#like mixed with the h
juiceboxthief · 7 months
is there a single character that Charlie slimesicle has created that doesn't have some sort of chronic pain? and/or body horror? mostly both.
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jicklet · 1 year
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Nancy Drew (2019-2023)
Thank you for 62 spooky, funny, wonderful episodes about love. ♥
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drawbauchery · 3 months
Part 2 ✌️
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screaming part 2
guys. everyone. look
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espiritesaint · 6 months
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"Eeh, well that's a freaky suggestion, but fine."
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SBEmail blinkie set!
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sorry to the 3 compé fans out there for not including it lol
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cablecar-s · 5 months
to love and self loath
Description :
With the death of her lover too much to bear, she makes the decision to run away from her life as Spider Woman, finding solace in the most crime ridden place in the U.S: Gotham City.
Hello! I'm currently just testing the waters of Tumblr at the moment, so bear with me because I have no idea what I'm doing. Constructive criticism is welcomed, just remember to not be mean >:/ Enjoy the first chapter!!
part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6
Prepare For Trouble
"You're Spider-Woman, right?" He looked at her with a knowing yet amused smile on his face, all the while the woman who stood before him could only stare at him with slight bafflement. Eyes wide, lips slightly parted, she blinked at him, beginning to stammer.
"I.. What? How could you..? What kind of crazy.." She let out a small mix of what seemed to be a huff and laughter in trying to play off his not-so-false statement.
Her crush could only give her a look that read all too clearly as 'Really?' which led her to promptly give up, a sigh of defeat leaving her lips.
"I.. Yeah, you got me. I'm.. I'm Spider-Woman." She looked at him with a defeated smile. "How'd you know though? I thought I was pretty secretive!" She raised her hands up in defense, making him laugh.
"Well, with how much you sometimes ditch me last minute every time I hear sirens going off or how you always disappear out of thin air when something big or small happens, it was pretty easy to deduce the reasons why." He chuckled softly.
"You are also talking to the most smartest person in his entire school." He quickly added.
The female vigilante could only slightly scoff at this, looking around, as if someone else could hear the ridiculousness that was coming out from his mouth.
"Really now?" She questioned, almost mockingly.
Slowly, the two teenagers inched closer to one another while continuing to bicker, a teasing smile on both of their faces until finally they were mere inches away from one another.
"I hope you're not waiting for something." The teenaged boy said teasingly, a smile on his lips.
"No, not at all." The girl hummed, smiling back.
With the night air nipping at their skin, the warmth of their breaths could be felt on one another. And as they leaned in for a kiss, the floor beneath them fell in an instant, and they were soon falling down the clock tower.
With her spider suit on, breathing now heavy, adrenaline pumping into her veins, she watched as the boy she loved since high school began falling, watching as her single web was shot down towards him.
It was silent in that moment, everything having gone in slow motion, her web slowly reaching out to him, but was only seconds too late. The web, sticking itself to the man at the last second, his head still hitting the cold, hard floor, killing him in an instant.
The sound of her cries echoed in the now broken clock tower; grief, guilt, and anger consuming her body, until...
In an instant the woman woke up, covered in her sweat, her heart pounding against her chest. Her fight and flight instincts having kicked in, her eyes darted around her new apartment, her brain slowly catching up as to where she was. 
The muffled sound of cars honking from outside her window was heard, the slight musty smell that her apartment had, and the multiple of unpacked boxes laying around in her small bedroom had slowly calmed her down.
Memories from a few days ago came back to her again, making her sigh while simultaneously burying her face into her hands, that night continuing to haunt her time and time again no matter how many times she had tried to forget. 
Finally turning the alarm on her phone off, she got herself out of bed and went to her bathroom to freshen up, her morning not doing so well with that dream of hers. 
Pulling her hair back from her face, the woman left her bathroom and started to continue where she had left off from yesterday with unpacking her stuff. Putting her playlist on shuffle, she began digging through all of the boxes that held her belongings, putting them in their respective places.
The female vigilante was glad to have gotten away from New York, it gave her time to take a break from playing Spider-Woman—and to hopefully heal. Though it's obvious someone from above thought it would be funny that she would be transferred in the most highest crime rated city: Gotham City.
There goes her vacation.
Though Gotham City should be fine without the help of Spider-Woman shouldn't it? They have all the other vigilantes that kept Gotham fairly safe.
From Batman and Robin to Nightwing, Orphan, Spoiler, hell they even have someone to protect Gotham in the morning, which would be Signal. Of course there was also Red Hood, though she still wasn't so sure if he was to be counted since he did run a few drug cartels.
Wasn't really her business though, as long as she didn't have to do any fighting in the mean time of her slight vacation. 
Boy was she wrong.
"I need you to take some photos of our vigilantes." Her new boss ordered.
"I'm sorry?" The woman furrowed her brows, staring at the woman who was busy typing away on her computer.
"You heard me. Pictures. Vigilantes. Stat." Her voice was monotone, yet it had a slight intimidation to it. 
The vacationing vigilante did her best in holding back her frustration, moving her arms a bit to exaggerate her words just a bit. 
"But Gotham is a lot more crime ridden at night. Can't you have one of the men do it? I'm sure they'd be less likely to get mugged unlike me." She couldn't help but huff, nothing but familiar with this attitude this older woman had.
She was very much the same as Jameson back at the Daily Bugle.
It wasn't long until the woman peeled her eyes off from her computer screen to stare at the vigilante with sharp eyes.
"Listen sweetheart, the reason why you were even transferred here was because of the crystal clear pictures you had taken of Spider Woman over back from where you're from." Opening a file cabinet from her desk, she flipped through a few divided folders before pulling one out in particular and opening it up, slightly tossing it in the middle of her desk.
Photos that she had taken slid itself out from its place in the divider, all of them of which were in good quality and all had good angles to them, only because she was quite literally taking pictures of herself in order to even obtain a job as a photojournalist.
"So it's either you take photos as nice as these of our vigilantes or we can throw you back to New York, your choice." Quite literally, Jameson's female doppelganger looked back up at her new transferee before going back to typing.
Letting out a small sigh, a muttered "Yes ma'am" left her lips before leaving her new demon boss' office. She really can't catch a break can she? 
Well it's not like she wasn't a night person in the first place right? Being able to do whatever she wanted during the day, and once the sun had disappeared and the darkness and rain had taken over Gotham was when it was her time to go out and do her job.
The only downside was how incredibly freezing cold it was in Gotham once night had hit. She could stand the cold to some degree, as a New Yorker she was quite used to the cold, but Gotham was a whole other story.
She should probably install thermos into her suit. As much as she didn't want to think about vigilantism, she knew deep down she would end up doing it, only reason she had brought her suit, which was buried in the deepest parts of her closets.
As her uncle had said time and time again: With great power comes great responsibility.
Being way too busy being deep in her thoughts while slightly, not really, looking as to where any of Gotham's vigilantes may be swinging by, the hair's on her body shot up, the familiar feeling of a tingling sensation in the back of her head appearing.
With swiftness, she side stepped a hand that had tried to take hold of the back of her neck. Turning around, she found herself eyeing three men, all having sinister smiles on their faces.
Just what exactly was her luck today?
"Come on boys, don't you think three of you is a bit much for a single woman like me?" She questioned, a nervous chuckle leaving her lips.
Every step back she had taken, they had taken two steps forward. They had glanced amongst each other, snickers leaving their mouths.
"Not with a lady as pretty as you." One of them commented.
Slowly, they had backed her into a closed off alleyway, all three of them laughing once her back had hit the brick wall.
Her eyes darted around, checking every crevice, every shadow, trying to see if any of Gotham's vigilantes will swoop down to rescue her, and save her the trouble of having to take care of these men herself. 
But there was no one, not even the slightest of movements, not a glint of lenses shining in the dim lighting. Welp, looks like she's on her own for tonight. 
"You guys, really don't want to do this." She warned them, but they only laughed more. They always laugh. Who wouldn't though? A helpless woman who you've backed into a corner telling you they're gonna regret what they're gonna do?
Good thing she wasn't just any ordinary woman though.
"We're gonna have so much fun with you pretty lady." One of them cackled.
"Ugh, how gross..." She muttered.
Glancing around one last time, this time, making sure there would be no bystanders to witness as to what was going to happen.
Pulling up the hood to her winter coat, she let out a sigh, raising one of her arms, pointing it towards one of the men.
"You asked for it." 
In the blink of an eye, her webs shot out from her wrist, a long string going straight for the one in the middle, before he was heaved straight towards the woman before making a harsh impact with a trash can lid.
"Ooh, you'll be feeling that tomorrow." She winced.
Grunts of surprise came from the other two men, but no matter how odd it was for webs to shoot out from a woman's hand, they proceeded to run at the female. With ease, she dodged their attempted charged attacks.
Her hands, opposite of the two men, shot out webs and took hold of the back of their heads before she pulled at the connected webs, causing the two men to bash their skulls together.
"You'll definitely feel that tomorrow." She chuckled. 
Taking a few steps back, she hesitated for a moment and stared at them before quickly rearranging the positions of their bodies.
"Just in case..." She muttered. With their backs all facing each others', she bundled them up in her webs, a precaution if they ended up gaining back consciousness before the morning
Dusting off her hands, she let out a satisfied hum before securing her hood once more before quickly jogging off, not wanting to be found at the scene of the crime. That would only cause herself more trouble. 
"Lets just call it a night, I'm freezing my ass off here." She muttered to herself, trying to bring her coat as close to her body as possible, not wanting to lose what bit of warmth her body was keeping.
Unknowingly to the spider though, a mysterious figure with their infamous red helmet had stumbled upon her small clean up, the two barely missing each other.
He stared at the scene in front of him, his helmet quickly getting to work in scanning the mysterious webs. With his boots softly kicking at the small puddles on the ground, he crouched down, taking a closer look at the webs.
His helmet broke down the composition of the webs, seeing how it was made with a few chemicals. Reaching out his hand, he began to touch the webs a bit, trying to rip at it for a sample.
It clung to his leather glove, and it took a bit of force until it got unstuck, it almost took his glove with it with how hard he was pulling.
"The hell..?" He muttered to himself.
He rubbed his fingers together, some of stickiness staying on his gloved fingers. He took out his knife from one of his secret pockets instead and cut a bit of the web off, making it cling to his blade.
"This shit better come off..." He grumbled before putting his knife away. 
Standing up, he took out his grapple from his utility belt before disappearing into the night. 
The spider quickly shot up from her bed, her breathing irregular and covered in her sweat again, tortured once again by that never ending nightmare. Her eyes darting around her bedroom once more, she takes slow deep breaths before covering her eyes with her hands, the palm of her hands pressing into her eyelids.
Letting out a deep sigh, she got out of her bed, doing her morning routine once more. Scrolling through her phone, she looks at the news of Gotham City, most of them mainly about the many crimes of the city, some of politicians, and others of Bruce Wayne. 
Before putting her phone down though, a message popped from the top of her screen, it was from her new boss.
"I better have those photos by the end of this week!!!!" It had read.
The woman only rolled her eyes, turning off her phone so she could dump her face in water. 
Leaving her bathroom, she rubbed her moisturizer onto her face while making her way to her living room that also shared her kitchen. Starting up her coffee machine, she made herself a quick PB&J in the meantime. 
Leaning against the counter as she slowly ate her sandwich, the smell of coffee beginning to waft in the air, the vacationing vigilante took a good look at her small apartment. 
It was.. 
A bit bland to put it nicely. 
Guess she was going shopping today. Quickly downing her coffee without trying to burn her tongue, she quickly got dressed and headed out to do a bit of shopping, to make her apartment just a bit more welcoming for the time that she was staying in Gotham. 
Though she had a bit of a tight budget, she managed to buy a few things well within it that there was a little left over that she could buy herself dinner.
By the time she was done shopping though, the sun was beginning to set, meaning that it was nearly time for the criminals of Gotham to come crawling out of their hiding spots to cause some trouble.
"Shit..." She muttered under her breath, holding onto her plastic bags tightly, her shoes tapping against the cement as she quickly tries to make it back to her apartment before she got mugged.
Her senses have heightened a bit as a sense of panic and wariness began to settle in her stomach. Her eyes flitted about, cautious of every corner, every shadow, every alley, the last light sunset disappearing over the horizon.
Cursing under her breath, her steps quickened, and then there she saw it. A blur of bright red, green, and yellow flying in the air; it was Robin.
Her boss's text from this morning came back to her, which only made her curse more. Of course she didn't bring her camera. The handles of the bags hanging from one of her arms, she quickly fishes out her phone from her back pocket, turning the flash on to take a quick picture of Robin before he disappeared off into the night.
She cursed at his nimbleness, taking a small step back as he flies above her, but just as she was about to take the picture, she had bumped into something sturdy. 
Blinking, she slowly turned around, only to come face to face with someone's chest, Batman's symbol on a black shirt, but instead it was in red.
Slowly, she looked up, only to find herself face to face with the Red Hood.
The flash to her phone went off as she took a picture of him.
next chapter ->
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failedcoinflip · 8 months
daan levi and abella getting high as all fuck in the train
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i accidentally gave abella heroin and didnt save so i restarted the entire game (day 19) WE'RE SO BACK BABY ive been really looking forward to this ask ^_^
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sadboyclown · 4 months
AAAA YOUR ART HAS ME IN TEARS IT'S SO GOOD. I especially love how organic the posing is!?
I had to preface by saying that before asking: of all the M*A*S*H characters, who is the mashiest mash that ever mashed ( your favorite character and/or the ones who slays the most, that is )?
Why thank you, it took a lot of mental illness to get my art looking like it does lol.
I do a lot of studies from screenshots, exaggerating everything a bit to fit the more cartoony style. I used to trace over the key elements of certain shots as a practice doodle, which has helped me nail down the expression/body language/overall energy of whatever piece I'm working on in the long run. So yeah, if it feels organic it’s because I literally steal the essence from the funky little guys themselves.
My fav character UNSURPRISINGLY is Hawkeye. He is just vibes, he's fun to draw, and I love an absolute wet cat of a man. I'm aware it's basic as hell but I'm a neurodivergent queer person, it was written in the stars for me to relate so heavily to the tortured silly man in a hawaiian shirt. Gotta love going "he's like he is me frfr" while I ooo and aaa at him as his life falls apart.
Also BJ, bc I live for that devious bastard. He is just a sweet stand up guy, he is ALSO a fucker full of schemes. I love the duality of Hawkeye being pretty much an open book throughout the narrative, and then Beej just keeps his crazy more subtle and I what I wouldn’t give to crack open his weird little brain and see his insane internal monologues that I KNOW he has.
All the mash characters have interesting things I like about them, each have a lot of depth that the art school drop out in me is fascinated by. It makes me feral lol
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neonredhex · 6 months
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If I had the opportunity, I would've already started smoking weed by now.
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rotzaprachim · 11 months
you’d think people in the fandom for the show with an entire three episode arc in a concentration camp would be more normal about Jews. I mean, with the collective disassociation of the Shoah from reality and especially from discussions of antisemitism to the point of it being an Ambiguous Morality Play it’s not all that surprising, nor is it surprising that the fandom around a property that still professes a distinctly binary usamerican good v evil morality might reiterate some of the leftist antisemitism built in around the idea that Jews in particular are a privileged class in charge of everything bad in the world, but still. It’s very disappointing
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strawbubbysugar · 5 months
Here's a dark hypothetical, but what if, when they were put back together, one of the twins didn't wake up, like there are still two souls in their combined body, but one just...Won't awaken(at least not for a long while anyways, enough time to the point they think the other is gone maybe). So it's just Elio or Archie, how would each react? How would Dahmia react? How would the king and queen react if Archie was the one who awakened, since the physical change is obvious? That also begs the question, how long was it before Archie woke up in Elio's head? Did Elio think Archie was gone when he woke up? How did he react before that? And what does Elio think about their situation and what their dad chose to do(since we know Archie's feelings, he feels angry and betrayed)? Sorry, this is a lot, just got so many questions
The way things shook out would still happen regardless of them both being awake in the same body. They’d both be mourning a lot more, dahmia & whoever is the one that woke up. Even after what Elio did, Arche still loves him, deep down.
Likely with shock, relief that he’s alive, but also some classic parent ‘what were you thinking?!’ In which Arche would tell them the truth, bc he feels his parents are the only ones he can trust unconditionally. The only reason he didn’t tell them about being alive in canon is that he didn’t want them to hurt :(
Arche woke up the same time that Elio did, but he stayed silent for weeks. He was so out of it and so disoriented being out of control, and Elio hates the dark so there was never any true moment of darkness even when Elio would sleep until Arche revealed himself
You would not believe the amount of guilt that he felt before he realized Arche was inside of his head. The sheer soul crushing weight of knowing what he had done to his brother had made him unsalvageable. That they both could have survived if he hadn’t done what he’d done.
Pragmatically, Arche understands his decision. Emotionally? Destroyed. He and his father were very close.
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youssefguedira · 1 year
behold, the product of yesterday's lotr au discussion (for @spacegirlsgang)
Nicolò has not spoken to him in days.
He hasn't spoken to anyone. He walks silently at Yusuf's side, hand always on his sword, eyes always on the horizon. When there are people who need it, he helps, tends wounds and lifts the younger ones onto horses and hands out food. He still does not speak, and Yusuf worries for him.
They have already lost Quynh, and Sebastien. Dizzy and Jay may well be dead by now for all they know, and Nile and Lykon… he does not really want to think about it for long. He only hopes they are alive. And now Andromache, too, is gone, and Nicolò will not speak, and Yusuf cannot help feeling very, very alone without him. It is strange: Yusuf would have thought, just a week or two ago, that he would have been glad never to see Nicolò again. Now, the thought terrifies him.
When they make camp that night, Yusuf takes his place by the fire with his sword across his lap and prepares to keep watch. Nicolò joins him, after a while, but instead of taking a seat and silently watching the horizon as Yusuf has come to expect him to, he speaks.
"You should rest," he says, voice hoarse as if – well, as if he hasn't used it in days. He carries two bowls of stew, one of which he passes to Yusuf.
"So should you," Yusuf responds. He's exhausted, but neither of them have slept much – he's not sure Nicolò has slept at all since they lost Andromache.
"I do not need to sleep like you do," Nicolò says, which almost makes Yusuf laugh.
"Bullshit," he says. "Even you can't go this long without needing to rest."
Nicolò doesn't say anything to that. Doesn't even meet Yusuf's eyes, but Yusuf can tell how tired Nicolò truly is, and suddenly he cannot bear it anymore.
"We cannot keep on like this," Yusuf says. "This is not – if we're all that's left, I cannot do this without you, Nicolò."
Nicolò is quiet, for a while. When he finally speaks, he says, "Try to rest, Yusuf. I will keep watch tonight."
Yusuf waits. Nicolò does not move, nor show any sign of conceding. Just as stubborn as Andromache – well. He doesn't let himself finish that thought.
He waits a little longer, but Nicolò remains silent.
"Wake me for the second watch, then," Yusuf says, finally. Nicolò does not nod, but Yusuf no longer has the strength in him to push. He falls asleep quickly.
When he wakes, it is morning, and Nicolò is nowhere to be seen. Yusuf can only hope he found someone else for the second watch, and that he did not stay awake all night, but he would not be surprised if the latter were true.
During the day, they keep to their regular routine – Nicolò's silence and Yusuf's attempts to find anything to do that isn't think too much – but that night, when Nicolò finds him, he sets his sword down by his side and asks, "Will you wake me for the second shift?"
Yusuf nods quickly, too quickly, and Nicolò smiles, though it is small. It's the first time Yusuf's seen him smile in days.
He wakes Nicolò for the second shift and sleeps after that, and the next night, Yusuf takes the first and Nicolò the second.
It's a start, at the very least.
The day after they reach Helm's Deep, Nicolò is the first to see the rider.
He does not realise who it is at first: the figure is too distant. They wear a cloak with the hood pulled low over their face, and lean heavily over their horse, as if injured.
Nicolò's first thought is that it is a scout. His second thought, which he discounts quickly, is that it is Andromache, which. It cannot be. He does not dare imagine it.
When the figure keeps approaching, he shouts a warning to the guards on the walls. Yusuf, who had fallen asleep beside him, his back against the stone, startles awake. "What is it?" he asks, still half-asleep.
"I do not know, yet," Nicolò responds. He gets to his feet. Yusuf follows a moment later.
"I see it, now," Yusuf says, furrowing his brow. Nicolò's hand goes to his bow, just in case. If it is a scout, he will deal with them quickly.
Then, suddenly, Yusuf's eyes go wide, and he curses. Taps Nicolò twice on the shoulder, and runs along the wall, down the stairs, towards the gate, shouting at the guards to open it.
Nicolò looks again, then, and realises what Yusuf has seen. The rider's weapon is just visible over their right shoulder, and Nicolò knows the carvings on its handle, knows them because they are the twin of the carvings on the hilt of his hunting dagger, because both weapons were forged by the same person.
He is moving before he truly has time to process the thought. The gates are opened far too slowly, creaking with the movement, and by the time he can see the rider again she is sitting straighter in the saddle, a wide grin on her face, urging her horse forward. It is only Yusuf's hand on his arm that keeps him from running through the gates to greet her; when Nicolò looks back at him, his smile is bright enough to rival the midday sun.
Finally, she is there, riding through the gates like a king returning to her kingdom, like she had planned this all along, like Nicolò hadn't seen her fall from a cliff only a few days ago. She dismounts easily, before the horse has even fully stopped, and then he is running, and she is meeting him halfway and gathering him into her arms and laughing, even as he thinks he starts crying.
Then Yusuf is there too, and Nicolò has to step back but cannot bring himself to go far, and Andromache hugs him too, while Yusuf laughs, bright and loud.
"Where have you been," he is saying, and "I thought you were dead, Andromache, I thought we had lost you," and she laughs again and cups the back of his neck with one hand and says, "I'm okay, Nico, I'm okay."
"So," Andromache says once Yusuf steps back, too, her grin sharp despite how exhausted she must be. "Tell me what I've missed."
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dutybcrne · 1 day
Me making a HSR verse for my oc: Hmmm so the plan on this one could maybe be a bad end for her tendency to fuck around and find out—
My brain: So anyways, make her whole deal a fucken horror story-
#Oceanxveiined#//Thas her blog#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//I mean it’s not THAT much of a horror thing anyways. Bordering on body horror ig (warning for that now jic)#//It’s basically ‘in her search for power to rival Aeons; she may or may not have gotten parasitized by monster maws essentially’#//Basically Me.nagerie from Arr0wverse ig? but x4; so ig it’s more like Scy||a from myths?#//Yeah#//Basically it’s 4 serpentine creature things that merged into her body at the lower back& can burst out when they feel like it/in battle#//The way I can best visualize what they look like is like. a combo of the Hydra heads from Hercu/es 1997#//And Ven0m when it pokes its head out of Edd|e lol. Smth like a mix of the two#//But yeah#//She gets so fucked up in every narrative she take part in lol#//Selling soul to a demon for power and slowly gets corrupted against her will by said demon bc they got attached? Yup#//Slowly succumbing to abyss influence and might might a fate like/worse than Jakob or the Sinners of Khaenri’ah? Yup yup#//Made a deal with a death god to save her brother& considering her heritage; it might mean eternal torment to counteract stealing a soul#back; all bc she’d been too desperate to get him back that she didn’t come up with a more clever plan? EYUP#//Those are her Descendants/fantasy verse; Genshin; and pjo verses respectively#//And then her bnha au; in which she keeps overusing her Quirk; esp with certain Quirk drug usage; to dangerous extents#//But y e a h#//Its fun#//I love my darling Dani so much#//Byt yeah; back on topic; that ain’t TOO much tho lol right?#//Eh; why not#//The galaxy is FULL of horrors#//I mean did you SEE the sin thirsters and Borisin plotlines??? or the Propagation???? B r u h
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lestatmorelikeletsnot · 7 months
The implication of Armand, who reads minds as easily as if it were breathing, finally bringing Louis to where Lestat was as a last ditch attempt to get Louis to feel something. And leaving afterwards because he knew that if that didn’t work, nothing would.
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nsfwitchy2 · 7 months
I have learned so much about dog breeds today by combing through our pricing list but I think the most important thing I learned is that I think we should leave mixing every fucking dog under the sun with a poodle in 2023
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euclydya · 26 days
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