#like not even in a joking lighthearted way
Strategic Heartbeats
Word count: 1.2k
Pairning: Toto Wolff x Race strategy!reader
Summary: During a lively team dinner, Y/n, a dedicated strategist at Mercedes, navigates playful banter with her colleagues while feeling the charged tension between her and Toto Wolff
The last few weeks had been an exhausting blur of meetings, track data, and strategy sessions. As part of the Mercedes strategy team, your job was to analyze every race, but you’d spent more time thinking about the man in charge, Toto Wolff. His presence dominated the paddock—confident, composed, with that quiet intensity that made you feel small but seen, all at once. You’d noticed his attention lately—the way he lingered near you, his subtle touches that seemed to burn through you.
You weren’t supposed to let it affect you, but it did. You missed him during the race weekends when he was locked in meetings or dealing with drivers. It was the anticipation, the way his gaze would flicker toward you during briefings, leaving you breathless and wanting. You had been good at hiding it—until today.
You were alone in your hotel room, hours before the team dinner. You’d promised yourself you wouldn’t do it. He had set the boundary clearly—don’t touch yourself without his permission. But after weeks of waiting, after so many nights lying in bed, aching for him, you gave in. Your hands had wandered, pressing into the heat between your thighs, imagining his touch instead of your own.
The guilt crept in soon after, but it was too late. You dressed carefully for the dinner, slipping into a  sleek black dress that hugged your curves just right, hoping to maintain a professional demeanor. But as you sat on the edge of your bed, the tension of the past few weeks clawed at you. You desperately wanted to touch yourself, to give in to the frustration building inside you, but the idea of thinking about Toto in that way felt like crossing a boundary you couldn't bear to cross.
When you arrived at the hotel restaurant, the most important people from the Mercedes F1 team were already gathered. Laughter and lighthearted banter filled the air, but your gaze immediately sought out Toto. He stood at the far end of the room, commanding the attention of his colleagues, a mix of authority and charisma in every gesture.
As you took your seat beside him, his familiar cologne enveloped you, and you tried to focus on the dinner conversation. The team joked about race strategies and playful rivalries, and you found yourself laughing along, desperate to shake off your earlier thoughts.
But as the evening progressed, Toto placed his hand on the back of your chair. His fingers rested lightly against the wood, and you felt a shiver of warmth shoot through you. Then, he began to caress your shoulder with his thumb, slow and absentminded. You fought to stay composed, reminding yourself not to read too much into his actions. He was just being friendly, right?
As dinner progressed, the atmosphere was lively, filled with laughter and playful banter among the team.
“Did you see how the other teams were scrambling in the pit today?” one of the engineers joked, leaning back in his chair. “It looked like a game of musical chairs out there!”
“Honestly, if we didn’t have Toto keeping us in line, I think half of us would forget which side the tires go on,” another strategist chimed in, grinning at Toto.
“Hey, I only make sure you all remember the basics!” Toto shot back, a playful glint in his eye. “Next time, I’ll start giving pop quizzes at the end of each race.”
The room erupted in laughter, and someone from the back added, “I’d pay to see that! ‘Question one: Which tire do we change first?’”
“Followed by a bonus question about the best strategist in the paddock,” another team member interjected, nudging you playfully. “That one’s obviously about Y/N here!”
You laughed, shaking your head. “I think I still have a lot to learn before I can claim that title.”
Toto leaned closer, his thumb still caressing your shoulder as he joined in the fun. “Just remember, even if you don’t feel like the best, you’re definitely the most dedicated. You’ve got the team’s best interests at heart.”
“Aw, look at him, buttering you up!” an engineer teased, winking at you. “What’s your secret, Toto? Are you trying to recruit her for a new position?”
“Maybe I just appreciate good work ethic,” he replied, his voice warm but teasing. “Or maybe I’m just trying to keep her from taking my job!”
“Good luck with that!” someone called out, and the table erupted in laughter again, the camaraderie and easy banter filling the air as the evening continued. You joined in the laughter, grateful for the lighthearted moments amid the pressure of the season.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, leaning closer as the laughter around the table increased. “You seem a bit distracted tonight.”
“I’m fine,” you replied, forcing a smile. “Just thinking about the upcoming race.”
Toto raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. “You know you can relax a little. We’re all here to unwind.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just… a lot to process sometimes,” you admitted, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks.
He nodded, his thumb still moving against your shoulder. “You’re doing great work. Don’t forget to take care of yourself.”
The conversation flowed around you, filled with teasing and camaraderie, but your focus kept drifting back to Toto’s touch. Each small movement made it harder to concentrate, harder to ignore the fluttering in your stomach. You couldn’t help but wonder if he sensed the growing tension between you, if he knew the thoughts swirling in your head.
After dinner, as the group began to disperse, Toto turned to you with a warm smile. “Mind if I walk you to your room?”
“Not at all,” you replied, trying to hide the flutter of excitement in your chest.
As you made your way to the elevator, the two of you fell into an easy conversation. “You handled the meeting today really well,” he complimented, and you felt a rush of pride.
“Thanks! I just tried to keep everyone focused,” you replied, trying to sound nonchalant.
The elevator doors slid shut, and for a brief moment, it was just the two of you in the small space. The air felt charged, and you could almost hear the tension crackle between you. Toto shifted closer, his hand now resting lightly on your lower back, and you fought to keep your breathing steady.
“Do you ever think about what it would be like if we… I don’t know, crossed that line?” he asked, his voice low and contemplative.
Your heart raced, caught off guard by his question. “What do you mean?”
He stepped closer, his expression serious yet curious. “I mean, sometimes I wonder if we could be more than just colleagues. There’s something… undeniable between us.”
You swallowed hard, the reality of his words sinking in. “Toto, I don’t want to complicate things. We have a good dynamic as it is.”
He nodded, understanding, but you could see the conflict in his eyes. “I get it. But it’s hard to ignore what’s right in front of us.”
As the elevator stopped and the doors slid open, Toto hesitated. “Let’s just talk more, okay? I want to make sure we’re on the same page.”
You stepped out, feeling the weight of the moment linger in the air. “I’d like that,” you said softly, your heart pounding.
But as you turned to walk down the hallway, you felt his hand slip into yours, gently pulling you back. He leaned in, his breath warm against your ear, sending a shiver through you. “Just remember, whatever happens, I’m here.”
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cindersnows · 1 day
i think as viewers we find it easy to sit back and judge each character until their motivations are explained to us in detail like with purple and king and chosen. even with victim its fairly easy to guess a portion of why she is doing this. and that's partially because avam is just made to be like that so all audiences can understand it and why the characters do what they do, and also partially because it's a little difficult to do more subtle storytelling when you can only express character feelings through their body language (and the body language has to be fairly exaggerated so that everyone can understand how the character is feeling).
so then as a result when we see green falling deep into the hole of social media it's easy to scoff and judge and say come on green, do better. we see it as him just getting too cocky again- look at green with his ego and his need to seem cool, he's sucking up to people again so he can get validation. and people understand that, they're even comparing his arc to purple, but they're forgetting to actually see things from his point of view.
like yeah. green was mean to yellow! and that was a kind of assholey thing to do, agreeing with people when they say yellow didn't do much. but like people do stupid shit all the time, especially to get approval. green hearting mean comments wasn't him on his villain arc, he probably barely thought about it. haven't you ever done anything without thinking or made a joke in bad taste. honestly it's a little ironic how quick people were to jump on him when he did something kind of mean, it reminded me of actual cancel culture! fascinating shit. we really are a part of the story.
anyways green started off as the weakest. he tries his best to be good at other things, first building, then music, but for some reason whenever he does well in something his friends get jealous or upset. (he pours himself into that thing and unintentionally ignore s or snaps at his friends--- its a repeating pattern at this point). it's mostly because their competitive spirit, something which is seen in a lighthearted manner but has gotten them killed or hurt on multiple occasions and i feel like they're going to have to address that at some point. whenever green sets boundaries, they're ignored, even if cg think they're just acting in the greater good.
hell, even purple, we've barely seen them interact after s3- who's to say purple wouldn't just scoff at him as well? she's already not very experienced with actual friendships (based on the way they just expected green to brush the betrayal off in parkour, they acted more like it was a small disagreement than a full on issue), so he may just assume this is how friends are.
basically the point of this is to say, no one ever celebrates his success. obviously he's competitive with his friends too, but having been at the bottom of the group from the start, he's visibly very insecure about this stuff, and having people attempt to kick him down during every success he gets (which he works very hard for) will lead to him needing validation from elsewhere. clearly, social media is supposed to give him this.
but like someone in the community pointed out, now he's appealing to hundreds of thousands of people instead of just 5 or 6. the praise is awesome, but seeing that people still have criticism of him just makes him throw himself into his work even more. it also probably functions as a form of escapism for him; he's so busy working, editing, writing, he barely even notices that his friends are avoiding him. it's possible he's purposely using youtube as a way to ignore his gut. anyways, blue's still willing to hang out and record with him, so what's the issue? (it's not as if blue is the least confrontational of the cg lol)
i have. been in this exact position. the moment you make anything, you're looking straight at the numbers. it becomes what you think of in the morning and during the creation process. you're skimming comments for keywords--- good, bad, more, less, etc. you listen even when you don't mean to. yeah maybe the guy was a little mean about one of my friends but ultimately it's just constructive criticism! it's not like she'll see this anyway. it's fine.
and yeah green needs to stop being so obsessive but i think he deserves to break down first. like what ash said--- he expresses his negative emotions the least out of everyone, he barely takes breaks, it's going to come crashing down. and i think when cg confront him about his behaviour he deserves to yell at them for the way he gets treated. it really hurts when all you are is the butt of the joke even when they mean it in a lighthearted way. if the arc just ends with green being knocked down a peg as usual, i will be very fucking upset because he's literally already at the bottom of the ladder, what more do you want?
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sxftkxssxs · 2 days
How would the main5 reader being related to Lucio? As I would have a field day with that information
I tried to balance lighthearted and serious thoughts in this one, it likely doesn't come across as well as I'm seeing it at the moment since it is late.
I hope you enjoy anyways!
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Asra is appalled by this information.
You, the absolute love of his life, who was killed, albeit indirectly, by Lucio, are related to him? That's fucked up.
He's absolutely not happy. Lucio's somehow managed to screw with every part of Asra's life. His parents, Muriel, and his partner.
If you decide to play protagonist and try to make everyone get along, they'll tease Lucio to hell and back five times over with this.
It does not help that Lucio doesn't like Asra the most. Why'd his relative pick the worst one?!
He holds it over Lucio's head the rest of his life. He'll find so many ways to say the same thing over and over again.
"This is karma for throwing my parents in the magical realms."
Yikes, this one is a little hard to grasp for me.
He'll likely make some sort of joke or jab at the information but don't be fooled. He's processing.
He decides he doesn't really know what to feel, except for a reasonable amount of lingering anger, like any normal person would.
Lucio force-fed him a plague beetle, they aren't exactly on, "sorry we cool?" terms.
If you don't mind that you're related to Lucio he'll tease you about it, if not he'll leave it alone.
He's not gonna be very happy go lucky with him, but with you he's all teasing, especially if you indulge in his scheming.
This woman cannot get a break, can she?
She's internally trying to see the resemblance but her ability to depends on your personality.
If you're an absolute menace to the living breathing world, she absolutely sees it. If not, she's at a loss for how the two could possibly be from the same family tree.
She doesn't see you or your relationship any differently, whatever she had with Lucio is in the very far past, but Lucio is throwing a fit.
Why are you with HIS ex-wife?? MC??? Hey! He's talking to you, MC!
Yeah, no. sorry.
We all have to remember what that man put Muriel through. Muriel obviously held every single action that happened in that colosseum against Lucio. As he should!!
If we're talking about early Muriel he's immediately running from the MC. Get away, shoo!
If we decide to talk about late or even post-upright Muriel, we can have a different outcome.
He'll be upset, confused, and likely very apprehensive. Inanna is there as a bridge between the both of you.
He doesn't want to see you any differently, and he doesn't. But how can one relative be the absolute worst person to grace the earth and the other be the best thing to ever happen to him?
She's surprisingly only slightly bugged about it.
That is the man who force-fed her brother a beetle and gave him the red plague.
But if her brother can put it in the past then she supposes she can too. (But you can swear she gives Lucio the nastiest look when he isn't looking..?)
She still has some trouble fully letting it go, but instead of a full on grudge its more like when your friend doesn't pay something back. She'll just bring it up every once in a while.
Teases you about being considered royalty, even if Lucio isn't count anymore.
He's having a field day, greatest day of his life even! He's sorta got a mini him!
...Until you start out-menacing him, even if its only in certain ways.
who knew that ran in the family tree? Morga is losing her mind in the background
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skeleton-mischief · 3 days
What types of gifts would the boys give? And/Or what gifts would they like to receive?
Ooooo I love this question! Okay, so I'm going to go over a list for each of the skeletons and descriptions for what they would like. Sanses like Error, Fresh, and Ink will also be included, but I generally have an inclination to think that most if not all the "Outcodes" variety are on the Aroace spectrum! So, you can interpret these as either romantic, platonic, or even a mix for QPR's(Queer Platonic Relationships) if you'd like. Enjoy :-)))
Vanilla: He usually gives more lighthearted gifts that have to do with inside jokes than anything. He likes to also give gifts to people he really loves more thoughtful gifts of course, but those are extremely rare and/or for birthdays exclusively. For what he likes to receive, he expects gifts that have to do with inside jokes as well since to him that means you also find it funny or remembered this joke. He also loves anything really, his not picky. He'll only lose it and find himself jokefully crying about any tomato based items like tomato chips, bottles of ketchup, and clamato juice
Cyperus: He loves to remember gifts based on what people like, usually having to do with their interests specifically. He won't give random based gifts to throw out there either, in fact he makes items himself if he can since he's so handy. He loves gifts based on his interests as well, even if that gift wasn't expensive or bought to begin with but made instead
Red: Like Vanilla, he loves jokingly giving gifts based on inside jokes or based on what that person hates. An example would be one time giving Pitch a mug of dogs instead of cats, grinning at the look of disappointment in him. If you hated these pair of socks at the store? Bam, gift time. Still, on important holidays, he actually can pull through. He will know they expect to get gifts they hate from him, but he'll have a hidden second gift as well. When giving Pitch the dog mug, it was Giftmas, so he pulled the actual gift from his pocket, a cat collar wrapping around a cat mug of higher quality. He doesn't care what gifts you give him, as long as it reminds you of him. He doesn't like expensive gifts though, since money being spent on him is already something he's picky about
Pitch: Always expect gifts of quality over quantity with him. He'll take you on store splurges and let you pick your favorite outfits or items at a store, but only rarely when he also wants new clothes. On holidays like your birthday or on Giftmas, however, he won't let you know at ALL what he plans for you. He always has a list of things you like and always tries to remember ways to combine that. You like the color blue and your favorite animal is a cat? Bam, a cat statue with blue accents. Perfumes you wear? He'll take note and find new ones you will like. In return, he won't expect you to buy him something super expensive since not everyone has money for that. He will always appreciate you taking note of what he likes, especially if it's based on red or black things, and if he can keep this gift for a long time for memories sake
Powder: He will give you gifts when he has to be at work for a long time, ways of reminding you of him while he's away. I don't think he'd work in any police force due to my own opinions, but he does have an active jobs that allows him to be creative and helpful to his communities like community service. Sometimes events have to take days or weeks, so he's going to make sure you don't miss him for too long. Gifts he loves to receive is ones that prove you thought of him or remembered something about him that he let slip once or twice before. That in itself is enough for him
Stretch: He LOVES it when he can give someone gifts, since he always remembers what they like. Tokens of appreciation and things that for example, you and him both like. Video games for you to play alone or with him, tickets to that movie you wanted to see, etc. He rarely likes gifts due to not wanting people to spend money on him, but he always tries to carry the gifts around when he can. If he really wanted this video game he'll always try to see if you can play it together or take turns with it as well, or hug you when you give him this manga or comic he really wanted. He'll only slightly scold you though
Saint: He rarely gives gifts, and when he does expect him to have thought of what to give you for a while or just random little charms and knickknacks since he's just odd to begin with. Small stones, random items he (stole) got, or even just odd items he finds in the woods. Otherwise, he tried to make gifts instead of buying them since he's more worried about the significance over the value it costs. He learned how to sew when he was underground, so when he first decided to participate in Giftmas with the rest of the "family", he sewed a fabric blanket together for you. He knows that it gets cold in winter, and maybe you'll like it? He ended up looking at you with a blown out eyelight when he saw you smile and decided to give you more gifts like that. Stuffed animals sewn together, scarfs, etc. He rarely finds gifts for himself a little pointless since that money can go to something useful so food is always a good gift for him or ones that mean so damn much to him that can last a long time for him to carry around or clothes he can wear like a beanie hat you gave him for winter
Lunar: It's not often he'll give others gifts, but when he does it's baked goods or handmade items like with Saint. He makes items made together like this pretty wind chime he made for your birthday made of pieces of glass that reflect in the light when the sun hits it just right. They're funky, a little odd, but always sweet. He doesn't ever really like people giving him gifts since he wants those things to go into things like taking care of yourself or the house, but handmade gifts always make him sentimental. He still has the very first gift he received when above ground from you, which was this new, unique scarf you got for him. He carries it around and wears it everywhere, using the remains of his old scarf to give to Saint and remake in the later made fabric blanket he helped make
Carmine: He will always always ALWAYS find ways to get things for you. He'll pamper you in ways you can't even complain about if you try to scold him for spending so much money, such as getting useful items that you need for work, for the house, etc. He prides himself in providing for you, always knowing what you need when going out like chapstick or a jacket, since he works hard to remember what you like and need. (He read a book about humans and what they need so flexing in his knowledge also makes him preen) He can provide for himself, so he prefers affection through helping him around or physical touch. He's actually the most prideful in receiving gifts unless there practical, so for Giftmas he always prefers if people just spend time with him when looking at Giftmas lights or help him prepare for the holidays. On his birthday, the family knew he was picky about things like that so they either got things to celebrate a surprise party or items he needed for cleaning. Practicality and all that. When you got him a very pretty necklace for his first birthday with you, however, he just stared at you and said nothing at first. It was gold with a carmine colored gem in the center. He tries to scold you for it, but his voice is a little shaky as he asks you why you got it. Then, he put it on and he practically never took it off, still doesn't unless he's taking a shower. He told you never to do it again though
Rus: If you really want something but can't get it for whatever reason, there are rare times he'll get it for you. He never wants you to pay him back, and he always is willing to pamper you. Most of the time his gift giving consists of paying for takeout, so these moments are few and far between. Still, he considers what you really really want and takes note of these things, only rarely needing to go based on what you like if you're really secretive in what you want. He doesn't need gifts to feel loved, but the times you do get him something that he can have to be reminded of you, he values it and takes extremely good care of it to remember that he's loved by you. The physical proof that you do at least. He's always willing to accept these things, but you don't have to do it constantly and he'll scold you otherwise
Razz: He takes note of things you want, is willing to pamper you at times, and even if he's smart with his money he doesn't mind getting these things. He thinks that buying expensive gifts is cheap in the face of other forms of affection, but he is willing to do it on special occasions. When it comes to receiving gifts however, it's something a little different. He doesn't need expensive gifts or anything that he just really really wanted, since he's similar to Carmine when it comes to spending money on him. But, also just like Carmine, he doesn't expect to receive gifts at all since out of all monsters, you got something for him? You put thought into it, and he feels deeply loved for that since he always encourages you to show him love in different ways for many reasons. He treasures it and wears it if he can, or else he'll make sure his gift can be proudly shown since he will brag about how much you love him as a result
Cash: Surprise surprise, the frugal skeleton actually really loves to pamper you! More than his brother, actually, and he makes sure to get you things you can wear since he can let others know he pampers you and are his loved one. He will put thought into gifts, but most of it consists of him being able to catch wind or outright hear you say you want something. He wasn't able to get a lot of things underground unless he swindled someone or stole it, so he pushes being able to provide gifts. And ah yes, the greedy bastard loves gifts. He loves that you're willing to think of him when buying him something, a bit more materialistic that way. But truly? Secretly even? He really really loves when you cook him something or get him something that you put your whole heart and soul into. The value of this gift means more than any type of gift otherwise, and he'll show it off to others and brag about your love for him. He'll wear it, take care of it, and he appreciates that you love him enough to get it for him
Wine: The most notorious for gift giving even in comparison to Carmine and Cash? Yes. He's going to get you such high quality gifts just because he knows what you like, and he's not afraid to do it. He likes to pamper you as much as he pampers Coffee, to the point that if you even try to argue he's just going to refuse arguing with you. It's almost evil. Now, for receiving gifts? Don't sweat it, he can buy himself whatever he wants! Like Carmine and Razz, the three struggle accepting anything. However, he won't scold you for getting him something, but rather ask why you felt the need to. He'll wear what you give him once he sees the sentimental value of it, even if you're worried it's not up to "his standard." The value of emotional weight is far more worthy to him and anything else pales in comparison. He loves any gifts in wine red, gold, or blacks too. If you manage to find out about his favorite dessert or chocolate though and get it for him, it'll be one of the few moments you catch him blushing as he thanks you with a slight crack to his voice. Rarely anyone can figure that stuff out, so he's impressed and slightly embarrassed along with his flattered opinion of you being raised
Coffee: Despite the wealth he and his brother has, he prefers to give and receive gifts of sentimental value. He'll draw for you, buy you sweets, and he's a soft romantic so you can expect flowers from him as well. If you buy him things he loves to eat, video games he wants, etc, he'll get sentimental that you remember what he likes since he's also pretty secretive on that stuff unless it's video games. If it's a two player he'll insist to not play it without you. When you found his secret love for sanrio and Hello Kitty specifically, he practically sobbed when you got him a hoodie. He hugged you, kissed your cheeks and didn't let you go until you or someone else pried him off.
Killer: Gift giving is odd for him. He's of course someone that wouldn't do it often, but he'd give you something based off what you both mutually like or based on something you hate in order to get a laugh. He's the type to give you odd things to see if you'll accept them, but not things that are gory or gross by any means. When receiving gifts, he would appreciate things such as knives, cat based gifts, and he wouldn't appreciate or like gifts based on the color Yellow or based on ketchup. Don't try to get him something worth of emotional or financial value though, because the amount of items he's lost overtime is insane to be honest. Chocolate or energy drinks is a good go-to
Dust: He rarely gets emotionally attached to others to begin with, so if you got a gift from him they would start small. Things like a weird rock, a flower, food he picked up sometime. He'll take pictures since he loves photography, giving you a photo of random or pretty things. He'd move to give you things of value the more intimate you are, like jewelry or trinkets. He's weird when it comes to accepting gifts, but he values them a lot more than he lets on. He'll wear what you give him, love what you cook, etc. He also appreciates books he hasn't read before since he had read all the books from underground years ago
Error: He would give you a plushie he handmade of yourself or of him, something that he'd be willing to give you since he would think of you highly as a result of it. He's very sensitive to touch, so a plushie of him would be a way to allow you to 'hug him' for example. He also maked bracelets woven together or with beads he collets, something he'd gift him you. He would knit you blankets, scarves, etc. infused with his magic so that you can feel the intent sewn in with it whenever you're upset or want to feel happy. He also tends to give you these things to prevent others like Ink from messing with you, as if he's staking a "claim" that you're with him. He'll love chocolate of course, but different types of yarn would also make him excited or maybe a book with different animals, monsters, etc would get him excited as well. He likes those types of things because it shows you're aware of his interests. And also, something a bit more sentimental to him, would be things based on space or cats generally
Ink: He can get a bit creative with his gifts? Drawings, paintings, carvings, little handmade knickknacks! He would create things for you to not only get you to smile and hang up, but he also would create little charms like keychains to help identify you since he has a bad memory and gets confused a lot due to timelines and multiple AU's. He also does this as a way to also "stake a claim" on you, similar to Error. If you somehow got involved with both, the two would constantly layer you with different gifts to try and prove to the other that you're their best friend or "captive". He's not hard to please either, he will accept any drawings, art supplies, charms like necklaces or bracelets. Anything handmade from you is wonderful
Fresh: Now he's the most erratic with gift giving. This bastard can provide pins, stickers, figurines, necklaces, bracelets, charms, knickknacks, small CD players to share music tastes, candy, and more! He's fun with gift giving and he would love to make sure you even have a fanny pack or bag so that you can carry around everything he gives you. In return he's the same way, as long as you found it cool as well and thought of him. He also really loves sweets and TMNT, so those two things are a great go-to if you're unsure what to get him or song recommendations
Thank you for reading!!! :-))
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aspengenic · 3 days
Going through the comments on her video andddd?
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Way to ignore the question abt why you shit on systems for having a lot of introjects ? And as far as I know she's not actually diagnosed with schizophrenia? And even if she was likeee... you're not "reclaiming" a slur, you're using it as a slur in a derogatory sense towards others so like.
I can say I'm a faggot bc I am, but I cannot call someone else a faggot in a derogatory sense bc that's using it as a slur. I only call my close best friend a faggot but that's only after having permission to and I do it in a playful way when we both know we're joking around and being lighthearted. I would never call my close best friend - or anyone - a faggot in a derogatory way.
While she says it has "nothing to do with individuals" she's also calling out a specific group of people who are either fiction kin or a system with a lot of introjects. She's basically claiming that systems with a lot of introjects aren't actually systems and they're just "fictionkin". She could be correct, but it's not her place either to fakeclaim others and also make fun of the fictionkin community
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This is an isn't correct, when it comes to the "what's a kin" question. Kinning is more than just "relating" to a character. I'm not super into the kinning but we do have a few kins and it's more along the lines of yes I do heavily relate to a character but it goes beyond just relating to the character. For a lot in the kin community, they do firmly believe they are that character.
The "what about therians" comments is just wrong all the way around. It's not "relating" to an animal/creature/etc. It's firmly believing you are that thing. They identify as a species of non-human animal on every level except physical. They know they're human on the outside, but they aren't on the inside. That is not the same as "relating"
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mya-valentine · 1 day
Headcanon: Pierro x Flirty S/O
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Pierro, the director of the Fatui Harbingers, is a man of immense intellect and seriousness. As the mastermind behind much of the Fatui's operations, he rarely indulges in matters of the heart—or at least, that’s what people think. Enter his flirty S/O, who throws him completely off his game. They know how to break through his stoic exterior with ease, always catching him off-guard with their playful remarks and charming nature.
His S/O is endlessly amused by Pierro’s calm and collected demeanor, finding it fun to try and coax even the smallest reaction out of him. They’ll drop flirty comments like, “Oh, you must be so busy plotting world domination. But, if you need a break, I’m right here,” or, “How can someone so handsome always be so serious?” Pierro’s responses are usually measured, but his S/O can always spot the faintest twitch of his lips or a glint in his eye, letting them know they’re getting to him.
Despite his cold and calculated personality, Pierro finds his S/O’s flirtatious behavior oddly endearing. He’s not used to such lightheartedness, but their playful attitude becomes a welcome contrast to the harsh and ruthless environment of the Fatui. Over time, he starts looking forward to their teasing remarks, even if he doesn’t always show it.
While Pierro rarely flirts back directly, he has his own subtle way of reciprocating. He might give a rare compliment, delivered in his low, serious voice, leaving his S/O pleasantly surprised. He would say something like, “You have a talent for distraction,” with an amused undertone that lets them know he’s not immune to their charm.
His S/O enjoys teasing him about his enigmatic presence, often joking about how mysterious he is. “What’s behind the mask, Pierro? You’ve got to let me in on some of your secrets,” they’ll say with a wink, fully aware that Pierro rarely lets his guard down. But when he does, it’s in private moments, where he might gently take their hand or share a soft smile—his way of showing that their teasing has worked its way into his heart.
Pierro appreciates that his S/O can be both flirty and fiercely intelligent. Their wit and charm are refreshing, and he enjoys their clever remarks, especially when they challenge him in conversation. His S/O knows how to use their playful attitude to disarm him in discussions, making him consider different perspectives—even if he wouldn’t admit it outright.
Their flirty nature brings a lightness to Pierro’s life that he didn’t know he needed. In a world filled with manipulation, schemes, and hidden agendas, their genuine affection and humor are a breath of fresh air. He might not outwardly express how much he values it, but his loyalty and protective nature speak volumes about how deeply he cares for them.
Over time, Pierro learns to tease back in his own understated way. His responses become slightly more playful, though still reserved compared to his S/O’s overt flirting. He might say something like, “You’re awfully confident for someone who insists on distracting me,” with the slightest smirk. These rare moments of humor are cherished by his S/O, knowing that they’ve cracked his usually impenetrable exterior.
Despite their teasing, his S/O is deeply respectful of Pierro’s position and responsibilities. They understand the weight of his duties, but that doesn’t stop them from offering lighthearted distractions when he needs them most. Pierro, in return, finds solace in their presence, knowing that they can bring a sense of normalcy and affection into his otherwise calculating world.
At the end of the day, Pierro’s flirty S/O helps him remember that even in the darkest moments, there’s always room for a little light—and perhaps even love. Though he might not fully express it, their flirtatious charm has become a part of his life he wouldn’t want to live without.
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madame-mongoose · 8 months
calling glados a bitch is insane oh my god
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 2 years
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You know you wanna vote for him. You wanna vote for him sooooo badly. That man is on twitter and twitch BEGGING to win. You wouldn’t let Joe Hills down, would you?
Also my partner described him as “looking like what an awesome guitar riff sounds like” if that’s not convincing enough idk what is
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thousand-winters · 3 months
Saiki K is frankly fascinating because it's truly such a "technically this is comedy so while it does satire of anime tropes, it's in a comedic tone" and yet, and YET... the Horrors™️ are hiding underneath.
That said, I've been thinking a lot about that one teacher with the weird face (Iguchi Takumi) because that whole mini arc was so interesting to me.
First there's Saiki's comment about how he hadn't realized how different the exact same things were interpreted depending on the face of the person who says it. They were taking everything the teacher said in the wrong way because of his face. It's actually so interesting with the comparison of Yumehara freaking out about him knowing their names (because they were gonna be his students so he learned them) and the boys at school not only being okay but actively wanting Teruhashi to know personal information about them.
The difference looks make.
Furthermore, I think it was fascinating that he was worried about Nendo specifically, because while he was so off about his relationship with Kuboyasu, Kaido and Hairo, he was right on the money about people bullying him. The other students DO ostracize him and a big part of it isn't even that they consider him dumb, it's his looks. Consider that one episode where he gets a different haircut and people start liking him until they see him being "weird" again.
That he paid attention to Nendo in that sense was very sweet to me because he seemed to be such a caring teacher, even if he was kinda bad at making his students understand him (not aided at all by his face), and Nendo too is very sweet and kind. But due to how they look, most people didn't even give them the time of day.
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commsroom · 2 years
i don't think early-series hera gets enough credit for how funny she is. "scans do indicate a percentage drop in the tank's capacity that is commensurate with the amount officer eiffel could stuff into a crewmember duffel bag"? she saw him do it. she probably talked to him while he did it. it's the tonal dissonance between highly technical phrasing and a very blunt observation. like when eiffel asks her for her top five 'stick it to the man' songs and she asks him things like 'top five lanthanides?' until he says "you're just yanking my chain, aren't you?" and she responds by quoting anarchy in the uk at him. sure, sometimes there are things she genuinely doesn't get and/or would express differently, but the way she frames it is playing with the false expectations people have of her. she knows exactly what she's doing.
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shannonsketches · 3 months
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He said "Fuck this shit, I'm out" I'm crying. Toriyama's Vegeta was so top shelf 🤌
(From Neko Majin Z Chapter 5!)
#dbtag#Idk why Toei didn't lean into Vegeta being a version of Piccolo you could put in funnier situations like Toriyama wrote#He's reserved and professional and proud but JUST immature enough to bite down on a gag that Piccolo would readily swerve#But they take a lot of Goku's chaotic comedy away too in favor of Hero(tm) writing and that is why I keep pulling my hair out aklsjdlas#Toriyama was sO funny and it bums me out so much that the anime derailed how lighthearted and straight up silly the humor is#and replaced it with Misogyny Is Funny and humiliation kinks asjklfhadjk and it's not just my complaints about Vegeta and Bulma!!#“Goku is running away from his very reasonable wife because he is a goofy little guy who doesn't want to do his chores” becomes#“Chichi is Cruel to Goku who is Trying to be a good husband because she doesn't relate to his passions and vilifies him for having them"#which is not their dynamic at all but dudes in the writing room are like “being married is fucking awful amirite fellas hahaha”#but Toriyama was like “Being married is not for everybody but it can be really great if you and your partner are on the same page”#Chichi's reasonable! And Goku isn't romantically wired but Goku can enthusiastically consent to sex and still not enjoy kissing#those things can be and are true for a lot of people! And it makes even more sense if you hc Goku to be aspec (and audhd coded) like I do#Kissing can feel gross and can be a sensory overload for many folks. Doesn't mean they're stupid or innocent.#(although Goku CAN still ride nimbus so idk what Pure entails in this universe askljad)#Like I am the FIRST person to joke and drag Goku about his marriage as an aspec myself but like legit Goten is a Last Night On Earth baby#He knows what sex is. But also between how socially removed Goku is and how Shy and Conservative Chichi it's not out of line#to assume the actual words sex and kiss have never been spoken in that house skljdlajdf I FULLY believe Chichi uses code words#Chichi thinks her son being blonde makes him a delinquent and still uses honorifics with Goku like it is fully reasonable to assume#that the joke of Goku's naivetè centers around the fact that his wife is too embarrassed to talk about Certain Matters in a normal way#While Bulma and Vegeta are slutty hedonistic cityfolk who need jesus (according to chichi probably...and me but I support them)#anyway. point is. Toriyama was funny as hell and Nekomajin is absolutely ridiculous and goofy and has a fully amoral main character#which just reminded me that toei is allergic to letting goku be a gremlin and so vegeta's not allowed to be a gremlin wrangler#even though that's been his job since the day he met raditz alksdjaskljd
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mellotronmkll · 1 month
I just typed out a really long rant about like the shame I feel about being autistic and getting this obsessed with things and how hard it is to let go of that and just let myself like things as intensely as I do since it's literally fine and my therapist is encouraging me to but like I still feel so guilty and embarrassed all the time because I learned from a young age that I should be and that I should really try to suppress all aspects of my personality to avoid being a weird sad obsessive annoying freak or whatevs and how it's way worse with my current obsession because I have a longer history and deeper emotional connection with it than basically anything else which means that it's both more intense than other fixations and I also automatically feel so much embarrassment because I was made fun of so badly in high school for being the weird tmbg guy and yet I couldn't stop myself from talking about them 24/7 and it's so frustrating the way that always happens to me where if I'm just like I wish I could shut up about this but I feel like if I don't talk about it constantly I'm actually going to die and it's just so exhausting and frustrating and I know from experience it will start to be more manageable after a while but trying to fight it just makes me miserable and makes the fixation even worse and it's like I desperately wish I wasn't this way but also beating myself up about it does nothing to make me Not that way so there's just no point and my therapist is literally like you need to stop judging yourself and just have fun with your interests like if you want to spend several hours listening to bootlegs and reading interviews just do that without judgement or feeling like you wasted time since doing that literally makes you happy and is fine . and im like this is true. Probably. But how. But anyway tumblr errored and it didn't post which is probably for the best because it was 5 times longer than this
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damazcuz · 1 year
"am I the only one who--" no, you're not, many others do the thing you're about to describe, you're normal.
"everyone does it this way, it's the correct way to--" you are the only weirdo in the world who would ever consider this. i'd love to study you.
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psyoniks · 7 months
some tubblings were posting criticism of q!phil’s reactions to q!tubbo’s death and making angsty analysis about all the recent lore, and some crows are taking it as an attack on cc!phil for some reason 😭
why would it be an attack on cc!phil??? is this like a parasocial problem bc like i genuinely don't see a problem with making angsty lore out of a lighthearted or joking reaction. it's literally normal 💀
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
ngl spiritually i am laying in bed kicking my feet up in the air and twirling my hair around my finger like i have a crush on a cute boy in a chick flick but instead of having a crush i am just. so delighted by. being the object of an extended april fool's bit in my group chat while i was in choir
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
like pirating is so normal 2 me i forget there r ppl who r like antipiracy which btw is stupid. obviously
#LIKE. IDK ITS JUST WEIRD. WDYM YOUR PARENTS JUST.. BOUGHT MOVIES ?????? did you not eat as a child. be serious#that happens sm where ill be like haha. yeah. you guys remember the ol 'oh im not hungry' trick your dad used to pull#and everybodys like what. no and im like no you know where hed be like oh im not hungry but after everybody else ate hed grab the leftovers#it is like annoying. like i understand not everybody grew up in poverty but the way ppl will act like its likee. insane#there was this one time where we were doing wants vs needs for 4th grade#and one kid was like a need is having your own room. and i was like <- shared a room with both of my siblings at the time Thats not true#and everybody in my class looked at me like i was crazy. like ok laura sorry your basement movie theater is bigger than my apt but we cant#all live like that. thats true btw there were these twins and they had a halloween sleepover party and they hsd to invite me bc class rule#and it was so like. there house was hugeeeee we didnt even go to their rooms bc 'they were messy'#but we just hjng out in the basement where there was legit a movie theater. and an entire seperate living room from their main living room#which we also werenr allowed to go in#genuinely think its bc they were forced to invite the poor kids Lmao. so we werent allowed to go to the main house#lest we get our poverty germs everywhere or steal something#but yeah it was awesome. but i also think that was one of my huge Oh life is unfair radicalization moments#but i mention likee. even lighthearted shit from my childhood. and ppl r like O_O THAT SOUNDS SO TRAUMATIC#and its like. the traumatizing part of poverty isnt like#being close witj my siblings and having done a lot of activities outside of like. going to disneyland#or getting a new toy every week. yk...im not saying poverty isnt traumatizing bc it is but its like#annoying that you mention anything abt it and evrrybody in a 50 mile radius is like POOR THANG!!! like. no i think its funny that we always#got rly shitty junker cars that my grandpa sold to my mom. i was joking sbt the fact that my moms never had a car eith functioning brakes#i wasnt like. asking for pity#but whatevrr
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