wasn’t his fault that HYDRA scrambled his brain up so much all the time. No matter how many times he told himself that it was okay, that he was already doing his best, he couldn’t help but feel like he was a bad alpha.
But when she looked up at him with that smile and those eyes, so trusting and happy and comfortable...well, a lot of those negative thoughts flew out the window again.
“So you live here? Like, for real? Like, all the time?” She asked as she inspected his tv.
“Sure do.” He chuckled, sitting on the couch to watch her. “Whaddya think?”
She spun around in a little circle, taking it all. “It’s...perfect.”
Bucky smiled. “I’ll have to find some more blankets for you.”
Amoretta paused, looking at him curiously. “For what? I don’t think I could ever be cold with you around. You’re like a furnace.”
“Well...so you can...you know.” He was feeling stupid again. She wasn’t even thinking of nesting with him around, was she?
“So I can what?” She seemed puzzled.
“You know...make a nest…” he mumbled. “Isn’t that what omegas are s’posed to do? I’ve heard Bruce makes them…”
Realization dawned on her and her jaw dropped a little. “Oh. I haven’t gotten to nest in...um...ever?” She laughed. “HYDRA never let me.”
“...oh.” Bucky cleared his throat.
“But now that I’m thinking about it, that might be nice.” She glanced around the room, already looking for a good spot. “Maybe there? Ooh, no, I don’t want it out in the open, do I? Or maybe I do…”
“Hey, FRIDAY?” Bucky asked.
“Yes, Seargent Barnes?” The robot replied, her voice sounding from somewhere in the ceiling.
Amoretta jumped. “Can she see us right now?”
“I monitor everything in this tower,” Friday said. “Tony has designed me to run all necessary systems.”
“Yeah, yeah. Tell someone we need more bedding. Blankets. Lots of ‘em.”
“I will let Miss Potts know right away, Seargent.”
“Thanks, FRIDAY.” He said, kicking his shoes off to rest his heels on the coffee table.
“Of course, Seargent Barnes.”
“So...you’re a Seargent?” Amoretta asked, making her way over to sit on the arm of the couch.
He stretched his arms back behind his head. “Seargent James Buchanan Barnes. World War II. I was with the 107th.”
“Is that how you know Steve?”
He smiled, his head. “Nah. We were always friends. Grew up in Brooklyn together.”
She sat up a little straighter. “Brooklyn?”
“Born ‘n raised, doll.”
“I wanna go!” She bounced down onto the cushion next to him, both hands pressing into his thigh as she suddenly leaned up towards his face. “Please?”
“Uh, sure.” He was a bit taken aback by her sudden movement, but he wasn’t complaining about how close she was now. “Mind tellin’ me why, though?”
“You mentioned it once.” She rubbed her nose against his neck, sighing happily as she scent of cloves filled her senses.
“...I did?”
“Mhm.” Amoretta snuggled up against his side, fitting next to him perfectly. “I don’t remember everything from back then, but I remember that.”
“What’d I say?” He brought on of his arms down to drape around her shoulders, hugging her closer.
“I think I asked you what kind of life we’d have outside of HYDRA.” She rested her cheek on his chest. “You told me we’d live in Brooklyn, in our own house. And…” she trailed off, blushing slightly.
“And what?” He asked, curious.
“You said we’d have lots of pups.” She chewed her lip, looking away from him in embarrassment. “It was probably just your rut talking, though, you know...i-if you don’t want that now, it makes sense. I mean, you’ve got this whole life now, and…”
She trailed off as she noticed that his chest was rumbling with a loud purr. When she finally brought her eyes back up to his face, she saw that he was watching her, features relaxed into a soft, thoughtful expression.
“Do...you want pups?” She asked, heart leaping hopefully.
“Always used to want a whole little family.” He pulled her up to straddle his lap. “Didn’t think I’d get the chance to, but now…hey, I never sired any for HYDRA, right?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Good.” He sounded relieved. “That’d be a fuckin’ nightmare.”
“They made sure my heat suppressants kept me infertile.” Amoretta said. “They didn’t have a program for breeding super soldiers ready yet.”
“Good.” He growled. “No pups of mine are ever gonna grow up in a place like that.”
She reached up, running her fingers through his hair. “You really want them now?”
“Course.” He pulled her forward, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing his face against her scent gland. “Maybe not, like, now, now, but…with you? I do.”
Amoretta’s eyes widened, a happy little keen leaving her throat. “I’ve waited so long to hear you say that…”
Bucky tugged her back so he could face her. “I’m gonna court you properly. Do it right.”
“But you don’t need to—“
“I don’t care.” He interrupted. “I’m an old fashioned guy. I’m gonna court you.”
She grinned, a hand trailing down the side of his neck. “How old fashioned, exactly?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
“Too old fashioned to have a little fun?” Her hand slipped down to press against his chest.
His purr turned into a growl, his hands moving to hold her hips. “Doll, all you gotta do is ask…”
Amoretta brought her lips to his ear. “Will you fuck me, Bucky Barnes?”
It only took a moment before his lips were on hers. He was gentle, but he was hungry, devouring her in a kiss that left her breathless and would have made her knees weak had she been standing. With his hands slowly sliding down to her ass, Bucky was perfectly content to take his time; he wanted to feel her, inch by inch, until he had memorized every curve and dip of her body.
Her skin was so soft beneath his callouses. He nudged her sweater up a bit, his hands slipping underneath it to grab at her tits. She couldn’t help but let out a whine against his lips when he brushed a thumb over her nipple, her nails digging into his shoulders as she held him.
When he broke away from the kiss, he gave her lower lip a sharp bite. “Bed. Now.”
Amoretta practically launched herself towards his bedroom, scrambling onto the bed without a second thought. Bucky followed at a much slower pace, enjoying the view as she shed her clothing.
“Hey, maybe I wanted to do that,” he teased, crawling over her. His lips found her neck, his fangs scraping her skin.
“I-I wanted to make it easier for you,” she gasped, back arching as he gave her scent gland a gentle bite.
“I wanna take my time with you, sweetheart.” His voice was husky and low, his breath hot against her throat. “I wanna enjoy every second…”
She sighed as he nipped and licked at her, her hands slipping under his shirt. Her fingers ran across his abs, feeling the way they flexed beneath her touch as he ground his hips into hers.
“You’re overdressed,” She said, tugging at his hem. “Let me see you.”
Bucky broke away from her neck and grabbed his shirt, shucking it off and tossing it behind him. “Better?”
“Much,” She hummed, taking in the sight of his naked torso.
“Good.” He took hold of her hips, leaving a trail of kisses behind as he made his way down to her pussy. “God, you smell fucking amazing…”
Amoretta trilled happily. “So do y—oh my god…”
His tongue was already lapping at her. She couldn’t remember anyone ever eating her out before, but Bucky seemed determined to make up for lost time. He acted like he was starving, sucking and nipping at her clit while he sank a finger inside of her.
Her hips bucked against him, his vibranium hand holding her down while his human hand played with her. She was already soaked, slick running down her thighs, and her scent was driving him wild.
“Fuck, I want you…” he growled, adding a second finger. “So wet, so willing…and you smell so delicious….” He inhaled slow and deep, savoring it. “I think I’ve missed this…”
“D-do you actually remember all the t-times you rutted with me?” Her voice hitched with little gasps as he stroked her inner walls.
“Yes and no.” He admitted, leaning his cheek on her thigh and looking up at her. “But I know this scent…”
“What scent—ah!” She bit her lip as he crooked his fingers a few times, warmth mounting in her belly. “K-keep going, I’m—FUCK!”
She shuddered as an orgasm rolled through her, electricity tingling in her limbs.
“The scent of my omega, all drippin’ wet, just for me.” He pulled his fingers away, licking them clean. “I wanna fuck you, doll…”
“Please,” she whimpered, scooting back up toward the pillows as Bucky stood.
Amoretta’s eyes were glued to his hands as they unbuckled his belt, his movements quick and determined. He was tired of waiting around. He wanted her now.
As he shoved his pants down off of his hips, she bit her lip again, rubbing her thighs together. She could remember how good he felt inside her, and as she thought about the way he always used to snap his hips into hers, she felt another trail of slick running down her legs.
At the sight of his cock, she was practically a waterfall.
Before he could get back to her, Amoretta was flipping over onto her hands and knees, presenting herself for him with her ass up in the air. She peeked back over her shoulder at him, watching as froze and then stiffened, a low, impossibly loud growl rumbling in his chest.
“Good girl,” he praised her, his cock already rock hard as he crawled across the bed towards her.
Amoretta gave a little wiggle, trying to convince him to hurry up. When his hands grabbed her hips and jerked her back against him, she squealed in surprise, the sound melting into a moan as he rubbed his cock against her.
“Please,” she whined. “Please, please just fuck me, Alpha, I need it…”
“How bad?” He leaned over her, nipping at her shoulder.
“S-so bad, please, just—“
She interrupted herself with another moan, her hands clutching at the sheets as Bucky finally gave her what she was craving so badly.
He pressed himself into her slowly at first, waiting to feel some resistance. She was so soft and warm that he almost came then and there, his teeth sinking into her shoulder as he forced his hips to still. Fuck, how could someone feel so good? Her pussy felt perfect around him, gently squeezing his cock as he pulled back out and then thrusted back in, already balls deep inside her. He could tell why he had liked her so much during his ruts, but he had no idea how he could have managed to fuck her for more than thirty seconds during one.
When he started moving again, Amoretta turned into putty. She was absolutely melting, angling her hips so that he could sink in deeper and deeper, slick running down her thighs.
“You like my cock, baby?” He asked, voice muffled by her neck as he dragged his lips over her skin. He wanted to be as close to her as possible, and he didn’t care if that meant both of them being a tangled mess of limbs and sweat. He just wanted her.
“Y-yes, Alpha,” she gasped, slowly sliding down until her chest was squished against the bed. He felt even better than she remembered, his cock rubbing against every single perfect spot inside of her. He was stretching her out comfortably, her slick providing more than enough lube to ensure that his size could never hurt her.
Fuck, he was perfect. He was made for her. They were made for each other.
Bucky was pressed against her back, shielding her with his entire body. He didn’t want anyone else to see his omega. The sight of her there, beneath him, taking his cock so well was for him and him alone, and he was going to make sure it stayed that way.
“Want me to fill you up?” He asked, licking her scent gland.
“Y-yes please,” she moaned, leaning her head back for him.
“Want me to breed you, over ‘n over, ‘til you’re full of pups?” He bit at her jaw.
“Yes!” She cried, whines and trills all flooding from her throat in a symphony of needy sounds.
“Say my name,” he panted, his knot already beginning to swell.
“B-Bucky,” she moaned as she felt it catch on her. Fuck, she had forgotten how good it felt to be stretched and feel it filling her.
He let go of her hips, his hand finding hers. “No, my real name…”
“J-James,” she gasped, intertwining their fingers together. “James…please knot me...”
That was it.
Hearing her gasping and moaning his name sent him over the edge, and before he could stop himself, he was exploding inside of her. He snarled, biting her shoulder again as he held her down, his knot locking him in place as he pressed his hips forward.
Amoretta sighed happily at the feeling, relaxing as Bucky’s weight fell onto her. He was panting hard, trying to catch his breath.
“Fuck,” he sighed, kissing the already-healing bite marks on her shoulder. “Sorry ‘bout the bites.”
Amoretta grinned at him as he helped her turn onto her side. “I like your bites.”
“Oh yeah?” He pulled her up against his chest, settling in to wait for his knot to go down once more. “I’ll remember that.”
“Super soldier, remember? Built to withstand you at your roughest.” She snuggled back.
“Guess I’ve got something to thank HYDRA for, after all.” He chuckled, drawing lazy circles on her hip. “You didn’t cum when I was inside you, did you?”
“No, but that’s fine.” She shrugged. “I did before.”
“That’s not enough,” he growled. “If my knot wasn’t so swollen right now, I’d be fucking you until your legs shake.”
“Is that a promise, Sergeant?” She asked, a mischievous glint in her eye.
“It is.”
“Well, then…” she held his jaw in her hand, leaning up to whisper in his ear. “I can’t wait for your knot to go down.”
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 9 (Bucky Barnes au)
"If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world ?"
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"Can I come in?"
It was Bucky's voice – of course it was. You tried wiping your tears away before speaking. A part of you didn't care if he saw you crying, but you still hated when you couldn't hold back the tears.
"Yes." Your voice was husky from the crying and you weren't sure he'd heard you until he opened the door. You were still on your knee, unable to even look at him.  Bucky seemed to understand talking wasn't really what you wanted at the moment. Instead, he kneeled next to you and unexpectedly wrapped his arms around your shaking body. You'd noticed how rare it was for him to touch people ; even tapping Steve's shoulder seemed to hardly ever occur to him. Your shaking stopped instantly as you gave into his embrace, leaning against his chest.
"He was about to call me a whore, wasn't he?"
Had it been Steve, he would've told you no in an effort to comfort you. But Bucky radiated blatant honesty when he talked to you, which you appreciated more than you would say.
"It doesn't mean he's right," he said.
"Maybe not. But that's still the word he wanted to call his wife. How did I even- fuck." You shook your head. "How did I ever fell for his tricks? I knew his friends were trash but...I thought he was the exception. I never thought he'd act like this with me."
"Act how? Rude?" Bucky asked, unsure about what you exactly meant.
"Yeah. The neglect has been going on for years, you know." You looked up at him and got out of his arms to sit properly. It didn't take him long to take a seat next to you, leaning his back against your bed. "I just put it all on his job." You grabbed Bucky's hand : you'd never needed to touch him as much as you did now. Something in the controlled way he breathed and the warmth of his skin helped you think straight and prevented you from spiralling.
"Is it the first time he insults you?"
"Openly? Yeah." You sighed. "He's been petty before but calling me names...never."
"I'm afraid to ask this, but I have to." He looked you in the eyes, searching for...what, exactly? "He was pretty violent when he grabbed your shirt. Was that the first time as well?"
The question made you look away once more. Inexplicable guilt flooded your body as you tried to think of some lie. You leaned your head back on the mattress and closed your eyes, opting for honesty.
You could almost hear Bucky's jaw clenching ;  his other hand formed a fist, whereas the one holding yours remained gentle.
"He's never been violent intentionally," you quickly explained. "It's just... We've had our fights, alright? And when we start yelling at each other, I always tell him we both need to calm down but that doesn't suit me so he tries to stop me from leaving the apartment and...well. It goes from grabbing my arm a little too hard or just locking the door and hiding the keys. He even threw them out the window once."
Recalling those fights didn't help your tears stop rolling on your cheeks but damn, it felt good to actually say it to someone. Wanda never needed you tell her things : she could just read them when she felt like you were lying. With Bucky, it was different. You actually wanted to tell him what had happened.
"What did you do when he did those things to you?"
"Not much. It only made me angrier so I would sit on the couch or even in my room and stop talking to him until he opened the door."
"You do realise how that's...far from right, yeah?"
"I'm starting to." You shrugged. "This might be stupid but, seeing how everyone here treats me, how you treat me, it's making me realise Darren is not this perfect husband I imagined him to be. He was the easy way, you know? We met, we liked each other and he had a good situation and I could already see the white-fence family every American movie depicts. I just didn't know it would turn into a soap opera." You laughed bitterly at your own not-so-funny joke.
Bucky suddenly got up, keeping your hand in his to help you stand as well.
"What are you doing?" you asked.
"It's still your birthday and I don't want it to be ruined by that guy," he let out in one breath. "C'mon."
He took a right turn after your bedroom door, walking you further away from where the party was supposed to be. You didn't walk for long before he opened an other door, walking you into his own room.
"What's the plan, exactly?" you asked again, more than confused. "I thought you meant we'd go back to the others, and..."
"Damn, I didn't realise how this looks." He let out a nervous laugh and you mentally slapped yourself for going blank over how cute it was. "Nobody even asked you to a proper dance on your own birthday and I want to fix that, if you'll allow me."
He looked back at you through his eyelashes, looking all anxious about your answer.
"What music choice do we have?"
His face lit up and he went through a box of vinyls on the floor. "I only have old stuff, I'm sorry. I believe this should do it, though," he said as he picked out one of the pockets. "It's from 1956, but it actually came out first in the 30's. Most people know the most recent, so..."
"I didn't know you were a music nerd," you said with a smile.  "How very cute of you."
He shrugged as he placed the disk on the record player. Piano notes started rising through the air and you recognised Louis Armstrong's voice.
"May I?" Bucky held out his hand and he waited for you to nod before grabbing yours, placing his left hand on your hip. Your instinct was to inch closer to him as you both started swinging slowly in the middle of his room. His blue eyes were sounding  you out.
"This was indeed a wonderful idea," you whispered, not wanting to break the moment as Ella Fitzgerald started singing her own chorus of Cheek to cheek. Bucky beamed and you enjoyed the view, returning  his smile before resting your head on his chest. His heartbeat became another rhythm to follow and be lulled to. "I can't explain how you make me feel and that scares me, Buck. And yet, it's the best feeling I've ever experienced."  The use of his nickname did something to him : you felt his heart skip, causing you to smile discreetly. "Talking to you is ridiculously easy," you continued, "and I'm not that muck of a talker. Just ask Wanda."
He laughed softly and you tilted  your head up as his chest shook from the movement.
"I know what you mean," he confided. "I don't feel all of the guilt I carry when I'm with you. It's refreshing. I don't feel like I'm being judged at every second."
"I couldn't possibly do that," you explained. "I know a little more about the things they made you do, now, and I'm more impressed at how you came out of this. You're still there whenever someone needs help, like when that fire alarm rang for no reason the other day. And when that thing went off in the lab, you took time to help me. How could anyone judge you negatively?" Your frowned. "Sorry, I interrupted you."
"It's fine," he assured you as the next song on the vinyl started playing (not that you were paying much attention to the music, even though Dream a little dream of me was an all time favourite of yours).
Your eyes scanned his face and when you noticed his own gaze lingering on your lips, you moved  your hand from his shoulder to his neck. You were still slow dancing effortlessly, and you could feel his breath slightly picking up.
"I want to do something," you muttered. "But if you don't want me to, I won't feel bad if you stop me." The last thing you wanted was him to let you do anything out of pity ; you didn't think that was the type of thing he'd do, but there was no harm in making sure. Your fingers fiddled with the short hair on the back of his head and you extended your neck a bit. You felt Bucky's breath on your nose and lips as you got even closer to him, closer than you'd ever been until now.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" he asked in a whisper. "Trust me, I do, but last thing I want-"
Those were the only words you needed. You pressed your lips against his and a whole firework show started in your belly. His hand on your hip pulled you into an even closer embrace as you kept playing  with his air. When you broke the kiss and rested your forehead against his, you couldn't get rid  of your smile. So it was true, what books said about butterflies.
--- I'm so happy to finally post this part!! This was definitely my favourite to write so far, even though it's a tie with the stars scene. :) I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it.
P.S. : the tag list is still growing and damn that makes me so happy!! Your support means everything.
P.S. 2 : I feel like this story will be wrapped soon. If you have any request/idea you'd like to see for a next one (short one shots or series), I will gladly hear it!
Tag list :
@ginger-swag-rapunzel @joscelyn02 @writehistorynotthegrocerylist @bluemoon-icecream @lady-loki-ren @simplybombshell @lizajane3
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blues clues did a pride thing... is this a fever dream. this takes the whole i feel bad for kids nowadays thing to a whole new level 🤡
Literally every concept in kids shows is shown in a gaudy, sing-sing, bright and fun way to explain things
It was age apropriate, and they will thankfully be completely oblivious to a time before it was (At the very least) normal to not be straight and cis.
It's a familiar show and character, who often brings new ideas to the kids each week. For a long time, people have acted like someone 'being' (or 'choosing') to be gay is a sexual thing.
But realistically, there are kids with two same-gender parents, there are kids whose father was the one who carried them to term, there are kids whose parents have had different relationships and those who have transitioned. And that's just white society babes.
I mean, you have other cultures with their own beiefs, and sure not every kid watching will be able to pick it up first time around, but little things like including the two-spirit symbol is important.
Most importantly, for the little kids out there who might be, aren't, aren't sure or otherwise... it says, "Hey, it's okay. Family looks different for everyone and being alive is different for everyone."
IT says, "Hey if one day you think you might be one of these, or if you want to explore that, it's fine. IT's just like working out your fave icecream flavour, and there are an unlimited number of free trials, baybee!"
It addresses the topic in a way that explains the basic concept, in the way anyone would, for a certain age group of kids. There's nothing that you would need to talk to an older teen or young adult about, bc that would be incorrect.
And its important that kids see that the wider society in general understands and accepts, even if 'to a degree' that gay and trans kids are out there. That this message of support and affection and normality reaches them before people like their parents, their grandparents, that one religious aunt who apparently has nothing the fuck else to do buit church, the HOA and any other group of self rightous busybodies start putting ideas in their heads that they should either hate these people, OR, that they should hate themselves and hide themselves.
I mean, where is the harm?
I mean, think back on the sheer political power of Rugrats. Explained a lot to us.
Angelica's mother (stacy?) was a high powered office woman who wanted her daughter to learn to Go For It. She filled Angelica with self confidence until it oozed out her eyeballs.
her dad drew did a lot of caring, and so did the aunt/uncle. also showing us the power of family care, not just the original family unit.
Deedee was a jewish woman who, yeah had some weird ideas thanks to dr lipschitz, but was a fantastic example of stay at home parent to the kids. They showed jewish hlidays too.
Stu was an inventor, and even though it put some strain on the finances, he was supported to pursue his passion. Which led to big oportunities later, but they showed the stress of it.
Phil and Lil's mum and dad, were a complete reversal of the normal dnamic. Betty was an outspoken feminist who was always willing to fight the battles for her friends, and her husband was a soft spoken, gentle dude who clearly loved their kids.Phil and Lil switching attire to change gender roles for a bit.
Chaz, chucky's dad, a single father and widower who was doing the best he could and reached out for help from his friend group when he needed it.
Not to mention Suzie, and both her parents were in super high paying professions (Doctor), etc. How many other shows did that?
When kimmi and her mother entered, Kimmi was the opposite of the asian stereotypes, she was loud and rambunctious. And the way they handled chucky getting a new mother, was huge and i think it still yoinks the old heartstrings to this day.
Involved grandparents.
New baby drama.
Stealing a giant robot so five babies could pilot it through france.
Generaly age-appropriate dialogue for the kids, and their weird little adventures, etc.
Typical, fun, but each episode seemed to have a message in there that is evident enough now.
Rugrats and Star Trek (oriignal) fly under the radar when we talk about media that was aimed to show the next generation a different kind of normal... but look how most of us turned out.
More accepting, more aware of how the puppet strings are pulled, more willing to speak up and seek assistance and learn, etc.
So maybe you feel uncomfy about the awkward song but also like, babes, you are not the target audience.
Kids need to know there's nothing wrong with being different, like gay or trans or kids with differing levels of disabilities (eg. kids with prosthetics and wheelchairs can be very aware at school, but fcharacters like cyborg help them and others around them to understand why it is needed and that it's normal)
I can barely see rn bc i have a cold, (verified with the Awful Test), and my eyes are streaming but i did my best to answer in a vaguely coherent way
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calypsoff · 3 years
Ninety. Part 4
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The word poppa, something I haven’t heard in a while from Robyn “you know when you say jail Chris, in what way? Like the difference, what was I like before? To me I am the same person but you’re seeing different, and I just don’t see it, you know?” Propping my head up with my hand, Robyn really stole my tee like that, she looked in my duffle bag, that is so cheeky of her “so like, when I came from Barbados Chris. You were actually the first guy I met, besides the family I lived with. You were with me forcefully because you had to be and I was really self-conscious and then there was you, I got teased in that school Chris. Without you I would have had it even worse, but you were there, what I am trying to say you had a kind nature to you, even if you disliked that I was clinging to you, but you cared. You spoke to me with so much respect and love and admiration that I came from another country, you were very kind to everyone. But we all grow, you were still growing but you had to do it in jail, and I feel like you resented me because you were falling for me and I left you without a reason, I left you and didn’t say a word until you saw me on TV. Now if that was me and I was stuck in a place that damning to me, I would be hateful, you chose fame, that’s what it looked like. I can’t imagine how you felt when you saw that, I don’t know if you did love me then but it was on those lines but to see me there and I left you like that I can imagine you did hate me for it, I feel like you felt I ditched you and then your life became what it came, when you been locked up for that long at a young age you become spiteful, hate too. That can be a lot to hold, I think it took you by surprise I remembered you or you would have been mean to if I didn’t” I put my head down laughing “something like that, I didn’t think you would. It was hard Robyn, like you don’t understand, it was so hard. I did have a crush on you, I really fucking liked you and you went, like you didn’t exist and when you went it was like I dreamt the whole thing and then I see you there just different, being Rihanna. I dislike Rihanna anyways because it’s just a girl that I feel you have been moulded to be. I never had the chance to have a girl; not like that anyways, that was going to be you. And when you’re locked up, you think about shit, and I did dislike you for it. I don’t hate you, never will but it hurt. I am that kind of nigga, I just hold onto shit” I shrugged “I can tell you do but the Chris now, you’re very different. I feel like you had to hide that loving, cute Chris away while in jail that you find it hard to let go of that temperamental, egotistical asshole you can be. You are so nasty Chris, you aren’t aware, and you don’t realise but the words and how you act is so mean, and it hurts because I love you but then I think are you punishing me for leaving you like that” putting my head down.
Clearing my throat “being with you back then it felt like very day counted, every moment counted. Constantly I just felt I had a purpose; I just wish I had that back. I wish I didn’t see what I did and do what I did. If you didn’t go back and remained and I asked you back then to stay, would have you? Like because I was going to ask you, I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend, I was” I really was “I would have had to go back, I didn’t have money to stay like that. But if I left you then you would have known I wanted you, and I wouldn’t have allowed you to make those mistakes, over my dead body. You weren’t that guy Chris, never was. I just feel we finished off where we started but we aren’t those kids anymore and we never explored us, you know?” Nodding my head “then you were dating industry niggas, I was pretty hurt by it. It’s crazy because we weren’t together for long but we was? I just don’t hate you for making it but I just felt you never came back to me which you verified you did. I am not punishing you for doing what you needed to do but it scares me to think, I could have got life and I wouldn’t have ever seen you. You didn’t make the biggest effort to find me either” Robyn sighed out “you right, I didn’t. And if I did Chris, I wish I did because I would have taken you away from that, you were so much better. You are so talented” feeling teary eyed now “I’m supposed to be the man of the house and doing all this. I just fucking hate it, I do. And hearing you speak like this, you right. I think maybe we did; I have that fear of losing you but yet I do that shit, I married you because I don’t want that, I’m not that guy Robyn. The one you met in school” staring into her eyes “what do you mean?” She questioned “I’m not the caring nigga like that, I care because I love you but me as a person I have changed a lot” Robyn frowned “but it doesn’t give you the right to talk to me that way Chris, it’s not nice. I’m not beneath you” shaking my head “you never will be, trust me. You are not that, I am working on it. I am being deadass Robyn if you leave me I’m gonna kill myself, you left me before and my life went to shit and you can’t do it again” Robyn frowned even more “don’t speak those words Chris, I am serious. But I am not staying to be treated like shit, understand me here. Listen to what I say, you keep doing it then I will go. You got to stop thinking I would do you like that again, unless you don’t change. Your options are you change, or I go and we come up with a plan on how you take care of Rylee on some days” staring at Robyn as my eyes welled up “Chris” she said, she placed her hands at the side of my face “you need to change, you’re not that man in jail you’re not that. You haven’t changed from that boy I met, you really haven’t. You have it in you, I know because I love you Chris I know you. You say you not that person but you are and I see it, before you say it I love both sides of you but not when you’re like that to me ok” Robyn kissed my forehead as I put my head down and she still kept her hands at the side of my head “we spoke about therapy did we not” wiping the tears with my hand, feeling Robyn press kisses to my head “yeah” I mumbled “I will come with you” feeling Robyn resting the side of her face against my head.
“Come on now, things will be ok, eventually anyways but I just think you need to be mindful, think before you speak thing. Because I ain’t going to leave you, and besides I love you” Robyn moved back from me, lifting my head up. Robyn pecked my lips “I don’t like this pillow talk shit” Robyn sat back laughing “you started it, it’s nice to talk to you. It’s nice to express ourselves and how I feel or even how you feel, we need that. We need to do it more often, but I think you hold onto stuff a lot, you need to just let go” nodding my head, rolling off of the bed “so we good now?” Getting up from the bed, Robyn dragged her eyes to my dick “your little semi is cute” pulling a face “I think your perfume turned me on, not going to lie” she is cheeky “erm, I feel like I want some frozen yoghurt, something cold?” Staring at her dumbfounded “being real?” She’s joking, but she shrugged “would be nice?” She’s annoying “I said it would be nice, I am not saying if you have to go. I am just saying, pillow talk and some nice snacks?” How can I even say no to her, she is real about this “fine” I groaned out “I love you; also can you get me some coconut water. Thanks” she is odd “anything else” I asked, “do I get to kiss you or something?” I have to ask, “what would you like to do?” My smile grew instantly “nothing, I am enjoying talking with you actually, please don’t go to sleep on me. I will be back” let me quickly get the things she wants.
Shaking my head laughing “what’s funny? See I am awake, it’s too early actually. I am not tired” rolling my eyes at her, she got me running around like a dog for nothing “yeah but here I am jumping around for you, but I got ice cream, you don’t mind that?” Robyn shrugged “I do not mind anything, give me!” she spat “I mean what is in the box though” holding it out to her for her to take “thank you” watching her open the cake box “as if” she looked up at me “you bought a whole cake!?” she spat “yeah, read what it says though” she opened the box again “sorry rabbit” she giggled shaking her head “what are you like, baby that is a big cake” she called me baby, getting there “but I want the ice cream please, my family are going to love the cake. I don’t think I will be able to eat that tonight” taking the cake from Robyn “that is fine, here is the bag. You can pick, I bought icecream sundae for us both, I am not sure what flavour you want but you can choose” walking off with the cake “I am going to give it to the nurses” I laughed “take the rabbit part off Chris!” I am leaving the rabbit thing on, I just bought it to put that on and it worked. She called me baby, but I will give this cake to them, they can eat it.
If Robyn starts asking for something else I am going to be so angry, well not really but still “where do you see yourself ten years from now Chris?” Robyn asked, poking my spoon in the ice cream “divorced” Robyn and I both laughed out “nigga!” she spat “joking” shaking my head laughing “erm, I see myself being a great husband, father and friend really. I see myself taking care of my kids, watching Rylee grow, she will be ten, and I don’t know our other two kids or three whatever. Just be happy, but I see us moving” Robyn’ eyes bulged out “really?” she said all shocked “yeah, I see us moving from California. I think it’s a good place but not where I want my daughter to be forever, I see us moving. I do” Robyn didn’t think that “damn” she said in whisper “I think you’re going to be huge; I think this is just the beginning for you and I am willing to be there. But I think it’s why I know we will move because we need to be in a place where you can work and I think it’s New York for you, I rather we be closer to you, you know?” Robyn smiled to herself nodding her head “you’re really planning this out, I like it. Not only will it change for me there is also you. I don’t know why you think you’re going to be just my house husband” what is she on about “what you mean?” Robyn dug her spoon in my ice cream, of course she does that.
Robyn pulled a face after eating my ice cream that shit was rude of her “so you wasted some of mine for nothing” she chuckled so yeah, you know while you were being a whore I was busy making moves” furrowing my eyebrows “making money moves huh? See what I mean about New York for you, what you been up too now?” she has been up to something “I am creating my team, my Fenty team. Before any of this goes on my album will come out but I still need to create my team, this team is what I need to make sure my stuff is running right, I wanted to have people I can trust. This is my empire, the Fenty empire that is going to have her hands in everything, and I mean everything. I want Fenty to be a household name, so big. This is big for me so before I left New York I needed to put forward my team; we need the base. You just be thinking so much shit and assume I think less of you, but I don’t, if I didn’t then I wouldn’t of” Robyn dragged out “have what?” Robyn is making me smile, she is smiling at me and it’s making me smile “I don’t know Chris, I am not sure how you will feel about it but like I said I needed a team I trust, that will help me rise and we do this together. So I am looking at the senior vice president of Fenty Corp” licking my top lip staring at Robyn “what?” I said confused “I made you senior vice president alongside Jenn because then she can help you” moving back from Robyn “deadass?” she can’t be real “I am being deadass; you will also be busy being my bitch” getting off of the bed “no way?” as if she did that “yes way, even if I didn’t know what was happening with us” I am in shock “wow, omg. That is crazy but I have Black Pyramid?” this is crazy “it’s women though?” she nodded her head “this is why I got Jenn with you; you both will work that together Chris but this will make you busy but less busy. I wanted you to be in this with me, now I don’t know how you feel but also I don’t want you to let me down, I can’t have that” I get that she has her doubt “oh wow, thank you. I am just in shock, me? So I will be Chris Brown Senior vice president of Fenty Corp?” Robyn giggled “senior bitch yes, but yeah. It’s funny you said about moving but surprise?” placing my ice cream down and climbing onto the bed and shuffling over to her, hugging Robyn “you’re amazing” she cooed out wrapping her arm around my neck “senior bitch means I will come to you when you fucked up” I said in his ear “oh I think there will be plenty of those” I can imagine.
I am very invested in this, Robyn’ dream “you know like you have Black Pyramid, I am telling you now you’re going to be too busy for that. While I am bringing this album out, I am needing both you and Jenn to start scoping things out for me, we are building a business Chris. Now personally what I recommend you do, you can either sell it or, now this is my best option for you. Give TJ a better role if he wants it, have him take it on. You can still have your hand in it still. More like a silent partner, because Chris when I am speaking on branding, I speaking on Paris fashion shows, I am speaking on you going to Paris, London, New York. I need to know that companies we work with comply, alongside that I want to do make up, you don’t wear it but doesn’t mean you don’t know how a man thinks when they buy make up for women, I can use you. Lingerie, these business are going to align, when I am done touring these are going to happen, fast too. Something I have been working on in the background, you are going to be delving into luxury and this is you evolving. But yeah, we going to do this together, if that is what you want? I don’t mind if you turn to me and say no, because that is your option bit I left that position for you. I don’t want you to turn around and act like I made you” shaking my head “I am so appreciative, wow. Thank you so much” Robyn got me speechless as fuck, I didn’t think she would be thinking of me.
Stifling out a yawn “we haven’t spoken like this in so long, you’re right” she is right, we haven’t done this and just spoke to each other “when have I ever been wrong?” turning to Robyn, she just grinned all in my face “you have a few times but anyways” Robyn mushed my face with her hand “our daughter going to be fucking amazed by you, like I know she’s going to be looking at you like that is my mother, she is Fenty. I know it, you can think not but it’s true. You know you had idols or better yet your mother, you thought highly of her. Our daughter going to think the same and it’s only right, you’re an inspiration that you can be anything you want” Robyn cooed out, placing her hand in my shoulder “that is so cute, by the way I am not done teasing you. This is just the start; I really can’t wait for Rylee to be better. You know what maybe Rylee got the evil eye, everyone adored her so much. From her outfit to everything, we would go to meetings matching every time. Dennis had the pictures, I need to show you” I know they both looked good “I know you both looked beautiful, thank you though for thinking about me even though I wasn’t being the best with you” she didn’t need too, but she did.
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kaito-is-baby · 4 years
Shuichi, Kaito, Maki, Rantaro and Kokichi reaction to their best friend self harming
Okay, I had a little problem here, someone asked me to do a request with this characters finding the old self harm scars of the reader and me, as the idiot that I am, misunderstood it and wrote this so now I’m posting it too 
The other one is here in case you want to read it too
Now, let’s start
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This sprite makes me want to do someting with my life, I love him so much!!!!!
Shuichi Saihara
•He understands very well how it is to feel bad with yourself sometimes
•I mean, I'm a bit surprised he doesn't have any scars himself
•So he is more than willingly to help you
•He is ready to take care of you anytime you need it
•And even if you may hesitate a little at first he wants you to call him anytime you need to talk
•He wants you to call him anytime you want to hurt yourself
•And if you don't call him at all during the whole day he will call you at night
•Actually, he calls you every night to ask about your day and try to cheer you up
•And of course he goes to see you too but that's just what best friends do
•He also listens to all of your problems and tries to help you solve them the best he can
•And if they can't be solved or you just want a hug he is going to give you the best hug ever
Kaito Momota 
 •He is a little... disappointed at first?
•He just can't believe that his best friend, his sidekick, loves themselves so little
•Why would you hurt yourself? You are so amazing!
•He doesn't really understand why you do it but he knows that what you need is someone to relay on
•And he is going to be that someone
•That's what heroes do for their sidekicks!
•He tries to make you work out with him because then you will get stronger!
•You know he doesn't know how to support you in any other way
•You explain to him that it isn't working so he thinks about other ways to help you
•Now, he is all day in your home
•Giving you food, icecream and listening to those thoughts that make you want to hurt yourself
•And he tries to fly them away with his inspirational words
•Comforting you and making you know that everything is going to be okay
•I mean, if things don't get better alone then he will make them better
•He isn't going to let you suffer anymore
•And he has memorized how many scars you have
•And everyday he asks you to see them
•So if he counts a new one expect a lot of scolding for hurting yourself
•He will be very angry
•You don't want him angry, you don't like that and he knows it
•So he expects that you will be more careful if you know that you don't only hurt yourself but also him
•And it works
•Plus he not only gets angry, he also gives you a double speech about how amazing you are and about how everything is going to be okay
•So maybe all of that support is really working on helping you
•He is trying really hard at least, he wants you to be happy and healthy so you can help him on his adventures again
•Now his biggest mission is to help you
Maki Harukawa
•At first she though they were scars from old fights
•And she was impressed
•Why hadn't you told her about those fights? She told you about her past as an assassin
•She was right, she trusted you to tell you about her past and you had to tell her about what happened to you too
•And now she is angry (just like Kaito)
•She finds your cuts like a coward movement
•But you try to explain to her that this is the only way you have to let all your sadness and pain go away
•You are just to frustrated and only find comfort by hurting yourself
•But she understands that feeling perfectly
•She feels like that a lot too and she knows how to fix it
•So she takes you to her personal gym where she has all her guns, boxing bags and everything you can imagine
•She's sure it will help you relax
•And everyday you learn a new skill because she teaches you all kind of things
•She teaches you how to use a gun so you can relax shooting
•And how to box properly so you won’t hurt your knuckles or wrists
•Or how to throw knifes
•You have as many skills as her now
•And you two spend your days on that room venting
•Surprisingly, Maki's plan to keep you from hurting yourself works perfectly
•You are too busy with all of your new hobbies to worry
•And those hobbies precisely are the ones that help burn out all of that stuff that you burned hurting yourself before
•Plus it is another thing you two can do together, and you always love every moment spend with Maki
•That's why you two are best friends afterall
Rantaro Amami
• This boy won’t get lost on getting mad or sad when he finds out
• It’s not your fault and it isn’t his either 
• He knows very well that sometimes life gets rough and everyone has their own way to deal with it
• And yours is obviously wrong
• So now he will give you a whole self-care session
• He hopes you two really are as close as you should beas best friends because today you aren’t going to get any intimacy
• Blbble baths, massages, nail polish if it’s your thin...
• Anything that helps to make your day more relaxing he is happy to do it
• Once you seem to be relaxed and less sad he will ask you what is happening to make you hurt yoursef
• And of course you trust him enough to tell him about it, he is your best friend, isn’t him?
• He listens to your problems and tries not only to comfort you but also to help you fix them
• And once you two have talked about it he asks you to please help him next time you feel like hurting yourself
• He will listen to you and if it’s necessary he will go whenever you are and be with you
• He just doesn’t want you to be suffering so much that you can only find comfort hurting yourself
• He also points out that you should try and get professional help but if you reject the idea he won’t push you to it, he knows it can be quite difficult to get help and he won’t insist
Kokichi Ouma
•He was planning to scare you out on your bathroom
•You two had agreed on seeing each other today
•And he arrived a little sooner at your house so your family let him in
•And he hid in your bathroom
•When you entered with tears in your eyes and a feeling in your chest that you couldn't bear anymore
•You took a cuchilla and started to cut your arms
•"What the hell are you doing?"
•Kokichi was behind you with the most serious expression you had ever seen on him
•You considered each othe best friends but you had never really talked seriously about anything
•You were more like prank buddies
•And now he was there standing next to you with a very serious face
• “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?“
• Wow, serious Kokichi can be a little scary
• “Oh, I know! You were joking! You knew I was here here all along and wanted to fool me! You are so funny, that’s whyyou are my best friend! “
• You try to explain him that you were totally serious but he doesn’t listens to you 
• “You really could be part of DICE, that as a good one, nishishishi“
• “No, Kokichi listen-“
• “Oh, come on, stop lying! That’s my thing, remember~?“
• Okay, definitely, you can’t count on Kokichi to talk about these topics
• So you just accept when he tells you to go get some food 
• And you spend a good evening laughing at people with Kokichi
• Even if you are a little disappointed at your best friend
• But when you arrive at home you notice that there are no blades, someone has thrown them
• And you have a message from Kokichi asking you how was your day
• You spend all night talking to him
• And this repeats everyday
• So maybe Kokichi was a little worried about you, thrown your blades and now wants to know how you feel everyday
• Nah, you don’t think so, afterall, he is only worth to lie and joke, right?
I’m not quite sure about the Kokichi one because, for real, I just don’t get that guy and is a pain for me to write him but I think it came out pretty cool, right?
Well, I hope you like it and remeber to take care of yourselves, bye~♡
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taliaquinn · 4 years
Why Me!? Chapter 20
Authors Note:                                                                                                So hey guys!! A lot of you figured out my mini-Easter egg when I mentioned New York City. Kudos to you smarties. Let me tell you my tag list is open, because I adore you guys a lot.
“So where's Dick and Cass?” Marinette asked wondering where Dick disappeared off to. He was SUPPOSED to be there on the plane with them. However, once they arrived at the airfield Dick was nowhere to be found. 
Flinching Tim looked up from the business files in his hands. 
Hey while he was gonna be in New York City he may as well look into future business partners and get some more jobs in Gotham. 
“Well uh, Dick he uh decided to stay..home because….” side-eyeing Jason he quickly elbowed him.
Startled while reading his book he took a quick second to decide on a good cover story “because…his ribs still hurt and you know what Bruce is like all overprotective and stuff…so shes babysitting him....” Ugh Tim and Him were going to have to practice on coming up with good cover stories. The whole Keeping the family secret from the family was getting really annoying.
“That sucks, this is my first trip to New York City,” Oblivious to the awful cover stories Marinette continued sketching. She did plan for her class to have a field trip to New York City to tour around. But all those plans went down the drain once she left. Oh well, there loss.  “I'm even going to meet up with my friend Chloe at the hotel!!!” Marinette said excitedly. Chloe sent her an email a day ago about her vacation plans, (her revenge plans too). Marinette was over the moon when she found out that she was going to be there for the Stark Gala too!!!!
Mr.Wayne, her dad, even extended the trip a few days and got her a room, aka suite so Chloe could stay with Marinette more. 
Chloe of course was curious as to who exactly these relatives were. I mean come on they booked a suite at a five-star hotel, in New York City, for Marinette and a Friend.
 Marinette promised to explain everything to her when they were together. 
“She's….the Mayor's daughter right???” Jason asked, trying to change the topic.
Unbeknownst to Marinette, Jason and Dick, before Bruce and Dick fought anyways, convinced Bruce to get Marinette her own suite, so she could do the babysitting job without distractions. It was pretty easy to guilt-trip Bruce once they pulled the “Daughter who you never knew about” card. Guilt-tripping works.
At Marinette's excited nod he added “She’s frikin loaded right?”
“Jason, you realize we’re on a private jet, on our way to New York City, to stay in a five star hotel, to attend the Stark Gala?” Tim teased, flipping through business papers. Bleugh Lex Corp that's a definite pass on that business offer.
“ Yeah right, you guys are attending the Gala” Jason rebutted “I have my own stuff to do Timmers”.  
“Stuff” meaning a top-secret joint mission with Captain Rogers and Black Widow. Working together to take down a drug trafficking ring located in the heart of the city. Working with the Avengers every now and then exhilarating for Jason. Sure the Avengers worked more closely with the Government but they didn't have a universal; “No-Kill” rule.
Which was why Bruce hated joint-missions with the Avengers.
Extra icing on the cake for Jason.
“Excuses” Tim mumbled, upset that Bruce was forcing him to sit the mission out. Something about him being “overworked” pfft. He wasn't drinking coffee that much.
“Speaking of the gala, Marinette you have your dress ready?” He asked. Knowing that Marinette decided to make her own dress for the gala. 
“Yep finished the detailing last night, and have my jewelry and shoes ready,'' Marinette said, patting her suitcase. Mr.Wayne was nice enough to buy her a bunch of fabric and also gifted her a necklace and bracelet to match. He also gave her earrings but she opted out of them since she learned her lesson about taking off her Miraculous. Thank you very much.
“What's with the armbands?” Jason asked, seeing Marinette pack them earlier. He assumed they had something to do with her “babysitting” job. 
“Oh they were Alexei’s, they match with that I'm wearing”
“Your biological mom?”
“Yep, gotta ask Mr. Wayne more about her, I was only barely able to pry so much from my mom” Her mom would get too emotional sometimes when Marinette asked too many questions.  Eventually, she just gave up asking.
“Ha Mr. Wayne, you do know that annoys Bruce to no end right?” Tim joked, seeing Bruce's face of frustration every time Marinette refers to him as Mr. Wayne.
“I do, it's just…” she was still struggling with her Biological parents and having a bunch of siblings suddenly “Too awkward for me to call him anything else”
“Jesus you sound like Peter” he scoffed. 
“Who's Peter?” She asked with a slight scrunch of her eyes. That oddly reminded both Tim and Jason about Bruce. Bruce would scrunch his eyes whenever asking a question sometimes.
“Oh trust me you'll meet him soon” Jason answered going back to his book.
Dick was right the whole Wayne vs. Stark rivalry would be a perfect distraction. Oh if only Tim had his Camera.
They finally landed, and soon Bruce was helping everyone off and into a car and heading towards their hotel. Once at their hotel, Bruce checked their bags in. Jason stayed behind to “rest” while everyone went to Stark Tower.
“Wait so Tony Stark is the one who is Throwing the Gala?” Marinette asked curiously inside the car.
 “Yep he’s throwing the gala to raise funds for hospitals and clinics all located around the world” Rolling his eyes Tim continued “Well that's the official reason anyway, right now he wants to out-do Bruce's Charity Gala from a few months ago” 
“As if that will ever happen” Bruce added. Ha, Stark wished he could outmatch his Galas.
“Talk about rich people's problems” she sighed.
“You're not wrong, One more thing, watch out Tony might try to take you as his own”
“What!?” Marinette squeaked out
Soon they arrived and made their way towards the suites. The elevators swished open to a smiling Pepper Potts and pouting Tony Stark.
“Pep, you see this? Bruce managed to get another one, you know what's the score now? 7-4” Tony complained once he saw Marinette. Bruce only glared back.
Ignoring them Tim stepped off and made a beeline towards Pepper and hugged her careful to squeeze her too tight
“Congratulations Pepper,” Tim said.
“Oh Thank you, Tim. It's great to see you after so long” Pepper said, hugging him back. She glanced around and noticed that a certain Red Hood was missing
“Where's Jason?” she asked frowning
“Unfortunately he stayed behind at the hotel to rest” he answered rolling his eyes. “But I brought someone better,” he said, reaching and pulling a startled Marinette forward.
“Meet Marinette Dupain Cheng,”
“Eeeep, uh Hi, I'm uh Mari-Marinette, but youalreadyknewthat, uh Hi” Marinette stuttered out. 
Completely starstruck at meeting The Pepper Potts. CEO of Stark Industries and Style Icon. Oh god, she wished she brought her sketchbook. Maybe she can do a quick sketch on a napkin
Pepper couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the Stuttering French girl, reminded of another awkward teenager. Hopefully, Tony doesn't try and claim this one. She was pretty sure that Bruce wouldn’t appreciate that at all, judging by the way Bruce was eyeing Tony.
“Brucie dear you adopted another one!?’ Tony teased Bruce swinging his arm around his shoulder
“She's my daughter Stark,” Bruce responded, glaring at Stark  “also what are you pouting about?  I hear you're going to have a baby soon congratulations Pepper by the way”.
“Brucie, you have your gaggle of children. I deserve one too!!” Tony complained, wrapping his arm around his Pregnant Wife's shoulder. Trying, yet failing, to conceal his excitement at getting another kid.
He turned to greet Marinette when suddenly his eyes went wide. Marinette only stared back.  A sudden staring match between her and Mr.Stark was happening apparently. What was Marinette's life? She remembered once being a normal girl. Maybe she should just blink.
“Wait HOLD UP!!!” Tony exclaimed suddenly ending the staring match, looking back and forth between Bruce and Marinette squinting.  “Are you sure this adorable child is your child?” 
“Oh for the love of go- yes I’m sure Stark” Bruce sighed exasperatedly. “Why does everyone ask me that”
“Cause she's adorable, sweet, and all Sunshiney, and well you’re….you” Tim answered. 
“Bingo, Don't worry Bruce I got a Sunshiney child too, matter of fact here he comes now” Tony comforted.
“OhmygoshMr.StarkI’msosorry” a soot-covered Peter apologized running up to him. 
“There was a fire in the lab,dummytriedtoextinguishitbutthemhesprayedhimself,
“Kid, Bruce Wayne is he-” Tony tried to cut in
Rolling his eyes he grabbed Peter's shoulders and twisted him towards everyone else
“Oh...uh Hi?” Peter squeaked out looking like a deer caught in headlights at seeing the three guests
“Hiya Peter,” Tim chirped excitedly standing next to Marinette who was awkwardly waving hello.
“Hi, Tim” Peter answered relieved. Thank god Tim, fellow tech geek, was here. He doubted he could handle Bruce Wayne on his own.
‘Anyways Brucie you remember my sunshiney kid, Peter, right?” gripping Peter's shoulders from walking towards Wayne. Nu-uh he wasn't going to risk losing Peter to Wayne.
“Mr. Stark I'm not your kid, I still live with Aunt May. I'm your inte-”
“Hush kid“ Tony ordered covering Peter's Mouth.
Marinette sent a silent prayer.  Bruce now had his hands protectively on her and Tims shoulders while Mr. Stark was doing the same to Peter. She would need a miracle to be able to survive this trip.
College Francis Dupont                                                                            Paris, France                                                                                                      2 p.m
“NINO!!!”  Nino couldn’t help but flinch, he’s been trying his best to avoid Alya all day. 
Luckily the breakup happened on Friday so he had the weekend to put himself together thanks to friends and icecream, lots of ice cream.
Surprisingly Chloe was the first to approach him after the breakup. After her, Aurore and Kagami came over to comfort him. They brought him some chocolate filled pastries. After a few hours of comfort, he received a phone call from an unknown number. When he picked up it was the voice of the sweetest girl on earth that greeted him.
“Hey Nino”
“Marinette,” Nino breathed out left speechless “Why, why are you even calling me?” 
“Don't be ridiculous Nino, I still consider you my friend, and right now my friend just got out of a toxic relationship” Marinette answered, yep she was happy for Nino when she heard that he broke up with Alya. Finally. “How are you”
“Who even told you?” he asked, still trying to get over the shock.
Releasing a slight giggle she replied “Chloe”
Nino couldn’t help but laugh through slightly watering eyes “Of Course”
At the reminder of Marinette, Nino mustered up the courage necessary and turned to face his ex.
Be brave Be Brave Be Brave B-
“Nino wanna explain to me why you’ve been ignoring me and Adrien since last week!!??” Alya yelled.
Channel your inner Chloe Bourgeois, he reminded himself. “We broke up, remember? I didn't want to hear your excuses”. That was all Alya ever did, make excuses. 
“Excuses?” screeching Alya took a step forward closer to Nino, instead of staying there took a step back trying to keep his distance away from him “Yes, excuses you always try to act like you never did anything wrong, or not even bother to apologize” “No I don’t” 
“You're doing it right now, jeez why do I even bother Marinette warned me” 
“Marinette” she spat out. Of course. She’s the entire reason why she lost Nino. Well, she wasn't going to let her win. She was determined to get Nino Back.
Oblivious to her anger, Nino explained. “Marinette warned me, as your ex-best friend she became well-acquainted with your “apologies”” 
“I don’t owe you an apology, you just overreacted” Adrien called her, and told her how Nino refused to talk to him and was instead talking to the class traitors “Matter of fact I’m here to give you a second chance, we can go and be a couple again and be happy”
“Yeah, sorry no dice,” He started to walk away doing his best to block out her screams. 
A purple butterfly soon emerged from nowhere. Nino watched as it made its way towards Alya. Only one thought ran through his mind as he witnessed the butterfly merge with Alyas glasses and purple bubbles engulf Alya. 
Authors Message:                                                                                        Hope you guys enjoyed this extra long chapter. I can’t wait till I post the next chapter. Also I’m gonna start writing a series that focuses on Dick Grayson soon.  
I have part two of the Hamilton AU written out I just have to do this annoying thing called editing. Keep an eye out for that soon.
As Always stay Safe and Healthy Loves.
Taglist: (Still Open)
@purplesundaze @silvergold-swirl @k-poplunardreams @pepelachanel @laurcad123 @maribat-is-lifeblood @kass-is-weird @another-fan-of-anotherplan @damianette-is-life @amayakans @parallelparabox @miukiiu @valeks-princess @toodaloo-kangaroo @vixen-uchiha @thezestywalru @dreamykitty25 @pirats-pizzacanninibles @mochinek0 @shamefullove @mochegato @souleateralicestein @thestressmademedoit @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @aestheticnpoetic @flufflepuffle296@mysupporthyperfixations @itsmeevie01 @jeminiikrystal @iglowinggemma28 @whydoexamsexist @kuroko26 @animalgirl05 @susiej1118 @damianthebratboy @ccwkm6967 @valyui901601 @wannajointhecrabcult @thornalchemist23 @tazanna-blythe @rebecarojas07 @moonlightstar64 @chylou34
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jemej3m · 5 years
HAVE U EVER THOUGHT OF A BAND!AU?? i love band au's and ur work!!! (not to mention but i think u would write an excellent drummer!andrew)
are you kidding me??? have i ever thought of a band au? bruh i breathe band au’s
also, i wanted this to be soft, so have some childhood friends starting a band out of their mum’s garage :DD
“Can I now?”
Neil ducked his head, trying not to show Andrew his grin. “No, ‘Drew.”
Andrew cocked his head. “How about now?”
Neil turned around and arched a singular eyebrow at the man. “You cannot shove your drum stick through Kevin’s brain, Andrew. Not now: not ever.”
“I hate you,” he muttered. Neil just grinned. 
“You say the sweetest things to me, ‘Drew.” With that, he turned and continued to tune his acoustic. Behind him, Andrew was going bright red. 
What started as a friendly, neighbourhood band had turned into something else entirely: Neil and Andrew were cramped backstage, tuning and warming up. Kevin was probably talking to his mom on the phone, whilst Nicky was most certainly trying to escape their security detail and go flirt with fans in the event centre’s foyer. He could charm a crowd. 
They’d started the band up when they were just kids: Neil remembered Kevin grabbing him by the sleeve and dragging him across the street, where he’d noticed the three Dobson boys setting up instruments in their garage: Nicky on bass, Aaron on keyboard and Andrew on his drumkit. 
Neil, having been only 11 whilst the others were 12 or 13, wasn’t as outspoken or enthusiastic about joining them as Kevin was. 
“Come on, Neil,” Kevin insisted, dragging him by the elbow. “I’ll sing and you play the guitar. Okay?”
“It might be fun, Neil,” his sister, Dan, insisted, giving him a gentle push out the door. “It’s just messing around in a garage band. Nothing serious.”
If little Neil knew where he’d be, nine years later, he probably would’ve spontaneously combusted out of paranoia and fear. 
Adult Neil still got anxious - he always wanted to perform his best - but it’d taken years of gigs and scouts and labels to work them up to where they were now. It was a gradual process, which definitely helped the whole stage-fright thing. 
“What are you thinking about?” Andrew inquired, sitting down behind Neil and hooking his chin over Neil’s shoulder. He smiled, leaning back against his best friend. 
“Just stuff,” he responded. “How we got here. Where we’ll go.”
“Next stop on the tour is D.C.”
“Yes,” Andrew agreed, deadpan. “That’s what I’m known for.”
Neil just laughed, getting to his feet. “We’d better get ready before Kevin comes back.”
“Your brother is the worst,” Andrew grunted, following suit. 
“At least we’re not related,” Neil grinned, jostling Andrew’s shoulder. “You can’t talk: you’re Aaron’s twin.”
Andrew just pointed a stick at Neil in warning. 
The lights were flashing. Audience screaming. Neil opened his eyes out of his reverie and looked to his counterparts: Nicky was rushing up and down the front lines, giving out as many hugs as he could. Kevin was waving and blowing kisses. And Andrew - 
He stood behind his drumkit, shirtless and dripping with sweat. He still bore his armbands, brimming with blades and secrets, and in his hands he loosely held his favourite pair of drumsticks, a pair Betsy had bought him, one’s he’d been careful to not break. 
Neil’s mouth was dry as he walked over to where Andrew stood. A spotlight blazed from above, shrouding Andrew’s head and illuminating his hair like a golden halo. He looked angelic. He was angelic. 
“You were amazing,” Neil said, voice lost under the cacophony of the crowd. His hand was reached out, gently brushing the bare skin of Andrew’s bicep. He didn’t know what he was doing anymore: the post-show euphoria was driving him. 
Andrew didn’t need to hear him. He could read lips. Read intentions. 
They were ushered off the stage soon after, Neil’s ears still ringing, his fingertips still burning. Andrew tugged on a fresh shirt, a towel around his neck. He had the most laborious job out of all of them, save maybe Kevin. Neil looked away from the way his hair curled at the nape of his neck. 
“Good show,” Kevin panted, sweat sticking his hair to his forehead. Neil nodded, the exhaustion of playing for four hours settling in. His shoulders ached, fingertips raw with playing both his guitar and the keyboard (Neil filled Aaron’s vacancy when he’d fucked off to college) whilst his throat ached from countless harmonies and backups he sung for Kevin. 
Genuine praise from Kevin was rare and prized for their band, and was usually reserved to the few moments after a performance finished. Then he’d go back to his regularly scheduled criticisms and evaluations. 
“Wasn’t it?” Nicky grinned. “We are such hot shit sometimes! Anyway,” he slung his guitar off to the side, careless. Neil winced a little. “I’ve got a cutie waiting in my car, apparently.” He winked. “His name’s Erik and he’s built like a wall. I’ll see y’all tomorrow!” 
“Jesus Christ,” Kevin said, not unkindly. They were all used to Nicky’s antics by now. He looked back to Neil. “You gonna stay with Andrew or me?”
Neil narrowed his eyes. Was he going to stay with his brother or his best friend? The choice wasn’t exactly hard to make. 
Kevin put up his hands. “What? I thought you two’d had a lover’s spat or something, before the show.”
“Kevin,” Andrew warned, voice low. 
“You guys weren’t as synthesised as you usually are,” Kevin continued. “Did Neil say something, again? Neil, what did you do?”
“Kevin,” Andrew snapped. 
The man took his final warning with a grain of salt and rolled his eyes, peeling off to cool down and head back to the hotel. He left Neil standing in the middle of the corridor, baffled. What the fuck was he talking about? A lover’s spat?
“Don’t think too hard, junkie,” Andrew muttered, fingers hooked into the collar of Neil’s shirt. “He’s just sprouting his usual bullshit.” But Andrew couldn’t look him in the eyes. 
“Right,” Neil agreed, smiling weakly. “You’re right. Sorry.”
“Shut up,” Andrew tugged him down the corridor with a finger hooked through Neil’s belt loop. 
Neil went willingly. He always went willingly with Andrew. There was no one else in the world that he trusted more.
“What do you mean, you’re not a thing?”
Neil paused with his fingertips up to the door, ready to push it open. It seemed as though he had stumbled upon a conversation - perhaps not for Neil’s ears. 
“He’s not interested,” Andrew said, sounding exhausted. “And I’m not about to pressure him into something he doesn’t want.”
Huh. Maybe they were talking about a new guy. Andrew didn’t date that often - or very successfully - and he was usually not willing to talk to Neil about it whenever it did happen. Neil wasn’t quite sure why but respected his boundaries nevertheless. He just didn’t know that Andrew went to Kevin about it. 
Neil wondered who it was, this time. Roland? He’d been the most long-term thing Andrew had ever attempted. No, Andrew said he wasn’t interested in Roland. Unless he was lying. 
Andrew doesn’t lie to me, Neil reminded himself. 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Kevin insisted. “He’s been in love with you ever since he first saw you. Don’t give me that look, Andrew. Put away your knives.”
“Do you think so?” Andrew asked, voice low. Gravelly. Tainted by disbelief.
Something in Neil’s chest tightened. He sounded…hopeful. Neil was arbitrarily jealous. Who was this guy? 
Wait, why was Neil jealous?
He pushed against the door, ignoring the way that the two of them shifted so that it didn’t look like they were engaged in conversation. 
“We’re loading up the bus,” he supplied. “Time to get moving.”
And if Neil noticed the way that Andrew walked around him, careful not to brush their knuckles, well. 
He didn’t say anything. 
By the end of the third week, Neil couldn’t handle it anymore. He wasn’t sure what he’d done, or why Andrew was so adamant in avoiding him, but he hated it. He hadn’t felt this isolated since his early years when his father would shut him in a wardrobe and his mother would scold him for eliciting his father’s ire, before both of his parents died and Wymack adopted him into his strange little family, brought him into the tiny cul de sac  where Betsy Dobson and Abby Winfield lived with their own collections of abandoned kids. 
“Andrew,” he mumbled as he watched Andrew tuck himself into his own bed. They were sleeping in the same hotel room but they were millions of miles away from each other. Neil felt stiff and confused. 
Resigned, he shut the light off. 
“Fix it,” Kevin demanded. 
“Fix what?”
“Just tell him already. It’s getting nauseating.” 
Neil narrowed his eyes. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
Kevin threw Neil’s lyric notepad back at him. “‘Living limbless, lost, lonely, ever since you went and left me’? What do you mean, what am I talking about? I thought you two were already together - now he’s saying you were never interested? What the fuck, Neil. You’ve been practically married for years.” 
Neil blinked. “Me and -”
“Andrew, yes, who else?” Kevin continued, irritable as he scrawled down new ideas. “You’re so fucking dense sometimes - ow!” 
Neil stuck out his tongue, satisfied with the large black line his thrown pen had left behind. He fished out another pen from his bag and kept writing, letting Kevin’s banter distract him from how painful his chest felt. 
The tour was ending. They were looping back to South Carolina. Andrew hardly looked at him anymore, let alone spoke to him. Kevin looked at Neil with pity. Nicky tried to cheer everyone up with icecream. 
Neil couldn’t understand why they were falling apart. What had he done? What had he said? 
The screams irked him. They sounded less ecstatic and more afraid. Neil was falling apart onstage, overthinking. They’d just played for Charleston, one of their last stops on the tour. 
The curtains came down. Neil couldn’t move. The others were already off the stage. Neil couldn’t breathe. 
“Neil,” Andrew said. He couldn’t look Andrew in the eye. How was he to explain that Andrew’s estrangement had left him in such a miserable state that he could hardly perform without breaking down? 
“Neil, look at me.” 
Neil closed his eyes. “Whatever I did - I’m sorr -” 
“Abram,” Andrew whispered, before pressing a bruising kiss to Neil’s lips. His eyes flew open, though he didn’t move. It didn’t matter: Not a moment later, Andrew ricocheted back, hand over his own mouth. In his other hand, his favourite drumsticks snapped, falling to the floor in uneven halves. 
By the time Neil had opened his mouth, Andrew was gone. 
Neil spent the drive to the pub they’d chosen to ride out their performance high in silence. Andrew was stoic and unmoving, silent despite Nicky’s attempts at conversation. When they arrived, Neil felt like he wanted to throw up. 
It was bustling at the late hour, but dark enough to slip in unnoticed. Neil followed Andrew up to the bar: at one point, someone shoved into Andrew and Neil felt him press Neil against the marble top, warm from shoulder to shin. Neil wanted to lean back into him. He wanted Andrew to look at him, to talk to him. He wanted Andrew back. He wanted Andrew. 
Quickly, he turned around, ignoring the bar tender when he asked if he was sure he wanted a virgin martini. Andrew was right there, pupils blown, cheeks red. Angry. 
He was furious. 
“Andrew,” Neil insisted. “Why -” 
He grabbed the tray of drinks and disappeared before Neil could form a sentence. 
And - well. Neil wasn’t known for subordination. 
He waited patiently for the others to get drunk and disappear into the crowd, like they always did. Sometimes Nicky dragged Neil with him, if the night was right. Andrew usually just sat, patiently waiting for his family to return to him. His whiskey sips were cautious and slow. 
Tonight was different. As soon as they were alone, Andrew stood, knocked back the entire glass and strode towards the exit. Neil let his breath hitch and followed, almost jogging in order to keep up with Andrew’s stride. 
“Andrew, this is insane,” he said as they walked down the street, leaving the bar behind. “I’m losing my mind here. Why won’t you talk to me? Why won’t you even look at me? What did I do?” 
“Exist,” Andrew snarled, hands curled into fists and shoved into the pockets of his denim jacket. 
Neil ran ahead of him, almost tripping over the uneven sidewalk. They’d walked far enough that they seemed to have removed themselves from any remnants of the club, and instead were stood in front of a circular, patheon-esque church and its haphazard graveyard. 
Andrew stopped walking and stared. In the moonlight his skin was pale enough to be translucent. 
“Tell me,” Neil whispered. “Truth for truth. We promised, Andrew. To never lie, to never leave. Why did you kiss me?”
“You promised,” Andrew corrected him. “I swore I would have your back. Does that have to constitute being attached at the hip?” 
Neil crossed his arms, petulant. 
Andrew’s sigh was aggravated. “It was never meant to be a problem.”
“What was?”
“Andrew -” 
Fingers curled in the collar of his shirt, then slipped across the warm skin at the nape of his neck, then tangled themselves into Neil’s hair. Andrew pulled their foreheads together, squeezing his eyes closed too tight. Neil wanted to iron out the crease between his brows. 
“Shut up,” the man croaked. “Shut up. Shut up.”
“Andrew,” Neil said, weakly. “I wanted to kiss you.” 
Andrew’s nails dug into Neil’s scalp. “No you didn’t.”
“Yes,” his fingers carefully found their way onto Andrew’s jaw, forcing the man to look up at him. “I did.” 
Andrew just swallowed, red-cheeked. 
Neil pulled Andrew closer, head dropping to Andrew’s shoulder. His heart throbbed like a drumbeat, heavy and insistent and never, ever out of time. “Is that what this is about?”
“No,” Andrew lied. 
“I think I like you, ‘Drew,” Neil whispered into the skin of Andrew’s neck. “I think I really do.” 
“I hate you,” Andrew managed, sliding his hands around Neil’s waist and holding him close under the Charleston moonlight. “I hate you.” 
“I know,” Neil managed, closing his eyes. It made a lot more sense, now. 
Between their erratic breathing and racing pulses, a drumbeat formed. 
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Jimin Scenario| You think he’s cheating on you but he’s not
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Featuring Jin being an overprotective amazing friend and standing up for you and your honor. 
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Jimin had been acting strangely around you lately. Whenever you came home early, he seemed to be on the phone with someone and would quickly excuse himself from the conversation when he noticed you. He was more shy around you, which really sent up red flags because Jimin was normally shameless around you and seemed to need your touch like he did oxygen. 
It honestly worried you, to say the least. You two had been together for 2 years now but had been best friends for even longer, and for him to suddenly start avoiding you, you couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he was tired of you. 
The final straw was when you came home early from work, this time making sure to be quiet so he didn’t hear you enter the front door. As per usual, Jimin was on the phone with someone. You snuck into the kitchen and ducked behind the counter so you could hear him talking in the living room.
“No I haven’t told her. It’s too soon... No she has no idea but I feel so bad keeping this from her... I know I’ve been avoiding her and honestly I don’t think I am going to be able to hold this in for much longer... No I need to talk to Anna tomorrow and then I’ll decide what do from there... Okay. Bye Jungkook. Thank you again for keeping this a secret I know how hard it is for you when y/n is your best friend too.” 
You feel your heart drop into your stomach. Jimin was cheating on you? With someone named Anna? And Jungkook knew about it? Not only were you betrayed by your boyfriend, but your best friend in the span of just a few moments. You stay crouched behind the counter, waiting for him to hopefully walk away. You pray that he doesn’t come into the kitchen and your hopes seem to be answered as he walks into the bathroom and shuts the door. You hear the shower turn on and now the sobs are wracking through your body. You run into the bedroom, quickly pack a bag and leave. Slamming the door behind you. 
Jimin hears the front door slam shut as he turns the water off in the shower. He quickly throws on his clothes and walks out into the hallway, excited to see you.
“Hey baby you’re home early! Want to go somewhere and grab dinner?” He receives no answer. 
“Y/n?” He glances around the living room, and kitchen and finds no traces of you having been there. When he walks into the bedroom he feels his heart sink. Your clothing is haphazardly thrown about the room. Now he’s worried that something has happened to you. He immediately pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls you, only to have it immediately go to voicemail. Jimin attempts to call Jungkook, wondering if maybe you told him where you were going. 
“Yeah hyung?”
“Did you hear from y/n recently?”
“No.. she should still be at work, why?”
“I heard the front door slam shut and all of her clothes are thrown about the bedroom. What if someone kidnapped her? Or what if... what if she left... What if she is tired of me?”
“Jimin I’m sure she’s fine. Y/n loves you she would never leave you. And if someone tried to kidnap her you know damn well that person wouldn’t have made it two feet out the door cuz she would throw down.” Jimin giggles at his words but it’s quickly replaced with worry again.
“But this is just so odd. Where would she go in such a hurry?”
“I don’t know. Did you try calling her?”
“Yeah and it went straight to voicemail.”
“That’s odd.. let me call the others and see if they know where she is.”
“Okay, thank you Jungkook.” 
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You get out to your car and immediately drive away, holding yourself together for at least a few miles before you pull over in a random convenience store’s parking lot. It’s at this moment you realize you don’t know where you should go. You can’t go to Jungkook’s, he’s broken your trust just as harshly as Jimin has. Your parents don’t live in Seoul. Your only other friends are the members and you can’t exactly trust they didn’t know what was going on either, but you quickly begin to realize you don’t have another choice. 
“Alright, who’s the lucky one who gets to deal with me today.” You close your eyes and open up the group chat with the members, scrolling and letting your thumb rest on a member’s name at random.
“Jin it is.” You dial his number and he answers on the first ring.
“Y/n?! Where are you Jungkook and Jimin are worried sick about you.”
“I don’t care.” 
“What do you mean you don’t care? Why do you sound like you’ve been crying? What’s wrong?”
“Jin please don’t tell them I called you.. It’s.. Jimin he..” You break down again, you literally can feel your heart breaking with every passing moment away from Jimin.
“Hey, it’s okay y/n I won't tell them okay? Just tell me where you are? Did Jimin do something to hurt you?”
“He’s cheating on me.”
“What?! I’ll kill him, that’s it where are you?” 
“I’m at the convenience store off of 12th street.”
“I’ll be right there.” He hangs up the line and you immediately turn off your phone again, not wanting to answer any texts or calls from either of those two. You sit in the car, resting your head against the steering wheel wondering where you could have went wrong. You thought Jimin was happy with you. Just a few months ago you were talking about getting married, having a family, so what changed? Did the thought of a permanent commitment with you scare him off? You’re so lost in your thoughts that you don’t notice Jin next to the car until the door opens and you’re pulled out of your seat and into his arms. You immediately relax in his embrace, enjoying the feeling of his broad arms protectively wrapped around you. Jin always made you feel safe. And you felt like he was the one you could turn to for life advice and anything else. 
“Y/n I am so sorry. I don’t know what that idiot could possibly have been thinking. Are you certain he is cheating on you? That doesn’t sound like Jimin at all/ He’s crazy about you.”  You tell Jin about the conversation you overheard and see anger behind his eyes. “That little brat. And Jungkook knew! I am going to call them both and give them a piece of my mind!”
“No don’t! Can I just.. stay with you for a while?”
“We can’t go back to the apartments right now y/n Jungkook is there.”
“Then can we just stay here?” Jin smiles at you. 
“Sure. Scoot over into the passengers side we can just drive somewhere together okay?” You nod and move to the other seat, letting Jin take the wheel. He starts the car and as soon as he does he blasts the music and starts singing loudly, turning up the theatrics and dancing. You immediately burst out laughing, seemingly satisfied, Jin turns the radio down.
“See there’s that smile! How about if we go out to eat somewhere? You pick, I’ll treat.”
“I don’t really feel like eating right now.. I’m sorry.”
“Hey it’s fine. What about icecream? We can drown our sorrows in a tub of Ben & Jerry’s and go sit at the park.” 
“That sounds perfect.”
“Okay. Be right back then.”
Jin leaves the vehicle and walks into the store to get your icecream, however he also makes a quick phone call while he’s in there.
“Hello? Jin did you hear from y/n-”
“Whoa whoa whoa Jin what are you-”
“How dare you! How could you keep such a secret from y/n?! And support Jimin in the process are you freaking insane? Y/n is your best friend!” 
“Hyung what-”
“Don’t you hyung me I am so unbelievably pissed at you right now.”
“Jungkookie is that Jin?” He can hear Jimin in the background.
“OH BOY PUT ME ON SPEAKER PHONE RIGHT NOW JEON.” Jungkook quickly complies, alarmed at the use of his last name only.
“PARK JIMIN! Y/n is the love of your life. We all love and cherish her deeply how dare you hurt her like this! If you were unhappy you should have just told her! Not cheated on her! Do you have any idea-”
“I’m sorry what? Cheated on her?!”
“Don’t interrupt me!  Do you have any idea how heart broken she is? I thought she was going to pass out from how hard she was crying. Her poor little nose is bright red and her face is all puffy because of you two!”
“Why in the hell do you think I am cheating on her? Are you insane? I love y/n to death my whole heart belongs to her-”
“Then who’s Anna?!”
“Don’t you what me. Y/n told me everything. She heard you talking to Jungkook, telling him you needed to talk to Anna first, that he had to keep this a secret, that you felt bad for keeping things from her. You really expect me to believe you aren’t cheating on her?!” 
“Oh my- Jin! Anna is the jeweler customizing my engagement ring for y/n!”
“..... I’m sorry what now?”
“The reason I have been so secretive around y/n and reclusive is because I am so damn nervous about asking her to marry me. Anna is the girl who is designing the ring and it was done today. I was telling Jungkook I needed to go see her to pick the ring up and would then decide how I want to ask her from there but... oh god I fucked up y/n really thinks I cheated on her?”
“Yes.. She does. She’s heart broken Jimin.”
“Hyung.. please can you help me? I am going to go pick the ring up I guess now is as good a time as any to ask her. God I don’t want her to think I don’t love her when she is everything to me. Can you meet me at the park?”
“That’s perfect because I told her we could sit at the park and drown our sorrows in a tub of icecream.” 
“Okay. Thank you so much.”
“Yeah, yeah don’t thank me. I’m still mad at you for making her cry.” Jin hangs up the phone and quickly grabs the icecream and pays for it.
“Why did that take so long?”
“Sorry the cashier was in the back stocking or something. Had to search around to find them.” You eye him suspiciously but before you can say anything else Jin turns the radio back up and heads towards the park. 
You two are sat on a bench now, eating the icecream as he’s letting you vent. 
“I can’t believe I was stupid enough to believe he actually loved me.. I should have known better.”
“Y/n?” You hear a familiar voice behind you and whip your head around.
“Oh no.. How the hell did you find me?” You turn and face Jin who won’t meet your gaze. “Betrayer!” 
“Y/n just hear him out okay? This whole thing is just a misunderstanding.” 
“You side with him?! I should have known. Can’t believe you would tell him where I am when you damn well how he broke my heart.” You turn around to face Jimin, trying to keep a straight face although your voice trembles. “Alright just get it over with. Tell me that you don’t want to be with me anymore so I can officially be done with this.”
“I don’t want to do that. Y/n I love you. I’m not going to tell you I want to break up with you when all I want is to spend the rest of my life with you.” He drops down to one knee and you freeze in place. “Anna is the woman who was helping me design your ring. I was asking for Jungkook’s help with the design, and planning how to ask you. I wasn’t cheating on you baby, I swear. Please believe me.” Jimin pulls out the box and opens it, Your jaw drops when you see it. 
“Y-.. you want to marry me?”
“And you didn’t cheat on me?”
“Not ever, and I never will.” You stare at him for a moment longer before you burst into tears for a whole new reason. Jimin immediately stands up and wipes your tears away, pulling you into a hug and holding onto you tightly, not wanting to let you go. “Ah I keep making you cry today I am a terrible boyfriend.”
“You’re a terrible fiancé.” Jimin pulls away, hope in his eyes.
“Does this mean you forgive me? That you’ll marry me?”
“Yes.. Jimin I would love to marry you. This was all just a big misunderstanding and.. I should have talked to you about it I am sorry for worrying you.” Jimin slips the ring on your finger and places a kiss to your knuckle after he does.
“You did nothing wrong. I understand why you would take things that way I should be the one apologizing.” You lean in and place a kiss to his lips, both of you pouring all of the emotions you had been feeling that day into the kiss. When you pull away Jimin is beaming at you. You can’t help but smile back. Suddenly you hear a sniffle behind you and you turn around to see Jin wiping his eyes. 
“Jin? Why are you crying.” 
“Because I am so happy for you two! My little Jiminie is getting married. I’m so proud.” You both giggle at that and Jin smiles fondly at the two of you.
“Thank you for taking care of her, hyung.”
“Of course. What are friends for? I’m going to head back to the apartment now. You both going to be okay?” You turn to Jimin and you both smile at each other.
“Yeah.. I think we’re going to be just fine.”
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Hiro ship requests? ÒwÓ
Fr tho, can I pls get some Yasuhiro x Teruteru? I started thinking about them yesterday and now I can't stop
Already love them~
[So~ Non Despair Au where they live close by] [under cut cause it got long]
*So their Mom's know each other, of course they do, and Mrs. Hanamura is always making extra food to send over to Hiroko's [she knows times are difficult, even if it's hard to keep everything smooth at the dinner it's just being friendly]. On particularly bad days, she has Teru take it over to the Hagukure's
*And Teruteru see's this lanky, smells slightly like insense, sexy man and is instantly like 🥰🥰
*It also helps that Hiro doesn't seem to mind his humor [and at times half attempts to say something "flirty" back tho it more or less falls flat]
*So when Teru realizes (later) they both go to Hope's Peak he's like 😳😳
*Eventually Hiro "convinces" Teru (teruteru was waiting for the opportunity) to get a fortune told
*It's a palm reading,,, Any jokes Teruteru wanted to say to ease any tension has left his mind and he's sweating bullets
*Hiro thinks it's about the actual reading so he assures Teru "Yknow man, it's only 30% accurate... And hey you got a good one! That line there is health and prosperity... and hey- Bonus Prediction you'll get a date in less then a month :D"
*Now, you'd think I'm setting it up where Teru is pinning after Hiro and Hiro is oblivious- But your wrong
*Surprise surprise- The Clairvoyant has a big crush too (tho, he's still pretty oblivious to Teru's)
*He may have made up that last prediction
*He isnt sure exactly when he began to like Teruteru, maybe it was when he began to bring food for them, he seemed sweet
*Hiro knows that Teru is more then "creepy" perv because he's seen him before! And in quite in an endearing way
*Also, Hiro appreciated that While Teru made lots of jokes they never were at the expense of Hiro [he's used to the "your so stupid haha" jokes]
*And being a good chef 👀 I mean that's a bonus
*Hiro eventually asks him out (in less then a month) and Teru cant belive it
*I mean, his crush is serious about liking him? This isn't some cruel joke?
*Hiro has no plans for dates, and ends up taking him to a park and they get icecream [Teru gets a popsicle just to make a joke]
*Teru is just 😳🥰🥰💕💕 the whole time
*Hiro is showered in affection
*Hiro does his best to return it, though usually its cheesy
*After they start dating, Teru makes Hiro his cooking assistant [totally not so he doesn't have to use the stool every time]
*Hiro isn't too bad at it- Though on his own he tends to either under or over season everything. Or eat the food before it's done. Or forget that its cooking Or
*Let's just say, he likes to be an assistant then the main chef
*they are both very physically affectionate, so it's not rare to see Hiro in the halls give him a peck on the cheek
*When that happens (which is a lot) Teru comes stary eyed to class
*Cuddles, constantly. Teruteru loves to sit on Hiro's lap- And Hiro usually isnt doing much/doesnt mind dropping what he's doing so he just wraps his arms around him
*Hiro: You are so soft
Teruteru: Hmm?
Hiro *pokes cheek*: Softtt,,, I'd have to protect you from aliens
Teruteru: ... okay sugar you can protect me from aliens any day~
Hiro *sweats profusely*: Aliens scary tho
Teruteru: ... I can protect you from them?
Hiro: 😯🥺🥺🥺
*Teruteru doesn't understand it. But promises to protect him for aliens
*Hiro: Oh btw, y'know your Yakuza classmate?
Teruteru: Yep~
Hiro: Yeah, I owe his family a bunch of money
Hiro: So, you know any people that are open to selling thier organs?
Teruteru: Honey, I love you. But what
*In short, Teruteru really has trouble understanding Hiro at times. He loves him though
(And Fuyuhiko is going over his own development, and is secretly soft and forgives the debt so-)
[Thank you for the request~ Fell free to request more]
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hopeaterart · 4 years
I’m gonna be there Chapter 10
Joot and Kak vs Rubber Soul
(WARNING: Rubber Soul, at some point, uses a language that implies Kakyoin and Dio were an item back when Kakyoin was under Dio’s control. I’m gonna say now it wasn’t the case, but still. If you’re sensible to that kind of stuff, be careful while reading.)
Noriaki blinked, shocked at the sudden accusation. He then frowned. “What do you mean by that?”
“Her- their eyes are too dark,” Jotaro started, “they’re too tall, their voice is too deep and flat, their mouth is too wide, and my mom isn’t a passive-aggressive bitch.”
Noriaki slowly nodded, taking a hold of Jotaro’s hand that wasn’t busy with his iced coffee. “Come on, Jotaro-kun. We don’t want to keep Seiko-san waiting.” As they started walking behind ‘Holly’, their voice switched to a whisper, not letting the imposter hear them. “Maybe she’s just in a bad mood?” The redhead proposed.
Jotaro just shook his head. “Mom in a bad mood looks like when she was fighting Polnareff.”
“... so when your mother gets mad, she starts acting like you? Or is it the other way around?”
“Did you base your entire delinquent persona on your mother when she’s mad, Jotaro Kujo?” Noriaki asked, looking genuinely curious.
The taller teen spluttered, his cheeks reddening. “N- not all of it-” he got out as Kakyoin snorted, but the quickly calmed down as ‘Holly’ turned toward them.
“Well? Why’re you boys dragging around for?” The imposter asked, and Noriaki heard Jotaro’s teeth gritting more than he saw them.
He waved his hand dismissively, putting on his best attempt at a smile. Time for a test. “Don’t worry, Holly-san. Just talking about school stuff.” ‘Holly’ rolled their eyes and shrugged, resuming their walk as Noriaki nodded to himself.
Holly had insisted for the redhead to call her Seiko, at least in public.
“See?” Jotaro hissed. “Not mom. What are we supposed to do?”
“On one side, we could leave and go find Seiko-san.” Noriaki mentioned. “It’s very likely something happened to her.” Jotaro’s face twitched with worry at the mention of anything bad happening to his mother. “On the other one, this person is likely to have been sent by Dio. If we take care of them now, we can go find your mother without worrying about being found.”
“What if they have someone else helping them?” Jotaro asked.
Noriaki shook his head. “Unlikely, Stand Users attract each other, but there’s a reason most of them decide to go live in isolation. Most of the time, being a Stand User correlates heavily with being a world-hating jackass.”
“Oh.” The taller teen seemed to think for a moment. “Can you punch them first? I don’t feel comfortable punching someone who looks so much like my mom.”
“Oh, I can do much better than punching.” Noriaki assured Jotaro with a smile that would be too wide on anyone’s else face, but fit just right on his. “Can you hold my icecream?” As the taller teenager did so, he took a few step backs, propped himself to take a running start, called out Holly’s name, yelled ‘wanna see me do a flip?’, and cartwheeled himself, using the momentum to launch himself to kick them in their face. 
He heard their face crack and felt his foot sink into it, quickly jumping off and landing on the floor in a low crouch. ‘Holly’ turned toward him, their face deformed and eyes glowing a sickening yellow. “What was that for, you little shit stain!?” They yelled, their deformed voice clearly not Holly’s.
Noriaki got back up as Jotaro came near, fury barely concealed on his face. “Knew it.” The taller teen muttered.
“You need to work on your acting skills.” The redhead told the imposter. “Jotaro-kun knew the moment he took a look at you. And you didn’t get your facts about Seiko-san straight.”
“Who the fuck is Seiko!?”
“My point exactly.” Noriaki nodded to himself.
“The point is,” Jotaro hissed as he moved to stand next to the redhead. “we know you’re not mom, the jig is up!”
“Oh, really? In this case...” ‘Holly’ started, their face gradually starting to melt before melting off in yellow goo, their whole body going with it and revealing a man that was naked from the waist up. “No need to hide my beautiful face anymore!”
“... so. When is disguise coming off?” Kakyoin asked with a raised eyebrow, and had the situation been any less dire Jotaro was pretty sure he would’ve laughed.
“If I was you, I’d be more scared of my Yellow Temperance.” The man sneered, before pointing down at Noriaki’s foot. The same yellow goo that was surrounding him was slowly creeping up his shoe, the redhead frowning. “It’s going to slowly eat you. Do you understand that? And if you try to get it off, it’ll just spread faster-”
“You do realize I can simply take my shoe off, yes?” Noriaki asked, raising an eyebrow as he started kicking his shoe off. “Demonstration:” The redhead then back flipped, his shoe flying off and hitting the enemy straight in the face. He yelled, clutching his nose and groaning as the teenager turned toward, flipping his hair out of his face and grinning.
“You think you’re so smart, uh!?”
“I mean, you’re the one getting his ass beat by a skinny teenager right now.” Jotaro sneered. “Seriously, Kakyoin-kun’s light enough for me to throw him around. Literally.”
“It’s not our fault you’re an idiot.” Noriaki sing-songed, his smile wide and mocking. The smile left his face as their enemy started laughing lowly, slowly morphing into something higher pitched. “What’s so funny?”
“No, no, it’s just funny that you of all people think you’re hot shit.” The man sneered. “With all the stuff Dio did to you, I would’ve thought you’d be more spineless.”
“... What are you talking about?...” Noriaki asked in a shaky voice, feeling a dull throb start in his head. Worry started pooling into his chest. 
“I mean... you always did do everything he asked you to.”  The man started, sending a leery look at the redhead. “I’m sure you enjoyed how he treated you.”
“It’s not- I had a fleshbud in my head!” Noriaki snapped. “I wasn’t in control of my actions!”
“Still, Dio seemed pretty attached to his little toy. He wants someone to bring you back to him.” Ice ran through Noriaki veins as the man started bragging about how Dio was going to reward him, memories of sickly sweet words being whispered into his ears and sharp pain he did not ask for erupting into his mind.
He started breathing heavily, not noticing the person next to him leaning down.
“Kakyoin-kun?” Noriaki snapped his head toward Jotaro, who seemed worried at the look of panic written all over the other’s face. “Are you... okay?”
“I... I don’t know.” The redhead admitted, averting his gaze and doing his best to ignore their enemy's laughter.
Jotaro turned toward the man, anger starting to take a forefront at his mind. He handed Noriaki their snacks from earlier. “Hold this.” He then started walking toward their opponent.
Said opponent just laughed. “What? Don’t you think it’s a little too late to defend the sl-”
“ACK!” Noriaki blinked in surprise. Jotaro had called out his Stand, the purple spirit punching the shapeshifter in the throat with a furious look on his face, who was now coughing and taking a step back, part of his Stand having faded away.
“Look.” The teenager started, his hands coming out of his pockets to crack his knuckles. “No one is ever going to say that Jotaro Kujo is a nice person. When I get into a fight, I tend to overdo it and send everyone in emergency. I didn’t like a teacher, so I made sure he would never walk again. I often don’t pay when I go at restaurants. And you’re just a guy doing his job.” One of his hand came up behind his neck. “The thing is, I’m just serving justice when no one else will. I never throw the first punch. The teacher was harassing girls at my school. The restaurant’s food is lousy. And you’re trying to kill us.”
“Wh- what’s your point, shithe-”
[ORA!] Noriaki nearly snorted as Jotaro’s Stand punched it’s opponent in the throat again.
“Don’t. Interrupt. Me.” Jotaro hissed, bending down so he was at eye level with the guy. “It’s rude. And you’ve talked my ears off about how this Dio guy took advantage of Kakyoin-kun, so you’re gonna deal with me talking about justice. And unlike you, I have a point to make. Evil,” the teen pointed his finger for empashis. “is when you use the weak for your own gain. And good is when you punish evil, yes? Let’s just say that me not being nice won’t prevent me from being good.”
“You- did you really just- why did you give me such a long-winded speech!?”
“To make you understand just how badly you and Dio fucked up.” Jotaro said, standing back to his full height and looming. “Had you kept your mouth shut, I wouldn’t have gotten involved in this fight. And had Dio not decided to go after my family, we would’ve never heard about him. Do you understand? You opening your damn mouth is the final nail in Dio’s coffin, aka the one my family’s gonna bury him in. And as for you...” 
Earlier, during his discussion with Noriaki, Jotaro had smiled for the first time in a long while, happy at having found someone who understood him.
Now, he was smiling again, his teeth showing in a display that looked more like he was barring them. 
“I’m gonna enjoy bringing justice down on you.”
[ORA! ORA! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!] Jotaro’s Stand bellowed out, Noriaki watching in amazement as the shapeshifter was pummeled to a paste. [ORA!!!]
Their enemy then flew onto the lower floor, landing into a fountain just as Holly came into view. The blonde woman blinked, looking at the man in the fountain, before turning her head up and looking at the two teenagers. “Boys, what’s going on, here?”
“Don’t worry, Seiko-san.” Noriaki yelled from his point, giving his iced coffee back to Jotaro. “It’s just an enemy Stand User with shape shifting abilities. He pretended to be you!”
“Oh!” Holly exclaimed as vines started wrapping around of her legs, moving to stand close to the defeated. “In this case.” She then kicked him the crotch and electrified him with Hamon, making him cry out, before calling down the two teenagers. “Are you two finished with your shopping? I’m gonna go load the groceries in the car.”
“Coming, mom.” Jotaro yelled, before turning toward Noriaki and taking his hand. “Come on, let’s go.”
The redhead nodded, following the taller teenager as they made their way down, finishing his ice cream. “Jotaro-kun?”
“Yeah, what?”
“For what it’s worth, I think you’re very nice.”
“... Thanks.”
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 13/Finale (Bucky Barnes au)
“I've hungered for your touch
A long, lonely time”
Soul ties playlist : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/054hHxpYJ2rIluevfSaGRK?si=w1JkdfFwTjuXZMegQd9WHw
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Waking up from your first night with Bucky was a feeling you would make sure you'd never forget. You knew he didn't get much sleep : you'd only  been to his room once, but you'd noticed the single blanket on the floor, which somehow reminded you of Steve's bed in the early years of your friendship.
"You didn't even move," you said as you woke up with his arm around you. "I feel bad I kept you in an uncomfortable position."
"Don't. I couldn't wake you up for anything in the world," he joked. "Even when you snored."
"Lord, take me out of this misery," you complained as you got up from your bed, escaping Bucky's embrace.  "You were joking, right?"
He grinned and shook his head no. Damn. You ran your brush through your hair and picked up  your phone on your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Checking your messages, you noticed a text from Steve.
"Tony dropped off some papers for you. Didn't want to wake you guys up."
Your heart jumped as you realised what papers Steve was talking about. Divorce papers. You rinsed your mouth, put on some jeans and a T-shirt before telling Bucky about the special delivery.
"All I have to do is sign them, then drop them off at Darren's," you explained. "Best case scenario : he signs them right away and I get to go back with them."
Bucky was already seated and he was getting ready to go change as well. "And worst case scenario would be...?"
"He doesn't sign them at all, and I have to go through the court system," – you sighed – "which I really don't want to."
"It's not gonna happen," he assured you. "I'm coming with you to make sure of it."
"You don't have to do that, you know?"
"I want to."
You slowly sat on his lap, wrapping your hands around his neck. "I'm a really lucky woman." You couldn't help but smile before kissing him quickly. "Okay. I gotta go read and sign those papers. If you want to make some coffee while I do so..."
"Oh, I see, already taking advantage of my soft spot for you," he said. "I didn't think-"
"So you have a soft spot for me, huh?" you teased, a nervous laugh escaping your mouth.
"Did I say that?"
"Maybe. I guess we're even, then. Soft spots for each other sounds good."
You got up and put on your shoes.
"It does," he agreed. "Alright, I gotta make some coffee now."
"I didn't think I'd see you this soon."
"Well, I'm full of surprises," you snapped at your future ex-husband as you handed him a small stack of paper. "I need you to sign this."
Darren's eyes kept going from you and Bucky to the papers. He grabbed the divorce agreement hesitantly and read the title.
"What if I don't?"
"You will."
Bucky's low and stern voice had unsettled your interlocutor so bad he opened his mouth without  saying anything.
"If you don't mind, we'll come in and make sure you sign these," you said as you made  your way through the hallway of the building. "I also have some stuff I want back."
"Fine," Darren agreed  grudgingly. "It's not like I have a choice anyway. I don't want your new pet boyfriend to attack me."
"He's not-"
"Let him," Bucky told you. "Please, let him give me an easy excuse to do it."
You held back a laugh : you knew Bucky didn't want to be involved in a meaningless fight. On the other hand, letting Darren believe this was a possibility seemed like a fun taste of payback.
"C'mon, Buck. He's not worth the trouble."
You grabbed his hand as you preceded Darren in the staircase that led to your former apartment. You took him to the bedroom you and Darren once shared ; you could see his face changing at the sight of the bed and decoration that still bore your mark.
"Are you okay?" you asked.
You got away  from the wardrobe you were about to open and walked up to him.
"No you're not. Talk to me," you said as you stroked his cheek.
"This room is filled with memories," he whispered. "Memories that are his."
"And that's all he's got," you retorted. "Memories. That's the only thing he can cling to from now on, assuming that even means something to him."
"But it means something to you, and I don't want you to erase all that," he confessed.
"Bucky... I'm not erasing anything," you promised, knowing how hard it was for him to think he was stripping someone from their memories. "Life is about learning. If I hadn't been married to him in the first place, I probably wouldn't have met you. See? Learning from past experiences is not erasing said experiences. I know you're feeling like the bad guy here, but you're not."
"He looks miserable. That's kinda my fault."
"You didn't let me blame myself for this, and I'm sure as hell not gonna let you blame yourself either."
You smiled and kissed him on the cheek before going back to the wardrobe. Grabbing a bag and filling it with your remaining clothes didn't feel as heavy as it did when you'd last been here. Your chest felt ten times lighter, and you were convinced Bucky's presence had something to do with it.
"I'm good," you said. "Those are the only things I couldn't bring last time."
You left the bedroom and found Darren sitting at the kitchen table, his pen hovering over the divorce agreement.
"Could you get done with this already?" you asked softly. "I'm kind of in a hurry."
"You're so eager to leave me, aren't you?" Darren scoffed. "I thought..."
"I thought you could make this work for us."
You let  out a long, disappointed sight. "The very  fact you think it's my job and mine only to make this marriage work is another sign of why it didn't," you pointed out. "I shouldn't have lied to you about my tattoo in the first place," you admitted, "but the way you treated me all those years was far from right."
"But I was good to you."
"No, you weren't."
Darren lowered his eyes and signed the final page. With a single hand, he slid the agreement towards you.
"Thank you," you told him. "I'm glad we could end this the nice way."
"It's really over, huh? You're just gonna leave with a guy you've known for a couple of months."
For once,  there was no animosity in his voice. He sounded resigned more than he sounded sad.
"Yes. I might not have known Bucky for long, but he treated me the way I know I deserve. I'm not sorry you couldn't be that person, because there is someone out there waiting to meet you as well."
"Yeah, maybe."
You picked up the papers and went for the door, Bucky following you.
"Goodbye, Darren."
You didn't get an answer, as you'd expected. You went down the stairs silently and dropped your bag on the backseat of the car before sitting behind the wheel. Bucky sat in the passenger's seat, unsure of what he should say.
"Thanks for coming along," you ended up saying. "I think it helped me stay calm."
Bucky squeezed your knee gently as you started the engine : his  hand didn't leave  your leg for the rest of the trip, and you'd  never been more thankful  for automatic cars.
"Surprise," Natasha told  you as she greeted you with a glass of champagne. "Steve told me the news."
"What is it we're celebrating, exactly?" you asked with a chuckle.
"Your divorce, of course! I couldn't make it to the wedding, might as well celebrate its ending."
"I'm-, oh god." Keeping things serious was impossible and the light-hearted feeling in  your chest resurfaced. You thought you'd feel more guilt over divorcing Darren, but you knew now that it was the best thing to do.
Bucky laid a hand on your waist  even though there were a few people around, and Nat handed him a glass as well. Wanda, Steve and Sam ended up drinking with you, and even Tony made an appearance. Laughing, talking and chilling with your family felt like an enormous relief after the past few weeks. Despite your surroundings, Bucky's hand couldn't seem to leave your body : your shoulder, thigh or arm or even your back... Maybe you weren't the only one who felt freed by signing those papers. You stayed up late that night, and Natasha was the last one to leave.
"Big day, huh?"
You nodded and snuggled up to Bucky on the couch. "About what you said earlier-"
"It's okay," he said. "I just...you have memories with him. I cannot pretend they don't exist, and-"
"Don't. They're not relevant," you said, cutting him off before cupping his face. "It's you and me now, Buck. Every moment in my life, every choice I ever made led me to you. So yeah, Darren and I share memories. Some of them are good. Some aren't. So what? You and I will make new ones, and that's what matters to me."
You  pressed your forehead against his and closed your eyes.
"I'm in love with you," you confessed. "I'm in love with you and I've never felt it this strong, ever, and it's scary but it's also the most exciting thing-"
His lips crashing on yours interrupted your whole speech. His hand found the skin on your waist as he laid you down on the couch and kissed you with passion, enjoying the fact that the room was all yours. He pulled back, leaving you out of breath. He got up abruptly and extended his hand, grabbing yours and putting you back on your feet. Pulling you into a tight hug, he kissed your cheek and your neck.
"I love you,"  he whispered in your ear.
"I love you too," you said. You grabbed his hand on your waist and led  him through the compound. You stopped in front of his bedroom and stood  on tiptoe to plant a kiss on his nose. "Let's go make new memories now."
the end.
this is officially it guys, soul ties is a finished story! sorry the finale took so long to be posted but i've barely had time for myself with exams coming soon. i hope this story made its way to your heart like it did mine. :)
tag list : @ginger-swag-rapunzel @joscelyn02 @writehistorynotthegrocerylist @bluemoon-icecream @lady-loki-ren @simplybombshell @lizajane3 @livingonkpop @kaitieskidmore1
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Shouji Mezo X Reader Remember part 52
The whole class was shocked that Bakugo was the one to pick up the phone. His yell was loud enough to alert Shouji. Seconds it took Shouji to race down the stairs like a spider on every energy possible to enter the room.
“That’s Y/n?” He yelled out of breath.
“Shouji! Get off the phone baku-butts!” The class heard Y/n on the other line.
“Y/n-” Shouji didn’t know what to say.
“Did you tell the teachers about me?” She asked him a sweet voice.
It was a sliver of hope, her voice. Still here in this world, gracing it with her warm presence.
“Yes, of course, Y/n- what, why?”
She told him too!
“I’m a master planner is why!” She said like it wasn’t that serious. “Good, good. I bet this will go quite well.”
Those words destroyed that sliver of peace. Master plan of his hell!
“Y/n why would you do this?” Momo yelled into the home phone. “We could help you if you just let us”
“Once I knew my mother was helping the league, it was my fate to do this. I wasn’t brought to UA for my silly mistakes, but because I was meant to be here, to guide the heroes to stop the league. I’ll take the teachers where they need to be, and I say the things I need to say to my mom.” Y/n explained. “its family business first.”
“You could have told her those things when she rots in prison,” Sero said. “You don’t have-”
“I’m not sure if I’ll be given the chance, but you guys are worth it. I just want you guys to survive your hero course and then become the hereoes you want to be, later. Especially Shouji. I’m sorry I hurt you, and the rest of the class, you’re extra special to me Mezo.”
“Y/n...please,” Shouji begged.
“Shouji you got to be my hero so many times. I know you don’t want me to do this, but you’re worth it. I love you, so much that I don’t want to imagine a world where you get killed or injured by my mother’s creations. I have to be the one to do this.”
“Y/n you can come back we can-” Shouji said.
“Please insert more money to continue the call.”
This was still part of Y/n’s plan. Sure she wish she could hear more of Shouji’s voice, but she knew she had to do this now or never. The class would tell the teachers about the phone call, to ensure she would be found dead or alive. Or at least the location in question.
 She turned to the woods boarding the town and sighed. A road cut through it, the same road her mother drove on. The sign of private property glared at her as she entered the unknown. She took deep breath and continued.
Looking back she wished she could have told Aizawa she did appreciate all his help. They may have butt heads, but she knew he cared about her well being even though he didn’t have to. He busted her shoulder and that’s how it started. That’s the logical way to see this as, but Y/n saw it as destiny was how she ended up here. It was destiny to meet Shouji too. To fall for him, to care for him, to bring her back to her mother in order to save him once. She was risking her life and memories, but she believed deep down she would find her way back no matter what. 
At the check point there was a fence around a building deep in the woods. It was an electrical fence 8 feet high. There at the gate was a camera and a scanner. She took a deep breath and went for it.
“Hello?” She asked the scanner.
“State your name and purpose.” A voice from the scanner said. 
“I’m (full name) Dr (last name)‘s daughter. I just.” She began to tear up. “I need to see my mom, I can’t take it there anymore.” She sobbed.
Thirty seconds went by and the gate opened. Easy as pie. She walked up to the building and entered. It was white, sterile. There was a guard sitting at the computer. 
“Your mother is down stairs.” He said. “You haven’t been here in quite some time.”
“Huh?” She pretended to be dumb. “I think I’ve only been here once or twice.”
“Huh, my mistake.”
Yet Y/n knew where the down stairs was. It was assumed her mother was notify she was here. Her heart race as there was no turning back. The elevator opened to reveal the real laboratory. The walls were tall holding containers of what seemed to be half baked experiments of living things that grew in tubes. She saw her mother taking notes on one of the containers. Her attention turned to her daughter as she heard the elevator ding.
“Y/n, you’re here.” She said. “We might get in trouble for this, but as your mother I have your back. Is that Aizawa-ass a huge jerk?”
“Oh he’s the worst!” Y/n sobbed. “This was all just too much on me. I can’t use my phone at all, and I got hurt!”
Her mother set the notes down to examine her own daughter. She placed her hand on Y/n’s cheek. It burned Y/n to leave it there, but she had to keep up the act for now.
“I’m so sorry. We’ve been playing by their rules for so long.” Her mother sighed. “It doesn’t have to be like that though. It can be like how things were. Remember? When it was just me and you, shopping and icecream?”
Y/n looked past her mother and saw in a container further back, was a NOMU fully grown with a brain sticking out. She had to pretend more and more as it got harder.
“I do mom.” Y/n said. 
“What did they do to you?” Her mother’s attention began going back to the container, she was asking for white noise.
“I came in contact with a NOMU. Or that’s what they called it.” Y/n said.
“Mm hmm?”
“And it is said to be a bunch of people in one body with multiple quirks. It’s man made.” Y/n explained more.
“Yeah?” She took more notes. 
“And you created them didn’t you.” Y/n said.
A slow smile crept on the doctor’s face.
“I wish I could take full credit, but it was a collaboration. Someone’s idea and my intelligence really did mix well together.” She said. “And you’re here to do what?”
“I’m gonna stop you.” Y/n said activating the quirk in her arms to fire.
“You! My creation?” The doctor asked.
Y/n swung at her mother. The older woman ducked down and got a pole from the floor and hit her daughter in the stomach with it. It electrocuted her. Y/n fell flat on her back, confused.
“This is for the NOMUs. I knew betrayal would always be in you whether I used my quirk or not. It would always resurface.” The doctor said. “You know how disappointed I was when child services came because you called 911? What kind of child rats on her own family? I could’ve been great. Solving the world’s questions they’re too scared to even research!” 
“You’re insane!”
“Am I? I birth four ungrateful children to make them the best possible examples of human life.” The doctor yelled kicking Y/n’s side. “Two run away to fulfill their lame careers, one committing petty crimes and the other had no better purpose than to become a NOMU.”
“You wouldn’t!”
“I would! I refuse to lose my identity, my power, my ambitions to motherhood. It was never rewarding. None of you got my intelligence. Only my drive to fulfil your dreams.” The doctor hissed. “Tell me why now are you so pissed off? Did you fall in love with a wannabe hero?”
Y/n was scared. She was electrocuted again as she screamed in agony. She felt her muscles move against her brain waves. She couldn’t move.
“You could have been a better hero if your father didn’t stop me. Look at you wanting to lose yourself into someone else. What did they do? Call you pretty? Thought you were nice? Like some painting to hang on the wall and be forgotten about?” 
Her mother kept hitting her with the device. Asking her questions.
“Forget about them, and maybe when you meet again, you’ll be the true potential you could never meet as NOMU!” 
“Fuck you!” Y/n cried out as she gave a last ditch kick to her mother’s leg. 
 “Get her!” 
Two lab assistants took Y/n by her legs and arms. She struggled and tried activating her quirk. Her mother looked her in the eyes and starting to activate her own quirk on Y/n.
“Stop it!” Y/n yelled. “Stop it! Stop it stop it!”
“Drug her up.” Her mother told a third lab assistant who shoved a needle into her side. 
 Y/n body violently shook as they carried her into a smaller room with a bed. The assistants grunted as she struggled. Her mother grabbed her face more to activate her own quirk to see how far Y/n would handle it. Y/n tried fighting the urge not to black out, but with the drugs, the arm around her neck and the hands on her limbs there was no hope. 
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